#i also like to think this probably actually happened in the history of cars
Am I the asshole for complimenting my friend behind her back?
I have 2 friends. We’re all in our 20’s. Mary* and Suzy* are both my friend but have history. I’m close to Mary even though I’ve known Suzy same amount of time, but Suzy and I have recently started to hang out more.
I know both girls aren’t giving me the full drama what happen when I ask. Basically they use to be friends and then Suzy ghosted Mary. Suzy told me they were friends, but Mary started using her as a a punching bag and Suzy let it go on for too long and no longer wanted to be her friend. She didn’t offer repair of their relationship because she thought the friendship had runned its course. What I don’t know is what was Mary doing? Like what are some examples. Mary tells me Suzy just stopped talking to her one day and started hanging out with more “sucessful” people. Suzy has always been an extrovert while Mary likes to stay in more.
Anyway I’ve been hanging out with Suzy a lot. She often accommodates me (drives me, or pays for the Uber) she’ll often buy my meal. Suzy also has a lot of good anxiety advice which I was suprised about and she’s a good listener. It makes me sad that she doesn’t like Mary because I think Mary does need someone like Suzy in her life. I know Suzy has a little more deeper feelings than just “we were done so I just left” because it seems like reconnection is not an option. I just feel like Suzy doesn’t want to paint Mary in a bad light because she knows Mary and I are friends.
I have mentioned reconnection but Suzy always declines. Mary secretly not out right but has expressed she wouldn’t mind reconnecting with Suzy. Shes said “maybe we should all get together sometime.” Shell ask if Suzy talks about her (she doesn’t).
I was able to get them together a few times for a few events. Suzy was very surface level with her just asking her how she is but not getting deep. Mary had actual said a few passive things about herself and Suzy. Suzy wouldn’t respond to the passive aggressive to herself or she would say something postive about Mary when Mary was self deprecating.
At my last event Suzy got drunk and Mary had offered to drive her home since Mary was sober. It was like Mary had genuinely wanted to talk to her alone and maybe clear the air. Suzy declined her offer four times (she was getting an Uber)
After that event Suzy had told me she doesn’t really want to see Mary and I asked her why and she said she just doesn’t like being around her. I tried to pry a little more and Suzy just told me she very much values my friendship but doesn’t want to hangout with Mary.
Mary has actually been mad that Suzy didn’t accept her car ride offer home. Mary was mad that Suzy would rather pay an overpriced cab than spend a 20 minute car ride with her. That I understood. But then Mary started going deeper saying that Suzy isn’t smart with her money and has always been stuck up, that she would rather Suzy be hateful to her face and not behind her back, and that Suzy is just a coward.
I felt bad because I know Mary has unresolved feelings about Suzy, but I realized that Suzy had probably been keeping the peace for me.
My next hang out with Mary she was digging into Suzy’s character saying she drinks too much and partied too much. I told Mary she doesn’t give Suzy enough credit, Suzy is very understanding and kind and generous and that her partying and drinking doesn’t make her a bad person. Mary went quiet.
Mary didn’t talk to me for a week and then apologized. She said Suzy is a sore subject and that me being friends with her is hard because she wishes she could ask me not to be friends with her but won’t because Suzy does make me happy and it seems like Suzy isn’t actively out to ruin our friendship. She doesn’t want to hear about Suzy when we’re together.
I feel bad because it wasn’t until early in my reconnection with Suzy I knew she was a sore spot for Mary. I thought if I got them together they could be friends again, but the more Suzy backs away the more Mary gets angry, and I don’t know whose really justified since they both don’t tell me full stories. But I also feel like I really triggered Mary when I defended Suzy because I had known she felt rough about that rejection and I just didn’t let her vent on it .
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floorsauce · 1 year
That being said, I decided to make a sequel to the cars 4 script with chat gpt, but I decided to add in a horror element to the story: humans. And not only that, but humans that want to build compartments into the cars with which to ride and control them
Yeah, I'm a terrible person.....here's the story:
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withwritersblock · 3 months
I Was In Love
~I Was In Love by Born Without Bones~
Author's Note: I think this may actually be my favorite song and one shot I've done so far :) oh also italics as always are flashbacks Summary: Luke and Y/N have a complicated history: Quinn is stuck in the middle of it Warnings: implied smut, swearing, some other things I probably should add but I'm not sure Word Count: 5,485 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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He was only supposed to walk her back to her dorm building, but then it started raining. There was no way she was going to let him walk back to his dorm building with the pouring rain. So he stepped inside, it was innocent until it wasn’t. 
She wasn’t sure how it happened but his lips were sucking the skin right above her collarbone as his hands were massaging her breast through the lace of her bra. She panted hard as she pulled her fingers through the thickness of his curls. 
He lifted his head and looked down towards her, a smile on his lips as he kissed her urgently. “Is this okay?” he asked as he looked deeply into her eyes.
“Very,” she muttered before she sealed her lips over his once more. She tugged at the hem of his black button up. He stood up as he began unbuttoning it, a wide toothy grin on his lips as he looked over her gorgeous frame. She bit her lip excitedly as he leaned towards her again, the shirt completely unbuttoned, his muscles in full view. He kissed her lips briefly before he flung the shirt away from his body.
Her hands wrapped around the base of his neck, running her fingers through his curls as he kept one hand beside her head as he was holding himself up and his other hand was gripping her hip.  He slowly pulled his lips from hers, meeting her gaze for a brief second as he began to trail wet kisses from her jawline and lower and lower on her body. He wanted to taste every part of her and she wanted to feel his tongue on every single part of her body. 
The rest of the night went by in a blurr. She never thought that her longest friend, her best friend, would be in her bed doing things she could only allow her mind to go. But he did and it was the best sex she ever had.
She woke up to see him already awake and staring towards the ceiling. She smiled softly as she looked towards him, but the frown on his lips slipped the smile off of hers instantly.
“Are you okay?” she asked as she rubbed her hand across her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he stood up searching the room for his shirt and pants that he came into her room wearing. His boxers the only thing covering his frame, “We were drunk, we shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry,” 
“Well yeah but what if we could be-”
He pulled his jeans up his frame, quickly buttoning them as he avoided her gaze. “You’re the last person I wanted to have a drunken hookup with, I’m sorry.” he said while shaking his head. He picked his shirt up from the floor as he covered his frame, “Can we talk about this later? I’m running late for practice,” he offered as he quickly slipped on his shoes and left the dorm room.
She sat up straight, feeling her eyes well up in tears. It was as if her heart completely shattered at that moment. All she has ever wanted was to be something more with Luke. She was madly in love with him and maybe that was her turning point, last night. She thought maybe that meant he was in love with her too.
That was five months ago. They never spoke about it again, rarely saw each other again. Luke had moved to New Jersey to pursue his dream of playing in the NHL. They only briefly saw each other during passing at school before he left. She avoided him the entire time and it felt like he was avoiding her too.
Except today was the first day that she was going to see him again. A few years ago, the older Hughes brother’s bought the lakehouse that was directly next to their longest family friends growing up. Y/N and her family. She was driving her own car towards her lakehouse, like she’s done since she was sixteen. Except the entire time she was filled with dread as her boyfriend, Kyle, was sitting in the passenger seat beside her. 
They had only been together for three months but her parents agreed to let him join and she was excited to spend the time with Kyle but also hating the idea that she would have to see Luke and Kyle in the same room.
She nervously tapped her fingers against the steering wheel as they pulled into her spot in the garage as it was big enough to hold two spots. 
“So these guys that own the place next door, are we going to be seeing them a lot?” Kyle asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Y/N widened her eyes slightly as she forced a smile.
“They should be inside right now actually,” Y/N mumbled as she reluctantly unbuckled her seatbelt. She didn’t want to see Luke again, except every part of her body felt weak knowing he was only a few doors away. 
“Good, I mean it’s good to meet them now,” he muttered as he pushed the passenger door open and climbed out of the car. She followed in pursuit. He waited for her at the door to enter her house with a kind smile. She returned it as she wrapped her arms around his chest giving him a quick hug.
“I’m excited to spend the next few weeks with you,” she mumbled against her chest. He kissed the side of her head before he pulled away. They stepped inside the house, “Can you actually put our suitcases and stuff in my room, right over there?” she asked, suddenly wanting to see the brothers by herself first. 
Kyle nodded excitedly before he stepped out of the door towards the car again. Y/N took a deep breath as she walked through the hallway leading towards her kitchen. 
The three boys were hanging out around the kitchen island. Quinn was sitting on a barstool chair holding a seltzer against his lips. Jack was sitting on the countertop staring at his phone. Luke was leaning against the countertop as he was snacking on some of the chips her mother probably set up for them.
“You guys do realize your house is next door right?” she said as she walked towards the kitchen.
Quinn turned around and smiled widely when he saw her walking towards the three of them. Jack hopped off of the counter as he chuckled. Luke turned his gaze towards her and looked as if he saw a ghost. He stayed frozen as he watched her walk towards them.
“Your mom buys the best snacks,” Quinn said excitedly as he engulfed her in a tight hug. “How’ve you been?” he asked as he rested his hand onto her upper arm, surveying her features. Jack jogged towards her hugging her tightly, she laughed as she rocked back and forth with him.
“I’ve been doing good, how are you guys?” she said as Jack pulled away. She glanced towards Luke, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of her since she stepped inside the house.
“Off season started a bit early but otherwise we’re great, ready for some sun,” Quinn muttered as he pulled Y/N to his side again, Quinn looked towards Luke for a few seconds, “Lukey, are you going to say hi?” Quinn offered tilting his head to the side.
Luke shook his head slightly as he stood up from his leaning position and he took a deep breath as he began walking towards her and Quinn slowly.
“Well, actually I should go check on Kyle. Make sure he didn’t get lost,” she slipped from Quinn’s grasp as she started walking away from them.
“Kyle?” Luke let out. Y/N spun around to meet Luke’s gaze. She widened her eyes as she nodded.
“My boyfriend? Did my mom not tell you guys he was joining us for a few weeks out here?” she offered.
“Y/N?” Kyle called out from the back hallway. She forced a smile as she searched down the hall for him.
“Hey baby,” she said as she stepped into her bedroom, her voice echoing into the kitchen.
“Kyle?” Jack let out barely above a whisper, his face scrunched up in disgust. “Did you know she had a boyfriend?” Jack pointed his question to Luke. Luke crossed his arms over his chest as he shook his head. Jack stared towards him furrowing his eyebrows harshly, “Why are you acting weird?” 
“I’m not,” he mumbled before he started shoving more chips in his mouth. Quinn and Jack shared a look before they decided to drop it. 
Y/N and Kyle walked from the hallway together side by side. Hearing his heavy footsteps, Luke kept his gaze on the sour cream and onion chips in front of him as he continued to snack. Y/N nervously wrapped her arm around Kyle as she walked towards the kitchen.
“Kyle, these are the boys,” she muttered motioning towards them, “That’s Quinn, Jack, and that’s L-Luke,” she pointed out each of the guys individually. Quinn and Jack walked towards the pair, each of them forcing a smile. 
“Nice to meet you,” Quinn offered his hand and Kyle gladly took it. Kyle offered his hand towards Jack and he reluctantly took the handshake. 
Luke leaned upward from his leaning position as he slowly walked towards the small group. Y/N looked towards him, their eyes meeting for the first time in months. Her breath caught in her throat as she forced her gaze to meet Kyle. 
Kyle offers his hand to Luke and Luke shakes his hand with a polite smile. “You go to UMich?” Luke asked as he rested his hands on his hips. 
Kyle nodded, “Yeah, I’m on the wrestling team,” he smiled as he spoke. 
“That’s sick,” Quinn offered as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
The small group continued to talk to one another beside Luke. He kept watching Y/N, his longest friend, his best friend. The woman he loved, in a relationship with someone else. The last time they hung out crossed his mind, like it did a thousand times a day. 
He freaked out. He freaked out when he woke up with her back pressed against his chest and their legs entangled together. His heart swelled with so much happiness as he looked at her sleeping beside him that morning, except every other part of his body resorted to panic. 
His eyes meet Y/N’s gaze, scanning her features for any sign that she thinks about that night too. She clenched her jaw before she turned her gaze back to Quinn. Luke pulled his lips between his teeth as he dropped his gaze to the floor. 
“I’m going to go unpack my stuff,” Luke let out as his gaze met each person in the small room. Quinn pulled his head back as he let out a breathy chuckle. 
“You never unpack when we come here,” Quinn offered.
“Feel like using my dresser for once,” he said with a simple shrug before glancing towards Y/N one more time before he started walking out of the kitchen. 
“We should probably unpack too,” Kyle said as he rested his hand on her hip as he held her possessively to his side. Y/N nodded as the pair walked back towards her room, she spun her gaze around towards the back door that Luke walked out of.
Quinn and Jack looked towards each other awkwardly as they both started walking out of the back door. “They’re acting weird, right?” Jack asked.
“Very,” Quinn shot back as they walked out of the house back towards their own.
After another twenty minutes Quinn and Jack both barged into Luke’s room to see him actually unpacking his clothes and putting them into his dresser and closet. He had soft country music playing as he was pacing around the room putting things in random spots.
“Are you okay?” Jack asked as he watched his younger brother. Luke only hummed as a reply as he added his hoodies to a coat hanger. “Are you sure? You and Y/N never shut up when you two are together.” Jack observed. 
“We haven’t really talked these past few months,” he said as he walked towards his closet with the six hoodies he brought with him. 
“You guys used to never go a day without at least calling each other,” Quinn mumbled. 
Luke shrugged, “Things change,” he said keeping his gaze low and away from his brothers bombarding him with questions.
“What things?” Jack muttered. Luke shrugged his shoulders again.
Quinn furrowed his eyebrows harshly, “What, you guys hook up or something?” he asked teasingly, chuckling nervously.
Luke froze, his entire body stuck as he slowly met Quinn’s gaze for a few seconds before he shook his head. “No,” he let out barely above a whisper. He dropped his gaze again as his cheeks turned bright red. 
Jack’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped open as he shoved Quinn to the side. “When?!” Jack asked as he jumped up excitedly. 
“I said we didn’t,” Luke said as he nervously ran his hand across his chin. 
Quinn smiled widely, “Yeah but you're a horrible liar, Lukey. What happened? Was it bad or something?�� 
It was the opposite. It was probably the best sex he’s ever had. It made him realize how much love he actually had for her as they didn’t just hook up. It felt like the start of something, a new chapter. A chapter where they were madly in love with one another.
“What? No,” he defended as he rolled his eyes.
“Then what happened?” Jack pressed.
Luke sighed as he shook his head, “I don’t know, I asked if we could talk about it later and we never did,” he took another deep breath.
“When did you guys-?” Quinn trailed off.
Luke threw his hands to the side, not wanting to talk about it any longer, “February, her sorority had some Valentine’s Day event we went to together. I walked her back to her dorm and we hooked up. Are you guys done asking questions?”
“No, dude, why didn’t you guys talk again?”
Luke clenched his jaw as he shook his head. His brothers were right, he was an awful liar. “I freaked out, okay?” he took a deep breath, “She’s my best friend and instead of telling her how I felt, I had sex with her while we were drunk. That’s a dickhead move. I just didn’t know what to say,”
“What’d you freak out about?” Jack asked.
“Everything was going to be different with her,” he let out while shaking his head, “I didn’t want to lose her, if I fucked things up and I fucked things up anyway. Can we please stop talking about it? I don’t want to be thinking about it while we all on the boat later,”
It was nine at night and the sun was already down but they were still hanging out on the boat. The music was loud to the point where you could only hear the person next to each other talk. Her parents were sitting and talking with Quinn and Jack as Ellen and Jim were talking with Luke. Y/N and Kyle were in their own world. 
Except every time Luke spoke, Y/N felt her heart flutter. She missed him, she missed him so much that it was physically painful. Her chest would ache hard at the idea of not talking with him.
Y/N kept her gaze on Luke, discreetly. “You okay?” Kyle whispered into her ear, pulling her gaze towards him. She nodded as she leaned towards him, kissing him briefly.
Luke was tuning out whatever his mom and dad were talking about as he saw Y/N kissing Kyle. He felt as though his heart shattered. He clenched his jaw as he dropped his gaze towards his lap. Quinn glanced towards Y/N briefly before he looked towards his youngest brother. He clenched his jaw as he shook his head. 
“You know,” her mother leaned towards Quinn, “I always thought Y/N and Luke would’ve ended up together.” Quinn's eyes widened as he looked towards her, “It just seems like they are growing apart. Breaks my heart,” she said as she tilted her head to the side.
“You don’t like Kyle?” Quinn asked, and she shrugged.
“He’s a sweet boy. He’s just not our Luke,” 
“I think we all thought they were going to end up together,” Quinn whispered towards her and she nodded. 
The next day, Y/N and Kyle stayed in bed for a few extra hours just basking in each other's company. “You know, I thought you and Luke were the closest? I mean being the same age at least,”
She was thrown off by the sudden subject change as her face scrunched up slightly. She cleared her throat as she nodded, “We were,” she started as she saw Kyle take in a sharp breath. “He was my best friend, but we had a falling out a few months ago,” she mumbled. 
Memories of the night in question flashed in her mind. His lips against her own as they were breathing heavily and grinding against each other's bodies. She recalled feeling her body fill with butterflies as he kissed her in the most dream-like way.
“What happened?” he asked. She looked into his dark brown eyes as she tried to figure out if she should tell the truth. Kyle nodded slightly as he took in a deep breath, “Let me guess,” he mumbled, “You guys had sex?” 
She clenched her jaw as she nodded slightly. “How’d you know?” she muttered as she met his gaze.
“I don’t know, it’s the way he looks at you; like he’s seen you naked or something,” he mumbled, a dry chuckle leaving his throat. She smiled softly as she rolled her eyes playfully. 
“It just made things awkward between us, we haven’t spoken since it happened,” she let out. He remained silent as he processed, “Are you mad that I didn’t tell you?” she asked.
“No, I mean as long as it was just sex. Like you didn’t have feelings for him, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, no-no feelings,” she mumbled.
She sat on the bathroom counter, his legs between her own. She adjusted the red heart around his neck that had her name written in cursive across it. “I never thought you would join a sorority,” he let out as he rested one of his hands on her thigh. She smiled as a chuckle fell from her lips. 
“It looks good on a resume,” she mumbled as she took a hold of a spray bottle and started spraying it onto his curls. His face scrunched up together as some of the mist hit his face. 
“This is tacky,” he continued, holding up the heart around his neck. She smirked as she took a hold of some of her own hair product and ran her fingers through his hair. “Do we have to wear these the whole night?” 
“Yes, Lukey,” she mumbled as she tilted her head to the side as she admired the work she did on his hair. “And until I get a boyfriend, you have to be my date to these things,” she said as she pushed him backwards slightly so she could hop off the bathroom counter. 
She adjusted the short black dress on her frame as she looked towards the mirror. She straightened out the red heart with Luke’s name. “What are we even going to do there?” he asked as he ran his fingers through his own hair. 
“Drink, dance, and take lots of photos,” she mumbled as she applied lip gloss to her lips. Luke eyed her lips as she added the clear gloss. “It’ll be fun,” she mumbled as she turned to meet his gaze. 
He huffed as he smiled, “You and I have different definitions of fun,” he mumbled. She rolled her eyes playfully as she took a hold of her phone and pulled out her camera. “Oh awesome, fun’s starting now,” he said sarcastically.
“You can be unbearable sometimes, you know that?” she let out teasingly as she wrapped her arm around the center of his back as he draped his arm around her lowerback. He pulled her tightly towards him. 
“Yeah, you too,” he shot back as he turned his head towards her with a teasing smile. She rolled her eyes as she snapped the photo of them at that moment.
“Smile,” she mumbled as she turned her gaze towards the mirror and snapped a few photos of them. Most of them are Luke glancing towards her the entire time. 
Later that night, Y/N stepped foot inside her own lakehouse, getting another drink from the fridge inside when she saw Luke sitting on the barstool beside her kitchen island. He lifted his gaze as he tossed a few chips into his mouth. His eyes scanned her body. Taking note of every single curve of her frame and how the two piece swimsuit showed every perfect part of her body. 
“Hi,” she let out as she smiled softly. He returned the soft smile as he sat up straight as she walked past the kitchen island.
“Hey,” he mumbled as he nervously ran his fingers through his hair. They remained silent as she took a Truly from the fridge and cracked it open. She spun around and met his gaze. “Kyle seems nice,” he mumbled. She smiled.
“Yeah, he is,” she muttered as she brought the can to her lips. 
Their eyes remained connected as they remained silent for a few seconds. His eyes were soft and welcoming; he looked like he knew what she was thinking. All of things that have been left unsaid between them, it was as if their eyes were doing all the talking. Her heart went into overdrive.
Her eyes tried not to admire his body. His abs were prominent as well as the strong arm muscles. She took a deep breath as she rested her hands onto the counter. 
“How’s the NHL?” she asked. His eyes widened as he smiled softly.
“It’s amazing,” he mumbled, his eyes squinting slightly.
“You were fun to watch,” she let out as she met his gaze. He tilted his head to the side, a toothy grin on his lips.
“You watched the games?” he asked, genuinely shocked. She nodded dramatically. 
“You are still my best friend, Luke, Of course I was going to watch,” she mumbled as she met his gaze as she walked closer to him. He blinked his eyes rapidly as he looked away from her. 
“You seem happy,” he mumbled, unable to maintain eye contact with her. 
“Yeah, yeah.” she let out while shaking her head, “You too. I mean you’re living the dream, right?”
All he could do was hum as a reply as she was only a foot away from him and his chest was aching as he felt a magnet pulling her towards him but he tried to refuse the feeling and the desperation. 
“Why are you all alone inside? We’ve got an amazing bonfire going,” she asked as she leaned against the countertop. 
He couldn’t tell her the real answer. The real answer was that he had spent twenty-four hours watching Y/N and Kyle snuggle together and he was getting tired of it. He couldn’t breathe watching them because he wanted to kiss her cheek. He wanted to be the one holding her tightly. He wanted to be the one who loved her. He had to walk away and collect his thoughts.
While outside, Quinn was laughing at something Jack said when Kyle walked up to him. “Hey man, can I talk to you about something?” Kyle asked. Quinn’s smile slowly faded as he glanced towards Jack before he stood up and followed Kyle towards a secluded part of the backyard. Quinn nervously crossed his arms over his chest as he met Kyle’s gaze. “I’m gonna ask you a question and you’re going to not sugar coat anything,” Kyle asked. Quinn nodded.
“I’m not blind, alright? I know that your little brother has feelings for Y/N. She told me about what happened between them a few months back but she said that she didn’t have feelings for him. Is she telling the truth?” Kyle asked. 
Quinn took a deep breath as he licked his lips nervously. “We’re all close with Y/N. Jack and I have always treated her like she’s our little sister. Luke-” 
Quinn took in a sharp breath, “Luke’s been in love with her since he was eleven. He never wanted to act on it because he was terrified of losing her. Y/N was harder to see if she felt the same. Well, until they were like fifteen and they started cuddling all of the time. It was as if they constantly had to be near each other or the other one would implode. She dragged him to all of the school dances and sorority events.” he explained as Kyle was getting impatient.
“Look, they're avoiding each other because they are afraid of getting hurt. Which is causing them to get hurt anyway. You seem like a great guy, who would’ve been perfect for her. But there’s a lot of history between them that can’t be ignored,” 
Kyle remained silent as he took a deep breath. If he was being honest, he knew she wasn’t all in. He wasn’t even all in on the relationship either, it didn’t hurt to hear as much as he thought it was going to be. 
“I appreciate it, man.” Kyle mumbled as his gaze looked past Quinn to see Luke and Y/N walking out of the house together. Kyle let out a dry chuckle, “Can you tell her why I left? I’m going to pack my stuff and call an Uber.” Kyle mumbled. 
“What? You sure?” Quinn asked.
“Like you said, they’ve got history. I’m not stepping between that,” he said as he looked towards Y/N and Luke again. “Make sure they end up together, alright?” he said before he walked towards the house discreetly. 
Quinn stood still, his gaze on the dirt beneath his feet. “What the fuck just happened?” he asked himself as he walked back towards the bonfire. 
After another hour, Kyle was long gone and Y/N still had no idea. “Alright, you guys we’re going to go to bed, see you guys in the morning,” Her father expressed to everyone, the parents all went to their own lakehouse leaving the boys and Y/N alone. 
“Where’d Kyle go? Have you guys seen him?” she asked the three of them as she was starting to get a little worried. 
Quinn’s eyes widened as he cleared his throat, “He left,” is all he said. Luke perked upward at the mention. 
“What?” she let out.
“He-uh-he’s not as comfortable as he thought with you and Luke’s history. So he left,” Quinn said as his voice progressively got quieter. Luke kept shifting his gaze between Quinn and Y/N. She furrowed her eyebrows harshly as she leaned forward. 
“Did he tell you this history exactly?” she questioned, glancing at Luke for a second. 
“He might’ve,” he mumbled, glancing towards Luke, “Kinda already knew about it, though.” 
Y/N eyes flashed red as she turned her gaze towards Luke. “Can I talk to you?” she asked, standing up and walking towards Hughes's lakehouse. Luke’s room was on the second floor and his parents room was on the first. In her lakehouse her room was directly next to her parents. 
Luke slowly stood up from his seat, “Thanks,” he said sarcastically as he followed Y/N. Jack and Quinn shared a glance before they looked back towards the dying flame. 
Once Luke stepped into the house, he saw her already storming up the stairs towards his room. He took a deep breath as he skipped several steps to follow her faster. She walked into his room and began to pace back and forth. Luke shut the door behind him.
“You told Quinn!?” she called out. 
“An-and Jack, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to! You know I’m a bad liar,”
“What did you tell them exactly?!” she questioned.
He stayed quiet for a second as his heart was loud in his ear, “Quinn made a joke about us hooking up and I-I didn’t deny it that good so they found out. I told them that we just didn’t talk afterwards, we were just avoiding each other,” he explained.
Her mouth fell open as she nodded slowly. Her tongue pushed to the side of her mouth as she spun around to look away from him for a brief second. 
“Do you remember what you told me the next morning?” she asked, her voice quieter.
He met her gaze and squinted his eyes slightly, “That I was running late to practice and if we could talk about it later?” 
“Before that,”
He thought about it for a second, he replayed every second of that morning in his mind but the words were not coming to his mind. She took a deep breath as she clenched her fist and unclenched it. “You said that I was the last person you’d ever want to have a hookup with. Like-like it was embarrassing to have sex with me,” 
His eyes widened as he felt like punching himself in the chest. “Oh my god-no that’s not-”
“You hurt me, Luke!” she shouted towards him, her eyes welling up in tears.
 “I thought-I thought,” she shook her head again, “I don’t know what I thought but that was horrible to hear. Especially from you! You were supposed to be my best friend.” she shouted towards him. 
“That’s not what I meant!” he said loudly, “That not what I meant,” he let out softer as he stepped towards her, almost reaching out to touch her. 
“You know, I cared a lot about Kyle! We could’ve been something great. He was sweet and charming and he would’ve never said that to me but you-you ruined that!” she shouted as she stared deeply into his eyes. The tension was rising between them as they were only a foot apart.
“Well, if you care about the guy so much why aren’t you going after him?! Huh? Why are you standing here, shouting at me?!” he countered, getting closer to her face. She clenched her jaw as her heart was beating hard against her chest. Her skin felt hot as if steam was leaving her body. 
“I don’t know!” she shouted back as her eyes looked deeply into his eyes. His eyes were staring hard back towards her. 
“You didn’t deserve our first time together to be a drunken hook up,” he expressed, taking another step towards her. “You deserved roses and candles and all that sappy romantic shit not some dorm bed we barely fit on,” he continued as he scanned her softening features.
“I couldn’t tell you I loved you, I couldn’t tell you because I was scared I was going to lose my best friend. And then I fucked up and lost you anyway,” he explained as they were mere inches apart now. “You deserved better than that and I couldn’t face it,” he mumbled. 
She leaned towards him, urgently kissing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt her body jump against him. 
He quickly took a hold of her lower back pulling her towards him. The tension between them only increased as their lips remained connected sloppily.
She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her bare thighs against his body rushed goosebumps against her skin. 
He delicately laid her down onto his bed as his lips pulled away from hers briefly, admiring her features from the very short distance.
“I love you too,” she mumbled as she ran her fingers through the ends of his curls. He pecked her lips briefly before he leaned fully away from her. “Where are you going?” she asked barely above a whisper.
“We’re not doing this now,” he muttered as shook his head. He stood up from the bed and walked towards his closet to give her some clothes to sleep in. Instead of the swimwear still covering her frame.
“Why not?” she asked, pouting slightly. He smiled widely as he tossed her one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts she left at his dorm several months back. 
“Candles and roses,” he mumbled as he covered his frame in one of his hoodies. She smiled widely as she began to put on the clothes he handed her.
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zutaralesbian · 21 days
what theories elaborate🙏
Was trying not to be too controversial but okay 😂
I think some people headcanon Mickey as being confident when it comes to his relationship with Ian and “never losing hope in their relationship” because it’s a way for them to give Ian a pass for the way he’s hurt Mickey, so to speak. I’ve seen sentiments like “Mickey doesn’t hold anything against Ian. So why does the fandom????” from people in response to criticisms of Ian (particularly when it comes to 5x12 and S6).
People use the 7x10 and 9x06 reunions as evidence of Mickey’s confidence in Ian’s want for him but like…there are several canon instances that point to Mickey actually being pretty insecure about how Ian feels about him and fearful of Ian dropping him again.
At the end of 7x10 he asks Ian “is this goodbye?” and is visibly happily surprised when Ian gets in the car. He was not expecting Ian to agree to go with him.
In 7x11 he asks him “did you ever think about me when I was in the joint?” and voices the fact that Ian never visited bothered him.
In S10, when Ian tells him he has a parole hearing, Mickey is very clearly upset by it at first and doesn’t have any confidence in them maintaining a relationship while Ian is out and he’s in prison (probably because of what happened in S6).
And Mickey literally says “you just don’t love me enough now” when Ian tries to talk to him after the courthouse drama. Point blank spelling out that he doesn’t think Ian loves him as much as he loves Ian. These are all canon scenes and lines.
And it makes complete sense why he would feel that way after Ian’s long history of running away from him. Again, yes, Ian had his reasons. But you can understand why Ian does the things he’s done while also acknowledging the hurtful effect they’ve had on Mickey. And the truth is, Mickey has abandonment issues when it comes to Ian. (At least in S10).
“Ian has commitment issues that stem from his lack of self-worth after his bipolar diagnosis” and “Mickey has been clearly hurt by the times Ian has let him down” are two arguments that can exist at the same time.
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I'm still saying Afton is not the Mimic
Spoilers for the Ruin DLC under the Cut. I wanted to include this in my mega post... but I know that the fandom is flooded with "the Mimic was Afton all along" theories right now actually.
There will be a lot under the cut, explaining some personal theories and the ending of the RUIN DLC so... be warned.
The Mimic, if you read the books, (but you probably haven't so I'll explain it in a few short sentences) is a character from the Tales of the Pizzaplex Books that was built by a Faz Engineer who made a robot to mimic his son to keep him company while he worked long hours while he lived in a factory. The child died in a car accident, and the Mimic kept miming his son's behavior. So in his grief, the engineer beat him to death in rage and grief. This infused rage in the machine.
So now the Mimic mimes behavior of a four year old, but it's corrupted and twisted. It will mime the action of 'scooping icecream' but will be scooping out your brains. It also has an adaptive learning AI so the violent pain it experienced, along with a four year old teaching it, it's a very dangerous thing.
It's also buried into the foundation of the Pizzaplex. And was reprogramed by some dumb lazy tech to clear the debris down there. By disassembling the robots and putting them in a pile. Which it did to all the human construction workers by disassembling them and putting them in a pile.
"This pile" I think is the Blob. Or as the game files refer to it.... "THE TANGLE."
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(hard to see but take my word for it. that's him)
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(cheating camera angle)
I think "The Tangle" is a infused pile of machinery, robots, and bodies that have all wound up down there.
So, we know that the blob is real. But I really think it's "The pile" that the Mimic has been stacking in the Book Epilogues. And it got out. Gregory/Mimic or Grimmick, says that something tunneled out of the building... And I believe this is 100% true. Because in Base Security Breach, we see this thing in the underground where Afton's room is.
But in RUIN.... This thing is on the top level??? HOw Did he get up here???
He tunneled up.
So... the reason why RUIN looks like it does, and HOW it looks how it does...
Is because The Tangle got loose. And has been using the Pizzaplex as it's own series and network of tunnels like a burrowing snake or ant. Causing the entire building to fall in on itself. The Pizzaplex is it's ecosystem now. So that's why everything is falling apart how it is. He's breaking the very foundation and walls of everything.
So we do know the Blob IS real.
And let's assume that he's "the pile" that the Mimic has been building in the Tales of the Pizzaplex Epilouges. Just... sorting all the garbage, bodies, and endos into piles that he can find and stack.
So we know the Blob is real... but is Afton Burntrap real?
Forgive me I don't have the proper collectable screenshots so I'm pulling from the Wiki:
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Throughout the game, you collect these real collectable comics that include all of the endings of Security Breach. And Cassie can recognize this as Gregory's art style, and has no idea when he had the time to make these or when he made them. EXCEPT Princess Quest. Which is pretty important I think. Which I think cements that Princess Quest is the definitive three star ending.
It's also worth noting that in Vanny's Room in the RUIN DLC... there is a book of "Fazbear History" by Vanny's Bed. So if Vanessa was freed and got out... we can assume she was talking to Gregory about the Fnaf lore as she knows it.
Also, it makes sense why some of these endings are a little insane now. cause it was just Gregory trying to process everything that happened to him at the Pizzaplex.
Gregory: So, I thought you had a twin sister for the longest time and-
Vanessa: Try again...
But anyway... if None of the previous endings were real.... Is Burntrap even real?
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We collect this before we face the Mimic.... of Afton and the Blob. So we know The Blob/Tangle is real.... but was Afton ever real? Was Burntrap ever real? That's what we need to answer...
But if he isn't.... Why is his charging station down here in the furnace room all clouded up? ....As if it never was opened. As if he rotted inside with no more remnant to collect???
Cause here's the thing... I can accept the soft retconning of Afton. And if he was never real to begin with, and this is just Gregory's personal interpretation based on what Vanessa told them about what she was suffering through, I will take that. Or maybe Gregory saw the Mimic and interpreted it as this... I will take that as well.
From what I said earlier... The Mimic... All his motivations in the game don't line up with Afton's.
He is doing exactly what he wants to do.
The Mimic is sealed in the back with Concrete... he's using Helpi and the VANNI Network to get Cassie to let him out. He just wants to get out of the basement and get Free.
Now... if Mimic is Afton the whole time...
and there is a case for it... they have almost the same idle animations as an endo, the Mimic does have Burntrap's claws on one hand. And he does have a similar pawed foot to Burntrap's design and they're practically identical height and pose.
And the Mimic is almost one-for-one linked with Hepi and the VANNI network. And I don't doubt that Vanny the person was using the VANNI network to get around the pizzaplex and become invisible to certain animatronics.
here's a big But...
If the Mimic's goal is to kill people with his bare hands... and to get out of the concrete sealed basement, and break all the Security Nodes so he can get free???
Why was the Human Staff all killed in the Pizzaplex?
Why are their children missing?
Why is Vanny hunting children and adults alike to kill in the first place?
This is not the Mimic's MO.
Because Vanny WAS working under influence of Glitchtrap and not the Mimic.
Because if the Mimic just wanted to get out... He would have told Vanny/Vanessa... head of Security.... To break all the Security Nodes A WHOLE LOT SOONER. Cause she literally has a VANNI Mask/suit and access to all of that.
The Mimic has no need for remnant or child killing or human killing if they aren't doing it themselves. The Mimic has always been very hands on with their kills.
But If Burntrap Afton is REAL... HE DOES have a reason for gathering this much Remenant.
He is growing in the charging station and trying to regrow his body.
And while the Mimic moves in a similar fashion to Burntrap, I think that's because he witnessed his behavior at one point and is copying it. But he never saw Afton in his prime. So he literally can't mimic the serial killer behaviors Afton is known for. Just likely his walk and how he breathes.
Because He literally can not copy Afton as a copy-cat killer, if there is NO Afton to Copy. There is no way that he could have learned who Afton was from all the way down below into the foundation. Especially with MXES keeping it hidden down there. And by "hidden" I'm sure it's hidden from Glitchtrap to even possess or check out that low.
People have to remember. The Mimic doesn't have access to illusion disc technology from the books. he can't replicate a corpse face. He's just a learning killer AI who has access to crappy mascot costumes. He can't look one-for-one like a person, even if he can sound like one.
So, there is a possibility that Burntrap Afton DID exist... He just rotted into dust once Vanny stopped collecting remnant for him.
Or there's also the possibility he was never real to begin with.
But.... Glitchtrap certainly was at one point. And Vanny was working with Glitchtrap to kill employees and children.
Not the Mimic.
Just their motivations and modus operandi don't add up if they are one in the same.
It wouldn't make sense for the Mimic to just tell Vanny to parade around in a bunny suit, kidnapping children and killing employees.
He would be telling her to disable the Security Nodes.
There is also the possibility that Vanessa sealed the Mimic in concrete after the events of Security Breach. But even then, I really don't think that she knew about it before hand until she went down to the basement to unplug Burntrap from his charging station.
Anyways... The only way I will see "Mimic is Afton" is that if Afton was using it's body. But then, it's not the Mimic anymore, it's just another Afton-clone.
And from everything from how I've seen the behavior of the Mimic in the DLC, it is operating completely divorced from Afton with it's own motivations and morals of it's own accord.
Oh, just to be clear, I'm not mad at this soft-retcon of burntrap. It's fine. Lol I actually prefer if he didn't exist.
And even if Burntrap was never real in the first place....
Then it means that Vanny was purely an agent of Glitchtrap.
Then when the Glitchtrap Virus got destroyed.... the Mimic hijacked the VANNI network and took it's place.
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
i feel u on 1920s hate. when everyone is like ‘finally women are free of ~restrictive~ corsets’ and its like . first of all. didnt need to be. second. how do u think the curvier women were achieving the 1920s silhouette. quickly.
Exactly. I mean, yeah, it’s not their fault at all that people were saying things like that, or that it’s reached a fever pitch in recent years. Great material gains WERE being made for women, and I’m absolutely not discounting that. But much in the way that people tend to throughout history, though, they firmly believed that everything they were doing was the best and most progressive that it had ever been. And that idea has been hugely amplified in later years
I think it also has a lot to do with the fact that the 1920s were, in many ways, the beginning of a world that looks familiar to us now. Widespread film technology, continued rise of electricity, clothing-ways that seem familiar to us today in contrast to what came before (for example the advent of bras and panties, although people tend to forget there was usually also a girdle involved),  Air travel, cars becoming more popular, etc. because it seems less foreign, we accept all too readily the idea that it was better in all respects than everything earlier
(And ignore all the ways in which it would still have been foreign. Like… The 1920s were not actually the Proto – 2020s, guys. It owed for more to its immediate predecessors re: era mentality and technology and even fashion than some people would like to admit)
I don’t actually hate the 1920s – that would be pointless and reductive, since it’s an entire decade that happened over countless countries, demographics, cultural groups, etc. I think I’m with you, though, in hating the way it’s been put up on a pedestal as the perfect progressive era that was unilaterally better for women in particular
(Also, I read a book from the 1951 about the history of undergarments, and this mindset is in FULL force even three decades later.The guy finds ways to inaccurately rag on the Victorians even in chapters that aren’t about that time period, and concludes with a stirring statement that they are now living in the perfect time for underwear and that everything is so much better and more progressive than it ever has been in the past. The fact that this man- Cecil Willett Cunnington -was considered one of the highest authorities on dress history for a long time probably explains the current state of the discipline, In terms of “you can say basically whatever you want and people will believe you”)
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vettelsvee · 1 month
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DI! | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | history series masterlist | season 1
history series season 2: part 1 | part 2.1 | part 2.2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
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summary: diana's surprise birthday party makes her realize that, maybe, just maybe, she's in love with seb... without her knowing he has a girlfriend already.
word count: 3907
warnings: not actually! seb just being the standard and making sure di has an incredible birthday party (but hiding her he actually has a gf)
taglist: [@theseerbetweenus @annewithaneofthegreengable @vincentvanshoe @formulaonebuff @roisinivy] if you wanna be tagged in each part just tell me in the comments <3
a/n: the best is about to come omg. i'm so happy and so scared at the same time because the next two chapters are gonna be THE ONES (everything is going to hell)
feedback, as well as reblogs and comments, are truly appreciated!
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Bahrain Grand Prix Bahrain International Circuit, Sakhir
April 26 Sunday
Seb had managed to secure a well-deserved second position, just behind Jenson Button, whom he almost managed to beat. I wasn't usually very competitive, but since joining Red Bull Racing at the beginning of March I had been quite the opposite, especially as the results seemed to keep improving.
Now I understood the competitiveness that everyone in this sport exuded, always striving to be the best.
After getting out of the car, the German headed straight to Christian, some mechanics, and even to Helmut Marko, who were waiting for him in parc fermé to congratulate him properly. I knew I could be celebrating there with them, but my nervousness and, probably, the insecurity that had developed from the treatment I received last year, added to the stupid requirements of my contract, which was also stupid, made me stay with Britta.
"Diana, I've told you many times..."
"Yes, I know," I cut the woman off. "Diana, you have to be there, you deserve it!" I tried to imitate her perfectly while gesturing at the same time. "Britta, seriously, just leave it. I'll go some other time."
The woman raised an eyebrow. I knew she wanted me to keep talking, or at least say something that made sense and didn't avoid the conversation.
"You know you should be celebrating," she pointed towards the crowd of people dressed in navy blue. "You're part of the team."
"I don't think so," I reprimanded her. "At least, I feel completely out of place, and I know it's going to take me years to develop a good relationship with everyone, just like it's happening to you!"
"Diana, I've literally been here, in Formula 1, since 2007, when Seb joined Toro Rosso mid-season," she explained. "Do you think that's such a long time to get to know other people?"
I lowered my head and started fidgeting with my feet. I already knew she was right, and that all I was doing was making excuses because of my shyness, fear of rejection, or whatever it was.
"Well... maybe it'll take me a little longer because I'm not as open with people as you are."
While Britta kept trying to convince me to join the impromptu party, where everyone was already full of champagne and drinking from the bottle Sebastian had received on the podium, along with his trophy, my mind was scattered with other thoughts. Tomorrow, April 27, was my birthday. I couldn't help but think about it, no matter how hard I tried not to, even in the middle of all this celebration. If there was any reason why I had been hating my birthday for almost seven years, it was because of the negative change that 2002 had brought to our lives.
Before I could even respond to Britta, Rocky approached us enthusiastically. I had been working closely with him throughout the almost two hours of the race; now he seemed like a different person, with his hair and clothes completely covered in alcohol and small golden pieces of what seemed to be confetti.
"Diana, come here! We did an amazing job!"
The man, without giving me time to answer, opened his arms and enveloped me in a hug, even lifting me up a bit.
"Okay, okay, I get it, calm down!" I replied, surprised, while trying to free myself from his grip. "You don't have to thank me for anything. All the credit goes to Seb for driving the car."
Rocky shook his head as soon as my feet touched the ground again. He went into angry father mode and started a rant about the importance of teamwork.
"Diana, I don't care what role you have here," he encouraged me. "Here, we all work together, and each one of us is essential. You," he took me by the shoulders and shook me a bit, "are an essential part of the team, just like Seb, Mark, Christian, and even Britta," he said, earning himself a punch from the aforementioned woman. "If you think you don't have experience, you're here for that very reason: to gain it and become the best."
"Successes and failures are better handled together, Di.
Before I could respond to anything, Seb appeared with his trophy in one hand and, in the other, a bottle of champagne, possibly empty. His enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn't help but hide my smile. Seb, in response, just approached us and hugged us enthusiastically, as if we were the ones who had made all that effort to almost bring the victory home. That only made me even more infected with his joy. I was fully aware that getting on the podium meant a lot to him, just as it was special for me to have, in part, made that possible.
“You have no idea how happy I am, I swear,” he suddenly blurted out, trying to calm his breathing, altered by euphoria. “We're going to celebrate, but first, I need to shower.”
Roeske gave him a slight nod. I simply remained static, not knowing what to do or say because I didn't know if I was part of the last thing the boy had said.
“I also have a surprise for you, Di,” he continued, as if he had read my mind.
The word surprise left me completely bewildered, causing my thoughts to become totally confused as I tried to decipher Sebastian's words, who had quickly disappeared from my field of vision to go freshen up. Did he know that tomorrow was my birthday? No, that was impossible; although I was talking to Amelie yesterday...
I hated how gossiping people in the paddock were.
I turned to Britta and found her trying to hide her smile; her wrinkled eyes and contained laughter were possibly what gave her away.
“Do you know anything about this surprise Seb mentioned?”
“Me? Diana, for God's sake, you know me,” of course. I knew her well enough to know she was avoiding what I had asked, 'I don't know anything.”
My insistence and desperation seemed not to affect the woman, who regained her composure and tried to pretend seriousness.
“Diana, trust Seb. You'll see it's something you'll like.”
Britta's words only increased my curiosity. Her smile suggested she had information, but she didn't want to say too much. So, I decided to play along and not give in to the temptation to keep insisting.
A few minutes later, Seb appeared dressed in a way that took me completely by surprise. He wasn't wearing the uniform he usually wore after a race; instead, he had on a white shirt, jeans, and the black Vans that I was so used to seeing.
“What, do you like how handsome I got for you?”
I heard Britta clear her throat, giving Vettel a somewhat confused look. Sebastian composed himself, and I felt he gave his agent a slight apology with a nod. I couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked and why he would dress like that, as if we were going on a date.
“Of course,” I replied as confidently as I could, although nerves were consuming me inside, 'What exactly do you have in mind? Are you going to kill me, or something?'
“I wasn't thinking of killing you, but I do have a plan to steal your heart or something like that, although don't pay much attention to me.”
After those words, I saw how Roeske, again, glared at her client. Unlike me, she didn't seem particularly happy that Seb was possibly flirting with me.
“Sebastian, stop fooling around and behave!” she shouted, attracting the attention of those present. “You're not a horny hormonal teenager!”
The German laughed and then gently took my hand, guiding me out of the garage as he politely, and as he was already used to, said goodbye to all the team members, who were still celebrating their podium. Again, as we moved through the paddock, my mind was filled with curiosity about what would happen next.
As we progressed among the crowd, trying to avoid journalists and some fans, I began to feel a little uncomfortable and instinctively let go of Seb's hand. I felt that the way we were behaving could attract too much attention, and that was the last thing I needed at that moment. As soon as our contact ended, I saw how the expression on the pilot's face changed slightly, showing me with his expressive eyes what seemed to be disappointment.
“I'm sorry, Seb. I don't want this to turn into a scandal, I don't think…”
I tried to explain myself as best as I could, but I couldn't continue when his gaze shifted elsewhere. My words hung in the air. Deep down, I appreciated it. My discomfort increased just at the thought of cameras taking pictures of us to later publish them, just like happened in Monza.
Our relationship was based on a friendship that was getting better as the days went by, and I didn't want stupid rumors to ruin what I always wanted, and never had.
The whole way to the car was completely silent, which only served to increase my discomfort and make me regret having pulled away from Seb's grip. However, the tension was left behind once Seb opened the passenger door for me, bowing in a way that made me burst out laughing.
“'Lady Di, welcome to my humble carriage. I hope today's journey pleases you.”
I was used to seeing Sebastian Vettel the racer, but not Sebastian Vettel the gentleman. I liked the latter more than the former and wouldn't have any problem getting used to it given the chance.
The guy started driving towards an unknown destination, but tranquility enveloped me when, as always when I got into his car, he played music. The first chords of Umbrella filled me with excitement, and as soon as Rihanna's voice began to resonate throughout the vehicle, so did mine. My shyness disappeared when I was with Sebastian, and I even dared to say that he was the only person with whom I felt like myself.
I didn't even know why this happened to me, and a kind of excitement and desperation invaded me at the same time, especially when I noticed how at certain moments he would glance away from the road to focus on me, forming small dimples on his cheeks that made me blush.
About half an hour later, I noticed the speed was decreasing, and Sebastian parked in what seemed to be.
“Hope you're not actually going to kill me…”
My comment was ironic, but the tremor in my voice was real. I was restless, and once again, uncertainty was creeping in. I heard Seb asking me to trust him, and although I resisted at first, I ended up giving in; it was impossible not to listen to this guy.
“I promise everything will be fine, Di,” he repeated again, making sure I was calm. “I just need you to be blindfolded for a few minutes. Trust me, please.”
I bit my lip, indecisive, but finally nodded. My partner opened the glove compartment and took out a blindfold, which he put on me as quickly as he could, with clumsy hands. My eyes ended up covered, leaving me in darkness and with a feeling of vulnerability.
The car started moving again, and although my vision was completely disabled, my mind was constantly alert to any movement and sound. Every turn and every brake the driver made had me on edge, but after a few minutes that felt like an eternity, that feeling ceased. I could hear the leaves crunching nearby, and suddenly, I felt Sebastian's strong hands gently gripping my arms.
“Easy, Di. We've arrived.”
His words reassured me. I tightly closed my eyes behind the blindfold because maybe, that way, everything would pass faster, leaving all the work to him. I felt him help me out of the car, making sure my feet gripped the ground without stumbling.
“Are you okay? Can you walk, or do you need me to carry you like we just got married?”
“Yes, I'm fine,” I nodded, releasing a sigh of relief. “Thanks for doing all this for me.”
Sebastian's clumsy steps, along with a few jokes he was making, made me release nervous laughter as we walked along what seemed to be a rough path.
“Are you sure you know how to get to wherever we're going, Seb?” I asked.
“When are you going to trust me?' he replied. 'Have I ever lied to you?”
I laughed at his response, but before I could reply, the guy stopped. With a gentle yet determined gesture, he removed the piece of fabric that had been covering my eyes for longer than I would have liked to endure. My pupils immediately began to adjust to the light emanating from the place.
Before me was a dazzling hall, decorated with balloons and twinkling lights of all colors moving constantly in all directions. What surprised me the most was the crowd of people gathered there: drivers, engineers, mechanics not only from Red Bull, but from all the teams; even Britta was there, holding a banner tightly with the words "Happy Birthday, Di" written in completely irregular handwriting, as if it had been colored by a five-year-old.
The sound of Happy Birthday sung by everyone began to resonate in my ears as confetti cannons, held by Fernando and Lewis, shot confetti into the air. Tears filled my eyes, for the first time in my life, out of happiness. I couldn't believe anything that was happening, and even less that Seb had been the mastermind behind it all.
"Happy birthday, Di!" 
Seb's voice, full of affection, made me turn towards him, and before I could say anything, I gave him an awkward hug, almost causing us to fall. His eyes sparkled as much as mine, and I could swear I saw a tear forming in them.
Laughter and applause began to fill the room as the confetti continued to fall. I was surrounded by people I admired and respected, and for once in my life, I felt accepted and loved, even if it was only reluctantly.
I took a deep breath to calm myself. My embarrassment was beginning to shine through again because I didn't like being the center of attention, but I tried to put it aside to thank everyone who had taken a little bit of their time to make my day a little happier.
"Well... Hello everyone, although I guess it's already good evening, or afternoon, or however you want to say it," I started, my voice trembling. "First of all, I want to say that, well... this totally caught me off guard, but I'm very surprised and, especially, grateful, that you've taken a bit of your time to be here now, even though we've never spoken, because I see some unfamiliar faces."
Damn it, I could already feel my cheeks burning. Nico approached me and, pushing Sebastian aside, his arms surrounded me, giving me encouragement with his gaze.
I swallowed and continued:
"The truth is, I don't know what to say," I confessed. "This time I've spent in Formula 1 has been amazing,” I lied, “and I'm very happy to have met great people like Sebastian," I removed the older German's arm from my shoulders and moved closer to the other, who seemed to relax. "If it weren't for him, I don't think I would still be here. I couldn't be more grateful to have you in my life."
I looked at Sebastian, who gave me a completely sincere smile, making my heart skip a beat. I wanted to keep talking, but my faltering words made me decide to end the speech with a simple nod. Everyone started applauding, and suddenly Sebastian took the microphone that had been in my hand the whole time.
"Come on, it's gift time for my favorite girl in the paddock!" 
With smiles and continuous gestures of gratitude, I accepted all the gifts that started coming my way. As the packages, perfectly wrapped in gift paper, beautiful bags and colorful ribbons, my excitement grew as it hadn't since the last birthday I celebrated, before my mother's death.
Scarves, artisan chocolates, jewelry, among others were what began to flood the table behind me. Much more people than I had thought at first had bothered to bring me a simple detail.
Nico, when everyone had gone to get some snacks and drinks, approached with a box that, although it wasn't wrapped, was quite striking because of its size. He handed it to me with a wink; when I opened it, I was amazed. Inside was a digital camera like the ones I had always said I wanted in some conversation we had about how much I wanted to improve my photography skills that year.
"Nico, this is incredible!" I exclaimed too loudly as I jumped. "I can't believe it! Thank you so much!"
But the German wasn't done. He handed me a small box I opened carefully. A beautiful necklace full of stars with little stones made me widen my eyes. It was delicate and elegant, just my style even though I wasn't a big fan of jewelry. Before I could say a word, the Williams driver took it from my hands and gently placed it around my neck. As he tied it, I felt his breath fall on my goosebump-covered skin, which tensed even more when he left a kiss on my neck.
"I hope you like it, Diana," he murmured in a tone that was too seductive for him. “Happy birthday."
My excitement was at an all-time high, and I was so absorbed in Rosberg walking away from me, his gaze still fixed on mine, that I hadn't noticed that there was still one gift left: Sebastian's.
The blonde, who seemed to have stayed static at the scene he had just witnessed with his compatriot, approached with a small bag in his hands. It was evident, at first glance, that it wasn't as flashy as the other gifts. His expression burst with happiness, but I knew he was a little upset about the gift Rosberg had given me.
"Before you say anything," I interrupted him, "I want you to know that nothing, and no one, will ever top your gift: the first birthday party I've had in seven years. I hadn't had any since my mother's death because my father was reluctant to it," I explained, being more sincere than I would have liked, "and my sister and I are already used to making special days like any other."
"I'm going to make you as many birthday parties as you allow me, Di," he finally responded, without questioning anything I had told him. “I promise you that."
Without saying anything, I carefully opened the bag. Removing the tissue paper that covered it in the same way, I found a small notebook accompanied by a matching pen. It was very simple, but it was exactly what I liked the most, and, above all, I think I needed it.
"I know it's rubbish compared to what Rosberg gave you," he said, pointing with disgust at the camera and the pendant around my neck, "but I thought it would be a good idea for you to have it, so when you can't vent to me, you can do it by writing. I do it a lot when I'm overwhelmed, and it works pretty well for me," he continued, "although sometimes I feel a little secondhand embarrassment about what I write, I'm not going to lie."
Tears filled my eyes again that night, unlike that, for the first time, I had allowed myself to cry. Yes, it was true that it was nothing special compared to the others, but the fact that Sebastian had cared about me, in a way, made it even more special.
"It's absolutely perfect, Seb, really. Thank you so much."
"Wait, there's one more," he revealed, a little more excited.
My curiosity was awakened again as he handed me a jar that seemed to have been hidden all this time under the table where the rest of the gifts lay. It was adorned with a label featuring a photo of us with the date we met written underneath.
"This is one of my silly ideas, but I think you'll like it. Here," he took the jar, and opened it. "There are 365 papers, and I want you to read one each day when you wake up to start the day as happily as possible," he explained, leaving me completely amazed. "They're a mix of lyrics from songs you like, jokes we've shared over this time and well, a surprise or two as well."
If the background of the notebook had left me speechless, this had done it even more.
"Seb... I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything: pick one and read it, let's see what it says."
Seb gently brushed his fingers over my cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears on my face, and enveloping me in his arms as he had done so many times before. His blue eyes sparkled especially as he encouraged me to pick one of the messages from that jar again. Trembling, I took out one of the small carefully folded papers and slid my fingers over it, carefully opening it.
Thank you for being one of the most special people I've ever met. I hope one day you feel as special as you already are to me.
A silly smile spread across my face, and I quickly shifted my gaze from the handwriting to its author.
"Why do you come up with such brilliant ideas?"
The young man tilted his head and gave me a tender kiss on the head as he pulled me even closer to his chest.
"Because you're my greatest inspiration."
His words resonated within me like a constant echo for the rest of the night, partly preventing me from enjoying the party, the music, the dancing, the drinks, and the company. My emotions had turned into an internal storm that put great pressure on my stomach as I tried to process my feelings.
While talking to Felipe Massa, I watched Seb from a distance chatting animatedly with other guests, including Lewis. There was something in his smile and in the sparkle in his eyes when they met mine that made me feel a little special.
Part of me wanted to flee from this whirlwind of confusion and extreme confusion and enjoy my birthday night. However, there was another part of me that was intrigued by the idea of what could happen between Red Bull's golden boy and me, as unimaginable as it was. Perhaps that was why I drank too much that night. There came a point where, due to my mental block, I sat in a chair and kept asking myself, constantly, as if it were a mantra, if I was really in love with Sebastian Vettel or if maybe the German was earning a too privileged place in my life.
All the memories of the night, to my misfortune, became confused, except one.
Britta, taking me to my room, as best she could, while constantly repeating not to play with fire because, perhaps, things could end up worse than I imagined.
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mariana-oconnor · 5 months
His Last Bow
Hey Tumblr,
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I have 0 idea what happens in this story. Kind of hoping it's a bit like Curtain, the last Poirot story, because that's a bop. Well, it's very depressing, but I love the solution. Although I also really hope it isn't, because then Agatha Christie would have copied that and I really don't want that to be the case.
I also really want ACD to have done something insanely over the top and decisive to make it really clear that this time there would be no retconning. Like... idk, the world being invaded by aliens. Sherlock Holmes stealing the crown jewels and being executed for treason. Mycroft turning out to have been a double agent all along and destroying the entire British Empire.
I'm no longer feverish, although my lungs are still trying to propel themselves out of my body in a way that keeps leaving me a little asphyxiated, so that's fun. But no jellyfishifters this time I expect. Or sea turtles... Yeah, Idk either.
It was nine o'clock at night upon the second of August—the most terrible August in the history of the world.
Oh Watson, you sweet summer child. I bet I've seen worse Augusts. Even if Holmes does die in this one.
The sun had long set, but one blood-red gash like an open wound lay low in the distant west.
London... is now... a hellmouth?
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Are we not in London? Is that the city from a distance. Where are we? Why is the sky split open? What is going on?
The two famous Germans stood beside the stone parapet of the garden walk...
The only two famous Germans. Ever. You know... those two.
Oh, so we're actually in the 'Sherlock is a spy' period. Weirdly I assumed that that was only going to be referenced. But no, we're actually going there.
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So the red line is... the war front?
One of these was his present companion, Baron Von Herling, the chief secretary of the legation, whose huge 100-horse-power Benz car was blocking the country lane as it waited to waft its owner back to London.
Is the Baron compensating for something? Maybe.
But we're not in London and we're not near the war front, so... what is that red slash in the sky. Is it London?
This is probably not the mystery I am meant to be trying to solve. I should pay more attention to the espionage and less to the environs.
“They are not very hard to deceive,” he remarked. “A more docile, simple folk could not be imagined.”
Someone has not been down the pub when the home team is playing. Hoo boy. Docile is not a word I would use...
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"One's first impression is that they are entirely soft. Then one comes suddenly upon something very hard, and you know that you have reached the limit and must adapt yourself to the fact."
That is, indeed, what she said.
“Meaning British prejudice in all its queer manifestations."
Oh boy. I don't think you mean what I'd mean by those words, but yet you have still brought upon me a great sense of national shame and wincing.
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"I was invited to a week-end gathering at the country house of a cabinet minister. The conversation was amazingly indiscreet.”
Given the general level of OpSec shown by government workers, bankers, and just... everyone within these stories, I cannot say that this surprises me. I'm disappointed, but not surprised. The majority of government people we have met have been entire and total imbeciles in the matter of privacy, data protection and general best practices regarding secrecy.
“No, no, don't call it a pose. A pose is an artificial thing. This is quite natural. I am a born sportsman. I enjoy it.”
Ugh, I hate this guy.
“And all the time this quiet country house of yours is the centre of half the mischief in England, and the sporting squire the most astute secret-service man in Europe. Genius, my dear Von Bork—genius!”
I will say, they're commenting on other people not being discreet, and here they are just laying out everything without even a hint of subtlety. Using people's names. confirming their identities, confirming their true purposes. Unless this, in itself, is a subterfuge... They're not at a party, at least, I suppose.
“You flatter me, Baron. But certainly I may claim my four years in this country have not been unproductive. I've never shown you my little store. Would you mind stepping in for a moment?”
This all feels very Cask of Amontillado, don't you think?
Is Van Bork Sherlock?
He then closed the door behind the bulky form which followed him and carefully adjusted the heavy curtain over the latticed window. Only when all these precautions had been taken and tested did he turn his sunburned aquiline face to his guest.
Oh. My. God. Did someone just use basic security protocols to prevent someone from listening or looking in on them? Be still my beating heart. I might faint.
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I am so confused about who is speaking right now. I need more dialogue tags. I have lost track. These two have merged into one very confused spy with multiple personalities. Or maybe just two heads. I don't know.
“Out of date and waste paper. The Admiralty in some way got the alarm and every code has been changed."
If that wasn't Sherlock or Mycroft, then I don't know who it was because every time the Admiralty has been in these stories they have been incompetent to the point of deliberate treason.
Will come without fail to-night and bring new sparking plugs. — —Altamont.
Is Altamont Holmes?
“You see he poses as a motor expert and I keep a full garage. In our code everything likely to come up is named after some spare part. If he talks of a radiator it is a battleship, of an oil pump a cruiser, and so on. Sparking plugs are naval signals.”
I take back that gif from earlier. Don't tell people the code words. Good grief, man! You've just compromised all of those phrases. I get that you're providing exposition for the audience, but still. STILL.
"I assure you that our most pan-Germanic Junker is a sucking dove in his feelings towards England as compared with a real bitter Irish-American.”
...at a touch from the Baron's chauffeur the great car shivered and chuckled.
Is the car alive? I don't like this description.
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“Those are the lights of Harwich, I suppose,” said the secretary, pulling on his dust coat.
It's Harwich... No hellmouth, just Harwich. Mystery solved.
"The heavens, too, may not be quite so peaceful if all that the good Zeppelin promises us comes true."
Oh, you mean the bustle in the hedgerow? No... don't be alarmed about that. It's just a spring clean for the May Queen. Or if you're talking about the piper, he's just leading us to reason. It's really nothing to be worried about.
...beside it, seated at a table, was a dear old ruddy-faced woman in a country cap. She was bending over her knitting and stopping occasionally to stroke a large black cat upon a stool beside her. “That is Martha, the only servant I have left.” The secretary chuckled. “She might almost personify Britannia,” said he, “with her complete self-absorption and general air of comfortable somnolence."
Is Martha Holmes?
Honestly, that makes a lot of sense.
Or Holmes could be the kitty cat.
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It was a new experience to him, the silence and darkness of his widespread house, for his family and household had been a large one. It was a relief to him, however, to think that they were all in safety and that, but for that one old woman who had lingered in the kitchen, he had the whole place to himself.
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“You can give me the glad hand to-night, mister,” he cried. “I'm bringing home the bacon at last.”“The signals?”“Same as I said in my cable. Every last one of them, semaphore, lamp code, Marconi—a copy, mind you, not the original."
No. No. No.
This is not how you do a treasonous handover of government secrets. I don't care how empty you think the goddamned house is. You don't say the actual thing. YOU USE THE CODEWORDS. THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE CODES. YOU UTTER NUMPTIES!
Fuck you both. You're morons. What even is this? This isn't espionage. This is slapstick.
Good lord.
I... I despair.
I guess if you're this good at it, then it's no wonder that even the bloody Admiralty managed to get a clue.
Mycroft's probably been feeding you information for years, you muppets.
It's the incompetence that gets to me, it really is. If you're going to be moustache twirling evil German spies then at least have the self-respect and decency to be good at it.
This is pathetic.
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The Irish-American had entered the study and stretched his long limbs from the armchair. He was a tall, gaunt man of sixty, with clear-cut features and a small goatee beard which gave him a general resemblance to the caricatures of Uncle Sam. A half-smoked, sodden cigar hung from the corner of his mouth, and as he sat down he struck a match and relit it.
Oh yeah, this is Holmes, isn't it?
You couldn't even pretend to be good at being a traitor?
“So it's not quite as simple as you thought. It was four years ago that I had it made, and what do you think I chose for the word and figures?”
Tell me you're not about to do what I think you're about to do.
Tell me you have one braincell in your tiny head. PLEASE. You cannot be this dumb. YOU CANNOT BE!
“Well, I chose August for the word, and 1914 for the figures, and here we are.”
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And you're being dumb by trying to show off how smart you are. That's the worst kind.
“How could they have got on to Steiner?” he muttered. “That's the worst blow yet.”
You literally just told a man your safe combination. I don't know what to tell you, my dude. Maybe you're just bad at this.
Then he sat dazing for a moment in silent amazement at a small blue book which lay before him. Across the cover was printed in golden letters Practical Handbook of Bee Culture. Only for one instant did the master spy glare at this strangely irrelevant inscription. The next he was gripped at the back of his neck by a grasp of iron, and a chloroformed sponge was held in front of his writhing face.
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“Another glass, Watson!” said Mr. Sherlock Holmes as he extended the bottle of Imperial Tokay. The thickset chauffeur, who had seated himself by the table, pushed forward his glass with some eagerness.
Didn't call the chauffeur being Watson. Discounted him as Holmes for being too thickset. I guess since it's indicated Watson might have written this one I should have thought about Watson as well. Genuinely didn't think he'd be in this one, though.
"There is no one in the house except old Martha, who has played her part to admiration."
So Martha was working for Holmes this whole time. I think she wins the prize for being the best spy in the story.
"I shall no doubt reappear at Claridge's to-morrow as I was before this American stunt—I beg your pardon, Watson, my well of English seems to be permanently defiled—before this American job came my way.”
Oh no! Holmes used the word 'stunt' how scandalously unEnglish of him!
"The fact is, Watson, that this gentleman upon the sofa was a bit too good for our people."
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Guess the Admiralty is worse than even I gave them credit for.
The last remark was addressed to Von Bork himself, who after much gasping and blinking had lain quietly listening to Holmes's statement. He broke out now into a furious stream of German invective, his face convulsed with passion.
No... no... Holmes. You're not monologuing in front of the enemy prisoner. Don't do that. I believed in you.
"And yet I live and keep bees upon the South Downs.”
...don't tell him where you live...
I give up.
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“And most of that information came through you,” he cried. “What is it worth? What have I done? It is my ruin forever!” “It is certainly a little untrustworthy,” said Holmes. “It will require some checking and you have little time to check it. Your admiral may find the new guns rather larger than he expects, and the cruisers perhaps a trifle faster.”
god fucking dammit
Why are you telling him about the misinformation? The misinformation is meant to misinform. That's why it's called misinformation. You're undoing half of the work you did.
I... guys... guys, I just can't.
“My dear sir, if you did anything so foolish you would probably enlarge the two limited titles of our village inns by giving us ‘The Dangling Prussian’ as a signpost. The Englishman is a patient creature, but at present his temper is a little inflamed, and it would be as well not to try him too far."
Did he just threaten Van Bork with hanging. By referencing a possible pub name? A+ threat, but yikes.
The two friends chatted in intimate converse for a few minutes, recalling once again the days of the past, while their prisoner vainly wriggled to undo the bonds that held him.
They just... they just left him alone.
And went and had a chat.
I don't even know why I thought they'd drive him away immediately. Why would they?
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"I have a check for five hundred pounds which should be cashed early, for the drawer is quite capable of stopping it if he can.”
Such a weird line to end this on. OK then Holmes. Go cash your cheque.
And that was the last of the short stories... It didn't quite have the same poignancy as Curtain. But it certainly gave me a lot to talk about.
This has been a really fun year and I've loved writing these up - and spending far too long finding gifs and sometimes making my own memes when I couldn't find the precise thing I needed to say.
If you've read all of these, I have no idea why, but Hi! 2023 was certainly a year, wasn't it? Thanks to all of you. It's been really fun reading comments and learning things when people added to the notes to answer questions I'd asked.
I hear we're doing the novels next year. I have definitely actually read all of those. But I do get them all mixed up, and I will have forgotten a lot of them. I think I also signed up for another substack, but right now I can't even remember which one. That'll be a fun surprise.
Hope you all had a good, or at least not terrible, 2023. And I hope we all have a better 2024.
Happy (almost) New Year!
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gojou-violin · 2 years
izu and his toy
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☽ 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓉𝑜𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝐸𝓍𝓉𝓇𝒶 ☾
| based on this post made by @spacelabrathor
| pairing: subby!izuku midoriya x gn!reader (college au)
| warnings: 18+ MDNI sex toys, masturbation, exhibitionism/voyeurism, overstimulation, some aftercare.
| wc: 3.3k
| a/n: is this mildly based off of something that happened to me recently....... uhhhhhhhh....................................................
| taglist
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"Izu, the library's closing," I hissed at him as I gently shook him away.
We'd been studying in the library for a couple of hours to cram before our midterm tomorrow at 7AM, but at some point I'd let him put his head down without thinking about it, and next thing I knew, while I was still going strong with my studies, he was drooling onto his textbook. I tried to let him be for as long as I could. He had been working so hard to pass this exam on History of Pro Heroes that he'd practically started living in the library and my apartment just so he had some peace and quiet to study. But it was time to go home. I wasn't sure there was much more for either of us to study anymore without burning ourselves out.
"Shit--" Midoriya jumped up to his feet and looked around frantically. The library was pretty much empty besides us, another late night lurker, and the impatient librarian who was waiting to close up. "Shit, shit, shit--" He quickly started gathering his things and shoved them into his backpack. "I should probably go find a classroom to catch up on the time I missed--"
I cut him off by snatching his backpack and throwing it over my shoulder. "Like hell you are. You need a break. You need to sleep." I started walking out of the library with both of our backpacks over my shoulders. "It's bed time for you."
As he chased after me, I kept walking, listening to his protests and bargains to come to my place so that he could study for just a few minutes before crashing on the couch. He'd make me breakfast! He'd buy me coffee from campus before the exam! He'd clean my apartment, buy me lunch, drive me around on the weekend with his car that he didn't like to park on campus, etc. Anything! Yet I refused with a shake of my head and a light smile.
"Bed time."
It was like talking to a five year old sometimes, I swear.
When we got to his dorm building, Midoriya used his keycard to let us in the front door, then led the way to the elevator. He was one of the lucky students that managed to get into the best dorm his Sophomore year when usually only the Seniors and Juniors won rooms in that building during the housing lottery at the end of each school year. He got a room to himself in a suite that he only had to share a bathroom and sink with three other people, he got air conditioning, space for his gaming setup, plenty of space for a fridge or two, etc. I'd never actually been up to his room before, but I had heard plenty about it before. He liked to brag about it whenever he'd come over to my place because I spent far too much on my shitty apartment off campus that I shared with four other people, which meant that there was no privacy whatsoever, and that I had to share a room with someone. Izuku was lucky and he knew it.
"If you judge me when you see what's inside, I will cry and never talk to you again," he warned me with a hand on the doorknob after using the keycard to unlock his room. "Got it?"
"Got it."
He opened the door and stopped inside. What I saw wasn't exactly surprising, but it was a bit embarrassing for him, so I suddenly understood why he never invited me or anyone else over to hang out in his oh-so-fancy dorm room that he bragged so much about. I was also starting to realize why he never got a girlfriend.
Plastered to pretty much every inch of his walls was some kind of All Might memorabilia. Posters, figurines, tapestries, flags, and so on. His sheets were red and his comforter was blue and yellow, like All Might's color scheme. Next to his gaming set up on his desk, he had a framed photo of the time he met All Might at a Pro Hero convention. Hidden behind his closet door were so many All Might t-shirts and pajama pants that I thought I was going crazy.
I tried my best not to laugh. I wasn't judging him, I just thought it was cute... He was really obsessed with All Might, I knew that, but... I didn't realize it was that bad.
"Oh, this is gold," I snickered as I saw a pair of clean All Might themed boxers hanging out of a drawer. I went to inspect them while putting them away for him, but as I did so, I pulled the drawer open a bit, and what I saw made me stop in my tracks. "Iz?"
He saw what I was staring at and immediately scrambled to hide it from me, but I stopped him before he could slam the drawer shut.
"I didn't think you'd actually go digging through shit--"
"I didn't dig."
"Why were you looking in my underwear drawer in the first place!" His voice pitched with panic.
I looked over at him, still smiling, to find that he'd gone pale with worry and embarrassment while still trying to find the perfect opportunity to hide his shame from me after I'd stopped holding so firmly onto the drawer.
"When'd you buy it?"
"I'm not telling you!" He tried to push the drawer closed again. I held true. "My eighteenth birthday, okay?!"
He strained to close the drawer. My smirk widened.
"Why are you so shy about it, Izu?"
He turned from pale to red at the nickname. "Why are you teasing me about it..." he croaked.
"I'm not teasing you. I'm just asking."
"I'm endlessly ashamed of this whole situation, okay, can we just let it go?"
I grabbed the toy from his drawer to inspect it a bit. His eighteenth birthday, huh? So, what, he went to a sex toy store the second he could go into one, and he walked out with a transparent fleshlight? I'd seen worse from kids our age. I wasn't so sure why he would be sheepish about it. He was a young, single college kid. It was understandable that he needed something... I just never expected that Izuku Midoriya of all people would buy a fleshlight instead of something a bit smaller and more secretive.
"Is it nice?" I asked.
He finally managed to grab it from me. "That's for me to know and you to forget while I die of shame."
I laughed. "Stop being so squirmy about it, Izu!" I jumped onto his bed and relaxed against the pillows that were propped against the wall. "I think it's cute that you bought a toy for yourself."
He choked on air. "Stop that--"
"You know..."
Did I know? Perhaps I did. All the blushing glances he'd send my way, all the times he'd ask to stay over at my place even though his was better, all the times he insisted on being a gentleman by holding the door for me, buying me food instead of letting me use my student meal points, driving me around even though he disliked it, spending all of his time with me. Yes, I think I always knew but I suppressed it because I didn't want to make a fool of myself by jumping to conclusions simply because he didn't act like any of my other guy friends; simply because he was better than any guy I knew. But now we were in his room, he was as red as a tomato while hugging his fleshlight in his arms to try to hide it from my sight, and he was shaking when he heard me call him Izu and when I said he was cute.
"You are cute, though, Izu," I tested the waters a bit more.
"You're being mean."
I watched him closely for a minute to see if he really meant it, but the strain in his pants said otherwise. Still, I didn't want to push it too far if he wasn't okay with it, so I played it safe by telling him that I'd leave if he really wanted me to. I wasn't smiling or teasing when I said it. I was as sincere as I'd ever been. If he really didn't want it, if he really hated it, I'd leave.
"No, wait--" He reached out to stop me. "I just... I don't know... How do you expect me to not be embarrassed about this? It's not like I was ever planning on having a friend come over and find... this."
He was close enough to me now that I could reach out for the toy again, and this time he let it happen while he stared at me with big eyes like a deer in headlights. I looked at the details of the toy. It was big. When he bought it, he probably had someone at the store tell him, "Are you sure? It might not be the right fit." Which meant that he probably really did fit into something that deep... The entrance of it was tight, but I could see that deep within it, it was a bit wider to fit his size. I swallowed hard. Did he really fit that? Did he know that they were supposed to be somewhat tight to feel good, or did he just go with it when it didn't properly fit?
"You clean it?" I asked him.
He nodded.
He burned a brighter red.
"Do you have any others?"
He shook his head.
"How often do you use it?"
He trembled and played with his fingers anxiously as he stared at the ground and replied, "Couple of times a week..."
Oh, the poor thing... He was really desperate, wasn't he? I felt bad for him. If only I'd known sooner.
"When'd you use it last?"
"Wha-- I-- Well, you know, I've, uh, I've been really, uh, busy, and, you know, well..." Izuku trailed off as I perched my finger under his chin and lifted his gaze. "Last night."
"We were hanging out last night, Izu."
"After that!"
"Is that why you left in such a hurry?"
He nodded.
"Poor thing."
He melted into my hand subconsciously. Over the past few days, when we'd been studying endlessly at the library, he'd come up with excuses to race home afterwards, like to shower, or grab pajamas, or something along those lines, before driving to my place. I really didn't think much of it at the time because I was so tired and stressed, too, but... Now that I knew the truth, I was beginning to wonder if he was racing home to get all of his anxiety out using his toy before coming to see me.
I mentioned then and there while caressing his cheek that he must be under so much pressure, that he must be so tired and stressed, that he must be so desperate for some release and some help. I don't know when or how or why, but something snapped in Midoriya, and suddenly he was melting further into my hand while inching closer to me until he was standing between my legs, his growing erection pressed up against the edge of his mattress.
"Not so shy now, are you?" I cooed.
He shook his head vaguely.
When I reached down to slowly run my hand from his hip to his pubic bone, he tensed up and pursed his lips, holding back a moan that nearly escaped him if he hadn't stopped himself so quickly. That just wouldn't do... I wanted to hear him. So I drifted further down until my hand was cupping his erection. He finally broke, lurching forward as he whined pathetically.
"Don-- Don't-- Don't tease--" he croaked.
"Mmm... Why not?" I whispered in his ear.
He moaned again as I slid my hand under his pants and underwear. "'Cause... 'Cause... I can't- I can't-- Fuck--"
"'Cause you're really desperate, Izu? Is that it?"
I pushed his pants down a bit, letting gravity do the rest so that everything fell easily to his knees, his cock springing free. So he hadn't bought the wrong size toy after all. There he was, my best friend, red faced with lust and embarrassment, his cock hard for me, his hands shaking as he gripped his sheets for dear life to stop himself from grinding against my thigh. He was big. He wasn't as long as I expected considering the depth of the toy, but he was certainly wide enough for it.
"Would you feel better if you got to fuck your toy?"
He nodded without a second thought.
"Go on, then." I turned the toy in my hands so that the opening was facing him, and I placed it between my thighs, just where his dick was waiting eagerly for some kind of stimulation; but I refused to help him. I wanted to see what it was like when he was alone and fucked his toy. I wanted to see what Izuku Midoriya looked like when he was practically in heaven. "Fuck your toy for me."
A small voice in the back of my mind was trying to knock some sense into me by screaming that this was my best friend, and that I was overstepping by coming into his room and telling him to get off in front of me. I was trying to warn myself that I was ruining my friendship by doing this. But then the devil on my shoulder was whispering into my ear that Izuku would look so cute when his sweaty hair would fall in his face, when his freckled cheeks would glow red as he got closer to the edge, when he'd grab onto me as he came into his toy. The sexual tension in the room was far stronger than any bit of reason I had left.
"I... Are you sure?" Midoriya looked up at me with puppy eyes.
I nodded with a smirk. "Go on."
With his grip still tough on his sheets, he swiveled his hips until his tip was playing with the entrance of the toy. "My lotion," he whispered while pointing to the table next to us. I leaned over to grab it for him.
"Show me exactly how you do it all, Izu."
I watched as he used some of the lotion to lube up his cock before burying two greasy fingers inside of the toy. It looked like he was trying to impress me by showing what he could do to someone else if given the chance, but to me, it looked like he was an inexperienced kid who'd never actually fingered someone before. I giggled before kissing his cheek.
"Wha--" He stared at me with wide eyes.
"Why'd you stop?"
Suddenly, with a little pep in his step, he fingered the toy a bit faster to make sure it was slick enough for him to fuck before he pulled out of it then pressed his cock in. He hunched forward a bit while doing so. His breath hitched and his knees buckled slightly, all of which told me that he was definitely as inexperienced as I initially thought he was.
With the toy still pressed between my thighs, Midoriya braced his hands on my thighs, then he started fucking the toy slow and deep, likely feeling the stretch of the silicon around his twitching length. He probably didn't even know what a real, warm hole felt like... How cute... It was so mesmerizing to watch him fasten his pace desperately while his thrusts got increasingly sloppier, his head hanging low as his hair fell in his face, and he was moaning constantly under his breath.
"You're such a good boy." It escaped me before I could even think to hold back such a lewd compliment.
However, it seemed to give him a greater sense of urgency because he was rolling his hips and reaching deeper and different angles with every thrust in. What happened to catch me off guard, however, was how he looked up at me suddenly, his green hair sticking to his forehead, and he leaned forward to kiss me passionately. His fingers clawed into my knees to hold me still as he sloppily stuck his tongue into my mouth and made an attempt to fight for dominance. I inevitably began fighting back before I ultimately won. He gave in and followed my lead. I smiled against his lips. He was moaning so affectionately, I could have melted and moaned back right then and there if I didn't hold myself back for the sake of seeming like I had more self-control than him.
"Is this what you imagined would happen when you bought this toy, Izu?" I mumbled against his lips.
"Mmm... What do you think about when you're fucking it... When you're all alone in your room at night... Chasing your orgasm so you can race to my apartment and act like nothing ever happened..."
He whined.
"Hmmm? Tell me."
"You!" He gasped loudly as he hit a sensitive spot. "I think about fucking you-- Fuck!" His grip on me was starting to hurt, which was how I knew he was close. "I just wanna make you feel good..."
"One of these days, Izu. I promise. Just keep going. You can cum."
He panted into my mouth as he fucked his toy fast and faster and harder and harder until suddenly--
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit, I'm cumming, fuck, god, fuck, I can't, fuck!"
I looked down at the transparent fleshlight just in time to see him burying himself deep inside of it as he came hard. His forehead fell against my shoulder. His body shook from being so overwhelmed.
"Keep going," I encouraged. "It'll feel good."
He listened despite his brain being fried. He pulled back a bit, then carefully slid back in while he was shooting the last of his cum out. He shivered and went weak a bit. I barely caught him with my hands under his armpits before he could collapse onto the ground.
“Izuku?” I lifted him back up a bit after he got his feet back under him. “You okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Fuck.” He took in a deep breath to try to relax. “Fuck.”
I tried to find his face under his hair to see if he was really alright and to get a grasp of what happened. Behind his hair, he looked up at me with puppy dog eyes again. “What happened?”
He blushed. “I think I came too hard…”
I laughed.
“It’s not funny!”
I kissed him while I was still laughing. “I told you it’d feel good.”
Before he could kiss me back, I pulled away to help him out of the toy since he was soft now and his legs were shaking. I jumped off the bed to make room for him to lay down. He sighed as he got on his bed, his pants pulled up again to cover himself as he rested and I left his room to clean the toy in a lazy way so that I could set it to the side for now and clean it properly for him later. I set it to dry on top of his dresser.
“This is weird, right?” he asked me.
I shook my head. “I don’t think it’s weird. Do you?”
“No. I thought you’d think it was weird.”
“‘Cause you’re my best friend. And we just… You know…”
“It’s only weird if you think it’s weird, Izuku.” I rolled onto the tall bed to snuggle up with him. “I liked it.”
He shimmied down so that he could be the smaller spoon in our embrace, so that he could hug my torso and I could kiss the top of his head. “I liked it, too,” he admitted while hiding his face in my shirt.
“Good.” I kissed his hair and let my lips stay there. “I’m glad.”
Now it was time for us to finally rest before our midterm tomorrow. I wasn't exactly sure how I was supposed to think about anything besides him now, but... There was always after the midterm.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Tysm for the tags @fernando-jpg and @rubywritten !!!!
F1 Asks:
Who is your favorite driver?
Fernando and Seb! They come as a pair. Do not seperate :)
Do you have any other favorite drivers?
Yep! But mostly retired drivers </3 I love Mark and Jense! And then for current drivers, I like Oscar, and Max a bit as well(I can't help but feel loyal to him bcs he was my first fav)
Who is your least favorite driver?
I dislike being a hater on main but....#3 and #4. Also tbh I feel neutral to dislike about most current drivers, other than my 3 guys, so!
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I'm mostly driver motivated, I think I'd follow Fernando anywhere, and probably Oscar too. I like and support teams as well but mostly just because my guy is there! It's like, I love Aston, right? They support Fernando, they're willing to do so much for him, they love him, the vibe is really good. But if he decided to blow up Aston tomorrow, I'd be like "I'm right there with you!!"
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
+ HOWEVER! I am an RBR devotee. Like it's not even that much about the drivers, I like Max a lot, but I think I'll always keep my eye on RBR as long as I'm into F1. I just love the history of the team and their vibe. My fav team of all time will always be RBR 2009-2013, just so special to me 🥹 Not that I was actually around for it but, the way they evolved from a team that was mostly there to bring fun to the paddock to one of the most successful teams of all time, as well as being a fucking energy drink company in a sport full of car companies, is just so cool and inspiring to me. And I love the red bull golden boys so much(Seb and Max beloveds!!!) And I also have an addiction to red bull....But I got into them first so I have a special connection, even if I don't root for them all the time. Them and their aesthetic makes me happy :) they are F1 to me :)
How long have you been into F1
Probably over a year and half by now? I wish I could say I've been into it longer but unfortunately I am an American shjfkgkg
What got you into F1?
I've mentioned this several times before but. I read some oneshot in my prev fandom that was an F1 AU. And I was just like, enthralled. The first time I read it, I had to keep looking up stuff, and I kept going back to it. And then I went on the author's blog, and saw they talked about DTS and how to get into F1. So I tried watching DTS and it was alright I guess. But there happened to be an actual race that same weekend, so I tuned in, and was so into it!! Ah man there's nothing like that first race tbh. I knew only one driver, Max, and I rooted so hard for him and he won 🥹 it was just fun back then not knowing enough to be stressed and having pure focus on one guy. I'm happy where I'm at now, but that first race was cool :,)
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
Yes of course >:) I think I probably looked at the ao3 page for F1 before even watching my first race actually, it's very habitual for me when joining a fandom. I draw rpf and write my own AU lore stuff, and meta and all that. And I think I check the ao3 page at least once a day 😭 its an essential part of my fandom experience
How do you view new fans?
Hmmmm sometimes I feel like an old person, even though I haven't even been here that long. I think F1 has such a learning curve and barrier to entry compared to most fandoms. Like you have to learn so much about racing and the drivers as well until you feel like you actually have a good grasp imo. So I guess it's weird for me to see new fans bcs im like, oh god was I like that back then 😭 I'm happy to see new fans ofc!! But it's also like, good luck on your learning journey 🫡
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
I am not a good leader, I think we'd crash and burn if I took over a team 😭 they'd be like "Catie! What should we do???" and I'd have a nervous breakdown. Go back in time to be TP for McLaren and be like, be careful who you invite to your garage at the Miami gp LMFAO
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
Yes! My brother was into F1 before me(what a bastard for not getting me into it earlier.) Which is hilarious though because I pay for the F1TV account that he leeches off of. Like, damn who's the real F1 fan 🥱 I got my dad into it last season, and it was a very gradual process. He's a huge Fernando fan though, which is really fun, and sometimes he's much more positive abt the sport than me hahaha. He likes Fernando bcs they're both old men, and getting to see Fernando succeed last year is what pulled him into the sport. Some of my irl friends know of F1 but I don't think they watch all the races.
Are you open to talking to other fans/friends?
Of course!!!!! I am always desperate to talk to new people, feel free to hit me up always :D I will talk about anything F1, Fernando, Seb, Vettonso, etc related whenever :) I remember I got an ask a while ago last yr that's like "are you open to being friends/mutuals w strangers." It's like, um, yeah??? Its a lot of fun to be on here, I love making connections
Hmmmm ive seen a lot of people do this already so don't mind if I tag you and you've done it already aahh. But I will tag @suzuki-ecstar @sansebastinae @boisinnot @astronomical-light @thatdemonbish
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
I know Barbatos is forbidden from using his power freely. But i can't help but imagine going on dates with him while travelling through the past and/or historical event. I wouldn't do anything but observe, nothing drastic that might change something in the future. Like visiting Library of Alexandria before it burned down or visiting the victorian era and going on art exhibitions, cycling, rowing, and horseracing.
Personally, i would love to travel back to the 1950s out of curiosity. Then go on typical 50s dates with Barbatos: Going to Drive in Movies to watch movies and to make out, Visiting rollerskating rinks, and visit a 50s drive-in, sipping milk-shakes and listening to songs on the Jukebox.
Travelling to and back to the past would also mean fitting in and not standing out to the crowd. So imagine Barbatos in completely different attire in each different Time period you visit!
So yeah, i know highly out of character since i doubt Barbatos would be down so easily to visit the past and the fact that he isn't allowed to use his powers so freely. Still, i'll keep on daydreaming about it.
Well, anon, while it's true that Barbatos won't use his time travel powers without permission from Diavolo, I do think he could figure out a way to make those experiences happen without actually traveling back in time. For instance, there's that one card where a book transports you into a different world. So why can't there be spells on books that are about human world history?
In fact, I kinda think that could be a fun trend that spreads through the Devildom. Like they make books with such spells on them specifically so that people can experience dates in different times and places.
Of course, if it was something like that then you could potentially go on such dates with any of the characters.
I also think that if you asked Diavolo, he'd give Barbatos permission to use his powers to take you on a date like that. I'm not sure how resistant Barb might be to it. He seems to have something that causes him to be careful about using those powers. But it's fun to think about what might happen if you and Diavolo kinda bullied him into it lol.
Whether or not he would actually do it, I think it's fun to daydream about it, too. Because you know Barb would look really good in some of those historical styles. Like I am truly enjoying Victorian era or even Edwardian era Barb... or if he was like 50s greaser style that'd be interesting, too! Classical Greece and he's in a toga, I'm just saying there are options!
In every time and place, though, you can be sure he'll be a perfect gentleman. I'm just imagining him in a car with you at a drive in movie, probably not even aware that humans would go to those things deliberately to make out. He picks up on it pretty quickly though and then teases you relentlessly because he thinks it's so cute. You'll be begging him to kiss you by the time he finally does. Needless to say, you miss the rest of the movie.
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racing-is-passion · 3 months
The fact you think someone who's most recent DNFs were crashing in the last lap through driver error is better than Lewis is hilarous. Not to mention Mercedes are experimenting their tractor on Lewis, like they did in 2022 when everyone also thought Russell was better when he wasn't. Literally as soon as the announcement to Ferrari happened, everyone said knew that Lewis would suddenly be 'struggling' when he was best of the rest last year. Because think about it, it's in Mercedes' interest for Lewis to look washed. He dumped them in a humiliating way, they don't care about anymore.
Just say you don't like him? Or don't understand his value? Signing him is similar to the decision Williams made with switching Sargeant for Albon, harsh but a no-brainer. This is for any team in F1, including Red Bull. Because of one thing - hype. No other driver generates as much hype as him, and that's something that can't be replicated with any other driver. This isn't to say he isn't one of the top drivers talent wise, he is. But as we've seen with Bearman and Sainz, put any driver in a good car and they'll perform well. Ferrari's barrier to the championship is the car, not the drivers. If they have a championship winning car next year, they'd win it with both the current drivers and with next year's drivers. The only difference is that the story will be much bigger with Lewis instead of Carlos. And one more thing, this is the last opportunity for Ferrari to have Lewis in their car. I know there's lots of talk that the veterans should retire, but trust me, Fernando and Lewis are still at the top of the game, and when they're gone they will be greatly missed in F1. Instead of questioning why he's been given someone else's seat you should appreciate him while he's here, appreciate that the legendary names of Ferrari and Hamilton have in fact joined together when for so long most people thought it's impossible. Please do more research because you clearly don't understand F1.
One thing first: I never really made a secret about the fact that I'm not a big fan of Lewis Hamilton, I once wrote that in a post already, but I also always said that he is one of the best drivers ever in F1 history and I respect his accomplisments and performances.
I'm also a bit of a fan of Fernando, so it's not that I just don't speak for the drivers that are a bit older, I actually like the idea of Alonso becoming a champion again, 20 years after his last championship, if he should get a top car next year.
Oliver Bearman did a very good job at the Saudi Arabian GP, but he surely wasn't on the level of Charles and probably Carlos, that's for sure. So that wasn't really a good example. But no one was thinking that he would be as good as both of them, because of the circumstances that it was his first ever race and he has never driven the car before.
Lewis is surely still a good driver, but is he still the same that he was in the 2010 years? I really don't think so. And what reason would Mercedes have to let him be worse than he could be? It would only harm Mercedes, because they would get less points and bad publications in the media. Also it wouldn't make Ferrari or Lewis slower next year.
It's true that Ferrari hasn't the car to win the championship, no one except for Red Bull has it right n ow. But I think no one thinks that they'll drive for the championship this year. So it's still about the performances of the two drivers, which are pretty much very close to each other.
It's just my own opinion and how I see it, for me there are these minimal signs that (at least recently) Carlos would be the better decision. Maybe Charles can prove me wrong, then I'd be the last one not t say that I was wrong and Ferrari did the right thing (especially if Lewis will perform great next year.
The hype about Lewis is actually the only big reason for me to sign Lewis to Ferrari, but as Ferrari, a team that is the most famous, even without signing one of the biggest stars on the grid, that demands from itself to drive for the championship, I don't think it should just be the media hype that decides who will drive for them. And no, I'm still not saying Lewis is a bad driver, I'm just saying he isn't at the same level anymore that he had when he was winning one championship after another.
A thing iI want to let you all know, is that I will deactivate the anonymous questions, because i get many reactions that aren't very friendly or objective/impersonal, and I won't answer such stuff, because I want this to be a friendly discussion about the F1 amongst F1 fans who can also respect the opinions of others and don't feel personally attacked if someone does say something that they don't like to hear about a specific driver or team.
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power-chords · 1 year
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In fact the backstory of Tom in the film is that in the offshore world of narco trafficking cartels, they have the budgets to buy the best and they do. Particularly since the end of the Cold War, when that market has become available, people that are ex-KGB, ex-Stasi, as well as Brits and Americans from special forces; Israelis.
Since we’re only in these ten hours, we’re only seeing a fraction of a whole life. And since we’re only ten hours, the challenge is can I design those fractions that they become glimpses… that you kind of sense the person. To do that, one has to invent the history of Vincent, the history of Max, and then to choose those details to put in the ten hours of tonight. [...] The film does not do what a life experience of these ten hours would not do, which is to have exposition or to travel backwards in time via flashbacks or any of those other devices. But instead just to keep it as immediate, into this presence, and yet to have a greater degree of knowingness into their lives.
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Vincent is somebody who’s decisive… who’s embraced force as a way of controlling his environment, as a way of — and I don’t think Vincent is actually actively aware of this — but it’s a way of controlling an environment so that bad things don’t happen to him. He, consequently, can be someone who’s improvisational, he’s highly trained, he takes action, he has opinions. Max is exactly the opposite.
The other aspect about Vincent’s appearance is again, and building the character, how to make these two characters be oppositional, what Vincent’s chosen to wear, it tells us things — I believe that audiences are much brighter than they are aware of, there’s a lot of information they take in on a feeling level. There’s a cut to his suit that says perhaps it was custom tailored, but not in Milan or London or New York, in my mind it was Kowloon. The thing about his hair, scars on his hand, scars on his face.
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In effect he’s a rough trade in a good suit. Prematurely gray, kind of a steely aspect to him. Those are design issues that are there to tell us, tell the audience, tell YOU things about who he is on a feeling level, not anything that is didactic or spoken to you. It was tricky to arrive at some of these looks and some of these issues because — and this is also the challenge of the film that made it very exciting to me, to do it and want to do it — which is that when you compress the time frame, of a narrative and it’s under two hours, and you’re just in one locale, you’re one night, it also means there’s going to be one suit and one wardrobe change and everything’s going to become inordinately important. Driving a race car, a very small input in steering has a radical effect. So the slightest change, because it’s cumulative, becomes a big deal.
But the deep work that goes into this kind of thing is in fact how did Vincent become Vincent. And Tom and I did a lot of work in trying to understand where this guy came from. If he was in a foster home for part of his time, if he had an institutionalized childhood. And if he was back in the public school system by age 11, that would have been sometime in the 1970s. He would have been dressed very awkwardly. He probably would have been ostracized, because he would have looked odd and you know… the brutality of preteens and early adolescents.
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We postulated an alcoholic, abusive father who was culturally very progressive. He was probably part of Ed Solowski’s steelworkers local in Gary. He was a Vietnam veteran. He had friends who were African American, the South Side of Chicago, the Checkerboard Lounge is 30 minutes away in a cab, Calumet Skyway. So the father in his sixties and early seventies was probably an aficionado of jazz, there was a great jazz scene on the South Side of Chicago, modern jazz quartet… it’s almost as if the father blamed the son I.E. Vincent for what happened to the mother, and the father drank and Gary was being reduced to — I mean it looked like Dresden at the end of the war. The father never tutored the boy in jazz. But the boy extolled the virtue of knowing about jazz because he heard his father talk about jazz, not to him, but to other people. And that’s why he knew about jazz, and that’s why he learned about jazz.
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Now his father, Vincent’s father, never tutored Vincent about jazz because he had rejected his son. And ignored him. It was something that got constructed as backstory and the work I did with Tom during pre-production and understanding every aspect of the character of who Vincent was, much more than it appears in the text of the film so that the fractions of Vincent-ness that we have IN the text of the film, within these ten hours, could resonate with the totality of a life the same as they would with anybody you met. We all bring a whole history with us into the moment of the present.
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curatoroffiction · 2 years
Hi! Idk if you still write about Obey Me! Characters anymore or not but I just read your fic about Mc on their monthly and I absolutely fell in LOVE with it! I was wondering if you could do one where Mammon kind of takes care of Mc while they’re pregnant? I just think it would be a cute idea to see Mammon go into devoted partner/parent mode :)
I actively write for Obey Me and Twisted Wonderland, actually! Thank you for asking!
If you're ever wondering what my status is for taking requests, you can find my status updated on my "Masterlist/Rules" post, which is pinned on my blog. I've now added a link that I'll keep updated on the latest posts I make for that status. Also, I've done a few AFAB pieces recently, but I also am comfortable doing AMAB pieces as well if any readers are curious!
That being said, I hope you enjoy this! It was a little more outside my wheelhouse, but I wanted to make it fun and engaging as much as I wanted to make it comforting and heartwarming. It falls a little outside your request, but it sparked a muse and I ran with it.
Content Warnings:
AFAB Reader
Gender Neutral Reader
Established romance with Mammon
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "So what's this gonna be like?" Mammon, arms wrapped around your shoulders, looks to Solomon from over your shoulder.
As the resident expert on humans and demons, and having an extensive history of oddjobs, many of which were medical, Solomon made the most adept medical professional for your current situation. You and Mammon have decided to start a family together. That doesn't come without its own complications, but Solomon made it easier.
It also helped that he helped you fuck with Mammon a lot.
"Well, as the baby grows inside of me, it'll eventually start growing a brain, and probably by about the second or third trimester, it'll start trying to fight me for control of my body." You hardly keep a straight face, but it gets worse as you and Mammon see Solomon sagely nodding along. You almost break and laugh right then and there.
Mammon's face turns from disbelief to shock at the sight of Solomon agreeing and he looks to you with the most gentle and nervous horror. Like he feels responsible for what you're about to endure. It's so hard to keep a straight face as he's losing it, so you half-cover your mouth and close your eyes, nodding to reaffirm what you've just said.
Mammon steps back, releasing you from his comforting hug as he tries to digest this information. He realizes he's about to lose it in front of you, so he excuses himself. "Uh, I just realized I left our.. Our pregnancy bag! Back in the car! Yeah! I'll be right back."
You can tell he's freaking out. It takes all of yours and Solomon's strength not to crack until Mammon's gone. ---
Once he's gone, you two just lose it. You laugh so hard that tears form in the corners of your eyes. Solomon has to hold himself up against his table.
Between hushed laughter, Solomon wheezes out; "I didn't think he'd actually believe it"
"I never thought you'd go along"
"How long do you think we can keep this up"
"Honestly depends on whether Belphegor wants to spoil the fun or not."
"I hope we can keep this going forever."
"It'd truly be the gift that keeps on giving." ---
Mammon, texting his brothers;
Levi: [Wait, wait what??]
Lucifer, interjecting: [That doesn't sound right.]
Belphegor, who knows damn well this is not what happens when humans have babies, is opting to stay silent, because this is significantly funnier than calling Mammon out for being stupid. If the entire group can believe this, it's even better.
Beelzebub, worried: [Are they going to be okay?? What's going to happen when the baby's in charge? Are we going to have to watch them?]
Satan: [I'm looking through my human pregnancy and prenatal books right now and I'm not finding anything about the baby taking over its host?]
Belphegor, who won't stand for your baby being treated like a parasite, only interjects to explain: [Parent. Not host. Parent. The parent carrying the baby.]
Satan, not understanding: [That's what I said?]
Belphegor: [___ isn't a host, they are the parent. Stop calling them a host like the baby is some kind of tumor.]
Lucifer: [Mammon. Please explain? Why do you think that the baby is going to pilot ___?]
Beelzebub: [I wonder if the baby will like different foods when its in control. I'm excited to meet the baby.]
Asmodeus: [Oooh, I can get the baby's preferences for when we're getting their room ready, and deciding on clothes! What a great evolutionary trait!]
Satan: [I want to see if we can learn what books it likes. Then we can stock up on lots of them before they arrive.]
Lucifer: [You said they said it was normal for humans, yes?]
Mammon: [Yeah??]
Lucifer: [Then there's no need to worry. You started a family with someone from another realm, so now you get a crash-course in their biology. Did you not think there would be differences between you two?]
Leviathan: [I'm actually with Mammon on this one for once.]
Mammon: [THANK YOU]
Lucifer: [Whatever may come, you're the one they chose. Are you going to prove yourself as their 'Number One', or are you going to fail them?]
There's a long pause in the chat as everyone awaits Mammon's reply. It takes him a moment as he's still freaking out but now he's upset because Lucifer is right. You chose him. He's your number one in every sense of the word. If he can't handle this, then does he deserve to be your number one?
Mammon: [I'm still freaking out but you're right. I've got a family now. I've got to stay strong and be the man they know they can rely on.]
Lucifer: [Good.]
Asmodeus: [Where are they?]
Mammon: [Oh shit I ran out of there I've gotta go back] ---
Mammon returns, sheepish, way outside of his element, and feeling like he's in over his head, but he refuses to ever let you down. He dips into Simeon's room, since you're both at Purgatory Hall for the check-up with Solomon, and he steals a bouquet of flowers from a vase in the angel's room. He dries them off on his shirt and brings them to you. When he arrives, he asks Solomon to give you two a moment together alone.
When Solomon's gone, Mammon hands you the flowers and looks away, his face hot with embarrassment. "Whatever happens, I'm here for ya'. I'm not goin' anywhere. Sorry if I seemed freaked out before, I just, this is new to me. But I'm here. And I ain' goin' anywhere. Even if y'get mad, or the baby hates me!"
You feel your heart soften from his warmth. That same love and devotion that melted your heart when you first got to know this demon. He's still as determined as ever to be strong for you. You smile warmly, moving to hug him, resting your head in against his shoulder. He softly massages into your back - A comfort he's been doing more as the pregnancy has been giving you backaches. "The baby's not going to hate you, Love. They couldn't. You're amazing."
You can feel the heat in Mammon's body rise as he gives you a soft squeeze, careful of your torso as he buries his face in your neck. "No you are.. There's so much new ground we're treadin', an' you're just so strong in the face of it all.." He rarely lets down his walls to admit his fears, but when it's just you, he's not ashamed to admit he's afraid. He knows you know his strength. "I just wanna prove to ya' that I'm here for all of it. I'll be your rock. Alright?"
You move to warmly peck his face, causing him to softly pepper your cheek with pecks, until you two meet in the middle in a warm, gentle kiss. You two savor the contact for a moment. When you part, you softly murmur "… Thank you. I love you."
Mammon smiles big, grinning as his love for you swells in his chest. He hugs you close. "We're gonna have a baby!" He picks you up, doing a small celebratory turn in a circle and gently setting you back down as you laugh, hugging him back just as warmly.
"We're gonna have a baby."
"Fuck, I love you.." You can see small tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he says this to you, his hand softly cradling your face. You laugh happily with his mushiness, cradling his head to you, tugging him into another kiss, which he warmly returns.
Mammon's love for you is overwhelming, and no matter what the odds you face together, he'll be there to fight right beside you. ---
Bonus Scene:
Belphegor, texting Solomon;
Belphegor: [So like, how long is this gag gonna go?]
Solomon: [As long as ___ can keep a straight face. I can go forever.]
Belphegor: [I'm in.]
Solomon: [They're going to be so happy to hear that.]
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knullanon · 1 year
Hello!! I really liked the imagine/HC thar you wrote of yandere parent Darkseid with reader being his favorite child with powers of creation. That's something that I have not seen and I really would like to read more! So, is it alright if I can request an imagine/HC with this same concept, please? Thank you!!
thank you so much!! I'm sorry for the late response, originally I was just going to make this a continuation of translator from another dimension, and then I lost the draft for it. thank you so much for being patient with me tho! I love you guys sm!!! 💗💗💗
warnings: kidnapping, erasing memory, lmk if I missed any!
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he probably would've found you the same way he found you if you didn't have powers. either just watching Earth for fun and seeing you, or a gift from the Light.
either way, it's the same situation: you end up on Apocalypse with him, with no idea what the hell you were doing, while he's just happy you're there (not that you can tell)
you won't really be able to use your powers much, and if you do try to use them he might just erase your memory so you either a) won't remember how to use them, or (if it's that serious) b) you won't remember you have powers at all.
the only time he would really let you is if he needed to experiment with them, but even then those are rare, and it would only be if you were compliant with not using them or he had just erased your memory to make you think you couldn't use them.
he would also probably make you in charge of the furies as well, since he needs you to at least be doing something, and the same reasons as before, which is that it's basically an excuse to talk to you.
is kind of sad if he has to erase your memories completely, because he actually wants you to join him in conquering and killing people, but since you don't want to listen to him or be around him, he can't take that risk.
now, if you didn't have your memory erased, he would definitely try to show you what he thinks. he really wants you to become closer to him, and what better way to do so than to show you what will be yours in a few centuries?
if anything, you're more freaked out because the amount of power he has and how much he can control makes you anxious. you almost compare it to your own power, while you can create anything you want, he can destroy anything he wants.
gets very paranoid too that you want to leave, or that you're planning on escaping. sometimes he just has someone follow you around the whole week just to make sure you won't do anything.
if you still know about your abilities, he sometimes makes you create things on the spot, almost like he's making sure you still know how to use them. sometimes it's something small, or other times he'll ask you for a car or something random.
other times, he'll ask you how your abilities work. can you make things with certain traits added or removed? can you make things that work? can you make this particular object?
while at first, it scared the hell out of you, thinking that he was going to kill you for making the wrong item, you start to find it annoying every time he asks. yes, you can make a bomb out of thin air.
another thing he gets paranoid about is you using you powers against him. there's a reason he doesn't have you fight or train like the rest of his children, simply because he's worried what might happen if you get out.
so, instead he has you learn things. science, math, history, everything that he could think of you probably know. if you have struggles in a certain subject, he almost encourages you to push harder in those subjects. actually, it's only of the only times where he actually encourages someone to do something.
if you continue to fail, he tries to find the reason for it himself. is it the tutor? is it the room you study in? distractions? creates the perfect study environment for you just so you can pass a certain class.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
Your CC Warfare fic legit had me stressing out so bad I thought I was feeling a genuinely new emotion, lol. That whole thing was like a really bad car crash: it's terrible what happened, but you can't look away. If Strongarm had just said nothing, she would've avoided putting her foot in her mouth and getting in trouble. With how tense everything was, I see no reason why she would jump in. I understand she was trying to help Sideswipe out of that situation, but she did it in like the complete opposite direction! She should've reared him in, not back him up. She said it herself that they were war veterans. Though, I suppose that's easier said. Strongarm may be intelligible of the war records and Autobot law, but truthfully, plain intelligence pales in the face of wisdom and actual experience. Intelligence says: this war could've easily been won because of xyz. Wisdom and experience say completely otherwise. And I guess that is one of the points Optimus is trying to make: that Strongarm and Sideswipe do not have the wisdom or experience to understand exactly why things played out the way they did. I have the feeling the two simply looked at the war records itself and not any history that came before, especially Optimus' involvement with Megatron's revolution. I don't know if that would make much of a difference for Sideswipe tbh but I think Strongarm would be able to see just a little why Optimus couldn't outright kill Megatron in the beginning like Sideswipe said he should've. Even so, going back to the records itself , it won't contain legitimately every single thing that happened. It probably only recorded decisive battles and notable events. Billions of people were involved, and with that many variables, it would be impossible to say that the war could've been won if only Optimus did something sooner. WHICH BY THE WAY MAKES THIS SO MUCH WORSE. Sideswipe (and by extension Strongarm) is basically saying that Optimus is personally responsible for dragging on an intergalactic war just because he didn't off one guy as if the most wicked bots in the face of existence werent out there making lives worse on purpose under the cover of the war and would help stretch it to continue their sick actions. As if there weren't a hundred other Megatrons ready to continue the war themselves the moment Megatron died. If I could write an essay on every reason why the war dragged on, I'll be writing until I die and never come close to finishing. Even within the small game Optimus planned there are obvious reasons why it wouldn't be a quick or easy victory if they even win: limited number of fighters (no guarantee they'd hit the max min bc rallying people to fight is difficult), no details until they got to Helex (you're not always going to know what your goal is when being sent out to fight), no resources from the state (war is expensive and getting funding is difficult). So imagine that plus way more reasons plus on a planetary scale. The scope is simply unfathomable. Anyways, I think this comment has gone on long enough lol. Excellent work as always and I'm excited but also incredibly nervous to see how this all plays out. Take care!
This whole fic is one giant show. Optimus wants the idiots under Bee's control to LEARN. You've already picked up the logical reasoning behind the rules he's laid down so far. And let me tell you, its only going to get more complicated. War is a difficult and unpredictable thing. Optimus is going to make that as real as possible in this non-lethal scenario.
Is it overkill? Maybe. But if even those serving under Bumblebee don't have the barest inkling of the truth? It hints at a FAR larger problem. I am going to have so much fun writing this thing. I want to get a few chapters stockpiled and then I will post them on Ao3 and continue there :3
Thank you for enjoying my writing and giving this lovely analysis. This sort of things makes my dad and encourages me to write more.
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