#ascendant opposing mars
geographerdose · 11 months
Celebs with ASC-Mars Aspects (within 3°), Pt. 2
Oppositions and trines
(Conjunctions and squares in Pt. 1)
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Tara Reid— Capricorn ASC opposing Mars
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Amerie— Aquarius ASC opposing Mars
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Dorothy Dandridge— Leo ASC opposing Mars
Fun fact: She was the first African-American actress to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress in 1954.
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Deborah Harry— Scorpio ASC opposing Mars
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Kajol— Pisces Rising opposing Mars
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Eliza Dushku— Taurus Rising trine Mars
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Marcia Cross— Cancer Rising trine Mars
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Elizabeth Olsen— Virgo Rising trine Mars
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Whoopi Goldberg— Aquarius ASC trine Mars
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Virginia Madsen— Gemini ASC trine Mars
🎤 I couldn’t help but notice the large number of musicians that popped up with all these aspects
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astrojulia · 10 months
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Mermaid's Q&A (1)
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@bomontii: Mars, a planet known for action and assertiveness, joins with transformative Pluto in adventurous Sagittarius. This pairing gives you an intense drive to seek truth, explore new places, and change yourself. The conjunction happens in the 8th house, which is about shared resources, close relationships, and the mysteries of life and death. Mars and Pluto are both retrograde in this house, which makes you very introspective and intense. You're on a personal journey to explore your hidden desires and become more vulnerable, which can be transformative.
As an Aries rising sign, you have the same fiery and courageous nature as the Ram. You're assertive and confident, and you're good at starting things and leading others. In the 8th house, your Aries nature is focused on transformation and discovering hidden truths.
This means you're someone who likes challenges and isn't afraid of difficult situations. You're fearless and like to push boundaries. The combination of Mars, Pluto, and Sagittarius shows that you have a thirst for adventure, exploration, and spiritual growth. Overall, your chart suggests that you're someone who seeks truth, isn't afraid of change, and likes to step out of your comfort zone.
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When two planets are about 60 degrees apart, it's called a sextile aspect. This connection is harmonious and can lead to growth and expansion. Your Moon in 1° Libra and Jupiter in 8° Leo have a sextile aspect between them.
The Moon represents emotions, intuition, and desires. Jupiter represents abundance, wisdom, and expansion. When they form a sextile, their energies blend well. This creates a good environment for personal growth and emotional well-being.
With the Moon in Libra, you tend to prefer harmony, balance, and diplomacy in your emotional expression. You desire good relationships and appreciate beauty and aesthetics. The sextile with Jupiter in Leo enhances your emotions, giving them warmth, enthusiasm, and a bit of drama.
Jupiter in Leo radiates a powerful and generous energy. It encourages your creativity and helps you express yourself with confidence. This harmonious aspect between the Moon and Jupiter suggests that your emotional well-being is uplifted by your optimistic and expansive nature. You may find that you have faith, see the bigger picture, and attract positive opportunities and experiences.
This sextile aspect also suggests that you possess a talent for nurturing and supporting others, as well as a knack for recognizing and seizing opportunities that enhance your emotional fulfillment and personal growth.
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@mefemmefatale: The conj. of Aqua Lilith and Aqua Neptune in the 1st house has a profound impact on your personality and physical characteristics. Their conjunction with your ascendant and their tense aspect with your Midheaven in Scorpio further highlight their significance in your natal chart.
Lilith, a mysterious celestial body associated with independence and forbidden femininity, combines with Neptune, the planet of illusion and spirituality, creating a veil of mystique and otherworldliness around you.
This conjunction in the 1st house, which represents self-expression and personal identity, gives you a unique and unconventional aura. You possess a deep connection to your subconscious and imagination, exploring hidden realms within yourself.
The tense aspect with your Midheaven in Scorpio intensifies the transformative nature of this configuration. Your career and public image are likely to be influenced by these celestial forces, driving you to seek roles that explore the mysteries of life, challenge societal norms, and uncover hidden truths.
Physically, the influence of Aqua Lilith and Aqua Neptune in the 1st house may give you a distinct and ethereal appearance. If you want to see a little more about all the aspects between rising and planets/asteroids you can see this post. So, Your magnetism and intriguing presence draw others to you. Your style and aesthetic reflect an unconventional, avant-garde, or bohemian sensibility as you embrace your authentic self.
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As an Aries rising, people see you as someone with a lot of energy and passion. With Mars as your chart ruler, you have a natural drive and a strong sense of courage. Your identity is closely tied to Mars, which shows that you have a strong will and that you're determined to make your own path in life.
The conjunction of Mars and Pluto in Sagittarius adds an extra layer to this combination. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and it merges with Mars to give you even more intensity, depth, and potential for personal growth.
Being in the 9th house, which is all about expanding your horizons and seeking higher learning and spirituality, this conjunction shows that you have a real thirst for knowledge and adventure. You're naturally curious and interested in exploring different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems to gain a better understanding of the world.
All of this suggests that you're someone who's really determined to uncover life's mysteries and get to the heart of what really matters. You might be drawn to spiritual or philosophical pursuits, as you're driven by a desire to grasp the deeper meaning of existence.
The Mars-Pluto conjunction also gives you inner strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome challenges. Your passion and drive, combined with the transformative power of Pluto, can help you grow and reinvent yourself in amazing ways.
It's worth noting that these energies are intense and their expression can be influenced by other aspects and the overall balance of your chart.
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Neptune represents the world of dreams, intuition, spirituality, and transcendence. It's all about connecting with higher realms and seeking unity. On the other hand, the North Node symbolizes the path of growth and evolution that your soul wants to follow in this lifetime. When these two energies oppose each other, it creates a tension between your spiritual aspirations and your karmic journey.
The Neptune-North Node opposition suggests that you might struggle to reconcile your spiritual ideals with the practical realities of life. You might feel confused or uncertain about your life's purpose as you try to find a balance between spiritual fulfillment and the demands of the material world.
To navigate this aspect, it's important to embrace the lessons it brings and find harmony. Here are some suggestions:
Take time for self-reflection: Dive deep within and connect with your intuition. Practices like meditation, journaling, or spiritual contemplation can help you gain clarity about your spiritual path and life's purpose.
Balance practicality and spirituality: Find ways to incorporate your spiritual beliefs into your everyday life. Seek practical ways to bring spirituality into your work, relationships, and daily routines, allowing them to enrich your experiences.
Practice discernment: Neptune's dreamy influence requires you to discern between illusions and genuine spiritual insights. Ground your spiritual experiences in practicality and seek guidance from trusted mentors or teachers.
Embrace surrender: Neptune teaches the value of surrendering to the flow of life. Trust that the universe has a plan for your growth and evolution. Let go of the need for complete control and allow life to unfold naturally.
Seek guidance: Consulting with a spiritual teacher, mentor, or astrologer can provide valuable insights and guidance on navigating the nuances of this aspect within your unique birth chart.
Remember, astrology offers guidance, but the power to shape your destiny lies within you. Use the energies of Neptune and the North Node to embark on a transformative journey, aligning your spiritual aspirations with your karmic path.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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myun-saidthoughts · 3 months
🥀 Astrology Observations 🥀
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🦋 Water house synastry increases or creates co-dependent behaviors
🦋 When dealing with 12th house synastry and unrequited love/dismissive behavior from one person (as the planet person or the person who has more Pisces/12H/Neptune influence) often times, they may struggle with over emphasizing "synchronicities."
Example: Their name randomly pops up on your FYP/Twitter or what not and even though they haven't spoken to you in weeks or months even, falling into a dilemma where you tell yourself this is a "sign" to text them or that they are thinking of you may occur.
Example: If you find yourself constantly checking their social media, you might start interpreting their story posts as covert expressions of their feelings for you. In turn, you might even resort to dropping subtle hints on your own social media, hoping they'll notice and reciprocate the attention.
Example: You may accept the fact that this person no longer thinks of you but they could post one (1) vague story, comment, picture, tweet and if that said post could have *any* relation to you, then a part of you (or all of you) may believe that it's confirmation that they like you again or that they are thinking of you again, regardless of outside or external factors that have happened.
Falling into a delusional hole is likely and unless there are consistent clear and prominent signs or words that they are not thinking of you or that they are interested in someone else, a part of you will fixate and wonder if what they are posting is for you, about you or to you.
🦋 Virgo Moon criticize's themself harder than they criticize others
🦋 Sagittarius Sun + Taurus rising creates a very optimistic, grounding, and stable individual regardless of trauma or hurt. (Needless to say everyone has their breaking point)
🦋 Capricorn Moon men with a water rising + have polarized emotional feelings. They become extremely uncomfortable with feelings yet emotions run high and they could have outburts
🦋 Capricorn Moon individuals have a very harsh relationship with their mother, either she was cold, dismissive, strict or uncommunicative. A part of their soul felt un-nurtured or cared for in a way that they needed.
🦋 Moon square Neptune in a birth chart indicates a mother who struggled(s) with addiction, reality, or with mental health. The tighter the orb the more severe or prominent the mother's behavior was towards the child.
🦋 People with natal 4th/8th/12th or have prominent Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces placements that have harsh aspects towards Neptune/Pluto/Chiron/Lilith may prefer intense water house synastry
🦋 Sagittarius, Virgo + Aquarius in a birth chart can indicate a highly intellectual and intelligent soul. They may have a gift of photographic memory.
🦋 Heavy Libra/Leo/5H placements all give off the same aesthetic in my opinion, very feminine, they attract more than they chase
🦋 Mars oppose/conjunct (sometimes square) Moon + Venus synastry creates intense and obvious attraction between one another, you may experience a heightened desire for intimacy with them, possibly leading to an increase in your usual level of sexual expression; especially if you are objectively very attracted to them.
🦋 Mars conjunct/oppose ascendant synastry can create jealousy or dislike towards the ascendant person if both parties are the same sex. (Especially if there has been one awkward encounter where Mars's confidence was affected because of Mars's own personal core wounds)
🦋 Leo Moon/Venus need their partner to show them off. Their partner has to openly and loudly claim them, not in an annoying or suffocating way but in a way where they feel instantly validated or wanted; to the point where everyone naturally notices
🦋 Scorpio/Pisces + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC) rising's have similar facial features
I've noticed that Scorpio + Neptune aspecting the MC/ASC can creates that emo aesthetic (also heavy Pisces individuals as well can fall into that aesthetic too)
🦋 Jupiter in the 8H indicates your family (or others around you, people/partners) has or have had wealth, whether that be from your/their parents, grandparents, and so forth.
🦋 Malefic planets like Pluto's or benefic planets like Jupiter placed in the 2H/8H house showcases dealing with an extreme theme when it comes to money; in some point of life
Pluto in the 2H/8H showcases extremities of having money then losing it all, becoming obsessed with money, or receiving high sums of money and becoming careless with it; power trips could occur where you can't be given your money because of higher authorities or officials (2H) or because of family issues with tax documents and trusts (8H) etc. Truly the themes here that can manifest are endless and as always aspects/full natal charts paint the better picture.
🦋 11H Moon individual's give so much to their friendships, it's as if no matter how many times they get burned by someone, their soul still asks and searches for a the kind of friend they are.
(Bonus if they have 12H placements too then the search for authentic, considerate and kind souls feel like a never ending battle that they keep losing too and no matter how many times they feel burned they still keep searching)
🦋 Moon conjunct Pluto in a composite chart creates the same intensity as 8th House/Pluto synastry; the relationship can't be light.
🦋 5H synastry increases the chances of partying with one another. You may see them out often or make plans that involve the night life/parties. Childlike fun behaviors can also occur and with one another energies are lifted and there is no negativity.
🦋 With past life connections: when you are with them, 1 hour feels like 10 minutes; before you know it 6 hours pass and you don't even realize it.
🦋 Heavy Aries placements (especially Sun or rising + chart ruler) tend to prioritize the gym and their body. Working out comes so natural to them.
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thesirenisles · 10 days
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Pluto’s Sirens 🦂
beauty, love astrology observations ✨
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scorpio sun, scorpio moon, scorpio mars, scorpio ascendant , Scorpio lilith, Black moon lilith
8th house placements including Lilith
Lilith aspects, Pluto Aspects, Venus Opposing Trine Conjunction Square Pluto, Ruled, Dominant
Pluto in the 1st house, Pluto in the 8th house
“She knew death quite well. She often drowned. But, never in fear. The storm waters of love, pain, and sorrow filled her lungs and from their depths, she rose metamorphosed — a captivating phoenix of the sea.”
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please do not steal any of my original work.
🦂Child of Pluto,
The stunning dark beauty that disappears intermittently, only to reemerge a brand new person.. having lived another full life to it’s completion.
You have walked the Valley of Death and your essence was fortified by means of eternal hellfire. There’s really no wonder why you’re so intimidatingly hot. 🔥
As a water sign, this is similar to the siren-like energy of Neptune. However, a Neptunian might unwittingly lure suitors to their death, but you, Plutonian Goddess are the siren who wants the kill.
🥀You are the siren they fear.
You are a mistress of the deep, a beacon of light through the annals of life’s taboo topics like sex, death, occultism, and mystery.
When considering Plutonian energy, I imagine the scorpion deep within a fierce ocean of emotions, burrowing deeper and deeper into the sand… searching and feeling…
Deep within these depths is where you thrive. The drowned woman… I say this because Scorpio is a fixed sign, meaning its energy can be stagnant.
So, it is literally fixed water or stuck water. Being stuck underwater can symbolically connote to drowning.
This is also where the big misunderstanding of Scorpio comes from because… a scorpion does not belong underwater?? Yup, you’re an anomaly.
But, hence this is literally why you cannot stay under water for too long. You’re meant to dive deep beneath the surface, transform yourself, others, and your surroundings BUT only for a little while.
If you try to resist and stay submerged, life literally pushes you to transform and resurface for fresh air. By the end of your journey, you come out reborn anew, carrying nothing but the wisdom you’ve gained.
At your core, you are here to transform yourself and others.
With this energy, you are always digging and craving depth wherever you go, whether you realize it or not just like the scorpion. This could be for emotions, the truth, or other extremes.
Your plutonic vibrations sometimes does this for you and easily charm souls into revealing their darkest and deepest desires to you.
Pluto has gifted you with a gaze that certainly helps to compel information, while also commanding authority and exuding power. (It’s giving Vampire Diariesss)
🥀A fierce siren, you wish to take hold of your romantic partners, friends, and families and lead them to the deepest depths of human existence.
But, this is only an attempt to free them from the confinement of the human ego and mundanity.
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🦂The Misunderstood
The Scorpio/ 8th house slander is endless. But, I feel it’s just misunderstood. I love Plutonian energy. I find it refreshing, possibly because I have Scorpio 11th house & Scorpio Mars lol.
But, I get them. My longest friendship is with a beautiful Scorpio Sun and I have never had to second guess her loyalty.
She has been through more than anyone would guess, but maintains a heart of pure gold. Her shell is hard to crack though.
This is because you guys have seen the other side of life… death. You are aware most people aren’t living their truths or even knowledgeable of the truths of this Earthly realm… and it infuriates you at times.
It’s not easy being the one who sees a liar in a fake smile or an enemy within a friend. You see people without their masks and you call them out when needed… including family.
This can ruffle many feathers, of course. We all know how truth tellers are deemed in society.
And to some, your intense need to dive deep can terrify them and trigger them because in some way they are not living their authentic truth.
But, it’s meant to!
Pluto in the 1st house natives know this reaction well, as they wear the hellfire mark wherever they go. This triggers those who are not comfortable with darkness or their own shadow self.
Significant Lilith placements can resonate with this energy. Your presence and rebel energy triggers those whose identity is based upon a facade.
A Plutonian is a friend with their shadow self. They have seen the likes of all darkness.
You are the wounded warrior with these placements, (and honestly deserve so much more and so many hugs for what you’ve survived🥹) But, you seldom allow anyone to see you sweat or any weakness.
This need to conceal weakness hides your incredibly, loving heart and loyal spirit.
You can come off a bit brash at times. (Think, Jade from Victorious… Marlo from The Wire.. Matthew McConaughey’s character in True Detective) But, Its hard to empathize with those who seem ungrateful for their less challenging life paths or who refuse to make simple life changes out of fear.
You are like a butterfly. You have lived several lives, experiencing completely new things at each stage of life, but ultimately improving yourself each time.
While painful at times, that’s your superpower. ✨
The ironic part is that people see you in your Butterfly phase, ornate wings and beautiful colors, and assume you have not had it hard.
Until you sting. 🦂🩸
Absolutely incredible and yet so misunderstood.
Believe me when I say, it is such a GIFT to be able to transform in a world where Saturn’s energy reigns supreme.
🥀A piece of advice I leave to you all is… while understanding death.. DON’T forget to LIVE. Take a page out of the book of your sister sign, Taurus or Planet Venus… pamper your soul. 💅🏾
You are allowed and capable of just as much happiness and soft living as any other soul. Do not be afraid to open up and love or allow yourself to be loved.
You ARE loved over here! ❤️🫶🏾
🦂La Petite Mort “Little Death”.
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To possess significant scorpio or 8th house placements is to live through many small deaths to be born anew.
Ironically, while Pluto rules sex, the French saying for an orgasm is Le Petite Mort … or “Little Death”.
Perfectly fitting.
With these placements, you can transform yourself and others through your sexual encounters.
🥀Your sex is transformative!
The sexual energy exudes from your pores, thanks to Papa Pluto and those around you can smell the fragrance.
When a suitor spots you, perched upon a rock amidst the chaos of the ocean… they can’t look away.
They don’t know what it is about you, but they are drawn… hooked and captivated by your watery siren gaze.
You call to them on the shore… and they approach only to be grasped and delivered to the bottom of the ocean for an unforgettable awakening.
This is why Scorpios/ Plutonians/ 8th housers rule the sack. There is less inhibition, less hesitation, and your goal is sink your prey… to the depths… and transform them. (This gives me chills to think about… very powerful stuff!)
Both men and women of Pluto have this quality. Even if they aren’t perfectly symmetrical or dreamy, you have to admit they are HOT AF & their raw sexual energy caught your eye and made you wonder if you even possess the endurance to swim in their waters…
Keep transforming the world Plutonians! We need you!
Thank you for reading! Wishing you blessings💋
Neptune Energy Observation is here. ♓️⬅️✨
MERCURY energy observation here. ♍️♊️
Other planets coming soon!
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Alton Mason (Scorpio Sun) and Kofi Siriboe (Scorpio Pluto, Moon, Jupiter STELLIUM 😮‍💨)
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punksocks · 2 months
Astrology Observations: No.28
*just based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Sorry it’s been a minute, I got my time back then I got sick- like same day! I’m good now, thank god, but it was absolutely insane and everything has been going on in the world, my God)
-If your moon opposes your ascendant you may be known for making the wrong impressions on people (especially first impressions) at some point in your life
-Not the first time I said this but I feel like Libra Asc tend to need to balance out aspects of their life more bc of their houses having the opposite signs over them.
-On the other hand I feel like Aries asc have a very straightforward, sometimes less complicated world view bc of their houses lining up with their traditional rulers.
-Mars in determemt and fall (Libra, cancer, 12th house) really gives you a finite amount of stamina
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-I feel like cancer venus/moons tend to wax the most poetically and romantically about the nostalgia they feel. Even stronger for Venus.
-Men with cancer placements be like: I didn’t know I was manipulating you into being nice to me until it was already happening (lmao oof)
-I noticed Aries and Scorpio Sun men/masc folks can get romanticized a lot, I think this is bc their identity is ruled by mars traditionally, so they tend to be assigned more masculine traits/act their traits out in a more “traditionally” (or even just comfortably) masculine way
-Aqua Sun/asc/venus usually have some features that makes their face really stand out I noticed (unique brow/nose/head shape etc) (idk why I haven’t seen this with moons as much)
-Signs in your 8th house may come off as mysterious or hard to understand
-You may find it really easy to vibe with people that have Sun conjunct your Asc
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-I’ve noticed that a lot of Virgo mars may eat like really spicy or punishing foods (especially if the mars is in a fire house)
-Saturn aspecting your big 3 can help you age really well- depending on how well you take care of yourself (extreme example: dick van dyke, he’s almost 100 and he’s still jumping around with so much energy)
-Pisces placements can be like incredibly intelligent and yet still come off as a bit spacey (one of my favorite YouTubers used to head extra credits and he is SO SMART, like just a seriously huge capacity for knowledge but he sounds spacey when he does his chill gameplays and pieces things together unscripted lol)
-Jupiter square/opposition Sun can make you come off as overly pessimistic, it can also make you come off as optimistic at the wrong times (laughing at serious moments, etc)
-Taurus placements are so motivated by food, it’s so real (the amount of times I’ve had a Taurus sun/moon/mars not hear a word I was saying bc they were scoping out a restaurant? Countless lol)
-I notice a lot of rappers & musicians (especially the innovative ones) have major Pisces placements
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-Aries moons get emotional fulfillment by winning what they chase after (Aries in big 6 tends to make you go after things in general too imo)
-I noticed sometimes Leo moon can make you a bit self centered, like in the most literal sense, you may have trouble understanding perspectives outside of your own
-Virgos and Geminis and 3rd/6th house placements have great memory but they tend to forget certain aspects. They tend to forget or mix up details. (My ex took like 3 years to remember my middle name beyond the first initial lol god; also, I always remember zodiac signs but not birthdays lol)
-I love how Joe Pera has a cancer Mercury and his comedy is like the coziest comedy I’ve ever heard, he even got his following bc his helping people fall asleep and just talking through his chill podcast (did not expect him to have like the most fire in his chart tho?? Wouldn’t have guessed lol)- Pisces Mercury and Mercury with hard aspects to Neptune probably have a cozy affect on others when they communicate with them too
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cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
How to Analyze your Man (For Woman)
Knowing about the man in your life is quite simple. Many people suggest using Mars for your man.
While Mars can indicate the type of men you find hot for sex or one-night stands and his longevity, when it comes to a traditional setup of family, marriage and especially raising children, Jupiter has more weightage because your man is supposedly instrumental in the birth of children (Jupiter rules children). So, whomever you co create with becomes your Jupiter.
Check your Jupiter sign and conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter. Jupiter stays in 1 sign for about a year. So, the conjunctions and aspects to Jupiter can differentiate your man from other Jupiters. If your Jupiter is in Libra but conjunct Mars, this can be very different from just having Jupiter in Libra alone.
Check for aspects to Jupiter. If Sun squares or Mars opposes Jupiter, this can mean a more masculine partner. If Moon or Venus aspects Jupiter, this makes for a more feminine partner. So accordingly check for all aspects to Jupiter. Aspects make the most subtle difference.
Check the houses Jupiter rules. This is very important as this is dependent on your ascendant. Example for Capricorn ascendant, Jupiter rules 3rd and 12th house. So, your spouse will have qualities of Gemini and Pisces. IMO, this is single most important factor as the sign is pretty much the same for all women born in that period. If you are Leo rising, husband will activate houses 5 and 8 meaning qualities of Sun and Pluto. your husband will bring themes of these houses in your life (children and sexual bonding here for Leo)
Check the house placement of Jupiter. This is again important to differentiate. If Jupiter is in cancer but in 10th house, then your spouse may not be so nurturing but also have some Saturnian qualities.
Check if you are running the major period of Jupiter. This can be significant if Jupiter runs anywhere between ages 20 and 60.
Check the angular distance between Moon and Jupiter. Jupiter in 6,8,12 from Moon can mean a difficult relationship with your Man (6=Addictions, 8=Transformations, 12-distance).
Check if Rahu or Ketu or Pluto conjuncts Jupiter. This can impact your marriage deeply.
Finally check placement of Jupiter in D9 and D7 (if you are aware of these harmonic charts). You should check the conjunctions, aspects, house placement and house rulership as we did above.
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heartlilith · 6 months
Astrology Observations
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 2
🔮I'm not sure if it's my Neptune or Uranus in the 1st but over the years my physical features have changed on their own... when I was a toddler I was blonde, in middle school my hair started turning red, then high school it was auburn and now it's dark brown. Same with my eyes; when I was young they were dark blue and now they're green.
✨If your Moon/Venus/Ascendent opposes or squares Saturn/Neptune/Pluto or you have Neptune/Saturn/Lilith/in the 1st house (and probably more aspects) then it will never matter how beautiful or attractive you are because you'll never view yourself that way
🔮The sign on your 5th house cusp is usually the sun/dominant sign of your favorite artist; whether that's music, art, fashion, or literature (there's other aspects that can determine this but I relate to this the most)
✨I've met a lot of Aquarius, Pisces, and Virgo placements who are vegan/vegetarian (esp sun, moon, 2nd house, 6th house, and 12th house placements)
🔮Earth dominant people find animals very therapeutic
✨OPINION: I look at Mars signs as the type of vibe people give off, of course the rising sign plays a part in this as well but once you get to know someone I believe this becomes more and more apparent (unless Mars is in their 12th house ofc)
🔮OPINION: Sagittarius/Gemini/Capricorn placements are the funniest out of the zodiac - Sagittarius because they're outrageous and dramatic, Gemini because they're quick and witty, Capricorn because they're super sarcastic and have that dry humor
✨Aquarius placements have a lot of people who love them but they feel like no one truly *gets* them... they get a bad rep for always trying to be "different" and "unique" but they feel this in the worst way which leads to them becoming very lonely
🔮It takes a lot to get Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Aquarius/Capricorn placements mad but once you do you're f***ked
✨Cinderella definitely had Venus in the 1st house, Saturn in her 4th house, and Jupiter in the 7th house
🔮Lilith in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th house attracts a lot of gossip
✨Lilith in the 1st house means you're your own worst enemy
🔮Lilith in the 4th house can indicate being a single parent
✨Lilith in the 12th house can indicate being a mistress or the male equivalent
🔮Juno through the houses can give more insight on what partner is right for you;
Juno in the 1st house; independent partner who wants to show the world they love you
Juno in the 5th house; a fun, creative and optimistic partner
Juno in the 11th house; a best friend, popular and friendly partner
Part 1
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ms-taurusvenus · 1 year
Astro Notes
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The naives have a RBF and features of a Scorpio rising would by having Ascendent-Pluto aspects. 
9H placements frequently create and attempt to locate the deeper meaning of even the most basic things.
Scorpio placements and those with aspects to Pluto tend to be accused of envy.
7H Venuses typically wed in private and detest the thought of a lavish ceremony. Their weddings also tend to be more understated, with the bride and groom dressing in more casual or straightforward apparel as opposed to how many other couples make a big deal out of what they wear. Examples include: Cardi B, Adrianna Lima, Bruno Mars, Kurt Cobian, Ryan Golsing, etc. When you search for these celebrities' weddings, you frequently find that they either have few to no photos from their ceremony or that it was a modest affair.
Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini men look fantastic with dyed or bleached hair.
Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo placements typically hug the best.Cancer placements frequently hold on until you release them from the hug.
Tips for arguing with a Virgo Mars 101: Prove. Them. Wrong. Even if you're in the wrong, attempt to pull something out of your ass and hope it works if you still want to win the debate.
9H Chiron may have religious trauma.
Sun in Capricorn x Fire Moon motivates the naive to work tirelessly and ambitiously toward their goals.
Aquarius and Leo placements (particularly Moon & Ascendent) are always significant and important in some way, whether they're famous or not.
People with Taurus and Cancer placements frequently find it quite easy to fall asleep.
People who have placements in the 7H, 8H, and 12H frequently generate envy in others.
A lot of well-known, successful football players have a weak Mars; this only goes to show that just because someone has a weak Mars doesn't mean they aren't driven, determined, or as strong as someone with a strong Mars. Examples include Diego Maradona (Cancer Mars), Lionel Messi (Cancer Mars), Pele (Libra Mars), and Kylian Mbappe (Libra Mars).
Ask a Gemini or someone with perdominate Gemini placements if you want recommendations for fantastic movies or TV shows.
Until you meet a Virgo Lilith, you don't understand what a perfectionist is. They put a lot of effort into making sure everything is done carefully and to the best of their ability.
Pisces placements nails are frequently quite attractive, long, and strong.
People with the Libra and Leo placements are sweethearts and are frequently regarded as loving and kind by others.
Many Aries Venuses wait until later in life to get married. They also tend to not want to get married until later in life as well.
Despite having better options, a toxic or unsuitable spouse, or being dissatisfied in a relationship, Pisces placements tend to only date those with whom they feel comfortable.
Uranus-Jupiter transits may indicate pregnancy.
Taurus Venuses are incredibly devoted to their lovers, but that doesn't mean they can't let go of their ex-partners and move on. In fact, many Taurus Venuses are able to and do do.
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okuhle23 · 1 year
Astrology Observations- 020
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Saturn in the 12th house can mean that you've got a fear of abandonment, this is because the 12th house rules one’s fears, and Saturn can represent abandonment. 
Having a lot of Mercury or Neptune aspects in your chart can mean that you tend to get distracted easily, and have quite a short attention span. This is me fr, because I cannot finish a whole movie without checking my phone or something. 
People with Moon conjunct Ascendant, may be told that they resemble their mother a lot, this is because the ascendant rules one’s appearance and the moon represents one’s mother. 
Pisces mercury is the true sweet talker placement, these people will tell you what you want to hear, and you’ll be charmed. They also tend to be good singers. Singers with this placement include: Rihanna, Pharrell Williams, Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga. 
Moon square Mars often don't like being vulnerable and showing people their emotions. This is because Moon represents one's emotions, while Mars is an aggressive planet, and so in this instance, the square aspect is causing the two planets to oppose each other instead of working together.
Having Mercury as your dominant planet, or having Mercury aspecting your personal planets can mean that you often suffer from hayfever, headaches or anemia.
Prominent Gemini placements often have glowing skin because Gemini rules the oxygenation of blood,  and therefore= glowing healthy skin. This is why Geminis are often associated with looking really young.
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Mars rules piercings, the sign in which Mars is located can show which areas you'd wanna pierce or have already pierced. It can also show which piercings would really suit you. 
 ♂ Mars in Aries: you may have facial piercings such as eyebrow, monroe piercings etc
♂ Mars in Taurus: nose and ear piercings would look really good on you
♂ Mars in Cancer: nipple piercings and belly ring would suit you well
♂ Mars in Libra: you’d look really good with a belly ring and dimple piercings 
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Where your Mercury is placed can show what you frequently think about: 
Mercury in the 1st: you may  think about about your interests, and you may enjoy telling others about yourself. 
Mercury in the 2nd: you may talk about money quite a bit. 'If I were rich I'd....' You also like to think of ways to spoil yourself and make more money.
Mercury in the 3rd: you like to spread fun facts, and also talk about the new things that you've learnt. You may often think about your siblings/ cousins.
Mercury in the 4th: you can clearly express yourself around your family. You can also talk about real estate often, or you like imagining how your future house would look. You may think about how it would be like having kids. You often think about your past and how you could have done things differently.  
Mercury in the 5th: you like talking to new people and you enjoy socializing. You could also talk about your art (if you make any) or you enjoy talking about your hobbies. You may be constantly coming up with new ideas relating to your hobbies. 
Mercury in the 6th: you probably like to talk about ur job. You could also like talking about your future/daily plans. You may often think about your health too. 
Mercury in the 7th: you probably (pretty frequently) think about what it would be like to be in love, you also prolly read FS pacs (I see u👀). If you've got a partner, they prolly live rent free in your mind💕😌. 
Mercury in the 8th: you like to think about how you can transform yourself (whether it be clothing style to the way u think).
Mercury in the 9th: you could think about your spiritual journey/your God or religion quite a bit. You could also like talking about your university/college. 
Mercury in the 10th: you may often think about what you want to do in the future (career-wise). You may also think about your reputation, and the first impressions u make.
Mercury in the 11th: you often think about your friends. You may also think about the injustices of the world (racism, misogyny, domestic abuse, climate change, global warming etc etc). 
Mercury in the 12th:  you can think about what haunts you from your past (as 12th house rules the subconscious mind). You also may think about the secrets that you keep from others (whether those secrets are yours or not). Your thoughts also manifest into your reality, you’re really good at manifesting.
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Mercury square Pluto can make others misunderstand your words. Others may also be quite offended when you share your opinions, even if you don't actively try to offend others. 
Saturn in the 3rd house can mean that you sometimes have problems breathing normally. This is because Saturn represents restrictions, and the 3rd house rules the lungs. You may also have a respiratory illness, like asthma or something. This placement can also mean that you have anxiety in front of people, or that your voice is really quiet, you may be asked to repeat yourself often. 
Thank you for getting this far, let me know which observations resonated with you in the comments below. If you enjoyed these, click here to access my paid readings <3. Until next time my lovelies. <33
x Okuhle ♥
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saturnian-venus · 2 years
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astro notes pt. iv [beauty & fashion edition]
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♤ most people with upturned catlike eyes have mars aspecting their ascendant ex: megan fox (mars conjunction ascendant) cardi b (mars square ascendant) jordin sparks (mars semi-square ascendant)
♤ ladies with jupiter aspecting their ascendant & taurus/libra inner placements are blessed with an alluring hourglass/opposing triangles figure ex: amber rose (jupiter trine ascendant + libra sun) christina hendricks (jupiter sextile ascendant + taurus sun) peggy lee (jupiter semi-sextile ascendant + taurus venus + libra mars)
♤ simple soft glam makeup look lovers probably have venus in earth signs aspecting the ascendant ex: jamie chung (taurus venus + venus trine ascendant) charlize theron (virgo venus + venus conjunction ascendant) sza (capricorn venus + venus semi-sextile ascendant)
♤ aphrodite (1388) aspecting venus can make you look very photogenic ex: cindy crawford (venus conjunct aphrodite) noah mills (venus conjunct aphrodite) naomi campbell (venus trine aphrodite)
♤ every moon in aries/1st house went through a red hair phase ex: janet jackson (aries moon) rosé (aries moon) gloria estefan (moon in the 1st house)
♤ an aspect that can contribute to having fairy/elf like features is a hard aspect between neptune and the asendant ex: sylvie testud (neptune square ascendant) rami malek (neptune opposite ascendant) kate bosworth (neptune inconjunction ascendant)
♤ females with a gorgeous tringale/pear shaped bodies usually have pluto aspecting their asendant & leo/sagittarius inner placements ex: beyoncé (pluto conjunction ascendant + leo mars) christina aguilera (pluto trine ascendant + sagittarius sun + sagittarius venus), rihanna (pluto inconjunction ascendant + sagittarius mars)
♤ people who have deep attractive voices oftentimes have mercury-pluto aspects ex: mark strong (mercury conjunction pluto) laurence fishburne (mercury semi-square pluto) alan rickman (mercury inconjunction pluto) or pluto in the 3rd house ex: martin luther king, emma stone & laura prepon
♤ having neptune aspecting the ascendant can give you downturned doelike eyes ex: paul mccartney (neptune conjunction ascendant) sylvester stallone (neptune square ascendant) grimes (neptune semi-square ascendant)
♤ celebrities known for their famous hairstyles tend to have fire venus combined with moon-venus aspects ex: audrey hepburn (aries venus + moon semi-square venus) whitney houston (leo venus + moon trine venus) farrah fawcett (sagittarius venus + moon opposite venus)
♤ hard sun-uranus aspects can cause asymmetrical face ex: ryan gosling (sun conjunction uranus) paris hilton (sun square uranus) angelina jolie (sun sesqui-quadrate uranus)
♤ people who have their sun/moon aspecting lilith have dark intense attractiveness ex: taissa farmiga (sun trine lilith) ben barnes (moon trine lilith) mia wasikowska (moon square lilith)
♤ the looking bizarre but in a sexy way aspect got to be uranus harsly aspecting the sun ex: anya taylor joy (sun square uranus) benedict cumberbatch (sun square uranus) gemma ward (sun semi-square uranus)
♤ saturn aspecting the asendant & aries/capricorn inner placements can give the individual model qualities ex: miranda kerr (saturn square ascendant + aries sun) gigi hadid (saturn semi-square ascendant + aries venus) vanessa paradis (saturn inconjunction ascendant + capricorn sun)
♤ most of bold heavy makeup lovers have fire venus in the 1st/10th house ex: dua lipa (leo venus in the 10th house) chungha (aries venus in the 10th house) katy perry (sagittarius venus in the 1st house)
♤ psyche (16) aspecting the sun people have an astonishing beauty ex: diane kruger (sun conjunct psyche) monica bellucci (sun trine psyche) aishwarya rai (sun semi-sextile psyche)
♤ famous for their iconic curly hair they got earth moons with sun/uranus aspects ex: andie macdowell (taurus moon + sun square uranus) corbin bleu (virgo moon + sun sextile uranus) keri russell (capricorn moon + sun inconjunction uranus)
♤ having cosmetic surgery to enhance what they got aspect is sun/asendant/midheaven semi-square venus ex: lana del rey (sun semi-square venus) hailey baldwin (asendant semi-square venus) jennifer lawrence (midheaven semi-square venus)
♤ narcissus (37117) conjunct/trine/sextile sun folks are in love with their reflection spends a lot of time in front the mirror and take mirror selfies
♤ big fans of bodycon clothings mostly have venus in a fire house ex: selena quintanilla (venus in the 1st house) famous for her signature looks with bodycon jumpsuits, khloe kardashian (venus in the 5th house) loves bodycon skirts/pants, kim kardashian (venus in the 9th house) most of her wardrobe consist of bodycon dresses
♤ most people with round captivating eyes have moon aspecting their ascendant ex: zooey deschanel (moon conjunction ascendant) dakota fanning (moon square ascendant) marion cotillard (moon semi-square ascendant)
♤ women with a graceful rectangle/banana shaped bodies could have mercury aspecting the ascendant & virgo/aquarius inner placements ex: charlotte rampling (mercury conjunction ascendant + aquarius sun + aquarius venus) zendaya (mercury trine ascendant + virgo sun) mitski (mercury sextile ascendant + virgo venus)
♤ the majority of people born with red hair have got aries/taurus in their big 6 with sun/mars aspects ex: jessica chestian (aries sun + aries venus + sun semi sextile mars) domhnall gleeson (taurus sun + taurus moon + taurus mars + sun conjunct mars) toby stephens (taurus sun + aries venus + sun sesqui-quadrate mars)
♤ water signs individuals like to put on blue eye contact lenses
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venusiancharisma · 8 months
Neptune Con't -Neptune Aspecting Each Planet...
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With this post, you're going to refer to my previous and next posts with the signs (this post focuses on Neptune's relationship when Aspecting other planets, vs the posts that explain the zodiac signs. It will give further insight into the neptunian realm of your ethereal/spiritual side and how it can be used to captivate.
Neptune's aspects to other planets in a natal chart can provide insights into a person's spirituality, intuitive nature, and connection to the ethereal realms. These aspects influence how the qualities of Neptune interact with the characteristics of the other planets. Here's an overview of Neptune's aspects to each planet in a natal chart:
Neptune Conjunction Sun: This aspect suggests a deep and intuitive connection to one's sense of self. Your identity and spirituality are intertwined, and you may have a strong desire to explore spiritual and creative pursuits. There can be a dreamy quality to your personality.
Neptune Conjunction Moon: This aspect enhances emotional sensitivity and psychic receptivity. Your feelings and intuition are closely linked, leading to a deep understanding of your emotions and a rich inner world. However, you might need to guard against emotional escapism.
Neptune Conjunction Mercury: This aspect enhances intuition and imagination in your thinking process. You might have a natural talent for creative communication, but there's a potential for confusion or difficulty in focusing on concrete details.
Neptune Conjunction Venus: This aspect heightens your sensitivity to beauty and harmony. You might experience a romantic and artistic approach to life, but be careful of idealizing relationships or situations to an unrealistic degree.
Neptune Conjunction Mars: This aspect blends spirituality and action. You could be motivated by higher ideals and might find outlets for your energy in creative or humanitarian pursuits. However, there's a risk of feeling drained by unclear goals.
Neptune Conjunction Jupiter: This aspect indicates a strong spiritual quest and a desire for growth and expansion. You might have a natural sense of faith and a willingness to explore different belief systems. However, be cautious of over-optimism or impracticality.
Neptune Conjunction Saturn: This aspect can create a tension between spiritual longing and practical responsibilities. You might seek structure and stability in your spiritual pursuits, but there can be challenges in reconciling these opposing forces.
Neptune Conjunction Uranus: This aspect combines the ethereal with the innovative. You might have unconventional insights and a visionary approach to change and progress. Be mindful of sudden shifts that might disrupt your spiritual balance.
Neptune Conjunction Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You are highly attuned to the spiritual realm and may have extraordinary psychic abilities. However, there can also be challenges in distinguishing reality from illusion.
Neptune Conjunction Pluto: This aspect suggests a deep transformative process involving spiritual growth and regeneration. You might undergo profound spiritual awakenings, but there could also be intense internal struggles to overcome.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant: This aspect enhances your ability to connect with others on an intuitive level. Your appearance might have an otherworldly quality, and you might attract people seeking your guidance or healing presence.
Neptune Conjunction Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image. You might be drawn to artistic or spiritual vocations, but there's a need to balance your idealism with practical considerations.
Neptune Sextile Sun: This aspect enhances your sense of self and creativity. You may possess a natural ability to align your identity with your spiritual insights, leading to a compassionate and understanding nature.
Neptune Sextile Moon: This aspect enhances your emotional sensitivity and intuition. You have a strong connection to your inner world and may experience vivid dreams and psychic impressions.
Neptune Sextile Mercury: This aspect enhances your communication skills and imaginative thinking. You might be able to convey complex spiritual ideas in a relatable manner, making you a skilled communicator of intangible concepts.
Neptune Sextile Venus: This aspect enhances your appreciation of beauty and harmony. Your relationships and artistic endeavors are infused with a sense of spirituality and compassion.
Neptune Sextile Mars: This aspect enhances your energy and motivation. You might be drawn to creative or humanitarian pursuits, channeling your energy into activities that have a deeper meaning.
Neptune Sextile Jupiter: This aspect enhances your sense of faith and expansion. You possess an innate wisdom and may find joy in exploring different spiritual philosophies and belief systems.
Neptune Sextile Saturn: This aspect enhances your ability to combine spirituality with discipline. You have a practical approach to your spiritual pursuits, grounding your ideals in a way that can lead to long-term growth.
Neptune Sextile Uranus: This aspect enhances your innovation and spirituality. You might experience sudden insights and revelations that contribute to your personal growth and understanding of the world.
Neptune Sextile Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You possess a strong connection to the spiritual realm and may have profound insights into the mysteries of existence.
Neptune Sextile Pluto: This aspect enhances your transformative journey. You have a deep understanding of the cycles of growth and change, often experiencing profound spiritual shifts.
Neptune Sextile Ascendant: This aspect enhances your intuitive and compassionate presence. You have an ability to connect with others on a soul level, often providing comfort and guidance.
Neptune Sextile Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image in a positive way. You might find opportunities to express your spirituality through your professional pursuits.
Neptune Trine Sun: This aspect enhances your sense of self and creativity. Your identity is aligned with your spiritual insights, leading to a compassionate and empathetic nature.
Neptune Trine Moon: This aspect enhances your emotional sensitivity and intuition. You have an easy flow of psychic impressions and may experience vivid dreams that provide guidance.
Neptune Trine Mercury: This aspect enhances your communication skills and imaginative thinking. You possess a natural ability to convey complex spiritual concepts in a relatable manner.
Neptune Trine Venus: This aspect enhances your appreciation of beauty and harmony. Your relationships and creative endeavors are infused with a sense of spirituality and compassion.
Neptune Trine Mars: This aspect enhances your energy and motivation. You are drawn to creative or humanitarian pursuits that align with your spiritual values.
Neptune Trine Jupiter: This aspect enhances your sense of faith and expansion. You have an optimistic outlook and may find joy in exploring different spiritual philosophies.
Neptune Trine Saturn: This aspect enhances your ability to integrate spirituality with discipline. You can ground your ideals and spiritual insights in a practical and sustainable manner.
Neptune Trine Uranus: This aspect enhances your innovation and spiritual insights. Sudden flashes of inspiration contribute to your personal growth and understanding of the world.
Neptune Trine Neptune: This aspect intensifies Neptune's influence in your life. You have a deep and innate connection to the spiritual realm, often experiencing profound insights and visions.
Neptune Trine Pluto: This aspect enhances your transformative journey. You possess a deep understanding of the cycles of growth and change, often facilitating powerful spiritual shifts.
Neptune Trine Ascendant: This aspect enhances your intuitive and compassionate presence. You naturally connect with others on a soul level and may offer guidance and comfort.
Neptune Trine Midheaven (MC): This aspect can influence your career path and public image positively. You have opportunities to express your spirituality through your professional pursuits.
Neptune Square Sun: This aspect can create internal conflicts between your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. You may struggle to find a clear direction and might be prone to self-deception.
Neptune Square Moon: This aspect can lead to emotional confusion and a tendency to be overly influenced by others' feelings. You might struggle with boundary issues and difficulty separating your emotions from others'.
Neptune Square Mercury: This aspect can create challenges in clear communication and critical thinking. You may have difficulty discerning facts from illusions, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.
Neptune Square Venus: This aspect can lead to idealized romantic notions and unfulfilled desires. You may struggle with unrealistic expectations in relationships and may need to learn to see partners and situations clearly.
Neptune Square Mars: This aspect can create struggles in asserting yourself and taking decisive action. You might find it hard to set clear goals and boundaries, leading to potential confusion in your pursuits.
Neptune Square Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism and a tendency to bite off more than you can chew. You may need to be cautious of taking risks based on unrealistic beliefs or incomplete information.
Neptune Square Saturn: This aspect can lead to conflicts between your desire for spiritual growth and your need for structure and stability. You may feel torn between responsibilities and your inner yearnings.
Neptune Square Uranus: This aspect can create inner tension between your need for stability and your urge for change and liberation. You may struggle to find a balance between the old and the new.
Neptune Square Neptune: This aspect intensifies the challenge of distinguishing between reality and illusion. You may have a hard time grounding your spiritual insights and might experience confusion about your spiritual path.
Neptune Square Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner struggles and transformative experiences. You may undergo powerful spiritual shifts, but they may come with a significant amount of inner turmoil.
Neptune Square Ascendant: This aspect can create confusion in your relationships and how you present yourself to the world. You might have difficulty asserting your identity and dealing with others' perceptions.
Neptune Square Midheaven (MC): This aspect can create uncertainty in your career and public image. You might struggle to find a clear direction in your professional life and how you want to be perceived by others.
Neptune Opposition Sun: This aspect can create inner conflicts between your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. You may grapple with a sense of identity and purpose, needing to find a way to align them.
Neptune Opposition Moon: This aspect can lead to emotional fluctuations and a struggle to discern your own feelings from others'. Finding emotional balance and boundaries might be a challenge.
Neptune Opposition Mercury: This aspect can create confusion in communication and decision-making. You may experience difficulty in distinguishing facts from illusions, leading to misunderstandings.
Neptune Opposition Venus: This aspect can lead to idealized romantic notions and challenges in forming balanced relationships. You might need to work on seeing partners and situations clearly.
Neptune Opposition Mars: This aspect can create struggles in asserting yourself and taking decisive action. You might find it challenging to set clear goals and boundaries.
Neptune Opposition Jupiter: This aspect can lead to over-optimism and a tendency to take on more than you can handle. Finding a balance between your desire for expansion and realistic expectations is important.
Neptune Opposition Saturn: This aspect can create conflicts between your need for spiritual growth and your need for structure and stability. You may feel torn between your inner yearnings and responsibilities.
Neptune Opposition Uranus: This aspect can create inner tension between your desire for stability and your urge for change and freedom. Finding a way to balance these conflicting energies is crucial.
Neptune Opposition Neptune: This aspect intensifies the challenge of distinguishing between reality and illusion. You may experience periods of confusion and uncertainty about your spiritual path.
Neptune Opposition Pluto: This aspect can lead to intense inner struggles and transformative experiences. Your spiritual journey may involve facing your deepest fears and undergoing significant shifts.
Neptune Opposition Ascendant: This aspect can create challenges in your relationships and how you present yourself to the world. Struggles with asserting your identity and dealing with others' perceptions may arise.
Neptune Opposition Midheaven (MC): This aspect can create uncertainty in your career and public image. Finding a clear direction in your professional life and how you want to be seen may be difficult.
Neptune Quincunx Sun: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your sense of self and your spiritual inclinations. Balancing your personal identity with your intuitive insights may require conscious effort.
Neptune Quincunx Moon: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment between your emotions and your spiritual awareness. You may need to find ways to integrate your psychic impressions with your feelings.
Neptune Quincunx Mercury: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your communication and thought processes with your intuitive insights. Finding a balance between logic and intuition is important.
Neptune Quincunx Venus: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your approach to relationships and aesthetics with your spiritual values. Striving for harmony between idealized notions and realistic expectations is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Mars: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your assertive actions with your intuitive inclinations. Finding a way to balance your energy with your spiritual insights is necessary.
Neptune Quincunx Jupiter: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment between your beliefs and your spiritual path. Striving for a harmonious integration of expansion and inner growth is important.
Neptune Quincunx Saturn: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your responsibilities and your spiritual yearnings. Finding a balance between discipline and inner exploration is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Uranus: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your desire for change and your spiritual insights. Finding a way to balance innovation and inner wisdom is necessary.
Neptune Quincunx Neptune: This aspect suggests a need for adjustment within your own spiritual journey. Striving for clarity and discernment between reality and illusion is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Pluto: This aspect suggests a need to adjust your transformative experiences and your spiritual growth. Balancing profound shifts with inner harmony is important.
Neptune Quincunx Ascendant: This aspect suggests a need to adjust how you present yourself to the world with your spiritual inclinations. Striving for authenticity and intuitive presence is crucial.
Neptune Quincunx Midheaven (MC): This aspect suggests a need to adjust your career path and public image with your spiritual values. Finding a balance between your professional goals and inner growth is important.
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kakiastro · 9 months
Random Astrology Observations + Notes
Random cool picture of an elephant
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Mercury or Gemini 8h people tend to have dark sense of humor that may be off putting to other people
Pisces men loves to grow their hair out
Sagittarius can also suffer from escapism like Pisces. The difference is that they use traveling or physically distancing themselves while Pisces uses their thoughts to escape
Sun-Saturn aspect can indicate issues with the father/father figures in their life. This can indicate a person who looks up to their father and wants to live up to their standard but this can cause friction (especially if the aspect is squared or opposed)
Sun-Moon aspect can indicate a person who takes after both parents. In harsh aspect, this can mean parents didn’t get along while you were growing up
After your Saturn return, you really won’t start to see the results until you’re at least 35. Why? Because saturn doesn’t fully mature until the age of 35
Mars Gemini are really good with their hands. Take that however you want😅
If you’re blessed enough to live to the age 84, then you will go through your first Uranus return. At that age, just be a rebel and get a bunch of tattoos and a Mohawk😂
They’ll never tell you this but Capricorn would rather be at the beach being lazy and drinking margaritas than at work. They work hard so they can relax later and retire early. You know what Caps, y’all deserve it!
If you have Pisces or Neptune 4h, you’ll do better when you move far away from your hometown. Pisces rules over foreign places and you guys do better when you’re surrounded by people you don’t know to project unto you, I feel like somewhere peaceful without a lot of noise will do. Somewhere that will uplift your spirit
People who have retrogrades in their natal charts are seen as different and you can use that rx to your advantage
Simone biles has Mars Rx. Mars rule over athletes and when it’s rx, you may be seen as unique.
Lilith 2h can indicate a person having an alluring and hypnotic voice. This can also show in their looks since 2h rules over beauty
Sun-Ascendant aspect can mean that a person look like their dad while Moon-Ascendant can make them look like their mom. If both sun and moon aspect the ascendant then you look like a combo of both parents.
Saturn -ascendant can also indicate you looking like one of your grandparents. Saturn rule over grandparents.
Moon 8h can indicate your partner inheriting some money from the family. 8h rules over partner money because using derivative houses, it’s the 2nd house after the 7h(partner)
Venus 6h people loves to smell and look good everyday. 6h rules over everyday routines. They may also have a sweet tooth
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saturnsbabyboii · 5 months
𐐪𐑂Astro Observations𐐪𐑂
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(Life is like a butterfly...You go through changes before you become something beautiful)
。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。。⋆。˚ ʚïɞ ˚。⋆。
𐐪𐑂 Despite people talking negatively about Pluto and Saturn, I find them to be the most important and beautiful planets. If you have ever felt hopeless or stuck, look into the position of these two in your chart. All of us struggle regardless, however, Saturn and Pluto bestow us with insight, lessons and knowledge we gain through that struggle and as a result we get to move on further into our journey.
𐐪𐑂 I have found people with earlier degrees on their ascendent tend to have larger frames while those later tend to have smaller ones. I am not talking specifically about weight and measurements per se but rather the general form.
𐐪𐑂 Although aspects act the same in general, it is very interesting when you look into the signs, elements and modalities involved. For example, Trine tends to bring abundance when in Water and in between inner planet but is an indication of overindulgence when it occurs from an inner planet to an outer one.
𐐪𐑂 Mercury opposite Mars "I am not angry! That is just my tone." Be mindful of how you sound and how you deliver your message. It is important to be honest, but it is also important to have tact.
𐐪𐑂 Even though people still dispute which placements determine our leaning towards extroversion and introversion, I have found that the houses and the planets falling in them suggest what are we more introverted about and what are we more extroverted in. Having multiple planets in a house could indicate a higher leaning to extroversion as the sense to express is very strong and immediate, as opposed to an empty house, one might be less inclined to share. The houses that contain only one planet tend to fall under the general energy of said planet and sign ruling over the house, indicating a higher sense of introversion as the person may desire to reflect on the themes of the house or would rather to practice them alone than with others.
𐐪𐑂 However, in case of overall introversion and extroversion, having more planets in Air houses (3rd, 7th, 11th) indicate high extroversion while in Fire houses (1st, 5th, 9th) indicate higher introversion. This may sound off as Fire signs are given the reputation of boldness, however, as the opposite of Air, Fire tend to itself. Introversion isn't anxiety and awkwardness (although it might include them), but rather it describes a person that isn't reliant on social communication, has a low need for others, desires independence, and excels on their own. Another thing, the themes of the 1st, 5th and 9th, relate to freedom, personal journey, creativity, ideologies, beliefs and the self. Meanwhile, the 3rd, 7th, and the 11th relate to unity, communication, the collective, collaboration, harmony and the "us".
𐐪𐑂 Cancer Risings give off favorite child vibes. Having Leo in the 2nd and Libra in the 4th house defiantly makes for the "golden child" trope.
𐐪𐑂 I believe that the degree of a planet has bigger affect on its core desire while the sign affects the manner that the planet translates or comes across. For example, Aries Mercury is usually is thought of as brash and abrasive or interested in things that have themes of violence and sex. However, when in an air degree this person can be much more interested in matters of communication, science, education and holds social rapport at a higher regard. The difference being that the Aries Mercury with the air degree might come across very detailed and articulate, perhaps even to the point of pretentiousness. Yet in matters of thinking they're much more thought out, factual and meticulous than the general Aries Mercury description.
𐐪𐑂 People with Chiron in the 9th house may need to leave their home country or cut off their family to begin healing.
𐐪𐑂 Every sign deep down is similar to their opposite. Aquarius desires to standout while Leo seeks to fit in and belong, Taurus enjoys today in fear of tomorrow while Scorpio wishes for a better tomorrow so they can finally enjoy their day, Capricorn works hard in hopes of creating a better home while Cancer works hard to ensure the comfort of their home, Aries seeks companionship through conflict while Libra seeks individuality through process of elimination, Virgo does practical things out of superstitious believes while Pisces engages in escapist and spiritual practices to better understand realistic demands, Gemini learns to mentor while Sagittarius mentors to learn. Granted, this is an overly simplistic form of explaining it but I hope it was able to better explain.
𐐪𐑂 Venus Aquarius not only desires but actually thrives off of creating bonds online.
𐐪𐑂 People with Jupiter in the 12th would take very long to learn life lessons. This is partly due to having to under go many cycles of self undoing and changes to finally get the lesson.
𐐪𐑂 People with Saturn in 3rd/9th may be untraditional students or enter university late or take time to graduate.
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candeathbereal · 3 months
Small Astro observations
-Sun conjunct ascendant in synastry is an odd moment for me. Mostly cause as a Leo rising I have met some Leo suns and I have no bad blood for them. It just feels weird because most times the Sun person will mimic the ascendant person in some way. From what I’ve noticed at least. Maybe my Uranus being in my seventh house has a mild affect because Aquarius is all about uniqueness or something along those lines. So naturally I can enjoy the idea of someone doing/acting similar to me but not enough to make a bond with a person. Idk it feels odd for me at least. Other people enjoy it though but maybe it’s just my ego talking idk.
-Pisces suns from what I have seen have either sleepy eyes or something distinct about their teeth. Some people have said that Pisces have fish teeth but that isn't all they can have. Idk I've noticed that most Pisces I have met can have fish like teeth but overall their teeth just has something distinct about them. For instance, my dad has almost no teeth but still chooses to eat steak and all that even though it doesn't seem that easy for him to do. I also think it's the Taurus moon and mars that adds to his stubbornness. You could read this observation for either tropical or sidereal since I've seen the same with some Aries suns (tropical). I myself am an Aries sun but Pisces sun in sidereal and I have a lazy eye and some interesting teeth imo. Mostly cause I have two sharp teeth kinda where you would see vampire fangs but I have a similar moment with two bottom teeth like directly below my other two teeth. There is just a odd sharpness to them that my other teeth don't have. Plus I have always had problems with my teeth to the point that apparently at the age of 12 I had to get most of my back teeth removed (they were baby teeth so they grew back).
-3rd house synastry creates more of a sibling like bond with a person or that person could remind you of one of your siblings (depends on you I guess idk how many siblings people have so yeah). Whereas 4th house synastry has more of a likelihood to remind you of a general family member as opposed to one of your siblings or just a sibling in general. I've noticed that 4th house synastry causes an emotional comfort where you can talk about your trauma or just childhood in general with someone one, but 3rd house synastry is more like a weird assumption that you don't really have to talk about that because somehow it is just accepted that you know it. Again kinda like a sibling moment cause most times you don't have to have deep talks about your childhood with your siblings (at least for me most times). Funnily enough I have fourth house synastry with both my sister and one of my brothers (I have my moon in my sister's fourth house whereas my brother has his moon in my fourth house), so we do have those talks about our trauma and such. Honestly I have always felt more close (emotionally) with them than my own parents. It's an interesting bond for sure for me. I feel very lucky that I have that bond with my siblings.
-6th house synastry is a moment to live through because it can manifest differently based on the planet. I think moon in sixth house causes the most mixed reactions to each other, because the sixth house is all about routine and service. So the moon being there causes a emotional bond for each other through service towards each other. Although it does depend on other aspects of the synastry most times it's a mutual I help you you help me kinda vibe to it. I think it can work out but both parties would have to have some level of emotional maturity or even just a lack of Pluto influence. It's not like it can't work out with Pluto influence but it just would take a lot more work since Pluto is a little cunt who likes messing around with shit so the emotions get fucked around with the most. I can't blame Pluto too much for it since it is a planet all about transformation and obsession and people can control their own actions. Take what you can from what I said.
Anyways I haven't posted in a while so I figured I'd do that real quick cause it would feel wrong not to. I would love to hear you guy's thoughts on this or even anything at all. Feel free to message me for any questions you might have. I can't guarantee anything great or even smart. A veces no tengo sentido. Todavia estoy aprendiendo espanol asi que pido disculpas por mi mal espanol
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations I made pt 19
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with mars in a water sign (Pisces especially) tend to love water sports and dislike activities that are too strenuous on the bones
-a Saturn return for someone with Saturn in the 3rd house will involve learning how to express themselves effectively and with intention and speak up when they or others are being wronged. It can also mean reconnecting with siblings, and extended family, and picking up some new hobbies
-libra placements are either the peacemakers/mediators of their friend group or the biggest instigators
-at best, Leo moons may have seen their mother as someone who helped them foster their creativity and was always supportive of their endeavors no matter how out-there they sounded
-at worst, Leo moons see their mother as someone who often made everything about herself and used her children’s accomplishments to brag. Comparison among siblings could have been a huge issue as well
-people with mars conjunct ascendant tend to have a lot of physical strength and often look angry and quick to offend especially if it sits in the 1st house. If it’s sitting in the 12th house, people often feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you and they often can’t put their finger on why that is
-Mars in the 12th house conjunct ascendant can mean that in your immediate past life you may have died in battle, in a fire or during a very turbulent time in general.
-Chiron in the 6th house can sometimes indicate an unhealthy relationship with food. If it’s aspected with Jupiter it can indicate a tendency to binge and overindulge. Aspects with Saturn can indicate following a strict diet and punishing yourself when you eat something that you consider unhealthy
-people with the Sun squaring or opposing their ascendant tend to not relate with the stereotypes associated with their Sun signs and are most likely to be skeptical of astrology because of it
-if the moons are squaring each other in a synastry chart, there will be an emotional disconnect in the relationship and therefore a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings and clashes. If regular check-ins aren’t done, one person will feel like their feelings are always being disregarded by the other person and resentment will build over time
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starastrologyy · 2 years
Astrology Observations♟
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Edit: please note that I’m attempting to be very neutral and I have not stated my personal opinions on her. However, Nicki Minaj is the PERFECT example of the effects of having a Scorpio Midheaven! People are obsessed with her. For better or for worse. The ‘Barbz’ have literally stabbed people, and beat up someone’s mother over her. Whilst, many musicians, and people in general cannot stand her, because they feel like she’s a bully. She is someone who is extremely polarizing. People become unhinged trying to defend her , whilst others enjoy the fact that there are large groups of people who strongly dislike her. This is the result of having a Scorpio Midheaven in a nutshell.
Whilst having Venus conjunct the Ascendant is often associated with “good looks” I actually think that it really helps with your reputation, and how people perceive you. I will use celebrity examples! Selena Gomez has an Aries Moon (this isn’t shade to Aries moons) and her mercury makes very difficult aspects (squares Pluto/ opposes Saturn) Thus, one would assume she’d be controversial or well known for her temper/outbursts & tendency to attract conflict. But the opposite is actually true, anyone who is perceived to be “shading” her immediately gets attacked, as most people think she’s very kind and genuine. Whilst she has admitted that her relationship with Justin was mutually toxic, most people just can’t seem to see her as the aggressor. Her Venus makes a conjunction to her Ascendant. Beyoncé, Rihanna, Anna Nicole Smith,Angelina Jolie are more celebrities with this placement. What I’m essentially trying to say is, people tend to give you more grace when your Venus makes a conjunction to your natal Ascendant.
It’s common to see people who have the ruler of their 5th house placed in the 10th monetize a creative hobby. Their career often involves making use of one of their creative/artistic skills. Working in the entertainment industries is very common with this placement. Working with children in some way, is also a possibility.
Libra on the 9th house cusp can suggest you studied law, political science, or anything that involves diplomacy at college. Alternatively, you could have trained to become an esthetician or a cosmetologist.
Chiron, Pluto, Mars & Saturn in the 11th house culture is rarely feeling as if your ‘friends’ have your best interests at heart. Having any of these planets in the 11th house can be extremely isolating! It can cause you to feel alone, or perhaps as if you struggle to find a group of people that you resonate with (on a friendship level).
A solar return year in which you have many 8th house placements, will be a year in which you experience many “life changing” moments. Most people fear having planets in the 8th house in their solar return, so they opt to travel to a different location on their birthday. However, I feel like this isn’t necessary! Change and transformation doesn’t always have to be viewed as bad! Sometimes we need change to elevate us in life.
A while ago, an Astrologer on YouTube stated that whenever she sees a Gemini rising, or Gemini placements in a composite chart, she automatically thinks there is cheating involved. I don’t know how I feel about this sentiment. She explained that because of the Dual nature of of the Sign Gemini; it more often than not represents a third party, or external influences that are influencing the relationship. I see where she’s coming from, but I don’t necessarily think it’s wise to always interpret it like that. I personally believe the aspects that are being made in the composite chart will tell you a lot more about what it’s likely to occur in the relationship. If there are tons of squares to Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn & the chart ruler, I’m more inclined to believe that there is the potential for deception.
People with Juno in the 12th or a Pisces Descendent, often have a subconscious “savior complex”. They are usually highly compassionate, and might find that they have a tendency to attract people who have been wounded by life or those who lack boundaries.
A solar return year, in which you have planets in the 2nd,8th, & 11th houses, also known as the “money houses” can suggest that you will earn or receive a large amount of money that year. Alternatively, you may experience a significant change in your financial situation. You want to look at the aspects of course! (Trines & sextiles are more likely to manifest positively, whereas the conjunction can go either way).
When transit Uranus makes a square to your Natal Ascendant or Midheaven, those around you may view your newfound behavior as being strange or erratic. You are likely to go through many unpredictable changes during this transit consequently, you will start to experience changes in your personality, which will impact your relationships. You may find that you no longer resonate with the people around you, and abruptly decide to move, or make a change in your friendship circle. This is a very unpredictable time in your life, and your behavior will reflect this.
Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders (please don’t continue reading if topics like this make you uncomfortable. My intention is never to harm anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable 🤍)
I’ve noticed that any kind of Saturnian influence over the 1st, 2nd & 6th house can bring about poor body image or restrictive tendencies when it comes to food. For example, having Saturn in the 1st, 2nd or 6th house! Or perhaps Saturn is negatively aspecting planets in those houses. Capricorn over these houses can also bring about a food complex. Obviously not everyone with Saturn in these houses will have a restrictive eating disorder, it’s just an observation so please don’t make it apply if it doesn’t 🤍
On the other hand, a Jupiterian influence on the 1st. 2nd, and 6th house can manifest as binge eating or turning to food as a coping mechanism. This can be having Jupiter in the 1st, 2nd, or 6th house. Alternatively, this dynamic can also occur when Sagittarius is over one of those houses.
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