#I had a lot of fun with this! Doing nice simple prompts is so nice sometimes because all the comics make me go AHHHH after a time
minty364 · 19 days
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 1
His parents studied ghosts. Danny didn’t understand as a kid why everyone made fun of his parents. Now that he was 12, the thought was ludicrous and yet his parents continued their work on the portal. Danny had his sister Jazz though and the siblings were rather close. 
Jazz had spent a lot of time studying lately stating that she wanted to get into a good college. Danny understood he did, but being alone sucked and he couldn’t help it as he sighed kicking a pebble down the sidewalk. 
It was a nice hot summer day, the kind of day you’d want to spend at the beach or a pool. Danny however had other ideas. He was on the way to the local library. If Jazz was going to spend her summer studying for the ACTs then Danny was going to study what he wanted, Space. He quickly found a few books and got settled into a chair as he read. Space really was fascinating, he hoped one day his dream of becoming an astronaut would come true. 
An hour or so passed before Danny was interrupted, “what are you reading?” The voice started Danny out of his trance as he looked up at his interrupter. A boy about the same age as Danny with the same black hair and blue eyes that Danny had. His skin was more tan than Danny’s own pale white. 
Danny fidgeted in his seat for a moment before answering, “Astronomy: guide to the stars” Sure, Danny knew the text was college level but he already read all the ones for high and middle school. 
Damian seemed to hum thoughtfully with a hand on his chin before speaking again, “the book you're reading seems advanced, you seem smarter than your age would dictate. Father has requested that I visit the library and try to ‘make a friend or two’ in his words. I don’t see the need for companionship but if I must I’d rather it be with someone intelligent. My name is Damian.” It was a bit much but Danny guessed from what Damian said that he was complementing Danny. 
“Uh, Danny… I guess most of the people in my family are pretty smart.” He replied after a moment. 
Danny thought it was odd that someone wanted to be friends with him. Everyone at the public elementary school he went to knew who his parents were so they wanted nothing to do with him. It was lonely but Danny didn’t mind it too much, but Damian didn’t act like he knew Danny’s Parents. The thought of having a friend that didn’t judge him for who his parents were made Danny a little excited. 
“What occupation do your parents have?” It was a simple question with a not so simple answer. 
Oh, Danny’s heart stuttered a little bit at the thought of Damian knowing anything about. He didn’t want to lie, especially to his new friend but he didn’t want to tell him the truth. 
“Uh, they’re scientists but I don’t really know what they do…” Danny said carefully and slowly. He was sure Damian bought it. 
The two spent the next couple hours just talking in the library. It had started to get late and Damian needed to head back home. 
“Do you own your own phone?” Damian asked, it wasn’t uncommon, for most kids in his class had a cheap hand me down phone for emergencies. Danny unfortunately didn’t as his parents probably didn’t care where he was.
Danny shrugged, “not really, I could borrow my sisters but it really only gets used for emergencies.” 
Damian seemed to frown at this thinking for a moment before nodding as if he came to a conclusion, “my brother Todd has mentioned that it’s hard for low income houses to afford something I’d consider a necessity in this city. You do know how high the crime rate is, yes?” Danny nodded but he didn’t know what that had to do with having a phone Damian cleared his throat before continuing, “as you are now my friend I’d like to offer to purchase one for you.”
Danny hadn’t owned anything like a phone before, “a-are you sure? I don’t really need one, my parents don’t really… care?” He felt uncomfortable with his new friend spending money on him, Damian seemed like an important person especially with the clothes he wore and how he carried himself. Danny felt like he’d be taking advantage of his new friend if he bought Danny a phone. Danny closed the book he was holding and took a breath before speaking again, “I appreciate the offer but I wouldn’t have anything to offer you in return.” He let his gaze fall to the cover of the book, a swirling galaxy on a black background and bold yellow text. 
“I would not have offered it if I wasn’t sure.” Damian stated firmly causing Danny’s head to snap back up, “I do not need anything in return, however if you really intend to pay me back, Father has insisted that I bring a friend home sometime. Since we have established that we are friends I insist that you come visit every so often to, as Richard puts it ‘get him off my back’.” It sounded like a simple request but Danny was unsure. If Damian was someone important then his family was bound to be even more important. 
He took a moment to think about it, but Jazz would be happy Danny finally made a friend…
“Alright, I accept,” Danny said as they shook hands. It might have been a little childish but he could tell he made some sort of bond with Damian. 
After that they had quickly become friends. Once Danny had become accustomed to being in the Wayne house he basically became family, and was often visiting, especially to eat Mr. Pennyworths cooking. Mr. Wayne also seemed fond of Danny, he even offered to pay for Danny to go to Gotham Academy along with Damian. Danny had been hesitant at first but Damian quickly wore him down. Tim eventually wormed his way into the group as he and Danny bonded over the latest video game releases. Soon Jazz got roped into the group too as she started to visit the manor to get away from how noisy the lab got. 
A couple years had passed since the day that started the road to their friendship and the four of them had really bonded since then. Unfortunately their parents had finished the portal and its here where things go downhill for Danny.
In the next one Danny dies and all 4 of them are deeply traumatized.
Damian saw his dad doing research on the Fenton family, Bruce is just looking out for potential rouges and Damian took the opportunity to become friends with Danny. He figured that he could just bribe Danny into being his friend like all the kids at his school try but Danny is a lil cinnamon roll. Taken aback from how sweet Danny is Damian decided that Danny really was smart and worth being a friend. Tim has the same thoughts especially as Danny starts visiting the mansion more. Jazz loved that Danny had a spot to go where people seemed to actually care about him and she eventually gets dragged into the group. You can only drop off your brother at the Wayne’s so often before you get dragged into the group as well and I thought Tim and Jazz can be the same age and can bond over being older siblings.
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bunnliix · 1 month
Love Shot
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Inspired by this dialogue prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting "You’re so adorable. I want to pick you up and never let you down."
word count: 1 260 warnings: drinking, alcohol, (not) unrequited crushes, reader getting drunk, reader wanting to get blackout drunk
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I was never the type of person to go out clubbing and drinking. Any of my friends could tell you that. I normally stayed far away from clubs, they were far too loud for my taste, and yet here I was on a Friday night, by myself trying to get blackout drunk. There's a bit of a backstory on how I got here, and it all started earlier while I was on campus.
For a bit of backstory, most of my friends I met while in college, except for Felix. Felix and I have been friends since high school. We were both the nerdy type of kids, except that he had the advantage that puberty was nice to him. While I've had a crush on him since I met him, however I valued my friendship with him too much to ever say something. I'd rather an unrequited love, than to lose him over something simple like a crush. It ended up happening by pure coincidence that we attended the same college, but it worked out really well for me. I'm more of an introvert, while Felix is the extrovert who makes all of our friends, and that's more or less what happened.
Most of that isn't really important though, to be honest, except that I still have the biggest crush on Felix, six years later. He and the rest of our friend group, affectionately called "Stray Kids" for some reason or another, are the campus hotties. Which means I get to see girls upon girls try and shoot their shot with all of them, and for most of the boys, I don't give a shit who they date. I however get way too envious sometimes of the girls I see hanging around my best friend. Chan, the eldest of the friends, was sitting with me while we watched the boys have fun. 
"Are you ever going to say something to him? About your crush on him?" He questioned me. I turned to him like he was crazy. We've had this conversation a million times, and it was never going to happen. 
"I've told you Chan, he'd never like me that way, and I'm never gonna jeopardize my friendship with him over a stupid crush." 
"You'll never find out if he likes you though, if you never say anything." He retorts.
"I don't wanna find out if he doesn't like me. Besides, there's a good chance I could mess things up between him and I, and I'm not taking that chance." I stood up, and moved to leave the table, grabbing my things as I said goodbye to Chan. I really didn't want to deal with the guys nagging me to finally ask him out, it just made it worse. I headed home, before having the stupid idea that I should go out and drink instead of staying home, but impulsive decisions are a thing I do a lot.
I know it's kind of a shitty reason to be out trying to get blackout drunk at a bar, but honestly I couldn't think of anything better to help me deal with the pain of not being able to tell Felix I like him. I was about four drinks in, and already on my way to being wasted when I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I look back, my vision already blurring to see Felix behind me. "Hiii Lixieeee!" I giggled, waving at him. He grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the bar, while I took my drink with me. 
"Lixie, where are you taking me? I was having a good time at the bar~" I pouted at him, my words slightly slurring. He stopped suddenly and turned to face me, leaning down to cup my face in his hands. 
"Why are you out drinking? This isn't like you." He asked me, looking concerned. 
"Why are you so concerned, Lixie? I'm just having some fun and letting loose a bit. Aren't I allowed to have fun?" I shoot back at him, some frustration coming out in the process. I chug down the rest of whatever was in my glass, feeling the burn as it made its way down my throat. Felix reached to take the glass and put it somewhere out of my eyesight.
"Chan told me where you were. He was out with a couple of the other boys and they saw you here by yourself. You never go out to bars, why are you even here? If you wanted to drink, I would have brought over stuff, and we could've had fun at your apartment. Why are you doing this? Tell me, please?" He questioned me, begging me to answer him. 
I assume it was my lack of self control, but I blurted out, almost angrily at him, "I'm in love with you, okay! I've been in love with your cute face for the last six years, and I can't bear seeing you with other people. I want your eyes on me and only me. And I was never going to tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship." I couldn't bear to look at him after that. Felix went silent, and I started getting tears in my eyes, which started falling when the man started chuckling.
"You’re so adorable. I want to pick you up and never let you down." That made me look up at him in surprise. "Did you never think I wanted you too? I've wanted you so badly, wanted to call you mine. I was too scared that you wouldn't feel the same way. Oh baby, I think we've both been idiots for a little too long." He pulled me into a hug, resting his head on top of mine, before saying, "How about we head home now, yeah? We can talk about this more in the morning, when you're sober." I don't have it in me to do anything more than nod.
He takes me back to his car, opening the passenger door and helping me in, before going around to the driver's seat. He started the car and drove us the short ride to his apartment he shared with a couple of our friends. I was still a bit too intoxicated to walk by myself, so Felix assisted me up into his apartment, and then into his bedroom, having me sit down on his bed while he found clothes for me to wear. He set them out on the bed, pushing me to change into them while he went and found a spare toothbrush for me to use. By the time he returned, I had changed into the shirt he left me, but decided not to put on the shorts. He handed me the toothbrush, and since I had been here before, I knew my way to the bathroom. I quickly washed up, feeling a bit less wasted by the time I returned to his room. Felix was already waiting on his bed for me to get back, and ushered me into his bed and under the covers, while he laid down on top of them. 
I looked up at him, and softly asked, "Can you hold me while I fall asleep?" He nodded, blushing and moved under the covers with me, as I rested my head on his arm as his other one came around my waist. 
He softly kissed my cheek as he whispered, "Good night." It didn't take me long to fall asleep in his arms, feeling the happiest I had been in a while.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
let's fall in love for the night // colby brock
A/N: wow, this fic felt like it took a decade to write. and fun fact, after finally finishing it (editing wise), come to find out it's one of my longest fics. not the longest, but one of them. so now it makes sense. so, the inspo for this fic is the song, and i hear it all the time at work. i love it a lot, and thought it was a good fic idea. hopefully that translate well. it's not a direct interpretation of the song, it's more just a couple of the lyrics at the beginning and end and the rest is vaguely related to the song. sorry this one doesn't have an outright happy ending, but i promise the next fic will be. please let me know what you think, and i'll see yall later :)
inspired by the song "Let's Fall in Love for the Night" by Finneas
prompt: it was simple idea: act like the two of you were dating for one night. what possibly could go wrong in just a couple hours? || colby brock x fem!reader
trigger warnings: light smut (but no sex), pretend dating, angst, possible happy ending (but still heartbreaking), club scenes/partying, drinking, romantic moments, super cheesy at times, fluff, cursing??
word count: 5590
Let's fall in love for the night / And forget in the morning
It started out as a silly joke - "let's pretend to date for a night". You were the one that brought it up, but immediately felt embarrassed by it. Of course, you were joking. You would never want to actually date your best friend, Colby. The only reason you even suggested it was because after a long night of talking about life, you both confessed how lonely you guys felt. How you both deeply wanted someone to be in love with. How much you yearned to have someone that was yours. But there was a lot of things in your way. For Colby, he didn't trust many. And it was hard for him to open up to those he wanted to be close with; including you, at first. And for you.... it was a bit of a laundry list of reasons. The main one? You just weren't sure there was "the one" for you. And for that reason alone, you didn't feel like breaking your heart over and over again just to search for someone that wasn't even real.
So, your suggestion was quite simple: pretend to date each other for one night, to get the experience of being in love. Maybe pretending even for a couple hours might alleviate some of the desire you felt. Maybe it would cool the fires in you that only came out when drunk and vulnerable.
Colby at first was against it, only because he couldn't imagine actually dating you. You were one of the few girls in his life he never had a thing for, but that wasn't because he didn't find you attractive. You definitely were, which is why he found it hard to believe your love life was as dry as his. But him... dating you? It felt strange. But the more he thought about - not spending a night alone again, going out on a date, actually planning one for the first time in months, holding someone's hand - it sounded nice. Relaxing, even. And having it be you and not someone he had to keep his guard up around made it all the more enticing.
He eventually said yes weeks later, which surprised you immensely. Especially given the distain look he had when you mentioned it, you thought there was no way in hell he would say yes.
"How do we do it?" He asked, taking a sip from his drink.
“Well... we would only date for the night. Until midnight. Tomorrow.” You stated.
He agreed. “That sounds good. Where would you like to go?”
“Where would you take a girl you've been with for a while?” You queried.
He snorted, “It's been a long time since I've had to worry about that.”
“You’ve got until tomorrow at seven to figure that out. Maybe a bit before. I would like some time to get ready for our date.” You grinned, raising your eyebrows.
“Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow...” Colby paused, his eyes locking with yours. “Girlfriend.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly, “And I'll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.”
The rest of the party you guys stayed away from each other. And all night all you could think of was what will tomorrow bring. Your stomach flipped with anticipation. But you tried to settle it down by thinking repeatedly it's just a "date" with Colby. There's no reason to be hyped for it.
You were just playing pretend.
It was after five in the evening when Colby finally texted you about the date - you guys were going out to eat. But he wouldn't tell you where. All he mentioned was that you guys had to dress semi-formal.
You started getting ready, not really sure what was completely in store for you. You showered, did your hair, and makeup in record time. Now... for the outfit. You weren't sure how "formal" Colby was actually going to be. That man very rarely ever dressed formal. But you figured the red cocktail dress you bought a couple weeks back would work well with whatever you two were doing tonight.
The benefit of living with Sam and Colby in this scenario was that if Colby wasn't dressed as formal as you, you could get change, which did calm your nerves a bit.
Slowly walking down the stairs, you could hear someone in the kitchen. As you reached the bottom, you turned and saw Colby waiting for you, staring down at his phone.
You inquired, “Calling an uber?”
“Yeah it should be here soon.” He mentioned nonchalantly.
Colby finally picked his head up, gazing at you. His eyes widened for a split second. He collected himself, calmly saying, "You look beautiful."
You giggled, trying not to notice the way he looked you up and down. "Thank you. I'm surprised to see you in actual dresswear."
You glanced at his outfit: black dress shoes, black slacks, and a dark maroon button up. He had his leather jacket on, giving him that little edge that you were used to seeing.
A shy smile came to his face. “Yeah, I don't really get a chance to get dressed up so I figured tonight would be a good time to do it.”
“You look really nice.” You admitted.
He nodded quickly. "Thanks."
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. You weren't sure what it was from - nervousness, lack of conversation, or just waiting for the uber. Either way, you hated it.
“The uber's gonna be here in a moment. Want to head outside?” He asked.
“Sure. Sounds good.” You replied.
You grabbed your jacket on the way out, slipping it on quickly. As Colby locked the door, the slight chill in the air made you shiver. Colby began to walk down the path to the street, his hand reaching out for yours. At first you were surprised to see him do that, but then you slipped your hand into his. His hand was warm and soft, somehow making your body feel even colder. The uber pulled up, and you two got in. He let go of your hand for a moment, only to grab it again.
The ride was quiet the whole way to the restaurant. You couldn't tell if it was your nervousness or his, but either way you could cut the tension with a knife. As you finally arrived, you felt your heart flutter.
Like many restaurants in Vegas, it was inside a hotel. And this was one of the nicer ones, from the way there was a doorman that propped the door open for you as you entered. Colby knew where he was going, so you followed right along with him; his hand still embracing yours. You cupped his arm with your other hand, squeezing him lightly. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but you doing that made his heart race.
Finally reaching the restaurant, you could see by the name that it was an Italian place - and an expensive one at that. Everything on the outside seemed bougie, and that continued inside the restaurant.
“How did you get us into a place like this?” You questioned under your breath.
He smirked down at you, “I have friends in high places, I guess.”
“Good evening.” The hostess spoke.
“Hello, table for two under ‘Brock’.” Colby stated.
The hostess looked at her screen and nodded her head. “Okay, follow me.”
You glanced around as you followed behind Colby, feeling out of your element. You weren’t used to places like this. No man had ever taken you out to somewhere this nice. The last time you went somewhere like this was for a dinner Sam and Colby had thrown after a successful video series.
“I hope this table is to your liking. Your waiter will be with you shortly.” The hostess smiled, walking away.
Colby pulled your chair out as you slipped your jacket off, resting it on the back. He slid into his seat, you both finally making eye contact for the first time since leaving home.
You picked up your menu, Colby following suit. You both mumbled what you planned to have to eat that night, you settling on the three cheese ravioli, and Colby was getting some pasta dish neither one of you could pronounce. The waiter came to your table a moment later. You ordered the food and drinks, and then stared at each other again.
Why does everything feel so awkward? You and Colby had been friends for years, could talk about anything and everything. Why was now so strange?
Sure, you were pretending to be dating but... it shouldn't be that weird.
After the waiter came back with the drinks, you paused until he left to finally speak. You blurted out, "Is this not kinda awkward, or am I just going crazy?"
Colby sighed, happy that you picked up on the uneasiness between the two of you. "Yeah, this is a bit strange. Don't you think?"
You shrugged. “A little. Maybe it's because we aren't playing pretend enough.”
He raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“Well, if we were an actual couple, there wouldn't be all this tension. Assuming we've been together for a while.” You remarked.
“How long do you think we've been dating?” Colby added, “Hypothetically.”
You bit your lip and then thought for a moment. "Hypothetically, I could see us maybe having dated for... two years? Maybe going on three?"
He sat back in his chair, “Hmm, interesting. What would have been the starting point of our relationship?”
“I'm not sure... maybe us hooking up at a party?” You suggested, sipping your drink.
Colby grimaced, “No, I don't think so.”
“Well, what do you have in mind?” You responded.
"Hypothetically," Colby stared at the flicker candle at your table, then looked up at you. "I think we would have just happened to start dating. Maybe, we would have been on double date with Sam and Kat or something."
“You mean, basically any time we all hang out?” You laughed.
He shook his head. “Yeah, no. An official, actual date? We've never done that as a group.”
“I don't know, I feel like if that scenario did happen, we would have had to have been drunk at some point during the night.” You commented.
“Why do you say that?” He squinted.
You whisper-yelled dramatically. “We're both nervous as hell right now, and this isn't even a real date!”
He chuckled. “True, I guess. But the real question is what would make us want to start dating?”
“Ohhh, that's a good one.” You both paused for a second. You spoke first, “Hypothetically?”
He nodded his head.
“I think.... Oh! Two years ago, do you remember when we all went to that haunted hotel, but we weren't filming?” You described.
He blinked, “You're gonna have to be more specific. It's kinda my job to go to haunted places.”
“Shut up," you deadpanned. "Remember, we had a layover when flying to New York for some event, and we had to stay because the flight was cancelled due to the weather. And the closest and only open hotel was the –”
“Annamarie Inn, or something like that?” Colby chimed in.
“Yes!” You exclaimed.
“Oh my God, I remember that place. That was....” he shivered. “Fucking creepy.”
“It was so small, borderline a motel. And the front desk person was mean.” You remembered.
“Well, if no one had stayed at my place for months on end, I too would be annoyed by some out of town LA-ers.” He snickered.
“It didn't help you were wearing a Fendi hoodie.” You jeered sarcastically.
He gaped. “It was cozy!”
“You're a brand whore who sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of Nowhere, America!” You sassed.
He glared, “If we were actually dating, I would break up with you right now.”
"Aww, don't like being roasted?" You mocked, pouting.
“Not when I'm paying, no.” He replied dryly.
You sat back in your chair crossing your arms, scowling jokingly. You took a swig of your drink, and then continued. "But anyway, that night would have been the beginning of us, in theory, I think."
“Why? What even happened?” Colby cocked his head.
“We had to share one bed, remember? Kat was insistent on sleeping with Sam because the building creeped her out, and so we shared a room instead. But when we got to the room, it was a single bed.” You recalled.
He hummed, agreeing. “Yeah, you're right. But why would that have been the night we started dating?”
“Well, I remember us sharing the room and I remember it was really cold and we just cuddled with each other, and I think being that close could have caused something to happen.” You stated.
“Maybe...” He mumbled.
"I just know that that night was really stressful but us being together in that room was..." Your mind drifted off to the memory of that night. You could remember studying Colby's face in the dark, how relaxed he looked after the stressful day you all had. You couldn't understand how he looked even more handsome up close. You remembered having to hold yourself back from touching his face, his lips.... "Nice. It-it was really nice."
You took another sip of your drink, hoping that Colby didn't notice your cheeks and how red they had become.
He did notice, but he didn't say anything. And part of him remembered that night. That was the night he woke up with your head lying on his chest and it was all he could think about the rest of the trip.
“Did you have a different idea of when we would have hypothetically started dating?” You asked.
Colby cleared his throat. “Sort of. But I kinda like your idea better.”
The idea he had in his head was also during an investigation, but it was when the cameras were off. You both had crazy things happen during the night; during the Estes Method it said your name, and Colby at one point thought he saw a figure at the end of a hallway. Everyone was taking a break outside, and you asked for a hug. Of course, he gave you one, and you offhandedly told him that you felt safe in his arms.
It took a lot to make Colby speechless, but you did it so easily in that moment.
The waiter interrupted Colby's memory, bringing out the food. You both chowed down, the pasta tasted extra delicious. You continued to talk about your made-up relationship, and also just talked about life in general. You ended up skipping dessert, and asked Colby if there was anything else planned for tonight.
He informed you, slipping his jacket on. “There's a new bar that opened up in the next hotel over that I was thinking we could check out.”
You smiled. “That sounds good.”
He slid his phone out, turning back to you as he walked. “Do you want to walk or catch another uber?”
You followed him, placing your jacket on again. “We can walk, I don't mind.”
Colby grabbed your hand as you left the restaurant. You felt giddy this time around, all the tension from before now gone after talking with each other for a couple hours. You couldn't help but smile as you walked outside onto the Vegas strip. The sky had grown dark but was somehow darker than usual. A distant boom bounced off the buildings on the strip. Thunder.
He glanced up at the sky, turning his head to you. “I think it's about to rain. Let's walk a little faster.”
You nodded your head, picking up the pace. Colby stayed near you, even though he could speed walk faster than you could run. He wasn't going to leave you behind. Finally crossing the street, you made it to the other hotel. You still had to walk to the doors though. But suddenly, the skies opened up and rain poured down onto you and everyone around. Some rushed into the hotel, others pulled out umbrellas. Colby pulled you two under an awning, his arm wrapping around you.
“Do you want to wait here until it lets up a bit?” He queried, getting close to you.
“Sure.” You nodded.
You stared out at the rain, watching it splatter as it hit the ground. It very rarely rained in Vegas, so to see it come down like this was both strange and fascinating. And somehow, for a moment, there weren’t that many people around. Most had ran inside, leaving the two of you out on your own. Having a solitude moment in Vegas was even more rare than the rain. A thought popped into your head: go dance in the rain. You didn't know why, but you had to do it. You slipped out from under Colby's arm and walked out into the street, letting the rain hit your skin and clothes.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” He called out to you.
You let the rain slowly soak you, turning towards Colby. "Live a little! Join me."
Colby shook his head slightly, squinting at you in amusement. A moment passed. He sighed and stepped out into the rain.
You started jumping up and down, laughing at him as he opened his arms wide. His maroon shirt grew darker as the rain drenched him. He turned back to you, grabbing your hands and spinning you around, almost dancing. You cackled as he pulled you close and picked you up for a split second. He spun around with you in his arms, and only stopped once you wailed at him to do so. Your eyes landed on each other’s and time froze. You felt hyper aware of how Colby's hands were on your waist, and how yours were wrapped around his neck. Your bodies were close to one another, his heat radiating onto you. You couldn't contain yourself, even if you wanted to. The closeness made it all the more easy to lean in, and Colby followed suit.
This wasn't your first kiss with Colby; that one happened a long time ago during a truth or dare drinking game. But this one blew that old one out of the water. Back then, you felt embarrassed to kiss him, kind of wishing you had just taken the five shots that was given as an option instead. But now, all you could think of was that you hoped this kiss never ended. Once his tongue slid across your bottom lip, you knew whatever relationship you had with him was going to be permanently changed.
He felt the same as you. There was a sudden craving that raced through his body the moment your lips touched his. How was it possible that all this time he had missed out on this? On you? There's no way the first kiss was like this. If it had been, he would have asked you to be his that night. Maybe he had been so wrapped up in his own bullshit, he couldn't have imagined asking you out. It was crazy to think that pretending to date for a night got him here.
And then it hit him: this wasn't real. You guys were on a fake date, pretending to be a couple. The light pain in his chest made him pull away, but part of him wished he never did.
“We... we should stop.” He voiced, breathlessly.
You stammered, trying to calm yourself. “R-right. And, uh, get out of the rain.”
"Yeah." He stepped back farther away from you, needing some space so that he could think again. "C'mon, let's get inside."
You both raced in, not wanting to get anymore wet than you already were. The cool hotel air hit you and made you shiver, Colby doing the same.
"So... where's the club at in here?" You asked awkwardly.
A brief smirk passed his face, his hand finding yours again as you walked. “It's a speakeasy, so it's hidden behind the back of some store. It's similar to the other one we go to all the time. Made by the same people.”
You exhaled, “That's fun.”
“Yeah, me and Sam were gonna check it out last week but never got around to it.” He turned to you, studying your face. “But if you don't want to, we can just –”
"No, I don't mind." You stopped Colby lightly, pointing at the signs for the bathroom. "Maybe before we go in, I should use the restroom and make sure I don't look like a complete mess."
He glanced down at himself, “Same here.”
You went inside and looked at yourself in the mirror. Not too bad for being drenched, weirdly enough. Your makeup had survived the rain, thank God for waterproof, and all that really looked a bit messy was your hair.
Realistically, while you were going in here to make sure you didn't look bad, you were really in here because of how nervous you were. It had finally really hit you that you two just made out in the rain. Something you had wanted to do with someone since you were a kid and saw 'A Cinderella Story'. And now you did it... on a fake date, no less.
Maybe he was the one for.... no. You couldn't allow yourself to think like that.
You dried your hair as best you could: drying the ends under the hand-dryer and running your fingers through the rest. You pinned it up with a clip in your bag, checked your makeup again, and then stepped back out into the busy walkway of the hotel. Colby was leaning against the wall waiting for you, looking ridiculously suave for no reason. He perked up when he saw you, sliding his phone back into his pocket.
His shirt looked mostly dried, and his leather jacket had been wiped down - something he had done in the bathroom while you were gone. He hoped you didn't notice; he didn't want to seem like he was doing too much. He prayed he was pulling off the effortlessness he could usually get away with.
You noted it, but didn't say anything.
Colby grasped your hand again, pulling you along silently to the store in question that housed the speakeasy. It looked like a regular Vegas gift shop. He stopped at the back of the store, in front of a "Employees Only" door with an eye-slot on it. It opened up, and a man asked "Password."
“’I'm looking for Piper.’” He quoted.
The man nodded, closed the slot, and opened the door. Inside was a dark, booming club. You were shocked to see it. Knowing how the other one looked, this was somehow more impressive. It was packed and the music was loud and fun. Colby smiled at you and pointed at a free table across the way.
“Wow, this place is crazy!” You yelled over the music.
He glanced around, “I know. I'm surprised how many people are here tonight.”
“What time is it?” You questioned.
Colby looked down at his watch. “It's... a little after ten.”
Your heart skipped a beat, hearing the time. “Oh.”
“What is it?” He furrowed his brow.
“We only have a couple more hours until midnight.” You explained.
“And then...” His voice grew quiet, “our fake date is over.”
The two of you stayed silent for a moment, Colby breaking it by looking up at you. "Well, we better make the most of it."
You ordered drinks, downing them within minutes. The upbeat music made you want to dance, so you grabbed Colby's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. Colby didn't really like dancing. He was more of a people watcher when he was at the club. But you were not taking no for an answer.
You swayed your hips to the music as you faced Colby. He watched you, stepping back and forth to the beat. His hand still held onto yours, eventually spinning you and gliding you into him. He slid his hands down your body, cupping your waist sweetly. His body pressed against yours, his breath fanning across your neck. Your back arched at his closeness, causing goosebumps to form across your skin. How was it possible that he was doing all of this to you? You had danced with Colby on countless occasions, spent multiple times in your life at the club with him. But tonight, after everything... things really felt different.
Colby's mind was reeling just as much as yours, if not more so. He started out the night thinking this was going to be a fun night, but nothing too crazy. And now... he had to do everything in his power not to jump your bones in the middle of this club. But your ass pressed against his crotch was making that very hard to do.
His grip on your waist tightened as you grinded back into him harder, teasing him. You felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled. He buried his face into your neck before whispering "Fuck, Y/N, what are you trying to do to me?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." You smirked.
Colby suddenly spun you around, pulling you close. He leaned in, keeping his eyes on you. Somehow, even in the dark, his eyes almost glowed with lust. He kept his mouth close to yours, lips brushing against each other. But he never fully leaned in.
“Kiss me.” He dared.
You exhaled, closing the space between the two of you. The kiss became intense in no time. One of his hands landed in your hair, pulling lightly on your locks causing you to open your mouth, gasping. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. You could taste the fruity cocktail he had finished not long ago. Your hands drifted up to his chest, tugging at his button up and jacket. His other hand snaked down your body, cupping your ass softly.
Your breath hitched, surprised by his forwardness. "Too many people are looking at us. Let's go home."
He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you off the dance floor. “Sounds good to me.”
The intensity had stayed between the two of you the whole time you were in the uber on the way home. You were nice enough not to make out in someone's car, but you couldn't help but squeeze Colby's hand every so often, knowing you guys were getting closer to home. He would do the same back, his eyes snaking up your body.
You weren't sure what was going to happen between the two of you, but you were excited nonetheless.
You both rushed inside after getting dropped off, thanking the driver quickly. Colby had you against the front door the moment it closed, kissing and sucking on your neck. You couldn't help the little noises that fell from your lips, him finding all of your most sensitive spots. All you needed was for him to take you to any of the bedrooms in the house, and you would be set.
Colby's hand drifted up to your shoulder pushing your jacket off, but suddenly his hand froze in place; his eyes staring at his wrist.
“What? What's wrong?” You murmured, breathlessly.
He hesitated. “It's.... five minutes to midnight.”
Your heart sank. And you would never know it, but so did his.
You inhaled. “Oh. So our date is-”
“Done.” Colby grunted.
He backed himself away from you, his hands falling to his sides. You leaned back against the door, running you hands through your hair. You looked back up at him, his eyes still on the floor.
“Why don't we just.... ignore it?” You felt bold saying it, but the way Colby looked at you made you realize you said something wrong.
He shook his head, “N-no. No, we can't.”
“But why? I mean, we had so much fun tonight.” You stepped towards him, trying to close the space again.
He turned and walked away, going to the kitchen. “I know we did, but it was... pretend.”
You couldn’t help but scoff at his words. “Oh, so none of that was real for you? You were just what, faking it? Pretending to want to kiss me?”
“Well no. Of course I wanted to kiss you but the whole point of tonight was just to... live out a fantasy we both wanted.” His voice lowered, hoping you wouldn’t hear him say, “Needed.”
“Colby, you can't be serious. The night started out that way, sure. But after we kissed in the rain, there's no way that that was just part of the plan,” you argued. “Or making out in the club. Or what we were literally going to do until you saw the time.”
“We both needed that, yes. But that isn't reality.” He clenched his jaw, “You and I are meant to be friends.”
You challenged, leaning across the island. “But we could try for more.”
“No, we can't.” Colby didn’t like how his voice trembled.
“We worked so well together tonight, why not give it a try?” You pleaded.
"I'm not willing to lose you as a friend. I care about you, and this was nice. But.... no.” He stuttered, trying to catch his breath. “I... I won't lose you as a friend just because I'm lonely.”
You almost winced, your mind going to the worse thought. “So, none of that meant anything to you. That was all just pent up hormones?”
He glared, his stare turning your body cold. “That's not what I said. Don't put words in my mouth. But what about you, huh?”
“What about me?” You sneered.
“How did tonight make you feel?” Colby asked plainly.
You huffed, “Clearly enough of a way to make me ask you to continue this!”
“What exactly are you feeling, then? Tell me.” He walked around the island, his eyes on yours.
“Well, tonight I felt...” You trailed off.
A certain word came to mind, but you shook it off. There's no way you were going to say that. There's no way you felt that way about Colby, especially not after one date.
He got in front of you, his arms on either side of the counter as he spoke. His voice was gentle, but intense. “Tell me. Say anything. Tell me what you're feeling.”
You gulped, “Right now, you're making me nervous.”
“Why?” He whispered.
You closed your eyes, his stare making it hard to form words. “Because it's hard to think when you're this close to me.”
“But other than that?” He questioned desperately.
You stayed silent, trying to figure out the feeling. A million words came to mind, but none felt quite right to say. They were all too vulnerable, too personal. And him staring down at you intently made it even harder to speak.
He stepped back, his face dropping. “That's the problem, Y/N. Neither one of us knows how to express how we feel. Which is why we went out in the first place. We don't trust ourselves enough to find someone and to trust them in return.”
“Why are you trying to make this more difficult than it has to be? Why can't we just... try? And if it doesn't work out, so what? We can still be friends.” You bargained, trying to make him understand.
He moved towards you again, his voice almost frantic. “You want me to be honest? To tell you how I'm actually feeling?”
“Yes.” You whispered.
“I'm terrified... of not having you in my life. That if we did try this, I would just make you miserable, or vice versa. I can’t give you everything you need. And I can't imagine you not in my life so I would rather take the safe route than try this.” He confessed, not able to even look into your eyes longer than a second.
“When have you ever taken the safe route on anything?” You insisted.
He bit his lip hard, shaking his head. “I'm not willing to bet on this. You are too important to lose.”
You whimpered, “Colby...”
“Maybe one day, we could do this. Maybe one day, this could be us. I'll take that chance later,” he laughed bitterly. “But having this happen tonight? No.”
“Can you promise me that? That we'll try.... later?” You grabbed his hands, holding them once more.
He nodded, doing his best to hold it together. “I'll give it my best shot. When we're both emotionally ready for this, when I'm ready for this.”
There was no way to persuade him, and you didn't want to lose him as a friend with. So... you just accepted what he said.
“Well, you know who to call.” You smiled, brokenly.
He slid your hands out of his, leaving the kitchen slowly. He turned back, not even knowing he was breaking your heart more. "This was nice, Y/N. Thank you for... helping me feel less lonely for an evening."
“You too.” You croaked.
As he walked to his room, he never felt more alone. Each step made him regret every single word he said as he got closer to his bedroom door. All he wanted was to run back to you and hold you as close as he could.
You followed him with your eyes, trying to hold back tears. You watched him go into his room, shuddering out a breath. How long were you holding it, you didn't know.
It took a lot to make you speechless, but he did it so easily in that moment.
I know better / Than to ever call you 'mine'
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cookierunauprompts · 3 months
OOO I have another one that came to me in a dream! Basically the kingdom yn lives in hosts a ball which anyone can attend and yn let's say they're a maid/Butler attends and shadow milk (I'm obsessed with him right now) asks them for a dance and as they're chatting while dancing the yn notices that shadow milk knows a bit more about them than he should and as the dancing goes on he becomes more dominant practically not letting yn step in their own two cookie feet! And as the music stops a dread suddenly dread enters the dance floor and the only thing yn remembers happening after that is shadow milk leaning down to their shoulder and whispering something before they passed out.
bestie you are literally tickling my silly brain right now, also i may have diverged from the prompt a bit and just made the thing a whole little fic instead of a prompt like I'm supposed to be doing.
Request Prompt #8 - 💓
Reader is fem btw, popping this one under a cut because it is LONG
" Princess- No, Reader Cookie. Do you even realize how foolish you're being right now?" Your best friend and private advisor warned as they followed you around your room. " You father explicitly forbade you from going to the ball tonight! if he recognizes you there then I fear you may never leave your room again!" " He can't just expect me to miss out on every important social event until he deems me 'worthy enough to be queen'!" You argue back, already grabbing your masquerade mask and dress. " Besides, my mask is enchanted! There's no way he'll know it's me." You said, holding up your supposedly enchanted mask. " I wasn't aware of how far you planned this... to even sneaking out to purchase a dress for the ball beforehand." Your advisor mumbled in an exasperated manner, you simply just nodded along with their words. Truthfully, you'd gotten the dress and mask as a secret gift upon your windowsill one day. you'd originally planned to sneak out as a waiter... but actually partaking in the festivities sounded a lot more fun. " Oh calm down Crab Claw Cookie," You giggled. " It'll all be fine, I'm still a queen-to-be no matter what my father says. I am his only child after all, and it's not like anyone will be marrying him anytime soon." You spoke with a dismissive wave of your hand, you could still feel Crab Claw Cookie's worried eyes upon you, but you'd be fine, right? Plus, there was that odd dream you had a few days ago. A strange, shadowy cookie had appeared in the darkness, offering to give you your freedom in exchange for what you valued most. You had accepted, not thinking much of it at the time, but now that you thought about it... the dress had appeared once you woke up. And then there was the fact he'd said that he'd come to collect the other part of the deal at a later date. You shook your head, you should just continue to get ready. You have a night of freedom to attend to!
The ball was in full swing, and yet here you were sitting off to the side. Why weren't you on the dance floor dancing away with the other cookies? Simple, you were completely unprepared for this kind of event! Because of your father and his overbearing nature, he never allowed you to attend any social events when you were younger. You must have gotten so used to your isolation that you had no idea how to actually interact with real people...! Crab Claw Cookie's social interaction simulations paled in comparison to the real thing... And maybe you were scared of your father noticing and recognizing you in the crowd. In short, you were completely lost. " Oh?" You here a voice speak, and looking next to you you can see a Cookie in quite the fancy blue and black suit, his white and blue haired mostly combed back into a sophisticated style while some covered his left eye. The eye that was uncovered was a rather nice shade of blue, like the ocean illuminated by the light of the full moon, or perhaps a blue moon? The mysterious cookie smiled at you, and you took note that it was rather cat-like. " What's a lovely girl like you doing over here on your own? Shouldn't you be having fun and dancing like the rest of the cookies here?" He asked with a tilt of his head, the playful grin never leaving his face for a moment. You hesitated before you let out a sigh, deciding to air your grievances to the stranger. Because isn't everyone a stranger at a masquerade ball? And yet, there was something familiar about him... " It's just that... I've never had the chance to go to a proper ball before. And now that I'm here, I have no idea what to do..." " Is that so?" The cookie mused with a hum, soon extending his hand after a moment. " Well, why not come dance with me? I can show you the ropes if you don't know how~" He offered, his expectant gaze imploring you to take his hand. So, and almost without question, you place your hand in his. Letting him lead you to the dance floor. The waltz was pretty simple, the music changing to signify that the current song was meant to be waltzed to. You knew how to waltz, but you still let him take the lead despite the fact that you( if only slightly) were the taller of your pair. It wouldn't hurt to strike some quiet conversation, right?
" It's so... odd." You mutter, your soft words having caught the ear of the cookie you were dancing with. " Hm? What is?" He asked, staring up into your masked eyes. Something about his gaze felt as if he were searching your very soul... But that was just a weird feeling, it was nothing. " It's just that..." You look down at your feet, yet a subtle movement from your partner caused you to make eye contact with him once again. " Who are you? I feel like I've seen you somewhere before..." You mumbled to the amusement of the other. " My dear Little Star, are we not at a masquerade ball? We aren't supposed to know who the other attendees are." He said with a chuckle, leading you further into the dance. You felt like you've heard someone call you that before, but where? You aren't sure. Are you even dancing anymore? It feels more like you're being puppeteered. You took a quick glance around, you weren't sure if the people watching you were anything more than shadows. " Princess," your partner begins, and your attention snapped back to him almost instantly like a dog hearing their favorite toy squeak. " You do know that you should keep your eyes on your partner while you're dancing, right~?" He hummed with a light giggle, taking your hands in his own. The music has stopped, in fact, you weren't even sure when it had. The entire ballroom was blanketed in shadows, the people you saw no more than silhouettes painted with glowing blue eyes. You felt like you were dreaming, hell, even your eyelids felt heavy as you continued to sway to the command of your partner. Soon enough, you lost your footing, collapsing into the other cookie's arms as you struggled to stay conscious. You could hear the cookie let out a slow, almost villainous chuckle. " Oh princess~ I've come for your half of the bargain~" He purred into your ear, leaving that as the last thing you heard before passing out.
" Sire! Terrible news!" A pair of castle knights hollered, interrupting the king's morning. Reader Cookie hadn't even bothered to come down for dinner the prior night, even though he ended the ball early just to make time for her. If she kept up this pettiness then she would never be fit for the role of queen. " Yes?" He gruffly spoke, " Get on with it. Has another rebel group formed to usurp my throne? Is it an escaped Prisoner? It doesn't matter, we can handle all of those things." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand. " You don't understand sire!" The other knight cut in, stepping in front of the first knight. " It's Reader Cookie, she's gone missing!" It was as if a fuse had gone off inside the king's head. " WHAT!?" He yelled, almost spitting out his coffee. " What are you standing around for? Find her immediately! Her misbehavior will not be tolerated in this kingdom!" He barked out the order, with the knights saluting him and immediately running off to get to work. He slumped back into his throne, Reader Cookie was well above the age to know that her behavior was vastly unfit to be queen. Then, he heard it, that witches forsaken giggle that slowly turned into a cackle. " My my! It seems like your little princess has run off, your majesty!" The voice the laughter belonged to said in a mocking tone, with a certain jester stepping out from the shadows. " What a shame, truly!" " Shadow Milk Cookie." The king hissed, glaring at the jester with searing hatred. " You should know that you, nor any of the other beasts, are not welcome in this or any other kingdom!" He hollered, pointing directly at the beast. " Oh, your coldness wounds my heart..." He sighed dramatically, putting a hand over wherever his heart was supposed to be. " But, if you're going to be so rude, then I might as well just... not tell you what's happened to Reader Cookie." He smiled smugly, knowing that the King was falling right into his trap. " You! What have you done to my daughter?!" The king roared with frustration, which only caused Shadow Milk to laugh even more. " I swear, if you've hurt her then-!" " Then what?" Shadow Milk said with a sickening grin. " What will you do, your majesty? You and I both know that you've cared more about your kingdom than you do her, you just want her back because she's the only blood heir to the throne." He cackled at the revelation, and the horror dawning upon the king's face. " But if you want to prove me wrong... Then give up your kingdom, and I'll make sure she's safely returned." He proposed, eyes glinting with delight as he saw the hesitation in the king's stance. Oh how he loved to watch as cookies tried to decipher whether he was telling them the truth or not, not a single one had managed to catch him in a lie before it was already far too late. Such are the perks of practically embodying deceit, he supposed. He turned on his heel, waving goodbye to the king. " I'll give you a day to think it over. Either give up your kingdom and have your daughter returned to you... Or fail her for the last time, and live with the guilt." He left without another word, fading back into the shadows.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 10 months
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“Mirror Image” (Erik Stevens x Fem!Reader)
| Erik only just came to visit you last night; now you have some catching up to do.
| NSFW, 18+, minors dni, descriptions of the Reader-Insert’s naked body -chubby!reader/curvy!reader
| Gif source: Black Panther (2018)
| 2k+ words
Song lyric prompt #TWO:
I walk around the house butt-naked
And I stop at every mirror just to stare at my own posterior
(Thot Shit by Megan Thee Stallion)
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You look at yourself in the mirror and dance a little. Booty popping as you move around.
There’s no music playing in the house outside of your own head, but you’re just really feeling yourself right now.
There was nothing of any note going on at the moment but after you’d used the bathroom you couldn’t help but pause as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
It’s been a while since things were calm enough for you to admire yourself in this way. Erik was busy a lot and his whirlwind life tended to throw your own into a tizzy, so to be able to take just a little time out of your day for something as simple as this felt nice.
Erik had legitimately kept you busy over the last year and half. He hadn’t been shy about his big plan, even if he’d sugar coated the hell out of the fact that his plan was to usurp his cousin for the throne of a hidden technological empire, so that meant when he disappeared you’d had to live with the extremely high possibility that he’d left you for good. You had never once in your life heard a man talk so much shit as him when he knocked on your door four months ago though.
And boy could Erik talk. Man could convince you your own Mama was your Auntie after you just watched yourself come out the womb, and it was because of that that you had nearly laughed him out of your house when he’d started really explaining. There was no way he thought he was going to make a clown out of you after you’d seen him do the same to other people before.
But then the gold necklace around his shoulders had turned into a whole power suit and your doubt hadn’t been feasible anymore.
You’d wanted to knock him when he ended up laughing at you instead. He still made fun of the bug eyed look you gave him. The only thing stopping you from doing just that, vibranium suit be damned, had been your own shift in thought.
All of a sudden without the worry of whether he was coming back or not, you were reminded of all the reasons you’d been more scared for Erik than you had longed for him.
During the duration of your relationship in college he’d never once been bad to you. Not like you knew he could be, the man was ruthlessly motivated on an easy day. But you couldn’t say with full confidence that you and Erik’s relationship had been good.
Certain facets of you and his personalities complimented each other and other facets kicked your asses frequently. There were multiple times in college that you’d left his dorm in a fit with barely any clothes on during the winter.
He would do or say some sly shit that would piss you off and then you wouldn’t talk for a week. You because you were stubborn as hell and Erik because he didn’t bend for nobody. And while you could see how your immaturity had put a strain on your relationship that didn’t mean the space between y’all was souly on you.
Erik was a mean son of a bitch even when he liked you and back then he seemed to make a game out of getting on your last nerve. Erik was also demanding, and you weren’t a dog. So every time you didn’t move mountains when he asked you to with half an explanation, you’d fight.
Erik has only gotten the chance to pull some crazy shit on you once and for good reason.
The second he hit you with a “Where the fuck you at?” you had just about left his ass entirely.
It was quite literally y’all having graduated the next day and then him leaving for his self proclaimed mission that had kept you from officially ending things.
So yeah, as all that came back to you you hadn’t exactly been jumping into his arms when he knocked on your apartment door. Over the time he was away you’d grown up. Shit, you didn’t even live in New York anymore. Couldn’t wait to leave it behind for something less chaotic once you earned your degree.
You’d gotten a well paying job, a condo, and Erik Stevens had slowly but surely faded to the back of your consciousness. That was until he knocked on your door that month and you’d gone from halfheartedly hoping he was okay to the man taking up every inch of your mind.
A half a year from then and here you were.
With his plan ruined but part of his goal still well into execution Erik had mellowed out significantly. He was by no means not still angry, which you got completely, and anger like his didn’t dissipate so much as it shifted anyway.
What you’d needed from Erik was for him to learn the source of that anger and repurpose it better than trying to take it out on you. And he’d been doing that too. All he asked from you was to try with him and to “Stop doing that uppity shit. When you mad at me, tell me so we can work through the problem.”
So the both of you had started working on your communication, and it was an uphill battle, but you weren’t losing.
Recently whenever Erik was relieved of his duties as Wakandan royalty and the Golden Jaguar he’d taken to visiting you for as long as he could. And that came with complimenting you about the most random shit whenever you were down. Your body being no exception.
As you think about Erik you turn and shake your ass, watching the way the mirror catches the bounce. You can’t help but giggle. Call it vain or whatever but damn you still had it.
You’re in an old t-shirt and shorts and you still couldn’t help but stare. So if that wasn’t having ‘IT’ you didn’t know what was.
Over the last few years you hadn’t exactly thought you were ugly, fuck all of that you’d been pretty good at keeping the self deprecation firmly in the past of your adolescence, but you hadn’t exactly thought you were the shit either.
Erik let it be known often enough how much he loved your figure. Your curves and soft rolls constantly caressed in his hands. And you didn’t think there was a damn thing on earth that could keep that fucker away from your stretch marks, he loved running his hands over the more raised lines and pressing his lips to them. So in that department you certainly weren’t lacking in reminders of how attractive you were. You just hadn’t consciously been thinking about it.
Until now that is.
You shift your body in the mirror some more, watching how the light casts shadows on your melanin; the dimples and dips in your chunky thighs. Fuck. You chuckle to yourself, no wonder your partner was always all up underneath you.
Just then some burning curiosity compels you and you start to undress. You showered earlier in the morning so you’re fully aware that if Erik catches you you won’t have much of a cover story that didn’t sound at least a little conceited, but you couldn’t muster the shame to give a fuck.
You’d just have to resolve yourself to the fact that his annoying ass might tease you.
But it was your body. If other people were allowed to admire it, you think after all the work you put in to cherish it, you should be able to admire it too.
Your clothes, underwear and all, land in a heap beside your feet on the floor and you take in the new view.
You remember a time in your life when the sight made you embarrassed and it makes you kind of giddy to see that quite the opposite is happening right now.
You’re fucking gorgeous.
Not everyone would agree (no duh) but that wasn’t any sweat off your back. As far as you were concerned they were missing out.
You stick your tongue out and snicker as you shake your ass facing forward in front of the mirror. You watch as the excess parts of your body jiggle and honestly if you could visibly blush you probably would be.
“You shaking all that for me?”
You scream, you hadn’t noticed Erik come into the hall, let alone stand to watch you take in the varying browns of your skin. You whip around a moment later, prepared to chew him out about sneaking up on you, but at the sheer intensity of the look he’s giving you y’all just end up staring at each other.
He’s in his work out clothes, you hadn’t gone with him to the gym today, opting instead to get some work done and try out a new recipe you found online and he’d clearly come back while you were…um… distracted.
You don’t have time to be embarrassed by him catching you, not that you would be if you did, due to the way his eyes are eating you up on the spot.
He licks his lips, eyebrows raising slightly.
“You gon answer me?”
You humph quietly, confused as to what he means before you remember what he’d initially asked and smirk.
“I wasn’t, no,” you give his glistening body a once over of your own. “But I can be.”
Erik’s eyes light up and your heart stutters.
“Oh? How do I make that happen?” He starts to move towards you.
You both lock eyes again and you sigh as you think of an answer, backing up more into the bathroom unconsciously.
“Hmm. You could go to that dance class I’ve been begging you to do with me?”
You watch as he makes a big show of thinking it over before shaking his head.
“Hard pass. I already told you once a month, and we went together last week. Give me something else so I can get my hands on you.”
Your tongue presses into a spot behind your teeth on the roof of your mouth as you glance behind him. His jaw ticks when he picks up on the action.
“Another plushie and a massage?”
His response is instant.
“You’ll get a massage regardless, but I’ll get you a damn stuffed animal.” He grins shark-like at you. “You finished playing now? Over here taunting me with all this.”
“Oh?” You mouth, head tilting as you watch him stand in the doorway. Your calves hit the tub softly and you shiver, tongue pressing into your tooth gap again. “All of what?”
His eyes travel back to your mouth.
There’s a chuckle, it sends anticipation racing through you as he shakes his head.
“You like torturing me don’t you?” The grin that stretches across your face at his words squashes whatever claim of innocence you might have tried. He scoffs. “I’ll get back at your ass for it though, don’t worry.”
He gestures to you as you continue giving him a confused look, loving teasing Erik like nothing else. Riling him up like this always led to something fun, whether it involved sex or not.
You raise your eyebrow,
“But I haven’t even done anything.”
Erik glances away, hand running over his mouth before he looks back at you.
“Don’t act slow. I don’t get to see you for weeks, and when I come home you look like this. What do you expect me to do when I find you practically eye-fucking your naked body in the mirror, huh?”
Your smile turns a little more manic at that. You kind of want to cackle.
“Awww, did I accidentally make someone hard?” You coo, his eye twitches.
What can you say? You’ve got a mean streak too.
“Yes, baby,” he licks his lips again as he watches the dark planes of your skin. “You’ve made me hard. Now what you gon do about it?”
You fight the urge to shrug, play blight to your own obvious affect on the other. Part of Erik’s life being so crazy that it often disrupted yours was that it left little time for you both to just be together. Romantically or casually, recently being with him was always a treat and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t craving Erik just as much as he was clearly craving you.
“I’m getting my plush right?”
He nods. “Promise baby.”
The smile that breaks across your face is unabashedly giddy and you can tell from the way his stance relaxes and how he rocks back on his heels that he knows he’s got you.
You move forward in a few quick strides and press yourself up against him, hands resting lightly on his abdomen. His chest is heaving as he stares at you.
“Then let me shake my ass for you.”
He’s on you in seconds, hands reaching for your ass and pressing your groins together, his lips crashing into yours.
You groan, allowing your own hands to explore his chest as you devour each other. You hadn’t realized how needy you were for his touch until you finally got it after so long of being too on edge for the next problem to make a move.
You break apart to breathe. A line of spit connects the two of you as you stare each other down. He slaps your left ass cheek, you feel the impact in your toes, and then he squeezes. You can’t help the startled whimper that pulls from you and Erik chuckles, breathy and low. He holds the flesh in his hand and jiggles your ass like that. You let out an airy moan as the movements spread your pussy lips apart.
“Fuck, I missed this ass,” he groans into your neck, clearly watching the skin ripple and the pink of the inside of your vagina that you know he’ll be able to just barely see at his angle.
He presses a kiss to your neck and you laugh, wrapping your hands around his waist to press him even closer to you. You roam your hands along Erik’s back and eventually to his own defined ass.
“Mmm, you only missed my ass?”
You can feel his grin spread across your skin.
“Nah, I missed some other things too,” his hand lets go and this time slaps your right cheek. You squeak a little.
He pecks you on the lips. “I miss how your body feels against mine like this. Too needy for me - for my dick - to worry ‘bout anything else.”
Your eyes flutter shut as you shiver, moan falling unbidden from you. You're so close that he feels the movement and his chuckle makes your insides melt even more.
“Mhm,” You whine.
“Mhm what?” He murmurs.
“Mhm, I’m needy.”
“Oh yeah?” His hands stay rubbing all over your curves and folds. “What you want me to do about that?”
“Fuck me, please,” you whisper.
The second the plea falls past your plush lips he bends down to pick you up with nothing more than a soft noise and then carries you to the bedroom. You don’t react outside of a small giggle. More than happy to wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders.
He doesn’t let you go while he collects something from the bedside drawer and dumps it on the bed. Moments later you’re next as he lays you both on the mattress. You go to unwrap your limbs and he slaps your thigh with a shake of his head.
“Uh uh,” he grunts, laying your back against the cool sheets. He kisses you on the jaw. “I want you around me while I fuck into this pussy.”
You moan and he presses a kiss into your plump cheek next, beginning to rock the length of his hot dick against your equally needy pussy. The tip spreads your lips and you throw your head back at the stimulation it puts on your unfurling clit.
“Yeah, I want you in me,” you pant out.
“Fuck yes,” he moans, rutting increasing. “I missed you.”
He kisses you on the lips and kneads your stomach between his big hands.
“Missed all of this,” his sentence stutters on a moan and you whine.
“I missed you too.”
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed!!!
I’m not too confident about how I write Erik yet, so be gentle. I will take any feedback though.
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
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captainpains · 10 months
After (Captain Rex x reader)
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I am trying so hard to get as much written before I get swamped with work again. For the @clonexreaderbingo. Enjoy!
Prompt: Fantasy
Warnings: gn reader, daydreaming, Rex is crushing hard, short
It was a question that some of the troops asked from time to time.
What do you want to do when the war ends?
It almost felt silly to answer the question. The idea of an “after” felt so hard to think about when the war seemed never ending. But, it gave some of them hope; that they’d get an after. 
Some of the boys would simply answer with a simple wish or job, very vague. While others would give detailed descriptions of what they wanted. A house on some outer rim planet, a kind partner, and a well meaning job were the most popular options. 
The 501st would ask this question on particularly difficult campaigns. It was just to distract from all that was happening around them.
“I think I’ll just settle down with my girl,” Fives answered. “A nice house on Naboo and a quiet life. Would be a nice change of pace.”
“Sounds nice,” Jesse nodded. “I wanna see some more of the outer rim. Would be nice to visit planets without a battle.”
The men around the fire nodded in agreement.
“What about you Rex?” Jesse asked.
Rex shrugged in response. To his men, he never seemed to think about the future. When asked, he only responded with a shrug or a noncommittal hum. 
But, Rex did think about it, a lot. He was only human.
In his fantasies, he had a farm on a quiet planet. Growing some crops to be sold or traded at market with a couple of animals. It would be far from any village and peaceful.
That was the after that he dreamed about.
But, then he met you.
As the head mechanic, Rex interacted with you quite often. He respected you as a leader and an equal. But, after a few months of knowing you, Rex started to get this tight feeling in his chest when he talked to you. He found himself staring at you from across the hanger, watching your skilled hands work. When he was talking to you, he would stare at your lips and completely forget to pay attention to what you were talking about. His brothers would tease him about it, never in your presence. Jesse was the most brutal with his teasing, knowing his Captain hated to be embarrassed.
Since his little crush on you started, Rex slowly began to fantasize about living his life after the war with you. 
A small farm house, with just enough room for two.
Early mornings spent snuggling in bed. Warmth and intimacy unlike any other. 
Working together, tending the fields. Or you would fix up a droid to make the work easier. You would check on him, making sure he took breaks. 
He wanted the two of you to go to the market together. It would be fun sampling food and watching the children play.
He imagined that you would watch the sunset together from the porch, a drink in his hands. 
It would be peaceful.
Maybe a little too peaceful.
Rex was shocked when his daydreams changed again. This time there was a crib in a spare room. A bright smile on your face as you leaned over it, cooing at the tiny infant fussing there. He’d never imagined something like that. Holding a small baby close to his chest while the person he loved tiredly gave him a kiss. 
Maybe, just maybe, he had more than a crush. 
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Hi, can we have the diaboy's handwriting?
Hi Love,
Totally, this sounds so cool. For more explanation of if cursive is old or not you can refer to the comments.☺️😊
P.S. For fun here is admins hand writing
Requests are open
*certain words have been/may be censored for Tumblr guidelines.
The Diaboys Handwriting hcs
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Fancy and kinda dark academia aesthetic but is definitely not readable to most of us.
It's in cursive of course cause he's archaic.
And he's pretty lazy, he like barely holds his pen.
He mostly writes in Latin that way none of his brothers understand but sometimes he writes in his demon language.
Although with all the tech now he literally does the voice audio type or anything he needs to write down.
It's so rare to see this lazy ass with a pencil in his hand lol.
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Its crazy but in cursive it is beautiful, like great penmanship.
But in print, Reiji shows a completely different side of himself.
He never writes in print because he finds that people may think he's vulnerable.
Reiji only writes his most personal thoughts in print and its because he never shares with anyone and can't be himself except for on paper.
So only sadness and angry are written in print.
It is canon that he once held a diary when he was younger so it wouldn't be surprising if he writes his feelings in print. I mean he's stressed.
If he had a lover he writes in print because he wants her to know this side.
Cursive is what he uses when he's doing chemistry or a grocery list.
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The left is how he writes in his demon language its more secretive and mysterious. He hardly uses it tbh.
The writing on the right is usual, normal print/cursive writing.
It's not super fancy or plain.
It is plain but with a little flare.
His writing is pretty neat and clean.
Although he doesn't write a lot he does like to write about his sexual escapades.
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He alternates between the two.
The left is when he is more focused and maybe upset. But not mad.
If he was mad, he'd write everything in caps.
Although the right is when he is calm since it's cursive.
He uses both interchangeably tho.
What's actually nice about his handwriting is not that it's simple or because it's bold or small. It's what Kanato writes.
I seriously think he writes poems and he is really good at it.
I mean any girl could fall in love with how this man writes, especially if he writes about you.
And he has such a nice voice when he talks about his lover/love interest.
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It's a mess, he prefers to type.
He makes spelling and grammar mistakes all the time but he uses a pen.
He literally cannot read his writing sometimes and asks Reiji if he knows and his brother just gets really mad at him.
He crosses out so much stuff.
And he writes in any spot.
He doesn't stay on the line, the letters are everywhere.
It's super plain and he never writes in cursive because he literally does know what is the top or bottom of the paper after writing it.
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Very messy and always in ink.
There are so many scribbles and ink smudges.
He always writes in print because his cursive is unreadable.
He doesn't stay on the lines, his writing moves up and down.
It's very careless and free.
He writes very big.
And has a hard time reading his handwriting sometimes.
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Different and kinda neat but has a lot of crossed-out parts.
Sometimes capitalizes things for no reason.
He can write in cursive but wouldn't choose to.
Although his writing style is unique considering the font.
He is also part of the ink-only squad.
He also likes to abbreviate a lot of stuff.
Is able to keep his writing in a steady line for the most part.
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If he's presenting it's neat, if its for his own things its sloppier.
But still, no soul has ever been able to read it.
He does it on purpose.
Kou has always wondered what it says but he's never been able to tell if it's even in English or in the demon language. Like he has no clue.
Ruki does this in case something thinks about snooping.
He probably does write in his free time, and honestly, he writes a lot. I bet he has so many journals that are filled over the years about his life as a vampire.
So it's hundreds of years of the world all in these books of his.
It's honestly fascinating but no one can read them.
Though if he had a lover he may open up to them about it and share what is in there.
But he might be a tease and lie about what's in there to get her to laugh and throw a pillow at her.
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Okay now although the content at the end of this letter (left) is yandere that's not the point.
I seriously feel he writes in a bunch of fonts and caps/lowercase just cause he's everywhere.
And this is usually how he writes to his fans because they think it "cute"
The right shows his usual handwriting tbh.
It takes a second or two to understand.
But it's not too bad.
He hardly uses his handwriting for anything tho.
Puts hearts on "I"s
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Messy, always messy.
He is just so sloppy.
You'd think that because he has good hands in a garden he'd have nice handwriting, but you're wrong.
He connects letters with each other, and he has spaces, eraser smudges, and even crossed-out words.
Although his paper is not clean and you can read the writing, well for the most part.
He does have a nice signature though.
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He has really neat handwriting.
Like it's easy to read, it's neat, and it's not super big.
But there's only one problem.
His papers are always ripped or crumbled, torn, worn out, or have watermarks.
Like there isn't one time where the paper is nice.
He seems like he doesn't know how to do cursive or rather he forgets.
He probably writes relatively small.
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Fancy cursive and then regular cursive.
He's never used print in his entire 3,000+ years lol.
If he is writing a very formal letter to someone important he uses the writing on the left.
If he is writing for himself or to his brother he uses the writing on the right.
Either way, no one can deny that he has good penmanship.
His signature is also really elegant.
He has his own signature style in cursive.
Something most cannot do.
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Like his brother it is in cursive and very fancy.
The left is how he writes in a more formal setting because it is easier to read.
He always writes really neatly surprisingly, it's the founder prince in him.
It's always in a steady line too, you'd think he'd measure where he wanted to put the handwriting.
The right is his more loose and less legible writing. He uses this if his letter is informal and it is to someone he is comfortable with or has known for a while.
He doesn't really write in print unless its for school and he wants to blend in.
Because he's supposed to be a British exchange student it doesn't surprise me if most of his notes are in shorthand.
I think once he learned that no one uses cursive he decided to not use it that much and stuck to print.
Which probably looks something like this.
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˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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nina-ya · 6 months
An Unexpected Halloween Encounter
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Reader CW: None. Pure Fluff. WC: 1.1k
The island that the ship had docked on was lit up with excitement as it celebrated Halloween in grand style. The streets were adorned with colorful decorations, and people of all ages were either distributing candies to children or indulging in Halloween-themed delicacies at the numerous food stalls. Those adults without kids in tow were deeply engrossed in celebrating the holiday with copious amounts of alcohol, further adding to the lively atmosphere.
You had to go to great lengths to convince Law to join you in the festivities. It took a lot of begging, but eventually, he agreed. As soon as he agreed, you wasted no time in unveiling the costumes you had been meticulously crafting for days. You knew he wouldn't say no, so you had prepared the costumes ahead of time. Your outfits were simple, with both of you dressed as vampires, since you had severe limitations in what you could craft on a submarine. Law complied and allowed you to apply his makeup, which turned into a rather amusing endeavor. Despite the initial chaos, you both emerged looking absolutely stunning.
With Law finally at your side, you took him to the heart of the Halloween celebration, intending to coax some fun out of him. You picked up some drinks and began wandering through the food booths, each one offering eerie and enticing culinary delights. While enjoying a spider-themed donut, something bumped into your leg, prompting you and Law to look down to find a small girl standing there.
You greeted the girl with a warm smile, your eyes locking onto the innocent curiosity in her gaze. "Oh, hi there!" you exclaimed, bending down to meet her at eye level. "Where are your parents?"
Her reply was surprisingly nonchalant. "I don’t have any parents," she declared matter-of-factly. With that, she held up a pillowcase in your and Law's direction, exclaiming, "Trick or treat!" Her beaming smile filled the air with innocence.
You gently laugh in response to her adorable antics. You tried to explain the situation kindly. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart, but we don't have any candy to give you. You see, the candy is being handed out on the other side of the street, over there." You pointed toward the people distributing candy..
However, the little girl remained determined, she gripped on your arm tightly. "Come with me!" she insisted, pulling on your arm.
You couldn't help but nervously laugh, glancing up at Law for assistance. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, and he responded in his typical gruff demeanor, sounding somewhat abrasive. "Look, kid, we don't have time to babysit you. Go ask someone else."
In response to Law's words, the girl's eyes welled up with tears and she quickly started crying. Without a second thought, you enveloped her in a hug, simultaneously scolding Law for his insensitivity. "Hey! Apologize, right now!"
Law rolled his eyes in response, an almost exasperated sigh escaping his lips. "Pirates don't do nice things," he grumbled. His annoyance was palpable, but he reluctantly gave in. "Fine. I'm sorry for yelling." His words were laced with a hint of irritation.
The girl, still sniffling, glanced up at Law through her tears, her tiny finger pointing at him. Her voice whined out, "You're mean!"
Law almost snapped, but you swiftly intervened to defuse the situation. "Hey, hey. What's your name?" With a gentle touch, you wiped away her tears. "Scarlet," she responded with a sniffle.
You encouraged the little girl, "Okay, Scarlet, don't let the mean pirate make you sad. He'll make up for it by taking you to get some candy!" Your stern gaze landed on Law, silencing any potential retorts. "Yeah, come on, let's go get you some candy." Tenderly wiping away her tears, you playfully ruffled her hair before rising to your feet. Taking her tiny hand, you prompted Law to follow you, and he begrudgingly did.
Navigating through the crowd, you finally reached the people who were handing out candy. Handing off Scarlet to Law, you watched with amusement as he struggled to comprehend the situation. The little girl eagerly extended her hand, clutching Law's larger one and leading him toward the people holding bags of candy.
You remained in the background, enjoying the sight of Law getting paraded around by Scarlet. A smile danced on your lips as you observed the two collecting their candy. Time blurred, hours possibly passing by, but it was clear that Law had loosened up. He even came close to starting a fight with someone who didn't provide enough candy for Scarlet. The sight was endearing, showcasing a side of him you rarely witnessed.
At one point, you couldn't resist joining them. Your own hand slipped into Law's, adding to the mix. The three of you moved seamlessly through the festive crowd. The Halloween atmosphere, now illuminated by colorful lights and echoes of laughter, took on a magical quality. With each step, the weight of Law's initial reluctance seemed to dissipate, replaced by a growing connection between you, him, and the cheerful little girl who had adopted him for the night.
Your laughter melded with Scarlet's innocent giggles, filling the air as you shared moments of surprise and delight. You couldn't help but notice that the smiles on Law's face had transformed from his usual gruff expressions into genuine, unguarded grins.
Among the candy stalls, you came across an impressive display of candied apples. Scarlet's eyes sparkled as she pointed them out, and without hesitation, Law bought her one. She took a hesitant bite, her delight evident as her face lit up. It wasn't long before you insisted on trying one, and the three of you indulged in the treat.
People around you continued to mistake you and Law for Scarlet's parents, and you couldn't deny the flutter in your chest at each occurrence. The notion felt oddly sweet, hinting at a future you had only dared to dream of. Though it was an accidental charade, you couldn't help but wonder if it held a glimpse of the future.
As the evening drew to a close, the three of you watched the grand finale of the Halloween celebration, a fireworks display lighting up the night sky. Underneath the colorful bursts of light, you looked at Law and shared a warm smile, feeling the connection that had grown stronger during the night.
It was a simple yet heartfelt experience, a Halloween night that had turned from an adventure to a cherished memory. The chance encounter with Scarlet had unintentionally brought you and Law closer together.
Hand in hand, you made your way back to the submarine, unfortunately leaving Scarlet behind as you do so. While Law might not have originally intended to embrace the holiday spirit, the warmth of the night lingered, and you couldn't help but look forward to more shared moments and memories with him in the future.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
Flufftober Day 20 | Spooky celebration
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Pairing | Sebastian Stan x Female!Reader
Word count | 2.2K
Summary | You moved to the U.S. not too long ago, and this year will be your first Halloween celebration there. When your friend Sebastian finds out you’ve never celebrated it, he's taking out all the stops to make your first Halloween a spooky celebration to never forget.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. RPF, Reader is Dutch but lives in the U.S., friends to lovers, mutual pining, use of pet names (Pumpkin, Trouble), flirting, very light angst, implied smut.
Prompt(s) | 20. Pumpkin | @flufftober
A/n | As someone who has never celebrated Halloween before (Hi, welcome to my side of the world 🇳🇱), I couldn't resist writing a Halloween story with some of the most cliché things because this would be my absolute dream. This is written for day 20 of my Flufftober 2023 Challenge, and I hope you will all enjoy this as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | GIF credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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Ever since you told Sebastian you've never celebrated Halloween before, he's insisted on celebrating together and giving you an unforgettable first Halloween in the U.S.
That's exactly how you found yourself at his house this morning, decked out in an all-black outfit, combined with your Halloween sweatshirt that had Sebastian laughing loudly when he opened the door for you.
''Mornin' Pumpkin,'' he says as he pulls you in for a hug, and you can't help but fist your hands into the back of his Halloween hoodie.
''Good morning, Trouble,'' you say when he finally lets you go, though you wish you could have stayed in his arms for just a little longer.
''Ready to have the best Halloween celebration of your life?!'' he asks, and you're immediately excited. Sebastian's enthusiasm is slowly catching on to you, and you couldn't be happier to be here with him, having the best of times together.
You did feel a little bad when he told you he blew off plans with his other friends to be with you today, but what you don't know is that he'd much rather be here with you, the girl he has had a massive crush on ever since somebody introduced you to him a few months ago.
''So, will you tell me what we will do today? Aside from trick-or-treating, of course,'' you say, because that's the only thing Sebastian has confirmed. You both picked out a costume for tonight, but the rest of the day would be a surprise.
He looks at you for a second and contemplates telling you, but instead, he grabs your hand and leads you to the kitchen for your first activity of the day. ''Why don't you come along and find out?''
As soon as his fingers intertwine with yours, your heart skips a beat or two, and Sebastian feels a slight shock of electricity shooting through him at the feeling that makes him smirk in a way you can't help but love.
When the two of you walk into the kitchen, you can see a lot of different ingredients to make Halloween treats. He has also chosen some fun recipes to make together, which are nicely displayed on the counter.
''So, we could start by making some of our treats that we could munch on throughout the day. I picked many recipes from cookies to cake pops and some hearty options if that's more your thing,'' he says as your eyes glide over the ingredients.
''Oh, you bought peanut butter cups!'' you say enthusiastically and grab one to eat right away; these are some of your favorite candies you have discovered ever since moving to the U.S.
Sebastian already misses your touch as soon as you let go of his hand, but the way his heart flutters at the sight of you being happy with something as simple as some chocolate.
''What shall we make first?'' you ask with your mouth still half full, and the laugh that escapes Sebastian's chest sets your insides on fire. You secretly wish you could hear him laugh like that daily, but for now, you're soaking up every minute of attention he's willing to give you.
You look through the recipes until you suddenly feel Sebastian stand behind you, and your breath hitches slightly when he places his hands on your upper arms. You squeeze your eyes shut while trying to keep your composure, though it's not as easy.
''You can pick whatever you want to make, Pumpkin; it's your first Halloween after all,'' he whispers in your ear, and his warm breath against your ear makes goosebumps erupt all over your neck.
''H-how about some spooky cookies?'' you say, your voice slightly shaky from the closeness of Sebastian, though you're trying to convince it doesn't mean anything. You're just friends, nothing more.
''Sounds perfect,'' he says before walking to the counter and getting all the necessary ingredients; he'd already laid out everything, so it was done within no time.
The two of you have spent a significant amount of time in the kitchen by the time it's 3 PM, but you two have made a whole load of delicious treats, from cookies to cupcakes and from cake pops to Jello shots.
''Right, everything is clean, so what is our next activity?'' you ask, and you pop one more peanut butter cup into your mouth as you look at Sebastian, giving him a shy smile as you catch him staring at you.
''W-what?'' he says, his cheeks turning bright red as he knows you've caught him admiring your soft features.
''You're living up to your nickname, aren't you, Trouble? I asked what our next activity is,'' you say with a chuckle, and suddenly, it's like a light turns on in Sebastian's head.
''Oh, right! Pumpkin carving!'' he exclaims happily before running outside and getting the two pumpkins he picked out by hand, perfect for your first time carving a pumpkin.
He plops them down on the kitchen counter before running to his pantry, where he's getting two pumpkin carving kits—a green one for himself and a pink one for you.
''Here's your very own kit with everything you could ever need to carve your pumpkin,'' he says, and you happily take it from him before sitting on a stool by the counter, ready to carve.
When Sebastian takes his place next to you, you can't help but scoot your chair just a little closer, wanting to be as close to Sebastian as possible while still having room to carve. At that moment, a thought creeps into your head that you can't seem to let go of.
''Are you sure you'd rather be here with me than celebrate Halloween with your other friends? I know you said you're okay with just me, but-'' Sebastian doesn't let you finish your thought.
''Pumpkin, please listen to me when I say this, okay? There is not a single place in this world where I'd rather be than right here by your side. I'm honored to share your first Halloween with you, and I'm not letting anything get in the way,'' he says.
To emphasize his point, he grabs your face as he says that, and his hands feel warm on your skin, instantly making you melt into his touch. He brings your face to him before kissing your forehead softly.
Your eyes flutter shut as his lips press on your skin, and you can't help but smile widely. It feels like you've never done anything else, and it melts every last fear and anxiety away.
The rest of the afternoon is spent carving your pumpkins. Where you went for a standard jack-o-lantern design, Sebastian gave it a funny face, and you have rarely laughed so hard as you did when he finally showed you his result.
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By the time dinner time rolls around, you're getting pretty hungry despite having snacked on some of the treats you made earlier.
''Shall we order some take-out and watch a scary movie?'' Sebastian offers, and you'd love to do just that.
''How about pizza? I wouldn't mind sharing one if you're up for it,'' you offer, and Sebastian agrees immediately. The pizza is ordered within less than ten minutes, and now it's time to get settled onto the couch together.
''I have taken the liberty to choose a movie for today, but I'm sure you'll love it,'' Sebastian says as he plops down on the couch, followed by you on his side.
As Sebastian places his arm on the couch's backrest, you take your place and snuggle into his side, a blanket spread over both your laps and your head resting against his shoulder.
''Are you comfortable, Pumpkin?'' he asks, and with a soft sigh and a barely audible 'yes,' he wraps his left arm around your shoulders, his thumb rubbing circles on your upper arm.
Neither of you had planned this, but as soon as you find your place, you're very comfortable, and Sebastian isn't complaining either. Well, except that he might be enjoying it too much. Thank God for thick blankets, he thinks to himself.
He turns on the first Saw movie, and it doesn't take long for you to bury your head in his chest, only looking out of the corner of your eye. You've never enjoyed these movies, though you're happy to have Sebastian as your protector now.
When the suspense gets thicker, the doorbell suddenly rings, and you jump up, shrieking loudly as you get scared by the sound, and Sebastian can't help but laugh uncontrollably.
''Asshole!'' you whisper shout as he quickly gets up and goes to pay the delivery guy for the pizza. You've already got two plates and drinks for dinner by the time he's back, though he doesn't seem even remotely sorry for his action earlier.
''You know you love me, Pumpkin,'' he says, but you can't help but get flustered as he tells you those words. You quickly turn your gaze away before sitting down, getting a slice of pizza, and getting ready to finish the movie.
When the pizza is gone, the movie is also finished, and you have found your earlier spot by Sebastian again, though this time your legs are lying over his, and you are very comfortable.
''We should get changed for trick-or-treating, Pumpkin. It's the most important part of the night!'' Sebastian says after the two of you just sat there in silence and cuddled for a little while, enjoying each other's company.
It takes a little while for the two of you to be changed and ready to go out together. You've decided to dress up as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter, and Sebastian has opted to go as Professor Severus Snape.
''You look outstanding!'' you tell Sebastian as he walks down the stairs after getting entirely dressed in the other outfit, so when you're ready, you two get out the door and on your way for your first-ever trick-or-treat experience.
It definitely did not disappoint, but by the time you're back, you are practically shivering from the cold, so as soon as you're back inside, Sebastian grabs you in his arms and cuddles you tightly until you're all warmed up.
''Let's change into something more comfortable, and I'll make a campfire outside. We can bring our treats and something warm to drink to warm up a little,'' he offers, and you happily agree.
''Trouble? Could I borrow some of your sweatpants? I didn't bring any since I didn't think I'd need them,'' you say, and before you know it, you're sitting outside with Sebastian, being warmed by the fire. He turned on some soft background music, and the evening could not end in a better way. Or so you think.
''Pumpkin?'' Sebastian suddenly asks, and you look up at him with curiosity in your eyes.
''Would you have this dance with me? I've always dreamt of dancing by the fire, and there's not a single person I'd rather dance with than you,'' he says, a red color creeping onto his cheeks.
''I'd be honored to,'' you say, and you get up, grabbing Sebastian's stretched-out hand, and he pulls you close. Your breath hitches slightly as your front is pressed against his, but you can't get enough of him. It will never be close enough.
The two of you sway back and forth; your head is resting against his chest, and you can hear him letting out a content sigh right now. The two of you stay like this until you feel Sebastian's hand move up.
His hand slides over your back and shoulder, softly caressing the skin on your neck before cupping your cheek and tilting your head backward slightly.
Your heart starts hammering in your chest as you see the look in his eyes, and his eyes flick from your eyes to your lips and back up to yours.
''Can I kiss you?'' he asked, barely audible, but it was just enough for you to hear, and after a slight nod, you closed the distance between the two of you. Your lips press against his slowly, tenderly, and it feels nothing short of perfect.
He tilts his head to the right before asking for access by swiping his tongue over your bottom lip, and almost as if you're on autopilot, your lips part so your tongues can dance together in a passionate kiss.
A soft moan leaves your lips when his teeth nibble ever so slightly on your bottom lip, and you're already missing him when he pulls away.
''I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that,'' he says, and the smile you flash him tells him all he needs to know. He placed his mouth on yours again before leaning down and grabbing the backs of your thighs to lift you.
When he pulls back, he looks at you with a question in his eyes, and you assure him you want this, too. The rest of the night, you spend every last second exploring each other's bodies and making love until the sun returns.
You would be now if you weren't already in love with this man. Your first Halloween ever has also turned into your favorite one, and it's all thanks to Sebastian.
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otakusheep15 · 6 months
Obey Me Flufftober Day 19
Prompt: Recipe
Pairing: Satan x reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 469
A/n: I love that I've accidentally put multiple prompts that involve food lol. This is actually all just a ploy to write about cooking if I'm being honest. Also, small headcanon that Satan used to be the worst cook out of the brothers until he forced himself to learn. For some context, this is based on Nightbringer Satan, so he's still a bit moody.
Satan often struggled to contain his negative emotions when it comes to things he doesn't understand right away. It frustrates him when something doesn't come naturally to him, and, as per usual, he lets his anger get the best of him. He gets especially mad when one (or multiple) of his brothers are good at the task. It makes him feel like he has to try even harder, but he also feels like giving up because he can never get to that level.
That's why he's so lucky to have you. You not only validate his feelings, but help him to work them out using nonviolent means. Because of you, he's been managing his anger a lot better, meaning he's also been more willing to retry tasks he always struggled with.
Today, you decided to help him try to cook. This has always been stressful for Satan, as it requires so many steps and so much time that he doesn't have. He's willing to try again because of you, but he isn't happy about it. Or, at least, he wasn't happy about it, until you actually started.
You managed to find a good recipe for a simple apple pie. Satan was excited, but he tried his best to hide it. Of course, you noticed, but elected not to say anything in case you upset him. He was cute when he was trying to hide his excitement, but you hoped that one day he'd be more comfortable expressing his positive emotions. For now, you focused on teaching him the recipe.
It started out a little rocky because Satan was getting impatient, but he was able to settle down enough for you to finish reading the recipe. Once you were done, he was eager to start baking. After the first initial hiccup, baking was actually quite fun. You noticed that Satan was much more relaxed than he usually is, which was a nice change. Not to mention, you caught him actually smiling when he thought you weren't looking, which made your heart melt. He was so precious, and you felt so lucky to watch him grow like this.
When the apple pie was finished, Satan looked so proud of himself. It looked exactly like the picture included with the recipe, and you congratulated him on his hard work. He played it off, but the blush on his face told you all you needed to know. Satan worked hard, and he did well. Of course you had to praise him for it. After all, he conquered something he had hated for so long. He cooked something all by himself. Or, almost all by himself, as you did help just a bit in certain areas, but still. You were so proud of him. You hoped you could do this with him more often, and you're sure he felt the same way.
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colinarmistead · 1 year
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Some of the stickers Commissions of someone’s OCs I had a lot of fun making! I made a little step by step for how i animate loops like this here incase your interested in that ↓
HI :) ok so here’s my process for an animated commission gif, granted this is how I do most gifs but that’s the context to why I have all of these versions of this saved. I send each step to who ever commissions me to know if they have any notes or things they want changed, I sketch in ClipStudio and animate in TvPaint (the love of my life)
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first step is the initial sketch based on the prompt of the commission, this is USUALLY  a little rougher and uglier then this, just to get the idea across
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this is the ACTUAL sketch, this is what i will be animating on top of and basing the animation off of so i want to get as many details as i can here so i know where they will be later when im animating. (Normally I will send a color test at this point, but for these characters the colors seemed simple enough, sometimes I have to work at to figure out how to make certain color sets work better together and with the style i work in)
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heres my roughs of the animation, this is most important to figure out how the thing is gonna move, working rough just to figure out timing and spacing. 
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i add onto that more details and moving parts, now if YOUR SMART (not like me idk why i didnt do this) you should add AS MANY of your details on here as possible, much better to do it now when you can fix it and fuck around with it, rather then when your doing line art which needs to be clean
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line art truly is the most tedious part of the process, theres very little fun here, you have to just get through it, i used to never think i could do clean line art in animation but practice has proved that to be wrong, as tedious as it is i love seeing all the nice clean lines as I’m a SUCKER for draftsmanship. the blue lines here indicate colors that aren’t going to have line art.
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colors are the most rewarding part! It’s when you really see things look like what they are supposed to! i like to color the line art as well, add a gradient sometimes and give a thick dark border. It also helps to add a grey background while coloring so I can see the whites I’m using and making sure it looks fine against a neutral tone
Idk if this was helpful or interesting to anyone but I hope u enjoyed!
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For the dialogue quote ;)
15/16 (they go together quite well, so whatever works best)
also if youre dying to write one in particular, heres a free pass to go with that ^^
Ooooo this was a very nice combo. I love ALL of these prompts, but for this combo, 29 spoke to me. Especially with the inspiration from 15/16. This was fun >:]
I also left this one open, so it can be any brother except for Hunter >:) I did this before and I loved it a lot so thank you for the reason to try again!!!! I hope you enjoy <33
"This is going to hurt, okay?"
"God, I'm so sorry, it'll be over soon, I promise."
"Tell me where it hurts, and be specific."
Warnings: no major ones!! >:)
Hunter smelt blood long before he found his brother. He should have paid closer attention, he shouldn't have gotten so distracted with his and Crosshair's petty argument. It shouldn't have taken Wrecker, Echo and Tech crying out for Hunter to realise he had led them straight into open ground. Yet it did. Yet he was here, sprinting around the snowy terrain screaming for his brothers, giving away his positing, compromising their mission and his safety just to find them. To herd them back, to regroup- anything just to hear them. The snow fell peacefully around him, and then he heard it. Hunter took off into a sprint, finding a lump at the bottom of a ditch. Ice cold water pushed through and over his brother as he gasped for breath. Hunter threw himself into the freezing current without a second thought. "Hey, hey–" Hunter clasped him tight, feeling the harsh shivers rippling underneath his palms. "I'm here, it's okay, you're okay–" Hunter winced at the sound of teeth chattering. He smelt blood again, stronger than before and his chest seized in panic. He gripped his brother tight. "Tell me where it hurts, and be specific." Hunter ordered, listening for his slurred mumble over the sound of teeth cracking together uncontrollably. He managed to catch the words 'broken', and 'needs to be set' before he sighed, pulling back. "Okay," Hunter eyed his brother, mournfully taking in the damage he had caused. Had he been more careful, this could have been avoided. "Okay, here's what we'll do." He leaned forward, taking the now obviously dislocated knee carefully into his hold. He ignored the hiss, and the "Stop! Hurts–!" He recieved as he gently leaned his brother back. "What we're gonna do, is set this, and get you back to the Marauder. We'll look at it properly back there." Hunter explained gently. He hesitated, looking up from his knee to his brother's face, that was tight with pain "This is going to hurt, okay?" Hunter said, suddenly unsure. "You think you can let me do this for you?" An affirmative nod is given immediately, like he had forgotten it was Hunter who had put him in that position. Still, Hunter smiled greatfully. "Thank you," He said softly. "Now, bite down on something." The process was easier than Hunter imagined. It was the after that shocked him. The pain set in afterwards, when the current stopped rushing, when the calm had settled. Hunter's arms shot out to catch his sibling as he went down hard, gasping and covering up shouts of agony. Hunter held him through the pain. "I know," He mumbled against him, pressing a kiss to his head as he shook against Hunter. "God, I'm so sorry, it'll be over soon, I promise." The trembles subsided, fading into a simple shiver, and they kept moving. Hunter hesitated to leave once they had returned, especially before the hypno set in. He relaxed when he saw the sedatives work their wonders, when he saw his brother sink into the bunk with a tired sigh. Then, Hunter turned and faced the tundra again to find the others.
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summerwritesfics · 6 months
🍓No Tricks, Only Treats
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 1316 Words Rating: Teen Warnings: Costume Party, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Halloween Party, Fluff, Bunny Girl Outfits, Kuai Is A Cutie Pie, Hanzo Has Vague memories Of Either MKvsDC or Injustice (whichever you prefer lmao) @anyfandomfluffbingo: Costume Party
Summary: Hanzo & Kuai Liang attend Johnny’s Halloween party.
AFG Fluff Bingo Masterlist
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Notes: Heeeyyyyy Happy Halloween :) I was looking through my bingo prompts because tbh, I need to really start working on them, and I realised this prompt was perfect for a short little Halloween fic! So, enjoy!
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Halloween was an oddity to Hanzo.
He didn’t really get the point of it if he was being honest. Trick and treating, while he could understand it being fun for kids, didn’t really sound appealing to him. Dressing in silly costumes even less so.
But when Johnny Cage invited you to a party, it was very hard to say no. Especially with Kuai Liang extremely enthusiastic about the idea, wanting to experience as much of what a normal life would feel like as possible. The fact that it was a costume party just seemed to excite Kuai more. He’d never worn a costume to a party before, the idea so novel that he’d been basically talking about it non-stop. The kids had offered to take him shopping for one and he’d eagerly agreed.
Hanzo hadn’t gone with them, and hadn’t seen Kuai’s costume yet. Due to their schedules they were also arriving to the party separately. He wondered what ridiculous outfit they’d managed to persuade Kuai to buy. He’d heard Cassandra pitch some ice queen outfit from some animated movie, but if that was the direction they’d gone in he didn’t know.
Hanzo himself had just gone kind of simple, and a little classic according to Johnny Cage. His pirate costume had been relatively inexpensive, and it was not exactly good quality, but he hadn’t wanted to spend a lot on something he was going to use once. The other guests' costumes seemed to vary in effort. Cassandra and Jacqueline had gone all out with quite intricate outfits. Supposedly they were a pair of supervillain lesbians, but Hanzo had no idea what they were referring to. Then you had Sonya, who’d thrown a bit of fake blood onto a blouse and called herself a zombie. According to Johnny, that was her outfit every year.
“Nice costume, Grandmaster,” a voice broke him out of his musings. He turned to find Kung Jin standing next to him.
“Thank you.” Hanzo looked Kung Jin up and down. He wasn’t completely sure on what Jin’s costume was, but given it was green and he had a bow and arrow he could make somewhat of an educated guess. “Are you meant to be Robin Hood?”
“I’m Green Arrow!” Jin sounded offended at the idea he was anything but this “Green Arrow” person. “Anyone would think you’ve never read a comic book or something.”
“Uh huh,” Hanzo sarcastically hummed. So he was also a superhero then. Seemed the kids were going for a theme.
From the corner of his eye, someone else peered around him. Even with an almost full face mask on, Hanzo could tell it was Takeda.
“I’m Batman,” he announced, putting on a gruff voice that made Jin burst into laughter.
“See, now, Batman I know,” Hanzo told Jin, lazily pointing at Takeda. “I don’t like him, but I know him.”
“What?” Takeda exclaimed, dropping the voice and standing straight. “How can you hate Batman?”
“I just have a weird feeling about him.” It was like something had happened in a past life in relation to the caped crusader. Which was absolutely ridiculous when he thought about it. Batman was a fictional character and didn’t exist, so the feeling was completely irrational. Still, something about it made him uneasy. He cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject with “so, what? Did you four convince Kuai Liang to be a superhero as well?”
“Nah, we let him do his own thing.” Takeda made a dismissive motion with his hand. “He seemed happy with what he got though.”
“Think you’ll be happy with it too,” Jin quietly chuckled as he took a sip of his drink. Hanzo couldn’t help but eye him suspiciously.
“What did you guys let him buy?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at Jin. He could just imagine that Kuai was about to walk in wearing the most absurd thing the kids could convince him to buy.
Jin bit his lip and smirked, “oh. You’ll see.” He then pointed across the room. “In fact, he’s here.”
Hanzo looked around just in time to see Kuai Liang walking into the party. His jaw dropped at what he saw.
Kuai Liang in what Hanzo could only describe as a bunny girl outfit.
He watched as Kuai was greeted by Johnny and Sonya, both clearly amused by what Kuai was wearing. It was a light blue bodysuit without straps and fishnet tights. He had a pair of bunny ears perched on his head, a small ball of fluff attached to his ass like a tail, and to top it all off a pair of high heel shoes the same colour as the bodysuit. Hanzo could feel his face getting hot, he completely understood Jin’s snide comment. Kuai did have a habit of wearing revealing clothing but this was the furthest he’d ever gone in public before.
“Have fun~” Jin sang in a teasing way, reaching under Hanzo’s chin and closing his mouth, teeth loudly clacking together. Hanzo glared at him, but Jin just laughed in his face. All Hanzo could do in retaliation was watch as Jin and Takeda walked away.
“Hanzo,” Kuai greeted cheerfully as he made his way over. The bright smile on his face was a beautiful sight. Even if Hanzo had originally had reservations about coming to the party, it was worth it to see Kuai experiencing pure joy from something so silly and simple. “I like your costume.”
“Ah. And I like yours,” Hanzo admitted, taking a better look at it now Kuai was closer. God damn he pulls it off a little too well. “Was this your idea or the kids?”
“A little of both,” Kuai explained with a sheepish grin. “I wanted to but wasn’t sure and they convinced me.”
It occurred to Hanzo that the kids' encouragement was probably an effort to make Hanzo flustered. Kenshi had warned him the group were on the warpath to break past the “Grandmaster Grumpyface” persona. He supposed this time, they actually won. He glanced across the room at them, where the four were now grouped together, watching Kuai and Hanzo, giggling to themselves over their victory.
They are the worst Superhero group I’ve ever seen. 
“Apparently Sonya is jealous because my legs are nicer than hers,” Kuai continued, holding one of the aforementioned limbs up as emphasis. Hanzo snorted at that. “Her words, not mine, to clarify.”
“Well, I do agree with her, you do have fantastic legs.” Hanzo cleared this throat slightly as he stared at the body parts in question. “As well as other assets.”
“Other ass-ets?” Kuai questioned, stressing that particular part of the word, making it obvious what he thought Hanzo was getting at.
“That’s not what I meant,” Hanzo clarified with a huff. Kuai just tilted his head at him. “I mean don’t get me wrong that part of you is magnificent but it’s not the only part of you that is.”
The grin on Kuai’s face just emphasised the point. It made all the features on his face light up and just proved how beautiful he was. Hanzo couldn’t help himself, he lent forward to press a kiss on the tip of Kuai’s nose. Kuai snorted and pulled back slightly while gently pushing Hanzo away, which was exactly the kind of reaction he was looking for.
“Want to go get a drink?” He asked casually, trying to resist another kiss as Kuai’s cheeks were turning red.
“Hm, I could do with one.” Kuai lent forward slightly, bracing a hand against Hanzo’s collarbone. “Lead the way, Captain.”
Hanzo rolled his eyes in jest, but held out his arm so Kuai could link with his. Kuai gladly accepted, letting Hanzo guide both of them. The night was young, and as long as Kuai Liang had a good time, Hanzo was happy to indulge him until he decided it was over.
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roydeezed · 1 year
Luffy's defining characteristic is his deep empathy in the context of his desire for freedom
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Wordy title? Yeah. But it expresses the point I want to get to pretty succinctly. I saw a post the other day that said Luffy was selfish. I don't know how I feel about that. I really don't think he is that selfish. Yeah, he's selfish about meat and having fun. But I don't think that's his defining characteristic. It feels like an uncharitable read of him that doesn't take into account his worldview that everyone deserves freedom. Though that reblog about him being lonely is an amazing catch. I'm glad someone else caught that moment in the flashback cause I thought I was going crazy thinking Luffy had a deep trauma relating to his loneliness.
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I think there's a lot to talk about there, including a theory as to Luffy's core motivations which involves Impel Down, Incarceration and forced labour of some sort but we'll get to that later down this post. I normally don't like arguing or refuting people's takes, which is why I didn't do this through a reblog, but thinking about why that take sat wrong with me helped me to reconcile Shank's whole persona, prompting me to make this post. But to do that, me, as the authour of this post, and you, as the reader, need to get on the same page about my long held beliefs on Luffy's defining charecteristic and motivation. And I'll go into that below the "Keep reading".
To start off with, we need to establish some common ground. First, let's start off with something quite simple to accept. And that's the fact that Luffy is kind. He will fight for the weak and hates seeing injustice. One of my favourite early stories is the Orange Town arc and the bond Luffy forms with Chouchou.
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He understands people's(also read as animal's when applicable) emotions and gets upset when they're mistreated. So much so that he fights on behalf of people that can't fight for themselves. But only after they've resolved to fight. After Chochou loses to Mohji and Richie, Luffy fights them.
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After Luffy defeats them, we get a soft moment between the two of them where he acknowledges Chouchou's effort, his love and his treasure. It chokes me up everytime but it's such a great distillation of Luffy's character.
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This is why the label of selfish, even in the context that he selfishly wants to be nice, falls so flat for me. Luffy cares for people. He understands people(and once again, read as animals when applicable, it's just not as punchy you know what I mean?). He goes out of his way to care for them. Luffy has such a great emotional intelligence that he's able to understand when people are hurt, what's holding them back, and when they lie to themselves. For example, Sanji's dream was to go to the All Blue, but due to his obligation to Baratie, he couldn't leave. So what does Luffy do?
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He destroys the physical metaphor for the mental block his friend has, not only to remind him that Baratie is just as much the people as the place, including Sanji himself, but also to unanchor him from the spot he's been rooted in so long, both physically and mentally. Oda does this time and time again, beautifully melding emotional concepts with their physical manifestations.
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But Luffy understands one more thing. He can't fight these battles for them. He can show them the way. He can destroy things if it will help them come to a certain conclusion. But he won't make the decision for them. Because they need to do that themselves. They need to choose to fight. They need to choose to change. It's the most important thing to him. Not only the freedom to be unmoored from restrictions. But the freedom to choose either life. It's why he doesn't fight on their behalf until they ask him to.
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He'll stop them from hurting themselves.
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And he'll admit how much less he knows than them. About how little right he has to make a decision for them.
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And he'll wait for them to make the decision. To ask for help.
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Unlike animals, who he chooses to help when they choose to fight, for people he needs to hear it from their mouths. And then he seeks to understand the best way to help them. This is not the act of someone who is selfish. This is someone who respects choice and the dignity of being able to choose.
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With Nami, once he understood what trapped her, her obligation to her people, the years of work she's done as a navigator, and all that Arlong was, Luffy set out to free her one by one.
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Her obligation, and all that Arlong has done, Luffy could erase with beating Arlong. But her years of servitude, the crushing weight of incarceration? The feeling that comes with being used?
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The only way Luffy could get rid of that was to destroy the place that kept her prisoner.
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One Piece has very consistent and solid themes about how institutions, when granted power by the threat of violence, subjugates and restricts the freedom of the citizens it was meant to aid. We see that with the World Government, and places like Impel Down. On a smaller level, Oda shows us this threat through people like Arlong. They become like institutions and every action they take becomes one of restriction. Very rightfully, Oda shows that incarceration is one of the most dehumanising and soul shattering things that can be done to someone. The very place of Incarceration holds a power over the incarcerated. I'm sure if distilled enough, those statements can be ground up into something pithy enough to be an overarching theme, but I'm trying to make a point here so let's stick with my unwieldy lingo. Besides we all know if One Piece had a theme, it would be that Afro Power trumps all. I mean look at Brook, my guy survived dying. Also, Gaimon and Yasuie both had afros... We'll put a pin in this. But this is important. Back to the main point. Objects and places serve as anchors, the equivalent of handcuffs on a prisoner. That's why Luffy does this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And this.
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We see in Nami's reaction how much this all means to her. Her overwhelmed look as Luffy frees her from the weight and hold Arlong Park had on her.
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These are the actions of a fundamentally kind person. One who believes that everyone deserves to be free. One who has the empathy to realize that it's a hard choice to pursue. And one who will unselfishly do his best to make it so that those that do choose to ask for help, get it. One who seeks to understand the pain of other's and how best to help them. The reason we see him choose to help people is because they've chosen to ask for help first.
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Luffy understands that everyone deserves the dignity of freedom. Or more accurately, everyone deserves to be at a place where they can choose their future. It's why he doesn't begrudge Dragon or anyone for what they choose. Luffy also waits for people to ask for help because what good would freedom be if you weren't free to make the choice to pursue it. A forced decision isn't freedom to him. That's how deep his empathy runs. And that's how all encompassing his definition of freedom is. And it's the combination of this deep well of empathy and dream of freedom that drives and defines Luffy. My boy's wicked smaht(emotionally).
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That's the face of someone who cares about others. The words of someone who cares about other. Unselfishly.
That was just one instance out of many where Luffy followed this pattern. Oda is amazing at cyclical storytelling, so much so that in the twenty year plus lifespan of One Piece I believe he has created his own tropes. And that cyclical storytelling is such a powerful engine of thematic storytelling, in so many different ways, that it's hard to get into here. But the general gist is that he repeats ideas that are important. Let's take a look at this pattern of deep empathy with another Best Girl, Robin.
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We see here that Luffy comes to an understanding of what needs to happen first. It plays out in a different order but the beats are the same. And they all show his empathy.
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He destroys her shackles first. He lets her know that as long as she's with them, she'll never have to fear the World Government.
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And here's the most concrete example of his empathy. He needs to hear the words from her lips. He needs her to make the choice. And he gets her to the point where she's free to make that choice. The control the years of abuse and loneliness have on her is so intense that she doesn't even think she's allowed to wish for this, much less say it.
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(I've stopped to cry multiple times while making this. Oda has a straight line to my tear ducts. Thank Nika I'm not talking about Fisher Tiger as well) At the end of it all, one must choose to live before being free. Up until this point. Up until learning the massive weight that Robin carries, Luffy was chasing after a friend. After learning of her struggles, he realizes that he needs to help her. And he got her to the point where she could ask for help.
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I hope that, through actual textual evidence, I've demonstrated what I think Luffy's core characteristic, his empathy, and core motivation, his dream of freedom, are. Now we get into some of the more speculative points that build off of this foundation. We'll start with my take on Luffy's past and then explain what all of this showed me about Shanks.
This is going to be pretty quick. First of all, the following paragraph contain some SPOILERS up to CHAPTER 1080. Oda has time and time again made it a point to highlight a plot point of characters having to forcefully work in solitude, isolated from friends. Hell, he even made an entire arc about it that resulted in our hero only escaping because of his friends. And bringing up that cyclical storytelling, we've seen arcs and moments repeat. But here's two things we haven't seen yet. An Impel Down like arc and a giant flashback like the ASL flashback. And with Garp being where he is in the story, just like how Ace's death motivated Luffy's first big flashback, if something happens to Garp, we could get a flashback into Luffy's past as we still need to learn of his true dream. And based on that second picture in this post, of Luffy saying lonliness hurts more than physical pain, and Luffy's aversion to lonliness as well as his high tolerance to pain, it makes me believe that his early childhood was truly tragic, something where he was imprisoned alone and forced to work on things for his captors. Also the way he gets rid of obligations people think they have makes me feel like whatever thing he may have been forced to do, he might've felt an obligation to carry it out. If that does turn out to be the case, it would just go to show how well Luffy is characterized.
Next, talking about Shanks, I feel like Shanks has been such an enigma to me. Both in his actions and his buddy buddy relationship with the Gorosei. It wasn't until thinking about his most recent actions in the context of Luffy's desire of freedom, and how Luffy likes to get people to a place of equality where they're free to make their own choices, that it clicked for me. Shanks is in a way a reflection of Luffy. Or more likely he taught Luffy the concept of the freedom to choose and the equality in reaching that choice. Because Shanks is about equality. Maybe in the way that his desire is freedom for all but I'm not sure about that yet. More than anything, Shanks wants things to be fair. Equal. Actual Justice in a world of twisted renditions. He's a reflection of the Admirals as much as he is a reflection of Luffy.
Look at his actions. He wants Luffy to give him the hat back when they're equals. He didn't do a thing to the mountain bandits until they chose violence, letting him play in that realm as equals. Arriving at Marineford and stopping Kaido, it was all about equalizing the playing field. Stopping the navy from poaching the warriors of Wano while the recuperated, also about fairness and equality. And with the most recent example of Kid, he wanted to make sure Kid had recuperated and only attacked when he knew Kid was attacking. I can't tell yet if it comes from kindness. But what I do know is that Shanks is a reflection of Luffy meant to better highlight our boy's sense of empathy and Justice. I feel like Shanks represents what Rayliegh talked about in Sabaody, about how after seeing the One Piece they came to a certain conclusion. One that must have been based on fairness and equality. But I think the One Piece needs Luffy and his empathetic and kind viewpoint to come to a different conclusion, the right one.
If somehow, somebody's read through this whole thing and made it all the way down to the bottom, thanks for reading! And I always love talking about about the stuff I discuss here, especially One Piece so feel free to comment, ask or DM about things.
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broodwolf221 · 3 months
Happy DADWC! I love the unusual words prompt list! Let's have something for Dorian/Bull, with: "noctivagant - going about in the night; night-wandering" ?
aaa thank you! this was fun <3
635 words
It had started as a casual suggestion; let’s take a walk. Simple enough. Dorian had to admit that sitting in that library so often was beginning to wear on him - the literature in Skyhold was limited, with most new additions either going downstairs to Solas’ desk or new works that Varric shelved personally. The problem was, Dorian had already read all of them, working through the newest as soon as it was brought up. They weren’t really to his taste, but it was better than reading through yet another book on the southern Chantry.
So he’d started taking trips down to the Herald’s Rest most evenings. Often he drank, but sometimes he just wasted time around people instead. Sometimes he talked with Sera when she was in the mood, and increasingly Bull had invited him to sit with the Chargers, although Dorian always felt woefully out of place there. So a few nights ago Bull had changed tact, asking Dorian if he wanted to take a walk.
There was hardly anything else to do, so he’d agreed. He had regretted that first walk, the wind cutting through his clothing ruthlessly, and even though he realized halfway through that Bull kept trying to carefully - and subtly, all things considered - position himself between Dorian and the wind, it was a useless endeavor. They were too high up and the wind came from everywhere. So when the Inquisitor brought him to Redcliffe, he had spent a fair amount of his own coin on a thick fur coat. Not exactly up to his standard style, but even he would sacrifice comfort to prevent frostbite.
Now they were standing on the battlements, watching the sun go down over the mountains. Dorian was comfortably ensconced in the thick fur, while Bull leaned on the stone beside him. During these walks Dorian had come to appreciate the care with which Bull conducted himself - he’d never once had to dodge those great horns, even when Bull was bent over like now. Were it anyone else, he might have seen the self-awareness as stemming from some anxiety, but with the Qunari it was clearly not an anxious reaction. He was cognizant of who he was, of what he was, and took care with it - without making himself smaller or other than himself.
Dorian admired that. He admired that a lot, actually.
“Never figured you’d get so quiet,” Bull pointed out as the sun finally drifted below the horizon, Dorian laughing. It puffed out in a great white cloud - Maker, but it was chilly up here, especially during the night. He drew the coat up tighter around his neck.
“And here I thought I was sparing you my incessant posturing,” he teased. Bull snorted and gently bumped against Dorian.
“The posturing is nice. Might prefer posing, though.” Dorian felt himself flush and couldn’t entirely bring himself to mind. If nothing else, it made at least one part of his face warm. Besides, this... wasn’t exactly new. He was still figuring it out, still trying to see what Bull wanted from him, but the other man had been patient. More than anything else, that freaked Dorian out. Being desired, being bedded, and nothing afterwards... it was the way it happened in Tevinter. And if he had held out this long with someone back home, they would have gotten tired of him and moved on.
But here they were. Together. Quietly. Gently. “You know,” he said after a beat, “I’m still kind of chilly.”
“Want to go in?” He smiled to hear the sincerity in the question.
“Not really.” Instead he took a step closer, listening to the little huff that escaped the Qunari before a heavy arm settled around him. “Much better.”
“Damn mage,” Bull muttered, Dorian grinning to hear the obvious fondness in his voice.
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jawritter · 1 year
My Brother’s Keeper
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Chapter 4
Summary: Y/N, Sam’s roommate, so far have a pretty good thing going. Both work and function around one another well. What happens when his big brother comes down for the holidays with his mysterious past, mixed with Sam’s own mysterious previous life? Can Y/N and the grumpy older brother find a way to get along? Or will it be a not so happy holidays at the Winchester house?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus Sized!Reader x Sam
Word Count: 2k
Prompt: Photographer AU
Written for: @spnchristmasbingo​
Rating: Mature (because of future chapters, this story is 18 + only, and not fit for minor consumption.)
Warnings: It’s getting warmer... Inside at least...
A/N: This is the first Christmas fic I have written in a long time! You guys will get this one real time, and I hope to finish it before New Years! Fingers crossed! Anyways, This fic is unbeta’d, so all mistakes are my won! Feedback is golden! My work is 18+ only! No minors! Thanks so much for reading!
Main Masterlist
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Your POV:
"Oh my God that's fucking terrible," Sam coughed as he sat the clear glass tumbler down on the well-worn coffee table on front of him and held his hands up in surrender. 
"The two of you are fucking nuts, how do you drink that shit?" Sam questions as Dean and Y/N collapse back onto the old, well-worn sectional in a fit of laughter. 
"Well, you did make Sammy," Dean chuckled as he sat his own glass of eggnog down next to Sam's. 
"Also," Y/N chimed in just after swallowing down the rest of the contents of her glass. "I think it's safe to say I murdered my liver years ago and I'm just living on borrowed time anyway."
"You and me both," Dean's agreement came from the couch behind her as she made her way over to place what she was sure was the last glass ornament on the Christmas tree that now stood proud in front of the bay windows in the living room. 
"Well, this has been fun," Sam announced with the sudden clap of his hands on his jean clad thighs, "but I'm gonna turn in for the night."
"Oh come on lightweight?" Y/N teased, knowing good and goddamn well Sam could drink her under the table. She just liked to yank his chain. 
Dean cackled at what surely was Sam's famous disgruntled puppy expression.
"Tomorrow, me, you, Dean, whiskey poker. I can drink you all into alcohol poisoning," Sam said, making a pointed poke at each warm body in the room before stalking off to his room to retire for the evening.
"Night bitch!" Dean called over his shoulder just as the bedroom door closed, and if she wasn't mistaken, she could have sworn she heard a muffled, "jerk" come from behind the door. 
Y/N was suddenly made very aware that she was found, once again, alone with Dean. It only took microseconds for the anxiety that Sam's horrible eggnog had chased away. 
"Well, it's after midnight," Dean said as he got up to pour himself a good three fingers of scotch that Sam had left sitting just above the mantel. "So I guess we can't bust his balls too bad until I drink his ass into the ground tomorrow."
Dean turned and smiled at her. It wasn't a great, giant smile; one she was certain would light up the room if he'd done it. It was just a simple smirk, but it sent a warmer feeling flowing through her vain than any whisky she'd ever drank. 
"You're not gonna turn in on me are you?" Dean questioned suddenly. "Come on, stay up for a little while with me. We decorated this dn tree, might as well stare at it for a while."
As if to add emphasis to his request, Dean reached next to him and patted the couch where he'd sat, and she was pretty sure the blush on her already Alcohol flushed face was enough to outshine the Christmas tree. All that aside, and completely out of character for her, her feet complied to his request, mostly without her permission. 
She generally sat down on the couch, sure to keep a cushion's distance between them because as attracted to him as she was, and as nice as he seemed to be, she still had a lot of unresolved trust issues from her past, and now they were alone. 
"Tell me a little bit about yourself Y/N, seeing as Sam decided I didn't even need to know you existed until now," Dean requested, his thick fingers expertly spinning the glass that sat perched on his knee, something that if she was careful of, she might be completely entrapped by, and unable to focus on the conversation, so she blinked, and forced herself to look away; even though she really didn't want too. 
"There's not really all that much to tell," she admitted. "I grew up here in Detroit. Went to business school to learn how to be a secretary because I've always liked to keep things somewhat organized. Covid hit, and I ended up here. That's pretty much it. I've never traveled all over like you and Sam, my life has been pretty boring."
"Boring is a matter of perspective," Dean offered with a shrug. "I would have given anything for that kind of stability in my life." 
Y/N looked at him as if he'd lost his mind, but there was a look on his face that told her he was telling the truth. A story in the lines and creases and scares there that was beginning to be told, and damn she would love to hear it. 
"How much has Sam told you about our family? You know? Life before he came here?" Dean pressed as a heavy silence fell over the room, and Y/N shook her head as her eyes diverted back to the tree in the room. 
"Not much really, and I never asked because I never wanted to pry," she admitted. 
Dean nodded, his eyes trailing over her face. 
"Dad was uhm… let's just say… in extreme pest control for sake of time. We traveled all over the country, helping people get rid of things that shouldn't be there. Anyway, it was always a different school, different town. Sammy hated it, and I hated it for him. I wanted him to have normalcy, and when dad passed, I spiraled a bit, but Sam stuck with me for a while…." 
Dean's words trailed away, and Y/N desperately wished she could see the things he was seeing, the pictures and memories his mind were painting for him, but he didn't let the moment linger, instead, he cleared his throat and continued.
"Anyway, traveling isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm glad he has this now, has a friend here with him. It's good for him whether he believes it or not. He calls me bullhead, but he's just as bad sometimes."
"Well, what about you?" She pressed, desperate to learn all she could about the handsome, green eyed man that sat Meer feet from her. The more they talked, the easier it seemed to be. It was strange to her. "What have you been doing since Sam's here now?"
Dean grimaced a little, and she was afraid she'd taken it a step too far in her questions, but to her surprise he answered. 
"Now that is a boring answer," he admitted with a chuckle. "I'm a forty-four year old Private Detective that lives alone with a 3 year old rescue dog. I get up, go to work, come home, drink, repeat."
She had never wanted to reach out and hug someone so badly, but she behaved, instead she just got up, and made her way over to pour herself another drink when she heard the distinct sound of a camera shutter behind her, and turned to see Dean's shy smile as he lowered the camera, and placed it back on the small table next to him. 
"Oh gosh," she blushed, "don't do that! You will break your camera!" 
Dean scoffed as If she'd just said the most preposterous thing, and that surprised her. She had expected him to just laugh at the truth. 
"You cut yourself to short sweetheart," he insisted. "I'm just taking advice from someone that gave it to me… taking pictures of things that are beautiful for once."
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Dean’s POV: 
Dean didn’t know why, but he just couldn’t get enough of seeing Y/N blush. It made his dark little word that much better, just a little bit brighter. He hadn’t felt something like that in so, so long. For years, he’d closed himself off from the world, even Sam. He just thought he’d spiraled when John died, nope. When he’d lost Sarah, the only person he’d ever really let himself fall for, confide in. The only woman who knew everything about him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. He spiraled almost out of control. 
The drinking got worse, almost as bad as when he had the mark. The pain was intolerable. It never really went away if he were being honest. Then he met Y/N, and just like that, it didn’t hurt as badly anymore. Just like that, he could breathe again. It should have scared him, but honestly, he’d let himself wallow in this pit long enough, and it was well past time to pull himself up again. Dean wasn’t ever one to give up. Sarah would want him to be happy. Sam needed him to be happy, that much since he’d gotten here had been clear, but more than that HE needed to be happy. Y/N could do that for him, if she were willing, and it was just something he just KNEW. 
“You must be one hell of a ladies man, or a damn good liar,” she insisted with a giggle. That’s when he detected it, the little hint of slur in her speech. She wasn’t as sober as he was, and he wasn’t about to take advantage of her, but tomorrow, before the ‘festivities,’ began, he made himself a promise that he’d spend some time getting to know her more, maybe try and wash away some of that self loathing she carried so deeply. 
“Just calling it like I see it pretty girl,” he voiced, and she blushed even deeper if that were possible, wrapping her arms around her full breast to try and hide herself from him, and God he wanted to beg her to not hide from him. He wanted to see her, all of her. He’d never been around a woman that captivated him more than her, and it stung that she felt as though she needed to hide herself away from him. He’d never hurt her, he’d die before he hurt her. 
“Come on,” he said, standing up suddenly, “you’re a little drunk, and I’m a gentleman, or at least I try to be. Let’s get you to bed, or tomorrow we won't be able to make my brother look like the little bitch he is at Whiskey Poker.”
Unsure, always so unsure, he could tell, but she did it anyway, she stood slowly, lacing her arm around the one he extended. 
“Are you seriously about to walk me to my bedroom door?” she questioned with a slightly intoxicated chuckle, and Dean grinned like an idiot. God she was so fucking cute. 
“You’re damn right I am sweetheart,” he teased, “you never know what could be lurking in dark corners, besides, like I said, I am a gentleman, what kinda man would I be if I let a lady see herself to bed after keeping her up all night.”
She tossed her head back and laughed at that, and God he wanted to see more of that, NEEDED to see more of that. 
“Who said chivalry was dead I guess,” she said as they came to a stop in front of her door, and across from Dean’s, and Dean beamed, inside and out. 
“I try,” he agreed, and leaned forward to kiss her softly on the cheek, mostly because he couldn’t help it, he just had to kiss her, but not on the lips, not tonight. Not while she was a little tipsy. He wasn’t that kinda guy anymore. 
She blushed profusely as he backed away, and his own resolve almost wavered as he hovered there. Wanting so badly to kiss her, taste her; but he pulled away, because Dean was going to do this right. He was determined too. 
“Goodnight, Dean,” she said after a stunned, somewhat dazed moment. 
“Goodnight pretty girl.” 
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Chapter 5 
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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