#also riddler has valid points
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Cursed snipped produced by my brain for no good reason:
"Jokes aren't exactly my stick." Riddler started, a wicked glim in his eyes. "But still it appears we are in one right now."
Not for the first time Batman questioned if he should tone out the other man, his vilans had such a penchant for rambling and monologuing that it was hard to separete the usefull information from the occasional bullshit. He never did tune them out, not even in situations like this were he already won and was just escolting a rogue back to Arkham. Information was valiable even when it came in the mist of complete insanity or the knowledge that Scarecrow had the same favorite brand of cereal as Tim.
"The only joke I see here is you."
"Soo rude. Did no one teach you manners, Crusader?" He didn't respond. Riddler laughed. "Oh, silly me, making easy questions, of course you know your manners, you just don't use them towards people you think are inferior." Now that was new. Should he answer it? Defend himself? Even if untrue he could understand why a criminal would think Batman would put himself in a moral pedestal, even Jason though that for time to time. Before he could decide his next move Nygma, always the talker, was back at his monologue. "Anyway, I was talking about how funny it is that I can never escape this specific coincidence. Or would it be a cicle? Maybe a parallel? What do you think, Dark Knigh?"
"I think you're talking insanity. "
"You are beating criminals in your leather furry suit. You have no quains on talking about insanity." He did have a point. Bruce was in no ilusion his noturnal activities were healthy or a normal way to deal with trauma or at least they didn't start as such, he likes to think he does that for more than his parents deaths now, that his kids had teached him something. "But yeah, maybe it is insane. My grandfather never could amout to much, he had the potential, but rich folks don't like workers who ask questions. My father was aways a lost cause, but losing his job cause a big company wanted to cut wastes didn't help. My whole family was always fucked by rich folks." He stopped. His smille did not reach his eyes. "It isn't weird that it would happeb to me as well. Though I will say I reached a whole new level. My whole life consists in me being fucked by rich men. In all senses of the word. And you know the most fascinating bit about it all? I tricked myself in beliving Riddler had broke the cicle. It didn't. I was just being blind little Ed. But I can see now. It never stopped, did it, Brucie?"
For the first it wasn't the Dark Knight stailling fear in the hearth of criminals. Instead he - what he represented, his secret and the risk he took - was instalibg fear into Bruce Wayne soul. He didn't respond the accusation. There was nothing that could be said to fix it.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 month
Somewhere out there is an essay about superhero movies where villains co-opt, misuse, or even just misunderstand the language of the left to push methods and goals that are incompatible with the actual theory of the left, but that sound Right And Good to viewers who aren't thinking it through entirely. And the essay is not just about how they compare to each other, but how they are a litmus test for viewers to know how susceptible they are to propaganda.
Co-opt: Most obvious example and the inspiration for this post is the Riddler in Batman (2020, the one with RPatt). The Riddler recites leftist rhetoric about corruption, wealth hoarding, and redistribution, but his actual actions and goals are unrelated. He's an accelerationist who's more interested in tearing down a system that didn't benefit HIM than in actually rectifying the problems, and who cares if a few kids get traumatized or even killed along the way?
Misuse: Easy mode, this one's Thanos. He talks about ensuring there's enough for everyone to eat, but like. Bro.
Misunderstand: Erik Killmonger, who has the benefit of both some incredibly legitimate grievances and a pretty face, but also kind of fails at the idea of intersectionality, proportionality, or Start With Words Before You Escalate. He's the easiest to sympathize with, because he has some really good points and ultimately does appear to be legitimately pursuing those goals... but he's also a misogynist, jumped to international terrorism before "call up my cousin who doesn't know I exist," and there's something in there about the role played by his time in the US military, which gave him emotional trauma, head trauma, and a sincere belief in the validity of US-style insurgency operations based on hostile takeovers of inconvenient countries. He's charming and pretty and sincere... he's just also, in many ways, wrong. And the parts where he's right makes it easy to try to ignore the bits where he's wrong if you're predisposed to like him and prefer some absolutism.
Anyway, yeah, there are definitely other examples, but the ones that were suggested to me didn't quite vibe with the base idea (Mysterio and Vulture both had disgruntled union moments in the MCU, but they left those roots so quickly that I don't think the concept of using leftist rhetoric as cover/justification for the crimes really applies since, they very quickly shift gears into revenge and greed respectively).
Someone's probably done this better orz.
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
idk if its an accurate word since it's not usually intentional, but how do you feel about the queer coding with Eel's gender? (especially in the 2018 comic)
to steal someone else's joke phrasing that puts it well:
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I... have complex feelings on the 2018 solo's writing overall. I think my final thesis is: The character decisions were cool enough, but 2018 Plas misses out on some SUPER interesting possibilities by ignoring so much of original Plastic Man's lore.
I hope you sent this ask expecting an essay because you're getting one under the cut. Contains musings on the nature of comedy, "passing", and comics-typical transphobia.
~ ~ ~
I'm going to start with gendered attraction instead of presentation—I think it explains some things.
"The noble chaste hero gets a funny horny sidekick" is an old trope. OG Plas was the neutral hero. He seems actively scared of flirtation.
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IIRC his only on-panel kiss is when he lets a lady who electrocutes via kiss power catch him, in order to defeat her (PC #100).
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(Including these panels just because they're gorgeously rendered.)
The JLA writes him Like That because they'd decided he was the Horny Sidekick now. This ran into creepy-guy-threatening-women territory quick. 2018 Plas being the bouncer (get it?) at a strip club feels like both a continuation and direct rebuttal to that characterization.
Is there a hard line between queer coding and comedy-driven sexuality?
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Comedy often works via expectation/setup -> subversion/punchline. Gender and sexuality standards are a kind of setup. (A man would enjoy attention from a pretty woman. A man would rather not see the Riddler in a thong.) Implied asexuality or bisexuality is then a subversion, a punchline.
I'd say it's on a sliding scale. Mockery wants you to laugh, because the subversion is impossible or unnatural. Earnest representation wants you to nod, because the subversion is possible and acceptable.
Bisexual Plas is in the spirit of the original, somewhere on that sincerity scale. Did I mention an off-panel golden age kiss?
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Also, Plas and Woozy lived together and slept in Bert & Ernie beds. Listen: Woozy is a whole pile of transgressions you're supposed to find funny. If you're going for bisexual Plas, why not make him like Woozy and retroactively validate some of those jokes as possible states of being? Just sayin'.
Right, right. Gender. I'm guessing you're thinking of is the parallel drawn between Plas and the explicitly trans kiddo Pado Swakatoon. Seeing the Suave Prince of Pine Street boldly claim such a seemingly silly identity makes Eel decide to embrace Plastic Man.
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So I'm disappointed that they dropped something that could make the trans parallel explicit: OG Plastic Man wasn't just Eel in shades. He created a new, permanent face and body for himself both as an expression of identity and a protective measure. Being "outed"--even though he has not physically been Eel for years at that point--nearly loses him friends, his job, and his freedom.
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All 2018 Eel is really considering changing is his moral compass. With little else at stake, the parallel feels weaker.
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The pressure to "pass" is an (unintentional) theme written all over pre-DCverse Plastic Man. Explicitly related to gender, even: the meanspirited man-in-dress jokes were rarely targeted at Plas even though his job included missions in girlmode.
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If a joke is the gap between expectation/reality, "passing" is meeting enough expectations to close that gap. Plas fits the mold enough to dodge most of the 1940s otherwise rampant transmisogyny.
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But passing as female is dangerous, too. When Plas takes a woman's place, he's usually trying to act as a lightning rod to a threat targeting her. That's another reason I love the "bouncer for a strip club" thing. They could push his identification with the dancers even further. Skimpy costume, dubiously legal night job, talented physical performer whose intelligence is often underestimated and whose secondary identity puts them at risk for violence...
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It's odd. The 2018 series only has Plas take on other forms partially, momentarily, and usually just as a punchline. Passing as other people or innocuous objects to go places unaccosted is usually an entire pillar of his shtick.
When people "clock" him, they tend to shout something like "That's not a table! It's Plastic Man!" But if he's shaped like a table, and acting as a table, it would be just as accurate to say "Plastic Man is a table now" until he resumes his "normal" form. He can be one thing today and another thing tomorrow and all of those things for real.
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Your ask uses the word "queer". That word shows up in the oldest comics in its original meaning: out-of-the-ordinary. Those who self-identify as "genderqueer" often do so because they'd rather not define themselves in relation to male or female-ness. "Passing" only has meaning if your goal is to be seen as one of the Expected Categories. What if you're something entirely unexpected?
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(At this point I'm just kind of adding vaguely relevant panels to break up my wall of text. Thank you, 70s Plas.)
2018 Plas does briefly turn into Wonder Woman. I don't really know why he does this? Did he want to get tackled? Either way, he talks like Plas Doing A Parody--this isn't really a form he's trying to own.
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Later he turns into Harley Quinn, mostly. The artist later apologized for adding serious crotch bulge to how she normally draws Harley. Which could be based, but the "transgression" lasts for just one absurdist sexed-up panel.
Plastic Man is the character it makes least sense to trot out the "men can only ever parody female-ness" jokes on. He doesn't even have toes—what's inside this man's Speedo is a state of perpetual quantum uncertainty.
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I love Pado Swakatoon being included in the 2018 comic. But Pado's transition, rejecting identity A, preferring identity B, probably isn't the best lens for reading Eel. Transition doesn't have to be a straight line to a fixed destination; it's slipperier than that.
I'd argue "being Plastic Man" isn't a goal identity; he's just a conveniently safe default for someone who can be anyone. He's more defined his ability and enjoyment of change: the joy of self-determination without boundaries. The joy of being able to change one's mind at any time for any trivial reason. Because it can be helpful, because it can be fun, and because it can be him, all of it.
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r1ddly · 10 months
You’re entitled to your feelings about Rogues the podcast, but I don’t think the criticism about homophobia is a fair one. As far as I am aware, Jervis Tetch is not and has never been depicted as canonically queer in any DC media. He did show up in DC Pride but it was as the villain to Batwoman and his sexual orientation didn’t come up at all. Riddler on the other hand did get a comic story that heavily implied that he is bisexual. Was that what you were thinking about?
If you headcanon him as bisexual/pansexual that’s totally fine, but it’s not fair to accuse other people of homophobia for not following your headcanon. Until or unless there’s a canon answer either way, any interpretation is valid.
He has though that's the thing! I do acknowledge that using the term canon was strong but it's heavily implied that he's queer!
In the DC pride collection, the whole point of Wonderland is that it's a metaphor for being in the closet and pretending to be someone you're not (ie. Batwoman being heterosexual instead of being a lesbian) and obviously because of Wonderland this same metaphor would be used on Jervis as well because why wouldn't it be?
It's obvious in the arkhamverse but Jervis in that series uses men to be stand ins for Alice, going beyond to say that Ultimately batman is the one true Alice because unlike the others In his life batman has never left him in the way the others do. And sure, you could say that at that point, Jervis has lost it and is just trying to find Alice, but the thing is he's finding Alice because they are his true love. The whole essence of hatter is love, so it's pretty queer for him to call batman his one true Alice.
While this might have some debate but the episode perchance to dream in the animated series has some queer readings, him being bisexual. Just the level he goes for batman in that episode, giving him the life he's always wanted. Though I acknowledge this argument might be a bit flimsy, I don't at all think it's invalid.
I also believe there's more queer subtext for him in other comics (before arkhamverse) but I unfortunately don't really have the time to look into that. I welcome people who know Jervis more then me to come in and add in some input or to educate me incase I got anything wrong!
I definitely agree that shoving headcanons on others is rude, and I don't at all mean to do that. I also again acknowledge that perhaps using canon was a bit of a strong word to use, but it's very clear that he's written to be queer and I personally believe it's canon.
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susandsnell · 5 months
1, 6, 24 😉 xx
eeee, thank you so much ditty!!!! you're an absolute gem, hope this solstice thursday is treating you well!! <3
choose violence ask game 🔥
1. the character everyone gets wrong? pick a Batman Rogue. any rogue. literally any of them, and they will be Flanderized to hell and back over one to two traits they may not even have canonically possessed for two to three decades. I readily and wholeheartedly admit that this is not entirely the fault of fandom, and is at least partly owing to the broader problem with having long-running comics universes, because there is such a huge variance in characterization (and quality of said characterization thanks to the overabundance of edgelord and bigoted comics/comic media writers), in the gravity of their actions and where they land on the moral spectrum, and even in motivation that it is nigh impossible to even say what getting said character 'right' means unless the person is talking about a specific iteration (ex.: someone writing fic or making headcanons about specifically Paul Dano's Riddler from The Batman 2022, who has a very particular voice/ethos/motive distinct from your other Riddlers, though there are core shared traits). But of this bunch, i'd have to say my poor Ivy gets it the worst. I'm truly glad she's evolved beyond being just another Temptress of Men Who Hates Them But Also Needs Their Validation Through Constant Sex (although done right she's still a great femme fatale wasting their time and catfishing them for eco-terrorism purposes), and of course as a canon queer character she means the world to me, but as is the case with every popular female character, she's either Holding The Braincell (aka everyone's mom, and I don't mean in the kink way), or Irredeemable. A lot of this does arise from how poor the execution of modern canon Harlivy has been because of respectability politics, but reducing her to Snarky Husky Voiced Plant Lady Rolling Her Eyes At Harley's Antics, making her have her shit way too together (she's always sent to Arkham!), making her the one-sided babysitter/healer of Harley's problems (and by extension, the problems of any other woman), making her a snarky queer auntie to the Batkids (vomit, it's as cringe as the rest of mainstream Batfam fanon), making her have way too much emotional intelligence to the point of counselling others (she's not even one of the psychologist rogues!), having her whole existence revolve around Harley....it's exhausting. (And again, unfortunately something the writers are fucking up in canon constantly, too.)
Fandom as a whole is allergic to women having flaws that impact the narrative concretely without demonizing them for it (when the dudes doing the same and worse are adored and worshipped for it), doubly so if she's BIPOC or queer (because again, double the respectability politics), so they flatten out those flaws and it's like, is she even a villain anymore with her own motivations and ethos, or is she a big tiddy witch gf from a paywalled phone app dating sim? Let her be as complex and angry and jagged and hypocritical as the other male rogues, my god!! (Sidenote that I'm not against retooling characters' designs/presentations/tactics anew entirely for a new universe iteration, especially if it refreshes the narrative, so long as they're interesting and true to some spirit of the character. In other words, masc Ivy's are fine and more than welcome lol.)
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Oh, you really want me to swing my bat at the hornet's nest with this one, huh? While the cheat answer for this is "all of them if you spend enough time in any given ship fandom", I'm the most frequently exhausted by migratory Good Girl Fixing Bad Boy fandom. Fuck it, I'll name names with periods. The Zutar.a/Reyl.o/Darkli.na/Dae.myra et cetera fandom. The ships themselves, I can take or leave (though my main gripe is frequently their execution is just boring). There's no moral objections on my part, to be clear. I'd be hypocritical to take that tack considering my own tastes in markedly more fucked-up shit and like, hello, I cut my teeth in Phantom of the Opera fandom since I was 12 and love gothic romances, so like, glass houses. My issue comes in where these types without fail are consistently smug about the potent feminism inherent to ships they specifically in fanon interpret in the most boring, gender essentialist, wattpad daddy-dom-size-difference kink ho-hum ways imaginable because...it makes them horny, and woman horny about traditional gender roles equals feminism somehow. If it stopped there, I'd've never developed such an animosity, but no no. They make arguments about how much more feminist it is than the (often canon) hero/heroine ships because Feminism Is When Woman Is Treated Like Property By The Man I Find Attractive. They act like cishet romances, usually between two white characters, is the most marginalized thing imaginable and whinge that artists/studios/creators are "too cowardly" to "include romance" if it doesn't go canon in the way they like, as if more marginalized romance stories aren't fighting tooth and nail just to get off the ground. And on that note, the bigotry I have witnessed firsthand in these circles is just appalling; this is a fandom-wide issue and certainly not exclusive to any one shipping community, but the amount of times I have seen them come off as just frothing at the mouth to be homophobic should a slash shipper not bend the knee to the Great Potent Feminism of their ships, and the amount of times the mask as come off is just. Whew. It's okay to just be horny. It really is. One does not have to make a Social Issue Thing about it.
24. Topic that brings up the most rancid discourse? Weird corollary to the above question, and kind of an overbroad answer so I apologize, but Appropriate Amount Of Condonation Versus Condemnation of both characters, and works of fiction as a whole. I feel like the purity culture discourse has gotten so toxic it's gone completely 0 or 100 "if you watch something where something bad happens You Yourself Are Guilty Of This Thing" or "nothing fictional has any impact whatsoever", when my take is a more nuanced idea of media normalizing and reinforcing certain biases, but also, it's not real lmao. If the work itself espouses certain troubling viewpoints it's unsurprising if the audience takes that on (ex: Frank Miller perpetuating racism and misogyny through his writings), but people are such whining babies about so much as glimpsing any kind of Problematic Media (especially miserable if you're a horror fan) that I understand how the knee-jerk defensiveness arose. On the other hand, the baby got thrown out with the bathwater, including by opportunistic bigots who want to shut down any and all critical discussion of social issues present in or surrounding their interests, lest it Spoil Their Fun (and to silence people over whom they're privileged), to the point that any critique from a moral standpoint is immediately branded as Purity Culture with no regard to nuance or the context of the perspective of the person making the critique. So for example, you have people who throw hissy fits about Catra from She-Ra getting a redemption arc and you have people who thoughtfully point out how the writing of certain tropes in a given work perpetuate transmisogyny, and they're all thrown in the same basket and it's exhausting. No space for nuance, you're either Pro or Anti, and to quote Sarah Z's excellent video on this issue, I for one am a tax-paying adult woman.
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pastrydragon · 2 years
Dork squad reacting to their S/O coming out to them as sapiosexual please!
Yay! Batman!
"I was aware, but thank you for telling me. Your trust means a lot."
He sorta figured that was it.
Listen, he knows he's not a pleasant person to be around most of the time.
And he knows damn well that he isn't conventionally attractive.
So the only thing he could possibly offer a significant other(in his perspective) is his intellect.
Plus his current S/O gets a little too hot under the collar when he's showing off that intellect for him not to notice.
He's reluctant to believe there are other reasons his S/O finds him attractive until they point out the ridiculous number of geniuses in Gotham.
It's practically a sapiosexual's wet dream out here!
But they went after HIM and just him.
Excuse him while he melts.
"I really should have been able to figure that out myself, I hope my little oversight doesn't turn you off of me! Don't tell me that wasn't funny, I can see you smiling."
He honestly hadn't given much thought to S/O's sexuality beyond whether they liked him or not, why should he care about labels once he learns the answer to that?
It does boost his Ego to know that S/O thinks he's the sexiest person ever, he loves having his grand claims on his intellect validated!
He also loves knowing it flusters his S/O when he pulls off something particularly clever.
It doesn't really occur to him that S/O might not like the other things about him.
They give him compliments unrelated to his intelligence often enough, so it never crosses his mind.
The only change in his behavior is that he'll change into pajamas and wash the product out of his hair earlier in the day.
He's just as smart in his soft pjs as he is in his three piece suit after all.
And that means his S/O will think he's just as adorable either way.
Mad Hatter
"Oh, well, but that's not the only reason you fancy me is it?"
As much pride as Jervis has in his mind, it's not what he wants his S/O to love about him.
At least not entirely.
He wants his S/O to think he's cute, to like his humor, to enjoy his quirks and eccentricities.
He just plain needs his S/O to enjoy his doting, otherwise why have an S/O at all?
Once he's been reassured that S/O loves all those things too, he brightens up.
His behavior has the biggest changes of the three.
It'd be silly, he thinks, to not amend his seduction and spoiling of his S/O based on their preferences.
He asks a lot of questions to this end. About what specific actions and words they find sexy, about what he's wasting his time on because he doesn't know what they wouldn't care about, about what even counts as intelligence anyway?
Does writing poetry count? Literary intelligence? He'd be quite melancholy if all the love letters he wrote to S/O in Arkham were for naught.
Do his crafting and culinary skills entice? Or does S/O merely enjoy the products of those abilities?
So many questions this little hatter has, but he truly does ask them out of love.
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lamamasjamas · 2 years
In The Notion of Fear
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Summary: A new type of drug and a new type of killer run rogue in the city of Gotham. You happen to come back to the city in a bad time. Bruce doesn't really know how to deal with it.
a/n: Part 2!!! This also gave me lots of happy hormones to write >:). I wrote this instead of doing work as well. Oooops. Also, I might be getting a scholarship tomorrow so I'm happy, we must manifest!!! Edit: I won that scholarship girlies!!! 🤗 I like to believe it was because of all of the notes I got from y’all 💖💖💖
Series Masterlist
Warnings: An emo, Bruce is a perv and he likes it, smut, stalking, minor violence, mention of drugs and use of drugs and stuff like that.
December 25th, 3 p.m.
Where do you live?  
No, too forward.
Want to meet up sometime? 
Too casual. That’s not him and she knows it.  
“What are you doing tonight?”  
He was anxious, and in his head counting down the seconds it took her to respond and realize that it was him.  For a second he worries that he embarrassed himself to a complete stranger, although he’s pretty sure he heard her voice greet him as she answered.  
“It’s Bruce-”  
“Yeah, I know” It was as if she was trying to make him squirm.  He could almost hear her grin through the phone.  
“I’m just” A sigh. “Busy at the moment” She furthered her point by very audibly scratching a pen against paper.  The ruffling of clothes makes him believe that she’s balancing the phone against her shoulder. 
“Working on a holiday?” 
“Something like that…”  His interest is piqued. 
“Think you can take a break from whatever you're doing, and catch up?” 
“Great” “Great” He frowns as he sees Alfred peeking from a corner.  He’s ready to be bombarded with questions. But for now, he ignores the cheeky smile he receives and treads on.
“I’ll pick you up-”  “Oh, no it’s fine I can just meet up at… your place?” 
“Yeah… my place” 
“Alright, see you then” She was rushing the conversation, obviously what she was doing was urgent. 
But, He really wanted to know where she lived.
“You haven’t been in Gotham in a while, I’m pretty sure you don’t even remember the street names… I can pick you up, no problem” 
She cursed under her breath and sighed. He was stubborn. She knew he wouldn’t stop insisting.  His fingers drummed against his thigh as he waited for a response. “Fine then, waste your gas on me… I really got to go though, see you at 7?”  
“I will, see you then” he had a hint of a smile that immediately disappeared as he heard a chuckle come from the other side of the cave. 
And with that she hung up and texted her address.  
She didn’t like finding herself pushed against a corner but she was glad he at least made an effort to see her again. But did it have to be today? Of all days? Right when she thinks she might have a lead? 
He’ll become a liability, a distraction but for now she must think of the benefits of her work. Despite the sleepless nights.
The city has been left to ruin and the only thing stopping it from collapsing on top of itself is a man dressed in a bat costume.  She could only watch from afar as her city was flooded and the people she knew were left to pick up the pieces while the rich continued living in their towers of luxury.
The city needed more. 
She doesn’t really see Bruce in that light but she kind of does. Subconsciously.  He at least knows of his position, especially in being her ”friend”. He doesn’t deny his advantages.  
In some sick way she finds a way to validate herself when around him. She earned a scholarship to the academy, she earned that spot among the privileged, and on her own merit.  No one was there to hold her hand and even he knew that she was exceptional.  
Bruce Wayne never needed to prove himself. 
In some sick way she gained one of their flaws. This sense that she was better than everyone because of the events she was invited to, her education level, and her “class”. 
And in some sick way the Riddler broke her out of that way of thinking.  She realized that people like her, who weren’t given the same opportunity to “excel”, had nowhere to go.  Therefore, this cycle of violence, pain, and suffering would only continue. 
The rich could only look on in disgust at those they considered inferior. Never asking why aggressive actions were taken at all.  
Edward had a point, a mission, and many pushed it aside. They called him a terrorist, a psychopath.  He was made that way; he was stripped of his choices the moment he was put in an orphanage.
He’s a product of his environment, a mouse put in an endless maze where his only option was to bite the hand of the scientist.  They promised him food, shelter, yet he didn’t realize that there was a much prettier mouse on the other side.   
Again, she didn’t really see Bruce that way.  It was just something that was factual. It was heart wrenching watching the Wayne’s be dragged through the mud. But it was another clarifying action brought on by the Riddler.  There was this hesitance to approach him now, he’s never made a statement on that video, on what was said.  It was left unresolved, at least, in her eyes.  
Who knows, maybe the years left in isolation finally turned him as desperate for power as, say, Lincoln March.  Were his parents as corrupted as the others?  Was he? 
The beeping alerted her it was time for injection.    
She’ll just have to reschedule dinner.  She’s sure he wouldn’t mind. It’s not like he cared before. 
Can’t make it tonight
Have to stay late 
I’m sorry :(
Merry Christmas 
He fights back the small smile creeping up on him.  He’s not surprised.  
Something didn’t sit right with him last night. She was too comfortable with a woman tearing her skin off in front of her to be considered normal.  He had to admit, she was a great actress, but as he reviewed and rewinded the recording he couldn’t quite dismiss her reaction as shock.  
He knows the shit she’s been through.  As well as the shit she’s done.  It wasn’t uncommon for one of the students at their school to report being sick for food poisoning.  Especially if they happen to have said something distasteful the day before.  
God forbid they said anything about her… or him.  They never quite pinned her as the culprit. She always had an alibi.  
Kids back then were mischievous but she was a damn tyrant, downright spiteful.  Vengeful.  He didn’t blame her, children are mean, they still don’t grasp the idea that others were living beings as well.  She had it the worst, usually being picked on for being stuck in poverty.  She was an outcast, an other. 
That’s why they got along so well, in a way they balanced each other out.  After the death of his parent’s, he developed a never-ending tension in his life, feeling as if something was going to pounce at him from the shadows at any given moment. Some thought he was in his teenage phase. He was always quiet, moody, not really receptive to others, in his head. In reality he was keeping everything in. 
Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Social Anxiety. A little bit of OCD.  Made sense.  He’s gotten better.  He likes to think that he’s just a bit overcautious now.  Alfred says otherwise. 
In an act of her kindness or was it pity?  She became his friend.  A tall lanky kid always hunched over in his notebook and with earbuds in to avoid talking to or being approached by anyone.  A stark contrast to the straight A student who raises her hand to every question and speaks her mind to anyone who could listen. 
She’s different this time. Suspicious. Or maybe he just wants an excuse to see her again.  To build a dependency on her again. He’s just worried this brightening delusion could come to an end. 
The apartment was in the Bowery district.  Of course, it’s in the Bowery district.  She knew as much as any Gotham native that the place was filled with criminals from the underworld.  Sure, it was in uptown, but it was recently taken, due to Falcone’s recent death, by Cobblepot.  He’s been referring to himself as the penguin now.   
He always liked to make a show of things.  
She could afford better. He’s seen her outfits.  They aren’t cheap.  They might have been gifts…from her previous relationships though.  He might have gone on a deep search last night.  He really should have been focusing on cases, but he couldn’t resist.  She had created an extensive social circle, something he might have known only if he were to actually go out every once in a while for the past three years.  She was a household name.  Someone they trusted.  As far as he can tell they all think so highly of her.  That wasn’t always the case, as much as he’s seen himself at least. 
She had a temper, a justified temper, but something that could quickly become hostile.  She didn’t like the thought of having to be in a stuffy room for “selfish snobs”. She didn’t like having to suck up to people. She just didn’t seem like the type to be a part of that society. 
Then again people change.  They do things they wouldn’t think they would have done a year or two ago.  
He didn’t think he would be watching her from a rooftop as she worked on her computer, carefully reading whatever was on the screen, pausing briefly before elegantly typing out a response to a barely legible email.  But here he is… 
Who was he kidding?  He’s done this before. He just didn’t think he’d see her again, that he'd have the opportunity to do this again. In high school, to make sure she was going home safe, he would observe her as she settled into her home. At the time she used to live in the slums, the worst of the worst, she didn’t like getting help from others and she especially refused his help.  If he couldn’t drive her home, he would drive behind her.  Even if she didn’t know.    
He was a weird and awkward kid with nothing better to do. Weirdly enough that led him to stalking his best friend.  He learned her nightly tendencies from those nights alone in the abandoned balcony from a burned down building, giving him the view to her window.  She still had the same ones as before.  Her bed was undone on the left side; she never used the right.  She liked chewing on her pens, even if she didn’t use them.  Her legs always have to be crossed, her back straight.  She always changed into her pajamas the minute she came home, of course, he would look away… in the beginning. 
He developed an infatuation, towards the end of senior year which continued onto college.  Before she left Gotham.  
He was a pervert and he couldn’t have helped it. The first night he saw her undress and change into a pair of frilly pajamas he couldn’t really stop himself from further indulging.  She had a ritual, and he developed one to coincide with hers.  As she settled in bed he settled against the ledge of the balcony, syncing his breaths with hers.  
The sheets were always covering her most intimate parts, but occasionally when she was being particularly rough in her private activities she would grope her breast, preferably the left he noted; she used the right under the sheets.  Sometimes she would squirm, sometimes she would be almost completely still but he knew her tells, her brows would slightly furrow and she would nip at her bottom lip so frequently it looked as if she was wearing gloss.  
Later on, when he was finally home after successfully keeping her safe, he would imagine his hands instead of hers; pulling the moans and gasps he knew she made, but he couldn’t hear. His fantasies were always about her.  Her pleasure. Her plump lips from his kisses. Her breasts. Her hips and thighs.  Her body.  It was never about him, and he liked it that way. 
The way she writhed in bed as she came almost made him lose himself.  If only he could have heard her, felt her heat.  She took his breath away, literally.  It had gotten to the point where he knew exactly when she came, when her climax was building up, when she twitched in the aftermath.  God, she tried to show no reaction, quiet her moans, cover her mouth, scrunch her face in sweet agony, but it made it so much better when she lost control. When she thought no one was home, and no one was watching.  
He guessed that was the reason he kept on doing it.  Kept on lurking.  Even made himself a secret cubby for all his things he would use to watch her from afar. 
He knew her inside and out, despite his reluctance to actually act on his minute obsession. He can’t believe he could still look her in the eyes. He really had no shame, and from the neighboring roof he feels a familiar rush run through him as he watches her take a sip from her mug.
To this day he still keeps his binoculars he would use to keep watch in the cave. He stores them in a box full of other old equipment he used when he first started his vigilantism. He doesn’t use them anymore, he’s found better ones, but still he can’t bring himself to trash them. 
He’s almost startled when she stands.  He feels nostalgic as she starts undressing again, this time changing into something much baggier. The shape of her body was unrecognizable, and her face was almost fully covered except for her eyes.  He couldn’t help but remember something similar like this happening a year ago. His binoculars almost fall out of his grip as she looks out towards the roof he was currently crouched in.  She couldn’t have possibly seen him.  
He didn’t like following, he was impatient in that way.  He liked getting straight to the point, but she was a different case.  He couldn’t just harm her, she was his friend, he cared.  
She stopped by an alley abruptly, making a sharp turn towards the pair of muffled arguing.  Even he didn’t catch the commotion at first.  He didn’t have time to think before someone was on the ground, their gun falling out of their pocket.  The man didn’t even move, he just watched her as she calmly talked to the woman beside her.  
“You ok? He didn’t do anything right?” 
The woman was still processing everything, she stammered. "He had a- oh shit- how did you? I- thank you, Oh my god” 
The man in question didn’t move a muscle, he looked to be in a trance.  Was that the drug that was making people crazy? Did she just use it on him? 
“You should go”. She said in a monotone voice, making the shaking woman tense.  There was this feeling of uncertainty in the air, her eyes flickering to her savior's fists clenching and the man on the ground. She quickly made her way out of the situation. 
It was intense, the way she was looking at the man on the floor. She had deep disgust, almost hatred in her eyes as she directed him to stand.
What was she doing to him? How is she doing it? Is this why she works in March Venture? 
“I know you’re there creep” 
He stops breathing, only for a second.  She looks in his direction and for a moment he feels uncalibrated. A deer in headlights. 
He lurks from the shadows, his usual imperious demeanor renewed.  
“What did you do to him?”, it was said roughly, causing her to raise a brow in confusion. 
“You're more concerned about what I did to him rather than what he was going to do to that woman?”  
His silence was enough to irritate her further.  She has the gun in her hand, something he didn’t notice she picked up in the first place.  As she carelessly points it in the direction of the man still standing in lifeless silence she scoffs.  
“He’s been terrorizing women across the city Batman. His name is Owen Staley, and he’s done far worse than what I was gonna do to him” 
It all happens quickly. It was almost instinct for him to disarm a crook but disarming her came with a price of bruised ribs and an elbow to the face.  
He had her pressed against the wall. He was still reeling from the hit and he could suddenly smell that damn perfume again.  He relaxes his arms, inadvertently releasing her from his hold.  
She catches her breath. “I did that” 
He takes her to a rooftop after he took care of the criminal and handed him over to the police.  She was sitting on the ledge and his fingers twitched in preparation to grab her if she were to fall.  The wind was picking up tonight, and he wasn’t sure that swinging one's legs off the edge of a building was a good idea.  He feigned his nearness as precaution.  To make sure she wouldn’t escape. The first question almost made her laugh. 
“Are you the one killing all those people?” He didn’t have to specify which killings he was talking about.
He believed her, he didn’t know if he was being stupid and hopeful, but she doesn’t seem like the killing type. Never did.  She’s aggressive, yes, but enough to kill someone? He didn’t think she was capable of that heinous of murder to begin with. .  
“You know the person who is?” 
For that she’s quiet.  She says a soft no.  She was hesitant, he didn’t like what that implied.  
“You do or you don’t?” He was starting to get annoyed, a little pissed off.  He thought he knew her. He wanted to believe she was innocent, that he was overthinking everything. She just wasn’t cooperating like he would have wanted her to. 
“I don’t, not yet” She looks ashamed.  He was starting to piece everything together.  
“Is that why you moved back to Gotham?”  
Her eyes twitched.  “How did you-” She takes a heavy breath.  “Right, you're stalking me. Of course you knew I just moved in” He tries not to react to her mocking tone, but he couldn’t help but clench his jaw.  
She suddenly perks up, uncrossing her legs from the ledge she was sitting on.  “Guess that’s your cue”  
The signal was bright amongst the gray clouds.  It was especially hard to miss tonight, it was almost glaring.  It was taunting him and she followed along with it.  She stood adjusting her jacket as a particularly strong gust of wind plows through her. She almost lost her balance before he was able to grasp onto her forearm.  
It stung as she pulled away completely as if his touch disgusted her.  He just had to remember he wasn’t Bruce Wayne at the moment. In her eyes he was just another loon running around Gotham looking for a free fight. 
She covered her sneer by pulling her scarf up harshly. The only visible parts of her face were her eyes.  He’s pretty sure if he didn’t already know who she was beforehand, he would have recognized those eyes instantly, even without the glasses. 
“You gotta go big guy, can’t keep the city waiting” She was far too snarky for him to consider it an endearment.  He definitely will be making an appearance in her home at a later date, most likely as the persona in front of her.  She’ll be ready by then.  
She almost wants to jump off the side of the building and make a run for it as she starts climbing down a fire escape that looks as if the rust was the only thing holding it together. “Wait” she pops her head up slightly and he can’t help but admire the strays of her hair blowing in the wind. 
“How did you know he had a gun?” He didn’t notice the man had it hidden in his coat pocket.  She couldn’t have possibly known. 
He didn’t have to see her lips to know she was smirking at him.  Her eyes creased in delight.  “I talk to plants. They see and hear everything” 
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pqrachel · 5 months
Games I Played in November
I never really plan these out but I always like talking about what I've been playing.
So I already talked about Trackmania, but I really hope to stay top 100 in my state for this season. I've got 18/25 author medals and that's better than I've ever done, but there's still time to maybe get a couple more. (I'm super close on some of them.)
Marvel Snap's been fun too, I've been playing a bit more casually. Like not buying anything with actual money, skipping dailys if I don't feel like playing, stuff like that. And I don't care what anyone says Martyr's so fucking fun and cool. I haven't hit infinite yet, been stuck in high rank 80s playing all sort of different decks. But that's okay it's been fun and that's the whole point of gaming.
As far as new games I finally bought Arkham Knight. That was amazing to play at my own pace instead of having to wait to play it whenever I visited my uncle's house as a teen. I got through basically everything, I'm tracking down the last few Riddler trophies on my own. I probably won't bother with NG+ but there are a lot of post-game stories I want to play which I never got to. I've also been watching a bunch of Arkham series lore vids on YT and that's really put me back in the headspace of playing the Arkham series like I did originally.
Handshakes was a fun free indie speed-game. I got top 100 on the steam leaderboards and that was fun.
Chillquarium is great, the demo was fun and cute but somewhere along the way it turned into a card pack opening simulator but in the best possible way. Like if you've ever wanted to open 1000 pokémon booster packs for no reason other to hunt for a super rare or something that's a super fun game to emulate that feeling.
And also Colostle. Obviously I've been posting my journals for that game on here for two years now so y'all know I love it! But it's been great playing it more frequently again I've got basically two chapters finished in one month, which I haven't done in a while. Really trying to get to the Tundrooms and Kyodaina content. The Colostle Patreon's already getting even more content in the Dungeons and maybe more (I've been off it since I'm not utilizing the new content immediately and I'm gonna buy the books when they come out anyways) and I feel like for as much I like the game I haven't experienced all it has too offer which is weird for me as someone who normally goes for completion, or achievement hunting, etc.
Daryl Takes Games on YouTube made a video about tackling his backlog and at one point he talks about the importance of writing about games as you finish them to preserve them as a memory for later and that hits home with what I'm doing here with these monthly summaries. That video was beautiful to me as a longtime gamer. I'm gonna take this time to also add games I plan to play in the future. Even if I don't get to them next month, I want to think about games and see how that changes between months.
So yeah, very recent addition to the backlog is Signalis. I've been seeing amazing fanart and it even featured in that video, so once that next goes on sale I'm gonna pick it up.
Rivals 2 looks amazing and I've backed the kickstarter so I hope I get to experience that in some manner once it comes out. Fighting games have dwindled from genres I play since I don't have as active of gamer friends and grinding with someone is the best part, but maybe with rollback and the good online it promises I'll still enjoy that on my own or maybe even find some new gamers to play with.
That video mentioned Sayonara Wild Hearts with a comment that seemed like the ultimate praise: "Every part was my favorite part." Since it's only an hour long I'm just gonna watch a playthrough, but that's totally valid. My fondest memories with Undertale was watching Dodger Leigh (PressHeartToContinue)'s full playthrough of that game, way more than my own playthrough. Even though the grind of beating Sans myself was worth it. Perhaps after watching Sayonara Wild Hearts I'll pick it up but I'm not gonna pressure myself to do that if I don't want to.
Some other games I tried recently but refunded include Dave the Diver (it looks good and was fun but ultimately didn't seem worth it to play the whole thing), Oxenfree 2 (I played the first and love it but this one just didn't hook me and there's no shame in giving a game), Shadows of Doubt (a couple months ago I tried it since it looked like I'd enjoy it after watch GMTK's vid on detective games but ultimately it was too involved and seemed like a chore to play, when I was looking for something else, the figure it out, red string on a cork board yes, the rest of the gameplay no not really), and Word Factori (I think I was just looking for a fun optimization game like Opus Magnum but Word Factori just fell short). In future ones of these I'll make sure to mentioned games I tried as well as played because those can be important when looking back on as well.
And finally, holy crap this post is long, good thing this blog is for me and I'm not trying to impress anyone with my thoughts on these games.
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clown-cult · 2 years
Joker and Harley for the character thing. The Batman version
The Batman 2004 is the only valid version~
Joker first!
How I feel about this character: I absolutely adore The Batman’s version of Joker. He’s a king. The only version of the Joker we can say for certain 100% fucks. I’ve been obsessed with him since I first watched this show with it aired. It’s the version of Batman and his rogues I grew up with and I’m at the point where I stubbornly accept no other version. I love the character of the Joker in general, yes, but this version is far and above the best.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Batman of course. Batjokes was not only my first OTP but also the start of my sheltered ass realising gay folks were not only a thing but that I, in fact, might be one. This is also one of the few versions of Jarley I ship cuz it’s like…not toxic. I also ship J with the version of Riddler from this show and I like to think they’ve got history.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Does Joker and Harley count here too? Honestly this version would be just as good as friends as a couple. They’re both sassy and like yelling at children. Otherwise definitely Joker and Penguin. They have one of those friendships where they communicate by insulting each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I’m gonna be a bit shady here but I feel like despite it being extremely obvious, interpreting the 2004 Joker as black is still an unpopular opinion. It shouldn’t be, but it is 🙄
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: you see what I just wrote above this? Yeah, that. Erase whoever the fuck that skinny white ginger nerd was cuz he is NOT the Joker. Idk if you can whitewash a character that’s technically already snow white but damn this sure feels like it. I have an interpretation of my own that I write about and draw quite a bit here where I explore who he is and would have been before he became the Joker.
Harley next!
How I feel about this character: Harley Quinn is not a character I’m tremendously fond of as a rule but I do like The Batman’s version a lot. She’s sassy, street-smart and not really scared of shit because why would she be? You get the impression she’s had to scheme, demand and fight for what she’s got and she’s not going to take it lightly if that gets taken away from her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I’ve said I ship Jarley if it’s this version and I still do. They’re fun together and I love that Harley gets the upper hand in the dynamic a lot and she’s got no issue giving command to Joker if need be. HarleyIvy is out of the question for this version but I also ship her with Catwoman. They have this sarcastic, bad bitch, do what has to get done and flee the consequences vibe. Also BatJokes plus Harlina is peak mlm/wlw solidarity.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Harley plus Marty the hacker that we meet in metal face of comedy. We get the impression he’s only there cuz he’s a friend of Harley’s. They probably game together. This version of Harley also acts as a tough love older sister character to Ivy as well and that’s fun to watch. They come up with plans and Harley kind of gently nudges Ivy in the right direction or holds her back when necessary.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I actually like that she’s not a psychiatrist who got lured into being a criminal by the Joker. She’s extremely up front about how vapid her psychology show is but she’s still very intelligent. The fact she’s not a real doctor doesn’t mean she’s not smart. She uses her show and her audience (that it’s implied she got through more scheming) to explore just how much she can put people through and the reactions she can get out of them, behaviour she even uses on Joker. She’s fiendishly intelligent but without the naive bubbly innocence other versions have. I understand a lot of people don’t like it but I love it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I think Harley deserved to have more appearances than she did. She gets to go on her own little adventures in the comics and she’s incredibly fun to watch in action. She really just doesn’t give a single fuck what anyone thinks.
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saipng · 2 years
Oh the riddler didn't figure out Batman's identity in the movie. Sure it looked like that at first, but once he starts going "but we didn't get Bruce Wayne :/" it becomes clear to Batman that not only does Riddler think they're a team, he also thinks they together failed at getting Bruce, meaning he doesn't know Batman and Bruce are the same person. He also didn't outsmart Batman - sure he thinks he did (because. He's the riddler ofc he'd think he's smarter than everyone else) but he didn't. The reason why Bruce missed the last clue wasn't because he isn't smarter than Edward ( he very much is, especially when it comes to emotional intelligence which Edward is lacking entirely) but it's because he was too emotional/too scared of being unveiled as Bruce and too scared of "facing his dark mirror" that he didn't stop to think things through, and also because he had gaps in knowledge due to his privilege (not knowing what a carpeting tool is). Once this Bruce gets a better grip on his emotions he won't make mistakes like that again. Also this riddler is very much selfish, imo it's very clear that his whole "justice" thing is what he convinced himself is the reason for his actions when it's actually petty revenge for his trauma as well as wanting to be seen/getting attention - I mean why else live-stream what he does if it's not for attention's sake. (they also released the pages of his journal, and imo that one makes quite clear he's doing it for personal reasons, mostly for getting back at the system for what it did to him (and the other orphans) and for feeling invisible, and not for true justice, as well as because of his compulsions) .. anyways lmao sorry for the long ask just wanted to share how I interpreted what they did with the character but your points are totally valid as well ofc!!
hello and first of THANK YOU for a huge ask i am literally always down to discuss batman and im obsessed with your take because it’s so different from mine.
the only thing i can answer definitively to this is that i will need to rewatch the movie again to see if i can see where you’re coming from - especially the secret identity part since riddler literally sat there going ‘i know who you are. bruce wayne. bruceee wayneee. bruuuce waaaayne. brrrrruceee wayyyyyyne.’
so if i misinterpreted that part, i definitely need to see it another time
the part about riddler outsmarting him though - i don’t know, it sounds a bit like justification to me. not saying it’s not valid, your take has really good points and i’d agree entirely IF, like i said before, we were talking about batman vigilante career month 3. then i’d understand this carelessness, this underdeveloped instinct when he doesn’t think twice why someone as smart as riddler would give himself up so easily, the overlooking evidence specifically placed to get his attention. but this is batman year 2 and two years is a goddamn long time to be going out every night into the streets of gotham.
i SUPPOSE i’m being somewhat unfair though, considering riddler is basically the first major supervillain in gotham (the mobsters don’t really count). bruce never had to deal with anything like that before, so he doesn’t know what to expect - but that just makes me think that he should be even more careful than usual and think twice before every action taken. argh, this is frustrating, i’m spinning myself in circles here. will need to think more
and the thing with the livestream makes sense (no matter how much i passionately hate that twitch is becoming a new staple of society in movies), he craves attention and recognition, sure, and he wants vengeance on the ones who wronged him - but the thing that bothers me is that in almost every other media, riddler always wants to prove himself the smartest, not the most just. his intellect always comes first, and anything else is secondary. it would make sense if he like. made all his victims solve puzzles before murdering them (like he did with the DA, giving them a chance to prove they’re just as smart (which he is sure they won’t cuz he’s the smartest most specialist boy in the world)). that would give him a chance to prove himself better than them, to have that sense of superiority and power.
and now i’m imagining a riddler that kidnaps his victims using elaborate traps, placing them in devices a la saw, doing the whole riddle me this shebang, asking them questions about corruption and dirty laundry, all while streaming all of this tortureporn to thousands of people online. and when the victims would finally not be able to answer the final question, the contraption goes off and the person is dead. the whole ‘leaving the clues for batman’ thing would come after, when he sets up the crime scene and leaves it for the police to discover. imo, THAT would coincide with riddler’s MO much better - him exposing the sins of the city’s elite while simultaneously proving himself smarter over and over again.
i just want my classy suited up eddy with his stupid question mark cane doing a little dance when he performs, so confident in himself and his genius, only to be crushed by batman’s galaxy brain and sent to arkham shaking and mewling like a newborn kitten
and not like. a dude who lives in his mom’s basement streaming on twitch to his 500 subs in his silly little ski mask that he wears his glasses over
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nygmobblepot-trash · 3 years
Riddler getting a call at 2 am: "Lee! Have you finally decided to embrace your inner darkness?"
Oswald: "I don't even wanna know what the means..."
Riddler: "Penguin? The caller ID said-"
Oswald: "I know dumbass. If I used my phone you wouldn't have answered."
Riddler: "If you hurt-"
Oswald: "I gave her 50 dollars for her phone. I haven't talked to her since. She was alive when I saw her."
Riddler: "OK. So you got me to answer. What exactly is your plan to keep me on the line?"
Oswald: "Well I have Zasz on the roof of the blue building close to you."
Riddler: "How-?"
Oswald: "Please everyone knows about how you're losing it. Fall asleep in your bed, one of the people trapped in your head takes control, you wake up on a random roof, you spend the day trying to figure out what you did, repeat it all again that night. Anyways as you've probably pieced together by now or probably not depending on who I'm talking to right now-"
Riddler: "Zasz will shoot me if I hang up. Wait how long has this been happening? I shouldn't have went away. Also isn't Zasz still mad at you?"
Oswald: "Zasz would never pass up the opportunity to shoot someone. Alright you're not Ed."
Riddler: "The answer you seek is the answer to my question-."
Oswald: "I wouldn't finish that thought if I were you. Because if you're about to do what I think you're about to do Zasz will shoot you. Regardless I figured it out and lucky for all of us you're the one I'm looking for."
Riddler: "H-How many reasons did you give to him?"
Oswald: "3. You hang up the phone, you tell a riddle, or... I don't remember the third but it was just as valid. God this phone call is taking too long. Look I need you to go the street and get into the black vehicle. Martin refuses to go to bed without a bed time story. Use this time to think of a good one."
Riddler: "Let me get this straight... you called me at 2 am, had Zasz point several guns at me, and sent I assume several men to throw me into a van. For what? A bed time story?"
Oswald: "No you're weak, it's just the driver. I'm not going to waste several of my men on your skinny ass."
Riddler: "Why can't you just grab a book and read it to him? Unless... you can't read?! This makes you defeating me look much much worse. Oh I'm going to be sick."
Oswald: "I hate you so much. Yes I can read you fucking idiot. We've sent letters to each other! No I did not have someone else do it for you prick. Oh and you think I'm pleased with this situation either? I told him I or any of the other staff would read him any story he wanted. I even got a writer to make up a story for him! All he keeps writing is 'Uncle Rid'- God I refuse to say that ridiculous name. I wish he would go back to swearing rather than calling you that."
Riddler: "He didn't write Uncle Ed?"
Oswald: "Are you even listening? No he refuses to, probably because of you."
Riddler: "He calls me Uncle Riddler?!"
Oswald: "I'm going to tell Zasz to do it. Martin you're just going to have to pick someone, anyone else."
Riddler: "Tell your driver I'll be there in a moment."
Oswald: "...I hate you and your stupid ass name."
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shy-raccoon · 2 years
Tumblr media
Raccoonverse Riddler aka My riddling bastard son
Riddler: Edward Nygma Nashton 
Race: white, Sex: male, Gender: demiboy, Sexuality: pansexual, Age: 22, Hight: 5’8 ft, Weight: 120 lbs, Body: skinny, Skin: pale, Eyes: green, Hair: brown 
Personality: He hates himself or thinks he is god with no in between. He must be the smartest person in the room. He will have a mental breakdown if he doesn't know something or can’t solve something. He has a burning need for attention, validation & acknowledgment. He has frequent mood swings going from calm to enraged to happy to depressed in 5 minutes. He is very obsessive, intelligent, manipulative & dramatic.           
Info: He does his crimes to prove his intelligence, prove a point, for revenge or for attention. He hacks, robs, extorts, sabotages & cyberattacks corporations, gov’ts & other powerful people. He also does online fraud, piracy, counterfeiting & makes computer viruses. His gang does most of the major cybercrimes in Gotham. He kidnaps people to put them in death traps to prove their intelligence or die. He bombs gov’t/corporate property to raise the stakes for batman. He steals artifacts, paintings, precious metals/gems, tech & high fashion. His riddles are coded in his original cyphers so you have to be smart enough to solve the cypher & the riddle. He hides his riddles near his crime scenes in places he thinks only Batman would think to look.   
Past: He was physically/mentality abused by his parents & severely bullied in school. He ran away at 14 by traveling with haly’s circus to Gotham. There he worked at a casino & as the hacker enigma. He started working as a corporate spy for Wayne enterprises (philip kane). He turned against Kane so Kane tried to beat him to death. Eddie survived but was exposed as enigma by Kane & batman. Gotham’s richest got Eddie sent to Arkham instead of prison to discredit everything Eddie exposed to the public about them. Eddie decided to become the Riddler to get revenge against Gotham's upper class for putting him in Arkham.   
Relationships:  OTP: scarecrow & catwoman. Brotp: query, echo, penguin, harley quinn, mad hatter & two-face. Enemies: batman, batfam, joker, hush & poison ivy. Teams: legion of doom   
Health: OCD, NPD, HPD, PTSD, Autism, Megalomania & Schizoaffective Disorder. He was kneecapped by the Joker so he needs a cane to walk. He is nearsighted so he needs glasses.  
Skills: programming, hacking, engineering, code making/breaking, deception, investigation & escapology  
Items: cane with taser, grappling hook & various other features depending on model. He carries small explosives shaped like puzzle pieces. He has a dagger with question mark handle & handgun with question mark charm 
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eclaire-went-bam · 3 years
random riddler headcanons
cannot read the difference between > or <, he uses the "which way is the alligator facing" thing to help him. he keeps this secret very close to him
idk abt you guys but for some reason he always gave me. ace-spec vibes???
on that note he's quoisexual in my eyes. there are,,,question marks on the flag bro,,, it's perfect
that being said he's still DEF homoromantic we all saw that one coming
can't say the words “floor ride in the wyatt tier” in one go
has this unexplained fear of being wrapped up in something, especially arkham straight-jackets (ref to that one throwaway line in young justice lol)
biggest troll bait
80 page long defense plan intro is not fully an intro. it just. trails off into how he hates the batman and how superior he is to him after page 62 (reference to an arkham knight dlc)
the full defense plan is exactly 765 pages
has an official twitter account
adamantly believes cicada 3301 is real. he really wants to join just to feel super smart, but he found out about the whole thing after the organisation/arg/whatever you think it is went silent
when asked how he is, he says “well” to flaunt his correct grammar (although saying good is actually acceptable too lol don't tell him)
has spent WAY too much money on that green luminescent paint. he probably would've been richer than bruce wayne if he just saved it (arkham games again)
has taken either dance or theatre in the past behind his father's back. that's how he so effortlessly makes dramatic speeches, poses, and movements without falling over
would cry if he got a 99% instead of an 100% on a test. partly because 99 is an odd number and i need to self-project though (but also validation i guess 🙄)
can't??? drive???? PLEASE never let him behind the wheel he'll get a diu even while completely sober
hair conditioner before shampoo
he doesn't need a mask, everyone already knows who he is. at this point he just wears it because it feels natural to wear it when he's commiting 💕felonies💕 if not he feels practically nude
nobody knows if it's nygma or nigma and that's his greatest riddle in his eyes
has said or done SO many things solely because he wanted validation or to prove something and is now held up to that expectation all the time it's not fun
somehow rhymes when he's either very euphoric or very angry and he hasn't even noticed he does this
i mean yeah he rhymes with some of his riddles but those are on purpose
he was just. REALLY influenced by those books that are completely full of riddles when he was little. found it collecting dust on a shelf he was finally barely tall enough to reach when he was like 8 and practically brought it everywhere cus it made him feel so cool
speaking of which, serious case of chuunibyou/eighth grade syndrome
instead of just. saying words like "twenty" hell say stuff like "onescore" (hopefully i'm thinking of it right)
for someone who speaks with a lot of question marks he sure does have a lot of exclamation point undertones
doesn't curse just so he doesn't sound lesser. instead he'll try his very hardest to make improvisions that he tries to not make sound stupid
they sound stupid.
you best BET he flaunts whatever hat he has on EVERYWHERE that's his PRIZED possession
when he committed his first riddle crime everyone thought it was an arg
utilises the manipulative kind of word salads to sound intelligent (just wanna emphasise, not the schizophasia kind)
whenever it involves himself, he can't tell when others are joking or not
whenever he walks into the restroom, of course, he stares longingly into the mirror
honestly if there's any mirror he'll examine himself in it, even if not obviously. he needs to make sure he still looks a a a a adorable!!
“riddle me this: cryptocurrency???”
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
omg how do u think arkhamverse riddler would react to learning his S/O is a twitch streamer
guess who has two free hours today
i might get a few sets of hcs out
Arkham!Riddler with a twitch streamer s/o hcs:
Eddie was a twitch streamer when he was younger. the whole she-bang that happened in Origins kind of put an end to his career, though he did stream sometimes just for fun. he liked playing and rambling about games, pointing out what was wrong with their mechanics and what could be done, even sometimes fixing some bugs himself. people loved him for his humour and nerdiness and he felt validated for once
fate had it, he stopped having the time to stream, by the events of Arkham Knight he's so engrossed in his work he doesn't take care of himself, let alone allow himself simple pleasures like gaming. but you being a twitch streamer really brings back some memories
he loves making appearances in your streams. some people still remember him from the time where he was actively gameplaying and rambling to the camera (the latter he still does, obviously, but in a different sense) and it felt... weirdly nostalgic to see some internet randoms being happy to see him
he loves to just sit by you and comment with you (or on your techniques and everything) or getting into discussions with the chat. you've honestly gained more popularity thanks to him, i mean, who wouldn't want to ask The Riddler a question! and he's very eager to answer everything (and he also loves every time people praise and suck up to you two, and root for your relationship. that man feeds off of validation)
it feels nice, just spending time with you like this, having fun. makes him less insecure about the fact that he's aging slowly and lets him enjoy himself a little. sometimes, you two organise some small competitions, especially aimed at your college/student audience, for small sums of money or something of the like for whoever answers his riddles right. it's fun. and Eddie's hosted a small gameshow with you and a few of your friends, which was an absolute pleasure for him
Batman hasn't found out yet. but the batkids did. Dick and Tim watch you two regularly, and all of them, even Barbara, had a "family night" while watching your little gameshow. No one's gonna tell Bruce (they think he'd secretely enjoy it too tho)
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This is an idea/scenario I’ve had for a good while now pertaining to Arkham Knight Riddler. I don’t know if it’s any good -- it may be too “fluffy” to be in character -- but I wanted to write it down and get it out there, see what people think. Ironically, the idea came from a similar one involving Telltale Riddler, and I may post that one someday, too, but this AK Riddler one is...very different. Different in regards to a lot of headcanons, imagines, drabbles, etc. about him.
So, the scenario is like this: Someone wants to fuck with this poor guy -- not Batman, not one of the Bat family, not even one of the Gotham Rogues. It could be some random new villain, someone who is maybe more sadistic than any of the Rogues (save for Joker). I thought about this antagonist kidnapping AK Eddie’s s/o and holding them hostage …
But with a twist.
Catwoman has nothing to do with this because she’s not evil, but I thought about the explosive collar Riddler put on her in Arkham Knight, and what if this antagonist -- to really mess with Eddie -- decides to put such a collar on his s/o? And Riddler has to show up and complete some tasks (dangerous puzzles and riddle-based traps most likely), or else, his s/o loses their head.
Of course, Eddie shows up because he’s panicking. This was never supposed to happen! Nothing was supposed to happen to his s/o. This is beyond anything Batman had ever done. This is so sinister, so vile, so abhorrent, Eddie can’t even begin to comprehend it. At first, he bargains, offering money, tech, robots, his hacking skills -- even offers himself up to wear the collar instead because he can’t take the sight of his beloved wearing something that could blow their head right off, right in front of him, and leave him emotionally and mentally broken for life.
But the antagonist doesn’t want to bargain, even when Eddie begs -- like, really begs to the point of tears, asking for mercy and pleading with the antagonist to let his s/o go free. They have nothing to do with any of Eddie’s work. They’re innocent, and they’re too important to him! He can’t let this happen!
The begging amuses the antagonist but once again, it’s not enough. Eddie has to do the challenges, and if he completes them all correctly, the collar comes off. If he messes up, then his s/o dies. Eddie reassures his s/o that everything will be just fine, he’s got this under control, they’ll be out of trouble in no time so don’t be afraid.
It’s difficult to not be afraid when you have a bomb around your neck and a sadistic psychopath with the trigger. As bad as Eddie can be, he’s not THIS malevolent. He has some humanity left in him. But this person, they’re just out there to make him suffer because it’s “entertaining” to watch him squirm. 
As you know, by this point in his life, Eddie is very mentally unstable and could have a mental breakdown if pushed even just a little too far. His s/o is the only thing keeping him grounded, the only reason he has to keep his sanity (or what’s left of it), and this is the only person who has ever cared for him despite the fact he knows he’s not worth it. If he loses his beloved, then what would he have left? There would be no recovery from such a thing.
So, Eddie completes the challenges, although he is internally freaking out the entire time, partly because he doubts himself and partly because he has no idea if the antagonist will just press the trigger and kill Eddie’s s/o without warning. By the time Eddie is done, he’s a nervous wreck and on the verge of a breakdown, but he hopes that, by enduring all this, by letting this person watch him squirm, sweat, beg, cry, and panic, that maybe it’s enough to end this madness without his s/o dying.
But the antagonist doesn’t care that Eddie completed all the tasks. In the end, it’s about making Eddie suffer horribly because watching a nearly broken man finally break -- shatter -- is the point of all this. So, the collar has a 30 second timer set, and as it counts down, Eddie obviously freaks out, hyperventilating as he tries to plead once again for his s/o’s life, offering himself up again in their place, and yet, it’s not enough (kind of reminding him how he was never enough for his father, even if he agonized over pleasing him). The antagonist just laughs at Eddie’s mental breakdown and tells him he better use the remaining time to say goodbye. And no funny business. If Eddie or his s/o attempt to remove or disarm the collar, then it will detonate. 
Eddie’s s/o, despite being terrified does their best to put on a brave face and they tell him it’s ok, it’s not his fault, just don’t look, look away, it will all be over soon, he has to keep going for them...Eddie doesn’t know what to do, and seeing as he now has 10 seconds left, he does the only thing he feels he can and should do, and he grabs his s/o despite their protests and holds them tight, crying and saying over and over how sorry he is, he’s so sorry. 
And the timer reaches zero on the collar.
There’s a soft click.
Then nothing.
No explosion. 
The antagonist bursts out laughing, confessing that the “bomb” is a dud, was never going to explode, and since both Eddie and his s/o were too distressed to think all this through, they never even considered this as a possibility. The collar has been unlocked and Eddie’s s/o just kind of sinks to their knees in complete shock, and he can’t believe what he’s seeing. At first, he’s confused, wondering if this is all some sort of twisted dream, then he’s relieved because his s/o is safe, then he’s angry because what the hell was this?! He vows to get revenge on the antagonist and throws the collar away as he all but screams in rage.
Now alone, Eddie remembers his s/o is still on the floor, pale as a sheet and unresponsive. Kneeling down, he asks if they’re ok, tells them they’re ok, that this was all some sort of sick joke. When his s/o snaps out of their daze, they get mad and push him away, yelling at him for being so foolish
“You were just going to let yourself die with me?!” they demand.
“Yes!” Eddie responds, too overwhelmed to even know how to respond to this. 
“Why? Why would you do that?”
“Because I can’t go back to my old life! Not having known you! You think that I would just sink back into my old routine without a hitch? You think I would forget you? You think I’d just move on and live life normally? How could I do that? How? If I lost you, I’d have nothing, do you understand? Nothing. My life would be empty, more so than it’s ever been, and nothing could fill that void, not the way you do. No one has ever loved me, not even those who were supposed to! But you, you love me! I didn’t ask for it, and I don’t even deserve it, but you love me anyway. You make me feel valid, you make me feel like...like I exist, like I actually matter.”
His s/o is crying, and he’s crying, and they’re both going to be emotionally traumatized for a while. Sure, Eddie will get revenge but he’s also going to be having night terrors -- nightmares would be much better than what he experiences at night -- about his s/o dying in gruesome ways while is helpless to do anything. Sometimes, he won’t even be able to sleep because he doesn’t want those ghastly images in his head, and he’ll stay up holding his s/o as they (try) to sleep (they have nightmares of their own after this experience). 
He has to come to terms with his first real encounter with the threat of loss, a real loss. He never cared about anyone before because no one ever cared for him. He was used to being ignored, bullied and belittled, and he always had trouble trusting others because of how he was raised. He never had friends, never thought he would need friends because, well, he never had any. Forming emotional attachments was beyond him, as he never had such a relationship with his parents, and that is the first time children are supposed to experience attachment. If your parents don’t love you, you grow up feeling unloved, alone, and don’t understand what it’s like to be close to people, so you just push everyone away and look out for yourself. It makes you selfish just as much as it makes you feel lonely.
But now, Eddie has his s/o, someone who just kind of barged into his life and stole his heart despite his best efforts to not feel anything sentimental because being vulnerable meant he could get hurt, and he didn’t like the idea of forming an attachment only to have it ripped away from him due to the other person’s betrayal. In his eyes, love equals abuse, since that’s the only kind of “love” this Eddie seems to have ever experienced. 
It’s going to take a lot of time -- and patience -- for Eddie to deal with this, and he’s going to be watching his s/o like a hawk. They won’t be allowed to go anywhere alone, and definitely not at night. He’ll be very clingy, protective, maybe a little possessive but mostly protective. When he does eventually find a way to calm down, it will actually make him a stronger person emotionally, I think, because he will understand himself better, and he’ll understand the relationship he has with his s/o better. This experience has taught him -- in the most insane and unwelcomed way -- why his s/o is so vital to him, and while attachment like that is almost frightening because of the risk of loss, he doesn’t want to go back to his old life and be alone, being seen as some sort of joke by everyone in Gotham. He doesn’t want to go back to being isolated, left with only his thoughts to comfort him despite his dwindling sanity and self-esteem. He needs to have a reason to press on, and trying to be better than everyone just won’t do it anymore. He needs to be loved, loves to be loved, but is also thrilled to be able to give it in return, whatever the risks may be.
And you know the antagonist is going to be utterly destroyed by Riddlerbots. Or something. Something awful will happen to that person. We know that much.
Ugh, so let me know what you guys think! This is way out there in left field in terms of portrayal of Arkham Knight Eddie (or just Arkhamverse Eddie in general) but this idea has been stuck in my mind for so long now. Feedback is definitely encouraged and appreciated here because this is such an epic and crazy h/c. Constructive criticism is welcome. Just don’t be mean, please.
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curious-menace · 3 years
Arkham!Riddler SFW Alphabet
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When I started this one I figured it would be easier since I can riddle as bi and ace and this is all non-sexual but my god was it difficult. It's hard to separate what i'd like from a partner like riddler from what this version of riddler would actually be like.  I've done my best but if you have anything you'd like to add, feel free to hmu!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Edward can be affectionate in quite a superficial way. He’s not above using someone's affections for him to get what he wants out of them and he certainly isn't above feigning affection for the same reason. Although unless you were head over heels for him, his faux sincerity would be pretty obvious.��
However with a partner he actually likes i can imagine he’d be very affectionate with his actions more than his words. Riddler loves to talk but expressing actual love can be difficult for him, whether it’s romantic or platonic, saying how he feels about you is one of the few things that doesn't come easy. I can see him spending a lot of money on you as a gesture of affection; fancy food , clothes, first editions of your favorite books or vintage versions of whatever you collect. He’d quite happily pay for your education/college and any and all books you might want. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Being a “best friend”  would probably be at your insistence and not his. He’s likely left any childhood friends behind (assuming he had any to begin with) and I think as an adult, Edward would have trouble making friends. Like most things, Edward treats friendship as just another tool in the bag, he can count the people he actually gives a shit about on 1 hand. 
If you were lucky (or unlucky depending on your view) to be considered one of those friends, expect lots of phone calls about bailing him out, riddles turning up in weird places ( like in the pocket of a coat you haven't worn in a while) and him helping you out with your cerebral challenges( like your quarterly tax return, no eddie i can't just NOT do it will you put down the rubix cube and help me)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’ll never admit it, not even under pain of death, but Edward likes to be held. Now there's a few caveats to this; his rules and on his terms etc.  He likes to lie between your legs with his head on your chest, either facing you for a hug while he naps or away from you, using you like a pillow while he reads or tinkers with something.  He likes having his hair played with and his back gently stroked until he falls asleep.
He keeps up the facade of being totally touch adversed for good reason, the other rouges just do not respect personal space, even ones like killer croc and clayface. For the sake of his suits, he keeps this up even in private. But if you were someone special to him, you might convince him to toss his arm around your shoulder or waist. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
When he’s doing well mentally, he’s pretty good at taking care of himself. Or at least, looking like he takes good care of himself. He can cook and clean a little but he has the cash to pay other people to do the more menial or time consuming stuff for him. Not that he’s above it, he just prefers to spend his time on other things and is happy to compensate people to save him from doing it. These days he's more focused on other things to be bothered with domestic chores, his place is very messy. 
Settling down is an alien concept to him, not one he’s eager to explore. Expect him to turn his nose up at the prospect of marriage but a platonic long term partner, someone for company, someone to act as a sounding board for ideas or even just someone to (gently but firmly) kick his ass into looking after himself would be pretty ideal.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d probably be thinking long and hard about it beforehand. Like weeks if not months in advance. He’d want to give you the perfect breakup and, depending on what happened, try his best to part as friends. He doesn't deal well with sudden changes to his routine, particularly with no plans ahead. On the other hand he might just pussy out and ghost you. He’s fickle like that.
If it was your doing, well. Edward takes these sorts of things as a challenge. He might even assume you were joking the first time around. After he got the message, I sense he’d probably be quite clingy and upset. It’s taken a lot for him to get so far with you and he wouldn't let it go without a fight. He might try to change or at the very least , be better at hiding whatever it was that you want to break it off.
Failing that expect a lot of texts from blocked numbers almost but not quite begging or apologizing and asking for more chances.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I said above, marriage isn't for him. I doubt he'd be compatible with a religious person given his childhood and outspoken atheism. He MIGHT if pressed, give you a question mark themed ring or token as a reminder that you were his. No papers, no ceremony, just something small. If you proposed expect him to be flustered and , if you can believe it, at a loss for words. He might go radio silent on you for a few days before giving you an answer but i honestly couldn't tell you what it might be. He does enjoy the thought of someone referring to him as “my husband” thought, so maybe persistent begging i'll get you somewhere. 
Some sort of Commitment appeals to him from a practical point; having someone to rely on, to fall back on and to care and be cared for by. It's not a normal relationship by any stretch of the imagination but it’ll be special all the same.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Edward isn't an imposing man. He might be tall but he’s all sinus and no mass. He has gentle hands but can be careless when he’s in a mood ( with objects, never with you). He's broken a lot of plates, computer monitors and mechanical pencils over the years. He lacks a lot of social grace to treat things with the necessary amount of sensitivity sometimes, but he has the sense to at least TRY and be emotionally gentle. Situations of abuse or self worth issues, things he has personal experience dealing with are things he can easily empathise with .
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Short story, yes but only coming from a trusted partner. Long story is that he has a hard time not flinching when someone hugs him by surprise. You should ask before you do it. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Edward is the kind of person to fall head over heels very quickly. He might say I love you before it's socially appropriate, it honestly might make you a little uncomfortable. But once that initial infatuation dies he's a lot more guarded with his feelings. He’d say i love you in a superficial way quickly but a genuine i love you with real emotion would take a lot of time and thought from him before he actually committed to it. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If you look up jealousy in the dictionary, you'd see Edward's picture. Obviously he is a deeply insecure man, he’s terrified you’ll start to think of him the way he thinks of himself and seek out someone better. You need to nip any signs of jealousy in your relationship in the bud early on. Otherwise Edward will become controlling, manipulative and possessive to the point of alienating you from other people, simply for the sake of having you to himself. You need to set healthy boundaries while also doing your best to accommodate his need to be validated and his need for reassurance that you do in fact want to be with him. He gets snappy when he’s jealous, with you and other people. He has temper tantrums like a child if you don't agree with him. Like for example if he thinks someone was flirting with you and you tell him they were just being friendly. 
All that said, I genuinely don't think he does it for the sake of being a controlling partner. He is just so very afraid that someone he actually gives a shit about will leave him like everyone else in his life. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I should point out that he doesn't kiss often. But when he does,He’s all over the damn place. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. He is a very sloppy kisser when he gets into it but generally his kisses are very short and chaste. Like i said, he doesn't really know what he's doing so he's all over the place in terms of location. I think smooches on the cheek  because it's easy access, for him and you. He likes body worship, so if you're kissing him, anywhere will do as long as you're praising that part while you do it. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Edward does not like children but he’s good pretending for the sake of his image. Childrens naturally inquisitive nature coupled with his bright and colourful appearance makes for some entertaining moments but in the long run I can see him worrying too much: about screwing the kid up, about being perceived like his father, about the child not meeting his expectations etc. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's more of a night owl tbh. If you're living with him he might wander into the kitchen while you're getting breakfast , wondering why you're up so late. You'd have to tell him he’s accidentally pulled another all nighter. He might have coffee with you and talk about what he was working on, maybe ask if he could have some breakfast with you. But by the time it's cooked he’ll have passed out on the sofa.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Edward prefers to work and operate at night so expect him to be in a flurry of activity, building things, calling people and working at his computer. He likes to have company, even if you aren't doing much talking. It would be nice for him to just spend time with you while you both work on your respective projects. Sometimes he gets his shit together and lives during the day like most people ( read as, when he’s just been to prison and has an actual schedule for once) he would like to unwind with you by watching game shows or playing video games.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Edward has a bad habit of gloating about his accomplishments but in a way that is so obviously false it unintentionally tells more about him than he really wanted to. Like in Arkham knight, he gloats about “not having any friends at all” in reference to his riddler bots when Catwoman teases him. He meant that as a snipe at catwoman but the fact he’s so open about his lack of friends, to most people anway, is incredibly sad. 
He’s a well known villain, if you didn't know most of his backstory before dating him it would be hard to miss once you were together. He’s unlikely to tell you it himself, having to repeat it time and time again in therapy has him perpetually bored of the subject .
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He gets upset quite easily, he has very limited patience . He’s used to other people's cuts and jibes so he mostly lets that roll off his back with only a little annoyance. But for stupid people, and people outright insulting him, dismissing him or for acting like batman he is liable to start seeing red very quickly . In your relationship I would say he is easily irritated by a lot of things, generally a bit grumpy if things don't go his way but rarely as angry as we see him in the climax of Arkham knight. He doesn't yell or shout at you but he will seethe and let his anger fester for days at a time. He can be very mean when he’s angry. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You would think for someone with a photographic memory, he would be better at remembering things about you. It's not to say he DOESN'T remember, only that he requires prompting to do so. Yes, he will remember everything about you but he puts it in the back of his head so he can focus on other things. Don't be surprised if he lets important dates slip by or does things at the last minute because something reminded him of it. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It's probably something innocuous that you wouldn't think of, or even realise he was there for. Maybe he remembers meeting you in a coffee shop months or years before you met and started dating. He remembers because you held the door for him or gave him a genuine smile. You were something colourful in his gray day, something hard to forget. I doubt he tried to build a relationship out of that one moment but when he met you again he would remember that and decide that it was fate or something.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Edward is protective in a strange way. He’s most powerful in situations where he controls everything , which isn't usually possible in real life as he's not a particularly strong man. He has more power in the digital world so that's where he feels most comfortable looking out for you. He might watch you on security cameras to make sure you get home safe, send you texts to check in or hide your profile from the police. You can be online together and in the public eye ( for him to brag about you to his online followers of course). To tie back in with his jealousy, he would be pretty protective initially but if you told him to back off, he’d be careful to do it more secretly. 
Edward needs to be protected in a lot of ways, mostly from himself. He’s not good at looking after himself, either physically, mentally or socially. His big mouth gets him into a lot of bother so he might need you to act as a social filter. He’s had several large breakdowns in the last few years and with arkham closed for good, he has no support besides you. He needs to be grounded and kept in the present lest he get wrapped up in his thoughts. 
 T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
Honestly? He doesn't really try. He's very lucky in that he can pull something out of his ass last minute and it would still have a similar effect to if he’d spent the whole month planning. Someday it's going to blow up in his face big time but he doesn't seem to care.
Same goes for everyday tasks. He's usually so focused on his own stuff that he doesn't realise other things need done. He's a master of doing things at the last second and still making it look like he put in effort.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a bad habit of underestimating people, even you. He might be inclined to patronise you when you try to do things for him but just showing him that you are a capable human being is usually enough to shut him up. He's very egocentric, narcissistic and conceited, but given everything he's been through, it's not really his fault he's like this. What is his doing is his refusal to work on his faults or try to grow as a person. Perhaps with the right encouragement you could help him but don't hold your breath. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Normally yes, Edward is narcissistic and very concerned with his looks but recently, with his mental health declining, he's forgotten to take care of himself. I imagine when/if he snaps out of this funk he’ll be mortified by how he’s let himself go. He’s more concerned with how he looks socially, how he might be perceived and his reputation than what he physically looks like. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Edward is and always has been convinced he was meant to be alone. He’s somewhat made his peace with that . there would always be a hole in his heart that he really thought nothing could ever fill. But meeting you? Well that changes things. Edward will never be a complete, well rounded person but having someone to kiss his wounds and pour their love into the cracks in his being is infinitely better than being alone. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I mentioned in some of my mini headcanons for him that he used to do gymnastics as a kid. It wasn't so much that he wanted to or even enjoyed it all that much, in his highschool you just had to pick a sport and it was one of the only things that wasnt team related and had the lowest chance of being hit in the head with a ball, bat or racket. He was pretty good at it, even if he didnt like it that much , and probably could have taken home some bronze or silver awards in his state if his parents had encouraged him. Nowadays he can barely do a pullup but he's still got most of the flexibility, even if repeated breaks at the hands of batman have left him a little sore while he does it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Edward doesn't like people appearing to be smarter than him. but his ego usually protects him from acknowledging that fact. he doesn't like bullies, despite being one himself . but his most hated trait in people is alcohol use/ dependency. If he knew you were an alcoholic he likely never would have started dating you but even the odd drink will make him turn his nose up. of course, hes a hypocrite , when hes feeling really sorry for himself he will definitely drink his sorrows away in whatever hole in the ground gotham rogues frequent. the self loathing is as strong as his hangover the next morning. he knows hes like his father, in more ways than one and it makes him sick. any mention of alcohol is likely to bring up these feelings
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Edward is a chronic insomniac but there is one thing that is guaranteed to send him right to the land of nod and that is having his hair played with and his back stroked. I don't know if it was one of the few kind touches he ever received as a child or if his parents did it when he was a baby but it's one of the few things that makes him feel truly safe and cared for. Riddler has spent the majority of his life alone, so finding a partner he trusts enough to allow them not only into his space but also his bed would be a difficult thing. If that's you, however, expect him to be badgering you every night to help him get to sleep.
that took a lot longer than i thought it would! arkham riddler is obviously my favorite so i was trying to write a lot for him but i hope i havent been rambling
if you want to talk more about any of the riddlers, hmu!
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