#but I'm also crying all the damn time happy sad all of the things
sagittariangirl27 · 3 months
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 month
Tolerate It (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: Everyting will be okay.
A/n: shes a lil small, but shes here hehe
(also creds to @mybestfriendmademe for giving me the idea for the part about fights and silence 🥹😚)
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Azriel had never been given the love a child should have received, and maybe that was the reason he thought himself undeserving of it.
Maybe it was his ugly hands and the way he knew that those hands would taint the beautiful, pure skin of his mate.
Whatever it was, he knew he had fucked up when he returned home to find the house empty, the usual warmth and happy aura that he had gotten used to being gone, the house now back to the desolate place it had been before she came along to light it up.
Azriel had realised how much of an ass he'd been to his mate the moment he left, and then decided that he would apologise and explain his behaviour when he returned home that night.
But then the house was empty, and the whole place void of the things that made him want to call it home, so Azriel had simply sighed, knowing he was at fault as he turned and flew to the river house.
Of course, his sister in law had glared holes into his back the entire time he had been begging Rhys to disclose Y/n's location, and even Rhys looked disgusted with his brother.
Defeated, Azriel knew she would not be found unless she wanted to be, so he decided to return and wait it out.
Just before he left the River house, he ordered his shadows to go search the whole of Velaris for Y/n.
"Leave her alone. Let her think this through. You fucked up brother, now let her decide if she wants to forgive you."
Azriel ignored Rhysand, taking off towards the home he used to share with her, now nothing but four walls and a roof to him.
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He knew he fucked up, he didn't need anyone to tell him that.
But still, no one left him be. No one let him wallow in his self hatred and pity.
They made it worse by fucking caring for him.
Cassian would visit Azriel, yell and fight, but then leave him food to eat because Azriel was so busy beating himself up over his actions that he had forgotten to eat anything.
Nesta would visit, starting to clean around the house without a word, and when Azriel would try to stop her, she would just glare at him and say the same few words. She did not like untidiness. I'm doing it for her.
Rhys had also stopped sending Azriel on missions, so that didn't help in any way considering Azriel had nothing to occupy his time with, ensuring him feeling guilty all the damn time.
Her silence made him curse himself more. Being an Illyrian, he was used to fights and arguments, but he wasn't used to being ignored. You either fought it out, or you killed in the camps. There was no other choice.
The quiet was too loud for Azriel, to the point he was convinced he was going mad.
It had been almost a week of him either staring up at his ceiling, wanting to just die, or bawling his eyes out in the bathtub, because then no one would see the tears that escaped his eyes.
Once again, Azriel could not help but think of how if he had just opened up to Y/n, let himself be vulnerable, cried in front of her as he told her of everything he had been through, he wouldn't have had to wipe his tears by himself.
Because then she would have wiped his tears for him, held him through the worst of nights, and kissed his sadness away.
But alas, he just had to continue being his thick skulled bastard self.
As he now stared at the half eaten apple Feyre had shoved into his hand when she stopped by his house on her way to the art studio, his heart stopped.
No. Some of us must stay back with him.
It doesn't matter. He will cry anyway. We must go to her.
She doesn't need all of us right now.
His head whipped to where a couple of his shadows hovered nearby, his eyes wide, breath hitched in his throat.
The apple tumbled from his slack grip.
The shadows froze, then frantically hurried away, slipping through the space under the door, the couch, the window.
And Azriel could do nothing but sit back, a broken breath escaping him at the realisation that the shadows had known all along where she had been, but had kept the knowledge from him.
They were, after all, their own being, not to be commanded but placated.
After long moments of silence, Azriel got up from the couch and slid to his knees, his head hung low in defeat.
Please, he begged.
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A startled gasp jolted Azriel from the trance he'd been in, and he raised his head to find himself staring into the eyes of his beloved, the eyes he had tried so hard not to become familiar with in case she saw the truth one day, realising he did not deserve her.
Azriel stared, and stared.
And continued staring until she spoke up.
"Az- what are you doing here?"
Azriel blinked, feeling something- presumably a tear- escape his eye as he glanced around. "I... I don't-"
His shadows hissed at him before he could continue, and he paused.
"I wanted to apologise."
Her eyes, that were hard until now, softened. Whether it was at the sound of his broken voice, the state of his being, or the tears streaming down his face without him realising, he didn't know.
And he didn't care as he took in her form, clad in an oversized shirt- his shirt- and nothing else, her hair unbound and messy, the soft skin of her legs on full display for him.
Slowly, he raised his eyes to meet hers, where tears now accumulated.
"Oh Az." She mumbled, stepping forward towards his kneeling, hunched form.
"Forgive me my love. I love you, I love you so so much, I'm sorry, I didn't-"
Azriel's chest heaved as he reached his hands out, trying to grab at Y/n's shirt, but she walked forward without any prompting. Mirroring his position, she knelt in front of him, tugging him into her chest as his hands scrambled to hold her back, panicked as if she was going to vanish any moment.
It was getting harder to take a breath, tears constantly streaming down his face, any and all air he could take into his lungs escaping in startling gasps, emptying his body, lightening his head-
"Shh, take a deep breath with me."
It was nearly impossible, but he tried. Opening and closing his mouth, trying to get his lungs to work, expanding his chest voluntarily in hopes it would help.
When that didn't work, he shoved his head into the stretch of skin connecting her neck to her collarbone, letting himself drown in the unique scent of his mate.
Finally, his lungs started working again, if only to have her scent dominate all his other senses.
"It's okay, you're okay." She was still mumbling, her body so warm and welcoming as she remained wrapped around him, comforting his cold self.
"It's not." He whispered back, squeezing his eyes shut. "I'm-"
"Sorry, I know." She rubbed her hand down his back. "And I am sorry too, for leaving instead of talking it out. But now, I'm ready. I'm sure we can work things out, right?"
He nodded frantically, pulling back to show her how sincere he was being, his head tilted back to look her in the eye. She smiled at him softly, brushing his hair back from his face, quiet understanding on her face.
"It will all be okay."
It will be.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend @stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh @st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium @fandomarchiveilyd
Tolerate it taglist: @anuttellaa @willowpains @blackgirlmagicforever @isa1b2h3 @helloevilmuffins @bunnyredgirl @hellsenthero @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @fxckmiup @honeybee54321 @nahimgoodmom @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @sweetcarolina-24 @misskennygirl @macel625 @justyouraveragekleemain @its-sam-allgood
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sinfulpanda16 · 6 months
Smile for me Pretty Baby
Bakugou x fem reader
Bakugou is not one to comfort others if they're sad. It's a waste of his time but when it's his pretty baby, mans would do anything and everything to see you smile.
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You don’t know when you’ve reached this point. You’re lying in bed with your blanket wrapped around you, holding one of your stuffed (f/a) plush while your other stuffed animals are around you and tears in your eyes.
You don’t like existing.
You think to yourself life is great, you go to a good school, you have awesome friends, a nice family, and a boyfriend that loves you. So why are you feeling like this? There should be no reason for you to be sad. 
Maybe existing would be nice if you were the you of your dreams.
You sniff and before you know it you start to cry again.
“Oi Shitty hair!" Bakugou calls for the redhead.
Kirishima turns around “Baku-” before Kirishima can finish Bakugou interrupts him. “Where the hell is Y/N?”
Kirishima thinks for a second "Y/N? I think she's in her dorm room. I haven't seen her all day." and neither has Bakugou which is why he's asked that stupid nerd Deku and all the other extras of Class 1-A for you. It's not like you to stay in your dorm room all day. You're usually hanging out with the rest of the class. The others have also noticed your absence which is concerning. What the hell could be going on with you?
"Tch. Yeah, fine or whatever" Bakugou states and wastes no time heading towards your room.
Bakugou slams your door open. You sit up in shock and turn to look at your door. You've gone comfortable with letting your boyfriend come into your room without notice. You didn't mind except for today when you're not feeling good and not in the mood for his sarcasm. You make direct eye contact with him. His red orbs... they're wide. Bakugou is shocked to see you in such a state.
"Oi! What hell is up with you!?" he asks in a distressed tone.
You frown "If you came to be angry with me then turn around and close my damn door. I don't have time for this." you say with a shaky voice. The tears running down your cheeks and dropping onto your covers. Bakugou has never seen this side of you, when did his beautiful girlfriend talk with a tone like his.
He walks in your room and closes the door behind him. He's not sure what to do, he doesn't know why you're acting this way but he does know he hates the fact that you do not want to see him. He looks at you "Look. I'm not here to bother you. I'm... sorry." he looks away and curses under his breath when he apologizes but continues to talk. "I haven't seen you all day. What's wrong?" What else is he supposed to say? He's never gone out his way to comfort anyone, this is his first time ok.
You wipe your tears away. You really don't want to be a burden with your emotions, so you say, "I don't know". Bakugou grows irritated. This is difficult for him, but he doesn't care. He's going to help you feel better if it's the last thing he does.
He walks over to your bed and sits down next to you. You turn away from him. You're embarrassed, you didn't want him to see you like this. Which is why you could've sworn you locked the door. A hand reaches for your cheek, and you turn around to look at Bakugou. The two of you hold eye contact for a few seconds until he finally asks, "Pretty baby what's wrong?" with his worried eyes. In the five months you two have dated he's never called you by any pet names. He's always said they're for losers and not for him, the future number one hero.
Pretty Baby. You like it.
You sigh "I feel like life would be better if I was just better. I feel like me being better is impossible. I feel like I could never truly be happy because me being better isn't possible" You sniff and wipe your nose with your blanket. Bakugou helps wipe your tears with his thumb and lets you continue. "I just... maybe I am just not meant to ever be what I want to be. Maybe I was born to be my trashass self. Maybe I was just never meant to exist. Maybe life would've been better if I had never existed."
What the fuck did he just hear. Did those words seriously just come out of your pretty mouth. You never existing to begin with, that would kill Bakugou. YOU being in HIS life was the best thing that has ever happened to him. The thought of you not existing makes him so mad. So sad. Why is baby having these thoughts? You're probably one of the best people there are. It's why all of Class-1A love you. It's why he loves you so much he often thinks you deserve to be someone better than him. You deserve to be with one of the best people like yourself.
You continue shedding tears and Bakugou says your name. "Y/N". You look at him and he seems genuinely hurt by what you said about yourself. With his free hand he grabs your other cheek and begins to talk with a tint of anger in his voice "I don't know who the fuck told you, you need to be better or what the fuck made you feel that you need to be but trust me when I say, you are one of the best people in this world." What? He looks deep in your (e/c) eyes "A world without you sounds like hell. Don't you realize, you're a bit of the reason why this world is so nice. It's because of people like you. You, to me, are already the better version you want to be."
You are speechless. Bakugou has never acted like this before. It's a completely different side of him. A few more tears fall but not for the reason they were falling before. You love him. God you love him so much. He wipes your tears away for you and says, "I love you, Y/N". Thats the first time he's said it without seeming annoyed of having to. You're so speechless you don't even realize it.
"Smile for me pretty baby." He speaks.
There it is again. You smile and giggle as well, to which Bakugou responds with a smirk. He did it. He was able to comfort you.
You lose him in his thoughts when you say "Since when did you become such a softie?"
"Shut up! You think I actually like doing this?!" Yes, he does.
You kiss him and he kisses you back and when you pull away you thank him. Your boyfriend helped you get rid of those thoughts and that feeling for good.
You like existing.
And your Katsuki is a reason why.
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ovaryacted · 2 months
(Tw:pregnancy, labor & delivery)
Ok first things first. You tell him you’re expecting a lil’ baby, he 1) cries. And 2) panics because he doesn’t know if he’ll be a good father and 3) ultra panics because he deals with bioweapons, mutant causing viruses and other biological nightmares, what if that shit passes onto his kid???
Dude is WIRED for weeks until he finds out that the baby is healthy. No weird biological mutations at all. Just a baby. (Side note, kinda sad, he misses the first ultrasound photo because of a mission and probably cries)
When you start showing a baby bump, he absolutely gets thrown in love all over again. He always loves his s/o but something about seeing them round with HIS baby just flips a switch in his head.
First time he feels baby kick? He’s amazed. He’s never felt anything like it. He’ll start kissing your baby bump and probably crying. (I can imagine he cries a lot during your pregnancy. Probably more emotional than you tbh)
When you go into labor, he does a good job at pretending to be calm. He’s internally screaming, panicking and feels sick the entire time, but he doesn’t show it. He holds your hand and lets you squeeze it as much as you need. The dudes been shot, stabbed and smacked by monsters, he probably doesn’t even feel it if you crack a finger.
When he hears his babies first cries, he lets out the shakiest, sob and laugh ever. It’s a noise of relief, pent up fear, and happiness all at once. The sight of the baby getting put on your chest is permanently seared into his mind. I’m talking core memory.
And when he gets to hold his baby, another core memory is created. Seeing their lil nose. Their lil face. Hearing their lil cries. Again, he cries too.
Leon demands paternity. At least a month to be with his s/o and child. What’s the government gonna do? Fire him? He’s one of their, if not, THE best agent they got. They fire him, they’re down a fucking legend.
I’m gonna say, I feel like Leon is so….in a honeymoon phase, he completely disregards himself for you and the baby. You need to sleep and heal after giving birth, so Leon takes 100% care of the baby until you’re physically able to. The problem? He forgets to sleep at all, and damn near passes out after like, day 4.
He catches himself, so the baby ain’t hurt, but the dumbass at first goes “man….i need to sit down. Maybe get some water” but the moment he sits down he clocks the fuck out.
The baby cries and he wakes up again, but this time, it’s you holding the baby, cooing and soothing them. The sight alone makes him emotional again.
I just have a lot of feelings about dad Leon.
-angsty anon (enjoy another thesis)
AWEE YES DAD LEON THOUGHTS! I know you sent me this a little while ago but I still wanted to answer because I absolutely love thinking about Leon becoming a father and how devoted and protective he becomes. Bye, I'm going to cry.
Leon gives me the impression that he will be anxious throughout his partner's pregnancy. He'll become more overprotective if he isn't already, and the hovering habits will start to show very early on. He'll be attentive to your needs, but will almost smother you out of concern. Asking about whether or not you took your vitamins, if you slept enough, if you needed something from the store, if your cravings were satisfied.
Sometimes it does annoy you, but it's really just the influx of hormones pumping through your body. You reassure him constantly, reminding him that he's a good partner and he's doing enough, and you know his worrying is a good thing because it means he cares that much.
I also see him wanting to be nearby constantly, like a shadow, and Leon is just always there. He doesn't let you do any of the labor at home, he wants you to focus on sleeping, eating well, and being healthy. The last thing he needs is for you to be stressed out or unhappy because he knows that isn't good for the baby, and he also doesn't want to piss you off because he's been warned about how cranky a pregnancy can make someone. He does the laundry, cooks, cleans, helps you out with your nesting and always has a reassuring hand somewhere on your body, mostly on your lower back.
He's there at every appointment no matter what, he's not missing it for a second. But if it's really a hassle and he has to go on a mission, which you support and fully understand, he'll tell Hunnigan to keep a close eye on you or for a close friend to go with you during your appointment. He just wants to make sure you're not entirely alone.
Once your belly expands and his T-shirts no longer cover most of your body, Leon is all over you. There's something about seeing you so full, waddling into the kitchen and looking into the fridge for a snack that makes him smile and happy. He's also the type to always want to have a hand on your belly, even in his sleep, and likes to run his thumb over the dark line that goes all the way down your abdomen. I like having this headcanon that whenever the baby moves too much and is kind of giving you a hard time, he puts a soft hand over your stomach and gently talks to them until they calm down. Leon has this natural calming presence that is very much needed during your pregnancy, and you tease him about how your baby will be attached to him the moment they're born.
But oh the moment you go into labor? It's all hands on deck. He's been prepping for this, reading books on pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be your rock in the process but when you tell him your water broke, his mind doesn't work. He'll be the type to say "Don't panic!" as he's panicking and you have to remind him to take the hospital bag he's prepared months in advance.
The birth itself is a harsh and grueling process, but Leon helps you see it all the way through. He does not leave that hospital room, doesn't let the nurses kick him out, and stands his ground as your advocate. You're both scared at the thought of welcoming a whole new life into this world, and he's right next to you, holding your hand and whispering words of encouragement and praise in your ear.
Leon hates seeing you scared, hates seeing you hurt, but it really is all worth it the moment he hears that shriek of a baby's cry fill the room. It's the most beautiful thing he's heard, he doesn't care if the high pitch of the violent scream makes his ears hurt. For the first time in months, he feels like he can breathe again.
Seeing this bundle of joy all wrapped up in a pink blanket and pink beanie makes him cry, that new baby scent he's heard so much about before fills his nose and his chest aches from so much love. He doesn't need to verbally tell you that he's proud of you, that he's happy, that he loves you. It's written all over his face and from the way he can't seem to take his eyes off his daughter, he knows what this different kind of love feels like.
Leon Kennedy is a selfless guy, and every time he glances at his baby, he sometimes sees flashes of Sherry when she was younger or even Ashley when he went to go save her in Spain. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but that same urge to protect this life with every fiber of his being comes in full force.
He thinks he develops a new level of fear and paranoia, taking over damn near every duty that was involved in raising a child. He wants to help you recover, allowing you to get your sleep and your physical strength back as he takes care of your baby girl.
He does everything at the expense of his physical health. He can't sleep most of the time and wants to be ready for when his daughter cries at 2 am until his lack of sleep starts to beat his ass after two weeks. Sure, he's on parental leave to help you out and to bond with his child, but you often find him fast asleep in the rocking chair, neck craned at an awkward angle that will irritate him later on. You come towards him and wake him up, his body jolting awake and ready for whatever threat comes his way until he blinks and sees you.
"Is she okay?", he says groggily, dark circles around his eyes and his hair an unruly mess. It was sweet seeing how the first thing he wondered about when he woke up was his daughter.
"Yeah, she's alright, still asleep. You should go to bed baby, I can watch her", you tried to get it through to Leon that he needs to rest too, not just you and your child.
"I could use a nap", he caves, standing up with a groan and rubbing the back of his neck the way you expected him to. Despite being half asleep, he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips and walks out of the nursey. "Wake me up if you need me", he mumbles before leaving the room entirely.
You don't wake him up, not for a couple of hours at least so the migraine that's pulsing in his head wears off. Leon doesn't care if his body goes on complete shutdown, anything you both need, he'll be there ready to do whatever is necessary to make your family dynamic function.
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thewritersaddictions · 6 months
Drabble: Call Of Duty- Body Talk
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How might they react to finding out you don't like a part of your body?
John Price Bravo
"Do you think I'm pretty anymore?" You ask your husband of ten years. Price nearly scoffs at you, but when he looks up through your standing mirror, the look on your gives it all away. He can see the sadness behind your eyes and how you look at yourself with disgust in the mirror. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, love." He says, standing up to around the bedroom and standing behind you.
There's a bit more pudgness on your thighs, tummy, and even your arms, but you forget you've had two kids, and that comes with it. It also happens with simply aging. "But I don't feel pretty anymore, John. I feel disgusting, and I hate the way my body has become, and no amount of working out or eating right seems to fix it." Your voice is cracking, and Price knows the tears are coming. "Love, you're beautiful. Every day I look at you and wonder how the fuck I managed to be so damn lucky. I don't care about anything other than loving you and our kids." He says it, and he means it with all of his heart.
You let go of a large, heavy sigh. He wraps his arms around you. Your skin is cold in contrast to his warm hands and arms. "Anyways, it gives me more to hold to when I'm makin' love to you, baby," he says with a kiss on your cheek. You giggle finally, the happy noise filtering through the room. "You come here, and let me show you how much I love your body for you?" Price asks, looking at you through the mirror. You'll never be able to deny him.
Simon Riley Ghost
You never break, not in front of your teammates. Never show your true feelings until you are behind closed doors. This time, it had just been too much. In the field, you had been trying to get a family out of Hassan's territory. They had nothing to do with the bullshit going on. Your heart broke when the little girl walked out without her parents or siblings. You had picked her up in a fell swoop and taken her with you. You aren't sure how the hell she managed to escape the fire and collapsing house with nothing less than a mark on her face. She had held onto you for the entire ride back, and it wasn't until you got back to the hideout that you had to give her off to the medic.
Ghost had been watching you the entire time. Your sniffes didn't go unheard by him, so he watched longer. How you nearly ran off to bunks when you had to give the poor girl off to the medic. That's where he found you, in the bunk room, crying your heart out. The knock was not heard, and neither were his footsteps. "Athena," Your sniffles stopped, "yeah, how's the girl?" You ask, "That girl is fine, but how are you?" He asked. The worry was in his voice, and it was directed towards you. "I'm okay." You say, stuffing your emotions back in your chest. "You don't seem like it, love. You seem like you're falling apart." He countered. "I'm just, there's only so much I can do, but the weight is sometimes too much to bear. That girl has no family now. None at all because we… I wasn't able to get there in time." You say your hands on your head.
The silence is hard to tell, but then Ghost speaks. "Here's what you don't know: that girl is alive. Yes, she might not have parents, and she'll go into foster care, but she's alive. All because you grabbed her and pulled her from the fire. That counts for something, Athena." Ghost said as he sat down next to you. "you're allowed to break down; this is a physically and mentally-wearing job, so I'm offering you something. A shoulder to lean on. To cry on, to laugh on, to forget on. Whatever you need." "Thank you, Ghost." You say, "Call me Simon, now let's go check up on that kid, yeah?" He says, reaching out his gloved hand to take
John McTavish Soap
You had literally searched all over the internet about how to get rid of pregnancy stretch marks. The marks at the bottom of your belly where killing you to look at. Not the mention all the other shit you were now dealing with after your pregnancy. The milk pump sometimes worked, and other times it just didn't, which caused you significant discomfort, and then the massive fucking put-together pad you had to wear for the next two weeks. You just felt disgusting, so this added thing was just not needed.
The knock on the bathroom door made you shriek. "Shit, love, I didn't mean to scare you. Just wanted to tell you that baby girl is down." Johnny says as he enters the bathroom. Your hair is wet, and you only wear a pair of panties and a sports bra. Staring at yourself in the mirror. "Love, where are you at right?" The concern is clear in his words. "You can't help but crumble at your husband's soft Scottish accent. "I'm not… my body…" "What about your body?" He asks, obviously worried about you. "I don't like it anymore." His brows furrow together. "What do you mean?" "I'm ugly now, and these fucking stretch marks, and let's not add the other shit on top of it." "Hang on a minute now, sweetness." He says, moving to look in the mirror with you but you look away.
"You grew a whole human being in your body for the last nine months. You grew a fuckin' life. You are the most wonderful thing that happened to me, along with baby girl. I know you're not liking your body right now, but I'm telling you right now, you're still just as beautiful as you were the day I met you as you are now." "But…" "But nothing. You are the mother to our daughter, and I won't have you thinking poorly of yourself." Johnny smiles as he takes your hands together and rubs your ring with his thumb. "Together?" He asks, "Together," You responded.
"Fuck Liebling, you might be the death of me," Köing says as he shifts on the bed, making room for you to lie down next to him. You were up, grabbing two glasses of water for the both of you. Padding around in a pair of Köings boxers from the drawers and his t-shirt. Nothing was more a beautiful site than you right now in front of him. "Here you go." You stand, handing the glass of water off to him. The afterglow of sex sticking to your body still. He takes it graciously from your hand and rests it on his side table before pulling back the covers and waiting for your return to the bed.
It's hours later; while he's rubbing random shapes into your thighs, he feels something. At first, it doesn't concern him, but then he realizes what they are. Straight-cut lines work themselves up your thigh. How he had never noticed before blew his mind and the thoughts of what the small lines meant. You aren't asleep. Instead, you are catching up on your most recently purchased book. Köing couldn't help himself. "what are these?" He asks. "What is love?" You request not understanding where this line of questioning is going. "These marks on your leg. I can feel them." He says, rubbing gently.
You aren't shy about it. You've had them for years. You ensured they weren't in a spot where someone like your parents could see them. So your thigh was the best place. You bookmark your book before setting it down and pulling the covers off your legs. Köing moves his hand, and you start to explain. "I had really, like, horrible depression when I was a teenager. My family didn't really believe in medication or anything like that, so I didn't know what else to do. Sounds shitty now that I say it out loud since it was so long ago. But that was self-harm because I had no other outlet." You tell Köing, who's eagerly listening to you. "And you haven't done it since?" His words hold concern. "Don't worry about me, baby; I've got my meds, therapist, and you. I'm all good now." You say, trying to push away the sad thoughts that are trailing through your boyfriend's head.
"Don't worry, Schatz, I'll fuck the depression right out of you the next time. No need to cut up this beautiful skin." Köing words make you laugh.
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Completed on: 11/16/23
Posted on: 11/20/23
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
Hello! I love your writing! May I request some fluff with Kid, Killer, Mihawk, and Buggy where their s/o who has little cooking experience tries to surprise them by cooking something for them? Whether the food be good or bad is up to you! Thank you and have a good day!
Hi hi! Sure, always up for some fluff and I'm so happy to receive a request with Killer, I love this guy. ♡ Thank you so much for requesting. I hope the outcome will match your expectations. ☆
☆ Kid, Killer, Mihawk & Buggy with a s/o who has little cooking experience
CW :g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid has a filthy mouth 
WC : 1,4k
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"It looks like shit. I won't put that in my mouth." 
Kid is a sassy brat because this man is able to burn the water. Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and red pepper flakes is probably the only thing he can cook. Yes, Killer's favorite food. But he won't ever admit that he learned that just for Killer, obviously. He needs to keep his jaggy-attitude, as the good angry punk he is.
Kid knows you have little cooking experience and had tried to eat what you cooked, but he ended up almost suffocating and dying on the ground. He made a promise to himself to only eat Killer's food. And we all know Kid is stubborn. He won't change his mind: you almost killed him, he will never eat your food again.
But then, he notices your sad face, wet puppy eyes and all the effort you put into the meal. And, it’s his favorite food: cabbage rolls. Okay, now his heart is melting, but of course, he won’t admit it.
"Well. It looks like shit but… it doesn't smell that bad." With a heavy sigh, he rolls his eyes and sniffs the plate like a fearful dog. 
He stares at you, suspicious, before planting his fingers on the cabbage rolls, watching if there are no bugs or whatever. Yes, he's been suspicious, petty, and he doesn't give a damn. "It looks… okay I guess." 
Actually, he's confused. That food looks like it's comestible. Perhaps it's a trap. He should wait for Killer to taste it first. Or just stuff those cabbage rolls into your mouth: if you don't die or cough, maybe he'll try it. 
"You know, if I die because of this food, I'll come back to life to avenge myself," before grabbing the cabbage rolls and eating an extremely small slice.
He's sweating, convinced that the nice appearance won't make up for the terrible taste. But… actually… it's… good. Like, he's not dying or suffocating on the ground. He doesn't even need to go to the nearest bathroom. 
"Can I have some more?" After eating the whole plate and almost licking it like a starving person. He doesn't like to give compliments, but do you remember the scene at Udon camp where he was eating? Right now, it's him. So clearly, he likes what you cooked.
Kid is not a man many words and "thank you" doesn't exist in his dictionary. Although he would notice all the efforts you made and even the cuts on your fingers, the words are simply stuck in his throat. But, he would kiss your forehead and smear his lipstick on it. And later, he would leave a handmade metal gift of your favorite flower or animal, as a 'thank you'. Gifts are a way for Kid to show his love. 
"You know what, I've changed my mind. Now I'll also eat your food." With his usual gruff voice and a flustered expression.
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Killer is way nicer than his captain. Quality time is definitely his love language. So if you cook something for both of you, he's honored, truly happy and probably melting inside. The outcome doesn't matter that much. The intention already means a lot to him.
Let’s assume the outcome is not that good.
"Hm, Y/N, that seems… interesting. Really al dente." While observing the carbonized pasta. 
Even without his mask, he's good at hiding his expressions. He's probably laughing because of the SMILE, but actually he wants to cry. He feels truly happy when you try your hardest just for him, but on the flipside, he knows it won't taste good. 
Why him? Is dealing with a brat like Kid not enough for his poor soul?
If he gets sick from this food, who will keep an eye on Kid? He can't take a break with that hot-headed captain. Otherwise, the crew is doomed. 
But he wants to please you, so he will taste it. And even finish the entire plate. Even if it was bad. You tried your best, just for him, all he can do is finish his food. However, he is not dishonest. "That wasn't very tasty, sweetie... But you tried your best to please me, thank you for your time. Maybe we can cook together the next time? I'll teach you some tips." 
Finally, it's a win-win situation: thanks to your limited cooking experience, he has a good reason to spend more time with you. He’s already excited to teach you some recipe.
And as the educated guy he's, Killer will of course make the dishes himself, clean up the kitchen and thank you with a soft kiss on the corner of your lips. So now his purple lipstick is smeared on your face. 
"I need to finish my work… I'll see you tonight. Thank you again for the meal, sweetie." 
Casually walking through the door and once he's out of your view, he would run to the bathroom because he's getting sick.
"Ugh, you did that to yourself" (thank you for the support, Kid)
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What a nice surprise to be welcomed with a beautiful table, his s/o well-dressed, red wine and some refined food. After dealing with Perona and Zoro all day, he only needs that. 
Mihawk's high standards mean that if the food is looking great, it's a good sign. He would never approach anything that looks bad. 
He knows that you may not have much cooking experience, but practice can help you make progress, right? Although the last time wasn't good, you can only improve yourself. Right? Right?
At least, if he dies from intoxication, the coffin will already be ready, thanks to his ship. 
"Come share that wine with me, don't stay standing like this." While serving you a glass of red wine.
He's a bit suspicious about the food. Even though the meal may be nice, it doesn't guarantee it's good and tasty. 
He's discreetly taking a sniff of the food. He has good manners, unlike those two brats, so he won’t make it obvious.
"Come sit with me and we can taste it together."
With his hawk eyes, he's looking at you and waiting for you to eat the food first. He's really observant, so he would notice all your expressions, even the most subtle ones. As your face shows no signs of disgust, then he would eat. 
And its taste really good. Although it may not be the most refined, given his high-standard, it's tasty, comestible, and well-matched to the wine. The most important thing for him. You can't waste a good wine with a bad dinner.
"You really outdid yourself, that was perfect. I’m grateful." 
Again, not a man of many words, but with his good manners, he would help you clean the dishes. Before returning to his duties (meaning: watching the kids), he would lend you his hat. This is a simple gift and a subtle way to say 'thank you'.
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"What, you did that for me? Why…? I mean, of course, you cook for me. What more normal? I'm the great Buggy after all." 
He's feeling quite confused inside. Outside, he's acting as cocky and extravagant as he always has. After all, what’s more typical for the great Buggy to be served with a great meal? That's the minimum he deserves. 
"Alright, let's eat it!" Before stuffing a huge amount of food in his mouth. And almost threw it back onto the plate. It's… foul. 
Really? What has he done wrong? Did he leave his makeup everywhere again? Or his clothes? Or maybe it's because he forgot to put down the toilet seat. Or... wait a second... there is red on the plate... red tomatoes… like his nose... are you making fun of him? How dare you? Yes, he's overthinking. 
"That's a betrayal, I'm dying... I'm dead." 
He's yelling and gesticulating wildly, and his face almost turns green due to the awful taste, but also red due to his anger. 
He’s dramatically angry, of course.
"Listen everyone! y/n is trying to KILL me!"
The room is empty but okay Buggy.
He's exaggerating too much, it's not that bad. But here he is, rolling on the floor, holding his stomach, fainting. And as the drama queen, he is, of course, he’s using his devil fruit to fragment his bodies. "I'm so traumatized that I'm TORN apart."
When he notices your sadness, he shrugs. 
"Ugh, Y/N, you know, maybe it was just the first slice…" he would say before giving one more chance to your plate. No, it's still bad. 
"That's a masterpiece, Y/N. I'm in heaven." While trying to hide his tears. "So tasty!"Yes, he's trying to please you, because maybe he overreacted before and maybe he feels bad because you were sad. 
But Buggy is way too loud and clumsy, he sucks with comedy. It's obvious that he's lying. 
"That's fine, don't force yourself Buggy."
"Really? So our relationship wasn't a complete lie? Thank you Y/N, I love… I mean, what are you saying? I wasn't forcing myself, I'm the great Buggy, duh, no one can force me."
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xenocorner · 2 months
(If you're someone who enjoys my work, and also happens to like/support AI generated images, please give this a read? Just hear me out, please. This is not a bashing post, I promise. It's not pro-ai either though. But please hear me out)
This whole AI art stuff is just getting... Honestly exhausting. If you are someone who supports AI generated images, I beg of you, hear me out? I'm not here to bash, to say you're a bad person or a thief. I know it's more complex than that. I'm just, trying to express how I feel about this whole ordeal. I'm not here to get angry either. I don't have the energy for that. I'm also not trying to change your mind. Just, hopefully help you see/feel a different perspective? That's all.
Long rant under the cut because. There's a lot.
I'm not even angry anymore. I don't have the energy for that. But I keep seeing AI images all over, everywhere. The thing is getting better (because of course it is). And I see more and more people support it. And sometimes those people are also artists or people who like art and support artists.
And then I also see artists be laid off. I see how it gets harder and harder to make a break in the industry. And even after you make it you get laid off because... People don't wanna bother with it anymore. Corps would rather cut costs.
And then I see people defend AI images. Say it's okay, that it isn't stealing from artists, that it is just a tool, ignoring a huge part of the problem (whether willfully or not).
And it just makes me so incredibly sad. So utterly devastated.
I was angry. I really used to be angry. I'm just hurt now. Hopeless for the future. And tired. Really really damn tired.
Tired of artists having to justify their existance in the professional world. Tired of people just saying... No.
No, you don't get to thrive. And you're selfish and entitled for wanting to thrive. No, you don't get to feel hurt when your work gets scrapped without your permission to feed a data base designed to replace you. No, you don't get a say in this. Don't like? Bohoo, don't see.
Well, how can I not see when this issue directly affects how I live? How can I not see when this issue affects my future? It's not just a matter of "Don't like x kind of content, don't interact with it". It really is not. I really wish it was, I wish it was that simple. But it's not. Because this is not something like a ship or a trope that one can ignore and not be affected. This is like trying to ignore a dumpster fire in your neighborhood. Yeah, you can avoid looking at it. You can avoid talking about it. But the smoke is still getting into your house. You're still breathing it. It's still hurting you. It will have effects on your life, whether you like it or not.
I threw away 12 years of my life building up my skill to work in a field that feels like it's dying out. Am I (and countless other artists) just supposed to start over? How? Time is unforgiving.
Bohoo for your bad choices, suck it up. Your fault for pursuing art as a career.
Was I supposed to just, KNOW, somehow, that the career I choose, that used to be viable, would just... Take this turn? Was I supposed to have a 10 year look into the the future?
You should create for the joy of creating!
I do. I love creating. I love making people happy with my work. Work I spent years perfecting. It's the most beautiful feeling in the world to know that someone smiled or cried or felt something because of something I did. It makes me smile and cry too.
But I also like to be able to eat. To have a roof. To pay for my meds. And the joy of creating honestly dwindles each time I see people talk about AI images the same way they talk about a painting in the Louvure.
Becaus they do. I've seen people talk about images generated by a machine (built upon stealing artwork from unconsenting artists) like they're the work of God. And they write such beautiful things too. And I'm left baffled, confused, uneasy.
And then I go to see artists, living, breathing, feeling artists, who create marvelous pieces, who pour their heart into their work, who shed sweat blood and tears to get their skills to where they are, who are still shedding sweat blood and tears to keep improving... And they don't even get a 'nice'. They've been job searching for 3 years. They can't get a steady flow of commissions. They're scrambling to be able to get a table at a con.
And it hurts to my very core.
It hurts in a place I don't even know how to describe, because it's so deep and so personal and so raw that I don't think there's a name for it.
I love art. I love it so damn much. I love making it, I love sharing it, I love teaching it.
I think many other people love art too. I think many other people who love art don't even consciously realize they do.
And it hurts seeing art just... Become this.
It hurts seeing the artistic souls of this earth be pushed down and down again and again over and over and be told to just. To just suck it up.
To die off.
Because when people support AI images, they are telling us to die off. It feels like they are telling us to die off.
And I don't think the people who do realize it at all, because a lot of people who support AI images are not bad people. They are not. They enjoy art too. But they are, consiously or not, directly or indirectly, hurting the artists whose work made the data base AI generators use possible.
They're telling us to die off because they already have our work. And they can use it to generate new, regurgitated work faster, cheaper. They don't need us. So while they may like what us, artists, do, they're feeding a system that is killing us off. Both metaphorically and literally. Metaphorically by killing the will to create. Literally by taking our living off of us (or at least to those who's art is their living. Like myself).
And again.
It hurts so damn much.
And I don't think a lot of people manage to see the hurt past all the anger.
I, personally, have grown exhausted and there's no anger left in me, only sad and hurt.
But I promise you, behind every angry and fighting and barking and bitting artists there is out there, there's hurt. There's some form of hurt behind each and every one of them. Of us.
I really hope this reaches the right people. Whether that be a fellow artists struggling to get their feelings into words to let them know they're not alone. Or someone who supports AI images, and supports artists too, and can maybe get a glimpse into a side of this whole issue. Not necessarily to change their mind but, maybe help them understand better where all the anger from artists may be coming from.
Please, I'm not here to start any fights or debates. I really am not. I just need to get this sort of thing out there, because I think talking about it is important.
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zarasu · 10 months
What I think about Bingge
So, funny story: I did not start out liking Bingge. I doubt most people do. The first thoughts I had about him were "Damn, boy's fucked up" and "Who starts ripping off limbs without even asking questions first?" He seemed more like the final boss of a horror game than a fleshed-out character.
Then I finished the book and went "Ehh do I wanna read the extras?" Tbh, I skimmed a lot of them but the Bingge vs Bingmei one was one of the few I fully read, just because the premise sounded interesting.
And it was interesting alright, to see Bingge do something else than torturing people and ripping off arms. But none of it really made my brain light up until that little scene where Bingge watches Shen Qingqiu fuss over Bingmei. Then he asks him to come with him, to choose him, and Shen Qingqiu says no. Bingge returns to his own world, sad and alone.
"Well, sucks to be you," I thought, and "lol, I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me."
Two weeks later, I found myself lying in bed, thinking about Bingge with a single tear rolling down my cheek.
I really shouldn't be sad for him, I told myself. He has a big harem full of hot women to tell him how great he is all day. If he's not happy, then it's really his own fault.
But what if he's more the monogamous type, my heart wailed back. Or what if he's too fucked up to let anyone love him??
Ugh, alright, I gave in. Let's think about him then.
So, Bingge is a power fantasy made for incels. But even Bingge was Bunhe once. He shares a past with Bingmei and they are, at their core, the same person. And if you can say one thing about Bunhe, it's that he really has an undying hopeful streak. Sure, when Shen Yuan transmigrated, it took him a while to gain Bunhe's trust. But even after all the beatings and insults and humiliation, he did gain it.
Bunhe gave him his trust because he desperately wants Shen Qingqiu to love him. And, if not love him, at least like him. And if not that, then at least not hate him. When Shen Qingqiu actually showed notions of doing just that, loving him, he was all over that like a dog getting a treat and a head pat for the first time in his life.
But Bingge never got that. He hoped and hoped and kept hoping for Shen Qingqiu to show even a hint of affection and all he got in return was the firm assurance that, no, Shen Qingqiu would never feel anything but hate for him.
That has to give a guy issues. Probably makes him feel deeply unlovable. Hate himself, even. Binghe is a little dumb about things like these, he likely didn't give up hope until Shen Qingqiu physically pushed him into the abyss. He probably spent a lot of nights in the abyss crying into his dirty little sleeves.
But you gotta find ways to cope with heartbreak, right? So, eventually, lightly charred Bunhe stood up straight, turned his little determined protagonist eyes up to the sky and said: "I'm going to make him regret it! He will rue the day he cast me away!" And he went on to become stallion protagonist #1, demon emperor, conqueror, etc etc.
The thing is this: if you build your whole identity on the idea of making the guy who hates you regret his feelings, you're not really over him, you get what I'm saying? You're like, the opposite of over him. Not a good emotional state to connect to the hot women throwing themselves at you either.
So yeah, after that, Bingge did all kinds of things that aren't really that important, but eventually, he got Shen Qingqiu where he wanted him: in the water prison (also kneeling at his feet). And I'm sure I have an inkling of what went on in his dumb little head. It may have been something like:
"Aha!! Now I have the evil Shizun in prison, where evil men like him belong! Finally, people have told him how evil he is! I'm going to go and talk to him and make him see the error of his ways. And when the horror of what he did finally dawns on him, and he apologises, I might forgive him and give him another chance."
Shen Jiu being Shen Jiu, he probably laughed right in Binghe's face and also spit at him too, for good measure (as is, in this case, kinda relatable). So Binghe's righteous little plan didn't quite work out as he wanted it to. This procedure might have been repeated a few times but, well.
Binghe's emotions are already volatile on a good day. Add Xin Mo to that. Add childhood trauma and Shen Jiu to that. One time, he snaps and reaches out to rough Sqq up a little, just to make him regret his own behaviour. Underestimating his own strength, he rips off his arm instead.
Awkward situation, that.
What are you supposed to do after ripping off someone's arm? Maybe Binghe just went to bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about his life choices.
See, at this point, another person might have thought: "My life is going in the wrong direction. I need to change something, maybe go on a journey of self-discovery or something."
But Binghe has never been the best at things like morals and ethics, no matter what version of him we're talking about. Even Bingmei, who had a comparatively more stable home life, never really got the hang of that stuff (Turning some people into lifeless husks? Well, better than fucking someone, right? The man you love apparently just isn't as insane about you as you are about him? Time to destroy the world^^)
Anyway, you gotta go on, and I'm sure Binghe found some convincing enough arguments for why ripping arms off was an acceptable thing to do.
"But Zar," you may interrupt me. "How can anyone think that's an acceptable thing to do?"
See, in all honesty? I think, deep inside, Binghe knows it's not. But right next to that knowledge lies another knowledge: it's that he's unlovable. And if he's unlovable, it can only be because, at his core, he's already rotten. And if you're already evil? You might as well do evil things, doesn't make much of a difference anymore.
So things escalate, surely not helped by Xin Mo. Shen Qingqiu loses limbs with the same speed other people lose socks, and when even that doesn't heal him of his evil ways, Binghe comes up with the whole Yue Qingyuan plot. And when even that doesn't help, he loses his patience and kills everyone.
Then he sits there, on his throne, surrounded by hot women, fully charred, not so little anymore, and without a Shizun he can hope to one day convince of his worth.
There sits Shen Yuan, a world away, growing increasingly frustrated at how purposeless Bingge's life has become.
Then the extra happens, and Bingge gets transported to a world where another Binghe got everything he ever wanted: the love of his Shizun. And, all at once, the hope he thought he had killed and buried flares back to life, never having been dead after all, and burns Binghe up until he's nothing more than the bare bones of his desperation.
But the other Shizun doesn't love him. He only loves the other, inferior Binghe. He looks upon Bingge coldly before he sees his husband and his eyes turn warm. And it's like Bingge is looking at a funhouse mirror, at a world of dreams and wishes that never came true.
In the end, he's still as unlovable as he has ever been. And he goes back to his own world, and he feels flayed with the knowledge of everything he will never have.
And I just think it's impressive how Shen Qingqiu manages to break every version of Binghe without even trying.
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erosmutt · 2 months
SAM COMING CLEAN TO READER THAT HE'S SELF MEDICATING/IS A JUNKIE. and being all sad and pathetic and scared she is gonna leave him! Stoooooooop i have a savior complex and also want him to cry fuck me
-exam girlie
i was JUST writing sam and dealer!reader, oh gosh. as you wish! <3 (had to add a line break bc it's kinda long, not proofread oops)
𖦹 drug mention, whiny crybaby sam, he is such a good boy and eager to please, angst, make up sex ig, reader is NAWT happy!
𖦹 accompanied by Great Big White World ⋆ Marilyn Manson
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"just- hear me out, okay?" Sam asks, rubbing his arms up and down while he paces your living room. you lean back into the couch, "i'm listening." this was the first time you'd seen him in a week. he was hospitalized after taking a speedball with Corey and Josh.
"i... i've been- it's 'cause-" he groans in frustration, tangling his hands in his hair and tugging. you watch, letting him do his thing. "i just.." he once again trails off, then sniffles. his voice wavers too - was he crying? you'd never seen sam cry. not once. ever.
he comes over and plops down onto the couch, elbows resting on his knees. he was going through a withdrawal - his eyes were bloodshot, he was shaking uncontrollably, and he looked like he hadn't slept in eons.
"i know you're gonna be mad at me, okay? i already know!" he whines. you sigh. "Sam, just tell me, alright?" you were getting sick of him beating around the bush. he always did this shit - whines and stomps his feet and flaps his sweater paws and shifts his weight and shimmies around and pouts. and you ate it up every time. because he was your boyfriend. and it was adorable.
his hand comes up to fiddle with his labret. "i use..." he murmurs softly, and you can't do much but blink at him. you knew he smoked weed, but hard drugs? then you're filled with irritation.
"Corey and Josh did this, didn't they? put you up to this?" you stand, and cross your arms. Sam immediately follows suit, now looking down at you. "wait! wait, listen okay?! you gotta listen, please!" he takes a shaky breath. "i- you don't understand! please, listen- don't leave me, don't leave me, please."
you just stare up at him. "you lied to me, Sam." he huffs and stomps his foot like an angry bunny, squirming around. "i didn't!" "you did! you told me you weren't going to get into any trouble with them, Sam!"
the look in your eyes made him want to cry. you were pissed, and it was all his fault. everything was always all his fault, wasn't it?
"just forget it!" he yells, tears spilling down his cheeks. "you never listen to me! never! you're just like my parents!" and that really pissed you off. in a swift motion, you reach up and grip his face, making him look down at you. "i never listen to you, Sam? who's always been there for you, huh? who's always supported you? let you stay over when you run away from home, when you need someone to talk to because your parents don't want to be bothered? huh? but i don't listen? i don't care?"
oh he most definitely fucked up. you were completely right - he went to you for every damn thing. every minor inconvenience, and you always entertained him and helped with whatever it was. his shoelace was knotted? you got it undone for him. he wanted you to do his homework because he was busy getting high? you did it. and he had the nerve to imply you didn't give a fuck about him.
"wait!" Sam cries, wrapping his arms around you. "i didn't mean it, i didn't. i just feel like you're getting mad at me, and i hate when people are mad at me, 'cause i feel like i'm gonna get yelled at, and-" he stops his ramble and sniffles. "'m sorry."
and there goes all your resolve. he was so precious (and pathetic), you couldn't stay mad. if you were mad at anyone, it was his bitchass friends you would be having a talk with soon. you sigh softly and rub his back. "it's okay Sammy, i'm sorry for yelling."
he hiccups, and pulls away, wiping his snotty nose with his sleeve. "really?" he asks, and before you nod, he pouts. "you're lying!" you raise an eyebrow. what was he on about now? "you're just saying that to get me to shut up, aren't you?" here comes the waterworks. again.
and your resolve was back. "Sam-" "no! i'm so sick of you all! you never try and listen to how i feel!" you sigh and put your hands up in surrender. "fine." you don't want to argue. you turn to walk off, making Sam stop and look at you. "...babe?"
you begin walking, and he steps to you, tugging you back by your shirt collar. "babe! where are you going?!" with a roll of your eyes, you turn around and glare up at him. "to give you some fucking space, because you're pissing me off and i'm not in the mood to deal with you."
he'd never heard such harsh words from you before! you'd never told him off, you always coddled him!
"w-wait!" oh, he was stuttering now. how pathetic. "i can make it up to you! please! let me, please." he shifts around nervously, then cups your face and leans in, smashing his lips against yours. you reluctantly kiss back, but his desperation made him so aggressive that you had to hurry up to keep pace, his tears and snot getting onto your face.
"hmm, mmph," he pulls away, a string of saliva that connected your tongues snapping once he licks his lips. "lemme make it up to you," he once again wipes his snot away with his sleeve. "i can, i promise." when you just give him a look, he takes it as a yes and begins to frantically undress himself until he's just in his plaid boxers and socks and shoes. he guides you to the couch and pushes you down, tugging at your jeans as if he was running out of time. "gonna make it up to you, promise," he murmurs, pulling them (along with your panties) off you.
he takes himself out and spits down onto his hand, then rubs it over his cock. as soon as he pushes inside, he lets out a bitchy whine and nearly collapses on top of you. "wait, i got it, promise-" you noticed he always said that. he promised. you had yet to see him keep one, though.
Sam's eyes begin to well with tears again, his nose getting runny. "wai- wait wait wait," he exhales shakily then swallows. "i can do it..." he sniffles, his hips slowly moving forward until he bottoms out inside you. "hnn," he sniffles, warm tears falling onto your face.
he was dead set on pleasing you. he thrusts his hips against yours, tears continually falling onto you - your face, neck, and shirt, depending on where he was. "din' mean to make you upset," he murmurs, trying to focus on not cumming prematurely. "always- hhhuh- do that," his arms were shaking, he could barely hold himself up. "hate making you mad, y'know,"
finally losing his strength, he falls forward, his weight now pressing into you, drawing a huff from you. "oh god, Sam-" he lets out a low whine, nuzzling against your cheek, smearing tears onto your skin. "please don' be mad anymore babe, don't," you wince, trying to push him up by his shoulders to no avail. he was a heavy thing. "alright, i'm not," and him fucking you wasn't really making it up to you. he was just sobbing pathetically and using you as a goddamned tissue while he rutted his hips like a virgin.
he did cum prematurely, surprise surprise. he was so fucking pathetic it was laughable. but he was your pathetic laughable boy nonetheless. it took him an entire ten minutes to recover, all his weight on you as he laid on you with no care for crushing you. he was silent besides his panting, and you could do nothing except stroke his hair to hopefully coax him to sleep. you would have an actual productive conversation with him sometime soon, not able to handle another fit from Sam.
ᝰ.ᐟ @102hannah
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dracoflaco · 3 months
Waiting for you // Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x fem!reader
contains: fluff, stressed out reader, use of y/n, flashbacks (in italics), 1.2k words
a/n: its been so long since I write so if it looks cranky, don’t blame me. Idk honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️ (no summary cuz I'm lazy lol)
I reach for the box under my bed, it has been covered in dust meaning it has been down there since forever. Bumping my head in the process of taking the box, I let out a wince, “ouch, this damn bed. I’m throwing you away one day I swear,” I muttered, rolling my eyes. I wipe the dust away to see the hidden words under those dust. ‘Love’ was written on the lid of the box, “I don’t remember having this before” furrowing my eyebrows, trying to remember anything. 
The song from my playlist continues to play, starting a sad tune. I turn to where I place my phone, confused as to why there’s some kind of sad song and to be precise Taylor Swift? I shrug it away and stares at the box in front of me, I’ve been cleaning my room since this afternoon and without noticing the time, the sun has started to set. Plopping on my bed, I take the lid off. My smiles starts disappearing just how he did…
I laugh at him when he starts cracking some jokes out of nowhere. We’ve been walking for 30 minutes after our date night. Both us close to each other, my purse in his hand. “Also Nick face was literally covered in it, we had to make a TikTok,” Chris laughed, swinging my hand with his softly.
“Happy Birthday my pretty girl. I’m sorry I had to! It was the plan, baby,” he winked, handing me the flower lego to me “my love will last just how this flower last” I laughed at his cheesy pickup lines, rolling my eyes playfully “I really thought you forgot about it, Chris. You better don’t do this again” I squint my eyes at him. “We’ll see princess, we’ll see.” He said, shrugging his shoulder making the ‘who knows’ face. I slap his arm playfully, he eventually starts laughing and bringing me closer into his arms, “I love you, y/n. Even the world can’t describe it” 
“This is so good, baby. Cook more often please please please” he begged, chewing the food I made for him. Chris stands up from his seat and walks towards me “Thank you, baby” He hugs me from behind and lift me off from the floor to twirl me. I laugh lightly “Chrisss, put me down” I whine playfully and he set me back on the floor, giving my face all the kiss it needed.
A solemn tear fell down my cheek, snapping me out of it. I blink my eyes a few times to stop it but the tears keep flowing down my face like a river escaping a dam. I try wiping it away as the door of my room creaks open, someone just came into my room. Luckily my back was facing the door, giving me times to prepare myself and turns around once I think I’m presentable enough. Nick stood there at my door frame, concerns could be seen on his face, “Nick? Hey, what are you doing here? Should’ve tell me before barging into my room,” I chuckled, eyes avoiding his
“You’ve been crying.” Nick stated, heading towards where I’m seated. One look of the things in my hands, he knew it straightaway. “Missing him? Everyday I passed his room, I could hear him sobbing his heart out. He still loves you, you know? Let him in again?” He suggests, rubbing my shoulder softly. Bringing me closer to his side, laying my head on his shoulder. I stare at the necklace which happened to be in the box, being on the top of the other.
“How? How, Nick? He was the one who ended it, I got no time to stop him from doing so!” I cry out, burying my face in his shoulder. My whole body is shaking from the amount of tears and sobs coming out of me. “Yet you still cry about it, y/n. It’s been what? Almost a year and you two still mourn for each other. I never believe you when you said you moved on from him. It was and still is in your eyes.” Nick whispered into my ears, his hand never stops rubbing my shoulder. 
“It hurts Nick, I still want him but God knows how my brain despise him when he said those words to me but my heart says the opposite” I sobbed, pouring my heart out. Nick only nods and comfort me softly, whispering sweetness to me till I slowly calm down from all the loud sob, non stopping flows of tears. My fingers taking the necklace from the box and turn it around. An engrave of ‘I love you - c.s’. I let my thumb stays on the engraving.
Minutes of staring it, I unclasp the hook and place it around my neck. Nick only observe my movement, saying absolutely nothing. I sigh lowly, resting the necklace on my collarbone. Sounds of a phone ringing starts to play, Nick take his phone out of the pocket of his trousers. The caller ID shows that it was Chris. I nod towards the phone, telling Nick to answer the phone call.
His thumb lingers on the decline button but finally pressing the green button, “Chris? Why’d you call?” He ask, talking to the phone. I shift away from Nick to give them both some privacy. I search for my phone only to be met with the battery logo. Grabbing the charger on the bedside table and plugging it in. “I’ll give you two some times but don’t ask again after this. You better not missed anything or even mess this up again, or I’m killing you myself.” The call comes to an end.
I walk back to my bed and peers at his phone, “what happened?” I asked, picking up the box from the bed and move it into my closet. “Nothing, Chris just asked about the juice from yesterday.” Oh. I nodded out of disappointment and settle down beside him. “Whatever happen, just let it flow naturally. Do not push it away. You better hear me out this time, y/n.” He said, looking into my eyes with seriousness. 
My brow furrows softly, confusion starts to spread on my face, “okay? Anyway why did you come here all of a sudden?”
“You weren’t answering the text I gave you and all my calls went straight to the voicemail. You expect me not to panic knowing you” He said, crossing his arms. “Anyway I’m gonna go buy some takeout with Matt, you want the usual?” 
“The usual I guess?” I shrugged, “up to you though, I don’t mind” 
Nick wave at me and left me alone in my room with my clouded thoughts. Sighing, I rose to my feet and drag myself to the bathroom to wash my face. My eyes are a bit red and puffy after the crying session and all. The sound of my door bell rings all over my house, I dry my face quickly. Rushing down the stairs to open the door. Time seeming to slow down, feeling as if I can hear my own heartbeat. There he stood, My Chris or what used to be. The tears in my eyes threatening to fall, “Chris…” I whispered-
-to be continued-
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jaennwrites · 9 months
Birthdays ˗ˏˋ ★ˎˊ˗
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guysss...i was on twitter and i saw this damn tweet that was like "why are guys never excited for their birthday" and YALL the men in the replies were so SAD AND CYNICAL...and i feel like that's so carmy. SO! In the spirit of raising my spirits for my 19th birthday...i wanna write this...tee hee. pairings: carmy berzatto x gn!reader, established relationship word count: short :D warnings: none, pure FLUFF CUTE DISGUSTING LOVEY DOVEYNESS BLAHH.
Carmy didn't really care for his birthday. He didn't want to sound like "those guys" but it really just was another day. The fact that he was never not working on his birthday also contributed to his nonchalant mindset.
He hadn't planned to be with someone this birthday — had he ever? This year he had you, you guys had been dating for five months now and Carmy was happy. Although, the happiness terrified him to death, it felt good. It felt good to have you drop by the restaurant randomly, to see you sleeping in his bed when he came home late. That will be his birthday present, seeing you when he got off of work, that was good enough.
"Cousin!" "Your lover is here!" Richie announced teasingly
Carmy rolled his eyes at the playful jab but a smile couldn't leave his face at the announcement of your arrival, an early birthday gift. He pushed himself out of the office chair and opened the door to see you with a cheerful smile on your face.
"Happy birthday Carm" You smiled extending the small white bakery box in your hand.
"Thank you?" He spoke trying to sound sincere but this was new for him. He couldn't really remember the last time someone brought him a...cupcake, he discovered as he peeked in the box.
"I know you're so blahh about your birthday but I believe in celebrating birthdays" You nodded stealing Carmy's seat in the office chair.
"I do like my birthday, and I appreciate this cupcake" "Actually" He reassured
"Sit" You demanded as you got up to let him sit down.
You turned off the lights in the office before pulling a pack of candles out your bag. You placed one right in the center of the cupcake, lighting it with a smile.
Carmy wasn't sure if it was the warm somewhat nostalgic light emitted from the candle, or your presence but he could feel his eyes starting to water. He turned his head away from you in hopes to not embarrass himself. However, it wasn't embarrassing, nothing about this was, it was just very unfamiliar for him.
"Carmy?..." "Are you...crying?" You asked concerned fearing that maybe his birthday held a negative memory for him.
You hadn't told him about this cupcake thing considering it was a surprise, but you and Carmy never really talk about birthdays. There were few conversations the previous month about if he was excited but he was always fairly dismissive. It never crossed your mind that the whole day might just be a negative thing for him.
"I'm sorry" "I hope I'm not being insensitive" You apologized taking his hand in yours
"No, No, No" "I'm just...happy, very happy, I love this" "All of it" Carmy smiled, quickly wiping a few falling tears
"Are you sure? I'll throw this cupcake a thousand miles away if you want" You reassured
"Really" "You're the best...best thing that ever happened to me" He declared squeezing your hand lovingly.
You held his face with you free hand, letting your thumb gently caress his cheeks before leaning in and kissing him. Carmy melted into your touch as he kissed you back rather eagerly. You both nearly forgot about the burning candle that was now halfway melted leaving blue wax all over the top of the white icing.
"Fuck" You cursed pulling away to turn your attention towards the cupcake.
"I have to make a wish" Carmy joked, going to blow out the candle
"Make a real wish Carm" You demanded holding his shoulder to ensure he didn't blow out the candle without thought.
"I am" He defended with a laugh —he was not.
Carmy closed his eyes and thought about what he wanted to wish for. I mean realistically, he wanted the restaurant to do great, he wanted things to get easier, maybe for everyone to always listen to him. He couldn't choose one wish and the candle was still burning, and you...
You, he thought, if he had to pick one wish above all other wishes, he would wish for you. So that's what he did; he wished for you and him to be together forever in kidlike fashion. Carmy couldn't honestly say he believed in birthday wishes but as he blew out his candle, he hoped that this wish would be the one to come true.
"What did you wish for?" You asked, laying your head on his shoulder
"I can't tell you" "Or else it won't come true" He argued playfully
"Better have been for something good" "Birthday wishes are important" "We're gonna celebrate every birthday from now on" You informed with an authority he found attractive and amusing.
Carmy watched with adoration as you carefully split the cupcake in half, picking away the blue wax from the top. If every birthday from now on was going to be with you then he didn't mind, didn't mind not one bit.
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perotovar · 6 months
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hey sweeties!! kel and i put a list together of all the submissions we got for our event and split them into two masterlists of fics for you all to read and enjoy! this is my part of the list, so if you don't see yours give @beskarandblasters 's list >here< a look and see if that's where your fic/submission ended up!
we can't thank you enough for submitting and helping us give a voice to the smaller writers of the fandom ♥ oh, and for any multi chapter fics/series, we only read the first chapters to make it fair!
please make sure to read each fic's warnings carefully and happy reading! ♥
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@iamskyereads - Compulsion (Ezra x ofc!Beatrice)
i can't even begin to describe how much i love this fic already. it's so smart and the worldbuilding?? incredible!! it feels like a sequel to the film, or like it could easily take place in the same universe. just brilliant. and ezra's voice is so clear here, i could hear him saying every word. and the oc, beatrice, is fascinating already, i can't wait to see where it goes!
@all-the-way-down-here - This Is Why We Fight (Dieter x nb!oc!Bell)
i love the start of this. both dieter and bell have excellent characterization and the conversations being had by every character feel so real and are so important. bell's group of friends all sound like friends i would have, and i would love to hang out with them. i love the direction this is going!
@linzels-blog - Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie x f!reader)
ahh what a delightful little fic! it feels very much like an early 2000s rom com and i mean that in the best way! very cute and i love the vibes. everyone's characterization is great and i can't wait to sink my teeth into the rest of it!
@elvenmother - Context and Perspective (Marcus M x f!reader)
completely obsessed with this concept. i love a good enemies to lovers and this is such an awesome way to do it! i always see marcus m fics featuring someone without superpowers, but to have a character that's just as powerful as him? sign me up!
@kedsandtubesocks - In the Dead of the Night (Din x f!reader)
one of my absolute favorite din fics. the worldbuilding and din's creature form is incredible. i love a horror au that's flipped on its head. i also love the "creature is also the hunter" trope and this does that incredibly well. the atmosphere is off the charts.
@ghostofaboy - Rock Bottom (Frankie x original male characters)
god, i don't even know where to begin with this story. it's so raw and visceral and i can't say enough how much i enjoy it. i love reading something new and especially if it's coming from a male perspective. this is, unfortunately, something i could see frankie getting up to. frankie is such a deeply tragic character and this fic does that justice in a dark, but really intriguing way.
@ishabull - The Way We Were Drawn (Marcus P x f!reader)
ohh this is such a sweet fic. i love the imagery painted and the dynamic between marcus and reader is so sweet!
@secretelephanttattoo - Headshots (Marcus P x f!reader)
this fic is beyond sweet and so dreamy. the ideal scenario for anyone, in my humble opinion. who wouldn't want to take pictures of handsome fbi agents and then fall in love with said agent?
@lesbianhotch - you walk by and i fall to pieces (Frankie x f!reader)
THIS WAS THE CUTEST DAMN THING. i love me a nervous frankie (hello, have you read my fic lmao) and this was by far one of the cutest. i'm obsessed with reader's confidence and i just know those two are gonna be menaces once they're together. throw in some patsy cline and i am a goner. this is going on the reread list for sure.
@insomniamamma - Remain Nameless (Ezra & Cee w/ gn!reader)
ok, this one actually made me cry. i'm not sure if it's my own sleep-deprived ass that caused it but this is probably one of the most beautiful but sad fics i've read in a long time. i mean all of this in the best way because i don't normally get emotional from fics. prospect as a movie makes me emotional, though, so it doesn't surprise me that this did as well. it's such an incredible missing scene that i can, unfortunately, see absolutely happening. have some tissues nearby.
@sweetercalypso - Unlikely Friends (Joel x gn!reader)
this fic is one of my absolute favorite fics for joel. a big reason for that is i have a cat named tilly. and imagining joel reluctantly and grumpily cuddling with my tilly makes me emotional, ok??
@softstarlite - The Casualty of Love (Javi P x f!reader)
very cute! i love the awkward tension around not seeing someone for so long and there being a huge glow up maturity-wise from one of them! seeing someone in a new light is always a strange thing and i love the start to these two and their journey!
@julesonrecord - Shots (Jack x f!reader/oc)
probably one of the best post-movie fics i've ever read for jack. the way jack's trauma and therapy is handled is so fucking brilliant and tonic is one of the best fucking characters, god. eva is written so well and i just. i can't recommend this fic enough. if you like jack, hell even if you don't, give this fic a shot. i promise you'll come out of it liking it.
@coulsons-fullmetal-cellist - The Audition (Dieter x f!reader)
goddd this was so cute! dieter's insecurities don't come up very often and i absolutely love what a match he and reader make. she's so sweet with him and takes such good care of him. and he loves her so much and i love them ok
@max--phillips - A Little Lipstick Never Hurts (Max P x f!reader)
this is one of the best explorations into kink that i've ever read. it's so respectful and hot as fuck. completely obsessed with this take on max as a character and i can't get enough of the dynamic between him, reader, (and eventually dieter). it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but i highly encourage you to give it a try. max gets some well deserved lessons taught, and who doesn't love that?
@coastielaceispunk - The Gift of Lingerie (Max L x f!reader)
god, this was so fucking hot. i'm so here for a mentally healed maxwell in a healthy marriage with a fulfilling sex life lol the little bit of teasing on both their parts was beyond sexy and i loved how equal everything felt. ugh, will be rereading this one for sure.
@lotrefcp - Hidden Away (Javi P x f!reader)
i'm obsessed with a no nonsense reader with just as much attitude/sass as javi does lol i just kept reading going GET HIS ASS. an excellent start to a universe i'm excited to sink my teeth into!
@beefrobeefcal - On the Waterfront (Frankie x f!reader)
oh, this is dark. i love the vibes immediately. i've had a weird fascination with the mafia for most of my life and this has that air about it. a dark, chubby mob boss!frankie is right up my alley for sure. i love that he's still frankie tho. sensible, practical, but with an edge. mind the warnings.
@flightlessangelwings - La Estrella de Mi Vida (Javi G x f!reader)
ahhh so romantic and so tragic!! i swear, it's impossible to make javi unappealing but this fic is just so sweet and manages to make me love him even more (somehow). but i love the added drama and tension from outside forces!! i need to read the rest of it asap!
@littlemisspascal - Rockford & Roan (Tim x f!reader)
my god, i love this?? i'm not usually one for superpowers/soulmate au's but i'm in love with the practicality of this? it feels otherworldly without being too much and it's very grounded. i love the reader and the way tim is written is so believable. i love that we as a fandom have created such a visceral image of this character from only a minute's worth of footage!
@something-tofightfor & @the-blind-assassin-12 - Aphelion (Oberyn x Ellaria & f!reader)
goddd the imagery painted in this one. so heartbreaking. absolutely breathtaking. i'm a slut for vampires and i'm a slut for oberyn/ellaria. this is absolutely something i will be reading the rest of lol
@bluestar22x - The Rockford Files (Tim x f!reader)
ok this is insanely good. one of my favorite books of all time is "red dragon" by thomas harris and i felt like i was reading that again while i read this. the details of the case and the cadence of everything was top notch. obsessed with the psychic element thrown in there and i'm beyond excited to see where tim and psy end up next!
@sweetenerobert - Fiction vs Reality (Tommy Miller x m!reader)
ohhhh my god. you give me a bisexual tattoo artist tommy miller with stretched ears and i'm supposed to be normal about it??? UNLIKELY. i am extremely tempted to edit this into reality ngl but my god. this was so fucking hot lmao
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ctitan98official · 4 months
@alexander-23 : Hi hi! I love your writing! I'm wondering if you could write an Alcina Dimitrescu x reader fic for me? Something like the reader who usually is so amazing at hiding their feelings and hates showing their vulnerable side is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Maybe Alcina clears the room or takes reader somewhere to be alone and holds them while also closing her wings around them (closing the wings around them is like an Uber important detail to me. Sorry). Reader just breaks down and becomes Uber vulnerable and needs the softest affection. Alcina naturally cares for the reader, maybe giving them extra attention for the night to ensure they feel heard and loved. Like I want to happy cry from the safety of her embrace and sense of security she gives me. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions so the comfort of someone I don't have to hide myself from like this would mean the world. Ik it doesn't give much room for creativity since I have like that specific request and I'm sorry about that, I just trust you with the request and always love your writing. I hope this is ok. Don't feel like you have to write it though. If it's not something you're interested in, just let me know. Thank you.
Sure! I need some Alcina comfort. I NEVER let people irl know how sad or upset I am (Unless I deck a motherfucker) So I can relate. I’m honored to have been entrusted with this. Let’s get into it!
You know how much Alcina has been through. You want to protect her, no matter what. Even if it’s from… Yourself.
Lately, though… Your mind has been a dark place. Haunting memories from what feels like a lifetime ago have begun plaguing you again. Traumas you never really let yourself heal from.
You have never allowed Alcina to see this side of you. You’re convinced that once she does, she’ll realize how broken you are…
You’re not going to lose her. You just have to hold on a little longer. Maybe these feelings will pass.
Alcina is currently hosting a summer soiree at the castle. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves… Except you.
Your mask of polite stoicism is cracking. Someone’s going to see. You just need a minute to compose yourself, but people keep coming and trying to mingle with you. It’s like a fucking nightmare. It won’t end. You give clipped and tight answers, trying to get people to back off. Thankfully, most people have taken the hint that you are in no mood to talk and hastily give you space.
However, Alcina is coming this way. Quick! Fix your hair, make sure you look presentable! As you attempt to groom a bit, you realize that tears are streaming down your cheeks. Damn, when did that happen? Wipe them off now! Here she comes.
“Well, hello again, my love.” Alcina purrs, happy to be with you once more. “Some of the guests are so chatty.” She quips lightly and looks to you.
When Alcina sees the tortured look on your face… She is shocked. She’s never seen you so upset. “Draga?” She asks softly and turns your chin gently to her. She gasps as she sees your tears.
You break from her stare and look away. “I’m fine, Alcina. Please enjoy the party, don’t worry about me.” You choke out and wave at her dismissively.
“Y/N.” Alcina says, voice firmer this time. She places her hand on your shoulder, not letting you move away.
Fuck. You ruined everything. She’s seen who you really are and… She hates you for it. As you think, you begin to spiral.
However, Alcina surprises you. She places a kiss on the side of your head. “Wait for me here, my darling.” She tells you and moves to the center of the room.
“Hello, dear guests.” She says, earning everyone’s attention. She is ever the picture of elegance. “I’m afraid that I am absolutely exhausted and… The wine’s almost out.” Alcina playfully gasps which causes everyone to chuckle. Her smile is brilliant as she charms everyone. She’s so good at this type of thing. “I would like to bid you all good night and thank you for coming.” She says graciously.
Light applause and pleasantries made in parting start filling the room. One by one, each guest leaves and you feel your heart pound faster. Alcina is probably pissed that she had to end the party. You fucked everything up.
When it is just the two of you left, Alcina quietly walks toward you. Her eyes hold pain as she sees how upset you are. “Baby…” She says softly and cups your cheek with her hand.
The warmth of Alcina’s touch breaks any walls that you were hoping to put up. You can’t lie to her anymore. It’s not fair, and right now… You aren’t okay. You break down and start to weep.
Alcina coos softly and holds you to her front. She realizes that you have never cried in front of her. You’ve never… Been this open with her at all. While she is so heartbroken to see you miserable, it is refreshing to see under all of the layers you have built to protect yourself. Alcina doesn’t care that you’re not perfect. She just wants to see you.
She picks you up and carries you to her study. This is where the two of you spend the most time together, and the familiar atmosphere comforts you a bit.
Alcina hums gently and places kisses on your head as you cry.
As warm as Alcina’s hold is… You are suddenly blanketed in the most soothing embrace you’ve ever experienced. You look up for a moment and your eyes grow wide. Alcina’s dragon wings are holding you securely. You didn’t know she could form her wings without fully mutating.
Alcina chuckles at the shocked look on your face and nuzzles her face on your head. “I’ve got you, draga. You’re safe.” She tells you before she wraps her wings tighter around you.
You’ve never felt safer. The velvety texture of Alcina’s wings is like the softest blanket you’ve ever been wrapped up in.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” She asks quietly.
Your first instinct is to say no… But, you trust Alcina. You’ve never trusted anyone before. It’s… A bit overwhelming. But, you decide to open up to her. It’s both the scariest and easiest thing you’ve ever done. Alcina listens to you fully. She doesn’t offer advice or interrupt you while you talk. It’s like… She’s the only person you would ever bare your soul too. You’ve just fallen more in love with her (If that’s even possible.)
It feels nice to get everything out in the open. Your fears of Alcina seeing you as broken were unfounded. She still loves you. All of you. It makes you so happy.
Alcina truly is your soulmate. You don’t know what you would do without her.
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lavandaea · 6 months
*inhales deeply*
There's spoilers ahead so, yeah, be careful.
This weekend episodes have actually broken my soul.
He didn't even need his feelings to be reciprocate, HE JUST WANTED TO BE WITH HER.
Dear writers, some things to ask, why so much screen time to second male lead? Why create such chemistry? Such backstory? (Spoiler alert: that will make us sympathize with the supposed villain) To just fuck*ing rip his heart out and pulverize it like Grandma with the cow bones, yes, just like that.
Let me get this straight, after having been raised in an environment of violence, pain and God knows what else for God knows how long, he falls in love. He experiences ✨feelings✨ ,he puts all his trust in her like never before, he shares his past and then he gets betrayed.
I swear I never seen someone cry so with so much meaning, feeling, with so much back there.
We made progress for the last (at least) five episodes TO JUST END IT IN A SINGLE ONE.
This could have been handled a lot better in a lot of ways and about a lot of topics that I could actually write an essay.
Let's begin the the main leads.
So, in order to have some sort of feeling about ML and FL loving eachother you need to put screen time ON them. Yeah, they support eachother, they have known far before Si Oh, they are funny and a lot of things more. They even kissed and very passionately, wow.
Just one thing, Why didn't I even blink during that scene but found myself hitting the pillow and blushing when Si Oh did such mundane things as taking her home, opening doors for her, fixing her purse, hair, looking at her with those "I love you" eyes,👏feeling👏guilty👏about👏making👏her👏uncomfortable👏 with👏his👏feelings👏for👏her HELLO??, WAVING HER BACK WHILE HE WATCHED HER GO, SMILE EVERY DAMN TIME HE SAW HER?
I´ll tell you why. Because I know, thanks to you, that Si Oh was experiencing for the very first time what it's like to have human interaction that doesn't involve violence or having to be wary of everything and everyone all the time.
Even after having lived a life of shit, even after still living a life of absolute shit he still wanted to be connect, to be happy, to make her happy, to love and be loved. Moreover, I couldn't help just to feel happy for him, sad, angry, fucking rageous (not more than him, obviously).
Meanwhile, I barely know Hee Sik aka the male lead.
I remember seeing his mother once and I think that's what I understood about his private life. Sorry, I forgot about his deceased brother, that could have been a good topic to develop if it wasn't just mentioned once somewhere in the sixth chapter and left there to rot. Other than that, I know he is a cop, loves his cops friends and loves Nam Soon, also he is really loyal and good person.
Nice👍, very nice. But that's not personality or backstory, that's a job and some general traits everyone should have to live in a society and have a job where you usually do the teamwork thingy.
So, what else??
Or does the man just exist for his job and girlfriend? It is just I simply don't understand it, you create a seriously complex character that has any kind of potential and you want us cheer for...Yeah, no. He literally could be an extra with how little and simple information we receive about him.
Even Shi Oh had some time to box being a drug dealer and full time whipped for her.
I'm just saying that you want me to suddenly dislike someone you took a considerable amount of time explaining but I have to like this good guy because you just pointed at him 👉🧍, and said, "here's the good guy, love him".
Sorry, I cant do that.
If you haven't noticed, you just made a character I fell obliged to sympathize.
If you wanted to make him evil and hot you should have just made him evil and hot.
It worked just as well with Jang Han Seok from Vincenzo.
Not have him have "REDEMPTION" written all over his face just to go with "Actually, no. He has no chance. 😃". It's, for lack of a better term, frustrating. (Absurd)
Instead, maybe you should have dedicated that screen time for the construction of the main leads relationship.
Oh, yes. Another thing since we are talking about the matter.
ML and FL relationship progress got weaker and weaker since she had started to spy on Si Oh. And then one episode was like "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, they are actually dating by now" Bom, a kiss. If I need a kiss to know they are in love, there's something going on back there. Something lacking.
Scenes of them in love: well acted, nice, cute, cool, okay. But it is like picking a random romance book and start reading it ten chapters ahead, they are in love, but how this did happen??? Last time I saw them, they were in a friends-and-some-more zone.
Where's their development?
I know where is it. In the fake relationship, that it was being used just to turn Si Oh into a complete monster with probably not chance of going back.
"You have suffered a lot, yeah, I see. Anyway here's more pain. Suffer more and go cause some trouble because if not, there's, apparently, no plot"
Nice job.
I have been saying this and I will say it again, kdrama writers/directors are not ready for traumatized villains. They are afraid of them.
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saphir93 · 3 months
Adam x Lute - First meeting in Eden
Adam chose his exorcists, but if he and Lute had already met before in Eden? I loved the character of Adam so much, he is very deep and full of things to say yet, his narrative arc is not closed and his emotional bond with Lute is wonderful, it definitely brings out his best and best side. He must came back in the show, as I say feel that his character arc is not closed. Hope evry Adam fan and Lute X Adam will enjoy this things that I made.
First meeting in Eden
Garden of Eden. Adam and Lilith have just been created, but they don't get along at all and do nothing but argue. Adam turns offended while Lilith escapes and runs away. Lute comes down from the sky because she is curious to see the first man, so she flies through the garden but Lucifer is also there, so she decides to land and hide behind a tree. “What am I doing? I…I shouldn't be here.” she thinks. She is sweaty and her heart beats hard, but as soon as she places her gaze not covered, she scrutinizes Adam. Adam is sitting on a rock, he is naked, beautiful, perfect but sad, very sad. Lute is struck by such beauty and blushes.
“So this is the first man.”
Meanwhile Adam complains “That damned female never listens to me! I fucking hate her! I do everything I can to please her and she rejects me!” Lute sees that Adam is crying out. “I can't accept it, I can't see him being like this.” she thinks, then she decides to reveal herself to him. Adam looks up and is struck by his beauty and stops crying.
Adam “You are an angel…but, but you are a woman.” Lute “Hello first man. Yes, there are also female angels among us.” Adam “Well you know, the only one who visits us often is always Lucifer. I didn't think there were even females among you. My name is Adam anyway.” Lute “Adam, what a beautiful name. So tell me Adam, why are you so sad? Something wrong?" Adam “What's wrong? That I, Adam, I'm never enough for that ungrateful female! She's always complaining and criticizing, I can't stand her anymore." Lute approaches Adam, stroking his back. “But you are Adam, you are the first man, she must respect you and be grateful to be able to have you by her side. She doesn't realize how lucky she is!" Adam sprang to his feet. “You're fucking right! I am Adam, the first man! Everything will come from me, I need respect and I will have it!” Lute smiles “Of course the first man deserves it!”
Adam “Oh Lute, it would be nice if women were all like you angels! I feel better now and I thank you. I will make sure he respects me!”
Lute “Happy to have been of help to the first man.”.
Adam as he walks away. "Yes. You know, I also hope to see you again.”
Lute makes a sad face, then she thinks "I also wish it could have lasted longer Adam.". Lute while she is returning and flying carefree collides with Lucifer "And what are you doing here?" Lucifer was perplexed "I'm asking you the same question! I was checking that everything was fine as usual." Lute "Me too." Lucifer "Actually, I saw you as you approached Adam." Lute "But you were very close to Lilith!"
Lucifer "Okay, listen...neither of us saw anything." Lute "Clear" Lucifer "Good." Lute thinks “He knows I shouldn't be here and yet he's letting me go” she arrives at the gates of heaven to look sadly at the clouds beyond the gate “I hope Adam is okay”.
A lot of time passes and Lucifer is expelled with Lilith, the two make Eve eat the apple. Adam eventually became the first soul welcomed into heaven. Adam becomes an angel. Sera's office. Sera “Now that you are leader of the exorcists you can choose from our best fighting angels.” Evening shows the row of exterminating angels. Lute meets Adam's gaze and is afraid of being discovered, Adam recognizes her immediately and with a pleased face points to her without thinking. Adam smile “How small the universe is...” Sera “What's happening Adam?” Adam “It happens that I have chosen! There she is, the sexiest one. I really want that badass bitch over there! She is perfect! " Sera rolls her eyes at Adam's response while Lute tries to keep herself composed even though she feels uncomfortable while her linemate, Agatha glares at her full of envy. Adam “Even the one who looks at her badly, but yes. I want both bitches. They are perfect.”. Once outside Sera's office, Adam takes off his helmet and looks at Lute "I knew I'd see you again." Lute tried to avoid it. Adam “No. Don't do that, look at me." Lute takes courage and looks at him, Adam winks “It's our secret.” Lute blushes. “Lucky bitch who saw the first man. You are so sweet.” concludes Adam.
The start of a fan series I'm working on and writing the script. This part will become a future fan animated video, collaboration with @kimtrik96
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arashrita · 1 year
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Don't say you love me, unless you do.
He didn't have to act like an arse. Sure, he was stressed and busy. That overworking dude seriously. But, you were only trying to help him. The only thing you said was
"Hey, Lucifer! Do you want me to help you?"
What bad thing did you say? Exactly, nothing. But, there's a thing you see, people take your love and care for granted and forget that you have feelings too. Humans do that all the time. Can you really blame the demons? Yes, you can. Because being a bloody prick can never solve anything. What's bad is bad. Dosen't matter what species they are.
He went out of his way and called you "Pathetic, insufferable little human", "annoying happy-go-lucky", "immature and insensitive." Lots of other stuff probably, you don't even remember everything.
You didn't cry in front him. Instead, you stared back with a raging fire in your eyes and snapped "Damn, what all of them said about you is true after all."
That rendered him speechless. Good, you won't let him tear your soul just because he feels like it. You are so done being the sweet and forgiving one. Have they really forgotten that you can feel? That's it. That's so fucking it.
You had stormed off from his office and requested Solomon to pick you up. Surprising, that you didn't break down in tears. You could feel rage bubbling inside your veins like hot lava. Damn him and his stupid pride. You wanted to scream and throw things.
It was Simeon. Yup, you ended up crashing in the Purgatory hall, of course. But why Simeon is calling in the middle of the night?
"What is it man?"
"Ummm... I guess you should go outside and see for yourself."
You huffed but eventually obliged. You already had a hunch about what it might be and that's exactly why you were reluctant to go.
Sure enough, it was the person—demon you didn't want to face. What? He is capable of pulling that puppy dog look? Well, too bad, you ain't falling for it, not today. Wait, are those... tear stains? Ah man seriously? He knows so damn well that you are soft. But bloody hell man he looks like shit and that's that.
"(Y/N), I'm sorr—
"Apology unaccepted, now leave. Goodnight."
"There's nothing good about this night when you are not by my side."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lucifer. You realize that I'm not a robot right? I have feelings too and YOU—Mr, congratulations! you officially lost my trust."
Every word that came out of your mouth struck him like a bullet. He didn't mean it. He didn't mean anything. He made a grave mistake—again. He dosen't deserve anymore chances. Still, his heart wants you. His body automatically moves toward you.
"I'm really sorry... I-I know I caused a lot of damage. I feel shame... But, (Y/N), I love you..."
"Don't say you love me, unless you do."
You were doubting his love for you and that was enough to understand the weight of the situation. Well, it was him who digged his own grave, as simple as that.
His eyes welled up. You could see his hands trembling like crazy. Well, shit. You aren't supposed to give in. Not after what he did. You shouldn't welcome him back in your life. He isn't worth that. Or... wait... true, he destroyed your feelings today but... you can't deny that in countless situations he helped you in every way he can. Also.... watching him so miserable... You are supposed to feel the taste of sweet sweet revenge. Then...why it makes you sad...? Damn him for having such a strong hold over you.
Whatever decision you take, it's going to be a turning point. Do you really want to lose him? Not really... The answer is crystal clear. You want him back.
"Fine, you know what you are lucky. But, I swear to god, this is the last fucking time I—
You couldn't finish your sentence. He was holding you like you will disappear in thin air. You could feel sobs wrecking his body. Now, who is the pathetic one? Probably, something you would've loved to say. But, no, you could feel the genuineness. Argh... why do you love him so much?
You blinked back the tears. Fine, just this once he will get away with it because you love him too damn much.
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