#cowboy bakugou x reader
smashboxgirl26 · 2 years
keke KEKE KEKE LISTEN!!!! (this is entirely your fault) but i cant stop thinking about cowboy bakugo and just,,, imagine riding a horse w him,,, his front pressed against your back, his voice right in your ear,, arms around you holding the reinssss AHHHH and idk much about horse riding but i've read that if you're not used to riding then when you get off a horse you get the horse riding equivalent of sea legs? so just imagine that happening and bakugo laughing his ass off at you bc he's a little bi-
NOOOO THISSS OMGGGGGG u have such a big brain
i'm just thinking about it being a beautiful day, and you're sitting on the swing on the porch of your house, a book in hand as you sway slightly, side to side, from the small nudges your foot makes with the peeling wooden floor.
you're suddenly looking up from the sound of hooves against the dirt road that lead up the trail to your house, and seeing Katsuki coming up from the distance — cowboy hat and all as he rides up steadily, slowing down right before he reaches the front of your small house. he only tips his hat when he walks up the porch steps, stepping into your house under his routine of meeting with your parents after tying his horse to the railing so she doesn't go anywhere.
he comes out to find you petting her, softly introducing yourself — the book you were reading long forgotten on the swinging porch bench.
"she's pretty," you say when you notice that he's arrived. you're both acquainted, but you don't know each other well enough to be friendly.
"thanks. 'er name's demi."
"like the singer?" you raise an eyebrow, but katsuki only looks confused.
"you don't know her?"
"i don't really listen to a lot of music," is all he replies with, and it's silent between you both again.
you find yourself wanting to prolong the conversation, not even knowing why — but maybe it's the soft look he's giving as he watches you pet her.
"i've never ridden a horse before," is all you can come up with  — all that appears in the empty brain that always follows his presence.
"really?" now it's his turn to raise an eyebrow, but underneath his calm expression you can see something being calculated in his eyes. "how's that even possible? yer parents have 'em."
"never took interest in them, i guess. i regret it now though," you sigh, deciding to give demi one last stroke over her nose before you stepped away.
before katsuki can even realise what he's saying, he's offering to let you ride her.
"are you serious?" you stare at him, wide eyed. he can't even stop himself from thinking about how cute you are.
"why not?" he shrugs. "i'll help you up."
his hands are warm as they wrap around your waist, and you can feel as each of his fingers dig into your shirt as he helps lift you up onto the saddle, climbing in right behind you as soon as your settled, and you almost jump out of place when you feel the way his abs are pressed into your back.
he instructs you to put your feet over his in the stirrups so you don't fall over if demi stops abruptly, while keeping one hand on your waist and the other on the reigns as he starts you both off in a slow trot.
it's exhilarating, being out in the fresh air on a beautiful cloudy day. but your heart beats faster when katsuki places your hands on the reigns, his large, rough hands over yours, with instructions on how to steer her smoothly chiding in your ear.
you lose yourself in the moment, lost to the way his hands guide you, his low voice speaking softly along with his slow breathing in your ear.
and you're both out for a good while, until you find yourself having almost full control of the reigns while katsuki's hands rest over your thighs, ready to take control at moments notice if something were to go wrong (but still stirring butterflies in your stomach as the shift slightly with each step demi takes).
he jumps off first when you both find yourselves at your front porch once more, a hand outstretched to help you down — but you don't expect the way your legs start wobbling and you practically fall into his arms.
katsuki snorts, loudly, clearly trying to hide his snickering under his arm while still providing you stability to walk back to your porch.
"are you laughing at me?" you accuse him.
you're amused — you've never seen him like this. every interaction you've had prior was so... quiet.
and it's when you try to take a step back to observe his expression better, only to find yourself stumbling once more, that his chuckles exploded into barked out laughter.
"you actually suck." you say annoyed, but you're still smiling even with your arms crossed over your chest. his laughter was too contagious.
"s'not my fault you suck at walking," he snickers before helping you sit down on your porch swing once more.
he catches the title of the book you were reading, recognizing the title of a romance he'd read not too long ago.
"how's the book? i gotta say, the ending sucked for that one."
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Thinking about the first time you’re making out with Katsuki.
You didn’t expect things to get so heavy so quickly, but it’s hard to complain when you’re pressed so snugly against his side with your shirt off, one of his hands hooked under your ass.
He grins when he pulls away from your mouth to unbutton your jeans, slipping them down just a little.
“Matching set, huh?” He’s all too smug, his smile almost predatory when he gazes down at you. Too confident, too easy for him, and it feels a little like he’s laughing at you, embarrassment making your tongue a little sharp.
“I’m always matching, you’re not that special,” you wish it sounds more convincing, but you’re a little breathless from his kisses and his touches, already stretching to taste his mouth again.
He pulls away a little bit at that, his smile faltering for just a moment as he gazes down at you curiously.
“That was rude,” he tuts after a moment, keeping his mouth just out of reach of yours as he turns for his drink, taking a long sip of that whiskey you couldn’t dream of affording.
You immediately feel guilty, but before you can apologize, his fingers are gripping your cheeks, holding your mouth open for him to press his thumb against your tongue, his eyes sharp as he watches yours flutter shut.
“So pliant for someone so mean,” he laughs softly, and your cheeks redden, his thumb dragging over your bottom lip as he finally closes in again, breath warm over your mouth when he speaks.
“We’ll fix that, don’t worry.”
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yamigooops · 2 years
good luck charm
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synopsis: when you decide to get a little cheeky and put on a cute cowboy’s hat you get a lot more than you bargained for
warnings: strangers to lovers, slight size kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, Katsuki’s a playful bastard (if there are any I’m missing let me know lmao)
length: 9.7k
inspired by an ask submitted to @kingkatsuki by @thecowboykatsuki-anon and featuring art based on the same idea by @jozstanko-art​ we’re all just whipped by this fucker and want to put his hat on and have him fuck us silly
Rodeos weren’t particularly your thing, considering you had grown up in the suburbs your entire life. College had introduced you to people who had grown up with lifestyles contrary to your own, including your best friend Mina, who had grown up in a small rural town. Where she had grown up everyone knew each other, and things like farms and town fairs and rodeos were commonplace among the population.
So, when she invited you to one of said rodeos after your junior year had ended you were intrigued enough to oblige. She had told you about them for the past three years, and you were somewhat curious after all the hype she had placed on them. So about two weeks after the semester ended you found yourself in her hometown. It was a small town, with a main street that consisted of about three blocks of bars and independent shops that provided everything from boutiques to ice cream parlors.
As the day approached dusk on your summer vacation you found yourself at the main fairgrounds for the (apparently monthly) rodeo and trying not to entirely mentally check out. You genuinely had no idea what was going on, despite the fact that Mina had spent the hour and a half drive from your university apartment to her childhood home explaining everything that happened at a rodeo. All you could grasp was that there were three events and which ones her friends competed in. One competed in two, while another competed in the other.
The third friend competed in all three events and was recognized area-wide as exemplary in all of them, and by the way Mina described this man he was incredibly attractive. So, you spent your free time on the drive imagining how this man looked. You only knew he had blonde, spiky hair, red eyes, and a near permanent scowl. However, considering he participated in all three of these events you had to assume he was in peak physical condition. Something about Mina’s description of him made your stomach flutter.
As she pulled into the parking lot of the arena you realized just how popular this event was. It seemed as though every person in town was here, and the parking had spilled over from the actual lot onto the field surrounding it. Once you had parked in the closest possible spot, you and Mina made your way over to the competitors’ area.
Since she knew so many of the participants the two of you were permitted past the gate reading “Competitors and staff only.” She led you through a light crowd of men and women, many of whom were decked out in full cowboy regalia. There was also the occasional horse, bull, or steer being led to their pens to await their turn on the arena floor.
Coming to a pair of young men, Mina bounced on the balls of her feet and tapped a red-haired man on the shoulder. He turned around questioningly before lighting up at the sight of your best friend.
“Well look who finally made it,” boomed the man. He towered over you, absolutely built but attractive in a big puppy kind of way. His smile was infectious, and as he pulled Mina into a bear hug, you found yourself smiling as well.
“Eiji, I missed you so much!” Mina practically jumped onto her friend, her arms clinging around his neck. So, this must have been Kirishima. Now that you heard his name you could recall several stories Mina had shared with you about the red-haired giant. She had also shared with you, in confidence of course, that she’d had the biggest crush on him since middle school, but never worked up the courage to ask him out.
“Missed you too,” he murmured, his face buried in her neck. If you didn’t know any better, it would have looked like the two were already dating. The thought had you chuckling, as it was quite obvious that Kirishima felt the same way about Mina. You supposed it was probably easier to see as an outsider.
“God, get a room, will ya?” came a gruff voice from behind the pair. You shifted your attention from the closeted lovers before you to the man standing just behind them. Sure enough, based on Mina’s description of him, you assumed it was Bakugou Katsuki. Only he was so much more attractive than you had expected. His garnet eyes were piercing as they moved from Kirishima and Mina over to rest on you, and you found yourself blushing and looking away under his intense gaze. “And who are you?”
“Oh, guys this is my best friend and roommate Y/N,” Mina supplied, releasing Kirishima from the chokehold she had him in and moving back to your side to prompt you forward. “She finally agreed to come see you guys compete!”
“Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you so much, and it’s nice to meet ya,” grinned Kirishima as he held out his hand to shake yours. He was the picture of gentlemanly perfection, and you found yourself instantly drawn toward him.
“Absolutely, I figured I should come see what all the hype is after this one talked it up so much for three years,” you chuckled and gestured toward your pink-haired friend. “She talks about you guys all the time.”
“Better be good things,” grumbled Bakugou, crossing his arms over his chest. The action had his black, green and red plaid shirt pulling tight over his biceps and chest, drawing your attention to the rest of his physique. His thighs were massive, though you supposed that was from years of training to ride bucking animals. His leather chaps had imagery of explosions down the sides, and flared out at the ends along with his dark jeans to accommodate his leather cowboy boots. Atop his head sat a well-loved black cowboy hat, beneath which his spikes of ash blonde hair peeked.
“Oh, only the best. I hear that you guys are some of the best riders around,” you nodded. His slight scowl didn’t budge, and in that moment, you decided you’d make it your goal to get him to smile by the end of the night.
“Aww, thank you Mina,” Kirishima crooned, throwing his arm around the smaller girl.
“Of course, I’d say good things, ya doofus. You guys are my best friends.” Mina’s cheeks were darkening from the proximity to the “love of her life,” as she had put it so many times. 
You chuckled, watching as the childhood friends caught up with one another. There were two more that joined, named Sero and Denki, and as the conversation continued and the crowd shifted, you found yourself shoulder-to-shoulder with Bakugou after a while. You chimed in every once in a while, but mainly let Mina catch up with her friends. Bakugou seemed to have a similar approach to the conversation, watching as Mina and Kirishima cluelessly flirted and teased one another. 
“Are they always this oblivious?” You kept your words quiet as you directed them toward the blonde beside you.
“Those two have been doing this shit for years,” he sighed. “We keep tryin’ to get em together, tell them that they’re into each other, but they’re about as dense as two blocks of concrete.”
You snorted, “Must be exhausting having to watch that for so many years.”
“You ain’t got a clue.” He let out a puff of air through his nose, and when you peeked up at him through your lashes, you realized it was a chuckle. There was a shadow of a smile on his lips, and you felt your chest glow with pride at having gotten even that out of the stoic man.
“You should smile more,” you said teasingly, bumping your shoulder against his, though it was admittedly more against his bicep than anything.
“That a command, little missy?” He turned those burning eyes on you once again, and you felt something tighten deep within you. Feeling a surge of confidence roll through you as you captured his attention, you reached up and plucked his hat off his head before plopping it down on your own. It was warm and smelled like his shampoo, something deep and spicy. His lips slowly slid into a sly grin as you tilted your head back slightly more than before to be able to see him under the brim of it.
“I think it suits you,” you shrugged, grinning playfully up at him. “Makes you look a little less bullish.”
As you held his gaze for a few more moments, you slowly registered that the conversation around you had quieted. Breaking away from the intensifying exchange, you found the rest of the group skeptically watching your exchange.
“What is it?” You asked Mina worriedly, hoping you hadn’t done anything wrong.
“N-Nothing, it’s just that Kats is kinda protective of that hat,” Kirishima supplied after a moment of hesitant silence from Mina. “Doesn’t usually let people wear it. Says it’s lucky or somethin’.”
So, you had messed up.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry! Here you-” You scrambled to take off the hat and hand it back to the man beside you. However, before you could put it back on his head, he grabbed your wrist and held it, drawing your slightly panicked attention.
“No worries,” he drawled, that sly smile still gracing his lips. “You should wear it during my ride. Wouldn’t want to get it dirty, right?”
“Kats, man,” Kirishima started, a cautious tone to his voice.
“I couldn’t, not if it’s lucky… I thought this competition decided if you went to that big championship or whatever,” your voice trailed off as he eased the hat from your fingers, holding it by the top as he slowly placed it back on your head.
“Then you be my good luck charm, ‘kay?” His hand still gripped your wrist, his skin hot and calloused but his hold gentle and strangely… loving?
“Dude, he never even lets us touch that thing, much less wear it,” whispered Denki to Sero off to the side. That tightening in your core grew as you could only nod.
“O-Okay,” you breathed, knowing you probably looked like a deer in headlights right in that moment. He let the hat go with a gentle shake to your head before releasing your wrist as well.
A tense moment of silence passed before a booming voice cut through and announced that the events would be starting soon and that competitors should head to their places. Blinking a few times to try and focus on anything but the blonde cowboy before you, Mina took your hand and told the others to do their best and approximately where the two of you would be sitting. You dazedly wished them all luck before following closely behind Mina to your seats
As the events began, you couldn’t get that moment out of your head. It didn’t help that the outcome of it was literally sitting on top of it the entire time in the form of a black cowboy hat, but when Katsuki came on for the first event you knew you were doomed. He was spectacular. The horse bucked and jumped beneath him, trying its best to eject him from his seat on its bare back. But he held strong, one hand tethering him to the animal while the other waved through the air as he moved back and forth atop the animal.
He lasted the necessary 8 seconds, along with 3 more before the animal was finally subdued by both the team of handlers and Katsuki himself. As he took in the raging crowd, waving out at the people chanting his name and cheering him on, he eventually found you, probably thanks to his hat perched proudly atop your head. You stood there cheering for him, but the heat and weight of his gaze was palpable even though you were across the arena from him.
As the next contestant moved into place, you turned to Mina with a sigh. “Alright, what gives? What’s the deal with the hat?”
Mina glanced at you hesitantly, as if she didn’t want to scare you. “Uh, it’s just a thing we say around here that you probably never knew about. It’s nothing, don’t even worry about it.”
“Well, it’s too late for that,” you groaned over the crowd. “You guys all looked at me like I made some fatal mistake when I put the hat on. Then he put it back on and everyone got all weird. So, what does it mean?”
Mina threw her head back and sighed dramatically, “Fine,” she relented. “There’s a saying that if you put the hat on you get the cowboy. That’s why we all got weird. But you obviously didn’t know about that so you don’t have to worry. Bakugou is respectful, he was probably just taken off guard, that’s all.” Mina grabbed your hand, recapturing your attention which had strayed off as you realized what you’d done. “Seriously, Y/N. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’ll beat him up myself if he tries anything, got it? Kiri will too.”
You nodded hollowly, trying to comprehend what was happening. You get the cowboy too? Does that mean romantically? Sexually?? Sure, Katsuki was attractive as hell, and you’d been flirting when you put his hat on in the first place anyway. But would he even be interested in you that way? And besides, you’d only just met!
But as the competitions continued, the possibility of getting with Katsuki grew more and more appealing. As you watched him in the steer wrestling event you were made aware of how powerful and fast he was. As he took down the animal in just over 3 seconds, you found yourself squirming in your seat.
Then, later, during the bull riding, he impressed you even further as he held onto the enraged creature. You held your breath the entire time, hoping against hope that nothing bad would happen to him, and couldn’t hold back your sigh of relief as he made it through the event almost completely unscathed. He had only fallen on the ground after the time limit had elapsed, and for a split second you feared the animal would try to trample him. But the team of handlers quickly calmed the bull, and Bakugou made his way over to it to pat it on the head with the brightest grin on his face before they returned to the pen it came from.
It turned out he had done incredibly well in all three events, and would be moving on to the state competition taking place in two weeks’ time along with Kirishima. As you and Mina made your way back down to meet up with them after the events had concluded, you chuckled as your friend made a beeline toward the red-haired giant. This time she really did jump into his arms, congratulating him profusely as he thanked her over and over.
As those two were distracted by one another, Bakugou slowly made his way over to you. That tightness returned to your stomach, and you plastered a weak smile on your face as he stopped before you. Unable to meet his eyes, you looked down at your feet as you congratulated him.
“You were amazing out there.” You tried to raise your voice enough to be heard above the surrounding din. “Congratulations on moving on.”
Two fingers slipped beneath the brim of his hat and tugged it upward, removing the shield between the two of you as he eased it off your head. “What was that? Couldn’t quite hear ya under there.”
You met his gaze as you felt your face heat up. “I said congratulations on moving to the next round,” you huffed. He had probably heard you, but wanted to fluster you.
“Guess you really were a good luck charm, huh?”
“I know what the hat thing means,” you rolled your eyes. “Besides, it had nothing to do with luck. You obviously know what you’re doing out there.”
He let out a bark of a laugh, reaching up to place his hat back on his head. “I beg to differ,” he grinned. “Seein’ you out there in the crowd, wearing this thing, that had everything to do with why I did so well.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You’d only met this man a few hours ago, but your attraction toward him was already so strong. Was it his looks? His personality? That damned superiority complex? Or was it something else?
“And if you’re so in the know about what wearin’ my hat means, what are you gonna do about it?” He was closer now, his voice lower and the intensity of his gaze heavier. You could feel his breath on your now-exposed face, and had to fight the urge to look away as he tilted his head slightly to the left.
“Not sure yet,” you shrugged, trying with every fiber of your being to stay calm, to sound nonchalant. Inside, however, that desire for him was burning hotter than ever, that tightness in your core growing toward an unbearable pressure. “What should I do?”
He smiled again at that. “You should let me treat ya to a drink and let me get to know ya better.” His proposal was so smooth it had you floundering for purchase as he reached up to tweak your chin between his thumb and the side of his forefinger.
This is really happening, you said to yourself. This god of a man was really asking you out for a drink, and you would be an idiot to decline, especially with that pool of need growing in your stomach.
“Sounds like a plan, cowboy,” you shrugged before reaching up. “I get to wear this though,” you smirked and lifted the hat from his head once more.
“By all means, be my guest.” He seemed to want to devour you as you placed the item on your head again, and that made your inner goddess preen with delight.
“Hey, Mina,” you called, looking over to your friend where she stood chatting with Kirishima. She looked over toward you before an expression of surprise crossed her features at the sight of you and Bakugou. “We’re going out for a drink, that okay?”
She slowly developed a wicked grin as she realized what was happening before she nodded. “Absolutely, have so much fun.”
“Thanks, I will,” you nodded. Bakugou slid his hand into yours and started leading you out of the venue, but not before Kirishima called out after you.
“For the love of god, use protection!”
Your face exploded into flames at his shouted words, as they brought numerous people's attention toward you. It didn’t help that everyone seemed to know that the hat you wore belonged to the man beside you. So, in an attempt to escape their prying eyes, you turned down your head and tried to hide behind the brim of his hat.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Bakugou chided as you neared the exit. “I want ‘em to see how pretty you look in my hat.”
“You’re not helping,” you hissed, wishing people would stop whispering about how they’d never seen you around and how surprised they were to see someone wearing Bakugou’s hat.
He simply chuckled beside you as he led you toward his pickup truck. It was ginormous, and he had to help you up into the passenger’s seat. But once inside and when he had turned the air on, you found it was far comfier than your own car. It looked well-maintained and the interior was surprisingly clean, considering he was a farm hand.
“You really do look good in it,” he remarked as he pulled out of the parking lot. “But please don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do, alright?” Though his voice was still gruff like it always was, it had a sincere softness to it that had you looking up at him instead of down at your hands. He glanced over at you as he stopped at a red light.
“Okay,” you nodded, and smiled as he reached over to flick the brim.
“I got it when I was twelve,” he stated after a few moments of silence. “Was a present from my ma. It’s by the same maker as the hat my idol wears.”
“And who’s that?” You asked the question even though you knew the name would likely hold no significance to you. It just made you happy to hear him opening up to you.
“Toshinori Yagi. People called him All Might because of how good he was. The guy’s a rodeo legend. Set the world record for most time on bull-back, and the fastest steer takedown. It’s my goal to break those someday.” He looked out on the road ahead of him with a faraway look in his eyes. There was a wistfulness to his voice as well, and you knew that this hat really did mean the world to him.
“I think you can do it,” you said softly, despite your lack of knowledge.
He smirked, looking at you briefly. “Ya barely know the first thing about rodeo. How do you know I can break those records? They were set over twenty years ago, and people have been trying ever since. What makes you think I can do it?”
“You seem like a really tenacious guy,” you shrugged. “Like you fight for what you want and don’t give up till you get it.”
“Well, you aren’t wrong there, I’m definitely tenacious. My friends would probably call it bull-headed, but I like your description better.” He was quiet for a moment before he tentatively reached out to brush his fingers against the back of your hand, like he was asking permission. You looked up at him, only to meet his red gaze, made even redder by the glow of the red light he stopped at.
Taking a breath in through your nose, you eased your hand over and let him thread his fingers through yours. You hadn’t really registered how warm he was when he’d been holding it earlier on the way out, but in the quiet and intimate space of his truck you were honed in on the feeling of his calloused skin against yours. This was his riding hand, the one he used to keep himself from being flung from the backs of enraged animals. It was probably strong enough to break your own smaller hand, but the care with which he held it astounded you.
“I’ve gotta admit, I’ve heard about you from Mina,” he offered as the light switched to green. “Was kinda lookin’ forward to meetin’ ya.”
“Well, I hope I didn’t disappoint,” you laughed nervously. Sure, you’d heard about him, but he had turned out to be so different from what Mina had described. She had told you about a man with anger issues who sucked at making new friends and always wanted to fight others. And while he did seem to be those things, he also apparently had a softer side, one which he only showed to certain people. And you weren’t quite sure how you’d become one of those people, but you couldn’t exactly say you were upset about it.
“Course not,” he grinned. “She told me you were a spitfire, so I was lookin’ forward to having someone to jibe with. Certainly didn’t disappoint in that area.”
“Well good, I’d hate to leave a future record-holder wanting for more,” you giggled softly.
“She showed me pictures of you too,” he added almost hesitantly. “And I must say you aren’t disappointing there either.”
Your cheeks flared up at the compliment, but you fought back the urge to curl up in a ball and insist he was just being nice. “Thank you.” The words were laced with more emotion than you had originally intended, but you found you couldn’t hold it back.
There was a pause in the conversation then, as you both sat blushing in your seats listening to the thrum of the engine. His thumb began stroking the back of your hand in small circles, and you found yourself relaxing into his touch.
“Would you like to come to my place instead of a bar?” He asked somewhat suddenly. He sounded… nervous. Like he had no idea how you might respond despite the fact that you had given every indication of being romantically interested in him as well. “I mean, that way I’d be able to cook you something. You’re probably starving, right? I know I am…” His words were somewhat rushed, and they faded off at the end as he glanced over at you.
The thought of going home with him had your stomach doing flips and your heart singing in your chest. He was so attractive, and seemingly the perfect gentleman when he was interested in someone, which was something you had always wanted in a partner. And Mina had told you so many times how good of a man he was, despite his gruff demeanor…
So you nodded. “Sure, that sounds nice.”
He let out a nearly imperceptible sigh of relief and resumed stroking the back of your hand, which he had stopped while waiting for your answer. “Alright, it’ll be a few more minutes to get out there since it’s on the far side of my property. In the meantime… Tell me about yourself.”
You told him everything you could think of, about your family, what you were studying, what you hoped to do in the future. And he listened intently, making comments here and there or asking clarifying questions when needed. His attention remained on the road, which had lost its street lights back at the edge of town and was now a dark path cutting through fields of crops. They swayed in the light breeze, and you felt the urge to roll down your window and breathe in the fresh air.
And so you did. You put it down all the way and stuck your hand out into the warm night air, letting it flow between your fingers like water. As you leaned toward it, Bakugou’s grip on your other hand tightened subtly.
“You better not let that hat blow away,” he warned, and you simply smiled over at him and unbuckled your seatbelt. Releasing his hand, you held onto the brim of the hat and leaned out the window. The wind battered you and you could hear nothing else, but the way it felt through your hair and rushing over your skin felt positively divine.
You let out a loud cry of joy into the peace of the country night, atop the backing track of crickets and cicadas and beneath the light of the distant stars. Bakugou simply watched from inside the vehicle, his free hand finding purchase on your hip to stabilize you as you flung your arms out, hat clutched between your fingers. You could almost reach the corn leaves on the side of the road as you rushed past them, and you tried not to get disoriented as the world passed upside down.
As you let out a laugh of happiness, you felt the car slowing and looked in the direction you were headed. Bakugou slowed in order to turn onto a driveway, and you took that as a cue to pull yourself back into the truck, only to find him laughing.
“Your hair’s a fuckin’ mess now, idiot,” he choked out through peals of laughter. Upon inspection in the mirror you flipped down you found he was correct. You giggled at your disheveled appearance and simply placed the hat back on your head to hide it.
“There, all better!” You grinned at him as you felt his hand, which had been situated on your hip, make its way to rest on your thigh.
He simply shook his head as his laughter died down and you approached a house you could now see on a small hill. As he pulled to a stop at the top of the driveway he gave your thigh a soft squeeze and a pat before putting the car in park and hopping out. He made his way around the front and opened your door for you, helping you down until your feet met gravel.
“Welcome to my place,” he said as he led you inside. The parlor was cozy as he turned the lights on and you found that the place smelled of spices and something savory. “I’ve got a brisket slow cooking in the kitchen right now, should be just about ready.” He slipped his boots off and set them near the door, and you followed suit before accompanying him to the kitchen.
“Your house is beautiful, Bakugou,” you said softly as you looked around. It was simply decorated, but the things it did contain were all gorgeous. There were wood carvings that looked to be done by hand, and paintings here and there. It was so homey and domestic, and for some reason you hadn’t expected that from a man like him. But seeing him in the space it made complete sense. He fit into it all perfectly.
“Please, call me Katsuki,” he insisted as he retrieved two wine glasses. “Oh, I guess I should ask what you prefer. Are you a wine or beer drinker? I’ve also got some bourbon, whisky, or gin if you’d like any of those instead.”
“Wine is good, though I will say I’m normally a white drinker,” you smiled as you gestured toward the bottle of red he had out on the counter. He got a look of worry on his face, as if he’d committed some sin by bringing out red wine, and you laughed. “I’m kidding, I love a good red,” you assured him, making your way around the island in the middle of the kitchen.
“Good, dumbass, because I ain’t got any white.” He tried to look nonchalant, but there was relief clear on his face. He deftly opened the bottle and poured two glasses before handing you one. “It’s from the local winery, so hopefully you like it. Cause if you don’t then I’ll have to take it up with Sero since he owns the place.”
As you grinned at his lightly playful tone you tilted the glass to take a sip. It was incredible, the flavor spreading over your tongue and reminding you of autumn nights spent with Mina on the couch retelling stories of how your summers went while getting progressively more wine drunk. “It’s delicious,” you nodded, smiling up at him.
“Good, I’ll let him know he’s got another fan. That guy can always use an ego boost,” he chuckled, taking a sip from his own glass. He then placed it down on the dark marble countertop before making his way over to the slow cooker near the oven and peeking inside. “I’d say this has another 20 minutes before it’s perfect,” he said, mostly to himself.
“So what should we do in the meantime?” There was that tightness again at the thought of having time to kill with just the two of you. It only grew as he slowly turned back to you with a gleam in his eyes, and you distracted yourself by taking another sip of wine.
“Well, I suppose that can be up to you. What would you like to do, little missy?” He stepped back toward you and joined you in drinking from his own glass.
“Now why the need for the nickname?” You tried to sound annoyed with it, but in reality it had you clenching at the sound. “I’m not that little.”
“I beg to differ, you barely come up to my shoulder. I’d say that’s pretty little,” he smirked and patted the top of your head.
“Yeah, well I’ve got a big personality,” you defended, trying to look bigger as you rose slightly onto your toes.
“Ya got a big attitude, I’ll give ya that.” Tilting his head back, he finished off his glass of wine, and you followed suit. “Though I’d love to see how tiny you’d look on bull back. Bet you’d hardly last two seconds.” The grin on his face had your stomach fluttering and your breath shortening at the apparent innuendo behind his words.
He obviously wanted you, and you wanted him. So why were you so hesitant? It’s not like you were a virgin, you’d had several partners in the past, and had even had a few one-night stands. Was it just because of how attractive he was? How intimidating his aura was? All you could think about was having his hands and mouth all over you, having him buried inside you to the hilt and riding him like he rode his bulls. But something was holding you back, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out what it was.
He took a step closer, leaning down to speak right into your ear. “I’d love to see how tiny you look riding me, too,” he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. There was a growl to his voice that hadn’t been there before, a depth that threatened to pull you under and drown you in him. And you found yourself wanting to dive into his depths, to be pulled under and never come back up for air. But you realized in that moment what was holding you back.
Fear of losing yourself. Fear of falling in love with this man, only to leave tomorrow and never see him again. He had a magnetism to him which pulled so strongly on you that you found yourself daydreaming of leaving behind everything you’d worked so hard for to settle down with him. To be his little housewife who stayed at home and took care of the children and sacrificed her own dreams to support him and the family you’d have together
But you wanted a life of your own. Wanted to pursue your passions and make your own dreams come true. You didn’t want to settle for a life in some small town where you could never make something of yourself. You didn’t want to only be known as Bakugou Katsuki’s wife and the mother of his children. You were scared that if you let yourself drown in his depths that you really wouldn’t come back up for air, that you’d sink into the murky waters of obscurity and never be seen again.
But as he took hold of your chin again with that thumb and forefinger to tilt your head back and get your eyes to meet his, you felt more seen than you ever had before. There was a fire inside those carmine eyes that said he wanted to fight the world with you by his side. That he wanted to see you succeed in whatever you wanted to pursue, and hoped you felt the same.
So you took a deep breath and plunged in.
“I think I’d like that,” you whisper, before grabbing the collar of his shirt and tugging him down to meet you as you rose once again on your toes. His lips were just as hot as his hands as they met yours tentatively, but they were soft, and more supple than you had expected. They moved slowly against yours before his tongue peeked out and ran over your bottom lip before you granted him access. His hands came to clasp your waist while yours slid behind his neck, using it as an anchor to keep your knees from buckling.
He eventually turned you so your lower back pressed into the countertop. Then, in one swift motion, his hands slid below your ass and hoisted you up onto the counter. You hadn’t even jumped up to help him, making you realize just how strong the man you were ensnared with really was.
With this new height you were slightly above him, no longer having to worry about his hat bumping into his face. Your fingers delved into his hair, and you groaned into his mouth as he kneaded the fat and muscle of your thighs, between which he had wedged himself. He pulled you closer to the edge so your core was pressed up against his belt buckle, and you squirmed at the feeling of him slowly grinding into you.
Breaking off for air, he rested his forehead against yours, eyes closed as he softly panted. “Do I have your permission, little lady?” He spoke in a voice so soft you barely heard it.
“F-for what?” You had never been asked to have sex before, it had always just been implied once the kissing and touching had started. So it took you off guard that he would ask now that things were getting heavier.
“To fuck you, to make love to you, whichever you’d prefer. I just know that I need you, so fucking bad,” his eyes opened to look at you before you nodded, mind in a daze at the courtesy he was portraying. “I need a verbal response, little one. Can’t do with just a nod,” he grinned.
“Oh just fuck me already, you idiot,” you groaned, pulling him back to your lips. He chuckled against them, before slipping his hands back under your thighs.
“Hold on for me, yeah?” He said between kisses. You wrapped your arms and legs securely around his neck and waist, and he slid you off the counter. You assumed he would bring you to the living room where there was a comfortable looking couch. But instead he made his way back through the parlor and up the stairs with you hanging on like a monkey.
“God, so strong,” you murmured against his lips, feeling yourself growing wetter at the idea of his strength.
“Gotta be strong to be a rodeo champion,” he grunted against the skin of your neck. He made his way down a hall and into a bedroom which you assumed was his due to the dark décor and shelves worth of trophies.
He made his way over to the bed and leaned down to lay you atop the comforter. It was soft and you found yourself sighing at the feel of it against your hot skin. He released you with a final kiss, and you let your legs fall from his waist before releasing his neck with one final tug at his blonde locks. He straightened and began to undo his shirt, which had gotten dirt and dust on it from the ring but had remained in good condition. You were glad for that; the colors suited him.
“That the only reason you got strong?” You tried to put a little tease into your tone, but he seemed to see right through it to the need lying beneath as he continued to undo buttons, about two thirds of the way down. You propped yourself up on your elbows, hoping you didn’t look too desperate for hi
“Course not. Got strong so I could help others too,” he replied with a smirk. “I volunteer quite a bit in town and on the local farms when I’m not tending to my own.”
“Uh huh. Any other reasons.”
He undid the final button and pulled the shirt from its place tucked into his jeans. “Are you insinuating that I got strong so I could manhandle you?” A single brow raised sharply as he let the shirt fall from his arms to land in a pile on the ground.
“I’m not not insinuating that…” You were hard pressed to disguise the need bubbling up in your voice as you slowly scooted back up the bed to where the plush pillows lay. “All I’m saying is that it wouldn’t hurt in the bedroom.”
He looked at you questioningly, before unbuttoning his pants and climbing onto the bed above you. “Well then you’re not great at hiding your intentions,” he whispered loudly, as if his words were meant to be a secret, but he wanted to share it with the world.
“Maybe I just don’t want to be good at it. Ever thought about that?” You murmured, even as his fingers brushed against the bare skin of your waist where your shirt had ridden up, sending a shiver through you.
“Then I guess you’d be succeeding.” His voice was a true whisper now as he said the words directly into your ear, before pressing his lips to the soft flesh of your neck. He had situated himself fully between your legs, your knees bent, and feet pressed against the soft material of his comforter.
“Exactly, I’ve got you right where I wanted you.” You tried so valiantly to keep your voice from warbling, but as he kissed down the column of your neck you couldn’t help the sigh that slipped through your open lips.
“Not yet, you don’t,” he tutted against your collarbone. You screwed your brows together and opened your eyes to look down at him as he paused to get your attention. “I’ve got your permission, right little lady?” Something about the tone to his voice had your skin heating up like never before.
“Y-yes,” you stammered, remembering his need for verbal consent.
And with that, he descended.
He had your shirt up and over your head in what was probably record time, your bra following shortly after and leaving you both in nothing but your jeans, underwear, and his explosion-studded leather chaps. Everything was a whirl of touch and tongue and teeth, moans and groans replacing any lingering words either of you may have uttered.
His lips wrapped around one pert nipple, while his fingers tweaked the other one. His free hand worked its way to your jeans button, slowly but deftly undoing it. He looked and sounded like he wanted to devour you right then and there but was waiting for something. The feeling of his tongue against your skin had you moaning, and he chuckled into your skin at the sound. The hand at your waist yanked your zipper down in one swift motion, before he eased his fingers beneath the waistband of your now-undone jeans.
“Fuck, you’re soaked,” he groaned, his fingers stroking your sex over your lace panties. He wasn’t wrong, you could feel the fabric cling to your folds with arousal as he made quick work of finding your clit.
“Mnh, m-more,” you huffed, grinding your hips into his hand as you searched for increased pressure.
“Now, is that any way to ask for something?” Bakugou tutted from his spot just above you, but his voice was strained with need as well, something he was decent at masking but not immune to.
“Please,” you whined, “just fuck me already.”
He chuckled darkly. “Right idea, but wrong execution. Now you’re just gonna have to wait longer.” And with that, he was gripping the waistband of your jeans with both hands and yanking downward, drawing a yelp from your lips as he rid you of the cumbersome fabric. You raised your hips to help him, not that he needed it much, before plopping unceremoniously back onto the bed.
He grinned down at you before reattaching his mouth to your heated skin. You groaned at the feeling of his lips dusting against the plane of your stomach as he made his way down your body. When he finally reached your panties, you were nearly gasping for breath. You had delved one hand into his surprisingly soft locks, allowing yourself to stroke them like you wanted to stroke a different part of his body, but you weren’t quite there yet.
He slipped his fingers beneath the lace which barely covered you, pulling it down your legs with what could only be considered reverence before tossing them to the ground somewhere behind him. The way he looked at you when you were completely bare before him had you wanting to cover your face as it burned beneath his gaze.
“What a beauty,” he murmured, before kissing the skin just above your core. “Betcha taste even better than you look.”
Then you were being devoured. His tongue quickly found your clit as his breath was hot against your pussy, making you squeal in pleasure. He varied his technique, switching from flat, languid strokes that had you moaning to pointed, quick circles which had your toes curling. When he slipped a finger inside, you nearly lost it. The combination of stimulation and penetration was driving you closer and closer to the edge, and it was driving you crazy.
“K-Katsuki,” you groaned, fingers tightening in his hair as you felt your stomach tightening.
“I know, sweet girl,” he replied, words muffled as he continued to eat you out. He added another finger to keep up the stimulation as his mouth was partially occupied by his words, though they were muffled by your folds which he kept constant contact with, whether through tongue or lips. “You’re doing so good for me. Just a little longer.”
His constant licking and kissing on your clit, and the curling and scissoring of his fingers deep inside you had your thighs coming up to close around his head as your own was thrown back on the pillow. Katsuki moaned loudly against your core at the pressure, sending a new wave of pleasure rushing through you that almost had you bursting at the seams.
Then he did something you weren’t expecting. He ran his top teeth ever so lightly along your heat, stopping just before your clit as you cried out desperately. At the same time, he curled his fingers right against the gushy spot inside you which so few lovers had found before. Perhaps one or two had managed to hit it, but the combination of sensations had you falling apart within seconds.
“F-fuck! Katsuki,” you nearly screamed, tugging on his hair so hard he groaned at the feeling. You came harder than you ever had from oral sex, and he loved every second of it. He lapped up every drop that escaped before pulling his fingers from the sheath of your body. Directly after those same gooey fingers were slipped into his mouth and sucked clean of your essence.
“Damn, you taste divine Y/N,” he sighed, crawling atop you and pressing his lips gently to yours. You could taste yourself on his tongue as it ran along your teeth, strong and earthy and slightly sweet. He wasn’t wrong.
Your chest heaved as your hands came up to unsteadily undo his belt. They fumbled slightly, and he chuckled before standing again to quickly undo both that and the button of his jeans. Pulling them down, he stood before you, unabashed and glorious in his nakedness. His length and girth had you swallowing thickly as you readjusted on his bed, moving back to lay against the pillows.
“You’re staring,” he chuckled, lifting a knee to free his foot from his pants and briefs to place it on the bed near yours.
“Am I not supposed to appreciate what’s in front of me? When you look like that?” You smiled, trying your best not to let your voice quiver with leftover ecstasy and anticipation. Kicking his other foot to free it from the fabric clinging to him, he made his way up the bed, body lithe and solid between your legs as he came to cage you between his muscular arms.
“Then I guess by that logic I’m allowed to stare as well?” His voice was soft and low as he leaned down to press his lips to yours. He threaded his fingers through your hair, which still held the remnants of the wind-swept knots, and you sighed at the feeling. You tried not to lose yourself in the feeling of his rock-hard length coming to rest on your lower stomach, but your hips reflexively lifted slightly off the bed to grind against it.
“Patience,” he murmured against your mouth, his hand slowly making its way down from your hair along the curves of your naked body to rest on your hip, which he eased back down onto the comforter. “Let me treat you right.”
His words had you tightening once more. The idea that such a gentleman had taken an interest in you, and after so little time together, had you nearly vibrating with need. The hand which held you down gave your hip one more squeeze before coming to grip himself. The low grunt that slipped from his lips had your stomach doing flips before he eased the tip into your folds.
He ground his length through the slick which had gathered there, taking his time to make sure he was fully coated in order to ensure not only his own enjoyment but yours as well. So many of your lovers in the past hadn’t been considerate enough to do that, hadn’t taken into consideration your pleasure and only focusing on their own, that the action made your heart ache with desire.
Once he slipped through your heat with no resistance, he lifted his face from where it rested against your neck to look at you. “Are you ready?”
Your voice caught in your throat as desire and passion threatened to choke you. All you could manage was a nod and a wordless, desperate moan. Thankfully, he was losing himself to desire as well and took that as permission to continue, because you didn’t think you would have been able to form a coherent response in that moment even if he had demanded it.
Nodding, he placed his free hand on your inner thigh to spread your legs slightly farther apart. Looking down at the spot where the two of you met, he guided his cock to your entrance and slowly pushed inside. The sound you released was one of pure ecstasy, and he followed suit with a groan that had your toes curling. He moved carefully, pausing as he was halfway inside to not only give you a moment to adjust, but to give himself a chance to take a deep breath before continuing. The feel of your tight walls constricting around his fat cock and the way you looked and sounded beneath him nearly had him coming undone, and he couldn’t look bad in front of you now.
“Shit, so tight princess,” he muttered through gritted teeth. His brows were drawn together in a look of pleasure so attractive it had your core tightening even further as he resumed his plunge into your core. The breathy moans and soft mewls of pleasure spilling from your lips had him even more eager to really start pounding into you, but he had to fully submerge himself first. Leaning back, he looked at the way you sucked him in, and he used the fingers that were previously wrapped around his cock to come draw tight circles around your clit.
“F-Fuck, Kats,” you moaned sweetly, eyes unable to keep from screwing shut as he bottomed out, pelvis resting soundly against you as you wriggled your hips experimentally against his. The feeling of his pubic hair against your sensitive core, along with his calloused thumb directly against your clit had one of your hands coming to grasp his forearm while the other tangled in the sheets by your head.
“That feel good, little one?” Katsuki’s voice was slightly strained as he pulled out slightly and pushed back in. You couldn’t stop the almost pitiful sound that slipped from your throat as you nodded vigorously. He chuckled shortly, seeming to have a hard time getting out coherent thoughts himself. “Can I move a little more?”
“P-Please,” you begged, needing more: more movement, more stimulation, more friction. More of him.
“Then hold on, ‘kay?” He came to situate himself above you once more, leaning on one elbow as his thumb remained glued to your clit. Your arms wrapped around his neck, fingers threading through his hair, before he began to move.
It was slow at first, almost gentle, as he tested to see how far he could go. Each time he increased the speed or pressure with which he moved, you craved more, cried out louder. It was a gradual increase, but soon his headboard was banging against the wall and your tits were bouncing and the wet slaps of his balls against your ass were accompanied by cries of pleasure that spilled freely from your lips. His teeth sank into the flesh of your neck as he groaned, the sound vibrating through his chest which was pressed against your own.
“Katsuki!” His name fell like a prayer from your lips as you neared your climax once again, and the sound of it had him following suit. But he’d forgotten a condom, forgotten to use protection in the heat of the moment with someone he’d met only that day. So, he’d hold out. He wouldn’t ruin this moment by making you worry. He would make this perfect.
His years of training and fit physique came in handy not only for the rodeo, but, as you’d insinuated, for lovemaking as well. He used those powerful thighs to drill into you, those muscular arms to not only hold himself up but to bring your chest up to his as well, the arch of your back making him hit even deeper than before. Your moans and cries had only grown louder and more explicit as he continued, and soon he had you falling apart beneath him.
“Fuck!” You couldn’t hold back a scream as the coil which had grown so infinitely tight within you snapped, and you came harder than you ever had before. Tears slipped from the corners of your eyes as your vision went white, and your breath stilled in your chest, trapped by your constricted throat as Katsuki fucked you through the best orgasm of your life.
He grew quiet above you, and as your vision returned, you saw he had his eyes trained on you with more focus than ever before, all while his jaw clenched so hard you worried for his teeth. He pulled out, collapsing on his back beside you as his erection stood tall and flushed against his stomach.
“W-What are you doing?” You asked with a shaking voice, trying to catch your breath as you turned onto your side.
“Fuckin’ forgot a condom,” he forced through those tightly gritted teeth, before taking his length in his hand and starting to pump it.
“So?” You raised yourself onto one elbow to look down at him.
“I can’t ruin this by making you worry about that,” he admonished, breath growing even shorter as he closed his eyes forcefully.
“I never said you should stop, Katsuki.”
He froze at that, eyes flying open as he looked at you in surprise. The words had spilled from your lips before you could stop them, taking you off guard as well, but you didn’t make any move to take them back. You eased your fingers around his length, replacing his own calloused ones before shifting above him, thighs coming to straddle his own.
“Y-You said you wanted to see how I’d look riding you, right?” Your voice was soft, but excited. His hands hesitantly came to grip your waist as you lifted yourself to hover over his cock. “Then why don’t I show you.”
With that, you lowered yourself onto him. He slipped inside, aided by your creamy release which still coated your insides and the apex of your thighs. You couldn’t help the sigh that fell from your lips as you came to sit atop his thighs, and the groan that he released had you tightening for the third time that night, much to your surprise. You were lucky to get even one orgasm with your past lovers, much less two. Three? That had never happened before. But you were eager to see if this god of a man could make it happen.
“Dammit, Y/N,” he muttered, his hips thrusting up into yours as his grip on your hips tightened. “Think ya might kill me at this rate.”
“Well, you can’t do that,” you huffed, moving atop him as you placed one hand on his stomach to steady yourself. It was solid, a wall of muscle which had you clenching around him at the feel. “You’ve got a championship to win.”
He chuckled beneath you, the sound choked and breathless as you ground down into him. “And you’ll-” He broke off with a moan that had you grinning above him. “You’ll be there, right? Need my g-good luck charm, after all.”
“You gonna get me front row seats?” Your over sensitive cunt squelched as your chest heaved. This man was really about to get you to cum three times in a fucking row, wasn’t he?
“Darling, I’ll get you pit tickets if you want ‘em. Y-You can watch from the damn sidelines if you’ll just be there.” One of his hands made its way up your side to come and cup your breast, thumb circling your pebbled nipple as the other hand gripped your hip so hard you were almost sure it would leave finger-shaped bruises.
“F-Fuck!” You cried as he thrust particularly hard, nearing his climax as you leaned down to kiss him fervently. Your thighs burned and your breath came in shallow pants as you neared your own end, falling over the edge as he gave one final push upward, hips pressing up off the bed as he came hot and hard in your soft, warm insides. You fell apart moments later, hardly anything left within you but cries of pleasure and a clenching core that had him pumping you full of more release than he’d ever given before. 
It felt right, like you’d found a piece that you hadn’t even known was missing. As you collapsed atop his heaving chest, buried your face in his neck, let your fingers trail over his skin and through his now damp hair, you felt more at peace than you ever had. As his hands soothed over the areas he had gripped so tightly, as his lips pressed feather-light kisses along your hairline, he realized that maybe he really had found his good luck charm.
Maybe that hat was just meant to bring the two of you together all along.
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evadoupixii · 4 months
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Summary: You left katsuki all alone on the farm to go pursue your dreams. You still loved each other even as the silence grew louder. All in all, you both made it work.....until.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 wc >>1.4k
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 Warnings; FarmboyBakugo x fem reader! Poc coded reader! mutual masturbation, finger fucking, phone sex/computer sex explicit content.
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 i know yall must be tired of all the country boy bs but i can't help it i love it sm! Send me requests of anything you guys want! tysm for 50+ followers!
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FarmboyBakugo! // Who happily tapped his fingertips against the side of his steering wheel as he drove home along the dirt road. Turning up the music as he glanced to the left of him at the blue lake that ripped through the countryside, how the setting sun sent ripples of shiver along its length. As mundane and gray as life had gotten seeing this view at the end of every day never ceased to amaze him. He turned the truck onto another dirt road, the light from the sun flickering every second as the tall trees began to envelop him. He sighed as he pulled his pickup truck into the driveway of the little house on an Everglade late into the afternoon. He took out the keys from the ignition and hopped out of his truck, the sound of the heels from his boots clicking against the wooden deck of the house as he walked up the porch stairs.  
FarmboyBakugo! Who As soon as he was in the house,  began kicking off his boots and throwing his cowboy hat on the coffee table of the living room. Running his hands through his blond hair and leaning back on the comfy couch relishing the quietness of the house.  
FarmbouBakugo!Who was surprised to hear the crackle of thunder outside his bedroom window as he dried off his hair with a towel after taking a long thoughtful shower. Who threw on some blue plaid pajama pants and walked downstairs shirtless, reluctantly putting the kettle on the stove and taking out some frozen chicken nuggets from the freezer, throwing them in the air fryer. Who muttered a silent “Fuck” when he saw your caller ID pop up on the screen of his phone.  
FarmboyBakugo!Who answered your call with an immediate smile on his face. You greeted him with your usual flirty undertone.  
“Do you have any plans for tonight?” You said at the other end of the line. Bakugo could almost hear the fervor in your voice and decided not to act on it. As it would come again later, as it usually did on nights like these.  
“Unless they're with you? Then no.” He said roughly. 
FarmboyBakugo! Who knew for sure you had probably rolled your eyes at that remark. Then again, he knew you relished the fact that he was so open with his insatiable longing towards you. You had known each other so long that it wouldn't make sense to hide it. He heard the shuffling at the other end of the line that sounded like the light thump of clothes hitting a bathroom counter and the flush of water coming out of the faucet. It wasn't until he heard unzipping and unbuckling that he knew what you were doing.  
“I was wondering if you wanted to have another……movie night.” The pause you took before you said the last two words left Bakugo with the most horrifying smile on his face and the sound of his deep rough chuckle echoing through the kitchen. “Movie night huh?”  
“If you're up for it.” You said.  
“Always baby, always.”  
FarmboyBakugo! Who upon getting off the phone with you, sat on his couch and hastily ate his air fryer nuggets and drank his tea. He thought about how dirty and raunchy it was when this…. routine…between the two of you started. It’s not like it had gotten less electrifying as time went on. If anything he yearned for it throughout the days that passed. How ferocious and cold-blooded he thought of himself to continue as if you were little to non-existent after each act. Telling himself that this was okay because this is how you wanted it. How you persisted that this would be the best for both of you. How it would satiate the twisting uncompromisable craving of  
Each other.  
FarmboyBakugo! Who went up to his bedroom and pulled his laptop out of his desk. Turning off all the lights and lighting a candle on the dresser. If it’s, one thing Bakugo wanted in his home it was ambience and peace. He settled into bed and waited for you.   
FarmboyBakugo! Who answered your call and felt the lump in his throat form as soon as your camera on his laptop screen turned on. You were always unmerciful in the way you showed yourself to him. Always tantalizingly out of reach. Your doll eyes had that lewd look in them like they always did. The camera showed the top half of your body, just enough. A tight black lace tank top hugged you. Your boobs were pushed up to the moon by the blanket you were hugging to your chest. Your hair was down and cascading around your face in a flattering way.  
“Bakugo…earth to bakugo” You said on the other side of the screen. Waving your hand around in the eye of the camera with an unwavering smile on your face.  
“Sorry baby, what’s up?” Bakugo said positioning the laptop adjacent to him on the bed. He made sure you got a full view of his naked chest and a partial view of his crouch.   
“I said which hunger games movie should we start on?” You said squinting at your computer. Bakugo could see your laptop screen as you scanned through the illegal movie streaming site.  
FarmboyBakugo! Who just watched you in pure bewildered amazement. He wondered how long it would take this time. He wondered if it would even happen tonight, if the night would just consist of wholesome movie watching and witty banter……. 
Well, that's definitely not how the night went.  
Farmboybakugo! Who’s pre-cum was wasted on the sheets around him, the squelching wet sounds of him fisting his cock filled the room along with the rain pattering outside. Who’s blond hair was plasterd to his face with sweat as he watched you fuck yourself with your fingers, whimpering his name on the other side of the camera.  
“C’mon baby, fuck yourself harder show me how badly you want this cock, yeah?”  
His mouth parted in ecstasy as he watched you spread your legs wider for him. How the sight of your tits bouncing as you fuck yourselff with more pace went straight to his cock.  
“It’s so hot when y-you talk to me like that” You moaned.  
Farmboybakugo! Who with more praising, convinced you to pull put the dildo he had gotten for you. Who marveled at the way the veins of his dick pulsated as he watched your pretty pussy sink itself on to the dick that resembled his own. Who barely managed to mewl out another “Your such a good girl for daddy, Yeah?” as he watched you writhe with pleasure as you steadily bounced yourself.  
As much as he wanted to be serious in a time like this. He couldn't help but chuckle at the reminder that the movie was still playing. How the movie wasnt even 30 minutes in before the flirty undertones became full on “What were you do to me if i were next to you” exchanges. His heart fluttered a little knowing that you were impatient for him too.  
Farmboybakugo! Who almost died on the spot when he watched you maneuver yourself to where your back was facing the camera. Whose eyes zeroed in on the curvature of your ass, as if he hadn't seen it in this position many times before…and even closer at times if he might add.  
“That’s all f’me right baby?” He said.  
You turned around to lock eyes with him through the camera rolling your eyes and shrugging your shoulders with a smirk on your face. As if you were saying “What’s all for you?Who even are you again?”  
Farmboybakugo! Who wanted to grasp that little neck of yours in his big hands and fuck you until you were tired of saying his name. Who yelled at your through the screen to start bouncing on that makeshift dick of his before he decided to stick his cock back into his pants.  
Katsuki bakugo who sat there with you in the aftermath. Who after making you cum one last time watched as you cleaned yourself up and walked your naked body back into bed and stared back at him through the camera. Katsuki bakugo who would kill to be able to reach his hand through the screen and kiss your lips again, pinch your cheeks and whisper to you all the things that lingered in his heart at night.  
Katsuki bakugo who’s favorite part about this routine were the conversations that seemed to last until the sun rose. As this one did and many others to come. As he watched you lull yourself to sleep, he started to make a mental note of all the loose ends he needed to tie before he came to you. It didn't matter if you weren't ready……as he would always be ready…for you.  
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simpee9000 · 6 months
Some of the BEST Works I've read
K. Bakugo-
Notion by strawberry-nugget
Southern Charm by willowser (such a good writer for bakugo)
good luck charm by yamigooops (i like cowboys)
you only had to look at me by willowser pt 2
P. Parker
The Last I Heard by webslingingslasher
Another good small(ish) fic by webslingingslasher (best peter parker fics)
in fact, here's their master list
literally cannot get over this fic by webslingingslasher
Secret Ingredient by ficthots
I. Midoriya
Diving by silver-weasel (so insanely good)
S. Todoroki
To Build a Home by shibaraki (all work by them is amazing)
S. Gojo
Burn for you by nezuscribe (any of their fics are great!!! read em)
Go For It by tonycries Part 2
Best Friend's Brother by notiddygxthgf
M. Fushiguro
Thifted romance by riaki
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vampyrsm · 2 years
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cowboy!bakugo thought time.
so i’m imagining he works on your daddy’s farm, it’s a big old thing. lots of land that has been in your family for generations, a beautiful herd of cattle that is your father's pride and joy. he doesn’t live in the main house, obviously, but he does have a nice cabin just down the way that’s close enough to the ranch if he has to get up in the night for emergencies but also not so close that he can imagine he owns the land around him and lives a humble life.
he’s not always been interested in you, having written you off as a spoiled rancher's daughter when he first saw you because of your pretty blue dress and neatly curled hair. that was until one morning he was coming in to start his day at 5am sharp, his job was to let the cattle out to roam and then he can get to work on their shed, and tend to the horses & tack.
so colour him surprised when he opens the ranch door to see you already hard at work in shining those new boots your daddy got you for riding, his eyes track to the shiny leather of the saddle you just finished washing up. even the metal of the stirrups looks brand new. he always thought you were too stuck up, too prissy to be working down in the muck of the stable with the rest of ‘em.
another time he catches himself being surprised to see you is when you’re actually there after agreeing to wake up extra early to let the cattle out just before sunrise, you’re sat on the back of the beautiful mustang your father managed to win in an auction. your hairs pulled back into a loose braid, you’re still in your dress but you don’t seem to be uncomfortable with it. you look so relaxed, so natural on the back of a horse with the sun just rising behind you whilst you watch the cattle start to jostle around in preparation to be released.
over time he does start to get closer to you, be it when he gets alone time with you in the early hours of the morning when you’re both cleaning tack or mucking out the stables. or when he catches you in town on your way back home, you always refused to let him go into town to buy you things. always saying “i know i might not look like much but i can handle my own.” and doesn’t he know it, he remembers watching you punch the new stable hand clean in the nose for trying to swat at your ass with a horse whip.
he grows fond of you, always somewhere nearby when you’re out on the farm doing something. so that’s how he’s close by when he hears your startled scream, and then the undeniable sound of something heavy, and fast running. horses aren’t so heavy-footed so he knows it’s an escapee cow. he wastes no time in hopping onto the back of his horse, spurs digging in to encourage the horse to move faster.
as he clears out into the field, he can see the cow in question is absolutely ripping up the beautiful wheat that was just starting to grow and would surely be ruined after this. but cows are dangerous, stupidly so. he had no choice but to pursue, his hand going for the lasso on his belt as he leans his body forward and stood in the stirrups. it takes a practised hand and aimed throw but he finally loops the rope around the cow's neck, the thing slowing down when it realises it’s been caught.
he sees you breathe in relief and your face relaxes just slightly when he makes his way back over to you, the cow in tow. he hops off of his horse, leading the cow back into the pasture and making sure to double-check the latch is down before he turns to you. you have a bruise already on your jaw, looking suspiciously like the metal latch he was just touching.
“you alright? not hurt too bad are ya?” he says approaching you, you shake your head whilst puffing out your cheeks at the dirt you’re caked in.
“i’m fine.. dumb thing got spooked at somethin’.” you’re looking up at him now, squinting an eye at the sun that’s beating down on your face. he hums in response.
“well, your daddy’s gon’ kill me for tearin’ up the new field he just laid.”
“i’ll make sure he won’t, you did a good job. thank you for helpin’ me out katsuki.” you’re still smiling at him, he can’t help but smile back at you.
“good ‘cus who’s gonna save your sorry ass when one of the chickens get loose and start pecking at ya.” now he’s laughing as you slap at his arm, cursing him with a mouth that surely should not belong to the beautiful innocent rancher's daughter.
he’s absolutely smitten with you after that.
and your daddy doesn’t rip into him too much. apparently, you begged your father to not be too harsh on bakugo because it was your fault the latch wasn’t down and it would’ve been so much worse if the cow escaped onto the road or somehow into the house.
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been rewatching westworld, and all i could think about is cowboy bakugo :( i love him.
↳ [masterlist]
reblogs & likes appreciated!
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earth2rin · 2 years
bakugo katsuki x fem!reader
just a drabble, lmk if i should turn this to a fic🤭
tooth rotting fluff, ooc baku, yes this is self indulgent…
cowboy!bakugo who is the sweetest gentleman in town to the naked eye, but is a gruff and angry person around people who know him.
cowboy!bakugo who works his butt off at 5:30 in the morning on his dads farm until 7:30 when he has to go to school. hardly ever going out with friends on weekends or staying out late on weekdays because he has to be up and early for his chores in the mornings.
cowboy!bakugo who’s daddy bought him a brand new ford f-150 for his 16th birthday, a token of appreciation and a thank you for all his hard work over the years. bakugo couldn’t stop talking about the truck for a whole week.
cowboy!bakugo who was blown away by your beauty when you knocked on his front door with a little piggy in your arms, claiming that it had strayed away to your dads pasture in the recent storm.
cowboy!bakugo who could not remember your face for the life of him. surely he had to have seen you before, you lived in teeny tiny town. and then it hit him. the pastors daughter. he’d seen your sweet face at the easter egg hunt after sunday service helping the little ones find eggs. he’d had you in a few classes over the years but never really spoke to you. he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed you sooner.
cowboy!bakugo who sees your face every where now. walking down the hallways, finding your face in the gym during a pep-rally and he even noticed that you always sat in the front pew to the left during church.
cowboy!bakugo who always holds the door open for you, for anyone really, but the moment he sees you walking towards a door he’s the first to get up and hold it for you. his stomach churns a little when you give him that gorgeous smile of yours and tell him thank you.
cowboy!bakugo who starts talking to you more during chemistry class, after sunday service and even stopping to talk to you in the hallways sometimes. you guys conversate by the lockers, and bakugos friends are always behind you, kirishima wiping fake tears, sero holding his hands together as he sighs dreamily and kaminaris back facing bakugo as he wraps his arms around himself as if to mimic kissing someone. he always ends up punching them after he’s done talking to you for the stunt they pulled.
cowboy!bakugo who stutters over his words while asking you for your number, claiming it was solely for when the church had events and he could ask the date and time for said events (which him and you both knew was bull, but you still gladly gave him it with a smile on your face).
cowboy!bakugo who is constantly texting you in his free time, asking you about your day, how school was and asking if you wanted to hangout with him and his friends after school at some diner. of course you always said yes and you brought your good friends ochako and tsu along with you. you always shared a root beer float with bakugo, even if you got teased about it.
he always dropped you off last and would walk you to your front door. you would kiss his cheek and thank him for paying for your meal, even though he didn’t have to, and of course he’d insist that that’s how you treat a pretty lady. you’d both say your goodnights and 30 minutes later you’d both be on call with each other talking about all kinds of things.
cowboy!bakugo who’s asks your dad for his permission to ask you out on a date, and when your father allows it he gets to planning.
cowboy!bakugo who asks you out after hanging out with his friends while he’s dropping you off. you’ve got the biggest smile on your face as you nod vigorously and leap in his arms for a hug. he tells you he’ll text you the details when he gets home, and you both say your goodbyes.
cowboy!bakugo who begs his father to let him sleep in a little this saturday, because he’s taking you on that date friday night and he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. even if it means losing a little sleep.
cowboy!bakugo who comes to your house with a pretty bouquet of tulips, your favorite, looking so very handsome in his white american fighter shirt, rock revival bootcuts, white hey dudes and his grey and white lazy j snapback. he opens his truck door for you and drives you to the hidden location of your date.
cowboy!bakugo who jams out to george straight as he drives you way out on his dads pasture and you laugh as he sings off key to “write this down”. he just smiles at you and keeps singing horribly to hear those sweet giggles from you.
cowboy!bakugo who stops at a body of water surrounded by trees about 10 miles from his house. he backs up so his tailgate is facing the water and parks, going around his truck to open the door for you.
he leads you towards the tailgate and opens it, revealing thick blankets and pillows on the cargo bed. he helps you up and lets you get settled as he goes to the back cab and grabs a picnic basket he was hiding. your heart leaps when he joins you and you give him the biggest hug ever. of course he returns it and you both begin eating what’s in the basket.
cowboy!bakugo who stayed up all night and made a strawberry crunch poke cake, and heart jam cookies just for you because he knows you love strawberries. earlier that morning he made finger sandwiches and pasta salad and just before he left he made a mini charcuterie board for the two of you.
cowboy!bakugo who feeds you cheese and grapes and you laugh when you bite into the grape and the juice spays him in the face. you grab a napkin and wipe his cheek and he has the softest smile on his face.
cowboy!bakugo who cleans up the food after y’all are done and puts the basket behind you guys, and you both scoot up to the tail gate, feet dangling and watching the sunset. you lean your head on his shoulder and hold his hand, enjoying his presence.
cowboy!bakugo who plays music as the sun is finally setting and he asks you to dance with him. you happily agree and he goes and open his truck doors, allowing the music to be louder.
tennessee whiskey plays and you both are swaying to the song, holding each other close and singing along to the music. you both laugh a little because you’re kind of a bad dancer, so he insist that you stand on his feet.
cowboy!bakugo who after the sun is down and the stars are out, lays down on the blankets with you next to him and star gaze. he claims that this was the best place to see the stars, away from all the lights of the town. the earth is quiet, and it feels like it’s just the two of you here. it gets a little chilly and you shiver, he notices and quickly pulls you into his side and throws a fleece blanket over you two.
cowboy!bakugo who talks about anything with you, whether it be the mandela effect, mrs. johnson’s snaggle tooth or about how he wants to have his dads farm when he’s older. you listen intently and reply back to him, and he laughs when you suggest that you and him should just grab a pair of pliers and rip mrs. johnson’s tooth out.
cowboy!bakugo who gets all sweaty and clammy when he finally grows a pair and asks you to be his girlfriend. you don’t respond, and instead you press your lips against his soft ones, and let your lips do the talking.
cowboy!bakugo who grins and says “ ‘don’t think your answer was clear enough f’me, ya mind doing that again?” and you giggle and gladly do it again.
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lousypotatoes · 11 days
Come On With The Rain - Singin' In The Rain - Alastor Altruist x Reader
But They're Always Tryin' To Waste Me - Tumbling Dice - Husker x Reader
Never Again Pt. 2 - Andrealphus x Reader
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
Put Your Head On Shoulder - Vox x Reader
A Thousand Years - Adam x Reader
Cowboy Love - Striker x Reader
Your Love Is My Drug - Blitzo x Reader
Angel Baby Brick x Reader
The Night We Met - Noah x Reader
Heavy Metal Love - Duncan x Reader
Shameless - Alejandro Burromuerto x Reader
Golden Hour - Tenya Iida x Reader
Hopelessly Devoted To You - Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Somewhere Only We Know - Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Still Into You - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Can't Sleep Love - Ejirou Kirishima x Reader
I Was Made For Loving You - Eddie Munson x Reader
yes, i know there are so many, but once i get ideas, i write them down, or in this case, type them out.
never thought i would get this far tbh
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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smashboxgirl26 · 2 years
strawberry jam
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cowboy(ish)! bakugou katsuki x fem! reader summary: This had to count as one of the worst days in your entire life — stuck on the side of the road in the hot sun in the middle of nowhere with your old, stupid, broken down car and no cell service. At least there was a super hot cowboy who stopped to help. contains: FLUFFF OMG JUST FLUFF AND LOVE word count: 11.6k (somebody sedate me pls) masterlist a/n: this is for the loml, @katxn15, for her birthday that was like, a month ago, BUT I FINALLY FINISHED OKAY IM SORRY IK I SUCK (but also, apologies to my followers, i still feel like this writing isn't my best work - but we're kicking writer's block's ass one day at a time) also, here's the strawberry jam recipe
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This had to count as one of the worst days in your entire life — stuck on the side of the road in the hot sun in the middle of nowhere with your old, stupid, broken down car and no cell service. 
You’d just been trying to drive back home from college for spring break, but no — the universe had decided that it was too much to ask for and decided to dump you here, on the side of the backroad (because, of course, you thought that using the backroad would be quicker to avoid the usual highway traffic; and now there were no cars passing by that could help you) in the middle of some random field on a hot spring day.
You finally gave up trying to call someone — your roommate, your parents, a friend from your hometown — after about twenty minutes, when you realized that the phone stopped ringing completely and a low battery notification popped up.
Fucking hell.
Under the hot sun of the afternoon and without the AC, the car had started to reach its boiling point, leaving it unbearable to be stuck inside even if it offered the smallest amount of shade from the blinding light above. Your water bottle was all finished now too, so you were sure if you didn’t get out, you’d die of heat stroke. 
The air was sticky when you finally cracked open the driver’s door, and paired with the direct sunlight overhead you could already feel yourself turn sweaty and breathless in the heat, and yet you pushed yourself out with your phone still in hand and outstretched, trying to catch at least one minute of cell service.
For a minute you thought one bar popped up, but it was gone as soon as it came and you were left with nothing as you flung it back into the car and closed the door out of frustration. 
The stupid, fucking car just had to break down in the worst place possible, out in the middle of nowhere where no one was driving by. 
“Fuck!” You finally let out in frustration, grasping at your hair and pulling at it as the panic set in. 
You’d been sitting in your car for about thirty minutes now, and no one had driven by in all that time.
What if you were just stuck there until you died of heatstroke — okay that was an exaggeration, but at this rate you might have to be stuck on the side of the road for hours, you might even have to sleep in your car until morning.
Your back hurt just thinking about it. 
At the very least you’d be extremely dehydrated, you could already feel the energy getting sucked out of you from the sun in reverse photosynthesis — and now that you thought about it you kinda had to pee.
Scratch that, you really had to pee.
There were just miles of fields ahead and behind you, there was nowhere to go unless you wanted to just go at it right there in a bush, but there was no way you were attempting that.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” You paced around your car trying to will your bladder to stop bothering you, hoping — or praying, more like — that someone would pass by and that they could just take you to their little nearby house. 
These fields had to belong to somebody, with the wheat, or whatever it was, that was being grown in bulk, there had to be someone living out there somewhere who had a bathroom that you could use.
And after what felt like an hour of waiting under the sun (though it was only about ten minutes), your prayers were finally answered when you spotted a red, old, beat-up looking pick up truck from across the distance, and the sight was enough to propel you to start waving your arms and jump around to catch their attention.
Maybe it was a nice, old farmer who was just heading to his house nearby who’d be kind enough to let you use their bathroom and phone and to help you with your car.
And that’s who you were expecting to step out when it slowed to a stop — a nice, old, friendly dude. 
Except it wasn’t. 
Instead, you were faced with a tall, young (your age, it looked like actually), attractive guy wearing worn-out cowboy boots, faded jeans, an orange plaid shirt, and a cowboy hat with blonde strands peeking out from underneath. And not only was he not old or a farmer, he was also scowling at you like it was your fault he’d decided to stop.
That was enough for your open mouth to snap closed in an instant, and instead of explaining your situation to him and thanking him for stopping like you were planning on doing, you stood there frozen with wide eyes, watching as he stomped towards you like he was about to yell at you for something. 
You cringed away from his figure with your eyes squeezed shut in response to his expected lecture, only for them to pop open when he spoke in a soft, grumbled tone instead.
“Yer car’s broken?”
“Huh?” you blinked up at him like you’d just been squirted in the face with water.
He rolled his eyes before they rested back onto your face with that same scowl. “Is yer car broken?” he asked louder.
“Oh, yeah” you quickly turned away to point at it as you babbled dumbly. “I think it’s the engine. It’s really old so it kinda sucks now.”
“Lemme take a look,” he walked around you towards the hood of your car — and you just stood awestruck as your mind finally registered that he wasn’t about to attack you, and that he was instead looking down at the wires and stupid things in the hood of your car like any other normal, nice person would have.
Why’d he look so angry then? A super bad case of resting bitch face?
You trailed after him, watching from the sidelines as he fiddled around with stuff you didn’t understand, biting the inside of your cheek when he reached up to wipe away some sweat that was dripping down his face before he continued working.
You know, now that you thought about it, he was actually super good looking. Under the small shade from the hood of the car, you could carve out his features: red, piercing eyes, clear skin, a strong jawline. 
Your roommate would be so jealous if she found out some super hot cowboy helped you with your car. It was straight out of a romance book actually. If only you hadn’t thrown your phone back in the car out of anger, you could’ve snuck a picture of him and sent it to her when you finally got cell service. 
You could already imagine the look on her face if you were able to get a picture of this guy, all screwed up in anger and—
“Engine’s gone,” the cowboy’s voice came back, and you were back to being an idiot.
“What?” you blinked up at him.
“S’not fixable. Engine’s dead,” he responded as he shut the hood. “Yer gonna need a ride then?”
“Yeah, uh actually,” you rubbed the back of your neck that was definitely gonna be sunburned, “I kinda have to use the bathroom. Do you live nearby, or—”
“Town’s about thirty minutes away, n’ I live past that.”
“Shit,” you mumbled under your breath while turning away.
What the fuck were you supposed to do now?
“Jus’ go here,” he gestured to the blowing wheat field around you. “No one’s gonna find out.”
“Um, no,” you stopped him. “I’m not gonna do that.”
“Why? Yer too civilized for that shit?”
“I never said that���”
“Ya cityfolk have never had to piss outside before?” he challenged with a raised eyebrow.
You knew he was just trying to rile you up for some odd reason, trying to challenge you into doing something stupid and dumb just for the hell of it. And yet, and this sounded so idiotic, you felt like he was trying to guage something about you, to test some limit you had to see how far he could push you, and for some goddamn reason you were letting him push you past it.
Or maybe it was just because you had to pee really bad and were getting to the point where you really didn’t care anymore.
Either way your patience was running thin.
“I literally never said anything about any of that,” you huffed. “Stop putting words in my mouth. But fucking fine!” you raised your arms up in despair. “I’ll go piss somewhere out here. Happy now?”
The cowboy’s face twisted into surprise for a split second, but you watched it switch back into a frown as he stared boredly.
“Don’t take long. I’ve got places to be,” you could almost hear the chuckle in his voice — he really wasn’t as attractive now that he’d opened his mouth.
Mr. not-so-attractive-anymore cowboy didn’t even help you when you had to pull your overstuffed suitcase out of your trunk and stick it in the back of his pickup.
“A little help?” you’d looked at him with your hands on your hips after trying to hoist it onto the back of his pickup truck and failing.
“I’m the one doing you a favor,” was what he replied with before he just went and sat in the driver's seat — in response you stuck a middle finger out to his back.
It took a couple of tries, but you finally got it up and secured it — though you could feel the sweat that’d built up from you trying to lift your heavy, overpacked suitcase out in the sun and humidity. 
Damn you really wanted to kick yourself in the head for being stunned by his looks when you first saw him, his personality was actual garbage.
“Took ya long enough,” he grumbled when you swung the passenger door open, and you scoffed and rolled your eyes, making sure to close the door harsher than it needed to be in response.
You almost expected him to get angry at you for it, but at that point you didn’t care because you finally had AC. It was a sigh of relief after being stuck outside in the sweltering, afternoon sun for almost an hour, and you let yourself lean against the headrest as you finally let yourself breathe something other than the humid air outside that made you feel like you were choking on your own lungs.
The cowboy didn’t say anything after his initial comment, and you both instead drove down the road in silence as you stared out the window, watching the blur of fields and green that passed, with only the sound of the AC blasting to keep you both company.
You found yourself staring at him from the side after a while, perhaps out of boredom; and though you berated yourself once more for being so attracted to him because of how good he looked despite his personality, you couldn’t not thank him for helping you out in a dire situation.
“Thank you,” you found it in yourself to utter it somewhere besides your mind, and you noticed the slight tinge of a smile on his lips and the way his eyes slid over to you for a second.
“What was that?”
“You heard me the first time,” you groaned, resting your head in the palm of your hands while your elbow leaned on the door handle.
That elicited a small chuckle from the cowboy, and somehow you found yourself smiling in return.
“What am I supposed to do with my car?” you took advantage of the more normal mood. “I can’t just leave it on the side of the road.”
“I know someone who can deal with that in town, s’not really a problem.”
“Is there cell service there?” you instantly shot up. “I really have to tell my parents about what happened since they were expecting me to be home in the evening.”
“There’s nothin’ really in town, to be honest — most people use landlines ‘round here,” he shrugged. “Where I live’s got service though, I can bring you there.”
“...Thank you..” you found yourself choking out again. It had to be his stupidly handsome face, there was nothing else that could explain it. 
You noticed the small twitching smile on his lips again before it disappeared into his resting bitch face, but he wasn’t cocky about your thanks this time.
“S’not a big deal,” he grumbled back.
“I’m Y/N.” You decided to make the leap before the car settled back into the sound of blasting AC.
“Katsuki,” he replied without missing a beat.
At least now you knew Mr. Cowboy’s name.
“Town’s up ahead,” Katsuki spoke after a minute or so, pointing towards the small sign posted at the side of the road that read Welcome to Auburn Springs — and you watched the deserted-looking fields transform into roads and small buildings through the window as Katsuki began slowing down to adhere to the changed speed limit.
It looked straight out of those old western movies your dad was obsessed with for some reason — with small, cramped and shabby buildings lining the main road, though they all seemed to be out of use with either boarded up doors and windows or peeling signs that read CLOSED.
These used to be businesses, you quickly realized, from the couple of handpainted, faded logos that were still stuck to a couple of windows; but they all had to be shut down for some reason. Perhaps the buildings were too old?
“This is town?” you turned to Katsuki, confused. How did people get anything done?
“Old town,” he grumbled back. “Main street’s up ahead.”
You nodded before turning back out the window, taking note of Katsuki turning right at the edge of the street to where you were met with a lot of buildings with very obviously newer construction (though it was still quite old fashioned — but it wasn’t historic). 
Smaller, obviously Mom and Pop shops, lined the street — you caught a motel, a café, and a small grocery store — following the curve of the road as it went into a roundabout at what you guessed was the center of town. A towering fountain stood in the middle of the small square, a young man standing proudly in the middle of it, watching over all the stores for their protection.
Katsuki pulled past the roundabout into a small parking lot behind one of the buildings on the side, and quickly gestured for you to get out. 
“I’ll take ya to the tow shop first,” he guided you back towards the stores, and you got a better view of the small town center and the shops that lined it, the small boxes of flowers that were laid out on the sidewalk next to the streetlamps, the single stoplight at the end of the road with a blinking yellow light — you guessed a lot of people didn’t come by.
“Ya comin’?”
You hadn’t realized you’d stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to stare.
Your head snapped back to where Katsuki was standing. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry.”
He nodded slightly, gesturing to the shop behind him and for you to follow him in. When he opened the door to walk in, you half expected him to let the door fall closed behind him; you couldn’t really stop your eyes from widening when he held the door open for you, stunned in place until he glared at you and gestured for you to walk in.
You were immediately blasted with air again, coming from the large fan attached to the cracked ceiling, met with a small shop: an empty counter in the back, and a couple of comfy old armchairs chairs in the foreground with a round, wooden table in the middle.
“Ei!” Katsuki called out, and it startled you out of the calm silence that was present in the shop.
“One sec Katsuki I’m coming!” someone called out from somewhere in the back, maybe there was a hidden room back there.
Katsuki huffed before walking towards the counter while you followed behind him slowly and unsurely, guessing you were waiting for whoever Ei was.
“Sorry, Sorry I–” a tall, red-haired guy (who was also very attractive — was this where all the hot guys had gone?) appeared from some side door that you hadn’t noticed, pausing when he saw you standing there behind the counter as well. “...I was just eating lunch really quickly. I, uh, how can I help you ma’am?”
You opened your mouth to answer but Katsuki was already talking just as the words were forming in your head.
“Her car’s stuck on the side of the highway — the side road ya know? ‘Bout thirty minutes out of town — engine looked like it was busted.”
“Ei” stood there for a few seconds, blinking between you and Katsuki for what felt like hours before his eyes brightened and smiled at the both of you.
“That’s not a problem ma’am,” he nodded towards you. “I can grab it easily and bring it over to Sero’s across the street. He can fix it up for ya if it isn’t too messed up.”
“That would be a life saver, thank you,” you spoke before Katsuki could say anything. “How much do I owe you?”
Ei just let out a smile. “S’not a problem. Any friend of Katsuki’s is a friend of mine.”
“She’s not a friend,” you heard a pained grumble from beside you, and you rolled your eyes.
“No, I insist,” you pushed, turning back to Ei. “I can’t ask you to do something like that without paying you for it.”
Ei let out a small chuckle, with a look directed towards Katsuki that you couldn’t exactly make out, before replying. “Twen’y dollars is enough.”
You dug through the wallet that had been sitting in your back pocket, fishing out a fifty dollar bill instead and placing it on the counter.
Ei opened his mouth to ask about giving you change but you stopped him before he could speak.
“Keep it. You don’t have to charge me a heavily discounted price.”
A slow, toothy smile spread on his face once more, as he glanced back between both you and Katsuki before sliding the bill back over the counter to his side and tucking it to somewhere you couldn’t see it.
“I’ll let ya know tomorrow when I get the car over to Sero’s. Ya got a number that’s good to call?” he grabbed a notepad from his side of the counter and a pen, scribbling quickly as you rattled off your phone number.
“Great, I’ll give ya a call tomorrow ma’am,” he nodded his head slightly. 
“Oh, you don’t need to call me that,” you stopped him. It felt weird being called something that made you feel so old. “Just Y/N’s fine.”
“Good to know,” he reached his hand out towards yours over the counter, eyes sliding over towards Katsuki in a way that you didn’t notice. “I’m Eijirou, Miss Y/N.”
You shook his hand with a smile — two super attractive dudes in one day? Your roommate was gonna be mad mad that she decided not to come back with you when you’d asked. “Nice to meet you Mr. Eijirou.”
Katsuki cleared his throat, and both you and Eijirou’s handshake broke apart in time for Katsuki to come close enough to grumble in your ear that you looked like you were going to pass out.
“Go get somethin’ from the café across the other side of the fountain,” he pointed out the window. “You’ll get heatstroke otherwise.”
You could barely get yourself to register how close he was standing next to you as he practically breathed down your neck with the smell of his woody, spicy aftershave swallowing you — so you nodded quickly, waved bye to both (and the cool air from the fan) before you pressed open the door and stepped out to shield them both from the view of your flushed face. You could practically feel the heat radiating off your cheeks as you power walked across the sidewalk, trying not to think about what’d just happened in less than a minute.
“Who was she?” Eijirou gave a cheeky smile as he leaned forward on the counter once the door closed behind you. “Ya finally got yourself a girl, man?”
“No one you fuckass,” Katsuki rolled his eyes as he sneered. 
“She didn’t look like no one,” Kirishima’s smile widened.
“Jus’ found her on the side of the road and she needed help. Nothin’ more than that.”
“Yeah right Katsuki,” he let out a chuckle. “Yer not known to be the most helpful out there.”
“What’s that supposed t’mean?”
“I’ve known you since we were kids, ‘kay? Yer not exactly known to hold open doors for girls,” Eijirou rose his eyebrows in a smug look. “And I can’t blame ya. She’s pretty.”
“Whatever,” Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest as he turned away.
“Would’ya mind if I asked her out then?” Eijirou hit him with the ultimatum, a growing smirk on his face as he watched Katsuki’s shoulders tense in anger. “I already got her number too, I could ask her tomorrow when I call ‘bout her car. Maybe we could go down to the bar and get a couple drinks, I’ll invite her back—”
“Fine, ya little shit.” Katsuki whirled back around with a scowl imprinted into his features. That’s the reaction he was looking for. “She’s pretty or whatever, ‘kay? I just stopped ‘cause I saw her jumpin’ on the side of the road like a lunatic. But that doesn’t mean anythin’. I don’t like her or nothin’.”
“I never said anything about likin’ her,” Eijirou chuckled. “S’not a bad thing, man. It’s good that yer letting yerself out a lil’. And she seems like a nice person to do that with.”
“Gimme that fifty back,” Katsuki opened his palm over the counter. “Put it on my tab instead.”
Eijirou stuck it in his palm without hesitation, a small, knowing smirk resting over his face as he watched Katsuki stick into his back pocket.
Katsuki liked you.
As it turned out, Katsuki had gone to the city for a farmer’s market (as he did every Sunday and Tuesday), which meant he had to go to that little grocery store you’d noticed to sell off the couple extra crates of fruit he had sitting in the back of the truck. Even though you tried to tell him that you could help him carry at least one as thanks for giving you a ride, he told you that your “noodle arms” weren’t gonna be of any help to him, and carried all of them across the street while telling you to stay by the pickup truck with your iced tea.
It was winding down towards the evening, you realized, as you watched the wispy clouds overhead take their slow strides across the blue sky; the sun was definitely leaning towards the western hemisphere of the sky now, towards a string of mountains that laid in the distance.
Out of plain curiosity, you slipped your phone out of your pocket to see if there was any cell service available. Even a little bit would’ve been fine at that point, you just had to tell your parents what happened and that your trip was probably canceled.
But, as Katsuki had said, there was nothing, not even a single bar, and you only had about five percent of battery left. Great.
You shoved it back into your pocket without another thought, sipping from your iced tea while shielding your eyes from the sun. 
“If ya drink like that yer gonna have to piss again.”
Mr. Cowboy Katsuki was back.
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes and flipped him off before walking towards the passenger’s side.
He only barked out a laugh that startled you, leaving him in a lopsided smile that you couldn’t exactly understand — but you were both on the road before you knew it, passing by a couple of different farms that he pointed out because you couldn’t tell the difference between wheat and barley. 
It wasn’t long until he pointed out that they’d passed his property line, and you watched the wheat fields turn into corn as Katsuki turned into a smaller, winding road up to a large house you could see from the distance.
“That’s the main house,” Katsuki knew to explain from your curious stare. “I don’t live there. It’s where my boss lives.”
“Oh. What’s your job then?”
“I’m a ranch hand, I help out with stuff ‘round the property. Takin’ of horses and cows n’ shit.”
Well that explained the cowboy outfit.
“I thought you said you were taking me to where you lived.”
“I do live here. I don’t live there, though,” he gestured towards the house specifically. “There’re smaller cabins scattered around the property — two others live on site too.”
“Ranch hands, you mean?”
He grumbled in agreement, and you nodded as you watched the house grow larger and larger until he’d parked the truck right in the middle of the driveway.
You followed him out of the car as he marched straight into the house as if he owned the place, taking hesitant steps until you closed the front door behind you to observe the cozy space that’d been made; a beautiful stone fireplace was what you noticed when you first walked in, as well as the two tufted, brown leather couches with, what looked like, a hand-quilted blanket tossed over the side, and a wooden coffee table in the center to complete the living room.
It made you want to curl up with a book and a cup of coffee just from the sight of it, but you were in some random person’s house you had to remind yourself as you followed where you saw Katsuki disappear to the kitchen (which was small, quaint — with a pretty bowl of fruit on the counter and a dark stained dining table already set with four places of silverware) and the back door where you could see him standing through the window talking to someone.
You quickly made your way outside, where Katsuki was talking to an older man with a large crate in his hands; he was thinned and tall, with blonde hair that stuck out from under the straw hat he was wearing and bright, cheerful blue eyes — with a small smile peeking from his lips when he noticed that you were standing there.
What did Katsuki say to him?
“Sorry to hear about yer car,” he approached you, a gentle tone in his voice. “I do hope it can be fixed tomorrow so you can go home. In the meantime, why don’t you stay in the guest bedroom upstairs?”
“Are you sure?” you blinked. You hadn’t even said anything to the dude and he was already offering to let you stay the night? “I don’t want to be any trouble, I mean there was a motel in town I could just stay–”
“Ya can’t even drive there by yerself,” Bakugou interrupted. “And I’m sure as hell not driving ya there.”
“It would be no trouble,” the man said as he walked up onto the porch. “I have more than enough food ready and the guest room’s always prepared.”
“Uh, then yes. Thank you, Mr…”
“Toshinori,” he nodded as he passed you to step inside. “Just Toshinori, no need for honorifics.”
“Thank you, Toshinori.”
“Of course. Katsuki, get ‘er suitcase outta the trunk, will ya? And show her where the guest bedroom is,” Toshinori said before disappearing into the kitchen, and you inwardly smirked when Katsuki grumbled under his breath about having to lug your heavy suitcase up the stairs yet showed you back through the house and up the stairs without saying anything to Toshinori.
He just pointed towards the room from across the hall, told you the bathroom was right across from it, and trudged back down the stairs with his heavy boot fall to go get your suitcase.
You wandered into the room, taking in the simple wooden bed frame and linen sheets, the matching dresser and nightstand set as well as the lacy curtains that were tied to the edges of the window to let the sun in.
It was pretty and pleasing and simple, and you sat down on the bed without thinking about it to grab your phone from its spot in your back pocket, only to be greeted by a (what seemed like) a thousand notifications from your parents and your roommate — which meant you’d finally gotten some cell service.
You called your mom first, of course — she would’ve killed you if you hadn’t — and she was almost crying when you told her that you were okay and that the car had just decided to be a piece of shit and break down in the worst place possible. She seemed hesitant to hang up once you’d finished, but she ran out of things to tell you about and finally had to let you go after about two minutes.
Your roommate though, you savored that conversation.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” she screamed. “You just happen to be stuck where all the hot people are and you can’t even send me a picture of one of them?”
“It was only like, two hot guys but whatever.”
“Okay, okay, okay — what about the cowboy though? You said he was an asshole but he was hella good looking. Like how good looking, describe him.”
“Um, well he’s blonde, and tall,” you bit the inside of your cheek. “Super attractive. Probably toned too, I mean he does work on a farm all day, I’m sure he does a lot of heavy lifting.”
“Anything else?” she pressed. “Give me specifics here.”
“His eyes are red, like a really pretty, vibrant red — kinda like a strawberry, sorta. And he’s always kinda frowning. That’s why I was scared of him when I first saw him! I thought he was gonna come and yell at me, I swear–”
You were interrupted by knocking, where you whirled around to find Katsuki standing at your open door with your suitcase, his (what you guessed, at this point you only knew him for like, two hours) usual frown on his face but with a new look you hadn’t seen in his eyes.
Shit. He fucking heard me, right?
“Dinner’s in twen’y,” was all he said before he left — and you let out a sigh of relief in return at the lack of reaction.
By the time you’d washed your face and gotten downstairs, the table had already been joined by two other guys, who, you guessed, were the other ranch hands Katsuki was talking about earlier, along with an additional place setting at the end of the table. One of the guys was covered in freckles and had green hair, and the other had dual-colored red and white hair. Izuku, who you learned was the green-haired guy, asked you a million questions about college: what you majored in, what it was like living in the city, how it was to attend classes everyday — everything he could probably think about; in the meantime Shoto, Mr. red and white hair, sat quietly and nodded along to whatever Izuku said. 
Surprisingly, Katsuki did the same as Shoto did, with the occasional grunt to something or a one-word answer when Toshinori told him about something that had to be done the next day, and it was surprising to see him act un-snarky compared to how he’d been earlier; you kinda wanted to kick him under the table just to see what he would do in response, but you didn’t want to be rude, especially not when his boss was nice enough to let you stay the night without even meeting you — for all he knew, you might rob the place and sneak away when no one was awake.
And honestly, it was nice to sit down and eat at a dinner table, it felt like you were at home when you were in highschool, where your mom did that thing where she made everyone go around the table and talk about one thing interesting they learned that day; it was so different from the nights you’d spent cooped up in the quiet library with a simple sandwich so you could get through your essay in time.
You were quick to offer help in cleaning up (since you’d been upstairs pacing around your room trying to convince yourself that Katsuki, in fact, hadn’t heard what you’d said about him and the weird glint in his eye was made up in your mind) since you’d been upstairs when they were setting the table, stacking all the plates silverware and bringing them over to the sink where Katsuki was already washing his.
“Just put ‘em down, I’ll do ‘em,” he pointed to the counter space next to the sink.
“I can help though,” you crossed your arms over your chest. He hadn’t even let you carry one crate when you were in town — he had to at least let you help here.
“Clean up the lefto’ers,” he rolled his eyes before going back to scrubbing a plate. “There’s smaller containers in that cabinet next to the fridge. Put ‘em in there and bring me the bigger dishes.”
“Aye Aye Captain.”
You heard him grumble under his breath and you laughed as you stuffed leftover carrots into a smaller tupperware container.
It was kinda funny, actually, how your perception of him had changed in the past couple hours: you’d gone from being scared of him, to thinking he was attractive, then finding out he was an asshole, and now you were stuck in this weird limbo of being friendly and awkward with him.
“Do you have a phone charger I could borrow?” you asked as you placed the larger dishes next to the sink. “My phone is about to die and I forgot to bring one.”
“I won’t lose it or break it if that's what you’re thinking,” you stood next to him as finished up the dishes.
“Can’t,” was all he said as he used a towel to dry his hands.
“Why not?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t have one.”
That made you pause for a second, stuck in place as you watched him shuffle to the other side of the kitchen to do something.
“What do you mean you don’t have one?”
“I don’t have one,” he shrugged.
“What do you use to charge your phone then?”
“I have one but it won’t work on yers.”
“Why? What phone do you have?”
And damn, were you shocked when he pulled an old flip phone out of his back pocket to show you.
“Are you serious?” you blinked between him and the phone in his hand, watching as the scowl on his face deepened — and that was about all you could take before you burst into laughter. “How do you do anything on it? Can you even text on it or what?”
“Oh shaddup,” he grumbled as he shoved it into his back pocket, watching as you could barely hold yourself up as you laughed about him being a grandpa and the phone being from the 1990s.
The both of you’d actually forgotten that everyone else was still in the kitchen with you — until Midoriya told you that he had a phone charger you could borrow, leaving you and Katsuki standing there and staring at the rest of the kitchen with wide eyes until you could finally muster out a “yes” and a “thank you”.
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Waking up the next morning without the sound of your phone alarm screaming at you to get up so you could lug yourself to class was refreshing, to say the least. It was almost strange to wake up naturally, to the sunlight streaming in through the window and the view of the green fields outside. 
It was probably the most relaxed you’d felt in a while.
In fact you were so relaxed, that you stumbled down the stairs after just crawling out of bed in need of some coffee since you remembered that you’d noticed one when you were in the kitchen yesterday. It was already late morning, so you expected that everyone else would be out doing whatever their jobs were anyways, it wouldn’t matter what you looked like.
The wooden floors creaked underfoot as you stepped into the kitchen, beelining straight to the coffee pot that sat on the counter next to the fridge — a smile perking up when you realized there was already coffee in it, and it was still a good temperature.
But you almost spilled coffee all over yourself when someone cleared their throat, and you whirled around to find Katsuki sitting at the kitchen table with a mug in hand; a stupid smirk climbing up his face as he realized he’d scared you.
“Did sleeping beauty finally wake up?” he sipped his coffee, looking up at you through his eyebrows.
You only rolled your eyes as you took a sip from your own mug, though you pulled away after a second because it was way too bitter.
“Do you guys have any creamer or something?”
“Fridge,” he grumbled — eyes following as you opened it and grabbed a small glass container, pouring it into your coffee and putting it back before stirring it with a spoon and coming to sit at the table.
“What time do you wake up?” you asked after a moment. “I’m guessing you didn’t just get up and come here to grab coffee.”
“Around six,” he shrugged. “We try to do more work in the mornings so it’s not too hot.”
You just nodded as you went back to sipping on your coffee, watching from the windows as the fields swayed in response to the wind. Life seemed to move so much slower out here, which was so strange compared to the busy lifestyle you were used to.
And what felt even stranger was Katsuki sitting next to you, sipping on his coffee, without a care in the world — strangely domestic, even. You could find yourself imagining your future like this, in a small little kitchen being served pancakes and coffee as you stared out to the pretty, lush fields outside.
But, why were you thinking about this with Katsuki?
You turned to look at him discreetly, watching his throat move slowly as he sipped on his coffee, the steam still rising from the cup. 
How was he able to drink it when it was so hot? Was he secretly burning his tongue and keeping quiet about it?
“Ei–Eijirou call you yet?” Katsuki (speak of the devil) asked suddenly, his voice harder and colder, a contrast to what it had been when he’d first called you out for sleeping in.
“I don’t think so,” you shrugged, sitting up straighter. “I haven’t checked my phone yet. But I’m pretty sure his phone call would’ve woken me up.”
“Let me know what happens,” he said as he pushed himself up from the table. “I can drive ya into town if it gets fixed.”
“I will,” was all you could say before he was already out on the porch, back door slamming behind him as you were left staring at the rest of the empty kitchen.
The sudden change in his behavior threw you off, leaving you with whiplash as you took another small sip of your coffee. You thought the both of you would continue being as friendly as you had been yesterday — if “friendly” could be defined as trying to get a rise out of the other, but to you it meant the same.
What’d happened in the few minutes that neither of you were talking?
You could only let out a sigh, pushing yourself up from the table to wash your mug in the sink with a small, unnoticed frown settling over your lips. And it, once more, led you towards the question: why were you thinking about Katsuki?
And you could try to justify it by saying it was because he was the only person you’d really talked to in the entire town — maybe the only person you really got to know (in a small way). Maybe it was just because he was attractive, and there was some sort of pull that always seemed to lead to wherever he was — you really weren’t sure.
Omygodddd…. I’m getting hung up over a guy I’ve barely met.
And with that, you headed upstairs to take a shower and clear your head.
You were, once again, reminded by the circumstances of your trip when you opened your suitcase to only find it stuffed with winter clothes — a byproduct of you still having a majority of your wardrobe stuck in your room at your parents house. You’d been planning on switching out your winter wardrobe with the summer clothes from home over your week spent there, since the sweaters and puffy jackets took up too much space for anything else to fit in your small, shared dorm closet.
The only thing that seemed to be appropriate for the weather outside was an oversized university t-shirt that you’d gotten at the beginning of the year that you’d promptly forgotten about, only found a couple days ago when you packed your whole wardrobe away — and a pair of jeans.
The shirt seemed to swallow you though, since the university had just given out large sizes for everyone (maybe because they expected everyone was gonna be a giant football player for some reason), so you tied it up into a somewhat crop top just so you wouldn’t drown in the cheap cotton.
If you weren’t able to go home this week and switch out your clothes, you might find yourself dying in the heat when you went back for classes next week. At least then you’d have an excuse to tell your parents to buy clothes instead of school supplies.
As you went through your suitcase to see if there was anything you could wear in hotter weather (maybe something had just slipped in), your phone started ringing. 
You only assumed it was your mom, asking what an update was on the situation with your car, and answered it without looking at the screen. 
When “Hey, it’s Eijirou,” came out instead of Hi honey, you had to pause just to register what was going on.
“Hi, Eijirou,” you finally answered, sitting down on your bed. “Sorry, I’m going through my suitcase.”
“Nah yer all good. I wanted to tell you I brought yer car to Sero’s already. He said the engine looks real old. He’s gonna try and fix it, but he said there’s no promises. I’ll call ya later in the evening once he’s finished.”
“Damn, that was fast.”
“Yeah, well there’s not exactly a lotta business ‘round here. Only luck we have is if someone’s drivin’ and their car breaks down — like what happened with you.” You heard him chuckle from the other end of the phone before it settled into silence for a second or so. “How’s Katsuki treating ya?”
The topic startled you. Was he reading your mind or what? And, what exactly were you supposed to say when you knew they were probably friends of some sort? Katsuki called him Ei.
“Um, fine?” you sounded like you were unsure, which wasn’t what you were going for since you were just confused as to where it came from.
“Lemme know if he’s being an asshole — I’ll whack him upside the head for ya. He doesn’t exactly have a lotta experience being open with others.”
“I’ll, uh — I’ll keep that in mind,” you responded just as unsure, which was then met with an awkward silence that he finally ended with an “I’ll call ya later about the car” and a goodbye.
You hung up the phone feeling more confused about what was going on with Katsuki than you’d started, and just decided to ignore all of it to head downstairs and tell him about the situation with your car — he did say to tell him what happened when you got the call from Eijirou.
No one was in the kitchen when you stepped out to the back porch, making sure to close the door behind you. It was the first time you’d seen the rest of the farm in its openness, and not through a window. 
A vegetable garden was what first caught your eyes, sitting in a small fenced area just next to the porch with neat little rows and small wooden signs labeling each crop. A faded red barn sat just a couple hundred feet past that, with a couple of windows you could see horses through as you walked past a separate patch of strawberries. 
You spotted one of the cabins that Katsuki had been talking about earlier towards the left of it all: a neat little wood cabin with a small, clean porch, a welcome mat, and a rocking chair out front. 
You found Katsuki standing at the side of the barn with a hose and a bucket, washing a foal who looked like they’d rather do anything than be there at that moment.
He didn’t say anything when he noticed you’d approached him, evidenced by the double take he’d given your figure before he went back to brushing the wriggling horse to make sure the soap cleansed them thoroughly.
“Eijirou called about the car.”
He didn’t look up as he responded. “And?”
“He said that Sero said the engine looked pretty old, so it might not be able to get fixed. But he’ll call later in the evening to let me know for sure.”
You heard him hum before he doused the foal with hose water.
“I’m not really sure what to do now,” you continued, leaning against the wall. “If the car isn’t fixable does that mean I’m stuck? I don’t wanna ask my parents to come out all the way here just to get me.”
“I’ve gotta go to the farmers market in the city again tomorrow,” Katsuki grumbled as he towel-dried the foal (who snuggled into his warmth). “I can jus’ take ya with me.”
“Are you sure?” you pressed. “I don’t want to be a burden and–”
“Stop talkin’ shit,” he rolled his eyes as he scooped the foal up and walked back into the barn with you following. “M’already going there — S’not a burden if I’m already headed there anyways. Jus’ lemme know what happens later and we’ll see.”
“Thank you,” you sighed, watching him place the foal back into the stable with its mother, where it rushed straight to nurse from her. “What’s their name?” you turned to Katsuki.
“The foal? Her name’s Lavender.”
“That’s pretty,” you hummed.
“Thought it was fitting for a spring baby,” he shrugged, rearranging some of the tack equipment to their proper places on the opposing wall.
You walked over to another horse, a pretty brown mare who had her head sticking out of her stall, trying to gauge your attention. 
“You named them?”
“Some of ‘em, yeah,” he gestured to the pretty girl who was now nuzzling your hand to encourage you to keep running your fingers across her face. “She’s Iris.”
“I used to love naming horses,” you gave your full attention to the creature in front of you, scratching the sides of her ears as she bent down. You could feel Katsuki’s stare from the back of your head.
“My grandparents had horses,” you continued. “They lived not too far from the town I live in, so we’d try and visit them in the summer. They used to let me name the summer babies when we visited — one of them was Baby. She was a baby horse so I only thought it was proper to name her Baby. I was three, I think,” you chuckled. “Another one was Strawberry — because I had an obsession with strawberries when I was six.”
When you looked back at Katsuki, he was leaning against the opposing wall, staring at you — more like observing you, actually; like you were some animal in your natural habitat on some nature documentary.
“The first horse I ever named was this black mare when I was ten,” he spoke, hands dug into his sides with his arms crossed over his chest. “Called her Cherry.”
“That sounds like a hooker’s name,” you raised an eyebrow, watching as the soft expression he wore turned into a playful sneer.
“Hah? As if Baby and Strawberry aren’t hooker names.”
“Well, I mean, they could be,” you rolled your eyes. “But I feel like they’re not as obvious as Cherry.”
“Whatever,” he bit back, pushing himself off the wall. “Still a better name than Baby.”
“I was three!”
“Whatever you say,” you heard him chuckle as he strode out, hands shoved into his pocket with a cocky stance. “Now are ya gonna help me, or are ya just gonna stand around and stare?”
“Help you with what, exactly?” It was your turn to cross your arms over your chest with an eyebrow raised. “I thought I was too weak to help.”
“This is different.”
“What is it?”
He didn’t answer you as he charged straight out of the barn, his stupid cowboy boots leaving you in the dust as you were forced to follow behind him without an answer. 
Katsuki led you past the vegetable garden you saw earlier to the small patch of strawberries you’d noticed, though you didn’t get what he meant by saying he needed “help” with them. Picking them? 
The cabin you’d noticed earlier lay nearby as well, under the cool shade of the grove of trees outlining the main house — and you stood, watching as  Katsuki ran up the small steps of the porch to grab two baskets, before coming back to hand you one.
“That cabin’s yours?” you squinted in the sun, almost jealous that you weren’t wearing some bigass cowboy hat that would protect your eyes.
“Yeah,” he grunted. “Strawberries are mine too,” he gestured towards the small, fenced area. “I grew ‘em myself for the market.”
“Really? That’s so cool,” you followed him, stepping over the fence. “So you sell them for yourself then?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “The old man said he doesn’t really care what we do since we’ve already helped him for so long.”
“Do you just sell them as plain strawberries — or do you make stuff out of them?”
“Jus’ jam, usually,” he grunted, leaning down as he began picking the fruits off the bushes and tossing them into his basket. “Don’t really get enough time to do much else.”
You hummed, leaning down at another bush as you plucked off a couple strawberries and placed them into the basket held in the crook of your elbow. They were so vibrantly red, like the color of expensive lipstick your roommate liked to wear out to a bar (under the guise that it’d attract rich, hot dudes)  — like the color of Katsuki’s eyes, just as you’d noticed the night before.
You kind of wanted to eat all of them, though you weren’t sure that Katsuki would be happy about you gobbling down all of his strawberries. He’d probably tear you a new one. But, maybe a taste wouldn’t hurt.
You plucked a small one, as ripe and red as some of the larger ones you’d picked, just so it would be more discreet — a small smile creeping up when you saw that Katsuki was busy doing what he was doing; you were about to pop it into your mouth when you noticed a beetle making it’s journey through the leaves of the bush before it crawled into one of the branches and disappeared into the plant, and immediately decided against trying any of them before they were washed.
It wasn’t too long til your basket was filled to the brim, threatening to overflow from the way they were piled on top of each other; it was heavy enough that it required two hands to hold it.
Katsuki was just about finished too, finally standing up to his full height and wiping away the sweat that’d dripped down his forehead with the back of his forearm before his eyes settled on you. A small, sly smirk had made its way up to his lips, though you couldn’t understand why he was looking at you like that.
“What’s the look for?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You need both hands to hold the basket?” he snorted.
You wrinkled your nose as soon as you realized he was carrying his own with a single sturdy hand — almost making the stupid basket look as light as air, even though you knew how heavy it was since it was just as filled (if not more) as yours was.
“Well sorry Mr. I work on a farm and basically lift weights for a living, that I need two hands to hold the basket so I don’t fall on my ass,” you huffed, rolling your eyes when he let out his bark of a laugh.
“Jus’ gimme that,” he walked towards you, holding his other hand out.
“No. I can carry it on my own.” Even though my shoulders are killing me. But feminism!
“It looks like yer arms are about to pop off,” he took another step closer. “Give it.”
“Nope,” you answered, making sure to pop the p while rolling your feet back and forth between your toes and heels.
“Give me the basket, shitty woman.”
“You said I should be helping you,” you emphasized. “This is me helping you.”
“You can help me — by giving me the basket.”
“How is that helping you?”
“Ya can’t exactly do anything else if yer arms fall off,” he rolled his eyes, ignoring the offended look you gave him. “B’sides, I want ya to go grab the jars for me.”
His hand comes to grab the handle you’re gripping tightly, fingers accidentally brushing against yours as the smell of aftershave hits your nose, just as it had yesterday from how close you’re standing — it makes your stomach flutter from how warm and rough his hands are, just from that little glimpse you catch of him, and you almost drop the basket in the process.
“Wh-Where are they?” you don’t break the eye contact that’s connected you, his hand still over yours.
“M’house,” he rasps — and you swallow, thickly, letting the weight of the basket shift from your hands to his before he continues. “They’re on the counter.”
You nod slightly, finally breaking the heat of his stare and his fingers when you fully let go of the basket and turn to the small cabin, thankful for the cool shade of the trees when you step up the porch from how hot your face has become, like you’d gotten a sunburn.
The little welcome mat invites you in as you push open his front door; and though it feels strange walking into someone’s house like that, you don’t want to look back at Katsuki and give him the opportunity to notice your flushed face.
You settle on not being nosy as you make your way into his kitchen after wiping your shoes on the welcome mat, just taking note of his decor’s simplicity and the cleanliness of the small cabin. There was a cardboard box filled with jars sitting on the counter, just as he said there would be — which you grabbed easily before making your way outside. 
Katsuki was still standing where he had been, feet rooted in the same position under the sun with flushed cheeks under his cowboy hat — an unreadable expression on his face before he turned and began trudging towards the house with you by his side. There was nothing besides the crunch of dirt underfoot and the birds you could hear from the trees. Your shoulders occasionally bumped due to your unfamiliarity with the uneven ground, but he never said anything — so you left it.
The kitchen was quiet too, when you both walked in, with only the sound of the fan whirring from the living room ceiling while you looked up to Katsuki, wondering what’d happened again.
Every time there was a moment between you, it disappeared to reveal Katsuki being harsher than he had been previously — and it was always in a matter of seconds. Sure, he hadn’t been welcoming when you met him, but he was still willing to stop at the side of the road to help a complete stranger; that could tell you enough about his character. 
You watched from the kitchen table as he washed the strawberries in a large plastic bowl in the sink, rinsing them out a couple of times before he placed them between your seat at the table and the one next to you. As he turned away to get whatever else he needed, you stole a strawberry — popping it into your mouth, eyes widening from how good it was.
After plucking the stem off another, a firm hand stopped you from taking a bite out of it; and Katsuki gave you a sneer after stealing it and taking a bite while he sat in the seat next to you.
“Cut ‘em small,” he pushed a knife and a cutting board your way.
“What’re you doing then?” you raised your eyebrows, watching as he finished off the rest of the strawberry he’d stolen.
“Making sure ya do it correctly,” he leaned back in his chair.
“That’s not fair.”
“It is if yer a thief.”
“It was one.”
“I saw you take the first one,” he smirked, leaving you to roll your eyes before pulling the bowl closer and getting to work.
He hovered over you for the first five you did, commenting that you were cutting the strawberry cubes too big or too small (though you weren’t sure it mattered if they were ‘too’ small — didn’t you want it as small as possible for jam?). But when he finally approved of the size of the pieces, you built up a pace for yourself — slicing them long twice before cutting them three (or four, depending on the size of the strawberry) ways across — tossing them into a different bowl Katsuki’d provided when the cutting board became too full.
It didn’t take as long as you would have expected, your fingers stained red and ready to prune when you finished, before looking up to find Katsuki’s nodding head bobbing alongside you.
“Not too bad for a newbie,” he smirked, standing up and grabbing sugar. 
After adding the amount he deemed necessary, he showed you how he got it ready to cook by mixing the sugar and strawberries with a spatula until the mixture was soupy and liquidy. He transferred it to a pot on the stove, still stirring it with the same spatula as he explained what to do.
“If it starts sticking, ya need to take it off and lower the heat,” was one of the pieces of advice he gave (the only one you retained)  — but all you could do was watch the top of his cowboy hat bob up and down from your spot on the countertop, kicking your legs slightly as you watched him go through the motions of making strawberry jam.
It continued on for twenty minutes, of him explaining small things that you weren’t really listening to as he continued to stir it; until you watched the foam bubble down to reveal a shiny jam, darker than the color of the original strawberries.
“Put the kettle on,” he ordered, and you kicked your legs out as you pushed yourself off the counter. 
You wandered to the other side of the kitchen to do as he asked, watching as he turned the gas off and let the pot start cooling down while stirring.
“What’s the water for?”
“So the jars don’t break,” he looked up. “The glass shatters if the temperature difference is too high.”
He had you pour the water into the jars to warm them up before he came to the table and started filling them up with a ladle stolen from a kitchen drawer, handing them to you to seal and cap them. 
The process was quiet and concentrated, as you both went through the motions of filling up each jar and sealing them, until you were finished and left with about thirty jars.
It was when you finished that you realized how close you were sitting next to each other, shoulders almost touching, your pinky fingers basically intertwined; you could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. And when you turned to look at him, you noticed how close your faces were to each other — how you you could practically feel his breath fanning your face when he did the same, how his eyes seemed to roam your face the same way yours were doing to his — and how it felt like you were getting closer; an invisible string was drawing you together, bringing you both closer and closer as you stared at his lips.
“Oh — jam?”
All it took was an instant for the both of you to break eye contact, turning to stare at the back door. Shoto had stepped in, completely disregarding the both of you as he walked forward and picked up a jar. You barely realized when Katsuki’s expression had turned into a sneer and he’d stood up from the table without missing a beat.
“Beat it half n’ half.”
“But, it’s lunch,” Shoto stared at him blankly.
And just like that, it was like nothing had happened. Again.
Lunch consisted of peanut butter and jam sandwiches (because Katsuki had argued that you couldn’t refer to his jam as jelly — even though they were basically the same thing), and earned you the nickname “strawberry shortcake” when you dropped jam on your shirt. 
(“Didn’t ya say you were obsessed with strawberries?” Katsuki smirked when you asked him where it came from.)
Eijirou called after lunch to let you know that the car wasn’t able to be fixed and that Sero wanted to buy it so he could use some of the parts. The news wasn’t that surprising, since your parents had bought it second hand as soon as you got your driver's license when you turned sixteen and that you were now a rising senior in college; and after a quick phone call to your parents to let them know about the situation, they agreed the best thing to do would be selling it so you could buy a new car.
You didn’t even notice when the sun began hanging low in the sky — and the afternoon turned to evening. 
It was during dinner that you realized that you probably wouldn’t get a chance to see anyone ever again. Even if you hadn’t spent time with Shoto or Izuku — it was easy to see how nice and welcoming they were. It led to the four of you (Katsuki tagged along too) laying outside beside a small campfire and drinking beer, trading stories as if you’d known each other your entire life.
It was fun to learn about their lives in a small town: how everyone had practically known each other by the time they were five and all the shenanigans they would get up to. They told you about their other friends, the ones who’d moved away for bigger opportunities in bigger cities — and you noticed the way Katsuki’s face seemed to fall when the topic was brought up, even though he hid it by sipping on his beer quietly.
Both Shoto and Izuku eventually waved their goodbyes when they got up to go to bed, in the case that they wouldn’t be able to see in the morning if they were too busy, leaving you and Katsuki to quietly sip beer by the flames in comfortable silence.
“It’s weird to think that I won’t see you again,” you murmured after a while. The couple of beers you drank seemed to loosen the restraint your mind was holding on your mouth, and you stared up at the sky after a moment when he didn’t answer. “I won’t get the chance to be here again.”
Katsuki hummed in response, watching as you began tracing out constellations with your finger, muttering the names to yourself in the exact stupid way Deku used to. But, he wasn’t annoyed when you did it.
“Can I ask you something?” you turned to him suddenly, watching as he put his beer down.
“Why was your mood changing all day?”
“What d’you mean?” he blinked.
“Like, it felt like we were close at times — but then you’d seem angry again,” you looked back up at the sky and sighed before trailing off. “I just, I thought…”
“I heard you yest’rday.” 
You snapped back to where Katsuki was staring at the ground.
“No one’s compared my eyes to strawberries before,” he commented. “Usually it’s rubies n’ other shit.”
“You heard?”
“M’pretty sure everyone heard shortcake,” he chuckled. “You were fuckin’ yappin’ at the top of yer lungs.”
“I was not!” you huffed. You could feel your face burning up as you huffed and turned away.
It remained silent for another minute or two before Katsuki spoke again.
“Back in highschool, I was with someone,” he started. “And I thought we were gonna stay like that — that she was gonna go away for college and come back so we could get married. I proposed to her, and she said no and left.” He looked back up and you watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “You– uh, I guess you reminded me of her a little.”
You could only blink in response to his confession, watching the light from the fire dance off his face as he stared almost wistfully off into the distance.
“I do think, that uh, yer…pretty, or whatever,” he coughed out. “But, it’s not permanent. Yer gonna go back tomorrow and eventually forget.”
It was silent again, the sound of the crackling fire remnant of his car’s old air conditioning.
“You don’t know that,” you finally spoke hesitantly, scooting across the log to where he was sitting. 
He looked up at those words, his eyes scanning your face, your expressions, the way you’d placed yourself so easily next to him.
“And even if I don’t stay here, it’s not like there’s no way to contact you — or even see you again. You live a couple hours from me, and you come to farmer’s markets there,” you paused, gathering your thoughts before you looked back up at him and the soft look on his face. “Katsuki… whatever she did — I’m not her.”
Maybe the beer had a larger effect on you than you thought it did — you weren’t one to admit something like that as easily as you just did, but it was probably a combination of the hazy spell your mind was experiencing as well as the intoxicating atmosphere of the night. You could feel your heart jump in your chest as Katsuki just stared at you, his eyes flicking down ever so often until he moved himself closer to you, his hand hovering just above your cheek as you inhaled his scent once more.
“...may I kiss you?” he whispered.
You nodded slightly, shocked, before he’d pressed his lips up against yours in a sweet, chaste kiss. You could taste the beer on him as his hands rose and cupped your cheeks gently, his thumbs stroking the tops of your cheeks as yours tangled around his neck, playing with the back of his hair.
He took that as an invitation to pull you closer, pulling you up onto his lap with his arms wrapped around your waist and rubbing small strokes up the small of your back — melting into each other as sugar does into jam, slowly and gently and passionately through small touches and gazes. 
When you finally pulled away for air, you could see the flush of his face as he stared up at the sky and panted, pulling you flush against his chest.
“Damn shortcake,” you heard the smirk in his voice — though it didn’t seem to be as cocky as you would’ve expected. “You know how to kiss.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you murmured into his chest, feeling the rumble as he let out a short chuckle.
“Nothin’,” he pulled away for a second, and you noticed him grabbing something from his jean pocket.
In the light of the fire, he showed you his beaten leather wallet, with cracks and scratches — pulling out a fifty dollar bill that he then handed to you.
“What’s this for?” you sat up, your head leaning against his shoulder.
“S’the money you gave Ei,” he flipped it over, revealing a phone number on the other side, before looking away in embarrassment. “I was gonna give it to ya tomorrow when I dropped ya off — Ei suggested it.”
You couldn’t help but let out a giggle to the red that was rising on his face, becoming even more flushed than he had been when he kissed you.
“Thank you,” you smiled. “Now I can call you on your ancient phone.”
“Yeah, well, now I can teach ya how to make strawberry shortcake.”
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Everyone kinda laughs when they see you and Bakugou together.
Not because you don’t look good together, but because they’ve never seen him like that.
He’s full of soft kisses, an arm protectively around your waist or shoulders when you stand and talk, or firmly holding your own when you walk along side him.
He’s always holding doors open for you, always pressing a coffee into your hand if he’s passing you at his agency between meetings, letting his fingers brush over yours.
At evening events, paparazzi has had an easy time catching the two of you in quiet moments, his lips pressed to your collarbone, mouthing sweet words into your skin. The headlines are always stupid and suggestive, and Bakugou snorts whenever he sees them, mutters about how they’d explode if they knew what you two did in private.
His friends give him a hard time about how whipped he is, laughing over a drink about how they never thought they’d see him buying flowers for anything but a funeral. How all they had to do to get him to smile more was get him a girlfriend. They’ve never seen Bakugou yield to a single soul and there he is, worshipping the ground you walk on.
They don’t realize that up until he met you, Bakugou had been convinced he just wasn’t meant to be in love.
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willowser · 1 year
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thoughts: drabbles and nonsense
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⤷ general tag
⤷ themed tags: ex-husband | nerd | cowboy | domestic | love island | dad | amnesia au | best friend
๑ snippet of witcher!bakugou that i will never finish
๑ modern au boss bakugou
๑ bakugou confessing
๑ the last of us: bakugou
๑ pro hero!bakugou x fairy!reader
๑ soulmate/arranged marriage au
๑ fantasy/god of war-ish au
๑ next door neighbor bakugou
๑ ex-boyfriend!bakugou
๑ bakugou comes in izuku's place
๑ vigilante!bakugou (+nsfw add.)
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⤷ general tag
⤷ themed tags: dad | step dad | cowboy | pro hero | domestic
๑ post war arc touya
๑ band au!dabi
๑ friends to lovers
๑ soulmate au
๑ crown prince!touya
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⤷ general tag
⤷ themed tags: pirate | nerd | love island
๑ will's drunk dad!kirishima thoughts
๑ ex-boyfriend!kirishima
๑ vampire kirishima
๑ pro hero!kirishima x assistant!reader
๑ kiri with a crush
๑ ex-best friend kirishima
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⤷ general tag
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general writing tag.
*not everything i've written is listed here; if there is anything in particular you are looking for/would like to be added to the list, please let me know and i will do that !
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kedsandtubesocks · 9 months
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Howdy there traveler, I’m Erika & I’m glad you stopped by!
I am slowly starting to get the hang of being a writing blog but i’m still a work in progress so I appreciate your patience and understanding!
⚠️ this blog and my writing are 18+ MDNI also - please do not repost my work on other sites
It’s a multi fandom wilderness beyond this point but I hope you enjoy!
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Pedro Boys
Let’s Rodeo - Fic Series masterlist
Cowboys Like Us - Headcanons
Seasons of You - Stardew Valley AU fic series
Joel Miller
‘give you something to dream about’ - sports bar & Texas football Joel Fic
‘your heart, a sonnet’ - author!joel miller fic
‘what the water gave us’ - merman!joel fic
Trick or Treat blurb
Din Djarin
Cowboy Din Djarin Ficlets (1) (2)
‘This Tornado Loves You’ - Cowboy!Din x Reader Fic
‘Hold On, Hold On’- Cowboy!Din x Fem!Reader Fic
‘In the Dead of Night’ - Creature!Cowboy Din x F!Reader Fic
Modern Rodeo Cowboy / Bull Rider Din
Haunted/Spooky Cowboy Din Ficlet
Din x Naboo Queen!Reader
Jack Daniels
Dieter Bravo
‘Go Play Your Video Games’ - Dieter x YouTuber!Reader Fic
‘your favorite kryptonite’ - comic bookstore owner!Dieter Fic
Marcus Pike
Guardian Angel Marcus
Marcus + spooky stories blurb
Javier Peña
‘Bendecido’ - Javi x Fem!Reader One Shot
Husband Javi P headcanon
‘part of your world’ - Javi x Mermaid!Reader Fic
Lucien Flores
this high of you & me - Drug Dealer!Lucien AU Fic
Ezra (Prospect)
be your hallowed ground - Colonal Era Demon!Ezra Fic
pedro guys + sports headcanons
pedro guys + monsters
Satoru Gojo:
‘all of this (& heaven too)’ - hades!gojo x f!reader
Jedi!Gojo x Mandalorian!Reader (2)
‘in the woods (somewhere)’ - mothman!gojo
‘Fright Night’ - Ghost Face!Gojo
Professional Baseball Player Gojo, 2nd Drabble
Happy Birthday Gojo Drabble
God of Winter!Gojo
A Galaxy Far Far Away - BNHA Star Wars AU tag
Mandalorian Bakugou
Jedi Shouto
Jedi Izuku
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current submitted characters
will be updated as submissions come through.
(long post - list under the cut)
Twilight Sparkle - My Little Pony
Beth Tezuka - Bravest Warriors
Arnold Rimmer - Red Dwarf
The Captain - BBC Ghosts
Morris Moss - The IT Crowd
Nepeta Leijon - Homestuck
Kim Jokja - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Sousuke Sagara - Full Metal Panic!
Mirabel Madrigal - Encanto
Kagami Tsurugi - Miraculous Ladybug
Taiyou Takada - My Clueless First Friend
Frankie Stein - Monster High (G3)
Jamie Winton - You, Me And The Apocalypse
Mino Naraidate - Ayakashi Akashi
Misumi Ikaruga - A3!
Strawberry Crepe Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
Jotaro Kujo - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
K1-B0 - Danganronpa V3
Morrigan Crow - Nevermoor Series
Benny - The LEGO Movie
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Malleus Draconia - Twisted Wonderland
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Lilo Pelekai - Lilo And Stitch
Temperance Brennan - Bones
Subaru Mikazuki - My Roommate Is A Cat
Homare Arisugawa - A3!
Ranpo Edogawa - Bungou Stray Dogs
Alhaitham - Genshin Impact
Futaba Sakura - Persona 5
Athena Cykes - Ace Attorney
Midorya Izuku - My Hero Academia
Bakugou Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Iida Tenya - My Hero Academia
Todoroki Shouto - My Hero Academia
Aizawa Shouta - My Hero Academia
Present Mic - My Hero Academia
James - End Of The F***ing World
Chu Sangwoo - Semantic Error
Chalarm - Dinosaur Love
Connor - Detroit: Become Human
Max Caulfield - Life Is Strange
Parker - Leverage
Lan Zhan - The Untamed
Ram - My Engineer
Kim Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche
Alex Chen - Life Is Strange: True Colours
Penny Poledina - RWBY
Huey Duck - DuckTales
Denki Kaminari - My Hero Academia
Mihashi Ren - Big Windup!
Khabluken - Star In My Mind
Akk Pipitphattana - The Eclipse
Scott Summers (Cyclops) - X-Men
Hank McCoy (Beast) - X-Men
Orbulon - Warioware
Benrey - Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
Gilion Tidestrider - Just Roll With It
Stanford Pines - Gravity Falls
Goemon Ishikawa XIII - Lupin III
Ash - Fire Emblem Heroes
Ty Betteridge - WOE.BEGONE
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5
Charlie Kelly - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Rachel Lindt - Worm
Arisugawa Himari (Cure Custard) - Kirakira Pretty Cure a la Mode
Akhiko Sanada - Persona 3
Shadow The Hedgehog - Sonic The Hedgehog
Makoto Niijima - Persona 5
Streber - Spooky Month
Murray Hewitt - Flight Of The Conchords
Noel Gruber - Ride The Cyclone
Ushijima Wakatoshi - Haikyuu!!
Howard Moon - The Mighty Boosh
Mikitaka Hazekura - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Edward - Cowboy Bebop
MK - LEGO Monkie kid
Red Son - LEGO Monkie Kid
Mitsuru Kirijo - Persona 3
Aziraphale - Good Omens
Nemona - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Peter Sqloint - Just Roll With It
Bart Allen (Impulse) - DC Comics
Nanami Kento - Jujitsu Kaisen
Stannis Baratheon - Game Of Thrones: A Song Of Ice And Fire
Inspector Javert - Les Misérables
N - Pokémon Black & White
Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon-3) - My Little Pony
Coco Pommel - My Little Pony
Alicia Hamilton - LPS Popular
Francis York Morgan - Deadly Premonition
Hunter - The Owl House
Mischa Bachinski - Ride The Cyclone
Auggie Hilderbrant - Scary Movies To Tell In The Dark
Sunny - OMORI
Chris Kirkman - Bravest Warriors
Himiko Yumeno - Danganronpa V3
Espresso Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
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vampyrsm · 2 years
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𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 — 𝕭𝖆𝖐𝖚𝖌𝖔𝖚 𝕶𝖆𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖎
Main Masterlist | Navigation
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➼ Long Fics (5k+ word count) ↳ 'The Forbidden Flame' Masterlist ↳ 'time flies.' (6.7k) [P.1] [P.2] ↳ 'the hotel room.' (5.4k) ↳ 'as above, so below.' (6.1k) (demon bakugo x reader) ↳ 'save your tears'. (8.5k) ↳ 'all's fair in love and war'. (5.8k) (ares!bakugou) ↳ 'soulswap'. (30.2k) (cyberpunk au)
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➼ Short Fics (Under 5k word count) ↳ 'fireworks.' (2.4k) ↳ 'farewell.' (3.5k) ↳ 'drunk nights.' (1.2k) ↳ 'the prince.' (3.2k) (vamp!bakugo x reader) ↳ 'infidelity.' (2k) (bakugou x reader ft. shoto) [P.2] ↳ 'the card.' (2k) ↳ 'dynamights medic.' (1.8k) ↳ 'saving the day.' (2.1k) ↳ 'overworked.' (2k) ↳ 'summertime' (1.5k)
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➼ Drabbles / Imagines (500-1000 or less word count) ↳ 'caught at the gym.' (0.5k) ↳ 'mind at war.' (0.5k) ↳ 'bakugo gets a phone call.' (0.8k) ↳ 'cowboy!bakugo.' (0.8k) ↳ 'soon to be dad bakugo.' (0.6k) ↳ 'new dad bakugo.' (0.8k) ↳ 'delayed flight.' (0.9k) ↳ 'longing.' (0.8k) ↳ 'oneirodynia.' (0.9k)
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➼ Ideas / Short Drabbles ↳ ice hockey player!bakugou katsuki ↳ ice hockey player!bakugou with s/o ↳ tattoo artist!bakugou katsuki ↳ assassin's creed au!bakugou katsuki ↳ street racing au!bakugou katsuki ↳ thoughts on a relationship with bakugou ↳ bakugou coming home after a jog ↳ secret sex codes with bakugou ↳ merfolk bakugou drabble ↳ attentive bakugou drabble ↳ bakugou as your boss drabble (pro hero) ↳ roommate bakugou ↳ saying something stupid to bakugou ↳ assassin!reader drabble ↳ vigilante!reader drabble
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© vampyrsm. please do not copy my layouts, any of my works or recommend me on tiktok. do not translate my work, do not upload my work onto youtube.
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earth2rin · 2 years
cowboy!bakugo x fem!reader
drabble drabble drabble
i love cwbkg sm omg prepare to be sick of me.
just fluff, the soft and tender sweetness we all want from a man.
cicadas chirped and trees swayed in the wind as you laid on your bed, your balcony doors open letting in a warm gentle breeze. you laid clad in a white silk nightgown that had delicate lace on the neckline and hem of the dress. in your hand was a book, Pride and Prejudice, the light from your bedside lamp illuminating the room just enough for you to see the words on the paper. truth be told you had grown quite tired in the past 30 minutes, but you were determined to stay up. to see the man of your dreams, the man who rocked your world, your husband.
deciding it was about the time your husband got home, you decided to get ready for bed. washing and freshening up in your bathroom was always one of your favorite things to do.
during your nightly routine you hear the front door open from downstairs and close, heavy steps on wood flooring echoing through the house. you finished up by brushing your hair and make your way out from the en-suite bathroom to greet the handsome fellow you get to call yours.
“hey handsome” you purr, voice soft as you throw your arms loosely around his neck. his arms tighten around your waist and he looks at you, frowning.
“thought i told ‘ya not ta wait up on me” the sleepiness was evident in his voice.
you give him that small little smile you know will make him cave in as you trace his biceps, slow and gentle. you meet his eyes, reaching up to tenderly caress his cheek, looking at him like he hung the moon and the stars with those two big hands of his.
“well what kinda wife would i be if i didn’t make sure my husband came back t’me safely hmm?” you continue to hold his gaze, soft and small hand still on his cheek as silence falls between the both of you.
it’s a comfortable silence, the kind were you enjoy each other’s presence, the kind you have when you drink coffee together in the morning, the kind when you’re taking a bubble bath and reading while he shaves his face by the sink, the kind when you’re both laid up in each other’s arms and watching the trees gently sway in the summer breeze.
he’s still pouting, but his eyes soften just the slightest. he turns his head to your hand and kisses your palm, holding your gaze.
you melt under his stare.
“you oughtta not make’a habit outta’ this” but you know you’ve won, despite his words.
“i reckon it wouldn’t be too bad t’come home t’your wife with open arms for you now would it?” you grin with a catlike smile and he rolls his eyes, but his lips still tug upward in a smile nonetheless.
his eyes meet the red lights of the alarm clock on your nightstand and his frown returns.
he sighs and looks at you again, eyes gentle and filled with guiltiness. “sweets it’s quite late f’you to wait f’me to get home. you should be sleepin right about now” and you know he feels guilty, that he feels like he’s the one keeping you up. but he’s so wrong.
not a day goes by where you ever regret waiting for your husband to come home. you spend your mornings and evenings waiting for his arrival, day to night. sure he’s right outside tending to the animals but he’s always so busy, doing hard work. so you watch from afar, waiting for him to come back into the house, back into your arms. he’s a bright and big flame, and your heart happens to be a chimney on a snowy day in december, waiting to be lit.
so yes, you will stay up for your husband, even if he nags and nags at you to take your ass to bed. you will always be in your bed, waiting upon his arrival, waiting for his flame to ignite your heart again.
“darlin, id wait for you even if i knew you weren’t coming home that night. even if it meant i get no sleep for a week straight” your eyes are full of love and your face looked so tender, so serene.
he grips you tighter and shoves his head into the crook of your neck, planting a few light kisses. you bask in his warmth, one hand reaching to card through his hair and the other lay at the base of his neck.
his stubble tickles your neck and you try not to laugh, but a couple of giggles slip out. he gently pulls away from you, arms still around your waist, and looks at your face, searching for something. when he can’t find it he sighs, staring at you. he looks like he wants to say something, like something is on the tip of his tongue, but he can’t get it out.
so you wait.
you wait until he’s gathered all of his thoughts, until he knows what he wants to get out.
“why do you do that?” he pouts and you’re confused.
you tilt your head to the side, “do what hun?” and there’s a beat of silence, another one where he’s collecting his thoughts.
“love me like it’s as easy as breathin’”
you pause and think. just where in the world did this man come from, and why did he have to be so damn adorable.
you have no other words to say, besides the truth of course.
“because it is. lovin’ you was the easiest and best thing i’ve ever done in my life.”
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Southern Roots Series:
Song: Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That
Artist: Dolly Parton
Characters for Scenario: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
{{And before y'all come at me with your pitchforks and torches, HE IS AGED UP, so stop clutching your pearls and quit looking at me like I scandalized a nun}}
Warnings: None that I can think of other than Bakugou's usual potty mouth. Part of the scenario takes place in a bar, so there are mentions of alcohol and drinking, and cigarettes. Not sure if any of these are relevant for a warning, but I'm adding them just in case. Oh, and breakup angst, because, why not?
Notes: Tried to keep the reader GN. Concept is almost entirely from Reader’s perspective, so lots of usage of the pronoun ‘you’. Bartender calls Reader “sugar, hon, darlin’,” etc. Bartender is ‘she/her’. {Bartender is my self-insert, and no, this post was not intended to be all about her, but she is integral to the underlying story}. Uses they/them pronouns when discussing Reader. If I slipped up anywhere, politely tell me, and I’ll go back and edit.
Word Count: Bruh, I ain't got the mental capacity to count right now 🤣😭
For @trashpotatoess.
Sloane, my love, my darlin', my dearest, my wonderful friend--I am so, so, SO sorry for the lateness of this, and doubly sorry if it’s absolute garbage, but I sincerely hope you enjoy your requested scenario. 💙
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
The bass of whatever song is croaking through the speakers is doing nothing to help the ache that’s been building up in your head for the last few days. Between that and the seemingly never-ending hangover, your brain was constantly pounding against your skull. 
It’s been three months. Three months of tears, anger, denial, depression, alcohol, and mornings where you struggled to get out of bed. Three months of staring at the cracked screen of your phone, hoping for a notification from him. You had thrown it at your bedroom wall in a fit of rage after he had texted you for the last time asking for his things back. One half of you wished that you’d never deleted your social media, but you did it because you were prone to stalking his account, and you were glad you did. You were downright terrified of what you might find on there. Or who you might find on there. The other half wished that he’d text again, perhaps even be so courteous as to call. Just so you could answer and tell him to go to hell before hanging up. 
Three months of this back-and-forth war with yourself was about to drive you absolutely insane, as was the thought of spending another aimless night holed up in your apartment. So you did the logical thing. You came to the only decent bar Yuuie had to offer and were drinking your sorrows away--for the eighth time this month.
As you down your second drink of the night, you stare down at the brim of your empty glass, mulling over how you found yourself here. A pair of crimson eyes, ash-blonde hair, and a devil-may-care smile flash through your mind. Sighing, you lean your elbows on the bar, bringing your fingertips up to your temples to massage them, trying to rid yourself of some of the discomfort.
The worst part about the breakup wasn’t actually the breakup itself. Sure, there was the screaming and the arguing before he eventually hopped in his truck and left you in a cloud of dust, but that wasn’t the worst part. No, the worst part was the fact that everyone knew about it almost as soon as it happened. And it’s all anyone had been gossiping about. For weeks. So even if you wanted to try and forget and move on, you couldn’t. The price and curse of living in a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and you have no kind of privacy whatsoever. You couldn’t even nurse your heartache behind closed doors because someone was always dropping by your place to “check up on you”. 
It also didn’t help that your ex was practically famous. A traveling bull rider and Yuuie rodeo champion for the last six consecutive years, he’d made quite a name for himself.
His rodeo stage name was ridiculous. 
The Great Explosion Murder God and his equally explosive steed, Dynamight. 
That was the title the papers had graced him with after his amazing win on the bull riding portion of the rodeo. No one expected him to last eight seconds on Yuuie’s most notorious bull, Samson. Samson was the bull that put more cowboys out of commission than any farm accident ever could. But your ex craved challenges just as much as he craved the sweet taste of nicotine in his favorite cigarettes. So he rode Samson. And hung on for twenty-three seconds before being flung off. He’d been the town hero ever since. 
Around rodeo season, everywhere you looked, pictures of TGEMG could be seen on every visible window, telephone poll, and building wall imaginable. But you never saw him as the golden boy of Yuuie. You saw him for who he was. A troublemaker with an explosive temper, as hotheaded and stubborn as Samson the bull. To Yuuie, he was The Great Explosion Murder God. 
But to you? He was simply Katsuki Bakugou.
Just the thought of his name caused a sour taste to build up in your mouth. Running your fingers through your already messy hair, you seriously contemplate banging your head onto the polished bar.
“Can I get you another, sugar?” A sweet voice draws you out of your thoughts. You glance up and see the bartender swiping down the counter with a wet cloth. Her dark hair is pulled back into a messy bun, with a few loose strands hanging out here and there. Light, subtle strokes of mascara cling to her lashes, accentuating the color of her eyes, two different hues of brown; the left eye a much lighter shade than the right. 
A black Jameson Irish Whiskey racerback clings to her curves, accentuating her hourglass figure. A delicate silver chain hangs around her neck, an unknown pendant playing hide-and-seek in the plunging neckline of her tank. 
She cuts her mismatched eyes to your glass. “Do you want another, or are you calling it a night?” 
Without a word, you shove it toward her. She raises a questioning brow at your actions, lips quirking up slightly, but to your surprise and thankfulness, she doesn’t say anything else. She just grabs the bottle of your favorite liquor and refills your glass for the third time. As she works, you take a moment to study her. 
She was new in town. Landed a job as a bartender. Quiet, kept to herself. A walking enigma as no one really knew anything about her. Hell, you weren’t even sure what her name was. All anyone knew was that she moved to Yuuie shortly after you and Katsuki had called it quits. But from her accent and manners, you would’ve thought she was a local. She fit in well enough, seeming to belong with the rest of you, as if she’d been here the entire time. 
Setting the glass back in front of you, she gives you a small smile. “Here you go, darlin’.”
You blink once. Twice. You then seem to realize that you still need to pay for your drink. Snapping out of your daze, you reach into your pocket to pull out your wallet. Your fingertips barely brush the stash of bills you have tucked away when the bartender shakes her head. 
“On the house, hon.”
You stare incredulously at her. She shrugs, grabbing up empty beer bottles. “You look like you need it.” 
You wince as the coolness of the glass seeps into your palms. “That obvious, huh?” 
She snorts, wiping down the counter again before throwing the towel over her shoulder. “I’m a bartender; it’s my business to be observant. Kinda part of the job description.” Brushing back the stray hairs dangling in her face, she sticks out a hand. “I’m Blue.”
This time, it’s your turn to raise a brow. “Blue? Like the color?”
An expression settles on her face as if she’s in another place, another time, but she doesn’t give you a chance to dwell on it or even ask what she’s thinking about. The look disappears almost as quickly as it came, replaced by a wistful smile. “Exactly like the color.”
“That’s not your real name is it?” You ask. Again, you lived in a small town. And small towns came with a variety of names. Some were vintage, a little older but still respectable: Beau, Imogen, Pearl, and Edmund. Others were very Southern: Cash, Oakley, Easton, Wes, and anything that ended in ‘Lynn’. And then there were the off-the-wall ones like Cooter, Gator, Coon, Younique, Texas, Amarillo, and a few others that were just plain ridiculous. All in all, Blue wasn’t too bad a name to be saddled with.
She shakes her head, a small chuckle rumbling through her. “No. It’s....a nickname. Well, one of them. Two different nicknames gifted from two very different people. Blue and Peach.”
“Peach?” The dubiousness of your tone causes her to throw her head back and laugh. 
“A long story from a lifetime ago. I got so used to them when I was younger that I sometimes wouldn’t respond to my actual name. Feel free to call me either. I’ll respond to both, but if I’m being honest, Blue is my preferred choice.” 
Stretching out your arm, you take her hand in yours, giving it a firm shake. “Well, nice to meet you then, Blue.”
Her eyes sparkle, wrapping her fingers around yours. “Likewise.”
Even though the clock on your phone reads only a quarter past ten, the tavern was nearly jam-packed with patrons.
Several people crowd the bar. Few were playing pool or making bets on a game of darts. Others had paired off and were line-dancing on the dance floor to whatever playlist Present Mic had geared up for the evening.
Laughter bubbles in your chest as you take another shot. You were tipsy, borderline drunk, your giggles growing louder and louder, everything becoming funnier by the second. You were finally beginning to unwind and relax a little.
Okay, you had relaxed A LOT.
Blue made you hand over your keys after your fourth shot of vodka. When you tried protesting, she silenced you with a glare that nearly rivaled your mother’s.
“I’ll give you a lift when my shift ends. Until then, these,” she jangled your keys in front of your face before dropping them into a glass jar that she stashed behind the counter, “are staying with me.” 
You begrudgingly but gratefully accepted, especially as you were aware of the way Sheriff Enji Todoroki had been cracking down on drunk driving lately. You didn’t want to take any chances of getting thrown in the slammer and giving the town yet another reason to talk about you. The breakup was enough fuel to keep the fires going for a good long while.
To keep yourself from reliving the event and becoming a blubbering mess, you impulsively decided to ask Blue to tell you about herself.
She gave you a look that you couldn't quite perceive before sucking in her bottom lip and whistling to her partner.
"Neijire! I'm taking ten."
Your eyes travel in the direction of Blue's attention, landing on the bouncing figure of the other bartender. She wore nearly an identical outfit to Blue’s, but her shirt was more strategically ripped to bare more skin and bore the Jack Daniels logo instead of Jameson. She was happily putting a hefty bill into the Tip Jar, but Blue's words turned her mouth down into a pout.
"You're just now taking a break? Blue!" Neijire scolds, throwing a rag at the back of Blue's head. "You need to take your breaks as they come. Being on your feet for hours gets real exhausting real fast. I don't need you burnt out during your shifts."
Blue gives her a sarcastic salute while Neijire just rolls her eyes. She reaches across the counter, grabbing a pen, scribbling something down on a notepad. Ripping the paper cleanly off, she shoves it into Blue's hand, her golden eyes glittering in the low lights of the bar.
"Go ahead and give this to FatGum. He'll whip up something for you in the back. Take all your missed breaks and get yourself some dinner too. I don't want you back behind this counter until you've eaten something, you hear?"
“Neijire-chan! Can I get another over here, sweetheart?” One of the patrons calls, holding their glass up.
Neijire winks at you both, tucking back a curly lock of lavender-purple hair. “Welcome! What can I get y’all started with?” 
Blue limbos under the ‘employees only’ trapdoor and plops herself beside you on a cushy barstool, grinning. "What do you wanna know?"
"Anything,” you answer, slamming your shot glass down after swigging the contents. “Do you like living in Yuuie? What's your name? What's your sign? When's your birthday? Do you have any tattoos? Have you ever done anything illegal?" The questions were pouring out of you like water from a leaking spicket.
Blue laughs as she hands off her meal ticket to one of the passing waiters, setting it on top of his empty serving tray. "Thanks, Mirio!” 
The blonde bows at the waist, a thousand gigawatt smile flashing. “A pleasure, Miss Blue.” 
She waves him off, shaking her head at him and his antics before turning back to you. “This sounds more like an interrogation than a getting-to-know-you icebreaker."
"Well, it's not only me that's curious. The whole town has been abuzz about you since you got here. You're like a mystery novel with no ending."
Blue's face scrunches up in disbelief. "I'm an open book! Hit me."
“Do you have any pets?”
Her entire face lights up when you ask her that.
"Do you wanna see my cat?"
And that’s how you found yourself about an hour later, learning everything there was to know about the elusive new bartender.
She whipped out her phone, showing you pictures of a tiny white kitten with a splotched black tail and scattered salt and pepper patches on her face and back. For reasons unbeknownst to you, she named it Queso Mozzarella but lovingly calls her 'Mozzy' for short. Your heart squeezed at the absolute adorableness.
After Blue put her phone away, she began to tell you about herself, bit by bit. Almost like putting together a 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle. 
One of the first things she told you was her favorite flavor. Any and everything peach.
"I actually got the nickname 'Peach' when I was in elementary school because I always brought a fresh peach for lunch, even when they weren't in season."
She despises oranges, mainly because she's allergic to them.
"I swell up like a Goodyear Blimp. It ain't very comely."
She likes chocolate milk, mozzarella sticks, forget-me-not flowers, 80's movie soundtrack music, and her favorite color is blue (real surprise there).
"Told you, I'm an open book."
But the thing that shocked you the most was when you discovered that your previous assumption about her had been right. She did grow up in Yuuie.
"Born and raised."
"Then why did you move away?"
Blue fiddles with the basket of fries that came with her mountain of a burger. She’d polished off most of her food, playing with the remaining bits she couldn’t quite eat. Mirio dropped it off earlier, as well as a giant glass of sweet tea. He had playfully ruffled her hair despite Blue's protests before disappearing back into the sea of dancing bodies. 
 "My dad was in the military. He ended up getting promoted to a higher rank and stationed in another country the winter I became a junior. He packed us up and moved us overseas before I could finish the year out." A heavy sigh escapes her lips. She picks up a French fry, dipping it into a small bowl of ranch dressing. That was yet another thing you learned about her: she hated eating ketchup with her fries.
It drops back onto the checkered parchment paper in the plastic basket. 
"I didn't even get to say goodbye."
You slightly sober up at the sadness in her tone. However, before you or she could say anything else, a frazzled-looking Neijire rushes to y'all's end of the bar. "Blue, it's the Pre-Midnight Rush. I need some help back here."
Blue nods. “On my way, darlin’.” She wipes her hands on her jeans, standing.  
“Back to work, then.” She pushes the basket towards you. "Here. You should eat something to soak up all that alcohol you've been drinking."
You take it, deciding to heed her advice. She rounds the bar, walking to the sink to wash her hands before clocking back in.
“Hey, y’all,” she greets the fresh flood of customers alongside Nejire. “Pick your poisons.”
"So why did you come back?" You shout at her over the pumping bass. Present Mic turned the tunes over to his DJ in training, Kyoka Jirou around midnight. The later it got, the louder the music became. And Jirou seemed to prefer it that way.
Blue vigorously shakes a silver canister before pouring a pink margarita into a salted glass. She throws a cherry in the middle of it, topping it off with a sliced lime before handing it off to the person who ordered it.
"My gramma is sick," she answers, shoveling ice into a few glasses. "I'm the only person willing to come take care of her."
Blue didn't seem too keen on delving into details, and you were smart enough to take the silent hint and not ask. You’re nursing your eleventh, maybe twelfth drink? as she steers the conversation away to lighter subjects.
She regales you with a story of how the town flirt and electrician, Denki Kaminari, shocked himself on an electric pole after he tried hitting on her as she was walking home with her groceries the other day. 
“He kept giving me a thumbs up from the back of the ambulance and muttering ‘yay’. I feel so bad but I couldn’t help but laugh at him,” Blue chuckles as she polishes another pint glass before putting it on the shelf. “Bless his heart.”
“Sounds like a typical day for him.” You slur, a hiccup escaping your lips. “He gets electrocuted so much that everyone in Yuuie calls him Sparky.” You chug back the rest of your bourbon, belching loudly. “Except for Jirou. She calls him ‘Jammingyay’.” 
Blue gently pries the glass from your hand. “Jammingyay? Well, that’s certainly creative. I always used to call him Pikachu.” She places it in the sink, eliciting a drunken whine from you. “Sorry, sugar. I’m officially cutting you off. You’re three sheets to the wind.”
“Am not,” you insist, but your vision blurs and you aren’t sure which Blue you’re looking at. The one on the left or the one on the right. Both of them frown at you. 
“Yeeeeaaah, definitely time to call it quits. You’re as full as a tick on a bloodhound.” 
You burst into a deep belly laugh at her euphemism. Your laughter ends, as does the song that had been playing. Some rough feedback from the speakers grabs everyone’s attention, as well as the tap-tap-tapping of someone’s finger against a microphone.  
“Alrighty, y’all. It’s that time of the night. Karaoke hour,” Jirou announces, stirring up the crowd as they erupt into a fit of cheerful hollers. “You know the rules. Take a number, pick a song, and sing your little drunk hearts out.” Jirou places a couple of spare mics on her counter as a slew of girls immediately rush her DJ station. 
You scoff. “Who would wanna do something as dumb as karaoke?”
Blue flips a bottle behind her back, catching it before filling up a row of shot glasses. She takes out a lighter from her pocket, flicking it before setting the row on fire. They burn for a couple of seconds before she whips out two coffee mugs, setting them over the shots one at a time. After the flames die down, she passes them out to awaiting patrons. 
“I dabble in it from time to time. It’s a good way to get your emotions out or feelings across.” 
“You’re joking, right?”
She shrugs. “To each their own. We all cope in different ways.”
You feel the corner of your mouth twitch. 
“Blue! I need a pitcher of sangria and three whiskey sours!” Neijire shouts the orders as she places more bills into the Tip Jar and rings up tabs. 
Blue sighs, glancing up at you from under her lashes. “Never a moment of peace around here, I’ll tell ya that.” 
As she makes her way to Neijire, you replay her words over and over in your head.
‘We all cope in different ways.’ 
The first song gears up on the karaoke machine, lyrics displayed on an ancient projector screen. Familiar chords of a song you loved singing on long road trips start to filter out of the speakers, and the soft, subtle backup vocals of Dolly Parton croon in your ears.
You had no idea who was currently butchering one of the best songs (in your opinion) that Dolly Parton ever created, but you couldn’t help but want to sing along.
“Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that? Here comes my baby, draggin' my heart behind. He's drivin' me crazy! Who says love is blind? He's got a wanderin' eye and a travelin' mind, big ideas and a little behind. Out with a different woman every night, but I remember when he was mine.” 
And how had you been coping? Not moving from your couch in several days, refusing to change out of your ratty pajamas. Hygiene had been a foreign concept during the first week or so after you and Katsuki had called it quits. You didn’t shower. You didn’t bother putting on a new outfit. You hardly opened your blinds, reveling in your misery in the dark. Netflix should have sent you a medal for watching nearly every romcom known to man on their streaming platform, all while sobbing into your ice cream cartons. You deactivated every platform of social media from your phone because you didn’t want to see how happy he was without you and didn’t want to give yourself any opportunities to fall into a deeper spiral of stalking his accounts. You chose to send your liver into an early grave and your bank account into the red with how often you frequented the bars and dives around town, doing your best to forget him.
How he smelled: like burnt sugar and salty caramel. How he tasted. How it felt when he held you in his arms. Like you were the only person he wanted to touch. To kiss. To love.
“Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your high heel boots and painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Waltzing right in here lookin' like that. Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? When you could stop traffic in a gunny sack. Why you're almost givin' me a heart attack! When you waltz right in here lookin' like that I just can't stand it. To see him on the town, he's out slow dancing with every girl around. I'm a softhearted woman; he's a hardheaded man, and he's gonna make me feel just as bad as he can. He's got himself a mean streak a half a mile wide Now he's dancing on this heart of mine.” 
You feel as if the song is directed at you. Like an evil version of Cupid crawled from the depths of hell just to play with your already broken heart strings. That, or the person singing just had it out for you. Either way, each word hit you like a slap to the face.
“Ooh, Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your high heel boots painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream.Why'd you come in here lookin' like that?”
Tears stung your lower eyelids as the song ended and the crowd exploded in whooping applause. 
Maybe whoever just got off the stage was in the same boat as you. Still in the tender stages of a splintered heart, trying to figure out how to put the pieces together. Perhaps that was their way of doing their best to move on and start fresh.
‘We all cope in different ways.’
How had you been coping?
Not well. Not well at all. 
“Darlin’? Darlin’, you still with me?” A gentle shake to your shoulders startles you, causing you to jump a little. Blue retracts her hand. She meekly tips her head. “Sorry to wake you, sweet pea, but I’m nearin’ the end of my shift.”
You yawn, rubbing some of the sleep out of your eyes. “What time is it?”
“Nearly two. You fell asleep about thirty minutes ago.”
You grimace, rolling your neck from side to side. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize. If we had a decent taxi service or some type of Lyft or Uber, I would’ve gotten you one a while ago. Let me just get a few of these stragglers and then I’ll take ya on home, okay?” 
You yawn again. “Thanks, Blue.” 
She smiles, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Ain’t nothin’ but a thing.”
“No,” you blurt out. She stops in her tracks and stares at you. “It’s not.”
“It’s just a ride home. I ain’t really doin' much, sweet pea.”
“It is a big thing.” You insist. “It’s a really big thing. Thank you.”
She shakes her head. “No, really, darlin’, it’s--”
“You’re the only person that hasn’t treated me like I’m made of glass.”
There’s a heavy, pregnant pause.
“Well, why on earth would I do that?”
“Because he broke up with me.” Damn you for drinking so much. You always were a bit of a talker when you got more than two sips of alcohol in you. You lost count of how much you consumed this evening, and now you were no better than the town’s gossip columnist who went under the alias of Mount Lady. Here you were, bearing your heart and soul to someone you didn’t even know, but you couldn’t stop yourself. 
Blue tilts her head to the side, her eyes searching yours. “Who broke up with you, sweet pea?”
A bitter laugh nearly chokes you as it collides with the sob rising in the back of your throat. The same tears you tried keeping at bay earlier decide to form a prison break and escape the confines of your eyelids, slipping down your cheeks. 
“The Great Explosion Murder God of Yuuie, Katsuki Bakugou.”
You weren’t sure if it was the strobe lights coming from the dancefloor or the way your tears caused impairment of your already compromised vision, but you could have sworn in that moment that Blue blanched. 
“Yeah,” you swipe at your eyes with the heel of your hand, sucking snot back in before it could drip from your runny nostrils. 
“I’m...I’m so sorry, darlin’.” 
She says it with so much sincerity that you know she means it. Truly means it. Not like the other people in town who said it to you so flippantly. No. Blue was different. And maybe that’s why you felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with her, sans all the alcohol running through your system. Because Blue had something a lot of folks in Yuuie didn’t. A sense of realness.
And that was something you needed right now. A real friend.
“I hate to leave you like this, darlin’, but I gotta finish these orders. Will you be okay for a few minutes by yourself?” Blue apologizes, handing you some napkins. You take one and angrily blow your nose. 
“I’ll be fine.”
Blue’s upper teeth knaw at her bottom lip as she looks at you, skepticism written all over her face. 
“I promise I’m fine.”
“Okay....I shouldn’t be longer than fifteen minutes. We’ll leave right after that.” She reaches up on the shelf to pull down some beer steins, ready to run them under the taps. Once they were filled to the brim, foam spilling down the sides, Blue slides the beer down to Neijire for her to pass on to the people who ordered them.
“Yes, darlin’?”
“Thank you.”
A small burst of air leaves her nose as her face relaxes enough to gift you with a gentle smile. She opens her mouth to reply to you, but the sound of the double Western-style saloon doors draws her from the conversation.
“Welcome!” Blue shouts over her shoulder. “We’re fixin’ to get ready for last call soon. What can I--” 
Shattering glass can be heard in the quiet pause between music selections. 
“Blue!” Neijire hurries over to her coworker, mindful not to step on the broken pieces. “Are you okay?”
You glance up to see Blue’s wide eyes staring at something behind you. You assume her concerned gaze is directed at whoever just came in. Her skin pales, and you see her visibly gulping. “Oh, sugar honey iced tea...”
Neijire follows her line of sight. Her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. 
“Uh oh.”
Her eyes dart from you, to behind you, to you, to behind you again. She snatches the towel out of Blue’s hands, firmly shaking her as if trying to snap her out of her daze. 
“Blue, you’re shift is over. Go home.” Neijire says in a tone you’ve never heard come from her before. “Tamaki and Mirio can help me with the mess, but you should go. You need to go.” 
You stare at the two of them in bewilderment. Why were they looking at you like that? 
The stomping of boots encroaches on your space, coming closer with each step. 
“Cat got your tongue, dumbass? What the hell are you starin’ at me for?”
All the blood in your body turns to ice at the sound of a gruff, grating voice. One you were all too familiar with. One you hoped you’d never have to hear again. Not since the day he left you in a cloud of dust, never to look back.
Blue is in front of you in a millisecond, seemingly teleporting from one end of the bar to the other. “Hon, I’m clockin’ out now. Grab your stuff and we can go.” Blue reaches under the counter to grab your keys. But you don’t move. You can’t. You’re glued to your seat, your hands shaking. 
“Leavin’? I just got here! Neijire, what the hell kinda service is this?” The voice draws closer until it’s directly behind you. A hand slams down on the surface of the counter, right next to you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin. “I swear this town ain’t got nothing fuckin’ going for it anymore.” 
You try swallowing, but the lump in your throat won’t allow anything past it. You squeeze your eyes shut.
Don’t look up. Don’t look up. Don’t. Look. Up.
“Service can be refused if the occasion calls for it and the occasion is callin’ for it. My shift is over and I’m headin’ on to the house. You need somethin’ you ask Neijire and you ask her politely.” Blue huffs, irritation and disdain coating every word. 
“Who the hell do you think you are? My mother? I already got one old hag harpin’ on me day and night. I don’t need another.”
“I ain’t old and don’t you dare talk about your mama that way, Katsuki Bakugou. I will call her and tell her you’re causin’ trouble again. Don’t think I won’t.”
“Still the same ole’ tattletale, aren’t you, Blue? Even after all these years, you ain’t changed a bit.” He pauses, but you can hear the salacious grin in his tone. “Well, parts of you have.” 
A resounding slap echoes in the air and you hear several gasps. Your eyes fly open to see Blue almost climbed over the bar, her arm raised high, palm a burning red. In your peripheral, your ex is hunched over, fingers pressed to the side of his face.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me, Explosion Boy. You never did. Don’t pretend like you do now.” You hear betrayal, hurt, and a slight tremble in her words. You stare at her.
Did they know each other?
But just as you opened your mouth to ask the silent question, the familiar sound of your keys clinking together snags your attention away from the scene unraveling beside you. 
“Come on, sugar. I’ll drop you off.” Blue tells you, lifting up the trapdoor of the bar before closing it behind her. 
A hand shoots out, clamping down on her upper arm. Her eyes shoot daggers at the person it’s attached to. 
“Off in such a hurry, Blue? Always willin’ to start a fight, but ain’t ever willin’ to finish it. I was right. You haven’t changed a bit.”
“Get your hands off me before I have Tetsu knock you on your arrogant, conceited, spoiled little Southern ass.”
“Hah? That extra? Please. He wouldn’t last two seconds.” He tugs on her arm, trying to draw her closer, but his elbow knocks you in the back of the head. You weren’t expecting the impact, so it’s no surprise to you when you fall clean off your barstool. 
You crash to the ground in a graceless, drunken fashion. You hear Blue call your name, several people shouting, (all of their insults and anger directed at your ex), and three or more pairs of hands reaching down to help you to your feet. However, one set is faster than the others. Warm calloused fingers encircle your wrist, yanking you up off the floor. 
“Don’t toss them around like a ragdoll. Lord above, Bakugou. Sometimes I wonder if you’ve got anything up in that spiky head of yours. Then again, if your brain was leather, you probably wouldn’t have enough to saddle a Junebug.”
“Shut the hell up, you fuckin’ extra.”
“Don’t you swear at me.”
“I’ll do whatever I so fuckin’ please.”
Blue pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. “You could make a bishop mad enough to kick in stained glass windows with that outhouse of a mouth.”
You want to laugh. Really you do. The entire situation is like something you’d read from a tacky fanfiction, or would be a terrible scenario for one of your cheesy romcoms. You’re on the floor while your ex and new friend are above you, bickering back and forth like an old married couple. 
It’s like a trashy Southern soap opera. With a Dolly Parton soundtrack to boot.  
However, your entire world comes to a standstill when a pair of furious ruby eyes stare into yours. 
Katsuki Bakugou.
His forehead is crinkled into those grumpy lines you slowly grew to love, once upon a time. Bits of his hay-colored hair poke out from beneath a black cowboy hat. He’s wearing a dark button-up shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, displaying his muscular arms. A clean pair of Levi’s cling to his legs and ass, perfectly sculpting the body worthy of a mythological god. 
So maybe there was some semblance of sense to his rodeo stage name. The god part at least. Because honestly, looking that fine should be considered a sin. You suck in your bottom lip, a not-so-subtle attempt to make sure that you’re not drooling.
Damn, boy. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” He all but yells at you, giving you a hard shake. 
The lyrics from the song from earlier dance around in your mind as your eyes drift down to his custom-designed cowboy boots. Black with bright orange X’s running across the front of them and olive green grenade emblems stitched to the sides near the top.
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
“Did you hear me, or are you deaf now? I said, what the hell are you doing here?”
Your mouth works faster than your brain. 
“Getting over you.”
His eyes widen, and for once in his damn life, he seems at a loss for words. 
“Getting over you. The only way I know how. Because we all cope differently, don’t we, Blue?”
She stares at you with such sadness that it makes you feel guilty for even asking her. 
“I cope by drinking myself into oblivion, and you cope by inviting whoever the fuck you want into our bed. Oops. I mean, your bed.” The words are out before you can even process them, and you can’t take them back, even if you wanted to. Because, again, the more you drink, the more you talk. 
And you drank quite a bit. 
You really, really wish that you had gone through with the plan you first concocted when you first arrived. Because a concussed head was sooooo much better than what you just did. You recall what Blue said the moment that she saw Bakugou enter the bar.
Sugar Honey Iced Tea.
Shit indeed, Blue. Shit indeed.
Bakugou still stares at you, mouth hanging open. You reach over, placing your fingers under his chin, tenderly applying enough pressure that his lips slam together, shutting his mouth. Again, a feat you once thought to be impossible, but hey, you were just full of surprises tonight.  
“Trying to catch flies, ‘Suki? It’s easier if you use honey.” You purr, hand falling to his chest. His heart flutters underneath your fingers. 
“You drunk or somethin’?” He asks, clearing his throat as pink stains his cheeks. 
Giggling, you lean forward, your lips mere inches from his. 
“And if I am? What are you gonna do about it?”
His eyes narrow, glaring down at you. 
“Alright, I’m breaking this up,” Blue announces, tugging on the sleeve of your shirt. 
“Katsuki already did that for you,” you giggle, leaning back to look up at him. “Ain’t that right, ‘Suki? Dropped me like a sack of hot potatoes the moment I was no longer of any value to you.”
Bakugou says nothing, lips pressed into a firm, narrow line. 
“Time to go home, sweet pea,” Blue urges you, all but shoving you out the door.
You throw up a casual wave, flipping Bakugou off in the same breath.
“This was fun, ‘Suki, Let’s never do it again.”
And with that, Blue guides you through the double doors, allowing them to swing behind you. Your lungs greedily suck down the cool night air, goosebumps raising on your skin. Your body leans on Blue as she walks you to her truck. 
“Almost there, darlin’,” she assures you with each step. Finally, you’re brought to a halt in front of a navy blue Chevy Silverado. But before Blue can even reach over to open the door, you crumple into a sobbing heap. Your knees slam into the broken asphalt, but you barely register the pain. 
The agony consuming your heart is enough. And after the scene you caused inside, you only gave the town more ammunition to use against you. 
You hated this place. Hated this town. Hated the people in it. Hated him. But most of all, you hated yourself. Hated yourself for still caring about him. For still holding some kind of hope that things would work out and you’d be happy again. 
With him. Just the two of you. Like you always wished it would be. 
A pair of warm arms wrap around you, and you allow yourself to be held as you finally have the breakdown that’s been building up for the last three months.
“It hurts, Blue,” you blubber into her shoulder. “It hurts...so much.”
“I know, sweet pea. I know. And I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She whispers, smoothing down your hair. “He was an ass anyway. Always has been.”
“But he was my ass. And I loved him. I loved him. I loved him.” You repeat, clawing at your chest, desperately trying to reach into the hollow activity of your ribcage and rip your heart out in a pitiful attempt to find some relief, hoping that if you were able to do it, it would make the pain go away.
Blue doesn’t have an answer. No magic cure or spell to help you through this.
But she’s there with you. 
And that was more than you could have ever asked for.
"Why'd he have to show up like that? All decked out in his fancy boots and favorite button up and that hat. That fuckin' hat, Blue." You ask, salty tears dripping down your chin. "Just when I think 'to hell with him, I deserve more and better,' he waltzes on in like a damn movie star and steals my breath away all over again. Despite everything he's ever done, I love him. And I think part of me always will."
You look up at Blue through your haze of tears.
"Why'd he have to come in there lookin' like that?"
Why'd you come in here lookin' like that? In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans, all decked out like a cowgirl's dream. Why'd you come in here looking like that?
Seriously, I am so thankful that I was finally able to finish this request.
It's currently 2 in the morning my time and this entire scenario is probably flaming garbage that resides in a sewage plant because I wrote most of this half asleep. And before you tell me, yes, I am aware that it looks like the spirit of an 1800s author took hold of me and had a field day using commas for ridiculously long sentences. I KNOW. 
But I had a lot of fun writing this, and if you don't like it, don't read it. It wasn't for you anyway. 😘
I write for my own pleasure and enjoyment, not for the validation of others.
This is the first scenario of the Southern Roots Series. I will do my best to update as often as I can but life gets busy so don't expect too much out of me.
I really hope y'all enjoyed and I can't wait to write more.
Later, Taters! 💙💙
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