#Coco x Velvet
arc-misadventures · 6 months
Ladies Gymwear
Jaune: Damn… who told, Yang that I find sportswear hot?
Coco: You find ladies in sportswear hot? Seriously, I thought you had better taste in woman’s fashion.
Jaune: Coco, my darling fellow woman’s fashion lover, you mean to tell me don’t find that, hot?
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Coco: …
Coco: MmmPh~! That’s hot~!
Jaune: Told you~!
Velvet: What the? Yang, are you wearing my gym clothes?
Yang: And, rocking them~!
Velvet: You’re stretching them! Do you any idea how hard it is to find clothing stores that sell to faunas?!
Yang: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find gym clothes that fit these girls?
Velvet: They’re not even in your size!
Yang: Yeah, they are too tight! MmmmmmH~!
Coco: (Whistles) That ass~!
Jaune: I wish to see them jiggle…
Velvet: Give me back mya gym clothes, ya cunt!
Coco: Uh oh, she gone down under mode; Yang’s gonna get it now.
Yang: Excuse me?! What did you… AHHHH?!
Velvet: Give dem back ya bitch!
Coco: Oh shit, they’re wrestling now.
Jaune: We should probably break them apart.
Coco: We should.
Jaune: …
Coco: …
YV: (Intoxicating groaning sounds)
Coco: …
Jaune: …
Coco: Say, Jaune?
Jaune: Yes, Coco?
Coco: You up for switching girlfriends for a round of fun?
Jaune: I wouldn’t be against it, but why not just the four of us have a little fun all together instead?
Coco: I’m game.
Jaune: great. So when shall we begin then?
Coco: Mmmmm… Five more minutes. My show’s just starting~!
Jaune: Okay then.
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bumblebybelladonna · 1 year
Happy pride month ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🌈
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
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If Pyrrha went around Vale in Everyday Clothes...would people recognize her?
Or would she be as unrecognizable as Tony Hawk in public?
By Weisscoldglare
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nerdlydelicious · 9 months
I’ve been enjoying your ship takes and the lengthy responses to em! Been a fun read. Here’s another for your list if you’d like. I can’t pick between the two so feel free to choose: crosshares or blackvelvet
No reason I can’t do both!
Crosshares has that classic ‘extroverted person and introverted person’ vibe going for it, and while some people might call that cliche, I call it tried and true.
Now to be fair I would not really classify Velvet as being an actual introvert as we have seen her be plenty outgoing in both the show and the two books focusing on team CFVY, so it’s more that they give off that vibe than it definitely being the case. Regardless, they are definitely cute together. While I personally prefer YatsuxVelvet (though I don’t know their ship name), crosshares is still plenty cute.
That being said, I do feel I have to knock a couple points off because I’m not the biggest fan of some of Coco’s attitude and behavior in the CFVY books, mainly that it is specifically stated that she wears sunglasses so that she can check women out without being caught. Which is kinda creepy, honestly. If Coco were a guy and doing that to women I think we would all rightfully consider him a creep. Being a woman doesn’t make it better.
But in all fairness I would hope that once she was in a relationship with Velvet she would stop checking out other women, so I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and restore a knocked point.
I give it a 6/10, all things being even.
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Now, as for Black Velvet:
Blake and Velvet starting a relationship would be really interesting, especially if it’s back at Beacon before Blake really came out of her shell. If I remember correctly, Blake either told Velvet that she was a faunus, or Velvet figured it out on her own. Either way, I can imagine that Velvet would try to encourage Blake to uncover her ears and not hide who she is. Blake, on the other hand, would want to keep her involvement in the White Fang a secret from Velvet, just like she did her team. She is trying to leave that life behind, after all.
And of course there’d be the interesting situation with their families. Velvet’s father works for Atlas after all, while Blake was in conflict with Atlas and the SDC for years. And of course there’s the fact that Blake’s father founded the White Fang.
Additionally I can’t imagine Blake would be nearly as passive about Cardin bullying velvet if they were in a relationship. She’d definitely be throwing hands with all of team CRDL, which would inevitably draw the rest of team RWBY, JNPR, and CFVY into beating down team CRDL.
Then of course there would be the strain in their relationship that would come from Blake still trying to figure out what the WF is up to in Vale, and ignoring her own needs because of it. Which would lead to a reconciliation at the dance, then the drama of the Vytal festival attack and everything following that…
I did not expect to have this many thoughts about Black Velvet. There’s a lot to unpack with these two, and so much you could do with them. Grade A fic material right here.
I give it a 9/10. Probably the best crack ship I’ve received an ask for so far.
(Also I couldn’t get a good image of them on screen together, so I used fan art. Credit goes to DashingIceCream, if I remember correctly.)
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notjustdrwhoboards · 1 year
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RWBY moodboard: Coco Adel/Velvet Scarlatina - Lesbian/Bisexual (requested by: anon)
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RWBY Shipping: Velvet Scarlatina x Coco Adel | Crosshares!
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Legs go with something fun and fluff: Coco, learning that Winter is visiting Beacon, decides to flirt with her, thinking she'll be as easy to fluster as Weiss, only to be left a blushing mess as it turns out the elder Schneebling is more than capable of dishing it back out~
“And you’re sure this is a good idea?” Velvet asked. “I know you like to have fun with Weiss, but trying to flirt with her sister?” 
Coco smirked as she looked over her scroll, already running through her plans in her head. “Weiss is fun to tease, but Winter will be different. Unlike Weiss, she was never formally called an heir to the SDC, she’s a Specialist in the Atlas Military and partly why I wanted to be a huntress. Besides, I only want to tease her. And it should be just as easy to tease her as Weiss.” 
“And you know this… how?” 
“She’s rich, she’s in the military, and anything about her private life has been kept heavily under wraps. As far as I can tell, she’ll melt at the first sign of affection.” 
“If she doesnt kill you first…” Velvet muttered under her breath. 
Coco looked over at Velvet and sat her scroll down. “What was that?” 
“W-what about the tournament? From the sounds of it, she’s only going to be around while the tournament is going since Atlas is now in charge of security.” 
“I’ll still be focused for it.” 
“Will you? And what if she’s only around while we should be fighting? As much fun as it’ll be to watch you flirt with her, I… I was hoping that maybe we could… spend more time together.” 
Coco smiled at Velvet and made her way over to her. “You know I’m always here for you. This is just a one time thing. I promise, I only have eyes for you.” 
Velvet looked away to hide her blush. “You better.” 
“There she is now!” Coco said with excitement as she watched Winter fight another huntsman in the courtyard. Her eyes practically lit up as she watched the specialist summon her nevermores to pelt the older man. “She’s soo cool!” 
“Right, cool…” Velvet said with a sigh. “She looks like she’s busy, so maybe now isnt the best time.” 
“I know, I’ll wait until she’s finished.” 
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” 
Coco grinned as the fight came to an end and started to make her way over to Winter. She took a few moments to compose herself, quietly running through the same lines she used on Weiss. She knew she had the confidence and the right tone to make Winter’s heart melt, but she wanted to be sure she was ready so she wouldnt stumble over anything no matter the answer she got. She made her way to the specialist and put up a confident smile as she spoke. “Hello Snow Angel.” 
Winter paused and turned to face Coco, her eyes practically scanning over her. “And you are?” 
“Coco Adel, future armor smith for huntsmen and the woman who will take you out on the best night of your life. I know all the sights of Vale and you are by far-” 
Coco’s heart nearly stopped as Winter pressed a hand to her chest and pushed her up against the wall. Her breath hitched; a shiver went down her spine as Winter’s face neared her own. 
“A date. That’s what you want, isnt it?” 
Coco quietly nodded as she felt Winter put a hand to her cheek, then moved her finger to trace down her chest. “W-well… not exactly a date-” 
“Then I expect for you to meet me here in the courtyard at seven tonight.” Winter pulled back and smirked as she looked Coco over once more. “I can see why Weiss is fond of you. I expect you to be here on time and to… show me the sights you claim to know so well.” 
Coco blushed hard as she finally took a breath, her legs shook as she watched Winter walk off. She started to steady herself as she heard Velvet call out to her, her calm demeanor still slipping. 
“Coco! Are you okay?” 
“I’m… fine…” 
Velvet stopped in front of Coco and looked her over. “Are you sure? You’re a bit red.” 
“I… I think I have a date with Winter tonight…” Coco paused and steadied her breath as her blush deepened. “And… I think I’m looking forward to it.” 
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eryfeiron · 2 years
now if i get my anime version of crosshares in ice queendom that would be great
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juanarc-thethird · 6 months
How did you two fall in love?
Velvet is taking couple photos with Jaune and Coco.
Velvet: *Holding her camera* Wow, you guys really look good together!
Jaune: *Blushing* Oh thanks
Coco: *Chuckles* Of course we are.
Velvet: I never asked you, but at what point did you two start to like each other?
Jaune: Well... I was just walking by a coffee shop, and I saw Coco reading a book while drinking her coffee and... I just fall for her at that moment. Y try to talk to her after that, and many weeks later I confess to her.
Velvet: Oooh~
Coco: I remember that day too. I noticed how Jaune looked at me. He looked extra juicy that day. I did feel tempted, but I wait. And when he finally confessed, I pushed him into my bed as soon as possible~
Jaune: Yup, just like that.... *red* Wait what?! Coco, you can't say things like that!!
Coco: Why not? It's true.
Jaune: Still, you can't say that to our friends!
Velvet: *Smiling while looking at the couple* (For fuck sake, can you two please get a room. I'm so fucking jealous)
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Velvet: Coco, I've noticed you've been hanging with Jaune a lot lately
Coco: Well, he is a fun guy to talk to about things along with other things~
Velvet: like what?
Coco: I'll show you *Takes Velvet to a love hotel where they meet Jaune in one of the rooms*
*Velvet was on Her knees blindfolded as Coco guided her bun-bun to pleasure the Arc treasure that was Jaune's long dick*
Coco: That's it Velvet, make sure every inch is wet and ready for when he gives us our reward~
Velvet: *Continues to bob her head back and forth on Jaune's dick enjoying it as her panties slowly become soaked*
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weisscoldglare · 1 month
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Kinda wanted to get this part out of the way
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
New Friends, Awkward Introductions
Coco Adel, Beacons fashion icon walked down the halls of Beacon academy with a strut in her step, and style in her soul. But as she was walked bast this handsome blond hair teen, she could help but be overwhelmed by a song that he sang. And the broken, bit she was picking up was starting to drive her mad.
(How long… Have I… Away? Oh it feels… only days…)
Coco: Hey!
( The truth is… Dreams.)
Coco: Hey, blondie!
: (Hmm? A-Are you talking to me?)
Coco: Do you know of any other blonds?
: (Well… At least two here, so…?)
Coco: Forget that… What’s you name?
: (Oh, allow me to introduce myself; My name is, Jaune, Jaune Arc. And, who are you, Ms…?)
Coco: Adel, Coco Adel.
Jaune: (It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Adel.)
Coco: Hold on…? Why the hell can I hear your voice in my head, but your lips aren’t moving at all? Is this some sort of semblance?
Jaune: (Impressive. Seldom does anyone notice such things unless I point them out. And, you are correct it is my semblance; I am a empath. I can project my thoughts, more often my voice into the heads of others.)
Coco: So that’s why I could hear a singing in my head!
Jaune’s eyes flared in shock as he embarrassedly scratched the back of his head.
Jaune: (My apologies… I was trying to get some emotions I picked up out of my head. Singing songs is by far the most effective way to clear my head. I forgot to keep it contained. Once again, I offer my sincerest apologies.)
Coco: What were you trying to block out?
Jaune: (I’m not sure you want to know.)
Coco: Oh please, I’m a big girl, I can take it. Spill it, Handsome.
A slight blush spread across his face, Coco dropped her glasses down a bit to stare down the boy, despite the fact the fact she was shorter than him. Jaune finally relented as he pointed to a supply closet in the middle of the hallway.
Jaune: (See that door over there?)
Coco: The supply closet; What about it?
Jaune: (Well as I was walking by it, I accidentally picked up on the emotions of the duo of inside of there.)
Coco: Oh, so what’s making you blush then, did you read the minds of two people getting it on?
Coco made a wide smug smile as she saw, Jaune’s reddening face as he all, but confirmed her suspicions. She let out a short laugh as she slap his side in shock.
Coco: Oh damn! Those lucky bastards!
Jaune: (Ehh… Well, lucky for guy at least…)
Jaune grimaced as, Coco stared him down, clearly wanting an answer. Jaune looked about stuggling to find an answer, till relenting, and deciding to go with the most direct of answers.
Jaune: (Okay, I’ll explain what I mean… Just… Just brace yourself.)
Coco: Brace myself! For whaaa…?!
Pleasure, joy, and satisfaction; sensations, Coco knew all too well but never before felt this way before. She could feel a wealth of emotion flood her body, warming her core outward. A breathless moan left her lips, and then is suddenly vanished, casing her to pitch forward, nearly falling over if, Jaune hadn’t been there to catch her.
Jaune: (You okay?)
Coco: Whoa… That’s intense…?!
Jaune: (Sorry; intense emotions tend to be overwhelming upon the senses.)
Coco: Hence why you were singing?
Jaune: (Hence the singing.)
Coco: That felt good… Does it always feel good?
Jaune: (No.)
Coco: Oh come on, if you can feel stuff that good, then it must…?!
Discomfort, disappointment, and a desire to be finished, and fakery flooded her mind, a feeling that sent her recoiling. Even in her high heel boots it make, Coco feel flatfooted. It was such an uncomfortable unnerving feeling, that she started to shake as if trying to shake the vile feeling off of her. And then, it was gone.
Coco: Oh gods that was disgusting?!
Jaune: (Welcome to my personal hell…)
Coco: Is it always like that?
Jaune: (Sometimes its vile, and sometimes its pleasant. It just depends on who I’m around.)
Coco: Well, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.
Jaune just smiled, and Coco could feel a wave of comfort, and ease within that smile. And, she found out, that she rather enjoyed his smile.
Jaune: (Now then, I think it best we leave before anything happens.)
Coco: Are you kidding! I want to know who’s in there!
Jaune’s eyes widened in shock as he stared down at the girl as if she was crazy.
Jaune: (Why do you want to know who’s in there?!)
Coco: Just think about it, Handsome~! Two people, hiding in a closet, having some fun… Well, at least one of them is. But, imagine the look on their faces when they come out, and us, giving them an all knowing smirk as they walk away… Ha! Oh this will be fun~!
Jaune just facepalmed as he ran he hand down his face, a tired groan escaping his lips as his head fell in exhaustion.
Jaune: (Good gods, you remind me of my sisters, once they found out about my semblance, I was force to do this crap all the time. Until they learned the lesson of knowing what they don’t want to be known…)
Jaune glared down at the fashionista as she smugly stared back at him.
Coco: So is that a no…?
Jaune: (Oh, I’ll stay. But, rest assured you’ll regret it.)
Coco: We’ll see about that~!
The duo then lent against a near by wall waiting for the couple to show themselves to be judged, Jaune grew tired of accidentally picking up on their emotions decided to break the mood.
Jaune: (So… That’s quite the extravagant outfit you have on, the glasses in particular really sell the whole look of yours. It is quite fetching.)
A smug, and confident smile spread across, Coco’s face as she playfully jabbed his side with her elbow.
Coco: Oh, checking out my gorgeous looks now aren’t you~! Well I must say, I do dress to impress. You ain’t looking too bad yourself tiger~! That uniform was tailored perfectly, fitting across those board shoulders perfectly. MmHmm~! I’d love to meet your tailor.
Jaune blushed lightly as his fingers ran over the off-black uniform he wore. Admiring its silver buttons, and the dashes of orange throughout it.
Jaune: (My older sister, Thiriana made it for me. She said it is one of her finest works to date. It may look like regular, every day fabric, but this is Hunter grade fabric. It can take an absolute beating, but still come out like I took it from the dry cleaners, but a scare few moments ago. Saved my life countless times because of her.)
Coco: Functional, and stylish. I like it~! You’re sister…? Hmm… You said your last name was, Arc right?
Jaune: (Correct.)
Coco’s brow furrowed deep in thought, the name rang a bell, but from where, and to what she knew, yet didn’t. Suddenly her eyes shot wide open as it dawned on her. She quickly snapped her fingers, and point an accusatory finger at, Jaune.
Coco: Thiriana Arc?! The Golden Seamstress! The owner of Heavenly Arch fashion industries! That’s your sister?!!
Jaune: (Ahh-hahaha~! You know of my older sister. Then again, that shouldn’t be so much of an unexpected surprise that someone so fashionable as yourself has not heard of my sisters work.)
Coco: You’re kidding! I practically buy out most of her seasonal fashion… that fits someone of my build that is.
Jaune couldn’t help, but give her the once over as he inspected her rather petite, yet alluring form. His overall thought was to simply shrug his shoulders dismissively at her words.
Jaune: (It can’t be helped; my sister, along with the rest of my sisters are rather well endowed. Such a choice in her clothing is only natural. Besides it’s not like it matters, you know expertly what to wear that helps accentuate your bodies natural proportions. Flawlessly I might add.)
Coco smug smile grew as she clapped his back in appreciation.
Coco: Look at you trying to charm your way into my pants now aren’t you~?
Jaune: (I merely speak the truth. And, if I did get in, I can assure you that I can easily make sure you would enjoy is greatly~!)
Coco: Is that one of advantages of being an empath~?
Jaune: (Would you prefer a written report, or a hands on demonstration?)
Coco could help but loose a low whistle at his smooth talking. As she returned his smug smile with one of her own.
Coco: You’re good, oh you’re really good~!
Jaune: (So are you my dear. Alas, I strive to be a proper gentleman, I am not the first date kind of man. The third however~?)
Coco: Hohoho~!
Coco licked her lips in desire as a thirst played about them. She wasn’t the kind of girl who just tumble in the hay for the hell of it, but this cocky bastard. Oh he knew how to get her motor going. Semblance, or not he knew what the ladies liked.
Coco: In that case why don’t we…?!
Before, Coco could explore on how proficient of a lover her new friend was, the door to the supply closet finally opened, and out came a man with an overconfident, smug smile as he walked away the opposite way they were. Whistling some annoying show tune as he went.
Coco: Ugh… Not that fucker…
Jaune: (Friend of yours?)
Jaune cheekily remarked as, Coco turned on him, and made a retching motion as she punched him in the arm hard.
Coco: Fuck no! I hate that bastard! Think he’s all hot shit, and a true ladies man! Like hell he is! Wait… you ‘told’ me how the lady he was with felt… Oh, oh I am so going to use this against him~!
Jaune: (So he is as one of my sisters would say: “Can walk the walk, but can’t work the cock.” If you’ll pardon the language.)
Coco: PFFT! Hahaha! Oh gods that is good! You’ve got to introduce me to your sisters, they sound like a riot!
Jaune: (I bet you would get along famously. No doubt, Thiriana would grab you as a model for her clothing in a moment.)
Coco: You sir, are now my new best male friend!
Jaune: (The pleasure is all mine then, Coco.)
Coco: Now lets silently judge whoever it os that comes out of that room~!
Jaune: (You can judge them if you want, I like to think myself above such actions. Whomever they are they are an adult, and responsible for their own actions.)
Coco laughed at his comment as she looked at him like he was the biggest idiot there ever was.
Coco: Like hell! Whoever is in there decided to get it on with that bastard! So who ever they are, they have to be the biggest of sl…?! VELVET?!!
Velvet: COCO?! W-W-What are you doing here?!
Jaune: (Friend of yours?)
Jaune calm retorted as she grabbed a hold of her teammate, shaking her about as she checked her over.
Coco: What were you doing in there with him?!
Velvet: H-Him…? Oh him, we were just asked to take innovatory. That’s all.
Coco: Innovatory of what: Your underwear?! Don’t lie to me young lady! My new friend is an empath, he can read your thoughts, and told me you two were having sex!
Velvet: You can?!
Jaune simply smiled as he waved at the bunny girl.
Jaune: (Hello, my name is, Jaune, Jaune Arc. And, I’m an empath, I can feel your emotions, not read your mind.)
Velvet: Oh that’s good… I guess…
Coco: Fuck your emotions! Did he blackmail you, bribe you, converse you?! Why did you try, I know you didn’t enjoy it, I felt you lack of enthusiasm being with him…
Velvet: You did?! How?!!
Jaune: (Empath: I can share emotions of others.)
Velvet: You can?!
Coco: Fuck his cool, and really useful semblance! WHY DID YOU FUCK HIM!!!
Velvet: I-I’m going through that… time… A-And, I need an outlet, so…
Coco: Couldn’t you have found someone better than him?!
Velvet: I couldn’t think of anyone else. And, we used protection! So relax, I’m fine!
Coco: That’s it! I’m going to march over to that fucker! And rip off his… his…?
Coco stopped shaking her friend as she slowly turned to face, Jaune. As she could feel a blanket filled with a calming aura cover her in its embrace. All the while, Jaune calmly smiled at her.
Jaune: (Feeling better?)
Coco: A bit… Was that your influence?
Jaune: (There’s a universe of emotions out there! I do apologize though. I don’t like doing that to people without warning them, but I felt like it was the right thing to do in this circumstance.)
Coco: You right… Thank you, Jaune. Look, Velvet… You’re an adult and you can do what you like, I just wish it was with someone better. And, I’m your friend I worry about you! So… I’m sorry for freaking out like that.
Velvet smiled softly as she gave her friend a tight hug before pulling away gently patting her arms as she stared at her.
Velvet: I know you do, Coco. That’s part of the reason I like you so much. And, your right I shouldn’t have done it with him… That was so disappointing…
Coco laughed as she hugged her friend again before point her thumb over her shoulder at, Jaune.
Coco: You should do it with this guy next time, he’s got the, Adel Approval! And, based on how his semblance works; He knows what the ladies like~!
Velvet: Coco?!
Jaune just rolled his eyes as he shot, Coco an all knowing smile.
Jaune: (Do it yourself you coward. Half of the reason you’re so angry was because it wasn’t you in there hopping your little bunny.)
Coco spun on the dime, her face flush with embarrassment as she stared down the empath.
Jaune: (Empath~!)
Coco: This better be a one way communication because of it isn’t, I will kill you!
Velvet could only stare on is utter bewilderment as she saw what clearly was a one side conversation between her furious team leader, and the chuckling empath against the wall.
Velvet had no idea what was going on, but she at least knew this:
This year at Beacon was going to be a wild one.
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iamafanofcartoons · 8 months
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@aliavian continues the Team CFVY Cafe Series! Featuring Bumbleby!
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Can you get more rwby and chaotic reader quotes cause I like chaos?
As an avid rwby lover, I must comply.
Instead of quotes I'm using convos I've had with my friends because we are absolutely chaotic.
Y/n, walking into RWBYS dorm: Ruby have you seen my hairti-
*sees her braiding Yangs hair while she's asleep.
Y/n: okay then.
Blake: why can't the gods grant me the sweet release of death.
Y/n: babe, all they said was there was no more fish left.
Blake: I came here because yang said the fish was amazing, but there's no fucking fish, y/n. Life has lost meaning
Y/n: so, I've called you here today because of the intense sexual tension I feel whenever the two of you are together and it's getting annoying-
Both: what the fu-
Yang told Weiss y/n said winter was hot
Weiss kicks in the door: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N-
Y/n: *falls off their bed* BITCH WHAT-
Y/n: coco, I love you so much. I would die for you.
Coco: K, so can you help me with my algebra homework ple-
Y/n, getting in their car: BYE BITCH, LOVE YOU
Cinder: I'm going to choke you out the next time you make a sex joke.
Y/n: ayo that's kinda kinky bro.
Cinder: you have 5 seconds to run away.
Y/n: the only thing I love is carnage and destruction.
Fox: you liar, you literally cried when Velvet told you that you could hold her hand.
Y/n: I will throw hands, you whore-
Y/n: the best way to distract people is to walk up on stage, scream incoherently and then start drawing on your face with lipstick.
Emerald: wh-
Y/n: I've tested it many times. It works very well.
Emerald: I regret saying yes to this date.
RWBY + Y/n playing quickfire dnd
Ruby, the Dm: okay, so you guys are all drowning.
Y/n: my Character, Madam FuckOff farts and inhales that as oxygen
Ruby: what the- okay roll survival?
Yang: incoherent cackling
Y/n HMMMMM shit I got a 4.
Ruby: Madam ForkOff inhales her fart and dies, its a very, very sad event.
Weiss: that wouldn't have worked anyways, wh-
Blake, trying not to laugh: shhh, Weiss we're mourning Madam FuckOff
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novankenn · 10 months
Custom Made Order
Deciding she had enough, Velvet kicked it into second gear and once she was in range, and that Coco had taken a moment to slow down to turn a corner...
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Coco: (Once she stopped rolling) Ow......
Velvet: (Sits on Coco's stomach) You have some explaining to do... so start.
Coco: (Groaning) No, I've done.... (Velvet flicks her nose) Hey!
Velvet: Somehow you changed Jaune into a girl... an adorable girl, but a girl, and now Jaune is a half spider-half woman creature. What did you do?
Coco: I... um... I...
Velvet: Coco start talking or...
Coco: You wouldn't!
Velvet: Yes, I would. Now start talking.
Coco: Okay, just don't do that, okay?
Velvet: Start talking and I won't.
Coco: Alright, so I might or asked, and by asked I mean coerced the Headmaster into making me an elixir that would transform Jaune into a girl.
Velvet: How? Why?
Coco: He's got magic or something, I don't know. I just know it worked, and that noodle has become the girl of my dreams.
Velvet: Why would you do...
Coco: And let those legs and butt be wasted on Schnee or Nikos!?! She's too good for them! She deserves someone that will take care of her...
Velvet: But Jaune was a guy. Why?
Coco: The dance. I saw... I saw...
Velvet: What did you see?
Coco: My future. I saw my future, okay. That dress, Jaune's moves, told me he wasn't who he should be! So I worked out a deal with the Headmaster...
Velvet: What deal?
Coco: That I would turn his favourite coffee mug into dust if he could make Jaune become a girl?
Velvet: And WHY did you think that Headmaster Ozpin could do that?
Coco: Well, he DID do just that!
Velvet: But... but... how did you KNOW that the Headmaster could do what he did?!?
Coco: I don't know! He's old and stuff, so I just thought...
Velvet: Because he's old? You figured he knew how to make a body transforming potion just because he's OLD?!?
Coco: Maybe?
Velvet: What about the spider thing?
Coco: No idea. No idea.
Velvet: Okay. We're going back and...
Coco: (Starts to thrash and struggle) No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Velvet: Calm down!
Coco: She's going to eat me! She said it herself!
Velvet: For what YOU did to Jaune... she should! Now stop being such a pansy and let's go. You're going to apologize to Jaune, and then you are going to FIND a way to reverse this all!
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Coco: (Crying) Please no!
Jaune was feeling strange, and she was sure it was more than just being mortally embarrassed about flashing the whole school, or mortified about now not only being a girl but also a half-spider creature. It was something else, something more insidious. She found herself eyeing Nora in a less than wholesome way.
Nora: Are you okay, Jaune-Jaune?
Jaune: (Blinking) Er... what?
Nora: You kind of spaced out on me there. Are you okay?
Jaune: I'm just not feeling myself.
Nora: Of course you're not yourself, silly! You went from being you to an absolute knock-out babe, and now are a super ominous and sexy looking spider woman! Can you smoother me with your boobies?
Jaune: (Blinking) Er... come again?
Nora: I said... Can you smoother me with your boobies?
Jaune: Ah... why?
Nora: Because they're massive, and I saw it in a movie once.
Jaune: Oooookaaayyyy.
Nora: Really? You will?
Jaune: Ah... er... no.
Nora: But you said...
Jaune: (Looks about herself and see people still staring at her.) I need some clothes. Can we do that?
Nora: Okay, but then we'll talk about you smothering me in your cleavage!
Jaune: Nora...
Nora: Jaune.
Jaune: Really? You really want me to do that to you?
Nora: Until I pass out!
Jaune: Can I think about it?
Nora gives Jaune a look, one stating she didn't believe her.
Jaune: I promise.
Nora: Arc's word?
Jaune: Yes.
Nora: Say it.
Jaune: (Sighing) Arc's word.
Nora: ...
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Jaune: Nora... I need clothes!
Nora: (Grabs Jaune by the wrist and starts to walk) Well, come on, then!
Jaune: (Struggles to hide her private bits with the lab coat) Wait!
Nora: NoPe!
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thesparringpanther · 2 years
Love that Coco Adel's romantic interests are evil women that can kick Coco's ass and Velvet, who can definitely kick Coco's ass.
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