#biG OOF
lavendervirgos · 12 days
When they force your hands behind your back but link their fingers with yours >>>>
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wildemaven · 12 days
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It’s the same look… 🥺
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movietimegirl · 2 months
This...didn't age well
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yo my best friend kinda sorta just told me she doesn’t believe aromatics and aroaces exist..
btw I’m aroace
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simplykorra · 1 year
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some kty’s to make your day better
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boomkitty86 · 2 months
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s3curitybotvess · 3 months
Ritzneer comic?!1!1!!!
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a-hermit-pining · 5 months
Argument with Nanami Kento
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Genre: angst
Pairing: Nanami x Reader
Summary: There are parts of his life that exist beyond you. Somethings that you can never be a part of. Pieces of him that will never belong to you.
AN: @kazenomegaminowanpisu I hope you like this :)))
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You despise tears. Specifically, your tears. Even now the source of your tears is much less of an annoyance that their very presence. You never allow anyone to see them. Your tears are yours.
They are your burden, your weakness of bear. Kento was right as always and you knew it. You knew it all along.
There had always been an ever-present argument in your relationship with him. The argument of his time. In addition to being your boyfriend, Kento is also a sorcerer and an office worker.
There are parts of his life that exist beyond you. Somethings that you can never be a part of. Pieces of him that will never belong to you.
You wanted those pieces so badly. You wanted them for yourself, just like you gave him everything.
Initially, it had been easier to mask your displeasure with smiles, supporting Kento with messages of understanding at a canceled plan. But every passing day wore you down.
Awkward stares at an empty dinner table in the restaurant or sympathetic smiles as you walked out of a packed theatre alone. Even the sight of your own reflection as you took off the makeup after another canceled date mocked you.
Every failed meeting jeered at you. Were you the fool? Did he not want you like you wanted him?
It did not take long for your frustrations to boil into minor arguments, which later morphed into bigger ones. Arguments where both you and him tore apart every weakness, where you did everything you could to hurt him the way he hurt you.
"Does this ever matter to you, Kento?" you slam open the door to your apartment and rip off the heels that left blisters on your feet. "All you had to do was show up to this one reunion." Filling a cup with water, you turn back to him, "One evening where all my friends, my past schoolmates wanted to meet you. You couldn't do it." Gulping down the water, you close your eyes, trying to calm your temper.
You watch Kento sigh as he loosens his tie. "I tried, but something came up. I made it to greet them, didn't I?" His voice remains devoid of any emotion, which seems to flare your anger even further.
"Yeah? Should I thank you for showing up when everyone was leaving the venue?" Your mind wanders to the mocking stares of all your friends. A relationship that had once been the point of envy for all was now nothing more than a jest. The unfairness of it all tugged at your heart.
The man in question, Kento, does not even care to confront your anger. Instead, your boyfriend of half a decade plops himself on the couch. "I got caught up with a last-minute call. Couldn't make it." His words are the same old, repeating excuse that is presented to you for every grievance.
Marching toward the couch, you cross your arms, frustration bubbling within you as you confront Kento. His attention seems to be captivated by everything in the room except for you. The air is thick with tension, and you can feel the weight of your emotions pressing against your chest.
"You could have called, texted, or anything to let me know. I wouldn't have forced my friends to wait for you! Kento, do I matter even a little to you?" Your voice wavers slightly as you muster the strength to hold back your tears. You refuse to let your vulnerability show, at least not yet.
He sighs, barely bothering to look at you. It feels as though even acknowledging your presence is a task too arduous for him. The silence hangs in the air, and you can hear the distant sounds of the city outside, a stark contrast to the emotional turbulence within the room.
The distance between you feels insurmountable, and a wave of frustration washes over you. You expected more, something, anything that would indicate he cared about the impact of his actions on you. The lack of a response intensifies the ache in your chest.
"My duty will always fall above you. Saving hundreds will always come before you," his words hang in the air, a heavy proclamation that offers no solace. Instead, it pushes you deeper into the abyss of your own perceived insignificance to him. The weight of those words feels like a cold shiver running down your spine.
"We've talked of this multiple times, and it seems to me you are incapable of understanding me. Everything seems to be about you. Did you even bother to ask about my day? If I was hurt in the sudden emergency?" The edge in his voice cuts through you, each accusation slicing deeper than the last. His words cause your steps to falter. Is this truly how he sees you? A self-centered partner?
But Kento doesn't stop there. For the first time, his words flow without an end in sight. "I am tired of consoling your little tantrums. And if adjusting to my life is so hard for you, then maybe I am not what you need. Fin-"
You can't bear to hear the rest. The words feel like a dagger, and you refuse to let him plunge it any deeper. Gathering the broken pieces of your heart, you rush into the emptiness of your room—the same room you once shared with him.
Alone in the silence, it's easier to let the tears fall down your cheeks. Holding them back had been harder than ever, especially when the person you thought would always stand by you seemed ready to let you go so effortlessly.
How effortlessly he had offered to give up on everything you had wanted to fight for. Was this truly what he desired? Freedom from you? An escape from the constraints of your expectations? The questions echo in your mind, and the ache in your chest deepens as you grapple with the possibility that the person you loved may not be willing to fight for the relationship as much as you are.
Lost in a trance you pull your hair free of the straining bun. You peel off the dress that he once claimed to be his favorite on you, he had failed to notice it today.
But even as you do all this there is one single thought in your mind. One that echoes the loudest. Kento, your boyfriend did not want you anymore. You were not needed in his life. Nothing more than a hinderance in the grand scheme of things. The voices in your head were vicious.
Dressed in the comfort of your pajamas you sit on your bed. Lost in the numbness of your realization, you stare at your hands. What to do? How would you survive the void of his absence in your life.
Leaving everything behind...could there be any other life for you if not for the one by his side. Somehow you had managed to destroy whatever you built with him.
Maybe you were too controlling. Too demanding. Perhaps you were selfish. Too wanting for something that was not yours alone. How suffocating must it have been for Kento.
The weight of these questions hangs in the air. Does he despise you for it? The possibility gnaws at you. You contemplate the idea of apologizing, begging, trying to make amends, but a more profound uncertainty lingers – would he even want that?
Lost in the noise of your thoughts, you don't notice Kento entering the room until he crouches in front of you. Your gaze remains fixed on the emptiness of your palms, now filled with the silent weight of teardrops.
His hands suddenly clutch yours, breaking the reverie, and you look up in panic. This is your chance to make things right. His warm touch trails patterns on the back of your hands, offering a flicker of comfort amid the turmoil.
"Kento…" Your voice is hoarse, and you continue, determined to express the turmoil within. "I am sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have… I—please don't make me… I'll be better." Your words spill out in a desperate mess, a plea for understanding and a chance to mend what seems irreparable.
"I won't ever complain. I wi—" Your words come to a sudden halt as his finger gently rests on your lips, effectively silencing your messy monologue.
"You have every right to complain," he asserts, cupping your face and coaxing you to finally look at him. His touch wipes away the tears that linger on your cheeks.
"I was wrong. My duty as a sorcerer is important to me, but it does not come at your cost. Protecting others should never come at the cost of hurting you or dismissing you." His words carry a weight of sincerity, and for the first time, you notice the slight wetness that gathers in the corners of his eyes. "I am sorry for making you feel this way. For causing you such grief. For making you think so little for yourself."
His words are like a balm, soothing the wounds created by the recent turmoil. As if sprung into sudden action, your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. For now just his presence was enough. Being a small part of his life was enough.
So you let him kiss you, hold you close and drown into the delusion that you mattered to Nanami Kento. Perhaps this delusion would suffice your heart one day.
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collagedotorg · 26 days
I was wrong I got 2 more ideas lmao
Lee Fletcher
Michael Yew
I did both but I’m gonna put Lee here and Michael in his own post!
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Lee Fletcher
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art-appreciation-dog · 7 months
(Via simone's little shoppe)
This and hitting the imaginary Undo button... 😭
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jenillustrator · 17 days
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There's this tik tok niche called Jayomas lawfirm. And I swear they're so funny cuz it's this lawyer getting the worst criminals off of their cases. I had to make a little meme of it cuz it's just tooooo funny.
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seieifsetsuna · 4 months
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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some assembly required
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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marinaiguess · 11 months
no more wholesome sonic and Tails
give me sonic who fucked up as a big brother because he didn't know how to properly raise a child. give me tails who is tired of living as Sonic's shadow. give me absent sonic. give me tails who decides to do things his own way but just ends up doing what sonic doesn't. give me sonic trying to protect tails by staying away from him. give me tails who is confused as to why sonic is leaving him on his own so much more often. give them a few years to grow apart without either of them knowing what happened. give me tails who is mad at sonic, so much so that he eventually turns against him (not by joining forces with eggman though). give me sonic who is confused as to what happened between them.
fights, misunderstandings, repressing emotions, choosing violence over words, manipulation.
do you understand what I mean
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justtuffithinkabout · 5 months
So I just got around to watching the first of the Lord of the Rings movies (extended edition of course) and they made me realize just how much Gandalf's death must've weighed on Pippin.
Like, when they come out of Moria, you see Pippin curled up on the ground with Merry holding him and at first you think "that's so sad look how much they're grieving that Gandalf is dead" but Pippin could reasonably blame himself for the death. He caused that corpse to fall down the well and let all of Moria know they were there, which probably alerted the balrog.
Consider *book Pippin*.
Book Pippin did not poke an arrow and accidentally knock a corpse over the edge of the well. In the book "he groped for a loose stone, and let it drop. He felt his heart beat many times before there was any sound. Then far below, as if the stone had fallen into deep water in some cavernous place, there came a *plunk*, very distant, but magnified and repeated in the hollow shaft."
That was *not* an accident.
And that would be a lot of guilt for even someone like Aragorn or Boromir, someone accustomed to things going wrong and losing people, but Pippin is not even an *adult* yet!
Hobbits come of age at 33. Pippin is 28. Even if you are conservative about it and take that 33 to be more equivalent to 21, he is *seventeen years old*. If you go by the technical, legal adulthood of 18, he is *fifteen!!*
Like. Wow.
Imagine being fifteen and being the probable cause of death of an extremely powerful, possibly immortal being who has been involved in the history of your family (it's mentioned in The Hobbit that Gandalf has taken many Took boys and girls off on adventures through the generations) and community for probably centuries, because you were *bored and curious*
Can't wait to watch the rest of the movies and get emotionally whammied even more 👍
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