#defending his war criminal
the-awful-falafel · 1 year
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The Peppino dominance hierarchy
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littlefankingdom · 14 days
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~ Batgirl (2000)
They are sad and disappointed in themselves and they should be. What they did is not justice.
So, I'm mad about this issue, like really mad for personal reasons I will explain later. For context: a young girl has been kidnapped by a thief who escaped jail. It's not the first time said thief kidnapps this girl. This young girl, around 10 years old, is an artist and her mother exploits her, making money by selling her daughter's art. They are rich. This woman doesn't love her daughter, she loves the money she is making from her daughter. The man that keeps kidnapping this young girl? Her father. Her father that loves and cares for her, that turned to crime to take care of his daughter, and refuses to sell any art she makes because she made it for him, because she loves her father. And she pleads, she pleads Batgirl to let her with her father and not bring her back to her mother who doesn't love her, she pleads her to not put her father in jail. And what do Batgirl does? She stops the father, gives him to the cops and brings back the girl to her mother. On those panels, they are looking at a sad child with her abuser they brought her back to.
My mother doesn't love me. She will say she does to others, but it's not true and it has been the case for a long time, since I was very young. I wasn’t unwanted, I was just not what she wanted. My life was supposed to be centered, until my death, around taking care of my mother (she is not disabled or anything, she just wants people to do everything for her). Raised to make money I would gift to my mother, so she could have luxuries, but I was not successful in that. I grew up pleading for love, pleading for people to listen to my pain. Nobody did. I learnt that people prefer the comfort and peace of their lives over helping others. I learnt to distrust authority figures (teachers, doctors, any adults/people at least 5 years older than me in general), because either they were power hungry assholes who abuse kids, either they preferred to look away, who would tell me to be nice and listen to my mother. It's too much problem to help children. In the end, I could count on nobody but myself to get out. I can count on nobody but myself. I hate the system, and I promised myself I would never be like those who look away, I will defend any child that needs it.
So, to read a story where a little girl pleads a HERO to not bring them back to their abuser, only for said HERO to still bring her back to her abuser, to tell her to be nice and stay with her awful parent... I am furious. This issue is literally telling me that, if heroes existed, the heroes you adore since you are a child, they would not have saved you. They would have bring you back to your mother and told you to be nice, like everyone else. They would have let you go through those years of pain. Heroes would have looked away.
What is the logic here? Because it's neither justice or the good thing to do. That it is the law? Since when do they follow the law? I don't remember vigilantism being legal, or assault and battery, or owning all the weapons Bruce owns. Yes, it was still a kidnapping, her father is a criminal, it would not have been a good life for a child. But, the Bats could have tried to find a solution, instead of simply giving this child back to someone who will treat her like shit.
I know it's just a fiction, so it's not like a real child is being exploited and will be more abused later when she stops being good enough because her mental health deteriorated, nobody is going to become depressed and lose trust in heroes because the bats brought her back to her awful mother. And also, it's not the characters who are at fault, it's the writers. It's not about Cass and Bruce being bad people heroes, it's about who the fuck decided to write that. New entries in my list of enemies, Keller Puckett and Dylan Horrocks.
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larsnicklas · 2 months
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top o' the morning (skate) to ya ☘️
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empty-blog-for-lurking · 10 months
I think Lance should get like the meanest, most evil Earth cat in existence (think Becky Apples from Centaurworld) and also the biggest rose tinted glasses ever because he genuinely believes that Mr Cutie Paws has never done and would never do anything wrong and i think said cat should tolerate him and ONLY him and I think the only other person making an effort to bond with said cat is Shiro who recognizes the bloodlust in its eyes but damn it! Every kitty deserves a chance!
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soullessjack · 25 days
there’s so much love for how insanely-ruthlessly protective Cas is but the same is never given to jack when he’s the one being insanely ruthless about his family….it’s a cryin’ shame, i say
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blorbocedes · 2 years
I was so confused about why i was seeing so much content with marc marquez on my tl and then i saw it's you and suddenly everything made sense :)) im just a casual marc marquez fan but you turned me into a brocedes and nico apologist so you might have some hidden powers 🧐
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Isn't this so sexy??? he's tiny, does war crimes and does 🥺 about it, and a redbull boy world champion???? he's like Invented for me..... that being said all my info comes from my anons telling me so this is a feedback loop where they infect me and I infect my dash 🔁
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ribcageteeth · 2 years
10 characters 10 fandoms 10 characters
@aceofvase tagged me, hooray!
Ghostface (Billy Loomis/Stu Macher) (Scream)
Atem/Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
Eowyn (Lord of the Rings)
Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island)
Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)
Ash Williams (The Evil Dead)
Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Simon the Ice King (Adventure Time)
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III (Critical Role)
Griffith (Berserk)
I don’t know what that says about me, but I’m sure it’s a lot. I’ll tag @theonyxranger @krispykrememossnuts @primrosey and @spooksohana, but no pressure.
#june did some explanations so i’m gonna do that too!#1: ok so when I was a little kid i had a nightmare that there was a monster trying to break down the door to my room and it was terrifying#BUT when the door broke it was Ghostface on the other side and it immediately took me out of it. i was like ‘oh. that’s just Ghostface.’#‘He isn’t scary he just falls down a lot and makes does silly voices on the phone. That’s not a monster that’s my friend Ghostface’#and ever since then he’s been my friend Ghostface#2: Atem is my ultimate comfort character. something about being the other half of a pair and learning who you are through your friends#3: we love a bad bitch who breaks a prophecy by loophole. I love that she’s a regular person and she manages through sheer determination#4: speaking of being Just Some Guy. Guybrush is the smartest idiot i know and i love that#5: big green husband love of my life ( ꈍᴗꈍ) but also Scary Man Takes Care Of Kid is a trope I love#6: hes a genius he’s a war criminal he’s a scoundrel he’s a hero he has one braincell and a chainsaw hand what more do you want. he’s trans#7: book Sophie has one of my favorite magical powers: it works because you say it works#she also takes absolutely no shit and keeps the curse up herself because she likes the freedom of being old#8: look i have a lot of feelings about the Ice King and they’re way too complicated to leave in the tags of this post#9: finally a toxic revenge narrative that doesn’t condemn the revenge and it’s so early on that the rest of his arc is just healing#10: look. what do you want me to say. i can’t defend that one. horrible awful nasty garbage man. i love him so much. i hope he dies.#tag game
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cacaitos · 3 months
i shouldnt force this but what do you think abt kakugos whole rising sun reclaiming situation
hmm to be honest.. if it's from the heisei manga. to begin with, it's a ridiculously senseless manga all down to quality. on one hand you got the guy that goes on and on about violence and revenge is always the answer and a count- i mean someone without weapons is weak and prone to be abused by the Every Other and like a woman while a conspicuous rising sun waves behind him fighting the both iron-cross-wearing punk ultra masculine violent misogynistic Other thats also the degenate kink leather-wearing queer (in the slur way) Other. and for some reason im supposed to get any productive synthesis out of that conflict. and like, at some point it gets all so bold, and having read KnS first, i could only imagine as i read that it must be some kind of conclusion or twist or literally anything at the end. and it then it just ends on a random mid-fight scene.
again, having read KnS first, thats not only yk Finished but that also basically negates basically most of the plot and elements of it, in comparisson heisei not only seems but ultimately revealed as even more amateur, unripe, weak structured, unfinished, thoughtless and useless of a read. furthermore, as i understand from yamaguchi works even beyond KnS, that's still one of his earlier less polished works, his works seem to deconstruct (though i didnt say how successfully) at least from his own experience those value systems, dunno if to his own work specifically tho, if at least from a their media legacy/influence level. but that's an idea i got from that essay i rbd a while ago, idk maybe his manga abt the toku fan one is shit and takes down everything i just said, idk since i havent read it. i look forward to know how he executes shigurui and such, a the toku fan one too, to confirm first hand in time. even if yamaguchi didnt change his stance it's just Weird. Red Flag. but also i don't get the fucking point of it.
deviation aside, if you meant from kakugo no susume, tbh i dont remember if the rising sun thing got assigned to kakugo at x or y, if any, moment; memory fails me. but the military uniform, for ex, to start with is a fair thing to point out to begin with. yes, kakugo is The Good Guy thats categorically opossed to resembling his g.grandfather or his ideologies, yet wears a hs uniform alike to the military japanese imperial one. but focusing on only kakugo is kinda missing the wider landscape. i mean the manga is riddled with that kind of contradiction, and to pick on one is to pick on many others. now, i wouldnt consider KnS any like Mature internal dialogue of fascism or anything, despite at least the textual reprehension for the imperial mindset and material effects/atrocities. the authors themselves admit is kind of a dumb series not precisely unintentionally, and again not the most polished work of yamaguchi, if you wanted to get a thorough and concise conclusion on anything. even if you tried the story wont help you on it lol, thats the thing with questionable quality writng.
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daydreamerdrew · 6 months
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Wolverine, Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection (1989)
#/really/ not into this invented reason for Jake’s hatred of Nick#my earliest experience with the character is his appearances in The Defenders (1972)#there I remember his villain motivation being overall a vague dissatisfaction with society#that was apparently supposed to be because he was gay#and his anger with Nick came from Nick foiling his early villain plans#because Jake tried to follow in Nick’s footsteps in the army and it didn’t work out for him#and because Jake believed that Nick thought of him as weak#and we get a bit of that here with Jake wanting ‘to escape this big brother crap… to get a life beyond your shadow’#‘Who needs you showing up from nowhere with your certified war hero advice?’#and Nick approaching his brother getting into a relationship with a criminal by seducing the criminal in order to ruin their relationship#is interesting for Nick’s character#as is him feeling that the seduction went so well because he ‘acted in cold blood’#because when ‘you care for somebody you feel awkward stuff goes wrong’#considering how in the beginning of the book Nick was feeling bad about never making a serious genuine relationship work long-term#and not getting that ‘normal’ life with a family#and considering that Nick at least believes that he really cared for his brother but obviously really fucked that up#while it’s said in this book that Jake left the country to be with her and then became the villain Scorpio#of course in his previous appearances when he was Scorpio she wasn't there#and instead Jake was working with a sentient LMD of Nick that he emotionally abused#I just felt that that whole situation was wild and compelling and this explanation for it for Jake’s perspective doesn’t live up to it#I did like that when the new Scorpio villain showed up Nick thought deep down that it might somehow be his dead brother#and was disappointed when it wasn't#and I liked Nick’s insecurity about his age throughout this book#marvel#nick fury#jake fury#my posts#comic panels
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uss-edsall · 6 months
Ridley Scott, regarding his new Napoleon movie, is being aggressively defensive about its inaccuracies with historians. He's gone on record saying "When I have issues with historians, I ask: ‘Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well, shut the fuck up then.’" This is a classic argument of people with no idea how historians do their work, how historical accuracy is determined and evaluated, and - in Ridley Scott's case in particular - how important it is to properly portray historical accuracy in other media.
The reason why Ridley Scott is being so aggressively dismissive of complaints about historical accuracy is due to past beef leading to a problem he likely has.
This is a movie that, by din of being touted as a 'nonfiction' movie about a historical figure, is basing much of its marketing on historical accuracy by default. The trailers show it's not, and reviews by historians say it is riddled with dozens if not hundreds of inaccuracies. Napoleon's portrayal is frankly a surface level depiction and nowhere near the nuance that historians were hoping for.
Scott's defensive about it. He need not be. If he had a historical consultant then he could go "I'm not an expert on the time period, but I have someone who is, ask them about it" and fob them off on his movie's historical consultant. It's a whole Thing. He doesn't have one, however, so he has to defend it personally.
You see, Ridley Scott probably didn't hire a historical consultant for Napoleon. The last time he had one - Kathleen Coleman for Gladiator - she was so upset over the inaccuracies he pushed through and how little her work affected the film, she requested her name be taken off of it.
Why this is important is because so many more people will watch a movie made by Ridley Scott than I or any other person could write. More people will watch Scott's Napoleon in the States than five hundred books about Napoleon combined worldwide.
More people watched Dunkirk than ever read a book about the Evacuation of Dunkirk. The movie Breaker Morant did so much for public perception about the execution of a genuine war criminal people in Australia still on occasion call for a pardon for Morant.
Fundamentally, mass media like movies will always have more impact of a popular perception about somebody, a time period, an event. That's why Ridley Scott making an inaccurate movie and going 'oh, you weren't there, you didn't see it with your own eyes, so how could you know, I don't have to listen to you' is a problem.
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guideaus · 8 months
i think snake really was weird in vinland saga. im gonna stick with that opinion
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emperorundying · 5 months
TLT Dash Simulator Pt 2
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⚔️ cav4cav
Crazy take but people with natural thanergy can swing a sword too if they want to. It literally doesn't hurt you at all.
💜 necromxntic Follow
"people with natural thanergy" you mean necromancers. if you mean necromancers, say necromancers.
🦇 gaiuspilled-necrocel Follow
It could hurt me if they hit me with a sword :(
⚔️ cav4cav
I shouldn't have to say this but I guess I do!!! If you believe natural thanergy = inherent necro, STAY OFF OF MY BLOG!!
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#howww do these people even keep finding my blog #i am literally a thanergetic cavalier you do not believe i exist stay the fuck away
( 37 notes )
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🩸 bloodnblingee Follow
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Seventh gifset for anon!! I loveeee the seventh house aesthetic so much, sorry about the disease :( hope u like this!!
#seventh house #anon #request #gif edit #7th
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🎩 taintofpatience Follow
The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To (Alone With You)
Fandom: Religious RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Emperor Undying (Necrolord Prime) / The Saint of Patience (Augustine The First)
Characters: Emperor Undying (Necrolord Prime), The Saint of Patience (Augustine The First), The Saint of Joy (Mercymorn The First)
Tags: Smut, Angst, Apostles to Lovers, Kissing, Friends With Benefits, Pining, Blasphemy, Religion Kink, PWP
Summary: Our Lord and Resurrector brings something else to life-- his first saint's libido. Beginning starts a little slow but after that it's mostly just Jaugustine fucking and sucking LOL
Keep reading
#rpf #religious fanfiction #fanfic #fanfiction #augustine the first #emperor undying #necrolord prime #jaugustine #emperor john gaius #nsft
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💀 drearybruh Follow
when yr a fucking meal but she only ever wanted a snack
💀 drearybruh Follow
it's fine. im fine. im doing great fuck you
💎 saintofawe ☑️ Follow
L + Ratio + Found your vent blog Gibbon (:
#and when our lord and emperor confronts me about cruelty towards his second-choice daughter figure I will remind him ever so gracefully that you do it to yourself #like the Radiohead song
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💉 se7en Follow
weekly poll!! <3
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🪩 3flesh5end Follow
🪩 3flesh5end Follow
#not to defend a war criminal but kiriona is literally just a girl in the universe.... #let her dance! #come to the third girl i could treat you better
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☠️ is-the-emperor-undying-dead-yet Follow
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surielstea · 1 month
Kitty Cat | Drabble
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Pairing: Modern!Az x Fem!Reader
Summary: A normal night for Azriel, his wife, and his son (a cat.)
Warnings: the briefest mention of oral (m receiving) but it’s all fluff :)
1.1k words
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The black cat was curled into a ball, lying on my stomach as I petted between his ears and he purred, small vibrations coming from Shadow. “Aren’t you just the cutest kitty ever?” I hum as the cat looks up at me with wide golden eyes, his ears cocking at the pitch of my voice.
“Your dad’s gonna be home with more treats I promise,” I smile at the cute animal and he meows in reply, I giggle and scratch under his chin. “But you like me more than him don’t you?” I grin wildly.
The door knob rattles and me and the cat both look in the direction of the noise, and within a second my husband enters with three grocery bags in his hands.
“Welcome home,” I raise my arms in a cheer. “No hug today?” He frowns, missing the usual embrace I gave him every time he came home. “I’m a little preoccupied,” I gesture down to the kitten who couldn’t be bothered to spare a glance at his original owner.
Azriel only shook his head and walked into the kitchen where he set the bags and his briefcase down then quickly returned, coming back to the living room and pulling his tie loose then undoing the first few buttons of his collared shirt, revealing his dark tattoos. I smiled and reached my hand out toward him as he approached my side.
“Isn’t he so cute?” I croon, looking down at the kitten. “Are you talking about me or the cat?” Azriel arches his brow. “The cat,” I giggle, looking up at him. He scoops Shadow off my stomach and I whine, missing the comfort of the animal. “I bought you treats, and you repay me by stealing my wife?” He holds the kitten in one of his large hands, holding him up to his face as he narrows his eyes on the dumbfounded kitten. “He’s innocent!” I defend and Azriel shakes his head placing the cat by my feet.
“Shadow’s a war criminal, don’t let him fool you.” My husband jokes in a serious tone before flipping over me, slowly lowering down so as not to crush me as he rests his head on my chest, his waist between my thighs, replacing himself with the cat.
“How was your day?” I ask as my hand weaves into his dark hair. “Better now that I’m home,” He says, stuffing his nose into my breasts and I chuckle, twirling a lock of his hair around my ring finger.
“How about you?” He propped his head up to look at me. “The usual,” I shrug. “Cleaned around the house, played with Shadow— oh I found a movie for us to watch that I think you might like,” I grin excitedly. “It’s a horror.” I sing.
“But you don’t like horrors,” He tilts his head and I smile. “I know but, you do,” I shrug. “Besides, we watch what I want all the time, and this one actually seemed interesting,” I explain and a smile pulls at his lips, he leans up and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I love you,” He whispers against my mouth and I blush at the three simple words, he was my husband and yet he still had me going pink. “Love you too,” I murmur.
I hear a familiar meow and then look to Shadow who had climbed up Azriel’s back and was staring at me from over his shoulder. I giggle and remove my hand from Azriel’s hair in order to pet the kitty. “I love you too Shadow,” I reassure and he leans into my hand, licking my palm with closed eyes.
“Okay, go change I’ll get the movie ready,” I say, shooing him off of me and he groans, guiding Shadow off his shoulder and down onto the floor before getting off me and disappearing into our bedroom.
While he’s gone I turn the TV on and find the movie, then I get up from the sofa and walk into the kitchen, unpacking the groceries— tossing Shadow a few treats that Az just bought, while I wait.
I put a pack of popcorn into the microwave and watch impatiently through the window like a child. “It’s not going to cook any faster if you stare at it,” Azriel hums as he snakes his arms around my waist, his bare chest coming into contact with my back. I turn to look up at him, dark tattoos twining from his forearms to his collarbone, the same ones I’ve traced thousands of times.
“I put the groceries away,” I utter, running a fingertip down the ink on his neck. “And I found that you got me my favorite chips,” I smile, biting into my lower lip. “I noticed we were out,” He shrugs, hands on my hips. “You’re getting the sloppiest head for that,” I say innocently, pecking his lips, leaving him utterly stunned.
I smirk mischievously and the microwave beeps. I swirl around and take the hot bag out, pouring the buttery snack into one large bowl.
Azriel plops himself down onto the couch and I find my spot next to him, tucking my legs up to my chest as I lean into him and he starts the movie.
I had been so confident in myself for picking this movie in broad daylight but now that it was dark outside and the lights in the house were off, I was starting to doubt my fear tolerance.
Azriel wrapped an arm around me as I anxiously snacked on the popcorn balanced on my knees.
A few jumpscares and a minor heart attack later I was officially terrified and had my head stuffed into Azriel’s chest, my other hand over my eyes, peeking through my fingers and barely watching the screen. I look up to Azriel who had an amused grin on his face as he observed me, how I cuddled a little closer to him every time the suspenseful music picked up, or how I looked at him instead when the killer showed up on screen, watching through the reflection of his eyes.
“I’m starting to think this was a bad idea,” I confess, frowning up at him. “I think this is the best idea you’ve had in a while my love,” He presses a hard kiss to my temple. “It was my idea to get Shadow!” I defend, and as if on queue the cat jumps up onto the couch, meowing. “Now that was a bad idea,” He hums as the kitty burrows into his other side.
The three of us all cuddled up, sharing the intimate moment. I intertwined my hand with Azriel’s and cherished the warm feeling blooming in my chest. “Oh shut up, you love him,” I rolled my eyes and the cat looked up at me, kneading his paws into Azriel’s torso. “I do,” My husband rubbed the top of his head and the cat purred, nuzzling into his owner's touch.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127
Azriel Taglist: @coolepowersthings @lovely-giggles @quiettuba @ilovewarner45 @judig92 @tothestarsandwhateverend @je-suis-prest-rachel @call-me-a-fool @brieflyclassymortal @cherryjain17 @stqrgirlies-blog @chelsiemp @nyxbranwenn @dnfhascorruptedme
Comment a “💙” to be added to the general taglist!
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decolonize-the-left · 5 months
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s national security adviser indicated that Israel could accept a U.S. plan for a revamped Palestinian Authority to govern the Gaza Strip after the war, a sign that the Israeli leader is easing his opposition to the idea.
Israel is aware of the desire of the international community and the countries of the region to integrate the Palestinian Authority the day after Hamas, and we make it clear that the matter will require a fundamental reform of the Palestinian Authority,” Tzachi Hanegbi, who heads Israel’s National Security Council, wrote in an opinion piece published Thursday on the Arabic-language news site Elaph.
"I'll agree to stop commiting genocide but only if you guys agree to my very specific conditions for the next leadership" is practically in the CIA handbook.
'destabilize a region then exploit the power vaccum and desperation it creates' is a play we've seen over and over again.
The question is why is Israel doing it?
Because it is a puppet state. It's serves the purpose of providing the USA someone to hide behind while they destabilize the region.
A puppet state, puppet régime, puppet government or dummy government is a state that is de jure independent but de facto completely dependent upon an outside power and subject to its orders.
Puppet states have nominal sovereignty, except that a foreign power effectively exercises control through economic or military support.
By leaving a local government in existence the outside power evades all responsibility, while at the same time successfully paralyzing the local government they tolerate.
"Why would the usa be using Israel to destabilize the middle east tho?"
An excellent question!
Short answer: using their own armies to carry out the plans is a surefire way to land themselves in a world war and so using Israel is an easy cop out.
The longer answer is very long.
So what "plans" are they trying to carry out, exactly, right?
Saving the Suez from "Islamist threats" "to secure freedom of navigation." You know, just like our Secretary of Defense said.
You know who else said that though? The plans outlined in Project 2025 by the Heritage Foundation. "The one that's gonna put queer people in detention centers?" Yeah that one. In fact our official are using a lot of the Same Exact Language and working found in Project2025.
Isn't that interesting?
Let's look at page 285, together.
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Well, we've certainly seen headlines of this right? "Israel has a right to defend itself" and to take what it deems appropriate measures is how the USA has been avoiding calling Netanyahu a war criminal isn't it? A Google search will show Biden also has tried to block/stop Iran's nuclear development.
Very reassuring that they see the need for that for precaution, isn't it?
And sure maybe you could say this is a conspiracy theory, except US representatives are using the same EXACT language and Islamophobia to justify what's happening. Exhibit #1 the link to secretary of state, but don't worry. We're just warming up and he's not the only one.
Let's continue, we're almost to the part where it all comes together.
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Translation: the Suez Canal brings Egypt billions of dollars a year and several parties (the countries listed) would prefer that money be funneled to them instead. The problem is that the aforementioned parties have been destabilizing the region for so long that establishing an alternate trade route through those territories would be seen as an act of aggression if not war.
The heritage foundation has always intended to call anyone who resists that plan a terrorist. Its their way of manufacturing consent to kill people.
And we can see Netanyahu and Biden both following that lead. "The terrorists are just such a giant threat, how could I possibly stop supporting Israel's fight against them?"
From Dec 10, 2023
So isn't it just so crazy that the countries and regions outlined there (US, Israel, India, Egypt, and Gulf States) are ALSO the countries who presented the IMEC at the G20 summit in September, just a month before Israel started it's genocide?
Oh, you don't know what the IMEC is or why it matters?
Well remember the Suez and how much income it brings in? Yeah well it's also regulated by the state, which means it can't be bought or bribed the same way that a canal owned privately could.
Which means that Egypt is the sole benefactor and controls who else gets to benefit. This often does not include the USA.
The USA does not like that.
Enter: the IMEC.
The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a rail and shipping corridor that aims to boost regional development and economic interconnectivity between India, the USA, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and the European Union. The project consists of two corridors: the eastern corridor will connect India to the Arabian Gulf, and the northern corridor will connect the Gulf to Europe.
[..]Hence, there are technical limitations that the IMEC may face, not least in the Middle East due to its vast desert regions. The construction of railway lines and subsequent transportation of goods would be a difficult task requiring everything from the standardisation of the railway track gauges to the engine configurations. What’s more, one of the main link ports of the IMEC, Haifa, is in Israel, a country which is unstable at the moment due to the Palestinian freedom struggle.
It's how they intend to circumvent the Suez Canal entirely.
Unfortunately for them, Palestine exists. And as such, this creates a huge problem for them in building the IMEC through Palestine to Haifa. Especially since the resistance fighters through the entire middle east violently oppose the west's imperialism.
So something must be done. Again, we refer back to calling Anyone who questions Israel as an antisemitic terrorist as justification for killing Palestinians en masse. And for the ones they can't justify killing? Moving them.
Meaning that yeah. They planned for that, too.
And not even in secret.
Dated October 13, 2023
From November 7, 2023
What this suggests, as more of Project2025 comes true is that not only is the USA aiding and abetting this war to happen.
But that they are intentionally instigating and provoking action in the middle east.
They WANT headlines like this ⬇️ Because it sets up further justification and manufactured consent to continue their genocide in the name of money.
project2025 ALSO outlines every single group the USA sees as terrorists in the USA and also outlines how each country who provides them shelter should be stripped of aid.
They have already found and written excuses for the USA to get away with collective punishment across the whole middle east.
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And finally.
The condition that I fully expect to be announced
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For it to be defunded. And for more of an idea we can look to this Netanyahu quote from TheGuardian
Netanyahu also made clear he wanted Israel to retain overall security control after any conflict “with the ability to go in whenever we want in order to kill terrorists”. “There will be no Hamas. There will be no civilian authority that educates their children to hate Israel, to kill Israelis, to destroy the state of Israel. There can’t be an authority there that pays the families of murderers. There needs to be something else there,” he said.
Another puppet government that'll agree to do whatever Israel (and the USA) says, perhaps?
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Me lovingly holding Hunk's face: Babyboy i am going to give you so many traits and flaws you couldnt even dream of. I'll carve out your personality and character like she(canon) never could
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hashtagloveloses · 5 months
i used to defend padme bc she was like, dumb and in her early 20s and we all made mistakes when we thought we were straight, and then i was like no i dont defend her she married a war criminal knowingly maybe she's a commentary on liberal women facilitating oppression, and then i watched jujutsu kaisen and saw satoru gojo at 17 years old after the worst 2 possible things ever happened to him be like "yeah this is the love of my life and i cant bring myself to kill him but im not gonna like, still be with him after he murdered a whole town" and you know what??? padme choosing to MARRY THE GUY after he commits a war crime and then HAVE HIS CHILDREN, while satoru gojo even in his immense loneliness and sadness is inspired to change his entire worldview and the entire society he lives in and mentor kids..........i fear feminism lost, padme is not escaping the dumbass allegations
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