#i haven't read the manga either but i have heard some things about him that i think grant him the title of babygirl
vladimpale · 1 year
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nanabansama · 5 months
Why does teru hate supernaturals so much
I think the best chapters you could read to get a feel for Teru's dislike of supernaturals would be 9, 10, 72, and 97.
Teru explains in ch. 72 that because being an exorcist is a 24/7 job, he hasn't had a day off in years. We've seen that Teru has been working as one since he was at least 8, which means he had zero time to enjoy his childhood.
Just look! AidaIro even drew art of him staring longingly at an arcade. Poor little guy...
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This isn't the long and short of it, but it paints a pretty bleak picture. I wouldn't exactly be able to blame him for hating supernaturals out of resentment for this alone.
Being forced to fight supernaturals since he was young has given Teru many opportunities to see the uglier sides to them, as well. We've already seen some pretty nasty ones in the manga, haven't we? And I'm sure Teru has seen supernaturals bring real harm to people, whether that be through lifelong injury, mental scars, or worse, death itself.
Not only is all of that traumatizing, but he was indoctrinated into being an exorcist at a ridiculously young age. I haven't heard a single character bring this up as problematic in the manga itself, despite the very real danger Teru was facing. Kou admires him and was even jealous about it, since Kou was stuck doing household chores instead.
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This just goes to show that Kou has been indoctrinated, too, but Teru feasibly has no reason to blame anything but supernaturals for his lot in life. If there were no supernaturals, he wouldn't have to keep doing this--and why would he ever blame the very people he's working for? They're the good guys, the ones fighting to protect the innocent. It could even be his very own father making him do this. How ungrateful he would look to cast any blame on his father and the senior exorcists...
Eh, now that last part is me guessing a little, but given that we've only ever seen Teru express dislike for supernaturals, I think it's a valid reading of his character. That said, I don't think he's entirely brainwashed, and I could still easily see him acknowledging that what happened to him wasn't fair and harboring secret resentment towards the exorcists. It's just inappropriate to express that aloud, and especially in the very loud way Teru expresses hate for supernaturals. It also makes more sense for him to like the exorcists more by default because he associates positive things with them, unlike supernaturals which have been nothing but bad news.
Teru is a great character in the manga since I feel it's easy to understand why he is the way he is, but he hides so much behind a facade (like Hanako) it's hard to know what he's really thinking sometimes. Writing this post has made this very clear to me. Given that we have seen Teru react very immaturely at times, though, I imagine that his hatred doesn't stem from some super deep and logical reason. And since his mother was revealed to have died from postpartum complications, I doubt there was some tragic childhood event involving supernaturals that made him this way, either. His childhood itself is the tragic event. (._.`)
So in conclusion, I think Teru hates supernaturals because he was indoctrinated from a young age to fear and eradicate them, that this constant exposure to the ugly side of supernaturals has only cemented this hatred, that his 24/7 exorcist job has been a source of great stress for him and ruined his childhood, and that hating supernaturals is not only a socially acceptable form of stress relief, but that it's the only valid form of resentment his upbringing has conditioned him to have.
I hope this helped! I do urge you to reread the manga and jump to your own conclusions, though. And who knows? Maybe you'll reach a conclusion you like more than mine!
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levmada · 3 months
Thank you for responding!
I just remembered another question, you may have broached this topic as well, but I've seen a couple posts floating around that suggest Levi is (on some levels) illiterate.
Personally I don't think current canon Levi is illiterate, but what about Levi in the Underground? There's manga evidence (I believe) that he was at least somewhat exposed to reading (I think I saw a photo of him with Isabel and Furlan with a bookshelf in the background..??).
I can't imagine Kenny advocating for reading when learning survival tactics would be more important by his standards. I think the ability to read is something else that connects Levi to his mother (I haven't see much of anything that would suggest she was a reader), or it was simply a roundabout way of learning another survival skill? ("Knowledge is power"? I.e. having more power over his fate/current situation).
Some of these posts go on to assume the illiteracy spills over into how he writes reports (and that supposedly Hange has to either help him or redo them entirely)
I was curious about how you believe Levi would've approached literacy in his early years.
ugh i’ve gone back and forth on this a couple times😩😩in most of my fics, levi is illiterate when he reaches the surface.
at least, as captain, we know there’s NO WAY he’s illiterate in the present. (and besides, he's seen reading the newspaper in s3 at the end of the uprising. and the labels/books in the basement later).
for a canon reference, it’s said in a smartpass that levi diligently practices his handwriting so that no one knows he’s from the underground. that he has “newspaper level” handwriting. he gets defensive towards Petra when she compliments it😭
you’re absolutely right about the backgrounds. here’s some examples:
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clearly farlan knew what he was doing at least😭😭both in the anime and manga, it’s eluded to that farlan is like the ‘co-leader’ that takes care of the money and logistics side of things.
it’s not clear whether levi touches any of that. he IS good (at least competent?) at math though, again like farlan; he did a bit of complex addition in a few seconds.
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(sorry i’m just taking the opportunity to post acwnr panels atp…)
math is definitely more important than reading and writing in the underground right? i think the bare minimum reading ability would’ve rubbed off on levi.
KENNY however most definitely didn’t concern levi with that. i mean…😭
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i’ve never heard or seen anything connecting kuchel to reading?? pls lmk where you heard that if you don’t mind!! i’m curious.
anyway, it’s canon that levi “learned many things” from erwin around this time of which i must imagine had to do with desk work, knowing levi’s life up to then.
(the account associated with that info has, frustratingly, been deleted since i posted it. i’ll go looking if anyone wants the source)
i’ve never heard the tidbit about hange helping levi with his reports either.
i severely doubt it's real. there’s so many “”””facts”””” out there in the aot fandom, recently i made a long post debunking many and after days of research it’s RLY begun to grind my gears. why can’t this fandom be normal😭that ‘fact’ also sounds like it has shipping reasons behind it, like many others…
anyway, all that said, i do think he was on some level illiterate before reaching the surface.
it’s a mystery for now… but i don’t think kuchel knew how to read. kenny didn’t teach him because it paled in comparison in importance compared to fighting, his image, and so on. if levi could recognize letters grouped together, for instance the names of bars, that was enough.
he picked up on basic math along the way, until farlan came along and it became very important to understand numbers - especially as far as income goes. if not for the sake of the, uh, business levi/farlan were running, in the anime, they were saving up money to go live on the surface with.
((((personal hc but)))) despite his talents, shadis never so much as promoted levi to squad leader during his time as commander. he was too stubborn and stuck in his ways, unable to get past the fact that levi was a thug, and yet had more skill than even their strongest soldier (mike).
when erwin was promoted from captain to commander, he gave levi his position immediately. (which honestly pissed levi off, since he didn’t like the idea of having the lives of a personal squad on his hands…. besides the reading and writing issue.)
erwin would go on to teach levi how to read and write, which levi would go on to master on his own. levi, it seems to me, is the type of person who masters everything he tries, and so with practice and determination, he learns quickly….
you can definitely say he overcompensates because he hates for people to know he’s from the underground. not because of the insults personally, but because it would hurt the SC’s image if captain levi was found out to be a thug before, yk?
that’s my take :)
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hikennosabo · 4 months
#tristampparty day 8, episode 8: our home
okay i was very busy (read: distracted) today so i'm posting this late but LET'S GOOOO
let's start out with some psychic damage targeting me personally 👍 my heart hurts so much already
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thinking about how both young vash and nai relate to food... they have opposite needs, but it must be an isolating experience for both of them. nai is different from vash and rem, vash is different from nai and other plants... they're both in between humans and plants without really belonging to either.
nai specifically, though... he doesn't seem happy that rem made him food, but it might be equally isolating if he was the only one who didn't get served food... so it's awkward either way. rem did the best she could.
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what if i died right now
the geranium on the table... is it... i wonder... if rem put it there for tesla...
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i don't know what it is but something about the footprints is getting to me, man. the way that nai's go on ahead of vash...
is it the composition maybe. nai's footprints leading down to the bottom of the frame... down... fallen angel... etc etc am i just making things up- no i'm right. i'm right.
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brad is the one who noticed vash... even though he acted pretty hostile to him for a while after... he's the one who saved him... i wonder if that's some of the reason for his hostility? like if vash did turn out to be dangerous brad would have been the one responsible... idk
also brad is voiced by junichi suwabe my beloved
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this has gotta be an orange original, right? we never learn how plants are made in the manga...
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"sinners"... i've heard that word before... wait a sec...
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here!! the EoM broadcast right at the start of episode 5!! what does it mean...
why would scientists call themselves Sinners, as like a formal(?) group name(??) is it because they know they're playing god by studying plants? i wonder about the radio program, too. here it could simply be referring to humanity as a whole, but then why the capital S? conrad is the one who ties this all together... the "team leader," huh...
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"plant research," huh...
(insert "she should've been at the club" joke here)
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much to think about. lying about nai being dead yes but. not the only thing he's keeping from them. "just one" more independent?
brad is so mean sometimes, lol... tbh i think they really nailed his personality. his role in the story and his relationship with vash are both very different than in the manga but he's still recognizably brad, and i think that's cool. it shows orange really understands the core of his character.
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it's probably natural that this is the first question she asks, but it's also kind of mean... not on purpose ofc, but it probably hurts a lot for him to be asked that, especially now...
also vash isn't eating again. his unhealthy relationship with food... not eating as a form of self-harm... when we got reminded just at the beginning of this episode that it's something he needs to do. i remember reading a meta post a while back about his relationship with food but idk if i have it in me to try and find it right now...
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once again glad i can watch this in hd so i can notice that vash covers his ears when luida says this hahahahahaha (<- in pain)
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we see the one on the left the most so we need to look at the other family photos for a second. they're so cute what the heck... rem's big smile in the bottom right one... and i see both vash and nai are right-handed... *jots that down*
wasn't there a theory post about vash's number tally on the walls. i don't remember what it said.
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she asked "who did this" so she knew it wasn't something like a computer error. Did She Know.
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ohhh sister i'm so sorry but no they will not be
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this is such a blink-and-you-miss-it, but brad shielding vash from this guy is really sweet. because as we've seen the other residents of the ship haven't exactly been nice to vash. brad's been mean too but he's just... a tsundere, really.
sorry this post lacks substance, there is probably a lot more to say but my brain just isn't working at full capacity and i need to go to bed
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mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah. up until now the only clear, non-obstructed shots of nai's face were from when he was a little kid. he's still young here, and the shot itself is pretty dark, but here he is... the boy...
next episode is going to kill me dead! goodnight
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aquaburst3 · 1 month
If I was in charge of TWST, I would do a lot of things differently. One thing I want to focus on right now is that I would've added in a plot twist that Vil is based on Snow White while Neige is based on the Evil Queen, and they just have flipped appearances like in Ever After High.
When Pomefiore first came out on the JP server a few years ago, I genuinely thought that Neige's cutesiness was just an act and that he was far darker behind closed doors. But, nope. Turns out that Neige is completely "what you see is what you get", and that really threw me off. I'm not the only one. I heard from several others that they thought the same thing. Hell, even @leaderpinhead has an author's note about this in one of their fics!
While it's fine that Yana never went in that direction, she never did anything with his character either. He's just a cardboard cutout for Vil to sneer at and nothing else. It's so bad that Vil ironically is the better Snow White analog. Vil is similar to her personality wise, being hardworking, adaptable, assertive and at times kind. He has plenty of flaws like being overly domineering, being too blunt and harsh among other things, but that's a good thing. Those negative traits only make him feel like a real person and a modern male version of Snow White. Neige's similarities are limited to just his looks. That's such a waste to me. Neige is the antagonist of the Pomefiore arc, so there should be more to him than that.
However, if I wrote this story, I would do just that. Make Vil the one based on Snow White and Neige is based on the Evil Queen, being like Maurice Cole from Black Butler.
While I haven't read Black Butler, from what I heard from one of my friends and after watching a summary video of the Public School Arc, Cole is Redmond's helper (not using the manga's term because it's a slur). He has a cutesy demeanor, coming off as courteous and polite. He is beloved in the school. Behind closed doors, he's the worst, and, in all honesty, is like a modern version of the Evil Queen. He's a vain asshole, who hates hard work, and frequently leaves his duties to those beneath him. He is willing to resort to underhanded methods to get what he wants. When someone does something better than him, he will make sure to knock them down.
Why couldn't Neige be more like that? Don't get me wrong. I don't think Neige should've been a copy and paste of that other character. Hell, I would argue that differentiating them is a good thing. Not only to change things up, but according to that same friend, he's boring and lazily written. Plus, I don't see Neige doing one of Cole's despicable actions being ever greenlit by Disney. But I think giving Neige some of those same traits would be a step in the right direction. That way he would have a personality and be an actual threat to Vil.
Eh, whatever. While I would never do this in my fic, since I want to have the characterization be based in the canon and the deviations in cases like Grim to be based on different circumstances, it is something that I would totally do if this was my own project. My backup plan would be...well...what I'm doing in my own rewrite now.
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artichow · 2 years
hey it's me again :D first thank you for your reply to my Gingka and Nile friend/ship headcannons. I wanted to reply-reblog but when I about done tumblr glitched on me and I lost all that I've written ;w; (that's the second time it happened, makes me lose motivation every time)
But this time I would like to read your take on your ideas and headcannons for Sora. We all know the show done this boy more than just dirty. I personally headcannon he forms a group with Kakeru and Ryuto but I would love to read your takes :D
Thanks for your time ❤💓💗
yep yep yep! just a disclaimer that I didn't watch shogun steel and i don't plan on watching it, still haven't read the manga either. So I don't really know much about Kakeru at all except that he's Kyoya's little brother. I saw some screenshots of shogun steel and the one with Sora and Ryuto on it!!
I really like the idea of them being friends
But okay, so Sora, I really really want him to be a close friend of Kenta. They kept in touch and they go out of their way to meet for tournaments, even if it means travelling pretty far.
I'm thinking, as soon as right after the events of fusion or masters, goodies and knock-offs of Gingka's image start to be sold. Not approved by gingka btw, and kinda ugly lmao. And among the merch there's a replica of Gingka's scarf, and I'm thinking Sora would need every bit of self control he has in his fanboy body to not buy it :')
He has pretty busy parents but the fact that he's a child and has to go to school and all that (yes I insist on at least some of those kids to have a normal life pls) he can't travel as much as he would want to. I'm thinking he could quit school at 15 and go on his travels then, for that he studied very hard to learn english and every skill he would need in his adventures. It was a requirement from his parents, and I think it helped him a lot. He was not really fit to learn in school, it was very hard for him to conform to school's way of teaching, but having this goal to travel and get better at beyblade motivated him a lot. It also showed him that it's not learning that he didn't like, it was the way he was taught.
So he learned english while watching foreign beyblade matches over and over again, analysing the fights the best he could on video and meanwhile practicing beyblade too.
He plays soccer and also some volleyball!! And that's another thing beside beyblade that helps him bond with the locals in a lot of places
Sora meets Ryuto during his travels, he gets involved in an adventure with him. And I think it’d be funny if he was acting super weird around him for the first day they are around each other (they haven’t even introduced themselves cause they’re so focused and excited about a treasure or a cool hidden beyblade place). And then he just blurts out “ARE YOU RYUGA??” and Ryuto’s really confused. “You mean that guy who tried to control the world with a beyblade tournament 4 years ago?”.
I think Ryuto wouldn’t often have access to a TV and he would have heard the stories about battle bladers so he doesn’t know what Ryuga looks like and he just doesn’t know the guy! Also Sora being the only member of the cast to point out the obvious resemblance?? Much needed, anyway, they become very close and decide to travel together from now on. Sora notices the parallel between them and Gingka and tries his hardest to keep it to himself because he knows it would annoy Ryuto a lot. His fanboy heart is pounding at the idea of being “basically like Gingka”
Sora loves dinosaurs, Ryuto does too and they share a lot of cool facts about them and in their travels they like to stop by cool museums (yes, Sora willingly in a museum)
Ryuto also loves insects and Sora is very squeamish about them
What I like about Sora and the very few moments we saw him, is how seeing and sharing time wih Kenta helped him grow. At first he only wants to do everything like Gingka without accepting his unique traits and identity. Kenta shows him (and us) how much knowing Gingka helped him become a better blader and be more confident in who he is, while still having his individuality. And I think that’s why I imagine Sora transformed after that, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have setbacks sometimes, but he matured a lot in my mind.
Ryuto likes to wear cool jewellry and Sora is his hype man
Sometimes they enter tournaments together, often times battling each other in the final, sometimes only one joins and the other cheers him on very loudly. Either way, at the end of the day they go buy themselves a treat and explore the city. Sora always has a lot of energy and has the best time travelling, Ryuto needs more rest I think and is a little less extraverted and comfortable in big cities but they both love this lifestyle. I imagine them living like this for many years
Ryuto’s kindof hard to approach at first, the adventure he was headed for the day he met Sora required someone else for the trip and it’s by chance that he met Sora. Maybe he was about to get in trouble with other bladers and Ryuto helps him out of it, but notices Sora’s skills. They go on this exciting adventure together and talk a lot about beyblade but Ryuto doesn’t really want to make a friend so he keeps the conversation very on the surface. But Sora’s not really happy with this attitude, it’s not that obvious but he notices it and finds it a bit rude. So they fight a little (even when they’re friends I like to think they have no problem fighting and telling point blank what’s bothering them) and Ryuto’s like “FINE” and begins opening up lmao. I know it’s weird but I think it’s funny. They don’t really become friends overnight, but Sora’s determined to get to know Ryuto better and they talk a lot so by the end of the adventure they don’t want to leave each other
Soon they get a reputation as talented bladers and maybe Kenta would talk to Sora about Kakeru who is rougly the same age as them, and they meet the next time they’re in Japan. Once again I don’t know much about Kakeru sorry I can’t think of ideas for him
but yeah, my hcs for these two!! I had to come up with a lot of stuff cause I never really think about them. But it was really cool to do!!! I love these “oh so very underdevelopped” boys. The writers’ rejects
Also thanks to everyone who sent me asks of characters to make hc about, I’ll definitely do them, they just take a long time to write. Also I’m sure I’m making spelling or grammar mistakes, english’s not my 1st language and I’m writing these without a draft and as they come to me so sorry :’) But if you spot mistakes and want to help me correct them you can tell me in my dms, I’d appreciate it :D
edit: you know what, he did buy the scarf, why not. He’s like 15 he’s not made of stone! He doesn’t wear it but keeps it and is attached to it!! yeah!!! I need to let these characters be weird and maybe a little cringe  it’s important
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thatyanderecritic · 2 years
Is nicolas charles gabriel sanson from innocent a yandere?
Oh wow, I haven't heard of that manga for a very long time.
Anyways, hi. Hello. Kai here to answer your question.
I vaguely remembered reading this manga way back in high school (oof, I can't believe that's a long time for me). So my memory of this story is hazy at best and barely that reliable considering I was bored out of my mind reading it but just pushed through it because people were praising it as a "cult classic" or whatever. So take what I say with a grain of salt. That said, from surface-level reminiscing, I can't remember any yandere-like characters from the top of my head.
Pulling out the wiki for this guy, nothing about Nicolas screams yandere either. Just some guy with mommy issues. Let me explain.
The very first thing we have to figure out is if he can be considered to be in the running of being a yandere. That requirement being: romantic love. With Nicolas, we either have to acknowledge one of two things. Either he had an incestual love for his mother OR he doesn't. Personally, I don't think it's incest here. As a character, the author made it very clear that Nicolas's driving motivation is to be recognized for his achievements and skill. He wants to be acknowledged by his mother and by the people of Paris. He wants the power, the money, and the prestige. He wants everything and he was willing to do anything for it. And that "everything" he wanted included his mother's affection.
While we made it clear that a yandere can have other goals outside of their S/O, that goal shouldn't be more important than the S/O. Here, everything is clumped together into this massive ball. His mother's attention is icing on the cake for him. If he managed to become the "Monsieur de Paris" but didn't get his mother's affection, Nicolas will certainly be bummed out but he would eventually get over it as he turns that dissatisfaction into a different drive. Nicolas loves himself over everyone else at the end of the day.
Overall, Nicolas-Charles Gabriel Sanson isn't a yandere. 0/5
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kimdokjas · 1 year
I hope you're having a good weekend!
And no worries about being late, I just didn't want either of us to get in trouble for not doing asks for a week😂😭This is my first time doing this so idk how strict they are ykwim
So far I think the anime and manga for yuukoku no moriarty are really similar! i don't feel like anything was really left out. the manga does have some extra stuff, but i think the anime got some ova's or something, but i haven't been able to get my hands on them yet.
death note is a good anime though i think! there's a reason its a cliche😂yoi was good too, otabek definitely stole my heart though
i am actually fairly new to anime. like i've always been aware of it, i was (still am) a huge geek in public school, so i had heard about naruto and sailor moon back in the early 2010s, but i had no way of watching it myself. my partner is also really into anime, so i've been in the same room when they've watched things, but i didn't personally get into it until a little over a year ago! it was with boku no hero, so that's probably more cliche than death note at this point😂😭
The question for this week is a little more involved, you probably need time to think, so I'm definitely not expecting an answer any time soon. i'd rather you take your time and really think about it if you need to since this will probably heavily influence what i make for you and i want to make sure that you've picked something you really like
What are 5-7 quotes/poems/song lyrics/etc that make you feel ✨feral✨?
I hope you have a good, less hectic week, gaby! sending you positive vibes
-- Love,
Your ASS💖
hello my dear ASS 🥰 ahh sorry again for the late reply! work has been super hectic but thankfully the worst is now behind me! not to jinx it lol but i should have a bit more free time now. it's my first time participating as well so i'm not sure either but jic i'll try to reply a bit more quickly from now on!
oh i’m glad to hear the ynm anime is really similar to the manga! i was debating whether to read it first but i might start out watching the anime and then see how it goes. and right!! otabek is such a sweetheart, i love how at first he seems so stoic and closed off but he has a whole other side of him as well 🥺
oooh bnha is a great starter anime tho! it's one of the first ones i watched as well! same here tho, i've always been sort of aware of anime i just didn't get into it until fairly recently. aww that's sweet that your partner is into anime too! it's like a whole different world at first i think, so it definitely helps when someone you know is also really into it so you can navigate it together lol, so it's nice you can both share that! 💕
ahh that is SUCH a good question! so difficult to answer tho 😭 idk why but every time i try to think of quotes my mind blanks out and i forget every single piece of media in existence lmaoo but i tried my best
“I am. I want to be. I bleed away.” - Jorge Luis Borges (tr. Tony Barnstone), Music Box
"And the salt in my wounds isn't burning any more than it used to/ It's not that I don't feel the pain it's just I'm not afraid of hurting anymore” - Paramore, Last Hope
“In the end, we are all simply 'Outer Gods' to each other.” - Sing Shong (tr. RT & APW), Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
“I think I could stand anything, any suffering, only to be able to say and to repeat to myself every moment, ‘I exist.’ In thousands of agonies – I exist. I’m tormented on the rack – but I exist! Though I sit alone in a pillar – I exist! I see the sun, and if I don’t see the sun, I know it’s there. And there’s a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky (tr. Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky), The Brothers Karamazov
"The time for sleep is now/ But it's nothing to cry about/ 'Cause we'll hold each other soon/ In the blackest of rooms” - Death Cab for Cutie, I Will Follow You Into the Dark
“If you could only save me/ I'm drowning in the waters of my soul” - Imagine Dragons, Nothing Left to Say
"And what you hear is not silence/ It's just the trees waiting to hear what next you'll hum/ And what you see is not the dark/ It's just the gods upturning ink pots 'cause they know what you'll become" - The Amazing Devil, Inkpot Gods
"For I feared becoming a lonely lump of ashes/ After loving others with my whole being" - Ahn Do-hyun (tr. Jido Ahn), Lonely High Solitary
jsyk i’m resisting making commentary on every single one of these quotes sooo hard rn bc i’ll start frothing at the mouth lmaoo, i listed 8 tho sorry for cheating dslkjsf i just couldn’t cut any of these 😭 if you need more just lmk! i started out with like 15 and it was so hard to whittle down the list lol
tysm for your well wishes dear!! sending you positive vibes right back and i hope you’re having a nice relaxing weekend!! please remember to take care!! 🥰❤
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : gojo satoru and geto suguru from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : mentions of murder, manga spoilers and grammar errors
| form : imagine
| word count : 1704
| published : 15 November 
| request : hellloooo i hope this doesnt sound confusing but tbh im just requesting this since no one requested sum from the manga. how about something like reader arriving at the train station as gojo gets trapped in the prison realm in around chapter 90-91? like shes a shaman and she see geto and has a flashback cuz gojo her and geto were like past buddies? and to think someone could bind gojo?
| barista’s notes : for the people that haven’t read the manga, I would recommend you reading it first before reading this imagine because it has some MAJOR spoilers and I dont think you’ll understand it either way ʅʕ•ᴥ•ʔʃ but defo read it if you haven't, it’s amazing! but moving on from that i hope that you love your order of a cup of black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request)!
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Rushing down the stairs of Tokyo Metro, you were trying to get to floor B5F where Gojo was last noted before you heard about the information that he was somehow sealed. With the help of the three other groups that were around the area, you were able to get through the shields that surrounded Shibuya to get to where you needed to be.
You were exhausted. Not physically but mentally as you didn’t know what to expect at all. The second you heard of Gojo’s report on curses forming alliances with each other, you thought he was just bluffing at first and to be honest, his ridiculous drawing wasn't helping with his case either. However, he was someone that you knew you could trust extremely, it had always been like that since both of you became students at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.
With your katana hanging from the side of your hip, you quickly jumped to the bottom on the stairs to save precious time before quickly turning the right corner to see what was the whole situation. However, once your hand was on the handle of your sword, your eyes widened in shock from what was right in front of you. 
‘Isn’t he supposed to be dead? That's not him is it?’
What was in your sights now was something that was technically impossible. He was supposed to be dead, there was no way he was alive sitting on the station floor. There were no such possibilities for him to be sitting with his back turned to you right now.
Geto Suguru.
You, Gojo, Geto and Ieiri were standing in front of the now-destroyed house due to Gojo using his technique to free both Utahime and Mei Mei from the house that they have been investigating for the two past days. 
“Don’t you think that was a little too much Gojo,” you commented with an awkward giggle as you saw tiny to large pieces falling to the ground, leading to your second-year friend saying, “I don’t think it was too much Y/N-chan, besides how could I have impressed you if I didn't take the opportunity to?”
“I shouldn’t have asked part one...” you quickly muttered, before Gojo started to tease Utahime, who was in the middle of the rubble that was created by your flirtatious friend himself.
“Satoru, it’s not nice to pick on the weak,” Geto suddenly commented, before using one of his spirits to devour the curse that suddenly appeared behind Utahime, only for Gojo to state, “who the heck’s gonna pick on someone strong? You’re the one teasing her without even knowing it Geto,” causing your other friend to now to realise what he had said. 
No longer being able to handle both of them, you quickly turned your attention to Utahime and asked, “Utahime, are you okay?”. This small but kind gesture of yours caused the grade-two jujutsu sorcerer, to say your name with such glee before you continued with, “we were worried about you since you didn't call for two days” to which only led the woman to pull you into a tight hug.
‘I shouldn’t have asked part two….I’m legit getting no air’
“Y/N don’t you dare become trash like those two, okay?”
“I’ll try my best”
However, this happy and hilarious moment had to sudden halt when Mei Mei suddenly asked, “where’s the curtain?” causing you, Gojo, Geto and Ieiri to look at her with dumbfounded expressions on your faces.
‘Ahhhhhh shi-’
“There’s someone here who said they put up a curtain and then up and left the auxiliary manager behind and forgot about the curtain too”
At this moment and time, all four of you were on your knees in front of your sensei Masamichi Yaga, as he found out from the news that was shown on the TV above that someone *cough*Gojo*cough* forgot to put up a curtain up like him and Mei Mei stated.
“Fess up”
“Sensei! We’re better than pointing fingers at each other,” Gojo randomly commented, as he raised his hand up to emphasise his point. On the other hand, you, Geto and Ieiri had other plans and all pointed at Gojo for this mishap that had occurred without him realising.
“So it’s you!” your teacher shouted, before landing a strong punch on top of your friend’s head, causing you to know to never mess with your teacher anytime soon. 
Even though it wasn’t the best time, you and Geto let out a sly giggle before looking at each other, which only led to both of you laughing, even more, the second you stepped out of the room. As chaotic all four of you were, you wouldn’t change it for the world. 
However, it was never meant to be.
Turning to your right, you saw your friend Geto wave at you with a bright smile on his face. To the outsider, it just seemed like two friends meeting with each other or friends that just casually bumped into each other in the crowded streets. On the other hand, it wasn’t that.
Geto was a criminal on the run. You were just informed by your teacher that your friend massacred a whole village as well as the possibilities of his parents. You didn’t want to believe it. Of course, you couldn’t believe it. Geto wasn’t that type of person, he wasn’t like that at all during your time at Jujutsu high together, were the three years a facade?
“Yo, it’s the criminal” you teasingly greeted him, trying to hide your dejection from his view, “you need something from me?”
“I guess I’m just testing my luck” Geto replied back before taking a stand next to you. From your side perspective, you could see what Gojo was talking about a while back. Your longtime friend looks thinner than he did a year ago, you could clearly see the bags in his eyes indicating that he hadn’t had any sleep the past few days. It was like that ever since the killing of the Star Plasma Vessel, a mission that you, Gojo and Geto failed at.
“I’m gonna ask just to be sure, but are those false charges?” you quietly asked, hoping that all this was a lie, a stupid cruel prank that was set up by someone. However, you knew somewhere in your heart that this was the reality that you were in, there was no escaping from this one.
“Nah, unfortunately not”
“Again to be sure, why?” you quietly questioned him, trying to conceal the tears that were threatening to flow down your face.
“I’ll create a world where only shamans exist,” Geto calmly answered, causing you to snap your head in his direction. A world where only shamans exist? What more stupid of a reason he could give you?
“That’s hilarious,” you stated, before you slowly carried on with, “if humans were eliminated, we shamans wouldn’t even have a purpose at all, your reasoning is the most stupid thing I ever heard in my life Geto,”
Geto turned to look at you, only to find you casually open your phone to call Gojo on your sightings on your friend.
“However, I hope that you’re happy now that you're choosing this path. I really hope you get what I’m saying and you don’t live to regret,” you stated, as you place your device next to your ear. “I hope you're happy in the end my friend, that’s all I’m asking for,” you ended your statement before Gojo was on the other side of the line.
“Thank you Y/N”
“Gojo, I met Geto in Shinjuku”
“Did you question him? Did you kill him?”
“I didn’t…...have the heart to Gojo, I’m sorry”
There was nothing but silence between the both of you which gave you the chance to look to your right, only to see that your friend had disappeared from your side. As if he wasn’t there in the first place.
“Hey Gojo...it was never meant to be ha?” you rhetorically asked, as a single tear slowly slid down your face.
Geto Suguru was right there in front of you. Sitting on the ground on the train station with his back turned to you.
However, as much as you wanted to believe that it was true, you knew that it wasn’t really him.
It was just impossible.
Taking your katana out of its black wooden sheath, you were preparing for any attacks that could happen around you right now before you could begin to question who the person in front of you was.
“Who are you?”
The man turned around, slowly showing the face of a man that was someone that was close to both you and Gojo all those years back causing you to look at the person that was in front of you with sorrowful eyes. You wished it was him. But as you said, it was never meant to be.
“Y/N! I'm not surprised that you were able to get through all those shields, you are powerful like Satoru after all,” the man happily commented with the same smile that you missed so dearly.
“I said who are you?!” you repeated in a firmer tone, telling the person that you weren’t playing around anymore as you raised your katana, making the sharp pointed tip to be in level with his face - even if he was far in distance.
“Come on, is that how you greet an old friend?”
“How the hell did you get the Prison Realm within your possession?” you asked, as you looked down at the small cube that Gojo was supposedly in. How such a small thing was able to seal such a powerful shaman like Gojo? You would never know.
“Y/N, we were in the same team for three years, I would assume you know I’m able to get what I need, I am Geto after all,”
“Shut up!” you shouted, surprising the person from your sudden outburst. “I’m not stupid, so don’t you dare play with me for even a second”
“I know you’re not Geto”
“Me and Gojo knew that from the start”
“It wasn’t meant to be”
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staystraykay · 2 years
Domino Chapter Three
The domino effect. How one thing happening can cause a chain reaction. How were you supposed to know a call home made by your cousin would be the tipping domino that sets off the next several years of your life?
WARNINGS: This is not a XReader type story. There will be OCs. Rindou X OC, Ran X OC. Mentions of various Bonten things and events that have only happened in the manga. If you haven't read the manga, and don't anything to be spoiled...DO NOT READ THEN!
I had this on my old account, before I was shadow banned. I just simply moved it all over to my new account this new shiny one. There is also all my fannon dumbs and The Story of Us.
<Previous Next>
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Nearly ten years ago I left Tokyo and started running from all responsibility. I was eighteen and jaded and mad at the world. Days before I graduated, however, I had gotten into one of the worst fights with Anaiya I'd ever had. This was just days before I left.
She had been out following Mikey and his new gang around that day. She had told me she was going to see Chifuyu at the little pet store he worked at, but when I swung by to check in he had said he hadn't seen her. Neither had Mitsuya or Draken or either Kawata twins. It wasn't until Inui had said he heard Koko had been seen in town a few days before that I had started putting the dots together.
So, I waited for her get home to the small apartment we had been sharing. She muttered a 'hey' as she walked in, acting as though she had some normal ass day.
"I brought some pizza home." She smiled wide, holding the box up and opening the lid to show the cheese and spinach covered pizza. "You wanna grab some sodas and start the new season of-"
"Keep your fucking guilt pizza." I snapped, pushing past her to grab my keys. There were many things I had wanted to say to her, but I didn't think I was in the best mental state to have a rash conversation. I was always the hotheaded one, and the only person I normally refused to jump on was Iya.
She shook her head in confusion and gawked at me. "What the hell is a guilt pizza?"
A small chuckle fell past my lips as I racked a hand shaking hand through my hair. "You know, Iya, I really believed you when you promised me you were done with him. You were done chasing after him like some puppy, you said you were ready to just move on with our lives."
She looked down at the box, guilt written all over her face before she put the box on the table. "How'd you find out?" She asked lowly, keeping her eyes down.
"You think I wouldn't hear something about Kanto Manji being in town? Are you serious?" I gawked. "Mikey's one of the most notorious gang leaders right now. Someone was bound to find out he was in town!" I slammed a hand down on the table, causing her to flinch. I wanted to throw chairs and furniture around I was so pissed.
"Dammit, Anaiya, we were supposed to be leaving in four days. Are you even still going?" I snapped, heatedly yelling the question. I knew the answer. She was staying. I could see it all over her face.
She bit her lip before sheepishly shaking her head no. That made me laugh. She chose Mikey over me-or that's how I saw it then. I was so hurt over it. I had taken care of her our whole lives, and all Mikey had ever done was give her a stupid yellow daisy he found when we were no more than nine or ten. I was had always been there to pick up the pieces and comfort her. He had always been the pieces I was there to pick up.
"So, you're choosing him." I chuckled out in disbelief. My blood had been boiling.
"I am not choosing anyone!" Anaiya finally snapped back, her usually cheery disposition replaced by a tearful angered one. Honestly, if she had any fighting skills, she would have reminded me of Angry when he was overly upset. "Why do I have to go? Traveling and see the world, that's always been your thing, Kira! I never said I wanted to leave!" She flung her hands wide, gesturing to what I was assuming was supposed to be more than the four walls of our apartment. "This is where I want to be. This is my home!"
"Home? Never wanted to leave? Who in the hell are you trying to fool here, Iya? I'm not some fucking idiot. I know exactly why you don't want to go anymore." I seethed, my voice carrying well beyond the walls surrounding us. "You wanna go off and chase after Mikey because for some fucking idiotic reason you think you can 'fix' him. There is no fixing someone who doesn't want to be fucking fixed!"
Fat tears ran down her face, and any other time I would be hell bent on finding who made her cry, but now I was the one causing it and I wasn't going to stop. I had babied her our entire lives, making sure never wanted or needed something, making sure no one or thing hurt her. Except for Mikey. I couldn't save her from him. Never was able to keep her from him or make her see what I saw. She'd just tell me I didn't understand and that she could mend whatever it was that was broken. Except she couldn't, and it only ever left her hurt.
"You can't force me to go." She stubbornly said, her bright blue eyes glaring at me. Bright blue eyes that were tinted a little to red to just be tears.
I clutched my fists at my side. "The hell I can't. Who the hell else is going to take care of you, huh? You barely wake up by yourself!"
"We're not kids anymore, Kira. I don't need you to take care of me!" She snapped back venomously.
A angered and irritated growl bubbled out of me. "Is that so?"
"Yes! I can take care of myself. I'm not leaving with you." She said like a child throwing a fit. And to me, she was a child throwing a fit. She was being a stubborn brat who wanted the toy in the store she couldn't have.
"Anaiya, you're going to London with me." I said sternly.
Her fists turned white and if I hadn't known better I would have thought she was going to hit me. No she did far worse. She uttered the most hateful words I had ever heard at the time. Words that cut me down deeper than any blade ever could.
"Just because you lost Keisuke doesn't mean I have to leave Mikey!"
After they flew out of her mouth I knew she didn't mean them. I could see the regret on her face, but I didn't stay to hear her apologize or explain. I grabbed my keys as she called my name and walked out the door. I didn't want to even look at her.
Instead I went to visit Keisuke. Bringing him his favorite yakisoba as an offering, and his favorite drink along with it. I brought my own sushi and soda to eat as I talked to him. Just like we had when he was alive. Just like I had been doing for the last four years.
"I wish you were here." I muttered out. "Things wouldn't be so messed up right now if you were." I felt the tears begin to bubble up. "God, Kei, can you see him from where you are? Mikey just isn't the same, and I can't make Anaiya see it. You could make both of them shut up and listen if you were here. I can't." I felt some of the tears fall. I had really wished he was there. He always knew what to do. He always had a plan to make Mikey wake up. If he had lived, if he had just decided to live and not stab himself in the gut, none of this would be happening.
"I can't stay here." I croaked lowly. "I can't be here without you. It doesn't feel right. I have to go, but I can't leave her here to Mikey either." I sobbed, covering my eyes with the sleeves of Baji's old jacket. The one I wore everyday since he died. An old white jumper that was so tattered and old, anyone on the street probably would tell me to throw it away.
"So don't." I heard someone say behind me.
Jumping I tensed and looked behind me. Standing there, with a matching sorrowful and misery etched face. He must have come to visit Emma.
"Draken." My voice cracked and I felt the tears get harder to hold back. He held a hand out and I took it, getting up from the ground and allowing him to pull me into a hug.
"Baji wouldn't want you so miserable, and if being here makes you like that, then he would want you to go and live your life." He said softly, petting back my hair as I let tears fall heavily. "And as for Anaiya, you can't protect her from herself. She's the only one who can make decisions like that." He shushed my tears, trying to console me.
"Mikey will get her killed." I cried into his chest, unable to hold it all back anymore.
I found myself back then wishing sometimes Anaiya was more like Takemoi in the sense that he was addicted to gambling or like Haruchiyo and his drug addiction. Those things I could control and keep her away from. Instead she was addicted to a person. A person who did not care about others anymore and was as empty as a black void.
Draken held me for a while, letting me sob more and more into his chest until they finally subsided and I had no more tears to shed. After they had finally stopped he still hugged me to his chest and petted back my hair soothingly. He probably needed it as much as I did. Emma had been taken from him just like Keisuke had been taken from me.
"You should go, Kira. Leave for a while and find something that makes you smile again." He said after a while in a mutter.
I nodded my head before asking, "What about you?"
"I have the mechanic shop. I found something I can cling to. It's time you find that for yourself." He sighed and kissed the top of my head. "Baji would want that for you."
So, that night, after Draken and I went our separate ways, I returned home to find Anaiya sitting on the couch, wet hair, tv on but not paying any attention to it. She looked up at the door once I shut it, jumping from her sitting position. She opened her mouth to apologize but I shook my head.
"You don't get to apologize for that." I said sternly, clenching my fists at my side. I didn't want to do what I was about to, but for what was best for me and what I needed then, I knew I had to. "I'm leaving still in four days. You're not going."
She hugged her arms around herself and looked down to her fuzzy socks. "Can I ask what changed your mind?"
"I can't make decisions for you anymore. And I can't make you see Mikey for what he really is. So, I'm letting you do what you want. I'm not going to stop you, but I'm also not going to stay and watch it happen." I gritted my teeth, the words tasting like vile on my tongue. "I also won't support it or be apart of it either. So, when I leave I don't want you to call, because I don't want to hear about it." I sounded harsh and the words sounded hateful and cruel, but this is what was best for both of us. I couldn't be apart of Mikey's world anymore, and if that included Anaiya then I couldn't be part of hers either.
She nodded her head, silent tears falling from her eyes again.
"I love you, Iya, but if you're choosing him then I have to chose myself." I muttered lowly before I left for my room, and locked myself in.
The next day I had gone and told everyone about my leaving and when. The first was Angry and Smiley. Angry cried of course, upset that I was taking off, and Smiley...well Smiley was kind of a dick about it, but I knew it was because he didn't want me to go either. After then were Pah and Peh who both cried like the massive babies they were. Hakkai made me promise to keep in touch and even went as far as to swear to come see me if we were ever in the same place at the same time. Mitsuya tears up and made me swear to all Hakkai had, but then he told me he understood and wished me the best. Takemichi cried...because he was out crybaby hero of course. Draken had known and gave me a hug and wished me luck and told me it wasn't going to be goodbye so he wasn't going to say it.
Chifuyu was my second to last stop and he wasn't thrilled about my presence in general.
"What do you want?" He groaned as we stood outside the pet shop we worked in.
Glaring at the concrete I bit back the insults urging to fly out. "I just wanted to tell you I'll be leaving in a few days. So, I wanted to ask you to take care of Keisuke's grave for me. And before you get all snippy and say you would have anyways, I'm trying to be civil here. You're probably the only person I trust him to."
I could tell on his face he was fighting back the same urges I was. But with a soured look on his face he nodded. I wanted to vomit just being civil with Fuyu, but he had been close to Kei and if I trusted his grave sit to anyone it would have been him.
"Have you talked to Kazutora yet?" He snipped.
Clinching my fists I nodded. "I'm headed up there to see him now, he's known for a while. And once he's out, he'll be coming with me for a while." I admitted. I saw no point in hiding my plans from Chifuyu. Even if it was something he didn't agree with.
Which he didn't.
"No he isn't. He'll be coming with me once he gets out. It's what's best for him." He snapped, his civility at its limit.
Rolling my eyes I took a deep breath. "Staying here and being sent right back into the same streets once he gets out is what's best for him? Sure, whatever you say, Fuyu." I was dripping with sarcasm. "However, Tora and I have already discussed it, and it's what he wants. So, you can kiss my ass for all I care."
"You can't even take care of Anaiya, how do you expect to take care of Kazutora?" He seethed, snapping back venomously.
My limit snapped. I yanked Chifuyu forward by his collar and plunged my fist full force into his mouth. I connected to his jaw two more times before tossing him back onto his ass. I would have kicked him if we weren't in broad daylight and it had already seemed like I randomly assaulted him.
Heaving in anger, breath heavy, I viciously spat, "Don't forget, Chifuyu, last time I left someone in your care I came back to them dead."
He groaned either from pain or anger, but I didn't stick around to see. I left, pissed and hand stinging from the contact. I headed straight for the juvenile facility, washing my hand with a water bottle outside to get rid of the blood dried on my knuckles.
When I saw Kazutora he smiled at me brightly.
"Three days 'til London!" He said excitedly. "I'm happy you're going, but we have to go back once I'm out."
Smiling I nodded. "Duh. There, Florida, and Ireland are the big three right?"
Tora and I talked until a guard came in and told me it was time for me to leave. Wishing me the best he gave me a smile and told me he'd be seeing me in no time. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry silently the whole way back to the apartment. The thought of leaving Tora, Draken, Mitsuya, and all the other TOMAN members made my heart heavier than I'd like to admit.
Graduation came and went, Anaiya and I hardly saying much of anything to one another and then the day of my leaving came. Draken offered to drive me to the airport, but I had one more stop to make before I left. And that was to Kokonoi and Haruchiyo who I threatened to beat to death if they ever allowed anything to happen to Anaiya. I even went farther to make Kokonoi promise to give me monthly updates via the phone-which he honored and held up for ten long years.
Once I was ready and entering the airport I heard someone calling out my name.
Anaiya with Draken a little ways back by his bike.
She rushed towards me and flung her arms around my neck. Squeezing me tight, I hugged back. "You can still come with me." I offered.
"I can't." She shook her head and squeezed tighter. "You can always come back home. No matter when or why, you can come back." She muttered into my hair.
"And you can always join me whenever." I promised and hugged her tighter. "But I was serious, Iya. Don't call unless it's an emergency. Whatever it is, I'll come home right away." I made her promise.
And that was the last time I saw or heard from her for nearly ten years.
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“It was time you stopped running.”
I winced. I wasn't ready to hear that. Not yet anyways.
"I let you go, but I always planned to make you come back." Anaiya added, now looking at me as I looked down at the balcony floor. "It was time you came home. Just like it was time I moved on."
I took a deep breath and nodded. She was right. I had admitted it aloud to Inui and Draken. It just felt different coming from Anaiya. I was always the one taking care of her and telling her when enough was enough. And now the tables were turned and I was the one still acting out and burying my head in the sand.
"Well, I'm home now." I sighed. "And I think its for good." I finally said.
I felt her beam with joy in that second. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. It's time I came home and started facing reality." I looked up and at her. "I just got to find a job and a place to live now. Can't crash on Inui and Draken forever."
She wrapped her arms around me tightly and squealed. "You can stay with me! The Haitani penthouse in large enough for a whole gang to stay in!"
Grimacing I looked inside to the bruised Rindou and Ran who had a goose egg knot forming on his forehead. "Uh...Iya...I don't think they'll like that idea."
She frowned and pulled me back enough to hold me by my arms and shake me. "Why? If I want you there then you'll be there!"
Smirking with a giggle I said, "Still a spoiled brat, huh?"
"I am not!" She pouted.
Laughing at her puffed up cheeks and furrowed brows for a minute, I took in the reality I had just promised myself to. "Seriously, Anaiya, I just beat the hell out of both Haitani brothers. I really don't think either want me living in their house."
"My penthouse is open to you no matter what they think." She rolled her eyes and then poked her head in from the sliding glass door. "Ran, Rin, come here please!" She singed out and both purple headed boys strutted to the balcony.
"Iya, seriously, I have somewhere to stay right now." I pleaded with her. But when Anaiya got an idea in her head there was no talking her out of it.
She turned to them with her chin held high and confidence pouring out of ever pore as she stated, "Kira is going to move in with us."
I felt like I could jump off the building right then and there.
"Ok, Princess, whatever you want." Ran smiled calmly.
"Like hell she is!" Rindou snapped, eyes ablaze.
Smirking I looked at him. "You mad about it, Magic Marker?"
"Magic Marker?" He questioned in confused irritation.
Chuckling I said, "Yeah like the Magic Erase Markers. You look like a kid colored your hair with one." Anaiya suppressed a laugh while Ran cackled aloud.
Raising a brow I looked to him. "Why are you laughing? You look like a giant colored pencil, lanky legs." That made Rindou cackle.
"She can't stay with us." Ran said flatly, obviously insulted.
Smirking I mocked his tears as Anaiya stood in front of me with her arms crossed. "Yes she is." She argued, that pouty look on her face again.
They stared at each other for a minute before the older Haitani caved and sighed an "ok". Anaiya cheered and hugged me tightly again.
Suddenly I didn't find it funny anymore.
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kenkaodoll · 2 years
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tales 33 (JUMP SQ)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (May 2022) there are a total 54 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation.
Previous Story: https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/683679430411943936/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-32-jump-sq
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“I'm sorry about this,”
Kenshin responded. Yahiko gasped again in surprise.
The man with the purse!
When he couldn't follow him at the police station, he thought it was over, but then, by some strange coincidence, he was holding out to them a copy of Jules Verne's "Around the World in Eighty Days".
Kenshin received the book.
“I guess you’re accomplished in both the literary and military arts.”
The man in the kimono looks at the reverse-blade sword strapped to Kenshin's waist.
“I have a request from my wife, that I have.”
Kenshin smiled and replied, but Yahiko's feelings were disturbed to the core.
“It is indeed a civilized world that your wife enjoys reading such French and Western translations.”
“Well, my wife is also being accomplished in the literary and military arts.”
“The author is famous for his outlandish stories, including one about a trip to the moon world.”
“Like Kaguya Hime?”
“I don't know what kind of story it is because it hasn't been translated into Japanese yet and I haven't read it myself because I don't speak French. I hear that it is quite popular.”
The man in the kimono and Kenshin were friendly chatting . Only Yahiko's heart was uneasy.
This man had a deadly poison in his purse. We should catch him right now. No, that's not going to happen.
Yahiko's thoughts whirled around in his head.
The words he had heard when he found the deadly poison wrapped in oiled paper inside the purse came back to him vividly.
Megumi had said at that time.
“There are only two ways to use poison. Either you kill someone or you die.”
If this man who was chatting with Kenshin in front of him was trying to kill someone and had poison, he should grab him and force him to let go of the poison package even if he had to be a little rough with him. But if he was about to die.... There was no point in being rough with him. There were plenty of ways to commit suicide.
Yahiko's head was on the verge of boiling over. He did not know what to do.
Even if he wanted to talk to Kenshin about it, he would not be able to tell him in front of this man. However, it would be strange to drag him into the shadows and ask him for advice.
“You are very lucky to have a good wife. Moreover, I can’t believe you’re going to have a child soon. I wish I could share in your happiness,” he praised Kenshin.
Hearing this, Yahiko involuntarily thought to himself.
Why are you boasting about your love life when I’m so distressed!
The man must be a good listener. A normal Kenshin would not talk about his family so easily.
“Oh yeah, I've been doing this sort of thing for a while now.”
Kenshin received a leaflet from the man.
"The Small bird association Speech Meeting" includes the location, date, and time of the popular speech meetings of the day.
“Please come. We must make this world a better place for the children who will be born in the future. I hope to change the world for a better place for them than a world that is convenient for only a few powerful people.”
Here it is! Yahiko snatched the leaflet.
“I'm interested. Kenshin, take me to the speech meeting!”
Is this man trying to kill someone else or is he trying to die himself? We don't know that. But it is one or the other. Either way, I can't leave him alone.
Yahiko felt that even if he didn't know what to do, he should at least get involved with this man as much as he could.
“Oro? Yahiko, since when have you been interested in freedom and civil rights, that you have?”
Kenshin looked at Yahiko doubtfully.
“Ah, no… uhh ..”
Yahiko was flustered. He had no idea what the speech meeting was about.
“It says small birds association on it. I thought the name "swallow" would be nice.”
“Oh, you've got a good eye!”
The man broke into a smile.
“There is a folklore in "ancient Chinese" that said, "How can a small bird understand the aspirations of great bird"**. It means, "the commoners like a swallow or a sparrow  cannot understand the aspiration of a big bird like the hero". The Meiji Restoration was accomplished by the aspirations of the big birds. But politics is not only for big birds, it is also for us small birds living on the streets. That's why I named our organization "Small birds association". We want suffrage for all the people of the country. We aim to establish a constitution to protect the rights of the people and not allow the government to be tyrannical.”
Apparently, the man was an activist in the civil liberties movement.
“Does uncle speak at these meetings?”
The leaflet says the speakers "Rokkakubashi Wataru" and "Kishine Michinaga.
“Yes, that's right. My name is Rokkakubashi Wataru over here.”
“My name is Myojin Yahiko.”
He told his name, so Yahiko quickly returned his.
“Yahiko-kun, please come to the next speech. You must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.”
“Oh, okay. Will you go with me, Kenshin?”
“I don't mind, that I do.”
“Then it's decided! I'll buy the book and go home.”
Yahiko walked swiftly to the back of the store and called for the clerk who was serving the customers.
“Can you tell me the reason?”
Kenshin asked Yahiko in a quiet tone as they left the bookstore.
“Yes, I wanted to talk to you about it, but I couldn't tell you in that place.”
Yahiko told him that the man called Rokkakubashi was the owner of the purse.
“Megumi said that there are only two ways to use poison: to kill someone or to die yourself. He doesn't look like he’s going to kill himself, so I think he’s trying to kill someone else.”
“It is not good to assume so easily, that it is.”
“Besides, Rokkakubashi Wataru sounds like an alias.”
“As for the family name, there are a surprisingly large number of people who change their names after the Meiji Restoration, that I know of. For example, Saito Hajime is now called Fujita Goro, isn't he?”
“That means there is a possibility that he might have been a manslayer at the Bakumatsu.”
“I told you that it is not easy to judge. In my eyes, he was not such a bad person, that he was not.”
“Anyway, he's got a deadly poison in his purse right now, and I'm going to have to see how he uses it.”
“Then, there is even a possibility that he will use it right now, that he will.”
At Kenshi’s point, Yahiko shouted, 
“Ah! You’re right!”
I screwed up. Yahiko was in a hurry.
He should have rubbed his wallet while Kenshin and Rokkakubashi were chatting in the bookstore. Well, it was too late to do anything about it now.
“What if he kills someone?”
“Hmm. Then, shall we go after him, that we should?”
He was still in the bookstore.
If he waited, Rokkakubashi would appear in not much time.
That's what he thought.
No matter how long he waited, Rokkakubashi did not come out of the store.
Yahiko, getting impatient, went back into the bookstore and asked the clerk about the man's whereabouts.
“I've seen that customer looking at groceries,” he replied.
The bookstore and the general store were in the same building, but had separate entrances and exits. It seems that Yahiko, who was watching the entrance of the bookstore, didn't see him leave the store through another door.
“Once again, I’ve missed him!”
Yahiko couldn't help but raise his voice.
“I can only hope that nothing will happen, that it is.”
“Oh, Ken-san.”
They turned around and Megumi was there.
“Why are you here?”
Yahiko had been frustrated because things were not going his way and spoke harshly to her.
“Oh, a fine thing to say. I came all the way to the Nihonbashi area for you.”
Megumi laughed meaningfully.
“For me?”
“I went to Takiya to ask about the deadly poison.”
Takiya is a drug wholesaler who is believed to be the source of the deadly poison.
“I didn't think it would be easy to divulge customer information, but we have an old friendship, and I thought it was a bad idea. Besides, I asked you not to mention the poison to the police for my own convenience. But then I thought about it. Someone is trying to kill someone else or die by themselves, and that fact will never change. So, if I could stop him using the poison. It would be some kind of atonement for my sins. I thought of something out of character, even for me.”
“So, did you find out who bought it?”
“Yes, I did. It seems he was not Takiya's regular customer, so they told me briefly. But I only knew his name. If he is a regular, they would know who he is, but they don't tell you. If he is not a regular, they can tell you the name, but no more. I'm not a good detective.”
Megumi smiled bitterly.
“That guy's name! Isn't he called Rokkakubashi?”
“What? No, it's not. The name on the account book was Kishine Michinaga ”
“I see. Wasn't it Rokkakubashi?”
Yahiko was disappointed.
But Kenshin.
He took out the leaflet that Rokkakubashi had given him earlier and looked at it intently.
“This... This is him, isn't it?”
On the leaflet, it says the speakers are Rokkakubashi Wataru and Kishine Michinaga.
“It's true! Hmm? But Rokkakubashi had the deadly poison and Kishine bought it. Does that mean these two are conspiring to kill someone?”
Yahiko explained to Megumi, who did not know what was going on, what had happened so far.
“I'll expose them at the speech meeting!”
Yahiko clenched his fists.
Notes: *)Jules Verne : French author, his work ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ was first translated into Japanese in 1878.
*)Kaguya Hime: The Legend of Princess Kaguya
*)How can a small bird understand the aspirations of great bird: Only hero understand hero
*)Bakumatsu: the end of the Edo period.
*)Nihonbashi: shopping district in Tokyo
.…..continue in chapter 34…… https://kenkaodoll.tumblr.com/post/684041390726987776/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tales-34-jump-sq
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with the English also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that sounds not making sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want give corrections. TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file. TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters in his website. You can go and check on there.
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greenygreenland · 3 years
Promise: Norman x Fem!Reader
-idk why but i’m having such a hard time writing pt 3 of Dream a Little Dream of Me, so here’s this to compensate for now
-i normally write for fem reader, but if you really wanted to, you could switch the words around in your head
-AGED UP characters because that’s been a trend in my work, so I’ll keep it constant
-just getting rid of drafts that have been sitting around for months
Summary: Period cramps suck, and so does feeling burnt out and exhausted. Luckily, someone has just the remedy for you. This is after you all reach the Other Side. Emma is still missing.
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Everything hurt--from your head to your shoulders to your knees and your toes. It was like someone flipped a switch. The other day, you were fine and dandy. There wasn’t a thing that could have swept you off your feet no matter how powerful the gust of wind. You were on top of the world.
Then your period started and you woke up with cramps that left you glued to the couch. It rained the day after, and when you dragged yourself out of bed to finish some work, you found that you just couldn’t. 
An invisible rope tethered you to the ground, and the fact that it was so heavy made your head spin. Am I good enough to complete this? Will I have enough time?
Your stomach ached and your head pounded. 
I can do this. I can do this.
I can’t do this. I can’t do this.
But why couldn’t you do it? The outlines for your essays and papers were long completed, and it wasn’t like you didn’t spread it evenly throughout the week. You always stuck to the schedule. To the last letter. To the absolute ‘t’. It was all you could do to remind yourself you had control over your unpredictable life. Yet now, why was it so hard to finish the job?
The cramps absolutely massacring your poor abdomen seemed to increase by ten fold, and the gentle sun shining through your window intensified into a raging fire.
The due date was five days from now. It seemed like a while away, but you knew it wasn't. That would fly by in a flash and leave you in the dust. If there was one thing that you took to heart from Mama, then it had to be the fact that time was precious. Without paying close attention to it, then you would surely go tumbling down a hill.
You buried your head in your hands miserably. "I can't do this. My stomach hurts so much and I can't focus", was what you wanted to say. Instead, it came out in a muffled groan of pain. “I...can’t...”
Norman waltzed over to your desk. His gentle hands settled around your slumped shoulders, encasing them in a much-needed warmth. You heaved out a long breath, sluggishly peeking out of your arms to get a good look at Norman's handsome face. He smiled lovingly and your knitted brows eased just a little.
"What do you need me to do?" he softly inquired. "I know it's that time." You huffed in thought, a weak smile twitching upon your lips. Of course Norman knew you had your period. He was always on top of his game. Always.
"So, do you need anything, love?" Norman patiently repeated. You stared into his bright eyes and melted. Calm. Caring. Sweet. Kind. That had to be one of your favourite things about him. He always had eyes that said what you wanted to hear. Whether it be, 'I love you' to 'I'm here', Norman always seemed to know what you needed.
This time was no different.
"I want you."
Norman smiled and it was like the sun at Golden Hour. He took you by the hand and helped you over to your shared bed. A heavy sigh left your lips as soon as your back hit the soft bed. Norman placed a hand on your shoulder and tucked you in with him. "What's wrong?"
You shrugged.
You shook your head.
You shook your head again.
Norman hummed to himself in thought. Papers lay on you desk, scattered in a mix of opened folders and half-baked diagrams. The unsharpened pencil perched at the edge of your desk centimeters from an immediate pit-fall to the waste bin. It wasn’t like you to leave everything laying about. Mama brought you up in the best way possible. She taught you that being neat and tidy were one of the most important things to do since it helped promote focus and calmness.
You weren’t one to let yourself slip like that, unless something were really bothering you. Norman’s gaze fell on your computer screen. It glowed brightly, slowly falling silent until the screen faded.
The computer fell fast asleep, "Essay?" Norman echoed. You nodded and he pulled you close to his chest. College wasn’t easy when you couldn’t focus. Sometimes, Norman found himself dozing off. He worked just as much as you so that no one would have to borrow money from the Ratri Clan. It was a necessary sacrifice you both agreed on so no one else would have to suffer the horrors of high school and college combined.
It wasn’t that any of it was too hard, just that it was a lot of work.
After you both graduated, you’d make your own company, and from there, make a lot of money to support everyone.
"I'm guessing you're feeling burnt out.” Norman said. “You're almost done with the essay, but you haven't touched it since last night." He ran a hand through your hair. "And since your period came yesterday, you're not feeling too well. Do you want anything to drink?"
You muttered out a small no and Norman pursed his lips. He didn't know what to do because there wasn't much to do. Your stomach hurt, yes, that was bad, but he didn't know how to make you feel better when you probably weren't going to swallow pills without choking. Tea would help, but with the way you weren't moving, it would be impossible to drink.
"I wish I could help more." Norman muttered. "Maybe I should call Ray..."
You shook your head. "It's okay. Can you...keep talking?"
Norman's brows shot up. Of course! Talking would help you forget about your cramps and worries. Either that or you'd fall asleep! Perfect. Why didn’t he think of that?
"Have you read the book The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings?”
You shook your head. Back at the House, The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings were nothing more than those small books tucked away in the farthest reaches of the library. They were dusty old things, so you never bothered with them. It didn’t matter how bored you were of reading the same five books over and over again, those books were simply too dusty.
You recalled the time Ray playfully kicked at you. He told you to go away and stop complaining. Of course, you didn’t listen, and went on about how you hated (book).
“In those books, there are descriptions of this place called Hobbiton.” Norman spoke like he was reading a story. The way his voice flowed like water eased your nerves, reminded you that the present existed.
All you needed was a breather.
“Now,” Norman continued, “Hobbiton isn’t just a village or town. It’s a place where Hobbits live in holes in the ground. But these aren’t cold and dark. They’re cozy, with rounded doors and grass as green as an apple. Hobbits eat more than us, so they have different names for their meals. They’re mostly friendly people, and they’re open to tea time if you’re welcome in their homes. I heard that the movies were filmed in New Zealand. I’ll take you there on vacation, and we’ll bring Emma and Ray along too.”
You smiled against Norman’s chest. You wouldn’t like that, you’d love it. After staring at the same worksheets and papers, you needed a change of scenery. Somewhere far from here, just to get a breath of fresh air.
“Yeah.” you quietly said. “I’d love that.” Norman smiled and it was like an early birthday present. “When we find Emma, we’ll go to New Zealand and sightsee. We’ll see new places, and take lots of photos.” Norman stared at the peaceful look on your face. He pecked your cheek. “I promise.”
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hyakki59 · 3 years
Reader likes Eren - Levi has a liking on Reader at the same time too
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(Don't be afraid, it doesn't contain any spoilers. I haven't read the manga in the first place, lol. Also, I don't own the picture)
Eren had betrayed Survey Corps. He wasn't only opposed to Survey Corps' plans, but he was also a prisoner, because he had disobeyed and in additional he managed to break free, illegally of course. Eren wasn't his old self and that was obvious.
You had once visited him in the prison and he really wasn't himself, which scared you. He wasn't looking at you even though you were in front of him. He was either looking at the wall or beyond of you, not looking at your eyes. He was having a frowning face and a determination on his eyes, but also his gaze was lost. Even though you had tried to talk to him he wasn't paying any attention to you. That was making your heart hurt.
You were loving him, you have never told him so. But on the past you were having beautiful memories with Eren, he was always cheerful and he was one of your closest people. You couldn't bear the sight that you were having in front of you, Eren in prison and his behaviour so strange.
"You are not the Eren I know.."
You had told him holding the cells' irons.
"I miss you Eren.."
You managed to say looking down. That was the only time he lifted his eyes and looked at you, still having an expressionless face. You looked at him too, tears wanted to leave your eyes but you were holding them. Eren never said anything so you left him. You left disappointed. You were hoping that you two would exchange some words, that he would say something to you about him.
You had cried many times especially when you were laying to sleep because of Eren's state.You and Eren were so close in the past that you (singular) were hoping that you and Eren would be a pair some day.
When the news reached your ears that he broke from prison, you were shocked. Your heart was one more time broken. You wanted to go and find him. He was in danger. Because of his reckless moves he would end up doing something bad to himself. Also, you have never told him that you loved him and the things gonna end like this? With him disappeared and not having a chance to see him again? You couldn't bear the idea. You decided to go and find him.
The day you learnt that Eren broke out from the prison was also the day that you would search for him. You decided though to flee when it was night and everybody was asleep. You didn't want anyone to see you. And that's how it happened. That night you came out from the back side of the building that you and the members of Survey Corps were sleeping. Once you started walking on the grass, your heart started beating faster because of the craziness you decided to do.
It didn't took long till you heard a familiar voice
"Where are you going?"
That voice was belonging to Levi. You froze for a moment, then started walking again without really thinking.
"I wasn't expecting you to be that rebellious. You were one of the best kids back in the past among the Survey Corps."
Levi added without you giving him any attention.
"Are you going to find Eren? I advised you against it."
Levi added without you needed to answer. You froze once more again. What were you supposed to do? Keep going even someone saw you? You were in danger too. Leave the idea of finding Eren? You didn't feel like it. Your brain was thinking like crazy, without being sure for the right answer. On the other hand Levi hadn't moved from his spot since he talked to you.
"If you will go after Eren, you will be an enemy to Military Police. And to the Survey Corps too."
He continued talking in case his speech affects you.
"You like Eren, aren't you?"
This caused your eyebrows to raise. Had he understood? You felt your body starting to get heavy.
"Even if you find him, it won't change something. He may even hurts you if you will be opposed to him."
Levi was talking all this time with a clam tone. You knew that all he was saying were true, but your heart wanted to see Eren again. You were about to take a step forward until Levi said
"Don't throw away your life for him Y/N, you don't deserve it. He doesn't deserves you."
You stood again still, looking at your shoes.
"Eren doesn't have many years to live. He will either die because he is a Titan Shifter or either because he will do some reckless shit. Whatever you will do for him will go to vain."
The last one was like a slap to your face even though you knew it was true.
"What am I supposed to do?"
You finally spoken looking up at the sky. The night sky was beautiful with it's all stars. It was such an irony for the sky to be so beautiful and for you to feeling so destroyed at the same time.
"First of all, come back before it's too late."
Levi answered to you, but you weren't feeling your legs anymore and fell on your butt on the grass. You were looking at the grass with a lost gaze. Levi then approached you. You heard his footsteps coming towards you. He lowered himself when he reached you, so he would be at your height and placed an arm at your arm.
"You can see Eren again."
He added with a smile.
"But we will do this all of us together."
He caressed a little your back while he was saying that.
"We will try to talk to him all of us. Just don't go alone, okay?"
He told you with a smile full of compassion.
"Now, let's go inside, you need to sleep"
He told you. But you didn't have the inner strength to stand up. You were feeling like crying. You had stood still with a blanky face. Your state was breaking Levi's heart. He was feeling sorry for you. He understood that your body wasn't having the willing to stand up, so he helped you to stand with wrapping your arm around his neck. Once you both stood up you said
"How am I supposed to sleep after what happened?"
You said still looking down, feeling nothing inside you. Levi looked at you, still holding you with his one arm on your back and the other on your stomach. He was feeling sad for you. He couldn't stand to see you this broken.
"I can keep you company till you sleep."
He said to you. You didn't answered anything, but the last words of him made you feeling less lonely. With Levi's help, you both headed towards the building and then to your room. In all the way, none of you were talking again. He helped you to lay down on your bed and he covered you with your blanket. Levi sat on the floor beside your bed and started to caress your hair to help you sleep. While his fingers were shoving between your hair, you let out some tears, still expressionless, and not letting out any sound. Levi was worrying with your state. He had lost so many crewmates in the past, he didn't want you to get hurt or something bad to happen to you. Levi was liking you in an innocent way, he haven't thought something different about you. His feelings may change though in the future.
"Shh, it's okay"
He whispered you
"I'm here"
He added. It didn't took you long to sleep because Levi's caressing was relaxing you and you finally slept. Levi overslept too beside your bed.
The following days Levi was always taking care of you. He was bringing you food at your room, because you didn't have any willing to go and eat. He was always checking out for you when it was about meetings, and if he wasn't seeing you, he was searching for you. He was also coming many times to your room to see if you are okay. He was keeping you company. He was opening conversations with you, so you would be better.
Day by day, you were starting to feel better, in slowly rhythm though. The days that you finally laughed or smiled, caused Levi's heart to melt. He was feeling so happy for you. He wanted to see you always happy. Levi may was really liking you.
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rpg-elf-girl · 3 years
Shadows House
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I have a lot of thoughts surrounding this particular show, both good & bad.
Allow me to give a quick summary for anyone who hasn't seen/read it!
Shadows House is about 'a faceless family of nobles who all live within this giant manor, the Shadows House.
When a Shadow comes of age they receive a 'Living Doll' to both serve as their face and to clean the soot they emit from their bodies.
The most important rule of the living dolls is "don't fret over trivial matters"
A task which is difficult for the ever curious doll Emiliko.
Watch this tale unfold as Emiliko & her mistress Kate navigate this ever mysterious Manor together.'
For a fan of slow burn thrillers, horror, slice of life, supernatural & mystery series' this has been an absolute blast!
It's not quite the combination of genres you'd expect from a show, but it works really well here!
In fact I was so into the anime that this is actually the first show where I broke down and read the manga!
Unfortunately there's no official English release, but at least there are some people translating the series!
As much as I'd like to go on about the manga, this post is meant to be more so about the anime so I'll (try to) leave it at that.
Though i feel obligated to warn anime onlys I'll likely refer the manga a lot in a spoiler section latter in this post I'll try to be vague but I can't guarantee anything. For anyone worried about that I'll lable it do you can read on until then.
Everything from the animation to the music was amazing & completely fit the mood of the story! I remember a couple scenes where I actually teared up because of this!
The Ending theme is an absolute banger! I've listened to that on repeat ever since I first heard it! And the Opening is also great! It's cool for it to be an instrumental, stuff like that is pretty rare! I also heard the song in the op as a motif in the music throughout the show! It really sets the right mood in each scene it's in! It's amazing for getting into each episode!
In terms of adaptation almost everything from the beginning to the end of the Debut arc was done amazingly well!
Even with the stuff they cut it still holds true to the spirit of its source.
The main important part that was cut is something that could easily be introduced latter if they decide to go for a second season, so I'm not too mad about that.
However! Everything after the debut is a bit of a different story.
There was a lot I liked about the last couple episodes but there were some parts that were immersion breaking for me.
I've been being vague up until this point l, but I'm planning on going into spoiler territory for both the anime and manga after this. So I'll make a quick spoiler free summary of my thoughts before moving onto that.
I really really loved this show but in my opinion the last 3 episodes were the weakest of them all. They went anime only for the ending. I don't mind that on it's own, but it was rushed and the writing was sloppy at times.
Now I'm not telling you to not watch the show! Most of It's really really good, and I can still see people enjoying the parts I'm talking about if they want to give the anime a try. Overall I've fallen in love with this series and I could never recommend it enough.
If what I'm saying is giving you bad vibes the manga is available and doesn't have the issues I've mentioned. You can look for a translation online, it didn't take me long to find one so don't worry too much about that.
Also! if you're an anime only who's finished the series and want to know where to pick up the Manga I'd recommend at least skiming through the beginning. I know it might not be what you're looking for but there were a bunch of small scenes that either got cut or were merged for adaptation purposes that I think are super cute & give more context to different aspects of the setting. However! Pay close attention during the "night watchers part" something important got cut .
~~~Now for spoilers!!!!~~~
I don't want to make it sound like I'm some manga purist who hates the very thought of the slightest change from the source. I'm anime only for a lot of different shows and I've always despised it when that type of manga reader reared it's ugly head.
While I'll admit some changes did bother me I won't make a fuss about the smaller stuff.
With that said!
I hinted earlier in this post that I didn't have a big problem with Robe-same being cut. That was because without them there it does make for a more complete story if they only get one season to work with.
If there is another season they can easily be introduced latter on. Like maybe Emiliko & Shaun can meet them when the Debutant class reunion is going on before they talk on the roof (or right after that) I actually think that would be the perfect time to introduce them (other than the time they were supposed to appear, but I digress)
Louise teaming up & being friendly with Kate can be explained with some dialogue changes at the first Debutant Class Reunion. Louise can say she was just trying to show off or that she just wanted to get back at Edward and that she isn't interested in helping Kate with her problems. Things can then go on as they did in the manga.
Kates being reckless & telling everything to John can be explained by her being extremely panicked when Emiliko went missing, as long as there are some lines of dialogue adressing this it's fine. Though I do wish she tried to keep some stuff a secret but couldn't because Shaun tries to interfer because he's still brainwashed, or something along those lines. It felt a bit weird after she just told Emiliko to keep that stuff between them. Still that could be explained by how panicked she was.
There are other things, but I don't want to drag the post on too long. Most of the issues can be fixed with little changes here & there.
I never had a problem with the idea of them going in an anime only direction. I just want to have a good time with the show.
Unfortunately I can't 100% vouche for the direction the show went in. There were elements that I can't excuse, even viewing it as it's own entity instead of an adaptation.
My main complaint with it is how they handled the brainwashing of Ricky & Lou. They didn't say a word when the Debutants were talking badly about Edward & even went along with a plan to go against him. It makes absolutely no sense!
Shaun freaked out when John only suggested that he didn't have to be loyal to the house. These guys were flat out rebelling against an adult! It felt like Ricky & Lou didn't have a purpose & were just there to be there.
The whole point of the coffee is to influence shadows against doing stuff like this. It makes the coffee seem pointless and the adults seem dumb for relying on it to control the kids.
I haven't even brought up the fact that both of their brainwashings were broken by something as simple as a few kind words. It straight up contradicts the rules established by both the Anime and Manga.
This becomes very apparent when you consider all the trouble John & Kate went through to free Shaun & Emiliko.
This was my biggest complaint, but I have some other issues as well.
The next big one is how they handled Edward.
1. Why on earth would he even consider kidnapping Emiliko when he had complete control of the childrens wing? Before this point he was depicted as being a lot more crafty than this. He could easily have Kate monitored or something.
2. Why didn't he use his powers to stop them like what he did to Maryrose & Rosemary when they fought back being taken to the adults wing? He's already shown off his power at this point, why not?
3. Why did he reveal his soot powers at all!? Especially while using his face in front of the kids! The whole unification thing is one of the biggest secrets of the house for good reason! There's no way he wouldn't get in huge trouble for exposing it to children!
Here are some other related questions.
Why didn't Kate, Emiliko, & John react to Edward using soot powers? They shouldn't know about unification yet so why didn't they act shocked, or say anything about it?
Is Edward being banished even an option in the Shadows House? Wouldn't the third floor lords just dispose of him rather than risk letting him leave?
How did John even get a veiled dolls outfit? Louise had to use her powers to get Kate one & she left a long time ago.
I can't think of much else at the moment, but I think you get my point.
Please don't take this as me saying that I hate the show because of these episodes. Even if I consider them the weakest of the series I still found a lot of parts to be very enjoyable!
Like I thought it was adorable When Edward was attempting to interrogate Emiliko & she kept being her sunshine self pretending to eat & falling asleep.
Barbara getting to tell off Edward for breaking the rules was great!
I loved seeing Shaun hatch the plan to get Kate into the adults wing to save Emiliko.
Seeing John (attempt to) sneak around the adults wing had me rolling!
The ending scene of Shaun, Ricky, & Lou singing gave me the chills.
(Though I wonder how they'd handle Shaun & Emiliko being brainwashed again since they already used the scenes where they're freed)
Kate & Emilico being propelled by John back to the children's wing was absolutely amazing! I found Shaun & Ricky running over to catch them to be super sweet! (Not to mention the way that scene was animated was absolutely gorgeous!)
Getting hints to what was supposed to come after the debut was nice, at least the groundwork is there in case this gets a season 2!
To (try to) wrap this all up while there were a lot of things I loved and disliked about this show I still had a really fun time watching it!
I kinda hope there's a season two just to see if they can tidy up the mess that the last few episodes created.
Regardless of whether that happens or not I came out of this with a series I absolutely adore.
Heck I could make a whole other post about the manga. (Hopefully one that's less ranty)
Anyway! I won't take any more of your time.
I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! And I hope to see you in my next post!
(Sorry if this one was a bit of a mess!)
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
Episode 2. Next Time, Make it Up Twice
*Both Written and SMAU parts this episode*
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"I'm in love with soba, oh my god!" You're still relishing the meal you just finished as you walk with Toshi and his friends to grab some boba.
Tendou chuckles, "I think you only like it because of that character in your favourite manga."
"ONE of my favourite mangas, thank you. But yes, he's so cute just quietly eating his soba for lunch. Like, I'd definitely love it just for him, but I did actually enjoy it."
Semi smiles at your excitement, "You should try it hot too, it's different."
"Yes, yes. Of course, I will at some point but I'm soo full right now I can't think of more food."
"Do you not want the boba, then?" Toshi looks over at you seriously but you're already smiling and shaking your head.
"Of course I do, that's not food, Toshi!"
"Oh okay. I'll help you pick something light if you want."
"Thank you!"
The door chimes as you walk into the shop but you pause just inside to check your phone when you feel its persistent buzzing. You had updated your twitter and your friends are giving you grief over the picture of your lunch. Yeah, yeah, you wanted to try it because you simp for icy hot boys, so what? It's good to try new things.
You're firing off a reply to their sarcastic (read: jealous) comments when the door chimes again and then you're stumbling because something just knocked into you.
"Ow- shit!" That's not your voice. You don't think you've made a sound but you don't recognize that yet.
What you do register first as you're falling forward is how you're grateful because it's definitely not the hard door that hit your back and head, and you're lucky because you really shouldn't have been standing right there. Then you realize you're about to fall on your face because your hands are frozen clutching your phone. Just as that thought flits through your head faster than your lack of a quick reaction, you strangely find yourself floating before you can face plant on the floor and thank god because, ew, germs. Also, potentially ouch.
You're a little thrown off so it takes you a moment to realize you didn't make like another one of the characters in that particular manga and develop a float quirk. No, there's a toned arm that's caught you around your waist and now you're more than just a little thrown off.
You're sure you're blushing in embarrassment as you're carefully set right side up and turn to apologize to the owner of the savior arm.
"I'm so sorry!" You hear an apology at the exact same time it flies from your own mouth and you pause because you're melting into chocolate eyes that are probably as wide as your own.
Wha- You're looking up into the face of an angel! But no, really, omg it's a seriously cute boy. And why do you want to touch his hair??
He does look like he's genuinely sorry but his face relaxes as both your eyes hold and he smiles (quite charmingly), before calmly responding first "It's my fault, so I really am sorry for knocking you over, pretty girl. I was walking backwards and didn't see you there."
You raise your eyebrows, stuck on that for a second and accidentally blurting, "Who walks through a door backwards??" in genuine curiosity before your eyes widen, "I mean, no, but it's not your fault either! I'm the one that stopped right in front of said door, I really should have just moved up before checking my phone."
His hand reaches up to rub the back of his head in that way that really makes guys look cute when they're a little at a loss for words. At least that's what you think until he says, "Maybe we can make it up to each other, if you haven't ordered yet?"
"Oi!" An irritated voice calls out from behind him, "Can you let the rest of us in before you start flirting?!"
He lets out a light laugh before moving aside and two others cute guys enter. Like, what's with the air in Miyagi?!?
"Sorry Iwa-Chan, but I needed to make sure this angel didn't get hurt falling (for) because of me." He winks at you but you're a little lost in thought because you're thinking about how you like the way he talks. It's a little like he's singing at times and maybe it's because of his melodic voice but either way, it's pretty cute. You're going into overload and you have to consciously stop yourself from holding your hands to your cheeks. You really hope you're not still blushing, ugh.
You meet eyes with the intense one and like, hello, hi, I'm here for this vibe. The guy meets your eyes before quickly flicking his away. But then you swear he makes a conscious effort to bring them back to rest on yours and politely asks, "I hope you're okay?" You're smiling in reassurance when he adds, "This idiot is trouble on legs, so I'm sorry for him."
You burst out laughing and they're looking at you in surprise so you just shake your head and explain, "I think my friends have said the exact same words about me. No, we're all good, I really appreciate it."
And thank you, mother, for your own charming smile because all three boys blush but don't look away.
Point to pretty boy #1 though because he regains his composure the fastest and pouts, "Iwa-chan is so mean to me, angel, please don't listen to him. If I do accidentally cause trouble, I swear I'm good at making it up."
"I don't know if I can say the same?" You smirk but he grins.
"So let me make it up then, and buy you some boba?"
"Oikawa." Ah, there's Toshi, a little late for backup but you guess you did fine without a wingman.
Wait, wait. The pretty boy's smile dims and he's looking over your shoulder at where your cousin's voice came from. He's straightened up and his posture kind of yells belligerent attitude.
"Ushiwaka-chan. Tell me Miyagi isn't really this small." Wow, there's a bite in his words but like, you're liking it. What can you say? You're a fan of hidden depths.
"I am surprised to see you as well. Not as surprised as when I heard you truly chose another school over Shiratorizawa."
Okay, hmm, you're looking over at the friend he called Iwa and he's rolling his eyes, so clearly there's tension.
The pretty guy, who you're guessing is Oikawa, drops his smile completely. "Well, that was fast. Nice chat, but if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation with a new friend."
"You know Y/n?" Toshi's at your side now and sounds pretty surprised but it's not as amusing as your new friend's reaction when he looks back and forth between the two of you in a sort of disbelieving realization. What dots is he connecting, exactly? Because, you'd like to know.
"Y/n, huh? I- didn't realize you had a girlfriend..?" He's questioning hesitantly, good boy, no jumping to conclusions. Just get your feet wet, I guess.
"We're cousins." You and Toshi end up talking at the same time like twins or something and it's a little comical.
Oikawa's mouth drops for a split second before pursing his lips and addressing you, "Well, I guess I can't hold family against you. It's not like you chose him as your cousin."
You let out a wry chuckle with an equally dry grin on your face, "But I did."
"What?" He's blinking down at you in confusion so you elaborate just a little.
"Toshi. I did choose him, actually." You're highly amused at this point and you like having the advantage, so you're going to leave it at that.
He does try to push, though, you think it's curiosity since that is a pretty odd statement. "Like, to spend time with him, or acknowledge him or something? I won't hold that against you either, angel. Family first, that's sweet."
"Uh.. no." You just smirk and his eyes narrow as his head tilts. Yeah, he knows you're definitely messing with him now, he's just not sure how.
It's all good though, because Toshi's timing is on point now, "Y/n, I hope you don't mind but I picked you a drink I thought you might like."
You look over to him happily, "Really?"
"Yes.. you said that would be okay previously?"
"Of course, Toshi, I really appreciate it!" You look over at Oikawa with a sweet smile, "It was nice .. having you run into me, I suppose. I didn't get to thank you for - or maybe even take you up on - your offer, but I do appreciate it as well. So.. thank you, pretty boy, but I can't be rude and ignore my friends that I'm here with today."
He follows your gaze over to the table your new Shiratorizawa friends have grabbed for all of you. They're chatting casually but clearly looking over though you don't quite know why.
Oikawa looks a little conflicted and disappointed when you turn back to each other, so you add, "Feel free to run into me again and maybe then we can make it up to each other twice."
You can literally feel your trademark playful smile on your face so you know that's what pulls his own begrudging smile in response. Works like a charm, but it's genuine.
He studies you for a moment, "Then I hope Miyagi really is small, so I can hold you to that."
Then he looks back at Toshi with full force attitude so it's time to step away. As you walk away you hear his friend Iwa say something about telling his mom he swore. And when you hear that musical cadence of his reply but not his specific words, you can't help but look back.
They're up at the counter and his friends are ordering but, oh wow, he's just leaning back against it... looking right at you. Ahh, caught. He smirks at you, but clearly he was looking too, so you just return his smirk with a raise of your eyebrow and make sure you're the first to look away.
Leave 'em wanting more, it's a good motto to live by.
The rest of the afternoon is chill, you rejoin the Shiratorizawa boys and they explain the dynamic between Toshi and Oikawa in the most hilarious way so you're all just teasing him and laughing. You realized at some point during their explanation that you'd heard of this guy from Toshi a couple times and never thought much of it. But now.. he's a real person to you so you're definitely a little more interested beyond your cousin's innate desire to pull together an overpowered team.
Tendou also makes you recount the entire encounter from near face plant to Toshi's interruption before Semi and Soekawa have enough and decide to move on. It's even better, they have you laughing so hard and your sides in stiches from retaliating with funny stories about Tendou and Toshi or Coach Washijo impressions.
If you said you didn't end up glancing over at another group seated several booths down during the time you were there, you'd be lying. If you said you didn't connect with warm brown eyes every time, that would also be a lie. What you really couldn't say is if you enjoyed your boba or not because the butterflies that took residence in your stomach were the only other thing you noticed until you left the shop.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n really gets along with Semi but he reminds her of a certain someone
-She and her friends are night owls which is how they're able to respond to her so fast at even 2am or 3am their time (EST)
-We all know the show referenced right? (If not, I would highly recommend watching Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia)
-The angel/devil theme might be played on a lot, her school is literally Ashwood Devils and her national league is Aurora Angels
-I like to think the characters who make those comments or use those terms in application to Y/n all realize the irony at some point, even if it's not explicitly written out in the story
A/N: I realized I forgot to add the first pic (the twt about all the Shiratorizawa reactions) to the end of the last chapter, which is where it was supposed to go. So, even though, I'll go back and fix that, I'll also add it here for anyone who's already read that chapter. Sorry guys! Once again, thanks for bearing with me while I figure out the social media stuff. Feel free to point out any mistakes to me too! Sometimes I'm creating this stuff when I haven't slept 30+ hours so... there's bound to be things I miss or get wrong :)
I also changed 'Extras' to 'Behind The Scenes'! Same concept for small thoughts that might supplement the story where you're currently at and provide background or additional commentary but renamed to fit the theme a little better, I guess. What do you guys think - does it even matter? Do you guys read any of this or just here for the fic and skip by? Genuinely curious to know (:
Aaand, didn't think I'd need this but you made my day:
Taglist: @delusivist
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justanotherstardrop · 2 years
It's okay! I'm sure you guys have a lot of things to do other than answering my asks, so I understand if it's not right away.
It's nice to have the validation, but scary that people see some of what you're thinking. There are all kinds of mean people, but try not to think about what they say too much because you guys are awesome and don't deserve anything but love and support! I get that too. I have a few hundred followers but only like 7 people like my posts.
The feedback is mostly positive, but I've had a few people say some pretty mean things and fetishize my vents, so it's hard when that happens.
Aww thank you guys! Y'all deserve more awards too! (つ✧ω✧)つ🏅✨🏅✨🏅🏅
I'm not sure of a favorite show, but I like my little pony, adventure time, and some other ones? I mostly watch them on YouTube because we only have one tv and it's where everyone can see and I don't like people looking at me. But I watch a lot of different things on YouTube.. I've seen a few episodes of criminal minds I think, but I haven't heard of skins UK. I'll have to check it out! I'll have to check out princess tutu too! I like horror/thriller anime mostly. What's princess tutu about?
Some things are harder on different days, but I'm proud of you guys for trying! Y'all deserve some stars! ⭐⭐⭐🌟
Yeah, flashbacks suck, but I can't help it though I wish I could. I try to.. I like drawing things but sometimes I don't have a lot of inspiration. I still do doodles and sketches though and they help pass the time. I absolutely love music though! I listen to it every day to forget I'm on this earth and that I'm somewhere in space where I belong.
I get that! I just make something because I need to vent and people like it and it's strange that people like something that I made. And y'all are welcome! Your guy's blogs are like my favorites.
That's okay! I'm sure it's hard to explain like a lot of things are. And 🥺 I hope you guys feel better soon
And I'm doing okay ish. I'm not really sure
hello 🌺 anon were rapid switching but if thought wed answer real quick while were out.
we do our best to reply to asks quickly but we try
thank you. and im gald most feedback is positive. people fetishisizing vent ew sucky.. ignore them.. dont reply just block.
thank you thank you. we dont have any metals either >.< got ribbons as a kid though but they got lost as we got older.
those shows are really good, Skins is good but you gotta be careful. eating disoders, partying, drug use, sex, death, mental illness, lots of swearing etc etc. princess tutu is about a prince with no heart and a duck will the will to give his heart back to him. its as magical girl anime and we love it and the anime gets pretty dark (dont read the manga its trash) we like dark anime/manga. >^<
drawing helps us to cope! were glad it helps you too. keep going.
thank you sm;=; youre so kind anon!
its okay to know know what youre feeling but.yoi should practice learning to identify them. like with a feeling wheel. thats what we do. try it
- teen shane
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