#but honestly the of the group had fantastic moments in that season as well
amberantlers · 1 year
maybe it’s just cause he’s my blorbo, but i feel like season 2 just really wanted to shove percy down in the mud and never give him a win fghjk
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britcision · 1 month
Not gonna lie, we’ve been watching YuYu Hakusho alongside the release of Delicious In Dungeon and uh
It’s been illuminating
Like on the one hand hoooooooboy you can taste the 90s animation techniques (and the Netflix version is somehow more strobey and seizure bait, and they’ve fucked random chunks of audio?? I have the dvds I can prove they’ve fucked around)
On the other hand… yeah, it really, really highlights what people have already been talking about with the Delicious In Dungeon - the pacing issues, especially with going shot for shot from the manga instead of embracing their own medium
Cuz I will stand by YuYu Hakusho being the best anime version of a manga I’ve ever seen. It’s true to the manga, but keeps up the pacing and fleshes things out by leaning more into the side characters, and particularly our audience surrogates, Koenma and George
The fights all pace well because we cut to the people watching them, so it’s not just repetitive punch punch punch shots (although we do get those)
Whereas this week’s episode of DunMeshi in particular…. Really suffered from skewed pacing on that fight
They had way too much time just standing around talking, both with the harpies and in between Falin’s attacks, and I’d bet even an anime-only fan could pick out which shots were literal panels in the anime because nothing moved to flow between them
Those shots of the separated groups especially; this is anime, not manga. Those people could have been moving, interacting, doing things instead of panning over a still
I get that it takes more time and money but this was a really significant fight and it does make me worry a little for season 2, because the red dragon fight also had some pacing problems (although to a much lesser degree) and season 2 is when the combat pops off
I really do appreciate them wanting to do a faithful interpretation of the manga and sticking close to Ryoko Kui’s vision, but anime is its own medium and by sticking too closely they’re not taking full advantage of that medium
You have more time to fill in an animated episode vs a manga chapter because your characters literally move and flow, and three panels of action happen in a second
They’ve been folding two or three chapters into each episode, but this week’s especially (ep 17) really played too close to that two chapter timeline, instead of taking out the important story beats and the time to fill and working out how to pace around that instead
(Funnily enough though, they actually nailed the exact same kinda pacing issue in the exact same episode for the Laios and Shuro fight; that one was fucking great, it was clear that action was ongoing even while we focused on other people, and it had good weight and emphasis despite being largely offscreen, just like the harpy fight should have been
I. Guess. They coulda put more work into that than the Falin fight? Cuz it’s a huge character moment but for fuck’s sake Chimera!Falin SHOULD be the bigger one! We the audience got hints but this was the REVEAL)
Honestly just… the 1000% disinterest in the harpy fight was jarring, and it leading immediately into the Falin fight that was basically stop motion without the time lapse didn’t help
Cutting to Marcille and Shuro on the shirt tear was fucking great though, chef’s kiss, someone out there is still watching over us, I just hope they work out a happy medium soon
I get that there’s lots of iconic and fantastic panels in the manga, I made a complete summary of every single chapter, but the anime shouldn’t be showing them as stills
The characters should be moving in between them, not snapping from one face to the next like a slide show
In a perfect world I’d also love some more little character asides and things a la YYH, but there just isn’t the same easy audience characters to cut to
But but but
Thistle reacting a la Koenma to some snippets of the bullshit in his dungeon would give me fucking LIFE he can’t be watching all the time for obvious plot reasons but I want him to find a veggie golem
I want him to see the kraken and find some leftovers and be searching for Delgal and plotting their dinner and wondering why he can smell something delicious and what is it and can he make that
Move the background stuff that got cut from the Tances’ episodes, cut to Namari and the twins hanging out and talking about leg guards, there’s SO MUCH supplemental material
It might be less one for one to the manga but it’d stop the weird dragging out and give us something more, something extra to appreciate the anime on its own merits
It’s nice to have an anime experience that is very close to reading the manga, but it’s something really special to have the anime shine and add to the experience on its own
Anyway next week is the shapeshifter and I’m so hype for that and wondering if they are gonna include just a smidge of meta knowledge since Kui did tell us whose impersonations are whose 👀
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tonguetiedraven · 5 months
Season Three Episode One Thoughts
-Starting in the classroom is a brilliant idea. It gives a good reason for Rin to be reading, makes it clear we're out of summer break, and leads perfectly into Godaiin and doesn't make them have to set up a friendship for those two. We just dive in.
-The Kyoto's trio intro was perfect and the letter was entirely the way I wanted it to look, over the top reactions and all.
-I'm glad we didn't have to see the Amaimon brutalization of Rin. That would have been a bit rough for the first episode back and not having it will make some of the coming violence and gore with the zombies and lab more intense.
-Mephisto's clothes and room made my eyes bleed. Perfect. No notes. Everything is exactly as it should be.
-Liked the color sap of Gehenna and that they used the cgi heads to connect that to the gate for people who don't know about the manga and don't know that's Gehenna.
-The portraits fight was fantastic and I like that they had the same demons in there be the one that attacked Sei earlier. It makes it feel like there was a reason they were doing that mission and is a great setup to allow them to do the mysteries in any order they want. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see some of the others pop up later. The bathroom ghost is perfect for closer to the festival with that stuff.
-I like how they didn't spend a lot of time on Yukio withdrawing. They had Rin and Shura both point it out in different ways, and it's a good setup for the stuff later.
-Kuro napping on the table gives me so much joy.
-Hair clip. Just Hair clip.
-The outside eating lunch scene was everything I wanted. All of them hanging out and chatting and Izumo being entirely embarrassed and everyone looking at Rin after the demon shout xD
-The ending with Godaiin taking a moment to show him actively thinking about what demons really are and halflings, and how those drops might change how he sees Rin and whether he should use them and that leading directly to the rest of the group waiting on him and teasing him and wanting him to come for food.
-Mephisto echoing the opening narration with a more cryptic twist.
-The credit shot of the girl's bathroom. The ghost? Or just a nod for us?
All in all, I'm impressed they got that much and they set up so much for later. I really thought they were going to skip all the mysteries and I'm delighted they gave us Konekomaru's moments because honestly, the Illuminati arc and the portrait fight are both huge for him, and he doesn't have an arc of his own and rarely gets the spotlight.
I like the animation and think the palette and style suits Izumo and Shima quite well. I like the strong focus for friendship in the start and the questions about demons and humans they're setting up for later on in this arc. I am very hopeful and I've heard the Japan fans who got to see the first three episodes said the pacing gets better, so I am ecstatic.
It still doesn't quite feel real that we got it after all this time xD It's more than I ever expected and I'm on cloud nine.
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nonsubstantial · 17 days
This is another post about the art that I've been fascinated with this year. I make these posts monthly, so that I can look back and remember all the things that were keeping me happy and inspired! If you are reading this, then I hope it will be somewhat interesting to hear about. First, a collage of my interests this month, then there are descriptions below.
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MUSIC / ALBUM I heard about Everything Harmony by The Lemon Twigs because Vinny Vinesauce liked it enough to feature it on his twitch channel four times within this last month. After checking it out, it quickly became a favorite of mine as well. It's inspired by 60's era rock bands like The Beach Boys and The Beatles, and the two brothers in charge of The Lemon Twigs were basically raised from birth to create this kind of music. They're excellent musicians, but I do have a few complaints, mainly that their band is a four person group that started as a two person group, and it shows. The musicians on their drums and backing guitar are unnoticeable most of the time, or even make their music worse when I really focus on the boring repetitive parts that they play in the mix. I think that it would improve things if we heard the other two members’ creativity shine a little more. On a different note, their lyrics also feel kind of hollow to me, sort of like facsimiles of themes that we heard out of the 60’s pop music that they’re inspired by. Maybe the brothers’ odd upbringing is what makes their lyrics feel like nothing more than dreamy imitations of other lyrics, rather than being something written from their own hearts? In any case, their vibe is really bizarre, but despite all my criticisms I did really enjoy this one album from them. (And actually, their new 2024 album is already out! It’s also fantastic, and I’ll talk about it on my May list.)
FANFIC / CREATIVE WRITING I've been working on a long fanfic for fun since last month, and every time I write a new scene for it I'm filled with a sense of creative euphoria for the rest of the day. It's not always perfect, but there's no real pressure to write something good, so it just ends up being an enjoyable outlet for my passions. Even if I never publish anything, being creative and exploring my own imagination is satisfying in itself, and I wish I had the time to do it every day! (HONESTLY, there could and should be time, if only our society actually prioritized taking breaks for mental health and personal wellbeing over making endless amounts of money and increasingly insubstantial products to be consumed by only the luckiest members of our parasitic upper class. I hate our unsympathetic workaholic capitalist culture with every fiber of my being, and wish that I could fucking end it all, but I digress...) Writing is just so fun. And I'll be working on the same projects for another few months, probably, as long as I can keep on keeping up with them.
REALITY GAME SHOW The finale of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 16 concluded this month, and I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Now that it’s over, we’re starting back from season 1 and we’re going to try to eventually watch it all! (We actually did finish season 1, right before posting this. It was interesting and groundbreaking in its own right, and it introduced me to Tammie Brown, who is now one of my favorite queens. Then, we started season 2 and I’m pretty sure that this is where the show’s bad reputation got its start, because I really can’t stand any of the season 2 contestants. Too bad, but we’ll keep on watching and see how it pans out anyway.) In season 16 though, there was just so much unique creativity and talent on display, and so many jaw dropping ‘holy shit’ moments, that I think it was one of the best things I have ever watched. It had the hypest final lip sync battle I ever could have imagined, and I had no idea which way it was going to end. In whole, I feel like the show was a wonderful watch, and I’m glad that our friends convinced us to give it a shot.
LIVE THEATER MUSICAL My partner and I were given a gift card to our local theater last year, so we finally used it to go see a live production of Annie! We don't live in a place where live musicals are very common, and I actually hadn’t seen any since highschool, so we had to make plans very early in the year to go watch it. And after having done so, I can say for certain that there is a unique magic to watching a live theater performance. I’m surprised that it was all performed so perfectly, even with children and a dog on stage, and remarkably, it sounded better than any recording I could find online before or after the event. It was so incredible all around that it totally transported me into a unique creative headspace. There were people of all ages there, some dressed up, some appearing more casual, but the atmosphere was delightful and jovial all around. I’m not going to comment about what was or wasn’t problematic about Annie; it’s not really that deep and you can probably figure that out on your own. But I will say that the magic of a live performance depends entirely on the energy in its room, and I was totally swept away by this experience. Without the discount, it would have been very pricey though, so I’m hoping that we can put away a little money to see a different live musical next year.
BOOK / AUDIOBOOK About a month and a half ago, I started Leo Tolstoy's epic work of historical fiction, War And Peace. I love a book that I can get completely lost in, and War and Peace is one of those books. I made it about 1/4th of the way through it this month, and even though it started slow, I’m now sure that it’s going to be an all time favorite. I read Anna Karenina years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it, so I expected to like this one too, but there was still a sort of learning curve to overcome at the start. After over a month of engaging with it, I feel like I’ve finally gotten over its barrier to entry, and now I’m picking up the pace. Most people have heard of this book before, so let me tell you that its high-sounding title is no false advertisement. It’s a Russian slice of life book set during the Napoleonic Wars, dealing with a huge assemblage of political and philosophical conflicts, and it will have you exasperatedly crying “time is a flat circle!” as you realize that humans today have nearly the same brains and political interests that they had over 200 years ago. It is already a masterpiece, in my opinion, and I’m going to be reading this book for the entire month of May also, so that’s something to look forward to. If you’re interested in checking out an audiobook, I’m also listening to the Maude translation, narrated by Neville Jason, and I think it’s quite good! (That's it for April! But we're already a few weeks into May, so expect more Lemon Twigs and more War And Peace. Thank you for caring about me, and I hope you have a good day! ♡)
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
"We Match!" The Ghost/"Mitch." X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Ay yo week three of the fantastic @the-slasher-files Bloodfest! I hope you alllll enjoy this one! This is the first thing I have written for The Ghost or “Mitch” from The Haunt (2019) a movie I watched a few days ago! I ended up loving it and this guy sooo much and the inspo hit so here we are! I dunno if I will write him again but we will see, for now, enjoy this new piece!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 2K. The Ghost/ "Mitch" X FEM! AFAB! Reader. No Pronouns Specified. Warnings: Blood. Gore. Fear. Cutting. Banter. Teasing. Vaginal Sex. Spanking. Talk Of Death And Murder. Unprotected Sex. Dirty Talk. Mask Kink. Glove Kink. 
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You always loved Halloween, always dressed up and always, always, always went out and did something. This year was no different, you went out with friends, some drinks, some dancing and partying, consuming candy and general reverie but it wasn’t enough. When you all departed from the club there was excited talk of not wanting the night to end just yet, wanting to finish strong and on a high note. Many things were thrown back and forth until the idea of a haunted house was brought up and that was what was enthusiastically decided on. 
It was pretty fucking cheesey honestly, total cornball. To start at least. Somewhere along the way it got really real and very intense. One your friends getting separated and apparently murdered before your eyes, another one getting seriously injured, the group splitting up further still, it had you scared and majorly on edge, until you came across another scare actor. He was dressed in a mask, bone white and black and some yellow, long off white, bordering on almost grey and  dirty looking robes, clearly the costume he was going for was a ghost and it was pretty good. You could see some chains wrapped around it to really elevate it to sell the vibe. It fit the theme, everyone else you had seen went for more vintage style costume choices and masks. 
You and your friends were freaked the fuck out but this guy, “Mitch” as he told you, reassured you, said he’d help get you out and that the murder you witnessed was an act that they did, that your friend was outside and most likely wondering where you all were. 
It was a relief. 
You all just got too caught up in the moment, it was late and you got swept into the situation and the spirit of the season, Halloween is all about getting scared and you fell victim to that, who could blame you? Eventually, your friends went a different route in search of the first aid kit Mitch directed them to and by doing that left you alone with him. 
There was a section you had passed through earlier, the back of one of the scare exhibits you had all participated in. It was a medical-like room with x rays on the wall and holes that encouraged you to reach through, the one you had reached into had a tray filled with peeled grapes to mimic eyeballs. What your friend experienced however was not so innocent and she ended up getting stuck shoulder deep in hers and cut with razor blades. One the back side of it there was the table with the trays, you were currently leaning against it, waiting on your friends and just killing some time with Mitch. 
“So you been doing this for long?” You asked, glancing over at him and he let out a hum, a tilt of his head, “A few years now. Going on three years doing this.”
“With the same group?” You inquired and he gave a nod, “Yeah they are a good group, we click really well. Part of why this-” He said with a wide gesture of his robe to the still bloody razor blades scattered upon the table top, a mere foot of space away from where you leaned, “-is so jarring to me. I have no idea who could have done this.” 
“Yeah, must be pretty scary thinking you know someone only for them to pull a stunt like this.” You admitted and he took a step closer, speaking in a more hushed tone, as if worried someone would overhear while you were clearly alone. 
“There is this new guy who joined up this year, I’d hate to think it but maybe…”
You shuddered at the thought, “Ugh, I hope not!” 
“Me too.” He sighed and you knew this must be hard for him. You felt bad and you wanted a way to maybe lighten the mood, break the tension, so you said. “I love your costume by the way.”
He seemed a bit taken aback by that, but it worked and changed the subject as he looked down, holding his arms out but the mask was looking back up at you, “Thanks! I’ve always been a fan of the classics.”
“Yeah, same here, but you know, a modern twist.” You gestured down to your own costume. You too went as a ghost. But one where the material was long enough on the sides to cover your arms with some extra past that but the rest of the hemline was cut criminally short to show off the thigh high fishnets and garter belt you wore along with the tall black heeled boots as accompaniment. 
“I dunno about modern, doing a sexy version of a staple is a classic in itself I’d say.”  He asserted and you had to agree. “You make a fine point there Mitch.”
“Thank you.” He said easily and you continued, “And points for calling it sexy and not slutty. Cuz it totally is but still smart move.”
“Oh you flatter me far too much.”  He laughed and you liked the sound. “I think you are far too trusting too.”
“And why do you think that?” You asked and he took another step closer, “I mean when you lay it out, you, stuck in a haunted house, separated from your friends, and alone with a total stranger who’s face you’ve never even seen? Could spell trouble.” 
“Well one. You haven’t seen my face either.” You said with a point before saying next, “And two, are you inferring that you’re planning on killing me?”
“I think I’m more implying it and I’m not. I’m simply making an observation.” He said with a shrug and you got an idea. 
One of the things about Halloween that you have loved to indulge in since becoming of age and really partying is? Hooking up with a stranger and this holiday so far, you have not crossed that off your list and you weren’t the type to break your streak on such a long standing and fun tradition on your favourite night of the year. There was something about this guy, a quality that you just liked. You felt you clicked with him, he was funny, plus the idea of fucking this guy when you have never seen his face and never will? Leaving afterwards hopefully satisfied and unsteady on your heels with some fun new memories and a good story? A truly perfect capper to this night before getting back together with your friends and toddling back home to collapse into your bed to sleep. 
Time was of the essence though. You didn’t need this to be long, you needed it to be dirty and quick, so you had to gauge his reaction. 
“Awe damn shame.” You pouted, not like he could see your face but you hoped it came across in your tone. “Enlighten me?” 
He prompted and you filled in the blank, “If you were planning on killing me then maybe I could sweet talk you into giving me a last request.” 
“Intriguing. Perhaps if you share that last request I might just indulge you, even without the killing.” 
“What a gentleman.” You praised before standing upright and turning, you bent at the middle, laying your stomach on the solid wood table and in the process that super short hemline rose up and showed off the spectacular view of your ass. The underwear you chose was lacy and cute and now totally on display, the thin straps of the garterbelt helping to really sell it and frame your assets. “Too bad I’m not looking for a gentleman.”
“No, what you are looking for is quite obvious.”  You hear him come up behind you, feel his hand on your ass, the smooth gloves? Very nice, loved that you couldn’t even feel the most basic part of him, you liked the extra layer of separation. 
“So are you gonna indulge me?” You asked with a look over your shoulder and in response you received a spank with a good amount of force behind it, a short moan spilled out, surprised by the initiative he took along with the small jolt of pain accompanying it. There was a firm squeeze, enjoying the feeling of you in his grip as he said, “I mean you are about to die. It would be cruel to deny you this small kindness.” 
You bit back a laugh, of course a dude who is years deep into being a scare actor would get into the roleplay you laid out. 
So when your frankly skimpy underwear is ripped midway down your thighs and you feel him press against your already slowly leaking hole you welcome him along with the slight burn of the stretch of him slipping inside with a low groan, “Yesssss-”
You didn’t need much warm up at all, within two minutes any of the mild ache subsided, replaced with low simmering and steadily building pleasure. Your nails are digging into the wood of the table, moving back as much as you could to meet him in the middle as he drove forward, his hands on your hips as he fucked into you. When pain gave way to pleasure and you weren’t wincing, instead moaning, not super loud, still mindful that you might get caught, he took that as the cue to slam his hips harder into yours. 
During that you noticed, through the haze, a different sort of feeling, something unusual and when you questioned it, he paused his pace. Hips flush against your ass, a hard grind, hands gripping tighter he said, “I might have something extra-” And he pulled out, slowly, much slower and you feel it, the rim of your hole catching on what had to be some pretty impressive piercings. 
You tried to place what you think it could have been but he picked up his pace, another spank, much harder as he quickened his thrusts and all thoughts left your head in short order. 
It felt fucking great, you were panting, pleasure slowly building, moaning out, “Oh fuck-Goddd! Mitch don’t stop-”
He let out a breathy laugh, falling forward, you could feel his chest to your back, his mask next to your ear, harder thrusts as he said, “You know Mitch isn’t-”
You cut him off, rushing out with a half-laugh-half-moan yourself, “I fucking know your fucking name isn’t Mitch and I doooon’t carrrrre.” 
The hardest hit of the night, landing on the same spot, a choked moan as you clenched around him, walls of your slick cunt hugging his shaft tightly. He groaned, head tipping forward, “Fuck. You know, you’re right.”
You let out a small questioning hum, much more concerned with your building climax than what he was saying and he responded, a hand coming around and gripping your throat through the thin sheet of your costume. “I shoulda called you slutty from the start.” 
Yeah he should have. 
This was so hot, you felt so powerless to him, all alone, his body covering yours, he was so much stronger and you were so vulnerable. A man who you didn’t know, whose face you haven’t seen and never will, a guy who’s name you didn’t know who was currently balls deep, raw, in your clenching and slick hole, how much dirtier could you get?
This guy hasn’t seen your face either, doesn’t know your name, he hadn’t even kissed you before he stuck himself inside of you and you got off much, much too hard at the very idea, let alone the fact you were actually doing this.  
As you started to get close, lost to sensation and the fervour of your illicit hookup you could only muster one thought and that thought? God you loved Halloween. 
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yesactuallyican · 2 years
The Crawl
Warning: This might make no sense. It's my analysis on The Crawl and what it could be and mea for the show!
Usually, the episode titles are named after a very specific moment in the episode, and when you get to it, it's like, oh, yeah, that's why it's called this. Think of Dear Billy. It makes like no sense until you get there and you're like oh, okay.
So, option one, 'The Crawl' is a pivotal moment in the episode. My mind immediately goes to something crawling out of the Upside Down, like the demodogs did in season two, and into the real world. Or! The Rightside Up 'crawling' into the Upside Down, slowly starting to merge together because that'd be great fun cool awesome amazing. Or, if they're really serious about doing the whole dnd-lore-bring-back-Eddie, then maybe it's him crawling out of the Upside Down as Kas. I feel like it would be right at the end, and it would work with almost anything else they wanted to do.
Option two revolves more around it being a dungeon crawl sort of situation, which I'd love, being a Dnd player. There is. So much potential. It would start the season off with a bang, it could be a showstopping sort of thing. This would be a fantastic way to get the party all back together and operating again, and separating all the groups. (You know what I mean, I hope, because I don't wanna explain.) It could be the characters delving into Vecna's mindgames, assuming those still happen, and it could be the episode where they really play dnd in real life. Make references about Mike's paladin (Give him a sword please please please), Will as a cleric (medical supplies, but also a gun because clerics are absolutely insane at damage dealing), Dustin as a bard (with moral support and all the brains they need to stay safe) and Lucas, the ranger, (with a wrist rocke- (gunshot)) I would die to see this actually.
Option three is the idea of crawling back to normalcy. For example, school is reopening, a very easy way to get the characters reintroduced if we had a time skip, and we could watch the characters are managing their lives after Vecna's attack number 1. We don't know how apocalyptic season 5 is gonna be, so anything goes. Hawkins could be half-evacuated and carrying on as normal, or it could be mostly destroyed by episode two. We have no idea, which is why I say this. It could also be cool to watch this delicate and carefully crafted normal absolutely shatter once something happens.
Option four is all sad, but it's someone crawling away from Vecna, out of a vision or nightmare, or who's starting to get symptoms and is hiding away from them, not telling anyone, etc. It kind of fits into the whole 'pivotal moment' thing but I wanted to say it separately. If delivered by a good character (and they're all pretty good lets be real) with a nice showstopping, jaw-dropping line, I'd love to see it. It could be literally or symbolically. Literally could be El or Will or Max or Lucas or someone we're expecting to see get Vecna'd, symbolically, well, I'd adore it to be Mike, but I won't get into that.
Option five is pretty out-there, but it's the idea of time crawling around the characters. Basically, we see snippets into the time skip. Little scene, time skip, new date, little scene, time skip, new date, seeing seasons and destruction and changing relationships and Vecna's Status, and everything important until we get back to our current time, where time finally starts 'crawling' again.
Option six is characters crawling back to one another. If this is after a timeskip, it could be Mike and El re-becoming friends after a possible breakup. (But that's kind of hopeful thinking for my byler brain, sorry) It could be Nancy and Jonathan, figuring out relationship stuff. Will and Mike figuring things out. Romantic relationships like Jopper, Lumax, Byler, Mileven, anything and everything, but also familial or friendly, like Joyce and her kids, Will and El, Lucas and Mike (well mike and anyone honestly.) and more. Anyone who's grown apart and needs to be reunited. The doubt with this is that I highly doubt they'd name a whole episode after a couple of conversations, but hey, it's the Duffers, you never know.
Option seven is a character crawling back from the dead. I'm mostly talking about Max, and getting to see her in whatever form she's in, in, like, her dream state. Also Eddie, I suppose, if that's where they're going with his character. I'd love to see Max fighting to come back to her physical form, I think that'd be so great and so powerful. Although, if she comes back and suddenly, she can't feel her body, she's blind, and the times in her dream state was the last time she'd get to see and move freely I would definitely cry.
Anyways! I'll possibly come up with more later, if you want, leave your hot take in the comments I'd love to hear it! (Also, I'm curious, what do you think is most likely and what do you want to happen? Could be mine or your own take, I'm just so curious!)
I tried to stay general-audience-neutral so uh, sorry if I offended anyone! I really didn't mean to! Also a final reminder that like, these are just stupid fun ideas, don't put too much stock in them, I have no idea what I'm talking about! Anyways, stay safe out there lovelies!
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Season 4 Thoughts: Ray Edition
First of all, a disclaimer: all of these might change after I watch the season a second time, it usually takes me going episode-by-episode with full context to form a full opinion. That being said, right now, my feelings on the season are mixed. I definitely think it’s my least favorite of what we’ve gotten so far (not that it’s bad! Just less good). I’ll get into that, but I want to start off by talking about what I liked:
The animation was breathtaking. Everything was so smooth, I loved pretty much all of the character redesigns, and the scenery was gorgeous
I loved that conflict between the humans and elves didn’t end with returning to Zym to his mother, and I loved how that was explored. The show continued on with doing what it does extremely well: making sure that the conflict is never black-and-white. I always thought that both sides had valid points
(Also: Ezran’s speech deserves a point of its own because that was fantastic. You could hear his anger and pain so well as he was talking about it and his conclusion that you have to hold all your emotions to move forward was so wise. Plus it being juxtaposed by the fight with Ibis... incredible)
Janai and Amaya. Their dynamic was so wonderful and sweet and you can really see how they bring out the best in each other. They had better get married and be the best queens the sunfire elves have ever known
Terry, as a character, is fantastic. He’s so sweet and devoted, the way he sees the world is fascinating, and his reaction to killing Ibis and journey with how he dealt with it was very compelling
The whole villain (?) trio was great actually, they still all have very believable flaws and are still likable despite their actions (although Claudia less so than she has been)
TERRY CONVINCING CLAUDIA TO RETURN THE COINS. First of all, because it means neither of them are beyond hope, but mostly because we’re FINALLY GETTING SOME CLOSURE ON THAT PLOT POINT RUTHARI REUNION WHEN
Bait was a little champion. His bond with Ezran in previous seasons was cute, but I adored seeing how connected he was with Callum. And the fact that he was the final push to open Rex Igneous’s door. 10/10
Ezran subverting the whole “we will sacrifice our treasured possessions to you” trope by realizing their gifts to Rex should mean something to him. I love that it was a baked good that got him to talk. Honestly, same
But with that being said, the whole season kind of felt... off, especially in the beginning. It really took a while for the tone to find its footing. The humor felt really jarring at first, and it really switched from super dark to super light very quickly (for example, two minutes of bathroom jokes and a guy coughing up blood as he dies in the same episode). I also wasn’t really a big fan of Rayla’s plotline. First of all, her disappearance was never really explained- it pretty much alienated anyone who hasn’t read TTM, and I’m sure a lot of viewers haven’t. And the way it threw off the group dynamic wasn’t fun for me. I loved the show primarily because even though there was conflict between the characters, they still bantered and fought for each other and there were tons of moments where you saw how much they cared about each other, and that was missing here. I liked that Callum didn’t forgive Rayla right away, but I really do wish he’d at least gotten a chance to explain why her leaving hurt him and have them air that out a bit, because she really didn’t seem to get it. The fact that she never apologized or acknowledged that leaving him with absolutely no word for two years would hurt... I’m so sure she’s smarter than that. I’m hopeful that season 5 will go into Rayla’s disappearance in more detail and kind of negate this critique, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Overall, I enjoyed the season, and I think I will even more once I watch it again! It just took a while to find its footing, and I do think I liked arc 1 better so far
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syceusfig · 8 months
Sex Education S4.
Hi friends, its been a while. Shit has been pouring down and I've been here with no umbrella, just hoping for it to end and it hasn't but you know what? Acceptance is a gift. So here I am, accepting things and writing a rant about the forth season of Sex Education because I might actually be going insane. If I feel like it, I might do a proper analysis of the show as a whole because it is absolutely fantastic. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't yet. That being said, spoilers for Sex Education season 4 (and potentially other seasons) ahead.
I'm honestly not entirely sure how I feel about this season. I think I prefer it to the third season but not to the first and second. To begin, I think it might be nice to cover why that might be.
So the first, probably most striking factor, is how crowded Sex Education got in the third season. There were (from what I found) 18 characters considered part of the main cast in the third season, which made it very difficult for the show to put any focus on specific characters and shortened the amount of time we got with the main three. Now, the forth season cut out quite a few characters and managed to do it somewhat naturally with Otis and Eric's shift from Moordale to Cavendish, as well as Jean finding out Jakob was not Joy's father. Most of the characters that were cut out had completed storylines (in my opinion) so I wasn't too bothered by it however I felt that Ola and Jakob's complete removal from the show was too sudden as there was no consolidation from Jean finding out Jakob wasn't Joy's father to him completely leaving. I also thought that Ola not being in Adam's life made no sense as I was really hoping they'd get more screentime this season after they got so little of it last season.
I want to note that I do know Patricia Allison (the actress who plays Ola) had said she would not be returning for the forth season and things like that do happen, however it is still very unfortunate and I wish Ola would've at least still have been mentioned by Adam, acknowledging her absence in his life because her complete erasure felt unnatural to me and didn't make much sense overall.
In spite of this, cutting some characters out was generally a good thing. It allowed the show to focus and develop more on characters, giving them more complete, well-developed storylines (or it should have, but we'll get to that) and removing the struggle for screentime I felt there was in Season 3.
One of the downfalls of this season, however, was the failure to fully take advantage of the newfound lack of crowing. There was a certain choppiness to the third season and all the storylines felt disjointed. Which can be okay, as characters do need to develop by themselves, but too much individuality can take away from the whole. The first two seasons of Sex Education had that wholeness, characters had storylines but they were connected in a way; there was a bigger picture that formed as each character developed their smaller, individual pictures. Unfortunately, the choppiness from the third season remained in the forth. Though less, there was a disjointedness. The characters were very strongly "grouped" this season and their storylines hugely revolved around those groups and those groups only. There was no bigger picture, there was no "ultimate" which left a sense of unfinished.
Speaking of unfinished, I'm going to move into individual things that worked and didn't work this season, starting with Jackson and Cal. Quite simply, there was no resolution. Their relationship went nowhere this season, it was just something that sort of lingered over the audience's head but never went anywhere. I found it increasingly frustrating and thought there were multiple moments that could've been worked to create a resolution between them, whatever that may have been. Like when Cal went missing, if Jackson had found them rather than Eric, something could have been done there, a talk, a moment, anything. I just didn't like how they were sort of glossed over. Ultimately, I felt their storyline was unfinished and, as a whole, discarded.
Before moving on I want to talk a little bit more about Cal. I thought they had a lot of potential when they were introduced in Season 3 them being non-binary was practically their only defining trait. I had hope that more would be done with them this season because it's great to have NB representation in shows but I don't feel more has been done. There were some pros, like us getting a bit of a view into Cal's home life, but aside from that it didn't feel like much had changed and the only moment Cal was at all crucial to the story was right at the end.
I also felt that Otis and Eric's "rift" didn't work. One of my favourite things about Sex Education has been Otis and Eric's relationship because they have an incredible bond despite their differences and are always there for each other when needed. The lack of this relationship this season was very much missed. While I understand Eric's inclination to befriend people he felt were more similar to him, I feel the show navigated this badly and it was sort of an afterthought. Otis and Eric's fight was furthermore incredibly redundant as it was similar to fights Otis and Eric previously had made up and moved on from, making it seem like a fight for the sake of a fight.
There was quite a bit of fighting for the sake of fighting this season. Which brings me to my next point, Maeve and Otis. I was firstly glad the show had them keep in contact while Maeve was in America so they didn't start in that sort of strange, vague place they did in the third season. However, their on and off this season was very unnecessary. With the death of Maeve's mum and her having just come back from America, their relationship would have already faced enough challenges and obstacles. Getting to watch them navigate that in a relationship would have worked a lot better than the same "will they, won't they" the show has been doing for three seasons already. It's gotten old. We ended up not getting much time with them as a couple which I was really hoping for.
Maeve and Otis' ending in and off itself was understandable but I am very upset regardless. I loved the bit with the note, I thought it wrapped everything up very well. I liked that she kept the shirt, I liked that she chose herself and her future, I like how he closed his eyes when she left so, to be fair, I liked quite a lot. But, as I've said, I wish we had gotten more time with them in the season because I think it would've made it more impactful.
Something that wasn't major but I quickly want to talk about was Eric's relationship with religion this season. While I liked that the show presented how difficult it can be being a queer person who is still religious and finds community in church or worship in general, I found Eric's religion journey confusing. The abstract aspects of it (like the signs, the woman who I suppose was God, etc.) were kind of like when Villanelle started seeing Jesus in "Killing Eve". I didn't think the abstract aspects really fit with the rest of the show so it all just felt out of place. However, I liked that it brought about a lovely family moment with Eric and his mum.
I've been talking mostly about what didn't work so I'm switching to something that has. Family moments were something this season absolutely nailed. The scene between Maeve and Jean was absolutely beautiful and so tender. I loved everything about it and I think the show did wonderfully, especially because Jean and Maeve properly meeting was something I have been waiting for since the start of the show. This and the simple, lovely moment were Cal and their mum were lying together.
Also worth mentioning Adam and his dad's slowly growing and healing relationship. Mr. Groff's development throughout the show has been done astonishingly well, I was genuinely rooting for him this season and I loved seeing him trying with Adam. I also thought Adam was great. I liked that he found something he loved, accepting school wasn't for him because it really isn't for everyone and it's very nice to see that acknowledged.
So, there were nice things about this season and I did enjoy it (I mean, I finished it the day after it came out) despite it definitely not being my favourite. Now, I have a multitude of different issues with the end probably because so much pressure and anticipation goes into an ending that when it doesn't reach the expectations we set for it, it can be very detrimental to our overall enjoyment. For Sex Education, I think there are a lot of little things that could have been changed to make the ending more satisfying, more final. But, if I keep going I will never, ever stop (and it is mainly minor things that could've been done) so I think I'll just end this post here on a semi-positive note.
Sex Education is a great show. Yes, it was better at the start and yes I think it could've been wrapped up earlier hopefully leaving us with a more satisfying ending. But it's still very much worth the watch, there's a lot to love, and I still recommend watching it regardless. I want to be clear in saying I don't think this season or the ending was horrible by any means I just expected and hoped for more. Anyway, if you have any thoughts do share them whether or not you agree with me; I'm always happy to discuss.
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aspiringsophrosyne · 1 year
Episode 7: The Fey Realm.
If high fantasy's your thing, have we got a show for you today. Cursed swordsman, mysterious faerie realms, and grappling with destiny. Just make sure to get your seat before the lights go down.
The Good.
I appreciate Keyleth's freak-out after they realized they were separated from the gnomes and Grog. Too often, when characters don't get a moment to be distraught, it makes the stakes feel lower than they should. Or makes it feel like the cast doesn't care about each other all that much. So that was refreshing. 
Also, good call to split up the group. That makes it easier for the show CRew; no need to figure out how to write and animate seven characters at once. Plus, that divides the audience's attention, making the plot easier to follow. And in smaller groups, it gives individual characters more time to shine.
Serious kudos is deserved for the design of the Fey Wild itself. Young Heller, episode director, and guest for the watch along, nailed it on the head when he described the Realm of the Fey as a character unto itself. Honestly, it comes across as even more alien and other here than it can in the game. Unless the DM wants to change things up, the game mechanics don't vary that much when you hang out there. So it can feel like only another weird area among many, depending on the story you're trying to tell.
Watching Craven Edge soak up Pike's blood from a distance while she's trying to heal, without even a wielder, is disturbing. It gives the impression that if left unchecked, this thing could turn into something even more dangerous than it already is.
Getting rid of Craven Edge was more involved in the stream, so they knew they had to make its destruction here brutal enough that it felt like death for the sword. For my money, they managed it; Grog breaking the sword had the visceral impact of a bone breaking in half. And the small ocean of blood it expels is like all its power and evil being released back into the world.
Holy shit Billy Boyd as Garmelie. He is perfect; the design and Billy's performance are just spot on what I would imagine a native fey creature to act like. Whimsical, self-interested, sort of smart ass, charming as all hell....everything about it is fantastic. I only wish we could've seen more of him. No notes. 
Well, except for Garmelie's notes which....yeah, exactly right. Absolutely accurate to the stream. What a fabulously gross, cheeky little gremlin man.
My reactions to Pike and Scanlan's song, in order:
Oh, is this the song Sam hinted at during the pre-season interviews?
Wow, Ashley and Sam sound great together. They should do more duets.
...Wait, what are those lyrics?
These ridiculous little shits. (<-affectionate)
If you know, you know. But if you don't, it's just a good song.
Don't think we didn't pick up on those nine eyes Vex saw when she was sliding into a bad trip. It's weird and ominous to think that, in this universe, that's still around. And that the person who will trigger the confrontation with that whole thing....technically isn't even born yet.
I can't say enough about how pretty the Fey Realm is. Just....so gorgeous at every point.
And, of course, Cheech Marin is Trinket. Of course, he is.
The Bad. (Or at least not great.)
One thing that bothers me is that there are two angles they tried to hit in this episode that, due to poor execution, just...don't work. One is Percy being a more ineffective guide to the Fey Realm than he thinks he is, and the other is that the Realm Does Not Like the Matron's Champion in general on life vs. death principles.
When Percy warned the half-elves that the forest they were traveling through could pick up on a poor mood, we all knew what would happen. Vax has, understandably, been in a funk for days. So it wasn't hard for the audience to guess that the negativity-detecting plants would take one look at this boy and collectively go: get his ass.
Percy wasn't wrong about the vines; Vax was never going to be able to pass through them unscathed.
Likewise, when the rest of the group seems to think Percy doesn't know where he's leading them or is lost, that idea is undercut by the fact they've just reached the upside-down waterfall. The very same waterfall from Scanlan's vision of where Fenthras was. So the visual tells the audience Percy is actually on the right track, no matter how skeptical of him the group is in-universe.
As for Vax, the encounter with the mood forest muddles the idea that the Fey Realm is against him because it doesn't like death-aligned individuals in general. 
Because Vax was initially attacked due to his emotional state, the potential takeaway was that the Fey Realm doesn't like bad vibes. And Vax is nothing but bad vibes right now.
It's another case of the script and the dialogue telling us one thing while what's actually happening tells us something contradictory. It's frustrating.
More Grog nerfing....eh. Makes a little more sense than some of the Season 1 moments, and it makes the fight in Episode 10 go even harder, but it still feels a little cheap to me. If I'm going to be nitpicky.
And that's about it. Next is a good one folks. See you there.
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jammielambie · 2 years
Primal’s Series Final [spoilers]
At least I’m assuming that was the ending. Feels like a wrap to me, but it was left just open enough incase they do end up getting a third season or spin off in the future. -shrug- I’d watch it. 
Anyway, this last episode felt like a 8/10 for me. I know Genndy Tartakovsky well enough by this point, so when Spear indicated that he viewed himself as being estranged from the group (Fang has her kids, Mira has her people) I figured that pretty much spelled his doom. Personally, I don’t mind that, but maaaaan I wish that the fight with Fire Viking had been more... 
I feel like we should’ve just lost that Primal Theory episode. I’d of much rather had a two part battle instead because for all that build up this fight really felt like nothing compared to the other moments we got. Heck, that flashback with the saber-toothed tigers was more intense imo. Just, for what it was meant to be, that whole instance felt pretty flat. Which is a shame and probably the worst part of the episode. 
Mira having pre-death sex with Spear while dudes got fourth-degree burns across 100% of his body is just so unintentionally goofy too. Like I get it Genndy, I do, but this wouldn’t work. Nobody thinks this would work right? This is probably minutes after he was torched. I can only suspend my disbelief so much and that stops at Spear being able to bust one in his condition. And like a bunch of people have said already, Mira and Spear doing this could’ve happened before the fight. During the moon scene, on the boat, just not during Spear’s (more than likely painful) death. 
I'm thinking both issues just really come down to the episode being rushed for some reason. I get the points they were trying to hit, but it’s kinda jumbled and moments didn’t get the time they really deserved. As much as I liked it, I would sacrificed the flashback to Spear’s dad if it meant lengthening the fight with the Viking. Frankly, get rid of the sex scene all together tbh as well. I think folks would just accept that they had sex at some point if we went without and got the same ending with his daughter. 
Honestly tho, that’s it for the negatives. It was an underwhelming episode in places but I’d say I liked most of it. I just wish it’d stuck that landing better. Overall, Primal is still a fantastic show that I enjoyed. I had very few issues with it. I could count the things I disliked on only one hand and it’s worth a rewatch at some point, but it was fun while it lasted and I can’t wait to see what Genndy’s going to work on next. 
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lord-radish · 2 years
Just finished Power of the Doctor.
I cried by the end. I cried.
I already miss Thirteen so much.
I have such mixed feelings on Chibnall's run. I wanted him to bring it back out of the wanky "Epic" feel of the Unstoppable Doctor Who Makes Grand Monologuing Speeches About How Great He Is era of the show (commonly shortened to the "Moffat Era"). And he did do that, and he made some great episodes all the same. I honestly really applaud series 11 for trying something new, and y'all can miss me with that hater shit about the P'Ting and the Stenza. I had some great Tumblr conversations due to that season too. Demons of the Punjab was the one episode since the 50th anniversary special that I liked the most of this show, and the Village of the Angels was at the exact same level.
But at the same time, Christ - Orphan 57 or whatever? Arachnids in the UK? The complete, flummoxing failure of the Flux? I've turned on Chibnall pretty hard. But I never once turned on Jodie Whitaker's Doctor, because she CARRIED this run through thick and thin - her and Mandip Gill, who I PRAY gets a career blow-up out of this.
Thirteen was such a good Doctor. Behind Ten - and yeah, I know Ten is a total normie pick - Thirteen was my favorite Doctor ever, on the strength of Jodie Whitaker's performance.
And that's why I fucking miss her already. She was so good.
Russell T. Davies was a dream pick for the new showrunner, and we'll never get a Thirteen episode penned by him or showran by him. I'm glad to have him back, but my god, I want my cake and I want to eat it too. Just like Yaz at the end there, I suppose.
I wasn't sure I was gonna like Tennant returning - which I was spoiled for due to filming leaks, though I also saw a gif of his first scene at the end of the episode and that bugged me. But that scene was stupidly well-acted???? I'm actually that much more on-board than I expected. I'm looking forward to the specials.
The one nitpick I had is that I was hoping Thirteen and Yasmin would have one kiss. Again, cake and the eating thereof. I get why they didn't, and there was a callback to the Sea Devils episode so like I get it, but man.
This episode was like the 50th anniversary special, in that for all of my cynicism and jadedness about this run of the show, I bought into it wholesale. Sasha Dhawan's Master was a fucking delight, as always. Giggling nerdboy psycho? Very well done. Rasputin? Indescribable. It was so well-acted.
And the plot?! Fuckin, forcing the Doctor to regenerate into the Master, and then using the Cyber-Masters to reverse the effect? Poetic fucking cinema. Hoisted by his own petard, excellent. Paying off the end of series 12, perfect.
Bit sad about the traitor Dalek - which once again, was a total highlight. This episode came together indescribably well. I was worried when I saw Chibnall was the sole writer, but by gum he held this special together tooth and claw and it owned.
The classic rep felt fantastic, though I'm not a Classic fan. I'm Modern through and through, with respect and love to the classic series and the fans of which. I can only hope those small Doctor moments with Tegan and Ace resonated with the classic crowd as much as I enjoyed them.
One last nitpick, Dan didn't come back and save the day. I was hoping for a sneaky Dan comeback. But I think the end scene with the support group was a fantastic touch, not just for Dan to close out his run but to have that last push of classic series representation.
Jodie Whitaker deserved better - when Chibnall was good, he was on fire. I like his great episodes more than most of Moffat's episodes during his turn as showrunner. I adored Thirteen, I adored Jodie Whitaker's chemistry with Mandip Gill. I adore her tinkerer characterisation, the love of learning and of giving other people that Eureka moment. I wasn't happy when the show made her more closed off and brooding - I got it, but until this episode I felt like she had such a hard time letting other people in and it really bothered me. And yet she was always a highlight of this show, her character and Jodie Whitaker's performance.
I will never not rep Thirteen. She was fan-fucking-tastic. And I already miss her so much.
Best episode of Chibnall's run. One of the best episodes of the revival, period. He messed up the run and snapped the pole, but he cleared the long jump and nailed the landing.
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witchy-jadda · 3 years
rott spoilers ahead
so i’ve given myself some time to think about everything and try to process it all and here are some of my thoughts on trollhunters: rise of the titans...
- straight off the bat, i loved the intro. opening with blinky telling the story of what happened up until this point was incredible. i would have loved if they had circled back to this though (i saw someone else say it should have been him telling the story to jim and claire’s kids and i loved that idea!)
- i also liked that they didn’t waste time at the start, instead they just jumped right into the action which was fun.
- honestly, i thought jim’s plotline throughout the movie where he basically thought he was useless without the amulet was just really not fun to watch. i understand why it was there and it played into the climax but i really did not find it one bit necessary seeing as i felt that we have grown beyond that. i felt it was overused. we’ve been there before and jim is aware that he’s the trollhunter, amulet or not.
- douxie being so soft with nari was genuinely one of the most heartwarming parts of the movie. i feel that we were really robbed of so much potential with douxie in this movie though. we didn’t see nearly enough of him. it seemed that the writers were picking and choosing when to remember how powerful he is. switching with nari and connecting to her are two examples of when they actually used his power, but aside from that they just disregarded it a lot.
- and speaking of forgetting how powerful people are... i’m genuinely so hurt and let down over what they did to claire. do they not realise how powerful she is? did they just forget about her character arc? it sure felt like it. she got to use her powers a few times (connecting to nari, portalling the titan, etc) but mostly it felt like she was saying she was spent and therefore unable to do anything. she is so strong and so powerful, and that’s just so empowering - especially for young girls. and then it kinda felt to me that rott was reducing her to basically nothing more than jim’s love interest.
- okay another quick note, it kinda felt to me that krel’s potential was also pretty wasted? he barely did anything and i just think he deserved more too.
- ew okay i don’t even want to think about it but i know i can’t discuss rott without talking about the mpreg thing. seriously, what the fuck was that? at first, i thought it was going to be a joke. i thought aja and krel were gonna wind steve up and see how far they could go with making him think he was pregnant just for a little bit of comic relief. but then he was actually pregnant. and so i laughed, because even though it was dumb it was kind of funny. weird and unexpected, but kind of funny. but by the time the movie was over it just didn’t sit right with me. looking past the fact that it was just more of them making steve’s character into a joke, i couldn’t see the logic in giving so much time to that subplot when other characters (claire, douxie) and other relationships (claire and douxie’s friendship) were sidelined. maybe if he had gotten a whole season the mpreg thing could have been included as comic relief or whatever, but with such limited time i really don’t see the point of wasting so much time on something so pointless. 
- speaking of steve, i need to talk about creepslayerz... they really deserved more :( like i get that eli literally helped steve through child birth and then named one after him which was lowkey adorable but i loved their friendship so much and i was really hoping to see more of them. i was kind of hoping they’d get to do more as well. look i gave up on hopes of a romance long ago (even though i still really wished it would happen) but i hoped that at least we’d see some more of their friendship.
* by this point my brain has decided to forget absolutely every point i wanted to make... cue the brain fog (we don’t like her) and allow me to take a moment to read back and try to find my point again *
- i don’t think i can stress enough how much i loved the visuals in this movie. holy fucking shit it was just phenomenal. like wow. the art was absolutely fantastic and i’m really hoping for another the art of... book because i love the art of trollhunters and i feel that they could do with updating it to include the newer stuff. but yep, the animation quality was incredible and i don’t have a bad thing to say about it because just wow.
- speaking of art... a moment of appreciation for character designs. just wow wow wow. we love to see such intricately designed villains. we love to see growth in our other much loved characters. and the locations too? fantastic. beautiful. amazing. loved it.
- another moment of appreciation for jim. the hair. the scars. the injuries. the winter jacket. the fact that he looked a little older.... loved it. loved it, loved it, loved it. i cannot wait to spend hours pouring over reference pictures to draw them all.
- and claire... her armor being weathered and worn. her eyes!! her hair looked great as always. i just love her...
- nari nari nari... my goodness, her magic is so beautiful. i wish we got to see more.
- also, the jlaire moments were very cute. their kisses? so soft. they literally love each other so much. i adore them.
- what happened to the babies from the darklands btw? is not enrique just chilling in the lake’s house with a ton of babies? 
- barbara deserved better. i would have liked to see her and strickler happy.
- on that note, why the actual fuck did they think a few explosives would win against magic?? literal ancient magic and these dumbasses were like huh i guess we should blow it up. i’m sorry, what?? y’all are stupid.
* currently trying to think of every possible point that isn’t to do with the ending because i really don’t want to think about that yet *
- the whole thing with archie and charlemagne felt super unnecessary. like usually characters sacrifice themselves and it’s like sad and you can see the reasoning and stuff. but they literally could have gotten out. i really did not vibe with that. it felt like they just did that to leave douxie with no one.
- that trollmarket was beautiful though.
- speaking of trollmarket... they really restored the heartstone just like that? are you joking? i was not impressed at all. the heartstone was dead and gone, could not be destroyed. did they just forget that? half the shit in wizards wouldn’t have happened if the heartstone could have been restored. very pissed off by that. it was dead, that was it.
- okay back to jim... love that he pulled the sword from the stone. it was cute that it was a group effort, kinda would have preferred if it was just him but that’s just a me thing. and maybe me and my daylight tattoo are biased here, but excalibur is not half as pretty as daylight.
- not gonna lie, jim yelling come on trollhunters! kinda got me. i was very emotional watching this.
- i think the most in character jim moment of the whole movie was when he dropped excalibur, he didn’t have his armor, he was all alone and he decided to make a fist and fight the wizard/god with literally no weapon or means of defence. i don’t think y’all understand how much i love this dumb self sacrificing selfless boy. i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, he is literally one of my most favourite characters of all time. i love him with all my heart.
- the armor!! wow wow wow. that was a fucking cool scene. beautiful.
- jim getting stabbed or whatever with that fucking spear thing nearly killed me.
- okay here goes... toby. my sweet toby. jim and toby’s friendship is one of my absolute favourites ever. my goodness. and toby getting in the van and going to save jim was incredible and such a toby thing to do. of course he would think of doing that.
- but like seriously... claire and douxie are so fucking powerful and they were both just like lol i guess we can’t do anything to help jim? i’m sorry what?? don’t tell me that claire wouldn’t go full on black and purple eyes and get herself up their to him. i just... i’m so bothered by the fact that they were sidelined y’all :|
- also, do not seriously try to tell me that aaarrrgghh!!! would let toby go on his own. he would have went with him. he would have followed him.
- literally as jim was falling the first thing that went through my mind was oh aaarrrgghh!!! is gonna run up and catch him.
- and while we’re on the topic of aaarrrgghh!!! why tf did they have such a build up that something was going to happen to either him or blinky for literally no reason? wtf
- aaarrrgghh!!! would not have let toby go alone!!! if he had been there, he would have protected toby, he would have saved him and none of that mess of an ending would have happened.
* ugh here’s the bit i was dreading... the ending *
- first off, i am choosing to ignore it.
- time stone? really? we’re... we’re gonna do this? literally one of the most original things i have ever watched is now - at the literal last possible minute - rip off another movie?? really?? whyyyy???
- i literally cannot express how much i hated it. it was so fucking unnecessary.
- he didn’t need to go back that far!!!
- i’m actually trying to block this out but i suppose i have to at least touch on it. jim would never ever put that burden on to toby. he just wouldn’t. before even looking at all of the other issues with toby getting the amulet, i need to say that. it just wouldn’t happen. he struggled so much with being the trollhunter, he wouldn’t put that on toby. 
- also toby literally never wanted to be the trollhunter?? he never wanted the amulet? he wanted to be a duke and have his war hammer and go on adventures with his best friend and his wingman and eat mexican food.
- okay so um i guess they all just forgot about unbecoming? cool cool cool.
- seriously though, was it not established many times that jim literally had to be trollhunter? and if he wasn’t it would be draal and everything would go to shit? did they just forget about that??
- having jim just decide to give toby the amulet literally takes away from the entire meaning behind jim getting the amulet and becoming the trollhunter. the amulet chose jim. merlin chose him. out of all of the creatures in the world, it had to be jim. he can’t just give that to toby!!
- and as much as i love toby, he would not last a day as trollhunter.
- and that’s not even beginning to mention all that jim erased by not becoming trollhunter. no father son relationship between him and blinky. they didn’t stop steve from picking on eli so no steve redemption and no creepslayerz. is he just going to allow enrique to be taken? toby will not have the same incentive to go into the darklands to save him if that’s the case. strickler will not show any sort of sentiment towards toby either. and then the big one...
- if jim isn’t trollhunter and the whole thing with enrique doesn’t happen then claire will never get her shadowstaff. let’s be real, strickler probably wouldn’t even need angor rot with toby as trollhunter. somehow i can’t see him making it that far...
- if claire doesn’t have her shadow staff then the whole thing with morgana won’t happen. she won’t destroy the shadow staff and then she will never develop her powers. would jim really rob her of that?
- okay i can’t do anymore, it’s too much for me now...
- i touched on this already in a separate post but i gotta say it again... i did not enjoy the destiny is a gift bit at the end. first of all, jim having toby find the amulet literally takes the meaning of that speech and his destiny away instanty. and second, i just could not stand hearing emile hirsch say the words that belonged to anton yelchin. it was just uncomfortable.
aaand i think i’m done. maybe i’ll have more later but i have a headache now from all of this.
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universallywriting · 3 years
Marinette Being a Special Powerful Girl is Good, Actually, and Not for the Reasons You Might Think
Can’t believe I’m doing this but, uh, let’s do some Miraculous Ladybug meta.
I’ll start by saying that the following is my opinion and just one way of looking at the text. If you read it different, you aren’t inherently wrong or bad or anything like that. I’ve just noticed people starting to engage in “Mary Sue” style discourse, and I’d like to disagree with that, and explain which I think that there’s another more valuable way to read the show.
See, MLB is sort of “casually woke”, and by that I mean the show, through passive representation and metaphor, clearly supports diversity. The show doesn’t typically go out of its way to promot this - we don’t get a lot of stories about directly confronting racism and sexism and tearing them down. When we do, it tends to be in code. “Rice flour” is a pretty great example of talking about racism without actually talking about racism.
Because it’s so passive, I feel like a lot of people miss that valuing diversity and rejecting these hierarchal systems is a huge theme of the show and has been from the very beginning. Season One is hard for a lot of people to get through, and the reason why is because of the repetitive nature. MLB values it’s background characters - everyone matters, everyone has problems, everyone has gifts. That means we get a lot of stories about people who, in most shows, don’t matter. But they do in MLB.
That’s what makes Marinette so special. Marinette is able to acknowledge the diversity of the people she’s surrounded by. She values the differences in people, and encourages people to follow their own path, and scolds people for trying to force others to hide who they are. Marinette represents change and progress - she makes change and progress, and these changes are good. The point of “Furious Fu” is literally that Su-Han shows up, antiquated and out-of-date with values from nearly two centuries ago, and is forced to acknowledge that the changes happening in the world are positive.
You know. As if a different perspective has incredible value.
Although the holders appear to come from a variety of backgrounds, the show is currently implying that the guardians have been, for a very long time, a group of isolated men. These men determine who is worthy of power and when it should be taken away. They have very specific rules about the type of people who are allowed to receive this power on loan. The “on loan” part is important - because the guardians are always the one with the “right” to take away the miraculous from other people. They even have rules about keeping the young from holding the miraculous but…. Not against their own children training and becoming guardians and having uncontrolled access to the miraculous.
That’s not a plot hole. That’s the way power and privilege work systemically.
Marinette represents the first time that the miraculous holders are no longer borrowing their power, but control it. This change is depicted as positive, and it’s not just because Marinette is a super special cool girl. It’s deeper than that.
Because. LIke. Lemme talk about our girl Alya.
I cannot understate how powerful the moment is when Alya is permanently handed her miraculous. It’s not a mistake or an accident that the first person Marinette permanently hands a miraculous to is a black girl. That’s important. It means something. The show easily could have been written so that Marinette gave it to Luka, but they didn’t go down that path. They wrote the story in such a way to ensure it was Alyra.
Alya is the person who supports Marinette while she’s breaking down. Alya is the only person Marinette can trust enough to confide it. Alya is the person who figures out how Marinette can make protective charms, as well as providing countless pieces of important intel across the series from her own, independent research - before she’s ever handed the power of the miraculous. Alya, this absolute angel of a girl, is shown to reject Hawkmoth. She hands back her miraculous every time, returning the power she’s been given. Even when she thinks that Marinette will never trust her to wield it again, she hands her power back to Marinette.
Marinette was trying to follow the old rules and the show has answered this with a forceful, resounding “No.” We hear Marinette say directly that she was wrong. It is not her place to choose when and how other people use their power. It is wrong for her to keep it and pass it out when she feels it’s necessary, rather than trusting her friends who have proved themselves worthy of this power.
So then why is Marinette so strong? Why can she wield all the miraculous? Why is she the best Ladybug? And, to me, the answer is simple. If Marinette couldn’t wield this power herself, what would giving it away really mean? If the kwamis were useless to Marinette, how much would it really say for her to permanently give them out instead of temporarily?
Marinette could hold every miraculous if she wanted to. She could use multi-mouse every mission and take every role for herself. We have proof of that now. Technically, Marinette could do this on her own. She doesn’t need to trust others, like other people in the past were required to. Others had no choice but to loan out the miraculous to others. Marinette does.
When Marinette permanently gives Alya the miraculous, she’s saying, “You matter as much as I do.” She’s saying that it doesn’t matter that Marinette has the ability to use all this power herself. She shouldn’t. She knows that other people are just as worthy as she is, with their own strengths and weaknesses, and that their differences and diversity make them stronger. Miraculous Ladybug is the story of Marinette creating a team of superheroes, and this has become more and more evident every season, especially with the time travel. This is not the story of super special Marinette saving the day. This is the story of Marinette choosing to be a leader, and a team player, and creating the strongest team of superheroes the world has ever known because of it.
Marinette’s not a Mary Sue. She’s acknowledging her own power, her own privilege, and then doing her best to dismantle it.
And, honestly, I think that’s absolutely fantastic.
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 years
Wait are your favorite zls moments
THANK YOU! 😭 Haha trust you to ask me about the purest form of joy in anime for years, FRANCHOUCHOU! 😭 There are SO MANY fantastic moments throughout both series, tiny little things as well as sweeping moments of drama & affection between the characters, so I could go on forever about every second that makes this series so good...
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BUUUUUUT nobody wants to hear that so I figure how about I just list a few of the moments that stand out to me in season 1? With gifs of course, because I'm extra. 👍 This will be split into two posts because it turns out I had more favourite moments than one post would contain. Just be warned the first gif is violent so proceed below the cut with caution.
Zombie Land Saga Moments Episodes 1-6
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S1, E1 -- Truck-kun
When it comes to iconic opening scenes in recent years you honestly can’t beat hitting your heroine with a truck at the start of the first episode. Sakura’s fated meeting with Truck-kun and the subsequent slow shots of her accident set to some truly bitchin’ music sets the mood for the series perfectly. It is dramatic, absurd, and without a doubt, memorable.
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S1, E2 -- Rap Battle
Up until this point you could kind of go OK well this is a bit out there, but they’re aiming to be regular idols and now they’re coherent they’ll sing regular idol songs. Instead, Beautifully done up Saki and Sakura have an absolutely epic rap battle complete with exaggerated and at times ugly and hilarious faces after Tae’s head comes off in front of an audience. Nope, Franchouchou are not going to be regular idols at all. Iconic.
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S1, E4 -- Hallway Terror
A few episodes in and we’re accustomed to our heroines losing their heads and limbs from time-to-time, but this scene brings us back to some kind of reality when we see these moments from the perspective of the unfortunate pharmecutical rep that Tatsumi had been schmoozing all episode.
To a normal person, the group’s zombie nature is actually rather horrific and, of course, hilarious. This is a great pay off scene to an episode of excellent build up and every girl gets a moment to shine & totally fuck up some random woman’s perception of reality.
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No comment needed for this, the entire Drive-in Tori commercial segment should be on permanent display in the MOMA.
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S1, E5 -- Gatalympics Save
I was tempted to go with the moment of them all longing to see Tatsumi stack it on the bike and then him pointedly not, but I love frantic moments where the girls have to desperately work together to preserve their cover just that bit more. This is one of the best, their expressions are timeless.
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S1, E6 -- Ai’s Trauma
Ai’s residual trauma from her fatal lightning strike in life is brought to the forefront in this episode. Seeing Saki, normally so flippant and aggressive, pursue Ai and support while she was struggling was lovely.
My reply is to be continued in the next post...!
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Replying to @kine-iende​ [hope this works and you see it, still trying to get the hang of how tags work] who said:
Thank you, author-person, for this incredible detailed answer. (Also i don't mind being tagged - or not) With Tony being so aware of the dynamic between those rivals, Justin ending as a villian is less going a betrayal from almost-family and more of a 'natural phenomen' he should have seen coming. Because as always:rivals ^^
To be completely honest, if this AU were a tv show the ‘Justin Hammer accidentally founded Cabal’ reveal would’ve been the huge plot twist revealed at the end of either Season 2 or 3, and it’d be a major shocker for the Avengers...but not Tony.
also just realized I somehow made an AU where the protagonist basically becomes a villain out of Spite™ and I’m not sure if that’s the weakest origin story ever, or what
After all, if this were a tv show, it’d be centered around the Avengers, and the main season one conflict would be in seeing how Tony fits in the team— which would get resolved eventually, but not before the audience gets a good look at their dynamics. Like, the chemistry between Iron Man and Captain America, how easily and seamlessly they work together without needing more than a word or two because they’re on the same page, or Tony’s cordial yet distant academic respect for Bruce [which gets contrasted with Iron Man’s uncharacteristic instant bromance with the Hulk], or... well, the list goes on.
Not to mention that having a common enemy alters their dynamic as time goes on, because while if this’d been a one-off things would’ve still been rocky between Tony and the team, whereas having to constantly coordinate because new intel indicates that their last enemy was actually connected to something bigger and that means even more teamwork...
So by this point they’ve got a good idea of their characters, how they roll, how they react under pressure and during downtime and throughout all this, Justin Hammer would make cameos because he’s SHIELD’s main weapons supplier [...among other groups, which in and of itself foreshadows some of his shadier connections later on] and between him and Tony, they’ve basically cornered the market on experts in that field— which comes in handy when we’re talking about alien tech. 
Justin wouldn’t get much screentime compared to the others, but enough for the Avengers [and the audience] to see he makes for a very good foil for Tony, with their differences being highlighted all the more due to the similarities. After all, both come across as good people: Tony’s very friendly to anyone who isn’t on his shit list, and Justin acts very polite and gentlemanly to strangers [and is 100% a mom friend to anyone he cares about]. Tony’s a hero, though, while Justin’s long since made it clear he was a businessman first and foremost.
Through all this, Justin and Tony’s dynamic is intentionally kept vague— one moment they’re perfectly friendly, the next they'll be at each others’ throats and, again, sometimes can get misinterpreted as something else. 
Then the Reveal happens, and suddenly all those past encounters and hints come up and it’s so obvious in retrospect but—
Who would’ve expected it?
Tony’s the only one who’s not surprised by what the latest intel’s hinting at, obtained from an intel broker who turned up dead not long after [...because said broker’d also been messing with HYDRA, but that’s the plot twist that comes up in the next season]: nothing specific, nothing concrete, but something that ties a good chunk of the previous Villains Of The Week together to reveal a far, far greater threat. 
The Cabal, and while some of its members have long since become familiar names— e.g. the Fantastic Four normally are the ones who have to deal with Victor Von Doom, but not always— its founder had been a mystery for the longest time. A mystery that has just been ended, except nobody could have expected to see the name on the file.
Everyone else’s caught flat-footed and going through several permutations of ‘oh shit’, meanwhile Tony just leans back, scrubs a hand down his face, and looks out the window with a low whistle.
“Well played, Justin. Well played.”
Which is when the audience learns more about their very strange dynamic, which gets revealed to have started out a rivalry during their childhood [and has now basically escalated to the most high-stakes game of chicken there ever was, but shh].
Here’s the thing: if Tony were to call their rivalry off, Justin would stop.
Tony can count on one hand how many positive constants he’s had in his life: Jarvis’ [and, after his heart attack, JARVIS’] presence, and his rivalry. Those are the two things that’ve been there for him through thick and thin, the only two safe places where he knows where they stand, knows they won’t try and tear him down and that means something. 
JARVIS will never leave him [not this Jarvis, at least], but... this rivalry’s been a thing since before he met Rhodey, since before his parents died and Tony’s not entirely certain just how much it’s shaped him, but he can count on one hand how many people give a damn about him and want to see him succeed and— 
Tony’s not sure he has it in him to call it off. Not at this point. 
Not when part of him knows why he did it, because— well, every superhero needs an adversary, don’t they? For a moment, he’d been surprised Justin had the guts to do this, but it makes complete sense the more he thinks about it and Tony knows just how little respect Justin has for the others, of course he’d be the type of guy who’d go “ugh, fine, if you want something done right, gotta do it yourself”. 
also, before this all seems very one-sided, I think I forgot to mention that Justin’s really benefiting from this rivalry too— not as obvious early on, but it gives him something to focus on and work towards. 
Something that kept him from depression when he thought too much about his past life and discovered just how much he’d forgotten, was still forgetting, something to keep him from being bored when he looked up one day and realized— he didn’t actually have any goals in this life, did he? 
Not when his life thus far had been dictated by his parents, and he’d been okay with following along to their script for him because if it wasn’t him, it’d be his sister or an innocent child who’d be forced to live up to their impossibly high expectations as the heir to Hammer Industries... but it was something he was resigned to at this point, not something he was particularly happy about. 
This time, he... didn’t know what he wanted in life. Nor did he remember what he’d wanted last time— had they wanted to be a doctor? Teacher? Writer? They didn’t remember anymore— and it’s startling to realize that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d smiled if he wasn’t talking to his little sister. 
Justin’s never been one to seek out the approval of the adults in his life— the fact that he was surrounded by Parents of the Year [note the sarcasm] probably had something to do with that— and remembering a past life means he sees everyone his physical age and lower as kids, so he doesn’t see many people as equals.
...and then Tony decided he’d like having a rival.
At first, yeah, it was confusing; even as an adult, Justin didn’t entirely get why, but it was. Something.
Something good, and gets even better because this is something they both decided, that had nothing to do with the meticulously-annotated plan his parents had for his life, and while at first it was weird, Justin found he was actually enjoying himself [for once].
To the point where he found himself actually getting honestly, genuinely invested in said rivalry, and if he sometimes found himself trying to drill self-care into Tony sometimes, well, those bags under his eyes made them look bad, okay? It was self-interest, nothing more, really!
So when Tony went and became a superhero, Justin found himself taking a step back for a moment as he paused to consider his actions.
Paused before taking the plunge, because this was it, was serious, was pushing the limit and going past the point of no return. Was he really willing to do this?
A moment to consider things, deliberate on the possible consequences and what could happen— then he gave a sharp, decisive nod.
“Yes, we’re doing this.” 
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Can I Have This Dance? (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: PG - Fluffy 
Word Count: 2,689
Synopsis: 4 times the reader asked Steve to dance with her and one time Steve her.
Info: Written for @cockslut-padalecki​’s Not My Ninth Challenge in celebration of 9k followers! Also Happy Belated birthday, I hope you had a great one. I choose, How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes and Wedding Ceremony. The dividers are by @firefly-graphics​ 💘 I’m posting this on my barley working laptop, so forgive me. Also all mistakes are mine as this is not beta read.
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1st Time:
Honestly what possessed her to wear her favorite white denim overall shorts to Sam’s barbecue? They were now stained with all all kinds of food and handprints from the children of the Avengers children asking to be held by her. Admittedly seeing everyone so happy and spending the afternoon with her fiancé made it worth it. Also Natasha would probably be able to show her how to get the stains out.
“Want to queue up the next song?” Sam nudged her handing over his phone that was connected to speakers. Giddily Y/N took the phone and went through the approved barbecue playlist as Killer Queen started to play, she continued to scroll as her head bopped to the song. Finding the perfect one she handed the phone over to Sam’s significant other Lou who kissed her on the cheek. 
Bucky and Steve were sharing a phone screen laughing at whatever video it was they were watching, probably one of Alpine that Bucky had taken. Getting up from her chair Y/N stood beside Steve’s and brushed her right hand across his broad shoulders, goosebumps started to rise on his skin as she leaned in to brush her lips beside his ear. 
“Come dance with me, Stevie please?" the blonde's face blushed as his fiance turned away from him making her way back towards the dancing couples. “Punk if you don't I sure as hell will.” Steve turned to give his best friend a glare just as the baritone voice sang out, jumping to his feet.
“I had a thought, dear, however scary, about that night, the bugs and the dirt. Why were you digging? What did you bury? Before those hands pulled me from the earth.” Steve rushed to Y/N’s side, a small smile on her face her fiance placed his face at her time taking in the scent of lavender and mint, while his hands rested at her hips. Y/N’s arms circled his neck interlocking her hands, eyes closing she placed her heads against his chest over his heart. As Hozier sang the couple just swayed from side to side, loving each other.
“I could not ask you where you came from. I could not ask and neither could you. Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we could just kiss like real people do.” As the song came to an end Steve and Y/N’s eyes met, she was biting her lip, a look of worry was in her eyes. 
“What?” Looking placed his hands on Y/N’s face doing everything he could to ease the worry in his fiancés face. 
“Just, how would I live without you?” Steve scoffed and pulled Y/N into his arms, hugging her close, “You’ll never have to live without me, I’m going anywhere. I love you.”
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2nd Time:
“Well son her mother would have loved you and I’m so proud to have you joining our family.” Andy clapped his daughters fiancé on the shoulder, before looking out on the dance floor to see all four of his children dancing together to the Macarena having a good time. 
“I’m lucky to have her Andy and I love both her and this family.” Steve assured Y/N’s father how much he loved her as the song came to an end. The DJ for the reception started to walk towards Y/N’s  sister and her husband. 
Y/N stood between her brothers playfully nudging each other like they used to do as kids. Suddenly it was quiet in the reception hall, both her and Steve were looking at Y/N’s sister and her husband who smiled at everyone, but they were staring at Y/N. 
“I need my sister Y/N and her fiancé Steve to come up here for a second.” Y/N’s brothers pushed her forward, suddenly glad she had exchanged her heels for converse 4 or 5 songs back. Steve and she met halfway there, hands grasping at each other as their fingers intertwined. The blonde leaned over and kissed the crown of his fiancé's face making her blush as they reached Legacie and Michael. 
“This weekend was actually supposed to be the weekend that Y/N and Steve got married, but 6 months ago I came to my sister and told her I was pregnant. Y/N knew Michael and I would want to move our wedding up, Y/N and Steve immediately asked if I would like to take their wedding and for that we are so thankful. The thing about my sister is she is just like our mom, always giving and so loving, it makes so much sense why Steve fell in love with my little sister. I got to thinking a way to thank you and that is dedicating a song to you, your favorite song as a kid.” Legacie passed the microphone back to the DJ, before she reached over kissing her little on the cheek. Y/N looked at her sister before her jaw dropped and her cheeks turned pink as the keyboard of the popular ’90s Australian pop singer hit started to play. 
“I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish. I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love. Be everything that you need.” Y/N still holding onto Steve’s hand turned to stand in front of him and looked up at him. 
“Will you dance with my love?” with a smile on his face, Steve didn't even verbalize his answer, he just gave a tug of her hand pulling her body closer to his, as other couples joined them on the dance floor.
“I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea.I want to live like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.” As they continued to dance among Legacie and Michale's family and friends, he tried to imagine how he would live without her in his life. He had an answer before the song was even over he knew a life without Y/N was no life at all. 
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3rd Time:
She was trying really hard not to cry but it felt but it was 3:12 in the morning, it was raining, it looked like Bucky had finished off the rest of her Ben and Jerry Star Spangled Berry Swirl, and Friday was playing her I got the blues playlist. Boy did she have the blues, she shouldn’t though, it was November, the holiday season was in full swing, but it was as if her heart wasn’t in it. 
Then the piano kicked in and the tears really started. 
“Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.”
Steve down the hall in bed they shared hearing sniffles of his fiancé, got out of bed, grabbing her cardigan from ottoman at the foot of the bed. Y/N stood at the kitchen island sipping a cup of hot tea as Bryan Adams sang. 
“Darling?” Steve came up behind her and placed the over side article of clothing over shoulder, kissing her temple. Setting the steaming cup of lavender and blueberries down, Y/N turned around to look him in the eyes, with tears still coming down. 
“Dance with me Stevie, please?” with a little lift of the right side of his lips. Steve pulled Y/N to him, placing her head over his heartbeat, he encased her his arms and started to sway them. 
“Don't tell me, it’s not worth fightin' for. I can't help it, there’s  nothin' I want more. You know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you.”
“I can’t live without you Stevie.” Y/N whispered into the night as she looked out at the rain coming down in the night. 
“And you won't have to," Steve promised. 
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4th Time:
It was finally the New Year, 12:01 on January 1st to be exact and everyone was partying at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, thanks to Pepper and Tony. Peter Quill and his friends had made it, Thor with Jane, Carol Danver, Monica Rambeau with her friends Jimmy Woo and Darcy, Fantastic Four, Peter Parker had brought his best friend Ned and girl friend MJ, all the Avengers were there, even the Wakanda gang was accounted for, the place was packed. It seemed as if the bad guys were in need of a day off. 
Steve stood a few feet away from Y/N who was dancing with Natasha, Clint, Shuri, Peter, MJ, Wanda, Scott, Johnny, Groot, Darcy, Sam, Lou, and Jimmy Woo, they were all dancing to thank u, next, laughing and having a good time. Lou was currently on Sam's shoulders making the Bucky who was beside Steve, hoot’d, as he took a shot from the Asgardian mead. It was great for Steve to see all his friends and family to be letting loose. 
Y/N walked over as the song came to a closure and pulled Steve in for a kiss earning a cheer from the group they had surrounded themselves with. Blushing they pulled apart as the familiar violin started to play across the room, making the room erupt cheers yet again. Tonight’s crowd was easily pleased, who knew all it took was alcohol, food, friends, and good music? 
As the drum kicked in, Y/N’s head started to bop her foot tapping along, grabbing Steve’s hand she started to pull him towards the group, grabbing Bucky’s hand along the way. 
“Steve can I have this dance?” Looking over her shoulder as she got ready to start jumping up and down, Steve looked at her as if he had to think on it, but stopped when Bucky hit him in the bicep. “Not with the metal arm, and yes!”
“Come on Eileen! Oh, I swear, what he means. At this moment you mean everything, you in that dress. My thoughts I confess, verge on dirty. Oh, come on Eileen.” The group's form of dancing was jumping up and dancing, moving their heads side to side, throwing in mixed moves, like the sprinkler or epaule here and there. It was just about letting go. Steve and Y/N danced together with the fingers of their left-right hands interlaced jumping up and down, throwing their heads back and forth like they were at a rock concert. 
As Bucky danced with his best friend and the girl that had become like a sister to him, he couldn't picture their lives without one another. There was no Steve without Y/N in it, no Y/N without Steve. They were so madly, deeply in love, that to lose the other it would be close to losing themselves. He vowed at that moment to do whatever it took to always bring Steve home and to always protect Y/N for him. 
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The 1 Time Steve Asked Y/N to Dance:
“This is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for!” Bucky raised his glass of bourbon to the crowded room, before he leaned down to place a kiss on Y/N’s cheek. He had just given his best man speech congratulating his best friend on finding his soulmate who made him happy, and on his retirement. Lou leaned forward putting their arms around Y/N’s shoulders swaying, making the bride laugh as the best friends hugged. 
Steve took the microphone from Sam and pulled Y/N away from her best friend, confused she looked up at him. The room was silent with all eyes on them, as it had been since the moment she stepped out onto the wooden boardwalk Pepper’s people had built leading to the dock, everyone’s eyes had been on them. 
“Through this whole wedding process my wife has been so incredibly patient with me. Originally I just said whatever you want Y/N it’s your day, but she would scrunch her face up, for her family they know what I’m talking about, the one where she doesn’t like something or doesn’t understand, anyways. Lou, Y/N’s best friend and the perfect person for Sam came to me said,
“Rogers for a superhero, you are pretty dense, the wedding day is both your big day. This is a day you both are going to look back on, tell your children about and share with your family and friends. Don’t make her plan it and make all the choices on her own.” Steve looked down at Y/N and smiled, as his wife laughed and gave her best friends hand a tight squeeze before letting it go. 
“So I did what I could, your napkins I chose, thank you very much, your centerpieces though, you are going to have to take that up with the my beautiful wife’s cousin, Willow, she handmaid these beautiful pieces for us, so we could reuse them in our winery and barn.” Willow blew the couple a kiss making the crowd laugh as Y/N caught it and stumbled back, before throwing one back just as extravagantly. 
“Anyways the reason I’m up here is because I really didn’t do that much, but I made a promise to my wife that I, the man out of time, could pick the song we dance to as a married couple.” Turning his body so now the newlyweds were now facing each other, Sam took the microphone holding it up to Steve's mouth, as Steve held both Y/N’s hands in his.
“Steve we’ve talked about this you’re right where you need to be.” Steve just nodded his head and kissed her on the lips getting a few people in the crowd cheering. Bucky, Sam, Lou, and Y/N’s siblings are motioned for the crowd to quiet down. 
“I admit I waited till last night to e-mail our DJ Ned and tell him our song. But to be fair if it hadn’t been for a talk I had while sleeping at Sam’s and him playing this song we probably would just have some random song. Thank you Sam for saving the day.” Sam pulled the microphone telling the couple it was no problem really. 
“With that all said and done, Mrs. Rogers can I have this dance?” Laughing Y/N nodded as they made their way around the tables holding hands waving to their family and friends. Ned Leeds, was the nights DJ, thanks to coming recommended by his friend Peter Parker, this was his hobby by a means to pay for college and his growing obsession of Star Wars Legos. As soon as the couple had made it to the center of the faux hardwood dance floor, he hit play.
“How do I get through one night without you? If I had to live without you, what kind of life would that be?”
Y/N let a gasp slip past her lips as the familiar country song played. Her arms held onto Steve’s shoulders, while he held onto her hips, they did their usual sway, there was no need for fancy footing or putting on a show. This was just them being them, in love, sharing that love with a room full of their closest family friends. 
“I promised you, you wouldn’t have to know what it was like to live without me, and you won’t either of you.” Y/N looked up at him placing a kiss on his soft lips, letting a few tears of happiness slip. This is what contentment felt like, to feel whole, be loved, and find that perfect person. 
“How do I live without you? How do I live without you, baby? How do I live?”
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