#also because i miss merlin actually
sylhea-raemi · 2 years
oberon hating merlin and a pretender class servant and and they made proto merlin a pretender it's kinda funny okay
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sennik · 9 months
i would like to thank the gods and devs for gifting me the boon of inspiration in the form of bg3 release. rest assured that between this, my current tabletop campaign, da and the amount of other media i've consumed in the recent weeks, this self imposed hiatus will be over.
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floswife · 10 months
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Warnings: fluff, rivals to lovers, idiots in denial that they’re in love, Harry being stupid bc why not
Pairing: Harry James Potter x reader
Author’s Notes: idk I just felt a little silly 🤷‍♀️
Summary: Harry can’t seem to keep his mouth shut around Y/n
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Harry and Y/n never really got along. Why? Godric knows. It’s been going on for as long as anybody could remember to the point that the origins often varied amongst everybody.
“Oh! It was because Harry accidentally hexed her hair to be snakes.”
“It’s because she struck him by lightning to match his scar.”
“He got a bludger thrown at her during one of their quidditch practices!”
“She dressed up as you know who for a costume party once!”
None of those reasons were the actual origin of their feud, though they were actual events that had occurred.
The irony was that they should’ve gotten along perfectly well together on paper, both being in Gryffindor, both on the quidditch team, both hated by Snape (though Snape hated almost everybody except for green eyes redhead Gryffindor girls) and they both had many mutual friends between them.
They were just constantly at each others throats, it was like it was a game for the two. They definitely did always argue with a wide smile on their face.
Take today for example, it was quidditch practice and like usual, they were arguing.
“Potter, I swear to Merlin I’ll bat this bludger at you!” Y/n pointed her bat threateningly at him. The rest of the team had learnt to ignore them at that point, learning that they just work better motivated by their frustration at each other.
Harry just threw his arms up, “do it, l/n, we all know it’s an empty threat anyways because you’ll miss my face again.”
She gave him a scandalised look, “again?! Who said I ever missed your face, scarhead?”
“Ron! The last time I went to the hospital wing.” Harry grinned triumphantly as she glared at Ron at his spot by the goal to which he just observed the sky with mild interest.
“Do you know how vague that is? You’re in the hospital every other day, attention whore.” She huffed and crossed her arms.
It was then that they got shouted at by Wood to actually partake in practice to which they finally listened.
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After practice where everyone was going to the changing rooms, Harry trailed after her and spoke in a sing song voice behind Y/n, “you missed me.”
She turned around with a light scowl on her face, “shut it Harold.”
He had his stupid smirk on his face that often found it’s way there when he was around there as he stepped closer to her, she stayed still, “oh yeah? Make me.”
His emerald eyes flitted to her lips and she felt her heartbeat pick up at the decreasing amount of personal space between them, “bet.”
His smile widened at her response but not for long as she pulled out her wand and wordlessly did a spell to seal his mouth shut.
In a moment of pure panic she just rushed into the changing room, did i seriously just hex a boy after almost kissing him?
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As anybody would after hexing a persons mouth shut after almost kissing them, Y/n avoided Harry. Dodging him in hallways, quite literally jumping into random classrooms (though that was a one time thing after seeing a couple of seventh years exchanging spit in there).
Later in the common room, she was curled up in the corner with her knees to her chest, reading a book to calm her nerves, while also covering her face with said book.
This half assed disguise clearly did nothing for her because Ron sat right on the chair next to her.
“Y/n! My dorm now!”
She gave him an indignant look, “Ronnil Wazlib! Me and you need to have words about what you spilled to Harold you little rat!”
Ron just shook his head at her exasperatedly.
“Don’t shake your head at me like I’m your nan with dementia, I will tell ‘mione about your undying love for her!”
His eyes widened and he clasped a hand over her mouth, “just shut up and go up to my dorm.”
She threw her hands up in surrender and got up to go to his dorm, she walked into his dorm first and as soon as she turned to ask him what he wanted to talk about, the door shut in her face, she tried to open it but it was locked. She tried to magically unlock it, but it didn’t work.
Her blood ran cold when she realised her mistake, Harold.
She turned to see him sitting on his bed and he wordlessly patted the spot next to him.
She furrowed her brows but listened all the same as she sat down next to him, “that’s a little too much effort to just talk to me, Potter, just say you love me at this point.”
He gave her a deadpan stare and she then realised he was still hexed so she pulled out her wand and undid it. She gave him an apologetic look.
“Why did he try so hard to get me in here with you?” She asked curiously.
Harry seemed to contemplate what he was gonna say before he finally said, “well I’m not gonna say I’m in love with you but I can say that I like you. A lot actually.”
She gave him an incredulous look, “Excusé moi?”
He just nodded, “you’re brilliant and beautiful and smart and funny and I like you. And I think- no I know you like me too.”
She furrowed her brows, “how can you be so sure about that?”
He pushed a stray piece of hair out of her face and kept his hand cupping the side of her face, “because I know you.”
For once she didn’t argue against him and when he leaned in this time, she let their lips touch and she melted into the kiss. His lips were soft against hers and although they spent years with such animosity towards each other, it seemed to now just turn into blind affection as they naturally sank into each others arms.
When they pulled away with soft smiles still on each others faces, she spoke, “and you tried to get on my case for missing you in the hospital wing?”
Harry’s face lit up even more if that was possible, “so you did miss me!”
She rolled her eyes, “that was not new knowledge, get over it!”
He laughed and she decided to shut him up for the second time that day, except not with magic this time, but with another kiss.
It was then that Ron decided to burst in to the room, “have you guys killed each other ye- Merlin!”
He gasped at them as they jumped apart from each other. Harry looking proud while y/n looked slightly ashamed.
She threw a pillow at him as he ran off shouting for everyone saying he had money to collect.
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tongjaitongjai · 1 year
CrypticGod!Merlin and Worshipper aka fanboy Mordred CRACK AU - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Merlin learns that being a god in semi-mortal form is very difficult when having a strong follower like Mordred.
Mordred, like many who pray to their god as some kind of anchor, will often pray something along the lines of ‘Emrys, give me strength and courage’ or ‘Emrys, please be with me through this difficult time’ unconsciously.
Except, unlike the normies, his commitment and belief are EXTREMELY STRONG, so when he prays strong enough, HIS GOD ACTUALLY SHOWS UP:
Arthur, charging him during sparring: Come on, Mordred! You can do better than this!!
Mordred: (anxiously praying) Emrys helps me
Merlin, suddenly appears between Arthur and Mordred, with Arthur about to smash him with the sword: THE FUCK—
Obviously, he is banned from praying during sparring, but occasionally Merlin will still pop up out of nowhere when he is anxious, and the knights eventually have to get used to it:
Arthur: Today, the neighbouring kingdom’s knights will join us for the practice, and there will be some competitions. I hope all of you are ready to protect and uphold the honour of Camelot’s knights. Any defeat is unacc—-
Arthur: any defeat is understandable, for one must lose before learning true victory, so please don’t get too stressed, especially you, Mordred.
Mordred: How do you know I am stressed?
Gwaine, carrying Merlin, who pop up above his head the moment Arthur said ‘defeat’, on his neck : Yeah, I wonder how
As their relationship improves, the power of Mordred’s prayer gets stronger. Not only can Merlin feels his emotions and more in-depth thoughts through the prayer, it also affects Merlin’s power, in both endearing and also straight-up ridiculous ways.
Lancelot, whispers: You are very upset because of that Lord Asshole’s shitty comment toward the Druids, aren’t you.
Mordred, calm and composed: No, I am a knight of Camelot and a grown man, I will not be bothered by something so trivial. I am not upset at all.
Lancelot: You aren’t praying to Merlin now are you.
Mordred: How is that relevant?
Arthur, watching this happens for the third time this week:
Arthur: Mordred, we talked about this, you have to express your thoughts and feelings verbally, not by praying to Merlin
Merlin: Don’t force him Arthur! He will talk when he is ready!
Also, when he is extremely happy, he prays to Merlin as well, like ‘Thanks Emrys for all the good fortunes that happen to me today’
Elyan: Arthur complimented Mordred at training today didn’t he? Maybe saying something like ‘you are going to be one of Camelot finest knights soon’
Percival: How do you know??? you were not there today????
Elyan, watching Merlin’s skin glows, not even in an oh so beautiful ethereal way but like a radioactive sun way: It’s .. hard to miss…
The first time Mordred wins a tournament, Merlin radiates for three days straight. His voice also sounds godly with all the weirdly smooth echoes and harp melody complimenting his every word. Mordred is exhilarated. Arthur is going insane. Merlin finally officially bans Mordred from praying to him.
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mask131 · 5 months
The missing Arthurian knight - rediscovered in 2019
Well the title is a slight lie - the missing knight wasn't rediscovered in 2019, it was earlier than that, but he didn't became public until 2019.
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So what's this "missing knight" about? Well as the title says. There was a knight part of the Arthurian myth, and he had been missing ever since the Middle-Ages, and he was only recently rediscovered.
Or rather, to be exact - there was an Arthurian novel centered around a knight that existed and was a famous and well-known part of the Arthurian literature in the Middle-Ages, but that completely disappeared, and was forgotten by culture (as much popular culture as the scholarly one). Until very recently.
This rediscovered novel has been a hot topic of all Arthuriana fans in Europe for a few years now - and yet I do not see much talk about this onto this website, despite Tumblr being a big place for Arthurian fans?
So I will correct this by doing a series of posts about the subject. And this post will be the first one, the introduction post presenting to you "Ségurant, le chevalier au dragon" ; "Segurant, the knight of the dragon". A French medieval novel part of the Arthurian literature (hence the "chevalier au X" title structure - like Lancelot, the knight of the cart or Yvain the knight of the lion from Chrétien de Troyes), the reason this story was forgotten by all medievalist and literary scholars is - long story short - because it never existed in any full manuscript (at least none that survived to this day). It was a complete story yes, with even variations apparently, but that was cut into pieces and fragments inserted into various other manuscripts and texts (most notably various "Merlin's Prophecies").
The novel and the Knight of the Dragon were rediscovered through the work of Emanuele Arioli, who rediscovered a fragment of the story while looking at an old manuscript of a Merlin Prophecies, and then went on the hunt for the other fragments and pieces scattered around Europe, until he finally could compile the full story, that he then published in 2019, at the Belles Lettres publishing house, in 2019.
Arioli reconstructed the text, and translated it in both modern French and Italian for scholarly and professional editions (aka Honoré Champion in France, a reference for universities)...
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... But also for a more "all public, found in all libraries" edition - the famous 2019 edition at Les Belles Lettres.
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And not only that, but he also participated to both a comic book adaptation with Emiliano Tanzillo...
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... and an adaptation as an illustrated children novel!
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Finally, just a few weeks, the Franco-German channel Arte released a documentary about the reconstitution and content of this missing novel called "Le Chevalier au dragon: Le roman disparu de la Table Ronde". (The Knight of the Dragon - The missing novel of the Round Table). The full documentary is on Youtube in French for those that speak the language, here. And in German here for those who speak German.
Unfortunately there is no English version of the documentary that I know of, nor any English publications of the actual text - just French and Italian. But hey, I'll try to palliate to that by doing some English-speaking posts about this whole business!
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Okay, y'all, it's rant time again. Buckle up.
A new report just came out from Public Citizen highlighting the dangers of using apps and AI foraging guides for identifying mushrooms, particularly when mushroom foraging. It's the latest in a string of warnings that are fighting against a tide of purported convenience ("just take a picture and get your answer instantly!")
I've ranted about this since last August, and I also wrote up a detailed post on how to identify an AI-generated foraging guide. I'm also including info on the limitations of apps and AI in The Everyday Naturalist: How to Identify Animals, Plants, and Fungi Wherever You Go. I'm not just saying this to toot my own horn--it's because nature identification, and teaching it to others, is literally what I do for a living. So this is a topic near and dear to my heart.
I teach a very, very specific sort of identification class; whether we're focusing on animals, plants, fungi, or all of the above, I walk people through a detailed process of how to observe a given organism, make note of its various physical traits and habitat, and use that information to try to determine what it is. I emphasize the need to use as many sources as possible--field guides, websites, online and in-person groups, journal articles, etc.--to make absolutely sure that your identification is solid.
And every year, I get people (thankfully, a very small minority of my students) who complain because my two-hour basic mushroom hunting class wasn't just five minutes of introduction and one hundred and fifteen minutes of me showing slide after slide of edible mushrooms. There are so many people out there who just want a quick, easy answer so they can frolic in the woods and blithely pick mushrooms like some idealized image of a cottagecore herbalist with a cabin full of dried plants and smiling frogs or something.
While I do incorporate a bit of information on getting started with the app iNaturalist in my classes, it is as only ONE of MANY tools I encourage people to use. Sure, it's more solid than most apps because, in addition to the algorithmic I.D. suggestions it initially gives you, other iNaturalist users can go onto your observations later and either agree with your I.D.s or suggest something different and even explain why.
And yet--even as great as iNat is, it and its users can still be wrong. So can every other I.D. app out there. And I think that is one thing that the hyper-romanticized approaches to foraging--and nature identification in general--miss. In order to be a good forager, you HAVE to also be good at nature identification.
And nature identification is an entire process that requires you to have solid observational and critical thinking skills, to be able to independently research using many different types of tools, and be willing to invest the time, patience, and focus to properly arrive at a solid identification--if not to species level, then as far down the taxonomic ladder as you can realistically manage. (There's a reason even the experts complain about Little Brown Mushrooms and Damned Yellow Composites!)
People mistake one single tool--apps--for the entire toolkit. They assume any book they find on Amazon is going to be as good as any other, and don't take the time to look up the author to determine any credentials or experience, or even whether they actually exist or not. It doesn't help that the creators of these products often advertise them as "the only [book/app/etc.] you need to easily identify [organism of choice]!"
I mean, sure, the world isn't going to end if you never question the birdsong results on the Merlin app, or if you go through life thinking a deer fern is just a baby western sword fern. But when we get into people actually eating things they find in the wild, there's often no room for error. There are plants and mushrooms that can kill you even if you only eat a tiny amount. And even if they don't kill you, they may make you wish you were dead for a few days while you suffer through a whole host of gastrointestinal nastiness and other symptoms.
There aren't any shortcuts if you want to be safe in your foraging. You HAVE to be willing to do the work. And any teacher, author, or product that says otherwise isn't being ethical. I'm glad to see more people speaking out against the "fast foodization" of foraging in regards to overreliance on apps and the existence of AI foraging books; I just hope it's enough to prevent more people from getting sick or dying.
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theroundbartable · 2 months
I still can't help but imagine Future Merlin inventing time travel like...
He's been to space, explored universes, established whole civilisations, has his own space ship and one day he invents time travel in between lunch and afternoon snack.
He completely forgets that he could go back to Camelot because he's 5000 years old and that story was ages ago. But then, randomly, he encounters a planet that IS still spreading the story of Arthur and Merlin decides:
"it's time to meet an old friend".
And he just DROPS into the right timeline with his giant space ship, in his space outfit and everything, walks into Arthur's Camelot and just waves: "heya, did you miss me?"
And no one understands a word because language has evolved so much and Merlin forgot most of it, but he eventually gets it.
Yet, Arthur, sitting on his throne, is just absolutely overwhelmed: "MERLIN? what the FUCK?"
Merlin: "yeah, okay, funny thing. I'm not going to stay for too long, I have a dinner reservation with Queen Graaanta of planet Xvaccen. I just wanted to drop by, see how it's going, meet an old friend."
Arthur: "you... Huh?"
Young Merlin: what on earth happened?"
Old Merlin: "didn't exactly happen on earth, tbf. But eh... Good news, Magic hasn't been illegal in over 5000 years. Great, huh? 😀"
Young Merlin: *ashens*
Arthur: "that's a GOOD thing to you?!?!?!"
Old Merlin: "bro, I'm the reason why."
Young Merlin: "what the HELL are you doing!!!! You shouldn't... "
Arthur: "you have magic?!"
Old Merlin: "no, I've lived 5000 years on a well balanced diet. Of course I have magic. I AM magic! Jesus Christ, I forgot how stuck up ya'all are about this."
Arthur: "you lied to me!"
Old Merlin: "hey, not fair. I came here and immediately told you. That's the opposite of lying."
Arthur: "I meant HIM"
Old Merlin: "Not fair either. He came here, TOLD you he could defeat you with less than a blow and also confessed to having magic at your father's court. That's not lying, that's you being demented. Now, can we skip your freaking out? I actually came here to see Gwen and Gwaine and oh jolly , Lancelot is still alive? Heck yeah, awesome!"
Arthur: ... "What about me?"
Old Merlin: "we can talk when you're less murdery towards me."
Arthur: ...
Young Merlin: ...
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frenziedfireworks · 10 months
Party Nights
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Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary : Reader goes to extreme lengths to ensure Fred's party is a success.
CW : Fem!Reader, making out, hints towards sex, alcohol & partying
If there was one thing the Weasley Twins knew how to do it was party. Their little celebrations had always been the talk whenever holidays or Quidditch were in season. Getting an invitation was also quite the hot commodity and people would go out of their way to be in line of sight of the twins - much to your dismay. 
“George! Fred! Great to see you!” A hufflepuff girl passed by, winking and fluttering her eyes. You felt yourself want to gag. 
“Well, aren't people so nice.” Fred snorted as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you along. You just rolled your eyes.
“Yeah because she’s just going out of her way to be nice. You don’t even know her name.” 
“Wow! Someone is jealous! It’s okay Y/N you’re still my favorite girl.” Fred’s words made your stomach do a flip, quickly shaking it off. He was first and foremost your best friend. You never wanted your silly crush to ruin what you had with either of the twins.
“Well it’s a good thing you’re his favorite because you’re definitely not mine!” George grinned as you smacked his chest. He was always teasing the two of you.
“Yeah well you’re not my favorite either, George. Quite the opposite actually. I think I’d prefer Percy to you.” You snapped back and Fred’s laughter filled the halls.
“Percy?!” George mocked offense, hand flying to act as if he had fainted.
“Yeah you heard me.”
“I wish I hadn’t.” George and Fred continued making jokes as you followed to wherever they were going. It wasn’t long before all three of you stood in front of an old classroom door. Both boys had wicked smirks adorning their faces and mischief gleaming in their eyes.
“One of you want to fill me in? What are we doing staring at a raggedy old door?” Your questions fell on deaf ears as they looped their arms around your frame and yanked you in. The old room had been turned into something different altogether. One of the ancient desks held cups and a punch bowl. A dance floor lit up the dank stone walls and streamers littered from the ceiling. There was a small table filled with Weasley ‘delicacies’ that you knew would end up spreading like wildfire. After all, your boys were more genius than anyone ever gave them credit for.
“This looks nice!” You turned to find the boys staring at each other, supposedly deep in thought.
“Yes it does but something is missing.”
“Exactly what I was thinking Fred.”
“What could possibly be missing?” You sighed, knowing all too well you were about to be put to the test.
“Music.” Fred’s face contorted into a sad puppy, his eyes pleading. 
“Merlin’s beard. What do you want me to do?” 
“I knew you were my favorite for a reason! I really need you to go ask Hermione for her music player - please? I’ll do anything.” 
Now you were intrigued. Fred had rarely made promises where he allowed for anything, knowing full well the trouble it could lead him into. It couldn’t possibly be hard to get Hermione’s music player - right?
Wrong. You were incredibly wrong and suddenly knew why Fred had promised anything. Trying to coax Hermione into letting you borrow the stereo was like watching paint dry. Incredibly tedious and her answer would not change.
“Y/N I love you but I said no! I know you’re going to give it to the twins and I promised myself that I would not indulge their parties! You know exams are around the corner!” 
You groaned and felt like pulling out your hair. Fred was relying and trusting you with a big part of his plans and if you failed you would feel like shit. You somehow had to convince Hermione to give you the stereo. 
“Please. I’ll do anything!” You found yourself thinking back to only an hour ago when the same words left Fred’s mouth. You knew that Hermione also would’ve had a harsher consequence for Fred than she would for you. No wonder he had begged you to do it. Hermione shut her book and raised an eyebrow.
“Anything?” She questioned and you nodded aggressively.
“Anything! I promise.” You grabbed at her hands practically pleading.
“Fine. Let me go grab it and tell you what I want.” Hermione was quick on her feet and ran off. You were glad you were able to convince her within such a quick time. To be honest you were worried she wouldn’t have anything she needed. 
“Here.” Hermione handed over the stereo and you happily took it. It was big and bulky but you could manage to get it back to the old classroom in time.
“So what do you want me to do? Steal some potion items or something?”  
Hermione snorted and gave you a little grin. You had never seen her look so devious. 
“No. I want you to tell Fred that you like him tonight.” 
It was as if you had been punched in the chest. Out of any of your close friends that knew about your crush the least expected one to betray you was Hermione. Well, not betray, but more so force you into the unknown and risk losing your dear twins. You wanted to be mad but you knew better considering you had promised her anything. She was always pushing you to tell Fred but it was quite hypocritical considering her and Ron - not that you would mention that. You never wanted to be on the bad side of Hermione Granger.
“Fine. I’ll uh.. Let you know how it goes tomorrow.” You whispered and went on your way. Somehow you had to manage getting the stereo back to the boys, get dressed and sneak out to the party, and admit to Fred your absolute obsession with him. 
“Y/N! Here let me have that.” George greeted and took the stereo off your hands. You were glad for that considering it felt like you had been walking around with a sack of rocks tied to your arms.
“Your girl got it! Can’t believe my eyes!” George yelled out to Fred who came out of an old cupboard. His face was covered in soot and his clothes looked like he had just enjoyed a mud bath. 
“Don’t you look lovely. I’m off to get dressed too. Is the theme crawling in the chimney?” You laughed as Fred dusted himself off, cheeks going red from your comment.
“No but it can be if you want to match. I think we’d be sexy chimney sweepers.” 
There was that charm that he somehow always knew how to use. You didn’t know how he somehow made a chimney sweeper sound so.. Romantic? Whatever. You had bigger worries to think about. 
“Yeah, whatever you say. I’m going to change now. Bye!” 
You had gotten back to your room without a hitch and stared at your closet. You had to choose something memorable if tonight was the last night you would ever see the Weasley Twins. Finally deciding on an outfit that was a little risqué you left your room. You casted the disillusionment charm and headed back down to the old classroom you had been in not an hour before. 
Opening the door you were hit with the smell of sweat and alcohol. Everyone was pushing against eachother and cheering. Music played loud from the stereo and the twins were at the front near their kiosk.
“Y/N! Lovely to see you!” Angelina smiled and pulled you in for a quick hug. You could tell she was already drunk off whatever the twins had supplied.
“Lovely to see you too Angie! Having fun?” You questioned and she just nodded.
“Yeah! I hope to see you out on the dance floor!” She winked and made her way through the room. You had hoped she would spend a few more minutes with you because that was more time to drain instead of thinking about telling Fred. There was no way in hell you were going to do this completely sober either. 
You made your way through the bustling crowd and fought with quite a few people before you were able to fill your cup. The punch was sweet and barely tasted alcoholic  - dangerous. You knew if you drank too much before it hit you would be shitfaced by the end of the night.
“It’s super good, right?” You almost had a heart attack as you heard Ron right behind you. You glanced up at him and sighed.
“Way to scare the shit out of me! And yes it’s pretty good. Enjoying yourself without your girlfriend?” You teased the boy, watching as his freckled face lit up red.
“Could say the same about you. Having a few drinks before you go kiss up on dearest Freddie?” Ron raised an eyebrow as you let out a defeated sigh. It wouldn’t hurt to tell him about everything…
“It’s going to be a shit night Ronald.” 
“Why? What’s wrong?” Ron was surprisingly kind when you were serious with him and opened up. Maybe he was a bit inept with feelings but he really tried his best.
“Well.. Fred made me get the stereo from Hermione. To be able to get it I promised her to do anything and well.. She told me that I had to tell Fred..” You mumbled off. Ron’s eyes widened a minuscule bit and chuckled.
“Brutal isn’t she? If you need any help getting out you always have Harry and I.” Ron gave you a heartwarming pat and began to wander off. So much for moral support..
“And do tell what my best girl is doing here all alone being ditched by my little brother?” Fred’s form engulfed you from behind. His lips dusted against the shell of your ear and sent a pleasant shiver up your spine.
“Looking for you actually.” You decided to get it over with. There’s no better time than the present. You turned in his hold and met his gorgeous face. The usual smirk adorned it and within the strobe lights his eyes seemed to glow like lanterns.
“What can I do for you then? Offer you another drink or cure your boredom?” You could only wish that could be your answer. It would be much easier to drink the night away with him than heartbroken without him.
“Uh no. Not yet at least. I really need to tell you something. Can we go someplace a bit more quiet?” Fred bobbed his head and dragged you along. Before you knew it you were shuffling into a broom closet. Fred was way more close for comfort than you would’ve wished and it only added to your nervousness. How the hell did you get this far?!
“So…” Fred started.
The two of you sat in awkward silence for a few seconds before laughter struck.
“What in the world did you pull me into a broom closet to tell me?” Fred choked out and you groaned. It was time to finally rip the bandaid off.
“Well you see.. I have had this feeling for you for a while now.” You grumbled out and stared at your feet. If the proximity didn’t kill you then his glance definitely would.
“Right. A bad feeling or good feeling? Because I usually cause a lot of those.” Fred joked and you smacked at his arm. You couldn’t believe his sarcastic ass.
“Good! Very good actually. I- Oh fuck me. I really like you.” Now it was all out in the open and you wanted to shrink away. There wasn’t any going back and you could only hope he would have some mercy on your soul. 
“Y/N, I've been flirting with you for like two years. I obviously like you too.” Fred’s hand rubbed against the flesh of your arm creating goosebumps all over.
“What?” You spluttered out still confused. There was no way he had been flirting for that long. You would have to be as daft as Ronald!
“I call you my favorite girl and you think that’s me being kind?” Fred’s hand rubbed against your cheek, finger dragging ever so slowly against your lip.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your fantasies were finally fulfilled as his warm lips met yours. Fred was an impatient man and yet he took his sweet time to work you into the kiss, hands pushing you against the stone wall. His tongue lapped at your lips for permission and you relented.  He tasted of chocolate and alcohol - fitting and tantalizing. His tongue prodded yours making the moment even more intimate. 
“This is all I’ve been wanting for so long.” Fred’s voice was deep and you could barely think. 
“Me too.” You whispered and yanked at his shirt for more. He laughed into the kiss, hands running up and down your sides. He separated from your lips much sooner than you had wished and pecked at your forehead.
“As much as I would love to take you in a closet I was thinking maybe something more romantic? I also have a party I am hosting right now.. Maybe we can go kiss in there for a while?” 
You pretended to think for a while as you adjusted your clothes and hair before nodding. 
“I suppose I can go back with you. But I think you owe me later after the whole stereo fiasco..” Your fingers trailed his bare arm and you could feel him shake.
“My ever so generous girlfriend I would be delighted to do whatever you wish.” Fred shot you a wink that set butterflies aflame in your stomach. You linked arms with your newfound boyfriend and set off back to the party.
You definitely had to thank Hermione in the morning.
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an-entity-i-think · 2 years
Merlin au where nobody (not even lancelot) finds out about merlin having magic bc merlin is actually really good at using his inside voice and also because he isn't so so so anxious about being *revealed*.
Why is he not anxious you ask?
Because he isn't scared, he's embarrassed.
Merlin goes through like a decade of secrecy and eventually he like finally awkwardly tells Arthur before the final battle cause you know he can help and stuff and Arthur is just completely flabbergasted before becoming upset and distraught,
"why didn't you tell me? You don't trust me?"
And Merlin has to stand there awkwardly and be like, "I'm sorry I literally just didn't know how to bring it up. Like at the beginning I was like well... I just didn't know you that well right? And then I like tried to bring it up in conversation but I got interrupted a few times... which like... embarrassing, and then you were all like, 'urgh magic is evil', and then it just felt awkward bringing it up you know? And then it had been a few years and I was woah I can't say anything NOW cause like it's been too long? I missed my chance and ugh this is so embarrassing!"
And he's like blushing and rubbing the back of his neck and Arthur just stands there with growing disbelief and resignation (and ofc some fondness) as he realizes for the millionth time that merlin is a fucking idiot.
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ch3rrytales · 1 year
take care of yourself - remus lupin
a/n: hi everyone, i'm florie! i used to have another writing blog but i've sort of grown out of what i used to write so i thought i would start off fresh. so here's a quick little remus blurb for you :) requests are open. thanks for reading and all support and criticism is appreciated! (unedited)
pairing: remus lupin x fem!reader
summary: you just wanna take care of your boyfriend. your boyfriend is a stubborn git who thinks he can take everything on all on his own.
word count: 893
warning(s): none as far as i'm aware
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You skipped up the steps to the girl’s dormitories, books still heavy in your arms. You longed for a warm cup of tea and the comfort of your bed, OWLs prep was steadily chipping away at your energy and you were sure you would practically burst into tears at the next mention of them. 
As you reached your door you could hear a faint grumble coming from inside, so before you entered you cracked it open a sliver and peeked in, finding it odd that someone would be inside as none of your roommates shared a free period with you. 
With a quick scan of the room, which appeared to be empty, you shuffled inside, toeing off your shoes and tossing your books onto the large mound of blankets atop your bed. When your books landed however the mound rustled and a pained groan cut through the room making you jump against the wall, a squeak of fear slipping past your lips. 
With your body rigidly pressed against the wall and your wand clutched tight in your hands you called out, “Sirius, if you’re trying to scare me again, I swear to Merlin I’ll cut off all your pretty hair. It stopped being funny after the first 4 times.” 
A head of sandy curls peeked out from the blanket and you felt relief seep into your bones. 
“S’just me, darling.” Remus mumbled, his voice much fainter than you were used to. 
You sighed and walked over to your bed, Remus haphazardly kicking his feet until your books fell to the floor. 
“Sorry,” you winced, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
“I’m fine.” he responded, opening the blanket as an invitation to join him. “M’sorry I scared you.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
You climbed in beside him and he immediately wrapped himself around your body, the action uncommonly needy of him.
“Are you alright?” you queried, twisting around in his grasp so you could see his flushed face. 
He huffed and twisted his fingers into your hair, “Actually, I feel quite shit.” 
“Sore?” you questioned, a genuine pout coming to your lips at the thought of the constant pain your sweet boyfriend was in. 
Remus laughed weakly and tightened his hold on you, “Always.” he replied. “But, that’s not it…it’s my head. S’been killing me since I woke up this morning.”
His eyes looked glossy as you looked up at them and you were suddenly aware of the intense heat radiating off of his skin. 
“Do you have a fever, Rem?” 
He shrugged and looked to the ceiling. 
“C’mere.” you cooed, sitting up. “Lemme check.” 
“Doesn’t matter, love.” he protested. “I’ve got an OWL in 30 minutes, can’t miss it. Jus’ needed to see you before I go.”
You rolled your eyes and took his face in your hands. “Who cares about the bloody OWL’s when my boyfriend is sick?” 
He raised his eyebrows as if in disbelief, but you could see the fondness lingering in his irises.  
“The world doesn’t stop turning just because I’m sick.” he argued. 
“Mhm,” you agreed. “It also won’t stop turning if you let someone take care of you every once in a while.” 
He ducked his head to hide the grin he was biting back. He was never quite sure what he did to deserve you but he found that questioning it was a rabbit hole he best stay away from. 
You pushed the hair off of his forehead and leaned forward, centimeters away from his face. 
“Nuh-uh.” he fought, leaning back. “You’re gonna get sick.” 
You used his temporary weakness to your advantage and pulled him back to you firmly until your foreheads were pressed together. 
“Stop whining.” you whispered fondly. “M’just checking your temperature.” 
‘You gotta thermometer in your forehead that I don’t know about?” he teased, his breath fanning over your bottom lip. 
“You’re burning up.” 
He bumped your nose with his own and smirked lamely, “You too, doll.” 
“Don’t flirt.” you scolded. “I’m assessing, Rem.” 
You pecked the tip of his nose, and pulled yourself off of the bed heading towards your dresser where you had stashed a pain draught for next month’s full moon. 
Remus burrowed himself further in the blankets, immediately missing your body against his. “What’s the diagnosis then?” 
You plopped onto the edge of the bed, “Probably just a little head cold.” you decided. “You can take this.” 
You handed him the little bottle. 
“Don’t need it.” he dismissed. “I need you to stop playing doctor and c’mere.” He opened his arms beckoning you to him. 
Ever appeasing, you crawled into his arms and laid your head on his sweater clad chest.
“You still have to take it.” you insisted. 
He rested his chin on your crown and breathed in your peachy shampoo. “I don’t need some measly pain medicine, just need m’girl is all.” 
“Rem,” you whined, pouting against him. 
“Alright, fine.” he huffed. “You know, you’re always getting your way w’me?” 
“Mhm.” you nodded. Grinning as you could feel his chest move swallowing the draught. 
He pushed his hands under your shirt, rubbing up and down a few times before resting his hands against the bare skin of your back, and kissing the top of your head lovingly. 
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way, love.” he admitted, finally letting his eyes close.
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spindrifters · 3 months
I've been doing battle with my internet all day to get this up for Lynxmas. I would not be bested!! I refused and I persevered!! So a very happy birthday from me and the rowdy 11 year olds to our favorite barwench humble forest cat @lynxindisguise!!
There’s a peculiar shuffle to sharing one’s room, a frenzy of activity when it comes to four boys squashed into a rather small circular dorm that puts Remus—not only used to the solitude of his own little cottage bedroom, but raised without so much as a single other child his own age for at least ten miles in each direction—decidedly on edge.
It’s a continuation of the chaos from the welcoming feast, where the newly-sorted Gryffindor boys had quickly found their stride and accompanying role in the ecosystem. James and Sirius, no longer competing over who could eat more chicken thighs but still loudly trying to one-up each other’s boasts about feats of accidental magic. Peter, scrabbling to get a word in while his eyes gleamed with excitement each time one of them noticed. And Remus, the impulse to join in the fun warring with Dad’s gentle word of warning before he climbed on the train earlier in the day—can’t be too careful, lad.
He pushes that to the side, focusing instead on finding his plush grindylow Raccoon at the bottom of his trunk. It’s a poor replacement for Jeff, the very real grindylow who lives at the bottom of his garden pond and who he already misses something fierce—and he is not going to let the other boys see that he brought a stuffed animal with him to school, thank you very much—but still. It helps to know that Raccoon’s there. It helps to know he'll have at least one friend at school.
Because Peter’s nice, but he and James are already friends from growing up, and Sirius and James… Well, he supposes they mean well, but with their shining black shoes and posh accents and the way they barrel loud and bright through a conversation like nothing in the world could touch them, Remus can’t help but be intimidated. For Merlin’s sake, Sirius has silver monogrammed cufflinks on the sleeves of his school uniform. Even if Remus does manage the courage to ever string more than two words together in front of his new dormmates, he can’t imagine they’d ever want to be friends with someone like him.
There’s a flash then, followed by a bang, and Remus becomes briefly distracted by a whirling firework escaping from James’s trunk. There’s laughter at that, a slight salve to his fluttering, nervous gut when the other boy winks at him from behind square-frame glasses, but then James turns back to say something to Sirius instead and stops. He gapes.
“Why are you wearing a dress?”
“It’s not a dress,” Sirius sniffs, looking affronted at the very idea. “It’s a nightshirt.”
Well, whatever it is Sirius has changed into while the rest of them weren’t paying attention, it certainly looks like a dress. It’s white, and ankle-length, and buttoned all the way up to just beneath his chin. Also, it’s frilly. Very frilly. If anything, it looks like something out of Ma’s old and battered copy of A Christmas Carol, like he should really have a long nightcap and candleholder to go with it.
Remus can’t help it. He snorts.
Sirius snaps his gaze over, steel grey eyes boring holes into him, and Remus wants to melt into the floor beneath his feet. “Well, what do you wear to sleep, then, if it’s so funny?” he snaps.
“Not my gran’s nightie,” Remus replies, feeling he ought to be congratulated, actually, on such a witty remark. Only Sirius’s eyes flash at that, and immediately his jaw clamps jaw shut.
But then James is cackling, and Sirius seems to take in his new dormmates for the first time since they all began changing for bed. James, in a vest and Quidditch shorts. Peter, in a matching set of broomstick-patterned pyjamas. Remus, in a pair of joggers and the oversized green jumper that still smells like Dad. A red flush creeps up Sirius’s pale cheeks. “Oh.”
It occurs to Remus then, that this wasn’t at all what he wanted, either. He didn’t want to make Sirius feel bad about it. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass him.
So it’s a poor offering, maybe, but he finds himself digging out another jumper—orange, this time, but a nice soft one, and not too oversized or nubby—and says, “D’you want to borrow it?”
A moment passes, then two, and then Sirius is smiling wide. “Cheers, Lupin,” he says, a shine in his eyes of something Remus doesn’t quite know how to place.
In future days he’ll come to understand that that look is the surefire sign of Sirius about to do something that’s not the done thing—not by pureblood standards, anyway, whatever the hell those are. All he knows right now is that Sirius isn’t yelling at him—or worse, ignoring him—and then James is throwing an extra pair of Quidditch shorts at Sirius’s face and saying no one wants to see his skivvies, and then Peter is breaking out a massive bag of Bertie Bott’s to share, and maybe it turns out that Remus can have friends, actually, after all.
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birdiewriteslit · 4 months
“are you jealous?” “jealous? can’t be.” with Charlie Weasley maybe if you are like really close friends with the twins because you were school friends 👀💕
yessss omg i love charlie!!
This is not where you saw yourself when you graduated. That was nearly six years ago. You love the Weasley twins dearly, but the joke shop was probably one of your least favorite places in the world right now.
The twins had managed to make you agree to helping them out in the shop on your holiday from work. It made you wish you were back in Romania, and it had you longing for where you were supposed to be, with Charlie, relaxing at home.
Being friends with the twins at Hogwarts (and in the same year) had caused your current predicament. You had to thank them, though, for they were also the reason you met your boyfriend.
Charlie was four years older than you, and you always had a crush on him. He was head boy and Griffyndor’s seeker. He was immensely charming and dripping with charisma.
When he left Hogwarts, you were forced to give up on your dreams of being with him. That was until you ended up on the same reserve as him a few years after graduation. The rest was history.
You were currently moping at your station outside of the store, unenthusiastically selling some sort of bewitched toffee.
“Y/n, your energy is a little low for my liking,” Fred said, poking his head through the door to the shop.
“Sorry, I’ll do better,” you said heartlessly, forcing a smile.
“Missing Charles too much?” he teased.
“Yeah, actually,” you confessed.
Fred looked sympathetic, and a little guilty. He took the box of toffees from your hands. “Go home, Y/n. These aren’t very good anyways. George and I can take it from here.”
You smiled at him, feeling grateful for his understanding nature. “You sure?”
“Good, because I’m not coming back.” You disapparated before he could respond.
Appearing at the door of your flat, you turned the key and walked inside, relieved to be greeted by the smell of dinner on the stove.
“Charlie?” you called, taking off your shoes and shrugging off your coat. He didn’t answer, but you found him in the kitchen, concentrating on the pot he was stirring.
“How was your shift?” he said shortly.
You shrugged. “It was fine. How was your day?”
“Fine,” he said, not looking up.
You furrowed your brows. “Is something wrong?” you asked, brushing some of his fiery hair out of his eyes.
“No, nothing. You’ve been spending a lot of time with my brothers since we got back,” he observed coldly.
You suppressed a smirk. You should’ve known. Charlie had fallen victim to envy many times, and Fred and George had been the accused before.
You poked his arm. “Charlie, are you jealous?”
“Jealous? Can’t be,” he said, still not taking his eyes off of the pot.
“Charlie,” you said teasingly, moving to wrap your arms around his waist from behind. He tensed a little before relaxing into your touch. “You can be honest with me.”
You were sure that he wanted to, but he was stubborn and still wouldn’t let up.
“I was thinking about you all day,” you whispered into his ear, which had gone pink. You trailed your fingers down to his waistband, which made him finally turn to face you.
“Merlin, you minx,” he murmured. “It’s just- we get one break from the reserve, and the twins have you doing work for them. I want you all to myself. Is that too much to ask?” he admitted.
Your arms still around him, you pressed a hand into his back and brought yourself closer. “I’ll be yours for the rest of the week, I promise.”
Charlie grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.” He dipped down to kiss your lips. You responded enthusiastically, as if you hadn’t seen him for days. It had only been hours.
You were looking forward to the rest of this week.
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alias71 · 17 days
Endeavour & Joan - Missing Scene
It all started with this print (© The Red Dress London on Etsy):
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I noticed that the moment depicted between Endeavour and Joan was not included in Season 6, which this artwork was commissioned to advertise. I didn't think much about it until the wonderful @sircolinmorgan posted this image from shutterstock:
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Finally! Evidence that the deleted scene existed! But where from? Some investigation was required...
Okay, so when lightened up a bit, what you can tell just from that pic alone is that there’s a blackboard in the background, someone sitting at a desk, and you can see the edge of a camp bed (you can also see that she’s holding his other hand!) All of that of course suggests ‘Deguello’ and the aftermath of the tower collapse in the gymnasium. As far as I can tell there’s only one scene in the episode at this location and it’s when Endeavour escorts a child to a waiting parent and then Strange and Thursday are there and reach for him (quite a lovely caring moment):
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Compare the first of these three pics and you’ll see the blackboard, the person at the desk, and that the blue area in the shutterstock pic is the privacy screen next to the blackboard.
Endeavour is wearing his blue shirt that’s consistent with both images, but he never takes his jacket off in the actual scene and it’s very odd that Strange touches Endeavour’s shoulder and he turns around, only for the scene to immediately cut to the makeshift morgue scene with DeBryn. You never see another scene at that location as far as I can tell. Does that imply something was cut there? The shutterstock pic shows Joan at that location, but she was never there in the episode.
The next scene with Endeavour is when he visits the little girl in hospital and meets Joan there:
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Their conversation is extremely brief with Joan telling Endeavour he should be at home:
Morse: I wanted to see if she was all right. How is she? How's her mum?
Joan: Hanging in there. You should be home.
Morse: Home. So should she. So should her mother. So should everyone.
Joan: Accidents happen.
Morse: Yeah, not like this. You know, somebody's got to be responsible. Is there anything I can do?
Joan: You've done your bit and more.
Morse: Good night.
Joan: Good night.
Joan is of course wearing the same as in the shutterstock pic. The next time we see Joan she runs into Endeavour when he’s investigating the surveyor and she’s changed clothes:
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They talk about the survivors and then have this little exchange:
Joan: How are things with you?
Morse: Oh, one day's much the same as the next.
Joan: I didn't mean work, I meant you.
Morse: Oh, it's the same thing, isn't it? Have you seen your father lately?
Joan: Not much. Why?
Morse: Well, I just wondered if he was all right. He hasn't seemed himself lately.
Joan: Oh.
Morse: Anyway, there it is.
It’s extremely halting and Endeavour leaves looking all awkward and uncomfortable. Make of that what you will because neither of the filmed scenes between Endeavour and Joan play like they could have had such a close moment as in the shutterstock pic with Joan touching his face and holding his hand. Obviously one was switched out, but it seems to me the entire tenor of their interaction in 'Deguello' was changed. These are the only scenes they had together and Joan isn’t in the rest of the episode or the next season for that matter! I wonder if it played a part that Sara Vickers wasn’t available - I have no idea how far in advance they could have known. It's also possible they felt that a romantic moment would have been out of place in the midst of a tragedy, or perhaps they simply decided against allowing Endeavour and Joan to be close. No matter the reason, it's a real shame - it looked like a beautiful scene!
Anyway, that was my little Sherlockian endeavour (snort!) into the missing Endeavour/Joan moment everyone was robbed of. I think it’s probably much like the sigil scene in BBCs ‘Merlin’ where a totally different version was filmed with a very different feel, and we don’t know why that was swapped out either! Damn my favourite shows.
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wisteria-blooms · 7 months
sunburns & dragons (charlie weasley & reader) (3/??)
TAGLIST: @badgerqueen07 @superduckmilkshake @k-k-merlin @kisskittenn @pluiesdefleurs@lilianelena39 (let me know if I've missed you! otherwise, comment or DM me to be added) Uhm, before you start, peep this gorgeous GIF set below by @alicent-targaryen. Please just browse the entire #sam-heughan tag like I did for the past hour lol. A/N: Also, I don't think the most thorough editing job. I'll go over it again and fix hiccups.
CHAPTER 3: After an unplanned first 'date', having Charlie over for dinner sounds more scrumptious than any perfectly-done filet mignon. However, you should've known that involving him would involve more people than you would've liked. (3.7k words)
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It was the same dreadful feeling of getting in trouble when you were a child. A premonition that a scolding was coming.
That was what you felt as you followed your father down the hallway. But you weren’t going to be asked why Draco was crying after you pushed him (see: age three) or why you scored so poorly in an third-year elective over Christmas break (see: age thirteen). No, twenty-three was going to bring on a different slew of problems.
When you and Lucius were situated in a dark corridor and shielded from the view of the other patrons, you braced yourself. Deep in the shadows, you definitely looked like your father. You never quite got his platinum blonde hair or pale blue eyes; your colouring was always a touch darker. But here, you were the mirror image of him, displeased expressions and aversions to losing and all. 
You clenched your jaw shut as did Lucius until he finally gritted out: “What are you doing here? And in this get-up?”
“Why does it matter what I wear?” you snapped back. Lucius was draped in some of the fanciest emerald robes he’d owned, so whatever meeting he had was definitely important. 
“I don’t particularly care for what you’re wearing, but rather, who it belongs to,” Lucius clarified. “And for you to be here with that Weasley—”
“His name’s Charlie, father.”
“They’re all the same, a stain on our reputation, and speaking of such things,” Lucius continued, his voice gaining volume as he spoke. “We Malfoys have one to upkeep. Either bring some acceptable friends of yours or—”
Lucius quickly glanced around him to make sure there was no one important passing by. When he saw a woman exit the powder room, he waited pleasantly for her to pass before resuming his speech. One that you’d heard a million times. 
“Don’t present yourself here with him.”
“Oh, what does it matter?”
“You will leave this instance,” he commanded. “With the Weasley child.”
“He is not a child, and you can’t tell me what to do,” you countered, your voice rising too. “I can be here with whoever I please. In fact, we’ll have Jacques seat us so we can stay longer. He always has a spot in the restaurant for the Malfoys.”
“You will not,” he hissed. “I have more associates joining me and I won’t be—”
When an elderly couple turned the corner down the hall, you and Lucius both shut up immediately. At the same time, you choked out smiles at each other to give the guise of a pleasant conversation, not the whisper-shouting match that was actually going on. It was in that moment of much-needed silence that you realized something important: Lucius falsely assumed you and Charlie were together. Not in the form of a fling, but he falsely assumed Charlie was the boyfriend you were parading around yesterday. 
“I’m going back to Charlie. Good luck with your meeting.”
You spun away on your heels. As you ditched Lucius, you walked thunderously back to the front. Arguing with your father always put you in the worst of tempers. First, he threatened to have Goyle over because you were unpaired, and now, he was upset with your choice of partner? It was like arguing with a wall.
Up front, Charlie was waiting for you, two drinks in hand and a pastry bag in between his fingers. In the time you were gone, his order had been served. He handed a drink to you.
Trying to suppress your frustration, you asked Charlie in a whisper: “Can you follow my lead?”
“What was that?” he asked, leaning downwards. “You’re too quiet. Or too short for me to hear you.”
“Lean closer, then,” you instructed.
“Okay.” Charlie complied immediately, arching down even further until his lips were a touch too close to your ear. From the view of a bystander, it gave the appearance of him kissing your cheek, maybe his lips grazing your earlobe… You repressed a shudder, having to remind yourself that he just was fooling around like his younger brothers often did.
“Walk out with me,” you whispered. 
You extended your right hand, motioning for him to take it. And without a second of hesitation, he did. Those long, callused fingers wrapped around your smaller ones for the second time today. His grip was firm and protective. You turned your head slightly to see Lucius was looking, and sure enough, he was. Luckily from him, Mr. Lemieux was turned away from the spectacle. 
You imagined he was wearing his teeth down with how hard his jaw was clenched. Worn dentition was soon going to be the least of his problems if he kept pissing you off. 
“Let’s get out of here,” you said. 
“Tell me about it.”
You led him out back through the double glass doors. Your brisk walk turned into a jog down the street. You were trying not to trip on cobblestones or spill your drink again. When you’d reached a safe distance from Cauco, you burst out laughing. And so did Charlie.
“What was that?” he asked. “Actually, what is this?” He raised both your hands that were still tangled to each other. “A change of heart for me?”
“No, this is pure subterfuge,” you responded through fits of laughter. 
“What possessed you to take my hand?”
“My father told me to get out, so I did. I couldn’t leave you.”
“I didn’t know you had a flair for dramatics.”
“You don’t know me well enough!” you laughed. 
“Charlie?” a voice rang suddenly from the corner. “Is that you?”
Both of you whipped around.
It was Molly Weasley. Oh, you know, no other than Charlie’s mum.
Molly nearly dropped her woven baskets full of groceries at the sight of well, firstly, her son who was back home once a year if she was lucky. And secondly, you imagined at the shock of the two of you holding hands. 
You quickly removed your hand from Charlie’s. Now your expression really read like you’d been caught in this imaginary romp in the sheets. 
“What are you doing back in England?” Molly asked, bringing her son in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She cupped his face and gave it two firm pats, trying to ascertain that Charlie was real and not some apparition.
“Apparently, you can’t bank vacation for ten years straight,” he said. A blotch of red was forming on his cheeks from Molly’s hand. “Pretty ridiculous, I reckon—”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?” Molly then demanded. “I could’ve prepared properly for you. A proper room, a proper meal.”
Charlie jolted. “I didn’t know until two days ago, I promise, mum. I’ve been on a train for the past day. I’ve barely slept all of last night.”
“Well, you’re just in time for a big lunch.” Molly looked at you. “(Y/N), dear,” she said, her voice much sweeter with you. “So lovely to see you, too.” 
“Likewise, Mrs. Weasley,” you responded.
“(Y/N), won’t you join us for lunch as well?” Molly hummed. Then she turned back to Charlie. “Charlie, you’ll be elated to know that Bill is home, too.”
You could never refuse Molly. You also weren’t in a rush to get home, knowing your father may be there, ready to have an argument about the scene you caused at Cauco. And the guilt was starting to settle in, so you shook it off with a nod towards Molly.
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As the three of you walked up the grassy hill that led up to the Burrow, Charlie pestered Molly over the validity of her statement about Bill’s being home. “Is he really? You’re joking me, surely.”
“Why would I ever joke about that?” Molly asked. “You know I’ve always asked you to come home more often.”
Charlie groaned as he opened the door to his childhood home. “I should’ve brought home more Romanian parchment for him.”
“Why Romanian parchment?” you asked.
“It’s lighter and less resistant to tearing and burning. Easier for him to carry during expeditions and less to worry about goblins burning them.”
“I’m sure that’s the last thing on his mind right now,” Molly hummed. “But I shouldn’t spoil what your brother is going to tell you, no, I shouldn’t...” She seemed to be fighting with her own morals as she entered the house. 
“Good,” Charlie said as he let out a sigh of relief. “But now I should’ve bugged him for more Egyptian hide.” He pulled the hem of your jacket. “If I was wearing that instead of this jacket, my pocket would’ve lived to see the tale.”
“Is that yours, Charlie?” Molly asked. “I should’ve known, seeing as it’s so tattered up. But nothing I can’t fix.”
“You’ll have to fix (Y/N) up, too. I spilled coffee on her,” Charlie admitted sheepishly.
“Of course, I’ll tend to you, dear, in just a moment…” Molly unloaded her baskets on the counter, eyeing her assortment of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and breads. “Let me get the stew going first. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes.”
As Molly worked, you peered around the house. You’d been here many times throughout your school years and knew every nook and cranny. Though, you were always cooking things up with Fred and George in their room upstairs. You’d met Percy, Ron, and Ginny but never overlapped much with Charlie or Bill. Regardless, you’d always appreciated how inviting it was compared to your abode located upstate. Every bit of you felt warm from the sun seeping through the windows. In the house, things were stuffed to the brim until it was precariously close to exploding: books on the bookshelf, mugs in the cabinet, non-perishables in the pantry, spare blankets in the closet. And even though the Burrow was enclosed by farmland, Molly and Arthur were very friendly with the neighbours. You barely knew yours.
You were about to ask Molly if you could offer any assistance when you were interrupted by footsteps.
“Bill!” Charlie recognized his brother immediately. 
“Charlie?” Bill said. No sooner, he’d jumped down the last two steps and enveloped his younger brother in a hug that almost toppled him over. “What are you doing back in England?”
“It’s a long story,” Charlie said. “What are you doing here?”
“Well,” Bill started, trying to conceal a grin. He reached out for Fleur’s hand as she came down the steps behind him. “Fleur is expecting. We’re due in the next month or so.”
“What?” Charlie exclaimed. “Already?”
“What do you mean ‘already’?” Molly scolded suddenly from behind him. “It’s about time you settled down as well, Charles Weasley. You should consider staying put for once. I pray you won’t jostle your wife around like you do yourself—”
“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Charlie whispered to you before getting dragged off by Molly. Bill followed him into the kitchen.
“Hello, (Y/N),” Fleur said as she came down the last step. Despite being heavily pregnant, she was more than graceful.
“Hello, Fleur,” you responded. “Congratulations on the pregnancy. You look lovely.”
“Thank you,” she said, a proud smile on her face.
You waited awkwardly in the living room alone for a couple moments. You really wished Fred or George or both of them were here to give you someone to talk to. When Molly finished up giving orders to Bill and Charlie, you felt it appropriate to tiptoe into the kitchen. 
“Hello (Y/N),” Bill was the first to notice you creeping in. “Long time no see.”
Bill, as you faintly remembered, was indeed the tallest of the bunch. He was fit but not as muscular as Charlie, if what you saw this morning was anything to go by. He was more laid-back as well, and less prone to making remarks that would receive a scolding from Molly. 
“Indeed!” you responded, feeling more at ease. “And congratulations on the baby.”
“Thank you.” A smile broke out on Bill’s face. He was radiant, his blue eyes crinkling from his smile. His face wasn’t as angular and defined as Charlie’s but he was very handsome in a more boyish way. 
“I didn’t expect you to be here, you’re usually with Fred and George,” Bill said as if reading your mind. “Do you have some news of your own you want to share with me?”
You gave him a puzzled look.
“Mum told me she saw you and Charlie holding hands this morning, after your date,” Bill whispered, glancing slyly at Charlie. “I didn’t know that you were together. Charlie writes to me about everything. Apparently he left out an important chunk.”
Oh. Your date. “Oh, I’m not sure I—”
“That’s okay, I won’t press you. I’ll just ask Charlie,” Bill said, letting you off the hook. You breathed an internal sigh of relief. “He’s a tough read is all I’ll say. He dilly-dallys around a lot, especially around women.”
“Does he?” you said with a laugh. You thought of Charlie’s words to you earlier in the day.
 “One day, he’s saying he’s met this girl. Next week, he’s in love. Then, he wants to propose, and before I know it, I’m standing at the altar.”
Right, Bill wasted no time. Conversely, Charlie denied he was the same. 
Bill smiled. “I reckon so. But it’s no doubt you were able to read through him. You’ve always been smart.”
Your words caught at Bill’s sudden compliment. “Thank you, Bill. But I’m really not.”
“Come on, it was one class almost ten years ago,” Bill said with a teasing grin. “Nothing to beat yourself up over.”
“How do you know?” you asked, your cheeks heated. You’d never overlapped schooling with Bill and yet he knew about—
“Fred told everyone about the cursed elective the three of you took.”
You groaned. You were going to give Fred a piece of your mind next time you saw him.
“Bill, could you be a dear and call Fred and George over for lunch?” Molly called from the windowsill. She barely looked up at the stew she was seasoning. “I’m sure they can afford an hour for lunch now that their busy season is over.”
“Sure thing,” Bill acquiesced, throwing down the dishcloth. “I’ll talk to you later, (Y/N)." 
Molly replaced Bill’s spot in front of you and took you by the arm. “Now, follow me upstairs and let’s get you fixed up. I told Charlie he’s going to have to be more careful around you.”
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In an hour, lunch rolled around and so did Fred and George who got a scolding for apparating right into the home. You learned that Fred’s imitation of Molly wasn’t far off. 
“What are you still doing here?” Fred asked with a genuine look of surprise on his face. 
“I’m not sure, Molly asked if I wanted to come for lunch.”
“How did this chance occurrence happen?”
“We bumped into her at Diagon Alley.”
Fred wiggled his eyebrows. “We?” 
You shrugged. 
Thankfully, you were ushered to the table before Fred could pester you anymore. Bill sat with Fleur, Fred with George, you and Charlie, and Molly at the end. The bread basket perched in the centre was bigger than your head.
“So, Charlie, dear,” Molly started. “What brings you back home?”
“Well,” Charlie responded. “As I was saying earlier—”
“Charlie’s going to meet (Y/N)’s parents next Saturday,” Fred added suddenly. 
“You’re going to the Malfoy’s?” Bill asked, directing a look of surprise at Charlie. Molly followed suit. 
You nearly sputtered into your stew. You hadn’t really discussed that nor had Charlie consented to it, at least not seriously. You figured he was just kidding about having dinner, and now that his appetite had been satiated, so was his curiosity. 
“Sure am,” Charlie responded after a long swig of water. He didn’t skip a beat. 
“You’ll have to find something suitable to wear,” Molly commented, looking Charlie up and down. Her inquisitive brown eyes narrowed at his dishevelled long hair and outfit that looked like he was going to bed rather than dinner. “I’m sure we can find something of your father’s or grandfather’s in the attic.”
“There goes the rest of my afternoon,” Charlie groaned loudly, much to Molly’s chagrin. Then, he leaned into you. “I hope you didn’t have plans for us, (Y/N).”
You shook your head. “I shouldn’t think about taking you away from something so important.”
The rest of lunch was filled with questions about Bill and Fleur’s impending baby and Fred and George’s business. Luckily, no questions were thrown towards you and Charlie. You wouldn’t even know what to say. When lunch was over, Charlie was the first to excuse himself. 
“That was a lovely lunch as always, mum,” Charlie said, getting up. “I’m going to unpack and maybe take a nap. It was a long journey from Romania.”
As he began to head up the stairs, Molly piped up: “Be sure to use Ginny’s room.”
Charlie descended a step back. “What about mine?”
“It’s under renovation.”
“You remodelled my room?” Charlie cried.
“As a temporary nursery. You can obviously still stay in the guest room the duration of time you’re here,” Molly clarified. 
“I won’t even fit into Ginny’s room, let alone the bed. And are the walls still pink?”
“Well, a fair warning that you’d be coming back would’ve been sufficient,” Molly said. “Bill was first to tell me that he and Fleur wanted to move back in for the duration of her pregnancy.”
“But why mine? Why not remodel Ginny’s room as the nursery?”
“Because yours is closest to Bill’s room,” Molly explained. “It provides easier access to the baby.”
“You can always stay with us, Charles darling,” Fred suggested, a grin dancing on his face. “We have a spare room in our flat that’s gone unused for some reason.”
“I’ll consider it as my dead last option,” Charlie said with a shudder. He jumped back on the first floor and ran past Fred, but not before commenting: “There are a million people I’d rather live with before I’d live with you.”
After Charlie left to unpack, Fred and George followed suit to reopen the shop. You lingered around the house for a while longer, offering to help with the dishes which was promptly refused. Instead, Molly gave you a tour of the new nursery, her eyes brimming with pride at her handiwork. And it really was a lovely room with white, flowy curtains billowing in the wind, a vintage wooden cot, and tons of hand sewn blankets and plush toys. You were glad she was so preoccupied with the baby and showing you around that she wasn’t asking about Charlie. 
“It’s beautiful, Mrs. Weasley,” you said, admiring the stitching on the curtains. “Bill and Fleur are lucky to have you alongside them.”
Molly placed a hand on her hip. “You know, dear, I would do it for any child of mine and their partner.”
You eked out a smile in response. You sure hoped she wasn’t insinuating anything about you. 
When you went downstairs, you decided it was proper for you to excuse yourself and head home. It was nearing three in the afternoon and you couldn’t believe how the hours just flew by. Before you left, you went to Ginny’s old room and knocked on the ajar door. 
“Come in,” Charlie said.
You stepped in slowly. Charlie was unfolding his clothes on Ginny’s old bed. He towered over the frame, and he’d be lucky if he could stretch out his legs tonight. Luckily for him, the walls were now a muted pink, not the bright shade they were years ago. 
“I’m about to leave,” you said. “I just wanted to apologise for today before I go. I’m sorry you got caught up in things.”
Charlie cocked an eyebrow. “What’s there to apologise for?” 
“The whole debacle with my father,” you clarified. “I never meant to get you involved. I don’t think well at the crux of an argument.”
“Why shouldn’t I be involved?”
Did Charlie sound offended?
“You want to be?”
“(Y/N),” Charlie said with a chuckle. “I’m always hungry. I’ll be there for the meal if not for the entertainment, or world-class Malfoy hospitality.”
“Are you serious?” you asked. “Because you understand what the deal was right? We’d have to be…” You bit your lip. You didn’t want to finish the sentence. 
“Like we’re dating? Was that so hard to get out now?” Charlie laughed, leaning in closer to you until he was a few inches from you. “I mean, you’re meeting my mum.”
“I’ve already met her, many times over,” you huffed. “And on that topic, don’t you think it’s wrong to lead her on like that?”
“Hey,” he said. “Don’t lecture me about ethics. You’re the one who just tried to swindle your father in public.”
You turned red. “My prospects were looking terrible.”
“Hey, I’m just kidding,” Charlie said. “I’d do the same thing if I were in your shoes.”
“Alright”—you eyed him suspiciously—“Well, if you’re sure, I’ll send you an owl.”
“You know exactly where I’ll be,” Charlie confirmed.
Before you turned away to leave, a sudden thought came to mind. “Charlie, wait. You never told me. Why are you back in England?”
“I really was banking up too much vacation,” he confessed, airing out a rolled t-shirt. “I was strong-armed into taking it, so I chose the off-season.”
“What are you going to do at home?”
He hummed. “I was cordially invited to be a guest professor at Hogwarts two days a week, depending on how often they need me.”
“That is splendid for you,” you said, eyes brightening. “Which classes will be taking over?”
“Just Care of Magical Creatures for now”—he turned fully to you—“I reckon I could sneak in a few dragons for the kids.”
“You wouldn’t,” you warned. “You were Head Boy, you knew the rules.”
“Try me, Headmaster Malfoy.”
He held your gaze, intense blue eyes locking with yours and a smirk rising on his face. For the briefest of moments, you felt a shudder course through your body. He wasn’t being suggestive, you had to remind yourself. Charlie was just more intense and smouldering than his brothers—
Wait, did you just use the word smouldering to describe Charlie? The Charlie Weasley you’d really just met six hours ago? You scolded yourself. You had to focus on the issue at hand. 
“I’ll try to wrangle a way out of dinner regardless,” you affirmed. “I have to free you up for your duties as a professor.”
He broke his gaze. “Let me know if you’re successful,” Charlie said with a laugh. “Catch you later, (Y/N).”
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bellatrixscurls · 2 years
summary : you cannot stand one another... can you?
warnings : smut, ‘enemies’ to lovers, mentions of anxiety and Walburga, mutual pinning (kinda, more on siri’s part though), teasing, fingering, creampie, oral (fem receiving), kinda mean siri at some point, tears. pls lmk if i missed any! :)
a/n : it is my first time writing a full fic in like months so pls like it <3 aldhsk
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At this point, the whole table is watching you bickering with Sirius. You have started an argument because your soup was cold, and he jokingly said that he could heat it up for you... between his buns.
“Hey, I was just saying!” Sirius defends himself, his hands making a barrier between his face and the food you are currently throwing at him.
“Merlin! I cannot even tell you the pity I take on your future partner, the one that will. have to. share a bloody. bed. with you!” you groan, throwing small pieces of toast at him between every word.
Across from you, sitting beside James and Peter, because obviously he wouldn’t want to be the one getting thrown food at, Remus is resting his chin on his palm, sighing heavily.
James, being the dummy he usually is, leans closer to Remus, side-eyeing you and Sirius. “Why does she like talking badly about herself?”
Your eyes widen slightly and Sirius chuckles at his friend’s remark. You nudge his leg from under the table. “Why are you laughing? Do you think this is funny? Because let me tell you, Black. If my destiny is so unfortunate that I’ll end up marrying you, make sure your life will be pure hell- Worse than your own mother.”
Despite your harsh tone, the corners of your lips threaten to tilt upwards, but Sirius rolls his eyes with a small smile, the situation playing in his mind like an entire romance movie. “I don’t mind” he mumbles more to himself, but you manage to hear him. And even so, you decide to stay quiet, a smile pulling at your lips once again.
James and Remus both share a look, even Peter, who is usually oblivious to everything.
“How did he get an O and I got an E!” you whine desperately, tugging at Remus’ sleeve in an attempt to gain his attention, but he only rolls his eyes, ignoring you and the smirking Sirius on the other side of him. “He didn’t even study!”
“I’m naturally smart, Y/n/n” he answers cheekily, sticking his tongue out when you do.
James decides he’s had enough, and soon after, his eyes lit up — an idea. “Hey Y/n/n. You should probably let Pads tutor you. Since, uh, you know, he is better than you in Herbology.”
At his words, your eyes widen and you turn to glare at James, his hands up in defence. “He is not better... But fine! I’ll let him tutor me just so you can see that I’m right, and it won’t change my grade at all.”
Later on in the day, you find yourself sat across from Sirius in the common room, in a more private corner. On the table, he has several Herbology books that he’s gathered from the library before said exam.
He seems really passionate about what he’s talking about, teaching you about plants and how gentle you have to be with them, no matter how unusual and aggressive some of them are.
“The flutterby bush, for example. You have to care for it every single day, otherwise it will die. And also, its leaves are very fragile so you might want to be extra careful with it...” he explains, pointing at the aforementioned plant in one of the books before you. “I would’ve gotten one to show you better, but it cannot ever be moved from its initial spot. Otherwise it can become very violent.”
You hum, watching him as your chin rests on the palm of your hand, your eyes glinting unusually. “You know a lot about plants” you say rather dreamily. You’ve never known that Sirius Black would have a hobby, something he actually cared for and knew lots about. But now that it is happening, it feels strange, a warm feeling going through your body.
Sirius chuckles, and you swear you can see blush creep into his cheeks. “Yeah I- I like plants.. Believe it or not, I lied when I said that I didn’t study for the exam.”
Your eyes widen mockingly, and Sirius nudges your leg when you say, “I would’ve never known! Why would you lie about that!”
Your small, cosy corner turns into your safe place in a matter of seconds. The way you can joke, so relaxed, with Sirius. You’ve judged him wrong. Maybe you seeing him as your inferior was not the best way to treat someone you have never even tried to actually get to know.
After a moment or two of Sirius staring at you adoringly, too lost in your smile and blushy cheeks, he speaks up “Um, I- I suppose that is all you need to know.”
He says, and you think he is about to leave, but he doesn’t. He keeps staring at you, picking at his nails as he looks into your eyes.
“Uh- yeah” you say, dipping your chin in a small nod, still reluctant to leave, so you decide not to be the one who leaves first. You sort of hope that he doesn’t, either.
Your heart grows warm when he actually does not get up to leave, but instead, he moves closer to you, sitting next to you. “I’ve got to admit something” he says urgently, and you hum, causing him to continue. “I’ve had a butterbeer or two before coming here. You may think ‘Ew, Sirius, that’s so gross’” he imitates your voice at the last part, in a high-pitched tone, and you laugh loudly, receiving a wide grin from Sirius. He knows that normally, you would’ve scolded him for making fun of you. “I actually did it because...- We never spend time alone and I figured that this would be the only decent moment to confess this.”
You wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t. Instead, he gulps, licking his now abnormally dry lips, mainly from the anxiety. “Siri?” you ask softly, your hand on his knee, rubbing it lovingly.
“Y-Yeah?” his cheeks turn a bright pink. You’ve never called him that before, not even Sirius, to be honest. Usually, you’d much rather call him ‘idiot’ or ‘dimwit’, but now, something makes you open your heart to him. Maybe this version of him isn’t as bad as the one you’ve imagined and dealt with.
“Oh! Sorry...” he mumbles, placing his hand over yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. “I um- You- I’m attracted to you, Y/n/n. I’ve no idea if that is due to your stupid jokes or the way you always have to be right about everything but- I like you” his brows furrow as if saying these things out loud make him realise, for the first time ever, how helplessly weak in the knees he is for you.
When Sirius’ eyes find yours, he finds a very much shocked Y/n, eyes wide and mouth agape. That’s it, the end of your ‘friendship’, you’ll probably never want to speak to him again—
“Y/n-” “Shut up” you say rather sternly, your hands cupping his hands and smashing your lips into his. You hear Sirius sigh contently mid-kiss, his lips pressing back into yours.
His hands find your waist and yours find his hair, both desperately groping each other, the common room growing hot all of a sudden.
“Wait-” you say breathlessly as you pull away, licking your lips as you attemt to catch your breath. His eyebrows furrow and you give him a small smile, “What if any of the prefects come in here? They can find us and we’ll be in big trouble.”
Sirius’ face softens and a soft smile graces his swollen lips, his grey eyes gazing into yours intensely. “S’that what you’re worried about, sweetness?” your face flushes at the nickname, and Sirius groans when he feels you press your burning face against his neck, hiding from him. “I would do a year’s worth of detention just for five minutes of eating you out.”
“S-Siri-” you stutter when his hands move to pull your underwear to the side, his usually cold fingers rubbing into your sopping folds. “Please” you cry quietly, holding onto his shoulders.
He hums, his fingers finding your entrance and slowly pushing them inside of you, and they slip easily due to your wetness. “I’ve made you a mess, baby?” he teases, but you nod nonetheless, head on his shoulder as you watch his hands work on your cunt, with teary eyes.
“Messy,” your bottom lip wobbles, hating being messy when you feel so vulnerable.
“Yeah, baby” he pumps his fingers forcefully, causing you to jolt from time to time, your cunt way too sensitive from his slow but hard thrusts. “Your cunt’s so messy, my love. All swollen, with your juices dripping onto my trousers.”
One of his fingers inches up to rub at your clit, your hole clenching around his fingers as he does so. “I-It’s so good, Siri” you whimper into his neck, leaving little wet kisses all over his scented skin. “I- Gonna cum soon..” your breathing gets heavier with every pump of his fingers, tears rolling down your cheeks like waterfalls as you try to hold back from cumming yet.
Sirius smirks against your cheek, solely focusing on making you cum before he does, even though you’ve not touched him yet. “Gotta hurry up, yeah? Cum f’me so I can cum for you, puppy. You wanna get my cum?” he taunts, desperate himself, and you nod desperately, panting and writhing on top of him as he keeps your legs secured around his waist.
“C-Cum... Cum now, Siri..” you tell him alarmedly, barely even breathing as you clench around his fingers, moving up and down on them, at the same time as his thrusts, helping you ride out your orgasm.
“Siri!” you yelp as you finally come down from your high, but Sirius keeps thrusting into you, reluctantly pulling his fingers out only to wrap his lips around them, moaning at your taste. “That’s yucky! You can’t-”
“I can’t?” he challenges, an eyebrow raised in question. You gulp slightly, chewing on your bottom lip, “I- Yes you can I’m so sorry-”
He chuckles and you stop talking, looking at him with wide eyes, “S’alright, dovie. I was just teasing.”
Your face softens and you lean back into his warmth, wrapping your arms around his torso as his holds your waist. You hesitate to ask him something you’ve been dying to, but the words leave your mouth before your mind can process it, “Can you please fuck me now?”
Your question is so obscene but you say it so innocently, that it makes his pants tighten around his cock, his pants forming a barrier between his painfully hard cock and your cunt.
“Yeah? You still want that?” he tries to tease you but you can hear the excitement bubbling in his stomach, and his wide grin that gives it away.
“Mhm. Yes, Siri, please. Please give me your cock” you beg pathetically, finally pulling away from him so he is able to see your puppy eyes and pouty lips.
You shudder as Sirius moves violently, trying and pulling on his zipper, one of his hands still holding your thigh so you can’t fall from his lap. “Fucking hell” he murmurs when he finally pushes it all the way down, his cock springing free, touching up to your belly.
“S’so pretty.. your cock” you murmur dreamily and your pointer finger traces the tip gently, leaving him to shudder after every little touch.
“You just have to- put it inside now” his voice is strained, his cock red as your fingers dance across it gently, the little touches making goosebumps arise.
You hum, your hole clenching around positively nothing as you move up on your knees, the tip of Sirius’ cock brushing against your clit. “Oh-” you whimper at the delicious friction, Sirius trying desperately to keep himself from thrusting up into you at once.
“Put it in, or are you that dumb you can’t even do that?” his words are harsh and they bring tears to your eyes, your chin wobbling as you lower yourself down onto his cock, it stretching you out and leaving you gasping as your heart pounds against your ribcage.
Sirius’ mouth falls open as loud moans escape from it, his painted nails digging into your hips as he grounds you, keeping his cock as deep inside of you as it can get. “Fuck, puppy” he moans loudly as he keeps you pressed against his balls, thrusting hard into you, only trying to get much deeper than he already is.
“Siri,” you whine helplessly, overwhelmed with the pleasure he is giving you as your hands grip his biceps.
His balls slap against your hole continuously and you cannot help but clench around him ever since you’ve lowered yourself on his cock. It feels like such a bliss, that you cannot say much, your moans and whines and whimpers being the only sounds you can make.
Sirius refuses to pull out just a bit before he can push in again, and instead, he keeps forcing himself inside of you, your walls fluttering against his rock-hard cock.
His cold fingertips are on your breasts, kneading softly, as he gazes lovingly up at you, his low moans mixing with your desperate gasps, and he feels like he can stay like this forever.
“I like this” you whimper when you feel his hands pulling on your sensitive buds, and squeezing them between his skilled fingers. Sirius’ smirk grows wider, and he feels himself nearing his own end when your hand reaches behind you, softly cradling his balls, soft fingertips grazing his sensitive area.
He can hear your breathing picking up, and his does as well.
“Will you come for me, dolly?” he asks and you nod, eyes teary as he hits just the right spot. “Hey, hey. That’s alright, sweetness. You can cum, I’ve got you.”
Then, with a promise and a few sweet words from the one and only, you tighten around Sirius’ shaft as he keeps thrusting into you at a mind-blowing pace. Sirius pulls you down against his chest rather roughly, his hands wrapping tightly around your back. He reconnects his lips with yours, and he hungrily devours the obscene yet most angelic sounds you’re making.
Before he can feel you relax against him, Sirius spills his cum into you with a loud moan, throwing his head back as your lips find his neck, kissing and sucking and licking every little part of the exposed skin. He keeps thrusting into you a few more times after that, his legs weak, so you decide to help him out and bounce on his cock yourself, feeling another orgasm build up already.
Sirius chuckles breathlessly as he looks back up at you, a wide smile gracing his lips. “Such a good girl, baby. Keep doing that, come on.”
You beam at the praise, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on Sirius’ cheek, that positively warms his heart.
“Are you leaving me?” you ask anxiously as your head snaps up from the pillow, your head turning towards Sirius who is standing, a soft smile on his face.
“No- No, sweetheart. I brought you my shirt... I would’ve brought clothes from your dorm but- You wouldn’t have seemed too fond of that either” he chuckles as he reveals your naked form from underneath the covers, helping you put it on before he sets you back on the bed, covering you once again.
After dressing himself as well, Sirius gets down under the covers with you, his chest pressing against your back as his arm wraps around your body from behind.
“Get some rest, honey.”
“But I just wanna talk about this—”
“And we will, yeah? Tomorrow” he assures with a kiss to your shoulder, nosing at your skin. “We’ll have a nice — maybe romantic — date by the lake, just the two of us. And then we can talk how much you want us to.”
Your heart starts beating rapidly when he mentions the word ‘date’. The Sirius Black wants to take you out on a date.
As if reading your thoughts, but really feeling your heartbeat against his hand, Sirius smirks against your shoulder. “Goodnight, doll.”
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inalandofsadclowns · 10 months
When Arthur complained about his knights and Merlin offered his help and Arthur thought Merlin wanted to become a knight, we remember that, right? Because that's how that exchange went:
Merlin: Well, I think I might be able to help.
Arthur: You, Merlin? You haven't the faintest idea what it takes to become a knight. Courage, fortitude, discipline.
Yeah, fascinating. He gives this list of virtues: courage, fortitude, discipline, but completely misses the main reason why Merlin couldn't be a knight:
Later in the episode we're introduced to the First Code of Camelot, according to which exclusively those of noble blood can become knights.
The king's rule – the obvious reason. The easy way to put an end to a hypothetical argument before it even began. Everyone could understand this, nothing personal, no hard feelings.
Arthur, instead, starts listing all these qualities, two of which he himself has admitted that Merlin actually possesses.
Seriously, "man has got balls" is the impression Arthur repeatedly keeps getting about Merlin since their first meeting. He went against his own father because Merlin deserved the gesture for his bravery. Also Merlin apparently thinks and moves fast enough to pull Arthur from the way of a knife, when Arthur himself failed to react and move in time. Then what is fortitude, if not the willingness to get burnt at the stake for Gwen or drinking poison for Arthur? Discipline is questionable with Merlin, though as far as Arthur was aware, Merlin can polish an entire set of armor by himself in a night and learn to put them on, if he sets his mind to it. Meaning that Arthur can't even say with his whole heart that Merlin has no discipline.
Nah, at this point he's straight out lying to himself about his servant. For some reason believing he's useless makes it easier. Meanwhile he's not even having his own words, look how serious his tone was- He didn't even laught at Merlin. *I* would have laughed, if I though early seasons Merlin all of a sudden wanted to wear armor and wield a sword. From Arthur, one would expect a reaction like in ep1 when Merlin threw off his jacket to fight. It's the fact that by ep5, Arthur, under the surface, was so shocked by Merlin's courage and other obscure abilities that he did not even ridicule him at the proposal of knighthood. That answer was the same "you're a coward" which will soon become Arthur's usual part of the banter.
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