#character voices
novlr · 6 months
“Sometimes stories cry out to be told in such loud voices that you write them just to shut them up.” — Stephen King
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sonicexelle-junkary · 1 month
Some voices for a bunch of my horror au characters who aren’t (directly) part of the original Sonic cast. Ft also a voice pick by @moderator-monnie because Zepp is his character, too.
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sprinklesdonut15 · 7 months
Tips For Making Unique Character Voices:
(For both narrating & dialogue)
Decide how formally they speak - this is also based on who they were raised around and what their timeline is, their race and culture, etc.
Know their overall volume of speech - maybe they speak loudly because in their past that’s the only way their voice was heard
There’s a hundred ways to say a sentence - sometimes this changes up in a person, but everyone has the way they word their sentences. Example: “what are you doing?” Can be “whatcha doing” “how goes it” “whaddya doing” “what are you up to” “what is chu doing” etc.
Self representation matters - if a person isn’t confident then they aren’t going to sound confident. But it’s not just about voicing confidence or not, there are details to every trait. If you’re character’s not confident then then they might question their choices a lot. They probably won’t judge other people except in high regards. Every personality trait has finer details
History also matters - maybe trauma makes it so your character gives extremely detailed answers to avoid confusion (anxiety). Maybe some kind of accident makes them speak less
There’s a difference in how much people speak - somewhat a follow up to the last point. But it’s not just personality that determines this but also illnesses. For instance my adhd makes me talk a lot nonstop, so much so that I might trip over words, or if I’m “narrating” then I go very out of order. People who don’t care much (depression) might only give vague or indecisive answers. Some people have long answers, some give one word answers.
People know different things - such as when your character is comparing something to their past. Even something simple, not all of your characters might know something like “this specific type of tree” but one character might because maybe it was a tree in their backyard. Characters knowledge determines their understand and ability to explain.
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fluffydice · 4 months
I've mentioned it before, but I think I finally want to try and explain how I write the characters in my Saiki K fics. It's mostly for me because I love talking about writing and Saiki K, but maybe some of you will enjoy this, too.
I did Toritsuka because @akechi-gf mentioned wanting tips on writing his dialogue, but 1) I felt bad info-dumping on his post and 2) didn't quite answer the dialogue answer and jumped straight into characterization (Sorry! Hope this still helps you in some convoluted way, if you're willing to read it all LMAO)
Obviously, he's very aggressively horny. He and Aiura are probably one of the firsts to laugh over something that could be taken the wrong way. But I think it's his way of trying to connect with others. He might open a conversation with some odd, vaguely creepy comment on a girl with the intention of moving the subject to something else.
He's vulgar, though I don't consider him much of a swearer. Not when compared to Kuboyasu or maybe even Kaido.
I personally write him as someone who is very opinionated. If he thinks Saiki is being too passive, or in over his head, Toritsuka is going to tell him straight up. Even if he knows the other won't take it well.
That's a big part of their relationship, I feel: even if Toritsuka is the first to cower away from Saiki puffing out his chest, he's also the first to come bounding back. He's not a 'once burned, twice shy' kind of guy. He doesn't really hold grudges, and can't quite go through with threats. I think it's why Saiki puts up with him. Like Nendo, Toritsuka is very devoted.
If you want to portray him differently, that's alright, but I always feel that something people miss with all the Saiki K. characters is that most of them are genuine assholes. They're teenagers, and I feel Toritsuka exemplifies this best. He'll say hurtful things and fucking mean them. It doesn't make him a bad person, but he definitely doesn't have the same emotional regulation as...I was going to give an example but I don't know if any of the kids are good at that. Akechi, maybe.
And speaking of emotions, he's not the best with them. He understands them, sure, but he's not even remotely delicate. That means he'll back off easily when he thinks things are beyond him. If Saiki tells him to leave it alone, that's what he's going to do. He isn't a bad guy. Toritsuka doesn't want to actively make things worse.
And on that note, he's also really fucking whiny. I try really hard not to shy away from making characters unlikable in certain aspects. If they're annoying, make them annoying. If they're a jerk, then so be it. I don't like sacrificing personality for likability. I just make sure its balanced out by other things. Toritsuka, despite his faults, has a lot of things genuinely good about him. He has pure, unadulterated faith in people, a genuine desire to become a better person (after some nudging), has shown care toward his ghosts...there's definitely stuff there.
Toritsuka's world view is fucked up, point blank. The way he talks about women isn't right. If I wrote from his perspective, it'd probably include him objectifying them. But, depending on what period of his development he's in, he might be able to step back and acknowledge that what he's thinking isn't right. He's very capable of growing and changing. Even if he's reluctant with it, he starts being less self-centered and more willing to do things just because it's the right thing to do.
He has mommy and daddy issues up the fucking wall. I think it colors his interactions with the other psychickers (who are willing to keep him in check), especially Saiki (who mother-hens basically anything that moves). He needs guidance, even if it's a bit of bullying.
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gottestod-writes · 1 month
Character Voice Tag Game
Thank youuuuu for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks.
Rules: rewrite a given line of dialogue in your OC's voice - then tag people and give them a new line
My line: I don't like you Your line: I got a headache, so can you please be quiet?
Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks (yes, I'm tagging you right back, sorry if that's illegal) @theeccentricraven @bargainbincheese or whoever is in the mood for it
Doing this for my WIP memento morisn't (character voices are still very fresh right now, so they may change in the future)
Darling: "I'm sure you're a right sweetheart." She looked past his head and scanned the crowd for a familiar face. "And I appreciate you taking the time, but I believe I had better find my friend."
Vitality: "No, I absolutely don't mind if you sit with me. You know what? Take my seat. No, it's fine. Actually, I insist. I'll simply sit over there." She pointed to a table at the other end of the near-empty library.
Pride: "Let me take off the glasses, so that I don't need to see you."
Dr Fifthchild: "There may be irreconcilable differences in our approaches and personalities that would needlessly strain any potential work relationship, so I suggest we part ways rather sooner than later."
Fern: "I'm assuming you prefer likeminded company, so don't let me waste your time."
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astray-anomaly · 16 days
I made a voice claim for Sirius heheh
(Someone asked about it and I decided to find one)
Full song
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jyoungbloodvo · 7 days
So, while I continue work on....everything, I thought this would be fun to do! GIVE ME 6 CHARACTERS TO VOICE ACT! Any character, even if they don't have a voice! GO WILD!
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amaiguri · 2 months
Character Voice Tag
Thank so much to @the-down-upside-finch for tagging me in this AMAZING challenge omg omg I'm so hype for this! In the past, I was told my character voicing SUCKED so I have worked so so hard at geting better... no idea if I'm winning now, but I'm doing my best and am open to feedback at any time!
The premise is: Write a specific sentence in several characters' voices -- you can ALSO use a single action line to help, but the focus is on syntax!
My sentence is "Would you like help with that?"
I think, the thing about voice, is that 99% of the time strong voiciness comes from specific context. And I can see somany of my characters maliciously offering to help as a way to put someone down/imply that they're incompetent...
So I will specify further -- each of these characters is genuinely offering help to YOU, someone they respect, as you start to lift a heavy box. Let's JUMP INTO IT!
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Kalliopeia, the Philosopher King: "Would you like help with that?"
Riavh Solais, the Once and Future Emperor: "Oh, please let me help you there!"
Singr Sa, a Runaway Princess: "Uh... you need help?"
Xizi, the Saegen Princess who didn't run away: "Should I help you with that?"
Zalathiel, the Inquisitor General: *eyebrow raised as you struggle* "...Do you need help with that?"
Nesa, Lt.-Inquisitor General: "You got that, little one?"
Saravanya, Champion of the Abyss: *Uses Telekinesis to lift box for you*
Diacaius, 2nd Senator of Telethens: *Sauntering up* "Oh, please -- allow me!"
Arlasaire, the Soldier-Maiden of Thuille: "Don't." *Grabs the box from you, almost drops it*
...Apparently, most of my characters do not ask permission to help you if they like you. They absolutely impose their help upon you. 😭😭😭
Tagging (whenever you have time!) @moonfeatherblue @thetruearchmagos @maiemorrae @dragonprincedawn @reaperofcrows @winterandwords @zebee-nyx @pluttskutt @theprissythumbelina @modernwritercraft @thetruezion @cee-grice @moonscribbler and @the-down-upside-finch (tagging you back :P) AND open tag, as always!
YOUR sentence is, "This morning, breakfast was bad."
Hee hee! I am certain many of your characters have very different ways of saying this extremely bland sentence. Please feel free to also do tag-backsies for me because I need to do more of these exercises!
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anevilbunnyinthehat · 10 months
Cecilia Le Fay character voice
And Morgana Le Fay too(?
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satanic-witchcraft · 11 months
I've been thinking of changing up my WH character's/persona's voice claim for a while now! So I wanted to hear your guys thoughts!! <3 which one do you like, or would you prefer I keep the original??
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novlr · 4 months
Interview your characters
If you really want to get to know your characters, interview them.
Write out a series of questions (or used a pre-made set, like the Proust Questionnaire) and answer them in your character’s voice. They’ll soon start to develop unique personalities.
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First video
Even more voices for y’all to enjoy! Honestly the first of each of them is what I was thinking of them sounding the most like
Sonic villains
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Writing Advice
I have a blog where I talk about different topics, my WIPs, projects, previous drafts, OCs, and also writing advice!
Here are the links to my current blog posts about writing advice:
Character voice
Fight scenes
Deleting scenes
Magic systems
Writing for children
Most of these, I use my current WIPs The Secret Portal and School of the Legends as examples to what I have done, and I include videos that helped me with these problems.
I update my blog daily, so I will be back with more advice later down the road!
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fluffydice · 18 days
I'm bored so I'm bothering you. Do you have any Saiki K psykickers headcannons you feel like sharing? It's ok if not 🥰
What have you done,,,
I don't have any specific headcanons, but I can talk a bit about their dynamics because I've thought (and written) about it more (and we'll inevitably get headcanons mixed in!)
The Pyskickers are interesting characters all on their own, but when you put them together, you get a mess that really shouldn't work as well as it does. Which is. The same for most ND friend groups asdfghjkl
A big thing that's important to me about them is that they have to be able to work without Saiki. Maybe not be functional, competent humans—especially because, like all of Saiki's friends, the more they group up the more braincells they lose—but they need to work as a friend group. Saiki, unlike with his other friend group, doesn't always feel the need to babysit the Psykickers. Toritsuka, maybe, but he's in a weird spot since he joined so early. Saiki and him were the only ones for a while, so he's kinda an in-between. But for the most part, Aiura and Akechi are usually actively helping Saiki with something. Toritsuka, too, even if 7/10 he's being threatened and/or bribed, 2/10 he's trying to help but failing—him succeeding that 1/10 already puts him in a separate category than most of Saiki's friends.
I went on a tangent there; point being, Saiki isn't constantly mother-henning and helicopter-ing them. Ergo, Saiki can't be the only reason they stick together. I don't want Saiki to be the only reason they stick together in my writing, mainly because I do like reinforcing the fact that not everything is about him—even if it's subtle. Things happen around him that Saiki is not always privy to, and this includes his fellow and honorary psychics' dynamics.
Akechi and Aiura are easy for me. Funnily enough, despite likely having the best relationship, even including Saiki, I have little to say about them. It's likely because they lack a lot of the complexity the others have: they're just really fucking cool with each other, and get along swimmingly. Honestly, when I write them, it's often with at least a hint of a romantic undertone. They're comfortable with each other physically and emotionally. Akechi trusts Aiura's judgement on when he should keep it short out of necessity, not because he's being annoying. Aiura thinks Akechi is wicked as hell, and also trusts his value judgements on people and situations.
From a literary standpoint, Aiura as a character tends to get in over her head and overly emotionally-invested in things—Akechi can provide a good counterbalance to ensure things can remain on track in the story, as well as help avoid any potential mini-conflicts that might arise from characters clashing due to simple communication incompatibility.
Speaking of communication incompatibility, Toritsuka and Aiura are full of it. Despite them seemingly being the most similar on the surface-level, their motivations, intentions, and moralities conflict. A lot. Take this scene I wrote of them, for example:
“Of course they were mad! You can’t just act like you don’t have emotions whenever you feel like it. Or, if you do, you can’t get depressed when they start treating you like it.” “If you don’t shut up,” Aiura hissed, grabbing a fistful of his sleeve. Toritsuka yanked his arm away to no avail, then settled for glaring at her. “I’m gonna—"
Here, we have Toritsuka actually making a good point about something; it's his wording that muddles it up. Aiura is quick to defend against him because she's protective of her loved ones, and is also aware that their beliefs differ sharply. Neither are quite in the wrong here; or, neither of them are any more right than the other. Aiura is right to assume the worst because that's typically what Toritsuka shows. Toritsuka is right to point things out about the situation. These are the mini-conflicts that Akechi smooths over by being essentially a bridge between their ways of communicating:
“Wait, Mikoto,” Akechi piped up. His fingers were in front of his mouth, his thumb cupping his chin, in a classic sign of thinking. “The wording was harsh, admittedly, but Reita is, in fact, not wrong.”
At the end of the day, though, they are friends. Aiura might be a tiny bit more willing to admit it, but both her and Toritsuka do care about each other. When they work together, big things happen. They just need a bit of oil to help smooth things along between them. Most of their dynamic, however, comes from their utility in stores:
From a literary standpoint, Toritsuka helps balance out Aiura's optimism to a reasonable point. Saiki's cynicism is often a big contributor to conflicts in my stories—he's unreliable, both in dialogue and in narration. Toritsuka is a milder version of that cynicism (albeit rough around the edges). Aiura can't always be right about the way of things, but Akechi is too prone to taking the middle ground; essentially, pointing out all the benefits to her way of thinking while also providing the downsides. Sometimes, though, it's necessary to just have someone completely shut it down, and fast. That's where Toritsuka comes in.
Also, Toritsuka and Aiura often act as the representation of the doubts and hopes of Saiki, respectively. They're essentially foils to each other, which is helpful when your main character is a hot-and-cold tempered little bitch. A sort of good-cop bad-cop for him, if you will. By having them verbally duke it out, it helps guide the reader a bit about what's true about Saiki's view and what's distorted by his way of thinking. Chances are, if they manage to agree, it's a lesson he's going to have to learn.
And finally, Akechi and Toritsuka. Though they're comfortable with each other to an extent, they lack the romantic undertones I put in for Akechi and Aiura. Akechi makes Toritsuka uncomfortable: it's hard to argue with him, for one, and he often calls out Toritsuka in a way that's hard to hide from. Akechi is the most successfully mentor-like to Toritsuka out of the rest of them—Aiura is too automatically competitive and Saiki can smother. There's also the fact that Toritsuka can sometimes trigger his trauma in certain ways, so Saiki tends to lash out. Akechi, however, is patient and steady. Anything Toritsuka says rolls off of him like water. Akechi is hard to catch off guard with words or actions, and deep down, Toritsuka really does need stability and an unwavering personality to help him grow as a person. I think Toritsuka is fascinating to Akechi as well, as I don't think Akechi is a naturally sexual being. He's not averse, but the kind of brain-rotted attraction and horniness that Toritsuka often exhibits can teach Akechi a lot about other people. The biggest thing that Toritsuka offers Akechi is a better understanding of other people. His down-to-earth nature can help Akechi connect his practical knowledge about psychoanalysis and anthropology to actual people.
From a literary standpoint, Akechi acts as a milder reign for Toritsuka. Aiura may be right to disagree with him, but sometimes a defter explanation is needed than Aiura's often emotion-driven responses. This is where Akechi comes in, especially because Toritsuka's language and laziness can make it seem as though he's not to be trusted as a rational view. He is, and Akechi helps uncover that.
Also, Toritsuka can sometimes act as the audiences natural reaction to Akechi's tangents. Akechi obviously likes to ramble, but Aiura won't interrupt him and Saiki won't confront people. Toritsuka cuts through a lot of that easily and naturally, which helps keep them both in character while still allowing the story to move on.
Overall, it's kind of easy to see what utility I get out of these characters. Akechi is an intermediary who bridges gaps of understanding, both between characters and the audience and the happenings of the story. Aiura is the outgoing one, the one to get things started. She provides a force against Saiki's heavily biased world-view and acts as a moral compass for her group. Toritsuka helps cut through a lot of bullshit and acts as healthy dosage of reality these personalities need to keep their heads on straight.
Plus, I think they're in an unofficial QPR. So.
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auntphibian · 3 months
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I wrote out this advice before for someone who couldn't do accents so I decided to make a little thing!
Also these silly little faces took like no time at all. If you want one let me know I can probably do it in no time flat.
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kiy-anna · 11 months
I just realized that the VA of Malleus Draconia in Twisted Wonderland is also the VA of Leon Dompteur in Ikemen Prince 👀
My proof:
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I'm honestly just... awe struck
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