wasch-lappen · 1 month
I wish at this point people would just tell me they hate my opinion because I'm tired of a conversation just completely stopping dead in its tracks and after some time continuing as if I hadn't said anything.
What is it??? What did I do wrong this time?? You can tell me, I am used to doing stupid shit all the time!!!!!
And people dont understand why I assume I'm annoying to everyone and it would be no different to them if I just disappeared
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I love when people like me. That shit rocks.
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klapollo · 7 months
Im so sorry ppl are being mean + stupid + annoying about your post, it wasnt even a lukewarm take its just asking for literal basic decency. Some people get sooo mad getting told that their mean girl funnies are actually pretty shitty and that they're not the cool antisocial savage grrl they're just being an ass
it's jarring bc thankfully i dont usually get anon hate but i'm just amazed that THAT post is the one that riled someone up enough to say i should get shot to death like. THAT?????????????????
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ap-sadistics · 1 year
jung qvq [erqnpgrq] naq [erqnpgrq] ba yzxgjg qb? bgure guna or naablvat v zrna
ohhhhhh its funny really. "funny".
its technically more than two. i hate their entire friend group. its a bunch of bnfs (big name fans) on twitter. its absolutely certain you know at least one of them if youre in the fandom.
the thing im most irked about how they leverage their popularity for create a biased narrative against me. when i technically did no crime. i never even Spoke to the person. never interacted with them once. what i did. is vague them. for having the most wretchedly ooc characterizations for the sake of shipping a rare pair. and you see. i didnt have a problem with the ship itself. no! my issue. was that their characterization fucking SUCKED. i dont care if they called it "redemption" or "character development". it. was. out. of. character. straight. up. so i tweeted about this kid. i didnt mention their name. i mentioned the ship. and how i was sick of seeing it on twitter. i also i looked at their carrd and saw that this (this is a screencap of a screencap sooooo its old)
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and i was you know what. im gonna do that. and that was the end of that
(i also was like was the hell does a kid have like 2000 followers that gives me fucking hives. bc lets be real. having a large social presence on the internet at that age when your a developing person is like. not ideal. im essentially antisocial and the idea of having that many ppl follow me for my stupid thoughts is fucking TERRIBLE. ive softblocked followers before to drive the number down. anyways i was thinking about it from that perspective. being conscious of numbers is Bad.)
flashforward a few hours and i noticed it wasnt the end of that. somehow the kid found my tweet and then supremely misinterpreted it and then sicced their followers/their friends onto my account. that tweet had a Large amount of pqrts (the stupid twitter culture thing where you essentially put on masks and stone the apparent criminal. and i was like. well this sure is a thing thats happening. and they def were twisting my words bc they screencapped my tweet and was bashing me about it. with absolutely 0 reading comprehension. well my course of action was to just go on private to cut off the engagement. what am i going to do? acknowledge what was happening with a tweet for them to twist and play the victim again? im not fucking stupid.
its really funny that after i privated i got 5 follow requests. THE STUPIDEST FUCKING IDIOTS I EVER SEEN. blocked immediately. it was really funny.
thats not the funniest thing that happened tho. you might think that *i* might be playing the victim and that what happened wasnt that big of a deal. it wasnt. but also it sucked still. anxiety causing. but anyways it wasnt just a the qrts. after i privated, one of them reported my account for suicide
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this was the funniest fucking thing that happened to me. i was livid during this whole incident but this was the funniest fucking part of this ordeal. it was HYSTERICAL. for the record there was none of that kind of content on my account! this is the most mentally healthy ive been bc i wasnt in my old uni anymore. not that i ever even posted about the kind of stuff ever.
this is clearly a petty attempt at harassment right? because they couldnt stand having someone think they are annoying and that their ship sucks (i didnt before but i do think it does now bc this incident made me hate the ship actually. because im petty too! but at least im self aware about it.)
someone also sent a bad faith ask to my fucking art blog because they haaaaaad to chase me down to a different fucking platform to harass me more
and like. what happened to me only proved my point. that teens shouldnt have a large following. this teen definitely abused their power didnt they.
who do you think had the worse experience. me or them? whose the real victim here.
if you think im problematic for fucking saying i dont like a person in public without once mentioning a name? get fucked.
also this happened again. it happened a second time. bc i found out there was a l/m/k zine going on and i said im not joining it bc they were a part of it. once again unnamed. LIKE OBVIOUSLY? IM NOT GONNA JOIN? it wasnt like i was going to fucking make it explode. but people toooooooook issue. i dont get how they find the tweet so fast im convinced one or more of them or their lackeys is stalking me. i could be paranoid tho.
anyways bc this is a friend group, the kid is a friend of a certain somebody. a very well known somebody. and bc they fed all their biased retelling of the incident to this somebody. im blocked by a very funny account.
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super inconvenient really
you see theres more to it than this incident tho. i have an issue with how these people engage with their follower base. but honestly its a product of the kind of social media platform that twitter is. they clearly value the number of followers they have and to say it doesnt go to their head would be a lie. theres other specifics tho thats old news. that im not willing to divulge to an anon. who are you and why are you asking about a tweet from 3 days ago anon. you have me fucking paranoid. im gonna trust the fact you used rot13. out of courtesy. but im wary.
you might be able to deduce who the pricks are from the things ive mentioned here. but im not gonna say who they are to an anon. i dont trust like that.
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lemonstars8583 · 2 years
The Timothy idea was based on how almost nobody checks the drawers after the Seek chase and I wonder if Timothy can spawn there and how it gets ignored constantly.
I really hope that you never encounter The Eyes-Screech combo, I had and it WAS TGE WORST I NEARLY DIED TO THIS BULL. Halt-Screech would be fun as a concept but I am also scared (shaking hands)
Seek and Rush, divorced over plates dgdhdhdhhffh. Seek immediately pulled out divorce papers the second Rush walked into the room because it knows Rush purposely put them up there for its inconvenience.
These two are extremely hilarious together. In the relationship, they are so stupid. Rush's brilliant (not) mega brain chucks out the dumbest idea and Seek is like, "hell yeah lets do it." This is how everyone learned Seek is fireproof after they fell into the fireplace. Constantly would set up pranks for the player by setting up traps for adding fake keys.
Now that they're divorced, they (Seek) is so fucking petty against each other. They're pretty civil but Rush can't help it but bother their ex-spouse and Seek would purposely trip Rush over even if the player gets to live.
Constant soap opera worthy fights over the dumbest things, played up for dramatics since Seek can't resist pulling out the acting and Rush eggs him on with more taunts.
It looks like they're fighting, they are fighting, but in the end it's just a fun show and there's no hard feelings after. Except the collateral damage of things when they were busy fistfighting each other.
The Glitch as a non-canon entity is cool as a character concept. As you said, the game broke so that part of the code manifest to get anyone out as it resolves the problem.
Canonizing it would be dope but it's meant to exist outside of the game.
Anyway I should talk about Figure and Halt because they look cool as hell. Their designs are amazing, the roblox models are great with the limitations of designs.
Halt's blue being the same as Light's making Light' advice hard to understand since players would think that it's Halt talking to them when it's Light trying to get their asses out. For a moment too long, I thought Halt was a big cat-ghost thing since I only saw their north star looking eyes an went "yep thats a cat."
And when i actually dodged Halt's teleportation and saw how they actually looks, its just a moving disco head.
The way the light moves is reminiscent of a big ol' lighthouse at night and with the human looking head, hmmm...
Im not doing figure this ask as I am brain empty.
My my, Screech was so annoying that your brain automatically nerfed them and you proceed to bring them around like a wet kitten being carried by the neck lol
-door not-anon
YES YES first of all RIP IM SO SORRY YOU HAD TO ENCOUNTER THAT AHAHA but like yesss i see seek as like. fairly level-headed, professional, chill, UNTIL something GREATLY frustrates it and it just blows a fuse, hence the very loud banging after you complete the chases. it is MAD. rush is like. constantly energetic and usually positive but also has a hell of a temper so its like. they both understand each others situation and relate to one another but. when they get mad at each other? good lord. hide the furniture or its gonna go flying HAHA, there's no real hard feelings harbored afterward but they just both need to Get The Rage Out. sometimes it even devolves into them just having fun and throwing things. seek doesn't like to show that side of itself to many (Hide is also an exception because its very grumpy too so they have Sibling Grumpy Time™ but rush's dumbass energy is like a planet's freakin orbit it just sucks everyone in.
also YES figure and halt are so cool i love them.. i like to imagine figure and eyes are friends because. well. figure's the only one who really cant look at eyes so there's hardly any uncomfortable incidents.
hide, halt, and eyes have their own little antisocial friend group. halt doesn't like having to stare at the wall the entire time they meet up to not upset eyes but it understands. they all want people to stay away from them and not violate their boundaries, Hide not liking people in the wardrobes too long, Halt wanting privacy in its separate domain, and Eyes hating to be looked at. They all get along well.
Rush, Ambush, and Seek all make up the Chasers Club (despite the fact i headcanon rush isnt actually going after the players at all, it just wants to run but if they don't hide in time it's just like "welp if theyre in the way what am i gonna do about it" but shhh) where they all hang out and talk about successes and failures in chasing down players. They tried to invite Halt but it declined. which resulted in Rush breaking into its home and forcibly bringing it. which wasn't fun for anyone (though maybe a little funny)
uhhh random jack fact uhhh he likes to practice magic tricks but is bad at it
ummmmmm that's all i have to say i love this little headcanon exchange tho its so fun sorry for the late reply this time my brain deflated
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bootheng · 1 month
I dread going to the grocery cause Im not stupid enough to have my earbuds on like some kind of antisocial loser but also i hate not talking to anyone… what im gonna be on a phone call while grocery shopping n annoy everyone else…? Get real
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exactoknife · 3 years
i think i come on too strong sometimes. f
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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temptation | g. suguru.
✫ tags ;; dark content ahead, stepcest, fem!reader (she/her pronouns + being called a girl), stepbrother getou, a general amount of delusion cause it's getou, slightest yan energy, richboy getou, college!reader, slight age gap, fingering, praise 18+
✫ wc ;; 1.9k (why. like.)
✫ a/n ;; im so nervous i could throw up LMAO. no extra thirsts abt this in my inbox cause im not really ready for all that yet but... here's this
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Getou isn't someone who's typically appeased by other people. He has a bit of an antisocial streak, a disdain for most of the people in the circle of rich socialites his father hangs around.
A new marriage and a divorced but rich old man marrying a woman curiously young for him. He was expecting to exchange pleasantries with the same kind of people he's used to meeting with. Vapid, annoying leeches and air-heads, other various people he finds insufferable. You'll be a woman like your mother, he bets it.
To his surprise, more than anyones, Getou really likes you.
Temptation is a funny thing. A dripping faucet, a slow build that at first feels like a drop in the ocean. It doesn't matter until it does, and when it does - anything can make the water tip over it. Just one drop, one push is all it takes.
There are a couple thing that Getou finds interesting about you. The first thing is that you didn't come from money. He learns this about you through a couple of family bonding activities his dad insisted everyone went on. In a cabin in the woods, you drink wine and you're careless when you drink. You talk too much and apologize right after, but Getou eggs you on.
Your father left and your mother married rich, but you remember struggling for years before than. Getou likes the way you talk - when you drink your drawl comes out. Not prim and not proper like how you greet his father. You're clumsy and younger than him and not careful. When you lean over the brick fireplace to turn something onto the TV - your panties flash at him and they're printed with cherries.
You're.. sweet. And not stupid or even naive, but there's something about you that's different. An awareness about who you were in opposition to the people around you. You identify intention almost too easy. Your quips go over most people's heads.
Not with him, though.
You're younger than him still, so sometimes you act a little bratty. You fuss - when you get comfortable with him. He picks on you for fun. You don't have enough caution around him, and maybe you shouldn't. After all, he's supposed to be your brother. Your big brother, four years your senior - he's supposed to take care of you.
So, it's entirely possibly you don't know. That you trust too much. That you're a little desperate for someone to care for you, in a way that doesn't feel shoddy. Maybe you have no idea about how you seem. How Getou looks at you when you descend down the stairs in shorts and no-bra. Maybe you don't think twice about how you get when you're drunk and your cleavage is pressed against his chest - parted lips and flushed face tiredly wanting to get taken home.
It's possible. Because you let your guard down around Getou, and you laugh at his jokes. The way you treat him, learn slowly to ask him for things. For advice. Something about the way you lean into Getou so easily. Your big brother - you sing praises for him to your school friends over the phone, and you smile big when his dad asks if he's being nice to you.
Tempting. Awfully, awfully tempting.
Getou doesn't think about it for a long time. He doesn't act on it even in the privacy of his own bedroom. It's just that his curiosity gets overwhelming. Sometimes he looks at you and thinks about how boys at college must be after you. He wonders how you flirt, how you bat your pretty lashes at the people you like, if you're too trusting when your heart gets caught in the palms of someone else. Some boy, who doesn't know you like he does.
When you come home that first year, after your winter break - you spend most of your time crying in your bedroom over some guy.
And Getou knows because he's the first person you tell. You knock feebly at his door with a pillow in your arms and Getou welcomes you with an amused smile. You tell him you're sorry, you want to drink, and that he was the only other person you could think of telling.
Getou listens and doesn't know how to feel. Most of it is conflicted. You ramble about some nameless boy and cry your silly little heart out, sob to your big brother. He cradles you, brings your head to his chest when you wail. You sound distressed, and part of him feels bad.
But the other part, more heinous - is staring at your bare thighs. How your shorts ride up and he can see your skin.
"C-can't believe I'm c-crying over a guy who didn't even make me cum." You manage through a sob.
And then you freeze, like how you always do when you've said too much. You pull back and your hands are on his chest and you come to this realization that that's inappropriate.
Getou sees it on your tear-stricken face, the final drop that breaks the dam are the tears that soak your lashes. The horror in your expression that you're too close. Too close.
He can't help his hand from patting your head. He brings you in again, lulls you into the secure arms of your nice big brother.
The word family has always been lost on Getou. He never knew of his mother and his father was cold at best. Your mom was sweet to him.
But with you, his sweet, young, and all too trusting little sister - he's starting to get the point. Because it's not right to make you cry. Because he should know your everything. He's sure not gonna break your heart.
"Do you want me to make you feel better?"
You look up. And he looks at you, dark hairs frame his face. He's always been attractive. Your friends tell you it's a shame he's your brother. You always agree. And your heart hammers when you hear him speak.
Sweet. So, so, sweet.
His hand reaches between your thighs, rubbing circles with his thumb. And your breath hitches sweetly, soft in the back of your throat. But you don't stop him, don't flinch way from his touches. You lean back.
"What're you..?"
"I don't like seeing you cry, you know that?"
He reaches forward. Leans into you, where you sit. His lips are too close, and he smells like cologne. The one you bough because of him to spray on your pillows when you're away from home.
"It makes me feel like I'm not a good big brother to you. I'm supposed to defend you. Make you feel better."
Close. Too close. You hear from people that Getou is good in bed. Despite having graduated your campus is full of rumors.
"W-we shouldnt.. you d-don't have too."
"I think I want to. And they don't have to do. Our house is big enough so mommy and daddy dearest won't hear. Are you frustrated?"
You nod. It's so small.
"I can fix that. Guys your age don't know how to make you cum, right?"
He gestures you into his lap and you go. Of course you go, you have no choice but to go. You seat yourself on his lap and face him. And he presses your weight down onto his cock, and he's so hard. It surprises you, and you gasp - make that look that you do when you're excited.
"Look how hard you get me. I always tell everyone how proud I am of you. Not to your face though."
The praise feels good. The adoration, love from a boy who is supposed to be no one to you. Just through circumstance, through that do you have him. It makes you nervous when he looks at you.
"T-thank you."
His eyes go wide. He kisses your temple and the act is reverent. He's not normally this tender, but you deserve the best. It's only normal to treat you like this. You're family.
Getou kisses you first. You're inexperienced and it makes him hard out of his mind. He only kisses you to ease your nerves but you seem to like it. Your fingers thread through his locks and you rut your soft hips over his cock. You get desperate fast and Getou paces you. Clumsy little thing you are, like little sisters always are. He reads about it, and knows you well. Bratty and impatient, you kiss like you have something to prove. Of course you do.
"Sit like this. I'll show you something nice."
You don't think to question him. Listening well, you sit in his lap - and you face the wall. And Getou lets his head rest on your shoulder and his hands slip into the waistband of your shorts. And his hands are so big, but warm. His other one rests on your throat.
"I know you do this a lot, yeah? I always hear you."
You whine and throb. Too trusting. He teases your clit with his middle finger, just lightly. Presses the damp fabric
"Does it bother you? I would listen to you when I worked from home. Wondered what you thought about."
His fingers move into your panties, no longer teasing you. He rubs soft little circles into your clit. His dick pressing into your spine as he does. You preen under his attention. You whimper a little, the way your hard clit is pressed underneath his fingers. Pleasure fills your stomach, molten. Mind filled with him. Big brother, always - before Getou. Always big brother, your favorite. You want to be his favorite too.
He rubs your clit soft and easy. You want more, and he laughs at you. Not callous but amused, endeared. He dips his fingers down lower and lower. The pad of his middle finger is eager against your hole. You flutter, soaking his fingers and choking on a breath when he moves forward. When he gives it to you, lets his middle finger push into your sweet little cunt until he's knuckle deep. He presses onto your gspot and your hands fly to his wrist.
"Desperate, much?"
"Don't be so mean."
"I can do whatever I want. I'm older than you."
You whine when he curls up. Gestures up before careful fucking you open with his ring finger. You whimper the sudden stretch, a light burn before you adjust. Getou lets his palm rest on your clit. He pumps his fingers out of your pussy and grits about how tight you are. How no boy on your campus deserves to fuck you, do you understand? That Getou gets to do this because you're his.
And you nod. You whimper in agreeance, stupidly getting fucked. You whine his first name. Your stomach gets so tight, the impending feeling of an orgasm rushing through you. Like a riptide, you cum - more than that. A rush of liquid sprays onto Getou's sheets and all over your shorts. You cum, harder than you ever have and Getou encourages you with a coo.
"See? See why I'm so proud of you?"
You whimper. Your stomach drops, because you feel something unexpected. The lust for more. For more Getou, more of this. It makes you dizzy.
"Do you want me to teach you more things?"
Your voice shakes.
"P-please teach me."
Getou grins. He really likes you.
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femme-malewife · 4 years
I don’t believe zodiacs are really accurate. Ye sometimes they’re fun to mess around with but they’re so??? stereotypical??? generalized???
And completely illogical.
The position of the stars don’t determine how my personality is. PERIODT. :^)
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chiruba · 3 years
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req. hiii bestie !! i can smell potential in this account, so i'm here for a request ! jjk boys' reaction to their s/o wearing a bunny girl/boy outfit (they lost a bet) ?? maybe with... megumi, inumaki and gojo ?? thank you and i give you all my love and support for your work!!!❤️❤️️
an. HII BESTIE!! i loved this req omg and thank u for supporting me!! hope i did this req justice <3
ft. gojo, fushiguro, inumaki x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k
genre. fluff
tw. a lil suggestive but like 99% sfw
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— this mf would be so cocky and teasing about it
— definitely the type to whistle and wiggle his eyebrows
— he's probably the one that made the bet with you
— and of course he made it knowing he'd win
"satoru!" you whine from behind the closed bathroom door, thoroughly embarrassed. "are you kidding? i'm not wearing this!" well, to be fair, you were already wearing it, but coming out of your sacred space the bathroom in it? absolutely not.
"come on!" you heard him say, his tone clearly teasing and excited. "you lost the bet, after all!"
"and you cheated to win!"
gojo let out a dramatic sigh, and you could practically imagine him pressing an exaggerated hand to his heart. "fine!" he said, letting out another sigh, "i guess our bets mean nothing to you."
"it's a stupid bet, satoru-"
"i understand, don't worry." you groaned, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend's usual childish antics. you could hear him shuffling from the other side of the door, "i'll just go to bed." you let a sigh, glancing to the large mirror to your right, your reflection staring back at you. you felt your face get hot at the thought of showing this to gojo. i mean, you could use it to try and get back at your boyfriend for all the times he'd teased you, and maybe even fluster him a bit? impossible, but a girl can dream.
"...fine." you grumble so quietly you're unsure if he even heard it - until you hear the giddy squeal come out of your boyfriend's mouth from the other side of the door, catching you so off guard that you can't help but let out a snort. before you even have a chance to do so yourself, gojo swings open the door and catches you as you stumble out.
he grins at you cheekily, one eyebrow raised and a low whistle sounding from his lips. "you were already wearing it?" he asks, and before you can respond a bright light flashes in your eye, and you realise he's taking pictures.
"satoru!" you go to cover your head, immediately regretting your decision. "i'm changing back right now!" you exclaim and try to rush back into the bathroom, only to be stopped by him pulling you back gently, his chest colliding with your body.
— he'd be so embarrassed even looking at you LOL
— doesn't mean he won't look though
— would probably be like "what are you doing?" all grumbly and annoyed
— but his eyes stay trained on you and the outfit
you didn't think last week that your saturday night would be spent waiting on your boyfriend's bed, dressed head to toe in a bunny girl outfit while you waited for him to get done showering. it originally began when nobara showed you a funny tiktok of someone else pranking their significant other while they were dressed in a bunny outfit, and you'd both joked about doing it to your respective significant others. you had teased nobara, doubting that maki would be flustered even by such an outfit, which then led her to tease you about how fushiguro wouldn't even bat an eye at it. and, well, here you are.
you want to blame nobara for this entire fiasco, but you can't help the scratch of curiosity you yourself have about your antisocial boyfriend's reaction. if you're being entirely honest, the thought of making him flustered makes you a bit giddy. you decide to wrap yourself in his bed covers, seeing that fushiguro's designated showering time is ending soon, and then duck your head under the covers like a child hiding from a monster. the door lock clicks, and you hear the familiar sound of the sliding door.
"what are you doing?" fushiguro asks, closing the door behind him as he makes his way over to the mound on his bed. you giggle and hug the covers closer.
"take a guess," you tease, and you were sure if you could see him he'd be rolling his eyes.
"i don't know," he responded bluntly, "are you cold? i'll warm you up." you could hear the slight grumble in his voice at the last part, clearly still getting used to voicing his affections. it made your heart flutter a little, and you decided to stop teasing, mostly because it was the first time today you'd be able to see your boyfriend's face. you quickly pulled the covers back, sitting up on his bed as you stared up at fushiguro with an innocent grin.
"wha?!-" fushiguro spluttered, pink immediately beginning to stain his cheeks. his mouth hang open as he stared at you, eyes rapidly glancing around your outfit. "what are you doing?" he asked, gulping obviously after his sentence.
"what do ya think?" you teasingly asked, deciding to stand up and give a quick spin around, only flustering fushiguro further. "maybe this should be my halloween outfit? oh, we could even match! you could be a magician-" fushiguro let out a noise similar to a growl, and the next thing you knew, you were back in his bed, covers one again wrapped around your body like a cloak.
"no." he said plainly, and you had to hold back your laughter.
"no? no what, love?" he scrunched up his face at the nickname, but you could tell he liked it just by the simple fact that he'd never told you to stop. your teasing smile dropped when he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting on your ear as he whispered,
"i wanna be the only one to see you that way."
— he got so flustered at first omg
— and said the one word that came to his mind - "wow."
— inumaki has such great control when it comes to his speech, he already knew it would be a safe word
— what he doesn't have great self-control over is, honestly, his love for you
— inumaki's just so amazed at how you're his s/o
— after he gets over his initial flustered reaction, he tackles you in affection <3
you were sure that you've never been more embarrassed in your life than now. nobara had suggested the grand idea of playing 'truth or dare' for girls' night, and sadly, your turn had ended up in maki's hands. you thought that maki couldn't come up with anything too bad, especially not this late at night, and so you went with the dare.
...and now here you are, dressed in a bunny girl outfit, standing in the middle of your boyfriend, inumaki toge's, room. the outfit was bought last halloween as a complete joke between the three of you, and you had completely forgotten about it afterwards, keeping it in the deepest part of your closet. how had maki even come up with that on the spot? damn her brains. your phone pinged, vibrating on inumaki's desk where you had put it, and you glanced over to see nobara's text;
'he's coming!!'
the simple message made your heart pound, your head frantically snapping back to look at the door as you waited for your boyfriend to come through. you held your breath when you heard a key being inserted into the door, and a small noise of surprise when inumaki realised the door wasn't locked. he quickly understood that you were most likely in his room.
"kombu-" inumaki froze, quite literally froze. it reminded you of the times he'd unzipped his collar and whispered the words "don't move,", his enemies bodies going rigid just as his just did.
you began to speak, and then realised, what the fuck were you meant to say in this situation? you'd been so focused on when inumaki would come through the door, you hadn't even thought about what to say when he did. you quite literally felt the way your heart fluttered when you heard inumaki let out a quiet breath, and you heard him whisper,
it was already rare to hear your boyfriend's soft voice, even when he was simply speaking in onigiri ingredients, and you were shocked that you had caused this much of a reaction from him.
inumaki finally took back control of his body as he dropped the plastic white bag full of late-night snacks he was out getting, quickly shutting the door behind him and rushing over to you. his arms snaked around your waist, and you stumbled when he pulled you from the middle of his room to his bed.
"toge!" you yelled, arms wrapping around him automatically. you giggled when he began bombarding you in kisses, kissing you on the tip of your nose, the corners of your mouth and continually along your jaw, each a sweet peck full of affection that was more than enough to convey inumaki's feelings. "toge," you whined, now lowering your voice, "maki and nobara are probably right outside the door!" inumaki continues to hold you close while he reaches into his shorts pockets, pulling out his phone and typing a quick message, still giving you sweet pecks as you read his text.
'too bad. ur mine now <3'
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ill give u a kiss goodnight if u reblog <3 
©  2021 sinrinyoku — please do not repost, translate, modify or plagiarize my work! i will beat the shit out of u (maybe)
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ive been going though a lot of death note stuff and ive seen a bunch of different ships (which i chill with like all of them idc what you ship)  but one of my favorite that i came across that i had never really though about was Matsuda x L. Now its not my otp and im fully aware that it could never happen in canon and im not here to argue about it either. 
the reason i love it some much is because ive spent like the past week thinking about the Wammy’s kids reaction. And it is wonderful.
(this is like an au where Kira gets caught and like non of the main characters die i haven't worked everything out )
I dont want to get into the logistics of how they find out, but imagine them learning that L is with someone and everyone loses their fucking mind because how. and then they learn its a guy some are a tad surprise but no one really cares and are more mad at themselves for doing some hetronormative bs. so now all this does it lower the possibilities of who it could be.
Now most of the kids of the kids try to find out and either give up or dont want to overstep boundaries except of 3 of them Matt, Mello, and Near. while Mello wanted to find out who it was on his own first they are able to have a truce to find out L’s partner’s identity, because like they really really really want to know. 
i would like to say at this point that the expectations for L’s partner at this point are through the fuck roof like the standards are sets so high L and Kira combined couldn't surpass it even with like the help from god or something.
It takes them month of intense investigation to find out anything and the finally are able to narrow down the suspect list one of those people being Matsuda. Near decided he is the most likely because he is was on the Kira case and is one of the few people to have ever actually net L in person and knew it was L in front of them.
So they focus their investigations on him.
They all think that this man must be intelligence because even if he isn't L’s partner he was on the kira case and every one who was working to catch kira must of had high intelligence right?
so near starts doing throughout research and background checks into this mans life as far as preschool. Matt carefully bugs the place and hides trackers everywhere he could think of. Mello has a different person following him every day. 
Near finds nothing unusual he has a clean record and good grades (i dont think  matsuda was an idiot like he wasn't L or Light smart but he was a detective at a young age and while idk how Japanese law enforcement works i imagine detectives have to be decently intelligent) , but besides him being mark for have excellent marks in the shooting range he found nothing that caught his attention. Near considered that these file were fake or at least tampered with just to protect him from standing out but didn't find evidence of that either. 
Mello was worried the he would notice being followed but he never seemed to notice and even if he saw the guy he would act friendly to them and once strikes up a polite conversation, witch had scared the paid stalker half to death and mello was shocked to see how one he was annoying nice, two didn't seem to see though the guys obvious lying, and three just seemed extremely naive and trusting. Mello didn't find anything that could show he was with L, but he expected this. what he did expect was how unlike the person he imagined. This guy regularly went to work and the gym and in his free time would go on jogs through the park and the shooting range, was very social and helpful to everyone he met . Mello had imagine someone much like the antisocial L not this butterfly. Something mello also noticed but would never admit to was how attractive he was like damn dude got muscles for days. Something he did note was if he ever got asked out by anyone male or female he would politely turn them down and it the person ever got pushy about it he would reveal he was in a relationship with someone else but never gave any details about them, Mello thought was a possible connection because he never saw him with anyone in a romantic fashion, but it could still him just being polite. One final thing he thought was strange was he was sometime a part time manager for the pop star model Misa... which was weird mello thought but whatever. 
Matt’s tracker didn't reveal anything mello didn't already find. the bugs didn't find anything other of the ordinary either. the guy watched TV sometimes and friends over that talked about mundane things and would often tell matsuda he was being annoying. He would sometimes call this girl Misa and they would talk about the most stupid of things. This guys was an idiot Matt though after hacking into his computer and find nothing of interest expect for some sad google searches of things that either everyone should know or at least should be common sense like seriously dude. their were a lot of sweet’s recipes though despite this guy not seeming to ever eat anything sweet. 
Once they got together and talked about their finding they were like no this man could not be him L would never be with someone so stupid, sociable, and well annoying. they were frustrated for wasting so much time and effort and no have to start back for square one. Matt removes the bugs and mello stops stalking the poor man and their investigation continues without a single break in the case.
(Now on L’s side of thing the reason they couldn't find a connection to Matsuda and L is because L is extremely careful to keep Matsuda a secret from anyone that could hurt him or try to use him to get to L. L will be gone for weeks at a time trusting  matsuda to be loyal and  matsuda was because god dammit he would of be a good bf or try to at least. and if they had investigated him a little longer they would of saw he went on a mysteriously paid for vacation to another part of japan and stay in a hotel with a Rue Ryuzaki for about 2 weeks) 
While the boys never give up on their investigation they do have other thing to focus on and while they still tried to find out who L was with the started to focus more of their energy on other things. until on day L invites them all to work on a particular difficult case. not necessarily because he couldn't solve it on his own but because it was suggested to give them a kinda “field training” with L.
And to much of their shock and dismay the only other person with them is the same fucking  matsuda that they had been investigating before.(after a while  matsuda quite the police force and worked and be with L full time) He didn't seem to add much to the the actually investigation but instead acted more like another Watari and did a lot of the physical work of the investigation , like going undercover and actually apprehending the suspect with other officers, things like that. 
At the end of the investigation they almost managed convinced themselves that this is just a coincidence and no way are they together yeah its jut a coincidence. 
that is until the end of the investigation and Matsuda give a like peck on L’s cheek. 
Near, Mello, and Matt while all doing it in different ways 
absolutely freak the fuck out.
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hanniejji · 4 years
rules: ship yourself with your favorite character and give headcanons on how your relationship would go
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→ tagged by: @bnha-homeroom
→ tagging: @wesparklebitch @bakutae @cellotonin @bnhcs @jojosmilktea
look it's asking for only one character. and it's not specifically asking for a bnha character. you can't expect me to choose one and not feel bad because the others deserve love too gjsbf so i chose two i wanted to do all of them but that's too greedy of me tksbd im sorry :'<
warnings: this will be long. that's it.
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quiet duo™
it I met someone like shouto I wouldn't even like him at all
but there comes my considerate and civil treatment to all even with my resting bitch face
i watch everyone from the back so id notice if this man is having a hard time with socializing
me too boi we can be both antisocial
but tbh it'd be a quiet relationship with an occasional me screaming from emotions because that's how I am
we're both going to be uncomfortable with pda at first because tbh i only do that when I'm sleepy but it's ok we gotta take baby steps sometimes
but that doesn't mean I won't mother him and we all know this baby is touch starved so yes im going to give u all of the love u deserve
"get some rest pls you've been training for hours"
"i made your favorite soba, take a break bitch"
istg I'm a mother not a girlfriend
"let's both annoy enji and use his credit card until he's broke"
like damn id be giddy if he ever looks at me with those cute confused eyes for help with simple things or if he looks at me and ask if he's doing it right
mother mode level 1038104729
also damn id give him every food I can make like I don't need to stress bake to bake him some sweets or whatever
he'd probably do the same for me since I tend to overwork myself when I'm into things
but,, honey,, I don't want you to burn the kitchen
like yes pls pull me away from my textbook because I really don't understand a thing and even if I don't I'm sure my brain will still make me go read it over and over again
im never good with listening to others comforting me
like yes thank you very much but words are never a big impact to me after hearing it so much from people who don't even care anymore
so I'd appreciate his silence when I'm sad and he'd just hug me for comfort
he understands that all I need is someone to keep me on the ground, not force their words upon me
tbh I'd be more sleepy when I'm around him
he's the right amount of warm and cool, he's perfect dkfks let me just rest on his left side for warmth or his right side for some cooling off and boom. sleep.
there wouldn't be much of a fight tbh
I'm an open minded person and even if I don't agree with someone's opinion I wouldn't give a fuck
it's probably going to take the both of us long before we both open up to each other because we're both secretive but it'll probably be me who'd give in first
he'll probably catch me in my sulking mood and ask
I may be a mom but I'm also a dad
I'd fight bitches who think bad of shouto I WON'T HESITATE BITCH
he has to stop me physically from attacking a mutt because these claws are ready for some scratching
we're so similar yet so different at the same time lmao
that's all :D
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have you heard of this man's voice??? have you heard of this man's voice??
because what the fuck
i will not be able to not be in awe whenever he speaks and im sure my stupid self wouldn't be able to stop staring
like please talk to me more
speak with your morning voice pls
bless my ears
bless my fucking soul
idk man how did i end up with him?? im stupid and he's smart and im clumsy and he can kill a bitch for just two seconds??!
pray for me because this man is going to tease me for being 5"0 and he's a fucking tower pun intended
he's probably going to end up teaching me how to use a shinsu because— and I quote— "you're going to end up dying without me" but it'll be a bad idea because there's no guarantee that I won't use it to prank him or mess with people who irritate me :D
he's stressed™
"nO. you can't beat up another admin"
"i swear to fucking god if u do that— oh fuck u"
"please do"
like how did you end up with a quiet evil little bitch like me? go get yourself an angel because you're an angel yourself, we don't fit man
but he's also a sweet mf uwu he'd end up mothering me instead of me mothering him
but it's gonna be nice to be pampered y'all can't understand the pain of being a mother to everyone
and yes we're bam and khun's parents now
excuse me while I climb this 6 ft tree
he probably loves cuddling me from behind and placing his chin on my head
"I'm not a furniture go get your chair"
he's an test admin, he's gonna be stressed and tired of taking care of a bunch of children so it'll be my turn to smother him in love uwu here's your favorite food, a massage, a tea, some cuddles, and a warm bath for u and only u
I can sleep on him so watch me ask for a piggy back ride just to sleep
and he can't deny me of that ride because I'd look sluggish and tired and sleepy and no one can say no to my face
ill kith his two moles uwu
honestly, we'd probably have petty arguments sometimes because of my idgaf attitude while he's more of a respectful + polite + appropriate person
let me have my freedom pls I don't like being uptight :((
and there goes my insecure ass because no, this man is too good for me, and im just stupid for giving it a try
and masking my emotions wouldn't work with him
he's gonna see it from miles away and he's going to confront me about what im upset about and he's going to blame himself for it because that's just how it is
but it's ok, it takes two for a relationship to work
we'd reassure each other from our insecurities and we'll be ok
he's probably going to treat me. like I'm some cat or something which I am
I'm pretty sure he'd be weirded out by my weird habits like yes I can sleep everywhere unless it's noisy and yes I stress bake and yes I drink coffee but still fall asleep and yes I love food give me food
he's an observant man, he's going to notice how I say no to thing even tho I want to say yes because I don't prioritize myself and he's going to scold me for it
we probably have a "us time" every so often because we both need to rest and just enjoy each other's presence
in other words, shouto and leroro deserve someone better than me :'D
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idwtkmsijwtptga · 4 years
I feel betrayed and backstabbed. Everyone I trusted stabbed me in the back. They make me feel like shit. They make me feel like I’m a disgrace to society and almost like they are ashamed of me. They are just a bunch of two-faced bitches. They manipulate my mom to be mad at me. Well, I’m so sorry mom you think I’m antisocial. I so sorry you hate me. I’m so sorry you are ashamed of me. I’m so sorry I can never be enough, I can never be the perfect daughter to you. I’m so sorry I upset you. You know what? IM SORRY I WAS EVEN BORN. I’m sorry I’m such a burden to you. I just seem to annoy everyone everyday. I hate who I am. Why can’t people just understand and accept who I truly am. It’s okay. I HATE ME TOO. Haha, jokes on you anyways, I hate me more than any of you could, let alone imagine. I just wish I could just die right now. Only problem is that I care about your stupid feelings unlike any of you would care about mine. Nobody gets me. I hope nobody crushes my dreams in the future. No one sees who I am. When it turned 2020, I thought I was never going to be sad again but guess what? Once I started to actually be happy my depression came back and was like, “haha, you thought bitch” and made everyone annoyed at me. I guess people are just cruel and selfish. They can never leave anyone alone. You think I’m alone because I’m antisocial where it is really just because I don’t like spending time with them because they upset me and make me sad. I can’t wait till I get older and graduate school, because once I do, I will do everything in my power to get as far away from you as possible and hopefully be happy. I hope I can surround myself with people that ACTUALLY care about me. If not then I’ll kill myself. I know that I’m gonna be dead in my own hands, that the cause of my death will be me. It’s not gonna be today or tomorrow, it’ll maybe not in the next few years, I just know that I’m gonna be The One who ends it all. All the pain, the sadness, just EVERYTHING. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later. I know it’s taboo but I also know it’s gonna be worth it. My soul is already dead. Why keep the body alive?
- ddead-but-still-alivee
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
bruv im still jus. wow. theres so much to say but. do u kno how good it feels... to be jewish, to accidentally fixate on one eric cartman & love him more than any other fictional character for almost seven years now, and then to see him in a little yarmulke, standing at kyle's side while he recites from the torah? do you know how validating that is?
i gotta get personal for a second here. idk how, but in the last few yrs my relationship with my own jewishness has been deeply influenced and intertwined with south park, as ironic and ridiculous as that sounds. i grew up secular, completely nonpracticing; as a child, i was only ethnically jewish, and saw jews as strictly an ethnicity, and a popularly hated one to boot. and it scared me. ive talked about it before, but as a child hearing about the shoah and about antisemitism, i couldn't understand. i thought it was looks for a while, which confused me, because ive got blonde hair and blue eyes and all my family that got caught up in nazi europe did/do too. i remember thinking as a second grader that i would've been spared for that reason; why didn't a good chunk of my family? but i grew up in a mormon neighborhood, with plenty of other blonde kids, and they stayed away from me like i had a disease. this was before puberty, before my hair got a little frizzier and my nose got a little bigger, when i looked just like any of them. but already, at age 8, i was an outsider. i wasn't one of them and i never would be, and they wanted me to know that.
and then i started to get it. it clicked even more once i got to high school and got called a kike every other day - but prior to high school, you know what i found, and you know what really pushed me towards understanding what being a secular jew in america meant? south park. and as a dumb little sixth grader with no critical thinking skills, you know what shaped my opinions on my own people? south park.
and that's good and bad. good because i do sincerely think kyle broflovski is excellent fictional representation for jewish people, maybe one of the top few ever shown on television. he gets on my nerves at times, but he's good through and through, he's well written and multi-dimensional, he's not a walking stereotype but he still has prominent jewish features that jewish viewers can look at and see in themselves, his morals and viewpoints and beliefs are obviously deeply influenced by judaism, hes deeply proud of his heritage and culture... and that all means a lot to me. and by the amount of jewish sp fans that adore kyle, it means a lot to them too.
the bad thing is, yeah, i can't deny it, during older seasons, cartman's treatment of kyle probably taught a lot of young and dumb viewers how to view jews in real life. have i, as a kyman shipper and cartman stan, justified that within a fictional and narrative context? yes. but it doesn't change the real-world effect; south park, but specifically cartman, since he's the mouthpiece, likely did cause some easily-influenced people to pick up antisemitic beliefs. did this contribute to the rise of the alt-right? debatable, but to some extent, possibly. was that m&t's intention and should south park be canceled and denounced? fuck no, i'll always love it lol, and fuck censorship. but it is something that should be taken into account.
matt and trey clearly regret that, and understand that it's no longer acceptable or fitting or needed in today's sociopolitical climate - or, okay, maybe they don't even regret it; they just understand that when fiction becomes reality, the fictional jackass isn't necessary when there's one right there in real life, sitting in the oval office, yeah? old cartman doesn't deserve or need a voice, not when real, awful people actually have one right now. and m&t are actively trying to change cartman for the better and really, really backpedal on his bigotry, while still doing it in a way that makes sense from a story-telling perspective. it's not a complete uncharacteristic change of character; it's shifting with the times and writing it into the character's arc so that it's a logical and plausible development in cartman's story.
cartman's behavior in the last few seasons is consistent character development. m&t themselves are pushing it, and clearly it's sincere; cartman's not faking. unless they're building up a surprise twist over the last, what, three to four seasons, that he was faking the whole time! woah! if so it better be a damn good pay off, because that's a lot of time invested. though that seems more forward-thinking than sp tends to be. they're intentionally stuck in the short-term, aren't they? plot-wise. but their character development is pretty long-term, and right now, cartman is consistently decent, and if it comes across as faking, it's because cartman's over-dramatic in how he speaks, and trey does that intentionally.
that's a tonal thing, and it's hard to say in a fictional character, but as someone who struggles with empathy myself, empathy and sincerity don't go hand in hand. you can lack empathy while still caring enough to sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for something and mean that apology. not feeling remorse doesn't mean you can't apologize genuinely; the two don't go hand in hand. you can be mentally ill in any capacity, even a psychopath, and still deeply care about things or people, just not in the way someone else might. so you can headcanon that cartman's still a psycho/sociopath, though right now that's actually kinda going against canon, but don't rain on other's parades if they're happy he's exhibiting healthy growth. besides, and i repeat: what could cartman exploit out of faking sincerity for several seasons? nothing, so why bother? he wouldn't, unless it's literal in-show subconscious growth.
does that mean he's magically developed empathy? no. is it becoming less probable he's a legitimate sociopath/psychopath (while still possibly having better-disguised antisocial tendencies)? yes. does he seem to have better coping or anger management skills? somehow, yes! he seems to be legitimately healthier. does this mean he's no longer accountable for his past misdeeds, and even his present, less-severe ones? of course not! and you can still hate him all you want, but modern cartman is not the same as older cartman, and shouldn't be treated as such. because is this growth? absolutely.
he's clearly healthier, even happier. he's less angry, he's still a little shit but he no longer relies on bigotry or cruelty or anger to get the negative attention he thrives off, rather he gravitates towards being simply annoying. you know why he called ice? pettiness, immaturity, a little bit of spite, and a need for silly revenge. he's being intentionally petty, but going about it in a sly but no longer psychopathic way. less hannibal lector and more, idk, regina george, lol. extremely different on the antagonist scale. and cartman's been both.
and maybe it's personal bias on what type of human is worse within fiction, someone unstable and bizarre with violent tendencies (which is how he's come to be viewed in pop culture & some of the fandom, as a result of eps like scott tenorman must die), versus someone inclined towards pettiness and more silent and, i dunno, social-status-and-pride-driven types of revenge (cartman in general when he's not being particularly awful, tbh)... but i think it'd be pretty universally agreed that the latter is at the very least more tolerable, manageable, and even likeable - and certainly more redeemable. let's put it this way; if cartman continued on the path he was on, he'd be one of those tiki holding fucks, wearing a confederate flag hat, and he'd treat kyle soooo much worse. instead, m&t have turned him into a hypocritical false-woke ignorant dumbass - but that's strongly less problematique than it's counterpart, and it works.
because cartman simply serves a different narrative purpose now. and that's not sloppy writing; it's well-timed evolution of a character that stepped into a pre-9/11, pre-trump, pre-social media world! so much has changed, and south park is reflecting that in its characters, most notably in a character who was stuck in the, what, 1960s with his beliefs? that was fine way back when, but matt&trey are smart dudes - they understand that sometimes things have to change. besides, they love cartman, too. he's their favorite. but they understand that when real people act like him, it's not so comedic or satirical or funny, & they don't want to look at cartman, at their creation who they've invested twenty-two years in, and see the all-too-real hate of modern radical white america.
i think we know enough about matt&trey's social stances these days, and the empathy they've seemed to develop after having kids, to understand that they're no longer in their "apathy is best, everyone is stupid" phase. current south park is left-leaning and admittedly preachy at times, but i wouldn't want it any other way. g-d knows it's better this way than if they'd embraced and decided to appeal to their right-libertarian following instead. cartman's evolved in a progressive and positive way, and it's fucking dope, especially to us cartman stans who so badly want him to be good. and he is good right! he's doing so good!
and i know im up my own ass rn but yall know how much i myself have campaigned for jewish kyman/cartman and how much i just deeply and truly adore it, and to see it actualized in a canon episode to some extent? that meant the world to me. i couldn't believe my eyes. i was tellin lai - that's the most genuine, pure, almost violent happiness ive felt in my soul in years. that was like a straight shot of serotonin to the heart. that simple little scene made me so fucken happy yall dont even know. & theres a lot to be said about the political commentary and plenty of other people are analyzing that, but im a simple jewish kyman & cartman stan and boy ive been fed good fjskfkdkdkfk!!!
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yingandyangspirit · 4 years
Warning! Half asleep dream story it's a little messy but motivational
So, I have an extremely toxic trait of ruining my life by going mia on my jobs when I feel I need some personal time and im feeling antisocial or if I dont feel liked which with bpd is a constant battle we think everyone hates us which is also how I lost my two previous jobs lol but anyway I was having a dream the beginning is hazy but someone was testing my phone I think idk and she texted Jody foster idk why that name either into a group chat with my coworkers and everyone started shitting on her calling her annoying no one likes her shes a spy she talks to much goes and tells people stupid stuff they don't care about etc and I'm like fuck this shit that's how they feel about me im not going and im not telling anyone fuck this job the whole 9 but then i was like you know what no i need to go i need this job i just won't talk at all which is impossible for me and when they see im to quiet they always ask if im ok but anyway moral of the story i think thats some serious personal growth and im pretty proud of myself usually dreams you're like fuck it lets be toxic but I tried to get over it and be better ive put so much effort into changing and becoming a better person i really feel and see the changes that are happening its a long process but im getting there and i will succeed my bad for this long confusing ass post im half asleep but I just had to write this dream before I forgot the whole thing and I have no one else to tell this to lol so here you guys go
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thefeckisthis · 4 years
i’m baack!
nope, you might have hoped that I stopped writing and Im sorry to disappoint you because i didnt. #sorrynotsorry
just havent written for a while, things happened, world shut down and all. now im back with bit of bitching again. and again im not sure how long this will be, and what exactly will i write but i feel like giving out about some stuff and some people, so stick around! first of all, in a way i wonder how antisocial my life is because this staying at home isnt much different than my everyday introvert (people hating) life. im surprised tho, i still work full time, finished dan browns origin that took me over a year to finish (might tell you how interesting it is compared to all his previous ones that I read in under a week). started new book, finished it in a week and a half, started a new one. so book reading is going well, i walk my dog often sometimes for over an hour, almost finished better call saul (great show if you watched breaking bad, explains a lot!), went back to my laptop gaming (sorry ps4 and sorry money i spent on it), btw im playing witcher 2 and sims 4 mostly. spent hours sometimes watching YT. worked out every second day, did online dancing classes, my time was fullfilled. work has been hectic because of some people, then this virus making it bit more hectic, then people making my life hectic, my anxiety was spiking, ya know, usual march in your life. dont ask me how did i manage to do all that
im not actually anxious because about getting virus, im happy to stay home, but things chained up, one after another and i used books and games to keep me occupied :D
things come and go, you just need to know how to control not yourself, but how you react to those things.when times get tough, you need to get tougher!
now lets get to the bitching part.
ha notice the new ‘’keep reading’’ part? stupid of me to not put it sooner.
Im a weird one. i know. ive been told that many times. with that im difficult one as well. just mixture of everything. what im mostly interested in is people and peoples minds, and no, i would never be a sociologist or psychologist as im at the same time really annoyed with people and lack of communication. and you know that most of people are assholes. at the same time im an introvert, and i have social anxiety but i also like to experience new things and go places and do things that involve other people. i dont say im smart or better than anyone, i did experience in multiple situations that many people are not on the same level as me and makes me wonder how did you survive till this point in your life?
take this pandemic for instance. all the panic buyers and people reading and believing everything they see on tv (watch V for Vendetta and it will make you question things). the simple rule is dont go out. and what people do? they go out. like since when do you hike every day? bullshit sit at home and watch tv. if youre smart youll do something useful. kids coughing at people around as  part of the challenge, like wtf? how are we still allowed to reproduce as a race? is brain dying out with every single generation? Maybe the world did deserve this virus, survival of the fittest, if you get what i mean.
anyway lets go back to people again. (like i talked about something else). im such a why person and i tend to see through peoples bullshit. i always say that honest communication is best way to avoid bad situations. 
and being honest requires some balls, and this year some people have been proving they dont have any. usually i dont believe in second chances, if i do give someone a second chance then there is a good reason. but like when i give someone three opportunities to be honest and the other person keeps on bullshitting and they know i know its not true, thats where i draw a line. its mostly for me to see how far can one person go and treat me in that way. if i do persue that long be sure that i know what youre saying is not true, i just want to know how far can you go. one thing is if people change their minds, ok, i dont mind, let me know. treating me as im stupid thats downright disrespectful and low blow. i keep seeing that thats more reflection of who they are and not who you are and you all should keep that in mind. 
as said, im an introvert, i wont text someone first mostly and my close friends know that and dont mind, they dont think i hate them, we’re still friends. my method is mirroring, how you treat me thats how i treat you. if youve ever wondered why i treat you the way i do, step back and think about your own actions.
in these days of modern technology  our everyday communication is through mobile phones and the easiest way is to pretend you didnt see something or something like i didnt have my phone with me. 
like cmon, it 2020. we both know its bullshit. just stop being an asshole and be honest, grow some balls and tell that person what is actually up. whether its your friend, family, someone youve been talking to - little honesty goes long way and can solve many problems. no one deserves to be treated that way and it only reflects bad on you.
i know its hard, it is way easier to just ignore and pretend it doesnt exsist and hope it goes away, but its not the way. i had situations like that, and being a person who always wants to know why i always want to give people the reason why, either if they ask me or if the situation requires it. i had situations when someone was trying so hard around me and i wasnt feeling the same way but i told them honestly what is up, yeah, some of them stopped talking to me which i completely understand and with some i still talk to this day, some of the even thanked me for being honest.
COMMUNICATION is the key kids, dont be cowards.
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