#covenant eyes
zenosanalytic · 6 months
This is a good video for those wondering who Mike Johnson is. Also: a nice little preview of the bonkers Christian Panopticon Republicans want to force us all into.
Also Rebecca Watson's been queer-friendly feminist and atheist for, like, 20 years now. If you're looking for short(this one's 9 1/2 minutes), empirical video-essays on science, politics, and current events, you could definitely do worse than giving her channel a sub.
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theexodvs · 1 year
“Covenant Eyes mines your data and sells it to the highest bidder!”
“I have bad news about Tumblr, my man.”
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I quit watching commercial hardcore porn a few years ago, concerned about the ethical issues. I also wanted to see if it would improve my sexual health (I’ve had ED in the past, despite being fairly young). I’m having a much harder time quitting self-produced amateur stuff on reddit, since it doesn’t feel as gross and exploitative. I’m also starting to develop some guilt over having a male libido at all, which really sucks :( TBH, not sure where I’m going with this, but I needed to say it.
(This is going to be a long one. And with some religious talk sprinkled in, as I am Christian and find a lot of my reasoning and strength to fight in God)
First of all, congratulations on recognizing the damages of pornography! A lot of us men are waking up to the damages it causes, but even still a lot of us are in the dark; whether willingly or unknowingly. Second of all, sorry for not getting to this sooner. I hope that you're reading this (If you do, please send another anon ask, I'd like to know).
Regarding amateur stuff. I understand what you're going through. I think a lot of us try to find some way of getting off while not contributing to the industry. For me it was cartoons and drawings, and is still something that I struggle with. I'd share two insights with you. One, you don't know for certain it's amateur the same way you don't know for certain the "professional" stuff is fully consensual. There's production studios set up to seem like amateur stuff when in fact it's no different from the stuff you're trying to avoid, and the only way you might be able to know for certain is if you were in the room when it happened. Two, just because it might not be gross and exploitative doesn't mean it's not denigrating. That's one of the root problems of porn; it takes a beautiful child of God and turns them into titilating body parts to get you off. No care about who they are or having a relationship, just get your pleasure off or move on to the next set of images. And as a freebie, here's a third insight. If you can't find where the sin harms someone else, the one being harmed is you. You mentioned erectile disfunction, being able to fight that is a good reason in of itself. That's not to say you should be guilty about having a male libido. The libido is a healthy and an important part of our reproductive system. Porn hijacks it and corrupts it for its own use. That's not the libido's fault.
In your subsequent anon message, you mention the need for motivation. I think you know the right track and I'm proud of you for it. If you're looking for motivations and resources to quit, I can't recommend Fight the New Drug or Covenant Eyes enough. Both are companies dedicated to combating porn. FTND is a secular group, while Covenant Eyes is Christian based. Both offer free articles and resources to learn about the costs, hear accounts of victims and fellow fighters, and suggestions on how to quit yourself. Covenant Eyes also offers a paid service that blocks a lot of the bigger porn sites and watches for other material (all run through a VPN to keep things secure). It can be shared via email with an accountability partner (they don't have to pay). FTND offers a similar service for free, but I don't have experience with that. Accountability software is not airtight, but it's a good tool in your arsenal.
A few final thoughts.
1. This is going to be a tough and long struggle. Some studies have found that pornography can be as addicting as crack cocaine. And unlike crack, you don't have to go into an alley and slip a shady figure a hundred bucks for a few grams; you just have to type into the search bar. Chances are you're going to be struggling with this in some form for the rest of your life on earth, just like a recovering druggie or alcoholic. It sucks, but the end result is going to be better. Being able to look upon others as more than the sum and sexiness of their parts but as living breathing individuals is superior to anything porn can offer.
2. As a followup to 1, you are going to stumble. You're going to get complacent, or have a bad day and feel you deserve a break. And when you're finally done, there's a good chance you're going to feel dirty and disgusted with yourself. Be ready to hold yourself accountable, but be ready to forgive yourself as well. Holding it all in is just going to send you into a spiral of hate and self loathing. Repent, be washed clean, and move forward.
3. Neuroplasticity. It's the concept of your brain creating ruts as you repeat similar processes and actions, especially if powerful hormones are released at the time (like those at climax). It's what causes porn to be so addicting, but is also your way out. In avoiding pornography, you create new ruts in your mind. Getting out of the rut your in will be hard at first, but the more you do it the easier it gets over time. Find something you can do when you feel yourself getting into an old rut. It could be a different activity away from the tempting situation, or some mantra to run through and remind yourself what to do (I can recommend some bible verses if you're interested, as well as oddly Bioshock's "A man chooses a slave obeys". That one helped me early on before I got verses to memorize, and I still use it from time to time).
4. Get accountability. The first thing our enemy wants us to do is to go at this fight alone. There's a reason alcoholics anonymous exists. Get someone you can trust to hold you accountable. If you're religious, sit down with your pastor, priest, rabbi, whoever it is. Chances are they will have resources to help you and could be your accountability partner, or failing that know someone who could. And don't isolate yourself from others. Get good relationships with other men and women, especially platonic ones.
5. Cold Turkey. Don't hold anything back, In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that if our eye or hand causes us to sin, we're to gouge and cut them off. I'm not saying to blind and emasculate yourself, but what he was getting at is the steps we should take to fight our sin. If Reddit is a weak point for you and you can't stop yourself from going to subreddits where you can see pornography, you might need to cut Reddit out of your life; or at least off of devices and locations you find yourself tempted. I've deleted Tumblr off my phone multiple times for the same reason; It was a weak point at that time and needed to go. If you hold something back, the problems will not be resolved. It's like continuing to view amateur stuff; you're not eliminating the problem, just using a different flavor of it.
That's about all I got right now, but if you'd like to continue this train of thought I'd be happy to. It's important to talk about our struggles, especially in a world that says guys should be stoic and not complain. It's also important to bring to light the damages that porn has on everyone involved. What you described in the second anon post as a sob story is similar to what I went through, as well as millions of others. It's not a sob story, it's a desire to change and frustration at facing a powerful enemy. I hope that I was able to do this justice after starting on this at 10 PM and working for about 2 hours. In any event, I will be praying for us both tonight, anon. May we both have a good night and day tomorrow free from pornography.
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sonyargh · 3 months
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Still particularly baffled by this ad
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lamajaoscura · 6 months
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brighteuphony · 3 months
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Canon divergent Sakura.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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i just think the idea that optometry in the boiling isles is magic-based is VERY funny
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cissa-calls · 7 months
Countdown to the Darkhold Diaries: Day 581
Y/N: “I use my scary dog privileges to take walks at night”
Natasha: “You don’t have a dog though?“
Y/N: “I know. I have Agatha and Wanda”
Natasha: *shocked silence*
Y/N: “Just a glance from either one shocks fear into the hearts of any passerby!”
Natasha: “Don’t say that with so much glee”
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pespillo · 11 months
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then a vision came to me, when you came along, i gave you everything, and then you wanted more
i know you, youll find another slave
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thewitchystuff · 8 months
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A little good luck for September, did you know we are still coming out of a little mercury retrograde?
Do you have any lucky items you keep with you when you need them?
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smolthealmighty · 8 months
Back from ConnectiCon and some picture highlights include…
Characters dead, otherworldly, or both
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The Brothers Wittebane
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And a family portrait
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wfodicks · 2 years
mike and travis are joined by comedian adam newman to discuss his upcoming tour, seeso and more! check out adam’s tour dates here and watch his special fuzzies here. ssotw vs. bo daddy harris…. the brett favre stuff….. covenant eyes….. life picks: samuel l jackson (73/mike)/billy murray (72/travis)/helen mirren (77/drunk) current tally: mike – 313 drunk – 405 travis – 397 potw: adam…
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noblesixjm04 · 3 months
I can't get this out of my head. It's just something that ive had rattling around. If this doesn't make much sense I'm sorry lol but.
Do you ever think about if the Spartan ii's ever met one of those siblings without realizing it?
Like. John meeting a young female marine. She's quick witted and wicked smart. There is almost nothing she will back down from. At least not until she gets a "win." She will never leave one of her teammates behind. She's also known among her friends for her dry sense of humor.
One day she runs into John whiles he's out of armor. She never realizes that he's the Master Chief as they stare at one another. Blue eyes look into blue. The roots of her hair are blonde. Contrasted against a dark brown. They share the same smattering of freckles. Dusted along their face and down to their arms. Petering out along the backs of their hands.
And when she smiles there's a gap in her front teeth. (One tooth is chipped from a hard won game of King of the Hill.) She jokes that they match.
Apparently her brother had to. Her parents told her about him. How he had passed a few years before she was born. Her mother told her about her and her brothers shared a constellation of freckles.
Maybe Kelly runs into a pair of twin engineers. One is a girl. The other a boy. The girl has her hair cropped short. It's faded green. The boy has long hair. Held back in a tight braid. It's blue.
They strike up a conversation with Kelly one day. Mostly out of boredom. At one point talking about how they had been on their schools track team. Twin Terrors they had been called. They were the fastest in the entirety of their schools career.
They are the only two out of the group of engineers and scientists that could match her humor.
Kelly never sees them again after that. But she thinks about them often enough. About how they all shared the same accented voice.
About the day they all raced.
She won. Of course. But something about it made her feel like she was missing something. She matched it to the same feeling to her younger years with the rest of the ii's on Reach. On some of the few days they had true fun.
Linda was sent to therapy. Well. Not really sent. It was... Suggested. That she go.
Linda did. This time. For the first time. The last time.
She met an older man. Her elder by about three or four years. With the same red hair, that has streaks of white at the temples, and piercing green eyes.
Those eyes that looked at her like she does down the snipers scope. Those eyes that seemed to know her own.
She could see them widen. Hear the hitch on his breath as they flicker to a photograph and then back to her.
Maybe she had seen him in passing once. Despite him never having been on this ship before.
He has been the one to pull the trigger.
"I don't think I'm the right match for you." His voice rumbled in a familiar way.
When she left. Linda tried to stop thinking about the worn, frames photo on his desk. The one with a boy. About eight or nine. With a shock of bright red hair. He held an archery trophy in one hand. In his other. The hand of a little girl. Close to five. With that same shock of red hair and green eyes that seemed to see you even through the cameras lense.
Fred meets a medic after a nasty injury. The Odst's and Marines in his company joke that he has as getting the best medic around.
He was a young man. Kind and deeply empathetic.
Those same Marines also joked about how the two of them could be siblings in a different life. With how they shared the same sloped nose and sharp jaw. The same, soft manner of speaking.
"Seriously Lieutenant. Just give the Doc the same hair cut. Could fool me that's for sure."
The medic said that he did have a brother. One that he has never met. That he had passed away a few months before he had been born .
But he and his parents visited his grave every year on his brother's birthday. And that this was the first year that he wouldn't be able to.
"He's be turning thirty three today." The medic had just finished Fred's stitches.
"Oh." Fred spoke it before it could be stopped.
"Oh what?" The medic had asked.
"I turned thirty three today." It was one of the few things he remembered. Something he rarely thought about. Because something around it had made his heart hurt.
"Here then. Happy birthday." The medic handed Fred a chocolate granola bar.
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brighteuphony · 2 months
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On the way back from Tea Country with Chakra-poisoned Kakashi tryna "casually" fish for some info before Sakura comes in with the one-hit KO on accident.
So she's got some complicated feelings for Kakashi as well, though they're a lot milder than what she feels about Sasuke.
There's a moment in my AU where Sakura goes through a deep reflection ritual, in which she has to face Inner Sakura -who is representative of all the ugly truths her day-to-day self hasn't been able to face- and come to terms with who she is.
During that time, she's got to face the music.
The music:
Sasuke is the last prodigal son of a clan that was brutally butchered. He's a genius with one of the most powerful dojutsu out there (that he has no idea how to use) and is coming in hot with more baggage than an airport terminal.
Naruto is not normal. She doesn't know what he is (as in-canon, she finds out after the time-skip and the Sakura from above is right on the cusp of Shippuden), but there's nothing normal about a kid who can pull wild orange chakra and who can fight Gaara's tailed beast and come out on top. He's got the personal attention of the Hokage, but the entire village has banded against him for some reason. He's special.
Kakashi is a war veteran turned Jounin and an infamous ANBU captain (I headcanon that some ANBU names are leaked specifically to generate a healthy level of fear/caution among other villages- which is why we know of Itachi/Kakashi/Shisui very publically) and is ALSO the last prodigal son of an old noble clan.
(No way a bookworm like Sakura didn't consume every publically available scroll on Konoha clans).
It doesn't take the big brains to figure out that he got team 7 specifically to help deal with Sasuke's trauma/teach him about the Sharingan, and put a leash on Naruto (and in the future, when she finds out that Madara was able to control the Kyuubi with the Sharingan as well as the knowledge that Kakashi was Minato's student it becomes even clearer why he got the Sasuke/Naruto combo.)
And Sakura? Sakura is a civilian. No clan, no dojutsu, nothing to her name except great chakra control. She's the literal meat in the meat-grinder of the military machine of Konoha, the acceptable sacrifice in a group of otherwise invaluable shinobi. She's just a...girl. (And it doesn't help that she was obsessed with Sasuke instead of training, furthering the gulf between her and Kakashi.)
Kakashi was absolutely not built to handle her- in fact, Kakashi has NO idea how to relate who hasn't gone through a mountain's worth of trauma or someone who hasn't been ingrained in the shinobi-as-a-tool lifestyle, and even then, he's not fully equipped to handle people who have (lmao Sasuke). Not to mention the man is a prodigy- he has no idea how to teach people who have to work hard to get somewhere in life. How do you teach someone if you've never had to 'work hard' to get there yourself?
So, Sakura understands that Kakashi was put in one of the most ridiculous situations of his career- a situation he had NO idea how to handle. She can forgive him for that. BUT, she can't forgive him for not trying his best.
Sakura spent a lot of time coming to terms with the fact that she rushed into the Chidori/Rasengan combo without a single idea of what she would do, but...Kakashi was a big reason for that.
She was HIS responsibility, and he fumbled that bag. Whatever his reasoning, whether it was to 'protect' her, or whether he thought she was worthless, whatever: he should have TRIED.
Kakashi was an adult with resources aplenty. He recognized that she had stellar chakra control but never bothered to teach her genjutsu or direct her to teachers who could pick up the slack.
And after the accident, he abandoned her again. Being forgotten in lieu of Sasuke and Naruto hurt...but she could heal. Being abandoned as some kind of martyr to Kakashi's failures as a teacher? It's gonna take a while for Kakashi to make that up to her...if he can muster the courage to face her.
Sakura finally understands why he preferred the memorial stone to the living. He already failed the dead, and it's easier to wallow in self-flagellation than it is to try and step up for the living.
Sakura stopped being a coward some time ago, and when Kakashi finally does the same, she'll forgive him.
Thank you so much for sticking with this wall of text! And thank you so much anon for the question! Once again, I really appreciate all the kind words people have been throwing my way. <3 <3 <3
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callmebrycelee · 3 months
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