batri-jopa · 3 months
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Let Nothing Ever Kill Your Spirit!💪
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superbimiceguy · 1 year
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Bash fan art for @wuffers-the-fluffers.
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bloodredx · 8 months
Day 20: Rebel(ious)
Arthur struggled to hide his smile, a deep sense of pride was dashed across his heart as he stepped into the library. For he was the only one who could sneak up on the princess, her keen senses too finely tuned to human actions to be fooled by them, but his plant body had to be caught. However, he was confident it was only a matter of time until she registered the most minute of his actions and scents. For the moment, he has been able to slip behind her, peering over her shoulder to the exact nature of her stubbornness.
A book between the young lady’s hand distinctly had the title of Historical Battlefields: Points of Success and Failure. The queen had banned any such study by Serena of these gruesome things, for what purpose would a princess have to know the nature of war? And on one level, Arthur could see the woman’s flawed point. This was a time of great peace, a so called “Golden Era” for the Glacidean Empire. Though the trees had whispered much of movement, of actions taken in distant lands and courts quite local. He didn’t need to sink his roots in deep to know it wouldn’t last.
But here, in this tucked away library, he could see the cleverness of the young girl. For she knew well that she could out speed her snooping mother, a book of etiquette sat to her right, a bookmark cheekily stuck some well thought out distance between the front and the back, not quite halfway. This bode well for her understandings of the nuance of strategy, she either realized this gift quickly or had learned it within the pages of her current tome. She would be a formidable foe.
Slipping backward, he ran a finger along a shelf, pulling a much more applicable volume, and wrapping a vine around it swiftly. The book, Supply Chains and Organizational Structure, was heavy, but his leaves hauled it well enough, sliding it onto the young lady’s table without so much as a peep, let alone raising her eyes from the text before her. Nodding to himself, he turned on his heel after recovering his leafs. His talents weren’t well served in instruction at this moment. No, they were much better served at occupying the attention of the busybody queen. Her majesty had better things to worry about than what her daughter was reading, after all.
(OC-tober prompts by @oc-tober2023 can be found here.)
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xxskinny-witxhesxx · 1 year
Just watch the movie Thirteen (2003 & on Disney plus) and honestly it was a great movie with amazing thin-fits and all skinny wonderfulness but the ending is horrible.
It ends too short, does really make sense to the rest of the movie. And like like totally takes a different turn! There should be a whole other part to the it that actually end it properly!
But like other that the last 5-10mins. Solid thin$po movie. Definitely a pause and screenshot for inspo as a phone background. Early 2000’s movie 👌
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Consider the Dog
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author unknown
I give a dog a bone that’s good for nothing, for this “nothing” he loves me; he fawns on me, he guards me. Jesus has given me his graces, his blood, his merits, all his treasures, and yet I continue insensible. Ungrateful and unnatural soul! Learn your duty from a beast. The dog is your superior and your judge. If his example does not reform your heart, you are more brutish than the beasts themselves.
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my cat scratched my face and im really sad about
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9addys · 1 year
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bills-bible-basics · 1 year
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WARNING TO AMERICA -- a poem by Bill Kochman A poem by Bill Kochman. Visit my poetry page at https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/ to see all my poetry, along with related Bible study resources, all in one place, and organized by poem category. Thanks! To see other poems related to this one, please go here: https://www.billkochman.com/Poetry/index.html#America "But They Refused to Listen" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse389.html "Foolish Rebellion of the Wicked" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse198.html Article: "What is Wrong With Modern America?": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/whtwrng1.html "Don't Provoke God to Anger" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse492.html "Don't Harden Your Heart" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse167.html Article: "Abortion: The Slaughter of the Innocent": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/abort-01.html Article: "The Gay and Lesbian Agenda: To the Point!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/homosex1.html "False Gods of the Nations" KJV Bible Verse List: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse187.html Article: "America: Land of the Free . . . and Hypocrisy!": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/AmericaLandOfFreeHypocris1.html Article: "The Public School System and School Prayer": https://www.billkochman.com/Articles/schpray1.html https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/warning-to-america-a-poem-by-bill-kochman/?feed_id=28161&_unique_id=63e507501fce9&WARNING%20TO%20AMERICA%20--%20a%20poem%20by%20Bill%20Kochman
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IF you can't report the truth, you need to be in another business ! !
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effervescent-fool · 8 months
when he looks like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in at least 10 years and has an unmistakably sorrowful aura about him
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tellnate · 2 years
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sampilled · 2 months
it's weird how in the flashback episodes we never really see sam as an angry kid when we hear so much about how he argued with john nonstop and how vocal he was about hating the life throughout the show, he's always portrayed as kinda timid and quiet.
the only time we see him act out like that (that i remember right now anyway) is in after school special and he spends the entire episode pushing it down and swallowing everything he wants to say until he is finally pushed too far
its almost like sam wasn't a horribly angry child (or adult)
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foreignallyofc · 1 year
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I am very devious
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rumpled · 2 years
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 9 months
Hi :) since you said requests might take longer feel free to take your time with this!!
Can you write something with Childe with a teen!brother!reader (obviously platonic) who’s more on the ‘rebel’ side? ‘Rebel’ as in he always tries to pull dangerous stuff and never really seem to care about the scars or how much trouble he gets in?
I usually see platonic stuff of Childe with a more shy reader, so I think this could be a nice twist :D thank you!!!!
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Rowdy and Rebelious | Platonic Childe headcannons x Rebel Teen brother reader
Characters: Childe
Summary: As much as a rebel you are, your brother will forever worry about you
Warnings: Just pure fluff
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ʚ⁺˖↪ You were the more of the rebelious child in your family, and your mother would constantly worry about you. Your older siblings would also worry but became easily annoyed with your shenanigans. Your younger siblings thought of you sort of like a superhero!
ʚ⁺˖↪ The one you would mess with the most though is your older brother Tartaglia, or better known as Childe. The time you went with Teucer to find him was surely something to say the least. He was glad that Teucer came with someone sort of capable of protecting him, but also worried about your safety.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You sometimes visit him on his travels on your own, and you always greet him with a bruise or some sort of injury. It scares him so much, and looks like he's about to murder someone.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Scolds you so much when he is bandaging you up or putting ice on a bruise. If it's a more serious injury, then he will make you stay in one place, so you can heal.
ʚ⁺˖↪ When exploring with you, he literally has to hold you back. Like, he has to hold you down with a hug, so you don't fight some random people. You're just flailing in his arms. He uses this as an excuse to say you're not ready for exploring.
"If you manage to get out, then I'll let you explore with me."
ʚ⁺˖↪ This is now a challenge to you and you try so many times. You fail though, and it leaves Childe smugly laughing while saying 'I told you so' or something along those lines.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Tries to set rules with you, like don't get into a serious battle without him there, don't steal his weapon, and don't pick fights with the fatui. But you, being rebellious, you do not listen. In fact, you do all three at the same time… On multiple occasions.
ʚ⁺˖↪ He had to bail you out of almost dying a few times during those times. He just picks you up, sets you off to the side and finishes your fight.
ʚ⁺˖↪ When he does catch you being a chaotic little gremlin, Childe will just watch until he knows you can't handle it. Once he sees you either losing or getting really fucked up, he steps in and gets you out in a second.
ʚ⁺˖↪ It's another competition you two have. It's to see how fast Childe needs to get involved and how long you last before he needs to get involved.
ʚ⁺˖↪ It's a tie right now, with 77 on both sides. It's kind of astonishing to be honest. And you both make sure to keep track of the score, with slight alterations to the score.
"Last time I checked, little bro, I had 78."
"No, you dumbass, I had 78!"
ʚ⁺˖↪ You both insult each other so much, it's kind of funny. The insults get worse and make less sense as time goes on.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Childe also likes to fake being hurt by your insults. You call him out on his bullshit, though, especially when he does it in front of people that he knows.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Does a full dramatic pose and pretends to faint. You just catch him and roll your eyes as you just throw insult after insult at him.
"Oh, you wound me, my dearest brother!"
"Oh come on, I know you're just being stupid"
ʚ⁺˖↪ You do care about Childe though, like immensely. That's sort of why you're so rebellious. You're trying to prove to him that he doesn't need to worry about you and that you're capable of being able to care for yourself and him.
ʚ⁺˖↪ If Childe does get wounded in a battle, then you take over until the threat is gone. You rush over to his side and bandage him up. You both sort of tease each other about it, but you do it more so because you're anxious.
ʚ⁺˖↪ Childe does and has learned self-control, just so you can see that you don't have to fight all the time or be intimidating. He genuinely tries to be a good role model to you, and he tries to teach you as best he can.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You just call him stupid, though, but you understand what he's trying to do. You appreciate him for that, and sometimes you get Childe a gift of some sort to show your gratitude.
ʚ⁺˖↪ If you two are playing games, the both of you are cheating. And once one of you realize the other is cheating, it becomes a rough housing play fight.
"You cheated! Now you have to pay!"
"You cheated too! Why do I have to pay if you're not going to, you hypocrite!"
ʚ⁺˖↪ When you leave after traveling to visit him, he gives you an hour-long lecture on what not to do and what to do. He also demands that you write him as soon as you can. Of course, you don't do any of these things, except you do write him a letter.
ʚ⁺˖↪ You're just the rebellious gremlin of the family and occasionally give Childe many near heart attack moments with how often you feel the urge to be violent and take on Celestia
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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liz-thinks-too-much · 11 days
It's Saturday, don't forget to
Deify your trans body
Read gay books
Eat junk food
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