#as someone who is not Invested in these things anymore but was VERY into reading the lore back in the day
dashiellqvverty · 10 months
always think its funny when people are into a particular rpf ship but get antagonistic/hostile/morally superior towards other rpf ships like girl we are all in the same house here
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kalki-tarot · 3 months
Timeless | pick a picture | Masterlist
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Tarot is not 100% correct all the times and does not replace medical or professional treatment. Your destiny lies in your own hands and you create your own reality. Kalki tarot is not responsible for any decisions made on behalf of this reading by anyone.
Pile 1
You are finally walking away from things that don't serve you in the next 6 months
Your hard work will be acknowledged by your seniors or superiors
Someone will offer you a helping hand or emotional support
Small investments will convert into big profits
Your intuition will increase and you will connect more to your higher self
Someone's true nature will be revealed to you (water sign, masculine energy)
Some truth will come to surface and will be known to you
A love message / offer / confession on valentine's day
You will gain stability after a long time of being drained
An exciting text message!
New friends, new people and new communication
Pile 02
You are getting the needed rest and relaxation
A trip of travel / break from work and going on a vacation
People who don't match up your energy are finally leaving your life in next 6 months
You will be blessed with Material abundance and generational wealth
A result coming in your favour
Your Emotional well being improving
Mental clarity and a state of letting go of things that don't serve you anymore
Alignment with your goals
You are getting some reward or recognition for your hard work
A manifestation is coming to you in the 3d
A successful deal will take place and things will go your way
A new relationship is forming here, something you were anxious about will go very well according to your plans
Pile 03
Your dream wedding is taking place
A party or meetup with friends and family
Your family and you are having a great time and things are being resolved by their own
A communication is coming fastly towards you which you were waiting for a long period of time
A wish fulfilment
International travel
Your trauma is being healed in the next 6 months
Maybe you will finally meet a therapist or a nurturing human being who will help u heal and serve an important purpose in your life
Balance and harmony in your mental state
Things are getting better for you
Something about your moon sign will be beneficial for you, or some astrology related thing happening with your moon sign in your favour
You will receive a bouquet of flowers
You will go to a beach / water body for relaxation
You learn something about your ex which will help u move on from them / their true nature will be revealed to you through divine intervention for your betterment
You will finally complete or break a karmic cycle.
Pile 04
A mental conflict or fight will get resolved
You are advised to not spend too much money on useless things
You will do some charity work or just volunteer for people
You will know some divine secret
A wish is getting fulfilled in the next 6 months
If you are thinking of confessing your love to someone, do it! They will day yes to you!
You will finally leave your comfort zone and go out on a date
Something significant from the past will inspire you to start something new soon
A new beginning in something is quickly on its way to you
You will be presented lot's of options in love or career to choose from
You will finally rise from the ashes
Your family or loved ones will help you with something with which u are struggling rn
A situationship will come to an end and will being communication
Things may get delayed for you but they are coming on the right time
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esotericpluto · 7 months
your life 5 years from now
from left to right; intuitively choose the pile you feel more connected to. To make it easier, you can take a deep breathe, close your eyes and ask for guidance to your deities or guides. These are all general messages, so just take what resonates and leave what doesn't. This reading is timeless. If it resonates, feedback is always appreciated and motivates to keep doing pick a card readings. You can donate here.
dividers credit: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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pile 1
fully intuitive, no cards
I feel like you will have a lot of success in your life, mainly financially. You will be very financially stable and living out your dreams. I see most of you will be in your desired career and learning everyday more about it, advancing in it and adquiring new skills. I see some of you investing money in various ways too, as buying properties, jewels or art pieces. Others might be investing in actions/stocks as well and building a diverse portfolio.
For some people in this group (mainly those who will be 25 plus in 5 years) I'm seeing that you will be building a family too or preparing yourself to build one, however I do advise you to be very careful with the partner you pick as some of you might be investing in a rotten apple without realizing. Do not ignore red flags and be 100% sure this person is fulfilling you and doing more than the bare minimum, as you do not want to regret the person you build a family with. Some of you might even receive warnings of this through dreams, so dream journal and study dream analysis.
Overall, I see, especially for women who picked this pile, that you will be highly successful. I see you having very close friends who are there for you and who are successful themselves, so no jealousy or envy in the scene. I see you all going on trips and nice fancy dates together and truly uplifting each other up.
You will be extremely well educated by then and might even be beginning to take on a PHD by that time. I also see you taking some free courses here and there and truly building yourself up and becoming very well read. You will be a real catch and grow into yourself both physically and mentally. You will be very grounded in all aspects of yourself. I am also seeing some travels around the world and possibly owning a cat or two.
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pile 2
2 of cups, 10 of swords, 4 of wands, 7 of pentacles
For those who picked this pile, you will be entering a harmonious time in your life after a long era of suffering and worrying. I see, however, that all this depends on you. You will have to remove your blindfolds and actually take control of your life and make a decision once and for all about yourself and the direction of things. This might be working on yourself, working on limiting beliefs, putting end to toxic behaviors and thoughts you have about yourself or others, going to therapy and doing shadow work. For some of you, this will require the end of friendships/a relationship that won't serve you anymore and you will have to put yourself first, choosing yourself over them, even if hurts you for a while.
For others, this might indicate you are going to be entering a new relationship after worries of never finding the ideal person for you. However, I see that you will be plagued by fears that the relationship won't work or that the person will leave eventually and that you'll have to start from zero with someone new all over again. This is a valid fear, but you will only be allowing these thoughts to drain you out of life and happiness if you don't address them. Not only that, but you will end up easily minsunderstanding your partner or jumping to conclusions that will only put a strain in the relationship. You have been hurt before and you didn't deserve that, but be careful to not project the aftermath of that pain onto innocent people.
I do feel like this partner could be the end game for you, but only if you are willing to truly work through these issues and I'd recommend starting now. When the time comes, be willing to be open with them about the things you have been through as they'll be open minded and understand you better than anyone has. Consider going to therapy too and even couple therapy with them if you have the chance. People tend to think couple therapy is only for when things are going through rough patch or to "fix" things, but the truth is that every couple can benefit from couple therapy and it can help them heal from expectations and fears they carry on from childhood or past connections.
Working through all this will require some time dedication and patience from both, but I see it strengthening the relationship and even possibly leading to marriage and a lot of happy moments together.
I also feel like you might be going through a lot of tiring moments when it comes to your career in 5 years. I feel like most of you will still be trying to find a career/workplace that fits you and where you feel welcome. Others might even not be enjoying your job/employers for being too strict, non-understanding and draining. While you should be collaborative, you should never take abuse or energy draining vampires. You are strong enough to leave and find a better job for you, there are enough of them out there for you and you might even find a better area or truly follow your childhood dreams.
Your efforts when it comes to work will definitely pay off after a while and you will even receive a financial bonus/reward due to this.
I see a lot of celebrations. I feel like some of your friends or even family members like cousins and siblings (i'm also seeing an younger aunt possibly) getting married, engaged or having children. You might also be going to parties or hanging out with friends, trying to maintain a healthy social life. I'm also hearing to keep family close.
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pile 3
Lovers, Temperance, 6 of cups, 5 of cups, Knight of Cups, 6 of wands, 7 of pentacles, 3 of cups
So I feel like for most of you 5 years from now this will be a time of self-love and balance in your life. I also see that you will be surrounded by life, with a stable partner/relationship (possibly already marriage for some of you) and expecting a new family member/child, whilw trying to balance things out in your life and home to make space for the new family element.
Because of this new addition to your newly founded family, I feel like you will be reminiscing a lot about your own childhood and how things went with your parents. I feel like they committed many mistakes that you feel resentful over still and that you'll fear repeating. It could also apply to anyone who might have hurt you during your childhood and you fearing the same happening to your kid. However, you're going to choose to look at this as a new beginning and as a way to give someone else the childhood they deserve, since you didn't have yours. I feel like this will help you heal your inner child and release the unwarranted guilt you might feel.
I feel like around this time you might even receive texts from ex partners trying to reconnect, which you will of course decline since you'll be in a happy relationship expecting (although this could also apply for people adopting/using surrogacy btw). Some of you, old friends will reconnect and want to catch up with you. I'm hearing to be careful with who you let back in, but a few of them will be trustworthy and you'll miss them in your life. I feel like some of them might just try to get into your life again for their own benefit and to ask you for money, so be careful. This could also be a family member for some of you.
Overall, it will be a time that you'll see many things come to fruition and you will feel truly victorious. I see a lot of happy joyful moments and celebrations, especially when the little one gets in the picture. I think it will be a very united and bonded family which is adorable.
There will be one month or two that you might need to go into introspection/solitude until you feel better and ready to face the world too. I feel like for some of you this could sadly be some form of postpartum depression, but I see you getting counselling for it and overcoming it without many struggles.
You will be pausing your career for a bit with this, however once you do get back I see people welcoming you with open arms, missing you and wishing you the best. I see you will also be able to get promoted/salary raise in a few months after you get back and so will your significant other, bringing more abundance to you two especially after being a bit tight on finances to make space for the baby.
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veritasss5 · 10 months
10 advice that you need right now. | pick a card.
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Disclaimer: this is a GENERAL READING, take what it resonates and leave behind what doesn’t. This is for fun and should never be taken seriously. This is for entertainment purposes. It is just for helping you to have a general idea about your situation. If it does help you fine I am very happy about it, if not then I am sorry that it wasn’t for you and move on.
Take a moment to relax your mind and choose with your intuition.
(All the art is found on pinterest, if you know the artists please comment their name so I can credit them)
Pile two art is from weibo @/咸鱼中下游
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Pile 1 → Pile 2 → Pile 3
Pile 1
1. be happy and content with the things that you have right now. Some experiences happen once and not twice.
2. enjoy your time with friends, family, your lover, anyone that is welcoming you and accept you for who you are. Those moments are golden and they will be a warm memory for your future to remember.
3. clean your room. Having a clean and tidy space can help you to improve your mood. Cleaning your stuff can help you to find stuff to declutter that doesn’t serve you anymore.
4. compassion and kindness can be rewarding for you. Don’t let negative situations affect you, be always kind and compassionate to the right people. You just gave to the wrong people up until now.
5. you deserve a break and vacation. It’s time to visit somewhere that has water like rivers, lakes, ocean, etc.
6. you deserve to be free. Your freedom is one of your rights that can’t be sacrificed.
7. eat more fish. It gives you nutrients to feel energetic, and may boost your brain health.
8. time to look to the future and stop looking at the past. The future is now, the past is gone.
9. you have the right to feel your emotions without guilt. You can cry, be angry and shout. You are human, it’s fine to not be perfect.
10. fill your cup. A cup filled with pure intentions and emotions can help you to welcome the right people that will accept your offer. Be mindful to whom you give your time and energy.
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Pile 2
1. choose one goal to focus on. Don’t try to get everything at once. Step by step. All things have their own time.
2. don’t overspend on things that can’t be useful for you. It’s time to spend and invest on things that can help you and have your best interest for your better future.
3. save money. Don’t compare yourself to the people that can’t be compared with.
4. dream big, but go catch on to your dream. Daydreaming and doing nothing can’t help you to achieve your greatness.
5. make your life interesting and aesthetically pleasing to motivate you. Yes, you have something interesting about your life, don’t say no.
6. leave behind everything that is harming you or stopping you to elevate yourself.
7. moon can be very significant for you. Cold night can be significant for you as a metaphor or literally.
8. you don’t need to talk and declare to people what you are going to do. Just do it in silence.
9. right now you have the power to be independent and leave everything behind you to start over from zero.
10. you are able to achieve anything that you desire, just believe in yourself and bet everything on you. You are the best investment.
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Pile 3
1. someone betrayed you or disappointed your expectations. Don’t let this slip. Confront them. Better now than later.
2. misunderstandings will be bigger if you don’t clear them as soon as possible. It will look like you are searching for excuses if you don’t address them.
3. bad experience will help you to grow and let you be more mindful and careful of who you confide in and talk with.
4. don’t let bad experiences affect your future. It happened once. Alright, make sure to not fall for the same mistake. But remember there are still people out there that are worthy of your trust.
5. it is time to let go of toxic and negative thoughts and habits. Bad habits create a toxic cycle where it will be harder to break the longer you engage with.
6. you are someone powerful and beautiful. You need to find out your power.
7. there are lessons that will teach you to be confident and strong. Some situations happen because they want you to become better, not to harm you or curse you.
8. you are destined to be independent, charismatic and strong. Someone that can draw people’s attention with your charm and skills.
9. you are very very interesting to know, stop saying otherwise. Be proud of yourself and what you have achieved currently, small or big doesn’t make any difference.
10. trust your gut feelings, they are hardly wrong. Your feelings are valid to be listened to. Let the people hear your voice and see how strong you actually are.
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thegoldencontracts · 1 month
Hullo! If you're taking fic requests, may I politely ask for an 'x Azul' one involving Azul getting really invested in market research for something a little pointless? Maybe it's trying twenty different kinds of olive to see which makes the best garnish, maybe it's minor variations on their standard cloth napkins as sorted by softness, who knows? Just something he makes the MC test for him and he's very lucky MC loves him enough to put up with it.
Of course, something has to go wrong eventually. Maybe teaming up with the tweels to end the constant stream of tests? Shenanigans are always welcome~ hehehe.
Thank you for your time!
Of course! Azul my belovedd <3 Anyways, thank you for the request, and a little note to anyone reading that I appreciate any and all requests!
Of Much Importance
Summary: Azul is a man of business, even when that business-matter involves making his dearly beloved test out dishes for him. Except, he's making you test to see how many flakes of chili is optimal? Flakes?
Unless you do something, you're going to be here forever - or until your stomach bursts.
Notes: Fluff, and some humor, a bit of flirting
"Darling," Azul - your lovely, lovely boyfriend you who you were on the verge of murdering if it weren't for the fact that he had superstrength, and the twins were actually surprisingly protective when he was badly hurt, and you loved him too much - said, holding yet another plate of the same guacamole but with one more chili flakes. "Does this one taste better?"
You were at a seat in the currently closed Lounge, which would've meant no one would hear him scream if you punched him, but of course, the twins were sitting at the next table, being subjected to the same thing as you.
It tastes the exact same because this is literally the exact same dish with one more chili flakes. You think anyone'll notice that, Azul? You wanted to say.
Instead, you just tried to appease him. He seemed pretty stressed, and for good reason. Finals were coming up, and that meant a surge of new contracts for him, and a surge of sleepless nights, if the way his concealer had gotten heavier said anything. He was zoning in on every little detail, and you understood why. That didn't make it any less frustrating.
"I'm sure it's fine-"
"No." Azul said, sounding way too intense for someone talking about a singular chili flake. "This is sub-optimal. I must conduct further research. I apologize, but I will temporarily leave."
"Bye," you said, trying not to sound too happy.
Finally, a break for your stomach! Your poor, poor stomach. You still remembered how this all started.
"Darling, would you mind taste-testing a few new recipes for me?"
"Of course not!"
You thought it would be easy. You were so, so wrong. Because those 'few' recipes were actually over a hundred. And those recipes were the exact same guacamole with one more chili flake each time.
You hated guacamole now. The next time you saw an avocado, you'd have an aneurysm.
As you lamented, the twins entered your field of vision. Here to float, you guessed.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh at me," you said, but neither of them were laughing. Jade had his polite smile, but it was strained. His eye was twitching.
Finally, Floyd spoke up.
"I can't take this anymore!" He said. "You gotta find a way to make him stop!"
They were suffering too? You guys were companions in misery?
"Jade?" You asked.
"I'm afraid I must agree," he said. "This is becoming much too trying for me to bear. I fear my stomach may no longer be able to contain this food."
So, you really were cohorts in misery. The question was, now what? What did you do? Azul could come back any moment.
"Do you have a plan then?"
Please let them have a plan, please. You couldn't take this anymore.
Silence. You were beginning to lose hope when Floyd spoke up.
"Flirt with him," he said, sounding way too serious considering what he was suggesting.
That was his best idea? Flirting?
Azul was great at being suave, but maybe he couldn't take what he dished out. In fact, he probably couldn't take what he dished out.
"Has anyone told you you're a genius?" You asked.
"All the time," Floyd said, though he didn't seem smug. "Hate it. They keep telling me to apply myself. Usually the thing they're telling me to do's super boring."
Oh, right. Floyd was actually a savant.
"Get back to your seats. We can't look too suspicious," you said, and the twins nodded, scampering back to their seats.
Just in time, because at that moment, Azul walked back into the restaurant, carrying another plate of guacamole with him.
"Is this one better?" He said, but this time, instead of appeasing him, you stood up, leaning in close. It was time for you to use that dating-sim knowledge.
"How do you expect me to focus on the food when I've got the most gorgeous man this world has to offer staring at me?"
Azul flushed, turning away with a huff.
"Regardless of the falsehood of that statement, it is entirely irrelevant to this conversation," he said. That wouldn't do. You weren't going to let him get out of this.
"Now, now," you said, hooking an arm around his shoulder. "Don't deny it, darling."
In an attempt to maintain his composure, Azul looked away. You just hooked a finger under his chin to combat that.
"Don't deny me the privilege of watching you lose your composure like this, Azul," you said, enjoying every second of this.
"I, er-"
You leaned in, puckering your lips. Azul scrunched his eyes shut in anticipation.
But nothing happened. After a while, Azul finally opened his eyes, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"You- you looked hilarious!" You said. "All red n' blushy. I should really do this more often."
Azul scowled, swatting you away.
"Leave at once," he said, though there wasn't any bite to his voice. "I shall go to my room and continue this endeavor in private."
No more guacamole? No more guacamole! Yes! Victory, at last.
"Of course." As you left, you could see Jade and Floyd give you a thumbs up.
Back in your room, but you couldn't help but smile. As irritating as this whole endeavor had been - and as bad as it was for your stomach - you couldn't deny that this new side to Azul was one you enjoyed.
You really would have to do this more often.
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princessfroslass · 2 months
Angel Dust has a clear validation problem.
I had been thinking about this ever since episode 2 and episode 6 all but segmented this onto my subconscious.
Angel clearly doesn't care whenever anyone slut shames or just overall insult him- he lives to get a rise out of people. Hell, Hazbin Hotel's VERY FIRST SCENE on the Pilot was him going full "oh yeah slut, very creative." And going after Travis life- but not on a insecure way, he very clearly didn't care. Fast forward to the actual show and it's more of the same- he doesn't care whenever Vaggie or Husk or anyone else threaten him because he enjoys the chaos and it's open about the fact he is only there to no pay rent. He just doesn't care about what others think of him.
Except.... When he does.
You see it's interesting because back on that origin comic (that I don't even know if it's canon anymore but for a characterization point I'll take it.) when Charlie states they need a quest and even pays him for his time (Angel was working on the street when they meet him) and she goes full "this is an investment, on you." He leaves the limo all "oh...ok....sure...." Clearly moved or touched by her faith in him, even though he still thinks it's misguided trust.
Back to episode 2, it's pretty much the anthesis of this. For once, someone else seems interested on changing his ways and THAT obviously excites Charlie, who referred to Sir Pen as "the hotel's first real quest" now to be fair with her, Angel is very vocal about how he thinks the Hotel is BS and hadn't show any intention to change his ways soon- but y'know that still must stings like it hasn't even been a week and this girl that is all sunshine and rainbows already gave up on him lmao but it gets even worse- on the roleplay thing, look at the fucking role he is giving- A CRACKHEAD- like he had to pause before saying that shit- and to rub salt on the wound, Sor Pen performance ends with the "no sex before marriage!" Line. Like out of all sins one could commit- you pick Addiction to Drugs (more specifically CRACK) and Sex. Yo girl what the fuck- and ofc, only Sir Pen gets congratulated, because Angel was critical of the whole thing and the former was full on enthusiastic about it- the last shot before the bedroom scene we get us Angel staring at Charlie validating Sir Pen's efforts and how he is going to be redeemed so fast before Angel sadly goes upstairs.
Now the room scene..... Yikes. The fact that the roleplay was all and on about the drugs thing and how the last voicemail/Angel's imagination? Things we heard it's "Addict trash like you doesn't change"... Hahaha all the yikes with that fucking roleplay. So yeah it's very fucking clear from the get go Angel has....issues. Hell even after "It starts with Sorry" when everyone goes back to sleep he doesn't looks happy, just resigned lmao
(Which it's funny because on the very next episode he saves Sir Pen from the war thing going down but I digress)
Now episode 4- oh MAN where do I even start. Now remember how in the first paragraph I mentioned how Angel disses Travis but like, in a confident way? Not on the way someone affected would react? Well this ep is everything but that lmao "I don't give a shit about what a drunk ass bartender thinks of me" reeks of insecurity by the tone alone I am sorry. Notice how he looks very taken aback when Husk calls his act out before he doubles down and goes full "I am actor dumbass" bit. Man's defenses were penetrated in a way it hasn't before and he needed a moment to put more bs out of his ass because God forbid someone in this Hotel knows how horrible his life is and how much he hates himself- and then his advances were thoroughly rejected for good ("It's never gonna work on me") and he absolutely losses it. Not being able to compute that someone that clearly stared at him long enough to read him, doesn't want to fuck him. Disgusts from people that barely knows him he can take- being told to his face it's not working, he can't. And it's not even because he particularly want to fuck anyone there- that is how he sees his own worth. He makes Val money, everyone around wants to take him, his services are apparently FAR from cheap ("you know how much I am WORTH?!") and he had based his whole self worth around it- no matter how many times he gets taken advantage of on a random club on 3am or if is his own fucking abuser (he literally only opened Val's voicemails after the whole ep2 fiasco) people either despises him because of his overt sexuality or want to use him for it (there is also the middle road where his worse habits are enabled and that makes him 'fun' company- but I'll be there in a min) there just can't be a reality where he is told to his face that he is destroying himself and any connection he can have WITHOUT the alterior motive of wanting to fuck him- right? I mean even Charlie's hope on him was proven to be limited, so why bother?
Enter Loser, Baby.
And yes, my beloved Huskerdust atem- you see there is something fucked up about it. Angel only joins in to sing as well after he goes full "I am a hoe that likes drugs tehee" but unlike always, he is...not proud of it. He only sings about it because Husk sang how "it's ok to be a-" like expecting a negative, and it's ONLY when Husk completes it with a "Baby that is fine by me" does Angel truly smiles. He just had a whole breakdown, he doesn't has the energy to put his facade and his "I don't care what you think" actitude. But because Husk validates that he is able to follow along.
There is also the "This guy it's not that bad" part. Angel softened up at that because, again, Husk validated him- the real him. He saw through his facade and embraced it.
In episode 5 there is this little scene where Charlie is talking to her father over the phone and everyone else is silently supporting her from behind. And Angel, the ever realist- is just....grimacing through the whole thing lmao but to his credit seemed to support her regardless- but what cought my eye through the whole thing is that when Charlie goes full "Dad, this is important to me!" The camera focus on Angel a bit....touched? See the scene you'll get what I mean.
Then episode 6 came along. Cherrie comes along, and her and Husk play devil and angel on Anthony's shoulder the whole night. But there is something interesting about this- Angel never.... really stops Cherrie, nor explain why he would avoid drugs- Husk does. He ONLY explains himself when Cherrie confronted him about being so protective of Nifty. When Cherrie offer him the pills he doesn't goes full "I am sober now" cut and dry, instead he goes full "er....I dunno, I am tired. Maybe another time?" after Husk does the whole "I thought you were better than that" bit. Cherrie enables Angel- she clearly CARES about him, there is not doubt about that- but Hell is made with good intentions, validating his excesses and taking an active part on it is how they bond- and how his relationship with her makes him feel a bit better about himself, even when at the end of day it all comes crashing down (hello end of Addicted) and what is the first THING he smiles at after his confrontation with Valentino? "You did good, kid".
Ao in synthesis, Angel craves for validation in all and any way he can get it- regardless of how good the intentions of those giving it are. It either can be an validitation of his usual behavior (Cherrie) an validation of him wanting to better himself (Charlie, Husk) or just.... validation of his body as a whole (those weird sharks he ran to at ep4) it really depends of how much his mental state is on the gutter that day.
And then there is Valentino.
It's clear Angel's self Worth issues are not much better thanks to the way he is treated in and out of the studio- but, and knowing his familial relationship, it's doubtful they CAME from there, and it was an unfortunate result of it.
Valentino and the Vees pray on the vulnerable- that was DIRECTLY stated at ep2, and what is more vulnerable that a drug addict whose own family rejected? Sure Angel had been on Hell for a WHILE but his foundation was already shaky to begin with, he is street smart and posseses more common sense that some of his peers (literally the only one that stated they SHOULDN'T bring every psycho that tries to kill them to the Hotel lmao) but this need for Validation running deep on his core makes him the ideal pray for any asshole that is willing to drop a few "oh you are so pretty 💜"s his way until it's too late. How tragic would it be- to have the first person that validated him in a WHILE be the one that hurt him the most.
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forestdeath1 · 23 days
I see many Snape Stans (I dislike Snape but I see why he turned out the way he did) saying James sexually assaulted him, especially on TikTok, when it’s not the truth at all, we don’t know if he ever actually took off his pants because and it wasn’t his fault that Snape wasn’t wearing any trousers. While he did bully him he never sexually assaulted him, and so many people are now saying this and I’m just flabbergasted, why did no one read the books? Why does everyone get their informations off TikTok and Twitter?
I don't really like this topic, to be honest. But here's how I perceive it.
1. In the canon, as far as I remember, it wasn't even implied that wizards wore trousers under their robes. They all just wore their underwear. And Lupin says:
"Oh, that one had a great vogue during my time at Hogwarts," said Lupin reminiscently. "There were a few months in my fifth year when you couldn’t move for being hoisted into the air by your ankle."
"Yes," he said, "but he wasn't the only one. As I say, it was very popular. . . . You know how these spells come and go. . . ."
So Snape not only created this spell himself, but it also became popular at school. So many students were hanging upside down, showing off their underwear.
From this, we can infer that wizards perceived it slightly differently than we do now, and even than Harry. It was "fun" bullying, but nothing more. Even Lupin himself sounds like he's justifying it, although he probably got hung upside down too ("There were a few months in my fifth year when you couldn’t move for being hoisted into the air by your ankle.").
2. We don't know for sure if James ended up taking Snape's pants off. Logically speaking, JKR simply didn't describe it, assuming that he did. Given the time the book was written, she probably didn't intend to invest it with such a horrible meaning. This all happens in the 70s in the WW. For our time, of course, it's SA. And that's awful. But the perception of that time could leave its mark. For example, when I was in school, many things that are now considered "awful" were seen as "not so bad". Those who did those awful things back then didn't even really understand how awful their actions truly were. Society evolves and we increasingly respect people's personal psychological and physical boundaries. What we didn't perceive as SA back then is considered SA today. A simple example you've probably seen in movies, spanking children was considered normal and right. That's how society raised those people. Surely today those same people wouldn't spank their children, because they would understand it's bad.
So it's likely that nobody at school perceived this action as SA. Moreover, James always played to the crowd. And if he really, according to the author's intention, took Snape's pants off, and the whole school saw it as normal, and didn't start looking at James with disgust... it raises big questions for the school students, doesn't it? If my friend did this today, he wouldn't be my friend anymore. Most people would look at such a person with disgust. But James's popularity didn't diminish at all.
This brings us back to the fact that nobody back then saw it as worse than bullying. So the society of that time hadn't yet formed enough understanding of what SA was and how bad it was to expose someone else's genitals. So James didn't fully understand either how awful it was, much more awful than pink bubbles out of your mouth or doubling someone's head in size. So for them it was all on the same level — taking someone's pants off or making them hang upside down or doubling their head in size.
I'm not justifying it, but the wizarding world is pretty harsh. Neville was thrown out of a window, Harry almost killed Draco, Fred and George literally made a kid disappear for a week, and Hermione kept Rita Skeeter captive in a jar for over a month. All of this is awful, but the wizarding world operates by different moral standards.
If judged in terms of our morality, there are almost no morally pure characters in these books.
I especially don't understand Snape stans (I mean I like Snape, but I don’t understand their logic). In terms of our morality, both Snape and James deserve to be punished. Snape would have got a much bigger sentence for joining and helping a terrorist organisation. What are Snape stans trying to prove? That Snape was better? No, he wasn't. They're all arseholes in terms of the muggle world of 2024.
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gojo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Master Zenin - Toji Fushiguro Series — Reblog & Like🫶🏻 read more at the link above👆🏻🖤
Chapter One
“Mr. Zenin asked for us to escort the woman to the care unit, located on the east wing of his estate.” A man say into his phone. You had a blind fold, and cuffs on. You felt something stuffed in your mouth, some sort of cloth. You had just started waking up from the stuff they had put over your nose when they caught you at the refuge center.
“Mmgh-mmgh!” You’re groaning, trying to get the cloth out of your mouth. “Hey, calm down back there.” The man who you are guessing is driving, says to you. “Sir, what will they do with the woman?” You hear another unfamiliar voice ask. “Oh you’re a newbie. The leader we are taking her too has about 150 slaves, 50 of them are slave girls. Some are solely just for cooking, house keeping, maintaining the mansion. But some of the others are for his personal use. If you know what I mean.” The first man says with a chuckle.
“Everything changed when the Zenins and Gojo Clan took over and won the war. They own half of the states, enforcing this new way of life. Luckily guys like us didn’t get the short end of the stick.” He adds.
That’s what happened, after years of the Zenin Clan and Gojo Clan were at war, in the end they wanted the same thing, and that— was power. They put their heads together and came up with a life where there were -Masters or Leaders. A group of men who they came into the idea as well, investing time, money, and even their lives to make happy. A group of men who run as Presidents over half of the states now, the other half of the states being completely shut off, not fighting back. Because it’s safer to let them do as they please, than to have anymore blood shed.
Toji Zenin, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, and Kento Nanami, being the leaders over this new nation, enslaving all people who weren’t from their choosing. From the ages of 15-55, you were whatever they say you were. Delegating you to specific homes of the other masters that were below them, but keeping the ones they really wanted, for themselves. Then in turn the masters or leaders told you your role in their home, you were either one of the many staff, or their personal play thing, until ultimately they got bored.
Satoru Gojo— he had the most slaves out of all of the leaders. But not the biggest estate. That was Toji Zenin, his mansion and land was 300 acres in total, having his ginormous glamorous mansion, with a built in hospital wing. He was lavish, he screamed money, he screamed Master Zenin.
Suguru Geto was the most modest, he had a mansion himself, but it was very earthy, very cottage feel. He had about 75 slaves, he tends to stay to himself unless Satoru his best friend is over, or he’s over at his home. They spent a lot of times “sharing” slaves.
Kento Nanami was the pickiest, he had a private estate, not flashy but it was big, but you couldn’t see it until you drove for about a mile or 2. No one knew how many slaves he had, because he simply had no reason to leave his humble abode unless it was for their meetings.
But here you are, you had been on the run for years. You and your parents and sister spent the night talking about how this was going to play out. Your parents cried, saying that they were only able to secure 3 seats on a plane flying out of the country. Having to decide which child to bring, and which child to leave behind for suffering, your dad crying, saying he will stay. But you simply knew your dad was to sick, the cancer that he was dying from, he needed treatment, and your mother needed to be with her husband, and care for your little sister. So you made the decision to stay, and be on the run while your family is living a life of freedom. It had been 2 years, you had successfully stayed alive and not captured. Until one day, one of the refugee hideouts under ground was found and raided. Here you were, in the back of a car, or van, you didn’t know. Waiting to be put into someone home, the only question you now had, was…
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
who’s mad at you + why?
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• pile one •
who’s mad?
cards: the tower, page of swords. 9 of swords
this is someone who has a lot of fears and anxieties for some reason. perhaps due to something that they’ve said/gossiped about that proved to be quite destructive. they’re someone who you had a tower moment with, and perhaps someone who doesn’t know how to communicate properly. they could talk about struggles with anxiety, and maybe they’re someone who is constantly in crisis mode. to the point that their life is always in shambles and they never know how to help themselves out of it. this person might regret something that they’ve said because of the destruction that they’ve caused, but this person is also very two-faced it seems. i’m seeing gemini, and feeling the energy of the 7 of swords (although it hasn’t come out). you could feel like this person was side-eyeing you, evil-eyeing you, or judging you in some way. but again, they could regret doing that now.
cards: king of wands, justice, 4 of swords
they’re mad because you seem to be going after your own personal goals and achievements, meaning that you have to balance out your life in order to keep a clear mind. you may have realised that this person was not reciprocating your energy or that you deserve better treatment than whatever this person was giving you. they’re mad about your own self-governance. you seem to be prioritising yourself and demanding fairness in your connections and general life. you could have focused on them and invested too much energy into helping them, which resulted in you realising that you need to put a lot of that energy back into yourself. this person knew that they were taking advantage of you in some way, and they’re just mad that you’re more aware of what’s fair and what’s not now. meaning that they can’t use your energy for their own benefit.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
• pile two •
who’s mad?
cards: 8 of cups, 3 of swords, the devil
wtf is going on here, pile two? this person is someone who definitely isn’t in your life anymore. this person was emotionally overwhelming and maybe even manipulative, so you walked away for the sake of healing. but i feel like this is someone who’s still trying to manipulate your energy or bind themselves to you continuously. even after walking away from them. the devil shows that this person is possessive. they have some weird ass obsession with you and it’s almost like they feel as though they need to still have a say in your life. this could be a capricorn or scorpio placement. if you haven’t walked away from them fully, then this is someone who you experienced some type of transformation with. a permanent change to the connection that you have with them. they may be responsible for inflicting pain that deeply affected you, or maybe even trauma/triggers. i feel like this is someone who’s mad that you’ve managed to drag your issues through the mud and use them for self improvement or self discovery. this person is someone who could have abandoned you multiple times in the past, but it seems like you’ve abandoned them this time around. and they’re mad about it. while also feeling powerless.
cards: 3 of cups, 2 of pentacles, the wheel of fortune
your life seems to have done a complete 180 (or it seems like it’s on the trajectory to that) because things are turning in your favour. they’re mad because of your connections with other people too (maybe they’re evil eyeing your friendships). and this is because you’re now very selective with who you invest emotional and physical energy into. there’s an energy of exclusion too, so perhaps this person also doesn’t actually know what’s going on in your life because they’re disconnected from it. there’s also something about other people “singing your praises”. if you have mutual connections with this person, there are multiple people who talk very positively about you. that makes this person big mad 😂. i’m hearing that it seems like you’ve effortlessly won a situation (particularly a social situation) too. without even trying. i heard that this person feels like you have the upper-hand constantly. and like everything constantly works in your favour.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
• pile three •
who’s mad?
cards: 6 of pentacles, the hermit, knight of swords
this is someone who you spoke a lot of truth to about their expectations or their codependency on you. they may be someone who almost begs for help or attention constantly (similar to pile one), and they’re usually not willing to do some soul searching and focus on realising what they need to learn in certain aspects of life. it’s like they expected you to direct them and tell them what to do. to give them the wisdom that they felt like you held. this is someone who could be quite isolated and lonely, focused on pessimism more than anything. either pessimism or maybe they’re depressed. i’m also seeing that they could be someone who uses materialism and money as a way to avoid loneliness. they could be a giver themselves in some way, but they definitely feel quite alone and maybe even lost and in need of help.
cards: king of cups, 2 of cups, judgement
this person is mad because of some type of awareness about a particular connection that you have with someone. maybe you’re someone who isn’t very emotionally expressive, but you’ve found a reciprocal connection with someone else. this person also may feel like they were judged by you in some way, or perhaps that they were discarded for someone else. this person could also be upset about your connection to a king of cups (a masculine water sign or a masculine, emotionally stable person in your life. this could be a partner or a brother). idk what that’s about. this person is definitely mad about some type of connection that you have with another person though. and also they’re upset about your ability to realise something on your own. your insight triggers them for some reason. also how you can “rise from the ashes”. you seem to know how to rebirth yourself and close out cycles in your life for the sake of protecting your peace - as well as someone else’s.
if you’d like a private reading, please check out my pinned post ✨💞
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llamagoddessofficial · 11 months
How do the boyos react to a breakup? :3c
Not... great.
I've answered this before, but it doesn't hurt to do it again, does it?
Sans: There's a split second, after she breaks the news, where he stares at her with no expression on his face. It looks lost, perhaps... blank? Totally unreadable. But to someone who knows him very well, like Papyrus, Sans just did his version of breaking down in hysterical tears and begging her not to leave him.
... Just like that, he defaults to what he always does when faced with a deep emotional wound- the mask comes back up. He doesn't even try to resist the breakup. He perfectly plays the part of the understanding, emotionally mature ex, he agrees that they 'just aren't compatible that way'. He doesn't ask how he can change, he doesn't try to come up with ways to make things work. He just rolls over. Of course he's happy to stay close friends. Of course she's still welcome at their place. Of course she should still come over for spaghetti and videogames on Friday evening. Anything to get her out the door as soon as possible.
He seems completely unaffected. They continue being friends... but part of him is now permanently closed off to her. He never gives casual touch, he doesn't text her jokes that made him think of her. Their texts become a repeating pattern of her longer messages, his simple 'ok 👍' replies, then the little grey timestamp of several days passing. Outside of the usual Friday, he never asks to come over, he never invites her anywhere. Even if she can't read him, she'll definitely see how massively their dynamic has shifted- she'll realise just how important she used to be to him.
... And suddenly... she gets the sting of realisation that she'll never see that side of him again.
Red: It depends on how far they are into the relationship. If it's early, he does what Sans pretends to do- he cuts off the romance but remains completely chill with her. Her breaking up with him is the sign his hyper-vulnerable subconscious was looking for to pull his budding feelings for her right out by the roots; now he has the concrete proof he needed that he shouldn't invest his Soul into this. He remains an easygoing, casual friend who's eager to be one with benefits.
If it's later in the relationship... after a long time with one another... if flat out denial that she wants to break up doesn't work, he tries bargaining. He tries promising he'll change, promising everything under the sun in the hopes that she'll stay. He tries begging her not to go. His last-ditch is trying to explain that he loves her, and he doesn't know if he can love anyone else. He can't be alone after he thought he'd never be alone again.
... If all else fails, he pivots to his old friend anger. He thought they were going to be together forever, buy a house, have kids. He genuinely can't handle watching that all slip away from him. He feels like it's all his fault, he fumbled the love of his life; so now she never loved him, now she's a liar, now she's been planning this for months and dragging him along out of pity. Now she's probably cheating- anything he can get his hands on to make it make sense. Nothing can calm him down, not even her, he storms out and gets into vicious fights and spitefully watches the missed texts and calls rack up. He immediately falls back into old addictions- when Papyrus finds him two days later, the stench of whiskey is almost too much.
If we're looking for a silver lining here, it at least brings the brothers closer. Papyrus misses his sister, but he firmly takes Red's side (as he's done his whole life) and wants nothing to do with her anymore. It hurts to watch Red unravel again.
Skull: Skull's concept of a 'relationship' is slightly skewed. He doesn't really understand it, he never has... his mind doesn't work like that, and neither does his idea of love. If he loves her, he loves her, that's all there is to it. Because of that, ironically, there's a chance that Skull would take the breakup the best out of all of them, because to him love is just as sweet regardless of whether they can or can't kiss. He really doesn't care what label is on what they have- if he can still see her, still cuddle her and touch her hair, he doesn't mind. Romantic, platonic, sure, whatever sweetheart says. If she doesn't want to be romantic anymore that's fine. So long as she'll still hold his hand. So long as he can still turn to her when the nightmares are too loud; so long as he can still watch the corners of her eyes crinkle when she smiles.
... There won't, however, be any new lovers.
The thing about Skull is being with him comes with the unspoken agreement that there'll never be anyone else. He's completely attached to her; and now that the affection as gone as deep as it has, no matter what Mc says or how much they talk about it, the sight of anyone else being with her fills him with so much instinctive rage and hatred it just isn't safe. There will be blood.
She can break up with him, sure. That's fine. Whatever sweetheart wants.
But nobody will ever take his place.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Nothing turns me off from a fanfic faster than a fear of emotional sincerity. There's so much irony, so many jokes, so many "ugh that was awkward" "I know right" after scenes that could have been touching had they not just been undermined, and a thorough coating of snark and sarcasm over an alarming number of protagonists. My fandom lends itself well to OCs and I've read some wonderful, one of a kind OCs as a result. I've also read a lot of the above, whatever you'd like to term that sort of story. I find it deeply uninspiring. How am I meant to be interested in a story when the author isn't? How am I supposed to get deeply invested in this thing when we have to punctuate everything with quips? Sometimes I just want a story where not everyone feels like they're saying lines for the movie trailers and memes these fics will never actually get.
There's so much potential out there in the setting for all kinds of characters. I shouldn't be able to take quotes from all of these OCs in all these different roles and have them read in that same irreverent, I-am-quipping-in-the-war-zone tone to such a degree that any line could come from all of them.
And when I mentioned this to a friend they assumed that meant I wanted boring heroes. No. Too much of anything makes that the boring, predictable thing. I want weird. Give me a very sincere hero who is also mildly out of touch with reality and talks to bugs but whose pacifism will not extend to you if you touch his loved ones. Give me a hot grandpa who's too old for snarky shit and wants to hash things out like an adult and relearns how to see the world with wonder in his eyes. Give me a heroine who's neurodivergent and nice and also really good at a handful of things that bring her actual joy instead of snarky cool girl semi-joy. Just. Any break from the latest brunette white cis culturally Christian atheist snarky cool person who always has a line at the ready and doesn't let anything get under their skin no matter how much it would be really weird for it to not matter to them, actually and how completely understandable it would be to let them feel something.
A scene that lives rent free in my head is from a fanfic now deleted, but in which two characters just talk about their trauma and have a quiet moment. The canon character is comforted by the OC without any romantic undertones or intent. Nobody makes any jokes to break the tension. They just have a moment where one person leans on someone else because sometimes life is fucking hard and you just need someone else to tell you they've been there, they managed, you're not alone, they've got you.
Most fics in my fandom don't have that much sincerity in the entire story. And this thing I loved, this fandom I invested six years into, is finally just too dull of a sandbox to play in anymore. I don't like that. Nobody's taking any risks, even one as minor as emotional sincerity in fiction, which is arguably a lot safer a place to do that than reality.
I miss when my fandom was new and the OCs were some of the most baffling people you've ever had described to you with nonetheless well-written backstories going out to do shit they believed in.
Sincerity is terrifying for an author.
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textfromthelookout · 2 months
Did you hear of the news?
I have. :(
Everyone else has their tributes so, here, a summary of my experience with Dragon Ball.
I was in fourth grade art class. A kid had the February 2005 issue of Shonen Jump, back when Shonen Jump was still physically printed here. I recognized Atem on the front cover because the Blockbuster around the corner from our house had DVDs (I think they were DVDs and not VHSs then since I distinctly remember it having a menu and special features) of some of the later episodes of Duelist Kingdom and my brother and I watched them on repeat. So I was like oh, hey, what's this? They make books of that stuff? I don't remember the conversation but the kid ended up giving me that issue, and I took it home with me.
There were a LOT of significant, groundwork things happening in that issue, now that I think about it. We were just beginning to see Sanji truly in action against Pearl. The Dark Tournament was in it's early stages still with Roto fucking around and finding out against Kurama. Sakura shears off her hair in a move that rearranged sexualities the world over. The reason Atem was on the cover was because Yu-Gi-Oh Millennium World was just debuting its first and second chapter. Bleach wasn't even serialized yet. And Dragon Ball, of course, was also there, about a hundred and fifty chapters ahead of everybody else.
Keep in mind that this was my first experience with manga, period. So my very first experience with Dragon Ball opened on this:
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and ended on this:
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Yeah. Truth be told, at the time Yu Yu Hakusho piqued my interest more than Dragon Ball (a guy fighting with plants? how creative!) but I never did forget these chapters. I thought the art style was so different from the others.
At some point after this, probably between several months and a year and a half, the TV happened to be on one evening when Toonami was airing Dragon Ball Z. Oh hey, I said, I recognize that art, I know those characters. So I hung around and watched some of episode 281. Two things about watching that episode stick with absolute crystal clarity in my mind to this day. Firstly: Buu choking Vegeta out with his arm freaked me the FUCK out as a child. I could not tell you why I had a fear reaction to it but hey, there you go. The second is this:
Specifically I remember 'You died once. If anything happens to you now, you won't exist anymore. There'll be nothing I can do to bring you back.' Not precisely word for word over the years, but Schemmel's tone of voice on this particular lineread. If I had to guess I'd say it was because at that point in my life, uh, death was kinda permanent? So wait, what do you mean died ONCE. Doesn't that apply to everyone?
This still wasn't enough to get me super invested in it though, it just didn't seem like something that would appeal to me that much. So a couple years go by, I don't think about it all that much, and then of course, TFS hits the scene and drops DBZ Abridged. So you know. As a shithead middle schooler with a shithead sense of humor I thought it was the best damn thing since sliced bread. (My biggest character flaw is that I still think a lot of Season 1 is genuinely funny)
And that was really the extent of my interaction with the franchise for the next several years. Say what you will about DBZA but they did manage to put it all together such that someone who had a nonexistent concept of what the original context was could grok it with not a lot of effort. Some time in high school, I think I was around 15, I decided to bite the bullet and read all the manga, as much to increase the funny factor of DBZA as sheerly for the sake of being able to say I had. Stick it to the other weebs, y'know. Now they can't say I didn't know anything about good anime. This was unfortunately at a time when all that was available online were dirty poor-quality scans and questionable translations, but read it I did. I went 'yep, that sure is about what I expected', and proceeded to get on with my life. GT came and went, I looked up and saw Battle of Gods coming out and went 'oh hey that's still a thing huh', kinda was peripherally aware of all the divisiveness of Super as it was happening, didn't really pay it much attention, just stuck to DBZA and quite a lot of wiki-ing.
And then, this time of year about three years ago now, in the middle of conversation with @prophecydungeon, Dragon Ball somehow came up. Something to do with 'Even though I'm not hugely into DBZ's story or whatever Toriyama does have some great character designs' (yes I was referring to Vegeta and Future Trunks at the time, no i will not stop being predictable, yes i am a parody of myself). They eventually brought up the DBS Broly movie and said, and i quote: 'that was a solid 1.5h of unbelievably fun and wacky animation'. Having seen the Gogeta vs Broly part of it on twitter and been like 'damn that animation's kinda off the hook actually, good for them good for them', my response was to be like. Oh word? I've got a spare hour and a half to kill, sure, fuck it, why not, time to watch DBS Broly.
I think that movie was precision crafted to hit me in the hyperfixation, if we're being honest. Opening on a solid 20 minutes of Lore and Worldbuilding and then having most of the rest of the runtime being mindless slobberknocker fun by way of some of the hardest animation flexes ever? I was done for.
In summation. I have been aware of Dragon Ball for a lot of my life, in that its presence was pervasive and enduring as I grew up. I may have been late to the game of actually wholeheartedly enjoying it, but enjoy it I do. Dragon Ball is the roots of a vast tree of anime, and in reading it I began to understand why that is. I respect it for that, and I love it for that. My current fixation may have shifted, but as far as time devoted to one individual thing goes... it took me a year and a half to watch my way through all of the anime and read all of the manga. ALL of it. So there's something good in there, I'd say.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
Atsushi for the ask game.
Favorite thing about them: HIS SELFISHNESS. It's so so delicious to explore. Can you imagine a protagonist that saves others not out of simple good will, but because of egoistic self-preservation motives? It just feels counterintuitive for me lmao, and I found it quite messed up when I first watched the anime, but now it's so compelling to explore. His whole “everything I do is in order to gain the right to live” is crazy fashinating. Because lol, that's entirely nonsensical to me! There's no such thing as “gaining the right to live”; all humans, every person in the world is inherently deserving of life. All. No exception. So there's no level of “weak” or “worthless” that would make you lose that right. The fact that's it's a vision so distant and absurd from mine, idk, it just makes it very compelling to explore? “What if there was a little fucked up guy who believed the right to live had to be earned” just sounds like a very interesting premise.
Least favorite thing about them: When I first watched the anime, I think I found him low-key annoying? I just... Don't do very well with self-deprecating people and people who complain a lot in general, I usually suffer in silence and tend to (wrongly) assume others should do the same (this probably makes me sound pretty mean, I swear I try to be understanding irl). However, it doesn't bother me as much anymore, I simply think it's more of a distinctive trait of the character that makes him multilayered and unique. As of now, I can't think of anything I don't like about him if not the fact that I wish he'd rely on Dazai and others in general a little less. I know that has to do with his lack of self-worth, so maybe it makes sense,, but as of now he feels kind of stuck. I just wish we'd see him grow more on that front.
Favorite line:
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There may be better ones, but I really like the delivery of this one.
brOTP: KYOUKA AND ATSUSHI they make me go insane. Already talked about this in the Kyouka post but just to reiterate: in my headcanon Kyouka really is the only person Atsushi feels genuine, selfless affection towards. It's very sweet. They're siblings. Kyouka's happiness is really important for Atsushi. They really do have that feeling of people who got out of an abusive environment learning what normality is supposed to be like together. I also really like how they compensate for what the other lacks, be it decisiveness and coolhead for Atsushi and empathy and positivity for Kyouka. Although plenty shipping them romantically, I really like platonic sskk and atsulucy as well.
OTP: I really like sskk eheh. I think they're neat. There's a thousand and one reasons why I find them pretty great. They're objectively the only reason why I got invested in bsd as well as the only thing that has me keep up with the franchise to this day. Right now, I feel like the one thing I really appreciate about them is how you can be the worst person in the universe and still somehow be loveable to someone. I think it's sweet. I also find it very fun and enterataining to explore their various soulmatism antics. They're both very complex and multilayered characters with something deeply wrong with how their minds work that makes them very fun to analyze both by their own and in the complexity of their relationship. Their collective story arc and canon relationship progression is extremely engaging and nice to follow, too. I love dazatsu and atsulucy as well!! Both were ships I wasn't particularly invested when I read the manga for the first time, but really grew in me in the last six months or so. I really dig akuatsulucy as well!!
nOTP: Nothing?
Random headcanon: He really likes reading. There's some real meta-analysis to be made here I actually had written this is probably not the right place to talk about, but in a work that's all about literature, he's the character who reads.
Unpopular opinion: He's the hardest character to write / characterize. That's why people should probably go easier on other fans when they mischaracterize him. He's just very multifaceted and genuinely hard to get. I keep seeing people being like “Stop babyfying Atsushi he's an independent adult!!” then turn around to say “he can't be shipped with Dazai because there's too much unbalance of power :// [somewhat implying Atsushi can't make free decisions for himself]”, or “Stop making of Atsushi a soft baby who never did wrong in his life!!!” then turn around to say “Atsushi is the happy puppy of the agency who gets treats and pats from everyone ^^ ” like. At least to me, a lot of people's arguments sound self-contradictory all the time; but that doesn't mean people should stop having fun and characterize the characters as they like! Just, let's stop being mean to each other and try to be a little more accepting towards others' takes, shall we? And yes that also includes letting people find Atsushi annoying if they find him annoying (although like, I've NEVER found anyone call Atsushi annoying ever, so really, what remote fandom spaces is everyone visiting? Why are you looking for clothes (good takes) at the soup store (Tik/tok I assume?) ).
Song i associate with them: Common World Domination by Pinocchio-P, HIBANA by DECO*27, Ghost Rule by DECO*27, so on and so forth.
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration: Look, there's too many beautiful illustrations, I can't chose. Here's a very good one though.
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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But also:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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good-omens-classic · 9 months
I just watched all 6 episodes of season 2 in a row and I am having a very hard verbalizing the way I'm feeling.
I am speechless, and not in a good way.
For five and a half episodes, I was on board. I didn't expect to like this, but despite myself I found myself laughing and getting emotional and getting invested in the story, in a way I haven't been since first reading Good Omens and falling in love with it all those years ago. Nearly a decade ago at this point. I had problems with season 1 and the way the fandom changed, but that felt mostly natural and just like differences of opinion and interpretation.
The ending of season 2 feels actively malicious. Especially coming from someone who couldn't stop touting over and over on Twitter about what a nice queer love story this is.
Everything wasn't perfect--but it was...nice. It was something. It was engaging and I was starting to feel excited again, not like I'm going to start writing fanfiction again excited but at the very least I'm thinking, I can enjoy watching people enjoy this from the sidelines.
And then the second half of the last episode came. And Aziraphale wants to go back to Heaven to lead the angels. Not only is that a completely nonsensical thing for Metatron to invite him to do, but Aziraphale's entire character is that he's happy on Earth. He's happy on Earth with Crowley. OF COURSE CROWLEY REFUSED TO GO BACK TO HEAVEN. The entire fucking point is they belong ON EARTH, together, with the humans. Our own side, their own side, the humans' being neither good nor evil but full of potential and power and them learning they can be that way too.
That's the point. That's always been the point. NEIL GAIMAN KNOWS THAT'S THE POINT. Aziraphale was clearly very unhappy with this decision, and hesitant. The show made it VERY clear he was unhappy and unsure after Crowley gave him a reminder of what they were supposed to be about...and he just went anyway.
And he did this right as Crowley declares his love and FUCKING KISSES HIM. In this, supposedly the cutest best queer love story. Nobody can even say "Well they just don't have that kind of relationship, they don't need to say I love you or kiss or hold hands" anymore because THEY LITERALLY DID KISS. And then IMMEDIATELY said goodbye to each other.
Tragedy is not just about making the audience unhappy. Tragedy is making the audience ache because of something sad and unavoidable, of knowing the characters could be happy in a better world. Good omens has always been about building that world, to me. I thought maybe they were going to go in that direction, with Aziraphale and Crowley building a non-apocalypse, at peace world on Earth together, with Aziraphale's newfound authority to teach all the angels and demons the benefits of humanity. That is, in my mind, the culmination of the themes of the original story, and the one I thought season 1 mostly got right except for some stumbling blocks. But this... This feels like a slap in the face.
The tragedy here is not that Aziraphale and Crowley can't be together, but that the writers....that Neil Gaiman threw away everything in the original story, everything from season 1, Hell, everything from earlier in season 2, about Aziraphale's character development and the most important themes of the story. And for what? Who finds this ending narratively satisfying, let alone is happy with it?
I was enjoying this. Maybe it was just because so much time has passed since season 1 that I've been able to more effectively separate the versions and think of them as different stories, and just enjoy them for what they are separately, or maybe it's because there was no other version of this story for me to silently constantly compare it to, but I was enjoying this...a lot more than I enjoyed season 1. I thought it was cute, I thought Gabriel and Beelzebub deciding to basically do WHAT CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE SHOULD HAVE DONE and make a "third side" was a great extension of the themes of the story, and all the Aziraphale and Crowley flashbacks set it up so perfectly for Aziraphale to realize at the end: The problem IS systemic, and Heaven isn't the "good guys." and Aziraphale clearly realizes this! And yet he doesn't act on it. If the last half an hour had just been Aziraphale going "I don't want to lead Heaven actually, I belong here on Earth if you want to come to me on how to run things the Earth way," and then he skips off holding Crowley's hand. To me that would be not only the happiest AND most narratively neat, wrapped up conclusion for season 2, but also THE ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE. and ALL the character development s2 had been setting up in the first five fucking episodes.
It just all got thrown in the garbage.
I'm tired. This could have been such a good, good story, and I was prepared to be disappointed, but nothing could have prepared me for this. When the clip of Aziraphale and Crowley kissing got leaked, I was bracing myself for it to be some sort of like....joke, or dream sequence that didn't actually happen. I was not prepared for THIS.
Someone please convince me it wasn't this bad. Someone please spin it in a way I hadn't thought of before that makes it make sense. Someone please disagree with me and explain why.
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sekiromi · 27 days
A Devil You Do, ch. 1
Raphael tells himself that it is only because of your importance that he tolerates your insolence, placates your tantrums, grants you courtesies never before bestowed on a mere mortal. He tells himself his interest is purely professional, his desire to be close merely an expression of wanting to protect his investment.
But then, why do you remind him so much of someone who once felt like home? Why does your soul echo with the remnants of something heavenly, and why does it entice him more than any contract ever could?
He learned not to hope anymore, but for you he might make an exception.
pairing(s): Raphael x Tav/Reader, Astarion x Tav/Reader
themes: reincarnation, soul bond, past lives, lost memories, pining, slow burn
cw/tw: canon-typical violence, gore
word count: 1k
[read this fic in all its glory on ao3!]
Chapter One: A Hundred Lifetimes from Now
The tragedy of the divine retribution of an original sin.
Fire rained down in whistling streaks, scorching the plane and causing it to shudder.
Raphael was many things; eternal, infernal, unforgiving. Hellfire simmered in his veins, behind his eyes, beneath his skin. Cruel and calculating, wicked and sinful, a creature of an irredeemable nature. Scorned son of Mephistopheles, a young lion lying in wait to pounce on his father, tear his throat and devour his flesh to take his place.
Concerned only with control and domination, loving no being other than himself.
Despite the heat of the fight, Cania remained cold and impervious, desolate and dark.
It had been that way for a long time, almost as long as Raphael could recall. His long life stretched out behind him unwaveringly endless, shadowed by greed and lust for power.
A flicker of a dying light, the last gasping breath of something divine erupted into the blackness.
The beginning grew hazy sometime during the second millennia, but there was one thing, or one person, rather, that stubbornly clung to the very fringes of his memory, slipping into his subconscious for safekeeping somewhere around 1400 DR.
Their body lay broken, crumpled, cold. Chest stuttering, choking on the blood rising in their delicate throat, and Raphael knew terror for the first time.
It still haunted his sleep, festered in a dark corner in the back of his mind, waiting for an opportunity to remind him of all he had won and then lost in his quest for everything.
“No…” Bloodied feathers and shattered bones, he tried to hold them together, put them back into one piece as if it could save them. “Hold on, my dear.” This fear on his face, it was a new emotion to them, one that they would remember a hundred lifetimes from now if only in the deepest reaches of unconsciousness.
They made an awful sound, thick, congealed blood pooling in their mouth as they tried to speak.
“G-Go, Raphael…it’s a trap.” Skin was already turning cold, fingertips icy as they weakly brought them to his cheek. “Mephisto…he—”
“Hells with him, I’ll kill him for this. I swear.” Rage burned unrestrained behind fiery eyes they had grown to love, despite every sense telling them to do otherwise. A forbidden attraction, a dance between the infernal and the divine, a collision between the Heavens and the Hells. They had both been damned from the start. They knew this. It had not stopped them.
“You won’t. Please…go, live. We will meet again.” His rage subsided to sorrow, feeling their once immortal life drain from them faster than sand through an hourglass, faster than the Styx through Avernus. His eyes grasped theirs, searching, pleading, bargaining, but both knew it was too late. Stripped of their invulnerability by the very Gods that had gifted it to them, Death would make a move soon. There was one thing left to say, a final deal, their last promise. Gently, they guided his face closer to their own, voice diminishing as a numbness climbed into their very soul.
“In the next life.”
Raphael wept for the first and last time.
Whatever souls are made of, some are awfully persistent.
When theirs had departed for a more distant realm, it was some decades before it graced the material plane again.
They kept true to their promise; Raphael did meet them in their next life, albeit in another form, another face. It did not matter to either, their essence was still there, still the same. In that second life, they had managed to hold on to their memories of the one before, remembered the centuries they had spent together. The first, which they had spent the better half trying desperately to kill one another. The second, when they started to realise why they never could succeed. And the third, where they paid the price for his arrogance and ambition, slaughtered by his own father to teach his unruly son a cruel lesson.
Whatever you earn, I will steal. Whatever you have, I can take. What is yours, is also mine.
When their mortal life ran its course, they found him again in the next. And the next, and the next. He loved them in every single one, however they appeared to him, wherever they had come from. He cherished them entirely, stood beside them as they grew old, mourned their deaths that felt like they were coming faster and faster as the years stretched on, and waited for them to knock on his door once again.
Until they started to stop remembering, until it took him searching for them to elicit any memories at all. Until only echoes of the past remained.
Every reincarnation remembered less than the last.
Sometimes, he would miss reincarnations entirely. In these lifetimes, he would wonder what had become of them, whether they taken another lover, whether any visions of him and their past entanglements haunted them in the void of the night like they did him. During these lapses, the near misses, Raphael would find himself beginning to grow hazy on the details himself. An amalgamation of lives, a collection of personalities that were so similar but also just slightly distinct from one another, made it difficult to hold on to what was original. What he was looking for.
Eventually, it had been nearly a thousand years.
A thousand years of solitude, a thousand years to forget.
Raphael’s heart hardened once again. He became the devil he knew, the creature he was born to be. Cruelness returned, contracts were formed, and souls were traded year after year.
But he did not come across theirs again. He was not sure if he would even recognise it anymore.
By the mid-1400s, any lasting hope of finding them diminished entirely. Wherever in this existence they wandered, they would simply pass as hollow ships in the night, each unaware of the other.
Raphael accepted this, and got on with his work.
[chapter 2]
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dawg, lemme tell you somethin, I LOVE your writing style so far and I want more SO BAD !! I’ve been stuck by myself in the “I’ve been an arcana fan since release but now it’s like dead” hole, so I’ve been absolutely starving for content. Your headcanons are such a great length and so descriptive, each one feels like I’m reading a whole fanfiction, and it’s a real treat. I cant wait for more !! 🥺🥺 If I ever get around to scribbling some stories based on your thoughts, I am tagged u on SIGHT.
I’ve never requested headcanons before but what about m6 with an mc who walks with a cane?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an MC who walks with a cane
~ thank you for the positive feedback @taduki ! I'm so happy when I find out my ramblings bring people joy. I have a few friends who use canes regularly, but I don't have any personal experience. I'm basing this off of the little bit of research I did and the experiences I've heard about, so if I make any mistakes please let me know so I can correct them ~
He thinks it's hot
He's a doctor, he's familiar with mobility aids and the many reasons someone may need/want to use one
Dude literally had three years of experience as an apprentice under Nazali in active warzones amputating limbs
He's the type of guy who loves learning new things, so once you're comfortable going into detail about your condition to him he will have so many questions
And then he's going to go do research about it
And then he's going to come back with even more questions
But mostly he just thinks it's hot, canes just have so much dramatic potential
Can you keep a sword in it? Can you use it like a club? You would make such a good pirate with him
Once you explain that it's actually easier to use if it's lightweight and easy to store he'll stop suggesting modifications
But if you have it with you while you're out and you don't feel like using it he'll keep it hooked over his arm or clenched in his fist because deep down he's a theatre kid
However much they knew about mobility aids before the Red Plague, they learned everything they could after you woke up
He's so tuned in to you he can tell at a glance what kind of day you're having and will act accordingly
When they were reteaching you magic some of the first spells they taught you were what they remembered you using to help with your disability
He has definitely enchanted your cane before, mostly with your permission
One of the useful ones was a shrinking/growing rune so you could keep it in your pocket
Less useful was when one of your customers made a rude comment about you not moving as fast as they wanted you to around the shop
So they enchanted it to trip them on sight
He forgot to tell you, you didn't find out until the rude customer came back on a day you weren't using it and you watched your cane fly across the room to thwack them across the shins
They're not allowed to touch your cane without your permission anymore
The evening she first arrived in your shop you weren't using it so she didn't notice it until you arrived at the palace the next evening
When she realized she had been getting annoyed at you for being late, only to see you walk in with a mobility aid, she felt awful
It was also a wake up call realizing how many stairs you had to climb just to get to the front doors of the palace
She doesn't want to pry or burden you, but she's also deeply committed to providing for your every need, and there's a day or two of her waffling back and forth between pumping you for information and pretending there's nothing unusual afoot
Once you open up about it she's very invested
Every outfit she gifts you comes with a high quality cane, beautifully painted to match
After everything's done with the Devil and she's reworking Vesuvia's infrastructure she is definitely taking accessibility into account
She's not going to burden you with her education or assume you're an archetype, but she makes sure you know that your input is more than welcome on any and all of her plans
That trip with Morga was hell on your body
You spent weeks riding and walking for hours with minimal rest, trying to learn physical self-defense tactics at the same time
He may be gruff but he's not cruel, he was offering to carry your bags (or you) by the third day in
Seeing how patient you were with both Morga and yourself was one of the things that convinced him to open up to you and trust you
He prefers speaking with actions more than words
One of the first gifts he gave you was a beautifully crafted cane, lightweight and incredibly durable, with the story of your journey together carved into it
He also customized it to work with you perfectly, because he knows better than anyone what a body in discomfort moves like and he's memorized all of your tells
When you move into his hut with him he makes trails through the woods for you so you don't have to worry about uneven ground or roots or loose stones
He is also very happy to carry you around if you ask him to (he will blush the whole time though)
It's cannon that the first time you meet she out walks you across Vesuvia
It takes her a little while to adjust her assumptions
Not because she thinks badly of anyone who uses a mobility aid, but because it's her job to be on her feet all day long and the concept of having difficulty doing that is totally new to her
There are definitely a few moments when she bounds up the stairs two at a time, only to wait awkwardly at the top silently berating herself for not paying closer attention
The first time she matches her pace to yours on a slower day for you her whole worldview shifts
Being the type to power-walk everywhere, this is the first time she's been able to notice all these beautiful details around her
Was that painting always there? The fabric on those curtains is gorgeous!
Now it's one of her favorite things about who she becomes around you
She will (and does) throw hands with anyone who makes a disparaging comment about you moving too slowly
Pepi tried to jump up onto your cane once when it was propped up against a table and made the biggest crash when she fell
Ooh, nice accessory, he's got one too!
It should be shinier though. Don't worry, he'll fix that for you as soon as he's no longer an incorporeal goatman
He has no filter between his brain and his mouth, he is bombarding you with questions. Why do you use it? Were you in a particularly nasty fight?
For once he's not being remotely judgemental (except about the fashion sense involved), dude has an entire missing limb
Sometimes he'll reminisce about what it was like before he got the alchemical prosthetic he has now, and will ask you if you have any ideas for your cane
He is very happy to carry things for you and often suggests you use his golden arm to lean on instead
He says it's more fashionable this way, but really it's a point of common ground for him and he likes having you close and being dependable
If you let him he will absolutely buy a pair of matching canes for the two of you, yours to help you move around and his to make grand sweeping gestures with
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