#i wish you could see him living his best life in alaska
Mike and Jesse’s relationship makes me insane bc it’s the perfect encapsulation of the tragicomic elements that make Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul so absurdly ingenious. Like this deadly dead-eyed professional hitman only becomes a father figure to this grown adult meth cook because his boss strong-arms him into the Very Serious Drug-Related Business of babysitting said meth cook and building his sense of self-esteem through the power of gold star stickers. And Mike is such a quintessential professional that he gets stuck in character and genuinely comes to love Jesse as his own becoming his least problematic and most influential father figure in the series. But also. Mike is doomed to watch young men reminiscent of his murdered child get chewed up and spit out by a world that holds their innocence in contempt, is killed in an attempt to save Jesse from this fate, and dies believing he failed to do so
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I can't believe nobody has asked this but I couldn't find it in the masterpost - what if Bella went back to Phoenix before Edward got back from Alaska? And how does Carlisle react when Edward travels halfway across the country to eat her?
I like how you know where this is going, anon.
As usual, the caveats.
Bella didn't and wouldn't. Edward was weird, yes, but she's not sure what to think of it and hasn't seen him since that first day. He obviously hates her, but he seems to be sick and she's breathed a sigh of relief.
More, she left for a reason. If she goes back then she's just burdening her mother, insulting Charlie, and right back where she started. Nothing will change for the better.
And, I imagine even if Bella did think Edward might kill her, she'd view that as an acceptable outcome. If he eats her, then there's nothing she can do about it, and her mom will be happy with Phil. Tis simply a part of her suffering, equivalent to moving to Forks period.
Bella was never going back to Arizona.
Alright, She Goes Back
Charlie accidentally implies Bella's a burden on him. He in no way intended this or even implied it. He probably accidentally said something like, "Have to remember to buy twice as much food" or "I wish I could use the stove" and Bella flips shit.
She is a burden wherever she goes and seems to be more of a burden on Charlie than even Renee. At least Renee loves her, she and Charlie are practically strangers.
Bella has a good, long, cry in her room, thinks about stupid school with stupid small town people and Edward Cullen hating her for no reason and she can't do it.
She'll run away and live in a tent!
... Alright, so she can't do that, but she really wants to (I actually think she would at this point, and being Bella probably gets eaten by bears).
But to be in line with your ask, ever so reluctantly, Bella trudges home to Arizona and tells her mother it didn't work out. This is beyond embarrassing, makes her feel week and pathetic, but Renee is over the moon as Bella hasn't abandoned her to FORKS and CHARLIE. (Bella never realizes this, but I imagine it causes Renee great distress to be suddenly usurped especially when it's right after she married Phil. This is a clear sign of "Bella does not approve".)
PHIL IS GOING TO BE THE BEST STEP DAD EVER. When he's around. But Renee is determined, Bella will never think about leaving again.
Edward Returns
The girl is gone.
Edward can't help but blame himself and now is terrified as he doesn't know what she suspected. He tells himself that he has to hunt her down to assure the safety of the family, to judge what she saw and see if she'll talk.
He can't tell his family this, though, as they don't seem to see the need. Edward was just a strange kid in class, Bella now is in a large city in which no one has met the Cullens. They will never see her again and now they're assured Edward will never eat her. (Edward does not like that last argument BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO PROVE HE COULD HANDLE IT.)
He hates the girl even more for running out on him like this. It's completely irrational, but dammit, she clearly exists to spite him.
He tells the family he's going back to Denali, that he'd rather not live in Forks after all, and leaves it to them to pack things up. Forks will just remind him of his almost failure.
Instead of that, he goes to Phoenix. He's just going to find her, see if his gift still doesn't work on her, do some surveillance, and reassure himself. It'll be over in a weekend, he'll be in and out.
On the way he keeps thinking about how she looked at him as well as her scent.
He thinks about how much he hates her, how she seems more like a plot device to make his life hellish than a person. His family will never think of him the same way again because she exists.
By the time he gets to Arizona, he's in quite a rage.
Fortunately for her (and him) he has no idea where she is. And Phoenix is larger than Port Angeles. He cannot find her. He tries, desperately, can't do it. He knows nothing about the mother or where she lives, where Bella went to school. He drives around at night hoping someone's seen her. (No one has.)
He keeps at this for several weeks.
The Family Finds Out
Alice chooses not to cover for Edward. This is a stupid decision on his part, will lead to nothing good, and she has only the vaguest idea why he's doing it, but it will likely end with him eating Bella if he finds her.
The family calls the Denali and, sure enough, Edward never came back.
He appears to be in Phoenix, driving around, looking for Bella Swan so he can eat her.
Carlisle goes to pick him up. Edward is mortified, as is Carlisle, they have a very awkward discussion about letting Bella Swan go and moving on with their lives. Edward... can't. He physically can't. Except he can't explain why he can't.
But if he tells Carlisle that he needs alone time, Alice will just rat on him.
He tells Carlisle he has to do this, Carlisle points out he doesn't have to, at all, he just wants to. It's a pride thing and Carlisle gets it, but Edward has to get over this.
Well, that's an insult too far, and in rage Edward storms out of the conversation. On doing so he realizes... he has to leave. The family will never let him do this or understand and he has no choice.
And given last time, they'll think Edward is leaving the diet. They'll think he's eating Bella Swan, even when he wants to do anything but (except that he really would like to eat her).
Edward gives into despair, leaves, and valiantly tries to pursue the diet and find Bella Swan both. He fails in both tasks. He ends up back on his rapist diet which slips into ordinary people and Bella moves to Florida.
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crystiesong · 3 months
Videns stellas tecum
It wasn't unusual for Robin to wake up in the middle of the night but he usually wasn't very happy about it. On one particular night, the young wizard woke up feeling quite parched and a bit groggy. Making sure not to wake his snake companion, who was curled up on one the pillows, Robin made his way out of his room. He went to make his way towards the stairs when he noticed that Sam's door was wide open. Normally he wouldn't pay too much attention to it but due to the lack of sleep, his curiosity got the better of him.
Peeking his head in, Robin looked around his friend's room. The young gargoyle in question was nowhere to be found. His bed looked barely touched and there was no sign of any struggle of confrontation. Backing back out into the hallway, Robin looked around and noticed the ladder to the attic was down. Maybe Sam had gone to the roof. Climbing up, he made his way onto the roof. Just as he suspected, Robin spotted Sam. The young gargoyle was sitting on the edge of the roof, slightly hunched over, staring up at the sky that was full of stars. He looked peaceful.
Slowly walking over, Robin placed himself down next to Sam. If he noticed Robin's arrival, he made no acknowledgment. Robin turned his head to stare up at the sky. During his travels, the young wizard had stared up at the stars more times than he could count. They were a small comfort for when he had very little. Due to being in a city, there weren't as many to be seen but there were still surprisingly a lot. After several moments of calming silence, Robin decided to speak up.
"Can't sleep?"
Sam let out a tired sigh which made the young wizard turn to his friend. "Yeah. I needed some place to think and this place seemed best" Sam looked at Robin from the corner of his eye "What about you?"
The young wizard gave a nod "Had trouble sleeping and saw that you weren't in your room so I decided to come up here to see if you were okay"
Sam gave a small smile before turning back to the distance, a saddened sigh escaping his mouth. "Is something wrong?" Robin questioned, shuffling closer to his friend.
Sam shook his head "Nothing's wrong, I've just missed looking at the stars like this"
"They are particularly nice tonight" Robin commented.
A small but warm smile appeared on Sam's face. "Back when I was younger, me and Nau used to spend countless nights looking up at the stars, counting them, memorising them, just admiring them. He pretty much taught me how to read the stars" Sam reminisced.
A small flurry of warmth washed over Robin's heart seeing his friend so happy. "That sounded like quite a fun time"
Sam's smile faded and he looked towards the ground "It was"
That warmth was quickly replaced with guilt. Robin knew that Sam's past and specifically Nau were a sore subject for the young gargoyle, usually leaving him a bit sombre and saddened. His mind searched for a way to lighten the mood. An idea presented itself in his mind.
"You know..." Robin began "I actually used to stargaze a lot when I was younger"
Sam looked over at him with curiosity "Really?"
Robin nodded "Back when I lived in Alaska, me and my mama would often camp out in our front garden just to look up at the stars. We'd try and spot shooting stars, find the constellations and just enjoy the night sky. It was... fun" Robin's heart warmed at the memories of when his life was simple, when he was... happy.
"Those sound like they were fun times" Sam commented.
Robin couldn’t help but let out a warm smile "They really were”
"But now we'll be able to make new times, new memories" the young gargoyle stated, staring up at the stars.
The young wizard hummed in agreement, hoping that the future would be good to them. 
In the blink of an eye, a light streaked across the night sky. Robin stood up and gasped "A shooting star!"
Sam also stood, looking about "Where?!"
The young wizard pointed towards the sky, where the star was fading out of view "There. We have to make a wish quickly otherwise it won't come true" Luckily for Robin, he didn't have to think over his wish, he already knew what he wanted.
Sam nodded "Okay, I wish for-" 
Robin put his hand over the young gargoyle's mouth "You can't say your wish out loud as if you do it won't come true"
With a bit of surprise in his eyes, Sam nodded in understanding, prompting Robin to remove his hand from his friend's mouth. "So this means you won't tell me yours?" the young gargoyle asked with pleading eyes and a pout.
All Robin could do was give his friend a look. The young gargoyle chuckled nervously "Right right"
He sat back down, legs hanging over the side of the building. Robin couldn't help but join him. The young wizard stared up at the sparkling sky. His heart ached. He wished his mother was still here with him.
Feeling something press into his side, Robin glanced over to see Sam gently leaning against him. A flurry of warmth washed over Robin's heart. He leaned against Sam's side and turned back to the stars. He may not have his mother by his side but he did have Sam. The two of them would make their own futures and hopefully they'd be able to heal from their wounds of the past. And maybe, just maybe; their wishes would come true.
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and-so-he-rambled · 2 years
“I saw the world, I traveled and I learned so much.” He learned that the sunrise was just as beautiful in Africa, that bones looked the same in Rome, that there was murder and mystery in every corner. He learned that the best meals of the world meant nothing eaten by yourself. He learned that epiphanies came on sparse mountaintops so devoid of life that you felt you were the only one alive. That crisis came in an empty hotel rooms at one in the morning, halfway through a bottle of scotch and realizing that you were utterly and completely alone. That the adrenaline rush of adrenaline and endorphins was almost like solving a murder, even if not quite. That it was easier to crawl into a bottle than face the reality that the family he’d built was gone. That there was a special kind of terror found in waiting rooms waiting for std results because you couldn’t remember the last four weeks.
So yeah, he’d learned a lot.
“But at the end, I just wanted to go home.” To England? To Berkshire where his mum and sister went about their lives? He did miss England, but more so he missed the past, when he could hole up in his room and read encyclopedias and National Geographic magazines. Before he had to grow and up be something. He missed the lab, when he finally was something.
Vincent wasn’t a man of faith, but he knew many religions and beliefs. He wished he did have such a strong devotion, that he wasn’t truly abandoned, but at the end of the day he was a man of facts. Facts were a lonely religion.
Even if he was the richest man in the world, he liked to think he would have found his way back to the Jeffersonian anyway. He didn’t have his doctorate and was only an intern, but he felt at home under the white lights, solving mysteries and giving people their identities back. He had a purpose there, and he would have given away every penny of that million to just go back to the way it had been.
His adventures weren’t a complete loss, and there truly was no freedom like the outdoors, but he was content to spend the rest of his days inside. It was easy to close his eyes and remember the sights before he gave in to his weaknesses and tainted his perfect memory. He could see it so clearly, every little detail.
“Did you have a favorite place?” Angela smiled at him, small and soft and kind. She was special, tolerating him and seeming to care about the facts that drove his life. Hodgins was a lucky man.
Did he have a favorite place? Maine was beautiful, if cold, and Rome was historic, if overwhelming. He’d seen beautiful and rare sights, but if given the chance he wouldn’t go back to any of them. Those mountaintop epiphanies were passed and gone, and the magic of traveling for the first time was well worn.
“Coming back, that was my favorite.” He remembered the way the plane bumped down on the D.C runway and a weight had lifted. He’d been fresh from rehab and time with his family, but the second Cam called he had been on the first flight home. His mum said she understood, had patted him on the arm with a smile only mothers could pull off and told him to go back to the family he found.
The city had never looked so beautiful that night, grimy and dark and oh so perfect. His apartment was untouched, set on a recurring payment from the account he hadn’t drained completely, and it greeted him with open arms. It was dark and dusty as he set down his bags and sat in the dark, listening to police sirens in the distance.
And he cried. He cried, an ugly messy sort of cry, until he was aching and empty. He cried for all he had done and all he hadn’t, for his mistakes and his accomplishments. He cried for the horrors he’d seen and those he’d yet to see, for the ghosts of his past already starting to follow him. He cried for any and every reason, and to just cry at all. Vincent was only human, but he was home.
“This place is really that special to you?” Angela looked at him before looking back at her painting, a 8x10 painting of the snowfall in Alaska from his description alone. She was remarkably on point.
Instead of a proper answer he shrugged. He doubted he could put into words what the Jeffersonian meant to him. He found himself falling back on habit, one he’d let fade in the pursuit of adventure.
“Did you know,” He smiled at the faux shine of painted snow on the bowed branch of an evergreen. “That it's illegal to feed pigeons on the sidewalks and streets in San Francisco?”
Angela laughed, throwing her head back before giving him a look that felt like home.
“Never change Vincent.”
But he had changed. He had lost himself somewhere between Nevada and Paris, in scotch and pints with strangers. He let his love for knowledge be overshadowed by his need to feel something and fill a hole he hadn’t realized was there until the Lab stopped filing it. If anything’s he was changing back, finding his way back to himself.
He was here, he was home and finally getting better, and he never wanted to go.
Your honour I miss him 🥲
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uitwaaiien · 8 months
I still get flashbacks of all our worst moments. All the moments I wish I had walked away and done better because God knows I could have. It just crossed my mind again about finding out about all the escorts. From going through your laptop when you were at the shooting range to you running home to me throwing all my shit in the car and leaving. How you walked in and still lied to my face and begged me to stay so you could "explain" and lie your way out of it. I should have never went home. I should have driven back down to Florida to get Poquito and pack all my stuff up and divorced you then and there. But I met so many wonderful people on our journey. I made so many more memories for myself. I fell in love with myself along the way when I realized you could never love me the way I want. The way I needed. The way I so desperately desired. I hate myself some days for not leaving earlier. I hate the way I let you get in my head. I hate the way I stuck up for you and had faith in you getting better. I had hope in you healing and I hate myself for trying to see the best in you when there was nothing but darkness in you. I hate myself for not putting myself first and taking on your darkness inside of me and fighting it myself, just to take the load off of you and help you. One day I hope to stop hating all the things that I did, when I shouldn't have. I should have let you suffer in silence but having a big heart is not a curse. I will not let my love and desire for prince charming make me a bad person. I won't let it turn me dark. I won't let you win and get in my head over and over again when you did for years. I'm not over it. I don't think I'll ever be over it. But not in the sad "how could you do this to me" because that is over. I'm not crying. I'm not sad. I don't miss you. I definitely don't miss us. I know what love feels like. Multiple people have come into my life since I left you and shown me what true, healthy love feels like and they know I am grateful for it. No I'm not over it. But I'm not over you being an absolute horrible piece of shit person. I'm not over you faking it everyday, even when I had filed, you still faked it. You still lied. There is not a single day that passed from the day you texted me to apologize back in September of 2019, after Kate left you, to the day I left Alaska that you did not lie to me. You lied. You lied. You lied. Every. Damn. Day. How did you do that? No, I know how you did it. You didn't care. You have no empathy. No sympathy. All your tears and games were a fucking lie. Just a way to provide yourself entertainment and to make my life a living hell so you weren't living in hell alone. You just didn't want to be alone. So instead of getting better, you brought me into hell with you. You dragged me down to your level and got off on it. I hope it made you happy. It probably didn't because you're never happy. You don't have a single fucking clue what happiness feels like. Maybe you do now, who knows. You're probably still lying to yourself every morning and lying to the people around you. And even if you aren't, it's always a cycle with you. You'll be "good" for a couple weeks or a month and then you'll go right back to being that shitty person who has a special place in hell reserved personally for him. I don't want you to get your redemption. But at the same time, I couldn't care less what happens to you. I was right. I was always right. My 18 year old boy is dead and gone. He died a very long time ago and he's rolling over in his grave letting whoever the fuck you are walk around in his place. You're not even half a man. No matter what "masculinity" you have. No matter the people you kill. No matter the people you train in whatever you're teaching. No matter who you take care of. No matter what your family does or says because you are just as awful as them. Your sister? Don't get me started, what a fucking joke wasting her life away.
And your mom? You are the spitting image of her. Your narcissism? You get it all from her. You didn't speak to her for a whole fucking year and you think you know what love is? You think you're respectful? That you deserve to have a good life? No wonder you got your fucking rank stripped because you made a bad call. Your whole life has been full of bad fucking calls and I hope you live with every single consequence of all of them. Including me.
No. I don't care about you. I want nothing good to happen to you but I know better than to put that into the universe for the sake of my own good karma because goodness knows after dealing with you and your fucking emotions for almost a decade, I am long overdue for my happy ever after. And don't you fucking worry. I'm going to get everything I have ever wanted. I'm already on my way and I will stay this way until the world turns dark. You did nothing for me. Congratulations on ruining your relationship with the one person in the whole world who accepted your dark side and all your demons and made them her own. She loathes you now. I know that's what you wanted though. You wanted me to hate you because it's easier for you. It's always been easier for you. Why do you think I unblocked you? It wasn't for you. It was because I didn't care anymore. I want you to see how happy I am without you. How fucking wonderful my sweet, beautiful life is now that I'm free of you. If I had know freedom from you would feel this good I would have let you go when you left me when I was 16. You never deserved me. You never deserved my love. There is not a single second that goes by where I truly believe you loved me. You really hated me, didn't you? Good. I don't want your love. I never needed it. I have always been stronger than you and I knew that. But your lies, manipulation, gaslighting and your sick, twisted-in-the-head games that you like to play....you can keep all that. I know you won't change. YOU know you won't change. You're probably still watching your porn and your onlyfans, sleeping with girls and probably going to reenlist because you're right - you don't know what else to do with your life. I know you won't go to college. You won't survive college. Prove me wrong. I don't fucking care. You mean jack shit to me now. And Tony? Lord help that child. I feel so sorry that he was born into that family. And now he has to live with you? If I know you at all, you've definitely been making him walk Zulu, shovel the driveway, clean up the house and make him learn "responsibility" but you don't know how to raise a child. You don't know how to be a husband. You'll never know how to be a good dad. I'm so fucking glad I never had kids with you. God, could you imagine?? All those times you said "let's make a baby" and God saved me. He really protected me on that one because no way in hell would I ever want to be the mother of your kids. You would have turned them against me. You would have always made it a game. You would have ruined holidays and every tradition I have planned in my head. But now? Now I'm free to make all my own choices and all my own decisions. Sure, you got the house and everything in it but I will always be free of you and you will have to live with yourself and all your horrible mistakes and choices until the day you die. Freedom is absolutely priceless. Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful that you're gone. You're dead to me. Just like you always should have been.
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Tender Love and Care. Alpha!Eskel X Omega!Reader
Master List
*Edited and Revised 06/07/22. Story and character developing chapters added.*
Alaska are you starting another series even though you haven't finished the last one????
There is like zero ABO Eskelxreaders and, seeing as filling niche genres is my specialty (as of posting this still the only person to have written Laufey x reader) I figured I would at least give it a go. How many parts am i planning? Don't know. Do I plan on smut? Honey this aint ABO for show. Is there smut in this chapter? no, in usual fashion I can't write anything short. Anyway onward to the fic!
There was a sort of endearment you had for men that were completely oblivious. Maybe it was the vulnerability they showed in not knowing. Maybe it the breath of fresh air that seeing a man asking for help—in a world where men knew all the answers—brought. Maybe it was just the utterly adorable look on Eskel’s face when he was confused. Yeah, that probably had a lot to do with it. You and the Witcher were quite familiar. Living in the closest village to Kaer Morhen you ran in too many of the Witchers. Running the only library/bookshop/book repair shop meant you ran into two Witchers more than others. Vesemir was the one you were most acquainted with, seeing as he stayed at the keep year-round. He made monthly trips to see you for supplies, to fix books for him or just to chat. You held a soft spot for the old man. His eyes seemed to hold an air of regret, you supposed in a life as long as his he had done many things he regretted, you sure had.
In truth you were not fully human. You were half fae. The daughter of a king and his once swore enemy turned lover. This meant you lived long-- in truth you were probably as old as Vesemir if not older—but still appeared fully human. This however came with it’s quirks. You were still subject to heats. Yes, if being a fae hybrid was not enough you were also an omega. This had made you unique and had drawn quite a few eyes your father was none too thrilled about. That was why you chose to stay here instead of the land of the fairies. You could visit at any time, all it took was a looking glass or a still, clear, pool of water to go back, but it was safer to reside here full time. It also came with the perks of seeing the other Witcher you were acquainted with, Eskel, standing around your shop looking for all intents and purposes, oblivious.
You had resided and run this book shop in this exact building for 50 years (you resided in a different town before that) and not once had Eskel seemed to notice you did not age. Vesemir also never said anything. You wondered if all Witchers were like this. You hoped so. As watching Eskel try to sneak glances at you while supposedly perusing books. All the while you trying to pretend like you didn’t notice, never failed to make you bury your head into a book to hide your smile.
Eskel and you had been flirting back and forth for the past 10 years. You weren’t sure how it started. The time spent with Eskel blurred into one amazing scene in your head. Over time awkward glances turned into loving glances. Jolted unexpected touches turned into lingering of hands over one another as he handed you something. In a blink a decade had passed of casual comments and gestures, and he had been your best friend before that. He knew everything, everything that made you tick or caused you to calm down.
 It excited you, knowing he would come to you every spring and fall like the rising and setting of the sun. However, you wished to progress with him. You were in no rush that was for sure, but it was becoming harder and harder to watch him walk away. Your heats felt like they were becoming lonelier and lonelier. Sure you could probably have some Alpha stay and satisfy you. Both the widower tavernowner and local blacksmith had propositioned you before.  But you didn’t want SOME Alpha. You wanted the Alpha that was too large to fit through the doorway and had to crouch. The one that would enviably knock over a book or two and then profusely apologize for it. Probably thanking all the gods above that he couldn’t blush. The one that would press wildflowers into the pages of the books he borrowed for you to find when he returned them. Yes, you wanted him. And you were intent on having him.
Just like clockwork, as the leaves started to fall, your door clicked open. The smell of Patchouli, lemongrass, and pine mixing with that of paper, leather, and ink. The smell of Eskel in your bookshop was one that enticed you to no end. You wished more than anything you could bottle it. You looked up through you lashes, away from the, frankly large, tomb you were fixing to gaze at Eskel. He narrowly avoided knocking over a stack of books while trying to maintain eye contact. You laughed quietly sitting up and looking at him straight on. His face was worn, the sun ravaged skin that comes with traveling making him even more appealing to you.
He stood before you, content to stand there all day and look at you. It was quite a few moments before he seemed to realize he was before you for a reason and grabbed at the bag from his shoulder.  He cleared his throat.
“I believe these are yours” He said. Extending the four books you had lent him this year.
“Why thank you” you replied mirth slipping into your voice. You placed the books on the floor on top of another small stack next your stool behind your desk.
“What are you working on?” Eskel said, slipping to stand behind the desk next you. On queue knocking over the stack you had just set down.
“fuckin hell” He said under his breath the venom in it lost when paired with the little giggle you gave out.
“I’m fixing this tomb for Vesemir, he’s supposed to come pick it up before winter. But, if you don’t mind staying for a bit.” Eskel perked up at the invitation.
You continued “I almost have it done. Then I can send it up with you instead of having him make the extra trip” You reached over the desk for the needle, working on fixing the outer seam of leather from where it had come undone.
“I recognize this” Eskel said from where he was peering over your shoulder. You hummed at him and you looked up to look at his face. His lips were upturned slightly and his eyes shone. His neck stretched out, leading in a trail to the wide expanse of his shoulders. As he peered over you his body enclosed around you, creating a magnetic, warm wall against your back. You leaned back just barely to get closer. Not enough to touch, just enough to get that much closer to him. Perched on the ledge, not ready to jump.
“Yes” there was an undertone of excitement in his voice  “this is the old sword drill manual. Why on earth would Vesemir want you to restore this?” Confusion marred his face as he continued “All of us have this thing memorized, hell Vesemir himself could probably quote it word for word.”
“Maybe he’s sentimental?” you offered. Recalling how gingerly Vesemir had carried the manual into you.
“Perhaps, but seems a strange thing to be sentimental over.” He dismissed.
“Oh come on” You started playfully. ”You can’t tell me there isn’t one thing in that keep you don’t want to preserve?”
He seemed to ponder it a moment before nodding slowly
“You know there is one thing.”
“what?” you asked. You turned to face him better, an arm resting on the back of the chair.
“A book of poetry from my mother. It’s the only thing I have from when before I took up the path, outside of some vague memories. It’s only the size of a hand or so. I snuck it into the keep in the waistband of my pants and kept it in the straw of my mattress in the bunks.” He looked off in the distance for a moment. Emotion flashing behind his eyes.
“I haven’t read it in years for fear it will completely fall apart” It didn’t seem like he was talking to you. It was more like he was talking to himself, or someone else lost in his memories.  You lifted you hand to his arm, grabbing his attention once more.
“If only you knew someone that fixed books” You said eyes gesturing back and forth between his gaze and the book you were fixing. He laughed a moment.
“I suppose I never thought of that, though I’m afraid if it wouldn’t survive a simple read it certainly couldn’t take traveling down a mountain.” You hated the dejected tone that took over his voice. You were well acquainted with that feeling. The spark of hope that flares in you only to be plunged into the cold water of reality. That feeling. You wouldn’t wish it on anyone, especially not Eskel.  A fire was set under your skin as you spoke.
“Well we’ve got at least a good few weeks before it’s ought to snow. If you’d like I could come up to the keep myself and fix it up there. At least enough to where I could bring it back here and work on it this winter.”
“Really?” The smile reached Eskel’s eyes as he looked down expectantly at you.
“Well I mean I’ll have to miss out on all these costumers” You gestured to the empty shop. Eskel gave out a small chuckle.
“But yes Eskel I would love to fix it for you.”
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The Best Gift
Character: Helmut Zemo
Tumblr media
Pairing: Helmut Zemo/ Fem!Reader.
Warmings: Zemo dressed like Santa (This is a BIG warning!!) Funny. Fluff. Christmas thing. (I know it’s august, but… This is me).
Inspired by (Song): I’ll be your Santa Tonight - Keith Urban
Author's Note: Hello, it’s me again. First of all, thanks you for all the reblogs and likes in my stories. It’s so important to me see that things, that’s makes me keep writing more for you. 😃
How are your Monday? It's National Holiday in my country so... I'm trying to rest a little.
I've loved to write this because, if you don't know, I'm a crazy person about Christmas ⛄ I love so so much Christmas, with all my heart, and I have songs about Christmas in my playlist all the year so… Keith Urban started saying “about Santa” and other things and one picture came to my head at the moment and this is how it ends.
¿Zemo dressed like Santa? 😳
It's All. So I hope you like it and all the replies are accepted!!!
XOXO 😘😘😘
I barely notice it starting to snow, but the only thing I can't help but hear is the weather man talking about airport closures as well as the constant frosts coming from Alaska.
Damn Polar Circle.
He took away what seemed to be the best Christmas of my life.
I look at the calendar and number 24 greets me with laughter, as I remember letting out a sigh like a few days ago, Sam called me telling me that they were stranded due to bad weather in Barcelona and that there was no possibility of them getting a flight until after Christmas. I heard him complain about the government, not letting them use the Quinjet unless it was for a state emergency, bad weather and even Bucky, who could be heard by his side saying his typical "I told you so" accompanied by his explanations about having the reason to suggest traveling earlier. .
After all, I would spend Christmas alone.
It is barely 11 at night when the bell rings and I hardly open the door, there is no one, there is only a small gift on the floor. I smile as soon as I notice who it comes from.
Did I forget to say that bad weather also stopped Zemo in Riga?
I take the small purple box, accompanied by a bright white bow and a red envelope, between my hands and as soon as I open it, I let out a satisfied sigh as I gently touch the small poinsettia-shaped pendant accompanied by a mistletoe, It is hanging from an old pink metal bracelet.
And knowing Zemo, that bracelet must have been worth more than my apartment's 10-year rent.
"I wish this gift were real so I could kiss you underneath it, or even try - I feel my heart begin to pound against my ribs at his words. We had never talked about the knowing glances we exchanged or the moments of silence that spoke for themselves, where I could feel Bucky's teeth grinding or Sam's sounds of annoyance at the normality with which I dealt with Helmut. Out of inertia I look at the mistletoe that is hanging over my head in the threshold and I let out a nervous laugh as I curse the storm in different languages ​​- I'm sorry I can't be there to share this beautiful night with you, darling. But I think Santa Claus will be early for you tonight. Please, think of me when it's 12 o'clock, because I'll be thinking of you "
I hold the letter to my chest as I let out a frustrated sigh and curse the storm again.
It's amazing how he was able to blow up a truck from a jail but was stopped by a snowstorm.
The ironies of life ...
I close the door as I put the small gift on the coffee table in the center of the living room and quickly put the bracelet on, feeling like the little charms tickle me and remind me that he is here somehow.
I look out the window as the white cloak invades the streets and there is no trace of any soul on them.
The reflection of my mistletoe pajamas makes me remember why I love this party and I can't help but smile. Anything could happen at Christmas.
My cell phone starts ringing and as soon as I answer the call, I hear Sam complain about the damn weather in his own words as I hear Bucky's wailing in the background. They both apologize for one of the few they can't control.
- You know that with this call you make me more than happy, guys.
"But we really wanted to be there with you, baby girl." Sam's voice sounds sad and I can't stop a tear from falling down my cheek.
"You'll make her cry, Samuel. Shut up..."
I laugh trying not to notice that I am already crying but my silence betrays me to Bucky's special abilities.
"Don't cry little doll. That I can't hug you if you cry" - Bucky's warm words make me smile but the tears don't stop.
I'd made myself dependent on those three men in a way that I didn't think was possible, but with Bucky I had a particular relationship.
I would do anything for him to be happy. And I knew he would do the same for me.
"Stop crying that I have no way to get there"
I hear his clear voice and I know he took the phone from Sam - I want you to have a good night, eat a lot of cake on my behalf - An "ours" is heard from Sam in the distance and Bucky laughs - and at least I hope that our gifts arrive on time.
I don't even mention that Zemo's is already here otherwise they would go into a rage.
- It's okay. I'll do it just for you, Barnes.
"That's my doll - I look at the pendant while I hear Sam complain again followed by the sound of a door closing - Don't forget how much I love you and that I am always grateful for having bumped into you in that cafe near your apartment"
He is my dear older brother, the one he always wanted and wanted to have. And then comes Sam, he just doesn't know.
- I never forget. I love you. Take care of Sam and give him a kiss from me - I barely paid attention to his complaints about kiss Sam, but his annoying tone makes me laugh - Merry Christmas.
"Santa will be here soon for you, little one. Merry Christmas"
He cut the call before I continues crying and I realize that he used the same phrase as Zemo in his letter. Perhaps it would be a phrase that is fashionable?
I shake my head as I walk into the kitchen and listen to the television count in the background telling me that it's 15 minutes to 12.
I pour myself a cup of hot chocolate and before sitting down to watch the same Christmas movies as every year, I am interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, for the second time that night.
Before I even take a step toward the door, my phone starts to ring. I take it and answer without looking at the number as I look through the peephole in the door but I see something white blocking the vision of the corridor, which is wallpaper with a striking and horrible green color.
- Hello?
"Princess" - I lean against the door at the same time that I lose myself in the tranquility of his voice and in the way in which I feel flattered to know that that word is directed towards me - "Shall I interrupt?"
- Helmut ... - I answer making my voice not come out mixed with a sigh when I hear it and I focus on whatever is outside - No, you don't interrupt much. Shouldn't you be in bed at this hour?
"It didn't seem fair to me not to call you before twelve o'clock."
- Thanks for the gift - I peek through the peephole again and the white color is still there. I quickly type a message to Jolene from 3rd to come out to see the hall but I don't get a reply - You wouldn't have bothered.
“I never mind giving you gifts, princess. As long as they are the ones to represent me when I can't be there. Like now"
- When did you send it? - I say while trying not to think about the effect that his words have on me.
"I have the habit of sending gifts first in case a problem usually arises" - He murmurs somewhat distractedly and I put the phone away while I see that there is no response from my neighbor - "Am I bothering you?"
- Do not! No ... It's just that they rang the bell and ...
“You should attend. Maybe it's important ”- He cuts me off as soon as I want to continue the prayer and I hear what seem like cars in the distance. What could be more important than talking to you when you should be here? I want to answer, but I bite my tongue before the words leave my lips - "I just wanted you to know that ... You make me happy in a way that I can't put into words, and you deserve the world for it"
- Helmut .. you will make me cry - I hardly feel that the tears are fighting to get out. These men would make the apartment flood so crying.
“I would like to erase those tears with kisses and replace them with caresses. But I consider that the distance does not want me to fulfill my objective "
Damn the distance! I wanted to answer but the movement on the other side of the peephole distracted me, now the white was bright, like the appearance of a small snowball.
“Open that door, princess. You will thank me later. Merry Christmas"
The call was cut off, leaving me even more confused and I automatically open the door to find that the target belongs to the little ball that ends in a Santa Claus hat with his back to me.
Something in my heart stops as soon as Zemo's words take effect and I look with emotion at that unknown man, waiting for him to turn around and I give myself whatever he has to give me.
- Mister? Do you have something for me?
The Santa doesn't answer. He just shakes his head, indicating yes. I hope he gives it to me and nothing.
What the hell is wrong with this messenger?
I pick up the cell phone again to text Zemo about this, but it interrupts me to see out of the corner of my eye that the strange Santa looks for something in the red tote bag he carries and pulls out a poster, drawing my attention back to him.
- "You must turn around to receive the surprise" - I read aloud and I doubt that action.
What if he was a psycho trying to find his next prey?
I see Santa looking for another smaller poster, where he declares that he is a good person. Him marking the "good" in quotation marks, as if he was not so convinced of it.
Now Santa reads minds. Brilliant.
The individual waves his hand to me, indicating that I turn around. He raised his eyebrows as soon as he noticed him tapping on the ground, reflecting his impatience.
I let out a frustrated sigh and turn away between murmurs of complaints.
Seconds pass and nothing. There's no answer. I only hear footsteps approaching me, but as long as the movements last, I feel no fear.
Just curious. Why would Zemo send someone dressed as Santa to my department?
My cell phone lights up with a new message, from Zemo.
"Do I not deserve a greeting, Princess?"
I tense up as soon as I read the message and confusion makes an appearance. Say hello to him? But if it is in ...
- Before you say something ... - I turn to hear his voice and let out a sigh with what I see: Santa Claus had detached his jacket to reveal an embroidered shirt, which made a clear contrast to his red pants, the small bag was on the floor and in the company of another that he had not noticed, from which a pink Moet tag protruded.
By the time I got to the face, I found Helmut grinning at me, surely enjoying the look of surprise on my face.
Was Helmut Zemo, that man who ripped the Avengers apart and shattered the conscience of one of my best friends, now regenerated, was he really dressed as Santa Claus for Christmas?
- Surprise, princess.
The only thing I manage to do and that unfortunately I cannot contain is laughter. I start to laugh as I see his confused expression on his and I laugh more heartily. I don't know if nerves, surprise, or disbelief increase my laughter, but out of the corner of my eye, I see him lean against the door frame and I hear him sigh. A long, heavy sigh escapes his lips as he sees that I can barely keep myself from laughing.
- And I thought this would be a good idea.
- It is - I murmur between laughter, while I feel that the mess caused by the laughter in my stomach are replaced by butterflies that make it hurt from moving so much. That surly and arrogant man was humiliating himself, putting on that suit just to surprise me at Christmas - It's the perfect gift. You are the perfect gift, Helmut.
- I would rather say that I am the perfect entertainment.
We both fell silent as I took a step closer and doubted that if perhaps I touched it, it would disappear from my sight and wake me from the strange dream I was having.
- Are you really here?
- If you get closer you can discover it - I don't move, but he does, arranging a lock of hair behind my ear, leaving his hand on my face - I asked James and Samuel to let me spend tonight with you ...
- Is that why they didn't come?
- No, actually, they were stranded in Barcelona. But if they came they were going to make up a silly excuse so that I could stay with you alone. I assured both of you that I had no ill intentions before I even told you about this.
- Are you afraid of them?
- No, but Samuel with the suit is… imposing. And I don't want to provoke James's anger.
I let out a laugh as I show him that I have his gift on and he just smiles at me, doing that typical nod of his.
- And what about the gift? You like it?
- Love it.
- It's rose gold, I ordered it especially for you
- The only thing that interests me is that you have given it to me. And that you are here ...
He awkwardly turns to take the bag and hands it to me very carefully, I barely see that there are a couple of glasses, typical of Zemo who refuses to have a sparkling wine in a cup or glass, chocolates and what appears to be Turkish delight.
- I brought a couple of things for us to have dinner together. I know it is not what I would have wanted ... - I notice him tense as he says those words and knowing him well enough, I know he would have wanted to dine out, but he adapted quite well to the idea of ​​staying in an apartment without doing anything of his glamorous style Although I was a bit nervous at the idea of ​​staying in pajamas all night - But I wanted to make you happy and that's what matters most to me. See you smile.
I put the bag delicately on the table next to the door and without a hint of hesitation, I take it from both flaps of Santa's suit and press my lips against his, while pushing it against the hallway wall.
As much as my actions were those of a daring woman, I felt that I was giving him the opportunity to see that he wanted to try something with him. That she was willing to risk whatever it was she might say to me.
I feel his hands creep up my arms, as he barely pulls away and this time he's the one pushing me against the wall, kissing me like his life depends on it. I can feel him smile between the moments when our lips are not touching, but every time I feel my heart stops.
He is soft, delicate and possessive at the same time. As soon as I put my hands under Santa's coat, I can feel the muscles in his back relax at my touch, making me feel powerful by having some kind of effect on him.
He presses me a little more against him and he pulls me away only when he hears the screams and fireworks all around us. I turn to the door and see that the clock over the living room window indicates 00:03.
- Merry Christmas, princess.
He presses his lips against mine again and when he lets me out of his arms, he pulled me away enough to take his hand and guide him towards the apartment.
- Can we save dinner for later? Because I really wish you would take off your suit. You distract me a lot with it. -I close the door while enjoying the image of him in red clothes.
-If it's not to your liking ... -He begins to take off his jacket, but I stop him by shaking my hands.
- I never said it wasn't - I bite my lower lip while he's doing that head movement that I don't know what it has but it leaves me speechless - I just want to take it off. And I don't want to get carried away by that thought.
He puts his jacket back on and gives me one of his arrogant, confident smiles. And that in addition, he is completely attractive.
- Do you want to let yourself go with me, princess?
- I'd love to, Santa.
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mercurygray · 2 years
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5 of 10; sorry, all spots have been filled and I can't accept any more requests! For @easycompany123
Hi, my name is Kendall, she/her, medium length brunette hair. I’m a vodka aunt, literally and figuratively. My interest included cinematography, traveling, history (specifically ancient Rome, and Greece), and people watching. I feel I hold myself back because of people in my life that have previously held me back. I’m very loyal but I can come off as harsh. I’ve gotten into a few fist fights because of my loud mouth, but nothing that hurt me permanently. Family isn’t something important to me (at least as much as I wished it was). Sometimes I get scared of developing certain attributes from my parents. School is a big deal and I strive for academic achievement. Writing has always intrigued me, and I definitely want to be a script/ screen writer. In my spare time I hang out with friends or go somewhere by myself. Character’s my best friend relates me to are Alaska (Looking for Alaska), Camila (Secret History), Brad (Generation Kill). In the 40’s I would loved to work for the O.S.S. (I would like my ship to be a guy). <3
You're not the sentimental kind.
At basic there were plenty of girls sniffling into their pillows, being away from home for the first time, but that's not for you - you wanted an adventure and now you've got it, a Lady Marine sitting in San Diego wearing Montezuma Red and processing papers for all these boys coming through Pendleton. It's hard work, but there's change in it, people always coming and going. You can have a different date every weekend if you want, and no one expects anything more from you than a nice evening out.
One thing you'll say for living near the city - the nightlife is infinitely more fun than it was at home. Restaurants and dances and more movie theaters than you could visit in a month. Which is where you are tonight. The show was a western - not one of your favorites, but the boys seem to enjoy it. There are three of them, one eager beavers who asked your friend Penny out in the PX and told her he'd bring some friends if she did.
Turns out it's a damn small world and someone knew someone else's cousin and now the four of them are thick as thieves and you've been stuck with the third friend.
...well, not stuck. He's kind of cute, in a backcountry way, very yes ma'am, no ma'am, let me get the door, but quiet, too, like he's waiting to see what everyone else says. (Hard to get a word in edgewise around Penny, though.)
They've pretty well forgotten the two of you, ten steps ahead as usual, when he finally speaks. "You, ah, go to the movies much at home?"
"Not really," you admit. "Wasn't a whole lot of money at home for things like that, and no one ever wanted to go with me. Said it was a lot of nonsense, watching people do things they never did."
He gives a wry smile at that. "Take it you don't miss it much? Home, I mean."
You shrug. "People seem to hang a lot on that word, but there's not much to miss if it never really felt like home, is it?"
This seems to make sense to him, though he doesn't say so in so many words. "So what d'you think you'll do, when this is..."
Over? That's a thought. Plans change quick around here, and you don't make them as much as you used to. Reading casualty lists will do that to a girl. "I used to say I'd travel, see the world a little, but now I think I'd like to go to Hollywood, get into pictures. A screenwriter, you know? Be the person I want to be - tell stories people actually want to watch."
"You seem like you'd be good at that. Long as you had some one to keep you out of trouble."
""You calling me a troublemaker, Romus Burgin?""
He shrugs and smiles that quiet way of his, what you'd call bashful if you couldn't also see the sparkle in his eyes. "Takes one to know one."
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devil-in-those-eyes · 4 years
One Day Pt1- Rudy Pankow
ALRIGHTY, so I tried my best but I don't know very much about Rudy’s personal life so bear with me. 
Taglist: @jeyramarie
Summary: Y/N and Rudy dated in high school and he promised her they’d find their way back to each other but they haven't spoken in years, until he comes home for a visit after the release of Outer Banks. 
           Alaska wasn’t the warmest place in the states for summer, but arguably the prettiest. Full of greenery and always things to do outdoors, from kayaking to hiking to taking random drives, Ketchikan was beautiful but even you couldn’t help but start to feel like you were drowning in the city.
           Most of your friends stuck around your hometown or at least stayed in the same state, so it made summer time more enjoyable, especially when everyone got together. Summer never got exceptionally warm, but tonight constituted for jeans and a cute top, no need for a jacket. The get together was at your friends cabin that was in a secluded area of your hometown, it sat right on the water and every time you breathed in, you could smell the salt of the water.
           This get together had been a tradition between you and your childhood friends, it happened every summer almost to the day. It was the birthday of your closest friend and every year it got rowdier and rowdier, you wouldn’t miss it. Everyone was here, everyone except one person. Not a lot of people made it out of Alaska, you and your friends had a joke about never leaving the state. Only a few of your friends went away to college but only one of them actually got out of Alaska and went two-thousand and some miles away, your ex-boyfriend, Rudy.
           You always tried to push his face out of your head and the older you got, as the years continued to fly by, it got easier. You were so proud of Rudy for following his dreams to California but the distance between you two seemed to grown a mile a second until you just stopped talking all together.
           You two weren’t complicated, there wasn’t a long drawn out story between you and him. You had supported his dream from the beginning with a promise of one day, you knew staying friends would be hard but you loved him until staying friends seemed impossible because you never talked. You tried, but the more your texts and calls went unanswered and not returned the less effort you put in because clearly one day wasn’t going to happen.
           It broke your heart, but what could you do? Rudy had landed a role in a Netflix Original and it was taking the world by storm, he was never going to come back home and you didn’t know if you could leave home. So what did you do? You did what he did, you started dating. You picked up the small pieces of your heart, painted on a pretty smile and started seeing other people.
           You had been seeing Tucker James for a while. He was handsome, made you smile. You grew up with Tucker and when he came back home after college, he was completely different then when you saw him in high school. He wasn’t Rudy, but he was something.
           The little get together wasn’t crowded with people, but it wasn’t quiet. The people here were the kids you graduated with, mainly your group of friends that consisted of ex-football players, ex-soccer players and ex-cross country runners. You and your girlfriends were mainly ex-soccer players and one cheerleader, all three of you totally different but the closest of friends.
           “You’ll never guess who’s here,” your friend, Zoe, said after she bounced into the space beside you and handed you a beer.
           “Will we care?” Kennedy asked, raising her eyebrows as she sat on the kitchen counter, already finishing her drink. You had just gotten here with Tucker somewhere with friends, and was catching up even though you just had breakfast with them two days ago.
           “You?” Zoe shook her head at Kennedy before swinging her eyes onto you, “you on the other hand will definitely care.”
           You sighed, “What, did Jamie get back together with that girl? Henning already hitting the beers hard? Because I am not being mother hen tonight.”
           “No,” Zoe answered, her voice going high with a gentle grimace. “I think his brother will be mother hen.”
           Your eyebrows pulled together as Kennedy sounded just as confused as you. “Uh, Alec won’t be home for another few days.”
           Zoe’s eyebrows rose to her hairline, lifting her drink to her mouth and avoiding your eyes and Kennedy’s. It seemed to hit you both at the same time, but Kennedy was the one to speak as shock rooted your body. “Whoa, you mean Rudy’s home?”
           With Zoe’s silence you knew that Kennedy was right and suddenly your heart slammed inside your chest and stole your breath, your cheeks paling as Kennedy turned her eyes onto you. Zoe finally looked back at you and you could see the wariness inside her face, but the world just drowned out around you.
           Rudy was home? Like actually home and you knew it?
           “Zoe, don’t be an idiot. Rudy never told Y/N when he came home, they haven’t seen each other in almost four years.” Kennedy said, her voice finally filling your head.
           You shook your racing heart and realized him being home meant nothing. You wouldn’t run off to see him, throw yourself into his embrace and give him the satisfaction of knowing that you never fully got over him. You sucked in a deep breath and painted a smile, “Well, at least he’s home for Jamie’s birthday.”
           Your two friends knew better, they knew you too well, you’ve been friends since you guys were toddlers so they knew it was a forced smile. They knew Tucker was just another fake attempt at erasing Rudy from your head and mainly your heart. They were a few guys between Rudy and Tucker, but none of them helped, you always ended up alone and wishing Rudy was with you but it would never be him. One day was never going to happen and you had come to terms with it, now getting your heart on the same boat as your head was a entirely different story.
           “Jamie’s got beer pong in the living room, wanna head over?” Kennedy said, trying to change the subject.
           You ended up swallowing half of your beer before nodding and following after them but the second you stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway the air around you changed, your stomach fluttered and your heart slammed again. Zoe was talking about the bonfire that Jamie would get going soon, her and Kennedy reminiscing about how last years get together ended in a lot of trouble and a night filled with alcohol, when you turned your head and saw him.
           His blue eyes were already on you, watching every step you took and the brightness inside his eyes stopped you. God, those eyes could get you to do whatever he wanted, all he had to do was give you that lopsided smile and bright eyes and you’d go to the ends of the earth with him. His blond hair was unruly and in need of a cut, but he looked the same as he did at eighteen, just more. Wider shoulders sat underneath his short sleeve black shirt, thicker thighs underneath his black jeans, skin was more tan from being in California and filming the other side of the coast.
           His eyes bled relief as he drank you in. Like he was happy to see you here, like he had been praying, and now here you two were, mere feet between you instead of thousands of miles.
           “Gorgeous,” Tucker came up behind you, touching the back of your head and tilting it back to meet his lips in a soft kiss. You pulled back and looked at him as he smiled, “Wanna play beer pong with Jamie?”
           You attempted an answer but the word got stuck inside your throat as you quickly glanced back at Rudy, watching his eyes fill with something unreadable but you were quick to look back at Tucker, giving him another signature forced smile. “Yeah.”
           Tucker grabbed your hand and you were walking into the living room, leaving Rudy behind you. He really was here.
           “Oh, my god,” you murmured to yourself, lifting the plastic cup and taking another swig.
           You were almost able to forget that Rudy was somewhere in this home. You folded yourself into Tucker’s chest as your two friends went against two guys that Jamie played soccer with, but when your friends started bringing up memories of the old times was when you started to feel like you couldn’t breathe.
           “Do you remember the night we won the state championships?” Collin asked, wearing a grin, nodding his head towards the door and you followed his eyes to see Rudy had walked in the dining room with his castmate and close friend, Chase Stokes.
           Your stomach swallowed your heart as Rudy’s eyes landed on you and Tucker. You didn’t miss the way his blue eyes narrowed in at the way Tucker was holding you. His beer lifted to his mouth and he took a sip, his eyes finally reaching yours.
           “The same night Jamie went streaking and got caught for indecent exposure with the Sheriff?” Zoe asked, smirking and making everyone but you and Rudy laugh because all you could do was keep your eyes on him.
           Jamie shrugged, “I have no shame.”
           The corners of Rudy’s mouth lifted slightly, a small and teasing smirk toyed with your heart and suddenly, he wasn’t the only one that remembered that night because he was mentally dragging you down memory lane with him. That was the same night you spent with Rudy, holed up in your room and celebrating his win with just the two of you. You and Rudy had been dating for a year, but it was the first time he told you that he loved you.
           You could still see the look in his eyes, feel his fingers touching your collarbone and drifting up to where your pulse raced. Feel his confession whisper across your lips.
           Your escape came when Jamie touched Rudy’s shoulder, breaking your little trip down memory lane. “We should take Chase kayaking.”
           If you escaped while he wasn’t looking, you could maybe settle down whatever was happening inside your chest, stomach and head.
           “I need some air,” You said quietly, pushing away from Tucker.
           Tucker’s grin fell as he looked at you, his arms falling from your waist, “You ok, gorgeous?”
           You nodded and smiled, “It’s stuffy.”
           “Want me to come?” He asked, taking a step towards you but you touched his chest and brought your lips to his cheek.
           “I’m fine, I wont be long.”
           Tucker let you go and you promised Zoe and Kennedy you were fine as you went. You just needed to breathe, like actually breathe. Not suck in a breath and feel like it didn’t reach your lungs, you knew as soon as you walked outside and smelled the salt in the air that you’d be fine. You squeezed past people and found a quiet spot on the wrap around porch, you could hear the distant sounds of people talking and smell the sharp burn of firewood, it almost made your nose burn but it just felt so good to breathe in silence.
           You touched the back of your neck and sighed, God, why can’t I get over him?
           “I didn’t know you were seeing someone.”
           Your fingers stopped pressing against the tense muscles on your neck as Rudy’s voice filled your ears. A shiver raced down your spine and you looked over your shoulder briefly, seeing him standing there with his hands in his jean pockets. “Why not.”
           You looked away and crossed your arms over your chest. You didn’t know if you were actually cold, or if it was your body trying to fight off the nerves of suddenly being alone with Rudy.
           “Tucker James, Y/N?” He asked, sounding like he just couldn’t believe someone like you could be with Tucker.
           And that upset you, it angered you. You turned around to face him, “What does it matter to you?”
           “Tucker?” He asked again, looking distraught. “Y/N, you couldn’t stand the douche in high school. You hated him.”
           “Well, we’re not kids anymore, Rudy, now are we?” You shot back.
           Rudy’s jaw clenched as he turned his head, looking off to the side. He slowly brought his eyes back to yours, in the dim lights coming from the party you could barely make out the lightness inside your eyes but you knew they were an intense shade of blue, the same way they always got when he was upset.
           “No, I guess we aren’t,” he said softly, bringing his hands to his hips. “You deserve more than Tucker, Y/N, we both know that.”
           “How dare you,” you whispered, feeling tears prick your eyes. “You don’t get to say that because you don’t know me anymore, you made sure of that when you broke my heart.”
           “Y/N, don’t say that,” he whispered, shaking his head.
           You were so proud of him and who he was becoming, but you both knew that what was left between the two of you was because of him. “You never meant for One day, Rudy, and that’s fine but it took me too long to realize you never wanted it.”
           Rudy stared at you, his own sadness and heart break filling his whole being. He remembered the exact moment he promised you one day, he had taken you for a drive as graduation loomed above your heads. You both knew that your break up was fast approaching, but you were trying to soak up every moment with each other. His promise had been his way of saying that it wasn’t the end for you two.
           One day your paths would cross and bring you two together again. One day he’d come home for you. One day you’d leave Alaska and find your way to him. One day you’d be able to love each other without the distance between you.
           Rudy always meant for One day, there had never been a doubt in his mind that you were his forever, he just was waiting for that moment. “You know that’s a lie, Y/N,” he spoke softly, keeping his eyes on you.
           Seeing your eyes fill with tears only broke his heart further because he didn’t realize how much he hurt you.
           “If you meant it then you would have called. I wouldn’t be the last to know you had come home for a few days, I wouldn’t find out days after you went back to LA.” You touched your chest, “I tried to be your friend, Rudy, but all you did was ignore me, so no, you didn’t mean it.”
           You took a step to the side and he stepped with you, blocking your path. “Don’t walk away,” he pleaded. “Let’s just, I just wanna talk, Y/N.”
           God, his voice. It was so soft, a low grumble falling from his lips. His fingers lightly touched your hip as your eyes stared at his chest, the same one that was rising and falling with quick breaths.
           “Please, Y/N,” He begged, stepping into you and breathing in your light perfume. It was intoxicating to him, it changed but it was still familiar, it was still you. Rudy would take you anywhere you wanted to go. To that little café you loved, the twenty-four hour iHop, to the waterfall he dragged you to five years ago, where he asked you to be his girlfriend.
           He’d go anywhere if it meant you were beside him.
           You finally lifted your eyes to look at him, the color making his heart melt. “No,” your voice cracked and as you pushed past his arm, his fingers fell from your hip.
           He turned, his eyes watching you as you headed back into the party, brushing past Chase and keeping your head down. You missed the gentle smile on his face as he stood, facing Rudy.
Chase lifted his eyes to Rudy, “Is that her?”
           Rudy nodded, breathing deeply.
           Chase shoved his hands into his front pockets, nodding slowly. “She’s a lot prettier than any picture.”
           Rudy knew this. Chase breathed deeply and nodded his head, “Come on, man. Jamie broke out the tequila.”
           Rudy preferred beer, but if he was going to go back to a party and watch you be with Tucker instead of him, then he’d need the tequila. As Rudy made his way to Chase, he touched his back, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Akshay Lah-Mo SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Akshay isn't the most affectionate guy, the first impression being that of a cold, stoic, and emotionless man, but you know what they say... Learn to read through the words. It takes time for Akshay to warm up to people and even then he will sometimes have an abrasive demeanor. Now, if you are his s/o things are different, especially if it's only you and him. He can be quite affectionate with his s/o, especially after a long time in the relationship. He will wrap his muscular inked arms around you, kissing the crown of your head in the morning after you made him coffee, he will hold your hand as you walk with him through the snow-covered tundra. He will even get to speak up more about his emotions in his own way because he is a writer and his emotions are very deep and full of passion once he puts them out on a platter for his s/o. It's a long and icy road to get there but not impossible. In time this iceberg will show little by little his love and affection towards you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Akshay as a best friend depends on the other one. His best friend is Andrei Kulokova (@the-slasher-files 's OC). They are best buddies but they are also at each other's throats all the time... And the winner? None... They just end up all bloody and bruised, but at the end of the day, they care about each other and would protect the other ones back all the time. So to say so... Having Akshay as a best friend means that you have someone that doesn't beat around the Bush.... He will tell you if you are stupid and an idiot like he does with Andrei. He will make crud remarks like he does with Andrei, but in the end, everything is all because he cares about you.... Even as a friend. In his opinion, the people that truly have feelings for you, even if it's brotherly, they also tell you if you are wrong, they guide you. That's how Akshay is.... An honest man, because sincerity plays a big part in his life.... Be it friendship or relationship.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Full-time cuddling is strictly only for his s/o, someone for who he has true feelings because it's an intimate and vulnerable time. Especially after lovemaking, he loves to have his s/o into his arms or onto his lap, his behemoth frame hiding his true one from the cruel world outside, protecting them, assuring them that he is here with them.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settling down has a different meaning to him. It simply means living with his s/o into his cabin home on the outskirts of a town in Alaska, surrounded by nature and quietness, enjoying each others company. Akshay is a man who enjoys the simpler things in life and loves the peacefulness that Mother Nature provides.
As for cooking and cleaning. He can cook a decent meal, since he lived alone for years in Alaska he learned to take care of himself. He cooks delicious deer and fish, so you won't be disappointed. Cleaning? Another pro... Akshay is quite a neat freak and likes to have his stuff in a certain order; his books perfectly arranged on the shelves, his clothes neatly folded into his closet. Living with him you won't have to yell at him to not let his dirty clothes on the floor.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
That's a touchy subject. Akshay isn't the type to break up over non-important things. Like, if he fights or argues with his s/o he will always be the mature one and make things right. He isn't one to run away from responsibilities and his s/o is his responsibility. He may be a brutish ice-cold killer but he has some sense in him and knows any relationship problem can be solved after the waters are calm and having a conversation about the problem.... Finding a solution.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage isn't something Akshay is seeing, but if his s/o wants to get married... And he has very VERY strong feelings for them he won't be opposed to it. He wants to make his s/o happy so for their sake they can get married, but nothing big or fancy like. Maybe an exchange of rings into the snow-covered forest while sharing their promises to each other.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Akshay is a very brutal man who smashed skulls and can throw people through the roof. The feral rage of a polar bear, but with his s/o it's different. When Akshay deeply cares and loves someone, the brutish-looking man can be the most gentle person you have ever meet. He knows what deadly strength he packs and how easily is to snap bones like they were twigs so he is extra careful with his loved one, treating them like the most precious treasure made of the most fragile glass. His gentleness will show in time... With men, he is much rougher especially if they match his behemoth frame... With small women? A true gentleman.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes and doesn't like them. Kind of a paradox. He will only hug the people Who are the closest to him like family, very good friends, and his s/o of course. When hugging his friends the hugs are short with a pat on their back. As for his s/o? The hugs are long, his arms wrapping around their form, his fingers running through their hair and if they are small in height he will rest his chin on top of their head.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Akshay isn't a man who straight up says these big words just to be thrown there. He has to really FEEL that connection with someone to say they love words. He may not be a man of many words but he knows once the words are said you cannot take them back. He wants to be sincere when he says 'I love you'... To feel the words sink deep into his chest.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Akshay can be very jealous, especially when strangers get too close to his s/o in a very sleazy way. Just think about this scenario. Akshay and his special someone going to a coffee shop, he goes to take their order and while he does that, some idiot who has a death wish starts to flirt with his s/o without shame. The poor idiot soul will find himself with his jaw broken and teeth all knocked out on the floor.... And that's the easy and good case because this man has to problem ripping their arms out either.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Akshay's kisses could be described as deep and slow, taking his time and savoring the pure essence of the kiss, his hand running through his s/o's hair and his other hand resting on their lower back or simply holding their hip to be flush against his body. He loves to kiss his s/o on the lips, showing them that they are his or he kisses the top of their head if they are small-sized. As for where he likes to be kissed? He cannot deny that kissing the skin of his neck down below his ear really sends shivers down his spine.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't hate them but neither is he very excited about the little fellas. As long as they don't bother him or anything like that, he doesn't mind them. He is neutral in this aspect. He always finds himself next to the little ones asking him if he is a giant.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Akshay can be kind of lazy as he isn't the type to straight-up jump from the bed the moment he wakes up. He enjoys staying in bed a few more minutes after waking up, basking into the start of the morning. Morning for Akshay also means plates full of pancakes, maple syrup, and forest fruits along with a nice big hot cup of coffee. Mornings full of tranquility.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Akshay are as tranquil as the mornings. The nights with the Polar bear can be spent watching a movie, while cuddling under a fluffy blanket, eating snacks and sweets... Or going outside, watching the Alaskan Northern Lights, with a nice small picnic, taking into all that Mother Nature gives you two. Akshay can be quite the romantic type if you look through the hard and cold exterior of the Mountain of an iceberg.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Akshay is like a big real-life novel that you need to take time reading and then re-reading it all over again in order to understand him. He is like an enigma of the snow-covered deep forest... You need to melt the heavy pounds of ice and snow to see under the coldness that he puts out at first... It takes time and effort, but everything will be worth it once he slowly comes out of the frozen shell. He will reveal things slowly without trying once he finds himself trusting you and seeing that you mean well and are genuine into your actions.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Akshay has the patience of a God, but may the Lord have mercy once the last drop of patience evaporates. You know what they say... Beware of the calmest ones because you don't know when they will strike and trust me... You will know when Akshay strikes. It's like the calm waters of the ocean but at some point, these peaceful waters will transform into full-on hurricanes that shall destroy everything in their paths. His s/o is probably the only one who doesn't face these storms because he has a never-ending source of patience for them.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
Akshay has a pretty good memory. He remembers details of your past, your favorite movies, your favorite meal. The simpler things in life mean the most so he will never forget an anniversary or your birthday or if there is a certain special day that has a big meaning to you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment into your relationship with him would be the first night that you spend with him watching the Northern Lights while talking about all types of certain topics. The first moments about everything mean the most to him; the first kiss with you, the first breakfast together, the first time you two made love. These moments will forever be imprinted into his mind, like a tattoo.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Akshay is overly protective about his s/o and over his beloved ones too, even if you are a friend he will always have your back and never let you down no matter the situation. He will protect you with all he has, always standing in front of you, like a thick wall of ice that doesn't let even a single scratch leave your skin. He is the perfect epitome of a polar bear and he sure shows it when shielding his people most important to him. May God have mercy on the dumb ones that try to mess with his family.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Akshay isn't one for fancy dates or flamboyant anniversaries, but he does put effort into them, like cooking a delicious breakfast, running a hot bath with aromatic salts. For your and his anniversary, you might wake up and look out the window, seeing the words 'I LOVE YOU' written into the freshly fallen snow. He is a man of actions than words and his actions speak of how much he loves his s/o.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
One of Akshay's habits might be sometimes his blunt ice-like tongue and mouth. He is an honest man and speaks up his mind, to the point where his bluntness might be too acidic. Of course, he will try to suppress this habit with his beloved, trying to be more diplomatic about his thoughts and what he tries to say. If he says something that might hurt you emotionally, he will straight up to see the anger and sadness into your orbs and he will quickly soften... He will be the first one to apologize because he knows it's his fault.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The Polar bear isn't one to be very absorbed in his looks, despite many people telling him how good-looking he is. What's not to like? Soft spikey white hair, deep pools of grey eyes, muscular arms covered by tribal ink all over, the tall and bulky frame that gives of protection vibes... He is a full package. He does take care of himself, like shaving and showering every day but he doesn't spend hours upon hours in the mirror. He is to say so.... Neutral about his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once Akshay loves, there is no turning back. He does it from the deepness of his heart and if I think about it on a very emotional level.... If his s/o breaks up with him, this man will shield himself well into ice and coldness, like a blizzard that you are afraid to enter. He might not be able to get over the breakup and there also might not be a next s/o. Trust is so easy to break yet even if you put it back together it's not the same.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Akshay is very fond of writing and having his home surrounded by all kinds of plants, being as close to nature as possible. He likes cozy and quiet vibes. Even if he lives in one of the coldest places on earth, there is a certain warmness when he enters his cabin and might make you never leave it, because of how at home you will feel.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Akshay doesn't like the big city, all that agitation and chaos gives him headaches and makes him uneasy as in, he feels like throwing people across buildings. It's like trying to put a polar bear on a leash and take him for a walk through New York City. Just NO. Plus all that pollution and ecologic disaster. He will go nuts.
As in for something he wouldn't like in a s/o? Probably big city 'divas' who would constantly complain about the lack of commercial centers, the weather being too cruel, and let's not get started on these females who are constantly walking with heels.... Nice try walking with stilettos through inches upon inches of snow. I suggest you go back from where you came from because Akshay doesn't put up with snobs.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Akshay is a light sleeper at the beginning but as the sleep progresses, he is a heavy sleeper, especially into the morning after he wakes up. If you try to wake him up he will just grunt and grumble, drapping one of his heavy legs over your body and pull you flush against his chest murmuring 'five more minutes'. Sleeping with Akshay is like sleeping into the big strong arms of a bear and during cruel winter nights you will never feel once a bit of coldness.
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lilbabycee · 4 years
may we be blessed with a smutty birthday drabble w Steve where he has everyone pretend they forgot readers birthday when in reality there’s something big planned 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 never had a big bday so I will be living through this lolz
change of plans // steve rogers 
↳ pairing: steve rogers x reader
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i’m actually sorry this took so long and sorry that it’s so long too lol:
you don’t know if you’re ready to face today.
it’s your birthday and you’ve never done anything big or extravagant - you think that maybe you’d like to keep it that way, though you’ve never had a big celebration before so you don’t even know how that’d feel. maybe there’s something comforting about the predictability of how today is going to go, but you can’t help the part deep inside of you that longs for something new.
waking up to an empty bed, you brace yourself for some kind of over-the-top present from tony but as you head out of your bedroom, you find the rest of you and steve’s apartment entirely unchanged. you tentatively walk through empty hallways into the kitchen and everyone is standing around aimlessly, chatting to each other about insignificant things and attempting to make themselves breakfast.
“hi guys,” you smile at all of them and they return the sentiment. “what are you making?”
steve breezes by you to press a brief kiss to your forehead before shoving a piece of burnt toast into his mouth. his voice is muffled when he says, “mornin’ doll.”
“looks like it’ll be cereal cause none of these idiots know how to cook,” natasha sidles up to you, narrowing her eyes and shaking her head playfully at the group of men crowding the kitchen. “sam’s still working out and we don’t wanna have to wait until he’s done. we probably should’ve though: he’s the only one who knows how to make anything decent in here.” she nudges your shoulder, “any plans today?”
you’re momentarily thrown, blinking in confusion because natasha always remembers your birthday. 
“uhh,” you shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, “no, nope. not up to much really. how about you?”
bruce strolls by and waves at you while natasha plucks a grape from his bowl, popping it into her mouth. he gives her a look but she just smirks as she chews slowly, ignoring him and turning back to you. 
“actually, fury called not too long ago. he’s got some important mission lined up for us somewhere in alaska... surveillance or something.”
“oh,” you frown, brow furrowing because you thought that you would’ve heard about it. “should i go suit up or...?”
“actually,” natasha swallows her grape and stands up straight, “it’s only some of us going. sam and bucky are staying here with you: the rest of us are heading out in about an hour.”
your heart sinks at the thought of not being able to spend your birthday with the whole team, though it seems as if they’ve forgetten anyway so maybe it’s not that big of a deal. but the thought is fleeting because you realize that you’re going to be able to spend some quality time with two of your favorite people who will definitely have remembered your birthday. 
when the quinjet takes off an hour and a half later, sam, bucky, and yourself are all left standing on the launchpad, bucky’s hair blowing dramatically in the gust of wind that it leaves behind.
“so,” bucky rocks back on his heels and stares at you with a mischievous smile on his face. “what do you wanna do?”
“neither of you have any plans?” you look at them skeptically but they both shake their heads. you look down, disappointed because they always do something fun for you on your birthday. sam always bakes a cake and bucky always lets you win when you’re sparring but since neither have happened today, you’re assuming that they’ve forgotten... just like everybody else.
sam shrugs noncommitally.
“nope,” he adds, giving you a charming gap-toothed grin. “i mean, i’ve got some paperwork to do and i’m sure bucky’s got some knives to sharpen or something-”
bucky pins him with a glare but then looks back to you. “-but otherwise, we’re totally free...so, doll?”
“we could watch a movie?”
“yes!” sam exclaims excitedly, already sprinting inside. you and bucky are still staring at the door he burst through when you hear him call out: “i’ve got dibs on the first pick!”
that makes bucky’s eyes go wide and he quickly starts to chase after him. 
“fuck no- sam!”
you’re sandwiched between your two heavily muscled best friends, cuddled up on the sofa with your body spread across the laps of both sam and bucky. a thick blanket is draped over all three of you while die hard plays in the background, but none of you are paying attention because you’re all making each other cry with laughter which drowns out the sound of the movie. 
“we should go out tonight,” bucky casually suggests during a lull in the conversation, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the table.
“true,” sam agrees, nodding his head. you look at him in shock because his default state is to always disagree with bucky. “the others aren’t supposed to be back for a couple of days so i don’t wanna stay all cooped up in here. you down, sugar?”
“yeah, i’ll go,” you nod, playing with your fingers because you’re still so shocked that they’re just casually making plans like today isn’t your birthday. of course you’re not going to point it out to them - you don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but you think that it’d be nice to be wished a happy birthday at least once today.
hours later, you’re wearing your favorite outfit - “we’re going to dinner, darlin’,” bucky let you know earlier - and just touching up your face when bucky and sam pause their incessant bickering to call you downstairs. at this point, you’ve come to terms with the fact that not a single person in your life has remembered your birthday. you’d shed a couple of tears in the bathroom not because you are dying for a huge birthday celebration, but rather because it goes to show that you don’t hold a lot of relevance in these people’s lives. 
nobody on the team has ever forgotten a teammate’s birthday, so it cut deep this morning when they all went about their day as normal and barely even acknowledged your presence. you tried to brush it off but the moment you were alone, it all hit you like an oncoming freight train. 
ready to forget this disappointing day and move on, you come down the stairs as quickly as you can and head to the front door only to see sam and bucky dressed impeccably and... still arguing. they stop when you stand in front of them. sam whistles loudly which makes you roll your eyes playfully while bucky just nods his head.
“you look great, doll,” he smiles at you and not being able to take any more compliments, you clear your throat loudly and step in between them.
“let’s go,” you say and grab a coat, stepping into the garage. once you all pile into one of tony’s many cars, you take off into the night. 
you’re too distracted by your racing thoughts to notice the moment that you pull up outside of an extravagant hotel. you frown as you get out of the car because you thought you were going for dinner at the restaurant on the other side of town. 
“change of plans, lil bit. tony recommended this place to us a few weeks ago and we just never got around to going.” sam smiles at you, offering you an arm as bucky flanks your other side. when you step foot inside of the luxurious building after handing the car keys to the valet outside, a well-dressed usher leads you down a hallway to an entirely separate part of the ground floor. you don’t think much of it because you’re used to private dining when tony’s involved, but you manage to lose both of your friends by the time you’ve made it through the labyrinth of hallways. 
“excuse me, have you seen the two men i was with just a second ago?” you ask the usher kindly. he looks back at you and just smiles.
“this way, please,” he gestures for you to open the doors however, something doesn’t feel quite right. you’re on high alert but you tentatively push open the heavy gold doors anyway, hand ready to grab the knife that’s resting snugly in your thigh holster.
what you’re not expecting is a lounge filled with balloons and a chorus of “surprise!”, so loud that your bones threaten to jump out of your skin.
the room has been decorated in all of your favorite colors, lights strung up everywhere and banners in bold letters that say happy birthday, y/n!, as well as all of your favorite people with beaming smiles on their faces. sam and bucky are standing with rhodey in the corner and as you stare at them disbelievingly, bucky just throws you a wink.
“wh-what,” you stutter, teary eyes round with confusion, “what the fuck?”
“happy birthday, angel,” a very familiar voice comes from behind you and you spin around to throw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck in glee.
“all this?” your voice is muffled in his shoulder. “for me?”
“all for you, baby,” steve murmurs, rubbing his hand up and down your back. “you didn’t think we’d actually forget, did you?”
“i- i mean,” you exhale, shaking your head, “maybe? i just didn’t know how important it was to you guys-”
“y/n,” he takes your face between his hands and stares at you solmenly, “you are the most important thing in my life-”
bucky clears his throat in protest but steve ignores him.
“-and i would be a fool not to celebrate you everyday. it really got me thinking when you told me that you’ve never had something big done for your birthday. you deserve something extravagant and over-the-top because you deserve to be appreciated every second of your life because you’re so loved by everyone here. are we clear?”
you can’t help but kiss the stupid lopsided smile off his face because you love this man more than you’ll ever be able to articulate. to give the two of you some privacy, everyone else has started drinking and dancing, speaking to their friends animatedly as they avert their eyes from you and steve’s private moment.
when steve slips his tongue in your mouth and his hands wander down to grab your ass, you moan into the kiss only to pull away seconds later, blinking up at him as you both try to catch your breaths.
“steve, we’re in a room full of people,” you remind him.
“then let’s get out of here,” he presses you into his front and you can feel the hardness of his cock against your stomach. 
“but i haven’t said hi to anyone else yet,” you whine, not wanting to be rude. 
“we’ll come back, baby,” he brushes his nose against the curve of your jaw. “just a couple minutes. you look so fuckin’ good right now i don’t know if i’ll be able to last any longer without getting my cock in that tight little-”
“steve!” you gasp, swatting his arm and then looking around to see if anybody’s heard him, but he just chuckles low in your ear, soft lips dropping kisses on your even softer skin.
“c’mon, doll,” his teeth catch on your earlobe and your bite your lower lip, contemplating whether or not you should give in to your horny boyfriend. “they won’t even notice we’re gone-”
“uh, we definitely will,” tony strolls over and butts in with a smirk on his lips and a drink in his hand. “happy birthday, babe.”
“thanks, tones,” you give him a one-armed hug because steve still won’t let go of you. 
“your real present from me is over there,” he gestures vaguely to a huge pile of presents that makes your eyes go wide again, “but out of the kindness of my heart, i can also give you the gift of my wonderful storytelling so that people won’t notice that you guys have gone off to f-”
“thank you, tony!” you kiss his cheek quickly and proceed to drag steve towards a hallway that you assume leads to the bathrooms. you wave to your other friends briefly as you walk out, finding that the hallway you’ve gone down doesn’t lead to the bathroom, but rather a set of elevators. you and your boyfriend both pause, taking a minute to look at each other and you can almost see the lightbulb that pops over the both of your heads.
steve presses the up button and then his lips are on you, hands roaming your body eagerly against the closed doors of the elevator. slowly, his fingers travel underneath your clothes and start to massage your bare skin. you do the same, one hand gripping his hair and the other undoing the button to his slacks, shoving your hand into the band of his underwear desperately to palm at his manhood.
he hisses, stopping his assault on your body to throw his head back at the feeling of your deft fingers stroking him like that. you’re about to pull his lips towards yours again when you hear a chime and promptly stumble backwards, taking your supersoldier with you. 
you cry out a laugh as you fall into each against the wall, drunk on desire and your adoration for the flustered man in front of you. chuckling, steve stabs the first button on the panel and is immediately kissing you again, tongue delving deep into your mouth as his large hand tightly grasps your jaw. 
as the doors close and you start to move upwards, steve wedges one of this thick thighs in between your legs, pressing the muscle of his leg into your core. 
“ride it, darlin’, c’mon,” he breathes into your ear, leaving wet kisses down your throat and framing your hips between his hands. you do as you’re told, pushing your hips down onto his thigh to get some friction to relieve the heat that’s building in your stomach.
“so good for me, that’s it sweetheart.”
it’s a quick ride to the top but with steve rutting against your hip with your hand down his pants and you against his leg with his fingers in your underwear dancing over your center, the two of you gradually push yourselves to a climax, almost there until there’s that same chime again. your boyfriend swiftly picks you up and you squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. his hands massage the globes of your ass as you walk across the roof, onto the edge of the balcony that overlooks the upper east side.
he rests you against the ledge and you keep one of your legs around him as he gets both of your clothes out of the way so that he can run the tip of his hard cock along your needy hole.
“shit, baby,” he spits right onto it, slapping his cock against your swollen skin, and you groan loudly, involuntarily clenching around nothing. “m’not gonna last.”
“neither am i,” you reassure him. “please steve, i need it.”
“i’ve got you, doll.”
he doesn’t say anything else because his eyes are glued at the mesmerizing way that his bulbous tip gets swallowed by your tight entrance. he rocks his hips back and forth, burying himself deeper and deeper into you until he bottoms out with a loud moan.
there are tears in your eyes from how good it feels; the open air on your nipples and the fact that someone could see you like this, vulnerable and open with a cock buried deep inside you, makes you shudder, trails of water spilling onto your cheeks. 
“oh my god, sweetheart,” steve murmurs reverently. usually he takes a minute to let you adjust to his size, but the two of you are so close that he just goes for it, the sound of your lovemaking echoing into the night sky. 
“yes, yes- fuck, steve, please,” you blink up at him and he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears off your face, pressing kisses to both of your cheeks. 
“i know, baby, i know,” he reassures you, his own skin slick and cool in the evening air as he continues to drive into you relentlessly. you ignore how uncomfortable the exposed stone on your naked body is because you’re almost there and you know he is too.
“m’gonna come, honey,” he tells you, hands coming up to pinch your nipples at the same time he bites into your neck. “you gonna let me come in you? give you my birthday present?”
you can barely speak, babbling incoherently as your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head but you nod eagerly, nails digging into his back as he uses you to chase his orgasm.
“come for me, baby - c’mon, milk my cock, s’all yours.”
his words push you over the edge, your entire body convulsing as your breath is snatched from your lungs. you contract around his length and he stills entirely as he spills his release into you, the guttaral moan that leaves his chest raw and animalistic.
“fuck,” he drawls as he presses his forehead against yours. 
“right?” you agree, looking right into his pretty eyes, brighter than the lights behind you.
he presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
“happy birthday, baby.”
“thank you,” you kiss the corner of his mouth and run your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, “i love you.” 
as his chin rests on your shoulder, you take a minute to appreciate how thoughtful the big blonde man in your arms and you don’t think you’ve ever loved anyone this much in your life. 
“can we do this every birthday?”
you laugh at his suggestion and tug lightly on his hair, heart about to explode from adoration.
“sure we can.”
“hey, lovebirds!” tony’s voice makes the two of you jump in surprise. “i’m not gonna turn the corner because i know for a fact that you’re not wearing any clothes, but i should definitely warn you that bucky and sam are on their way up with their phones... so unless you want a pornhub feature, i’d haul ass and get back downstairs if i were you. happy birthday, y/n!”
you both look at each other and then the mess that is your pile of clothes, and in unison you both realize that you’re fucked either way. but you know that it’s worth it since you’ve had the best birthday surprise ever, but you still don’t know how much steve is gonna love having his ass on display for his best friends.
“y/n! stevie! wh- oh fuck, are you kidding me?!”
that’s bucky, sounding traumatized as he sees the two of you stark naked. 
“wh- damn, i didn’t expect you guys to actually be fuckin’.”
sam sounds genuinely shocked but simultaneously looks impressed. you close your eyes in amused mortification because steve’s body is shielding yours entirely and now, sam and bucky have a full view of his pale backside.
“guys,” he groans, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
a flash goes off and steve cries out in protest. you laugh in disbelief, staring at bucky holding his phone up with a grin.
“happy birthday, y/n.”
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 3 years
Were there any episodes in season 3 where you felt they could've been written better? I'm only asking because I had some ideas I wanted to share with people about fixing them since, to me, the season started becoming a mess around The Phantom and the Sorceress. And the episodes don't need to be outright bad, there could just be parts in it you didn't like.
Oof. I've been a bit loud and obnoxious about certain episodes for sure 😅 I'll try to briefly sum up a few.
Also I'm just gonna say, some of these are just I don't like what they did rather than any huge fundamental problems like the finale.
Also disclaimer. This is not an attack on anyone who likes these episodes! Nobody has to agree with me! If you like these episodes cool! Glad you got something out of it! This is just Tombs being a nit pick loud mouth.
Rumble for Ragnarok
I can't complain too much about this one as it was still entertaining. Norse is part of my heritage and I'm a fan of the mythology which was on full display this episode. My only real issue this episode is that the message gets a little lost at least on me. And then two is I think out of all the episodes this one is the one that could absolutely be thrown out without losing anything really important. Trade this episode for something different. Something more important.
The Forbidden Fountain of the Forever Glades
Scrooge's behavior and leaving Webby in the jungle was painful to watch. (Much as I don't like the finale twist, the twist actually makes this episode worse.) [Also so much for Goldie's "fresh start" when in Split Sword of Swanstitine later showed she once again attempted to double cross Scrooge. Yeah. Fresh start. Totallyyyy.] Goldie is a fun character and I can't hate her too much. The episode has its merits and definitely still think this episode should be around but Scrooge's behavior here really kills me. Thankfully at the end he does better but ugh. It's low on the overall ranking for me based on how he behaves and treats Webby.
New Gods on the Block
I actually really love this episode but Storkules was pissing me off too much 😂 Nit pick for sure. I love this himbo but got dangit he was making me so mad. I get it was kinda important for the overall plot but come on we got so little Donsy content that it was frustrating that he was so intrusive.
The First Adventure
Nit picking again. I think it's kinda random how in the span of a few hours a hard ass like Scrooge went from "my obnoxious niece and nephew" to "my heirs and beloved family." I guess it's possible but not a fan of that kind of writing. For me it would make more sense that they had several adventures or at least more time with them before they became "his heirs" in his eyes. Extreme nit picking on my part though, the episode isn't bad at all really. Also no Hortense and Quackmore. Yes they were named. (Or she was) No we never got to see them. Rude! This was actually a really good episode though overall again I just have some minor nit picks.
The Fight for Castle McDuck
Okay this one is also kind of a nit pick but it's more like based on the episode's timing. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that Webby "Knower of all things Clan McDuck" has no idea that a family of Scots fights a lot. I can somewhat forgive it though as she's young and isn't as familiar with this side of the family in the flesh. But it's so weird how this late into the show we're seeing this?? I think I would have liked this episode more if it had popped up earlier into season 3 rather than so late? It just was a kinda weird episode and not the most enjoyable but the timing I think made it worse. Also the no mention of Hortense again. Referring to Matilda as the youngest when that's supposed to be Hortense? It's really not the worst episode. It just feels a bit off to me and again to me mostly the timing of it. Could have been better, could have been worse.
How Santa Stole Christmas
This episode is actually worse for me than the finale. Literally I consider this episode the worst in the series. I just hate it!!!
I hate that this episode was about Scrooge and Santa. I really don't give a fuck why Scrooge hates Santa and this story in no way compelled me. (Also why was Scrooge and Santa's dialog weirdly shippy??? Thanks to this episode got another huge NOtp, "scranta" is gross, sorry, hate it. Absolutely cannot board that ship at all, I have the tag blocked.) I see absolutely no reason why this was the story we got when there was literally an option to follow up The Last Christmas now that Della was finally home????? MISSED OPPORTUNITY!!! I hate the weird crazy ass capitalist message going on throughout the episode, I get Scrooge is a capitalist himself but he didn't change from this episode? He walked away from Jennifer's obvious poverty life and went "ah as long as she's happy" instead of I don't know, maybe a message about helping the less fortunate??
Look maybe I'm just bitter from my own life. I've lived in extreme poverty my whole life. My parents home has literally looked so much liked the ruined place Jennifer lived in during the episode. And I live in Alaska so I KNOW COLD. I know how it feels to go cold for days on end, no food, no water, nothing. Extreme poverty. Scrooge could have done something. He wasn't like Donald who doesn't have much either. He's a freaking billionaire. He could have helped. And instead the message he walked away with is "if you're happy life is fine" or something. Whatever the message that was supposed to be from this episode is completely lost on me because all I see is a miserable rich old miser who hates letting kids have fun and won't help someone in need. Absolute garbage episode. I really wish they had instead just followed up on The Last Christmas. Or had some kind of family centric episode at least! I seriously fucking hate this episode so much. I would legit erase this episode if I could it is the WORST.
The Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker
Nit pick again. Didn't love what they did with Kit. Okay I get the idea he grew up to idolize Baloo so he turned out more like him. It...wasn't great. Didn't like that much at all. Felt like they just tried to shove Kit into a DT87/DWD Launchpad mold. I didn't love that Baloo and Kit's relationship was mentioned weirdly casually? Like Kit called himself Baloo's sidekick??? Except in Talespin Kit calls him Papa Bear??? Also great, got another tag to block from this episode, the delkit ship. Not a fan, thanks.
Kinda weird for me with this episode I didn't really catch the meaning of it. To me it felt like the message was "defy expectations...by meeting them." It didn't really click and I kinda hated it for that plus the weird characterization of Kit. Actually I was on Twitter and someone was complaining about this episode and I responded in agreement and then FRANK REPLIED TO US 😅😅😅. Frank explained that the point was more of "if you're good at something, don't give it up" rather than "you can do anything you set your mind to" type message that appears a lot in kids media. (Also Frank please don't look at me when I'm criticizing the show 😂😂😂😂😭 I promise overall I do love it I'm just a loud mouth when I don't like something some times 😅)
After Frank explained that it did click a little better and I can see the message a bit more clearly. But I'm still not really in love with this episode like I wanted to be. I freaking love Talespin so that was a bummer. But as I've said a dozen times. I'm mostly nit picking my personal opinion.
The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck
Another one I wanted to like more than I actually did. And mostly this boils down to Louie having to apologize to Doofus when Doofus is the one who's like some wild sociopath or something. I get it Louie hasn't been completely innocent towards Doofus. He did try to use him and con him but Doofus flat out has tried to hold him captive and torture and even kill him. Doofus' sins outweigh Louie's. Louie having to apologize to prevent the tension and all just...feels like victim blaming? This one is harder for me to describe why I don't like it and I think others have explained it better than me. I think it could have been better if Louie AND Doofus both apologized and agreed to start over and let what happened between them before be water under the bridge. At least this way they're equals? Maybe it wouldn't have been the best fix but I feel it would have been better than Canon. This one I don't want to call a nit pick. This one feels like there is something fundamentally wrong with it but I struggle to explain. Mostly other than that though I think the episode was fine. A little weird that the karma court scale needed to be told the villains hearts rather than able to just know them (mostly looking at the Ma Beagle one here) but that part is more nit pick.
And finally...The Last Adventure
I have things I love about it. The individual character moments. The references and call backs. The music. This finale was clearly made with love and care.
But that damn Webby clone daughter thing twist changes things. I know some people say it doesn't but to me it does! I feel it messed with the family dynamic and the characters in a needless way. I feel it didn't add anything to but rather did take away from. I don't wanna say too much on it as there's already been so much talk on it so in keeping it brief- not a fan, didn't like, why the hell, no.
The thing with Bradford kinda threw me off too. His logic and insistence on not being a villain made him so interesting. He was truly a villain to rival Scrooge. Then in my opinion he was pushed into a weird middle ground. He didn't feel like he completely abandoned what he previously stood on but also didn't go full villain either? I get a villain like Bradford isn't easy. The writers have to truly bring their all for someone like him. But Bradford suddenly getting armor and the Split Sword and becoming a battling giant was kinda ????? inducing. Threw me for a bit of a loop. I probably need to watch this episode a few more times before I finally settle on where I sit with the Bradford thing but at least at this time I just feel kinda mixed on it. Maybe I missed something there.
Other nit picks from the finale. Donald's writing was a little weird, he sounded like he was going on vacation but then Della said he was moving out and Donald talked like "well you have the boys and Uncle Scrooge..." it just really sounds like he's leaving the family?????????? Especially at a time like this? Rude! I mean yes somebody please get this man a vacation but the writing here left me kinda confused and there is no reason Donald would ever just leave and act like "oh well their mom is back so my work here is done." Nope. DADnald for life.
Lena and Webby never getting shown to have made up after their fight. I imagine the giving June and May the friendship bracelets kinda implies it but come on. Even just a hug would have been good. Also...why are they giving up their friendship bracelets??? Confused, not a fan.
And also...in addition to the Clone twist, I really don't love that April, May, and June were all clones instead of Daisy's nieces. I really wanted to get to see them in the show and now I just feel like thanks I hate it! I admire the guts to make a twist like this and all but I really hate it.
Overall please let me say I LOVE Ducktales. The show as a whole to me is a huge important thing I love. This isn't an attack on anyone who likes these episodes. I am just once again being loud and obnoxious with my own opinions and nit picks and things I just would have liked to see or not see.
no idea if any of this rambling answers your question Anon but here you go. Hope it works.
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youcancallmemeimei · 3 years
Do them all 44Qss
Fine lmao just because i'm in the mood to answer some lmao but ill see which ones
0: Height - 165cm )?
1: Age - young enough for some, old enough for others
2: Shoe size - it depends on the shoe tho
3: Do you smoke? - nope
4: Do you drink? - yes but just the average, i dont get drunk and stuff like that lol
5: Do you take drugs? - his smile
6: Age you get mistaken for - 19
7: Have tattoos? - no
8: Want any tattoos? - no
9: Got any piercings? - my ears ? does that count?
10: Want any piercings? - no
11: Best friend? @wannasaygoodnightngo
12: Relationship status - single and ready to mingle
13: Biggest turn ons - ;)
14: Biggest turn offs -
15: Favorite movie - I really like "The help" and deffo "The sound of music"
16: I’ll love you if… - theres no "if", i just love
17: Someone you miss -
18: Most traumatic experience - bro no tf
19: A fact about your personality - i can or tend to predict peoples reactions to whatever they might hear or see
20: What I hate most about myself - that i procrastinate a lot because i know that i can do what i want very fast so it doesn't really affect my productivity but ugh i feel guilty
21: What I love most about myself - that i put myself in others' shoes to understand them/their situations
22: What I want to be when I get older - married, jokes, but not really but as happy as i'm now or more
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) - 10/10
24: My relationship with my parent(s) - 10/10
25: My idea of a perfect date - tbh anything as long as i'm with the love of my life
26: My biggest pet peeves - chespirito
27: A description of the boy I like - He's like a sunshine on a cloudy day, eyes full of stars, hands softer than a peach, brighter than a my phone at 3am, sweeter than fresh vanilla, stronger than my willpower to let him go
28: A description of the person I dislike the most -
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend - i try to not ever lie to my friends, like, EVER
30: What I hate the most about work/school - That i know how to do the stuff i'm asked but i dont know how its called so that makes me get A's on projects but F's in my finals
31: What my last text message says - its an emoticon thingy on Kakao
32: What words upset me the most - I dont think i have
33: What words make me feel the best about myself - self-aware and when people say "you just give, expecting nothing in return"
34: What I find attractive in women - hands
35: What I find attractive in men - Hands
36: Where I would like to live - I'm happy where i live
37: One of my insecurities - my sense of fashion
38: My childhood career choice - Astronomer or Doctor
39: My favorite ice cream flavor - Mint Choco
40: Who I wish I could be - no one
41: Where I want to be right now - Present
42: The last thing I ate - Fish
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately - many many men
44: A random fact about anything -
How long is the border between Canada and the United States?
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the length of the International Boundary line of the U.S.-Canadian border, excluding Alaska, is approximately 3,987 miles, while the length of the U.S.-Mexican border is estimated at 1,933 miles. The length of the Alaska-Canada border alone is 1,538 miles.
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imaginethatneathuh · 3 years
Warm (Cold P3): Technical Boy - American Gods
Third part of Cold and Cool. The last part, too.
Edited by the amazing and ever talented @dragon430. I immensely appreciate everything. She really pulled this one through (blame her for the length).
Word count: 5.2+ K
I- I tried. I’m not good at writing this kinda stuff.
Warnings: Arguing, fluff, angst, apologies.
What was he doing? He shouldn't be here, not in the slightest. He should not be here. Especially, if he wanted to save his dignity.
Technical Boy’s frantic tapping on the steering wheel of one of his cars was the only noise heard.
It wasn't the limo. He couldn't stand being in there without you. It felt… wrong, cold even.
Your apartment complex was right there. Directly next to him, and he could so easily just go inside. He still had the key you'd given him. You'd probably forgotten he had it as he rarely used it. That’s probably why you hadn't asked for it back. That or because you didn’t want to see him or talk to him at all.
That was a far more terrifying thought than any other he’d come up with.
To his right sat an old sweater of yours. Its age showed in the stains and rubbed off text on the tag.
You left it at his place one day. He, occasionally, kept it with him as a small reminder of you when he couldn't see you for a while. Over the past few weeks, he had slept with it several times, your scent calming his raging mind. What could he say; the idiot missed you.
Now, you were leaving for a wedding, a wedding in another country.
The god couldn't leave the states. He'd disappear if he tried. His only hope was that you hadn't packed and left for the airport already. Before you left, he wanted to see you again. He wanted, no, needed to say goodbye.
No. That’s too desperate.
He wanted to give you your sweater back.
Yeah. That's better. If he told you that, maybe he wouldn't have to say it.
Wouldn't have to say goodbye. Wouldn't have to accept that you might not come back. He could live in his own made-up world, one where you were still there, and the two of you were happy.
He knew you had been thinking about it. About staying gone, that is.
He couldn't stomach the thought of never seeing you again. He’d even be okay with you hating him forever as long as you stayed where he could see you. You had become the one person he never wanted to chase away, but he'd fucked that up, and now all you wanted to do was get away as fast as possible.
Looking at the apartment complex, Technical Boy bit his lip, the flesh raw from his gnawing. And he could already feel the pool of tears collecting in his eyes. He didn't want to cry. He didn't want you to see him like this. Didn't want weakness to be the first thing you think of when you see him.
But he’s never been so overcome with emotion. You did things to him. Some of those things he liked. Like how you were able to push away all his worries with a smile or how you could alleviate all his tension with a gentle touch. But, now, he hated it. All he felt now was the undeniable, ever potent feeling of loneliness.
Quietly, you tucked your toiletries into your suitcase. Patting the bag lightly, you sighed.
It would be the one, sure-fire way you wouldn't have to see him again. It'd be easier for you. No caving if he came to you, asked you to come back to him, to deal with him again. No, you weren't going to. No matter what.
That's what you told yourself, repeatedly.
If you left and didn't come back, sure, that'd be hard and you'd have to figure how to become a citizen but then you wouldn't have to see him. You wouldn't give in to Technical Boy's demands. If he ever decided you were worth his time.
It had been weeks, so that wasn't likely. Still, the thought stayed with you.
You sighed again and shuffled to your dresser.
In your heart, you wished he did want you and he cared about you but your brain told your heart to shut up. Said it was impossible and to move on.
A knock was heard from your door, the sound resonating through empty halls. Confused, as you weren't expecting anyone, you walked out of your room and to the door.
The young god breathed heavily and tapped his foot nervously. and bit his lip.
'Come on,' he thought to himself. 'Come on. Come the fuck on. All you gotta do is hand them the sweater back. That's all you need. That way, you know they're okay, and we can get on with our life. And- and they can, too.'
He wanted to be more than that. Much more.
The god wanted to be with you again. To treat you better than he had before. He wanted to show you his love.
Quietly, he swore to himself that if you gave him a second chance, he'd take you wherever you wanted. A 5-star restaurant with cuisine from all around the world made by the best chefs the US had to offer? Done. A trip to Hawaii to swim with the animals and go scuba diving? When do you want to leave? Mountain climbing in Alaska? He’ll get the gear. A romantic night out, ending at your place or his, maybe even a super expensive hotel for the hell of it? As long as it was what you wanted. He’d let you pull him under the stars for a night, as long as you smiled. Even if you just wanted to relax at home with him, he’d do it. He’d power down his phone and take care of you until you fell asleep. If you asked, he’d rub your feet or give you a massage. As long as, by the time you slept, you were relaxed, he’d count it as a win. As long as you were happy, he’d do anything. He’d treat you as he should have in the first place, like a monarch.
He had been so cold and cruel to you before. The god had gotten so used to pushing everyone away that he did it to you, too. The walls he built around himself, the technological armour, prevented the one person in the world he wanted to lower the drawbridge from being able to get across the moat. The white lies he told to keep you with him for as long as he could, the yelling and ranting for hours on end, the never asking about YOU because he already knew everything.  They all did more harm than good, the yelling in particular. Now, he would make sure to do better. To be better for you. No more lies of any sort. He’d tone down the rants and find other ways to get out his anger. And, of course, he’d make sure to ask about you and how you were doing rather than assuming or ignoring. He’d let you in, too. Properly this time, not just in the forms of rants and yelling. Anything you wanted answered, even the stuff he was afraid to describe, he would tell you. The god wanted a relationship that worked not what the two of you had before. He never wanted to lose you again. If you gave him the chance to fix your relationship, he would, and he would keep it that way if you did, too.
To get you back, he would even beg. Hell, he already wanted to beg you to come back after the wedding and try again. Maybe even beg you to not go at all. The worst thought crossed his mind, though, was to not even beg at all, but to take you and hide you away so you could never leave him again.
Then he grew disgusted with himself. That was not the way to earn your affection. That was the way to making you hate him forever, something he might have accidentally done already.
Not to mention, there wouldn't be a point in kidnapping you if you didn't still care for him. All he wanted was your love, and taking you against your will wouldn’t get him that. He had to try to earn you back. That was the only way. So begging it is.
Ew. he couldn’t help but grimace at the thought. It wasn’t his preferred method, but if it got you to stay, he’d do it. He’d risk his dignity if it meant getting you back.
As the door opened, Technical Boy froze in place.
You. he knew you’d answer since you lived alone, but now you were right there, in front of him. And you looked perfect.
To be fair, he always thought you did. But, now, after not seeing you in far too long, you looked like the morning sun after a long night of darkness… absolutely stunning.
All previous thoughts were gone as he just stared at you. Your presence left him speechless, and everyone who knows him knows that’s a hard thing to accomplish.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, annoyance and anger lacing your words.
He noticed your defensive stance, something that made him gulp.
Unable to stop himself, he let the words leave his lips.
"Can we talk?" His voice grew in a near whisper, afraid that if he got any louder his voice would betray him. Hell, maybe it had already and he didn't realize it.
All you could think about was how small he sounded. Not weak, just scared. Like he didn't trust himself to speak. You had never seen him like this before.
The powerful god shrunk in on himself and looked down. He wasn’t able to meet your gaze, and you didn’t know whether to hate it or like it.
"I'm leaving for the airport soon," you said.
He nodded. "I know. For your cousin's wedding." After giving him a questioning look, he said, "You talked about it a few days before you--" he swallowed hard. "--before you left."
You took a wavering breath. It was hard to think about. The day you left him was difficult for both of you. And as great as it felt walking away, you collapsed as soon as you got home.
You were alone and the weight of your decision was a heavy one. Cutting off such a huge piece of your life terrified you then and still does. Now, you were a bit more confident and comfortable with yourself. You wouldn't let him hurt you again.
Even if he did seem like a wreck. For all you knew, he could be faking it. But, after you looked him over, there was no way he could be.
If you took the voice out of the equation, Technical Boy, a supposedly powerful god, looked like he was on the verge of tears, his eyes shining with them. His clothes, unlike what you had seen before, were plain black. And his hair lay free around his shoulders, splayed out and messy like it hadn’t been taken care of recently. That had never happened as long as you had known him. He never let his hair down nor wore plain clothes.
It hurt to see him like this. AS much as you hated to admit it. Desperation and sadness were not good looks on him. It was odd, unnatural, for him to be like this.
"Y/N, can we please talk? I- I really need to talk to you. Please?" He asked, quietly hating how needy he sounded.
"You wanna talk now?" You scoffed. It may have come out harsher than intended, but it was definitely the tone you needed. "Now? After weeks of silence? After weeks of wondering if you even noticed? If you ever cared at all? Now, when I'm about to leave, is when you wanna talk?"
Technical Boy's mouth opened. But he closed it before he said anything, his gaze downcast. He shuffled forward, seeming cautious with his actions. "Can we not do this in the hall?"
You rolled your eyes, sniffling. Looking up, you tried to blink the tears away. "Go away. You've hurt me enough."
With that, you tried to shut the door.
His hand stopped it.
You didn't even try to resist it. It's not like you actually wanted him to go, but you also didn't want him to see you cry. Didn’t want him to see how much you were hurting.
"I know." His eyes met yours for the first time since you, stupidly, opened the door.
Those beautiful, baby blues that always seemed to storm and glow like they captured lightning. The ones that were always alive, always looking for a fight, now were dead. They looked like they had been beaten so black and blue they decided to just switch off like an old computer. It's like the world wasn't worth existing in.
Despite yourself, you pitied him. He was a god. You had seen him at work, seen his true skin, his true self. He was a powerhouse. To see him so defeated and broken by you, a very human and very mortal individual saddened you.
You fully opened the door. "You have five minutes," you said, turning your back to him and walking inside so he didn’t see the tear that rolled down your cheek. You quickly wiped it away and sniffed. "This had better be good."
He stepped into your apartment, following you like a ghost. The sweater in his hands served well as something to pick at as his heart pounded in his chest.
Honestly, he didn't think he'd get this far. He thought you'd slam the door in his face immediately. The god counted himself lucky.
He trailed after you to your room as you continued packing. "Y/N?" He asked, softly.
"I brought this back." Technical Boy gently set the sweater on your bed. "Thought you might want it back. You, um, you left it at my place a while ago."
The soft fabric always felt strange in his hands. Like it wasn't really there even though it was. It felt wrong not covering you like it was supposed to. It made him feel weird.
You, on the other hand, loved it. The fabric comforted you even on your worst days when the world felt like too much or not enough.
Your hands brushed over the fabric. Softening eyes analyzed the stains like you were double-checking it was yours. Slowly, you brought it to your chest and smiled.
"You had it?" You asked. "I thought you'd thrown it away."
Technical Boy looked away from you, rubbing his neck. "No, I kept it. It reminded me of you."
You walked over and pushed him.
It wasn't forceful enough to make him fall but enough to know you were upset.
"Why would you keep it? Especially after I freaked out about it."
He shrugged, kicking at the floor. The push felt like nothing and he knew he deserved it.
"I don't know," he mumbled. "Because you love it, I guess. You never really left anything behind 'cept for that. I wanted to, I don't know, hang onto you when we couldn’t see each other."
As he spoke, his voice became quieter and quieter like he was afraid to say it.
You turned away from him and refolded your sweater. "You can't fold for your life, just so you know," you said, trying to hide your feelings in the joke.
He lightly chuckled.
As you slipped the sweater into your suitcase, he pulled you away from it. "Can we talk face-to-face? That's why I came here. I just, want to get what I have to say out. Then, I'll leave."
Scowling, you sat on your bed, arms folded. "Talk."
"I'm sorry," he said, watching for a reaction. You didn't give one, much to his disappointment. "For hurting you. For making you feel like I didn't care. For not showing you I cared. For, well, for everything. I'm sorry for being a complete and utter dick to you." You snorted at that. It was true, but a severe understatement.
"I hurt you, I know that, and I am so fucking sorry." The tears that had been threatening to spill for what felt like ages finally fell from his eyes. But he quickly wiped them away. "Y/N, you are the most important person in the world to me. I'd do anything if it meant making you happy. If it meant keeping you safe, I'd gladly let myself die. I’d gladly kill whoever hurt you."
You bit your lip, gaze downcast, unsure of how to respond. Your tears threaten you at knifepoint, wanting so badly to spill over, but you wouldn’t let them. You didn’t him to see how his words affected you.
He took your silence as a sign for him to continue. "And if it meant getting you back, or at least having the chance to, I'd get on my knees and I'd beg. I'd beg you to forgive me." A god begging. Who knew? "No. I am begging you. Y/N, please, please give me another chance."
"I'm still going--" You tried to say something.
He interjected. "I know. I can't stop you from leaving the country. This is for your cousin's wedding for fuck's sake. You should go. But please, please come back."
He watched you for the longest time, hoping for some sort of reaction.
You just stared at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze.
Silently, he pulled his keyring from his pocket. The keys jangling against each other as he pulled one of them off.
Technical Boy took one of your hands, his own shaking slightly. He placed the apartment key into your hand and closed it. His hands still cradled yours gently.
"I really am sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me."
His heart hung heavy. Pain, more forceful than anything he’d felt before, flooded through him. Rejection is a tough pill to swallow. Wiping away fallen tears, he sniffled and began to walk out of the room.
"Drive me to the airport," you said, still sitting.
He turned, lips parted in surprise.
You looked up, eyes meeting his, with a mix of sadness, love, and determination.
"Okay." He nodded.
Did you really want to do that to him? Force him to say goodbye? Make him drive you to the place that would take you away from him? Break his heart like that?
Technical Boy thought it was only fair. He broke you, now you break him, tit for tat.
The key burned in your pocket. It had made its mark on your hand, too. A part of you wanted him to keep it, so neither of you would ever really have to say goodbye. The fact that he was ready to say goodbye, that he was okay with it, hurt. But it felt nice. Knowing he cared but was okay with saying goodbye if it was what you wanted.
Sitting in the car, an older one without all the bells and whistles, felt strange.
You weren't used to it. When he "drove", it was usually in the limo, so the two of you were in the back, a windowless back with no way to know what time it was. But, now, you could look out the window and watch as the world rushed by.
If you were in the limo, Technical Boy could keep it driving until you missed your flight. You wouldn't know until you left the cold car.
Now, despite the memory of the chilly limo, you missed the thing. In it, you got the feeling you get when you’ve been in the shower for a while and forgot what time was, the distant feeling of knowing it’s later but no knowing how much later. You yearned for those feelings and the brightness of the limo. It was familiar and safe.
Technical Boy's eyes stayed trained on the road as he tapped his fingers nervously against the steering wheel. Maybe he wasn't really ready to say goodbye either.
"Why didn't you bring the limo?" You asked the question plaguing your mind.
The god glanced at you. He swallowed hard and shifted in his seat. "Didn't feel right being in there without you."
Your heart swelled at that.
He turned the blinker on and got into the far-right lane.
You nodded in response. It’s all you could do.
The airport was packed with people bustling about. Loud voices from the intercom sounded with static and told people what was going on.
Technical Boy felt uncomfortable. This was not his domain. The others, the planes, this was a part of them. He shouldn't be here without a good, godly purpose.
But there he stood, the most important person in the world to him about to leave him forever with no god connection in sight.
Noticing his hesitancy, you gently took his wrist and walked with him inside the building. You weren’t ready to say goodbye just yet.
He patiently waited as you got your boarding pass. The god watched you smile and nod.
Oh, how he adored that smile. His only wish was that you'd smile at him again. Because of him. Not a polite smile, but a real one. He yearned for it.
Walking over, you set your suitcase beside you. "Thanks for the ride," you said, not meeting his gaze.
He nodded. "Yeah. Of course." He swallowed hard, breath shuttering slightly. "I suppose this is where we part ways, then.”
"Our final goodbye."
You can’t take it anymore. Unable to stop yourself, you let yourself seek those beautiful blues. If this was to be the last time you’d see each other, then you might as well take it all in while you could.
The two of you stayed quiet, gazing into each other's eyes.
Finally, your will broke, and you step forward. "But this doesn't have to be. We- we don't have to."
His eyebrows scrunched up. "I thought--"
"I want to come back." You interrupted, the ‘to you’ laced in your meaning.
Quietly, as he did earlier, your hand drifted to your pocket and pulled out a key, the key to your apartment. Taking his hand, you placed it on his palm and closed it.
Neither of you said anything, but you both understood. With not a second to spare, the call came for your plane.
You began to walk away, taking your suitcase with you.
Breathing heavily, he called after you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back. His wonder-filled eyes quietly told you everything he was thinking.
"I- I lo--" He couldn't seem to get the words out. No matter how badly he needed to say them, his lips wouldn’t form the syllables.
For the first time, you really felt it. You felt how much he loved you. It wasn't fake or a lie. It was real.
You cupped his cheek and beamed. "I know," you said, gently. "I do, too. Always have."
Pulling away, you walked to where you were going to board.
The god let a giant smile spread over his face. You cared about-- No, you loved him. Nothing in the world could take that away. Nothing could sour his mood at that moment.
His gaze fell to the key in his hand. Where, before, when he looked at it, there was this never-ending pain in his heart, now, an overwhelming joy took its place.
You loved him, too. That's all that mattered.
Even if there was rising anxiety over the plane and all the ways it could end up crashing. But, plane crashes had a one in 11 million chance of happening. Hopefully, you wouldn't be that one.
You shut the apartment door with your heel, pushing your suitcase in front of you. You missed your comfy home in the short time you were gone. And the warmth of the space made you sigh in content. But what made you smile was Technical Boy mopping the kitchen floor.
You had only been gone a week and a few days, and he had already made himself relatively comfortable and familiar.
"Planning on living here if I didn't come back?" You asked.
His head shot up, and his face erupts in a grin. "Y/N!"
He reminded you of a puppy greeting its owner after they were gone all day. It was cute, almost to the point of being criminal.
He checked his phone and scowled. "Shit." He looked back up. "I had planned on picking you up. I'm sorry."
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't worry, I got a taxi."
You sat your suitcase on the sofa and rolled your neck, trying to ease out the cramps and aches.
"How was the wedding?" He asked, setting the mop back in the bucket.
"It was a wedding." Looking around, you found your home practically deep cleaned. "What's all this about? It looks like Mr Clean came through with a vengeance and a taste for germs."
Technical Boy laughed, his dimples and diastema showing. The cute gap between his teeth was ever endearing and you always thought the sight was adorable paired with his dimples.
Rarely did you see him truly smile. Not a pained one or a sarcastic one, but a real smile. One that reminded you why you put up with him in the first place.
"I wanted to surprise you," he said, shrugging. "Oh! That reminds me." He took your hand and guided you to the fridge. "I was planning on ordering dinner before I went to go get you, but I can do that later." He tapped the freezer door with his knuckle. "Open it."
You looked between him and the freezer, not sure if you should trust him.
Succumbing to your curiosity, you acted as Pandora and opened the box.
He watched as your eyes lit up at the sight of your favourite dessert.
You looked at him, grinning. "Really?"
He nodded. "I figured, I got a long way to go before I'm totally back in your good graces, so why not bribe you a little? Besides, you know I'd do anything to make you happy. Even have dessert before dinner."
You took it out, your smile growing bigger at his thoughtfulness. The amount of love you felt in this moment could rival all that Venus herself possessed.
"Thank you," you said."Now I feel bad. All I got you was a ring."
"You got me something?" Disbelief rang in his voice.
Setting the dessert on the counter, you pulled out a wooden box and handed it to him. "I saw it at a shop and thought of you."
“Are you planning to propose? We’ve haven’t been together that long.”
His joke made you roll your eyes in playful annoyance. “Open it.”
Inside was a ring made of gold and copper etched with the typical tech aesthetic design. Examining it closer, Technical Boy looked inside of the band. It looked like tiny “wires” braided together with TB & Y/F/I Y/L/I engraved into the faux wirework 
He gently rubbed the ring and smiled, his eyes twinkling with a new light they were missing when you left. "Something tells me this was a little more custom made than that.” He smirked, looking up at you coyly.
You just shrugged in response, not wanting him to know all the effort it took to get that specific design made.
"It's amazing, Y/N. Thank you." He slipped it onto his finger and rubbed it affectionately. "It's fucking perfect."
The two of you just smiled and gazed into each other's eyes. You now had the time to take in every part of each other. You couldn’t help but get lost in it.
The two of you spent the evening talking and eating. You talked about anything and everything, especially about boundaries and what you expected of each other in the future. Eventually, that conversation led to the most random of things. Like how often rabbits procreate and the plural form of ‘uterus’ (it's uteruses, by the way).You realized that once you actually talked with each other, with no walls up, the conversation felt natural and normal like you’d been doing it for years.
As time ticked on, Technical Boy checked his phone out of habit. "Fuck," he mumbled. "It's late. I should probably let you get some sleep."
He frowned, confused.
That wasn't supposed to be out loud but you didn't want him to go. Not just yet, not after you’d just been so open with each other. You’d never felt so known by him before. And it wasn’t something you were going to let go of anytime soon.
"I mean, why don't you stay over for the night? If you want to," you said, quickly recovering from the outburst.
He nodded. "Okay, yeah, I can take the sofa."
That’s not even close to what you wanted. "Why not just sleep with me in my bed? It's a lot more comfortable than the sofa."
A splash of pink grew over his usually fair cheeks. "Really? You're okay with that?"
You laughed. "I wouldn't have said you could if I wasn't."
He looked down, grinning before looking back up. "Okay, yeah, let's do that then. That sounds nice."
The muffled sounds of the bugs outside and the warmth of your room was an oddly relaxing mix. One that you wouldn’t normally think of as peaceful, but it did well to lull you into a tate of sleepiness.
Technical Boy shuffled and repositioned himself every once in a while, trying to get comfortable but to no avail.
Sighing, he looked sadly at you. "Y/N? Are you awake?" He whispered, not wanting to wake you if you weren’t awake already.
"You really like saying my name, don't you?" You mumbled not bothering to open your eyes.
He laughed softly. "It's a beautiful name."
He moved to his side and quietly watched. "I know this of gonna sound stupid," he said. " But, could we- could we maybe cuddle? I like being held. It helps me sleep."
Now that caught your attention. Opening your eyes, you turned your head to face him.
His loose hair framed his face making him look almost like an angel in the soft glow in the softt glow from the street light outside.
You opened your arms for him.
Without hesitation, he snuggled into your chest and breathed in your scent, hugging you tight.
You couldn't help but chuckle. One hand calmly played with his hair as the other was being held captive by the tech god snuggled up against you.
The god moved so he could listen to your heartbeat. The sound soothed him to no end, ot that he would admit it. Slowly, he started to drift to sleep with the rhythmic sound.
Before he did, he spoke softly. "I love you," he muttered. "More than all the technology and worship in the world."
You blink in disbelief but smile when his words register through your tired brain. "I love you, my angel," you said as quiet as you could, not wanting to disturb the peace.
He heard you still. Warmth flooded his chest and he smiled softly as he fell asleep, comforted knowing you're with him.
You placed a soft kiss on the top of his head. The sound of his steady breathing and the warmth of his body in your arms soon had you drifting to sleep yourself.
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lost-in-the-80s · 4 years
It’s You pt. 1
Pairing: Duff McKagan x (fem) reader
Words: 2,002k.
Summary: You and Duff are best friends and you help him to impress a girl. You should be happy for him, but then why do you feel sad? You couldn’t like him, could you? (fluff + angst) 
A/N: 1- So, it got bigger than I expected, so I'll post the second part in the future.
         2- I didn't want to use a name for the girl, just in case it was someone's name, because it would be weird lol. Therefore, we are always calling her "She".
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ add yourself to my tag list :)
Part 2
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It was the year of 1983, Y/N was at The Rainbow with her friends, drinking and laughing about something, when he entered the place. He had blue hair and almost didn’t pass through the door due to his height. 
He looked so lost, checking booth after booth, trying to find something. He moved towards the bar, where he sat and asked for a beer. 
Y/N didn’t know why, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. So she decided to go and start a conversation. Draining the rest of her beer she stood up and moved towards the open seat beside him.
 “I’ve never seen you here.” He looked to the side and saw a tall girl with a kind smile on her face. “I’m Y/N, by the way!”. She extended her hand for him to shake. 
“I’m Duff.” He gave her a small smile and shook her hand, wishing he had put on a nicer jacket. “Funny name.” She said while asking for another beer. 
“So, where are you from?” She drank from the bottle and his eyes moved to her lips. He looked to her eyes and realized she was staring at him, waiting for his answer.
He cleared his throat. “Seattle” 
“Cool, I’m from Sitka.” He looked at her as if he was trying to think where the hell that city was. “It’s in Alaska.” She stated and saw his eyes light up a little with realization.
“So… What brings a Seattle boy to California?” He looked into her eyes and said firmly “I’m going to be in a band!” From hearing that Y/N had no doubt, he would be. The way he said it as if it was the only thing he was sure in his life, made her even more curious about him.
“What about you? California doesn't seem like something Alaskan people are into.” She laughed slightly and he thought that was a heavenly sound. “I got tired of nothing happening in my life. Wanted some change. So one day I decided I would come here.” 
“What do you do here?” He asked after he drank from his beer. “I'm a photographer!” He raised his brows. “Maybe when you find a band I can take the pictures for you!” 
He smiled at her. She was the first person to be nice to him in that town. Ever since he arrived the only human contacts he had were with the grumpy lady from the hotel he was staying at, and a man who he bumped into, on his way to the bar. 
“When did you get here? You still look kinda lost.” Duff looked at her and asked for another beer before answering. “Yesterday. I’m staying in a hotel down the street until I find somewhere to stay.” 
“If I were you, I wouldn’t stay there. A friend of mine stayed and got one of his bags stolen. Nobody really checks to see if the rooms are safe and shit.” 
This made Duff worried. He had all his guitars there. “Where do you think I could stay?” 
“There is a nice place near the beach, but it’s kind of expensive.” He frowned worriedly. 
“I haven’t got a job yet, can’t stay in somewhere that costs too much.” 
She finished her beer and thought for a while. “You know what? Fuck it. You can stay at my place for a while.”
“Re-really?” She got him surprised, that’s for sure. She nodded her head and giggled at his expression. “But you don’t even know me.” He said.
“Yeah, but I know how it is to be new in somewhere you don’t know anyone.” She paused for a while. “Plus, you’re a nice guy. I can see it in your eyes.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Fuck yeah, Duff!” He laughed at her exasperation. 
She stood up and took a ten-dollar bill out of her jeans pocket putting it on the counter. “Come on, let’s take your stuff from that place before it’s too late.” 
Now it was 1986. They became best friends after that night. Duff stayed at Y/N’s place for about two weeks until he found someone to share an apartment with. She helped him find a job and went with him on his first rehearsal with Road Crew.
She saw Road Crew slowly fade as Duff was invited to this new band Guns n Roses. She saw how in doubt he was about leaving a punk band to be in a rock one. She also saw how happy he was after his first gig with them and from that day on, she knew they would make it big.
She was always there, helping them with everything and being their number one fan. 
It was a strangely cold night in March, she was at the hell house with the boys, watching a horror movie and eating pizza. That’s when Duff entered the house. He slammed the front door shut and went straight to his room. Something had happened.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N followed him, closing his door behind her. He was walking from one wall to another while mumbling something. “What’s going on Duff?” 
He looked at her for a while before he started to speak. “She said I’m nobody!” Y/N frowned. “Said my band is nothing.” He was so exasperated. “Said that I can call her when we are famous” He ran his hands through his hair.
Y/N knew who he was talking about. She was a secretary Duff met a couple of weeks ago at The Rainbow. He was head over hills for her since day one. Always trying to impress her, but she always dismissed him.
“Fucking bitch.” Y/N said. “Fuck her, you deserve better than someone who cares for this crap.” 
He rolled his eyes. He didn’t like it when Y/N talked like that about her. He knew she never really liked her, always saying that she wasn’t nice or that she didn’t like her personality, but still, he liked her.
It was true, Y/N didn’t like her at all. But it was because she was a bitch. Y/N didn’t like calling someone that, but it was true. Every time Duff was around, she would ask him if she was beautiful, touch his arm suggestively or call him “Duffy” and then, when he tried to start some sort of conversation, she would completely ignore him or answer in the rudest way. Y/N hated that because she knew how bad Duff got every time it happened.
“I’ll make it big Y/N! I’ll prove to her that I am somebody. And then we will finally be together!” Y/N rolled her eyes. “You never listen to me do you?” She said, exiting the bedroom and closing the door once again. 
Two weeks passed after that, and on March 26, Guns signed with Geffen Records. That was it. That contract said they were serious and said they were starting to make it big. 
She went out with the boys that night to celebrate, drinking until late. Around 3 am she helped Izzy and Axl drag the other three back to their house. She was so wasted that she ended up passing out on the couch. 
The next morning she woke up to someone talking excitedly. She looked to her side and saw Duff on the phone. “Probably telling his mom.” she thought to herself. Closing her eyes she decided to sleep a bit more. 
Before she could sleep again, she felt someone shaking her. “Y/N! Wake up!” It was Duff. 
“What?” She said. Her voice raspy due to her sleepiness. “I called Jane and…” Before he could finish she interjected. “Who the fuck is Jane?” 
“Her friend, the one with black hair.” Y/N thought for a while. “The nice one?”
“Yeah Y/N, the nice one. Continuing… I told her we got the label and said I wanted to make her a surprise, and Jane said they are going to the amusement park tomorrow, so I guess I’m going too.” He laughed a little. 
Y/N didn’t say anything, because she had nothing nice to say. She just wanted to roll her eyes and say that he was being stupid, but decided to remain silent. 
“Can you paint my hair today? I want to look nice.” He was smiling like a child. “Fine, but only if you let me sleep.” He nodded fastly and left the living room.
She didn’t know why, but she felt a tightness in her heart. She thought about Duff and her together and she started to feel a certain sadness fill her chest. She sighed and covered her head with a pillow, hoping that she could sleep soon, so she wouldn’t have to think about that anymore. 
The afternoon arrived and she was awakened by Slash, who slightly touched her shoulder, telling her they had made lunch. She got up stretching her body and moving towards the kitchen. 
After lunch, she went to the drug store with Duff. They bought all the necessary products to bleach his hair and she had to hear him talking about her the whole way. She wanted so bad to throw the plastic bag with the products on his head and tell him to shut up, but decided against it. 
Back at the house, duff grabbed a chair and sat in front of the bathroom mirror with a bag of Doritos in his lap, while Y/N worked on his hair. 
All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix started playing on the small radio they took along. Y/N lightened a cigarette taking a drag from it while dancing. She loved Hendrix. 
She moved with every guitar note she listened, and Duff could do nothing but to watch her from the mirror, almost as if she had hypnotized him. She was the coolest girl he knew, with so much attitude and sweetness at the same time, he didn’t even know why, but she fascinated him in every single way.
He laughed as she stopped moving and started to pretend she was playing guitar. She was horrible at playing, Slash, Izzy and even him had tried teaching her, but she always got frustrated after a few minutes and damned that to hell.  The music came to an end, and she started to focus on Duff’s hair again.
After a good 1 hour, Duff's hair was done. He smiled at his reflection in the mirror and high fived Y/N, thanking her. They exited the bathroom and went to the backyard, where the boys were. 
Duff grabbed a beer and sat beside Axl and Izzy on the bench while Y/N moved to the grass area and started playing with Izzy’s dog. 
“Feeling ready to impress her now?” Axl asked. “Fuck yeah!”
“I still think you’re making a mistake by going after her.” Axl said and Duff frowned. “If she didn’t want to be with you while you were growing, she doesn’t deserve to be with you now.” 
“Cut it, man, you don’t know her” He replied while drinking from his beer. “And do you?” It was Izzy. Duff rolled his eyes and watched Y/N. She giggled while playing with the dog’s ears. 
"You know… I always thought you and Y/N would end up together" Axl said.
"I don't know man, but there is a strong connection between the two of you." Hearing that Duff looked back to Y/N, he saw she was now fake fighting with Slash and a small smile appeared on his lips.
"Plus, friends don't look at each other like that!"
"What do you mean?" Duff frowned.
"Like, the way you look at each other, is as if you loved each other." 
"Just like you were looking at her now." Izzy added.
Duff didn't say anything, he drank from his beer and started to think. Could he love Y/N in a way that friends shouldn't love each other?
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The reader having an office fling with Erik/Work Hubby
Warnings: SMUT
It’s gonna be two parts because it’s really long and detailed to start. LIKE & REBLOG
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You wake up on a Monday morning after enjoying your short weekend to start another 9-5 workweek. Even though a part of you wished that you could work from home another part of you wanted to go into the office so you could see Erik. Your work boyfriend. On Saturday you got your hair done in some knotless box braids, went to the spa, and did a little bit of shopping for some new office attire. Today you decided to wear some of that office attire. Nude wrap skirt, a mauve colored wrap top with bell sleeves and some So Kate pumps in a nude color. Your boyfriend and Erik shared the same name but instead, your boyfriend’s name was spelled with a “C”, not a “K”. That boyfriend in question was a personal trainer and vlogger who traveled to try different restaurants mainly in Cali and NYC. He took a two week trip to NYC with a group of his guy friends. You were used to it and grew not to care so much about it. He was living his life to the fullest.
But were you living your life?
Working as a Secretary for an Environmental Technology company that makes billions of dollars gave excellent pay. The money is good but the only thing to look forward to is your gossiping friend Regina who sat in a cubicle directly next to you and Erik, the Lead Environmental Engineer who was also a Biomedical Engineer. He’s charming, witty, mesmerizing, attractive, hardworking, can be very headstrong at times, loves ramen, and has a cat named Paws. Erik with the “K” has you blushing whenever he locked eyes with you, stuttering while you both have random conversations during tea and coffee breaks, texted you funny memes during meetings when you were supposed to be taking notes, instant messages you from his cubicle computer to bug you saying things like:
-Wyd big head?
-Did Eric with the “C” see you leave the house today in that short ass skirt?
-Connie keeps talking to me with her funky ass breath. Help me 🥺.
-So, when are you going to boss up and get an office? I wanna be next to my work bae.
-You wanna get lunch together? My treat. It’s a surprise.
-I know you and Regina are gossiping about me 😌.
-I missed you after work yesterday. 
He’s also the reason why you stayed later on Wednesday and Thursday nights. You would help him brainstorm ideas about improving pollution and what he should say in his speech about global issues such as climate change. He even asked you if you wanted to come with him to Alaska to test the water there but you hadn’t given him an answer yet. You really really wanted to but being alone with Erik wasn’t such a good idea. You were afraid to be in another location besides LA with him for reasons you’d rather not admit to.
After making Erik and yourself an egg white and veggie omelet with a Belgian waffle you headed out the door and to your Prius. Arriving at the office on time, you badge in and take the lobby elevators up to the fifth floor. Stepping off of the crowded elevator, you walk towards the newly decorated staff lounge to put away the food. It was 8:25 am and Erik wouldn’t be in for another ten to fifteen minutes. The lounge had Dunkin Donuts laid out and freshly brewed coffee. You fought the temptation of grabbing a chocolate glazed donut to go to your cubicle and boot your Mac desktop computer so you could check your company email. You said Goodmorning as you walked by. Regina was playing Candy Crush on her cell when you arrived.
“Goodmorning, Gina.” You placed your Chanel bag behind the desktop computer in your cubicle.
“Morning, sis,” Regina tapped away on her phone, “Did you sleep okay?”
“Better this time around, yes,” You flipped your box braids over your shoulder while leaning back in your office chair to talk to Regina, “I haven’t heard from Eric all weekend.”
“Which one?”
You pursed your lips, “You know which one.”
She laughs, “Erik with the C. What’s up with that?”
You shrug, “Don’t know and don’t care. He acts like he can’t answer my calls or texts so I can check up on him so I’ll act like he doesn’t exist.”
Regina gave you a knowing look, “I’m sure you and Erik with the K, aka Captain Planet, texted his work bae, Miss Y/N, all weekend long.”
You bite your bottom lip to fight a goofy smile.
“See,” Regina crosses her dark chocolate legs, “he’s not just your work bae. He’s Daddy.”
“Stop!” You throw a pen at her chest, before lowering your voice, “Erik and I are not having sex, Gina. We may flirt and text outside of work-“
“And during work hours,” Regina interjected.
“Like I said, we are not having sex-“
“Who’s not having sex?”
Regina and your head turned to stare up at Erik Stevens. He had his briefcase in one hand and a black coffee with extra brown sugar in his other hand. Tailored suit colored navy blue with gold cuff links. Burberry dress shoes on his feet. Vintage gold-plated oval eyeglasses over his onyx eyes. He gave Regina and you a teasing smile. The smile where he raised one corner of his mouth to reveal a single deep dimple.
“Y/N,” Regina answered with wide playful eyes.
“Oh?” Erik gave Y/N a mournful look, “Damn, ma. That’s too bad.”
You glare at them both, “I will ignore both of y’all the rest of the day if you keep fucking with me.”
You got up from your seat, pushing in your chair, and tried your best to ignore the snickering from them both. Walking away, Erik was right on your tail, his hand reaching out to grab your shoulder to stop you.
“Calm down, it’s all jokes,” he licks his full lips, “But seriously...no sex between you and your man?”
Groaning, you walk into the lounge to grab the food.
“Why are we having this conversation?”
“Because I’m concerned,” Erik turned his back to lean against the counter with his arms folded over his chest, “You know you can talk to me, right?”
You place his food inside the microwave to heat, “I know. It’s just embarrassing, Erik.”
Erik grabs your chin to make you stare at him instead of the microwave, “Don’t even give me that excuse. Remember, we shared a lot of embarrassing stories in this office after hours.”
How could you forget?
“Yeah...it’s boring, Erik. I’m sure you’re having the best sex of your life in your fancy penthouse. Probably having orgies with models and actresses. They love a sweet and caring guy,” Y/N said sarcastically.
Erik’s tongue grazes the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling, “Why orgies specifically?”
“Is that all you focused on?!!” You shove him before taking his food out, “gosh, I hate you.”
Erik takes a swig of his coffee, “which is girl code for gosh, I love you,”
You shook your head with a grin, “leave me alone.”
“Which means, give me attention,” Erik grabs both of your shoulders, before bringing his head around to plant a kiss on your cheek, “I know y’all female dictionary like the back of my hand.”
Your head turned to face him after his lips caressed your cheek. Now, that area was warm and ticklish. Erik grabs his food and walks over to one of the tables. That gave you some time to breathe and heat your food as a distraction. Why did he have to kiss you? It’s not like he’s never done it before but every time he did it, Erik made you melt and wish it were your lips instead.
“You make some bomb food, girl. I think I’m jealous of Eric with a C.”
“Says the guy who makes the best shrimp and grits I have ever tasted besides my grandma,” you take a seat in front of him. While you ate you watched him cut into his waffle covered in syrup. His long lashes curled each time he blinked and his lips were so pouty and kissable whenever he concentrates the way he does. You felt like a schoolgirl watching him eat.
“So,” Erik chews his food some more before talking, “Alaska.”
“What about it?” You play it off by cutting your omelet up.
“Y/N,” Erik raised his brow at you, “You know about Alaska this is my fourth time bringing it up.”
“When is it?”
“In a month,” Erik takes a swig of his coffee to wash down his food before leaning forward on his elbows to make you look at him, “it’s gonna be for a week, all paid for, a mini-vacay with skiing, Matanuska Glacier walk, and lunch, helicopter tour, cozy cabin...”
Erik tilted his head at you and smiled. You looked down at your food bashfully. It all sounded so tempting. You would love to go...
“I don’t know, Erik,” you shake your head, “Eric will be home and-“
“How many trips does he take leaving you home?”
“More than I can count,” you reply shamefully.
“Exactly. I ain’t tryna overstep but...” Erik left it at that and went back to his food. You slouch in your chair deep in thought. Erik has a point. Your boyfriend traveled whenever he pleased and didn’t even ask how you felt about it once. You respected that he wanted to drop his career as a teacher to travel, eat, and vlog. Not once did he suggest taking you on one of his food journeys. You honestly felt left out.
You deserve some fun too.
Moving your food around with your fork, you finally come to a decision.
“I’ll go.” You spoke softly as if you couldn’t believe you’d just agreed to it.
“Seriously?” Erik asked with his eyes unblinking and on yours.
“Yes,” you let out a breath, “I’ll go to Alaska and have some fun for once. I haven’t been out of town in so long it’ll feel good to go.”
Alaska with Erik Stevens. For an entire week. Just you and him. Your knees shook under the table.
“See,” he smirked while stabbing a piece of omelet with his fork, “It’s crazy how I had to ask your ass four times total to come with me.”
“Why is that crazy?” You asked with a laugh.
“Because it never takes a woman this long to say yes to me,” he says in a very boastful manner.
“I’m not your woman though,” you say before you could even stop yourself.
“You are my woman,” Erik rested his tongue on his upper lip before grinning, “just at work and without the sex, kissing, taking showers together-“
“Okay, you made your point, boyfriend.” You stop him before he continued.
“Does Eric know about me?”
“A little,” you look towards the ceiling, “ he’d probably cancel all his travel plans if he knew how you looked.”
Erik bit into his bottom lip, “how do I look, Y/N?”
“Fine as hell,” you giggle as if you were drunk, “He already thinks he’s the finest thing walking.”
“That’s your man though,” Erik chuckles, “You think he’s fine, right?”
“I mean, yeah, of course.”
Both of you laugh.
“I swear,” you wave him away, “you play too much.”
“Don’t make me steal you away from him.” Erik laughed. His laugh made your stomach do summer salts.
“Okay, Erik,” you speak in a dismissive tone.
“I mean, I could though.”
“Why do you insist on playing?! If I was single-“
“You would be mine,” Erik finished.
“You can have any woman you want. Why me?”
Erik scanned your body at that table, “Really? What you mean? Have you seen yourself, ma?”
“Stop,” you giggle. He can’t be serious. Erik is a flirt but why on earth would he play like this?
“You always think a nigga playing when I say that shit.” He sounded offended. You didn’t have a reply for that. Avoiding his intense eyes you finished your food while Erik closed his empty container and placed it on the counter next to the thermal lunch bag you brought the food in.
“Aight let me get to my desk,” he grabs his coffee and walked up towards you. Erik moves your box braids from your shoulder before grabbing the back of your neck gently. The feel of his smooth fingertips on your skin made the hairs on the back of your neck and arms rise.
“I’ll see you later, babe.”
You blush with a mouth full of food, “Okay, I’ll see you later too, baby.”
His fingers left your neck and combed through your box braids before he walked away and out of the lounge. You were so preoccupied with his fingers on the back of your neck and in your hair that you lost your appetite.
You stood at Regina’s cubicle halfway listening to her speak and the other half focusing on Erik in his office. He looked bored as hell. Your eyes watched him ball up random printer paper from his fax machine to shoot into his document waste basketball hoop that he had in the corner near the door. He made it perfectly every time. Erik had the coolest office out of all the other Environmental Engineers. Besides the typical Newton’s Cradle pendulum balls that’s a famous desk accessory, he had a tropical tabletop fountain, stress relief visual illusion toys, stainless steel pin art hand mold, darts, a Rubik’s cube, Nintendo switch, and many other cool and fun shit.
“Girl,” Regina said chewing on a granola bar, “You’re not even paying attention to me.”
“I am,” You allow your eyes to fall on her accusatory ones, “I’m just...looking around.”
“No,” Regina puts up a hand to stop you, “You’re looking at Erik.”
Both Regina and yourself look over at him, spotting Erik walking back and forth now with his suit jacket removed and the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up. He was finger juggling a pen with his right hand while speaking into a Bluetooth in his ear.
“You might as well let him ruin you, Y/N,” Regina says with a whisper.
“Oh my God, Gina,” you stomp across the carpeted floor in your pumps before taking your seat again to finish organizing in Microsoft Excel.
“He could flirt with any other woman in here. Connie, Demetria, Anita, Nicole, any of those chicks, but he chooses you. Why is that, Y/N?”
“I don’t know, Gina, enlighten me,” You roll your eyes.
“No need. You already know. Erik is feeling you, heavy baby. Heavy like that ass in that skirt that we both know you purposefully wore today to make him look.”
“OKAY.” You stop her with an abrupt tone, “Fine. Yes, Gina. Yes, I know Erik is feeling me. But I am in a relationship and I can’t just-“
“Heffa, please,” Regina laughs, “don’t even try that shit with me. You are feeling him just the same. You and Eric with the C don’t even exist when you walk in here. It’s obvious you don’t want to be with that man anymore and I wouldn’t be surprised if he is fucking some chick in NYC and secretly taking her on his little food quests. You can look at me like that all you want but deep down you know I’m speaking facts.”
“Gina,” you speak with a warning, “I will throw this stapler at your head next.”
“Won’t. Change. The. Truth,” Regina flips her long ponytail.
A part of you did believe that Eric was cheating on you. It was so obvious at times but you didn’t want it to come to that. You and Eric have been together for about five years. But then again, that shit doesn’t matter. If it did, he would be worried about fixing the relationship instead of traveling for views.
Ping Ping
-Here comes Connie. Let me take a big gulp of air before she walks in here.
Erik instant messaged you. You snicker like a child doing some sneaky shit. He was so damn goofy.
-Damn. Why don’t you just offer her some gum?
-If I do that she’ll know I think her breath stink.
-Just play it cool. Have some sitting out, grab a piece, and offer her a stick. It’s that simple.
-she talks too damn much. Just talk to me about the Alaska job so I can be prepared. That’s why I’m glad you’re coming with me.
You looked up over your cubicle to watch Connie talking animatedly while Erik swivels in his chair from side to side.
Catch my eye.
Onyx met chestnut.
Erik covered his mouth with his fist to hold in his laughter before placing his hand up at Connie, from what it looked like, to reassure her that he wasn’t laughing at what she’d said.
-want me to drag her out of there by that takky blouse?
-Why are you such a gangsta, girl? LOL aight, come handle my light work, ma
-not before I get a hospital mask so I don’t breathe in her toxic fumes. Llab
-😂😂😂😂😂 straight stupid.
You snicker again.
“What is so damn funny?” Regina peered over at you with curious eyes.
“Just IM with Erik,” you bite the gel acrylic on your thumb nail to smother your giggles, “He can’t stand Connie.”
“Mhm,” Regina smiles, “y’all so damn cute just get married already.”
-she’s gone 😁
-let's celebrate lol.
Erik sends fireworks through the IM. You send balloons.
-enough about her. I see you 👀
-what’s that?
-you showing off. That attire is hella tight. What you doing with all of that?
-nothing. Lol, why do I have to be doing something?
-I know you wore that for my eyes only. I feel special.
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard. He was going down that lane. You weren’t prepared but still, you typed away.
-I figured you would appreciate it since my man wasn’t home to admire it before I left.
-Yo’ nigga got some screws loose because I wouldn’t be away letting my girl walk out the house like that.
-like what?
-with all that ass sitting in that skirt.
-can’t help that I have a lot to work with.
-ain’t no problem for me. If you were fucking with me Y/N I’d make you forget your name. Real talk.
You crossed your legs under the desk and rubbed the back of your neck. If he fucking bitches to make them forget their identities then that means his dick really ain’t nothing to play with.
-nothing to say huh?
-I’m just thinking.
-about what? Talk to me.
-why you really want me to come to Alaska with you.
-well? You’re gonna tell me why?
-Because I want you to myself.
-So I can show you something you’ve been missing.
-Eric ain’t putting it down on my work bae like he should be.
You were so damn nervous. Day by day Erik would grow more frustrated with Eric and your situation. Like Regina said, just let Erik ruin you. It’s a shame to say that you haven’t had sex in about a month. It was just you, your fingers, and your favorite vibrator. It could be Erik, his fingers, his dick, his mouth, and multiple orgasms.
-He’s not. It’s been too long. ���️
-You ain’t gotta tell me how long. I can see it in your body language.
You twirl a braid in your hand. Looking away from your computer, you try to be discreet, bringing your eyes to peer over the top of your cubicle into Erik’s office. He was drinking a bottle of water while his eyes concentrated on the computer screen with knitted brows. He placed his bottle on the desk and leaned in, typing again.
Ping ping
-Don’t ignore me before I walk over there.
-ooooo I’m scared.
-Aight, bet. I’m coming.
-I want you to think long and hard about that, Stevens.
You were flustered, wet, shaken up that he wanted to “show you” what you’ve been missing, and willing to risk it all if he left his office space to come to talk to you.
-that’s what she said. 😈
You chuckle. He could turn any topic into sex.
“Hey, Erik,”
You look up to find him standing next to your cubicle while Regina looked at the both of you with interest. You stand from your seat, ready to get yourself some water but Erik has your shoulders.
“Where you going?” His husky voice tickled your ear.
“For some water.”
Erik starts massaging your shoulders lightly.
“Can I come with you? I need to stretch my legs.”
“Whatever, I don’t care.” You lead the way.
But you did care. You wondered what he was up to. Now that you walked ahead of him with that very tight wrap skirt on you felt exposed like he has x-ray vision and can see your phat dimpled cheeks bounce and sway. Thank God for an empty lounge. You walk over to the fountain, grabbing a cup, and Erik was right on your side, holding the tap down for you. Your cheeks poke out to hide your blush.
“Thank you,” you speak softly. His eyes were intent on you. Not once did you give in and look his way while drinking that ice-cold water. Suddenly unable to breathe you back up a little to make some space between you two. Erik followed with his hands in the pockets of his slacks.
“Don’t you have a ton of work to do?” You ask to try and divert the attention away from you. Too late. Erik was determined to make you weak in front of him.
“I do but we have a long day, ma. I’ll get it done. I just couldn’t stand being away from my work bae.”
You rub your fingers along the wet cup, “I’m convinced now that you only come to work to be near me.”
“I’m cool with that,” He shrugs, “I could be a whole lot of things if it wasn’t for your man who’s supposed to be home with you.”
“He’ll be back-“
“And then he’ll be gone again,” Erik let’s out a sigh, “We’re playing too many games, Y/N. I’m tired of the flirting back and forth when I know you really want me. Stop coming in here to impress me with these bomb-ass outfits. I’ve been impressed for over a year now.”
Erik closed the space between you both, pressing his chest against your fuller one. You look over his shoulder to make sure no one was coming and when the coast was clear you focused your heated gaze on him.
“I’m tryna undress you with my fucking hands, not my eyes.” Erik takes his fingers to play with the bow of your wrap skirt, “You feel what I’m saying?”
You couldn’t speak. Your eyes were to busy admiring this gorgeous man who wanted to fuck you. His inviting eyes saw exactly what you wanted. A long, hard, fuck. Taking his fingers, Erik grabs your chin delicately to stroke. He made you feel so precious and desired.
“So, can I do that?” Erik asked with his lips kissing along your jawline. Your eyes landed on the door to check it and still, no one was there.
“Can I take care of you, ma?”
You had this look in your eyes, this look that said, please, Daddy, come fuck me. He smelled so damn good. So invigorating and moisturizing. You could make out a hint of exotic arabica coffee and coconut oil on the skin of his neck.
“No,” you lick your upper lip, “No, you can’t.”
His lips found yours. He swallowed that no with his full lips and tongue. Both of you knew that your answer was disbelieving when your hands came up to wrap around his neck. That was a green light for Erik. His hands came around your waist, and then down to cup your ass. He would alternate between rubbing your spine and making your cheeks bounce in his hands. Erik rests his chin on your shoulder so he could peer behind you to watch his hands squeezing all that ass on you. He would let it go and watch it bounce before slapping it lightly so he wouldn’t make a lot of noise. You felt your heart in your throat. Now, his crotch was pressed into yours. Long and hard indeed. Let’s not forget thick.
“You free tonight?” He whispered in your ear.
“Yeah,” you could feel him lifting you from the floor to sit your bottom on the counter. He was between your legs while your hands reach for his tie to tug on. It distracted you from being so nervous. His hands rested on your exposed upper thighs rubbing your warm skin in slow circles to sooth you. All he was doing was killing you. His touch was so soft and gentle but under all of that was a rough dominating grasp that you yearned for
You weren’t sure which throbbing you wanted to quiet more—the throbbing between your legs or the throbbing from your heartbeat against your chest. All those daydreams about rubbing your swollen pussy lips all over Erik’s face until you came. Now that the both of you crossed yet another line——the touching and kissing line, there was no telling what would happen next. Sex after hours in the office on his desk? Walks to the parking lot only to fuck in the back seat of his car? Happy hour on Friday evenings only to get drunk and have sex at his penthouse? 
“Can I come over to keep you company?” 
“I don’t know, E. This office fling situation can fuck with both of our jobs.” You nibble on your bottom lip the second his lips came into contact with your throat. 
“Nobody gotta know,” his plush lips sought out yours again, “It can be our little secret, baby.” 
“But what if someone does find out?”
“It won’t happen like that, trust me,” Erik grabs your hand to rest against his crotch. Erik was swelled to cum-inspiring proportions, making you want to finger-fuck yourself with mounting enthusiasm. 
“Damn, Erik.” Now you were thinking about this office fling as a carnal delight after hours. 
“I know, right? Imagine me walking around all day, watching you with these big titties...shapely legs...and round ass…”
You had the body, beauty, and brains. That meant that you seldom went unnoticed; especially not by Erik, your work bae. Your slant eyes and supple body reminded him of a jungle cat that, when tamed, purred like a kitten. He wanted to hear you mewl and whimper in his ear while his dick that was currently twisted and curved in his briefs bounced off the walls of your pussy. He could see the lust in your feline eyes how quickly you noticed his arched appendage. You were probably fantasizing about what wonderful things it could do for your G-spot. 
“Keep looking at me like that and watch I finger-fuck this pussy right here,” Erik’s eyes went down to look at the Apple watch on his wrist, “It’s almost that time to eat. I’m tryna eat something else though…”
“Eat me?” You couldn’t control that slipping from your mouth. 
“Slob on this yummy pussy,” his hand was between your legs now, caressing the outside of your saturated panties, “You gonna feed me?”
“Where?” You whisper.
“Shit, we can go to my car for lunch. I got tinted windows.” Erik was desperate to slide his tongue inside you. 
“Erik, this is crazy.” You laugh faintly before he took your face into his hands, gazed into your eyes, and kissed you so urgently it felt as if you were floating away. You could think of nothing else but how good he made you feel. Erik explores your mouth with his tongue, not wanting you to miss an inch of how skilled he was using his mouth. 
“You’ll be begging me to make this pussy feel good in a minute.”
You were relentless with your hands squeezing the weight of Erik’s curved erection in his black slacks. You really wanted to untuck his dress shirt, get down on your knees, and suck him with a wide-open mouth. Keep your mouth as wide-open as was physically possible—anxiously awaiting your reward. 
“Don’t worry babe,” Erik gently pulls your hand away from his crotch, “wait for lunch and you can have me all to yourself, okay?”
You waited and waited. As soon as Erik left that lounge to go back to his desk a last-minute meeting was called and of course, you had to attend as well. Everyone got up from their designated spots to head to the conference room. You squeezed into the same elevator cart as Erik, moving to the back so you could be near him. On purpose, you settle in front of him. Erik’s hand reached out to play with your thick ass while you focused on your phone. That only lasted for about ten seconds because now you were on the 6th floor. Hungry for his touch again you allow everyone else to leave so he could slap your ass. 
During the hour-long meeting, both of your eyes would meet and knowing smiles would appear on both of your faces. You didn’t like the fact that Demetria was seated next to him with her cleavage hanging out from her black blazer. She tried her best to make Erik notice her but he didn’t give a fuck about her thirsty actions. 
It was well past lunchtime and most of the office had gone to either the food court in the building or outside to find something different to eat for a change. Your stomach was rumbling waiting for Erik. Groaning, you put your computer to sleep before grabbing your Chanel bag to leave for lunch by yourself. It wasn’t Erik’s fault, you knew that, but you couldn’t help being upset and sexually frustrated. No pussy eating or dick sucking in his G Wagon 550 SUV in a desert silver metallic color. 
Eating alone was boring and lonely. You played with your Caesar salad and hardly even toughed the veggie lasagna. How were you supposed to feed your appetite when it was salivating for dick? You were so excited to finally hook up with Erik. Checking the time on your phone, you had about two hours left in your shift. You pack away the food and decide to save it for dinner tonight. Standing up, you push in the silver chair at the food court table, walking away with a click-clack of your So Kate pumps. You thumb the elevator button before slipping a piece of gum into your mouth. The doors open up and you enter, turning to watch them shut as your reflection appeared. 
Ping ping
Erik -where did you go?
-To lunch. I was hungry.
Erik- Really? Why didn’t you wait for me?
-Because I was STARVING. Plus, you were busy.
Erik- I’m not busy anymore. Where are you now?
-Heading back upstairs.
Erik- I’ll wait for you.
-Erik, I have to go back to work!
Erik- fuck that you know what I want.
DING. Fifth Floor.
“Told you I’ll wait for you,” He smiles at you dangerously. 
You almost swallow your gum the way he approached you. You and him, alone in that elevator. Erik kisses your lips, savoring the minty taste from the gum. He pulled back, taking his thumb to wipe the spit from his bottom lip. He turns around to press the 4th-floor button since that’s were the garage entrance was. Suddenly you were shaking in your pumps. It was really going to happen. Finally, your pussy wouldn’t feel painfully neglected. Finally, you could have the touch of a man on your body after an entire month. 
“Are you okay?” Erik asked while looking down at you. 
“Yeah, I’m cool,” you give him a reassuring smile.
DING. Fourth Floor.
Down a hallway and through the garage door you both went with your hand in Erik’s. You walk along the concrete ground as your ears took in the sounds of sirens and car horns honking in the middle of traffic. His G-Wagon was parked in a private spot. Erik took his keys out of his suit jacket and unlocked it with a click of a button, even started it up as well. You could hear the engine rumble. The large SUV vibrates as the sound of his radio playing blasted through the speakers. Erik opened the back door, reclining the backseats to lay flat like a bed. He takes off his suit jacket, tossing it in the passenger seat before turning to you, lifting you up, and sitting you in the back. 
Once there, you take off your heels and place them far enough away so Erik and you could have plenty of space. Erik sat down, leaning forward to remove his shoes. After that, he unbuttoned his dress shirt before pulling it off and balling it up to toss at the front with his suit jacket. He finally turns, crawling his large chiseled body towards you with playful eyes.
“Is that pussy still as wet as it was earlier today? Can I taste that kitty?”
Erik pulled your legs, laying you down on your back. He was on his knees between your legs, opening them wide causing your skirt to lift and bunch around your waist. He came face to face with that phat puss covered in wet fabric. Your voice was stuck in your throat. Erik takes both of his masculine hands to pull down your already saturated panties, spreading open your legs further, and staring at that pink pussy coated with cream. He could smell your scent. His car smelling like your wet pussy. 
“Yeah, this pussy still sloppy,” Erik listened to you purr as he flicked your clit with his thumb. Erik continues to do this while slapping your pussy with his fingers. Each time he slapped your pussy, your juices would build and build to the point of making puddles beneath your ass in his car. 
“Can I stuff this pussy with my fingers now,” Erik licked his thick fingers clean, “I wanna squeeze in there deep, baby girl.” 
“Yes,” Your cunt was starving.
“Good, girl.” 
He plunged first one, then two, then three fingers deep inside your pussy, flickering at your clit at the same time. He was directly over your G spot with the pads of his fingers repeatedly rubbing you there. Your legs went wider and wider. The sound of your succulent pussy increased in such severity that it was almost deafening. Your moans mixed with the sound of The palm of Erik’s hand slapping your cunt each time he finger-fucked you had him grunting and groaning.
“Faster, faster,” You called out while gyrating your hips to fuck his fingers. 
“There you go, fuck my fingers, just like that, get it, baby,” Erik bites his lip, “look at you ready to bust a nut on my hand, mmm, get that shit, baby.”
A rush of juices flooded the back seat. Erik’s eyes grew wide as your fingers tightened around him. That liquid poured each time he moved his fingers inside of you. All you could do was moan and shake beneath him. Your ass was glued to that surface. 
“Damn, Y/N.” Erik takes his fingers out slowly before licking them clean. He got up on his knees to reach into his trunk, bringing a Puma gym bag over towards him. He opened it with his wet hands, pulling out a thick black towel that was wrapped in a body wash. Erik places that towel beneath your ass to soak up your mess. 
“Making a mess in my fucking car.” 
“I’m sorry,” You cover your face with embarrassment, “I do that a lot.”
“Don’t apologize about that, ma, I don’t give a fuck. Keep doing it like that on these fingers. Better yet...do it like that on my tongue,” Erik laid flat on his stomach, “You can squirt in Daddy’s mouth too.” 
Erik began lapping away at your pussy with such zeal that you were squirming and squealing within minutes. With the flat of his tongue, Erik assaulted your pussy with such a lashing that your legs turned to jello. Erik then probed ever so deeply inside your dripping wet pussy with his pointed tongue, tongue-fucking your slot until your eyes rolled up into your head. He found your throbbing, erect clit and tortured you sweetly with licks and nibbles that sent electric charges throughout your entire body. Grabbing your thighs to squeeze, feasting on that syrupy pussy, Erik’s dick dripped pre-cum in anticipation of your walls capturing his dick and holding tight, while he thrust himself deeper and deeper inside of you. 
“Damn, ma, I’m literally drinking this pussy dry.” 
“You make me feel so good! Make me feel good, Erik.”
Erik’s tongue circled around your pussy. Each time he did that your hips would jerk. He was fighting that pussy back with his lips and tongue each time you pumped your hips. You gazed into his dark, sexy eyes and increased the movement of your hips. 
“Oh, fuck!” Erik wrapped his whole mouth around your pussy and started slurping. All Erik could think about was how good you tasted and the heat radiating from your pussy. 
“Shit tastes so good, girl,” He licked his plate clean, “fuck, look at my dick.”
His shit was twisted and curved to the right in those pants. Erik got on his knees to undo his pants. He let out a long sigh of relief the minute his pants and briefs made it down his thighs, resting at his knees. He sat down and pulled the rest of his clothes off, now he was naked from the waist down. You watch his thick dick jerk in his hand. That dick looked like it could bench press a barbell with how hard he was as Erik slid his hand up and down his burgeoning erection. His dick skyrocketed to its highest capacity causing your mouth to drool. Erik pointed out that dick at your mouth. Doing that caused his slit to open and show you his pre-cum waiting to be sucked out. 
“Come suck me, baby,” His grip was so tight on his dick.
You obeyed every word and sucked him up into your mouth. Damn, Erik was a big boy. So girthy and veiny. Intimidating for sure. His tip blossomed so thickly your lips had a hard time wrapping around it to suck. Erik with a C ain’t have nothing on this dick. A beautiful slab of tasty meat gliding across your tongue and poking the back of your throat. 
“Damn, this is how you do it, ma? You should have warned a nigga first.”
He held the back of your head to guide your mouth lower. Each time he did that, he would grunt and whisper oh, my God, which made you super wet. All you wanted him to do was splatter your mouth with his cum. He was already so close to detonation so you opened up as wide as you could stretch to fill him all the way in. 
“DAYUM!!!” Erik bellowed, “Good girl, don’t waste a fucking drop when I bust in this pretty mouth. Never.”
You graduated from plain old hungry to ravenous. That cum of his sputtering and spurting forth was your reward. The suctioning noise of your hand jerking him empty into your throat mixed with Erik’s deep moans made your pussy convulse around nothing even though you could feel it dripping. You slapped his ever-expanding dick against your tongue. 
“Shit,” Erik looked from his wet dick to your face, “Baby girl, I ain’t cum this hard in a minute from getting head.” 
You plant kisses all over his dick, working yourself up to more sucking, “I can give you more, Daddy.”
“Give me more of that mouth,” Erik played with your braids, “Swallow my shit and lick my balls.”
“Mmm, okay, Daddy.”
Erik’s eyes rolled back when your lips would suck and then pop off his sack. He had to control himself from cumming in your hair. 
“Shit doesn’t make no sense,” Erik looked at you with disbelief before a strangled look filled with passion overtook his features. 
“Fffuckkk!!!” He groaned as he blasted inside your mouth with his sweet, sticky offering. You ran your index finger over your bottom lip to retrieve a dollop of cum. That only left you more famished than before causing you to enthusiastically slurp on his rigid pipe again until it was damn near raw and your pussy was sopping wet. 
“Y/N,” Erik’s fingers were tight in your hair. You tasted a bit of leftover cum from his slit with your hungry tongue. 
Ring Ring 
Erik’s cell was going off. 
“Shit,” He reached into his pants pockets while you jerked his dick. He answered his phone with an annoyed expression. 
“What’s going on, Greg,” Greg was a fellow Environmental Engineer, “What? Right now?” Erik closed his eyes before tossing his head back, “Okay, give me ten minutes.” 
Erik hung up his phone. 
“We gotta go, ma,” You could hear the disappointment in his voice, “Supposedly it’s something urgent about Alaska.” 
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “Should I be worried about the trip?”
Erik gave you a soft smile, “Nah, Alaska is happening regardless. Don’t worry, bae, we good.” 
You pulled your skirt down and placed your wet panties in your bag. You watched Erik fasten his belt in place before he opened the back door to let some air in. You rose from the car, Erik helping you put on your pumps before placing you on your feet. Digging into your bag you sprayed yourself with a little of your Chanel No.5, hoping to camouflage the lingering scent of sex. 
Looking in Erik’s rearview mirror, you fix your lipgloss and clothes, everything else good to go. Erik was currently spraying himself down with some Gucci cologne from his Puma gym bag and buttoning his suit jacket. He looked just as crisp as he did when he came in this morning. 
“You still ain’t answer my question, beautiful.” 
“What question,” Erik grabs your hand while the both of you walked back inside.
“Can I keep you company later?” 
You chew on your bottom lip in thought. Eric with the C, your actual boyfriend, might call you later and you didn’t want Erik with the K to be around to raise suspicion. Still, no word from Eric and the longer that happened the more you didn’t give a fuck. 
“Am I pressing too much?” Erik asks with soft eyes.
“No, no,” you reassured him, “I just think it would be better to come to your place instead. That’s all.”
“We can do that,” Erik walked towards you with his body pressed into yours, “Bring an overnight bag. You’re not going back home.”
His lips attacked your throat again, sucking and licking you there.
“I ain’t give my work bae some dick yet so you know I gotta take care of you,” His hands found their way back between your legs and on your sensitive pussy, “You gonna let me do that for you?” He asked huskily.
“Oh, Daddy, please do,” you responded.
You got home around 6:30 PM. You showered, finished the rest of your lunch since your appetite for dick was satisfied and drank a little bit of red wine. 
Surprised, shocked, nervous, you decided to wear a black velour tracksuit with your Fenty slides to Erik’s place and packed away everything else you needed on a faux fur tote bag. Phone sitting on the charger, you go to check it since you received a few notifications since coming home.
Eric with the C.
Eric- I’m alright. Sorry for the lack of communication. Really busy.
-that’s okay. Be safe.
He didn’t respond back. 
No I love you, I miss you, I’m thinking about you, nothing. 
Luckily the picture Erik sent to you made up for that. It was a shower picture. From his broad shoulders down to his well-knit waist with that v cut covered in soap and water. You had the urge to satisfy the cries leaking from your pussy at the moment. You had half the mind to pull your pants down and finger-fuck your pussy into multiple orgasms leaving your slit covered in sticky cum for him to find. How dare he tease you like that? Since you were spending the night you can look forward to shower with him. This entire fling had your skin tingling. Your fingers scrolled down to read the texts he left you. You really wished you hadn’t because now you were whimpering. 
Erik- Can’t wait for you to put that work in for Daddy.
Erik- where you at? I’m tryna put this thang in your gut.
Erik- want me to come to get you?
He was blowing you up. Eric with the C never did this.
-Hey, sorry, I was getting my things together. You don’t have to pick me up.
Erik- too late. 
You walk to your living room to find Erik parked outside. He was typing away on his phone. 
Ping Ping 
Erik- Stop making me wait, girl. 
You grab your bag, phone, and keys before locking up and leaving. Walking down your cobblestone trail, Erik hops out of his car, walking around to meet you. He was wearing a black Burberry ribbed beanie with a Pyer Moss color block Reebok windbreaker tracksuit on and the same brand of shoes on his feet. He tongued you down before taking your bag to place in the back seat that was now cleaned and placed normally. Erik opened your door to help you up inside before shutting it to return to the driver's side. You watched him walk all the way around and get inside with sultry eyes. With his hand on your upper thigh, he drove off and towards his Penthouse.
@tgigoldie​ @soufcakmistress​ @chefjessypooh​ @chaneajoyyy​ @pananegra​ @thehomierobbstark​ @thee-germanpeach​ @theblulife​ @becincere​ @blaqwidow91​ @fish-outta-watah​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @crowngold​ @hearteyes-for-killmonger​ @goddessofthundathighs​ @njadakillthiscookie​ @blktinkerbell​ @luvanxi​ @sheisexcellent1​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @brandithecrystalgem​ @dababydababydababydababy​ @soulfulbeauty19​ @btitannaaa​ @blowmymbackout​ @sunkissedebony97​ @youngblackndgifted​ @harleycativy​ @rbhp​ @thadelightfulone​ @bugngiz​ @palmstreesallday​ @skylahb​ @bakaris-shorty​ @nizzle-mo​ @truglori​ @queenflaws​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @nickidub718​ @vikkidc​ @rent-emspoons​ @abluesforlyssa​ @abeautifulmindexposed​ 
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