#harry you cute little monster
rrking · 3 months
Some General BG HCs
Me and my wifey often discuss Astarion things in real life, and there are a few that I thought I would share.
Spoiler warning⚠
Random knowledge bank. Meeting your parents for the first time and your dad wants to talk about history? Ask Astarion, if he doesn't just know, he remembers.
Enjoys going to the library. Does not enjoy the rabble who also enjoy the library. You have to explain to him over and over about library cards and infrared scanners so he doesn't just nope out and steal the book. Also gets annoyed when books from his time are revised.
Don't want to touch the raw meat packaging? No worries, Astarion will lick it up for you. Imagine him leant against the kitchen counter sucking up the blood from that piece of paper at the bottom of the mince. (A wifey thought)
On the subject of blood, if you cut your finger in the house he will be licking that up for you with a leering grin. Dragging it out so he can watch how you roll your eyes at him.
Comes in late, as usual, but this time after taking out every fucking goose or pigeon in the local area. The council are unhappy. Astarion is ecstatic. Word of a bird plague is sweeping through the borough. You are not happy with Astarion. Astarion doesn't care about the council until they put your council tax up.
Glares out of the window at kids playing but won't admit they're kind of cute. Especially glarey when kids come to the door trick or treating. Bonus points if they're dressed as vampires... Maybe he'll compliment them. "Darlings, look at your adorable little capes! Does your mother know you lot are prancing around dressed like monsters?" Will absolutely deny any niceties when you look at him knowingly, a smirk appearing on your lips as you notice the bucket of sweets he's holding, still excited after giving the children far more than they needed. or asked for.
Moans and groans when you watch vampire films. "Darling, turn that nonsense off, would you? Were you curious about vampires, you have one right here."
Groans even more when you watch law and order style programs, particularly court ones. Bad memories. "And why did he not get the death sentence?!"
Serial social media meme stealer.
Always creeps up behind you when you are looking in the mirror, ready to scare you. Or shag you, you be the judge.
Want chippy but don't want to get up or wait for an order? Blink. Gale will blink there and back. What's faster than Uber Eats? Going via the Astral Plane.
100000% will make you a brew if you ask :) He turns up with your favourite mug and your drink exactly the way you like it.
The type of man to run you a hot bath ready when you get in from work or if you've had a hard day just because.
Definitely discovers Nivea for Men.
Remembers things like birthdays and anniversaries.
Sees shiny things and wonders if they're infused with the weave. Gazing through the jewellery shop window.
Suffers through Harry Potter at Christmas wondering where all the elegant wizards are.
Started a thing where you leave post it notes for one another with sweet nothings on. Today as you're walking past the calendar pinned to the kitchen wall, you spot a new post it note. This one is pink and bares Gale's graceful handwriting. It reads: "My most special one, everyday I wake up next to you I feel luckier than the last. Have a great day x" Such devoted notes leave you feeling warm inside.
Prefers to buy 'living herbs' than ground jar ones because NATURE.
Is that person who goes past an adult shop and says loudly "let's go inside!"
Definitely gets stuck in garden chairs and the like due to being so massive. Don't get this man in a smart car.
Stands up at barbecues if the chair is too small. It probably is.
Literally has to be told to avoid the bear story to others because they will not understand but tells it anyway if he gets too drunk.
Actually finds it quite difficult to adapt to modern society almost more than Lae'zel.
If you live in the countryside, Halsin definitely finds it a little easier, but if you live in the city he is constantly asking questions. The thing that catches his eye today is a statue above the bank door - a lion with a key in his mouth. "Does that petrified displacer beast not wish to return to the wilderness?" "Halsin, that is a statue of a lion with a key in it's mouth." "...Oh. Why does it guard a key?" You look at him curiously, unsure of how to answer such an innocent question. "It's just HSBC's thing... I don't actually know."
Struggles to find clothes that actually fit.
Will share you a meme you tagged him in and never truly understand the new technology.
Totally enjoys long walks and feeding ducks. Eats all of the bread.
Tries to speak to the animals at the zoo. (Wifey)
Incosolably weeps at nature programs. Very confused when you try to explain that nature has to take it's course for them to film.
First thought upon seeing CGI animals dancing and talking : "IT'S A DRUID!"
Votes Green Party.
Lae'zel struggles the most to integrate into modern society.
She takes up some form of fighting WWE and does not understand why the fighters don't actually hurt each other.
She complains about this after making absolute bank of course. "Ch'k! These istik talk about fighting for glory - Yet they simply roughhouse for pitiful coin." "Yeah, but look at how famous you are, Lae'zel..." Rollin', rollin', all my bitches rollin'.
Hates ood in Doctor Who for obvious reasons. "Tsk'va, ghaik!"
Wifey came up with 'Bae'zel'.
Believes stupid spam emails you have to send onto others. (Wifey thought of this)
Shares that post of the missing dog on the other side of the world who was found 3 years ago.
Discovers TikTok, only shares animal videos and smashes TikTok dances.
Discovers aircon. 🥺
Discovers hot wing challenges... Excels at said hot wing challenges. and collects all the t shirts for winning food challenges.
Posts things on Facebook like 'Shar/Selune keeps me in check. Like, share and comment 'Praise be to Shar/Selune' if she keeps you in check." Definitely gets flamed by the others.
Ends up with cute hobbies like paper quilling and crafts. Makes things for you. "You've really improved your crochet, Shadowheart! What is this one called?" Gives him a simple name like Bob or Clyde and puts him with the rest, cramming the mantle with them.
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Cod Monster Au Facts and Snippets
Requested: Yes! [Would love to see more headcanons on ur monster au, if you have anymore to spare 💖💖💖]
Warnings: slight angst and mentions of death in Ghost’s, implied mental torture in Alejandro’s
A/N: Enjoy!
As mentioned in the previous part, Ghost is a fairly new vampire, turned back around the 50’s or so
He’s not sure exactly WHEN it was for two reasons
1) because of how much time had passed
2) because he spent like twenty or so years in a coffin six feet under after someone found him lying in an alley with his throat ripped out (and the poison takes a WHILE to fully set in)
Digging himself out of that one was…..weird. And disorienting.
Part of him was a bit sad to have probably missed the rest of what was left of his family’s lives with no clue on any of the future generations
But at the same time, he always felt himself a burden, something that brought torment into the lives of everyone he knew
He thinks they’d be better off without him anyways
Until you convince him otherwise
“Tommy had a kid, probably had another one or two after I was gone.” Ghost grumbles quietly, wondering why he let you talk him into this. Whatever sucker cursed with sharing blood with him was probably better off without his interference. But at the same time…..he yearned to know what had become of the rest of his family. To set things right for being forced to leave them behind all those years ago. “He’d be about 80 or so now, I think.”
“That’s a good start.” You tell him, resting your hand on his. With you, he was sure that he could do this. Even if it hurt that everyone he knew, even Tommy’s little baby, were probably gone.
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In love with snout rubs and kisses
But not opposed to belly rubs as well
He takes such pride in his skin, making sure it’s always clean and pristine, shiny and smooth
Once he’s gotten a bit more comfortable with you around his skin, he’ll be begging you to touch it all the time
Might even ask you to wear it (*coughinbedcough*)
Low key curious if there’s a way to turn you into a selkie
If not, he’ll try and find just about anything else to turn you into cause he doesn’t want to live the rest of his very long life without you
Can and will explain selkies in depth to you with little to no prompting
Which leads to him blabbering about his family as well
“I’m the best swimmer in my family!” Soap tells you one evening as you walk together in shallow water on the beach, his smile full of excitement.
“Oh?” You ask, your own smile full of amusement.
“Yeah! My eldest brother, Jack, is the slowest. But my dad is pretty fast. And my sister, Isla, is pretty slow too, but not as slow as Jack. And my littlest brother Luca is almost as fast as me but not quite, and my little brother Harris is almost as fast as him. And my older brother Leo is-” Soap continues, blabbering so fast that the words all seem to blend together. But at least he was happy!
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So so fluffy
Like a big giant reddish-brown cloud
I hope you’re okay with slobber cause once he’s transformed, he’ll be all over you
Licking anywhere he can reach
He’ll also be very whiny if you try to stop cuddle sessions for any reason, even if it’s a necessity like going to the bathroom
It’s all part of his territorial thing, needing you to smell like him
HATES scented soaps and lotions and stuff for this very reason, cause it washes away his scent so much faster
“Seriously?” You asked, your arms crossed over your chest, eyes narrowed.
The giant bipedal wolf in front of you at least had the decency to look a little bit ashamed, surrounded by all the shredded up bottles of scented soaps and shampoos and other washing material. His ears folded back, a low whine rising from his giant maw.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.” You grumble, making him perk up a bit, a dopey look of joy rising onto his face as his tail starts to wag, slapping against the wall and knocking over various items from the shelves. “…..you’re cleaning that up.”
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Alejandro likes to hang out in dreams a lot, even when he’s not making them sexual to feed off of someone
For you, he’ll always make your dreams good (when he’s not making them sexy anyways)
And while usually he doesn’t interfere in the dreams of others, he will not hesitate to give anyone who pisses him off nightmares
This includes people who get close to you
Nobody is safe on the off chance that they’re unkind to you
“Yes, Mi Amor?” He asks, an innocent look on his face. One that means he is certainly not innocent.
“Why is my cousin in a mental hospital spouting about demons in his dreams?” Your brow twitches as you say this and Alejandro can’t help but find it cute.
“I don’t know! Maybe someone thought he was treating his family horribly and deserved to be taken down a notch or two.” Alejandro says, his smile growing mischievous, even when you flick his ear. “Ow.”
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
Hello my dearest darling
Do you think Luke would put Five stars voice on his music? Like in Party Monster (the Weeknd) that has Lana’s voice on the background by the end of the music
Or maybe (diabolic voice on) like Meddle About that has a moan literally when the music is about to end (it took me months and my friend telling me that to realize the moan). Like something so subtle that Dyonisius did not realized, or something that was on the unreleased song about five star (the one that she leaked LOL)
Anyway thank you so much
Love you and take care
hi loveee <3 thank u for this ask i love it!!!!
i think luke definitely would add five star’s voice to songs!!! i see it more of like the end of cherry by harry styles when harry put camille rowe’s voice in the outro. so something super cute and innocent.
maybe like her laugh (like in my favorite part by mac miller and ariana grande) or her saying his name or calling him pretty boy.
but i dont think luke would include her moaning just because he does not want to test his luck with mr. d LMFAO and the boys would be super against it for the same reason (even tho five star would be fine with it)
i think the most sexual way five star’s voice would be on a track would be her saying “come here, pretty boy.” all sultry and sexy before the a sexual song starts. but that’s it.
but also because luke is a selfish little shit and he doesn’t want anyone else to hear those pretty sounds that five star makes but him 🫣 he’s definitely possessive when it comes to her and since they’ve opened their relationship up to the public, he’s gatekeeping this part for himself!
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deeppink-man · 6 months
The story of my childhood fondness for Silent Hill
※ Because English is not my native language, sentences can be awkward. Mostly aided by translators.
When I was about 12~13 years old (14 years old in Korea), I was attending an art academy, and one day, my teacher saying today is a special day and played a horror movie with snacks.
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The horror movie was Silent Hill, and I was very impressed with it because I loved horror movies and horror games.
Now that I think about it, it wasn't a movie for children, but I was really into it at the time anyway, and I came to love it so much that I asked my teacher what the title of the movie was and wrote it down.
I searched about the movie and found out that it was made based on the game.
The first thing that caught my eye was the overwhelming design of Pyramid Head.
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I drew pyramid heads using basic paint tools that existed one by one on my computer at the time, and I became a Silent Hill fan by posting them on my blog.
I started studying about every series and got hooked on the story of the game, looking up the story of the series one by one.
I was a student and young. So I couldn't know the money to buy the original game, nor the route to get it, so playing the game myself was close to impossible, but nevertheless I wanted to know all the information from every series.
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The first thing I started liking was Silent Hill's monster design, but more and more I started to love the main characters as well.
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(Unusually, my favorite monster was the Butcher who came out of Silent Hill Origin, not Pyramid Head. (IDK Why))
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Anyway, I got to like all the main characters in Silent Hill, and I enjoyed drawing them. But as a student, it was difficult for me to draw them perfectly, which is why I practice drawing them in a cute way.
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It's a little embarrassing, but it's a painting from my student days.
Back then, I couldn't speak English much better than now, but I still drew cartoons in English and drew a lot of fan art.
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If you look at my childhood drawing notes, most of the hard-working paintings were Silent Hill fan art. (And I don't know why, but I used to draw both versions of Harry.(SH1 and SH SM) I accepted two versions of Harry as different personalities.)
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It's been a long time, and I'm old enough to interpret and judge Silent Hill objectively. And my drawing skills have improved that much. Since I couldn't play the game myself and tended to rely on the fan art of the fandom and the interpretation of the fans, there was a different interpretation from the original.
Silent Hill is a great memory for me. I even draw cartoons about Silent Hill in my notes, and I also had a dedicated painting style that I practiced to draw Silent Hill fan art. This game means this to me.
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So, this fan art means a lot to me. It's because these fan art are things that I draw while looking back on my old memories in a long time ago. It may sound strange, but I grew up with Silent Hill. Remembering them, imagining their stories, drawing them is a pleasure for me.
The conclusion of the story is, I started drawing them again after a long time, and it reminded me of old memories. Recently, I rarely drew fan art because I had to work on a webtoon project. However, it sounds pleasant to me that after working for a long time, I return to my hobby and that someone else likes it. Thank you!
I'm glad there are still so many Silent Hill fans. I still love this game, and I'm waiting for a new reboot. I hope reboot back a good way.
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genericpuff · 5 months
Do you have any recommendations for comics on tapas? I'm rather new to the app so I wondered if you had any. Sorry if someone already asked!
Oh, so many! Tapas was one of my OG homes waaay back in the day, when I was still getting into drawing comics (back then it was gag-a-days). I spent a lot of time reading comics on there and it was one of my first introductions to comic platforms in general (next to SmackJeeves, RIP).
Rock and Riot - 1950's LGBTQ+ gangster teenagers getting into shenanigans and turf wars. Very cute and fun and adorable <3
Monster Pop! - Monster girls who are besties! This one has some real gorgeous art especially if you like the original vibes of S1 LO, lots of bright beautiful colors and lineless shapes. The creator of this comic, mayakern, now develops comfortable and eco-friendly skirts with her wife and pals for plus-sized folks! (they have pockets!)
A BETTER PLACE - Young girl Hannah and her little brother Theo find something cool in the woods. Children becoming gods. This was one of those comics that had some REALLY cool "you had to be there" time travel elements that aren't quite as immersive in hindsight (I was one of those people who were there and DAMN it was awesome), but it's still absolutely worth the read and it operates as a sort of prequel to another one of Harry Bogosian's comics on the platform.
Fail by Error - This comic is long since done with, its creator having moved on to bigger things, but at one point in time, this was the titan series on Tapas, before the platform became predominantly BL's and isekais. Fail by Error was truly one of the best of the best of Tapas-hosted comics from its golden era of comedy comics. Also the creator made art for me once and I still have it! <3
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(my babieees <3)
RandoWis - funny gag strip is funny ! He also draws an MMO-themed comic that - coincidentally - when I double checked, looks like it stopped updating in 2021 until two days ago. So yeah, good time to check that one out too!
Undying Happiness - Naomi takes a chance on love and decides to meet up with a guy she met online. He turns out to not look like the guy in the photos in the most hilariously absurd way.
Deep Fried Pudge - Okay, this is a really weird inclusion because like... this comic isn't good. This comic is painfully bad. Like, "roll your eyes into the back of your skull at your dad's stupid jokes" bad. This comic has not stopped updating daily since 2012. It literally just had its 11 year anniversary. Every update is just a single panel either making some pun or just stating very innocent, inoffensive opinions. There are four thousand of these things. And every single one is done with the same art style and joke structure as before, the comics from today look and feel like a 7 year old made them the exact same way they did 10 years ago, as if trapped in a hellish time capsule of its own design, and I love it, I freaking love it. Its existence quite literally defies human nature. Reading it and attempting to comprehend why it exists is like staring into the eyes of some Eldritch god that chose peace over chaos. Pudge will outlive all of us. Pudge will outlive the universe. All hail Pudge.
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imashoe69420 · 1 year
Rise!Leo X Reader Headcanons☆彡
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Some points are from my other works I’ve written on here so some stuff may look familiar lol
Relationship: Dating (official)
Reader Pronouns: Gender Neutral (but in second person)
Warnings ⚠️ : Swearing
Genre: mostly fluff, some angst
• One thing about Leo is he is a very touchy person.
• Whenever you're around, he has to hold your hand or set you on his lap with his chin resting on the top of your head or something of the sort.
• He would never tell his brothers, but he loves to carry you around. If he has to go anywhere outside of viewing distance, he will carry you like a koala wherever he needed to go. Yes, it slightly inconvenienced him, but at least he could occasionally kiss your cheek or neck as he prepared a snack in the kitchen.
• Although he was charming, he often poked fun at you. Especially when he found your diary from the 5th grade where you had an obsession with this one boy that's presently kinda ugly.
• “Dear diary, Colin is soooo cute!" Leo read in an exaggerated breathy voice.
•"Leo, don't!" You screamed playfully as you tried to reach for the diary, but he held it away out of your reach.
• "Hold on, just one more page!"
• "Leo! Give it back!"
• But sometimes, he didn't register your mood before making a crude joke.
• One time, he made a joke about something you were insecure about. Usually you'd just laugh it off, but you had had a bad day and that was your breaking point.
• He felt like the worst boyfriend seeing you cry because of him. He apologized over and over until he practically went horse. "I'm sorry, that was dumb. I'm dumb. That was stupid. I thought it was gonna be funny. I'm sorry, don't cry!"
• "No... it's just... today kinda sucked." You told him.
• Leo was relieved that it wasn't solely him that made you upset, but he was still pissed at himself.
• He got you a few blankets to wrap you in, and then he tried to cook you something that epically failed, so he settled for some canned tomato soup that he tried to pass off as his own. Which epically failed again.
• "You did not!" You accused him. "You don't know how to cook.”
• "I do too!"
• "Do not!"
• "Do too!" Leo grabbed you, smothering you with kisses as you giggled and tried to push him away.
• He always knew how to make you feel better.
• During every one of his missions, he would send you a selfie of him posing with the villain in the background. The villain was usually getting their ass kicked by his brothers.
• Be back soon, babe! He would text you.
• You laughed and texted back, You shouldn’t be texting me! You’re gonna get hurt!
• Just checking in w the love of my life, he texted back, making you blush.
• Of course, Leo can’t meet new people often, but you had introduced him to your younger siblings when he had swooped in through your open window and your eight (8) year old sister stood staring at him in awe.
• Leo didn’t know what to say as he didn’t even know you had siblings. He just stared awkwardly for a bit.
• “(Y/N) has you on her screen saver.” Their sister ratted on them.
• (Y/N)’s ten (10) brother stalked out of his room to see who his sister was talking to. He screamed when he saw Leo. “(Y/N)! There’s a monster in the living room!”
• (Y/N) rushed out of their room and sighed when they just saw the turtle still staring dumbfounded at her little sister, Harriet.
• “Harri, Carson, this is Leo.” (Y/N) said slowly as they approached Leo rested a hand against his shoulder, finally shaking him out of his stupor. “He isn’t a monster. He’s… uh, a friend.”
• Harriet quickly took advantage of Leo’s social awkwardness and forced him into a tea party, then a makeover. She kept asking him question after question: how old are you? Where do you live? What’s it like being a turtle? Do you go to school? What grade are you in? Do you like to color? What color lipstick do you want: red or purple?
• Although he was uncomfortable, Leo tried his best to be nice and charismatic.
• Your brother sat in the corner of his sister’s room to make sure that what you said was true and Leo wouldn’t to eat her.
• “Are you and (Y/N) in love?” Harriet asked the turtle. He tried to laugh it off, but the little girl stared intently at him, waiting for an answer.
• Of course Leo’s in love with you, but he’d never said it verbatim. Maybe an “I love you” or “you’re the love of my life”, but he’d never said he was in love with you.
• “No duh!” Carson scoffed before Leo could answer. “They’re always talking about him but didn’t think to tell us that he was a big green monster!”
• “Stop it! You’re hurting his feelings!” Harriet threw a dusty eyeshadow at her brother. “You’re being a bad brother in-law!”
• “He’s the in-law, not me!” The boy retorts.
• “Hey, can we just—” Leo tried to deescalate the situation for the sake of his heart mere seconds away from pounding out of his chest at the idea of him and (Y/N) getting married.
• The kids continued to argue until (Y/N) came into the room with a plate of cheese, crackers, and grapes cut in half. The siblings flocked over to the plate, leaving Leo in a chair that was way too short for him.
• (Y/N) stifled a laugh at the makeup smeared all over Leo’s face.
• “Looks like Harri likes you.” They took a makeup wipe sitting in a pack on their little sister’s dresser.
• The turtle shrugged, a smile on his face as you wiped away his colorful yet messy “makeover”.
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starlingflight · 12 days
I just wanted to butt in and say how much I love your hinny fanfics especially the once’s set in hbp. (I’m not going to say how many times I have reread them, it’s too embarrassing 🙈) The way you write them, the banter and chemistry!! Honestly sometimes it feels like I’m eavesdropping on someone else conversation because you make them seem so real. I love the pinning. :)
It’s fun to read about how tortured harry is and how he feels ‘normal’ and not under so much pressure when Ginny is around! I have a suggestion if you don’t mind (ignore this otherwise and accept my apology <3). I would love to read something you about Harry pinning over Ginny while she is with Dean and see his thoughts. The monster in his chest! I love reading about the early stages of their relationship it’s so cute! Or something like that
I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you know that your writing is spectacular!!
Hi anon!
First of all, thank you so, so, so much for this! It literally made my day! The idea that anyone re-reads my fics makes me so happy, I can't even explain 🥺🥺🥺
And now I fear I must disappoint you 😭 I've tried writing this prompt three different ways, and I can't make it work… I very rarely explore Ginny's relationship with Dean until they're broken up and there's a reason for that (I hope you're ready for some less than complimentary takes about my two faves): Both Harry and Ginny use Dean as a coping mechanism.
Ginny stays with Dean way longer than she should, to an extent it's almost out of character for her. Why? In my opinion, because if she breaks up with Dean, she has to deal with something that's increasingly staring her in the face, the fact that Harry likes her, and despite all the work she's done on herself, she still wants to drop everything to be with him. It's an uncomfortable realisation for someone as independent as Ginny.
The sheer force of her feelings for Harry is a lot for her to accept, and it's easier for her to just stay with Dean who, while nice, inspires no such depth of emotion. It's not fair to Dean, but it's a self-preservation tactic that Ginny appears to be subconsciously committed to throughout HBP.
Now, onto the reason I'm struggling to write your lovely (and appreciated) request. Harry James Potter, number 1 avoider of emotions, actually finds the Dean relationship very convenient tbh. Do you know who doesn't have to deal with their ever-increasing feelings for their best friend's little sister? The guy whose best friend's little sister has a boyfriend.
There's a large section of HBP after Harry sees the Dinny kiss (and the chest monster is born), where Ginny lingers at the back of Harry's mind (and in his dreams) but he never really consciously dwells on his feelings for Ginny. Harry isn't ready to face it, and he doesn't have to because Ginny has a boyfriend.
It's only when Ginny and Dean break up that Harry starts to panic, not that Ginny won't reciprocate his feelings, only that Ron will be mad. It's one of the reasons I love hinny as a couple… on some level they both know. Even when neither of them want to haha.
Harry never views Dean as an obstacle in canon, because really he's not (sorry Dean, I still love you). I think he probably had very fleeting moments of envy (I wrote about Harry not liking Ginny wearing Dean's West Ham jumper 😅), but I don't think Harry believes for a moment that Dean is competition (I did write him having a little crisis of confidence about Dean post sectumsempra incident in FAIY, but that's really just Harry looking for ways to make himself feel bad because of his guilt). Dean is just a convenient reason for Harry not to deal with a messy emotional situation.
Really, is it any wonder Dean smashes that glass?
Anyway, apologies for the essay, I do really appreciate being sent prompts and I wish I could fulfil this one to your satisfaction! I hope someone with a slightly different hinny interpretation than me might be inspired by it ❤️❤️❤️
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Enid Sinclair Relationship Headcanons
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Fandom: Wednesday
Sweetest, wonderful, most sunshine girlfriend ever that makes every day so much better by being around her.
Enid is very affectionate, hand holding, hugs, cuddling, physical touch is her #1 love language.
Also really likes the idea of love languages and wants to know yours! Says you're compatible even if the chart doesn't agree, she also just likes trying to guess other peoples' with you.
Doesn't think she's the jealous type but someone stole her spot next to you and she growled at them.
Was happy as soon as they left! Slipping her hand into yours and talking as if nothing happened, you just smile at her, amused.
She loves making playlists for you! Has a playlist for every occasion, roadtrip, grocery trip, study date, and they all have super long names and will send you ones titled "because i miss you ❤️❤️❤️"
She will try to finds song you will like, and listen to your favorite songs and bands even if she really isn't into it.
She loves Taylor Swift and Harry Styles, will recreate TS music videos on tiktok using littlest pet shops.
Tries to get you to dance with her! She loves dancing in her room and having fun and does her best to get you to join. She likes dancing just for fun, and little tiktok dances, but also wants to dress up with you and try to 'recreate' romantic dancing scenes.
You send her Monsters and Men on a playlist "indie werewolf tunes"
She tries to be vague but it's very obvious she's bragging about you on her blog.
Skin care is very important!! She'll drag you to her room for facemasks and manicures, she can do some pretty impressive little nail designs on you too.
She comes up with the cutest dates! has a pinterest board dedicated to cute things you can do together and cute couple ideas.
Biggest heart eyes if you surprise her with a cute date even if it's simple like a picnic 🥺
So! Many! Cute! Nicknames! She wants you to like your nickname and have something special for you but she can't help but call you anything that comes to mind "sweatheart, honeybun, cutiepie, cupcake"
Personal Space is really not her thing and if you're okay with it she will be touching you all the time, in your bubble, leaning her head on you, just being casually cuddly.
Very into PDA but tells you she doesn't want to be cringy or 'too coupley' and explains to you how to go about that.
They're all very sweet and you tell her they seem pretty fitting for her instead, which she will argue with you on.
You call her even cuter things though, even if you're not really one for giving out nicknames. "Lovebug" is just too good not to call her.
She always tries to do things that interest you! Even if they're spooky or uncomfortable likes bugs...she looks so pained but fully puts in an effort to enjoy it if you do.
Uses emojis with every text, she is a fast texter and can go on nonstop when you're not together and suddenly your screen is a wall of at least 40% emoji to text ratio.
So many hearts and "🥺🥺" and every other sweet/cute one. She can convey such long things with emojis and you've become a pro at deciphering her hieroglyphs.
Shopping dates! Even if you don't buy much, choosing outfits for each other to try on is so much fun.
100% will buy a stuffed animal and call it your child, switching who's bed it sleeps on regularly is a must.
Movie nights! She actually likes watching horror movies that aren't too gorey, but is easily spooked. She falls for every jumpscare and her claws come out when she yelps.
Her instinct is to protect you though! Which means if you're scared or not, you'll be yanked into her lap for safely, and might get a little poked by her claws while she clings to you.
You will defend her from anything but when someone called her your golden retriever,,,you admit there wasn't much of an argument there and she was a tiny bit offended.
You send her pictures of cute things with "this reminded me of you ❤️" and you can hear her squeal from 2 corridors away.
She told you her fears of dying alone if she's never able to transform, that she would be alone all her life and no one would love her so you blurted out "You wont be alone, I love you and I'll be there."
Which made you worry because you never actually talked about the future even though you know you want to be right her the rest of your life.
She froze for a moment, staring at you with watery eyes and you really started to panic but she surged forward wrapping you in a werewolf strength hug and kept crying and thanking you.
She tried to be diplomatic when you met her family but when her mom is disappointed in her, and you, and she's really unsure if you were serious about physically fighting the hag woman, it was not a relaxing time.
Her dad likes you though, he sees how happy you make Enid and that's all he wants.
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2, fluff
Here you go, friend! 🤗 You might get annoyed but it ends cute!
You can check out the picture prompts and blurbs written for it here:)
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“It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye!” You warned loudly and slightly out of breath as Harry tried to get to you. He’d been chasing you around the arena for about 10 minutes now. You were on one side of the little table in his dressing room and he on the other side with a big smile on his face.
“Just let me get you back.” he shrugged with a grin.
“No, you take it too far! And the only reason I pranked you was because you pranked me first!” you reminded him as he took yet another step around the furniture with a cupcake in his hand.
“Y/N, just…let it happen.” he said and you shook your head. The last thing you wanted was to have to spend the rest of the day feeling all sticky with frosting residue on your face and in your hair and irritated at him underneath it all.
“You’re the absolute worst friend that I’ve ever had the pleasure of making. You’re a menace! And a monster! And a man-child!” you laughed and then shrieked as he just side stepped with his long legs and you narrowly managed to escape him and were now around the couch, with your heart pounding hard and fast at your miraculous escape.
“Keep going, that’s only gonna make it worse. I’m going to get you, you know I am.” he smiled. He was so competitive and he needed to be the one to end this little prank war that he started to begin with.
“I did nothing compared to what you did to me! That’s the only reason I got you back!” you pointed at him sternly.
“How was I supposed to know that you’re so crazy about your makeup that you’d go and replace it without a second thought!”
“You said my luggage wasn’t on the jet, you butthead!” you shouted at him and he rolled his eyes.
“Of course it was! You handed it over to Greg yourself!”
“Well, I panicked and you hid it so how was I supposed to know!? I was in distress!”
“Over makeup?”
“Not just makeup! I had my clothes and laptop in there!”
“But you rushed off to replace the makeup. You need to sort out your priorities.” he grinned and you groaned.
“Whatever! Just leave me alone or I’m never visiting you on tour again!” you threatened.
“Just let me even things out!”
“Things are even! You pranked me and I pranked you back and that’s it! It’s over!”
“I disagree.” he smirked.
“Just throw it then!”
“No! I don’t want to make a mess for the custodians to have to scrub icing and mushy cake out of the carpet.”
“Oh, but you’re fine with putting me through that after getting it all over my hair and face?” you challenged and he smiled. “If you even get a smudge of icing anywhere on me I won’t be talking to you until tomorrow.”
“I’d like to see you try to give me the silent treatment.”
“I really will! You’re being annoying! It’s too early for this, Harry.” you said as seriously as possible, so that he knew that you really did not want to have to spend your afternoon picking cake crumbs out of your hair.
“Fine, fine, fine.” he mumbled and put the cupcake down and you sighed in relief.
“Thank you. Just…behave, Harry.” you said and spared him a glance back as you headed towards his dressing room door and right before you made it into the hallway he grabbed around your waist and held you to his body as he smashed the cupcake over your head and really rubbed it in there. You gasped as he laughed in amusement, “You fucking prick!” you groaned as he stepped away from you, licking his thumb clean of some icing.
“Revenge is tasting quite sweet.” he smirked with pride at his pun and you just groaned and headed off towards the bathroom.
He didn’t think you were serious about ignoring him, but you totally were. You felt that this was completely uncalled for and you were annoyed at him! He had hid your luggage and pretended like they forgot your luggage in Denmark! He waited to tell you until the following day after you had gone out and replaced some of your immediate need items. The only prank you pulled to get him back was to hide all of his socks behind his pillow at the hotel. But then Lamby assured him that he always packed extras for him and everything was just fine for him. Harry found his socks when he turned down his bed later that night. It was harmless, because you didn’t want to stress him out too much. Unlike him, who made you feel like you had lost your mind and left all of your possessions in another country!
And now this fucking gooped up mess on your head had pushed you too far. You didn’t want to cry about it, but your eyes were welling up as you stood over the sink, trying to get all of the icing and cake matted in there off. It was damn near impossible as the cake kept crumbing the more you touched it and it was awful! You were so frustrated that you just allowed yourself to cry. You told yourself that you weren’t being a wuss or dramatic, he had taken it too far even if he was doing it in the name of fun.
“Oh my god, are you alright? Are you hurt?” you heard and glanced back to see Elin walking into the bathroom with a frown on her face as she saw you sobbing softly.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just Harry being a nuisance. I’m not hurt or anything, just so angry at him that I started to cry.” you sniffled and shook your head.
“Do you want me to say something to him?”
“No, it’s alright. I’ll get over it.” you assured with a tightlipped smile and she proceeded to just do her business before returning back to the soundcheck.
You didn’t want to dampen anyone’s spirits, but your mood was pretty shitty after Harry’s payback prank so you just hid out in a stall. Your head was in a state. You’d managed to get a good amount of the icing and cake out, but the hair at the top of your head was all stiff and sticky to the touch and you smelled really strongly of icing and it was giving you a headache. You went quiet when you heard the bathroom door creak open. Elin, Sarah, and Madi had all seen you in here previously so you didn’t want them to know you were still wallowing in here, it was embarrassing.
“Y/N?” You heard Harry call out for you and you felt your throat bob as a fresh wave of anger pulsed through your body just at the sound of his voice, “Are you in here?” he asked again and true to your word, you stayed quiet.
“The last person to see you an hour ago was Sarah and she said you were in here. No one else has seen you around the arena.” he said an you just rolled your eyes. Everything went quiet again except for a long exhale he let out and then seconds later your phone started ringing loudly in your hand and the sound made your heart pound with surprise. Seconds later you could see Harry’s feet in front of the stall you were in and he pulled the door open to find you glaring at him. “Hi.” he said softly and you continued glaring at him, “Look, I may have taken it too far.” he said and you just crossed your arms over your chest, “I’m really sorry.” he said as he looked at your swollen and slightly reddened eyes. He felt really, really awful now that he saw how messy things had actually been.
“Elin said I made you cry.” he said softly and you looked away from him, “Hey, look at me.” he came closer and grabbed your chin gently, “I’m really, really sorry. I should’ve just dropped it. I definitely took this way too far. Like you did nothing comparable to this! And I… made you spend money you didn’t have to, to replace things you didn’t need to and well now this…” he said and you felt some satisfaction knowing that he felt bad for his stupid pranks, “There’s a shower in my dressing room if you want to get that all off.” he said to you and you sighed and moved his hand off of you and squeezed out of the narrow opening of the stall and lifted your hand, wordlessly indicating that you wanted him to take you there.
He led the way and gave you his toiletries and the towel he had packed for the day of the show. He was going to help you get the water on but before he could even step inside you had shut the door in his face and he frowned.
Harry felt like a total idiot. He had actually started to like you in a more than friends way a while back and he had been so excited to have you join him for a few shows on the tour because he thought that maybe it’d be a good time to show you that there was compatibility and potential for maybe a little bit more between the two of you. He’d noticed that the kind of people you’d typically gravitate towards when you’d go out were more outgoing and funny and they tended to stand out a lot more than he did. He was on the timid side, he liked to hang back and observe instead of be the center of attention. He definitely could be like that, but that was more for stage presence than everyday life. Socializing admittedly drained him a bit. And he just figured if maybe he acted a little bit more like the people he’d seen you gravitate towards then you’d start to see him in a different light. Obviously, that had backfired catastrophically and he had ruined your day with his shenanigans.
He waited for you until you came out of the little bathroom that was attached to his dressing room. And as soon as your eyes met his he frowned again.
“I’m sorry.” he said again. You could see how he was literally oozing remorse and you felt bad continuing to make him feel like he wasn’t forgiven. It was just a cupcake…it was unnecessary and annoying, but it didn’t warrant this silent treatment. Now you were the one in the wrong and as hard as it was to swallow your pride, you needed to.
“It’s alright, Harry. It was a prank and I really overreacted. You didn’t mean any harm and-”
“If you had done that to me I would’ve been pissed, so it’s OK. I get it.” he said and you sighed.
“Well still, I feel bad for ignoring you and hiding out like that and making you feel so bad…” you said quietly as you literally felt your guilt for guilt-tripping him fade away.
“It’s OK.” he smiled softly and you smiled back at him and he was so relieved that you had even smiled at him.
“Also, what’s gotten into you with the pranks and the teasing and all that? Where’s my zen as fuck friend?” she asked with a smile and he bit his lip for a moment, talking himself down from his nerves because he just needed to be honest about his feelings.
“There’s a perfectly normal, yet…ridiculous explanation for that. Ummm… Y/N, I like you. Like…a lot.” he said nervously. You had no idea that he liked you…you were shocked to hear his confession, “I just know that whenever we go out with everyone you’re always like laughing and joking around with funny and loud people! And it’s stupid really, but I thought if I showed you that I could be a little more like that, that maybe you’d…like me too.” Harry got out. And he felt worse confessing this to you. Admitting to you that he felt inadequate and that he was doing all this extra stuff in hope that you’d feel the same.
Your gaze softened as you listened to him. And you couldn’t see it, but you knew that he had his hands crossed behind his back because he was picking at the sides of his fingers. You had that bad habit in common with him among with many other really great things. And it was sad that he felt that he needed to change to get your attention in that way.
You always thought Harry was cute and truly, it was inevitable to befriend him and not crush on him at some point! And well, your crush had started a while back and it persisted, but you just brushed it off as much as possible because you also felt like you weren’t his type. Well actually you had more or less functioning vision, you knew that you weren’t the type of girl he’d go for from what you’d seen in your years as friends. But you never thought to challenge that, you just accepted it and reminded yourself of the fact that there was no chance before you could even get sad about it.
“Oh H, you’re perfect as you are!” you assured him and he smiled softly, “And ummm, you don’t need to act differently for me to…like you back.” you said timidly, but his smile had gone even bigger.
“Are you serious right now? You’re not retaliating?” he asked as he stepped a bit closer to you.
“Of course not! I’d never play with your feelings like that.” you assured him sternly, “You mean a lot to me and well, I’ve seen the kind of people you usually like and I just…never thought I had a shot so I just…pushed my feelings down.” You explained.
“I think we need to get to know each other a little better.” he chuckled and you did too as he grabbed your hand in his hands. You’d held hands before but never because you liked each other and simply wanted to touch.
“I think you’re right.” you finally responded with a smile.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked and you felt your entire body heat at his question, but you nodded none the less. He quickly grabbed your face and kissed your lips in a deep kiss before pulling back. Your hearts were pounding and while you were struggling to breathe he was almost feeling nauseous from how wildly the butterflies were fluttering in his tummy. “I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time.” he said softly with a smile.
“H! Did you find Y- Oh!” Elin smiled as she saw you both in his dressing room, “Feeling better?” she asked you and you nodded.
“Yes, thank you. Much, much better.” you smiled at her and she nodded.
“Good. We’re all about to eat outside.” she said.
“We should go then, I’m hungry.” you said to Harry and he nodded and you both followed behind Elin.
While you were eating your friend ended up calling you to check in and you had stepped away to talk to her about everything that had happened. She was squealing in excitement for you as you saw Harry approaching, once again his hands were behind his back and you wondered what else he was nervous about telling you.
“Shut up! He’s walking over!” you warned quickly and your friend quickly shut her mouth.
“Who’s that?” Harry asked as soon as he was a bit closer.
“It’s Isabella.” you informed him as he approached.
“Hey Isabella!” he called and you chuckled.
“Hang on.” you said to him as you switched the camera to show Harry coming up to you.
“Hi Harry!” her voice was heard over the speaker, “What’s up?”
“Nothing, just wanted to see if maybe Y/N wanted a cupcake?” he said, bringing his hand out from behind his back as he held a cupcake in his hand. Isabella immediately started cackling, after all you had just informed her how the last couple hours of your day had gone. Harry was wearing this mischievous, shit-eating smile and the only thing you could do at this moment was shake your head in disapproval.
“I hate you.” you said as he chuckled and came closer.
“No you don’t. A little birdie’s told me otherwise.” he hummed happily as he stopped right in front of you and you just narrowed your eyes at him in feigned irritation, “Too soon?” he asked with a grin and you extended your hand out.
“I think you know what comes next.” you said to him and he chuckled, “I’ll call you back, Is.” you said and hung up before sliding your phone into your back pocket.
“Yeah, yeah….get it over with.” he said as he put the dessert in your hands and then closed his eyes in preparation for you to smash it again him. You grinned as you approached and just lightly smeared his cheek with the frosting and he opened one eye to look at you, “That’s it?” he asked you and you shrugged.
“I’m not mean like you.” you said softly and he smiled.
“Well…you know, now you have to clean it off.” he said smugly and you smirked.
“Is that so?”
“Yep, them’s the rules.” he shrugged smugly. You then furrowed your brows as you handed him the cupcake and then felt around your pockets as if searching for something, “I’d prefer you lick it off rather than wipe if off if that’s what your'e looking for in there.” he said to you smugly.
“Oh, I’m not looking for a napkin.” you replied as you dug into your front pocket and he looked confused.
“Then what are you looking for?” he asked perplexed.
“Oh! Here it is!” you said as you pulled your hand out and flipped him the bird. He immediately started to laugh, “You didn’t help me clean up so your rules can go fuck themselves.” you smiled in satisfaction.
“Alright, I deserved that.” he said and you hummed.
“That felt so good.”
“I’m glad. Is all the rage out of your system yet?” he asked you and you nodded once, “Good girl. C'mon.” he said as he walked past you to head back to the group, but you were yet again shocked by his words. As you turned to face him he was already looking back at you and shot you a wink before taking off again. He was gonna be a lot of trouble, but you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Can we please get more Julian and Harry content they are too cute
i looove them!! h obviously doesn’t have favorites, but i think he has a unique relationship with each of his kids, so here is a little bit about harry and jules
Julian is the only boy in the Styles clan, but he is definitely the most sensitive. For the first few years, he definitely crawls into Y/n and Harry's bed in the middle of the night, even though Harry already chased all the monsters out from under his bed.
The first time Jules goes to swimming lessons, he's terrified. He cries and kicks and refuses to get in the pool until Harry gets in with him to show him it’s not so bad; he even manages to get a floaty on so he and Julian can match.
Harry and Julian definitely go on father-son dates where they get lunch and get their nails done.
The first time Harry introduces Julian to his band (his live on tour band), Jules is super shy and hides behind his dad's leg or curls into his neck if he's being held. But when Harry sits him on his lap and helps him play the guitar, Jules gets more. comfortable, and Harry is super proud to see his little bubbie enjoying music and being less shy.
One time when Harry is in the dog house, he dresses Jules up in a tux and sends his son to Y/n with a heartfelt apology. When Harry finally makes an appearance, he asks Jules, “How did we do?” and Julian gives him a little thumbs up
Julian loves his Uncle Louis.
The first time Harry holds Julian after he's born, he cries. Considering his track record so far, he was convinced he would only have daughters, and to be honest he was a little nervous about raising a boy, but everything falls into place when he sees Julian’s little face for the first time.
Harry is constantly buying matching tour outfits for Julian.
One time, Julian wants to perform with Harry at his school’s talent show. Obviously they can’t risk exposing the family, but this is like the first time Julian wants to do something like this, so Harry invites close friends and family and they have a little Styles Family talent show where he and Jules can perform a little duet.
I feel like Julian loves dogs. He loves seeing them on the street and on TV, and there's definitely a time where he pretends to be a dog for a while. Like he sticks his tongue out and barks instead of talks. Harry totally leans into it to humor Jules, and one day Y/n comes home and sees the two of them crawling around on the floor and she's just like, wtf. Paw Patrol and Bluey are also popular in the Styles residence.
Before he leaves for tour, Harry always tells Julian, “You take care of Mama and your sisters, alright?” Julian is always really emotional when Harry has to leave, so Harry tries to give him a little pep talk and tells him to be a strong, brave boy for him.
When Jules is really little, Harry was gone a lot, and one time when he came back, Julian cried when Harry tried to hold him. It absolutely wrecked Harry. He can’t stand the idea of his son not recognizing his touch, and he beats himself up about it for a while.
Julian refuses to get his haircut because he wants to look like Harry after seeing some older pictures of Harry with his long hair. Y/n and Harry try to get him in a chair a couple times to get it cut, but eventually they just give up
There are tons of pictures in the house of Harry and Y/n with the kids. The one of Harry and Julian is definitely something like this.
Harry and Julian paint the nursery for Geneva and Natalia together. They both rock the jeans, no shirt, and backwards cap look. Julian wears a mask so he doesn't inhale the fumes, and Harry puts Jules on his shoulders to reach the higher parts. Unbeknownst to Harry, Y/n takes a picture of them and sends it to Zayn, who Harry doesn't really speak to anymore, but she makes it a point to check in every now and again (esp when she finds out he's having a baby). One day a package comes in the mail addressed to Julian, and it's a graffiti art of his name with a little more from “Uncle Z.” Harry’s confused, but when he asks Y/n about it, she acts surprised and says she didn’t know anything about it.
Harry and Julian are just best buds, and H loves his sweet boy so much🥹🥹
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
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formulaorange · 5 months
2024 Winter Anime
It's here! It's finally here!!! Solo Leveling comes out this season! There's definitely a few others to keep an eye out for but this is the star of the winter season:
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Solo Leveling One of my most anticipated series. I'm caught up on the english light novels (8 volumes) and I'm honestly so invested in this story. In a way it gives the same impact as One Punch Man but if the story progressed a little faster toward fame and growth in his power. Easily the best of the season. Noteworthy On Going Shows: Frieren - Episodes 17-28 One of the most mesmerizing and well paced fantasies I've seen. Also one of my 10/10s of all time. Worth looking into if you remotely like fantasy. Shangri La Frontier - Episodes 14-25 Another fantasy game series that honestly just looks like it's a fun game. Explores a lot of game mechanics within this full-dive VR type game that almost puts SAO to shame. Fun action, fantasy and fun for game lovers. Apothecary Diaries - Episodes 13-24 My current favourite drama/romance/medical mystery series. The characters are simple but the show highlights the different dynamics and almost feels like an enemies to lovers plot. New Seasons:
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Blue Exorcist - Season 3 This is one of the og shows I watched growing up. It's a mythology school themed show that I loved. It's been 13 years since season 1 aired and I'm stoked to see it come back. It's being done by a different studio since A-1 is busy with solo leveling, so I'm not sure if it'll hit the same but I'll still check it out at least for the nostalgia.
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Mashle - Season 2 The funniest anime I've seen in a while. Man muscle brains his way through magic school and the whole show is a meme of harry potter and other magic series. Truly entertaining. Can't wait for this season
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Delicious In Dungeon This is a series I've wanted to pick up the manga for for a while. It's about dealing with food and hunger when these adventurers are deep in a dungeon and learn to start cooking and eating what they can find down there. Funny concept but honestly looks like a lot of fun.
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer I read this manga and light novel so long ago. (Literal years - link to my manga thoughts and summary). I'm looking forward to the adaptation. I think nowadays this kind of story doesn't catch nearly as much attention as it did a few years ago. An adventurer dies in a dungeon and is reborn as an undead who can evolve as he kills other monsters and he deals with trying to fit in with the human realm again and evolving. I'm still looking forward to it after keeping an ear our for so long!
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Mr. Villain's Day Off I recently heard about this series and thought it was such a cute concept. Us with all our villain complexes with enjoy this one. Will likely be a background show for me as there won't be a huge plot, regardless, still fun to watch. Burn the Witch - #0.8 - 30 min Special I think this won't be as exciting now that Bleach has come back and we aren't as depraved of Tite Kubo's work but I really enjoyed the original short series. Hoping for more of this world in the future. Sequels: Classroom of the Elite - Season 3 Tsukimichi - Season 2 (Link to review of season 1) The Dangers in My Heart - Season 2 More Continuations: Undead Unluck Ragna Crimson After going through 20+ shows every season, many with sub-par animations and the same fantasy twists, I've become real picky about which series are even worth trying to watch these days. Here are the ones that deserve at least 2 episodes in order: A Sign of Affection - Gets a special spot since it's incredibly rare to see disability representation in anime and it looks like it's done quite well- A romance between a guy and a deaf girl. Looks super sweet Bucchigiri?! - I honestly can't say this looks appealing to me personally but I've hear the name before and well it's MAPPA. (Give em a break) 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess - looks well animated and just a fun watch Metallic Rouge - The sci-fi series for this season. I'm not sure I have it in me to watch something heavy like this this season but it looks decent. The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic The Witch and the Beast - Here for manga readers - lowkey looks like the manga will be much better and this might be a skip for me. Hokkaido Gyaru's are super Adorable (Ecchi) ALSO - Big reminder: Haikyu!! and Demon Slayer have their movies coming out this season as well (both theatrical releases so keep an eye out!!!) Demon Slayer: To the Hashira Training - Feb 2nd 2024 Haikyu!! - The Dumpster Battle - Feb 16th 2024
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hedutar · 2 months
”Nighty Night, Son”
It's often said that the first year of parenthood can be challenging, especially for those who are welcoming their first child into the family. The birth of a new life is a profound moment that can shift your perspective on the world and yourself in ways you never imagined. Suddenly, you are entrusted with the care of a tiny, helpless being. For young Norman Osborn, this reality was not immediately apparent. While he was thrilled to learn he was going to be a father, he also harbored concerns about his ability to raise a child given his troubled past. Thankfully, his partner Emily stood by his side, offering reassurance that they would navigate parenthood together and that Norman would excel as a father.
Their son, Harry, proved to be a joyous addition to their family, despite being born with breathing difficulties and putting Emily's life at risk during childbirth. As they overcame these initial challenges, Norman and Emily found themselves enamored with their son. Harry was a content and easygoing baby, rarely crying and sleeping peacefully through the night. However, Norman's past traumas occasionally resurfaced in the form of anxiety about potential dangers that could befall their child.
"Honey, nothing bad will happen. Harry is healthy and everything is fine. Please stop worrying."
"Yes, I try, but I can't help my thoughts. I wasn't looked after and often got into trouble. I'm just trying to avoid that with our baby."
"You're so cute when you're nervous. Trust me, things will get easier as Harry grows older."
However, life doesn't always follow the script written in textbooks. A particularly challenging time arose when Harry turned four years old. Suddenly, he refused to sleep in his own bed and insisted on being next to his parents every night. Norman was puzzled by this sudden change in behavior. Why did his son no longer want to sleep in his own room? This was a new development that had never occurred before.
"Why isn't he comfortable in his room anymore? Have we done something wrong?" Norman asked Emily one morning when Harry once again wanted to spend the night with them.
"It's a normal stage of development. Children seek comfort and security from their parents when they are young. Harry is still so little, and the world is full of unknowns for him. There's nothing unusual about it," his wife reassured him. Norman, however, was not convinced. "I don't think this is normal. I was taught to sleep alone as soon as I could walk. Something must have happened."
"Norman, I understand your concerns, but the way you were raised, being left alone at such a young age, was not right. Children deserve love and care from their parents. Harry is fine, trust me. Your worry is affecting him," Emily warned her husband. Despite his wife's reassurances, Norman remained unconvinced. He felt the need to talk to his son as soon as possible. The opportunity arose that same afternoon when Harry returned home with his nanny. Norman was waiting at the door, and as soon as the nanny left, he sat down with his son on the couch, ready to have a heart-to-heart conversation.
"Listen, son, there is something I want to talk with you."
"Ok, what is it, Daddy?"
"Well we have noticed that you have been avoiding sleeping in your room recently, and we are curious as to why. You used to enjoy spending time in there, so what has changed?"
Harry gazed at his father with his small, button-like eyes for an extended period before uttering words that caught Norman completely off guard.
"Because I'm scared."
"Because the boogeyman will take me if I sleep there."
"What boogeyman?"
"The one who comes to see me at night."
Norman was perplexed by the situation at hand. As a child, he had been frightened by the idea of monsters lurking in his closet, but he had always taken precautions to ensure his safety. Therefore, he viewed Harry's claims with skepticism and perhaps a hint of annoyance.
"Come on now. There's no such thing as monsters. You're just trying to avoid sleeping in your room," Norman stated firmly. Harry's response was immediate and defensive. "I'm not making it up! I'm telling the truth!" he insisted.
Norman raised a hand to interject. "Harry, I'm not in the mood for jokes. You know the consequences of lying."
Harry's eyes welled up with tears. "But I'm not lying, Daddy! Please believe me!"
Norman's tone grew stern. "That's enough. Starting tonight, you will be sleeping in your own room. It's time you faced your fears. Do you understand?"
Harry's expression shifted from hurt to defiance as he silently stormed out of the room. Norman let out a frustrated sigh and rose from his seat, feeling conflicted about the situation.
Boogeymen...tsk! He's so stubborn. However, he now realizes that there is no danger, and he can sleep peacefully on his own without any worries.
Over the next few days, Harry stopped coming to his parents at night, leaving Emily puzzled. One evening, she brought up the issue with Norman at bedtime and inadvertently overheard their conversation. This discovery left her feeling upset.
"You can't be serious. He's just a child, Norman! You can't dismiss his feelings like that!" Emily exclaimed. Norman defended himself, "I'm just trying to teach him not to panic over nothing. He needs to learn to take care of himself."
Emily retorted, "Do you even realize the harm you're causing to his young mind? He is our son! Who else will protect him if not us?"
Before Norman could respond, Emily continued, "You sound just like your father. Do you want Harry to experience the same treatment you did as a child? To have his fears ignored and receive cold treatment from his own father?"
Norman was taken aback by Emily's words. He realized his mistake and swallowed his pride. "I...I didn't mean it. I just wanted..."
Emily interrupted, "I know you want to toughen Harry up, but this isn't the right approach. Childhood is fleeting, and he has a lifetime to become a strong man. Don't let your past demons rob you of these precious moments."
Norman nodded in understanding. He thanked Emily, gave her a kiss, and rushed to Harry's room. Upon entering, he discovered that Harry was not in his bed. Panic set in until he heard soft sobbing coming from the closet. Opening the doors, he found Harry sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his face.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you here?" Norman asked gently, kneeling beside him. Harry sniffled, "I was having nightmares..."
"What kind of nightmares? About the boogeyman?"
"Why didn't you come to us?"
"Because you said I couldn't...so I tried to figure it out myself..."
Norman was overwhelmed with shame as he witnessed his son's tears, brought on by his thoughtless words. Reflecting on his past mistakes, he realized he was dangerously close to following in the footsteps of Ambrose, a father he never wanted to emulate. Fortunately, Norman recognized his error in time. "I'm sorry, I was wrong," he choked out, tears welling in his eyes. "Your mother and I are here to protect you, and I foolishly believed I knew best in this situation. Can you forgive me?"
"It's okay, Daddy. Please don't cry," Harry reassured him with a smile. Norman scooped his son into his arms and carried him to their room. "From now on, you can sleep with us for as long as you'd like. And if the boogeyman dares to bother you, I promise to banish it. You mean the world to me."
"Thanks, Daddy!"
As they entered the bedroom, Emily greeted them with open arms. "Hey, there comes my little prince!"
"Mommy! Daddy said he'll chase away the monster if it bothers us!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. "Really?" Emily replied, amused.
"I do," Norman gently laid Harry on the bed, and the boy nestled under his mother's arm while Norman settled in beside them.
"We have a true superhero in the family now, don't we, Harry?" Emily affectionately tousled her son's hair. "Yeah, Daddy's the best!" Harry beamed.
"Thank you both. Harry, did you know that I too was scared of the boogeyman when I was little?"
"Wow, you were??" Harry asked.
"Yes, but I didn't have anyone to push it away. You'll always have us. I'm still sorry for what I said before. I'll never belittle your feelings again," Norman smiled. Harry nodded and yawned, soon falling asleep.
"Well done, Mr. Osborn," Emily purred. "You're quite charming when you apologize."
"Oh really? Maybe we can put it to the test tomorrow when Harry is with your parents," Norman grinned back. He then looked at his sleeping son and smiled.
Nighty night, son. Love you.
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anna1306 · 2 years
Fiery pet
Harry Hook/Reader (child of Hades)
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He was trying not to be awkward. And he was bad at pretending.
Harry was pretty confident person. He never questioned his decisions (maybe of his first kiss, but that was long ago and he preferred not to think about it). He was sure he wanted to be a part of Uma crew. Was sure that Gil and him would be best friends forever. Was sure that Mal and her little team wasn't worthy of all the attention and luxury they was in. Was sure that you loved him as much as he loved you.
But Harry never really visited your house. He wasn't afraid of your dad, as he lived separately, and he wasn't afraid of your mom, as she was from outside of the Isle. But still...
You and him met not so long ago, but already formed pretty strong bond. You loved his boldness and braveness, he was in awe when you were all soft for him, but fierce and almost rude to others. You were like flame, calm at times, but devastating if needed. And even if you had a lot of problems, he was ready to walk the road of solving them together with you. However sappy that sounded.
When you had your dates, you were either somewhere on the Isle, causing troubles or just walking when noone would see you, or on the ship, in his cabin. So for him an invitation to your place was huge, however creepy your home seemed to be. Your house and room were gloomy. Closed windows, dark walls. He knew you were there or at least on your way home, as you discussed his visit for a time now. But still Harry felt uneasy. Visibly he looked calm and even behaved very freely - swinging his hook and humming some tune, walking around. But he felt tensed by all this dark atmosphere.
That was when he heard some growl. Wait, growl? Hook looked around but couldn't see anyone. You told something about having a pet, but didn't tell anything about what it was. And to think he liked your mysteriousness... It was surprising you even had a pet, considering where you lived. Probably the pet was as strong as you.
"Y/N? Your heap of clothes is growling..." He really hoped you were in here somewhere. But apparently he was one on one with the beast. At least Hook thought so when he didn't get any respond from you in a minute. Maybe you were still on your way home. Harry walked to the heap, carefully touching it with his foot. He wasn't coward, but he didn't want to repeat his father's fate. "The hell is hiding- Freaking hell!"
Harry jumped away from the clothes, when something snapped near his leg. Hook quickly stumbled back, even going so far as to jump on your bed. Because he saw yellow, almost glowing eyes in the dark room and... Scales. Irony.
"What is going on?" Your voice sounded like a saving from this monster on the floor and yet Harry didn't move from his position.
"Get that thing away from me!" He pointed at the lizard on the floor, big enough to eat his hand whole. You giggled at this.
"Oooh, are you afraid of little old Ember? It doesn't bite." You turned on the lamp near your bed, so Harry could see a little better. There was red lizard on the floor, big, with claws and yellow eyes, burning holes in Harry with its stare.
"Yes, it does! It can eat my whole hand! You have a fucking crocodile!" You smiled at your distressed boyfriend and bent down to pet Ember on the head.
"It's not a crocodile, it's a salamander." Ember closed its eyes from pleasure and breathed out a smoke. You felt its scales getting warmer from the affection. "Just a cute little salamander, that's all."
"Little?! LITTLE?! It nearly bit my foot away!!!"
"You just scared it." You were amused by the whole ordeal, petting the salamander to the point where it puffed some smoke and little flames on the floor.
"What was that..." Harry's voice fell down and sounded not panicking now, but almost empty.
"Salamanders are fire creatures, they can breath a little fire and..."
"YOU HAVE A FUCKING DRAGON?!" Hearing Harry's scream made Ember hiss and growl at the boy, spitting some fire in his direction. He screeched. You sighed at this. However entertaining it was - watching your boyfriend freak out like this, your heart still yearned to comfort him. You carefully took Ember in your arms and went to put it in other room.
"I didn't thought you were that scared. Sorry." You returned to him with apologetic smile. Harry, now down from your bed to the floor, scoffed.
"I am not scared!" He said in the most brave tone he could. "Just... Tensed up a bit."
"Yeah, that's why you jumped on my bed in your dirty boots?" You asked with a smirk. Harry coughed and motioned to the room you used as kitchen.
"Can you make something for me to drink? I'm thirsty." You nodded, and while you were turning away, Hook carefully swiped away some of the dirt on the floor, thinking you wouldn't notice. You noticed. It was sweet. But you wouldn't tell him that.
"Now that's making sense. Your father gifted you that thing..." He sat at your table, glass of water in his hand. You would make him something more fresh if... The conditions and products were different.
"Kinda. It was more like father and mother gift." You shrugged, placing a plate with fish on the table. Of course it wasn't the best dish out there, but with limited items on the Isle you still managed to put together the tastiest dish there was - in Harry's opinion. Uma joked that he would eat the poison if it was from you.
"I thought your mother was on..." He waved his hand around, as if trying to remember the name of the place.
"Olympus, yes. But it was discussed before our lockdown here and dad brought an egg here with him, so it would hatch when "I would be ready for a pet". Ember is with me for... Five years I think... Or six maybe..."
"Five, six, ten... All sounds to me like a great amount of time."
"Ah, I forgot that you can't count." You smirked at him, drinking from your glass smugly. He was silent for a minute, watching you.
"I can count how many times I can make you scream..." His sly smirk was matching yours, and you blushed a bit at his words, but didn't back down.
"Yeah, because the number is little." He kicked your leg under the table, making you laugh. For couple of minutes you ate in silence, both in your own thoughts. He was really scared back than, and you laughed at him. Maybe you shouldn't have? After all it was his feelings. And you just laughed it off, telling him he was scared and too sensitive, while knowing how difficult it was for him to admit his feelings and weaknesses.
You glanced at Harry, who ate the fish, holding it in his hands, hook laying near him. Could he leave you because of that? No, of course not. He loved you, he told you himself. Even if love was rare on the Isle, he didn't lie to you about that, right? The doubts and thoughts were clouding your mind.
"I'm sorry." You blurted out before thinking. Harry looked at you puzzled. If you started to speak, it was better to continue. "I laughed at you and I shouldn't have. Sorry about that. You aren't angry, are you?"
"What are you talking about?" He scoffed, but then noticed the serious look in your eyes. "Are you again in your thoughts? I told you it was bad for you to think about how you can do anything wrong!"
"I know. It's just..." You sighed. "I know about your father's story with reptiles. And I know Ember is hostile to the newcomers. I should have known you both would be scared of each other. And I didn't warn you. Instead I laughed it off and called you out on being scared. I didn't mean to, I..." His hands on your shoulders broke your mumbling. You looked up at him, understanding you were too gone in your rambling to notice he was already near you.
"I won't leave you just because that was unexpected. I won't go like your mom or hide like your goddamn dad."
"Blasphemy..." You mumbled. He laughed at this.
"You are the only god-creature I know and care about. So..."
"Shut it, you, flatterer..." You smacked him on the shoulder, but instantly pulled him for a hug. He was loyal to you and loved you. That much you knew. And that much you cared about. He would never leave you, you and his crew were his top priorities. He understood your doubts and was the only one who could make them go away. You definitely made the right choice.
"I just love you. And... If you have any of your father's alcohol magic drink, I am ready to try and meet Ember or whatever their name was again." You laughed at this, letting him go.
"It's called ouzo. I told you this three times already."
"I can't count, remember?" He raised his hands, letting you stand up and reach for the top shelf, where you hid what you had stolen from your father. Suddenly Hook laughed. "You know what could be more hilarious? Your dad gifting you a pup of Cerberus."
"Shit, that would be great!" You laughed, giving the bottle to the pirate. "I bet De Vil would run from it to his little friends faster than wind!"
"Well, your Ember can burn their little shelter while they are away." Harry took the bottle, pouring some into your glasses. You froze and grasped his hand.
"I know what we would do after you befriend Ember." You smirked at him. He looked at you and laughed. Harry loved when you got all down for his ideas. Even if it included your monster of a pet. Maybe you should even get some 'fiery' time alone before the fire show.
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ironychan · 3 months
Scary Monsters
@dysphoria-sweatshirt @30spiders @sweatersexual @angrylittlesliceofpizza @writer652
Part 1/? - Rocco’s Closet
Part 2/? - School for Monsters
Part 3/? - The Waternoose Family
Part 4/? - The Terrifying Humans
Part 5/? - Hiding Places
Part 6/? - Nobody’s Fault
Part 7/? - Edge of Disaster
Part 8/? - Caged Monsters
Part 9/? - The Journey Home
Part 10/? - Portorosso
Part 11/? - A New Family
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Faustina Visconti was in her early forties, with a tower of bottle-blonde hair and a fondness for bright-coloured dresses and deep red lipstick that made many of the more conservative types in Portorosso look askance at her. Giulia had always found her polite but rather condescending, as if she believed Giulia to be only six or seven years old.
Today was no different, as the woman opened the door and smiled down at her guest. “Why, thank you, Giulia,” she said, taking the box of fish from her. “Have they found your little monster friends yet?”
“Yes, Signora Visconti,” Giulia replied. “They're just fine.” Hopefully, she could finish this interaction quickly, before Harry had time to do anything.
“Oh, that's a relief,” said Signora Visconti.
“Yes, it is,” Giulia nodded. “But I've got lots to do today so I can't really stay and chat. I'll...”
It was too late, however. Harry had heard the woman's voice, and abandoned Ercole to his Vespa. He scuttled up next to Giulia and looked at Faustina hopefully.
“Are you Ercole's mom?” he asked.
Giulia held her breath. How would Signora Visconti react? Would she scream, like several others had done? What would Harry do if she did? Would he finally realize he didn't belong here and needed to go home, like Luca and Alberto said?
“Oh, my goodness!” Faustina exclaimed. “What kind of monster are you?”
She was clearly startled, but she did not use the word monster in a pejorative way. As when she'd referred to Luca and Alberto a moment ago, she seemed to use it the way sea monsters used land monster as an alternative word for human, as a way of describing something that was clearly a person but not like themselves.
“This is Harry Waternoose,” said Giulia, trying not to sigh. “He's the kind of monster that hides in little kids' closets.”
“He is?” asked Faustina with a frown. “When Ercole was little he thought he had a monster in his closet, but he grew out of that.”
“I never had a closet,” said Giulia. “Although one of my friends at school used to think he had a monster under his bed. Are there monsters under beds, too?” she asked Harry.
“Of course not,” he replied, “don't be silly.” Harry directed a sharp-toothed smile at Faustina. “I came here with Luca and Alberto. Alberto told me his dad was terrible, so he found a human to be his new dad. My Dad said he'll never be proud of me, so I decided I also needed new parents. Do you want another son?”
“We... we never considered it,” Faustina admitted. “How old are you, Harry?”
“Eleven,” the little monster replied. “I'm in the sixth grade.”
Faustina nodded. “What do you eat?” she asked.
“Candy,” Harry said immediately.
“He seems to eat whatever we eat,” Giulia said, not about to let Harry get away with that.
Ercole had made sure his Vespa was safe, and now came up the path to see what was going on.
“Giulia said you're the people in town with the most money,” Harry said, “so I figure you can afford to take in another child.” He did his best to look adorable. Giulia was not convinced.
“Oh... I don't know,” said Faustina. “I'd have to talk to Aristide.”
Giulia's mouth fell open. She wasn't actually considering it, was she?
“Could you please?” asked Harry. “I've been staying with Signor Marcovaldo, but they don't have much room and I don't like to be in the way.”
“I will,” Faustina promised. “Ercole, what would you think of having a little brother?”
“You can't be serious, Mamma!” Ercole protested.
“I always did want a big family, but life has a way of intervening,” Faustina said. “He's a rather cute little fellow, isn't he?”
Harry beamed.
“He's not cute,” said Ercole, disgusted. “He's just a bug.”
“Well, bugs need mothers, too,” said Faustina. “Thank you again, Giulia, and Harry, so nice to have met you! Perhaps you could join us for supper tonight, and we can get to know you.”
“I'd love to!” Harry chirped.
Giulia couldn't believe what she was hearing. “Aren't you having guests?” she asked, pointed to the fish she'd just delivered.
“We've got some people coming in from Milano tomorrow,” Faustina told her, “these are lunch with them. Harry is welcome to come tonight.”
Giulia knew she should just be polite, but she couldn't resist poking at the situation like a loose tooth. “I thought you didn't like sea monsters,” she said. Ercole himself certainly didn't, and his parents had always seemed like they considered sea monsters to be sort of less people than they were... although they did tend to treat everybody else in town the same way.
“They're our neighbours, we're supposed to be polite to them now,” Faustina said firmly. “Anyway, this little fellow isn't quite so... fishy... as the rest. Not so slimy.”
Sea monsters were not slimy. Giulia bristled, but Harry beamed.
“You must be joking!” Ercole protested. “Mamma, look at him, we cannot have him at our table! He looks like an entree! Can you even sit in a chair?” he asked Harry, looking dubiously at his many legs.
“We'll find him some cushions or something,” Faustina decided.
Giulia shook her head. “Come on, Harry, we'll let them argue,” she said. “Let's go see if the boys have gotten anything done.”
Harry fell into step beside her, looking smug. “I was starting to think it was gonna be hard to find a new family. What with everybody here being scared of me, including you.”
“Ercole's not scared of you,” Giulia pointed out. “He just doesn't like you.”
“I think his Mom likes me better than him already,” said Harry.
“That's not hard. Even I like you better than him.”
On their way back over the hill, Giulia counted up the extra money she'd made. It was less than she'd hoped – quite a few people had been in too much of a hurry to escape Harry and hadn't given her a tip. She was pondering how she might earn some more when they spotted Luca and Alberto.
The boys were sitting on the porch of the house belonging to the two old sea monster women, Pinuccia and Concetta Aragosta. They were not working. They were drinking lemonade and eating cookies, and Alberto was stroking one of the women's pet cats.
“Working hard, huh, ragazzi?” Giulia called out to them.
“Hey! We're taking a break!” Alberto informed her.
“They said we should have some lunch, and then we can finish weeding the garden,” Luca explained.
“We'll be able to work even harder after we've had a rest,” Alberto agreed.
Concetta Aragosta opened the door and waved to Giulia. “Won't you join us, dear?”
Giulia hopped the low stone wall and headed in. Harry scurried after her, and she wondered if the women would cry out. Scares weren't supposed to be good for older people were they? What if one of them had a heart attack? Fortunately, however, they didn't seem startled at all.
“This must be your friend from that other world,” Concetta observed. “Enrico, wasn't it?”
“Call me Harry,” the monster boy said. Concetta offered her plate of treats, and Harry stuffed a pizzocato in his mouth. “Guess who's going to have dinner with the Visconti family tonight?” he said as he chewed.
“What?” asked Alberto, spitting crumbs – his mouth, too, was full. “Really?”
“Ercole's Mom thinks he's cute,” said Giulia. She took a cooking for herself.
“Lemonade?” asked Concetta.
Giulia nodded, and made a point of swallowing before she spoke aloud. “Si, grazie.”
“Me, too!” said Harry.
Alberto swallowed his mouthful. “What does Ercole think of this? Or has he met him yet?”
“They've met,” said Giulia.
“He's no problem,” said Harry firmly. He found a padded basket that had been set out for the cats, tipped a sleeping animal out of it, and settled down inside. The orange cat made a startled noise and looked around, not sure what had just happened to it. It turned in a circle, then seemed to forget the whole thing and sat down to wash its face.
“You must not have met him for very long,” said Luca dubiously.
“I can handle him.” Harry was confident.
Back at the Pescheria that evening, the kids counted up the money they'd earned. It was enough for two children's tickets, or one adult. If all three were going, they would need more,
“You really want to go on the train, Mom?” Luca tried. “I thought you didn't like things that moved.”
Daniela had never been on a train. She'd ridden in a car exactly once and had felt ill the whole time, but apparently she could not be budged. “I've talked it over with Helena,” she said, “and we've both agreed that you're not going back there without a grownup. She has things to do, so I have volunteered.”
Luca nodded glumly. “Then we're gonna need more money.”
“Maybe we need to check out some of the shipwrecks,” Alberto suggested. “There might be something down there we could still sell.” Most possible salvage had been cleaned out by him and his father over the past ten years, but they couldn't have found everything.
“Or we just need to do another day of work,” sighed Giulia.
Luca shook his head. “The longer it takes, the more likely something awful happens to Louise and the others.”
A clattering on the stairs made them raise their heads. Harry was not built for human-sized stairs, and the ones in the house above the Pescheria were particular steep. He'd nearly slipped, and had finally settled on descending them backwards. The kids watched as he made his way down step by step, and then strutted up to them. Helen had put his sailor suit through the laundry, so it was now clean and white and newly-pressed.
“I'm off to dinner with the Visconti family!” he said cheerfully.
“Good luck with that,” said Alberto.
“Thank you,” Harry replied, smug. He headed out. “I'll be back later, unless they decide to keep me.”
The door closed behind him.
“He's really serious about this,” Daniela observed.
“He is,” agreed Luca, grimacing. “What if they do keep him?”
“They won't,” said Alberto.
“They might,” Giulia warned. “I told you, Ercole's mom thought he was cute, and he was very polite to her. He might pull it off.”
Alberto shrugged. “Then let them have him. He and Ercole deserve each other.”
“That's a really bad idea,” said Luca. “He's not gonna be so cute anymore when he gets older. What if he grows up to be huge and venomous like his dad? He won't fit through doors.”
“I told him about Ercole's reign of terror and he didn't sound like he was worried about it at all,” Giulia said. “He kept saying he would have this town in the palm of hand.”
The boys considered that. Ercole had been bad enough. The idea of somebody taking up a similar type of bullying, while that someone also had sharp teeth and many legs and might grow to be seven or eight feet tall... that didn't bear thinking about.
“There's no way,” Alberto decided. “Once they actually get to know him, they'll realize he's kind of a jerk, and after the way Ercole turned out they won't want another one of those.”
“And he won't want anybody else adopting him because he thinks we're all peasants,” said Giulia with a scowl.
Luca could only hope they were right.
Daniela had other concerns. “How are you going to get into this museum?” she asked, and nodded across the table at Giulia's mother. “Helena said it wasn't open.”
“Not to the public,” said Helena, “but they're doing restoration work, so people are going in and out all the time. The security guards know me,” she added. “Like I said, I've been in there working on the frescoes before. They'd probably let me in.”
“What about the rest of us?” asked Luca.
“Daniela can come with me if I say she's my assistant, but I don't know about you.” Helena pursed her lips, thinking about it. “They won't want children running around.”
“Unless we're there for school!” Luca suggested. “What if we tell them we're doing a school project on the history of the building?”
“It's summer,” Giulia protested.
“But we go back in a couple of months,” said Luca. “I heard some of the older kids get assigned summer projects. Maybe they'll believe we did, too!”
“That might work, but not if it's a surprise,” Helena decided. “I'd have to give them some warning. And now are we going to get Harry in? They probably won't let me take the pram.”
“Do you have something you bring supplies in?” Giulia asked. “Maybe we can hide him in a cart or something.”
“Then there's the question of staying in,” Helena went on. “You'll need to be there at night, because you said when it's night here it's daytime in the monster world. They like to get everybody out by sunset, and they patrol the place at night so they won't have squatters.”
“We'll have to be very careful,” said Luca.
As well as insisting that she accompany the kids, Daniela was also firm about Luca coming back to the house in the bay to have dinner with his family. He grudgingly did so, but afterwards hurried right up onto the land again to talk to his friends. He looked very worried when he did.
“Mom keeps trying to talk me out of it,” he said miserably, sitting in the treehouse between Alberto and Giulia. “She keeps saying that what happened to Louise and Curtis and Sullivan isn't our responsibility, and it's Louise's fault for dragging us out of Rocco's closet in the first place.” He leaned on his knees, face in his hands. “And maybe she's right, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to help! They wouldn't be in all this trouble if Harry hadn't slammed the door on them!”
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“We could just sneak away without her,” Alberto suggested.
“No way. She'd be so mad,” said Luca. “She'd send me to the Deep, or at least never let me go back to school again.” He sighed heavily. “Where's Harry? Is he still at Ercole's?”
“I guess so,” said Giulia with a shrug. He was taking an awfully long time about it, wasn't he?
“I wonder how dinner went.” Alberto snickered as he pictured it. “Him and Ercole probably fought the whole time. They're too much the same to get along.”
That was when the door in the yard below them opened, and Massimo leaned out of it to look up at them. “Bambini,” he said, “Signora Marsigliese says you have a telephone call.”
“What? All of us?” asked Albert, startled. The only time anyone ever asked for him on the telephone was when Luca and Giulia called from school.
“Yes,” said Massimo.
The kids exchanged some confused looks, then climbed down the ladder to meet Signora Marsigliese, who was at the front door. “It's your friend the crab,” she told them. “He wants to speak to you.”
Confused, the kids trooped across the piazza to the grocery shop, where the nearest telephone was. All sorts of possibilities were running through Luca's mind. Maybe Harry was hurt or in some other trouble and needed them to come rescue him. Maybe Ercole or even his father had tried to harm him. Whatever it was, Luca was pretty sure it would make this situation worse.
Signora Marsigliese handed him the phone receiver, and he put it to his ear and said, “hello?”
“Hi!” said Harry. “I'm calling to tell you they're keeping me. I told you they would! Ercole and his Dad are a little scared of me, but that's okay because it means I'll get my way.”
“Really?” asked Luca. That was better than Harry being lost or hurt, but still made for an awful feeling in the pit of Luca's stomach. They couldn't just let this happen... could they?
“Yep! Mrs. Visconti says I'm a nice young man, and Mr. Visconti says he can't deny her anything and it's not the weirdest pet he's seen!” Harry sounded very proud of himself. “And Ercole complained a lot, but it's not his house!”
“What about your own Mom and Dad?” Luca tried. “I mean... you're really never gonna see them again?”
“Nope!” said Harry. “Tell them I've found better parents in the human world – and make sure you tell my Dad that they're gonna be proud of me!”
Luca had his doubts about that. “Uh... okay,” he said. “If you change your mind, let us know. It's gonna take another day for us to earn enough money for that train trip, so if you...”
“I won't,” said Harry, and then his voie became muffled and Luca heard him call, “hey! New Mom! They need some money for the train – can we give them some?”
They couldn't hear Faustina Visconti's reply, but a moment later Harry spoke again.
“Yeah, my new Mom will hire you to pick some grapes tomorrow morning,” Harry said.
That made Luca stop and think for a moment. He knew that Alberto had done chores for the Visconti family before, and they paid very well because they wanted to continue being thought of as 'the rich people' even if that wasn't strictly true. Surely picking grapes for Signora Visconti would get them enough money plus a little extra.
“What's going on?” asked Alberto.
“Harry says Signora Visconti will pay us to pick grapes,” said Luca.
“Oh,” said Alberto, weighing up the pros and cons. The Viscontis did pay well, but then, Ercole was always around to be a pain. “Is it worth it, though?”
“Yes,” Luca insisted. “We need to rescue Louise and Curtis!”
Alberto made a terrible face, and looked at Giulia for a third opinion.
“We have to do it,” she said. “Harry doesn't belong here. We need to get him to go back to his world and we're not going to convince him over the phone. We'll have to go see him anyway, so we might as well earn some money.”
Alberto groaned.
Luca uncovered the mouthpiece of the telephone. “Okay,” he said, “we'll be there first thing tomorrow morning.”
“I'll tell my new Mom!” said Harry cheerfully. “Good night! Or... how do you say it here? Bwana naughty!”
“Good night, Harry,” sighed Luca.
The next morning, bright and early, Luca headed back to land. He and his friends put on work clothes, then headed over the hill to the Visconti vineyards. None of them were very enthusiastic about it. Alberto grumbled to himself the whole way, and Giulia knocked on the back door of the big house, where she'd delivered her fish yesterday, as if expecting bad news. They were worried it would be Harry himself who answered, but instead it was Faustina, with a smile on her face.
“Oh, Harry's little friends!” she said brightly. “He told me you'd stop by today. I'm going to have you bring in some of the Bosco that have ripened early. You'll want to be careful not to bruise them.”
“Yes, Signora Visconti,” Giulia replied, polite. Luca nodded. Alberto just grunted.
“Follow me!” said Faustina.
She led them up to the section of the vineyard where they'd be working, on an east-facing hillside to catch the rising sun, and provided them with baskets and clippers. All three kids had picked grapes before, and knew the proper way to do it – cut down the whole bunch and lay them carefully in the basket so as not to damage the delicate flesh. Alberto had once tried to eat a few, but had found them so sickly sweet he'd had to spit them out. When she'd finished laughing at him, Giulia had explained that wine grapes had much more sugar than food grapes, to help the juice ferment.
Faustina left them to their work, and for a little while it was quite pleasant. The shadows cast by the vines on the trellises kept them cool, as did the nice morning breeze, and they were far enough from the house that neither Ercole nor Harry could watch them. Of course, that would not keep.
Harry was the first to arrive. He was carrying a big pillow and a glass of lemonade, and wearing a pair of sunglasses that he was having trouble keeping in place because he had neither a nose nor ears. Without any sort of greeting, he shook his pillow a bit to fluff it up, then sat down on it and sipped his lemonade through a straw.
The kids continued to work, waiting for Harry to say something, but he remained silent except for the slurping sounds as he drank. He seemed content to watch and know that they were working and he was not, which in his mind was apparently how the world was supposed to be.
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“You're not gonna make your new parents proud by just sitting there,” Alberto said eventually.
“I'm supervising,” said Harry. “I'm making sure you're not slacking off. I wouldn't want my new Mom to pay you for doing nothing.”
“What happens when you get bored?” asked Giulia.
“I have a magazine.” Harry held it up.
“Can you even read it?” asked Alberto. He still found reading difficult, although he'd gotten much better at it with the incentive of understanding Luca's letters from school.
“Of course I can,” said Harry. He opened it and pretended to examine the pages, perhaps unaware that it was upside-down.
Giulia rolled her eyes and moved closer to the boys. “How are we gonna convince him?” she whispered.
“I have an idea,” said Alberto. He stopped and stretched before resuming his grape-picking. “Man,” he said, “now I wish I'd taken one of those eyeball pops! I guess if you're staying here, I'll never get another chance.”
“You're right,” Luca joined in. “They had some really strange food in the other world, Giulia, like the three-eyed fish.”
“He mentioned the three-eyed fish,” Giulia said, nodding.
“Some of them have four or five eyes,” said Harry. “The four-eyed ones are always the most delicious.”
“There aren't any four-eyed fish here,” Luca said, “only the two-eyed ones.”
“What a shame,” said Alberto.
They glanced over at Harry. He was watching them over the top of his magazine.
“You really want to live here where you'll never have a four-eyed fish for dinner again?” Alberto asked.
Harry pushed his sunglasses back into place. “You just want to get rid of me,” he accused.
Giulia decided to try honesty. “You don't belong here, Harry. There are no other people like you in this world. Sooner or later you're going to want to go back.”
“They don't,” said Harry, pointing to the boys.
“We are back, though,” said Luca. “I live with my family underwater during the summer, remember? And even if Alberto lives most of the time with humans, there are still lots of sea monsters around here so if he has a problem the humans can't help him with, there's somebody nearby who does. What if you get hurt or sick, and the doctor doesn't know what to do about it?”
“I'll be fine,” Harry insisted. “I'd rather have a Dad who'll be proud of me.”
“Has Signor Visconti said he'll be proud of you?” asked Alberto. He'd only met Aristide Visconti a couple of times, and he'd always seemed to be arguing with Ercole, not proud of him.
“He bragged about how his other son won the Portorosso Cup race five times,” said Harry. “I can do that, no problem.”
“He only won because he cheated!” Alberto protested.
“And you'd need a team to do that, because you can't ride a bike,” Giulia said, bristling.
“I'll figure it out,” Harry vowed.
The conversation was cut off then, as Faustina Visconti arrived with a picnic basket. “How's everybody doing?” she asked. “Oh, looks like you've made wonderful progress! And you're so gentle with them, that's lovely.”
“I've been supervising,” said Harry. “I'm making sure they do it right.”
The other kids glared at him.
Faustina set down her basket and began unfolding a blanket. “I've made you some lunch. Why don't we all take a bit of a break? Ercole!” she called over her shoulder.
“I'm coming, Mamma!” came Ercole's voice.
He arrived a moment later with a second basket, and helped his mother to lay out a torta di verde with stuffed artichokes, fresh bread, and fruit from the garden. Luca, Alberto, and Giulia came and sat down while Faustina passed out food and offered each child a very small glass of wine.
“This is what we make from the grapes you're picking,” she said proudly. “Our Bosco.”
Alberto and Luca sipped it carefully, to be polite. Neither of the boys particularly liked wine, finding it tasted quite sharp even when the humans promised it would be sweet. Giulia tried it and smiled. Harry and Ercole both swirled and sniffed it in the way they'd seen adults do, trying to appear refined. Giulia was about to say something to tease Harry about this, but Harry himself spoke first.
“Are we billing them for this?” he asked.
“Billing them?” Faustina echoed, confused.
“Yes. At the factory, if employees don't bring their own lunch, they have to get it from the cafeteria,” Harry explained. “We take it off their paycheques.”
“Don't be silly,” said Faustina. “We want them to come back and work for us again sometime, don't we? We're going to be welcoming. It's not as if we can't afford it. Would you children like some soda pop?”
“Yes, please!” said Luca and Alberto eagerly. They liked that much better than wine.
Faustina pulled out the bottles and opened them, while Harry sat there, looking surprised but thoughtful.
They finished up with tangerines for dessert, and then Faustina directed Harry and Ercole to help her bring the grapes already picked back to the house. Harry, with his low-slung, wide-set body, was able to heft one and carry it along mere inches above the ground, which Faustina told him was very good. He grinned toothily at the other kids before scuttling away.
“Ercole, try to be very careful, could you?” she asked. She took one basket in each arm, balancing them on her hips, and followed Harry.
Ercole was in the middle of lifting one, but he didn't straighten up. Instead, he waited until his mother and new adoptive brother had vanished between the vines before putting the basket down and gesturing for Luca, Alberto, and Giulia to come closer.
“You have to get rid of him,” he ordered them.
“Why should we?” asked Alberto, who had strong feelings about Harry returning to his own world, but possibly even stronger ones about Ercole suffering inconvenience.
“Because Mamma treats him like one of her precious Bologneses!” said Ercole, referring to the two small dogs Faustina doted upon. “It makes me sick. And they let him sleep in my room. I woke up in the middle of last night and he was three centimetres from my face! I screamed, and he laughed at me!”
Giulia snickered.
Ercole glared at her. “Besides, he's already planning to enter the race this year, and neither of us need more competition.”
“You don't have to worry about it, because you're too old to enter,” Giulia pointed out.
“We agree he needs to go back,” Luca put in, before an argument could develop. “He's going to grow up to be really big and he'll probably bully everybody, but what are we supposed to do? We already tried to talk him out of it, but he doesn't want to go back.”
“Then you have to make him,” Ercole insisted. “How do you get back to that monster world?”
“We've got a plan,” said Alberto.
“We're going back to Genova tonight, we hope,” said Luca. “We can do it from there.”
“Good,” said Ercole. “The last train leaves late, like nine o'clock, right? So after we go to bed, I will let you into the house, and you can grab him and take him with you.”
“Like... kidnap him?” Giulia was startled.
“Yes,” said Ercole. “But you'll have to gag him first or he'll yell, like he did when one of the employee's children put a spider down his back.” He snorted. “I don't know why he shoudl be afraid of spiders. He's more likely to be mistaken for one. Mamma scolded the other child terribly.” He scowled. “She used to do that when people were nasty to me.”
“Ohhh,” said Giulia. She grinned. “You want to be the baby again.”
“I am not a baby!” huffed Ercole.
“Yeah, but you're your Mom's baby!” Alberto said.
Ercole pouted. “She used to say I always would be. Then she got the dogs. And now this.”
Giulia nodded – although she couldn't help but wonder what Ercole had done to try to get rid of the dogs when they'd first arrived. There must have been something. “Okay, ragazzi,” she said to her friends. “We'll come back after dark with the pram, and tie him up and put him in that.”
“We should probably trap him in a net,” said Alberto. “That way it'll tangle up all his legs and we won't have to do them one by one.” He knew from unpleasant experience that escaping from a fishing net was harder than it looked.
“We've got lots of nets,” said Giulia. “All right – we'll come get him tonight after bedtime.” She offered Ercole a hand.
He took it as if it were a dead fish, and gave it one quick shake. “I hate having to make a deal with you,” he said, “but I must think about my own future.”
“Don't worry, we don't like making a deal with you either,” said Alberto.
“But we've got a lot of people to think about,” Luca agreed.
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solangelo headcanons because talking is overrated
nico would be very into thriller and detective stuffs while will would be obsessed with stranger things and charlie's angels
the more nico spends time with will the more in sync and alike he is
*saw a cat* *both simultaneously raise hands and pull out cat treats*
will: "for real?!" nico: "for real?"
*taunting a monster* "your mama’s so hairy that when she went to see the new Star Wars movi-" "YEAH- and everyone thought Chewbacca was making a promotional appearance HA!"
"gods i wanna stuff a whole dragon in my stomach..." "..." "...and i want to eat this skrunkly little ham sandwich right here."
*nico looks at will* *will notices it and raises his eyebrows* *nico winks with both eyes* *will wiggles his fingers* *nico bites his tongue* *will makes witchy laughter* *nico sniffs his nose* "get a room." "stfu connor stoll."
small talks with nico and will feel awkward af, they prefer meaningful long conversations
silent is very important to them, to other campers it seems like they having beef but to nico and will that's true comfort
"hypothetically, what if i turned into a cat?" "then you would be the luckiest cat in the world." "oh-" "i would set this mortal realm on fire for you." "oh."
"remember when-" and they started sobbing violently
they would try to think abt how to compliment other demigods like clovis is such a attentive listener he slept through like half of my feelings or drew may seem a bit of an a-hole but she actually gave great skin care tips or lou turned an apple into a rat once and said 'that's similar to chocolate frogs in harry potter, try them out will!' and she was so funny i almost ate them fr
then they looked at percy and went nah that dude could devour a kiwi pizza and get poisoned instead
they often gave each other heart eyes
and nico would immediately get smack in the head by a camper because they were dueling
will would panic and then potato-shack nico to the infirmary right after
will claimed that nico really liked to sleep outside and thought it's romantic
minus the mosquito
they couldn't though because of harpies
but will would still help clearing out nico's cabin so that both of them could lay on the floor with much more opened space
nico felt like an idiot going along with it but lowkey appreciated having will there making dumb contented kekeke giggles because he thought nico like it
nico: you think i'm pretty?
will: w-what?
nico: do you think i'm pretty?
will: yeah..? i-i mean idk i guess you are? uh–sorry i mean yes–i mean very uh very pretty just um yeah so so–pretty like wow haha the most prettiest creature ever like woah
will: ...
will: i am so sorry
nico: no no don't be. that's really nice of you
will: ...
nico: thank you it's cute
will: ...gods are we like this right now?
nico: we're actually achieving relationship goals what can you have possibly meant?
will: well–alright i mean but are we doing it really–
nico: you're pretty too you know
will: w-woah wait
nico: you look so adorable right now i could cook you to medium rare
will: that's–
nico: you're so gorgeous i could slap your dad in the face because he created such a fine piece of work
will: o-oh
nico: you are absolutely beautiful oh my gods like i would happily snap the stolls legs just so you could be a little more self-aware of it will
will: nico i–you–goodness...
nico: ...
nico: dam you're right we are not having this at all. let's go outside and fight harpies and accidentally kiss and blame it on the adrenaline rush
will: chokes cutely
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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FIRST DATE FIC REC: Below are fics that feature first dates. 
📖 Take A Chance On Me by @peachypetalhazz (39k)
When Harry receives two tickets to see one of his favourite bands, he'd expected that his best mate would accompany him. However, it is soon learned that the intentions behind this so-called gift were far more wondrous than he initially thought.
📖 under your bed in new york. by @the28thofseptemberr (33k)
au; spilling coffee onto an ex, being set up on dates, and having a nosy puppy might be all louis needs to find love again
📖 A Hungry Heart by @jacaranda-bloom (27k)
Harry Styles, florist and Great British Bake Off contestant, loves many things. He loves his flower shop, he loves baking, and there’s also that little crush he has on pop star Louis Tomlinson.
But when Louis arrives on set as the surprise guest judge, Harry’s worlds collide. Throw in a cup of cuteness, a teaspoon of teasing, and a pinch of pining, and there’s all the ingredients for an epic love story, or absolute chaos.
Or the one where the Bake Off tent has never been so hot, and it’s got nothing to do with what’s in the ovens.
📖 You be Stunning, Baby, I'll be Stunned by @crinkle-eyed-boo (14k)
Harry and Louis go on their first date.
📖 Butterflies and Delight by @sunshineandthemoonlight  (13k)
The one where Louis is new to Grindr, Harry loves wearing fun, quirky outfits, and Ziam are always around to convince Louis to take a chance at life. Featuring Harry’s terrible jokes, Louis as a single parent, and glittery drawings of swamp monsters.
📖 In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (13k)
It's one of those nights there's nothing on the telly that Louis absently scrolls through Tinder. After swiping left on a bunch of profiles he comes face to face with a picture that stops him in his tracks. The picture is..almost sweet. It’s a boy with brown curly hair, wearing a very low cut yellow blouse, paired with a black jacket. He’s got a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out, but it’s not in any way lewd or suggestive. He just looks like he’s having a good time, and something about the innocence of it has him swiping right rather than left.
📖 Crystal Ball on the Table by @becomeawendybird (12k)
Harry Styles is just an ordinary witch from an old-fashioned Boston family trying to survive in her regular job as the fiction manager at a local bookstore and café. Her magic isn't exactly something she advertises when looking for potential new girlfriends, so when Louis Tomlinson arrives in her life like a breath of fresh air, she tries her best to hide how strongly her magic is reacting to Louis' presence.
📖 You come in waves (we crash and we roll) by @rainbowsandlovehl (11k)
Three times Louis makes a fool of himself in front of Harry and one time he doesn't.
📖 Just the Start by @littleroverlouis (9k)
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
📖 We Might'a Took the Long Way by @evilovesyou (8k)
The story of a perfect first date, a mind-blowing first kiss, an interfering lawsuit, a lopsided bowl, flutes of champagne, a little bit of heartbreak, a fated tiktok, and lots and lots of art.
📖 I Roll 'til I Change My Luck by @larry-hiatus (8k)
Dating is hard enough when you're gay. When Louis reveals to his Tinder matches that he uses a wheelchair and has a service dog, things tend to get even more complicated. Too bad the guys on dating apps aren't as sweet and understanding as his best friend Harry...
📖 I want your midnights by @guccistrawberries (7k)
or It all starts with a harmless round of the name game
📖 As Time Goes By by @1diamondinthesun (6k)
Wow. Louis needed to get a grip. They hadn’t even opened the wine yet, and Louis was already fantasizing about cuddling Harry.
📖 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (5k)
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
📖 sweaty palms and racing hearts by @onlythebravest (1k)
A short story of two shy, nervous and blushing boys on a date at the cinema.
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