#anarchist webcomic
wholesomemorbid · 9 months
The Anarcats
Who needs the Aristocats anyway?
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A series of four images that are just simple goofy pencil doodles in a cartoony style. There are titles handwritten on them.
EAT THE RICH AND BUTTHOLES: A cute cat is cleaning her booty
SEIZE THE MEANS OF PAWDUCTION: a kitty sits sleepily with his tumtum hanging out. He will seize things later probably
SOLIDARITY: Three cats interfere with a desktop computer
RELAXING IS A REVOLUTION: A cat stretches happily
GENERATE NO PROFITS: Three cats enjoy a sunbeam
If this comic gave you a laugh, please follow me. 1 heart = 1 vote in support of cats striking until they get the good wet food again
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kayas-kosmos · 24 days
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Ludwig the soft-hearted anarcho punk and Molly the budding Solarpunk. Ludwig is very much like a big brother to Molly.
Based off this image.
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Flowerpunk trailer -
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smreine · 8 months
What, Me Worry?
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Image description: a femme in a bikini, gas mask, and arm warmers reclines, hair flowing around her. She is unshaven and has many stretch marks. Her bikini has hazard symbols and skulls on it. She’s wearing cute gardening arm warmers, too. Maybe she’s basking in the sun? The text is virulent green and says “Relax! It’s just the APOCALYPSE”
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nowicantlose · 1 year
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Unnumbered #62 The Anarchist Cookbook
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kogetaikidartedition · 10 months
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Sup guys! Kogetai, again. Welcome to my art blog! Here, I’ll post original webcomics, art and some animation and music.
-I can’t understand some social cues, so if your joking or being sarcastic, please put a “(jk)” right next to your comment
-I’m a minor so no asking for NSFW art
-I’m scared of creepypasta jump scares so don’t DM me that kind of shit
-Also, I tend to swear a lot, so if you’re uncomfortable GTFO
-I’m working of an indie animation called Epic Club and I’d really like help :)
There are two current projects I’m planning on working on here: Epic Club and D!0X!D3
Epic Club Description:
No one knows how they've got here, but they have. In the middle of the universe in the andromeda galaxy, in a planet called Epicland. exist the color spirits to fight evil and bring colors to the world. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple and gray.
One day, the red spirit wanted to become human-like. What happens next...does it even matter...?
D!0X!D3 Description: Everyone likes being told what to do! Everyone like to follow thing in order! Everyone likes to learn worthless knowledge that they won’t even use in the future!!! Everyone! Except for the SyrKo Child Anarchist Society. After knowing the disgusting robotic nature of the world SyrKo was made to stand against it. One child, Melanie (aka: D!0X!D3) was the most loyal. But in that loyalty lies doubt and fear.
Are either sides truly correct…?
Logos: (Forget to separate the D!0X!D3 one)
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kogetaikid · 10 months
Yo guys, I think I might be starting a web comic
I’ve had the concept for my show Epic Club for a long time ever since late 2019
It’s evolved a lot during the pandemic and is way different from it was originally gonna be
One of the biggest differences are that originally, the main character (Melody Conway) Was gonna be the main focus. She still is, but overtime, but I’ve grown fond of other characters and that caused some PRETTY LORE HEAVY CHARACTERS…
One of them being Melody’s sister (Melanie) who I’m planning on making an ENTIRE WEBCOMIC ON HER BACKSTORY
The comic is called D!0X!D3 (pronounced Dioxide) and it’s about an extreme anarchistic society run by orphan kids on an alien planet called Epicland. One of the kids, a young girl named Melanie (Also known as D!0X!D3) stood out from everyone else. No one knew why. She just did.
I’m not gonna be posting about D!0X!D3 on this blog. All make another blog for it called “KogetaiComicsAndArt”. Also, since I’m starting school in a few weeks, don’t expect much. I’ll try my best to work on it though
I’m also still in production of Epic Club. If I have the chance, I’ll start reaching out to some animators/voice actors for my show :) (I already have someone for the music)
Also, if you have any advice on making webcomics, please do say. I’m also gonna do my own research tho :)
Heres the cover for D!0X!D3! :)
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prokopetz · 2 years
This is admittedly kind of a shot in the dark, you haven't talked about this ever as far as I know, so I have no real reason to believe you'd be aware of it, except for the whole ... [gestures to your blog] The Everything, so maybe you can help? I'm trying to re-find a specific webcomic, and google and my usual go-tos aren't being especially helpful, so if you know it, I'd sincerely appreciate it.
it's about a semi-post-apocalyptic Canadian mall that used to be either a city or three cities, and the main characters are cat furries. it's in black and white, and one of the main plot arcs is about anarchist hockey cosplayers fighting mall cops who are also real cops
any thoughts?
Hm. Black-and-white comics about hockey players in post-apocalyptic Canada immediately puts me in mind of Jeff Martin's Hockeypocalypse, but a. as far as I'm aware it was never published as a webcomic, and b. I don't recall any cat furries specifically, though there are lots of other anthro types represented. I don't suppose this art style rings a bell?
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If that's not it, a timeframe might help to narrow things down – about how long ago did you read it?
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hyperfreaksating · 5 months
I'm thinking about reworking the redbomb lovestory in order to have a somehow coherent timeline, and let the original fanfiction living its live separately 🤔
Spitballing :
Buggy and Reddie actually met way before Reddie met the strawhats. Probably in a bar.
Drinking shenanigans & pathetic flirt, she tells him to fuck off and he fell in love
Their relationship go upward and downward like in the original fanfiction, same events but with a different context
In Logue Town arc kids are already like 10 years old
Strawhats meet Red in a bar and get along well with her a little after the Loguetown events. Nobody connect the dots. They don't click she's buggy's girl (not wife yet)
Their road cross often and they kinda become friends but everyone is too stupid to click
... Until the strawhats meet the kids for the first time
"your boys have.... Bright red noses.... And your girl have.... Blue hair" "Yeah just like their father's"
"their father.... Their father's......"
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Buggy getting badly scolded by his girl for bullying these cute little anarchist brats a few moments later
Still including a chapter where buggy screw up really hard and put the kids in dangerous situation. Reddie and the kids join the strawhat for a moment and make solid bonds.
Reunion and wedding officiated by Luffy like in the shitty webcomic back in time because it's too funny
Strawhats are still like cousins for Redbomb family
Timeline of the AU would be like: 5 years between Loguetown and Impel down/ Marineford, and a time skip of 3 years not two
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spidey-bie · 6 months
Imagine showing hobie a picture of a kiwi bird eating a slice of kiwi fruit, and the picture is captioned “cannibalism”
Y'all think Hobie knows what a Kiwi is? (This is a legitimate question.)
I didn't know what the bird was until reading that one webcomic with the lil bright pink kiwi who looked like a cinnamon roll but would kill you.
Anyways ignoring my rambling he'd probably find it cute. Probably says something about how the kiwi is an anarchist too 😔
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
As much as the postcanon kids are cool in design, I doubt people whenever anyone says “my favorite postcanon character is this kid” because in the epilogues Vrissy was basically a traumadump for Vriska to star her new character arc of escaping the fake and gay candy timeline while Tavros main feature was being timid and nervous, a flanderized version of Tavros Nitram. Harry had like 3 lines of dialigue through the whole story.
Now the sequel, Homestuck^2
The kids have actual dialogue and focus in different updates, Harry is the naïve but well mannered theatre kid with a crush on Vrissy, Tavros and Vrissy are hate dating, and Vrissy is generally a scene kid, and Tavros is the rich child who’s entire status is being a ransom bargain against Jane Crocker to get Yiffy back.
Sure they had some funny dialogue, but they are set pieces for Vriska to be the real main character.
Yiffy doesn’t even talk, she disrupts Gamzee’s funeral.
So it’s revealing why some Homestuck fans like HS2, they like the characters with pretty designs and dialogue that references new memes or has the character say something progressive and do anarchist praxis against Janeald Trumpcker like their hero Bernie Sanders.
Most of all they just want more Homestuck, quality is a second priority to the nostalgia and excitement of new Homestuck content, to regress in age just for a moment and feel what it was like to theorize, create, and read new content with an infinite potential of possible directions the story could go in! That’s why many fans saw the newest Beyond Canon update as “the best one yet!” Because it had their favorite characters doing new things
But what we have now does not have as much potential as people think it does, James Roach brags this story will be long, it will take longer than Homestuck 1 did to finish and may be as long as Homestuck, and the whole story is outlined, so we’re just waiting to see the inevitable disappointment that is Hussie’s plan for a final conclusion to Homestuck written when he was running out of ideas for handling Homestuck as a media franchise.
But it won’t matter, some people just want more Homestuck, regardless of quality.
If people want more Homestuck, they can just do stuff like make their own endings, fanart, fanfic, doujinshi, etc. Or commission someone to make said fanart or plushie. They don't need Andrew Hussie or WhatPumpkin after the webcomic was finished. Homestuck has made pop culture references and current Internet memes every now and then, but I don't think it became this excessive or wink at audience kind of deal. It gets annoying pretty fast. Worst is going Member Berries to old fans that are under Stockholm Syndrome, reading this comic.
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Homestuck Beyond Canon being planned to be taking longer than the original base webcomic is very ambitious. Hussie and Whatpumpkin haven't even finished HIVESWAP after 10+ years since its original Kickstarter. If people who were in WhatPumpkin team that move onto the Homestuck Beyond Canon team under James Roach (who is even still working on the music for Hiveswap), couldn't even finish making a game that was paid in $2 million dollars full, how the fuck are they expecting to go OVER 9000 pages to beat the original? Also, aren't Vrissy and Harry cousins, technically? Sure Vrissy is not blood-blood related as she was adopted by Rose and Kanaya, but still being Rose's kid and Roxy being her Aunt, that would make her related to Harry. So troll incest of brother-sister is gross despite being a natural thing on Alternia, but human-troll cousin incest is okay? Talk about priorities on Earth C.
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oasis-nadrama · 2 months
Oasis Nadrama
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Oasis Nadrama (pronouns they/them) is an anarqueer artist, specialized in original science fiction, horror and fantasy works.
Pan, nonbinary, neurodivergent, political anarchist and relationship anarchist, they are opposed to every system of domination (capitalism, state, patriarchy, colonialism, animal exploitation...) and explore these themes through their universes. Oasis' works include: - The transmedia science fiction setting Tetracosmos - The short story Valeurs (under the Hexagon Universe license, available in French in the Dimension Super-Héros 2 anthology and as Michael Shreve's English translation in Tales of the HexagonVerse #2) - The dark fantasy novels Teliam Vore and Les Mondes-Miroirs (created in cooperation with the writer Vincent Mondiot and the visual artist Matthieu Leveder) - The webcomic and video game Pantagrame (created in cooperation with the programmer Arkh and the composer Oraziel) - The fancomic Alabaster The Doomed Session (in the Homestuck universe) - The short movies Dedans le monstre, Ordalie and Déchirures. They also write narrative analysis and political theory.
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aurrieattorney · 1 year
it has been a While since I've remembered/interacted with any fallen hero stuff but I AM dying to know more abt suranga so pls. holds out hands.
(uhhhhh my brain is a little bit scrambled by exhaustion so please heed that there's some tough themes from the source material in this, but at least a cw for mention of suicide and eating disorders)
[inhale] ok SO 
Basically, i missed original suranga a lot given i made him when things were kind of going to shit in my life, and my very nebulous webcomic iteration wasn’t scratching the itch to have him back quite enough, and round about early feb i found out retri was coming out.
So i kinda did a redux of him, keeping some of the things i had and tossing out others while adding other stuff. Much of this i’ve already yelled at with joel and mort, but i’ve never actually sat down and put all those yellings together lol. He’s lebanese-sri lankan (not that he would know, just generally he’s some unplaceable kind of south/west asian and using that to his advantage for fake names) and his voiceclaim, both speaking and singing (suranga sings! both in arabic and english) is hamed sinno (though sameer gadhia also works). For faceclaims, basically the closest person i can get to faceclaim inspo is varada sethu, esp pre-transition with the nose and the skin-tone. He’s also a little bit taller at just under 5’5’’ rather than 5’1 cos I took mercy on him, but he still has to crane his neck to look at ricardo being the giant he is (though suranga Did used to be 5’6’’ before HB fucked his spine up, and becoming even shorter than ortega makes him very grumpy).
freddie purrcury the lint monster is still there, but suranga adopts him pre-hb (ie. sidestep days). It’s thanks to fred that suranga stays with the rangers after a near-miss with the media (which i’m writing a fic up about!), and helps him grow into himself by having to look after another being. After HB, ricardo takes him briefly while he figures out what to do with himself. He’d ultimately love to keep fred but knows he can’t do a very good job of it esp after he decides he can’t retire yet, so fred goes to elena’s (spoilers for retri ending, theres a path where you can visit her ranch!!). I’m still deciding when would be the best point for them to reunite but basically suranga very sad w/o his cat, someone help him :(
however! He’s a mob step (at least, that’s what i’ve tended to default to, i love the crime found family :3 anarchist is also a good fit tho, and i’ve read through the code for thief which could also be fitting, so i’m planning to do), i debated whether he’d want to let the gang in on his identity and the base and ultimately decided yes, it was worth it if he wanted their full trust. He also accidentally becomes a parental figure to nehal, the gang’s driver, which is unexpected for everyone, suranga especially dsakjlfdksj. nehal has spud the pomeranian now, who essentially acts as the gang’s mascot. I have a few ideas about writing fic about their misadventures b/c i am very soft about them and suranga having people who’ve got his back
i changed his suit and his villain name (Argos) to be peacock themed! (here’s some concept sketches i’ve been sitting on a while lol, it’s meant to be imposing but whether it’s actually that remains to be said lol, mysterious might fit better
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I was inspired by my trip to a SL temple belonging to a god which has peacocks associated with him, as well as music and dance. Peacocks fit well with his high arrogance anyway (tho his arrogance/obscurity stat might fluctuate a bit depending on the scenario). Thus, his gang is called the panoptes. This also extends to the cyranga au with @/geek-o13’s cyrus, whose villain name is Helios, and whose namesake is also sometimes described with the panoptes epithet :D if i go into that au this post might double in length so i’ll save that for another one, but thinking about the dynamic between the two and bouncing ideas back and forth brings me so much serotonin :’) 
i know for sure suranga would have the speed mod, as it’s what i always pick, but it might make more sense strategy wise to flip from strength (which, ouch, poor rangers) to telepathy to play to what he does best, (yes to cape, cos he’s a theatre nerd in spite of the inner edna mode telling him not to lol, spent so much time designing the stupid armor and sitting in the library as yasmin poring over books for inspo.) 
i’ve also decided suranga’s got chronic pain/fatigue from the fall in HB, especially in his legs and lower back (like… that was a four storey fall. i’m doubting the farm would bother to fix sidestep’s body enough to given them full mobility/painlessness again if they’re using the MC for experiments, doesn’t seem like giving them back those things was high on the list :V), and therefore also uses a back brace and a custom-made telescopic cane he made himself that can be extended/collapsed as necessary. He also wears a leg holster over his clothes that he can slot the cane into when he doesn’t feel like carrying it. Or doesn’t want to draw attention to himself by having it fall over like thirty times after propping it against something lol. it’s also on the same leg he had the holster for his gun during his sidestep days (and the cane also can function as a self-defense weapon in a pinch). The cane very much becomes part of his physical body language, he’ll gesture/point with it, fidget by twirling it around (he’s dropped it a lot practicing, but he’s a real pro these days) knock on doors with it, or hook things with the handle, etc etc. fhr having a bunch of medical advancements in commonplace prosthesis makes a realy interesting thought experiment about what ableism would look like, esp when chen’s (and to some extent ortega’s) conversations bring up that mods aren’t all great and come with their own issues/challenges.
He’s still a tech/fighterstep, but he’s had to think more like a tactician since then cos he can’t rely so much on his body in fights, which is making me consider doing a tactician run to see if it fits. Anyway, the powersuit mortum makes is basically a mobility aid of sorts, but he has to be careful not to overdo it. He keeps pain meds on him/uses adaptive tools around his apartment (during rebirth, it’s a comfortable flat, and one of the lower ones of the complex in the off-chance the lift breaks down, before he moves into the flat above the tech shop being used as a front for the panoptes) ie. shower chair, a grabber so he doesnt have to bend too far down if he’s dropped something/otherwise would need to get onto a step-stool and potentially eat shit if he loses balance, generally having places to sit throughout the flat in reach, heat pads, etc. 
sometimes he has a habit of drinking (so a secondary vice to sweets) as a way of coping with the pain when it gets a lot, but he tries not to do it too much, and only in the privacy of his apartment. i noticed in the code diving that this vice develops because of telepathy being so energy-intensive, and that a sweets vice mc will also want food in general, not just sweets. Given one of ortega’s love languages is sharing food, they work really well with a sweets vice sidestep, romanced or friendship route :D suranga might have some kind of eating disorder alongside textural issues with food where some days he’s just not able to eat anything. He doesn’t generally do meat, because he likely never had it at the farm and is too expensive in the FEZ anyways, fish is usually ok, but pre-HB if he was having it at his flat, he had to make sure fred couldn’t eat it while he wasn’t looking lol
Basically i’m projecting some of my own crip problems onto suranga and no one can stop me lol. 
Anyway, that also means he really understands chen as a fellow physically disabled person when they start talking in retri (ortega has their own can of worms with the military-grade mods giving back their ability to walk after being paralyzed by the accident way back when they first meet chen), ie. understanding why he named his dog spoon. I’d like to hc that given how happy suranga was with fred, after hb, part of chen’s decision to adopt a dog was that he saw how helpful it was for him, even if he didn’t fully trust suranga, but! given Suranga’s a techstep, it’s canon that techstep mcs used to help chen manage his mods/do tune-up (which would require some degree of trust) and there’s even an option in retri when you meet him at HQ where you notice he’s having problems with his prosthetic limbs and suggest how to adjust it so it works better, which is a nice touch - tactician steps also played chess with him in their downtime!
He’s got yasmin to hop into if his own body gets laid up too bad, but he’s still got reservations about what he does with her body (flirting for information is alright, but no romantic relationships/sex). Her being (presumably) cis, at first it’s a little disconcerting having to perform being a woman again, but the more he gets used to being her, the more he realises feminine stuff isn’t so bad when it’s an opt in thing and begins to experiment with his own presentation sometime between rebirth and retri now he’s got a bit more freedom and confidence to try now he’s debuted as a villain.
He’s always had a fascination with how one can change how they’re perceived just in the way they carry themself, how they dress/behave etc (which then led to an interest in costumes/theatre/fashion, and i’m imagining if there were powerpoint nights at the rangers, suranga would come in with a 20 slide presentation on tearing into x villain of the week’s fit, much to themmy’s delight)
He also has an interest in sewing instead of knitting (although he still does that too, it’s just that sewing is his main thing now, which first started out as fixing holes in his clothes rather than just throw them out, then began teaching himself from books, and then on a trip to tia elena’s, asks about the broken sewing machine she never really used, and then fixes it. Elena teaches him a few of the basics, then he gets into making his own clothes, and makes a gift for elena as thanks (an embroidered shawl with sunflowers on it :3)
this then meshes really well with the puppetmaster scar (in retri, the suicidal scar from rebirth becomes a seperate tag and there’s options throughout the game to convert it to one of the other scars), which has funky implications esp when paired with fate motivation as a fourth-wall break/slightly self-aware kind of step, BUT ALSO THE AUTISM SCRIPT THING (the mc/sidestep is so autistic coded, which makes sense given the author is also autistic). If you’re a baby regene escapee that’s used to following scripts and orders, once you break out there’s only so much you can do before you have to do improv, something something how do you know what your real personality is when you’ve always had to perform? Puppetmaster being similar in flavour to the outsider scar (his original scar, iirc) with a few more bells and whistles, I think it’s p fitting, esp since it works with the strings/thread stuff featuring a lot more heavily in retri, ie. more opportunities to possess people/meet other telepaths/reflect on your relationship to your puppet (yasmin, tall latina gal in suranga’s case). I have no idea how much spoilers you’d want for retri but i’ve been code-diving big time, specifically cos retri is such a sprawling beast of code/divergent story paths.
Suranga is still a pining dumbass for ortega except from afar as the secret crush route, which hasn’t changed (although he’s a bit more clued in that ortega is up to something and has to keep his guard up somewhat). this is made DOUBLY hilarious when also paired with the chenmance (SPOON!!!!!!!!) wherein you find out chen also. has a crush on ricardo. You have to see chen instead of going to hoots with ortega to find that out tho (what a mess lol, everyone here assumes the others are straight.)
I’m angling for the poly route, since so far in retri you can only set up for it, as opposed to chargentstep where if you’re already dating ortega and you get the auction kiss with argent and mention that, you can say you want both of them and there’s no issue cos actually, ortega (julia AND ricardo) flirted with argent when she first joined, and she also likes them lol.
SPEAKING OF ARGENT suranga did enjoy fighting her (if with some degree of stress because ‘oh shit, you would be so mad if you knew i was in your head’ and being an unknown), such that he doesn’t use telepathy against her out of respect even though that’s the only thing mostly keeping them matched. On the bridge, he flirts with her to throw her off, accidentally leaning too much into his yasmin confidence, then gets confused by her actually being interested and then has to re-evaluate what exactly his gameplan is with her. He gets kissed (and bitten) at the auction when he takes his helmet off, and then when he turns up at the HQ has a very awkward conversation with her in the breakroom trying to figure out what the hell their relationship is (some kind of weird friends but the argentmance route is very cute too)
Herald/daniel is kept at arms length, suranga’s his coach and thinks he’s nice enough but a bit sensory overload with all his thoughts (he can’t really teach by sparring since he’s not up to par anymore, and it’s kind of half-true, outside of the suit he can only do so much, but he can offer pointers/maybe bring in nehal?) - maybe or maybe doesn’t pick up on the crush, idk
there's plenty more to add i likely forgot but that has been an Infodump abt suranga the current favourite oc, THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME <3
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kayas-kosmos · 10 months
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Anarchists just wanna have fu-uuuun!
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butchysterics · 2 years
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21xx. noah atwood calls himself an artist—an eccentric painter, a vivid erotic performer—but trouble with the law has cast him adrift, from his home city of manchester to a flooded miami to a burning california
in the bay area, he finds friendship in student veronika belyakof, the estranged daughter of a bioengineering monopoly well-known for its military industrial ties in producing cybernetically-enhanced "supersoldiers." bane international rose to prominence marketing fashionable prosthetic limbs for an increasingly maimed populace, though its purpose expanded to an array of for-profit healthcare schemes, and, of course, the defense division. as a college student, veronika temporarily fled the trauma and controversies of her family in the growing northern capital, a technocratic autonomous city in tlingit aani (once so-called southeast alaska), a beautiful but chaotic place swelling with climate and conflict refugees. noah takes a chance following veronika home when she drops out, facing the changing city again—a city under threat of "apocalypse" as veronika's brother-in-law, the charismatic doomsday preacher trejan arkwright, broadcasts nightly about the encroaching rapture and seems adamant about making it happen, divine intervention or not. and, of course, noah finds himself involved
[building blocks for a new iteration of Apocalypse Story, a loosely formatted webcomic based on near-future sci-if world i've played around with for many many years. queer doomsday televangelism, disabled cyborgs, anarchists trying to keep their city alive, much to do with biopolitics
elevator pitch: repo! the genetic opera (grand inspiration of many years) meets disco elysium (brand new media to me which hits all the marks and feels v much in kinship/conversation with everything this story is about)]
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punkyblooze · 2 years
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Abel, the protagonist from my original anti superhero novel & webcomic, Geist. I'm so proud of this piece & I'm in LOVE w/ this new look for him! I discovered "Tech Wear" & now that's his whole aesthetic. Gothic cyberpunk anarchist vibes.
The quote is from "Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance because Geist is slowly becoming a love letter to alt & emo music lol.
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goddamnwebcomics · 2 months
Keeping Up With Thursday
It was an action-adventure, crime-thriller webcomic by Aaron Mocksing (AKA CrazyassBeethoven or Ari-Dynamic). 
Taking place in 1894 in London, we meet Patrick, the infamous Thursday Thief. He’s a mouse who, despite his size, is well-known for his thieving prowess, his womanizing behavior, his rugged yet deceivingly handsome looks, and his general run-ins with the law. There is no creature or human he hasn’t pilfered, scammed, or, if pushed, killed in his long, heist-filled life. Although, even with such an impressive repertoire, his addiction to the constant thrills of his heists and fights in his career has its drawbacks. Some of them are his lack of permanent associates, his ego, and his general unfriendly behavior, which can often be his major downfalls in a declining spiral that will either be his wake-up call or the nail to his coffin. 
Patrick isn’t the only one alone in the escapades, though. Joining in are the soon-to-be ex-partner of the Thursday Thief Vincent ‘Vinnie’ Edenton, the sweet but naïve lady Beverly Junebed, the anarchistic mouse Svenn, the happy-go-lucky chaotic girl Funday, and other colorful cast of characters as they get tangled in with the law as the growing changes in London and the British Empire in general, at the time, start closing in on all of them. Law enforcement is being doubled as politicians like Beauregard Finnigan attempt to snuff out crime in the United Kingdom to boost their own credibility, no matter how underhanded and scummy the method.
KUWT is definitely one of the more interesting and entertaining comics that, unfortunately, have become forgotten over time. As it promotes itself, it uses the styles and looks of both old Disney and Don Bluth movies (think The Great Mouse Detective and An American Tail) to great effect, minus the *rough art* in the beginning. While it’s an entertaining read, as I’ve said, it still has its share of flaws. It tends to try too hard to be gritty, whether it’s some of the older writing and author comments, the use of gore, especially with one poor tasting moment in issue 3, or some of the stuff Patrick tends to say. The middle portion of the comic where it dives into Pat and Vinnie’s backstories will overstay their welcome, most of the cast I didn’t mention by name don’t really live up to their full potential in one way or another, and you might feel a hole was left unfilled in some way once you finish it. They’re all not too bad to ruin your reading experience, but they are sticking points nonetheless. 
*If you end up questioning the jumps in art quality in the early chapters, the artist had some habits to go back to older issues during certain years to redraw them.
This feels genuinely interesting. Like this could actually be good, but not competent enough to be unriffable. I will be giving it a shot in the future for sure.
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