#i actually sometimes feel kind of guilty? of running a blog about him
slowestlap · 1 year
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Anatomy of a Champion - Viaplay documentary | Part 1/3
"If it was up to me, I'd still be in bed now and just waking up" - Max on his way to the paddock at the 2022 Austrian GP
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fixing-bad-posts · 8 months
I looked around and didn't see anything about this on your blog but I apologize if I missed it.
I was wondering, what does doing the work behind this blog...feel like? I guess what I'm asking is if it does anything to you. Like, I had a thought. For a flash, I imagined you as Butters from South Park in that episode where he is tasked with filtering out all the negative comments on Cartman's social media. It ended up really messing with Butters, what with him having to see all that negativity.
You're definitely not being affected to that extreme, I assume, but I wonder if you would have anything to say about the process of finding these negative posts and reading them several times to edit them. Has it exposed you to unpleasantness that you wouldn't have otherwise seen? Or is there perhaps a kind of catharsis in editing such filth?
I'm making a lot of assumptions here. Maybe I'm also asking about your process. I just think what you're doing is neat and would love to hear about your experience with it.
Thanks for reading and I hope you have plenty of reasons to feel joy <3
oh boy, i love talking about myself haha—so thank you for giving me an excuse to do so! i have answered similar questions in the past, though never at length. every once in a while, someone pops into the inbox to ask about my mental health (which, rest assured, is just fine—i don’t put this blog’s operation above anything; it’s honestly pretty low on my list of life-priorities), and it’s always quite sweet. having a mob of strangers following one’s sideblog has its perks: one being that sometimes parasociality results in some well wishes, kind thoughts, and general goodwill. which is very nice, and probably an unearned vanity-boost for my ego.
what does the work behind this blog feel like? in turns: mundane, challenging, vindicating, annoying, amusing… and probably other things that i’m forgetting. most of the work i do on this blog is actually me procrastinating! i am a certified adult with a job™, and i’m definitely guilty of slacking off at work sometimes to queue posts submissions from my inbox, which is more fun than like… proofreading financial documents and making spreadsheets. other times, i’m sitting in a café with my partner, and allegedly i’m “writing” fanfiction. but, uh, if you know any writers, you know that sometimes “writing” means, ‘looking at a blinking cursor’. so it’s in those moments that i open up tumblr and start writing image descriptions and adding tags to prep posts for my queue. that’s mainly when the blog feels mundane.
something that i think helps me avoid negative doomscroll-spirals is that i don’t actively seek out bad posts for this blog. being a citizen of the internet delivers fodder to me naturally. that, and running a semi-popular sideblog on tumblr. when i see a bad post in the wild, that’s when the feeling is annoying/challenging. challenging, because ever since starting this sideblog, hateful posts don’t feel as vicious to me. once i see them, they stop being posts and turn into word-puzzles. and i love word puzzles!
solving the word puzzle is amusing for me, as is getting to look at my resulting “blackout poem.” it makes me laugh, it stretches my brain. when i started, i used to have to read a post several times to find the ‘good post within the bad post’ so to speak. these days, i’m so used to it, i barely read the bad posts more than a handful of times. but as i was saying to my partner, one of the reasons i love found poetry (erasure poetry, and cut-up poetry) is that it uses the same part of my brain that loves scrabble (the board game). then, of course, it's vindicating to see my posts get so many notes, sometimes surpassing the original bad post. that's more of my own vanity, i'm sure.
as for the last part of your message: yes, i have plenty of reasons to feel joy. i work with people who respect me, i live walking distance from a bubble tea café, and have friends and family whom i love. i have the good fortune to be safely out as a queer person. i’m a fanbinder. i’m currently working on a long fanfiction which is getting some very nice comments on ao3. and i’ve recently decided to become a poet (like, for real).
i must admit, i’m fascinated by how you imagine me. i often wonder how i am perceived, especially because i keep many cards close to my chest here on my sideblog.
anyhow, thank you for this excuse to ramble about myself and the process of running this blog. i hope you also have plenty of reasons to feel joy 💛
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
I always think about how rarely Dabi was told he was loved as a child, and it makes me so sad. I feel like when it comes to his s/o he shows love through his actions rather than words.
I imagine he does small gestures to say “I love you” like squeezing your hand or kissing your wrist. And sometimes I wonder how he would say the first “I love you” and what would trigger him to say it.
You write fluffy Dabi so well and I’m just curious about your take on him saying Ily for the first time and in general!!
I been having a rough week and reading your blog has def cheered me up. I love your writing so much((: I rarely send asks so I apologize if anything I said was weird/awkward. Have a great day/night!
anon, the ask you just sent me is so endearing and wholesome... actually, there aren’t enough words to describe how happy i happy to hear that my writings could cheer you up during a rough time. it really makes me feel so proud of myself not only as a writer, but as a person too 🤧🙏🏻💜
as for dabi and the word ‘i love you’, i think you got a point there. he was never told by anyone these three special words, nor was he ever shown how to give love or show affection towards others, the person who was supposed to guide him was too busy ignoring him and his feelings, diminishing them and think only about his egotistical self.
which is also the reason why dabi doesn’t know when is the ‘right’ time to tell these kind of words, his father never said them to his mother after all.
the first time you told him “i love you...”, it was while sitting on a bench by sea at night, only the sound of the waves and the salty smell of the water in the air as you two were gazing at the starry sky.
dabi froze on spot for a few seconds blinking, then he turned your way completely dumbfounded batting his eyes some more stunned “wha–? where did this come from?”, he blurted out turning forward lifting an hand to rest the back of his hand on his burning cheek, his heartbeat growing erratic while a storm of butterfly invaded his stomach in a matter of seconds.
the power you hold on him is crazy.
you giggled hugging his arm, nuzzling happily against it with a peaceful expression on your face, his eyes glacing at you from the corner a shiver running down his back as you looked up at him with a smile filled with so much love he felt his cheeks heat up again, not knowing if it was okay for someone like him to feel that happy “i just felt like saying it.”, you admitted leaning toward his face to give him a quick peck on the cheek, chuckling when you saw some smoke arising from his body “‘s that so?” “yup!”, at your immediate response he stumbled surprised by all that confidence and sincerity, pulling his heart’s strings so easily, making him completely weak and no match for you.
since then you kept telling him “i love you!” at any given moment, dabi doesn’t know how you do it and even make it seem so natural, it was just so mind-blowing to him who replied everytime with a simple “me too”, not knowing how to say it back with so much confidence without making it seem forced, because of this he feel so guilty towards you honestly, it’s just that... he doesn’t want to make you think he’s not sincere and by extension hurt you, that would be the worst.
but when dabi once came back home from a mission that got him wounded and you were tending to them with so much care, worry and such a soft touch, his heart felt like it would burst inside his ribcage when your pretty eyes locked with his turquoise ones. inside his throat it felt like there was something pressing in it that got his voice stuck there, he swallowed thickly a few more times when your palms rested on his cheek caressing it gently with your thumb and just like that an “i love you...”, poured past dabi’s lips letting both of you shocked, staring at each others with wide eyes, none of you believing your ears. after a few seconds his expression softened “i love you.”, he repeated with a sweet tone that you’ve never heard from him and all that love dripping from his eyes, it was unbelievable.
your heart was overflowing with so much happiness and relief, that tears started streaming down your cheeks under his baffled gaze, before he cupped your cheeks wiping them with his thumbs “tears of joy i hope.”, dabi joked making you laugh briefly before nodding energically in reply.
to clarify, your relief wasn’t because you didn’t believe he loved you, the villain has shown it enough with actions and that has always been enough for you, but hearing those three precious words come from his lips felt like he had finally accepted that he is indeed loved and has fully got back to him a feeling that he had lost long time ago; the fact that the reason dabi got it back is thanks to you, just made your happiness even bigger.
“love you too!”, you finally said back grabbing onto his wrists sobbing, while he snorted looking at you exasperated but also with a tenderness that was reserved to you only, no one else.
dabi now understands why, the first time you told him that special word, you said that you just felt like saying it and the beautiful smile you gave him after bawling your eyes out, just gave the villain even more reasons to say it.
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sawyerquinnbrown · 9 months
My neighbor upstairs runs an Airbnb out of his apartment, which has led to many interesting and exciting situations for me. Well, I say ‘exciting’, mostly I mean ‘inconvenient’ and sometimes ‘hilarious.’
Last month I discovered that, while I on the ground floor have a one-bedroom with a tiny office, my upstairs neighbor has 4 bedrooms on two floors that he rents by himself for about a billion US dollars, so it makes perfect sense that he would run an Airbnb, to recoup some of his costs. I imagine it takes a strength of character when you live in an Airbnb, because personally, I don’t want people in my house. That’s why I moved to my own place at 36; I’d had enough. My only roommates now are two very attractive and high-quality felines, who will be introduced in more detail in a later blog post.
Anyway, the Airbnb. The first thing I noticed once this started was that I was constantly jumping whenever someone was coming through the front gate and tromping up the stairs, which was frequent. This is due to my anticipation of my many online purchases. (I purchase many things online because 1) it’s fun to receive things in the mail and 2) I don’t like to leave my house—there’s weather out there, and also bugs.) So: many comings and goings and creakings of the gate.
The second thing I noticed occurred one day when I heard some rattling outside my door. That’s odd, I thought, I’m not expecting any guests. Actually, my thought process was more like Aaaaaa, someone’s trying to break into my apartment! (My upstairs neighbor had been robbed a couple months prior, so this was a totally rational and normal and not-overreactive thing to panic about.) I am Extremely Brave™ (No.), so I went to the door and opened it to discover a hapless traveler with a large rolling suitcase attempting to open the lockbox I hung outside my door. Much relieved, I informed the traveler that the lockbox he was looking for was upstairs.
(Sidenote about the lockbox: I hung it up shortly after moving in because of the time I locked myself out. I was trying this cool thing called “Carrying stuff in my pockets like a dude” due to extreme gender dysphoria, and I left my keys inside my apartment. My landlord was kind enough to charge me $25 to unlock my door, and I ordered the lockbox as soon as I got inside. $25! ::snarling noises::)
The third point of excitement occurred late one night when a knock came at my door around 11:30pm. At the door stood an older butch woman who had run into the same problem as I had: she’d locked her keys inside the apartment, in this case the Airbnb. Unable to get in contact with my neighbor, she was trapped outside. I volunteered to text him and in exchange she offered me a beer. I feel guilty about not offering to let her kip on my air mattress, but, as previously stated, I don’t like to have people in my house.
Finally we come to the real issue of neighboring an Airbnb: too-generous guests. This sounds counterintuitive, so let me explain. As I mentioned, I like to receive packages in the mail so I can open presents I ordered for myself. However, due to Chicago being weird (in my experience as a former Bostonian), my ground floor apartment being a “1” and the upstairs apartment being a “2” is apparently unusual. Typically, I’ve been told, “1” is upstairs. So despite the very clear and large numeral “2” on my neighbor’s mailbox, everyone likes to deliver my stuff up the stairs. The too-nice Airbnb-ers see these packages and say to themselves, Aha! A package for my host! and without checking the name on the package, helpfully carry them inside and lock the door. I am left bereft, knowing my package has arrived but unable to access, for instance, a box of lightbulbs (listen, I know. Adults get excited about the weirdest things).
If you liked this post, please check out my Wordpress blog or buy me a Ko-fi!
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
I think it's also worth mentioning that you can still like a ship but realize the problems with it. I know a lot of Stoltiz fans who shipped it during season one because how 'messy' it was (I wouldn't call forced sex and one dehumanizing the other messy but ya know) jumped ship once season two aired being how it took away the things that they found interesting about it and attempted to make it 'wholesome' when it never was or meant to be so.
I'm complete Fizzomdous trash but even I realize the problems within season two and hate how both were defanged and feeling as if Fizz's personality and treatment from the writers made him less of the gremlin we loved while also taking away his agency (I'm the one who sent the disability ask a while ago). Yes they still have cute moments but I kinda wish their relationship they were treated like...well ya know, like they're both adults. Plus them tag team roasting your sex life. That was fun.
Hell, I could have gotten behind Stoltiz if there wasn't the full moon deal plus while still privileged Stolas at least attempted to get to know Blitzo as a person supposed to only use him for sex. Yes, Stolas still cheated and could be a bit out of touch with reality without realizing how much this is affecting Octavia, but at least there's a chance of character development and a real messy kind of relationship.
Helluva Boss is supposed to be a show for adults yet treats its audience like children more than shows aimed for that demographic. It feels as if it wants to write messy or dark dynamics but then backpedals and tries to 'savage' what's already an unhealthy relationship into something that we should be rooting for. Honestly it wouldn't surprise at this point if Viv chooses to recon the whole of season one being it makes Stolas look bad when he was suppose to be the bad guy to begin with.
Sorry for rambling...
Anon, if every message was like you. I’d never be getting irritated with people. Please know I don’t have a problem with anything said here.
And that’s fine, because we don’t all have to debate things. You don’t have to feel guilty for liking or not liking something. Even if people test me sometimes that’s at least what I try to stick to. I’m tired of shipping wars. You are in no way a bad person if you don’t feel like looking deep into things that happened because everyone will enjoy things differently. I run a blog that’s partially random ‘turn your brain off and enjoy it’ content; and critical content where I really don’t hold back.
So I think this has all taught me to improve my tagging systems so people can filter it and only have to engage with it if they want to.
I completely understand and agree with you, and people should enjoy the fanon in any way they choose. Because those are the fans stories, their content, their original material. They also aren’t above critique when things go to nasty territory (you probably know the kind I mean) but are usually harming nobody.
Its different when we get to ignoring and recontextualising canon events that all of us saw. “That didn’t happen the way you remember” “you’re delusional if you think the scene happened like that” (this oneeee 👹🔥🔥) or when it gets really bad, reaching levels of “actually sex consent is a flexible thing, like paying rent” 😶😶because then it leaves the realm of fiction, and right to reality.
Personally, the romantic relationships other than moxxie and Millie weren’t why I ever watched the show. I don’t really find relationship melodrama fun but if I’m suppose to take it seriously, I will.
I think I’d like Stolitz as exes that are now on ok terms. Almost like an anti verosika. The first relationship Blitzø ended in a more healthy way. Them both realising the spark has gone, the feelings weren’t really “love” but loneliness, and that they learned a lot from each other, but don’t really like each other anymore that way, too much bad blood had happened, and have very different priorities and values in life. A scene where Blitz sees Stolas at Ozzies with someone new, with them both smiling and chatting and stolas blushing at his new crush, and the other guy blushing back and crushing just as hard, then we see blitz genuinely smiling and happy for him without any hint of jealousy, then heading back to pride with his friends, that’s a beautiful ending. To me anyway.
Hell if Via feels this strongly like Stolas’ lustful obsession is ruining his relationship with her. That is grounds for ending it. My dude, he’s just not the one for you. LooLoo land and Seeing Stars, where it ends with Stolas holding Via, only her, while IMP are in their own corner, separate, but happy, those are the happy endings. Not tacking stolas onto IMP and having Via tell us that stolas loves blitz over her even though he honestly…doesn’t. Like cmon there’s no way in any universe blitz is competing with Octavia.
Man can you imagine if Via helped Stolas make a lustinder, do a profile pic, find new dating tactics and choose an outfit? And be very supportive and excited for him? Hi?? yes?? that’s super cute and that’s stolas fixed for me. Stella shouldn’t be his only romantic history and frame of reference, that’s bonkers.
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casasupernovas · 10 months
i feel the need to explain something.
i think if you read my blog, you wouldn't really know why i ship ten and martha since i engage with so many others shippers. if you're in that space, you don't really feel the need to explain when you're all on the same boat. if you are a fellow shipper feel free to add why you ship them also.
but here is my reason.
honestly, despite my dislike of how much of how the duo is handled within canon, i actually like the meaness and downright unfairness. not because i'm a pyscho, but because it feels real. sure some concepts are fun, like the idea of john falling for martha, but it's just wishful thinking in my opinion. i've long since thought many people do not like this series because it feels a little too real. you don't want the doctor to act this way, you want clarity and self awareness and kindess but something that's just not the way the world works. it's why so many fans have such a hard time accepting that he was in the wrong this series. because if you do, you have to fully accept just how badly he treated martha. and that's not fun to watch. it feels unfair to see him be so kind and encouraging to donna when he was so cold to martha. but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
how. ever.
i ship them because i think there is something so raw, mature and electric about the duo. sexual tension aside, i think ten and martha have so much potential. have them unpick why exactly the doctor behaved that way. 'he was sad over rose' just doesn't cut it fully for me. i headcannon the idea that the doctor was indeed attracted to martha and was pretty damn pissed about it. scared of it. perhaps resentful. so he strikes it down, and chooses to dwell in a previous heartbreak instead, driving away his chance at happiness again.
i've always read that scene at the end of smith and jones as a guilty conscience, he's talking more to himself than her with that suddenly hostile 'only trip' nonsense. completely forgetting the original reason he had got her in the first place. no wonder he got so testy, because martha plainly read his actions back to him, and not only was it indeed flirty, it also sounds like...welll...he's moving on. imagine someone following you to your family member's party hours after they kissed you and bridal carried you and you have apparently said goodbye forever, only for them to tell you they're not interested. lol. then what are you doing here? i feel that the doctor purposely stalled his attraction to martha that series. so imma give him a chance. it's a much more interesting read of his character that series, especially when you see when he just can't help it and flirts with her despite it all anyway
for martha, i like the idea that she is in love with the alien she's not quite sure where she stands with sometimes, but she'll run until she's out of breath. she respects herself enough to leave so she doesn't waste her life, but i think there's enough room for the idea of them trying again. if at first you don't succeed. i mean, the doctor found out she was engaged, moving on and turned around and asked her to travel with him again!
i ship them because the doctor and martha to me have the potential to be a beacon of new beginnings, growth, self reflection, character development. but also a way to really prod into the darker nature of the doctor. not all of it is palatable but it's a part of him.
i feel like martha forced the doctor to recognise some home truths about himself in a way others did not. she brings out a very interesting side to him. it's criminal we only got one series.
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swirlingreblogs · 4 months
...Turns out the post limit is still a thing that exists and is per account rather than per blog, so if you have two blogs that regularly have a queue of 20+ things a day and also go on a wild reblogging spree, you may run into errors far earlier than you'd expect!!! Whoops.
That said, that was an enjoyable reblogging spree, and an enjoyable liking and reading spree after that.
I'm very fond of the identity issues stuff that comes up in these shifter / doppelganger AUs, from the initial PapChat one, to LeshyLeaf's take on it, to this latest one. Given one of the asks mentioned the earlier duo, I'm assuming the artist knows of them, but this one takes a significantly different approach with the worldbuilding and the changes and I enjoyed it.
The tangle of a hunger-driven shifting entitity taking over the bones and life for its own, only to gain memories and emotions and context and feel guilty and avoidant about what it's done... The need of emotions or souls for food, the simultaneous motivation to stay close to the loved ones while also increasingly doubting their love, being sure they'd turn on him once the truth came out, that tangle of wanting to live and yet wanting to die rather than have them know...
Vampires don't quite get at whatever that is, and I'm not sure what other archetype I could find elsewhere that would, but it scratches some kind of id fic itch very well.
...Ah. lol. I'm realizing I could do an AU not quite that, but hitting some of those emotional beats, with the latest game I am very enthusiastic about - In Stars And Time.
ISAT, full game spoilers (including act 6 secrets)
They don't in ISAT - it's a story that ends mostly happily, after all! We don't know exactly what happens there, other than Loop doing an extremely anime fading away but with the promise to return somehow. They don't, because they've changed but there's essential ways they're still the same person, and all.
... After you fight with Loop, with one or both of the outcomes - I'd have to doublecheck - they mention they wanted to kill Siffrin and take his place.
... But suppose they had? Suppose they had killed Siffrin, and poured their light and night sky essence into the body, using wish craft or healing or something to bring the body back to life but Loop at the wheel.
The others had already seen Siffrin being awkward with guilt/shame and desperate joy over how badly they wanted to be loved and stay with them all. Would Loop's behavior read as more of the same, if sometimes slipping on names, forgetting more things about before the House than expected?
...Would Loop play it off convincingly, but increasingly feel like an intruder, hating themself and withdrawing from the people trying to reach out to [Siffrin]? Would they eventually admit parts of the truth, that Siffrin went back to the tree to find Loop? Would they admit that Loop had always also been Siffrin? Would they imply they'd combined, dodging the truth of the murder thing, and nudge the others to think that's why some things are off?
(Would it actually be that they had in fact combined despite the murder attempt, given the healing to get the body up and at it again? Would it be more self hatred based on misconceptions, like so much of Siffrin's worst narration through the game is?)
(...Well, this is about the fear and expectations of hatred, so probably not, or at least mostly not. The replacing and then feeling trapped with love not meant for them but needing that love to live... That's the tangle of interest, I think.)
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satans-codpiece · 5 months
I was not expecting EY epilogue to be so short or come out so quickly and neither was I prepared for it. Tbh you should rename it to "How to fuck up an audience in 600 words or less" because HOLY SHIT. I knew it wasn't going to be pretty™ but did you really have to go this hard??? The 2 being all cutesy romantic on a cruise with a burning harbour literally in front of them???? THAT RAM SET ON FIRE????? The tea vendor?????? READER FEELING GUILTY AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION????????
And then you have the nerve to answer that other anon's ask about Ram saying I love you with "haha no he loves you but he has too many issues to admit it out loud" ONLY to then turn out the next day and use it HERE of all places is. God. You bastard-
Oh shit uh.... I kind of realized I don't really have anything laying around in the horny Ram art department (that isn't a total disaster or way, WAYYYY too self-indulgent) sooo.... may I offer you a WIP in these trying times??? Entirely SFW but I feel like it's plenty horny still, just in a different way ;) (Link in another ask again. Btw, you can post the WIP publicly if you feel like the Ramattra nation should see it. I still have no goddamn idea if I should try to revive my abandoned art blog or start a new one or if I should even commit to posting semi-regularly in the first place why are my feelings so fucking complicated on something so basic-)
OH I FEEL YA MAN, same story here, don't care about the game I care about the universe, except I left the franchise entirely ages ago only for Blizz to be like "hey you liked Zen right? Here's his hot angsty younger brother" and I'm like FFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffuck you Blizzard, and fuck me for falling for that eye and brain candy...
Heard about that "sometime in 2024" release date, THAT AIN'T IT MATEY, could be in December for all we know, I NEED it sooner- But hey, I guess Blizz's laziness means the fans can go wild???
And oooooh you say shit like this keeps you active? Guess I gotta bother you some more then :P Also NEEEEEY you an SSS+ tier writer the heckle you talking about-
HAHAH YEAH FKDJSG So my original draft of it was actually even darker, with more of Reader "waking up" on being released from their room, then spiraling and feeling guilty and only being maintained by the feeling that they have to keep Ramattra in check. So, I think this one's a bit kinder in that Reader's still feeling guilty, but it's easier for them to push away the darkness.
fjdhsgks listen! Again! My original epilogue was darker (I think I didn't have him use it, but I also don't think Reader prompted him to say it?) And to be fair it's more that he has too many issues in that moment at the end of Ch5... and he's kind of settling into accept that you do love him and want ("want") to be there with him by the epilogue... so he can choke it out sometimes.
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Like, yeah idk, it certainly is... difficult to know how to engage with fandom. More than a few times I've wondered if just being in a small, dedicated discord would be a better choice (but then I'm awful at engaging with people directly, so I tend to lurk in discord servers...)
Hah, see, I completely missed Ramattra's release. I played a little bit at OW2's release, so a bit into season 1, then I just stopped playing. I don't think it was intentional quitting. But I somehow completely missed Ramattra's entire existence until I randomly started playing Overwatch again in March/April (I don't even remember why? I think the Minecraft server I was playing revealed itself to be run by morons and I was looking for a game to spend most of my time and just ended up back with Overwatch).
Only to, bam, load into a game with someone playing him and for me to immediately go "oh my god" (and also he gave me headpats and i...... I wonder if that person has any clue what they've done. but then I think most Ram players who give headpats are also Ram Enjoyers.)
gjkhgsd You know that um. that chart that depicts "art quality vs perceived art quality over time"? to show how artists' perception of their work changes as they develop it? I feel like I'm permanently stuck in a "I'm sure my work is fine given the time I've spent working on it as a craft, but it still doesn't look/behave in the way I want it to." groove for like. at least a year.
The last time I genuinely 100% liked something I wrote was uhhhh probably in Februaryish with an unpublished DBD!Wesker/Reader WIP. (The WIP title is Boon: Wesker's Worms LOL)
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linawritestwst · 2 years
hi hi lina! are requests still open? if so, can i request ruggie and silver as husbands? if you're not comfy with this type of request, it's ok! your blog is still very wonderful to me, keep doing what you do! you're very awesome and sweet 💞💕
ruggie bucchi and silver as husbands (gn!reader)
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don't worry about it, your request is totally fine! and thank you sm for your kind words <3
i might get a little slower with updates because i have to prepare for my entrance exams, sorry about that! (and sorry for making this so short, i'm so used to writing things about dating that when i have to write about married couples, my brain goes: "uhh... UHHHHH..  they.. they kiss.. but they also live together now.. which is nice")
ruggie bucchi.
♡ honestly, that's some top tier househusband material right there. ruggie definitely will help you out with chores, he still has experience since nrc days, but now he's doing it for you and not leona, so that's better!! :D oh, but of course, you both try to do your part, so that no one gets overworked. for example, you cook today and ruggie washes the dishes! he will say things like "hey, where's my reward for everything i've done?" but he's just joking around, ruggie is only glad to help!
♡ ruggie still loves to tease you from time to time, you can't just take the mischievous parts of his personality away only because he's your husband now! so sometimes you will have conversations like this: "hey, can you *insert a random chore* today?" "huh?? but last week it was also me who done it!" "i know, but i have some other things to do today.." "oh, i see.. so you just see me as your servant, don't you? you just want me to do everything for you while you get to chill and have fun?" "ruggie, i never said that-" "I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING, Y/N." "RUGGIE, YOU LITERALLY JUST COULD'VE SAID NO" (he will still do what you asked though)
♡ if you're the one that's working most of the day and comes home late, ruggie will try very hard to hide how happy he is when you come home. he's just a little shy, that's all! but of course, he will still run to you and hug you as tight as he can. he will ask about your day, but if he notices that you're too tired, he understands and gives you as much time as you need to rest. sometimes he likes to pull pranks on you and he won't answer you when you come home. you will have to find him yourself, he can be in the closet, under the bed, anywhere! and when you find him, he won't scare you or anything like that, he'll just be like "you found me!! :D" if you don't find him, he will come out of the place where he was hiding and hug you from behind while you're still looking around and trying to find him.
♡ you rarely fight, because no matter how often ruggie can joke and play around, he's a pretty chill person. even if you do, you two usually solve the conflict very quickly. if it's something serious though.. yeah, ruggie will need some time. he won't hate you or leave you, he's just.. he has feelings too, you know? :( so he might give you a silent treatment for some time. he won't look at you, he won't greet you when he or you come home and he will try to avoid you which is hard because you literally live together. but in the end, if you're the one who was guilty and you sincerely apologize, he will forgive you. "oh well, i can't stay mad at you forever, not when i love you so much!" if he's the one that was guilty, he'll usually act like that and avoid you because he's too ashamed of himself. add some self-doubt and thoughts like "i knew it, i don't deserve someone like them" and.. yeah. if you treat him the same way, one day he might actually end up crying and apologizing to you. so you better tell him that it's okay and that you forgive him >:( okay that was sad BACK TO FLUFF
♡ if something's bothering you, you can always trust ruggie, he will gladly listen to you. he will make jokes while you talk so that you'd laugh and not worry about these things too much, but if you want him to simply listen, he will stay quiet the entire time, just nodding and saying things like "i see" or "so that's what happened". he's very supportive!! he may not always show it and it may not look obvious, but he loves you and cares about you and he doesn't want you to be sad!! also expect him to do as many nice things as he can when you're sad or anxious. oh, you were supposed to cook today? well, he's the one who's doing it now! you want to go and get a glass of water? no, you stay where you are and he will get you water himself! that's just how ruggie shows that he cares!
♡ your relationship is just very sweet and loving and it's so much fun! even though you have your own problems (what couple doesn't?), you still fix it because you love each other that much. sometimes ruggie looks at you and he thinks about how much his life has changed and how lucky he is to have someone like you around.
♡ silver is definitely a responsible type who helps you out with anything you ask him to. even if you don't ask him, if he sees you having trouble with something, he will still help you. he may not understand how to do certain things, but if you explain it to him, he will get it and do his best! he just thinks that that's what a good husband is supposed to do, so he intends to do exactly that.
♡ he may not by your side all the time because of his duty as a knight but silver is always trying to support you and when he has free time, he spends it all with you. being a knight is important to him, but you're important to him too and he won't let you forget that. expect a cute little bird or a squirrel bringing you a letter from silver when he's away! he wants you to know that he's always thinking about you even if you're not with him at the moment.
♡ his sleepiness might get in the way when he's doing chores or helping you with something. so yeah, it's preferable that you still keep a close eye on him ^^'' he won't get mad at you and he won't get offended if you do, he's actually thankful for it. silver doesn't want to do anything wrong, so if you're watching, he'll be more calm and he'll remember every advice you give him. he's trying so hard not to fall asleep when he's doing something, but he still can't promise anything so your help is greatly appreciated!
♡ it's not like silver is not a reliable person. he just has his own problems, that's all! even if you do catch him falling asleep, you're not angry or anything, you either gently wake him up or you cover him with a blanket and softly kiss his forehead. he's doing everything he can to make your life easier and better, he deserves some rest.
♡ like ruggie, silver is a pretty chill and laid-back person. he just might get anxious if he doesn't understand something, like you ask him to get a certain thing for you and he forgot where it is or when you're sad and he doesn't know the reason why (i imagine he'd ask lilia for help in this kind of situation, haha) . he's always there to listen to you though, you can depend on him! if you tell him that you're worried about something and explain what happened, after you're done, he will give you a hug and say that he may not understand what you're going through but he will help you out in any way he can and he cares a lot about you and he will protect you from any harm that comes your way.
♡ overall, you two are very close and sometimes people think that you and silver look like a perfect couple. you two support each other and you're always there for each other. silver is so happy to have you in his life and he will do anything to protect you and support you. (also lilia is so proud of you two, he knew that you and silver are made for each other, HE KNEW)
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cazimagines · 3 years
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate everything you write, and maybe could you write a NSFW alphabet for Laszlo? Hope you're having a good day!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is just the sweetest! He will be checking to make sure you are okay, that you feel satisfied, and then he would be so loving. Whispering words of kindness to you about how amazing you were. He would try his best to help clear you up as well and then hold you in his arm as you fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Boobs. He loves your chest and he loves to rest his head on them during the day and then during sex smother his head in them, kiss them etc. He just can't get enough of them. He finds everything about your body beautiful but those he just adores.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As contraceptives were very rare for that time if you didn't want to get pregnant he would have to pull out (please guys don't think that pulling out is a good way to prevent pregnancy it isn't) he enjoys seeing his cun fall on your body, dripping down you. It does however excite him to no end when you do let him cum inside you and then he sees it dripping out of you, showing how you were his.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has masturbated to you. He's ashamed of it because it isn't gentleman like. Gentlemen should be able to resist their urges, wait until marriage but he just can't help it. You are so beautiful and because of his arm, he doesn't think he'll ever be able to be with you so he resorts to that instead.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is not experienced at all. You would be his first time. He knows what he is doing though... roughly. He's read many books about it, he knows the inner workings of a man and a woman, he knows where all the best spots are for you, he knows exactly what to do to bring you the most pleasure but he doesn't have the practical experience and reading from a book is quite different than to put it in practice and therefore he would feel quite awkward at first.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Having you on top, riding him. Any position where you are on top he loves. He feels a bit guilty as he doesn't want you doing all the work but he loves being able to look up at you, see your boobs bounce, and in this position, he can make his deformed arm at least hold onto your leg whereas other positions his arm is basically useless.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's very serious, he's a romantic at heart and therefore it would be a romantic experience for both of you so there isn't much space for humour. If something accidentally goes wrong such as clothes getting stuck on you or something he wouldn't laugh it off but start panicking.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He takes pride in his appearance, his bread is always well-groomed and he tries to keep down below well groomed as well but it's harder for him with really only one hand of use. As for overall body hair, he has some on his chest, arms and legs but it isn't a lot.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He tries to make the moment so romantic because he wants to show just how much he loves and adores you. He'll be whispering lots of compliments to you, stroking and touching you all over. He might even try to make the scene romantic by bringing some wine to the bedroom.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As mentioned before in D he does masturbate but he feels guilty about it afterwards, but he can't stop when he sees you about and he thinks he can't have you. After you two start courting though he doesn't as why masturbate when he can have you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Something we have discussed on my blog before in headcanons and what I will eventually make into a one-shot is that Laszlo has a mummy kink. The books already confirmed for us that he has mummy issues so it isn't a far stretch. He loves being praised and being called a good boy. He wants to do anything to please you and make you feel good so that you might reward him. He loves your breasts and he loves to suck on them, it brings him a sense of comfort as he does so. And of course, he loves to refer to you as mummy.
He also loves being told what to do. He gets so anxious and worried, doubting himself and that can affect him in the bedroom so when you take over and start telling him what to do, what you like he will instantly do just that and love surrending his power over to you for you to order him to do whatever you want him to
L = Location (favourite places to do the do)
Bedroom. He's a traditional guy, times like that are saved for the bedroom. It is after all the most comfortable place for both of you. However... if the urge comes over you two at the institute, and it's a big need, he doesn't mind pushing you onto his desk in his office, having you sit on it so that you two are facing each other as you go at it
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, he loves you so much and has been deprived of touch for such a long time that you could the simplest of things and he would instantly be turned on. But somethings that really get him going is if you win in a debate about something, like for example the correct quote from one of Shakespeare's plays, your intelligence really turns him on especially when you use it against him or prove it to him that you know something better than him. Referring to him as stuff as well like 'good boy' while making him become really flustered makes him so turned on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Degradation, he loves you so much he couldn't cope with being rude or insulting you, even if that's what you wanted, he would feel so bad about it. He also doesn't like slapping or spanking you, not only does it trigger memories of his childhood he doesn't want to hurt you like that, even if it was for your pleasure.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving oral, he has studied female autonomy so he knows exactly what goes on down there and where everything is, he knows how best to stimulate you and get you quivering to his tongue and his fingers. He loves to please you and he finds it easier than traditional sex because of his arm. He does enjoy receiving oral as well but he would never ask you for it. Only if you bring it up would it ever happen. He likes running his fingers through your hair though as you go down on him, as even with his deformed arm he can gently put his fingers in your hair and move your head gently.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
For the most part, they are slow and sensual, he wants to treasure the moment and savour it so he likes to take his time to feel all of you, experience all of you, but when he gets in one of his moods sometimes he really needs a fast and rough moment with you to get all of the stress and build up tension in him out, but those happen rarely as he is worried about accidentally hurting you while doing it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are also very rare, like said above he wants to take his time with you, while quickies can be fun he doesn't experience as much joy as he might when he takes things slowly. However, when you two go at it in his office they are usually quickies as you are both at risk of having someone walk into the office at any moment.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Only if you discuss what you want to do beforehand, and when I say discuss I mean have hour-long conversations about it. He needs time to prepare himself if you would like to experiment with something. And even then he might not agree with it, he doesn't practically like taking risks especially if something negative could come of it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Around twice, he has moderate stamina but it can be affected by what position he is in and what he is doing, if he is on top he might not last that long because of his arm, he finds it hard holding all his weight on just one arm when he is on top of you. But in other positions such as when you are on top, his stamina can much longer.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't own any toys but if you had any he wouldn't be opposed to using them, depending on what toys they were. Because of the time, it was harder to access such things and they were a lot less developed so he would prefer just more traditional sex without them but if you wanted to try them he would be willing.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't like to tease you much, he might say something suggestive to you hinting at what he would like to happen tonight but that is as far as it goes for him, however, he loves it when you tease him, it makes him super flustered and stuttering on his words as his mind can only think of you and what you have said but he loves it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He actually moans and groans quite loudly, he loses himself in the feeling of being inside you that he forgets really that he is making noises, he just wants to express how you are making him feel and that comes out in the way he grunts and groans into your neck or breasts as he feels himself getting closer to his climax.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He usually likes to have sex before bed, enjoying the passion in the night, letting go of the stress gathered from the day and just relax being with you pleasuring you and himself but he also likes starting off the morning with it as well. You might wake up to find his lips already on your neck, sucking a hickey onto your neck, his fingers already tracing down your legs and edging towards your core.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's a little on the larger size dick, but he would blush at the thought of ever bragging about it. It would certainly be enough to fill you whole and make you feel the most amount of pleasure.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Higher than he would like to admit. After spending such a long time alone thinking he would never be a woman he craves you touch almost every moment, he needs to be in you, you feel you around him, but he also doesn't want to wear you out so he tries to restrict himself but it still ends up being at least five times a week.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to stay up and let you fall asleep first, truly he does, he wants to watch you sleep and just admire how perfect you are but having sex can tire him out quite a bit till he accidentally falls asleep first, and you find it adorable watching him.
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red-doll-face · 3 years
I just found your blog and I LOVE IT.
If I might ask: What’s your saddest dbd headcanons (killers or survivors)
Call me crazy, but I must know! ❤️
Ohh this one was a good one but it hurt me so badddd, ahhh. I’m glad to share , I have some bad dbd brain rot lmaooo I didn’t do every character so I hope these are ok 🥺 these are a bit long too
Sad Dead by Daylight Hcs
Claudette Morel:
Claudette is one of the criers. Probably cries while getting mori’d and can't help the tears during the really bad matches. Her pain tolerance isn’t very high, hence the willingness to waste time healing herself if it means she can stop being in so much pain.
Meg Thomas:
Spends time alone thinking about her past life. Her mother is a subject that makes her really frustrated. People mentioning their moms makes her a little standoffish. Wishes she had a chance to say goodbye in some way.
Ace Visconti:
Ace doesn't have much family to even miss him. He wonders if they noticed he’s gone or hasn’t come back. Maybe they think he hit big bucks and left them behind. Ace is stuck really. Even if he were to go back, he’d be dead or working off his debt.
Feng Min:
Gets super mad when she loses, it makes her so angry that she doesn’t control the trials. She blames other people for her losses but actually is very critical of herself. Casts the blame on others so she doesn't have to face her own mistakes.
David King:
All of his perks are about putting his ass on the line for his teammates yet everyone seems to think he’s selfish and a dumb brute. David doesn't know what to do to be more approachable; genuinely wants to be seen as a friend.
Laurie Strode:
Laurie never got the chance to mourn her friends. She thought she won. Finding out she’ll never truly escape Michael or be able to forget him makes her so mad. When she gets Michael in trials she makes sure the glass in her pocket is extra jagged and serrated.
Jane Romero:
Jane only wanted recognition and acknowledgement. Everything she's worked so hard for feels like a waste for her now. She should have spent more time on herself or with her father. Jane feels like she has no purpose anymore besides running and screaming for the enjoyment of the entity.
Yui Kimura:
Yui can’t stand the Clown or the Stealth Killers. Reminds her of bad memories. When she loses against killers like ghostface, she is especially angry.Her fighting spirit can’t help her actually get back at them.
Zarina Kassir:
Spent so much time fighting inequality only to spend the rest of her life where the odds are never in favor of the survivors. Where the oppressed are destined to lose. Each one of the people is subjugated, both killer and survivor and there's nothing she can do to free them.
Cheryl Mason:
She's been through literal hell and back just to end up in a weird recurring nightmare. At least Silent Hill had an escape. She's killed a god and somehow someone her size with a boxcutter can kill her? Huh.
Élodie Rakoto:
Feels guilty over the loss of her parents and feels extremely disillusioned by this realm. It's so much more boring than she thought it would be. All of her searching and traveling was not worth this shithole.
Steve Harrington:
Steve, though 18, is very much still a kid. Steve is naive about certain things and his optimism gets chipped away at a lot. Wasn’t too enthusiastic at having to care or look after Dustin and his friends but misses having people to protect.
Jeff Johannson:
Someone who definitely ends up taking hooks for people and ends up dying. Has a reputation among the killers as a survivor who is easy to leverage during the endgame because he will try for that save.
Kate Denson:
Feels very lucky to even have her guitar. The other survivors didn't get to bring many things with them. Makes her feel a little bad when she Often feels too worn out and exhausted by the trials to play it.
Quentin Smith:
Unfortunately stuck in pseudo-hell with his abuser. Gets really anxious against Freddy. Leans on his fellow survivors. Will sometimes accidentally bring Freddy to others in an attempt to get Freddy the hell away for him.
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan:
Actually has tried on numerous occasions to remove the metal rods and shrapnel embedded in his skin. It hurts like hell and just when he thinks he’s got it, he loses grip. These attempts never work.
Philip ‘The Wraith’ Ojomo:
When he’s alone, Philip will try and talk to himself. His vocal cords are warped, his voice a scratchy growl and garbled gurgle. He remembers what he used to sound like but he tries talking less and less.
Max ‘The Hillbilly’ Thompson Jr.:
Besides being named after someone who locked him away for most of his life? Max has to rest a lot between trials. The constant movement puts strain on him and causes him dull pain. His back causes him a lot of grief. The Entity is barely merciful.
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers:
Meant to be forgotten by everyone who ever knew of him and he knows it. Loomis, after deciding that Michael couldn't be ‘fixed’ just hoped that the system would swallow him. If it weren't for the entity, Michael knows he'd either be dead or caught and back with Loomis.
Bubba ‘The Cannibal’ Sawyer:
Used to be one of the nicer killers to go against and might have been sweet to certain survivors who deserved kindness. But the Entity punished him for it. Bubba isn't very nice anymore. Probably a little meaner to avoid being in trouble again.
Amanda ‘The Pig’ Young:
Another one down to give second chances, much like the second chance she saw in John Kramer. Doesn’t do this a lot however, therefore escaping the ire of the Entity. She’s spent a lifetime hurting others emotionally and physically. Now, she’ll spend an eternity.
Rin ‘The Spirit’ Yamaoka:
The pain and anguish is so heavy but time is no cure in a place where time is nonexistent. No happiness to replace her rage. Especially in a place where her anger is a weapon for a greater power. Also has tried to pull the glass out of her skin and press her limbs back together. Can’t stand to see herself in the mirror.
Adiris ‘The Plague’:
Her body is always on the precipice of falling apart. Her skin rots; her flesh aches and feels like it will tear away at any moment. She is immortalized yet so close to death. Her body hurts so much but she has a purpose to serve. (makes me even sadder bc jannneeeee my mainnnnn😔)
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka:
Misses his son. Never got to see him grow up, considering he;s already met his descendant. Proud from a distance because that's all he can be. The beginning of something so angry that it passes down his family line.
Caleb ‘The Deathslinger’ Quinn
During his life, was under the control of people who made him work for their gain who used him. The Entity emphasizes the killers as a position of power but Caleb does much of the same here. Works and works. Never for himself.
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’:
His existence has always included pain. He’s not quite sure what it’s like without it. He’s made several efforts to take the pyramid off. It pulls painfully at his neck. Makes awful groaning noises and roars.
Ji-Woon ‘The Trickster’ Hak:
Has never been much more than entertainment for other people since he was a child. Never expected to be much more. To the point that now, if he doesn't feel impressive in some way, he feels incomplete. The entity is his way to really indulge his ‘true artistry’.
Yun-Jin Lee:
A bit selfish when it comes to surviving. A few people around the campfire dont like her for that reason. Some of the meaner people will even leave her behind because they remember all of the times Yun-Jin might have done something similar.
Thanks for reading!!! I’m sorry I don’t post often but I have Shit ton of hw and I recently started a new project sooo ya know 💖💖💖
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How would the safehouse crew deal with fights with their s/o's? You know, like you had a huge argument and there's silent treatments and such? I love your works and blog so much, thank you 🥺💖
AHAHAAHAHA they angy. this gets kinda long so more under the cut
Safehouse Crew getting into an argument with their S/O
It'll start off as him being annoyed, he's a bit more pissy and snappy than usual
Then it eventually escalates into a screaming match
After the confrontation, he's really irritated and a bit more silent than usual, anyone that tries to talk to him is met with short and abrupt statements
"What do you want?"
He'll actually try avoid seeing you or being in your presence until he gets over it, but it'll take some time. if you do happen to pass by each other, he'll brush past you a bit harshly, bumping shoulders and such
It can last a few days, you can catch him doing things in a bit more of a harsh manner (i.e. slamming the door a bit or scrubbing dishes furiously)
Eventually, he'll come across you crying by yourself and it will just make him feel fucking guilty, but then he has to fight his sense of pride, because he hates to admit he was wrong
He sucks it up, and it's especially hard since you both don't argue often
"I was an asshole earlier."
You're that one piece of love in his life and just spending time staying angry already wastes enough precious time that he doesn't get enough of
He'll just kind of get in the car and drive off leaving you at home, goes to the store or some fast-food restaurant
There's a lot of things he sees that reminds Mason about you, and he'll feel bad at first, but then he would remember the argument and get moody
The door to the room would be locked, so he would have to knock a few times
"[Y/n], can you step out for a bit? I'll leave you alone afterwards, just hear me out."
When you don't answer he'll leave you be, and watch TV instead, but he won't be paying any attention to it
When you slip out of the room, you kinda just stand there in the hallway as he lies on the couch
Upon noticing you he sits up, smiling a bit sheepishly: "Hey, uh..."
Apologizing is hard for him, but he gets his words out somehow
He'll lavish you in kisses once you both make up
He tries his best not to get physical, he'll probably punch a wall or pillow
Sometimes he can't restrain himself, and will grab your shoulders forcibly, but then the moment he sees that fear in your eyes he instantly regrets it, you'll pull away from him before running to the bedroom and locking yourself
Woods would just kind of stare at his hands before dragging them down his face, knowing that he already fucked up
This guy already struggles to maintain his emotions; being the boisterous go-to dumbass kind of just bottles up things he usually can't bring himself to talk about, so the last thing he wanted was to lash out at you
He'll leave you alone for the rest of the day, and do his portion of the housework in dead silence while trying not to break things
Sleeps on the couch after drinking a couple of beers, but he probably can't get a good sleep now
Woods isn't too good in apologizing, being the stubborn shit he is 
so he'll wake up really early and go to the flower shop, buy the biggest bundle of flowers while telling the florist "I fucked up."
he’ll come back home to you still in bed, so he would place the flowers on the bedside table and slip under the covers with you, staring at your sleeping expression while hating himself for yelling
you would awaken to him lying beside you holding your hand with a couple of dried tears on his face, and when you try wipe them away, his arm just sticks out and pulls you into a tight hug
his already sarcastic personality hits harder than usual, he’ll make personal remarks and makes sure they hurt
"You done yet? Because, you're being ridiculous right now."
Sims will storm off mid argument shaking his head, locking himself in the garage
he’ll work on the car, or search through boxes just to get his mind off of things, the entire scenario just repeating in his head
would probably think up of fake counter-arguments just to try make himself out as the one being right, but in the end he can’t come to the conclusion 
once there’s nothing else to do he just stares off into space for a bit, toying around whatever thing he’s holding 
The time comes where he has to leave his enclosed space, and he'll come back and find you sitting at the dinner table
He'll give out a deep sigh before join you awkwardly
"Hey, uh, about those things I said earlier..."
after a fight, she would kinda try get back to work, but finds difficulty in concentrating
she’ll just toss everything onto the table before leaning back in the chair and just stares at the ceiling while slowly spinning in the swivel chair
Park would eventually just bury her face in her hands, just thinking about it all, and questioning the relationship. She loves you but arguments like these is what makes her question the integrity of it
its difficult to process, but when it comes down to it, Park comes to remember as to why she fell in love with you in the first place, and smiles warmly to herself remembering the first time you both met
although, Park might overthink the situation as a whole, and may forget that an apology was in order
you’ll kind of find her lost in thought, so you would tactfully place down a cup of coffee next to her before rushing towards the door
Park would grab your wrist before you leave. 
you raise an eyebrow
“I... may have said some unnecessary stuff.”
it’s hard for her to admit her wrongs, but for you she will
this bear can actually get mad, and it isn’t a pretty sight to bear witness to, so it’s unsettling how intimidating he can actually get
after the argument he gets real silent after all the yelling, and leaves you there on your own
side glares whenever he walks past you, he also keeps this brooding expression throughout the day
Lazar can actually keep the silent treatment for a while, but it does get exhausting for him to constantly in an agitated state. being reminded of negative things that already happened kind of just breaks his flow
he’ll try to do paperwork, maybe even go out to the practice range and try out a rifle he had modified, but in the end he gets lonely without your company
Can't stay mad forever, and depending on the situation, it can take him a few hours to a couple days to get over it
When it's time, he will just give you a warm unsuspecting hug and kiss your forehead, mumbling an apology
he’ll also by a pack of your comfort food and throw that into the mix
this dude almost always looked pissed as is
its almost astounding to see how much deeper the furrow of his brows can get, as well as the wrinkles on his forehead
Hudson would mutter under his breath to himself while doing papers
Its probably not noticeable, but he'll press a bit harder when using the pen, writing a bit more messily and smearing (which would add on to the irritation)
he ain’t the guy to apologize straight up, so he’ll either wait until everything dies out, or just brush it aside/attempt to forget about it
since this guy practically works as long as he breathes, Hudson usually returns by the time you’re asleep
he’ll just lie down next to you and let out an exhausted exhale while making out the details of your face amidst the darkness
and he can’t help but feel regretful about the entire thing, since he rarely has time to spend with you as is, and knowing his work, he’ll be away for days before finally returning to your side again
what if the argument was the last interaction you’ll both have? he didn’t want to think about it
when you wake up you’ll find his hand placed over yours with a peaceful expression and snoring soundly
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
can you do tom and reader who’s most likely too couple edition 🥺
TH’s YouTube Extras: Most Likely To
a/n: i’m sorry this took long, love. this is short and sweet, kinda a different format but i hope you still like it! Oh and Harry is in italics ahaha.
☰ youtube channel | recent video
You were sat crossed legged on the couch, closely beside Tom who was all sprawled out. His legs were open wide as he leaned back on the cushion with one arm on the back of the sofa, right behind you. There was a camera on a tripod right in front of you both that was already recording.
"Hello guys! Welcome to our...second channel, should I call it?" Tom turned to you with a chuckle. You gave him a nod and a sweet smile. "This is basically where we post the shorter and more unplanned videos," he elaborated, glancing back at the camera with a soft chuckle.
"Today we're going to be doing a quick Who Is Most Likely To," you explained. "We've got our ping-pong paddles right here with each our name on opposite sides," you added, showing the camera the paddles with Tom doing the same.
"And Harry is right behind the camera to ask the questions," Tom finished, pointing towards Harry to get this game going.
Who's most likely to date a celebrity?
"That's such a bad first question," you scoffed with a shake of your head, lifting up the paddle with your name.
"I mean, she's dating one now," Tom laughed, doing the exact same and showed your name as he wriggled his brows at the camera.
Who's most likely to be dramatic?
Both of you raised the paddle with Tom's name on it, the lad beside you chuckling with a nod.
"Yeah, I don't think we need to explain this one," he said.
"He's just over dramatic with everything," you pointed out with a playful roll of your eyes.
"No, I'm not!" Tom protested with a loud gasp, the hand that held the paddle landing on his chest as he gawked at you.
"You were saying?" You raised your brow, Tom pouting in response but didn't bother to say another word. You giggled at that, leaning towards him to place a sweet kiss on his cheek that was quick to replace his pout with a bright grin.
Who's most likely to die due to something stupid?
Tom showed your name with a soft chuckle, you nodding in agreement as you lifted the paddle up with your name too.
"I'm just so clumsy," you laughed. "I'd probably slip and break my neck in the process so yeah, me."
"You see now why I'm overprotective over your clumsy but pretty ass?" Tom pointed out, narrowing his eyes at you. "I need to wrap you in those human-size bubbles to keep you from harm I swear."
"See what I mean about overdramatic?" you challenged, turning to the camera with a deadpan expression.
"It's just 'cause I love you too much, darling," he crooned, leaning closer to place a tender kiss on your temple. You leaned into his warmth with a soft hum and a love-struck smile on your lips, a sight that only made Tom's heart melt.
Mostly like to go to prison for something stupid?
"Probably me," Tom chuckled, paddle up to show his name.
You did just the same. "I mean you've already admitted to wanting to rob a bank," you giggled.
"If I have superpowers," he countered.
"But that's still a very stupid thing to admit in public, is it not?" you giggled, Tom sighing softly as he nodded in agreement.
Who's most likely to cry during a sad movie?
Both of you lifted your paddles up at the same time, your name written on each of it.
"I mean I'm a big crier too but it would take a very emotional scene. But the minute she sees someone else cry, she's gone," Tom explained, turning you with a soft chuckle.
"I don't know why but yeah, every time I see someone else cry, I start crying too," you admitted with a timid laugh.
Tom's arm fell from the couch and landed on your shoulder, giving your arm a loving squeeze as he pulled you closer to his side, keeping it touch there for the rest of the video. "It just means you've got a big heart," he gushed, flashing you one of his many charming grins. You beamed at him lovingly in response, giving him a light pat on the chest as a silent 'thank you'.
Who's most likely to cry during sex?
"What kind of cry?" Tom asked, turning towards his brother.
...just generally speaking.
"Well, I haven't so—" Tom shrugged as he lifted his paddle up with your name on it.
"I have," you muttered softly, lifting the paddle of your name up, covering your face with it to hide your slight embarrassment.
"When it just feels too go—" Tom stopped himself when you shot him a death glare. He turned back to the camera and laughed, "I'm not going to finish that sentence or I'll die."
Who's most likely to go a week without a shower?
You showed Tom's name swiftly with a laugh, him doing just the same with a shaking his head in slight shame.
"It's because I'm too busy sometimes," Tom reasoned, turning to look at you with a pout, finger running up and down your arm softly.
"I don't let that happen by the way," you said as you turned to the camera. "If I need to drag him to the shower then I will."
"Among other things she does to get me in the shower," Tom muttered, mischief glimmering in his orbs as he wriggled his brows at you suggestively.
You could only roll your eyes at him.
Most likely to be a romantic?
The two of you looked at each other, paddles remaining down, smiles on your lips because you both know it was a tie.
"We're both equally romantics," Tom chuckled, giving your arm a squeeze before turning to the camera as he added, "She occasionally gives me flowers out of the blue and it honestly makes my heart soar every damn time."
You laughed with a shrug. "Yeah, because flowers don't have genders you know. A lady can get her man flowers too," you hummed, beaming widely at Tom.
"Damn right." He shot the camera firm look before turning to meet your gaze again. "I love getting flowers from you," he gushed, hand running up and down your arm fondly.
"And I love getting flowers from you too." You tilted your head at him with a bright, loving smile. "And sweets," you giggled.
Who is most likely to initiate sex?
"We both do," Tom chuckled, turning to you, his brows furrowing when you had your paddle up with his name on it.
"More Tom than me but not by much," you explained to the camera with a shrug, the lad chuckling without any protest because it was in fact, true.
Who's most likely to use the other person's toothbrush?
You quickly raised Tom's name with a shake of your head. "Mainly because I would never," you said, glancing over to your boyfriend who had his own name up. You stared at him curiously. "Wait a sec, have you?"
Tom flashed you a guilty smile. "It was an accident," he started. "I thought I grabbed my toothbrush but as soon as I placed it in my mouth I made eye-contact with my actual toothbrush and yeah."
"Tom!" you gasped, smacking his shoulder lightly.
"It's not like my tongue hasn't been in your mouth before!" he defended with a laugh.
"That's different you muppet! You're not shoving your tongue in my mouth to clean it now aren't you?"
"Shoving is a bit harsh," he muttered which only earned a glare from you. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! But it was an accident I swear," he chuckled, wrapping both his arms around you for a quick hug, a soft kiss landing on top of your head soon after.
All you could do was sigh, Tom letting you go with a chuckle as he sat straighter. "Right, last one," he said.
Who is most likely to give a lap dance?
Tom showed your name with a smirk, glancing at your answer which only made him furrow his brows. "What'd you mean me?" Tom chuckled as he gestured towards your paddle with his name on it.
"Uh, have you seen your umbrella performance?" you said as a matter of fact, turning towards the camera with a grin.
The lad beside you groaned in dismay as he hung his head, earning a laugh from you. Lifting his head back up with a grin, he turned to you with a brow raised in challenge. "But who has actually given one?" Tom countered.
You felt your cheeks heat up at that.
"Yeah, that's right turn that paddle around," he teased, you showing your name with a sigh as you hid your face behind the paddle once again. "I'm a very very lucky guy," he hummed towards the camera, earning an eye-roll from you.
"So, that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed this short-styled video. And we'll see you again next time!"
Once he was sure that the camera was off, Tom was quick to wrap his arms around your torso, snuggling into you with a glimmer in his brown orbs.
"Babe, I don't feel like showering today," Tom whined, pout in full play as he looked at you expectantly.
"What, you want an incentive?" You raised a brow at your man, your fingers combing through his hair adoringly.
"Please?" he cooed, hiding face on the crook of your neck, a hot kiss landing on your skin soon after. "Save some water?"
You can't help but giggle at that, knowing that it wasn't a good point since you mostly spend longer in the shower when you're with him. But either way, his offer does sound very alluring.
"Fine, shower in five minutes."
like, reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! tell me your thoughts! <3
♛ Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @badreputatiom @fallinfortom @disneysamara @avengersficwriter @musicalkeys @apatheticanvas67482 @camimndess @tom-hlover @jjandreidsgirl @blossomparkers @thenoddingbunny-blog @sarcasticallywitty15 @call-me-baby-gir1 @miraclesoflove @tanakaslastbraincell ♛ Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove @averyfosterthoughts @2018shawn @darlingspidey @namoreno @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl @keepingupwiththehollands @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh @unbelievableholland @kittenruby @sunkisseddreamer @worldoftom @quaksonhehe @big-galaxy-chaos @clara-licht @dummiesshort @imanativeofswlondondahling @sonofabitchstyles @perspectiveparker @geminiparkers @parker-hollandx @arivera-30 @rebekkah4766 @particularnarry @iwannabekilledtwice @prettyintopeerpressure @fancyxholland @givebuckyhisplumsnow @asoftie4bucky @dandelionxgal @peterspideysstuff @zspideyy @lmaotshollandd ♛ Tom’s YT Shenanigans Taglist: @greatpizzascissorstaco @rosiesimone819 @shawnscxlvins
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Ch 2
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Again, this chapter isn’t as long as the others but I pROmiSe the chapters up ahead are longer. Also if you wanna join the tag list just ask :3
Also I am aware he said ‘superhero’ instead of ‘vigilante’ it was a mistake I might fix later lol
"Watch out Paris, a new superhero's coming to town”
Two days later...
Caline Bustier looked around, worriedly scanning all the students while doing a head count in her head. 'One missing' she thought to herself. Marinette Dupain-Cheng wasn't here. Miss Bustier knew that Marinette would wonder off at times but she would always tell her and if she didn't, there was always someone nearby. But this time, there wasn't. "Lila told me she got on the bus" the teacher mumbled to herself. 'She wouldn't lie about that, would she?'. Miss Bustier then spotted Alya, she looked as if she was recording herself for her blog possibly, 'Surely she would know where Marinette is'. "Alya?"
The girl stopped recording and turned to her teacher. "Yes Miss Bustier?"
"Did you see Marinette on the bus? Lila said she did but I'm beginning to doubt her now" her voice trailed off at the end but she kept her eye contact with her student.
"No, Marinette never got on the bus" Alya said with slight worry in her voice. "But I am in contact with her, she's been sending video messages".
"Is she lost?"
"Slightly but she says she'll be here soon"
Miss Bustier let out a sigh of relief. "Tell her that she can take her time and not to worry, she has until 12 to get here. We'll be in this location until 4 pm. It's only-" she checked her watch "9 am right now so she has plenty of time" Alya nodded "But if she goes 30 minutes without sending a message, I want you to tell me right away"
"I will Miss Bustier"
"Good" Caline breathed, she headed over to where Mylene and Ivan were to ask if they'd seen Lila. If they hadn't, she would move on to talk to Rose and Juleka. She needed to talk with Lila. "It could be a misunderstanding" the teacher mumbled to herself. 'But it's happened before' she thought. The teacher kept herself on high alert to see if she could spot Marinette from afar, if she had found her way of course. This high alertness made her able to ease drop the conversation Alya was having with Nino and Adrien.
"That Lila snake back at it with her lies" she heard the girl say. "This time Marinette has been left behind because of it"
"Poor Marinette" Adiren murmured concern for his friend.
"At least Miss Bustier knows" Nino said to both his best friend and his girlfriend. "And Marinette can take care of herself".
Hearing they're words made Caline feel guilty, as if there was a way to stop this from ever happening. "But Marinette is one of my top students, she's our everyday ladybug so I'm sure she'll be able to find her way" Miss Bustier said, half believing what she told herself.
A bluenette was racing down the streets of Paris, luckily most of the paths were empty as she probably would've run into someone by now. "Oh Tikki" she said sadly to her loyal kwami in her bag. "I can't believe my class left without me". She kept running but a few tears ran down her cheek, but since she was sprinting, her face stayed dry.
"It's okay Marinette!" The kwami said while being jostled around in her owner's bag. "We'll get there I know we will!"
"Thanks Tikki" the girl said. "I can't believe how I actually believed what that that lying snake said".
Marinette was also holding a folder with her, with some of her original designs inside. She was supposed to meet her uncle, Jagged Stone, after the school trip. Marinette made sure that none of the papers flew out of the folder, but this concentration made her disregard what was ahead of her. Someone had turned the corner. Crash. Marinette ran into this person and had, some how, managed to trip them up. They must have been taller and had a better build than her as their weight was greater than hers.
It was Damian's first day in Paris, it was still morning. He thought it would be a relatively quiet day but that changed when something ran into him and tripped him up. He was aware it was a person, he just didn't know whom, after all, he knew no one in Paris. He assumed he might have to be the one to go to someone or make a friend to actually get to interrogate them. He just didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.
He opened his eyes and there he saw the person that was under him, it was a girl. A girl with kind face, beautiful blue hair and gorgeous blue eyes to match. Though there was a tear stain. 'She must have been crying recently' he thought. He didn't realise that the girl was also examining his face.
'Wow, he's so...I...his eyes...' A bunch of words were scrambled in her thoughts as she stared into the pools of gorgeous emerald green eyes but then she realised what had happened.
"I'm so sorry!" The girl blurted out in French. 'Her voice is so...no Damian snap out of it!'
"It's fine-"
"No it isn't! I'm the one who ran into you and tripped you up. I am so sorry, I'm such a klutz". Damian then realised how this situation might have looked to others who didn't have any context, his face turned a shade of red. The girl must have also realised cuz her cheeks became rosy red as well. 'Cute, wait what?' Damian then got up and leant his hand out of the girl.
"No honestly it's fine" he said as the girl got up. He noticed a folder and knelt down to get it for her, the way she blushed as he gave it to her made him subconsciously smile. 'What's going on with me?'.
"Thank you" the girl mustered up after a few seconds. "Also I hope you don't mind me asking but I noticed you have a bit of an accent, are you visiting Paris?"
"I don't mind at all and yes, I have come from Gotham" he told her, still with a blank expression on his face.
"Well we can talk in English then if it's more comfortable with you, I do need to practice it" the girl said switching to English. "How has your stay been so far?"
"Well today is actually my first day here, I arrived last night" Damian said, also switching to English.
"Oh that's cool! I hope your day, and your stay, goes well!" She said with a smile on her face. "And let's hope you don't get mixed in with some akumatized villains" she whispered, though Damian managed to here it. 'Akuma what?' He wanted to ask her about it but her eyes were drifting off elsewhere.
Marinette spotted a cafe she sometimes goes to. "Are you busy? If not then let me treat you to something after all you are the guest here!" There was a delightful smile on her face and she made sure she was pleading in her eyes.
"Well I don't have anything I'm supposed to do but-"
"Great!" She grabbed his hand and began walking to the cafe she spotted.
'...This girl, I like her'
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Dainty-Fred Weasley x Beauxbatons!Reader
Tumblr media
(GIF credit to @fgweasley​)
Tags: @wand3ringr0s3 @obsessedwithrandomthings-blog
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hi!!!! i was wondering if you could do a Fred x beauxbatons!reader during the goblet of fire era and he’s like completely enamored with her and gets super fumbly when she’s around. She’s friends with Fleur and apart of the more popular group so he also gets a bit insecure thinking she wouldn’t like him, but she ends up making a move and they are sad when she has to leave bUT (b u t) turns out she actually transfers to Hogwarts to finish her schooling.’
Characters: Fred Weasley x Beauxbatons!Reader, Fleur Delacour x Beauxbatons!Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
(Y/L/N)=Your last name
Warnings: Insecurities, feeling left out, mentions of death, lots of fluff
It was agitating to the girls of Hogwarts to see every boy fawn over any Beauxbaton girl that crossed their path...until they saw the students from the Durmstrang Institute. It was no surprise that crushes and friendships were formed as the schools joined together for the Triwizard Tournament. Students were able to see other children their age who they had never met, rather than seeing the same people everyday.
(Y/N) sat with her group of friends as they awaited the announcement of each school’s champion. Fleur had confidently put her name in the Goblet of Fire, whereas (Y/N) couldn’t even face the thought of going through that sort of torture. Prior to this, she had a long conversation with Fleur, making sure her friend knew what she was getting herself into. But Fleur was ecstatic to put herself forward. (Y/N) neither had the courage or skill to even consider doing this sort of challenge.
“He’s staring again!” a friend exclaimed, causing her and the others to giggle as they looked at (Y/N).
She suddenly felt on the spot, until she realised they were talking about someone behind her. Hesitantly peeking over her shoulder. It was the tall boy again, the one with long ginger hair. 
“(Y/N), you should go speak to him!” Fleur nudged her.
She faced forward again.“Because that will go really well. You know I’ll just embarrass myself.”
“For a Beauxbaton, you really don’t uphold the name very well.” a friend joked, the girls breaking out into giggles again.
(Y/N) laughed along, though it was forced. Although it wasn’t meant to be serious, it still hurt. (Y/N) wasn’t as polished as she hoped she would be after so many years at her school. The other girls were flawless. (Y/N) had to repeatedly rehearse their entrance to Hogwarts whereas they all got it almost straight away. It was embarrassing at times. Her marks in every class were very good, she wasn’t a bad student. But if you took one look at her, you wouldn’t think she was from the same school as the girls sat around her. They were her friends, they loved her as any friend would. She just wished their jokes weren’t always about her.
They were shushed as the headmaster of Hogwarts caught everyone’s attention, instructing them to sit down. Everyone did as they were told, silence washing over them. Dumbledore announced that it was time for the champion selection, darkening the room with a flick of his hand. Everyone waited in anticipation as he caught the first piece of parchment thrown out, announcing Viktor Krum the champion for Durmstrang (not so surprising). (Y/N)’s friend group burst into cheers as Fleur was chosen to represent Beauxbatons. (Y/N) clapped vigorously and cheered loudly until she realised her fellow classmates weren’t being as eccentric as her.  Cedric Diggory was last for Hogwarts, and now a buzz of excitement filled the room...until Harry Potter’s name was shot out of the Goblet. 
The longest five minutes of silence followed after Harry reluctantly followed the other champions. Students whispered to each other as soon as he left the hall, wondering how the boy wonder got his name in there, and why the Goblet chose two champions for Hogwarts. They were told to leave, and everyone knew the teachers were worried and unsure.
(Y/N) chatted away to her friends, coming up with theories as to why this happened, as well as discussing how they could help Fleur prepare for the challenges. She was so caught up in conversation, she didn’t notice her admirer walking a few steps behind her, his frame towering way over hers. However, her friends definitely saw this, one of them taking the liberty to step on the back of her shoe, causing the heel to slip off. (Y/N) yelped as she stumbled, the heel buckling underneath her. Although she wasn’t going to fall, two pairs of hands steadied her by catching her shoulders.
“Oh!” she exclaimed as she stood upright.“I’m so sorry I-”
(Y/N) caught sight of her group smirking and raising their eyebrows at her as they disappeared around the corner, along with most of the other students walking by.
“-I really need to get some new shoes.”
“As long as you’re alright. Can’ recommend a good shoe shop though. Cause, you know.”
(Y/N) politely smiled, wondering where he was going with this.
“Because...” Fred was trying to come up with his own answer.“Because I’m a boy...man.”
“It should be alright.” (Y/N) said, reaching down to slide the shoe back on her heel.“Thank you though. That was very kind of you.”
“Oh, y-you’re welcome. So, are you from Beauxbatons? Of course you are, that was stupid of me to ask.”
“Did the obnoxiously blue uniform give it away?” she joked.
“I think they’re lovely. Not in a weird way though! Just...um, they’re just different to our drab colours. Everyone blends into one really.”
“I wouldn’t mind that sometimes.”
“Oh, it’s only...no, sorry, I won’t bore you.”
“You couldn’t bore me!” Fred answered way too quickly.“I’m Fred, Fred Weasley.”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Um, I should probably head back to my friends.”
“Yeah, yeah course. See you later.”
“See you later.”
Both teenagers kept their smiles until they turned away from one other, cringing at how the conversation went. Each thought they had blown it, that the other wouldn’t want to talk to them again (which of course, was the very opposite). It felt silly to (Y/N), but she wanted to know more about him already. He was the first guy to come up to her and actually have a conversation, even if it was awkward. Fred couldn’t believe he had spoken to a Beauxbatons girl, especially one that was friends with Fleur Delacour. He hoped that he would be able to find (Y/N) again away from her friends. Girls were scary when they grouped together.
Unfortunately, Fred and (Y/N) found it difficult to see each other again. (Y/N) was swept up into helping Fleur prepare for the tournament, and Fred was creating more business opportunities with his brother. When (Y/N) first returned to her friends after the interaction with the boy who had been staring at her, she expected them to be waiting with anticipation, ready to throw any questions at her, want to know what happened. But she got nothing. She was slightly disappointed, then felt guilty for wanting attention, when clearly this was Fleur’s day. 
Fred on the other hand was being tormented. The girls thought it sweet he managed to get a few words out, albeit it a bit head on, whereas the boys relentlessly teased him. They would joke it never happened, or if it did, he could surely waltz up to her again and talk to her. Fred wished he never opened his mouth. 
They didn’t speak until after the first task. The pair had stolen glances at each other whenever they could, and (Y/N) couldn’t help doing so whilst the champions faced the dragons, even when Fleur was up. She wanted to talk with him after all four champions made it out alive, but students wanted to go with their representatives to see the golden egg they retrieved. Fred was excited for his friend, though he too was frustrated that his chances (and courage) to speak to (Y/N) again were vanishing.
A few days later, (Y/N) and her group of friends were huddled in the courtyard, gossiping about the upcoming Yule Ball. It was all anyone talked about actually. The faculty found it hilarious and sweet to watch the young students get all flustered over who to ask, how to do it and what to wear, as well as dealing with rejection. 
Fred was shoved forward by George as they saw the group of vultures (girls). He sent a glare back to his twin brother, knowing he had been talking himself up to ask (Y/N) to the ball. He hardly knew her, but it was proving difficult to even have a small chat. His heart was racing as he got closer. What if she said no? Was he being stupid thinking she was interested? Why was he doing this in public and in front of her friends?!
The girls looked up as they saw who was approaching, giggling and cooing at (Y/N). She didn’t take any notice, a genuine smile on her face. That smile dropped when she saw Fred tense up, halting in his steps before quickly turning back around. Her friends burst into laughter, and she sent them a scowl before running after him.
“Fred?” (Y/N) called out as she caught up with him. 
He cautiously faced her.“Uh, yeah, that’s me. You know that’s me, why would I-”
“Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?” 
Fred’s mouth was open in shock, wanting to say yes immediately, but surprised she had been the one to ask.“Y-yes. Yes!”
“Yeah, that’s great.”
The two of them could feel their friends watching with eager eyes.
(Y/N) decided to take matters into her own hands.“Can we...can we maybe go for a walk? Now?”
“Let’s go.” Fred was quick to answer.
They walked in silence, somehow knowing where they were headed without a specific destination. Fred took more of a lead when he thought of a place to go. (Y/N) closely followed, spotting a long bridge built next to a viaduct, the cascading water running underneath it. They made it halfway along the bridge before Fred leaned against a post, looking out to the landscape, (Y/N) standing opposite and following his gaze.
“I was going to ask, you know.” Fred started. 
“What do you mean?” (Y/N) looked at him.
“When I walked over. I was about to ask you when your friends...they um-”
“They’re scary, I know.”
Fred turned to face her.“What?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love them all but sometimes we can look quite intimidating as a group. Well, they do, I don’t.”
“Are you joking? I was terrified to talk to you for the first time!”
“Me? Why?”
Fred didn’t have the confidence to look her in the eye as he spoke.“Because you’re a Beauxbatons girl. I mean, you’re all pretty but compared to the rest of them, you’re gorgeous. And you hold yourself so well, you’re with the popular group, meaning if I did anything wrong, everyone would know within seconds-”
“Fred, are you sure you’ve approached the right girl?”
His head shot up again.“Hm?”
“If someone were to describe me, they wouldn’t use any of those words. I’m an awful representation of my school. It’s a wonder I even made friends, let alone be in the ‘popular’ group. They all think that.”
“Who? Your friends?”
“Yeah. They...I don’t know, sometimes they say these things that I have to laugh off, because it’s not specifically mean, but it still hurts.”
“Well if it’s upsetting you, then it’s mean. Friends aren’t supposed to do that.”
“But they have supported me through a lot. I think they just wish I was more...dainty. I laugh out loud too much, get over excited when something good or fun happens. They rolled their eyes at me once because I used a prank device on them that my cousin got my for Christmas. It was supposed to be funny, but they called me childish.”
“Who doesn’t love a good joke? You really should make some new friends.”
“What’s the point? I’m almost done with school. One more year and then I can make new friends wherever I go next.”
“And where do you want to go?”
“Somewhere where I can have fun and laugh everyday.”
Fred smiled.“I think we have a lot more in common than we thought.”
Fred’s words played on (Y/N)’s mind after their pleasant stroll. Fred had showed her around the castle, or what he could in the small amount of time they had. Both were blushing at times, instantly trying to come up with a conversation starter as soon as a second of silence occurred. Nervous giggles escaped them both at times, hiding their face so the other couldn’t see their blushing cheeks. 
(Y/N) also found herself hanging out with Fred more than her own friends, and she didn’t feel as guilty as she thought she would. It started with one lunch time together, then a full afternoon. Of course she still helped Fleur and tried to have time with her friends, but (Y/N) had another year at school with them, she didn’t know when she could see Fred again. Her group wasn’t too thrilled about that, which (Y/N) could understand; what she couldn’t understand was why her friends weren’t asking anything about Fred. Anytime the others so much as glanced at a boy, they were all over them, shooting out as many questions as possible. (Y/N) secretly felt even worse when none of them discussed what she was wearing to the ball.
Walking at the back of the group, (Y/N) smoothed down her dress, wishing her friends weren’t in such a bad mood with her. Surprisingly, Fleur had been alright with the matter, but (Y/N) supposed that was because she was focusing on the challenges. What if Fred was right? Were the girls secretly being mean to her? Or was that just because he was seeing it from a boy’s point of view? They always had it so much easier.
The girls all turned around to face each other when they reached the doors of the great hall, (Y/N) was relieved when she was involved. Fleur held hands with the girls beside her, everybody copying to form the circle together. 
“This is going to be the best night ever!” Fleur declared, all of them squealing in excitement.“I will see you on the dance floor ladies.”
They all separated, (Y/N) unsure of where to go. She was meeting Fred here, but couldn’t see him, which amused her because of how tall he was, he was hard to miss. Her fingers fiddled together, stopping herself from touching her hair, she had spent far too long on it. Her heart was beating fast, throat feeling choked up as she thought Fred hadn’t shown up. Was this all a joke? He had seemed so genuine. What if her friends had something to do with this? She then felt bad for thinking of them in that way.
(Y/N) heard someone gasp behind her, but didn’t turn around. That would be a nice reaction to have though.
“Um, I’ll say it again.” she realised it was Fred’s voice.“Wow.”
(Y/N) spun around, her dress swirling against the floor, grinning as she saw Fred in his suit. 
“You look so handsome!” she exclaimed before she could think, embarrassingly slapping her hand over her mouth. 
“Oh, thank you. I did think I was going to be the best looking here, but you proved me wrong.” Fred was proud of himself when he didn’t mess up that line.
(Y/N) giggled, looking down at the floor.“I’m very excited for tonight. I’m sorry in advance if I step on your toes.”
They both forgot about any nerves, worries or cares once they entered that hall. None of (Y/N)’s friends approached her the whole evening, proving how she really felt about them. She could see them meeting up at times, or some of the pairing up to gossip. But it never bothered her, because she was with Fred the entire time. His friends were with them too, she felt more free, as if she didn’t have to look over her shoulder to see if she was doing every single thing right. Her shoulders weren’t tensed, her posture was slightly slouched, and she could laugh and sing as loud as she wanted to. 
“It was so hot in there.” (Y/N) breathed out as her and Fred left the ball.
“Bloody hell, that breeze is nice.” Fred said as he took off his bow tie.
Their arms were linked as they walked together, slowly traipsing down the halls. They got their breaths back before talking, letting the sweat on their skin dry. (Y/N)’s cheeks were aching from smiling so much. She glanced down to their arms, feeling confident and sliding her hand down to his, linking their fingers together. The pair caught each other’s eye, laughing at the gesture. They found a small, winding staircase to sit a the bottom of, knowing no one would be using them or passing by. They still held hands, leaning into one another.
“Tonight was...amazing.” (Y/N) beamed.
“I’m glad I could cheer you up.” Fred said.
“I’m glad I’m here for a while. It’s just that...” she ducked her head. 
“I don’t want to leave.”
Fred lowered his head to meet her gaze, tilting her face up to look at him. He tried to hide that his fingers were shaking.“Me neither.”
“I’ve had so much fun with you in the short amount of time we’ve had together. I feel like we’ve really got to know each other.”
“I think that limited time has made us realise we needed to....uh, we need to um-”
“Cherish our moments together?”
“That’s where I was headed, yeah.”
“How cliche.”
“Y-yeah. But, I don’t mind it.”
“No, I don’t. You know, you’re the first boy I’ve ever da-well, I’ve ever hanged out with.”
“Am I living up to your expectations?” Fred really wanted to know, he wasn’t just teasing her.
(Y/N) glanced down at their intertwined hands as she answered.“You’ve exceeded them.”
There was a few moments of silence before Fred spoke.“W-will you, uh, stand with me for the rest of the challenges? Just so we make the most of it?”
(Y/N) didn’t hesitate to answer.“Of course I will!”
Fred was dazzled by her smile. It made him feel happy, he loved being the reason behind it. His instincts took over as they gazed into each other’s eyes, leaning forward too fast as he went in to kiss her; their teeth hit, both yelping as they pulled away. Touching their lips, they checked for any damage before laughing.
“I really messed that up, didn’t I?” Fred admitted.
She shook her head.“You can try again.”
This time, Fred was more cautious. (Y/N) wished he didn’t take so long, though at the same time, she wanted to make sure she was prepared. They still held hands as their lips met, this time more softly before Fred added more pressure. (Y/N) refrained from smiling during the kiss, not wanting to buck teeth again, or bite his lip by accident. It was short, but neither wanted to point that out, worried that the other thought it was enough. However, as they pulled apart, Fred and (Y/N) realised they wanted more. It was sweet how they exchanged kisses, not talking for the next five minutes. This wasn’t what either had expected to occur during the strange and dangerous competition, although it certainly made things more interesting. 
Although (Y/N) loved being beside Fred throughout the rest of her stay, helping him and George with their bets, the Triwizard Tournament ended terribly. The death of a young boy had happened and Voldemort was back. (Y/N) was relieved that Fleur was alive (and the others, she didn’t want anyone hurt), but found herself looking at the bigger picture. Fred had given her more joy than her friend did in a few weeks. She needed to stop feeling guilty, she needed to think what was good for herself. 
“So, this is it then.” Fred sadly said as they stood in the courtyard with all the other students.
They held each other’s hands as they talked.“Yes. Oh, Fred I don’t want to go!”
She flung her arms around him, hugging him close. He immediately held her tighter.“Hey, we can write to each other. And we said about meeting in summer.”
“I know but-”
“Come on (Y/N)!” Fleur called, signalling that they had to go.
“Don’t worry. I’m never going to forget you. And I’ll write everyday.”
“Me too, Fred!”
Unlike most romantic flings, Fred and (Y/N) kept their word to each other. They wrote constantly, sending each other gifts, updating them about their days. When summer came, Fred was upset that (Y/N) couldn’t make it, though tried not to show his disappointment. It wasn’t her fault, there was a lot going on with her family, and he knew how important that was. Everyone noticed the slump he went into, he wasn’t in a mood all of the time, but there were moments they could see the sadness in his eyes. 
Fred sighed as he followed the rest of his family into King’s Cross, preparing himself for another year of school. This was his last year, the really serious one. However, (Y/N) was still on his mind, especially because her letters hadn’t been as detailed as they usually were. He guessed she was also getting ready for her last year. 
He could have sworn he heard (Y/N)’s voice. He looked over his shoulder, still holding onto his trolley, his eyes widening when he saw who was running towards her.
(Y/N) wished her suitcases weren’t so heavy as she pushed it down the platform, her poor parents trying to keep up with her. Once close enough, she forgot about her belongings, so confident that she could just run up and kiss him...until she saw his family. Awkwardly halting, her and Fred chuckled to fill the silence, opting for a simple hug.
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked.
“I transferred here for my last year. I just felt like I should be with people I like and who will support me.”
“That’s amazing!”
“Sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It certainly is!”
“I don’t mean to spoil the moment love birds, but we’re going to miss the train at this rate.” George interrupted, a cheeky grin on his face.
Fred rolled his eyes.“He’s right, for once.”
“Come on then! I want you to take me all around Hogwarts once we get there!”
“Don’t you worry, I won’t be leaving your side for the rest of the year.”
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alchemania · 3 years
Barbara, and Bennett: Toxic Positivity (and how they each exude it)
While it's easy to spot negative toxic behavior, toxic positivity can be harder to recognize and pin down. In this blog, I am going to analyze 2 characters in Genshin and explain just how they show traits of toxic positivity. (I originally was going to include Jean, but I already covered her in an earlier blog so it'd just be redundant)
Barbara Page
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Barbara is all smiles and sunshine, trying her best to ensure that everyone is happy. However; she does this to an unhealthy degree and often does not prioritize her emotional wellbeing.
#1: Forcing herself to always be happy.
Barbara's story lines state that she "only allows herself to be depressed for 30 seconds" and that after that, she basically puts on a smile; regardless of what she's actually feeling. She often talks about how good everyone is to her, and I honestly believe that Barbara invalidates her own depression because in her eyes; she has a good life and there's no "reason" for her to be sad, plus if she was sad then everyone else would feel down. She hasn't experienced anything traumatic, so how can she have the right to be depressed? But the thing is, she has: her parents divorced when she was young; and Barbara grew up apart from Jean, leading to a lack of a relationship between the two. While the divorce, based on Jean's story lines, did not seem to have a lot of negativity around it (from what I can tell Simon and Frederica actually split on amiable terms, they just fell out of love with each other), it still affected Barbara in a negative way and no doubt she is hurting from it but she's not acknowledging her pain. All trauma is not the same, this is true. But all trauma IS valid; just because someone is hurting less doesn't mean they're NOT hurting and Barbara needs to understand that her pain is valid and give herself time to process it.
#2: Lack of emotional boundaries
If there's anything that Jean and Barbara have in common besides both being healers, it's that they're absolutely terrible at saying no. In Barbara's hangout, she feels guilty for avoiding Albert and wanting to be left alone despite being emotionally exhausted and even wants to apologise, despite doing nothing wrong. Later on when her fans ask for autographs; she agrees, despite being off the clock and trying to take a break: Aether has to step in personally to get people to go away, and not only that; he has to lie through his teeth in order to do so. If you tell the NPCs the truth ("Barbara is currently on leave, please don't disturb her",) they'll reply "Oh she's on leave? Perfect time to ask for an autograph!" They don't care about her feelings; all they care about is what she can do for them and the worst part is that Barbara lets them treat her like this. It's so bad that the Knights have to constantly step in and rescue her because folks can't get it in their heads that off the clock =/= available; and Barbara feels like if she can help other people that she needs to; to the detriment of her own needs. She seems to think it's selfish to put herself first; but looking out for yourself emotionally is anything but. It's okay to say no, it's okay to tell people you're not available. Just because you're free doesn't mean you're up to engage and there's nothing wrong with that. But like Sister Victoria says herself; Barbara is too nice. She gives and gives and gives and expects nothing in return, and people take advantage of that.
#3: Undermining herself through constant praise of others
In her hangout, she tells you that besides singing and healing, she doesn't have anything worthwhile about her, and then goes on about how amazing you are, Jean as well. Barbara doesn't acknowledge her positive traits, and then when she vents to you she apologizes for doing so, since you were supposed to be hanging out and having fun. She puts a lot of her worth in comparison to what other people can DO, and not actual character. Barbara is a lovely person: she's sweet and kind and loving, but because she doesn't see herself as physically strong or powerful, she doesn't think she's worth a lot.
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My GOD, Bennett is like the EPITOME of toxic positivity.
1. Allows others to mistreat him and take out their feelings on him because he feels it's his fault they're suffering (essentially, a martyr complex)
Bennett's hangout is a prime example of this where when Royce got angry, Bennett simply let him yell until you step in. Due to his almost perpetual bad luck, he feels that he's responsible for the misfortune of the people around him and since he can't physically do anything about it, he attempts to "atone" by letting himself be emotionally assaulted.
He also puts himself in physical danger to keep other people safe (he figures since he's already unlucky, might as well suffer a little more if it means everybody else is okay, right?), and accepts abandonment as the norm since he's a liability. Bennett does not value his wellbeing whatsoever due to constantly being in danger and he seems to be of the mentality "If I'm going to die, at least let me die protecting everybody" and that immensely upsets me that a KID, who's probably no older than 17, is already considering his mortality.
#2: Not allowing himself to process negative emotion
Just like Barbara, Bennett constantly forces himself to always keep a smile on, only in his case it's more to keep himself from getting overwhelmed about his situation. It's heavily implied in his story that Bennett is afraid that he could die any day (and I don't blame him) and so he lives hard and fast because he feels he doesn't have a lot of time. He's cheated death MULTIPLE times (he almost died as a baby, and he almost died prior to receiving his Vision), and Bennett more than likely feels that one day, he's not going to get lucky enough to escape again; and he'll actually die. His life is an entire string of misfortune and unlike Barbara and her parents divorce, Bennett is aware of this trauma: he simply chooses to take it in stride and forces himself to stay upbeat. Which is just as bad as letting negative emotion completely overwhelm him, it's literally just the other ditch.
Bennett also seems very sad about the fact that his team abandoned him but he doesn't let himself process that either (if you respond angrily to the revelation that his teammates left he'll jump to defend them and insist "they had their reasons"- and that may be true, but that doesn't invalidate the trauma and sadness of being left behind because of something you literally cannot control). Similar to Diluc, Bennett is sort of an Atlas of his own right, but instead of carrying all of Mondstat on his shoulders he's shouldering his emotional wellbeing: he refuses to vent to anyone and bottles everything up because he doesn't want to be a burden; but in doing so he's only hurting himself in the long run.
(Thank God for Razor though it seems like he might be hanging around for the long haul and that makes me immensely happy. I could cry. Please don't let anything bad happen to him and Bennett they deserve friendship)
I'm going to go off the beaten path a bit here but, to all you guys reading this; please remember that:
1. Your trauma is valid, regardless of how "lesser" you think it might be.
2. You are not obligated to give yourself emotionally to other people if you are not up to it. You cannot give what you do not have, and if you're not 100% emotionally wise, you really shouldn't be taking on any more negative energy. It's not selfish to take care of yourself. If people can't respect that then they're not worth your time. Set emotional boundaries and don't budge for anyone. The people who are meant to stay will honor your boundaries.
3. It's okay to be sad! And it's okay to be sad and have no idea why. It doesn't matter if you have a 'good life,' depression doesn't care who you are or where you are on your walk of life and sometimes it hits like a truck. Your sadness is valid and don't be afraid to take the time you need to acknowledge and process your negative emotions.
Please take care of yourselves, friends; and be safe.
Have a good day. 💗
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