#because she knows mommy is here with her so there’s no reason to fuss
keow · 7 months
No greater joy than waking up every morning next to my greatest love (my daughter)
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
Mommy’s girl
I just want to write about lost boys daughter for a minute because I had a dream about her for some reason, and she just loved her daughter so much
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You keep seeing her.
You keep seeing the woman in your dreams who claimed to be your mother. The woman who revealed to you how your fathers had ripped her apart like wild pack animals.
She keeps appearing in your dreams, like a ghost that’s intent on haunting you. But you can see from her tear stricken face that she doesn’t intend to scare you.
You remember looking at her and thinking that she was like a mirror with how closely you resembled her. You find yourself wondering how your fathers coped with raising the mirror image of their victim, did they ever feel guilt when looking at you and seeing your mother’s sorrow bleed into your own?
“Why are you here?” You’d ask desperately, her first appearance was a sign of a warning so why wouldn’t her next appearances be the same
The woman wouldn’t respond, she’d only let the tears go down her cheeks as she looked at you with despair.
Sometimes she’d show you things, reveal memories that you never knew you held for yourself.
She’d show herself cradling a baby to her chest and cooing softly. She’d show you how caring your grandfather was and how they’d both fuss over you like you were the most prized possession.
Seeing those memories hurt, not because you could remember feeling the happiness from their love but because you couldn’t.
How different could your life had been if your mother had lived? Would you still have the mountain of issues surrounding abandonment and eyes that carry sadness that no child should? Or would you have been a happy child with an adoring mother.
The thoughts made you want to outstretch your arms to the woman and beg for your mommy like you were a child, but you couldn’t no matter how much you wanted to.
“Please talk to me” you’d eventually begged after the the fourth dream of seeing her sorrow stricken face “please, I can’t stand the silence”
The woman had outstretched her palm as if she wanted to wipe away your tears, but she retracted her hand just as quick.
“Do you blame me?” You asked with guilt sprawled across your face “am I the reason you’re dead? Was it my fault?”
There is a moment of silence as the woman tilts her head and lets out a small sigh and crouching down to get on your level.
“My last thoughts were of you” she states with a complexly soft voice where you couldn’t tell if she was sad or adoring “when I died all I could think about was my sweet little girl, the same little girl I had carried in my womb and held to my chest”
Your throat felt dry as you looked at her with somewhat scared eyes, wondering what her statements could mean.
“Some mothers give birth to their pain instead of their child, my own mother was a testament to that” the woman claimed with a sigh at her own memories before she meets your eyes with a firm gaze “I gave birth to my love instead, you were everything I had ever wanted or needed and the moment I looked into your tiny face I knew that I could never leave your side”
The woman brings her hand to caress your cheek, he touch was ice cold but you leant into her palm as if she were as warm as sitting in the sun on a summers day.
“As those evil bastards killed me, I just kept thinking about how I had left you in the living room and what would happen to you” she claims with a fierce look “as they drained me, all I could think about was how I was leaving you alone and I had never felt more scared in my lifetime then knowing that we’d be apart forever”
“You are so loved (y/n), you’ve been gifted with the ability to make the people around you care about you so deeply and love you so ferociously that they will protect you” the woman continued as she looks deeply into your eyes “I have never and will never look at you with nothing but adoration because you are the best parts of me and your father and I will always see you as my perfect, darling girl”
“I’m scared mom” you admit as the tears rush down your cheeks and your lip wobbles with barely contained desperation
“I know, my sweet girl” she says with a sympathetic “but I will always be beside you, you may not see me but ever since my death I have stayed by your side and I will continue to do so until your last breath”
“Can’t I just come with you” you ask with a sense of pure desperation “you can take me with you, we can be a family again”
“You have to stay here and keep fighting my darling girl, you’ve already accomplished so much” she states as she holds your face with both her hands “you’ve escaped them and you’ve got such a good life ahead of you for however long that may be, you have to stay here and enjoy it”
“I will always be here to protect you” she continues with a loving smile “I will always be here even when you can’t see me, because I love you more than anything else in the world. You are my greatest accomplishment and you will continue to make me proud as long as you live and don’t give up”
“I love you mom” you say as you lean into her touch once again “I wish we could have been a family”
“Me too” the woman says with a sigh before laying a gentle kiss on your forehead that feels like ice water “I will always be here when you need me, and I will always be here when you want me although sometimes you might not see me”
And with that your dream ended and the woman, your mother, faded away and you were faced with the cold reality.
You turn your head and see Micheal on the opposite side of the bed and for just a moment, you crave his affection.
You lean your forward against his back and you wrap an arm around his shoulders, if he wakes up he said nothing about the affection. He’s seems to have a good sense of when you crave something to make yourself feel whole again.
You decided then and there to continue to fight for as long as you live, however long that will be. And for the first time since your childhood, you feel comforted under the knowledge that your mother is with you, though you may not see her.
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Sorry for the randomness of this, I think I’m just in my feels rn
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octo-hyacinth · 2 years
Pls Azul x Reader romance where they meet his mommy and she shows pics of baby Azul and Azul is a tiny baby because octos are born extremely little
thank you for the idea now its time for me to make some food >:D
Azul Ashengrotto ft. Baby Pictures!
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto Content Warnings: Fluff, meeting his mama, severe Azul teasing A/N: omg i enjoyed writing this sm help im in love
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You had been begging Azul to bring you to the Coral Sea for months now, and each time he stubbornly refused, saying that he was too insecure to show you his mer-form yet, he needed time to prepare, etc.
But you listed reason after reason why you wanted to go there with him, and each time you pleaded with him it just got more convincing. How could he say no to you and your sweet face, after all?
So he sucked it up, made you a bag full of underwater-breathing potions, and when you had your next school break, he took you down to the beach!
You could've spent hours down there under the sea, admiring every little detail of the swirling, vibrant ocean life around you, from the coral to the whales, there was just so much to see!
"Wow, Azul, I can't believe you live down here!" You marveled at the underwater city you passed through on your way to his house, where he said his mom and step-father resided. "Can't we just stop and look inside some of the shops or something? I dunno when I'll be able to visit again."
Azul laughed lightly at how animated you were. "Dear, as long as you're with me, you can come down here with me any time you desire."
"Aww, how sweet."
You intertwined your hand with his, and took a moment to appreciate how beautiful he was under the sea. His purplish skin was soft to the touch, and with his eight tentacles you admired how smoothly he glided through the water. His bright blue eyes stood out amongst the rest of him, and overall, he was just a beautiful sight to behold.
"You're stunning in this form, you know," you smiled softly, watching his eyes widen and a soft blue blush tint his cheeks at the sudden compliment. "I mean it."
He coughed and averted his eyes for a moment, and struggled to form words for a few moments before meeting your gaze again. "Well, I could say the same thing about you, darling," he smoothly replied, and raised your hand to press a gentle kiss to it.
"Stop it." You laughed, and lightly swatted his arm. "You're changing the subject."
"That's what I do." He smirked.
"Yeah, yeah, okay, how much longer 'til your mother's house?"
"Not much longer, dear. But she wants us home by dinnertime. She's eager to meet you, you know." He pointedly looked at you. "I'm sure she'll be all over you, fussing like she's your own mother. It's just in her nature, I suppose."
You smiled fondly at the idea. "She sounds delightful. She runs a restaurant, yeah? Then I'm sure her food will be absolutely delicious!"
When the water started to get darker from the setting sun, you finally reached the Ashengrotto residence. It was getting a bit harder to see, but you could distantly make out a figure in front of their door, waving in your direction excitedly.
"Oh dear, she's been waiting outside for us," Azul sighed. "I told her there's no point to standing outside all day for us. Get ready to say hello to my mother, Y/N."
"Can't wait." You grinned at him, and he felt his heart warm at the sight. A tiny smile broke across his face as well, one that only you could see in that moment.
And then you heard his mother's voice coming from the house.
"Oh, Zuzu, is that you, my baby??"
You heard Azul mutter a quiet "oh, dear" before Mama Ashengrotto came rushing up from the house, and seized Azul in a very tight embrace. He seemed to be struggling, just a little bit.
"Mama, I can't breathe-"
"Shh, Azul, I haven't seen you in so long, let me hug you!" She huffed.
He looked to you desperately, silently pleading you to help him, but you decided to stand there and let it happen, trying to stifle your giggles.
After a moment, he was released and heaved a big breath of air, but Mrs. Ashengrotto wasn't paying attention to that. Her attention was on you now.
"Oh goodness, who might this be? What's your name, dear?"
"Um, my name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you!"
You held out your hand for a handshake, but she completely ignored that, and trapped you in a hug, too.
"My goodness, you seem like a delightful soul, I'm sure Zuzu is very lucky to have found you!" She released you quickly, then swam behind the both of you and ushered you towards the house. "Come, come, it's almost time for dinner, you must be starving!"
Mama Ashengrotto's seafood dinner ended up being nothing short of delicious, and both you and Azul devoured every bite of what she put on your plate... despite Azul's grumbling.
"Honestly, Mother, I'm trying to keep myself on a diet, you know," he sighed.
"Oh hush, I know how you felt about yourself when you were younger, but now you're too skinny! A balance must be kept for true healthiness," she tutted.
You nodded along with her. "She's right. It's not really healthy to be starving yourself, I mean... you ate everything on that plate like it was your last meal, Zuzu." You couldn't help the grin spreading across your face as you remembered how his mother used that cute nickname earlier.
"Oh, be quiet," he snapped, flushing blue. "Can't I enjoy a meal once in a while without you harping on me and teasing me?"
"Absolutely not. It's too funny." You snickered.
"Aww, you two are just adorable! Reminds me of when I was younger," Mrs. Ashengrotto gushed. "Oh, I know what will make this night even more delightful!"
"Oh, please no," Azul muttered, shrinking into himself. "Not-"
An audible groan sounded from Azul. "Mother, I really don't think that's necessary-"
"Oh, hush boy, they're just in the other room. I'll be just a moment," she giggled.
You had to hold back your own laughs once you saw how mortified Azul looked. His face was buried in his hands, and he seemed to be actively trying to shrink and disappear. "Prefect, please, help me find the nearest pot to hide in. Those pictures are-"
"Right here!" She chirped, gliding in from the living room. "Y/N, you must see him as a little hatchling, he's absolutely adorable!" She set the book down on the kitchen counter, and brought you over to them, leaving Azul to sulk with his head hidden in his arms on the dining table.
She pointed to the first photo in the book of him, where she was holding a tiny baby Azul in the palm of her hand. “See, isn’t he just the cutest thing?” She smiled proudly.
“AWWWWWWWW, he’s so little!!” You cried, holding a hand over your mouth. “He’s like… the size of a nickel, oh my gosh!”
You continued to nearly cry at the continued cuteness overload the more his mother turned the pages of the photo album, and ignored Azul’s grumbling and groaning of please stop, and I think that’s enough, and he got really close to leaving the room out of embarrassment a few times, but there was something about hearing that you thought he was cute? And listening to that genuineness in your voice?? Even though he was a baby in those photos, it made him feel kind of nice knowing that there was someone other than his mother that thought he wasn’t disgusting or creepy or ugly with his tentacles and all. It made his heart feel warm and fluttery. And even with his head hidden, he let himself smile, just a little bit.
After what felt like an agonizing eternity to Azul, you both said your goodbyes to Mrs. Ashengrotto as you approached the door and got ready to head back home.
“It was so nice to meet you, dear,” she said after ensnaring you in a big hug once again. “Please treat Azul well, he’s a fragile boy.”
“I’m not that fragile anymore, Mother,” he huffed indignantly. “I’m doing just fine at Night Raven. I have the Mostro Lounge, my colleagues and classmates, and most importantly…” He gently grasped your hand in his. “…I have the lovely Prefect by my side.”
She smiled approvingly at him. “Aww, well I have faith that you two will support each other during your time at NRC. Take good care of each other, I have no idea when I’ll be able to serve you a home-cooked meal again!”
“Bye, Mrs. Ashengrotto, we’ll try to visit soon!” You waved at her as you and Azul set off once again.
Once you were far enough away, you smiled mischievously at Azul. “Why didn’t you tell me octopi were so little when they were born?”
“Oh, no.”
“Because you were SO TINY! I couldve placed you next to a coin and you would’ve been smaller than it. How did you not get swept away with the currents? How did you not get eaten? How-”
“Y/N, I haven’t the slightest idea.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” You laughed. “But I hope you know I think you were incredibly adorable as a baby.”
Azul felt his cheeks heat up. “Yes, I believe I gathered as much.”
“And you grew up to be incredibly beautiful.”
“I- that’s enough, I understand.” He was struggling to keep a straight face without turning away from you.
“Do you really, though? Maybe I should go on and really explain-”
Needless to say, you had a very enjoyable journey back home.
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enquiringangel · 8 months
Homesick (Ficlet)
((I am having feelings about Laddie and his relationship(s) with the Boys, okay. All the fandom attention is usually on Laddie & Dwayne for obvious reasons, so I decided to do something a little different.))
Laddie woke up tangled in the blankets on the bed he slept in with Star, feeling confused and upset. Who were those people? The dream had been strange: he had walked in the sunshine and its warmth kissed his skin like the lady with the red hair. She was beautiful and her smile was just for him as she looked down at him adoringly. There had been a house, and a dog that jumped around and ran after a frisbee if Laddie threw it. There was a man too, sawing lengths of wood for the tree house he was building. Somehow Laddie knew he was building it for him. 
He felt like he knew those people, or that he should know them. 
He felt like he loved them, and that they loved him too. 
Laddie couldn’t explain what was wrong when Star asked him; his throat kept closing up and he kept hiccupping when he tried to talk. He could feel the eyes of his big brothers watching him and that made it worse, because he didn’t want to be a little baby, he wanted to be a big boy like they were. “I wanna go home,” he gasped finally, sobbing as he finally managed to get the words out. “I – I want my Mommy.” 
Across the room David went very still, holding a cigarette halfway to his lips. He lowered it and snapped his lighter shut, slapping it down on the arm of his wheelchair before making his way over to the bed. He knelt on the mattress, knocking Star’s stroking hands away from Laddie’s hair to grip his chin with iron fingers.  
“This is your home now Laddie,” he said. His blue eyes were cold. “You don’t like it here with us?” 
“David,” Star said, tone reproachful. She put her hands on Laddie’s shoulders like she wanted to pull him away but didn’t quite dare. “He’s a little boy and he’s had a bad dream – you leave him alone.” 
David ignored her. “We’re your family,” he went on, then, when Laddie only sniffled and shook his head in protest: “Don't you love us anymore?” 
Laddie only cried harder, had cried no, meaning that no, David was wrong, because he did love them. He loved them all: his big brothers and his big sister Star, and he was sorry if he’d hurt David’s feelings, he didn’t mean it.  
“Then what’s all the fuss about, huh?” David asked, chucking him under the chin and giving him a faint grin. “No need to get all mopey over a silly old dream.” The smile didn’t go into his eyes though as he looked over Laddie’s shoulder up at Star. “Forget about all that other stuff, it doesn’t matter anymore. You’re here with us – that's all you need.” 
“Okay,” Laddie agreed, rubbing at his cheeks with his fist. He felt a bit silly for crying, he was meant to be a big boy. He wanted to give David a hug but it wasn’t easy with him like it was with Dwayne or Paul. Them he could hug any time, but David and Marko were different. He hesitated a bit too long and the moment passed by.  
So he was surprised when David wrapped an arm around his waist and lifted him onto his hip as he stood up. “You want ice cream, kiddo?”  
Laddie brightened instantly: normally the ice cream shop was closed by the time they got to the Boardwalk. But, like Paul always said, locked doors couldn’t keep you out if you were really determined to get in somewhere. “Can I have fudge?” he asked. “And sprinkles?” 
David raised his eyebrows at him like he’d just asked a very silly question. “Of course. Boys!” he called out across the lobby. “We’re doing an ice cream run!” Paul and Marko immediately began whooping and yelling ‘ice cream!’ like toddlers and bumping their chests together. Dwayne came over to take Laddie off David and swung the boy onto his back. His feet left the ground and he started drifting around the cave, miming swimming through the air while Laddie’s laughter rang off the walls. 
David looked back over his shoulder at Star and held out his hand. “You coming?” 
Hesitation flickered very briefly in her eyes before she nodded and put her hand in his, following the rest of the boys out into the night. 
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sequinsmile-x · 11 months
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It was nice to finally have someone who was on her side, someone who would always put her first.
A Young Hotchniss story with a twist.
Chapter 1 of 3
Hi friends
This is a gift for @sapphoe-sun. Just a gift for no reason at all, although I will take this chance to say thank for for always letting me send you absolutely bonkers ideas.
This idea got away from me massively, and was only supposed to be one chapter, but the fic just kept coming and here we are.
Chapter 2 is all but done, as is most of Chapter 3, so my intention is to post this fic on 3 consecutive days.
Note: the flashbacks to young Hotchniss are in italics.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: Pregnancy, mommy issues, complicated mother/daughter relationship, canon typical behaviour (i.e. a man being a creep - not Aaron obviously)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
June 1995
She’s fussing. 
If anyone said it to her, she’d deny it vehemently, her eyebrows furrowed as she claimed she was fine. But as she looks in the mirror, running her hands over the material of her dress, smoothing it out for the fifth time in the last couple of minutes, she can admit to herself that she was fussing. 
“You can’t tell.” 
She turns to look at her boyfriend, unable to stop the smile that spreads across her face as she sees the way he’s looking at her, unfiltered adoration shining out for all the world to see. She looks back at her reflection, turning sideways so she can examine her profile again, and she focuses in on her lower belly, sure she can see a slight bump there. The slightest of hints of how her life was going to drastically change soon. 
“Are you sure?” she asks, placing her hand on her stomach, “I don’t want her to figure it out tonight.” 
Aaron smiles at her and walks towards her, stepping past boxes half packed with all of their things, their move to their new home only a couple of weeks away. He stands behind her, his arms wrapping around her as he pulls her back into him, the material of his tux jacket against her shoulder blades that had been left bare by her dress. He places his hand over hers on her stomach. 
“I can tell,” he says, kissing her jawline and then her cheek, “But that’s because I’m intimately familiar with what you look like naked,” he smiles when she does, some of the tension in her body loosening, “But your mother won’t be able to tell.” 
She nods and blows out a steady breath, her stomach flipping in a way that she knew was nerves instead of the ever-present nausea she’d grown used to over the last several weeks. 
She’d fallen pregnant by accident. She and Aaron had always been careful, the summer in Rome that had changed her irrevocably always in the back of her mind, but it had happened anyway. A round of antibiotics for a chest infection she hadn’t been able to shift in early spring made her pill obsolete. Her initial reaction when she realised she was pregnant, standing in the bathroom she shared with her boyfriend, a positive test clutched in her hand, was to cry. The panic was familiar, sharp and painful as it stole her ability to breathe. 
Aaron had found her curled up on the floor, his concern for her overriding everything else as he dropped the cleaning supplies he’d been holding to sit next to her, pulling her into his arms as he calmed her down even though he hadn’t known what was wrong. She’s sure she never loved him more than the moment she told him, his immediate reaction nothing short of kind and loving as he asked what she wanted to do, that he’d support her no matter what. He knew about Rome, about the choice she’d made then, and she knew he meant it. That if she decided to make the same choice now he’d hold her hand, that he’d see her through it. 
It made all the difference. Knowing that she wasn’t alone in the responsibility of it this time. They’d talked about it for days and discussed their options at length. Different futures spread out in front of them as they decided which path to take. She knew she wanted children with him eventually, but had always thought it would be when her career was more established. When she wasn’t only a couple of years into her time at the FBI, her feet were not quite firmly on the ground yet. She knew Aaron felt the same, that whilst he was five years older than her and had been at the FBI longer, he’d never hidden that he wanted to have more time to get established first. 
Ultimately, they decided whilst the timing was far from perfect, that they wanted this. That they wanted to start the family neither of them had ever really been a part of. Ever since then, she’d allowed herself to be excited by it. Overjoyed by the prospect of having a baby with the man she loved, the man who she had once told herself would be nothing more than a summer fling. 
She wishes she could go back and talk to her 20-year-old self. That she could tell her that the new guy working her mother’s security clearances would end up being more than just fantastic sex that they’d sneak away for at any given opportunity. That he’d end up being her boyfriend, that they’d make the distance when she went back to college work, and they’d move in together shortly after she was done. 
That they’d build a family together. 
She knew he had a ring hidden away, he had never been able to keep much from her, but he also knew she wasn’t ready for that quite yet. The baby was already a big change, and whilst she knew she would marry Aaron one day, she didn’t think she could cope with too much at once. The instinct to run, to blow her life up and leave, if she felt too overwhelmed, still living just beneath the surface of her skin. 
“She…” Emily trails off, blowing out a breath as she leans back, her head against his shoulder, “She won’t be happy.” 
Elizabeth had never been fond of Emily’s relationship with Aaron. Not only because he had once worked for her, but she would claim it was because she didn’t want her daughter to settle down so young. Although, Emily was sure that if she’d fallen for someone her mother deemed appropriate, one of the many men she’d had paraded past her for years at events like the one they were going to tonight, there would be no issue. 
“Well, that sounds like a her problem,” Aaron says, kissing her temple before he turns her and pulls her into his arms, his hands firm at her lower back, “We’re happy, that’s what counts.”
She smiles and nods, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, all thoughts of her mother briefly falling to the wayside, “Yeah,” she says, leaning forward and kissing him, tasting the joy on his lips, “We’re happy.”
January 2007
She’s woken up by tiny hands pressing into her face. She groans as she opens her eyes, blinking as she’s met by her two-year-old son’s face mere inches from hers, his warm breath skipping over her cheek.
“Hi Mama,” Oliver says, smiling widely at her, something she can’t help but return as she pulls him into a hug. 
“Morning, Ollie,” she replies, kissing the top of his head as he settles into her embrace, both of them intent on starting their day like this, snuggled together in the big bed. She hears movement downstairs, the sound of breakfast being made and the beautiful chaos she now couldn’t imagine life without, “I think your sisters are helping Daddy make breakfast.” 
“No pancakes,” he says, tilting his head to look up at her, his pout enough to make her smother a smile as she clears her throat.
“No, baby,” she says, pushing his messy dark hair from his face, his tiny features pinching into a frown that made him look even more like her husband than he usually does, “Pancakes are a weekend food,” she looks at the clock on the nightstand and sighs when she sees the time, well aware that it was time to get out of bed, and that was likely why Aaron had sent Oliver into their bedroom anyway. She sits up and keeps her toddler in her arms as she does so, well-practised after all of these years. Oliver wraps his arms around her neck and rests his head against her chest, happily settling on her hip as she stands and leaves the room, “Let’s go see what everyone else is doing, huh?”
She listens intently as Oliver chats to her as she heads downstairs, humming along at his, mostly nonsensical ramblings that only she, Aaron and the girls truly understood. She shares a smile with her husband as she walks into the kitchen, the sight of their daughters sitting at the breakfast bar warming her heart as it always did. 
“Morning,” she says, smiling as Aaron leans in to kiss her, both of them chuckling as Ivy, their eldest, groans in disgust around a mouthful of her cereal. 
“Gross,” the 12-year-old grumbles, “I’m trying to eat here.”
Emily smiles, never failing to get a kick out of winding up her daughter, “Your brother and sister don’t mind,” she says as she sits Oliver down in his chair, placing a plate of toast sliced into strips handed to her by Aaron in front of the little boy. 
Ivy narrows her eyes at her mother, “That’s because Ollie is two, and Rosie thinks it’s cute,” she says, scrunching her nose up like she herself hadn’t once loved the fact her parents were so in love with each other back when she was her sister’s age. 
Aaron had said from the very start that Ivy was her through and through. He’d said it moments after she was born, bright red and screaming, her dark hair plastered to her head and her dark eyes wide and bleary. Their friends always said it to, more and more over the years as Ivy’s personality developed into the empathetic, kind, wilful and sassy 12-year-old girl she is today. 
The girl who had once been the tiny baby who made Emily a mother, when she no longer had contact with her own. 
There were moments when Emily wished she could go back and tell herself how everything would work out. How she’d go from laying in a hospital bed, her tiny little newborn baby in her arms, terrified at the prospect of messing everything up, of becoming the mother she desperately didn’t want to be, to this. A house full of love and chaos in equal measure. A husband who loved her in a way she still wasn’t entirely sure she deserved. Three beautiful children who had made her realise just how deeply she could love. 
How deeply she should have been loved when she was their age. 
“It is cute,” Rosie says, the 6-year-old smiling at Emily when she presses a kiss to the top of her messy braids. Ivy rolls her eyes and opens her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by Aaron.
“Girls,” he says, not above begging when it came to his daughters, two small versions of his wife that sometimes pushed him to his limit in a way he couldn’t live without, “Can we please make it through breakfast without bickering? Or at least until I’ve had my coffee.” 
Emily smiles at him as he passes her a cup of coffee and she leans into his side, making a point of wrapping her arm around his waist as Ivy playfully shakes her head at them. 
“Sorry, Dad,” Ivy says, failing to hide a smile as she stands and dumps her now empty bowl in the sink. She turns back around and looks at her brother, jam from his toast smushed into his cheeks. She picks up some paper towels from the counter and wipes his face gently, chasing him as he tries to escape it, “Stay still Ollie, you’re all gross and sticky.” 
Emily sighs contently as she watches her oldest gently look after her youngest, the sight of it enough to make her sink into Aaron’s side a little further. He kisses the top of her head and runs his hand up and down her arm.
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, and she tilts her head to look up at him, a soft smile on her face as she nods. 
“Yeah, I’m ok,” she says, stamping a kiss against his lips before she pulls back, her eyes landing on the clock on the wall, “We should get moving or we’ll be late,” she looks over at the kids and smiles when she sees Oliver somehow has more jam on his face than he had moments ago. She smiles at her husband and nods towards the kids, “You happy to take jam boy and I’ll help the girls?”
Aaron nods, smiling at her, “Deal, but bath time tonight is all yours,” he says, winking, “It’s finger painting day.” 
She shakes her head at him as he picks Oliver up, out of the room before she changes her mind. 
She’s grateful it’s busy, that there are enough people here that her time with her mother, and any potential questions about why she wasn’t drinking, would be limited. They’d briefly seen her when they arrived, pleasantries exchanged as if they were just any other guests, not her daughter and her boyfriend. 
Emily knows when her mother comes over tomorrow, a catch-up they had planned weeks ago that she now was going to use to tell her she was going to be a grandmother, she’ll be chastised for hanging at the edges of the party all night. She spends all her time with Aaron instead of stepping into the crowds. For once, it’s not just because she doesn’t want to, the memories of her childhood spent at events like this always lingering at the edge of her mind, but because she can’t. She felt sick, the nausea her doctor promised her would ease off after she hit 12 weeks but hadn’t making her stomach roll, made worse by the heat in the room, her head swimming with it. 
She blows out a breath and leans back against the wall they are standing near. Aaron immediately turns to look at her, his hand on her shoulder as he furrows his brow. He’d always been attentive, aware of her needs often before she was, but that had only increased since they found out she was pregnant. 
“You ok, sweetheart?” he asks, looking her up and down. He’d asked more than once if she wanted to skip coming to this, happy to take the flack from her mother that would come with their absence. He didn’t care if Elizabeth was offended by anything, he only cared about Emily and the baby, their well-being far above anything else.
“Yeah,” she says, blinking and shaking her head, hoping she could remove the haziness she’d fallen under, “Just a little hot.” 
He squeezes her shoulder, “Want to step out into the hallway? I could go get you some water. Or ginger ale, I’m sure someone here would be able to get some.” 
She smiles at him and reaches for his spare hand, squeezing it tightly, a silent show of appreciation for his love for her, for them, “Water would be great,” she says, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you out there.” 
The cooler air that hits her as she steps out into the hall is refreshing, clearing her head and making her stomach calm down. She sighs as she leans on the wall, her head against it as she closes her eyes, grateful for a moment's peace.
“Emily Prentiss, it’s been a while.” 
She opens her eyes and stops herself from sighing, forcing a tight smile onto her face as she’s greeted by one of her mother’s friends. A man she’d known for as long as she could remember, someone who always came to things like this, a fellow ambassador and big donator to any charity drives.
“Ambassador Collins,” she says, standing up straight, and taking a small step forward from the wall, “It’s harder to find time for things like this these days I’m afraid.” 
If it was up to her, she wouldn’t come to these things at all, but she’d learnt a long time ago that she had to pick her battles with her mother, and that this just wasn’t one of them. 
“Yes, your mother did say something about you working at the FBI now,” he says, smiling as he looks her up and down, a glint in his eyes that makes her stomach turn for an entirely different reason to her pregnant, “And please, call me Robert.” 
She has to stop herself from reacting physically, painting the fake smile she’d learnt at a young age all over her face as he steps slightly closer, “I’ve been there a couple of years,” she says, taking a step back, regretting it when her back hits the wall, “My boyfriend works there too.”
Mentioning Aaron doesn’t have the impact she hopes it will. She hates that she has to rely on it, that it was often the mention of another man that would make someone stop hitting on her, but it was usually effective. Especially when she brought up the fact her boyfriend was an FBI agent. It doesn’t deter Robert as he steps even closer again, and she grimaces when she can smell his breath, the scotch that permeated it making her stomach roll. 
“You really have grown up into the most beautiful young woman.”
He places his hand on her hip, making her flinch as he squeezes her skin through her dress, and she scrunches her nose up. She’s ready to tell him to take his hand off of her or risk losing it, but she’s interrupted by a familiar and stern voice.
“Is everything okay here?” 
She’s sure she’s never been more grateful to see Aaron. He’s standing just down the hall, a glass of water in his hand and a scowl on his face, and she knows he’s picked up on what he’s walked in on.
Robert steps back from her, his hand falling away, and she takes the opportunity to slip away, walking over to Aaron and taking the drink he’d got her from his hand. 
“Thanks, honey,” she says, making a point of emphasising the nickname. She’d not surprised as Aaron wraps his arm around her, marking his territory in a way she’d usually chastise him for, but right now she’s grateful for it. Unsettled by the way she’d been looked at, been touched, by a man who was her mother’s friend. Someone who has known her since she was a child. 
“I should get going,” Robert says, his eyes avoiding Aaron’s hard gaze. He smiles at Emily as if the last few minutes hadn’t happened, “Lovely to see you again, Emily.”
Emily and Aaron stay frozen in place as they watch him walk away, and as soon as they are alone she scrunches her face up as she looks at her boyfriend. 
“Now I feel really nauseous,” she complains, sipping her water. 
“I’ll kill him.” 
She smiles at the completely serious look on Aaron’s face, and she knows he means it, and it makes something spark in her belly. 
“As sweet as that is,” she says linking her hand through his, “I’d rather not raise our kid as a single parent whilst you’re in jail.” 
“I’d get away with it,” he grits out, his eyes fixed on the hallway Robert had disappeared down, his fury not dissipating. Emily chuckles and presses a kiss to his cheek.
“Come on Superman, why don’t you take me home.” 
Aaron frowns, his eyebrows knitting together as he looks her up and down, “Are you ok?” 
She shrugs, “I feel like crap, and that…” she looks down the hall Robert had walked down back to the main ballroom, “Whatever that was has killed my resolve to stick it out tonight,” she smiles sadly at him, “If my mom realizes we’ve gone I’ll deal with the consequences tomorrow when she comes over.” 
“You’re sure?” he asks, double-checking. 
She nods, “Positive.” 
He wraps his arms around her and pulls her in for a kiss, leaving his arm around her shoulders as they start to walk towards the exit. 
“Want me to take you somewhere to get food?” 
She grimaces, shaking her head as she deposits her glass of water on a table. The mere thought of eating makes her stomach turn, and she was to swallow back bile. 
“Absolutely not,” she says, looking around to make sure no one would overhear before she carries on, “Your kid seems intent on making sure I never eat again.” 
Aaron chuckles as he kisses the top of her head, “How about we go home, you take off those uncomfortable shoes, and I’ll rub your feet as you fall asleep.” 
“Now that sounds perfect.”
She curses under her breath as she looks for the case file that she knew was somewhere on her desk. 
She was running late. She had been all morning ever since she got stuck in traffic after dropping a reluctant Oliver off at daycare. Divide and conquer had always been the way forward ever since they had Rosie, the age difference between her and Ivy enough to mean they always had to be dropped off at different schools. 
Ever since she’d got to work she’d felt like she was behind. She’d missed the morning briefing her current cases, and now she was late for a meeting with the Section Chief. Thankfully, he was very understanding. Largely because she was married to him, and it was his son whose clinginess with her had returned in full force recently. 
When Aaron was prompted to Section Chief, Rosie was just under a year old. It was a job he’d accepted quickly, thrilled at the thought of being at home more, of not being taken away as often as he always had been during his time leading the BAU. Emily started leading the Counterterrorism Unit shortly after he became Section Chief, and for the first time in her career, she worked directly for her husband. At the start, she thought it would be strange, but they worked well together.
“Fuck sake,” she mutters to herself as she pushes documents around on her desk, still unable to find the ones she was looking for. She smiles when her gaze drifts over a family photo she keeps on her desk, a picture of all five of them smiling widely at the camera taken at Ivy’s recent 12th birthday. 
There’s a knock on her door and she doesn’t look up, still scrambling for her paperwork, “Come in,” she says, “Although I’m running late to a meeting so I only have a minute.” 
She freezes, her hands coming to a pause on the desk as a voice she hasn’t heard for years, washes over her. 
Emily feels her shoulders tense and her back straighten, walls she hadn’t put up in over a decade flying up immediately. She gives herself a moment, a brief second to pull herself together before she looks up, meeting dark eyes that bore into hers. 
The same dark eyes she’d passed on to her own children. The children the woman opposite her had never met. The children she didn’t know existed. 
Emily clears her throat, and she’s impressed her voice doesn’t shake as she speaks, “Mother, what are you doing here?” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess. @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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heauxplesslydevoted · 2 years
Hey! I wanted to do a picture prompt but with a twist! I leave you four prompts but you can only pick ONE 🧡
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I feel bad because I wrote this and then completely forgot about it, lmao. But here it is!!
I chose the nursery pic.
She’s been asleep for too long. It’s an odd assessment, but after a week of being woken up every two hours on the hour, Naomi just knows she’s gone well over that time limit.
Her vision is blurry when she wakes up, but the time staring back at her on her alarm clock does confirm her suspicion that she’s been asleep for far too long. Turning slightly, she notices Ethan isn’t in bed beside her, and the sheets on his side have cooled significantly, a sign that he’s been gone for a while.
It takes a while for Naomi to get out of the bed, but when she does, she slowly makes her way out of the room and into the next one over, their daughter’s nursery.
Her heart squeezes at the sight in front of her.
Naomi rolls her eyes at Ethan’s version of how they met on her first day at Edenbrook.
“I had to guide her through the emergency thoracotomy, stabilizing the patient. Once that was over, I took one look at mommy’s face and she was absolutely glowing, and her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her adrenaline was sky high. She was the prettiest person I’d ever seen. But she was a total amateur in her assessment and technique, so naturally as a teacher, I had to critique her, which she did not appreciate.”
“We got into a squabble right there in the waiting area, at that point, I’d been a doctor for a decade. Never in my ten years did someone have the gall to speak to me the way she did, so brazen and uncaring of my position. As much as it drove me insane, I respected her for it.”
Valentina coos as if she understands any of what he is saying, and Ethan laughs in response, the sound filling the room. “I agree. She’s been out to get me since the very beginning.”
“And after she finished her first shift, we met up at the bar across the street, and your mommy looked even prettier than she did when we first met. She wasn’t in her work clothes anymore, and all of her pretty curly hair was in her face, and she was wearing an outfit designed specifically to torture me. And she sat next to me at the bar, and ordered me a tumbler of scotch. How she knew that was my drink of choice, I’m not sure, but she had better observation skills than I thought she did. She also correctly guessed that I had a soft spot for her. I knew she was special, even then. Before then, ever since I read her application. Smart, empathetic, never afraid to rush to help someone. She has so many great qualities, not that just make her a good doctor, but a good person.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of stories from the years of your mom driving me up the wall from insanity. I’ve never met a more obstinate, hard headed, impulsive woman in my life. She is the reason I got my first gray hair at 36.”
Naomi clears her throat, making her presence known, and Ethan spins around. He’s always been an attractive man, but shirtless and holding a baby in his arms is a different level. “No trash talking me to our daughter.”
“I’m not trash talking you,” Ethan argues. “And it’s nothing I haven’t said to your face, Rookie.”
Naomi rolls her eyes. “How long have you been in here?”
“A little over an hour. I heard her fussing over the monitor and you were finally getting some rest, so I’ve been hanging out here. After a bottle and a diaper change, Miss Valentina did not want to go back to sleep, so we’ve been having some riveting conversation.”
“Thank you, for doing the feeding.”
“It’s the least I can do, you’ve done all the hard stuff.”
Naomi’s feet dig into the plush rug below her and she steps further into the nursery. Reaching out, she strokes the back of her finger along Valentina’s soft cheek. Ethan hands the baby over to her mother and gently leads them to the rocking chair next to Valentina’s bassinet.
“Did you tell her about the time you and I fought over the diagnostics team?”
“Trust me, we’ll get there. That’s a story with multiple chapters.”
“Don’t you dare leave out the fact that I called you a goddamn diva. Because you were being more petulant than a toddler.”
“Why would I tell her that? I need to be perfect in her eyes.”
“She already has you wrapped around her finger.”
Ethan doesn’t hesitate to respond, “Absolutely.”
Naomi marvels at the tiny bundle in her arms, still shocked by the fact that she gave birth to what is obviously the most perfect baby on earth a mere week ago. She didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.
Ethan must be thinking something similar because he crouches down so he’s level with Naomi and presses a kiss to her temple. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Giving me a family. I love you.”
“I love you too. We love you.”
A hum of approval leaves Ethan’s throat and he looks down at Valentina with a smile. “Let’s make another one as soon as possible.”
“Down, boy.”
Tags: @openheartfanfics @mvalentine @choicesaddict5 @professorkingslay @maurine07 @bluebellot @whimsicallywayward15 @blossomanarchy @takemyopenheart @jamespotterthefirst @fanmantrashcan @ao719 @x-kyne-x -x @paulfwesley @the-pale-goddess @writinghereandthere @ramseyandrys @perriewinklenerdie @aworldoffandoms @thatcatlady0716 @drakewalker04 @canknot @hatescapsicum @lapisreviewsstuff @senseofduties @badchoicesposts @ethandaddyramseyx @chasingrobbie @zodiacsign1 @choices-lurker @my-heart-beats-for-ya @adrian-motherfucking-raines @riverrune @edith-eggs1 @cecilecontrera @thatysn @bellcat2010 @blainehellyes @junehiratas @choices-love-affair @openheart12 @desmaranj @nazario-sayeed @ruinedbypixels @nooruleman @rookie-ramsey @uneravine @choicest @schnitzelbutterfingers @stateofgracious
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softtheythem · 3 years
You sat next to her on the couch watching TV, your legs in her lap. You'd been horny all day. Practically in heat. You spread your legs just slightly, hoping she would get the hint, and you were disappointed when it seemed like she hadn't. Hoping for a distraction, you turned your attention back to the show you were watching.
That's when it happened. You felt her fingertips brush lightly against your inner thighs. The tingling had you wet within seconds. She didn't even look at you, and you wondered if it had been an accident. Finally she did it again, this time dancing her fingers and palm around your inner thighs and the cleft between them. She traced the outline of your lips through your panties and gave a pinch on the already swollen flesh. You let out a whimper, and although she didn't look at you, you saw a smile flash across her face. Or was it a smirk?
As your breathing began to intensify she slowed down. You whimpered. "Aww baby," she said, "don't fuss. You'll get what you want. Eventually." You took a deep breath and faked a pout. She smiled wider. She knew you were loving this. "Do you want me to keep going, baby?" she asked, a hint of mockery in her voice. You nodded. "No baby," she said, "let me hear you ask for it. Let me hear you beg."
"Please," you whispered, "please keep going."
She smiled and returned her attention to the TV you were both pretending to watch. After a minute without her touch you wiggled your hips, slightly, to remind her what was waiting for her. "No," she said, placing a firm hand against your hip, "I'm in charge, baby, I decide what you get." You must have turned red at this, because she snickered, giving a gentle flick to your still-swollen pussy lips. She didn't touch you again until the end of the episode.
She clicked the TV off and turned to you. "What a good baby you've been," she said, "waiting so patiently." At this, you beamed. "Mmm, you like being my good little pet," she said. You sat up to kiss her and without missing a beat she pushed you back down. "What do you want baby?" she asked again.
"I want you," you whined. "Is this still feeling good for you?"
She smiled. "Yes, love, it's feeling very good." She got up from the couch and pulled you with her. You loved how she was taller than you. Leading you by your hand to the bedroom, she sat down on the bed and you waited for her instructions. "Get undressed," she told you. Once you were naked, and you clothes neatly put away, you returned to her. You stood obediently facing her, she gazed up and down your body from her spot on the bed. "Good baby," she said, "now, I want you to lay face down for me on the bed, okay? Can you do that for me?"
"Yes," you whispered.
"Yes what?" she said, a slight edge in her tone.
"Yes... yes Mommy," you whispered, eyes firmly facing the ground. The two of you had talked at length about using this honorific, but this was your first time actually trying it out. You felt the urge to hide from her how much it aroused you.
"No baby," she said, her finger under your chin guiding your eyes back to hers "don't hide from me." You smiled. You could see from her blush that she had liked it too. Your courage renewed, you followed her instructions and got in position face down on the bed.
At first she used one hand to explore your back, your butt, your thighs. Without meaning to, you thrust into the mattress beneath you, your clit desperate for any sort of arousal. Before you remembered yourself, remembered that Mommy would not be pleased, you felt a hard swat come down on your upper thighs. "Turn over," she said. You complied. "You're so desperate for me to play with you, aren't you?" You nodded, beaming. "Wait here," she said.
You heard her rustling through the box under the bed. The special box. She came back with something white and folded up. For a moment you weren't sure what it was, and then you felt your face grow scarlet with realization. She unfolded the puppy pad without acknowledging your visible embarrassment. "Lift your hips," she said. You did as you were told. She climbed on top of you, positioning herself perfectly for missionary, and whispered in your ear. "When you humped the bed like a needy little pup, I realized that you need a reminder of who is in control. Is that what you wanted, pet? A reminder?"
"Y-yes," you said, goosebumps covering every inch of your skin. She raised her eyebrows, apparently unimpressed. You tried again. "Yes, Mommy, I want a reminder of who is in control."
"That's better," she said, climbing off of you. She positioned herself laying beside you and told you to close your eyes. You did, and for a moment felt nothing. The anticipation was too much and when you peeked, you saw that she had been waiting, watching to see if you would obey. "Brat," she said, unable to keep the smile out of her voice. She tied a blindfold around your eyes without a word, and you both waited in silence for her lesson to begin.
You felt her weight shift slightly, and abruptly she slid a finger between the lips of your puffy and dripping cunt. You moaned. You hoped beyond reason that she would fuck you, now. But deep inside you knew it wouldn't be this easy. Her fingers slick with your arousal she started, quickly and without warning, to rub the underside of your swollen clit, the very spot she knew you were most sensitive. Despise the immense temptation, you refrained from thrusting your hips into her hand. You would do anything to keep her from stopping. But it turned out you wouldn't need to. She rubbed your clit hard, using just that one finger, without slowing down or changing pace, as you rose closer and closer to orgasm. And at once you realized what the puppy pad had been for. Not just to humiliate you, to make you feel like an animal with no control, but to contain the mess she had been planning to bring out of you all along.
As you got close you whispered "Mommy, you know I'll squirt if I cum like this," and you heard her let out a chuckle.
"Needy little toys don't get to decide how they cum though, do they baby?" She asked. You nodded and hoped she was looking at you, too caught up in the waves of pleasure to say anything else. "There's only one rule I want you to worry about now baby, okay?" she instructed, "I want you to ask Mommy's permission before you cum, baby. Every time."
Every time? You knew that meant trouble. The two of you had been discussing overstimulation and forced orgasm for a while now, and you had known it was coming soon, but in the heat of the moment you'd forgotten all about it. She hadn't. Your mind racing, you almost didn't hear Mommy say "Do I make myself clear? Every time."
"Yes, Mommy" you whispered. The temporary distraction of your realization was wearing off, and your attention returned to the orgasm building between your legs. "Mommy, may I- may I cum please?" you asked cautiously.
"Yes, baby, you may," she said.
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rayofsunas · 3 years
s/o who dies.
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A/n: listennnn, I wasn't going to write something dark, but then I unregretfully decided to listen to edgy/dark audios and I was suddenly in the mood to write this so yeah lmao. also, guess what? I'm planning on making a discord server right after posting this! so, be on the lookout for that when I get it all sorted out. also, note for Scaramouche's that the reader inserts tend to lean more femininely versed (I hope that's okay), the only reasons why I do that is because one I simp and I'm female AND two since I am doing a mini-series for Scara, I've kind of based his imagines/fics around that universe (baby daddy universe). I haven't started his yet, but consider these part of that series' universe. anyways as always thank you for requesting anon and enjoy! <333
Summary: you die + how the boys cope afterward.
Parings: Albedo/Gn! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, death, poison, illness/cancer, murder, arson, obsessive behavior
Word count: 2.1k
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"You need to keep this on your head." Your lover said for the one-hundredth time, placing the cold cloth on your forehead once again after taking it off only seconds earlier.
"This is pointless," You said, no longer wanting to ignore nor hide behind the invisible thick curtains of the obvious death sentence approaching. "My body rejected the medicine the first twice doses, what's a third time going to do?" You asked, knowing Albedo wouldn't answer; your hope was to knock some sense into his thick skull. but he was too worried trying to ignore the obvious as you had previously been doing, not anymore though.
This was saddening to watch, both Albedo's unfolding and the girl who accidentally poisoned you, whimpering into Sucrose's shoulder. She was only a young girl, barely seventeen when she was chosen to work under Sucrose and your boyfriend. She was very good at Alchemy and luckily had a desire to practice the craft. But unfortunately, she hadn't paid much attention when it came to Surcrose's educational poison lesson and had unknowingly mixed up poisonous liquids and materials.
After tipping over some clutter in Albedo's office and knocking over a test tube laying unsealed on the counter, you had realized the contents spilled on your skin, bleaching into your pores. You had been tasked with bringing the famed alchemist and his assistant some vials and materials for the collection of a rare butterfly they had found. It was both telling and obvious that something was wrong when you never showed up with the required materials requested and it was already too late hours later when the chief Alchemist, his assistant, and Alchemist in training came bounding down the stairs of Albedo's home laboratory.
It didn't take long for the trio to realize something was wrong. Sucrose had found the vile on the floor, most of its contents spilled and in a little puddle, plus your state on a nearby lounge chair was obvious; slumped awkwardly, forehead visibly sweating, eyes closed, breathing raspily.
You accepted the first doses of the supposed nullifying medicine without hesitation, just wanting the numbing feeling to go away. But when it never kicked in you decided it would be best to save the medicine, because it wasn't working. Your time was coming.
"Since the medicine is taking immediate effect, you should try to get the contents out of your system," He said, reaching out for you. Badly you wanted to argue that the medicine wasn't working at all, but he wasn't listening and already has his lean arms wrapped around your middle, helping gently lift and guide you over to the sink.
You hear materials being shoved to the side and soon enough you had your head dangling over the sink, shaking hands gripping the metalled edge tightly. Soon enough, Albedo's hand was on your back rubbing up and down, hoping to comfort you, it wasn't working though. You could only think about your death, what the other side would look like. Could there even be heaven or hell, maybe a place in between, maybe nowhere...?
As soon as you felt the urge to vomit, you did, and despite it being utterly disgusting Albedo seemed to welcome it happily. He took this as something good, but it only worried you when you saw the reddish hues in the bile.
"I think they should leave." You muttered acknowledging Sucrose and Elizabeth, the taste of gooey, metal only becoming more apparent. The blonde agreed, nodding and muttering "Okay."
As Sucrose lead Elizabeth towards the stairs, the pair heard you say. "Goodbye Sucrose, Elizabeth." Which only seemed to make the young girl wail louder.
You sighed sadly once the silence was back. Just your thoughts of death, and Albedo's slowly crushing heart.
"You should probably leave soon as well. I don't want you to be here when I go." Albedo frowned at your statement, head shaking.
"Don't say things like that."
Of course, he'd say that. Why did he feel the need to ignore this when it would only come back to hurt him even more later on when you were gone?
"You're the smartest man I know and we both know where this is heading," You said, head feeling much heavier than before. It was getting closer to your time. "I'm going to die, and you can't do anything about it."
"I'm not leaving your side. We promised to stick together through everything, you can't ask me to leave."
"I guess... But promise me this."
"When I go, stop blaming Elizabeth. It was an accident..." You said sincerely. Albedo wanted to make a fuss about it, tell you he'd never been able to forgive her. But for you, he would try. If it was your list desire, your last wish, he'd make it come true. Though it would be difficult. Accidental or not, she was the reason you were leaving him here, alone.
"Okay, I'll try..." He said honestly.
"Thank you," You said, letting out a shaking breath you had been holding for a very long time. Now you felt much more peaceful. "And since I know you stubbornly won't leave," You started, finally turning away from the sink to look into his cerulean eyes. "At least hold my hand."
"Of course, love."
even a year after your death, no matter how hard he tried, there was still this nagging feeling every time he looked at Elizabeth
he wanted too badly forgive her, but he couldn't
she had, although accidental, taken the one person that meant so much to him and he'd never forgive
Albedo is gonna be distant towards everyone he knows and it's completely purposeful
he doesn't like the pitiful gazes that people send his way and he hates that all the captains stared at him at your funeral
obviously, some questioned if he was able to stay in the field
he hadn't taken any time off, even when Jean advised he was welcome and that it would be best
tbh, albedo's going to have a hard time for a while
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Why did it have to be you? Why not him? He'd feel much better knowing you could live another day, after all, he'd been living a very long time.
But no, the fallen Archons, Gods, Yaksha had chosen you to join them. He wished that weren't the case
Humans and their pathetic vessels... So weak, he thought. Allowing something like cancer to beat them.
No matter how harsh it sounded, he didn't despise you, no. It wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for this. He just knew that if you were a godly being this wouldn't have happened like this or at least not so soon; Xiao had known Gods that had terminal illnesses to live years. Why couldn't you be like them?
He hated watching you lie there in that bed, immobile, sickly, and tired, and all you could say was that everything was going to be alright, that he'd be alright.
But it wasn't. He wouldn't be okay without you. He would struggle daily, fall deeper into a hole. You were the light of his life, the only light in his life. And you were gone, just like that. Turning external scars into internal ones tattered all over his dying heart.
Xiao for the longest time has been by himself, so the people of Liyue know it'll be harder for him to overcome this, no matter what he says or does to prove otherwise
Zhongli in particular knows how hard this will be for his friend
his first and probably last love, dead, gone in the blink of an eye
he'll continue fighting all the monsters he crosses, becoming even more violent when he does so, trying his best to get rid of this stupid sickly feeling of heartbreak
but it won't go away, no matter what he does, no matter how absurd
he just wants the feeling to go away, he despises that feeling so much
if you have a secret place somewhere, like in the mountains, Zhongli often finds him there, wallowing in invisible self-pity
"You know they wouldn't want you to be like this." Zhongli would say, only trying to help
but it doesn't
it only enrages Xiao, even more, fuels him to push everyone out of his life again instead of letting them in like he'd done in your presence
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How dare you. How dare you leave him like this. Alone, nonetheless with a toddler to raise who kept crying for her mommy. He couldn't do this without you, he didn't know how to raise a child, speak to her with the gentle care that you did. That was your expertise but now he'd be doing it solo.
And never again would he entrust someone who he cares about, into ignorant, incompetent arms. Never again will he ever allow any member of the Fatui to watch after his daughter; no matter their rank or position. They had one job while he was away doing business in Liyue. Guard your home twenty-four seven, accompany you into Inazuma's port town should you need anything, watch after his daughter while she plays happily in the luscious Inazuma fields. And they couldn't do that. All he gave them was one simple task, watch and keep you and your daughter safe. Instead, they slacked off, probably drunk in some bar while you were being brutally attacked by murderous mercenaries, left to fend for you and your daughter, only to die protecting her and leave your home to be severely burned.
He knew those idiotic Fatui soldiers were incompetent the moment he stepped foot into the harbor and found that everyone seemed to quiet down. Especially the eerily silent soldiers flanked on each side to welcome him home; he was the highest-ranking soldier in the land of Inazuma after all. Not a single one bothered to step forward and tell him what was wrong, what they all criminally allowed happen. Scaramouche only realized what had happened when he was mere minutes away from arriving home, his daughter had come running from his widowed mother's arms, the sight of smoke rising in the air, from the direction of his home. You were nowhere to be seen.
It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. His daughter was clinging to his shirt and his mother only stared with tears of pity.
It didn't take long for the puzzle pieces to be put together and before he knew it, Scaramouche was standing in front of his home, part of it burnt to a crisp and black.
He didn't need to ask what happened, he didn't need to know where you were, because he already knew. What he didn't know was who exactly had done this. But he was going to find out, now.
Incompetent, selfish, bastards. They would all pay for this. The lazy piggish Fatui soldiers who he should've never trusted with such a simple task and the thieves who had murdered you. They all had it rightfully coming.
Scaramouche hates the world after he lost you
he hates it so much and can't understand how this had happened
he's not a good person, so he blames it on karma and those stupid idiots who couldn't protect you
ngl, he's not gonna be around much after your death... his mother would argue that he should be here to raise your daughter, because she's also in pain and doesn't understand that this isn't some game of hide and seek this time
instead, he's focused and driven by revenge
he doesn't listen to a word anybody says, he's much more dangerous than before, and he only trusts his judgment
anyone trying to get him to stop his mission, is someone who doesn't want to see him happy he thinks (though that's not true at all. they hate that he is obsessive over this) but he will personally put a stop to that
and he'll only return home to his daughter and mother when he finds who did this and they along with their bloodline is exterminated
while he's gone, the remainder of his family is relocated somewhere he knows they'll be safe, for example, even though he despises childe, he knows his mom and daughter will be safe with his family
sorry, but Scaramouche will hold this deep-rooted hatred and love for you after you die
yes, he still loves and misses you dearly, but he hates you for leaving him alone, hates that although it wasn't intentional and out of your control, that you were gone
no matter how hard you tried to fight, it was selfish of you to leave him like this
he's not going to stop until he believes whoever was behind this is dead
and in his case, he'll stop believing when he chooses, even if they are innocent/guilty, he'll keep going
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3.19.21, rayofsunas
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
House Trained
a collab with @reallyshey 💗
shigaraki x dabi x reader
CW: nsfw duh 🙄 piss 🥰 vaginal sex anal sex unprotected sex, cat hybrid Shigaraki, darker tags under the cut...beware
PSA: I was NOT a part of the shit or vomit, so do NOT request that pls 🥰 it's pretty obvious I didn't write it cause it's so good I could never write that well 🥲, blood, pain anal, spikey dick hehe 😼 punishment (locked in a cage) umm all done? slight dubcon…???Coercion...????
The concept of human and animal mixing themselves wasn’t something new but science made that too close to reality. Now a hybrid was the common pet for many- the perfect balance for those who wanted children but simply weren’t equipped with the time or the money. Those cute angelic human faces, with ears poking out from-
And Tomura had squatted and was pissing on the couch. Y/N couldn’t help but rub her eyebrow in frustration. It was like she had just cleaned that yesterday! At this rate, she may as well throw out the couch. And she loved her little kitty, of course! But it was getting ridiculous.
It was like taking care of a child who'd never been potty trained. She couldn't put him in diapers either. He’d be humiliated and pissed off at her for god knows how long. So she had to take him to the bathroom about once every two hours. Sometimes he’d make a fuss and pee on the bath mat on purpose, but other times, he was compliant. She found that pushing on his bladder a little helped when he was feeling stubborn.
It hadn’t always been so routine, though. At first, he was mortified at the prospects of Y/N watching him pee. It's gross! She wasn’t supposed to see him do that! In hindsight, maybe getting him so comfortable with that was a mistake. He was brave enough to go in front of her no matter where. She should have just locked Tomura in the bathroom and listened to him to make sure he went but no.
Of course, she had to baby him. He would rub up against her leg all day, purring. He’d lay beside her at night and beg for praise, and she couldn't deny him because he's just oh so cute. Things really took a turn when he started calling her mommy. That definitely flipped a switch for her. Y/N was so easily manipulated by him, and neither of them realized. Shigaraki thought he just had the perfect mommy, and Y/N just thought she had the perfect baby boy.
She loved her cute cat hybrid, but he even had some funny habits. For example, he was still a young cat- about twenty-two-ish in human years. But even so, she’d never bothered to get him spayed. It hurt her feelings to even think about it. She tried talking to him about it, but he only cried and cried and cried until she promised him she wouldn’t.
And even then, her little baby wasn’t aggressive. The worst-case scenario was this- his spaying and genuine accidents. He took out his sexual desires on her pillow, humping it, kneading it, and biting down on it. His tail twitched in a specific way Y/N had learned to recognize whenever it was obvious he was getting aroused, whether from her belly rubs or simply the passing of time.
He was strictly an indoor hybrid too- Y/N believed in keeping her hybrid safe from passing cars, especially when he didn’t know any better. I mean, how the fuck was he supposed to protect himself? He’s so codependent on her. Tomura crawls across the floor and clings to her leg more often than not. He tugs on Y/N’s clothes for food and has to have at least twelve good night kisses. He’s pampered and spoiled and so happy he found a good mommy.
Y/N would kill anyone or anything who would dare hurt her precious boy. He was so sweet and defenseless. Only a monster would hurt someone so sweet. But Y/N knew the world was full of monsters. She's not näive. Her parents were a good example. They had unprompted hate towards her boyfriend at the time and his family until it tore their relationship apart.
He was the one keeping her sane, keeping her grounded but their hatred got in the way. They had planned on adopting a hybrid before, they even decided to name him Tomura. Y/N wasn't hung up on him, she had her little kitty to love! But the name was still sentimental. If only he had kept talking to her, they could have had a life together, but he ghosted her completely and their last conversation was something mundane.
She’s brought back to reality by something soft rubbing her leg, she looks down to find Tomura smiling up at her.
“Mommy, you forgot to take me to the bathroom, meow,” he says calmly, as though peeing on the couch was a completely reasonable response to that.
She sighs, “Next time, just remind me, Tomu, just please stop peeing on the couch,”
He nods and rubs against her leg a bit more, “I’ll be a good boy, mommy,” he promises, knowing he’s going to break it, “Pet me please, meow.”
It’s not really a question, and more a demand: his tail swishes when she sits down on the floor with him. He nuzzled into her hand as she scratched behind his ears. Getting the couch cleaned all the time was expensive and embarrassing. What do the neighbors think every time they see it pull into their driveway?
Y/N finally caves, and, opening her phone, calls the first business with “Animal Trainer” next to it. It looked like a serious business and was rated five stars. It didn’t even look that expensive either! Even so, she had to get him to stop acting out like this.
“Hello?” She says once the phone stops ringing.
“Yes, this is Dabi speaking. How can I help you today?” A voice responds on the other side, thick and gruff. He sounded like he’d smoked for quite a few years (that or he had just gotten out of bed).
“Hi, this is Y/N. I’m calling because my cat hybrid is spaying and pissing everywhere. He’s not fixed, and I promised him I wouldn’t do that to him. I need to get him to stop. I can’t keep cleaning but I’m not going to give him up to the shelter either.”
There’s a moment of silence on the other line. “A bad kitty. I can fix that. You’ll need to chip in, of course.”
She hesitates and looks over at Tomura who is starting to rub against her legs, curious about what and who she’s talking to. “Of course. When’s the soonest you can come over?”
“How about right now?”
“Perfect. Here’s my address.”
Dabi walks through the door, and her mouth falls open.
“You,” She says in surprise and in shock.
He grins devilishly, “Me, it's nice to see you, sweetheart.”
She scoffs, “It’s nice to see me? You stopped talking to me after we dated for almost a year!”
“It’s not my fault you changed your number and didn’t tell me,” He snaps back at her, his irritation growing. He grew sick of the disconnected response from the phone too quickly for her to joke about this.
“I never changed my-” She stops, “Oh.”
His face softens too, “It was your parents, huh?”
“Yeah,” she says, looking up at him.
Y/N wraps her arms around Touya hesitantly, and he does the same. Meanwhile, Tomura sits there in shock. Who was this man cuddling with mommy? He’d have to drench the whole house to get this guy’s scent off, and what’s in the bag?
“And this is Tomura,” She introduces. He looks up at the mention of his name, letting out a confused meow.
He grins- Y/N really knows how to pick them. This was the name they promised they’d name their own little hybrid all those years ago when they made plans to marry. So even if she was angry...
“Hey, little guy,” Touya says, trying to be friendly.
That was pretty easy when a cute kitty is staring up at you. But not so easy when he hisses at you and mutters profanities. He frowns. This was gonna be a lot of work.
“Hey,” he says, turning away from the pissed-off kitten, “I’ll give you a discount, how's three hundred sound?”
Her eyes light up, “Three hundred sounds fantastic! Thank you, Touya!”
She hugs him again and Shigaraki wants to yell but...mommy seems so happy with this... this stranger. And he doesn't want to make her sad, so he crawls away and mopes in her room, curling up in her bed and burying his face in her blankets. Does she love him? Is he going to stay? He wouldn't blame Y/N; this Touya person is rather cute but still. She doesn't notice her missing kitty while she continues to work out the details with Touya.
“Y/N, down to business. Why is your hybrid causing you problems? You said something about spaying? Tell me about it.”
“So what happens is that he goes around peeing everywhere! I used to be able to help him go to the bathroom, but now he just goes wherever he wants, whenever he wants! I looked it up and it sounds like spaying, but it’s full-on piss sometimes too.”
Touya is quiet for a moment, thinking, “So he sees you as a mate and he’s trying to mark his territory to ward off another male. Have you invited anybody over recently?” He asks, trying to grasp the situation.
Y/N shakes her head. He saw her as a mate?! “No, I try not to. My house smells like piss thanks to Mister Whiskers.” She huffs.
“He probably sensed another hybrid then from the outside. Possibly a feral. The best way to get him to stop is to make him think he already owns you. I’ll call hybrid control too. It’s not a good place for hybrids on the streets.” He says, pulling out his own phone and sending a text.
“Okay then. How do we do that?”
“It’s quite easy,” he says, “Let's go find Tomura first.”
He heads upstairs to where he assumes Tomura’s hiding. The smell of pee intensifies as he gets closer to what he assumes is your room. He opens the door to see Tomura curled on the bed, frowning.
“See how territorial he is?” Touya points out, “He already sees me as a threat even though I've just walked in the door.”
Y/N nods, but she’s still in disbelief. Tomura sees her as his mate? That's ridiculous. Although, if what Touya’s saying is true, she really wouldn't mind. She’d always had a crush on Tomura, I mean just look at him! He’s cute and so cuddly. The adorable ears and fluffy hair really add onto the whole cute kitty image. He’s so smart too. And kind. Their relationship isn't one-sided at all, he takes care of Y/N and she takes care of him.
Touya nudges her towards the bed, and she sits next to him. They both look at each other for a while, and Touya doesn't interrupt. They need to go at their own paces, for now at least. Y/N finally reaches a hand out to scratch behind his ears, and Tomura starts to purr again. It feels like Y/N is the only one in the room. He doesn't even notice Touya until he sits on the other side of him.
He wants to hiss and scratch at him, but Y/N is scratching his head just the way he likes.
“Hey buddy,” Touya says, reaching out to rub soothing circles on his back, “You love Y/N a whole lot, huh?”
Tomura nods, still suspicious of the man sitting with them.
“She’s your mate, isn't she?” he says, fingers trailing across his neck to scratch the back of his head, “You've got a nice pretty mate Tomura. She’s all yours, sweetie,”
Mate?! How did Touya know how he felt about y/n? They barely said a word to each other.
“Mate,” he nods, grabbing onto Y/N’s thigh.
He worms his hands between the mattress and her soft thighs and squeezes it in his arms, laying his head on it.
“Mate,” he purrs, happy that he’s able to say it out loud, “Mommy’s such a pretty mate.”
Touya nods; this is good. They're making progress.
“Now Y/N, why don't you lie down on the bed,” Touya instructs.
She does as told and lies on her back, trying to relax. She tenses up again when his fingers tug down her pants. She tries to grab his hand and stop him but he bats it away.
“Do you want your house to smell like piss for the rest of your life, or are you gonna let me help you?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
She nods and lets him pull down her pants.
“Are you sure this is necessary?” she asks, not enjoying the cold air on her cunt nor the fact that she was nearly naked in front of both of them.
“Completely necessary,” he assures her.
Next to go is her shirt, then her bra until she’s lying completely naked in front of them. When he starts to strip Tomura down, she gets worried. Why is Tomura suddenly so compliant with Touya? He was ready to flip his shit just minutes ago. Touya guides Tomura to kneel between Y/N’s legs and wiggles his spiked cock out of its little pouch. Tomura mewls softly; he’s never felt someone else touch him there before.
“Now, why don’t you rub mommy’s pussy right,” he guides Tomura’s hand to her clit, “There.”
He looks confused but does as he’s told. Obviously, Tomura doesn't do it well enough. The nerves and inexperienced hands don’t do anything to get Y/N aroused. Too bad so sad, he’s here to fix a problem, not make it pleasurable. He lines up Tomura’s cock, and Y/N finally pieces together what's happening. Her breathing picks up and her eyes widen. Surely he wasn’t really going to have Tomura fuck her, right? That would hurt! Like really really hurt!
But the look of excitement in his eyes made her feel guilty. He wants this so badly and he loves her so much. If this was going to help him she’d just have to take it. So when Touya helps him poke the tip of his cock in, she’s already white-knuckled from gripping the sheets. She whimpers when more of it starts to go in; it felt like the branch of an English hawthorn was forcing itself inside of her. At the same time, the tiny, sharp thorns on his cock were tickling her G-spot.
She wasn't ready when he started to fuck into her, he was over the moon with joy whilst she was crying out in pain. Tomura can’t decide between yowling, meowing, or moaning so he chooses a mixture of all three. All of his little noises are adorable; the whines and whimpers of her name make her try to smile through all of the pain.
“Gotta...breed mommy,” he pants, “Breed mommy!”
Her eyes widened.
“No sweetie,” she says, squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to focus on the pain, “You can’t breed a mommy baby. Please don’t Tomura.”
“Hey,” Touya says, “do you want this to work or not?”
She whines in defeat and lets him keep fucking her.
“Breed, mommy,” he chants, happier than ever.
Everything's “fine” until he decides to bite her tit.
“Ow! Tomura, no!” she cries, trying to push his head away, but Touya holds her hands in place.
“You can’t deny him Y/N. It won't work if you do,” he tuts.
She tries to squirm away, but Touya keeps his grip on her firm, and the cold hands of death couldn't pry Tomura away from her. So she cries and moans and prays that he’ll cum and get this over with. Touya lets go of her hands and climbs behind Tomura. What was he doing back there?
Y/N doesn’t even have a moment to be confused as Touya unbuckles his pants, Tomura grinding at her pussy, his sharp barbs and accurate aims make the pain and the pleasure simply too much for her brain to work. He doesn’t even take off his shirt, or slide them down, just pulls out his cock from his jeans and shoves it into the cute tight, and unsuspecting hole in front of him.
“Meow! Mommy! It hurts! Meow!” Tomura cries, yowling in pain as his virgin hole is penetrated. Touya’s cock is massive- at least twelve inches in length. Despite Tomura’s small size, she can still feel Touya against her own stomach, the way his cock burrowed a hole into Tomura, in through one end and attempting to force its way out the other.
“Look at that cute little pussy. It’s all nice and red for Master''. Tomura was bleeding! He meowed, feeling the trickling down his thighs as Touya pushed himself into Tomura, again and again, forcing Tomura to keep fucking Y/N despite the pain that he was in. As she gets wetter it’s easier for her to talk and think. She cradles Tomura’s head in her arms and lets it fall into the crook of her neck.
“How is this helping?” she asks, still crying from the pain of Tomura’s cock in her.
“Um, it’s keeping him inside of you? Listen, I don't fucking know. I just wanted to fuck him, ” Touya laughs, before pausing, “Or even bitch him if it works.” Leaning down to trail kisses up Tomura’s neck, he coos “Who’s my pretty boy?”
“I am, ” he sobs, “Mommy, please, it hurts. But it feels so good just- just make it stop mommy please.”
“I can't, sweetie. I’m sorry,” she says, kissing the side of his head, “It’ll feel good soon, Tomura, I promise.”
He bites her tit again, not as hard as before, and tries to stifle the sounds of his crying. How could he be a good mate if he was so weak? He doesn't deserve her. He should give her up to Touya; he’s strong and smart, not weak like he is. But then Y/N pulls his face away from her chest and kisses him. It’s rough and passionate and the best thing he’s ever felt, besides her warm wet pussy, of course.
When he cums, he cums hard. His cock was made for breeding so it squirts out more cum than humanly possible. It takes mere seconds for it to start gushing out of her, seeping deep into her womb. There’s no doubt she’s pregnant; Y/N never planned to have sex at this point in her life, so she was on absolutely no form of birth control.
Even if she had used a condom, Tomura’s thorny cock would have poked right through it. His cum would’ve somehow breached her IUD, and it was sure to be one hundred times more potent than human cum and no chemical could’ve stopped it. They're both aching when Touya finally fills Tomura’s tight, no longer virgin, asshole. Thankfully it makes it easier for Touya to slide out of him without either ripping Tomura’s asshole or having Tomura’s asshole pull his cock right off.
Touya is surprisingly good with his aftercare. And it looks like he came prepared as well.
Touya takes his sweet time gently putting hybrid injury cream around his ass. There's nothing of course he could do about the inside besides giving Tomura some anti-inflammatory medicine and blood stoppers. All wrapped inside of a pill pocket, the brat.
And despite his so-called love for Y/N, Tomura still kept up the attitude. When Touya moved onto Y/N, slowly caressing her cunt and making sure she was okay, taking care of her and wiping her clean of cum, Tomura would throw a fit and say he wanted attention.
Don't get him wrong, he was worried for his mommy. He didn't know what the white stuff leaking out of her was or what the white stuff that'd been leaking out of him was- he just knew it felt good. But he recognized bruises from his own hands, his claws digging into her from when he orgasmed.
But he wanted attention too! What about him?! Why did mommy get all the attention? It was like he had completely forgotten the attention that had been on him for a while. He meowed over and over, tugging on Touya’s arm.
“Master,” he whines, “What about me?”
“Shh,” Touya says, “We need to take care of mommy too, Tomura.”
“But-” he starts.
“No buts unless you want me to spank yours,” Touya warns.
Tomura opens and closes his mouth, deciding he’d rather not have his ass beat red. He still whines, though, putting his head on Y/N’s chest, so he never left his master’s line of sight. When Touya pushes his head away, he mewls over and over, crying out for his master. Claiming that “You don’t care about me, Master!”
Touya silences him with a kiss on the forehead and the lips, and that satiates him...for a while until he’s pawing at Touya again, whining and whimpering. However, when Y/N is the one to try and silence him, he shuts up immediately. You never tell him to be quiet; you always tell him how much you love his voice.
So he curls into you and kisses your neck, telling you that you're the best mommy in the world. You can only smile and nod, letting Touya apply ointment to your wounds. Tomura has never felt like this before, not just from his orgasm but being cared for by two people. Of course, Y/N cared for him well, maybe too well. She spoiled him beyond belief. He got away with pissing on the couch for months. He got whatever food he wanted whenever he wanted. You even let him eat at the dinner table though he was NOT supposed to.
Touya fixed all of that. He disciplined Tomura, shoving him in a diaper until he begged and cried to be good, and he was...until Touya went home. Touya also put him on a diet that was healthier for his sensitive stomach. Lastly he made it very clear to her that Tomura will only be eating out of his bowls on the floor, much to Tomura’s disappointment.
Despite it all, they end up together. All of them. Mommy and Master and cute little Tomura at the center. Maybe he would’ve stopped acting up but he didn’t. He just wanted both of them more- and both of them together. So he makes mommy call Touya for no reason or forces her to, pissing and shitting wherever he could, even vomiting.
Even things that didn’t need to be fixed- they called Touya. And of course, Touya always sets Tomura straight. He’d shove Tomura in a kennel for hours, and force Y/N to watch, to discipline him for calling him over, sometimes even himself if he got ahold of the house phone, and Y/N to get her to stop spoiling Tomura.
And of course, Tomura would yowl and cry that nobody loved him, making painful noises that would cause suffering to any normal human’s heart (at least, Y/N would argue that). He would piss himself even more, and even shit on the blankets to try and get the smell to let him out. Touya however, only pissed on Tomura when he pissed in the kennel, and sprayed air freshener when he shit. Maybe it was something that he wanted himself.
Y/N, of course, would always let him out when he let out a particularly miserable noise. She washed the disgusting blankets at night when she was supposed to be asleep and cleaned him up through the bars of his cage. Whenever Touya caught her, he was furious. It took only minutes for her to be squished in the cage besides Tomura, praying he didn't decide to make any messes.
She comforted him, reminding Tomura that Touya would provide wonderful aftercare for the bruises and indents the cage gave them. When Touya fed them through the bars it was especially humiliating, making sure to spill or smear at least some of it on both Y/N and Tomura. But Tomura was happy to clean you up with his cute pink tongue, and that never failed to make her giggle.
Despite the punishments and the spoiling he loves his mommy and master equally! They were so good to him! Dogs can be a man’s best friend, but what best resembles a lover? The cute little kitty cat in the middle of mommy and master.
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messy-nonbinary · 3 years
Little Girl in Training
Chapter 4 - Pigtails, Coloring Books, and Rewards.
TW: Forced age regression, mentions of past kidnapping, Dark!Natasha, dog(?), if I need more lemme know!
Paring: Dark!Mommy!Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: You and Natasha have some fun and you start falling into place.
A/N- Tbh this short chapter is bit on the fluffier side. I felt like the reader needed a bit of a break!
Key: Y/D/N - your dog’s name
Living with Natasha is like walking on broken glass while trying not to make any noises. You were constantly getting in trouble. It’s not like you meant to, it’s just that certain things, you were not going to do. But, at least it beats any punishments Natasha had in mind. You were constantly terrified of getting into even more trouble so after almost 2 weeks, you’ve learned the schedule she had you on and how to make her ‘proud.’
It wasn’t always terrible, though. Your favorite pastime was when she bathed you. Something about the action was soothing, despite the fact that it was still forced. 
She’d always wake you up in the morning, bathe you, and feed you breakfast. After breakfast, she’d brush your hair and tell you what the two of you had planned for the day. Which is what was currently transpiring.
“Mommy’s got a fun day planned out for us. You’ve been such a good girl, lately. I’m so proud of you.” She said, tying your hair in pigtails. When she finished, she picked you up and brought you to your playroom, setting you down. “Mommy will be right back, Lovebug.” She said, leaving you alone. You decided to busy yourself with a coloring book left on the floor. You laid on your stomach and picked out a few crayons to color with.
While you were coloring, however, you felt yourself kicking your legs like a child. You immediately stopped when you realized what you were doing and how you felt. For some odd reason, you felt calm. Calmer than you’ve ever felt before. Especially since being with Natasha. You felt small. It was weird.. Soothing, even.
You didn’t have time to dwell on it, though. Because true to her word, Natasha came back. “Alright, Lovebug. I’ve got something to show you.”
She picked you up and took you back to the living room. Your eyes lit up as soon as you saw what she had in store for you. There was an adorable German Shepherd sitting excitedly on the floor. Natasha could feel your excitement and she sat you in front of the dog, who jumped excitedly on top of you.
“He’s all yours, Printsessa.” For some reason, those words made you so excited. Like a kid on their birthday. “Thank you, Mommy!” You said, hugging him closer. You decided to name him Y/D/N. He was the closest thing you could get to an interaction that wasn’t forced, as sad as that was.
The rest of the time you and Natasha spent together was fun. Wait- did you think it was fun? How is a life you were forced to live fun in any sense? Well, watching movies, even though they were kid’s movies, could be fun. And as much as you hated to admit it, the two of you had quite the fun day.
Her ‘reward’ consisted of your dog, a bunch of movies, allowing you sweets, and taking you outside to play with Y/D/N.
When you got outside, you noticed that you were nowhere near anyone else. Maybe that’s why she let you out. To prove to you that you had nowhere else to go. Only right back to her.
You were finishing the popsicle Natasha gave you when she came back with a kiddie pool and hose in hand. “Wanna help Mommy give Y/D/N a bath?” She asked, beginning to fill up the pool. You nodded, running up to her, Y/D/N running closely behind you.
Natasha smirked at you as she moved the hose in your direction, spraying you with water. Y/D/N barked, trying to attack the water as you screamed from the coldness. “Mommy! Stop!” You giggled, trying to avoid the water as you got closer to Natasha. When you made it to her, somehow, you managed to get the hose from her and spray her with it. You are almost 99% sure she let you take the hose, but you’ll take what you can get.
The two of you took turns spraying each other until the both of you were soaking wet. As was Y/D/N, seeing as though he continuously jumped in front of the water, doing his best to defeat it. “Looks like all three of us need baths.” Natasha said, laughing. You nodded, giggling as Y/D/N barked, seemingly in agreement.
You and Nat gave Y/D/N a bath and dried him off before heading back inside. Once inside, the two of you took a quick bath together and she fed you dinner. You took your bottle without fuss and quietly fell asleep.
You fell asleep thinking that if the rest of the days were like this, then maybe you could tolerate it. Even if it was humiliating, maybe you could find some kind of life here.
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morgana-ren · 3 years
SUBMISSION: How about a nasty sweaty incel shiggy waiting everyday for his dad to go to work so that he could have his relief with stepmom? 
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Excellent submission! Love that. Love that a lot! I find it only fair to warn you, however, that I won’t be doing mommy kink for it. Mommy kink is one of my squicks, and one of the very, very few I have. I’ll do the closest thing to it though: Daddy kink. Also I find the irony of him making his little stepmom call him daddy to be absolutely hilarious.
Also this one is a great concept and I love it but it’s going to have to be a multi-parter cause it got a little bit long. Lemme know if you like the concept and I’ll continue it. Also this posted under anonymous for some reason so cheers to tumblr and its endless fucking glitches that it never fixes or seems to make any better.
Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, sexism, really gross incel behavior, nsfl things, masturbation, violent sexual fantasies, nefarious planning, horrible suggestions from even more horrible friends, absolute LOATHING of family, and entitled bastard.
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There is only one thing on this planet that Tomura hates more than his father.
Only one thing can even compare to the level of abject disgust he has for his dad. Everything about the man is abhorrent and degenerate, only tolerated because Tomura is, admittedly, a NEET, and had no where else to go after graduation. But if anything- anything- could hold a candle, it would be his taste in women.
All women are trashy on some level, but his dad really manages to find ones that pretend so hard that they aren’t. Vipers behind the veneer of smiling faces clad in red lipstick and smart skirts. Always “kind”, always “thoughtful”, and always fleeting. Fickle, stupid bimbos charmed by his dads surface level charisma to quickly realize just how shallow the pool became.
Even his own mom was like that: She fucked off once she realized staying with him meant staying with his dad, and that was a sacrifice she wasn’t willing to make. So she left him to rot in this cesspit with his worthless father and no other way out.
He figures he can’t hold it against her, not as much as he’d like. A few weeks with his shriveled up paternal figure and most women quickly figure out they can do so much better. It’s in their nature to seek out the best, and that certainly isn’t Kotaro; A bumbling idiot with nothing to offer on the best of days. They don’t know any better, so they never last long after being brought home to meet his son, and those are the ones that even make it that far.
So when he starts yammering on about meeting yet another skank and how ‘in love’ he already is, Tomura’s eyes roll so far back in his head that he swears his retinas will detach. He makes a point to be around as little as possible, but somehow still manages to catch an earful about his latest fling and how excited he is for Tomura to meet her.
True to his word, Kotaro brings you home one evening, eager to impress his son with his latest catch.
His father had a lot of nerve dragging him from his room to meet you- his latest glorified slut. Adding insult to injury, you had the unmitigated gall to talk down to him like you were an adult and he wasn’t. Even though you had to crane your neck to look up and greet him, you still talked at him like he was some child. So different from you even though you were so much smaller than he was- barely even a few years older than he is, if even that. 
So polite, introducing yourself and gently shaking his reluctant hand, making a point to smile at him and telling him how happy were to finally meet him and that you’d heard so much about him. Your hands were so soft, so little in comparison to his own. He dwarfs his pathetic father, practically towers over you, yet you still talk to him like you’re the adult in the equation.
So young, so pretty, though. Far better than anything his father had a right to pull. They weren’t exactly swimming in cash, the house was nothing in particular to gloat about, and he’d done enough eavesdropping around late at night to know his father suffered a particular… ailment, so it certainly wasn’t sexual satisfaction keeping you around. What was it then? 
Probably nothing. You’d probably run off in a few weeks like they all do.
Kotaro is a worthless sack of drooping skin and aging bones; A ghost of a man not worthy of the phantoms he’s seen pass in his years. No longer the dominant male even in his own home: not with a stronger, more virile son coming into his prime under the roof as well. A beta male at best, withering away while his own son eclipses him in strength and intellect and physique. Tomura is in his mid twenties and blooming- His father… who even knows. He doesn’t care- he doesn’t bother to keep track. 
So, maybe you really are just a dumb little whore. It would make sense. Father dearest always had been a dirty old man; A raging pervert with wandering hands and lingering eyes. Always sets his predatory sights on some cute thing too good for him. 
Then again, the poisoned apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, now does it?
You’re cute enough you could have gotten some alpha at your beck and call, yet you’ve attached yourself to his worthless father who, in turn, parades you around like his most beloved trophy. Taking you to dinners he can’t afford despite your ‘insistence’ that you be allowed to pay, buying you things you claim you don’t need. Oh, how the moron dotes on his whores as if it’s enough to keep them anchored to him.
Strangely though, you don’t run off.
If anything, you sink your claws in even further, getting more and more comfortable and showing up more and more. Every time Tomura leaves his fucking room- which isn’t often- you’re there around the corner, smiling dumb and pretty and greeting him politely.
Fuck, he hates you. Hates your stupid voice, your shitty dresses, hates hearing his father happy for once.
It’s no surprise- but unwelcome no less- that he’d move you in sooner rather than later. Terrified to let you out of his sight for even a second lest you come to what little senses you have in your tiny brain and dump him. Of course, he’s quick to take on all of your burdens as his own, even if it means working overtime to support you. He’s always wanted another little housewife, and now he’s so close.
Tomura listens in on the whole conversation feeling sick to his gut.
You beg him not to- offering to pay your own way just like a good girl, but of course his dumbass dad will hear none of it. He’s more than happy to spend a couple of extra hours at work. His dad is so idiotic, so fucking blind. He’s playing right into it. He’s willing to be your workhorse if it means keeping you all to himself.
He’ll hear none of it. None of the fussing or the questions. You’re welcome in his home, he wants you there. It’s no imposition at all, he knows the house will be better with you around.
Except he forgets one crucial detail-
The son he leaves home alone with you every single day when he leaves. 
You’re nothing but a nuisance, something infringing on his private space. The time he used to get home alone to spend to his own devices is now split with you flittering around the house doing whatever it is bimbos like you do. Cleaning, cooking, pretending to read, whatever. He doesn’t have to see you if he doesn’t want, sure, but he still knows you’re there and that’s more than enough to annoy him.
It’s almost like you catch on to his animosity after a while. The way he won’t greet you back, the way he utterly ignores your existence. It bugs you, and as far as he’s concerned, good.
You try to slip him up, try to get close to him and make him like you. You always set a place for him at the table even after Kotaro repeatedly insists- truthfully- that he’ll never join for dinner. Even then, you always bring the plate to his door. He never bothers to answer- not after the first few times when he only opened it a sliver to see your stupid smiling face. After that, he didn’t bother answering. He’ll eat it of course- won’t pass up free food he doesn’t have to leave his room for- and then leave the dirty dish back outside where you left it. You brought it, after all. You can clean it up. 
All your efforts only get you mocked, and boy do you try so hard to get his affection. He even overhears you whining to his dad once or twice, not understanding why he doesn’t like you.
It makes him smile.
His friends- online of course, but still friends or comrades or kindred spirits or whatever- have more opportunistic ideas about it. His first post to the forum complaining about the new living situation was met with envy and awe- not necessarily the response he was expecting, though looking back on it, he supposes they were right. 
lmpwrst: Why u bitchin’? Ur living with a girl ur not related to and that’s closer than any of us have gotten u ungrateful ass
KingKockRool: Go jerk off on her pillow.
Stacystabber91: take a video hold her down and fuck her then idiot
KingKockRool: No wait till she’s sleeping and jerk it on her face
st8lker: Bet she’s ugly tho if she’s dating your dad lol
Oddly enough, he doesn’t agree. That’s one thing he understands about you, loathe as he is to admit it. His new ‘stepmom’, for all her annoyances, is pretty easy on the eyes. The kinda girl that would have caught his eye in an unrelated situation and earned a permanent spot in his spank bank. Thinking about it, the whole ‘dating his dad’ situation maybe threw off his judgement more than he realized.
He’ll let the jury decide: He finds a photo on your social media, crops everyone else out of it, and hits enter. Easy peasy. He saves it to his hard drive for later too. Might as well.
‘Here, you decide then.’
Thus the shitstorm begins. 
st8lker: Oh fuckkk fuck me mommy lmao
lmpwrst: Opportunity is wasted on u
Stacystabber91: you pussy punk bitch, i stand by what I said earlier. dont be a bitch and fuck the little cunt already
VolceliSwear: Whos the bitch
lmpwrst: Scratchy’s new stepmommy lol 
VolceliSwear: Nice. Hit it yet?
Stacystabber91: he hasn’t cause he’s a gigantic fuckin pussy like i told you all
VolceliSwear: Come on dude you actually have that gash sleeping in your house and you haven’t made a move? 
Stacystabber91: it’s not like she could say no cause you’re a big lanky bastard aren’t you? that’s one thing we got over the shortcels and you’re bigger and stronger than her so take what’s yours idiot or I will 
lmpwrst: I agree with SS lol U complain all the time about not having a hole to fuck and now u do
VolceliSwear: ^^ Isn’t your dad a limp-dicked prick who can’t get it up? Someone’s gotta do it so it might as well be you. Hit the bitch so hard and fast she doesn’t know what way is up
Stacystabber91: and send pics moron I want to see tits or I’m coming over there to do it myself
It’s an… intriguing thought. To be honest, he’s never actually considered fucking you before. Had the passive thought like he does with most girls he sees, but never stopped to think on actually doing it. For some reason, there was a mental wall between him and his father’s girlfriends. But why should there be?
Depraved little bastard that he is, he’s not above cornering a girl and forcing himself on her but he’s not keen on going to jail, so he’s never escalated past creepy photos and following the occasional broad a little too closely. Maybe a couple gropes in passing… okay, maybe a lot. But he’s never gotten caught- maybe the girls don’t report it or just couldn’t find him afterward. Either way, it’s all worked out so far because he doesn’t cross certain boundaries.
Most girls are repulsed by him and his repugnant behavior, so they stay far, far away. It’s like he’s a giant blaring warning sign that they tend to heed instinctively.
But you don’t. 
This is different. You live here, so close to him, so within reach. Just how close you are. How easy it would be for him to force you down and make you take it. Just how much time alone he really has with you since his father leaves and returns like clockwork. He’s got the entire day once his father leaves for work. And all night once he takes his sleeping medication. An easy, pretty little catch already wiggling in his web.
 ‘Maybe I will.’ 
That’s how it starts. 
Snowball into snowstorm.
With an idea and a lot of goading from his online buddies, a monster is born and weaned on his own depravity and escalates into something very real, and very dangerous.
Tomura is achingly familiar with the scene- he’s seen enough porn to give him ample ideas. But he’s got all the time in the world. It’s hard not to rush things considering how eager he is, but it’s safer to test the waters first. Get you nice and scared so you’ll keep your pretty mouth shut unless he tells you to open it for him. See how far he can get, how much he can toy with you before you finally catch on.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll fuck him willingly. You are a stupid little slut, after all. Most of you females are deep down beneath that holier-than-thou, stuck up bitchiness you hide behind.
So he starts with a time honored tradition. He steals your panties. 
The bathroom is cluttered with your shit. Your fruity shampoos and conditioners, your makeup, your perfumes. Tomura has a toothbrush and a comb he doesn’t use, a bottle of 3-1 for when he forces himself into a shower, and a singular gray towel, but the rest is between you and his father. Your body washes, your scrubs, your clothes in the hamper. 
It’s easy enough to fish out a fresh pair- only a couple of hours old. Some lacy contraption you must’ve been wearing beneath your clothes and carelessly left in the bin when you showered. It’s easy to pocket them before you hear him rummaging around, and maybe you’ll miss them, but that’s not his problem. Washer eats things all the time, doesn’t it?
He’s hidden back in his room, safely dodging you before he allows himself to indulge- Bringing them to his nose and inhaling the doubled fabric of the crotch so hard that it catches on the edge of his nostrils. 
Fuck, your cunt smell good- tangy and sweet but the tiniest hint of bitter. A couple of whiffs is enough to get his cock twitching, inflating into a painful hardness as he hears you walking around outside in the hallway. Shit, you’re so fuckin’ airheaded, walking around so oblivious as he tongues at the cloth that was nestled right up against your pussy until a few hours ago. He can taste you, sucking your left over essence through his teeth and he swears he’s going to cream all over the inside of his jeans if he doesn’t jerk off right now. 
He’s quick to drop his sweats and sprawl on his bed, thumbing the tip of his prick and licking gratuitous stripes up the slim of your discarded panties with his tongue. You’d look so good sucking his cock; On your bruised knees, face a slathered mess of cum and saliva and running makeup. Bulge in your throat from taking him so deep and trying so hard to please him like you always do- or maybe avoid a painful punishment because he isn’t above using his hands on you and you learned that the hard way.
The thought of your ruddy, soppy face makes him throb- fucking your wet little throat until you’re suffocating, pulling out to let you breathe only to cum on your face. Yanking you up to bend you over the stove and force you to make his worthless father’s dinner with his spend tacking across your face and his cock lodged deep in your cunt. Worthless fucking sack of shit that his father is, he’d spit in it too and make you serve it to him with a smile while your actual daddy watches you do it and rewards you later with his dick fucking you between your tits.
Fuck yes, that’s what he’ll make you do. He’ll make you call him daddy when he creampies you- the opportunity is too perfect to pass. He’ll fuck his father’s pretty whore as she screams and moans for daddy’s cock while his father is away at work to pay all her frivolous bills like the beta-cuck he is. None of the work and all of the reward- as it should be.
It’s not like Kotaro can fuck you, and his friends are right. Someone should. So why not him? Why not spread your legs for your boyfriend’s younger, more powerful son? Oh, sorry, did he give you the illusion that you had a choice? He’ll take what is rightfully his and there’s not a fucking thing you or his pathetic fucking father can ever do about it.
He plucks your panties from his face, moving them instead to work over his cock. It would feel so much better if you were wearing them- grinding your sweet little cunt against his dick, begging him not to fuck you but getting so wet all the same. The silky fabric feels so good against his hypersensitive skin, coupled with the clenched pumping of his fist as he daydreams about railing you into his filthy mattress until you’re too weak to even move on your own, his cum dripping from every one of your used holes. Limp, useless little whore too fucked out to even fight him as he fucks her in the ass again-
Fantasies swirl in his head, flashes of scenarios that tease him and work him into a frenzy. He’s going to cum hard to the thought filling you, your agonized face as the tip of him knocks against the opening of your womb, buried so deep in your cute pussy that he can feel the wall that keeps him firmly locked out of your guts. So close, so tight, so warm. He’s going to pump you full to the brim like the skank you are, fill you nice and thick full of his seed and then use you again and again and again-
He feels it in his spine, waves of pleasure furling at the base and congealing together impossibly tight, so ready to burst. His thighs flex, muscles in his stomach tightening and breath staggering. Searing white behind dry, clenched eyes and his cock twitches in his palm, knot bursting deep between his legs as his hand stills momentarily. His hands twitch, cock throbbing as thick ropes of cum spill over the slats of his fingers, splattering his stomach and the waist of his sweatpants and all over your adorable little panties. 
Shallow, shaky breaths, still seeing stars popping behind his eyelids. Fuck, he hasn’t cum that hard in- well, a very long time. Is it the thought of having something tangible soon? His very own cunt to abuse? Grinning, he looks down at the absolutely drenched pair in his hand, sticky with fresh seed.
He thinks so.
Instinctively, he wipes the excess off his fingers and onto his dirty, rumpled black sheets, swiping across his shirt and his skin. Just another ‘mystery spot’ among the rest, soon to become a crusty, flaked white stain on the fabric among all the preexisting ones.
With some effort on his part, he sits up, still trying to catch his breath. He thought post orgasm clarity might deter him from this path, but if anything, he’s even more determined now. Why should he sit and touch himself in a dark room when there’s a perfectly good set of holes to fuck wandering around freely outside?
Oh yeah, this should work out just fine.
There’s a knock on the door while he’s still wading through his gross thoughts, softly at first but then slightly more insistent. It jolts him alert, irritating him that he’s being bothered when he’s scheming. He’s already finished the dirty dead, all ready to put himself away for now but it’s still jarring none the less when someone comes around so closely to him wanking. A quick dash at the clock tells him it’s not dinner time yet, so what gives? Why are you bothering him now? Nothing is ready yet.
He tucks himself away and quickly buries your soiled underwear in the pocket of his sweats. Quickly wiping any remnants on the knees of his pants before swinging his door open, agitation palpable as he greets your stupid, sunny face.
Speak of the she-devil.
“Hi, Tomura! Just wondering if you have any laundry or anything you want me to take!” “N-”  He’s about to slam the door. About to. But you know what? You want his laundry? Sure. He’s got some for you.  “Yeah- yeah, sure.” 
He steps back from behind the door, letting it creak open a little as he rips off his freshly re-soiled sheets.
“Oh, good! Yeah, I’m throwing in my own so I’ll take your load too-“
Yeah you will.
Balling it up, he chucks it at you as you curiously peek your head in. You’ve never seen the inside of his room, but soon you’ll see plenty. He doesn’t know if you can feel the fresh cum on the sheets, but he’s willing to bet you can probably smell it. To your credit, you barely falter, even with the sheet cradled in your bare arms.
You’re probably having a moment of “understanding.” ‘He’s a young man with no girlfriend and no other outlet. Of course he’s going to wack off’ and all that. It’s cute, the way you pretend not to notice. That’s okay, he’ll give you something you can’t ignore.
He steps up to the door again, yanking his black shirt over his head and dropping it in your arms with a shit eating grin.
“Oh- okay, yeah-“
Your sentence halts completely as he starts to strip off his pants and you’re left staring in slight horror as your stepson strips down to his boxers in front of you before placing his sweats on the top of the pile you’re carrying- right by your face.
“I’ve got some more dirty boxers if you think you can handle anymore.” He’s grinning like a fiend, reveling in your poorly concealed discomfort as he leans against the doorframe, swinging out towards you. You’re backing away from him, desperately trying to keep your eyes up and away from his very exposed body, and especially the half hard cock tenting the front of his boxers. Your face is turning a viciously dark shade, stifling your breathing because he just knows what you’re refusing to see, you can almost certainly smell.
“Um- nope! This should be a full one! I’ll get them back to you soon!”
“Oh, take your time. No rush.” 
You scurry off down the hall much quicker than your usual casual walk, probably to scrub your arms clean with iron wool. Poor little thing, just trying to be nice and this is what it gets you.
He cackles something fierce as he shuts his door again, going to look for your ruined panties to post a pic but remembering they’re still in the pocket of his sweatpants, covered in his cum and saliva. A fun little surprise for you to find when you go through pockets to ensure nothing gets stuck in the washer.
And he notices, in the coming days, you stop leaving your clothes in the hamper- or even being able to meet his eyes.
Oh, this should be fun.
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 1
Author’s Note: Had this idea living in my head rent free so hopefully I don’t butcher it.
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language
Part 1 , Part 2
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“So, where are we going again?” Bucky asked Sam, confusion written on his face as he leaned back in the front passenger seat of the car.
“You’ll find out. We’ll be there soon.” Sam answered, his eyes glued to the road and hands gripping the wheel.
“But we’ve been driving in the middle of nowhere for an hour now.” Bucky fussed while staring at the never ending green grass that passed by, clearly irritated with Sam’s lack of details.
“I too would like to know where we are going.” Zemo spoke up only to add to Sam’s annoyance.
“YOU don’t get to ask questions.” Sam glared at Zemo through the rear view mirror before staring back at the road. He was starting to get fed up with their questions and lack of patience.
The three men had been driving with their windows down for what felt like hours through the Scottish countryside, watching the green highlands pass by. Though they admired the beauty of the landscape, they were extremely anxious to stretch their legs and get to their unknown destination. Not to mention, they were starting to get a little hungry as well.
“Are we there yet?” Bucky broke the silence after some time.
“We get there when we get there.” Sam snapped, his knuckles turning white from gripping the wheel a bit too hard. He was really looking forward to getting out of the car and away from those two.
After a short while they neared a small seaside village. The place was not that busy, save for the few locals and fishermen going about the cloudy day.
Sam drove on a little further before finally reaching a quaint stone cottage that sat on a hill at the edge of town, overlooking the ocean. He pulled up next to the 60s convertible cream colored Volkswagen Beetle that had a surfboard tied on the roof, parked next to the cottage. Sam took the keys out of the ignition and stepped out, stretching his legs as the others followed suit.
Sam smiled to himself as he walked up the path leading to the front door and glanced upon the flower garden and the decorations out front. He knew for sure this was your place. The other two quietly followed behind while looking around the residence, from the neatly kept garden and the vines that crawled along the house, to the fishing equipment hung up on the side, down to the handmade birdhouses and the wind chimes and sun-catchers that clinked melodically against the ocean breeze, including the collection of garden gnomes. The place reminded the men something straight out of Jane Austen’s novels, not that they’d like to admit they knew such a thing.
Sam stopped at the front door before turning to the others with a pointed finger. “Now whatever you do, don’t stare.”
“Wait what?” Bucky scrunched his nose.
“Just don’t.”
Sam paused for a moment, thinking of how to explain this situation to you before tapping on the wooden door. No answer. Sam could feel Bucky glaring at the back of his head, ready to scold him about how this was a big waste of time. So he knocked again, this time calling out if any one was home.
Before Bucky could open his mouth there was rustling coming from inside and the sound of someone knocking into furniture before a faint “ow” and “fuck” of a woman’s voice made Bucky and Zemo glance questioningly at each other. Where the hell did Sam lead them to?
The locks on the door were fumbled with before opening up to reveal your head poking out from behind.
“Sam?” You breathed out. You were slightly out of breath and your hair was disheveled with strands falling out of your bun at the front from under your silk scarf. The sleeves of your button up blouse were rolled up at your elbows, revealing your dirt covered arms. You were working on your vegetable garden in the back before you were interrupted by your unexpected visitors.
Bucky stood behind Sam and couldn’t help but widen his eyes when he saw you. He only met you a few times during the threat of Thanos and before, but the interactions he had with you were very brief. All he knew was that you were a good friend of the Avengers, especially Thor, Clint, Nat, Wanda, Tony and Steve and now apparently Sam. But after Thanos was defeated you disappeared and nothing was heard of you since.
Zemo glanced out from behind Bucky and tried to remain hidden behind the super soldier once he recognized your face. You weren’t exactly an Avenger and you weren’t on Earth when he tore the Avengers apart, you were helping Thor at the time and little to everyone’s knowledge, you were also defending your planet against an inside threat. But you had heard of him through your friends, and though you hadn’t met him, Zemo knew you would strangle him once you spotted him.
“Hey y/n.” Sam smiled at you, calling you by your alias name. He knew who you were through Steve, but even then, he didn’t know everything about you and about the recent events that took place in your home planet that still devastated you.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked with a mixture of surprise and annoyance, wiping your hands on your apron. There was a reason you chose to live all the way out here, and though you gave Sam your new address, you didn’t expect him to bring company.
“I came to see how you were doing?”
“Bullshit.” You scowled, crossing your arms over your chest. “If you wanted to check up on me you wouldn’t have brought someone.”
Sam opened his mouth to speak but decided against it, refused to meet your stern eyes and looking down at the ground instead with his hands in his pockets. He often forgot how well you were able to read people, almost as if you were telepathic. Little to his knowing, you were in fact a telepath but decided against telling him. You’ve known people who became uncomfortable when finding that detail about you and noticed how they tried to avoid you, constantly guarding their thoughts when around. If only they knew you never bothered to do such a thing because you respected their privacy and because you’ve seen things in people’s heads you wished to forget. You’ve only ever used your telepathy when it was absolutely necessary. Straightening up, you finally took a better look at the other man behind him and instantly recognized him as Bucky.
“Hi y/n.” Bucky smiled shyly at you as he looked into your eyes. And that’s when he noticed for the first time that your eyes were different from when he last saw you. Your irises were now a shade of purples and blues with flecks of gold that spread out, a reflection of the stars and the universe. So that’s what Sam meant when he said to not stare. But could you have just been wearing contacts? Bucky’s stare was cut short as Sam noticed, glaring at him and clearing his throat before elbowing him in the stomach.
Suddenly, there came the sound of a little girls squeals coming from inside your home, startling the men except for Sam. And before they knew it, a small girl in overalls who looked to be of 6 years of age sprinted through your legs and out the door. “Uncle Sam!”
“Oof! Athena wait!” You gasped against the impact as you tried to reach for her.
“Hey hey little Athena!” Sam smiled as he picked the excited girl up into his arms before setting her on his hip. “How’s my favorite little warrior?”
“I’m helping Mommy with the garden! See!” She squealed in delight before showing off her dirty hands.
“I can see that.” Sam chuckled. “Looks like you’ve been working hard.”
“God, I’m so sorry Sam. She’s covered in dirt.” You tried to apologize with an embarrassed face.
“Hey no worries.” Sam smiled at you. “Some dirt is not gonna kill me.”
“Mommy who’s this?” Athena questioned as she looked at the man next to Sam.
You looked at Bucky and gave him a look that questioned what name he would prefer, to which he nodded and mouthed Bucky to you.
“That’s Bucky sweetie.”
“Hi Bucky! I’m Athena!” She stuck her tiny hand out to for him to shake, a big grin plastered on her face from meeting new people.
“It’s very nice to meet you Athena.” Bucky smiled as he gently shook her hand, making her giggle.
The scene made you smile to yourself as you pushed a strand of your hair behind your ears. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that Sam and Bucky decided to pay a visit.
“Mommy who’s the man in the back?”
The man in the back? You looked to Sam and James with a raised brow before craning your neck to see who the third guest could be, only to tense up and clutch the door frame, forcing yourself to not go over there right now and throw him off a cliff.
“What the hell is he doing here?” You glared daggers at Zemo as he watched you with caution, before you turned to Sam.
“I can explain.” Sam tightened his jaw as he saw your expression.
“Athena, sweetie.” You turned to your daughter with a gentle smile. “I want you to go up to your room and clean up okay?”
“Okay mommy.” Athena looked back at you with a worried look as Sam set her down.
You caressed her head as she walked in, watching her go up the stairs and waiting for the sound of her bedroom door to close and her shower to turn on before shutting the front door behind you.
“Are you out of your goddamn minds?” You glared at the two, trying to not yell, your fists balling up in anger. “What in the three hells is going on?”
“Look y/n. He might be of some use.” Sam tried to explain.
“So you broke him out of prison?!”
“Well technically he got himself out.” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck. He was starting to think that this wasn’t such a good idea and felt guilty for coming here.
“Oh? So what? He magically decides to join your little boy band? The Wakandans are after his ass in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Look I get it. Working with Zemo sounds like a terrible idea and you have every right to be upset. We just need a place to lay low for now. Just...hear us out.” Sam responded with a pleading look.
You stood there with a hand on your hip, squeezing your eyes shut while you pinched the bridge of your nose, not even caring that you still had dirt on your hands.
“Please y/n.” Bucky spoke up, making you look up at him. “Sam wouldn’t come here if he didn’t know what he was doing.”
You looked between the two, rubbing your chin in contemplation as you thought everything over. Bucky was right. Sam would never try to purposely put you in harm’s way.
“Fine.” You breathed out. “You can stay for the night. But you are going to tell me everything. Every last detail.”
“I promise.” Sam looked to you as he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Well come on then. Get in.” You nodded your head towards the door as you opened it, letting Bucky and Sam in before putting yourself in front of Zemo and blocking him with a threatening look while speaking in a cold tone. “I swear to the gods, if you so much as try anything, I will bury you alive in my backyard and use you as fertilizer to grow fungi.”
“Y/n what the fuck.” You heard Sam utter from inside.
Zemo gave you a bewildered look and decided to keep quiet as you stepped aside to let him in, watching him closely as he went in. You stuck your head outside again, looking around for any bystanders and making sure the men were preoccupied before muttering something in Ancient Greek, waving your hand around and moving your fingers in specific gestures as a clear glass like film covered the area around your home for protection. You did another once over before going back in and closing the front door, readying yourself for the conversation you would have with Sam and Bucky.
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miekasa · 3 years
pls do dad!armin hc I’M BEGGING YOU <3
Fine. FINE. Just this once... since it’s father’s day or whatever but this is the last one I swear 🙄🙄
He was very nervous to find out you were having a kid, but it turns out all of that was for nothing because he’s pretty good with them.
Still, Armin wouldn’t want too many kids—he would love all the ones you guys do have, but he doesn’t want a family as large as Jean’s or anything.
So you have one daughter and she is the center of his entire world. Nevermind the fact that even as an infant she clearly is a mommy’s girl, Armin still loves her with his whole heart, he’d give up anything for her.
She’s a pretty quiet kid, even as a baby. Not a lot of screaming or crying or kicking or whining—just a lot of sleeping. She’s almost scarily quiet... to the point where a few weeks after taking her home, Armin took her right back to the hospital because he was worried something might have been wrong with her hearing
A valid concern, but you admit it was a little funny seeing him fuss around and essentially try to cause a crying fit. Most other parents would kill to have a kid this quiet, and here was Armin snapping in your baby girls face trying to startle her.
Turns out nothing was wrong, the doctors (several, Armin wanted to be sure) assured you that her hearing was fine; she’s just a tired little bundle of joy. It’s gives Armin a lot of relief to know she’s perfectly healthy, but it does freak him out a little when he picks her up and she falls asleep within the next two minutes.
She does not get Armin’s blonde hair and he’s not upset about it. He’s not, really. Ask him, he’s perfectly fine with it. Not even a little bothered because he knows blonde is recessive. He gets it. Totally. Not bitter.
Truthfully, she looks... almost nothing like him at all, she’s all you, save for the shape of Armin’s eyes and his button nose; but just about everything else she gets from her mom. At first glance, you wouldn’t even be able to tell she was Armin’s kid.
Do you know how exhausted and bitter he is when he picks her up from school or whatever after school activities she has and they ask him for ID every single time 😭😭
She acts like him though, and as she gets older, it’s apparent she’s got his mind and curiosity and quite frankly, his ability to manipulate the two of you into getting her just about anything she wants.
Armin loves hanging out with her as she gets older, and he’s a pro with homework help, though she turns out to not need much help. She just pretends to because she likes spending time with Armin and counting dinosaurs with him.
Matching family pajamas for every holiday occasion: Christmas, Easter, New Year’s, St. Patrick’s day, hell even your birthdays. You all have matching pajamas and Armin loves it.
When she’s a baby, one of the first things Armin buys for her is a little plushy/stuffed animal, and you better believe it stays by her side through thick and thin. She’s very careful with it, even at five years old—she would never take it anywhere where it could potentially get dirty, and she keeps it in tip top shape. It’s her most prized possession.
At around that age for father’s day, she gets Armin a miniature/keychain version of the same plushy and he literally cries himself to sleep thinking about it it’s the cutest thing anybody has ever done for him. He wears it around with pride, happily telling people the lore of tiny stuffed animal hanging from his keys whenever they point it out.
Around that age is also when Armin realizes that maybe... maybe one more kid wouldn’t be too terrible. He grew up and only child and, yeah, he had Eren and Mikasa, but he always did wish he had a sibling...
You saw how your daughter turned out, so you don’t know why Armin is still sighs deeply when your son comes along and he also looks nothing like him 😭😭
He’s almost tempted to keep having kids until one of them at least resembles him a little bit. According to punnet squares if you had four at least one of them should look something like him right...
Unlike your daughter, your son cries for everything, and honestly, his older sister is the only one who can calm him down; virtually nothing you or Armin do can quiet him, but when his sister holds him, all is well in his world.
Armin feels kinda guilty using her as a baby-quieting machine but what else can you two do. Sometimes she just walks into your room while you and Armin are (unsuccessfully) trying to calm the crying baby, and she just sighs. Hops up on the bed, sits criss-cross in between you and Armin, and pokes her little brother’s cheek, “You’re being a crybaby.” And like magic, he starts to settle down.
(“This is probably not what they meant by gifted kid, but I swear she has a gift.”)
When that doesn’t happen tho, or the crying fit happens in the middle of the night, you can usually wake up to Armin curled up inside the baby’s crib, with your son on his chest, and Armin’s hands holding him close.
Armin spends a lot of time picking out their baby/booster seats and is 100% looking up and comparing the reliability of different brands. That goes for most things tho, from strollers to bibs, he’s done a thorough check on everything.
Obviously loves beach days with the kids, even if all your son can do is sit and splash his little baby hands around. Armin thinks it’s precious and he loves holding him up and dipping his little feet into the water.
His favorite thing tho is lining everyone up to leave footprints in the sand. He always takes a picture and keeps it as his homescreen.
Mikasa is the more trusted babysitter, but whether you two like or not, Eren is the favorite. There’s just something about him the kids like. Eren doesn’t have the same talent as your daughter, but even he can quiet down the crying toddler quicker than you can. (“They just recognize greatness.” “It’s just because you’re tall and your hand is big, shutup Eren.”)
They also really like Sasha, especially your daughter, and she very loudly proclaims that Mikasa and Sasha are her role models.
Blushes very easily whenever his kids poke at or kiss his cheeks. The one picture you have him and your daughter on Armin’s birthday with her hands around his neck giving him a kiss as he blows out his candles is one of his favorites.
He tries to become a better cook, but it doesn’t work out, so he leaves that you. What he does get good at is bath time and doing hair. Braids, twists, ponytails, headbands, bows, the whole show, he becomes a pro.
He’s a fucking wreck when you send them off to school/daycare for the first time. He made fun of Eren for not being able to make it through one work day after his paternity leave was up, but Armin is hardly any better. He doesn’t end up staying at home like Eren, but it is a big adjustment for him, and he can’t say he enjoys leaving them at all. 
When your daughter learns how to read, it’s her that reads bedtime stories to him. And Armin sits there and listens like she’s the greatest storyteller in the world and always applauds her for her reading skills. 
For whatever reason, one of the few things your son likes to fall asleep to is the sound of Armin typing on his computer, so he beings to use it to his advantage; he saves just a bit of work to do from home in the evenings, and conveniently does it all right before bedtime. 
Speaking of which everyone, yourself included, gets a little kiss on the forehead before bed. Two on your birthdays. 
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harryhoney-bee · 3 years
Hey bub!! I love your writing. I don’t know if your taking any requests or anything but if you are, could you write a little blurb about Harry and Y/N little girl having tantrums all day since she’s in her terrible twos age? Then at the end of the day Y/N and Harry finally settle her down and just cuddle on the couch and spend quality time with each other. Hope your having a great day/night. Love ya 🥰❤️
hi baby! Sorry, I took so long to answer you, but here it is, hope you like it. Love you, hope you had a good day <3
Word count: 1.3K
“(Y/n), could you please take her,” Asked Harry with a tired tone, Maya, the two-year-old on his arm, pout already placed in her angelical face, ready for another tantrum. “I need to answer emails and she just keeps screaming, I already tried giving her toys.”
It’s been like that all day, the phase of the terrible two was tiring, Maya was the sweetest baby, but sometimes she could just drop down on the floor, having full meltdowns because she didn't get to watch tv before bed. The past few months Maya’s been challenging (Y/n) and Harry at every second, she would find a reason to fight her parents no matter what.
If they didn’t let her run around naked? She would scream her lungs out. If they didn’t let her eat candy before dinner? She would lay down on the floor crying.
Of course, they were not bending to her wishes, (Y/n) more than anyone else was determined to teach Maya that she couldn’t and wouldn’t get things her way, normally Harry was the calmer one when it came to Maya’s tantrum, telling (Y/n) to take a breath while he talked to the girl, but even now Harry was annoyed, and that tells a lot about how stubbornly Maya was acting.
“Come on baby, let’s take a bath, it’s almost bedtime.” Said (Y/n) in an excited voice, trying another round of crying, she took Maya in her arms at the same time the girl started screaming.
“No bedtime, I want daddy.” Her little arms were fussing on (Y/n)’s body, trying not to be held. (Y/n) hated when this happened, she was her kid, why wouldn’t she want to spend time with her?.
The situation wasn't easy for Harry either, his eyes softened the moment he heard Maya calling for him.
“Maya, princess, you have to go with mommy now,'' cooed him, putting her curly hair behind her ear. “ Mommy is so fun, you love bathing with her.” Harry met (Y/n)’s eyes, a quiet 'im sorry’. He knows (Y/n) felt hurt whenever Maya rejected her like that.
“It’s just a phase” He would say, trying to smooth this wife out.
"I will even put bubbles baby! Let's go, say bye to daddy," (Y/n) smiled, looking at her daughter's face, no pout in it, just a smile.
"Bubbles, mommy?" Asked the girl, happiness in her eyes, she always loved bubble baths. "Can we play with Nemo too?"
"Of course!" Nemo was her rubber fish creatively named by harry.
"Bye angel, daddy will read you a story later," Said Harry, kissing Maya's hair and winking at (Y/n).
When they found a smart way to manage Maya's tantrums they would always wink at each other, a way to say 'we are a team and we did it!'
(Y/n) brought the little girl to the bathroom while Harry went to his office to finish his work, in a peaceful place now that Maya wasn't with him.
Since they had Maya the couple almost couldn't spend time alone, they were always working at each other's offices in the house, trying to keep the little girl entertained.
Today was one of the days they barely spoke, the day was chaotic and Maya was fussy, hopefully, they would get some alone time later.
"The water is warm baby, come on," (Y/n) placed the little girl in the bath, giving her Nemo, while also handing her other small toys so she could stay still while (Y/n) washed her beautiful hair.
"Mommy, I want the bunny book." Said the girl while splashing water around, (Y/n) splashed some on her back, making the girl laugh.
"When daddy is done he's gonna read it to you, don't worry, angel." She was almost done with her hair, a few more minutes and she would be squeaky clean, maybe (Y/n) could let her play some extra minutes to tire her out so that she would sleep more easily.
Maya was so cute when she was playing. At the moment she was doing a fish race with all of her toys, (Y/n) saw that her eyes were getting heavy. Harry was probably almost done so it was time to dry Maya's hair and put her in new pajamas.
"We are all done, Maya," said (Y/n) with a pink towel in hand, ready to wrap the girl from the cold. "Let's get out and put on some warm clothes."
The moment (Y/n) said those words, Maya started crying
"No! I don't wanna." Said the girl, not letting (Y/n) take her off the tub. "Wanna stay here.”
(Y/n) really didn't have the patience to deal with her anymore. "Maya, stop it, there is a time for everything, and now it's time to get ready for bed."
At the same time Maya started crying harder, Harry appeared at the door.
"Hey, what's wrong, why is she crying again?." Asked Harry, looking from one girl to another.
"Well, your child is being very difficult right now." Whispered (Y/n) to Harry so Maya wouldn't hear her.
"My child, huh?" Asked Harry playfully. "Why don't you go downstairs and turn on Netflix and I’ll take care of her, she must be tired." He suggested kissing his wife forehead, trying to calm her down.
"Are you sure? I can he–"
"No, love, you can go, me and Maya are gonna read some stories right, Maya?"
At the mention of her name Maya stopped crying, she looked at Harry with teary eyes. "The bunny book, daddy?"
"Yes, the bunny book, but only if you apologize to mommy for being stubborn," He said, taking Maya off the bathtub and putting the towel around her body.
"I'm sorry mommy," mumbled the girl looking down, now in Harry's arms, her little curls all over the place.
"It's alright baby, mommy loves you so much." (Y/n) gave her a kiss on her wet cheek. "Now daddy's gonna get you ready and you will read the bunny story!" Cheered (Y/n) to the little girl, who smiled back.
"Let's go to your room, princess," Harry said, now looking at (Y/n), winking at her. "And I'll see you downstairs."
And with that Harry left the bathroom with Maya in his arms, (Y/n) decided to brush her teeth while she was in the bathroom and go down to the living room.
She turned the TV on, putting on a nice and light movie while she laid down, waiting for Harry, a big and soft duvet wrapped around her body. The night was a bit chilly so she couldn't wait to feel Harry's warm body against her.
"So you started the movie without me, how rude," (Y/n) heard Harry saying from behind her, his voice soft, "Not even Caesar was betrayed like that."
He sat on her side, putting his arm around her shoulder bringing her closer, his finger gently caressing her skin.
"It's Nothing Hill, Harry, you know all the lines," Teased (Y/n), placing her head on his shoulder. "How was Maya? I didn't hear a peep, so I guess everything was okay?'
"Yes, she went down without a fight. After page 2 she was snoring just like her mom." Laughed Harry mirroring (Y/n) and putting the duvet around his body, holding his wife's hips so she could straddle him.
"I don't snore!" (Y/n) protested a pout on her face. "Neither do Maya."
"Be real baby, you snore, but it's ok because I love all the sounds you make," said Harry suggestively, biting her lips softly.
"Oh I love this part,'' said Harry suddenly, fixing his eyes on the TV. (Y/n) didn't care to move her head, letting it rest on her husband's chest.
"Tired baby? Don't wanna watch it?" Asked Harry, stroking her hair, his other hand on her back.
"Yes, but you can watch, I’m just gonna take a nap." Whisper (Y/n) against Harry's body. "I’m sorry, I know it's been some time since we don't spend quality time–"
"Don't be silly, love whenever moment I spend with you is amazing, ok? Go take a nap, today was a hard day."
(Y/n) did as she was told, slowly drifting to sleep at the background noise of the tv.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Could you please write something about Aaron is very popular with the soccer moms and Emily is very jealous and shows her possessiveness, which Aaron thinks is cute.
I don't know if my grammar or spelling is correct because I am a foreigner, if you find my mistake please let me know, thanks.
Hi friend!! I love this idea and had IMMEDIATE inspiration.
Also, I hope you, or anyone else, never feel the need to justify your spelling/grammar to me!! <3 You're doing an amazing job - and better than I could ever dream of doing in frankly any language that isn't English Love you all <3
Going Green
Emily liked to think she was reasonable. Right up until the moment she sees someone flirting with her husband.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: So fluffy you will have to brush your teeth afterwards
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Aaron groans as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, scratching the back of his head as the sound becomes a yawn. Sleep had been a rare commodity over the last few months, even rarer than normal, and he felt like he’d barely closed his eyes before his alarm went off. 
He initially heads for the kitchen to turn on the coffee machine, but hears soft whispers coming from the living room, so goes in that direction instead. He leans against the doorframe, a smile on his face as he watches his wife, their three-month-old in her arms as she paces back and forth. Gently patting their son’s back as she talks to him, her lips against the top of his head. 
“Daddy thinks he’s sneaky, huh Hugo?” Emily whispers, her lips twitching up into a smile as her eyes flash to him briefly before she returns all of their attention to their baby, “But he forgets Mommy used to be a spy, he can’t sneak up on me.” 
Aaron walks over and wraps his arm around her, leaning in to kiss her good morning, “Hi, sweetheart.” 
“Hi,” she replies, kissing him again before continuing to pace, Hugo already fussing because she’d stopped, “We barely got any sleep,” she says, smiling tiredly at her husband, “I gave up trying a couple of hours and brought him down here.” 
Hugo had been colicky since he was born. Crying at all times of the night and only sleeping if he was in one of his parent’s arms, Emily’s if he had a choice. It meant they took it in turns to stay up with him so the other could sleep. It meant that Emily struggled when Aaron was away on cases, several nights in a row with very little reprieve. She still had a month of her maternity left, one of the perks of being married to the boss, and she wasn’t sure how she’d cope when she went back to work.
She’d be starting a new job, becoming a unit chief herself for a different team, which was enough of a change in itself. When she added in the fact she’d be leaving her son for more than an hour or so at a time for the first time she could barely think about it. 
“You should have woken me up, Em,” he says, furrowing his brow at her, “I could have helped.” 
“It’s ok,” she replies, yawning, “One of us needs to be a functioning member of society,” she smiles at him, “It’s your turn tonight though, honey.” 
“Of course,” he says, stopping her in place by putting his hand on her back, “Do you want me to take him so you can go shower? Have a few minutes to yourself?” 
She moans at the thought of it and nods, “God, yes that sounds amazing,” she kisses Hugo’s cheek before handing him over, smiling at the sight of him and Aaron together, “I only fed him about an hour ago so he should be fine.” 
Aaron nods in acknowledgement, aware from experience that if he tried to be funny when she was giving him instructions about their son it didn’t go down well. 
“We’ll be fine, won’t we buddy?” He says, holding Hugo close before looking back up at her, “Go on, sweetheart. Jack will be up soon and the day will only get more chaotic.” 
She nods, giving them one last glance before she walks away, unable to stop herself from yawning as she walks up the stairs. She barely has her feet back on solid ground and Jack’s door bursts open, an excited look on his face.
“Morning, Mom!” 
Despite her exhaustion, she smiles at him, stepping towards him and opening her arms up for a hug. It had been months since he started calling her mom, and it was still as incredible to her as it had been the first time. He steps into her arms and hugs her tightly. 
“Morning, honey,” she says, pushing his hair off of his forehead, “Did you sleep ok?” He nods in response, and it makes her smile, “Your brother didn’t keep you awake?” 
He shrugs slightly, “Hugo can’t help it, he’s a baby.” 
It makes her smile deepen, her and Aaron’s words repeated back at her. A common thing that had been said in their home, especially in the first few weeks after they brought Hugo back from the hospital. 
“Exactly,” she ruffles his hair before she steps away, “I’m going to shower quickly, but then it’s breakfast time and then your big soccer game.” 
“You and Hugo are coming this time, right?” He asks, excitement making his eyes wide as he looks at her. 
She hesitates. She hadn’t been to one of Jack’s games since just before she gave birth. At first, it was practical. She was too pregnant to sit in the uncomfortable stands and, according to Aaron, too hormonal to watch other women talk to him as he coached the games. She was insistent that they were all flirting with him. The combination of him being an excellent father and coach along with the polo shirt he insisted on wearing apparently made him irresistible to not only her. Aaron kept saying that they were just being nice, but she knew better. 
Since then it had become easier for her to stay home with the baby and for Aaron to take Jack to his games. She knew she would start going back soon, but she was exhausted, hoping that she could get a nap of some sort when Hugo finally slept in the later morning. 
“Mom,” he says, the closest he ever came to whining, “You promised.” 
She sighs and then nods, “Yeah, you’re right I did,” she smiles, “We’ll be there.”
The smile on his face is worth all the exhaustion in the world.
Emily finds herself pacing back and forth at the end of the pitch, switching between ensuring the son she had strapped to her chest was sleeping and that the one playing soccer would see her watching him. 
“Been a while since you were here.” 
She turns her head to look at Dave, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and she smiles at him. 
“I promised Jack I’d come along,” she says, “Something I said before I didn’t get any sleep last night.” 
He smiles at the baby, fast asleep against Emily, “He still hates sleeping?”
“Yes,” she replies, the mere thought of sleep enough to make her yawn, “Good thing he’s so cute.” She looks back over to the game, which was just about to end, and smiles at Aaron from across the pitch, offering him a little wave that he returns. She spots the other women, the moms of both teams watching his every move. 
“Last time you were here I seem to remember you making your feelings about the soccer moms very clear,” Dave says, never missing a thing as always. The mention of it makes her cheeks flush slightly. Aaron liked to say that she all but mounted him in front of everyone to mark her territory, something she thought was a slight exaggeration. 
“I was pregnant,” she says, defending herself as she kisses the top of Hugo’s head, “I wasn’t entirely in control of my emotions.” 
Dave hums in his throat, “I’ll believe you, thousands wouldn’t.” 
Hugo fusses, crying sharply for a moment until Emily focuses her attention back on him, stroking the back of her finger down his cheek. 
“You’re ok, sweet boy,” Emily says, running her hand up and down Hugo’s back through the baby carrier securing him to her chest, “You’re ok.” 
“What’s wrong with mini bossman?” Dave asks, smirking as uses the nickname that Penelope had assigned the baby the first time she met him. 
“He’s just grouchy, and stop calling my son that,” Emily replies, narrowing her eyes at him. 
“Well you did name him after a fashion brand,” he quips and she looks at him, her glare deepening. 
“I did not, I named him after the man who created the sci-fi genre.” 
“I always forget how much of a nerd you are,” Dave says, clearly having fun winding her up, not phased by her annoyance in any way. 
“Why are you here again?” She asks, looking down at her son, smiling when she sees he’s fast asleep. 
“I help Aaron with the team.” 
“Sure,” she replies, raising an eyebrow at him, “That’s why you’re all the way over here, pissing me off instead of over there helping.” 
He pauses and looks at her, a smile she’d almost call proud if she didn’t know any better  “You know, you somehow manage to still be quite intimidating, even with a baby strapped to you.” 
“Thank you,” she says genuinely, looking over to the sidelines and seeing Aaron talking to a couple of women she recognised as the mothers of Jack’s school friends, two women she knew were called Angela and Mary. She tries to maintain her cool, reminds herself that they are just being nice, and then she sees one of them reaching out to touch Aaron. Her hand squeezing tightly around his arm. Emily clenches her teeth and clears her throat, “Let’s go put that to the test.”
She walks away without saying anything else, and only hears Dave’s response as she does so. 
“What was that you said about it being pregnancy hormones?” He asks, laughing as she flips him off whilst she walks away. 
Aaron has to hide a smirk as she approaches. A determined look on her face that is in no way made any duller by their baby strapped to her chest. 
“Honey,” she says, her voice as sweet as he’d ever heard it as she makes it to his side, “I missed you.” 
She smiles as Angela and Mary take a step backwards, fake smiles etched on their faces. 
“You missed me?” He asks, his eyebrow raised at her as she puts her arm around him, her fingers digging into his ribs slightly.
She hums in response, “So did this little one,” she says, nodding down to Hugo. 
“Well,” he says indulgently, the smile on his face letting her know he knew exactly what she was doing, “I missed you both too.” 
Emily finally acknowledges the other women, both of them still staring at the couple. “Andrea, Mandy,” she says, purposely getting their names wrong, “It’s good to see you both.”
“It’s Angela and Mary,” Angela says, her smile almost as fake as Emily’s. 
“Right, sorry,” she says, sounding anything but, “Baby brain.” 
“He’s adorable,” Mary says, reaching out to touch Hugo but Emily steps backwards, her hand coming to rest on his back as if to protect him. 
“Thank you,” Emily replies, “We’re very proud of him.” 
The silence they fall into is slightly awkward until Angela speaks, “Well we should get going, the boys will want lunch.” 
“Good to see you,” Emily says, watching them go, her smile fixed on her face until they are no longer in sight. She turns to look back at her husband, her eyebrow raised, “Have they been flirting with you like this the entire time I’ve been at home on Saturday mornings looking after our son?”
“I feel like there isn’t a safe way to answer that question,” Aaron replies, kissing the top of her head as he cups the back of Hugo’s, smiling at his youngest son. 
“And who tries to touch someone else’s baby?” She says as if he hadn’t spoken, “Who knows where she’s been.” 
He laughs at that, no longer able to hold it back as he kisses her head again before looking down at her. 
“Settle down, sweetheart,” he says gently, “You scared them off quite successfully,” he kisses her when he sees her frown hasn’t gone away, “You’re somehow still incredibly intimidating even though you have a baby strapped to you.”
Her lips twitch in a smile at that and she tilts her head back in Dave’s direction, who was now talking with Jack. 
“Your best friend said the same thing.”
“You said the same thing about yourself?” He asks, his eyebrow raised and she rolls her eyes, her smile breaking out fully across her face. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
He hums, putting his arm around her shoulder as he leads them towards Jack and Dave, the thought of pancakes at their favourite diner all but calling his name. She leans into him a little bit, her hand linking with the one draped around her as she makes eye contact with Angela and Mary again. 
“You’re coming to every game from now on, no matter what aren’t you?” 
“You bet your ass I am.” 
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word-scribbless · 3 years
Oh Baby part 5
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(As a teacher who took many child development courses, I know I made Amelia talk more than a normal one year old but I’m taking some creative liberties haha 😂. Just assume she’s a baby genius!)
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It was the night before Amelia’s first birthday, and the day they would sign the paperwork for Gibbs to officially adopt her. Gibbs and Y/N stood over their daughters crib, leaning against each other, after tucking her in.
“You ready to legally become this little girls daddy tomorrow?” Y/N said as she leaned over Amelia’s crib to stroke the sleeping girl’s cheek.
“Been ready” he smiled and kissed Y/N’s head.
“She’ll officially be Amelia Gibbs!” She whispered as they walk from the nursery to their room, hand in hand.
“You ever think about being a Gibbs too?” He asked as they sat down on the edge of their bed.
Y/N froze slightly and turned to him.
“All the time” she answered truthfully, reaching to touch his face. “but” she continued and looked at him a little sad.
“J you know that with or with out an us, you’ll still be Amelia’s dad right?” She asked him. She knew he loved her, but never wanted to force him to take another step with her because he felt like he had to or because of Amelia.
“Do ya not wanna marry me?” He asked.
“No! I do!” She corrected quickly and he smiled lightly. “God of course I do! Being your wife would mean so much to me! But I don’t want you to feel like you have to marry me because I’m legally Amelia’s mom.”
“That’s not the reason I brought it up” he stated matter of factly and cupped her face.
“You said you’d never get married again” she reminded.
“Then I fell in love with you.” He said with a smirk. He knew she was just trying to make sure he was comfortable moving forward, and he loved her for that.
“J” she smiled. He loved that she never questioned his love for her, she took him for his word and he would never lie to her because of that.
“I bought this a week before you told me about Amelia.” He said, pulling out a beautiful simple engagement ring from his night stand.
“You- you had this ring all that time!” She gasped and ran a finger gently over the band while the other hand cupped his hands. He nodded and smiled at her reaction.
“You bought a ring and I dumped you!” She said and looked so hurt at the idea that she hurt him like that. He quickly shook his head, moving a hand to her cheek to sooth her worried look.
“When I found out why, I knew I loved you even more. I know I’m not great at marriages” he chuckled “but, with you and Amelia i don’t want to run. I want us.” He smiled and reached into the drawer again.
“Bought these the week after we got back together.” He said pulling out 2 wedding bands that had all 3 of their initials carved on the inside.
“I love you!” She said through tears “and I love how sweet you are, but I’ll keep it a secret.” She smiled. She loved how loving and gentle he was, and that only her and Amelia got to see it.
“I love you!” He answered as he pulled her into his lap and kissed her.
“Did you just ask me to marry you?” She asked against his lips.
“Not yet” he laughed
“You gonna?” She asked and he smirked at her before nodding and taking the engagement ring from the box.
Gibbs took her hand and kissed her ring finger.
“Y/N y/l/n I love you, I love our family. You and Amelia make me a better man” he got choked up and she wiped a tear from his cheek. “I don’t ever want it any other way. So, will you do me the honor of being a Gibbs too? Will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes of course!” She said as he slid the ring in her finger and kissed her.she wrapped him in a hug and tucked her head into his neck. “That was so well worded for a functional mute.” She giggled into his neck and heard him huff a laugh before she kissed the skin there.
“You should keep these out too!” She said sitting back up and taking the wedding bands from him.
He raised an eye brow to ask why.
“tomorrow! I- I want to get married tomorrow!”
She said grabbing something from her drawer.
“Wasn’t sure if I was going to bring it up or not but... I looked into what we need to do to make us official tomorrow too.”
She nodded with a shy smile and took his hand.
“We can wait but” she started and he stopped her saying.
“No! Tomorrow is good.”
“I wasn’t expecting the rings or the proposal but, I want this and I don’t want to wait!” She smiled and kissed her.
“Me either! I’ll keep these with Amelia’s ring for now.” He said and turned back to his bed side table.
“What?” She asked.
“Made her one too”
“You! You did?”
“Yeah it’s wooden, figured she could wear it as a necklace once it doesn’t fit anymore and right now just for pictures but.”
“I love you!” She said cutting him off with a kiss.
“I love you! Ready to be a Gibbs tomorrow?” He asked, kissing her back.
“I’m ready right now! But I’ll settle for tomorrow!” She said pulling him down into the bed with her.
They next morning Y/N woke up to Amelia’s calls for them both and the bed gently shifting as he got up to get her.
“Guess our little girl is excited for her big day!” She said, moving to follow her soon to be husband.
“Come on mrs gibbs let’s go see our girl” He said as he reached his hand out for her.
“I love the sound of that!”
They walked into Amelias room to her clapping, excited to see them there.
“Well hi there our big one year old!” Gibbs cooed as he scooped Amelia from her crib.
“You’re a whole year old today! And officially becoming a Gibbs!” Y/N smiled, what a big day for you bug!” She said and Amelia giggled moved in gibbs arms to hold her mom’s.
“Thank you y/N. Gibbs smiled and kissed Amelia’s head and then Y/N’s. He may not have said for what, but she knew.
“You’ve always been her daddy Jethro! Thank you for wanting this.” She answered and tucked into his side.
After eating breakfast they walked back to Amelia’s room to get ready for the day.
“What do you say Ami! Ready to become Gibbses!” She said tickling her side
Amelia let out a happy squeal and babbled yeah yeah yeah!”
“Me too little one!”
Gibbs smiled as Y/N scooped Amelia from his arms and started to change her diaper. He went to get the little dress they’d picked out and the bow head band.
“Let’s get you ready little miss!” He smiled as he moved to put the dress over her head. “Mommy and Daddy are getting married today so let’s let momma go get all fancy too huh?” He said to the little girl, causing Y/N to smile and move to let Gibbs finish getting their daughter ready.
She stopped right before she pulled her dress on and panicky rushed back to Gibbs.
“A witness!”
“I think mommy’s going coocoo Miss meali” he laughed.
“No Jethro! I didn’t get a witness to be there so we can get married!”
“I’ve got it covered!” He said scooping up a fully dressed Amelia. And spinning her around.
“Our 1 year old doesn’t could as a witness Jay!”
He smirked “I’m aware.”
“So you asked someone?”
He nodded
She huffed “okay I see you nodding but I’m actually gonna need words for this one!”
“Ducky is meeting us at noon.”
“Ahh you think of everything! I love you! And you!” She said kissing them both.
“We love you too! No go get ready!” He chuckled and pushed her back to their room.
At the court house the three of them were all smiles as Amelia and then Y/N became official Gibbs girls. Amelia clung to her Poppa the whole time they were going through the adoption process. When everything was official Y/N and Jethro locked eyes, both brimming with happy tears. They laughed as Amelia noticed her daddy’s tears and wiped them with her little hands before saying “Poppa!” To make him smile. Then looking at Y/N and repeating the process.
“We aren’t sad baby! We are so happy to be a family.” Y/N smiled as Gibbs kissed Amelia’s cheek and said “not sad tears princess, they’re I Love You tears.”
She giggle as he tickled her belly and she cooed “uv ouuuu!” To her parents.
Shortly after, ducky arrived and they prepared for the next big event of the day. Gibbs held Amelia in one arm and Y/N’s hand with the other.
The ceremony was short and sweet and very Gibbs like with no fuss. He promised himself that after everything was said and done he’d plan any kind of party or ceremony she’d want , but he loved that just their little family and a close friend was here for this one.
“Jethro, y/n said before she slid his ring on his hand. “thank you, for choosing and loving me and Amelia every single day, and letting us choose and love you. You two are my everything and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She smiled through tears as she slid on his ring.
Jethro cleared his throat and took her hand. “Not much for words, but I’d write a book for you girls. I love you both so much and always will.” He said and Y/N wiped a tear from his cheek and took Amelia so he could get her ring from Ducky and slide it on her finger.
After they were officially husband and wife,
Ducky hugged them all and said “well Gibbs family, I will see you soon. Are you going to tell the team about this?” He said pointing to their rings.
“Let’s test their skill.” Gibbs joked
“My bet is Tony notices first.” Y/N laughed and ducky shook his head
“I say abs” Gibbs countered and looked at Amelia.
“What do you think meali who will notice mommy and daddy’s rings first?” He asked her with a laugh.
“IVA!” She squealed her version of Ziva’s name and ducky laughed.
“I think she’s on to something, I’ll see you three this evening.”
“Hey Duck” Gibbs said jogging after him while Y/N stood talking and giggling with Amelia.
“Thank you for doing this. Glad you were here.” He continued.
“Oh my dear boy” Ducky said patting his back. “Thank you for letting me be here. You take care of them.” He said nodding towards the girls.
“Always” Gibbs smiled.
A few hours later Y/N and Andi had the whole house decorated and ready for Amelia’s birthday party, while Josh and Gibbs entertained the girls in the back yard.
“So you really did it, tied the knot huh?” Josh asked Gibbs as they held the girls hands while they kick balls around the yard.
“Yup” Gibbs answered with a smile.
“Andi said Y/N wasn’t so sure you’d be up for marriage again. Said she didn’t mind either way, but I know that she is thrilled to be your wife.”
“Pretty thrilled to have her as my wife.” He smirked and Josh smiled.
“Poppa!” Amelia squealed from the grass, he kneeled down and scooped her up.
“What’s up little girl?”
She smile and nuzzled her face against his.
“Someone else is thrilled to be your family too.”
Josh smiled and scooped up Riley.
Gibbs just smiled and kissed Amelia’s head.
“I’m a lucky man Josh.” He stated and went to go find his wife.
“Hey!” She said as he found her in the kitchen and pulled her into a family hug.
“Momma!” Amelia giggled and kissed her face.
“What are you two doing?” She smiled and leaned back into her husband.
“Just missed ya!” He said , she smiled and caught his lips with hers before they heard the doorbell ring.
They walked to get it together, wanting Amelia to greet her first guests. She clapped as they opened the door to the whole team. Abby scooped her up out of Gibbs arms (after making sure Gibbs kissed her first so she wouldn’t scream) and carried her off to play.
Gibbs was sitting with ducky and McGee when Tony walked over.
“Boss, for a man who said he wanted to stay single... you got pretty lucky.”
“I sure did DiNozzo.”
He laughed before he heard Ziva yell “NO WAY!” From the kitchen.
He turned around to see Ziva holding y/N’s hand and staring at her rings.
“So very lucky!” Tony said earning a smile from Gibbs. Then he proceeded to make a comment about having 5 wives that quickly earned him a Gibbs slap.
“Guess Amelia won the bet” Y/N said laughing
“What do you mean?”
“We took bets on who would notice first and meals picked you!” She said to Ziva.
“My girl!” Ziva said scooping her up.
“Who said me?” McGee asked, and practically outed when they all looked guilty.
“Sorry Mcoblivious.” Tony laughed and Amelia pouted at him and turned to time.
“We lug ou -I’m -im!” She smiled as she reached for him,
The Gibbs family enjoyed their day with their little found family. Amelia loved her cake and playing with the bows from her presents.
Finally they sat with the last present. It was from Gibbs and y/n was just as out of the loop as everyone else about it. Amelia (with Y/N’s help unwrapped a beautiful jewlrey box.
“Did you make this?” Y/n asked Gibbs with tears in her eyes.
“I did” he nodded.
The box looked exactly like the one Y/N’s grandmother had given her when she was a baby.
“Jethro this is so perfect!”
“Gonna share with the class?” Tony butted in.
“Sorry” y/n laughed “um when I was growing up my grandmother gave me a jewelry box like this and when I turned 18 she gave me our family heirloom locket to go with it.” she touched the locket on her neck. “The jewlrey box was ruined in a flood and this.” She sniffed “this is one Jethro made for Amelia! She can put her ring in there” she said to Gibbs, “and the locket when she turns 18.” She smiled so widely as she watched their daughter run her hand along the carved box.
“Who are you and what have you done with our boss” Tony said to Gibbs and was met by a glare from both Gibbs and his daughter.
“Of all the things she could learn from you she gets the glare!?” Y/N laughed and hugged them both.
What a perfect first official day as a family.
Next chapter
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