#dad went to actually get the milk and was hit by a BUS I’m gonna Die
Supper’s Ready
Word Count: 2,033
Summary: A couple of weeks have passed since Danny’s accident with the portal. Fortunately, so far, he hasn’t experienced any symptoms at all, not even ghostly ones. Until one day, he begins throwing up ectoplasm.
Or, my take on Portal!Danny
Warning: Includes depictions of nausea and vomiting so...read at your own discretion
Read on AO3 or under the cut
Danny awoke with a groan. He clutched his stomach and squeezed his eyes together as a wave of nausea hit him. If he could, he would’ve laid there forever, curled up in a ball fighting the sick feeling in his stomach. But it kept getting worse, and worse, until his instincts drove him to blindly stumble to his bathroom. Kneeling before his toilet, he held his mouth open, wishing for whatever he ate earlier to just come out already. It felt like an eternity before his dinner left him. Panting, he laid his cheek against the toilet seat as he felt the nausea starting to subside.
He doesn’t remember the last time he threw up. Probably when he was a kid. It couldn’t have been mom’s cooking, right? He recalled the glass of milk he had before bed. It did taste a bit funky.
He stood up, sparing a glance at his dinner once again. He was just about to flush it away until something caught his eye. A single translucent drop of something that glowed brightly green. Jazz probably did have a point about not keeping the ecto-weenies in the fridge.
A couple of weeks have passed since Danny’s accident with the portal. Unfortunately, the portal remained unfunctional since the brief moment when he had activated it. At first, Jazz and his friends were extremely concerned for him. After all, he was practically electrocuted. But seeing that there were no lasting effects, over time they’ve let go of the incident. Things resumed back to normal, save for Jazz becoming a lot more protective of her little brother.
Danny flushed and rinsed the foul taste from his mouth. He made a mental note to throw out the milk in the morning as he climbed back into his sheets.
A few days later, Danny was sitting at his desk in his bedroom, struggling to understand why he kept getting this one math question wrong. He swears he’s following the same steps in the textbook example. He was just about to give up and move onto the next question when his mouth suddenly felt dry. No, not again. 
Ever since that night he puked, Danny’s stomach really wasn’t having it. More and more often the sick feeling would return, except nothing came out of it. He rested his head on his homework, waiting for the nausea to pass. At this point he just wanted whatever bad food, stomach bug, or whatever to leave him already. Maybe he should ask his parents to take him to the doctor.
At that thought, his gut uncomfortably lurched and he barely grabbed his wastebasket in time. It’s a shame those tater tots from the cafeteria had to go to waste. Just when he thought he was finished, he felt a painful jolt in his abdomen and squeezed his eyes shut. He felt something, with an almost slimy-like texture pour out. The sensation of it running up his throat made him feel even sicker than he was.
He took a moment to breathe before opening his eyes again. He almost dropped the bin at what he saw. It was the same glowing green substance he saw that other night. Except this time, it took up three quarters of his wastebasket! He couldn’t even see his lunch from earlier.
Slightly panicked now, he quickly scrambled up from his desk chair to get rid of it. If Jazz saw him now, she’d never let him hear the end of it. 
After flushing it away, he turned to the sink to clean himself up. But, the sight of himself in the mirror made him freeze.
He saw that green fluid, staining his white shirt as it steadily dripped from his chin. He almost gagged when he still felt it present in his mouth. But what truly frightened him was his now green irises, glowing brightly in the same intensity as the fluid. 
What was wrong with him?
Ectoplasm. That’s what was inside him.
Over dinner, his dad was excitedly explaining how he had extracted the substance from a ghost. His mom joined in, explaining its scientific properties. And while Jazz expressed her disgust at bringing something like that to the dinner table, the whole conversation was lost to Danny’s ears. All he saw was the small vial his dad was showing off, containing the same substance he had been heaving out daily in the last week.
Danny was in the middle of an English test when he felt it. It wasn’t all that painful anymore, and he’s gotten used to holding it down just long enough until he could get to a washroom. Still, it always was very uncomfortable. And inconvenient, especially at times like now. He raised up his hand and cringed as Lancer stared at him suspiciously.
“Yes, Mr. Fenton?”
“Can I—uh...go to the bathroom?”
Lancer sighed as he glanced at the clock. “Fine. Please hurry back though, you only have 20 minutes left for the test.”
“Thanks Mr. Lancer,” Danny mumbled as he got up from his seat. He fought the feeling of Wes glaring a hole in the back of his head, along with the weird stares from some of his other classmates. Sam and Tucker worriedly watched as their friend left the classroom.
Alone, in the bathroom, Danny used his hands to brace himself against both sides of the stall, as he crouched in front of the toilet, wrinkling his nose at the smell. He hated doing this at school.
He counted to three and then let go, expelling the seemingly endless supply of ectoplasm within him. Every time he did this, there was always that little nagging voice at the back of his head, telling him that he really should tell someone about this. His parents should know what to do, right? But, every time he attempts to do so, he just...he can’t go through with it. Hearing them rant about their pure hatred for ghosts and the inventions they’ve created just to torture them makes his stomach lurch for a whole other reason. He knows they love him...but...what if they try to hurt him?
As for Jazz and his friends, he honestly can’t bring himself to burden them more after the portal accident. After all this time, he still occasionally sees the guilt in Sam’s eyes. Besides, who’s to say this won’t go away on its own...right?
He wiped his chin with the back of his hand after he felt nothing else coming up. However, he was greatly mistaken. 
The next moment, sheer agony shot through his abdomen, causing him to lose balance and hit his back against the stall’s door. It never hurt this bad before!
His body went rigid when he felt a frightening chill freeze his insides. A burning green—almost yellow light was all that he could see as he was overwhelmed by the brutal sensation of his insides being ripped apart. His mouth was forced open by an invisible force as something else crept up his painfully inflamed throat. It wasn’t ectoplasm this time.
Panting heavily, all Danny could do was lay there against the door as the blinding light and pain gradually faded away. The first thing he saw after regaining his vision was a spectral tail disappearing into the ceiling.
“Good morning, this is Tiffany Snow reporting Amity Park’s latest breaking news. Recently, we have received several reports of ghost sightings. Witnesses have expressed that these ghosts have been trespassing their homes, destroying property, and terrorizing civillians. The Amity Police Depar…”
“Those no good specters!”
“Jack, honey, do you know what this means?”
“Of course Maddie, the town needs us!”
“But the sudden increase in ghost activity, it must mean something…”
“What are you sayin’ Mads?”
“Where would these ghosts be coming from? Natural portals don’t stay open long enough for any significant entities to escape the Ghost Zone. Unless...maybe something is causing them to stay open longer?”
“You might be onto something, gosh Mads you’re so clever! Well, better get right to sealing up those portals for good. Oh, I got the perfect idea for an invention!” Jack exclaimed as ran downstairs into the lab.
Danny just realized he’d been holding his breath throughout his parents’ conversation. At the sound of his mom’s voice directed at him, he dropped his spoon. “Y-yea mom?” he stuttered as he anxiously gazed at her.
She was holding a silver-gray thermos with metallic green details. “Today, I’m packing your lunch in the Fenton thermos. We’d be horrible parents let you kids go to school defenseless. Just remember to point and push, okay?”
“Um, okay. Thanks mom,” Danny mumbled. 
She kissed his head before he could protest and said, “I’m going to help your father out. Have a great day at school sweetie.” 
After his mom disappeared downstairs into the lab, Danny morosely glanced at his half-eaten cereal. He’s probably not gonna keep it down anyways. Fenton thermos in hand, he grabbed his backpack and left to catch the school bus.
Danny could almost say he’s gotten used to being nauseous all the time. Now when he threw up, more often than not an actual ghost would come up. But now, the guilt from causing all the recent ghost activity grew with each passing day. Yet, no matter how much he’d tried stopping himself, all he did was make the pain even more unbearable. Something was seriously wrong with him.
One day, he recovered quickly enough to see an octopus-like ghost escape into the school’s hallways. As he exited the washroom, he saw the ghost hurling textbooks at students and scaring anyone that got near. 
This was all his fault. He winced as he saw poor Mikey get his glasses knocked off his face by his own math textbook. He had to do something. Wait. Danny reached into his bag, finding the now empty Fenton thermos.
“Just point and push, right?” he muttered to himself as he took aim at the ectopus. A light blue beam shot out the thermos, enveloping the ghost and pulling it inside. Danny blinked as he noticed the small display on the flask read 25% CAPACITY.
“Huh, that was easy.”
Using the Fenton thermos to capture the ghosts really helped ease some of his guilt. However, all too soon the thermos had hit its capacity and Danny had no idea what to do with it.
He’d secretly borrowed another one from his parents and already that one was full too. He needed to figure out something quick.
“Hey dad?”
“What’s up Danno?”
“Uh...how do you get rid of ghosts?”
“Son, I’m so glad to see you taking an interest in the family business! Me and your mom are still finding out a way to get rid of those spooks for good. For now, we’ve got the Fenton Ghost Weasel and the Fenton thermos to catch them.”
“But, what if you run out of space to keep them?”
Danny’s dad scratched his head in thought. “Never really thought much about that. I guess when the time comes, we just gotta send those suckers back where they came from. Maybe by then, we’ll find those portals that are causing us all this trouble.”
Back where they came from? 
By now, Danny knows that the accident with his parents’ portal had to have something to do with his...condition. And considering that all the ghosts are coming from inside him...maybe the portal did end up working after all. Except, not in the way he’d expected. He tried not to think too much about it. How an opening to an entirely different dimension was...inside him.
But, he had a more immediate problem to worry about. And as much as the solution grossed him out, he had no choice. 
Currently sat on his bed, Danny stared at the two full flasks in front of him. His dad’s words rang in his ears as he unscrewed the cap off one. His stomach turned uncomfortably as he spared a glance at its contents.
Bringing up the thermos to his lips, he squeezed his eyes shut to brace himself for what he was going to do next.
Here goes nothing.
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campbellatoner · 3 years
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Loud banging on the front door was not something Cody wanted to wake up to in the middle of the night. Despite him being a heavy sleeper, it startled him awake, and even through the heavy thunderstorm that roared outside he could hear the bangs clear as day.
His newfound senses were something he was still getting used to. He struggled to wrap his head around the idea of being a dhampir (or, at least, part dhampir?), and although he didn’t seem to have any powers, he was much easier to wake nowadays. It kept him on edge, being able to hear things from far, far away.
Cody made sure to let his wife know he’d go investigate, god knows Octavia didn’t need any stress in her current state, and if anything happened to her or their unborn child, he’d never be able to forgive himself.
He grabbed his cellphone off of his nightstand and made his way out of the bedroom. Through the halls he could hear the banging grow louder and louder, but it seems like now whoever was outside figured out they had a doorbell.
He held back the urge to yell out “One moment!”, he needed to stay as quiet as he could so he could grab some sort of weapon to defend himself and his family. 
Luna crept close behind him, like the good girl she is. She whispered for her to go back to Octavia, somebody needed to protect her and Parker.
Sprinting to the kitchen as quietly as he could, he reached for a knife, the biggest one he could find, God forbid he had to use it. His heart raced just thinking about doing something that would wind him back into jail.
He promised Octavia he’d be there for her and his family, and by God, he was going to keep his fucking word.
Finally, making it to the foyer, he took a deep breath before peeking out of the window, ready to attack whoever was outside, but the familiar sight made him drop the weapon...
He kicked the knife aside and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he opened the front door.
“Luke?” He asked. “What the hell are you doing here at 4 in the morning... And who’s kid is that?”
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“I... I-I think she’s mine,” Luke said, stammering.
The man looked shaken up and tired. He was visibly shivering as he held the sobbing newborn close to him. He was soaking wet, and his car was parked sloppily in the driveway. From the looks of it, he took out a few of the rose bushes. Octavia’s gonna be pissed.
“Luke...” Cody said, going quiet for a moment as he took in the sight. “When did this happen? How did this happen?”
“I, uh... Sh-shit, man, I don’t even kno-ow...”
The man was basically hyperventilating at this point, then realization hit Cody like a fucking bus.
Luke’s afraid of thunder. He’s afraid of thunder and has a baby.
“Fuck, right, come on in, dude,” Cody offered, opening up the door to let him in.
Brewing a pot of coffee in the kitchen, Cody paced back and forth as Luke got himself and the child dried off in a towel he lended them. He had the fireplace going, hoping it’d warm them up and keep his focus off of the storm for a moment. 
Luke tried shushing and bouncing the sobbing child, to keep her quiet, to do something. He looked absolutely panicked, and Cody could only really stand back for the moment.
At this point, he needed to put his focus on settling his friend down before he could even try and get answers from the man. He was normally so laid back, so relaxed, he had no thoughts on anything, really. But now? He was so tense, his eyes were so wide they looked like they’d pop out. He was so on edge, and yet, he looked so exhausted.
Pouring himself and Luke a couple of mugs of coffee, he came out to the livingroom. “Here, you look like you need this”
“Th-thanks, man,” Luke said as he reached for the mug with one hand. His other was holding onto the swaddled baby, and Cody couldn’t help but stare.
He bit down on his tongue and held back the thousands of questions that ran through his head, his fingertips lightly drummed on the sides of the mug as he gulped down as much coffee as he could. He needed to wake up, this all felt like a dream.
Luke looked so nerve-wracked, it was unnatural. Cody felt awful just looking at him, all he wanted to do at that moment was to ask what was wrong and to just make everything all better so he could rest easy, but... This wasn’t something he could just fix.
Luke gulped the last of his coffee, he was on his third cup by now. Cody had just finished his fourth, and he was tempted to brew another pot.
Luke let out a shakey sigh, looking down at the child who had finally settled down after he bounced her for what felt like an eternity. She slept silently in her swaddle, aside from the occasional sniffle that sent Luke on edge. He looked absolutely terrified to even think of putting the child down, so Cody held out his arms to take a spin.
Luke’s focus darted between Cody and the newborn for a short moment before he gulped and handed the child over.
“Okay,” Cody started quietly, “how did this happen? Where did you find her and when?”
“I-I found her a few hours ago,” he admitted. “She was at the frontdoor of my apartment, all swaddled up in a carseat”
Cody raised a brow, “And you said she’s yours?”
Luke nodded, handing him a note.
“Dear Luke,
I’m sorry I have to just drop this on you, but I can’t take care of this child. I wasn’t really ready for anything more than a one night stand, let alone being a mother. If you even remember me, please don’t try and contact me. Leave her at a firestation or whatever if you can’t take care of her, but she IS your daughter.
She was born April 7th, 6.3lbs, 17 1/2 inches. She reminds me so much of you, it kind of hurts. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of her when I found out I was pregnant, because part of me feels like WE could work, but I feel like -I- don’t work...
I wish you and her well, and maybe one day I’ll change my mind and find you two again, but for now, I need to discover myself before I discover motherhood.
Cody’s brows stitched together reading the note. “So she just... Dumped this kid on you?”
He nodded again, his leg bouncing.
Cody looked down at the newborn. ‘A’ was right, she did look a bit like her father, but he could tell she had a lot of her mother in her, too. Soft black hair, mono lidded eyes, a flat nose. But her face in general had the Luke-y vibe she wrote about.
“Do you intend on keeping her?” Cody asked.
“I... I-I don’t know... I really really don’t know...” He said, his voice was aching.
Cody’s expression fell. “H-hey, man, c’mon... You’ll be okay, don’t worry”
Luke’s head fell into his hand, and his back sunk as he tried to keep himself together, but the strings holding him up snapped and he just fell apart right in front of Cody.
“M-Man! I-I haven’t even seen her mom in forever! We went out once in July, and n-now I got a kid out of it! I can barely take care of myself, h-how do I take care of a baby, Dakota?”
Cody rushed over to him, using his free arm to put around Luke as his occupied one bounced the child.
Cody pat his back, and Luke hicced into his hands.
“Hey, man, you’re gonna be okay. Just breathe for me, okay?” Cody requested.
Luke nodded shakily, and he tried his best to take deep breaths as Cody guided him.
“You really think I could be a dad?” Luke asked, holding the baby once again.
“Well... I think you should definitely go get her DNA tested, first. If babymama wants to put child support on you, make sure it’s actually your kid. Don’t trust looks alone, Luke”
“Y-Yeah, you’re right...”
“And were you using protection, do you remember? Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to get tested for STDs”
“Don’t you think I’d know if I’d gotten one by now? It’s been, like, 9 months, dude”
Cody smiled lightly when he called him dude, the real Luke was shining through.
“You never know. Besides, it’s been 9 months and you just found out about this kid tonight. No signs are clear from the begining, play it safe”
“Y-yeah, alright,” Luke admitted defeat, scratching behind his ear. “You think I should move back here, then?”
Cody mentally slapped himself, “Right, yeah, you live out of town. Out of state, for that matter!”
“Y-yeah... I panicked and just drove here as fast as I legally could when I finished reading the note... I didn’t know where else to go, and I figured since your kid’s gonna be here soon, I’d just.... Come here...”
Cody sat back, “Yeah, he is... God, I thought I’d be the first out of the Mathletes to be a father. Son of a bitch, it looks like you might’ve beaten me to it”
Luke laughed into his fist, and the child wound up waking up. Luke panicked, and Cody scootched back in to help.
“Baby’s kinda startle easily, you don’t wanna disturb them while they’re sleeping. But she might be hungry or need her diaper changed, have you done any of that at all?”
“N-No...” Luke admitted.
“...Did babymama leave anything for you? Any diapers? Any formula or breast milk, by chance?”
“Uh, no, no I don’t think so”
Cody held back a cuss as he stood up. “A-Alright, luckily I stocked up on stuff for Parker. We’ve got diapers of all sizes in his nursery, and I’ve already bought some formula to have on hand. Let’s go get her cleaned up first, alright?”
Luke nodded and slowly stood up, following Cody upstairs.
“So, you got any names in mind?” Cody asked.
“Um, well, I kinda like Mary-Jane-”
“No.” Cody stated dryly.
“What, why not?” Luke asked.
“Simple. Your last name is Kush. I’m not letting you name your kid Weed Weed.”
“...Well, if you ask me, Weed Weed is an awesome name”
“That kid’s gonna be made fun of constantly, dude. You’re setting her up for bullying at this point”
“Oh fuck- Good point”
“Feel free to take your time thinking on it, it took me and Octavia a while to figure out Parker’s name,” he stated.
“I dunno, man... Now I’m thinking Ramona”
“Oh, that’s pretty!” Cody noted.
“Yeah, it is! So was the character, haha”
Cody’s expression dropped. “Which character, Lucas?”
“Ramona Flowers,” he stated.
Cody rolled his eyes. “Ramona Flowers, Ramona Kush. How fun,”
“C’mon, man. It’s cool, just like she’ll be! Now I just gotta focus on your middle name!”
Cody hid a smile from him, he couldn’t deny, it was cute hearing him say that.
Cody opened up Parker’s Nursery, reaching over for his closet which was full of little outfits and supplies. Cody reached for a handfull of newborn diapers and a onesie from the rack.
“If you don’t mind dressing your Ramona up a little gothic, this should help keep her warm. Have you ever changed a diaper before?”
“Um, n-no...”
“Cool, pay attention, then. This’ll be your first of many.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Moments with mini-angel; Roger Taylor
*Author’s note*
Here we go guys I managed to FINALLY finish off the last part of my Moment’s with mini-angel chapter and here we go with the most lovable member of them all, ROGAH TAYLAH!!!!!! Now this was is prob. my FAV part of the series but also the toughest to write cause I had established throughout the entire Rock Angel series, that Roger and you reader-chan as the RA have this SPECIAL bond and I knew I had to try and top that w/baby Kelly (so I HOPE I delivered to long time fans of this series)
So not really any warnings just make sure you bill me your dentist bill by the end lol cause trust me you WILL get cavities from the sweetness that’s in this chap. Enjoy my lovelies ;)
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*New lion cub; Roger Taylor. 4 months old. Surrey, England*
I was rushing around the house trying to get myself ready.  I don’t know why I agreed to do this interview in the first place? I wasn’t ready nor in the ‘physical condition’ to make a public appearance yet.  
I was still trying to lose the post-pregnancy weight I had gained, now all the critics are gonna call me out on even more curves.
“You’re muttering again.” I heard Jack’s voice say.
“I don’t mutter.” I sassed at him.
“Yes you do. You always mutter whenever you get extremely insecure.” Jack came up behind me from the bathroom door and wrapped his arms around me. “Now c’mon, what’s going on in my Rock Angel’s mind?”
“Just…….insecurities.” he sighed heavily.
“This is about the TV interview today isn’t it?”
“Could I possible call in and cancel it? Plus we can just stay here with Kelly.” I suggested.
“No we can’t. Look, I know you’ve been trying your best to lose the post-pregnancy weight but baby you look just as beautiful as before. Hell you look even more beautiful with them. And if some asshole wants to poke fun at them then he clearly has no life than to bring others down. And that is literally a shit way to live.” I looked up at him as cupped the side of his jawline.
“Why are you so good to me?”
“Because if I wasn’t then I’d have the hottest rock band beating my ass all over the world three times over.”
“Well Rog would beat you till the end of time.”
“See there we go!” I giggled softly as he kissed the side of my face up and down. “Funny and sexy. I really hit the jackpot with you.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere Jack Kline.”
“Not true, it got me you.” I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.  Before I could say anything back to him, the phone rang.  I stepped out of the bathroom and picked up the phone connected to our nightstand.
‘Hello (y/n) dearie, this is Trudy calling.’
“Oh hi Mrs. Cushing, how are you?”
‘I’m afraid not good dearie. I suddenly fell ill with the flu so I’m afraid I can’t come over and babysit for you.’
“Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about that Mrs. Cushing.”
‘I really hate to drop this on you at the last minutes but—’
“No, no it is what it is. I’m sorry but it would be better if you stayed home and rest.”
‘Oh thank you so much for understanding dear. I would hate to give the sweet little one what I got, especially with her recent colic recovery.’
“Absolutely yes. Well I hope you feel better Mrs. Cushing, take care.”
‘You too dearie, goodbye.’
“Bye.” I hung up the phone and I turned to Jack.
“Is Mrs. Cushing sick?” he asked me.
“The flu. I told her it’s best she stay home and rest.” He sighed heavily and came out of the bathroom and sat down at the foot of the bed.
“So what do you wanna do?”
“What can we do? Deacy and Ronnie are in Bali, Brian’s busy with his own producing, I can’t even get a hold of Chrissie these days, Freddie said he didn’t even wanna come near the house till she was 6months after your little wake up fiasco.”
“You’re never gonna let that go are you?” he said to me with a quirked brow.
“Hell to the no. And today Rory has a doctor’s appointment and Dominique is busy with that.”
“Well you do realize that just leaves…….” Jack trailed off.
“I know. I can’t ask him to do it last minute. He prefers to know ahead of schedule.”
“(Y/n), you know that man would fly half way across the world if something ever happened to you. Remember when that bastard plastered our faces on the front page of every tabloid when we first met. The whole band actually cancelled the rest of their Japan tour just to interrogate you.”
“Your right. I just hope he’s up for it.”
“He is. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he’s waiting outside across the porch right now.” Jack teased as he went up to the phone. He picked up the receiver and dialed Roger’s number while I continued to get ready.
About 15 minutes later, we soon heard the doorbell ring and we both looked at each other.
“Speak of the chaotic blonde devil.” Said Jack.
“Just be thankful Fred isn’t here to back him up, then I’d really be worried.” I said grimly.
“You wanna answer it?”
“No you go ahead, I wanna say goodbye to my baby real quick.” Jack nodded and pecked my cheek and headed downstairs while I headed towards the nursery room.
*3rd Person POV*
Jack walked down the stairs all the while hearing the doorbell ring frantically as well as the loud banging at the door.
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered. “I’m coming Roger, coming!” the second he turned the lock, the door suddenly swung open and in came in Roger Taylor.  Wearing his usual prescription shades and the shirt that (y/n) had named ‘the dad shirt’. The blue with yellow and white lines across it, white pants, and his usual favorite brand of shoes.
“Sorry I’m late Jack, hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”
“No not really.”
“Where is she?”
“Which one?”
“Both of them.”
“Up in the nursery—” before Jack could even finish his sentence, Roger immediately charged upstairs and trudged towards the nursery room.  He entered in a calm manner to see (y/n) standing over her daughter’s crib, and baby Kelly cooing up at her mother.
*My POV*
“Hello lovie.” I looked up to see Roger standing there.
“Hey dad.” I said softly. “She’s literally just waking up now. Latest she’s ever slept even though she went to bed at her normal time.”
“Well that’s another thing she got from her mother.” He teased as he came up and stood beside me.  I gawked at him and slapped his shoulder he chuckled softly. “Nah, nah, nah I’m kidding. Well—”
“I’m kidding. But I do admit you do look adorable when you sleep. Freddie says you look like a cat when you especially curl yourself inwards on the tour bus beds.” I lowered my head and I said down to Kelly.
“My darling baby, don’t you dare listen to any stories your godfather tells you.”
“Yes Kelly bear. Do listen to the stories I tell you. I’ve got loads of embarrassing stories in regards to your mummy.” He cooed down at her and he gingerly bopped her tiny little nose. “And you missy, need to head out and get to that TV studio for that interview.”
“Okay but not until I give you the list of Kelly’s instructions—”
“No need I know everything this cute dovie needs.” He interrupted me.
“No dad please you need to listen…..”
“I did. I remember where you have all the emergency numbers, who to call, where the food and milk is at, how to prepare it. Love I’m not the chaotic young drummer I used to be 12 years ago.”
“No. You’re just older.” He glared at me and that’s when he suddenly tossed me over his shoulder. “Whoa Roger what the…..”
“Ah-ah-ah-ah! No swearing in front of the baby. Now you’re going to that interview and I will take care of everything.” He walked out of Kelly’s nursery with me still hung over his shoulder.
“No stop it! Put me down!”
“Nope not till you get your butt out that door and go that interview!”
“Put me down this is humiliating!”
“Oh come on it’s not as humiliating as New Orleans at Mardi Gras back in 82.” As we reached the front door, he opened the door and set me down and gently pushed me out the door.  He then grabbed Jack’s wrist and shoved him outside. “Alright now both of you go. Leave and we’ll see you on TV lovie. See you later this afternoon you two love you my lion cub, bye!”
He slammed the door shut and we heard the click of the locks.  Jack and I looked at each other shaking our heads.
“It’s like he wanted to get rid of us.” said Jack.
“Like I said, he’s bonkers for our baby girl. But he is right, my interview starts in 30 minutes.” Jack and I walked towards the car and got inside.  I started the engine up and soon we took off out of the driveway.
*Roger’s POV*
I peeked out the window to see them finally drive off and as soon as they were gone, I shot my fist in the air.
“Finally! I thought they’d never fuckin leave. The three other guys get their one on one time with baby Kelly and I don’t? That is a crime in itself.” I said as I raced back up towards the nursery.  “Well no more, this time it’s just us. Me and my little Kelly-belly.”
As soon as I reached the nursery, I could hear the faint sounds of her sad little cries.  Poor little thing must already miss her mummy, well time for god-papa to come to the rescue.  I walked over towards her crib and reached down with one hand and stroked her head.
“Shhh, shhh. Now, now Kelly dear, mummy and daddy will be back soon.” Her crying ceased as soon as she heard my voice, her eyes that once cried small crocodile tears, now looked up at me with curiosity.
Her small brain must’ve soon connected the dots because with the snap of a finger she went from sad to happy as she reached out towards me happily cooing.
“Oh is all that joy for me?” I teased down to her. Her baby laughs echoing throughout the room as I talked down to her, “Is this happy baby all for me?” I reached down and picked her up and held her close to my chest. “God I swear every time I see you, you’re growing like a weed, much like my own little girl. You both need to stop that.” She babbled on. “No you do. I swear before you know it you’ll be walking, talking, graduating school and university, and god forbid marriage. God why can’t you girls just stay small and young forever like this?”
Kelly continued to coo at me and she even gave me that adorable gummy smile.  I smiled down at her before gently readjusting her in my arms so that her head rested up against my shoulder.
“What do you say we fill that tummy of yours up with milk? Hmm? I’ll bet you’re hungry aren’t yah?” she squirmed in my embrace and I took that as a yes.  The two of us walked out of the nursery and I prepped her bottle.
I looked at the instructions that (y/n) had written down when it came to prepping her bottle and as we waited for the bottle to warm up in the warm water, Kelly soon started getting even fussier.
“Oh I know lovie, I know it’s coming though.” I soothed her as I gently bounced her up and down.  After checking to see the bottle was all done, I took it out and walked over to the rocking chair in the living room.  Right as the nipple of the bottle touched Kelly’s mouth, she opened her mouth and proceeded to inhale her milk. “Now, now not so fast. Oi you little piggy, you’re gonna end up sick if you drink too fast you know that.”
I took the bottle away from her for a second to soon hear her do a small and very tiny but adorable hiccup.  I pulled my shades over on top of my head just as I gave her back her bottle.  
God if this is what (y/n) looked like as a baby, then she must’ve been the cutest baby in all of Leicester.
“My sweet little Kelly, you are every ounce of your mother aren’t you? Same eyes, same nose, and I can tell you’ll have her same fighting spirit. You know; when I first met your mother she was a shy one. But she had a kind soul. Even though I’ve always said this as a joke just to piss your uncles off, she actually gave me 1 and 3/7th sugars in my coffee. She really believed that it was for a health problem cause a friend of hers dealt with the same thing. From that day on, I knew I had to protect your mum. Because if she was willing to look after me, I knew I had to do the same for her.”
When she was finally done with her bottle, I set it down on the table and proceeded to burp her.  I had her over my right shoulder and I gently patted her back till finally she let out a burp.  And I’ll say I won’t deny that I was proud to hear that man-like burp come out of her.
“Nice one!” I praised.  I held her out in front of me so that I could get a good look at her. She softly cooed before she soon started making bubbles come out of her mouth with her spit.  I shook my head at her and asked her playfully, “What? You think you’re a soap dispenser?” she just looked at me with those wide, curious eyes of hers as she continued to make more bubbles come out of her mouth.
I popped her bubble spit when she raised her hand and proceeded to touch my face.  Her tiny hand which felt like the same size as a cat paw, soon began trailing down from my cheek to my lips.  She gently gripped my lips into her tiny fist which made me laugh.
“Excuse me Missy, those are my lips.” I said in a smooshed up voice.  She began to laugh thinking it was funny.  “So now what, hmm? You think you can just own my lips huh? Is that it?” she babbled a short response. “Oh you do own them huh? Okay then, you can have them.” I then took her tiny wrist between my thumb and index finger and moved them away from my lips so that I could proceed with a kiss attack.
I first kissed all over her tiny hand, before moving up her arm, to her shoulder before finally reaching her face.  I then followed through by making sure that I as I kissed her, I made those obnoxious kissing sounds with each kiss and giving her the occasional raspberry or ten.
You know they say there is always something that can be precious to us.  In my life I’ve had many precious things, but out of everything I could ever have or own, there is nothing more precious to me than the sound of a baby’s laughter.
The first time I made Felix laugh, it was—god it was indescribable.  It was like—a bell had rang off, but it was so soft and melodic, nothing like from the hard rock instruments I’ve surrounded myself with.  In fact his laugh was the one light musical ring that I would always love and cherish.
And now with my two girls, my daughter and goddaughter their laughter’s are just as melodic if not even more so than Felix’s was.
“I told you. You wanted my lips, then you get all the wet, slobbery kisses you can imagine.” I told her in-between my kisses on her chubby cheeks.  She laughed heartily and I swear it was like my heart was soaring at hearing that adorable little laugh. “You’re a silly girl. Do you know that?” I told her as I held her up in front of me.
She cooed at me as her hand once again reached out to touch my face, this time she rested it against my cheek.  I smiled at her and nuzzled against her tiny hand.
“Do you know just how cute you are?” she looked at me with awe. “Yeah, you are adorable. Just like your mother. Ohh let’s see if her interview has started yet. You wanna watch mummy on the TV?” at hearing the name ‘mummy’ she let out a coo. “Yeah that’s what I thought. Let’s see if mummy is on the telly yet.”
We moved over to the couch and I switched on the telly and turned it to BBC1.  There on the couch was Sally Fields, the young woman who I’ve been in an interview with a few times, charming woman and she asks good questions compared to male interviewers.
“Right thank you to Timothy Dalton for his onset interview for his next upcoming James Bond film, up next we have a young artist who has been making a name for herself in such a short time. The Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline will be here right after these messages.”
“Bloody commercials.” Kelly let out a soft ‘bah’ and I replied to her, “You said it lovie.“ the BBC station played commercial after commercial after commercial.  It just seemed to drag on forever till finally Sally came back on the screen.
“Welcome back. Our next guest rose to fame back in 1981 when she performed in the middle of a Queen concert in Madison Square Garden. For the next 5 years she proceeded to be one of the youngest female rock stars ever to have #1 hits in both America and Britain. (Y/n) Kline the Rock Angel is here with us today, welcome (Y/n)”.  The camera cut to (n/n) sitting right there on the couch.
“Hello Sally, thanks for having me here.” At seeing her mummy on screen, Kelly reached out her tiny hands cooing in awe.
“Yeah you see mummy? Yeah she’s on the telly.”
“Nice to see you here, now I was told you were on a brief hiatus for a while.” Sally told her.
“Yes because just 4 months ago I had given birth to my beautiful baby girl. My first child.”
“Which congratulations by the way.” The audience clapped and she thanked them.
“Can you clap baby girl? Hmm? Clap for mummy?” she reached her hand out and tried to point out towards her mum.  I chuckled and took her tiny hand in mine before taking her other one, “Like this baby girl.” I gently allowed her hands to come together before quickly separating them and then making them come back together again.
She eventually caught on and as soon as she heard her hands make that clap sound, she was in awe as she began giggling that sweet baby giggle and clapping her hands rapidly (just to hear that sound again).
“That’s it baby girl Yay!”
“Now your recent album ‘Mother love’ is quite different from all the other albums you’ve done previously.” Sally said to (y/n).
“Yeah, yeah. But isn’t it always good to mix things up a bit?” That’s my girl.
“Tell me how long it took you to record this album?”
“Well given the fact that I did want to try and get it done before I went on my maternity leave I wanna say—about 2-3months.”
“Now explain the title of your album, where did that come from?”
“Well as I said and from what everyone saw when I made my first public appearance back at Live Aid, I was five months pregnant at the time, and right after the concert I dove right into making that album. I really wanted this album to reach out to mothers everywhere whether they’re senior mom’s with grown up kids, the mothers who have many kids or first time mothers like myself.”
The interview continued on with the same old boring questions so I turned my attention down to little Kelly.  She continued to stare at the telly in awe and she would let out a soft coo every time her mum came on screen.
“So what’s next for you once your maternity leave is finished?” asked Sally.
“Well there’s a summer tour I’ve got planned out and then maybe a new single, not quite sure about that just yet but you can expect me on the road this summer.” Of course she couldn’t reveal it quite yet cause this tour she was going on was a Queen+Angel European summer tour.
“Well (Y/n) it was lovely speaking to you and we can hear in the background your latest song ‘Protecting me’. Now let’s not just hear it but also check out the music video for it.”
“Yes, lets.” It was then the telly showed a funny little edit to now show (Y/n)’s music video for Protecting me (which I helped produce).
The morning went by and soon it was time for Kelly’s schedule naptime.  After feeding her second bottle and burping her, we sat down in her nursery and I was reading her one of the many books that Veronica and Deacy had donated to them that they once read to Robert, Micky, Laura, and Joshua when they were just babies.
As I read to her, she didn’t seem at all tired. She just kept looking at the book then back up at me with them doe like eyes of hers.
“Right, I know. Boring isn’t it?” I closed the book and tossed it aside back towards the reading pile. “I think—you deserve a lullaby, hmm? Want papa Roger to sing you a lullaby?” I adjusted her so that now her head rested against my chest, right over my heart. “Your mummy told me of how when you were still in her tummy, you kicked along to Radio Gaga. Did you know that I wrote that song?”
She cooed up at me as her tiny little hand reached out for me.  I softly laughed and said as I nuzzled her cute button nose with mine.
“Yes I did. You want me to sing it to you?” I slowly rocked the chair back and forth as I softly began to sing ‘Radio Gaga’ to her. Her eyes were locked right up at me as I sang her favorite song.  She was so invested in my soft voice but I could see her eyes slowly drooping down.
Softly tapping my socked foot on the furry carpet beneath me for the two beats that the audience would usually clap to.  Just before I could even reach the second chorus, she let out a yawn before cuddling herself into my chest, gripping the placket of my shirt.  I looked down at her and couldn’t help but smile warmly.
Like mother like daughter.
I sat up and gently placed her back in her crib so that she would sleep more comfortably.  It was then I felt someone take my hand, of course I didn’t need to look down to know just who it was because the moment I felt the palm of my hand being kissed I knew it was (y/n).
*My POV*
After a long morning of interviews (both TV and radio) Jack and I finally arrived back at the house.  Already I could see some of Kelly’s toys out and some bottles hadn’t been washed yet.
“Dad.” I shook my head.
“I’ll take care of the bottles, you go see if he’s at least putting her down for her afternoon nap.” Said Jack as he kissed the top of my head and went to pick up the two bottles left on the table.
I slowly walked up the stairs and as I approached the nursery room, I heard Roger’s soft singing.  I crept quieter towards the nursery and peeked through the door to see Roger rocking my baby girl to sleep as he sung Radio Gaga to her (in a ballad type way, which really surprised me since he was such a hard rock and roller).
Seeing my surrogate father rocking my baby girl and being so domestic it—made my heart melt.  Roger always tried to put up this hard wall and be this ‘heart of stone rock and roller’ the ‘bad boy’ of Queen what with his reputation with the ladies (especially back in the 70’s).  
But now—he’s more mellow, especially when it’s involved either me or his own kids, and now he’s added Kelly to the list of those who can see the true soft-and-fluff Roger Taylor.
As I watched him put Kelly back in her crib, I felt like I could make my move and let him know I was home.  I silently walked towards him then once his hands were free, I took his left hand and lifted it, palm up, and kissed it before clasping my hand over his.
“We saw your interview with Sally.” He whispered to me.
“You proud I didn’t spoil the combined summer tour?”
“Honestly, I don’t care if you admitted it or not. But you should’ve seen your baby girl. Her eyes were glued to that screen the entire time you came on screen.” I felt my heart melt once more as I looked down at my baby girl.
“Thanks again for watching her dad. Especially at such short notice.”
“Hey, you know I’m always here for you. Both of you. I told you the day she was born that I was always, always gonna be there. Even cross an ocean to help you take care of your baby.”
“And give Jack fatherly advice?”
“Meh.” I playfully punched him but he raised his hands in surrender. “Of course, of course. Deacy can give the lovey-dovey side of being a father. And I can tell him how to be wary of the boys that’ll come in the future.”
“You mean boys like you were?”
“Oh now that…..”
“Shhh. Don’t you dare wake my baby girl up.” I shushed him.  The two of us looked down at Kelly to see her still asleep.  I gestured him outside and the two of us walked out to the hallway. After I shut the door, he said to me.
“Now about that comment…..”
“I’m messing with yah. Now go on and head back home, Jack and I can handle this from here now.”
“You sure you don’t need me to stick around?” he gave me those famed blue eyes puppy dog eyes.  I crossed my arms and quirked my brow at him. “Fine, besides Dominque is probably back from the hospital with Rory. Might as well see how my baby girl did on her checkup. And kiss her boo-boo’s if they gave her shots.” I softly giggled. “What?”
“You said boo-boo’s.”
“Oh grow up!” he said as he walked towards the stairs.
“No dad I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that as a compliment. I’ve—never really seen you like this other than with me. This whole domestic side of you, I love it.” He stopped just as he reached the last step and had a soft smile across his face.
“I only reserve that for only the most important people in my life.” I smiled at him and walked towards him and the two of us hugged each other.
“I’m—I’m so glad that I got the internship. You guys have literally been the best thing to ever happen to me in years.” I felt him embrace me back and he said softly in my ear.
“And you’ve been the best thing to ever happen to us. We love you (n/n). So, so much. We’re always here for you. I’m always there for you. Now and forever, my little lion cub.” I snuggled deeper into his shoulder and squeezed him even tighter as he did the same for me.
After that, Jack and I bid him goodbye and he drove off back to his family.  That Roger Taylor, he can be a handful at times, even to a point where he’s the ultimate helicopter dad.  But—his heart’s always in the right place, especially in times like this.
I’m sure after all this, he’s found himself a new lion cub of the Kline clan to call his own.  Of course, I don’t really mind because that’s what the three of us are. A strong coalition of lions.
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smartguyreviewed · 4 years
2x4 - Dateline
Original air date: Oct 1, 1997
Anyone who was holding their breath for me to get back to this, thank you. Been going through a lot like most people right now but I had to remember this blog is a good distraction because I get to write about one of my favorite shows growing up. Anyways, enjoy. :) 
Let’s talk about cock-blocking or to be more gender inclusive...actually, I can’t think of a term similar that utilizes both a male and female part. Anyhoo, let’s talk about it.
I’ve done it (unintentionally). You’ve done it. We’ve all had it done to us as well. Like the night you finally got a chance to be alone with your dipshit crush and your annoying friend tried to insert herself until she finally realized what was going on and left you two alone so you could have your first kiss ever at age 19.
TJ is an extreme cock blocker. He will break your shit up and then pout because he’s still just a kid. Normally, TJ only wants to punish Marcus by enacting this cruel tactic but in this episode, he shifts gears to the person who is both a mother and father to him: Daddy Flody.
We begin this episode at a supermarket. Tj is checking out cereals and Floyd is checking out dat ass.
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TJ catches Floyd staring and in his precocious little way, starts asking him questions about women. It kind of reminds me of Frank from Milk Money. which is a horrible movie that I adore and you should watch it because despite a little kid befriending a prostitute, it’s still a decent 90s coming-of-age tale. And Alex DeLarge is in it.
After TJ makes his dad sweat further by asking what body type gets his penis erect, TJ comes to the conclusion that Floyd is lonely and could probably benefit from some female companionship.
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Cut to TJ on an unrealistically chatty PC barking at TJ to fill in the boxes for Floyd. I don’t know about you, but if my computer kept talking to me, I’d throw it out of the fucking window. I am so glad websites that talk at you are obsolete. Apparently, this computer is also sentient because TJ pauses for just a moment too long when Marcus comes in and this impatient computer bitch asks for the rest of the info in a more demanding tone.
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But because TJ was distracted, he inputs his own height instead of his dad’s and the computer announces that she’s transferring him to their little people’s section. Hey, they gotta find love too!
Marcus is skeptical of why TJ is trying to set Floyd up. Just then, Yvette walks in and asks who is using her eyeliner to write down phone messages, which I totally expect a straight man to do. After fessing up, Marcus asks Yvette to dissuade TJ from setting up his dad. Yvette then uses her soon-to-be psychology degree on Marcus and reasons that he might be a little salty because he doesn’t want another woman to replace his mom. But no, Marcus is a teenage boy and completely lacking depth until certain episodes call for it. Instead, he says he just wants the car on weekend evenings so he can try to bang his latest girl of the week. Of course, he could just be deflecting to avoid a heavy conversation but I’m gonna go with the former because Marcus is the horniest boy on the show.
Yvette decides to help TJ since Floyd has few dating options. Her plan is to beef up his personal ad by making him younger and a fan of soul food and Maya Angelou. Marcus is still not with the shits and says that nobody wants to date an “old guy with three kids.” Completely forgetting about the fact that his dad is an attractive man, this happens instead:
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TJ and the gang are now making final cuts on the 130 prospects Floyd had. I mean, that’s great and all but I’m sure at least half of those women were catfishes. Then again, in the 90s, maybe there was more legitimacy since there wasn’t enough technology to hide behind? I dunno. But Floyd definitely has some options.
While deliberating who will receive the clock from Floyd, Marcus makes what would be considered a transphobic comment questing if some of them really are women and how he doesn’t want Floyd to end up like Eddie Murphy. Mo, on the other hand is questing if this is even legal. Mo is a teenage boy and is probably likening it to what Tinder now is: a place to meet horny individuals.
Yvette thinks the ladies are good picks but then begins nitpicking their flaws, among one of them being that one of the ladies has breast implants. Because women who get surgeries to help boost their self esteem apparently don’t deserve love? Yvette is such a hypocrite as we’ll see in the future. Mo then begins taking the rejected pics because he loves older women, especially ones with perceived low self esteem. Just then, Floyd comes in the room and the gang has to cover up their dirty work. Floyd makes a bad joke and then dips out.
They eventually settle on a light-skinned natural woman named Jamie. They agree to meet at the grocery store, sot hat’s where we end up. Marcus is acting like he’s never seen pretty girls outside of school and leaves to spit game at women who just wanna be left alone so they can buy their frozen pizza and wine in peace.
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Jamie sees who she thinks is her suitor and immediately is pissed because she, you know, thought she’d be meeting Floyd and not a little boy. Yvette comes over to smooth things over and convinces Jamie to meet Floyd. Well, TJ’s cute face convinced her after she was understandably freaked out. They go to meet Floyd. 
Jamie shows up and explains what happened and that she was pre-screened to make sure she wasn’t a guy. Floyd actually even gives her an up and down look before she says she passed! Pretty sure this also wouldn’t go over well today. Jamie and Floyd, however, hit it off and leave to go on a date. When they get back, Yvette and TJ are spying on the new couple to see how it went. Floyd was actually bigging up TJ and talking about how smart he is to Jamie when they got in. Aww. Floyd is proud of his son for hooking him up. Yvette is noticeably annoyed at how he gets all of the credit, but I mean, it was his idea. Yvette just helped him out. 
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Upon completion of this totally selfless act to get his father some love, TJ is happy at first. Yay TJ! You’re on the right track to becoming a thoughtful human be--
Sike! TJ immediately regrets this decision once he realizes that his father having a personal life means that he won’t see him as much. TJ has a basketball game coming up that Floyd won’t be able to attend now. Yvette offers to take him but it’s not the same because Yvette is a girl and girls aren’t fun. And just like that, TJ the petty, cock-blocking asshole comes back.
The next day, TJ and Floyd are playing basketball when Jamie comes home. Floyd invites her to play but TJ is all like “bitch, wait your turn” and then Floyd puts her on TJ’s team. She then bribes TJ with the food she’s about to cook for them. He agrees but then Jamie and Floyd start flirting because duh. TJ leaves in a jealous fit, upset that this woman he hooked his father up with has the gall to want to spend time with him. He simulates what he wants to do to her body on a bag of Funions.
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I have to say though, how long was the frame of this episode? Days? Weeks? Jamie has essentially become their stepmom. She’s even giving Marcus advice on how to treat a girl like a human being instead of a meat popsicle with titties. Yvette and Marcus then leave, allowing Jamie and Floyd their Blockbuster and Chill time with The Preacher’s Wife.
But TJ is a boner detector because as soon as Jamie and Floyd are about to mash faces, TJ whimpers for his pa because he doesn’t feel good. We think Floyd banished him to his room but then TJ comes over and pushes the two would-be lovers apart so he can ruin their night. Jamie eventually decides to leave, even though it’s clear she was holding out in case she could get a piece of Floyd but TJ completely squashed that possibility. Floyd actually whines when Jamie says she’s leaving. Aww. Floyd is lonely. Does TJ care? Of course not. 
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TJ sounds perfectly fine when he says he’s sorry he ruined the night. Father and son decide to just watch the movie together instead.
The next day at school, Marcus is spitting his game at the girl he went on a date with. Turns out, treating women like actual people has been working well for him! He’s even going on a second date. Yvette comes by to let TJ know that she’s picking him up again. TJ is, of course, pissed because Jamie had come over to the house the night before, albeit dick-less. Yvette has to explain to TJ that when you date someone, the goal is to see them frequently and that he’s the reason their last date sucked. She then shatters Marcus’s dreams by letting him know that Floyd is taking his car on his date. Guess Marcus is gonna have to make out on the bus.
TJ’s lips are all puckered because he’s losing his father to another woman. He’s so distressed that he actually picks a fight with a senior. Mo steps in and literally drags TJ home. No, seriously. He carried TJ like a bag of groceries all the way to the Henderson house during school. Then he transformed into a therapist to get to the root of TJ’s outburst. This is during school hours. Mo skipped school to bring TJ home and give Floyd advice. Mo is amazing.
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TJ is playing basketball with himself when Floyd comes in and then he spills that he’s sick of Jamie. Floyd reminds TJ that he’s the one who set them up and I guess TJ didn’t know things would actually change. Now would have been a good time to mention if he feels some way about another woman besides Yvette playing a maternal figure in the wake of his mother’s never explained death. But Floyd does a good job as usual and says this is temporary because when TJ is a teenager, he won’t want anything to do with Floyd. TJ finally stops being a prick and Floyd offers to be careful about how he schedules his time and then continues the basketball game he let Jamie interrupt previously. Aww Floyd. Too bad TJ is probably going to hold onto this for a while because he was giving his dad a lot of shit in the end credits. This isn’t even the last time he does this to Floyd and we never see Jamie again, so I guess it’s safe to assume that TJ killed Jamie. 
Things I noticed:
- Can we just take a moment to appreciate how hot Floyd is? How could Marcus ever think his dad wouldn’t be able to attract women?
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- This brilliant cover for the gang if Floyd came in during the date deliberation:
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- Marcus doesn’t want Floyd to go out on dates because he wants the car to himself on the weekends. He says if Floyd starts going out, he’s making out in the back of the bus. Yvette then says, “No, thanks to Rosa Parks, you can make out anywhere on the bus.” Brilliant retort. I really hand it to the writers of this show.
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ninja-go-to-therapy · 4 years
The Ninja as Things My Friends and I Have Said
My friend keeps a quote-book and I thought y’all would enjoy this lol
Jay: say your last words to me, I’m about to be smited
Jay: I am so bright, I am star
Kai: Pickles and Dick Jay: Pickle my dick? Kai: PICKLE AND DICK! Lloyd: TICKLE MY DICK?
Kai: I want to play hot potato with a hand grenade
Lloyd: this chocolate milk mocks me
Kai: Can we all agree that when Jay walks he looks like a flamboyant gay drag-queen toddler
Lloyd, looking at a tampon: is that a cheese stick?
Kai: Where you at you little hoe?
Cole: Don’t do gay it’s not healthy 
Jay: I live life as a pirate. Because a pirate is free
Jay: The sun's only up for half the year in Alaska Cole: We have that too. It's called nighttime
Morro: Lick his nuts, they have a sorta Mexican flavor
Kai: I need to be surrounded with seven beautiful naked women in order to sleep at night
Lloyd: You know how there's like a line between bravery and stupidity? Nya: Jay is that line
Jay: Disclaimer: I am an anxious bean
Wu: It’s not your fault but it is your problem
Cole: I can't keep a straight face anymore. It's gay now.
Lloyd: That was such a late reaction it could've been my dad coming back
Kai: I wanna stand around and look GORGEOUS
Kai: I'm outrageously good-looking Zane: No you’re not
Lloyd: I admit when I'm wrong! Kai: Oh yeah. But I'm like never wrong!
All of the ninja, always: It would be so much fun to hurt a bad person
Zane: what state do I live in? Jay: depression
Kai: cool onesie... can I get inside it?
Lloyd: They call me Santa. I bring snow to the children.
Kai: Don't fucking giggle you little shit.
Nya: I will beat you with a meat stick
Cole: You moan more than the dumpster out back
Wu: Don't stick the plungers on your foreheads!
Garmadon: whY are you SMelLING the plungers?
Zane: How does one piss in a watermelon?
Lloyd: When I become 99 pounds I'm going to eat a pound of chicken nuggets so I can be 1% chicken nugget. It's indisputable.
Cole: It smells like SHIT. Like it smells kinda okay now, but it still smells like shit. So it's like. Perfumeshit
Jay: Your socks are untied
Lloyd: Morro can just molest himself
Jay: Can you please not get a fucking locker smaller than my self esteem
Zane: You be smellin your own shit soon Jay: I already do Zane: Get it? Cause your mom gay. Everyone: ...what?
Lloyd: My name's Lloyd and I wear shoes sometimes
Nya: Unlike Skylor, they actually like balls
Kai: Fuck fuck fucking fuck fucking fucktown
Jay. I’m about to go commit space heater in bathtub
Kai: Vaccines make you gay
Lloyd: It’s not because I’m Asian, its because I eat rice so much
Zane: Hi. I’m Zane. ... my dick fell off
Kai, to Lloyd: Your dad is my fuckbuddy. ... wait. Shit.
Lloyd: You didn’t miss. You hit me right in the fucking nipple.
Kai: Eat my dick
Nya. Bite off your own dick
Cole: Your face looks like you're trying to make your dick fall off
Lloyd: So we were sitting watching TV eating macaroni with a fruit roll-up soaking my feet in a trashcan
Jay: I’m gonna go commit visit Pompeii in time machine
Jay: How can spiders fall from the ceiling and just skrrrrt away
Kai: Because none of us can speak proper sentences
Kai: Hold on. I'm sending a meme. I can't fight.
Jay: Engulf your own dick
Jay: Please don’t have a Boston tea party in my back yard
Kai: Still it felt like I committed a minor crime in Iran with all the water in my nose
Jay: Sensei Wu, please throw scissors... I kinda wanna die
Kai: I got royally fucked
Jay: Get your meaty luscious legs
Jay: The fuck you mean take my pants off? They're always on! Cause no one wants me to take them off!
Lloyd, picking up a napkin and seeing food fall out: IT’S BIRTHING 
Zane, threateningly: Give me your kidneys 
The Overlord: Where is your technology stored?
Zane: I can balance my body on my boner and spin like a beyblade
Kai: My balls are not a muscle
Cole: So apparently I'm not the only one with asymmetrical balls. Lloyd: Wait actually? Cole: Well yesterday Kai gave us a very descriptive description of his balls
Zane, sarcastically: Gosh darn don’t you hate it when you're not allowed to bring your 5 dollar footlong subway to training
Lloyd: So he poked me in the back with a pencil and my third grade self was like, "BLASPHEMY"
Kai: You.... dickmuncher
Jay: We're playing infinity Life. It's like Life but the cars are infinity stones.
Kai: I could have divine gay sex and it would still be nohomo.
Cole, during some super serious training: Bake me into a pie daddy
Kai: a compliment sandwich, like this: I like your shoes, YOU SUCK, your eyes are pretty
Zane, to Lloyd: Don't KILL her! Too much paperwork!
Jay: Stop moving your butt. It's uncomfortable when you clench it
Cole: The STICK.. will be UP YOU! Kai: My ASS is your spot!
Jay, teaching Kai to roller skate: First, we master walking  
Kai: I know I’m beautiful and perfect and amazing and huMBLE
Lloyd: I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Cole: I'm allergic to emotions!
Zane: Yeet is not a valid Scrabble word
Kai: I love myself 3000. And you should, too. Love yourself, that is. Unless you wanna love me as well, cause that’s cool too.
Zane: Is doing drugs illegal
Lloyd: Post-traumatic stress? More like spicy memories
Jay: Be quiet so I can see
Cole: Why is my wallaber grinding its ass on the floor?
Kai: Whatever, my ass cheeks are balanced ... just as all things should be
Sensei Garmadon: First of all, nobody says they're fine when they're good
Lloyd, getting himself a donut: A chocolate frosted donut for a chocolate frosted child
Nya, about Harumi: I just loathed her at first sight. Like your dad!
Morro, about Lloyd: He reminds me of a cucumber.
Cole, after becoming human again: I’m like Jesus... I thirst
Lloyd, sipping apple juice out of a shot glass: I'm just... done, ya know
Jay: Zane was eating my popcorn and I was like "hey that's my popcorn!" And he looks me dead in the eye and goes "surprise communism!"
Lloyd: I consumed a spatula
Jay: I almost burned down my house making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Zane, after Jay climbs on his back: Unmount me you heathen.
Kai: Yeah it's been such a dick-licking long time
Karlof: In Metalonia we do not have sister, we have brother with pussy
Zane: I want to delete my meatsack
Little Lloyd: At about 10 I was so hungry so I went to the med tent and pretended to be fainting so I got crackers
Garmadon: Before we leave I'm gonna sing a Disney song to attract all the females. Especially Misako
Jay, about to get sunburned: I know right, sunscreen is gross, you look like a glazed donut after you put it on
Cole: I like nuts but not that much. ... both kinds... I like my own nuts.
Zane: Hi I’m Zane and I’m the only one in this group with any form of common sense
Lloyd: Oh there's just someone throwing up over there! Kai: That’s hot
Cole, having a cashew thrown at him: I don’t want to swallow your nut ... I DON’T WANT YOUR NUT
Lloyd: My uncle is  going to sacrifice my body
Kai: Okay. You ALL can eat MY ass
Lloyd: A picture will last longer than your family will
Garmadon: That last rep was like a hydroflask and this one was like a kleankanteen
Kai: I bet for a second he was like "oh my God they care about me"
Kai: Because no one would be ballsy enough, no pun intended, to whip his dick out and piss on a crowded bus
Jay: Fuck a duck Lloyd: Please just dont ..ff... a duck Jay: But the duck likes it. It goes quackquackquackQUACKAFLACK.
Lloyd: Digiorno? More like I'm fucking hungry
Lloyd: My socks are so wet tis but a small price to pay for salvation
Kai: No means no muchacho
Dareth after failing at spinjitzu: Now I'm just dizzy and my ass hurts
Zane: I said, Cole, don’t orgasm in public, it’s rude, and Cole started moaning as loud as humanly possible
Lloyd: Say cheese! Kai: Whiskey!
Jay: Who the fucking dammit
Jay: Spongebob square-nuts
Jay: Actual- ACTUALLY it WOULDN’T make me more of a smartass because my SMART has yet to be caught up with my ASS
Lloyd: I hate it when my foot becomes the itch
Kai: STDs are like pokemon, you gotta catch em all
Kai: Here y’all are like "I like them 'cause of how they hold themselves and whatnot" and I’m just like “GIRL PRETTY"
Cole: I hate it whenever my foot becomes the gay.
Kai: I’m shit at being a person, not a shit person.
Zane: Buses turn me on
Jay: No pissing in our VSCO hangout!
Lloyd: Are y’all on high?
Kai: Its gotta warm up to start lavaing, now it’s just lamping.
Kai, crying: When I was crawling through the sewer my hair got stuck in my knee pit and ripped out a chunk
Lloyd, deepthroating a plastic recorder: I’m blonde so naturally, I'm good at this
Kai: I’m depressed. I’m stressed. But at least I’m well-dressed.
Lloyd: Nom nom milk carton
Cole, playing Life: Give me children
Jay, on a Thursday: If Friday was a Tuesday, it would be today
Kai: We're eating lotion and calling it spicy butter ... it’s spiritually spicy
Kai: I don’t fucking know! I'm not a cheese wheel!
Zane: Beepbeep bitch what's that? My lie detector smells a lie
Lloyd: I aced two tests today! The PSAT and the rice purity test!
Pixal: I don't really get the phrase "dry as bones" because your bones are in fact, wet
Cole: Kai, Kai, we can draw you as one of those anime girls. With humungous eyes. Actually no, it doesn't matter what the size of your eyes are. But your boobs are HUGE.
Lloyd: Jay wants to become the Alpha hoe
Jay: Deli sandwich equals cold hamburger
Lloyd: How was your day? Cole: Good. I have pie dough in my water bottle
Jay: If we do that we can reach our minimum requirement which is our goal
Kai: You can taste the freedom in that nacho cheese
Lloyd: I lust for the crust
Garmadon: You dirty-minded fools!
Anyone, to Skylor: You sucked the fire
Nya: Not to be lesbian or anything... but DAMN
Jay: No means no in Spanish
Kai: Bro saxophone is literally the sexiest instrument alive
Wu: The only wrong answers are the ones I don’t agree with
Kai: Look, why do you need to be a bottom to suck someone else's cock?
Cole: Jay, you suck Jay: More so than you do? Kai: Wait... wait you mean like you suck at the game or you’re better at sucking than he is?
Cole: That's not kinky, that's just abusive
Cole: That’s not how you do it! Straddle me HO!
Kai: I didn’t mean to kick you in the coochie! Jay, I’m the distance: Be genital with her!
Cole: Yeah, also Jay tackled me and then grabbed me in between his legs and Kai jumped on top and Jay smacked his ass and I tried to record so Kai tried to smack my phone out of my hand and missed and his finger went right in my eye so I rolled over screaming and they got up and threw pebbles at me
Cole: It sounds naked! Music!
Kai, to anyone after they say Wu seems chill: He looks like a big soft squishy man but he is not
Zane: On average, in order to feel happy, you need to be touched, (pokes Jay) 8 times a day Kai raises two fingers on each hand: I’m about to make you ALL happy" *every person at the table in unison scoots away*
Zane: You looked like lord farquad but in a cute way!
Jay, after getting a pizza shoved at him. The pepperoni sanitized my facehole
Kai: I am the WITNESS! VICTIM! And I will play ... the e x e c u t i o n e r .
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Sick Day (fanfic)
While the votes were very close the sick day prompt won out last night, and I was kinda grateful because I had already started writing some of it before I got most of the votes. I’m sure you guys were looking for something more fluffy since my last fic was nothing but sadness and while I delivered some what this is still gonna be kinda sad, but I promise it has a sweet ending! I’m not sure if I’ll post this one to Ao3 but we’ll see :)
TW: sickness, mentions of death, mentions of Nosocomephobia
The one thing that makes getting the flu even worse is getting the flu during spring break. No missing school because school is already out, so the days off just get wasted laying in bed with one stuffed up nostril, a pile of tissues sprawled on the bed, and the blankets half n and half off because it’s somehow both too hot and too cold. Lydia didn’t get sick often, but when she did it was never fun. Two days before she had felt a fever coming on but decided not to say anything because she still wanted to hang out with Wendy that night, but the next morning she woke up shivering and turns out she had a temperature of one hundred and two. Not the end of the world, but to say Lydia was annoyed was an understatement. Growing up her dad was always paranoid about germs, something Lydia thankfully didn’t inherit, but she still didn’t want to deal with him, lovingly, quarantining her. She took the thermometer, wrapped herself in a blanket, and went to seek the guidance of the ghosts. Ghosts can’t get sick, so they should have nothing to worry about. 
Barbara instantly pulled Lydia over to the couch while Adam ran around frantically trying to think of what sick people need, even though all Lydia asked for was a drink of water and maybe some Tylenol to bring her fever down. She ended up with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, slippers, about four different kinds of flu medication, and a cold compress. The first night she just slept on their couch, begrudgingly comfortable as a result of all the stuff Adam brought up to the attic. She would wake up every hour or so feeling crappy but she did get some sleep that night, hoping that maybe she was just tired and not actually sick, she read that online somewhere before. Unfortunately, when she woke up the next morning she definitely was still sick and it was not getting better as quickly as she would have liked. Her throat was all scratchy, she had a terrible headache, and she felt her body burning up under the blankets. She kicked the blankets off her and winced when her warm feet touched the freezing cold ground, she forgot that the Maitland’s couldn’t really feel the temperature so it was always a guess if it would be a sauna or the arctic up there. She coughed into her arm and shuffled downstairs to grab something small to eat, even though she was sick to her stomach she knew that she couldn’t take any medicine on an empty stomach. She managed to eat about half a piece of toast before feeling like she was going to puke, and she quickly swallowed down two pills. She sat down at the table with her head in her hands.
“Not feeling good?” Delia asked form behind her, Lydia simply groaned in response her throat too sore to even speak at this point, “Yeah I heard the flu was going around, I thought you got your flu shot though?”
She rolled her eyes not wanting to get into the debate of how the flu shot isn’t 100% effective and if she hadn’t gotten it she would be much sicker than she was right now. Instead, she just let Delia ramble on about what essential oils and crystals she thought might help ease the symptoms. It was almost soothing monotony as Lydia downed her second glass of orange juice hoping that maybe the extra vitamin C would destroy whatever virus was wreaking havoc on her immune system. Instead, it just made her stomach feel worse. By the time her father came down for the morning Lydia was almost passed out leaning on the table despite the fact she had just woken up maybe fifteen minutes before. Charles walked up to his unusually pale daughter and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.
“Honey, you’re burning up.”
“I‘ve got a fever.” she mumbled, “Barbara thinks it’s the flu.”
Charles stopped dead in his tracks, he didn’t mean too but he couldn’t help himself from thinking about the past, and what signs he had missed, and now he was starting to overreact. This was a flu, people get the flu all the time, not every fever is a death sentence. Not every stomach bug is a sign of...he wasn’t going to let himself get sucked into it again. He didn’t want to frighten Lydia. Besides she knew as much about the whole ordeal as he did, if she thought something more besides a flu was wrong she would have told him. He forced himself to put on a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry sweetheart, I hope you feel better soon. Will you be okay if I go to work?”
Lydia nodded knowing fully well that even when Delia and her dad went to work she still had the Maitland’s in the attic if she needed them. Her plan for the day was to either pass out on the couch or in her bed under all the blankets and preferably with her cats to keep her company so she didn’t feel obligated to make conversation. The first day or two of the flu was usually the worst, so she just wanted to sleep through it. She could see the look in her dad’s eyes though, he was worried about her. It would have come off to most people as fatherly or even endearing but to Lydia, it was nothing but a source of anxiety when her father worried about her like that. She sighed a breath of relief when he did eventually go off to work. She pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders, scooped up Cation in her arms and figured if Kraken was roaming somewhere around the house and would come join them whenever she saw fit. She had just about settled on her bed when her phone went off and she saw a text from her father asking if she was alright. She replied with a quick yes, hoping it would satisfy him for now, but she was rewarded with a series of four more texts asking if she needed anything, if she wanted to go to the doctor, if he should come home, and once more asking if she was feeling okay. Not wanting to fuel his compulsive questions but not wanting to make him even more worried she tried to reassure him that if something bad was happening he would be the first to know, she did also gave to his one question and requested some popsicles for her sore throat. 
She put her phone on silent, started watching a movie on her laptop and drifted off to sleep after about forty-five minutes. She wasn’t sure if it was the fever or the flu medication she had taken but she had the strangest dream, and that was a statement coming from the girl who lived with ghosts, and had been to the underworld before. It was nothing out of the ordinary at first, she was at school but instead of all the uniforms being white button-up shirts and black plaid skirts/ black pants they were an ugly green and yellow color. The details were fuzzy but the dream ended with her math teacher marrying the Sandworm and somehow Lydia was the maid of honor. It was very confusing but also entertaining so Lydia was slightly annoyed when she was woken up by a particular demon whom she had forgotten she had promised to hang out with the afternoon.
“Sorry BJ, I can’t really hang out today unless your idea of hanging out was sitting on the couch and watching TV while I pretty much sleep the whole day.”
“What the hell is wrong with you kid? You look like you saw a ghost.” BJ laughed very hard at his own joke and even though she was super out of it she still had it within her to fake gag at his lame attempt at comedy. 
“I’m sick.”
“Well, that’s pretty pathetic. I were you and I was still a living human I simply wouldn’t be incapacitated because of some bitch-ass virus Like RIP to you but I’m different.”
“You’re also already dead and didn’t you live like during the black plague?”
“And that sure as hell didn’t kill me. It would take a lot more so some dumb virus to take me now.”
“I think the plague was bacterial,” Lydia replied, straining her voice to argue with him. Under no circumstances would she not argue with Beetlejuice. 
“Same difference,” he waved his hand dismissively, “Anyway since you aren’t going to be any fun today while you milk this fake illness I’m going to go bug the Maitland’s. And while you’re at it...can you tell that bastard cat of yours to stop staring at me? It gives me the creeps.”
“Don’t be a jerk, Kraken loves you!” Lydia snapped defensively, pulling her cat up and presenting it to BJ, “She’s just a baby…”
“Look, there’s only room for one bastard in this house and that role is already taken.” BJ glared once more at the cat who seemed utterly indifferent to the presence of the demon. He walked through Lydia’s door but just to be a prick when he was outside of it he opened it partway and flipped her off. Grumbling Lydia got up to shut the door, hoping she’d be able to fall asleep again. She couldn’t, her cough was getting worse and it was making it impossible to lay down comfortably without feeling like she couldn’t breathe. She had to compromise and sit up in bed with her pillows stacked up behind her. She watched the clock with an almost obsession counting down the minutes before she could take another dose of the cough medicine and get some kind of relief from the symptoms. By the evening it felt as though she had been hit by a bus. Her muscles ached, she could hardly keep her eyes open, and her whole body felt like it was on fire. Barbara had tried to make her something for lunch but she could only manage a few bites before pushing the rest of it away, even the smell making her feel like she was going to throw up. 
“Maybe you should see a doctor when your dad gets home.” Adam suggested, “Not much they can do for the flu but maybe the can give you something stronger for your cough just so you can get some sleep tonight.”
“I’ll be fine!” Lydia snapped a little too harshly, “I’ll be fine, it’s just the flu. I don’t need to go to the doctor.” Adam backed off and left Lydia alone in her room. She couldn’t stop shivering even though she was boiling under the blankets. Her teeth clattered against each other and she felt a dizzying pressure building up in her forehead and sinuses. The hours in the day seemed to drag on with cruelty, she tried to distract herself with videos on her phone but she couldn’t keep focused on them long enough. She wanted to sleep but every time she was about to drift she would need to cough or her stomach would get upset, or her head would start pounding. She would alternate between her bedroom and the attic but nothing was comfortable. By the time her father and Delia got home from work Lydia was huddled out on the couch, her knees tucked into her chest and she was muttering feverishly in her half-awake half-asleep daze.
Charles rushed over to Lydia and his heart sank down to his stomach as images of Emily flashed through his head. He felt Lydia’s forehead and quickly grabbed the thermometer to check her temperature. He was devastated to read out that Lydia had a temperature of one hundred and three. Instantly fearing the worst he shook Lydia awake and told her that they were going to the hospital.
“Wait, what?” Lydia mumbled, still not completely aware
“The hospital, you’re burning up. You look like you’re about to faint, come on get your coat and shoes on. Can you walk?”
“Can I wh-? What are you talking about, of course, I can walk. Dad for god sake I have the flu. I feel like crap but I am not dying!” Charles tensed at those words and Lydia glared at him, shakily standing up with the blanket still draped around her shoulders
“Lydia, you’re not making sense. Please, just for me. Can we just please go to the hospital, I’m worried about you.”
“Dad you’re being ridiculous right now! You’re always worried about me!”
“I’m your father! It is my job to worry about you, now can you please get in the car so I can take you.” He was begging her at that point, he didn’t know what overcame him and Lydia wasn’t sure why she was so opposed. She felt awful, a fever at high was not a good thing, she logically knew that there was nothing wrong with going to a doctor but some part of her was shouting at her not to. She felt tears welling up in her eyes and she didn’t understand why, she wasn’t upset she was annoyed. She was annoyed at him for being so overbearing. Charles noticed this and went over to her, she slumped into his arms just taking in the much-needed hug. Lydia just kept repeating that she didn’t want to go to the hospital, and he nodded, “Okay, okay no hospital alright? But can we please go to the doctor or the urgent care? Honey, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
After a brief and silent car ride Lydia was sitting in the urgent care waiting room with a mask over her mouth and nose to keep her from contaminating anybody else in the waiting room. It was already dark outside and Lydia leaned up against her father’s shoulder while they waited to be called back. She stared blankly at the wall trying to ignore the fact he was staring at her, even though we was pretending to scroll through his phone. He had one arm wrapped around her, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly and while she wanted to be stubborn and pull away she really did find comfort in him holding her. He was never unaffectionate while she was growing up, he would give piggyback rides and carry her, and hug her but he was slightly more distant since her mother had died, any kind of affection she got from him was cherished, even if she wanted to be a sullen teenager. 
“Deetz?” the male nurse called out
Charles helped steady Lydia while they walked into the examination room. They took her temperature and Charles explained a list of symptoms after Lydia tried too but couldn’t speak as clearly as she was trying to. The nurse scribbled some notes down, swabbed the inside of Lydia’s mouth and said that the doctor would be in shortly
“Man they take you from one waiting room to another huh?” Charles tried to joke in an attempt to ease the tension. Lydia was having none of it and she kept her eyes down on her phone while she was ranting to Barbara about how annoyed at her father she was. Though Barbara quickly proved to not be the ideal ranting partner in this situation so she turned to BJ who she knew would always agree with her no matter was as long as he got to complain too. After another twenty minutes of waiting the doctor came in holding a sheet of paper in her hands, “Bad news, you definitely have the flu young lady. Luckily it looks like it’s a mild strain even though I know it sure doesn’t feel like it huh? I’m going to prescribe you something to help you with that cough and something to work on killing the infection. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
Lydia was about to shake her head no when Charles interjected, “Are you sure it’s just the flu?”
“Pretty positive, flu swabs are fairly accurate why?”
“But you’re sure it’s not something else, like something I don't know..” “He wants to know if you think I have cancer.” Charles jolted his head and looked at Lydia with such disbelief that she had to scoff, “Don’t act so shocked dad, that’s what you want to know. You want to know if I have what mom had.” She turned her attention back to the doctor and in her strained and scratchy voice, she said, “My mom she had non-Hodgkins lymphoma and apparently she started out with just flu symptoms too, she died. He’s worried that I’m going to die too, so can you just tell me if I do or don’t have cancer?”
Stunned the doctor fumbled a response, “Mr. Deetz Lydia has the flu. I am truly sorry for your loss and while I cannot say for absolute certain without doing blood tests I am fairly confident that Lydia simply has the flu. She doesn’t have any of the other tell-tale symptoms of the condition that your wife had. Now, do you have any other questions?”
“Yeah can I go home now?” Lydia demanded
The whole ride back home Lydia sat with her arms crossed and her head leaned against the car window. Her father wouldn’t talk to her, she wouldn’t talk to him. It was obvious to everybody else that something happened between them the minute they walked in the door. Lydia instantly went towards the stairs but Charles went after her, insisting that they need to talk. She waved her hand and slammed her door shut, complaining that she didn’t feel good and wanted to go to bed. She didn’t lock the door though, she knew it made everybody in the house angry if she locked the door when they were fighting. They respected not to come in if she didn’t invite them, but the rule was not door locking. She curled back up on her bed, cuddling with a chatty Kraken who was already lounging on her mattress. Within thirty seconds there was a knock at her door, and she threw her pillow at it in response.
“Lydia we need to talk about this, we need to talk about what you said at the doctor today.”
“What I said?” She laughed shaking her head, “Just come in dad, I know you’re not going to go away until you do and I feel like shit and want to go to bed so let’s get this over with.”
Charles cautiously opened the door and sat down on the edge of Lydia’s bed, mindful of the collection of tissues and bottles accumulating throughout the room. Having felt better since taking the medication the doctor prescribed she sat up in her bed and looked at her dad, waiting for him to scold her for behaving like a child in the doctors. She wouldn’t deny it, she acted very immaturely but she was so sick of how he was treating her that day. 
“Can we talk about it?” she questioned, “That’s what you wanted isn’t it?”
“I wanted to say I was sorry, Lydia. I know that I probably made things a lot worse for you. I know you aren’t feeling good and I didn’t mean to scare you with the whole...anyway it doesn’t matter the details. I shouldn’t have overreacted when you told me it was the flu, I trust you to know your body. I just don’t know what came over me, seeing you looking so sick and pale, it had me terrified. I just couldn’t imagine losing you too.”
“Dad I’m okay.” she tried to explain, “I’m fine.”
“I just, I don’t understand why you got so worried when I suggested you go to the hospital, you had a really high fever. Lydia, I understand that our relationship is going to require a certain give and take but when it comes to safety I think we need to make some more compromises. I was probably jumping to conclusions when I thought the worst but even the nurse was concerned when he saw how high it was, we should have gone to the hospital.”
“I didn’t want to go to the hospital.” 
“But I don’t understand why.”
“Yes, you do! And it kills me that you can’t understand it, you think it scares you when you see me getting sick and having the same symptoms mom did, imagine how I feel! I am terrified any time I get a cold or I have a stomach bug or even a bad headache because I worry that the same thing that happened to mom is gonna happen to me. I know there’s a genetic link, it’s not a high one but it scares me too dad but the thing is you’re supposed to be the calm one. You’re supposed to be the one convincing me it’s just the flu and that I’ll be okay in a few days, I shouldn’t have to convince not only me but my father too. Any time I’m sick I dread telling you because I know exaclty how you’re going to react. That’s not good dad! It’s making me afraid to come to you and god forbid I do get sick like that how long am I going to unintentionally ignore the symptoms because I’m afraid to tell you! I don’t want to go to the hospital dad because I’m afraid I might not come back, and I know that’s crazy. I know I’m being dramatic but that’s what happened with mom. She was fine one day and the next day you’re driving me to the hospital and she tells me she has maybe a few weeks to live? Can’t you get why I might not like hospitals so much anymore?” Lydia was trembling slightly now weak from the flu and the medication she was on, “There’s a line in the sand dad, there has to be because the worst part about being sick right now is that you looking at me like you might blink and I’ll be dead. Do you no understand how stressful that is?”
He bowed his head, “Lydia I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but it’s been so hard since Emily died to not go right to the worst-case scenario.”
“And I do the exact same thing, but the difference dad is that I’m your kid. I need you to have a level head about this, and I don’t mean to just attack you because you all kind of do it. You all smother me with attention when I’m sick or hurt, I love you all but it’s suffocating sometimes when all I need is to stay in bed and take some Tylenol.”
“I’m sorry, I’m going to try harder to be better about it, alright? I promise, but I need you to promise me that you won’t hide things from me. Your mom tried to mask the signs, tell me she was okay, and not that it would have saved her but you can’t lie to me alright? We’re in this together, okay?”
Lydia nodded and hugged her father, rubbing at her eyes both in fatigue and in an attempt to clear away the tears welling up in her eyes. For the rest of the night, she and Charles sat in the living room wrapped in blankets, watching reruns of old movies on the television. Lydia burrowed her head the crook of his arms and eventually dozed off into the first peaceful sleep she managed to get that day. Though he was incredibly uncomfortable in that position he just relished in the closeness he felt in that moment. He couldn’t help but to remember when Lydia was small and he and Emily would spend hours trying to soothe the fussy baby, both of them completely exhausted when she would finally fall asleep but neither of them able to look away from the tiny human they had created. She was so grown up now, so funny and intelligent, wise beyond her years, but despite all of that when he looked down at his sleeping daughter’s face he could still see that little baby he cradled all those years ago. 
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kiyokoks · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @baqukou so let’s do this !!
1.  What is the color of your hairbrush? my main one is purple but i have a yellow wet brush for after i shower :P
2. Name a food you never eat? olives !! i can’t stand them, every time i get a beef empanada i personally stick my fingers inside and pull the olive out 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm! i get hot super easily i’m like an overpowered space heater
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? playing animal crossing: new horizons on my switch lite !! i laid down the construction for the river bridge and am trying to build three new houses for arriving villagers :))
5.  What is your favorite candy bar? it’s not from canada so i can’t always have it but from peru aka where my mom is from but the white chocolate sublime bar w nuts !!! it’s so good i ration my candy from the motherland
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yea! in jr high aside from playing basketball, i qualified for the edmonton public schools zones sports fest for running, though i can’t remember which dash in particular
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “voya ir a me cuarto” aka im going to go to my room in spanish to my mom
8. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip! i love the sweet but spearmint taste
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee with sugar and almond milk 
10. Do you like your wallet? yes !! it’s a white coach wallet my mom bought me when we went to calgary cross iron mills mall it’s super cute
11. What was the last thing you ate? quesadillas for breakfast bc they’re easy to cook (i’m lactose intolerant but some things are worth the abdominal pain!!)
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i got two new shirts i ordered online from hot topic !! one of them is a black my hero academia heroes rising movie poster shirt, and one is a yellow bakugou t-shirt 
13. The last sporting event you watched? the haikyuu!! season 3 shiratorizawa match
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? caramel omg my mom makes the best caramel popcorn with nuts 
15.  Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend ally !! she let me visit her island yesterday to chop trees for that last bit of softwood i needed for timmy and tommy’s shop
16. Ever go camping? yea! my jr high had an annual fall camping trip for 3 days where we’d hang out and play games at night it was awesome i actually miss it a lot
17.  Do you take vitamins? yea lmao my mom always worries that i’m not eating well and need vitamins
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? i used to, but now i have a shift in the morning at w*rk every sunday so nope not anymore
19. Do you have a tan? you bet! my mom is from peru but she’s kinda light-skinned (by south american standards) but my dad is from el salvador and is VERY brown skinned so i have a very obvious brown tan all year round bc genetics !! it’s obvs darker in the summer tho 
20.  Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food all the way babeyyy !! dim sum is so fucking good i could never give it up, i even had my 18th birthday at a chinese hot pot restaurant w all of my homegirls
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? nope lolol i think i did once or twice at like a party
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually pink or purple 
23.  Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i don’t drive but if i did i wouldn’t i hate reckless drivers so fucking much
24. What terrifies you? needles and gory medical procedures !! i remember when i watched the 100 and one of the season finales where they extract bone marrow was rough for me to watch i screamed very quietly 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? im sitting down at my desk so my switch lite
26. What chore do you hate? laundry bc if u fuck it up there’s real consequences
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i have to hold myself back from laughing it’s so funny
28. What’s your favorite soda? another thing from the motherland but inca cola !! it’s kinda hard to find but when i do get it ohhh my goddd
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? typically im hanging out w my friends when i get fast food so yea we go inside 
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my mami 
31. Favorite cut of beef? tendon!! it’s so fucking good in Vietnamese pho i sometimes pay for extra 
32.  Last song you listened to? boy with luv (feat. halsey) by bts
33. Last book you read? does fic count ?? bc if so chapter 28 of the devil ships zeku on ao3
34. Favorite day of the week? monday !! bc no w*rk and it’s the start of a new week
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? god nope nope no i don’t have the brain cells
36. How do you like your coffee? with sugar and almond milk though idk how much sugar i just kinda match it with the amount of instant coffee whoops
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my red timberland boots !! they go with everything i wear and are super comfy for a long day at uni, plus they can take any kind of weather (this sounds like a sales pitch lmfaoofhf)
38. The time you normally go to sleep? pre-quarantine was like 10:30PM since i had to wake up at 5 to get ready in time for my mom to drop me off at the bus stop for my 8AM classes but quarantine bedtime is more like 1AM now
39.  The time you normally get up? usually around 7am or 8am, but for w*rk on the weekends around 6am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!! they’re so pretty to look at 
41. How many blankets on your bed? four !! i sleep with four blankets at night so i’m ultra warm
42. Describe your kitchen plates: hmmm well they’re white with a nice flower pattern, but we also have some tiny plain white ones and then some multicoloured plastic ones
43.  Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? well i don’t like alcohol in general but the one time i did try it w my friends at a restaurant it was kinda sweet so that was nice
44.  Do you play cards? kind of ?? if someone brings a pack of cards im down but i never carry any myself
45.  What color is your car? i don’t have a car but black would be nice 
46. Can you change a tire? nope i don’t drive and on top of that i’m a dumbass HOWEVER if i do get a car i will learn how to !!
47. Your favorite province? British Columbia bc they don’t have dumbass, oil loving, neo-con war hawk fuckwits like we do here in alberta
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? i pretty much hate my job with everything that is inside me but doing online grocery delivery has almost no customer interaction so i like that
49.  How did you get your biggest scar? hmmm well i have one on my left ankle from when i sprained it by being a dumbass and trying to ballet spin on my slippery kitchen floor with socks on but other than that i have no scars
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i let my little sister play on my switch lite for a bit with a different game and i helped my mom with her virtual farm on her ipad
thanks for tagging me !! feel free to do this if u want but im gonna take @thebakuboy @bakugobinch @detectivejigsawpines and @noticemedeku
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Undercover p.p. x Nat's younger sister! Reader
This was requested and I put a little twist in it. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I'll be honest I got lazy at the end of it but it's 2,134 words which I'm proud of. I wrote this on mobile so my apologies.
This is about Y/n being assigned to look after Peter while he gets used to being the new Spider-Man. Set in Homecoming.
Y/n smoothed her hair down into a low bun, small tendrils of hair framing her face. She wore a black crop-top with black-washed high-waisted jeans and rainbow vans, a long maroon sweater helped bring everything together. Y/n filled in her eyebrows, put a couple coats of mascara on and lipgloss. She studied herself in the mirror. Could she pass as a regular high school student? She felt she had no choice but to live up to her sisters reputation. Finish the mission, don’t get attached. Simple.
There was a knock on Y/n's door. “Come in,” she called over her shoulder.
Nat walked in with a smile on her face. “Are you nervous?” She asked.
Y/n shook her head no. “I'm pretty confident about this mission Tony put me on. It's highschool. Not a big deal.”
Nat sat on Y/n's bed, picking at the old duvet cover. “What's your objective?”
Y/n sighed. “Keep an eye on Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Tony set my schedule just like his and put me in decathlon so I can keep an eye on him.”
Nat smiled a proud smile. “That's my girl.”
Y/n shared the same smile. “I learned from the best.”
“Y/n, school starts in thirty minutes.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced in her room.
“Am I taking the bus or am I getting a ride?” She asked openly.
“Scott has offered to take you to and from the school as to not raise suspicions.”
Y/n smiled. “This is gonna be fun.”
Nat stood up and looked her little sister up and down, her face showing happiness and sadness equally. “Mom and Dad would be proud of you.”
Y/n hugged her sister. “I know, Nat,” she said as she sighed, tears fighting to come up, “I know.”
They stood there hugging. Until someone knocked on the door frame, clearing their throat. Y/n pulled away from Nat to see Scott leaning on the door frame with keys in his hands. “Ready kiddo?”
Y/n sighed, “No one is ever technically ready for a mission.”
Midtown School of Science and Technology. Y/n looked up at the tall building as students flooded the stairs leading up to the entrance. “You nervous?” Scott asked.
Y/n nodded the slightest bit. “Just a little.”
He put a warming hand on her shoulder. “It'll be fine. Probably the easiest mission I've heard of.”
Y/n smiled as she picked up her bag and opened the door to get out. “Thanks Scott.” She closed the door firmly. As she walked away, she heard a muffled, “I'll be here at three!”
Y/n laughed to herself as she walked up the stairs to the entrance. As she walked the crowded halls to find the office, she saw her objective, standing at his locker with someone. She took a deep breath and adjusted her bag on her shoulder and walked up to him.
“Uh hi, I'm new here and was wondering if you could help me?” She asked directly.
Peter turned around quickly. “A-are you asking me?”
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, they sent me a schedule but I have no idea where my classes are. I would've assumed the office was in the entrance to the school.”
Peter laughed a small laugh. “Let me look at it.” He said holding a hand out. Y/n dug in her pocket for the crumpled piece of paper and handed it to him. Peter looked it over, “We have all the same classes,” he said in surprise, “just stick with me.”
As soon as he said that, Y/n head someone from behind her say, “Why would someone like her stick with you, Penis Parker?”
Y/n turned and saw a tan, dark headed boy. Maybe Italian? She recognized the behavior from what Tony had told her about Peter's school life.“Maybe because we have the same class schedule, asshat.” Y/n sneered. The boy put his hands up mockingly as if to say I surrender.
“I like feisty ones. Especially red heads.”
“Leave her alone Flash.” Peter pleaded.
“It's okay,” Y/n said with a smirk on her face. “Let me deal with little Eugene.”
Flash’s face dropped. Obviously he doesn't like to be called by his legal name. Y/n walked up to him and motioned with her index finger for him to come closer. She put her lips next to his ear and whispered, “Try to mess with me, your parents and the police will never find your body because it'll be torn into six pieces, wrapped in plastic and buried under trees in cemeteries in six different states. After I torture you.” She pulled away and saw his face go pale, no color left in his cheeks. Before she walked away, she said out loud, “and not in the good way either.”
Flash stood there, unmovingly. Like one of Medusa's stone statues. Y/n smiled to herself as she turned to see Peter and his friend with expressions of awe. “Where to first?”
Y/n stood in the lunch line with Peter and his friend, Need. They were still pushing to know what she said to Flash that made him unable to move and what she meant by “and not in the good way.”
Y/n just smiled. “It was nothing, I swear. Just a little threat.”
As the line pushed on, Peter and Need go their trays as Y/n held on to her lunch box. Nat packed her lunch today, she expected to have all healthy foods and a protein shake. As the trio sat down, Peter dug into his 'chicken tenders’ like they were the only thing he's ever eaten as Y/n in packed her lunch. She had a tuna and romaine lettuce wraps with a bag of apple slices and a bag of carrots. And the protein shake in a Ninja blending cup with a straw. At the bottom was a sticky note. 'have a great day, Y/n!’ was scrawled in Nat's handwriting.
“So you're like, really healthy?” Need asked as he sipped his milk.
Y/n nodded as she took a bite of her tuna wrap. “ I train a lot.” She said after chewing.
“Fhat do you thwain for?” Peter asked, muffled by a mouthful of food.
Y/n immediately said “Gymnastics.” It wasn't wrong. She knew how to tumble and can do a prefect back aerial on a four inch plank of wood.
Need smiled widely.”That's so cool! You probably told Flash that you could do a backflip and knock him out cold with a kick.”
Y/n just smiled and ate her food.
As the weeks pressed on, Y/n got to know more about Peter. He was very smart, loved Star Wars and a certain Deli in Queens. He offered to take her which seems agreed to only to know where he goes to on a regular basis. They eventually exchanged phone numbers and studied at his Aunt's apartment. His room was like any teenager's bedroom, messy and clean at the same time. On his desk we're his web cartridges. Testing him, she asked what they were. Peter's face turned red and said that they were for an experiment.
Y/n didn't know when it had happened but when she gets a text from Peter, her heart starts beating faster. When she's around him, her hands get sweaty and her face feels warmer than usual. When she talked to Nat about it she smiled. “You like him,” she said in a sing-song voice.
Y/n sputtered. “N-no I don't!”
Nat laughed. “You do, honeybunch. You have a crush.”
Y/n looked down. “Then I failed my mission,” she said. “I got attached.”
After the whole decathlon team almost dying in the Washington Monument, Peter seemed more pleased with himself. When he pulled Liz up, Y/n felt a searing pain in her chest. It took her a moment to realize what it was. It was jealousy.
Even after Tony took away Peter's suit, Y/n was still told to stick around. She didn't necessarily want to or not want to. She could get closer to him. Maybe go to homecoming with him. But that maybe turned into a no when she found out he had asked Liz.
Y/n knew there was still someone out there selling those weapons. And she knew Peter had found out who when we walked into the gymnasium for homecoming. He walked stiffly, his face so pale you would've thought he was wearing a mask. She watched as he went up to Liz and murmured a “Sorry.” And left. Keeping her personal feelings down, she follow him down the corridor. Flinging off parts of his suit, he ran, lifted the lockers and grabbed his homemade suit. Realizing what he was doing, Y/n ran to the girls bathroom in the same hallway and grabbed herr gear out of the last stall that was labeled “out of order” since she arrived.
After changing quickly into gear that was almost identical to Nat's, she rush through the doors that lead outside and found Peter's on the ground. Herr heart throbbed. But her instincts kicked in when she heard someone running towards her. She instantly ducked and turned on the balls of her left foot, her right leg swinging out and knocking the man down to the ground.
Y/n held her booted foot against the man's throat. She heard Peter groan and question who she was. She ignored Peter for a moment, crouching down to put nano-cuffs that Tony had designed for her to use. Much like the suit he had that would form when he tapped his chest. “You move, the restraints will get tighter until you pass out due to blood loss.” She sneered.
Y/n finally looked at Peter. He took off his bug-eyed mask and was staring at her in awe. “What are you- how did- who are you?”
Y/n sighed. “We can talk later at the compound. But first, can we find the dealer?”
Peter nodded.
“Y/n did WhAT?!” Need screamed over the Bluetooth connection of Flash's car.
“Ned,” Y/n said calmly. “Now is not the time to be fanboying right now.”
“But wh-”
“Say another word and you won't get to meet the avengers.”
When Y/n and Peter basically saved Liz’s dad, Y/n had called Tony. “You were wrong.” She said simply. “He can handle it.”
The next day Y/n didn't show up for class. Peter thought it was strange until he got a text from Happy telling him to meet him in the bathroom. She was there too, dressed in all black gear, then it hit him. She looked just like Black Widow.
Happy took Peter to the new Avengers Headquarters. On the way Y/n told Peter everything.
“You were sent to spy on me?” Peter asked skeptically.
Y/n sighed. “I was making sure you were staying safe and not telling people what happened in Berlin. Or the fact that you're Spider-Man.”
“Anything else I need to know? Does Thor have three nipples?”
Y/n's heart leapt into her throat. She could tell him how she felt right then. But she bit her tongue and giggled. “We're here.” She said as she pointed behind him.
Peter looked at the facility with the same face he had when he and Ned finished building his Lego Death Star.
Pure happiness.
When they got into the building, Y/n told Happy that she'd take him to Tony. She just had to tell him.
“Hey, Pete?” She asked shyly.
“There's something I feel like I have to tell you.”
She sucked in a deep breath and let it out. “When me or my sister go on missions, we have a rule. Don't get attached.” Peter nodded. “Well, I broke that rule, Peter. I got attached to you and you're just so damn cute and I just wanted to make you feel better after Tony took your suit, you looks so sad and I just wanted you to be happy because that's all you deser-”
Peter cut her off by kissing her. A slow, sweet kiss. When he pulled back, Y/n was the color of Nat's hair. “I like you too,Y/n” Peter looked around quickly. “Don't tell anyone I said that because I'm pretty sure the entire team would annihilate me if they saw me do that.”
Peter didn't join the Avengers to her dismay, but they did get sandwiches every Friday at Delmar's for a 'date’. Only to find most of the people walking by we're in hoodies and ball caps.
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justpeachyshua · 6 years
part time
pairing: joshua x female reader characters: joshua hong, kwon soonyoung rating/warnings: teen+ for language; no warnings au: convenience store workers, college/university word count: 4,549 summary: “Working at a convenience store is about as easy a job as you can get. People come in and out, stopping on their way to bigger and better things, getting gas or food. Never did I think that working at a job like this could be remotely fun. Not until I began working alongside a guy so gentle, thoughtful, and oh so gorgeous. The only thing is, I don’t know his name.” 
note: hey guys!! this is my first one shot and svt fic in general, so i hope you enjoy it! i am fairly new to the fic community on tumblr, though i’ve had my ao3 account for a while and i’ve been working on a the boyz chat fic on there. i decided that i wanted to try to open up a tumblr dedicated to one shots and shorter fics and other things about my faves, so here it is! just about everything i post here will be on my ao3, but i might include some bonuses or extras here. anyways, on to the fic! 
Locking my phone and tossing it onto my bed, I let out a groan at the realization that this night would truly be one of the most boring nights of my life.
“I need you and the new guy to watch the store tonight. I’ve gotta take my son to the orthodontist at 5 and I don’t think I’ll be back in time to close the store. It’ll just be a few hours so I hope you guys don’t burn the place down.”
While in the middle of an intense Mario Kart race with my roommate, Soonyoung, I received that text from my boss and almost immediately wanted to fling my body into the sun. After quickly collecting myself and sending a polite yet casual response saying that of course I’d look after the store and of course I’d try to stay out of the break room and of course I’d be sure to card anyone looking to buy liquor and just about every precaution I could imagine, I settled back into my spot on the floor.
“Work?” My roommate muttered, eyes unmoving from the TV.
“Yeah,” I sighed. “He wants me to come in tonight because his son has an appointment. I guess we have to cancel movie night.”
“This is the third night you’ve cancelled though!” He set the controller down after finishing in 8th place. “Can he get off your ass? I swear you’re always out working.”
“Well, I mean, if it wasn’t clear from the fact that our fridge contains only juice boxes, milk, leftover pizza, and half a container of butter, we need money.”
He chuckled, turning the Wii and TV off. “Fine, fine, go. But bring me back some ice cream, kay?”
“I’m not gonna steal from the store just so you can have some mint chocolate chip ice cream.” I checked my phone and saw that it was already 4:30, then grabbed my coat and headed for the door. “Nice try, though.”
Soonyoung called out to me, stopping me before I left. “Wait! You gotta promise me you’ll actually talk to that guy today, okay? It’s been weeks.”
I rolled my eyes. “Sure, sure. I’ll try. Just go back to playing Mario Kart and let me go to work.”
As I made my usual trek to the bus stop headed for the store, I thought about Soonyoung’s words. There was, indeed, a new guy at the store and a fairly cute one at that. He had joined as the only other employee just a few weeks ago and was still a bit inexperienced and shy. He never spoke much in the store other than simple greetings and questions like “Have you stocked the chips yet?” and “Do you have the key to the cigarette case?” Still, he was definitely a nice guy. Whenever he could, he did a little extra cleaning and always made sure that his area of the store was completely organized before clocking out.
Even though we’d been coworkers for a while, we still hadn’t properly introduced ourselves to each other, partially because the store was so hectic the day he joined, what with our boss’s wife going into labor with their second kid that day and leaving the store in our hands for the first time. Since then, there just hadn’t been a good enough moment to ask without it being awkward. I liked to speculate what his name could be, especially when I brought the subject up with Soonyoung. While I thought he looked more like a Tae, Soonyoung stood by his belief that he was a Jae, especially after getting to see him in person while visiting me at work.
“Even if he isn’t a Jae, I’m telling you he’s a J guy,” Soonyoung stated with confidence and a mouthful of cookie when we got home that day. “I can feel it in my bones. Like a sixth sense or something.”
“I think that’s a sugar high, Soonyoung.”
Whether or not Soonyoung’s “sixth sense” was anything to go off of or not, I did feel the urge to finally start talking to this kid. Surely Soonyoung was tired of hearing me talk about how this guy was “pretty cute” and nothing much else so, if not for my sake then for his, I decided I would learn more about this kid. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that I had to prove to Soonyoung that I was right about his name and it most definitely had nothing to do with the fact that any moment in the store not spent lazily milling around was spent staring and daydreaming about him. Absolutely not.
The bus ride to the store took only about 25 minutes, so I entered with a couple of minutes to spare which I used to scan for the best spots I could stock while avoiding the most customers later on. Mr. Han, the boss of the store, interrupted my search, telling me to put my vest on so he could go. I heeded his words and headed to the back of the shop where we kept employee goods like an old TV and DVD player and a couple snacks. The new guy was already there, sliding his own vest on and staring down at his phone. Without a word, I grabbed my vest and quickly went back out with the new guy trailing behind me.
“Alright kids, you pretty much already know how to run the store. I won’t be back for the rest of the night, but be sure to lock up before 10:00. I don’t want to keep you guys here for too long on a Saturday night and there shouldn’t be too many customers anyways.”
We nodded along.
“Well, I’m off. Good luck and make wise choices!” He waved goodbye as he let the glass door shut behind him, the sound of the chimes above trailing off as well. Almost immediately, we went to our usual posts - me by the register and him milling about the aisles. We were completely silent for the most part. We stayed to ourselves, like usual, letting customers flow in and out every few minutes and attending to them as necessary. The store wasn’t particularly busy, though we were kept working long enough that we still hadn’t found the time to say a single word to each other by the time the clock struck 6:10, about an hour later.
I swiped the credit card of the last customer in line and handed him his bag of snacks. As he walked away, I was worried that another customer might enter and delay mine and the new guy’s introductions - maybe even causing me to lose the opportunity altogether - but no one came in. The store was quiet for a minute or two then. Awkwardly quiet.
With nothing to do, I realized I had my chance to talk. “So… what’s up?” I clumsily sat on the wooden stool behind me. Smooth...
I watched as the new guy paced around, poking at the shelves of ramen and mac and cheese. His long sleeve shirt wasn’t quite his size, so his sleeves came up to his palms as he extended his hands to the various boxes thoughtlessly. It was honestly pretty charming. “Not much. Missing out on a couple boring documentaries at home, but otherwise not a whole lot.” He picked a box up, shifting it around. “You?”
“Well, I could be with my roommate watching shitty horror movies and playing video games, but instead I’m here watching the store with some guy.”
With a box of Kraft in hand, he clutched his chest. “Just some guy? I’ll have you know I have a name.”
I smiled at his attempt at humor so early into the conversation. “I’m sure you do. But do you even know mine?” He looked down at the Kraft box as though it would give him the answer. “Ah, so you don’t.”
“I mean, neither of us has really asked,” he pointed out.
“Fair. Well, guy, I’m Y/N.” I stuck my hand out across the counter, which he strided over to in order to complete the handshake.
“Well, Y/N, I’m--”
“Mommy, can I get the Oreos?!” We both turned our heads towards the door which had just begun to chime at the entrance of new customers - those customers being a couple and their daughter. The mom looked stressed, the daughter hyperactive, and the dad fairly indifferent.
The mom grabbed the daughter’s arm, leading her away from the snacks aisle. “No, sweetie, we’re only going to be here for a short time, okay?” The little girl huffed and continued to tug at her mom’s arm.
The dad approached me and calmly asked where the bathroom was. I pointed him past the ice cream refrigerator and he briskly walked away. I made eye contact with the new guy once he left and shrugged my shoulders before walking around the counter to “inspect” some of the bottles of nonprescription medicine. Soon enough, the little girl was making another fuss, this time stamping her feet on the ground as she begged her mom for the Oreos. Among the loud shouts from the girl and the sound of little boots hitting the floor, the mom was clearly trying to quiet her down. This quickly proved to be unsuccessful when the loud thud of a large box falling resounded throughout the store, immediately followed by the sound of small items scattering across the floor. I rushed over to the aisle the two were walking through and noticed the jumbo box of cereal spilling out and the mother holding her daughter up off the floor.
“I am so so sorry! I was trying to take her away from this aisle and she pulled the box down. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, I’ll clean it up.” The mother began to profusely apologize, her daughter sitting in her arms looking passive.
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.” I politely smiled, already reaching for the broom and dustpan in the corner of the store and beginning to sweep up the colorful pieces of cereal. “It was cheap anyways,” I reassured her.
She ran her free hand through her hair in frustration and took out her wallet. “I’ll pay for it up front, I promise. I feel so bad for making you sweep this up.” She rushed to the front counter and the new guy quickly met her there, ringing up the price of the cereal and accepting her payment. As I finished sweeping up and hid the cereal box where I could find it later and reminded myself to check the seals on the other boxes, I watched him carefully count out change for the mom. His hands lingered over the tray in the register and delicately picked out the appropriate coins before he handed them to her, letting them fall from his fingers.
He walked around the counter and plucked a lollipop from a display we had set up, bending down and handing it to the little girl. She immediately quieted and a grin spread across her face. “I know it’s not Oreos, but, in my opinion, they’re just as good,” he smiled. He looked up at the mom standing beside her. “Ah, don’t worry. These things have basically no added sugar in them, they’re as clean as you can get them.”
The mom gave a tired smile. “Thank you so, so much. Again, I’m sorry for causing you two any trouble.”
“It’s no problem at all!” He beamed. He looked down at the little girl again. “Now, make sure you thank your mom for letting you keep the lollipop, okay?”
The little girl nodded enthusiastically in response and her father finally returned from the restroom and thanked us. As they left the store, the girl turned back and waved. “Bye bye, pretty man!”
I scoffed as I tried to hold in my laughter and I could see the new guy’s eyes widen in shock, caught off guard by the innocent compliment. I walked back over to the counter and perched myself onto the stool again. “I hope you know those things are packed full of sugar and preservatives.”
He sighed while he watched the chimes above the door slow to a halt. “I know. I just told her that so she wouldn’t get too upset over the lollipop. It’s pretty clear that girl wasn’t going to stop without getting some kind of candy.” He rused.
My eyes traveled over to the chimes as well. When they finally fell back into place, I looked back at him. “I see you’re good with kids.”
“I guess I am. I mean, back home I used to babysit the neighborhood kids a lot so I guess I just got used to being around children.”
“And where’s back home?” I inquired, leaning my elbows on my knees.
“Los Angeles. Cali boy in the flesh,” he gestured over himself.
“L.A., huh? That’s kinda fancy.” I looked him up and down. “I mean, now that I really take a look at you, I can totally see it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean the carefully-messy hair, the ripped jeans, the sun-tanned skin, just the way you talk - it’s sooo ‘Cali.’” I put air quotes around the word, mocking his use of it.
He stood up straight, making himself just taller than me when sitting on the stool. “You know, I bet you’ve never even been to California.”
I sat in thought for a second before hopping off the stool. “Hmm, you’re right. I haven’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know how L.A. boys act. I’ve done plenty of research.” I wandered the store again, eyes traveling over various sweets.
“You know, movies, shows, dumb YouTubers with cult followings, good sources,” I joked.
He chortled. “Oh, please. I promise I’m not like that.”
“Mmhmm, we’ll see. Next time I see you, you’ll have dropped a diss track on Soundcloud and I’ll have to pretend like I don’t know you, right?” I called back at him as I pulled a bag of cookies off the shelf for myself.
“Yup, and it’ll be entirely about you. I’ll be dropping hot bars on how the girl at the convenience store’s been taking shots at me,” he played along.
“See, the sad part is I can totally see you doing that.” I walked back towards him, opening the bag and pulling a chocolate chip cookie out. “Want one?”
He nodded, taking the cookie out of my hand and making me realize just how cold my hands were in comparison to his which were incredibly warm. I don’t know what I was expecting, but the warmth of his hands seemed right considering how warm he looked. A warm sweater, warm brown eyes, warm laughter, warm smile on warm pink lips. His lips, when I looked at them closely, were really endearing, curling up at the corners like a kitten’s. Seconds passed and I realized I had been staring for far longer than acceptable.
Looking away, I stuttered, “So, uh, what do you do? Besides work here, I mean.”
“Well, I go to university, study, and attend parties I shouldn’t really go to.”
“You local?”
“Actually, I go to Korea University.”
“Are you a genius? How the hell did you manage to get into KU?” I gaped.
He shrugged. “Just worked hard to get where I wanted, I guess.”
“Are you in any clubs or anything?”
“Hmm, not really, but I play music with friends every now and then. Nothing serious, just casual gigs at house parties.”
“What do you play?”
He hesitated quickly before settling on his answer. “Just guitar.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “Just guitar? I doubt that.”
“I sing too, sometimes.” I began to speak when he interjected, “I’m not gonna sing now, though. Not happening.”
I snickered. “I wasn’t going to ask that, actually. I was gonna ask if you’d take me to one of those house parties. For the experience, you know.”
He looked taken aback by my question and took a moment to think before responding, “I’ll consider. I don’t even have a way to reach you, though.”
“Is this you asking for my number?” I joked.
“Is this you suggesting that you’d give it to me?”
I looked up at him, seeing his eyes move around the room in what seemed to be nervousness. They landed on me for a moment and I swore I saw a hint of uncertainty in his look.
“Are you flirting with me right now?” I stepped closer to him.
The light sound of the storefront chimes sounded again. My eyes cast down and I took a step back. I could vaguely hear him mumble a frustrated “Again?” under his breath before he stepped out from behind the counter, changing face to become the polite store employee he normally was. I turned to see who was entering the store and saw a group of about seven teenagers flooding in through the door. I sighed and took my spot behind the register, disappointed at the lost moment.
The kids wandered about the store in their little group and chattered to themselves. After a couple seconds, I pulled my phone out and began scrolling through Twitter to pass the time. Soon enough, someone was standing in front of me and I looked up to see one of the kids, a girl with clearly bleached hair.
“How can I help you?”
“Can I get a pack of Marlboro Silvers?” She asked, looking me in the eyes.
I furrowed my brow. She was clearly a high schooler, probably not older than a junior. “I’ll need to see some ID.” She swiftly pulled a card out from her pocket and handed it to me. Upon close inspection, I saw a small corner of the card peeling up. I ran my finger over it and put two and two together: it was a fake ID, and a poorly made one at that. I quirked an eyebrow and slid the card over to her. “I can’t get that for you.”
“I think you should take a better look at it.”
“You should get a more convincing ID before you suggest that.”
She huffed and angrily took the card back. I rolled my eyes as she walked back to the group, shaking her head. Mr. Han had advised us to ID everyone but I didn’t think anyone would actually try to buy cigs illegally. It just seemed dumb, walking up to a store clerk as if you aren’t obviously an acne-sprouting teenager and trying to convince them that you’re a legal adult. But then again, people do dumb things to get what they want all the time.
I looked around the store. In the corner, the kids were looking through various refrigerators, picking out sodas and ice creams. Just a few feet away, the new guy stood, wiping down some of the refrigerator doors that didn’t need wiping down. I could tell he was just giving himself something to do while those kids were around, not wanting to particularly interact with them. I almost wanted to laugh at how obviously he was wasting time, doing such a useless task. To be fair, I did it all the time, but I noticed he was especially distracted as he looked back at me every now and then.
In the midst of watching him move the towel over the same spot for the tenth time, he whipped his head and shouted. “Hey, what are you doing?!” I jumped, thinking he was talking to me, before I realized he was looking directly at the group of kids. From where I was standing, I could see one of them was carefully putting something into her backpack and I realized it was a large bottle of, presumably, alcohol. As soon as they heard the new guy’s exclamation, they bolted for the door and, by the time I could even process what was happening, he was already chasing them out of the store. I rushed out to see where they had gone, but all I saw was the guy, about five yards away, hunched over and out of breath. Scanning the area, I concluded that the kids were already long gone.
“You okay?” I called out to him.
He turned around, continuing to huff. He seemed like he was going to have an asthma attack at any second, so I jogged over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. Upon contact, he stood back up and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
“They ran,” I said awkwardly.
“I know.” He shook his head. “If I was just a little faster, maybe I could’ve stopped them.”
“I mean, at least they’re gone now,” I offered. I motioned for him to follow me back into the store. “I’ll pay for the drink, it’s no big deal. How much was it?”
“Fifteen, I think. I don’t know, I’m just disappointed that I let them go like that.”
“It’s not your fault,” I insisted, dropping a ten and a five in the register. “They’re just a bunch of hoodlums.”
He chuckled. “Hoodlums. Haven’t heard that one used since the 20s.”
“It’s just what they are, man. Kids these days have no respect!” I exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air.
Laughing, he said, “We’re only, like, a couple of years older than them.”
I lowered my finger. “Still, I don’t associate with them.” He only continued to laugh and soon I was smiling and giggling too. His amusement was just so infectious and I couldn’t hold back. At some point in his laughing fit he let out a loud snort and I knew at that moment that I was way too enamored with him.
After calming down and catching my breath I picked my phone up once again, unlocking to check for any notifications. My eyes lit up as soon as they landed on the first notification, reading:
“Hey! We just got out of the appointment. Sorry it took so long, he ended up getting his braces put on today. You guys should probably go ahead and lock the store up now that it’s getting late. Hope you guys held the fort down well. See you Monday.”
I looked up at the time displayed at the top of my screen, seeing that it was already 9:46.
“What?” The guy asked, noticing my eyes glued to my phone. “What’s up?”
“Mr. Han said we can lock up and head home now,” I explained, shoving my phone into my back pocket and making a beeline for the break room and shrugging my vest off. “God, I am so ready to get back to wasting time at home.”
He, too, came to the back of the store with me, taking his uniform off and gathering his belongings. “What, did you not like hanging out with me for the last four and a half hours?”
I smiled to myself as I grabbed my bag. “No, quite the opposite actually.” I turned back to face him. “I had a pretty good time.”
“I had a good time, too.” He paused for a few seconds, remaining looking at me. He cleared his throat. “Let’s head to the bus stop.”
“You ride the bus, too? I always see you walking the opposite direction.”
“I thought I’d speed up the ride home,” he excused. I squinted, not totally convinced, but let it slide anyways.
We walked side by side in silence until we reached the bus stop, only a few blocks away. We stood there for a while, a foot apart, comfortable. I looked up at him and saw him staring into space, lost in thought. I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me with wide, curious eyes. “Hmm?”
“Earlier, before those kids came in, I asked if you were flirting with me. What was your answer going to be?”
“Ah, that.” He looked away sheepishly. “What would you do if I was?”
I paused to consider my response. “I think I would like it.” He turned back to me, shocked. “And I would probably flirt back and ask if you wanna hang out someplace other than a dingy convenience store.”
He nodded, looking away again. “Nice, nice. Well now I know for future reference.” I smiled at his awkwardness. “I’ll be sure to let you know if I’m ever flirting with you. So you know, of course.”
The bus pulled up a few moments later, signalling the end of this long night. I began to walk towards the bus, but he, for the first time in the past four and a half hours, wasn’t trailing behind me. “You coming?”
“Oh. Uh, I don’t actually ride the bus home. I only live a couple of minutes away, but maybe I wanted to walk you to the stop and talk for a couple of minutes more. Potentially. Hypothetically.”
“Then thanks. Hypothetically.” My grin stayed glued to my face as he ran through his explanation. I knew the bus would be leaving in only a few seconds more, so I had to turn and step on, but I didn’t want to leave this guy at all. Reluctantly, I started to take the first few steps on board. I turned back at the last second. “Wait, you never got to tell me your name.”
“It’s Joshua! Josh, for short, whatever works for you.” That kitten-like curl of his lip happened again and I wanted to melt. Joshua, of course. I don’t know how I could’ve expected his name to be anything else. It was sweet, gentle, and charming. It fit him perfectly.
“Well, Josh, I’ll see you Monday.” I waved while the bus door closed behind me and I made my way to an empty seat, sure that he was waving back at me. I thought about his earlier words - his semi-confession - and I could tell my face was heating up. It was almost childlike, the way I was getting so flustered. I sent a quick text to Soonyoung a few minutes before my arrival at the stop.
“Hey Soonyoung, I’m almost home. Go ahead and start making some ramen so we can pick a movie as soon as I’m in”
He responded within seconds.
“Lol you got it.”
I hesitated before sending another message.
“Oh and Soon? I learned his name today”
“It's Joshua”
The next couple of messages were sent in quick succession, each one in all caps and containing a variety of keyboard smashes, including one very long “I TOLD YOU SOOOOLKHJLKGDJHLK.” I chuckled to myself and shut my phone off, putting it away in my bag. The rest of the ride was short and sweet as I reminisced on the events that had unfolded. The spilled cereal, the little girl, the lollipop, the cigarettes, the alcohol, the flirting, the laughter - it all felt like a dream. The night was so simultaneously long and quick and all the best parts consisted of interactions with him - Josh. It felt odd knowing his name finally, but I never wanted that name to leave my mind. I wanted to remember it for as long as I could.
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swampgallows · 6 years
therapy today went okay but i feel like i talked too much lmfao. i passed out around like 10pm and now im awake again and uhh hmmm ngngngghghhhmhm
also she asked me like “find out what you wanna get out of therapy and then we can set some goals” lmao i wanna GET FIXED 
i dunno if i am actually mentally ill or if it’s just my mom/environment or if i’m neurodivergent somehow or if i need medication or whatever the fuck it is, i just know that it’s not normal to feel okay one day and then have some minor thing happen that catapults me into feeling suicidal. im doing better lately but that’s why i signed up for therapy NOW because i know when im feeling good i get this delusion of like “haha see i never needed it at all :)” and then some little fucking thing happens (or nothing happens) and suddenly i cant get out of bed for three days. i told her that i think it’s more than my environment because even when i was busy at work and even when i was busy and away from home in college i had extremely persistent and severe depression, got into several different overlapping abusive relationships, nearly failed my classes one semester, and then i got hit by a car, was in a wheelchair for 6 months, then had our car hit by a semi immediately afterward. it’s time for new glasses btw lmao as i am still wearing the same pair that got scratched to shit and annihilated in the accident. lmfao The Accident™
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this is a pic of them from the night of the accident and the scratches have only gotten worse. id take a new pic but im in bed in the dark and whatever
the therapist seemed impressed with my psychology knowledge which was kind of discomforting, in a way. i guess im just so used to my own situation and people utilizing the internet to learn about their own head cases that i dont consider it novel to have actually done research. also because with my other experiences i felt like doctors would be dismissive of me as if i was trying to one-up them or something, like “well -I- have the degree and YOU dont” like, well yeah, im not sitting here trying to correct you but i am gonna use the terminology im familiar with even if theyre super special SAT words or w/e (like i’m gonna say shit like “comorbid” and “hypnagogic” because that’s the terminology i use all the time to describe these situations... i throw out “5 dollar words” all the time :\) but i think maybe by also having a video/verbal conversation w me that she knows i’m not sitting there meticulously typing up the most fancy schmancy shit i can find, flippin through a thesaurus like a blood elf nobleman vampire’s purple prose or somethin.
i guess what i wanna get out of therapy is uh
1. i dont want to be suicidal, which means 2. i have to build confidence, which means 3. i have to become self-reliant, or more self-reliant than i am.
she suggested, on the grounds of my mom giving me interrogation any time i try to go out on my own (hence me only feeling comfortable to go out when i fucking sneak out of the house or on the VERY rare occasions that she isn’t home) that i have a written list that i either give to her personally or write out and leave for her to read at her leisure of all the answers to her questions: where ive gone, when i’ll be back, what i’m doing, etc. the problem is coming home, though, because then she reads me the riot act of guilt on anything i did. if i go out and get food, it becomes about her. if i go out and do an errand, it becomes about her. everything i do somehow falls back on her. 
i explained to the therapist that even when i was still working—a perfect chance to learn to drive and drive regularly—i took the bus the entire time. but i’d have to be driven TO the bus stop and then take the bus to work, which meant my mom drove me to the bus every day. and my dad would talk about how good it was for MY MOM to have a reason to get up in the morning, and that it’s good for her because it gives her a kind of schedule or obligation to follow. so then like... my schedule now becomes HER schedule. and i martyr my potential independence of driving to work on my own in order to give my mom a sense of purpose. 
so...every day, mom picked me up from the bus stop, just like she had been for all the years i was in school. of course i never went out and did anything after (or before!) work; i never had the freedom. sure i could tell my mom partway through the day if i was staying late or going somewhere else, but my work was also in the middle of a canyon, five miles of nothing in either direction. if i missed the bus home, i wouldnt have another chance to go home for another hour. so having buses come only once an hour and then also having my mom waiting for me at the stop... it was just too much trouble to say like “hm i think i’ll go grab a smoothie before work” or “maybe i’ll hang with my coworkers a bit and go grab dinner with them” or “maybe i’ll start going to the gym after work”. i couldnt make any executive decisions about my own life. i think that restriction of freedom happens for lower income people too, since youre relying on a (notoriously shitty) bus service to get anywhere and you also cant just throw money around that often. i had a little slush fund to treat myself every so often but i didnt have the access to it. 
EVERY day that i was 20 minutes away from the stop i would have to text my mom the name of the stop (imagine, if it were “maple street” or something, my entire text message history with my mom just being “maple” “k” “maple” “k” back and forth for months) in case she had fallen asleep or was doing something, as the bus would sometimes be late or early or whatever. and sometimes i would delay that text on purpose to have the extra time to buy something from one of the fast food places located at my bus stop, then hide it in the bottom of my bag and hope it wasn’t too aromatic that my mom would notice and ask me about it. 
BECAUSE if i bought food on a day she made dinner, she would flagellate herself about it, and if i bought food on a day that she DIDNT make dinner she would flagellate herself about it. it’s HER FAULT because she doesn’t make food enough that i have to go buy my own :((((, so the one time she does cook i’m already getting food because she’s unreliable :((((, and shit like that, instead of like, just because there IS food doesn’t...mean anything!!!!! maybe i just wanted a certain kind of food that day!! But it becomes about her!!!! everything i do hurts her. everything i do. so i just got adjusted to just... not eating, or eating the same things over and over. eventually, when i was still working, i would eat nothing but a muffin until i came home. and if there was food, i would eat it, and if there wasn’t, then i wouldn’t eat. many nights i went to bed without eating even if there WAS food because i was just so fucking tired.
i dunno i kinda lost my train of thought but basically it’s hard to assert myself because i’m not confident because a lot of the time i dont know if im doing something right. it reminds me a lot of the scene in tangled where rapunzel fucks up and something bad happens to her and her mom catches her in the act, and she uses that to reinforce rapunzel’s dependence on her. like obviously my mom isn’t abusive like that but it makes me afraid to fail and even MORE afraid to even try, because i know that if i DO fail--whatever it is--it will just be more evidence for why i should have just asked her or had her do it. and more evidence, to me, of why im worthless and shitty and incapable of doing anything.
like the other day my mom wanted me to follow her in a separate car to a car place to drop off the car she was driving, and then we’d go home together in one car. but she wanted me to do it at 9 in the fucking morning and let me know two days beforehand. i had been going to BED at like 7am at the time so i was already like ‘man this is gonna suck’. but i was still up in the morning and was getting ready to take a shower, iw as on time, but my mom said “i can tell how tired you are and how nervous you are about doing this so you know what dont worry about it. go back to bed.” and it was really shitty for me because YEAH i was super tired and YEAH i didnt feel like i was capable of driving by myself at that moment, like i probably COULD HAVE if it were an emergency, but my mom talked about doing all this shit afterward like going on a shopping trip and stuff and BASICALLY it’s less that i was afraid of the driving but more that i knew the errand wouldn’t end there. and i had gotten zero sleep and just didnt wanna fucking do it, i didnt wanna have a “girl time :)” outing with my mom, and i knew i’d basically get trapped into hanging out with my mom if i went. so i stayed home. but then that’s also a blow to me because stupid fucking worthless idiot that i am cant even drive ten miles in a fucking car, or whatever, useless leech living with my parents contributing nothing, unemployed for a year, blah blah blah. stupid fucking neet should have never been born etc etc etc
she took an uber home and had glowing reviews about the experience and that’s great for her but the guilt made me throw up because i couldnt even do this minuscule thing. so like, if i DO hand her a note and say “here’s all the shit im going to do, BUH BYE” and some shit happens, or i dont get what i need done, or i dont have a fully developed plan of what i’m doing, then it’s gonna be more ammunition toward what a useless piece of shit i am. like, i dont have good food to eat at the house, but i also have NO APPETITE so nothing sounds good, so i cant even think of what foods i would get if i could. it’s such a jarring opportunity that i would just like...not get anything at all and go home. even when i -did- have the opportunity i just went “Uhh umm uhhh fuck uhhh milk” and got that (AND THEN MY MOM CAME HOME W 2 GALLONS OF MILK FROM COSTCO, SO OF COURSE I -DID SOMETHING WRONG-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I JUST LEFT IT UP TO HER INSTEAD OF DARING TO DO SOMETHING MYSELF I WOULDNT HAVE LOOKED LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT AND ENDED UP WITH 3 GALLONS OF MILK AT THE HOUSE) of course i drank the milk i bought, it’s not like it went to waste, but i was CAUGHT because there were now THREE instead of the one gallon covertly getting replaced. instead of me doing something helpful i did something that became an inconvenience.
it’s just little shit but it all adds up. it’s been all of these little fucking things forever and ever and ever, just like my mom’s hoarded garbage. “i bought just a couple of things”, innumerable times throughout the duration of my entire life, forever and ever, “just a few small things” over and over until it’s suffocating.  it’s just all this little shit all the fucking time and it’s suffocating.
naturally, the therapist sent me an article on “daughters of narcissistic mothers”. this will be a delight to read, i’m sure.
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Down another pound!
I don’t know what I’m doing but I really seem to have turned a corner. I woke up this morning and weighed myself and I lost another pound. I know what I’m doing by not watching what I eat but at the same time watching what I eat but not necessarily counting the calories just winging it is not the healthiest.
Currently with my schedule I will wake up in the morning, get a ride to the bus stop at stop for Starbucks. I will usually have a Venti acai strawberry refresher, depending if I’m hungry or not I may have a breakfast sandwich and I go with the lowest calorie count which is about 200 give or take for a egg whites, bacon sandwich and that will get me through until 2 PM.
After I eat I wait at least 30 minutes before I start drinking water again but now I still eat so slow that really I drink water in our later. I haven’t had a protein shake in a week and a half and I know we need to get back on the wagon. This is the first time all week i’ve had coffee made it home and I added not creamer but cashew protein milk and sugar because even though I do have Splenda fuck that splenda is gross.
For lunch I packed 2 1/2 ounces of Turkey pastrami, and ounce of strawberries and a cookie because I’m definitely going to need sugar and in the office I’m at I don’t have a car and there’s no way I’m gonna be walking 10 minutes away just to get something to drink and then 10 minutes back so basically a lunch.
When in reality I have lunch in the office. I know I’m going to get to work early and as long as I do my job he really doesn’t care he’s so relaxed and that’s what I love most about this job. I skip school today because I was exhausted. I did not fall asleep until 23:59 last night but I think in reality I didn’t fall asleep until 1 o’clock because all I heard was my dog whining because she was in her kennel, one of my cats trying to get into a closet which was pissing me off
I think I eventually fell back asleep until 630 were my husband kept asking me if I wanted a ride or if I was going to school and I’ve actually said fuck it I’m so tired I’m not going and I know I’m going to get docked off attendance points but at this point I really don’t give a fuck because I’m doing what I need to needs to be done, I’m taking photos and I will turn in the project that was due yesterday turned in today. A lot of the students didn’t take the photos needed for yesterday‘s Photo essay I took my photos on Sunday and I realize that a lot of students didn’t because who’s going to want to shoot with their camera for an hour when it’s 115° heat?
I sure shit will not do it and my professor is so relaxed about it that he is like basically we’re going to have to wait till it’s cooler which is awesome minutes south but I mean at the end of the day it sucks when you’re really needing shoot and certain students schedules like myself are so fucked up that the only time they didn’t have time to shoot is during sunset or early in the morning and I know for a fact I’m not gonna be shooting early in the morning waking up an hour heading to where I need to shoot for an hour and a half and then somehow catching a bus that will take me down the street to go to class for an hour and then having to go to work for five
that’s feasibly not possible especially after 730 is when the sun starts to rise and it gets extremely hot. I’m just really shocked over all with the sleeve it’s finally working the way I want it to work that I’m losing weight faster than when I was stalling over the last 3 1/2 months. I’m not upset by any means I’m just excited that my luck has finally really fucking tired because I needed this break so hard. Got a email from my boss last week my old boss and she asked me is there anything we can do to change your mind I’ve been sitting on it for days and I don’t even know what to say to her. What do you say to someone who treat you like a number in a place you work?
Do you say that pay per performance is bullshit and because of how you are in sales you get to go down to minimum wage? Do you say not thenwork itself it’s hard it’s the fact that you treated like we don’t matter, when we have legit questions and email the entire staff the entire coaching team no one gives us a fucking answer, when we have several terrible days are performance get stocked and are paid get stocked and the fact that I got dad to minimum wage is absolute bullshit and after three months of working there that’s when everything changed I went down from $10 an hour due to my performance and bad calls and the audit etc. to minimum-wage
that is not a living fucking wait especially when they know I’m a student, they know my schedule, and they know my limits. The email itself my boss said she didn’t want to lose me and I’m just thinking if you don’t want to lose people you should treat them better. If you don’t want to lose people management should be better and the entire structure should be better instead of going to the cycle that’s wrong did I did that wrong this is how I fix it
I wouldn’t say all that many call centers are you’re a number they won’t work with your schedule they don’t give a shit if you breathe or die as long as you keep the money coming in and follow their rules you basically get a keep your job but if you have a voice and say what we’re doing it wrong you’re the asshole and eventually get reprimanded for it this job is no future this job is a job you take when you have nothing else and you were forced to take this job to make money
I’ll probably sit in the email a couple more days before I really give her an email back. Things are great in the first three weeks I like this job, things were good until I saw the in tire Spectre my back. I saw how my buddy, R got fucked up his check and they took out almost $400 they over charged him, they don’t necessarily answer all emails and they are completely overwhelmed to where where we stand donors to validation nine times out of 10 we lose those donors
they’re tired of waiting and validation is taking so long that at one time I was waiting six minutes to get a pledge and to have a flight finished and who the fuck wants to wait six minutes on the phone trying to basically finish this transaction I fucking doubt I can see why donors are pissed and how you tell him multiple times not to call and they still won’t take you off the list but I guess at the game when it comes to donating anywhere
I think I just finally got tired of it so I talk to my friend and she had received my resume and sent it over to my current boss and he basically save me out of a bad position. I would’ve stayed with my old job until I just couldn’t take it anymore. It got to the point where after work I would be counting down the hours until I went to bed, and wondering how was going to make it through another day when I’m waking up early, and getting bad sleep, and I am hoping I get hit by a car because I feel my life is so bad at this point but that she dropped and things are a lot better
Now the next thing I’m waiting on is if I get excepted into this internship and I should know by this week. I really hope this goes through because I need this more than anything I have one more year of this and I am done with school for now I just need to keep on pushing and realize this is it going to last forever at least suck right now but you were so close to the fucking finish line it’s not funny and that’s what keeps going and that’s what keeps me going knowing I’m so close to finishing after seven years and struggling and death and toxic families and moving I’m finally here getting my bachelors and nobody can take that away from me. No one in my mediate family has her bachelors and I’m going to be the first want to do it and it’s not because I’m a woman but because I chose to put my career first had to take shit jobs and she keep going when I wanted to absolutely quit. I wanted to quit when my brother died being here all alone in Vegas with Noel family I wanted to in my life when my dad died because I thought my future but nothing without him, and now six years later I have a finally I finally have a future to look forward to and no one can take that away from me out of the bad days no matter things Zaidi no matter the depression I have a future in life I’m finally looking forward to
Happy Wednesday
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my-random-ocs · 3 years
Chapter 10: Co-Captain
Pairing: Stiles x OC (eventually)
Warnings: Language, minor car accident
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Stiles and I are out of the Jeep as soon as he puts it in park and sprinting toward the school. It’s after the game, so the first place we check is the locker room.
We see Scott sitting on the bench in the back, holding the back of his neck. My brain doesn’t take in the situation before I burst out, “Dude, we have a huge problem.”
We stop walking as Scott says, “Trust me - I know.”
So, apparently we’re sort of screwed.
I mean, what else is new, right?
According to Scott, Derek and Peter paid him a little visit after the game. As if Derek and Peter together wasn’t a horrible enough thought, Peter did some weird-ass acupuncture on Scott’s neck. I try not to think how cool werewolf powers are, because the whole situation is awful, but apparently an alpha’s claws can take and show memories.
Peter showed Scott his memories of the Hale house fire, the pain and the years of healing, feeling trapped. He showed Scott all the people he’s killed since healing, starting with Laura, his own niece. Since Laura was the alpha, killing her healed Peter completely.
Which, like, cool motive- still murder.
As much as I like having more than one friend- and having those friends be girls- it’s super weird. Like this morning, when I was supposed to go shopping for Winter Formal dresses with Lydia and Allison. We didn’t go straight to the mall. Instead, Allison drove us to the preserve, where Allison produced a duffel bag from her car and led us deep into the woods.
Just as confused as I am, Lydia complains, “Allison, when you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping- a five mile hike in the woods was not what I was expecting.”
“Is this where you kill us and bury our chopped up pieces?” I ask, laughing uneasily, still confused as to what Allison is thinking.
Ally doesn’t answer either of our questions, and instead addresses Lydia, not even turning around. “Lydia, before I forget, I wanted to ask if you're okay with something. Jackson asked me to the Winter Formal."
Lydia, surprised, asks, “Did he?”
I tense, feeling the awkwardness already growing.
“Yeah. Just as friends. But I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it first.” Her words make it sound like she cares what Lydia thinks, but her tone doesn’t.
“Sure,” Lydia says, sounding anything but okay with it. “As long as it's just friends.”
“Well, yeah, I mean-” she chuckles a little “-it's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything.”
And there we go. I try to hide my smirk at my friend’s slight aggression, quietly proud of her for sticking up for herself.
Lydia falters, shock and guilt written on her face. She exchanges a look with me, wincing. “Uh, about that-”
Well, at least we’re not awkwardly dancing around this anymore.
We finally stop in front of a tree that looks as good as any other tree in the woods, and I’m not sure why we had to walk all the way out here.
“So, I would really like a confirmation that you’re not going to kill us, Ally,” I joke, grateful I wore my Converse. Poor Lydia is in heels.
Allison doesn’t answer, instead kneeling down next to her duffel and pulling out what looks to be a hand guard- something you usually wear when practicing archery. She then pulls out an arrow, but without the arrowhead. Finally, she digs in her bag some more, and unearths the arrowhead, twisting it onto the actual arrow.
Arms crossed, and also wondering what the hell is going on, Lydia asks, “What does that do?”
Smirking, Allison answers, “We're about to find out.”
With that, she stands up, picking up her bow, nocking the arrow, and aiming it at a tree a few feet away. Allison releases the bow string, and the arrow flies through the air. As it makes impact with the tree, a tiny explosion occurs, sparks flying in the air, causing Lydia and I to jump back in surprise. My eyes are locked on the arrow in front of us. I don’t have much experience with archery, besides fantasy books, but I’m pretty sure arrows are not supposed to explode.
Allison lowers her bow, staring at the arrow with a look that says she was not expecting that, and let me tell you, neither was I.
“What the hell was that?” Lydia asks, her eyes still on the arrow, as well.
“I don't know,” Allison answers, shaking her head slightly.
“Well,” Lydia says, clapping her hands together slightly and stepping forward. “That was fun! Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out?”
Suddenly, we hear a twig snap off to the side, and our heads whip in that direction. No, come on. One day. I just want one day where my friends and I don’t almost fucking die.
Another twig snapping has Allison handing her bow to Lydia, who looks at her in confusion. “Hold this,” Allison says.
“What? Why?” Lydia whispers, looking like she’s holding a bomb instead of a bow that’s not even armed.
Allison starts taking off her hand guard, telling Lydia, “Because I thought I heard something.”
“So- what if you heard something?
Allison smirks a little sarcastically. “So- I want to find out what that something is. Don't worry. It's probably nothing.”
As Allison walks away, I say, “Every time someone says something is nothing, that something turns out to be something super dangerous.”
Allison doesn’t look over her shoulder as she states like it’s the simplest thing in the world, “Then shoot it.”
As she disappears from view, I turn to Lydia, fear written over both our faces. “Do you by any chance know how to use that thing?” I ask. Lydia shakes her head wordlessly, and I nod. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
After a few minutes of waiting anxiously for Ally to come back, I was on the verge of calling the police.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she appeared and explained that the noises had just been Scott looking for her. He wanted to return her necklace, and knew she sometimes jogged out on the trail. He probably didn’t have to be so creepy about it, but at least Ally has her necklace back.
After dress shopping, where none of us found dresses we liked, Stiles called and asked me to come over. We were going to study for our history test together.
Now, I walk through the front door to find Stiles in the kitchen, drinking milk straight out of the carton while Noah sits working at the dining room table.
“Hey,” Stiles greets as I shrug off my jacket and hang it on a hook by the door.
“Hey,” I respond. “Who’s ready to learn the same information we’ve been learning on the American Revolution for the past eight years?”
Stiles cracks a smile at my comment, nodding as we start to head upstairs, but his attention is grabbed by his dad in the dining room. “Whatcha doing?” Stiles asks, the milk carton now at his side.
“Work,” Noah answers simply, not looking up. The dining room table is covered in papers. Noah is wearing his glasses, and has a pen in his hand and another tucked behind one ear.
“Anything we can help with?”
“We?” Noah asks, glancing up.
I step into view next to Stiles, smiling slightly and giving a little half-wave. “Hey, Uncle Noah.”
“Hey, Viv,” he greets, then turns back to Stiles. “You know, if you poured me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice.”
Stiles immediately puts the milk carton on the counter, rummaging around in the cabinets for a glass and the alcohol. He finds both and moves to sit next to his dad, me following. “Any leads?” He asks, and reaches for a paper. As he does, Noah reaches out and slaps Stiles’ hand away, causing him to retract his hand and making a noise at the unexpected pain.
“You know I can't discuss that with you,” Noah says, tossing both of us a look. Stiles grabs the bottle of whiskey and the glass in each hand. “Not too much.”
Stiles nods, pouring the alcohol into the glass, stopping after what is definitely more than what Noah wanted. “Okay,” Stiles says, handing the glass to his dad. “There you go, Dad.”
“Thanks,” Noah says, not taking his eyes off his work to look at the glass.
“Bottoms up.”
My eyebrows shoot up in surprise as Noah indeed downs the whole thing in one go. I exchange a look with Stiles. Damn. Noah is going to have such a headache tomorrow.
Noah lets out a frustrated breath as he looks back at his files. “You know, Derek Hale would be a whole hale of a lot- Hale of a lot?”
His eyebrows scrunch together as he tries to form the words correctly in his mind.
“Hell of a lot?” I say, sharing an amused look with Stiles.
Noah nods. “Hell. Yes. He would be a hell of a lot easier to catch if we could get an actual picture of him.”
“How do you not have a picture of him?” Stiles asks.
“It's the weirdest thing,” Noah says, picking up a picture. “It's like every time we tried to get a mugshot, it's like two-” Stiles grabs the photo right out of his dad’s hand, showing it to me “-laser beams were pointing at the camera.”
In Derek’s mugshot, there are two huge circles of light where his eyes should be. I’m assuming that the light from the camera reflected weirdly off his wolf eyes, making them look like two stop lights.
“Nice,” Stiles says, and I have to admit it does look pretty cool.
“Oh, my God. Oh!” Noah says suddenly, taking off his glasses and placing them on the table. He rubs his eyes. “God, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I have said way too much, and if either of  you repeat any of that-”
Stiles lifts his hands like ‘who, us?’, smiling slightly. “Dad- it's us. We’re not gonna say anything. Come on.” I nod and smile in confirmation, as if we are not going to tell all of this information to Scott the first chance we get.
“See, the thing is they're all connected,” Noah continues as Stiles pulls papers out of a file. “I mean, the bus driver that got killed, he was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire.”
“‘Terminated under suspicion of fraud,’” Stiles reads off the paper, leaning over to see it.
“Exactly,” Noah confirms.
“Who else?” I ask, leaning forward in curiosity.
Sheriff: The video store clerk who got his throat slashed-” I swallow hard of the memory of the glowing red stop lights of Peter’s alpha werewolf eyes “-he's a convicted felon, history of arson.
“What about the other two guys, the guys who got killed in the woods?” Stiles asks. The two guys who were bothering Scott and Stiles the night before the last full moon, both of whom were charred that night. They were the ones Stiles and I saw on the gurney.
Noah waves a hand, answering, “Priors all over their records including-”
“Arson,” I realize, sharing a look with Stiles. I talk mostly to him now, lowering my voice to a whisper so Noah doesn’t hear. “So maybe they all had something to do with the fire. Maybe this is why Peter was killing them- as some sort of revenge.”
Stiles nods, opening his mouth to answer when Noah gathering his papers grabs our attention. “Another shot?” Stiles asks, holding up the bottle.
Noah quickly shakes his head. “No, no, no, no more.”
“Dad, come on,” Stiles tries. “You work really hard, all right? You deserve it.”
Noah finally relents, sighing, “Oh, my God, I'm gonna have such a hangover.” Probably, yep.
“You mean you're gonna have such a good night's sleep,” Stiles corrects his father. As he pours, he whispers to me, “I'm gonna have an eternity in the lowest circle of hell.”
“Maybe we can share an apartment,” I joke, feeling bad we’re doing this.
Noah drinks the alcohol a little slower this time, but it still disappears quickly. When he finishes, he rolls it back and forth on the bottom rim. He nearly rolls it off the table, but Stiles catches it before it shatters on the floor and places it back on the table.
Noah puts his head in his hands, sighing, “Kids, there's just so many questions.”
“Like what?” Stiles asks.
Noah lifts his head up. “Like if Derek- wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire… then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. Why make it look like some kind of animal did it?” I start to feel a little worse as my godfather continues to mumble, “When that cougar ended up in the parking lot- I checked with animal control. You know the instances of wild animal reports were up seventy percent over the past few months? It's like they're just going crazy, running out of the woods. I don't know.”
Stiles looks over to me as he says, “Or something's scaring them out.” Alpha Peter is such a great guy- scaring deer and other wild animals.
Noah nods, smiling softly and looking over at Stiles. “You know, I miss talking to you. To both of you. It's like we never have time-”
Stiles, too distracted by the new information to even hear Noah, grabs his phone from his pants pocket. “Dad, you know, I have to make a phone call- I'm sorry. I'll be right back.”
“I do,” Noah continues as if he doesn’t hear as Stiles stands up and I start to follow him out of the room. “I miss it. And I miss your mom.”
We freeze in our steps and turn back.
“What'd you say?” Stiles asks.
Ignoring Stiles, Noah says, “And I miss your family, Vivvy.” I swallow back the tears already gathering in my eyes, fingering my locket.
Noah reaches to the whiskey bottle. I stay in my place as Stiles steps back over to his dad, gently taking his hand and stopping him from pouring the liquid into the glass.
“Thanks,” Noah whispers.
Soon after that, we are rushing out of the house again.
Scott had called Stiles and explained that Peter, disguised as a medical rep, is currently taking his mother out on a date. So now we are in Stiles’ Jeep, driving very quickly around town to find Peter and Ms. McCall.
Finally, we see a car up ahead, recognizing Ms. McCall and Peter the Demon Werewolf from Hell through the windows.
“Wait, what’s the plan here?” I ask, realizing Stiles and I hadn’t thought of a way to get Ms. McCall away from Peter.
Stiles tilts his head. “Well, I have nothing except giving the car a fender bender,” he says.
Unfortunately, that’s all I have, too. I nod. “Do it, dude.”
Stiles throws an arm across my stomach, securing me in place, then puts more weight on the gas, bursting forward and hitting the back of Peter’s car with more force than he probably wanted. He immediately turns to me. “You okay?” He asks.
I nod, saying, “Yeah, I’m good.”
Ms. McCall is immediately out of the car, already shouting, “Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles! Vivian!”
Stiles and I wince, getting out of the car. “Ms. McCall?” Stiles asks, feigning surprise.
“Yes!” Ms. McCall exclaims.
Stiles laughs slightly, trying to play it off. “Wow, this is- this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?”
She humorlessly laughs, “Ha ha.”
I stand off to the side, arms crossed tightly in front of my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible as Stiles continues the facade that this was an accident. “I mean- I do not know what happened. You guys just came out of nowhere.”
“Came out of nowhere!” Ms. McCall repeats. “We were parked on the side of the road, Stiles.”
“How crazy is that?” Stiles asks as Peter walks up to us. Out of reflex, I tense and step back a little, placing myself behind Stiles. Noticing this, Stiles inches in front of me. “I mean, we should probably call the cops, you know, do, like, an accident report thing.”
“I don't think that's necessary,” Peter says, not actually looking at us.
“Are you sure?” I ask tentatively, as Stiles starts rubbing his neck.
“Yeah,” Stiles says. “I think I'm feeling a little whiplash.”
“Whiplash?” Ms. McCall demands. “You two hit us!”
Stiles keeps rubbing his neck, which is definitely fine. “I don't know - there's something definitely wrong with my neck.”
I eye Peter walking away toward the front of the car, muttering to himself, and I realize that Scott must be here, hidden somewhere.
Stiles and I eventually convince Ms. McCall to come with us, sending Psycho Peter on his merry way. Off to terrorize more innocent deer, I guess.
0 notes
skamelias · 7 years
4.1 Lørdag 19.08.17 10.32
((( Intrigued - Nico & Vinz )))
Elias shifted slightly, blinking his eyes open as streaks of bright sunlight pierced the window of the living room. As he stretched his arms above his head, a low groan erupted from inside of him.
With a yawn, Elias slowly stood up from the couch wondering what time it was as he looked around. At the memory of last night, he smiled to himself. He’d had an incredibly hard time sleeping; he couldn't get the thought of Laila sleeping in his bed out of his mind. He wondered if she’d already left.
He heard voices drift into the living room from the kitchen.
It was Laila and Sana.
He edged closer to the kitchen, standing closely behind the door.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m not gonna lie, it’s challenging. But...I think the fact that they love each other is what strengthens their marriage. Their love for each other is enough to make it work for them.” Laila said, in a soft tone.
There was a pause. “And how do you guys do Ramadan? When your mom is fasting and your dad isn’t?”
“Well he cooks for her. Or at least tries to. He’s terrible at cooking,” Laila laughs. After a few seconds, Laila continues. “But seriously, if you love each other things are going to be fine. I’m not saying it’s easy all the time, and it’s definitely not the same for all interfaith couples. But I’ve seen you and Yousef together when he picks you up from school sometimes, you guys seem good together.”
Elias smiled to himself, his heart warming. To say that he was happy at the thought of Laila helping his sister, who he loved more than anything, was a huge understatement.
“Thank you. Honestly.” Sana said in a significantly lighter tone.
“No worries. Also...I just...wanted to say sorry. For the way my friends, or rather ex friends acted with you. I had no idea they wanted to kick you out of the bus.”
Sana snorted. “Trust me, it’s fine. I’m kinda glad it happened because it just made me see their true faces.”
“Very true.” Laila chuckled. “But seriously, girls like us should stick together.”
As Elias heard footsteps edge closer, he quickly opened the door to the kitchen as if he hadn’t just been listening in on their conversation. Laila turned to face him, giving him a radiant smile. He beamed at her in response. His heartbeat quickened at the sight of her. He looked at Sana and noticed that she was sporting a knowing smirk directed at the two of them. But before Elias could respond, Sana had already left the kitchen.
He turned towards Laila once again. She was sitting at the kitchen table wearing a pink over-sized tee which Sana had probably loaned her. She was glowing in every sense of the word, her smile more luminous than ever. Elias felt a twist in his stomach at the sight of her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” she said with crinkled eyes.
Elias looked at the empty brown table, noticing the lack of food, and frowned, “You haven't eaten yet?”
Laila looked down at the table and shrugged. “I was waiting for you. Oh and Anja had to leave for work by the way.”
Elias grinned in response, having completely forgotten Anja. “Well what do you usually have for breakfast?”
She cocked her head in thought and said, “I don’t know, a shake or some oats.”
Elias evaluated his options; either try to make oatmeal and fail miserably since he had never set foot near the stove, or make a shake. The latter sounded easy enough. He turned towards the blender that stood beside the fridge. He patted the top of it and raised his brows suggestively at Laila. “A shake it is.”
Laila grinned as her thumb grazed her lips, watching Elias move around the kitchen.
What were you supposed to put in a shake again? Ice cream? Sugar? Did they even have that? He turned towards the freezer and was relieved to find that they did have ice cream. Now, sugar....
As Elias picked up the sugar bowl, Laila said, “Is that ice cream?”
Elias paused. He turned towards her and shifted his eyes downward. Hesitantly, he said “...Yes?”
Laughing, Laila stood up from her chair and shook her head. She strolled over to where he was standing and put the ice cream back inside the freezer. “You don’t put ice cream inside a morning shake.”
Elias rubbed at the nape of his neck. “Well then what do you put inside them then?”
“Are you serious?” she asked, laughing at his bewildered expression. His eyes softened as the melodious sound of her laughter hit his ears. She looked around searchingly. “Um….do you have any bananas? Or any berries?”
Looking inside the fridge he didn't see any bananas, but he did find some raspberries. He waved them towards Laila, looking way too proud of an otherwise mediocre achievement. As he was about to go and wash the berries, he saw a basket filled with different fruits including bananas.
Had that basket always been there?
Elias’ heart beat rapidly when he looked back at Laila and saw she had her eyes glued to him. He dropped the bananas and berries inside the blender and added in some milk for good measure as he said, “Anything else you’d like?” He followed with a bow. Laila laughed out loud as she shook her head in embarrassment.
In the midst of her laughter, Laila said, “Ummm...do you have chia seeds?”
Elias widened his eyes in bemusement. What the hell was that?
Laila bit her lip, in an attempt to hide her obvious smile. “...Nevermind.”
Elias nodded determinedly. He pressed the button on the blender to start it, but not before Laila glanced at it and noticed the lid wasn’t on. “Wait--” All at once, the machine whirred to life and huge chunks of berries and milk splattered everywhere. Elias heart stilled as he widened his eyes in shock. Immediately, he raised his hand to to turn off the blender, but as he went for the button, he accidentally hit her in the face with his elbow.
Elias turned towards Laila whose hand was covering her nose, a grimace on her face. “Fuck! I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Laila turned to him with a deadpan expression. “Only a bit.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, mentally berating himself. Why didn't he know how to act normal? Safe to say, he was never going near a blender again in his life.
“I’m so sorry!” he blurted out in genuine concern.
Laila looked over at him, laughing at his panicked expression. She removed her hand from her nose. “How do I look?” she tilted her face up slightly.
He checked to make sure she wasn't bleeding. “You look perfect.” She smiled at him. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.
Laila nodded reassuringly before narrowing her eyes at him, “Have you ever even been inside a kitchen before?”
He gasped, wide eyed in mock-hurt. “Of course I have! As a matter of fact, you’re talking to the king of cooking. I am the king of gastronomy.” Laila laughed. “Oh really? Somehow I have a hard time believing that.” “Why not?” Laila snorted as she motioned towards the mess Elias had made. “Well, for starters…”
As Elias looked back at her, he noticed she had some chunks of banana in her hair and some milk on her face as a result of the blender mishap. He reached out slowly, picking a piece of banana out of her hair. He suddenly felt drawn to her as he glanced down at her mouth. He gulped as he imagined the feel of his lips on hers. Looking up, he saw that her eyes were lowered to his lips. His heart fluttered as he wondered if she felt the same way about him. He felt an uncontrollable desire to brush away the milk with his thumb but he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from kissing her. He couldn’t do anything until he knew how she felt.
He looked down, trying to still his rapid heartbeat. “Umm...you have something on your...” he trailed off, gesturing towards her lips.
Laila raised her brows and brought her hand to her mouth, wiping the milk from her face. Elias watched her, wishing it was his finger moving along her lips. “Did I get it all off?” she said.
Elias nodded his head, grinning at her.
Laila crinkled her eyes as she burst into a fit of laughter. Elias relished the sound of it, wishing he could dedicate the rest of his life to making her laugh. He couldn’t help but laugh along with her at the ridiculousness of the situation. It was official; he shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone ever at all.
After they cleaned up the mess he’d made, Elias had given her a long and impromptu tour around the apartment. In reality, he didn’t want her to go home just yet. He was having too much fun hanging out with her.
As they made their way to the study, Elias opened the door for Laila, walking in behind her. She looked around the white room filled with old antique furniture that Elias’ mom had bought from various thrift shops and markets. Laila turned her gaze from the brown rustic wooden table with the huge stack of papers belonging to his dad, to the grey couch, towards the shelves framing the walls, before her eyes finally landed on the piano tucked away in the back corner. She turned towards him excitedly, “Do you play?”
Elias snorted. “No, I don’t have a musical bone in my body.”
((( Für Elise - Ludwig Van Beethoven )))
Laila tilted her head at him, unconvinced. She hesitantly walked towards the piano and sat down on the chair beneath it. She lifted the lid, revealing the black and white keys, and started playing a musical piece which Elias actually recognized. She played slowly but fervently as she looked up at him and said, “I think everyone can be musically inclined, but most people give up without trying if they aren't immediately proficient at it. They don't want to work to get better.”
Elias nodded in agreement. He walked towards the piano and sat down beside her. “How long have you played?”
“Since I was six. This was the first song I learned, I spent forever trying to learn the middle section, it’s hell,” she said exasperatedly, with a grin.
“Is it that bad?”
Laila widened her eyes and raised her brows exaggeratedly, nonverbally expressing just how bad it truly was. Elias had never seen anything cuter. “Let me show you.”
She turned towards the piano, her eyes focused. Her fingers lay gracefully over the keys and suddenly she started playing the notes effortlessly and gracefully. Laila was playing so quickly, Elias concentrated his eyes on the rapid movement of her fingers hovering over the keys, trying to memorize every detail.
As the sound of the last note of the song faded away, Elias stared at Laila with wide eyes. Holy hell. She turned towards him and laughed at his astounded facial expression. “What did you think?” she asked.
“Well I’ve heard it before, and to be honest, I wasn’t too impressed, but now I have to admit, you completely sold me on it,” he answered.
Laila grinned and said, “Why thank you,” with a small bow. She gazed at him for a few seconds and then turned towards the piano again. “I think I have one you’ll like better.”
((( Chopin: Nocturne No. 2 in E-flat Major - Frédéric Chopin )))
Elias watched as Laila fidgeted on the seat before she swiftly moved her hands across the piano, this time playing a significantly calmer and lighter song. He studied Laila as she closed her eyes; clearly she knew the notes by heart. Her chest rose and fell to the tempo of the piece, her mouth slightly parted. Elias was in awe of the way she played, her fingers traveling along the keys with reckless abandon.
As Laila finished, she glanced over at him, a look of amazement on her face. “I’ve never played in front of anyone other than my family and my piano teacher.”
Elias paused, feeling an infinite warmth spread through his body at hearing her say that. “Why not?”
“I don’t know…” She trailed off. “When you’re playing, you become really vulnerable and you’re just completely open to criticism. It can be scary.” She looked into his eyes. “But…it isn’t scary with you.”
He gulped in response. He had no idea what to say. Elias was overwhelmed by the fact that she trusted him so much. Even after he’d acted like a complete dick a week ago. He still felt guilty about it. If there was one thing Elias hated more than anything, it was hurting people. “Again...I’m sorry about what happened last week.”
Laila shook her head embarrassedly. “I was being dramatic. I’m the one who should be sorry.”
“You shouldn’t...say sorry for how you felt. I just really hope I didn’t cause you any pain. I mean it,” he said earnestly, gazing at her.
Laila’s chocolate brown eyes softened. She wrapped her arms around him and drew him into a hug. Elias smiled against the crook of her neck, closing his eyes as he revelled in the feel of her warm body against his.
Too little time had passed before she drew away from him, her cheeks tinted pink. Elias let out a deep breath at the loss of her warmth. She licked her lips and looked down shyly.
In an attempt to break the tension, Elias said, “You wanna see my piano skills?”
“I thought you didn’t play?”
Elias raised his brows in a cocky manner. “Well, you know I never cease to impress.”
((( Location - Khalid )))) [VOCALS] [INSTRUMENTAL]
Elias turned his eyes towards the piano and prayed that he could remember the song. This was the only song he knew and he really didn’t want to embarrass himself for the second time this morning. He placed his fingers on the keys and started playing.The notes came back to him in a wave of muscle memory.
“Hey! I know that song! ‘Location’ by Khalid, right?”
Elias turned towards her, pausing as his fingers rested on the piano. He beamed, “Yeah.”
He started playing again while beside him, Laila hummed to the music.
Laila began singing the lyrics in a soft yet strong voice. “Send me your location, let’s focus on communicating ‘cause I just need the time and place to come through.”
Elias smiled to himself, enjoying the sound of her voice and the piano together.
“Initially, I didn’t wanna fall for you. Gather my attention it was all for you, so don’t take advantage, don’t leave my heart damaged to understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it.”
Elias shuddered at her voice. It really shouldn’t have come as such a surprise just how good she was at singing.
“I’m only acting like this ‘cause I like you. Just give me the vibe to slide then oh, I might make you mine by the night.”
When Elias finished the song, Laila looked at him with a quizzical expression on her face. “I can’t quite figure you out,” she laughed. “One second you’re fighting a random dude, the next I see your math trophies, and now you’re playing the piano. Next second you’ll probably be telling me you love The Notebook or 10 Things I Hate About You or something.”
Elias chuckled. “To be fair, this is the only song I know. I don’t even know the notes, I just learned this through a youtube video. And...I hate romantic dramas.”
Laila gasped in mock-offense. “Really? They’re my guilty pleasure. The drama, the love declarations, the grand gestures.”
Elias cocked his head, enjoying every facet of her. “They’re dumb.”
“I guess love makes you kinda dumb.” Laila shrugged.
Elias shook his head in amusement. He figured it was pretty ironic; the girl who was hard to figure out was telling him that he was hard to figure out. “Is this what you wanna do?”
Laila looked up at him, “Hmm?”
“Play piano. Create music.”
Laila nodded. With an absolute certainty in her voice she said, “I’ve known what I wanted to do since forever. Have you ever tried watching a movie without some background music?”
Elias shook his head.
“It’s essential, without background music, the scene and movie wouldn’t feel adequate. It helps the audience know what to feel during specific moments in movies and sets the mood and tone for the scene. There’s some classical music that’s used in loads of movies too, like Beethoven’s 5th symphony and Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. I’d love to compose my own music, my dream is to have some of my stuff end up in a movie one day.”
Elias watched Laila speak with such a fierce passion in her eyes. That’s how Elias wanted to feel. He wanted to have that same spark in his eyes when talking about doing what he loved. “That’s amazing.”
She smiled up at him.
Like clockwork, her phone rang. She tore it out of her pocket and frowned at the caller. She rose from the chair, “It’s my mom. Probably calling to tell me my brother’s back home. Even though I already knew that,” she said pointedly.
She huffed and put the phone to her ear. “Hey mom. Yeah I slept over at a friend’s. Yeah I know he’s back, he told me.” There was a pause. “So him and….they aren’t there anymore? Yeah, I’m coming home now.” Laila gazed over at Elias and bit her lip. Hesitantly she added,
“No, it’s...nothing. Don’t worry. Love you.”
After she ended the call, Laila turned towards Elias and smiled. “I have to go. Thank you again.”
Elias shook his head dismissively, “No worries.” He walked her out.
Laila gave him a toothy smile which he promptly returned. She said goodbye and left him with one and only one thought in his mind. She was it for him. He didn’t want anybody else but her.
83 notes · View notes
morrisondauthor · 7 years
           When the Carmichael family moved in next door, I only saw Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael and their two year old daughter Jasmine for the first week. It wasn’t until the following weekend that their sixteen year old twin sons Jamari and Jabari showed up. The moment I laid eyes on them, I knew they were gonna be trouble. They were both extremely cute. They weren’t identical; Jamari was like an inch shorter than Jabari and Jabari had waves in his hair but Jamari didn’t. Both of them identified as bisexual on their Facebook accounts, but I’d only witnessed them flirting with girls at school our entire eleventh grade year. My mama and their mama hit it off immediately so we were practically forced to hang out with each other, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it did turn bad one day near the end of the school year.
           “Wassup, Tory,” Jamari said to me as he stepped into my yard. I was busy fixing my little brother’s bike on the front porch.
           “Hey,” I said back. “Where’s your brother?”
           “I don’t know. He’s somewhere around here.” He sat down beside me on my porch. “That’s Tyler’s bike?”
           “Yeah. I don’t know how he messed it up like this. He might have to get my dad to get him a new one.”
           “Let me see it.” He took the bike from me and examined it for a second. “Ah, I see what’s wrong.” He unscrewed some little bolt and lined something up before screwing the bolt back in. “There, he should be good to go.”
           “How did you do that?”
           “I fix stuff all the time.” He wiped his hands on his shorts and then asked, “So, what are you doing later?”
           “How much later?”
           “Like at around…seven o’clock.”
           “Probably eating dinner with my family. Why?”
           “There’s this new scary movie out and I wanna go see it but…I don’t have anybody to see it with. I was hoping maybe we could go together and then grab something to eat afterwards. My brother doesn’t have dibs on the car tonight so we won’t have to take the bus.”
           “Jamari, I don’t know. I mean, my parents rarely let me go anywhere at night since I’m technically still on punishment for staying out too late. They took my iPhone from me until next month and they got me using this old phone that barely works.” I pulled the phone out and showed him.
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                                            Me (Tory Gibson)
           He laughed before asking, “Damn, you got those strict until you’re eighteen type parents, huh?”
           “Pretty much.”
           “Well ask them if it’s cool and then get back to me. I’ve been wanting to ask you out on a date for a minute.”
           “Yeah. You’re the cutest boy in the neighborhood.”
           I could feel myself blushing as I replied, “You’re cute, too.”
           “Well if you’re cute and I’m cute, maybe we can be cute together.” He smiled the cutest smile at me. “What do you say about that?”
           “We’ll see.” I watched him as he stood up and walked out of my yard.
           I waited until he was inside his house before I leaped in the air with joy. After calming myself, I headed back inside my house. I went straight up to my bedroom and picked out several different outfits that I could wear just in case my parents let me go out. While trying to make a decision on which outfit I wanted to wear the most, there was a knock at the door. I went back downstairs to see it was Jabari. Immediately, my heart started to pound in my chest.
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                                    Jamari & Jabari Carmichael
           “Hey, Jabari,” I said to him as I opened the screen door.
           “Can I come in?” he asked me. “I need to talk to you about something.”
           “Oh, I don’t know. My parents are still at work and I’m not supposed to let any friends in while they’re not here. I’m still on punishment.”
           “It’ll only be for a second. Please.”
           “Okay, but only for a second.” I let him into the house and closed the door once he was inside. “What do you need to talk to me about?”
           He licked his lips before telling me, “I like you.”
           “Oh, well I like you, too.”
           “Nah, I really like you.”
           “Jabari, I really like you, too.”
           “Tory, I’m trying to tell you that…” He paused and took a deep breath before grabbing me and pressing his lips against mine.
           The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to make me feel like I was about to float away. He had this big smile on his face and I started blushing. After a few moments of silence, I stared into his eyes and asked, “What was that all about?”
           “I’ve been wanting to do that for a minute. It was everything I thought it would be.” He licked his lips again before asking, “So, you wanna kick it with me tonight? My brother’s gonna have the car tonight so we’ll have to take the bus, but I know we’ll still have fun. We can go see a movie and then grab a bite to eat at In-N-Out Burger.”
           “I want to, but I’d have to ask my parents. I’m on punishment, remember?”
           He laughed and asked, “Damn, you got those strict until you’re eighteen type parents, huh?”
           It wasn’t until he asked me that that I remembered Jamari had asked me out on a date, too. He’d asked me the same exact thing about my parents that his brother had asked. That kiss he gave me made me forget all about his brother. What in the world was going on? Why were they both now showing an interest in me beyond friendship all of a sudden?
           “They both asked you out?” my best friend Riley asked me over the phone later that day in my room.
           “Yep,” I told him. “First, Jamari walked over while I was fixing my brother’s bike and asked me on a date. Then, Jabari came over and I let him inside for a second and not only did he ask me out…he kissed me.”
           “No way! Oh my God! Tory, you need to go out with Jabari.”
           “Why him and not his brother?”
           “Because he kissed you. That means he likes you more than Jamari does.”
           “No, it doesn’t. Maybe it means Jabari just wants one thing from me and Jamari actually wants to be my boyfriend.”
           “I cannot believe this. All of the cute gay and bi boys only ask you and white boys out while the rest are straight and only talk to girls. I never get asked out by anybody and I’m cuter than you.”
           I laughed and joked, “Maybe I can talk one of the twins into dating you so we could double date.”
           “Ooh, for real?”
           “Nah, for play. They both want me, not you.”
           I laughed again before asking, “Seriously Riley, what am I going to do? I like them both. I’ve been talking to both of them since they moved in next door last year.”
           “Which one do you like the most?”
           “That’s the thing; I like different things about each one. Jamari is nicer to people in general while Jabari is kind of blunt at times and says what’s on his mind no matter how it effects people. But on the other hand, I learned today that Jabari is very physical and I do like that.”
           “Yeah, he did kiss you.”
           “Exactly. They’re both cool boys. I don’t think I could choose between them.”
           “I think you should go on a date with one and then go on a date with the other tomorrow.”
           “No, I’m not doing that.”
           “What other options do you have?”
           “I don’t know, but I’m not gonna date both of them. That would be wrong.”
           “Not really. They’re twins. After sixteen years, they should be used to sharing things.”
           “Riley, sharing something like a car isn’t the same as sharing a boyfriend. They’d start fighting and…”
           “Ooh, two sexy boys fighting over you. I would do anything to see that while eating some popcorn; especially if they’re shirtless and only wearing basketball shorts.”
           I laughed once again and told him, “That would be nice to watch, but I don’t want them fighting over me. I don’t know what I’m going to do. How could I choose one without upsetting the other? It’s impossible.”
           “Well, my vote is still for Jabari. He has that bad boy streak and that’s always a winner.”
           “All I know is…”
           “Tory,” my little brother Tyler said while walking into my room, “mommy said you have to sit outside and watch me ride my bike up the sidewalk when she’s not here.”
           “Okay, Tyler. Dang.” I put the phone back up to my ear and told Riley, “I’ll talk to you later.”
           “Bye.” I ended the call and hopped off my bed to go back downstairs with my little brother.
           While I was outside watching Tyler ride his little bike—he’d just gotten the training wheels taken off—up and down the sidewalk, I heard the sound of a basketball bouncing nearby. It took me a few seconds to remember Jamari and Jabari had a basketball goal in their backyard. I listened closely and heard both of them talking. It was the perfect time for me to talk to both of them so that I could avoid any problems.
           “Tyler, come back in the house,” I called out to my brother.
           “But I just got out here,” he said back.
           “I’ll make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”
           That was all I needed to say because he brought that bike back into our yard and ran into the house. I made him a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich and poured some milk into a glass for him. I then let him sit in the living room and eat while watching TV. I was only going next door, so I told him to just watch TV until I get back and to call out for me if he needed anything. After going back outside, I walked around my house to the backyard to see the twins playing one-on-one in their backyard.
           “Jamari, Jabari,” I called out, catching their attention. “Can you come here for a second?”
           They both smiled as they paused their game and walked over to the fence that separated my backyard from theirs. Jabari leaned on the fence and asked me, “Did you already ask your parents?”
           “Ask his parents what?” Jamari asked him.
           “Before this goes horribly wrong,” I interjected, “please know that I like you both.”
           “Him?” they both asked in unison, pointing to each other.
           “I know this is probably weird for you guys, but…”
           “This is why I can’t stand your ass!” Jabari shouted at Jamari. “You always want what I got.”
           Jamari sucked his teeth loudly and countered, “You don’t have shit! Besides, I liked him first so you need to back off.”
           “You liked him first? I’ve liked him since the day we first met him.”
           “So have I!”
           “Well, I kissed him and he kissed me back.”
           When he told Jamari that, Jamari’s eyes opened wide. He looked at me and asked, “You kissed my brother?”
           “He kissed me,” I explained. “But I was caught off guard. Look, I really do like you both. Jabari, there are things that I like about you, and Jamari, there are other things that I like about you.”
           Jabari stared into my eyes and asked, “So, which one of us do you like more? Which one do you choose? I’m obviously better looking.”
           “Man, shut up!”
           “Make me, bruh.”
           “Stop,” I told them. “See, this is why I’m gonna have to shut this whole thing down.”
           They both looked back at me and Jamari asked, “What do you mean?”
           “I can’t choose one of you without hurting the other one or making you be against one another, so I’m choosing neither of you.”
           “No, that’s not what I want,” said Jamari.
           “Me either,” Jabari agreed. “How about you spend time with me on Thursdays through Sundays and you spend time with Jamari on Mondays through Wednesdays?”
           “That’s not fair. You get to be his boyfriend for four days and I’ll only get to spend time with him for three days. And you get the weekend.”
           “Okay, Wednesday will be an off day. I still get Thursday, Friday and Saturday and you…”
           “Guys, I’m not some object that you can share,” I told them. “I think the best thing to do in this situation is remain friends. We can all hang out and have a good time…as friends.”
           They looked at each other for a while and then Jabari suggested, “We could play another one-on-one game and whoever makes it to twenty points first gets you, Tory.”
           “Nope,” I said to him while shaking my head. “You two are brothers and I’m not going to do it. So, are you two both cool with being my friends?”
           They looked at one another again before looking back at me and replying in unison, “Yes.”
           “But since Jabari got to kiss you,” said Jamari while leaning over the fence. “I’m owed this.” He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me.
           “Alright, that’s enough,” said Jabari, pulling his brother away from me after a few seconds.
           After talking to them a little longer, I went back inside to babysit my brother until my parents came home. To be honest, it hurt a little not being able to date one of the twins; especially since the summer was right around the corner. Now they were probably going to end up with girls and that would be a total loss. Still, I feel like I made the right decision. With a dilemma that unique, it’s better to stay away from drama. The last thing I needed was to cause drama and end up on punishment for longer than I already was.
[Disclaimer]: Pictures used do not reflect the sexuality or personality of people in the pictures. They only serve as visual examples of the characters.
© D.A. Morrison 2017
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goodrush · 7 years
day 38
My weekend was so fun! JS and ES are actually the coolest, and I'm so happy I got to catch up with them. First we went to get lunch at Genuine Roadside market, and then we went to JS's trading floor where he works, and then we went to momofuku milk bar, and THEN we went to the MoMA. It was a really fun day. ES and I reminisced about camp, talked about our freshman year for college, and everything in between. She's a doll and I love her so much. JS is also SUCH a nice and sweet guy. He seemed to enjoy spending time with two freshman girls, and he was especially psyched about having his sister visit. It was adorable. JS has a sweet deal. A relatively nice/cheap 3 bed apartment in midtown, and a 10 minute walk to work in Times Square. He was the first person I really knew who did finance as I know it today. So it was lucky that he's just so nice. Some highlights: got the shrimp tacos at genuine roadside, almost lost my sunglasses but they were turned in and I got them back, got cereal milk ice cream at momofuku (SO yummy), and made fun of weird abstract art at the MoMA. None of us understand why Andy warhols Campbell soup is so fucking cool. After we parted ways, I headed to Noho for a Barry's class. It felt fulfilling to do it, even though it was like 5:45pm on a Saturday. After that, went back up to GC to take the train to Milford. My parents had already headed up there by car, and we were all gonna go to beach the next day, Sunday. I slept on the train, and then before I knew it I got off and was picked up by my parents. We took a night walk on the beach, and then headed to my grandmas house to sleep. The next day, we went to the Corner Restaurant in Milford (insanely good brunch). This was my cheat day, I confess, but corner is worth it. I got the tuna Tartare but I stole a decent amount of my dads African Hash. So yummy. After that, my bloated self went to the beach to tan and swim. The water was the perfect temperature, and I read some Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, which has been interesting so far. Except I got cocky w the (lack of) sunscreen, and ended up burning my whole front side pretty much. It's not horrendous, but it's definitely red. Rip me for tryna look cute and tan for E's arrival on Tuesday. Then we went back to gmas house and prepared dinner, ate it, took another beach walk, and headed home. We got home close to midnight, but I didn't really mind. Sometime around 8 that night, E's plane from Rome landed. He was/is a little senti about leaving the friends he made at the program, but he seems (I hope) happy to be back. I sure am; he's coming to see me on Tuesday (tomorrow as I'm writing this)! We FaceTimed on Sunday night when he got home, and then I headed to bed. Today was Monday, and I headed into work again. It was pretty mundane again, but they voluntarily gave me a new CIM to read... I don't know what was up with me but I just didn't. I knew they weren't gonna check anyway, and I think I may be a lil distracted bc of E's imminent arrival. But I did realize that I forgot to get my brows done, so I booked a woman after work, and took a later Barry's class. The woman made my brows too skinny though :( I'm kinda sad about it, but I think they'll grow back, so it's not the end of the world. Barry's was good today! I somehow got this last shot of real adrenaline in the last sprint and hit 10 mph in the treadmill for the first time! So I'm happy about that. After class, I walked back to PA, and now I'm on the bus. So excited to see E!
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was okay-ish. Not great really. I'm still just in a weird space, mentally. Still can't get my mind to stop racing. I did call my psychiatrist today but he wasn't in that office today, but they took a message and said they'd have him call me, and asked if I needed to be today, so I said I mean it's okay if it's tomorrow but today would be preferable. I didn't get a call back today. Sigh. And it's just that much more difficult now that I'm working 9-5 because when am I supposed to do things like call my psychiatrist or anyone else that is only open 9-5? When am I supposed to go to the doctor ffs? I have one appointment scheduled for late June at 8 am. I'm sure that's gonna go over well with my brain. Sigh. Now I'm getting worked up over this which is the last thing I wanted to do. I think I'm gonna go up to 4 mg of Xanax a day though. It's still within the threshold he said I could try to figure out. I just want to talk to him about it because this guy knows my brain better than probably even me and when something that used to work is no longer working it's not a good sign. I should move on now though. Alarm went off at 7 and I successfully convinced myself to get out of bed by 7:01. Got ready, poured my cocoa krispies and then looked at my milk and it had apparently curdled when the refrigerator does was stuck open for some reason when I got home yesterday. Great. At least I figured it out before I poured it onto my cereal. So I hurried around grabbing some oatmeal (one of the disposable cups) and some cinnamon toast eggos. Made the bus so that's good. I got to the office and went to go see my supervisor but she wasn't in her office, so I just went back to mine and started working on the stuff she gave me yesterday. Not that long after she showed up at my office and said she was gonna be taking a personal half day but would make sure I had enough work, and that she'd probably be going down to court at 10:30 if I wanted to join her so I said sure. Kept working until then, then went down to court and absolutely nothing interesting happened when I was hit by another one of my wow you're going to close your eyes every 3 seconds now and be incapable of keeping them open spells that I've been getting lately when I'm sitting still and focusing on one thing, and at some point after that started my supervisor came over and said it looked like all the cases were just getting dates so it wasn't gonna be interesting if I wanted to go back upstairs. I'm not sure if she saw that I was visibly falling asleep or not, lol, but I took the out. It was a little past 11 at this point and I think then was when I called my psychiatrist. Then I didn't really have any work to do so I closed my door and set my alarm for noon and took a nap. I woke up at like 11:45 so I was probably only "out" for like 30 minutes, which I figured I'll just work through my lunch to make up for so it'll be fine. I mean, power naps are a thing right? And as long as I get the work done it's not like anyone cares, so....not a big deal lol. So I then opened my office door and started conversing with the two ladies who have the offices across and next to mine. The offices are kind of set up mostly in these 3 pod systems, and this is the first time I'm actually in a full 3 pod, since first semester the office next to mine was empty and last semester I was just kind of off in a corner. So we talked as we worked and that was cool. One of the ladies gave me some DCP packets to do, which they seem to think is like the worst thing ever and kept apologizing for giving me such a boring assignment and I'm like.....dude, I spent an entire semester doing this basically. This is child's play lol bring on the packets I can do them all. So I did all 4 then reported back to her and expressed my concern about the investigation into the last one that was somewhat lacking (whenever an allegation gets unfounded on the grounds that "it's the kids word versus the foster parents word so I'm gonna believe the foster parent" the kill bill sirens start going off in my head). So that was good. She then asked if I wanted to do some trial prep for a TPR, so I spent the rest of the afternoon sorting through a rather large file to write up a timeline of services that mom and dads 1&2 did or did not do (no polygamy, just two different dads for two kids). It wasn't terribly thrilling but it was fine. I left right around 5 to catch the 5:13 train, which I'm gonna have to start leaving a little bit earlier for because the last two times it's been a few minutes early and I've barely made it (it's typical for me to get in anywhere between 8:50 and 9, so I figure 5 minutes here or there evens itself out). Trip home was fine, quickly threw some dinner together and tuned into the flash, most of my excitement stemming from knowing that watching this week's episode meant getting to next week's episode when my bby Len is coming back haha so more of a means to an end than anything else, but I actually really liked the episode! I definitely like, snorted when they showed that in wiping Barry's memories they screwed over Savitar too and now killer frost was like welp, gotta help them fix it lol. The scene with her and Cisco though, like stop it broke my heart so much <\3 like JUST LET CAITLIN BE HAPPY DAMMIT IT ISNT THAT HARD UGHHHH so that made me sad. The main part with Barry was pretty comical, him and Iris were adorable together even with the inevitable this isn't their reality looming over their heads. And they managed to get the probable cause hearing fairly by the book, so I didn't get too pissy over that (I mean, there's no way that would be the only possible way to keep the guy in custody and he would HAVE to be released otherwise, so that part was totally unrealistic, but I realize that was just a necessary plot point). But overall I really liked the episode and then of course the first shot of the preview had me flipping a shit immediately because LEN IS STANDING IN FRONT OF THE WAVERIDER and we already know he was wearing oculus clothing in other shots on the sizzle reel and ugh.......I really don't want to get my hopes up but I can't help it, they're already sky high. I really wouldn't be surprised if it's another fake out, though I would probably be the angriest I've been with them at this point. I guess we'll see where that goes. It took me about 6 minutes to remember that prison break comes on right after the flash (and by remember I mean going to the my shows list to watch B99 and see oh shit it's recording) but I caught up to live pretty quickly. I felt pretty distracted during this week's episode, probably just due to weird mental head space again. But I'm glad they're making progress and then they were like 3 episodes left!!! and I was like what????????? This is way too short lol. But I'm very much looking forward to that teased Michael/Sara reunion for next week because I know it's gonna be epic. Lol, at the end of the episode they're like "Michaels dying!" and I was like lol, when is Michael Scofield not dying? Also, at this point I'm just convinced Michael doesn't know how to give up on anything so he just keeps trying crazier and crazier ideas until one of them inevitably and inexplicably works. But I am enjoying that. So after that, I did watch Brooklyn 99. I may be totally wrong on this, but I could've sworn B99 used to be a half hour show??? I'm probably just wrong but I definitely thought that. This episode at least seemed very distinctly split into two parts, both of which were pretty great. The Rochester partying was hilarious of course as was them recreating what happened. Then there was the whole Amy/Jake storyline with her taking the sergeants exam that led to that super sweet scene of him just being like this is your dream and it's been your dream before we started going out, I've always known you were gonna be my boss anyway and it was really adorable (and then he went all die hard and it was really funny). And yeah, that pretty much capped my tv for the night. I got into a Twitter DM convo with one of the DCTV podcast hosts (I'm being intentionally vague here) regarding the appearance of the waverider in the trailer and they weren't happy about it and was just kind of ranting at legends and normally we just have stupid and amusing conversations about our shows so it got kind of awkward for a minute there but we both calmed down and were like okay it's fine people have opinions lol. And plus they have an entire podcast to rant to about their opinions, so the need to do it to me personally isn't really there. We're fine though, I like them and I enjoy talking to them. And that was pretty much my day. Tomorrow is Wednesday and my third day at "work" for summer. Did I mention I'm the only law clerk in the office right now? My name looks so lonely on the sign in sheet, lol. Most people are still in finals, I just finished really early and wanted to make sure I made it back in time for the child death case to be up so here I am. I'm probably the only law clerk in the building at this point 😂 but yeah, as far as I know I'll finally be going iron the field (maybe I should pack a change of clothes? We didn't discuss this) or maybe she's coming to the courthouse but I'll be interviewing a 5 year old girl who was removed from her mother's care about 2 weeks ago after reports of physical abuse and that mom was a heroin addict with visible track marks on her arm, and she was always referring to her daughter as "that little bitch" and like throwing her around, and also they were living in like complete desolation, like there were holes in the floor and no heat (and this is Chicago and even though ITS FUCKING MAY it's still been freezing) and many other such examples and yeah, it wasn't good. The DCP investigator seemed to think the girl appeared as a normal happy, healthy 5 year old so that's encouraging. I guess we'll see how that goes. Okay, time for bed now. Goodnight punks. Stay awesome.
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