#but the idea wont leave my head. he would end up liking her for the same reasons the toudens latched onto her
possamble · 25 days
I absolutely really need to be writing anything but random ideas while I procrastinate and this is so awful rough bc I literally wrote it on my phone in one sitting while avoiding work but
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Do you see my vision. Her Nosy Bitch Syndrome would actually be good for him when they've both chilled out a little in the postcanon.
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bonesrbleaching · 2 months
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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cheatsykoopa98 · 23 days
1 AM ramble but someone just pointed out to me you can see zooble's room in their pin wrapping background
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not only do we get to see what their room looks like, we also get an official look of the zooble box, and a mirror for them to look at themself. now I think this might be important. pomni had a scene in ep 1 where she looks at the mirror in disbelief that she looks like that now, and we know zooble changes their parts every day. I think caine did that to "help" zooble with figuring out their gender identity, which maybe or not be helping, considering what I hear of people experiencing gender dysphoria not liking to see themselves in the mirror.
and I do think the mirror is important, we get to see a little bit of the others' bedrooms as well, kaufmo, ragatha and gangle's, and none of them have mirrors from what I can see. maybe caine noticed pomni looking in the mirror and thought pomni might want one in her room just like zooble, not realizing pomni probably hates to look in the mirror and not see herself
also lets look at the other characters bedrooms
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ragatha seems to be very tidy (assuming everyone has to clean up their rooms and considering how messy pomni's room is) and not have that much stuff. a box of toys that she might or not play with considering its positioned as a seat for the piano. we dont know if she knows how to play (according to goose she knows the cello, so she could know the piano as well) and having so little fingers in her hand might actually not let her play the piano properly. caine could have just heard she likes music and put a piano in her room. also notice the piano is in the middle of the room taking center stage and we cant see a bed (yet). ragatha has mentioned nobody needs to sleep even though they can. do you think she (tries to) play the piano at night while everyone else assumedly sleeps? there is a song sheet at the piano but I cant read if it has an actual song name written on it.
also she has a shelf full of things that might be of her interest or template things caine put there. like balls of yarn, books, a gloink (how did she have a gloink before ep 1?) and a framed picture, which if it has an actual photo of someone there could open up a lot of theories to who is there. also the gloink being there points to either ragatha having already lived through a gloink adventure and keeping one in her room or keeping one after an adventure where she was hurt by kaufmo and abandoned by pomni. why would she want to keep it if thats the case?
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gangle's room is very dark with black walls. we cant see much but I believe she is in a really deeper depression than pomni. I believe to the point where she doesnt have the energy to try to escape, just mask as much as she can before her happy mask is broken again, poor gangle :/
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we dont get to see kinger or jax's room, even though I think there is a kinger door in the corridor. maybe kinger is too paranoid to sleep in his room. jax's only shows his door with the void breaking into view. maybe we wont get to see his room until the very end. also I remember there was a theory jax knows where the exit is, but doesnt leave. I dont think its true considering goose said jax deserves to be stuck in the circus, implying he cant leave just like everyone, but since he "has keys to everywhere", what if he has been to the void without caine knowing? pomni never made it through the end but if jax did, maybe what he saw there pushed him to be how he is now. maybe he doesnt see hope in escaping and thats why he turns into such a bad person, he could be a nihilist in that way
anyway sorry for the long post, I just had a bunch of ideas popping up in my head from this little detail I should have noticed when pomni's pin was released
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not only do we get to see her room but we also see the blocks spelling CBA, not sure if the B is supposed to count or not but its the second time pomni is associated with C&A, I do believe she was an employee there
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angstywaifu · 3 months
I Just Want To Talk To Them - Garrick Tavis x Reader
Prompt - “Who did this to you? I just want to talk to them” @fw-gt A/N: This is for the Garrick girls who love the cocky flirty side of him. Enjoy. Masterlist
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I winced as the healer prodded around my now very broken nose. Cleaning up what she could of the blood that had run down my face. Which was a lot. The mender had fixed most of the damage, but had to use their abilities on other cadets. Meaning I still had some bruising and tenderness where I had taken the full force of an elbow to the face during a challenge.
It had been a stupid mistake. One I knew Garrick and Xaden would lecture me about later. I had dropped my guard and my opponent had seen it. I had lost the challenge because of it. My first one this year. Wrecking my streak of going undefeated for two years. So close to a perfect three year streak. Luckily neither had been at challenges to see what had happened. But there was no way I could hide what had happened. One cause my nose had been broken and couldn’t be fully healed. Two it would be the talk of the quadrant.
“Use this a few times a day, should clear up the bruising and tenderness in no time. If you have any trouble breathing or any issues just come back.” She says with a smile as she holds the healing balm out to me.
I nod a thanks and take it from her hands before pushing off the bed. I was half expecting Garrick or Xaden to be waiting for me as I leave. But I don’t see them anywhere. Meaning they hadn’t heard yet. Or they were waiting for me somewhere. Due to the last class of the day still being on the corridors are quiet. Meaning the bathrooms would be as well. I decide to head there, knowing the healer would have only got some of the blood off my face and clothes. And my suspicions are correct as I stare into the mirror in the bathroom. Most of the blood around my nose and mouth is gone, but the blood that had worked its way down my neck hadn’t been touched. It almost looked like I had bathed in blood if the rest of my skin and clothes weren’t free of blood. That would be a sight to see. I quickly scrub the blood off my neck. I should have gone to my room and grabbed new clothes and showered. But with training with the other marked ones tonight, showering now probably wasn’t my smartest idea. As I leave the bathroom the corridors are filled with people and chatter. The last class of the day clearly done. I quickly rush over to my room, avoiding any stares that might feed any rumours that had started. I open my door, quickly shutting it behind me as I lean up against it, closing my eyes and sighing in relief.
”Who did this to you?” A gruff stern voice says from my desk.
I jump and nearly drop the healing balm in my hands, awkwardly juggling it till I catch it. I look over to meet Garrick’s gaze. Garrick who is leaning back in my desk chair, his feet resting on the desk as he twirls a dagger between his fingers. If it wasn’t for the words that had left his mouth I would find it attractive. And honestly still did. But with the fire and anger in his eyes, a chill runs down my spine. Garrick had clearly heard I had lost my challenge and ended up in the healers quadrant, but not to who. His eyes lower to my neck and uniform where some of the blood still lingers.
”It was just a challenge. It doesn’t matter.” I tell him as I go to walk behind him and place the healing balm on my bedside table.
But Garrick moves with a speed I’ve never seen before as his feet drop from the desk, turning the chair to grab my wrist, pulling me to a stop. Despite him sitting, I feel small under his gaze. His eyes commanding me to give up the information. This was why he was a section leader. He embodied leadership and authority without even trying.
”It. Matters.” He emphasises each word. “Now, who did this to you?”
”Why does it matter?” I say back as sternly as I can.
With the look in his eyes I know if I give up the name it wont end well for them. Even if it was a challenge where the goal was to fight each other and come out the other side the victor. Garrick didn’t care. He had always been protective of me. More so than any other marked cadet.
”I just want to talk to them.” He says with a smile, a smile that showed he did not want to just talk to them.
”We both know that is not what you are going to do.” I tell him before removing my arm from his grip and walking over to my bedside table.
I hear his slight chuckle at my words. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
I turn to find him staring at me as I narrow my eyes at him. Garrick does his best attempt at a sweet smile, but with the anger still burning in his eyes contradicts it.
”You do. I can see it in your eyes. You do not want to just talk to them Gar. It was a challenge, they did what they were meant to do.”
”They hurt what I care about most.” He says as he stands, the chair sounding like it sighs in relief. He walks over and stands in front of me, grasping my chin between his fingers, forcing my face to look up at his. “So I will ask again sweet heart before I go find them another way. Who did this to you?”
My mind goes blank. Did… did Garrick just call me sweet heart? Wait. What he cares about most? I must look at him confused, as he smiles and chuckles at me He leans down, placing his mouth next to my ear.
”If you tell me who it is, I may just come back and reward you for it once I’m done talking.”
Before I can even think or register what I’ve done I blurt out the name of the cadet who I had been put up against for challenges. A sinister smirk gracing Garrick’s lips that has my heart fluttering.
”Good girl.” He whisper before kissing my cheek and walking out the door. Part 2
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gunwoos · 10 months
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woo-jin x reader x gun-woo poly headcanons
sorry this is kinda short! also i've never written anything poly before so it might not be the best. i procrastinated finishing this all week cause my brain ran out of ideas but anyways enjoy 🫶
ok hear me out
u either meet them and they're already in an established relationship OR u guys r all best friends and they both realize how much they like u and how much they like each other and eventually u guys all start dating
ur guys relationship is such a fun dynamic. like ur dating both of ur best friends it really can't get better than that
u have a spot permanently reserved in between the two of them
whether ur walking down the street, taking the bus, ur in the middle of them
they lowkey fight over u (playfully) (woojin starts it 100% of the time)
like woojin asks u to come watch him at practice but u and gunwoo have plans to go somewhere and woojin is just like ??? "ur hogging her!!!"
he then proceeds to go on this long rant abt how sad and lonely he's gonna be at practice all by himself while u two have fun without him (jokingly)
all jokes aside tho u guys have a really secure relationship and are able to do things in pairs rather than all 3 of u being together 24/7
like u and woojin, u and gunwoo, and gunwoo and woojin all have ur own things u like to do in pairs and it's nice for whoever doesn't go to have some alone time
they (try to) teach u how to box if ur interested
or if ur a boxer urself even better! all 3 of u can practice and compete in tournaments together (ur gonna be rich from all the prize money u guys win together)
practices with all 3 of u usually ends up with u guys just messing around but it's fun while it lasts
trying to go to sleep with these two is chaotic to say the least. u guys all eventually end up moving in together and apartments r expensive so u guys thought it would be a good idea to just have one bedroom with a singular king sized bed in it
news flash it's not big enough for u and ur two tall ass boyfriends
like u guys try cute cuddling positions to start off but it just ends with u guys laying on top of each other and it's a mess but u guys r comfy so
woojin likes to fall asleep with his head on your chest and geonwoo likes to have your head on his chest
u usually end up with your head on geonwoo's chest, cuddled into his side with woojin behind / kind of laying on top of u or hugging the both of u. whatever position u guys fall asleep in doesnt last tho and by the time u guys wake up it's just a tangle of limbs
HOLDING HANDS. whenever u guys go out together , and especially if wherever u are is crowded, all 3 of u are linking hands
they're both protective of u. they're overprotective when it comes to danger and stuff like that considering what they went through with kim myeon-gil , but they're not super overprotective if ur talking to other guys or smth
they also don't get jealous easily. there's so much trust in ur relationship and u guys communicate really well , so they really won't get jealous unless they actually have good reason to be
if someone is like over the top flirting with u and getting touchy tho, they're both by u in an instant scaring whoever's bothering u away
they know u can handle urself but will step in if they need to
like just imagine ur at a bar or smth, u leave the table to go get the three of u more drinks and some guy starts getting flirty with u while ur waiting. ur ignoring him but the guy wont take a hint, the next thing u know both of your boyfriends are on either side of u, one has an arm over ur shoulders and the other wraps one around ur waist
the guy looks terrified and is out of there in seconds
playfighting. it's mostly just u and woojin unless gunwoo is in playful mood
like u guys start bickering about something unserious and next thing u know u guys r on the floor wrestling (he barely uses any strength obviously) and gunwoos just rolling his eyes and watching
u guys honestly have such a great relationship. u got so lucky to have not one but two amazing boyfriends who love u more than anything
nsfw under ⬇️
again, they're both tall and strong as hell so expect to get manhandled a little bit (gently tho)
like holding down ur hips while going down on u, moving ur body into different positions
the sex is GOOD. like hands down it's amazing
another thing, even tho they're both boxers, you're much smaller than they are and they're so SO gentle with u
i honestly don't think either of them would like it rough they're just so sweet and don't wanna hurt u in any way
i also don't think they'd wanna like.. be in u at the same time unless ur into that, like if u suggest it and confirm that ur 100% ok with it they'll be hesitant at first but they're just like "ok! ^-^"
like i said in the sfw hcs, u have a spot permanently reserved in between the two of them and yes that includes in the bedroom
this can go so many ways too
gunwoo behind u, leaving kisses along ur jawline and neck as u lean back onto him while woojin goes down on u
eiffel tower. (i'll write a fic abt this i promise)
with the 3 of u, the possibilities are endless
they're both so giving and like pleasuring u better than receiving (not that they don't love when u pleasure them too)
they're both obsessed with eating u out
they're both athletes, they're competitive and wanna learn and become the best they possibly can at whatever they're doing , including pleasing u.
the first few times u guys do it they'll pay attention to every detail, what u like and don't like, what u really like, what things turn u on the most, etc
by the time u guys are a few months into the relationship they know just how to please u
like the sex was already good but it's just so much better once u guys learn more about each other in a sexual sense
it also doesn't have to be all 3 of u every single time, if one of u is tired or isn't in the mood but 2 of u are, u guys can go off and do ur own thing without the other feeling left out or jealous
u guys have such a trusting relationship including in the bedroom which makes the sex even better
like i said in their separate headcanons, woojin is prob a little bit freakier than gunwoo
like i know this man at least has a pair of handcuffs and i swear by this
woojin probably brings out a more adventurous side to gunwoo (and u if ur not usually adventurous) in the bedroom and it's so interesting to see
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 1 month
Javery fight headcanons because we both know those two are going to have a major major fight at some point
averyjameson fight head canons
of course <3. i apologize if this sucks, i haven't really slept in days T-T. this one will be shorter than my other posts cause the topic isn't as broad (and wont just be about one major fight but just a fights in general too), but i hope you still enjoy them <3. @ariscats helped with some of these <3. she's amazing.
i've mentioned this before, but i think that their codeword, tahiti, was created as a result of one of their bigger fights in order to avoid them.
jameson is the one that created the code word.
i think a lot of their fights would be related to each of them keeping secrets. avery's mentioned not liking being vulnerable before which, i think, would cause issues in their relationship. she'd keep secrets in order to keep herself from being vulnerable and jamie would hate it and confront her about it. she'd be very defensive and wouldn't admit to keeping secrets which would make things worse.
i think jamie would also have trouble opening up which is smth that would annoy avery a lot. unlike avery, though, it's not because he doesn't want to talk to her, it's bc he's afraid of what she would think of him/not wanting her to see him differently. she'd confront him about it, but he'd deny it and tell her that he has no reason to want to lie to her (lies).
they're the type of people that, even when they're mad at each other, have to sleep in each others arms bc its the only thing that keeps the nightmares away.
i feel like they're also the type of people who would try their best to not raise their voices bc they know its not healthy but would end up doing it anyways.
most of their fights ends with someone crying (not because they hurt each other's feelings, but bc they end up becoming vulnerable with each other and that makes one (or both of them) cry)
i think that whenever they have a major fight, avery would do smth like not eat. she'd get so mad she'd forget to/she wouldn't head to the kitchen to get smth in order to not see jameson by chance. jameson would make sure to make/get her smth and leave it by the door or give it to oren.
they'd definitely have fights about how careless jamie is with his life. i imagine that whatever happened in prague caused a screaming match between them.
they'd try to resolve their fights before bedtime bc they hate going to bed mad.
jamie would get really afraid whenever avery is mad at him bc he'd get the idea in his head that she was going to leave him. that's why, now, whenever they fight, avery makes sure to tell him that she's not leaving him before hand.
i also think a lot of their fights would be caused by avery overworking herself/not taking care of herself, and jamie would get worried/mad and say smth about it (avery disagrees with him thinking its unhealthy bc she thinks its her duty).
speaking of overworking, avery would work so often she'd start neglecting jamie (there are fics about this). this would obviously also cause fights.
i also think that, near the beginning of their relationship, jamie would have a really hard time expressing his emotions properly and would try to hide them by acting careless/happy, enough to hurt avery's feelings multiple times.
when fighting, avery would get so mad and anxious she'd start digging her nails into her palms really hard (its something i've noticed she does in the books too so this is less of a head canon). even though they're fighting, jamie doesn't like seeing this and will grab onto her hands and hold them or will give her smth to hold if she doesn't want to touch him.
they're the type of people to take breaks from their fights cause they hate having disagreements. they'll have a screaming match and then one will go 'break?' and they'll pretend as if nothing happened and come back to the fight later.
ok so idk if this will make sense but ill try my best to explain it properly. avery reads the hate comments she receives and starts believing them, smth she'd never admit. instead of admitting it to herself, she'd sort of project onto jamie and convince herself that he thinks the same/believes the comments. their fights would revolve a lot around that, i think. avery would go 'so many people call my ugly and unworthy of you, why would you not think the same?'
speaking of those fights that i mentioned in the hc right before this one, these ones tend to not become screaming matches. jamie would try to comfort her calmly bc he knows screaming won't do them any well.
as their relationship moves forward, their fights get rarer, and when they do, they don't scream (if they do, very very rare)
idk if this is even possible but it happens to me so im guessing it is. i mentioned earlier that jamie gets scared when they fight bc he's convinced himself avery will leave him. well when he gets scared, he also gets cold so they always have a blanket on hand for jameson to use if this happens.
avery would get jealous of jamie's ex's at the beginning of their relationship bc she has shown hints of being insecure about her looks in the books. this would also cause issues with jamie.
at the beginning of their relationship, avery, like mentioned earlier, would get really insecure about her looks, enough that she would compare herself to girls online and people jameson followed (he only follows them cause they're family friends/extended family members, etc). the fact that jameson used to see her as a game and her own insecurities really messed with her head, but she never talked about it with jameson because she hated being vulnerable. this would cause fights until jamie realized what was going and then he created the code-word.
whenever they're done fighting, they always have these huge love confessions planned bc, like i said a million times before, they hate fighting and like to end it on a good note.
whenever they're done fighting, they give each other a little kiss and cuddle cause they hate being mad at each other.
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spence-whore · 12 days
I don’t want you like a best friend
Spencer Agnew x Reader
A/N not me doing another imagine based on a Taylor song whhhaaaatttt I love Taylor so so so much. I was listening to music in the shower and dress started playing I was like holy shit, I have to write a tension filled imagine with Spencer and this song??? Also, forewarning, I will be using gender neutral terms as usual but I will be using more feminine things and mentioning things like wearing dresses. one last thing, i just started my summer classes. so, i wont get to edit these as much as before. i apologize for any mistakes!
TRIGGER WARNING// some angst and tension:)
Our secret moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you.
Parties and little get togethers are a common thing with the Smosh cast.
They always find some reason to rent out an air bnb to throw parties.
Chanse suggested throwing a little party before you all got to leave the office for a two week break.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it!” You hear Chanse screech whenever you walked into the front door with your suitcase. He come running up to you, to give you a quick hug.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss something like this. The parties you throw are always absolutely iconic.” You respond giving him a tight squeeze back.
“So, who all has made it?” You asked and looked around. A lot of the cast and crew had arrived, including Spencer. The house was absolutely packed but there was something about him having his eyes on you, that made you feel like you were on fire. The last time a party was thrown for the crew, the two of you had ended up in a bathroom, doing things you shouldn’t be doing to then turn around and call yourself only friends. The two of you played it off really well after though because no one knew who you had snuck off with.
There is an indentation in the shape of you. Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.
“I still want to know who you snuck off with last time we had a party.” You hear Erin say whenever she approaches you and Chanse. “Yeah!” Chanse agrees.
Whenever she mentions that night, you see it catches Spencer’s ears. He perks up in his seat and gets that infamous smirk on his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you show me to my room?” You mumbled and shook your head.
“I’ll show you but dude, that is such a lie.” Erin says and starts walking towards a hallway, where a bunch of bedrooms were located. “You had hickeys all over you. It was so obvious you tried hiding them too but you are not good at covering marks.” She said laughing loudly.
You just shook your head again and denied it.
“We’ll eventually pull it from you. Everyone’s going to be getting ready in a few minutes, if you want to go ahead and get dressed.” Erin suggests while opening your bedroom door. “You’re sharing with me and Angela, by the way.”
You nodded your head and let her know, you would go ahead and start getting ready.
Erin quickly nodded her head and pulled the door behind her, so you could get ready in private till her and Angela joined you.
You quickly pulled this dress on that Courtney had pointed out to you one day while at the mall with a bunch of the crew. They were recording a spend the day with us at the mall where they done random little challenges. You, Spencer, and Courtney had went into a store, trying to find goofy looking outfits for everyone to wear. The three of you walked around for a while before you just started looking at the clothes for things for you. You hear Courtney shout, “I genuinely just found something for you, Y/N! You would look so hot in this.” You turn around and see Courtney holding up a mid length black dress. There was a high slit in the thigh. It was a spaghetti strapped dress. It was simple but looked comfortable. You actually thought it was really cute. Courtney asked Spencer what he thought and his face flushed red very quickly and all he could do was nod his head yes.
You tried the dress on for fun and Spencer looked like his eyes were about to bulge out of his eyes. You didn’t end up buying the dress that day but you went back and bought it the next day. He wasn’t aware that you had gotten it, no one was.
You stood there for a minute, looking at yourself in the mirror, when you heard a knock come from the door beside you.
“You can come in!” You shout softly, flattening the dress against your body.
The door pushes open gently and you see Courtney and Angela standing there. Spencer was back behind them.
“Holy shit, is that the dress we seen in the mall?” Courtney asks, getting excited.
You just smiled and shook your head yes.
All of the silence and patience, pining and anticipation. My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting.
My hands are shaking from all this…
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer looked like he was about to pass out behind the two.
“Wow, you look… wow.” You hear Spencer whisper from the doorway while Courtney and Angela walk to sit on the bed behind you.
You acted like you didn’t hear Spencer, so you turned towards him. His eyes were just filled with desperation. It was like a mutual feeling between the two, you knew he wanted to reach out and to touch you. You knew that he wanted to kiss you, to hold you. You were dying for him to reach forward and to just put his hands on you, to kiss you as well.
“What’d you say, Spence?” You ask, trying to play off the little moment the two of you had.
Courtney and Angela were behind the two of you, looking at each other with complete confusion over what is going on.
“You look really beautiful, Y/N.” He says and clears his throat then gives you a tight lipped smile.
You just smiled back at him and shook your head. “Thank you, I really don’t though.” You say giggling. “I haven’t even done anything yet, besides put a dress on.”
Spencer walked around you to go sit in a chair beside the two beds but then realized that the tag of your dress was sticking out. He quickly walks up behind you and pushes your hair over your shoulder. You tensed up and froze because you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh, uh, sorry. Your-“ Spencer got quiet then pushed the tag softly under the neckline of the dress. “The tag was sticking out of the dress.” Spencer whispered and gave your shoulder a soft squeeze.
The two of you move apart quickly whenever you hear coughs. Courtney and Angela quickly stood up. “We’re gonna go grab a drink.” Angela says very quickly, pointing at the door with her thumb. “Uh, will be back in a few minutes!” Courtney practically shouts as Angela pulls her out of the room.
The two might as well have ran out of the room and slammed the door shut behind them.
You and Spencer look at each other with confusion, acting like you didn’t understand what was going on.
“When did you end up getting this dress?” Spencer asked sitting down on the chair near you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost cause I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
You had pulled another chair up in front of the full body mirror, to start curling your hair and to do your makeup.
“I just decided to go back the next day and buy it.” You respond, slightly shrugging your shoulders.
“Is there a reason you went back and bought it?” Spencer asked, trying to seem chill about the piece of fabric on your body, but he wasn’t playing it so calmly.
“I dunno.” You whispered while placing soft curls throughout your hair with a curling iron. “A certain someone’s reaction to me in it, just made me curious to how they would react to it if I wore it to something where we’ve made certain decisions in the past.”
Spencer didn’t say anything, he just stared at you with a shocked expression.
You started to do the pigtail trick with your hair, that makes it quicker to curl your hair. You parted your hair and put it into two pigtails then quickly curled the two pigtails. It only took two minutes to do then you pulled the two hair ties out of your hair. The soft curls had flooded down your back while you looked for your makeup bag. It hit you that it was still in your bag, on your bed, beside Spencer. You quickly sprayed hairspray throughout your hair and nodded back towards Spencer.
“Spencer?” He just nodded while staring at you. “Could you get in that bag and hand me my makeup bag?”
Spencer quickly stood up and grabbed your bag from the front of the bed. He unzipped it then retrieved your makeup bag, to hand it to you. He walked over and handed the makeup bag to you but the two of you practically grasped hands while he just stared holes into you. You felt like electricity was just shooting throughout your body while he quickly stepped back.
The two of you didn’t realize it but Courtney, Angela, and Erin were just staring at you two in shock from the doorway.
Spencer looked over at the door quickly then stepped back towards his seat to grab his drink that he carried in.
“I should probably go finish getting ready and help getting everything, uh, set up.” He whispers before quickly heading out of the room.
“Do you want to explain what that was?” Erin harshly whispered, looking at you with nothing but excitement in her eyes.
“What was what?” You asked nonchalantly, acting like you didn’t know what was going on.
“Oh my god!” Angela practically screams. “You hooked up with Spencer last time, didn’t you?” She whispered excitedly, jumping up and down in her spot.
You, once again, tried playing the question off but the redness all over your face completely called you out.
“Oh my god! Spencer is the secret guy you hook up with every time! Are you two like a couple or something?” Courtney asks while quickly pulling one of the chairs over beside you while you finished up your makeup.
You shook your head no, “I’m not going to lie to you about that. I honestly wish we were.” You whispered while finishing your eyeliner with a soft laugh.
The three women were practically exploding with the information they had just found out tonight.
“What happened the last time?” Angela asked, pulling a chair alongside Erin.
Inescapable, I’m not even gonna try and if I get burned, at least we were electrified.
I’m spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we’re both drunk.
Everyone thinks that they know us but they know nothing about all of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation.
You kept working at your makeup and decided to just explain to the three women what had caused you two to end up in the guest bathroom, away from the New Year’s party.
“I have had the biggest crush on Spencer ever since I’ve joined the crew. I had convinced myself I would never tell him how I feel. The night of that party though, oh my god. It was like there was something in the air.” You paused for a minute to just laugh, remembering how you felt that night. “Every single time we would brush hands or something, it felt like electricity would fly throughout my body. I thought at first, I can’t do this. I ended up getting a little too drunk and so did Spencer. We were sat together in this hallway, just drinking and talking. I finally just told him how I felt. I panicked and jumped up, to run off but he grabbed my hand. He started to tell me how he felt then I, of course, happened to spill a little bit of my drink. He pulled me into the bathroom, to help me clean up. While we were in there, he was just wiping away at the alcohol with a wet rag. It literally felt like my body was on fire. I don’t know what made me do it but I just leaned forward and kissed him.”
The three women around you looked like they were about to explode with the biggest smiles on their face.
“Wait, so you two had sex in the bathroom?” Erin bluntly asked then got whacked on the arm by Courtney.
You just laughed and shook your head no. “Again, I won’t lie to you, we almost did. My dumbass stumbled and knocked over the rest of my drink into the shower. The glass shattered, so Spencer panicked and made me sit on the sink while he cleaned it up. We decided maybe the bathroom, during a party, wouldn’t be the best first time for something like that.”
“How did we not see something happening between you two?” Angela asked with genuine confusion on her face.
“Oh, there isn’t anything going on between the two of us. We’re only really friends, to be honest. I hate that we’re only friends but we never really approach the topic unless it’s in situations like us being plastered.” You admit, shaking your head in shame. “I think it’s because we’re both too scared to admit that we’re something more than friends.”
Erin laughed loudly, “Yeah, I’m sorry but the two of you are not just friends. You were, like, sucking each other’s faces off in the bathroom and being like little leeches.”
You just laughed and stood to face the three around you. “I’m done getting ready, so I’m gonna just head on out there.”
“You just wanna go see your little boyfrienddddddd.” Angela says in a singing tone.
You just laughed once again and shook your head at the woman before exiting the room.
You look around the entire room to see who all is here tonight. Not everyone is staying in the Air BNB, only a few of the crew are.
You spot Kiana, Spencer, and Shayne standing at a table in the kitchen, getting drinks.
You approached them and give Shayne a soft smile. “Hey guys!” You say with a smile on your face.
“Hi, you sweet angel! You look beautiful!” Kiana says with a big smile on her face.
“Oh, why thank you.” You take her compliment while grabbing a red solo cup from the counter and poured some kind of whiskey from the counter.
“There’s glass cups you can use, you know?” You hear Shayne say from beside you.
You look over and see Spence looking you up and down while Shayne is nodding towards the glass cups.
“Oh, that’s okay. I would probably end up accidentally breaking it again.” You say chuckling and sent Spencer a quick glance. He catches onto what you were talking about and heat flooded his face once again.
Spencer goes to take a sip of his drink, trying to act chill, whenever Kiana calls him out. “Spence, if you stare any harder, your eyes might get stuck.”
Spencer choked on his drink and shook his head. You were shockingly the only one to pick up on it but his hands started to tremor.
My hands are shaking from holding back from you.
All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking from all of this.
Say my name and everything just stops, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Spencer quickly tries to shake the feeling he has and change the conversation but he can’t stop the feeling of heat flowing through his body due to you. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He was literally shaking from how nervous just your presence alone was making him. He couldn’t get over how beautiful you looked.
“Hey guys, I’m gonna step outside and get some fresh air. It’s getting kind of stuffy in here.” You say quickly to the group, feeling like you were starting to suffocate in the room. You didn’t want to admit it but the look Spencer was giving you was extremely intense. You couldn’t deal with it anymore because you were dying for him to just do something.
You walked away from the group and start to head out the door to walk outside. You didn’t know it but Spencer trailed behind you, wanting to get a moment alone with you.
You stepped outside, slightly agitated. You were getting so tired of having to hide everything. You were so tired of acting like you were just friends with the man whenever you both knew friends don’t sneak off to make out at parties with their other best friends present. You wanted him to hold you. You wanted him to kiss you, to touch you, to just show you that he wants you.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off, take it off.
Carve your name into my bedpost, I don’t want you like a best friend.
Only bought this dress, so you could take it off.
“You okay?” You hear Spencer ask from behind you as you sat down on the porch steps.
You just laughed. “You know, I bought this dress with the idea that the next time you saw me in it… You might actually make a move further and act like we aren’t just friends. I mean this in the nicest way possible. I don’t want you like a best friend, Spencer. I want to be able to kiss you everyday and call you mine.” You answered him in an aggravated tone.
“I don’t want you like a best friend either, Y/N. Are you that oblivious? The day I fell in love with you, I thought that you knew.” Spencer laughed and said while sitting down beside you.
You just stared at him with confusion on your face, “What do you mean the day you fell in love with me?”
Spencer sat in silence for a minute, just taking the cold air in. “I have been in love with you for so long. The first time I remember realizing that I had fallen so hard for you was whenever I had first bleached and buzzed my hair.”
Flashback when you met me, your buzz cut and my hair bleached.
Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me.
Flashbacks to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes.
Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me.
You chuckled remembering the first time you had seen him with his new haircut. “I remember you came around the corner and I became like a stuttering mess.”
You started to shiver and Spencer noticed it. “Would you want to head inside? We could chill upstairs in the movie room? We can finish talking about this whenever we get in there.”
You shook your head yes, freezing in the dress.
The two of you headed inside and walked up the steps to the movie room. Everyone was in the big living room, drinking and dancing.
You two headed into the movie room and sat down in the plush love seat.
“Wait, so are you saying my reaction is what made you fall in love with me?” You asked once you got inside and processed what Spencer had said. You folded your knees under you and pulled a blanket over your lap.
Spencer smiled and nodded his head at you.
“That was during the worst time of my life, though. I was severely depressed and going on dates left and right because I just wanted someone to love me.” You said silently laughing over how desperate you sounded.
“You’ve always had someone who has loved you in front of you. You’ve just never realized it.” Spencer says and reaches his hand out to rest it on your knee.
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before Spencer broke the silence. “I want to make a move or whatever it was you said outside. I want to call you mine. I just don’t want to do that while we’re tipsy. I want to talk about it while we’re sober.” Spencer says giving you a soft smile on his face.
You nodded your head at Spencer, “I agree. It is probably best that we do talk about it while we’re sober.”
The two of you sat and talked for almost three hours straight, while people would pass by and make comments here and there. No one ever stuck there though, they were just letting the two of you soak up each other’s presence.
Before you knew it, you had passed out and Spencer had fallen asleep as well.
I woke up just in time
Now, I wake up by your side, my one and only my lifeline.
I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side.
My hands shake, I can’t explain this.
You woke up and felt a pressure around your waist. You hear whispering and open your eyes to see Chanse and Erin peeking their heads around a corner.
“Holy shit, look at them.” You hear Chanse say while giggling.
“I’m awake asshole.” You whispered towards the two freaking out and they took off running.
You turn your head to the side and realized, you and Spencer had fallen asleep rambling over random stuff to each other. You know you had admitted your feelings to each other last night but you couldn’t help trembling due to excitement. You finally had the guy by your side that you had fallen so hard for.
The two of you were laid out across the couch. Spencer was laid on his side and had you in a tight hold around your waist. You were laid on your back. You reached your hand up and ran it softly through his hair.
Spencer scrunched his nose and pressed his face softly into your neck. His facial hair, tickling the side of your neck. You giggle trying to move your head away whenever you hear him slightly whisper, “Still don’t want me like a best friend?”
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Straykids when you feel uncomfortable around a guy at a bar
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⩤ Chan ⩥
i feel like most people forget how much chan actually cares about people.
so when it comes to you, the second you say you feel the slightest bit off, he wont leave your side.
"which guy, baby?"
when you've pointed him out, chan will be sending him death glares the whole night.
when he gets up to go to the bathroom, he'll take his drink and "fall" near the guy, spilling beer all over him.
"oh! so sorry about that mate"
comes back over to you with a proud smirk on his face.
⩤ Minho ⩥
this man will go from having the biggest smile on his face to the most angriest frown you've ever seen.
you'll tell him that his looks are making you a little uncomfortable and he will go full on protection mode.
he won't be afraid to speak to him either.
and by speak to him I mean hurl insults at him across the bar.
"hey asshole! stay away from my girl, alright?"
will not let you out of his sight for more than five seconds after that.
⩤ Changbin ⩥
changbin would go over and have the most aggressive conversation of his life with that guy.
if he still carries on staring at you like he was, changbin will have no problem with grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yelling in his face to leave you alone.
"look at her one more time, you're dead. understand?"
that guy would go on to never spare a glance at you again :)
to changbin, that's the mission accomplished.
⩤ Hyunjin ⩥
would get super pissed but be more subtle than maybe changbin and lee know.
i mean, hyunjin would feel the need to go over and gouge his eyes out with a teaspoon for making you feel uncomfortable but unfortunately murder is illegal so 🤷‍♀️
he would stare into the back of the guy's head until his eyes started to water.
when the man would turn to look at you again, hyunjin would simply click his fingers and spin his finger in a circular motion, telling the guy to turn right back around again because you were his and wanted nothing to do with him.
and that's on having a hot asf and chill ass bf <3
⩤ Han ⩥
pre-debut han would make an appearance.
this man would feel so awful for not noticing but then so angry that it happened.
especially to you.
he would, with no hesitation, go over there, sit next to him and scream in his face for like twenty minutes before coming back over to you and the guys and acting like nothing happened.
and trust me, if that guy did it again, his head would end up in a cement wall :)
⩤ Felix ⩥
would spend more time comforting you than actually staring out the guy but oh well.
we love a caring bf <3
if he himself caught the guy looking at you, he would do the tongue thing where he puts his tongue behind his cheek and ughsfsfssfssjafgiasbfia.
^sorry that just makes me feel some kind of way.
he hates yelling at people so he would try and stay calm but the more that he does it, the angrier felix gets.
he eventually goes off and gets you all kicked out but oh well.
better than being perved on.
⩤ Seungmin ⩥
he would be so fucking sassy oml.
would sit directly behind the guy so every time he goes to look at you, seungmin will come in with:
"can i help?"
he would be sending him so many dirty ass looks.
seungmin would definitely go up behind you and stand directly in his line of vision to piss him off even more.
"turn the fuck around. pervert."
he slays tho tbf.
⩤ Jeongin ⩥
he'd go from innocent to defensive real quick.
his hands would go even veinier and he would be pushing his hair back every five seconds.
this man would be so fucking annoyed that he would start snapping at all of the guys.
it's not like he meant to it's just he hated how that man was looking at you.
he wouldn't be able to resist not going up.
jeongin would instantly grab the guy by his shirt, pull him up out of his seat and drag him out, shutting the door on him.
"you even think about her again and I'll kill you."
A/N: my ask me anything is always open to pls pls pls send in requests for these or any ideas for the skz fake texts. i'd love to hear your ideas and it would rlly help me out. love you all sm and have a good day <3
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loversj0y · 1 year
you belong with me
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event posters are all found on pinterest btw!
wilbur soot x gn! reader
tws: mentions of cheating
notes: welcome to the very first post from the 200 follower event! starting off strong and classic with YBWM! this song holds so much love in my heart as a elder swiftie (i still remember buying her debut album way back when... i watched the 2008 vmas live..... wilid)
word count: 1.1k (these are blurbs so they wont be as long as my usual incoherent ramblings)
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @lillylvjy
You’d never wanted to shake sense into your best friend Wilbur more than in this exact moment. You two were hanging out after school, sitting in the spare music room and goofing off, when his phone started blaring his ringtone. Now, even from the otherside of the room, you could hear his girlfriend yelling at him. 
You almost wanted to yell at him yourself, to let him know that it doesn’t have to be like this! But you might just be biased, given the fact that you’d been in love with him for years now. 
You and Wilbur had been best friends for years, growing up and being there for each other throughout it all. 
When he started dating this girl, you thought it would be good for you, to help you get over the crush you had for him. It only made it worse, every fight she started with him brought alarm bells to your mind, and you just so desperately wanted to tell him that “It doesn’t have to be like this! I actually understand you!” Every time you refrained from saying anything, it made your chest hurt a bit more.
He set his phone down, sighing softly.
You looked up, fiddling with your shoelaces, “Another fight? What was it this time?”
“Nothing much,” he shrugged, “She was just annoyed I didn’t put three hearts at the end of my text.”
“What?” You laughed sardonically, “Wilbur, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” You couldn’t hold your sharp tongue back.
“I mean, I get it, I guess. It’s important to her, so-” “Yes, but yelling at you about it? That’s the thing. If she really cared about you, she’d just talk to you and be nice about it.”
“It’s fine, really. Now, come on, let’s keep working this section.”
That night, you laid in bed and just wished you could get past your own shyness to tell him. You could picture it in your head, just standing there and almost begging him to see you and realize that you understand him, all of his laughter and quirks. 
A week later, you got a text from him in the middle of the night, asking if you were awake. You were; it was a Saturday, so you were just listening to music and having time to yourself. It wasn’t that much longer before you heard his car park in front of your house. You went downstairs, sneaking him in easily. You walked upstairs to your room, opening the window and grabbing a blanket. You both crawled onto your roof, sitting up there.
“Is everything alright?” You asked him softly.
He shrugged, “Just a bit down, I guess. I needed someone who always makes me feel better.”
You smiled softly at him, lightly swinging your shoulder into his, “Well, I’d say you came to the right place.”
He chuckled, and for a while, you both just stared up at the stars. 
“I feel like I don’t belong here sometimes,” he admitted quietly. 
You turned to him, “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just feel like everything here kind of sucks.”
You nodded. This was something you two talked about often; how shitty this little town was. “We won’t be here forever, though.”
He hummed, “We could just leave.”
“After graduation. We could just pack our bags and head out somewhere, drive until we run out of gas, you know?”
“I guess,” you smiled softly at the idea, “that could be pretty nice.”
He smiled, leaning back a bit. He looked over at you, and you could feel nothing but love in his gaze. “If we can’t find a place we belong, we could alway make one up. Make our own place to belong.”
You didn’t know if it was how late it was or the look he was giving you that pushed you to speak before you could even think about it, “I think I know where you belong.”
“You do?”
You nodded, “Yeah.” You quickly moved to change the subject, not wanting to play homewrecker anymore than you’d felt you may already have. If he was happy, you could learn to be happy for him, you supposed, “What brought this up, anyways?”
He sighed, looking back up at the moon, “I found her kissing another guy.”
He nodded, “Yeah. In the band room.”
“Wilbur, that’s awful.”
“We broke up,” he admitted, “and honestly, I should be more upset about it.”
“Are you not upset about it? I mean, she cheated on you.”
“I am, a bit. But I kind of feel relieved. I think you were right about her.”
You flushed slightly, “What do you mean?” He chuckled, giving you a grin, “Oh, please. I know you hated her. You may have acted otherwise, but we’ve known each other for years. I know you just as well as you know me. I could see it on your face.” You smiled lightly, “I guess I never thought about that. I did hate her, but I just didn’t want to say anything because I thought if you were happy, then I should support it.”
“That’s nice of you. I think I dodged a bullet though, to be honest.”
You nodded, and you both returned to comfortable silence. 
He broke it once again, “What did you mean? When you said you know where I belong?”
You bit your lip. Here goes nothing. “You said it yourself. I know you. So, I dunno, I think what you’ve been looking for has been here with me the whole time. I think you belong with me.”
He looked back at you, and he seemed shocked, but with better inspection, he looked like he was calculating you cautiously. 
You kept speaking, mostly out of nerves, “Wilbur, you never even smiled when you were with her. And it killed me, because your smile has become such a comfort for me, just in knowing that you’re happy. I understand you, and I’ve always been here for you. Maybe I don’t know what I’m saying, but I feel like, maybe you’ve been searching for something that’s been under your nose this whole time. I almost wonder if you’ve been oblivious or just stupid to how much I’m into you, because you know me so well, and I don’t honestly think I’ve ever hid it that well. So, yeah. I don’t even think it. You belong with me. Even if it’s as friends.”
He gave no response, and you immediately regretted your admission.
However, he didn’t give you long to regret it before he moved a hand onto your cheek, giving you a loving kiss. You kissed him back just as lovingly, as if you had been waiting for it for years. Which you had been. 
And when he pulled away, foreheads pressed together, you both just grinned. 
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k9iriz · 1 year
I love your writings! Can i request Neymar x reader where he cheats on her and she finds out and he gets manipulative but she doesn’t go back to him please? Like I need a good cry ahaha
(it was a request just like this so im just gonna combine your ideas! makes it easier!)
𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝
𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘢𝘳/𝘧𝘦𝘮! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
“𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩’𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙣𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙮 𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙙?”
(upsetting themes, cheating, swearing, manipulation + gaslighting mental, also , miscarriage warning!! this is very angst to the max, so get your sad playlist out!)
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you heard that voice, that women’s intuition that you knew your man was cheating.
the constant not wanting to be around you.
the countless dumb arguments that you two had, went on for him leaving, simply as just being mean and rude to you.
you thought it was a one time thing…i was wrong.
“ney? are you hungry? i could make you something-” you peaked out the doorway as he shoved past you, ignoring you.
“no. im not hungry.” ney rolled his eyes, grabbing his jacket, he looked so nice and dressed up for practice…
“oh…w-well have a good practice.” i swallowed the lump in my throat, filled to where i was gonna bust out in tears.
your phone rang, kylian’s gf sent you pictures of her outfits for the…psg date night out?
you looked over at ney, that’s why he’s so dressed up.
but without me?
“ney? is it the psg date night event tonight?” i asked, my eyes glowed at it, we would look so good together.
in my mind.
“yup.” he brainlessly said, not even adding anything to the request.
before you could speak, he slammed the door in your face, walking out as i stood by the mirror.
“how do you stop a heartbreak? … cry. you just cry.”
i frowned as i sat on the couch, playing with my fingers.
everything started to click. brainlessly just staying after how bad he’s treating you since you two began dating.
“i really wanted to go.” you thought.
he didn’t even wanna be seen out with you. let alone take you on dates, he just simply said ‘i just don’t have time.’
it broke your heart.
you could cry yourself to sleep if you wanted. the slience rang through your ears as you played with your promise ring he gave you.
ever since, he hasn’t kept a promise since.
after an hour of scrolling through everyone’s insta stories, you seen a post go past your eyes.
it was a video of them kissing, all in the camera, with pda and cameras flashing as well.
i stared at it as your heart broke in ten million pieces.
i didn’t know wether to scream or cry.
i didn’t move. i blankly froze as all the memories of the past year floated through my head.
all the lies, the arguing. the kisses. everything was fake.
he just kept me…just to break me.
i cried for hours on end, as i paced around the house.
you even had a miscarriage. due to the stress he had put apon you and you blamed yourself for it.
well i did.
and just to publicly cheat. it was the last straw.
the next morning was a empty bed with red eyes after crying all night.
my phone was ringing all night from socials and even some of psg, asking was i okay after the news got out.
i felt embarrassed. this promise ring meant nothing. especially to him.
you heard the door open downstairs as i slowly walked to the stairs banister, looking down at neymar.
he was ear to ear smiling. for what?
“i know…princesa, ela vai dormir às 10, ela não vai a lugar nenhum, então não vou poder te encontrar lá. eu te amo mais...bye.” neymar smiled so proudly on the phone. it’s her voice on the phone.
(princess, she'll be sleep by 10, she wont go anywhere so ill be able to meet you there. i love you more...bye.)
are you fucking kidding.
“good. ill be out of here by 10 then.” i spoke up, as my face held a cold mean expression as he jumped, soonly realizing he knew that i knew he was cheating and that i seen the news.
“oh…amor. im sorry, listen to me.” neymar tried to plead, but i walked away, chuckling as i shut the bedroom door, closing it and locking it before he could get to it.
“listen to me…please.” neymar pleaded as i shook my head, grabbing my suitcases, trying to stuff everything in them the best i can.
“unlock the door!” neymar groaned, as he forcefully jiggled the doorknob as tears ran down my face…i couldn’t hold it much longer.
“leave the fucking door alone! let me leave please.” i yelled, before i threw on one of his plain black hoodies, just cuddling it as i fell down, tired and worn out from everything…
i leaned up against the wall…everything connected.
the memories we had. the good times we had…
the thought of us expanding our family…the dream wedding we dreamed of together.
all came crashing down.
“please. bebê, por favor ... não vá. por favor.” neymar pleaded again, his voice getting low and shaky. (baby please...dont go. please.)
“ney. please let me leave in peace and get away from the door.” i croaked in tears, dragging myself to put my shoes on, lining my luggage up.
good thing i planned a flight tonight.
“no. i can stand here and fight with this door all day until you talk to me and let me in.” neymar tried to open it, but to his avail, it failed.
“move, please move away from the door.” i walked towards the door, warning to unlock it.
“open up please.” he asked as his voice got soft, before you could, he looked at your puffy eyes, your luggage lined up as he hugged me right, before i cried in his arms…
i should slap him right now.
“no. no. no. move away from me. you’re not doing this to me…again.” i pushed away from him as he trailed behind me as i grabbed suitcase after suitcase, taking them to the door.
“please? i love you, you know i wouldn’t do that to you right?
“how? oh wowwww, you sure wouldn’t but considering it’s the same outfit you fuckin’ left in!” you caught him trying to lie…
& guilt trip you? how stupid can he be. “listen. she ment nothing to me, i promise. you know im yours…hell my wife. just don’t leave me.” ney tried to reason, following behind me.
“ney. i can’t. you’ve been treating me like a second class act. and i just can’t do it anymore.”
“so that’s it? are you serious right now y/n?” neymar got frustrated at you, not hearing you out.
i scoffed, sitting the rest of my suitcases outside, before the door slammed, leaving me and him left in the house.
“don’t make this about yourself. nor try to reason. you’ve obviously been back with her and stepping out on me. and you did it while i was pregnant, ney.” i started, feeling tears prickle my eyes, playing with my ring.
“i lost a baby. and because of you not being there, i lost myself. got blinded by you…the person who promised to be there for me through anything…”
“and you weren’t there. and i don’t want you to be there now…i gotta go.” i shook the thought of still staying in this web of despair out my head, rushing out, before being pulled into a kiss.
ney accepted the fact all his wrongdoings and fuck-ups lead him to lose everything, even his self respect.
the atmosphere got quiet and silent, everything just feeling calm at that moment, feeling sadness in the air
“im sorry. thats all i really can say to you…for breaking your heart. i love you forever, don’t forget that, princessa.” ney felt himself pull away as he kissed your cheek once more, before sitting on the bottom stairs.
i wasn’t looking back. but the heartbreak and sadness remained until i left.
you never really know how much someone’s means to you until they walk out the door.
i hope u enjoyed! ❤️
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okkotsuslut · 1 year
a/n: i got this idea while listening to the song 'jealous' by nick jonas! kinda want to do this for some of the other blue lock characters too- so i might later :D
typed in lowercase, not edited
today was a big day. you were going to watch your boyfriend play against the U-20 team for a chance to be on their starting line up.
he had gotten phone privileges back a few times in blue lock from scoring goals. so he let you know that he really wanted you to be there.
you were also going to see your brother play. he went to blue lock but due to someone's request, he would be playing for the U-20 team during the game. you didn't really know the details.
you'd heard from your brother ryusei once since he left to go to blue lock and it was just to tell you that you better be at his game.
you sat with your boyfriend's parents during the game since yours weren't able to attend.
it was cute seeing his mom and dad wearing two jerseys that were sewn into one. representing both of their children that were playing today.
you cheered for rin as he dominated the field. your brother was on the bench for most of the game but when he got put in to play, you cheered for him a little too.
the game ended in blue locks victory and you quickly left your seat, hurrying to try and find rin so that you could congratulate him.
he had told you to meet him at the locker rooms so you followed the vague directions that he had texted you.
you were walking down a long hallway when you heard a familiar voice.
"i can't believe i lost to that eyelashed freak!"
you followed the sound of his voice to a room with the door open. it was your brother, ryusei, sitting in an empty locker room.
he was facing away from you, so you decided it would be funny to sneak up on him.
you tiptoed in and jumped on his back.
he flung you off of him like you were a bug. causing you to land on the floor and let out a groan.
"HA! wimp, that's what you get."
"screw you. that's why you lost." you replied, getting up off of the floor.
"that was just a damn fluke! i'm gonna beat that eyelashed freak next time i see him."
you figured that the person he was referring to as an "eyelashed freak" was your boyfriend and you let out a small laugh.
"you're so weird bro." you pulled him into a hug because even though he was annoying, you had missed him.
he pat you on the head and told you that you were weirder.
you suddenly heard someone clear their throat. you looked behind ryusei to see rin standing in the doorway.
"rin!" you ran out of your brother's arms and into his. "i missed you so much!"
his hands were balled into fists and his jaw was tightly clenched. he lightly pushed you off of him.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you looked up at him.
"what the hell are you doing with this insect."
you let out a loud laugh at what he called your brother. you had never thought about that before but it was true, ryusei's hair did look a bit like antennas.
"that's cute coming from you with your spider eyelashes." ryusei barked.
you just rolled your eyes and stifled a laugh.
rin threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close, glaring at your brother.
"stay away from her."
"thats pretty hard to do since we share a room." he shrugged "but i guess i wont be leaving blue lock anytime soon since i'm gonna win this thing."
rin's grip on your shoulder tightened and you could tell he was pissed. so you grabbed his hand and started to lead him out of the room.
"see ya later ryusei. love you." you called out over your shoulder.
you could practically hear rin's teeth grinding onto each other. he was mad.
there was another empty locker room a little down the hall so you walked into there.
you could tell that he was thoroughly misunderstanding the situation so you decided it would be best to just quickly tell him.
"you and my brother don't get along too well."
"huh?" rin looked at you, clearly confused. "that lukewarm idiot is your brother!?"
"yeah." you laughed.
"but you guys don't have the same last name."
"we are technically half siblings. same mom, different dads."
rins hand covered his face as he realized. he let out a groan. you leaned in and wrapped your arms around his torso.
"it was nice seeing you get all jealous. you were cute."
he rolled his eyes but a light blush spread across his cheeks after you called him cute.
he looked down at you and placed his arms over your shoulders, hugging you back.
"i missed you." you leaned up, placing a small kiss on his lips.
"missed you too."
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mirkomos · 2 months
Between me and You~ cp.2
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Armin x reader...
Chapter tw: Armin x reader, tension, arguing, cursing, falling asleep on him
Word count: 1.8k
story context: your newly broken up with jean and he won't leave you alone. You start to "date" Armin to get jean off your back, but during this fake relationship you start to develop feeling for him—your relationship with Armin becomes a bit...confusing. No other then any other relationships yours and armin's has its ups and downs but maybe it will turn into the real thing...
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You wake up to the loud blaring of your alarm for the second time, you knew by anytime sasha would come bursting into your room–snatching the sheets off of you and forcing you to get out of bed. Your first class is at 9:40 and Sasha ends hers 30 minutes before yours even starts so shes usually the one to wake you up in the morning. Lazily, you get out of bed to go get ready across the hall– in the kitchen there was sasha and connie having their breakfast “ So i hear you and armin have FINALLY gotten together after all this time and you didnt bother to tell me?” For years connies have been bugging you and armin about getting together saying you guys would be such a good couple…but its not like you guys are a real couple so what does it matter.
“Oh well i guess it must have slipped my mind” you say as you make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Connie continues to yap on and on to you but you pretend that your listening.
Nevertheless, wont stop “you know connie i really think that we should talk about this when im finished getting ready” your right he says and he finally goes back to the kitchen to keep talking to sasha. As your doing you hair you hear a ding on your phone–you look down and it was armin who sent you a good morning text… wow he's really committing to this role huh? Cute… As your texting him you can feel a smile creep across your face as he ask you what you dreamt about…it was him “Y/N HURRY UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE.” 
Shit she was right, it was 9:20 and the building was right across campus–you make your way to the kitchen to find breakfast before class but low and behold there was sasha and connie eating most of it “oops” they both say in unison. It’s like you can't have anything to yourself in this place “i have to go anyways” as your getting your stuff your hear a ding on your phone but cant be bothered because you gonna be late– as you go to open the door your met with a surprise
“Armin what are you doing here?” it was such a shock to see him ‘what a cute jetser’ you think to yourself as you can hear connie and sasha snickering in the background “didn't you see my text this morning? I'm walking you to class.” you heart stops a little and you can feel your face heat up “oh um…yea ok thanks” you knows he can see how nervous you are–as you close the door you can hear sasha “Damn i wish niccolo would do that for me” 
That comment made you giggle a little bit 
“So um…thanks for picking me up.” you kind of whisper, you guys were starting to walking down the halls together “Oh yea i thought that it would be better for people to see us walking to class together” armin has a tendency to not really make eye contact when talking to people but he tries–the awkward silence between the two of you is excruciating painful until you walk out of the dorm building and armin wraps his arm around you. This took you by surprise and you looked at him but he didnt look back–he just kept his head up and kept walking “your shoulders are tense, ease up a bit” he whispers in your ear. 
Hes right…in fact you're the one who came up with the idea that you guys should ‘fake date’ in the first place you needed to act comfortable in the relationship. You relax yourself -and lean into his touch and lean on his shoulders, you get a few stares from people around campus but it felt good to be walking with Armin. You felt comforted.
You and Armin start walking to class–there wasn't much conversation between the two of you on the walk here but it was a comfortable silence.
You walk into class and there he was sitting in the front row…Jean. The look on his face was one of absolute terror and anger. All you can feel is joy as you whip your smug look off your face and  look at his dumbfounded face as you an armin walk bye him to your seats in the back of the class.
“So eren told me last night about how he found you and armin snuggled up on the couch together huh?” mikasa retorts. Eren looks away as mikasa says this–he can't seem to ever keep his mouth shut about anything “oh really he did..” you go to shoot him a dirty look but he isnt paying attention, for once he decides to pay attention and do his work. “you know sooner or later i knew this would happen. “ she says as she goes back to writing her assignment. Is this really what people have been thinking, you and armin?. You look over to him– hes head down reading and doing his assignment. He looks so… peaceful and sweet, maybe you were staring at him for a bit to long because professor levi speaks up “Hey y/n why don't you stop looking at arlet and do your assignment.'' You can hear armins quiet laughter from the side with a smirk on his face.
As you look in front of you– you can see jean fazed out with a constipated look on his face or angry–you cant really tell they always looked the same to you but you go back to getting your assignment because class was gonna be over in half-hour. 
The bell rings and class is over, you wouldn't have another class with him for the rest of the day but you got a break in between so you could still see him if he wasn't in the library. “Alright i'll see you soon” armin says as he’s packing up– “ok bye” he wraps his arm around your shoulders and gives you a kiss on the head. You look up at him and flash him a smile as he walks away, out of he corner of your eye you can see jean looking at you with anger in his eyes. When jean get angry with you he's not reasonable at all, That's one of the main reasons why you broke up with him in the first place–you try to make a run for it to the door but the he is standing right behind you
“Hey I really need to talk to you” you don't want to block the entrance so you just keep walking “ listen jean i don't have time to talk right now.” You sped up your pace and he noticed that because he sped up until he couldn't keep up and he grabbed your wrist and pulled you toward him “Are you serious you moved on this quick? And with Armin on top of it!” he practically yelled and people stopped to stare at the two of you. All eyes on the two of you “I dont wanna talk to you right now jean, and don't try to act all innocent as if you treated me like shit half of the time!” You stand there for a second or two and walk away pushing through the crowd of people as you can feel a tears welling up, Jean tried to get after you but he loses you in the crowd.
Annie and hitch who have been your friends since middle school saw all of this and went after you as you made your way out of the courtyard doors “Are your ok” hitch said as she stopped you “ Yea you don't look too well.” Annie said. She’s not someone that you talk to a lot –mostly when you go to parties you hang out with her “ oh yea…i'm ok i just don't really want to talk about it.” you say as you can feel the warm tear trickle down your cheek. Hitch looks at you with a sorrowful look in her eyes before she gives you a hug and walks aways, annie flashes you a smile, pats you on the back and follows after hitch.
You stand there at the entrance of the courtyard looking stupid–just standing there–holding back tears, you go to take a seat at one of the tables in the courtyard and debate on whether you wanted to go to your next class. You just felt so embarrassed of what happened, you never liked to have too much attention on you but there it was silent…with all the students in that hallway you could hear a pin drop when you and jean weren't arguing.
You felt so small in that moment– the way you felt in your relationship with jean. Nevertheless, you didn’t wanna seem weak so you had to continue with your day.
By the end of the day you ended up not talking that much. You were just–in your own world–most of your friends tried to cheer you up but you barley talked to them. The only person to get you to ever open up and talk about your feelings was armin… he was the only person you wanted to talk to so when your last class was over you went to go look for him. Sure enough there he was in the library.
You go into the library and walk towards where hes sitting–he looked up at you and immediately got up out of the chair and hugged you. You hesitated at first but then…you just fell apart in his arms. All that pent up frustration you had all day just fizzled when your crying in his arms, “Hey, lets go back to my room ok?” you sniffled tearfully with an ok and walked back to his place with your head hung low.
Why were you letting this jean situation get to you this much?
He opens the door to his dorm and you sit down on his couch while Armin puts his stuff away and you dont realize that a tear was traveling down your cheek. But Armin did…he sat next to you on the couch and wiped the tear off your check.
 You tell him all about what had happened that morning after class–in the hallways and the rest of the day. He already knew because word got around and eren told him, you could see the hurt and anger in his expressions as you told him what had happened–sniffling through the day. Laying down in his arms, letting him comfort you again about jean. You couldnt deny the fact that you felt safe in his arms– you felt so comforted and whole when you were with armin. 
As you thought about your feelings with armin, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep onto armin and he could feel that too because he held you tighter. You heard him whisper something but you were to delirious to make out what had happened ,inhaling the scent of vanilla on his hoodie and then after a few seconds you fell asleep in armins arms...
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comment any suggestions :)
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oh-its-souichi · 1 year
Orochimaru x Reader
- I had this idea and typed it in a rush, its pretty vague but 😅 hope ya'll like it-
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Losing you was agony.
Watching you die was torment
The way you bled out before him, you gentle eyes never once leaving his face. You were smiling at him, you werent happy, though. It wasn't a smile of joy but one of pity. Pity because you knew what was going to happen once you left him.
Orochimaru stared down at you with baited breaths and a searing pain in his chest. "What can I do!" He yelled for the first time since he was a child feeling true panic, true fear. "Y/N what do I do!" He screamed. You tenderly reached your hand to him, collecting what little strength you had left for the gesture. He turned his head and slammed his fist on the wall. "You were always weak, it disgusting how fucking weak you are!" He screamed involuntary tears flooding out of his eyes, he felt intoxicated, things around him becoming less and less real with each slow breath you took. He flipped around to look at you, to continue beraitment, but your hand was dropped and your eyes empty, inanimate.
He sighed, the breath shakey and unsure like the reality he now inhabited now that the frame of his life had gone. He collapsed down onto his kness and brought his hands to his head, twisting his fingers into his long black hair, gripping the strands tightly to somehow elevate the overwhelming pain washing over him.
He stared at your dead face and sobbed. He didn't want to love you. Never intended to lean on you so heavily, but he did. The two of you had met as children. At a spring festival, you were prancing around admiring all of the flowers. He came across you and was revolted by your happiness, disgusted by the pure smile you flashed him. He fell for it though, and you snaked your way closer to him, sinking your fangs into his neck. He loved you. He wanted to protect you. You were the fiber that made up the last string of his humanity.
Now you lie dead before him, your beautiful hair spilled out around you, and that gracious smile gone, replaced by the ugly stench of death. He started dragging himself towards you. "I'll fix you," he sniffled. "I'll fix you." Collecting your limp body into his arms he walked off deeper into the dark forest.
That was ten years ago. He was a grown adult now. A different person. Orochimaru walked calmly down the stone hallway to the room at the end of it, closing the door gently behind him.
This room, in comparison to the rest, was dauntingly beautiful. There were flowers and plants everywhere, the smell of life in the air. It was more vegetation than structure, and at the center of it all was you, floating gracefully in a preservation capsule.
He approached the tank and painfully smiled. "My love," he seethed. "It will work this time, i know it." There was hesitation in his voice, and he lowered his eyebrows in pain. "Will you still look at me as you did once you realize what I am?" he said, wondering for a second if he was making the right decision.
A knock sounded at the door, and he no longer held that thought. Kabuto opened the door carrying a girl into the room. "Where would you like her, my lord?" He asked, and Orochimaru gestured to the table at the far side of the room, and he complied, laying her gently down.
"I am going to merge them in the tank, a gusion of such." Orochimaru and Kabuto turned his head curious at his masters sudden willingness to share. "Oh?" Kabuto replied "This girl is still living, wont the fusion bring about a hybrid of the two?"
Orochimaru flashed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "No, to simplify, I'll remove the parts of that girls brain that involves emotions of personality, so it does not interact with hers." He said, looking again back to you. Kabuto nodded. "I suppose we should get started then, if I may, my lord." Kabuto slid open the drawers attached to the operating table, admiring the blade of the scalpel he removed. Orochimaru did not stop him, noticing an anxiousness blossoming in his chest.
After the operation, Orochimaru turned off the lights to your room and closed the door. Locking it behind him. He would not know how the fusion worked for a year. Your body needed time to regulate and get used to its own amenities. The months that proceeded left like a slow march through the desert. He busied himself with a side quest, finding news things and people to occupy his mind, but when the day came, he found himself running down the hallway and throwing open the door.
He flicked the lights on and rushed to your tank. He placed his hands on the glass and looked anxiously to you. Your eyes were open, and you were looking around, your eyes finally meeting his after moments of searching.
A gentle smile came to your face, and you reached out to him. He found himself returning the expression. "Welcome back, my love," he hissed, typing the coordinates in to unlock you from your cage.
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joleneghoul · 3 months
Everyone wants the jacket lore do not be silent
Okay obviously this is going to be me rambling on about my own headcanons but also the tiny canon reasons I have these headcanons.
Okay first I'll start off by saying the jacket I personally Always draw Rip in and the one from my design used to belong to Booster during Boosters (short lived) College days.
That being said, It's a jacket that's very...dated and old for the future, so I believe it was from a thrift shop before Booster owned it (so while being in a similar style to futuristic bomber jackets, it lacks that neon bright color scheme that seems to of been popular for Boosters generation.)
Here is just an example of Rip side-by-side to Michelle (who's outfit is based on her introduction in Issue 15 of BG vol 1- post Booster leaving, and post her mothers death). again, that 80s-escque big shouldered, large collar/lapel was in, but the colors are muted and off. I like to think about future fashion trends a lot, how staying on trend in the present is something Booster clearly cares about, how that probably wasn't as much of a possibility in his own past (the future).
Rip's design is based on a theoretical future fashion while having more earthy muted elements- augh its a whole meta thing I got going on in my head. Earth tones instead of neon primary colors, Silver/chrome accents instead of Gold, etc etc.
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But anyway when it comes to canon I find it fun that in this arc of Vol 1 we get to see multiple reactions to Jack and Rip's clothing. They get the obvious "those are dated clothes" comments but nothing to say they are insanely out of place. They even use the excuse that they are just college students working on a play-their outfits are similar to something a student department would scrounge up at a minimal cost but still seeming off and inaccurate to the time frame they're trying to portray.
(now that's also because all historical documents of the past during this time were destroyed but- ykno. I like to imagine there's multiple reasons why people weren't like "NEVER SEEN CLOTHES LIKE THAT BEFORE!".)
It's clear to me that even in this arc, Rip's jacket is important enough to him that he makes Jack sell HIS jacket instead of his own. Now, Rip's a selfish guy and all especially at this time in his characters history, but with the meta context that Booster is Rip's father, and this arc being about Booster wanted for treason- the idea of Rip running around in his fathers old star quarterbacks jacket (while modded with red accents) just is fun to me. Not to mention even within this arc Rip is weirdly avoidant of anyone seeing him and looks EXTREMELY like a slightly younger Booster despite men in this series explicitly looking very different from each other.
aka: I think it would just add to the weird cycles that surround Rip's non-linear life.
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Now I am someone who is Really into design elements that tell story, aka why I like drawing Rip's hands covered in scars because he wears improper gloves as someone who works with his hands, and why i like adding patches and scuffs to the leather jacket when I make it more detailed. It's old, It's older than Rip, It is something he cares a lot about because it's a piece of home and something that was his dads that he gets to have with him most of the time. I don't think Rip would ever call himself sentimental- i think these are things he holds onto nonetheless (similar to him literally clinging to the old family heirloom clock despite it being broken throughout time masters.) He is a character who cares so intensely but wont say it out loud, you have to show these things in the tiny details or what he surrounds himself with.
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This becomes important when A lot of the paranoia he faces in time masters revolves around the triggers he experienced WHILE seeing the place his dad grew up in, what created it, how these family cycles started.
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I think in a way to mirror his growth through the end of this, realizing there's things he can't change but he can change himself and how he treats others- look towards bettering his own future than fearing the lack of control he has in the (non-linear) past- I like to add the sunflower to the back of the jacket post this arc. this Arc has a lot of differences in my head with the addition of so much new lore/canon since the 90s and my own headcanons (time gardens- hence flower/bug/plant imagery so often in my shit), but still the theme remains the same really.
While Rip is a character i many times in my art associate with Daffodils ( a flower representing rebirth and such) and sunflowers are flower i associate with the likes of Wave & Booster I do think the meaning behind them of new opportunities through others and happiness is something that would both honor the history of the jacket while making it his own.
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LASTLY 4th person who "owns" the jacket, and this is shown in my art a few times, is Jeff (occasionally) because I think that's the only person Rip would trust with it when he outgrows the jacket (bc I do think as Rip gets older he fills out more and its moreso a piece for someone a bit lankier). It smells old and reminds them of when they were younger. ugh. I just find the idea of sharing clothing with significant others/partners really fun ok? sap for it.
anyways sorry if this makes no sense its just one of those things i think about a lot and only i do bc its something i made up lol!!
AKA 1 stupid jacket means a lot to a few weird time travelers.
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Chapter 5 -possessed -
Colby x y/n
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DISCLAIMER: this is my own AU it deviates from what actually happened at the sallie house
CONTENT: demonic possession, LOTS is swearing, fluff, angst
AUTHORS NOTE: omg this one is a doozy get ready but I really like it and worked very hard on it please as always let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments but please be nice 😊 also it’s a little longer
I try to pull myself together and I dry my tears. “Thanks for being here” I say softly to Colby. He smiles and gives me a long tender kiss. We then break away. We go to the hallway where Seth and Sam are arguing about wether we should stay. The argument was getting a little heated
“But we can’t be sure” Seth said raising his voice
“but we stay here for the video and we can protect y/n” he yelled back
“I think we should stay in the house” I say stopping them all in their tracks
“what” Colby says protectively. “No we can’t risk it, you could get hurt!”
“I won’t get hurt I’ll be fine plus I want the video to go up”
“but-“ Seth interjected
“It’s final. Where staying I say putting and end to it.” We all got back to preparing for the Estes method but Colby’s hand caught my wrist.
“I’m not leaving your side y/n. I’m going to be by your side protecting you. He brushed my cheek and pulled back my hair. gave me a quick but tender and loving kiss.
“Come on we’re ready” Sam said as we walked into the bedroom. Sam was the one going into the Estes method so he was blindfolded and had the headphones on. We checked if he could hear us and he couldn’t. I sat on the bed next to Sam. Because Colby promised to stay with me, he sat next to me on the bed. He put his hand on my thigh to comfort me. He knew I was scared, even though I tried not to show it.
(Remember this is my own au. It’s different from the video, also If I don’t say who said it. Then it was the Estes method.
“is anyone here with us” Colby asked in a clear voice his hand still rubbing my thigh.
“you………. Think …………can …………,protect”
“who do we think we can protect” Seth asked his voice also very clear
“Are you what scratched y/n?” His voice was firm like he was holding in anger. His fist was clenched. He took hand that was on my thigh off and held my hand. I squeezed his hand.
“Why did you scratch her?” Seth asked
“special…..,………….she sees us…………..dangerous ”
“You can’t hurt her again!” Colby slightly yelled angry.” I started to feel nauseous and light headed. Almost like something else was trying to take control of my body. I was fighting the urge to give in to it. But it was hard. I had a pounding headache. I put me hand to my head.
“I can….do worse………I will”
“NO! YOU WONT” Colby yelled standing up no longer holding my hand. As soon as his hand left mine I felt the presence trying to control me grow stronger.
“calm down..” Seth said to Colby. The headache was getting so unbearably worse. but then it uttered two words that would change the course of the evening forever.
“watch. me.”
I then felt myself lose control and what ever was trying to take over my body finally won.
(Colby’s pov)
I felt a change of energy in the room and from the look of Seth he could feel it too. Y/n suddenly stood up.
“y/n what are you doing”
no answer. Seth tapped Sam on the shoulder and he took his headphones off.
“y/n you okay?” I looked closer and her eyes were fluttering weirdly. “Hello” I said shaking her slightly. When I I shook her I felt th at she was ice cold.
“holy shit” I say backing away
“wha-what’s going on what’s wrong with y/n” Sam said with growing concern
“her skin is ice cold. And she’s not responding”
then I saw something I didn’t believe. Y/n started floating. Just her feet hovering above the ground at first. But she was slowly rising through the air.
“HOLY FUCK MAN” I screamed
“ OH HOLY SHIT” Seth yelped
y/n rised to the top of the ceiling and all the furniture started shaking violently. Then when the reach the ceiling the went limp and began to fall. I ran and caught her unconscious body carrying her bridal style.
we all got out of the house as fast as we could Seth went to his car. Sam got in the driver’s seat. I carefully put laid y/n down and her head was in my lap. Sam started driving away once we were in our seats safely. As I looked at y/n’s unconscious body I began to cry. How could I fail? I failed to protect her. She put herself before me and now look. Her skin was still cold but not as cold as before. I break down in tears holding her hand.
when we get to the hotel she is still unconscious. I told Sam that I was going to take her to my room and take care of her. I carried her bridal style into my room and laid her on the bed. I then tucked her in and laid next to her. Even though I was tired I knew I wasn’t going to sleep very well.
Thank you for reading this is not the end of this book
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b1as1an-souya · 2 years
(Fluff) grade school mikey, baji, and draken x soft male reader, they all go to the park but these older kids come up and want to fight and begin the delinquents the other three are they fight and y/n stands there and watches but he sees his friends struggling and getting hurt and starts crying (like angry) and beats up the kids that wanted to fight and hurt them pretty badly, Then when everything is over y/n is crying and asking if the three were ok through sobs and then says "im a bad person" and then the three are hurt by what he said (because y/n isn't a fighter and hates hurting people even if they are mean) and comfort little y/n"
This idea is so creative so I just had to write it!
“We’re not gonna leave you!”
Baji, Mikey, and draken x male reader
Ps: this is like in 2002-2003 where everyone is in their last year of grade school so they’re 11-13(?)
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[Name] didn’t like fighting or violence overall. But yet he was surrounded by people who fought and had violent tendencies! They were his best friends actually. They did everything together honestly…
“Yo [Name]! You wanna hang out at the park with us after school!” Mikey said eager to talk to his friend. “Leave him alone dumbass! We know you’re gonna force him to come!” Draken yelled at the boy hitting him on the head. “Ken-chin you’re so mean! I was not gonna force [Name]!” Mikey pouted while whining.
“Shut up Mikey!” Baji yelled at Mikey throwing a empty carton of milk at Mikeys head. “No I’m free I can hang!” [Name] yelled out in attempt to stop the three dumbasses of his friends to stop fighting. “Oh in that case lets go!” Mikey yelled rushing to the school exit. “But that means we’re skipping class!” [Name] yelled out trying to catch up with Mikey and the others.
“Doesn’t matter school is almost done!” Draken said as he ran up with Mikey. “Last one there has to buy the winner a snack!” Baji yelled out teasing [Name] who was currently in last place. “No fair!” [Name] yelled out as he started to run faster. “Oh no you don’t!” Draken said as [Name] was less than a inch behind the boy.
“I’m not gonna lose!” [Name] yelled as he past the tattooed boy. “I’m coming for you next Mikey!” [Name] yelled as the park became more visible to him. “Hell no!” [Mikey] said. “Holy shit! The two are literally at the same pace!” Baji yelled out in awe as he struggled to catch up with the two! “Prepare to loose Keisuke!” [Name] teased as he stuck his tongue out at the loosing boy.
“Damm it!” Baji said as he was the last one to reach the park marking the poor boy as the loser. “I win!” Mikey yelled out victoriously. “No you didn’t it was a tie!” [Name] yelled. “I won right Ken-chin!?” Mikey yelled while looking at Draken. “Dumbass! It was a tie!” Draken yelled at Mikey. “So that means there’s only one way to settle this right…Manjiro?” [Name] said seriously. “I guess so…[Name]!” Mikey said as he raised a fist at [Name].
The two yelled out. Mikey having paper while [Name] had scissors. “Hah! I win!” [Name] said with a shit eating grin. “It doesn’t even matter I’m the real loser in the end!” Baji said a bit agitated. “Don’t worry I’ll go with you Keisuke! So ya wont feel lonely!” [Name] said as he gave him a pat on the back. “As if that would make it any better!” Baji yelled. “But you could come if you want…” Baji admitted right after.
“You two wait right her right!” [Name] said to Mikey and Draken. “Bye bye!” Mikey waved. “So whatddya want?” Baji asked while looking at [Name]. “Hmmmmm…” [Name] thought while he scratched his head. “Kinako fried bread!” [Name] yelled out. “Isn’t that Mikey’s favorite food! Is it for him?” Baji asked.
“It’s also mine!” [Name] said as he gave Baji a warm smile. “You’re so childish sometimes!” Baji yelled. “Ya think i get it from Mikey?” [Name] said as he laughed. “Maybe…” Baji said as he smiled.
When the two entered the store [Name] quickly went to go get his snack and told Baji he could go on ahead. “You don’t have to pay! I have my own money!” [Name] said feeling a bit bad that Baji had to pay. “Are you sure…? If so this is just our little secret alright?” Baji said. “Im one hundred percent sure! And my mouth is closed!” [Name] said as Baji left the store.
Alright I could buy snacks for the rest of em now! [Name] thought as he went to go get Mikey, Baji, and Drakens favorite snacks. “It’s like a gift!” [Name] muttered to himself as he paid and left the store looking to see if Baji was still in sight. “Alright I’m clear to go!” [Name] whispered as he carefully walked back to the park.
A few minutes had passed since [Name] left the park with Baji and now he was here. “Finally…” [Name] whispered to himself as he opened his eyes.
When [Name] open his eyes he was shocked. His friend were getting beat up by some 3rd year middle schoolers. And they were struggling to! “What’s going on…?” [Name] said as he dropped the bag with all the snacks in it and rushed to Bajis side. “What’s happened?!” [Name] said worriedly.
“Don’t worry about it [Name] we got it!” Mikey said trying to reassure [Name]. “Yeah! We’re fine!” Draken said while giving him a thumbs up. “I think theres one more person that wants to get beat up!” One of the middle schoolers said letting go of Bajis shirt and walking towards [Name]. “Don’t touch him you son of a bitch!” Baji said as he attempted to get up but fell right down.
Now all 3 of the Middle schoolers were surrounding [Name] he was still processing what just happened to his friends. “You wanna join your little punk ass friends so bad huh?! We’ll gladly help you!” The middle schooler said as he punched [Name] in his face giving him a nosebleed right after. “[NAME]!!!” Mikey yelled as he attempted to go to his friends side.
“That’s not enough for your dumbass huh?” The middle schooler said again kicking [Name] in the stomach making him fall down. The three just continued to beat [Name] up until the leader said “I think he’s learned his lesson now lets go.”
“You guys…” [Name] said, as tears fell down his eyes. “Y-YOU GUYS ARE JUST A BUNCH OF MEANIES!!!” [Name] said again now fully crying. “[Name] It’s okay you’ve already gotten hurt!” Baji said trying to stop his friend from getting hurt even more. “He’s right You’re already beaten bloody!!” Draken said desperately.
“You three-” *sniff* “You three have a lot of nerve to hurt-” *sniff* “To hurt my f-friends!” [Name] said while wiping his tears. “You really want more huh? Fucking dumbass!” The boss of the two said while charging at [Name].
Then for a second [Name] flew in the air then there was a dull sound and the Middle schoolers were out of Mikey, Baji, and Drakens sight. Next thing you know all three of them were knocked out, and bloody. [Name] who was still crying gave one last fatal kick to the main one who hurt his friends before rushing to his friends sides.
“Baji! D-Draken! Mikey! *sob* Are you okay!” [Name] said as he helped Baji get up putting him down on the bench. Tears still falling from his eyes due to the fact his friend were that badly hurt. “I…” Was all [Name] managed to say when he helped Mikey get up. “I’m…” [Name] said again. “I’m a horrible person! A-And, I-I’m gonna loose you three because I am!” [Name] said as he finally got his words out.
When the three finally processed [Names] words they felt horrible. “You’re not a bad person at all [Name]!” Mikey said trying to reassure him. “You’re also not gonna loose us! We’re still gonna be your friend after this!” Baji said. “They’re right you actually did us a big one!” Draken said while smiling.
“Really…?” [Name] said while wiping his tears still sniffing and crying. “Really so stop crying at tell us where ya learned how to fight like that!” Mikey said while giving [Name] a light punch on his arm. “Yeah! That was so badass!” Draken yelled amazed by his friend awesome fighting skills. “I didn’t know ya had it in ya!” Baji teased while giving [Name] a smile.
“Wait! I forgot I bought snacks for you three!” [Name] said as he stopped crying. “You bought snacks for us?!” Baji yelled while pointing at [Name]. “You didn’t buy [Name] a snack?!” Mikey yelled at Baji. “He insisted and then he told me to leave!” Baji said trying to defend himself. “That doesn’t make any difference dumbass!” Draken said as he ruffled Bajis hair.
“I’m back!” [Name] said only to see the three of his friends arguing and laughing. Only to find himself laughing at them. “Huh?” The three said only to find [Name] laughing. “Our crybaby friend is back!” Mikey teased as he was about to munch down on the snack [Name] bought him.
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