#also dang i never realized how many 's'-names are in this show
Headcannons I have for the 2012 TMNT brothers
Warnings: none
Some of these things might contradict some small things in the plot, I've been rewatching as much as I can of this show and some of my knowledge of the show also comes from when I was younger and watched the show
Tags: Tiny bits of Angst, Fluff, Brotherly Bonding, No Beta-we die like Master Splinter,
He only drinks water and tea, man's never had any soda or anything in his life, claims it's "unhealthy" and "would ruin his physice"
He doesn't take many breaks, so his brothers have to either convince him or force him to rest or relax, he always protests but he's grateful for his brothers
He only listens to traditional Japanese music or Rock music, no in-between
Can't get through the day without making atleast one Space Hero's reference (can't remember the name of the show)
Feels guilty about every unsuccessful mission, even if it's not his fault
He has a tendency of waking up in the middle of the night to check on his brothers, with all the nightmares and guys they have to fight, he gets concerned about what may happen, so he checks on them alot
Dude feels like absolute SHIT when he gets yelled at by shredder, wether it be his own fault or the team's fault, he just feels like he should have been better and he sulks in his room everytime
Sometimes he likes to listen to Donnie, sometimes he understands what he's talking about (if Donnie dumbs it down a bit), he does like to hear about what new things he's made to benefit the team
Every so often, he likes to help Mikey plan a prank on Ralph just for the hell of it, and it's even funnier because Mikey always gets the blame
Sometimes when he sleeps, he likes to be in his shell, there isn't any reason, he just feels safe in there
Most of his brothers are pretty good at speaking Japanese, he is pretty much fluent in it
He knows sign language, he got bored one day and decided to learn it, he tells himself that if there is anyone with a hearing or speaking disability or anything like that, that he'll be ready and prepared to help them
He always thinks of others before himself, even if it costs him
He has a bunch of quotes taped up on his walls, some are kinda cringe, but some are actually pretty dang good quotes
One song he related to alot is "No Pressure" from Encanto, you'll never guess why
He gets nightmares alot more than his brothers, only Leo and Master Splinter know about it
He tried to get into Leo's Space Hero's show, but he got to annoyed at the nervous side character and gave up trying
He made Spike a little skull helmet out of cardboard once to "protect him" (even tho he has a shell) but once Mikey discovered it, he accidentally broke it, Raph has never let him live it down
He's got undiagnosed Bipolar disorder, this often makes him feel so confused about his emotions and he often hates how he's feeling because he doesn't understand why he's feeling that way
As much as he didn't trust Leatheface, he related to him alot, having an anger you can't control
Raph has had many nightmares of his anger getting in the way of him protecting his brothers and it scares him all the time, Master Splinter often has to comfort him and remind him that if he was fully in control of himself, he wouldn't hurt his brothers, angry or not
He wishes he could get a tattoo, but he knows that it would get him an ass whooping, still, if he were allowed to, he would have gotten one of him and Spike on a motorcycle on fire with sunglasses or something
Raph has shitty eyesight, it's one of the reasons he's always squinting (plus the fact he's mostly angry) but he can never find actual glasses with the right prescription in any sewer, or any glasses for that matter, Splinter knows all about this and has trained him extra to help him with this disadvantage
Sometimes he feels bad for hitting Mikey, but only when he realizes that he's hurt him more then he thought, this often leads him to making it up to him in small ways, like, watching him do something dumb, or trying some of his horrible food, he rarely apologizes, so this is his way of apologizing without saying it aloud
Has a problem with misplacing his sais (his weapons) and this often leads him to basically tearing the house apart to look for them...only for Master Splinter to show him where there are (and they were right Infront of him the whole time)
He's super insecure about the fact he's the second shortest turtle, but he won't tell his brothers or else he knows they will make fun of him, but his brothers already know he's insecure about that, they just don't want to get their ass whooped by Ralph
His brothers like to joke that he never had a rebellious phase, but that he was born a rebellious phase
His favorite color isn't actually red, it's actually silver, but his second favorite color is red, he knew he wouldn't be able to get a silver bandana, so he just went with red
He hates the nickname "Don" it kinda sounds weird to him and when his brothers call him that, he cringes on the inside
He's got Undiagnosed OCD, he constantly does little things (like flickering the lights up and down, or tapping on things a certain amount of time, washing his hands a bunch, ect ect) because it makes his mind feel at ease
Because of his OCD, he has alot of intrusive thoughts about dangers that might come to him and his family, which also brings him many nightmares, which is another reason he does alot of the little "rituals" as his brothers like to call them
Dude is VERY superstitious, tends to avoid going under ladders, using an umbrella indoors, and other things, he knows it's silly, but his mind feels alot better when he avoids these things
He likes to read human biology books because he's so fascinated by the human body and how it works
He got his tooth gap when he was first practicing the bo staff, he was trying to make it spin really fast, and it hit him straight in the face, right where he got his first grown up tooth, poor guy
He's the most flexible of the turtles, the others don't know this cause he doesn't like to show off
He strangely enjoys yoga, when he doesn't have any ideas of what to make, he'll do a couple poses with some calm music before he comes up with an idea
This man felt like he went to HEAVEN when he figured out about caffeine, it's really hard to get your hands on coffee when you live in the sewers, but he tries to find ways of getting some, or some kind of energy drink
He needs the caffeine, especially with how late he stays up, Master Splinter has said it's bad for him before, but he doesn't listen
He's terrified of being picked up by his face again, so he made a helmet specifically for his face....it broke within the first seconds of having it and his face got picked up and shaken like a rag doll again...
Undiagnosed ADHD
Due to his undiagnosed ADHD, people think he's dumb, but he can be pretty clever when he wants to
He has little freckles every where, and sometimes he likes to play connect the dots with them
He may seem dumb, but he's actually amazing at math, he doesn't see it as a problem and solution, he sees math as a pattern or a puzzle
He likes to put stickers on his shells sometimes when he finds stickers
When he tried some of Donnie's coffee, everyone thought he was gonna explode or be over hyper (even tho he's already over hyper), and they all tried to quarantine him away from them so he wouldn't break anything, but they were all super shocked to see that he mellowed out due to his Undiagnosed ADHD
Some of his stims include: swinging his nun-chucks in circles, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, tapping in rhythms, making strange sounds or repeating small phrases, bouncing up and down, waving his arms all around, ect ect
He feels like he's the black sheep of the family since they all think differently than him, but alot of times, he tells himself it's cause he's so superior that they all can't catch up with him
Very confident and enthusiastic
He doesn't like tea, and calls it "dirty leaf water"
He uses his bandana like a napkin sometimes, so it has random stains in it that he can't get out
He's got dimples
He's very touch starved, he's so used to people bonking him on the head, that when he receives positive affection, he gets really happy
Whenever he gets overstimulated, he hides in his shell, his brothers think he's being lazy and sleeping, but sometimes Donnie or Master Splinter will bring him water or food, they don't understand why Mikey does this, but they do care for him and want to help
He absolutely hates the winter, it's to icy for skateboarding and he slips all the time
One of his dreams is to finally surf, but since he's a turtle, he can't, but he can have dreams
He's an amazing dancer and can dance to anything, he could even bust a move to Beethoven or the Nutcracker if he wanted to
He loves graffiti, sometimes when he finds old spray paint cans with some paint in them, he makes the most of them and uses it to make some of the coolest art you've ever seen
He unironically calls everyone 'bro' or 'dude' regardless of gender or species
He could talk all day about the ideas he has, they aren't very good ideas, but they're ideas
He doesn't know his lefts from his rights and often has to do the holding up the fingers thing, worst part of it is, sometimes he forgets which way an L is
He has terrible short term memory, but absolutely amazing long term memory, he can't tell you what he ate 2 seconds ago, but he can dang well tell you one of the storys Master Splinter read to him when he was super young
King of memes, constantly has a 'Boufa', 'updog', 'deez', or 'sugontheez' joke ready
He mumbles in his sleep and it's the funniest thing ever, he says just random shit, sometimes he doesn't even say coherent sentences
Once made a "that's what she said" joke, but he doesn't understand what it means and he said it at a time when it didn't make any sense
All of Them
They all have little tails
They are all box turtles without the markings
They all need therapy
They all need a hug
They all can and do go into their shells
They have all broken atleast 2 bones or more in their body
They all were homeschooled by Master Splinter
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I hope you enjoyed this! 👾💜
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
Satsuki meta anon here again, apologies, but I was reading some meta that you wrote surrounding Soichiro/Isshin and his relatively necessity to abandon both his daughters, and wanted to contribute my own thoughts on the matter, specifically around the matter of difference of the nature of how alone both of them are. You nailed it completely with Ryuko. Isshin left Ryuko alone, wounded by his severance of their closeness in her early years and making it nearly impossible to bond with others. But-
-my reading of Satsuki’s situation is one of equal isolation, if of a different kind. Soichiro introduced her to a world where she can’t even trust her own mother, usually one of the, if not the most, strongest bonds a child could have at that age. Coupled with the fact that she was likely taught early on that being a child of a family with the wealth and power meant that people would try and use her for a piece of that, and you have a recipe for a grieving child incapable of trust without major investments of time and effort and frankly, some testing. 
Soroi is in the employ of the family, paid by the family to serve Satsuki. In the beginning, while she accepted his attempts to comfort her via tea and an introduction of one of her closest friends, its very likely that she didn’t trust him right away even if she desperately wanted to bc of how closely money could play a part in that kind of trust. Yes Soichiro asked Soroi to look after her, but is that something he could have easily conveyed to her at that junction and have her believe it? I think the trust they attained by the time Satsuki went to middle school was very hard earned on Soroi’s part. 
When it comes to Nonon, the light novel confirms that she didn’t find Satsuki interesting until she was very deeply troubled, a change that Satsuki very likely noticed the difference in her interest beyond that of two children of powerful families associating together. They may have been friends since preschool, but arguably Satsuki did not trust her until Nonon followed her away from a school that suited Nonon’s tastes and into a rougher one. Iori likely suffered from being placed in a similar boat as Soroi, not to be trusted for the sake of his uncle’s employment until proof otherwise (obviously earned as well, considering just how central Iori was to her plans and inner circle). 
While Ryuko was utterly alone because of a broken ability to bond from separation anxiety turned to abandonment issues, Satsuki found herself alone among others who might very well sell her out for power or money, regardless of their true intentions. Both are very isolating situations. And I’d argue that trusting people with plans and secrets and perhaps your life are markedly different than fully entrusting your heart to them, which has been played up by the anime as a large difference between Ryuko and Satsuki. Where Ryuko opens her heart to Mako and Senketsu, Satsuki’s heart remains closed still until far later.
In fact, because of this, Ragyo saying ‘give your heart over to me’ (Netflix subs, I think I’ve seen it translated as ‘entrust your heart to me’ as well) has always stood out to me as understanding Satsuki doesn’t trust like that, which is what separates her from Nui and Rei. 
Apologies for the length of this, and that I keep doing this your inbox, but this interpretation has been sitting inside of me since 2014. 
Oh my goodness, Anon!
I hope this doesn’t come off wrong, but I think you really ought to be posting these analyses under your own name. You deserve credit for your excellent work! As much as I’m thrilled that someone would want to discuss these topics at such length with me—seriously, you do not have to apologize at all for engaging with my content so much because that is literally my goal—I feel that you should also be getting recognition for what you do. I know how much time and effort goes into writing stuff like this.
Of course, I do understand that there are valid reasons to wish to be anonymous. I just want to say that these are good, detailed posts that could stand very well on their own, without any input from me.
Regarding my input here, these asks remind me of a line from “KILL la KILL Digest -Naked Memories by Aikuro Mikisugi-,” a quick recap “episode” that was included as a DVD/Blu-ray extra. Narrated by Aikuro, the short briefly explains the entire plot of Kill la Kill and then sets up the OVA with its final lines: “As for Satsuki Kiryuin, who led such an intense life ever since she could remember, totally alone… What kind of clothes will she choose to wear from now on? That’s the one thing that intrigues me.”
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As you might expect, I always disagreed with the sentiment of Satsuki being “totally alone.” In the tags of one post, I even wrote, in response, “Nah man you’re thinking of Ryuko” and, “Satsuki had Soroi and Shiro and her Elite Four.” As I argued in the essay that you’re probably referring to, Isshin/Soichiro left Ryuko alone—and drj2008 even opened me up to the idea that he perhaps very purposely created and utilized Ryuko’s loneliness so that she would be so desperate for love that she’d bond more easily with Senketsu—but Isshin/Soichiro did at least assure that Satsuki would always have someone by her side when he told Soroi to look after her.
And I think that’s the key point of difference here. I’d never before considered that Soroi would need to gain Satsuki’s trust because I assumed he had it from the very start. My interpretation was that Soroi had to be a dear, close friend of Soichiro for Soichiro to ever ask him to look after Satsuki, and Satsuki—who adored her father, arguably to a troubling degree—wouldn’t question her father’s judgment. From the moment Soroi and Satsuki met, I believed that she would know, just by understanding Soroi’s relation to her father, that Soroi was someone to be trusted.
But I see now that my reading makes a lot of assumptions. Who knows when exactly Soroi told Satsuki that Soichiro had asked him to look after her? Satsuki might have been informed that Soroi was her father’s choice in some way (which is… actually quite curious, honestly), and Soroi might have told her that he knew everything early on, but you’re right—we don’t really know. I think your reading is very fair.
Concerning Nonon, I agree completely. I found Nonon’s part in the light novel to be absolutely tragic. Talking about the story, I once said, “It just shows how Satsuki did not trust Nonon at all.” Nonon was head-over-heels infatuated with Satsuki, but Satsuki didn’t even bother to tell Nonon when she was moving schools. That’s the exact opposite of trust.
I swear I don’t normally talk about my fanfiction in my essays as much as I have been in these responses, but I explored Satsuki and Nonon’s dynamic in a short Satsunon Roman Empire AU. In my piece, Nonon learns that Satsuki is going away by hearing some chatter, and to prove to Satsuki that she’s worth trusting, she runs to Satsuki before Satsuki leaves, declaring that she’s coming with no matter what. At the end of the fic—and this is the relevant part here—Satsuki meets with Nonon again after the world has been saved, and Satsuki finally opens her heart up, noting that she wants Nonon by her side, as a friend and equal, and she’s done with being treated as a goddess to be worshipped.
And I think that’s a big thing you’re touching on here, Anon. Satsuki may have had all these people around her, but many of them considered her to be something more than human. And that is lonely. It’s difficult to reveal your insecurities and doubts and fears to someone who sees you as a god. After all, they’re probably not going to listen; they think you’re “above” all that. Satsuki was very much isolated, just like Ryuko.
However, I still disagree with Aikuro’s assertion that Satsuki was “totally alone,” mainly due to Soroi. Regardless of how long Satsuki took to open up to Soroi, I think she most certainly had trusted him with her heart at least by the events of the series. The moment where the two converse about Soroi’s tea in episode 17 is probably the most telling example within the show itself; Satsuki smiles genuinely for Soroi and even reveals her hidden emotions, readily admitting that she may have been more compassionate in the past.
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I can’t definitively say how much Satsuki let Shiro or the Elite Four in, but Soroi? There is complete and total trust here. And while I dislike comparing Soroi to Senketsu because I feel this too easily lends itself to the interpretation that Senketsu is a father figure to Ryuko (which is my absolute least favorite reading of Kill la Kill and one that I consider to be a complete and total misreading of the text #PleaseStopSenketsuIsRyuko’sDadTheories2k19), I do have to admit that Soroi is, for the majority of the anime, the one person whom Satsuki seems to truly be herself with, just as Senketsu is for Ryuko. 
Concerning the episode 17 scene mentioned above, I think it’s also pretty telling that Satsuki’s moment with Soroi occurs just after an intimate conversation between Ryuko and Senketsu that the script even emphasizes as a heart-to-heart that Ryuko deliberately wanted to have with Senketsu and Senketsu alone. Sure, I’ve argued in the past that the real connection between the scenes comes from Ryuko’s later chat with Aikuro and the fact that both Aikuro and Satsuki are discussing Soichiro/Isshin, but it’s also true that both Ryuko and Satsuki have very vulnerable, humanizing moments here. Soroi knows Satsuki’s heart, and she reveals it to him, just as Ryuko (quite literally!) shares her heart with Senketsu.
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Of course, I think it’s clear that Ryuko’s relationship with Senketsu is one among peers while Soroi takes on a fatherly role for Satsuki in the place of Soichiro, but Soroi is still someone whom Satsuki trusts with her whole heart and soul. As pointed out, it may very well be true that Satsuki didn’t have that kind of trust in Soroi immediately, but I figure it can’t have taken too terribly long for the relationship between them to become close. After all, as noted in the aforementioned episode 17 scene, even young Satsuki smiled for Soroi when she had stopped smiling at school. Satsuki wasn’t being genuine, yes, but she was still breaking her hard guise for Soroi, and 18-year-old Satsuki is even surprised that she wasn’t honest back then, implying that she feels they’ve been as close as they are since practically the beginning.
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I know this got terribly long, but I don’t at all disagree that Satsuki had also been subjected to an isolating situation. It is lonesome to feel, as outlined in an early advertisement introducing Satsuki’s character, that “humans are clothes-wearing pigs” whom she must “dominate,” “rule over,” and “destroy,” all while “relying on no one.” It is awful to believe that you have to do everything all alone, without sharing your true self with anyone.
And it’s sad, too! Satsuki’s struggles to truly trust others lead her to inadvertently hurt the people she cares about, and there’s something especially tragic about how Satsuki used and manipulated her own sister—whom Satsuki was fighting for all along!—rather than tell the girl the truth and trust her. As I’ve written in the past, “While Satsuki is not truly against Ryuko, her plan prevents them from being close. The thought of Satsuki fills Ryuko with hatred… when they could have been allies and friends. Satsuki’s tired, sad frown as Ryuko returns to normal [after going berserk in episode 12], juxtaposed with the Mankanshoku family’s shock and Nui’s bemusement, does well in hinting that maybe Satsuki wishes she had Mako’s power herself… and she’s sorry that she doesn’t.”
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But more than all this, even Ryuko points out how alone Satsuki is after fighting Satsuki to a draw in episode 15. Ryuko only gets as far as she does by putting her complete and utter faith in Senketsu—and notably here, she follows through with his strategy even without knowing exactly what he intends to do—and she recognizes that Satsuki… doesn’t bond like that.
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In pushing a point like this, I think the show definitely wants viewers to notice that Satsuki is stuck in a hard, isolating situation where she feels she can’t entrust her heart to anyone.
But I think the show also wants viewers to notice that Satsuki is more than capable of loving and trusting in the same way that Ryuko does. Ryuko doesn’t have a clue about someone like Soroi when she accuses Satsuki of being by herself, and as I’ve emphasized all throughout this monster of a post, I wholeheartedly believe that at least Soroi had fully earned Satsuki’s trust, even if it took a moment. Satsuki just about always had someone she felt safe with, whereas Ryuko… lost all that when her father abandoned her and didn’t find it again until she met the Mankanshokus and Senketsu. There’s a reason that one of Ryuko’s defining features is her loneliness, pointed out in her character introduction with the line, “Ever since I could remember, I was alone,” in her (and Senketsu’s) theme song “Before my body is dry” with lines like, “But I’m all alone,” and, “Don’t wanna be all alone,” in her fantasy world in episodes 20-21, and even by the cast, such as when the Mankanshokus note that Ryuko has to be super lonely to talk to her clothes or when even Ragyo tells Satsuki to go join her “lonely little sister” in death.
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Ryuko gets a lot of heat for not being as strong as Satsuki upon learning her true origins, but I argue that you can’t really blame her. Even if Satsuki closed off her heart to most people, she undoubtedly grew up with a support system that Ryuko did not have until practically adulthood. Satsuki manages to keep her head up and carry on not only because of her immeasurable resolve and ambition, but also because she has a lifetime of love and support. Satsuki is not as alone as Ryuko claims (and I’d really like the Satsuki-centric Kill la Kill the Game: IF to elaborate on Ryuko understanding as much), and I feel that Soroi is genuinely an unsung hero of Kill la Kill. Could Satsuki have been nearly as strong without his influence?
I guess this is maybe a bit off topic, though.
In any case, I definitely agree that Satsuki struggled to open her heart to others, and I definitely agree that this is a hard, sad, awful place to be in. Part of what makes Satsuki’s team-up with Senketsu near the end of the series so sweet to me is that it is here that Satsuki really begins to open up. She doesn’t look down on Senketsu, she acknowledges his feelings, and in a cut moment from the script, she even outright tells him to wear her, thereby fully and completely trusting him to work with her and save Ryuko. Senketsu noting that his and Satsuki’s “hearts are as one” in episode 21 is one of the most heartwarming things in the entire anime when you consider everything that Satsuki has gone through. She’s been afraid to trust and afraid to show her true self to anyone, and yet… to save her sister, she opens up her heart to someone she had once considered evil and incapable of love.
And after this? Satsuki, despite saying in her introduction that she will be “bowing down to no one,” bows down to Ryuko.
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And she smiles openly.
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She laughs.
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Satsuki was absolutely stuck in this lonesome, isolating position. But just like Ryuko, she gets out of it—and just like Ryuko, it’s so incredibly, incredibly sweet that she does.
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can.... can we get a cast for your zoologist Trek show?
I don't have names for them but here we go! This is kind of long, so I'm putting the characters under a cut.
The ship is called the USS Frontiersman. It works mostly in deep space, studying new forms of life on newly discovered planets. Crew compliment of 160. 50 exozoologists, 50 exobotanists, 20 environmentalists (including geologists and atmospheric experts). The remaining 40 crew members are engineers, security officers, helmsman, and the captain and first officer. I'm not positive on the time period this is set during, but it's at least at a point where there's not much conflict between Cardassia and the Federation.
Captain: She's a 40-year-old Engineer who never expected to make captain. Finding out she was being offered a command was the best day of her life. The worst day of her life was the next day, when she stepped on board and realized it was an exobiology ship filled with eccentrics. She slept through her required exobiology course so she has no idea what any of her crew members are talking about. She's basically that babysitter who's charges are all extremely passionate about things she doesn't understand and the parents have asked her to drive them around to local museums and science learning centers while the kids yell in the backseat about who's topic of interest is better.
First Officer: She's a 30-year-old who went through the academy on the command route and was known for being an excellent pilot. Has less knowledge of exobiology than the captain. The two of them keep trying to push interpersonal conflicts to be solved off on one another because neither of them understand what anyone's talking about enough to truly help solve the issue and, frankly, they're both a little frightened of the ferocity of their crew.
Head Engineer: Bajoran who actually did pay attention in biology and, while she's a little confused, she's eager to learn about what the others are prattling on about and is an excellent listener. She tries her best to translate for the non-exobiologist crew members, especially the captain and first officer. She was married (spouse died. tragically) and has a daughter that follows her around engineering. Everyone loves the kid and tries to convince her to study whatever their area of expertise is. Later in the show, when she's a little older, she decides to go the command route at Starfleet and become a pilot, much to the crew's dismay. The First Officer is absolutely tickled.
Chief Medical Officer(s): The Frontiersman actually has 2 chief medical officers; a doctor and a veterinarian. Yes, this is terribly inefficient and yes, they constantly butt heads. The vet is a young human woman from Ohio with a dry sense of humor and a penchant for snark. The doctor is a young human male from Michigan with a dry sense of humor and a penchant for snark. They absolutely hate each other until the day they realize that they are actually in love with each other and all of their arguments have been attempts to deny their attraction. Both of them are absolutely disgusted that they could fall in love with someone so... so... infuriating gosh dang it. They try to continue denying their feelings for each other because they are from rival states and they constantly fight over jurisdiction in the medbay for new species. One day, however, one of their most heated arguments ends in a passionate kiss and they stop fighting their feelings (but not each other).
From there, the rest of the crew is divided up under chiefs of specific taxonomical divisions. Sometimes a division will only have 1 scientist, other times it has a whole crew of people. Depends on the frequency of that type of living thing appearing. Most divisions only have 3 people; a chief and two junior officers. Not every chief is featured in the show because that would be too many characters, so just the ones that are considered part of the senior staff, which were selected by Starfleet at the time of commission based on training.
Chief of Feliformia: She's a hotheaded Betazoid in her mid 30's who spends her free time boxing on the holodeck. She argues a lot with the Chief of Canidae, but they still have breakfast together every morning to trade ship gossip. She wrestles with PTSD and anxiety, which she hides under a layer of bravado. Surprisingly enough, the only person she really feels comfortable opening up to about her past is the Chief of Canidae, because, despite all of their banter about cats vs dogs, they're her closest friend and she appreciates their blunt honesty.
Chief of Canidae: They're a Trill in their mid 30's who's passionate to the point of poetry about dog-like creatures. They're host to a younger symbiont, and they're one of the shortest people on the ship. They also only really open up to the Chief of Feliformia for similar reasons; the blunt honesty. Their relationship is strictly platonic (and I mean actually platonic, not whatever the VOY writers were trying to sell to us about Janeway and Chakotay).
Chief of Rodentia: He's a 70-year-old Bajoran/Cardassian. His mother defected from the Cardassian army to be with his father and the two of them raised him on earth where he raised pet rats. He always has about 7 various rodents tucked into his lab coat. He is a neat freak about his lab space and refuses to let anyone into his area unless they have completely scrubbed up and promise not to touch his PADD stack. Part of his particularity about his lab comes from the fact that he faced a lot of public ridicule due to his mixed heritage when he was young and so he's naturally very defensive of everything he does and owns.
Chief of Chiroptera: She's a twenty-something Half Vulcan-Half Betazoid who was raised on Betazed. Her Vulcan mother was the Vulcan ambassador on Betazed, and her work made her somewhat absent so, while she has enough of a restraint on her emotions not to be violent or aggressive, she's also more Betazoid in terms of personality. The combination of telepathic and empathic abilities from her parents has made her sensitive to large crowds, which is why she LOVES working in caves with bats away from other people. The combination of the two species' abilities constantly bombarding her and the need to restrain her Vulcan emotions have also resulted in her having ADD (her attention is being pulled in every direction so focusing on other tasks that don't immediately grasp her interest is SUPER difficult for her). However, she's also incredibly kind, difficult to shock or surprise, and very passionate about her work.
Chief of Reptilia: They're a human in their early 50's, a bit reclusive, and VERY unwilling to let people in their lab. They never show up to a meeting without a snake around their neck. The snake might be venomous. No one knows for sure. Whatever the case; everyone on board is pretty sure the reptile division is actually a cult because they never see anyone from that crew outside of the lab decks.
Chief of Aves: She's human, no one knows her age, and she refuses to wear a standard-issue lab coat, opting instead to wear a tie-die coat that reaches the floor. She speaks in riddles and everyone thinks she's crazy, but she's actually incredibly wise and an excellent listener. She specializes in raptors.
Chief of Livestock: Even though it's not technically a taxonomical order, they have a guy who specializes in studying livestock of alien cultures. No one is sure how old he is, or what his species is, for that matter. He has the calm, level-headedness of a Vulcan, but he always wears a hat so no one sees his ears or eyebrows to know for sure. He might just be a Midwestern farmer, because they can be Like That too. Despite working with livestock, he also never gets injured, so not even the doctor knows. Some people speculate that he's not human OR Vulcan, but some other immortal species, like a Q. This mystery is never solved on the show, but everyone really likes this guy.
Chief Exobotanist: Despite the fact that the plants are divided up into other taxonomical species, they all report to one Chief Botanist because the plant department is a lot more efficient and interconnected than the animal departments. Despite this, she's completely overworked and undercaffeinated. However, her workload doesn't stop her from being one of the sweetest and most creative people on board. As to the rest of her character, I defer to @emilie786 , as she is the inspiration for this character!
There are other chiefs who are occasional recurring characters, like the Chief of Aquaculture and the Chief of Amphibians. There are also several junior officers who we get to know a bit that are kind of fun. I'm thinking there's some kind of star-crossed lovers arc going on between someone who works in exobotany and someone who works in exozoology. There's also an overworked head of security who is getting really sick and tired of all the escapee animals he has to track down. I think he might fall in love with the Chief Exobotanist partially because plants don't run away and get into the Jeffries tubes (until they do, of course).
Anyway, if anyone wants to add to this, go for it! I'm open to ideas!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Escaping Expulsion" From The Owl House
Salutations random people on the internet who most likely won’t read this. I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Do you wanna know what I love the most about The Owl House? The writers waste no time getting to the good stuff.
Things like Willow working things out with Amity, Lumity, Lilith's redemption, and Luz's fight with Belos are stuff that most shows would drag out and wait upon using until several seasons down the line. Most of them for the final season. And yet, it all happens in the first! The writers somehow knew what the fans exactly wanted and gave them just that before they even had to ask.
Take "Escaping Expulsion," for example, as it has some great plot points and ideas I thought would happen later in the season and maybe even near the end. But it's only episode TWO of the new season, and I'm appreciative of it for that reason alone.
But explaining the good stuff this episode delivers requires spoilers, so if you haven't watched the episode yet (even though you definitely have at this point), I recommend that you do so. Now let's review, shall we?
Blight Industries: Huh. I'll be the first to admit: I would have never expected that the main reason why the Blights are rich is because of their technological advancements. Large in part of how the Boiling Isles is a fantasy world, and rarely do you see technology taking place in a setting such as that. Still, points for total expectation subversion added with some pretty cool tech, I might add.
Odalia Blight: It's nice to put a face to the name I've grown to hate with a fiery passion. Now I can update my dartboard!
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But to tell you the truth, it feels weird saying I like someone so vile. I mean, the woman is a manipulative, smarmy b-word who nearly killed Luz. Anybody who does that last part deserves to go on my s**t list! I despise her with the same fiery passion I've had since "Understanding Willow" premiered...and it's that reason why I like her.
Because here's the thing: Characters and people are two different things. If Odalia existed in real life, she better hope that I never meet her. But as a character whose purpose is to have the audience hate her, she succeeds with flying colors. It's the same reason why I consider it unfair to hate an episode like "Something Ventured and Someone Framed" because Mattholomule exists. I get it but understand that hating him is his purpose. It's the same with Odalia. I love her, but only because I love to hate her.
Alador Blight: Wow. I guess Alador really is the lesser of two evils.
By the way, keep in mind that I said "lesser of two evils" and not "the nice one." I don't care how adorable it is to see him get distracted by a butterfly. He's still an abusive figure who stood aside as Luz fought for her life against the Abomitron and still goes along with Odalia's plans despite how heinous they are. And whenever I remember how he treated Amity in "Understanding Willow" as well--
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Also, don't make him neurodivergent so he can seem redeemable. It is painfully obvious that he is just exhausted after hours of toiling away in his lab working on his inventions to the point that his brain is beyond fried.
Now, seeing that I've dismissed the argument about how Alador is the nice one, let's actually talk about his character. Because I can see what Dana Terrace meant when she said that he's interesting. He's not explicitly as awful as Odalia, as he mostly seems to be in his own little world half the time. Despite that, Alador still shows signs of being just as dismissive of Amity in general. You see this as he focuses on how her strength shows signs of Amity being a potential coven leader instead of noticing how his daughter nearly died to his own invention. Alador doesn't manipulate, but he doesn't love his daughter in a way a father should either. I'm very intrigued by this route for his character, and I can't wait to see what is done next with him.
Amity’s Amulet: My heart sank when I realized the true purpose behind Amity's amulet. The thought that Odalia found a way to literally be in Amity's head at all times...I hate that. I mean, I love it because it's A+ storytelling and symbolism, BUT I F**KING HATE IT!
Amity in General: And seeing how we're already talking about Amity, let's dive into the fact that "Escaping Expulsion" is easily her best outing so far in the series. I say this because it really puts to the test Amity's dedication to being a part of the group. You can tell by her expressions and Mae Whitman's performance that Amity so desperately wants to help her friends, but she can't due to being afraid of her mother's wrath. Which doesn't surprise me, given what we know about Odalia so far. But what does surprise me is that Amity stands up to Odalia in this very same episode. I expected it for sure, but most likely at the end of the season, due to most shows dragging out a similar concept for drama's sake. However, as I said, the writers don't waste time giving the fans what they want. So, yeah, Amity defies her mother in the very same episode we're officially introduced to her. And it's totally believable, as Amity has been fighting her parent's control ever since Luz literally showed her the light after "Covention" (click here if you don't believe me). It's yet another impressive showcase of Amity's character development and how she's leagues ahead of other redeemable characters who would go through five more episodes like this before getting to the point.
Luz in General: But enough about Amity. For now, let's talk about the actual best character of the series!
Just like Amity, Luz is on top form in "Escaping Expulsion." She is quick to call 'applesauce' about Odalia and Alador expelling the Hex-Squad and is smart enough to figure out the deal Odalia is worming her way into making. Several people classify Luz as stupid, and while she definitely leaps before she looks at times, this episode proves that Luz isn't going to fall for the sweet talk that someone like Odalia offers. As reckless as she can be, Luz is still intelligent enough to know what someone like Odalia wants and cuts to the chase despite knowing the woman can't be trusted. Still, Luz going through with the deal anyways is fantastic character work for her as it shows her dedication to the people she cares about. It hurts my heart to see Luz get all beat up from Alador's inventions, but her willingness to put up with it for her friends is an act of service I wouldn't have expected from anyone else. "Escaping Expulsion" may be more centered around Amity, but it still proves why Luz earns her spot for one of my favorite characters.
Learning How Glyphs Work: Another solid aspect of The Owl House is that the writers find brilliant ways for world-building and explaining the rules of the Boiling Isles. Take this episode's b-plot, for instance. Eda and Lilith need to learn how to do Luz's version of magic, so having an entire section of the episode dedicated to them figuring it out is a perfect outlet to explain how glyphs work in the first place. Although, I have some tribulations with this subplot that I'll get into with the dislikes. But I still consider this a brilliant workaround to explain glyphs, even if specific executions could be handled better.
The Fairy Pie: Not only is this well-crafted dark humor, and not only is it adorable as hell, but it also shows how Amity has calmed down with her feelings toward Luz. She still blushes when handing over the fairy pie, but it is certainly more subdued in comparison to "Wing it Like Witches." I like to think the time off from her (and our) favorite weirdo helped cool down those emotions a bit, but that doesn't mean she won't get slightly flustered every now and again. Because as much as I adore seeing cool and collective, I'm still very much a fan of Disaster Amity due to how cute it is.
Principle Bump: "This character is underappreciated!"
"That character doesn't get enough love!"
So many kids' shows focus on how educators are the bad guy who treats students poorly because they love seeing children suffer. But that's not Bump! Sure, he made a misstep in "The First Day," but for the most part, he really cares for his students and hopes that they work hard to be their better selves. So when he's forced to send Luz, Gus, and Willow away, he's genuinely saddened by it to the point where he breaks down crying! On top of being wholesome, Bump missing his students is another example that a character shouldn't be written as evil just because they run a school. Sure, there are scumbag teachers and principals out there, but for others, they're a lot like Bump: People who show admiration and respect to their students rather than ridicule because a principle "just doesn't get it." And I appreciate Bump all the more for it.
Gus and Willow: It feels weird that these two basically got sidelined, especially since they have a stake in the plot as well, but it's understandable. "Escaping Expulsion" is clearly more Amity-centered, and with Luz being the main character, it would also be odd if she didn't get more of the focus than her friends. Having them do more would have been great, but what they've already accomplished is pretty decent anyway. They show how much they're on the same page as Luz when trying to figure out a way to sneak back into Hexide, Willow is still the best voice of reason when saying no one will be killed through their plans, and Gus wins the comedic highlights in the episode. While I would have loved that they did more, I'm perfectly fine with what we got. Besides, this is only episode two of Season Two. We got nineteen more episodes to go to focus on these two.
King: Ok, now, this is the version of King I like to see. A character that mocks Eda as if they're equals and acts as a reluctant voice of reason. This episode shows King more at his best and is a major step above what we've seen in "Separate Tides."
Lilith: ...Yeah, f**k it. I like Lilith.
Personally, I would have preferred seeing her dragged through the coals at least a few episodes, but that's judging the show for what I want. Not what it is. And as is...It's fine. Lilith has a great dynamic with the rest of the Owl House, it's honestly adorable seeing her refer to Luz as a teacher, and that scene where she makes presents out of ice for Hooty is all kinds of wholesome. I'd say your enjoyment of Lilith highly depends on how forgiving you are, and if you think her splitting the curse is enough of a gesture, you probably won't mind her as much. The execution of her redemption really could have used more time in the oven, but Lilith is still a decent character regardless, so what's to complain about.
Luz Making the Abomination Have a Cat Face: ...Luz...I f**king missed you.
(Also, I just love that this is all Amity needed to know Luz was in trouble)
Hop Pop Cameo: He's on the cover of one of the books Willow's dad lifts up. Which is extra cute given how Dana Terrace and Matt Braley (creator of Amphibia) are close friends in real life.
Willow’s Dad Pretending Not to See Anything: One single action defines the type of man this guy is. He's the fun and understanding dad!
Gus, Willow, and Amity Arguing How to Break In: This little quarrel just shows how much these three need Luz. Without someone to keep the peace and bring up compromises, these idiots would have just kept arguing all night.
In addition to that, this clash over ideas acts as a showcase for who these characters are. Willow is careful and smart, so she's going for the option more unlikely to get them caught. Amity is brash and to the point, so she's going for the route that gets them inside as soon as possible. And then there's Gus, who's young and naive, so his plan sounds like something out of a cartoon. The odds of any of these plans working are highly debatable, but seeing these characters with clashing personalities and ideas is a ton of fun to watch regardless.
Edric and Emira Helping: There's not much to add here. It's just another sweet scene that makes me so glad that the writers decided to make Ed and Em more like supporting characters than minor antagonists like "Lost in Language" made fans think they would be.
(Amity throwing the "Hex me" signs back at Edric is just the cherry on top).
“Stay away from my Luz!”: ...What the f**k do you want me to say that? It's f**king perfect!
Luz Catching Feelings for Amity: ...Huh. Neat.
...Alright, let's move on.
Luz Wanting to Take a Nap After--Yeah, I can't do it. Not even for the joke.
THIS! This is more of that good s**t I'm talking about! Due to being so used to other shows going for the slow burn when writing the endgame romance, I was expecting Luz to catch feelings halfway through the season, even at the end of it. But near the beginning?! That is something I am more than ok with!
And much like Amity standing up to her parents in this episode, Luz catching feelings this early on is totally believable. Many fans have already analyzed how Luz's love language is "Acts of Service," which I'm somewhat sure is romantic gestures. Meaning that I f**king challenge you to find a grander gesture than holding back a literal killing machine while swooping down like a knight in shining armor! Oh, wait, you can't. BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY!
But by far, the best--the BEST--thing that can come from this is the dramatic irony! We, the audience, know that Luz and Amity like each other, but they don't. So the constant failings as these two fools try to work out their romantic feelings for one another is something I cannot wait to see in all its glory.
This is one of the best things that could have come out of the episode, and while it doesn't mean Lumity is canon, it is definitely closer than ever before. And I'm excited about all of it!
Luz Wanting to Take a Nap After Getting Home: I adore this because there's no one way that this can be interpreted. Either it's because Luz is exhausted after nearly getting killed for the fifteenth time that month, or it's because Luz is overwhelmed about having a crush on Amity...or both. Most likely both.
Belos Wanting The Abomatrons: Wow, what an ominous ending to the episode! I'm sure it won't come into play at all in the future...The season finale is going to hurt, isn't it?
Gus’ Growth Spurt: I mean...that's just weird. Gus suddenly being almost as tall as the others is a change so jarring that I feel like an explanation other than "witch puberty" is required. I get that they wanted to explain away why Issac Ryan Brown's voice got deep this season, 'cause puberty's a b**ch. But sometimes I feel like it's best to just ignore it, like with how Phineas and Ferb or Steven Universe just goes along with the fact that VAs tend to grow up when the characters themselves remain ageless.
Eda is Kinda Stupid in this One: It's not just me, right? Because I feel like Eda is more careful in the past than she is in this episode. She's been as reckless as Luz is at times, sure, but carelessly screwing around with magic when she has no idea how it works? I can maybe see King doing that, but not Eda. Just seeing her act dumber than usual is something that doesn't sit right with me.
Lilith Explaining Her Glyph Magic: I don't mind this. Glyph magic is pretty confusing, so having Lilith explain how it works to Eda and the audience is something I can understand. My issue, however, lies in how they did this.
Why, in the name of all that is holy, would Lilith explain her theory after the fact. It would be much more natural if she explained while saving King, but doing it after comes across as more forced than it should. Which is a shame because this series is usually on point when explaining how things work in the Boiling Isles.
And...That's about all the complaints I have with this episode. Which are nothing but nitpicks and possibly personal preferences.
If I'm willing to forgive and forget, I would give "Escaping Expulsion" a well-earned A+. But I'm not, so it's going to be another solid A. And, I mean, if you complain about that...there's something wrong with you.
"Escaping Expulsion" delivers on quite a bit of what fans want to see on top of giving these great character moments that show why we love these casts of oddballs and weirdos. I wouldn't say it reached perfection, but it still carries the winning streak that this new season has so far. Meaning there's no escaping the fact that Season Two is off to a better start than the first.
(Although, the fact that we got two solid As in a row means that we're in for a stinker real soon, doesn't it?)
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sepublic · 4 years
Campfire, Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes, Hey Ho Whoa!
           AMELIA IS BACK BABY!!!
           Let me tell you, when I first saw her, I had to do a double-take… Like the way the characters just so casually passed her, I blinked and was like- Wait, was what Amelia?!? And then I realized it was, and I just… WHAT!
           I was a bit afraid we wouldn’t see her, but it seems that she’s our NEW fourth companion, to replace Tuba… RIP to Tuba, you had a good funeral, and given the trajectory this season is going as of now, we… Really won’t see you again, huh?
           Screw you Simon.
           We’ve gotten SO many fascinating revelations in these three episodes… I can’t say I’m surprised at all that Amelia, or at least the revelation of her, would return to help Grace (and maybe Simon) resolve her issues! That was a very neat twist with the massive pile of numbers actually indicating it was AMELIA and her monumental issues, not the Apex! Very clever of the writing team to have us heading towards her the entire time, though it makes me wonder when we’ll get back to the Apex given how we only have TWO episodes left…!
           What’s interesting is that according to Amelia, there’s ‘corrupted code’ in some cars, and apparently this refers to any cars that SHE made while trying to figure out the perfect world? Amelia mentions ‘quarantining’ them, and One-One wants them gone as well… Given what Amelia says about ‘ejecting’ cars, does that mean they’re all transported to the very end of the Infinity Train, and just… thrown off?
           Are there a bunch of cars strewn about somewhere in the wasteland, is there even an END to this Infinity Train??? Or are they all just lumped together and some sort of force-field is placed around them, or some other barrier, to keep the corrupt code from –presumably- infecting the other cars around them?
           It is a bit weird to see One-One insist on getting rid of those cars, though… I hope the denizens inside are okay, especially those corgis! Given his lesson with Tulip about not blaming himself worked, I feel like this is contrary to what he’d learned? Or is he simply allowing those worlds to exist, and remain ‘weird’, while still fixing the corrupted code so it doesn’t spread and disrupt the world of other cars who have their own thing going on? Regardless, as Amelia said… it seems One-One is still working on his issue of viewing passengers as ‘numbers’ to fix, like the cogs of a machine! It seems he’s at least TRYING to be more personable, but, well…
           It seems that Amelia is still working on that sound-motif she’s always had, which is pretty neat! She mentions a ‘pulse’, so I presume it’s sent out from the engine, and when it scans an ‘anomaly’ (AKA anything with corrupted code, including stuff and denizens from the unfinished cars) they’re ejected… Given Amelia mentioning having to quarantine Hazel soon, I imagine this pulse heads out every now and then? Shouldn’t one pulse alone have done the trick, or is there a certain range to them and Amelia has to travel through the cars and activate the pulse from her location, to allow maximum effect?
           Anyhow, Amelia! You know, I mused that Episode 7 of this season would introduce the Book 4 protagonist, given how our previous Episode 7’s worked… Each one established the general idea/setting for our protagonist, as well as a formal introduction! The Chrome Car told us about Lake and her deal with wanting to be her own person, escaping the Flecs… The Mall Car established the Apex and properly introduced us to Simon and Grace…
           So… maybe The Canyon of the Golden Winged Snakes Car re-introduces us to Amelia, while establishing the conflict of the next Book; Fixing the corrupted cars! This is just speculation on my part, of course…
           Back to Amelia, I guess I shouldn’t be all-too surprised that she’s still kind of a jerk, what with the way she just… steamrolls over what Hazel has to say to ‘correct’ her with the proper facts, and whatnot! I’m a little glad, because it doesn’t completely forget that she still has a bigger number than Simon or Grace by FAR… But also upset, because c’mon Amelia, Hazel is a freaking kid! I know you’re trying to erase multiple decades’ of past sins and mistakes, but she doesn’t know!
           I also like seeing her just trash-talk Simon and calling him a child, especially since we know that he and Grace are only eighteen thanks to the Reddit AMA by Owen Dennis… Even if Simon were physically older, mentally he really isn’t! Granted I guess I can’t blame him for THAT, though I can blame him for Tuba’s death…
           I remember when the writers discussed juggling multiple characters, so after seeing Tuba die, I was wondering what was really the point… But I see now! It’s because they ALSO have to handle Amelia as well! And dang, she’s still remarkably callous… She doesn’t remember Grace at all and doesn’t even seem remotely interested… And upon hearing that a cult was started in her honor, she just does NOT care! It really shows that Amelia still has a LOT to work on, that just fixing the broken cars isn’t enough for her…
           It was a bit weird to have our main trio just pass by this obvious, fellow passenger, and just totally ignore them… But given Grace’s rule about ‘not trusting adult passengers’, I guess I’m not surprised? I have to wonder when it was made, and how young she was when it was established; If Grace was a kid and that was part of her apprehension towards adults, and/or they were actually trying to get their numbers down, so she saw them as ‘deceitful’ or whatever! Coupled with adults being less likely to fall for the Apex’s propaganda, and it makes sense…
           What’s really fascinating is that One-One doesn’t even know about the Apex, according to Amelia! Which, given the implied length of the Infinity Train, it really says a lot about how much stuff could’ve happened, completely independent from one another! It almost seems like fate that Simon and Grace encountered so many kids and brought them together… Whereas Tulip didn’t encounter ANY passengers, sans Amelia, on her journey!
           (Well, there was that ONE dude in the next car over who immediately got sent back home. And she was only there for five months, but still!)
           I feel this low-key ties back to what I discussed earlier, about One-One being an ‘ends justifies the means’ sort of person; That the situation with the denizens is less a matter of them dying, and more about what that says about the Apex passengers as people! Of course, he doesn’t even KNOW about them, which honestly blows my mind… He really IS disconnected, huh? I guess Tulip helped make a dent in his metal head, but there’s still a lot of work to go… You know, Amelia’s criticism of One-One seeing passengers as just ‘numbers’ reminds me of what some other fans brought up, on the idea of if whether or not issues can actually be quantified like that!
           Given what Owen said about the train also being wrong sometimes, and I have to wonder if this will be resolved by the end of Book 3… or perhaps Book 4, assuming we get it! Yeah, most of the team has been laid off and the viewings are low, so SERIOUSLY- WATCH on HBO Max, spend actual money on this thing if you want it around because you’re LITERALLY paying for Book 4’s production by this point people! And spread the word!
           Anyhow, looks like other fans were right- Hazel IS a failed creation of Amelia, in this case her attempt to recreate Alrick… Although she implies that Hazel is more than just a ‘clone’ of him, is this referring to Hazel being a little girl, or something else entirely? Is the implication that Hazel would’ve been her and Alrick’s child, because uh… Amelia and Alrick are white. She also mentions a ‘handkerchief’, so what’s THAT about…?! Did she just toss one aside and it glitched into Hazel…?
           Hazel is taking this about as well as you’d expect a child, and I’m wondering if Grace suddenly turning around and calling her ‘null’, only to ask to stay overnight… Means that she has a plan to ditch Simon and hang out with Hazel and Amelia, for the rest of her life? Either way, Simon is apparently taking her ‘betrayal’ to heart… That, or he’s expressing genuine remorse at seeing what he did to Hazel, but probably not. Honestly, the way his character is going it seems like he may go off the deep end…
           OR, maybe not! Because we get some more development on him and THE CAT… Samantha! That’s right, an actual name! I guess I’m not shocked that ‘Samantha’ managed to smuggle some tiny One-Ones out of the Tape Car, and even a miniature player as well! I have to wonder how she finds her stuff, honestly… Considering how vast the Infinity Train is, it’s not out of the question for people to go entire months without encountering others! It’s actually kind of a miracle of fate that The Cat has encountered so many passengers, over and over, across this show…! Given the possibility aired by Mace about some characters being ‘destined’ by the Infinity Train, and I’ve got to wonder…
           It’s interesting that even when Simon is taking his rage out physically, he NEVER goes for The Cat… and she knows this, no less! Not once is she ever scared for her life, instead she’s more concerned for what this has to say about Simon! It’s complicated, all right, and apparently all we know for now is that The Cat accidentally left Simon behind, and ultimately stuck with her choice to prioritize herself! It’s interesting, the idea that even if Simon and The Cat have a better understanding as to why the other did what they did, they won’t ever really ‘forgive’ one another, or reconcile- Just go their separate paths, for now and likely eternity…
           Simon is of course getting mad at Grace for not talking to him and is confused by her changing her mind! A confrontation between the two is inevitable in our last two episodes, and given how we haven’t seen Grace’s number at all… It’s probably low. I can see the two reuniting with the Apex at the end, only for Simon to invoke his larger number to turn them on Grace… Or try to head back to the Apex to do exactly that!
           Still, given how the show is still making the point to delve into his perspective and trauma, and how he STILL won’t harm The Cat… I have to wonder if the season really will end with Grace leaving the Infinity Train, and Simon staying behind to fix his own issues? Of course, what about Hazel… We know she’s a denizen for sure so she can’t leave, right? Unless her fake number can fool One-One… Speaking of which, was Amelia’s number at 337 when she first arrived? Because that seems a bit small for someone who had otherwise hijacked the Infinity Train by then and was making unfinished worlds…
           Back to Amelia, if Simon doesn’t help… I wonder if Book 3 will end with HER taking lead of the Apex and leading them down a new path? It’d be ironic given how she mentioned about not being great with kids, and tie back to her penance… Or, maybe Grace will continue to live with the Apex and help! Maybe Simon will join Amelia… Who knows? Personally I’m fixated on the fact that Amelia just UTTERLY outclasses Simon… I expressed previous appreciation at Tuba being able to defend herself, until you know what…
           But given how Amelia is a lot more savvy, jaded, and cynical about this sort of situation; I think she’s probably safe for now! It’d feel a bit unresolved for Simon to get HER killed off too…
           Overall, a fascinating turn of events, and I can get a good sense of why the episodes were clustered the way they were together, to be released separately! Each does its own little arc… The first one establishing the mood and having Tuba, only for her to die! Then the next one involving Amelia and the fall-out of the Hazel revelation… And the last two episodes will be THE finale, just like it’s traditionally been in the past! I can’t wait to see what happens next…
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oceanera12 · 4 years
501st headcanons?
 Sorry, this took so long to answer: my work started back up! Hooray! But that means I haven’t been on my computer so...
Honestly, the 501st is harder for me than the 212th and I don’t know why so a lot of this was me just spitballing ideas and going, “Yes,” or “Nope!” so please forgive the lack of organization.
The 501st blue was picked out by Anakin because of his lightsaber color. The men like it too because of the major contrast with the white, unlike some lighter colors.
There was a Commander of the 501st before Ahsoka came along. Don’t know his name or anything, but let’s say he was a CC and he died early in the war. Like really early, which really stinks because he was training to be a Commander on Kamino and then he’s dead. So Captain Rex kind of took charge and everyone had a silent agreement the position would stay open out of respect for their fallen brother
Then Ahsoka came along and everyone approved of this small child so yay, Commander on deck again!
Rex headcanons!
Rex got his name for always winning King of the Hill (or the Kamino equivalent of it, which I imagine had to involve climbing up a ladder to the top bunk and fighting to remain on top).
Because of that, he got used to heights and has a pretty good head for high places (which is good since people really seem to like throwing him up, over, or down from high places)
Rex is the last surviving member of his batch
Everyone thinks the tally marks on his armor are for the number of battles lost or maybe won. Or maybe it’s people he’s lost or droid’s he’s killed. Or how many days the campaign has gone on for, each cluster being separate campaigns. Reality: it’s the number of times Anakin has come up with a stupid Skywalker plan and it somehow works. Rex started it as a joke, thinking it would only happen a few times. Now he just looks at them and thinks: “How the kriff am I still alive?”
Rex secretly likes the Coruscant Symphony (or whatever the Star Wars equivalent is) and will play the music in his earpiece on his breaks and before battles to calm him down or hype him up (depending on the situation. Usually calm him down because he is low-key panicking on the recent Skywalker plan)
Although Rex wields his twin DC-17′s, he is also a very good sniper. A fact that only a few people know so it’s very fun to watch the men’s reactions when he takes down a target from 1,000 meters away
Jesse and Kix headcanons!
Kix and Jesse first met as cadets when Jesse had to go to the med bay for an injury. Kix was there for some training and got to be Jesse’s “doctor”. They ended up bounding and would eat lunch together in the mess when they could.
Most people think Kix is Jesse’s impulse control. It’s actually the other way around. Jesse keeps a pretty level head and knows when to charge and when to stay down. Kix’s entire focus is on when a brother goes down and he will charge blindly into the fray to treat them. If Jesse wasn’t there to keep him put until it was safe, Kix would probably be dead.
Kix’s tattoo was a saying an old batchmate said a lot. Kix grew to appreciate it and had it immortalized on his head after that batchmate was killed by (you guessed it) a droid.
Jesse took a considerable less time deciding on his tattoo and was debating between the Republic cog or a shattered Separatist symbol. He ended up flipping a coin and got the cog. The reason the thing is so big was that he lost a bet-- and the winner got to pick how big to make the tattoo. Jesse ended up embracing it and putting it on his helmet.
Jesse and Kix got their tattoo’s at the same time. Kix would tell anyone that Jesse cried (which he didn’t) and Jesse would say Kix actually yelped or flinched with each prick (which he did). Most people believed Kix and thought Jesse was lying (since Kix worked with needles all the time)
When Kix has stayed up longer than forty-eight hours, Jesse will physically drag Kix to a bed and knock him out with a sedative. Once, Kix resisted so Jesse just knocked him out.
Kix is a better shot then Jesse. Jesse is better at hand-to-hand combat.
Kix grew out his hair in season 7 to hide the fact that he removed his chip (he didn’t have proof to what it was but he needed to study it so he removed it). Jesse never asked about the scar, determining that Kix would tell him when he was ready.
Hardcase, Dogma, and Tup headcanons!
Dogma and Tup were in the same batch. Hardcase unofficially adopts them as his little brothers (although Dogma acts older since he’s a bit more down to earth)
Hardcase has ADHD
Dogma has OCD
Tup started growing out his hair the moment he left Kamino and has only gotten trims off of it since. Dogma and Hardcase are the only people who are allowed to brush/touch it (After Hardcase dies and Dogma is... taken away, Fives is given permission)
Hardcase likes heavy rock music while Tup and Dogma are more classic rock.
Dogma is obsessed with the reg manuals (similar to Echo) and follows orders to the letter, something Hardcase and him disagree on a lot.
Tup is the peacemaker between the two and keeps the other from strangling the other.
When Hardcase dies, Dogma convinces himself it Hardcase’s fault for not following orders. Only later, after Krell shows his true colors, does Dogma realize it was Krell’s fault. Dogma shot Krell for Hardcase.
Dogma and Tup are allowed to talk to one another after Krell through communications and pending Dogma’s investigation. When Tup’s calls stop coming, Dogma panics a little thinking it’s his fault. Rex later calls him and tells him what actually happened.
Dogma takes the news as small mercy as he finds out the day before he’s sent to reconditioning. 
Fives and Echo headcanons!
Echo is Fives impulse control.
Echo has a habit of repeating orders even after he’s an ARC trooper. Of course, no one is allowed to call him out for it (except Fives)
Of the two, Fives is a better shot while Echo is better with hand-to-hand and battle tactics. Echo’s more practical while Fives is more emotional.
Fives has nightmares about Rishi. Echo’s the only one that can calm him down.
After Echo “dies” Fives has imaginary conversations in his head with Echo because he needs his impulse control.
When Echo comes back he has actual one-sided verbal conversations with Fives in his room on the Bad Batch’s ship.
Appo headcanons!
Did you guys know Appo was promoted around the same time Rex was? I like to think that was the moment Anakin realized Ahsoka wasn’t coming back to the position and he didn’t want to steal Rex from her soooo...
I’m guessing both Rex and Appo took the same “crash course in being a Commander” because of the short notice.
Appo and Rex didn’t get along very well on a personal level. But in battle, they were a force to be reckoned with. Which was why Anakin made sure they lead separate parts of the Battalion. 
Appo likes seafood.
And I’m going to stop there because DANG this is long.
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may i request some headcanons for della x reader where they're around the same age and bffs? 8D (gender neutral pronouns please and thank you sm!!)
Della & Reader Friendship headcanons
Who wouldn't want to be friends with this lovable mom?
This is completely platonic!
Ommer is the gender neutral of aunt and uncle and yes I looked it up for this.
Nieph is gender neutral for niece and nephew.
• Glomgold claim to be your Uncle since seeing Scrooge be one, he can clearly do it better!
• Your parent's just went with it because he kinda threw money at them and he did have to promise to protect you.
• Then you meet Della and Donald Duck, Scrooge's niece and nephew.
• Being just a year younger than the twins, you started hanging out with them.
• Mostly only Della since Donald was going though a goth phase.
• The two of you would hang out in the forest near the mansion or go somewhere when you both wanted to do something.
• You both became best friends over years, telling secrets, avoid sometimes since your uncle since he wanted to show you how to scheme 'properly'
• You did have to break it to Glomgold one day that you couldn't hurt your friend's family.
• You could probably think how he would react.
• You left in the middle of his rant because you didn't want to hear him complain about the Scrooge and Ducks again.
• You were brought on an adventure by Della one day and ending saving the day.
• "This is why you bring silver when faces a werewolf!"
• "How would you even know that (Y/n)?!"
• Glomgold tried to sue Scrooge for endangering you, you had to talk some sense into him.
• Ending you being grounded for saving the McDucks.
• The family would be there the day your parents died in an accident and you needed someone less egotistical to comfort you.
• You did end up in Glomgold's care but not taking his last name.
• You were so happy when you found out that she was going to have triplets.
• "Imagine the trouble that three tiny dellas would get into because you, alone, already get in alot trouble."
• This earn a punch in the shoulder and a laugh from Della.
• "Don't worry, the boys will have a me and others to teach them how to get out of trouble."
• You would egg watch the eggs sometimes when the family were adventuring somewhere.
• You would take the side line when Donald and Della start arguing about stopping adventuring for the boys.
• Until Della asked for you opinion and you sided with Donald.
• "I mean what if something happened to you while adventuring? You do have Torbo, Jet, and Rebel to think about."
• "You know how much I want to give the boys this life."
• "Just wait until they are older, Della! They shouldn't have to deal with losing their mother at such a young age or even before they even get to see you." You yelled before rushing out the room, knowing Della would be pissed at you.
• For a month the two of you didn't talk or see each other until Della called and told you to meet her in the meeting spot in the forest, in the middle of the night.
• You rush there, not knowing what she wants.
• Della tells you that she found a gift from Uncle Scrooge, a rocket Ship, called Spear of Selena. She says that she is going to get in it soon and give her boys the stars.
• You knew you couldn't stop her but you made her promise to come back safe and sound.
• With a hug and a goodbye, they would be that last time you saw her for the next ten years.
• You had tried to make amend with Scrooge with the after math but he just never answered until you broke into the mansion one day.
• "I DON'T BLAME YOU, OLD MAN!" You yelled at him, laying on some broken glass.
• "L-."
• "She told me before she left and I could have stopped her b-but I didn't and I know how much you've put into finding her and how much you blame yourself. I'm doing it to."
• Having you and Scrooge comfort each other, you left him where to contact you.
• You made amends easily with Donald and help him raise the boys while having a job as Glomgold's right hand and Heir to his company and money.
• You complained to Donald about not using the names Della gave them.
• "These are actual names (Y/n)."
• "But hers were so much better."
• The boys called you Ommer even though they know you're not related, you've just always been a part of their lives.
• You've kept Glomgold away from know of the boys until Donald gets hired.
• "Do you not read any of the paper work?"
• "Work is work."
• Cue you and Donald trying to keep the boys, mostly Dewey. Ending Glomgold Henchmen dragging you out of the death trap.
• You panicking until you see them safe at the docks.
• You grouped hugged the children.
• "Thank good all of you are safe. Oh you're new, I'm (Y/n). You can call me Ommer since I've claimed you new as my niece."
• Webby squealed and hugged you tightly back.
• You become closer to the family and friends and Colleagues of it during the series, probably having an episode of the kids following you around thinking you're going on a date and with Donald and Scrooge just go
• "Is that allowed?" Never thing you would be romantically involved with anyone.
• You didn't have a date just wanted a night out by yourself but ended getting dinner with the group and Webby still trying to tell you who would probably match you well.
• "I'm good, I'm pretty I'm fine with all of you being my family."
• Louie called you out when you called them family, embarrassing you.
• Scrooge patted you on the shoulder.
• "So would you be my Nieph?" He said being serious since you've been around for along time and didn't leave him when Della disappeared.
• "If-If you want to?" You said and Donald threw and arm around you.
• "Yes! You're my sibling, no buts."
• You ended up in tears of mostly happiness because they are being so nice.
• After the boys found out Dewey's quest for information on their mother, the three came to you.
• "How do you remember our mom?" They asked one day while you were reading a book.
• "Della? She's my best friend! She wanted to give you boys the adventuring life but we argued that maybe should wait until you were old enough to. So you could fully understand what was happening and who she was." You told the boys keeping a strain smile.
• Putting the book down, rushed away from them, knowing it was not your place to tell them.
• Then you had to wash your family fall apart in front of you. Seeing the boys blame Scrooge, him going off on Webby, and the plane falling down.
• You went to your actual Uncle, and went to work until your shadow came alive and Glomgold went with his though the window.
• "Aw, Phooey." You said, seeing the Money Bin, rushing towards it.
• You get injured by some shadows because you don't think clear enough for battle plans when adrenaline is in your blood.
• You divert to find something to help and helping people on the way.
• Finding a place to stay and getting help for you bleeding arm was the best. Which was a tee shirt tied around it
• After it ended, you ensured everyone's safety before running to the Bin
• "Stop making me panic everytime something happens!" You yell when you get there, out of breath because dang that was a far run.
• Mrs.Beakley gives actual medical attention to your arm, saying you might need stitches.
• "That makes me rather bleed out and you know that." You tell her.
• You were force to see a doctor and got stitches, ending with a cool scar.
• You had Owlson take lead until your Uncle was found, helping her, and being co-CEOs with you having just more power.
• That was until you Uncle showed up and made a bet with Scrooge.
• You were there when everyone had send Uncle Donald on a relaxing Cruise.
• And was there to send the kids and Scrooge off on their next adventure.
• Which never happened because Della showed up.
• Scrooge hugged her tightly and had a conversation with her on the porch while the boys decided to hide behind you.
• "Della.." you muttered to yourself, knowing there is so much you want to say to her but wanted to triplets finally met her.
• After hugging Louie, getting up Della's eyes meet yours.
• "(Y/n)?" She said, happy that you kept that silence promise to watch over her family if something happened. "I knew you would become a part of this family."
• "You- are 10- years late!" You yelled with tears in your eyes. "I was so worried about yo-!"
• Della rushed to hug you realizing the guilt you've been putting on yourself since she last time she saw you.
• "Uh, you k-kept your promise." You muttered into her shoulder, sobbing.
• "Of course I would! I'm Della Duck! Also why did you let Donald name my kids?"
• "I tried, really I did."
• After she ate and told the boys a bedtime story she went to your room, which Scrooge gave you since you spent many nights here when Donald and the boys moved in.
• "So being alone on the moon for along, makes me not want to be alone, wanna have a sleep over?"
• "Heck yeah!"
• The two of you raided the kitchen, quietly as possible, but Mrs.Beakley knew, she always knows, she's a spy.
• Ended with you tanning away when she appeared out of nowhere with an armful and food.
• "Haven't seen them run like that since-." Della saw Mrs.Beakley and played it cool. "Heyyy, we were...just getting food to the birds- Bye."
• Della fell asleep on your bed, hugging all the blankets. You had to deal with the itchy one she left alone but you were fine with this. You have your best friend back.
• You did remind her to be nice to Launchpad, but then he said he was your best friend, and you had to hold her back.
• "I'm (Y/n)'s best friend/pilot!"yelled Della.
• "Oh you're that Della! (Y/n) told me so much about."
• No, Launchpad, you're just gonna boost her ego.
• "Oh really? Go on."
• Is this what you get when you binge watch a show with Launchpad afew times?
• You did tell Della you were 'helping' Glomgold with a bet with Scrooge. But you were mostly standing there coming up with ideas.
• "Ah , so he's still the same."
• You were trying to help Louie fix what he broke in time before Della found out.
• You weren't use to the three actually having a parent. You usually help hide stuff from Donald.
• "(Y/n)! Why would you help him with this? Why didn't come and tell me right away?" Della yelled at you.
• "They were only trying to help Mom!"
• "I'm not use to you being here with them, Okay?! So I did what I would usually and if it got to far then they would be in trouble!" You told her, shrinking away.
• "This isn't far enough for you?" Yelled Della.
• You were apologizing before getting sent into time.
• Looking at the place, castle. In ! the royal bedroom of the sorts.
• "Oh come on!" You muttered seeing the door open.
• "There you are, you're late for the tournament." Said the man before seeing your outfit. "And still needing to get dress."
• He had got you a expense outfit, after he learned that you were not gender conformed, ending with a fancy looking suit.
• "Why are we going to a tournament?"
• "The one for you hand in marriage, of course! Have you forgot what day it is? You're 21st birthday, anyone can compete for you hand."
• Oh, heckle. You were not getting married and you weren't than young anyway.
• You tried to refuse but you were still dragged to were you were suppose to sit.
• To see knights, Common folk, and Della, lined up.
• "Della?!" You yelled and she saw and smiled with a wave.
• "You know her?"
• "Of her. She has been exploring the far, far away places." You Tell the man and it went on.
• Della won and the two of you finally got alone time.
• "Oh my gosh think you for that!" You tell her.
• "I'm happy you're safe and we were sent back around the same time." She said before looking at you in anger.
• "You can't just help my kids get away with things like this! They could get hurt and you too! I know you are not use to anyone else beside Donald raising my kids but you need to trust me."
• "I-I know. I'm sorry, I'm just use to looking out for them, I guess that included you." You tell her before being sent back to your time.
• You watched her and Louie argur and her ground him, Louie looking for support but this has to be done.
• "That was a good job." You tell her.
• "You know if I could ground you, I would."
• "At last, I'm only a year younger than you so I can not but I will learn to not do this ever again." You tell her.
• You were dragged with Glomgold to get his own 'family' and had to keep telling them, you weren't a captive.
• The only difference you would split everything with Louie in the contract. Letting you get Glomgold's business and money and him McDucks enterprise and money.
• You did try to help Glomgold not get what was coming to him.
• "Who wants Milkshakes? I've suddenly came into some wealth." You said slinging a arm around Owlson.
• "And this fine lady is getting a raise!"
• You were busy with business stuff, while Louie was playing the richest duck in the world with Owlson and Launchpad.
• You did get a urgent call from Della saying to come over to them before the day was ended and you did.
• She asked you to stay over until the threat of invasion passed or happened. You agreed because she clearly didn't want you to be in danger.
• When it finally did happen and everyone went to the Money Bin. You comfort Louie for crashing all the satellites and causing all communication to be lost.
• You went with Della and the Kids, you wished Scrooge and the others the best of luck before leaving.
• "Just don't like.... die, okay? That would be bad." You told him.
• "That wouldn't happen, laddeh." He said. "But you keep Della's head on straight, okay?"
• "Of course."
• It would have been easier dealing with the aliens with Della dodging all the questions until it caused the plane to crash on and island.
• Where Donald was.
• "What the heck? You look like that dude in that movie-." You yell at him before getting and elbowed by Huey. "Point taken."
• You all catch rides on Della and Donald's cousin's shrimp and saved Scrooge from a rude alien leader.
• And then having to go on the spaceship.
• "I should drive because I know how to do both!" You argued with the twins, trying to get the controls from them.
• "When did you learn both?"
• "I've had alot of spare time while being an heir to a rich company and my uncle not caring if I actually sure."
• "Oh yeah, he did that." Said Scrooge remembering that legally you were his next to kin.
• You meet Penumbra after she helped y'all not die.
• "You are most skilled." She said to you. "Della spoke of you many times."
• "Awe, that's so sweet of you. I'm happy she did. You're also very skilled since you just help us save our world." You tell her with a smile.
• "Of course."
• "Yes! My best friends are becoming besties." Loudly whisper Della.
• Glomgold pulled you away from the Ducks to tell you that he save the world! Hahahah
I went over bored on this. Just a tad.
Need sleep because its 5 something am.
I got to work tomorrow, :/
It pays well though and I bought a few Steven Universe merch. (Books, just 3 books.)
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if you still write for cisco, i’d like ro request a smut (if you do them, its okay if not)! he and the reader are together but its a secret. she’s been bratty and teasing him all day. cisco tries to keep his cool but he’s obviously breaking, so she snaps hia final straw by flirting with barry (before iris & him are together). something inside him snaps and he drags her to his lab and fucks her senseless and overstimulates her. thank you in advance!!
A/N: Ooh I would love to do this for you! This is my first time writing smut but I'm going to do my best. Sorry it took so long! I wanted to make sure I got this right. I hope you like it! Also requests are open, feel free to request some more fics! 
Word Count: 2699
All damn day. All damn day y/n had been teasing Cisco. He was going absolutely mad because all he wanted to do was pull her onto his lap and kiss her senseless and do so many things just to hear her scream Papi, the way she did when she finally released her control. God just thinking about it made him want her that much more. But he couldn't do anything because they were keeping their relationship on the down low.
She was wearing normal clothes that normally would not call attention to her but for some reason it looked so good on her. It had been cold outside so she had worn a black hoodie with the S.T.A.R Labs logo on it and some dark jeans with red converse, totally normal clothes. But something about those jeans made her butt look a type of way that he just wanted to smack. At some point during the day in between missions the temperature had gotten warm and y/n took off her hoodie to reveal one of Cisco's new t-shirts he'd gotten recently with a mathematical equation written on it. It was like she was trying to get them outted. She looked at him smirking, knowing full well what wearing his clothes did to him. She then circled him like a temptress and reached over the control table for a her pen and came dangerously close to his face, he could feel her breath fanning him, her lips inches from him. It was like a mental battle they were fighting to see who would give in first. He was oh so close and willing to give in if it meant having her close to him.
After a few seconds of making intense eye contact, she smiled sweetly and said "Sorry Pap-Cisco I can't seem to reach my pen, do you mind passing it to me?"
He quickly passed it to her, swallowing thickly suddenly so thirsty, with a thirst that no amount of water could quench but time alone with her. He stood up abruptly and said, "No problem at all," and quickly exited the room, he need to get out of there. Barry would be back from the police department soon and he didn't want them to catch them doing something deliciously indecent. Not to mention Caitlin was working with them as well so it would just be problematic all the way around.
The rest of the day seemed to pass by agonizingly. With "accidental" brushes of skin in passing or flirty glances and there may have been something with a lollipop and a fake innocent laugh, he was at his wits end and about ready to burst, not caring about exposing their relationship. Later that day, they were working on some tech for Barry's suit when Cisco made a comment about her not programming something correctly and she just flipped him off.
"Like you never make a mistake? Geez, I'm already fixing it. Get off my back cowboy." The sexual frustration was translating over into just straight frustration with each other.
"Rarely do I make a mistake that would end in our friend getting killed," he fired back at her, immediately regretting it but he couldn't take it back.
"Fine, Mr. Perfect finish this yourself. I need a break anyways," she huffed and dropped the tools she was using and was already out of the room before he could call her back.
When Barry walked into the metahuman jail section, he noticed y/n sitting down on the floor reading a book about Quantum Physics, trying to come up with new ways to help Barry's suit phase with him more smoothly.
"It looks like you're doing some light reading," he joked, sitting next to her.
She laughed, "Yep, I needed a distraction before actually punching someone in the face. Maybe you know a guy on which I could use as a punching bag?"
Barry's eyebrow raised inquisitively, "Who do you want to punch in the face? Who hurt you?" He began laughing and bumped her shoulder with his.
"That is a can of worms I'm not sure we want to open muchacho," she joked with a bright smile, already feeling better, she hated arguing with Cisco, especially when it came to keeping Barry safe or when he felt like she wasn't doing a good enough job.
"How about you give me a list of names and I'll be back in like two minutes with the names crossed off with thorough lessons learned?"
"You think you could get it done in two minutes? Its quite a long list. I think it would take five minutes at least."
"Dang how long are we talking?" He asked.
"You know that episode of SpongeBob where the list just keeps going like out of his house or what not? Yeah about that long," she chuckled.
Barry cracked his knuckles and stood up, "Okay, no time like the present, give me the names and I'll beat their ass," she stood up while laughing then said, "Easy there Sonic, you need to fuel up and check in with Caitlin for your normal check up."
About thirty minutes later when she hadn't returned, Cisco went to go find her, he was worried he might have took it too far. He passed by the metahuman holding cells and heard her laughter mixing with Barry's. They were making their way to the entrance, he heard Barry ask her if there was anything he could do to help her and she said a hug would work. He watched them hug, her arms were around his neck which made her shirt rise up a little so Barry's hands were on her bare skin. After a few seconds they pulled away, with a sigh she sent him on his way to Caitlin and sighed before turning to go back to where Cisco was only to come face to face with a pissed off Cisco.
Y/n stopped in her tracks, a pissed off Cisco was probably one of the hottest thing to witness, but his anger was directed towards her, she could detect that much.
"What the hell Y/n? I know we want to keep our relationship on the DL but flirting with Barry? What the actual hell?" The realization that Cisco was jealous of Barry, for no reason, made her laugh.
"What is so funny?" Cisco asked almost yelling. He couldn't take it anymore, he felt so possessive and seeing them hug was the straw that broke this camels back. He would show her who she belonged to, as much as he belonged to her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her into a secret room he had found the first year he started working at the lab. He sometimes slept there when he was working late. It had a mattress he'd secretly brought a few years ago.
He locked the door and like a predator hunting his prey, he pounced. He pushed her up against the wall, he had placed his hand behind her head to protect it, just like guys do in anime. His eyes darkened when he saw how turned on she was. He almost growled, "You're mine. Only mine, and I'm yours," he pressed his lips to hers passionately and it was on. A fight for dominance began but one he was winning. He smiled in the kiss and pulled away. Her eyes slowly opened, she was panting hard. His hands had moved down from her head to her side sliding his hand under his shirt she was wearing until he reached her breasts and he squeezed her the way she liked.
She moaned softly with this action her eyes growing dark and his hand were on the move again, unbottoning her jeans and reaching for the one place she ached for. When he reached that place his hands slowly circled her mound so slow that it was almost agonizing.
"All day you've been taunting me, being cute, wearing my shirt, being a brat. You even flirted with Barry! Well baby girl, you messed with the bull, prepare to get the horns." His voice deepened and the Cisco that only she gets to see came forward. He removed his hand, the source of her pleasure, which made her whine in desperation. 
"Take off everything. Now." He demanded.
"Yes S-sir." She stuttered, at times she was unprepared for the shift in dominance with Cisco. Most of the time he was laid back and nerdy as all get out, but here and right now Papi Cisco was present and demanded respect. This made her want him all that much more. She removed her articles of clothing one by one. His eyes raked over her as he licked his lips. 
“Now get on all fours on the mattress. You know what to do, you’ve been a bad girl and it’s time to get punished,” She complied, her bum was up slightly. She stared ahead at the metal wall. He took off his shirt, and approached her his hands squeezing her ass, massaging it. 
“You’ve been bad baby girl, being so beautiful and flirty with me all day when we are trying to keep our relationship under wraps. You’ve been pushing my buttons. You’re going to count to three okay?” He asked kindly. 
“Okay,” She said. 
“Okay what?” He asked.
“Okay sir,” She replied with a smile on her face. 
“Good girl, let’s begin,” He spanked her, it was a solid spank that didn’t hurt but made heat pool down her body. “One,” she moaned. The second and third followed suit with more pressure in each spank. After he was done, he massaged her butt, there was a bit of redness but he would make sure she wasn’t in any discomfort. He peppered kisses on her ass which made her moan, the soft touches were driving her crazy. He took those kisses lower until he reached her lips, licking down her strip, moaning at how wet she was for him. 
“Please, Cisco,” she mewled, all she wanted was for him to finish what he started over and over again. 
“No Mamas, you teased me, now its my turn. On your back baby girl. You’re not allowed to touch yourself,” she turned over, laying on some firm pillows that gave her the support she’d definitely need soon. When she looked at him, he was putting his hair up with a hair tie and there was a few strands that would always fall loose no matter how hard she tried. He looked beautiful, she enjoyed seeing all the different sides of him, they often face so much danger which is why they decided they wouldn't tell anyone until they were sure it would last. 
He kneeled onto the mattress and made his way to her, like a predator hunting for his prey and he looked hungry. Like he’d eat her whole. She almost moaned at the thought. When he reached her, he  was hovering above her, mere inches from her lips. 
“May I kiss you?” He asked, even when he was in dominant mode, he always asked her for consent, always made sure she was okay. The respect alone made her love him so much more. She wanted him to do more that kiss her, she wanted him to fuck her so good and then make love to her, the order in which that happened did not matter. 
“Yes, you can kiss me. I hope you plan on fucking me too though,” with that he smiled and smashed his lips to hers, sucking on her bottom lip a little before slipping his tongue in to her mouth. His hands wandered to her breasts, squeezing her nipples roughly which made her moan into his mouth and arch her back. His hand continued his journey down her body and between her legs, she was so sensitive and swollen there. He rubbed in circles then in 8 rotation movements. And with two fingers he entered her, he started pumping the digits in and out of her. She began moaning, her hips trying to meet his fingers with each thrust. 
After a few moments of fingering her, on the brink of her orgasm, he stopped. He slid his fingers out and she clenched around the absence of his fingers. He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them, tasting her while making direct eye contact. He smirked, he planned on edging her for while before letting her finish. 
“Please Cisco, I was so close,” she pleaded. Aching to finish the job herself. 
“No baby girl you’re not allowed to cum until I say so, understand?”
“Yes, sir, “ she conceded. He placed one more kiss on her lips before moving down her body, leaving a trail of kisses as he made his way between her legs. Then he started sucking and licking and tonguing her entrance, He could feel her start to clench around him and so he stopped. Again. He robbed her from completion again, he kissed her thighs as he sat up on his knees. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants. He stood up pulling the last remaining clothing off. He was standing there in all his glory. He pulled a condom from his wallet and gave himself a few pumps until he was hard enough to put the condom off. 
When he was ready he climbed back to her rubbing himself at her entrance, to which she moaned. He kissed her and pushed his way inside of her, they both moaned, he stretched her so well, he waited a bit to let her adjust and then began to move slowly, in and out of her. Her legs were wrapped around his waist trying to meet each thrust. He kissed her harder as he started to speed up, hitting the spot that made her go wild. 
He then slowed and came to a stop as she came close once again and came to a halt. She huffed in frustration, but then Cisco moved to his knees whilst still inside her, she was clenching and unclenching around him which almost made his control waver. He lifter her legs to be on either side of his neck and he put a pillow under her bum so she was comfortable. He held her legs together and started to thrust into her deeper and harder than before, she was screaming in pleasure, which made Cisco glad he had sound proofed the room. 
¨Papi, please let me cum. I´ll be a good girl. Daddy please,¨ she recited like a prayer, she wasn´t sure she could prolong her orgasm if she tried. He was fucking her so good. 
¨Cum now baby girl,¨ he demanded and she experienced the strongest orgasm she´d ever had. The man was Gandalf at making her cum. How he learned all of these techniques was beyond her. As she rode the high down, he continued to thrust until he came not too long after she had finished. He pulled out, he cum slipping out of her lips. He slowly lowered her legs down and went down on her, lapping up her juices, cleaning her, and sucking her sensitive clit, she didn´t think it was possible, but she ended up coming again for the second time. 
He cuddled her and she came down another high, panting. “I’m glad I was being a bad girl today.” She said with a laugh.
-A few days later-
Y/n was hanging with the gang in the main control area, laughing and joking around with Barry and Caitlin. Cisco walks into the room, strolls over to her, mumbling something like “Fuck it” and spins her to him and kisses her in front of everyone, she kisses him back on instinct. After a moment, he pulls away and looks around the room and says, “She’s mine.” then he struts out  back to his lab. 
“I knew it! Barry you owe me $100.” Caitlin said excitedly while clapping. 
Y/N just sits there in shock of what happened. “Wait you guys had a bet going?” She exclaimed.
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bigmafluff · 3 years
My Story Chapt.1 & 2
The Ultimate Fan fiction/Love story! Tom Hiddleston,
This is fiction it is not real I'm not this lucky! 
family!Courage ! Faith! And Kids! This book is a new life after parenthood. It is my new journey. And a not so guilty obsession. Thanks for reading!
What happens When a Single Mom Who Has devoted her Soul to her Family. receives her Empty nest papers . That the world said she would never have. Hi I'm Shannon ! I'm a writer  well I want to be . Need a Publisher first.  Where are the Best . In the U.K. Didn't count on Love too. Come find out what happened. It's a great adventure.
Chapter 1
A shocking encounter.
{I want to break free. By Queen, Hello By Lionel Richie, and I can't feel my my face. By the weekend}
A new Beginning ! Yup something I thought this would never have. You see I'm a Autism Mom and helped my sis raise her 2 kid when she couldn't by herself. I was One of those mom's that where told That .I was gonna be Raising my Son Lucas all my life. Well God and Lucas had other plans. I'm So Dang Proud!!!!!! So Kids grown. Lucas has an Aide, A Job as a Mechanic/Car dealer back Home . I think the mechanic stuff is his hobbies cause My Lucas Love's to tinker. My Nephew is working for NASA/ and Microsoft which I also think
NASA thing is the hobbies . As I said Tinker Just smaller. Now My Niece Katrina . She Is my Butterfly . Totally out side the box, 4 tour's In the Navy. She's A Young Mama and A News Caster In Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. Here's the twist Her and Her kids do Video's on YouTube for fun.
Enough about My Babies. Writing was not the only reason to Go across the Pond to America's Father land. I had recently gone through several Surgeries to fix my body after losing a extreme amount of weight from a Lifetime of Issues with my weight. 2 charities offer to help me finish that Journey but the only Plastic Surgeon willing to touch me Is at Oxford University Hospital. So Here I Go A Strange women in a strange land .
So When I was all of sudden a Empty nest . I was struck with something I haven't thought bout sense childhood . What do I do when I grow up! LOL !! So I hit my bucket List and started @ the 2 Largest and hardest things to accomplish on that list . Fix my body and Write! . So College to get my literary degree. While Extreme Yoga, Running , lil' bit of Martial art's and Lessons In all form's of skating! [Skating Hobby AKA on DA list!] God, family, and Music Made it all worth it and surprisingly easy! Dream's come when your are working hard and not Looking for it. These are one of those.
Now I'm in a UK/London Airport bundled up with 3 List's and a map on my phone .Braving the unknown, Trying to find DA Baggage claim and Customs in the rather Large Heathrow Airport . Dang!!!! it was noisy! Honestly I wasn't even paying no attention to were I was going. I was just Focused on Trying hard to get out of this busy packed Building ,Stress &Anxiety times 10!!!!!
while heading to Customs Dragging 2 rolling cases and Large tote on my shoulder. I'm walking past a group of screaming women and teens along with flashing lights from camera's Butt I was determined to stay focused on Why I'm in a hurry. I hit something head on and drop to the ground my tote spill and it was like hitting a wall and all of a sudden all the noise stopped. I don't care who says other wise, British and Aussie Ascent's are smooth and sexy and butter! The are several men in the U.K. That send my fan girl hormones into Overload. But only 3 are Single Tom Hiddleston, Henry Cavill, and Luke Evan's.
Now Tom Hiddleston is epic. Stage, screen, voice, He is it. He is melt worthy . Hint's the screamers! 6/2 160 Stormy blue eyes , He's strutting the Black dye job for a movie he just finished he is a naturally curly blonde. I'm a sucker For men's curls no Joke. Pure Killer Eye Candy !!!!!
As I try to pick my things up and apologize I see a hand also picking up my things . He touched my hand and I look up and see those wonderful blue's I start to shake to nervous to talk . I shake my head and Just finish picking up my things . I don't have time for this and I don't want to have a fainting spell from nerves it this Airport. So keeping my head down I stand . Say Thank you and Apologize again for slamming into the man and Leave before he says anything.
One hour Later!!!!!
I made it to my hotel via Uber. I changed , called family especially Lucas my Captain America. I ordered pizza {Yes ! there is Pizza in the U.K."} And was going thru everything and found my Chromebook! But my Ticket receipt and my Night Manager Novel is missing . Well that sucks 'I'm hoping I can get home on the stub. I wasn't as mad about the receipt as I was about my Book. I Just bought it. Before I left I had watched the series With my sister. She said that I had to read
the book to get the full experience. I only just got past the 2nd chapter when I landed. Anyways I was laying down and working on the next book in my children's book arsenal. When I must of passed out . Cause I woke to The ringing of my phone.
I go to answer it .Noticing it was already morning. A very groggy Lucas Wishes Mama a good morning and goodnight due to the time difference. After 45minutes for trying to tell my son I am OK and he needed to go to bed. I was finally able to shower and get ready for my day. I decided to stay and write today so my body can adjust before I go rampaging thru London looking for a publisher. I got half way thru Luca 's day in wonderland when I git a knock at My room door.
I open The door and there he is again invading my Life and charging hormones I thought long dead. Thomas William Hiddleston and he was holding my book with the receipt sticking out of it and a white rose . I'm thinking DA rose was a sign of peace. I'm standing there speechless. I think He realized I was a little Star struck so he helped me Back in to my room . Sat me down and brought me the water bottle I had on my Nightstand . I took a sip and Shook My self out of the fog I was in.
I begin to stutter and When he put His Finger over my lips. He then Said " Calm yourself Girl then we have Us a chat Yes? Where is the Tea around here ,or do you drink it" . All I could do is point to the Mini fridge. Curiously He Looks in the fridge . Then I remembered The English drink it hot . Then I said Finally calmed enough to be clear.
" Stop ! Look above it next to the coffee pot. I drink my Tea cold. I'm sorry! I think the stuff you want is in the Lil' treasure box next to The pot Sir. After a Little while Mr. Hiddleston And I Had interesting Chat . Yes we did. Basically This very conceded ,Arrogant , But Knock-out Gorgeous Man. Basically Had to find me Just because I didn't ask his name or for selfie or any thing. Honestly I think he was Just messing with me cause He Saw My Funko babies on the coffee table . Yes! There were a couple of His there.
He asked what I was doing here In his Home Across the pond. I showed him my stories on my Chromebook. Hey I was thinking he might be able to help me. I told him I was looking for a publisher . I also told him I was Do to have surgery I a couple of weeks, while I was here at the University Hospital. Hey When I get nervous thing's just spew I can't help it. So I told Him all of It Right down to my sudden empty nest. All while he read one of my Stories and nodding. He is in the middle of, Luca and The Golden Lion.
Thomas asked me some Questions about the story. I asked him some to. We bantered and I was surprisingly calm and comfy just chatting along. No longer nervous or anxious . We had been talking for hours . Tom was getting ready to leave . He handed me my book then held my hand there then whispered in my ear making me shiver." Still no selfie , no autograph, or Scream, Well Mrs. Jones. I would say You weren't a fan except for your greeting. So what is a Guy to do to get your attention. We will find out won't we, Till I see you again my Lady." I closed the door behind him as he left. Then promptly passed out right therein front of the door. Life just got interesting !
Chapter 2
Career Change Wow!
[Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the waves, Hay YA by OutKast, High hopes By Panic at the disco.]
I woke the next morning to sunshine and birdsong. It must be a sign I am on the right track. So Coffee a Shower and breakfast burrito's at McDonald's, and I'm out in London . I'm Publisher hunting. I had a call from the Hospital about my per-opp appointment for surgery. That is in a few day's. So Little nervous about that . As I walk into my first office building then I Stop in the lobby when my phone rings.
It was a local # so I answered . It was a Guy named Luke Parsons He is a free lance publisher that heard about my stories. I was shocked how did he hear about me. He asked if we could meet at his office at 3pm. I agreed,he gave me the address and hung up. I went in to the build kinda stoked . I figure I try all my options. So through out the day I went to many publishing companies all saying the same which pissed me off to no end. But did I show it NO. Just because I'm American they won't even Look at them. I couldn't even eat . I grabbed a Juice @ a convenience store, then went back to my hotel to change. I needed time to find this place for my 3:00 meeting with Mr. parsons and I want to make a good impression since I was rejected so many other times today.
So I decided to call a Uber because I felt I had been walking all day and needed a small break . When we Pulled up to the Building and guess who was standing there with a smart ass smile on his face! Yup! Tom was opening my door after paying the driver , which I didn't expect. He grabs My hand and kisses my palm. Honestly why is a guy like him even paying me any attention . I'm not the tiny,skinny little thing that he is normally with and I don't act or sing. It's frustrating and exhilarating at the same time. GOD HELP ME!!! I told my self.
I asked Tom what he was doing here and then everything clicked. He told Mr. Parson's about me. When I asked how he knew Mr. Parsons. Tom told me that Luke was a Publicist by trade but had a small publishing company on the side as a hobby. So not letting go of my hand Thomas took me inside to meet Luke. Tom stayed in the waiting room as I went into Luke's office. He didn't have a huge office, but it was still dark and intimidating. The tall blonde man in the gray suit, stood and shook my hand . And I sat in the chair across from his desk. when I was going to speak. But he straight shut mt up with a finger. He started Hounding me about Tom. Ii became Anxious and when that happens I Babble and stutter badly. I spilled everything from my weight to the confrontation @ my hotel. By that point I am crying and Thomas came in and took one look at me and Was about to give Luke the business when Luke stopped him Saying He needed to Gage my character. Do to the fact that Thomas was one of his most prominent Clients. I relaxed cause Tom did. And Luke apologized .
When all was calmed. Tom pulled a chair next to me. He told me to go ahead and give Luke my flash drive with my book copies on it . All while holding my hand and rubbing my back . I have to admit I had a small smile on my face cause I was feeling @ peace with TWH sitting and pampering me. It was nice. Mr. Parsons plugged my flash drive into his desk top. While telling me to call him Luke. He said regardless if he likes mysteries or not He is probably gonna see a lot of me because he was Tom's Publicist. I am not giving any weight to that remark not yet .AHAHAH!!!! As Luke was reading Tommy and I were talking and Honestly I needed to get a lot of my frustration's off my chest .Unfortunately Thomas was my victim , willing I might add considering he was grinning the whole time.
Once I was done giving the 3rd degree to Tommy. He squeezed my hand then answered." Well Shannon. I have been in this business for a while now and out of all my so called fans. I never had one Ignore me! They'll always wanted something from me. A picture, to Kneel,autograph,selfie,hug,any attention I would give they sucked it from me. But when you ran into me at the airport. The funko toy's spilling from your bag told me your were a fan and I saw your face you recognized me, I heard you breath hitch. Yet you said sorry and left. No selfie, No nothing. It intrigued me so much I had Luke here who was with me that day check you out using the stub and book with your name and address in America in it . Which also gave me more proof you were a fan." as he continues to explain I look at him in awe he has no clue how bad I want to fan girl and ask for all those things but my heart may be with him but my mind is on what Luke is doing because Luke has my future in his hands.
Back to Tom's explanation." Shannon I came to your room Just to give a fan a gift. On my way to my Mother's for lunch. I ended up canceling lunch when you froze on me. Then I was so humbled by your nervousness. Dearling ." He says as he caresses my face ,raising Luke's eyebrows he is reading. Tom finally finishes with," As I was leaving your room I knew I had to know you more and since you were Looking for someone to help you get your stories read I talked to Luke about it and he was happy to get a new client especially one not for the public business but for His hobby. Now that I explained everything Love turn and listen to Luke I think he has something to say."
That caught my attention. I shook off the haze from listening to Tom . Turned my head to see a smiling almost ecstatic Luke. Looking at us. Then retold me he loved my stories. He said the fan-fix he even might know someone who might want to turn it into a play with the right circumstances. The other 2 he wanted to know if this is a story arc Like the old Harry Potter Series going on cause he could make it happen if there was gonna be more. He also asked about the Illustration in the stories.
I answered him promptly,about Luca and his daydreams and how they relate to my son who is Autistic and who also did the pictures for my stories Neither of them realized I was a mother . Which took both by surprise. Luke asked if I was married . OMG ! Would I have let Tom flirt with me if I was. Yes ! I would have, But I told Luke the truth I have been separated and divorced. For many years. And my Son is almost 30. that floored Tom ! I guess he thought is was younger Ha! Wait till he finds out I'm 2 years older than him. Dang straight! Cougar Power !
Now I get excited when Luke pulls a rather large group of paper's out of his desk. And writes on them. The put's them in front of me and explains. "Now Shannon can I call you that . Of course I can!" I just nod quietly." Well Shannon this is a contact for exclusivity. So anything you write is published through our Publishing company. So any fan based Fiction, Lucas stories all of it Go through us. Do you understand that Shannon?" I nod in understanding. He continues, "I am going to pay you up front for the 3 stories you have now plus signing bonus. Although only 2 are guaranteed to hit book shelves very Quickly.
Also I am Also going out of my way and despite conflict of interest with Tom I going to take you on to navigate your public appearance as well. You will need that for book signing's and such. I will also make sure Lucas gets paid for all his pictures and any future picture's for your book's. Now one last thing that may help ease your mind a bit Shannon. Tom Has nothing to do with this contract or the merit of your stories. It was just a lucky shot for both of us that He was the one you ran into in the Airport and that he knew what Me and a few friends do in our spare time. Helping Storytellers get their stories read when no one else would is what we at Parsonage publishing are here to do most the commissions I'll receive for your book go to the Literacy foundation here in the U.K. Which is 5% but I also am taking10% for my Public work. But you won't even need to worry Shannon. I'm prepared to make you a very Popular and rich woman."
Honestly I am froze I did not think Lucas's and My stories would be this popular. Especially on there own merit. I'm speechless! Until Thomas starts shaking me to get my attention. I Turn, Tom point's to Luke. I turn and Luke asks? " Shannon Darling did you get all of it or do I need to repeat any of it?" I tell Luke as I take a look at the contraction front of me. Tom still holding my hand and I am thankful for the support. I got it surprisingly knew what the whole Author gig entails so to have Luke help me with both sides of that is a life saver, but I still have one or two questions.
" OK Luke ! I got most of it I am just got a couple questions? 1st Are you sure about the Public side I can find another if it helps your piece of mind. Also Are you sure my little stories are gonna get that popular and Last if so who has a pen. To my shock and tears. He answered all my question reassuring me of his sincerity and excitement .He also gave me a pen to sign my first almost million $Contract. I was so giddy . Luke asked for my main info like email ,cell, direct deposit > I just realized I'm not a disabled parent anymore. I am A writer/Author ,gainfully employed . I am crying Laughing and falling off my chair taking Tom with me.
While Luke gets me copy of my contract I had just signed . Tom Kisses my palm then he was kissing the my forehead. Then He shocks me by looking me straight in the eyes , Blue on Blue then asking out to Dinner tonight. WAS THIS A DATE!!!!!!????????????????
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nocturnegyser · 4 years
The feels
Warren x Reader (raccoon)
A/N: I’ve had this typed out for a while and I wanted to go do more Warren x Raccoon material, I just decided to actually go through it, it still probably sucks but I tried. I’m not a professional in any sense, anyways, enjoy :3
Summary: Warrens been acting strange.. (y/n) tries to find out what’s happening with him, wonder what it is?
Having only been going to her new school for 2 months, (y/n) has already met so many cool people. She even started her band called ‘Clean Trash’, ironically not with Warren on the drums.
The one replacing Warren on drums was a 5th grader named Ryan Husk, his muatation allows to move any liquid with his mind, their bassist being an 8th grader named Mars Palenski, his mutation gives him a giant rats tail and ears, pretty similar to (y/n)’s raccoon ears and tail.
Needless to say, (y/n) was getting along just fine, she was keeping up with her classes, nothing perfect but she didn’t care, just as long as she was passing.
Waking up one morning for breakfast, (y/n) nader her way to the kitchen for hopefully some marshmallow mateys, one she got there she saw Warren standing at the stove preparing food, both locking eyes when she walked in.
This reminded (y/n) of their first proper time meeting, although instead of giving Warren a death look, she smiled and wished him a good morning.
Warren doing the same, (y/n) was grabbing the cereal and milk, in the midst of preparing her breakfast.
“I can make you some french toast if you want” Warren offered
“Huh?.. oh.. yea ok” the still waking up very tired raccoon girl sitting down at the counter
Peter and Alex then walking in greeting both a good morning, then returning a good morning back.
Peter then smelling the french toast “Oh man! I love your french toast!” Peter getting excited
“Fuck off, I’m not making you anymore after what happened last time” Warren staring daggers at Peter while setting a plate in front of (y/n) and himself
“What happened last time?” (y/n) asked pouring syrup on her stack
“Well basically-“ Peter started then Alex shortly cutting him off “He finished all 24 pieces Warren spent almost an hour making, he didn’t even get a single bite”
“Dang” (y/n) responded while taking a bite “Hey, what do you expect from me? I was too hungry!”
“Some damn self control would be nice” Warren still staring daggers at Peter, both opting to eat the same marshmallow mateys (y/n) was planning on eating
After finishing (y/n) washed her dishes and offered to help Warren clean up but he insisted she go and get ready for classes, she took him up on it and go ready for the day, washed her face, brushed her teeth, hair, ears and tail.
(y/n) and Warren didn’t have any classes together, their schedules didn’t really cross paths a lot, even morning breakfasts like that were rare, (y/n) was content with their schedules not matching up all the time, she was happy with whatever time they did spend together if any at all.
(y/n) mostly ate lunch with Jubilee and if she wasn’t available for lunch then Mars and Ryan would eat with her.
It was after classes when Clean Trash would practice in the unused music room, that is if neither Ryan or Mars had homework.
She had a policy if either of them had homework before coming to practice they would have to finish it before they turn the amps on, or if they got in trouble they wouldn’t practice that day, they didn’t practice on the weekends though.
“You guys got any homework?” (y/n) asked her band mates, “No,” both answered truthfully
“Ok, let’s begin with ‘My heart is a futon’” (y/n) taking initiative
“How do you come up with these song names?” Mars asked
“I dunno, just whatever comes to mind, mind counting us off Ryan?” (y/n) pointing at Ryan, guitar pick in hand
“One, two, three, four, one two!”
Warren just so happened to be passing by the music room the band was in and overheard them playing.
Wanting to go unnoticed, he peeked in through the window watching and listening to them play, mostly focusing on (y/n) though.
Jean shortly caught him watching them and overheard what he was thinking
She has a really good singing voice, not to mention how her hair falls perfectly while playing..
“Wow,” Jean interrupting his thought “Never seen you this head over heels for someone, must be pretty special”
“Hey! I’m not ‘head over heels’, okay?“ Warren realizing she knows exactly what she’s talking about “They just sound really good is all”
“Right, just like what you thought on the ride to the movies” Jean flustering the already flustered angel boy even more “You think you’re ever going to tell her?”
“How do you- look, quit reading my thoughts okay? I don’t have anything to tell her” Warren becoming a little defensive “We’re just friends”
“Warren, you’re only friends for so long before she moves on” Jean trying to convince him
“Moves on? what’s that supposed to mean?” Warren asked confused
“You’re going to see what I mean, just waiting around doing nothing” Jean then walking off
Move on?... does she mean... no
Warren takes one more glance of (y/n) playing before walking off
In his room who he shared with Kurt, laying on his bed thinking to himself
Should I tell her?... Will someone else come along?...
Kurt and Alex bursting in throwing Warrens train of thought off, both seeing his worry almost immediately
Kurt, trying to be a good friend crouched down near Warren “You have immense sadness in your eyes friend, tell us what’s wrong?”
Warren, not wanting to talk about it, but not wanting to come off too mean, “Ok Blue, listen, I don’t want to talk about anything, especially with you” eventually just walking out in a huff
“... Think it was something I said?” Kurts ears flopped in a sad manner, Peter assuring him it was him “Ah jeez, he’s been like this since our horror movie trip plan fell through, must’ve really wanted to watch that movie..”
What would I ever say.. How would I even say it... when.. should I say... GAH! I hate this! I’m going to workout
Walking in the locker room , he ran into Scott already talking to friends.
His friends having already gotten ready before him, they went on ahead leaving Scott alone with Warren.
“Hey Warren! I haven’t talked to you since the horror movie fail, how’ve you been man?” Scott trying to spark a small conversation getting ready
“Yeah I’ve been fine” Warren already disconnecting from the world around him
“Yeah, you never told us how your trip to the music shop with (y/n) was” Scott joked
“It was fine” Warren replied coldly
“Fine enough you started acting less cranky all the time?”
“It was until you opened your mouth” Warren getting done before Scott and heading into the gym
In her room, (y/n) and Jubilee are planning the elementary classes Summer picnic, it was a special request by Charles.
“So that’s 25 turkey sandwiches for the kids with nut allergies.. and 45 pb & j’s.. in total thats.. 70 sandwiches, whoooff” (y/n) laying back in her bed just wanting to go to sleep even thought it was only 4:37pm
“Ok Scott called the ice cream parlor and they did have each classes flavor selections, but we do have to go pick them up ourselves the day of,” (y/n), Jubilee, Scott and Jean have all been tasked in helping plan this picnic for some time.
“Ok I guess that just leaves... actually making the sandwiches, sorting the sandwiches, and picking up everything else.. ugh, I don’t hate these kids but why do there have to be so many of them” (y/n) was super exhausted
“Doesn’t your reality manipulation allow you to multiply objects?”
“I don’t have it under control yet, so as of the moment.. no”
“Well not taking the easy way goes to show how much you care right? Besides, isn’t one of your band members attending this picnic? Ryan Dust, right?”
“Husk, and yes, he is coincidentally in the class I’ll be helping supervise”
“You see? wouldn’t it be just awesome for little Ryan to his bands leader working hard?”
“Ugh... I guess so”
“Well I gotta get going” Jubilee started packing her things, “I gotta meet with Jane and discuss seating arrangements, see if you can get any help with the sandwiches, maybe ask Warren?”
“Why Warren?” (y/n) confused why Jubilee specifically said Warren
“Why not Warren? Doesnt Ryan look up to Warren as a drummer? I’m sure it would make Ryan super motivated to see two people he looks up to working so hard”
“Yea ok but-“
“Hold that but. I gotta go, talk later”
With that over, for now, (y/n) started cleaning up the mess of papers on her bed and grabbed her phone to call Warren, voicemail.
Huh... guess he’s busy right now.. I’ll ask again later... but I might forget to ask later and he might over book his schedule, he really needs to stop doing that... Oh! I know! I’ll set a reminder on my phone! this phone has a reminder app doesn’t it?
Navigating her phone proved to be more difficult than she anticipated, considering she’s had her phone longer than a month, it was still her first phone, her brother got it for her before she left, she never really got around to learning how to use it.
Getting frustrated not finding what she needed using her phone, (y/n) opted to asking Warren in person
Running around the whole mansion looking for Warren and even asking people who knew him if they saw him around, no luck.
Until she ran into Kurt and Peter in the main hall, (y/n) immediately running up to them and asking both if the saw him anywhere.
“Uh, yeah last we saw him, he was heading to the gym, looked like he was going through it,” Peter answered, Kurt immediately agreeing, “Ja, He stormed off after I asked him what was wrong..”
What was wrong? Going through it? What’s happening with Warren?
Peter then reassuring Kurt it wasn’t his fault Warren was upset, “Dude, I told you, he’s been like this since that movie we went to go see sold out on movie tickets, like I said, he’s probably just pissed he didn’t get to see it”
“Been like what?” (y/n) now concerned
“Well it’s kinda difficult to explain but more happy in a way kinda, but also crank now that he’s more happy, y’know?”
(y/n) understood what he meant, “Yea.. well I’ll ask him about it once I find him, thank guys,” (y/n) then running off towards the gym, the two boys nodding and continuing on with their day.
(y/n) made it to the gym, not having really used it yet, she just ran in looking for Warren, she figured she’d look for his wings since they were easy to spot.
After a few minutes of looking, (y/n) eventually spotted Warren lifting weights on a bench in the back.
She was waving and shouting to him hoping he’d notice but he wasn’t paying attention and had his music in.
(y/n) decided she’d approach him and get his attention that way, upon approaching him she tapped his shoulder hoping it would get his attention, big mistake.
Tapping Warrens shoulder triggered his fight instincts and whipped around with full wing span, cutting (y/n) in the face.
She fell to the ground dazed holding her face, Warren immediately realizing what he’s done he immediately runs to her and gives her a towel to cover her cut with.
Scott noticing the commotion ran over to help Warren rush (y/n) to med.
Outside of med Warren was pacing back and forth while Scott was sitting on a bench, both waiting for Hank and (y/n).
Warren couldn’t stop pacing, Scott tried to relieve him,” Hey look, worst case scenario, she just has some light scarring..”
Warren immediately erupting, “No! Don’t you get it??! This whole thing means I haven’t changed a bit since Apocalypse!!,” Warren having remembered his nature when he aligned with Apocalypse over 2 years ago.
“Hey! Now don’t say that! You obviously didn’t mean to hurt her, you obviously aren’t the same from then“ Scott trying to assure Warren he isn’t the same from back then, “Look! even you and Kurt can live in the same room! Surely that means something”
“Yea, not like we ever talk,” Warren denying everything Scott was saying, Scott still trying to convince him otherwise, “Even Kurt considers you a friend now, he never saw you as a bad guy Warren, no one has, not even Charles”
Warren still not listening stormed off again, tears almost forming in his eyes, not too long after, Hank brought (y/n) with a clean bill of health apart from the bandage on her face, and a lollipop
“Nothing too bad, the bleeding stopped, it’s best to keep the bandage on to prevent bacteria from getting in,” Hank explained to Scott
“Thanks Mr. Hank, also for the lollipop” (y/n) gratefully thanked, then looking around for Warren “Where’d Warren go?”
“Oh, Warren... he needed to go... take care of something,” Scott nervously told (y/n) not wanting to worry her by telling her he stormed off because he’s afraid he’s the same as when he was with Apocalypse
“Oh... I just needed to talk to him about something..”
“About the sandwiches for the picnic right? Jubilee asked Peter if he could help, with Peter the sandwiches will be done in a second”
(y/n) shaking her head, “No, not that... I needed to ask him about.. something else”
Scott a little confused but realizing, “You’re not.. mad at Warren now are you?” Scott reluctantly asked (y/n)
(y/n) shaking her head again, “Of course not, I probably shouldn’t have snuck up on him like that, it’s just as much my fault I got this that it his,” (y/n) immediately placing the blame on herself for something that obviously wasn’t her fault or Warrens
Both Hank and Scott try to reassure it wasn’t either sides fault
“Well, I know he didn’t mean to hurt me, I just... I need to talk to him”
“Well.. it’s probably not the best time to... bother him, he’s got some .. things to take care of right now,” Scott trying to avoid even more problems between them
“Maybe, but he’s.. my friend, I need to know if he’s alright” (y/n) then speed walking off to go find Warren
“Ah jeez...” Scott sighed
“Think they’re... actually going to talk about... that?” Hank asked
“I dunno, I just hope they’re able to work things out”
Having run through the whole mansion looking for Warren once again, (y/n) was certain she knew where he was, but to no avail. On her way back to her room, she noticed the attic ceiling hatch and realized.
“Tch- could he...,” (y/n) began opening the hatch letting the ladder down then ascending up into the attic.
“Hello-“ (y/n) checking to see if anyone was up there, then there he was. Not wanting to alarm him again, she slowly arose from the hatch and go up slowly as to not to alarm him. Warren was just sitting on a window sill looking out, lost in thought
W: *Why did I do that... I told myself she.. I was going to...*
(y/n): *Ok, I can see he isn’t paying attention again... this time I’ll... I’ll call him softly as to not to trigger his attack again*
(y/n) reluctantly took a step closer, stepping on a creaky floorboard thus alerting Warren, Warren looked over and sat up immediately, panic in his eyes.
“(y/n)!” Warren stuttered
“Hi! uh.. I just wanted to check up on you ‘cus I heard from Peter and Kurt that-“ (y/n) trying to be friendly with Warren then cutting her off
“(y/n)! y-you shouldn’t be here, it’s not-“ Warren spat out nervously with (y/n) cutting him off in return
“Ok ok I know I know, you had some stuff to think about but, I just wanted to say I’m sorry I snuck up on you like that, I should have probably alerted you before approaching you, you just had your music in I didn’t know-“ Warren then cutting her off once again “Look. (y/n), I am truly sorry I cut your face but.. you shouldn’t be around me, I’m just-“
“What? Dangerous? just ‘cause you have metal wings? there are people in this world without metal wings who I’m scared of more than you”
“I know you didn’t mean to hurt me like that I just.. at first I wanted to ask you about sandwiches but.. Peter and Kurt told me you’ve been ‘going through it’, their words not mine, and I just wanted to see exactly... what it is you’re going through..”
“(y/n), listen, you don’t understand, I’m the Archangel of Death! I don’t belong anywhere here, I just-“ Warren spewed out with (y/n) cutting him off again
“Warren! just shut up and listen to what I have to say!” she bursted out, continuing “I know you don’t mean any harm even whatever happened in the past, I’m not sure what all happened but that’s hopefully why I’m here, I just want to be there for someone who makes this place feel more like home even though we don’t meet up a lot”
“y/n), I-“
“Being here was scary but being here with you.. made it less scary, I don’t know if you feel the same way about me but.. I want. to be there for you when I can, Warren” (y/n) then taking a step closer knowing Warren can’t go anywhere
“Being around you.. I feel.. like maybe being here isn’t so bad, like maybe I can actually make something of myself here, like maybe.. you aren’t so bad..” (y/n) holding herself with tears welling up in her eyes
“I don’t know if you feel the same around me but.. that’s how I feel.. about you” (y/n) finally finishing
“(y/n)...” (y/n) holding for impact, entirely expecting him to reject her feeling, “I feel the same way about you,” Warren then taking a step closer
(y/n) almost gasped not believing what she heard
“Being around you.. brings me to a simpler time in my life and.. whenever we do meet up or bump into each other that feeling washes over me completely and.. I thought you hated my guts when we first met. You calling me angel boy, me calling you trash panda.. I never thought you’d want to talk to me ‘cus..” Warren expanding his wings and motion to them “I also wanted to be there for you when I could but.. I never saw you during the day, so I just..”
Both of them just stood there, looking into each other’s eye, then both taking another step closer to one another.
“Can I..” Warren started, looking deep into (y/n)’s yellow golden eyes, “Can I.. kiss.. you?”
(y/n) tears streaming down her face, just stood there looking up at Warren, not even answering him, she jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck just going for it. They kissed, Warren holding her close to him, (y/n) hasn’t felt so safe since she moved, Warrens wings around both of them. After what felt like forever only being 8 seconds, they separated kissing still holding each other.
“Well... ever kiss a raccoon face girl?” (y/n) joked
“He he, uh.. no but it was definitely a fine start”
Both chuckling before kissing again
A/N: if this sucked plz tell me, bully me if it was actually bad :D
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Nick is also a fun character, I would enjoy some HCs for him
Papa Louie Nick HCs
(I’m so sorry I forgot about this ask I didn’t mean to i just have way too many tests going on that I keep failing, and I’ll try to do these on time from now on)
-Nick Banks (haha get it like river bank hahaha i hate my sense of humor) is an 18 year old boy who’s fresh out of high school and currently wondering what to do with his life. He works from home as a multimedia translator (like fit foreign language shows and books and comics and stuff) and a language tutor for CommYouNicate, though he is currently unsatisfied with both of these jobs. He’s also a rafting champion and plans to make it his full time job, although his multiple health problems often hinder his outside performances. He lives with his overprotective parents in a riverside Tacodale cottage.
-Nick has asthma and a congenital heart disease that made him easier to exhaust the other kids. His family grew extremely overprotective and doting of him while his peers ostracized him or mocked him for this. Other kids used to exploit this and often physically bullied him, making Nick so jumpy that he became clumsy. Nick doesn’t let any of this get him down, as he’s completely determined to prove everyone wrong and succeed despite his health problems, which he has done with his many rafting awards.
-He once made a wattpad account and was immediately recommended “Bought By the Romano Family Quartet (Carlo Romano x reader)”. He immediately deleted the app and never went back. Yeah I got this from one of @ccwastaken ‘s asks and I can’t stop thinking about it even though it was so long ago
-Nick is very shy and bashful, yet he jokes around a lot and often laments on how much other people suck. Like imagine you’re in the among us dead player chat and you’re all talking about everyone still alive is so stupid for not realizing who the imposter is. That’s him. Although he always says it really quietly or in another language so that nobody beats his ass. Even though he’s shy, he still has a lot of confidence in himself and uses this for rafting. Around Koilee, he becomes a blushing mumbling mess though, and someone else always steps in to order for him during these times.
-This dude speaks so many languages and dialects, it’s insane. English, Spanish, French, Swahili, Japanese, Tagalog, Mandarin, you name it he probably speaks it. Since he spends lots of his time indoors, he watches shows from other countries and reads foreign books that allow him to learn other languages. Other than rafting, it’s his favorite hobby, but now that does it for a job, it’s a lot less fun.
-He net Mitch when they were kids at a summer camp, where the latter defended him from bullies. Now they’re both best friends and are almost always seen together. Nick likes to raft with Mitch to the Tacomia (but he hates enduring Maggie scolding them for using a dang boat to get to work). Nick also helps teach Tohru Japanese, Prudence German, and Nevada Chinese, along with many other Flipline residents. He’s good friends with all of his clients, but he’s closest to Mitch and Wally.
-He has 7 pet goldfishes named Number One, Number Two, Number Three, Number Four, Number Five, Number Six, and Number Seven. He talks to them all the time and keeps many pictures of them in his phone.
-He will cry in movies or documentaries where animals die. Like he despises Old Yeller with all of his being and refuses to even look at Marley and Me.
-He has a huge and obvious crush on Koilee. This stemmed from him deciding to accompany Mitch and Wally to Sakura Bay one day for fishing near the Pacific coast. He had somehow tripped off the boat and into the ocean without his life vest, and was drowning despite still being pretty close to the shore, so Koilee swam to save him. This, combined with his suspicion of her being a mermaid are the main reasons for his crush, although she always mistakes him for a child and is oblivious to his feelings. Carlo Romano hates hanging out near Tacodale and Mitch and Wally because Nick is always there and will awkwardly try to confess his love to Koilee all the time, despite he and Koilee obviously being a thing and Koilee definitely not being into him.
-He likes visiting interactive science museums since he enjoys conducting experiments and playing with the displays and activities. He hates art museums, though, because he hates analyzing anything and he just wants to look at the pretty art work without Brody hanging around him for some reason while being the art snob he is.
-He got into rafting after meeting Deano on his childhood trip to Portallini. Deano encourages him to take up boating as an outlet and mentored him. Deano also taught him Italian, which helped spark an interest in languages.
-He owns many different colored safety vests and life boat vests. He even has some decorated for fancy events and parties. His buddy Trishna thinks it could be a very good fashion trend, but Nick doesn’t think so, as he just wants them for safety.
-His favorite supernatural creatures are sirens and mermaids, stemming from The Little Mermaid.
-Sorry I don’t have too many quality hcs about my dear sweet boy, but I still love him with 1/4 of my heart cause the rest is reserved for Taylor and Wally
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mymanskabu · 4 years
Piers and Gordie Drabbles
Over your head
Anonie Requested: ❝;; Hi!! May I request something with Gordie or Piers trying to confess or drop hints that they have feelings for their best childhood friend (who eventually does become their s/o but is pretty dense and can’t catch the hints) Thank you so much!! Hope your day is great!💕✨❞
Two characters I don't get requests for as much! Though a lot of my recent ones are actually Gordie !
Hope you enjoy!
Aidan that just finished writing this: Genre that pulled these drabbles through were Rock and Kpop, oddly enough jsjsjs
Side note: Sorry about the time I take for these, I have a lot of personal projects I need to tend to as well!
You and Piers have known each other for as long as he can remember, he was always able to speak freely with you. You two were inseparable children since you met one another, the day this one boy/girl showed interest in what he liked and didn't find him weird in any insulting way. You'd both gone through the Gym Challenge together when you had been able too, Piers made for an amazing rival, and you two were constantly trying to grow from each other.
In the end, neither of you beat the Champion, but you both were proud of the other for making it so far. Later on, when Piers became a Gym Leader (much to your surprise), you would try your best to be there for his battles, support his wins and his losses. You knew his passions were in singing and song writing so you were also there to help with that to the best of your abilities. At times you were just there, watching him concentrate on lyrics, humming to himself, and you being there was enough to get him through an entire song on some occasions.
He didn't think much of it, not until recently did he realize he had feelings for you. He never thought he would be in this position where he wanted you to be his s/o. At first he thought it was a close friendship thing, or a sibling thing but Marnie pointed out that he was just denying something that was quite obvious. She was right, when he sat down and contemplated his emotions he knew Marnie was very accurate with her words.
He had no way to hide how flushed his face got around you nowadays, especially when you initiated any sort of physical contact with him. He did attempt to drop subtle hints that he liked you that slowly turned into more bold hints when you were not catching on to any of them. He hardly starts physical affection, it's out of his comfort zone, but he did just that for you to perhaps please take the hint. He would nervously grab hold of your hand, tucked hair behind your ear (if applicable)/or wiped food off your face, all actions he would not normally do. You noticed the new behavior he was exhibiting but it didn't cross your mind that it may have been because he had feelings for you. Even if the thought did appear in your head, you would be too afraid to ask in case you were just assuming things.
Piers thought he could be dense but you managed to convince him otherwise. He realized this after a particularly successful concert he had, for some reason it had a different energy than his other ones and it was one of his favorite times. You ran up to him after to give him a hug and tell him how amazing the concert was.
"Thanks," He replied a bit breathlessly. "(Name), I love you." He didn't know how his brain let him say those words, but he stared at you intently, waiting for a response.
"I love you too! What are friends for?" There was maybe a more direct way to tell how he feels. That felt direct enough but apparently what he meant behind those three words went over your head. He had to muster up some courage and express his feelings as bluntly as possible.
"(Name), listen," He said as he puts his hands on your shoulders, "I love you, I want to date you, I want you to be mine. Did that make sense?" He did his best to ignore his warm face as he kept his eyes looking directly into your widened ones.
"Yes, that made a lot of sense." He sounded a little frustrated as he told you this and understandably so. You felt kind of dumb since he probably had been pushing far beyond his comfort to tell you that and that's probably what the change of behavior was meant to imply to you. "I would love to date you and be yours as long as that means you'll also be mine."
"That's exactly what it means," He responded. Relieved, he smiled and pulled you into his arms. It was a different feeling to have you here now, it wasn't as casual and it was more intimate. Something he had been wanting to share with you for a long time.
You weren't much of a trainer when you were younger, unlike Gordie who was definitely going to participate in the Gym Challenge. You knew how to battle enough to help Gordie, but your interests were more in the science and care part of Pokemon. Melony got to watch you grow into a fine young person, someone that Gordie truly liked and couldn't hide it from his mother.
"Do you two remember when Gordie kept saying he would marry you, dear?" You covered your face with both your hands as Gordie smiled at the memory that his mother brought up. "You would always agree, I thought you two were really going to get married!"
"It was a childish thing from a long time ago," You said, waving your hands as if to dismiss her words. Melony knew the liking was mutual, she was keen on how her son felt and since you had also grown up a bit under her care, she knew how you felt. She never said anything though because not only was it quite funny when you would somehow find a way to connect Gordie's advances to friendship, she also wanted one of you to just confess to the other.
Gordie has been having feelings for you since forever, he knew it when you would always help him despite not following the same path he was, you were one of the first to know of him becoming a Gym Leader and you had your arms wrapped around him before he could even finish telling you.
He couldn't hide his intrest in you, he made it painfully obvious that he fancied you. Especially when you both had alone time, does not hesitate to cuddle you, kisses the top of your head when he can, sleeping in the same dang bed, and complimenting you until you couldn't even look at him because of how embarrassed you were.
Yet, your brain could either not identify signs of person wanting a relationship or you acknowledged them and didn't want to respond or didn't know how to. Please stop connecting everything to friendship is magic, (Name). He is begging in his head.
Gordie has always been physically affectionate with you, not as much as now but still, it didn't feel that different to you. Therefore, you remained clueless to many of his attempts to show you he likes you. You two took care of one another, had consistently been there for each other through almost everything, and he has never failed to provide comfort in whatever way you needed it. Yes, it felt like a couple thing but that's why you mentioned to him that whoever he ends up with will be a very lucky person.
"I want you to be that lucky person."
"What... what do you mean?"
"Do you have a boy/girlfriend?" He asked.
"I can change that."
"How... oh!" Realization hit you as if a Snorlax fell on you. "Are you asking if...? Well, do you want to be my... boyfriend?"
"That is precisely what I was asking and what I wanted you to ask me for a very long time."
Then there was absolutely no way you could associate the kiss he planted on your lips to any sort of friendship thing. He definitely wanted to be with you as a couple and that did not go over your head.
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handsred · 4 years
Tumblr media
italian beauty ? ages like fine wine !
( marisa tomei, 53, cis female, she/her, cousin ) Did anyone else just see FRANCESCA ‘FRANCES’ LEWIS NEE FAUST ? I hear for the FAUST family they can be a bit FINICKY & OBJECTIVE. But I also heard they can be WISE & MOTHERLY. If you dare, I hear they frequent ATLANTIS - IN in their spare time when they aren’t being a MEDIC / OWNER OF HONEY’S BAKERY. Tread carefully or else you might be next on their list !
biography ( tw: weapons, illness / death ):
francesca lucia filomena faust is a girl crafted after tuscany summers and renaissance paintings. a woman beloved by her family and by the ones lucky enough to 'bask in her afterglow.’ 
first cousin of matthew faust, former leader of the mafia, francesca grows up the ‘golden girl’ of the faust family. she’s too sweet, too warm. they keep her sheltered for a good part of her childhood before enough’s enough. time to teach their darling girl the ropes, if only to protect her from the horrors of their business.
she doesn’t take to the business - not as well as her cousin does. that’s not to say she wasn’t gifted in certain parts of the trade. in fact, she’s very gifted with guns. recognizing she’s not much of a close range fighter, they teach her how to be a sniper and she soars. but any firearm will do. 
yet she prefers to heal than harm, and they allow her to ever so slowly break away from their dirty missions to discover medicine. they do this with pressed smiles. they want her as a gunner, but she’ll become a medic. if she has to be anything at all. 
francesca goes to medical school. she’s exceptionally brilliant and charming, and it serves her well. after all, she did graduate high school early. doctor faust is a title on the tip of tongues at every sunday dinner. 
love changes her future drastically, in the form of a man named abraham lewis. it’s just after she’s graduated med school that he waltzes into her life, uproots it, and teaches her warmth again. she realizes she’s lost it over the years.
honey’s bakery is abe’s family’s business. passed down generations like the mafia has for the fausts. francesca and abraham marry a year later and she decides to throw away her titles in favor of a renewed hope. her family keep her as a ‘part-time medic’ and she obliges. she loves them, after all. 
a few years ago, francesca suffers a loss so great it leaves her breathless. abe experiences a heart attack and dies on the way to the hospital. it’s sudden and surprising and she doesn’t know what to do. in his will, he leaves the bakery to her. it’s their child, they’d joke. they never had the time ( or the luck ) to have kids. 
in his memory, she runs neutral ground. honey’s bakery is known for every walk of life coming through its doors to get a taste of warmth in a city of cold intentions. and she’s hellbent on keeping it that way. her family do not push her for the territory, but she is supplied security to keep things running smoothly for customers. and for her well-being. 
frances lewis is an alias she’s adopted since her marriage. because of her name and her business, not many turn their heads for revenge or cruel fun. she doesn’t go around announcing she’s a faust, either. 
plus, there’ll be a number of pissed off customers if someone lays a hand on the brunette. she’s known around chicago as ‘mom’ and ‘aunt’ and ‘godmother’ and ‘friend.’ without her? who’ll bake that perfect fucking maple bacon cupcake, and serve it with a playful joke? no one could live up to the creations she and her former husband have perfected, and no one could do it with a better grin.
frances worked for her family until she was nearing her graduation as a doctor. during her years in the faust family business, she served mainly as a sniper. she’s still great with her marksmanship and guns in general, but she’s horrible at close combat / other weapons / endurance / etc. 
she is technically a doctor, but she’s never enforced the title. in fact, she’s sorta kicked that old dream to the curb because she adores the bakery so much. while she is an amazing cook / baker thanks to her italian upbringing and her husband’s passion, she sees the bakery as a child she and her former husband shared. and that’s why it holds such a dear place in her heart.
frances doesn’t involve herself too heavily with the family business. in fact, the majority of the time, she simply doesn’t want to know what’s going on unless it may concern her or puts her immediate family in harm’s way. as for everything else? the faust kids are all adults now, they can handle it without her getting in the dang way. her words exactly. the only time she works for the mafia is when they need her to perform as a doctor in dire circumstances. she huffs a lot about doing this, but she does it. 
family is everything to frances. and while hers has its fair share of interesting dynamics, she wouldn’t trade them for the world. it’s safe to say she’s the mom of the group, visiting the faust manor for dinners and celebrations and bringing all the sweets with her. she spoils her loved ones, and insists on maintaining that old-fashioned italian family values. 
she carries a lot of the faust cookbooks passed down. she helped teach oliver his love of cooking and probably forced most of her family to learn a thing or two in the kitchen. she is always visiting ollie’s just to be a perfectionist / pest and correcting sauces, dishes, etc. 
she enjoys visiting atlantis-in because #nostalgia. when she was a kid, she definitely went to a lot of drive-in theaters with dates and got up to her own mischief. she loves films and shows and she’s actually up to date on that. want some movie recs? she’s got a thousand lined up. has a soft spot for foreign films / older films. 
frances is bisexual, biromantic. she has dated both men and women, and she hardly cares which. the last few years she has leaned more towards women, though. 
she speaks the following languages: english, italian, basic latin, average spanish, french, american sign language. 
when she’s emotional ( angry, upset, etc ), she rambles in italian. a lot of hand gestures, a lot of hilarious italian cuss words / slang. it’s truly a spectacle. 
has an alley cat she takes care of called ‘little shit.’ that’s literally it. she loves the little shit, feeds the little shit, keeps an eye out for him. but he’s a pain in her ass. 
wanted connections:
all of them
faust family dynamics
best friend around her age 
childhood friend ( chicago native )
family friends
neighbors ( lives in her own house )
ex husband’s friends / family / connections 
frequenters at the bakery
security for the bakery
someone/s she patched up as a medic / doc student 
college folks 
medical folks she’s met ( doctors, nurses, etc ) somehow
exes from before her marriage ( she’s bisexual )
maybe one ex after her marriage but it was shitty and way too soon to date for her
ex / current flings, one night stands, blind / regular dates 
people she mothers / practically adopted
people she babysits for
( unrequited ) crush on her
( unrequited ) crush she has one someone
enemies / rivals
someone who’s an enemy and maybe knows who she is but they’re like dammit i like your bakery too much and you’re chill so i’ll keep it on the down low
someone/s who saved her throughout her life
someone who calls her when they’re drunk or w/e and need her to come and pick them up / let them sleep shit off on her couch and they’re such a hassle but she does it
drinking buddies 
gym / fitness buddies
i’m braindead by this point
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decrescending · 5 years
initial hadestown original broadway cast recording thoughts: woop this will be long bc i HAV so much
1. HOLY SH*T THE NEW PERSEPHONE VERSE! who’s doing the best she can? persephone! THATS WHO! i dont condone alcoholism but it definitely is a consequence of hades and persephone’s troubled marriage
2. um so whats up with seph introducing herself again in our lady of the underground
3. CMON GREEN THANG lmao hermes. the cast‘s reactions here is so cute uwu. i missed the slurping tho lmao for me it made livin it up on top tHAT song
4. seph and hermes taking orpheus parts in way down MAKES SENSE yall. im 100% on board. they know what happens in Hell and the mortals dont know shit
6. You’re early. I missed ya. F*CKING KILLS ME. EVERY SINGLE TIME
7. huh they really did skip to hey little songbird me for 0.005 seconds
9. EVA’S where are you now, orpheusss?? GUYS I CANT STOP THE TEARS HOLY SH*T im always looking forward to this part bc it SHOWS so much about eurydice’s character and this productions’s portrayal of her relationship with orpheus
12. they sound so full and menacing SHOOT TO KILL indeed
13. eva my baby :((((((((( im gone’s gasp!!! I AM SO DEAD TOO
14. jewelle’s in her skiiiin growl and basically every line ender of this song SLAPS
15. wait for me’s opening notes!!!!! FOREVER FAV
16. mR. HERMES! really do radiate mr. sTaRK! energy
17. orpheus sings with all my heart. kill me the f*ck now
20. ajdhasjdhashk you can hear when the set changes!
22. I’ve talked before how i prefer broadway’s wait for me over nytw’s. I STILL DO
24. in a way i do understand bc it singles out eurydice too much and at an outside vantage point it didnt really need to happen bc all the solo does is present eurydice’s thoughts at this point. IM STILL DISAPPOINTED THOUGH
25. asjdhfjkdh my dumbass only now realized that anything can happen on the factory floor when the foreman turns his back is about persephone’s illegal spring club lmao
26. anybody want a drink? NEVER fails to make me laugh
27. i love our lady of the underground and livin it up on top but didnt seph already introduce herself in livin? sounds redundant tbh
28. but it gets us amber aND I AM HERE FOR IT. I JUST LOVE HER OKAY
31. tell my husband to take his time hades’ infidelity confirmed :/
33. oh no theres no growling, shes playing it softer than onstage????????
35. OOPS NEVERMIND HER youuUUUUU, the one who i left behind RESSURECTED ME
36. andre’s super soft road to hell intro :((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i BAWL
37. its a sad song, its a sad tale, iTS A TRAGEDY. its a sad song. bUT WE SING IT ANYWAY GODS ANAIS. This song perfectly captures hadestown’s mythical origins. I WILL LOVE FOREVER AND EVER
38. u can hear the cracking in andre’s voice in iTS A SAD SONGs and the cast! the harmonies! I STAN EVERY SINGLE ONE
39. we’re gonna sing it again and again always ALWAYS KILLS ME HOLY SHIT
40. OHMY GOD THAT WAS A WILD F*CKING RIDE lets play it again! (and again)
notice how they released the songs highlighting the four tony nominated cast members? bar wait for me, which is a CLASSIC fav. i mean i get it, even if we wanted reeve to be nominated and even if the cast wants to, MORE SO than we do i daresay, they had to make sure the nominated ones get as much exposure as they can
ALSO i really love the sentiment that hadestown’s many versions and iterations actually makes it SO TRUE to mythology. myths and stories gets passed down in yeARS and generations until we mix whats right or wrong and better or worse. somebody posted about this a long time ago im sorry i cant remember you :( but thats what makes it so beautiful!! YOU CANT JUST F*CKING DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT! we all have our preferences and no one’s is the same as the person beside them but its the same musical we all adore.
also im still laughing about this but i forgot to include it up top dANA LYN! on the vioLIN!! LMAO
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koriahorrocks · 4 years
The Format
The Format
             I come from Mesa Arizona, a teen in the early years of the 2000’s. What a great time to be a teenager. A simpler time. No real social media or politics (for teens to care about at least). Music was life. Alternative and indie rock was in a unique prime. From angsty emo tunes to mellow ballads.
           In middle school I had been really into Weezer and The strokes. I sported a strokes patch on my binder and a kid burned me a Pinkerton Cd to which I was very grateful. My sister had shown me modest mouse which I liked but some of it still felt weird. While navigating my way through music during that music age and during those pivotal coming of age years in my life; I needed to decided what music was “me.” It was a process to select music that felt my own. I didn’t really enjoy most main stream stuff like hip hop or rap. But I didn’t totally feel myself listening to some of the underground music I was exposed to either. Of course there were classics but those were beloved by everyone.
           The Format was that band whose songs felt like my own. The music was mellow but fun to sing out loud. Nate had a unique voice but it didn’t sound strange. On the contrary I soon craved that voice. I had found MY music.
Most people first heard of the Format with “tune out” I think I first heard it on the radio. “The first single” and “give it up” really were the first tracks that called to me when I listened to a bit of interventions and lullabies. The EP songs were really good too. I wanted more but it was enough to last through the start of High school. I got my first car. An old blue 96’ Honda Civic with a faded roof. I saved up for a black paint job and named her black beauty. (With the fuzzy blue interior still included) I sang my heart out in that car. Through speeding tickets and every social event of my life. My trusty cd’s saw me through. The selection of music for each drive in that car were the bread and butter to my teenage days.
My senior year I worked part time at mesa public schools for class credit. I didn’t have a lot to do there so I spent most of the time in my cubical using a program to design CD labels. Using the school’s dime to print dozens of them I decorated my favorite cds. Music was life. I loved singing certain songs in my car more than I loved any boy I dated. I felt more feelings during a show and at concerts than I did at a dance with a date.
When Dog Problems came out I can vividly remember driving around for an hour with a car filled with teens to listen to the whole album. My best girlfriends and I had befriended a group of guys who loved the Format as much as I did. They definitely encouraged my girlfriends to like the band more, for that I was grateful. These boys truly got the talent of the format. We drove up and down the 101 and around the valley just reveling in the new album.
“It sounds more circus-y”
“Ya, more instruments and jazzy.”
“It’s so different. Play dog problems again so we can learn the words at that one part.”
           It was an album to play on repeat. While getting ready, driving to Scottsdale to nanny on the weekend, down the street to the store or to the Harkins movie theatre. 
Any chance I got to hear Nate’s voice and Sam’s guitar. Then the summer after I graduated, I finally got to see them live on the dog problems tour. To this day it holds the greatest moment in my long history of live music.
           During the song dog problems when Nate sang “flew back to phoenix…” he paused and then stopped altogether and put the mic down while the crowd cheered for probably three minutes straight. He looked like he might cry and we all were. Then he finished that part with the spazy yell/singing while his hands shook at his sides (the way only he can do) and it was incredible. It was then I discovered I needed to hear some songs live. I didn’t need to be in the front row, just present in the same room to hear songs that I had long loved on my car stereo. The compromise was always the song on that album that was mine. I sang it in my car and in the shower with all that I was. Matches was such a new sound and feel for me with Format music and it starts off the album Dog problems so well.
            I saw All American Rejects in concert twice on the same tour just to see The Format open for them. I went in AZ and UT, not so much for them, but it was my only way to see The Format live again. After a while, The Format didn’t have enough albums to fill my music needs. Especially the more I had to commute for work and all the driving during weekends for my social life. 
But it has consistently remained the band that I feel the most connection with for whatever reason. Most bands I really like one or two songs. Maybe more. But The Format I love every song and know every word. That isn’t impressive but it’s consistently true. 
Life has gone on I left Arizona and now live elsewhere. Arizona isn’t my home anymore but when I drive back to visit family I can’t listen to anything else from the 101 to east Mesa than The Format. Nate’s voice brings me back to my roots and my teen years that I rather enjoyed. I don’t have many regrets. What could be better for a teenager in Mesa during 2006 than driving around listening to the Format?
           When I heard the news that Sam and Nate were parting ways I was sad. The news of FUN down the road intrigued me. I went to a show in Tucson the first time FUN went around. Some of the songs were so dang catchy and new. Anything new and anything more with Nate’s voice was like a breath of fresh air for me and my burned out playlists. But during the show I found myself mostly excited to hear some old Format songs. It was a small show, we snagged the set list that was scribbled on a ripped sheet of lined paper in heavy black marker. And we even met Nate.
           He seemed pretty high but that didn’t matter. We took a picture with him and it wasn’t as pivotal as I thought meeting a singer would be. It was very underwhelming and honestly that was okay. Hearing him live was better than meeting him. I realized it wasn’t the band or the singer, it was their work that I loved.
           I got to see Fun again when their next album and tour came. It was last minute and I went with a friend whom I didn’t know from high school in my early Format days, but she and I sang and danced to the new hit songs now playing on the radio, super bowl commercials and TV shows. FUN had certainly taken off. I felt very happy for Nate, and I truly loved hearing him sing live again. But it didn’t live up to that dog problems tour when I first saw The format, and nothing ever will.
           Sharing music you love and the joy you feel when you hear someone listening to it is almost as wonderful as hearing it for the first time yourself. A cousin of mine really appreciated The Format. I remember him calling me and asking me what I thought about certain lines and lyrics from certain songs. We speculated about Nate and Sam’s lives and wondered what they meant.
           I also remember hearing his dad randomly sitting down with a guitar while I was visiting them once and I heard him start to play something from interventions and lullabies. They gave me the credit. It felt good. Another time this same extended family of mine were driving me somewhere and excitedly turned on a song by pink and awaited my reaction. Curious why they were showing me the song I waited until my ears perked at a familiar voice.
           “Hey is this…Nate from the Format singing with her?”
           “Took you long enough” they laughed.
I could have done nothing better for my cousins than share my music with them. And it certainly was MY music. I claimed ownership of loving the Format. As I’m sure many teens from Arizona at that time did too. But for me, it was especially true!
           It’s been more than a decade since I found them, so much life and music has occurred but today my sister tagged me in a post about the Format reuniting this year. 12 years after their split. Even more years since I first heard them. I immediately wanted to buy a plane ticket to go back to AZ this coming April to be present for it. I’m not sure if I will be able to though. I have kids and responsibilities so I decided to write this in case I don’t. Just to try out painting a picture with my thoughts and words about a band I love with songs I know every single word to and will never forget. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my Spotify playlist today kept playing format songs while on shuffle.
            When my kids are teens I doubt they’ll like my music that I show them.  They don’t like it now when I play it casually some days. Times are different. Music is different. But I am so glad I lived where I did and at the time I did. A time when those simple days called for simple and wonderful alternative music. 
I’ll always clap at that part in the first single after he says
“Cause a scene..” and again after he sings “Clap our hands and stomp our feet..” 
When I hear someone say Tempe I’ll think of “A save situation.” When he sings “I need to get back to Tempe.” When I hear the word calm I’ll think of “Be calm” from FUN. When I hear Nate’s solo stuff like “I am nothing without love.” I will think of The Format. And when I hear anything about Lena Dunham my mind will undoubtedly go off road to a trail about her and Jack Antonoff and how he was in FUN and Nate from Fun then I will circle back to: you guessed it, The Format. I will wonder what Sam is up to and think about the song “A mess to be made” or “Career day.”  
Thank you Nate Ruess and Sam Means! Maybe I will see you in Phoenix in April. But if not I’ll watch you live on Amazon Prime and I’ll keep playing your songs on Spotify, even if my young kids don’t like it. I’ll love your sound forever.
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tinsley-goldsworth · 5 years
band-aids don’t fix bullet holes chapter 4
read chapter 4 on ao3! 
Summary: ricky and c.c.’s relationship comes crashing down and c.c. hates watching it burn
Wc: 2842
Tw: kidnapping, angst, mild violence
To say that C.C. wasn’t expecting this was an understatement. He and Ricky hadn’t been on best terms ever since the mysterious stranger showed up at their house and warned C.C. vaguely before getting stabbed. C.C. kept asking Ricky if what the stranger had said was true but Ricky denied or changed the topic whenever he asked.
C.C. and Ricky had gotten into an argument and Ricky had stormed off in the dead of night to “collect his thoughts”. C.C. hated sleeping on arguments but at this point, he was too tired to stay up and think about Ricky and his sly lies. He fell asleep and when he woke up, he was tied to a chair in what seemed like a dark warehouse.
C.C. knew Ricky was agitated but there was no way Ricky would have gotten so mad as to plan to commit homicide, right? Dang, he really hated dating an unpredictable, emotional criminal. He realized that Ricky wasn’t the one who tied him up as the knot style was different from the knot style Ricky used. As C.C. struggled to escape from the boa-constrictor-like grip of the ropes, a figure stepped out of the dark corners of the warehouse. “C.C. Tinsley. Or should I say, Banjo McClintock?”
A man walked out from the shadows, a fedora on his head and a smirk on his face. C.C. didn’t recognize the man but by the way the man acted, C.C. was probably supposed to recognize him. The man took off his sunglasses that never had any use in the first place other than serving as a fashion accessory and met C.C.’s eye as he took out an ID. On the ID card read the name “Banjo McClintock” with the man’s smiling face next to the name. C.C. reeled in shock, wondering why Ricky never told him the Banjo McClintock was the name of an actual person and Banjo began pacing around the C.C. in small circles with his hands clasped behind his back.
“You’re probably wondering why you’re here. Don’t worry, I’ve got all the time in the world to explain,” Banjo chuckled and C.C began trying to
Piece together who Banjo was. He had no accent whatsoever in his voice, making it obvious he was a voice actor or a spy. C.C. decided that it was the latter as a voice actor probably wouldn’t have the guts to kidnap anybody.
“You see, you’re not supposed to be doing much, you’re just serving as bait for our dear friend Ricky,” Banjo hissed out Ricky’s name as if silently cursing him. “Ricky and I used to work together. As a spy for the government, I didn’t have many people to rely on and I would often turn to Ricky for information. We worked together for a couple years before I got assigned an investigation into one of Ricky’s close criminal friends, he decided that it was time to end my career.”
C.C. knew that he should be taking notes and paying attention to Banjo’s dramatic villain confession but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. After all, he just had a fight with his boyfriend and now he was getting kidnapped because of his boyfriend, so he really didn’t know how to feel about all this. Banjo couldn't care less about the internal conflict and emotional shifts C.C. was going through and continued to ramble on.
“I had gone to Ricky for leads for that investigation and he brought me to an abandoned building. He proceeded to lock me in the building and set the building on fire, leaving me for the dead,” Banjo turned towards C.C., waiting for a reaction to the gruesome tale. C.C. gave no reaction as he heard more gory stories about his boyfriend murdering and blackmailing people than this tale.
“What he didn’t expect was for me to live. I guess he really thought I was dead as he gave my identity to you. What a smart guy. I mean, if you’re dead, you don’t exist, right? You’re basically off the records with this ID,” Banjo mused, pausing his storytelling to consider a thought that briefly crossed his head. He blinked out of the momentary trance and continued. “I used to be a good cop but now, I just want revenge. I sent a warning but you didn’t listen. I’m tired of Ricky messing around. Did you know he’s still fooling around in the crime world? Not as much as he used to but he still has a prescience.”
C.C. gritted his teeth, hating that he was only finding out about this now. He really hated that Ricky was lying to him and that the perfect life he had lived was all an illusion. The thought that everything was fake had made a home in the back of C.C.’s mind so while it surprised C.C., he knew that Ricky was tied to the criminal world and that even if he tried, he wouldn’t have been able to ever fully separate himself. But Ricky didn’t even try to separate himself, according to Banjo, and the fact that Ricky had lied really hurt C.C.
“Ricky lied to you about stopping. He’s addicted to the thrill of it. He loves feeling the adrenaline and the thrill of breaking the law right under the cops’ noses. It’s time for me to end his reign. You’re one of the only things he cares about and he’s going to be running here for you soon. I will be remembered as the man who took down Ricky Goldsworth,” Banjo’s voice crescendoed as he passionately spoke and gesticulated, a crazed expression in his eyes. C.C. definitely couldn’t trust this guy a hundred percent as a near-death experience probably didn’t help this guy's credibility in terms of mental stability.
Just as Banjo began to ramble about how C.C. was just a “boy toy”, a loud bang echoed through the seemingly empty warehouse. As C.C.’s eyes adjusted to the darkness from the direction of the sound, he saw Ricky walking towards Banjo, a controlled but furious expression on his face. He seemed unfazed but also dangerously on the edge of becoming unhinged in the blink of an eye.
“Banjo. I didn’t know you were alive,” As Ricky approached Banjo, the spy backed away and raised a gun to C.C.’s head, clicking the bullet into place. C.C. wasn’t too worried about dying as he had ended up in more dangerous situations and based on Ricky’s quick-witted nature, he was probably going to get out of this alive.
“Surprise,” Banjo snarled, beginning to loosen his grip on the gun, his focus shifting towards Ricky and away from C.C. For a spy, Banjo wasn’t very observative as he didn’t seem to notice that Ricky had been slowly walking towards him. Ricky’s eyes met C.C.’s and they read each other’s minds for a second, sharing the intent to take Banjo down. C.C. stuck out his leg and kicked Banjo in the ankles, causing him to trip and catching him off guard.  As Banjo doubled over, Ricky sped over and stabbed him with a knife. A minimal amount of blood splattered as Ricky clearly killed with the intent to cover it up.
Banjo screamed in agony but Ricky kicked him aside, clearly more worried about C.C. With the bloody knife, Ricky cut open the ropes that bound his boyfriend and when C.C. was free, Ricky leaned towards C.C. to give him a kiss but C.C. jerked back.
“I don’t even know you anymore! Is this what you’ve been up to? Still making enemies?” C.C. argues, anger blinding all his other emotions. Ricky opened his mouth to respond but C.C. cut him off harshly. “I don’t want to hear your excuses. This was your mess and you dragged me into it. You have lied to me about everything and I don’t want to hear any more lies.”
C.C. began storming off, satisfied that Ricky wasn’t trailing behind him. He paused for a moment, spun around, and felt his heart painfully twist as he saw Ricky’s hurt expression. Ricky always remained composed and smooth but now he was visibly torn and his sharp pin was reflected his eyes, but C.C. couldn’t seem to find empathy. He had been feeling this immense emotional pain Ricky was now feeling ever since he had first loved Ricky and C.C. met Ricky’s hazel eyes that were pooling with heartbreaking sadness as he spat, “And you know what? I think I fell in love with the old Ricky. The Ricky that actually trusted me and didn’t go around stabbing people.”
With that C.C. walked away from Ricky and the life he had with his old boyfriend. He returned back to the place where he was working before and explained his disappearance as a long break he decided to take to cope with the death of his grandpa. People didn’t really question it as they had better things to do with their time and the head of the office simply welcomed him back with a “We’re glad to have our best detective back!”
C.C.’s job was more difficult because now every criminal ache encountered reminded him of Ricky. He hated that he couldn’t stop thinking of Ricky no matter how hard he tried. Little did C.C. know that Ricky still cared. A lot. Although Ricky pretended not to care, he still often made sure C.C. was doing okay. He didn’t react as irrationally as C.C. thought he would and no killing sprees had commenced yet.
When C.C. realized that keeping his feelings to himself wasn’t going to allow him to forget Ricky easily, he decided to go pay Francesca a visit. When he walked into Francesca’s thrift store, he heard Francesca talking with Ricky and froze. He hadn’t heard Ricky’s voice in weeks and his voice alone was bringing back memories and a sense of longing.
“To be fair, you did kill my husband to save him. I mean, I’m not too mad about it but you can’t expect me to be cheerful either,” Francesca scoffed, playful disdain and thin resentment in her voice. C.C. was pretty sure she was referring to Banjo and was taken aback at this new information. He wouldn’t have expected Francesca to marry a spy, but then again, he never knew what to expect from Fran.
“Please, that poor man was so boring, Fran. I can’t believe you settled for him,” Ricky chuckled and Francesca broke into a grin. C.C. cleared his throat, making his presence known and when Ricky turned around, their eyes met for a brief second before C.C. looked towards Fran. Ricky awkwardly adjusted the gold watch on his wrist and mumbled something about leaving before he brushed past C.C. and left the store.
“If it isn’t good old C.C.,” Fran smiled as C.C. walked up to the counter, who broke into an equally bright smile, glad to see his old friend. “You have no clue how much I’ve been hearing about you from Ricky. He’s so infatuated but he was too dense to properly show you how much he cared about you.”
“I really thought he cared and it really sucked that he had been lying to my face this whole time,” C.C. admitted, sighing in frustration as he remembered him shouting at Ricky the last time he saw him. Fran nodded, an empathetic look on her face as she arranged trinkets on the counter into a neat little pyramid.
“Ricky had good intentions. Contrary to popular belief, Ricky isn’t a terrible person. Sure, he might not be the best person- after all, he did kill a bunch of people- but he cares a lot about you,” the corners of Fran’s twinkling eyes crinkled with amusement as she spoke. It was hard to believe that this was where these three friends had ended up and C.C. could tell that Fran was thinking about their high school years too after bringing it up.
“I know but it’s just so hard to forgive him. I trusted him and he lied for so long. Maybe I fell in love with the old Ricky,” Tears threatened to fill C.C.’s eyes as memories sped through his head, remembering the good old days when C.C. and Ricky were able to be around each other without too much to worry about.
“Ricky is still the same old Ricky. To be fair, his job has changed him and he’s developed a rough exterior. But under that tough shell is still the same Ricky that can’t stand salad dressing. He still has one of the biggest hearts in this world,” Fran couldn’t help but smirk at the odd juxtaposition of the concept of good and an infamous serial killer.
“I want to forgive him and love him without worrying about him lying because of his job but it’s… difficult,” C.C. struggled to word his feelings as he just had a lot to think about when it came to Ricky. He had never stopped loving him but he also wondered if Ricky really did love him back or if he was using him.
“If you really do love him, take your time for your decision. Forgiveness doesn’t come as easily if you’re hurt badly but just remember that he’ll wait for you,” Fran’s eyes were filled with emotion, a rare sight, as C.C.’s dilemma seemed to remind her of something in her memories that was long forgotten. C.C. thanked Francesca for the advice and she returned back to her happy self, replying with a wink, “Its no problem at all! Don’t forget to invite me to the wedding when you two get married!”
“On the topic of weddings, why wasn’t I invited to your wedding? I’m not hurt, just curious,” C.C. asked and Francesca chuckled, her signature smile paired with a glint in her eyes creating an amused expression.
“I didn’t have a wedding since I wasn’t legally married. Banjo and I were spies so our identities don’t really exist. Besides, having legal documents is basically begging people to dig up your past,” C.C. raised his eyebrows at the last statement and gave her one last glance before exiting the shop. No matter how many questions he asked, Francesca Norris was always going to be the most mysterious person C.C. had ever met.
C.C. caught himself thinking about Ricky and his relationship with Ricky almost constantly no matter where he was. He wanted to talk to Ricky again but he was terrified that he was going to immediately fall back into Ricky’s deceiving lies. C.C. returned to Fran’s shop a couple more times to ask for advice and to spill his feelings and Fran told him about how Ricky hadn’t been active in the criminal community anymore.
C.C. was surprised since he thought Ricky would go on killing sprees to cope with his feelings but Fran informed him that Ricky skipped the anger stage of grief and went directly to the depression. According to Fran, Ricky spent most of his time infiltrating public cameras and watching over C.C. to make sure he was safe.
Then, C.C. realized that Ricky really did care for him and probably regretted lying to him. Just as Fran said, forgiving was a process and he eventually accepted his feelings and decided to give Ricky a second chance. C.C. didn’t want to jump back into a relationship quickly but he wanted to ease himself back into talking with Ricky again and smoothening their rocky relationship.
C.C. knew that Ricky could get into C.C.’s house and probably visited a couple times since they stopped seeing each other. He figured this out from a couple of his bottles of champagne disappearing. Ricky eventually began to visit C.C.’s house more often and began helping him out. Whenever C.C. stayed up working on a case, he often fell asleep with the light on but lately, whenever he fell asleep with the lights on, he woke up to find that the light had been turned off. Sometimes C.C. would leave the radio on and leave the house in a rush and come home to discover that the radio was turned off. As much of a bastard Ricky was, he still helped C.C. save money on his electricity bill and obviously still cared for C.C. Tinsley.
Recalling that Fran mentioned that Ricky was keeping a close watch on C.C., which was a little creepy but oddly comforting, C.C. decided to leave him a little note in his kitchen. If he was going to give Ricky a second chance, he had to take it one step at a time. On the note, C.C. simply wrote, “I’m giving you a second chance. Dinner at 8 on Monday?” He left the note on the same kitchen counter Ricky used to sit on while waiting for C.C. to return from work and went off to work. It felt a little artificial but C.C. didn’t see how he could contact otherwise. When he came back home after work, he was delighted to find that a response had been written on the back of the note.
Ricky has scrawled, “I missed you. I can’t wait for Wednesday” and C.C. broke into a genuine smile, finally feeling hope that maybe this would work out after all.
taglist: @hot-mess-writer @thesevensins-1990
a sequel is coming soon! if you want to read it when it comes out, subscribe to this series on ao3! i have my bfu fics linked in my bio!
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