#PS the new tile is blue
elephantbitterhead · 2 years
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Redoing the sloppy work of The Demons. That first picture tells you everything you need to know about the shitfest tiling job we’re eradicating -- please also note the way they created a missing-jigsaw-piece nightmare to fit their massive waste pipe against the wall. That’s naked plasterboard behind the L-bend in the pipe. 
So far, the new tile is going well -- all hail the laser level.
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anamelessfool · 1 year
There is something called "music" on Earth...
The @petrifyingpapas Challenge Week 1 Prompt: Resurrection
Reader & Papa Emeritus (Any), Nameless Ghouls
Rated T for general espookiness. I used the lore from my own AU to write this. (PS It was fun!)
Shoutout to my ghesties @historian-crown and @monkberryghouldelight
Find my stuff on AO3 (18+ MDNI)
The Void held Nothing. The Void held you. You have always existed here, swaying softly in the oily blackness like weeds below the seas of Earth, tumbled by the tides. At times memories, feelings, connections dart past you and within you. Your siblings connect across the infinite space with you, swapping stories, jokes, and laughter through means that only your kind understand.
You know about Earth. Your siblings, once they returned to the swaying energies of the Void, would share their memories with you. Birds were a popular topic of interest— creatures that flew through what is called air, singing songs and fluttering on wings of every color imaginable. There is something called the Sun there, which holds a bright and healing warmth, and something called a Moon that changes her face and touches you in the darkness with a silvery light. Both are apparently wonderful. But music…music is something you have heard about constantly but are eager to experience. There is something called music on Earth, and with music comes the thrill of letting it flow within a space, leaving its inhabitants forever changed.
There is suddenly something before you within the Void, a pinprick of light. It reminds you that you have eyes. You blink them now, slightly blinded by this new sensation of seeing something. The pinprick of light dilates into a circular sign of intriguing complexity. Waves of excitement dart through the webs of connection you share with others of your kind. There is joy and anticipation, congratulations and smatterings of advice.
You recognize the symbol before you immediately. It is your symbol, and yours alone. It hovers above a square of perfectly soft golden light, a beacon for you. Someone is calling out to you, drawing you close to them.
You will yourself towards the symbol, towards the light, and you arrive as soon as you desired to move. The square of light undulates softly, like the surface of water. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you slowly push your head into the space, the energy yielding around you.
At first you see eyes before you, and you feel a jolt of fear. One eye is blue, like yours, and the other is a pale white that you recognize immediately. You know that this eye was a Gift from the Void, bestowed on this figure with great reverence and ceremony. When you look into this eye, you feel the comfort of your Home. Your fear dissipates.
The figure holds out their hand to you, and you grasp it with your fingers— when did you yourself receive hands? But before you can focus your worries on that you feel his grip tighten and he begins to pull. You have the instinctual need to push yourself further out the opening. You wrap your new arms around his solid body, holding him tight. He pulls his arms in turn around you, walking backwards, guiding you out from the portal. At last a clawed foot, your foot, touches the marble tile floor. One foot, and then the other. Still clinging to him, you take your first steps in this place called Earth. He helps you sit gently down onto the floor. Your limbs are rubbery, weak.
You feel your first unpleasant sensation. A pain that pricks your skin like a thousand little needles. Your muscles shake and wobble. You bring your new arms weakly up across your chest, feeling your new heart beat within your chest.
“Come now, tesoro, your body is cold.” His voice is kind and welcoming. You feel a soothing warmth as he wraps a robe around you, clothing you. Your siblings had mentioned that something called “clothing” was necessary in this place. He is kneeling before you and you can study him more carefully with your new sense of sight.
His face is painted in a depiction of a fierce skull that in some ways contradicts the kindliness of his eyes. He is dressed in vestments that have been described to you by the others with reverence and love. He is a figure that has been imprinted on the brains of your kind for over two thousand Earth years. He is, indeed, Papa Emeritus, and you out of all the others have been chosen by him. Now you understand their excitement and their joy for you.
“Welcome, my ghoul, you have arrived.” He smiles gently, looking deep into your eyes. You smile back behind your mask, and although he cannot see your expression, he can feel your relief and devotion radiate from all around you.
WHAT WILL I BECOME? You ask him, hanging your thoughts in his mind. You do not have the means to have a true voice that flows through the air. You know can ask him anything, and that he will understand and respond with kindness and understanding.
He reaches out a hand and rests it on the top of sculpted metal of your mask. The sensation of touch is intoxicating. You close your eyes, luxuriating in the moment like a satisfied cat. He strokes your head gently, affectionately, and your thrill deepens into a wonderful glow that expands throughout the whole space.
“A star,” Papa says to you. “A musician.” He lets out a pleasant chuckle. “And damn good one!”
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Find my stuff on AO3 (18+ MDNI)
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fallout-boiiiiii · 2 years
Wave four post hiatus
Truant Wave (2011)
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New one! This one is all tans and browns with a highlight of lime green. I kept this with all brown, tan, and white except for a few spots. The quarters have a tan gingham to keep a simple background I can paint the green geometric shape from the album art on. The eye stays have a lime green alien print to add a pop of color and pattern. I intend to replace the laces to make them lime green, and also in lime paint the PS initial logo on the heels. It says to paint the limited track list across the four side stripes but I probably wouldn’t do so when making the actual shoes, for I fear it would be too busy. Two lace charms, one for each shoe, a silver hand mirror to represent vanity (Porcelain, Cute Girls) and a stack of money to represent greed (As Long As I Know I’m Getting Paid, Love, Selfish Love)
Soul Punk (2011)
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Soul Punk doesn’t change a ton. Pictured is a better paint design for the geometric graphic that will go on the quarters. It won’t include the words as pictured, it’s just there to show the dimension with three different colors, like the Truant Wave shape. A Soul Punk logo will be embroidered onto one heel. It will actually have to be embroidered since the heels are glitter- no painting over that, so I’m doing it only for one. If I can sew teddy fabric over the tongues on the Folies I can embroider one heel. Lace charms: one will get a silver cursive P and the other a matching S. The S shoe will also get a silver devil charm, simple, like the emoji, representative of the “sins” expressed within the album. (Adultery, Excessive Drinking, Greed, Sex, Vanity, Spite, etc.)
Save Rock and Roll (2013)
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First, I’d replace the laces to be a beige/light tan to pull the tan tones from the album art. One shoe would get a silver rock and roll hand sign lace charm (self explanatory) and the other would get a pin of a lit match (matches the quarters while calling back the fiery spirit of a previous design without deviating from the color scheme). The toe of one shoe would get a grayscale patch of a falcon. This calls back to the Youngblood Chronicles music video for the Phoenix, as well as harkens to the album’s spirit of freedom. The opposite toe will have the anti-music symbol from the YBC and “YBC” (self explanatory).
Pax Am Days (2013)
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Pax Ams my beloved. Simple add ons to a simple design. On the heels of each shoe I’ll add the symbol pictured from the Youngblood Chronicles and on the tread of each shoe where there isn’t checkerboard I’ll write “Pax Am Days” in the Pax Am font pictured on the album. One shoe will feature a silver and black barbed wire pin.
American Beauty American Psycho (2015)
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Also very simple customizations! Replace laces with a glittery light gold as pictured. One shoe will have the gold and blue firework pin as pictured. On the heels of each shoe will be embroidered “beauty” and “psycho” (which Vans can do for me if I pay extra)
M A N I A (2018)
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Lace charms lace charms lace charms. One shoe will have the simple silver tile with a wave. The other will have the Rx symbol in silver (mania) and a purple heart. On the tread of both I’ll paint out “mania” with the correct spacing between letters (see above). I’ll also replicate the font pictured on the album. On one heel I’ll sew on a black FOB mania-era wave triangle patch. On the other I’ll paint the lyric “last blues we’re ever gonna have” from Bishop’s Knife Trick.
Llamania (2018)
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New again! And I knew this one had to look insane without looking like a mess, so, hence patterns upon patterns. Llamania by “frosty and the nightmare making machine” vibe wise is sort of Mania’s even more mentally ill evil twin. It’s also unfinished scrapped songs from Mania, so my concept buzzword here was: scattered. We’re talking incomplete thoughts, harebrained, got a couple screws loose but in a really interesting way. The primary colors on both the album art and the shoe are purple and black, solidifying it’s presence as the darker twin to Mania. If Mania pictures the scary highs, Llamania pictures the scary lows. One shoe will have a silver llama charm, self explanatory. For the laces I chose a simple print, black and white polka dots, but alternating colors. This print is a Vans original. For the heels I want them black with a repeating, layered question mark print as pictured. Then for the quarters, I decided to keep them purple and have a repeating realistic eye pattern. Over top of the eyes I’m going to layer a glitch effect in shades of blues and purples.
Lake Effect Kid (2018)
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I love this design. It’s probably my third favorite overall. Not adding terribly much here, one shoe will get a silver lace charm of Illinois with a heart in the middle. One toe will get the classic Fall Out Boy symbol patch and the other will get the lyric “I love you Chicago” from City in a Garden. Best part overall, possibly my favorite aspect of the entire design, chunky hot pink yarn laces. Reflecting the yarn tears of the boy on the album.
Believers Never Die: Volume Two
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This says I’ll get each shoe black FOB lace locks but I’m unsure if I want to keep that idea. Other than that, the featured lace charms are a silver skeleton (self explanatory) and an ice cream cone. The ice cream lines up with several merch releases and promotional advertising in line with Dear Future Self and the Believers two ad campaign of stretching out summer. The old Folie era Fresh Only Bakery truck was repainted as a Dear Future Self ice cream truck where they (similarly to the Folie donut truck) handed out custom tshirts. Melting ice cream was featured on those shirts, on the single album art for DFS, and in the DFS music video. The custom shirts mention their goal to “stretch summer into fall”. Pete also appeared for a photo opt on the Stranger Things 3 Scoops Ahoy ice cream parlor set. There were also yellow DFS tshirts picturing melted ice cream released at Hot Topic. The attached design photo also says painted on the tongue but I think it means the toe because the tongue is obstructed by laces. Anyway, on one shoe it’ll have “drunk on cheap whiskey in an airport hotel” from Dear Future Self. The other shoe will have “no one ever thinks of you as much as I do” from Bob Dylan. Alternatively, these quotes could be moved to the heels. They’re a little wordy for the heels which was probably my original concern but I think they’ll look cleaner there, so I’ll either change the quotes to condense them or paint small!
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earaercircular · 1 year
In Saint-Léon close to Bordeaux is located a “laboratory” that gives new life to plastic waste
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At the crossroads of contemporary design and the circular economy, the Plastiquerie manufactures sustainable furniture from recycled plastic.
So what do the big yellow and blue bags from Ikea or the construction helmets from the manufacturer Vinci have in common? They are made of a plastic material that can be recycled to make new objects. “Recycled plastic is a material with endless possibilities that I want to make known to designers. It’s a bit like the marble of the Anthropocene”, explains Julie Robert, co-founder of La Plastiquerie [1] based in Saint-Léon[2], about thirty kilometres south-east of Bordeaux.
Shelves, furniture or floor tiles
Since 2021, the independent artistic director has been passionate about this raw material, she has learned the properties of in order to manufacture designer objects and furniture. The association recovers plastic waste in polypropylene (PP)[3], polyethylene (PE)[4] or polystyrene (PS)[5]  to give them a second life. “PET[6] waste such as plastic bottles already benefit from recycling solutions. I focus on families of plastics that are still poorly revalued”, she specifies. Protective films, water tubes from construction sites or industry off-cuts from yoghurt pots are thus treated in a 100 m² workshop housed in the premises of the Syndicate of the Entre-deux-Mers-West-region for the Collection and Treatment of Household Waste[7].
There, under a sheet metal shed, a shredder and a hot press transform the collected waste into confetti and then into large recycled plastic plates that will be used to make shelves, furniture or floor tiles. “La Plastiquerie is a laboratory where we develop prototypes of objects resulting from the recovery of plastic. From cans and flowerpots, for example, I imagined a wall light that saves 980 grams of plastic from landfill and incineration,” explains the entrepreneur.
"Companies want to recycle their own waste"
Although the Plastiquerie was co-founded with another woman, Amandine Boutang, Julie Robert now works alone, sometimes helped by an intern and supported by a board of directors, on her experiments with furniture designed in recycled and recyclable plastic. She is thinking about a waste sorting cabinet for the canteen of the Suez[8]  headquarters in Occitanie-Nouvelle Aquitaine[9]. For the Bordeaux start-up Arits[10], she is working on the design of a lamp. A bank has also just approached her for an interior design project…
"Companies come naturally to the association because they want to recover their own waste or participate in the circular economy", rejoices the forty-year-old who wants to sharpen her expertise on recycled plastic to convince designers to adopt it. Two years after the launch of her project, Julie Robert draws a positive balance sheet: “I discovered the world of the circular economy where the actors are positive, imaginative people, full of energy and solutions. A world in which a great breath of optimism is sweeping in which I find myself.”
Florence Donnarel, A Saint-Léon, un «laboratoire» pour donner une nouvelle vie aux déchets plastiques, in : Libération, 9-01-2023, https://www.liberation.fr/forums/a-saint-leon-un-laboratoire-pour-donner-une-nouvelle-vie-aux-dechets-plastiques-20230109_72VUV54KQJBBJGALYJ2C2FTORQ/
[1] Plastic is far from fantastic when it comes to recycling. At La Plastiquerie, we collect non-recycled deposits to revalorize them and produce small and medium design series. Its objective: to transform plastic waste into highly desirable objects and furniture! http://www.laplastiquerie.com
[2] Saint-Léon is a commune in the French department of Gironde (Nouvelle-Aquitaine region) and has 242 inhabitants (1999). The place is part of the arrondissement of Bordeaux.
[3] Polypropylene is the second-most widely produced commodity plastic (after polyethylene). In 2019, the global market for polypropylene was worth $126.03 billion.
[4] Polyethylene (generic acronym PE), or polyethene, refers to ethylene polymers. Simple and inexpensive to manufacture, PEs are the most common plastic material, representing with 100 million tonnes, approximately one third of all plastics produced in 20186 and half of packaging.
[5] Polystyrene (PS) is a synthetic polymer made from monomers of the aromatic hydrocarbon styrene. Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight. It is a poor barrier to oxygen and water vapour and has a relatively low melting point.[6] Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production being several million tonnes per year.[7] Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be coloured with colorants. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and in the jewel cases used for storage of optical discs such as CDs and occasionally DVDs), containers, lids, bottles, trays, tumblers, disposable cutlery,[6] in the making of models, and as an alternative material for phonograph records.
[6] Polyethylene terephthalate (or poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P), is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, and thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins.
[7] The Syndicat de l'Entre-deux-Mers-Ouest pour la Collecte et le Traitement des Ordures Ménagères (S.E.M.O.C.T.O.M.) (Syndicate of the Entre-deux-Mers-West-region for the Collection and Treatment of Household Waste was created by prefectural decree of January 28, 1980. It is a closed mixed syndicate governed by the General Code of Territorial Communities and therefore a public service. Bordered to the north and south by two rivers (the Garonne and the Dordogne) which gave the name to the territory of "Entre-deux-Mers", it is located to the south-east of the Urban Community of Bordeaux and is covers an area of 666 km². It partially or totally brings together 7 communities of municipalities as well as part of the Libournais urban community (CALI). It brings together 85 municipalities and more than 110,000 inhabitants. https://www.semoctom.com/web/fr/11-semoctom.php#:~:text=Le%20Syndicat%20de%20l%27Entre,et%20donc%20un%20service%20public.
[8] Suez a Belgian-French company known as GDF SUEZ after 2008. The company was split up, and as of 2008, the 1858-created company's spun-off environmental business continued as a separate company under the Suez name.
[9] https://www.suez.fr/fr-fr/nous-connaitre/notre-presence-en-france/occitanie
[10]The Bordeaux-based startup Arits, which manufactures sun, has imagined a brilliant lamp, which illuminates interiors with an unprecedented technology. The company aims to reproduce the entire cycle of the sun at home. From sunrise to sunset, passing through the Zenith or the Golden Hour..https://arits.fr/
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harringtonstudios · 4 years
poached eggs.
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plot: he makes you breakfast. 
A/N: i watched this interview once and it hasn’t left my mind since. i am in love <3 ps: this is super duper soft!
You’d been sleeping off the accidental hangover you’d gotten last night when there was a shuffling of the blanket around you. Not even opening your eyes, you grumbled out, lazily moving your arm to the left, meeting warm skin.
At your touch, Colson paused, slowing his movements down so as to not wake you. You shifted over, turning to face him as you cracked open an eye, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. He winced as you mumbled out, “What time is it?”
“Like nine am. Go back to bed, you’re all good,” he softly assured you, letting your hand fall off his stomach as he fully got off the bed. You watched him grab the nearest shirt, pulling it on as he ran a hand through his hair. You groaned a little before moving on the bed, closer into the middle where his warmth still radiated off of the bedsheet. 
Pulling up the blanket over your head, you mentally cursed him out before returning back to your sleep state. The dull headache had already reared its ugly head the minute the light in the room had appeared and you desperately wanted to try and get a couple more hours in before you had to become a real person. 
There was a crash and you opened your eyes, blinking as you wondered if it was worth your time. There was a rush of sounds following and then complete silence filled the house. Wincing just a little as you got up, you reached for your phone, checking the time. It was almost one in the afternoon and you sighed at the missed calls lighting up your screen. 
Putting your phone back down on the dresser, you brought your hand up to your eyes, rubbing them. Walking to the bathroom, you stumbled over a pair of jeans lying on the carpet, letting out a breath before moving onto the cold tiles of the bathroom. 
Taking in your appearance, you can’t help the little smile on your face. Your hair’s was a total mess, head still spinning regardless of the sleep you’d drunken in, but the faint purple bruise on the side of your neck had you grinning at the mirror. 
Usually, this wouldn’t happen. You both weren’t big on noticeable hickies, preferring to leave them in secret places that only the two of you would know about later. But lately, quarantine had kept everyone indoors and everyone in the house already knew about the unusual relationship you and Colson had. Marking up your neck hadn’t seemed like a big deal, not when Colson had casually lingered a little more at your sweet spot, had peppered you with kisses right after he’d sucked the hickey in. 
Pushing out the memories of last night, you picked up your toothbrush from the cup where it sat with Colson’s blue one. Using the weird toothpaste he liked, you brushed your teeth and washed your face, tapping light fingers on your forehead where the hangover sat. 
Pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a nicer shirt, you brushed out your hair, leaving it down to cover the marks on your neck. Picking up your phone, you called back the first person you saw, dealing with the little small-talk as you went around picking up clothes from the bedroom floor. Everything was mostly Colson’s, scattered on the carpet, taking up space. Your own clothes were either from the duffel bag you’d packed a couple of weeks ago or his extensive t-shirt collection. 
After two conversational phone calls, you’d cleaned up the room to your liking. Opening up his windows, you reveled in the fresh air and the sounds of people in the pool before leaving the room, stomach grumbling at the lack of food. 
Taking the stairs down to the kitchen, you eyed the pot of water sitting it on the stove. There was no one around and you groaned internally, wondering how many times you’d have to chastise the boys about leaving things unattended. There was no one around, the door to the pool open and you knew that they’d decided to chill out there today. 
The cups from last night were gone off the countertops, but as you got into the kitchen, you noticed that there were a couple of dishes thrown in the sink and that the toaster had been moved from its position to the main table. Maneuvering around the countertops, you reached for a bowl from the cupboard, eager to get something in your stomach. 
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist and you elbowed the stranger as you grabbed the bowl. 
“Hey,” mumbled Colson, still leaning against your back. 
“Hey yourself,” you responded, awkwardly turning around so you could face him. 
He spotted your bowl at the moment and immediately his face lit up as he stepped back, hands resting on the countertop opposite yours. 
“I learned how to poach an egg today,” he proudly declared, hat skewed on his head, hair flopping over his eyes. 
“Really?” you responded, “Who taught you?”
“Nat. We did it for a video,” he said, fingers tapping against the counter. 
You didn’t know who Nat was, but you nodded appreciatively before laughing out a little, “So you gonna show me or?”
“Can I? I’ll make you breakfast,” he offered and you pretended to mull it over, bringing up a hand to your chin. He grinned, knowing he’d won you over with the promise of breakfast. 
“Yeah,” you mumbled out and within a second, he’d pulled the bowl from your hands. 
Opening up the fridge, he pulled out an egg and an avocado, putting them into the bowl. You bit your lip, confused at what exactly was happening but moving out of his way as he reached behind you, pulling out a strainer spoon. 
“What’d you need me to do?” you asked as he put everything down on the counter, picking up the pot you’d spotted earlier. 
“Nothing. Just stand here and look beautiful. Shouldn’t be too hard,” he vocalized, winking as he turned on the water before dumping the contents of the pot out. 
You laughed before raising your hands up in defeat, mumbling back out a, “Not hard at all.”
After he filled up the pot, he moved back to the stove, playing around with the settings on the switch. 
You waited for a second, taking in the way he kept flicking on different things and how fast his fingers were moving before nudging him with your hip and moving into his space. 
“It’s this one,” you offered as you turned on the stove, fire roaring to life. 
“I knew that,” he mumbled out and you gave him a small kiss on his shoulder before moving back, wanting him to know you weren’t going to interrupt anymore. Part of you was laughing at the fact that you knew how to turn on his stove better than he did, but he didn’t cook often, not really wanting to be in the kitchen and you couldn’t blame him for that. 
“Can you pass me the vinegar?” he asked and you complied, moving to the cupboard before handing him the white bottle. 
“Look, you throw in just a glab,” he instructed, and you peered as he squirted out a heavy amount of vinegar, unsure of what a glab meant. 
“Why’d you need that?” you asked and he shrugged before putting on a lid on the pot. 
You rolled your eyes and he smiled at you before reaching for the egg. Picking up a smaller bowl, he announced, “One hand crack,” before cracking the egg, happily showing it off to you. 
“Eggcellent,” you giggled out as he let out a laugh before going, “That’s what I said!”
The lid was getting steamy and you lifted it off as Colson brought the egg right above it.
“You gotta wait till the water looks like flies eyes, you know?” he gushed out and you furrowed your brows before the realization hit you. There were a hundred little bubbles, just like flies had hundreds of little eyes and you shook your head at the weird allusion he’d come up with. 
Picking up the spoon, he started swirling the water, eyes focused on the pot. He looked up at you once, smiling as he saw you watching just as focused, waiting to see what he was going to do. 
“Move back,” he uttered and you stepped back, giving a little berth between you and the stove. He hovered over the pot, and then carefully dropped in the egg, humming a little as he stood straight, satisfied with himself. 
“I wanna see,” you declared, moving closer so you could see the way the egg was swirling along with the water. 
“Oh my god,” you whispered, never having poached an egg before this was a new experience. 
“I know, so fucking cool right. I burned myself doing that this morning,” he mumbled out, an arm coming to drape itself around your neck. You straightened up, moving away from the stove so you could turn towards him. 
“Where,” you asked, lifting his other hand to look at his fingers. 
“You can’t see it,” he offered and you laughed before saying, “Then you didn’t burn yourself.”
“Don’t judge my pain,” he scoffed out, and you lifted your eyes to his, seeing the amusement written in his blues. 
Moving just a little closer, you brought your hand up to his hair, pushing it up as he leaned down just a little to kiss you. You could taste something sweet on his lips and you broke off, licking your lips as he shifted to look at the egg. 
“You want toast?” he asked and you nodded as he went to grab the slices. The toaster was still sitting awkwardly on the main table and he went over, dropping two slices of bread in. 
“I’ll keep an eye on it,” you said, walking over to where the table was, leaving him alone with the egg. He picked up the paper towel roll and you watched as he folded it a couple of times, bringing it to the table. 
Bringing the pot over, you went back to the stove, closing it shut. He pulled out the egg, and you stared at it for a second as he proudly held it up. 
“That’s so fucking cool,” you said, grinning at the spoon. As he placed the egg down, you took the pot, draining it of water before placing it on the countertop. When you got back, he’d already cut the avocado, pulling out the pit with his knife. 
You stopped the toaster and bit your lip as the toast popped out, a little darker than you’d usually wanted them to be. The hangover in you grumbled again, and you sighed, knowing that at this point you would eat anything you could get. Handing the bread off to Colson, you sat down on a chair, watching him put together all the separate parts. 
“Your toast’s kinda burnt. You want me to make you more?” he asked as he spread out the avocado on your slices. 
“I’m good,” you offered quietly and he paused, leaving the bread to look at you. 
“You okay?” he asked, as he put down the knife. 
“Just hungry,” you mumbled out before adding in, “and hungover.”
He leaned over, kissing your forehead quickly, his chain brushing your forehead. You smiled up at him and he mumbled out an, “almost done,” as he placed the egg on a piece of toast. 
Finishing up, he cut the slice in half, opening it up before presenting it to you.
“Thanks,” you stated, grabbing a piece to bite into it. Right off, you could taste the avocado toast and your stomach happily accepted the food. You cautiously bit into the egg, trying not to have the yolk dribble around. 
You let out a sound of happiness at the combination, tilting your head back to see Colson nodding at you.
“This is great,” you mumbled out between bites, pulling the other slice of toast towards you. 
You finished up, and he picked your plate, putting it down in the sink as you sat there, satisfied with a full stomach.
“You’re making me this every morning,” you blurted out in his general direction and you heard his laugh echo on the kitchen walls. Laughing back, you closed your eyes for a second, feeling the headache disappear slightly after eating. Things were good, yeah you were quarantined here, and there were a lot of unspoken words between you and Colson, but as long as your days kept passing like this, you were happy with burnt toast and quiet kisses.
taglist: @iamdorka @no-shxt-sherl @bakerkells @findingmyths @rosegoldrichie​ @mayaslifeinabox​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @hnbtx @backoftheroomandnotbelonging​ @sophroniaa​ @enchantedamusedslightlyconfused​
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yayyy! new blog. so can i request on how the companions would react if the ss went out on a mission alone and never came back? the companions go look for them and find their gun, thinking they’re dead but hear hear a voice from the closet. when they find the closet, they find a gravely injures f!ss? Sankyu!
i’ll make it romancable. i just changed the scenario up a bit. ❤️ not the proudest of this but i hope you enjoy.
everyone knew that they were inseparable since the day they became official partners. wherever sole went, he always followed. it brought them comfort knowing that he was just an arms length away to protect them from danger, but now it was different. someone had ordered sole to go on a solo mission to clear out a building with a supposedly “low” population of raiders. to his discomfort, sole had agreed without a second thought and decided to hit the road as soon as possible. “are you sure about this? i can always come with you.” worried was an understatement, he was terrified. sole tip toed and placed a kiss on his cheek, her hand resting on his shoulder. “i’ll be okay, alright? i’ll be home in no time.” even with the turning feeling in his gut, he decided to trust her words.
somehow, he ended up in front of the building sole was assigned to, letting his fear overcome him. i mean how was he not supposed to? it had been three straight days with no sign of his other half and the deafening silence in their shared home had been eating him up inside. letting out a deep breath, he entered with soft footsteps, his breathing echoing down the hall. he saw how dead bodies littered the floor, the dried up brown stains coloring the pale blue walls. as he took another step closer to the hallway, he felt himself kick something forward and heard it skid harshly on the wood tiling. looking down at the item he had launched, he felt his heart stop at the familiar weapon.
Danse (after blind betrayal):
preston had followed him just to ensure his safety just in case he needed backup but he also grew speechless at the discovery. danse froze, his face full of shock. every part of himself wanted to check the gun on the floor, but he couldn’t move a single muscle. this wasn’t actually happening right? he had already lost everything in his life, but nothing matched the sorrow he felt at that moment. yes, he was sad and confused, but he felt anger at himself. he let the realest thing he had slip through his fingers like sand. “danse,” he heard prestons voice call out to him, but couldn’t muster up a single reply, “if we look, we can find the general around here, maybe even alive.” he shot preston a look of grief and anger as he clutched his fists, tears stinging in his eyes. “and if she’s not?” “then i’ll be here to help you.”
they both looked through every corner of the building, searching for some kind of sign. preston was beggining to find the situation hopeless, only praying sole made it out while danse refused to give up on the search. he felt his body suspend as he heard coughing coming from the closet near him. with no hesitation, he jerked the door open and found his other half, holding onto the side of her neck as blood dropped down at an alarming rate. he felt so much relief wash over him but was quickly met by terror as he watched the color drain from their face. “preston!” preston ran over, horrified at the sight before him, “i’ll go get help.” danse watched as he raced out the door, his eyes shooting to sole the second after. he removed her hand and applied pressure to the wound with his as he placed his forehead on hers. “sole, if you can hear me, please hold out for a bit longer, help is coming,” he choked, feeling the tears fall down his face as sole let out a small noise, “i can’t do this without you by my side. i love you too much to lose you.”
“this is some kind of fucking sick joke right?”, he muttered, his heart beating out of his ears. this one time, he wanted to make up some kind of lie that maybe sole dropped their gun on the way out back to hq or maybe she found no use for it but the way the blood painted it made him believe anything but that. he laughed bitterly, trying to escape what he thought was the truth of the situation. soon enough, those laughs turned into sobs as he leaned on the wall for support. he wanted to scream at everything, his heart breaking at how unfair life treated him and the ones he loved. “please,” he begged, “please let this be a joke..” he fucking knew he shouldn’t have let sole go or at least followed her in secret.
his breath got caught in his throat as he heard a noise come from the closet. furiously wiping his eyes as he lifted his gun, ready to shoot whatever came out at him. but as he got closer to the door, his heart skipped a beat as he heard someone call his name faintly. quickly opening it, he found his other half weakly staring up at him, a gunshot wound near her chest. he wanted to say so many things to her, but his words got caught up in his throat and he solely focused on getting sole up and out of there. deacon rushed over and picked her up without another word, dashing out the building. “we’ll be at hq in no time,” he panicked, nearly out of breath, “i’ll never fucking leave you alone again.” she looked up at him, seeing the fear in his eyes behind his sunglasses, “and i’ll be damned if i let you leave me, sole.”
“no fucking way.” he didn’t even recognize his own voice as he spat out those words. “there’s no fucking way she’s dead.” he grabbed his shotgun, his eyes darting at every direction as anger and devastation filled his core. “WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FUCKING COWARDS?!” his voice echoed the empty halls as he stomped, breaking down almost every door in search of the person who was responsible for her death. he was gonna find this person and gut them till they were unrecognizable. as he knocked the last door down, he pointed his gun at the figure sitting against the wall but immediately retreated his weapon as he saw sole looking up at him with half lidded eyes.
“holy fuck,” he knelt down besides them, his hands cupping her cheeks, “sunshine, talk to me. say anything, please.” she felt his hands shake against her skin, and sent him a weak smile just to reassure him that everything was gonna be okay. he watched as soles eyes directed to the deep wound on her stomach and hancock didn’t waste a minute, immediately picking up sole and running out. as sole was brought to dr. amari and treated for her wounds, hancock was given the good news that she would make it. he bent down, kissing soles forehead as she slept. grabbing his weapon, he walked out the doorway as the doctor called out. “where are you going?” he cocked his gun, replying almost instantly, “to kill the bastard that fucking dared to touch what belongs to me.”
even if fear hit him, he took a few deep breaths but couldn’t help but to pull his hat down, his “heart” aching with unbearable pain. “fuck, i’m sorry sole,” he choked, “i’m sorry i failed you.” he wanted to find soles body and give her a proper burial but felt his body weaken at the thought of seeing her lifeless. he picked up the gun and placed it in his pocket, following the blood trail that led down the hall to a closed closet. with a deep breath, he slowly reached out to the doorknob, dreading every scenario that dragged his thoughts. that was until he heard a soft, pained groan coming from the other side, “help..”
nick opened the door almost instantly, his gears whirring loudly as he found his lover with a major laceration on the side of her head. he saw how the blood dried up, covering almost half of her face and a good portion of their vault suit. god, he hated how her blood painted her pale, soft skin. nick took off his coat and held it against her head as she squirmed in pain. “doll, i need you to hold still,” he tried to stay calm, but knew fear got the best of him, “i just need to tie this on your forehead to stop any further bleeding.” he took out a stimpack and injected her arm, quickly placing sole on his back and headed to diamond city. “nick.. i-i’m sorr-“ nick shushed her, “save your energy, sweet pea, you don’t need to explain yourself. you just need to focus on staying awake,” he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “i love you, sole.”
“no please.” he mewled, his legs giving out on him as he knelt forward to pick up the gun with shaky hands. maccready couldn’t do this shit all over again. he couldn’t lose sole like he did with lucy, and just couldn’t afford to put another person he loved six feet under. he let out a deafening sob that echoed through the walls, breaking his promise within seconds. “fuck! sole, don’t do this shit to me right now!” his voice cracked with grief as he clutched her gun to his heart, clawing at it desperately. he was hoping, somewhere, somehow, sole could hear his pleas. “you can’t leave me like this!” his begs for her got louder.
his sobs were cut off by the sound of metal hitting the floor and reverberating through the hallway. maccready stood on his feet, gripping his weapon tightly as he let out angry breaths. he was going to kill the fuck out of whatever was behind those doors. as he yanked the door open, he halted any further movement and dropped his weapon out of shock. sole had a broken leg with various cuts littered around her body as she smiled weakly at him. with fat tears rolling down his face, he dropped down to hug sole, sobbing into her hair. “you’re okay.. we’re okay.. fuck..” he lifted her off the ground, beginning to sprint back to sanctuary, ignoring the pain in his legs. “i got you, love,” he whispered as he looked at the road ahead of him, “when we get home, we’ll get you fixed up and i’ll plan a day for both of us to enjoy ourselves.. so please hold on for me.” sole only closed her eyes, letting out a soft hum.
ps: it’s 12 am here and i’ll edit this once i wake up in the morning so pls don’t mind my writing!
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Part Two
Summary: Their first training session goes well ... but ends on an awkward note.  Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Word Count: 1840 Warnings: Nudity (in words only, ha). A/N: Taglist is open, you can be added to the one for this fic or Buckvember simply by sending an ask. Happy Reading!
PS: This GIF is not technically applicable to this chapter, but it seemed a good excuse for Seb tummy porn. You’re welcome. 
Series Masterlist
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They started the very next day with an early morning run. Bucky hadn’t run in a while, and it was nice to have Haven with him to push him a little further than he thought he could go. 
“You’ve stayed in good shape for being out for a year,” he congratulated before downing half the contents of a water bottle back at the gym behind Haven’s house. 
She nodded. “I didn’t want to lose momentum. I got my pro bid right before the — right before I got hurt. It wasn’t something I was going to pass up or miss out on for too long.”
“I like your determination. Finish off that water, then let’s do some drills.”
Haven nodded and did as she was told. She went for her wraps on the shelf and started to do them herself, but Bucky intervened. 
“Lemme help,” he offered. 
“I’ve got it,” she shrugged. 
Bucky shrugged, too. They were going to need time to get to know each other and be comfortable with each other, he understood that. While she finished wrapping, he tossed off the gloves he had been wearing while they ran, and the hoodie he’d had on, too. A couple of minutes later, Haven approached him next to a large punching bag. She nodded toward his left arm. 
“Quite the prosthetic, coach.”
Bucky cleared his throat and nodded but gave no more acknowledgment to her comment. “All right. You ready?”
She took her stance — a little rusty but muscle memory had her mostly in position. Bucky helped her adjust, apologizing when the cool metal of his prosthetic arm sent her into a small shiver. He got back behind the bag and nodded. 
“We’ll throw combos first,” Bucky informed her. “Pretty basic today, I’ve got to catch up on what you can do, so I know how to coach you.”
Haven nodded her understanding and listened carefully to the combos he called out, executing them with the same intensity she would in a fight. Bucky was impressed. She was in the middleweight class, he knew, but he had no doubts she could hold her own in fights with girls twice her size. 
After combos, they got into the ring. Bucky gave her some footwork warm-ups to do while he wrapped his own hands and pulled on some gloves. Maybe he didn’t need it for his left hand, but with equipment like that, he figured it was better to be safe than sorry. 
After a few hours of training, Bucky could see that she was waning. She didn’t seem the type to speak up when she needed to stop, so Bucky took them through a cool-down, then dismissed her for the day. 
“Good session, Coach. Thanks.”
Bucky nodded. “You did good today, I’m impressed. No reason why we can’t push off from where you are and make your first pro round a championship.”
“You think so?” Her eyes lit up like Bucky had yet to see. 
“Yeah, absolutely.” He hung up his gloves and worked the wraps off of his hands. “I’m going to go grab some lunch, do you wanna join?”
Haven stopped abruptly. “Oh, actually, I — I have plans. Thanks, though. I’m sure you’ve got your own place, but there’s showers back here, if you want to clean up before you head out.”
She rushed for the back to the locker room, leaving Bucky to finishing packing up the equipment that had used to practice that day. He wondered if he had done something wrong to make her … what? Intimidated of him? Dislike him a little? Could be that it had nothing to do with Bucky. 
Maybe it’s the arm, his mind offered. Bucky shook his head, forcing away the negativity. He’d had a prosthetic for a while now, and since getting this latest one, he had grown accustomed to people’s reactions to the strange technology. Hell, even he’d had to get used to the newest arm when the doctors first fitted him with it. Wasn’t a bad thing if Haven needed to get used to it, too, he supposed. She would come around.
Picking up his bag, Bucky fished his phone out and called Steve to see if his friend was available to meet for lunch. 
“Yeah, I’ve got time. Meet you at Wanda’s in an hour?”
“Perfect, see you there.”
Disconnecting the call, he pushed into the locker room and shoved the phone in his bag. About the time he looked up was about the time Haven looked up from drying her legs and shrieked. 
“What the hell?! Get out!” she exclaimed, scrambling to cover the good bits with her towel and retreating behind a tiled wall. “What are you doing in here?!”
Bucky had already slapped his hand over his eyes and was stumbling against the wall, fumbling for the door handle so he could leave. “I’m so sorry, I just — I was on the phone, I didn't think about knocking or anything.”
“There’s a men’s room!” 
“Yeah, wasn’t paying attention,” he called out, finally finding the door handle and liberating himself from an extremely embarrassing situation. 
His shower would just have to wait — not a chance he was staying on the property a second longer than he needed today. 
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Bucky dropped into a booth at Wanda’s cafe and asked for a cup of black coffee. The redhead smirked. 
“Rough day in the gym, Buck?” 
“Rough day in the locker room,” he sighed. “Steve’s joining me, better bring a water for him.”
Wanda nodded and went to retrieve the drinks. Having skipped the shower, Bucky arrived early enough before Steve, he was on to a second cup of coffee before his friend arrived. 
“I’ve got exactly fifty-three minutes,” Steve informed when he dropped into the booth. He called out to the counter, “I’ll have the usual, Wan. And a cuppa.”
“Me too,” Bucky added. “Big case?”
Steve nodded, taking a long drink from his water. “Yeah, we’re on a hot lead. I’m waiting for SWAT to get back to me so I know if I can go question my guy.”
Bucky smirked. “Well, don’t let me take too much of your time, Detective.”
“Ha,” Steve snorted, “please take my time. Especially if it involves you out in public. How’d the first session go?”
Bucky licked his lips. “She pushed me during the run, which was good, though. Training today was mostly figuring out where she’s at after being out for a while from any serious training.”
Steve narrowed his eyes. “And what else?”
Bucky looked around to see who was within hearing distance, then leaned forward on the table. “I was on the phone with you, I wasn’t paying attention. Walked in on her naked in the ladies’ locker room.”
Steve choked on the first sip of his coffee. He recovered after a moment, dabbing at the coffee now staining his navy blue tie. “I’m sorry — naked? Your first day coaching and you walked in on her naked?”
“I did,” Bucky confirmed, blowing out a deep breath. “After that, I rushed out. I’ll be lucky I don’t get a call tonight not to come back tomorrow.”
“Oh, Buck,” Steve laughed, apologizing for his reaction, “I’m sorry, I just — naked. Wow. What a way to start out a new job. Was it worth the mistake?”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Is that really important?”
“You tell me,” Steve smirked. 
“Yes, it was worth the mistake,” Bucky sighed, leaning back to give Wanda space to deliver their food. “She’s — I mean, she’s fit as it is, she’s a boxer. But yeah, she’s gorgeous.”
“Who’s gorgeous?” Wanda asked. 
Steve motioned to Bucky. “This new girl he’s coaching. Bucky accidentally walked in on her naked after their practice today.”
Wanda put a hand over her mouth, but it didn’t help much to stifle her giggles. “Try not to picture that every time you go back. Have you told Charlotte or Nat about this yet?”
“C’mon, let’s not spread the word,” Bucky groaned. “It was an honest mistake!”
But Wanda’s fingers were already tapping out a message on her phone. Steve was still smirking, even as he shoved bites of salad in his mouth. Bucky had a half-sandwich and a bowl of soup in front of him, but he suddenly felt not too hungry. 
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After she dressed, Haven waited at the locker room door to see if she heard any sounds in the gym. 
“I’m coming out now. I have clothes on,” she called. 
As it turned out, Bucky wasn’t in the gym, and his car was gone from the driveway. Haven tossed her dirty clothes in the hamper in the laundry room, then went to start a load before putting together a lunch of leftovers from the night before. 
She ate alone at the kitchen table, contemplating what had happened and trying to figure a way to get around it when they saw each other again. She was still thinking it over when Wes came in from a training session with one of his clients. 
“You’re deep in thought,” her brother noted, drinking milk from the jug in the fridge. 
“You’re an animal,” she returned. “So … something happened with Coach Barnes today. It has the potential to make things real awkward, so I’m trying to decide if I’m going to face it head on or act like it never happened.”
Wes put the milk back but leaned on the open refrigerator door. “Well, tell me what happened, I’ll help you decide what to do about it.”
Haven thought about it. “No, I think this one might be better for me to handle on my own.”
“Just tell me, punk.”
She shook her head. “Nah, it’s too weird.”
Wes let the refrigerator door close before going to the table and pressing his cold hand to the back of his sister’s neck. Haven yelped and tried to wrestle away from him, but even once his hand warmed up, he was tickling her until she begged for mercy. 
“I was showering after practice, in the locker room, and he was — I don’t know how the mistake was made, but he walked into the wrong locker room.” She left it at that, hoping Wes could fill in the blanks. 
“Oh,” he frowned, still putting the pieces together. “Oh. He saw everything, didn’t he?”
Haven sat back down and put her head in her hands. “Yep, pretty sure. About a hundred percent sure it wasn’t on purpose, but … yeah. Awkward. So, so, so awkward.”
Wes did his best to hold back his laughter, but it was mostly to no avail. “Oh, sis. I don’t even — yeah, I don’t think that’s something you can just pass off like it didn’t happen. You’ve got to talk to him about it. After he saw all your goods, I don’t think your strictly-professional approach is going to go far.”
“Was afraid of that,” she sighed. “I’ll call him later on, see if he has time to meet. Might as well deal with it before practice tomorrow.”
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Buckvember: @peace-love-hobbitness​ @disastersoldierbucky​ @connie326​ @rebekahdawkins​ @wonder-cole​ @shynara51​
Headstrong: @disastersoldierbucky​ @ashleymalfoy​ @amanda-teaches​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @tanelle83​ @tellmewhatyouwill​ @capandbuckylvr​ @pinknerdpanda​ @mizzzpink @ntlmundy​ @siggy85​ @itsallyscorner​ @m-blasterrr​
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defkooka · 4 years
until i see you again [pt.1] I na jaemin
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pairing: na jaemin x reader
genre: collegeau!, summerau!, friends to lovers!, angst, romance
word count: 11.4K
summary: na jaemin was the boy who made you fall for him the summer of your sophomore year of high school. na jaemin was also the boy who unintentionally broke your heart that same summer, leaving and never returning again. now he’s back, ironically during the summer of your sophomore year of college. some things never seem to change huh?
a/n: i love dreams new comeback! chenle was looking *chefs kiss*. anyways, a small series on our flirt jaemin. i’m stuck at home doing school work and nothing to do but to write so i couldn't help myself when the concept video for puzzle piece came out, like jaemin looks soooo cute! hope you enjoy :) PS: REQUEST ARE OPEN
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the soles of your feet were burning and you were sweating like crazy at this point. you could even feel the sweat begin to drop from between your boobs which was never a good sign, the only thing keeping you from melting into the tile floors was the hot breeze coming from the fan sitting on the far corner of the pink marble counter. 
“why the fuck is it so hot right now?!” eunjung came walking from the back room, two big tubs of chocolate ice cream on each of her sides and a big pouty look decorated her face.
“you would think that working at an ice cream shop all summer would mean we would at least not sweat gallons a day. but look at us now, who would have thought? not me!” ellie sarcastically commented and turned to lean against the metal counter to look at you. you rolled your eyes and fanned yourself with the rag on your shoulder avoiding her ‘i told you so’ gaze.
“better than making 8 dollars an hour watching mean devil children all summer,” you said while you played with the bright pink and neon green cups that sat on the dispenser, “scholarships and financial aid can only get you so far”.
summer had come faster than you had anticipated this year. you went from stressing over big tests, homework, and maintaining a job all at once, to dying in the scorching heat of an ice cream shop. you and your friends planned to make this the best summer, but you couldn't really do that with an empty bank account. so when eunjung saw a ‘help wanted’ sign from your local ice cream shop hanging on the front door, she couldn't pass on the opportunity of bringing you and ellie along. 
“come on guys, cheer up! at least we get all the free ice cream we want.” she shrugged her shoulder and smiled down at the large cookie dough cone she had prepared for herself.
“i would much rather be taking care of ms. jacksons kids than sitting in here in this heat. like literally it’s a fucking ice cream shop, shouldn't all this ice cream be melted by now?” ellie dropped her head back and whined. “well you said yes to working with us, so suck it up bitch!” eunjung kicked ellie’s shin and once again for the tenth time that day they began bickering.
“guys! chill out. and she’s right ellie, this isn’t so bad. at least better than us sitting on eunjungs couch all summer with no money whatsoever.” you laughed and turned towards the door to gaze outside at the empty streets. it’s been a pretty slow day, only a few people here and there. you even had a few some older couples coming in and sitting down for a while, before leaving right out the door again.
“i wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t so empty! everyone's either at the carnival or getting ready for that stupid lake party.” ellie crossed her arms on the marble top next to you and grouched.
“didn't you say you wanted to go to said ‘stupid lake party’?” eunjung looked at her in confusion, “i know!” ellie threw her hands up in frustration and walked out from behind the counter to sit at one of the tables in front of the big glass window, you and eunjung following behind. 
“don’t worry! we have like 2 more hours until our shifts are over so we can just head home, get into cute little bikinis, and go have fun and get drunk at the lake. but i am NOT carrying your ass home drunk again.” you squeezed her shoulders in reassurance before taking a seat with your back facing the door.
“ugh i can’t wait! all the hot guys, the music. i heard jisung was going to be there with the guys.” eunjung smiled and blushed while licking away the ice cream that had dripped onto her hand.
“uhhhh you mean your boyfriend?” ellie mocked her by making kissy noises and poking her sides. “he’s not my boyfriend, stop it.” she swatted away her hands and you laughed.
“yeah right, you have been flirting and all over each other since literally our freshman year of high school!” you crossed your arms on the metal table in front of you, feeling the icy cold metal against your burning skin.
“i like to take my time with things thank you very much.” she stuck her tongue out at you guys and ellie and you shook your heads in laughter.
you all kept small conversation on silly things that happened during your weeks when all of the sudden you heard the bell of the front door ding, and then male laughs follow along, making you three look up.
“um excuse me, aren’t you guys supposed to be working?” you turned around at the familiar voice and saw chenle and jeno walking towards your table. you saw another head of ashy blue hair walking behind them but didn't recognize them since you couldn’t really see their face with chenle’s head in the way, so you didn't pay much attention to it.
“look what the cat dragged in.” ellie flipped off chenle with a teasing tone and a smile, he mimicked her words and flipped her off as well before giving you a high five and waving at eunjung who sat across from you.
“awe don’t be so bitter ellie, i know you miss us even though you saw us like two days ago.” jeno began poking the side of her neck constantly making her squirm under his touch. “don’t touch me like that!” she punched his buff upper arm, but not strong enough to the point where it would actually hurt him, not like it would anyway. jeno was somehow built like a ken doll. literally any time any of you would try and inflict any sort of pain towards him, he wouldn't even as much as flinch, god does love to play favorites. 
jeno frowned and rubbed the part up and down jokingly and continued to tease the black haired girl sitting in front of him.
“technically we areee supposed to be working, but it’s been dead all day so we’re just killing time until we leave.” eunjung shoved the last of her ice cream into her mouth and discreetly wiped her hands on ellies shoulder while she continued to fight off jenos mocking hands.
“you guys coming to the lake later?” chenle played with a few strands of your hair in attempt to braid it, but failing miserably at it too.
“fuck yeah we’re going, i refuse to let summer slip away before i go back to sitting in lectures all day. anyway who’s even dow-” she stopped mid sentence after she finally noticed the third head with jeno and chenle. she had a shocked yet amused expression on her face and she stayed like that for a few seconds in complete silence. jeno seemed to noticed her behavior and snapped his head towards the person who still remained unknown. he walked behind you to grab their arm before finally introducing them.
“shit i forgot, you guys remember jaemin right? he moved away 3-4 years ago, we were all like best friends back in school.” your body went stiff at the mention of that name. you haven't heard of it in a long time, not after spending months brokenhearted when he first left and slowly seeming to forget about him over the years, well. until now.
 jeno dragged jaemin forward where he stood at the front of the table and smiled at ellie and eunjung.
“of course i remember jaemin. where the hell have you been all this time kid?” ellie stood up with a smile to give him a tight hug before she pulled back, and let eunjung hug him too. 
“college.” he laughed with a straight set of teeth, making you reminisce of the small, wimpy black haired boy with braces that would run around with you guys back in grade school all throughout high school, before he had to move away. he was older now. way older, and definitely not a boy anymore. his ashy blue hair was the thing that stood out the most, he wore it with confidence. jaemin back in high school wasn’t much of a person who liked attention, he loved having friends and was a very friendly person, but never bold enough to something like dye his entire head blue. you also didn’t miss that his height had skyrocketed, now he stood a solid 4-5 inches taller than you. even though he didn't look anything like the way he had left, he somehow still acted like the same jaemin you crushed on back in freshman year and all through that summer. his warm, wide smile was the same, his bright black eyes were the same, and the happy aura around him was still the same.
“you just came down for the summer or something?” eunjung pulled away from the hug and widely smiled at him.
“sadly, yes. my mom wanted to spend a summer back home for a while so she dragged us to come down.” he sadly nodded along with his words and pushed his large hands into his shorts pockets.
“well, i guess that means we have to make the most of it right? you’re gonna be hanging out with us all summer long from now on, just like old times. dude we’re getting the old crew back!” ellie excitedly hugged eunjung before turning to you. once she saw the look of pure and utter shock in your face her smile slowly dropped but soon turned into a knowing smirk.
“jaemin, you remember y/n right?” your eyes went wide and everyone’s attention shifted towards you where you still sat on the chair. jaemins smile dropped a little bit at the sound of your name before turning to look at you, then he broke out into the biggest grin you’ve seen on him yet.
“holy shit. hey y/n, long time no see.” his eyes roamed up and down your body before meeting your gaze once again. not in one of those weird perverted ways, but in a ‘holy shit, i cant believe it’s actually you!’ way. he hadn’t seen you in years nor heard your name in a while, just from time to time when he would speak to the guys and they would talk about where they were hanging out and who was coming along. every time he heard it, it made him think about you and all those past memories back in high school, especially making those old feelings bubble up in his stomach, but he never lodged on them for long since he truly believed he would never see your face ever again.
“yeah, long time huh?” you smiled at him and you both didn’t say anything after that. you guys just stood there taking each others appearances in.
jaemin noticed the way your hair got shorter, you had probably cut it from the way it used to flow down your back when you were kids. you definitely didn’t look like the little girl he would tease, you looked grown. like a woman. your breast had gotten bigger and peeked out from the tight black work shirt you had picked out that morning in a rush. your legs were longer and thicker, and your skin glowed from the way the sun was hitting it just right from the window in front of you. jaemin always thought you were pretty when you were kids, but you were stunning now. all those past memories hitting him like a truck while he stared at you in awe.
“okayyy. why don’t weee, go get you guys some ice cream, shall we?” eunjung pushed jeno and chenle towards the glass display once she saw you and jaemin get into an intense stare down and the atmosphere had gone silent.
“we have to bring enough for everyone. renjun wants milk flavored!” chenle screamed while jeno followed behind him. ellie gave you a look before she walked away with another smirk. “what the fuck is even milk flavored?” you heard eunjung say before jaemin took a seat on the chair in front of you, leaning back into it with his hands in front of him on the shiny metal table.
“how you've been?” he looked at you with that fondness he used to look at you with back in that summer, which was one of the reasons you fell so hard for the guy. you couldn't help the pink blush that began creeping onto your cheeks and your head shot down towards your lap for a few seconds before looking back up at him.
“i’m doing good. besides spending thousands on college, could be worse-“ you shrugged your shoulder and you both laughed. “so, how’s your life back at home?” you tilted your head sideways and watched his eyes.
“it’s going great. it was hard settling in at first. you know, making new friends in an entire new country. it was rough, i missed you guys like crazy. but i’m glad that coming back; nothing really seemed to change with you all. renjun and donghyuck still fight over everything, chenle and jisung still have that bromance thing going, jeno and ellie still act like an old married couple, eunjung is still somehow the sweetest person for no apparent reason,” he turned around and looked at jeno and eunjung trying to pull ellie off of chenle after he tried to stick his hand inside of the display and steal a free sample and you both chuckled.
“and you,” he turned back around and met your eyes. suddenly you felt nerves shoot through your entire body and felt like shrinking into yourself from the intense stare of his dark brown eyes, “you’re still you.” he finally cracked a smile and you felt your chest tighten a little.
“yeah, it was pretty hard after you moved away. everyone kinda didn’t know how to act around each other for a few months but we learned how to adjust. perfect example right there.” you quickly pointed towards the scene happening in front of you to try and cover up your flustered state before he seemed to noticed. you both laughed once again but that still didn't calm the nerves bubbling inside of you.
 jaemin turned and looked up to meet your eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. nope, that thing he did with his eyes where he would stare at you and make you feel like he was looking right inside of you and feel everything you would be feeling still hadn’t change at all, yet all you could do was smile back at the silver haired boy and look down at your clasped hands in front of you.
“i missed you like crazy you know.” your eyes shot up to meet his and his smile dropped a little as his eyes sincerely watched you.
“uh yeah. we all missed you.” you uncomfortably shifted in your seat. you didn’t really want talk about this subject to the boy that you had spent most of your weeks crying over in your bed because you were never seeing him away. nothing better than teenage heartbreak.
jaemin caught onto the mood change in the air but didn’t continue to push the subject, not wanting to make you even more uncomfortable.
“alright. i think that’s enough ice cream. we should head back to the lake and start setting up our spot, jaemin let’s go!” jeno grabbed the boys shoulder and pulled him up to his feet. jaemin nodded and turned back towards you but saw that you refused to meet his nervous gaze.
“we’ll see you guys there?” chenle turned around to talk to the three of you with one hand on the door.
“yeah, we have to head home and change but we’ll be there by 6.” eunjung nodded and ellie and you agreed.
“so, i guess i’ll talk to you later at the lake?” jaemins voice sounded hopeful, you felt guilt so you finally looked back up at him and forced a smile, “yeah, i’ll see you there.” you nodded and he gave you a grin with a wink of one eye which made you feel all flustered all of the sudden. and he got smooth too?
“cool” he teased and walked behind jeno and chenle after saying his goodbye to the girls.
“no fucking way na freaking jaemin is back in town looking that hot.” ellie announced once she saw the guys were a safe distance far away before rushing back over to where you were sitting in excitement.
“i haven’t heard from that kid since like a few months after he had moved. i didn’t know the guys still talked to him.” eunjung stayed behind the counter and looked at you both with confusion.
“i guess they did. y/n, you okay?” ellie looked at you in concern after you had stayed silent and looked totally spaced out from the conversation. you didn't really know how you were feeling, you never expected to see his face ever again after he had left. he was just some memory you managed to push to the back of your head ever since he left and never dug out of thought of ever again. so why did you feel those stupid butterflies in your stomach? it was high school. FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL. you should NOT be feeling butterflies over a boy you liked back in high school, that’s like rule #1 in the ‘how to live a normal life’ handbook, women edition. high school boys are stupid and should never be brought up again after graduation. well, jaemin wasn’t just any high school boy. he was the high school boy who showed you how to fall in love and live a little more.
“yeah i’m fine. just kinda shocked, i never thought i’d see him ever again.” you looked back down at your hands as you played with them to try and keep yourself calm from all the different thoughts and emotions that were rushing through your body right now.
“yeah i thought so too. considering how things ended.” she patted you on your back in comfort with a half smile.
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“where the hell are they?” ellie sat on the side of the curve tying her high top converses with frustration, her bangs falling on her eyes as she forcefully blew them away from her face with puffs of air. “they said they weren’t going to take more than 10 minutes. i’m gonna rip donghyuck a new one when i lay my eyes on him.” she stood up and kicked a pebble down the street as you and eunjung watched it roll into the road.
“they’ll probably be here any second. relax.” you pulled on ellie’s bra strap and yanked her back before she could furiously kick another rock.
“we have things to do! it’s not the last day of summer for nothing!” she threw her arms in the air before lazily sitting on the curb again.
“exactly why we SHOULDN'T be stressing out el! the guys said they were going to be here, so we just need to wait.” eunjung sat down next to her and you soon joined them.
today was the last day of summer before you entered into your sophomore year.
you had spent the entire summer with your friends running around town down crazy and stupid things. late nights by the lake, climbing up the hill just outside of town to watch the sunset, swimming in chenles pool every time the heat began to become too much. this was truly THE best summer of your life, you had spent it all with your amazing group of friends and nothing in life seemed to could ever top this.
your heard a stampede of footsteps coming around the corner and all three of you quickly turned to witness the 5 boys sprinting towards you guys almost tripping over each other.
“fucking finally! where the hell were you guys?!” ellie abruptly stood and dusted the dirt from her neon pink shorts, moving away some of the bangs that had fell onto her face.
“we just out ran the kim’s dog, how can a 1 foot dog run so freaking fast?” chenle tumbled onto the curb and laid on the grass trying to catch his breath.
“coco?! seriously?! the dog is literally a chihuahua! what was he going to do to 7 grown teenagers?!” eunjung looked at them like they were the dumbest people she’s ever met. you and ellie laughed and you sat up and dusted your pants while coming closer towards the group of boys getting scolded by the slim girl.
“evil things. very evil things.” renjun wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded knowingly.
“whatever. so, did you get the stuff?” ellie smirked.
“why are you making it sound like a drug deal, jesus. but yes, we got it.” donghyuck pulled the brown cardboard box in front of him out towards you and opened it, revealing all kinds of multicolored fireworks inside.
“we’re gonna go crazy with these!” jisung pulled a firecracker from the box and examined the package carefully before throwing it back in the mix.
“where did you even get these?” you shifted your head closer to the box taking a good look at the fireworks that filled the it.
“jeno knows a guy.” donghyuck yanked the box away from you before closing the lid and giving you a sickening smirk.
“i do?” jenos head snapped up in confusion and looked at hyuck with knitted eyebrows. “yes! you do!” hyuck hissed at him and came closer to his ear.
“dude! we can’t let the women know our secrets!” he said before jeno mouthed an “oh” and nodded in understanding.
“we’re literally right here dumbass” ellie raised her eyebrow at him. they mocked each other with faces as chenle stood up from the ground before speaking up.
“where are we even going to light these anyway?”
everyone looked at each other waiting for the other to speak up with some sort of idea.
“how about the top of the hill? it’s a good view of the town and it’s not far.” jeno shrugged and everyone broke into loud “oohs”.
“wow! lee jeno is the man today!” renjun patted his back teasingly and soon the other boys joined in. jeno broke into a flustered smile while shooing the boys away from him.
“we should get going then. suns almost about to go down.” eunjung said and everyone agreed and began walking towards the hill just outside of your town. you looked around the group and began to count heads; a habit you have obtained due to hanging out with such a large group of friends overtime.
“hold up, wheres jaemin?” you stopped in your tracks and everyone turned back to look at you.
“he said his parents had to talk to him, so he’ll be a little late. i’ll text him where to meet us.” jisung pulled out his phone to shoot a quick text to jaemin and you all began your walk once again.
all you managed to say was ‘oh’ and continued to walk with the group with a frown while they held conversations with each other. 
you and jaemin have stuck like glue this entire summer. he tells you everything like you’re his psychologist or something, with you doing the same. he would’ve definitely told you something about meeting his parents today. maybe it was a last minute thing? you decided not to stress about it and just let it go as you followed behind the group trying to keep up with their speedy steps.
after you guys walked and climbed the hill for a solid 15 minutes, your legs ached as you finally reached the top. it gave you a perfect overlook of your town, the sun setting behind the tall buildings and puffy clouds graced the orange sky. you walked towards the giant walnut tree to rest that you’ve sat under countless nights this summer; jaemin usually by your side.
you guys would come here and talk all the time about random things and would just let the hours run by as you sat on the soft grass. sometimes you would come alone; just the two of you and watch the sunset, he would slowly slide himself now and then closer to you and push your head down on his shoulder and wrap an arm around your smaller figure and just sit there in silence. you would never object to this gesture; finding it adorable how he would nuzzle his head on your hair and run his hand up and down your arm when the wind blew too hard. you sometimes would find yourself yearning for his touch or his presence when he wasn’t around, and even times when he was.
over time you developed some kind of fondness for the black haired boy; soon fondness turning into real feelings. of course you never acted upon these feelings, it’s probably some stupid 15 year old girl crush, maybe just a little summer thing that would end up disappearing over time. so why stress about it? might as well actually enjoy it while it lasts.
“where should we light these?” jeno pulled a lighter from his back pocket and crouched down to open the brown box.
“away from the tree please, last thing we need is causing a forest fire on the last day of summer.” renjun said with hands on his hips.
“let’s do this one first.” jisung pulled a small red and blue box from inside, little yellow and gold designs covered the paper that covered it with a long candle wick coming from the middle.
“it says to set on the ground, and light it with a match. remain 10 feet away from the box to avoid injuries.”
“can i just hold it in my hand while you guys light it and wait for it to explode?” ellie jokingly said. “yes please.” donghyuck whispered before his eyes bursted open as an angry ellie approached him; fist already clenched in the air to punch the air out of him,
“i was kidding!” he laughed and grabbed her wrist before she could get a clean hit of his face, gently pushing her away from him. “i’m going to throw you down this fucking hill, watch.” she teasingly warned him with her index finger.
“alright, alright kids. gather around please.” hyuck grabbed the match from jenos hand and jisung placed the small box on the dirt ground.
“watch the master do-“
“WAIT! let us get away first. better you going down than us.” renjun interrupted while you all ran a safe distance away from the explosion that was about to unleash.
“oh wow. nice, sacrifice the cute one.” hyuck threw his arms up and argued.
“just go!” eunjung laughed and hyuck turned back around with a roll of his eyes.
“here goes nothing.” he quickly lit the match, making a fast 180 turn and sprinting towards where you all stood. you all turned to the box with huge smiles on your faces and waited for a few seconds. you heard an ear screeching sound before loud bangs were going off into the air, the fireworks exploded into all different colors, decorating the low lit sky. you all awed at the colors and cheered until they all died down after about thirty second.
“holy shit! my turn!” chenle screeched before he grabbed another one and set it down on the ground, quickly lighting the match and doing the dash to your spot before the explosion went off with a loud ‘bang!’.
you all laughed and watched the different flashes of colors jump into the air before banishing with a loud rain-like sound once again as you took turns lighting them all. all the smiles on your faces displayed straight joy as you spent the rest of the night setting off every firework inside the box, and slamming firecrackers on the ground and enjoying the loud booms they created echo through the night air.
“you know you all look insane, right?” you heard a a familiar voice coming from the bottom of the hill, before you saw jaemins face come into view.
“where the hell have you been?” you ran towards him before jumping into his arms, he effortlessly caught you before you pulled away with a smile. you could see that something was wrong with him from the moment you pulled away from his hug, he tried his hardest to smile his usual big toothy grin, but it was only met halfway and insincerely.
“i had to talk to my parents for a while. but i’m here now, that’s all that matters.” he tried to look happy, he tried to be okay in that moment, but seeing the worried look on your face while you tried to decipher what was wrong crushed him and made his heart ache a little. for the past summer, jaemins entire world revolved around you. he always had some sort of small crush towards since that day he accidentally pushed you in the lunch line back in 4th grade. but never really did anything about it, i mean you've been in the same group of friends forever and you were like what, 12? he hadn't even hit puberty yet in middle school. but when freshman year of high school ended and summer started rolling around, your skin seemed to glow, your eyes sparkled a little more than usual every time you talked to him, and your smile would pull at the strings of his heart making him feel giddy inside. you've been friends since grade school, but he made it his mission to win you over that summer. spending every second of the day around you and watching you becoming more and more pretty right before his eyes.
“jaemin, what’s wrong?” you grabbed his sweaters sleeve and examined his face.
“nothing. just tired.” he shook the thoughts out of his head and tried to walk towards everyone else, you stopped him before he could even take another step by gripping his sweater even tighter.
“jaemin...” you looked him dead in the eye with a serious look.
“i’ll be okay, don’t worry.” he grabbed the hand that was gripping his sweater before interlacing your fingers with his, giving you a half smile before pulling you along with him towards the rest of your friends.
“jaemin!” jeno called out once he saw the boy walking towards them and you right behind him. all your friends knew that jaemin had a little thing for you, so it didn't come as a surprise to them when he finally decided to make moves. 
“you missed the show bro, jisung almost lit his shoe on fire.” renjun held his stomach in a fit of cackles while jisung nervously laughed and scratched the back of his neck.
“fuck, i cant believe i missed that.” jaemin smiled at the group in front of him.
“where the hell were you the whole time?” eunjung subconsciously ran a hand through her hair, licking her lips trying to add moisture onto them. from the corner of your eye you could see the blush creep on jisungs face as he quickly looked away and distracted himself with the now half burnt shoelace of his right foot. he’s totally crushing on her.
“uhh i got caught up with my parents about something. don’t worry about it.” he simply said and shrugged. everyone gave him a knowing look and shifted their eyes towards you but you didn't notice the sad stares directed at you with pity from your friends, too distracted staring up at the pretty stars.
“it’s whatever, at least you made it in time for the big one.” hyuck pulled a box from the ground, it was bigger than the other fireworks you’ve been setting off throughout the night, this one had yellow and orange sparkles all over its purple exterior with little cartoons decorating the front of it. hyuck places it down on the dirt ground before handing the red lighter to jaemin.
“would you like to do the honors?” he smirked with a raised eyebrow. jaemin laughed before grabbing the lighter into his large hands. you all laughed and cheered before backing up a few feet away from him.
“speech! speech! speech! speech!” chenle began to chant and soon you were all joining.
“what kind of cult is this?” ellie said before chenle looked at her with crazy eyes.
“cult? this is the jaemin love club sweety, get it right.” he jokingly said before you all bursted into laughter. literally all you've guys been doing all night is laughing and setting off explosives on top of  hill, maybe you were a cult.
“shut up! let our club president speak! na jaemin i love you!” renjun yelled before turning his attention back to jaemin with a proud smile, throwing finger hearts at him which caused the younger boy to laugh.
jaemin stood there a few seconds trying to collect his thoughts, switching the lighter from one hand to the other and running his fingers up and down the bright red plastic. he felt his mind racing through all the amazing memories you guys created this summer, like getting jisungs foot somehow stuck in a chair in eunjungs backyard, or accidentally locking jeno outside on the porch as a joke, but later forgetting about him until 3 in the morning when you were all having a sleepover. poor guy was sleeping next to the plants and using the fertilizer as a pillow. he smiled at all your silly arguments like the one where you all fought over whether if pineapple belonged on pizza or not, which ellie didn’t give up on until she proved her point that it was a creation sent from heaven. also the stupid choices you had made all summer like peer pressuring mark into driving you all down to the beach a few hours from here and getting lost for 4 hours getting back home. your parents never let you live that one down. but his favorite memory of all; was you. like the time you sat with him all night on his roof watching the stars and playing slow r&b songs through his phone while you horribly tried to sing along and told each other childhood stories. or the time where you guys were walking along side of the lake one afternoon and he had the bright idea to start bothering the ducks, which only resulted in him making them angry and you guys getting chased all the way to the main road. you were always there for him, the good and bad. he never really cared about a girl the way he cared for you, yeah he’s had crushes here and there throughout his life but never like this. he didn’t think you were just pretty, he thought you were intelligent, confident, hardworking, and open minded about everything you did. but could he really call that love? he was so young. what the fuck does he know about love?
“i don’t really know what to say, there’s so much shit yet so little words to explain it. spending every second up each others ass is not easy” he joked and you all laughed in agreement.
“We made some amazing memories, some pretty stupid ones too. i’m still sorry about pushing you into the lake eunjung.” he apologetically looked at eunjung and she laughed before giving him a reassuring smile. “today is the last night we get to do things like this y’know, before going back and cheating our way through sophomore year like we did freshman.” another set of laughs filled the night air.
“um excuse me, not i. this is a brain of gold.” renjun confidently said before jisung and chenle looked at each other.
“who’s gonna tell him?” jisung said before an angry renjun ran towards him.
“ya!” he grabbed him by the collar and shook him. “okay! okay!” jisung said in a fit of giggles trying to push the older boy off of him.
“can you please get to the sentimental part please” ellie crossed her arms impatiently.
“jeez fine. moral of the story, i just want to say thank you to all of you. we’ve been friends for so long that I've even lost track of the years. every memory i can possibly think of right now, somehow involves every single one of your dumbasses. we’ve been there for each every time something big or minor happens and i just want to appreciate that. were standing here on our last day of summer for a reason, so i just want to say...thank you. for making my life so great up to this point.” he finally looked up from the rock under his foot that he’s been staring at for the last minute while he gave his little speech.
you heard a soft sniffle next to you and turned to witness tears rolling down eunjungs face. 
“oh god, here comes the waterworks-”
“that was so beautiful? and heartfelt? why would you think this is okay to do to me jaemin?!” eunjung dug her head into jenos side while he cradled her in his arms with a roll of his eyes. “there, there little one. shut up now” he patted the top of her head like a little puppy.
“that was deep bro” donghyuck took large strides towards him and embraced him into a tight hug sending the stumbling back a little, loud fake sobs leaked of his mouth before jaemin began to squirm and whine before pushing hyuck away successfully.
“jaemin that was so sweet” you pouted your lips and clasped your hands in front of you. his eyes locked with yours and he blushed at your comment, shyly looking away with smile.
“well, enough of that sentimental shit. let’s end this summer with a bang, shall we?” ellie announced before you all began to cheer once again with loud screams and claps.
“here’s to the best summer ever with the greatest people.” jaemin yelled before flicking the lighter a few times until a spark of fire emerged, he lit the box and swiftly raced back to you, he crashed into your arms and you both stumbled back a bit in laughter, before gaining your balance and waiting for the small colorful box to explode.
you all watched it intensively before you heard a loud whistle resonate through the night air, and all the sudden two sparks of lights shot into the night sky, before they exploded into an eruption of colors. you all watched the light show above you in a awe for a few minutes until the last bit of light left the sky, only leaving the far away stars to look down at you. 
no one said anything. you all just stood there in silence enjoying each others presence, it’s like no one needed to say anything for you all to understand each others thoughts and feelings right in that moment. 
this is it. this was when it hit you that these people standing with you in that second, were people you wanted forever in your life. this summer showed you how important it is to have people you value with you, those you can share a life with and connect with on an emotional level. the ones that you can laugh with, cry with, and argue with. bonds that are made for life.
you looked over to jaemin who was standing next to you. his head was directed up towards the stars and his eyes were twinkling a little different than usual, his expression was almost sad like. but the juxtaposition of the chilly breeze blew his hair back making him look like some kind of angel. he slightly parted his lips and closed his eyes for a second, taking in the silence. 
your eyes drew in the shape of him in your mind, engraving it into the deepest parts of your conscious and keeping it there forever. but you couldn’t restrain yourself any longer. your fingertips touched his before you fully wrapped your hand with his, jaemins eyes shot open before they landed on you, looking a little taken aback. he began to relax his hand and finished interlacing your fingers together sloppily. his eyes scanned over your face before breaking into a sweet grin replacing his former pained expression.
“we should get going. it’s getting late and i don’t feel like being late for school in the morning.” renjun spoke first and made everyone snap back into reality.
“i already picked out my outfit, it’s laying next to my pillow.” jeno proudly smiled before he started to make his way down the semi-steep hill. “me too!” jisung ran down after him before jumping on his back and wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“that was fun.” jaemin said next to you, your hand still holding his, “yeah, it was fun spending our last night like this.” you looked down with a blush.
“i’m going to miss nights like these” ellie wrapped her arms around renjuns shoulders, with a pout.
“you do realize that we’re literally gonna still be around each other every single day, just with school thrown into the mix, right?” jeno turned around towards the short girl with a raised brow.
“shut up jeno! it’s not the fucking same and you know it” ellie argued shooting a death glare to the side of jenos head. he threw his hands in the air in defeat with a teasing grin.
you all walked and buzzed with conversation for the rest of the way, teasingly pushing and shoving each other and cracking jokes. this was your last summer night after all, it wouldn't be a good one if someone didn't almost get hit by a car. you continued to mess around until you all came to a stop on the corner of the street where you all had met that same afternoon.
“i should head home before my mom starts throwing my stuff out of the window. see you guys tomorrow at school.” jisung began to walk backwards while throwing a peace sign in the air.
“wait—i’ll walk with you! see you guys!” chenle quickly ran after him and waved at you with a big smile. you all waved bye to them as they walked down the quiet street and rounded a corner.
“i’m gonna head out too. see you scumbags tomorrow” renjun ran a hand through his hair and half smiled.
“i’ll come with you baby” donghyuck followed behind him and jokingly smacked his butt. renjun turned around so quick with a horrified look with both hands on his ass.
“i’m telling mark!” he ushered out and punched hyucks shoulder, sending him stumbling back a little while holding it, but that stupid smirk never left his face.
“he doesn’t have to know about us.” he jumped on renjuns back while he whined loudly.
“so embarrassing. anyways, the throuple is out. jeno be a doll and walk us home.” ellie said while she hooked her arms with jenos and eunjungs and pulled them down the street with a smirk and a wink.
“and then there were two.” you dramatically said in a movie narrative voice making jaemin chuckle.
“let me walk you home.” he slid an arm around you and pulled you closer as he began walking you to the direction of your house.
“you know what, i’m actually cheering for team throuple.” you commented while you played with the sleeve of his navy blue hoodie that was tossed over your shoulder.
“oh please, eunjung and jisung are practically in love. i bet they’ll get together by the end of the year.” he dared with a smirk.
“i hate it when you’re right.” you looked away distastefully and he laughed finally unwrapping himself from you. you felt a breeze blow by and a shiver run down your body, you swaddled yourself in your arms missing the way jaemin held you but not saying anything; you just continued walking.
“did you have fun this summer?” he asked out of nowhere tucking in his hands into his pocket.
“are you kidding? this summer couldn’t be topped. we did the craziest shit and somehow managed to make it out alive.” you looked up with an enormous smile to see jaemin looking down at you after those words left your mouth, he had that same pained expression he’s been wearing all night and the question came to your mind once again; why is he so sad?
“i’m glad that you’re happy. that you've been happy this summer and that i was a part of that.” he teared his eyes away from you and continued to look straight ahead. you looked at him oddly with a raised eyebrow. where the hell did that come from? jaemin was never shy about his feelings but never in your entire life of knowing him has he burbled something out of nowhere like that.
“alright, I've been biting my tongue all fucking night but i’m getting kinda sick of looking at you with that depressed face, what’s up?” you looked at him with worry once again. his eyes quickly landed on you and he looked shocked for a second over the fact that you even noticed it, he thought he was doing a pretty good job at keeping his facial expressions under control all night.
“wh-what? i’m fine, what are you talking about?” he stuttered out nervously and came to a stop once he saw that you were at the front of your house.
“and i shit gold out of my ass, now stop lying to me. seriously jaemin, what’s wrong?” you pushed the subject and once again he refused to make eye contact with you.
“i don’t feel like talking about it y/n” he uttered out to get you to shut up about it but you weren’t giving up so easily.
“jaemin. tell me. i’m not asking out of courtesy, i’m asking as your friend. now spit it out or i’m never giving back that pink sweater.” you threatened and he looked at you in disbelief.
“you fucking wouldn’t.” he glared daggers at you and you felt accomplished. “i’ll set it on fire if you don’t tell me in the next 10 seconds.” you crossed yours arms and puffed out your chest in victory which made him roll his eyes at you.
“fine” he finally said and you punched the air with a whispered ‘yesss’. you took a seat on your curb and patted the spot next to you, “please step into my office.” you placed your clasped hands on your lap and watched him sit down next to you. he placed his elbows on his knees and looked straight ahead into the choi’s front yard with furrowed brows.
“ready when you are.” you patted his back and waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts.
“i wasn’t really planning on saying anything about this. well, not now at least. i thought i could buy myself some time.” he chuckled and looked down at the floor.
“what are you talking about?” you looked at him puzzled.
“my dads doing pretty good at work, even thought he was probably gonna get a promotion. he’s been so excited about it ever since he mentioned it a few months ago. i didn’t think much of it, of course i was happy. he’s my dad, why wouldn’t i? i just thought he’d probably get a pretty large raise, that’s about it.” he paused and played with the grass that peeked out from the cracks on the concrete, he ran his fingers over the top of it before pulling it out strand by strand in frustration.
“i was excited about today actually. i knew donghyuck must’ve had something pretty good planned for the last day of summer. all the guys were excited, the girls too. i was just happy to get to spend the day with them. with you.” he finally looked at you with sad eyes. your heart clenched when he looked at you like that, you wanted to hug and kiss him until he smiled again and little bells would go off like they always did; at least in your head.
“this was not how this summer was supposed to end.” he bitterly laughed and threw the last few pieces of grass in his palm into the street before dusting his hands. you looked at him confused trying your best to piece what he was saying together but coming to no conclusion.
“i still don’t understand why you’re so upset jaemin. i mean, isn’t that a good thing? your dad is getting a promotion.” you raised an eyebrow and hugged your knees to your chest and looked at the side of his face for answers.
“my dad had mentioned something about moving to the other firm of the company too, which would require us to move. to a whole different country. “ you looked at him taken aback but allowed him to continue.
“of course i didn’t really pay attention to him since he never confirmed it. so i didn't really stress about it much, i just wanted to enjoy my summer.” he now took up playing with his fingers to keep his hands busy.
you felt your heart begin to race faster and faster and your palms beginning to feel sweaty against your skin. you prayed to yourself that this conversation wasn’t going to where you thought it was going.
“i was about to leave my house to meet you guys on the corner but my parents said they had to talk to me about something today. so i just texted jeno that i’ll meet you guys wherever,” he shrugged his shoulders and continued, “apparently, my dad did get that promotion. i was happy as fuck for him, but then he started to speak about that new firm again. he told me that he’ll be getting his own office, his job would cover an entire brand new house for us, that i would get to go to a new school, a private one, and make a bunch of new friends. i prayed that he said no. i felt like a horrible son but, i kept on wishing and wishing for him to just say that we didn't have to go, that we get to stay but,” he took a long pause and caught his breath, almost like preparing himself for what he was about to say next.
“he took the job.”
 it seemed like time stopped once those words left his mouth. you felt your heart drop to the other end of the world. you looked away from him and swallowed the lump of spit that had seemed to form in your throat and tried your hardest to blink away the tears that were welding on the verges of your eyes.
“oh” you sensed his eyes on the side of your head but you refused to look at him. you felt your heart ache in your rib cage and literal physical pain every time you tried to breathe and you didn’t want to know what would happen if you mad eye contact with him.
“so, you’re leaving.” you said and quickly closed your mouth again to try and stop the tears from flowing down like a stream on your face.
“i was going to tell you eventually y/n i swea-“
“do the others know?” you asked and heard your voice crack in the process. jaemin didn’t say anything and looked away from you. you felt his body stiffen next to you and you turned to glare at the side of his head due to the silence as he refused to meet your eyes.
“jaemin, do the others know?” you began to feel anger brew in your system and your body progressively begin to feel hotter.
he stayed silent a few more seconds before looking down and finally speaking,
“yes. i told them a couple of weeks ago.” he whispered and you felt the last huff of air leave your body like somebody had just sat on your chest.
you felt a warm tear slip down your cheek before you swiftly wiped it away. you stood up from the curb and turned to walk back towards your home in hurried steps.
“y/n! stop please, i was going to tell you—“ he chased after you as soon as your body stood from next yo him. he wrapped his hands around your forearms before yanking you back to halt your movements.
“when jaemin?! huh?! everyone else knew weeks before that you were going to leave except me?! you had me looking like an idiot the whole summer for your ass! you knew about the fact that there was possibility of you moving away months ago, MONTHS AGO, and continued to play me like some idiot?!” you shoved his chest a few times, harder with every word that left your mouth, and he stumbled back before grabbing your wrist and holding them in place.
“no i didn’t y/n i swear! everything that I've said, everything that we’ve done, was real! you think i would be acting like that around you and make myself miserable knowing that i would eventually be leaving if i wasn’t completely head over heels for you?! the reason i didn't tell you sooner was because i didn't know how to. how exactly do you tell the girl you've been obsessing over since you were 9, that you've finally had the courage to make a move on, that you would be leaving in a few weeks after spending all summer long falling for her?!” he tried to reason with you but you couldn’t process the words leaving his lips right now. your eyes felt sore already from the hot tears that ran down your cheeks. all you just wanted was to crash through that door and lock yourself in your room for weeks. you didn’t want to look at his face. the face that you've memorized all the details of, the face of the boy who made you believe in those stupid high school love stories that last forever. what stupid lies.
“how could you do this jaemin?” you whispered in between quiet sobs and finally stopped fighting against him, he took his chance and pulled you into his chest, wrapping both arms around your shaking body and you sobbed into him. he buried his face in between your neck and slowly rocked you side to side until you’ve calmed down.
“i’m so sorry y/n, but there’s nothing i can do.” he whispered into you before you pulled away from him, wiping the wet stains from your face after a few seconds.
“yeah i know.” you took a few steps away from him but he seemed to notice and that made his heart ache a little.
“don’t do that, you’re closing off. please y/n, don’t do this to me right now.” jaemin felt tears come to his eyes and he tried his hardest to hold them back for as long as he could, but not being able to stop that single tear that escaped rolling down his cheek and dripping onto his hoodie.
“what else am i supposed to do jaemin? you’re moving away, you’re leaving us. and you didn’t even tell me.” you felt like bawling again but stopped yourself.
“we can still all talk. i’ll try and come down a few times a year—“
“jae. you’re moving to a whole different country.” you said and he slouched his shoulders in defeat at your words as the realization hit him.
“when are you leaving?” you finally spoke after a long pause.
“two weeks.” he lowly said and you scoffed.
“two weeks? how could you not tell me?!” you felt anger begin to bubble inside you again but checked yourself. you weren’t the only one who was hurting right now, jaemin was too. he had to leave everything he knew behind, his house, his family, his friends. you couldn't possibly imagine what he must be feeling.
“i’m sorry” was all he could say when he looked you in the eyes and a few more tears escaped.
“yeah, me too” you approached him once again and closed the distance between you in a tight hug. this took jaemin by surprise before he gave in and safely wrapped his arms around you and just held you there in silence.
“let me just do this one thing, please.” he pulled away and placed a hand on your jaw, you leaned into his touch and saw him come in closer to your face.
he stopped right before his lips touched yours and you felt his breath on them, you both looked at each other before he looked back down and finally closed the distance.
your first kiss. your first kiss was with the boy you fell for that summer. for a boy you were probably never seeing again. it was a short kiss, short but sweet. neither of you knew much of what you were doing so you didn’t really push it past what it was.
he pulled away and looked at you again before smiling sweetly down at you.
“we still have a week. so let’s make it last, okay?” he nodded his head up and down and you mimicked him with a reciprocated smile.
“okay” you placed your head back on his chest and stayed there a little longer with arms tightly wrapped around him. like he was going to dissapear any second.
“jaemin?” you whispered and he hummed, feeling his chest vibrate against your ear in acknowledgement.
“what if i never see you again?” you gripped his back a little tighter. he stayed silent for a while before bringing his hands to cup both sides of your face and cradle it in front of his.
“the universe works in funny ways you know. we will see each other again one day. i promise.” he kissed your forehead and you closed your eyes and allowed another fresh tear to slip down your cheek. you finally pulled away from the hug and he stared at you for a little while before whipping away the tears from his and yours face with a laugh.
“go inside. it’s late, i’ll see you tomorrow at school.” his eyes held adoration as he watched you nod again and start walking towards your door after whispering a ‘goodnight jaemin’ to him with a closed lip smile. when you closed the door behind you, you couldn’t help the pain you felt between your chest, it felt like your entire body was being drained and you dropped to you knees, covering your mouth from the loud sobs as you cried on your front door.
you both spent those entire two weeks with each other. you went everywhere that brought the smallest memory of your lives together, almost like you were trying to engrave it all into jaemin head so he never forgets. but trust, he never would.
you and your friends threw him a little goodbye party the night before his flight, there was a lot of tears and hugging. a few dramatic falls and cries from chenle, donghyuck and ellie, but you all had fun. you spent it like you needed too. together.
you didn’t send him off the morning of his flight, too scared that you would break down in front of his parents and more embarrassingly your friends. he was disapointed when he walked outside of his house and saw all his friends standing next to his dads car with balloons in their hands yet you were no where to be seen. but he still smiled and hugged every single one of them goodbye and promised to keep in touch.
ellie and eunjung came by later that day to check in on you. as soon as they walked through your bedroom door and made eye contact with you, witnessing the hurt expression on your face, you couldn't help the hot tears that started flowing uncontrollably. they comforted you while you cried the whole night, feeling like your body was floating until you finally fell asleep with dried tears on your pillow.
the crying continued for another 6 weeks before you learned to cope. you started hanging out with your friends again and going out more often. you and jaemin still stayed in contact, texting and calling as much as you could trying to keep each other up to date with what’s happening, him on settling into his new school, making new friends, and you on how ellie and donghyuck tried to get jisung to go through the basketball hoop and proceeded to get him stuck. it took almost 2 hours getting him out.
slowly you began to stop talking less and less, texts became shorter, and calls weren’t made as often. until one day, they stopped. you believed that it was just a tough lesson the world just wanted you to learn at an early age. you had moved on and it was all just some stupid summer crush on a friend.
 life goes on. and it did.
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“finally! fucking turtles!” ellie shouted once she saw the two familiar faces that were seungjun and chan walk through the glass door. she quickly pushed them out of the way and exited the shop in a rush.
“what’s with her?” chan looked over his shoulder before making his way over to the counter.
“she wants to go to the lake. badly” eunjung grabbed her bag and began walking towards the door.
“alright, guard the fortress freshies!” you held a L to your forehead and stuck out your tongue to the two younger boys, catching them roll their eyes before you chased behind your friends.
you followed the two girls to the parking lot where your car sat under the boiling summer heat.
“can you walk any slower?!” ellie stomped her foot on the ground while she waited for you to open the doors.
“actually, i can.” you slowed your steps like you were stuck in slow motion which only made ellie groan loudly in annoyance and a laugh to leave eunjungs lips.
“y/n please! i’m trying to have a hot girl summer again!” she begged before you finally gave in and unlocked the doors. she smiled brightly before climbing into the passenger seat and tossing her bag somewhere in the chaotically packed backseat.
“what do you mean ‘again’?” eunjung pushed over some of the jackets scattered on the seat to make space for herself before climbing in and closing the door behind her.
“well, last year i barely got to enjoy the thottivities because i was taking care of devil children the whole time. but this year? i’m not letting this heat slip away so easily baby.” ellie twisted her body in the seat to talk to the taller brunette behind her.
“didn’t you have a thing with hyunjin all of last summer?” you looked at her in confusion before starting the car and driving out of the parking lot into the streets.
“we did not have such thing!” she barked at you with crossed arms.
“yes you did.” eunjung uttered out not taking her eyes off her phone.
“shut up eunjung! like i haven’t caught you and jisung in our dorm before!” ellie fought back with knitted eyebrows.
“at least i own up to it!” eunjung stuck her tongue out before going back to her phone. you all laughed after a few seconds of realizing how stupid you all probably looked to passing vehicles as you screamed in the car.
“why don’t you guys just make it official anyway, i’m tired of watching you two sneak off somewhere every time we all try and hang out together. just say that you’re dating and call it a day.” you blasted your ac to try and somewhat control the sweat threatening to drip from your forehead.
“we’re taking our time! we don’t want to rush things.” she finally placed the device on her lap and pouted, eyes gazing out of the window to all the passing buildings.
“eunjung sweetheart, it’s been almost 5 years. i think we’re past the rushing part,” ellie snickered in her seat, “very very past actually.” you added in and you all shared a laugh.
“i’m just nervous, what if he doesn’t like me enough to you know, actually make things official?” she nervously made eye contact with you through the rear view mirror and bit her bottom lip; an adorable habit she’s collected through the years.
you and ellie turned to look at each other with knowing looks before shaking your heads in unison.
“girl, that boy is obsessed with your ass. do you see the way he looks at you? you basically have him wrapped around your finger. plus, why wouldn’t he want to be with you? you’re fucking banging. i’d be gay for you” ellie shrugged her shoulders and slouched in her seat. eunjung smiled and blushed from the backseat before abruptly sitting up and smooching ellies cheek. ellie squirmed under her touch and whined loudly before finally shoving the taller girl back into her seat.
“gay moment? i’m here for it.” you laughed and turned in your street before speeding a little to make the ride shorter.
the car fell into comfortable silence for a few minutes. you focused on the road while tapping the steering wheel to the random song playing from the radio. but not og after the peaceful silence was interrupted by ellies loud voice booming through the car.
“i’m sorry, but can we please talk about how jaemin is back in town.” ellie burbled out before eunjung gave her a wide eye death stare. your grip tightened on the steering wheel and you swallowed the lump of saliva that had formed in your throat before concentrating back on the road in front of you.
“ellie. we’re not-“
“no it’s fine, don’t worry about me.” you shook your head and relaxed your tense shoulders.
“i’m sorry y/n, but like what the fuck. that was so random just seeing him again after such a long time.”
“yeah i guess. it’s been so long i kinda forgot he existed.” you commented before pulling into your apartment complex and smoothly parking in your spot.
“you sure you ‘forgot he existed’? you don’t look at people you forget exist the way you were looking at him.” ellie unbuckled her seat belt and exited out of the hot vehicle.
“ellie!” eunjung shoved her shoulder and raised her arms in the air, her way of basically saying ‘what the fuck is wrong with you?’.
“i mean you can say that. i don’t know what i felt, everything just kinda came rushing back to me when i saw him. i didn’t really know what to do with myself except stare.” you shrugged your shoulders and began to walk towards your front entrance.
“i mean you were depressed for half of sophomore year over the guy. i would’ve reacted the same way love.” ellie hooked your arms together as eunjung unlocked the front door and holding it open for the two of you to enter, you murmured quiet ‘thank you’s before making your way over to the elevator and pressing the up arrow.
“i know. don’t even remind me.” you shook your head and closed your eyes for a few seconds.
“are you sure you’re gonna be okay tonight?” eunjung placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave you a sympathetic look.
“of course i will. it’s been almost five years, i’m fine. it was just a stupid high school crush anyway.” eunjung and ellie shared a look before you stepped into the elevator with them following behind a few seconds later.
“i’m glad. don’t let it ruin your night. besides, we’ll be there the whole time along with the guys. just think of it as us normally hanging out. anyway, it’s summer time bitches!” eunjung screamed into the elevator with a loud echo left behind making you and ellie cringe at the sound.
“let’s just hurry the fuck up and get ready. i want to go get drunk and try and talk jeno into a threesome. you know what they say, third times the charm.” ellie smirked and pressed the button and watched the doors close in front of her.
this night should be very interesting.
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an: i’m going to try and begin writing part 2 as soon as possible! knowing me it’ll probably take a while lol. i also a few other stories i’m working on so bare with me
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: OH! I absolutely adored writing about these two, but alas, it is time for us to part. And as I bid these two lovebirds (and their 100k long “short” story..) adieu, I will definitely continue to write. Please feel free to send me prompts or ideas and enjoy your day. 
Word count: 1.592
Disclaimer: fluff
This is the final part of the Tea for Two series. *sadness* I hope you enjoyed it <3
Read my other stories here.
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Is the air thick, or is it just me?
Tapping my foot on the grey slate tiles of the bathroom, I glanced at the obnoxious piece of plastic that was currently taking its sweet time to give me clarity. Here I was, sitting on the toilet, a fumbled up box in my left hand and this pregnancy test in my right. A soft singing drifted in from downstairs, as Henry was cooking us dinner. Probably singing along to this jazzy cooking playlist I made, I thought.  
I smiled and sighed. I really don’t need to read the wrapper AGAIN, right?
I stretched out to place the stick on the edge of the sink, before tossing the wrapper and box in one graceful bow straight in the bin.
I smirked and half-eyed the stick again. No result yet.
Arghh..How long could a few minutes be?!
I knew the drill by now. Especially after that little heart attack moment a few months ago.
What probably had just been some mild stomach flue, had awoken a whole new phase in our relationship. Suddenly there was this baby-situation we needed to discuss. And I, for one, was not quite ready for that.
It became a mind boggling 12-hour rollercoaster that came to an immediate halt as it happened to be a false alarm. Just some painful boobs and a bit of throwing up.
Now, however, it seemed more game on. For a few days now I had been having morning sickness, unbeknownst to Henry - I didn’t want to flip his guts again for no reason. And ..well…there HAD been this Japan trip where I had accidentally forgotten my pill strip. And we did have sex. Hot HOT sex.
What a few months can do, right? My life changed so fast, I barely even realised it. Two years ago I was living a very single life in LA, my mind more occupied with work than love. Fast forward a few months and I was suddenly cooping up with this hella cute guy in a trailer on the Witcher set in Poland. The next thing we’re meeting the parents, we’re moving in..he’s proposing. Holy hell.
And did I want to have babies with him?
I guess I..
I glanced at the stick again, noticing a line was starting to appear. My eyes grew wider.
‘Honey, dinner’s almost ready.’ I barely registered Henry’s voice as he called for me, my fingers now grasping around the test to get a better look.
‘Oh my..’ I whispered, quickly getting up from the toilet seat and folding my fingers around the plastic object, looking at it one more time before pushing it in my sweater pocket, my legs blindly carrying me down the stairs.
A waft of roast veggies and meats hit my nostrils, the sound of some jazz music joined by Henry’s soft humming. Ah the Sunday roast. I practically floated into the kitchen, my stomach rumbling at the notion there was some delicious food at the ready. And a delicious fiancé too.
I squeezed Henry’s ass and popped my head over his shoulder, looking at him work as he cut up the roast meat.
’Smells goooood.’ I all but drooled. Henry snickered in response.
‘That’s gooood to hear.’ He sang-sung in his low baritone, half-wittedly tuning in with the beat of the music. I chuckled, moving to fill a pitcher with water, before following Henry to the dining table.
Tony Bennett’s Tea for Two was playing softly in the background.
“Picture you upon my knee
Just tea for two
And two for tea..”
We sat down and as Henry started to open a bottle of red wine my mind all but reeled.
OH darn. I have to tell him..right now.
Or later? After dinner?
Maybe just..
Fuck..I can’t drink alcohol.
I looked at his hand as it deftly turned the bottle opener into the cork, the cork scrunching under the force.
‘I ..eh…’ Henry looked up, his hand now starting to tug on the opener, the cork slowly rising from the narrow neck of the bottle.
My cheeks turned bright red and my mind couldn’t form a single word.
‘You okay dear?’ He asked, not sure what was the matter as his eyebrow raised. ‘Please don’t tell me you just now became a vegetarian..’ He nervously chuckled, eyeing the roast meat as it lay enticingly steaming on the wooden board.
‘I’m pregnant.’ I finally gasped.
Suddenly there was wine everywhere. Henry’s hand slipped and the bottle all but tumbled from his grip as his mouth fell wide agape, the red liquid staining his shirt and arms as he stared at me wide eyed.
‘Really?’ He whispered, completely ignoring the wine spill as he turned on his chair.
I smiled nervously, my cheeks burning even more red as I fumbled, reaching for the test that was snugly hidden away in my sweater pocket. Just like a baby. My fingers grasped around the plastic and I tugged it out, my eyes also instantly dragging back to the little + icon that had appeared only minutes earlier. It was still there.
‘I’m pregnant.’ I smiled, a giddy laughter starting to bubble up in my chest as Henry’s arms were suddenly around me, his lips pressing precious little kisses on my face.
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*on Instagram* 
To my wife.
On a very sweaty early morning in LA I was preparing for my walk with Kal. Like I do everyday before work. Little did I know that Kal had different plans that day. He escaped. Something I can easily ascribe to be one of the most terrifying moments of my life, were it not that within minutes my phone rang. I heard your voice.
‘Are you perhaps missing a dog?’
I went out to find you and Kal. Which happened to be at the highest hill top. You smiled at me casually while handing me his leash, a sunset setting the world around us aglow. We chatted a bit while walking back down - you worked on the Witcher set as well and had this sweet quirkiness going on. “Lisa from marketing” is all I knew about you when you waved us goodbye.
Well. I asked around. And apparently there worked over 20 Lisa’s at the Witcher set.
I had almost given up on finding you again, when I finally saw you. Sipping on a cup of tea at the breakfast bar. And once more we had such fun, that I felt that this cup of tea was empty way too soon and you had hopped off your chair and disappeared before I could ask you out. It left me a bit confused. Should I just call you? It felt like we clicked. I had your number. No.. that’d be weird. Oh, how silly I felt when I would then continue coming to that breakfast bar again..and again..and again. Until I found you there once more. And we chatted again so very animatedly. You invited me for a hike after work. Which turned into dinner at your place. And the rest…well..it’s kind of history.
Just one week ago you have made me the happiest man alive. Because I may now call you not just my best friend, my arch nemesis on Mario Kart, my conscience when I so need it, but also ..my wife. I love you, my sweet Lisa.  
PS. Thanks Kal for that hook up. I owe you one, BIG time.  
“Just tea for two
And two for tea
Just me for you
And you for me alone”
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‘PUSH! Come on! PUSH!’
‘I can’t do it.’ I cried, my fingers tangling desperately around the sweaty sheets as another contraction rippled through my wrecked body.
‘Come on baby. A little more. You’re nearly there.’ Henry dabbed the sweat off my forehead, the cool cloth somewhat alleviating my toasty hot skin as I squeezed every muscle I could squeeze.
Why did this baby have to decide to come out on the hottest frigging day of the year?!
‘AAAAAAHHHHHH BY THE GODS WHY..FUCK..AHHHHHHH.’ I scolded, fury raging through my boiling blood.
The whole world kind of swam around me in colours and sounds. There were indistinct voices cheering me on as I could feel the dull pressure at my lower abdomen, the almost natural need to push rushing through my very being. And then there was Henry. His head floating above me as he coached me through it all, his voice focused and steady as a rock in a wild, restless surf.
‘I am so proud of you. You are doing it. YES baby! YES!’ His voice became more excited.  
For just a moment, as all faces suddenly turned downward, I felt my heart sink. Was it…?
And then he cried, our baby boy.
Still a bit at loss at what just happened and even more confused at what to do, I looked over at Henry. His hair a tumbling mess of dark curls and his blue eyes glazed over with tears, he smiled, unbelieving of what just happened. I felt my heart sing through the realms of my painful body. All was well.
And then suddenly there was this tiny little person placed on my breast. All soft skin, caked with blood, a roaring wail coming from his tiny mouth. Our baby bear.
My heart swelled as Henry’s eyes met mine. 
Green meets blue. 
Mommy.. meets daddy.
“We will raise.. a family
A boy for you
And a girl for me”
The end. 
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breaniebree · 4 years
ASC Playlist
This is for tim2604 on ff.net who requested a list of my playlist from my story A Second Chance.  Some of them are individual songs that are also mentioned on the album, but they are all listed here as being mentioned whether by song title, lyrics, or album name.  The ones at the bottom are still to come at a Halloween party ;)
Here it is!
It’s Only Rock n’ Roll But I like It - The Rolling Stones
All You Need is Love - The Beatles
Stand - Rascal Flatts
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd 
A Night at the Opera (album) - Queen
Death on Two Legs (Dedicated To …) 
Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon 
I’m in Love With my Car 
You’re My Best Friend 
Sweet Lady 
Seaside Rendevous 
The Prophet’s Song 
Love of My Life 
Good Company 
Bohemian Rhapsody 
God Save the Queen 
Werewolves of London - Warren Zevon
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
Respect - Aretha Franklin
Blackbird - The Beatles
PS I Love You - The Beatles
The White Album (album) - The Beatles
Back in the USSR 
Dear Prudence 
Glass Onion 
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 
Wild Honey Pie 
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill 
While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
Happiness is a Warm Gun 
Martha My Dear 
I’m So Tired 
Rocky Raccoon 
Don’t Pass Me By 
Why Don’t We Do it in the Road? 
I Will 
Yer Blues 
Mother Nature’s Son 
Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
Sexy Sadie 
Helter Skelter 
Long, Long, Long 
Revolution 1 
Honey Pie 
Savoy Truffle 
Cry Baby Cry 
Revolution 9 
Good Night 
Rubber Soul (album) - Beatles
Drive My Car 
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 
You Won’t See Me 
Nowhere Man 
Think For Yourself 
The Word 
What Goes On 
I’m Looking Through You 
In My Life 
Wait If I Needed Someone 
Run For Your Life 
The Game (album) - Queen
Play the Game 
Dragon Attack 
Another One Bites the Dust 
Need Your Loving Tonight 
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 
Rock it (Primo Jive) 
Don’t Try Suicide 
Sail Away Sweet Sister 
Coming Soon Save Me 
Birthday - The Beatles
Led Zeppelin III (album) - Led Zeppelin
Immigrant Song 
Celebration Day 
Since I’ve Been Loving You 
Out on the Tiles 
Gallows Pole 
That’s the Way 
Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 
Hats Off to (Roy) Harper 
You Like Me Too Much - The Beatles
In My Life - The Beatles
G N’ R Lies (album) - Guns N’ Roses
Reckless Life 
Nice Boys 
Move to the City 
Mama Kin 
Used to Love Her 
You’re Crazy 
One in a Million 
Don’t Bother Me - The Beatles
I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
I’ll Cry Instead - The Beatles
I’ve Just Seen A Face - The Beatles
I’m A Loser - The Beatles
I Am the Walrus - The Beatles
Act Naturally - The Beatles
Hold Me Tight - The Beatles
Carry That Weight - The Beatles
With A Little Help From My Friends - The Beatles
Across the Universe - The Beatles
While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles
Something - The Beatles
Eight Days A Week - The Beatles
Can’t Buy Me Love - The Beatles
Because - The Beatles
Let It Be - The Beatles
Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles
Dream On - Aerosmith
Innuendo (album) - Queen
I’m Going Slightly Mad 
I Can’t Live With You 
Don’t Try So Hard
Ride the Wild Wind 
All God’s People 
These Are the Days of Our Lives 
The Hitman 
The Show Must Go On 
Presto (album) - Rush
Show Don’t Tell 
Chain Lightning 
The Pass 
War Paint 
Anagram (For Mongo) 
Red Tide 
Hand Over Fist 
Available Light 
Working Man - Rush
Blow Up Your Video (album) - ACDC
That’s The Way 
I Wanna Rock N’ Roll 
Mean Streak 
Go Zone 
Kissin’ Dynamite 
Nick of Time 
Some Sin for Nuthin’ 
Ruff Stuff 
Two’s Up 
This Means War 
Bleach (album) - Nirvana
Floyd the Barber 
About a Girl 
Love Buzz 
Paper Cuts 
Negative Creep 
Swap Meet 
Mr Mustache 
Big Cheese 
New Jersey (album) - Bon Jovi
Lay Your Hands On Me 
Bad Medicine 
Born To Be My Baby 
Living in Sin 
Blood on Blood 
Homebound Train 
Wild is the Wind 
Ride Cowboy Ride 
Stick to Your Guns
I’ll Be There For You 
99 in the Shade 
Love for Sale 
Like A Prayer (album) - Madonna
Like A Prayer 
Express Yourself 
Love Song 
Till Death Do Us Part 
Promise to Try Cherish 
Dear Jessie 
Oh Father 
Keep It Together 
Pray for Spanish Eyes 
Act of Contrition 
Wide Awake in Dreamland (album) - Pat Benatar
All Fired Up 
One Love (Song of the Lion) 
Let’s Stay Together 
Don’t Walk Away 
Too Long A Soldier 
Cool Zero 
Cerebral Man 
Lift ‘Em On Up 
Suffer the Little Children 
Wide Awake in Dreamland 
Whiplash Smile (album) - Billy Idol
Worlds Forgotten Boy 
To Be a Lover 
Soul Standing By 
Sweet Sexteen 
Men for All Seasons 
Don’t Need a Gun 
Beyond Belief 
Fatal Charm 
All Summer Single 
One Night, One Chance 
Dark Side of the Moon (album) - Pink Floyd
Speak to Me 
Breathe (In the Air) 
On the Run 
The Great Gig in the Sky 
Us and Them 
Any Colour You Like 
Brain Damage 
I Will - The Beatles
We Will Rock You - Queen
Toto IV (album) - Toto
Make Believe 
I Won’t Hold Back 
Good for You 
It’s a Feeling 
Afraid of Love 
Lovers in the Night 
We Made it 
Waiting for Your Love 
Back in Black (album) - ACDCHells Bells
Shoot to Thrill 
What Do You Do for the Money Honey 
Givin’ the Dog a Bone 
Let Me Put My Love Into You 
Back in Black 
You Shook Me All Night Long 
Have a Drink On Me 
Shake a Leg 
Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution 
London Calling (album) - The Clash
London Calling 
Brand New Cadillac 
Jimmy Jazz 
Rudie Can’t Fail 
Spanish Bombs 
The Right Profile 
Lost in the Supermarket 
The Guns of Brixton 
Wrong ‘Em Boyo 
Death or Glory 
Koka Kola 
The Card Cheat 
Lover’s Rock 
Four Horseman 
I’m Not Down 
Revolution Rock 
Train in Vain 
The Boys Are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy
You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
Cherry Pie - Warrant
Baby, I Love You - The Ramones
Insomniac (album) - Green Day
Armatage Shanks 
Stuck with Me 
Geek Stink Breath 
No Pride 
Bab’s Uvula Who? 
Panic Song 
Stuart ant the Ave. 
Brain Stew 
Westbound Sign 
Tight Wad Hill 
Walking Contradiction 
I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You - Elvis Presley
Octopus’ Garden - The Beatles
Who Wants to Live Forever - Queen
Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi
Waiting for a Girl Like You - Foreigner
Night Visions - AJ McLean
Jagged Little Pill (album) - Alanis Morrisette
All I Really Want 
You Oughta Know 
Hand in My Pocket 
Right Through You 
You Learn 
Head Over Feet 
Mary Jane 
Not the Doctor 
Wake Up 
These Are The Days of Our Lives - Queen
Follow You Down - Gin Blossoms
Fastlove - George Michael
A Long December - Counting Crows
It’s All Coming Back to Me Now - Celine Dion
How Bizarre - OMC
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Un-Break My Heart - Toni Braxton
Wannabe - Spice Girls
I’ll Be There For You - The Remembrandts
Dance Like a Hippogriff - Weird Sisters
I Put A Spell On You - Annie Lennox
Open Your Heart - Madonna
The Earth, The Sun, The Rain - Color Me Badd
Everything I Do (I Do It For You) - Bryan Adams
Saturday Night - Whigfield
Mamma Mia - Abba
Waterloo - Abba
You’re My Best Friend - Queen
Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner
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speakspeak · 4 years
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Photo by Darrell Godliman on flickr ·  ·  · The exterior of the Grand Mosque of Cordoba has a real patina of age to it (only slightly enhanced with the use of the Topaz Adjust PS Plug-in). From Wikipedia : 'It was the most magnificent of the more than 1,000 mosques in the city and was at one time the second largest mosque in the Muslim world. It was connected to the Caliph's palace by a raised walk-way, mosques within the palaces being the tradition for the islamic rulers of all times. The city in which it was built was subject to frequent invasion and each conquering wave added their own mark to the architecture. The building is most notable for its giant arches, with over 1,000 columns of jasper, onyx, marble, and granite. These were made from pieces of the Roman temple which had occupied the site previously, as well as other destroyed Roman buildings. The double arches, pictured above, were a new introduction to architecture, and helped support the tremendous weight of the higher ceilings. The double arches consist of a lower horseshoe arch and an upper semi-circular arch. The Mezquita also features richly gilded prayer niches. A centrally located honey-combed dome has beautiful blue tiles decorated with stars. The mihrab is a masterpiece of architectural art, with geometric and flowing designs of plants. The Mezquita reached its current dimensions in 987 A.D. with the completion of the outer naves and orange tree courtyard. Patio de los Naranjos, inside the Mezquita. In 1236, Cordoba was recaptured from the Muslim army by King Ferdinand III of Castile and the mosque was reconsecrated a Christian church. Alfonso X oversaw the construction of the Villaviciosa Chapel and the Royal Chapel within the structure of the mosque. The kings who followed added further Christian features: Enrique II rebuilt the chapel in the 14th century. The most significant alteration was the construction of a Renaissance cathedral nave in the middle of the structure. It was constructed by permission of Carlos V, king of united Spain. Its reversion to a Christian church (officially the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin) may have helped to preserve it when the Spanish Inquisition was most active.'
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dearduende · 4 years
this all really happen? the way it’s written, no— scratched into the spiral bound, composition, college-ruled everything. each waking moment and fights and fears. and the dreams. including those crushes from afar with code names that I must piece together from hints over months and years, and then tracing back cryptic love notes tucked into lockers now pinned as if evidence pointing to the mens rea— the furtive phone calls in hushed tones from my bathroom as if my parents didn’t notice me flush and steal myself away from the dinner table and the nightly status reports. the secrecy (and the hormones) (and the embarrassment of my existence) (but mostly the hormones) blooming acne across my chin, my forehead, my nose within the grooves of its parentheses willing its contents—each pore—to shrink into an afterthought. I remember now how I had prayed to God to absolve my skin problems and to solve my boy ones. even bargained with Him in bed that I’d stop touching myself— or at least a bit less—as if these whiteheads were His chosen form of punishment. a dozen constellations across my shoulders from which my mother would weave the story of her same hidden shame, shared scars and bumps across our backs like labels in Braille of all the parts I want to hide, she promised: it’ll lessen and pass with time.
yet it still manages to haunt the next generation.
pull out the red string and the pins to map the evidence, the eye witness accounts, the threats and the retaliation and the heartache onto the faded bamboo floors of my parents’ house. the times I willed myself not to cry, stone woman as my mother avalanched again over the granite before me her voice booming and crumbling daring to swallow us. the way I stoically thrilled in the lust of our mutual destruction, first: the sticky salt of our wounds lashed by sharp tongues and second: the umami of it seared and grilled to perfection. still bleeding. medium rare. or when my father stampeded the room. seeing red. throwing a metal water bottle, denting it permanently against the wall then landing on the cold tile. how their swear words were only ever in English (that’s when I knew shit was serious) a rare violence uncondoned by both their mothers’ tongues.
I’m just realizing now: no wonder my brother and I, or I’ll just speak for myself, why I still burst into tears in the middle of their war zone, or whatever else might feel remotely like it. I now know instead of acting as an unsolicited diplomat caught in the crossfire it’s safer to seek asylum in the Switzerland of the next room, one ear still wired to their rising voices (I can’t help it) and their talking points, only to draft peace treaties for a civil war where they’ve long forgotten what it is they’re really fighting about anymore. but back then, this was the only way to snap them out of self-destruct mode by overriding their programming with the parental unit fail-safe. their child crying.
I could walk backwards through it with my eyes closed and show you exactly how the sun slants through the windows. how in late spring afternoon the crystals hanging in the dining room explode a universe of rainbows, little galaxies of light scattered among our dark matter, across the white walls and the floors and the crumbs on the pale table cloth. I could point out all the favorite sun spots of Tiger and Lily (may he rest in peace) and somehow always end up back at the grand piano. there is a tenderness only fingertips know.
dig out the mental blueprints from the archives. the different schools. the cliques and the quacks. the start of another year. short shorts and sweaters. (refer to your diaryjournals for the details).
and then another new journal. how they all somehow begin with the just-after-waking subtle scent of short stories germinating in my mind. they seem to disappear just before I can finish transcribing them and then I’m left empty handed, dumfounded, foolish and doubting and then writing the only kinds of stories I do know, the ones I’m still learning to place in the light sprouting tender roots between sheets of paper, pressed tightly like all those flower petals— if only I could preserve their bright pigment tones. but even imagination fades. and seemingly so do memories. these spines loosely bound and knees and elbows now cracked, scuffed, and crinkled. just a bit creased and water damaged. over the years. but mostly tears—watermarks from another era. once, an errant sprinkler jet from the lawn tap tap tapped against my bedroom window just barely cracked open, as fate would have it. waterlogged stacks of books my pillars now pink and black and blue with mold and flooded the bamboo floors. trying to put out the wrong fires a decade too late, or maybe the right fires as in the written ones, to destroy the evidence. I now keep them sealed in a plastic box.
I plead the fifth. there must be some limit after all these years, when it’s way too late to apologize anyway— I’ve considered, and then talked myself down, from texting or DMing all the people I have wronged. and memory serves no one now. if my handwriting has changed at least a dozen times does that mean I’ve lived a dozen different lives? the Hubba Bubba gum tape chewing preteen blowing bubbles over every i and j and under each ! and then there’s the jagged purple glitter pen cursive as if going slower helps it turn out better— one of those things you realize later in life isn’t always true. there’s the one seemingly always in a rush, skinny and slanted and caffeinated (there are coffee spill stains to prove) always as if she’s just about to topple over. breathe, I want to tell her, no need to move so fast. you will concuss yourself doing so. and two weeks later also topple down the stairs. (both true stories.) life will force you to slow down. I almost forget the one more rounded and grounded printed in ballpoint extra fine so as not to bleed but what’s the cost of living for the sake of perfection? what even is my handwriting now? I had to dig out one of my scrap paper lists to figure out how its a blend, less measured and more movement without being driven purely by entropy.
loosely held together.
and now, how often do I write, like with pen and paper the letters carved and inked their ghosts passing through the walls between pages bumping up against other memories. these lives and voices call out to me across the decades, some more familiar than others almost like specimens in a museum glass box too fragile for the dust or the humidity or the air or the light of day. I’m an archeologist glowing at her simple discovery which really just involves showing up onsite and digging and dusting and continued search over and over into the pits of my being delicately brushing away at the dirt around my bones, the silt and sediment compressing into a cross section of history held in my hand. look! here it is.
so I write again, if only for this moment to leave my future self some clues (in no particular order): the return of my freckles. Craigslist apartment daydreams. I’m building my callouses learning a new landscape of metal strings and broken chords. say a little prayer. tonight, I made choong yao bang from scratch with Mom. I’ve been staying up way too late (it’s 4:35am right now... why?) and then falling asleep to ASMR videos (specifically, Emma). Mom and Dad are actually not fighting much these days despite spending all day under the same roof (find your Google doc, love in the time of quarantine).
my younger self might not even recognize these people inhabiting our same house.
Mom and Dad are both still here. and I’m trying not to take it all for granted, I promise. we’re together for now but he’s gone again (eerily, much like 10 years ago but this time on his own terms) or at least he’s far away, who knows, who’s to say. we’re giving him time and space. and we’re learning how to hold each other while we fall apart, sometimes all at the same time. usually in different ways.
how I’m scared and excited for my life to unfurl one leaf at a time. allowing myself the gift, the anticipation, the surprise, and then counting the splits.
reach for the sunlight, keep reaching.
and I still don’t know what I wanna be when I grow up but when have I ever had it all figured out and what fun is that.
and a note to my younger self: PS—not only will you continue to write for emotional release (reference my pure bewilderment of this cathartic power in diaryjournal dated February 10, 2007) you will also connect with other humans in your words and we’ll play in our world and revel in theirs too. keep writing, for yourself. and dare to share it with others.
gather what others refer to as the weeds, make a bouquet, blow and scatter the dandelion seeds.
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angellhardy · 6 years
off limits
Pairing: Roger Taylor x reader 
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: mild swearing
AN: Helloooo. This is my first BoRhap story and if you’re interested its going to be a series! I think probably 3 or 4 parts!  If its like i imagine it, its going to be very angsty (but i love it). Also english isnt my first language so there probably will be some mistakes :) 
PS: the first few lines about the reader being pregnant is a foreshadowing about whats to come! The rest of the story tells how the reader ended up at this point! (just clarifying bc there was some confusion) ENJOY!!
next part
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You didn’t know what to do. What to think. Your mouth hang open, getting dry from your heavy breathing. You stared at the stick in front of you with your eyes fixated on the little blue plus sign. With your hands shaking you picked up the other two tests that you took from the bathroom counter and looked at their results, just to see another confirmation of your worst fear. You were really pregnant. You feel your knees go weak as you let yourself slide on the bathroom floor hoping the cold tiles on the floor will calm your nerves but it’s useless. You let out a shaky breath before you mutter a desperate “fuck” and close your eyes to stop the tears from falling.
When you got a call from Brian you were surprised. He hadn’t called you in a few months, which you understood with him being on tour in America and the band really taking off. But to be honest you just thought that’s that it for your friendship and he would forget about you eventually with his new lifestyle, which hurt but you were coming to terms with it. He was one of your dearest friends since you were 12, maybe even your best friend. You saw each other every day and were like brother and sister, although some people around town always gossiped that you were more but you and Brian just laughed about it. Your friendship started to strain when you two went to different colleges and only saw each other a few times a month. He would call you every other day to tell you about his band smile and how he missed you and how you should come to their next gig. But unfortunately you barely made it to any gigs, so you only saw smile once live before it evolved into queen. 
That was the day you met Roger Taylor for the first time. You remember walking into the small pub where they were playing, cigarette smoke clouding the room and people swaying to the music on the speakers. Brian told you to come early so you can chat before the gig so you did. At this time you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks so you were excited to see him again and to finally witness him playing with his band. Without thinking you walked yourself over to the bar.
“What can I get you?” Asked the bartender with a friendly smile.
“Oh just a beer please!” You answered and had your beverage just a few seconds later in your hand. You turned around, facing the pub and started searching for Brian and his messy mop of hair but couldn’t find him anywhere.
Suddenly a man next to you started speaking. “Looking for your Prince Charming? Because I think you just found him.” he said with a smirk. Stunned you looked at the man that just started speaking. Messy blonde hair, big blue eyes and wearing a floral button down shirt with the top buttons open. You have to admit he was gorgeous. “I’m roger!” The man said ripping you out of your thoughts and seemingly caught you staring at him, causing his smirk to only grow more intense. “I’m (y/n).” You said introducing yourself to the stranger. Roger leaned closer to your ear and asked in a sly voice “What a pretty name....so are you here alone?” Your breath hitched as you felt his hot breath on your neck. Turning your head to answer you suddenly realize how dangerously close your faces were. Trying to sound calm you replied “No...I’m actually here with Bri...” when you were cut off by your name being called from across the room. You turned to see Brian walk over to you and before you knew it, he picked you up from the ground and swirled you around making a few people stare at you. “Brian stop it! Let me down!” you said between laughter with your arms tight around his neck.
“Sorry i’m just so excited that you’re actually here!” He beamed at you with happiness before he finally put you to the ground again.
Roger cleared his throat behind you making Brian glance at him suddenly like he didn’t realize roger was there too. “Oh roger, here, I want you to meet someone. This is (y/n), my sister!” Roger suddenly widened his eyes before you could clear the air. “Not his real sister. We’re not blood related but he’s still like a big brother to me.” You said looking up to see Brian smile at you fondly, totally missing how your last sentence made Roger relax again. “Me and roger actually just met a few minutes ago.” You continued speaking, a smirk growing on your face.
“Oh is that so?” Brian asked, turning to look at roger seemingly already knowing what you were going to say. Roger just looked at you, shaking his head at you and trying to stop you.
“Yeah he just told me that he’s my Prince Charming.” You said, watching Roger as he looked uncomfortably around the bar, avoiding looking at you and Brian. Your best friend sighed beside you annoyed and just said “Roger. No.” which made Roger snap his head at you both. “What?” he asked with a scuff.
“Roger, (y/n) is off limits. Not her.” Brian said with a stern face and serious voice.
“That’s not really your decision to make, is it?” Roger shot back with a grin.
You just watched as they talked, not knowing what to say. “Roger, no. You can’t have her.” Brian said, taking your hand and dragging you away from roger and across the room. Roger quickly got up from his seat and walked after you both. He walked beside you while Brian walked in front of you both, clearing the way for you, not noticing that roger followed you. Roger leaned closer to you again and whispered, so only you could hear it “Makes me just want you more, princess.” You looked at him shocked and he just smirked and winked at you, before disappearing in the crowd of people on the dance floor.
When you watched them perform on stage you really tried to focus on Brian. You really really did. But somehow your eyes always found their way to the blonde drummer behind him. Watching as he drummed with such ease, always a smile on his face as he sang into his microphone. It was addictive to watch him. Apparently you stared at him a bit to long because your eyes met his for a second and you quickly looked away, knowing that roger caught you and formed a smirk on his face again. From this moment basically every time you saw each other over the months it was Rogers goal to make you blush, to tease you with flirty phrases or come dangerously close to you without reason. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes you flirted back and sometimes you shut him down. It was honestly a lot of fun but never blossomed into something more as you knew Roger and knew how he was just a lady’s man. You refused to be one of these girls which relieved Brian more than you know. He just couldn’t see you get hurt, especially not by one of his best friends.
But the flirting between you and Roger never calmed down, not even as smile turned into queen and they got a new bassist and a new lead singer. They started working on an album shortly after that. A few times Brian invited you to come to the studio with them and you could already feel it back then that they would be big. And you were right. You saw them less and less as they toured around the country and when they left for America you already knew that you wouldn’t hear from any of them for some time.
And now it’s been 13 weeks and suddenly you heard Brian’s voice at the other end of the line.
“Hello? (Y/N)? Is that you?” He spoke.
“Brian?” You ask, surprised to hear him.
“Oh (y/n)! Yeah it’s me! It’s so good to hear you again! Sorry I didn’t call sooner, we were so busy with touring and recording the new album.”
“Bri, it’s alright. I totally understand.” You answered with a smile on your face.
“I wish you could see us. They really love us here. Every night is sold out.” You could hear the happiness in his voice.
“I’m really happy for you guys, that sounds fantastic. But I do have to ask, why are you calling me now? Not that I mind of course but is there a reason for it?”
“You know me so well (y/n).” He laughs. “We are coming home for a week. Next week actually and I really really want to see you again. I have so much to tell you! And we had the idea to all eat dinner together. You and me and the band. They would like to hang out with you again. And Freddie would like you to meet his girlfriend Mary, so she would be there too.” A grin formed on your face just thinking about it. Finally talking to Brian again. Freddie calling you darling and telling you the funniest stories. Deaky just making weird faces at these stories which makes them even better. And Roger shamelessly flirting with you. Yeah your heart made a little jump at the last part but you quickly shove that feeling away.
“That sounds amazing Brian! Why don’t you all come to dinner at my place. I could cook for you all.” You suggested as you had a quite big flat and loved cooking. “That would be wonderful (y/n). Is Sunday around 7 okay for you?”
“It’s perfect!” You said happily. Brian has to hang up shortly afterwards but not before telling you again how excited he is for Sunday.
The next few days went by in a blur. You only really focused on the preparations for Sunday. You cleaned your apartment everywhere, organized enough seats and planned what to cook. You went with a simple salad, bread and lasagna, because you wanted to do something everyone enjoys.
And then the day was finally here. Dinner was nearly ready and you were doing the last bit of your makeup as you heard a loud knock at your door. You practically ran to the door and had the biggest smile on your face as you opened the door. The boy in front of you mirrored your expression as he walked in and took you in his arms. “It’s so good to see you again (y/n).” Brian said as he pulled you tighter.
“I’m so happy you’re here again.” You replied to him. “Okay enough of you two, we also want a piece of her so move over Brian.” Freddie said with a dramatic eye roll before he hugged you too. Mary and John followed soon after. And then there was just Roger left. He looked as gorgeous as you remembered. His hair was a bit longer and he wore a tight shirt with a red leather jacket over it. “Hello angel. I hope you missed me as much as I missed you.” he said with a wink before taking you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt his hands slide across your hips onto your lower back. You notice the smell of his perfume and cigarette smoke and take it deep in. “You’ve been here for 5 seconds and are already flirting with me again?” You ask as you start to let go of him. “I will never stop flirting with you, princess. You’re just too pretty.” He said, making you blush, so you quickly look to the ground, trying to hide it.   “You two lovebirds can make out another time, now it’s time for food!“ Freddie shouted from the table you set up and you quickly got a few feet away from Roger. „Oh shut up Fred“ Roger said as he took as seat next to him. You noticed Brian’s serious face in Rogers direction but chose to not acknowledge it. You told everyone what you made as put the food on the table. „Looks really good (y/n).“ Mary said as she put something on her plate. „Thank you.“ you replied as you sat down next to Brian. “So how is living on the road in America?” You asked in the round. “Oh it’s great darling! People over there finally see me as the star that I always was!” Freddie exclaimed, making everyone laugh. “Could you see a lot of the cities?” Mary asked them and they all shook their heads. “Not really. Most of the time we arrive at the hotel, are there for some time and then go to the venue and from the venue straight to the hotel again before we leave the city behind us in the morning.” John explained as he put another fork of your food in his mouth. “Well Roger leaves a bit more behind than just the city.” Brian said in a annoyed look. Confused you look at him and than roger, who just looks pissed at Brian. “What do you mean?” you ask Brian. “Well I can remember there were countless times when some girl he took home the night before called him screaming at him why she woke up alone in the morning. But that’s nothing new for Rog.” He recalls looking straight at Roger with a smirk on his face. Roger looked like he was ready to throw hands. You knew exactly why Brian told the story just now. To remind you of how Roger is to the woman he slept with. And it hurt to hear that. You have to admit there is this little crush that you have on Roger and hearing how he slept around made your heart sink a bit. But you quickly brushed it off as you asked Mary what she was doing as a profession to change the subject.
After dinner you all talked for a bit before Mary and Freddie said that they’ll go home now as it was a long day. John said he’ll tag along a few seconds later. Which left you with just Roger and Brian and an awkward silence between you three. You wanted both of them to leave actually. You were a bit hurt by Roger that’s true but he could do whatever he wanted. You were mad at Brian for trying to tell you once again what you can and cannot do. “I think I’ll also go to bed soon, so if you don’t mind.” You said standing up, giving them a hint. “We can help clean up, if you want” roger said. “No thanks, I would like you two to go actually. I’ll clean up tomorrow and now I’m just really tired.” You tried to explain without seeming to distressed. “But we barely got to talk today, (y/n)!” Brian said as he stood up and walked a bit over to you. “Well I think you said enough for today.” You answered and looked him in the eyes, to make sure he knows exactly what you’re talking about. “We have the whole week Brian. I’ll call you tomorrow morning okay?” You tried to clear the air a bit. 
“Please just let me stay 5 more Minutes. Please (y/n).” he said as he looked at you with pleading eyes. Knowing you couldn’t resist your best friend you nodded at him. “I think I’ll leave you two alone.” Roger said as he got up and walked over to the door. You followed him there to say goodbye. “Thank you for the food. It was delicious. And it was really nice seeing you again.” he said in the most genuine voice. “It was nice seeing you too, Roger.” you replied with a smile on your lips. To his surprise you pulled him in for a hug again. You didn’t see his face but you just knew that he smirked as he put his arms around you. “Make sure you’ll dream of me tonight, princess.” he said as he let go off you as winked once more before exiting through the door. 
You turn around and see on Brians face that he just watched the scene in front of him. You saw that he didn’t approve. “Relax Brian.” you said as you started clearing the table. “You know i just don’t want you to get hurt. He’s not good for you (y/n).” he said in a stern voice.
“I think you made that very clear tonight with your little speech about all of Rogs groupies. I mean really Brian? What a way to ruin the fucking mood!” you spat at him. “I’ve known Roger for 2 years now and nothing ever happened between us but you still get weird as soon as we’re both in the same room. I’m an adult Brian! I can do what I want!” you said getting louder. Brian looked at you a bit shocked but quickly shook that off. “I’m sorry (y/n), okay? I’m just very protective of you because you mean a lot to me.” he said in a softer tone now. 
“I know Bri but who even says that i want something from Roger?” you asked him getting frustrated with the situation. 
“I see it in your eyes. The way you look at him is not like the way you look at me or the other boys. I know you like him (y/n). I just wish you didn’t”
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bandit-of-the-radio · 5 years
I’m right here. (CarWash/Washlina Fic)
This isn’t in Our Future Part 3 w h o o ps
But it’s more CarWash/Washalina angst set between S15 and S16.
The exhaustion had kept her frozen in place, unable to move, as the gunshot rang out overhead, the bullet piercing through Washington’s neck.
He hit the ground with a sickening thud, that left Carolina’s stomach churning as she darted forward. Screeching a heart wrenching no. Carolina collapsed at his side, hand’s pressing firmly but carefully against the sides of his neck. The warm blood oozing onto the floor, staining the floor red with Washington’s blood.
“Wash… David! Stay with me…” She whispered softly. “Stay with me…” She eyed him desperately through her visor, eyes focused on him, and only him.
Carolina jolted away suddenly, a heavy feeling washing over her as if her body had been hit by a warthog, gaze shifting towards Washington weakly. She hadn’t realized just how tired she had been when she first entered his room the night before. Carolina had arrived only moments after he was released from surgery, and was immediately told he was not out of the clear yet.
So she parked herself at his bedside, refusing to leave him until he woke up. Not even the Red’s or Blue’s could get her to move. Tucker had even brought her a sandwich, but the sickening feeling left in her gut after being locked up in Temples meat locker, only left her despising food. Still, he managed to convince her to eat a few bites before heading out.
Each of his notable features seemed to stand out to her now. From the scar that lingered over his eyebrow, to the barely noticeable freckles that darted across his nose and cheeks. Carolina could see the dark under his eyes now, and the pale coloration of his skin. Her eyes trailed down now, focusing on the bandage that was wrapped firmly around his neck. Emily Grey’s expert hand had proved successful once again.
Her gaze shifted next to each of the machines he was hooked up too. Oxygen Tank, Heart Monitor, and a bag of iv fluids. The sight of the machines for a brief moment left a cold shiver running down Carolina’s spine as she sat up, reaching forward to take Washington’s hand.
He was cold to the touch, too cold for her liking. This wasn’t the familiar gentle touch she had felt from him when they stood on Illinois beach barely a week before. She felt her lip quiver and gently bit her teeth into it in a desperate attempt to hide the building emotions that were growing in her chest.
He wouldn’t be in this situation if only she had been able to react properly, unsettling anger now built in her chest. If Temple hadn’t locked them up… If she hadn’t fallen for Temple’s stupid trick… Washington and her would be fine.
Carolina shook her head, gaze diverting away from Washington for a moment, as her thumb gently rubbed circles against the back of his hand.
Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours.
The heart seemed to quicken in pace now as the time continued on as she sat in the silence of his hospital room. The only sound being that of the machines he was connected too.
Washington was still out cold, breathing shallow.
There was a feeling around her heart now as she watched him. Eyes scanning over him once more before she felt her lip quiver once more. Carolina had been always been strong, emotionally and of course physically, but this, this was too much for her. Part of this felt like she was losing York all over again, but in that moment she lost York she never had the chance to properly mourn. Never had a proper chance to move on.
Washington had helped her with that. Promising her she didn’t have to destroy the past by tossing away her most prized possession to have the future she wanted. A future with him. A future with the Reds and Blues. Her new family.
But that future had nearly been taken from her all from one single bullet.
She raised his hand that she still held, pressing a soft kiss against the backside.
“Stay with me…” Carolina whispered under her breath, a broken sob erupting from her chest. “Don’t go, not yet…” Not ever. Her voice was cracking now, her free hand reaching forward to brush over his forehead, her hand then moved down to caress his cheek. “I was so hard on you in the project…” Carolina then began, a low laugh escaped her, sniffling softly as she did so. “You always were the strongest of us however, spiritually. No matter what was thrown at you, you always bounced back.”
Her voice trailed off again as the door peeked open. She shifted her gaze towards the door, nearly standing to her feet, only for her body to be overcome by an odd tingling sensation that washed through her veins and pushed her back into the chair. A sigh escaped her as she freed her hand from his cheek, and pressed her hand to her head in an attempt to calm the headache that overcame her.
“Ah! Agent Carolina, you’re still here! Just here to check vitals! Shouldn’t you be resting?” Emily Grey responded in her chipper voice. The doctor scanned over Washington carefully, checking each of his vital signs, and ensuring each machine worked properly.
Carolina kept her grip on Washington’s hand still, gazing towards Grey as she spoke. “I’m fine.”
“Well, I suggest you rest! I’m sure Wash will be awake any day now, we don’t need you being passed out cold when he wakes up.” The doctor chuckled softly, before slipping from the room with her clipboard in hand.
Carolina sighed relaxing back into the chair for a moment, gazing shifting towards Washington once more. Perhaps Grey was right she should get some rest. She parted her jaws in a yawn, leaning her head against the edge of the hospital mattress, arm tucked just beneath her arm.
Her fingers still intertwined with Washington’s.
A dull pain radiated through his neck and down his back, as blue eyes opened to the blinding light of the white ceiling tiles. A low haze seemed to settle over his mind, drawing a blank on the scenario that he could not quite place.
He felt the heat of someone’s hand against his own, and his eyes darted to his side. The sleeping form of an exhausted Carolina immediately catching his attention. He only wondered how long she had been here, at his side, and holding his hand. Her grip was firm but protective.
Washington let out a soft huff, his attempt to find words were futile, as Carolina stirred at his side. Ever so slightly, he squeezed her hand.
‘I’m here.’
‘I’m right here.’
Tired emerald eyes fluttered open slowly, resting upon his own blue eyes.
“W-wash..?” She whispered softly. as she quickly sat up. “You’re awake…”
Washington gave a weak smile, opening his mouth to speak again, only to wince slightly in pain.
Carolina withheld a soft whimper, her hand reaching forward to caress his cheek. “Hey, don’t try to talk…” Her thumb rubbed gently against the edge of his cheekbone, in a soothing manner. It was enough to relax him.
‘You got it, boss.’
“You gave us all a scare…” Her voice was calm like cool water polishing stones on a riverbed but held a hint of exhaustion. It was clear she hadn’t left his side.
“The others already came to visit… I couldn’t leave you here by yourself.” Carolina admitted.
Weakly he squeezed her hand, as she continued to stroke his cheek softly. He turned his head carefully, once more feeling the pain radiating through his body, eyes closing as he heaved out a heavy sigh, followed by a cough.
“Easy… easy…” Carolina muttered. Her touch became more gentle, and light, as if she was afraid that he’d fall apart beneath her fingertips. She lifted his hand carefully, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
“Do you need me to get Doctor Grey?” Carolina asked softly.
Washington eye’s glanced towards her. He knew all too well the second that Grey walked in and pumped him full of pain killers that he would only drift back to sleep. He shook his head in response, before once more wincing in pain.
“Wash…” Carolina said softly, taking note of his stubborn response, rolling her eyes slightly.
Right now, he wanted to focus on her. He wanted to etch every detail of her into his mind. How her hair had been messy from lack of sleep, how her eyes never broke contact with his. He could see now just how exhausted she was. Her eyes didn’t hold their usual vibrancy, and circles had formed under her eyes.
Perhaps she’d sleep easier knowing that he was stable. He only hoped so.
“If you need me to get Grey, I will.” Carolina then repeated. Washington only gave a small weak nod. “I’ll be right here.” Carolina sat up once more, leaning forward to press a kiss softly against his temple.
“I’ll be right here.”
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bellaciaobitch · 6 years
Ok. I really need part 2 of that pregnancy prompt!! I need to know how Sergio reacts to the news 😍
ok, so I need to start this by saying I AM SO SORRY! This prompt was ready for a very long time but I was focusing on escapar and taking control pt2 (which is coming as well, a little more patience people!) and got my hands full. Also, I’m trying a new grammar reviewer to help me out so it might still have misspellings and grammar issues. If so, please let me know and I will edit it as soon as I can! Btw, thank you to everyone who asked for a sequel of this pregnancy prompt, I feel super happy to know you guys liked it so much! I hope this one is as good for you as the first was. Anyway, here it is! Feedback appreciated! Enjoy it and see you soon! 
ps: I’m not writing any more prompts related to this plot, at least for now. I have special ideas related to babies that I would like to keep to myself for future projects. So, yeah. I’m sorry :/
to figure things out
Not even the exuberant view from Sergio’s house, facing the bluest sea, could calm Raquel’s nerves. She tried to take deep breaths, but she kept on missing the rhythm and the air eventually stopped reaching her lungs, enough to make her gasp. Sergio, who was coming in through the door behind her, noticed her uneasiness while they walked from the bar to the house but associated it with the fact that they were finally reunited after so long. He watched her discard her purse on the living room couch and frowned. Something was wrong. A chill ran down his spine with the idea of having found her again just to continue that epic fight they had in Toledo.“Would you like a glass of water?” He asked clumsily, watching her walking in circles. Raquel, who was deep in her own thoughts, finally seemed to notice his presence and cast him a determined look.“No,” she said and walked up to him, quickly grabbing his hand “I need you to sit down”“Raquel, what is going on?” He replied noticing her hand was cold as ice. She seemed about to faint or break into a panic attack, and Sergio was now more scared for her than of her. She made him feel uneasy as well, and he adjusted the glasses on top of his nose before doing as she asked.People say that important news, especially the ones that could change the whole course of someone’s life, was better to be announced as if you’re ripping out a band-aid. Quick and painless, without procrastinating. But the words were stuck inside Raquel’s throat from the moment she saw him at the bar, and they kissed for a long time, consuming everything they missed within those three months apart. The weight of the news was choking her since she got on the plane to the Philippines and along the way, Raquel decided she couldn’t wait any longer to tell him she was pregnant with his child.
We’re going to have a baby, Sergio. Pregnant. P-r-e-g-n-a-n-t. She trained all possible ways to say it in front of the plane’s restroom small mirror. But saying it to his face was a completely different picture than looking at her reflection and throwing words and phrases at herself. Right then, every single thing about Sergio made her feel apprehensive. His worried look, his hands slightly shaking, his white blazer meticulously aligned… What if he rejects her because he doesn’t want children? After all, he was still a criminal, he couldn’t even guarantee his own safety, not to say the safety of a child. But Raquel concluded that the opposite scenario would be much worse: if he asked her to stay, now that a part of him grows in her womb, she had no idea what to do.“I need to tell you something,” she said moving away from him, and a sharp pain in her stomach caught her off guard. She ignored it. “There is another reason why I came to Palawan, besides seeing you”Sergio looked even more lost and eyed her from head to toe. “What other reason?”“I don’t know how we’re going to deal with this, I really don’t. I never thought something like that could happen, that it would be…” She stopped to inhale and noticed the room was spinning around her. Raquel blinked several times before continuing, "I swear it was not intentional. Please don’t think that it’s some kind of scam or strategy to put you in jail or something…”“Raquel, you’re scaring me.” He rested his elbows on his knees, ready to rise at any moment. And Raquel knew that nothing was fine when her stomach twisted again. Fast, directly and painless, she repeated to herself.“Okay, there it goes” she took a deep breath but held the air in. Her sight was blurred, her legs dangling and before she could say anything, Raquel found herself running to the nearest bathroom.He sat there on the couch, looking foolish, not knowing whether to run after her or wait. Only when he was sure of the source of the noises he heard coming from the bathroom, that he stood up, and bolt for the door.“Raquel?!” he shouted and got no answer. He knocked on the door twice, three times, and called again and again until she answered.“Do not get in!” she said in a muffled voice “Stay there, I’m coming”“Raquel, what the hell is going on?”She did not answer again and Sergio overcame his own perfectionism to get into the bathroom, even against her protests.Raquel was sitting on the floor, her head inside the toilet, putting out everything they had eaten together that morning. He immediately knelt down and grabbed her hair, stroking her back until it was over. When she seemed to feel better, Raquel closed the toilet but continued to sit on the floor, in case if she would get sick again. She was completely pale and helpless, and Sergio frowned in concern.“Are you alright? Do you want some medicine? A doctor? Maybe it was the spicy food… ”“I’m pregnant, Sergio,” she said as if it was something obvious or trivial. “You and I are going to have a baby and apparently your child doesn’t fancy my stomach”
Sergio froze. Looking from the outside, he seemed to be in a state of trance, almost in a coma. But on the inside, there were fireworks exploding in his mind. Bursting in vibrant shades of color, burning all his nerves and deafening his ears. The professor never imagined himself as a father. In fact, he preferred not to consider the hypothesis of forming a family if it meant to keep him from his precious plan. But there, kneeling on the bathroom floor watching the love of his life vomit inside the toilet, he was no longer convinced of anything. He only knew that he loved her, very much, and knowing that a little part of his DNA was now growing inside her womb made him want to laugh and cry, to kiss her until her lips turned blue and to run free on the streets screaming that he would be a father. All that at the same time.
“Pregnant,” he repeated to confirm if he heard it right“Oh, great you’re back! I was starting to worry you’d be catatonic forever!”“You mean, with a baby?”“Yes, Sergio”“And… is it mine?”“Are you doubting my …?”
“No! No, I’m not, I’m sorry… I’m not sure what to say, I was taken by surprise.” He sat on the floor and stared at her belly. Raquel closed the top of the toilet and leaned against the icy blue wall tiles. She stared at his confused expression, wishing they were having that conversation somewhere else.
“Do you want me to leave?”
“What? Why would I want this? You just arrived”“Because things will not be easy. Neither for me nor for you, much less for this kid.” she sighed avoiding his eyes “None of this was calculated, and I know how much you care about plans and organization. And I would love to be able to raise him or her by your side but I will fully understand if you want me out of your life. I’m perfectly able to do it by myself, you know. I can try for another job and…”
“Raquel,” he interrupted her and moved to her side but the inspector only stopped talking when he held her hand, entwining their fingers the way they did during the robbery when they promised to run away together.
“I know it will not be easy. But it will be even more difficult if we don’t stay together,”  he said, and she smiled, her eyes watering.
“I’m scared”“I know. Me too” he brought her closer and Raquel rested her head on his shoulder. “But we will figure things out. For the three of us.”
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shadowdianne · 6 years
SQ : 22!
two miserable peoplemeeting at a wedding au 
Thankyou for the prompt, as always. I hope you like it 😉
PS:I received this same prompt from @delirious-comfort the same day I received thisone from waknatious. I tend to try to avoid it but, this time, I answered bothprompts. Delirious’ is on this link  (a03 version is here as well) if anyone feels like reading a second takeon the idea but with a different perspective.
It didn’tdawn at Emma at first, not as she stared at the brunette she had caughtapplying makeup on tear-streaked cheeks on the bathroom she had barreled into,nervousness clutching on her stomach as she tried to avoid Killian and hisquestions about when they were going to marry.
Truthfully,the second Emma had entered and closed the door behind her, cursing the highheels Mary Margaret had told her that looked good on her and were alreadyslicing her skin open, she had had a moment of doubt, of phantom-likerecognizement of the figure that gave her her back. She, however, had felt waytoo preoccupied on Mary Margaret and on Hook, the telling ring the dark-hairedman had been playing with the reason why she had left her still half-eatendessert and left the table, skin prickling. Honestly, she had needed a few moreseconds before she had focused entirely on the mirror that covered one side ofthe room, hands searching the faucet and switching it on in an almost mechanicmovement, before she had truly registered that the woman that, with shaky handsand fingers was trying to fix what fully seemed to be a break down, was also onthe bathroom with her was the one she had seen getting married a few hours ago.
“Gorgeous.” The word that had appeared onher mind the moment Mary Margaret had whispered at her that yes, that woman notmore than two years older than her, was going to marry her father, was still onfull effect. Despite of, she added to the back of her mind, the running mascaraand the slight glimmer of tiredness and hopelessness that made her feel dumb.
She hadfelt and heard the whispers and looks, the ones dedicated to the brunette, theones muttered from group to group but she, still trying to understand why herfriend had asked her to come to such ceremony, had tried not to focus on any ofthem. Now, however, as the brunette’s hand halted and her brown eyes foundedhers across the mirror, that didn’t seem to be possible.
Swallowingand thankful of the cream-colored lighting of the place, Emma smiled shyly asthe other woman tilted her neck, a visible mask forming in front of her eyes asshe did so; lips pursed and shoulders unnaturally still. The perfect postureEmma was sure Mary Margaret might one day achieve to have.
“I’m sorry.”She found herself saying, a bumbling set of words that fell to the tiled floorand echoed uncomfortably on the white and gold accents that crawled up thewalls. “I… thought it was empty.”
The bride-Regina if Emma remembered correctly, shook her head and pushed herself off themirror. She had changed dresses, Emma denoted; quite too late. That had beenthe reason why she hadn’t recognized her; the giant monstrosity she had been wearingbefore completely gone and replaced by a deep blue fabric that accentuated eachcurve in a way that only made Emma’s epithet even truer.
“You shouldn’tbe. I guess that getting to tell you have seen me crying will grant you enoughstatus to make it better.”
It was a bittertone but a defeated one and Emma, despite the sudden rage that threatened toovertake it, could see the way it coiled on the woman’s chest, cold andweathered. Pressing the tip of her tongue against the roof of her mouth, shetook a step forward while shaking her head; she hadn’t been on that many weddings,but she had seen enough girls with the same kind of tiredness around theireyes; words and alcohol bubbling inside. She had been one of those once afterall; before, after and while on prison.
“I don’tknow a soul here.” She said, hands up, gentle smile on her lips. At one pointLily had told her it had an almost boyish charm. She truly hoped that wassomething the other girl hadn’t lied her about. “Besides, I don’t think thereis a higher status for someone who wish to tell they have seen someone cryingon a bathroom.”
The otherwoman snorted at that and narrowed her eyes at her, gentleness settling on herfeatures as she took on hers, perhaps realizing she truly didn’t know who shewas.
“You… camewith Mary Margaret, right?” Her voice wasn’t as cutting but it still had adeeper echo there at the mention of Emma’s friend. One the blonde couldn’ttruly blame her for. With a gentle nod, Emma answered the question, hands loweringas the other woman hummed, seemingly trying to pinpoint her name. “Anna?”
“Emma.” Theblonde replied. “I… I work at the station with David. Her boyfriend.”
“Regina.”The brunette murmured, mechanically. “You came with a plus one…”
Emmalaughed a little at that, at the faraway look Regina got, suddenly. She couldonly try to understand the amount of job a wedding had. And she wasn’t planningon learning it soon.
“Killian.”She answered, shuddering a little at the thought of the dark-haired man. Manwho would be waiting for her the second she stepped out that door. “I’m notsure if I did right by bringing him over, though.”
That madeRegina snort, a sudden sound that made her shoulders lose the perfect posturethey had had until then. Lost that, the brunette seemed even younger thanbefore, perhaps a few months older than Emma beyond the make-up and dress.Which painted a frightening picture on the blonde’s mind.
She hadheard the rumors after all. Not the ones on the wedding but the ones Mary Margarethad been dropping every time she came to the station. About the bride’s mother.About her own father. One that, according to her, was the sweetest man on earthafter David. One that, according to Emma’s bullshit detector, didn’t seem anydifferent than a few of the ones both David and she encountered on a dailybasis.
“If I canoffer you any advice; don’t get married.”
With that,and a nod to her, the brunette walked towards the door, the ricocheting of herhigh heels approaching Emma as the blonde bit down on her bottom lip; a suddenidea flashing before her eyes. It was a potential bad idea. But she wasn’tknown for anything else after all.
“How aboutwe don’t go out there?”
Reginaturned and stared at her, brow raising as she gave her a once over. One thatmade Emma swallow thickly.
“Do youpretend for us to stay here all night long?” The words dripped sarcasm and Emmachuckled at it. She had heard it worse directed at her.
“No, I meanthat we could just… go. I’ve seen the back doors; we could be out of herebefore they realize we are gone.”
The doubtclouded Regina’s eyes once again; turning them darker with every new second itpassed.
“I just gotmarried. I can’t simply go…”
“One night.”Emma wasn’t truly sure why she was offering such idea to the woman in front ofher. The gorgeous woman in front of her. She only saw something there, felt something,a pull, a call. And she still could remember that those almost never failed her.As opposed to what her ideas of being tied by honor and expectations did. “I’mnot a serial killer. I promise.”
“I’m notexactly worried about that.”
Emma smiledat that, at the way Regina was eyeing her as if actually thinking on the plan,on saying yes.
“Then youdon’t need to worry about anything else. It’s a start.”
And ittruly felt like one as Regina nodded and opened the door, letting Emma gofirst. But Emma didn’t believe in fate after all so, did it matter?
It did, ofcourse it did but she didn’t know about it later. Much, much later.
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