#i ask for one thing and it's for you to have dignity in doing research and not writing the first thing that comes to mind!!
demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
While I believe that everyone can write what they want, I think people should really take a step back before posting the stuff that they write. Because lads, the Pavitr tag is filled with the most questionable things I have ever seen. Even after filtering out most of the bothersome things, I still come across fics that are absolutely DRIPPING with racism and feminisation, and sometimes even misogyny and casteism??
I know most of the time it's unintentional, it's just a sentence or two, but by god, there are hundreds of these fics. hundreds. I and others like myself can't search through all of them - and a hundred lines of racism is still fuckin horrible
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hana-no-seiiki · 3 months
Omg the dog shapeshifter ask is amazing but like- cat. i can already imagine Tim being all over you and being one of those guys where half his personality is just that he has a cat. Dick would 120% invest in those hoodies with the pouch to carry their cats, and Jason just carries you everywhere (wiggles be danmed).
The only person who has any qualms about it is Alfred because everything is covered in cat hair lmao.
meow. more pawtastic cat villain! reader w/ batfam
@sophiethewitch1 👅
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You tended to take the lead when it came to your relationships with the Robins
They were just too busy with duty and heroism that they rarely ever took the time to be or get into relationships. So you would help them, cover them in that area per se.
Though there were times, like an actual cat, that you suddenly hate their asses or be indifferent. You didn’t notice it yourself really. Sometimes you were just stressed from real life problems and whatnot
or dealing with Bruce’s constant sermons about how you were a bad influence on Jason. Blaming you for all these strung up bodies across the streets of Gotham that had been tied up with yarn and catnip.
sometimes you just wanted to reel back the persona you’ve built up as a villain and just chill out
but you see, if there’s anyone who would notice the slightest change in your demeanor it would be the batboys
Tim and Jason would be the first. They spend the most time with you.
Instead of giving them a kiss or a quick fuck after a job well done, you’d just say goodbye and leave.
Not even in your signature cat joke filled way of saying goodbye
Hell you would even just teleport out of there without a word
Tim would have most likely observed you more, but Jason? Jason would be on your ass in seconds
“Hey, kitty? We need to talk.“
Did I mention that the boys love to use various cat related nicknames for you? The cringier the better.
(Damian just calls you pussy at times)
In anycase, Jason knocks on your door. But you do not respond. Like, for a long fucken time.
Ofc, he smashed the door open.
And what does he see?
Well first it was nothing. I mean his eyes weren’t directly on the floor immediately . But then he move his gaze down,
You, in your cat form.
He just about screams. Shrieks. Like I could maintain his sense of dignity for you dear reader but nah. It started as a shout of surprise before it turned into a high pitched cry, and lastly cooing.
He’s confused at first and is worried about your sudden disappearance til you cleared things up.
Something about a curse that turns you into an actual cat at random moments.
You said it interrupted a lot of your civilian business (school, work, etc.) and so your mental health and well being took a decline.
And boy did Jason go mom mode.
He’s more on the practical side. He makes sure you’re comfortable and guarded especially when in dangerous situations.
Will never let you go on a heist with this curse on going. What if you get shot by a guard? What if you get kidnapped by those horrid animal pounds? Not to mention those perverts that would… no he shook his head.
Definitely keeps you within arms reach at all if not most times.
Tim finds out soon after. You tried to ask him to respect your privacy, but he couldn’t help himself. He was scared to death that he did something wrong or exposed something he did that breached your trust.
He immediately buys a ton of cat related products for you.
Not only that he does an extensive amount of research on cat health and diets.
His rooms gets covered by different studies on cat cellular makeup before he realizes that
Oh crap, he kinda enjoyed this.
And he hasn’t looked up how to actually cure this curse of yours.
Damian soon follows. He’s got it the worst out of all members.
Prides himself with his wide experience and knowledge with animals.
He uses visits to the vet as a threat when you misbehave.
But you’re a villain, you don’t get scared easily right? What’s the worse that could happen at the vet’s?
… yeah he almost got you neutered/spayed.
Safe to say that you were much more obedient after that.
Bruce isn’t that available or good with pets, so he mostly just funds whatever the boys do hoping that it’d lead to them not destroying stuff or killing people for you any more than before the curse.
Dick is the last to find out, and that was because Tim dropped a whole thesis about why the latter should definitely have more [Y/N]-cat-duty hours!
I mean just look at those charts! Your happiness is definitely at its highest when you’re with him
(ignoring the fact that he showers you with catnip)
Dick is definitely the
Cuteness aggression that borders on abuse type of cat owner
Very touchy with you.
And yes he invests a lot of money to get have pouches on his suits for you to be in. If not you’d be like that one cat from Spiderman Miles Morales just hanging out from a backpack of sorts, designed so you’ll never fall out.
These men have collectively spent around hundreds of thousands of dollars on cat related shit
And you’re still wondering how tf this curse came to be
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solarisfortuneia · 1 year
— 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧.
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✦ info: he's so, so in love with you.
✦ warnings: not proofread.
✦ featuring: jing yuan, gepard landau.
✦ notes: please do know i've done no research i only know bits and pieces of actual game lore these are simply self indulgent and silly Thoughts i'm having about them in the middle of the night <3 (i have no clue what this is i js think it's cute)
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— smitten! jing yuan, who thinks of you all day, every day, while doing his official duties, while sparring with yanqing, while speaking with officials, even just before his afternoon nap.
(the strangest of things remind him of you: an oddly shaped rock takes him back to the time when you baked something for him, and the dew shining on a leaf brings with it a recollection of the sparkle in your gaze. it is almost as if you've claimed more than half the space in his head, stubbornly refusing to surrender it into the hands of his daily tasks.
well, he's certainly not complaining.)
— speaking of afternoon naps, smitten! jing yuan, who dreams of you while he dozes in the afternoon. he doesn't remember all of them, but he adores the warm, fuzzy feeling he wakes up with.
— smitten! jing yuan, who names one of his birds after you. he tries not to pick favorites, he really does, but there's just something about the way this little one tilts its head that reminds him so much of you, how can he not like this one the most?
(yanqing once caught him affectionately cooing at the bird with your name. he brings it up every game of starchess they play, hoping to distract the general from stealing another one of his pieces. jing yuan knows what he's doing though, and still ends up stealing a piece or two.)
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— smitten! gepard, who writes letters addressed to you every single day while he's away. some he sends, some he keeps. but every single one of them is filled with all the things he thinks of telling you while you're not by his side.
(the ones he keeps are the sappiest, full of things he's too shy to say to you— about how he longs to return to your warm embrace, about how he wants to taste your cooking, about how he wants to lie in your lap while you pet his hair. perhaps one day, he'll find the courage to say them out loud?)
— smitten! gepard, who finds himself murmuring your name, over and over when he's idle.
(sometimes, if there's a tune running through his head, he sings out the syllables of your name, before catching himself in the act. he shakes his head at himself, red dusting his cheeks, but a tiny smile plays at his lips nevertheless.)
— smitten! gepard, who doodles your name (and perhaps a drawing or two) on a spare piece of paper whenever he's lost in thought. he'd never dare do that on official paper work, though, no way, none at all.
(except... one fine day, he ends up drawing one of his infamous sketches in the margins of a very important, incredibly serious, highly official report to the supreme guardian herself.
he only notices at the very last minute, right before submission, much to his mortification and relief. thank the preservation, he thinks as he redoes it, for—well— preserving his dignity.
who knows how much his sister would have teased him if she found out?)
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taglist: @ilyuu @ineshapanda @supernova25 @kissedbysilk @vixianne
(bold = unable to be tagged!) please fill in the form in my profile to be added, and send an ask to be removed!
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vintagexherry · 9 months
Child's Play [3]
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Part 2 here
YandereBully!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Bullying, Degradation, Public, Panty Stealing(?), Humiliation,Miguel being rich and a playboy, Miguel isn't as grumpy as we know he kinda ooc here
Steven Grant from Moon Knight makes a Cameo :)
"Thank you for the drink, goodbye Miguel" You stood up without waiting for his answer who only clenched his fist as if forcing himself to stop grabbing your wrist to pull you back to sit down.
You got a taxi and head straight to your dorm and Miguel was left seething.
It was the next day and you were at the library.
"You look like a slut in that skirt Y/N"
You know that voice, of course it's Miguel O'Hara.
"Miguel, not right now please" you said as you tried grabbing a book you needed for your research, you tried searching for PDF's online but none was helpful.
As you grabbed the book a larger hand took it out of yours.
"Wha- Hey Miguel give it back!" You harshly whispered.
"Oh perfect, just what I needed" Miguel said as he look into the book's contents.
"There's ton of books available Miguel just please give me that." You tried taking it out of his grasp but he was quicker to move out of your way.
Miguel only side glanced at you and smirked
"This book? You want? then get it, come on who's a good doggie" Miguel mockingly changed his tone as if praising a prized puppy and you winced from disgust from it.
"Come on Miguel I don't have time for this" You said as you tried jumping up and down to since he moved it above your head and out of your reach.
"There's a good puppy come one almost there." Miguel chuckled as you gave up jumping.
"Giving up already? I thought a slut like you should know better than that" Miguel raised an eyebrow at you. You know his enjoying this, You remember a similar scenario during high school but the time you gave up was the time you almost failed the subject due to not having a detailed work.
And knowing Miguel he would have ways to get you moving.
"Fine... What do you want"
Miguel smirk brightens even further and you hate what he has in store for you.
"Simple things really, All I need is your phone number and panties"
You froze
Usually he would ask for your lunch money (Even though he has more money than you could count) or force you to eat with him at the cafeteria but this? This is too far.
"Miguel I-"
"Phone number and panties or.....No book, no research and no grades for little Miss Y/N"
You hate him
so much
You hate him you hate him youhatehimyouhatehim
"Come on Y/N, you either do it yourself or I will" Miguel started swaying the book in front of your face with impatience on his face.
"Ok...ok...Just let me go to the bathro-"
"No do it here."
You froze again
"W...what, Miguel I ca-"
Miguel didn't say anything but wave the book again at your face
You either give him your number and panties or get a chance to lose tons of grades that you work hard for, even getting into this school free through a scholarship.
Miguel watch as you breath in and out.
Finally you swallowed your pride and dignity. Thankful that there was only a few people in the library.
You move your hands up to under your skirt without hiking it too upward. Meanwhile, Miguel watched with glee as you finally slid out of your panties and handed them to him with shaking hands.
Miguel quickly pocketed your panties and still looked at you with expectancy. "Well? Your phone number?" he demanded.
You inhale as you take out your phone told him your number which he happily accepted.
With that he dropped the book to the floor with a thud and watched as you tried to gather it while pulling your skirt down. With that Miguel walked away chuckling and you hurried back to your dorm, changed your clothes, and as you go to your bed you cried into your pillows until you fell asleep.
You woke up with a groggily hearing your phone ding.
You hesitated to pick up and check the message thinking it was Miguel who texted you.
But it wasn't
Instend you get a text from a luxury clothing online store saying your delivery has arrived.
Delivery? You don't remember ordering anything much less from a brand that costs more than what you could pay.
You decided to check anyway, thinking they got the wrong address, You checked the peephole but didn't see anyone, as you opened the door your greeted with a black box with vintage design and wrapped with a red ribbon.
As you grabbed it for closer look a folded letter seemed to be attached to it.
You decided to take it inside hoping the letter has something useful in hopes you could give the box to the rightful owner, You sat down on your couch and unfolded the paper.
"Dear Y/N,
Hope this box finds you well and hope the contents can replace your panties.
-Miguel O'Hara"
Ohno oh no no no no.
All he got is your number and now he has your address?
Knowing who sent it, you dreaded to open the box especially him mentioning your panties.
You relented from your fear and unwrapped the ribbon from the box
Lo and behold your eyes were greeted with a full set lingerine, complete with lacey stocking and a corset.
What ticked you off more that it's the same color as the panties you gave him.
You stared at it with disgust for good whole six minutes, taking note of the straps,lacey details and expensive looking embroidery.
But you for sure as hell ain't keeping this. So as fast as you can you put back the letter in the box, closed the box messily not caring for the contents anymore and threw it straight in the garbage can.
"Judging from your face, I'd say you enjoy my gift last night?" Miguel smirked as he sat beside you in class, resting his cheek on his fist.
You ignored his question and opted on focusing on your finishing your notes.
"What? still grumpy? I already gave you the book you needed, don't act so ungrateful. " He clicked his tougue at your attitude, but nonetheless, you still ignored him and his overall presence.
Miguel was about to tell you off again till another girl sat down next to him.
"Hey Miguel! Was wonderin if ya did the homework last night?" You looked over and see that she's the president of the a club you forgot the name, you admit she's pretty and has the brains but not much for attitude since you heard about her beating up someone who she thought was talking shit about her.
Miguel started conversing with her with a suggestive tone, knowing him since high school he has a reputation for what he does in bed, and with that you would rather mind your own business and you thanked for the teacher for coming in.
Lunch time came around you can't help but go directly to the cafeteria, as you arrive you can smell freshly cooked omellete with cheese, another side it showed thst you could either get a slice of Lasagna or freshly baked croissants, at another side you see a place where you could make your own coffee or get a cup orange juice, and you opted for the coffee since you swear could use it right now with the amount of work you decide to do while your in the cafeteria.
You opened your notebook and wrote some stuff while taking occasional bites of your food and sips from your coffee.
As you place down you coffee back down the table but, you unexpectedly got burned since it suddenly got knock off the table by someone and hot coffee landed on your lap.
"SHI-!" You stood up as fast as you can to wipe off the burning substance of you, you heard laughing beside you and it was none other than Miguel with his hand on the waist of the girl he talked with during class.
"Oops my hand slipped" Miguel and the girl laughed at your state, gathering attention from other people in the cafeteria, some laughed some whispered to each other.
You look down at notes thankful they didn't get affected.
You were fixing your things, your appetite gone in a flash, you didn't want to shout at them since you already gathered enough attention.
As you put your last notebook in, somebody else approached you.
"Y/N! Are you ok?" A man you see time to time to the classes you go took his jacket and wrap it around you.
"St-Steven?" You were surprised, Steven Grant is a shy person and would rather stay out of crowded attention.
"Oh! you remember!" Steven beamed at you and you can't help but feel at ease, meanwhile Miguel raises an eyebrow at what's his witnessing while the girl started to pester him if they can go somewhere else already stating she's bored.
But your attention still stays with Steven who helps you carry your things even if you said it was alright. You can't help but admit even though he's shy, he does have looks and adding to his gentleman acts you swear your face started burning.
"No no no it's alright really, it's almost time and it's the least I could do."
You and Steven quickly leave the cafeteria leaving Miguel and his girl to go on their way but Miguel watches as you listen to him intently something about Egyptian gods.
And as you go further and futher away from him not even sparing him a glance or a glare or anything, he swears he feels his eye twitch at what he just witnessed.
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Venus signs at different degrees 💕
This picture is from Pinterest.
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Fire venus at 6° or 18° (virgo degree)
Hear me out, the way I would feel if someone treat me like a fire venus at a virgo degree. THAT’S ME OK -so egocentric 🙄🤭🥰-. The way they treat you, being playful, sassy, so sexual and flirty, joking around, and you know what’s the best of everything? You don’t realize that in every moment they’re attentive to the details. Whatever you say you like they know it, they’re gonna remember it, they’re gonna give you little gifts without any explanation, they’re gonna take care of you and at the same time they’re gonna joke around and you never know if they do the same things with others or you are just special (they love you). I like that they seem so “with the flow” type of people, but they’re always thinking their next move and analyzing the way you are and feel about certain things. They show you love admiring you and pampering you. They give everything of themselves. And they could’ve seem cold, the way they can cut you if you don’t give the same as them, with the same intensity that they need. The grounded energy of the virgo degree hit here, to make this fire venusian anxious questioning themselves if you feel and treat them the way you should. So, don’t be too surprised, they’re willing to end cycles (they think they’re wasting their time with you but they know they can learn about the experience).
Water venus at 1°, 13° or 25° (aries degree)
The water venus makes this people so susceptible of what their crush thinks of them. They are fucking stalkers. Either they’re going to show you perfectly that they are in love with you (without they wanting to) or they’re going to keep it private and you’re not going to have idea (scorpio venus). They fantasy about their crush SO much, and with the aries degree they will make impulsive decisions. They are confused: if they really love you, if their feelings are only platonic, etc. They want to fucking live the love of the movies or at least what they fantasize in their head, and sadly they saw a person that could fit in their romantic dream, idealizing the idea of them or the relationship. Just stop. And look what you’re doing. You’re desire of living what others are is destroying what you could have. And also please don’t suffer in silence because your crush doesn’t correspond you; staying in one point only is going to destroy you and make you depressed. When I mentioned an impulsive behavior, I didn’t only refer to the obvious decisions -like confessing to their crush-, but the decisions that would make them suffer more -like staying in silence all their live to just make the other happy-. You can start doing something for yourself, for you. Give you a rest for looking for others too much, it kills you -or would-. I know you can do whatever you want to if you set your mind into it. You’re so brave. The degree in your venus points out. So don’t let your decisions and actions from the past take over you. Don’t hurry and live the moment ✌🏼🤪 -what a disgusting phrase eww, I fucking sound like a therapist, but yes-
Earth venus at 8° or 20° (scorpio degree)
Just stop being so anxious, nervios, overthinker and indecisive for doing the first move. What would happen in the future is another thing. You would never know what’s gonna happen if you don’t try it. SO FUCKING PLEASE just do your move to the person you like, have a crush on or even the one you want to fuck. You do an incredible research about this person, knowing where they live, their family, favorite color, etc., without asking them in the first place. You obtain this information only because you have the dignity to own stalker powers: going into their perfil 24/7, looking if they follow a x person 🙄... You want to be seen as a “I don’t give a fuck” type of person, justifying your invisible initiative towards your crush. You don’t want to go out of your comfort zone. You like it because you can have control, but outside of it you don’t. You’re possessive, not even possessive? -yes-. You want to know everything before to jump into the situation. You have HIGH standards and you don’t even try. You give up easily. DON’T. I know, I have faith -I’m joking 😝- you can have your dream relationship, situationship, whatever you want. If you want to date this placement, make sure you have good food, a romantic -or that the place looks like you did a little research- place with details, and tell them EVERYTHING is gonna happen -not literally but they have a really hard time trusting others bc of situations in the past-. Be honest with them and listen to them. Good luck 🍀😳🌚
Air venus at 2°, 14° or 26° (taurus degree)
Omg what a eww (I want what they have). But the way I see this people in a relationship. They’re SO ROMANTIC, they treat their partner unconditionally. And when they’re in love, they’re in LOVE. They fantasize -in a healthy way I think?- marrying their partner because of the devotion they have to them. I like this degree in this placement, because they’re logical and grounded (but depending on the moon..). The air venus, wanting, giving and reciprocating mental stimulation -reflecting, having an active conversation, communication-, showing that they love their partner not only because of their physical appearance or reputation, but because of the way they think, see the world, their mindset. They look into the way their partner treat and act towards others, how they communicate. With the taurus degree, they’re willing to learn, try to understand how the other think, how the other is. When they’re with someone they give fucking everything, did I mentioned before?! they want to form a family with you or some traditional shit -with “shit” I don’t mean it as an insult I just talk like that-. You’re their goal or on top of the pyramid, but in a healthy way. I keep mentioning this word: they always have in mind the situations in their surroundings, the possibilities and they keep it calm, they don’t rush. Not in the way aries degree do (would be obsessed with you, a whim). NoNoNO. If a taurus degree see a future with you, they’re going to build it, they’re going to prove you with actions. At first they’re not going to force things, they’re going to do many things to stimulate their mind, they want you to be with them in that moment (air venus).
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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ageofwagner · 11 months
Clone a Jake
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pairing: Jake Kiszka x fem!reader
summary: Jake surprises Y/N with a special gift to keep her fulfilled while he's away on tour.
warnings: 18+ MDNI!! oral m & f receiving, sir kink (kinda), explicit language, slight overstimulation, use of sex toys, slight degradation, bad grammar. (lmk if I missed anything!)
word count: 5.2k+
a/n: hey guys! I've had this idea for too long and I just had to write it for all my Jake girlies (gn) <3 since this is the first one I’ve done, any feedback is greatly appreciated! also, let's not talk about the research I had to do about cock molds <3
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The beginning of the Starcatcher World Tour was just a couple weeks away and while Jake was eager to get back on stage and do what he loves most, he was torn about having to leave his love behind once again. Though Y/n has been there by his side since the beginning, it never got easier having to part ways when he had to leave for months at a time while touring the world.
Y/n was always supportive of Jake and the rest of the band, who she considers to be just like her own family; she joins them on the road when she can, though it isn't nearly as often as they had hoped. While the two are together, they are inseparable in every sense of the word, it's as if their souls were designed from the same stardust; a perfect match.
The nature of their relationship came with its fair share of obstacles, between the differences in time zones and long days, it was difficult, yet the two of them always found time for each other. Communication, while long distance, was an obstacle that could be easily overcome, but the one thing that Jake felt he couldn't remedy was the physical aspect of their relationship.
It was no secret that Y/n and Jake were usually all over each other, often times Sam would make a point of loudly gagging at their PDA wherever they went. It's safe to say that, while apart, the lack of intimacy was something they both hated. There were always other ways for them to recreate some semblance of intimacy, and relieve each other despite the distance, but it never came close to the real thing. Suggestive texts and late-night facetime calls got the job done but the lack of physical touch was hard, and Jake hated leaving his girl alone and unfulfilled. The two of them were no strangers to experimenting with toys in the bedroom, but Y/n had always insisted that it could never match the feeling of him stretching her, no matter what she tried while he was away.
Jake kept mulling over the idea of how he could keep his girl satisfied while on the road, knowing how much she loves the feeling of him filling her up. Keeping what Y/n had said in mind, Jake thought of the possibility for him to create a personalized dildo for her to use while he was gone, that way she could still be full of him no matter where he is. He did some research, seeing how he could pull it off, and quickly discovered there are several kits available for you to customize your own sex toy. Selecting the first website, he laughs at the title 'Clone-a-Willy' He finds exactly what he was looking for, adding the item to his cart and selecting the fastest shipping option available, eager to give it to his girl.
Jake anxiously waited for the package to arrive and hoped that Y/n wouldn't accidentally open it thinking it was one of hers, or ask him what it was. Thankfully, the package arrived while Jake was home alone; he didn't have much time so he quickly opened the package, read the instructions, and began mixing the molding powder with water. He ignored the initial feeling of embarrassment before prompting himself to get hard, just thinking about Y/n using a replica of his cock had him rock hard within minutes. He filled up the cylinder with the molding mixture and carefully inserted his cock, holding it there for two minutes. After removing his member from the mold, and piecing the remnants of his dignity back together, Jake got to work mixing the silicone and skin color powder before pouring the mixture into the mold. Finally, he carefully inserted the vibrator which he had added as a little something extra to make his girl feel good. The dildo needed to sit for 24 hours so Jake decided to hide it in the back of the closet in his office until then.
The next day Jake was eager to check on the mold, he had less than two weeks left with his girlfriend before he had to hit the road again and he wanted to test it out on his girl before leaving. He carefully peeled the mold away and found that it turned out perfectly, much to his relief. While attempting to ignore how bizarre it was that he was holding a silicone replica of his cock, he hoped that his girl would love it almost as much as she loved the real thing. Jake couldn't keep the secret much longer, so with a crooked smile on his face he pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to Y/n, cluing her into the gift he got for while he's away on tour.
To say that Y/n was intrigued by this was an understatement. She knew that they had less than two weeks before he would be leaving for a few months, and though she always insisted that he didn't need to get her anything, Jake loved planning small moments together and would surprise her with things like these more than usual in the months leading up to a world tour. Y/n stared at the clock urging the minutes to go by faster, it seemed like hours before it finally hit 6:00 and she eagerly made her way to her car, shooting Jake a quick text letting him know she was on her way home.
Y/n walked through the front door to find that there were lit candles throughout their home, a vinyl quietly playing from the living room, and the smell of Jake's homemade pasta that she always said she loved so much. She smiled to herself while kicking off her shoes and padding through the house to find Jake with his back turned to her, quietly singing along to one of her favourite songs, this man really does not miss any detail she thought. She slowly crept behind him wrapping her arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder causing him to jump at the unexpected contact. She giggles at him "Hi honey" she says sweetly, he turns around and melts into her embrace, gently cupping her cheek before placing a kiss in her lips, "Hi" he smiles, turning back around to finish the dinner he made for them.
Y/n moves to stand beside him, studying him carefully "So..." she begins, he raises an eyebrow at her urging her to continue, "What's the occasion?" he smirks at her "Who said there had to be an occasion? I just wanted to spoil my girl" he says, winking. She feels her face heat up, despite being together for 7 years, Jake still made her blush like a school girl with a crush for the first time.
After finishing dinner and a bottle of wine, Jake popped open a second, topping up their glasses as they moved to the living room, lit up solely by candles, the soft hum of a new vinyl playing in the background. He moves to sit next to Y/n on the couch and she turns to face him, perching an arm on the back of the couch, resting her hand on her palm as she looks at Jake, noticing he seemed to be lost in thought.
Jake finds himself suddenly apprehensive about the whole idea, how was he supposed to bring up the surprise? Would she hate it or think it was stupid? What if she took it the wrong way? What if- "Hey, did you hear me?" he blinks a few times, not realizing he spaced out, "Sorry" he chuckles. She inches closer resting her hand on his knee, "Is everything okay love?" he meets her gaze, sighing "Yeah, it's just" he pauses trying to find the right words "I got you something, the surprise I mentioned earlier, and I'm worried you won't like it" he looks at her nervously. "This," she gestures to the dining room and candles "Wasn't the surprise?" he laughs "Of course there's more, I'd give you the world if I could. You know that" She leaned forward, tightly clasping his hand in her own, "First, you didn't have to get me anything" she gently scolds "and second, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it, especially since you put so much thought behind all of this" she assures him "It's a bit unconventional" he admits making her laugh softly "I've never been one for what's conventional" she smiles "C'mon Jake, you won't scare me away" he studies her for a minute before standing, collecting their wine glasses and placing them on the table, he extends his hand for her to take, "right this way then" he winks, all nerves temporarily dissipating her her reassurance as he leads her to their shared bedroom.
Y/n stands by the edge of the bed, waiting for Jake to make the first move. As if he could read her mind, he steps closer moving her hair from her neck and tucking it behind her ear as he leans in to trail kisses from her jaw down her neck, grazing his teeth and biting gently before kissing over it again. He pulls away to see her biting her lip, and he makes a noise of disapproval, "You know the rules" he scolds, leaning in, he takes her bottom lip between his own, biting softly. "I want to hear every noise that comes out of that pretty mouth of yours, understand?" he pulls away, waiting for her confirmation, "Yes sir" he smirks at her already seemingly fucked out state, the lust clear in her eyes "good girl"
Jake slowly moves them backward until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed, she lays back as he slots himself between her legs, taking his time biting and kissing from her neck down to her navel at an agonizingly slow pace.
She whines at his teasing, squirming under his touch as he places a kiss on her clothed heat, making his way up her body and taking her lips in a searing kiss. He drags his tongue across her lips asking for entrance and quickly takes control as she wraps her legs around his waist, fumbling to undo the remaining buttons on his shirt. As she pops open the last button he pulls away, both breathing heavily, she looks up at him, a mixture of confusion and frustration painted across her face as he gets off the bed.
He turns to face her with a smug look on his face, "you ready for your surprise?" she huffs at him "I just want you." she moves off the bed, standing inches in front of him before whispering in his ear in a sultry voice, "can the surprise be your cock?" she takes his earlobe between her teeth, pulling slightly. "I've been a good girl, sir" his breath hitches as he leans in, their lips barely brushing before he orders "Go lay down, I'll be right back" leaving her with a light smack on the ass.
Jake makes his way to his office to retrieve the gift from its hiding place, feeling reassured by her desperation for him, maybe she would love the gift after all. He walks back into their bedroom to find his girl in nothing but one of his shirts, groaning at the sight of her with her legs spread just enough to see she had removed her underwear as well.
He sits on the edge of the bed gesturing for her to join him, she bites her lip in anticipation as Jake pulls out a black gift bag "Close your eyes" she does as he asks with a giddy smile on her face "now give me your hand" he takes her extended hand, directing it towards him so she can hold the bag, "use your other hand and slowly reach into the bag" she can feel her pulse quicken, hesitating slightly before carefully sticking her hand into the bag.
As she pushes past the tissue paper she feels something long and firm, wrapping her hands around it she feels ridges on it, wait it almost feels like-"What does it feel like?" she heard him whisper as she continued to examine the item; she trailed her fingers up to the top and instantly knew what it was. But why did he get us another one? They already had a collection of various toys to experiment with. "I don't-" she cut herself off, trying to organize her thoughts "Jake, you didn't have to get me another, we already have" he started fidgeting with his hands, worried that she didn't like the gift.
Trying to keep his nerves down he instructs, "Keep your eyes closed for a minute and focus on what it feels like" she obliges, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration as she examines the item with her hands. She pulled the dildo out of the bag, wrapping both hands around it, trailing her fingers underneath the length of it she gasped quietly. Jake held his breath in anticipation as she repeated the motion, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of his girl stroking a replica of him.
Y/n knew what it was as soon as she felt the underside of the dildo, it felt exactly like Jake's, it was unmistakable; she had always loved running her tongue along the underside of his cock, the prominent vein that would throb as she gave him head. Her mind was swirling with questions as she repeated the motion, Jake's eyes were glued to her every movement, only tearing them away when she began to speak again, "I don't underst- how did you...is this you?" she stutters out, unable to sort the thoughts racing through her mind.
"Open your eyes" She opened them, her gaze immediately falling to her hands, examining the personalized toy carefully, "how did you do this? It looks and feels so real" he shot her a smile, "I'll answer all your questions later, right now I'd like to test it out, just to make sure it works"
Y/n looks at him with a smirk on her face, "So you're telling me I now have two of my favourite cock, to use however I'd like?" hearing her say that made his cock twitch yet again "anything you want. Tonight is all about you."
She sat up straighter, thrumming her finger on her chin, feigning contemplation, "strip," she demanded, though it sounded like more of a question; Y/n was rarely in charge as they both loved when Jake was in control in the bedroom. He smirked at her as he stood, slowly slipping the already unbuttoned shirt from his body, letting it fall to the floor as he moved to undo his belt. She felt her wetness pooling between her thighs as she focused on his hands sliding his pants down and stepping out of them.
She quickly slid from the bed and perched on her knees, already working to remove his boxers when he grabs both her wrists, scolding, "Babe tonight is supposed to be all about you" She sat back on her heels as she looked up at him "so we'll do anything I want, right?" he nods in confirmation, she inches forward pulling his boxers the rest of the way down before looking up at him through her lashes.
"Good because I really want you to choke me with your cock" Jake's gaze darkened as he called out her name in a warning tone "It's what I want" she replies sweetly. Jake's demeanor shifted "Then you know what to do, ask nicely" She grinned up at him in victory, "Can I please suck your cock, sir?" he smirks "Such a good girl, go ahead."
Y/n wasted no time wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she pumped him a few times before running her thumb over his reddened tip, collecting his precum. She looked up to find him staring intently at her as she put her thumb in her mouth, making a show of slowly licking it clean, "no teasing" Jake gritted out between clenched teeth. She pumped him a few more times while holding eye contact, challenging him.
Leaning closer, she licked a bold stripe on the underside of his cock from base to tip, coaxing a shuddered breath from him. Unable to wait any longer, she took his cock in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip as Jake moved her hair out of her face, holding it in a makeshift ponytail while Y/n worked to fit his length down her throat, inch by inch. He made sure not to hold back his moans, knowing how much it turned his girl on when he let her know how good she made him feel.
His head fell back, a deep moan coming from his throat as Y/n took him all the way down and swallowed around his length, trying not to gag. She took a second to adjust, focusing on breathing through her nose as she moved back, almost releasing him from her mouth before deepthroating him again. Jake tightened his grip on her hair, holding her against his base, groaning as he felt her swallow around him again, gagging.
He released his hold allowing her to breathe before she took his full length down her throat once again, a surprised moan falling from Jake's lips as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. He quickly understood what she wanted, adjusting his grip on her hair, he moved to thrust his hips into her, "Does my little slut like it when I fuck her throat, hm?" She let out a broken moan in response, the vibrations making Jake's cock twitch in her mouth, causing him to abruptly pull out.
Y/n took a few deep breaths as she glared at him "I wasn't done" he smiles at her as he extends a hand to help her up, "As much as I would love to cum in that pretty mouth of yours, I'd much rather cum in your pretty pussy" Y/n could feel her face heat at his comment, subtly trying to relieve some tension by rubbing her thighs together. Jake noticed her movements, a cocky smile on his face as he taunted, "I bet that pussy is weeping for me, isn't she?"
Pulling the shirt she stole from Jake over her head, she climbed on the bed, propping herself against the pillows and spreading her legs, "Wanna find out?" Jake stood there admiring her, his eyes exploring her body as he joined her on the bed, "that's my girl" he stated proudly, slotting himself between her spread legs.
Leaning in, he trailed kisses down her neck, biting harshly just above her collarbone and placing a kiss overtop the forming bruise. He continued until he reached her chest, taking time to pay extra attention to each of her nipples, sucking them into his mouth, biting slightly as she tangled her fingers in his hair, moaning his name. Jake continued kissing and caressing his way down her body at the same agonizing pace, he shifted lower down the bed so his face was hovering directly above where she needed him most.
Looking up at her with a teasing smile, he blew cool air on her soaked core, making her squirm. Her voice was dripping with desperation as she moaned his name, wiggling her hips toward him, begging him to relieve the building tension. Jake would normally punish her for using his real name instead of 'sir' but tonight he loved hearing her so desperate for his touch in the way she begs for him and how her body responds to his slightest touch.
Desperate to taste her, he licks a bold stripe from her entrance to her clit, swirling his tongue around the bud before sucking it into his mouth. Y/n let out a breathy moan, reaching her hand down to lace her fingers in his hair, pulling him deeper into her core. Jake moaned at the sting, the vibrations causing her to squeal and clamp her legs closed around his head. He pulled away, slapping her thigh, "Spread your legs and keep them open, I'm not done tasting you" She spread her legs wider giving him the opportunity to spit on her pussy, watching it run down to her entrance as he dove back in, collecting as much of her wetness as he could on his tongue, shaking his head side to side making Y/n scream out his name, tightening the hold on his hair.
Jake began rutting his hips into the bed, trying to find some relief for his aching cock. The taste of her combined with the noises she was making was almost too much for him, but he was determined to make his girl cum at least twice before he would allow himself to.
He could tell she was getting close as she began frantically grinding her hips into his face and tugging his hair harder while he devoured her. He flexed his tongue, teasing her entrance before sliding his tongue fully inside her. She arched her back repeating his name like a mantra as he continued to fuck her with his tongue, moving his hand to rub circles into her clit.
She whimpered "Fuck Jake, I'm so close" he hummed in response, speeding up his motions as she bucked her hips more frantically into his face until her orgasm finally came crashing through her. The force of the orgasm had her legs trembling as Jake continued to lap her up until she attempted to close her legs, signaling her overstimulation. He pulled away with a cheeky smile on his face, glistening with her release.
Eager to get him closer, she pulled him up crashing her lips into his, moaning at the taste of herself on his tongue, "I need you, Jake. Please" He kissed her again, reassuring her "I'll take care of you, don't worry" He reached for the toy that was temporarily forgotten about at the side of the bed, "do me a favour and get this all nice and lubed up for me, okay?"
Bringing the dildo to her mouth, he tapped it on her lips twice, she opened her mouth sticking out her tongue as Jake slid it in. They maintained eye contact as he slowly worked the toy in her mouth. The action of thrusting the dildo identical to his cock into her mouth made him feel like he could cum right then and there. After another minute he pulled the toy from her mouth seeing it sufficiently lubed up.
Jake ran the toy through her folds slowly, teasing, until finally pushing into her entrance. His jaw slacked as he propped himself on his knees between her thighs, watching the toy stretching her easily. His eye flick up to find his girl with her head thrown back, one hand massaging her breast, the other gripping the bed sheet and allowing her moans to flow freely.
Using his other hand, he rubbed soft circles around her clit, her hips jerking at the added stimulation. A combination of his name and curses spill from her as she nears the edge of her second orgasm.
"Jake-fuck I'm gonna cum" she whimpers breathlessly. He speeds up his movements, adding more pressure to her sensitive clit as he plunges the toy inside her, eager to see her fall apart by his hands once again.
She cried out his name as her orgasm washed over her for the second time, Jake slowed his movements, "that's it baby" he praised as her thighs began shaking.
Carefully removing the toy, Jake looked up and smiled at his girl's fucked out state, he shot her a wink before leaning in and capturing her lips in a kiss, "now that was a great investment" she breathed out making him laugh, "Oh baby we're not done with it yet" Y/n pouted at him, "Jake, I love the toy and don't get me wrong, it'll be my best friend while you're gone. But right now I need you" Jake feigned hurt as he responded, "You didn't think I was gonna neglect my girl, did you?"
Jake took his aching cock in his hand, stroking it a few times before lining up with her soaked entrance and sinking fully inside of her in one thrust. Both of them let out a loud moan; Y/n had missed the warmth of him as he stretched and filled her, and Jake had to fight hard not to cum too quickly as he had been edging himself for the past hour.
He kept a steady pace as he grabbed the toy again and put it in her hands, "I want to see you gag on my cock while I fuck you" She felt herself clench around him at his words, "If it gets too much you can stop okay?" she nodded at him before relaxing her jaw, taking as much of the dildo down her throat as she could.
Jake felt his cock pulse at the sight, groaning a string of curses as he tightened his grip on her hip with one hand, using the other to apply pressure to her oversensitive bud. The unexpected stimulation caused her to jolt, gagging on the dildo, she pulled it out, a string of saliva falling down her chin as she took in the sight of her boyfriend over her.
The toy had been long forgotten as she pulled him by his shoulders so their faces were just inches apart, "I'm gonna cum" he grunted as felt her walls clench around him, "Fuck baby, you want me to fill you up?" she whimpered in response, "Fuck, yes Jake!" determined to make her cum before himself, his thrusts became more erratic as he got lost in the feeling of his girl wrapped around him. "Let go baby" he encouraged as she came for the third time, he buried himself deep inside of her, feeling his release fill her up.
He remained seated inside her as he caught his breath, both of them basking in the silence, completely blissed out. After a couple minutes Jake slowly pulled out, making Y/n wince at the loss. He dipped his head down between her legs as she attempts to clamp them shut, "Babe no I'm too sensitive" he looks at her with pleading eyes, "Just a taste?" she lets out a laugh but obliges, letting her legs fall open.
Jake drags his tongue through her folds, collecting their shared release. His goal wasn't to get her off again, but instead to clean up the mess he had made. He loved the taste of them together, something that was completely unique to them. He repeated the action a few more times before moving to hover over Y/n once again, "I'll never get enough of tasting you and I together" he says before crashing his lips onto hers; she moans into his mouth at the taste of their shared release.
Pulling back, he stares at her with a loving look in his eyes, Y/n becomes very aware of how fucked out she must look, "I know, I'm probably a mess right now" She shied away from his gaze, he shook his head, "Beautiful," he corrected as he peppered her face with kisses making her giggle.
Jake stood up begrudgingly to grab a towel, soaking it in warm water and making his way back to clean up whatever mess was left. Before getting back into bed, he grabbed a new pair of boxers for himself and a fresh shirt for Y/n, both cleaning up before cuddling in bed once again. Jake put his arm around her as she rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he rubbed circles into her back, both exhausted from the day.
"I love you so much," Jake says, pressing a kiss on the top of her head, she craned her neck to look up at him, "I love you more" he shook his head, a smile on his face as he leaned down to press a kiss on her lips.
"Yeah love?"
"What made you think of getting this for me?"
Jake thought for a moment before replying, "I know it gets hard when I'm away for so long. Obviously, it won't fill all aspects of our relationship that are affected by me being away but I figured at least this way you can feel me, even when I'm across the world" he winks at her before his expression turns more solemn, "It kills me that you can't be there experiencing it with me"
Y/n took a moment to process what he had said, "It was an incredibly thoughtful gift, I didn't even know you could do that" She laughed before continuing, "It is hard when you're gone but knowing that you're living your dream makes it worth it" she smiled at him, "plus, you already know that I will be coming to any show that I can" She moved to straddle his lap, lowering her voice, "After all, I have to show you what you're missing when I'm all alone with nothing but a silicone copy of you"
Jake groans, "I don't know how I'm going to manage, just think about you using that toy, feeling me, while I'm away" She giggles at his exasperation, "Seriously! I might have a permanent boner this tour! I could give Josh a run for his money!" they both burst out laughing.
"Did you really think I would use this gift without sending a little something for you? This was a gift for the both of us" he pulled her further against him, eliminating any remaining space between them, "I love the way you think, woman" he chuckles, placing a kiss on her temple"
"Okay one more question," she tries to conceal her laugh by clearing her throat, "so...how exactly did you make this toy?" she questioned with a knowing smirk.
Jake looks away, his face twinged pink with embarrassment as he clears his throat, "I'd rather not talk about that" she laughs, "it was worth a shot"
After a few more moments basking in each other's embrace, Y/n wiggles from his grasp, scooting to the edge of the bed, Jake questions "Hey where are you running off to?" She peeled the shirt from her body once again, "taking a shower, wanna come?" she asks in a suggestive voice "Hmm, round two?" he suggests hopefully, "I love the way you think...sir" she winks before running to the bathroom.
Jake quickly follows her lead, coming up behind her and circling his arms around her waist, "Oh, and one more thing I forgot to mention" She turned to look at him, a curious expression on her face, "it vibrates too" he smirks.
Y/n groans in response, "You, Jacob Thomas Kiszka, will be the death of me."
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Thanks for reading <3
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elderflowergin · 2 months
blood free v secret forest, a quick and dirty comparison:-
As someone who fell for Kdrama through Stranger, i loved it because it appeared seamless, grounded and weaved several systems and levels of privilege very elegantly. Most of all it seemed morally urgent, even if it was at its core a detective mystery. (Which, to be fair, Blood Free is as well.)
Secret Forest’s first success was that it held nuance for everyone in the middle of the road; LSY afforded so much thoughtful shading to those men. I often think they will never look as beautiful as they do on SF, and that’s only partly because of whoever did the lighting etc, but they’re not Kdrama glossy perfect; they’re real people trying to reckon with themselves and the moral calculus they have agreed to, and their dignity comes from the reckoning. Lee Chang-joon, Kang Won-chul, Lee Yeon-jae, even Seo Dong-jae for that matter, all have that advantage. LSY managed this for Jung Sung-il in the scant few minutes of screen time he had.
The second success was Cho Seung-woo and Bae Doona. If Secret Forest was a universe they were its gravitational field; it was their fierce sense of honour and morality that drives both seasons. And their moral decency is hard-won; it is tested constantly, and it’s burnished at each opportunity, which is why they are respected. It is a dream that people like that can influence or impact those around them, but you don’t question that they do, by the end of each season, and that’s the victory of writing, casting and the charisma of both leads.
That’s why that funeral scene in season 1 is so important (to me); it shows the gravity shifting. The prosecutors rely on their forest of secrets to keep the centre together, but Hwang Si-mok demonstrates how untenable this has become, how the roots must be pulled out so the weeds die; so new healthy things can grow. The chaebols are at the periphery, and they continue to be there because, most audaciously of all, they don’t matter if enough people shift their moral calculus. I think this gravitational pull happens to Lee Chang-joon in season 1 thanks to Hwang Si-mok and it happens to Choi Bit in season 2 thanks to Han Yeo-jin. They are easily some of the most powerful parts of the show.
On the other hand, we have Blood Free. I’m not sure who the moral gravitational field of this show is meant to be. Maybe it’s Yun Ja-yu and/or Woo Chae-woon. Maybe it’s Lee Mu-saeng. Maybe it’s about the ethical dilemma of experimentation and whether that’s a worthwhile price to pay for the scientific advancements in cultured meat and seafood. Perhaps we need more time to really see the middle of the road characters, but four episodes in there’s not much to go on: there’s Lee Mu-saeng, there’s Queen Dowager as a VP, here’s Jeon Seok-ho. There are three chaebols, all of whom seem like one-note characters to me. (Why ask a talented sketch artist to produce cartoons like these? Unless they’re not, but nothing seems to suggest otherwise.)
The most interesting insight from episode 4 was about Yun Jayu - when offered 72 trillion won for her company, she actually considers it because it means she doesn’t have to face investors and can focus on research. She has influence and money but these are means to an end, for her. I wish we could see more of that, and not necessarily through exposition alone.
When she gives deft, cool answers to reporters, did that come naturally to her or did she work at it? Is she the face of the company because she hated it a little less than Lee Mu-saeng did? If so, why? What comparative advantage did they determine she had? When she wears Chanel tweed skirts and smiles her way through presentations, is that a natural extension of her work or is that a mask she wears? Give me process, guys! Give us the backstory, the way the markets work, the environment for cutting-edge bio research in Korea, the reaction of Big Meat, the interplay of new rich and old rich, some indication of her actual influence (which must be considerably more than what we see on the show, although what little we see, while uncomfortable, is frankly not that inconceivable in a world where you’re constantly connected.) I am so interested in her, and yet I feel I am made to watch the story of her reacting to chaebols and to the mystery of corporate sabotage rather than her being the fulcrum of her own universe. And at no point does the mystery seem morally urgent to me, and it’s because 1) why does it matter if all this is is a giant M&A negotiation 2) why should we care if it doesn’t feel real to us? So what if there’s sabotage? Why on earth isn’t this company guarded like fucking Fort Knox? Why is this company ostensibly so influential, so powerful and yet capable of unusually amateurish errors that are the centre of the show so far and not on the periphery of it? Where is the moral quandary that is meant to grab us by the throat?
Is it a question of the writing? Have her interests shifted and did she want to do a show without having to do too much character work? If anyone has earned a vibes-only moment it’s Lee Soo-yeon, and I respect that for her. I hope the direction isn’t stifling the writing, because that means there is an arresting, politically trenchant drama underneath this dry procedural, and that’s upsetting to consider. We still have a ways to go and I think there is potential, but I have to remind myself not to expect something like SF, that maybe you can’t bottle that formula. That it’s the gold standard for a reason. But honestly, Disney, in the words of TikTok star imo_unusual, you’ve made this show like God was dozing off when the angels were working, now RELEASE US (and LSY writernim)
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bodhranwriting · 9 months
Finn and the Arsonist by Bodh M.
In three years of running the only cat sanctuary in Middle Besser, I’ve heard a lot of their odd tales about how they ended up here.
Getting into fights is a common one. Getting trapped in wells happens more often that you’d think. Inattentive families, owners needing the space… the list goes on. I try not to judge people’s situations too harshly. After all, my main witness is going to be a little biased and cat-senses don’t always translate well to human, as you’d expect. But there are definitely pickups I’ve done that have made my blood boil, if you don’t mind me saying.
But I’ve never had one before that made me scared and certainly never had one involving one of my closest friends.
It was a stinking hot day in the middle of summer when a small child barged open the door to the Respite with a terrified cat yowling at a pitch to match the temple bells.
I had been dozing at the counter, sweat sticking my sandy curls to my forehead and a new bandage wrapped around my arm – one kitten had not wanted to take her medicine – so I damn well fell out of my chair as a screaming feline was dumped a fingerbreadth from my face.
“I found them in Gert’s Alley,” the girl said helpfully, in lieu of greeting. She was probably nine or ten; a scruffy little thing in a faded blue dress with adorable tight black coils and a missing tooth so her next words came out as a lisp, “He theemed thercared. Look at all the blood!”
Dragging myself up from floor and trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I blearily focused on my newest patient. She (and definitely she, I noted as she wriggled out of the blanket) was a gorgeous black Kysi with golden eyes and the huge ears typical to her breed. As she backed up, hissing, I reached out a hand and concentrated, drawing up warm reserves of the little magic I had from my chest and into my throat.
Translation spells, in my experience anyway, always had a taste. I’d never been particularly good at them: it was almost easier to just do the hard work and learn the language. But translating my tongue to that of cats was like clicking your fingers might be to someone else. Easy. Not requiring much thought at all.
Cat tastes like buttermilk. I don’t know why, but there seems to be a connection to what I taste and what I’m trying to speak. Bee tastes, almost boringly, of honey. Spider has a dusty texture. Rat, for some odd reason, is hazelnut. I haven’t worked out that one and neither had the teachers out in the Hartland’s. I think one of my classmates who fell into the academic trap – track, sorry – is compiling research on it.
(I answered her very impersonal letter a few months ago and never heard back. Hope I helped. She did bully me into passing my star-reading exam, after all.)
I took a breath, the flavour rising into my nose, and attempted first contact. “Easy there… I’m not gonna hurt you… what’s your name…?”
The cat hissed again, but only for show because she answered quickly, “Smells-like-this. But upright call me Smoke.”
“I’m Finn,” I said, almost more for the benefit of the still-watching urchin. I projected an imitation of my scent into her mind: a kind of mix of cat fur, woodsmoke, and lye soap, and asked, “May I touch you? I need to find where you’re bleeding.”
Smoke hesitated and then lay down. “Yes.”
Carefully, I reached forwards, letting her sniff my hand. “Could you get me a bucket from the pump?” I asked the girl.
She nodded with great dignity and vanished outside. I turned my attention back to Smoke. It was funny: she was far better fed than a stray ought to be –
“Know your smell, upright.”
I jumped. Swallowing hard, I managed to keep the connection strong enough to ask, “You… do?”
Smoke curled up under my hand. “It was on take-off furs. And blood not mine.”
Ice settled in my stomach, cold fingers squeezing my guts paper-thin. “Whose is it…?”
Her tail thrashed, ears flattening against her head. “My upright.” The flash of fangs made me jerk my hand away. I was panting and I didn’t know why.
“What happened?”
Smoke sat up again, fixing shining golden eyes on me. She raised her head like a queen, crossing one paw in front of the other.
“Uprights invade territory. Smash door. I fight. Upright feeder does too. I run when they lay red flower.”
“Red flow…” Suddenly, the buttermilk soured to smoke and ash as my mind made the necessary translation. Terror thumped through my chest. “They burnt the house?”
I grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck as she bolted from my shout. She tried to claw at me, but I didn’t even feel it. “What does your upright look like, Smoke?”
“Put down!”
“Please, tell me. What do they look like?”
“Upright! Smell like this! Not white-yellow fur like you. White-orange fur! Cloud eye! Make pretty noise a lot!” She meowed as I dropped her, landing perfectly on the table as I fell into my chair.
“Gert’s Alley… that’s where you were found?”
Smoke leapt to the ground and gave me the feline equivalent of a shrug.
I was up and running down the street before I even realised I’d processed the information.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Ch 8: Nen Abilities and Ants
Synopsis: After seeing what can only be described as a behemoth ant claw, you decide to finally reveal your nen ability in the hopes that it'll assist the expedition. Or alternatively, your distracted attention is severely noticed and missed.
Fun fact #9: Y/n is easily embarrassed by nice gestures and kind words. Even though they like to be a little shit and tease people
You were unbelievably flustered at the moment.
The fire was out by the time you woke up and were aware of the 'incident.' You made a move to look for the owner of the 'thing' and accidentally stepped on a twig. Killua shot up and looked straight at you.
You paused in your movements, face heating up impossibly more.
"Isn't that Kite's?" He asked while pointing at you.
You wanted to hide yourself in the blue fabric. Maybe curl up and disappear. But you wouldn't let one kind gesture get the best of you. Nope. Not at all.
"Maybe?" Your voice came out squeakier than you would have liked.
"Maybe." He looked unimpressed by your answer. "Right. So why are you still wearing it if you don't know whose it is?" There was now something mischievous in the small assassin's eyes.
Perhaps payback for all the times you teased him.
"I don't believe I like what you're implying." With the little dignity you had, you crossed your arms.
"I'm not implying anything." Killua's grin was cat-like.
You went to give a rebuttal before the sound of a yawn stopped you.
"Good morning!" Once again you froze as your panicked gaze met Gon's.
"Y/n, how come you're so red? And why are you wearing Kite's cloak?"
You loved the boys, you really did. But right at this particular moment, you wanted nothing more than to up and leave and crawl into a small hole to die in.
This time you did hide yourself into the pleasant smelling fabric and tugged it closer to yourself. Whether it was out of embarrassment or for comfort, you couldn't say.
"We will not be discussing that at this time. Please and thank you."
"How come?"
Mischief littered the other boy's aura.
"Yeah, how come?"
And you had to think really fast on your feet to avoid further flustering yourself.
"Cuz I said so. And if you don't drop it, I won't carry you today."
A sound of disapproval from both. Good, maybe they wouldn't press you anymore.
Turns out the man in question had left to get some fresh water for the three of you. He was caught off guard by you suddenly thrusting a neatly folded bundle of cloth into his chest. Your face was turned away from him as you spoke.
"Thank you." Your voice was shaky and your aura was slightly uncomfortable. From behind you there was a shout of 'I thought you didn't know whose it was!'
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice.
"That's it! You can walk today you little ghoul!" You let go of the blue fabric completely and stomped towards the burnt-out campfire.
"And you're gonna do speed training for a whole week! With the bigger rocks!!!"
A cry of "NOOOOOO!" And then laughter as you tackled the small assassin down to tickle him.
The other boy laughed and pointed at his friend.
"Ha! You've done it now Killua!" Then a shriek as you pulled him down to give him the exact same treatment.
You three were odd. Close-knit, but odd.
Kite went to put his cloak in his backpack and noticed it now had the faint scent of fresh rain.
It suited you.
After finally settling back down around the makeshift camp, the topic of just what the hell Kite actually did was brought up.
"I do biological surveys."
You should have guessed it was something to do with nature. He did grow up around it, after all.
"My main focus is discovering and researching new species." You could sense the shift to excitement from him. Seems he really did love his job.
It was almost cute.
"For instance, have you heard of the Camp Tiger?"
There was a scrunch from all of your faces as you each tried to recall hearing the name.
"Can't say that I have."
"The what?"
His excitement was in full force now, reaching into his pack to pull out a small laptop.
"They've mastered fire. They use tree branches that were ignited by lightning as kindling." There was rapid typing on the keyboard before the screen was flipped over to the three of you.
"Other than certain bipedal magical beasts, they're the first of their kind. A wild animal that prefers its meat cooked as opposed to raw."
Sure enough, there were two of the tigers placing their prey above a fire to cook. You would have watched with more interest if it weren't for the two boys next to you shaking your shoulders from excitement.
"Hey, check it out! That's so cool!" You swayed to Gon's side.
"Yeah! They're actually cooking it!" Then to Killua's.
You looked up from the screen with tired eyes as you continued to be shaken. Kite's gaze met yours and you mouthed a 'help me.'
He ducked his head down in amusement and tried to hide the grin creeping up.
You were thankfully let go a moment later when Killua asked about the ants from yesterday.
"You said the thing that attacked me was a Chimera Ant, right?"
"Yes, the Chimera Ant." The atmosphere suddenly got a little thicker.
"It's under a designated quarantine: level one. It's a dangerous insect that normally no one's allowed to be near."
Judging from the small scar on Killua's knee, you could tell why.
"So were you the one who discovered them?" Gon asked.
"No, I usually specialize in larger creatures. But right now I'm investigating these insects."
You tilted your head at that one.
"Why?" It really didn't make sense for him to be investigating something out of his specific level of expertise. Not that you were the job expert, but still. Why go out of his way to study these things?
"Something had been bothering me lately," he answered. His gaze settled on the destroyed nest a little ways away.
"As it says stands, it looks like I'll have to move to a different location now. I need to make a call, but I'm not getting a signal here."
"A phone call?" Gon questioned.
"I'm working with others. There are 7 of us."
You would deny to your grave that you felt a smidge of disappointment at the news.
"I guess I'll have to wait for them to show up. They're all amateurs, but extremely skilled hunters. I'll introduce you to them." There was that same fondness in his eyes when he had talked about Ging.
Then you felt the presence of about four start to approach. You couldn't sense any ill intent from them, but you still kept your guard up.
Gon had noticed your sudden change in demeanor, your posture a lot stiffer than it was.
"You sense something?" His question had caught the attention of the other two.
"People." Was your response. Kite trained his field of vision to where you had yours. He immediately recognized them as his team, and was somewhat surprised you had sensed them so fast.
Those tired eyes of yours were sharp.
The group of four emerged from the underbrush. There were two girls, one very curly haired dude, and- WAS THAT A BEAR????
"Oh hey!" IT WAS NOT A BEAR!
"Speak of the devil," Kite said as he got up to greet them. You and the boys followed suit.
"Hey, Kite. Who are these guys?" The girl with the pinkish-purple hair asked.
"Some new friends of mine, 'dropped by for a short visit in their travels." Kite gestured to the three of you
"Is that so? Nice of you to come all this way. My name is Spinner Clow, Spin for short." She introduced.
"Pleasure to meet ya!" She outstretched her hand to Gon first.
"Hi, I'm Gon Freecs. Nice to meet you, Spin." He said as he shook her hand.
The small group froze at the mention of Gon's name.
"Hang on, Freecs?" You could see the cogs turning in Spin's head.
"Wait, does that mean you're-!?!?" Kite answered before she could finish.
"Yep. This boy is Ging's son."
"SERIOUSLY!?!?" They all said in unison. You could sense excitement from all of them.
"What about them!?!?" The guy with the afro asked as he pointed towards you and Killua. You were unused to this much energy at once.
"Are you Ging's kids too?!??"
You had to stop yourself from gagging. You? Ging's child? Absolutely not.
"No. That's just Gon," Killua answered.
"My name is Killua Zoldyck." He sounded a little proud as he introduced himself. It made your eyes soften slightly.
The guy from before backed away with slight fear.
"Zoldyck? Really?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," the woman with shorter hair started.
"But are you a part of the famous family of assassins?"
"Mmhm. That's right, but I quit the business." He answered.
Then you were pointed at again.
"Ooooh! And you???? Who are you supposed to be?!?"
You did not like this guy's energy. But maybe that was just you being an ass. You did already have a very stressful morning. You felt expectant eyes on you. They probably assumed you were some hotshot, or at least related to one.
Surprise! You were none of those things. You were just...
It wasn't the first time your answer was unsatisfactory. Bisky let you know almost everyday she wanted more details from you.
"Y/n? Y/n what? C'mon, don't be shy!!!"
The circles under your eyes seemed to darken at his probing. Before you could answer though, the boys had taken over.
"Y/n is the one who watches over us and makes sure we don't get into trouble!" Gon was the one to speak first.
"That's right! And they're super tough, too. Even if they aren't a Hunter, so don't underestimate them!" Killua added.
You were stunned for a second. Was that what they really thought of you? You wanted to hide again, but for a different reason this time.
You'd thought you'd be used to everything these boys did by now. But this was a little different. They were vouching for you. You tried to look down to hide the softness in your eyes. But you couldn't stop it from dripping into your tone.
"Yeah, so there you have it." The strong protector. Now you'd just have to prove it. And you sure as hell wouldn't let them down doing so.
The excitement simmered down a little and shifted into something a little more comfortable that suited your taste. (Shifted away from you for a bit)
"While Y/n may not be a hunter, both boys are professionals. Which makes them your seniors," Kite elaborated, much to his team's shock.
You, however, were feeling a bit proud. At just 12 years of age, they'd already surpassed four grown teenagers. At 12, they've both accomplished so much.
Hell yeah!!!
Those were your kids!!!!
You all settled down to continue talking for a bit. It was a little bizarre to be around so many people. Usually, your social circle had remained small. (Dodgeball on Greed Island being an exception because there was no way in hell you would have sought out that many people yourself.)
So to have so many sitting and chatting, it felt odd. Especially since they all seemed like good people. You couldn't tell if you liked or hated this new arrangement. Then again, it felt kinda nice to not be so isolated.
It just might take awhile to get used to.
You eased back into the conversation as Kite's team continued to introduce themselves again.
The guy who looked like a bear was Mon. The dude with all the energy and afro was Stick Dinner. (Who did make the joke that he was a cook because of his last name, har har) And the girl with short hair was Banana Karvaro.
Now that one threw you off, but you were quick to hide your confusion. They were an odd bunch, weren't they? Close, but kinda odd.
A small dog jumped out of Banana's backpack and ran straight towards Gon. And your heart just about melted at the small creature wagging its tail, desperate for pets. Gon picked it up and let it lick his face.
You were reminded of just how much you adored dogs, however.....
As Kite went on to finish listing the remaining members, Podungo and Lin, the small dog made its way towards you. It gave one sniff your way and retreated back to Gon whimpering.
You weren't so great with them, or the smaller animals for that matter. A damn shame.
Curious eyes fell on you. You didn't really feel like discussing why the poor creature had run from you, even if you did have a pretty good inkling as to why. Thankfully, Kite, your savior twice now, had diverted attention away from you. It was like he could tell when you were getting uncomfortable.
Oh wait...
You had to remember someone could see you now. But it was just so damn hard to get used to that again.
"Where are the other two now?" He asked in reference to the missing members.
"They're both heading towards the area of the sighting," Mon answered.
Area of the sighting? Sighting of what?
You weren't left in the dark for long as Mon pulled out something from his pack.
"What you told me earlier was accurate, Kite." He held up a small jar containing what looked like a claw.
"This thing right here, it looks exactly like the claw of a Chimera Ant queen."
You froze momentarily. If the claw was that big, then the creature it belonged too...
Not good.
Not good at all.
"We ran some computer analyses, and it came back a 99% match." Mon elaborated.
You couldn't be sure just what it was capable of until you got your hands on a bigger part. Still, the damage a normal sized ant did was bad, an even bigger one could be catastrophic. Your train of thought was interrupted by Killua getting up.
"Can I see?" He said gesturing to the claw.
Killua took the small jar and immediately frowned.
"So this is a Chimera Ant claw? It's as big as a human finger."
Gon got up to get a closer look as well.
"Does that mean that there are huge ants?"
"We're not certain." Kite responded.
"Could one have mutated that big?" Killua asked as he continued to inspect the claw.
"It is possible, although it may also belong to a completely different species. Regardless, we just don't know right now. That's why we're investigating."
You really did appreciate that he was taking the time to answer the boys' questions instead of brushing them off. You'd thank him for that later. For now....
"Hey kid, give that here a sec." Killua handed you over the jar.
Immediately you felt something off. Something dark. You opened your palm and examined it. The claw itself was incredibly sharp. Sharp enough to tear clean through flesh. Probably saw through bone, too. But there was something else about it.
Your eyes picked up on a faint residue covering the claw. That was where the feeling was coming from. Something about it you could only describe as 'icky.' It made you want to recoil and drop the vial you were holding.
This thing....
It was evil
You didn't have a very good feeling about this.
You handed back the claw as Spin went on to explain how they came into possession of such a thing.
They had purchased it from an agency after it washed ashore on YorkNew. The seller preferred the claw went to a hunter rather than be taken by the government. Two pieces of the claw were taken for study, which brings us to where we are now.
You and the boys had officially joined up with Kite and his team for this expedition. First stop: YorkNew to gather the rest of the team.
Gon and Killua were a little ways ahead of you with the rest of the group chatting. It put you at ease a little to see them making friends. It wasn't often they got to just be kids.
You decided to give them some space and hung back with Kite. The silence wasn't as awkward as it had been yesterday. You were almost content to bask in it.
You nodded your head to show you were listening.
"What am I getting myself into with those boys?" There was something teasing in his tone, although the question was genuine.
You turned your head a bit to address him better.
"Honest opinion?"
A nod.
"Gon is a precious ball of sunshine who's a little dense at times. Don't get me wrong, kid's strong as hell. He just has trouble getting things sometimes. He beats himself up over that, which sucks because he feels like he constantly needs to prove himself. I have a feeling it relates back to 'you know who.'
"Killua is a feral goblin at times, but once he likes you, he's just as sweet as the other one. He's cautious and knows how to pick his battles. And despite the shit his family's put him through, he's still a good kid. They both are." Everything about you in that moment was soft.
Your eyes held a certain fondness that only a parent would when talking about their child. Your tone was filled with unconditional affection. And even your aura was pure content with something a little sweeter.
A family
That was the word for what you and the boys had formed.
You nudged the taller male's arm.
"So, whaddya think? Do you got what it takes to mentor these two?"
There was a smile on your face. Not quite as big as the one from yesterday, but still there. Still you.
"I think they'll fit right in. Besides, they've got someone like you watching over them."
It took you a second to process Kite's words and when you did, your face went hot.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!?" You had a good feeling about what he meant. And the thought was very embarrassing.
"Well it's said that good Hunters are blessed with great friends." There was that teasing tone again.
You gave a playful nudge to distract from your flustered state.
"You are such a dork, you know that?"
You earned yourself a smile from him and tried to bite back your own.
"So you're saying you're not a good friend, then?" Oh, he could bite back, could he? Mischief littered your aura.
"Yup. I'm not their friend. I'm the big sibling, princess. Beat that!" You looked so proud it was actually adorable.
This time, it was his face that felt a little warm from your nickname.
"Please don't call me that, you'll give my students ideas." He readjusted his hat a little so you wouldn't see. But you could still sense his embarrassment.
"Wow, you're already rejecting my friendship. How cruel, after I graciously forgave you for shooting at my kids. Guess I'll just die."
You were startled by a booming laugh from up ahead of you. It was that Stick dude. He probably told another joke. Kite picked up on your sudden unease.
"Not a fan of loud noises?" He asked. (Ah yes, you'd forgotten he was a little dizty.)
"Not a fan of obnoxious noises. I deal with loud everyday, if you couldn't tell." You gestured over to the two boys in front.
You felt a nudge to your shoulder.
"You'll get used to it." Kite assured.
"Stick's jokes don't always land, but when they do they're pretty funny." It was sweet how he vouched for his student like that. Something you could respect.
"I hope so, if not I'll just become deaf. And you'll just have to get used to using sign language."
He lifted a hand towards your field of vision.
'Already have,' he signed.
Your mouth dropped open in delighted surprise.
"You bitch! How come you didn't tell me sooner? Hold on, let me-"
And your own hand was rapidly making signals. You felt like a little kid again, staying up and sharing secrets in the dark.
'Your hat is stupid and I want it.'
He let out a huff of amusement.
'No, only people who read from nature encyclopedias are allowed to wear it.' You gave a light laugh at that. It was decided, you liked him.
Liked messing with him, that is.
'Nerd. Huge Nerd. I'll just take it from you when you're asleep.'
Your grin was so big, you were sure your face would split in half. How long had it been since you smiled this big?
'Sure you can try, but I'll sense you coming.' He was kinda pretty when he was looking at you like that.
'But the question is will you be able to catch me, princess?'
Something was missing. Off, you could say. There was a certain lack of presence next to the two boys. And as Gon turned slightly to ask you something, he realized what it was.
You weren't there.
Instead, you were behind laughing and smiling so brightly with someone he was sure you hated the day before.
It felt strange.
Your presence had become a constant in his and Killua's life. A stable force that was comforting yet stern at the same time. Always watching, always protecting. So to have that suddenly disappear...
He didn't like it.
There wasn't a time he could recall when you hadn't been far behind.
Your smile, your real smile was rare. So rare that it was mind boggling how big it was in Kite's presence.
It took months for you to be comfortable around them. Months to get you to laugh. Months to be able to see a glimpse of your true personality.
And here he was doing the same in just one night.
What had changed?
You wouldn't just forget about them, would you?
"Hey, Sib!" No, there was no way. You had all been through so much.
You paused your signs and gave the boy your full attention.
"Yeah?" You weren't embarrassed this time. Was that a good or bad sign?
"You promised to carry me, remember?" Maybe he was being a little selfish. You deserved to be happy. But that didn't mean he couldn't worry.
"I did, didn't I?" Your brow was quirked up with a small smile. "Alright, hop on munchkin."
He let out a relieved smile as you sped up your pace and hoisted him on top of your shoulders. He felt like a giant like this, able to see everything. There was a smidge of smugness as he caught Killua's gaze and stuck his tongue out at him.
Gon could feel your pace slowing again, most likely to continue your silent conversation with Kite. He didn't want you to forget about them again just yet.
"Hey, Y/n?"
You gave a hum, pace returning to normal.
"What did you want to be when you grew up? I know you said you didn't wanna be a hunter, so what did you wanna be?"
He hoped it wasn't something that made you upset. You always got a little defensive when it came to stuff from before Greed Island.
Seems luck was on his side today.
"I never really had the chance to think about things like that. My future was predetermined, so to speak. But I remember this lady from when I was little." You had never really talked about your childhood before.
That's when it hit him.
You were what had changed.
You were finally comfortable enough to let go of that lazy front. Finally opening up instead of hiding away. You were changing, and they had been the ones to spark it.
"She would always play her piano for all the kids. I remember running over and trying to be at the front because if you were, she would let you pick out the song. It was something that always made us smile. I used to think if I could do something like that...then everything would be worth it." Your tone was somber, but not upset.
Perhaps he was overreacting after all. You were happy, and in the end that's what mattered most. If you wanted to share those smiles with someone else, then by all means do it. As long as you were smiling.
He could let go if it meant you'd stay happy.
"Do you have a favorite song she would play?" He folded his arms on top of your head and rested his own on them.
"It's been years. I don't really remember any of them anymore. Maybe a melody if I try hard enough, but not a full song....There a reason you're interested in my future?"
"Well, I usually ask people why they became hunters, but you're a little different. I guess I'm just curious is all."
You were quiet for a second.
He hoped he didn't scare you off.
"... Maybe one day I'll tell you two everything. When I'm ready..."
When you were ready.
He was sure the two of them could wait until then.
"Hey, kid."
He hummed at your call.
"Do you wanna continue flying solo, or do you wanna invite your bestie up here?"
He could feel himself beaming.
"Can you carry both of us?"
"I've got shoulders of steel, now shuffle over."
He did as you asked and balanced on your left. You steadied him with one arm before calling to the other boy.
"Hey, Killua! It's your lucky day, I've forgiven you!"
The small assassin looked up at you with a small glare.
"It's about time. You're too soft to stay mad for long."
"Hey!" You protested.
Then you leaned down so you could pick him up and placed him on your right. With both of them secured, you walked steadily forward. (Not without throwing a wink behind you at the taller male.)
Gon and Killua looked at each other and gave a slight nod. Everything had been sorted out.
When you had reached the jeep you were to be traveling in, you couldn't help but notice it was a little small. Especially if two more people were joining.
"If push comes to shove you could just tie me to the top like luggage and get 'er going," you said.
You were immediately met with horrified gasps of 'NO!' from Kite's team as you set the boys down.
The duo in question were trying to stifle their laughter, already used to your quips and deadpan delivery.
"We would never ask that of you," Banana hurriedly explained. The others nodded rapidly behind her.
It was kinda funny how fast they were to shoot down your suggestion, unawares you didn't really mean it.
They were good people.
"Damn shame. I was looking forward to the view."
Sounds of rushed out 'You don't have tos' and Please don'ts' were heard throughout the area.
Yeah, you'd definitely made the right decision in joining them.
You felt a light thwap to the back of your head and turned to glare.
"Quit terrorizing my poor students," Kite said as he adjusted his hat back in place.
Did he just-?
Now that was new.
"Hey, I terrorize everyone," you threw over your shoulder as you and the others piled into the jeep.
You found yourself sandwiched in between the boys with Stick on Killua's side and Kite on Gon's. Safe to say, it was a tight fit. The others were packed together in the back.
Like sardines in a can.
From the forest to a rocky desert you traveled. The area reminded you of the time you spent on Greed Island. No monsters though.
And no bombers.
"It's been days-No, it's been months since it last rained here," Kite noted.
"The weather this year has been so unstable. It's possible it's even affecting the wildlife in some way. Though, it's hard to say just yet."
Droughts were hard for any living thing. Worst case scenario, the animals probably left when they couldn't find any water. But you weren't exactly an expert on the subject.
"So the insect with the large leg could be a mutation influenced by these conditions," Spin speculated.
"But why would it have grown larger?" Banana questioned.
"In order to survive more easily," Mon answered.
"If it were bigger, it would have a much better chance of securing its food."
You decided it couldn't hurt to add your thoughts in the mix.
"If it's mutated, then there's probably more of them out there, ya know? Besides, mutations occur when the need for survival changes. Usually hundreds of years. It's not likely it just all of a sudden grew big. I'd wager it's from somewhere else where size is necessary for survival."
Ah yes, critical thinking, your friend. It'd been a while since you put your noggin to good use. Like solving a good puzzle. Plus the ant being from somewhere else fits in with the strange residue left on the claw.
If you could just get your hands on a bigger piece, you'd know for sure.
"But where would it even be from that requires it to be that big?" Spin asked.
"Beats me. But it makes a helluva lot more sense than it getting bigger because of the rain, or lack there of."
You may not have been a hunter, but you sure as hell thought like one. The thought that the ant could have been from somewhere further than the few islands next to YorkNew hadn't really crossed their minds. Which begs the question: were there more of these things out there somewhere?
"You may be right, but we should still take into consideration the nature of the Chimera Ant," Banana explained.
"I agree. They do reproduce in a unique way that isn't found in any other organism." Spin continued.
Now that piqued your curiosity.
"They do? How?" It was Gon who spoke up.
"They reproduce through a process known as phagogenesis," Kite answered.
The process, as he explained it, was when the queen ant consumed an organism and passed those traits down to its offspring. Depending on how many species it ate, every trait could be randomized or combined to form something completely different.
The queen also preferred to consume her body weight many times over in a single day with organisms that it deemed to have the strongest traits. In other words....
"So if she sets her eyes on you, you're finished, huh?" Killua guessed.
"Judging by the size of that claw, she's at least two meters long. That thing could eat a human in no time at all."
The silence was deafening.
And you couldn't blame them because something that big with that huge an appetite....
It'd be a miracle if it hadn't eaten a human already.
It had been a while since you last set foot in YorkNew. The constant buzzing and bustling of people was almost dizzying. Man, you'd been away from society for too long. Something else you would have to grow used to again.
At least the bridge you guys were on was less densely occupied. It gave you a chance to relax and suppress your aura all the way. Couldn't be too cautious here.
The missing members form Kite's team were quickly found.
"Meet Gon, Killua, and Y/n," Kite introduced. "I mentioned them on the phone."
"Hello there. My name is L-Lin Koshi. It's a pleasure to meet you," The boy with glasses greeted.
"And my name is Podungo Lapoy. I'm happy to have you three on board." The smaller woman said.
Also good people from what you could sense.
You and the boys exchanged pleasantries before getting back to business.
"Where was the leg discovered?" Kite asked them.
"On the beach, right over there," Podungo answered while pointing.
"And according to the locals here, one day it just w-washed up on the shore," Lin added.
So here the ten of you were, scouring the beach for clues. However none of you could really find anything. It was possible the waves washed away what potential clues there might've been.
"Hey, there's a forest right behind us," Killua pointed out.
"Well if it ran in there, it'll be difficult to find it," Banana explained.
Killua looked in thought for a second before speaking again.
You looked up from your crouched position.
"Think you could find it with your eyes?"
He knew you could see what most couldn't. If anyone could find this thing, it would be your with the eyes to that could find anyone.
"It's tough to say because it's not human. I'd need a little more to go off of in order to guess what its aura would feel like. Every animal would just look and feel the same without more information." Which sucked because your one good thing was pretty much useless.
You really needed the rest of that arm to make sound observations.
"Could you still try?"
You didn't get a chance to respond as Soon spoke up.
"Hang on just a sec, we can't be certain that the Chimera Ant is even still alive."
"That's a good point. We don't even know if it ended up on the same island that it's leg drifted to." Stick backed up.
Was it bad a part of you hoped it was dead already?
"Let's find out then," Banana suggested with a spark of hope in her aura. Seems you were gonna have to search the forest after all.
From under the flap of her bag, the small dog from before barked. He jumped out and waited for the claw to be placed under his nose for sniffing.
"I can help too!" You were startled a little by Gon's sudden outburst.
He ran over and took a whiff of the claw much to your confusion.
What was this?
"Gon's sense of smell is just as good as a dog's," Killua explained. He seemed a little proud at the fact.
Gon followed close behind the dog sniffing at the ground.
And you were distressed.
"Kid, don't stick your nose in the ground. You're gonna get sick," your tone was exhausted.
Right as you finished speaking, the dog started peeing. You were quick to lift Gon up from the ground with a 'See, I told you. It's icky, dummy.'
"It's fine, I couldn't smell anything anyways."
"Yeah no sh-" you cut yourself off.
"No duh," you corrected and set him down.
"It probably rained some since then," Spin offered as an explanation.
"Guess it means the Chimera Ant isn't here," Mon concluded.
A beat of silence.
"We should consider the possibility it may have washed ashore elsewhere." Kite stated before formally addressing his team.
"Which direction do the currents flow here?"
"I-It's complicated. Th-The direction is reversed between day and night," Lin started.
"And it changes with the seasons, too. It can even be different on certain days," Podungo added.
Well that was just bad luck.
"It'll be tough to pinpoint a precise location," Spin lamented.
God you would kill for a bigger piece of this ant. You'd be able to narrow down a few things for sure. Your thoughts were cut short by Gon.
"Well it's way to early to give up. Let's just split up and search." Ever the optimist that boy.
"You know, when you said 'let's split up' I thought Y/n would be with us," Killua complained.
The small assassin also wasn't very fond of your lack in presence. He had grown used to having your ability to rely on. A trust that you would be able to protect them from any danger you sensed.
Without you, he was on high alert.
"I know, but someone suggested we split into pairs," Gon was pouting at this point.
"And it's not like we can follow them, they'd sense us before we could even get close," Killua ranted.
Damn you and your eyes.
But to be fair, he was being a little ridiculous at the moment. They were here to look for the ant, not get distracted by why you weren't helping them.
And there it was.
He and Gon had become too dependent on you.
You were an adult. With your own life and your own decisions. You weren't a babysitter.
"Maybe we shouldn't worry that much about it," Gon's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"What do you mean? Why shouldn't we worry? Y/n isn't a fighter, remember?" He was trying his best to justify going after you.
So you weren't a babysitter, but you were their friend. Friends stuck together no matter what.
"But we both know they can take care of themselves. I don't like them being away any better than you do, but think about it. When was the last time Y/n ever had this much fun?"
It was true.
And it hurt.
And why it hurt just made the feeling worse.
Was he really acting like his family right now? Like his mother?
"I just don't want them to leave us behind."
The exact thing Gon had felt this morning.
And he would reach the exact same conclusion too.
"They deserve to be happy," Killua admitted at last.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up at his best friend.
"They won't leave us, no matter how many new friends they make." There was so much certainty that it made him have no choice but to believe it.
"And you know why?" Gon continued.
"Because Y/n is our big sibling!"
You couldn't count the amount of times you'd been hit in the face by a tree branch. How many times you'd stepped on a stick that went right through the shitty old shoes you wore. It was honestly embarrassing how out of your element you were, while your companion seemed right at home.
"Sorry, but the forest honestly sucks dude," You said after tripping over a stray root.
"Why are you apologizing?" Kite asked as he helped you back up.
"Because you like nature, or did I read that wrong?" You stabilized yourself before a mischievous thought crossed your mind. You leaned up and made a few swipes towards Kite's hat. He avoided your grabs with a smile.
"I do, but that doesn't mean I like everything about it. There are some things I absolutely despise."
You quirked a brow.
"Ooh, do tell. I'll share my secrets if you share yours." You scanned the area one more time with your eyes before giving him your full attention.
"They're not really secrets, just things I don't talk about often."
He stopped you before you could yet again trip over a stray branch. You sincerely doubted the Chimera Ant was here.
"Yeah? I've got some of those too, so we'll still be even." You didn't know why you were being so open. Why you were volunteering to. It was strange.
But you didn't hate it.
"Maybe later, we've still got a job to do." There was a hint of disappointment in his aura. Like he didn't really want to focus on the task at hand. But a job was a job, you supposed.
"I'll hold you to it...But y'know," You started. He stopped walking to give his full attention.
"If I could get a good look at the full claw, I might be able to do something."
No deceit in your aura.
You were being genuine.
"The pieces we brought with us aren't enough for you to deduce much?" He was testing the waters a bit. Wanting to see just what you were up to. What you were capable of.
"Pieces of a piece make things harder to put a certainty to," You responded.
"The claw itself is sharp, as we can tell. Sharp enough to slice through bone, leaving no doubt it's a carnivore. There's residue of something darker that lingers on it. Perhaps from the place it originated from. That's what you get from a piece."
You were so much like Ging, and you didn't even know it. Precise in your observations and never making a conclusion unless you had enough evidence.
It was fascinating really, the way your brain worked. Seems being a smart ass wasn't the only thing it made you capable of.
"With the whole arm, what do you think you'd get?"
You thought about it for a second.
"Maybe a visualization. I dunno. It depends on the condition."
"A visualization?" Just what the hell was your nen ability?
You smirked something teasing.
"Well I don't wanna ruin the surprise, you'll just have to see later when I finally get my hands on that damn arm."
It was dark out by the time everyone called it quits. There wasn't a sign the ant had been here, which meant it was back to the city to further study the claw. Good for you, but also troublesome.
You were once again packed tightly into the jeep. Same seats as before, which unfortunately meant it was your shoulders the boys were sleeping on.
You were thanking whatever greater being was up there that they didn't snore. But drool? Yes, they both did, and it was gross. They owed you a new shirt when they woke up.
Everyone else had already fallen asleep. The only other ones awake were Stick, who was driving, and Kite.
You turned your head slightly to get a better look at the taller male. He looked a little worried. His aura filled with concern.
What was he worried about? It had to be bad if the calmness that had previously radiated off of him was gone.
You got an idea. Not a very well thought out one, but it was something. You moved your arm from out under Gon and moved it on top of the seat. You cringed slightly as he leaned further into you and smeared the streak of drool.
God, they really were still just kids.
With your arm free, you made a light tapping on the seat to gain Kite's attention. He looked up a little startled before his eyes met yours. You gestured to your arm and made grabby motions with your hand.
Seeming to get your message, he slid his own on top of the seat until it was in your range.
With a skill that only came with years of practice, you began to use his hand to sign. Making sure to go slow enough that he could decipher each one. A smart idea since it was still very dark out.
'Something wrong?'
He used your hand to do the same.
'Worried.' He was a little slower, not used to this new form of communication. He didn't want to accidentally hurt you folding your fingers.
'The ants?'
'Yes. Might be too dangerous for my team. Yours too.'
Yeah, a six foot killer ant was definitely scary. And if it could make more with the traits of apex predators, it was definitely worrisome.
'Then we just have to find it before it can cause serious damage.'
Then something in your eyes had changed. The resolve was back.
'We will find it. And keep everyone safe, too.'
You could kill bugs, no matter how big.
They weren't people.
You'd spent the rest of the night engaged in silent conversation with Kite. You asked him questions about his team. And you'd deny the softness you felt seeing him become so enthusiastic telling you about them.
He asked you about how you met the boys. And he would deny finding it endearing how much your eyes lit up with each story.
The atmosphere was nice.
And all awkwardness had melted away into something so pleasant, it was hard to put into words.
When you'd finally arrived at the 'base', you were like a kid in a candy store.
A roof over your head????
An actual house with air conditioning????
You were basically in heaven.
A shower????
Hot diggity dog you were blessed by god himself!
But besides that, you were finally in the room with the full claw. Finally able to see it in full. Finally able to observe it.
You half listened as Kite explained to the boys the nesting behavior of the Chimera Ant queen. It was vital information that you would be sure to ask about later.
They were also discussing missing people's cases with Spin as she typed away on the computer. Again, vital information.
But you were just too damn excited to finally use your full ability.
After making sure it was okay, you opened up the case. Your eyes eagerly scanned the weathered down appendage. The same residue from the smaller pieces was there. The particles were so dark, and that feeling of dread was back. Whenever it was from, that place was dangerous.
With a coating of nen on your hand, you reached out and touched the claw.
A purple hue engulfed it, catching the attention of everyone in the room. Your eyes held that same hue around them, then you removed your hand and crouched down. With a touch to the floor, a creature started forming.
You heard the gasps of shock, but didn't really register them. Not as the most grotesque insect you've ever seen in your life loomed above of you.
It gave a small roar that startled the amateur hunters.
"IS THAT THE ANT?!?" Stick shouted as he hid slightly behind Banana, who was also very frightened.
"WHY IS IT SO SCARY!?!?" She shrieked.
You couldn't blame them. This was one hideous creature.
You stood up and paced around it, glancing at every angle. It wasn't completely solid, kinda like a hologram. But it was realistic enough.
"My, my, you're an ugly bastard." It was noted by everyone in the room that you had been amused rather than scared.
"It's at least two meters like Killua thought. Maybe a little bigger if the back legs extend further." The image of the ant adjusted itself slightly taller. Your brain worked double time to make proper assessments.
"Too big to stay hidden for long. The only place stable enough to house it would perhaps be a cave system or mountain range. But with a missing arm, I doubt it went very far above ground. And that's just assuming it hasn't healed yet. If it's already begun to nest, then definitely the mountains are our safest bet."
The ant replica in front of you flickered. Damn, you really had become rusty.
"If it hasn't been spotted yet, it's probably in an area without much of a population. That or someplace isolated. And given its size, it'd need to be an area with ample wildlife to feed itself. Not only that, it's size paired with an insatiable hunger would give it the aura of just about any apex predator. Think bears, lions, wolves, stuff like that."
You briefly glanced over towards your very startled company.
"We also have to take into consideration how complex its thoughts are. If it can think like an actual human, then finding it is gonna be an even bigger pain."
Your observation was complete. The ant disappeared along with the nen around your eyes.
"Do you think you could repeat some of that?" Spin asked, hand hovering over the keyboard. It was then you took in the state of everyone.
Most of Kite's team was a little frightened. Maybe you should have warned them about that first part. Kite himself looked shocked. And your boys, your boys looked very excited.
"Sure. Isolated or low populated area, mountain ranges, and ample wildlife. The rest is how we actually search for it."
She nodded and started typing fast.
While everyone waited on Spin, you were immediately questioned by Killua.
"Hey, what the hell was that?!? I thought you said your ability was speed!"
You gave a nervous laugh before you were once again being shaken by the two boys.
"Come on, Sib! You have to tell us what that was! It was so cool!" Gon exclaimed.
Yeah, it was about time you give some semblance of an explanation.
You let them shake you a little more before stopping them.
"Okay, okay. But I'm only gonna go through it once, so pay attention."
Both nodded eagerly. You could feel eyes on your back from everyone else. How embarrassing.
"My ability, my real ability is tracking."
It was like a pin dropped. And the dots in the boys' heads started connecting. But before they could start asking anything, you raised a hand up to stop them.
"There are five steps that work together in order for my nen to function. Visualization, Aura Sensing, Speed, Silence, and Capture. You with me so far?"
You were almost startled by the sound of resounding hums. Everyone really was listening.
"Step one: Visualization. If I know enough about a target, I can make a perfect image of them. Or alternatively, if I know enough of what something looks like, I can form an exact replica. Nothing is solid and its purpose is purely for scouting.
"Step two: Aura Sensing. My eyes have been trained to see the auras of most people. The stronger someone is, the easier it is to see. My range to purely feel for them is just shy of a hundred meters. The ones closest to me are the ones I take seriously. Through this I can make out exact emotions and see precise locations. If I've seen your aura once, I will always be able to find you again.
"Step three: Speed. In order to stay on top of a moving target, you have to be fast and certain in your movements. With enough training, nen is not needed to enhance your speed. It also means my legs are the strongest part of my body, being that they are the most practiced.
"Step four: Silence. Breathing, steps, even your heartbeat have to be absolutely silent so the target is unaware of your presence. Your aura must also be suppressed all the way down.
"Step five: Capture. Methods may vary, but for me personally, I summon strands of nen that wrap around the target's body. If my will is unbreakable, so too are the strands. They are for holding, not hurting. They won't tighten any more than they have to, just enough to be secure.
"And that concludes my presentation, " you jazzed your hands lazily.
You were met with a deafening silence.
Yeah, didn't sound so nice out in the open. If anything, it showcased just how much of a monster you really were.
You were suddenly being shaken again.
"THAT'S SO COOL! HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL US SOONER!" The shaking was turned into a tight hug by Gon. You were frozen on the spot.
"You really had us fooled this entire time thinking speed was all there was. But it makes sense, you didn't really have a reason to reveal it until now." You were shocked by how nonchalant Killua sounded.
"I gotta say, it is pretty cool!" Then the shaking started up again.
"You gotta teach us how to do it! I'll do whatever crazy training you put me through, just show me how!"
"Me too! Show me too!"
Well that was unexpected.
They weren't scared of you???
They didn't think you were horrible???
You looked up from the boys to assess the rest of the room.
The initial shock was gone, instead replaced by that same buzz of excitement when they had first met the boys.
You almost cried with relief.
Tags: @fandomhoe101
An: Crying and screaming because this is the calm before the storm and I am not ready for the next two chapters to be written. Also ☝️ I do have future plans for Kite. And by future I mean FUTURE. Like near the end future. But we gotta persevere through the angst to get to the fluff. We WILL get a happy ending y'all. AND HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 🎉🎉🎉
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ticklishfiend · 9 months
A Plan Fit for an Angel (Good Omens)
(Lee! Aziraphale/Ler!Crowley) (brief lee!crowley/ler!aziraphale)
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Summary : Crowley’s dignity was positively shattered being tickled by Aziraphale two weeks ago. Well, only one way to fix that: getting revenge. [see part one here! this is a sequel]
a/n : i lobe them sm
Word Count : 3626
hope u enjoy! :)
. . .
There are two types of demons: Those that like to strike as soon as they see their target, and those that plan their evil-doings methodically, thinking out every angle so they can strike their prey when they least expect it.
It might shock some to find that Crowley tends to lean more towards the latter.
It had been two weeks since Aziraphale had pestered Crowley with those god-awful jokes, relishing in his demon’s irritation. Two weeks since Crowley had been tickled into the couch cushions so Aziraphale could win an argument.
So for two weeks, Crowley has been planning.
And planning for Crowley doesn’t mean he just thought real long and hard about how he’d make his move. No, planning requires research. Lots and lots of research.
Tickling isn’t something Crowley would call a regular occurance between the two of them. Yes, it happens, has happened, but if you were to ask for something defining that they do together, tickling would be quite low on his list, if it made it there at all.
So maybe, before he strikes, he’ll need something of a…refresher.
Aziraphale stood in the bookshop’s tiny kitchen, making himself a cup of tea. Crowley stood at the doorway, wondering if his angel knew he was there.
“I know you’re there, yknow?”
Ah. So he does.
Doesn’t matter. He knows Aziraphale will continue to read through his book on the counter, waiting for his water to heat in the kettle like Crowley wasn’t even there. He was too comfortable in Crowley’s presence…making him far easier to attack.
So Crowley sauntered behind Aziraphale, miracling up a feather from his wing. He heard a page being flipped.
“Whatcha readin’?” Crowley asked, before placing the feather under Aziraphale’s shirt without having to move a finger. Real magic truly was the best thing since sliced bread (trust him, he was there when it happened, sliced bread was quite the invention for the time).
“Oh it’s a lovely book, I’ve read it many times but somehow I keep coming back to it. Georgette Heyer’s ‘The Black Moth.’ Quite a page turner; it takes place in 1751, during the—AH-!” Aziraphale flinched, his right arm gluing itself to his side.
Crowley smirked behind Aziraphale, still looking over his shoulder at the book. His finger waggled near Aziraphale’s coat, a magic tether traveling from it to the feather. “What was that, angel?”
“Er, nothing I just—well I think there may be something in my shirt. I do hope it’s not a bug,” Aziraphale said, before snapping his fingers. A feather floated down onto the pages of his book. A black feather, to be precise.
Aziraphale clicked his tongue. “I see.”
“How peculiar,” Crowley grinned. “Wonder how that got in there?” He walked right out of the room to avoid further accusations, all of which would probably be correct.
Stage one: complete.
Now onto stage two. Snake time, baby.
Crowley very rarely switched to his snake form these days. Really no need, plus any time he did he was usually beaten within an inch of discorporation by a horrified human. So no, he doesn’t typically take his snake form anymore.
But occasionally, when he’s feeling rather…well, one might use the word clingy (Crowley detests such accusations), he’ll be a snake for a few hours just for the excuse to curl up on Aziraphale’s lap while he reads.
This usually embarrasses Crowley, not exactly one open to admitting his love of cuddles and pets and head scratches. Which is why he’s especially excited about snake time today, since he’s getting to embarrass Aziraphale this time and not the other way around.
He’d taken his form around 20 minutes ago, giving himself time to adjust to the change and alert Aziraphale of his body today. When he heard, Aziraphale went and made a cozy spot for himself on the couch, beginning to read his book. It was a silent code to Crowley that Aziraphale was ready for cuddles whenever he was.
It was no surprise when Crowley slithered his way onto the couch, his now curled body finding purchase on Aziraphale’s lap. The angel got to petting, resting his book along the serpent’s scaled back. He scritched softly at Crowley’s head, running his hand down the length of his now much longer body.
Crowley almost got lost in the comfy-ness of it all when he felt Aziraphale stray too close to his underside, a sensitive area on both of his bodies. Ohohoh, the plan, yes right, I’ll get on that now.
With the sneakiness only a serpent could possess, he slowly moved his tail around until he found the area buttons can’t close up on Aziraphale’s shirt, and slithered his way in. Bingo.
He only allowed himself about an inch’s worth of entry, can’t get too confident now. He waited a few moments, listening for Aziraphale to stir or speak up. He didn’t move, though, so that’s a good sign. Now he can strike.
Crowley fluttered his tail back and forth, like a rattlesnake in slow motion. Aziraphale huffed.
“Is that you down there?” He asked, voice a little wobbly like trying to hold something back. Got ‘em.
“Is what me?” Crowley said in his tired, I’m-far-too-comfortable-to-care voice.
“It is you!” Aziraphale let out a giggle through his words, moving Crowley around in his lap to stop the incessant tickling that was still taking place on his lower belly. “Aha-! Crowley, stop!”
“I really don’t know what you mean,” Crowley yawned. “And stop moving me, m’comfortable.”
“I will not!” Finally, Aziraphale found the end of Crowley’s tail, pulling it out of his shirt and readjusting Crowley in his lap. “Now you stop that or I will be putting you off to the side.”
Crowley huffed, his body adjusting under his head in a way that almost looked like his head was laying in his arms. “Whatever. Didn’t even do it anyways. Punishing me for something I didn’t do? Now that’s just cruel.”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, going back to petting Crowley while fixing his gaze back on his book.
Well, he really didn’t wanna risk ending this. Might as well enjoy it and plan for the next stage in his great scheme.
Which, as it happened, took place the very next day, snake Crowley no more.
Aziraphale sat on his favorite chair, listening to a record he recently bought at Maggie’s shop. He was the picture of content.
Crowley was bouncing on his heels ready to ruffle the angel’s feathers.
“Mmyes, some good ole’ Stravinsky. Rather liked that guy, with the whole y’know, riot debacle,” Crowley made his way around Aziraphale’s chair, leaning against its back. “Great fun that was.”
“Yes, that was a rather difficult event. I was there, you know, but I truly was only there to see the show,” said Aziraphale.
Crowley hummed, having heard the story before. He looked at Aziraphale’s ear below him, giving a puzzled look.
“What’s that in your ear?”
Aziraphale furrowed. “My ear?”
“Yes yes, there’s something in your ear.”
Aziraphale’s hand shot up to feel around his ear, “Where?”
“No you—you’re missing it, it’s nothing but a piece of fuzz, I think. Here, let me-“ He shooed Aziraphale’s hand away, before using his pointer to gently prod and scrape along the shell of his ear.
Aziraphale’s shoulder shot up. “Aha, wait, wait—there’s really no neheheed-“ He batted at Crowley’s hand, but couldn’t dissuade him.
“No seriously, I can get it if you just give me a moment-“ he wiggled the finger, and this time Aziraphale shot out of his chair with a quick giggle before turning and giving Crowley a pointed look.
“You’re messing with me,” Aziraphale straightened his coat before giving his ear a quick scratch. There was a smile small on the corner of his lips.
“Now why would I do that?”
Aziraphale shot him a look, “I’m not sure, but I know that’s what you were doing.”
Crowley walked toward Aziraphale until they were eye to eye. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, before walking out.
Stage three: complete, but Aziraphale was definitely onto him now. Time to set the real plan in motion.
Like it started, Crowley’s plan took place in the back room, wine in each of their hands as they talked and bickered and laughed with each other.
After having made Aziraphale laugh at one of his favorite stories to tell, Crowley smiled and remembered. Admittedly he had gotten a bit tipsy and nearly forgot about the whole thing until he saw his angel folding over in laughter just moments ago. Made him remember what this was all for.
He glanced over at the desk, noting Aziraphale’s current book having a very familiar bookmark peeking out of its pages. He had actually noticed this days ago, but was waiting until now to bring it up. Clever demon, he thought.
“What’s that there in your book?” He gestured lazily at it, sitting up like it was of great intrigue to him.
“Oh that’s…” Aziraphale looked at the book, like it was the first time he’d noticed it there. “Well, it’s my bookmark, of course.”
“Mmyes obviously it’s your bookmark. I meant what is it, exactly? Cause I don't know if I recognize this one.”
Aziraphale looked a bit flustered. “Erm, well it’s…it’s a feather, actually. But it works just as nicely as a bookmark.”
Crowley hummed. “Aren’t your feathers white, angel?”
Aziraphale looked without words for a moment (oh how Crowley just loved flustering his angel), before straightening his back with newfound confidence. “Well I didn’t say it was my feather, did I?”
“No, you’re right, you didn’t,” Crowley said, resting his chin in his palm as he relaxed over the arm of the sofa. Sometimes he likes letting Aziraphale think he’s won before pulling the rug out from underneath him. “Is it mine?”
Aziraphale was definitely blushing now, but he stayed on guard. “Yes, it is. You…put that blasted thing in my shirt the other day when I wasn’t looking. When it fell into my book I…well, I didn’t have a bookmark before and then I did. It’s really as simple as that.” He smiled at Crowley all clever, taking a sip from his wine.
Crowley gave Aziraphale a puzzled look. “You think I put that in there?”
Aziraphale blinked. “Well obviously. You’ve been messing with me for days.”
Crowley smirked. “Have I now?”
Aziraphale glared at him. His eyes were a bit squinted, very suspicious. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything. You’re accusing me of something I have no recollection of. I’m just asking how you think I was messing with you,” said Crowley, thinking ‘that’s right, lure him in.’
Aziraphale hesitated, like treading over thin ice. “…you’ve been teasing me, and you know it. You—you’re doing it now!”
Crowley couldn’t hold back his grin anymore. “I mean, can you blame me?” said Crowley before standing abruptly. He took a swig from the bottle, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and sat it hard against the table. “You messed with a demon angel. You never mess with a demon.”
Aziraphale’s eyes widened. He set himself back further into his chair, hands holding onto the arms.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Ohh, don't act all innocent now. You were quite the tease a couple weeks ago, as I remember,” Crowley pointed a finger at Aziraphale, who actually started…grinning.
“You’re still worked up over that, aren’t you?” Aziraphale asked, a clever smile taking him.
“No—no, that’s not what I mean-“
“Oh I’m sure. But you can’t really deny that apparently, you’ve been thinking about this quite a lot,” Aziraphale looked as smug as ever.
Crowley was admittedly a little stuck for words at the moment. His mouth formed around rebuttals but they never made it past his throat.
He growled before rushing over and grabbing Aziraphale by the lapels.
“Maybe so—but only because I needed to plan out exactly how I was going to get you back,” Crowley growled, grip tight on Aziraphale’s coat. He liked how nervous the angel suddenly looked. “Like I said, angel. You don’t tease a demon.”
Crowley let go of him, walking back and almost pacing in thought. He waggled a finger in the air, “But I can’t do it now. No, no you’re expecting it now. I’ve gotta get you when you’re totally off your guard,” He plopped himself back down on the couch, pointedly not looking at Aziraphale.
“So…you’re not tickling me now?” Aziraphale raised a brow his way, taking a slow sip.
“No, I’m not.”
Aziraphale shrugged, placing his glass on the table. “I’d let you.”
Crowley paused. He looked at Aziraphale like the angel had grown an extra arm. “You’d let me?”
“Well, yes. I don’t actually hate being tickled. You just keep doing it when I’m in the middle of something, or I’m trying to relax,” he said, which was the last thing Crowley was expecting. “If you just asked I’d be happy to oblige.”
Crowley was near seething. He wasn’t actually mad, just utterly irritated by how nonchalant Aziraphale could be about the whole thing. Crowley was beyond embarrassed when Aziraphale tickled him the other week. How could someone not be embarrassed by it?
Crowley shook his head, “It’s the principle of the thing. You tickled me when I wasn’t ready, I’ve got to do the same back,” Crowley took a much needed swig. “S’how revenge works, angel.”
“Be my guest then. I’m happy to wait,” Aziraphale grinned, so pleased with how quickly things had turned in his favor. Sure, he was still going to get tickled eventually. But now he knows the real context.
Crowley was still so flustered over his little tickle attack the other week, that he had been meticulously planning on how to get Aziraphale back just to regain his dignity. He couldn’t deny how adorable that much effort and thought was.
Crowley grumbled, throwing his head against the back of the couch. “Grrrrbut it’s not as fun now,” he slumped. “Now you know it’s gonna happen. Shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Yes, maybe you shouldn’t have,” Aziraphale said. “Because now, once you do tickle me, I’ll have no choice but to tickle you back immediately after.”
Crowley gaped at him, actually letting out a low chuckle. “Oh really? Well that’s not fair, is it? Supposed to be tit-for-tat, don’t you think?”
“No, no I don’t think so. See, it doesn’t affect me nearly as much as it does you. That’s the fun in it.”
“It does not affect me. S’just not right for a demon to have such a weakness. Makes sense when you’re an angel, s’why you don’t give a shit.”
“I’ll have you know it’s perfectly normal for a demon to be ticklish. I tease you for it because it’s fun, but it’s not like you can help it. It’s your vessel, dear. And it’s a vessel I think you should take much more pride in than you’re giving it right now.”
Crowley just grumbled again, not really having a good response. He knows he can’t help it, but it’s still so…weird. It’s not just because he’s a ticklish demon. It’s that he’s a ticklish demon who actually finds it a little bit fun when his angel is the one tickling him. That’s the part that’s got him all screwy.
But it’s not like he could just say that.
So he stewed for a bit, thankful for Aziraphale allowing him his stew time in peace. The angel sat contentedly, sipping on his wine and basking in the lovely tension their bookshop always seemed to hold.
Crowley stewed and stewed. Pinching his lips together, sipping on the wine, reaching over and filling Aziraphale’s glass when he realized it had gone empty. But he had to say something eventually, because obviously Aziraphale wasn’t going to speak first.
And also because he kind of still wanted this to happen. Just a little.
Aziraphale looked up. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine, whatever, just get over here and let me get my fffffucking revenge already.”
Aziraphale grinned, already beginning to stand. “I thought you said I couldn’t expect it when you get your revenge?”
“Oh that’s still gonna happen,” He smiled as Aziraphale sat next to him, the demon already crawling into his space.
“You do remember I’m getting you back as soon as you’re done, right?” Aziraphale said with a nervous titter in his voice, backing up towards the arm of the couch.
“Yeah I know. Guess that just means I’ve gotta make this count,” Crowley said as he fully closed in on Aziraphale, cornering him into the couch. He just hovered, for a moment, his hands floating over Aziraphale without touching him.
Aziraphale swallowed. “Well…?”
Crowley grinned. “Well, what?” He wiggled his fingers, and Aziraphale tittered anxiously.
“Are you going to…?”
“Can’t say it now?” Crowley’s eyes were devilish as he smirked. “Is someone getting nervous now that I’ve got him cornered?”
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, a meek attempt at confidence over the situation. His slight squirming and tight lipped smile gave him away. “No.”
“No?” Crowley asked, before jerking his hand down near Aziraphale’s side, laughing at Aziraphale’s flinch. “I haven’t even touched you!”
“But you’re going to!” Aziraphale practically whined, a ghost of a giggle lacing his voice. “Just get on with it, I’m not sure I can take this.”
Crowley smiled genuinely. “Oh alright. But just because it’s you.”
Finally, after waiting oh so patiently for this moment the past two weeks, Crowley struck. He went straight for Aziraphale’s sides, thankfully unguarded since the angel had taken his vest off hours ago. Aziraphale yipped, trying to hold in his laughs for a brief moment before falling into those angelic cackles Crowley could eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
“AH! Ahaha—Crohowley!” he laughed, sliding down unconsciously and only stretching his body out more for Crowley. “Wahahait!”
“Oh no, I’ve done plenty of waiting recently,” Crowley said, delivering sporadic pokes up and down Aziraphale’s torso, the angel’s cackles shooting up as he did so. “See, s’not so fun when it’s you getting tickled, huh?”
“It’s fuhuhun! Just—“ he was cut off by his own loud laughter as Crowley shot his hands into his armpits. Arms slammed against his sides, twisting and turning every which way because it was just too much. “—tihihickles!”
Crowley chuckled, ecstatic. “Bet it does,” he said, pulling one hand out from its trapped state in Aziraphale’s underarm to reach up and give his ear gentle scratches. Aziraphale squeaked, a hand shooting up to protect the ear. Seeing the opportunity, Crowley shot his hand right back under his arm, and Aziraphale shook his head through his laughter and shock.
“Nohot fahahair!” Aziraphale blushed, unsure of what to do with his hands. He opted to batting them around uselessly.
“You’re playing with a demon, angel, what did you expect?” Crowley said, before taking both hands out to squeeze, pinch, poke, prod and scribble all over Aziraphale’s tummy.
Aziraphale’s laughter was all over the place now. It was like he couldn’t decide whether to give deep, belly laughs or squeals and giggles fit for his angelic persona. The tips of Crowley’s ears grew warm at the sound.
“This is hysterical, by the way,” Crowley laughed, pinching Aziraphale’s hips and watching as he barked a laugh, twisting and gripping onto Crowley’s wrists. “I mean I knew you were ticklish, but this is priceless.”
“You’ve made your point!” Aziraphale giggled out helplessly. “I gehehet it! It’s bahahad! It’s sohoho baahahad—!” He fell into a giggle fit that made it impossible to hold a conversation, wheezing pitifully.
“I could keep going, yknow. Show you actual demonic torture,” Crowley grinned when Aziraphale shook his head, cheeks plump and pink from mirth. “Say you’re sorry and I’ll consider it.”
Aziraphale slapped Crowley’s arm playfully. Crowley poked softly but quickly over Aziraphale’s torso, easing up on the tickling just enough for him to get some words out. Aziraphale panted a bit, giggles lacing every breath.
“Okay okhahay! I’m sohohorry!” Aziraphale giggle, pushing Crowley’s hands away from him. Crowley let his hands be moved for just a moment, before giving one last quick squeeze to Aziraphale’s hips just to make him yip.
Crowley smiled down at his angel, watching him catch his breath and try to will away that blush from his cheeks. Aziraphale looked up at Crowley with a pointed expression, “Wily serpent.”
Crowley laughed, “You asked me to!”
“I did not ask you to. You obviously wanted to do it so I…obliged,” Aziraphale shrugged, the lie plain as day on his face. Crowley couldn’t help but snicker.
“Yes, of course. Obliging the temptation of a demon really is your forte, after all,” Crowley teased, laying his front down on Aziraphale’s, making himself comfy. “Had your fun?”
Aziraphale sighed through a smile, rubbing a soothing hand up and down Crowley’s back. “Well…not quite.”
Crowley’s face puzzled before feeling Aziraphale’s grip tighten around his torso. His snake eyes grew twice their size, “C’mon angel, play fair.”
“This is fair. I told you what I’d do if you tickled me,” Aziraphale kissed Crowley’s forehead, not giving him a moment to think about that shit before digging his fingers into the backs of Crowley’s ribs.
“FuhuAHK-!” Crowley jolted, falling into helpless laughter on top of his angel. He squirmed and giggled and held onto Aziraphale’s body even tighter just so he could resist throwing himself off.
“‘Demonic cackle’ my behind,” Aziraphale teased. “You’re far too sweet for that, my dear.”
Crowley blushed, hiding that and his smile in Aziraphale’s neck, not missing the way the angel giggled whenever his nose brushed the skin.
The plan ended up being much more than successful. It was everything Crowley could’ve ever hoped for.
. . .
a/n : hope u enjoyed! consider reblogging if u liked it <3
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dotster001 · 2 years
How You met/Enemies to Lovers Rook Edition
Summary: Rook xgn! Reader. Rook knows better than to think you like him, so he'll just try a new tactic. Part of mini series requested by @stygianoir
A/N: I low key feel like I peaked for the Crowley edition in this series, because these last three are really hard to write. I'm not sure if I like this one yet 😂 hopefully my points got across. Also, there is a poem in here, and I'm not good at poetry, so we aren't gonna talk about it.
Other versions- Idia Crowley Malleus Vil Crewel Lilia Leona
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Rook knew he could be a lot. 
But he liked to ignore that fact because it got in his way. He had found you beautiful and fascinating before, when you had helped manage the NRC team at the SDC. You were, as Jamil had described you to him when he'd asked, a diamond in the rough. You lacked magic, but made up for it with your strength, grace, and dignity. 
You had effortlessly stood against his Roi du Poison, gazing into the face of danger as though death wasn't awaiting you if things went wrong. And thus, you'd cemented yourself into this poor hunter's heart. 
But he had fallen victim to his own pride. He always thought he was able to learn everything about everyone. He was wrong, and now he was paying the penalty.
He had found out from Chevalier des Roses over conversation during science club that you were an alien. He had lived in the same house as an alien, and had failed to properly observe and research it. His heart had immediately shattered itself in two.
From there on out, he always kept you in his sights. He would be remiss if he missed the opportunity a second time. 
At first it had frightened you, him always being there, observing your every move. Once he had explained himself, at first you seemed like you would try to understand, and had even offered to answer any of his questions over a meal.
But when he continued to "research you" after that meal, you were annoyed. He knew you were annoyed. And your rage was beautiful.
Soon he was doing everything he could to see that annoyed expression on your face. Once you'd grown numb to research practices, he had come up with new tests. Slipping ingredients in your food to see if you had a reaction to them. (Spicy food made you overheat, but that was normal, so the experiment was discontinued) Stealing your notebook to see if there were any language differences. (You wrote in the same language, with mildly different slang, but your doodles were really cute)  Poking you to see if you had the same reflexes. (You did, your sides were slightly ticklish though, which was a fact he decided to file away for later)
To all of his new tests, you reacted with that annoyed expression he found so beautiful, and it made his heart flutter. Until he saw you marveling at a small woodland animal.
He came up to you, and you whispered, "we don't have this where I come from. It's beautiful."
You looked at it in awe and devotion, and dare he say, love? He wondered if this was the look he had when he found a new object for his affections. 
   Rook found this look much more beautiful. He wanted to see it again. This called for a change of tactics.
Now, his "following you for research purposes" had ended. (It hadn't, he just made sure you couldn't see him.) Now, his "experiments" were of a much softer variety. Now he wasn't "collecting evidence from you" anymore. (He was, you just didn't notice) Rook had taken a complete 180.
"For you, Mon Trickster," he gently handed you a flower, observing your expression very carefully. You twisted the flower in your fingers, and…ah, there's that expression. Awe.
"What kind of flower is this?" You asked. "We don't have this one where I'm from."
"Non? It is called Hildeflora, named and bred for the fairest queen. It is of the lilac family, and very poisonous." Startled, you moved to push it back at him.  He laughed boisterously, refusing to take it. " Oh, ma fleur, it will not hurt you. It is only poisonous in the hands of a master alchemist."
You seemed relieved, thanked him for the flower, then proceeded on your way. It was only fair, he thought to himself. If he was to learn all about your world, you should learn of his.
And this was his new tactic. He would softly tell you the wonders of his world, and relish in your pure delight. He assured himself that if he could gauge your reactions, he could learn what was new to you, and therefore not a part of your world. 
He spent months doing this, feeling immense joy every time you would eat up his words. Your curiosity was only matched by his own. Eventually, you seemed to forget all about your earlier annoyance with him, much to his delight, although he found it funny that a prey as helpless as you would so quickly forget their hunter. You began to seek him out. You began to ask him questions. You began to silently watch his actions, giggling as you came to understand his eccentricities. And he was ecstatic!
He knew he loved you. He knew for a long time. He was just waiting for the moment to tell you. And that moment had arrived. He composed you a poem.
From the moment I beheld your glow
One as weak to the wiles of love as I was destined to fall
Undying devotion will be mine to bestow
Regret not your love for I will take it all
When at night I rest without holding you close, I shudder in despair
Only your eyes gazing into mine, could bring me reprieve 
Only your warmth and your hands brushing through my hair
Deny me sustenance, deny me air, but no longer my side leave
Solely you can free me from my curse, ma fleur.
He slipped it in your notebook where he knew you would find it. He then walked to the woods and awaited you. At four you came running to him, filling his heart with light.
"Rook, I…."
"Hush, there is something I would like to show you."
Yes, he had spilled his feelings to you in his poem, but Rook was nothing if not a performer. He placed a finger to his lips, and led you deeper and deeper into the forest. By the time you both had reached the destination, the sun had fallen, and darkness surrounded you.  
He watched you take in your surroundings.you were both standing at the edge of a small pond. I was totally silent except for the occasional bubbles popping in the water. You turned to him, as though to ask where you were, but, almost as though he had planned it,  the water began to shimmer and glow blue, bathing both of you in an ethereal glow. Your gaze now full on the pond you watched as three nymphs rose from the depths, and danced together on the water's surface, moving with grace and elegance that you'd never see in a human.
While your eyes were fixed on the display before you, Rooks eyes were fixed on you. Watching your delight at the new scene. He walked up behind you, and gently placed his hands on the sides of your shoulders, before leaning in and whispering, "I want to share all the wonders this world has to offer with you. I want to see your eyes light up when we share the beauty together. I want to be there to experience your joy."
You numbly nodded, as you both watched the nymphs finish their dance and return below the pond's surface, the only light left being the moon and stars. You turned to Rook, and looked at him with the love and affection he had worked so hard to get from you
He smiled, then gently took your hand, before kneeling and placing a soft kiss to the back of it.
He pulled your hand to his chest so you could feel his heartbeat. "Will you accept this poor hunter's confession? This heart beats for the beauty of this world, but beats the most ardently for you."
You looked more in awe at him than you had for any of his experiments on you. He saw your eyes planning adventures with him, planning a life with him. And yet when the words left your mouth…
"Rook, if you'll have me, I'd be honored to have you as my hunter."
His heart fluttered more than it ever had before, and he found himself pulling you down to the ground with him, locking you in his embrace, and caressing you with his kiss. And it was that moment when the hunter realized he had been the prey all along.
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fight off the light tonight and just stay with me (honey, don't you leave) || ot7
Warnings: a teeny tiny bit of blood, mentions of hospitals and surgery, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: OT7/(F) Reader, Jackson Wang/(F) Reader
Plot: Will it be too late for them to try and make things right?
Genre: not really unrequited love (but they're all idiots), mutual pining, angst, denial of feelings, poly ot7
Did you ever love her? Do you know?
Or did you never want to be alone?
And she was singing "Baby, come home."
"Baby, come home."
I've got those jet pack blues
Fight off the light tonight and just stay with me;
Honey, don't you leave.
mixtape: all i have left to give - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ending 1
thank you so much because this fic was my first one to reach more than 10 kudos in ao3 and some peeps liked the first part enough to reblog to want to read the next part you don't know how much it means to me :o oh my fucking god how did that happen??? thank you so friggin much!!!
sorry if my summaries are all song lyrics owo i just love taking inspiration from them when i write because i can't find the old me who can write and word vomit in a drop of a hat huahuahauhauhauahuahauaau am sorry my bad
bit of warning for some teeny tiny blood and hospitals but no one will die, i promise! i mean not yet, so far i haven't thought that far yet.
also!!!! i'm not a medical expert so please let me know if there are inaccuracies because there are bound to be, no matter how much research i do or how much i ask from doctor frens hueheuheuuefhiuf
title from Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy because fuck yeah i wouldn't get them as a first tattoo if i didn't love them so much
hope i don't disappoint! if i do, i'm so sorry hahahuhu my mom always told me i'm a disappointment so there's kinda nothing new
hope i can write the next parts soon T_T
You can feel the string in your chest slowly fraying.
You never thought that is possible. After all, the strings are connected to the soul and can never be seen. However, when you started the therapy, you started feeling it fray. Slowly and painfully. You don't know how and why, you just do.
Your symptoms are worsening, too. Doctor Im advised you against overworking and stressing yourself but how can you not? It feels like no matter what you do or where you turn, the boys are there. Your only escape is your work and in your line of work, stress is inevitable, so you have no choice but to endure it. At least at work, you are in control. At least at work, you don't have to think about being unwanted—your clients are the ones who request your services, after all.
You don't know what to feel, really. It feels like fate is pushing you to your limits and wants to see you suffer.
Look, even you can admit to yourself that there's no need to undergo the therapy. Your soulmates can go get fucked and feel your pain through the bond.
But you can't have that, can you?
You're not one to lie to yourself, you know why you feel this way. Aside from the fact that fate (unfortunately) assigned you seven soulmates who can give less of a fuck about you, you know deep down that you want to be with them and not just because your souls were linked to each other.
You're in with love them, period.
You've seen them through their bests and their worsts, and you're still hopelessly in love with them. You've seen their sides that they never dare show you, the beauty they unfairly grant other people but not you. You've also seen their worst, the ugliness seemingly reserved for you alone, but the longing is still there.
You can't help it, and you're sadly fucked no matter how you look at it. 
As you massage your perpetually aching chest, you also think how your dignity and pride are the only ones you have left. While it might be a rush of satisfaction to see them squirm, it is at the cost of your pride. You learned early on in life that you can never show your emotions—most especially your weakness—with how many times people fucked you over by using them against you.
In this case, you have to endure every pain to save face. So if it helps everyone sleep at night, then you'll give them what they want. If they don't want you, then you'll just have to remove yourself from the equation altogether. Simple math.
You snort. You're being too dramatic. You're used to this, you tell yourself. From your mother to the few lovers you had; there was always something wrong with you, something lacking. You're never needed in your whole life, so it was easy for them to leave you. It was always the easiest choice to not choose you. Why are you crying about it now?
You shake your head with a resigned sigh. There's no use regretting this. You swore to yourself you would stop regretting things you do and now is the time to stand by it. For yourself, and for the inner child in you who did nothing but run after people who turned their backs on her.
You try to stave off the pounding behind your temples by rubbing your eyes with your palms. While you are thankful that the meds seem to be working and the boys can't feel any input of emotions from you through your bond, the medicines and treatments are such pains in the ass. Fucking side effects.
Speaking of side effects, Doctor Im told you that one side effect would be them not feeling any of the emotions you feel, but you would still feel theirs, the latter possibly more potently than normal. You tried to test the emotion theory before, afraid that it will fail and the meds won't work. This is your only chance at walking away with your precious pride intact, so this should work. This has to work.
"It might take a while, but your emotions shouldn't reach through their strings anymore once you continuously undergo the whole therapy process," Doctor Im had said.
"You would still feel theirs, unfortunately." He looks at you tenderly, albeit with not an ounce of pity. That's okay, you don't want anyone's pity. "You'll be more attuned to them than a normal person is to their soulmate because your soul will be tender from all the treatments."
Doctor Im Jiho is kind, a little young for his profession if you say so yourself, but he is brilliant. It's what made you trust him. Even if the therapy is still not ratified and recognized legally, and still in its human trial stages, something about how passionately Doctor Im explained the whole therapy process and what it entails just screamed 'I know what the fuck I am doing'.
Or he should. Please let it be true, or you'll just rip your lungs out of your ribs and unalive yourself. So far though, Doctor Im and his team delivered.
Back to the emotion theory you have.
You wanted to see if the therapy works. Since soulmates can feel each others' extreme emotions, going through soul-scraping therapy shouldn't send any of yours to their end of the bond. To be sure, you waited a month into the treatments to start with the observation.
Since you've been keeping your distance and you cannot see it for yourself, you asked for help from Ae-cha and their other managers, most especially Kyunghee. They understood and agreed with no questions asked, and for that, you are eternally grateful.
You asked them for even the slightest changes in the boys' behavior during times when you know your emotions were at high. So far, there were none. It's either the meds are really working or they are just good at masking it. The second would be implausible, knowing how anything related to you would be a nuisance for them. They would make their displeasure known about it, you're sure.
Sejin, however, you're not sure you can face his pitying eyes again, so you never asked him. You don't want to hear the pitying tone in his voice one more time either. Once is more than enough to last for your lifetime.
You are just about to reach for the medicine bottle when you feel your eyeballs twitch rapidly from behind your eyelids and the pounding in your temples grow louder.
God, not now. You still have that meeting set with your lawyers. Not now.
You dial your assistant's number shakily.
"Joy, can you please phone Attorney Shin for me?" You say to the phone through your coughs, the air in your chest feels like slowly being squeezed out of you.
"Are you okay, [Name]?" Comes your assistant's concerned voice through the phone speaker. "Do you want me to call Doctor Im?"
You take the glass of water on your table with shaking hands. "I'm okay. I'm okay." You take big gulps of water, but the feeling doesn't pass. "There's no need."
Joy ignores the last part. "I'm going there, wait for me."
You go to tell her not to bother, but she hangs up before you can. A few minutes later, Joy comes through the door slightly panting.
"[Name]!" Joy takes hurried steps toward you, but you weakly wave her off. "You look like death. Jeez, I'm calling Doctor Im!"
"No, no! I'm—" You burst into another fit of whooping coughs and faintly hear Joy's worried voice.
Your hand comes away with splotches of blood, some staining the sleeve of your pullover shirt.
"Oh, shit. Shit, [Name]!" Joy screeches, now terrified. She runs to the doorway and shouts. "Jenny! Jenny! Come quick!"
Footsteps sound shortly later and you hear Jenny's panicked shrieks.
"[Name]? Are you okay?!" You feel Jenny's hand touch your shoulder. "Oh, my god. Dongwoon! Dongwoon!" More footsteps but you don't register them, black spots dancing in your vision.
So maybe you're not okay right now.
Oops, your bad.
You stand up slowly to tell them you're fine. However, before you can even open your mouth, you cough and retch.
More blood.
The last thing that registers in your brain are strong arms catching you when you black out, their panicked voices warped in your ears.
(oh, darling. what are we going to do with you?)
"I got it! I got it now, hyung," Taehyung says with a grin to Hoseok as Jimin comes back through the door of their practice room.
"Yeah? Let's run that through again?" Hoseok asks with a satisfied smile.
"Okay!" Taehyung nods. The boys are all feeling happy because the choreography turned out really good and is something they are proud of. The good feeling doesn't last long, however, when Jungkook bursts into the room.
"Hyung! Hyung!"
They all turn to look at him, eyebrows raised. Namjoon tsks at him.
"Kook, don't run. How many times do I—"
They all freeze.
''She... she..." Jungkook then bursts into breathless tears, which propels Yoongi and Namjoon out of their seats. Jin turns off the music. When Jungkook doesn't continue, Namjoon shakes his shoulders.
"Jungkook, what is it?'" Panic rising in his voice.
"They rushed her to the hospital," Jungkook chokes through his sobs. "Y-Yonsei. They rushed her to Yonsei, hyung."
Their stomach drops at that.
Ever since they discovered by accident that you had been undergoing soul-scraping therapy, they have been keeping an eye on you. It took a while for some of them to accept or maybe even acknowledge you as their other soulmate, some longer than others, but they're getting there.
However, the pit in their stomach and the guilt in their chests never really went away, so they had to do it slowly and inconspicuously. They watched from afar and through their staff, and it pissed them off to no end that they have to do so, but they have to. They want to take it slowly and surely so as not to confuse and overwhelm you, still also confused about what they're feeling themselves.
"Yonsei? Hospital? Are you sure?" Jimin asks. "Why—"
"I don't know, hyung. I just heard Manager Sejin talking to Kyunghee-nim." Jungkook looks lost, tears flowing down his cheeks. "[Name]-noona..."
Jin doesn't even wait for their response, sprinting out of the room to find where Sejin is.
He ignores them, spotting Sejin standing with his phone clutched in his hand, and talking to one of their other managers, Kyunghee. The pained expression on their faces and their hushed conversation say everything Jin needs to know.
At the sound of his voice, Sejin and Kyunghee both turn to look at him.
Jin halts to a stop in front of the two. "What happened to her?"
"How did you—?"
"Please, Sejin-nim," Jin begs as the others come into view, slightly panting. "I need to know, please."
Sejin looks at Kyunghee, the latter with a grim expression on her face.
"Is it because of the therapy?" When Sejin didn't answer, Jin turns to Kyunghee. "Kyunghee-nim, please."
Kyunghee nods with a solemn expression. "Yes." The others gasp behind him but nothing registers. "Joy told me she'd been getting sicker as of late. She collapsed this morning."
Jungkook's sobs get louder, but Jin paid them all no mind. The only thing on his mind is—
"[Name]." He looks at Sejin with desperation in his eyes. "Take me to her. I want to see her."
Sejin purses his lips, sharing a look with Kyunghee. "I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Why?!" Jin's eyes are shining from unshed tears, frustration bubbling in his chest. "I want to see her. Take me to her, Sejin-nim. Please."
"We have explicit instructions not to let any of you see her," Kyunghee says steadily. "We can't take you there, Jin. I'm sorry."
"If you're not taking me to her, I'll go there by myself," Jin says stubbornly. "I don't care about whose instructions they are; she's my soulmate and I'm seeing her."
"A soulmate you all rejected!" Sejin bursts out sharply. "You all asked her to stay away from you, asked me to talk to her before. Or don't you remember?"
Jin falls silent at that. The others are no better, hanging their heads in shame.
"You didn't see her eyes that day, Jin. I was the one to look the poor girl in the eyes." Sejin's tone softens. "Don't do this to her. Do you want to see her in more pain?"
"I just want to see her," Jin says brokenly. "I won't show myself to her. I'll be gone when she wakes up." Jin pleads. "Please, Sejin-nim. It's all I ask of you, please."
"She explicitly asked me before not to let anyone of you near her, so I can't. We have to respect that."
Jin huffs angrily, turning back to Jungkook. "Yonsei, you said?" He doesn't wait for the response and stalks off, patting for his keys in his pockets.
Shit. He left them in his room.
"Seokjin!" Sejin runs after him, but he ignores him.
"Hyung!" Someone pulls his arm back, and it's Namjoon.
"No!" Jin yanks his arm back. "This stops now, Namjoon."
"That's our soulmate. Our soulmate!" Jin shakes his head. "Fuck getting burned and left behind—we left her behind. All seven of us. If us getting used and left behind by people who are not our soulmates hurt, how do you think that would feel for her, rejecting and leaving her? Her own soulmates!"
"You know why we had to do it!" Namjoon bellows.
"And it's bullshit! She is our actual soulmate, you saw her marks!" Jin yells back. "You know how I felt about this. I told you all how I felt about this, but you didn't listen. Nobody listened to me."
"Hyung, that's enough!" Yoongi growls. "It's unfair for you to put this on us; you agreed to it, too."
"Because I'll lose you all if I don't! You gave me no choice!"
"We never said that!" Hoseok holds Yoongi back from stepping further toward Jin, the latter seething in anger. "We never asked you to do that."
"You get drunk and cry to me, telling me to always choose you and the others. That's not asking me?" Jin sneers. "You always saying how we should always choose each other and no one else, that's not asking me? You asked me to stay away from her even when it hurts choosing between you and her. Do you take me for a fool, Yoongi?"
Jin looks at all of them and they would shrink at the anger that is not normally present on his beautiful face, but they're all too furious to back down.
"I tried to talk to all of you, but no one listened."
He looks at Jimin and Hoseok, and they both look away in guilt. "This is not something you two should be neutral about. She had been nothing but kind to you."
Jin turns and jabs his finger toward Namjoon. "I thought you of all people can be reasoned with, but you let your pride cloud your judgment. I thought you had the brains to see through your fucking ego, but I was clearly wrong."
He then looks at Taehyung, rage marring his face. "And you. Do you think I wouldn't know how you rubbed the rejection in her face like an asshole, Taehyung? Huh? How dare you?"
Jungkook gasps and whips his head toward Taehyung with a hurt expression.
"Hyung?" Jungkook puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, who doesn't look back at any of them. "What is he talking about?" Jungkook turns back to Jin, confusion on his teary face. "What are you talking about, Jin-hyung?"
Jin scoffs. "He asked her how it feels to be rejected, and how it feels to run around with people who aren't her soulmates a few months ago at that bar. Didn't you, Taehyung?" The others gasp, their eyes widening as they all turn towards Taehyung, who now looks guiltily away from them.
"And I had to know from Jackson, of all people. Jackson! The asshole didn't hold back in letting me know how it's a good thing [Name] will never be ours. How do you think it feels to stand there and listen to him tell me how stupid I am for dropping my soulmate when I never wanted to in the first place, Taehyung?"
"Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok cried. "Why would you do that to her?"
Taehyung yanks his arm off Hoseok's grasp. "I don't know, okay?! I don't know!" he snarls. "She looked so happy with him and I can't think straight! I wasn't thinking straight." He chokes on his sobs.
"You shouldn't have done that, Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok admonishes. "She didn't do anything wrong to us."
"I know, okay?!" he snaps. "I know we asked her to stay away but I can't help feeling angry that she's so happy without us when all I can think is we asked for this, we wanted this."
Taehyung breaks down and weeps. Hoseok puts his arms around him in a tight hug.
"I didn't know what I was thinking," he cries repeatedly. "I didn't know what I was thinking."
There were a few heavy minutes of silence, save for Taehyung's sobs and Jungkook's sniffles.
"If anything happens to her, I'll never be able to forgive myself." Jin eventually says. "I'm no saint, but I never ever would intentionally hurt [Name] more than we are already doing.
"Even if we try to make things right, it might be too late. But, I still want to try because it's what she deserves. So, I won't let anyone stop me. No one can stop me," Jin looks at them one by one, lingering a little longer on Namjoon's and Yoongi's faces. He takes a deep steadying breath.
"Not any of you can stop me. Not even any of you." He shakes his head. "Not anymore."
He abruptly turns on his heels, and Jungkook runs after him.
Jin needs to see you, and he'll find a way to, even if has to go against anyone's wishes.
He'll find his way to get back to you.
(took him too long, darling. will he make it in time?)
In the end, Sejin did take him to the hospital. Jungkook, unsurprisingly, came with him. The younger clung onto him all the way to Yonsei, tears staining his dark shirt.
"I don't want to lose any of you, hyung." Jungkook cries, face buried in Jin's chest. "But I don't want to lose her, too."
"I know," Jin says, voice hoarse. "You won't lose me. I don't want to lose her, too." He buries his in Jungkook's soft locks, trying to keep the tears that had been threatening to spill since he sat in the back of the car.
"We'll make it right this time, Gguk-ah."
Jin doesn't know what to expect when the car stops in front of Yonsei Medical Center. He had a plan up until they stopped, the car running idly in the background. Now, he doesn't think he's ready to see you, too afraid of what he'll come across.
He knows he's getting ahead of himself, but he can't help but think that he might be too late, that he had already lost your heart.
He takes a deep breath and steels himself.
He can do this. He can do this for you.
"You ready?" he asks Jungkook. Jin wipes at the stray remaining tears on Jungkook's face and runs his hands through the now-long hair just so he can keep his hands busy and stop them from shaking.
"I don't know, hyung." Jungkook's wide eyes are still glassy. "I'm scared."
Jin smiles gently. "Don't be. Hyung's here." He takes Jungkook's hand on his own. "We have to be strong for her if we want to do it right. Okay?"
"Okay, hyung." Jungkook nods with a small hopeful smile. "Okay."
For all the bravado that he conjured up while in the car, in the elevator, and in the hallways to the sterile room of the ICU, Jin still isn't prepared for what greets him when they take you inside your room.
They had to wait for you to be taken to your room from the operating room. The whole time they were waiting, Jin can't stop his leg from jiggling and Jungkook was no better, pacing around the room while lost in his thoughts.
Then the door opened.
He stands and gasps in sync with Jungkook's own, and he has to stop himself from falling to the floor.
When they said that you collapsed, he was thinking that maybe you were just overworked. That, and that the therapy's side effects just added to it. You'll be fine, you'll be okay.
This... this is far from what he expected. This is definitely not fine, and this is way worse.
You are hooked on different machines and it scares him to death. Your skin is pale and frail with bluish spots and rashes all over your face and skin, and your lips are almost blue. Your hands and fingers have spots of violet, green and grayish tints.
You look like death.
Jungkook breaks into sobs, calling your name as Jin stands there frozen. He only snaps out of it when one of the nurses stops Jungkook from running to your side and grasping your hand.
"We have specific instructions from her doctor not to allow skin contact with the patient, not until we know who her soulmate is," the nurse says as she wheels your bed to place, putting a hand to stop Jungkook from getting closer to the bed.
"That's us," Jungkook says as Jin steps behind him. "We're her soulmates."
If Jungkook thinks that this will make the nurse relent, he's sorely mistaken.
The nurse shakes her head resolutely. "All the more reason you are both not allowed to have skin-to-skin contact with the patient."
"What?" Jin blurts out.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss information about Miss [Last Name]'s condition," the nurse points out. "We advise waiting for Doctor Choi. He'll be here in a few minutes."
Jin is itching to just fuck it and take your hand, but he knows it would not be wise until they speak to the doctor.
Doctor Choi can't arrive fast enough.
Jin pulls Jungkook down to sit beside him as they see the nurses fuss over you. He has no choice but to resist the urge to touch and hover over you as his chest pulls him to do. He doesn't want to risk hurting or harming you further, so he sits on the couch and puts his hand on Jungkook's knee instead.
"What's taking them so long, hyung?" Jungkook's knee is jiggling, and Jin pats him gently. Jin looks calm outwardly, but his shaking hands betray him. "Why is her doctor not here yet?"
"I don't know, Gguk-ah, but we have to be patient."
Jungkook looks at him with furrowed brows. "How can you be so calm about this?" His eyes sparkle with unshed tears.
Jin laces his hand with Jungkook's, still shaking. It then dawns on Jungkook that Jin is anything but calm.
"I'm not." Jin takes a deep breath, otherwise, the tears he tries so hard to suppress will start pouring. "I'm not, but I have to."
He looks at where you're lying on the bed.
"We have to, Gguk. She needs us right now. We need to set things right, and we can't do that if we fall apart right now. Okay?"
It's then that the door to your suite opens. Jin and Jungkook both stand at the sound and in strides whom Jin recognizes as Doctor Im from his visits to you, and another doctor whom he presumes as Doctor Choi.
"Oh. Mr. Kim. Mr. Jeon," Jin and Jungkook bow slightly at the acknowledgment, "I didn't expect to see you two here."
That sends a pang to Jin's chest, but he ignores it. He knows they deserve the unintended jab.
"Should I expect the others to arrive soon?" the doctor asks.
Should they?
"We're honestly not sure, Doc." Manager Sejin, as usual, saves the day. "Kim Sejin." Sejin holds his hand out to shake the doctors' hands.
"Im Jiho, Animaelogy specialist." Doctor Im shakes his hand and points to the doctor beside him. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei Medical." The other doctor shakes Sejin's hand.
"Due to the nature of Miss [Last Name]'s case, we would have to request the rest of the security detail present to leave the room for a while. You three can stay, but that's as far as we can allow for this discussion."
Sejin nods. "That will be no problem." He nods at the two men standing by the door, who immediately bow and take their leave. The nurses slowly file out of the room as well.
The two doctors walk toward your prone figure, and Jin and Jungkook follow suit. Doctor Im makes a short check of your vitals, while Doctor Choi checks you with gentle hands and looks at your charts. Once done, the two doctors turn toward the three remaining men in the room.
"Is there someone we can talk to from Miss [Name]'s team about her overall condition and routines these past few weeks or months?" Doctor Im asks.
"We can ask Joy Song from her team, as well as Jenny Ri. They're her closest assistants, so they can provide information. I last saw them trying to contact [Name]'s lawyers." Sejin supplies.
Doctor Im nods. "I see." He takes a quick look towards you before turning back to them. "I'm afraid [Name] isn't doing too good right now.
Jungkook finds Jin's still shaking hands, lower lip trapped between his bunny teeth.
"It's a good thing that her team was able to rush her in right away. If not, the situation would have been graver than it is now."
Jin's heart stops.
"G-grave?" he asks, voice trembling. "What do you mean 'grave'?"
It's Doctor Choi who speaks this time.
"When Miss [Last Name] was brought in for the emergency surgery, we had to do an emergency septal myectomy." Doctor Choi holds up a film of a scan, presumably [Name]'s.
"This is Miss [Last Name]'s echocardiogram." He points at a white portion in the middle of the scan, and Jin's head swims. "Miss [Last Name]'s septum is drastically thicker than that of a person with a healthy heart, so it prevented healthy blood flow to the chambers of her heart. Added to the treatments she was undergoing, it caused abnormal and uneven blood flow to her heart and the rest of her body, and caused complications that were...life-threatening."
Doctor Im looks at the other doctor. "It appears that [Name] has been hiding her symptoms since our last meeting, possibly way longer, so it was left untreated."
"What happened, Doc?" Sejin asks as he looks between the two doctors. "Is she going to be okay?"
The doctors share a grim look, one that Jin notices.
"What is it?" he asks, eyes darting between the two.
"Her heart nearly gave out from the heavy stress her body was in, Mr. Kim. Her blood wasn't being properly pumped and filtered, and her immune system was heavily compromised, so she suffered from bilateral pneumonia, which also affected her bloodstream.
Doctor Im takes off his glasses and sighs heavily. "She had septic shock caused by sepsis."
"She almost didn't make it." Doctor Choi says. Jin gasps in sync with Jungkook, the latter almost collapsing to the floor. "She went into cardiac arrest on the table, but we were able to bring her back."
(jin thinks his heart can't get any more bruised than it already is. your poor heart is battered literally and metaphorically. how can he possibly fix it for you?)
(he should've never listened when they asked him to stay away from you. he should've fought for you and with you, that way you're not alone.)
"But she's going to be okay, isn't she?" Sejin asks what the other two can't, what they're too afraid to ask.
Doctor Choi pauses before he shakes his head with pursed lips. "I'm afraid we can't really tell right now. We put her in an induced coma while we try to let her body recover, and we administered treatments, which will continue within the next few days. We can only hope for the best."
"Hope for the best?!" Jungkook cries his first words since the two doctors entered the suite, and looks up at them with tears now steadily running down his cheeks. "So we do nothing?!"
"Unfortunately, so." Jungkook finally loses it and collapses onto the floor on his knees, staring into nothing. "We have done everything we could for now, and we'd have to run some more tests in a few days. But right now, we can only monitor her. An induced coma is the best bet we have to let her body rest and the for treatments to take effect."
Induced coma.
Induced coma.
Jin's head is swimming with those two words as he walks closer to your prone figure and reaches out to mindlessly grasp your hand, but a hand stops his wrist.
"I'm afraid we have to advise you not to touch or make any skin-to-skin contact with Miss [Last Name] right now, most especially since you're her soulmate."
"What?" Jin asks dumbly.
"One of the side effects of the therapy is skin burns when the person comes in contact skin-to-skin with their soulmate, so skin-to-skin contact is highly discouraged."
Jin feels like his whole being wants to shatter. He can't love you, and he can't touch you? Was this how you felt all this time?
Before he can even make any further moves, the door to your suite opens, and in bursts Jackson, panting heavily.
Jin can't even find it in himself to be mad. After all, Jackson was there when you needed someone the most. No matter how it hurts him that there's another person who holds your hand, he can't do anything about it. They weren't there for you, he wasn't there for you. The least they can do is let you find someone else to hold when you need to.
Jackson crosses the room at record speed straight to you, grasping your hand delicately with a pained gasp. His manager is tailing behind and closes the door gently.
Jackson lets go of your hand gently and turns to the doctors. "Is she gonna be okay?"
"Im Jiho, Miss [Last Name]'s animaelogy physician." Jackson grasps the doctor's hand, as well as Doctor Choi's hand in a firm handshake. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei."
"Jackson Wang." He smiles politely. "Is she gonna be okay?" He repeats.
"I assume Miss [Last Name] has made you aware of her treatments since she informed me she made you her next of kin?" Doctor Im asks.
Jackson's face darkens. "Yes, she did."
Doctor Im nods his head. "I'm afraid Miss [Last Name] is not doing so well right now. We would need to keep her in a coma for a while as we observe her and let the treatments take effect."
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. "Isn't that dangerous? How long would that take?"
"We'd need to assess first within the next few days. Right now, we cannot provide or guarantee until when she will need to be, but we'll do our best, Mr. Wang. I can assure you that."
Jackson nods but turns to Jin, his gaze hardening. "This is your fault." He looks at Jungkook, then back to Jin. "Why are you two here? Who gave you the right to be here?"
"We're her soulmates," Jungkook says coldly, to which Jackson snorts. Jungkook gets up from the floor swiftly. "We have every right to be here."
"Do you, Jungkook? After you all left her, do you really think you still have the right to be here? And for what? To make sure she's dead?"
Jungkook takes an angry step closer to Jackson, his face painted with rage. "What did you fucking say, you asshole?!" Sejin, the doctors, and Jackson's manager step between them. "Say that again, you motherfucker. I fucking dare you."
"Isn't that what you came here for, to make sure she stays away for good? Isn't that what you wanted?" Jackson is red in the face as the security detail rushes to the room.
"I'm still her soulmate, know your fucking place!" Jungkook shouts back, Jin holding him back by his chest. "In the eyes of the law, we have every right to be here."
"You gave up those rights when you rejected her, so you can shove that law up your ass and fuck off." Jackson's manager holds him back by wrapping his arms around Jackson's shoulders.
Jungkook can vaguely hear the doctors speaking to Sejin, but he pays them no mind. "I'm not leaving her here alone, so you can go get fucked."
"Jungkook." Sejin holds him by his shoulders. "I think it's best if we come back another day."
"I'm not leaving her again!" Jungkook cries.
"We're all emotional, and it will not help [Name] if one of you ends up in the ER." Jungkook looks at your peaceful figure, unaware of the disorder around you, and it hurts him. He feels his hands yearn to touch you but he can't, he doesn't want to hurt you. "Come on, I'll take you and Seokjin home."
Jungkook's expression crumples as he looks at Sejin. "But—"
"We'll come back, I promise." Jungkook's breathing is heavy, but Sejin's expression is steadfast. "I promise."
Jungkook has no choice but to concede. He turns back to Jackson. "You can't keep me away from her forever. I'll come back for her."
Jackson opens his mouth to retort that you don't need them, but his manager stops him.
"I'll come back for her, and no one can stop me. Unless it comes from her mouth that she doesn't want me here, I will be here." Jungkook chances one more look at you before he shrugs off the arms around him and stalks out of the room. Jin, who had been quiet all throughout the ordeal takes one good look at you before following suit, not even sparing Jackson a glance.
No one can keep them away from you. They'll stop at nothing just to do what they should've done before—give you all the love you deserve. Until you tell them that you don't want them in your life, they'll spend forever to try and make it up to you.
And make it up to you, they will.
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subzeroparade · 3 months
crawled out of the brainrot hole (that your fics sparta-kicked me into) just to tell you that your writing is ASTOUNDING, it's like a merengue roll after being fed hardtacks.
i hope you know your ao3 page has most excellent works I've read in a while, even if i have to equip myself with translators and dictionary since english isn't my first language lmao
especially the way you flesh out Maria, ohhhh the woman that she is, a single thank you wouldn't describe my gratitude for charactering her this well !! and, if I won't be impudent, could i ask for a few headcanons you have for the lady? 😇♡
Thank you anon! No one has ever compared my work to merengue before (◍•ᴗ•◍) And thank you for making an effort to read them in a second language, too - I know how much extra dedication that can take, and I appreciate it <3
Glad my version of Maria resonates with you - she fills a kind of unintentional meta role for me, where even if she appears briefly, there is a self-reflexivity she engenders that makes her almost the voice of a Greek tragedy's chorus. She spends a lot of time telling the characters what they already know (but have not come to terms with), and reminding them of the consequences of their actions. I think she fulfils a Cassandra role for me, too, in the sense that I imagine her to be the only significant character who vocally objects to the Church’s actions and is very clear-eyed about the disaster they are courting - only to remain unheard and disregarded until it’s too late.  
Most of my headcanons for her have found their way into my fics already (and you can read my take on her as Gehrman’s ward and significance vis-a-vis the Doll here; my stance has not really changed). If I were to continue writing her, I’d probably want to explore her decision to leave Byrgenwerth, along with Gehrman, and join the Church - her reasons, her justification, how she balances her obligation and deference for Gehrman as her teacher vs her doubts and lingering mistrust of Laurence and his ability to steer the ship. Like my version of Micolash, she is deeply affected by what happens at the cove - but while Micolash spends the rest of his life chasing that epiphany, Maria is haunted by her need to atone, to wash her hands of it. She does not ask to work with the patients of the Research Hall, she demands it - and she uses that position to lessen, as well as she can, the suffering of those mercilessly used by the Church and the Choir as a means to an end, as the hamlet was by Byrgenwerth. (and to a degree, her atonement worked - she arguably has the least gruesome "punishment" in the Nightmare, and in a sense acts as a perpetual guardian for this purgatory-esque version of the hamlet).
I don’t think she is generous or magnanimous with her love and regard - rather I think she is diligent and discerning and extremely reserved. So in contrast to my version of Ludwig, for example, who is driven by a (sometimes naive) sense of this is the right thing to do, Maria acts out of necessity. It is the right thing to do but specifically because the alternative is unimaginable, and inhuman. In my work she’s the product of a failed political alliance between Cainhurst and a lesser nation-state, so she’s been raised to a certain point to understand what it is to be responsible for people, and the difference between having subjects and actually protecting them. She’s also on the receiving end of Yharnam’s canonically brutal xenophobia, so I imagine she’s very aware the world around her is senselessly cruel and driven by fear, and she acts as best she can not to exacerbate that, or succumb to it. I think, finally, that only when she realises the Church is reproducing the tragedy of the hamlet a thousand times over - and there’s nothing they can do to stop it - does she decide she’d rather die than have a hand in that again. If you've read my fics, then you know affording her the agency and dignity of having made that decision is an important and recurring theme.  
Ty for the ask! Here are some colourful versions of her as she appears in my last work, Variation on the Word Sleep. 
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many-sparrows · 16 days
hello! as a queer christian who’s just discovered your blog, you’re a little inspirational to me.
i’d like to ask, if you have time to answer - what can a non-american not-yet-legal-adult with about fifteen euros to their name do for palestine? all i could think of was to paint some badges, go to a local protest and pray, but i don’t know what meaningful action i could take to help the effort to stop this appalling genocide. what can i do?
thank you 🇵🇸🇷🇴
Heeheehee, hello! I'm sorry for leaving you in The Box for so long, I've had a very chaotic couple weeks.
I'm glad you're here!!
Painting badges and showing up and praying is a great place to start. You would be surprised how many people are incredibly and deeply moved by seeing Christians at actions. Maybe that's an america thing because so many Christians here are so particularly terrible, but my presence at the time of arrest and in jail and so on has helped so many people address religious trauma, and someone told me that my faith filled conviction helped her talk to her dad about all this and they prayed together for the first time. I'm so serious when I say THAT is what witnessing means.
As a not-yet-adult, I would caution you to please be careful. Don't risk arrest unless you have very supportive parents or a well developed set of contingency plans. I know very much what it feels like to want to do more, to think you're not doing enough, but there are people with the resources and experience to be able to make the call to put their bodies on the line-- and they need support from people who don't get arrested.
I don't have a good grasp on official European stances on Palestine outside of, like, Germany and Ireland, but that is also something to consider. Even if you're not a legal voter, you can definitely still contact political offices or raise awareness about what your country is or should be doing. Outside of direct economic ties, what manufacturers exist in your area? What companies ship what goods through your area? That might sound complicated to figure out, but once you start digging, the research falls into line.
I particularly like making fliers about the economic ties companies have to Israel and wheat pasting them up. That varies in legality so I can't, in good conscience, tell you to do that without at LEAST running a risk assessment. But you can always hand out fliers and tack em up on billboards and slip em between books at the library. I know making fliers can also have an economic barrier though.
Talk to the people you know. Honestly, this has been scarier to me than getting arrested, but if you can calmly grasp both scripture and the dignity of the Palestinian people, patiently walking other people through that can make a big difference.
Physical presence, at protests and the like, is important, and so is being vocal. Write to ceos, tweet your government officials, etc etc etc. Follow Palestinian Christians and churches and pray with and for them as they need.
Any and every action is important, even the small ones. I think about it this way: God doesn't call me to single handedly do anything. I cannot end this. And I'm not expected to. God just asks me to do what I can, with tenacity and determination. Sometimes that means just painting badges and showing up and praying, which can grow into something more.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
So during the meeting, Dream mentions that he hasn't had much time to eat sense getting out of the circle and Hob hears this and refuses to let him leave until Dream has eaten something small. And Dream can't put his finger on why, but something blooms in his chest. It feels sort of like lust, but not exactly. So he asks Lucienne, who is a librarian of the Dreaming, not a human, she has no clue what Dream is talking about, but if he can give her a subject, she can find a call number. But dream can't do anything except call the feeling "The line of radiant pink over the Atlantic oceans right before dawn." or "The yellow glow of a candle light outside in the garden on a warm summer night," So Lucien can't really do anything to help. SO Dream decides that he must conduct the research himself and asks Hob if it is ok if he drops by multiple times for his research, Hob figures its some dream thing and he's looking for inspiration, so he says yes and to send Hob a note so that Hob can clear his schedule before Dream stops by. Dream first associates the feeling with food sense Hob always makes sure he's had enough to eat. But soon he finds the feeling when ever Hob tells him stories of his everyday life, when he holds the door open for Dream, when he takes dream somewhere and says "you're going to love it here!" he finds himself feeling giddy and warm. One day when Hob takes him to saint James park, Dream explains the focus of his research, and apologizes for not being up front sooner, but thanks Hob for helping none the less. And Hob, sweet, intellectual, beautiful Hob, turns to the man he's been in love with for over 600 years and says "Pardon, did you just say you were in love with me?" And Dream thinks on it for a moment, then laughs and says "That's the thing! Yes!" Which leads to Hob kissing Dream and then taking Dream back to the flat so Hob can get properly ride this dimwit.
This is really adorable ok 🥺
I just love the idea of Dream, who contains the entire collective unconsciousness, sometimes gets a little overwhelmed? It's like that saying, "it's hard to see the wood because of the trees". He experiences so much at once, so many emotions and complications and it actually just gets really hard for him to identify what he's feeling, as an individual being.
And of course he would ask for Hob’s help, because Hob has never denied him anything, and has always treated him with kindness and dignity. Researching this good, warm feeling with Hob only makes it grow stronger.
And then when between him and Hob they finally work out that the feeling is love... Dream feels like something falls into place and finally makes sense for him. He's been stumbling around looking for something and all this time it was right in front of him.
And the relief of knowing that Hob feels the same is nearly orgasmic. But not as orgasmic as the sex they have on Hob’s couch because they can't even make it to the bed 😌
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rook-jemmy · 3 months
I'm kinda new to the abolitionist movement and I'm curious as to how it looks at people who actually do commit sex crimes (rape, molestation etc.) and what the plan is for handling them. I always assumed it was to separate them from society but still treat them with dignity but I'm still kinda doing my research. What's your take on it? How do we help these people and re-integrate them into society without risking them harming others?
the thing about abolitionism, as with most facets of anarchist philosophy, is that while we develop accurate and strong criticisms of the systems that are currently in place, we obviously do not have the perfect and immutable answers for what should replace these systems. clearly the american carceral system is corrupt, antithetical to its intended goal of reducing crime, and a tragedy against human rights. it is built on imperial, racist and classist foundations, and as the rot is foundational the system cannot be fixed from the inside.
as for what should replace it, the answer i think every anarchist can agree with is "something else". and, should that other thing prove to be inhumane, corrupt, prejudiced, and/or otherwise dysfunctional, it must be opposed and either fixed or else replaced itself.
you ask what my ideal process is for dealing with people who commit ('bad' or violent) sex crimes. i have met several people who fit this description, and each one was only able to reform and come to regret their actions after finding resources such as an understanding community, psychological help for past trauma, and grace that allowed them to re-integrate into society as a reformed person.
therefore, my answer to you is that the 'solution' is most likely holistic. people tend to not commit violent crimes in the first place when they are part of a positive and understanding community. people tend to not commit sexual crimes when they have a comprehensive education re: consent and sex. people tend to regret their past actions with the right support and education.
i am sure that you can find plenty of literature on the subject if you go looking. i hope that this helps!
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