#anti heteronormativity
moidhaterxxx · 2 months
Idk a single woman over 30 who is single. Not a single one of them is happy. It's either cheating husband, abusive husband, drunk husband, useless husband and even if the husband is good, they work like a dog outside the house and are tortured inside the house too. If they have kids I have never seen a male even look at them, much less take care of them.
I'm going to break the cycle somehow even while there is so much pressure on me to capitulate.
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bubblesbenson · 2 months
I know this is a beating a dead horse, but this is still correct.
Why couldn’t have they gotten together before Will made his first appearance in “Jones”? If that were the case, maybe none of us would be against Reid and JJ being together.
Also, I heard Josh Stewart isn’t coming back to the reboot for the next season. I really hope that won’t be the reason why Spencer Reid might come back to Criminal Minds: Evolution. He went through enough in the original series.
Heteronormativity really ruins certain shows. That’s why I’ve been avoiding Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and Law and Order: Organized Crime because I know that Olivia and Elliot are probably together now. What was the point of Stabler being married in the beginning of his debut appearance if the writers knew that he never loved Kathy, or fell out of love with Kathy as soon as Elliot met Olivia?
Also, again, I haven’t seen NCIS in a long time, but I find it so disrespectful to Jimmy Palmer’s character for him to jump into a relationship after his wife passed away from COVID. That just doesn’t seem right, especially since Breena was Jimmy’s soulmate, like how Maeve was Reid’s soulmate.
This is just a bunch of rambling, but I wanted to talk about this again.
@nerys2 @tumbleweed-palmer @artcake @only-one-brain-cell @spencer-reids-adventures @writingatdusk
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bicheetopuff · 2 years
“ShonenJump would never let a MC be apart of the LGBT community”
SJ announced a collaboration with Marvel to write a Deadpool series called Deadpool: Samurai in 2020 after a one shot that came out in 2018.
Deadpool (in comics) is canonically pansexual and in the 2 volume manga series that was released earlier this year by viz, he openly flirts with almost every man that he comes into contact with and uses suggestive language. Yea for anyone who doesn’t know that Deadpool is pan, it can be taken as a gag or a joke but with how far Deadpool goes with some of it (sitting on lokis face and insinuating that he’d eat All Mights pubes for OFA) I think it’s safe to say that SJ is slowly becoming open minded by exploring the topic even if it’s through a comedic character like Deadpool.
Deadpool is kind of a shitty example since his flirtatiousness towards anyone is mainly used as a gag but i think it’s pretty telling how SJ was willing to take a risk with the collaboration and the series turned out wildly popular in the East and the West, being Marvels top selling comic in 2021 despite the suggestive homosexual remarks.
I hope this small step inspires mangakas to follow less “shonen rules” and be more diverse with their MCs and I hope the success of the series inspires SJ to be willing to more openly present more lgbt characters in their magazines in more popular shonen series. I know blue flag is thing and it’s also an important step in the right direction to steer away from heteronormativity but, Blue Flag is not a shonen. It’s a cute slice of life series (I highly recommend, it’s super cute) that was serialized by SJ. Having an lgbt MC in the shonen genre would be historical because of the sheer amount of people that read and watch shonen and a large number of those same people not realizing the effects that heteronormativity and gay gags has on the way they see fiction and the world.
Shonen rules are dated and promotes sexism and internalized homophobia and tbh seeing the same conclusions happen over and over again is getting too repetitive.
This post is mostly an info dump to show that SJ seems to be exploring options. It’s 2022, there shouldn’t be so much drama when it comes to lgbt members in manga and it seems more like shonen fans (more so in the west) have more of a problem with possible lgbt characters in the genre than mangakas or serialization companies do. Also Deadpool is a mha fan which I think is cool.
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ravenseq · 1 year
My nine year old found out today that some churches think marriage can only be between a man and a woman and his immediate response was, “Really? Why? That’s weird.”
It’s nice to get these moments of certainty that I haven’t completely failed at parenting :)
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knifearo · 5 months
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like it's honestly kind of ridiculous at this point
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willthespy · 6 days
annabeth being piper’s sapphic awakening?? anyone???
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lesbian visibility week is almost over so i had to post this draft…rip piper mclean you would’ve loved chappell roan and kissing girls
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textk4kira · 3 months
I've noticed a trend behind the use of the label "transsexual" vs. "transgender".
Oftentimes transmedicalists use transsexual to differentiate themselves from the rest of the trans community.
It's disheartening and quick frankly, appaling.
You will not achieve acceptance in a cisheteronormative society by distancing yourselves from the "bad" or "confusing" trans folks.
Transsexual is a wonderful label, and we cannot allow transmedicalists to take ownership of it.
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lucidasidera · 4 months
You know, there is something deeply satisfying about your gay love story being so epic and romantic and obvious that the showrunners had to create a whole bunch of parallel universes to repurpose it beat for beat, over and over, in an attempt to sell their endgame hetero couple.
You can keep trying, MCU, but you know the shiny truth of it. Steve and Bucky were gloriously right together.
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quillkiller · 4 months
all im saying is ive never seen someone criticize those marylily or dorlily fanart/fics where they’re harrys mothers and theres no james in sight
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Mike's definition of normal went from this, caring for his best friend when he went missing (regardless of the reason people said he went missing) and willing to do anything to find him:
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To this:
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A.k.a., what Mike used to think was normal vs what society taught him 'normal' was.
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izzymeadows · 1 year
It's very telling that if we changed Will's gender, everybody and their mother would be sure by now that byler is endgame and yes, the Duffers and the actors would still not say it outside the show, but nobody in any part of the audience would be denying they like each other. In fact, probably everybody would have assumed that the reason why Mike is the one in the party who's most worried about Will and determined to get her back, to the point he's consistently compared to Will's mother in that sense, is because he's in love with her. But he's a boy, so nothing can mean Mike loves him.
But to me, it's way more telling the fact that if we changed El's gender, literally nobody would have ever thought they could be boyfriends judging by s1, because the only reason for people to interpret their interactions as romantic is that they're a boy and a girl. And lots of the people who ship them would think their first kiss in s1 was forced as all hell. Which it was. But she's a girl so everything has to mean Mike loves her.
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queering-ecology · 1 month
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Chapter 7. Polluted Politics? Confronting Toxic Discourse, Sex Panic and Eco-Normativity by Giovanna Di Chiro
“Stereotypes and lies lodge in our bodies as surely as bullets. They live and fester there, stealing the body.”—Eli Clare
Queer ecology as defined by Mortimer-Sandilands (2005, 24) “both about seeing beauty in the wounds of the world and taking responsibility to care for the world as it is”. (200)
Environmental justice constructs an eco-politics that defines the environment as our communities: the places where ‘we live, work, play, and learn’ (200). Environmental justice activists embrace inhabited/built places---cities, villages, reservations, agricultural fields, workplaces, poor and low-income neighborhoods next to hazardous industrial facilities as environments worthy of recognition and protection (Di Chiro 1996)
There has been rising environmental anxiety that surrounds cultural fears of exposure to chemical and endocrine-disrupting toxins especially as it relates to the troubling and destabilizing of normal/natural gendered bodies of humans and other animal species aka the “chemical castration” or the “feminization of nature” (Cadbury 1998; Hayes 2002)--rising fears that we are “swimming in a sea of estrogen” (Raloff 1994b, 56; Sumpter and Jobling 1995 173) as a consequence of rising levels of estrogenic, synthetic chemical compounds emitted into our water, air and food known as estrogenic pollution (ova-pollution). (201)
Pop-science warning about the ‘instability of maleness’—warns that the rising incidences of male-to-female gender shifts and intersex conditions observed in the ‘lower’ species of animals, such as frogs, fish, and salamanders, represent the newest ‘canaries in the coalmine’ portending an uncertain fate for human maleness and for the future of ‘normal’ sexual reproduction (Robert 2003) (201) also anti-toxins discourse has concerns about estrogenic chemical toxins disrupting/preventing/disturbing ‘normal’ prenatal physiological development and natural reproductive processes, leading to rising cases of infertility and producing disabled, defective, and even monstrous bodies (201)…
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What can develop is a “sex panic” that resuscitates familiar heterosexist, queerphobic, and eugenics arguments classifying some bodies as not normal: mistakes, perversions, burdens (I would add ‘freaks’)…under the guise of laudable goal/progressive goals, a certain type of anti-toxics environmentalism mobilizes knowledge/power of normalcy and normativity and reinforces compulsory social-environmental order based on a dominant regime of what and who are constructed as normal and natural (Davis 1995; Garland-Thompson 1997; McRuer 2006).
Disability becomes an environmental problem and lgbtq people become disabled—the unintended consequences of a contaminated and impure environment, unjustly impaired by chemical trespass. (202) The true scope of the mortality and morbidity of POPs (persistent organic pollutants) becomes distorted by alarmist focus. This fixation ends up de-emphasizing and worse--naturalizing and normalizing other serious health problems associated with POPs that are on the rise: breast, ovarian, prostate and testicular cancers, neurological and neurobehavioral problems, immune system breakdown, heart disease, diabetes and obesity (202).
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There is good reason for alarm concerning the continued use and accumulation of toxic chemicals that are wreaking havoc on the health and reproductive possibilities of the living world. Our cumulative exposures to endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, neurotoxins, asthmagens, and mutagens in our normal, everyday lives from our daily contact with plastic water bottles, shampoos, and kitchen cleaners to insect repellents, food preservatives, and factory farmed meats, among others, are most certainly putting at risk the health of our own bodies and our earth. (210) But where should the critical attention lie?
The hyperfocus on the world turning into hermaphrodites participates in a sexual titillation strategy summoning the familiar ‘crimes against’ nature’ credo and inviting culturally sanctioned homophobia while at the same time sidelining and naturalizing ‘normal’ environmental diseases such as cancer (211).
Environmental theory and politics in the US have historically mobilized ideas of the normal, to determine which  bodies and environments/landscapes embody the distinctly American values of productive work, rugged individualism, masculinity, independence, potency, and moral virtue upon which environmental advocacy movements should be based (Haraway 1989; Cronon 1991). Critical histories of U.S. environmentalism have revealed the capitalist, patriarchal, colonialist, heteronormative, eugenicist, and ableist histories underlying its “progressive” exterior (Boag 2003; Darnovky 1992; Evans 2002; Gaard 2004; Jaquette 2005; Sutter 2001).
Eco-normativity (or eco[hetero]normativity) appear in alarmist discourse in the anti-toxins arm of the environmental movement. Their alarm about contaminants effect on sex/gender appeals to preexisting cultural norms of gender balance, normal sexual reproduction and the balance of nature. The use of “anti-normal” “anti-natural” in antitoxins discourse is highly questionable and risks reinforcing the dominant social and economic order (the forces actually responsible for environmental destruction and toxic contamination of all our bodies and environments) by naturalizing the multiple injustices that shore it up”…and thus creates what the author terms, polluted politics.
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i don't like how glimmer's and bow's conflict during the princess prom is considered romantic jealousy. there was nothing indicating any kind of romantic feelings between them at the time. glimmer just kept saying that bow was her best friend and she was afraid of him drifting away from her. like have y'all never experienced friend jealousy?
jealousy isn't a purely romantic thing, it can come in many forms. i know i have experienced platonic jealousy many times before. it's especially inevitable in glimmer's case because she was a sheltered child and bow was her only friend (until adora came along, at least). it makes sense that she wouldn't want her childhood friend to suddenly leave her for someone else.
i'm just tired of everything being depicted as romantic. stans use this scene to prove that glimmer and bow always had a thing for each other, when they clearly didn't. there wasn't even any romantic tension between perfuma and bow, they were clearly just friends, so it makes even less sense than glimmer would see perfuma as a threat in a romantic sense.
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
Hard pills to swallow: The only reason they even gave us a vague one-sentence bi confirmation was cause they already knew they were gonna make it up to straight people by having loki randomly fall in love with the only female version of himself and then base the entire series around it.
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gayofthefae · 4 months
If nothing else, the number of people who TOLD Mike he had feelings for El in season 1 is insane. Lucas, Dustin, and Nancy.
Mike got three, some REPEATED. And has even continued to have similar reaction-based behavior since: Lucas telling him to get back together with El, a collective pressure from EVERYBODY hearing him say "I love her", and now Will pushing him towards her. We barely have confirmation that he has any internal motive when it comes to their relationship. At BEST, it's deniable.
Show versus tell, people. Show versus tell.
Jonathan and Nancy had tension, a cheek kiss, and jealousy before Owens or Murray got involved (not including Steve bc his "tell" was based on their "show"). Joyce and Hopper were mistaken for Will's parents passively in season 2 (I honestly both missed and then forgot about it. I edited this back in bc I remembered) but other than that had almost 3 full seasons before anything direct, the only other exception being a comment made out of earshot in episode 1. Lucas and Max, like Steve commenting on Nancy and Jonathan, had their handhold commented on after it was observed. Mike and El only had moments in private, this none of which the comments were motivated by and most if not all of which were predated by said comments. (And somehow I was still surprised when they kissed bc I wanted them to be friends💀)
You shouldn't have to tell us BEFORE showing us, but more importantly...you shouldn't have to tell Mike.
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emblazons · 1 year
People really out here saying “Byler will never be endgame because xyz ” like literally every single “primary” ship in ST (Jopper, Jancy & Lumax) is not a friends-to-lovers with at LEAST one season where the interest was clearly mutual but they weren’t together?
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Like. I’m begging folks to realize that is literally the Duffers’ favorite mf trope, and “another person” being with one party, even after saying I love you, has never once stopped them from making that happen on their show. Not with Stancy, not with Dustin’s crush on Max, and not even Joyce & Bob.
They love rearranging their characters into relationships more focused on friendship than typical romance in general—to the point where it might as well be a theme.
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—oh wait.
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