#'oh he swimmin' beautiful
vilevenom · 30 days
This bad boy is dedicated to @em-doods, because her adorable sketches of Hickory and John Dory meandering through the woods 100% are the reason I wrote this. (She also helped push me through a rather rough patch I had while writing the first bit, so a super extra special thank you there!!)
If given the chance I will write Hickory and John Dory getting together in every conceivable fashion. In this fic, they go camping.
"I've never been campin'."
"What?!" John stared wide eyed at Hickory, who looked somewhat bashful at his admittance.
"Well, I mean…I've been campin', but not, y'know, camping," Hickory unhelpfully tried to clarify while John Dory continued to stare at him in disbelief. He sighed, scratching at his cheek as he tried to think of a way to better explain himself. "Dickory an' I would need to camp out once in a blue moon, y'know, when we were out on a hunt. But it was never the kinda campin' where you get to roast marshtatoes or go swimmin'. It was just basic survival."
"Well, I can't let that stand," John said, smacking the table they were sat at with gusto, making Hickory jump. "No way. Camping, proper camping, is one of the best experiences in the world! I don't think I can let you go another second without experiencing the wonders of camping."
And that was how Hickory found himself staring out Rhonda's front window as John drove her into wilderness unlike any he'd seen before. The troll kingdoms were beautiful and unique in their own ways, but this place was truly something else. Rhonda ducked under gnarled branches and crawled through twisting vines, with John confidently at her helm, a broad smile on his face as he described to Hickory where he was taking them. The Neverglade trail, apparently, had all of the best camping spots, and he knew just the one that Hickory would enjoy.
Hickory felt like he was going to be sick, though he plastered a pleasant smile onto his face and nodded along every time John glanced at him while he excitedly spoke about where they were headed. It wasn't that Hickory didn't want to go camping with John. Oh, no. It was the exact opposite, really. He'd been looking forward to this trip since John had declared they were going a few days prior. It was the fact that it was just the two of them. Alone. Together. It made Hickory's heart jump into his throat and his palms sweat.
Thinking back on it, Hickory came to realize that he and John Dory had only really known each other for a handful of months. They'd met when Hickory had gone to Pop Village with the intention of visiting Poppy and Branch, only to find the royal couple surrounded by a group of trolls quickly revealed to be their siblings. Swiftly, Hickory had been introduced to all of Branch's brothers, and Poppy's sister, all while beginning to feel a touch overwhelmed by the new mix of personalities. Not quite sure what to say or how to act, Hickory began to flounder, when one of Branch's brothers had tugged him aside with an easy smile.
"We're a lot, huh?"
"I mean, I dunno if I'd say that, exactly," Hickory had started to demure, only to grunt in surprise as John Dory slapped a hand to his back with a guffaw.
"You don't need to be shy, man. We all know we're a lot. Big personalities," John had reassured, sliding his hand up to rest on Hickory's shoulder. "I know you're here to visit with Branch, but how about we get out of here? I happen to know that everyone else will be buggering off here pretty soon, so you'll have a chance for some one on one time with him and Poppy, but probably not for a couple hours. You can show me around town? I assume you've been here before. I've been here for a whopping three days, so I have no idea where anything is."
Hickory hadn't even realized his shoulders had been tense until they began to relax as John spoke to him. He let a slight smile curl his lips and gave a little nod. "Yeah. I can do that," he easily agreed, tucking his thumbs into his belt loops as they began to walk away from the cluster of trolls.
They'd spent the next couple of hours getting to know each other, and, quite frankly, Hickory couldn't help but to be charmed. John Dory was brash and confident in a way that made him laugh, but was also, somehow surprisingly, incredibly kindhearted.
As they were walking through town, a couple of young trollings had dashed in front of them, only for one to trip and fall directly in front of John Dory. Hickory had fully expected John to, perhaps, help the trolling up and for them to continue on their way, but instead he'd crouched down to the child's level to make sure they were okay. When it was revealed that the trolling had a scrape on their knee, John dug into his hair, pulled out a band-aid, and applied it to the injury without batting an eye. Hickory then watched in amusement as John scooped the kid up into his arms and spun around while theatrically wondering where the trolling's friend could have gone. They, of course, had been right behind John, giggling manically as the teal troll continued to spin and pretend he couldn't see them. Finally, he placed the injured child down, and the two all but begged John to go play with them.
"Sorry, I can't. See this guy behind me," John thrust his thumb over his shoulder towards Hickory, who gave them a little wave "He's my tour guide. And I can't just let him go on touring by himself."
The children whined at him while Hickory chuckled at their antics, but John ultimately encouraged them to continue on with their game, which they reluctantly did when it became obvious that John was just this side of too stubborn for them to persuade.
"That was mighty kind of you," Hickory hummed as they began to walk through the village again.
"Hm? Was it? I dunno," John said with a self depreciating little laugh and a shrug of his shoulders, "Just seemed natural to me. But, that probably comes from being the oldest of five. Lots of bumps and scrapes to take care of when they come running to you for comfort."
Hickory decided to side-step the comment about John's brothers going to him, rather than their parents. He was sure there was a story there, but it sounded like one for another time. "So…Yer the oldest brother, huh?"
John snorted, shoving Hickory playfully with an sheepish grin. "Yes. What's it to ya?"
"Not much. Just didn't much figure Branch havin' a silver fox for a siblin'."
"Silver-?! I am NOT that old. Do you see any grey hair here?!" John huffed, puffing out his chest and pulled his goggles up to show off his very teal roots, earning a laugh from Hickory. "If you must know, Branch is about fourteen years younger than me. The rest are all in between."
"Ah, can't remember with yer ancient brain? Ya need help rememberin', old man? I can always go find one of yer brothers, if ya need assistance."
"That is just uncalled for," John sniffed, looking affronted. Hickory worried for a moment that he'd taken a step too far in his teasing, when John snorted and deflated a bit. "I am getting old, aren't I?"
Hickory clicked his tongue, quickly realizing he had hit a nerve, but not the one he'd thought. "John, if I may, an' if my math is right, yer only thirty-eight. That ain't that old," Hickory reassured, offering a warm smile to the teal troll, "Yer only a few years older than I am, an' I certainly ain't old."
"Oh, yeah? And how old is the whipper snapper?" John joked, obviously lightened a bit by Hickory's reassurance.
"Ah, you're between Clay and Floyd," John hummed, though the comment was obviously directed more towards himself.
Their conversation ebbed and flowed easily as they continued to walk through the village, Hickory occasionally pointing out landmarks or buildings he knew, while John Dory made comments here and there about how different the village was from the tree he's grown up in. He also made a point to let Hickory know that he'd obviously need to get another tour through town, what with his poor old memory not being quite what it used to be. Hickory was fairly certain he'd never had such entertaining conversation with another troll.
Eventually, they wandered back to Branch's bunker, where John bid Hickory adieu with a rather ridiculous and dramatic bow before going on his way, while Hickory descended into the bunker to have his intended visit with Branch and Poppy.
Their catching up truthfully didn't get very far before the topic of the royal couple's recent adventure and estranged siblings came up, and Hickory mindlessly blurted out, "So…what's yer brother like?"
"…which one?" Branch said with a snort, arching an eyebrow at the ex-bounty hunter.
"John Dory."
Branch seemed to think for a moment, while Poppy gave Hickory an awkward smile. "He's an obnoxious, self-centered know-it-all."
Hickory blinked, quite taken aback by Branch's opinion of his brother. "Really? I never woulda guessed that by the way he was actin' today…"
"Well, to be honest, he may be my brother, but I don't really know him that well. We haven't seen each other in twenty years, but that's the impression I've gotten of him so far," Branch said with a quiet sigh. "He'll be staying in Pop Village for a while, since Floyd is recovering. Maybe if I give him some time, my opinion will change? But, that's what I've got for now."
Hickory hummed thoughtfully, and decided he would give it some time, as well. He bounced back and forth between Lonesome Flats and Pop Village over the next few months, and never once did John Dory give Hickory the impression of being self-centered, nor did he ever become obnoxious. In fact, he continued to prove the exact opposite. Nearly every time Hickory visited, John was with Branch, Floyd, or both, supporting his younger brothers in whatever they might need. And whenever Hickory made himself known, John offered to make himself scarce so Hickory could visit with Branch unimpeded. Eventually, however, Hickory had to reveal that he'd been intending to visit John the entire time, and that had been something of an awkward chat in and of itself. The sheer surprise that had shown on John's face when Hickory admitted that he wanted to spend more time with John had certainly made his heart twist in an unexpected way.
In the end, the longer Hickory spent with John Dory, the more he seemed to develop a rather inconvenient crush on the teal troll. Especially when he did things as sweet and thoughtful as remembering Hickory had casually mentioned once that he had a soft spot for a particular cupcake made by one particular stand in the market, but he was never early enough to get one. John had presented one to Hickory with a proud little grin on his face the next time the country troll visited. Or the way he obviously thought about Hickory even when they weren't together, as on one occasion when he'd trotted up to Hickory and presented him with a rather fancy looking silver belt buckle emblazoned with intricate little flower patterns. He'd said he'd picked it up in his travels and was going to toss it away, but perhaps Hickory would like it, instead?
Now, most trolls would probably consider such actions to be relatively basic indications of friendship. However, Hickory had had so few friends, or trolls who cared for him (and not a character he and his brother created) that he couldn't help but feel special when John gave him his undivided attention. And he had a sneaking suspicion that John Dory was much the same.
He mentioned the incidents to Poppy and Branch the next time he sat down with them to chat, the former of whom cooed happily at the revelation, while the later gagged quietly.
"I…I think he's got my heart all a flutter. What do I do?" Hickory asked, head in his hands where he sat at Branch's kitchen table. He felt like a little kid, telling his friends about a crush he had on some troll well out of his league. He felt especially foolish that said friend was his crushes younger brother, who was watching him with a wrinkled nose.
"Why are you asking me? At this point, I'm pretty convinced that you know JD better than I do," Branch said with a slight grimace.
"Oh, that's so cute," Poppy gushed, waving her hands at Hickory as he glanced up at her with a long suffering sigh. "Don't give me that look. It is! I've seen you two walking around town together."
"We certainly get along like a house on fire, but I don't know what to do. I haven't done this in a while. Least, not properly," Hickory sighed, slumping onto the table they were sat around.
"I don't know, man. Talk to him about camping? That seems to be one of his favorite things," Branch offered with a shrug. "Maybe that'll help lead the conversation into something?"
And Hickory had, which did indeed lead to this whole escapade in the first place. Perhaps it would allow him the opportunity to talk to the teal troll about his feelings. If he could work up the courage to do so, that is. Especially with the discouraging little voice in the back of his head that kept telling him that if the conversation went south, he was either going to be left in the wilderness on his own, or have a very awkward trip back to Pop Village.
"How much further are we gonna haveta go to get to this mysterious campin' spot a' yers?" Hickory asked, arching an eyebrow as John turned Rhonda down yet another trail.
"Oh, not too much further, I don't think," John hummed with a smile, shooting Hickory a wink that made the ex-bounty hunter need to immediately step away to try and hide the blush that bloomed across his cheeks.
They drove in relative silence for a few more minutes, before John finally pulled Rhonda over, and Hickory managed to calm himself down enough that his cheeks were no longer enflamed.
"Here we are!" John declared, as he spun the drivers seat around to grin widely at Hickory, who offered a slightly mollified one of his own. "Now, grab your gear, we've got a bit of a hike."
"Wait, this isn't where we're campin'?" Hickory asked, watching John pull an overstuffed backpack with a sleeping roll tied to it from atop his loft bed.
"What? No, of course not. You can't get a full and proper camping experience if we're staying in Rhonda. That's, like…'glamping', or whatever. No, if you want a proper camping trip, we gotta hike a bit further in and set up tents!" John exclaimed excitedly, pulling the straps of his bag over his shoulders.
"If ya say so," Hickory said with an awkward chuckle, grabbing his much smaller bag and sleeping roll from where he'd stashed them and following John out of Rhonda.
"Now, you be a good girl," John cooed at Rhonda as Hickory stepped up behind him, "There are lots of berry bushes here, so there's loads to eat. You make sure you're back here in a couple of days, okay?" Hickory watched in amusement as John half wrapped himself around the armadillo bus's face in the closest approximation of a hug as he could get as she churred at him happily.
"Y'sure it's okay t' just leave her here?" Hickory asked as they began to walk away, the ex-bounty hunter shooting Rhonda furtive glances the further away from her they got.
"Oh, yeah. She's a good girl. Even if she's not there when we get back, she usually comes when I call, or we'll just need to wait a day or two when we get back," John reassured, as Hickory watched the energetic bus dart off into some bushes.
And so on they went, Hickory diligently following along behind John, until he inevitably got distracted by the massive trees and flora they were hiking past. To the rather unfortunate point where John disappeared beyond a bend before Hickory had even realized he'd been left behind.
"Hey, John, have ya ever-" he'd begun as he turned from staring at a large, drooping orange flower, only to find himself completely alone. "…John?" Hickory tentatively took a few steps forward, glancing this way and that to see if he could spot the teal troll, without luck. "Sugar," he grumbled to himself, unsure if he should proceed forward, or wait to see if John would notice his absence and turn back around to find him.
Just as he turned to sit himself beneath the flower he'd gotten distracted by, a rustling in the bush startled him into pulling a knife from his pocket and brandishing it with a snarl on his face. John had warned him, at one point on their drive here, that wild critters of all shapes and sizes roamed the Neverglades, and that he should be wary of being snuck up on, lest he be eaten. John had said it like it was a joke, but Hickory had noticed the scars John's fur hadn't quite fully grown over. He had no doubt there were plenty of critters who would like nothing more than to get a taste of troll out here, and he was not eager to give them said taste.
So, he stood his ground and waited, until finally John Dory came stumbling out of the brush, leg half tangled in a bramble.
"There you are!" John laughed, shaking the bramble off his leg as Hickory quickly tucked his knife back away, "I turned around to point out some funky looking moss and you were gone."
"Sorry 'bout that. Got caught up admirin' this here flower," Hickory admitted abashedly, gesturing vaguely over his shoulder.
"No worries, man! Just gotta make sure I keep a better eye on you," John chuckled, reaching out and unexpectedly taking Hickory's hand. The country troll felt his cheeks heat up, but luckily John had turned to start tugging him along down the trail, and so missed it entirely. "Don't want you getting lost on me!"
"No, no. Don't wanna get lost," Hickory muttered mostly to himself, his gaze stuck pretty strictly on their clasped hands now, rather than the gorgeous scenery they were walking past. Occasionally John would point something out to Hickory, which would pull the country trolls gaze up for a short period of time, before inevitably trailing back down to their hands.
John didn't let go until they reached a rocky path that lead up what most creatures would probably consider a small foot hill, but was nearly the equivalent of a mountain to the two trolls. The path wound up along the side of the hill, and was only just wide enough for them to walk up one at a time. Hickory did his best to hide his disappointment as John let him go and began to trek up the hillside.
"C'mon! If we're where I think we are, there's a great spot at the top of the hill where we can stop and have lunch," John said, glancing back at Hickory with a bright grin.
"Alright, I'mma comin'," Hickory chuckled, shifting the pack on his shoulders and following along after John.
The two managed to make it about halfway up the hill when they came across a slightly wider spot on the trail, overlooking a rather picturesque little area of the Neverglades.
"Too bad there's not more of a plateau here," John lamented as Hickory stopped next to him, "This would be a great spot to stop for lunch."
"Yeah. S'real pretty," Hickory hummed, turning to look out at the view.
"Wish I'd brought my camera," John added with a despondent sigh, "But I left it in Rhonda."
"Well, ain't that just lucky for you, then," Hickory said with a smile, reaching over his shoulder into his pack, "Because I just so happen to have brought one along." He pulled a little instant camera out of his bag and handed it to John, who snatched it eagerly.
"Awesome! Say cheese," John said with a grin, holding the camera out in front of the two and snapping a photo. Hickory blinked at the flash that went off, trying to get rid of the little flare in his vision.
"Some warnin' woulda been nice," he groused quietly, rubbing at his eyes.
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have gotten such a great candid shot," John hummed, pulling the photo free of the camera and waving it slightly. He snorted once the image developed, holding it out to Hickory. "See? Perfect moment."
Hickory wrinkled his nose at the photo, which showed a happily grinning John and Hickory looking like he was, perhaps, about to sneeze. "Yeah. Real flatterin'," he muttered, reaching for the photo.
"Hey now, nuh-uh," John said quickly, pulling the photo back to hold against his chest, before quickly stuffing it into his hair, "This one's mine."
"Aw, come on, now," Hickory grumped, reaching for John's hair, "We can take a better one. You don't need t' keep that."
"No," John quickly took a step back, while shoving the camera into his hair as well, "I like it. It's mine, and you can't have it."
"Don't be childish, John," Hickory sighed, reaching for the teal trolls hair again as John quickly took another step back and snorted.
"Have you met me? I'm the least childish troll out there."
"Mhmm, you keep tellin' yerself that," Hickory chuckled, taking another step after John, only for both of them to freeze at a rather ominous cracking sound that emanated around them. "What was-" Hickory barely managed to get the words out, before he felt his foot beginning to sink as the path beneath him began to give way, and the sound of tumbling rocks hit his ears.
The ex-bounty hunter gasped as his footing slipped, quickly scrambling for John's reaching hands. The teal troll had his hair wrapped around some roots that were sticking out of the side of the hill, anchoring him as he grabbed for Hickory as he began to fall.
"I gotcha, I gotcha," John chanted as Hickory managed to grab hold of him, using his hair to pull them both away from the crumbling section of path. Once they were both on a more stable spot, Hickory opened his eyes, which he hadn't even realized he'd clenched shut, to find himself practically nose to nose with John Dory, both of them panting like they'd just run a mile.
"You okay?" John quietly asked after a beat, grip still tight on Hickory as he stared up at him.
"Bit shaken up, but I think I'll be right as rain here right quick," Hickory murmured back, glad that the adrenaline of his near death experience and lack of breath were more than enough excuse for how dark his cheeks must be from their proximity. If he just moved his head ever so slightly, he could kiss John Dory right then and there.
"Good," John's voice shattered Hickory's momentary daydream, a short pat on his shoulder telling Hickory to move away. Which he did, taking a quick step back to give John space. "I think we're close to the top now. I'd definitely say we earned our lunch."
Hickory let out a little laugh, hoping it didn't come off as nervous or anxious. "Well, you certainly did," he said, following after John, "All I did was nearly fall down the hill."
"Yeah, but you didn't," John said, glancing briefly back at Hickory, "Doesn't that also deserve celebration?"
Hickory smiled to himself as he followed after John, mentally telling his heart to shut up as it did a little summersault in his chest at John's words.
They reached the summit of the hill rather quickly after that, not stopping until they knew they were on completely stable ground, neither wanting to risk a repeat incident.
"Here we go," John sighed as they reached the top, swinging his bag off his back, "This looks like a great spot to stop for a bit."
Hickory let out a little whistle as he also set his bag on the ground, turning in a small circle to take in the views. "It's a mighty nice spot, that's for certain," he hummed, only turning back to John when he heard the tell-tale click of his camera. He snorted a quiet laugh, arching an eyebrow at John as he pulled the photo from the camera and began to wave it in the air. "Whatcha got there?"
"Memories," John stated, a little smile curling his lips as the photo developed.
Hickory felt his heart skip a beat at the look on John's face, before he cleared his throat and stepped over to take a look at the snap shot. It was a bit of an odd angle, obviously taken hastily while Hickory had his back turned, but it was a nice photo all the same. The rolling hills and vast trails stretching out into the distance could be easily seen just past Hickory's shoulder.
"S'not a bad shot," the ex-bounty hunter hummed, reaching for the photo, only to find it disappearing into John's hair to join the previous one.
"Sure is," John said with a cheeky grin, before turning to start pulling a blanket and some food from his bag.
"Cheeky," Hickory laughed, joining John on the blanket once he had it all rolled out.
They ate in relative silence for a bit, simply enjoying each others company and the view, until the camera came back out of John's hair.
"I regret givin' that thing to ya," Hickory snorted after John snapped a photo of him while he was about to take a bite of his sandwich.
"You can't blame me for wanting to document your first camping trip," John said, sticking his tongue out at Hickory, who simply rolled his eyes and continued to eat, "It's a big deal, y'know. You're trying to start fresh, try new things, be a different troll from who you once were. Taking these baby steps, even just going on a camping trip for fun, it's a lot. You said it's something you've never done before, right? You should have something to remember it by."
Hickory stared at John for a long moment, a slow smile working its way across his face. "Why, that's real sweet of you, Johnny." His smile widened into a cheshire grin as as he watched John's cheeks darken at his comment.
"Shut up," John grunted, a smile betraying his grumpy tone as he flicked a small rock at Hickory, who easily dodged it with a laugh.
They finished up their meal while chatting amicably about the trail thus far, with John animatedly regaling Hickory with stories about the first time he came up this way, long before he'd had Rhonda. He admitted it was part of the reason he'd wanted to bring Hickory to this particular spot, as it held a certain amount of nostalgia for him, since it'd been one of the first spots he'd stopped while exploring the trails.
"Ya certainly do got a lot of good memories out here, dontcha?" Hickory hummed as they packed up their bags, a soft little smile on his face as he listened to John hum to himself while retying his bag shut.
"Sure do," John chirped, before pulling the camera from his hair again and walking over to Hickory.
"Aw, what now?" Hickory snorted, somewhat wary of the camera, now that he knew John was going to take every opportunity he could to snap unflattering photos of him.
"Nothing. Come here," John said, turning Hickory so his back was to the view. He opened his mouth to protest as John stole his cowboy hat and set it aside, only to snap it closed as John wrapped an arm around his shoulder and tugged him down into his shoulder. "There. Plenty of warning this time," John chuckled, cheek practically pressed to Hickory's, "Say 'cheese'!" He held the camera up and the flash went off. Hickory blinked to get ride of the afterimage, rubbing at his eye in mild irritation as John pulled the photo from the camera. "Nice," the teal troll hummed, a warm smile curling his lips. After a moment he offered it to Hickory. "You can have this one, if you want."
Hickory took the photo with mild suspicion, knowing full well the caliber of photo John had been taking thus far, only to be pleasantly surprised by what he saw. John was grinning widely in the photo, his arm blocking the lower left corner of the frame, while Hickory looked a little dazed, with a slightly crooked smile on his own face, and his cheek squished against John's. In the background over John's shoulder the spectacular view from the top of the hill could be seen, with the sunlight speckled across the trees at just the right angle.
Hickory was pulled from his admiration of the photo by John chuckling practically in his ear, just over his shoulder, pack already strapped to his back and bouncing on his toes. "You struck speechless by my excellent photography skills?"
"Somethin' like that," Hickory said with a quiet laugh, carefully tucking the photo into the inside pocket of his vest before scooping his hat up from where John had set it and slinging his pack over his shoulder. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?"
The trek down from the hilltop was far less perilous than the trip up had been. To Hickory's great disappointment, John did not take his hand again once they'd reached the bottom, and in what felt like no time at all, John lead them to what he declared would be their camp site. It was a rather sizeable clearing, with bushes and tall grass most of the way around it, with only two trails leading away from it, aside from the one they'd come down to reach it. John explained that one lead to a little lake they could go swimming in, while the other lead further into the Neverglades.
"Alright," John declared, dropping his pack onto the ground with a thump, "Did you bring a tent?"
Hickory flushed, setting his own bag down more gingerly. "'Fraid not. Not gonna lie, I thought we'd be stayin' with Rhonda," the country troll admitted, with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "But, it wouldn't be the first time I've slept under the stars, so I'll be just fine."
John scoffed, rolling his eyes as he began to unpack his bag, tossing tent pegs and ropes onto the ground in front of him. "Don't be ridiculous. My tent is plenty big enough for two. Besides, you never know what critter might come across camp in the middle of the night. A tent gives us at least a bit of cover."
"Ah," Hickory's brain froze for a moment, the idea of being tucked up close to John in a tent sending a little shiver down his spine. "Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat, ducking his head so the brim of his hat would hopefully hide the blush that was yet again creeping across his cheeks, "Yeah, that'd be right as rain."
"Good," John grunted, pulling folded up tent poles from his bag, "Well, since that's settled, how about you start setting up a spot for the fire while I put up the tent?"
"Sure thing," Hickory said with a quick nod, turning to wander around the camp site to pick up some stones to mark a space for a small fire pit. He paused and glanced up when he heard the soft, tell-tale sound of a pile of fabric hitting the ground, fully expecting John to have tossed the tent from his bag, ready to offer his help once again, only to bite his tongue at the realization that it was his jacket that John had tossed aside. The teal troll was busy setting up the tent poles, a little frown of concentration on his face while he worked, completely unaware of Hickory staring at him from across the clearing. "Sugar," Hickory breathed, jerking into motion quickly as John glanced at him from where he was working.
"Hey, how about, after this, we go for a swim."
"A swim?" Hickory echoed, tucking a rock into the small collection in his arm while turning to arch an eyebrow at John, only to nearly drop them all at being presented with John leaning against one of the erected tent poles, a little smirk on his face and sweat beading on his brow.
"Yeah! It's kinda humid today, and setting up this tent is making me sweaty. I think a pre-dinner swim would be nice, don't you?" John said with a little laugh, shoving himself off the pole to start gathering the fabric of the tent up from the ground. "Work up a bit of an appetite before we eat."
Hickory swallowed thickly as John tossed the fabric over the tent frame he'd set up, his brain taking a moment to catch up to what was being said to him. "Oh! Yeah! Yeah, that'd be a right fine idea," he agreed, shaking his head quickly to try and get his mind off of the sweaty, half naked troll across from him. "C'mon, Hickory. Get yer act together," he grumbled to himself, walking to a spot he thought would be good for the fire and dropping his collection of rocks.
"I think you might be too close to the tents."
"Sugar, honey an' iced tea!" Hickory exclaimed, whipping his head in John Dory's direction, who grinned sheepishly at him.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to catch you off guard. What's got your head in the clouds, anyway?" John asked, propping his hands on his hips and tilting his head at Hickory, reminding the country troll of a particularly adorable cuddle pup.
"Ah, y'know, just , uh, doin' a mental checklist. Tryin' to remember if I brought my swim gear," Hickory offered with an awkward little laugh. "Sorry. What were ya sayin'?"
"Even if you forgot yours, you can always borrow mine. I don't mind swimming in my regular shorts," John offered with an easy smile, "And I was just saying that I think where you're setting up the fire might be too close to the tents."
Hickory looked between where John had most of the tent set up, barring the tent pegs being hammered into the ground, and the pile of rocks he'd dropped on the ground to find that he was, indeed, just a bit too close. One good breeze in the wrong direction could carry embers onto the fabric. "Oh. Beggin' yer pardon," the country troll apologized quickly, bending to pick the rocks back up, "I really was too lost in my own head just then, wasn't I?"
"Hey, happens to the best of us," John laughed, shrugging a bit. "Just move it a bit over there," he gestured vaguely away from the tent, "And it should be fine. I think I saw a decently sized stick over there, too. We can move it into the clearing to sit on later, by the fire."
Hickory nodded, dropping his rocks where John had gestured. "This whole campin' for fun thing is turnin' out to be a lot like campin' for survival," he noted, arching an amused eyebrow at John who snorted and trotted back over to the tent.
"Set up is always a pain. Same with take down. But all of the in between is great," John shot Hickory a charming smile, completely unaware of how it made the ex-bunty hunters heart flutter, before crouching down to hammer in the tent pegs. "Just you wait!"
"Sounds like a plan," Hickory muttered, though he very much doubted he was heard over the sound of the hammer. Which was probably for the best, as he had to shake himself out of staring after the teal troll once again.
In relative short order, Hickory set up his little circle of rocks while John finished up with the tent pegs. He then shoved his way through the brush surrounding the clearing to see about gathering up some wood for the fire they would be building when they got back from swimming. He deposited his selection of twigs, sticks and bark next to his rock circle once he figured he had enough for the night, just as John finished tying off a large tarp above where he'd finished setting up the tent.
"Y'all set?" Hickory asked, trotting up to John as the teal troll wiped his brow with the back of his hand, dislodging his goggles so they sat askew on his head.
"I think so. We're looking pretty good!" John chirped, grinning up at Hickory.
"I'd say so," Hickory agreed easily with a quiet little laugh, reaching out to fix John's crooked goggles. John looked startled by the gesture, Hickory barely catching a glimpse of a dark flush creeping over John's cheeks before the teal troll turned away from him once his hands dropped away. He took a quick step back, watching as John swiftly moved across the campsite to dig into his bag. Intrigued by the reaction, Hickory made a mental note about it for later.
"Did you bring your trunks?" John's voice snapped Hickory back to reality.
"Pretty sure," Hickory hummed, shuffling over to his bag to dig into it and pull out his swim shorts.
"Great! Then get changed, and we'll head down to the water," John said, staring at Hickory expectantly.
Hickory stared right back, slowly arching an eyebrow at the teal troll. "You gonna stare at me the whole time I'm changin', or just for the first little bit?" He snorted quietly as John's face lit up as he turned on his heel to face away from Hickory. The ex-bounty hunter shook his head with a quiet laugh, setting his hat aside and quickly changing into his swim trunks. He then dug into his bag and pulled out the beach towel he'd packed, draping it over his shoulders as he cleared his throat. "All set. You gonna change, too?"
"Nah," John hummed, glancing at Hickory over his shoulder, though he did pull off his goggles and glove to toss them into the tent. "I'm just gonna go as is. These shorts are already sweaty and dirty, may as well sorta wash 'em by swimming with them on."
"All right," Hickory chuckled, stepping up next to John, "Lead the way, then."
And so John did, after grabbing his own towel from his belongings. The path down to the lake was relatively short and straight forward, but John seemed to take pride in leading Hickory around, so he diligently followed along with an indulgent smile on his face. The lake itself was relatively small, as John had already mentioned, but that didn't make it any less picturesque than the rest of the Neverglades had been thus far. The shores were soft slopes of jutting rock and densely packed dirt, surrounded by drooping trees with their branches and leaves barely grazing the water, causing little ripples every time the wind blew. Early evening sunlight was dappled across the surface of the lake, making it sparkle.
"My," Hickory breathed, almost feeling like he shouldn't be there. Like he was intruding on sacred ground.
"It's real pretty, isn't it?" John hummed quietly next to him, "Almost makes you not want to swim."
Hickory opened his mouth to agree with the sentiment, only to jump slightly as John let out a whoop of a shout while tossing his towel aside, before running towards the water. Hickory couldn't contain his laughter as John jumped from the shore as he reached the waters edge, canon balling into the lake with a large splash.
"Well, that's one way to do it, I s'pose," Hickory chuckled to himself, tossing his towel next to John's. He let out a shout of his own once John surfaced further out into the lake, running and tossing himself into the water with gusto. He surfaced to the sound of John's laughter, followed shortly by a splash of water to the face. "Hey now," he laughed, returning the splash blindly, figuring he'd hit his target based on the sound of John sputtering. He wiped water from his face and grinned at finding John coughing and blinking water from his eyes. "That's what ya get for tryin' a sneak attack," Hickory stated, self satisfied smirk on his face.
"I'll show you sneak attack," John grumbled to himself, before launching himself through the water at Hickory with a yell. Hickory let out a startled shout in response, flailing rather uselessly in the water before John tackled him around the chest and dragged him under the surface.
The two tussled in the water like that for some time, with John using any means necessary to try and catch Hickory off guard as they swam back and forth across the lake, waging war with sweeping splashes. Hickory finally called it quits when John tried to use a handful of slimy lake weeds to retaliate against Hickory for managing to dunk him underwater.
"All right, I'm think I'm done," the country troll sighed, pulling an especially long piece of weed from his hair and tossing it aside.
"Aww, but we haven't even been out here that long," John practically pouted, earning a fond smile form Hickory.
"Never said we had to go back. Just that I think the war is over," Hickory hummed, kicking his feet off the bottom of the lake to float on his back. He watched John continue to pout for a minute out of the corner of his eye, before the teal troll began to swim towards the shore. "Where are ya goin'?" he called, turning to tread water with a small frown on his face.
"If you're done," John called back, walking up onto the shore, running fingers through his water logged locks, "I'm gonna work on my canon balls."
Hickory was quite certain that John had no idea the kind of sight he made as he trotted along the lakeside, looking for a good spot to use as a pseudo-diving board. He kept absently running his fingers though his hair, which supplied a steady supply of water droplets that cascaded down over his torso, which Hickory had to fight with every fiber of his being not to watch as they made their way down to the ground. The country troll had never been so happy to be submerged in water as he was just then, letting himself sink so his nose was barely above the surface as he watched John Dory pause at a particularly large rock and nod to himself. The teal troll climbed up onto it and shot Hickory a winning grin once he was at the top, waving enthusiastically, before letting out a bellow and tossing himself into the water. He was completely, stupidly endearing and Hickory knew that if he didn't say something by the end of this trip, he might just go insane.
John continued his cycle of climbing out of the water and jumping enthusiastically back in for some time, Hickory not even noticing that the sun had began to set with how enraptured he was with watching. That was, until the teal troll finally scooped his towel up from the ground instead of running off to his chosen diving rock.
"Hey, it's getting late," John called out to him, gesturing that he should swim to shore, "We should probably go get started on the fire and make some dinner."
"Oh! Right. Dinner," Hickory muttered to himself, before he began to swim back to shore, shivering as he climbed out of the water and a cool breeze swept across the lake.
"C'mon. We'll get a nice big fire going, and get you toasty warm," John said with an easy smile, handing Hickory his towel.
Hickory bit his tongue to keep himself from saying something stupid like 'Or you could warm me up', and instead murmured a quiet thanks as he took his towel and rubbed at his sopping hair.
"I brought some classic camping food," John hummed as he began to lead the way back up to their campsite, Hickory hot on his heels, "Hotdogs to roast over the fire, and marshtatoes for later!"
"Sounds swell," Hickory said with a little nod, draping his towel over his shoulders as they reached the campsite. "By the by, where did ya say that stick was? The one we could use as a bench near the fire?"
"Right! We should move that first," John said as he snapped his fingers, and pointed towards a patch of grass near the tent.
Moving the stick was only a small struggle when they discovered it was actually much larger than they had anticipated, as part of it was buried in the dirt. Luckily, what Hickory lacked in tenting supplies, he made up for in random assorted other items that John, apparently, neglected to bring along. Such as a hatchet. He made rather quick work of hacking into the stick and cutting off the portion John had indicated would make good seating, and if he happened to flex a bit more than he normally would because he caught John watching out of the corner of his eye, well, who could blame him?
The two of them managed to drag the end of the stick over to the little circle of rocks without much trouble after that, and Hickory promptly dropped himself onto it once it was settled where John thought would be the best spot.
"Gonna need to go for another swim, after that," the ex-bounty hunter joked, kicking his feet out in front of himself as John crouched next to the rocks and began to set up the bits of bark Hickory had gathered.
"If there are enough glow flies in the area we can go for a night swim, if you want," John muttered, half distracted as he struck a match and lit the kindling he'd set up. Gently, he blew into the small pile of bark and twigs until the flames began to grow, a proud little smile on his face as he slowly fed twigs into it until it was large enough that he could put a couple of the larger sticks on. Once it seemed like he thought the fire wouldn't need to be babied further he stood with a pop of his knees and a crack of his back, a low groan leaving him as Hickory winced in sympathy.
"That sounded like it hurt," Hickory commented idly as John dropped onto the stick next to him with a grunt.
"Don't get old," John joked, laughing as Hickory shoved him lightly.
"I'll remind ya, since yer memory's apparently goin', that I'm only a few years younger than ya. Yer knees ain't the only ones that make noise when ya stand up," Hickory said as he rolled his eyes. "Anyhow, d'ya really reckon we could go swimmin' at night? Y'don't think that'd be dangerous, with all the critters roamin' around?"
John shrugged, watching the flames as their fire slowly grew. "I mean, I don't see why not. Like I said, there just needs to be enough glow flies so we can see. The stars out here are pretty bright, but it's better if there are glow flies. They're a really good, obvious, first alert system if something is close by."
"Cause they'll fly away," Hickory hummed with a nod, "Smart."
"Yeah. It's something my dad taught me, a long time ago," John sighed wistfully, leaning forward to prop his elbows on his knees, his gaze distant. Hickory took that as his queue to go and fetch the hotdogs from John's bag, as well as grabbing a couple of sticks from their little stash to spear the hotdogs with.
"Here," Hickory gently nudged John in the shoulder with his own, offering the teal troll one of the sharpened sticks as John visibly blinked himself back into reality.
"Oh! Thanks," John chuckled, gingerly taking the stick from Hickory, "Sorry. Sort of zoned out there. Didn't mean to get so lost in thought."
"It's alright," Hickory said with a small shrug, cutting open the package of hotdogs to spear one on the end of his stick, "Happens to the best of us. Mind if I ask what ya were thinkin' 'about?"
"Just family junk," John offered with a little shrug of his shoulders, taking a hotdog of his own and stabbing it a bit more violently than strictly necessary.
"I assume 'bout yer dad?"
John clicked his tongue, a wry little smile turning the corner of his lips. "Yeah. A bit. More about my brothers, though, I guess. I never did this with any of them," he gestured vaguely at their campsite. "I got to go camping once with my dad, and he taught me loads. But none of my brothers got to. And then things just sort of got crazy out of hand, and I never got to take any of them." He paused, sitting up and shooting Hickory an apologetic smile. "Sorry. This is supposed to be a fun trip, you don't need me babbling about family drama."
"I don't mind," Hickory reassured, gently resting his free hand on John's elbow, "Don't got much family, myself, aside from my older brother, an' that's a whole can a' worms on it's own…But, I don't mind hearin' 'bout other folks family. If ya need someone with a willin' ear, I'm always here."
John turned his head to look at Hickory, his gaze almost searching as his brow furrowed slightly. "That means a lot," he murmured, shifting so he could take the hand on his elbow into his own, entwining their fingers together. "I really…I really like talking to you, Hickory. I know we haven't known each other that long, but you mean a lot to me."
"You mean a lot to me, too, Johnny."
John seemed to think for a moment, watching Hickory intently, before he leaned down to prop his stick between two of the rocks around their fire. He then took Hickory's and did the same with it, before turning sideways on their make-shift bench and taking Hickory's hands in his own. He visibly swallowed, thumbs brushing the backs of Hickory's hands, which sent little shivers up the country's trolls spine.
"You okay, John?" Hickory asked, leaning forward slightly with a concerned frown.
"Can I kiss you?"
It was said so quietly Hickory thought, perhaps, he was hearing things. "Pardon?"
John flushed, his ears drooping slightly as he gave Hickory's hands a little squeeze. "Can I kiss you?" he repeated a little louder, gaze fixed on their hands. "I might've been reading you wrong, but I think…I think you want to kiss me, too? It's okay, if you don't. I won't be offended, and we can pretend this never happened, I just…" He lifted his gaze, letting out a little breath, "I really want to kiss you."
"John Dory," Hickory stated, tugging John's hands closer so the teal troll was forced to lean further towards him, "If ya don't kiss me right this instant, I will be madder than a wet hen."
"Can't have that," John chuckled, before tilting his head and pressing his lips to Hickory's.
It was like pop rocks were poured down Hickory's spine, little tingles igniting what felt like every nerve ending as John shifted closer on their little bench so he could kiss the country troll more deeply. Their hands parted from each other, only to slide into hair and cling to shoulders, earning little shivers and soft sighs each time their lips parted for a moment for air.
"C'mon," John breathed after a time that Hickory's mind could hardly fathom, though the world was distinctly darker than it was before he got lost in John's lips. John stood, a hand outstretched towards Hickory in offering.
Hickory took it without hesitation, letting John lead him to their tent, anticipation twisting in his gut, their dinner and plans of swimming long forgotten.
When Hickory woke the next morning, it was to a tent distinctly devoid of John Dory. Groggily, he rubbed at his face as he sat up and looked around, finding what he assumed was John's silhouette on the outside of the tent, puttering around their campsite. He grunted as he shoved away the blankets he'd gotten tangled up in during the night and somehow managed to locate his pants and belt, tugging them on quickly before he stumbled into the morning light.
"Good morning!" John's voice was chipper and loud, making Hickory cringe slightly as he finger combed his hair.
"Mornin'," the country troll drawled, squinting against the sun until he found his hat and tugged it on, letting out a contented little sigh. He turned to find John Dory hovering over the fire, poking at what appeared to be eggs cooking on top of a flat stone. "Yer up mighty early."
"Habit," John said with a shrug, "Once the sun is up, I'm up."
"Disgusting," Hickory snorted, earning a light laugh from John.
"Yeah, well, can't be helped," John hummed, grabbed a large leaf and scooping one of the eggs from the stone onto it with a knife. "Forgot to bring plates, so you're going to have to deal with eating off a leaf with your fingers."
Hickory took the leaf happily, trotting over to their stick bench and sitting down. "I think I can live with that."
"Good, 'cause there wasn't much in terms of other options," John snorted, taking up his own leaf and egg before knocking the flat rock off the fire and walking over to the stick to sit as well.
They ate their breakfast quietly, John staring off into the fire, while Hickory let his eyes drift shut, smiling slightly to himself as he let the early morning sounds of the forest wash over him. He felt peaceful and calm, a warm little ember in his chest growing steadily at the knowledge that the troll his heart chose to beat wildly for was sat next to him and felt the same. Or, so he assumed.
"Hickory," John's quiet but serious tone shattered the tranquility of the forest, and drew Hickory from his revere. He blinked and turned his gaze towards John, who was still staring intently into the fire.
"What is it?"
"About last night…"
Hickory frowned, his posture stiffening at the words John spoke. He had to force his fingers to not tremble around the leaf he held. "What about it?"
"It doesn't-…Look, I know I dragged you all the way out here, and I'm your only way home, so just in case," John rambled, speaking without taking a breath, "It doesn't have to mean anything. We don't…If you felt obligated, I'm sorry. We can pretend nothing happened and go home right now, if you want."
Hickory stared John down, absentmindedly crushing the leaf in his hands. "Ya think I'd feel obligated to sleep with ya, just because we're out in the woods?"
"I mean," John flushed, looking up at Hickory, anxiety clear as day on his face, "…maybe?"
"I would sooner stab any troll that tried somethin' that I didn't want, then go willingly off to their tent," Hickory practically growled, before taking a deep breath to try and calm himself down. He closed his eyes and counted to ten, listening as John shifted and squirmed on the stick next to him. "I ain't mad," he said after a beat, letting out another breath.
"You sound like it."
"Only 'cause you implied I was easy."
Hickory opened his eyes, taking one last deep breath in, before turning his gaze to John once again, arching an eyebrow at finding the teal troll practically curled in on himself in his seat. "This been buggin' ya for a while?"
"I couldn't sleep," John admitted, and upon closer inspection Hickory could see the bags under John's eyes.
Hickory sighed quietly, letting his irritation slowly seep out of him. He reached out, his heart twisting as John flinched slightly at the movement. "I ain't gonna hurt you," he reassured, gently taking one of John's hands in his own, "I'd never hurt ya. John…I was so happy, last night, when ya said ya wanted to kiss me. I've been wantin' to do that for quite a while. Just didn't quite know how to go about sayin' anythin'. I like you, John Dory. A whole lot."
John's posture loosened as Hickory spoke, his hunched position straightening as he unconsciously leaned in towards the country troll. "Really?" he breathed, and Hickory could almost describe his expression as being starstruck.
"I don't have a tendency to say things I don't mean."
Hickory let a crooked little smile settle on his face as John slowly shifted closer to him, turning slightly so he could wrap both of his hands around Hickory's. "I'm so sorry. For thinking I'd taken advantage of you. For implying you would do anything you didn't feel comfortable with. I just thought that, if you didn't want it, or felt bad for me or something-"
Hickory cut him off with a snort of a laugh, shaking his head slightly. "Why on this green earth do you think I would feel bad for ya?"
John blinked, tilting his head slightly. "Uh…'cause I'm a washed up ex-boyband member with a laundry list of family trauma issues and no friends?"
"Who's also mighty handsome, talented, a skilled survivalist, and who seems to be completely blind to the admirers that watch 'im every time he goes to the market?"
"…You think I'm handsome?"
"Not the take away ya should be focusing on here, Johnny," Hickory snorted, rolling his eyes.
"Sorry. Go on."
Hickory chuckled, cupping John's cheek in his free hand. "You think pretty little of yerself, an' that's a real shame. I wish ya could see yerself the way I do."
"And how's that?"
"Like a shootin' star in the night sky. So beautiful an' bright, but burnin' out so fast most folks can't appreciate ya for yer true magnificence," Hickory hummed, enjoying the way John's cheeks darkened, just before he gently tugged the teal troll into a kiss.
They parted with a quiet gasp between the two of them, John looking a bit dazed.
"So…you're my boyfriend now, right?" John asked bluntly after a beat, earning a surprised burst of laughter from Hickory.
"You bet yer bottom dollar, playboy."
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 month
Forest guardian
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Daryl Dixon x reader
You plan a week long vacation to a luxury cabin. Luxury is nowhere near what you find.
Yet another AU, mentions of canibalism, also Merle is gross.
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The bald man behind the counter of the shoddy store was probably the grossest dude you had ever seen, cleaning what looked like blood off his hands while he kept so openly staring at your tits in the low cut top and following you around with his intense gaze as you picked up some items from the racks. "Dontcha worry, doll. Had ta quit skinnin' rabbit when I heard ya come in. S'legal in these 'ere parts." He reassures you, and after you paid you sadly needed to interact with him even more, seeing you weren't familiar with the roads and needed help finding your destination.
"Oh, tha' cabin's over 'ere on tha' road. Can't miss it, sugar." He doodled a little house on the map for you. "Gotta park righ' 'ere." 'here' was marked with a small X. "Road ends, rests'a sand path, too narrow fer cars." With a filthy grin he pointed at the map and marked the location of the place you rented to spend a week in nature to heal. You needed to be away from society for a bit and booked this crazy cheap place in the middle of the woods close to a gorgeous lake. It surprised you there weren't any more cabins like that around, the area was so nice it would make a perfect luxurious vacation spot. Still, that gross man's voice rung in the back of your mind. "Now dontcha go swimmin' in tha' lake, missy. Pretty lil' thang like yerself'd gon' get snatched up ne'er ta be seen 'gain."
On the way to the cabin, following the route you were suggested you passed the lake and watched the sun cast a beautiful gleam over its surface.
'This really is too gorgeous to go swim in.' You mind wondered to the cabin as you closed in on its location, turning the last corner before the road cut off and your small path through the tree line became visible. Not wanting to walk the path twice you stacked everything you took onto your body and started to lug your stuff forward, seeing you had to round the cabin to make to the front door.
The cabin that looked nothing like the photos on the website.. "Oh of course I got catfished by a fucking cabi--"
Stopping dead in your tracks you dropped your bags and sent yourself forward, up the wooden porch and down on your knees.
A man laid passed out in the door opening of the cabin, his breaths shallow. Every item he wore was covered in dried mud and stained to hell and back. A dead rabbit laid beside him, probably dropped from his grasp when he went down. Kneeling closer you looked him over for and wounds and found a deep gash on his side when you turned him over, and saw what looked like a stab wound on his upper arm.
Underneath long, greasy hair there was a large gash on his face, long healed over and leaving an angry scar over an empty eye socket and one side of his mouth was torn open.
You wanted to stare but needed to help this man first, going to find your first aid kit and cleaning the wounds after dragging him onto the cot in the corner of the ratty cabin.
"I'm sorry." You murmured at the man who didn't even hear you as he was out cold. Applying the disinfectant to his wound had you wince along with the soft twitch of his body and a wave of panic washed over you.
What if he woke up, with you hovering over him? You had spotted the throwing axe strapped to his waist, along with two large hunting knives and suddenly prayed you wouldn't end up on the wrong end of those.
When he didn't wake you continued to clean and bandage his arm, and thanked yourself for throwing a pack of butterfly stitches in your bag and carefully stuck them over the cut over his side with one hand as the other held it closed between your fingers.
Wrapping his arm was easy, but having to unroll the bandage around his waist was proving to be a challenge, having to shove your arm underneath his body to pass the bandage to your other hand multiple times.
The invasive movements had moved the man's body and it surprised you he hadn't woken up by the time you tied off the end.
With his wounds patched you could only sit around and wait. You got scammed by a too good to be true offer on a cabin and the first thing you had to do after getting creeped out in the shop was patch up a stranger's wounds yourself because the area had no service.
Curiosity got the best of you after a moment and you went to snoop around the place, passing time by going through cabinets and drawers.
At the third drawer you opened you felt like you stumbled on a goldmine. A black wallet and chain, and a passport laid pushed towards the back.
"Daryl Dixon, huh." Both the ID and the passport belonged to the man, and other cards in the wallet held the same name. It had to be him.
You gave the pictures a long inspection, turning to go compare to the passed out man behind you.
Instead, before you got the chance to turn a hand came and snatched the items from yours. "S'mine, thank you very much."
With a shriek you turned to face the voice and were met with the iciest blue eye you had ever seen.
The open drawer dug into your back as you tried to move away from him.
With the stabbing feeling your gaze turned back to the drawer, hoping to close it but something familiar caught your eye. So instead you dug your hand to grab at a flyer, and with it pulling out a stash of attached papers that scattered over the floor and made Daryl take a step back.
The paper in your hands was filled with the same photos as the cabin rental showed. "The hell?" It was a sales flyer, it told about the building plan for a large amount of cabins surrounding the lake. You looked past the flyer to the floor, bending down to look at the various news articles about the area.
"JUST ANNOUNCED: NEW LUXURY VACATION HOMES." That one spread information about the upcoming tourist attraction.
A smaller piece announced a delay due to "disagreements from locals." You thought if Daryl and the shop guy were those locals.
Then a large, gruesome front page spread.
The title did the article no justice, the first sentence warning people to stop reading if they were easily nauseated, and continued on to go into detail of the events where a whole building crew was murdered mere hours after their scheduled arrival at the site. The murders deemed "too gruesome to share in more detail.".
More articles of missing campers and words of the mysterious serial killer in this area were scattered around and that sudden panic from earlier arose again.
You were dead. It was a fact at the time you first thought of it and it was still a fact now that you saw all this. With shaking breaths you slowly looked up at the man still standing before you.
His hand rested on the handle of his hunting knife, fingers not yet curled around it. His one eye staring, clearly deep in thought.
"That's you, right? The killer?" Your fingers rested on a smaller article, looking further up at his face.
A quiet acknowledging grunt left him as he turned around and ignored your further words.
Daryl's mind raced with opinions, facts and other voices that all called out different things.
He killed trespassers. Humans were bad for these woods, they shouldn't exist here. Except for him and his brother. But this one healed him, patched up his wounds and made sure he didn't die. You weren’t here to harm..
His wandering mind had led him outside, lighting a cigarette and deciding to return the favor and rummage through the bags you brought, fishing out a tub of cookies from your backpack.
From just outside the doorway you heard the familiar click of the tub clasps opening, followed by a loud crunching.
“Huh. HEY!” Getting up from the floor you made your way over to the man and snatched the box from his hands. “Those are mine, thank you.” Your tone mocked his from before and Daryl grunted in protest.
“Why’re ya ‘ere anyways?” You huffed in response, a hand on your hip and pointing the one with the box at where he still sat in front of your pile of bags. “Obviously I came here on vacation, but I guess I’ll be driving home again since I got scammed…”
You had moved to start packing up your first aid kit and moved over to stuff it back into your backpack but pausing, and handing the kit to Daryl. “Why?” He spoke around lungfuls of smoke before blowing it out away from you. “Got ‘nough a’those layin’ ‘round.”
‘Why’re ya tellin’ her tha? She saw yer a killer. Why aint she dead yet?’ The voice in his head blended with his brother’s, scolding him like he was so used to, but still not believing you were harmful enough to kill.
Besides, you knew how to tend to wounds which was useful.
Hell, even going out to find his brother to bring him an outdoor oven and ingredients to make those cookies and keep you around just fir those was enough to dispel the voices.
You were standing in front of the storage space at the back of he cabin and you were worried. Why were you following this killer and not just leaving your stuff behind and running to your car? You’d never speak of this and find some excuse on the way home. But still you kept standing there next to him as he opened the door and showed the huge collection of useful stuff. All taken from trespassers.
“You’re killing me aren’t you?” The words weren’t supposed to leave your mouth and a hand clamped over it immediately after, eyes on him in fear as tears threatened to spill due to the panic you were causing yourself. But then again, would it really be that bad if he killed you? No more shitty jobs and cheating boyfriends. No more crying yourself to sleep over bills and food.
“Yer dif’rent.” You barely caught his words when he disappeared into his stash and throwing a soft fuzzy blanket at you. “Feel tha’ one. Ya like tha’?” You hadn’t throwing the item until it hit you in the face, grabbing to catch it before it hit the ground and being taken off guard even more by how soft it was. It calmed you, rubbing it against your cheek. At the sight of the tab on it you gasped, taking a closer look at it and staring back at Daryl, your previous worries entirely overridden by the shock. “Why do you have a hundred dollar blanket in your shed?”
He only shrugged. “Sum whiny whore had it. Guess ‘er boyfriend thought campin’ at a pretty lake was gon’ get ‘em laid or sum’n.”
“Bitch was fuckin’ disgustin’.” A shudder ran along his spine at the memory of cutting her open. “All ‘er curves fake, no meat left on ‘er bones tha’ was edible. Damn fillers leakin’ out of ‘er flesh over the fire.” He just rambled about it like it meant nothing to him at all while you stared. He ate them? You were getting hungry just now but that feeling faded just as quick upon hearing him talk.
He saw the disgust on your face and decided he needed to shut up. “Ah, sorry. Ain’t normal people talk.”
His apology really came out of left field and had you swallow a giggle, but failing and sputtering out a laugh. “Why even are you telling me all this?” Despite your laughs it was a serious question. “I mean, what if ai leave and call the cops on you?” Not that you were going to, but you got curious and had already decided you were fine with however this day was going to end. If this guy as gonna roast you over a fire then so be it, you weren’t scared anymore.
“Who says yer leavin’? M’keepin’ ya ‘ere with me. Yer dif’rent.”
Different. There it was again, he’s called you that more than once now. “Who says I want that?”
“Y’aint runnin’ yet.” He put his pointer fingers together in a counting gesture. “Ya patched me up. An’ yer not scared a’me ‘n ma face.”
It’s true. When you first saw his face it shocked you a bit, but mostly you were curious how someone could survive a wound like that. You nodded thoughtfully, not entirely aware you did so and earned a smile. “I aint plannin’ on eatin’ ya. But ya gotta respect ma rules or I’ll change ma mind ‘bout it.”
“If you’re talking about eating people you better end me now, there’s no way I’m doing that, ever.” You held your hands up in defeat with the blanket tossed over one shoulder. “Go ahead.”
This time it was Daryl’s turn to laugh. A deep, rumbling laugh that had you squint at him. He laughed?
Your calm around the offer for him to kill you right where you stood surprised him. You really didn’t care if he took you out. He respected that, so as long as you were fine with his ways he had no reason to get rid of you. “Dontcha worry yer pretty lil’ head ‘bout tha’. Aint gon’ make ya eat ‘em. ‘Nough small game ‘round ‘ere fer ya. I’ll keep ya fed.”
Oh. That wasn’t so bad. Yeah, rabbits and squirrels weren’t part of your menu now but as long as he wasn’t feeding you humans.
Talking about eating made the grumble in your stomach make another appearance, this time accompanied my the unmistaken noise of hunger. A huffed laugh and a nod towards the front door had you both back inside where Daryl still had his rabbit he had started skinning at his makeshift kitchenette across the room rom where you sat on the bed eating your leftover sandwich.
You observed him from a distance. How he skillfully took apart the animal and separated the meats while keeping an eye on his fireplace in the meantime.
“Hey, c’mere.” Without looking up from his work he waved one hand above his head to get your attention. He made sure you got the pieces you wanted, and prepared them to your liking. The way he was roasting them over the fireplace was almost like an inside barbecue.
“Smells nice.” You had moved to sit next to him beside the fire that roasted your dinner.
You ate together and spent the time after in quiet togetherness. Daryl cleaned up the rabbit’s leftovers and spent some time doing god knows what outside while you stayed in. You sat on the bed fidgeting with your clothing and the soft fuzz on the blanket he gave you. For a short moment you wondered what you were still doing here, why you hadn’t gotten up and started walking away, but now your mind was blank, staring mindlessly at the floor. You didn’t even notice Daryl come back in. He just suddenly appeared in your view, dropping a stack of bedrolls and sleeping bags at your feet and beginning to roll them out. When you realized his implications you let yourself fall. Ack with a sigh. You really had been here since early in the afternoon and still hadn’t made an effort to leave and were about to spend the night in a killer’s cabin in the woods..
You wondered if all these setbacks in life had officially driven you mad.
After you offered to take over from Daryl to “make your own bed” he only scoffed and tapped your ankle to make space. “Makin’ ma own bed ‘ere. Ya keep the cot, s’fine.” You went back and forth a bunch of times but he kept insisting you kept the bed. Why was he so kind?
You tossed him his pillows and got a quizzical look that followed you as you went to retrieve the ones you brought from your duffle bag at the door. With an understanding grunt he moved on, unzipping a sleeping bag and laying it over the bedding and left through the curtain beside the kitchenette.
You were about to lay down and zone out when he walked back through the curtain, ducking b something out of one drawer lower than you got before when you got there and move back, keeping what was in his hand hidden from your line of sight, but you caught something in his mouth for a second. “Wait. Hold up.” Oh fuck. His mind told him he fucked up by grabbing that magazine. You were gonna ask what he grabbed and there was no way you needed to know what he was planning to do behind that wall. You sat up and watched as he peeked his head from behind the curtain to look at you with a raised brow, faking his best annoyed look. “Hmm?” With a toothbrush between the scarred end of his lips he waited for you to speak.
“You brush your teeth?” You were seriously confused now. “You, a serial killer living in the middle of nowhere, brushes his teeth.” You pointed at him, hand palm up in disbelief. He rolled his one eye at your wording and took the thing from his mouth and pointed it back at you in an almost threatening way. “Yeah, so?” He spoke around a mouthful of foam. “Ya will keep up too when ya gotta yank out a rotten tooth ‘n can’t eat nut’n but soup fer weeks.” He scoffed at your assumption of his hygiene just because he killed people. “Gotta keep clean ta eat. Can’t eat, can’t hunt. Can’t hunt, can’t keep them woods ‘ere safe.” His tone was serious, he meant every word and made it clear these woods meant much to him. Enough to kill for. After he was done he turned away again and the room fell silent once more, taking it as your cue to crawl under the soft blanket Daryl gave you and sleep for the night.
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aceofshitposts · 15 days
batquinn for mermay drabble ❤️
Quiet fills the cave as Bruce hangs up his call to Zatanna. It wasn't good news, though it definitely could have been worse also. While the kid who's uncontrolled magic had been caught and sorted the various effects of their magic were going to linger for up to a week.
Harley lays stomach down on a medical gurney, idly twirling a lock of pale blonde hair around a clawed finger. Bright red, white and black stripes adorn her figure, spines and fins laying flat against her tail that slaps rhythmically against the bed.
Bruce doesn't know if there is symbolism intended from the various transformations performed tonight but a lion fish seems to perfectly sum up how he sees Harley. Beautiful and deadly.
"We should move you into the pool."
Harley startles from where she had clearly been lost in thought. She gives a strained smile while saying, "nope. I'm good here, thanks."
"If you're worried about cleanliness it has a state of the art filtration system--"
"No, uh, maybe just a tub instead?" Harley asks hopefully.
Bruce frowns. Harley shifts, turning to sit on the edge of the gurney. She's fidgety, not uncommon but this has a nervous energy to it.
"It's going to be up to a week, I don't think you'll be comfortable staying in a tub," Bruce says slowly, mind turning over Harley's reluctance in his head. If she didn't want to stay in the cave, perhaps somewhere else would be better. "I could talk to Arthur maybe and arrange something in Atlantis."
"No!" Harley exclaims. "I mean, no. No, I'd- Ugh. I just."
She squirms more, struggling to express herself and takes a deep breath, "I don't like being submerged in water."
Of course.
Being underwater would remind her of The Joker.
"I know it's dumb, it was years ago! But I never really had to, y'know, go swimmin' since."
Bruce reaches out, gently cupping Harley's face in his hand.
"It's not dumb, I understand."
She looks up at him with watery blue eyes and a thin smile.
"Maybe if you've got a bat-thing suit around I'd feel better if you could join me?"
Bruce chuckles, placing a kiss to the crown of Harley's head.
"I could get the bat-speedo out, I suppose."
Author's notes/rambling: i know a lot of people probably would assign harley clownfish but i feel like lion fish is a much better match for her. their beauty and deadliness just seems perfect.
then i also thought, getting submerged in the same gotham goop that the joker did could leave a lasting impression. so i just went with that lmao. anyway hope u enjoyed! have a great night everyone <3
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ohnoitsjetster · 3 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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boygiwrites · 9 months
Harley D. Dixon 18
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An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
I want to give a shout out to Cora_Line99, who made a beautiful edit inspired by this story! :)
I'm just constantly blown away by all of your support. Buckle up, because this is a crazy one. Enjoy!
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We break through the trees just half an hour later. The sky yawns wide and blue, the vibrant pastures cracking open like summer fruit. It's so beautifully weird, prancing through the grass in my soaking wet clothes, hair plastered to my neck, a bundle of Cherokee roses in my hand, the smell of pollen on the breeze. My squeals and giggles ring out through the morning as I race through the tall wheat, toward the farm.
It's the happiest I've felt in a long time.
Dad trails behind me, all the way up the thin path and through the gate, until we reach Andrea standing watch.
She tips her straw-coloured hat at us, looking us up and down with a small, sceptical smirk. "What the Hell happened to you guys?"
"We went swimmin'!" I laugh without explanation, skipping past without a care in the world.
"Sure," She chuckles, watching me go. Dad asks her where we can find Carol, and she points to the RV. "Oh, uh. She's in there, just knock."
Turns out, swimming's real easy. Weren't as scary as I thought, 'cause yeah, I guess I was a little scared, but all I had to do was kick my legs like I was riding a bike and swish my arms like a bird, and then that was it! I can't wait to go with Sophia, when we find her. She gon' love it.
We step up to the RV together. I wait with ants in my pants as Dad knocks on the door. He takes a respectful step back after, giving me a lopsided smile. He tugs on my wet ponytail. I whack his hand away, giggling, and glance over at the main gate, where Rick's car is parked on the gravel driveway. It must be time for them to take Shane, soon. The doors are all open, a couple supply bags strewn across the back seat. Rick and a few others are checking maps and pointing and nodding in agreement around the hood, while Shane leans against the opposite side of the car, head hung. The sight makes my stomach roil strangely and my fingers tighten around the flower stems. I know he deserves this. But did my Momma deserve what happened to her? Before my own thoughts can consume me, my attention is pulled back as Carol's muffled voice calls out, come in. 
I take a deep breath and follow Dad inside.
I notice straight away all the crumpled tissues littered on the floor. Smells like sadness in here. It's so dark from the drawn curtains that it feels like we're in a cave. When my gaze finally lands on Carol, who up until now I thought was just a lump of blankets on the sofa, I straighten. I realize we must look like a pair of idiots. She watches us stand here awkwardly in the narrow walkway, a grown man and a little girl dripping pond-water onto the floor, holding a bunch of white roses in my muddy hands. I think there might even be algae in my hair.
Wiping her wet eyes, Carol mutters, "Sorry for the mess." 
She was scared of my Dad last night. She still looks wary, but maybe she likes flowers, 'cause she cracks the tiniest smile.
"Oh. This is nothin'." Dad assures her, picking his nails so he can avoid lookin' her in the eye. "Should'a seen our old house. We're used to mess."
Sometimes I like to wonder if our paths would'a crossed had the world not ended. Most the time, answer's no. But somethin' tells me Carol ain't lived a life so different than ours. Both had cruelty, and bad people, and suffering. Bet we both shopped at the Dollar General, too.
I like to think we would'a run into each other at some point or other.
"We picked ya some flowers." I tell her, fiddling with them. "Cherokee roses. Found 'em growin' by a pretty lake this mornin'."
Her smiles grows a little bigger.
"Story goes that when the American soldiers were movin' the Indians off their land," Dad starts telling the story, mustering up the courage to meet her gaze, now, "The Cherokee mothers were cryin' and grievin' so much, 'cause they was losing their little'uns along the way to disease and starvation that the elders, they said a prayer; asked for a sign to give 'em strength. Next day, these roses grew right where the mothers' tears fell. I ain't fool enough to think there's any flowers growin' for our family... but I believe these ones bloomed for your little girl."
Holding them out to her, I add, "To make ya feel a little less like the whole world's against ya." 
Her eyes grow shiny with tears. Uh, oh. Did I say the wrong thing?
Peeling the blanket off her body, she stands and comes to kneel in front of me. She takes the flowers, and then hugs me. Even though I'm wet and I must stink like fish and dirt, she hugs me. Pulling back, she places a little kiss on my cheekbone. It makes my skin tingle warmly.
"Thank you." She sniffles, before standing and placing another kiss on Dad's cheek. I swear he goes red as a cherry. "Thank you both."
He begins, "About... yesterday—"
She shakes her head, clutching the flowers to her chest. "You're a good man, Daryl." She says. "Shane's wrong. People can change."
Just like yesterday, all he can do is nod. He ain't the best with words, just actions.
Carol turns to arrange the flowers in a jar, looking a little brighter than before.
Once we're outside, I see the white roses sitting in the sill of the now-open window, soaking up the sun. Across camp, I also see Lori, Jacqui, and Carl sitting at the picnic table together, smiling like they were watchin' the whole interaction. Glenn, sitting near the fire, trying to look angry but not doing a very good job of it. Dale next to him, sending Dad a stern look, and after Dad nods, an accepting look on his face.
"I'm goin' out, now, chicken." Dad calls out from behind the towel I'm changing in front of. I peel off my wet clothes and they land on the ground with a solid slap. Man, it feels good to be outta those. I pull on a blue tank top over my white shirt. "Look for the kid for a while."
"Oh, okay." I hum, and then ask, "Can I come, too?"
"No. You're stayin'." I hear him rooting around for his boots. "I ain't up for losin' another little girl while I'm at it. 'Specially not mine."
I really wanna search for Sophia, but I guess I've had my fair share of wandering around the woods for now.
With a sigh, I agree, "Fine. You gotta come back before dark, though."
Amused, he sarcastically quips, "Yes, boss."
After stepping into my khaki shorts, I push past the towel and head into the tent to look for my hairbrush, but my bag ain't here.
"Dad, you seen my bag anywhere?" I ask with a frown, upturning our blankets and sleeping bags. "I can't find it."
"Should be there." He shrugs. "I ain't touched it."
"Me, neither."
The duffel with our clothes in it is here, and so's Dad's bag, but mine's up and vanished. I swear it was here just this morning. I check the truck, and the truck bed, and even under the truck, and then the tent again, and around the fire. By that time, Dad's about ready to head out.
He hauls his crossbow over his shoulder and places a quick kiss on my hair. "Just keep lookin', you'll find it. I'll see ya later. Be good."
"I will." I mumble out of habit, left standing alone in our camp.
Guess I'll just have to use someone else's brush.
"Hey, Harley." Lori greets me when I reach camp again, after Andrea happily lends me her hairbrush. "Would you like to join us?"
Looks like they're still working on those spelling quizzes, the ones Carl was sayin' his Momma makes him do sometimes. It don't sound very fun, but it'll kill some time 'till Dad gets back, so I take a seat next to Jacqui at the picnic table. They hand me a lined piece of paper and a pencil.
"You know I ain't good at this," I pre-emptively warn them all, to save myself the embarrassment later. "Wait, no. I'm not good at this."
Lori just smiles. "That's alright. That's why we're doing this. Now, Carl's doing some big words, but you were in second grade, right?"
I nod, taking a peek at his page. Survival, Radishes, Difference, Counterpart. Wow, those are big words.
"We'll get you to do some one-syllable words, then; start small." That's what we did back at the quarry. "You wanna put your name at the top?"
"But you know it's mine."
"Just do it," Jacqui winks at me. "She likes to do things the old way."
Shrugging, I carefully pencil in the letters of my name onto the first line. Harley. I ain't done that in months. Looks like shit, kinda. But Lori tells me Well done. Then I gotta try spell Place, which is the weirdest word ever. When since does c make an s sound? And what's with the e?
As I'm working on the next word, Road, Lori asks, "What school did you go to, Harley?"
"Northwood Elementary." I muse, tongue stuck out in concentration. "Didn't go very often, though."
In my last school report, my attendance was at thirty-nine percent. That's bad, apparently. Some lady had to come talk to my Dad about it.
"Is that why you suck at spelling?" Carl giggles, earning a hard kick under the table. "Hey!"
I remind him sassily, "You can't spell, neither."
He wrote 'Harly Dikson' on that Pokémon folder, after all.
"Eyes on your own work, Carl." Lori chides him. "Don't think we've forgotten about that spelling bee we had at the quarry."
Jacqui laughs, "Boy said K-A-T."
"Whatever," He huffs.
"You done there, Harley?"
"Think so." I hold up my page. Rowd. "That right?"
"Almost. It's an A instead of a W." Lori corrects me, making me roll my eyes. Whoever made this language was a real twat. "Try Duck, next."
"Sophia was better than both of us combined." Says Carl, a little sadly. "I wish she was here, already. Dad said we'd find her days ago."
"I know. We just have to be patient, honey."
"I hate being patient."
"It does put a damper on things that Shane won't be around to help search, anymore." Jacqui sighs. "One of our best men, gone."
Lori scoffs. "'Best'?"
"You know what I mean. Crazy, sure, but good with a gun. We need that."
"His heart wasn't in it, Jacqui. You know, he told me the other day that finding her was hopeless. Wanted to quit."
"Really?" She mumbles, "Wasn't that way when Harley went missing."
"He tried convincing Rick to call off the search. He wouldn't hear any of it, though. Rick won't give up. He's not like that."
She shakes her head. "Well, thank God for that."
"My Dad's lookin' for her, too." I add. "He left not long ago."
Lori smiles warmly. "And thank God for him, too."
I mirror her smile. Thank God for Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon.
It's as I'm writing my final word, Horse, that we hear a shout from across the farm. We all jump at the suddenness of it, whirling to look in its direction. Oh, no. From what I can see, Shane's refusing to get in the car. T-Dog scolds him from the driver's seat; Rick from right in front of him, one hand on his holster, the other on Shane's shoulder. Lori lets out a small gasp when he shoves Rick into the door, his whole head red.
"If you ain't gonna do it, I will." He angers, pointing at the barn. "Them things in there are gonna kill you all, Rick!"
"What's goin' on, Mom?" Carl asks worriedly, his quiz abandoned. "What're they arguing about?"
She mutters, "I-I don't know. Just stay here with us."
"You don't sort this place out, what's the point? Kickin' me out won't solve nothin' if you ain't even gonna keep these people safe, Rick!"
"Please, Shane. This is hard enough as is!" Rick retorts, teeth bared. "This is on you! You brought this on yourself!"
"All I ever did was make sure you were safe. I'm askin' you to do the same!"
"You know I will!"
"Not without clearing out that barn, you ain't. You ain't keepin' nobody safe 'till those things are gone! You know that!"
"I am doin' my best, here!"
"Well, your 'best' is gonna get everyone killed 'fore the day's done!"
T-Dog runs around the car just in time to stop Rick from jumping him, and we watch the scene play out like a distant film, our hair standing on edge, mouths agape. They continue arguing over T-Dog's shoulders as he separates them with two strong arms, urging 'em to chill the fuck out. Others start to emerge from the house, the tents, and the RV, until everybody's standin' around the field, even Herschel and Carol.
If you won't do it, I will, is all I can hear in my head as Shane storms over to the RV and snatches up one of the rifles leaning against it.
Rick's on him like glue, hounding him as he loads it, one bullet, two, three, four, five, and cocks it, snarling, "You know what? To Hell with the Greenes, Rick. They're dumb enough to keep a bunch of killers in their barn, they had this comin'. S'like you said, you got kids here."
"This is not your decision to make!"
He throws the rifle to Glenn, who catches it on instinct, looking panicked. "Take this, man. Take it. You gonna protect you and yours?"
He stammers, glancing at Maggie, who shouts, "You do this, Shane — You hand out these guns, and my Dad—"
"What? He'll kick me out?" He laughs. "Bit too late for that, now. You see that car all packed up? I ain't got nothin' to lose, no more!"
"That's not true!" Rick grabs his shirt but gets pushed off, doing nothing but making him angrier. "You have to stop this!"
Shane loads another rifle, this time throwing it to Andrea.
"Whether I shoot that barn open right now or not won't do anything except keep ya'll safe after I'm gone. Seems pretty simple t'me."
"No. Listen, we could get kicked out, anyway. This would've all been for nothin'!"
"You're wrong. I'm the trade-off, remember. I leave, ya'll stay." He grabs a box of bullets for his pistol. "Listen, it would'a been one thing leavin' ya'll here to sit around pickin' daisies if it was safe, but now we know it ain't. I'm doin' this. I'm doin' it for Harley and Carl, since you won't."
With that, he takes all his anger down to the old barn like a storm.
When Shane makes up his mind, there ain't nothin' short of Hell itself that'll stop him from gettin' what he wants. We all know that by now. Still, Rick tries. We leave the table and bunch in with everyone else, making our way down the hill, anxious to see what'll happen, all yelling over one another, Stop, What are you thinking, Don't do this, Hey, and Herschel, who holds Beth's hand, croaks pleadingly, Stop this!
When we make it to the doors, Rick reaches out at the last second and forces Shane to face him. "Let's talk about this."
Oh, this is bad.
"Whatchu wanna talk about, huh? All you ever wanna seem to wanna do is talk. These things kill. That's the end of the matter."
"Just stop and think about this for a second."
The padlock rattles loudly. Behind those doors, there's a whole, hungry army of walkers ready to come down on us, sick or not.
"I'm not a second-guesser, man." He takes a step closer to Rick. Dale and Jacqui move forward to shield me and Carl. "You might be, but that's not me. They killed Amy. They killed Morales. They killed Otis. They're gonna kill all'a ya'll, if someone doesn't do somethin' about it right now!"
T-Dog holds up his hands. "Put the gun down, man."
Feels like Rick and Shane are about to draw on one another, when a lone walker slips from the broken panel.
"Hey. Herschel, lemme ask you something. Could a living, breathing person walk away from this?" Shane goads, raising his pistol. Before anybody can plead with him to stop, he pulls the trigger over and over again, making the rotten thing stumble around. "That's three rounds in its chest! Could someone who's alive—? Could they just walk away from that? Why is it still coming?" Bang. "That's it's heart!" Beth, squealing, Patricia crying, Rick, on the verge of tears, clutching his revolver. Bang. "That's it's lungs!" Bang. "It's throat. Why is it still coming!?"
"Shane, that's enough." Glenn bravely intervenes, not a single bullet missing from his chamber. "That's enough, man."
"Yeah." He agrees, but I know it's not for the right reasons at all. "That is enough. Enough waitin' around, scared of doing what needs done."
"No," Herschel puffs, barely able to stand. "No."
"If ya'll wanna live — If ya'll wanna survive once I'm gone — You gotta fight for it. No doubtin'. No waitin'. No second guessin'."
"Shane," Rick breathes, trying to keep everybody calm, voice brittle. "We'll do it. I'll do it. Just— Just not now, brother. Not now."
His answer is the cocking of a gun.
He knows what's about to happen. "No. No, please. This isn't the way. You can still leave without doing this."
"Can I?" He retorts, squinting. "I ain't so sure you know what it takes, man. I'm not leavin' just so you can keep puttin' everyone in danger."
"I won't. I promise you that. Please."
"See, I don't believe that. Weren't for me, this barn would stay sealed 'till someone gets killed. That's your problem, Rick. You wait to take action."
"Shane, please. Don't do this."
"You saw how close Harley was to being bitten last night."
"I know. And I promise, I will never let that happen again. Just put the gun down. There's another way to do this."
"Get behind me." Glenn mumbles shakily, herding Maggie in behind us, because he knows, too.
"There is no other, way, Rick." My heart leaps up into my mouth, making it impossible to breathe. "This is what needs to be done."
Rick only has time to let out half a cry before Shane turns, aims, and fires. The lock explodes into hundreds of tiny metallic shards, raining down like shrapnel. I huddle into Jacqui's side, wondering when exactly this whole thing went so wrong. Today? Yesterday? The moment we stepped foot on the farm? The doors whine open like two old, hurt animals, releasing the dead upon us. Then, the groaning. Then, the gunshots. A familiar cacophony. I hide my face, squeeze my eyes closed, and wait for it to be over, 'cause there's nothing else we can do.
When the last of the gunshots die out, I slowly lift my head, peeking out from behind Jacqui, who I think is trembling.
A whole barn of sick-dead people, now laying in puddles of their own blood on the ground.
My stomach drops to my feet when the last of them staggers out.
A distant gasp, "Oh, God."
That's Sophia.
Carol's legs give out.
Rick moves to catch her.
Sophia — Or is it just the walker, now? Is that all that's left? — creeps forward in her small, blue shoes, gazing up at the sky. The feeling drains from my body. I go numb all over. This can't be real. It just can't. Everything else, yes, but not this. She noses at the air like there's a sweet scent on the breeze that only she can smell. I notice now how even walkers can have headbands in their hair, mismatched socks, bracelets their old friends gave them, a face I recognise. I notice how she's much less different than I would have imagined. Just skinnier; slower, paler. Still just a girl.
"Sophia," Carol weeps hopelessly, "Sophia."
A hic leaves my throat, then. My friend, dead. Somehow, I'd convinced myself that this one thing, out of all of it, was impossible.
How long has she been dead for? How long have we been talking about a dead girl without even knowing it?
My Dad's out there searching for her right now.
Rick hands Carol over to Andrea, and like always, steps up to do the impossible.
But this time, he almost can't do it. He tries to raise his gun, but his arm falters, and he has to look away.
I look away, too. I look at the sun, and I think about the pond. I think about how much fun we would've had there. I think about nice things.
Her body drops into the dirt with barely any sound.
Another one of our own, dead.
All Hell breaks loose after that. Happens so suddenly, I can't even tell which way is up.
Beth wrestles free from Jimmy's embrace, falling to her knees over one body in particular, one with blonde hair like hers. A few rush forward to try pull her away, a few start crying, but most do nothing. It's in this chaotic moment that Shane chooses to make his next move. A look of pure, unbridled determination on his face, he makes a beeline for me. Shuffling, arguing, but ultimately, a big hand in mine. Shane pulls me from the group and drags me away up the hill. People start to alert each other of what's happening before I can even figure it out myself. Rick runs after us, suddenly, and then Glenn, too. Then, Lori, Andrea, everyone else. We're through the gate, now, halfway across the field and nearing the car.
Wracked with sobs, I try to tug my hand out of his, shuddering hotly, "Wh—? What's goin' on? What're you doin'?!"
His grip is far too strong to escape. He doesn't answer me, doesn't even spare me a glance.
"Shane!" Rick screams, racing up the path. I can't quite tell if he's enraged or terrified. "Stop!"
We reach the car. He grabs me up off the ground, precise as a machine, and shoves me into the backseat.
"Get in the car, Harley."
I don't wanna get in the car. More than anything, I do not wanna get in the car.
He tries setting me down, but I kick, and push, and squeal against him, even beat on him, scratch his arms, anything but get in the car, but nothing stops him from pinning me to the seat. He growls at me to, Stop it, ripping the seatbelt down and over me. He locks me in with a, click.
"No!" I grunt, grabbing for the buckle, but by the time I'm free, the door is already slamming shut. It don't budge when I yank on it. "Shane!"
He rounds the car, locking the second door, and the third. He steals the map from the hood and throws himself in the driver's seat, shoving the key straight into the ignition. The engine comes to life as I climb up to the window. Rick and Glenn are running faster than I've ever seen them run, but still so far away, screaming on the top of their lungs for someone to Stop the car!
"Shane, what's goin' on?" I breathe, petrified, trying to brute force the door open again. "What're you doin'? Let me out!"
He ignores me and orders, "Put your seatbelt back on."
"No!" God damn it! Why won't this door open?! "Let me out!"
Locked in a car, engine on. This can only mean one thing.
He's leaving, and he's taking me with him.
"Put your seatbelt on, Harley!" He shouts, twisting to grab my arm, before something over my shoulder makes his eyes go wide. "Shit! Get down!"
He manages to shove my head into my lap just in time for the entire back windshield shatter all over us.
As I clutch my head, covered in hundreds of little pieces of glass that bite into my skin, Rick screams, "Don't you dare drive away, Shane!"
He must've shot the window.
"Shit," He panics, checking if I'm alright. He glances at the bullet hole in the dash before another one splits the air and hits the radio. He grips the wheel. He steps on the gas. The tyres squeal. He makes a break for the gate, driving over rocks and twigs and even someone's camping chair, which snaps under the tyres and goes flying out behind us. I scramble to look out the broken window. Rick and Glenn, who seemed like they were moving fast as the wind, are now shrinking smaller by the second. I feel my stomach shrink with 'em. They can't outrun a car. I know that, and so do they, but they don't stop for nothin', anyway. They even try shooting the tyres, but they're too difficult to hit like this.
Even after Glenn doubles over, Rick keeps on sprinting after us down the long driveway, drenched in sweat.
But even he has limits. Watching Rick Grimes succumb to exhaustion is like watching the sun stop shining, and all hope leaves me in an instant.
"God damn it!" He cries out, shrinking, shrinking, shrinking, until he's just a little speck of beige in the distance.
"No," I murmur under my breath, realizing the horror of what's just happened. Just like that, everything's been turned upside down. I swear I was standing in front of the barn just a minute ago. I sink down onto the seat, utterly stunned. With each moment that passes, the distance between us and the farm grows larger, and the chances of them finding us grows smaller. Already, I'm trying to imagine all the ways this could end, but none of them are good. I glimpse Shane's paled face in the rear-view mirror. His knuckles are white around the steering wheel. His brow, wet.
I ain't up for losin' another little girl while I'm at it. 'Specially not mine.
What do I do? What can I possibly do?
"Shane," My voice shakes, thin as paper. I don't know what I'm trying to say.
"I know." He mutters, just as shell-shocked as I am, gripping the wheel tighter. "I know. I'm... I'm gonna make this work."
Make this work? Make what work? Are we just going to keep driving until we're lost? Is that it?
He keeps on muttering, "I'm gonna make this work."
Somehow, I think that's been his mantra since the beginning.
Highway 86, Reads the big, green sign on the side of the road, 5 Miles Ahead.
Besides me on the seat, my backpack sits on top of his. 
"I'm gonna make this work."
That's where it went.
Sometime after the sun's moved halfway across the sky, Shane pulls onto the side of the road.
As he brings the car to a stop, I try not to let myself panic. I need to steel myself. I remember. Getting outta this — getting back to everyone — means I gotta be smart. I reckon we're about a day's walk from the farm, by now. I can't make that. Not alone. I don't even know where we are, what roads to take, how to get back. A map, then. I'll need a map. Shane's got one. It's laying out across the passenger seat. Maybe I could—
"I know what you're thinking." He suddenly speaks up, tone flat. He's been looking at me in the mirror, I realize. "I can't let you do it."
I try not to let my fear show on my face.
"You wanna go back." He tells me simply. "I'm not an idiot, Harley. Crazy, accordin' to Rick and all the rest of 'em... But not an idiot."
I know that. I think that's why I feel so scared right now.
I ask him, "What are we doin' here, Shane?"
"Startin' over."
"But I don't wanna start over. I want..."
I want my Dad.
He takes a minute to calm himself down, gazing out the window, at the trees. Eventually, he looks at me, again.
"You'll learn to get over it." He says. "There's a lot we can both learn to get over. But you're safer out here, with me. It's always been that way."
"What happened back there?" The barn, Sophia... "Were you always gonna do that? Were you always gonna—?"
"I was." He admits. "Since I walked into that room at the CDC, I've always known what I was gonna do. Just... Happened the wrong way, I s'pose."
I shake my head. "You ain't gonna get away with this."
"Harley," He chuckles, shrugging. "Look around. I've already 'gotten away with it'. It's already done. It's just us, now."
It's just us, now.
I look out the window. Trees, trees, and more trees, and a thin road that stretches for miles. Silence. And nobody but us.
He sees the defeat wash over me and turns to get out. "I need to clean out the glass."
He comes around to my door and helps me climb out. My feet hit the leafy ground. The breeze skirts across my skin. It would be so easy to run. But where am I meant to go? He's right. I'm safe with him. Somehow, the open air and the endless forest makes me feel more trapped than ever.
I sit on a nearby log, staring at a little beetle crawling across my boot, as he uses an old shirt to sweep out the broken glass.
Once he's done, he whistles for me. "C'mon, sweetheart. We gotta move."
We gotta move, 'cause they'll be looking for us. I let that thought calm me. It's all I have.
I get back in the car and he closes the door behind me.
Dad's gonna raise Hell when he gets back.
Author's Note.
Daryl and Harley have made up. It was time for some more drama. 😼
Don't worry, THIS IS TEMPORARY! Trust me, Daryl's not going to let this slide.
Sorry about Sophia... I know there were some of you who didn't want me to kill her off. I would've loved for her and the other kids to live long lives together, but I just couldn't do it.
Also, when I was writing the first scene, all I could think about was that episode where Daryl just walks up to Leah's cabin and throws a dead animal on her doorstep 😭 No decorum
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Again, shout out to Cora_Line99 :)
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the-blue-fairie · 1 year
for character asks I'll say Ariel, and if you've seen Strange World, Searcher? :3
I'll discuss Ariel! :)
Favorite thing about them: Favorite things about them, you mean? It's hard to confine my thoughts to just one with a character who means this much to me. I deeply relate to her sense of restless longing in Part of Your World, that sense in your life that something is off even as the world tells you otherwise, that yearning for a change even when it seems impossible. Big trans feelings there. I love her defiance, and I love that the film sympathizes with that defiance even when she makes mistakes. I love her curiosity and adventurous spirit. I love her excitement when Eric shows her around his kingdom.
Least favorite thing about them: I have an affection for Return to the Sea, even if that is largely nostalgia, and I want to say immediately that I still like the concept, but... her and Eric's handling of the whole Morgana wants to kill Melody plotline. Again, I love the basic concept of "now Ariel is in the parental role clashing with her daughter" and I feel that concept beautifully builds off her clashing with her father in the first film and I love the way Jodi Benson can convey such a sense of conflictedness and love from her tone of voice, but the basic concept gets dragged down by Disney direct to video sequel clunkiness in terms of plotting, so it makes Ariel, Eric, Triton, and everyone feel written in a contrived way.
Three things i have in common with them:
I've had a restless longing for change in my life - not because I'm literally a mermaid yearning to join the human world, but you know where I'm going here, I'm sure. :)
I have a complicated relationship with my family because of that.
I am incredibly passionate about and defensive of the things I love.
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
I cannot sing.
My hair is not as fabulous as hers.
I have never been a mermaid.
Favorite line: Ooh, this is difficult How about a few of them?
"What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?"
In two lines, they are able to set up so much, and do so in a way that truly and compassionately conveys a sense of desperation. God, I feel those words, and the way Jodi Benson sings "if I could live" and "what would I pay" is haunting, aching, beautiful.
And immediately afterward:
"Bet'cha on land they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin' Ready to stand"
People can cringe at this line all they want, but they are wrong and making jokes like "oh honey I have some news for you about the surface world" MISSES THE WHOLE POINT OF WHAT THE LYRICS ARE TRYING TO CONVEY.
I also want to say, I love the dialogue that opens Part of your World ("I just don't see things the way he does.") Both versions are great. The film has it as "If only I could make him understand," but I prefer the version you hear on audio recordings that goes, "Maybe he's right. Maybe there is something the matter with me." Because... oh, that hits a little to close to home in terms of self-hatred internalized by closeted queer folks and it hurts, but it's able to so truthfully convey the feeling.
And... "Flounder, don't be such a guppy." I just love the playful energy of her introduction and her and Flounder's rapport.
brOTP: her and Flounder, her and Urchin
OTP: her and Eric
nOTP: her and [insert any particularly incongruous character here]
Random Headcanon: With Disney characters, I sometimes weave old storybooks and games into my personal headcanons about them, so. When I was little, we had this storybook that included a bunch of different stories from Disney characters and one of them was Ariel going up to the surface and seeing the night sky for the first time. I like to think something like that happened in movie canon.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't know how unpopular it is, but considering the general public's jokes at the character's expense... my opinion is people who blame Ariel for her naivete regarding humans and do CinemaSins style "illogic" counters should point out the illogic of Triton not laying down the law to the humans about fishing, especially considering canon shows us that, with his trident, he could have done like Ursula and visited his wrath upon them, OR, if he didn't want to go full Orm, he could just make clear that there are sentient creatures within the sea. I'm just saying, you can call out the individual with way more power in this situation, as well.
And if you're going to say, well, both he and Ariel are at a disadvantage as merpeople, then maybe turn your critique to a larger discussion of why media with these hidden underwater worlds like TLM, like Aquaman, etc., all operate on this assumption that these worlds should be invisible or hidden, and what that says about filmmakers privileging the human race etc. THERE IS a compelling critique there... but people just make cheap and lazy jokes about Ariel, when Ariel is actually the one striving to engage and do something, at least.
Song i associate with them: Part of Your World and its reprise
Favorite picture of them: This picture, from the Part of Your World reprise. It's iconic for a reason. Everything building to this moment, this whole sequence, is SUBLIME. Possibly the greatest moment in Disney animation history:
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This art, by winderly:
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The picture on the Ariel's Story Studio CD-ROM because it holds a ton of nostalgia:
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Ariel on the cover of that storybook I mentioned above. I love how she and Flounder are right in the center, I love her smile and pose:
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This art from dim-draws of Halle Bailley as Ariel:
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chloe-spade · 2 years
The Little Leeches - Chapter 1: Part of that world
Jade swam after his brother, after Floyd left in such a hurry.
"Floyd..I wish that he'd understand you like I do.."He mumbles to himself, diving down to the entrance of Floyd's grotto, passageway opened. With a soft sigh, Jade enters, closing it behind him.
"I knew you'd be here," Jade sighs, seeing Floyd sitting on the floor, brushing his hair with the Dinglehopper.
Jade sat by him and held his hand out, looking at Floyd."May I?" Floyd looks and silently hands him the Dinglehopper.
"You know," Jade started, brushing Floyd's hair."He doesn't want us to get hurt. But I can also understand why you would be so curious...look at everything you collected."
Floyd looks up.
"I just..want to know why? Why oppose such amazing stuff.."
Jade smiles.
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think your collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think your the boy?
The boy who has everything?
Floyd chuckles at him. Jade swims up, taking a nearby music box.
Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here you'd think
Sure, he's got everything
Floyd follows, laughing, grabbing some of his favorite collectables. Jade knew he was cheering him up.
I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
You want thingamabobs?
I've got twenty!
Floyd looks down at the Dinglehopper in his hands. He looks around, he's happy but his heart felt empty without one thing.
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more!
Floyd leads Jade to a nearby painting of the two beautiful people dancing.
I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin'
Walking around on those, what do you call 'em?
Oh, feet!
Floyd laughs and drags Jade even higher in his cove, pulling him into a fast dance.
Flippin' your fins, you don't get too far
Legs are required for jumping, dancing
Strolling along down the, what's that word again?
Up where they walk, up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free, wish I could be
Part of that world
Floyd sinks down, taking a nearby book, but he could only think of his father and their many arguments about his dreams and hobbies, often compared to Jade when Jade was even mentioned between the two.
What would I give if I could live out of these waters?
What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Jade, as if he knew what he was thinking, swam next to him, looking at his twin with a sad smile.
Bet'cha on land they understand
Bet they don't reprimand their children
Bright young people, sick of swimmin'
Ready to stand!
Floyd immediately went through the book that he was holding in hands, his face gleaming with excitement.
And ready to know what the people know
Ask 'em my questions and get some answers
What's a fire and why does it, what's the word?
Jade was the one who pulled Floyd to a dance this time and never let go of his twin.
When's it our turn?
Wouldn't we love, love to explore that shore up above?
They looked up at a beautiful gleam of light that give their scales a glow and looked at each other.
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world..
Jade held Floyd in his brotherly embraces. "Better?"
Floyd sighs happily."I'm glad I can tell someone..someone like you, Jade."
Jade smiles more."You know I will always listen to you, even if I do disagree. Becoming a human is such an odd request. Who would have the magic-"
That's not as odd as you think. Azul is a sea warlock! He can make us human in a snap!" Floyd interrupted, immediately heading for the exit.
"He has strict rules about that, Floyd."
"He'll make an acception for us! He always done!" He zoomed away, with Jade following him on his bubble trail.
Jade sighs and follows him. "Floyd!!"
"Absolutely not!" Azul stated, after repeated attempts of Floyd asking. "It's dangerous."
"How dangerous can it be? And besides, you're my friend..."
"And as a friend, I have the right to protect you from your stupid ideas. One thing about sorcery, a deal has to be made. Also payments! Anything could be payment, and sometimes, they give you such small amounts of time." Azul sighs. "Listen Floyd, I do admire you wanting to try something new, but sea witches will take advantage of one's dreams."
Floyd nodded, seemingly understanding Azul's concerns.
"Well..when you think about it like that..that does sound pretty dumb." Floyd chuckles.
"Floyd, I mean it." Azul warned.
Jade looks up."Hey.. what are those.."
All saw, pretty big colorful lights immediately burst from above the sun.
Floyd immediately swam up, followed by Azul and Jade.
"What is that?" Jade questioned.
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broomballkraken · 7 months
Title: A Little Bit o’ Mermaid Magic Chapter 5: The Merfolk Merchant's Fair
Fandom: Octopath Traveler 2
Pairing: Osvald/Partitio
Word count: 2886
Warnings: None
Fic Summary: Osvald is rescued after his escape from prison by Partitio, a valuable and talented member of the Merfolk Merchant’s Guild.
After being nursed back to health, Osvald embarks on a journey for revenge, and fate seems to keep bringing him and Partitio together…until the day came when fate decided to stop dragging them apart.
Chapter Summary: The day of the Merfolk Merchant’s Fair had finally arrived, and Partitio was having the time of his life. Partitio didn’t think this day could get any better, until Osvald showed up, and with proof of his mission’s success.
Six months later, the day of the Merfolk Merchant’s Fair had finally arrived, and Partitio was having the time of his life.
“Thankee kindly, sir!” the seahorse merman said as he handed a man his bag of purchased goods, and took a small bag of leaves in return. The man looked absolutely thrilled as he walked back down the dock, and Partitio’s heart swelled with pride at how well the fair was going so far.
Partitio and the rest of the merfolk had set up at the Canalbrine harbor, where the humans had been kind enough to relocate their ships for the day so that the space could be used to display all of the goods for sale. His dedication to the advertising campaign seemed to have paid off, as Partitio had never seen so many humans gathered in one place before. It really was an incredible sight.
“That was a nice sale, Partitio.”
Beaming, Partitio looked up to find Roque standing on the dock, and he tipped his hat at him. “Thanks Roque! The fair is a huge hit!”
Roque chuckled as he adjusted his monocle. “I wholeheartedly agree…although, I think your father may be in over his head over there.” Partitio’s gaze followed where Roque was pointing his cane to the other side of the dock, where his pops was entertaining a crowd of very enthusiastic human scholars.
“You are a whale shark merman, correct?” one asked, and he along with several others gasped in awe as they took furious notes.
“Sure am!” Papp grinned as he rubbed at his neck over his gills, “There’s not many of us swimmin’ around anymore, and my son took after his mom, so that’s one fewer still.”
The scholars whipped their heads in Partitio’s direction when Papp pointed at him, and he gave them a sheepish wave before they turned their attention back to Papp, asking all sorts of other questions.
“So, the type of merfolk you are is determined by genetics? Fascinating!”
“How long can you stay out of water?”
“Can merfolk consume human foods without issue?”
The questions kept on coming, and Partitio sighed and shook his head. “Now wait just a minute, is Pops just gonna be goofin’ off with the scholars all day? We’re supposed to be working…”
“Oh, let him have his fun,” Roque said, tapping his cane on the dock, “This is not just a mercantile affair, after all. First and foremost, we want to bridge the gap between us and humans to foster better relations in the future.”
Partitio nodded and flicked up the brim of his hat. “Sure, sure. But he’s coverin’ for me when I wanna mingle with-” He cut himself off when something on shore caught his eye, and a warmth blossomed within his chest as he let out a relieved sigh.
Osvald was standing on shore at the end of the pier, with a smile on his face that rivaled the sunset in its beauty. It seemed that he had finally discarded his prison garb, as he was wearing a rather dashing outfit that Partitio thought he looked mighty handsome in. Next to him was a girl who had a tight hold on his hand, and Partitio assumed that she was his daughter. Osvald had managed to save her, and Partitio never doubted that he would for even a second.
Partitio watched as Osvald said something to a woman on his other side, which made Partitio frown slightly at the implications of that, and she took Osvald’s daughter’s hand and led her over to where the scholars were still gathered around his Pops. Partitio rolled his eyes; Pops was enjoying this attention a bit too much, he reckoned…
Looking back at Osvald, Partitio watched as he walked away from the busy pier and towards an empty one at the other side of the harbor, away from the crowds and prying eyes. Slapping his tail against the water in his excitement, Partitio quickly swam off towards the end of that pier, ignoring Roque’s confused shouts behind him.
Diving under the water, Partitio lined himself up with the pier before shooting off towards it, swimming up and launching out of the water when he was close enough. Partitio was happy to see that Osvald had already made it to the end of the dock, and he was even more so when Osvald caught him in his arms, spinning a bit with the momentum.
“Osvald! You made it!” Partitio laughed as he hugged him, and his cheeks flushed when Osvald’s arms tightened around him.
“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world, Partitio.” Osvald’s eyes locked with Partitio’s when he pulled away, and Partitio breath was stolen from his lungs at the fondness that he found in his beautiful eyes.
“And you saved your daughter!” Partitio said when he found his voice, and when Osvald set him down on the edge of the dock, he took his hand in his, “I’m so happy for ya!”
Osvald gave his hand a squeeze as he sat down next to him. “I did. It was dangerous business, but I managed to defeat Harvey.”
“Tell me all about it!”
Partitio listened intently as Osvald regaled him with the tale of Elena’s rescue and Harvey’s defeat. He was happy to hear that Elena was unharmed, and that she was slowly regaining her memories and finally recognized Osvald as her father, and that brought happy tears to his eyes.
“...and my research assistant, Clarissa, has been an invaluable help to the both of us throughout this difficult adjustment period.”
“Oh, your research assistant?” Partitio tried not to sound so relieved, but he was thrilled to hear that was all she was to him. Osvald stared at him for a moment, causing Partitio’s cheeks to flush pink, and he brought a hand to his face and cleared his throat.
“W-Well, I’m glad it all worked out for ya, partner.”
“Yes, but…” Osvald’s gaze locked with Partitio’s and he smiled. “I know that I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish what I did without your unwavering support. Even though you were not by my side, I knew in my heart that you were wishing me well all this time.”
“Aw, shucks…” Partitio said, sniffing as he rubbed at his eyes, clearing away his unshed tears, “I’d do it again, and so much more if ya asked me too.”
Osvald chuckled, and his eyes went wide as he reached into his coat pocket, and Partitio tilted his head with an eyebrow raised when Osvald pulled out the silver coin that he had given him the last time they met.
“Ah, right. Here, I can give this back now.” He held it out, but Partitio just smiled and shook his head.
“Naw, I want you to keep it! Think of it as your very own supply of mermaid magic.” Partitio laughed, but it trailed off when he saw the oddly serious look on Osvald’s face.
“ Hmm…” Osvald tucked the coin away again and tapped his chin. “Well then, I still need to repay you somehow. How about… this? ”
“ You really don’t need to-” Partitio started, but he found it hard to protest further with Osvald’s lips pressed against his own. The rest of his words turned into a startled squeak in his throat, and his heart was beating so fast that he thought it might burst from his chest. Osvald was… kissing him???
Osvald pulled away from the stunned Partitio, frowning. “Partitio, did I do something wro-” He was cut off this time when Partitio grabbed his face and smashed their lips together once again. However, in his haste, he managed to lose his balance and slip off of the dock, dragging Osvald with him, and they both plunged into the cold water.
“Osvald!” Partitio broke the surface in a panic, quickly locating Osvald and grabbing him and then his own hat. He was relieved to see that Osvald managed to hang on to his glasses, and Partitio gently pushed his soaking wet hair out of his face. “S-Sorry, are ya alright?”
Gripping Partitio's shoulders as he tread water, Osvald blinked owlishly a few times, before he burst out laughing so hard that tears were running down his face by the time be composed himself.
Osvald gazed at Partitio with a fondness in his eyes that gave him pause. “This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘falling for someone,’ you know.”
Gawking at him, Partitio snorted and took his turn to have a laughing fit. Osvald’s laughter joined his, and when they both recovered, their eyes met, and soon after their lips followed suit.
“Osvald…” Partitio whispered when they parted, “I love you.”
“I know.”
Partitio shot him a dubious look, but his eyes slowly went wide with realization, and his face flushed a bright red as he sheepishly rubbed at his neck.
“Back in the Riverlands…You were awake for that?”
“Then that means…”
Osvald let out a light chuckle and nodded. “Yes, I was awake when I said I love you.”
“Well, shoot,” Partitio said, winking as he pressed his forehead against Osvald’s, “I’m sure glad that I didn’t spill any super important mer secrets then!”
“What if you had?”
Partitio’s tongue poked out from between his lips and a cheeky grin crossed his face. “Hehe, well, then I’d have to silence you.”
“How?” Osvald brushed the back of his fingers over Partitio’s cheek, and Partitio tilted his head slightly so that their noses brushed, and Partitio’s lips grazed Osvald’s as he spoke.
“ Like… this. ”
Partitio kissed him again, this time deeper, more passionate , and he smiled against Osvald’s lips when he moved one arm to Partitio’s waist, pulling him closer. He tried to concentrate on keeping them both afloat, but that was turning out to be quite a challenge, especially when Osvald’s tongue found its way into his mouth…
“Hoo-eey! You gonna put on a show for the entire fair, Partitio?”
Partitio jerked away from Osvald, but was quick to grab back onto him to help keep him afloat. He looked up at the dock to find Papp sitting on it, a knowing grin on his face as his tail dipped into the water and flicked water in Partitio’s direction. Roque was standing next to him, letting out a deep sigh as he shook his head and tapped his cane against his palm.
“Shucks, pops, how’d ya manage to get away from all those scholars?” Partitio asked, sneaking a glance at Osvald, who was staring at Papp with a curious glint in his eye.
Papp barked out a laugh and shrugged. “Oh, it was pretty easy, considerin’ none of them can breath underwater. But, don’t change the subject, little minnow. You never told me you had a sweetheart.”
Partitio blushed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “W-Well, it kinda just happened, Pops…”
“Well, get ‘im out of the water before he catches cold, and we can have a proper introduction.”
“Oh!” Partitio gasped and looked to Osvald, who chuckled and let Partitio pull him towards the dock. “Sorry Osvald, I, uh, got lost in the moment there…”
“It’s fine. I was…kept sufficiently warm.” Osvald winked at Partitio before taking Roque’s offered hand so that he could pull him onto the dock. Partitio’s face grew hot, and he couldn’t stop a goofy grin from crossing his face as he pulled himself up as well.
“Hoo boy, my son really got you nice and soaked.” Papp glanced at Partitio with an eyebrow raised, and he helped Osvald take off his coat while Roque handed him a few towels.
“Thank you,” Osvald said as he started to towel himself dry, and Roque offered him a nod in response.
“Well shoot, I didn’t expect my boy to bring a human home to me! He must take after me more than I thought.” Papp chuckled as he jabbed his elbow against Roque’s legs, and he got an eye-roll in response.
“Ugh, Pops,” Partitio said, sticking his tongue out at him, “You’re embarrassin’ me.”
Papp chose to ignore Partitio, and instead turned to Osvald, offering him his hand. “The name’s Papp, and you are?”
“Osvald,” he said, smiling as he took Papp’s hand and gave it a shake, “A pleasure to meet you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine! I’d love to sit down and have a drink with ya, but that’ll have to wait until the fair’s done with.” Papp looked up at Roque and he nodded before walking down the pier towards shore. “You’ve still got some work to do, little minnow, so don’t dally too much here.” Papp shot Partitio a wink before diving into the water and swimming back to the heart of the fair.
“Is your father…a whale shark merman?” Osvald asked, his mouth slightly agape as he watched Papp swim off, and Partitio snickered as he slapped a hand to Osvald’s shoulder.
“Sure is! Comes from a pretty rare line of merfolk. Makes me glad that I took after my ma in that regard,” Partitio said with a shrug, “I don’t think I could handle being ganged up on by those scholars like that, and I get enough attention as it is...”
Partitio watched as Osvald tugged at his beard, his eyebrows knitting as if deep in thought, and Partitio placed a quick kiss on his cheek. “Don’t worry, darlin’! I’m sure he wouldn’t mind answerin’ questions from you, considerin’ you’re my sweetheart and all.”
“I’d like that, if you, er, really think he won’t mind,” Osvald blushed as he adjusted his glasses, and Partitio nodded vigorously.
“I’m sure he-”
Partitio’s eyes widened as he turned to see Elena running towards them, and Osvald quickly moved to catch her as she stumbled on a few uneven planks.
“Careful, dear. Don’t fall now,” Osvald said, and she smiled and took his hand, “Where’s Clarissa?”
“Sorry, Papa! Lady Clarissa wanted to talk to some merfolk scholars, so I came to find you.”
“You really shouldn’t just run off on her like that…” Osvald’s words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as Elena had turned her attention to Partitio, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity.
Partitio beamed at her and ruffled her hair. “Howdy there, Elena! My name’s Partitio.”
“Nice to meet you, Partitio!” Elena said, and she averted her gaze as she worried her bottom lip between her teeth, before her eyes met Partitio’s and a shy smile crossed her face, “Um, can I touch your tail?”
“You sure can!” Partitio grinned as he uncurled the end of his tail, and Elena’s eyes went wide as she ran her hand over the hard yellow skin.
“Wow, fascinating…” she mumbled, her brow scrunching up as she rubbed at her chin; she was definitely Osvald’s daughter.
“Partitio! Get over here and work your mercantile magic already!”
Partitio heard Papp’s voice carry over the sounds of the fair, and he let out a sigh and turned to Osvald. “I gotta get back to work.”
“ Shall I carry you over there?” Osvald asked, and Partitio beamed as he nodded in response. Sure, it would be faster to just swim over, but as Osvald gathered him into his arms, Partitio decided that he much preferred this method of transportation.
“Oooh, Papa, I wanna show you some cool books I saw!” Elena said, and she took off down the pier again.
“Be careful!” Osvald called after her, and he let out a deep sigh as she continued running.
“She’s a good kid, sweetheart,” Partitio said, cupping his face and placing a quick kiss onto his lips, “And she’s got a damn good papa.”
“Thank you, love,” Osvald said as he carried Partitio towards shore, “Partitio, do you have any immediate plans after the fair.”
Partitio hummed as he tapped at his chin. “Well, I’ll be here for a few more days, as we’ve got trade deals in the works with some human merchants, but after that I reckon I could take some well-deserved downtime.”
“I see…” Osvald hummed and his arms tightened around Partitio. “Then, would you like to come to Conning Creek? I think it would be beneficial to have a proper conversation about our relationship, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind!” Partitio blurted out, and he rubbed at the back of his neck when Osvald laughed, “I’m really looking forward to what the future holds for us, Osvald.”
“Me too, Partitio.”
Partitio’s eyes locked with Osvald’s, and their lips met in another kiss. When Partitio had rescued this odd human floating in the middle of the sea on a boat made of ice, he never would have imagined falling in love with him. But now that Partitio was here, cradled in that very same human’s arms, he thought that his heart might burst from the amount of love that he held in his heart for Osvald, and he had a feeling that Osvald felt the very same way.
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Enhypen current energies - shufflemancy reading
♡ Shufflemancy reading - 26/02/22
Disclaimer: I’m a beginner with tarot and my readings could be correct and could be not. I am still learning so please take everything with a grain of salt. These readings are for fun and for entertainment purposes only <3
This is all alleged. I don’t want to hurt any idol or send them hate.
End game - Taylor Swift
I wanna be your end game (End game) I wanna be your first string (Wanna be your first string) I wanna be your A-Team (A-Team) I wanna be your end game, end game
Heesung has been in a long-term relationship. His goal is to be with that person forever. Like Bonny and Clyde, they are destined to be with each other. But the other person has to be more communicative of their feelings.
Pieces - Des Rocs
And I hope you know They were talking about us And I hope you know That it's all too much for me
Okay, who is breaking Jay's heart? Someone had the power to destroy Jay inside out. They were the power couple who shined and blinded people's eyes but that faded away. Jay still had melancholy of those memories.
Rules - Doja Cat
Said play with my pussy, but don't play with my emotions (Emotions) If you spend some money then maybe I just might fuck ya (Fuck ya) When I shake that ass, I'ma do that shit in slow motion (Motion) You got a whole lotta cash, and nigga, you know I want it (Want it)
Jake has been manipulated too. He prefers someone to use him for sex than someone who plays his feelings. Gold diggers are after him.
American money - BØRNS
So take me to the paradise In your eyes Green like American money You taste just right Sweet like Tennessee honey And we can run away Swimmin' in the sunlight every day Oh, paradise in your eyes Green like American money
This guy is in love with a foreigner. They could be American but the feature that stands out is their green eyes. Sunghoon is mesmerized by their beauty, he never saw someone like them. It's the opposite compared to Korean beauty standards. And probably their relationship went to the next level.
Just smile - Gamper & Dadoni
Just smile, just smile Just smile, just smile Just smile, just smile Just smile, why-I-I just smile Why-I-I just smile, just smile Just smile, just smile
Jungwon is a happy person but lately feels like he is faking his happiness for his own sanity. Just to prove that he is a happy and cute person. :/ This changes hopefully so not to worry about.
Sunday morning - matoma
I've been wrestling with the darkness Searching for a light switch Tell me can you help me get through? I've been trying to find a reason Drowning in the deep end Can you tell me what I should do?
Sunoo has been feeling depressed lately, difficult to get out of his own head. He will get the help needed from the company and the group, this is only temporary, please.
Love of your life - Raye
But I could be the love, be the love, be the love Be the love of your life I could bе the love, be thе love, be the love Be the love of your life I could be the light, be the light, be the light When you turn off the lights, good god I could be the love, be the love, be the love Be the love of your life
This song came up twice, from NCT DREAM reading too, Jisung is so cute. Well, Niki has been having a crush on a certain person, and he can be clingy. He needs time with this person to see if the connection works out at the end. Being an idol and having a relationship is difficult is hard.
This changes over time. Everyone has free will and vibrations change. Hope you like this reading <3
© rights reserved to timetraveldystopia
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You’re my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt13
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. Heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10 Pt11 Pt12
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature, Suggestive content.
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The two snap out of their feral state by Levi’s scream, they turn towards Levi and shock to what they saw.
“Leviathan!?!, put that book down now!!”
You felt like something is missing next to you. Confuse you try to search it with hand but all you can feel was coins and clothing. You open your eyes to see that Mammon was gone.
You push yourself up and look around to see at no one is in the cavern with you.
“Hello?” slowly got to your feet and wander towards the mouth of the cavern, then you heard a voice call out to you, startling you.
You look up to see Beel looking at you.
“Your awake!” He flew down and immediately engulf you in a bear hug. “We were so happy to find you and Mammon, we didn’t stop looking ever since you two left.”
That feeling again, just came back. The feeling of guilt.
“Sorry to make you all worried”
He chuckles and tells you that breakfast is ready, you nodded and quickly flew out of the cavern and landed near the campfire where everyone is there and greets you.
“Ah…. Good morning, I guess?” once Beel let you go, Asmo was the first one to pounce at you and start rubbing his face to yours as he dramatically starts sobbing. After a moment of fake crying pulled away and cup your face and squishing it. “Look at you, a week of no shower or bath. *Gasp* a week wouldn’t be enough fix you and not to mention all the lost time we have make up since you and Mammon vanish”
You felt your chest tight, just hearing anything about casino and “running away” you feel guilt building up. You want to change the subject.
“I know, I look like I came from a post-apocalyptic game” you were hoping for Levi to jump in, to make one of his game/anime references. But you met was a confuse look from Asmo and Beel. And a dull look from Belphie and doubtfully look from Satan.
“If you look for Levi, he not here. He and Lucifer followed Mammon to who’s knows where” Satan broke the awkward silence.
“Ugh, Mammon is in a bad mood this morning, all though he did lighten up when I mention that you were sleeping…...what have you two been doing for the past week” Asmo grins and playfully bounce his brows up and down. Clearly thinking some private thoughts that Belphie are not to please to hear this early in the morning, he glared at him to stop with the “Asmo speech” but the fifth just wave his hand at him to stop his feeble attempt to scare him.
“Asmo how could I do it with him, when his three times bigger, and that his…... I don’t know a crow monster!”
“You said that his “Three times” bigger. Then that means his- OW!?! Satan the fuck that was for!” Satan smack him at the back of the head to cut that discussion short. He hisses at Satan, who just flash a fake smile at him, you chuckle at the Fourth and Fifth interaction.
“Anyway, why was Mammon in a bad mood?”
“I was just cleaning tail feathers, when squawk at me. I was just trying to help him”
You couldn’t say it out loud but every time you ask Mammon about his brothers, he just stay silent and turn his head away from you, like he didn’t want to hear about them.
Its like before the week you to left, Mammon starts too distant himself from them. As if he was irritated to be in the same room with them.
You felt your hands turning colder, as your heart start to beat fast. The guilt is killing you; all this happen because of you.
“I’m sorry…... this all my fault.” All of them turn and look at with a confuse look on their face. Satan was the first one to asks.
“What do you Mean?”
“……Mammon wasn’t the one who want to go to the casino……. I was”
It was a quiet night at the house, too quiet Mammon wasn’t his cheerful attituded that night even though it was Saturday night he tends to be at the casino by this time but he wasn’t feeling it.
You were at the couch in his room, doing some reading about the demon king and his time ruling for a report you’re doing.
While Mammon is laying at his bed looking at the ceiling with both arms under his head.
“Maybe we can play with Levi, he said that there was devil kart update last week”
“Nah, I’m not in the mood video games right now” he sounds tired and uninterested like all the passion in him is gone.
“Mammon” call to him in low tone and a slight worried, stood up and walk over to the bed and sat next to him. “Are you okay, did Lucifer or the others~”
“No, its….” He tilts his head and landed his sight on you “I think, I’m losing interest in cards”
“What? But you’re the sin of greed how are you losing interest in cards?” he sat up and look at the table by the couch with a stack of playing cards on it
“I don’t know…… it does excite or thrill me like it use to, maybe it has to do of me being in a slump lately. I mean babe, I lose all the rounds last week and all my cash in my pocket…... I think I’m losing my spark”
He lay back down to bed and turn to face away from you, not knowing what to do.
You hate seeing him like this, somehow its Mammon depress like this, just crush your heart. He always lively cheerful, full of himself, cocky and arrogant that why you love him. Even he does stupid and dumb things for cash. He is the light of this house and his brothers they just don’t want to admit it.
Then suddenly you thought of something to help your boyfriend, you lay beside him and start kissing him on the back of his neck.
“Babe, I’m not in the mood for sex”
“Oh……... I’m just doing this to grab your attention” you said it in a playful tone.
He turns you and with a pout “What are you gettin’ at?”
“Well….” You start playing with his hair “I have a couple of friends back in the human world that was in same state as you are right now”
“Yeah…... yer point?”
“Their solution is to change it”
“Okay now, I’m more confuse”
“You been playing poker and other card games normal and/or cheating” he looks at you narrow bows and his pout is even more sour, and you just chuckle and ruffle his hair. “You got used to it, and eventually the game got dull. So, I should come and play with you and make things interesting”
“You don’t like gambling, I’m even surprise that yer dating me”
“You know why I choice you right!” he turns away to hide his blush.
“Get to the point” he’s getting fluster, you try your best not tease him any farther.
“Yeah, I don’t like gambling…… but people change their mind about things and I want you to teach me how” you can see his face change into something to what his usual expression is.
“Yer tell me, that ya want the great Mammon to teach ya how to play and win”
You pulled out a grimm out of your pocket and show it to Mammon “I want more of this to buy something” you said like you’re making a deal with a devil. And his liking it.
“Go on……” he fixes himself in a sitting position with his hand under chin as you continue on to all the things you want to buy and other activities that you can only do with grimms. The longer you go on, the cocky grin on his face grow. He loves this feeling you indulging in his sin, what he saw is a wave of aura that he is the only one can see, surround you and your pact mark glows.
But to you you’re just talking about thing you want to buy; you know Mammon just love listening to you talk about things like this.
After all of that, Mammon jumps off the bed and turn to face you with his chest puff up.
“We’re not sleepin’ tonight, cause baby I’m teach ya all the tricks and cheats of this. By this time tomorrow we’ll be swimmin’ in grimms”
You smiled back at him, happy to bring back his spirit again “Can’t wait”
“After that, we spend all night playing cards until I memorize all cards in the deck. And we spend the nights at casino after casino earn wins and having fun…... until the Basto thing happen”
“So, you let yourself get too greedy and try to cheat for the thrill” Satan said with a stern tone. All you can do is nodded and try not to cry.
“I though changing things up and making them more exciting for him, will help get out of his slump…. But I didn’t want him to get all the blame and blame himself for me getting hurt” you start to sob and let the tears fall as you hold the case which should be off of you by now close to your chest.
Satan sigh and crouch right Infront of you and start talking.
“That was stupid and reckless of you, to act like Mammon, knowing that you’re playing a dangerous with powerful demons for the thrills” you nod as Satan continues “But what’s done is done, once this all over you and I are going to have a long talk” Satan pause for a moment and grab your case arm and looked at it and saw the writing in gold ink.
“But you shouldn’t blame yourself for Mammon hating himself for you getting hurt” he taps the case and it broke apart surprising you as you bend your wrist feeling free from it.
“Because this is what you are to him” he grabs a piece of the case of the floor, he gently grabs your hand and place the case on it revealing the piece is with writing My Treasure with the scribble of a feather next to it.
Your eyes widen and you looked up to met Satan’s eyes, he smiled back at you.
“Mammon loves you, if guns work on demons, he would’ve jump Infront of the bullet for you without a second though. Mammon is dumb but…...” he trails off and wipe the tears of your cheek. “His heart is in the right place”
“Satan’s right” Asmo fixes your hair “We make of Mammon from time to time, because his easy to tease. That’s goes to Levi with his obsession with his hobby, Satan’s with cats” Asmo can feel Satan glaring at him. “Beel with his eating, and Belphie with his laziness” Asmo pause for a moment remembering all the time Mammon and he were clubbing, and how he teases him on winning you, and boasting about in that was the best out of the seven of them to choose to be with. Sure, he was jealous all of them are, but seeing him happy like that and happy being with you. He couldn’t to smile and be proud of Mammon.
“We all care and love him, even these heartless demons won’t say anything” Both Satan and Belphie frown and look away from Asmo, who he and Beel chuckle of their brothers attempt to hide their emotion.
“Thanks…. All of you, I feel so much better”
“I’m glad, now let’s eat”
“Yes” without hesitation Beel start stuffing his face with the food he and Asmo has been cooking
“Make sure you save some for the three, we wouldn’t want to be in their bad side, if they came back hungry and expecting food waiting for them.” Belphie tells the others, and thinking what taking the older brothers too long to get back.
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someplace new
Summary: "There's a whole world out there for us! There are cold and shallow seas! There are deep seas with strange creatures and seas with mounds of earth that spit out water! There are huge coral reefs and fish of all colors and seas with the bones of enormous ships lying in the sand!"
She was not a friendly creature, Bucky thought of the siren he had recently acquainted himself with. She preferred to spend her days swimming and singing her song for any human that she could entrap. She could dive into deeper waters than Bucky, who hated her whenever she left him alone for even a moment. Mer were never alone, and it was a difficult adjustment for Bucky. He was used to sleeping next to his brothers or hunting with his father. His The siren preferred to hunt alone, and whenever Bucky tried to sleep next to her, she would wiggle away. Touching was a different issue altogether. She swam away anytime that Bucky would even brush against her. That was difficult too. Bucky was used to touch and being touched by his pod mates. It must have been a lonely life to be a siren. Although she sure was a remarkable thing, Bucky couldn't deny that. The lights that glowed from her at nighttime drew him in, and he was beginning to see why it was easy for human males to fall under her spell. She was beautiful in a terrifying way that thrilled Bucky to his very being. Her claws and teeth were much sharper than his, and her tailfin moved like that of a shark. Her eyes were too big for her pretty face. She rarely spoke, but when she did, Bucky yearned.
They had been together for two months now. Bucky was unable to leave her nor coax her to come with him back to his pod. She was continuing to starve; he could see it. Fish didn't satiate her in the way they did him. Bucky's worry rapidly increased day by day as he watched her grown gaunt, and her skin turned hazy blue rather than silvery grey.
"You okay?" he asked her one night as she swam underneath him, singing in frustration.
"No," she said.
"Will ya come back up for a minute? I wanna talk to you about somethin.'"
"Just for a sec. Please, my pretty one?" Bucky whined. "I miss ya."
"I am hunting."
"It's been two tides. You've been swimmin' down there in the dark for ages."
He heard her sigh:
"I will be up soon."
After that, Bucky heard no more from her. He floated aimlessly amongst a school of bluefish tuna as he waited, rehearsing what he would say once she was next to him again. He was going to propose that they move to a new destination. A destination where Bucky was sure humans would be more readily available for her consumption. He knew of a great many places in the seas of the world where no siren had ever been spotted. The humans of this area knew of something evil that lurked in the waters around their town. They'd heard her calls, saw the blood in the water, mourned those that became her victims. She had been here too long, and the humans were growing more innovative every day. Once they moved on, Bucky was sure she would find willing prey.
It seemed to take her ages to swim upwards. Bright pinpricks of white light were what finally caught Bucky's attention. He waited as she rose through the water, her tail swishing lazily. Once in a brighter part of the water, she opened her eyes, squinting as she tried to adjust. Like most deep-sea creatures, she had no use for eyes. Unlike most deep-sea creatures, however, she had the distinct advantage of having them and the ability to keep them closed unconsciously in some way that Bucky didn't know. It was daytime, and Bucky watched as her lights dimmed and flickered under the weak sunlight. As soon as she was near enough, Bucky swam straight through the school of tuna to meet her.
"Anythin'?" he asked.
"No," she said. Her skin looked bluer than ever.
Bucky took a deep breath. "So, I was thinking, and you can tell me to back off if I'm bein' dumb, but I was thinkin' that you're starvin.' It's been weeks since you've had a decent meal an' months since you've even caught a human, which isn't your fault. I just think they know what hangs out around here, an' I know that other sirens have other territories around this area, so I was thinkin' what if we went somewhere else?"
"Somewhere else?"
"Yeah, not this spot, not even this sea."
She looked confused. "There are other seas?"
"Oh," he said because he wasn't expecting her not to know. "Yeah, there are plenty. There's a whole other world out there."
"I have never been anywhere else."
"Would ya like to?"
"I do not know."
Bucky held out his hand. "Will you come with me?"
She went quiet, thinking about his offer for so long that Bucky became restless again. (Mer, unlike sirens, were very impatient creatures). He flicked his tail in irritation, trying to get her to hurry up. Finally, she agreed.
"Yes," she said.
Overwhelmed with delight, Bucky did several unique spins, flipping his hair and showing off his tail in a futile attempt to impress her. She watched him impassively. She was either oblivious or unconcerned with his courtship display; Bucky could not tell which. But no matter. He was taking her away from this place, and they'd live together for the rest of their days! He'd find her shiny things and make a permanent home for her on a bed of the softest kelp, and the warmest sand Bucky could find! Then when the time was right, he would offer her his shell, and they would mate under the golden light of the sun! It was bliss.
"Where are we going?" she asked as they began to swim.
"Anywhere we want! We got a whole world to explore! There are cold seas, shallow and deep seas, and seas with huge mounds of earth that spit out the hottest water! There are huge coral reefs and fish of all colors! There are seas with the bones of enormous ships lying in the sand too!" Bucky said excitedly. "Where d'you wanna go first?"
"Wherever there are humans."
"There are humans everywhere."
"Then it is your choice."
"There is a sea that mer call inhospitable 'cause, we say, the deeper you go, the harder it is to breathe. There are fragments of ships down at the bottom."
Bucky observed her, noticing as some feeling or thought he had never seen before appeared in her eyes. Then, much to his surprise, she smiled. Her lips twisted strangely around her teeth like she had forgotten how to do it, but it was, indeed, a smile. Bucky should have been petrified at how many deadly teeth she seemed to possess, but he wasn't. She was stunning, and Bucky reveled at the sight of her. He itched to get her into a cave, just the two of them. He would bring her shiny things, and she would look at him the way she was now.
"The ships," she said decisively, noticing how strange she sounded.
She realized that this was the first decision (that had nothing to do with hunting) she had made in a while. It made her feel wrong in a way that she could not explain. She wanted to see other places. She was curious, but why was she feeling that way? Was the sway of this beautiful mer already getting to her? Impulsively, as though her body was not her own, she brushed her hand against his just as he did when they first met. She felt his eyes on her but kept hers straight ahead, determined not to look at him. Their hands were still touching, and then he coiled his fingers around hers.
"The water over there is much colder," Bucky said softly, not wanting to scare her with his voice and have her pull her hand away. "An' the salinity is a bit different. Just let me know if you feel weird or anythin', alright?"
"Yes," she answered. Her hand stayed in Bucky's hand. "How long?"
"Few days. I can't swim as fast as you."
She nodded, saying nothing, which was how they spent the next three hours. Bucky continued prattling on, pointing out this thing and that thing. He told her about his little sister Rebecca and his best friends, Steve and Sam. He regaled her in fantastic stories of their adventures and misdeeds in protecting the pod. Mer tended to embellish such tales, and Bucky was no exception as he crafted a story about him fighting off a giant sea monster single-handedly. As he told the tale, he noticed her looking at him dubiously.
"What?" Bucky asked.
"Such a creature cannot exist," she said.
"A Cthulu can't exist?"
"Yes. A creature shaped like a human and an octopus, with the wings of a dragon? What is a dragon, anyway?" she asked.
That was the longest string of words she had said to Bucky in days. He was elated.
"A huge, serpent-like creature that spits fire," he said.
"No creature that lives can breathe fire."
"Humans say we don't exist," Bucky said. "Are ya callin' me a liar?"
She shrugged. "I am not sure what that means."
"Fine, fine, you got me. It was a giant squid."
"I see."
"I did get suckered pretty hard, though," said Bucky, puffing out his chest in pride. "I got the scars to prove it. Ma was scared when I came back all bloody."
"Ma?" she asked.
"My mother."
"You have a mother?"
Bucky nodded. "'Course, everything does."
"I do not."
"But you had one once, right?"
"What was she like?" Bucky asked eagerly.
Her lips parted, and she took a deep breath.
"She… She tried to protect me from the human men at first. But they took what they wanted from me and left me to drown. I remember dying and hearing her tell me to be brave and believe in the sea. The Gods blessed me, and I was reborn."
"Oh, I- I had no idea; I'm so sorry I brought it up," Bucky stammered, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. His poor, sweet siren. She had been through so much.
"I do not remember her."
Again, they drifted into silence. Bucky was upset when she slid her hand from his and began drifting downward into deeper water, where he could not follow. He wanted to beg for her to come back. He didn't mean to talk about such things; he had simply been eager to hear more about her! Knowing what he knew now, he felt anger wash over him. How dare those raiders act that way? What kind of creatures were the humans that did such awful things? Despicable is what they were! They were nothing more than- than- phytoplankton! Small, insignificant cowards that did not care who they hurt! Damn them!
"Are those men still alive?" he spat angrily.
"I killed them," she replied from underneath him.
"I'd kill their descendants if I could."
"Whaddya mean why? Nothin' hurts you! Anythin' hurts you again; you tell me an' I'll kill it, you hear me?" Bucky snarled.
From the deep, she began to sing. It was a new song, one Bucky had never heard from her, and he stopped his ranting to listen. It washed over him, replacing the anger with quiet peace, and oh. She was reassuring him in the best way that she knew how. Warmth bloomed in Bucky's chest, and he felt his face heating for an entirely different reason. She was trying to thank him. He wondered if she knew it too. Bucky smiled, glancing below him to watch as she rose back up to join him.
She continued to sing, taking his hand once again. Once her song was over, and without even thinking about it, Bucky thrust his hand into the pouch tied around his waist.
"Here," he said, shoving his mating shell into her hand, his belly reddening.
"What for?"
Bucky froze, scrambling for a false explanation. Because, just his luck, she had no idea what he had been trying to convey to her. He was too embarrassed to tell her the truth. It hadn't even been three months, and he was already prepared to settle down with her!
"Er, uh, w-well, I told ya that a pretty thing needs pretty things, right? I, uh, I found it an' thought you, er, deserved it? Yeah, I thought you deserved it."
"It is very shiny. Thank you, Bucky."
She rarely said his name. Bucky had fallen hard if only hearing her say his damn name was driving him nuts. He could feel his stomach heating the longer she looked at him. He wiggled a little bit at her stare. She raised a confused eyebrow, looking like she wanted to ask questions Bucky wasn't ready to answer. Instead, he lifted her hand to his lips, flipped it over, and kissed her palm. They both stopped swimming.
"Oh," she said. "A kiss? "
"Mhm," said Bucky, boldly wrapping his tail around hers. "A kiss."
"May I give one back?"
She lifted Bucky's hand to her lips and pressed her mouth to the back of it. Her teeth bit into his skin. Bucky winced.
"No, like this, with no teeth," he explained kindly, showing her.
She curled her lips entirely over her teeth and mashed her mouth against Bucky's hand.
"No, not quite. Tilt your head a little an' put your lips like this, see?" said Bucky.
With immense concentration, she tilted her head and fixed her lips, kissing Bucky just right. He couldn't help the shiver that raced down his spine, even though the kiss was only on his hand.
"Good," he said weakly. "Perfect. "
"I am hungry." She was unruffled.
"Wait! Usually, a kiss is on the mouth, remember?"
Bucky's tail tightened around hers, and he pressed their chests together. His hand darted out, and he tenderly cupped her cheek, being careful of her lure. Her skin was hard as a handful of gold coins and twice as beautiful. He watched as she followed his lead, hesitant in her motions.
She wasn't used to touching, but she didn't mind it so much when it was this mer. His skin was soft where she touched his cheek and pressed her thumb into the divet in his chin. She knew her flesh was hard, and she wondered if he hated the feeling of it. Before she could pull away, Bucky kissed her. She stiffened before she relaxed under his lips, following his lead until she felt warm from head to tailfin.
Bucky wasn't faring much better. He was glad that the water was cold and that her attention was somewhere else because his belly was so warm that he was sure it was flashing a bright red. He made a soft noise and melted in her arms. She was a swift learner, the smart thing that she was. Bucky nibbled at her bottom lip and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He found out quite quickly that, just like a shark, she did not have a tongue. It was a strange sensation, kissing a creature without a tongue in her mouth, but Bucky quickly got used to it. He found out that she liked to nip when she caught his tongue between her sharp teeth. Bucky groaned, winding his arms around her and biting her back. Eventually, they broke apart and looked at each other.
"Wow," said Bucky, swooning.
"A kiss, yes?" she asked.
"Yeah. Yes, that was a kiss. Goddamn, you learn fast."
He hadn't let her go. He couldn't let her go, not after that. She was already free of his embrace, although she kept hold of his hand, which was a start.
"Are you hungry?" she asked, sounding nervous.
Confused, Bucky nodded.
"Can I help?"
"Yes," she agreed, tugging him behind her. "Come. "
Following right behind her, Bucky became lost in thought. He may have acted rashly by giving her his shell, but now he was confident that she was the one for him. Still, he had no idea how even to broach such a topic. Did she know what mating was? Was she willing to spend the rest of her days with him? He thought it was not the best time to ask and instead followed behind her, eager to watch her in action.
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dovenymph · 3 years
solar power
authors note: this was inspired by @peterparkers-bad-youtube-apology’s summer of love prompt list💛💛
prompts used: someones hammock nap getting interrupted // "If you untie my bikini top again I'll kill you." & “I don’t know how to swim”
find my masterlist here
word count: 1.5k
warnings: fluff, suggestiveness
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arvin enjoyed being at your house
he really enjoyed it for a number of reasons:
one, youre there. and anywhere you are, seemed like the best place for him to be.
secondly, your folks had a pool put in. arvin knew your family weren’t the richest people in town, but it was still a topic of conversation amongst the most town members for at least two weeks once the contractors were seen going in and out of the backyard.
but most of all, he liked going because of your hammock. you had set up a hammock for arvin in your backyard after the two of you started dating. last summer when he was doing some work for your neighbor, you invited him over for some lemonade… which became a daily date between the two of, everyday at 5 o clock, he’d sit at your kitchen table with a tall glass in one hand and whatever left overs you had in a container in the other.
until one day, he was wiping his hands across his forehead, the slickness of it making his stomach churn, he really needed to cool off. he strolled in through your front door, expecting to see you already sitting at the table, but the kitchen was empty. “y/n, darling? y’home?” he called out, heart slightly deflating at the chance that he missed you. your casual conversations were the highlight of his day, even if you both just sat in the others silence, minds too frantic to even try and make small talk, just your presence brought him comfort.
“out here, arv!” he faintly heard you call out to him and his head snapped to the back door. pushing it open, he saw you had set up a pitcher of lemonade and a roast beef sandwich on the little seating area you had outside. and you, you were shoulders deep in the pool. arvin’s jaw dropped a little at the sight, realization washing over him that he’s never actually seen you use it before. and now here you were, coated in crystal clear water, details of your modest, mint green two piece reflecting off the surface, hair slicked back, your entire face unobstructed by any flyaways. you were beautiful.
while arvin not so subtlety ogled you, you took the chance to give him the once over. his outfits never really varied from day to day, always some variation of work jeans and a shirt he didn’t mind getting dirty. but today, his jeans seemed tighter than usual, hugging his thighs in all the right places, and his plain white tee stretched across the expanse of his back. he seemed tired, the sweat glistening off his forehead. the idea of inviting him in struck your mind.
“what’ya doin’ in there, hon?” he asked and you giggled at him.
“i’m swimmin’ silly! it’s much too hot today not to.”
“thought you forgot about me.”
“i could never! i just set it up out here so we could enjoy it and maybe, if you want, you could come for a swim? t-to beat the heat, y’know?”
arvin saw how your cheeks flushed and he knew it wasn’t from the sun. he’d been observing your mannerisms around him for weeks, to make sure that you weren’t just a projection from his dreams, and that you really seemed to be interested in him the way he was interested in you. so the last thing he wanted was to make the wrong move, and if he passed on the opportunity to be closer to you while you were dripping wet, well, he might be the dumbest person he’s ever met. but there was only one problem, he didn’t know how to swim.
“nah, that’s alright, you enjoy it.” he replied, turning the garden chair to face you while still remaining under the porch roof.
“oh cmonnnn!! you can borrow one of my daddy’s swim trunks, i promise he never uses them, they’re still in the packaging.” you offered, simply, even though you’d be more than happy if he just stripped off and jumped in.
“not really in the mood for swimming right now, doll. and- and” arvin shoved the remainder of his sandwich in his mouth, his next words coming out muffled “you can’t swim for at least thirty minutes after you eat, or you’ll die!”
you laughed at your best friend, “not in the mood for swimming on a hot day like this? seriously, i’ll just go get it for you.” you began to hoist yourself out the pool when arvin made you stop.
your head snapped up at him, eyes wide. He took in your expression and dropped his head into his hands and groaned, he had to tell you the truth now.
“i- i don’t know how to swim.” he muttered, waiting for the chorus of laughter, or a noise of disappointment. what kind of girl would be attracted to a grown man who can’t even swim? he’s seen the kids swimming at the public pool all the time like pros.
“that’s okay, arv, lots of people don’t know how to swim.” you said, now wrapped up in your towel and sitting across from him.
“ppft yeah, babies maybe.”
your heart faltered, you’d never seen him so dejected. “no! not true! hell i didn’t even know how to swim ‘til last year, and i’m only a year younger than you. it’s okay, i can teach you! it’ll be fun!”
and the way you looked at him with so much glee, he couldn’t decline. so from then on out, every friday, or a day when it was particularly scorching, were swimming lessons. arvin was nervous at first, he didn’t want to make any mistakes in front of you. and you were nervous you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of him while he was shirtless and in tiny shorts. but soon, when arvin realized the pool really wasn’t all that deep and he could walk most of it, swimming lessons became splash fights and cannonball competitions, which became underwater kisses and you clinging to arvin like a koala as he titled you down into the water every so often, his heart virtually shaking with happiness as you were now his girlfriend.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
as the summer progressed, arvin was getting more and more work, making him more and more tired. he still dragged himself over to your house every afternoon;
“you can go straight home to sleep, bub.”
“but you won’t be there. wanna be with you.” he’d slur into your shirt as he curled up on his towel besides the pool, halfway to dreamland arm thrown over his eyes to block out the sun.
this had been a recurring action of his for nine days now. he’d “rest his eyes” on the plush grass while you waded besides him. it pained you to see him so overworked, but you enjoyed getting to study his features as they became golden under the setting sun. but you still felt guilty he was sleeping on the ground everyday.
“hey baby, you would not believe- what’s that?”
arvin looked at you as you stood next to a beige hammock, a wide grin on your face and that alone cracked one out of him.
“it’s a hammock! i made it for you! cmon test it out!” you called and he strolled over, the soft fabric inviting.
“hmm, i dont know, you’re not much of a handyman.” he said jokingly but pointedly, referring to the time you tried to help him with his car and he had to banish you to the kitchen for your own safety.
you rolled your eyes at the memory and opened your mouth to retaliate but arvin pressed a loving kiss to your lips before you could.
with his forehead pressed against yours he said, “you didn’t have to do this for me, doll.”
“i wanted to. it’s much more comfortable than the ground.”
he grinned at you, his eyes crinkling and you pressed another quick kiss to his lips before shoving him in.
“if this collapses on me, you’re gonna be in serious trouble young lady.” he warned and you laughed at your boyfriend being silly.
“it won’t! see? it’s relaxing, yeah?”
arvin swayed side to side in it and already felt his back muscles soften. he let out a sigh and nodded, in which you clapped your hands together in success, still standing above him.
“the only thing that would make it more perfect is you.” and with that he tugged at your waist, pulling you onto this chest, tucking you in the crook of him arm.
“i hope it can support the both of us”
“seems t’be s’far.” he whispered, voice already growing with exhaustion. you both just lied there for a few minutes, arvin tracing random shaped on your back and you admiring the clouds forming and breaking in the sky. it was peaceful. it was pure.
that was until you felt his hands trail further up your spine, until the began fiddling with the tie on your swimsuit top, a naughty habit he’s picked up, one you secretly enjoy sometimes.
his chest rumbled, giving away his innocence immediately, but he played on “what’s up, honey?” he asked, still working on the knot.
“if you untie my bikini top again, i’ll kill you.”
with that, he let the loose knot drop from his fingers and he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “yes ma’am.”
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
TWST Dorm Leaders + Singer!MC
So MC sings and what else to sing than Disney songs? Enjoy a romantic endeavor with your beloved dorm leaders! Covers are linked to the song name! Thank you to my child @cursedtwst for helping me with song choices. 
Rest of the dorm leaders under the cut. 
Malleus Draconia - Once Upon A Dream (Belle)
When he found out that you used to sing in your world, he wanted to hear you sing. He was quiet about it, not wanting to pressure you and especially not to remind you that you have somewhere to go back. Oh no, he had to keep his precious child of man here.
He brought you to his favourite hiding spot, surrounded by flowers in an empty field for a picnic. His close friends also came, bringing the foods and entertainment.
You actually had suggested the picnic to cheer up your Tsunotarou since he was quite sad. He was again not invited to a party at the Mostro Lounge.
You had your own selfish reasons for making a picnic… You planned to confess through singing. Lilia quickly caught on, making an agreement to handle the other two as you get together with Malleus.
You pretended to wander off, tossing away your slippers. Knowing the overprotective little dark fae, he'd follow you anyway.
You twirled around, humming to the tune. "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…"
Malleus, who had been watching you intently, was thrown off by your singing. So this is how his precious human sounded…
"I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam,"  You clutched your hands to your heart, pouring your soul into your tune. "Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem…"
Malleus reddened at the selfish thought that the song was meant for him. The lyrics only made him adore you more than ever.
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do," You turned to the Prince himself, pulling him out of his hiding place. "You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream…"
As you hummed the bridge, you took his hand in yours and swayed together, laughing in song seeing how much he towered you.
Malleus was too stunned for words. His angel here was singing to him. What more could he ask for?
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…"
He grasped your hand, feeling how small your hand was against his.
"I know you, that gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam,"  You brought your hand to his cheek moving away the hairs that shielded his beautiful coloured eyes from you. "Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem…"
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do… You'll love me at once, the way you did…
Once upon a dream."
You hugged the larger fae, nuzzling your head into his chest. "I like you Malleus."
He couldn't restrain himself, picking you up and staring into your eyes as you did to his. You could see the blush that ran rampant on his cheeks, as his eyes panicked on what to do.
You kissed his cheek, him understanding it as a kiss of acceptance.
"Oh how romantic! Maybe I should take this to Cater to edit! It'll be viral!" Lilia's voice brought the attention of the loving couple.
Well, the picnic ended peacefully, save for the embarrassed screams of the Prince as he yells at his caretaker.
Riddle Rosehearts - Alice (Bruna Wesch)
Ace and Deuce found out you were singing to yourself with your precious guitar in the Ramshackle dorm alone. These two insisted that the next unbirthday they throw, you should definitely sing.
You seriously thought they were joking.
Ace stole your guitar from your room and here you were, about to sing in front of Riddle. It wasn't that you were scared no… It was just that your daft friends couldn’t understand the goosebumps you get at the thought of singing in front of your crush!
Ace and Deuce looked at you eagerly, presenting you your guitar. Cater already has his phone out, preparing to take a video.
You snatched your guitar out, deciding to just go with it. It's not like you have to confess or anything…
Riddle's stare at you made you tense up. Has he been looking at you this whole time? He kinda looks pissed… You decided to get on with it.
You start strumming, letting yourself relax, "Trippin' out, spinnin' around… I'm underground, I fell down… Yeah, I fell down…"
Your tone of voice surprised Rosehearts' audience. Starting to feel more comfortable, you raise your voice a little.
"I'm freakin' out; So where am I now? Upside down, and I can't stop it now…"  You stopped strumming. "It can't stop me now.. Oh~"
Riddle this whole time was impressed. Impressed was an understatement. He felt himself become more and more enchanted with every emotion as you sing it out loud.
"I~ I'll get by,"
"I~ I'll survive…"
Your strumming quickened, "When the world's crashin' down, when I fall and hit the ground, I will turn myself around; Don't you try to stop it! I~ I won't cry…"
You completely immersed yourself in the music, enjoying your guitar and the atmosphere, letting your head nod to the tunes.
"I found myself… in Wonderland…"
"Get back on… my feet again…"
"Is this real? Is it pretend?"
"I'll take a stand… until the end!"
Riddle felt the words flow through him…
As the final strums of the song vibrated through your fingertips, you finished your song.
They got up, applauding you. Riddle got up from his high throne, taking your hand in his.
"…Come and sing for me again please."
Well, here goes nothing.
You nodded, pecking the Queen of Hearts on the cheek before running off with your guitar.
Oh silly Riddle… That's why YN fell for you in the first place.
Kalim Al-Asim - A Whole New World (Emma Heesters + Dan Berk)
Kalim just knew it! You were a singer! His princess was unfortunately too shy to sing a tune. He couldn't settle for this! If you can't sing alone, then he'll sing with you!
Kalim had arranged a sort of music night at the Mostro Lounge. He convinced you that it was a simple date night but you didn’t expect Jade Leech to announce you two as the next performers.
He gripped your hand, smiling at you. Your nervous self calmed down,  repeatedly telling yourself that Kalim was next to you.
The soft melody started and so did Kalim, "I can show you the world… shining, shimmering, splendid~"  He smiled at you, extending a hand. "Now tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?"
He pulled you close, "I can open your eyes… Take you wonder by wonder~ Over, sideways and under on a magic carpet ride~"
Kalim held your hand, twirling you around. His melodious voice made you blush, wondering how on earth did you ever date someone like him.
"A whole new world~ A new fantastic point of view…" He sung out, always looking at you. "No one to tell us, "no" or where to go, or say we're only dreaming~"
Gathering your courage, you took the microphone and joined Kalim in the chorus.
"A whole new world…. A dazzling place I never knew,"  You continued.  "But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you…"
"Now I'm in a whole new world with you…" Kalim sung after. His face turned red hearing his princess sing. Oh lovely you looked right now…
"Unbelievable sights… Indescribable feeling,"  You held Kalim's hand. "Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky~"
As you two sung through another chorus, you felt as if it was only the two of you there. Together…
"I'll chase them anywhere,"
"There's time to spare!"
"Let me share this whole new world with you…"
As the final notes of the song fell through, you and Kalim stared into each other's eyes, enjoying the magical bond that kept you glued to each other.
"For you and… me…"
The romantic moment was interrupted by the applause that the Lounge attendees thought that was well deserved. Kalim laughed, holding you up by your waist. "That was lovely my princess!"
Azul Ashengrotto - Part of Your World (Halsey)
[Lyrics were altered to suit the scenario]
After many days of insisting Azul to take you to the ocean, he gave in. Your puppy eyes made him give in. He did bring you to swim with him and the twins. He however, never transformed in front of you. You were as curious as ever, a little saddened that he didn't feel beautiful in front of you.
Jade told you that Azul wanted some time to swim in his octopus form for a bit. You watched as Jade and Floyd swum in the deeper water; too deep for your human self.
Instead you climbed on an overhanging rock, watching the twins swim. You decided to sing… after all Azul won't hear you…
"I wanna be where his people are…"  You hummed out, "I wanna see, wanna see 'em swimmin'… Flippin' around in the waters~"
Floyd heard you from afar, smirking to himself. Oh, Azul you made Shrimpy a little sad siren~
"Movin' your feet you don't get too far! Fins are required for swimmin', flippin',"  You joked to yourself. "Swimmin' along down a — what's that word again? – stream~"
You sighed, singing your thoughts out, "Down where they swim, down where they play, own where they stay all day undersea~"
"Wanderin' free…"
"Wish I could be…"
"Part of his world…"
There Azul Ashengrotto was, red in the face, staring you up on that rock in an adorable octopus form…
You blushed, thinking about how long Azul had been there and probably how much he heard. From behind you, the twins grinned sinisterly as they lifted you up and tossed you into the ocean.
You screamed, but weren't covered in water as you assumed. Azul's soft but firm tentacles had caught you on instinct as he brought you down to face him properly.
"Um… I… liked you singing," He said, unsure how to approach the situation of the Leech twins literally throwing his crush into his arms.
"A-Azul… your… tentacle," You stammered, squirming in his tentacles.
He let go of you, settling you in the shallow waters.
The twins frowned, seeing how their plan didn't work too well. Oh well, there's always next time.
Idia Shroud - I Won't Say I'm in Love (Brittany J Smith)
When shy Idia, your crush, asked you to help you with his experiment, you could not say yes any faster.
Ace, Grim and Deuce kept teasing you on how quickly you agreed, not letting it down and even dragging Ortho with them too. This left you to be quite the tsundere.
You huffed at your friends, "If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that…"  You sauntered away, crossing your arms. "No man is worth the aggravation… That's ancient history, been there, done that!"
The four joined in chorus, smiling at your denial, "Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'? He's the Earth and heaven to you~
"Try to keep it hidden? Honey, we can see right through you~"
"Girl, ya can't conceal it! We know how ya feel and who you're thinking of~"
"No chance, no way! I won't say it, no, no!"  You shook your head.
"You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, uh-oh!"  The quartet made love hearts with their fingers, surrounding you.
"It's too cliché!"  You retorted. "I won't say I'm in love!"
You walked through the gardens, unaware that Idia had settled in one of the bushes, keeping an eye out for his brother who had been hanging around a weird gang.
"I thought my heart had learned its lesson… It feels so good when you start out,"  You sung out as you walked around, catching Idia's attention. "My head is screaming get a grip, girl! Unless you're dying to cry your heart out~ Oh no!"
Idia turned to the three idiots who were dancing around you with his brother.
"You keep on denying who you are and how you're feeling-"
"Baby, we're not buying! Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling!"
"Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up that ya got, got, got it bad?!"
"Give up, give in! Check the grin you're in love~"
Idia peaked out at you shaking your head and throwing your arms into X's. Your singing somehow calmed him despite you were retorting the idiot trio's claims.
"No chance, no way! I won't say it, no, no,"  You sung again. 
"This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love!"  You said again.
"You're doin flips! Read our lips. You're in love!"  Grim sat on your shoulder, dancing and chuckling at your denial.
"You're way off base,"  You said to Grim. "I won't say it!"
"Get off my case!"  You yelled at Ace and Deuce. "I won't say it!"
It didn't deter the quartet.
"Now, don't be proud. It's okay you're in love~"
"Oh, at least out loud,"  You slump down to a pillar. "I won't say I'm in love…"
Ortho spots his big brother from a distance away and mouths to him: 'She's talking about you.'
This left his pale blue complexion burning a scarlet red, as he repeated the whole song in his head that was about him.
Oh, maybe it'd take more than a song and a dance to let the true confession come.
Leona Kingscholar - Can You Feel The Love Tonight? (Landry Cantrell + Brianne Brieno)
Of course, Leona brought you back to his hometown with Jack and Ruggie in suit. As you and Leona took your evening stroll, Ruggie pulls Jack to the side, spying on you two lovebirds.
"I can see what's happening," Ruggie said.
"I can't, what?" Jack asked, bewildered.
"And they don't have a clue," Ruggie continued.
"Who's they?" Jack asked again.
"They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line," Ruggie slung his arm over Jack's shoulder. "Our trio's down to two."
"Oh, I get it."
"The sweet caress of twilight," Ruggie exaggerated.
There's magic everywhere," He sighed.
"It's everywhere," Jack commented.
"And with all this romantic atmosphere," Ruggie continued. "Disaster's in the air~"
"Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings,"  The lovely couple harmonised together.
You had been teaching Leona how to sing every time he'd take a nap on you.
"The world, for once, in perfect harmony with all its living things~"
"So many things to tell her…"  Leona sings to himself, pulling out a ring from his pocket. "But how to make her see… the truth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me…"
You took a look at Leona who walked ahead, "He's holding back, he's hiding… But what? I can't decide… Why won't he be the king I know he is?"  You thought about Farena's talk. "The king I see inside?"
"Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings?"
Leona slowed down, taking you near him to twirl you across the gardens.
"The world, for once, in perfect harmony with all its living things…"
You brought the lion's forehead to touch yours, comforting him in a way he'd never felt.
"Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far…"  The couple basked in each other's warmth, finding comfort in each other.
"Stealing through the night's uncertainties… Love is where they are~"
"And if he falls in love tonight…" Ruggie sniffled. "It can be assumed…"
"His carefree days with us are history," Jack added on.
"In short, our pal is… doomed!"
Later that night, before you rested in your sheets, Leona took the ring out, getting down on a knee.
The rest is history as they say.
Vil Schoenheit - I'm Wishing (Sierra Nelson)
You had stayed over at the Pomefiore dorm to… in simple words… observe your beautiful crush, Vil Schoenheit.
The little fluffy bunny Epel and you rescued from Rook's clutches cuddle into your arms as you sigh forlornly, near Vil's newly installed fountain.
"Want to hear a secret?" You mischievously told the fluffy bunny.  "Promise to never tell?"
You swayed your head, singing in your soft tunes, "We are standing by a wishing well…"
"Make a wish into the well… That's all you have to do,"  You recited, practicing your voice almost. "And when you hear it echoing~ You're wish will soon come true…"
The commotion of your voice called to Vil. He was wondering what was that melodious… BEAUTIFUL… voice that interrupted his skin care routine. There he saw you, sitting so elegantly with Rook's bunny in your arms as you sung like an angel from above.
He leaned against his window, lending his ear to your song.
"I'm wishing…"  The deep fountain echoed back.
"For the one I love,"  You professed. "To find me today…"
The one you love?! Why that must be no one but him!
"I'm hoping… and I'm dreaming of,"  You sighed dreamily. "The nice things he'll say…"
As the sweet sound of your voice rung out through his courtyard, he let your melody help him continue his beauty care.
The moment you finished singing, he made his way down, hugging his little songbird.
"I heard you singing for me," He whispered into your ear, kissing your ear so tenderly.
You almost dropped the poor bunny as you blushed, being kissed by the one you love. Vil brought your face closed to his, staring deeply into your eyes.
"Only a sweet voice such as yours deserves to be worshipped by a queen like me~"
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Disney Songs That Hit Different™ When You’re Autistic, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist and specific lyrics that fuck me up under the cut: 
The World Above - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production
“It’s like my life was wrong And somehow, now, at last I’m in My own skin Up here in the world above!”
“The sun’s so bright here Upon my face! It feels so right here Warm as love... Life seems to be Almost calling to me...” - stimmy 
Belle - Beauty and the Beast 
“The bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story. About a beanstalk and an ogre and a—” - y’all ever been interrupted on an infodump and then realize nobody cared? yeah that feeling 
“Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? Never part of any crowd Cause her head's up on some cloud No denying she’s a funny girl, that Belle...”
“[That one? But you've read it twice!] It's my favorite. Far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise...” - SPECIAL INTEREST 
“Look there she goes, that girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well With a dreamy, far-off look And her nose stuck in a book What a puzzle to the rest of us is Belle...”
“Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see Here's where she meets Prince Charming But she won't discover that it's him till chapter three...” - IF NOBODY LISTENS TO MY INFODUMP I SHALL INFODUMP TO SHEEP
“But behind that fair façade I'm afraid she's rather odd Very diff'rent from the rest of us She's nothing like the rest of us...”
More - deleted song from Moana
honestly the entire song is a bit “want to break off and learn about special interest / be in my own world / be myself” mood 
“The other kids just dance and play How can you play? There's so much out there to explore...”
“She stares at the sky, she stumbles down the beaches She mumbles all the names that her Gramma Tala teaches With one foot here and another in a distant past She’s growing up too fast...”
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid 
not only a BIG SPECIAL INTEREST MOOD... big “i don’t belong here” mood...
“Look at this trove, treasures untold How many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think Sure, she's got everything” “I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty I've got whooz-its and whats-its galore You want thing-a-mabobs? I've got twenty But who cares? No big deal. I want more!”
“Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimmin', Ready to stand...”
“When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?”
More Than Just the Spare - deleted song from Frozen 
“I'm not part of the town, not born to be queen Just somebody hopelessly in-between She's the scholar, athlete, poet I'm the screw up, don't I know it...”
“I may lack style and I may lack grace And once in a while I fall on my face But this little button deserves a place in the sky This button wants to fly- Wait, buttons can't fly, it doesn't make any sense!”
“And maybe I can't be the perfect one And maybe I err on the side of fun...”
“Someday I'll find my thing, a thing that's all my own That thing that makes me part of something, not just all alone If only all this feeling I have in my heart, could mean something to someone, how I'd love to play that part!”
“Like a button, like a horseshoe Like a girl who's bad at metaphors!”
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
“So say I'm slow for my age A late bloomer, Okay, I agree...”
“But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part Someone's gonna make good, cross his stupid heart Make good and finally make you proud of your boy...”
“Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good But that couldn't be all that I am...”
“Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you Mom, I will try to try hard to make you Proud of your boy...”
Let Me Make You Proud - Tangled: The Series
“Maybe I make things a mess And maybe you're right to have doubts in me Maybe, but nevertheless If you for once could just trust me...”
“And when I return And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be Maybe then you will realize That you never actually knew me at all...”
“Cause I long for that look of surprise When you see your son rising at last...”
Almost There - The Princess and the Frog 
“Ain't got time for messin' around And it's not my style...”
“But I know exactly where I'm going Getting closer and closer every day...”
“People down here think I'm crazy But I don't care Trials and tribulations, I've had my share...”
Home - deleted song from Frozen 2 
BIG routine song
“Wandering through the town with everyone doing all of their stuff Somewhere in my heart I feel I've not yet done enough For these people I know, this place that I love so...”
“I know how fragile things can be. If I lost them, I'd lose me They're my ocean, they're my shore. I wanna give them more...”
In a World of My Own / Very Good Advice - mashup cover of Alice in Wonderland 
“They would sit and talk to me for hours When I'm lonely in a world of my own...”
“I could listen to a babbling brook And hear a song that I could understand I keep wishing it could be that way Because my world would be a wonderland...”
“I give myself very good advice But I very seldom follow it That explains the trouble that I'm always in...”
“Be patient is very good advice But the waiting makes me curious And I'd love the change Should something strange begin...”
“Will I ever learn to do the things I should?” 
Reflection - Mulan
“Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart...”
“Somehow I cannot hide Who I am, though I've tried...”
“How I pray that a time will come I can free myself from their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud...”
“They want a docile lamb, no-one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?”
If I Wasn’t So Small - Piglet’s Big Movie 
“It's not as if I want to rule the world Or even the forest, or even one tree I suppose I could be happy, if I could be helpful With just a little bit of noticing me...”
“I'd be needed and useful More each passing day...”
Jack’s Lament - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“Oh somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there far from my home A longing that I've never known...”
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
“I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong...” “Then I thought I found it, a dream that I could share I thought I was so lucky, it almost wasn't fair I thought I knew my purpose, I thought that I knew where I belong But I was wrong...”
“Now that it's all crumbling, help me understand If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?”
“I guess my life meant nothing I guess it was a sham I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am...”
I’ll Try - Return to Neverland
“I am not a child now I can take care of myself I mustn't let them down now Mustn't let them see me cry...”
“My whole world is changing I don't know where to turn I can't leave you waiting But I can't stay and watch the city burn...”
Waiting in the Wings (Reprise) - Tangled: The Series
“I craved so much, and yet I kept on waiting One glance, one touch, and I just kept on waiting...”
Waiting in the Wings - Tangled: The Series 
“Guess we all are born with parts to play Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way I know I was meant for glory But that's never what my story brings And yet I keep on waiting...”
“When you have the passion and the drive You expect your moment centre stage to arrive I show up with heart ablazing Ready to achieve amazing things But I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“It's always someone else who sings While I'm left waiting in the wings...”
“Always overlooked unfairly, while pretending that it barely stings But it stings, yes, it stings...” 
I’m Still Here (Jim Theme) - Treasure Planet
“I am a question to the world, not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms...”
“And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I'm not here...”
“And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man? They can't break me As long as I know who I am...”
“They can't tell me who to be Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleeping While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe...”
“And I want a moment to be real Want to touch things I don't feel Wanna hold on, and feel I belong And how can you say I'll never change They're the ones that stay the same I'm the one now Cause I'm still here!”
God Help the Outcasts - The Hunchback of Notre Dame 
“Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?”
“God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on earth God help my people - we look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will...”
“Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God?”
So Close - Enchanted 
honestly the entirety of enchanted is an autism mood but, 
“So close to reaching That famous happy end Almost believing This one's not pretend...”
Into the Unknown - cover of Frozen 2
“There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whisper which I wish would go away...”
“I’ve had my adventure, I don’t need something new...”
“Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I am really meant to be?“
“Are you out there? [Do you know me?]  Can you feel me? Can you show me?”
Someone’s Waiting For You - The Rescuers 
“Don't cry, little one There'll be a smile where a frown use to be You'll be part of the love that you see...”
Sally’s Song - The Nightmare Before Christmas 
“I sense there's something in the wind That feels like tragedy's at hand And though I'd like to stand by him Can't shake this feeling that I have...”
“Although I'd like to join the crowd In their enthusiastic cloud Try as I may, it doesn't last...”
Someday - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Off-Broadway Production 
“Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live...”
“Someday, these dreams will all be real Til then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day  Someday soon...”
Where Do I Go From Here - Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
“They do what they must for now And trust in their plan If I trust in mine, somehow I might find who I am...”
“The path ahead's so hard to see It winds and bends but where it ends Depends on only me In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known Now it seems it's time to start A new life on my own...”
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
“I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me...”
“I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far...”
“I used to believe in forever, But forever’s too good to be true...”
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast 
“And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...”
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
“Home is an empty dream Lost to the night Father, I feel so alone...”
“I know that the night must end I know that the sun will rise...”
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
“Locked inside a tower, kept behind a wall Sheltered from a world you’ve barely known That’s the way they treat you...”
“There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours, life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!”
“So use the gifts you're given Make the world your own Look inside your heart and find the key...”
“Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose...”
“No more letting someone else define you to a T You know that you are strong You've known it all along...”
Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production
“The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!”
“I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway...”
“It’s time to see what I can do  To test the limits and break through  No right, no wrong, no rules for me  I’m free!”
“Let it go, let it go And I’ll rise like the break of dawn! Let it go, let it go  That perfect girl is gone!”
How Far I’ll Go (Reprise) - Moana 
“All that time wondering where I need to be is behind me I'm on my own to worlds unknown...”
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
“You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew...”
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
when u meet another autistic person.... 
“Whatever you do, I'll do it, too Show me everything and tell me how It all means something And yet nothing to me...”
“I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there...”
Beyond My Wildest Dreams - The Little Mermaid Broadway Production 
“Look over there! Oh my god! How very odd! And what might they be? Something splendid, maybe! Look over here! Could you bust? Isn't it just bedazzling, dazing, utterly amazing! Gazing 'round, it's like, to die! Just seeing it feels so good, I'd scream if I only could!”
“Just keeps on gawking- Weird how she's not talking!”
“I'd hoped and wished My life would feel enchanted! Wished and prayed The fates would hear my plea...”
Watch What Happens - Newsies Broadway Production 
“’Write what you know’ So they say, all I know is I don't know what to write Or the right way to write it...”
“It could practically write itself And let's pray it does, cause as I may have mentioned I have no clue what I'm doing!”
“Speak up, take a stand, and there's someone to write about it That's how things get better...”
[also. the squeal.]
“Like someone said, "Power tends to corrupt" And absolute power, wait, wait, corrupts? Absolutely, that is genius! But give me some time, I'll be twice as good as that six months from never...”
“Just look around at the world we're inheriting And think of the one we'll create...”
“Give those kids and me the brand new century and watch what happens It's David and Goliath, do or die The fight is on and I can't watch what happens But all I know is nothing happens if you just give in It can't be any worse than how it's been And it just so happens that we just might win So whatever happens, let's begin!”
Son of Man - Tarzan 
“Oh, the power to be strong and the wisdom to be wise All these things will come to you in time On this journey that you're making, there'll be answers that you'll seek And it's you who'll climb the mountain It's you who'll reach the peak...”
“Though there's no one there to guide you, no one to take your hand But with faith and understanding You will journey from boy to man...”
“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn You'll find your place beside the ones you love Oh, and all the things you dreamed of, the visions that you saw Well, the time is drawing near now It's yours to claim it all!”
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
“You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too!”
“Do you long to be left all alone? Set apart with a heart made of stone? Let me help, let's begin Let me learn, won't you let me in? All the light, let it show...”
“You are a strange sight, some new kind of wonder With good hidden under, I'm sure that it's true Strange how your dark doesn't faze me...”
Wind in My Hair - Tangled: The Series 
“What if the doors began to open? What if the knots became untied? What if one day, nothing stood in my way And the world was mine?”
“Plenty of mysteries to unravel Tons of mistakes to not regret So much to see, and to do and to be A whole life to spend And it doesn't end...”
For a Moment - The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea 
“This way is left, but which way is right? Well, now I'll be circling in circles all night...” - direction problems amirite
“This is more than my thoughts ever thought it could be For a moment, just a moment, lucky me...”
“For a moment, I can feel, All the dreams I've been dreaming are real, Wish my mother could hear it, the sea is my song For a moment, just a moment I belong...”
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake
i would like to send this song to autism $peaks (hate group) underlined in red and with a photo attached of me with a middle finger up 
“Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under Swallowing sand, left with nothing to say. My voice drowned out in the thunder...”
“Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending ‘Stay in your place, better seen and not heard.’ Well, now that story is ending!”
“Let the storm in! I cannot be broken! No, I won't live unspoken! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
“Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!”
“I won't be silenced! Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it, All I know is I won't go speechless, speechless! Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!”
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
the siren call... stimmy
“Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach but not quite hold I can sense you there, like a friend I've always known I'm arriving, it feels like I am home...”
“I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside...”
“Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? Show yourself! I'm ready to learn...”
“I've never felt so certain! All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason- could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different, normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?”
“I am found!”
“You are the one you've been waiting for All of your life...”
Here I Am - Camp Rock 
“They tell you a good girl is quiet and that you should never ask why Cause it only makes it harder to fit in And you should be happy, excited, even if you're just invited Cause the winners need someone to clap for them...”
“It's so hard just waiting in a line that never moves It's time you started making your own rules...”
“If how you’re living isn't working there's one thing that'll help You got to finally just stop searching and find yourself...”
“The world better make some room Yea move over, over Cause you’re coming through!”
“You gotta scream until there's nothing left With your last breath Say here I am! Here I am! Make em listen Cause there is no way you'll be ignored Not anymore...”
Us Against the Universe - Phineas and Ferb: The Movie - Candace Against the Universe
“I used to feel alone, just me against the raging tide, But I guess I should've known that you were always on my side. Now I don't have to be an island, cause you've been there all the while, and Now I realize my fears weren't justified!”
“Cause as long as we're together, We can stand and face whatever Kind of trouble this world tries to put us in. If you're out there on your own, You just might take it on the chin Cause if it's us against the universe, we win!”
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lillian-nator · 4 years
Hola, Bridge anon is back and making a place maker 👾
Based off of the song “Where is My Mind?” by The Pixies 
"Ooh, stop."
Tommy felt like his whole world was at a pause.
He felt euphoric.
As the wind rushed around him, he felt his hair get pushed the the side, making the blonde mop atop his head messier than it had been previously. A content smile playing on his face as he closed his eyes and just felt.
Tommy felt as though he could feel the world around him. He laid atop the abandoned bridge, his back against the rough and cool wood. His head pounding softly from when he hit it on the same wood earlier tonight. He heard the water rushing below, the pond moving an awful lot for a dead part of the city. His feet could still feel the tickle of the grass beneath them from the meadow below.  The sun - just rising at this time of the morning (around 5 am) - it's soft rays licking at Tommy's arms thrown to his sides, warming him up in a blissful moment.
The screams and laughs of his friends brought an odd sense of comfort to Tommy that he wasn't sure was possible.
"Yeah get him Purp!" Punz screamed as Purpled picked up Tubbo and threw the brunette over his shoulder.
There were more laughs and yells and loud banter in the background, but all Tommy could focus on was the world around him.
"With your feet on the air and your head on the ground"
Tommy sat up, taking in the sunrise around him.
He had always been a huge fan of sunsets, the way that the pinks-purples-and-oranges danced around each other, and the sun slowly fading from sight - Tommy found it beautiful. But this, he had never seen the sunrise before, always too early. Tommy was usually a late sleeper, but this didn't count since he hadn't gone to sleep yet. Thinking about his bed, his eyes drooped a bit, but he quickly rubbed the sleep out of them. He had to remember this forever.
His legs dangled over the bridge, something that had to be dangerous, but it never registered in his mind.
"Quackity, stop walking along the edge! You're gonna kill yourself!" George screeched, wheezing.
"Chill out old man. You're getting senile, decrepit. I'm fine -" Quackity screamed running over towards the middle of the bridge, after almost falling, ensuing giggles from those around him. "I'm good."
Tommy was so fucking happy.
“Try this trick and spin it, yeah”
Tommy felt a presence sit beside him. An arm went around his shoulders.
He smelt the familiar oak-scent of his friend’s body wash. 
A hand ruffled his hair, Tommy breathily laughed. 
“Hey - you okay?” 
Tommy leaned further into Dream’s arm. “Yeah,” He sighs, “Just taking everything in.” 
Dream felt the blonde’s forehead, “You sick?” He laughed. “Are you high Thomas? Did you steal Q’s pot?”
Tommy laughed, and pushed Dream off of him, careful of the fact that their legs were dangling over a 50ft drop. “What?” He wheezed, “Why would you think I’m high? And I’m not. I don’t think Big Q brought any.” 
“Me neither,” Dream agrees lightly. “Thank God. He is already trying to kill himself walking over the edge.” 
Dream pushed Tommy back, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this calm.” 
“I like sunsets. I watch them on my roof all the time.” He grinned, “I’m also really fucking tired.” 
“Your head will collapse”
“Bet you won’t jump into the lake.” Tommy heard Ponk say.
He whipped his head around to watch Ponk and SapNap’s conversation. 
Tommy’s eyes glistened with a new found energy. Slowly standing up, mindful of the edge, walking over to where SapNap was stood. Tommy stood next to Tubbo and Purpled putting his arms around their shoulders, and breathing in the combined scents of their shampoo. 
He felt like he could feel the world around him again. 
“If SapNap doesn’t die, are you gonna jump?” Tubbo asked looking up at the blonde. 
“Course Tubbo. You know me.” His face brightened at the thought of the adrenaline rush. “I’ll jump whether or not he dies.” 
Tubbo laughed pushing him slightly. 
“Yeah,” The boy breathed, “I know.” 
“But there's nothing in it” 
SapNap backed up, going to the left side of the bridge while Dream, George, Ponk, and Punz were on the right side looking towards the water to make sure SapNap didn’t fucking die. Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled, Karl, and Quackity were scattered in the middle of the bridge, watching the whole scene unfold. 
“3″ Dream shouted. 
“2″ Tommy, Karl, Quackity, and Punz joined in. 
“1″ Everyone, including SapNap shouted, as the brunette ran forward, with the momentum of a true varsity offensive tackler. 
He jumped, the wind flying through his hair, legs bawled into the center of his chest, smile playing fondly on his face. 
SapNap let out a loud “whoop” of excitement. As he fell down into the water. 
“And you'll ask yourself”
“SapNap didn’t die!” Dream shouted. 
Everyone let out loud cheers of excitement as Tommy threw his hands in the air, Purpled and Tubbo finally escaping his grasps. 
“Who’s next?” Karl offered, while looking directly at Tommy. 
Tommy moved backwards, careful not to step over the age, looking at all 8 other boys atop the bridge. 
“Oh, you know it’s me, Big Man.” 
He jumped up and down, readying himself for the jump. 
“Where is my mind?”
“3″ Dream started again. 
Tommy felt the adrenaline rush through his body. 
“2″ Tubbo and Purpled joined in. 
He shook off the rest of his nerves, getting in a running stance. 
“1″ All 8 of the boys shouted, Tommy too excited to speak. 
Tommy ran. 
He jumped. 
“Where is my mind?”
He let out a loud yell mid-air. 
He laughed hard, and wanted to cry out of joy. This. This is it.
This is fucking euphoria. 
The wind rushed through his hair, and woke him up, and hit him on his face. Tommy had never felt so fucking free. 
He did a couple of flips when he realized that he was far enough away from the water. The feeling in his stomach wouldn’t go away - and he would pay for every extra second he could feel it. 
“I’m a fucking bird!” Tommy yelled right as he was about to crash into the water. 
“Where is my mind?”
It was all blue. Blue was everywhere. 
It was a nice blue too. A clear blue. A light turquoise color. 
Tommy wanted to stay in this blue forever. 
He started to swim up. 
He was met with oranges and pinks of the sunrise. This was okay too. 
“Way out in the water”
Suddenly there were cheers from above him. 
Oh right. They wanted to make sure he didn’t fucking die.
He felt SapNap wrap his arms around Tommy’s shoulders bringing him down into the water. Tommy laughed so hard that he almost choked on the water. 
Soon enough he felt Purpled jump in and Karl jump in, and Punz, and Tubbo, and Dream - 
He felt the happiest he had been in years. 
“See it swimmin'"
As Tommy crawled through his window at 6 am, hair dripping, and clothes soaking wet, a broad grin was spread across his face. 
He quickly grabbed the first sweatshirt he found, smelling it, he briefly recognized it as Tubbo’s - but he didn’t care. He quickly stripped, throwing on a pair of black sweatpants, and Tubbo’s red sweatshirt, that was far too big on the brunette, but fit perfectly on the blonde. 
He carefully laid atop his bed, muscles still sore from the nights activities.
He looked at his ceiling, trying to close his eyes, and hopefully sleep for 4 or 5 hours, nobody would expect Tommy to be awake until 11 or noon anyways, but he couldn’t find it in himself to fall asleep. The same scene of the ocean below him playing over and over again. 
He felt like he was fucking high - and he hadn’t even been on any drugs. 
Is this what heaven felt like? 
As he heard Phil’s alarm go off a few rooms over, he tiredly rubbed his eyes that refused to close. 
It was going to be a long day - but Tommy wouldn’t trade his experience for anything in the world. 
[Yeah, I’ll probably put this on ao3, I won’t lie.]
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babbushka · 3 years
For sinday, I’d like to request some exhibitionism with Clyde please! Some skinny dipping with him would be extra fun with a chance of getting caught. I saw the skinny dipping prompt line and it sounds fun for him. Thank you for all your writing:)
1.2k, skinny dipping in a public park/public nudity but no real NSFW, just naked people having a nice time!
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He’s in a real sour sorta mood, watching you splash around with that great big grin on your face. It ain’t your fault or nothin’, he likes that you’re having fun – he just wishes he could have fun with you too. The weather was too nice to stay cooped up indoors all day, so Clyde had bugged and bugged ya to go out somewhere to soak up the sun, take a dip and splash about himself…only for him to forget to bring his swimmin’ gear when you finally agreed.
So as you had run down to the river’s edge, dove beneath the clear blue waves and surfaced with a shocked laugh at the chill of the water, Clyde kicks himself for screwin’ up, especially when you call to him with a grin and a wave,
“Come on in, the water’s fine!”
He wishes he could, he really does. He had managed to pack everything that y’all would need for a perfect day by the river: a picnic basket stocked with goodies, little battery powered radio, blow up balls and inner tubes, towels and a big sheet to put everything down on, sunblock o’course and lots of fresh water. Hell, he had even brought a book to read through while you sunbathe like you like to do – but the one fuckin’ thing he needed most of all, he forgot.
“You sure ‘bout that darlin’? Looks mighty cold t’me.” He stalls for time, hopin’ that you won’t tease him too bad for his error, as he walks in as far as his camo shorts would let him, feelin’ the rush of the cool water and pebbles between his toes.
“Nah it’s beautiful, honest!” You insist, before dunkin’ under the water and surfacing again, this time much much closer to him, puttin’ on one of his signature pouts and askin’, “Won’t ya please come join?”
Clyde can’t deny you anything, but he also is in a right pickle that he finally admits, with a sheepish, “I – I didn’t bring a suit.”
You frown for a minute, before giving him an exasperated groan as you flop into the water, purposefully splashing him as you start floatin’ up on your back.
“Now why the hell would you not bring a suit, big bear? Goin’ to the park was your idea in the first place!” You pointed out with a laugh, and despite it all, Clyde finds he’s chucklin’ too. You always had a way of bein’ playfully teasin’ that never made him feel too bad.
“Guess I just forgot in all the hubbub.” Shyly, he tried wading in the river a little deeper, watchin’ as the water lapped around his calves.
You’re watching him watchin’ the water, and then like the minx that you are, you shimmy yourself over to him, standin’ up and tuggin’ on the hem of his button-down.
“You could always just take your shirt off.” You suggest, and Clyde mulls that over.
“Then m’shorts would be all soaked.” He replies, to which you only grin.
“You could take those off too.” With a waggle of your brow, you very slowly reach out and undo the little button, easing down his zipper with a soft, “Oops, my hand slipped.”
Clyde looks at you, and you look back at him, and you can start to see a pink flush creep across the bridge of his nose that you know ain’t from the sun.
“Oh yeah?” Clyde looks around, the park blissfully empty for once, “What if someone comes?”
“Then we hide under the water ‘til they leave.” You only sink back into the water, and go to where it’s deeper deeper deeper, until just your head is peeking out from the surface as you have the most devilish look in your eye.
“I’ll do it if you take your suit off.” Clyde says, accepting this little challenge with eager anticipation.
“Really?” You give him a chance to change his mind, but he finds he doesn’t really want to.
“Yup.” He nods, before he nearly gets tongue tied as you lift your hand up from out under the water, holding up the bikini top you had just been wearin’. Clyde chuckles, and after a moment or two of shiftin’ around, your other hand holds up the matching bottoms. “Damn darlin’, you are fearless, ain’t ya?”
Giving him a little shrug, you leave your bathing suit on a nearby rock, crookin’ your finger at him to join. He had agreed, after all.
Clyde looks over his shoulder to make sure no one was comin’ in any direction, and then carefully, swiftly, shucks his own clothes off, and makes a bee-line straight for the water. He gets a runnin’ start and dives underneath, swimmin’ and holdin’ his breath until he can get to you and grab you around your hip, makin’ you shout and squeal with laughter as you try and swim away.
The two of you chase one another like that, water and sunshine sparkling onto your naked bodies, his usually fluffy and wavy hair drenched and hangin’ in his face. When he catches you, he scoops you up into his arms and spins you around for a little while, before throwin’ you right back into the water with a happy yell as your stomach does ticklish flips.
You in turn jump onto his back, and try to knock him down into the water with one of them wrestling moves you saw on TV – it don’t work too well, but you’re both havin’ so much fun – too much fun that you don’t notice that all the roughhousing has made the water knock your bathing suit off the rock, the tide carryin’ it out.
“Ah shit, Clyde wait! Dammit it’s floatin’ away! That’s my favorite suit, help me catch it?” You notice a little too late, the theatrics shifting to an altogether different kind.
Instead of tryin’ to chase one another, the two of you now scramble to race after the bikini that’s havin’ a fine time of stayin’ just out of reach. Through the river y’all run, splashing and laughing on your way as you each try to grab the little scrap of fabric, climbin’ over rocks and carefully navigatin’ the current of the river so you don’t trip on the slippery stones.
At any moment someone could come by, and see the two of your bare bodies, and then you can’t even imagine the world of trouble you’d be in. It wasn’t like the two of you were kids again jumpin’ into the lake off the Logan family property, this was a public park and you were grown adults! The stakes to grabbin’ the swimsuit were high for that reason if nothin’ else – not to mention it really was your favorite thing to wear.
Clyde is the hero of the day though, when he finally manages to snatch the bottoms first, then the top a few seconds later as it got wedged between two rocks. You cheered and jumped up against his chest, your arms loopin’ around his shoulders as you planted a big victory smooch to his cheeks, makin’ him go all blushy again.
“Thank you big bear!” You smile against his lips as you kiss and kiss and kiss him, “I love you.”
“I love you too honey.” Clyde says in his own shy soft sweet way o’his, his arm windin’ around your middle. He pulls back and rubs his nose against yours, givin’ you a cheeky smile as he throws you back into the river with a surprised shout of protest and laughs, “Race you back!”
Taggin’ some Clyde lovin’ friends! @mochabucky @sacklerscumrag @artsymaddie @bitchydecisions @direnightshade @reyloaddict55 @kylorenswhxre @sunflowersinthesnow @babayagakeanu @safarigirlsp @steeevienicks @mousemakingjam @the-unmanaged-mischief @drake-bells-waxed-penis @slut-for-harri @littleevilme13 @leillaa @lovinghufflepuffgirl @rosi3ba3z @chapterhappygirl @groovetoob @bxnnywriting
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