fatkish · 22 days
Would you be interested in doing some HCs for a mortem omega joining up with the league of villains? The league would probably be happy to encourage the more unsavory/violent tendencies in a mortem. Plus, mortem would be able to get a good rotation set up to help with heats. Dabi has a weak constitution, I'd be worried about him. On the other hand, Spinner may be packing double trouble thanks to gecko anatomy, so awkward lizard baby could be an unexpected favorite.
A/B/O League of Villains x Mortem Omega Reader
In this, the reader is a Mortem Omega who has a healing quirk. The following is about the reader and their interactions with the members and what they think of the reader and basic life within the league.
I’d headcannon that he’s an Apex alpha like his dad (something he both loves and hates about himself)
He smells like ash and wintergreen
He was amazed at the reader’s healing abilities as well as their ferocity. They can rip ‘em apart as well as they can heal ‘em
The reader heals his scars constantly but he just gets them right back
He encourages the reader to kill those who threaten the pack
He absolutely loves seeing the omega kill people
Your very protective and loyal to your pack
He’s rough and mean during his ruts. He loves to bite and smack the reader in their most sensitive areas. He’s almost sadistic in the way he’s rough
He a pretty decent mate, he’s very possessive during his ruts and marks the reader up
He loves making the reader cry and scream as he rips orgasm after orgasm out of them during their heat, he’s definitely someone to edge the poor omega
He’s an Apex Alpha but comes off as normal alpha due to his childish personality and behavior
He has a chalky petrichor scent mixed with a slight hint of pine
The reader tends to treat him almost like a pup in the sense that they’ll nuzzle him, cuddle him and try to nourish him by making him drink their milk (Mortems can produce milk if they’re with a pup. Their bodies will produce milk even if the pup isn’t their own, as long as the Mortem believes a pup is theirs, they’ll produce and try to feed them)
He considers the reader as his player 2 and is also very possessive of them
Tomura loves the omega’s attention and doesn’t mind that the reader babies him, he’ll still fuck them during his rut
Is rough and passionate in the sense that he’s more focused on his own pleasure that the reader’s
When the reader is in heat, he’ll fuck them and make them cum on his dick as he feasts on the readers milk and makes a mess of them
Mr. Compress:
I’d headcannon that he’s an alpha
He smells like charcoal and wine
He was originally afraid of the reader unlike the others. After the reader got used to him, he lost his sense of fear
He’s the most calm during his ruts, he’s more romantic and passionate and prefers lovemaking than just sex
Is very observant and focused on the reader’s pleasure during his ruts
During the reader’s heat, he’s the most focused on the reader’s pleasure and will happily use toys on them. He’ll use his quirk and shove as many marbles up into the reader as possible and makes them count each. After he’s fit as many as possible in them, he’ll make them push them out
Some marbles will get stuck so he’ll dig them out with his skilled fingers and tongue which drives the reader mad with pleasure and overstimulation
Most likely an alpha but could also be a beta
He smells like evergreen and ocean breeze
He’s sadly the most boring of the group since he doesn’t indulge in his rut (he’s a Nomu and he doesn’t really have to but can if he wants to)
He’s gone most of the time and acts more as a patriarch alpha (old alphas in a pack who lead but don’t have sex with the omegas)
I’d strongly headcannon him as a beta since he doesn’t really have a drive and is more of a go with the flow kind of guy
He definitely doesn’t realize that he kind of holds the group together as he’s the most chill and has the least powerful scent
He smells like musk and sage
He rarely participates in sex, as he does it the least out of the other males
He does have two dicks that the reader loves riding. Part of the reason why he doesn’t do it often is because twice the dicks, come with twice the sensations. He can be very sensitive mostly acts as a fill in for the reader’s heats
Surprise, or not, he’s definitely an alpha, but I also think that one of his personalities is an omega or has an omega mindset
He smells like sweet orange and mint (his scents are contrasting like orange juice and toothpaste which most find gross but to reader it’s like a refreshing drink)
He’s actually the sweetest and most passionate of the males. He loves making the reader cum and also feeds on the reader’s milk
He’s pretty energetic and has some stamina so he’s actually one of the best at helping the reader through their heat
He’s so happy that he finally has an omega to call his own
He’s not as possessive so he’s open to sharing the reader during his ruts
An Omega. Now hear me out. She wants someone to love her the way she is. Most people reject her based on her scent and it acts as a repellent for most people
She smells like sugar and blood
The reader originally found her and decided to follow her. That’s how the reader met the league, they wanted to protect Toga so they followed her to the hideout
Toga and the reader mostly sleep and snuggle during their shared heats.
They have a shared nest that’s just for the two of them
She loves how the reader isn’t afraid to get hurt and will happily share their blood with her
Loves tag team fighting and they work well together
An Omega. Most people think she’s a beta since she’s built and has a more beta like scent but don’t be fooled, she’s a true Omega
She smells like cinnamon and spruce
The reader nests with her and Toga
The reader tried to Kill Overhaul for killing what they deemed as one of their omegas
Already has her own alpha so she leaves during the reader’s heat
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[HC] Being Alpha!Shigaraki’s Omega
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Originally posted: Mar 03, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
My Hero Masterlist
shigaraki is the leader of the league of villains. he doesn’t have time for an omega that would surely demand his attention every second of everyday.
but then you wander into the hideout with the burnt rat man and the middle schooler and i guess you aren’t that bad to look at
he’s pretty much immediately intrigued by you and your scent
won’t admit it though, obviously
not even to himself
he convinces himself that he’s just really annoyed by you and that’s why he keeps staring at you
dabi calls him out on his bullshit though
shigaraki tells him to go die
then you get hurt during the attack on the training camp and he goes ape shit
will not leave your side and has threatened to disintegrate anyone who gets close to you
also bears his fangs at every alpha dabi who looks at you
it makes him realize that he absolutely doesn’t want you with any other alpha but him
so he starts scenting you
shigaraki smells of cedar wood but you can also always detect the dry powder-y smell of dust on him
it’s a very nice scent when he rubs it off on you but is quick to turn sharp when he gets protective over you
he never officially asks to court you but you pick up on it when he starts scenting you and also agrees to scent a blanket for you 
he also never pushes you away when you climb into his lap to snuggle up to him
he’ll act annoyed about it, especially when you’re around other people, but actually really likes knowing that you’re safe and with him
dabi teases the shit out of him for “going soft” which earns him the middle finger from both of you
after you become his omega, he really doesn’t like you going out on missions anymore
if you insist on it, he’ll still let you but he’ll be grumpy about it the entire time
will say that it’s because omegas shouldn’t do dangerous shit like that and it has nothing to do with him wanting to keep you specifically safe but everyone knows that’s bullshit, he let’s toga go on missions without a problem
now what he really doesn’t like is you being alone around other alphas and he won’t budge on that 
eventually, he trusts dabi enough to keep an eye on you during missions or just if he can’t be there but that took years of working together and him officially claiming you
overall, shigaraki is a very attentive alpha when it comes to your physical needs but he kinda sucks at the whole emotions and feelings stuff so you’re gonna have to be frank with him
he tries his best but gets frustrated easily and get’s even more frustrated and jealous when others are able to help you better with something than he can
just have patience with him and praise him once in a while ya know
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Shigaraki is a Top Alpha, the lead of all Alphas. Normally the head alpha requires several mates to satisfy them due to an extremely high sex drive. This way the other omegas can rest and recover while their Alpha still gets the pussy he craves. But Shigaraki only has a hard on for you and damn is his hunger for you high.
On one side your happy cause you are not the sharing type, but you have to take the full brunt of his sexual needs which is ravenous, and during his rut he's beyond feral. We are taking full on beast mode plus ultra. Man fucks so hard and for so long you go hoarse from moaning and screaming cause there's no being quiet when you have this man's cock stuffed inside you.
Your nest consists of several mattresses laying on the floor. Covered with super soft comforters and weighted blankets. Pillows are plentiful, big and fluffy. You have your heating pad, and pieces of your alphas clothing with you so you can always have his scent surrounding you. The room is kept nice and cool so snuggling up to your mate is a must.
He scents you every morning so others will smell him on you. This ritual usually consists of him nuzzling your neck, humping you or simply rubbing on you like a cat. Hands running all over your body, groping and squeezing every inch of you.
He makes noise. When you are kissing on him or sucking his neck he makes purring sounds. When you suck his big, beautiful cock he growls in contentment. It starts as a low rubble in his throat and slowly builds with his excitement.
Now when he's fucking that long thick cock into you those purrs morph into feral, animalistic growls. Fuck it's so primal you feel like a helpless prey who got caught, trapped beneath a fearsome predator. And damn is it a turn on. The way he looms over you, how his muscle ripple and flex with his movements. The power he gives off, you get wet thinking about it.
Shigaraki's knot, dear lord, as if his dick wasn't already fat, when your impaled on him and his knot inflates, your already streched pussy clenches down on his swollen knot, locking you two together. Breathing comes in short gasps as you feel yourself strech even wider to accommodate it. Warmth spreads through you as his cum sprays over your soft, gummy walls, filling you up. The two of you stay connected for up to an hour and when he slowly pulls out a trail of white milky cum pours out of your abused cunt like a waterfall.
He's obsessed with how your cunt swallows up his cock as if it's starving. Those little whines and whimpers that leave your pretty mouth while he's pounding into your sex. Seeing you wither in pleasure. The feeling of your pussy clenching around him desperately clinging to his cock trying to suck it in as deep as possible despite its huge size. It's determined to take all of him and no way would he deny you.
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animeomegas · 2 years
"My little idiot" (in the most affectionate voice imaginable) to non league au Shigaraki<3
Tenko growled at you and dodged the hand you were using to try and pinch his cheek. 
“Fuck off.”
“Aww, I’m sorry, darling,” you cooed, unable to hide your grin. “I’m only teasing.” 
He huffed, turning his back on you. You tried to wrap your hands around his waist, but he shook you off. It was only then that you noticed how tense he was. 
“Tenko?” you asked, dropping the teasing from your voice, fearing you had gone too far. “You okay? I was only joking, it was an easy mistake to make.” 
The mistake in question was the pan of pasta that was sitting innocently in the sink, burnt beyond belief because Tenko hadn’t been aware that you had to add water to cook it. 
“Fuck off,” he said again, voice thick. You felt so guilty for not picking up on his embarrassment and teasing him anyway, because it was clear he was actually upset. 
“Listen, this is the first time we’ve lived together properly like this, there’s bound to be mistakes as we figure it out,” you said, voice soft. You hesitantly placed your hands back on his waist and this time he didn’t shake you off. “Remember just the other day, I didn’t know how to get the stains out of the tea towels and you showed me? There’s nothing wrong with making a mistake, especially when you learn how to avoid making them again.” 
Tenko turned around and put his head on your shoulder, allowing you to wrap your arms around him properly. 
“I’m not doing that again,” he mumbled into your shirt. 
“Then there’s no harm done,” you said with finality in your voice. “No harm done at all.” 
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cozzzynook · 1 year
Dabi is the type of omega to casually be glued to his alpha no matter how inconvenient.
This became the worlds problem when he met two alphas that matched in his clinginess. Hawks was just as clingy as Dabi and allowed the world to know he was mated and committed to a villain.
Meanwhile Tomura may not be clingy in public like the two of them were but he was their scary guard dog that dared anyone to say anything that could hurt their feelings.
They rewarded him with all the attention he greedily demanded of them, in private of course. He hated being apart of public affection like his two mates but he tolerated their behavior simply because they were his and no one was allowed to hurt who was his.
The same could be said for Hawks and Dabi who hurt anyone who tried to exclude their mate or make him feel left out.
Hawks was a terrifying predator when it came down to it and Dabi was more than happy to let his anger fester and burn anyone who challenged his wrath.
Just thinking of shigadabihawks being so different but so similar and everyone is so confused by it but oddly thinks it fitting and just has to accept it.
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lorewriter · 3 months
Warning ⚠️: content is 18+ minors DNI.
Fanfic Need To Know: ShigaDabiHawks. Smut fic. 5k. Unusual ABO Dynamics.
Note: this has not been beta read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Fire, Ash and Angels.
“New Omega laws have been put in place as of today. This is for the good of all classes, so make sure to properly follow them or submit to the consequences. The laws are as follows; 1. Omegas must be accompanied by their mate be it Alpha or Beta. 2. Omega’s are no longer permitted to leave their family homes until they are mated. 3. Omegas must go through each heat, suppressants are no longer legal for Omegas to use although they will still be available to Alphas. Finally 4. Abortion is now banned for Omegas under penalty of death. Abortion clinics will now only be available to alpha and beta women.” *click*
Smoke filled the room as blue flames licked at the seams of the scars running all along Dabi’s body. Rage overtook him as yet more restrictions were set by society for him and his fellow Omega. He’d been having a halfway decent day with some strong painkillers he’d acquired earlier that day. After taking a couple he’d decided to lounge on his couch and watch some tv while waiting for them to kick in. Lotta good that did as his quirk reacted to his inner rage causing him to burn through the couple of pills he’d taken just twenty minutes prior.
Suddenly a knock could be heard coming from the small window in his bedroom. Getting up, he made his way into said room only to find red eyes glaring at him through long white hair. Opening the window he moved aside to let the other in, knowing the other was probably just as angry as he was.
“I can’t fucking believe this.” A raspy voice half shouted. Causing Dabi to slightly flinch at the sudden noise before settling in his anger once more.
Shigaraki Tomura was a semi-famous streamer and unknown leader to a group of omega and omega supporters whose goal was to ultimately take down the government, and to change the sexist laws that had been in place for generations. He’d started this underground group when he’d turned 15 and now at age 20 was being searched for by the police and pro heros alike. No one had ever come close to finding him though, thanks to some underground heros secretly being Omegas despite it being illegal for Omegas to become pro heroes in the first place.
“Every time I feel like we’ve taken a step forward, they push us back by ten. It’s infuriating.” The white haired omega seethed, plopping down on the couch Dabi had previously been occupying.
Dabi had no words as he looked at his childhood friend and mate seething on the couch with notes of distress leaking from the sent patch he kept on his neck and wrists. Deciding words wouldn’t be enough right now, Dabi made his way over to the other crouching down to come face to face with his increasingly distressed boyfriend. Moving slowly, he pulled off the others patch before slotting his wrist against the others neck in an attempt to calm him down just a little. Letting out a small gasp, Tomura’s body immediately relaxed as his partner's scent slid over him like a blanket. Campfire and Cigarette smoke. An unusual scent for an Omega but it wasn’t like his was much better, with it being metallic with a hint of vanilla.
Both scents were frowned upon by society, deeming them both as either bland or not soft enough for normal Omega standards. They didn’t care though as they were already breaking society's rules by simply being together. An Omega being mated to another Omega just simply wasn’t allowed and the only reason it wasn’t made a law yet was due to people already beating and raping any Omega that dared to love one of their own.
Both understood the risk but like with most other laws and restrictions in their world they decided to say fuck it. They’d started dating officially at age 15 but had been helping each other through heats since they were both 13. Heats came once every month and became more and more hormonal as the person grew into adulthood. Since they were childhood friends, their cycles had synced up due to the shared pheromones between them.
At age 15 they met Keigo, a young alpha who after showing his hatred for the system and the people who had basically enslaved him, had become quite close to the two. Going so far as to look after them whenever they needed it. At age eighteen they invited Keigo, now known by his hero name Hawks, to share a heat with them.
They’d both talked about it extensively before offering, having the other already know that they were mates long before. Keigo had agreed but not before another long conversation about boundaries and what this would mean for the three's relationship going forward.
They’d all agreed on some set boundaries along with just starting out as heat partners for the time being. The first time they were all together was a bit awkward but quickly smoothed out as Keigo got to know just how the two usually handled their time of the month. Overall it had been an experience they’d all wanted to repeat.
A phone ringing was what startled the two out of their moment, as Dabi shifted away to let the other grab said phone. Glancing down, the ID read pretty bird. Clicking on the green answer button and setting it to the speaker, the two only needed to wait a moment before a semi- loud voice rang through the phone. “Are you both ok?” Came hawks' winded voice, clearly flying while calling them. “Yeah we’re both ok, Kei. I just arrived at Dabi’s, come over?” Came Shigaraki’s softer tone, having calmed down from his mate's scent.
“Sure, be there in five. Oh and don’t go out Mura, I know you like to sneak out but the heros have been getting closer to you. Time to lay low, ok?” Hawks replied, wind causing the call to glitch a few times.
“Sure pretty bird, just don’t get caught coming here. And stay fucking safe.”
“Sure Mura, be there soon.”
With that the call ended. Taking this as an opportunity, Dabi picked up his mate to carry him to his bed. They’d agreed that a few days before their heat was set to start they’d stay together until it ended. Dabi had wanted to move in completely together, but both Keigo and Tomura had refused, saying it would be too dangerous at the time. With Hawks being the number three hero and Tomura running his underground network, they couldn’t risk all being in the same place permanently. Not to mention his job. Dabi was known by most as an un-classed assassin that would work for any mafia that he shared mutual goals with.
They nicknamed him Kitsune. A trickster who moved with the grace of a fox, causing chaos and death wherever he went. The real reason he joined mafia groups was to rescue trapped omegas, as many as he could. Many thought he was a beta, some thought he was an alpha. But no one had ever suspected him of being what he actually was, an Omega. The omega’s he set free were set up in safe houses that Tomura’s network setup. They’d had this plan since they were thirteen. And finally it was doing some good.
Once Hawks and a few other underground heros had joined it’d become a bit easier, making it to where they could get out more Omegas at a time. They were happy with what they had accomplished so far, but they still had work to do. They wouldn’t stop until all omegas were free.
It seemed like forever before a soft knocking sound could be heard coming from the window. Dabi hadn’t bothered to pull the shade down after Tomura came in so they could both see hawks sitting on the fire escape waiting to be let in. Pushing himself up, the black haired Omega made his way to the window, letting the blonde inside much like he’d done earlier with Tomura.
Once fully in, Keigo immediately latched onto Dabi, moving to remove his own scent patch in order to mix scents with the other. It only took a moment before the scent of oranges and sandalwood filled the room causing both Omegas to unconsciously relax around who they deemed a safe alpha.
“Are you both ok? I can’t believe they set these new fucking laws, and what about the mission coming up? If Omegas can’t be out alone… we don’t have enough patches for everyone-” Keigo’s spiraling was cut off as Dabi clasped his hands around the alpha’s face, kissing him to shut him up. The kiss itself only lasted a couple of seconds before Dabi was pulling back once more to reassure the younger. “We’re going to work around this. I agree this is a setback but that’s never stopped us before.” Dabi encouraged, putting his wrist against the blonde's neck in order to scent him.
“He’s right, Kei. This is only a setback, we‘ll work through this like we’ve done every time before.” Tomura called from his place on the bed, gesturing for the older to come over.
Upon reaching the bed, Keigo was immediately pulled down to lay across the white haired man’s chest, positioned in a way that would allow Tomura to pet his hair and snuggle him at the same time. It was three days until all three’s heats and rut would begin but both Omegas always got extremely clingy and touchy in the following days. No sex was allowed until their shared cycles began due to just how agitated their genitals would be by the end of it.
With Dabi joining them, they shifted in a way to where Keigo was on top of both of them covering what was left with his wings. It was true that Tomura and Dabi got clingy but it was almost overshadowed by Keigo’s need to protect and cover them from the view of anyone outside their group.
It was an instinct all Alpha’s had, hiding their vulnerable mates from view in order to properly take care of them and keep them safe. Adding on Keigo’s bird traits only caused this instinct to heighten, meaning that when he did go into a rut, the windows and doors needed to be blocked before he could calm down.
Keigo cooed softly as a warm hand started preening his wings, while another slightly cooler hand carded through his hair. Keigo couldn’t be more happy with the relationship he had with the two Omegas. He’d fallen head over heels for the two when they’d first met at age 15.
It was during one of his missions for the commission that was ‘off the books.’ He’d been tailing a big ceo alpha one night when suddenly the man turned into an alleyway off to the side. Following quickly, Keigo stopped at the mouth of the alley only to be surprised at what he saw.
The man had apparently taken an interest in a tall black haired man, which with further inspection turned out to be an omega. An omega who currently was going into heat by the scent of things. Waiting a little longer, Keigo saw that the alpha had cornered the omega against a wall and was practically shoving his head into the other's neck. He could hear the black haired man curse at him while trying to shove him away, but it was to no avail.
The man at that point had started to growl, and get really physical. He’d gotten the Omega’s pants undone by the time he’d made up his mind to blow his cover and intervene when out of the darkness came a loud hiss. The distinct hiss of an angry omega. Suddenly the alpha was being thrown into the other side of the ally with what looked to be a white blur moving quickly after him. All that came from the man was a cut off scream before he seemed to melt into- what was that? Dust? Ash?
Well it didn’t really matter as he was quite dead now. Glancing back to the omega in heat he saw a slightly shorter white haired man reach out, redoing the other's pants before readjusting them to where the taller was leaning on the shorter.
Deciding that he couldn’t just leave them there, he slowly made his way into the alleyway. Immediately he was hit with the scent of distress. The minute he was noticed, a sharp hiss could be heard coming from the white haired omega. Small whines and whimpers could be heard coming from the other as he was clearly in pain and scared due to his vulnerable state. He was only a few feet away when he stopped, putting his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat.
“I’m not here to hurt you, I just wanted to make sure you both were ok.” Keigo spoke, using a softer tone to try and further show he wasn’t going to do anything.
“Fuck off, we don’t need your help.” The white haired omega spat, adjusting to the black haired omega to be further hidden by him.
“I’m sorry, I know the last thing you want is help from an alpha but I really don’t think you’ll be able to carry your friend alone.” Keigo tried again, moving down onto one knee so he wasn’t looming over where they were slouched on the ground.
Just as the white haired omega was about to respond, a loud howl could be heard coming from the black haired omega. “Shit, he’s dropped fully.” The white haired omega hissed, moving his wrist to slot itself against the other's neck.
“You don’t have much time, all alpha’s within a five mile radius would have just heard that howl. They’ll come here and I don’t think you’ll be able to fight them all off on your own.” Keigo reasoned, becoming a little more desperate as his senses threatened to take control.
“Fine. But if you try anything, and I mean anything, I’ll kill you faster than you can even blink.” The omega relented, adding on a threat for good measure. Finally having the go ahead, Keigo moved to take the black haired omega into his arms. “Where does he live? Is it far?” Keigo asked, looking towards the entrance of the alley to make sure no one was coming in.
“He lives about three blocks from here, I’ll lead you there but you’ll need to leave immediately after.” The white haired omega spoke, getting up from where he’d previously been huddled on the ground.
“Of course.” Was all he could respond, feeling the waves of pheromones coming off the omega in his arms. It took all his strength to resist his instinct, and even then that didn’t stop the canines in his mouth to enlarge or himself to get hard.
The walk to the omegas house was one of the most difficult things he’d done but he knew it’d be worth it in the end if it kept both of them safe. After all, what kind of a hero was he going to become if he couldn’t help a couple of omegas in a predicament.
Reaching what looked to be an old apartment building with a fence wrapped around it, Keigo noted a sign which stated omegas only. It was common for older buildings to be set as omega only buildings as most newer buildings were made to accommodate alphas and betas. Keigo thought it was stupid but knew that while he was under the commission there wasn’t much he could do.
Making his way up creaky stairs, the white haired omega finally stopped at a door with black lines spray painted on the outside. Ah so that’s what the black haired omega was. Within omega only spaces, there were at least two to three omegas that stood out as a sort of protector over all the other omegas that resided in said space. Given the way the white haired omega fought, he wouldn’t be surprised if he was also deemed as a protector.
“I can take him from here.” The white haired man spoke, already grabbing the black haired man into his arms. “Ah, sure.” Was all he could get out before a door was promptly slammed in his face.
Just as he was about to leave, the door swung open once more, revealing the heat ridden omega from before. “Fuck! Dabi no!” The white haired omega shouted, running to grab the other to take him back inside. Dabi had apparently had other plans as he dodged the white haired omegas grabs and barreled his way into Keigo’s stomach, causing both of them to tumble to the floor.
“Fuck you smell so good.” Dabi slurred from his place on top of Keigo. “Ahh umm thanks? Could you get off me?” Keigo heaved out, trying to resist the pull of an omega in heat.
“Dabi! Get over here now!” Tomura snarled out, using a tone somewhere between an omega and alpha. In very rare cases, there were omegas born with the ability to command fellow omegas and sometimes even alphas, using a tone close to an alphas. It was so rare that Keigo had never met anyone who could do this until now, which was why he was confused as to why he’d immediately felt an intense urge to submit.
Immediately he was snatched from his thoughts as the sound of an omega whining could be heard coming from right above him. Within moments, Dabi was up and off his lap to obey what the white haired omega had commanded. “Mm sorry Tomura.” Dabi softly called, collapsing into the others arms. Sighing, Tomura looked over to where the blonde was still on the floor.
“Sorry about that. Oh and thank you for not trying anything. If you’d like, we can treat you to some coffee as a thank you. My name is Shigaraki Tomura, this clingy idiot is Dabi.” Shigaraki offered, moving Dabi’s head so it rested against his scent gland.
“Umm sure… uhh Takami Keigo is my name.” Was all he could get out, feeling the beginning signs of a pre rut coming on.
“Right, well Takami. Come to this apartment in three weeks.” With that Shigaraki closed the door once more, locking it so the other would have a harder time getting out.
They’d met for coffee like promised and got to know each other a bit better, Keigo decided he really liked both of them, but wouldn’t realize just how much until two years later.
Three days passed in a haze as the trio’s heats and ruts drew closer, it was on the third night that Dabi’s heat hit first. “Mmph, fuck. Mura, wake up. Dabs heat has started.” Keigo’s groggy voice called out. Feeling Dabi, who had ended up between them, rut against his thigh. Whines and whimpers could be heard coming from the black haired omega as he ground down against the blonde's thigh with increasing speed. “Kei… hurts.” Dabi just about sobbed, trying to get as much friction as he could.
“Shh shh, I know I’ve got you baby.” Keigo responded, shifting so that Dabi had more access to his thigh. Slick ran down his leg as the only thing between them was the thin fabric of his boxers. Tomura, who had woken up just moments before, snapped to attention at the sound of his mate whimpering. Moving to wrap his arms around the black haired man, Tomura could feel himself slipping into his heat as well.
Omegas aren’t supposed to mate with omegas, so not much is known when it comes to an omega pairing. And due to a lack of information, it came as a surprise when Tomura’s features started to change to something more alpha like after their first shared heat. His teeth grew a bit larger, not as large as an alphas, but still larger than an omega’s normal size. His build changed slightly, causing him to be a bit broader, while his heat scent took on a bit of a musk that usually only alpha’s had. The final change was the most surprising, as a medium sized knot grew at the base of his dick.
Neither were complaining at the changes and Keigo never felt challenged by the omega so it ended up being a pleasant change all around.
Just as Keigo noticed Tomura’s scent change, Dabi bit his shoulder, causing him to moan as the omega came on his thigh. At that point he knew it wouldn’t take much more for him to slip into his rut, he was just glad they had remembered to stalk up as the week ahead would be tough.
It was about two hours in when Tomura decided to switch things up. Keigo who had been switching between fucking both of them needed a break. So with a growl that had Keigo backing off, Tomura moved to take care of his whining mate who had just slipped back into his heat-addled brain after a brief reprieve. Moving in between the other omegas thighs, Tomura tapped the others lips in a silent order to open up. Obeying with a small whine, Tomura was able to get his fingers wet before immediately using them to slick up his cock.
It didn’t take much to slide in as Dabi was already stretched wide after Keigo had had his turn. Setting a slow pace, Tomura took the opportunity to mouth at the black haired omega’s neck and down to his chest. Keigo who had seemingly been forgotten off to the side was slowly stroking himself, watching his two omegas make love. “Tomura move, come on I need it please.” Dabi begged, causing the white haired man to growl with a snap of his hips.
“Alpha.” Tomura called, gaining the blonde’s attention instantly. “Be a good boy and get your ass ready for me, I think it’s about time you get some attention.” Tomura purred, lacing a hint of a command under it. Immediately Keigo moved to follow the others request, knowing that if he didn’t Tomura would most likely not allow him to cum again for the rest of the night. It was only recently that Tomura had asked if he could top when they fucked and Keigo had ended up stumbling over his words in his haste to agree. All his life Keigo had been taught to only submit to his handlers, which he never wanted to do. But when he thought about submitting of his own free will, he found that he actually liked the idea. And who better to submit to than Tomura.
He was torn once more from his inner thoughts as Tomura began to speak again. This time it wasn’t directed at him but the words themselves were enough to have him grabbing the bottle of synthetic slick from the nightstand that sat beside the bed.
“That’s it Dabi, you’re doing so well taking my cock. You feel so good. Mm fuck baby.” Tomura’s raspy voice purred, moving to the other‘s scent gland in order to coax more of the sweet scent out.
“Please Tomura, please please please. I need it.” Dabi wailed, as smoke started to seep through his seams.
“Need what, firefly?” Tomura questioned, deciding to tease the other a bit.
“Need to… need to cum please Tomu.. wanna cum.” Dabi slurred out.
Moving Dabi’s legs for a better angle, Tomura decided it was time to give in to what the lover wanted.
“Alright firefly, you’ve been so good for me. You may cum. Come on love, show me how beautiful you can be and cum for me.” Tomura commanded, speeding up his thrusts while aiming directly for the other’s prostate. “Mmm fuck!” Dabi moaned as he came, spurts of clear liquid hitting both his and Tomura’s stomachs. Tomura finished soon after, biting down on the others scent gland as his knot swelled and popped.
“Fuck that was hot.” Came Keigo’s hazy voice.
Looking over, Tomura noted that the alpha had obeyed him and had already gotten two fingers inside himself. “Add another.” He lightly commanded, loving the way Keigo’s eyes glossed over as he moved to obey. His knot wasn’t completely like an Alpha’s knot so it didn’t take as long to come down, allowing him to slowly remove his softening dick from Dabi’s well used ass. Grabbing a plug from the top drawer of the nightstand, Tomura moved to fill Dabi up once more, knowing that he would need a bit more time to focus on his alpha. After he was finished, he moved onto his back so that he could watch his partner open himself up.
Keigo whined as his dick felt like it was about to explode, but didn’t dare touch it, knowing Tomura hadn’t given him permission to yet. He could feel as red eyes cased his entire body, a sense of hunger that showed itself through the others scent, becoming more like a rut scent than a heat scent. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention as Tomura moved to sit behind him.
A single gloved hand moved to encircle his torso as the other one started straightening his feathers. A moan ripped out of him at the contact as his partners lips moved against his ear.
“I’m gonna need you to be a bit more submissive than this, Kei. After all, I don’t want you to turn this around on me halfway through, so why don’t you be a good boy and cum for me.” Tomura purred, knowing that overstimulation was the best way to keep Keigo under him.
“Y-yes s-sir.” Keigo moaned, moving his fingers to start directly hitting his prostate. It didn’t take much more for to Keigo cry out, squirting a large amount of seman onto the bed in front of him before collapsing back into Tomura’s chest, cooing and chirping as he did.
“Good boy, such a good boy. That was so good, baby. You did so well for me.” Tomura praised, knowing that both Dabi and Keigo had praise kinks.
“Alright pretty bird, I want you on your stomach.” Tomura directed, moving the blonde to lay on the bed, a pillow being placed under his hips for comfort. Unlike with Dabi who didn’t get overstimulated no matter what they did during his heat, Keigo got overstimulated rather quickly. Causing Tomura to have to take care of both of them throughout their shared time. It wasn’t until near the end of their cycles that Dabi became coherent enough to take care of Tomura in return.
Moving to massage the base of Keigo’s wings, Tomura took the opportunity to just gaze at the beautiful alpha under him. He’d never felt this way for an alpha before but knew at this point he wouldn’t be able to let Keigo go. He could see that Dabi felt the same and wasn’t oblivious to the way Keigo stared at them both over the past few years.
“Tomu, please. I’ve been so patient.” Keigo begged, more bird noices encompassing his pleas as he did.
“Alright, angel. I’ve got you.” Tomura soothed, using some of his own slick to make entering easier.
Keigo was tighter than Dabi so it made it a bit harder to go in all at once, so Tomura took it slow, easing his way past the ring of his hole. Both men moaned as Tomura bottomed out. Waiting for Keigo to adjust, Tomura focused his attention on the alpha’s nipples, tugging and pinching them as he slowly started to ease his cock out. Finally to the tip, Tomura asked if Keigo was ready to which he got an enthusiastic chirp and yes from the alpha.
With that, Tomura slammed back in. Setting a brutal pace as he knew the alpha liked things a bit rough. Moans and whines could be heard coming from Keigo as he scrambled to latch onto the pillow he was strewn across. It took only a moment for Tomura to find the alpha’s prostate and a few seconds to shift and aim for it with each thrust. Keigo’s wings flared, sharpening and un-sharpening as his talons tore through the bed sheets. “How are you feeling angel? Are you still with me?” Tomura asked, moving to flip the other onto his back.
“Mhhmmm” was all he got in return before a wave of bird noises made their way out of the alpha’s mouth.
“Good boy, angel. So good for me.” Tomura purred, licking and sucking his scent gland as he did. With a few more well aimed thrusts and whines coming from the alpha, Tomura could tell that Keigo was getting close. Moving his hand to wrap around the others quickly swelling cock, Tomura squeezed right as the knot formed, causing the blonde to practically scream as his prostate was hit and his knot finally popped. Large amounts of cum covered both of them as Keigo finally came down, spurts of semen still coming out in waves.
With a few more thrusts, Tomura grunted as his own knot swelled and popped in the alpha’s ass.
Collapsing onto the alpha, Tomura took the chance to finally breathe, knowing that Dabi would be waking up soon from his passed out state.
Four days later, with three left to go saw Dabi finally snapping from his complete heat addled brain allowing Tomura to sink into his own. For the next three days, both Dabi and Keigo took turns making Tomura cum as much as he made them. Overall it was a tiring experience for all of them but they couldn’t be more happy.
Extra: The Talk
It was two weeks after the trios heats and rut ended that Dabi and Tomura sat Keigo down to have another talk about their relationship.
“So… you guys wanna mate me?” Keigo asked, voice small as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Yeah. Is that ok? Do you want that with us?” Dabi asked, suddenly sounding a bit more nervous than when they’d started.
“Of course!“ Keigo half shouted, a huge smile spreading across his face as tears welled at the corners of his eyes.
“Well that’s good, I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no.” Tomura spoke, relief filling his tone.
“So.. when?” Keigo asked, looking between the two for an answer.
“Next heat. We’d like to be able to mate you as soon as possible. But Keigo, you know this’ll put you in danger right? The commission doesn’t take kindly to an alpha with more than one bonded.” Dabi warned, concern overtaking his features.
“I know Dabs, it’ll be ok. I’ll cover up the marks and use more scent blockers. I hate this, and I hope we can change things soon but for now just having you both is enough for me.” Keigo responded, smiling a genuine smile that he didn’t often get to show.
Just as Tomura was about to speak again he was interrupted by a text chiming on his phone.
Taking his phone out, a frown shadowed his face causing his partners to become more alert.
“It’s from Rain. Aizawa’s been taken by the commission.” Tomura hissed, getting up to get ready to leave.
“Fuck.” Dabi swore moving to follow his mate.
Keigo took a moment to marvel at the power his to be mates exuded as he got up from his own seat. He almost felt bad for the commission. Almost. After all, the commission had no idea what hell they were bringing down on themselves.
If you liked the story please check out my ao3. I have other works in progress and if you’d like to leave a comment I am more happy to read your thoughts on the fic.
My Ao3 Acc
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grimalkinmessor · 6 months
Do you have any headcannons about omegaverse AFO and Yoichi? Because omega Yoichi takes up way too much of my brain space to be healthy.
Not until this moment I didn't! :D
Though tbh I tend to always think of them as either being both Omegas, or Alpha Yoichi/Omega AFO—just because their dynamic in canon is already so fucking unbalanced that putting them in the traditional set feels cruel to Yoichi 😭
But I think I'd like the traditional set (Alpha AFO/Omega Yoichi) more in literally any other universe than canon. Royalty AU? Beautiful. No Quirks AU? Let's GO. Roleswap AU? HELL YEAH. Just not canon, because again, making canon Yoichi an Omega to his Alpha brother is just grinding salt in the wound :') Not fond of it, unfortunately.
I can give you some hcs for it, however! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Omega Yoichi's scent is a mix of mint, white raspberries, and nickel. Alpha Takashi's scent is ozone and chemical sugar. Both of their scents are sweet and harsh in turns, but in different ways that clash when put together :3 They both love the way they smell together though, even as everyone else cringes and shies away from it because it's simply too much.
Though most people (in my version of omegaverse) present in their early/mid teens, Takashi either likely presented far later than his teens, or far earlier, due to their extenuating circumstances. Argument for earlier is that the stress on his body might've caused him to present early so he could have a better chance at protecting himself and his territory, and the argument for later is that he already has PLENTY of tools to defend himself and his territory with, so his body never hit that high trigger point of "need to protect/defend" that most Alphas experience before their first rut.
Yoichi likely presents normally, though with the distressing add-on of having nowhere to nest and nothing to nest with. Takashi would monopolize providing for them, and blankets and soft things likely wouldn't be a priority for him until AFTER Yoichi presents, so Yoichi's first heat is probably spent with Takashi holding him really tight to imitate an enclosed, safe nest while Yoichi whines and quietly panics the whole time. It's awful for both of them, but especially Yoichi—though afterwards Takashi does start bringing home blankets and pillows and things to go in their space, but refuses to let Yoichi have them until he's thoroughly washed and scented them.
Speaking of nests!! Takashi does not heed any of Yoichi's warnings about entering his uninvited, much less just barging in. Takashi gets bitten more than once doing this shit, but he refuses to stop. Yoichi took a chunk of his ear once too; can't teach this man shit smh
The first time they have sex is, again, likely Yoichi's doing. Just because there's a point after he presents where his instincts urge him to start providing for himself so he can venture out and find a mate (caveman inner omega-speak), BUT Takashi never allows Yoichi to venture out or start providing for himself. So all of those trinkets and clothes and books and food and blankets start to register as courting gifts reeeaaal quick :) Takashi goes from 'main provider' to 'potential mate' pretty rapidly, and Yoichi deals with this by pushing Takashi down in a frenzy during his next heat and sitting on his dick ✨
Depending on which route you took for AFO's presentation, that could be the moment he presents, or the first time he pops a knot. Up to you :3
Though there's also something to be said for All For One presenting as a full adult, either right after Yoichi is vaulted, right after Yoichi is rescued from said vault, or in that moment Yoichi fucking exploded right in front of him and Kudou :')
Alpha AFO definitely has a breeding kink the size of Jupiter, but male Omegas are sterile! Win for Yoichi—he dodged the biggest bullet of all! ....But that doesn't mean he doesn't also have a slightly smaller breeding kink. Slightly. Venus instead of Jupiter. Just by basis of Yoichi feeling nauseous at the actual idea of it but also being desperately horny about it in bed and in his head. Takashi's kink is definitely an IRL desire though, unfortunately.
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fractiflos · 6 months
For the fairy tale ask game: how about a Little Red Riding Hood AU with some duoholders please? Second has red hair so he gets to be Little Red Riding Hood. Yoichi and All for One are both wolves. How you divide up the role between them is up to you.
Yay, I love Little Red Riding Hood :)
Instead of quirks, people have started becoming werewolves. But it's all wonky so they just randomly transform instead of depending on the moon, and some of them (like the Shigaraki twins) keep some of their wolf features in human form. Anyway, Kudo bought in to the government's spiel about how werewolves are all evil due to his fear of dogs and works with them to kill them off.
One day, Kudo gets some time off and decides to visit his reclusive step-brother Hikage, who lives in the woods. However, what he doesn't know is that AFO and his pack have taken that part of the woods over, which is why Hikage hasn't visited him. Should he step out of the clearing, the wolves will tear him apart. (Also, he just doesn't want to deal with people) Kudo brings a basket of Hikage's favorite foods and wears a red cloak, because it's winter and he's cold.
Meanwhile, Yoichi is eager to move up in the wolf pack. You see, his brother (who is the pack leader) told him that they were fighting against evil people who destroyed the environment. Yoichi wants to play a bigger part in that instead of having to be protected all the time, so his brother sends him on what he thinks is a wild goose chase to bring the head of a trespassing man in a red cloak by sundown (it's morning). AFO doesn't know about Kudo and thinks that everyone knows that part of the woods belongs to him, so what idiot would wander the woods in an eye-catching red cloak?
Yoichi finds Kudo and attacks in wolf form. Kudo fights back by swinging the basket which leads to a container of strawberry shortcake falling out and spilling cake on the ground. Yoichi is curious, having only lived off the land and eats it. Then begs for more. A cautious Kudo keeps feeding him as they make their way to Hikage's house. There, Hikage exposes him as a werewolf and Yoichi transforms back but tells them his story in an attempt to convince them that he's good, only to hear that his brother is actually evil and the people he killed were because he wanted more land, not because he was trying to save it. Kudo is a bit distracted because Yoichi wasn't wearing clothes and looks adorable with wolf ears and a tail (none of the wolves wear clothes because A. they're feral wolves and B. their clothes rip when they transform)
They all snap into action when AFO comes by looking for his brother. He and Yoichi get into an argument and AFO blames Kudo for turning him against him so he tries to eat him, but only manages to tear off a part of the man's face. Hikage grabs a gun he's been saving should the wolves move in, and shoots him. Yoichi announces that he's rejecting the clan and he, Kudo, and Hikage run while AFO is suffering from the bullet wound.
Missed opportunity to dress AFO up in grandma clothes, but Second isn't stupid enough to fall for that anyway (still would be funny to see) Does AFO die? Idk, I mean the only thing going for him here is that he's pack leader. No quirks, just werewolves.
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fairystar111 · 3 days
Meant to be Ours
By: fairystar111
Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Katsuki knows something dearly wrong is happening but he ignores it He ignores the stalking, the prying eyes, the messages plaguing his phone He doesn't pay any mind to it Until he can’t
Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Tomura Shigaraki/Dabi | Touya Todoroki, Spinner | Suuichi Iguchi, Kurogiri, Magne | Kenji Hikiishi, Mr.Compress | Sako Atsuhiro, Himiko Toga, Twice | Jin Bubaigawara.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Stalking, Forced Bonding, Stockholm Syndrome, Claiming Bites, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Platonic Yandere, Parental Yandere, Emotional Manipulation, Pack Dynamics, Telepathic Bonds, Animal Characteristics, Animal Instincts, Infantilism, Parental Shigaraki Tomura, Parental Dabi | Touya Todoroki, League of Villains as Family.
It started after the Sports Festival. After he had won and was chained onto the podium like a feral animal and broadcasted for all the world to see. The text messages slowly began to trickle in. It started off innocent enough questions about his day, reminders to eat, when it was time to sleep. He had assumed it was one of his classmates wanting to befriend him but not having the courage to do it in person so he had ignored it. Then it started to get creepy. Somehow they knew what he was doing outside of school. When he was staying up late into the night or when he was doing something considered “naughty” he would get a text reprimanding him as if he were the sender's own petulant child. Sometimes he’d respond demanding to be left alone but was often either ignored or scolded, usually left with promises of a homecoming in his not too distant future.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Time for bed. Brush those little fangs and have that tail tucked under your covers by 10:00pm sharp.
ME: Fuck off.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Watch the language pup, wouldn't want me to show up and punish those bad habits out of you.
ME: read at 9:30pm.
He went to bed…but not because they told him too!
Whenever he goes out, he could feel eyes on him at all times even his house didn’t feel safe anymore, not the customary gaze of people recognizing him from the Sports Festival but something more possessive. Someone was watching him like he belonged to them and they were starting to get bolder. Whenever he would leave his home one of his possessions would go missing: a soft knitted sweater, a small worn plush from his childhood, his old baby blanket that still smelled like milky baby and his parents. Just small things that he used to help soothe his omega. They were inconsequential. He doesn't care…really he doesn't…but.
It was starting to affect his life. Despite how miniscule his collection of comfort items were, he loved them dearly. They were the only things that helped calm him down when he was overwhelmed and upset growling at every shadow in his room. He couldn’t even go to his parents about it because they thought he had thrown those things out years ago. 
Ever since he had decided to become a hero his parents had forbidden him from indulging in his omegan instincts. If he was going to be a hero he had to be strong, his mother said. From then on he wasn’t allowed to have a nest, purr, scent others or be scented, cuddle, play, groom or be groomed, or join other packs. Many things that are essential for young pups, especially omegas . It hurt to be excluded from all the ways packs show love to one another. Soon after the decision he stopped feeling the gentle prodding from his father or his mothers explosive reactions through their bond. His bond with his parents had fizzled out both mentally and physically, leaving him feeling touch starved and empty. Though he hid those feelings away only showing explosive anger, looking for attention in any he could even if it was negative. It was for the best that his real feelings stay hidden. If he wanted to be a hero he couldn’t let anyone know he was weak to things as pathetic as cuddles. 
Most people around him automatically assumed he was an Alpha from his off putting demeanor and aggressive tendencies but he has never once spoken about nor confirmed his classification in public. After his display in the Sports Festival no one ever questioned that assumption again. Tabloids spurred on about UA’s unruly alpha Katsuki Bakugo: The next number one hero or villain? He didn't bother correcting them. The scent patches were explained away by claiming his scent was too overpowering. He would distress every omega in class if he didn't wear them. He wasn't allowed to let others know he’s an omega. It’s a weakness that can only be exploited and used against him, no one can ever know the truth. 
He didn't realize he had been zoned out until fingers were snapping in front of his face. The room was silent aside from his own soft stressed whines he had been unknowingly releasing, all eyes were on him and his classmates were all releasing their own worried scents into the air. 
“Are you alright Bakugo?” His teacher spoke, concern shining in his eyes. 
“I’m fine!” the blonde snapped busy trying to unfurl his usually pointed fluffy ears from his head unsuccessfully before mumbling, “Didn’t sleep much. Just tired.” He’s glad he was sitting down so no one could see his tail tucked firmly between his legs showing his unease. Truthfully he was terrified, every day that passed he felt his stalker getting bolder. They were closing in on him. Probably ready to snatch him up at any moment.
“Alright then.” His eyes and tone conveyed that he didn't quite believe him.
He stayed quiet the rest of class debating on whether the situation was serious enough to tell his teacher. He knows he probably should have told someone sooner, it's been months, but he didn't want to be seen as a poor naive little omega that was receiving creepy unsolicited messages and needed a big strong alpha to help him. It was bad enough at home he didn't want his teachers to treat him like he was weak too. 
It's fine, everything's is fine. He doesn’t need help from anyone, especially a damn alpha. He’s got it handled. Next week they are going to be going to a week long training camp in the mountains. UA has been keeping the location of the camp strictly under wraps so he should be safe from his stalker. While he's there he’ll train as hard as he can and get so strong it won’t even matter that he’s being relentlessly stalked because he’ll flatten any bastard that tries to get near him. 
Or that's what he had thought but now the camp is under attack. There's a group of hostile villains running around looking specifically for him. He's running through a forest trying to get to the evacuation point where Aizawa sensei should be located, with Icy-hot and Deku on his tail along with Eight-arms and Beak-face up front surrounding him while a masked villain tries to get through their defense to nab him. 
He doesn’t know when it happened but somehow the man had found an opening. Soon his world was teal blue glass. He couldn’t move or scream. He was suspended in motion trapped in a marble. He could feel himself being tossed around and the man holding him fighting before he was released. He felt a sharp prick in his neck as warm arms surrounded him. His last memory was Deku trying to jump into the portal and slurring at him to stop. 
As he awoke he groggily took in his surroundings, he was in a some sort of bar surrounded by the League. He was strapped to a chair in heavy quirk restraints. His arms were locked together while his hands were trapped in a metal cube. If he tried to use his quirk he would blow his hands to shreds.
“Hey Shig, I think the brat is awake.” He heard someone say but he couldn't tell who. His head was throbbing, likely from the sedative he was drugged with.
“Welcome Katsuki Bakugo, you were brought to me due to the injustices you've faced at the hands of those you call heroes. You didn't deserve to be chained like an animal- '' Tomura was being rather diplomatic as much as he wanted to immediately mark the boy as his own. It was an alpha pup they were dealing with; they are known to be aggressive and territorial if not introduced properly into a new space. 
The white haired man was talking but he couldn't hear a word. He was hyperventilating, his heart was pounding in his ears. Terrified whimpers escaped him as his distressed smell was starting to leak from underneath the day old scent patch. Releasing a sickly sweet distinctly omega smell. The room went silent as the revelation of his true classification was exposed. It was getting harder to breathe. His mind was racing coming up with scenarios each worse than the last. He knows what happens to kidnapped omegas, especially those with powerful quirks. He'll be claimed and mated against his will and used to breed pups until his body is too broken to produce anymore. 
“I thought we were taking in an alpha pup?” He hears someone murmur, obviously confused by the pathetically sweet burnt caramel scent wafting in the air. He hears footsteps walking towards him and whimpers as someone tugs off his scent patch exposing even more of his sugary scent into the air. 
“To do this shit to a pup, let alone an omega pup. The heroes truly are scum.” Shigaraki growled scent going sour with his displeasure, though he quickly forced himself to calm down when the boy yipped in terror in response. The kid’s eyes were rapidly zipping in different directions around the room, his fluffy blond pointed ears pressed flat against his skull in terror. He was getting overwhelmed. There were likely too many unknown scents and classifications in the room. He couldn't focus. 
“Everyone out. Now.” Tomura growled, the rest of his pack fled the room leaving him, Dabi, and Bakugo alone. He scruffed the boy, softly biting at the base of his neck, before carefully undoing the restraints one by one, the pup not being able to move once during the process. 
Katsuki trembled in a state of terror, his body lacking any mobility due to alpha nipping at the small glands at the back of his neck effectively paralyzing him. Scruffing was something only a pack member can do to an omega or child due to the vulnerable state it places them in. Though as betas and alphas puppies grow older their glands shrink, eventually fading away, however they stay intact in omegas. Once the glands are pressed, either through biting or squeezing, the omega is left in a vulnerable state with limited access to their senses and bodily functions relying heavily on their base instincts and pack for safety until it wears off. Scruffing omegas outside your pack is just not done, while scuffing other children outside your pack can be considered acceptable depending on the circumstance, doing the same to an omega is assault. He shouldn’t be surprised a villain would use this against him but it was just so goddamn embarrassing. Here is his shitty biology being used against him yet again proving his parents point on why omegas shouldn't be heroes. 
“Can I hold him now?” Dabi asked, swallowing the whine that threatened to leave his chest. He’s been waiting so long to have his little spitfire home. He wants to hold him down and drown him in his scent until he’s nothing but a puddle of happy little purrs.
“Go ahead and stabilize him firefly then get him into the nest. We’ll talk when he has calmed down.” The alpha frowned, the boy was dropping into his baseline instincts dangerously fast. Most people don’t drop this hard, this easily, unless they are either ignoring their own instincts or being severely neglected. He suspects the boy may have been both. 
“It's been a rough day, hasn't it puppy?” Dabi cooed as he scented the boy. The crying boy whined in his arms before going limp. ”Shh shh just relax, you're doing so well baby.” He purred as he got the boy drunk on soothing pheromones. He broke out into a smile when he received tiny almost soundless purrs in return. 
“Mine,” Dabi growled possessively, tightening his hold on the small blond. It shouldn't be this easy for the boy to drop just due to pheromones. The ones he and his lover were dousing him in weren't even all that strong. Clearly their pup had been neglected for far longer than they had assumed. 
“Ours,” Shigaraki confirmed before doing the same, covering the boy in his scent. 
The blonde had originally caught the couple’s attention with his display of power and aggressive behavior thinking of him as a possible recruit. But when he had been chained to a podium after being declared the “winner” of the UA Sports Festival they knew they had to do something. They had been watching the festival to observe the quirks of the next generation of heroes and gather intel for their next attack; they hadn't expected to see such a young child being abused so openly on television. Seeing the terror in his eyes as the boy cried out behind the muzzle struggling in his bonds while the crowd roared in excitement had left a bad taste in their mouths. The boy reminded them of themselves when they were younger, being abused so overtly while everyone else just watched no one stepping up to help. They were going to save that pup and make him theirs.
They decided to first observe his home and see how he was being treated outside of school. If he had a loving pack at home there would be no need to separate them. They could just tear down the heroic institution oppressing him instead. But that wasn't the case, there were no signs of pack bonding between either parent and child. His room lacked any scent from the boy or his parents, hell it barely looked like a pup lived there at all. There were no signs of love that a growing child needs to develop properly. If things kept up like this Bakugo would have eventually gone feral from lack of proper care. 
His mother and father often worked late leaving him alone for hours on end to care for himself. The boy would often forget to eat distracted with his training or stay up for hours into the night studying. Once they saw how little he was being parented they decided to start filling the gaps his parents clearly weren't doing. They started messaging the boy, giving him reminders to eat, when to sleep, establishing a routine he will already be used to, for when he finally comes home with them. They had eyes on him at all times if it wasn't Shigaraki or Dabi it was Toga, Compress or any of the other league members keeping an eye on the kid. 
The last step was seeing which items brought Katsuki the most comfort and taking them away. So when they were ready to pick him up he would be unstable and ready to latch onto anyone giving him positive attention. Though they suspect that won't be much of a problem given how little attention the pup is given both at home and school. The training camp had been the perfect opportunity to abduct the boy while causing chaos to hero society. Now that they have him they aren’t ever letting him go.
Katsuki broke through the pheromone-induced haze with a disgruntled whine. He doesn't know how long he was stuck in the floaty haze of comfort but when he came to, he found himself in a large soft nest filled with plush pillows and soft blankets. He was currently being held by the villain Dabi papa, his mind supplies. He wanted to move to escape from the hold but it felt so good to be covered in the scent of another omega and to be cuddled like he was someone’s beloved pup. He hasn't had anything like this since before his quirk came in. The warm hands gently carding through his hair, occasionally running a wrist through it scenting him made his mind fuzzy and despite his best efforts tiny purrs escaped his chest.  
“You awake firecracker?” Dabi rumbled, hands slowing to a stop as he observed the scent-drunk puppy. He smiled as he watched him get his bearings. For the better part of two hours he's been watching the boy rubbing gentle circles into his skin, the child content to lay on his chest, whining softly, lip trembling whenever the older omega so much as pulled away to find his phone to snap a picture. Under that false exterior shell of anger layed a sweet docile pup waiting to be loved, just as he had thought.
“Mm-hmm,” he lazily responded, eyes closed nuzzling into the hand to try and get it to start petting him again. He felt so calm with Dabi’s soothing pheromones sinking into his skin until he heard footsteps approaching their the nest. He whimpered in fear, latching onto the villain curling his head into the other omega’s neck breathing in his sweet smoky scent for comfort.
“May I come in, omega?” Shigaraki asked. They usually don’t do this sort of traditional bullshit but they thought it might be easier for the pup to imprint onto them if their dynamics were clear to establish them in his mind as prospective parents. Nearly feral packless children will oftentimes attach themselves to any potential paternal figure around them their instincts deem suitable. If they had not swooped in when they did, the boy would have likely irreversibly bonded to one of his teachers, possibly Eraserhead or even worse All Might. 
“Yes alpha,” the older omega responded as he moved himself over to make room for the white haired alpha. Katsuki whined as he was moved from papa the scarred villain and snuggled into an unfamiliar muscled chest though he soon calmed as he was scented yet again. He was fine, it was just daddy Shigaraki. He relaxed into the dusty scent of old books and cold morning dew. 
“We've been watching you for a while now, little hero. We know how badly you've been treated at home and in school. We brought you here because we want to save you and keep you as our own.” Tomura explained watching the blond's crimson eyes, just like his, widened in shock.
“It…w’s..you?” The blond slurred. His stalker, or stalkers apparently, had won and kidnapped him like they promised. Maybe he should have actually told someone…oops. To be fair he didn’t expect them to be the League of Villains. He had assumed it was probably some weak basement dwelling loser…again oops. That was his bad. Maybe he shouldn't have underestimated unknown extras so quickly.
“You were so rude to your daddies over the phone. We were only trying to protect you sweetheart.” Dabi cooed before Shigaraki chimed in sternly stating “If you behave that way with us again, I’ll have to punish you puppy.”
“‘M s’rry. Go home now?” The blond asked, it was getting late, his classmate and teachers are going to get worried if he doesn't come back soon. 
“No, you can never go back there. This is your home now.” The alpha growled disapprovingly. Though he tried not to get too upset, the kid is still pretty out of it from the pheromones he was doused with. He likely doesn’t even know what he's saying.
“No no no…need go… want t’ be h’ro,” Katsuki whined despite how nice it felt to be treated like pack, he had a life he needed to get back to. He was going to be the number one hero, he didn't have time to waste doing things like packbonding. No matter how much his instincts screamed for it.
“You can play hero with us all you want spitfire. You can be our little hero right here.” The omega tried to reason. Though he knows if someone had tried to convince him at Katsuki’s age to stop being a hero he never would have listened either. Unfortunately this was something they were going to have to train out of him through use of punishment. Something he wished someone would have done for him before he horrifically scarred himself trying to play hero for his father’s attention. 
“You don’t need to be risking your life for people who treat you like your disposable. Who will replace you with a new shiny hero as soon as you get injured so badly you need to be taken out of the field permanently and will forget you in the blink of an eye. Your sacrifice means nothing to them. They don’t deserve you. You are never going to be a hero.” Tomura hissed, tightening his hold on the boy as he released a strong disapproving parental scent, used for reprimanding misbehaving puppies. 
“No! I 'm a hero! I’m leavin’!” The boy shouted, setting off tiny crackling explosions against the man's chest. His heart stopped as he realized what he had done, the temperature of the room dropping as the mood plummets. He could smell anger coming from daddy Shigaraki and disappointment from papa Dabi. 
“Naughty puppy, do we need to bring back the restraints?“ Tomura asked calmly, nipping the boy's shoulder when he received no response. They had decided early on that he would be the one handling most punishments and discipline while Dabi did most of the comforting and consoling at least for now to establish Tomura as the dominant alpha and Dabi as a reassuring omega in the boy’s mind. Once the pup is thoroughly imprinted they will both be handling the discipline and aftercare equally. 
“Well do we, baby?” Dabi asked, dousing the boy in his reassuring scent. 
“Nooo,” Katsuki whined cursing his biology as his instincts screamed: appease sire, appease dam, apologize, take punishment. He flopped over on daddy’s Shigaraki’s lap, belly up and neck bared in submission. 
He gasps as he is gently flipped over by strong rough hands and placed onto his belly, as Daddy the Alpha begins to rain down harsh swats on his bottom. He feels a distinct fear in the back of his mind, it would only take one hit with five fingers for him to be decayed. Though his instinct riddled mind supplied Sire would never hurt us. We've been bad. Deserve this. 
“You’re doing so good,” Dabi cooed as he stroked the boy's hair gently wiping away the boy's tears as his lover started to land harsher swats on the boy's stinging bottom “Taking your punishment so well puppy. We're almost done.”
“Papa,” Katsuki cried, arms reaching out to Dabi trying to get out his daddy’s hold. His mind was so foggy he didn’t realize what he had just called the other man.
“Don’t look at him, focus on me. Your papa isn't going to save you from this, little one.” The alpha nipped the boy's ear before asking “Why are you being punished puppy?”
“Because daddy is an assho-Ah!,” The boy yelped at the loud smack to his sit spots his snide remark got him. “I used my quirk-ah! on you and tried to leave.”
“That’s right baby, good job,” The older omega cooed purring as he stroked the boy's cheeks. “You're being a very good boy.” The young omega eagerly accepted the praise, responding in kind with his own rumbling purr nuzzling into the warm hand. 
“You will never try to use your quirk on any member of the League nor will you ever try to leave the nest again, am I understood? Everything you will ever need, you can find right here with us.” The man barked, accentuating each word with a harsh swat. 
He didn't want to agree. He didn't but his bottom was on fire and his neglected inner omega was screaming at him to please sire, pups don’t stray far from their nests, say yes. And the steady affection he was getting from his papa didn't help, only fuelling on his omega. 
“I-i understand daddy,” Bakugo answered through hitched breaths and rumbling purrs. He wanted to scream and run away from this place but he also wanted to sit still and be a good boy for daddy and nuzzle and purr at papa. He didn’t know what was going on; it was like his body was on autopilot and functioning without any of his input. 
“Good boy, you did wonderfully. I'm so proud to have such a brave pup.” Shigaraki praised the boy as he finished up his spanking before laying down and settling the boy on his chest. Chuckling when the loudest purr they've ever heard from the boy escaped his lips from the simple praise. 
“Sleep now, we'll be right here when you wake.” Dabi cooed curling himself around his partner and child watching the boy try his hardest to fight sleep but ultimately fail as his breaths even out and he unconsciously snuggled deeper into their hold.
Bakugo would like to say that during the months he was with the League he spent his time  fighting and screaming against them, that he was a pest and a menace the entire time, never once backing down or submitting to them, and that he would have blown them to bits if not for the quirk canceling drugs in his system but that would be a lie . No he found it incredibly hard to rebel let alone fight against any of them especially against the pair his instincts are convinced are going to be his “dads”. His insides turn gooey and his mind fuzzy the second either of them were around. His mind is clearest when they are away, if either of them are around his instincts just make him want to cling to them and appease them in any way he can. 
After they had coerced the truth of his homelife out of him the pair seemed to make it their mission to embarrass him at every given moment. Constantly cuddling and petting him, nuzzling and scenting him whenever he was near, and praising him for the simplest of tasks. He hated how it made him melt, his tail wagging and instant purrs sounding from his throat giving him away as he tried to push away their constant doting. The worst was when they would bathe him, spending hours lovingly washing him, making his brain mush for hours after. Grooming is another form of packbonding he has been denied for so long. It being one of the strongest forms of packbonding there is usually used for young pups, introducing new members into a pack, or grounding someone gone feral. 
That's not to say the rest of the league weren't menaces because they definitely are. Kurogiri is a vigilant fucker always watching him and thwarting any escape attempts. The beta always seems to know when he is going to act out, opening a portal and depositing him straight into his “parents” arms. Though he’s not all bad, he does cook them delicious meals, and always makes sure his portion is extra spicy, and helps bring him whatever he needs when he’s being punished and not allowed to leave the nest, even sneaking him the spicy wasabi snacks he likes. And he often helps sooth Shigaraki’s scratching fits and lightens his punishments when he believes his punishment doesn't suit the crime. He suspects the mist-man raised Shigaraki given the rumbling purrs the alpha constantly releases in his presence and how easily he can sway his decisions with only a stern expression.
Magne and Compress are both annoying but for different reasons. Magne seems to have it in her head that he is incredibly delicate and needs to be held at all times. Most time he spends in her care he is scruffed, scented until he is dazed, and bound to her hip. She claims it's due to her instincts as an alpha but he thinks she just wants a puppy to spoil. 
Compress on the other hand is also very protective but in an extremely irritating way. He is too good at predicting when he is going to act out and capturing him mid-escape with his quirk. All it takes is one touch and then he is stuck in a little blue marble. But worst of all, the alpha is always teasing him, calling him the most ridiculous pet names just to see him blush.
“Come on baby cakes, it’s time to eat.” Atsuhiro cooed as he fetched the boy from his nest, picking him up and carrying him on his hip to take him to the dining room. 
“Shut up!” The boy grumbled as his cheeks started to flush pink. He can’t help it, he's not used to this sort of thing. Affection was never something given to undesirable pups like him. 
“Well isn't that adorable. You're as red as a sweet little strawberry, just as cute as one too.” Sako chuckled; he liked to tease the boy. It was good to see him pouting and embarrassed rather than angry and almost feral like he used to be. Especially in the beginning it helped take his mind off things and be less tense around them. Instead of focusing on how sad he is to be away from school and hero life he is focused on the teasing and trying to get away from it, usually into the arms of one of his fathers or one of the other members of the league. Really Sako was being benevolent, generous even! He’s just helping the pack bond. If he finds the boy's reactions especially entertaining, well he'll just keep that to himself. 
“Stop it,” Katsuki whined. He could feel his face heating up more and more. He looked around for help but saw nothing but mirthful gazes looking his way. Even his daddy was cracking an amused smile. He made eye contact with his papa and extended his arms out towards him making grabby hands. He widened his eyes, flopped his ears downward, and jutted out his bottom lip into a pout making sure to look extra pitiful. His papa was more likely to help him out if he looked genuinely upset.
“Stop picking on the baby, Sako.” Dabi teasingly scolded the man before taking the boy and sitting him on his lap to feed. Breakfast today was spicy rice porridge with fried egg, one of his favorites.
“It’s all in good fun, I’m sure the cutie patootie knows that.” Atsuhiro said he could help but say one last playful jab before taking his place at the dinner table, chuckling at the state of the boy's face.
Bakugo whined as he flushed bright red from the top of his hairline to the bottom of his chin. He hid his face in his papa’s neck to avoid the laughing and amused gazes from around the dinner table. He must look like a tomato. Even his papa was struggling not to laugh...traitor.
Then there's Toga, the only other pup in this place. She's crazy to put it simply, upon meeting him she immediately adopted him as her little brother and will not leave him alone. She decided to be his “protector” as his older sister meaning she won’t let him out of her sight at all times and tries to play with him at any given moment. He’ll never forget when he first met Toga officially. The girl had burst into their room demanding to see him, he had been surprised when she hadn't been snarled at or shooed out like the others. 
“I want to see the baby.” The girl whined at the edge of the nest waiting for an approving chuff from either male before getting in. 
“You know he’s only two years younger than you, Himiko.” Dabi drawled before chirping at the brat to come in. 
“Doesn't matter! I have big sibling rights even if he was only a day younger, he would still be a baby to me!” Toga argued as she squirmed her way into the nest. 
“Huh, is that so?” Tomura looked questioningly toward the omega to which Dabi nodded in agreement. It didn't matter to him if Natsuo and Fuyumi were only a couple years younger than him, to Dabi they will always be his babies. He doesn’t like to think about Shouto; he wants nothing to do with that insipid alpha pup. 
“Hi my name is Himiko Toga but you can call me Himi-nii!” Toga squealed giggling as the scent-drunk boy groggily opened his eyes. 
“Toga? Why r y’u h’re?” Katsuki slurred his foggy mind, not quite being able to catch up to his mouth. He hasn’t seen the rest of the league for a while now. He’s been stuck in his parent’s nest for so long. He's not allowed to leave the nest yet, the only times he gets to leave is to be bathed or use the bathroom and even then he is either supervised or timed. He’s only caught a few glimpses of the others though his parents usually snarl at them when they get too close to him. So he hasn't had much social interaction recently. 
“You're so cute! I'm here to play! I can't wait to bite you!” She got into a play bow ready to pounce on the boy only to be stopped by a large hand plopping onto her head.
“He’s pretty out of it, brat. He won’t be able to play with you for a while.” Shigaraki ruffled the brat’s hair and snickered as she whined, calling him a meanie while still purring and nuzzling into his hand. He had to owe it to her, before her, he had never been in close proximity to a kid let alone taken care of one himself. Having Twice’s pup around helped him learn how to properly deal with children and got him prepared for bringing Katsuki home. He thinks he’ll always have a soft spot for the blood-obsessed alpha pup. 
“You can come back after he’s had his nap.” Dabi answers, laughing softly as she pouted, whining under her breath about them hogging the baby.
Though he can’t say it's all bad, he never grew up with littermates being an only child and never bonded with anyone his own age. He hasn't gotten to play with other pups since he was three. And she’s so much fun to play with, always chasing him around the base or stalking and tackling him when he least expects it. The adults don’t bother to break them up much leaving them to tussle and gnaw on each other as they please. They're puppies. It's good for them, it helps with their development and learning how hard to bite they say. Her bites draw blood too often though. She claims it's because she loves him so much. He thinks it has something to do with her quirk and how she needs blood like she needs food. 
Spinner is the most normal out of the bunch, a simple beta. He didn’t really seem like much of a villain and Bakugo didn't take him as seriously as the others at first thinking he could easily beat him in a fight even without his quirk. Until the day he tried to escape in his care. While the lizard man had been dozing off on the couch in the living room seemingly unaware. He had tiptoed his way down the hall making sure to stay as silent as possible. When he got to the entrance he felt a chill go down his spine. He rushed to open the door when he heard a whoosh sound and then strike! The loose fabric from his shirt and shorts were pinned to the wall by long blades with killer accuracy. He looked around but saw no one there then looked up and saw glowing red eyes. There was Spinner crawling on the ceiling upside down with a terrifying expression on his face. 
“Where do you think you are going, puppy?”
It's safe to say he did not try his luck with the man again. Aside from being mildly terrifying he’s pretty good company. He doesn't coddle or put him under as much as the others. He really only scruffs him when he absolutely has to. Instead he plays video games with him or just lets him do his own thing with minimal supervision. Something the others can't seem to fathom. 
Twice is the only other omega part of the league besides Dabi. Katsuki is not part of the league so he does not count! The man is easy to fool and unstable, often needing help from the other alpha’s to help with his shattered psyche. He has a soft spot for children, apparently claiming Toga as his own almost immediately after meeting her. It didn’t take long to get him wrapped around his little finger.
At first he wasn’t allowed to see any members of the league in general. Then after a month stuck with only his parents, he was allowed out of their nest to meet everyone except for Jin. His papa would get really aggressive and snap whenever he would come near him snarling that he already had his own puppy and to get away. Though after some time he eventually calmed down and he was allowed to meet Jin properly. He can be pretty clingy with both him and Toga oftentimes keeping them tucked into his nest while the others are away on a mission. He plays with them a lot, always happy to create a game for them or chase them around. He’s a terrible cook but always has snacks on hand to feed them whenever he thinks they might be getting hungry. He just wants to make them feel happy and loved. It's no surprise he is the one Bakugo has been waiting to use for his escape.
He was too trusting, too soft, too unsuspecting, it was only time before someone took advantage of those omegan qualities he displays. Bakugo bid his time until the perfect moment arose and then it was here. The others were all going out on a mission, what exactly for he doesn’t know the exact details, but everyone except Twice would be needed. This was the chance he was waiting for all this time. As they geared up and got ready to leave, the boy feigned grogginess making sure to look extra sleepy so he wouldn’t get a precautionary scruff before they left.
“Behave I don’t want to have to come back early to punish you.” Shigaraki told him sternly before kissing his forehead and nuzzling his cheek goodbye.
“I’ll be good. I promise.” Katsuki mumbled, rubbing his eyes and yawning for good measure.
“We’ll be back soon, be good for Jin.” Dabi cooed before doing the same as his partner.
“Bye daddy, bye papa,“ he mumbled as he gave them each a kiss on the cheek. Katsuki’s gut churned as he watched them walk through the portal, thinking about the betrayal he was about to commit. They're villains, he shouldn't feel bad, he shouldn't miss them, he should hate them with all his might but…he doesn’t. He likes the way they make him feel cared for and loved, he loves-No! They manipulated him; none of this is real. He’s in too deep, he has to go now! Before it's too late.
“What do you want to do? Let’s play! There's still a couple hours before bedtime. Go to bed now!” Jin rambled excitedly. This is the first time he’s taken care of the boy all on his own, he was delighted, they were going to get to spend some time all to themselves to bond. 
“Can we just watch a movie? I feel too sleepy to play,” he said, faking a yawn. “Sorry but can we um…Could you maybe um-” Katsuki mumbled, fidgeting with his hands feigning nervousness.
“What is it pup? Whaddya Want?” Jin looked so concerned for him it made his stomach sink.
“Can we cuddle please? I usually cuddle with daddy and papa during movies b-but it's okay if you don’t want to!” The younger omega asked, tilting his head to the side and widening his eyes. The man will be falling for the act in three…two…o-
“Of course we can! So cute!” Twice squealed, leaning in to hug the boy and move him onto his lap. He’s so happy that the boy is finally becoming more comfortable around them, even initiating affection toward him on his own. 
So trusting…
The man is a typical clingy, naive, trusting omega, something Bakugo cannot risk becoming. As much as he hates to take advantage of another omega, this has to be done. It's the way of the world. If you leave yourself open and vulnerable, someone is bound to take advantage. This time it's my turn, Katsuki thought as he squeezed the glands on the back of the man's neck, scruffing him. He straightened up, dropping the act as he pushed the man off of him watching as Jin’s body slumped relaxing against his will onto the couch. 
“Kat’ st’p pleas’. Can't go!” Jin cried as the boy tied his hands and legs together with blankets further immobilizing him. 
“I’m sorry. For what it's worth I really did like you, tell Himiko she was a good playmate. Goodbye Jin.” He ignored the man's cries as he looked for his shoes. They weren't by the door and he didn't have enough time to look around his parent’s Shigaraki and Dabi’s room for them. He begrudgingly slipped on Himiko’s pink sneakers and stole one of his daddy’s Shigaraki’s hoodies from the coat rack before slipping out the door. 
He didn’t know where he was. The building he was being kept in was very nondescript and tattered on the outside, all the buildings in the area were. He walked into the closest alley and spread dirty puddle water, dirt, and trash all over himself trying to cover his scent and get rid of the Leagues. He grimaced at the horrid smell but hopefully he won't leave a trail of scent that can be traced. With no idea where he is and no phone, he decided to start running in a random direction looping around blocks and cutting through alleyways hoping to find a convenience store. He needs to get scent neutralizer and scent patches before he finds a hero. He can’t let anyone know he is an omega. His parents forged his records to state that he is an alpha. If one of the policemen smell him and realize his records were falsified, his parents could get into a lot of trouble. His career could be over before it even began.
After twenty minutes of running through a residential area he finally found a convenience store open. As he walked into the shop the cashier payed him no mind only briefly glancing over his face before turning back to their attention back to their cell phone. He guesses it has been a while since the news stopped airing his case, from his rough calculations it has been a little over a month and a half since he was kidnapped. He browsed the aisles looking for the hygiene section, eventually finding it and stuffing a small pack of scent patches into the front pocket of his hoodie. As he crouched down looking at the different options for scent remover he heard the door chime signaling a new customer had arrived. He thought nothing of it as he lifted his hand to put the small bottle into his pocket but froze as his arm was caught in a firm grip. He stiffly raised his head to see Mr.Compress, out of costume he doubts anyone noticed who he is. 
“Hmm what’s this?” Astuhiro asked, looking towards the bottle in the boy's hand. “Trying to hide a certain secret, are you? Well I don't think that will be necessary, though you are in dire need of a bath.” He tightened his grip as the boy tried to pull his arm away. God he smelled awful, Sako was glad Tomura had a tracking chip installed in him otherwise he would not have been able to find him through scent alone. 
“Let me go!” Bakugo snarled. How did they find him already? They weren't supposed to be back until morning. 
“Come now, pup. If you come quietly without making a fuss, I won’t tell your daddy about this.” Compress watched as the boy's brave face crumpled at the mention of Shigaraki.  
“I'm not a pup, I'm a hero and I'm not going back!” He can’t go back! He won’t! If he goes back to the League he might never want to come back home. 
“Oh is that so? Well I'll tell you what I see.” Sako spoke in a teasing manner, catching the boy's other wrist in his arm. ”I see a naughty little runaway in need of punishment.”
“Shut up! Get out of my way or I’ll blow you to hell!” Katsuki yelled as he tried to detonate his explosions, whining in distress when his quirk wouldn’t comply with his demands. He looked towards the cashier for help but lost hope when they quickly averted their eyes, ignoring the situation. 
“One dose of quirk canceling drugs can last up to twelve hours in the body. You were given some this morning, I know you can't fight. Let's go home and forget this all happened.” The boy remained the same, stubbornly staring at his hands as he tried to squirm away. “Now Katsuki. Don’t make me scruff you.” Sako warned, emitting a deep warning growl that made the boy go still.
It's been months since he last trained. He had tried to in the beginning but was punished and put to a stop almost immediately. Most of his muscle mass is gone, he won’t be able to win a hand to hand fight and he doubts Atsuhiro would play fair anyway. There's no getting out of this one. He lost to the villains again . 
“You promise you won’t tell?” The omega asked as he stopped his struggles and leaned into the alpha. This has been the closest he’s ever actually got to escaping. He doesn’t even want to know what the punishment will be if they find out.
“I promise,” Sako promised with a wink miming zipping his lips and throwing away the key. He wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder tightly as he walked them out of the store. 
“Kudos on the shoplifting, very villain-like if I do say so myself.” Compressed quipped chuckling when the boy’s face scrunched up in displeasure.
“Just shut up…Is everyone else home too?” Katsuki asked timidly. He didn't want to face Jin after his betrayal. He didn’t want to see any of his pack the League after what he did to the omega.
“No, I was sent back to retrieve Jin as it was decided he was necessary to the mission. We were going to switch places. I take care of you and he goes out to help the others. You can imagine my surprise when I saw Jin scruffed and bound, crying because you had left. They're still off on their mission. I didn't want to disrupt anything by telling them what was going on. They'll be back by morning.” That is a lie they were all alerted as soon as the boy left the base by the tracking chip. They had sent Sako to retrieve him because he was the least identifiable out of costume aside from Toga but she was still needed for the mission. 
“Oh.” The rest of the walk home was silent. It turns out Katsuki did not make it as far as he thought he did. The base was only a short walk from the convenience store. The rest of the night passed in a blur. He was ushered into a quick bath and sent to bed. Compress making sure to lock him in his actual room for the night. It was windowless and bleak, lacking any furniture or personality. He hasn't spent much time in it, most days stuck close to his parents' sides or confined to the nest. The room felt so cold and lonely compared to the warmth and affection he had steadily gotten used to receiving. I miss them , he thought as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a fitful sleep. 
He was roused from his sleep by the now unfamiliar feeling of an empty nest. Huh…usually when he woke up at least one of his dad’s were with him. He waited until someone came to get him. He waited and waited but thirty minutes later still no one had shown up to check on him. Eventually he mustered up the courage to try to open the bedroom door, it was unlocked. He heard voices chatting down the hall towards the kitchen but the talking stopped as soon as he entered the room. 
All eyes suddenly turned on him and tension was thick in the air. 
“Good morning young Bakugo, we're just finishing up breakfast there should still be some left over if you’d like.” Kurogiri regarded him with a stiff sort of politeness he wasn’t used to. 
“O-okay,” They ate without him? 
“You can serve yourself, the food is on the stove.” What’s going on? Why are they acting like this?
Everyone else left the table moving to the living room without giving him a glance. He sullenly ate his food. After he finished eating he waited again for someone to come get him. No one came. He hesitantly got up from his seat and followed the cheerful chatter into the living room. All the seats were taken deliberately, some members even crossing their feet over couches so he wouldn't have a place. No one spared a glance as he made his way toward them, not even his papa would acknowledge his existence, never once looking his way. He sat quietly on the floor near the couch not knowing what to do. His ears perked up from their sad droopy state when his daddy finally spoke to him. 
“Is there anything you want to tell us, little boy?” Shigaraki barked, face stoney scarlet eyes cold and uncaring.
The boy flinched, daddy had never spoken to him so callously before, that tone was regarded for people he couldn’t care less for. He hesitantly shook his head no. 
“Really? That's not what I heard, no I heard that a certain misbehaving brat had an impromptu escapade to the market last night. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?” Shigaraki tilted his head, cold gaze piercing seeing into Bakugo’s soul. 
Katski froze face paling in realization. They knew.
“You promised you wouldn't tell,” Katsuki muttered, sending a betrayed look towards Sako.
“I promised I wouldn’t tell your daddy and I didn’t. He’s not your daddy anymore so that promise is null and void.” Sako spoke uncharacteristically stoic, donning an bored expression.
“W-what do you mean?” He looked toward the pair his omega had gotten so attached to and only saw cold indifference on their faces. They don’t want him anymore. I mean it's not like he wanted them in the first place, who cares if they don't love him anymore. Why is this happening again? It's just his stupid inner omega being sensitive. Why does no one ever want him? 
“Clearly you don't want to be part of our pack so you will no longer be treated as such. Though you will still be housed here seeing as you are still a valuable asset that can be used against the heroes.” Distressed whines were now starting to leak out of the boy though he himself hasn’t seemed to notice.
“You are no longer a part of the family. Go back to your room, we'll come get you if you're needed for anything.” The devastated cry the boy released shatters the hearts of everyone in the room. If it wasn’t for the scent blockers they put on beforehand they likely would have given up the ruse right then and there.
Katsuki could feel his heart break as he was ushered back into the room and the door slammed and locked shut firmly behind him. 
Each day that passed his heart cracks more and more. No one ever comes to visit him now; he spends his time locked away in isolation with nothing but the sound of his own cries. There's no furniture in the room, not even a bed, just three thin blankets and a small pillow he used to make a small nest. They left him no forms of entertainment, no toys, no games, not even a book, nothing to help get his mind away from the pain. His meals are bland and delivered by portal. No one interacts with him directly and no amount of crying or screaming can make them acknowledge him. The room reeks so strongly of misery, it's probably leaking out from underneath the door but he doubts the others care about the scent. They hardly bother with him at all. The last time he saw one of the others was a couple days ago to collect his blood. They were wearing scent blockers and expressionless, he couldn't tell what they were thinking or what they were going to use it for. They didn't speak to him, only took what they needed and left. He really is nothing but a tool for them to use now. 
Two weeks into the new treatment he woke up feeling sick. He was feverish; the room around him was a hazy blur. His tummy was pulsing with pain that with each passing hour began to ache more and more. He thinks his body was going through his first training heat. He’s never gotten one before despite being older than the typical age omegas start to get them due to the heavy suppressants he was used to taking. 
For young omegas this premature form of heat is not sexual in nature. It is simply a time for a young omega to get accustomed to the symptoms of heat and aware of what is going to happen in the future. Training heats are often spent with parents strengthening their bond with their child. Adoptive parents eagerly await the arrival of their young omegas training heat because of the sensitive nature it brings out of even the most stubborn of pups. This time, especially the first one, can be used to permanently imprint a child onto a new caregiver. Once the bond is sealed it can never be broken, the new parent will always be able to influence and command their pup. It's one of the reasons laws and regulations around adopting omega pups are so strict. If a pup already has a healthy bond with a set of parents a new bond can not be formed against their will. But if their instincts have any doubts or insecurities about their parents a new bond can be formed with a caregiver their instincts find more suitable. 
Everything hurts. He wants Dabi and Shigaraki to come back. He sniffled getting so caught up in his emotions he didn’t realize how loud his desperate cries were becoming. His instincts were screaming, they were in anguish from yet another cruel rejection from a pack that was supposed to care for him. He wanted–no he needed his daddy to take the chilling pain away he needed his papa to soothe the desperate ache in his heart. He wanted things to go back to the way they were before.
The teen lost in the haze of despair did not notice the door creaking open. Nor did he notice Dabi almost fall to his knees when hit with the wide range of agony in the air. The air was thick with the nauseating scent of abandonment, suffocating loneliness, pungent sorrow, and most importantly sickeningly sweet immature heat .
The decision to force the boy into a stressed induced heat had been a difficult one. Dabi had been adamant against the idea stating natural bonds formed from the boy's own free will would breed less resentment and make for a much happier pup. While Tomura argued that a bit of isolation discomfort now and some resentment later would be better than their pup escaping and completely forgetting them. 
The pair's indecision and constant arguing had caused much turmoil between the League. Some agreed with Dabi that a natural bond would be better in the long run while others agreed with Shigaraki that the boy's last attempt had been way too close and rushing a permanent bond would be better to secure their connection to the kid in the event of a successful escape. 
They decided to settle the augment via vote. Shigaraki won five votes to Dabi’s three, Twice being the last deciding vote to tip the scales in his favor. Then formed their plan of action. They would make their rejection clear and concise leaving no room for misjudgement. The boy will be excluded purposefully before being exiled from the pack, the length of his time in exile will depend on how quickly his heat will arrive. The rejection of yet another pack this young, should make the boy spiral into his first heat. His hormones will go haywire searching for any suitable parental figure to latch onto. That is when they'll swoop in and claim him permanently. Well Tomura will, Dabi is still quite upset and refuses to lay his claim on the boy if he’ll be in such a frenzied state under duress. For the time being Tomura will be the one taking the lead with the plan. Dabi will offer his support when the process is over but he wants nothing to do with it.
When they entered the room they saw the poor boy writhing in the sheets of his poorly constructed nest, likely the first he's ever made himself. His face was flushed pink and panting, his body glistening sticky with sweat. The teen's hazy eyes drew to a focus body stiffening as he recognized the new scents in the air. His tail wagged as he struggled to move his sluggish body into an upright position desperate to see if the ones he's been longing for are really here.
“Is our little one ready to behave?” Shigaraki took the lead while his lover focused on calming himself and settling his distressed scent. The transition from always having their pup within arms reach to not having him at all had been hard on his omega. Dabi had dropped after the first three days going into an almost feral state from hearing and smelling his pup in agony but not being allowed to see him. He would destroy any doubles Jin made somehow knowing in his feral state that they were not the real Bakugo. Only when Toga transformed into the boy did he calm down, being soothed by the other pup in disguise. 
The boy struggled to form his mouth into words. The only sounds able to escape his throat were desperate canine whines and whimpers. He yipped sharply as Shaigaraki’s face morphed into one of displeasure. 
“Hm, I don't think so. He can’t even be bothered to grace us with a reply. Maybe another week spent here will fix that.” 
The man spoke with no remorse like it didn't matter, like Katsuki didn't matter. It broke something deep inside him, any remaining pieces left of his pride crumbled.
“N-no please! I'm sorry- I-i’m so sorry. I-i’ll listen! Don't go… please…please don’t leave me again i-” The pups's desperate pleas were callously cut off by the other man.
“Why should I believe you when all your actions thus far have proven otherwise? Why should I bother with you at all?” Shigaraki stalked forward until he was towering over the boy, cruel gaze pinning him down. “There’s thousands of orphaned children that would kill to be treated like you were. Maybe I should go care for one of them instead of wasting my energy on such an ungrateful brat.” I don't want any of them, could never replace you. 
“No! I'll do whatever you want. I'll never try to escape again. I'll stay by your side. Please don’t leave me.” Tears were streaming down his face, harsh sobs interrupting his speech so much he was hardly understandable. 
“And if I want to sink my teeth in your neck, claim you as my own and cherish you forever, what would you say? Would you try to run away again? Maybe break your papa’s heart a second time?” Just give in. Please stop making me treat you this way, puppy. You’re breaking my heart.
“Do whatever you want! Just don’t go!” Small clawed hands desperately clutched at Shigaraki’s shirt fearing if he let go, the man would disappear altogether.
“Now that doesn't sound very enthusiastic. Beg for it. I want you to hear you say it.”  Not explicit enough I need to hear you say it please.
“P-please…stay.” It was getting harder to speak through the haze of heat, having two potential parents in the room was making his instincts go into overdrive. Makes him want to do anything to be claimed and kept for good this time.
“That's all you got? Maybe you don't want this as much as you say you do.” I don’t want to be a villain to you. Don't make me feel like I forced you. 
“Please I w-want to be in the pack…want to be yours.” The omega pleaded, he wants nothing more than to be a part of the pack again he hopes his daddy can see that. 
“You’re sure, puppy? You really want this?” It doesn’t matter if you don't, I'm still going through with it no matter what. I just wish you wanted us as much as we want you.
“Yes daddy, please bite me. I want to stay with you.” The sincerity on the boy's face shocked the alpha, he paused for a moment before allowing the cold facade he was putting on fade away as wide teary red eyes stared up at him longingly.
“Alright baby, come here.“ Shigaraki settled himself down on the misshaped nest. The boy didn't need to be told twice. He quickly scrambled onto the alpha’s lap, tail wagging eagerly and ears standing to attention, awaiting direction.
“Tilt your head to the side for me,” The pup immediately complied, tail beginning to wag harder. “Good boy, this will only hurt for a second.” He said as he sank his teeth in the side of the boy's neck opposite to his scent gland. Biting the scent gland is strictly for lovers; a parental or pack bite can be anywhere on the body. But he wanted to place it somewhere very noticeable and difficult to hide in the event of a kidnapping or a hero raid on their base; his claim will be unmistakable on the once blank pup. 
As soon as the fangs broke Katsuki feels it. A connection formed in his mind linked to Tomura. He could feel the man sending gentle reassurance through the bond, turning his body to mush. He gets a pleased rumble out of the man when he senses his contentment and relief, the sour fear of abandonment finally dissipating. But it wasn't just his daddy he could feel, there were six other presences in his head though they didn't feel as strong as Tomura. He’s never been in a bond bigger than just he and his parents. It was strange he could feel all of the League. They all felt so sad except for Dabi; he couldn't feel him at all.
A high pitch whine from the doorway reminds them of the second presence in the room.
“It’s alright firefly it's over. You can come here now.” Tomura cooed. That's all the permission Dabi needed to come barrelling into his side, stealing the younger off his lap and taking him into his arms. Nuzzling him and scenting him with so much loving affection the pup was beginning to become dazed and flushed once again. 
“B-bite?” Katsuki managed to get out through rumbling purrs escaping his throat.
“No baby, I'm not claiming you today.” Dabi made sure his lover did not open the bond between him and the pup. Tomura as pack leader controls the pack bond; he decides who is let into the bond and who can feel who. He usually just leaves the bond completely open letting them all feel each other or hide away their feelings if they choose to. For now the bond between him and Katsuki is strictly closed and neutral, he has not yet imprinted on to him as a parent. The pup will get his bite when he asks for it in his right mind. 
“You d-don't want m-me?” The boy whimpered, sounding so incredibly small . 
Shigaraki involuntarily released a growl aimed at Dabi in response to the pup's mood plummeting back into despair. He felt Dabi’s mood spike with shock and panic through their bond and immediately felt guilty. It was an accident he didn't mean to, the claim had just made his instincts towards the boy so much stronger. 
“Of course I do. You’re still sick puppy, two bites will be too much for your body to handle. You’ll get my bite when you feel better. ” He can have a long talk with the pup about the situation when he is not in such a delicate state both physically and mentally. For now he’ll comfort him with soft gentle deceptions to sooth his weary heart.
“Ok papa,” The boy easily accepted the lie, not being able to think coherently with the fuzzy state of his mind. “But you still want me right? Even if I'm bad? You won’t leave?”
Those words felt like a knife was being lodged down Dabi’s throat. They reminded him so much of himself, of poor Touya Todoroki burning on Seketo Hill wondering why his father did not want him and why he was never enough. He never wants Katsuki to feel that way again.
“You're not bad, you could never be bad. No you're good, so good. We love you so much. We're going to take such good care of you, puppy. Going to show how good it can be to let go and be loved, going to spoil you and adore you, until the end of time.” Dabi’s voice was so soft despite how tight his throat felt at the moment.
“We’d give you the world if that was what you wanted, puppy. Never going to feel sad or unwanted as long as we're here. We’ll be everything you’ll ever need.” Tomura’s gaze was so intense, he meant every word he was saying.
He knows deep down though the foggy haze of heat there is a voice telling him to get away but…here they are looking down at him so softly. They're not looking at him like he's a burden or something that needs to be fixed. Like he’s a diamond in the rough just waiting to be polished into something better or a quirk ready to be used for the betterment of society. No, they're gazing down at him like he’s their entire world. Like he’s already perfect to them. Like nothing would make them happier than to be his parents. He can’t help but give in. He feels a wave of calm wash over him as he accepts them both. Feels his daddy’s shock before he feels the rush of joy and satisfaction along with the loudest purr he’s ever heard from the man. His daddy and papa seem to communicate something to each other wordlessly before descending onto him drowning him in so much love and for once he returns it wholeheartedly. 
They interrupted by scratching on the door and quite whining followed by pointed shushing. Tomura rolled his eyes, he felt the League's anticipation and excitement they had probably been eavesdropping the entire time. “Fine, come in,” he calls out. It only takes a second for the door to burst open the rest of their pack rushing into the room heading straight for the pup. Only waiting a moment for an approving chuff from the pair before surrounding the pup taking turns scenting him and giving him reassurance. The bond was exploding with so much emotion some of the pack crying in relief others from happiness or amusement. They were so excited for their pack to become whole once again. Finally their family is complete .
As he is surrounded by a real family that loves and adores him. Bakugo decides that If the heroes ever do come rescue him he won’t stop them from taking him but if they don’t well… this wouldn’t be the worst way to spend his life, he supposes. As far as he's concerned he's happy to just sit back and be loved in the meantime. 
-Totally a coincidence-
Bakugo: How the fuck do they know everything happening around me?
Aoyama: Haha...yeah...I wonder how? *aggressively avoids eye contact*
-It’s not bullying its packbonding✨-
Sako: *mercilessly teasing Bakugo*: hehe this is peak entertainment
Tomura: *growls*
Sako *running away*: Hey! I'm doing you a favor! I'm helping with packbonding! OW! STOP BITING ME!
-How it really happened-
Dabi and Shiggy spying on Bakugou : Damn bitch, you live like this?
Bakugo: Hey! It's not that bad!
Shiggy: Unacceptable were stealing him now.
Dabi: Roger that!
-Live, Laugh, Love-
Bakugo after receiving affection for the first time in years: How am I supposed to hate, bully, seethe in these conditions? Seriously you guys are ruining my rep! 
Random civilian: Where'd you get your puppy he so cute!*doing the ear scratchy thing dogs love*
Bakugo: *Distracted moving his leg like dogs do when they get pet, not paying attention*
Dabi and Shiggy: Oh he’s a rescue we found him wandering around a forest alone starved and exhausted 
Bakugo: Wait-what? You literally kidnapped me from a school summer camp!
Random civilian: *ignoring him* Oh how terrible! You two are such good parents!
Bakugo: You're lucky you give good ear scratchies...
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Ngl I was reading Fake It and got slammed with an idea
Dom top Omega shiggy and sub bottom dabi alpha. Instincts be damned with humiliation and ddlg. That lil brain worm is gonna entertain me for a while so i thought I'd share
Curious, but not something I'd be interested in, thanks for sharing tho!
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[HC] Being Omega!Shigaraki’s Alpha
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Originally posted: Mar 03, 2021 Re-posted: Dec 26, 2022
Original a/n: In my Omegaverse, omegas first get their heat when they’re 25 and then every few years.
My Hero Masterlist
contains mentions of injury // getting shot at
shigaraki is in his early twenties to he hasn’t experienced heat yet and doesn’t need an alpha
he tells himself that he won’t ever need one since he can just knock himself out with some painkillers or whatever when the time comes
then he meets you as he’s recruiting people for the usj attack
he doesn’t think much of you at first, other than that you don’t smell horrible, i guess
but then as he’s about to go back home with kurogiri and make new plans, you’re suddenly right behind him, slumping forwards
he hadn’t even noticed snipe was shooting at him 
but you did, and you took the bullets for him
doesn’t really know what to make of it at first
while he gets you medical help, he talks himself into thinking that you did it because you thought he was weak
decides that he is mad at you lmao
as soon as you’re up on your feet again, he hounds you for answers and threatens to decay you
it’s gonna take a long ass time to convince him that you didn’t do it because you had shady motives or thought yourself above him
then it’s gonna take even longer for him to realize you’re interested in him
you probably have to spend a few years pining after him until he gets it 
but it’s okay
it’s worth it in the end
shigaraki’s scent is like that of cedar wood with an undertone of sweet smelling dust
when he’s angry, it loses the sweetness and becomes a sharp cedar smell
the more content he is, the sweeter he will smell
he’s not very fond of smelling so sweet though so he likes to cover his sweetness up with your scent he also just likes your scent on him a lot but you don’t need to know that
generally, he’s more of a show than tell when it comes to his affection because he sucks at talking about his feelings
so when he first became comfortable with you, he spent a lot of time clinging to you with a four finger grip
he wanted you to mark him pretty early on into your courtship since once he’s marked, you can’t leave him anymore
however, he wasn’t going to tell you that, so he just plopped down in your lap or in front of you when he saw you sitting on a couch or something
he was positioned with his neck right in front of you
why aren’t you getting the message
stupid alpha
when you finally get it, he’s all huffy about it because “you should have noticed sooner” 
well you could have just said something
he very much keeps your relationship on the down-low
i said before that he likes to be clingy but it’s really only when he knows no one is watching
he doesn’t want to seem weak or like he wants your affection even though he does
so clinginess is reserved for private moments
he likes to lean against you and play videogames with you
if you’re not into videogames, he makes you watch and will explain everything that’s going on
the only time he will actually acknowledge your relationship in front of others is when he gets territorial
you’re an attractive alpha after all so it’s obvious that other omegas would want you too
but they can’t
because you’re his
he won
and he’ll make them know this
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Being Tomura's omega would be a dream. Imagine being even clingier than he is, you practically purr whenever he holds you and you always get a little teary eyed when he has to leave. When he gets home, you practically leap into his arms and start giving his neck little kitten licks. He's so intense with the way he mates you that it makes your hormones go haywire and your tits start swelling with milk, which Tomura is happy to relieve you of.
He's so kind, relieving you of the milk in your swollen tits as he slides his swollen length inside you hungry pussy. Sucking the milk from you as you milk his cock. It's truly a give and take. Your both so in love and obsessed with each other.
I love Alpha Shigaraki even if it's not extremely popular it makes me crazy horny. Oh the thoughs I have.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
League of Villains x Reader
Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content, please read tags.
Most of the readers are written as female.
Note: If you read any of these works and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
Healer Reader
by Monokumas_egg_collection
(LOV x Doctor/Nurse!reader)
Summary: You are a doctor/nurse/medical staff going to visit the LOV since they ordered someone to help at the base for the day. In this fic, the reader encounters 5 very interesting characters.
Complete | 7 Chapters
Series: Pack of Villains by OmniNom
{4 Works}
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hi! I love your writing and just wanted to know who you think the size queens of BNHA would be? Anyone that would be relieved if their Alpha had a smaller dick? Thank you!
Hey!! Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy <3
n-sfw discussion below :D
Size queens:
Midoriya - When he first starts a sexual relationship with someone, he unlocks a massive part of himself that laid dormant before. That part is his floor length list of kinks and fetishes. Being a size queen is one of them. He loves to feel like he’s being ruined fully and completely, sobbing, drooling, the works. He also likes the idea that he can only get enjoyment from his alpha’s cock because they’ve conditioned him and ruined him to the point he can’t feel pleasure from small dicks. His pain/discomfort tolerance is very high, and he loves to prep himself for his alpha in advance, so no issues there. Midoriya is kind of a cockslut ngl. 
Dabi - If sex doesn’t hurt at least a little bit, he probably can’t get off. He takes pride in being able to take it as well, he has that smirk on his face every time he bottoms out. Rearrange his guts, make it hard for him to walk, he dares you. 
Those that enjoy a big dick, but not too big:
Bakugou - He likes to feel it deep, in either orifice, so bigger dicks are ideal. He also lowkey feels pride in his alpha’s dick being bigger than average lol. That being said, he’s not a size queen. There is a limit where he draws the line. He wants it to feel good, not hurt. He’s not a masochist. 
Aizawa - He likes sex to hurt a little bit, ngl, so a bigger dick does give him the pleasantly uncomfortable stretching feeling that he chases. But too big and blowjobs become uncomfortable and prep takes too long and he can’t fit it into his schedule. There’s a happy medium in his mind. 
Shigaraki - He’s a massive cockslut and definitely likes to think that he loves a massive cock to worship, but he’s also a massive wuss, and he doesn’t like it hurting too much. And he’s impatient and hates prepping himself. So, he’s a size queen in theory, but in reality, he just likes a slightly bigger than average dick. 
Sero - It’s just his personal preference. He likes how a slightly bigger dick feels and that’s it. 
Those that don’t care:
Mirio - He’s very much a believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He doesn’t care, he really loves whatever his alpha has to work with. 
Todoroki - It doesn’t even enter his mind to have an opinion on what size dick his alpha has. His alpha’s dick is his alpha’s dick. That’s all there is to it. 
Mic - Emotions turn him on, so as long as the dick in question is attached to someone he loves, then the size couldn’t matter any less. 
Kirishima - Another big believer of ‘size doesn’t matter’. He thinks it’s very manly to work with whatever you have to please your partner, so if he’s pleased, he’s happy. 
Hawks - Whatever it is, it’s his alpha’s. That makes it safe and perfect and beautiful. He finds average size easier to deal with, but honestly, whatever the size, he wouldn’t change anything. 
Those that prefer an alpha with a smaller dick:
Tamaki - He finds the concept of a massive dick to be terrifying. He was very relieved to find out his alpha had a manageable size that Tamaki was very comfortable with.  
Shinsou - He cannot stand alphas with big dicks. It truly pisses him off. He believes that the bigger the dick (physical), the bigger the dick (personality.)
Iida - He never watches porn and he waits until marriage, so he’ll accept whatever as the normal, but if he could choose he prefers a smaller dick. If you ask him why, he’ll just say it’s more ‘reasonable’. I don’t know what that means 🤷‍♀️
All Might - He’s a small man who’s injured and getting on in years. He doesn’t want his legacy to end because he was fucked to death, that would be embarrassing. A smaller dick is perfect for him. 
(I genuinely couldn’t decide for Denki... Idk, I’m open to suggestions for him haha.)
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myakasama · 1 year
Oh dearhearts, do I have a treat for you. My piece for
@bnhamerbangBang~ Made with the help of my dear friend
@dr-runs-with-scissors (who made some fucking stand out art for it as well as gave me brainworms)
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nanamimizz · 18 days
my fav trope with a/b/o is late presenting btw
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