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goldpilot22 · 2 years
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ok so the other day I went a little bit feral with waifulabs and created about eighteenish new ocs, whoops
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oraclemoontarot · 19 days
what would a romantic relationship with your favourite/chosen celebrity be like? - PAC ★
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pick a chococat !! ᯓᡣ𐭩
from left to right, top to bottom - pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, pile 4 disclaimer - i used the love story tarot deck, meaning interpretations of certain cards may be different to standard tarot! this is also a new deck, so please let me know if it resonated or not ♡
pile 1 ୨୧
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cards pulled: ten of wands, nine of swords, star, high priestess, eight of swords, five of pentacles, sun, seven of pentacles, nine of wands, two of cups, five of cups, two of wands, six of swords + chariot
the relationship between you and your celebrity would be one that may take time and effort to grow/get close to one another. a lot of effort and secrecy may be needed for it to develop into something long-term and meaningful, and there may be times where you may worry and have to sneak out in the middle of the night to meet them, or they may have moments where they'd need to explain things to you and apologise, which may add weight to such worries.
however, this would be a relationship you hold a lot of optimism towards and have longed for, and one where the two of you would simply understand each other on a more intuitive level. you would be understanding of their obligations and their career and be open to working around that, they may also have moments where they miss you, especially if secrecy or distance is involved, as well as concerns on how a relationship with secrecy and sneaking away may affect you - due to them being a celebrity.
but this would be a relationship that would bring the both of you a lot of happiness despite the initial challenges, there would be a sense of hope and dreaminess involved. they would easily make you flustered, even with simple acts or comments, and the two of you would think of each other while working etc., where you would look forward to the next time the two of you would meet. with the two of cups, it would be a relationship with a lot of love and depth, and paired with the six of swords, you would enjoy each others company and conversations and never get bored of each other.
with the chariot, despite the slow burn at the beginning, the relationship would end up being fast moving once the two of you get over any hurdles/challenges presented to you. it could very well be a relationship that could last long-term.
pile 2 ୨୧
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cards pulled: high priestess, two of pentacles, page of cups, ten of pentacles, nine of cups, seven of swords, queen of cups, devil, temperance, ten of swords, two of cups, justice, sun + three of pentacles
similarly to pile 1, you and your celebrity would be connected intuitively, you would understand each other on a deeper level, however, the two of you may be different yet similar. there is an air of maturity and depth to you, you are the queen of cups, someone who is emotionally mature and open, you have a warm heart and take care of those you care about. your celebrity is the page of cups, they are idealists, possibly romantic dreamers and can sometimes express their feelings in innocent yet charming ways.
within this relationship, this celebrity would bring out the best in you, you would take care of yourself especially well, including your appearance, and they would spoil you mainly in material items or gifts - their love language may be gift giving. the two of you would get along really well with each others side of the family, and it may be a relationship which lasts at least for a few years.
it would be a balanced relationship, and the two of you would have a deep love for one another, although there may be times where there is distance or coldness between the both of you, this could stem from disagreements - relating to difference in maturity levels or the ways in which you express your affection. the relationship as a whole, with the nine of cups, would be incredibly successful though, and paired with the seven of swords, if your celebrity is successful in terms of their career, they would definitely share their earnings with you, especially as they would love to shower you with gifts.
With the devil card, there would be a lot of passion within the relationship, as well as a strong physical attraction towards one another.
Overall, with the justice, sun and three of pentacles, this relationship would be fair, balanced, full of happiness and positivity, as well as one where you not only have a love for each other, but a friendship - this may have been a relationship that first started off as friends.
pile 3 ୨୧
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cards pulled: six of pentacles, nine of swords, seven of cups, star, ten of wands, three of wands, page of cups, justice, knight of pentacles, emperor, six of swords, queen of wands, four of wands + two of cups
y'all I'm getting serious puppy and lover boy energy from this celebrity, like jake from enhypen - golden retriever energy. they would be so loving, possibly even wearing their heart on their sleeves. they would melt at the sight of you, spoil you with affection, and likely be the ones to pursue you - they would be shy yet determined in a way.
there would of course be worries mainly on your end, and you may miss them when they aren't around - like looking at their photos or watching their content. it would be a relationship you longed for, like a wish come true. it would take a while for the relationship to develop, but there is so much hope and potential for it and the two of you would be imagining and planning for what the future has to offer.
it would be such a balanced and loving relationship, but the two of you would also be the IT couple - and you guys would fit together like puzzle pieces. they would bring out the queen of wands in you - someone who is confident, passionate, enthusiastic, and alluring. you would shine so bright in this relationship, it's like you bring out the best in each other.
your celebrity would be the emperor in this relationship - where they may express their love and affection outwardly like the page of cups, idealistic, romantic, with a sense of innocence and charm, the emperor is more stable and grounded, a family-oriented person who makes sure everything is going well, that you're doing alright. they're like husband/wife material, and they bring you a sense of calm and security, like there's nothing to worry about.
overall, with the six of swords and two of cups, there would be so much love, affection, and meaningful conversation. you would love being in each others company and thrive together. they would definitely be obsessed with you in a cute way, serious puppy energy. this is honestly the sweetest pile.
pile 4 ୨୧
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cards pulled: two of cups, two of swords, lovers, ace of pentacles, nine of wands, six of wands, judgement, three of swords, hierophant, five of cups, three of pentacles, world, page of wands + strength
not gonna lie, i was worried at first until more cards fell out. this relationship would be so lovely, but with its own set of challenges, mainly surrounding jealousy and misunderstandings.
there would be so much love for one another, the two of cups AND the lovers?? (which explains the jealousy) your celebrity would also be the biggest flirt and would get you flustered almost instantly and at random moments which would catch you completely off guard. but, because they are such flirts, you may feel heartbroken at times due to misunderstandings and doubting whether their intentions towards you are genuine. because of this, the two of you may spend some time apart putting your thoughts together, maybe even seeking advice from friends - on both sides.
it's funny because the cards i pulled had a woman with two friends, and another card of a man with his two friends, so the both of you would be trying to get to the bottom of this and working on better understanding how to approach this situation and where you see your relationship heading, as well as hearing out other perspectives from trusted people.
with the page of wands, your celebrity is incredibly charming, almost irresistible and they may be quite smug at times. they're confident once they know what they're doing and what they want, even if they were initially worried or uncertain. and, with the strength card, none of you would give up, even more so them. they would put all their eggs in one basket to be with you, especially as they have such strong feelings, so they would keep working at it, and opening communication between you two so that misunderstandings don't arise again.
overall, with the ace of pentacles and the world, you may buy a home together and eventually get married - or at least be a long-term and meaningful relationship despite misunderstandings and jealousy that may have arisen in the beginning. there would be a need for communication and having to work through such issues to get there.
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avescorviidae · 1 year
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01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01100111 01101111 00100000 01101111 01101110
I loved this episode!! It was so much fun, it was really easy to tell how much effort went into distinguishing the ‘show’ from ‘reality’
A poster of warm almost monotonous yet colourful tone, with Ranboo in a metal wired up mask that glows at the front view. They look solemnly determined, and he wears a grey and red varsity jacket over a black shirt. In front of him is a black cassette tape that reads in bold red letters “GENERATION LOSS EPISODE ONE” with the Generation Loss logo in the middle, same red, which resembles a 4. Behind Ranboo is a bowl of green slime and food bits, as seen in the episode. Further back is Sneeg, who is smiling with a baseball cap and blue and white hoodie on. He holds a fake skeleton in a bridal style position, and the skeleton’s name is Frank. The last character, who appears at the top of the page, is Slimecicle smartly dressed in a white dress shirt with a black vest, suit, and pants. However, it is all covered in the same slime as the bowl. He wears glasses, has slimey horns on his head, and is grinning almost maliciously as he holds his arms out in an eccentric manner. The background of the poster includes the faded silhouettes of a shark and pine trees. The text at the top says “SHOWFALL MEDIA PRESENTS: THE SPIRIT OF THE CABIN” and the text below says “Starring: Ranboo live, Charlie Slimecicle, Sneeg snag, and Frank.”
On the bottom right of the poster is the Showfall media logo, with the generation loss logo etched over it.
[End ID]
(please let me know if the ID is not good and Ill change it!)
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phantom-rats · 1 year
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Diversity win! Every robot ever is queer!!
[Image ID:
A sketch page with a light blue background. In the top left is a sketch of Claptrap from Borderlands holding a bisexual pride flag, with an arrow pointing at him from text that reads "Banned from every pride parade". In the top right is a sketch of Wheatley and Rick from Portal 2. Wheatley looks nervous, and Rick is wearing a straight pride pin. There is an arrow pointing at Rick and Wheatley from a bisexual flag and text that reads "All Aperture Personality Cores(TM) are programmed to be bisexual". In the middle left is a sketch of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. He looks happy, and is covered in pride stickers. The stickers are a rainbow flag, an mlm flag heart, and an achillean flag circle. In the middle is a sketch of AM from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. The word "HATE" is written across him in rainbow colors. An arrow points towards him from text reading "Homophobic". In the bottom left is a sketch of P03 from Inscryption. It has a small trans flag displayed on its screen. It has dialogue stating "Trans rights, but only for me" with a smiling emoticon. In the bottom right is a sketch of T.E.R.R.Y. from Dream Corp LLC. He looks overwhelmed, with dialogue stating "I want to be irresistible to both sexes!!". In brackets, it is stated that this dialogue is from Season 1, Episode 4 of the show.
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
Just Like Dad (3 of 4)
Content & Warnings: referenced military career, domestic fluff
Word Count: 804
A/N: Part of the Imagines & What If Series
Soap stumbles through an explanation when faced with a barrage of questions.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // just like dad masterlist
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Johnny is a firecracker. The spark from struck flint.
He dives in headfirst, charges forward, his actions led by his head and his heart. Johnny might be high-strung at times. Rambunctious and eager. Sometimes he’s stubborn when it comes to people and things he cares about.
All of that is true. And all of it is also reflected in his six-year-old daughter.
The two of them stand in the middle of the kitchen. Johnny has his hands on his hips. His daughter mimics his movements, forcing all her attitude into it, even adding a single arched eyebrow. Johnny would laugh but he’s trying to be serious.
She looks so much like her mother it’s startling.
He’s trying to keep his demeanor calm under the barrage of questions about his job. His daughter is a curious creature. She wants to know everything, oftentimes asking so many questions at once they start to run together.
Usually, Johnny is indulgent. He loves nourishing that curiosity. But right now, that curiosity is treading on dangerous territory. Of everything Johnny is protective of, it’s his daughter. But more than that, it’s to protect her from the realities of his career.
It isn’t pretty. It isn’t clean.
And she’s asking endless questions. So many that they’re melting together, pushing him toward every bad mission and terrible death.
“That’s not one of the questions,” he replies cooly, nodding toward the piece of paper resting on the kitchen table.
It’s a questionnaire. One the school sends that has her basic interests along with information about family. She’ll use it for projects and to make connections with classmates. It’s a standard thing, something sent out early in the schoolyear as a form of introduction.
His daughter stands mute. Unmoving. She’s trying to be tough, and while it makes his heart warm with pride, it’s also incredibly frustrating.
“I’ll answer the questions on your paper. Nothing more.” Johnny is setting a boundary because it’s all he can do. He won’t lie to her, but he’s not going to swim through rough waters.
Her bottom lip pops out in a pout and Johnny sighs, crossing his arms. “Why do you want to know so bad?”
She takes a deep breath, shoulders softening. “Because I want to be like you when I grow up.”
Because I want to be like you when I grow up.
The automatic response is “no.” That isn’t what she wants or will ever want. All she knows are the friendly faces, of how Simon’s mask is way too big for her head, or Price’s hugs which she loves more than anything.
Those are not the realities. Those are soft things. Pieces that keep her satiated.
“Why do you want to be like me?” he asks slowly, chest slightly tight with dread.
“Why not?” she shrugs, as if that is a perfectly logical stance.
Where is his wife when he needs you? You would help. You would distract and move her on to something else so that Johnny doesn’t have to flounder under all these questions. She came like a fury of rapidly popping fireworks, peppering him until she finally ended her chatter with wide eyes and heaving chest.
Why not?
Because there are dark tendrils that cling to him that won’t let go. She doesn’t need those. She shouldn’t have to carry those burdens with her everywhere.
There is no reason to crush her dreams. There is no reason to smack this idealism down. Not yet. When she’s older, Johnny can be clearer, he can be more upfront about the toll this line of work has taken on him.
Sighing, he walks up to the kitchen table, picking up her sparkly purple pencil. It is rough against his fingertips as he bends at the waist to peer at the questionnaire. She stands next to him, watching intently, leaning on an elbow, peering over his arm as he starts to fill out information on the page.
Johnny takes his time. He is truthful in his answers. He is part of The Special Air Service. He runs covert missions. He vaguely lists out what a day might look like for him when he’s not deployed. His daughter watches on, saying nothing.
 But there is no snarky comment or attitude that he usually expects from her.
“Thank you, Daddy,” is all she says, neatly folding the paper in half to stuff into her schoolbag. Johnny offers her the glittery purple pencil and she takes that too.
He bends at the knees, getting on her level. “Want to help me start dinner?”
“Yes!” she beams.
“Grab a chair,” he says, nodding toward the dining table.
She drags it across the floor, pushing it up against the bottom cabinets. She turns, smile wide, hands clasped eagerly in front of her.
This is the distraction he needs.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth @miaraei @coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @pearljamislife @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @pertinentpostmortem @enfppuff @berarenado @saoirse06 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @thewulf @hayleybarnesx @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @jade1605 @contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 8 months
♡ What's Coming Next For You In Love ♡
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P I L E 1 ~ P I L E 2 ~ P I L E 3
♡ P I L E 1 ♡ All I really need to know is that you believe
Ten Of Pentacles, Seven of Wands, Nine of Pentacles (Reversed), Eight of Cups (Reversed), Page of Swords
Bottom of the Deck: Knight of Swords
This Relationship will be a prosperous one and this person will fight for you. They will let you know that you are a top priority for them. I'm getting that you will be so very dedicated to this person coming in BUT you are being warned to no lose yourself in them and to no be too in your own head when it comes to this relationship. It's fine to daydream and to be in love but it's important to remember that you matter, too. Your family and friends are just as important as your cutie pie.
Something you'll love is how intellectual this person is and will love talking to them. I can see you two sitting closer together and talking and smiling. I have a feeling that this person will not want to be open at first or will be scared to let their guard down. They may have had people tell them to "tone it down", so they won't show all of themself all at once but once open up, they'll really see how special they are.
I'm also getting a channeled message saying that some of you need to let go of an ex before getting with someone new. If you don't you could lose someone really great.
Channeled song: I Would Die 4 U by Prince
I'm not your lover // I'm not your friend // I am something that you'll never comprehend // No need to worry // No need to cry // I'm your Messiah and you're the reason why //
♡ P I L E 2 ♡ Come out of hiding, I'm right here, beside you
The Star, Seven of Wands, Strength, The Sun, Page of Wands (Reversed)
Bottom of the Deck: Nine of Cups
In the past, you may have been in lack luster relationships; relationships that lacked passion or chemistry. WELL, THAT'S ALL IN THE PAST NOW BAYBEEE!!! The person coming in for you is a wish come true. Like, imagine the person you wrote about in your diary in middle school but so much better. They are all you ever wanted and more! For many of you, I would even say this is a soulmate connection! (AMAZING!) In this next connection, this person will see you as their hope and their inspiration; you are their muse. Not only will you being in love with your person, but you will also be best friends with your person!! I'm getting that a lot of you already know who this person is.
This person has some serious "golden retriever" energy! You may take trips together too but it's not just the both of you but with friends too because you guys are like a big family and you all just love being together. I'm getting that this person could be a Leo (Sun, Moon, Rising, or Venus). I keep coming back to the "golden retriever" energy! They just have a bright personality, and they are so warm and inviting. They are just so fun to be with and they are the life of the party. This person also has such a weak spot for you. You're their kryptonite. They will do anything for you and will fight to keep you if they have to. I feel like even when the two of you are official, they want to still prove to you that they desire you and they still care about you. They want to make it really clear that they want you always and always will.
Channeled song: You Matter To Me from Waitress: The Musical by Sara Bareilles ft. Jason Mraz
because you matter to me // simple and plain // not much to ask from somebody // you matter to me // I promise you do, you // you matter too // I promise you do // you'll see // you matter to me //
♡ P I L E 3 ♡
Ace of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Queen of Cups (Reversed). Six of wands, Ace of Wands
Bottom of the Deck: The Chariot
What seemed like a hot fling, is going to quickly change into a stable relationship. I can hear you now. "What do you mean? I'm having fun! I don't want anything serious right now!" Well, too bad. This love is ready for you, and I think you're ready for it. You may be scared of settling down with someone because of a past heartbreak. I'm getting that this person was kind of a bum, for lack of a better word. This person was not good for you nor were they good to you and they really did some damage when they were in your life. They didn't give you what you needed in the relationship. They didn't provide balance to the relationship. You gave all of yourself to this person, only to receive nothing in return. It won't be like that with this new person. This is a love worth celebrating and trust me when I say that you will feel celebrated by your beau. They are going to show you off and remind you of how important you are, how special you are. They are going to remind you of how much they love you and care for you every single chance that they get. While writing this, I'm channeling that your person wants to say that you have a beautiful heart and they are going to keep it safe. Know that this person sees being with you as a great victory.
OMG, I hope you like a flirt because they are gonna make you blush like you committed a sin! It will be like two teenagers in love but with more stability and maturity. This will be something very long term. This person is dedicated to you and your relationship. I'm getting that not all of you are the type to want to get married but for those of you who do, expect to hear those wedding bells ringing! The colors, emerald green, gold, pink, white and a cool grey could be significant to you.
Channeled Message: "Baby, our love is older than this life we live in now. It dates back further than our human minds can comprehend. Don't run from this; from us. We choose each other every lifetime. Don't let this time be any different."
Channeled song: Still by Tamia
Feels like the first time we met // When I kissed // and I told you I love you //
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If you want a personalized reading, you can get one on Etsy at PinkAmethystTarot
Page Divider by: @eloquentreverie
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. these readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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mioritic · 2 years
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Beatus of Liébana, Commentary on the Apocalypse, Northern Spain, end of 10th century
Pages depicting the Last Judgement (top), the angel enchaining Satan (Revelation 20:1-3, middle left), angels restraining the four winds (Revelation 7:1-3, middle right), and the 144,000 chosen from the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-12, bottom)
British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts (Additional 11695)
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kiwinatorwaffles · 10 months
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the real ones know the hermitcraft season 4 logfellas trial. (ive linked the wels pov) so what if wels (a prosecutor) switched places with phoenix (a defense attorney) and they were both forced to play the opposite role in a completely different court
check out this awesome fic my friend sky wrote based off this!
(image descriptions under cut)
Image description
Image 1: A doodle page of Welsknight from Hermitcraft and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney. In the middle of the page, the two characters stand next to each other. Wels, instead of his normal knight armor, wears a black suit and slacks over his chainmail while standing confidently with a hand on his hip. On the other hand, Phoenix stands next to him, dazed and nervous. The text between the two fullbodies reads "isekai'ed into each other's courts". Behind the two characters are comic-like cutouts of them close-up. Wels, hair slicked back and wearing a blue suit, holds a hand out as if shouting an objection. Phoenix, wearing Wels' helmet and cape, sweats in panic as an arrow lodges into the backboard just inches away from his face. In the bottom left and right corners, there are doodles of the two characters meeting each other's swapped assistants. Maya and Wels have a back and forth conversation, starting with Maya's speech bubble: "nice to meet you, new guy!" "thanks and uh, it's welsknight." "can i call you 'knight?'" "um, just wels is fine--" "okay, knight!" Wels has a speech bubble with an ellipses, unamused. Phoenix and Cubfan also have a conversation, starting with Phoenix's speech bubble: "but i'm not a prosecutor!" "it's fine, dude!! this is my first time in a court!" "huh? wait... have you passed the bar exam?" "the what?" Then, it cuts to a close-up of Phoenix's face, where he has an expression of disbelief. Cub says, "anyways, put on that helmet. they won't realize you're not whitelisted that way. (and it'll protect you from ren)". Phoenix thinks, "oh my god" in all bold letters.
Image 2: A follow-up shitpost picturing Phoenix and Wels' disbelief at each other's worlds. Phoenix is grabbing Cub by the shoulders in horror, shouting "fym murder is allowed as long as it's funny!?!" in all caps and italicized bold lettering. There is small text below Cub that reads, "cub has not told him about respawning". Wels is next to Maya looking at a photo of the victim, slightly shocked, saying, "oh... uh... that's a lot of blood...." while Maya looks at him in confusion. Wels continues in a drawing below, now appearing more distressed, saying "maybe this is one of those lore servers? where they have a blood plugin? yea surely... surely that's the reason..." To which Maya replies, holding a container of hair gel, "mr. knight can you please stop being insane and gel your hair into spikes?"
End description.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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Fire and Ice: Rise of Change edition (aka. my redraw of the Fire and Ice cover) is complete! 
This took me FOR EVER, the complete opposite of the Into the Wild cover, that one I completed in 1 night, this one has been a WIP for possibly a month??? Could be more and I wouldn't be surprised. 
This is probably one of the most complicated covers in the first arc, there are so many characters and such a big background! I am not used to illustrating backgrounds like this so at least it was a good push to get me out of my comfort zone! 
Now info about my changes to the cover! The cats in the frame are Bracken(paw) and Cinder(paw), they are both important characters in this book and they are Fire and Gray’s first apprentices (Bracken is more Fire’s apprentice too honestly) so I thought they should get a spot light! Also I want to change a lot of the frames in future covers bec I like the idea of other important characters getting the cover spot light! 
The other characters in the scene behind the frame are Sedgecreek (upper right), Graystripe (upper left), Troutclaw aka. Whiteclaw (below Graystripe), Voleclaw (farthest bottom left), Leopardfur (Next to Voleclaw), Fireheart (bottom middle), and Sand(paw) (bottom right). All of these cats were in the border skirmish between River and Thunder when Fire and Gray were traveling back from bringing back Wind Order! 
Image IDs v
[Image ID: A digital illustration, which is a redraw of the original Warriors: Fire and Ice cover.  At the top of the cover is the Warriors title written in dark purple, and below it is written Fire and Ice which is yellow and lined in the same dark purple. Below the title is a portrait style frame centered in the middle of the cover, this frame depicts Bracken(paw) and Cinder(paw) centered in the frame, sitting next to each other with mirrored blank, wide eyed expressions. They are in a dark night scene and are mostly in shadow with their eyes glowing a bright white. In front of them are black silhouettes of grass, and in the background in a dark blue night sky and a huge bright blue moon lined with white. Behind this frame, filling up the rest of the cover, is a illustration of a battle taking place in a sunset scene of a river surrounded by grass that is mostly lit in yellows and oranges. In the foreground at the bottom of the illustration are 4 cats, there are two on the left of the page, we can only see their angry seemingly yelling faces peaking over a log, the cat farther from the left has her arm raised with her claws unsheathed, the other two cats are faced away from the camera and are looking towards the first two. from left to right the first cat is grey with blue eyes, the second in gold with brown spots and amber eyes, the third is round, chubby and orange, and the forth is a cream and back tortie. In the mid ground are two cats by the river bank, one is standing with their left side showing and they are crouched low to the ground and screeching at something off screen, the other is behind this cat, and is getting ready to pounce on the first cat while screeching. the First cat is a brown and white cat with orange eyes and the second is a big gray tabby with glowing yellow eyes. On the other side of the river is a single cat looking over to the other side, this cat is a brown tabby with green eyes. At the bottom of the cover where the author is usually listed, is written “Rise of Change” in yellow text./End ID]
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beansprean · 1 year
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Waiting on Mr. Right
My Exchangeapalooza gift for @jay-auris !! See it HERE on A03 and check out all the other fabulous entries HERE!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID page 1: 1. Interior of a bar, romantically lit, and covered in heart balloons, heart and cupid decorations, heart shaped light strings, and various small round tables with two chairs each. The tables are occupied with male/female couples in mid conversation. A waitress dressed in black jeans, black button up, and a white apron around her waist walks through with a tray. In the foreground is the corner of the bar counter, which has a small sign advertising 'Valentine's Day Speed Dating' On February 13 between 7pm and 10pm. A little cupid cartoon is pictured on the sign saying 'Every time a bell rings, ladies move on to your next date!' At the bottom, it says 'Find your Valentine! (before it's too late)'. 2a. Close up of Nandor on a salmon background lighter at the top and darker at the bottom, dressed up in his finest red and gold fur trimmed coat, sitting at one of the small tables, hands folded in front of him. He stares expectantly forward and says, 'I am glad to hear your parents are dead; I never liked any of my previous 37 wives' parents. 2b. Reverse shot of a middle aged black woman in a red turtleneck sitting across from him, arms crossed with an uncomfortable expression as she stares back at him with no response. 2c. A brown hand in a dark beige suit sleeve rings a small golden bell. 3a. Close up of Nandor, leaning over the table with his fingers pressed together, presenting his date with a lascivious smile. He says, 'How many times a day do you expect cunnilingus?' 3b. Reverse shot of a white middle aged redhead across from him, dressed in a mauve v neck sweater and nervously avoiding eye contact while gulping a glass of white wine. 3c. A brown hand in a dark beige suit sleeve rings a small golden bell. 4a. Close up of Nandor, smiling sweetly with his hands folded in his lap as he says 'Without a word spoken between us, I find myself falling deeply in love. Do you feel this also?' 4b. Reverse shot of a middle aged southeastern Asian woman with a bob and large glasses. She still has her coat in her arms and hasn't even slipped her bag off her shoulder, and there is an untouched menu in front of her. With an expression of vague disgust, she replies'...No.' 4c. Reverse shot as the woman gets up to leave, Nandor planting his fists on the table and calling out 'Hey, the bell has not rung yet!' 5. Close up of Nandor as he crosses his arms and clicks his tongue, mumbling angrily to himself 'Clearly she has no idea how dating works.' A waiter reaches into frame to grab the abandoned menu and snorts in response. 6. Zoom out as Nandor jerks his head around to whine, affronted, at the waiter, 'Ayy, what, waiter-man? Where is the joke?' The waiter, who appears to be Guillermo wearing a black button down, black pants and a white apron around his waist, holds the menu up with both hands to shield his face, replying 'Sorry, sorry! Nothing!' /end page 1
ID page 2: 1. As Guillermo hides behind the menu, Nandor holds his hand up in a useless hypnosis gesture and barks 'I am Nandor the Relentless and I command you to tell me!' 2. Close up of Guillermo as he peeks cautiously over the top of the menu. Offscreen, Nandor continues, 'You are seeing so many people here have success...' 3. Close up of Nandor looking pleadingly upward as he says 'What am I doing wrong?' 4. Guillermo fully lowers the menu with a cautious smile, replying 'I mean...I guess you come on a little strong?' 5. Wide shot of them both. Nandor makes an affronted expression and curls one arm up to show off his bicep, gesturing to it with his other hand. He says, 'I am strong! I am very strong! Do modern women no longer admire strength?' Guillermo, holding the menu under one arm, holds up both hands in a soothing gesture and responds frantically 'Nonono, for sure! I just meant that you're acting really intense right off the bat!' 6. Close up on Nandor with a thoughtful hand on his chin as Guillermo continues offscreen: 'Talking love and marriage...it's too soon for a first date.' Nandor: 'Ahh... This is more third date talk?' There is a small reaction shot of Guillermo looking exasperated but resigned as he reluctantly agrees: '...Sure.' 7. Close up on Guillermo as Nandor asks offscreen: 'So what is first date talk?' Guillermo replies, counting off on his fingers, 'Well, it depends on the person, but generally... Get-to-know-you questions? Like where did you grow up, how many siblings do you have, that kind of stuff.' 8. Close up on Nandor as he turns his face away to glare into the middle distance, a sudden shadow melting half his face into darkness as he says 'I grew up in the faraway kingdom of Al Qolnidar, which no longer exists, and I had seven siblings, all of whom are now dead.' There is a small reaction shot of Guillermo looking shocked and cornered, unsure how to respond to all that. 9. Wide shot from Nandor's other side as he raises his eyebrows guilelessly and gestures to Guillermo with a hand, prompting, 'And then you answer?' Guillermo jolts in place, surprised to be placed in the date's role, and replies 'Oh, yeah, uh. Your date would answer, too. Um. I grew up here in the Bronx and I'm an only child.' 10. Repeat. Nandor and Guillermo both stare expectantly at the other. 11. Repeat. Nandor drops his gaze with a frown, eyes hooding, and grunts 'Hm. This is very boring, waiter-man.' Guillermo, flustered and irritated, throws his arms out in a helpless gesture and snaps 'Well, you have to actually engage in the conversation! Ask follow-up questions! And it's Guillermo!' Nandor says, uninterested, 'What is.' /end page 2
ID page 3: 1a. Close up on Guillermo on a bubbly pink background as he points a finger sternly and states 'My name! It's Guillermo.' 1b. Reverse shot of Nandor looking up at him, almost dazed, cheeks flushed a bit purple as he echoes 'Guillermo...' 1c. Reverse shot of Guillermo as he withdraws his hand to curl it protectively against his chest. He looks a bit taken aback by the reaction, cheeks gone a ruddy pink. 2. Wide shot of them both on a red-violet background crisscrossed with multicolored lights. Guillermo looks away from Nandor nervously, blushing and sweaty, patting his free hand anxiously on the menu held under his arm. He stutters out, 'I, uh. Anyway, I gotta-' Nandor, leaning his head on his hand and gazing at Guillermo with a besotted expression, interrupts, saying 'You are very wise in the ways of dating, Guillermo.' He puts extra emphasis on the name. 3. Close up on Guillermo as Nandor continues: 'You have been on many dates?' Guillermo fidgets, still looking away, and mumbles back 'Not, not like a lot, no. Not like a large amount. Like a normal amount, probably.' 4. Wide shot as Nandor lifts his head and leans closer with a small smile, asking 'And how do your suitors woo you? If they are asking you on a second date?' Guillermo is startled into making eye contact and goes red, clutching the menu to his chest with both hands as he sweats nervously. 5. Repeat. Nandor leans even closer, smile widening into something more flirtatious as Guillermo stiffens and looks away again, somehow getting even redder as his shaky mouth pulls into an uncertain grin. Guillermo stutters out, 'I mean...assuming the first date went well...um...' 6. Close up on Guillermo, smiling nervously even as he avoids eye contact. He says, 'I guess he might...get me flowers?' 7. Close up on Nandor on a bubbly peach background from Guillermo's POV, looking up patiently as he listens. Guillermo continues offscreen: 'He'd...tell me how much he enjoys my company, or...pay me a genuine compliment.' 8. Close up on Guillermo on a bubbly peach background from Nandor's POV, his smile softened and eyes far away as he continues: 'And...whisk me off somewhere fun. Somewhere new. Somewhere we could...stumble in to an adventure together. Away from everything else. And we'd stay up all night because we just...didn't want it to end.' /end page 3
ID page 4: 1. Close up on Guillermo's hand, crossed over his opposite arm, as Nandor nudges his fingers underneath to free his grip. Nandor starts softly, 'And...' 2. Wide shot on a bubbly pink background. Nandor has taken Guillermo's hand and is holding it like a knight would a lady, gazing down at it softly as if readying to kiss it. He continues, '...how many of your suitors have done this for you?' Guillermo, dazed, gazes down at their hands and replies '...I... I don't think anyone would...' 3. The plain green background wall slams back into view as a bell rings offscreen. Wide-eyed and red-faced, Guillermo snatches his hand away from Nandor and flings it upward as if tossing the moment over his shoulder. Nandor is left frozen, hand in the air, eyes wide in shock. 4. Repeat. Guillermo begins to back away from the table, tossed arm coming around to rub at the back of his neck. He looks up and away, sweating , red, and awkward as he chokes out a loud forced laugh and says 'Well, that definitely counts as coming on too strong. Terrible advice, don't do that.' Nandor leans after him, hand hovering in midair, squeaking out 'A-' 5. Repeat. Without letting Nandor finish, Guillermo disappears out of frame with a hasty 'Ok bye good luck!', leaving Nandor saying nothing but question marks, hand still frozen in the air as if reaching out after him. In the foreground, a woman with long brown hair and a dark pink sweater steps into view to take the seat in front of Nandor. 6. Slight zoom, the background returning to the light and dark salmon as Nandor settles back into his seat. The woman across from him, out of focus in shadow, says 'Hi, I'm Kjersten! Um...that's a really interesting outfit...' Nandor doesn't appear to be listening and is staring after Guillermo thoughtfully, a Mona Lisa curl to his lips. /end page 4
ID page 5: 1. Low angle of an alleyway, fenced at the rear and surrounded by tall buildings in multiple vague colors with some spray painted areas. Snow is piled up on either side of the center path against the sidewalk. In the foreground, there is a dumpster. A pink text box at the top reads February 14, 12:07 am. Halfway down the alley, a door opens and Guillermo steps halfway out, missing his apron but having added a coat, carrying a full garbage bag. A voice from inside calls, 'Guillermo, you can head out when you're done, okay?' Guillermo's breath steams into the air as he turns back to the door to respond: 'You sure? The dishes are-' The voice interrupts him with 'Sí, es El Día Dr Amor y Amistad! (In English: Yes, it's Valentines Day) Go sow your oats! You're too young to be working so much.' Guillermo replies without enthusiasm, 'Ha...yeah. Thanks, Teresa, have a good night.' 2. View from behind as Guillermo pulls the lid of the dumpster up with one hand and throws the bag in with the other. He sighs and mutters to himself, 'My oats are just gonna go home and watch Buffy...' 3. There is a clatter in the alley behind him and Guillermo spins around to face the viewer, startled and tense. 4. Extreme close up on Guillermo jerking back in shock as a wad of dandelions are suddenly thrust into his face. A voice offscreen calls 'Guillermo!' happily. 4. Zoom out as Nandor, now with a black and gold cloak dusted with snow over his finery, kneels down in front of Guillermo, arm outstretched to keep the dandelions pushing at his chin. Guillermo, pink and flustered and very confused, takes a step back and splutters 'Nandor?! The- the relentless?' Nandor ignores his reaction and announces, 'Here are some flowers!' 5a. Close up on Nandor as he looks up at Guillermo, dandelions thrust into the foreground and his hair and shoulders dotted with snow as if he had been waiting for some time. He proceeds, clearly rehearsed, 'I very much enjoyed your company tonight as well as the sight of your charming boyish face and plump behind!' His voice is demanding but his expression, eyes shining upwards and cheeks flushed purple, betrays his nerves despite the confident set to his brow. 5b. Reverse shot of Guillermo, staring down at him slack-jawed with wide shiny eyes and pink cheeks, the dandelions still hovering up by his face. Offscreen, Nandor asks 'Have you ever been to Staten Island?' Guillermo responds 'No...' on autopilot. Nandor concludes, 'Then that is where I will be whisking you for our date!' 6. Full body shot, the alleyway back in focus and showing an empty snow-lined street on the other side, a single window just above Guillermo's head lit up from within. Nandor finally stands up and rubs at his chin with a worried expression, dandelions clutched in the other. He says, 'I've heard tales of an all-night bowling alley, but my housemates never want to go with me.' Meanwhile Guillermo, frozen beside him with his hands hovering in mid-air, lets his brain catch up with what's happening. He stares into the middle distance as equations float around his head and his breath fogs into the air. Above, it begins to gently snow. 7. Close up of Guillermo, knocked out of his trace by a gentle prompting from Nandor offscreen: 'So...?' An EKG line skips a beat in the background as he startles and looks up, eyes shining and lips pressed together in a frown. 8. Reverse shot of Nandor, looking very nervous now as he stares back hopefully, holding out the bouquet of dirty dandelions one more time. /end page 5
ID page 6: 1. Close up of Guillermo on a bubbly pink background. He smiles genuinely, red-cheeked, and reaches out to take the dandelions from Nandor's hand. He says, 'Okay...' 2. Medium shot of the two in profile. Nandor, still holding the flowers as Guillermo tucks his hand inside his grip to take them, looks down at Guillermo in shock and echoes 'Okay?!' Guillermo looks up at him with a shy smile and clarifies, 'Yeah. Yes.' 3. Nandor drops his hand and straightens up, a giant silly ecstatic grin taking over his face. Guillermo turns back toward the building and points behind him with his free hand, the other now clutching the dandelions. He says, 'Just let me clock out an-' 4. A close up of Guillermo, blurred diagonally with sudden motion. The only thing clearly visible are his wife eyes, frozen grin, and a little white question mark. 5. Knees up of Nandor, now holding a startled Guillermo in a bridal carry, on a red background lined with glowing neon pink hearts. Grinning wildly down at his date, Nandor announces, 'Prepare to be whisked, Guillermo!!' Guillermo sits there wide-eyed, clutching his little wad of flowers to his chest and somehow finding his other arm looped around Nandor's neck. He stutters frantically, 'Wai- wait, Nandor, you don't have to-' 6. The background warps upward as Nandor shoots them both upward into the sky, flying them both right out of the panel. Guillermo's last word is stretched out in a startled 'OOOOOO??!' as they take off, a single dandelion escaping his grip and drifting back toward the ground. 7. Wide shot of the night sky, dark purple with bursts of white clouds and speedily increasing snowfall, lit by a clear full moon. Nandor and Guillermo fly through, Nandor smiling in a pleased way and clutching Guillermo tightly as he watches their ascent. Guillermo, both arms now around Nandor's neck and more flowers slipping from his grip into the night, stares up at him with awe. He thinks to himself, 'This is the best night of my life...' Behind them, the words 'the end' are carved into the moon. /End ID
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lovesby · 8 months
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HOLD ME, HAND. a handmade Renchanting zine by me! Transcripts, and image descriptions under the cut. Experience it on my website! (Transcripts inline on there.)
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Pictured is the cover and back cover of the zine. The back cover is the same style scribbled black vertical line, but less dense, and with a streak of red scribbled lines towards the top half of the page.
Page 1 and 2 of the zine. On the left, the page behind the cover, has a crude drawing of the Dogwarts banner in red pen. It is an almost fully red banner with three white triangles at the bottom edge. The text on the side of the page, written along the side edge, says “a hand made Renchanting zine by SBY.” Renchanting is in red text, as is SBY. SBY is circled like a signature. On page two, there is a poem, titled “how it ends”, aligned left, in plain black text. It says; Let’s try this again: You go into fruitless labor for fruitless/business for fruitless prizes in fruitless/games. No winning here, there is none./I know that. I see it. I’ve seen it all ahead/of time, I see it clearly now. Play/stupid games, play stupid pretend. No/winning. I know. But this time I’ll play along, stupid games./This time, I’ll climb up the hill and see/you there, and walk the other/way. I’ll know better. I’ll leave you to it. A gentle/nod. Magic can’t save us, in the end./Love can’t mean anything if I know -how it ends.
Pages 3 and 4 of the zine. On the left page, page 3, is a poem written diagonally down the page. Once in black, then repeated in red. It is titled “on you.”/”(on you)” and the title is both on top and on the bottom of the poem to be read with the rest. The poem reads, “on you. drawn to you like gravity draws the axe to meet its mark (on you). drawn to you like gravity draws the axe to meet its mark” On page 4, on the right, is a sketchy drawing of a handaxe, colored in slightly with blue pen and red hearts scribbled around the sharp end of the axe instead of blood. On the handle, all caps cut off text reads, “Red winter is-”
Pages 5 and 6 of the zine are in all black ink. This is a two page spread of a poem titled “puppy love”. The title is horizontal down the middle spine. On the bottom half, under the large block of poem text, is drawn the roots and trunk of a tree. On the top half, on the right page, above the text, is drawn the top half of the same tree. The text on the left reads, “I don’t fully understand what it is/about you that makes me want to/run and hide under the tall dark/oaks. Something about you makes/me scared like a child, not devoted/to some thing or another. Or another/thing. I don’t fully understand what/it is that makes my heart tug and/beat when someone else is near you./Like something or another, pulling/me closer.” The text on the bottom half of page 6 reads, “I don’t need to understand what it is/about you that makes me want to put the/wooden handle in your firm calloused hands./The hands I held in mine, planting row/after row of garden in the soil in/front of the shack your calloused hands/helped build, behind the walls your hands/helped me build. I feel it too. So I’m/putting this in your hands, now."
Pages 7 and 8 of the zine. On the right is a crude drawing of a red crescent moon with three black birds in front of it. On the right is a poem titled, “be still, be ready (steady)”. The title is written vertically on the middle spine again. In red pen, complementing the black ink text of the poem is a scribbled red cloud and red snowflakes. The poem reads: and with the palpitations in/my throat i finally/understood what it would/feel like to eat a/heart while it was still/beating. i’m holding your heart in my hands/and swallowing it whole./you asked me to, and now i am, i’m/swallowing you whole.
Pages 9 and 10 are a mostly white page space two page spread of black lowercase text, that simply reads, very spread out, on a top left to bottom right diagonal, “oh./i understand,/now.”
Pages 11 and 12 of the zine are the first part of a four page spread of one poem meant to be read from left to right ignoring the middle spine. There is a long arrow at the cutoff at the end of the page, indicating that the poem continues. It is in black ink and says; The wagon jumps --- not for joy. Executioner’s boots squeal/at the same frequency of the damn wheels creak. The same joy/peverted [sic]. I never understood an axe until I became one./Sharpen me,/deep repetitive motion, make me feel/good. How I touch/the scar around your neck and know/I made it --- mine, mine. I smell bile/feel it in my throat too, and/I look up to see one of the men,/big and strong framed/an ox/of a man and gentle like one Pages 13 and 14, continuing the 4 page spread. The rest of the text says; has thrown up onto the road. Leaving it/pieces of him in our wake. I don’t throw up/even if I feel like/I left myself somewhere else. Becoming the axe, becoming the axe. Long road home/to take it back. Bury me/in someone else’s/hand. The title of the poem is revealed on the bottom right of the last page; “Long Live the King”. Above it is a drawing of an open eye and a closed eye in red ink.
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absolutewhore101 · 3 months
Better Man - Chapter 5
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A/N: here's chapter 5! taglist is being updated with every post, so lmk if you want to be added/removed. i'm looking to do updates every monday, so stay tuned :)
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Listen to 'Better Man' by Taylor Swift; Stage 3 - bargaining (kind of)
Warnings: swearing, Joel
Word Count: 1.4K
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
This is a journal entry.
The stairs leading up to your bedroom had never felt so tiresome, but you were dragging yourself up by the time you reached the top. 
That fight never should have happened. Carly never should’ve happened. Joel never should have happened. All you needed was the reassurance that you did the right thing, but who could you even go to?
You were sure that the people you’d come to call friends almost certainly knew about Joel, and none of them had told you. 
You couldn’t talk to Tommy, that much was obvious. You thought about talking to Ellie, but even if she did know, this wasn’t her problem. 
Was it only you? Were you truly the last person to know?
You sat down on the edge of your bed, staring at the wall in front of you. Your thoughts were running a mile a minute, all of them focused on Joel. 
How could he have done this? There was nothing you could’ve done to stop him once he started, but wasn’t there something you could’ve done to prevent it?
Why weren’t you enough?
A tear dropped off the bottom of your chin, landing delicately on your hand. 
You reached into your nightstand, pulling out the notebook you’d had for a few months. That journal was the only thing you felt truly comfortable sharing everything with after you found out about Joel. 
You fished around for a pen, but came up empty. Walking past Ellie’s room, you peeked in, finding her gone. 
You shook your head, assuming she had never come home in the first place, as you made your way downstairs.
Walking into the kitchen felt more painful than it should’ve - Joel’s coffee mug was on the counter, rings stained around the inside of it. The book he’d been reading left on the table, bookmarked to the page he'd left off on. 
You walked past all of it and went to the junk drawer, grabbing a pen and heading into the living room. 
You sat down on the couch, pulling your feet up underneath you, and started writing. 
I know…
You paused. 
What did you know?
I know that I’m probably better off on my own. Better off than loving a man who didn’t know what he had when he had it.
You wiped your face, willing your bottom lip to stop trembling. 
You flipped back through the pages you’d already written in, rereading the words you’d spilled when you started to suspect Joel was cheating on you. 
It was easy to see the permanent damage that he’d done to you. You weren’t sure you’d ever find love in the world after it ended, and you were certain you’d never find it again. 
And then you flipped back even further, back to the hearts and doodles and the love you’d needed so badly to get out. 
Why couldn’t you just forget when it was magic? When everything was okay?
There were so many thoughts swirling around in your mind, but you couldn’t bring yourself to put them on paper. Instead, you placed your journal on the coffee table and went back upstairs, heading straight to the bathroom. 
You splashed some water on your face, hoping to rid yourself of the redness that occupied your cheeks.
“You know you had to do it.” You muttered. 
God, why did it have to be like this? You used to be curled up in bed with Joel by this point, whispering sweet words to each other until you fell asleep. 
Now, it was the middle of the night, and you were trying to convince yourself that the bravest thing you’ve ever done in this fucked up world was run. 
From Joel and everything he signified now. From Tommy and the sympathy that could only go so far. From all of Jackson, and the inevitable stares that you were expecting. 
You walked back into your bedroom, pulling back the covers and laying down. 
“I just miss you.” You whispered into the dark. “But I just wish you were a better man.”
When you woke up, you found yourself reaching for his side of the bed, only to find it empty. 
The events of last night came rushing back to you, and you couldn’t stop the tears that welled in your eyes. 
You got out of bed, trudging down the hallway and back downstairs. You didn’t have the appetite for breakfast, but you suddenly found the inspiration to write. 
Your journal felt heavier than it ever had before, and you knew it was the weight of the words you’d written last night. You couldn’t help but wonder how much heavier it’d feel in a few days, and if it would ever feel so light again. 
I know that I’m probably better off all alone. I don’t need a man who can change his mind at any given minute. 
And suddenly, the sadness you had felt just last night had morphed into anger. 
And it was always on his terms! I waited on every word that came out of his mouth, hoping they’d turn sweet again… like they were in the beginning. 
The jealousy that he had for you that you were never able to place popped into your mind. 
He’d always been jealous of the love you were able to so freely give - he’d said so himself one night. He didn’t understand how you could love him so unconditionally, could love the world so openly. 
Was that when he started talking down to you? When he realized that he’d never be good enough for you? 
He talked to you like he knew you’d always be around, and maybe you would’ve. Maybe you would’ve stayed with him if he talked to you like that - pushing your love away like it was some kind of loaded gun. 
But you couldn’t be the third person in your relationship. You should’ve been the first, and Joel just didn’t seem to get that. 
And he never thought you’d run. 
You looked out the window, seeing a crowd of people gathering in the middle of town. You stood up, trying to get a better view of what was happening. 
All of a sudden, laughter sounded, loud enough that you could hear it inside your house. 
Curiosity got the best of you, so you opened your door, walking out onto your porch. 
You could finally see what everyone was crowded around - Joel. 
“I’m shocked you survived!” Someone yelled. 
“Yeah, looks like it did a number on you!”
You furrowed your brows, trying to figure out what they were talking about. Had he gone on a run this morning? Had an infected gotten too close?
Tommy walked around the crowd, eyes locked on you. You wanted to turn around and go back inside, locking the door behind you, but something kept you rooted in your spot. 
“What’s going on?” You asked him once he was close enough to hear you. 
Tommy shook his head, gesturing you to go back inside. 
You were ready to protest, to tell him he had no right to step foot in your house, but he spoke before you could.
“Please. They don’t need to see this.”
You followed him inside, shutting the door behind you as Tommy turned to face you. 
“What were they talking about?” You said, anxiety creeping into you. 
Tommy hesitated before he answered. 
“Me?” You asked.
He nodded. “You, Joel… last night. Word got around pretty fast that he’d moved in with Carly and people came knocking.”
You felt nauseous. The town you lived in, the people you once called friends, were celebrating that Joel was finally free of you. And he was loving it. 
Your knees buckled, but Tommy caught you before you could hit the floor, helping you walk over to the couch. 
“This can’t be real.” You muttered, looking up at him. 
His lips drew into a thin line. “I’m afraid it is.”
Your eyes closed, head tipping back to rest against the back of the couch. 
If Joel was a better man, this wouldn’t be happening. 
If Joel was a better man, you’d still be in love. 
“Tommy?” You said.
“Yeah.” He responded. 
“I know why I had to say goodbye to Joel like the back of my hand, but why couldn’t he just be a better man?”
Tommy’s jaw clenched, head swimming as he thought about what Joel had put you through, and how he hadn’t done anything to stop it. 
“I don’t know.” 
That was the last thing he said before he walked out of your house, gently closing the door behind him. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat there on the couch, tears falling down your cheeks, before you picked your journal back up. 
He would’ve been the one if he was a better man.
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
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in which Harry promised you to take you as his first award show date...
(A/N- In this Harry became solo artist one direction doesn't exist, listen to Wanna be yours for feels)
[Warning- Fluff, Angst if you like squint reallllllyyyyyyy hard, a little self-doubt, Harry being absolute gentleman he is, Harry might or might not have a secret crush on reader🤭, pinning like idiots]
Life is werid and unpredictable.
As for someone who likes to plan their every move in advance, you hated that from the bottom of your heart. You were the type of person to pick out outfits and plan everything for the day for an event you will attend in a week or two.
So imagine your surprise when your ex classmate comes at your door step asking you to be his date and not just any classmate...Harry fucking Styles asking you to be his date to VMAs.
"Wait can you repeat that?" You said dumbfounded. Harry chuckled, dimples digging in deep as he asked you again
"Will you be my date to the VMAs?"
"I still can't believe it. I mean why me? Is this a prank? Is Nick Grimshaw going to jump out of somewhere with his camera crew or something or is this revenge for me spilling orange juice on your shirt on picture da-" Your rambling was cut off by Harry scooting near you on the couch and holding both your shoulders.
Your eyes snapped to his, and your face flushed red cause one, he was Harry Styles, and you were obviously his fan. Second, you had a massive crush on him in school and still have (who doesn't?).
You really were surprised how you didn't drop dead from a heart attack.
"Darling do you have your yearbook with you?" He asked you softly and you nodded too in shock to speak.
"Go get it" He said removing his hands from your shoulders and sitting back.
Yes daddy was your first response but you bit your tongue and ran off to your room.
"Holy fucking shit" You whisper shouted to yourself and fixed your hair in the mirror and put on some lipgloss even though he saw you in the ratty state you were when you opened the door thinking it was pizza, it was not late to make a good impression right?
You knew where your yearbook was, so you took your time to make your appearance look good and excused the time as "searching."
"Sorry took some time to find this old thing" You lied. Harry hummed as you gave him the book and smirked.
"If I didn't knew any better I would say you were lying darling and actually was getting dolled up, up there" He said still not looking up rather than flicking through pages.
Your face flushed again and you played with your hair trying to not squim and be flustered.
"I was not-" He cut you off again but you didn't mind cause you didn't have an excuse.
"Look here." He pointed towards the very end of the page where you had your friends sign at the last day of school, and obviously, Harry's was also there, but there was also a message there.
I promise to take you as my date to my first VMAs
Honestly, you don't even remember he wrote that. You were too busy being sad over not being able to see his pretty face every day. You were surprised he still remembered.
"You remembered this?" You asked him and looked up he was looking at you with his pretty toothy dimply smile and your heart skipped a beat, it was like highschool all over again.
"Ofcourse I did" he said and scooted back a bit to your much dismay, "Now the question is will you?"
"Duh. I would be a dumbass if I said no" You laughed and put the yearbook aside.
"Great Great" He said, standing up from beside you. You frowned discreetly at the thought of him leaving so early, "I will be here to pick you up tomorrow at 2 pm. That's okay for you?" He asked looking at you hopefully.
"Yeah that's okay" You replied smiling softly. His eyes shined brighter as if you were the sun. You stood there in middle of your living room watching his beautiful green eyes that was until a thought struck you.
"But I don't have anything to wear, Harry! It's already 4 pm when am I supposed to go shopping and buy stuff." You started panicking again but he just waved you off.
"Calm down darling. Event is at 6 there is a reason I said I will pick you up at 2. All you have to do it get your pretty little ass in my car, worry about nothing else" He said tucking a piece of hair behind your ears. Your face went red, feeling flustered by is unashamed flirting.
"Okay" You said with a soft smile. Harry smiled and hugged you, with your face in his chest you could smell his cologne and god he smelled so amazing, like Vanilla and sandalwood with a hint of tobacco, you were obsessed.
"See you tomorrow" He said with a wink as he walked towards his car.
God he must be thinking how embarrassing I'm.
God she must be thinking how embarrassing I'm.
Harry thought as he drove away from your house still watching your small figure standing on the door.
It was a shot in dark, him just showing up and asking you to be his date to VMAs. In reality he would be asking you to a real date but he's too much of a pussy.
He could have asked you when he was in highschool but he too scared just as he's now. He just hope everything goes well tomorrow and the next time he will be picking you up will be a real date.
Tomorrow came too early and too late.
Whole night you couldn't sleep thinking about the event, who would be there? what will you do if someone famous talks to you? what will you say if someone asks you who Harry is to you? An ex classmate? friend? acquaintance?
Then your mind went to Harry and how good he looked, you wondered what he will be wearing, if it will match your outfit. Will you be good enough for him? what will everyone else say?
It wasn't until you got a text that you stopped overthinking. It was Harry, you had exchanged numbers so he could text you if something happened.
Panicking you checked the text thinking he was canceling on you cause he found someone pretty like a model who would be far more appropriate to take to event like this but it was him sending you picture of his cat.
If you're stressing out we have a great cuddler here
You smiled and replied to his text.
Who you or her?
Why don't you find out yourself...
It went back and forth until you fell asleep mid replying but Harry didn't mind he was just happy he got to talk to you.
You woke up you guessed it...panicking. You thought the alarm you set didn't go off just to find out there was still an hour left. Knowing you will not fall asleep again you went down and made a good breakfast. Most of the time you just hurry grabbing what you can and run to work but today you treated yourself.
You made omelets sunny side up, toast, and a nice coffee and then ate it while listening to your happy playlist. After you were done with breakfast, you washed the dishes and then took a shower.
You washed your hair, deep conditioned it, shaved your whole body until baby smooth, used all those expensive oils you bought. You wanted to look your best, you knew you were nothing compared to those celebrities, models there will be which bunch of Harry dated but you could get close and look like you belong there.
After shower you got out and wrapped yourself in a bathrobe and did your elaborate skincare, mask and everything.
In doing everything, you didn't even realize the time, and suddenly, it was 2 p.m. and Harry was at your front door right on time, and you were running down the stairs. You decided to wear a simple white sundress with small sunflowers considering it was too hot outside and you also looked cute in it. Forgoing makeup cause you will be getting ready there anyways, you put on your lipsgloss and opened the door.
"Hi" you said, beaming at Harry. He was wearing white pants and a hoodie with hood up and a mask covering his face so no one would recognize him. He looked good nonetheless.
"Hi." Harry was breathless. You looked like sunshine incarnated, your smile, your dress god he wished he could kiss you right now. "You look absolutely beautiful," He said, checking you out shamelessly.
"Thank you" you blushed and stepped aside to let him in. "I just need to grab my purse and we will go" You said.
"Take your time there is no rush" Harry said, "Oh and these are for you" he said, shyly extending the bouquet of flowers. It was a mix of sunflowers and daffodils, "I know you like daffodils so.." he trailed off.
You looked up shocked he even knew that. You don't even remember telling him that. "This is beautiful Harry thank you so much" You said looking at him with softest look there ever have been in someone's eyes.
You quickly put flowers in vase smiling to yourself and checked your bag for everything you needed. "I'm ready" You said walking up to Harry in living room.
"Let's go then" Harry said, getting up from your couch. You walked behind him, locking up the main door while he contemplated if holding your hand would be too much.
God he feels like middle school boy.
Fuck it he thought to himself and threaded his fingers into yours as you stepped down on the stairs to his level. Your hands were so soft and small in comparison to his, almost swallowing it whole and for some reason his heartbeat skipped at that.
If he wasn't all too gone he was now.
Meanwhile you didn't know how to breathe. He was holding your hand...HARRY WAS HOLDING YOUR HAND. You might have looked fine from outside but inside you were panicking, screaming, crying, there were butterflies in your stomach. You're greatful you didn't threw up.
You smiled at him, and the sun shone just right on your skin, and if Harry wasn't carefull he might have thought you were an angel or some heavenly thing from the way you were glowing.
"C'mon darling let's go to car" Before he dies of a heart attack...
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515
They're so cute
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Talk to me and tell me if you liked this here♡ I will post part 2 soon
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nebmia · 3 months
Reviewing every rpg book on my shelf: 1, Dungeon Crawl Classics
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Everything about this game is absolutely dripping with bonkers maximalist bombast that makes me excited to play. To start with book itself is nearly 2 inches thick. Is that practical? No! does it feel like you've got an ancient tome full of roleplaying possibilities? Absolutely.
In a world tending towards minimalism and 'polished' production its so good to have somthing thats just big and fun and unapologetic about not being what it is.
DCC's dice are a microcosm of everything great about it. Not only do they come in shapes they never taught you about in maths class but they also all come with a fun little bonus. One of my sets comes with a stat block for a monster, while the other has a ridiculous table of reality warping effects on which you roll ALL the dice in the set, and inevitably send your campaign careening off into madness. (and it has a frame story about a stoner wizard in a magic van).
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And then there's the actual contents of the book, which is probably about 80% spells and ridiculous tables. And the spells are just so good. Each one takes up a a least a full page on average and gives a range of results according to how well you roll, from 'it missfires and things go horribly wrong' at the bottom, through 'it does about what you would expect' in the middle result ranges, to 'actually, this is almost too much' if you manage to get a roll in the 30s.
Alongside being sick as hell, this also has a satisfying effect of keeping low level spells relevent and interesting as their effects scale with the strength of the caster on a variety of axis.
related to spells is the 'spell duel' procedure. I have no idea how well it runs at the table, but the idea that when two (or more) wizards fight their spells can interact and you can use any appropriate spell to try and counter another spell is so increadibly compelling.
Ok, enough gushing about vibes. what about actually playing? So far what I have run is the 'level-0 funnel', which is probably what you have heard about if you have heard anything about DCC. The premise is simple: randomly generate 2-4 level-0 peasants for each player, send them into a dungeon, and then take whoever survives and level them up to become your characters for a campaign.
Not only does these lead to much hilarity as a mob of townsfolk bungle their way through danger but also really fun problem solving as the players work out how best to navigate problems with a shoehorn, a bundle of wood and a live chicken.
Specifically, what I have run is Sailors on the Starless Sea, which is correctly recognised as THE introductory module to use. Its a nice sequence of somewhat open investigation followed by a excellend sequence of bombastic set pieces, all the while giving the players lots of scope to come at things ininteresting ways. It can get a bit unwiedly trying to manage such large number of characters when they do run into combat but if you plan ahead a bit and use various tricks (it would be useful is more of that advice was in the book rather than coming from forums) it is manageable.
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And to return to vibes one last time: the art in these books is just so good. We could not be further from the slightly stiff generic highly rendered fantasy art of wotc era d&d. Its all fantastically old school fantasy, so full of character, and just the right amount of rough around the edges. My only slight complaint is that this does include a little too much of old school fantasy art's treatment of women than I would like...There are still prenty of sensibly dressed women and i'm not about to decree that no sexy fantasy women are allowed but the dial is a little further in a direction of objectification that I would like.
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junk-story · 2 months
Interview: Ongaku to Hito and Sakurai Atsushi - Ichikawa Tetsushi x Kanemitsu Hiroshi, Part II
This interview is on pages 52-57 of the magazine. Footnotes are included in numbered parentheses and can be found at the bottom. For Part 1 of this interview, click here.
Ichikawa: It may have been a shock, but in short, [BUCK-TICK's] material elevated. Really, because they were able to turn their work into art, we can grasp now how they were able to bring forth a decadent rock masterpiece like 21st Cherry Boy. Although that kind of dark decadence is seen as a negative, they established it as an excellent form of entertainment, which is fantastic. When I listened to that, I wondered, “Why has Sakurai made a breakthrough to this point?” What did you make of that? 
Kanemitsu: I think he was able to gradually create distance between himself and the band - in a good way. It wasn’t because their relationship had worsened, and there were still times where they’d be up until the morning drinking, but, as you might expect, after nearly 20 years had passed since they debuted, their relationships with people had expanded too, right? When that happened, this sort of scene, where Imai-san would finish an interview and the other 4 were drinking while they waited for him, it almost completely disappeared. This positive sense of individualism is how BUCK-TICK came to be born. 
Ichikawa: I see. In the 21st century, I was listening to the works of B-T as a fan only, so I didn’t bear the weight of that darkness. 
Kanemitsu: What I call acting out the darkness, that elevated their work as entertainment. But normally, when you have this individualism come to be, it leads to actively pursuing solo activities…and that can be troublesome, certainly. 
Ichikawa: That’s the self-indulgence I talked about earlier. (laughs) When that happens in a regular band, they disband and it’s over. Suddenly some new thing starts, and the other members end up not knowing what to do. But Sakurai ended up feeling guilt about this, because he was a man with a kind heart. Thanks to that, the unique worth they had as a band that continued for 35 years with its original members came to be. 
Kanemitsu: In what ways did you feel Sakurai-san’s kindness? 
Ichikawa: Well, in many ways, the Sakurai Atsushi I carry with me is still a yankii(1), you know, a good-looking yankii full of chivalry. We talked about the time when his mother passed before, but there is no shortage of that kind of material. For instance, the launching issue of Ongaku to Hito. I asked Sakurai to be in it as well, and even though it wasn’t around the timing of any [album] release, he said, “Well, since it’s a magazine Ichikawa-san is creating, I’ll do it”, and in the middle of a national tour he came back to Tokyo from Numazu after the concert was over, and it was after midnight at an oden food stall in Sendagaya where we had a no-makeup photoshoot and interview. He was a man who could simply do such things. 
Kanemitsu: What about Sakurai Atsushi made us so charmed by him, do you think? 
Ichikawa: Hmmm…his face? 
Kanemitsu: Well, that’s some brutal honesty!(2) But certainly, it was important. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Wahahaha. There’s that issue with Sakurai Atsushi on the cover where he’s wearing an unremarkable white shirt and has a slight smile, right?(3) That one is among my top three favorites. For some reason, it was a time where there weren’t any interesting releases, and there was no content to be had during this lull, so we ended up in a tight spot for an artist to put on the cover. To be honest, we made the offer to Sakurai like, “heeeelp!”, and I was grateful when he readily consented. They also didn’t have any releases coming up, so I suggested we try a risky(4) cover with no decadence, where Sakurai had a casual appearance and is looking into the camera with a smile; he had also become more concentrated(5) at that time and said, “Let’s do it!”
Kanemitsu: That’s why he cut his hair without anyone’s permission. (laughs)
Ichikawa: I’m glad we didn’t go that far with it. (laughs) But really, Sakurai Atsushi could not be detached from my magazine. There were always plenty of guys skillful at conversation, but I have never met another frontman who, even though he wasn’t good at speaking, could expose his inner thoughts to such a point. Of course, there were also those with negative feelings, like, “It’s all just to tickle the B-T girls’ fancies”, but I hoped, even without him knowing, if we could drain the low-water swamp called Sakurai Atsushi, something amazing would happen. I wanted to do something with this man. It was the same for you too, right, Kanemitsu? 
Kanemitsu: I didn’t have that “I want to do something”. But I did have something like a maternal instinct. (laughs)
Ichikawa: (wry laugh) I understand that too. You can’t leave him alone. 
Kanemitsu: Because at some point, there were only a few articles about the album releases outside of ours. 
Ichikawa: Why was that? As I said earlier, during my time, he spoke frantically as if it was needed to confirm something to himself - so in other words, something must have changed where he could become more self-contained. 
Kanemitsu: It was like Sakurai-san created his own style. As though, dressed up in decadence and gothic imagery, he tried to act out his ideal Sakurai Atsushi. 
Ichikawa: The same as kabuki. The great name of “Sakurai Atsushi” was focused as he would be in the traditional Japanese arts. 
Kanemitsu: Yes, yes. I think that was a good thing. 
Ichikawa: It finally makes sense to me. So that’s why it happened. That Prince of Darkness character was created. 
Kanemitsu: There was what you call the Prince of Darkness character, but he also loved cats, which brought out his playful face. If such a person were to appear on TV with Shiina Ringo, everyone would be hooked. 
Ichikawa: A rare creature, really. (laughs) This may be inappropriate, but it seemed to me that Sakurai could only bring the curtain down(6) on Sakurai Atsushi in the way he did, or by going into a life of seclusion, unknown to anyone. Because he was carrying such sin(7) with him. 
Kanemitsu: Well, as someone who saw him from the 21st century point of view, I feel that he’d aged well in this way, and he wanted to enjoy the rest of his life happily. It’s just that he was a sensitive person, so he was affected by things like children being displaced by war, the oppression of people based on gender, and so on, and when he tried to get closer to the emotions of the weak, he would be forced to remember his own pain, so I suppose in the current era, it was hard for him to live…that’s what I think, anyway. 
Ichikawa: Hearing the talk about the Sakurai Atsushi of the 21st century from Kanemitsu today, it makes sense now. For me, who only knew the Sakurai of the 20th century, the Sakurai of the 21st century is like a different person. I was very fascinated with him all the same. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but it’s like he established a whole separate persona. How can I say this…maybe I could call it guilt. I could see his guilt so clearly through his songs in the 20th century, and it was made invisible in the 21st century. And, invisible things aren’t bad ones. Because that just shows how accomplished he was at fulfilling his role as Prince of Darkness. That’s also how he elevated to being a charming big name. 
Kanemitsu: As a musician, an artist, the purity of his expression had reached a level so high as to be incomparable [to anyone else]. 
Ichikawa: His skill in the 21st century clearly went up. But, although the Sakurai Atsushi of the 20th century was still a work in progress, that progress had turned into a serious dead end that was plain to see. So there were many people who were able to empathize, and I think he himself, the band, the media, and the fans all came together, able to become a community with a shared destiny. It’s strange, but in other media, BUCK-TICK was just shown as a cool band, right? However, at Ongaku to Hito, it wasn’t like that in either the 20th or 21st century. 
Kanemitsu Because we got to see them as 5 people with 5 different styles of character. 
Ichikawa: In other words, they’re “Osomatsu-kun”(8).
Kanemitsu: Hahahahaha!
Ichikawa: When I was doing it, they were “Osomatsu-kun”, and while Kanemitsu’s been doing it they’ve been “Osomatsu-san”. Their appearance between the Showa and Heisei eras was totally different, but the original people were the same. In both the 20th and 21st centuries, Sakurai was Sakurai, and his foundation and attitude didn’t change, only his appearance from that of an unusual self-deprecating man to the Prince of Darkness did; as a result, he was popular in both cases. So, as Ongaku to Hito, speaking from our beginning, he is the person we should be the most grateful for, and he was the kind of man who made me feel like I had to include him in our publication. 
Kanemitsu: He was. No matter how cool Sakurai Atsushi looked on the stage, everyone knows that he actually also had these traits. 
Ichikawa: Of course, with that presence, that appearance, and the look in his eyes, no one would know he was actually this cute and loveable character. 
Kanemitsu: Through the medium of Ongaku to Hito, you and I wrote about those parts of him, so now everyone knows. 
Ichikawa: That’s true…a long time ago, when I was doing a late-night Friday FM radio live broadcast, I had Sakurai on as my first guest. We were at the Satellite Studio in Ginza, and even though I hadn't asked them to come, Takuro and Hisashi [of GLAY] came. We finished at 3 AM and the 4 of us were drinking when Sakurai said, “Will you come to my place?”, which was unusual. When we went there, the windows - all of the windows - had these pitch black curtains on them, it was like being at a planetarium. (laughs)
Kanemitsu: Hahahahahaha!
Ichikawa: We drank in that dark room until we eventually were struck by sleep, but even when I woke up, it was pitch black and I had no idea what time it was. (laughs) When the sun was at its peak, I woke those 2 [from GLAY] up and they went home, but while that was happening, Takuro said to Hisashi, “If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d go to the home of BUCK-TICK’s Sakurai Atsushi and drink together with him, I never would have believed you”, and I’ve never forgotten that. It was purely moving, emotionally. 
Kanemitsu: Everyone wanted to become like Sakurai Atsushi. 
Ichikawa: It must have been a dream for them. However, it’s a dream that no one could achieve. This sounds misleading, but I think you have to want to be like Yoshiki [of X JAPAN], if you’re going to abandon yourself to despair(9). (wry laugh) But no matter what gimmicks you make use of, you’ll never be Sakurai Atsushi. And for better or worse, it was tough. 
Kanemitsu: I’ve said this many times, but him finding that gothic style was big. 
Ichikawa: The gothic atmosphere seemed like maybe the one he was most comfortable in. The decadence created a kind of surreal and abnormal worldview. But Sakurai Atsushi himself was not abnormal at all, nor was he trying to intentionally deviate strongly from what’s accepted(10). It was just the suit of armor(11) that best fit when he was confronting the world, definitely. 
Kanemitsu: It was Sakurai Atsushi’s suit of armor, wasn’t it. But whether he ended up putting it on or not, he empathized with people’s sadness, and he was a person who could shed tears. And because that seeped out, everyone loved him. Those feelings [of empathy] were expressed in what became his last album, Izora. 
Ichikawa: I see. Well, perhaps he would have continued on expressing it, if he could. 
Kanemitsu: I really think so. There were yet many things he could do, and many he would have wanted to do.
~~~~~~~ Footnotes: (1) I think most people into this scene are familiar with this term, but in case you aren’t - yanki/yankii refers to a young delinquent, usually one who dresses in a sort of street/biker style. (2) If someone has ever said to you, “wow, tell us how you really feel!”, it has the same sort of feeling to it as that, although a bit more polite since Ichikawa is the elder of the two, lol. (3) I believe he is referring to the January ‘95 issue cover, based on his description. (4) Risky in the sense of something not usually done. “Nikopachi” is the type of photography he describes, and online sources generally spoke negatively of it as something not befitting professional photography. (5) Literally “boiled down”. I think this is a reference to paring back his visuals from what they were earlier in their career. (6) This is a metaphor for Sakurai’s passing - but I liked the nuance of his wording and tried to retain it. (7) This word really does not translate well - in different contexts it can be sin, guilt, karma. I translate it again as “guilt” below as it’s more befitting the context, but in all cases here, it’s a sort of heavy emotional load brought upon oneself. My husband’s preferred definition translated to “a living with the burden of past wrongdoings and feeling a sense of remorse”. (8) Per Wikipedia: a comedy manga that revolved around of group of brothers who cause all sorts of mischief. (9) I asked for more clarity on this - what he is getting at is, it’s possible, if you really want to, to become like Yoshiki, but no matter what you do, you can never become like Atsushi. (10) The direct translation for this was “be a heretic”, but heretic is a loaded word in English, and this does not have any Christian overtones. (11) He specifically says “mobile suit”, as in the suits from Gundam.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Library of Illusions~ Horror Section
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Better Run~
📚Part Two for the Library Of Illusions Event
📚Pairing: Slasher bf! Wooyoung x Exception! Reader (f)
📚Genre: Fantasy au, Horror au, established relationship
📚Warnings: mentions of blades, corpses, blood, dirty talk, prey/predator dynamics, penetrative sex with no barrier, sub!woo, dom! Reader, knife play, blood kink, begging, creampie, f&m orgasm
📚Word Count: 4,075
📚Summary: Upon entering the horror section, you are drawn into a reality where your boyfriend is a serial killer and he likes to play hide and go fuck
📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have
↫Introduction ↭ MasterList ↭ The Fantasy Section↬
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You let your fingertips run across the bookspine's of the Horror section. You had learned from the broken places of reality in your world that using your other senses was very helpful. You waited for a familiar tingling to run up your arm and you knew you had picked the scenario that matched with you the best. You did have to play the guardian of this section's game in order to get the key.
You pulled the book off the shelf that said "Slasher Boyfriend" and opened the book. The book shot out of your hand and landed on the floor upright, pages quickly flipping until it stopped in the middle. The book grew bigger and bigger until it was larger than the size of a door. The inside of the book was transparent, as if it was a simmering portal. The details were somewhat fuzzy but you swore you could see wooden panel walls and floors, a hallway stretching out and a window at the end. In the window, lightning flashed. 
You also couldn't ignore the feeling like you were being watched. Was it the guardian of horror? Was it another guardian? Seonghwa? You shook your head. You couldn't be swayed from your purpose. You strode purposely forward into the book and when you entered it snapped shut and shrank. It neatly was lifted, by nothing a human could perceive, and found its spot back on the shelf. You were a part of the story now. For better or for worse.
Once inside the book, your clothes changed. You were wearing a long t-shirt that fell mid thigh with thigh highs and sneakers. A choker was snug on your throat. You had a cell phone, something from the old world that hadn't worked in a long time. It was both familiar and not. 
Your phone buzzed and you brought the screen up to read. The light illuminated your face as your eyes scanned the text.
You unlocked your phone to text back to this Wooyo that he sounded a bit delusional when the screen now showed a news article as the last thing you were looking at on your phone. You quickly scanned it and felt your heartbeat skyrocket. Masked killer takes his fifth victim, no leads yet to any suspects, citizens worried for their safety. 
Wooyo: Remember the rules!
Wooyo: 1- try to run and hide
Wooyo: 2- try not to make a sound
Wooyo: 3- If I find you, i get to fuck you ~<3
Wooyo: 4- Love you
Was the killer and Wooyoung one and the same? And why was he calling you Babe? Were you his… Your hand came up to the choker you were wearing and felt along the front. W O O Y-- Your hand dropped. You most definitely were Wooyoung's girlfriend and Wooyoung was a serial killer. You had to remember, this was a horror book.
Wooyo: Your heartbeat sensor is going off the charts
Wooyo: are you scared?
Wooyo: or horny?
Wooyo: Baaaaaaabe 😘
Your feet shot forward before you really knew what you were doing. The window was actually in the center of a stairwell. You could go down or you could go up. You thought perhaps if Wooyoung was thorough, he would start from the bottom so that might give you more time if you went upstairs. You ran up the stairs and winced as your footsteps made resounding noises. That wasn't going to help hiding but you needed speed right now. 
Wooyo: I'm gonna count down now!
Wooyo: 3
Wooyo: 2
Wooyo: 1
Wooyo: Run!
When you arrived at the top floor, you quickly realized your mistake. This house was old. The second level had been full of doors that led to other rooms but the top level was simply an attic. There were less places for you to hide. The thunder came before the lightning, causing you to squeal in surprise and you slapped your hand over your mouth.
"Oh little mouse, where could you be~" A high pitched, gleeful voice came from the lower level.
Your stomach dropped. Shit, how close was Wooyoung? How were you to win the key? Did you need to hide perfectly and not be caught by your killer boyfriend? Or was the point to get… you swallowed, heartbeat loud in your ears. Was the point to play out this game of hide and seek and then for this killer to fuck you? Was this really what you picked for yourself?
You scrambled into a large wardrobe, pushing heavy clothes out of the way and pushing your back up against the end of the wooden furniture. You were breathing hard and almost squealed again when your phone buzzed in your hand. You had to turn that off or Wooyoung was going to find you!
You pulled back open the article that you had read and found several more. The weird part was… the first victim was never found. There was an empty house in the article, commenting about how they found blood of the victim but no body. That was weird. Each victim afterwards was seemingly random. A butler from a rich CEO's house, a maid from a cleaning service, a gardener who was famous in the community, a comedian who had been touring… nothing seemed to connect them and it frustrated the police greatly.
Wooyo: I wonder
Wooyo: did you stay on the second floor or did you go to the top?
Wooyo: don't make it too easy for me
Wooyo: you know I love a good chase.
You were so concerned with the articles on the phone that you didn't notice that your surroundings had been illuminated. A face with an odd grin was beside you. You screamed and jumped out of the wardrobe. The body fell out and you had trouble calming yourself down. How the hell had you not noticed an entire corpse in the wardrobe with you?
You shot back down the stairs to the second level and desperately attempted to wretch open a door but every one you checked was locked. You suppressed the need to shout in frustration. You just needed one door to open, please!--
Wooyo: did you find the joker?
Wooyo: only dummies hide in the wardrobe, babe
Wooyo: are you a dummy?
You fell into the next room, having used your entire weight to push against the door since none of them were opening. You felt a surge of relief when you saw two forms in the dark room but took a step back when the lightning lit up the room. There were two figures, one dressed as a butler and another a maid. The maid was bent over with a feather duster tied to her hand and the butler was directly behind her, hands at her hips, almost like-- you tried not to laugh, you knew they were dead, but that was a clear comical moment… if not for the fact that it was dead bodies playing it out.
Your eyes went over the room. It was also big and grand. You cursed your luck. Clearly this was some sort of drawing room or parlor that the 'maid' was dusting. You could hide under the clawfoot couch but you could practically hear Wooyoung mocking you. That simply wasn't good enough. There was a connecting door, so you ran towards that. You softly closed the door behind you as you heard the other door open. 
"Oh, Babe," Wooyoung sounded teasing at this moment. "Did you go to the perverted room too? Did you giggle? I bet you giggled."
Your heart was beating in your throat again. You had barely missed Wooyoung. You were in a computer room. It had many screens. Was this Wooyoung's headquarters? How did that make sense for you to be able to get in here? Unless… that's where Wooyoung had wanted you to go? Was he helping you or was he leading you down a path that he had pre-determined? No wonder he hadn't been caught by the police. Your eyes spotted a greenhouse in one of the screens and thought that was a perfect place to hide. You scurried out of the monitoring room and dashed down the stairs.
You could hear singing as you passed a door and it sent a shiver down your spine. Oh where oh where could my baby be? was a line from Pearl Jam’s song Last Kiss. The fact that Wooyoung was singing it as he looked for you was beyond fucked up but he was, after all, a serial killer. But he was your serial killer…?
The greenhouse was connected to the main house but the door to enter it was so goddamn squeaky, you might as well have texted Wooyoung your location. Dedicated now, you plunged into the foliage of the greenhouse, looking for some shrubbery to dive into. There was a plant with large leaves that gave you the perfect hiding spot. You curled up into a ball and pulled the larger leaves over your head and waited.
And waited. And waited. Where the hell was Wooyoung?
Your breath caught in your throat. Was he here and you didn't even know it? And who was the gardener? This could be another trick but… you didn't think it was a good idea to make Wooyoung mad. He was the guardian of the horror section after all. 
Wooyo: >:[
Wooyo: you didn't even admire the gardener
You moved aside a leaf and peered around the greenhouse. Then your eyes saw another figure. This one had a pair of shears but they were pointed towards its neck. Your hand moved to touch your neck but was impaired by Wooyoung's collar on you. It was as if the gardener was cutting his own head off. You shuddered. This really was like a horror movie.
"Better run."
You shot off as soon as the high pitched giggles followed that sentence. You couldn't afford to look back but you knew Wooyoung had been right behind you. What kind of game was he playing?
"Run fast little mouse!~" Wooyoung called after you. 
You ran back into the house and found yourself in the kitchen. There was a butcher's block on the island that was calling out to you. You could grab a knife, you could defeat the guardian you, could--Remember the rules! If I find you, I get to fuck you.
You turned around and ignored the butcher's block. Wooyoung ran into the kitchen, breathless and laughing and then abruptly stopped. The dark haired man cocked his head, covered by a mask. It had LED lights for eyes and a mouth. There were question marks where his eyes were and a slash for his mouth. 
You swallowed and gathered all the courage you had in your erratically beating heart and spoke what you knew was the way to win the game. "You found me, Wooyoung."
The LED mask showed a pout. "But I wanted to chase you more!"
"Wooyoung," You couldn't help but let your voice waver even though you wanted to sound firm, "You know the rules."
Wooyoung pulled out a switchblade, playing with whipping the blade in and out. "Just one more chase. If you run to our room and touch the doorknob before I can get you, I won't cut you tonight. Just like how you want it."
Your hand subconsciously began to run over your arm. Memories of Wooyoung flashed through your mind. Nights where Wooyoung would fuck you and cut you and lick his knife and lick your cunt and-- "Alright," You agreed, "But no mask. I want to see your handsome face."
The LED mask made a sighing face but Wooyoung pushed it up and it sat on the top of his head. His onyx eyes glinted with mischief and mayhem. "I'm going to fuck you so hard when I catch you. I can't wait to hear you screaming my name."
You felt your panties wetten and you knew that was exactly what you wanted. You wanted Wooyoung to chase you, to take you down and fuck you in victory. You could feel in your brain that even though Wooyoung cut you and fucked you, at least he wasn't killing anyone else. You could shoulder this burden. After all, you loved him, didn't you? Maybe you were a little fucked up too.
You started to slowly pull up the oversized t-shirt you had on. Your thighs were revealed and eventually your underwear as well. Wooyoung's eyes followed the ascent, the tip of his tongue playing with the freckle on his lip. "Come and catch me," You purred and then you were gone. 
Your sneakers squeaked as your stride ate up the ground. Noise wasn't an issue any longer so you pulled down items behind you, making obstacles for Wooyoung to jump over and dodge. He cackled behind you. If you were being honest, you felt like your heart was about to escape through your ass but the adrenaline and lust pumping through your veins spurned you on. You raced up the stairs to get to the second level. You were so close. You just had to reach the door at the end of the hall on the right to win. 
"Don't you want my blade to kiss you too, Babe?" Wooyoung taunted behind you.
You dug into the last little bit of energy you had, raising your knees high so that you could run to your greatest potential. The door was getting closer and closer. You reached out your hand, desperate to gain some control over this situation, slowly losing your own mind as you got sucked deeper into the narrative. Shit.
Wooyoung's body slammed into you from behind and then your hand touched the doorknob. He had both his palms on either side of your head, breathing heavily in your ear. "I won, little mouse."
Your nipples were so hard with just the small phrase. You let your body rest against his, attempting to catch your breath as well. "Are you gonna fuck me now, Mister Serial Killer?"
Wooyoung chuckled. "You get so wet when we play our little games, don’t you?"
You raised your hands above your head and Wooyoung's, pulling his head down so that you could kiss him. "It’s why we play them, is it not," You murmured against his lips.
"I got wet too," Wooyoung responded, eyes heavy-lidded.
“You gonna fuck me with your wet, pretty dick, Woo?” You cooed, “Right up against this door where you caught me?”
Wooyoung whined loudly, his lower half pressing heavily into your back side. “Can I? Please? I really want to.”
“Where’s your knife?” You breathed out lightly. “You know how this always starts.” Wooyoung’s switch blade came out without hesitation. “What are the rules?” You said in a sing-song voice.
“No deep cuts,” Wooyoung recounted, teeth pulling your earlobe cheekily before responding with the others, “Avoid the wrists and bends of your arm. I can lick the knife as long as I’m still fucking you.”
“...and?” You intoned.
“And?” Wooyoung’s voice went higher in question, his other hand firm on your hip, keeping you in place as he dry humped you from behind. “Aaaaaaaand…?”
“Poor Baby,” You tutted, “Already brain dumb and we haven’t even started yet?”
“And!” Wooyoung said with triumph coating his tongue, “You come first, then I do.”
“That’s right!” You felt a twisted smile pulling at your lips. Wooyoung may be in control the majority of the time you spent with him, but in the bedroom, he had to follow your rules, otherwise he didn’t get access to your wet cunt. And Wooyoung ALWAYS wanted access to your wet cunt.
“You can begin then, Woo.”
The next few minutes were a flurry of activity. Wooyoung was pulling up your oversized t-shirt, tugging your panties down your legs, helping you step out of them, pulling your ass out a bit more, adjusting your feet and then he sank into you without resistance. He chuckled at the fact that your pussy took him so well. 
Then the cutting began. Wooyoung would whisk his knife quickly and you always felt the pain before you saw the knife cut you. Superficial cuts sprang up on your arms as Wooyoung thrusted into you from behind. He would pause to lick the knife, groaning at the taste of your blood, and then grunt as he continued to fuck you from behind.
“So good,” Wooyoung whined. Whether he was talking about his pretty dick inside of you or your blood, you didn’t know, but as long as Wooyoung was happy, you were safe.
“Feels good inside of me, baby?” You wondered, feeling the slow furl of lust in your lower stomach.
“Your pussy is so warm and so wet and so good,” Wooyoung babbled, “Much better than when I stick my hand in a--”
“Wooyoung!” You cut him off before he could say something too fucked up. You grabbed his free hand and brought it up your breast. “Play with me,” You whined, looking to distract him.
Wooyoung moaned and dropped his knife. Both of his hands cupped your breasts through your shirt, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. You groaned for more and he pulled up your shirt so that he could touch skin against skin. He pulled and pinched your nipples, all the while still thrusting from behind. 
You found a rhythm, pushing your ass back against his thrusts, feeling satisfied as skin slapped against skin, the tip of his dick rubbing the spongy part inside of you. His tongue found a cut on your shoulder that his knife had already shredded your t-shirt as well, and he played with the wound there, rough tongue rubbing against the cut. He whimpered and you could tell he was getting close.
“I can--” Wooyoung choked on a moan, “I can cum inside of you, pretty?” He asked.
“You gonna give me a pretty cream pie, Woo? You wanna drip out of me, hmmm?”
“Yes, yes, yes, yes,” Wooyoung chanted, his voice pitching higher and higher as his climax approached.
“And the rules, baby?” You cooed.
Wooyoung cried out in frustration and slowed down his thrusting. “Why aren’t you cumming?!”
“I don’t know, Wooyoung, why aren’t I cumming?” You purred dangerously.
Wooyoung whined. “I’m doing good, aren’t I? I'm fucking your pussy good, right?”
“Maybe you don’t want me to cum before you. Maybe you want to fill me up but leave me feeling empty. Maybe you don’t love me enough,” You said woefully.
“No!” Wooyoung insisted, somewhat brattily, “I love you a lot, you know. A lot a lot. Forever and ever.”
“Then you’re gonna make me cum, like a good baby does?” You said in a sickly-sweet voice.
“Yes,” He said with determination. 
Wooyoung pulled out of you and you heard him groaning. You quickly checked over your shoulder and he was using his index and thumb to run up and down his cock before stuffing you again. Then he reached around your body and began to pinch and play with your clit.
“Fuck, Wooyoung,” You cried out, “That’s it, baby, just like that.”
“Yeah, you like when I play with your clitty and fuck you from behind, don’t you?” Wooyoung growled, “Love it when I chase you, love it when I push you down and fuck you raw. You love when I pound into this pussy, don’t you, little mouse?”
A shudder went through your body, goosebumps littered your skin and you came. You came hard, gasping for air. You moaned loudly, although it didn’t matter, did it, considering there was no one else in the house but you, Wooyoung and a few corpses. 
Wooyoung didn’t stop as your climax ripped through you. He pounded into you from behind, just like he described, searching out his own release. And when he did, the glorious whimpers and whines that tumbled from his dirty mouth were like music to your ears. His fingers dug deeply into your hip, most likely leaving finger bruises there but you didn’t care. Spurt after spurt of his cum released inside of you and you managed to feel full after all. And when he pulled out, you could feel your still fluttering walls pushing his cum out.
Wooyoung patted your butt affectionately. "You play well, pretty."
The air tensed, warping and stretching and suddenly it snapped and you were no longer in the dollhouse that serial killer Wooyoung had created. You were back in the Horror Section, with the tense feeling that someone was watching.
"Woo…Wooyoung?" You were back in the original clothes you had donned upon arriving at the library. But Wooyoung was no longer in the baggy sweater and jeans he had been sporting when he had been chasing you through the mansion. He had on tight leather pants, a sleeveless shirt and an epaulet with gloves. 
"We're back in the library, you did it." Wooyoung raised both eyebrows and sent you a winning grin. "I'll give you your key now."
"I did it?" Thoughts of your serial killer boyfriend still swirled in your brain, interfering with thoughts of a key and the treasure and-- you rubbed your temples. This was not going to be easy to do five more times.
Wooyoung crossed his arms over his chest and frowned, portraying the opposite of what he was about to say: "I haven't had that much fun in awhile, actually."
You cocked your head curiously. "Then why the frown?"
 Wooyoung shook his head. "It's nothing." His tongue began to play with the freckle on his lip and you wondered how much of Wooyoung the demon had been in Wooyoung the Slasher Boyfriend… "Wanna play again? There's a tentacle horror over here and I--"
You laughed nervously. "No offense Wooyoung, but I kind of have other sections to conquer."
Wooyoung looked dejected but good spirited about it. "I suppose you're right." 
Wooyoung moved to the bookshelf and pulled out the Slasher Boyfriend novel. When he opened it, in the center of the novel was a mini version of the LED mask that he had sported in your story. It had heart eyes and a kissy lips face. He tugged it out of the book and offered it to you. "Here's your prize. You earned it."
You gently took it from him and couldn't help but shiver again, remnants of Wooyoung chasing you and fucking you still clinging to your brain. You swore you could feel his switchblade kissing your skin as you spoke. "Thank you," You said in a squeaky voice.
Wooyoung cackled, the same he released while chasing you. "Oh, I am going to miss you, little mouse."
You left the horror section and made your way back to the heart of the library. Seonghwa was back at his desk, feet still up on it, but this time with a book over his face. It had flowers climbing up its spine but that was all the details you could see at this moment. 
You slammed your hand on the desk and Seonghwa sat upright immediately. When he pulled the book off his face, his mouth made a small 'o' before he blanked his face. "You're still here."
You put down the mini LED mask and pushed it across the desk to Seonghwa. "There's my first key, Keeper."
Seonghwa took the tiny mask and lifted an eyebrow at you. "And Wooyoung’s at that. Very impressive, human."
"Thanks," You said sarcastically, "Try to not fall asleep while I get my next one, demon."
Seonghwa sputtered in response to your sass, "I'll have you know I am a centuries old demon! Where is your respect for me, human?!"
But you were already walking away from him. "I'll respect you the minute you call me something other than the degrading human you insist on."
With one hand in your pocket, another jauntily waving, you made your way back amongst the stacks of books, looking for your next section to overcome. You were curious if you had to seduce another demon or not…
The next section that snagged your attention was one that sounded of twinkling magic and horseshoes clomping on cobblestone. There, in beautiful cursive and simmering rainbows, was the sign saying "Fantasy". You could barely contain your excitement. Fantasy had been one of your favorite genres growing up. Surely this quest would be a walk in the park!
Tag list: @yoonguurt @hijirikaww @flowerboykun @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @kitten4sannie @a-soft-hornytiny
Library staff: @kwanisms @thelargefrye @anyamaris @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21
↫Introduction ↭ MasterList ↭ The Fantasy Section↬
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