#And I know it's not from a workout I did because I keep forgetting to do them!!
drawbudd · 22 days
alright not sure exactly what kind of crazy workout I did in my sleep but I feel like I've gotten flu shots in both arms
0 notes
justkending · 14 days
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader
Word Count: 3900+
A/N Note: You guys... Thank you for the overwhelming support on this series. You guys are the sweetest :) I've loved reading your series and promise I love them; just haven't had the chance to respond! Again, thank you for the love, as it's all turned back to you!
As for the chapter... Let's make it more fun (otherwise known as interesting) ;)
Bucky’s POV
Hidden bugs weren’t new business to us, so after disposing of the picture frame, they gifted us with a note saying, “For your new home, and your first picture in it! ;)”... It was an easy ‘accidental’ drop. 
However, quickly after that, wouldn’t you know it? A new basket showed up on our porch with another set of welcome-to-the-neighborhood gifts from the whole neighborhood this time…
Y/N had ‘accidentally’ placed the newly potted plant, that they had somehow added a very impressively hidden camera on, too close to the edge of the entryway table, so when she came through the door quickly with her arms full of more boxes, the pot was no longer usable. Shame… We did buy our own pot for said plant, so we still got a new piece of greenery without the bugs. 
After those two failed attempts, we hoped our show of clumsiness warded off the assholes and made us less intimidating. And yes, I use that word because I could read easily from our first meeting that they were sizing us up. Analyzing our act and manipulating themselves into our lives in a careful yet planned manner. 
For extra measure on the clumsy showcase, Y/N drove into the trashcans I had forgotten to pull to the curb, making a public display of her character’s clumsiness. Though I later learned she was actually just pissed that I forgot to put them out and found a way for me to pay the consequences in our squabble on the lawn. 
A squabble that started out a hundred percent authentic and then turned into a fake makeup season when the neighbors peaked their heads out. 
“This jughead would forget his head if it weren’t on his shoulders,” Y/N slapped my chest before patting it harshly and smiling at the seventy-year-old next-door neighbor, Gertrude, who always happened to find her rose bushes interesting, only when people were outside. 
She smiled and laughed at Y/N’s wide grin before waving her on as she snipped a few thorns. 
“God, I hate it here,” Y/N said through her teeth, holding her fake smile as she walked past me into the house.
A few more preplanned acts happened while we were outside to show the community that our accidental breaking of their bugs was just that—accidental. It was not planned and discovered at all. 
It had been two weeks so far, and we’d already been invited to a food truck social, a street parade for a family leaving the neighborhood, and an outdoor movie night. All events you would have thought had the same planning committee as the MET Gala with how thorough they were… At least, that's what Y/N said, and I choose to believe that it holds some form of significance.
Tonight, we went over to another couple's house that was high up in the HOA group for a neighborhood barbeque, one where Y/N’s damn lilac tennis dress she had worn to workout with a neighbor, made more than half the dads and men too old and married to be staring, struggle to keep their eyes off her. 
I had told her that keeping a hand on her during most of the party was for the act, but genuinely, I didn’t care for how the men of the group gawked at her. Something gave me a bad feeling about it. And I didn’t understand why Y/N wasn’t phased at all or even slightly uneasy, considering she was just as trained as me to assess and sense all that attention.
As soon as we were behind closed doors back in our secure home, my first question was, “Did you really not feel their eyes on you?” 
She was in the middle of taking off her shoes, talking about some information she had gotten from a group of stay-at-home wives, something related to our mission, but I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around how unphased she was with the unnerving type of attention she was getting there. 
“What?” She paused as she bent to take off a tennis shoe. 
“All those guys, the husbands, and pervs at the cookout. You didn’t notice them staring at you?” I asked again, rolling my sleeves of button-down I had on up to my elbow.
She stared at me for a moment and then rolled her eyes as if she had figured out where I was going with this. Spoiler: she was far off the mark. 
“Listen, if you’re saying that thanks to this dress, which, yes, is a little short, but who the hell cares, is the reason why men were,” she straightened, kicking off both her shoes fluently, now only in socks. “Gawking at me, as you put it-.” 
“I didn’t say that,” I straightened, furrowing my eyebrows. 
“Oh, but you did,” she sassed with a shrug, continuing. “Under your breath when you came up, and you staked your claim by never taking your arm away from my waist for the night.”
“I didn’t say that,” I shook my head. I said it in my head, but I hadn’t said that out loud… Had I?
“Ugh, whether you did or didn’t, I could tell you were judging,” she huffed, rolled her shoulders, and walked past me to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge.
It took me a minute, but I figured out where her mind had gone. “I was judging them, Y/N,” I  shook my head. “I was judging the horny, married, and dusty-ass men that couldn’t keep their damn tongue from falling to the floor with you in the vicinity. Like their wives had deprived them of any kind of physical touch for the last decade, and they couldn’t keep it in their pants any longer.” 
I realized I may have explained more of my thought process than I intended, but she shut the fridge door she had hidden behind and turned to me, scanning, assessing. 
“You were jealous.” The corner of her lip raised at her statement. 
“What?” I scoffed. “No, loser,” I scoffed again, and clearly, I wasn’t selling my answer because she didn’t lose her growing grin. “I just took notice of how much attention you got, and it concerned me that the ideas most of those men were having were far from civil ones.” 
She stared at me for a minute, and I felt uncomfortable in my own skin as she weighed her options regarding how she wanted to react. We still had plenty of fights, but they have been somewhat decreasing lately, and I was hoping we could keep that streak going.
Her assessing stopped, and her grin grew again. “Awe, the Tinman does have a heart.”
And she ruined it. Surprise, surprise. 
“It’s sweet that you care, old man,” she twisted the lid to the drink she had pulled out of the fridge and took a swig before looking at me. “But that’s just a day in the life of a woman. Nothing new to me or anyone with the double X chromosomes.” She shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I mean, obviously, people look at you,” I started, and she balanced her elbows on the counter before resting her chin on her fist. I continued before I realized my wording. “Before you-”
“Obviously?” She emphasized my word choice. “Keeping notes on an awful lot of things lately, huh, Buck?” she whispered my name like it was a secret, and I knew it was for the odd case someone could hear us, but something about her tone made my chest freeze. “Tell me, what else do you notice…?” She tilted her head one way as she stared at me. 
I wasn’t going to lie and say her words didn’t flustered me, but as a reflex, I jumped back into the normal banter.
“You’re not funny, jackass,” I deadpanned and turned on my heel to walk away.
“Oh, stop being such a baby,” she shouted after me, and I heard her sock-clad feet slide on the hardwoods to catch up with me. “Listen, I think it’s nice you’re taking notice of stuff like this. Most men never pay attention to those kinds of things because they don’t have to. It’s not really a normal day-to-day experience for them, so they don’t get it. They don’t HAVE to get it.”
I stopped and turned in my march, and she slid into me from just two steps behind me. I caught her easily, bracing my hands on her biceps to steady her. She let out a huff of air as our chests flushed to each other and then looked up at me. 
“You’re murder strut is too fast for me to keep up with,” she mumbled, scrunching her nose in a relaxed way. 
I closed my eyes for a minute but didn’t let go of her before I channeled back my seriousness. 
“I’ve learned men are assholes, trust me. In this field, we come across some of the worst misogynistic weasels to exist. Wear whatever you want. You have scary dog privileges now. The attire issue isn't what I was getting at,” I replied, thinking of the reference the Parker kid had explained to me recently.
Her smile was unlike any I had the pleasure to be on the receiving end of, and I immediately mentally captured it, worried that I’d never experience the genuineness she was sharing with me in this moment again. 
“Scary dog privileges, huh? Someone’s been brushing up on their TikTok trends.” She laughed, scanning my face as I scanned hers. “Peter finally invested in his version of Duolingo? This one labeled new-age-slang-for-100-years-and-older?”
“Actually called, Born-in-1910’s-and-on-the-comeback-of-a-70-year-coma-new-age-lingo. Very helpful,” I retorted, and the surprise on her face as she laughed at me made my grip on her soften, my thumb unconsciously running over the bone on her wrist. 
The action brought both of our eyes to the feeling, and in the next second, we had three feet between us. 
“I’m going to go take a shower.” Her rush to get around me in the narrow hall caused her to brush along my arm, and it was like the sparks that ignited when I held her tried to reach out for each other again in the brief contact. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” I grumbled, walking quickly in the opposite direction. 
The last two weeks have been frustrating, but somehow, Bucky and I have learned we work together surprisingly well. We still had our bickering fights and annoying quarrels, but stick us in a house for a few weeks, and we realized we did well at balancing each other out. 
Where I hated doing the dishes, he made sure they were done every night. Where he hated doing laundry, I folded and sorted the linens and clothes. I hated cooking, and he somehow was really good at it. I loved to bake when we had free time, and he loved to taste test. I sucked at most things gardening-wise, and he had shown me how to prune overgrown flowers in our gardening bed. Bucky sucked at interior decorating, so I was in charge of making our fake abode look like a real one. 
Overall, we do pretty well, considering we hate each other's guts. Ok, well… I don’t necessarily hate his guts, even if I act it. I just have a very low tolerance for his bullshit and don’t mask my frustrations when they hit their limits. As for being a fake wife to him where he has to treat me well… He’s been a picture-perfect husband from a suburban wife’s perspective.
The only thing we’ve successfully avoided that I was worried about is sharing the same bed. 
After confirming with the higher-ups that our house was bug-free, we claimed our own rooms (me in the master, of course) and set up our own space. Keeping the facade of a happy married couple outside of those rooms and the house was easy, but I dreaded the day we would have to show more affection and closeness than what we already had. 
So far, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug from behind, and a normal amount of PDA that showed we were in our honeymoon phase yet did not want to make others fully uncomfortable did the job enough. But after Bethanne commented about when we planned on having kids, I figured we might need to bump up our act since she gave a passive comment about us being ‘rather tamed for a newlywed couple.’
Before I could bring up the comment to Bucky once we got home, he seemed more bothered by the men at the party than anything. 
I didn’t expect him to notice such a minute thing, but if there was one thing I had learned about Bucky these last few weeks, it’s that he’s very attentive to details I wouldn’t expect him to be on.
Then, to further my confusion about the situation, something seemed different in our intimate hallway space run-in, and both of us scurried away as if the touch of each other burned. 
After my shower, I got dressed in my pajamas and heard the TV still on in the living room, where Bucky tended to station himself for a few hours before bed. Well, his bedtime. Another thing about us was that I wasn’t much of a night owl, but I did appreciate knowing someone was on alert while I slept. And even if he didn’t do it for that reason, I’m sure, I liked hearing the TV still on when I tended to wake up in the middle of the night. I felt safer…
“Hey,” I leaned against the wall coming into the living room and saw that he had Brooklyn Nine-Nine on with a computer sat in his lap. 
He looked up and gave me a quick head nod before going back to the screen in front of him. “What’s up?”
“Just needed to fill you in on some of the things I learned at the cookout,” I let out a yawn as the day caught up with me and moved to the single chair across from him on the couch. 
“Hit me,” he rolled his shoulders back, never looking away from the blue light. 
“Don’t ask for things you don’t really want,” I teased, and he looked above the screen at me with a glance that seemed to be holding back a smile before rolling his eyes. 
“What’d you learn?” he followed up with. 
I went on to tell him about the neighborhood drama. All things that may or may not have any major plays to our mission, but information nonetheless. 
“Did you ask any of them about work?” Bucky asked once I had covered most everything. 
Our undercover jobs were simple. I worked from home as a data entry clerk. Something boring that Charolette Hunt has been hoping to get out of and find her passion. All this led to me asking around about job connections and if there was anything I could swap over to for a ‘more exciting work life,’ otherwise known as drug trafficking jobs if they were available. 
As for Beau Hunt, Bucky’s cover, he was the owner of a transportation company. Considering how well he was doing, he took the last two weeks off to move into his first home with his new wife before having to get back into the work ethic he had been thriving in the last ten years. 
All perfect pieces to get the answers and resources from our sketchy neighbors we came here for. 
“I asked Katrina, one of the wives of a guy who works closely alongside Reggie. I figured that was a good seed to plant,” I answered, pulling my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees as I watched Jake Peralta chase a bad guy down the streets of New York. I missed the homeland. “She said she’d ask around, which is what I needed. What about you? Any of the 'dusty-ass husbands' have fun details to share?”
“Nothing more than statistics of sports teams and rookie starters for the state college basketball team,” he sighed, and I turned over to see him staring at me before turning back to his computer quickly. “Reggie was giving me a hard time, though.”
“Oh yeah?” I hummed, angling myself to him. “Bethanne was giving me a hard time, too.”
“Think it’s related to the same thing?” Bucky chuckled, looking back at me, but whatever was in his eyes just seconds ago was gone now. 
“Say on the count of three?” I smirked. 
“One,” he nodded.
“When we’re going to consider joining parenthood,” Bucky said. 
“When we’re having kids,” I said at the same time. “Almost a jinx if you didn’t word it so damn robotically. Did fucking Vision channel into your damn cyborg brain?” I laughed, and I heard a slight scoff from his direction before I rolled my head back and looked up at the ceiling. I stayed quiet until Bucky broke me out of my thoughts twenty seconds later.
“What are you thinking?” I heard the computer shut and then be placed on the cushion next to him. “I can hear the gears working past their limit.” His weak version of a retort.
I lulled my stare at him and deadpanned a bitchface at him. “You talking to yourself again?” He rolled his eyes at my comeback, and I decided to bypass the banter. “I think we need to step our game up. Ms. Bethanne thinks we’re ‘tamed’ for a newlywed couple. In other words, she thinks we’re prudes.”
“We’ve hit the PDA marks we need to,” Bucky stiffened just enough for a trained eye to see, but he tried to brush it off as getting comfortable in his spot. 
“Hmm, so maybe one of us is a prude,” I shrugged, moving my legs under me and leaning on one side of the chair. 
We hadn't kissed, although I would peck one on his cheek, and he would place one on top of my head. But that's as far as either of us had been willing to go.
I know our job may require us to go beyond that, and I was willing to keep it strictly professional even if necessary, but Bucky seemed to want to avoid it by all means. Message received.
“I’m not a prude. I just don’t understand why people have to be so touchy in public. It makes everyone uncomfortable,” he argued. 
“Not everyone finds discomfort in those acts. A lot of people think it’s cute.”
“I’m not one of those fucking people.”
“Well, you better figure out pretty fucking quick how to become one of those people because this operation kinda depends on it.” I sighed, standing up and stretching. “Listen, I know you hate me and all, but if we’re going to get this done and over with, we need to-”
“I’ve never said I hate you,” Bucky interrupted. I looked down and saw him staring at me with stern eyes.
“Actions have convinced me otherwise.” 
“The same could be said for you.” 
“I don’t hate you,” I clarified after carefully studying him for lies. 
It was an intense stare-off, but not one where I felt like I had to win it. One where I felt we were both taking a step into new territory, and neither of us knew what to expect. 
Bucky’s burner phone rang right before I could follow up with my peace offering, and we saw it was the fake caller ID Steve was under. He picked it up and put it on speaker. 
“What’s up, punk?” he answered, and Steve scoffed on the other end. 
“Just your biweekly check-in. Anything interesting enough to make this phone call longer than 5 minutes?” he asked. 
“Don’t think so,” Bucky sighed and filled him in on the steps we had taken to further the investigation. Planting our gossip seeds where necessary and waiting for the garden to grow. 
The call ended with Steve informing Bucky that he ‘started back at work’ tomorrow and would need to go to a specific meeting spot for updates. A way for us to get news that couldn’t be tracked with phone calls and messages. And after two weeks of gathering information and only four check-ins in that time, things were meant to pick up now. 
I had decided to head back to my room when a normal conversation between the two started up and strayed from the mission talk. Then, about 10 minutes later, Bucky was in my doorway as I got ready for bed. 
“Sorry, Steve wanted to know if we had torn each other’s heads off yet. Nat and him have a bet going,” he said, leaning on the doorway and crossing his arms over his chest. 
I shrugged, pulling the comforter back on the bed. “No need to apologize. And who’s winning?” 
“Steve gave it 3 weeks, so he’s still in the running.”
“He’s being generous,” I laughed, fluffing a pillow before sitting on the edge and looking at him. 
“I don’t know. I think we’ve managed to stay surprisingly civil given our relationship,” he smiled softly as if the conversation wasn’t dangerous grounds and could easily go one way or the other. 
“Helps that we have to act for most of it,” I fiddled with my nails. 
“Would you rather we didn’t get along?” he asked, and I could see the start of our normal frustration with each other trickle back into his tone.
I stared at him for a minute. Not sure what my goal was here, but it definitely had flipped from wanting to make every minute with him, his own personal hell.
“Fighting has become tiresome. I’m content tolerating the situation.” A bit of a hypocritical response, sounding robotic, but there was no lie behind it.
He stared at me like I had to him. 
“Right. Tolerating,” he nodded with pursed lips, pushing off the door frame and walking down the hall to his room. 
Something about his attitude made it hard for me to brush off the change in tension. I stood up and walked down the hall. When he was already in his room, I was taking up as much space as I could in his doorway now. 
“What’s with the annoyance?” I asked, looking at him as he arranged some things on his nightstand. He turned around, body lax and almost defeated looking. 
“I’m not annoyed. Why would I be annoyed with you ‘tolerating me’?” he said nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“I don’t know, but you clearly are,” I gestured to him and crossed my arms. “Would you rather I treat you how I have before this? I mean, we can go back to-”
“Obviously not, Y/N,” he cut me off with a scoff, and I was shocked at the sheer anger that I would suggest such a thing. His use of obviously made my brain scramble as well… The second time, that word had messed with me tonight.
“You’re confusing as hell, Barnes,” I squinted my eyes at him and decided I wasn’t in the mood to handle a bipolar 100-year-old man tonight. Maybe it was best if I just called it a night. 
Turning in my spot four steps away, I didn’t expect the hand around my bicep to stop me in the middle of the hall, leading to a pensive look on his face as he stared at me.
“What?” I furrowed my eyes at him and looked at the contact unwavering on my elbow.
“I—” he started and then stopped. An internal war played out with surprising clarity on his face. I raised my eyebrows and waited.
We stared for an hour—okay, nine seconds—but it’s all the same with that level of intensity.
“Never mind.” He dropped my arm and took a step back. 
“I don’t want to start something.”
“There’s something to start?” 
“No, but I’ll wait until you’re in a better mood to,” he debated on his wording. “Discuss it,” he settled on, turning on his heel. 
“I’m not in a bad mood,” I huffed, and yeah… That didn’t help proving my point. 
“Sure thing,” he shook his head before walking into his room, carrying on as if he hadn’t dropped a strange and confusing bomb on me that I now needed answers to. 
“Goodnight to you, too,” I grumbled as I walked to my room and shut the door behind me.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki
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hoonslutt · 1 year
I’ve been having a hoon brainrot for the past 3 days
I JUST CANT FORGET ABOUT childhoodfriend!hoon walking in on you while you’re touching yourself in your childhood room you used to have sleepovers in
Him manhandling you bc you’ve been such a dirty girl for moaning his name like that omg my brain can’t take this
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Childhood!bestie Hoon catches you
You are back home from uni on break summer break that is and in your hometown it could not be more hot. When you first come back you’re greeted by everybody your parents, younger sister, and a few of your friends including your childhood best friend sunghoon. And to say that the glow up hit him like a truck it definitely had you feeling weak in your knees when he smiled at you showing his fangs and a little dimple in one of his cheeks. ‘Welcome back babe missed you’ babe? He definitely got more flirty with you, oh man if he continued this you were not going to make it you fear. Not to mention you noticed the muscle that seemed to flex when you put your arms around him. It’s been 2 weeks since you came back, you and Hoon have been hanging out together all during that time and today was just another day or so you thought when you seen him in his garage lifting weights through your window. Of course this wasn’t the first time you’ve seen him work out but today something in you was telling you that it was different this time maybe it was the cut sleeve shirt or the basketball shorts that refused to hide anything he’ll maybe it was the sweat that dripped from his forehead and arms. He just looked so good today and so strong you wondered if his arms would flex while he was fucking you so deep? Your thighs pressing together just from seeing your childhood bestie work out panties becoming so wet.. oh gosh you needed to get a grip but how could you when he was looking so good you just wanted him right here in between his legs giving him the most delicious head? You couldn’t handle it anymore taking a last glance you walked over to your bed taking off your shorts and shirt leaving you in your matching white bra and panty set. Thank goodness your parents were not home today because the ache in your heat was getting stronger you needed to feel good. So you laid on your bed pushing your panties to the side feeling up and down your folds rubbing the slick all over your clit as lube teasing yourself you imagined your best friend on top of you kissing all over your body going down to your heat. ‘Oh my goodness yes’ keeping a good pace going you played with your entrance with your other fingers. Little did you know that same best friend was already waking through your door he finished his workout early due to a certain someone looking out the window practically almost drooling waking to to your room he stopped right in front of your door hearing a voice coming from it ‘Please Hoon need it so bad’ ‘Need you to fuck me faster harder’ you were moaning HIS name, something in him ticked he was getting hard he continued to listen and watch you finger your self. He was fully bricked up now after seeing you grab the teddy bear he gifted you a couple days back and start humping it ‘Oh yes! More hoonie need more.’ You on the other side had no clue he was outside your door until you heard ‘Damn baby if your gonna move like that at least do it in the real thing’ you froze and looked at him you wanted to move but couldn’t ‘Oh don’t stop now that I’m here please by all means continue wanna see you ride that bear cmon’ the fear left your body and you continued to move on the bear something about him watching was making you even more turned on and the bear was not helping so you climbed off of it and crawled to the side of the bed where he was at turning showing him everything wiggling your ass a bit ‘mmm hoonie don’t I look so pretty?’ Landing a smack to your ass and smoothing it the flesh turning a bit red ‘You do look pretty baby if you needed dick you should’ve called me instead you wanted to touch yourself thinking about me? So naughty I guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson right love?’ Flipping you over and motioning you to get on your knees undoing his belt and pulling out his now fully hard member ‘Now suck slut.’
This was already getting so long so I cut it short sorry! As always feedback is always welcome and appreciated!! Love ya!!💕🫶🏼
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shujohajohaminnie · 7 months
Pink Princess
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Pairing: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count:2302
Summary: You and your best friend have been seeing each other a lot differently lately what happens when you’re both in a situation where you can harm your friendship? 
Afab!reader, Profanity, Public Sex, Choking, Pet names, Raw Sex. Let me know if I miss anything. 
You loved your best friend, he was the person who could cheer you up on your worst days, he was the funniest person you’ve ever met. He was your other half, but you would be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn’t found him attractive. Especially since he’s been working out, you’ve always liked bigger buffer men so seeing Seo Changbin in this new light, he was turning you on. But at this moment he was pissing you off. 
“Bin I’ve told you already no” “But Chan and Minho can’t go they’ll be busy recording then” “Then go with Han” “Did you forget his arm’s broken”. Ah yes, the clumsiest and least athletic of the group was yet again injured from a sport-related event. “You have four other members you could bug” “I don’t want them I want you” he stopped in his tracks clearing his throat. “I mean I want to go to the gym with you, come on. The workout will be good” “I already do my own workouts thank you very much”. You rolled your eyes taking the empty plate from his grasp to wash it. “Oh yeah, what” He smirked leaning against the counter next to you watching you.. “Pilates… 5 days a week”  “Really pilates… that's just a fancy word for yoga, that's not effective” “I beg to differ” “It’s the truth” “Okay well if it’s just yoga and it’s not effective then let's bet on it, tomorrow you do pilates with me if you don’t feel worked out then and only then will I go to the gym with you on Friday” “Nope” “Why”  You smirked drying your hands as you looked at him. “Scared you can’t keep up” “I can keep up” He said walking away from the kitchen, now it was you following him. You trailed behind him to his bedroom throwing yourself on the bed like you always did. “Come on Binnie… you scared” “No” “The lets do it” “Fine, but promise if I don’t like it we’re going to the gym on Friday” “Pinky Promise”. He rolled his eyes shaking his head as he took your pinky with his sealing the deal. “Deal” 
“See you tomorrow princess”  
The real reason you didn’t want to go to the gym with him was because the last time you did you could stop looking at the way his arms looked in his muscle shirt. The way his muscles looked while bringing up and down the weight. The way his hips thrust up the barbell with the fascinating amount of weights. You were squeezing your thighs together the whole time, you could barely even work out. It made your mind drift. Could he fuck you like that, how would he look on top of you. You held your vibrator on your clit at the thought of him, this felt so wrong, he was your best friend. You shouldn’t be thinking of him like this. You were snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of your doorbell ringing. SHIT. You weren’t even ready. You ran to the door letting Changbin in, completely forgetting your current outfit. You were in one of his shirts he lent you a long time ago, it fit you like a dress, a lot of his clothes fit you like that. Underneath you were wearing a black thong, it was your typical loungewear for when you were alone at home. But he didn’t know that.
“Did you forget?” He asked kicking off his shoes and closing the door. “N-no… I was just distracted” You laughed closing your bedroom door quickly before he could see your dildo and vibrator on your bed. Before he could see what you were really doing moments before he showed up. “You feeling okay” He laughed putting his hand on your forehead feeling for a fever. “Mhmm, you uh” You put your hands on his arms leading him to your couch. “You wait here and I’ll get ready fast… just give me a second”. You quickly ran to your room putting on black leggings and a matching sports bra. You put on a loose khaki shirt and quickly put on your black Converse. You ran out of your room to your bathroom to fix your hair into a ponytail and apply a little bit of makeup. “Why are you putting on makeup” Changbin laughed walking over to you. “You have the hots for the teacher or something” “We actually have the place to ourselves, The owner is a friend of mine, and I asked her if we could go in after hours, just so you could have your privacy you know”. He looked at you and smiled, he felt a slight blush start to form on his face at your consideration for him and his comfort. “Okay, I’m ready let's go!” You smiled taking his hand and leading him out of your apartment before he could ask any more questions. 
The car ride was quiet, which was pretty usual since you were best friends with the loudest person ever. What was he thinking? You hadn’t noticed but when Changbin walked into your apartment he got a clear sight of your bedroom and your bed. He noticed the bright purple dildo resting on your sheets. Were you thinking of him, and why would you do that in his shirt? Why were you putting on makeup if it was just the two of you? Did you like him too? No, you couldn’t have. 
You lead him to the front door unlocking it and turning on the light. You cringed at the harsh lighting. You never noticed how bright those lights were. When you’d came to class it was during the day and the teacher always made sure to open the blinds to let in natural light to fill the space. You quickly turned the lights back off, turning on your flashlight to look around for the control of the LED lights you knew she had. After what seemed like forever you found it. “What color should I pick” “Anything” “Well since you’re a special guest I’ll put pink” You giggled pushing the pink color, with the new lighting you saw Changbin already looking at you. You felt nervous. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Okay” You broke the silence, quickly you slipped off your shirt placing it on top of your bag in the corner. You made your way to the middle of the room. “We usually use these big heavy machines but they’re already put away and I don’t wanna haul them out myself”  “Well I could help you” “Nah it’s okay… since it’s your first pilates class we’ll ease you into it was the modified versions of the workouts we do” “Modified huh” he chuckled joining you in the middle of the room looking at your thorough the mirror. “Go queens” he laughed looking at the neon sign that was hanging on the wall behind you. “Yeah… uh it’s an all-girl pilates building so you’re really special to be having a class here” There you go again calling him special, did you mean it?
“Okay so next is gonna be money stretches” “Monkey what” “Monkey stretches usually on the machine we use I’d lay down on my back and then there’s this bar where you put your feet on and what you have to do is raise yourself kinda to raise the bar with your feet, but even I think it’s complicated and I’ve been doing this for months sooooo were going to do the easy version.” Changbin couldn’t lie, he was beat with what you were putting him through, he didn’t realize that pilates took a lot of core strength, and you were only doing the modified version. “You're going to stand on this little box but with only half your foot actually on it... You’re gonna bend over forward and then this other box is gonna be under your hands to level you with your feet. The whole purpose is that you go on your tip toes and extend... you should feel a stretch on your calf... but don't bend your knees at all”  “Yeah you’re gonna need to show me cause I don't know what the fuck you're talking about” “Ugh Binnie” you rolled your eyes demonstrating for him... he looked at you, an idea popping into his head. “I'm gonna check your form” “You’re gonna check my form puh-” You stopped feeling something against your ass... something hard. “B-Bin…” “Yes, princess?” “If you wanted to fuck me all you had to do was ask” That’s all he needed to hear. In a swift movement, he pulled down your leggings and panties, not wasting any time to ram into you. You moaned, your jaw dropping at the fullness and stretch you were feeling. You weren’t dumb, you knew he was going to be big. But you didn’t think he’d be this big. He held you by your waist, throwing his head back. This was better than his hand, this was better than his imagination this was better than his dreams. You felt perfect around him. 
You rutted against him interlocking your fingers with his as you stood up, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the new position. “F-fuck… don’t don't move… wait” He moaned, he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to last long, not with the way you had been teasing him this entire time, doing stretches like downward dog, getting on your back and spreading your legs wide to ‘stretch’. You were in all the positions he only dreamed of putting you in. “B-Binnie… please” You whined trying to move against this hold on you. He slipped off your sports bra freeing your tits, and without warning he put a hand on your throat, his other going straight for your clit. He thrusted into you while his hold around your neck only tightened. You had mentioned to him before that you had always wanted to try choking but couldn’t find someone you trusted well enough. Granted you were both stoned as fuck and doubted that he would even remember that. “Say pink if you want me to stop” He grunted picking up speed on both your clit and his thrusts into you. The space around you filled with both of your pornographic moans and groans, grunts and whines. “B-Binnie… you fuck me so good” You mumbled against his restraints. He moaned at your praises sliding into you harder stroking that one sweet spot. “Fuck Binnie no one's ever fucked me this good” “Fuck Y/n” he moved faster tightening his hold on your waist digging his nails into your exposed skin. He wasn’t doing it intentionally, you know Changbin would never hurt you, But man did the sting feel good. You started to tighten around him, a sign that you were close, and the way you were praising him he wasn’t far off. He let go of his grasp on your neck. You took a deep breath your head spinning from the sudden access to air. His now free hand went down to your lower stomach applying the slightest pressure, driving you absolutely insane. You moaned your head rolling back as you came undone on his cock. He quickly pulled out cumming on your back and ass. He might've been in love with you, but he wanted some time with you alone before bringing any children into the world. 
You fell to your knees your hand going to your chest, helping you regulate your breathing. He sat next to you watching you intensely. You weren’t lying to him when you said he was the best sex you’ve ever had, no one has ever been able to make you feel the way your best friend just did. Best friend. Shit, this could’ve ruined your relationship, he probably doesn’t like you, and you’d have to end something that was great just because you wanted him so-. “Y/n… I uh. I like you, like a lot, and I know we’re friends but I want to be with you, like a boyfriend. I want to take you out, and not to just have sex with you, because it was great but I-” You cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing his lips. You couldn’t and wouldn’t be able to express the happiness you were feeling in words, you had to show him. “Is that a yes?” He mumbled against your lips looking at you with pleading eyes. “Yes” You laughed nodding your head with a smile. “Yes I’ll be your girlfriend” “Good because I want my girlfriend with me at the gym on Friday” “Excuse me sir but you look pretty worn out right now the deal was-” “The deal was that if the pilates-” “Sorry to break it to you hon but we’re in a pilates studio soooo” “I should do pilates with you more often then” 
You groaned turning over to avoid the sun seeping into the room through the blinds. Looking to your side you saw your handsome boyfriend sleeping peacefully. After you two went back to your apartment you both went at it like bunnies after he asked you to show him what exactly you were doing before he showed up to pick you up. You grabbed your phone off the nightstand wanting to see what time it was when you froze. “No fucking way” 
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
omg i loved the baby daddy az blurb, same idea but for cassian??!
Daddy to be
Cassian... Cassian... Cassian... well this man has family man written all across his face. Like sir is a gentle giant. He's at times a little forgetful of his size but he has so much love in his system he just can't help it.
Well, I know that you and your neighbor are thinking about it so I'll just say it. He'd be so dang cocky when you get pregnant. Because well he was a part of that and his shot struck straight to the target. So are you smacking him across the head for trying to give a visual representation on how you two had sex that resulted in a baby? Yes. But it's Cassian so idk what anyone is expecting.
On a serious note, he's an angel. He wants to make sure that you are well and taken care of. Changes your whole workout schedule. And Mother forbids you to try to lift weights. He would fly from the other side of the training ground just to snatch them out of your hands. I think assisting you through your workouts as your pregnancy progresses would be one of his favorite things. He gets to make sure you're doing everything safely but also gets to touch your bump while he corrects your posture. Lots of, "Two more mamas, that's my girl", and "Look at you go, ma".
I also think that he worries about the smallest things. A sight of discomfort would send him into a frenzy. "Is she coming?", "Did you feel something?", "Rhys", the last one is dedicated to his high lord but he needs someone who's gone through this. And Rhys never fails to answer even the most random question. But he's also so good at hiding his anxiety. Don't get me wrong he shares his fears but there are times when he knows that him panicking and showing it to you would cause more harm than good.
Cassian also gets very particular about the food you eat. Again, nothing in a way that would restrict you or tell you what to do. He just loves getting your plate ready for you for dinner. And he's bringing it to you, looking like an absolute puppy as he tells you everything that he put there. Reassuring you that you don't have to eat stuff that doesn't appeal to you, that he would do it. But let's face it. Cassian knows your craving to the tea and the food he brings is always exactly what you crave.
Just absolutely lives for late evening bedtime routine. Cassian is in charge of putting oils and moisturizing mixtures all over your tummy and boobs and bum and thighs. And if he's not kneeling in front of you while doing so, then he has you lying on the bed, while he takes his time rubbing his palms slowly over your growing tummy. Has the sweetest of smiles when he says, "Look, I can't no longer cover our moon dust with my palms", he beams at your bump that had popped, "Keep on cooking there, little one. Grow big and strong".
Has exclusive conversations with the baby. That involves a blanket over his head and he's whispering into your tummy and of course, it tickles you so you giggle but that means that he can no longer feel the baby moving so you get a grumpy face flashed at you from underneath the blanket, "Ma'am you are currently interrupting a high-level conversation", you have to bite your lip as to not start laughing, "This is serious business".
He's lord of bloodshed. So are we surprised that anyone who even thinks about touching your bump ends up pressed to the nearest wall? That's where his protectiveness is the highest. Cassian had gotten into his head that anyone who wants to touch you and the babe now means only harm. So no. No one is even allowed to breathe in the direction of the bump. He's snarling and growling, and threatening. His wings are never casually folded now. No, he's walking around like a man who's ready to fight even the wind who blew into your direction too much.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
The Perfect Shot
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Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Summary: It’s just another day at work as Lloyd’s intern.
Word Count: around 1K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d, RPF. SMUT! This is dark. Read at your own risk. As you know, Lloyd is a prick. Reader has issues. Employer/Employee imbalance of power, degradation kink, references to choking during sex, revenge porn, sex made public without consent, nipple play, rough sex, fingering, clit slapping, p in v, cum play, implied oral (m receiving). Just pwp.
A/N: This is in response to a challenge from muse @maroonsunrise83. She just says a word and I go. 🤗
NOTICE: I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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Lloyd was admiring his bicep as he did his curls and looked up, expecting you to be doing the same.
Instead, you were taking selfies and posting on social media.
You didn’t think that it would be a problem, since he said that he wanted you to sit there and look hot, so you were documenting the fact.
Lloyd loudly put the barbell down, stood up, and grabbed your unoccupied hand, dragging you down the hall to the bedroom.
“Shut up and keep scrolling. Better yet, record a video.”
But you dropped your phone as he pulled your new Ivy Park workout top over your head and threw you on the bed.
“Pick. The fucking phone up. And record.”
Lloyd’s menacing tone was harsh, but you smirked and did as you were told, documenting him stripping off his Moncler muscle shirt.
“Not my face.”
His rude growl only turned you on as did his menacing advance. You made sure only to document his body.
He lay down beside you and looked into your eyes.
“Now use your photography skills…”
He smirked under his mustache.
“To capture what my mouth does. Get that perfect shot.”
Lloyd was mocking you now.
And his mouth descended on your nipple, sucking it roughly into his mouth, laving it with his tongue. You moaned and moved to grab his hair, and about to forget your phone.
“Ah ah ah,” said Lloyd around your nipple.
“Take your fucking pictures. Drop that phone and I kick your ass out on the street.”
With that, he grabbed your other breast and started rolling and pinching that nipple.
You tried to keep recording, because Lloyd was paying you a lot to be his “intern,” his dick game was A+, and you might have been starting to catch feelings despite him being a trash human.
Lloyd was doing such a good job that you were ruining the $200 thong which was part of your work uniform, but you managed to keep your camera trained on what his mouth was doing. This would make a great video to watch later.
You were doing okay, until Lloyd shoved his hands down your leggings. You slammed your legs together, which earned a pinch on your thigh, sure to leave a bruise.
It only made you wetter. Lloyd pulled off your nipple with a pop.
“Open your fucking legs.”
Your legs readily fell open, giving Lloyd access to your most private parts. His fingers parted the plump lips of your cunt only to find you quite slippery.
Lloyd gave you a demented smile.
“Oh, you fucking little slut. You’re so wrapped up in yourself instead of doing your JOB, which is me, that you’re wet at this. You little whore. Open those fucking legs wider.”
You followed orders and Lloyd delivered three sound slaps to your clit as he started to bite and suck your nipple again.
Lloyd’s depraved words and the erotic sting of the slaps got you close. You’d learned your first day on the job as Lloyd choked you as he fucked you raw: You liked that shit.
“Don’t drop that fucking phone.”
You readjusted it, recording your own humiliation with a trembling hand. You couldn’t wait to see this video.
Lloyd got up and stripped off his matching shorts, then grabbed your leggings and roughly pulled them down your legs, scratching your thighs.
You filmed him marking you up.
His massive cock was weeping against his stomach, and you wiggled in anticipation as you pointed the phone at it.
“Now, get this and it better not be jumpy. Capture my cock ruining your pathetic tiny little pussy.”
You leaned up on your elbow to get a better angle of Lloyd’s cock at the entrance to your cunt. You could feel his head pounding as you opened your legs wider as if that would help.
He brutally shoved his cock into your dripping hole, and your phone captured your ragged moan at the brutal stretch and delicious pain.
Lloyd was loud as he entered you.
“I swear the only reason I keep your ass around is this fucking gash. Right. Here.”
You whimpered and moaned as he fucked you to the point that your juices frothed.
“Yeah, get that fucking whipped cream, you slut. Make sure the picture is clear.”
You don’t know how you did it, but you did a pretty good job of getting all the action, proud that he wanted this for his private pleasure. You just knew that he missed you when you weren’t there.
Lloyd’s hands were gripping your hips and causing bruises, and the realization got you close to the edge.
“Cum for the camera, slut. Come all over my giant cock.”
You don’t know how you did it, but you managed to record your pelvis in motion as you fluttered around him. You’d collapsed flat on your back but held the camera up as Lloyd pulled out and came on your torso, jacking off silently, and without any emotion on his face.
Quite cinematically, a drop of his spend landed on the camera lens at the end. It was perfect.
When he was done, he grabbed the phone. He started typing, and you didn’t pay much attention because you could finally relax into the feeling of good sex.
“Are you sending yourself the video?”
“No. I’m posting it to IG.”
You sat up, alarmed.
Lloyd grabbed your top and wiped himself off, ruining it. Then he walked off toward the shower.
“My family will see that, and my account will be suspended!”
“Well you should have thought of that before you dicked around.”
Lloyd was in the bathroom now, yelling over the noise of the shower.
“You finally have something good to post besides that stupid little pouty face. Maybe now you’ll pay attention to your fucking JOB!”
He was yelling, but he sounded as if he’d stepped into the shower.
And you felt like you were about to cry.
“Don’t want to see a trace of what we’ve done in that room when I come out. Don’t want to see your fucking face either. You’re done for today.”
You suck it up, stood, and stripped the bed remaking it in 10 minutes flat. Next, you put Lloyd’s clothes in the laundry chute, coming back to lay out an identical outfit for him on the duvet.
Just as you were about to gather your things and disappear, you heard Lloyd call your name.
You padded into the massive bathroom and opened the shower door. Lloyd peered at you with cold eyes.
“I need you to wash my back, and then suck me off.”
You looked down to see his huge wet cock growing large again in his hand.
Lloyd needed you.
You hid a smirk as you replied, “Yes, Sir,” and climbed into the shower to go to work.
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Give me feedback, I can take it!
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ what your first date with txt was like
pairing: non idol!txt x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: not proofread, lowercase intended
a/n: what's your ideal perfect date? personally it depends but I've always wanted something interactive and fun such as an arcade date or even mini golfing (enha and possibly zb1 versions coming soon)
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🖇️ — 최수빈 ; SOOBIN !
↳ outdoor cinema date
after many failed dates and relationships, you weren't expecting much from the blind date your friend set you up on today
you both had texted each other, still unaware of how the other looked wanting to keep it a 'suprise' until the day of the date but suprisingly you both got along over the phone
you had suggested a movie for your date and soobin thought an outdoor cinema would be perfect
to say you were shocked first meeting him would be the understatement, you did not at all expect soobin to be that handsome and he didn't expect you to be so pretty
"W-wow... I mean, hi, my name is Soobin." he nervously introduces himself bowing
you both got to talk a little and get to know each other before the movie and everything was smooth sailing
during the course of the movie, soobin even tried the classic yawn and arm over the shoulder move
ofcourse you thought it was cheesy but nevertheless you moved in closer to him making him blush profusely
after that great date, you both maintained contact and even had a few more dates after that before officially dating
🖇️ — 최연준 ; YEONJUN !
↳ beach date
dating had never been part of your agenda whatsoever but you decided to join a dating website and see what happens
that's where you matched with choi yeonjun and he was the first to message you with the cringiest pick up line known to man... but he still managed to make you laugh
' Are you a photographer, because I can see you and I together '
' Wait that's not how it goes, I can PICTURE you and I together, how do I manage to mess that up too '
after his failed attempts to rizz you up, you both started talking and decided to meet in person for an official date
on the day of the date, you both decided to have a picnic at the beach and having bought all the food, yeonjun catered by bringing the blanket and umbrella so you wouldn't burn
the day was spent simply laughing and getting to know each other
yeonjun also happened to have brought his polaroid camera with and captured a bunch of photos of you, the scenery and the both of you
"So maybe my pick up line wasn't far off, I was able to picture us together." he jokingly says making you playfully roll your eyes
🖇️ — 최범규 ; BEOMGYU !
↳ laser tag date
you had been friends with beomgyu for awhile now having been in the same friend group but your dynamic changed after you both shared your first kiss during a game of spin the bottle
you had thought nothing of it at first until you realised he was all you could think about and you were inevitably crushing
taking that leap of faith, you decided to ask him out expecting to get rejected anyway but he suprisingly agreed
you were both big on doing something super fun and so when the suggestion to try laser tag came up you had to try it
"If I beat you, you owe me ice cream and if you win, I'll get you whatever you want." you suggest out stretching your hand as he shakes yours sealing the deal
confidently going in there you thought you would be able to beat beomgyu forgetting how great his aim was
he knew he would probably be better than you but despite making that deal he still wanted to get you your ice cream
"I'm sorry for shooting you 10 seconds in, how about we get some ice cream still, my treat." he suggests slyly putting his hand into yours making you blush as you try to hide your smile
"There's that smile I love."
🖇️ — 강태현 ; TAEHYUN !
↳ cafe date
taehyun happened to be a member at the gym you worked out at and during your workout he happened to help you spot and he soon became your 'gym buddy'
you soon grew a great friendship from that but I never went anywhere past the gym
that is until taehyun mustered up the courage to ask you to get coffee with him after a workout you both had and you ofcourse agreed
the cafe was a great choice considering it was a very peaceful place you could both get to talk and get to know one another
you actually got to see a more softer and even smarter side of taehyun during your date you never thought you would get to see
in the gym he was usually funnier and and casual but during this date you learnt so much more from this sweet guy
"Well I'd like to think we can meet more outside of the gym. Maybe ice skating next week?" taehyun asks hoping for a good outcome as his eyes light up at your response
"It's a date." you tell him giving him a short peck on his cheek
🖇️ — 휴닝카이 ; HUENINGKAI !
↳ escape room date
you had first met kai through his sister who you were friends with and it was rather obvious he was completely smitten when he would always get so flustered around you
you had waited for the longest time for him to finally ask you out and when he did, he bad suggested an escape room date
you had once mentioned how you always wanted to try going to one and so this was the perfect opportunity for kai too
he wanted to show off his great logic skill figuring out the different clues and you found it impressive and attractive
"Wow Kai, you're really good at this." you praise him as he evidently turned red
at some point you got stuck on a certain clue and went up to kai to figure it out with him and having you so close to him almost made him lose consciousness
his brain stopped working momentarily from the close proximity but you both worked well together
the escape room date was a great success because you got to do what you've been wanting to and with your crush
you both decided to go have a late lunch together after that and planned future dates to come
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
No brakes, part 1
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Summary: Every time Y/N has been featured in a “No Brakes” episode (1,2,4,5)
F1 Masterlist 
Word count: 1.25k I think
Warnings (also mentioned before every paragraph): Mentions of working out; a sex joke; mentions of body dysmorphia
Ep. 1 
Daniel had a few weeks in between races and he decided to take you on a trip to Austria. He has been there many times and he wanted you to know how beautiful this country is. The trip was full of bike rides, hiking, and eating schnitzels. After a few days of vacation Daniel started recording a Youtube series called “No brakes”.
You decided to go for a hike. After an hour of climbing a semi-tall mountain you were greeted with an amazing view. You wanted to take a closer look at how high above the ground you actually were. You were about to get closer to the edge when you felt a pair of hands grabbing you “Please be careful. If you were to fall I would jump”. The strong need to keep you safe would often result in Daniel shouting at people. He’s not an irascible person but when it comes to you he has no limits. 
“We are gonna scare them. We’re doing something really cool.” All the camera could see was a smiling face hidden in the bush. You were going down at your own pace, careful not to slip, so you were a bit behind most of the group. It was around noon, green trees hid you from direct sunlight allowing a slight breeze to pass through. As you walked down a small path a group of four people jumped from the bushes. After a short mini heart attack you started dying of laughter causing everyone to laugh too. 
“You want to go up the mountain in the evening and watch the sunset? A few locals said it was really good.” Daniel lowered his voice a bit as you were sitting at a table, eating lunch with a bunch of other guys and his offer was to you only. A lot of the time you were surrounded by other people but he always made sure you two could have a moment alone during the day. He is a busy guy but he always tries to find some quality time for his lover. Whether it’s 15 minutes in his driver’s room before a race or a full evening after a race week. He likes to make sure that he is not distracted, so he would mute his phone and focus on you. 
As you were climbing the mountain, Danny was humming a song that has been stuck in his head for the past few days. At this point you could probably recite the full lyric because you have heard it so many times. “I’m glad you like it here.” says Daniel “Yea, we should come here more often. I think you should rest more, overall.” You were always scared of Daniel overworking himself. You knew being a driver was a hard job and you didn’t want him to feel burned out. You were always there for him. Always gave as much space as he wanted, always gave a shoulder to cry on after a terrible race. You two always cared for each other. 
Ep. 2 (tw: mentions of working out, a sex joke)
Next video featured preparing for the race in Monaco. Daniel was just about to leave the place you were staying in. “I’m going to do a quick workout.” he says, grabbing your waist and kissing your cheek. He always did it before he left. “Oh! By the way, I’m gonna go for a run. I just feel like doing a quick cardio, I don’t know. I just feel this energy.” His lips form the characteristic smile “I thought we were going to do cardio tonight”. He squeezes your hip as you respond “Don’t get your hopes up, Ricciardo. Now go, Michael is probably waiting.” Daniel only moves closer to kiss you. His hands on his hips - trying to convince you that his trainer can wait. You suddenly pull back “Go!”. “Okay, okay. Don’t forget your phone when you go out! I love you.” he laughed. You always had each other’s location shared. He wasn’t controlling you by any means, he just wanted to know you’re safe when you are not with him.
Ep. 4 (singer!reader; solange lyrics; tw: mentions of body dysmorphia) 
You always wanted Daniel to be on your album, even before you two started dating. He always pushed it off saying that he isn’t a good singer but you would find ways to feature him in other ways. You wanted him to read one of the sentences that really got stuck in your mind. He said it one night when you weren’t feeling the best in your body. He knew something was off but he didn’t want to push you. He noticed a pattern when your self confidence was a bit low. Little things that you didn’t pay attention to but he used to read you like an open book. He would always make sure to treat you even better than usual. He would treat you like a literal goddess. He would run you a bath, wash your hair, shower you with kisses constantly reminding you of how beautiful you were.
 It was just gonna be a half a minute interlude. His voice would be a bit edited so it would sound more dreamy. “Ok, so you go in there and you just read this.” You said giving him a piece of paper and pointing at a recording booth. He didn’t really look at the paper until the mic was recording. You gave him a thumbs up and he started to read “Do you realize how magnificent you are? The god that created you is a divine architect. That created the moon, the sun, the stars, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus. You are the walking embodiment of god consciousness.” As soon as he realized these are the words that he said he instantly started smiling. You did a couple of takes in case and told him to come back. “Aw! I didn’t know you remembered what I said that night!” he pulled you into a hug. He got a bit emotional to be honest. “Are you kidding me? That was the most beautiful thing you have ever came up with. You are gonna get credit for that. A beautiful “Daniel Ricciardo” written in the writers’ rubric.”.
Ep. 5
Daniel loved to impress you by doing donuts. He was about to park when an idea popped in his mind- he could get some extra footage as well as impress you. You were looking at your phone as you felt the car moving unusually, you knew what was going on. You turned to face your boyfriend and gave him a look that told more than words. He started laughing as he saw you in the corner of his eye.
You were supposed to meet Jenson and watch him and Daniel drive go karts. “You sure you don’t want to try? I can teach you.” says Daniel as he is done changing into his racing suit “Nah, I’m good. Don’t worry” you say. Danny always wanted to involve you in everything but you didn’t want to be stuck to him if that makes sense. You would show up to his races and support him but you weren’t really the first one to be on camera. He always respected that but didn’t want you to feel left out.
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damiansgoodgirll · 10 months
can you please please write damian comforting reader after she found out that her boyfriend cheats on her please?
damian priest x reader
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the other woman
you didn’t care about the fact that it was raining and you didn’t care about the fact that you were driving a little too fast, all you wanted to do was get away as far as possible from the place you used to call home.
 it started as a nice and normal day. 
you woke up early.
you did your workout, you left for work and before coming home you spent the afternoon at the nail salon, happy to get your nails done, but when you came back home what you didn’t expect was to find your three years long relationship boyfriend with his dick inside your neighbour and supposed friend.
you didn’t even let them explain, there was no need too.
you ran back into your car and drove as fast as possible.
there was only one place that you could go and there was only one person you knew that wouldn’t judge you.
your eyes full of tears, you barely saw the road but somehow managed to find yourself in front of damian’s house.
you let the rain wash all over you, your tears mixing with them and you knocked on his wooden door.
he was currently watching a show on the sofa, and he was a little surprised when he heard someone knocking on his door.
but he was definitely more surprised when he saw you standing there looking a completely mess.
your eyes full of tears, your body shaking from crying and the cold weather. he was speechless.
“oh my - come in y/n” he let you in without even questioning at first.
“thank you…” you sobbed.
he rushed to get you a towel and some of his warm clothes.
“here…you should get warmed up…take these, you know where the bathroom is” he smiled at you and you simply nodded.
he never saw you like this.
after ten minutes you came out from the bathroom and you felt a little better, at least physically. your hair and whole body was warm, you removed all the remaining make up and you weren’t shivering no more.
your eyes were still full of tears and damian couldn’t help but wonder what the heck happened to you.
“come here mariposa…” he gently helped you sitting on the couch. his heart broke at your sight. to him you were the light of his days, you were there to pick up his pieces when he was broken so he got worried when he saw you in that state.
“i didn’t mean to show up like this…” you apologised.
“nonsense, you are more than welcomed to stay here, everytime you need it…” he hugged you and you lost yourself between his warm arms. a hug that meant something “can you tell me what’s going on?” he gently asked you.
“he cheated…” you closed your eyes trying to forget the sight that kept repeating in your mind “he was…shit, in our bed…and from the look in his eyes i could tell it wasn’t the first time it happened…” you kept sobbing while damian’s arms kept you close.
he was pissed, he was beyond mad.
he couldn’t understand how someone would cheat on you. you were perfect to his eyes. you were everything he wanted and deep down he knew he was in love with you.
but you always looked so happy when you were with your boyfriend that he didn’t want to ruin your relationship so instead, he stayed close to you as a friend. he wanted to be the one to hold your hand and take you to dates but he knew he couldn’t because he saw how happy you and your boyfriend were.
“he’s a fucking dick…” damian said.
“how could he throw away three years like this? i mean - what did i do wrong? wasn’t i good enough?” you cried into his embrace.
“no no mariposa, you are more than good enough…if men want to cheat they’ll cheat, it’s their fault…i’m just shocked and mad that someone would cheat on you…that he cheated on you. y/n, you’re an amazing person, in and out and you don’t deserve this…” he said trying to keep it calm.
“so why did he do it? we were together for three years!” you kept wondering what you did do deserve this “i remember every time he told me that he would be late for work, and every time that he spend too much time helping out our neighbour saying that her sink was broken and shit like that…he had been fucking her for so many months now that i wasn’t even surprised that we stopped having sex…i should have caught up the signs damian…i should have done something, i should have known it…” you cried.
damian couldn’t bare to see you cry, not for a man like that but he let you continue.
“all the time i saw him with shopping bags, jewellery and lingerie shops, my stupid mind always thought that those things were for him that he liked to spend some money on himself, but in reality, he has been seen her for so many time… did you know that last week he even talked about marriage and family?” you sarcastically laughed “i’ve been the other woman for so long when she was supposed to be the other woman…but she ended up getting all of his love…”
“i wish i could turn back time and put some sense into his brain but i can’t princesa…i can’t undo what he did but i can promise you that’ll never leave and that i’ll be always here for you” his hands gently wiped your tears away “you have me…and you can stay here for as long as you want…i can even go to your apartment tomorrow and get you some of your stuff here, my spare bedroom is available and you don’t need to go back ever again…” he saw a sparkle in your eyes “i know it hurts…and it will for a while but you’re not alone into this…”
“i really don’t deserve you damian…”
“you do, you deserve so much more than this…but if you let me i’ll help you heal” he said honestly and you said yes.
you both spend the rest of the evening in each other’s embrace as damian kept watching a stupid show. you ended up falling asleep in his arms, and it was the first time, in a very long time that you felt safe and protected.
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dark-frosted-heart · 3 months
The Fairytale Keeper's Final Assessment - Roger (Part 1)
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This is the 1st anniversary event and is in his POV.
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Similar to how there are humans who are seriously ill, but unaware of the fact that they are, there are also humans who surprisingly lack self-awareness.
As for me? Who knows.
(A letter of agreement to continue as a fairy tale keeper, huh? Now, what to do.)
After talking with Victor, I took the letter with me.
(Basically, spend the day with Kate to get an idea)
(So whether she continues or leaves is one me.)
(Why me, though?)
I know I bother Kate a lot.
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(It’s fun having her wrapped around my finger. The other dayー)
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: What’s up, Kate? Is that all you’re eating? Here, say “ah”.
Kate: Huh? Ah…mmph?!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha. You look just like the family corgi with the way your cheeks are stuffed with food. He’s such a glutton with puffing cheeks.
Kate: Don’t just stuff it in!
Roger: Tasted good though, didn’t it?
Kate: I-it did…
~~ End flashback ~~
(She’s a natural at doing what I want)
It’s been a part of my routine to lead her around, but doing that and deciding her direction in life are two completely different things.
(I’m not gonna selfishly make that decision)
(Which means that at the end of the day, the choice is up to Kate)
(Ah, now that I think about it…)
~~ Flashback ~~
Victor: What if you don’t agree? Then we’ll say farewell to Kate when the time comes. Ah, please keep this a secret from her.
~~ Flashback end ~~
Even if I get punished for revealing it to Kate, I got ways to get around it.
And it’s all thanks to the info I collect from my daily research.
(Information always comes in handy)
As I was thinking about it, familiar footsteps descending down the stairs to the basement vibrated against my eardrums.
Kate: Pardon the intrusion.
Roger: Yo, Kate.
Kate: I suddenly got a day off today so I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help around.
Victor’s as capable as ever so he can make sure that Kate gets a proper day off.
Roger: And you came all the way to me? You’ll die young with how much of a workaholic you are. Ah, or is it… Because you wanted to see me?
Kate: N-no…
Roger: And yet here you are. You’re such a hard worker, aren’t you?
Kate: ~~...! T-that’s right. I’m hardworking.
Kate was pouting, but still waited for my next words like a dog being told “wait” by her owner.
(That’s what makes you so adorable)
Roger: Then, kind and considerate Roger will give you a job to do. Repeat after me so you don’t forget it, Kate.
Kate: Okay.
Roger: I’m ready to go out.
Kate: I’m ready to go out.
Roger: We’re both free today.
Kate: We’re both free today.
Roger: We’re going to spend our free time having fun.
Kate: !
Roger: Repeat it?
Kate: We’re going to spend our free time having fun!
Kate’s delightful smile was contagious.
Kate: What is this place, Roger?
Roger: As you can see, it’s a gym in the palace. And these are boxing gloves. Let’s box, Kate.
Kate was dumbfounded but I ignored it.
She accepted the gloves with a tilt of her head.
Kate: Don’t you go by the boxing club in town?
Roger: I do, but I come here when I need a quick workout. Soldiers serving at the palace aren’t stationed here, but called in when necessary. But there’s usually a few around so I grab them over for a round. I’m one of Victor’s most valued guests so they can’t deny me.
Kate: As evil as ever…
Alfons: I’ve heard that Her Majesty has been receiving complaints about being sore all over due to dealing with Roger.
Kate: Alfons!
Alfons, who just so happened to be passing by, scrutinized me deliberately.
Alfons: Muscle glasses here’s become insensitive to other people’s pain. How pathetic…
Roger: Muscles don’t grow unless you work them every once in a while, you know? Al, you’re joining in on the fun too.
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Alfons: I’m afraid boxing gives me hives. I’ll see you, Miss Kate. My condolences.
Kate: Hehe, looks like Alfons got away.
Roger: That guy runs away faster than a cat. I should put a leash on him.
As we talked, Kate put the gloves on and I took hits with my mitt.
(I know I’m not familiar with how a woman’s mind works)
Usually, it’s exhausting dealing with selfishness.
It’s such a bother, so I stopped letting them in on my hobbies.
(But this one…)
Kate: What the. This is a lot more fun than I thought it’d be! 
Roger: Haha, right?
Kate: When you’re just mindlessly hitting things, you release your worries and get a high.
Kate spoke excitedly and her smile widened as if she thought of something.
Kate: Also, I can make use of this when going on missions with Crown!
Roger: O_O
Kate’s words surprised me.
(Ah, I see)
(When she’s gone, we won’t be able to go on missions together)
Kate: Roger…?
Roger: It’s nothing. Come on, hit me again.
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godsmenusuperbowl · 10 months
Shared Experiences ~ *Felix Lee*
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Summary: Every so often, Felix can experience the same feeling as his soulmate. As much as he’d love to meet them, he knows it’s pretty much impossible. That is until he meets Stray Kids’s new stylist. What is it about you that draws him to you…?
Pairing: Felix Lee X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 1851
Warning: soulmate AU
Taglist: @foxwinter @imagine-a-life-like-this @mxnsxngie @maeleelee @kpop-will-kill-me
A/N: The ending is a bit rushed. And for that I apologize.
A/N 2: Part 2 to this oneshot can be found here.
Every so often, you swear you could smell brownies. Sometimes, if you concentrated hard enough, you could hear the music he was listening to faintly, as if someone was playing it quietly in the other room. There were times during the day you felt complete exhaustion with a dash of exhilaration, like you just finished a strenuous workout.
All of these odd little moments throughout your day were all signs of your soulmate.
You’ve never met, but you knew from those experiences that they seemed lovely. You wanted to meet your soulmate ever since you were little. But growing up, you let such a childish fantasy slip away for more practical pursuits. In other words, school and work and real friendships came before a person you didn’t know. Despite your maturing, you never did forget your soulmate and the experiences you shared every single day.
Sometimes, when you were alone, often before going to sleep, you wondered what your soulmate experienced from your life. Did they feel the joy you felt when you hung out with your friends? Did they hear that new song from your favorite band that you’ve been listening to on repeat? Did they taste the spicy dish you couldn’t get enough of for dinner? These kinds of questions made you endlessly curious, and you kept them all to yourself.
As curious as you were about your soulmate, you weren’t going around trying to find them. They could be all the way on the other side of the world. They could be a horrible person or uninterested in finding romance. For now, your curiosity was just that: simple curiosity. Not a reason to jump on the next plane to somewhere, in hopes of finding something that probably wasn’t there. Everything was just fine just the way it was and you were going to keep it that way.
For Felix, things weren’t just fine.
He was dying to meet his soulmate. Ever since the first shared experience, tasting homemade cookies, he has been obsessed with his soulmate. Were they kind and passionate? Were they snarky and mean? Were they quiet and skittish? He needed to know everything! If he could, he would jump on the next plane to somewhere just to find what he’s been looking for all his life.
The poor boy snapped out of his daze. “Huh, what?”
Hyunjin started laughing along with Seungmin. “You’re in your own little world again.”
“Ah, sorry.” He blushed, his hair flopping in front of his face.
“Were you thinking about them again?” Minho asked, a smug smirk tugging at his lips. 
He didn’t say anything, instead covering his face with his hands. He wanted to say so what? It’s hard not to think about them when he could sense them in every moment of his life. They were always there, lingering in the back of his mind. And though he would never admit it, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“C’mon guys, give him a break.” Chris slung an arm over his shoulder. “Just because you guys can ignore your soulmate marks, doesn’t mean Felix can.”
Seungmin rolled his eyes and Hyunjin subconsciously touched the lock of hair that looked different from the rest of his hair. Minho’s hand even lightly touched his wrist, where the concealer he put on to cover the black mark was starting to flake off. 
Out of all of Stray Kids, Chris was the only one who didn’t have his mark anymore, the timer on his wrist a faded zero. Jeongin swore he was close to meeting his soulmate once when he was younger, but everyone called his bluff. Felix would never tell him but he was envious of Chris. He was lucky to have met his soulmate and was hopelessly in love and devoted to them. What Felix wouldn’t give to have that same kind of love for himself. If only he could find them. But he was too busy to go looking for them.
A knock at the door stopped them all. In came the stylists, with the head stylist bowing respectfully at front.
“Excuse us. Are you ready?”
Minho nodded. “Yes, we’re ready when you are.”
“Excellent. Oh, and I would like to introduce you to the newest member of the style team, Y/n L/n.”
Felix glanced at the new higher and felt his cheeks warm at the sight. You were beautiful. Absolutely stunning. But besides how beautiful you looked, there was a thought, a feeling in the back of his mind that there was more to you then you let on. Something that made him feel like you two were going to be close. He had never felt such a feeling before. He wasn’t sure if he should ignore it or pursue it.
He snapped out of his thoughts as the head stylist smiled brightly at him. “Pardon me. But I was wondering if it was alright if Y/n helped you with your makeup today?”
Not trusting his voice, which he was sure would come out far breathier than he’d want, he nodded. The head stylist nodded, smiling brightly. She gestured for you to begin before helping Hyunjiin hide the lock of hair that didn’t match the rest of his hair.
You smiled and his breath caught in his throat. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Felix. I hope I do a good job for you today.”
He nodded. “I’m sure you will.”
Your smile brightened and he felt his heart skip a beat. You were truly a vision and you seemed very kind. He wanted to talk to you, wanted to learn everything he could about you, but his words were caught in his throat. It was like your very presence overwhelmed him in a good way. While he felt dumb for not being able to speak to you, he also felt truly at peace with you gently applying his makeup. It was a nice feeling.
Felix watched as you carefully chose what to use and the look you wanted to give him. You seemed to give special attention to what products you chose, as if one wrong move would ruin the whole thing. But he would let you apply, take off, and apply makeup on him over and over again if it meant he could just be next to you. Everything you did was mesmerizing and he couldn’t get enough of it. These thoughts and feelings surprised him with their intensity, but it wasn’t unwelcome. He couldn’t stop the small smile on his lips during the whole process.
“I hope you don’t mind if I’m light on foundation.” You mumbled. “I think your freckles are lovely and I’d hate to cover them up.”
Again his heart was doing tricks in his chest. He nodded, “Alright. Thank you.”
Your smile turned shy. “You’re very welcome.”
The rest of the time passed in quiet contentment. It didn’t bother him that much, even though he really wanted to speak with you. However, he would rather your first moments together be comfortable just like this. It was nice.
Of course when the two of you were done and you moved on to help finish Jeongin’s makeup, Chris nudged his shoulder.
“What was that all about?”
“What was what about?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” He nodded in your direction. “You were practically giving them puppy dog eyes the whole time they did your makeup. So I ask again: what was that all about?”
He shook his head, letting his hair slip in front of his face a little. “It was nothing. I was just making sure they did a good job.”
“Oh yeah sure.” He rolled his eyes. “Do you think they could be your soulmate?”
Felix felt his brain jolt and restart at the question. “Dude, shut up! Whether or not they’re my soulmate is irrelevant. They were just doing their job, that’s it. Besides, there would be no way of knowing for sure if they were my soulmate or not.”
Chris shrugged. “Whatever you say, my friend. All I’m saying is, if I were you, I would try talking to them. It seemed like they liked you as well.”
Glancing back at you, finishing up Jeongin’s makeup, he sighed. Was Chris right? Did you really like him as much as he did? Did you want to be around him all the time and learn everything about him? Did being apart ache like no other? Were you his soulmate?
He knew there was no way of knowing, at least not without sounding crazy. He couldn’t just go up to you and ask if you shared any of the same experiences he did throughout his entire life. But even if you weren’t, did he have to end up with the one he was supposed to be with? He’s heard of soulmates who didn’t get along or just stayed friends. All he knew was he wanted to talk to you again, whether you were his soulmate or not.
There was another knock at the door and a stagehand poked his head in. “Five minutes till showtime, Stray Kids.”
They thanked him and all eight boys rushed around for last minute details. Seungmin was putting in his contact lenses that made his eyes the same color and Minho was applying more foundation to the black mark. Changbin adjusted his skin tone compression shirt, just in case his soulmate started writing all over his arms in the middle of performance again. 
You added the last bit of makeup on Jeongin before allowing him to grab his in-ear piece. Now that you had a moment to yourself, Felix touched your shoulder, causing you to flinch. He brushed off the feeling of surprise as it felt like a cold breeze hit his back.
“Can I speak to you after our performance?”
You nodded. “Of course. I’ll wait for you.”
He ignored the flipping of his stomach at your words. Instead, he lined up with the rest of Stray Kids and followed them to the stage. Taking a deep breath, he joined them on stage to the cheers of their fans. He smiled brightly and waved to all the Stay, throwing a few hearts their way. A sense of completeness and satisfaction filled him as he got into place. This was where he belonged. This is who he is. He is Felix Lee of Stray Kids, and he was born to perform.
As the song began and he started to dance, his usual sense of excitement and fun was replaced with something else: surprise. He faltered for only a second, trying to figure out the source of this new feeling. He glanced around the audience before looking to the sides of the stage.
That’s when he locked eyes with you and understood.
You were feeling surprised. You must have felt his mood when he was in performance mode. You must have felt a lot more than just that. 
But besides all of that, Felix knew Chris was right all along. You were his soulmate.
And he couldn’t wait to talk to you after the show.
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onlyancunin · 3 days
Little update again for anyone interested, bc I'm overflown with emotions.
Ok, so I did it.
In a single week, found a new place, packed my things (or at least the majority, some stuff is still waiting to be sorted and transported) and moved in to my condo.
I hurt my knee again and walk on crutch, my hands are so sore I barely slept this night and I had approximately 27 nervous breakdowns in the past two days, but I'm here, I'm queer and I'm ready to do some Astarion fan art now that nobody lurks over my shoulder in attempt to be controlling.
And jesus. I woke up today with my body absolutely useless after what I put it through while packing, and yet so... Serene? I literally cried out of exhaustion, relief, gratitude and what not.
And to think just 3 months ago I was deeply suicidal and drinking like crazy to cope. Always either with headphones or with earplugs to soothe my nerves and keep myself together, barely present in my own life and resenting it and myself. But here? I enjoy the silence or even occasional sound of my neighbors being present. I unpacked yesterday for hours without the need to overwhelm my brain with podcasts just to stop it from spiraling out. Because it didn't want to spiral out, I was at peace despite cursing a few times bc I'm a dumbass and forgot idle pc needs some activity to wake it up and I thought it got damaged while transporting 🤠
Thank you @herdarkestnightelegance , who supported me through the whole process and was there for me to pick me up and help me to keep going. The best thing that came out of this entire thing is your friendship. It's so nice to know someone cares enough to be happy for you. This is a gift, you know. I won't forget it.
And thank you everyone for your words of support and care, every single one. After months of being isolated and numb it's nice to see the world still wants me here.
Gosh I think I need to cry some more, a nice little emotional workout before work.
Have a great Monday everyone! 🖤
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llightshower · 1 year
hq boys w/ an anemic s/o
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m.list | requests
pairings: aged up!iwaizumi x gn!reader | aged up!oikawa x gn!reader | aged up!akaashi x gn!reader
warnings/ content: mentions of medication (iron supplements in all as well as tylenol but only in akaashi’s). for iwa’s there’s lots of references to his time skip.
a/n: idk if this is too niche 💀.. this applies to my low iron girlies too
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- always makes sure to remind you to take your meds , especially if you had planned on working out with him that day.
- sometimes you fall asleep on him while you guys are relaxing. he’ll make sure to cover you so you’re not freezing (so thoughtful 😞🤞).
- when you’re really cold he always offers you his jacket. he often reminds you to bring one because he knows you get cold quickly.
- if you’re working out with him and you get weak quickly he’ll stop the workout and take care of you the rest of the day;
- but he also tries to motivate you, when he can tell he’s not going to push you too much.
- he makes sure you get enough iron in your diet daily because (1) the fitness trainer in him can’t help it, and (2) he cares n he’s a very thoughtful boyfriend.
- when you go to the doctor he goes too and tells the doctor what you’ve been eating like he’s your personal health advisor, it’s so cute but kinda funny. he just wants the best for you.
- iwa loves doing things for you, so when you can’t lift certain things, or open something, he loves that he can do it for you.
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- “you look very pale today, did you take your meds?” is a very common thing you hear from him. you roll your eyes at him each time but you know he means it with love.
- on days the two of you are off he requests cuddling a lot because he knows you get sleepy often.
- but when you guys wake up from your naps he makes you two stretch, he says “you need to get the blood in you moving!” it’s so cute 😭
- he always buys you blanket’s, it’s practically a love language. he says it’s cause he likes them but you know it’s because you get cold so easily- omg and, he got you this really expensive heated blanket because he knows sometimes his body heat isn’t enough to keep you warm.
- whenever he see’s tiktoks/ reels about anemia, he sends them to you.
- sometimes they’re corny too like “only hot bitches have anemia” it’s so cute though.
- if you tell him you have a headache, he isn’t letting you do anything. he takes everything very seriously with you, especially your anemia/ low iron.
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- truly so thoughtful when it comes to you, he goes to all your doctors appointments with you.
- he makes you food a lot, so you don’t forget to eat and so that you’re getting enough nutrients.
- before you get up, he reminds you to not get up too fast so you don’t get dizzy.
- subconsciously, akaashi will rub on your shoulder, thigh, arm, or anywhere, in an attempt to keep you warm because of how quickly you freeze.
- if you guys were going out and staying somewhere else for the night, you’ll be searching for your iron pills and he’ll say “i got it, i put it in your bag for you.” he just always remembers to bring it.
- and he always brings tylenol for your headaches
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tinytinyblogs · 10 months
Jongho As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Ateez masterlist here
Jongho is the strong baby that will protect you from bad people. He will hold your hand and lead you everywhere you want to go. He is your knight in shining armor, and he will always be there for you. He is strong and protective, but he is also gentle and loving. He will always make you feel safe and loved. He will always be there to hold your hand and lead you through life. He will be your guide and your protector. He will show you the world, and he will keep you safe from harm. He will be your best friend, your lover, and your soulmate. You will never have to walk alone again.
He only shows his soft, adorable side to you. He will hug you nonstop and pout when he doesn't get your attention. You can't stand to see him sad, so you always give him what he wants. He is like a big teddy bear, always wanting to cuddle and be close to you. He is also very playful and loves to make you laugh. But when he doesn't get your attention, he can get pouty and sulky. You know that he is just a big baby who needs your love and attention. So, you always make sure to give him what he wants. You know that he will be happy, and that makes you happy too.
He loves to keep you warm. He will cuddle you while you watch your favorite TV show or movie, and he will play with your tiny fingers while he laughs along with you. He finds it so endearing that your fingers are so small and delicate, and he loves to feel them against his own. He also loves the way you laugh, and he loves to make you laugh. When you're cuddling, he feels like he can protect you from anything. He knows that you're safe with him, and he loves the feeling of being close to you. He also loves the way you make him feel. When he's with you, he feels happy and content. He knows that he can be himself around you, and he loves that you accept him for who he is. He's so grateful to have you in his life, and he knows that he'll never love anyone as much as he loves you.
Jongho can be very jealous. He doesn't like to see you talking to other men, and he will often get silent and withdrawn if he does. He may even sulk or give you the silent treatment until you ask him what's wrong. This can be frustrating for you, because you know that Jongho is a good guy, and you don't want to make him feel insecure. But it's important to remember that his jealousy is coming from a place of love. He loves you so much that he doesn't want to lose you, and he's afraid that if you talk to other men, you'll find someone better than him. If you want to help Jongho deal with his jealousy, it's important to be patient and understanding. Talk to him about how his jealousy makes you feel, and let him know that you're not going anywhere. You can also try to reassure him that you love him and that you're not interested in anyone else.
Jongho loves to show off his strength. He'll playfully break an apple for you, or he'll give you a piggyback ride everywhere you want to go. He loves to make you laugh, and he loves to see the look on your face when he does something impressive. Jongho might ask you to come and workout with him. He would make sure that you live a healthy lifestyle. He cares about your health and wants you to be happy and fit. He might say something like, "Hey, y/n, I was wondering if you wanted to come workout with me. I'm trying to get in shape, and I think it would be more fun if we did it together." Jongho knows that you are beautiful inside and out, but he also wants you to be healthy and happy. He would do anything to make sure that you were taken care of.
Your relationship with Jongho is perfect. You both have a strong connection, and your families support you too. The chemistry between you is undeniable, and it's clear that you were meant to be together. You can talk to Jongho about anything, and he always knows how to make you feel better. He's always there for you, no matter what. You know that you can always count on him, and that makes you feel safe and loved. Your families also love Jongho. They can see how happy he makes you, and they're happy for you. They're always there to support you both, and they're always there to celebrate your successes. You have a natural connection, and you always seem to know what the other is thinking. You're always laughing and having fun together, and you can't imagine your life without each other. It's clear that you were meant to be together. You're perfect for each other, and you're so lucky to have found each other.
His favorite thing is you in his lap, hiding your face on his neck while you tell him about your day. He loves the way you feel in his arms, and he loves the sound of your voice. He loves hearing about your day, no matter how big or small. He loves the way you make him feel, and he loves the way you make him laugh. He loves the way your hair smells, and he loves the way your breath tickles his neck. He loves the way your hands feel on his shoulders, and he loves the way your fingers curl into his shirt. He loves the way you make him feel safe and loved, and he loves the way you make him feel like he can be himself.
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
hockey!Abby x dancer!reader pt4
pt3, pt3.5
Tags: modern au, fluff, fem!reader, shy reader, reader is into sexy/girly dances, Abby is a sweetheart, switching pov
Notes: swearing, kissing, kind of smutty? They get worked up and it's described explicitly, but nothing really happens. So if you don't want to read it, stop reading after King Princess is mentioned and scroll down to the very end. Gossiping, because that's a fundamental female bonding experience and if you think Abby doesn't like gossip you're wrong. 
I fucking forgot the phrase "dance studio" for the past three chapters. So I changed it here and maybe will edit it in previous chapters, just a heads-up. 
Also I’m a dance nerd (duh), so I added some links to the choreos reader is dancing. Let me know if it's uncomfortable to read now. 
This evening Abby felt restless, like something was keeping her from doing anything. She couldn't concentrate long enough, switching between things - the pile of dishes was abandoned after the third cup, her homework was opened on her laptop but only finished halfway. She was bored out of her mind.
It's been a week since the party, and you've been texting each other every day: either it was a funny tiktok or complaining about classes or asking advice on the outfits (definitely not thirst traps from both of you, no) or heads-up about any changes on campus. Abby texted you first to find out if you got home safely, and after that it just snowballed into 5am drunk conversation and this conversation never stopped. Abby found you were easy to talk to and you didn't get angry or upset when she didn't reply for a long time. But during this week you both were so busy you weren't able to meet up even in the university centre - Jesse needed a change in schedule due to his job, and now the hockey team had practice at a different time.
Maybe that was why Abby felt so restless? She just missed you?
Well, Abby knew only one way to get some energy out (two, technically, but her head was filled with you, so she'd probably get even more frustrated from not seeing you), so she picked up her gym bag and went to the gym. 
Somehow lifting weights got her mind in order: she needed to concentrate on her technique, but she didn't have to think any big smart thoughts, her head half-empty, Ramones screaming in her ears. Abby felt satisfied with her workout, so she took a photo in the mirror and sent it to you. You didn't answer right away, so Abby put her phone away and went to hit the showers, pretending she wasn't waiting for your reply.
The hot water helped her relax, and Abby left the shower feeling refreshed and pleasantly tired with an ache in her muscles. She changed and checked her phone - still no answer from you. Abby sat her phone aside and started packing her things when she heard music.
Locker rooms were next to the dance studio - that was one of the reasons why the hockey team had to go past the dance studio in order to enter the rink. (It was highly inefficient, but the whole building was built just to torture everyone - even the door to the dance studio was always open because the ventilation was absolute shit.)
Could it mean?...
Abby recognised the song - it was one of your more cute than sexy routines, and it meant you were here.
Abby's heartbeat picked up and she felt nervous - she hadn't seen you for a week and she wasn't emotionally prepared to see you dancing.
But Abby really wanted to see you. So she packed her things, checked if she looked good, grabbed her bag and went to the dance studio.
The thing was: the cultural studies paper was fucking insufferable. It was stressing you out, and when something was stressing you out, you did what did best - you avoided it. So after avoiding your laptop like it was infected, you decided to avoid your apartment altogether and go work on a new routine. That old Billie Eilish song you had a creative block on? Forget it, the choreo just came to you in an hour. 
So you took a key to the dance studio, threw your bag on the floor and got to work. You saw the notification from Abby, but you assumed it was a meme so you decided to answer later (preferably already in bed).
You needed to warm up first and the Twit was next in the queue, so you let it play. The choreo wasn't too complicated and you purposely avoided some of the parts, so it should work as a warmup. 
♪Twit twit twit twit
I don't like it
Nobody likes it♪
You started moving your shoulders in small cute up-and-downs and then moved on to your steps: the whole choreography was bouncy and wavy and kinda jumpy, but you liked that it was playful and worked so well when the moves were not exhausting or demanding, but even simple? It didn't take long to learn this dance. 
The part you liked the most was closer to an end, just before the final sequence, when you could just jump around and twirl and shake your ass all you want without playing a role. 
The song ended and the next song started to play and you rushed to turn it off (slumber party, uncensored, you'd die before letting it play through the whole centre). The first line played, but then music stopped and you sighed in relief.
"Do you have a dance for it too?" 
You jumped, embarrassed, and turned to Abby who was standing in the door frame, smiling. She was dressed in a hoodie that looked super comfy and black joggers, her hair was tied in a bun, still wet. She clearly saw your panic and now was having fun at your misery. 
But you saw her and you didn't care - all you wanted was to get closer, so you stood up and went up to her, smiling bashfully. 
"I want to do one, but this song is not suitable for a big audience." You said and you stood as close to Abby as it was appropriate, enjoying the way she was taller than you, making you feel like- like a lady. 
"It has a clean version." Abby smiled as she put your hair away from your face. "Hi."
"Hi." You giggled, unable to look away from Abby's face. God she was so fucking pretty. "I didn't know you were here."
"I was at the gym. I sent you a picture." 
"Oh shit. I haven't seen it yet." 
You ran to grab your phone and opened your dms, just to choke on air: Abby was so hot and so- so- damn there wasn't a word to describe what was happening to you. It felt like your insides rearranged just from looking at this photo. 
You looked up at Abby, as she unashamedly enjoyed your reaction.
"Fuck you." You laughed as Abby tilted her head bashfully. "It's unfair."
"Seems fair to me." She grinned playfully. 
"Um. Do you want to stay? I just came, and I wanted to work on my new routine, but-" I'll do anything if you stay. "I can dance something for you? Like the hockey guys list, but Abby list."
Abby's brain stopped functioning. To stay here alone with you and watch you dance what she wanted you to dance? Fuck. Fuck. 
It meant watching all your arches, spins, shakes directly, not like Abby was used to, watching you from the side or through the mirror. She knew she was setting herself up with the sweetest torture, the biggest tease, but-
"Yeah, sure." 
Abby put her bag on the floor and went closer to you, while you were looking for your dancing playlist. 
"Obviously, if you wanna see some of Ellie's routines, I can, but it won't be as good as if it was her."
"I don't have the body type. It looks funny." 
"No, you look amazing when you dance." Abby said, and you turned to her, your faces too close but not close enough. Abby looked at your lips, thinking if it would be a right thing to do, to kiss you now.
"You like my dancing?"
"Are you serious, (y/n)?" Abby wasn't entirely sure if it was a genuine question or if you were flirting. "You're the only reason I come here after practice."
You blushed adorably and Abby couldn't resist anymore. She cupped your face and kissed you, sweet and gentle, careful not to turn it into something more heated. She just wanted to feel you in her hands, to hold you like something precious, just because she fucking missed you. 
You pulled away with a small smile, and something in Abby melted when you held her face with your fingertips, all sweet and light.
“I just thought you came here for Ellie.” You murmured, smiling and not moving away. 
“I did the first time, because she deserves to be made fun of for her crush on Dina.” Abby rolled her eyes and you giggled.
“I mean, she did make a whole duet routine with that Dove Cameron song just for her and Dina, so I’m not defending her.”
“She did what?” Abby couldn’t believe what she just heard. What was wrong with Williams? “O my god.” Abby full on facepalmed, feeling second-hand embarrassment. Ellie really embraced "I'm cringe but I'm free" mindset when it came to her crushes.
“Yeah, I think she tried to show Dina she was better than Jesse? To be fair, it did work.” 
“What?” Was Abby living under a fucking rock? How did she miss all of this? “What happened?”
“I don’t know what exactly happened, but she broke up with Jesse like, two weeks ago. And he’s not handling it well, that’s why your schedule changed, he doesn’t want to see Dina.”
“WHAT?” Now this shit was getting ridiculous. Jesse didn’t tell anyone! “The fuck? He said his boss asked him to work different shifts!”
“What? No, he lied. He literally told Dina he couldn’t see her with Ellie and he needed a break or something.”
“Motherfucker. It’s not like their relationship was going anywhere, just get over it.” 
“Right? They were already breaking up like they had a schedule, it wouldn’t have worked anyway.” You paused as you went through your playlist. “Okay, what do you want me to dance?”
Abby blinked. She had a feeling it was a trick question, and she also couldn’t remember the names to any songs that weren’t super popular.
“Which one is your favourite?” 
“It’s hard. Let’s just see what is going to play if I feel like it - or if you like it - I’ll do it.”
“Isn’t it 'Slumber Party' right now?” Abby smirked and watched how you blushed. 
“I can find a clean version and just improvise if you want.” You said, now clearly being coy. 
"The clean version is lame." 
You laughed and started going through your playlist. Abby recognised most of them, and if she liked pain, she'd have stopped you on some of them, but she still thought she could survive this. 
You wanted to dance something that Abby would like, so you tried to pick something you didn't make a lot of mistakes in. You were nervous and you didn't really know how to dance for her. Would she like a whole performance or would she like to become one with a mirror like she wasn't there?
"Do you want me to dance at you or at the mirror? Some people are not comfortable when we interact with them during performance." 
Abby looked at you, taking a pause, and you got nervous if you asked something weird.
"At me, please." Abby smirked and you blushed again. 
"Still no requests?" You stood up with your phone, getting ready to dance. You chose a routine, but still waited for Abby.
"I'm thinking about it."
"Okay, you think and I'll dance. Sit." You pointed on the floor right in front of the mirror, meaning: right in front of you. Abby sat on the floor, legs crossed, and you got ready.
The music started playing and you started moving, smooth and seductive, and Abby had to hold into her hoodie otherwise she'd just grab you. And then you were lying on your back, looking up at her with big innocent eyes that was obviously an act and Abby felt her stomach tighten up in arousal. The music carried on but the routine ended, so you've stopped dancing, breathing heavily. 
"Did you like it?" You asked, eager to hear her opinion. Abby unfroze and looked at your happy face.
"Yeah, it was very cool." Abby needed to save herself before she needed to change her pants. "Can you do Say So next?"
That was an extremely tactical decision: that choreo wasn't too sexual and Abby really needed a breather after that. You agreed and while you were looking for it, Abby tried to calm down. She needed to keep it in her pants. 
"You know, I actually really like Say So choreo." You showed a sequence where your hands go up your body but stop at a beat a few times as you move. "So easy but looks so good."
The casual show of how well you can control your body and your movements reminded Abby how skilled you were in the area she was a total zero, and she felt her heart swell with affection and pride that she got to touch someone as talented as you were. 
You've danced a few more routines, some sexy some not, and you enjoyed how intently Abby watched you, her eyes following your every move, every arch and every hand. You've made a few mistakes in some of them, but it didn't seem that Abby even noticed, her wide eyes on you, unblinking. It was cute and made you feel powerful: it was your body that made her all glossy eyed, and she was only looking. She visibly tried to stay serious, but she forgot about it a few seconds into the next dance.
And then you had a naughty, naughty thought. A year or so ago you made a choreo for Holy by King Princess, and it wasn't super explicit, but it was something that fitted into the situation right now. So you stopped music for a second, trying to remember how it went without spoiling anything for Abby.
"I think you'll like this one. Especially when I remember the whole dance." You winked. 
Abby laughed quietly and waited, watching you doing the "I'm remembering choreo just by moving my hands like a T-Rex" thing. 
When you've felt confident enough, you turned the music on and started dancing, a little lazy but sharp on specific beats, keeping Abby's attention. The verse was easy, but you were waiting for a different part. 
♪Honey, on your knees♪ - You pointed your finger towards the floor, showing Abby her place in this performance and looking just the right side of mean - ♪when you look at me♪ - you pointed back at your face, holding eye contact with Abby, enjoying her big glossy eyes.
♪I'm dressed like a fucking queen♪ - you moved your hands down your body, showing your curves, and slowly went down for a wide squat that flawlessly turned into you standing on your knees just in front of Abby, as you held your hands like a prayer, looking up and arching your back - ♪and you're begging please♪ 
You looked down at Abby, and something snapped. Abby could not not touch you, especially since you were so close, just in an arm reach. So before you could move away, she grabbed you by your waist and pulled you down in her lap, kissing you wet and raw, feeling your body, kneading your flesh like it was her last chance to touch you. God you got her worked up. Abby didn't move her hands down to your butt but she wanted to, fuck she wanted to. So she pulled away, desperate to get your permission.
"Can I?" Abby asked, panting, not moving away from your sweet mouth. She moved her hand just shy of your butt as she watched you blush, absolutely starving for you. "Please."
"Yeah." You whispered and kissed her again, clinging to her soft hoodie, to her shoulders as if she could just disappear under your fingers.
That was all Abby needed. She grabbed your butt, pulling you so close you felt her lower stomach pressing between your legs, practically lifting you up, her hands kneading your butt. You moved closer to Abby, chest to chest, feeling her boobs against yours as you sighed into her mouth, so aroused her one touch could explode you right now, your underwear completely soaked. 
Abby pulled away and put her lips on your neck, kissing and licking your skin, not even caring you were all sweaty after dancing. You sighed, surprised, and Abby's ears tuned to your noises, hyper aware of your every breath as she nipped at your neck, every sound resonating with her own body, going straight to her crotch. 
"Fuck you drive me crazy." Abby whispered in your neck as she kissed your collarbones. "Just fucking marry me."
You laughed silently, but your laugh was interrupted by your sharp inhale when Abby scraped her teeth over your skin, sending a thrill through your body. 
"I'm not getting married at 21, Abby." You took her face in your hands and looked at her, adoring her. "You're so pretty."
"Go on a date with me." 
You blushed and Abby groaned inside: how the fuck this is what was getting you shy, not the makeout session you too just had?
"You make me feel like a lady, Abby." You rubbed your nose against hers and she suddenly hugged you, making you yelp.
"Shit you're so fucking cute." You giggled and hugged her back, basically crushing her head with your chest. 
Abby sighed, content. She could die a happy woman now.
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asherthehimbo · 8 months
Arm day
changbin x gn!reader
tried to keep it as vauge as possible when it came to description, only specific is that the reader is smaller than Changbin in terms of muscle
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•It started with you wanting to get more fit without doing cardio because you hated it, so, so so much. Well, I mean, you didn't hate running or going on a walk but running on a treadmill?? forget it
•You knew you wanted to change something about your body, but you weren't sure what, that's when you remembered, you have a gym rat of a boyfriend.
•Your first plan of action was to observe him, so you went to the gym with him telling him you wanted to see his routine, not entirely true, not a lie either.
•While he was distracted you managed to get yourself a subscription, you had committed, no going back now.
•You would go every day after work, telling him that your hours had changed, you wanted to surprise him, build enough muscle to be able to keep up with his routine so you two could train together, your only problem? you HATED doing arms. more than cardio, ok maybe not more than cardio but still, it was close.
•But still, if you wanted to keep up with your boyfriend you needed to do this, you don't know where this urge to workout came from, but it was welcomed.
•While you were struggling at the gym, your boyfriend was struggling at home, you had told him your work schedule changed, that he understood, but when you came home you were always sweaty, out of breath, didn't want to touch him until you've had a shower, which was weird because you've NEVER refused a welcome home hug from Binni, ever.
•This caused your dramatic boyfriend to draw even more dramatic conclusions. When you came home that day tired out of your mind because not only did your boss give your ×2 the work today, but you also upped the sets in your usual routine, you didn't immediately notice that something was off with Changbin.
•It was only after you showered, dressed in Pajamas, and ate dinner with Binnie in front of the tv did you notice something was off. So, as the caring partner you were, you decided to ask .
•"Everything okay? you're weirdly silent, babe."
•"I don't know why don't you ask your new lover?"
•cue the confusion. After an hour of reassuring him that you in fact were not cheating on him, especially not having sex everyday after work, he decided to ask. "Well then what are you doing?"
•You knew the work excuse wouldn't hold up forever, but you wished it would have lasted longer than this. "Well… remember when I went with you to the gym a few months ago? I kinda wanted to start training, too. But I didn't want to tell you because I wanted to get in shape enough to follow your routine so we could go to the gym together, like a couple activity. With your traveling and my work, we can't have as many dates as we usually would, so I thought this would be fun. I wanted to surprise you, yaknow? You already do so much. I thought you would like this. But now it's ruined :/"
•You didn't look at him while you said it, but after the words left your mouth and you glanced up at him, he was staring at you with his eyes filled with so much adoration and the biggest smile, you were sure his cheeks were going to hurt later.
•Before you could even try and say another word, he grabbed your face and gave you a very long kiss. You had to tap his chest to let him know that 'hey, humans need oxygen dummy'
•"What was that for?" "I just love you so much" "I love you too Bin, but aren't you mad?"
•He was in pure disbelief, why would he be mad, you were actively trying to participate in something that was a big part of his life, you were showing him that you cared. Instead of answering he just pulled you next to him, in a tight hug and wouldn't let you go.
•Once you were in his grip he stopped in his tracks, squeezing you a few times, until he spoke again "If you were building muscle why are you wearing baggy clothes?"
•You stare at him dumbfounded, "I did tell you I wanted to surprise you, It wouldn't be much of a surprise if you saw growing muscle Bin." ok, yeah, that checked out.
•The next day Changbin excitedly jumped up and down in the gym, showing you off to the staff going "LOOK, LOOK, LOOK AT MY PARTNER" you didn't see the need since they already knew you, but let him have his fun nonetheless, he was to cute to stop.
•Sadly today was arms :(, you hated this, or so you thought. Watching Changbin work on his arms, completely forgetting about your own workout you came to a conclusion.
•Maybe arm day wasn't that bad.
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Stray kids masterlist | Home page
Notes: I wrote this while at the gym :) It's cringy and doesn't completely make sense, but because of the reaction to my Jongho drabble, I got the motivation to write something so here is this.
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