#i literally came out of hibernation for this
cowboymarcs · 21 days
joel miller x fem!reader
warnings: smut, unprotected piv, soft!joel, jackson!joel.
notes: just a quick drabble inspired by tlou season 2 pics that were released today. i couldn't resist. LOOK AT HIMMMM. anyway! enjoy!
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joel’s erratic moans had fallen against your neck, head hung in the crook of your shoulder as he thrusted into you. your hands gripped his hair, fingers wrung around his beautiful grown-out curls. your palms danced along his strong, thick neck. you turned your head slightly to look at him, longing to see the pleasure on his face. his blown pupils met yours, a glowing adoration in them. 
“joel,” you whispered. it was the only word that came to mind in your lust-filled haze. he was otherworldly. you couldn’t get enough of him and his broad shoulders, graying beard, or long curls. you gazed into his deep, dark eyes, and silently, desperately pleaded for him to fuck you harder. the small smirk on his mouth showed that he understood you. 
his thrusts grew heavier, hips snapping against the plump, soft backsides of your thighs. when your moans grew louder, joel surged forward to swallow them. his hot tongue met yours, exploring your mouth; he wanted to taste every part of you. 
you whimpered at the wet slide of him inside of you, cock dragging expertly against your plush walls. when his mouth left yours you whimpered his name again like a prayer. it only spurred him on more, his hips meeting yours faster. 
“fuck, baby. your pussy feels like heaven,” he murmured, head dropping back into the crease of your shoulder. his lips found your collarbone, sucking your skin between his teeth. you moaned with fervor at the feeling of his mouth on you, marking you as his own. marking you as his. your cunt clenched at the thought, squeezing tight around his thick cock. 
“feels so good, joel. so good baby,” you whined, not caring about how obscene you sounded as your moans echoed throughout the room, blending in with the creeks of the old, worn bed frame. 
joel felt his orgasm coming, the heat settling in his lower belly. his fingers found your clit, wanting you to climax with him. as he rubbed circles around your nub, he felt your walls clutch his cock even harder. he nearly slowed, not wanting to come without you, before your loud moans encouraged him to keep his pace steady. 
“joel! fuck, i’m so close, please don’t stop,” you whined through your sexed daze. the thick fingers that circled your clit pressed harder. your head fell back, eyes beginning to close at the overwhelming pleasure coming from your core. 
joel tsked, grabbing your chin and locking eyes with you. 
“i want you to look at me while i make you come, darlin’.” his thick voice radiated, making the heat in your core come to a point. you climaxed with a shout, eyes fluttering, and cunt squeezing around joel. he fucked you through it, chasing his own satisfaction. his cock only became harder as your juices flowed around him, dripping down his balls. 
“fuck,” he gasped, “where do you want me?”
“inside, please,” you panted. joel’s mouth found yours, groaning as he spilled inside of you, pumping you full of his come. he stilled overtop of you, pressing one last kiss to your mouth before slowly pulling out and fetching a rag to clean you up. you sighed, watching him in post-orgasmic paradise, belly already tightening, ready for a second round.
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crescentfool · 1 year
i love ryomina
no but seriously. even when i’m thinking about other things that captivate my interest, i find myself coming back to them and feeling like i fell down three whole flights of staircases every time i do. they are one of my favorite pairs in media and are very special to me.
it’s the way that ryoji and minato’s lives are inevitably intertwined with each other due to the circumstances 10 years ago on the moonlight bridge. without no minato, there is no ryoji. minato as he is today is because of ryoji. they have irreparably affected each other’s lives that you cannot discuss one without bringing up the other one.
ryoji mochizuki, who is death, pharos, thanatos, nyx avatar, the man of many names and identities, is the perfect summation of p3′s messages and themes.
minato arisato, the wildcard and protagonist, who has boundless kindness in his actions despite the unfortunate cards handed to him.
the two of them complement each other and tell a beautiful story from start to finish.
minato’s personas capture this perfectly. he awakens to orpheus, who’s flames burns bright, is snuffed out by thanatos during the encounter against the arcana magician. a visual precursor of the idea that ryoji stole from the life that minato could have had.
it’s the way that over the course of the game as minato interacts with pharos, talking throughout the dark hour, forging a bond that cannot be broken, that allows ryoji to exist. minato humanizes death.
november. the bells toll, calling the appriser. and yet, it’s peaceful... quiet, and full of life. ryoji, who breaks free from death’s chains, refusing his role, is given the chance to live for a month. to make the most of the humanity that minato has given him over those ten years. and what a life he lived. ryoji’s life is a reflection of what minato’s life could have been like in another universe.
it is the way the two of them are reflections of each other. ryoji with his hair down is just like minato. they are both stubbornly committed to choosing to be kind, to love life, yet are chained down by the cards the narrative dealt them with. they finish each other’s sentences, knowing each other intimately in a way no one else does.
how is that, a boy who lived for only one month, profoundly changes the course of the narrative? he is simultaneously relevant and irrelevant. blink, and you miss it, the beautiful life that he led.
ryoji is horrified at the revelations of being the appriser. he who so desperately wished to forget that his existence was meant to bring the end to all life, was unable to escape the inevitability of death. in a non-human way, of course. he becomes remorseful. a shadow of his brief time as a human who was enamored by the small beautiful things that life had to offer.
he is swallowed by grief. grief knowing that his very existence will take away not only minato’s life, but everyone else’s. the very thing that ryoji loved- life, fundamentally went against the role he was born for- to be the harbinger of death. and unable to grapple with this sadness he believes that the best thing for minato to do is to kill him, so that SEES can live in bliss not knowing about their inevitable end.
SEES is left rattled, calling into question what the meaning of life is and what they do when faced against the inevitability of death.
and!!! minato chooses!! for ryoji to live!! even in spite of what ryoji is MEANT to embody, minato still stubbornly chooses to defy death itself! and if that’s not cool i don’t know what is!! minato wants everyone to have the chance to live!!
so he climbs. he ascends tartarus, to meet ryoji, again, who is now the nyx avatar. and i just think there’s something so so beautiful about being able to use messiah, minato’s ultimate persona, against nyx avatar.
messiah, being the fusion of orpheus and thanatos is peak ryomina to me. because ryoji and minato have established an unbreakable bond from having been entwined for 10 years, minato still has a piece of death with him, and by proxy!! ryoji is able to defy and rebel against nyx trying to bring the fall! and i think that’s fucking cool shit if you ask me!
even when all of the arcanas have been gone through, it’s still not enough to stop the fall. and yet. minato knows. in the way that ryoji was sealed in minato 10 years ago by aigis... minato becomes the great seal so that everyone can live. it comes full circle.
march rolls around. he fulfills his promise to SEES on graduation day. minato dies from exhaustion. but goddamn does his sacrifice make me weep- he’s had such, such a tiring journey. he’s been through so many things because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. but at the end of it all, he’s reunited with ryoji in death.
and i think this is why ryomina continues to evoke so much emotions for me, to this day. the relationship that they have embodies so much of persona 3′s messages and themes that it makes me feel like a microwave with nothing running in it.
p3′s message is very hopeful, for me. my favorite takeaway from it is that even if death is inevitable, appreciating the life that we were given and choosing to live as best as we can with kindness (even if we can’t feasibly do everything), is just? really nice? and you see this manifest in both ryoji and minato’s personalities and what they do for the other characters.
ryomina just feels so distinct to me, the flavor that their relationship ties back to my favorite takeaways from this game and im just!!  god!! i love you minato arisato! i love you ryoji mochizuki! im so glad that i could meet them! i’m happy that they changed my life! they made me want to appreciate the connections in life even if they were fleeting! they made me!! want to pay attention to the good moments in life and cherish them!
i love ryomina so much!!! i’m so glad that these two could bring so much joy into my life! and i hope that others can have this joy too! 💛💙
#lizzy speaks#persona 3#ryomina#ryoji mochizuki#minato arisato#meta#long post#(literally)#HI SO UM YESTERDAY I COULDN'T FUCKING SLEEP so to cope i was like 'i will talk out loud about anything and everything'#and somehow that turned into me talking about ryomina out loud and something about verbalizing my thoughts made me feel crazy about these-#two again. i mean for the record i continue to love them always very dearly but like my p3 braincells sometimes go into hibernation bc-#ive been on a really huge splatoon kick. but anyway my voice was like cracking at 3am because i was tearing up#i was like 'THE!! IM! SO NORMAL ABT WHAT ORPHEUS AND THANATOS AND MESSIAH SYMBOLIZE' etc etc etc#so i kinda just went to sleep like 'ok well you GOTTA type it out. everyone needs to know about this.'#and um i didnt mean to make 1069 words! sorry! not really! but i love them!!! even if im very quiet these days!#ohhh how lucky i am to have had the chance to experience ryomina they are such a gem. they make me so goddamn emotional#they really mean a lot to me because of well. (gestures at the entire post) but also they came at a really good point of my life and FUCK!!#im so so grateful to them!!! i love them!!!! the themes that their relationship and characters convey just !! IM SO NORMAL ABOUT IT!!!#they've affected me so profoundly and deeply and i wish i could make better art to get this across. but its ok. one day i can. one day#they make me so fucking talkative like actually but um. i had a lot of fun writing this! i dont think ive had like. a proper appreciation-#post for them that articulates why i like them so much (unless you count the essays i write in my art tags) so it was nice to make this.#admittedly theres a lot abt p3 that im rusty on since its been a goodwhile since ive interacted with the source material#and in a way you could say that like. i need to renew my p3 license LMAOOO but god some parts of p3 still have such a huge death grip on me#and what i mean by that is that the big Fucking Events have such!! clarity!! in my mind!! i recall them and i wilt on the spot!!#oh god i cant fucking shut up. the tags are probably 500 words long. enjoy my ramble. i wish every ryomina enjoyer a Good Life <3#actually no. i hope that EVERYONE on the dash today has something that sparks joy for them the way ryomina does for me.#everyone deserves 2 have something that makes their brain do a little excited dance that makes them blow up and explode. its good for u!#BYE FOR REAL this is why i have to post my thoughts very spread out otherwise yall would have so many WORDS on ur dash pls help i have so#many emotions and i am so tiny i cannot possibly fit all the feelings i have about ryomina and other things inside my tiny little body
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skhardwarevers1 · 7 months
sorry y’all sugar and ego got to me. Still feel good about the fact he’s tryna complain so hard
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bewitched-08 · 10 months
My schedule has never been so busy
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dycefic · 1 year
Tom Saves The World
Everyone knows that it’s super-heroes who save the world. They fight the aliens, or the monsters, or the bad guys. And mostly, that’s true.
But not always.
I’m a psychic. The thing is, my range isn’t that great. I don’t have much detail more than about 36 hours out, 48 for something really big. I’d had a nebulous sort of bad feeling for about a week before this one finally hit, and it was big. Something very tough and very supernatural was going to come up out of the harbor of Nova Roma, and the death-toll was going to be high. Crazy high.
I did all I could. I told the Unaligned Supers Job Placement Agency, and they put the word out to everyone on both sides of the Line. The Henchman’s Union don’t like natural disasters any more than anyone else, and they’re often quite helpful against eldritch horrors and stuff like that. Things that don’t hire henchmen and ruin the property values.
The trouble was, nobody big was around. The only really big team of heavy hitters on the West Coast were away dealing with some sort of doomsday cult - I never was clear on what that was about - and Guarde and Dog Fox were out of touch and even Mx Frantique was out of town at someone’s wedding. It was going to happen in less than two days and we couldn’t find anyone to help and I was seriously considering calling in some kind of bomb threat or something to get people away from the docks, at least.
And then, about eighteen hours out, it just… went away.
Which never, ever happens.
My powers might be short range, but they’re reliable. I don’t get stuff wrong, and I hadn’t been able to find any way to prevent what was going to happen, or even been able to identify anyone who could. But someone did. Someone had done something to stop the threat, something that happened literally while I was opening my car door. When I reached for the handle, thousands of people were going to die. By the time the door was open, there was no threat at all.
At first I thought it must have been a ranged thing. Like, whatever I’d been seeing (all those teeth, I saw them in nightmares for months after) had been distracted by something tasty on its way here and gotten off track, that it’d come up somewhere up or down the coast. My range isn’t that big, either. Anything outside about thirty miles might as well be on Mars for all I know about it. So we kept a watch out, and warned the chapters of the Union and the Agency in other cities.
But nothing happened. Nothing at all. I couldn’t explain it, and I was really unpopular for a while. Supers do NOT like people who cry wolf. There’s enough freaky shit we have to deal with without someone panicking everyone with a dire prophecy that fizzles out.
Thank all the gods that Tunny showed up. Nobody’s really sure what Tunny actually is - sentient fish creature, some kind of really mutated human, an alien, or what. She changes her story a lot. But she’s pretty friendly, especially for a twenty-foot-long horror-movie-mermaid-thing with four arms, so when she came into harbor to pick up some supplies a guy from the Agency went out to tell her what I’d seen. I’d gotten a wharf and dock number, so she went down to check.
I don’t think anyone had ever seen Tunny scared before. Her English wasn’t good enough to really explain what she’d found hibernating down there, but it was something very old and very powerful and very dangerous, and if it’d been woken up my vision would just have been the start of the crisis.
She rounded up a bunch of whales to help her move it, once she was sure it hadn’t been agitated and wasn’t likely to rouse if moved carefully. They towed it out before dawn, not wanting to scare the civilians, and when I saw the footage from the helicopter the Union sent up, when I saw how big the swell was, how many whales were pulling, I swear I nearly crapped myself. No wonder I’d been getting hints a week in advance. Somehow we dumbass humans had built a whole fucking city almost on top of some kind of Ancient Old… THING, and eroded the sea-bottom until it was exposed, and if someone hadn’t done whatever it was we’d all have been dead long before Tunny arrived. And not just all as in ‘all of Nova Roma’, it could have taken out half of the continent... or all of it.
It took me years to find out what happened. YEARS. It turned into a kind of hobby, tracking everything that might possibly have come into contact with Wharf 38 on that particular day.  
And what I found, eventually, was a city employee named Thomas Briggs.
I’d found out early on that 38 wasn’t in good repair. Not that bad, but not great. It was old, things were getting a bit saggy in a few places, but there’d been no sign that anything was likely to fall off on the day. It had sat there for a couple of years after the crisis that never happened,, doing its job without problems then been rebuilt without any drama at all.
Entirely, completely, and totally because of Thomas Briggs.
The story, when I finally pieced it together, went like this.
There’d been some project or other to build some sort of high-budget science project over on the other side of the harbor, hanging it off’ve Pier 8, the furthest out on that side. Something about tracking sea-life or ships or something. My conversational English is near perfect, I’ve been here for years, but I don’t speak science nerd in ANY language. It’d all been approved, some university was covering most of the cost, it was all gonna be fine. And it was gonna be over on 8 because that side of the harbor is the shallow end. It’s where the sailboats go. All the big stuff that would block visual sensors and deafen the thing with engine noise was over in the thirties, in the real deep water.
They were almost ready to install the thing when a bunch of rich dudes suddenly got their panties in a bunch over having a big sciency tower thing ruining the view from their yachts, and tried to get it moved.
To, and I’m sure you guessed this, Wharf 38.
Which was completely insane. It wouldn’t be able to do its job over there, it’d be way more in the way, and (although they couldn’t have known it) the installation would definitely have woken up the Thing sleeping by the wharf and we all would have died. But rich dudes with yachts don’t care about that stuff. They’d bitched out and bribed up their friends on the city council, and those friends had done their thing, and the scientists had been left in the dark, and it’d almost gone through. They’d figured to install it right away, so that when the science guys found out it’d be too late and they’d either have to pay a lot to move it or just use it where it was.
Enter Thomas Briggs.
Mr Briggs, Tom to his friends, didn’t give a crap about the yachts or the science. He was a senior money guy for the commercial wharfs, the one who figured out things like how much money they’d take in in a quarter, and what the repair budget should be, stuff like that. He found out about this thing two days before the disaster would have happened, and sat down and did the math.
Then he sent out an email to the guys trying to push this through, and he ripped into them like they’d threatened to knife his mother. I got my hands on that email, and I didn’t understand a lot of it any more than the council guys would have. It was ALL numbers. But at the top he wrote it out in plain English. Pier 8 was new, and rated to handle the weight of the thingy. Wharf 38 was going to be scrapped in a few years, and it was NOT rated for that kind of structure. Pier 8 had plenty of room around it. Wharf 38 was already a tight fit for the big commercial ships, and adding a structure sticking out on one side would block off at least half of the wharf to those ships completely.
Bottom line, putting the thing on Wharf 38 would cost the city hundreds of thousands of dollars more per year than putting it on 8, AND the city would have to eat the cost if 38 collapsed under it which it could easily do, AND the city would have to pay to move it in a couple of years anyway when 38 was due to be rebuilt.
And he cc-ed every important person he had an email address for, including the mayor, the anti-corruption people, and several reporters.
He must have sent that email right when I was opening my car door.
The whole plan collapsed right there, and some people got fired. There was no news story because the whole plan got killed before the reporters even got to the right office. The installation was started on Wharf 8 a few weeks later and I never connected it to a commercial wharf on the other side of the harbor.
One email, and a man who I never could have located in time, a man who had no powers at all, a man who was just conscientiously doing his job looking after the city’s money saved the city, and the continent, and maybe even the world.
Who could have predicted that? Not me, that’s for damn sure.
I can’t deny that I went home and got drunk off my ass that night. Just thinking about how close that had been made my hands shake. One man. One honest man who’d done the math.
I put the word out, once the hangover wore off. What had happened. That Thomas Briggs was the reason we were all alive and everyone better make his life real nice from now on, because he’d done what none of us could do and nobody but the supers would ever even know it.
He’s got a lot of luck coming to him, I can tell you. We don’t forget debts like that.
And I knew that’d freak him out, because honest men don’t like it when people start doing them a lot of favors for no apparent reason, so I tracked him down at the little bar where he likes to have a quiet beer on Friday nights before he goes home. Hell, I was the one who’d gone through it all, back then. I should get to tell him.
I sat down beside him at the bar and looked at him. I saw a thin, small, balding man who looked like he worried too much and didn’t get enough sleep, with lines around his eyes. Yeah, he looked like a man who’d do the math. “Thomas Briggs?”
He blinked at me through his glasses. “Yes? Do I know you?”
“No, you don’t. My name’s Barkhado Omar, and I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I offered him my hand and he shook it, still looking confused. Which was fair, ‘cause I doubt a lot of seven foot tall Somali women came up to him in bars even when he was young. He’s got to be close to retirement now.
He frowned. “Looking for me? Why?”
I smiled at him. “Tom, let me buy you a drink and tell you about the day you saved the world.”
It’s usually us who save the city, or the world. We have all the intel, all the advantages, all the powers.
But sometimes it’s not. Sometimes it’s someone like Tom Briggs, doing the right thing at the right time and never knowing that he changed the course of history.
Wild, huh?
This story is a direct result of me and my ex chatting about how different the entire Marvel Universe would have been if Jean’s first ‘resurrection’ - being found in a life pod under a wharf, IIRC - had happened at like... any other time. Earlier. Later. It would have changed SO MUCH.
And we speculated about how it could happen, how someone just puttering around in middle management might have unknowingly saved countless lives, prevented Madelyne’s corruption, the legacy virus, all of it, just by postponing that particular set of repairs a bit longer.... and I couldn’t resist writing a version of the story in which Tom does, in fact, save the world.
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meowsforyujin · 3 months
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Obsessed- Hyunjin x fem reader
roommates/friends to lovers
Warnings!!( fingering, drinking, riding, unprotected sex(don’t do it), pet names, hyunjins cocky and obsessive )
To say that Hyunjin was obsessed with you was an understatement.
He knew everything about you, even things you didn’t know about yourself. You two had been roommates for two years now, easily hitting it off when Hyunjin moved in. Hyunjin was nothing but a stranger at first, only moving into your small apartment from a craigslist ad. But it really didn’t take long for you two to become best friends. You literally did everything together.
But this was never enough for Hyunjin, he knew from the beginning living with you would be difficult. The moment he saw you he’d been more intrigued then he’d ever been by a woman in his life. Hyunjin wasn’t described as a gentleman, to say the least. He wasn’t a bad person, just a bit of an immature pervert. So he could never for the life of him figure out why he was so suddenly drawn to you in a way he’d never experienced the first day he saw you.
It’s not that you aren’t attractive, you definitely are. It’s that the first day he saw you, you were in the most seemingly “unattractive” outfit ever. Obviously he thought it was attractive, and that's what he found weird. The first day he saw you, you looked like you had just rolled out of bed after a 3 month hibernation. You were walking like a literal zombie, slumping around barely giving him a tour. You were wearing a big t-shirt that did your figure no justice, with the word “nope.” printed in the middle, which might have been the most stupid T-shirt he’d ever seen. When he asked you what your shirt meant you only shrugged, saying it was a dollar at the thrift store. Your Pj pants had been way too long, he’d almost missed your mis-matched spongebob socks. Your hair in the messiest bun he’d ever seen, baby hairs framing your face so well. You were wearing clear framed glasses that were way too big, you had to keep pushing them up on your nose. You wore one single ring on your thumb, in the shape of a skull. It was an odd choice, but he was so heavily intrigued by it.
Hyunjin had never met anyone as unbothered as you either. He always tried to make you jealous, but you never seemed to care. He’d talk about bringing girls home and warn that she would probably be super loud, and you’d simply shrug, “Okay have fun, just don't give her my food.” you’d say.
He’s also never seen you with a guy over, ever. You did have your cousin Changbin over quite often, but that's your cousin. Hyunjin always wondered if you’d ever even touched a man. Surely you had, but he never asked because he really, really didn’t like to think about it. He would always struggle to hide his jealousy when any guy showed you any interest. You’d always reject them though, much to Hyunjin’s relief. Anytime a girl came up to him, he’d search you for any sort of jealous reaction, and never succeeded. In fact, you’d tease him about it later without any problem.
But Hyunjin was cocky. He was sure you liked him. Did he have any proof or reason to think so? Technically no, but he was Hwang Hyunjin and that was reason enough for him.
“Hey Y/nnnnn” Hyunjin pokes at your sides, trying to get your attention.
“Whaaaat.” You sigh, rolling your eyes, turning from your computer to face him.
“Guess what”
“Chicken Butt.”
“No, seriously guess.”
“I’m busy hwang, cut to the chase.”
“Luna and I are going out again tonight, I think things are gonna get serious soon.”
“That’s great Hyunjin, can’t wait to meet her.” He searches your face for any sign of discomfort or annoyance, and only finds sincerity.
“You want to meet her?” He blinks, expecting you to get mad or something. (cocky right?)
“Why wouldn't I? Since when has the great ‘Hwang Hyunjin’ been serious about anyone?”
Since you.
“I don’t know, I’ll ask her if we can make plans for you guys to meet soon.” He hopes you don’t hear the disappointment in his voice.
“Great, well I’m gonna invite some of the guys over tonight for a horror movie and beer pong, you and Luna are welcome to join after your date, unless you guys go back to her house instead.” You wink at him and it causes a red hue to tint his face. You figure it’s caused by the comment about fucking his ‘girlfriend’, but it’s of course it isn’t.
-time skip, three hours later.-
You had seriously been having one of the best times of your life tonight, but you couldn’t help but be disappointed that Hyunjin wasn’t there.
“What’s up? Why so glum?” Jisung asks, nudging your arm with his elbow.
“Nothing.” you flash him a weak smile.
“Lemme guess, you miss Hyunjin? Where is he anyway?” Jisung asks, looking around.
“He’s out with Luna.”
“Who’s that?”
You blink at him, not knowing if he was being sarcastic or not, “The girl Hyunjin has been going out with?”
“Doesn’t ring a bell.”, you’re shocked that Hyunjins childhood best friend has never heard of his new ‘girlfriend’.
“He’s literally gone on dates her three days in a row, like literally yesterday they went to the movies.”
“No, I was with Hyunjin yesterday, unless you know that and are trying to insult me.” He grins.
“Wait What? Why would he lie then?”
“No clue, but you should know better. He’d never date anyone having you around.” You looked at him confused, causing him to sigh and roll his eyes. “Nevermind.”
“Nooo tell me.” You whined, tugging at his arms.
“How do you not see it?”
“Han Jisung can you please tell me what the fuck you’re talking about.” Your patience was wearing thin, but you still needed to know.
“How do you not notice the way Hyunjin looks at you? He always stares at you like he wants to fucking EAT you it’s gross. But then, he won't shut. up. about you. Everytime we’re together it’s ‘Y/n this, Y/n tha,’ it's sickening. Like, you both should just get married already for Christ’s sake.”
You stare at him for a bit, not knowing what to say.
“You think Hyunjin likes me?” Your voice breathier than you intend.
“Oh my god yes. Why do you think he has a pile of your clothes in his closet? Or he excuses himself everytime he sees you in his clothes to jerk off? Or when he sits next to you while you're working just to WATCH you. I’ve literally never seen him so obsessed with someone. He literally brings a tissue sprayed with your perfume when he goes out. It’s concerning honestly.”
Everything starts to dawn on you then and there, was Hyunjin trying to make you jealous with the whole Luna thing? Is THAT why he always tried to tell you gross details you didn’t want to know?
Well shit, you thought. Obviously you had to come up with some sort of plan for when he came home.
-time skip, hour and a half later-
You somehow came up with a good enough excuse to send everyone home, and now Hyunjin was expected to walk through the door any minute. You’re currently laying on his bed, in literally nothing but his T-shirt and underwear, your nipples very visible. You’re reading (not really) a book, with your legs up, resting the book on your lap. You are very aware of the almost clear view of your pink laced underwear.
You heard Hyunjin walk in, assuming you're asleep since everyone’s gone and the apartment was dead quiet. Your heart beats faster as you hear his footsteps getting nearer, until he stops in his tracks after seeing you.
“Y-Y/n?” He couldn’t help the nervousness in his voice.
“Hyunjinnn!” You smile, putting your book down and getting up to hug him. “Why were you out so late?”
“O-Oh me and Luna, went to her house after.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Of course you did, you know, I don’t like her very much.”
“Why?” Hyunjin was genuinely confused by your sudden confession.
“I don’t know, it just bothers me how much time you spend with her. I bet she’s not even that pretty, definitely not as pretty as me.” Hyunjin tries to bite back a smile, but you catch him anyway.
Without warning you pulled him close, and whispered in his ear, “Bet that’s what you wanted to hear, right?” His breath hitches, not used to having you so close, especially like this.
He almost whines when you pull away, walking back towards his bed. “Sorry I borrowed one of your shirts, figured you wouldn’t mind given the fact that you take my clothes all the time.” You point to the pile of clothes you had pulled out from his closet that belong to you.
You almost laugh at Hyunjin’s shocked expression. “I can explain!” He stammered nervously, trying to find an explanation. “First you lie to me, then you steal my clothes, honestly what am I going to do with you?” You stare at him, placing your hands on your hips.
“What lie? I lied to you?”
You let out a dark chuckle, causing Hyunjin’s dick to twitch in his pants. He was so focused on the way you looked in his shirt, that he didn’t notice how painfully obvious his bulge was.
“I didn’t know Jisung was with you and Luna yesterday, and neither did he actually. In fact, he claims he’s never even heard of a Luna.” Hyunjin can’t do anything but gulp. He really didn’t know your plan here.
“Sit on the bed Hyun.” You say simply. And like a lost puppy, he mindlessly listened to you.
He’s taken aback when you straddle his lap, but couldn’t help his arms snaking around your waist. “You see Hyun, I like you very much but I didn’t think you felt the same. Especially because I don’t see myself as the type you’d like. But Jisung told me quite a few of your dirty secrets.” Your voice was laced with dominance as you brushed your fingers through his hair. “I like you alot.” He practically blurts out, like he’d die if he didn’t say it. “Hmm yeah? How much?”, you purr, dragging your thumb over his bottom lip.
“I Like you so much it hurts, no, I love you so much it hurts. To see you every day and not be able to just hold you and tell you how much I love you? Or to not just pin you to the counter and blow your back out when you wear those stupid thrift store t-shirts that are longer than your tiny shorts? To not be able to see your face when you sing those stupid songs in the shower?” You shut him up with a kiss, because you swear if he keeps going you’ll give up your dominance.
You were surprised at first, the way he kisses you. It was so gentle, so intimate, it almost makes you want to stop this all and just cuddle him for the rest of the night.
But then the kiss becomes needy and desperate. You bite his bottom lip slightly, and waste no time slipping your tongue in his mouth. You can’t lie, you’ve fantasized about his lips alone for so long. So plump, so beautiful.
Hyunjin groans when you softly grind on him, pushing your hips closer to him. He pulls away from your lips and quickly attaches them to your neck, pulling a beautiful lacy whimper from you. His teeth grazing and nipping at the sensitive skin.
You reach down to tug his shirt off, which he quickly complied. You take it upon yourself to take off your (hyunjin’s) shirt as well.
“Fuck me.” He groans, staring at your chest. You chuckle at him before bringing his right hand up to cup your breast. That was enough of a green light for him to take your left nipple into his mouth, pinching the other one.
You let out a surprised yelp at the sensation, starting to grind down on Hyunjin again, but this time much harder. He groans into your chest, egging you on further.
You bring your hand down to touch yourself lightly over your underwear, mouth falling open. “Let me help.” Hyunjin grunted, his hand moving from your breast to your underwear. He somehow manages to get your underwear off rather quickly, and begins to run his fingers up and down your folds.
“So wet, bet you’re nice and warm already.” He breaths, slicking his fingers in your arousal. Hyunjin slips a finger into you rather easily, groaning at how your insides felt. You moan rather loudly, not expecting his singular finger to feel so nice inside of you. He added another finger, pumping them both in and out.
“Fuck.” You breathed, grinding down on his fingers. He suddenly curls them, pressing up on a spot that makes you squim.
“Yes Hyune, like that baby.” You moan satisfied with the feeling.
Hyunjin is having way to much fun finger fucking you, he nearly whines when you pull off of them.
“Gonna cum on your cock hyun, can you take that?”
Usually Hyunjin wouldn’t ever have a girl talk to him that way. He wasn’t a fan of being submissive. But it’s not any girl this time. It’s you.
He desperately nods. You hum in satisfaction, pulling out his dick in awe. You grind on his member softly, spreading yourself all over it. Hyunjin whines, and you give him a pitiful look before positioning yourself over his dick.
The moment you sink down on him, he’s far gone, enveloped in your delicious heat. He looks so beautiful, eyes drooping, mouth hung open with a hint of drool slipping from the sides.
“Stay with me pretty boy, or I won’t let you cum.”
You had him at pretty boy, and he was snapped back into reality, licking and nipping at your nipples once again. Your back arched at the sensation, not really wanting to go slow anymore.
You began bouncing up and down on him, fingers tangled tightly in his hair. You both were moaning messes, thrusting up sloppily into each other, trying to meet each other’s pace.
You clench down as you felt him twitch, slightly relieved that you were both close.
“Are you close, baby?” You coo at him, never slowing your pace. Hyunjin nods timidly. “Me too baby, please cum with me.” Your voice whimpering slightly at the end.
You swear you had the best orgasm of your life, riding out your high along with him.
You both laid next to each other, panting heavily.
“So,” you spoke, breaking the silence, “..can I have my clothes back?”
“No, you only get to wear mine from now on.”
A/n: guys I’m sorry I’m so bad at ending stuff but I rlly like this one actually :) it might be my favorite but there’s still so much room for improvement
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bucketsofmonsters · 7 months
I was wondering, in Proper Etiquette (my favourite of your writings) Reader is wearing dresses and corsets all the time (which is Wonderful and corsets are Not Evil Actually they're literally a bra that supports the weight of heavy layers of skirts BUT I DIGRESS) but how would Rygel react to his wife, feeling a little cold as fall comes along, asks to have a sweater like he's wearing and some warm pants or a wool skirt and petticoat to wear with the sweater, rather than her usual fine clothes that clearly aren't built for the weather in her new home
You’re so real for the corset thing, I will defend corsets until the day I die. Also sorry this took me forever
Rygel ran hot. You were well aware of that fact by now. Every time you pressed up against him he radiated heat, more than any person you’d ever been near, although to be fair you didn’t have much of a frame of reference. 
What had taken a bit longer was realizing they all did. 
When you’d first arrived it had been summer, a little colder than the summers you were accustomed to, but nothing too severe. 
But then winter had come, and with it, something unfamiliar to you. With it came the snow. 
It was a perfect coincidence for them because while they seemed largely comfortable in the cold of your new home, you were not. You were instead accustomed to a little rain in the winter, maybe some cold winds, but nothing an extra layer or two couldn’t combat. 
This was far from that. At first, the snow had been delightful. You’d only ever heard stories and caught glimpses of it on the peaks of faraway mountains, but here it was all around you. 
As the novelty faded, it became a bit more of a problem. 
You tried what you’d always done, adding layers and bundling up, but you just didn’t have enough. Nothing you had was built for this kind of cold and it wasn’t like you could borrow clothes from someone, you’d drown in the sheer amount of fabric.
So instead you stood, bundled under layers that were helpless against the biting cold. You’d barely been outside for a few minutes before you’d rushed back into the warmth of your room but the cold had settled in your bones and couldn’t be snuffed out so easily. 
Your jaw was clenched to stop your teeth from chattering, your whole body wound tight, trying to preserve what little heat you had. 
“I’m not built for this,” you said with a huff as you collapsed backward onto your bed, wrapping yourself in blankets. 
Rygel huffed out a laugh from his desk, his attention still focused on whatever he was reading. “Not built for what?”
“Winter. Not here at least. I think I might go into hibernation.”
He froze, eyes widening before he turned to you. “Oh my god, you’re cold. Of course you are, I should’ve prepared for this.”
You cut him off. “No, I’m fine, really. I’ve been keeping inside as much as I can, the layers have been helping, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
He did not seem convinced. “We don’t have any clothes that’ll fit you. Hell, we don’t have warm enough clothes anyway. Shit. You should’ve told me.” His words were dripping with concern as the full implications of his mistake hit him. 
“Rygel,” you said, trying to cut through the worry and reassure him. “I’m fine, really, it’s not a big deal. I can stay inside for a season, god knows there’s more than enough fires and blankets in this place to keep me warm.”
“I should have realized. I forget how fragile your kind are, I should have seen this coming, gotten you some real clothes. As much as I love those dresses, we have to get you in some furs. ”
 “We are not fragile, you are just all far too sturdy. And besides, I like my dresses.”
“Mmhmm,” he hummed dismissively with a smile. “Sure we are. I really should have been more careful with you though. Your safety is more important than anything. I will keep you warm if it’s the last thing I do, even if we do have to cover up those pretty little dresses. Now, how will I ever manage to keep you warm until we can get you some better-suited clothes?”
You climbed onto his lap, ducking underneath his shirt, and pressed up close to him, absorbing his heat as you felt a chuckle run through his chest. “Maybe I shouldn’t get you warm clothes,” he said as a steady arm wrapped around you. “I think I prefer this.”
You hummed in agreement. “Plus it’s very dignified.”
His hand scooped under you, lifting you while keeping you close to him. “Very.”
You happily nuzzled further into his chest and he returned to his work, his arm still firmly wrapped around you. You were sure he’d find something for you, get you warmer clothes and make sure you were safe and warm and happy. His concern more than convinced you of that. 
And when all else failed, at least your husband ran hot.
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I Think He Knows
pairing: remus lupin x reader
warnings: slight angst, fluff, remus being stupid, the marauders being the marauders
wc: 1.9k
a/n: when i come out of hibernation and post a fic 🫣
absolutely DO NOT steal my work and post it on other platforms. DO NOT feed my work to AI fuck that.
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It wasn’t uncommon for you and Lily to be gossiping late at night in your dorm, however, it was uncommon for Remus to be stopping by to borrow a book this late at night. Usually he would wait until the morning, but something pulled him towards your dorm.
Your dorm room door was slightly ajar and he could hear the soft whispers and giggles coming from yours and Lily’s side of the room. He knew he should’ve knocked, but he couldn’t help himself from overhearing your conversation.
“Lily stop!” A string of giggles followed your comment. He listened in closer at the sudden remark from you.
“Okay, okay! But I know you have a thing for him!!” Remus’s heart sunk to his feet, of course you’d like someone else.
“Of course I do! You know I do! He’s just *so* perfect, Lily, not to mention gorgeous,” he just barely heard the last part, but if Remus’s heart could sink any further than it had, then it would. Even though he’d hoped that you would have any kind of romantic feelings for him, he didn’t count on it.
Now here he was, standing outside of your dorm like a creep, just trying to get some kind of contact with you.
He did not end up seeing you, in fact he doesn’t really want to see you right now.
He turned around to leave when he heard another shrill giggle.
“You think his pranks are funny?!”
“As much as I hate to admit it, I do. But how can you not??”
“It’s so childish!!”
Pranks. It’s James. You’re in love with James. Why wouldn’t you be? Captain of the quidditch team, prefect, gorgeous, and apparently show stopping hilarious.
Remus knew coming to your dorm was a bad idea in the first place and now he really regrets doing so.
His book can wait until tomorrow or quite literally never. How is he honestly going to talk to you ever again? He walked back to his dorm with his head sunken and his heart even more.
He walks slowly to his bed, now in a pissed mood.
“D’you get your book, mate?” Peter asks innocently from his side of the room, while arranging his blankets, however he seemed to have caught Remus in a funk, because Remus sends a pillow flying, hitting him in the head.
Remus lays down and covers his head with a blanket, not speaking another word to anyone.
Back in your dorm, only seconds after Remus booked it out of there, you and Lily are still gossiping, “Lily, I know he doesn’t feel the same way,”
“Remus is just shy, that’s all, I’m not sure he would be too confident to tell you about he feels, that’s why you need to say something.”
You huffed at her, “But I don’t want to, he’s just so amazing and perfect, I don’t know, just talking about this makes me want to die of embarrassment.”
“Stop, it’s not embarrassing,”
Marlene, from across the room, chips in to the conversation, “It is embarrassing how loud you lot are being right now, shut up and go to sleep.”
You and Lily rolled your eyes and shrugged her off before beginning to get ready for bed.
As you slipped under the covers, Lily whispered one more thing to you, “Tell him!”
It’s safe to say you would be overthinking until you fell asleep.
The next morning you knew something was up. Remus wouldn’t look at you or even stay near you anytime you came up to him.
He knows. He has to know. And now you’ve ruined your friendship with him because of a silly crush.
At dinner later that night, you walked into the Great Hall to where you normally sit. Remus was sitting across from James and Sirius and next to Peter. You sat down next to Remus, trying to rekindle your relationship with him.
Unfortunately this was also a spot across from James.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you all day,” James said through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah, I was running around school trying to figure out this potions project,”
Remus stands abruptly and storms out of the Great Hall.
James, Sirius, and Peter all share a confused look.
“What was all that about?” Peter looks at you.
“I don’t know, I think he’s upset with me, he’s been like this all day,” you shrug your shoulders and hang your head a little.
“Oh don’t I believe it, I’ve been caught on the wrong end of his attitude. ‘Bout chopped my head off over me asking to borrow a quill,” Sirius rolls his eyes.
James thinks, “Are we missing a full moon?”
“No, it was only 2 weeks ago,”
“I think he knows, you know, about my thing for him, why else would he be avoiding me?”
“I promise you he doesn’t know,” Peter comforts you, “He’s too oblivious to know, you could have your tongue down his throat and he would still think you lot are just friends.”
“I’m so embarrassed,” you put your head in your hands.
“You’re fine, he doesn’t know,”
“I don’t know, I should go after him. Should I go after him?”
“Maybe we should just let him be for a minute.”
A minute turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned into a week, and any of you barely had any contact with Remus.
Until Friday night before the quidditch match, Remus hadn’t spoken a word to anyone and avoided you at all costs.
Before the game he stopped James as he headed into the team’s tent.
“Hey, mate, see you’ve finally come to your senses and came to talk to me,” James said with a tinge of sass. To say James was upset at Remus was an understatement, James hated to be shut out by his friends.
“Just shut up and listen. She has this huge thing for you and you should know that, just in case she tries something tonight at the party, just be gentle with her,” Remus shoots out quickly, talking about you.
James looks at him like he’s batshit crazy.
“James I know you’re smarter than you look, you know who I’m talking about,”
���Yeah, I do, but there’s no way,”
“Yes there is, I heard her and Lily talking about you when I went to borrow that book,”
“Okay… are you sure?”
“As sure as the day is long.”
James pulled a face at him, “Okay, mate, yeah. Whatever you say.” He patted Remus on the shoulder as he walked into the tent.
Why was James being so sarcastic with him? Remus would do anything for your attention and affection. Remus brushed off James’ attitude and went to find a seat in the stands
He watched as the Gryffindor team came out of the tunnel and began the match against Hufflepuff.
Both you and James were chasers, Remus sat slumped in between Lily and Mary as he watched you and James fly close together.
In the air, far from the stands, James absolutely unloaded to you about what Remus had said to him before the match.
“I’m serious, I think he’s actually dense,”
“James be nice, he’s probably just not thinking straight,”
“I’m serious, he held me at the tent, telling me how much you are in love with me and how he overheard you and Lily,”
“Oh? What?”
“Yes when he came to borrow that book or whatever,”
“When? I haven’t even seen him all week?”
“It was Sunday night I think.”
Sunday? Sunday. You were talking about Remus. Not James. Merlin, he really is dense.
Neither of your attentions were really on the game anymore and the two of you had just been circling around the pitch passing around the quaffle.
You had Remus stressed. Why were you and James just talking? What are you talking about? This is the worst match he’s ever been to, he should’ve just stayed in his dorm.
Marlene circled around you and took the quaffle, “If you’re going to fly circles around the Hufflepuff players, at least score us some points. Talk about your gossip shit on the ground,” she shouted out.
Finally snapped back into it, you centered your focus on the game around you. How are you going to make this right?
The game ran longer than normal because of the close score, but Gryffindor had ended up catching the snitch, abruptly ending the match.
You and the rest of the team showered and headed to the Gryffindor common room, just ready to conk out on the couches, but alas, the Gryffindor common room never sleeps.
When you arrived, there was a bustling party. James, Sirius, and Marlene jumped right in, some of the other players went up to their dorms, but what could it hurt if you stayed down a bit longer?
You scanned the party for your close friends, mostly Lily. When you had found her, you dragged her off to a quieter part of the room and told her everything James had said on the pitch.
“I agree with James, he’s actually dense,” Lily rolled her eyes.
“Why would he think I have a thing for James? That’s outrageous!!”
“I don’t know, maybe you should talk to him,” she pointed over to where Remus was sitting on the stairs alone, only observing the party, swirling a cup of who knows what.
You approach him, but he didn’t seem to register it; he was lost in his own world.
“I heard you’ve been spying on me,” you say gently, but loud enough he could hear you over the music. He looks up at you and then down at his cup, his cheeks flushed.
“May I?” you point to the spot next to him and he nods.
“You know I think you really are dense,” he snaps his head at you.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. How could you possibly think I like James?”
“You said- you said he was gorgeous and perfect and his pranks-“
“Yeah, I did say he was, but I didn’t say James was,”
“So it’s Sirius or Peter then?” He thought hard next to you, everything you said applies to all his friends.
“Merlin, you really are stupid.”
You roll your eyes at him and grab his shirt pulling him in closer to you. Your lips collide with his softly and he’s shocked, but gives in.
You pull away and he looks at you dumbfounded, “So you said all those things about me?”
“Do I need to make myself clear again?”
“Actually, I do think so,” he says with a smug grin.
You pull him in for another kiss, it’s safe to say he doesn’t think you like James anymore.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Daddy’s Pudge
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pairing: Construction!Chris x Wife!Pregnant!Reader
summary: With Chris sporting more of a dad bod, Y/n gives him a little pick me up to show how sexy her baby daddy really is. (EmotionallySoft!Chris) (Dilf!Chris)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
“Fahk sake” Chris groaned turning to the side, after stripping out of his work trousers, his large hands pulling at the extra pudge on his stomach. “What’s wrong big daddy?” Y/n smiled wrapping her arms around his body, kissing his shoulder, her swollen stomach very clearly in the way. Their first baby due in only a few months time, both of them in love as if it was still their first date.
At 28 and 36, the couple had their dream country home that Chris had built himself from the ground up, even a complimentary porch swing that Y/n said soothed her back pain.
“Baby ya need to stop cookin’ so good, gettin’ me all soft and pudgey over ‘ere” Chris groaned watching the extra skin jiggle in his hand, a small scowl growing on his face. “But I love you soft and pudgey, makes me feel all safe n’ warm” Y/n beamed affectionately petting his stomach, her face nuzzling in as best as possible into his back muscles. Her face watching his expression through the body length mirror by her makeup vanity, one he also built.
“If it makes you feel better i’m also soft n’ pudgey” Y/n said chuckling seeing his face still in a frown, turning him around to see her cupping her baby bump. “But that’s different sugar, you look sexy as shit and I look-“
“You look sexy and daddy as fuck okay? Like you’re a big bear gettin’ ready to hibernate with me and our little monster” Scolding with her newfound mother-like tone, she patted his chest at each word, “plus who else will eat my food?” She pouted batting her eyelashes up at him, knowing damn well that got him under her spell every time.
“Don’t ya think maybe I should work out a bit more though? Even my arms and legs are getting a bit big?” Chris said turning from side to side, his bearded face falling and his long brushed back hair made him look all that more, mature.
“lay down for me baby” Y/n whispered pushing him onto the edge of their bed, clad in only boxers, Chris wrapped his arms around his centre self consciously. It was safe to say that these past few months the couple had starting “nesting” Filling up with delicious food, tons of cuddles and tons of sex.
“Love your body daddy, all of it” Y/n whispered slowly unwrapping his arms away from himself, straddling his hips, she bent down and splayed wet butterfly kisses all over his stomach. Her fingers softly kneading the flesh as she continued to rain kisses all over his slightly tanned skin, “you okay hubby?” She asked looking up at him mid-kiss, surprised to see a few tears collecting in his eyes.
“U-uh yeah” Chris whispered biting onto his bottom lip, watching as Y/n crawled up his body, both their chests pressed against each other, her stomach against his. “Just thinkin’ bout how lucky I am to have ya n’ how much I love ya” Nuzzling his nose with hers, he breathed out a sigh of relief feeling her hands interlock with his, almost as if it was confirmation that she was really there with him.
“Then why you cryin’ for baby?” Y/n smiled brushing away his stray tears, that was another thing about her husband that she loved, he was very emotionally open and that made their relationship even stronger.
“It’s stupid, but the thought of losin’ ya n’ baby flashed across ma mind” He chuckled shaking his head, only for her to hold it to look at her, “m’staying right here honey, you saw not even my pa could keep me away from your sexy ass” Eagerly kissing his soft lips, his hands came up to settle on her rear, smirking into the kiss once he started pressing his fingers in gently.
“Nuh-uh, tonight is about you” Pushing his hands off her ass, Y/n shimmied back down his body, settling onto her knees on the floor; Chris giving her a pillow to kneel on.
“Love these thighs, love feelin’ them on me, under me and when I sit on them while having some passionate lovin’ with my husband” Y/n smirked kissing down each thigh, remembering how each time they would have crazy sexcapades, the slapping sound of his thighs against hers made it that even more sexy and lewd. Something about the fact that they were both so connected at that one moment.
“Baby you don’t havta-“
“Shush, n’ these arms, God forgive me but they’re heavenly. Havin’ them wrapped around me every single day, makin’ me feel all safe n’ protected and how they hold me down so well” Y/n smirked winking at him as she kissed each bicep, slightly trailing her tongue down one of them, all while Chris threw his head back breathing deeply.
Looking back at his wife, he leant down kissing her roughly, their kiss full of love and intimacy as her hand ventured down to deal with the growth in his boxers. “Can’t forget my other favourite thing about my loving husband” She laughed softly, taking Chris’ hardened cock out, her hands fisting it slowly and tightly.
“This okay baby?” She asked with one hand around his neck, kissing his cheeks and lips, feeling his lips quiver and struggle to kiss her back every time her finger ran over his slit. “Fuckin’ amazing sugar, you treat me so well” He sighed leaning his forehead against hers, his hips slowly rolling up into her hand, showing his strength with her still on his lap.
“Well gotta show some appreciate to my baby daddy, husband, boyfriend, soulmate, love of-“
“Okay okay sugar I get ya, I love ya too” He chuckled shutting her up by kissing her out of nowhere, causing her mind to go blank and her face to light up with a sleepy-like smile, gushing as if she was still a teenage girl.
Pumping his cock steadily Y/n felt his cock twitch in her hand, feeling his breaths start to get rapid and erratic, his hands venturing over her own body as well. “Gonna cum soon sweets” He whispered against the skin exposed by her low cut vest, sucking small hickies onto the curve of her breasts, his tongue licking strips up to her mouth and playing with her tongue.
“Mhm I know baby, I’ve got ya honey, cum for me” Y/n whispered kissing his ear softly, both his hands groping each of her swollen breasts, massaging the aching feeling that had recently built up the past few weeks.
“Gonna cum all over ya momma, gonna cum hard” Chris whimpered, his voice shaking and needy, his hands massaging her breasts in circular motions as she spat into her hand and returned it to his cock. Her wedding ring cold against his shaft as her hand quickened the pace, from base to tip every single stroke, her thumb rubbing over his slit just to tease his sensitive cock even more. His new nickname for her ever since they found they were expecting making a new appearance in the bedroom.
“Fuck fuckfuck oh baby love- love you so goddamn much” Chris mumbled incoherently, Y/n smiling proudly as white strings of cum shot out of her husband, covered both her hands and a bit of his thighs. “See, told you you’re sexy, and not even a lil bit of pudge will change that. Hell a lot of pudge wouldn’t even make me flinch. You’ll be an amazing daddy, n’ nothin will change that” Y/n whispered kissing his nose, her hands slowly pumping his soft cock as he hissed and moaned.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Chris breathed out, wiping her hand down with a random shirt on the bed, his eyes dazed and gleaming like they always would. He just loved her so darn much, and her him. “um you mighta mentioned it a few times?” Y/n joked pushing his hair back, cupping his face to kiss his lips again, taking his bottom lip between hers and sucking it softly.
Breaking away he looked at her, “Baby do ya want me to- ya know?”
“Ya kiddin’ me? I’m tired big boy, let’s sleep and we can discuss this in the morn, lil monster has me tuckered out” She laughed standing up and waddling to her side of the bed, almost as if nothing had happened, Chris following her in disbelief.
“Plus sometimes my man deserves some extra loving, no harm in it” She whispered now that they were facing each other under the soft sheets, their arms wrapped around each other, with his burlier arms wrapped around her proudly and protectively. His smile that bit more brighter, he was due to be a father, and he had an amazing woman by his side. What else could he need?
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @evanstanwhore @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @chrisevansdaughter @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @tojisbabymomma @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @tinyelfperson @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mdpplgtz03 @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo @caps-shield1918 @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @meetmeatyourworst @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @aerangi @roofwitty779 @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @bluebellsn @lastwandastan @angelmather1 @diyabhanushali1 @violetsdreamworld @bval-1 @stuckysgirl27 @wintasssoldier @hatsparkle @daddymack01 @keiva1000 @acornacre @minaxcarter @thebaileybugle @seungcheol17daddy
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sleepyhead-poll · 3 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
he be snorin'. he be lax.
big sleeby... <3 he just like me fr fr
i mean it's snorlax cmon
Always sleeping. Always blocking the way of everyone. Will not move for anyone, must sleep.
This pokémon is the embodiment of sleeping (or hibernation more precisely). In the games, they block you path by sleeping in the middle of the road and you have to wake them up with a flute. In battles, they often use the attack "rest".
eepy. snoozle. his name is “snore lax” i dont think you get much more restful than that
Snorlax propaganda! - the og sleeper seen in gen 1. has longevity and we respect that - literally called the sleeping pokemon in the pokedex - blocks your path by sleeping in no less than three generations and three remakes, requiring you to wake it up - also does this in pokemon ranger - based on game freak employee kōji nishino, which is a subtweet if i've ever seen one - has a practically 100% usage in gen 1 and 2 ou competitive, and always runs rest - one of the few pokemon to learn rest, snore, and sleep talk by level up, no tms, breeding, or tutors required - the mascot of pokemon sleep, and your goal is to feed it so it can get a good night's sleep with you. literally can't get more sleepy than that. - an event snorlax can be caught in pokemon go where he wears a little sleeping cap awwww baby - also has an adorable sleepwear skin in pokemon unite - is able to have the ability deep sleep in pokemon conquest, allowing it to recover hp if it falls asleep - gigantamax snorlax is described as "the size of a mountain—and moves about as much as one as well" - you can get tons of officially licensed pjs with snorlax on them, perfectly fitting its sleepiness - you can also get these delightfully cute bookends where snorlax is sleeping? - also snorlax appears in the music video for celestial by ed sheeran. not necessarily sleepy but i think it's funny like how many other contenders are in ed sheeran lore - i like it
SNORLAX PROPAGANDA PART TWO?!?! last march, pokemon launched a "project snorlax" campaign meant to promote snorlax specifically and it came with a bunch of neat material, i'll put it under a cut lmao [Click link to view material "under the cut" in original propaganda post]
Kirby looove napping and sleeping and is too cute when he is :3
They the littlest guy ever, all that they like to do is eat, play with their friends, and sleep. There’s a copy ability called sleep that literally just makes them tired, and in forgotten land there’s a more powerful sleep ability that give them a little blanket and bed. An eepy little guy.
kirby starts off a lot of his games napping & in forgotten land you can even take a nap with elfilin to restore health and it's ADORABLE. and of course, he has his sleep ability, which just makes him take a nap right after inhaling certain enemies.
He's a ball who likes to eat, sleep, and play with his friends, and just so happens to be a godslaying entity that may or may not be an incarnation of a deity. Also just look at his nap animations in Kirby and the Forgotten Land
kirby has canonically slept through at least one hostile invasion
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sonicblueartist · 7 months
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Bullfrog x h!reader
Request: A scenario where he gets cold and just wants to seek warmth cause he feels like he could hibernate
A/N: This idea is so cute 😭 thank you for telling me! @viney900 (he might be a bit out of character omg so sorry for that) I hope you like it. And sorry it's a bit short and rushed 💦
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
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It was mid-December and it was snowing like crazy. Everything was white as far as the eye could see. You were wearing your warmest clothes while watching this beautiful view with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. It was your favorite time of year as all these piles of metal were covered in snow, it was a new sight. Finally something natural and organic.
You sipped your hot chocolate with a delighted smile and looked towards the couch, "Hey, do you want to go outside and play in some snow?" No, of course you weren't talking to your couch. You weren't that crazy yet.
A muffled, unamused grunt came from the other end. Bullfrog spoke unhappily from where he was wrapped in blankets, "I'd rather stay inside, Miel. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have fun with you, but—" You could literally hear him shudder when he heard the word snow.
You chuckled at that, "Oh, come on. A little snow won't do anything. What's wrong with having a little fun? It's not like it can eat you." Your smile faded slightly with concern when you didn't hear a sound from him. Your thoughts were intruding again, "It's not that cold at home and you're still wrapped in a bunch of blankets. Aren't you sweating in there? Don't tell me you're..." Your voice trailed off.
“Non, I am not sick, stop worrying.”
"I can't help it, you know." You approached and leaned back on the couch. You watch as he slowly sips his own hot chocolate. His half-closed eyes had been staring at the silent program that had been playing on the television for some time. The show kept ending and repeating itself.
"Well, if you are not sick and want to have fun with me, do you not want to get your clothes wet in the snow or do you hate the cold or something?" You had a feeling it was more than that. You knew he wouldn't mind getting cold or his clothes getting wet and dirty if it meant the two of you had fun. But... this time the 'cold' seemed to bother him further then he was letting on.
He rubbed his eyes, “I…” He sighed. “I don’t hate it—“
“You just don’t feel like it then—“
"You don't need to be around me all the time, you know. If you want to play in the snow, you're free to do that." He thought you weren't having fun because you were staying with him, and you know he felt guilty about that. But it was your choice and frankly you would have preferred to stay with him. You weren't staying with him because playing alone wasn't fun, you were staying with him because you just wanted to be around him. And that was reason enough. It was better to sit quietly with him than to run through the snow and possibly get sick afterwards anyway. You chose to stay warm and comfortable. So you were understanding him.
"My free will chooses to stay with your sick body." You patted his head.
“I am not sick— peu importe…” He grumbled.
You jumped over the couch and sat next to him with a grin, "Fine. You're healthy as always."
Bullfrog didn't seem to understand what you were saying and neither of you spoke for a while, continuing to watch the TV idly as you sipped your hot chocolate. Instead he seemed to be having a fight in his head, "You know what? I changed my mind. Let's go outside. If I keep sitting like this, I'm going to fall asleep."
You turned to him, surprised, "Really? Hey, you don't need to force yourself. It's okay if you're not comfortable. It's fine with me, you know."
He gave a dismissive thumbs up, "No, it's okay, don't worry. Let's go." He freed himself from the pile of blankets he was wrapped in and jumped down to the ground. He quickly finished his hot chocolate and placed it on the coffee table. As you looked at him in surprise, he abruptly grabbed your arm and quickly dragged you towards the door while you yelped in surprise, "Let's go!"
You stumbled, trying not to drop your own hot chocolate, "W-wait. Slow down! I'm gonna fall!" You put your drink aside and quickly took your coat, and before you could wear it properly, you were already out of the house and being pulled up the stairs. He had already put on his own coat before you started getting dressed.
He dragged you up the stairs and you walked out of the building and onto the rooftop. You heard him let out a small breath when his feet came into contact with the snow. He trembled and muttered a few inaudible French words.
The two of you walked to the middle of the roof and observed the white world. Bullfrog looked tense and stiff. You could see that he was trying hard not to shake. He looked like he was torn between whether to stay or run back inside.
You decide that you can help him get out of his misery. To your surprise he seemed to have chosen to slowly escape. While he turned back and tried to walk towards the door with shaky steps, you took a handful of snow and formed a ball. He was muttering about what a bad idea this was.
“Hey, Bullfrog. Are you running back inside so quickly?” You didn't know what was going on inside his head, but you were sure he had to win whatever argument was going on and forget about it for a moment. He just needed to relax. You knew he could have fun too.
He stammered, mostly out of embarrassment, as you can guess, "I'm sorry. But it seems like this isn't the right mood for—" He cried out, losing his balance as you successfully hit him in the head with the snowball, and fell face flat down.
Your eyes widen, “Holy shit." You were actually expecting him to sense the incoming attack and dodge or catch the ball or— do anything else. He's never done this before. Now you're worried. There was definitely something wrong with him.
You rush to his side, “You okay?” He shakily got up to his knees.
"I shouldn't have let my guard down. It's my fault." He laughed weakly at his mistake. But you knew there was more to it than that. After not getting an answer from you for a while, he slowly looked at you. He swallowed with your serious face. It seems like he can't evade the questions anymore.
"What's your problem?" Your eyebrows furrowed in seriousness and concern. A simple question but difficult to answer. A question that heaved his heart.
He frowned, “Rien, nothing wrong—“
"Are you ill?" You repeated the same question that worries you again. Because if he was really sick, you couldn't let him tire himself out like this. You gently caressed his cheek, and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. His weak arms almost give out with your warm touch. He fleed from your touch, not letting herself melt, and sighed, "I told you I wasn't."
“Then what’s wrong with you?” He stood up shakily with a grunt. He heavied a sigh and watched his warm breath come out in a visible small cloud, "I...I'm going to hibernate." He sulked.
“You… what?”
He dismissed it, "It's not a big deal. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner... I just couldn't find the right words to inform you." That felt like a big lie "And I'm sorry for ruining your fun, I'm... going back now."
You held his shoulder, "Wait a minute. Are you going to hibernate? Now?" How could he say this wasn't a big deal? He'll probably sleep for about a month or two and that doesn't seem like a big deal? This is really important for his health and it seems like he's been ignoring it for a while! Why does he keep himself from hibernation!?
He glanced away, “Uh… non… Not right now. I can’t… I can’t sleep yet.”
“And why is that?”
He frowned, “You know why. I shouldn't sleep. I have lots of work to finish.”
You crossed your arms over you chest, with a raised brow, “I thought you said you were free until—“
He quickly interjected, "That's right! I said 'until'. And at any moment, someone can give me an important task. So what happens if I don't do it? I can't leave anything unfinished using the excuse that I was just sleeping." As the two of you stared at each others eyes for a while, a light breeze passed by and you noticed that it had started to snow again.
You saw that his shaking was getting worse, he is vulnerable right now, so you approached him without furthering the discussion and easily picked him up as he looked in surprise. "H-huh..."
“Let's go back home before you get actually sick. We'll talk about all this there." He sighed in defeat and let your warmth envelop him, finding it useless to resist. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck as he let it all happen.
You closed the door behind you and looked at him. You took off your jacket along with his and dropped it on the floor. At that moment, he was using all the energy in him not to fall asleep while in your arms. You smiled slightly at this. He was just like a little child stubbornly resisting falling asleep in his mother's arms. How long had he been resisting hibernation? All his life? Is this even possible?
"I understand your concerns, but hibernation exists for a reason. It's for your own g—"
"Please, you don't have to tell me that. I already know." He mumbled, sighing sleepily. "Please put me down."
You hummed, "Fine. I'll put you down."
He stammered when he noticed you walking towards your room, "W-what are you doing?" You didn't answer, instead you walked into your bedroom and laid down on your bed with him. You wrapped your hands tighter around his body and didn't let him escape from you. He didn't struggle much and exhaled tiredly.“Dors avec moi” you mumbled, causing his eyes to widen with your words.
His cheeks changed colors with that, "I told you I am not going to sleep." This time it was you who flustered him.
"Sure. Don't. But I will. And you are not leaving me while I sleep." He tried to push you away in protest. You finally let out a deep sigh. "Please. Bullfrog. I promise to wake you up if something happens, okay? Just focus on resting for now." He froze. He thought about it and glanced up at you, "You promise to wake me up?"
"Of course I do! When did I lie to you?"
His eyes softened. He moved a little closer to you and sighed, "Bien..." He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and closed them with a relieved smile. And with surprising speed he fell asleep immediately. You watched for a while as his chest slowly rose and fell as he soundly sleeped. Maybe you shouldn't have taken off his coat because even though you covered him with a blanket, he was still slightly shivering, holding on to you like his life depended on it. You slowly took his hands off you and left his trembling body silently. He quickly curled into a small ball to protect himself from the cold, causing you to smile. You quickly ran to the living room and collected all the blankets he left on the couch and went back inside and wrapped him even tighter with the blankets you brought and laid down next to him. He had somehow managed to find you and cuddle up next to you.
"Bonne nuit" You whispered as you closed your eyes to rest with him.
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Busted on Ice
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This was inspired by me busting my ass on Wednesday because of ice and still having to go to class <3 yes, my ass has a bruise and so does my arm and my ego but I promise I’m fine and nothing is broken :)
Wintertime in Cincinnati showed no remorse to anyone. The weather would switch between mid 60s to low 20s within a day, and who knew if it was going to rain, sleet, snow, or be sunny.
You were one to study the weather, checking it multiple times a day, almost like it was social media. For the past few days, the forecast had been predicting ice and maybe snow. Or snow and maybe ice. It could be anything.
Both you and Joe were not fans of the cold. A nice, crisp 60° day was your favorite, and same with Joe. So this cold weather system coming through made you want to hibernate until it was done with.
“Do we have everything we need in case we lose power?” Joe asked as he entered the living room to see you charging your computer on your lap while playing the Sims.
“Yeah I think so. I mean we’ve got plenty of blankets cause of my blanket addiction and we’ve got non perishable foods so we should be fine,” you reply, not looking away from your game.
“So I guess we just wait it out now, don’t we?” He asks, sitting down next to you.
“Yup, sounds about right,” you said with a shrug.
As the day went on, the weather got worse. Going from rain to sleet to snow and back to sleet. You and Joe spend most of the day cuddled up on the couch, avoiding the cold at all costs.
You two headed to bed in hopes that the roads and ground wouldn’t be as bad as the meteorologists had predicted.
As the sun rose the next day, you and Joe made sure to enjoy the warmth of your shared bed as long as you could. You had plans with your friends and you’d be damned if you missed them. First, yoga class, then mimosas.
You began to get ready in the bathroom as Joe stayed in bed, turning on an episode of SpongeBob. You put on your favorite lululemon leggings and align top and tossed one of Joe’s sweatshirts on top.
Joe got out of bed and decided to remote start the car for you as you made your water bottle. You bundled up and grabbed your bottle, heading out through the garage. The car was partially defrosted, but you always left with plenty of time for situations like this.
You stepped out from the safety of the dry garage, but what you didn’t know was that the ground below was frozen solid, yet clear.
You hit the ground, falling on your right arm.
The most blood curdling scream left your mouth.
Joe came running outside the moment he heard your scream. You were sitting on the ground, clutching onto your arm. Your clothes becoming wet. You were in shock, your eyes filled with tears.
“Oh my god y/n, what happened?” Joe questioned, pulling you carefully into the garage. Your butt slid along the ice until it hit the hard concrete garage floor.
“This fucking piece of shit weather,” you cried out, grasping your arm and trying to make it feel even the slightest bit better.
“Baby, you gotta be more careful,” he said as he pulled you upright, trying to avoid the arm that you fell on.
“Joe I heard a crack and it’s numb, I literally can’t feel anything right now,” you croaked out, looking up at him with fear in your eyes.
Joe gave you the same look, a look of shock as to the status of your arm. “Babe, we gotta take you to urgent care or something,”
“I refuse to leave this house because of this fucking ice,” you yelled, walking back into the house, still cradling your arm.
Joe followed you inside, pulling out his phone to call the team doctor to see if he had any suggestions. You sat on the couch, grabbing at your arm and trying not to move it because of the immense pain it caused. You were still in shock, your body language radiating pain.
“Okay the team doc said to take some Tylenol…” Joe trailed off as he frantically walked throughout the kitchen, “oh I know what would help…ice,” Joe laughed out, thinking he was being funny.
“Not fucking cool, Joseph. Tylenol isn’t gonna help the fact that I probably just broke my fucking arm. Quit being such an asshole,” you barked out, frustrated that you were in so much pain and at the comment that Joe made. Glares were exchanged between the two of you.
“You didn’t let me fucking finish, y/n,” Joe responded with a harsh tone. The last thing you needed was to bicker with Joe, yet here you were.
When it came to injuries, you were usually pretty self sufficient. Bandaids and sprains didn’t shock you in the least, but this time around was different. You weren’t used to being in this much pain and shock, so of course you were going to be frustrated and angry.
“The doctor is gonna make his way over here to take a look at you. He said he’s safe to leave his house and not slip and break a bone in the process,” Joe snipped at you. That had your blood boiling, only making things worse. At this point, you gave Joe the silent treatment until the doctor arrived.
The doctor came in and took a look at your arm. It was swollen up pretty bad and your range of mobility was lacking. He gave you some pain pills and a sling and said that when it’s safe for you to leave to go see an orthopedic doctor.
Joe walked out with the team doctor, having not said much the whole time he was there.
“Let’s get you up to bed,” Joe says, outstretching a hand to you to lead you upstairs.
You follow Joe, he had gotten you a bottle of water to set on your bedside. You took Joe’s pillow and set it under your arm for support.
“I’m gonna go get some stuff from the store,” Joe says as he walks out of the room “text me if you need anything,”
Your pain medication made you drowsy, so you decided to take a nap. You were upset with Joe for talking to you the way he did, and you were upset with yourself for much more than just falling.
Upon Joe’s arrival back home, he put the groceries away. He felt immense guilt for the way he got snippy with you. He didn’t want to admit that your fall made him anxious, but he didn’t mean to be so short either.
Not much can make up for the fact that your arm was most likely broken, Joe was upset with you, and you missed yoga and mimosas. You were a sucker for mimosas.
But, Joe got you some things in hopes of making you feel better. A bouquet of flowers because he felt guilty for being short with you, a bottle of nice champagne to make up for the missed mimosas, and some of your favorite snacks. He even got you a new blanket. Sometimes, Joe loved to spoil you. You hated it because you always want to give in return, but he always says no. This was one of those instances where you wouldn’t be upset with him for spoiling you. Life seemed like it couldn’t get much worse.
Joe arranged the flowers and staged them in the middle of the island. He set the grocery bags of gifts on the island so he could slowly pull them out one by one to show you what he got you. He climbed the stairs to find you still asleep, partially sitting up to rest your arm comfortably. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked your non-broken arm to wake you gently.
“Hi baby, how’s your arm feeling?” He asked as your eyes fluttered open.
“Terrible,” you groaned out a bit. Joe reached over to grab the sling to help stabilize your arm. He lifted the blankets off of you and held out his hand to help you out of bed.
You followed him downstairs to see a beautiful arrangement of flowers and a few bags full of gifts. Joe pulled out a barstool and assisted you up.
“I feel bad for everything that happened today so I got you flowers and other goodies,” he said with a small smile, leaning in to give you a sort of side hug.
“Joey, that’s very sweet, thank you,” you leaned into his hug with a smile, taking a nice whiff of his detergent.
“Lemme show you what I got!” He said excitedly, walking to the opposite side of the counter to give you a haul. He always loved when you showed him what you got, but the roles being reversed was just as fun.
Joe showed you all the things he got, making sure to continue to apologize about being so short with you. And the comment he made about ice helping really set you off, and he knew that. He hated that you were in pain and he wished he could take it away.
Joe made sure to take the best care of you that he could. He made sure to serve you all the mimosas you wanted and drape you in your new blanket, along with cooking you all your favorite things. And, of course, give you all the snuggles and love in the world and try his hardest to keep you out of pain.
This idea was much cuter in my head 🫠 anyway, it’s something for you all! I’ve got more ideas churning and so many great pictures of Joe that are inspiring me!! Let’s hope I can manage to put content out while dealing with classes 😂 this is like my way to detox and settle down and I love it. I love y’all!!
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kottekonst · 5 months
Birthday Fanfic - Soft 14
Diving headfirst into Tumblr by posting the little birthday fanfic I wrote for my bestie @davidtennan-t Because she deserves all the soft 14th Doctor content 💖
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Ten glorious months had passed since the Doctor had bi-generated, and subsequently sent his 14th regeneration into not-quite-retirement, or perhaps more aptly a retreat-for-emotionally-damaged-time-travellers. Time was a funny thing for anyone to grasp, and even though the Doctor had lived seemingly for eons, he suddenly found himself with oodles of spare time – a concept he had never experienced nor grasped before. He was still struggling to adjust to it, and the restlessness could make him absolutely insufferable at times. Donna had never seen someone illustrate the idiom “climbing the walls” literally before, but if she’d ever expect it of someone it would only be her freakishly nimble Spaceman.
During the first couple of months, she would often find him out in the shed in the dead of night tinkering with everything from a Silurian hibernation unit to model aircrafts, or in the kitchen experimenting with the ideal pH-level for water to make the perfect brew. Other times he would be sat next to Rose either deep in the most random conversation, or complete silence, or listening to one of her playlists, while he handed her tools and materials to put together her latest design. Her gonks had changed since she let go of the lingering Meta-Crisis, but she kept coming up with new ideas, some that Donna heavily suspected were inspired by actual aliens from trips they kept sneaking off to. Truthfully, Donna simply loved the fact that her daughter was able to explore time and space as she had once done, but she was also very protective of her. The universe could be an incredibly dangerous place, but there was no one she trusted more when it came to protection than the Doctor.
After a couple of months, the Doctor had finally started unwinding. His restlessness declined and the lines in his face became softer as the broodiness eased up, and he would often sleep through the night rather than tinker or aimlessly wander. He rarely spoke of his experiences during the time they had been apart, but he would bring something up on occasion to any of them. He and Wilf seemed to have a special understanding, as they had both experienced their fair share of battles. The bond between Donna and the Doctor went far beyond words though, and while there were times when they spoke endlessly and tirelessly, they often sat in comfortable silence. It wasn't uncommon for the Time Lord to seek Donna out for a comforting hug, or he would wordlessly take a seat next to her and curl his skinny frame up against her, with a sigh as deep as the Universe.
 The Doctor was slowly healing from his trauma, which in turn made their whole little household more harmonic. It was only in the last month or so that Donna noticed another sign of healing in the Time Lord. His hollow cheeks had filled out not long after settling down, but now she realised he was actually filling out in other ways. Those tight suits were looking tighter still these days, and his lower shirt buttons were definitely struggling to contain a certain softness that had never been there before. It didn't surprise her, but she could tell the Doctor was oblivious to it, initially at least. Even though he still had the energy of a toddler on a sugar high, his days of endless running and fleeing were done, and retirement came with creature comforts the Doctor had never been able to partake in before now. There was suddenly time for three course dinners, or meals that lasted hours, not to mention countless cups of tea and biscuits. It wasn't just meals shared with friends and newfound family - the Doctor became rather popular in the village, particularly the sweet old lady in the house next door. He had started doing odd jobs for her the day he moved in and to show her gratitude and appreciation she would make muffins, cakes, and sugary biscuits, meaning his larder was always stocked with freshly baked goods. One might even suspect she was actively trying to fatten him up, since she kept fussing and fretting over his skinny frame, and Donna didn’t blame her – his gaunt appearance had been rather harrowing when he’d finally conceded to settling down. The soft roll that had slowly formed around the Time Lord’s waist was a testament to the healing and decompressing he’d experienced thus far, and it was honestly reassuring to see it.
To a stranger’s eye, the Doctor would probably still appear as lean or lanky, but to those who knew him there was no denying the subtle changes. A few weeks ago, the Time Lord had finally caught up with it himself, and the realisation hit him when he encountered two issues at once. Firstly; he tore a button off in his struggle to button up his shirt, and secondly; he couldn’t get his trousers closed and zipped up either. He had marched in on the family eating breakfast, wearing only a vest and boxers, ranting and raving about this perplexing issue. They had all sprung into action in their own ways, showing support and patience for the brilliant yet simultaneously dim alien. Rose had wordlessly taken the Doctor’s trousers and went straight to her craft room to let them out enough to make them wearable, until he could get himself a new pair. Shaun had gone to his closet to pick out one of his own shirts, which certainly wouldn’t be a perfect fit, but would definitely be big enough for the Time Lord. That left Donna, and Wilf to a lesser extent, with the task of explaining the changes that had been so obvious to everyone but the Doctor. He had been relentlessly running for so long that the consequences of not doing so had clearly slipped his mind, and it was evident that the notion of putting on weight both intrigued him and irked him simultaneously. Now that he’d settled into a routine, the Doctor was less apt at dealing with changes, either for good or bad. There was also a certain vanity that came with being a Time Lord, but it had certainly lessened with this regeneration, and Donna couldn’t help but smirk to herself when she thought how the Doctor might have reacted to putting on a few back when they’d first travelled together.
“You definitely need some meat on your bones, Doctor – frankly, you’ve earned it,” Wilf insisted robustly.
“He’s right, you know. This is nothing but a bit of comfort weight,” Donna reiterated.
“I don’t know… it just makes me feel so…” the Doctor faltered, unable to find the right word.
“…human? Normal? At peace, at long last?” Donna suggested. She noticed him making the tiniest of grimaces at the first word, and she couldn’t help but give him a playful glare – as much as he loved humanity, he still found it hard to fully embrace anything human about himself, which only made it easier to tease him.
“Oh, stop sulking, you big dunce. If I threw a fit every time the scale didn’t show the number I’d like, Shaun would have walked out within our first week together. That tiny excuse for a belly would hardly even be enough for three Adipose, you know,” she remarked, which made them both chuckle reminiscently.
Since that morning, the Doctor had grudgingly allowed the TARDIS automated tailoring unit to alter his suits, but it certainly improved his comfort levels. He didn't alter the trousers that Rose had let out for him as her work was impeccable, and the gesture meant the world to him. Donna had even seen him lovingly stroking the fine stitches at the waistband, which nearly made her burst into tears out of love for the alien uncle's adoration of his human niece.
Just before the weekend, Rose had begged her parents to let the doctor take her for a quick visit to Greece. She had desperately wanted to see the Acropolis, but Donna didn't want her messing about with time, so they had compromised and allowed them to go to modern day Greece. They were only gone for half an hour that Saturday, but had spent an equivalent of 6 hours in Athens. Apart from visiting the ruins of the Acropolis, they had done some shopping, or rather, Rose had. No matter how much Donna tried to discourage it, the Doctor wouldn't stop spoiling his niece. And she was thankfully too sweet to take advantage of him… at least most of the time. She had picked out two dresses and a lush fabric for her sewing projects, and even managed to convince the Doctor to buy himself a new pair of swim trunks as well as vegan moussaka for the whole family’s supper. As it turned out, that wasn't the only thing they'd ended up bringing home.
“That is not what I think it is,” Donna protested when they exited the TARDIS.
“We couldn't leave him, Mum. He was nearly run over by a car, but the Doctor saved him,” insisted Rose, who was clutching a tiny ginger kitten to her chest.
Donna turned her pointed gaze on the Time Lord, who merely shrugged helplessly.
“I might not be the biggest cat lover, but I couldn't let the poor beast get squished,” he said.
“I'm not saying you should have let it die, but you can’t let her drag home every bedraggled creature you happen upon, or you’ll have to turn the whole village into a sanctuary for kittens, Oods, and God knows what else,” Donna sighed in exasperation.
“You got to keep your bedraggled alien,” Rose pointed out with a cheeky expression.
“Oi, don’t get snippy with me, missy. Now you’d better sort out a flea bath for that baby – we can’t do with an infestation on our hands… again,” Donna ordered.
Rose merely giggled as she handed the small creature over to the Time Lord, while she hurried for the gate – the old lady next door had plenty of flea shampoo to spare, as they’d found out after a particularly hairy alien (quite reminiscent of a certain Meep) had paid them a visit… and brought along a few unwelcome pests. The Doctor held the tiny cat as if it was a very delicate, yet also repulsive, figurine.
“What is this strange aversion you have to cats?” Donna chuckled at his perturbed expression.
“Not sure… suppose it’s got something to do with their glands,” he muttered.
Donna merely shook her head and stooped to pick up the shopping that had been left just outside the TARDIS to bring it inside. 
Within the hour, Rose had managed to give the kitten a bath and its first meal. It had also knocked over two potted plants, gnawed a hole in one of Wilf’s slippers, and caused the Doctor to curse loudly in Gallifreyan as it used his long leg as a climbing pole while the Time Lord was trying to reheat the moussaka. By supper time, she had set up a playpen for it, so they could all enjoy their meal together without the ginger furnado causing mayhem around them. Once they had enjoyed their Greek cuisine, Rose turned her attention back on the kitten, while Donna took care of the dishes. By the time she had finished wiping the kitchen down, she went to see how her daughter was getting on with her new pet but was surprised to find Rose by herself in her craft room.
“Where did you put that kitten then?” Donna wondered.
“I asked the Doctor to keep an eye on him – I forgot I had a deadline to keep,” Rose replied and gestured to the purple gonk sat on her desk.
“If that’s going to be your pet, you’ll need to be responsible for it, love – no handing it off the moment you get too busy, that’s not how animals work,” Donna pointed out.
“Oh Mum… you honestly thought I kept that cat just for me?” Rose chuckled as she turned to focus on her sewing.
Donna was about to argue since it was evident the Doctor really didn’t care much for the critter, but there was a knowing sort of gleam in her daughter’s eyes that made her curious.
“All right, if you say so. We were thinking of watching a film later, if you’d care to join us,” she said.
“Thanks – if I get this finished I might take you up on that,” Rose replied. 
Donna left the craft room behind and decided to see how the Doctor was getting on with the furry menace. His bedroom was empty, but she hadn’t expected him to bring the kitten in there anyway, and so she headed to the first floor sitting room next. There was the Time Lord and the ginger beast, but not in a position she had expected. The alien was sat on the sofa, long legs sprawled over the floor, his body slumped against the cushions in a deep sleep. His head was tilted back, his mouth slightly agape as he breathed calmly and steadily. On his ever so slightly rounded middle lay the kitten, curled into a tiny ball of soft fur and whiskers, also deep in sleep. The sight was almost too endearing to handle – Donna nearly wept at it. This was all she’d ever wanted for her best friend… A life of love and comfort, with friends and family ever present. For him to be safe, to be saved, but her daughter had spotted a different need; the Doctor’s need to save others. A kitten might not compare to rescuing an entire town, planet or species, but it was a life saved all the same. Donna carefully pulled out her phone to snap a picture of the picturesque scene, before taking a seat across from the snoozing Time Lord. The sound of her movement caused him to stir, and he slowly came to with a yawn.
“Looks like you’ve gotten soft, Spaceman… in more ways than one,” Donna teased him fondly.
The Doctor blinked sleepily at her, before peering down at the kitten still sleeping soundly on his recently softened middle.
“I suppose once you look past the glands they may not be so bad after all,” he conceded with a crooked smile.
“That niece of yours has got you wrapped around her little finger, you know,” she remarked.
“She does. I am helpless against her charm,” he chuckled.
“You’re both absolutely hopeless,” Donna pointed out.
“I’d say she gets it from her mother,” the Doctor retorted, while he gestured for Donna to join him, since he was reluctant to shift his position even slightly. She had long since stopped second guessing what anyone else might make of their physical closeness – if it didn’t bother her husband, what did it even matter? So she didn’t hesitate to switch seats and settle down next to the Time Lord, where he instantly let himself sink down further until he could nussle his head up against her shoulder. Donna reached out and stroked the tiny ginger furball, and the kitten instantly started purring in its sleep. There they sat in comfortable silence, Spaceman and Earthgirl, and all was well.
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kaylaz-world-00 · 7 months
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Bullfrog x h!reader
Request: A scenario where he gets cold and just wants to seek warmth cause he feels like he could hibernate
A/N: This idea is so cute 😭 thank you for telling me! @viney900 (he might be a bit out of character omg so sorry for that) I hope you like it. And sorry it's a bit short and rushed 💦
Word Count: 1.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
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It was mid-December and it was snowing like crazy. Everything was white as far as the eye could see. You were wearing your warmest clothes while watching this beautiful view with a cup of hot chocolate in your hand. It was your favorite time of year as all these piles of metal were covered in snow, it was a new sight. Finally something natural and organic.
You sipped your hot chocolate with a delighted smile and looked towards the couch, "Hey, do you want to go outside and play in some snow?" No, of course you weren't talking to your couch. You weren't that crazy yet.
A muffled, unamused grunt came from the other end. Bullfrog spoke unhappily from where he was wrapped in blankets, "I'd rather stay inside, Miel. Don't get me wrong. I'd love to have fun with you, but—" You could literally hear him shudder when he heard the word snow.
You chuckled at that, "Oh, come on. A little snow won't do anything. What's wrong with having a little fun? It's not like it can eat you." Your smile faded slightly with concern when you didn't hear a sound from him. Your thoughts were intruding again, "It's not that cold at home and you're still wrapped in a bunch of blankets. Aren't you sweating in there? Don't tell me you're..." Your voice trailed off.
“Non, I am not sick, stop worrying.”
"I can't help it, you know." You approached and leaned back on the couch. You watch as he slowly sips his own hot chocolate. His half-closed eyes had been staring at the silent program that had been playing on the television for some time. The show kept ending and repeating itself.
"Well, if you are not sick and want to have fun with me, do you not want to get your clothes wet in the snow or do you hate the cold or something?" You had a feeling it was more than that. You knew he wouldn't mind getting cold or his clothes getting wet and dirty if it meant the two of you had fun. But... this time the 'cold' seemed to bother him further then he was letting on.
He rubbed his eyes, “I…” He sighed. “I don’t hate it—“
“You just don’t feel like it then—“
"You don't need to be around me all the time, you know. If you want to play in the snow, you're free to do that." He thought you weren't having fun because you were staying with him, and you know he felt guilty about that. But it was your choice and frankly you would have preferred to stay with him. You weren't staying with him because playing alone wasn't fun, you were staying with him because you just wanted to be around him. And that was reason enough. It was better to sit quietly with him than to run through the snow and possibly get sick afterwards anyway. You chose to stay warm and comfortable. So you were understanding him.
"My free will chooses to stay with your sick body." You patted his head.
“I am not sick— peu importe…” He grumbled.
You jumped over the couch and sat next to him with a grin, "Fine. You're healthy as always."
Bullfrog didn't seem to understand what you were saying and neither of you spoke for a while, continuing to watch the TV idly as you sipped your hot chocolate. Instead he seemed to be having a fight in his head, "You know what? I changed my mind. Let's go outside. If I keep sitting like this, I'm going to fall asleep."
You turned to him, surprised, "Really? Hey, you don't need to force yourself. It's okay if you're not comfortable. It's fine with me, you know."
He gave a dismissive thumbs up, "No, it's okay, don't worry. Let's go." He freed himself from the pile of blankets he was wrapped in and jumped down to the ground. He quickly finished his hot chocolate and placed it on the coffee table. As you looked at him in surprise, he abruptly grabbed your arm and quickly dragged you towards the door while you yelped in surprise, "Let's go!"
You stumbled, trying not to drop your own hot chocolate, "W-wait. Slow down! I'm gonna fall!" You put your drink aside and quickly took your coat, and before you could wear it properly, you were already out of the house and being pulled up the stairs. He had already put on his own coat before you started getting dressed.
He dragged you up the stairs and you walked out of the building and onto the rooftop. You heard him let out a small breath when his feet came into contact with the snow. He trembled and muttered a few inaudible French words.
The two of you walked to the middle of the roof and observed the white world. Bullfrog looked tense and stiff. You could see that he was trying hard not to shake. He looked like he was torn between whether to stay or run back inside.
You decide that you can help him get out of his misery. To your surprise he seemed to have chosen to slowly escape. While he turned back and tried to walk towards the door with shaky steps, you took a handful of snow and formed a ball. He was muttering about what a bad idea this was.
“Hey, Bullfrog. Are you running back inside so quickly?” You didn't know what was going on inside his head, but you were sure he had to win whatever argument was going on and forget about it for a moment. He just needed to relax. You knew he could have fun too.
He stammered, mostly out of embarrassment, as you can guess, "I'm sorry. But it seems like this isn't the right mood for—" He cried out, losing his balance as you successfully hit him in the head with the snowball, and fell face flat down.
Your eyes widen, “Holy shit." You were actually expecting him to sense the incoming attack and dodge or catch the ball or— do anything else. He's never done this before. Now you're worried. There was definitely something wrong with him.
You rush to his side, “You okay?” He shakily got up to his knees.
"I shouldn't have let my guard down. It's my fault." He laughed weakly at his mistake. But you knew there was more to it than that. After not getting an answer from you for a while, he slowly looked at you. He swallowed with your serious face. It seems like he can't evade the questions anymore.
"What's your problem?" Your eyebrows furrowed in seriousness and concern. A simple question but difficult to answer. A question that heaved his heart.
He frowned, “Rien, nothing wrong—“
"Are you ill?" You repeated the same question that worries you again. Because if he was really sick, you couldn't let him tire himself out like this. You gently caressed his cheek, and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. His weak arms almost give out with your warm touch. He fleed from your touch, not letting herself melt, and sighed, "I told you I wasn't."
“Then what’s wrong with you?” He stood up shakily with a grunt. He heavied a sigh and watched his warm breath come out in a visible small cloud, "I...I'm going to hibernate." He sulked.
“You… what?”
He dismissed it, "It's not a big deal. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner... I just couldn't find the right words to inform you." That felt like a big lie "And I'm sorry for ruining your fun, I'm... going back now."
You held his shoulder, "Wait a minute. Are you going to hibernate? Now?" How could he say this wasn't a big deal? He'll probably sleep for about a month or two and that doesn't seem like a big deal? This is really important for his health and it seems like he's been ignoring it for a while! Why does he keep himself from hibernation!?
He glanced away, “Uh… non… Not right now. I can’t… I can’t sleep yet.”
“And why is that?”
He frowned, “You know why. I shouldn't sleep. I have lots of work to finish.”
You crossed your arms over you chest, with a raised brow, “I thought you said you were free until—“
He quickly interjected, "That's right! I said 'until'. And at any moment, someone can give me an important task. So what happens if I don't do it? I can't leave anything unfinished using the excuse that I was just sleeping." As the two of you stared at each others eyes for a while, a light breeze passed by and you noticed that it had started to snow again.
You saw that his shaking was getting worse, he is vulnerable right now, so you approached him without furthering the discussion and easily picked him up as he looked in surprise. "H-huh..."
“Let's go back home before you get actually sick. We'll talk about all this there." He sighed in defeat and let your warmth envelop him, finding it useless to resist. He pressed his face into the crook of your neck as he let it all happen.
You closed the door behind you and looked at him. You took off your jacket along with his and dropped it on the floor. At that moment, he was using all the energy in him not to fall asleep while in your arms. You smiled slightly at this. He was just like a little child stubbornly resisting falling asleep in his mother's arms. How long had he been resisting hibernation? All his life? Is this even possible?
"I understand your concerns, but hibernation exists for a reason. It's for your own g—"
"Please, you don't have to tell me that. I already know." He mumbled, sighing sleepily. "Please put me down."
You hummed, "Fine. I'll put you down."
He stammered when he noticed you walking towards your room, "W-what are you doing?" You didn't answer, instead you walked into your bedroom and laid down on your bed with him. You wrapped your hands tighter around his body and didn't let him escape from you. He didn't struggle much and exhaled tiredly.“Dors avec moi” you mumbled, causing his eyes to widen with your words.
His cheeks changed colors with that, "I told you I am not going to sleep." This time it was you who flustered him.
"Sure. Don't. But I will. And you are not leaving me while I sleep." He tried to push you away in protest. You finally let out a deep sigh. "Please. Bullfrog. I promise to wake you up if something happens, okay? Just focus on resting for now." He froze. He thought about it and glanced up at you, "You promise to wake me up?"
"Of course I do! When did I lie to you?"
His eyes softened. He moved a little closer to you and sighed, "Bien..." He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and closed them with a relieved smile. And with surprising speed he fell asleep immediately. You watched for a while as his chest slowly rose and fell as he soundly sleeped. Maybe you shouldn't have taken off his coat because even though you covered him with a blanket, he was still slightly shivering, holding on to you like his life depended on it. You slowly took his hands off you and left his trembling body silently. He quickly curled into a small ball to protect himself from the cold, causing you to smile. You quickly ran to the living room and collected all the blankets he left on the couch and went back inside and wrapped him even tighter with the blankets you brought and laid down next to him. He had somehow managed to find you and cuddle up next to you.
"Bonne nuit" You whispered as you closed your eyes to rest with him.
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jpitha · 3 months
Between the Black and Gray 24
First / Previous / Next
After her meal - Fen had no idea what the local time was yet on Minaren, so it could have been breakfast, lunch, or dinner for all she knew - she said her goodbyes to Zhe and told her where she was docked. "I'm leaving in a day or two, so come and find me before that if you want a job." Fen winked and Zhe's fur rippled a blush.
As they walked away, Fen wondered why she did that. Zhe was cute enough she supposed, but she was looking at hiring her, she probably shouldn't try and date a future employee. Besides, the hole in her heart Ma-ren left hasn't healed over.
Minaren was a beautiful station and the head of the K'laxi governemnt. What it wasn't was a good place to source a crew for a mercenary group. If Zhe signed on, that was still only one other person. The manual for her frigate - she'd still have to name it - said that a crew of four was the bare minimum for safe operations. Where was she going to find three other people who wanted to sign on with a new merc with a lot of money and not a lot of jobs?
Gord had mentioned that most stations and starbases had a Basement - not literally, but sometimes yes. The name came from an illicit bazar in the mainenance tunnels of an old human orbital in Sol that had been inhabited for millennia. Somewhere that people weren't and so the kind of deals that happened out of the prying eyes of the public and the authorities took place. Finding a place like that as an outsider was tough, but Fen had a few ideas.
She walked around a bit until she came upon a less developed section of forest. The deeper she went, the less she saw the uniform of K'laxi officials and more the plain clothes of people who saw Minaren as a job, or better yet, an opportunity. After about twenty minutes she found what she was looking for.
The dive bar had a sign that was hand painted in the raised and rounded K'laxi script. She pushed open the door and stepped in and waiting a moment for her eyes to adjust to the light. The place smelled of spices and old frying oil and just a twinge of ethanol. K'laxi could drink alcohol like humans, but it didn't affect them the same way. K'laxi didn't get drunk like a human would, but alcohol would cause them to slow down and cool. Too much would induce hibernation. They were originally a forested mammalian type animal deep in their past and there is evidence that their ancient ancestors hibernated when food was scarce. Their planet rotated without a wobble and without a tilt like Earth, so they didn't have seasons per-se. Walking around, Fen could see ears slowly swivel to listen to her approach and some of the more 'sober' K'laxi glowered at her approach.
The bartender put down the mug he was drying - didn't matter where you were, there was always glassware to clean and put away - and in thickly accented Colonic said "Friend, I think you are lost." It was without malice, but it also brooked no discussion.
Fen smiled and flashed a toothy smile. The bartender unconsciously flinched as the aggression and his ears flattened. "Sorry my friend, I don't think I'm lost. I'm looking to get a glass of vikolen and nobody out there-" she gestured towards the more public part of the station "-seems to be able to make one worth a damn. Any chance you can help a girl out?" Once when a K'laxi trader had come passing through home, she had remarked how Fen's Gen'mil accent sounded thickly of the northern regions that her familial line originated from. Back on K'lax it was a source of derision for some. She sounded like a bumpkin supposedly. Fen knew as well as anyone how to turn that to her advantage.
At the rapid fire greeting and drink order in K'inmar the bartender's face flashed through at least three emotions. He went from the blank face of trying to steer a lost tourist away to surprise and then to suspicion. The only humans he knew that could speak K'inmar that well were in the intelligence corps and they did not order vikolen. It was supposed to be nearly undrinkable to most humans. Not poisonous, just bad tasting. "You want a vikolen?" He didn't even try and hide his surprise.
"Sure do. Haven't had one since I left home, and every time I tried to order one, I was told they didn't have the ingredients or that nobody ever ordered them. I figure here, on Minaren, I had better be able to get a classic vikolen." Fen's little show was gathering a small audience. Not even K'laxi ordered vikolen regularly. It was more a stunt cocktail that was for youths ordering their first drink on a dare, or for the elderly who took it as a tonic.
The bartender's tail twitched. "You know what? Fine. It's been a while since we had a show here. Two Stars, up front."
Fen took out the cash and laid it on the counter, and sat down. The bartender scooped up the money and reached under for a wood and stone mug. He dropped in some herbs and began to muddle them into the bottom while he hummed to himself. Fen smiled at the realization that he was humming the incantation to Olenar - the old god of drinks and celebrations. He was making the vikolen right. Fen joined in on the second verse when he added the spirit. The eldest in her familial line back home drank vikolen and everyone knew the song. The bartender flicked his ears in amusement, but didn't stop humming. Next was the alcohol, a clear strong liquor flavored with bitter herbs. Finally, clear water and a drop of blue Vik essence. He placed the drink in front of Fen with two hands, just as the song finished. "There. A vikolen my matriarch would be proud of. Be honored, friend"
Fen took the drink in two hands, as it was given and lifted it to her nose. As she brought it closer, the woodsy, bitter smell filled her nostrils. It reminded her of her Matriarch, Dem'iril as she would sit at the head of the long wooden table - one of the only things from K'lax they had - and she would tell stories to the kids, explaining the world. She took a sip.
The warmth spread down her throat and into her stomach. The bitter flavors activated the far back of her tongue, and she was able to taste the dryness of the drink. As she swallowed, she breathed in again slightly to get the afterflavors. She placed the mug on the bar and sighed happily. "Friend, you would make Olenar themselves happy with that draught. Nicely done."
The bartender stood back, his mouth slightly open. "Y-you drank it. You drank it like my matriarch."
Fen's head tilts slightly. "Of course I did. It was excellently made. It would be foolish to waste it."
At that, Fen turned. The patrons of the bar were all staring at her. One of them - a young kid, probably barely old enough to be in here - spoke up. "You're... not K'laxi in disguise, are you?"
Fen laughed, and that broke the spell. Everyone laughed along with her, including the bartender. "No, I was raised as an orphan by the Gem'mil line, far from here."
"Gen'mil?" One of the elder K'laxi at the bar and turned, his eyes rheumy from age and drink. "Gen'mil is a fine family, with an ancient history. They've fallen on hard times. It's a shame." His ears flattened.
"They will rise again, friend. It is the way of the world. Families rise and fall. So long as we still live, we will prevail." Fen took another large sip of the drink. It was even better the second time.
"Hah." The bartender's ears faced forward, and his fur rippled. "You may look human." He poked Fen's chest. "But you have the heart of K'laxi. You're always welcome to drink here."
"Well then, I think we celebrate the discovery of a new bar with a round of drinks for everyone!" Over the roar of the crowd, Fen reached into her pocket and took a fistfull of Stars out and slid them to the bartender. "Whatever anyone wants to drink, until the money's gone." She looked back at the crowd, and then to the bartender again. "Or until you think everyone's had enough."
The money disappeared and the bartender nodded. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me then. Excuse me." He stepped away to handle the flood of orders that came in. Fen sipped her drink again and smiled.
It turned out that it was already evening when Fen showed up, and the money lasted deep into the night. By the end, Fen was helping the bartender - his name was Ullen - with handing out drinks and singing along in the endless drinking songs that started up. She only had the one vikolen, the whole night, but that was more than enough. She felt light on her feet and floaty. The herbs were slightly intoxicating to humans when combined with the alcohol.
Late, late into the night, Fen and Ullen had chased the last of the stragglers out and he had gratefully locked the door. Fen was behind the counter taking another load of glassware out of the washer, and reading another tray of dirty glasses to wash. "Everyone's out?"
"Finally, thank the Ancestors. Thank's for the help, Fen."
Fen laughed. "Don't worry about it, Ullen. I caused the ruckus."
"Speaking of which." Ullen had a smaller, though still decently sized stack of Stars and he slid it to Fen. "This is what's left of your money, you gave me enough to have everyone drink free for almost three days."
Fen slid the money back. "Take it, Ullen. Think of it as an investment in your success... and also payment."
Ullen's ears swung back and forth. "Payment? For what?"
"Information. Can you tell me where the nearest entrance to the Basement is?"
Ullen crossed his arms and tried to look intimidating, but his tail swished back and forth, giving away his amusement. "I suppose you don't mean where I keep the extra Olenian herbs."
Fen said nothing.
Ullen sighed and walked over to the door, verifying it was locked. "Come with me." He walked behind the bar and bent down. He lifted up a slightly wet anti-slip mat and there was a silver ring inset into the floor. He pulled up and twisted at the same time, and there was a hiss and a square meter of floor rose up until it was two meters tall, supported my beams. A lift.
"You have an entrance to the Basement here? Come on Ullen. That's too much." Fen approached the lift, but did not step inside.
"I promise Fen, it's on the up and up. Honestly, when you first came in, I figured you were an out-of-your-depth merc looking for a Basement entrance, but I had no idea you were... who you are." His fur rippled again. "I promise, it's real. We've always been friendly with those... underneath. Head on down, and walk spinward. You'll come to the entrance. This week's code is "Tep'ra'fel is not immortal."
Fen's breath caught in her throat. "Tep'ra'fel was the K'laxi word for the Human Empress. 'The undeniable' was the most accurate translation. K'lax has been a vichy state of the human empire for nearly half a millennium. "That's... quite a codeword."
Ullen smiled with his teeth. "That's how you know it's a good one. If you're afraid to say it, you don't need the Basement."
Fen stepped onto the lift and it slid down into the floor.
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my-anndreamer · 5 months
Find Home AU: Info
This AU takes place during the time when Splinter and the 4 turtles were looking for their home. That is, the moment when they still wandered around the city and wandered from place to place while Draxum was looking for them.
After escaping from the laboratory, Splinter saw that three of the 4 turtles began to actively mutate and grow rapidly. And finally, Raph grew overnight and became the age and height of a 3-year-old, Leo and Donnie grew a little, which was the equivalent of 2-year-olds, Mikey hardly grew at all.
Looking for food,Yoshi found Draxum who was very angry and looking for him, the yokai threw away a strange folder that the rat picked up and read shocked at the information in there.
The "green folder" or the folder in which Draxum wrote how the turtles were being prepared for mutation, there he recorded everything he did with the turtles. From that folder, Yoshi learned that Draxum had to steal turtle eggs in order to inject them with drugs that strengthened the animals' immune systems. At the very beginning, he had about 100 eggs. Out of all of them, only three eggs survived, Draxum searched for three years in search of Box Turtle eggs, and in order not to waste time, he mutated the surviving turtles and the newly hatched baby Box Turtle.
Splinter took great care of this folder so that in the future he would use this knowledge to take care of his sons. Literally everything was written in that folder.
Rat taught his sons to be silent and invisible like ninjas in order to survive. The first year, he carried Leo and Donnie on his back, because they still had weak legs, Mikey generally slept all day, because box turtles hibernate, and when he was mutated it was cold and he slept. ( Most people usually refer to it as hibernation, but technically, Box Turtles don't hibernate. Brumation is a winter cool-down which allows the turtle to survive when food is scarce, and temperatures are lower. Turtles burrow into soft soil and enter into a period of sluggishness, inactivity and torpor. But Splinter didn't know it so he call it hibernate and in the green folder it is not written about it, because that moment was spoiled )
Therefore, for almost six months, the older turtles did not know what their father was wearing on his chest, and what was snoring so quietly there. Splint was afraid to take out the sleeping Mikey so that he would not catch a cold, Mikey could wake up every now and then, and then he was given formula. So when spring came he could be said to introduce the other turtles to their brother.
I apologize for the mistakes that may be here
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