#hes so weird in a loveable way
spunkydash · 3 months
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thollux captor
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
how hardworking is bajie in the novel? fanart gives off the impression that he’d rather do anything but work
And he WOULD! HE DOES NOT LIKE TO WORK! Rather nap and kick back.
But honestly, next to Wukong, he does do the second most amount of work when it comes to fighting demons and getting food.
Don’t get me wrong man will complain the whole time while doing it but he is a competent fighter in many regards. Man was the Marshall in Heaven that only answered to the Jade Emperor himself, a navel officer so he knows a thing or two about fighting and tactics he just doesn't apply himself often. Not since being pig shaped.
There are many times he was the one to fight demons alongside Wukong, sometimes they even coordinate attacks with one another to get the drop on their enemy.
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He was able to kill Princess Jade Face, Great King Fox Number Seven, the Wansheng Princess, all six of the tree spirits, White-Faced Vixen Spirit, King of the Southern Hill, King of Heat Protection, and King of Dust Protection. That isn't even included in the assistant kills that helped with Wukong and in enemies such as the Pythron Demon.
Funny enough he gets pretty protective of Sanzang when it comes to him being sexually harassed as well. I like to think that is his own personal turning point when it comes to respecting other people's boundaries.
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But also he 'sacrifices' himself for Sanzang's place XD
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I've always read it as it's more of a threat than a promise. Because he also knows that women won't go for him being a pig. Which is a little sad but also him using his appearance to his advantage to scare women in the Women's Kingdom. Says he won't be turned into a fragrant bag cause no one would even want him.
The main reason he is so antagonistic is that he IS THE CLOWN. There is a scene Bajie is being cooked by a GAINT streamer and he complaining he is going to come out wrong if the fire tenders (that Wukong is stopping) don't cook him RIGHT. Also that Bajie knows Wukong in diguse by seeing his cheeks and thinking "I KNOW THOSE CHEEKS ANYWHERE!"
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Literally, his role in the book is to make laughs and to be the verbal and literal punching bag. Wukong himself is funny, absolutely, but he needs someone to play off him as well. It is very like that one group of Abbott and Costello vibes in some scenes where they just verbally poke on one other, and often there are cases were they pull pranks. Mostly Wukong at Bajie but still.
Like Wukong letting Bajie get captured by an enemy just so he can save him later. HE DOES THIS TWICE. He was mad Bajie thought he died (legit thought he died) in the first one and he took money from Bajie the second time he saved him XD told him it was the 'groups' money and they should share.
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And I know people give Bajie hell for being a shit to Wukong but also… Wukong is ALSO a shit back to him. Wukong isn't one to be walked over and he definitely has his fair share of making Bajie feel that revenge for being a shit in the first place. They are shits to each other. Which makes them ever more enjoyable. Wukong is even the one to put a paper saying "I can heal the king" in Bajie’s back pocket when he falls asleep FACING THE WALL NOT TO SCARE ANYONE WITH HIS FACE. Man was legit trying NOT to get into trouble and Wukong knew this was going to be hilarious.
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Also Bajie carrying Wukong thinking he could 'trip' and send Wukong flying. But Wukong anticipated this and made a clone of himself to be on Bajie so when he trip the clone drifted away as Bajie and Wujing just looked on in horror as their brother MELTED before their eyes. And Wukong turning into a woodpecker to peck at Bajie to wake him up.
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That one was elaborate.
He does have some good ideas even from time to time despite his laziness. He knew how to get Bailong to walk across ice safely and for once USED THE RAKE AS A RAKE to clear a forest. Also that he knows a bit about farming because he was a farmer for a least three years with the Gao family.
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So again he is capable and knows a bit despite his ignorance in other matters he just hates to admit he is wrong and hates to admit even more when he can’t do something. Which is hard to do when you are working with someone with MUCH more knowledge and power like Wukong.
I really think that Bajie looks up to Wukong while also being incredibly jealous of Wukong as well. That he relies on him as a companion but lets his own insecurities and jealousy get in the way of working with him, rather purposefully trying to make things harder for Wukong as if to get back at him. But I really think Bajie knows they need Wukong. Even when Wukong is knocked out and unconscious from the Red Boy fight Bajie doesn't believe for a second he is really dead, rather just going straight into reviving him. He also tells others they should treat him with high respect, make it sound like Wukong is danger but also that he is just so powerful in general and that he deserves to be regarded as such.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Bajie is the one after Wukong's first banishment that he has to go get him to save the rest of the group. Because he is the one that messed up by convincing Saznag Wukong was lying. But he also knows they can't do this journey without Wukong. He might be big talk but I think he's going to get Wukong was a humbling moment for him too cause he knows they are going to lose. Another way he shows that is when he thinks Wukong really dies he gets MAD. Because he knows now there is no chance, they are really going to DIE and he is upset.
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I still think that Bajie just wanted to get back at Wukong for making fun of him in when GuanYin strung him up to a tree after the Ginseng Fruit arc. But he really didn't know what the fillet implies as he has never seen it used until then. It doesn't make it right but I do think it explains himself a bit more.
And even when Bajie went back to get Wukong, Wukong gave him a tour of his mountain AND STILL pulled a fast on him by having him think he wasn't coming when he was right behind Bajie the whole time. He just wanted Bajie to sweat a little longer. But there was something about Wukong having Bajie see how whole home and what he is leaving but also that Bajie really enjoyed seeing where he lived… even if the Little Suns threw Bajie around like a sake of flour weighing nothing… BUT HE STILL HAD A NICE TIME.
Bajie seems to have a lot of faith in his brothers, even if he rather run away and avoid a fight altogether because he is a bit of a coward he is more often overconfident on taking on demons with his group.
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But when he thinks Wukong might actually die after they think they lost Sanzang to a demon he tells him he can't else they will have too much to grieve. And how he only feels confident in battle when he knows Wukong is behind him. I do love it when Bajie and Wujing look on in awe at Wukong and his power he thinks they might be gossiping about him and gets suspicious, leading to another prank.
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And I feel like he gets that kind of confidence only later throughout the series, where he actually stops trying to divide the luggage when things go bad and tries to see to the end of the journey to get the scriptures. He is still a lazy guy that rather sleep and eat all day but he gets a bit better along the way, participating with his party in the journey and starting to see the goal to attain the scriptures as something he also wants to and actually trying harder to prove that to himself. It takes him a lot longer than Wukong and even Wujing but I think he really comes around to being a team player.
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This kinda turned into a Bajie apologist post but I just really love this pig. He is a lazy asshole that starts shit he needs a good slice of humble pie because he cares a lot
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theduckeminence · 3 months
I can’t stop thinking about Eddie Dear y’all.
First off, the probable reason behind what had occurred to him is most likely due to him being scrapped/taken off the script of the show is just both saddening and dreadful on his part. Like he exists within the realm of the Neighborhood, but considering his absence throughout the recent update, aside from him giving the viewers a decoder + clips of him throughout the Home-warming ad compilation, its safe to say that Playfellow Workshop had most likely taken off him of the show, or at the very least, lessening the amount of screen time he receive (in this case being the ads/commercials).
And now onto the actual possible reason why Eddie Dear would be taken off script. Now thinking back to the fact that Eddie & Frank being a couple is canon, it’s also safe to say that because of their connection in the show — even though Playfellow Workshop attempts to have them be distant or lack any sort of significant interaction onscreen — Eddie & Frank’s relationship, or at least Eddie’s love for Frank, could certainly be the reason why the he was taken off script.
After all, if two male characters are shown to be gay for each other in a kids show from the 1970s, chances are Playfellow Workshop would rather scrap the homosexual (derogatory) mailman character than have Welcome Home be taken off the air entirely just because of said mailman character.
Furthermore, what’s more interesting and ironic about Eddie being a prominent character who became intensively aware of his situation is the fact that he first appears to be a character who could be considerably perceived as“insignificant” or “irrelevant.” Of course I don’t actually think he is, but from the way Playfellow Workshop and the Homewarming commercials are framed Eddie, it can be interpreted that Eddie is seen as a rather character of little relevance.
It is partially due to him being taken script, but it’s also the fact that his only thing going on for him is being the mailman for the neighborhood — as well as a bit of a comedic relief. Eddie said himself in the Homewarming video from the secret site — if I’m correct, he feels that nobody appreciates him enough for his work (though correct me if I’m wrong). And that since there’s no one there to ask him to deliver something, or call, or check up on him, he feels as though that — somewhere inside of him — he feels both left out and “irrelevant.”
His one role is to be the neighborhood delivery man, and without that, then what exactly would he be good for?
(this could further be emphasized when Sally told him that they made the deliveries for him to give him a day off — even though no one told him that, and chances are this is perhaps Sally trying to reassure him when in reality, he was just scripted out of Homewarming hence why no one came to talk to him. Getting lil off topic oops—).
Recircling back to the original topic, yada yada yada Eddie just being a mailman and besides that he views himself to be irrelevant so on and so forth.
One thing I would like to mention, relating to Eddie being the probable first of the group to become aware other than Wally, is that I find it surprising that Eddie Dear IS the probable first to become aware like Wally.
To tell y’all the truth, I didn’t think he would play such a significant role in the Narrative (and thus probably doomed by it too). I would have least thought Frank or Julie would have been next to become the more Self Aware.
But Eddie Dear? Our loveable, friendly, and reliable mailman — Eddie Dear? Suddenly depersonalizing right on the spot with a pea plate and becoming aware of both his sentience, the weirdness of his setting overall, and how he could hear Home’s heartbeat? How he knew that the moment he comes to this revelation of self-awareness, he can’t go back? That everything he has ever known is most probably not real and/or all a lie?
It just has me stopping for a second on why and how him, but after thinking about it furthermore, alongside reading analysis posts, it would make sense for him to be next on why he had become Aware.
And I can only assume that from here on out, things are bound to change. And I for one fear these colorful lil puppets — particularly Eddie in this case.
Lets just hope the existential dread doesn’t drive all of them over the edge.
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honey-milk-depresso · 5 months
hello love, i adore your work.
could i get something with the batboys with a spider woman reader?
I’m making them spiderperson cuz gotta stay GN for everyone to self insert themselves 🩷
Requests open until 1 Feb (GMT 8+)! Please read the rules on my pinned post (provided the navi post link to go to rules). Thank you!🩷🩷
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Batbros with a Spider-S/o
Dick Grayson
He loves you! You manoeuvre in the air and swing about just like him! Just that you got webs, cool!
Definitely joins you in hanging upside down, also loving to compete with you (lovingly) to see who can jump the farthest, or who can do the most bomb-tastic somersault with you and you guys have so much fun during patrol it’s not even patrol anymore.
Beating bad guys in the most dramatic, acrobatic way possible is definitely something Bruce and the rest of the brothers all sigh collectively because you two can be pretty chaotic.
But whatever, you two have so much fun jumping around.
Has taken you out on dates as Nightwing and your spider-sona, because even people around the city thinks you two are a match made in heaven. I imagined a pizza guy giving them a box and saying for them to have fun while swinging around with Dick and having pizza in between your teeth while you race to see who can reach the far end of a street whilst swinging and stunting about.
Overall, you two make a loveable couple of acrobats. <3
Jason Todd
He thought you were annoying at first, but even he can’t deny you make his day (most of the time).
He feels a bit irritated yet amused whenever you hang upside down and playfully greet him or joke with him while on patrol, sometimes in secret which scares the shit out of him when you pop out of no where and he starts cussing before letting out a long, exasperated sigh when he looks at you laughing to yourself. Damn spider…
But even so, he can’t help but dote on you, even if you can be an annoying ball of energy sometimes. He just can’t help but let you jump around him with your spiderwebs all over the house when you try to take something from afar, using the webs to pull it towards you. Although… you are a bit bashful and guilty for keeping his tidy room messy with webs everywhere that you help clean up which he appreciates.
On patrols, you’re usually faster than him and sometimes he complains so you just shut him up by scooping him in his arms and holding him by the waist with one hand before web-slinging your way to the location where the criminal gang is as he huffed. From afar at times, it looks like a grown ass man being baby carried or held like a big dog by some spider person across the high buildings, which he gets a little flustered over.
Regardless, Jason still loves you. Just don’t shoot the webs everywhere- <3
Tim Drake
He’s fascinated by you, how your webs work and how you can stick on walls with just your fingertips.
Tim might ask a lot of questions about your anatomy and what your spider body can do which sometimes annoy you but he’s just so curious he can’t help it. Genuinely.
Another one who you scare the shit out of with you surprising him by hanging upside down and popping your head down to face his out of no where, but he’s not like Jason who reacts very… dramatically, he’ll just recover from shock to contort into a pout and maybe gently flick your forehead to tell you to knock it off, although he knows you won’t.
Might be a sap for that upside down kiss where you kiss him upside down and all because of course he would be-
Tim loves asking you to use your web fluid for practically everything now. “Hey, s/o? Could you use your web fluid to stick this circuit board in here?” “S/o could you grab the remote with your web? Pleaseeeee?” “S/o, I kinda need your web fluid to close up the hole in my pants-” sometimes you gotta tell him that’s not gonna work sometimes, and those pants will look weird if you do that-
Overall, Tim loves his whacky, loveable spider s/o. <3
Damian Wayne
Also like Jason, he found you annoying. But this guy is hard in denial before he admits he even likes you.
Damian, at first, keep scowling at how annoying you can be with your web-slinging for fun and not for patrol, and getting web strings all over his suit after patrol from an intense fight against the criminal gang you two were assigned to take down. Now, he still scowls but with a blush and his heart skipping a beat because he can’t deny how cute you are even if you’re an annoying lil shi- (or maybe you ain’t little but you get the point).
Damian will tolerate you swinging about, although he isn’t scared when you hang upside down to spook him a bit because you literally can’t, his god-like sense of instincts would immediately pick up on you without even needing to turn to face you. Sometimes you joke with him that he has spidey-senses to which he rolls his eyes casually.
He won’t say it out loud, but he thinks you’re a pretty impressive fighter and you kinda remind him of Dick but you’re still unique. He just make sure your web fluids don’t go all over the place that you make a mess of the evidence for the police.
Overall, a tsundere for his spider s/o. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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valkyrietookme · 9 months
Crazy:B relationship charts translations
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Taken from "Doki Doki! Ensemble Seminar"
Written descriptions of all relationships under the cut
Unit chart
Leader: Rinne
Ages: Rinne (21), HiMERU (17), Kohaku (15), Niki (18)
Rinne -> HiMERU: Worries about. Knows his secret
Rinne -> Kohaku: Cute. Wants to mess with
Rinne -> Niki: Owes him his life. Wants to make him happy
HiMERU -> Rinne: Understands his methods. Strict
HiMERU -> Kohaku: Cute junior. Lovable
HiMERU -> Niki: So easy-going it's worrying
Kohaku -> Rinne: Irresponsible and free-spirited. Worries and cares for us
Kohaku -> HiMERU: Kind, but sometimes weird
Kohaku -> Niki: Airhead. Can't leave alone
Niki -> Rinne: Older yet dependant. Close friends
Niki -> HiMERU: Puts on a cool and collected act. Fun to mess with
Niki -> Kohaku: Crazy:B's only conscience
Rinne relationship chart
Crazy:B: HiMERU, Kohaku, Niki
Roommates: Kanata, Hiyori
Rinne -> Yuta: Interesting ♪
Yuuta -> Rinne: Is he picking a fight?
Rinne -> Hinata: Dotes on
Hinata -> Rinne: Attached to
Rinne -> Ibara: Overthinker
Ibara -> Rinne: Problem child
Rinne (eldest) <--> Hiiro (youngest): Brothers
Rinne -> Hiiro: Cute little brother. Smart
Hiiro -> Rinne: Beloved older brother. Chief
Rinne -> Aira: Wants to mess with
Aira -> Rinne: A bit scary
Eichi -> Rinne: A lot smarter than one may first think
Rinne -> Shu: Interesting ♪
Shu -> Rinne: Unpleasant
Rinne <--> Niki: Old duo
Rinne -> Niki: Owes life to. Wants to make happy
Niki -> Rinne: Older yet dependant. Close friend
Rinne -> Kohaku: Cute. Wants to mess with
Kohaku -> Rinne: Irresponsible. Cares and worries about us
Rinne -> HiMERU: Worries about. Knows his secret
HiMERU -> Rinne: Understands methods. Strict
HiMERU relationship chart
Crazy:B: Rinne, Kohaku, Niki
Roommates: Arashi, Tetora
HiMERU -> Makoto: Has a way with words
Makoto -> HiMERU: Talented
HiMERU -> Souma: Very physically capable
Souma -> HiMERU: Very knowledgeable
HiMERU <--> Izumi: Work rivals
Jun -> HiMERU: Was he always like this?
HiMERU -> Tatsumi: Hates him due to certain circumstances
Tatsumi -> HiMERU: Old friend
HiMERU -> Ibara: Skilled. Let's him plan things for him out of convenience
Ibara -> HiMERU: Useful
HiMERU -> Yuuta: Agency junior
Yuuta -> HiMERU: Kindly relies on
HiMERU -> Niki: So easy-going it's worrying
Niki -> HiMERU: Acts cool and collected. Messing with him is fun
HiMERU -> Kohaku: Cute junior. Lovable
Kohaku -> HiMERU: Kind, but weird at times
HiMERU -> Rinne: Understands methods. Strict
Rinne -> HiMERU: Worries for. Knows his secret
Kohaku relationship chart
Crazy:B: Rinne, HiMERU, Niki
Roommate: Jun
Ex-Double Face: Kohaku, Madara
Kohaku <--> Mika: Easy to talk to
Kohaku -> Leo: Close friend of Madara-han
Leo -> Kohaku: Mama's follower and Suou's "Yuu-kun"
Kohaku (branch family) <--> Tsukasa (head family)
Kohaku -> Tsukasa: Somehow close to
Tsukasa -> Kohaku: Dear family
Kohaku <--> Madara: Partners
Kohaku -> Madara: Can't leave alone. Supports
Madara -> Kohaku: Glad they met. Grateful
Kohaku <--> Aira: Close friends
Kohaku -> Jun: Good person. Cool and calm
Jun -> Kohaku: Cute junior
Kohaku -> Ibara: Calculating
Ibara -> Kohaku: Talented person used to living outside of norms
Kohaku -> Niki: Airhead. Can't leave alone
Niki -> Kohaku: Crazy:B's only conscience
Kohaku -> HiMERU: Kind, but sometimes weird
HiMERU -> Kohaku: Cute junior. Loveable
Kohaku -> Rinne: Irresponsible. Cares and worries about us
Rinne -> Kohaku: Cute. Wants to mess with
Niki relationship chart
Crazy:B: Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku
Roommates: Hinata, Hiiro
Tetora -> Niki: Big fan of him during childhood
Niki <--> Nazuna: Shipwrecked together
Niki -> Ritsu: A cut above
Niki -> Mayoi: Smells good
Mayoi -> Niki: Mayo-chan!?
Ibara -> Niki: Deceived and made into an idol
Niki -> Adonis: The meat guy
Niki -> Midori: The vegetables kid
Niki -> Kohaku: Crazy:B's only conscience
Kohaku -> Niki: Airhead. Can't leave alone
Niki -> HiMERU: Acts cool and collected. Fun to mess with
HiMERU -> Niki: so easy-going it's worrying
Niki <--> Rinne: Old duo
Niki -> Rinne: Older yet dependant. Close friend
Rinne -> Niki: Owes life to. Wants to make happy
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simonrillleyyysss · 7 months
Right, that's fine, take your time! Whenever you get to it, I was wondering if you'd be up for writing a little thing about how Simon would be with a partner who, in front of everyone else, is the opposite of soft and sweet; she's not mean, but she's super quiet, aloof, independent, etc, but around him and ONLY him, she's the soft, sweet, not-so-tough, clingy girl only he knows about (like the usual type you write about)? This might not make any sense haha but I feel like he'd be a bit of a tease about his usual too-tough-too-independent partner being a shy, clingy, soft, putty-in-his-hands mess when it's just the two of them. Sorry if this is too weird or specific, and either way, thank you!
i’m meant to be on my break but i HAVE to do this
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when simon first started dating you—he immediately took notice of your dismissive demeanour, constantly brushing people off and keeping to yourself; very rarely touching his hand in public due to embarrassment of some sort
people would constantly make comments about how defensive you were, quiet and self assured— very rarely speaking out in crowds and containing a sense of degeneracy, never hiding behind the tank you called a boyfriend: never clingy!!
so when you started warming up to him, snuggling on his lap and babbling about your day in public, it was such an honour!! everyone was so used to your silence and independence, yet here you were with him in his room, snuggling into his chest fondly, hands squeezing at his arms, his forearm slung around your back, kneading at the flesh of your thigh like dough
‘love when yr’ like this, babydoll.’
‘whaddya mean?’
‘all pudgy n’ soft, usually so scary in public, aintcha’?’
he teased with a chuckle, kissing the side of your neck with a hum, listening to your whines of embarrassment, squeezing at his wrist!!
would notice how you follow him around like a lost puppy in private, hand clinging to his his as he turned on the tv, watching his show while you questioned it, turning into faint blubbers and laughs; his fingers tickling at your side to keep you quiet!! :))
loves cuddling with his scary bear gf. grrr!!!! your hands wrapped around his neck as his leg tucked over yours, your hands scratching at his scalp; his own fingers pinching your thighs, kissing your tummy affectionately, humming.
‘like putty..’
he purred, nipping at your abdomen with his teeth; earning a whimper from you, hiding your face in embarrassment.
‘would love to see what everyone else thinks..’
‘what? just saying.’
he loves teasing you!! giggling about how you’re always so intimidating in public, but just a ball of dough in his rough palms <33
10/10. loves his scary dominating in public partner. but his submissive and bashful partner in private is even more loveable.
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When Eddie finally gets into drinking hot teas, Steve loses his goddamn mind. Goes to the store, buys every flavor he can find. Makes a little tea buffet with samples galore on his kitchen island. Even puts little labels out so Eddie knows the name of each one he tries.
Eddie drinks every tiny cup (pretends he’s a fucking giant while doing it) that Steve sets out for him. Goes down the line just sipping and humming in thought/delight. Steve excitedly watches from the adjacent countertop the whole time.
Once Eddie is done, Steve approaches him, hugging Eddie from behind and asking, “Do you have a favorite?”
And Eddie, being a indecisive pain in the ass just says, “All of them. All of them are my favorite, babe. What are you gonna do about that?”
Steve is so unfazed by Eddie’s little challenges by now. Just gets a Costco membership, spends the next day buying tea in bulk.
Eddie comes home to towers of cardboard boxes, some are nearly touching the ceiling. Steve has sectioned off the kitchen with a red ribbon tied to each side of the doorframe.
He limbos under the ribbon, holding an oversized pair of scissors.
“Uh? Babe?” Eddie asks gently. Cause ya know… Steve is holding scissors and looking diabolical. “What’s all this?”
“You couldn’t pick a favorite so I bought every flavor available.” Steve says it easily, like this isn’t batshit wild.
Steve hands Eddie the scissors. “I call it Eddie’s Ci-Tea…. Get it? Like city but... with tea?”
Damnit, it’s so adorable when Steve makes up shitty puns. Eddie has to cover his smushy face in kisses now (carefully though, cause goddamn motherfucking scissors ugh).
“You’re way too loveable, Steve Harrington.” Eddie gushes, cutting the ribbon. Mayor of their weird little relationship.
Steve kisses Eddie’s cheek and he smells like a fucking spice factory from hauling tea around all day. So fucking yummy, Eddie wants to stir him up with one of those ridiculous little spoons. Make a piping-hot cup of Steve Tea that only he gets to drink up.
And as Eddie examines all the boxes, reading over all the different varieties, he remembers this is still a challenge. A game that he started. And he can’t let Steve just win because he’s rich and pretty, right? That would be too easy.
Eddie goes out of his way to make unnecessary shit difficult cause it’s his evil little side hustle. Some people have hobbies, Eddie Munson has schemes.
So he turns around, facing Steve (who is blissfully happy still), and plants a big kiss on his stupidly pink lips.
“It’s great and all, Stevie, but…”
Steve frowns. “But?”
Eddie pouts, but still gives a devilish wink when he says it:
“You forgot the honey.”
Steve kicks one of the towers, makes it look like the cardboard-version of that famous building in Italy. He grabs his keys and his Costco membership card, and storms out the front door.
Eddie is still laughing as he hears Steve swearing in the driveway. He begins boiling a kettle of water to make some Oolong tea while thinking:
‘I’m gonna marry my snobby pretty boyfriend, and we’re gonna serve all this goddamn tea at our wedding reception.’
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llamagoddessofficial · 10 months
Okay, but can you Aggre/ the cryptid boyfriends?
The boys are cryptids who live together for convenience's sake. Mc moves in with her three very normal, very Not Unusual roommates, who definitely are not at all strange or bizarre or dangerous.
Sans: A close friend of Mc's that used every trick in the book to slide into her life. He's good at studying people, good at mimicking acceptable behaviours- so good, in fact, that all of his slightly stranger qualities are passed off as just Sans being weird. One time he mistook a ketchup bottle for a drinking bottle, and downed the whole thing, but everyone just thought he was doing a bit so everyone just laughed. When he acts bizarre, it's simply Sans being Sans. The others could reveal they're cryptids and Mc would still think Sans was the odd one out.
He seems so normal, so funny. But he's been her cryptid for a long time, following her, absorbing her interests and tastes in partners to try and win her over. He's playing the long game- and it's working. He acts weird around her all the time and she's just accepted he's Like That. She's even somewhat honoured by the fact that he feels relaxed enough around her to be weird; he brings out the weirdness in her too. They're weird buddies.
He'd very casually tell her he can 'shapeshift'. But he'd be reluctant to show his true form- let alone reveal he's a cryptid.
Red: A serial flirt, popular and handsome, constantly out on the town. Unlike the other two, who need breaks every now and then, Red can hold a different form for days on end with only minor slip ups.
... Deep down, though, he's incredibly insecure about being a cryptid. He hates the way his cryptid body looks... the way it warps and frightens people, looking like he crawled right out of a nightmare, too much of some things and too little of others. 'Red' is his ideal body, a handsome badboy, the one who's surrounded by adoring humans. It's the only way he feels loveable.
He wants to be a person. He wants to be part of society, he wants to be loved like a human, that's why he constantly seeks out human flings and one night stands. To him, being in bed with someone signals that he's winning, and his act is convincing. He doesn't want Mc to ever know he's a cryptid, because in his eyes, nobody could ever love a thing like that.
Skull: He isn't good at acting like a person. He 'hides in his room' a lot, going out of his window at night to hunt and then returning to sleep through the day. At first, he just crushed on Mc from afar, silently following her around at night or peering through her window... but because of his feelings, because of her, he starts trying to be more humanoid.
He learns some words. He figures out how to eat human food. He practises 'smiling' in a mirror for hours, to make sure he doesn't look too frightening. And it can't be said that he isn't charming, a lot of his genuine struggles with acting like a person just come across as sweet-natured shyness or social anxiety. He pulls his hood over his face every time she smiles at him; a little because he's flustered, mostly because when he's flustered he loses control of his face and his features start shifting and melting in disturbing ways.
Mc likes him a lot. She's none the wiser that he's the reason she feels those chills running up her spine whenever she passes the woods.
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razzle-n-dazzle · 3 months
Yandere Mammon. Do it (you don't have to if you don't want. I just saw you wanted mammon requests specifically and I felt called)
ᯓ★ "I LOVE you like an ALCOHOLIC" Yandere! Mammon / Reader | Drabble, (and some practice)
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‗ content / trigger warning: GLORIFYING YANDERE/OBESSIVE BEHAVIOR, dark romance, toxic relationship, not proof read (we die like Adam). hurt/comfort, mammon scaring the reader, threats of physical abuse, MAMMON APOLOGIZING???
‗ author's note: ngl, Mammon is like the worst rest flag you can have but also why is the bastard so loveable? I want someone to explain that to me.
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"BABE!" Came the gruff voice, the loud voice, the ever so demanding voice that snarled your pet name as though it was the last thing it wanted to do; and you were sure that was the case, especially after he had to come case after you like this. Mammon was not much of a chaser for what was his, he simply expected it, you know that fact well; And now, with trembling hands covering your mouth as you tried to cover your sobs, hunched over in a corner of your bedroom trying to silence your sobbing, you thought you should have headed the warning. The warning to stay put, the warning to listen to him, to accept whatever he had to tell you. The warning to not go back to the lust ring. A foolish warning, you had thought first, but now knew why he was so stern on such a rule. He wanted to keep you from Ozzie, he wanted to keep you from Fizz, he wanted to keep you from the outside world if you weren't right by his side; If he couldn't monitor you and make sure you were "safe" and no one "dared tried to fuck you over". And sure those had been his words, the lies that he fed into your pretty brain once upon a time as his played with your hair, promising to always keep you safe. . . But you weren't so sure you could trust such words now.
You had only gone back home to speak with Ozzie, to catch up with him and share how your lives had been fairing since you left the Lust Ring. You had never told him why, granted, as he would have surely freaked out hearing that you left to be with Mammon of all people, and you were sure Fizzarolli would have hated your guts. So you had left under the guise of having met someone new, of testing the waters of living with them . . . and Ozzie had been happy with that response, though a bit uneasy upon your constant dancing around who your new lover could be. It's not like Ozzie would have burnt them to crisp, Fizz had joked, but you knew differently. Ozzie absolutely hated Mammon's guts after the clown pageants that Fizz was still recovering from. He would have scolded me relentlessly, though also in the end said he would be there if I ever needed anything if I was in trouble; Knowing how Mammon could get. You would have blown him off, saying Mammon was not that kind of person to you and it would be alright. That you loved him, that he loved you, and no it wasn't any sort of weird love potion or crystal and it wasn't forced. You had loved him, truly and fully and deeply and you still do. . . yet that love was slowly muddling with anxiety and hatred as you heard his spider legs tap against the floors of Ozzie's apartment, slyly getting closer to your bedroom. "Baabe," His 'a' was dragged out, his voice ever so sweeter, honeyed to convivence you to come out of the room without him having to use force. His hands pressed against the door, "I know you're in there sweetheart, just come on out and we can talk! I promise." Yet his words only caused you to shrink more into yourself, hiding your face away from the door on the most likely chance that Mammon would knock it down, forcing his way into your room. Into the one place that you still had felt safe in, safety which was now dwindling. My bedroom, well Ozzie's guest bedroom in the flat Fizz and him shared, was the one place you had thought to run too when Mammon hatched from his larva egg; Having grown in size and towered over you.
He had gotten upset as soon as he realized you had gone to the Lust Ring behind his back, accusing you of having cheated him and having cheated on him with Ozzie or even Fizz! Which was absurd, and you quickly tried to explain that Ozzie was simply like a brother to you and you would have never betrayed his trust by trying to get with him nor Fizz! You had simply gone had gone to catch up with Ozzie and Fizz and nothing more! You swore by it on your life, all while slowly shrinking away from Mammon in fear. Fear . . . Terror . . . Worry, Anxiety! You should never have to feel any of those things about Mammon, you should only feel secure around him and loved by him and likewise he should feel the same. Yet the way your heart pounded in your chest, the way your tears fell down your face, it was all too much and you knew this wasn't love. At least, it didn't feel like love but in a weird way it also did. He cared enough to come after you; He still stabbed any person who dared tried to get close to you; He just wanted to make sure you were okay! Right? Were you over reacting? Some part of you screamed no, shouting and pleading as the bangs on the door started to grow louder. You hadn't noticed them before they threatened to start breaking down the door, where their pounding brought nothing but a sickening feeling in your stomach that curled and churned and knotted inside you, wanting to be puked out and swallowed all the same. You help back a scream, hearing the last blow before the door was slammed open. It gave a devastating swing the wall, crashing against it and helplessly getting as stuck as you felt right now. Your breathing became ragged, your body trembled as your hesitated to look up and towards the crawling that was no other than Mammon, slithering his way towards you. Hide, Hit, Yell, Scream! But your body just froze as Mammon took a pause at the center of the room, and you weren't quiet sure why he did so yet you were too terrified to find out. You did your best to curl around yourself, to make yourself small and hide and hopefully avoid any sort of punishment that was to come from your small little mistake. Was it small? No it had to be a big one for Mammon to be acting like this, right? It's not like he's ever made you feel like this before, the rush of adrenaline you only get when faced with the possibility of death looming over you. Never. . . he's never. . . "Babe," Mammon's voice came out softer, less echoey and less demanding as it had been, though you still refused to look up. You barely heard the "shit" that Mammon had muttered from under his breath as he still stood in the center of the room, unsure what to do now that he finally got a good look of the state you were in. His top pair of hands subconsciously rubbed together, his right over the back side of his left palm; The actions he had taken replaying in his mind with a feeling of disgusting regret filling his stomach. This is now how he wanted this to go, not at all; He only wanted to give you a little scare, a small seed of terror, to show you how much he cared and yet . . . he caused this to happen. It was for the better no? . . . oh but he couldn't stand seeing you like this, in this state. You shouldn't be cowering away from him, no matter how fucking sexy it looked, you should be cowering away from others behind him! "Fuck, Babe I'm-" Mammon helplessly started once more as he extended his arms out, trying to gather some sort of explanation or reason or apology he could give to you. Yet his words fell flat, and everything he was going to say to you didn't feel right or it felt like some half-assed excuse or apology strung up by some lazy PR team just trying to sweep some incident under the rug like it had never happened. And Mammon was a bit lost on what do to. . . so then he did the only thing he could even fathom of doing to try and comfort you.
Slowly, evenly, he would make his way over to you, trying to make his footsteps rather loud and clear, yet paced and even to show you he was trying to think more rationally, more clearly. You still didn't look up and flinched at time from the steps. So then, he made it to you, and looked over your smaller figure next to his for a moment before he slowly sat down next to you. Silence; It was deafening to the ears. You were too afraid to speak. Mammon was too afraid of making the situation worse than it already was. What could he do in a situation like this? Pat your back?. . . actually that didn't sound like a half-bad idea, you always liked some sort of comfort through contact or PDA while around Mammon! And yet when he went to go do so, you only flinched away from him and drove yourself further against the wall, if that was even possible at this point, and Mammon lowered his hand back down with a frown.
Fuck you weren't ready yet for that. Okay! But he was sorry, he needed to show it to you and you couldn't be a whiney bitch about it either; He was trying to give this a shot! But then again wasn't there, like, boundaries he should respect?? This love thing was all too complex for Mammon, it hurt his brain trying to get everything right, and yet. . . it always felt rewarding whenever he had to by his side or sat upon his lap. It felt rewarding to even look in your direction and know he managed to snag someone like you, to get someone like you . . . someone so perfect . . . to love him back despite everything. It felt rewarding just to be in your presence, to be by you. It was an odd feeling that stirred Mammon's chest, it was an odd feeling he didn't know much about yet wanted to explore while he explored you. It was an odd feeling that delivered highs and lows that not even money could give him. It was an odd feeling only you can give him. . . And he hadn't realized he began to spew all this out to you; "-And that's why I got like, upset, Babe! I thought if you went back to the Lust Ring and feel in love with some fucking hot shot like Ozzie, or the fucking bastard ass clown Fizz, or some . . . GUY here that I would lose you!" He tried explaining the best he could, though his heart felt like it wanted to vomit. "I didn't want you going to some weird ass who could only give you half of what I can too! Babe, I'm fucking all you need and you're all I fucking need, and I didn't-. . . I shouldn't have-. . ." There was a pause in Mammon's words as his face scrunched, trying to find the correct way to phrase what he wanted to say. He barely noticed the fact that you had raised your face to look up at him, even if you were just peaking through your arms. "FUCK! I lost my train of thought." He would shout soon after, shaking his head as though he was disappointed in himself. So, instead, he would snake an arm around your waist and pull you upon his lap, even though he had felt you jump and jolt, trying to pull away from his touch.
And still, you sat ever so stiffly in his lap and yet. . . it felt right, for you both. It felt right for Mammon to have you on him, it felt like bliss, he was sure he could just jack off to this if he wasn't concerned about you! And . . . it oddly felt like home for you. Even still stiff and unsure about being this close to Mammon after what happened, you still leaned against him as you usually did. Fear and love, it was an odd combination that nestled itself into your heart whenever you now thought about Mammon. Yet, all the same, your heart and brain agreed he was home. "Babe, what I'm trying to fucking say is I'm s-" Mammon started, trying to apologize yet quickly felt sick to his stomach and gagged. The word felt so foreign and disgusting, he never had to 'apologize' before! And yet, when he glanced down at you and saw the small look of shock in your widened eyes, mixed with some sparkle of hope, he tried again . . . to only gag once more before he could choke out the sorry. And you were sure you both would be sitting here for eternity, and he would never be able to choke out a sorry. Even a pathetic one for your sake. It was just how Mammon was, for being the Sin of Greed he was ever so Prideful as well, and that always came at some sort of price. Yet, he was trying. . . that had to mean something, right? . . . it had to mean that he truly cared, somewhere deep inside that small heart of his, he cared; Truly cared. It was also amusing to watch him struggle. He never struggled often.
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ᯓ★ All posts/fanfictions posted under this blog is owned by @razzle-n-dazzle. Please do not steal, copy, or plagiarize the works! Likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
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radiant-reid · 10 months
hii i saw this:
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and i was wondering if you could write a little something about spencer and reader. maybe reader has been told all her (or their, if you want to keep it gn) life that she's too difficult to love (too complicated) and spencer just loving her sm
thank you for your time🩷
It's always quiet at Spencer's apartment. Much quieter than yours which is the result of you wanting to live in a trendy area and him being the youngest person in his apartment building by a decade. The curtain is still open so the soft glow of the city lights can filter through the windows. He's laying with his head on your lap while you play with his hair, twirling the soft chocolate curls around your fingers.
He glances down at you when you stop your sentence midway. "You seem a little lost in thought. Everything okay?"
You glance down at him, faking a smile. "Yeah, just thinking about stuff, you know?"
He nods. "You can always talk to me, you know. Even just about stuff."
"Spencer, have you ever felt like you're just... too much? Like you're too complicated, and it's hard for anyone to really love you?" You try to explain the complicated feelings filling up your brain to him.
He frowns in concern. "Y/n, where is this coming from? Do you think I'm too much for you?"
You quickly shake your head, realizing how your comment came across. "No, I, uh, meant about me. It's just something that's been on my mind lately. I tend to overthink things, and I worry that my quirks and complexities might be too overwhelming for you to handle. I'm not really, you know, loveable."
Spencer sits up immediately, concern filling his features. "Y/n, you can't seriously think that. In no way are you too complicated. You're intricate, fascinating, and endlessly intriguing. I love learning, and I've learned a lot about a lot of things but my favorite thing to learn about is you."
You feel yourself tear up at his words. "Spence..."
He reaches out for your hands, holding them in his as he continues. "And as for being unlovable, that's simply not true. Loving you is..." He's speechless for a moment. "It's like plants photosynthesizing but you're the sunshine and water and I'm the plant." You're crying at his simile and the sincerity with which he says it. "Sorry, that was weird. I just meant it's natural."
"No, no. It was beautiful." He wipes up your tears too and you feel clean. "Thank you."
He cups your face in his hands, his gaze unwavering. "You deserve to be loved, Y/n, just as you are."
"You love me like that." You say softly. It hits you that he loves you for everything, and you hadn't realized your brain had convinced you that he didn't fully love you.
"I do." He confirms. "It's impossible not to."
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Stop i feel like it would be so cute if you wrote about how one of the twins (bill or Tom) fell in love at first sight with reader and just became infatuated with them since
I feel like Tom would be such a cute option tho because YKNOW he’s a playboy BUT I FEEL LIKE IT WOULD BE SO CUTE IF HE JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH READER AND NEVER LOOKED BACK
Love at First Sight
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It felt so weird for everyone involved
Tom Kaulitz, the fucking playboy, was in love??
It was so shocking that even Bill feared what was going on
Tom didn't even know how to feel at first
He was used to flirting with fans, living how he wanted and not giving a shit
Until he saw you
He saw you and immediately it felt like something paused the entire world and he could only see you
He didn't even talk to you yet! 
You just looked so MF beautiful
He couldn't help but stare at you
Especially when he heard your laugh along with seeing your smile
He couldn't help but freeze up for a minte
It was probably at a concert you went to
You asked for a autograph and legit had to ask twice to break him out of his staring at you
Once he got over that, he started flirting a bit to try and see what was going on
You even flirted a bit back, but not like the other fangirls did
Not tryna be that girl, but you caught his attention quickly
Be it your personality, your style, how you looked, carried yourself or confidence
You did something right that night
Tom legit was pacing wondering if his heart was broken because it didn't seem the same
He seized his opportunity and somehow got your number
The rest I shall leave up to you
After y'all get together he is so smug and flirty and proud he got you
Fans were so shocked when they saw he was in a relationship
Especially when pictures of you guys were leaked
And you can tell he was visibly whipped!
You guys were shopping? 
He's holding your bags with his card in your hand
He's holding your hand, hugging you, kissing your cheek, has his hand in your back pocket, dodging paparazzi with you and almost shamelessly making out practically 
He is not scared to flaunt this mf relationship because he can and he is somehow so happy in it
He didn't think he would actually find that specific great love
You somehow changed his perception of love
He will kiss you, hold you, be held by you, bring you onstage, run back to you backstage
Somehow he will always find you and you cannot escape
So many pictures of him just staring at you with somehow such a loving look in his eyes
He changed somehow so much and the band is almost thanking you
Fans are always up your ass for "changing" him
Mostly crazed fangirls, but neither of you can give a shit
He found you, and somehow, you let him have his chance
Treats you so well as to not risk losing you
Feels so bad in arguments
Like, babe, don't fight
And mother fucker snatched it and will not let go
He turns into such a child
Wanting his hair played with, somehow making you match with him, sleeping on top of you on the bus, sharing hotel room
Will do what you ask no matter what it is somehow
Nobody shall dare get in his way
Tom has a mission when it regards you and he shall complete it no matter what
He turned into such a loveable simp and we cannot handle
Will legit carry you around if you want
Buys you whatever the hell you want, ho don't care about the cost
Has fuck you money that he will willingly go broke spending on you
Loves the smiles and the laughs you bring him
He feels like such a sap at times but loves having you hold his face
He legit wants to just be so close to you that he can crawl into your skin at times it's so clingy
You have literally fell asleep almost inside of his shirt, both slithered inside of the giant oversized shirt on a couch
He loves the nights you guys just stay up and do anything and everything
He is secretly so corny, flirty and charming it's like a total other persona
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masterdizzi · 6 months
Let's talk about Spacetoons Mineta...
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Spacetoons is an arabic channel that semi-recently dubbed MHA. Some may call it "Arabic 4kids," but as someone who watched a substantial amount of shows in a 4Kids dub. (namely SonicX), that's not a fair comparison. The only 4 kids dub I actually enjoyed was that of "Kirby: Right back at ya"
Anyway, the BokuNometaAcademia sub brought to my attention the way that Mineta is written here. I have always hated how Hori used Mineta to live out his weird fantasies. The inclusion of Mineta's "comedy" turned a lot of people, me included off and honestly, why wouldn't it.
Spacetoons is more child-tuned so they did a lot of censorship, for example, look what they did to Momo
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(They also greatly improved her character)
You may be asking, "What did they do with Mineta?" Valid question considering 70% of his character is horny jokes. Well, the completely removed the perv aspect and made him a loveable kid who wants to fight his insecurities and be great hero.....
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I have always said it, Mineta holds some great potential. His moment during the USJ arc was a great stepping stone for some great character growth. The idea of a coward pushing to become a true hero is so different from the norm, but as we know, when it comes to MHA, potential don' get used.
From what I hear from spacetooneta, he is actually really likeable. He is so different from Canoneta that people mistaken him for a girl. The scenes where he is being pervy are either edited out completely or altered convincingly.
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They changed the scene from season 3's filler episode so that the context is as follows:
Kaminari and Mineta want to goof off at the pool
Mineta has overheard that the girls have booked the pool too
They convince Izuku to come w/them so that they can get there before the girls
Izuku invites Tenya and the others and Tenya makes them train instead of goofing off
The girls are here, goofing off while they have to train
The most nuts part is that viewers of that dub absolutely LOVE HIM. He suprassed Bakugou in popularity even. This shows that Hori could have made one of the most loveable characters in Shounen. Think about it, his design is already cute, just slap a cute personality on and everyone would love him. But no, he had to be a creepy perv.
Canon Mineta sucks man
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
Hear me out all the welcome home characters (if possible poly if not das cool u could just do wally) with a s/o who intentionally and unintentionally does the frog blink when looking at people.
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I just think it would be funny
| bestie I can do poly no matter what its just gonna be so much to write...ITS WORTH IT THO<33 |
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- wally finds it..normal funny enough. if you do in unintentionally he won't mind a bit even if you're staring at him during a conversation. hell he may even laugh and jokingly say “ that's a..interesting blink , dearest. ” “ what do you mean? ” “ oh nothing.. ” now if its INTENTIONALLY done he again , doesn't react in the slightest. he's probably seen much weirder so your silly little frog blink isn't much to him.
- julie can't help but giggle at it even if you're staring at something else or talking with someone else. she finds it silly yet adorable! if you blink at her that way she can't help but gently hold your face and say “ you look like an adorable froggy! ” and give you a kiss on the forehead. even if you do it intentionally it don't seem weird to her , she's going to find it cute in her own special way no matter what.
- frank is more of the ones who gets disturbed ever so slightly by the fact you frog blink at people or objects. sometimes he'll flinch if you blink at him but always quickly apologizes about his reaction and even if he's been dating you for some time he'll still jump. “ oh jeez I'm sorry butterfly , I'm just..I'd rather not say creeped out by it. it's just interesting! ” he tries to say that in a positive way and will make up for it by kisses and hugs...your his strange partner and he loves it in some form.
- sally giggles at it like julie but is a little secretive about how she thinks about it. by the way she acts she finds it unique yet adorable. she can actually keep eye contact with you but does laugh if you look at objects you're interested in and do it. “ you remind me of how moths stare at flames or go to them , starshine! it's adorable. ”
- poppy , being the motherly time , ignores it. it's a gentle way of ignoring it and even can't help but kiss your forehead if you're staring at an object or thing while doing the frog blink. she even lightly asks about it and never pushes it but does let a giggle out or two.
- eddie finds it well..funny yet unique! he says that in a gentle way but seriously he can't help but stare in such a loving way but will..lightly joke. calls you his ‘ froggy ’ and if he ever delivers letters to you expect a frog drawn on it with a lot of hearts on it! he even accidentally makes everyone else call you froggy....
- barnaby can and will joke about it only because that's in his nature . yet it will be jokes that show he loves you , if he doesn't joke around with you he might as well not be your boyfriend- he calls you “ frogster ” and somehow can hold eye contact with you and jokingly mimics you.
- howdy can't help but find it unique and adorable , always making eye contact even if you do it but if its for no reason he may be a little creeped out but just stares back usually. you're always gonna be loveable in his eyes but you're just a frog...a very lovable one.
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ultraviolence by Lana del Rey with toxic/mean/abusive!ellie who hurts reader x painslut reader who kinda loves it
Ultraviolence - (ellie williams x reader)
hi anon! I'm sorry this took so long, its been a while since I've written something like this, so it took me a while to get into that mindset. I hope you enjoy<3
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This story is based off the song, Ultraviolence by the queen Lana Del Ray, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open, feel free to leave one:)
Warnings: toxic relationships, manipulation, cheating, reader is toxic
Summary: In which she became the person, you've always wanted
Authors note: wheeeew its been a while since I've written a fic that wasn't hcs, but I'm glad to be back!
He used to call me DN
That stood for deadly nightshade
'Cause I was filled with poison
But blessed with beauty and rage
Jim told me that
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
Jim brought me back
Reminded me of when we were kids
there was always something about Ellie.
You weren't sure if it was her dorky personality, or how she would apologize to table if she accidentally walked into it.
There was something about this girl.
And ever since you were a little girl, you knew you knw she was special. You felt like she was holding back. There was another side, you wanted to see.
You were both 7. You remembered watching Ellie, better known as four eyes because she wore massive glasses, sit alone once again. You remembered walking up to her, and asking her to play tag with you.
You still remembered the smile that spread across her face, because finally someone wanted to play with her. And since then Ellie has just always been there.
The two of you became friends. You aren't sure how, but she was always there.
You were Ellie's everything, because you were there for her during her loneliest years.
You knew how much you meant to her. You knew how much she loved you, and you took advantage of that.
Ellie's innocence and purity was something that intrigued you. You truly thought she was odd. No matter how old the two of you were, you always saw her as four eyes.
Nothing more than that. There was no romantic feelings from your side.
Ellie was everything you weren't.
She was sweet, kind, loveable.
But you were sick. A sick twisted individual who took advantage, of someone like Ellie.
But who could blame you?
Ellie was attractive, strong, financially stable, and well you were someone who saw the opportunity.
So it was actually Ellies fault.
She should've not trusted you so easily. She should've not let you in. Ellie brought this upon herself.
With his ultraviolence
I can hear sirens, sirens
He hit me and it felt like a kiss
I can hear violins, violins
Give me all of that ultraviolence
you didn't know when it all started.
You weren't sure when you developed this "kink".
Was this a disease? Or were you just fucking weird?
In 11th grade you remember your teaching yelling at you for failing a another test. You were called "pathetic", a "failure".
Most people would cry due to humiliation, but you couldn't help but feel your thighs clench together.
You thought you were weird. This was fucking sick honestly.
You went out of your way to make people mad, so that they would yell at you. To degrade you to an extent.
god you loved it.
Ellie had asked you to be her girlfriend when the two of you were 18. You took pity on her.
She was so soft. So naïve.
Ellie had no place being with someone like you. Someone who craves to be hurt. You were a painslut and Ellie, poor Ellie wasn't. She wouldn't be able to do that to you.
You were trapped in a relationship, where it was healthy. It felt safe. You enjoyed it sometimes, but there was one thing your heart craved. And maybe the thing Ellie was holding back was it.
You wanted to leave Ellie, until that one night.
The two of you were at a party, and Ellie was drunk out of her mind. You don't even know what she saw, or who said what but she was really fucking mad.
"You're fucking cheating on me bitch" Ellie slurred as she pointed her finger at you. You licked your lips at the insult, at the aggression, she spoke.
"Ellie you're drunk, i didn't do anything"
"give me your phone"
"I'm not asking again" she yelled.
Fuck yes. This is what you want.
You handed her the phone, and you watched as she searched and she found nothing. She threw your phone across the room, you flinched slightly.
god she's so hot.
Ellie got up and grabbed your arm, bringing you close to her face, you smelt the alcohol in her breath.
She looked at you with dark eyes, before uttering "Don't ever think of cheating on me" she let go of your arm.
She grabbed you and it felt like a kiss.
When Ellie woke up the next morning, she couldn't remember a thing.
She was back to being herself. You wanted her back. You needed her again.
You realized, she was drunk. You couldn't keep her under the influence forever, just because you liked that version of her.
After that night you knew she was hiding a part of herself from you.
Drunk words are sober thoughts they say.
So maybe deep down she was actually toxic. Maybe she was the person you craved.
All you had to do was to figure out, how to get through to her.
He used to call me poison
Like I was poison ivy
I could've died right then
'Cause he was right beside me
Jim raised me up
He hurt me but it felt like true love
Jim taught me that
Loving him was never enough
you were like poison.
Destroying anything in your path. Infecting those with your poison.
After that night you realized Ellie's biggest insecurity was that you would leave her. And you used it to your advantage.
Of course you had to, how else would've you got what you wanted?
You would flirt with other people in front of her. You would talk to other girls, send them pictures. You did whatever it took. You were practically cheating on her.
You knew she would never leave you.
And you watched as Ellie slowly disintegrate into madness.
There was no more happy, go lucky Ellie. There was no more smiles. No more care free days.
Ellie lived in fear. You were out of her league. She knew she was going to lose you.
If you were by her side and Ellie could die peacefully. You taught her how to love and how to be a better person.
If you left what would become of her?
Everything went down hill. Ellie started taking your phone. She became more aggressive with her words.
The lovely girl you once knew was gone. You killed the old her. And the person she was becoming was someone you've always dreamed of.
You had a curfew, and when you came home late it would end in her insulting you.
"Who else are you fucking huh? You're practically showing the world your whole body"
you lived a life of fights, make up sex, and jealousy.
You loved every fucking second of it.
She was hurting you and it felt like true love.
I love you the first time
I love you the last time
Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines
'Cause I'm your jazz singer
And you're my cult leader
I love you forever
I love you forever
Ellie loved you, and you loved her.
You love her today, tomorrow and for the rest of your lives.
Ellie became the women you would choose in every lifetime.
Ellie was your leader. The person you would finally follow.
You love Ellie. You'd love her for eternity.
It was truly a sickining thing, you were doing to the poor girl, but God you were selfish. You wanted it all. All the insults, pain, negativity. You craved it.
For the sake of this relationship, you hoped Ellie stayed as toxic as she did.
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reinedeslys-central · 3 months
kotlc things that I keep thinking about that are never really addressed by canon
there is a complete replica of sophie's bedroom and perhaps countless other rooms just. somewhere in a building in mysterium that the councillors just know about.
alden and other telepaths were instructed to monitor the citizens' minds for signs of dissent around the time the prentice thing was going down
they regularly torture prisoners and dissenters into literal insanity that they can't come back from
they also have a super weird prison only accessible by quicksand (????) to house said prisoners
okay. how - how big is havenfield?
the entire thing with - is their name twix? the person dex was working with for something. why do we not get to see that more. why is dex the criminally underrated goated character and WE DON'T GET FLESHED OUT CHARACTER ARCS FOR EVERYONE
linh flooded. atlantis. linh song FLOODED ATLANTIS hello what do people think about that?????????? do they see her on the street and whisper? what's up with "The Girl Of Many Floods"? Where else did she flood?
What is up with the song family (tong? their name changed after their grandmother or smth got famous with their music right?) that both their children not only have two very powerful elemental abilities, but are also crazy skilled with said Talents.
why are music, art, and culture not a bigger thing? like yeah, plot, obviously, but that's just worldbuilding!!! I wanna see!!!! art hanging on the walls! Defying gravity! more sculptures! more music playing in the shopping centres!! If they have imparters why don't they have long distance radio? are there mandatory dance lessons? what's the etiquette like besides what we already know?
more animal husbandry at schools. speaking of schools: we KNOW foxfire and exilium aren't the only schools. are smaller schools more specialised? are their community colleges or academies dedicated to specific career paths? universities?
okay but the polyglot ability is SO COOL???? tell me about the archaic variants of the enlightened language. there's no way that's just the elves' one language and the other species picked it up due to their 'superiority' or wtv. the goblins have cities of gold and metal and the trolls age backwards, you're not convincing me of anything.
secret societies in the other species. that has to exist right?
.....is squall dex's mom or not? I genuinely can't remember.
anyway remember when she froze gethen's fingernails off, yeah that happened (I think)
so instead of rehabilitating teenagers who have dangerous abilities and not much control over their powers, we just do....whatever the council did with gethen, ruy, and linh ig
hey, um...are we just not going to talk about dex casually HACKING INTO A GOV DATABASE WITH SOME RANDOM BITS OF ROCK AND TWINE? he can just do that. okay. okay. that's - yeah, okay.
did he match a frequency or something? how does the signal network even work in kotlc when everyone is technically all over the world in unplottable locations and they get around by LIGHT LEAPING???
ON THAT NOTE. light leaping. yeah haha funny let's just teach our kids to casually break down their very particles and hold onto their consciousness to travel at the speed of light using quantum mechanics and crystals that are specifically cut to project light in such a way that'll take you only to a specific location nvm im not thinking more about it.
flickering? is apparently a skill you can learn even if you're not a vanisher? remember in book two when fitz got prissy at sophie for knowing how to do it apparently b4 we figured out that she's a teleporter
keefe is a fun loveable goofball and I've always been on the sokeefe train but now the more I think about it he's really um.... yeah, uh, sophie? darling, please just don't date any of these people. obv you can make your own decisions but at least not now, okay. take care of yourself hon
the fitz hate is kinda weird ngl. wdym you don't want your problematic traitor brother to move back in to living literally with your family after supposedly losing his memories and that's a bad thing? wdym your close friend/crush is hiding things from you when yall are supposed to be cognates and she's kinda gaslighting you since, forever? wdym your father's been shadily telling you to stalk this girl in the human world since you were a kid? yeah definitely he does pull some weird stints throughout the series. but the bigger things i see ppl hating on him for are. hmmmmm
the council themselves choose to lock away the government secrets and wipe them from their memories. hey, um - recordkeeping is great, obvious, but - wiping those secrets from your minds isn't gonna help you lead while accounting for those parts of history, is it? nevermind how dangerous it is when there are huge species-wide secrets that NO ONE remembers. society-threatening incident waiting to happen.
the concept of vociferators. that's just kinda funny lol even if it is weird
are their schoold for diff abilities?
what's the genetics of talent inheritance? why are 'stronger' abilities rarer? In my opinion, p much every talent is goated, I don't see why more characters aren't more creative about it.
banning talents is just a bad move. like. are you serious? how is that going to make it better? that's how you get brant. brant was a pyrokinetic, without getting into the primary issue of the whole talentless/talented discrimination discourse, the secondary issue is he wouldve been able to marry jolie as two talented elves. would he have cracked if his ability was just a bit better handled by society?
grady is a mesmer. how - that's a really powerful ability???? how do you even train to use that? what do you even use it for?
same with whatever that lady councillor is that tried to seduce alden during his own wedding. fun times, yall.
rainbow fire??? cool????
so we have the sanctuary, do we also have a gigantic library of alexandria-esque thing? a botanical garden?
according to jolie's wiki she died at twenty as a level 8 at foxfire. so... hang on a minute. okay, sure, numerically that could make sense since sophie, at 12, became a level one - but are you telling me she went through the whole matchmaking process and was planning to get married that young????
hey, here's an idea - in a relatively stable society where economy is great, trust funds exist, people work to have something to do with their lives, birth rate is generally low (now through prejudice as well as societal comfort and ease/cost of living), why are they marrying so young? WHY ARE THE KIDS STARTING THE MATCHMAKING PROCESS IN THEIR TEENS???? the elven society has p much every mark of a stage 5 developed country? help? middle-high school human geography??
if they apparently live so long, show me the funny messy family trees with couples having children generations apart.
so, trust funds of lusters??? lustres?? (which we barely ever see. why is there little-to-no use of money?) which equate to roughly one trillion USD (in value? are you. are you - um. are you....serious?) exist. but I guess inflation and relative currency value from mass money printing doesn't count in this world, as well as the fact that there's only one currency for all the elves.
I wanna see a divorced elven couple now. how does divorce law work??????
if there's such a low BR and low population and people are yet still encouraged to have less kids to 'not dilute the genes' (that's my next point btw), I'm guessing matchmaking is encouraged younger to make sure population stays stable/growing? obv you need it to ensure genetic diversity and no incest, but if it's heavily encouraged for elves to have children like this, are queer elves mandated to have children with a surrogate/other couple even if they have a same-sex marriage?
i'll probably edit this or reblog it to include more stuff (character limit lol) as i remember the books bc it's been a hot minute since i read them.
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sumechiayuu · 11 months
Komaru Naegi has to be the best protagonist in the whole series, with Hajime coming to a close second. I love her progression from a terrified girl who doesn’t want to fight, to a girl who can finally fight for herself and learns to be content with the fact that she won’t ever be normal again. I love it when she gets to be dumb and naïve in a charming way due to her locked-up life, and I enjoy her developing friendship with Toko. I would go on about how her character gets undeserved hate for…being a realistic teenage girl, but I want to be positive when I copy and paste my ramble instead. I think the funniest thing about Komaru is how she just casually looks over the fact that her friend kills people. Jack could be talking about ripping through a man’s intestines with her teeth or something and Komaru will go “Oh the only things I've ripped with my teeth are kangaroo meat sandwiches!” She has just as much of a lack of social awareness as Toko does and I love it.
I think another thing I like is that though she is a scared girl, she has slightly more backbone than her big bro when it comes to her interactions with Toko. When I first saw a playthrough of this game, I was really worried that they’d make her an exact replica of Makoto and not her own person, but I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. While both are more emotionally driven and have weird taste in food, Makoto is someone who’s comfortable with being a regular guy, usually just takes crap from people like Byakuya and Toko, and though he’s scared in the killing game he doesn’t outright show it the way his sister does. Komaru is way more willing to tell off Toko when she’s being a jerk, doesn’t hide her emotions of fear and worry, has complicated feelings about her ascribed status as a normal girl, and the game itself even makes a consistent point that she won’t ever be like her brother, and that’s fine. She’s just Komaru Naegi, a loveable girl who blossoms into a strong woman who comes into her own. Her gradual development can also be viewed as an allegory for the concept of growing up, with this even being shown in the way her voice dramatically changes throughout the game as she learns to embrace the fact that she won't ever be a normal girl again, and that’s okay. I genuinely enjoy Komaru so much and I feel like she’s underrated due to the lack of discussion I see surrounding her character that doesn’t just trace back to “oh she’s just Toko’s best friend”.
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