#ill get around to watching the musical trust
sillycathorrors · 6 months
im currently obsessed with that one part of blackbox warrior just before the ‘hello, welcome why don’t you take a seat’ chorus cause it sounds really similar to the intro theme of beetlejuice
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
Imagine you’re Delgal. Imagine you were raised from birth alongside the court jester. You do everything together. You look up to him, being so much older. He seems wise and responsible, and always encouraging you and caring for you, more than your own busy parents are able to. In every sense of the word, he is your brother, despite how different you look and the distance of your station. The people around you tell you that he is an elf, the tone of their voice implying that’s something scary or even dangerous. But you disagree. That’s Thistle, your big brother.
But… as you age, things become confusing. You get taller, smarter, stronger, and Thistle is there for you through it all. Only… he never seems to change. In your entire journey to adulthood, he hardly seems to have aged a few years, if that. It’s amusing when you first grow taller than him, then grow facial hair, while Thistle’s short stature and youthful face remains the same. Still, you love him, love his music and his wit and even the bold-faced honesty that gets him in trouble if you’re not around to diffuse the situation. You wonder why such a person has been relegated to the inglorious job of jester, and your father tells you very simply that the magic elves wield is too powerful and dangerous to belong to any other position. But you think that’s nonsense, you’ve trusted Thistle from the day you were born and would do so until the day you die.
It isn’t until what should’ve been the happiest day of your life that you truly start to understand just how different Thistle is from you. Kneeling over your father’s cooling corpse, you take in the elf’s panicked face. He’s so young, so unchanged, and in that moment he seems nearly immortal to you. You’ve heard the stories of elf magic, how their spells could be used to heal wounds and raise the dead, but Thistle can’t do any of that. He hasn’t been allowed to. There’s nothing that either of you can do but watch your father slowly die in front of you.
You never want this to happen again, not when there’s something that can stop it. You make Thistle the court sorcerer, even as your advisors warn against it. But you’re the king, goddamn it, and you trust him. But more than that, you want what he can give to you. A power greater than any tallman could achieve. You become busier and busier, only checking up occasionally on his studies. He’s become incredibly proficient in a short amount of time, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Enemies knock on your door, famine chokes the population, and worst of all your beloved son has fallen ill. It’s just like the day of your wedding, but this time, you have something that can defy that fate. Thistle.
But still, it’s not enough. It seems that even elf magic has its limits, and you can’t help but become angry with him. He reacts like a scorned child— is a scorned child, as you’ve come to realize— and you apologize. But he tells you he has something secret to show you, something he’s been searching for, researching for these past few years. The idea unsettles you, but you’ve become desperate, and you can see that he has, too. So you follow him into the dungeon, watch him smash the statue of your kingdom’s guardian and pull the book from the rubble that would decide your and your people’s fate.
Your son is healed, your enemies repelled, and your people fed and taken care of. You’re happy, and so Thistle is, too. You recognize, vaguely, that despite this achievement the familial bonds between the two of you have never been thinner. But you don’t dwell on it. He did what you needed him to do, and now you no longer had to fear the indignity of death or strife.
But of course, things do not remain sweet forever. Thistle has only grown more attached to you, more loyal, and his behavior has become erratic and strange. He keeps you all cooped up in the dungeon, insisting that the outside world is too dangerous. There’s a hardness to his still-youthful features that you never saw throughout all those years growing up alongside him. Slowly but surely the person in your memory is replaced by something frightening, almost repulsive, after he strips your own son’s soul from his body. He seems so unaffected by it all, so… inhuman.
Eventually he decides to give you what you said you wanted all those years ago: to no longer fear death. To become immortal. But it is not what you had hoped for— every day seems to drag into infinity, with joy and mirth seeping rapidly from the unsettled townsfolk as decades, then centuries pass. Thistle has become entirely unapproachable, spending all his time fortifying the dungeon and watching obsessively for any signs of traitors that might challenge the throne. You feel hopeless in it all. No matter how you beg, he never seems to hear you. His power is overwhelming and you fear how he might react to more direct commands. The guilt is intense… you know you pushed him into this, pushed him to find a way to achieve everlasting peace at any cost. But this cost is too much. How could he not see that?
1000 years. 1000 years of this torture, and the population of your kingdom has dwindled to almost nothing. In your dreams you see the vision of a golden lion in chains, its wings pinned as it pleads with you to save it. To save your kingdom, to put the remaining souls to rest. You know what needs to be done, it’s told you the best way. You tell the mad mage that you wish to have dinner together with the whole ‘family’— just like the olden days— and the way his face lights up is almost enough to make you reconsider. Almost.
It was a lie, of course. While he’s distracted you take your son’s empty body, making your way to the surface as fast as your legs can carry you. You know what’s about to happen. You’ll become nothing but dust, but you’ll be free. And with any luck, soon everyone else will be, too. Breaching the surface you get the first rays of sun on your face in a millennium, take your last breaths of fresh air as you tell the story that will free your kingdom.
As you crumble away to nothing, a last thought enters your mind. Perhaps they were all right. Perhaps it was a mistake to trust an elf.
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jgracie · 25 days
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the way they love in which i share some little things about being in a relationship with the hoo boys
masterlist | rules
warnings none!
percy ⊹ embarrassing yourself so the other isnt embarrassed alone. making sure you aren't overworking yourself. being compared to an old married couple. drawing on the other's schoolbooks when they aren't looking. everyone can see it but the two of you. insisting whatever he baked is good even though its burnt and probably bad for you. always buying two of everything. endearing nicknames. spending more time at his place than your own. getting random “i thought of you” texts followed by an image only the two of you would understand.
jason ⊹ tucking you in bed after a long night. memorising your skincare routine to a t just in case theres a day youre too lazy to do it. lovingly teaching you concepts you dont understand. whispered confessions late at night. promise rings. spraying your perfume on his things so he can have something to comfort him when he misses you. scrapbooks of your lives as teens for your kids to flip through when you're older. asking him to sleep in just one more hour. painting your nails his favourite colour. princess treatment.
leo ⊹ taking care of the other when theyre ill and getting yourself sick in the process. keeping a mental note of all your likes and dislikes. acts of service acts of service acts of service. making random little gadgets just for the sake of making the other's life the tiniest bit easier. dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light. carving your initials with a heart around them on the trunk of a tree. spam texts. warm, feel good hugs. learning how to make dishes from your culture to remind you of home. messages in morse code.
frank ⊹ trusting the other more than you trust yourself. putting things on the top shelf just so he has an excuse to help you (and flaunt his height). mornings always spent together. giving the other the bigger half of whatever you're sharing. lighthearted competition. being proud of each other no matter what. physical touch. making eye contact from across a packed room. doing your hair better than you ever could. having movie marathons every night. knowing if you prefer gold or silver. watching all 146 tiktoks you send him in the span of an hour.
travis ⊹ incorporating the other's favourite music into your own playlists, no matter how different their taste is. shamelessly calling you "the wife". pictures of you in his wallet. pictures of you on his phone. pictures of you everywhere. arm tightly wrapped around your waist. piggyback rides. sleepovers. drawing constellations out of his freckles. your personal photographer and videographer. having his proposal planned from the age of 14. partners in crime. sweater weather by the neighbourhood.
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yearning-for-autumn · 2 months
Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease do Eris x reader where the reader is chubby and Eris absolutely lives a thicc woman 🫶
(Just read your Eris series and omg you’re my new fav acotar fanfic author)
Little Black Dress
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Summary - Eris hasn't been able to take his eyes off you all night, he decides he's had enough of watching...
Warnings - This is basically just smut
Pairings - Eris x Chubby!Reader
Word Count - 1,300
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Eris licked his lips. That little black dress hugged every curve of your beautiful body. He was finding it incredibly difficult to focus on whatever Cassian was droning on about, although the general’s eyes were frequently wandering to his own mate.
You stood with Feyre and Vivienne, laughing at something, and sipping from a tall champagne flute. Eris’ mouth went dry at the thought of your tongue somewhere else.
“And then, I was banished from the Summer Court.” Cassian finished, “Can you believe that!”
Eris blamed you entirely for his current situation. You were Feyre’s friend before you were his mate, living in Velaris after the war as an artist. After your mother fell ill, you had moved back to the Autumn Court, where you had met Eris, and the mating bond snapped.
You were smiling to yourself, completely aware of your mates gaze roaming your body and getting frequently stuck on your breasts. Looking up at Eris from under your eyelashes, you sipped your champagne knowingly. He knew he was being obvious with his staring, but who could blame him when you looked that good.
“Yeah, yeah that’s unbelievable.” He said, waving Cassian off. Whilst you wanted him to make an effort to befriend your Night Court friends, he still didn’t like them.
A male from the winter court offered you his hand, and with a wink in Eris’ direction you took it. His hands balled into fists.
The Winter Court male was a good dancer, he led you across the floor in a graceful waltz. He wasn’t as good as Eris. In one move he had unlaced the males hand from yours and replaced it with his own, pushing him to the side with his shoulder so that he was now leading you around the ballroom without missing a beat. You smiled up at him with a playful roll of your eyes.
“Eris, he was being polite.” You said, humour dancing in your voice. Eris huffed.
“You’re mine.” He said simply. “No one else gets to have you, to dance with you,” He leaned down to whisper in your ear, “To ravish you.”
You giggled, music to his ears and he leaned down to kiss your soft neck. Your tits teased him from this angle, pushed up by your dress they looked even more tempting than usual. His breath was hot against your skin.
“I’m taking you home.” He announced, giving you just a moment to gasp as he pulled you towards him and winnowed you away.
As soon as you got home, Eris pushed you down onto the bed and took you in. Cauldron you looked good enough to eat. Your thick thighs were parted slightly, hands resting on the curve of your stomach. At the beginning of your relationship you had doubted, only for a moment, that someone like Eris would want a girl like you. You doubted nothing now. Not with the way his eyes roamed your plush body.
Eris liked big girls, and he fucking loved you.
“Eris, stop staring and do something about it.” You complained, “You know, I was actually enjoying that ball, you better have something good planned.”
“Oh, trust me, what I have planned for you is much better.” He promised.
He tapped your thigh, and you rolled over onto your stomach, presenting your ass. You arched your back slightly and Eris growled low in his throat. His hands kneaded your ass gently as he shifted you just where he wanted you. You had no warning before he pushed your panties to the side and swiped his fingers through your wetness.
He paused to dip his own fingers past his lips, sucking your juices from his fingers, eyes rolling back at the taste of you.
“Fucking soaked for me.”
You let out a breathy moan, unable to drag your eyes from him as he bowed his head and drank you straight from the source. Heat engulfed your core, legs shaking as you tried to keep from clenching around his head and burying him in your pussy. It was becoming increasingly hard as he growled into you, lapping at your wetness and sucking hungrily at your clit. Pressure was building at the base of your spine, white hot heat lapping at your stomach with every pass of his skillful tongue. Whining, you pulled on his hair, trying to pull him back, to pull him up your body and have him fuck you, but the tight pain in his scalp only wrenched a deep groan from his chest and urged him on.
“Eris, Eris,” You panted, “Please, fuck me, please.”
You knew you were babbling, but his relentless tongue was hindering your ability to think straight. He had scrambled your brain. With a devilish smile, he relinquished his feasting and drew himself up to kiss you, gentler than you were expecting. You frowned,
“I want you to ride me, sweetheart.” He said. A low moan escaped you as your pussy clenched hard around nothing, begging to be filled. You squirmed under him, and he ducked his head, sucking a mark into your neck, grazing his sharp teeth against the tender spot just under your ear. The throbbing in your core only intensified.
“Come on sweetheart,” He huffed in your ear, hips grinding against yours as he lost the last few shreds of his self control, “I need to be inside you. Baby. Come on.”
He rolled off of you, propping himself up slightly against the pillows. Pulling his pants off, he patted his naked thighs, and you crawled over him, sitting down gingerly on his legs and rocking your clothed heat against him absent-mindedly. He tore your panties down the sides and chucked them over the side of the bed, ignoring your rolling eyes as you whined at the contact of your wetness with his throbbing cock. You made to unlace your dress, but his hands over yours stopped you.
“No, you look—” He broke off with a moan as you dragged your hips down over his hardness, “Fuck, I want you to fucking ride me in that dress, sweetheart. Show me how you fuck yourself on me.”
You took his cock in your hands and eased yourself onto him, letting out a low, ragged moan as he filled you, every nerve on fire as you clenched around him greedily. Eris watched with hungry eyes as you bounced with abandon in his lap, your tits right in front of his face. He pulled your dress down to latch onto your nipple, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin, sending sparks down your spine to your tightening core, heat pooling low in your stomach. You moaned unabashedly, not caring about any guards that might be passing in the hallway, and Eris bit down harder.
Pushing him back, you pulled your dress down further so that your tits spilled free, bouncing in time with your body as you dropped yourself down hard onto Eris cock. His hands came to knead the swell of your thighs, fingers close to leaving bruises. You panted, the tightness in your core becoming almost unbearable. You needed to come. Needed Eris to come deep inside of you. But the precipice was just out of reach. Whining, you rocked forwards, grinding down and trying to find some pressure on your sensitive clit. Eris growled, reaching down and circling your clit with a teasing finger.
“You look so pretty baby,” He said, voice strained with pleasure, “Come for me, come on my cock.”
“Need you,” You breathed out, “Need you harder, Eris.”
Eris was lavishing attention on your swollen clit with one hand, and the other tightened around your plump waist, taking the opportunity to massage the softness of your skin before pulling you down hard, bucking his hips up furiously as he brought you closer and closer. You moaned impossibly louder, hands raking down his chest, pulling on his hair. He whimpered, and the helpless sound pushed you over the edge. Your hands tightened against his scalp as you came with a scream, clenching rhythmically around him. Eris followed quickly after, burying his face between your tits.
You eased yourself off of him, and curled up into his side, kissing his shoulder. He smiled, a dreamy and fucked out look in his eyes.
“I’m so glad you wore that dress.”
A/N - I hope you enjoyed and I hope I did your request justice!! Also I got a new divider thing from @saradika-graphics !! Doesn't it look amazing!!
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Truly Madly Deeply
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x F!Reader
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is madly in love with a married woman.
CW: FLUFFFFFF (Happy Valentine's Day, my loves!!)
WC: 1300+
This fic was written for @roosterforme’s love is in the air tgm challenge! Inspired by the song Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden.
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“Sorry, I’m married,” Bradley hears you say to the man who’s just offered to buy you a drink. He glances over his shoulder just in time to witness your suitor’s face fall in disappointment. He notices that you give him an apologetic smile and it melts Bradley’s heart that you’re being so sweet to a complete stranger.
He eyes you discreetly as you wave with a couple of fingers at the man now departing sullenly. You turn on your stool to face the bar, revealing the deep plunge of your dress which exposes your exquisite back, and Bradley can’t help but stare at you in admiration. He smiles to himself, biting into his lip. “Married, huh?” he asks, leaning his forearms into the bar.
You glance over at him in surprise.
“And here I thought I could buy you a drink,” Bradley says with a sideways grin.
You stare at him for a moment before letting out a small chuckle.
“Who’s the lucky guy, anyway?” he asks, looking around the bar.
“Strange,” you reply, craning your neck to look over Bradley’s shoulder. “He was just here.”
Bradley shakes his head. “Ill-timed departure on his part,” he says, meeting your gaze. “I would never let a woman like you out of my sight.”
You giggle. “He’s around, I’m sure.”
Bradley watches you mischievously. “And yet,” he says, getting out of his seat. “We can’t let an opportunity such as this pass us by.” He holds out his hand to you.
You give him a piercing look and hook one of your eyebrows. “And what opportunity would that be?”
“Come on.” Bradley grins at you. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you letting me have one dance.”
“You’re probably right, actually.” You shrug. “My husband’s not really the jealous type.”
“Really?” Bradley asks incredulously as you stand up. “He should be.”
You chuckle. “He trusts me.”
Bradley’s eyes sweep over your features when you glance up at him and he tries to recall the last time he’s encountered such beauty. You are, without a doubt, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. But this fact doesn’t intimidate him in the slightest. He takes your hand and draws you out onto the open floor, keeping his eyes locked on yours.
You smile when he takes you by the waist. “Now I feel bad for sending that other guy away,” you say. “If I’m just handing out dances.”
Bradley makes a face. “He wasn’t trying hard enough,” he says. “See, I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.”
You laugh. “Is that so?”
Bradley nods. “You know what else?”
“What?” you ask suspiciously as the two of you move gently to the distant music of the jukebox.
“I’m going to kiss you when this song is over,” he says.
You raise your eyebrows as your mouth falls open in shock. “You mean, assuming I’ll let you!”
Bradley’s gaze drops briefly to your lips. “You’ll let me.”
You shake your head with a scandalized smile.
“Think your husband would mind?” he asks.
You fix him with a more serious look. “What do you think?”
“You said he wasn’t the jealous type.”
You lower your gaze and lick your top lip before lifting your eyes temptingly. “My husband would fucking lose it if he saw me making out with a stranger on the dance floor.”
Bradley bites his lip, chuckling. “I bet.”
You roll your eyes, a smile still playing on your face, and Bradley just about loses it himself.
“What’ll it take for you to come home with me?” he asks boldly.
You give him a pointed glance and he pulls you slightly closer. “Gee, let me think,” you respond playfully.
Bradley chuckles. “I’ll do anything,” he says in a low voice, his mouth moving right over your temple.
You shake your head and look up at him. “You’re bad,” you say with a grin.
Bradley brings his face down to meet yours, his arms coming up to wrap around your back. He draws you closer until your head is resting on his chest. “I’m so in love with you,” he breathes.
You giggle into his chest and his heart performs a series of somersaults against your cheek. Your hands snake underneath his open Hawaiian shirt to meet behind his back. “You’re ridiculous,” you respond calmly.
Bradley kisses the top of your head. “I love you more with every breath,” he whispers.
You raise your head slightly and he can feel the warmth of your mouth on his neck. “I think you’re alright,” you say gently.
Bradley snorts, his arms tightening around you. He rests his cheek on your head, his fingers grazing your bare back. “I could hold you forever,” he mutters. “Can’t I just hold you forever?”
He feels you relax further into his embrace. “Okay,” you respond softly.
Bradley’s arms constrict around your body, and he plants several kisses on your forehead. “I bet you’re way out of your husband’s league,” he says with a heavy rasp as his hand starts travelling up and down your waist.
You laugh. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Bradley’s hand stops moving abruptly and comes to rest of your hip. “You love him?”
You give Bradley an earnest glance. “Very much,” you say.
Bradley eyes you curiously. “How the fuck did he land a woman like you?”
You laugh. “Well,” you say, “for one thing, he’s unbelievably sexy.”
Bradley smirks. “I bet he isn’t half as sexy as you are.”
You roll your eyes. “He’s smart, and funny, and sweet, and a little crazy sometimes.”
Bradley laughs. “Sounds pretty basic, if you ask me.”
You give him a tight smile, trying to hold back a laugh. “And his confidence is off the charts.”
Bradley raises his eyebrows. “Can he take me?”
You let out a giggle. “He wouldn’t,” you say. “He’s not the jealous type, remember?”
Bradley gives you a skeptical look. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I think your husband would absolutely annihilate anybody who would dare lay a hand on you.”
You watch him with a tantalising smirk. “Is that what you would do?”
Bradley meets your gaze and responds firmly, “No question.”
You rest your head back on his chest and let out a contented sigh when the first notes of a very familiar song ring out through the bar. Bradley looks up to see Jake Seresin winking at him from where he’s standing by the jukebox. Bradley smirks, nodding at his friend in appreciation. Meanwhile, you start humming to the melody absently while Bradley sways you gently from side to side.
When the bridge kicks in, Bradley sings along, “Oh, can you see it, baby? You don’t have to close your eyes. It’s standing right before you…”
You detach yourself partially and look up at him. “I’ve always loved this song,” you say.
Bradley tenderly runs his fingers along the side of your face. “I know, baby,” he says.
“My husband’s not a big fan,” you say with a playful grin.
“Oh, no?” Bradley lifts eyebrows.
“I had to beg him to make this our wedding song.”
“He made you beg?” Bradley asks in outrage.
“Mm-hm.” You nod. “Can you believe it?”
Bradley lowers his head and, placing his hands on either side of your face, brushes the tip of his nose against yours. “Something tells me your husband would do anything for you.”
You giggle. “If only I knew where he was.”
Bradley grins, biting the side of his lip. “Joke’s on him. He’s missing all the fun.”
You reach up to twist your fingers into Bradley’s shirt, pulling him closer. “You promised me a kiss.”
Bradley chuckles. “Oh, you want a kiss?”
You nod, humming in affirmation.
Bradley smirks, rolling his tongue along your open mouth before letting his lips finally make contact with yours. You whimper softly into his mouth and his chest nearly erupts with desire. He loves you so deeply, so madly, so – “You know, the song’s growing on me,” he mutters between kisses.
You laugh. “I knew you’d come around eventually.”
Bradley lets out a fevered sigh, his hands sliding down your arms as the song comes to an end. “Come on, Mrs. Bradshaw,” he says hoarsely, a bit impatiently. “I’m taking you home.”
Rooster Tag List:
Please feel free to let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in Rooster fics/if you no longer consume Rooster content <3 The rest of the tags are in the comments!
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kitashousewife · 1 year
sakusa doesn’t mind errands.
it makes him feel a little more accomplished, crossing things off of the to-do list. big or small, it gives him a chance to get out and enjoy himself, maybe even indulge on something new.
today is a day he would consider almost perfect. he’s grocery shopping through what feels like an empty store, listening to music while he weaves through the isles. this is his last stop of the morning, after the post office and the gym, and he’s ready to go home.
sakusa slows his cart to a stop when he reaches the last isle, eyes skimming the shelves for some fabric softener before he can head home.
a tap on his shoulder makes him just about shout in the store, the physical feeling of a record scratch makes his body jolt.
“e-excuse me?”
“h-hi,” you pull your hand away slowly, staring up at him with a rather nervous look on your face.
“sorry, i just,” you sigh, turning back to the shelves again. “what fabric softener do you recommend?”
at first, sakusa thinks you’re kidding. he tries to think if he’s ever been asked that in his life.
ever since his career took off, he’s had people stop him for numerous things. photos, autographs, cheap excuses at getting a few flirty comments in, you name it. this is a new one.
“u-uh, i guess it depends on what you’re looking for.”
you hum and nod, eyes still fixed on the bottles in front of you.
“something that smells good and leaves my clothes feeling soft i guess, but not something cheap and perfume-y, you know?”
sakusa absolutely does know, having gone through this same thing. he reaches forward, grabbing a familiar bottle and holding it out for you.
“this one’s good, not too expensive but still has a good smell.”
you turn to the stranger, only now realizing who you’re talking to. you’ve seen his photos, his instagram, and you’ve watched a handful of his games. your eyes widen for a second, but you give him a smile.
“thanks! ill try it out. i trust you,” you place the bottle in your basket and wrack your brain for something else to say.
“you’re welcome,” he mumbles, grabbing a bottle of his own. you’re about to walk away when he decides to speak up. “i hate having to find new products like this, so i’m happy to help.”
you smile wide, turning to face him again with a relieved expression. “right! it’s like as soon as you start to use something regularly, it completely stops working!”
he gives you a small smile and nods.
“i had the same thing with the bathroom cleaner i was using a couple weeks ago. i still haven’t found a replacement.”
sakusa is not one for small talk. he thinks it’s a waste of time, and something that typically makes him uncomfortable. but for some reason, here he is, blabbing about different cleaning products to some stranger.
a very pretty one at that.
“let me return the favor,” you spin around to the shelves behind the two of you, searching for something while a pop hit plays faintly in the background. you grab a spray bottle and hand it towards him. “this one’s great. one of the few things that hasn’t failed me in a while.”
sakusa smiles, and he can feel his cheeks turning pink. this feels so unfamiliar yet natural at the same time, and he’s having trouble keeping up.
“thank you,” he looks back at his cart for a second, suddenly feeling a little more shy than before. you sense this and give him a small wave.
“i hope you enjoy it! and thanks again for the help. i can now wash my clothes in peace.”
he nods and gives a small wave in response. you begin to walk away, and sakusa feels his heart beginning to race. he debates between following you and walking the other direction for a moment or two.
“w-wait,” he reaches towards you, but you’re just a bit too far. thankfully you stop, and sakusa feels relieved. “could i get your number?”
stunned with his new-found outgoing behaviors, he almost doesn’t hear you when you agree, only registering what’s going on when you hand him your phone. he takes it carefully, inputting his number quickly and handing it back to you with rosy cheeks.
he goes home that day with a giddy feeling in his tummy, hoping you text him back. when his phone buzzes later that evening with a photo of your folded laundry and a thank you, he feels a bit more confident and thankful for stepping out of his comfort zone.
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How To Ruin a Friendship
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: language, slight angst?, fluff
Eddie's fingers falter over the strings on his guitar as you press on the yellowing bruise exposed by the hole in his jeans, enjoying the way his skin squishes beneath your finger.
Sorry," you giggle and thumb the fading contusion once more, memorizing the way his skin dips down until you can feel the press of bone below. It shouldn't be such an alluring sensation, but to your weed-addled mind, it's consuming. Eddie picks the song back up eyes drifting closed in response to the blunt you two shared half an hour ago. He had more than his fair share, leaving you pleasantly calm but not far gone by any means.
Your eyes settle on Eddie's hands as he plays, following the strong plains and ridges of veins that climb his forearms and taper off at the crook of his elbow. You look away, uncomfortable with the growing fascination resting low in your gut. It had been building for months -hell, years really- every time it threatened to boil over, you disappeared for a day or two, feigning illness or claiming you had a lot going on before rejoining Eddie as the easygoing best friend he expected.
"I wanna play," you murmur, breaking whatever spell the music held over the room.
Eddie's eyes popped open, blurry and unfocused as he struggled to take in your form at the end of his bed. He pulled the guitar strap over his head, passing you his sweetheart with the same caution a new parent might hand off their infant with. You slip the band of fabric over your head, and Eddie reaches out to adjust the strap, tightening it minutely. The gesture doesn't go unnoticed, it's impossible to ignore really, when his warm fingers brush your neck, the metal of his rings smooth against your skin.
Your fingers are clumsy on the strings, strumming a discordant melody, your face scrunching up in distaste and concentration. Eddie reclines back against his headboard, trusting you with his baby, and content to watch the show.
You struggle for a few minutes more, playing a fragile set of chords from a Metallica song Eddie tried teaching you before accepting defeat and shrugging off the guitar. He's so pretty when he plays, dark hair a curtain around his face, hypnotized by the song humming through his body. You prefer to watch him play.
The hours tick by, and you crawl up the bed to lay next to Eddie, no longer able to control the yawns erupting out of you. He smiles as you steal the blankets, wrapping yourself up tight and looking up at him. "Sleep Eds, it's late."
"Ah, whatever, the night is still young," he argues but moves to place Baby in her designated spot, turning off the light as he goes.
He hovers by the door, letting his eyes adjust, and you can feel his gaze on you. "You need anything, Y/N?"
The fact that he asked touches you, warmth curling around your belly, spreading outward. "No thanks," you whisper after a moment. He slides next to you under the covers, the bare skin of his arm brushing yours as he gets comfortable.
Most nights, you find yourself in Eddie's bed, sleeping over yet again, surrounded by the boy, the man next to you. Tonight isn't really different, but somehow it feels like more. Eddie shifts closer, whispering goodnight. Before you can say the words back, his lips are seeking, brushing your skin, turning it feverish.
And that kiss that Eddie plants on your forehead catches you off guard. How often have you both toed the line between friendship and harmless flirtations bordering on something more? You were never fully convinced that Eddie reciprocated your messy feelings, and you were terrified to muck anything up between the two of you. You can think of only one occasion in your long friendship when his lips had graced your skin, and you were half out of your mind with pyrexia. You weren't even sure if he actually had kissed you then, or if it was just wishful thinking. But he had definitely just kissed you now, and the familiarity with which those plump lips ghost across your skin now belies a hint that it's happened more than once. Stolen kisses when you were asleep, a fluttering press against your cheek before he surrendered to sleep or left in the early, watery light.
Now though, no one is leaving, and no one is quite sleeping so, you whisper a breathy goodnight before rolling over and trying to sleep.
Sleep must find you at some point because you're waking up now, blinking slowly against the pale light streaming through his window, growing more aware of the heavy arm around your waist and the face in the crook of your neck.
It's not new. Eddie is a cuddler in every sense of the word; you wake tangled together most mornings, but you're hyperaware of every juncture where his body touches yours. It's all too much, and before you know what you're doing, you're scooting across his small mattress to create as much space as possible between the two of you.
He groans through his sleepy haze, squinting at your retreating form. "Where ya goin', babe?" The pet name elicits a deep flush that crawls up your neck, peeking out of the low neckline of your sleep shirt and staining your cheeks.
"Bathroom," you squeak, refusing to turn around and see his face, softened by sleep, looking younger and boyish, hair mussed from his pillow.
With hurried footsteps, you rush from the room, stumbling over the ratty carpet that's bathed in a soft tangerine glow from the open windows. Once the bathroom door is closed behind you, the lock turned home, you sag against the wall, closing your eyes against the harsh artificial light.
This isn't going to work. Running away every time Eddie does any typical Eddie thing. Either you put up with things as they are, or muster up the nerve to tell him how you feel.
Rather than going back to Eddie's room, you make your way to the kitchen, intent on making breakfast for yourselves and the Munson boys. Reaching for the coffee filters you fumble with the thin paper, frustration mounting when you can't get the stupid things to separate.
"Jesus Christ, please." It's one of those cruel moments when everything begins to landslide at once. How are you supposed to handle these feelings when Eddie is so hard to read? And why won't the goddamn filters just separate. Fingers still fumbling over the thin edges of the paper you don't hear Uncle Wayne approach, don't notice how quickly he zeroes in on your watery eyes, and pinched expression.
"Here, girl. Let me. They can be stubborn little bastards."
He's reaching for them, a sweet smile on his face, and you relent, quickly trying to smooth out your expression. He doesn't let it go though.
"Something on your mind?"
Clearing your throat you open the fridge, pulling out the carton of eggs you brought over yesterday, along with some fresh vegetables, intent on making omelettes. "Oh, no. I'm um, no. Just still tired, I guess." You smile over your shoulder, trying to sell the story.
He doesn't buy it, you can see it on his face, but he doesn't pry, instead finishing preparation on the coffee you abandoned while you start on breakfast. Silence settles, the comforting kind that seems to only exist this way with Uncle Wayne.
This has become a bit of a routine with you and Wayne, what with you here so frequently, and Eddie sleeping until someone drags him from bed, you've developed this sort of back and forth in the kitchen. Wayne packs a sad lunch of cold cuts on white bread, grumbling as you pass him carrot sticks and celery before he settles at the small dinette to wait for breakfast, newspaper in hand.
You finish his first, grabbing a plate and quickly topping his omelette with a few garnishes. Wayne Munson deserves nice things in life, even if it's just a good breakfast. You set it in front of him on the table, a fork already on the plate, and he looks at you over his reading glasses.
"Thank you, girl. What's the green stuff."
You smother a laugh, unsurprised that he's caught you sneaking green into his food. "It's cilantro. It's good, just eat. Please."
"Alright, alright."
His food is gone when you turn back around to watch him fold up the newspaper and grab his lunch. "Thank you, it was wonderful as usual. Maybe we don't need the leaves on top next time though?"
"Oh, whatever. You just don't want to admit you like rabbit food."
"It'll be our secret," he winks, heading for the door.
Eddie's food is done, already on a plate on the table, and you really can't put off waking him any longer. You grab the mostly empty water glass off the counter, abandoned by Eddie last night after dinner, and pad down the hall.
He's sprawled across the bed, blankets twisted around his legs, old tee shirt riding up his stomach, revealing a thin stripe of pale skin. You don't let yourself stare, shaking off the thought, stepping up to the edge of the bed until your legs hit the mattress. You don't think before dumping the glass right over his head, cackling when he shoots up in bed.
"What the hell, Y/N!"
"Oh please, there was hardly any water in the cup to begin with."
Setting this glass on his messy nightstand, you're unprepared for him to lurch forward, wrap his arms tight around you, and pull you into the bed right on top of him. The squeak that slips past your lips is loud, deafening even, and Eddie tilts his head to the side, something unfamiliar lingering in his eyes.
"Eddie, let me go right now."
"Aw c'mon, babe, don't be such a bad sport."
Trying to wriggle out of his arms isn't working, and he's not letting you go. You resort to pinching his thigh, trying to shake him off, but his arms are tightening instead.
"Why are you acting so weird? Did I do something?"
"No, no." Those perfect lips of his are pulling down into a sharp frown, brows pinched, and brown eyes pleading. "Eds, you didn't do anything just- Let me go."
He does this time, lets you slide off of him, and perch on the edge of the bed, a much safer distance. He's sitting up now, leaning against the wall, watching you silently.
"Okayyy. If I didn't do anything then what the fuck is the problem?"
Eyes fixed on the carpet you focus on pulling at the frayed hem of your shirt, avoiding the question as long as you can. He's got clothes all over the floor, a messy trail to the laundry basket shoved in the corner.
"There is no problem, I just- Nothing."
"Bullshit. Since when do we not tell each other things?" He's scooting closer as he speaks, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed as he speaks, knee lodging itself against your hip as he faces you.
For a moment you allow yourself to imagine telling him. Letting three little words tumble into the space between you. But the next scenario you see is his disgust, lips pulling up as he leans back. Years of friendship going down the drain so fast, and the thought has tears welling in your eyes, a sob sticking painfully in your throat. You feel a string snap off around your fingers, further damage to your poor shirt, and you look down at it, the long thread tangled around your fingers, too tight, turning your fingertips an unflattering shade of purple.
Eddie sees it too, and he's focusing on pulling the string away, tossing it carelessly onto the floor, tipping his head closer to yours. "Don't cry. You know you can tell me anything, babe. Please."
"What if you hate me?"
His expression shifts, just a bit, like he's confused. "S'not even possible."
His voice is soft, earnest, and genuine, and his eyes are swearing it to be true. You look at his floor again, messy. He needs to vacuum. He needs to clean. And as you focus on the discarded socks and shirts, it's a bit easier to speak, the knot in your chest unraveling just enough to let the words slip past as you you spot the cassette peeking out from underneath his Hellfire shirt.
"I- God, okay, well it's like. If you don't feel the same or whatever, it's fine, obviously. I guess I just have to get it off my chest, and we can forget about it afterward but I-"
He stops you here, fingers on your chin tipping your face towards his, so suddenly you're looking right at those earthy eyes that you were trying to avoid.
"Eds, I love-"
This time, he's cutting you off with his lips on yours, sweet, nervous, trembling just a bit, but intentional. Shock worms its way up your spine, stiff and unfamiliar, but it feels so right, and you're melting into him, like sugar over heat. His hands are shaking too, one resting against your jaw, the other searching for your hip, landing a bit high and sliding down.
"I love you." The words are sticky against your lips, his voice lower than usual, heavier. He doesn't give you a chance to respond, tugging you closer, on top of him as he's moving back. You're on top of him again, but it's blurry, lost in a wave of hazy bliss as his tongue finds yours, muffling your moan. It's sloppy, and maybe you shouldn't like it as much as you do, but it's Eddie. It's more perfect than you had imagined.
His hands roam a bit, curious, finally free to explore like he'd fantasized about a thousand times before, from your neck, a slow crawl down your back, dipping beneath your shirt to feel your skin. When his lips finally graze your jaw, trail down to your neck, your fingers are twisted in his hair, his name leaving your lips like a prayer. Softer, cloying, and shaky. Full of adoration and pleasure.
"Eddie, I love you."
He's not kissing you now, face buried in the crook of your neck, hot breath fanning the flushed skin. "Fuck, I love you, babe."
Silence settles as you lay like that, neither of you in any rush to end the moment. You'd he's fallen asleep again, his chest a slow and steady rise and fall, if it weren't for the slow circles his fingers are tracing against the bare skin of your thighs.
"Hey, Eddie?"
He hums in response, the sound a ticklish vibration against your neck, a smile pulling at your lips. "I made breakfast for you. It's probably cold now."
He pulls back to look at you, brushing your hair out of your face, tracing a finger across your features, down your nose, over your lips, a barely-there path up your jaw to your ear. "That's alright. That's what the microwave is for."
It's clear he's not getting up right now, or anytime soon as his lips settle in the hollow of your throat, blazing a hot path up your neck, a wet constellation of soft kisses, eliciting a gasp that dies off in a choked groan.
"You can be breakfast instead," he whispers, right before he sinks his teeth in.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
hi hellooooo if you feel like it could we have another big dick kaeya with "ill make it fit" energy im enamored with how you write it!!!
god i love big dick kaeya so much im so feral for him im glad its not just me on this dark side LMAO
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You know Kaeya would never do anything to hurt you. He's always so nice, and considerate, and you know you would trust him with your life. However, this means that Kaeya also is aware of your limits, and is always more than willing to keep you testing your limits for your own benefit.
Kaeya is so sweet. He'll do whatever he can to help you out, talk you through anything you need help with, walk you through it step by step. His patience has always been good, and this is no different.
Even as you lay underneath him, sighing a little in response to Kaeya's faint touches on your skin you know if you earnestly said no, he wouldn't hurt you. His eyes rest on yours, carefully watching to see what you might have to say.
"Are you doing alright?" Kaeya asks, letting you come down from the orgasm he just pulled from your body. He wanted you as prepared as possible, and judging from the wet noises he managed to draw out of you with just his fingers seemed to be all the evidence he needed.
"I-I'm fine," you barely stutter, catching your breath as Kaeya positions your legs to sit on his waist.
"I hope you are. I want to feel you around me."
He nuzzles into your neck as he says the lewd words so sweetly, pressing soft kisses against your throat. You can feel his cock prodding at your thigh, narrowly missing your hole with each slow thrust he makes. He's just grinding against you right now, waiting for you to give him the go ahead.
You nod, Kaeya's excitement palpable as you feel his cock twitch against you. You hear him rub some more lube on himself, sighing softly with pleasure as he runs his palm over his shaft. You appreciate the work he's putting in for you, spreading your legs more and trying to stay relaxed for him.
You look up at him as he puts his hand on the side of your head, readjusting the pillow under your hips to keep you comfortable. He bites his lip at the sound of your breath catching when he starts to press into your hole, somehow getting harder when your hands brace against his chest as you gasp.
"Already? So soon darling," he coos, unshed tears in your eyes exciting him more than it should.
"I'm just nervous. You're so big and I know once you're inside it'll feel so good but I just need to catch my breath."
"Take all the time you want. I don't want to hurt you after all."
The next time he tries he manages to at least pop the tip through, the moan you let out like music to his ears as he tries his best not to cum just from that. No, he needs to fuck you senseless first, just shallowly thrusting into you as you adjust to the feeling of him inside of you.
Just from this, he can see the drooling mess you've become thanks to his cock, kissing you hard to try and distract himself from the burning in his gut.
"It feels so good," you whimper, Kaeya nodding and pressing more kisses against your forehead.
"You're doing so good for me. See? Just a little bit of patience and you'll be taking all of me inside of you like a champ," he praises. You meekly hold him, glad that this time he's waiting a lot longer to fuck you deeper.
Kaeya doesn't press in further until you start rocking your hips back on him, sliding down a little bit more and making him moan. He follows your lead, scolding you gently when you begin shaking your head and writhing in mild discomfort.
"Shh, shh, it'll be okay. You can take me, I know you can. Just let me get in further?"
He stays perfectly still, wishing more than anything he could just ram himself inside of you fully but wanting to make sure that you wanted it to. The way you scratch down his chest makes him see stars, doing his best to keep his hips where they are.
"Please, Kaeya. Just - just fuck me. I'll tell you if it hurts, but I think the wait is making it worse." Your slight begs are tinted with needy whines and that's all it takes for Kaeya to pull out all the progress he's made and sink himself back in balls deep inside of you.
Your back arches sharply, moaning pathetically as the sudden intrusion makes you cum around him again. Thankfully, it relaxes your body further but it's still so incredibly tight around him. Kaeya can't help but start fucking into you almost ruthlessly, moaning right into your ear about how good you feel.
"Fuck your hole's so fucking tight. You're doing so fucking good taking me like this. You like it, don't you? Being ruined by a cock that you can barely fit inside that cute little hole of yours?"
His filthy words don't help at all, clenching even tighter over him as you cry from the overstimulation he's pushing onto your body. You know he's always right, that yes, it might take some time but the second he's fucking you like he means it there's nothing more that you want him to do.
He makes you cum over and over again, and despite your body feel like it's going to melt into the puddle of sweat and cum underneath you you can feel every vein on his length. He's so big, touching every part inside of you that needs to be touched, shooting his load so far inside of you that you can feel it warming up your chest.
You know it's always a good idea to trust Kaeya, and you've never been given a reason to regret that decision.
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holographic-mars · 2 months
Do you think when Soundwave is stressed out Cosmos leads him outside to to teach him out to dance in space?
Soundwave’s outlier ability makes him incredibly sensitive to noise. Even though he’s mastered his ability, it’s still easy to get overwhelmed and overstimulated with the noises and thoughts of everyone around him when he’s stressed.
It took a while for Cosmos to kinda realize what’s going on (Sky-Byte just says he does this sometimes and Laserbeak and Buzzsaw say it’s none of his business), but after a while he was able to find out that Soundwave’s shutdowns and long disappearances was because of stress and sensory overload (he managed to bribe Frenzy into telling him. Apparently it happens sometimes and usually Ravage could calm him down quick, but now she’s gone and Soundwave has to manage a whole space station by himself. The avians can calm him down, it just takes longer and leaves Soundwave a lot more tired).
So, After a particularly stressful day, Cosmos finds soundwave by himself trying to manage his stress (poorly), and Cosmos has an idea. He leads Soundwave to the airlock and asks him to trust him, and take them outside of the station.
It’s better out here, soundwave could still feel the noise from the station as they stand on the edge but he can feel himself calming down now that he’s away from the noise. Cosmos quietly hums to himself and squeezes Soundwave’s hand in a calming, rhythmic squeeze-and-release.
After a minute or so, Cosmos takes both of Soundwave’s hands and again asks him to trust him, before lightly launching them off of the station. In an instinctive spike of panic, Soundwave activates his trusters and clings tighter (closer) to cosmos but cosmos just laughs and leads them into a short spin before angling his own thrusters to a stop. Confused, but willing to trust Cosmos (and he is willing. He’ll trust cosmos with his spark if cosmos asked) soundwave cuts his own thrusters off. With just cosmos’ weight and the occasional quick jet of thrusters to steady themselves, they’re floating aimlessly.
No longer touching the station, everything is totally quiet. The noise is gone completely—only the gentle sound of the mechanisms in Cosmos’ frame and the bouncy loop of music in Cosmos’ processor remains.
Soundwave is not used to the total silence of space the way cosmos is (no fighting, no shooting, no chattering) so he’s nearly in awe of the peace of it all.
Cosmos laughs again. Soundwave can feel it reverberating through his frame from where they’re connected. The music Cosmos is repeating in his mind switches to a more subtle tune. He adjusts his grip on Soundwave’s arms and leads them into another light spin, moving and dipping with the music in his processor.
Soundwave follows along as best he can but ultimately lets Cosmos lead. Cosmos is happy to do so, Soundwave seems to have calmed down and his EM field is light with warm amusement and poorly hidden adoration.
They stay out there for as long as they can before the cassettes get sick of watching the gooey gross lovey dovey stuff and make them come back inside.
AIFJF THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER IM SORRY IM SORRY 💔💔 I was so busy and tired I just. Didn’t get around to it until now thank you for your patience :33 also sorry this became an almost-fic bc I am sick and ill THANK YOU FOR THE ASKK HEEHEHE❤️❤️❤️🛸🛸🛸🎵🎵🎵
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souperbloom · 4 months
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3Bwg74/ yesssss sir🫡
i know where your head’s at anon. trust me.
the tiktok of ash talking crazy during the valentine genius interview can be found here.
cherry pie. [A.I.]
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🍒 boyfriend!ash
valentine’s day smut. tee hee.
a/n: happy belated valentine’s day soup nation <3 sorry for my inactivity. school has been whooping my ass but i promise ill be back soon ! :3
CONTENT WARNINGS: smut!, oral (f!receiving), pet names, overstim.
It wouldn’t take long for Ashton to figure out what your Valentine’s Day surprise held in store.
Your body, at his disposal, splayed out on his plush king-sized mattress; dressed head to toe in red lace and satin. You were like a gift-wrapped present, tied up with a little red bow.
It was everything you’d been dreaming about since the moment you saw that little red set in the window of your local lingerie shop. The perfect surprise for the most perfect boy.
"Ash, baby?" you call into the distance as you hear the shower turn off from the master bathroom.
After dinner, you told Ashton you’d rather head home and unwind, as opposed to going out and getting an after-dessert drink. And of course, despite putting up a bit of a fuss about it, your boyfriend agreed.
You told him to hop in the shower and get ready for bed: setting the expectation that there’d be no sugar tonight, and all you really wanted to do was cuddle in bed and watch a movie.
The disappointment laced through his features when you told him what you wanted from him was quite obvious. But since he had fussed enough about not going to the bar, he figured a little less bitching would do him some good on this special day.
It was hard enough for you to bite back your smile while lying in his face, already knowing what would be waiting for him after his shower.
"Yeah?" He finally replies from the bathroom, the echo of his voice bouncing off of the tiles and into your ears.
"You comin’ in soon?" you ask, hints of innocence in your question as you adjust your position to fit the steamy energy you were trying to exude.
"Yeah, yeah— gimme a minute. I’ll be out before you know it, sugar.”
You couldn’t see it, but you could practically hear the smile that sprawled across his face within his lewd reply. He knew how much you adored that nickname.
Maybe he had a better clue than you thought.
A few more minutes pass you by, subtly quiet music streaming from the TV filling you with anticipation. You couldn’t want to see the look on his face when he walked out to you like this. It took you long enough to find a set of lingerie as perfect as this one; only to have to speedily change into it the moment you heard the faucet turn on.
"Baby," you whine, faux impatience woven into your tone, "M’gettin’ tired."
You hear Ashton scoff playfully, slightly seeing his bare silhouette through the mirror as he takes a towel to his head to dry his hair off.
"I’m coming, I’m coming—" he coos, the towel still covering his head as he begins to whistle.
You dip your head back into the pillows for a moment, letting out a satisfied sigh. Seeing his body in the mirror was already getting you hot and bothered, not to mention the button-down shirt and leopard print jacket combo he had decided on wearing to dinner tonight. The thought of him drove you wild; and you were more than happy to submit to that.
Soon enough, Ashton emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and tucked into itself, accentuating his physique. Along with the other towel that was still on his head, causing him to lead himself back into the bedroom blindly.
"So I was thinking we could watch—"
His thought stops in its’ tracks the moment he slides the towel off of his head.
"—Holy shit."
When his eyes meet yours, they double in size instantly. There’s a longing in his gaze, as if seeing you whipped him through the space-time continuum and barely brought him back down to Earth.
"Oh, baby," he hums, his eyes continuing their journey down your body and taking you in, in all of your crimson, lace glory, "You’re too good t’me."
"Happy Valentine’s Day, Ash," you purr, running a seductive hand up your thigh and letting your index finger collect the fabric of your satin slip.
"My God. What am I to do with you, sugar? Wrapped up all pretty n’ nice for me… Fuck, you’re wearing the hell outta’ that thing, baby…"
His lovesick babbling continues as he nears the bed, dipping his knee down into the mattress. Your eyes still lingered on him, bottom lip caught between your teeth as the two of you have an erotic stare down.
"Do whatever you want t’me. This is your gift, after all." Your coy smile grows wider as he slowly starts to crawl towards you.
"Whatever I want, you say?" He repeats your question as if the answer wasn’t obvious, "I’m not sure if you’re ready for that."
His body now hovers over yours, savoring his last few glances before he tears you out of this outfit and has his way with you. You knew he’d get you out of it faster than you’d gotten into it.
"I’m ready for anything. I’ve waited all fuckin’ week for this." You giggle up into his sparkly fern eyes as he’s now fully on top of you, eyeing you like you were the last cookie in the cookie jar.
"All week? Jesus, baby… If I knew you were gonna’ get dolled up like this I’d have thrown a Valentine’s Day in January." His playful remark sends a chill down your spine as he takes the back of his hand and caresses your cheek.
"I’d get dolled up every night for you, you know this. Just thought I’d save it for a special occasion."
His hand begins a trail down your collarbone towards your chest, "I had a feeling you were up to somethin’. You had that look in your eye."
You chuckle, trying to ignore the moan threatening to spill from your lips, "What look?"
"The look you have when you’re up to no good. You’re a pretty shit liar," he teases.
"Well, I’d say I pulled this surprise off successfully, shit liar or not— That’s all I was really hoping for."
"Successful is an understatement, sugar. You look sweet enough to eat…" He hooks his finger onto the fabric between your breasts, tugging it down gently. "…Sweet like cherry pie."
Not another moment passes before Ashton is dipping down to wrangle you into a passionate kiss. His hands roam with fervor, feeling the contours of your body with his broad palms and taking breaks to gently squeeze the parts he loves most.
His tongue entwines with yours seamlessly, as he makes a sly effort to grind his hips down between your inviting thighs. You sigh into his mouth, lacing your arms around the back of his neck.
"Fuck me, baby, you’re obscene," he sighs, breaking the kiss momentarily to leave a trail of kisses down your neck towards the valley of your breasts, "Think I might have to have a slice of my cherry pie."
You nod as if to say, ‘duh, Ash', wordlessly consenting to his request. He always aimed to please you, despite sometimes being sent to bed unrewarded. But he was such a good sport about it; you sometimes believed that he preferred giving as opposed to receiving.
Generous. There’s the word for it.
"This outfit is gorgeous," he sighs dreamily between kisses trailing down your stomach, "I feel bad takin’ it off so soon."
You shake your head, an electric current shooting up your body as his kisses start to near towards the apex of your thigh. "Don’t feel bad, it’s served its’ purpose."
"Was it’s ‘purpose’ to drive me insane? Because— it’s doin’ a great job at that."
You shrug playfully, enjoying the fiery path of destruction that this little get-up was causing in your sweet boyfriend’s head. He could barely contain his excitement as he parted your legs, gazing at you hungrily with a smirk. His slender fingers then hook onto waistband of your panties, pulling them down and off of you at a tantalizingly slow speed.
"Gonna give you my hand. Squeeze when it’s too much for you, m’kay?"
You nod down at his mellow smile, and grab his extended hand as he positions himself.
With a sigh, he caresses your inner thigh gently, taking in the sight of you. It was hard enough to be patient after he had promised something he was sure would drive you crazy; you knew him well, but not well enough.
You were sure he had some tricks up his sleeve.
"’Gonna make you feel so good…"
His gravelly voice trails off as he lowers his mouth to your core, lips hovering inches above where you needed him most. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t growing a bit impatient.
"Yeah?" you taunt, rubbing your thumb in circles over the back of his hand, "You’re all bark, no bite."
He chuckles lowly, still leaving patterns across the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh, "And you’re gonna regret having such a smart mouth, sugar."
Without warning, he dips his head down and licks a stripe up your slit, gathering the wetness on his tongue with a sly smile. You groan on impact, naturally, watching his sandy curls scatter across his forehead with his movements.
You almost regretted what you said when he started to prod at your entrance with his tongue, letting his nose do all the work on your clit for him. It felt like a sensory overload; he had always shown his love for pleasuring you but, never to this magnitude.
"Ash, oh fuck—" your words come out choppy, staccato breaths breaking apart each syllable as your free hand flies to grip his hair. He hums into you in reply, the vibration from his baritone voice causing a ripple through his tongue to rip right through your lower half.
You start to writhe above him as his tongue works in tandem with the tip of his nose, all while peering up at you over your silky lace babydoll dress.
"Fuck, baby. F-feels so good," you groan, attempting to keep your eyes from lulling closed. The eye contact between you was far too mesmerizing to pull away from.
Upon hearing your sultry compliment, Ashton begins to move faster. He switches the focus to your sensitive bud, flicking his tongue quickly and causing another wave of pleasure to shoot through your limbs.
His free hand then moves to push up the fabric of your slip, resting his palm flat on your stomach while his mouth moves in circles. Your body lurches forward when he hits a particularly sweet spot, the pleasure almost becoming too much to bear.
You remembered briefly what he had told you about his hand… ‘squeeze when it becomes too much.’
So, you did.
It was too much.
Your heart rate was doubling and it was growing difficult for you to keep the stars away from the backs of your eyelids. You knew you were close to your limit.
But when your grip tightened around his hand—
He didn’t stop.
In fact, he began to move even faster. His eyes shimmered as he peered at you above your hips, watching your jaw fall slack as you’ve now lost any ability to keep your composure.
"Fuck, oh my god. Please—" you beg, mushing into a whining mess, "Ashton, please."
His ears perk up at your exasperated plea, quickly ripping his hand from your grasp and using it to replace his tongue. He pops his head up, upper lip and chin drenched in your juices as he studies you with a pout.
"Can ya’ give me a few more minutes, sugar? Tastes so fuckin’ good…"
As his skilled fingers move in place of his tongue, he makes sure not one moment of your time is unoccupied. He uses his thumb on your clit to draw moans out of the back of your throat; index finger dipping in and out of your entrance.
"B—but… It’s too… too much…" you whimper, interrupted by your own moans betraying you, "M’ so close…"
"Please? I’ll go slow…" Ashton pleads, starting a gentle trail of kisses onto the inside of your thigh, "Not gonna be too much for you, sugar… ‘Said I could do whatever I wanted… Just need a few more minutes t’ taste you, my love."
You open your mouth to reply, but the sound of your voice is replaced by a pitchy moan as he dips that index finger fully inside of you. He curls it upwards and starts that familiar ‘come hither’ motion, creating pressure in your tummy and bringing you to cry.
"O—okay…" you mumble meekly, "F—few more minutes."
Ashton lets out a quiet chuckle at your words; finding the audacity to smile before he’s diving back in to indulge in you. You no longer had control over your shaky limbs, nor any control over the loud expletives tumbling from your lips. The sounds of your wetness boom through your head, as that familiar feeling begins to creep up on you.
"Ashton, baby— gonna’ cum… Gonna’ cum really soon…" You try your hand at warning him; but he was one track minded. He kept his pace, never faltering, using his fingers and tongue in cohesion with one another to send you hurdling towards the finish line.
As he savors his last few tastes of you, he groans in delight. The sounds of his smug satisfaction are just what you need to fully push you to the brink of your orgasm.
"Fuck, Ash! Oh, shit—"
Your pleas were merely encouragement for Ashton. His rhythm continues to pick up speed, climbing and climbing until galaxies were fogging your vision and your legs were tensing up.
The final shout of his name had you doubling over in ecstasy, yet his tongue continued on, as did his fingers— you were relishing in the feeling of your orgasm as the butterflies once encaged in your abdomen had set loose and began fluttering throughout your body. He rode you through your high with a final few kitten-licks to your clit, for good measure.
The tension in your shoulders and thighs had finally cracked once his movements came to a slow. Your breathing, heavy and labored, started to readjust to the oxygen levels back down on Earth.
"Ashton… oh— oh my god," you sigh, watching as your boyfriend tenderly starts to massage your jittery legs after he had practically sent you into orbit.
"I know, right?" He smirks confidently at your airy reply, pleased with his ability to ruin you so effortlessly.
You can’t help but giggle, listening to the thunderous beating of your own heart through your chest. He moves to comfort you instantly, kissing your thigh gently before resting his head in its’ place, "Dinner and dessert for Valentine’s Day? What a lucky guy I am…"
"The luckiest, I think," you hum, petting his head with a smile, "We should celebrate holidays like this more often."
Ashton chuckles, reaching up to interlock your fingers before planting a kiss on your knuckles.
"Got time for another round, sugar? President’s Day is right around the corner."
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carcarcraziiv2 · 6 months
The Woman with the Pink Hair (P. 1, 2, 3)
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Hello my friends! I bring to you The Woman with the Pink Hair! This is a Vi x Fem! Reader fanfiction.
I will post this gradually, maybe once or twice a week until it is fully out! (If you are impatient, you can view it on my Wattpad-> @DatBishCar)
Please note that this is the first piece I wrote after a HEFTY (I mean years long) hiatus from writing.
P.S. Lowkey I KNOW there's a bunch of shit I could fix in here to make it better due to my practice over the past year or so, but I just... I'm so lazy rn LOL. Anyhoooooo....
ALSO- here are the TW for you lovelies! (This is for the WHOLE SERIES)-
Violence, mental illness, oral sex, dominant tendencies, torture, kidnapping, plotting?... lowkey there's probably more but you should get the gist here, AS ALWAYS ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK ILY<3
Staring at the wall. You often found yourself staring at the wall while you were bored, zoning out thinking about things. How lonely your life had gotten, while at the same time it is better than it has been in a while. You had your freedoms to go do what you wanted - walk, paint, draw, listen to music. As you did those things you constantly seeked inspiration from the little bits and pieces that showed themselves to you in every crack and crevice. 
    You enjoyed finding the positives in things that didn't always seem positive. Hell, you were living in an old shack you rented from a grungy man who you weren't sure even actually owned the place. He did, however, have the keys.
    Deciding you needed some fresh air, as fresh as it can be in the undercity, you gather yourself to head out for a stroll through the dark streets and into the markets and shops. You enjoyed people watching, perhaps you would run into someone interesting. You grabbed your jacket, a purple and black lots of pockets kind of deal, and your beanie and put them on. Your medium length hair was in a bun on the lower part of your head, and you had pieces of hair flowing down in front of your face on either side. You liked the wispy look of it.
    You quickly found yourself in the center of the town after a few turns and blocks that you had memorized by heart. The place was always semi crowded. People doing grungy things, illegal things - but in your eyes, you saw beauty. You saw people smiling, laughing with their friends. Even as there were people who looked at you with an evil glint in their eye as you walked past, you were not afraid. You knew this place like the back of your hand, you grew up here after all. 
    After reaching one of your favorite places to eat, you walked to the counter and ordered some soup. Honestly, there was no telling what ingredients were in it but you trusted the chef as they always made delicious things. A few minutes pass, and you grabbed your brown, watery looking stew and headed over to a table nearby. There was no one sitting there, and the furniture was mostly clean unlike some of the surrounding options which were covered in trash, dirt and spilled food. As you sat, you looked over to the large red headed woman who cooked and served the food.
    "Thank you!"
    "You're welcome, honey," she replied with a warm smile. She was kind of like family to you, since you didn't really have any of your own. In fact, a lot of the shopkeepers and people who constanted the area were as such. You rarely saw people you didn't know or hadn't at least met once. 
    The soup was warm, salty, and amazing as usual. You finished every last bite and took the common decency to return the silverware and bowl to the counter, rather than having them come grab it from the table. You liked helping them out whenever you could, as they would do the same for you. Turning around, you looked about. Still seeking inspiration, you were torn as to whether or not to just go home. You did have to work in the morning but were unsure as to how much you actually cared about getting rest beforehand. Scanning your surroundings from right to left, you looked at all the people, until you saw someone unfamiliar leaning against a wall, hood down, with bits of pink hair peeking out from beneath it. 
   You were intrigued.
   Gazing at the person standing there, your creative curiosity and interest peaked. You wanted to know what they looked like, and luckily right as the thought crossed your mind someone approached the woman, and she took her hood down.
   She looked tired, worn, beaten and bruised. Your heart hurt thinking about anyone going through the things that would result in looking such a way. Behind all of that surface area, you saw beautiful features, however, and felt your heart race a little bit as the woman scanned the area while chatting. You were nervous she would catch you staring, so you pretended to look down quickly.
   The woman was becoming more agitated speaking with the person in front of her, and suddenly pushed them away. She started walking quickly away from you.
    Oh no... you thought. You did not want to lose this person, as creepy as that sounds. You decided to follow them only for a few minutes. Sometimes strangers led you to streets and places you would have never gone to yourself. You weren't only following her to be creepy. 
   You jumped up and started walking in the same direction as the woman. She was fast, so you had to speed walk a little bit. You took a few turns and short stops, all at places you had been before and studied before. Although you were interested in her, you decided that you would turn around and head home. 
    Right before you turned heel, the woman turned down a narrow dark alleyway. Ok... you thought. Now what is she doing? You waited a few moments before turning, too. You didn't want her to see you and recognize you. She looked like she might get a little angry about that. 
    Very quickly, you realized you had made a mistake. Three large men appeared from the shadows in front of the woman. And she stopped, looked up to the sky, and sighed loudly. You took the opportunity to hide behind a stack of boxes that were next to a dumpster on the left side of the alleyway. You peeked out from behind them and watched the confrontation ensue.
    "What do you need, boys?" The woman said, stepping over to lean on the wall next to her, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
    "We saw a pretty girl like you, and decided we needed to have you. What'ya say, sweets?" One man said. His voice was gravely, low, and you swore you could smell him from where you were. The other two men were sneering behind him, adjusting their waste bands. 
    The woman laughed. And she laughed loudly. Your eyes widened at the sound, it was like a sweet music, even in this scenario.
   "You don't know what you're about to do, dirtbag," the woman said while laughing. The man's expression quickly changed to one of anger, and he started approaching her. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you," She warned. The man laughed slightly and kept approaching, to which the woman responded-
 ---- Vi's POV ----
    Vi sneered at the man coming at her. She had a rush of adrenaline from the argument she had with the junky at the markets earlier already and needed to get rid of the urges she had to punch something. She decided these guys would do the trick.
    As the man approached, Vi took the cigarette out of her mouth and flicked it at him. He jerked back.��Really? Afraid to get burned? That should be the least of your worries. As he jerked back, she grabbed him by the front of his coat and head butted him, wasting no time while he was in shock to bring her right fist up and slam it into his face.
    "By the way, the name is Vi."
    The other two men started to approach her, and she gave them a look that said "really?". They came to her from opposite sides, and she easily grabbed both of their backs, took a step backward and slammed their heads into each other. The men both collapsed to the ground rubbing their heads and yelling at one another. 
    The first man was starting to get up off the ground, but this time he looked afraid. Vi gave him a look that made him tremble and told him "Get the fuck out of here. You and these two dumbasses. I don't want to see you causing trouble to anyone again. Got it?" They hesitated, "I said get the FUCK out of here!" She yelled this time. The men got up and ran away like little children. Pathetic. 
    Vi turned around and saw someone staring at her from behind a dumpster. It was that girl from the market, the one that caught her eye. She had noticed her following her but didn't think she still was at this point. Vi grew angry, her adrenaline still running high through her veins.
 ---- Your POV ---- 
    As the fight finished up, you were holey prepared to turn tail and book it out of here. You decided you were following someone really dangerous and became scared. That is right about the moment when the woman turned around and looked right at you, rage in her eyes.
    You stumbled backwards, turning and trying to run away. "Fuck" you muttered as you slipped immediately after trying to start running. You looked backward for a brief moment as you stood, and realized she was right behind you. The woman shoved you roughly into the wall behind you. Her hand on your neck.
    "WHO are you? WHY are you following me? WHO are you working for?" The woman yelled in your face. Although you were afraid, short of breath and absolutely dreading what was to come you were enamored by her beauty. "Hello?!" She broke you out of your trance, "I asked you a question!"
    "N- n- no one! I'm not working for anyone" you stammered, your voice weak from the vice like grip she had on your neck.
    "Liar," she said calmly, her grip tightening ever so slightly on your neck. You felt pressure in your cheeks and above your eyes, and you became truly afraid that you may die. 
   "I- I'm no- not lying," you struggled to say. "I just tho- thought you looked go- good so I followed you to get inspi- inspiration for my art."
    Her grip loosened ever so slightly. You sensed she could tell you were afraid. Maybe she could tell you were not lying, but you were unsure. You really couldn't trust strangers down here. She shoved her finger in your face, and bit her teeth together. Through this, she said -
    "Don't fucking follow me again. That is creepy as hell." She released you and you fell to the ground, rubbing your neck. 
    "I- I won't!" you promised, looking up. But realization quickly hit that she was already gone, as you saw her walking the rest of the alleyway past where she beat those men, with her hood up and hands in her pockets.
    You took the opportunity, got up, and ran your ass all the way home. You heart was beating very quickly, and you were still terrified. Hyper aware of everything around you. The wind making the tendrils of your hair fly next to your face as you ran.
 Finally, you got home and got inside, collapsing on the ground from exhaustion.
PART TWO: Ubiquity
  The next few weeks, you continued on with your life. Going on walks, working, eating, and drawing. Drawing someone who you could not get out of your head. The woman with the pink hair. After your encounter, you swore you saw her everywhere. Places you had never seen her before. 
    One day, she was at the market getting food from your favorite place. She looked like she liked the woman who had previously given you your soup. She was smiling, and you noticed her put down a gracious tip onto the counter before collecting her food. You stayed very far back before cowering and going back home. 
    Another day, she came into your work. You didn't think she was looking for anything in particular, she was just browsing, probably bored. You watched from the back-room door as she fumbled with some of the little figurines you had placed out and watched her put them back down as if they were so fragile, she might break them by breathing on them.
    On this particular day, you headed to work. You were tired and worn out from the last weeks' worth of work already but still had today before you finally got a day off. You worked in a small nick-nack shop that a lot of people who created gadgets frequented. You decided to stop and grab some coffee at the warn down coffee stand out front of the shop you worked. The stand was musty, creaky, and downright shouldn't even exist anymore. But what are you to do when you are so limited to recourses as you are down here?
    "Hi, can I have a coffee, something sweet?" You smiled at the barista. They did not smile back.
    "2 dollars." They stated. They were tall, skinny and looked as if they were addicted to... something. You handed them the money and they gave you your coffee, immediately turning away to attend to the next customer. You started taking a sip, it was bitter, and you let out a hiss. Slowly turning to your left, you jumped and let out a little yelp.
    It was the woman. She was standing beside you against the wall, staring at you as if she was pondering something. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she took a drag off her cigarette. 
    "You still following me?" She smirked. Your eyes widened and you felt your heart beating a thousand beats per minute. She was wearing the same getup. A red jacket that looked warn. Her tired look was no longer, but she did look wary and had a few scratches, including one on her lips.
   Her beautiful pink lips. 
   "Hey, my eyes are up here," she snorted. You gasped.
   "Oh, shit. Sorry... No, I am not following you. Trust me I don't want to get strangled again." You said way too quickly. A few people glanced over at the two of you, and you lowered your head. You could feel your cheeks becoming red.
   "Then why are you everywhere I go? I have seen you at least 3 places besides the first time we encountered one another. Who are you?"
    "Well like I said, I am not following you," you stated. You felt a little frustrated that it wasn't getting through her head. "And I don't appreciate you accusing me of such!"
   She laughed. That same beautiful laugh she had right before she beat the shit out of three huge men.
    "It wouldn't be the first time, weirdo. Now, I am not going to hurt you again. Trust me. I was in a fit of rage and... yeah. Just can you trust me on that?" She looked genuine. You felt yourself loosen up a bit. "What is your name? I'm Vi," she reached her hand out towards you.
    "I'm (y/n). And I guess I can," you stated hesitantly. You reached your hand out and grasped hers. It was calloused and hard against your soft one.
    "So, you're really an artist?" She asked, sitting down on a bench across the walkway. You followed, and sat next to her, looking at your wristwatch. You had about 30 minutes until you had to go in to work behind the coffee shop.
    "Um... yes. It's a hobby," you said shyly. You brushed a loose piece of hair back behind your ear and looked over at her. "And you're a street fighter?" You said raising your eyebrow.
   She laughed again. You couldn't help but smile too.
   "Well, technically, I guess you could call it that. I really only fight when I have to, or if I am in the mood to do so. I am the kind of person who just goes with the flow, I guess. I have no real goal right now...". You noticed that she was becoming saddened, but not enough to fully show it through her tough face. She stretched her legs out and laid back against the back of the bench and looked up at the sky. You noticed a few features you hadn't previously. She had a tattoo on her cheek that read VI and a gear tattoo on the side of her neck. She had scars, a lot of them. You wondered where she got them but put the pieces together and assumed they were probably from fights.
    "Do you fight a lot?" You blurted out, unsure if the question would offend, anger or sadden her. She looked at you dead in the eyes with her sky-blue ones, serious as can be.
    She was so mysterious. You wondered about her life, her story. You wanted to know more about her but there was still and underlying fear and feeling of uneasiness around her simply because of how the two of you first interacted. You rubbed your neck as you remembered the happening. 
    "I am sorry for what I did to you before. It was out of line. I shouldn't have assumed you were some person who was hired to go after me." Vi reached up and put her hand on your shoulder for a split second. You felt yourself get warm all over and blushed.
    "Um, I guess it's okay?" You shrugged. You weren't actually okay with it, but you didn't want it to be the reason why you two wouldn't talk again. You wanted to talk to her again, so you gathered yourself and in a brief confidence asked, "Do you want to hangout sometime? Like we can get coffee or food or something?"
    She looked taken aback, and you immediately began trying to remedy the situation. You were embarrassed. "I- I'm sorry it's okay if you don't want to I totally under-"
    "(y/n), Its okay. I would like that." She stopped you and stated. You smiled coyly and looked down at your coffee, then back up at her.
    "Okay, cool. Meet me here tomorrow, same time?" You got up. "I have to go to work, actually. Like right there. I am a few minutes late..." You couldn't believe that 35 minutes had already passed by and knew the boss man was not going to be happy that you were late. You said your goodbyes and headed into the shop. 
    You were right, the man was not happy.
PART THREE: Awkward Encounters
 You and Vi had plans to meet the next day. On one hand you were giddy with excitement. On the other, you were nervous. Very nervous. You weren't entirely sure you could trust the temperament of this woman. As you laid in bed, you had thoughts of what the day ahead would look like. What kind of interest did Vi have with you? You were certain you had interest in her, but you didn't know what kind of interest it was. You imagined the two of you in different scenarios, such as friendship, or as lovers. Friendship seemed amazing, but lovers felt even better. You smiled at yourself and rolled over. Either way, you decided you were going to have a good time.
    Waking up energized, you decided since it was your day off, you would try to do as much as possible. If Vi was up to it, perhaps she could tag along. You got up in the morning from your bed and comfortable plaid duvet to go shower. In the shower, you washed your hair as well as wash and shaved your body. The water was warm as it caressed your figure. You imagined it was Vi.
    What am I thinking? You contemplated. You two had only just met and it was a strange encounter to say the least. You shook your head in dismay, blushing at the thoughts you were dismissing. You hopped out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels right outside the curtain. You always laid the towel on the toilet seat so it would be easier to get to. Stepping out of the shower, you stood in front of the mirror above the sink. You were a tidy person, but today it was a little bit messy in there.
    Taking a small hand towel, you swiped the glass on the mirror so you could see your reflection. Although you looked tired, you still felt energetic. You were too giddy to feel tired. You decided today you were going to put on a little bit of makeup, just mascara and eyeshadow. Walking out of your bathroom and back into your room, the towel draped across your midriff, you looked in the closet to pick out an outfit. 
   Deciding on black jeans, a baggy brown knit sweater, and your warn old brown boots you tossed them on. The sweater was warm, which was perfect for this time of year in the Undercity. You got everything on, tossed on a few rings on your fingers, and headed to the door. beside the door was a coat rack, which you grabbed your oversized black leather jacket off of and threw on. You smiled as you walked outside and took a deep breath of air.
    Your heart was racing, but this time it was from excitement. Never had you thought you would be so brave as to ask someone you had just met (who admittedly had almost killed you) to hangout. You rolled your eyes at yourself and dismissed the thoughts from coming back. You refused to let that ruin your day or come back up ever again. 
    You made your way down the street and your usual route to the coffee shop in front of your work. As you approached, you had hoped Vi would be there early, but she was nowhere to be seen. It was 5 minutes before your set meeting time, but you were not worried. You ordered yourself and Vi a coffee at the stand and sat at the bench you both had your first meaningful conversation at. Taking a sip, you looked around and took in the area, hoping to remember every last detail that you may not have already memorized. 
    You looked down at your watch and realized time had already passed. 10 minutes, actually. You were getting worried that she wouldn't show up. After another 5 minutes, you decided to get up and walk into the shop you were employed at. The shop keep looked confused why you were there, but you said-
    "Don't worry, I am just visiting. I rarely get to come in here as a customer."
    "Oh, okay." he smiled slightly. He seemed to be in a better mood, but then you bumped into a shelf beside you. You jerked yourself to the right to correct it and ensure nothing fell off. "Just don't break anything," he sighed, rolling his eyes. He was a big man, not fat but muscular. He seemed like he could handle himself in a bar fight if he had to.
    "I promise I will not break anything," you laughed slightly. You turned your back to the man and back towards the window out front, and you saw her.
    She was beautiful, sitting there on the bench on the same side she had last. Her fingers were tapping the back of it and she was looking around nervously. You decided to set down the figurine you had in your hand and rushed outside. You were relieved she actually came.
    "Vi!" you smiled, rushing over to her. She smiled back and began to stand, when you felt someone run into you, knocking you to the ground. You were shaken, and looked up towards the direction the person was going. "S-Sorry!" you hollered to the person, but they kept going.
    "Watch it, Asshole!" Vi yelled in their direction, coming over to you to help you get up. Luckily, you had already gotten rid of the coffees as they had gotten cold. You stood and brushed yourself off, thanking the world silently for the ground not being wet today. Sighing, you turned to Vi and embraced her in a hug.
   "I am so glad you made it," you smiled, releasing her. She had not returned the embrace, but you were okay with that. Not everyone is a hugger and she appeared shocked.
    "Oh, uh yeah. Sorry about that. I had some things I had to take care of," she muttered, appearing to blush and took her hand through her hair. As she did this, you couldn't help but watch the muscles in her arm flex, as she was only wearing a t-shirt. She cleared her throat, and your eyes darted back over to her face. 
    "So, um, are you hungry?" you quickly changed the subject. She nodded, and you started walking. She followed.
    The two of you walked side by side for quite some ways and decided amongst yourselves to go to one of Vi's favorite places. You had never been there before, but you had walked by it many times. You were in awe at the fact that you had not ever seen Vi before. You walked inside the establishment with her. It was large and smelled of drink. You noticed a decrepit old bar towards the back, and wooden tables all around. There were a few people in there, but not many. Vi walked to the back and sat at the bar. Sighing, as she looked around.
    "You know," she started, "My dad used to own this place. He died trying to protect my family." A pained expression crossed her face. You frowned.
    "Oh, I am so sorry..." you weren't the best at comforting people and looked down at your hands. Luckily, Vi decided she wanted to change the subject and called the bartender over, ordering you both a drink. You didn't normally drink, but today you were willing to allow it. After all, you did decide you wanted to have fun.
    After a few rounds, you both and really let loose a lot. You were laughing with each other and had gotten to know more about each other's lives and interests. 
    "...And then!" Vi laughed as she was finishing her story, "He fell on his ass into the puddle, right beside us!" You grimaced and laughed with her. She had just told you about a fight she had gotten into. It seemed to be a lot of the talking points she had, but you didn't mind. Actually, it impressed you how confident she was in herself. 
    In your tipsy state, you leaned forward, putting your hand on her thigh to keep your balance. She looked down at your hand, and back up at you.
    "I am sorry for following you," you slurred. "I thought you were so beautiful... I wanted to see what you were about..." blushing, you turned away, but your hand still laid on her thigh. You felt a warmth over your hand and looked back over. Vi had placed hers there, on top of yours. Butterflies fluttered throughout your stomach.
    "(Y/N), it's okay. Really." The two of you had gotten closer, without even realizing it. "To be honest, I saw you at the market before I even started walking. You were looking down at your hands, but I could tell you were pretty. I almost came over to you, but I chickened out."
    Your eyes widened, and you blushed profusely. You leaned towards her slightly. You weren't even sure she was interested in women, but you didn't care. You were really really hoping she was. Suddenly, Vi removed her hand from on top of yours, and lightly placed it on the back of your neck. She looked you in the eyes, and you tilted your head ever so slightly looking back into hers. She leaned in, pulling you closer gently, and pressed her lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss and melted. Her lips felt like heaven against yours. They were soft, supple, and warm. 
   As she pulled away, you felt your hand absent-mindedly reach up and caress your mouth. You were blushing even harder than before and looked at her. She was smiling a huge face splitting smile. She looked proud.
    "Wow," she stated.
    "Wow," you repeated back. 
    "Bet ya weren't expecting that, were you?"
    "No, but I liked it. Did... did you?" you asked nervously.
    "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to." She giggled. You smiled and turned back towards the bar, twirling your finger around the straw in the glass. You wanted another, and so did she. You knew because soon there were two new drinks in front of you both. 
    You looked over at Vi. She was just finishing a sip of her drink and looked over at you as she set it down. 
     "Do you want to come to my house tomorrow and see some of my art? I already saw you fight, so I figured it would be fair if I showed you some of the things I have done," you asked sheepishly. She smiled, but this time it was sly. Like someone looking at something they wanted to eat, to devour. 
    The two of you finished your drinks. The day was nearly over, and you hadn't done any of the things that you had planned. You were okay with it. In fact, you wouldn't trade how this day went for anything. Before leaving the establishment, Vi offered to walk you home. You had a feeling she wanted to keep you safe, and you appreciated it even though were not afraid. This also made it easier for her to find your home the next day, so she could come look at your art.
    You continued talking to one another as you walked back to your house. She had her hands in her pockets, and you had yours in your own. The streets were dark and there were hardly any people out, as most of the shops had closed. 
    Approaching the old shack of a house you called home, Vi let out a whistle and turned to you.
    "Quite the place you got here, huh?" She grinned, teasing you.
    "Hey, its home to me alright? Can only do so much down here." You reached up and lightly smacked her arm. Before you could lower your hand, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to her. So close, both of you were touching bodies. Vi was taller than you, and looked down at you slightly, as you looked up at her. She smiled and planted another kiss on you. This one more passionate, inviting. You could feel her warmth enveloping you as her arms held you. 
    Releasing from the kiss, you tried to stammer out a goodbye, but Vi had already started walking away. 
     "See you tomorrow, sweet stuff!" She said, waving as she walked backwards. She had a huge grin on her face.
    "O-Okay! See you tomorrow!" You smiled back. You turned around and got inside, shut the door and leaned against it. You did a little happy dance in your spot. 
    Wow... you thought. That was amazing. 
PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOY :D Drop a follow if you wanna stay updated on these! There are TEN more parts in the series! Oml...... lol <3 I hope you enjoyed so far!
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mattsobvimyfav · 4 days
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For Sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo) PT 19
A.n—Hey, y'all, this is gonna be a very, very slow burn. I already have some chapters written, so I will probably fire them quickly. It will be toxic, with angst, smut, and everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
y/n pov
Me and Matt have been basically avoiding each other for the last week. I ended up apologizing to Chris about the whole sleeping with him thing, I cant do that to his and Matt’s relationship. It was Friday night and I decided to skip another party because it was not worth my sleep.
I was laying in bed when I felt my phone buzzing.
Matt Sturniolo - Im coming over. We are talking. Just us.
I rolled my eyes and continued to lay in bed watching Matt’s location as he got closer to my house. I heard my downstairs door open and close with feet running up my stairs.
“Do you want this.” Matt said standing in my doorway “What?” I asked sitting up and looking at him, he had on grey sweats and a sweatshirt and he looked like he had ran the whole way here “Ill drop her for real this time, tell me if you want this and ill do it” I rolled my eyes at him “I dont trust you” Matt walked over sitting on the side of my bed “Ill do anything and everything to prove it to you. Your the only one I want” I starred into his eyes, I felt like he was telling the truth but I could not trust him at all. “Maybe you can try to earn back my trust but let's see how that works out.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. Matt jumped onto my bed laying next to me “We have to pick up Nick and Chris at 2.” I laid back into my bed rolling my eyes “Fine, you guys can just sleep here” Matt smiled looking at me “Lets watch TikTok”
After two hours I had to throw on a sweatshirt for us to go pick up the boys. “You have aux, as a gift” I smiled at Matt plugging my phone on and turning on ‘die for you’ by The Weeknd, it was so late it was time for just chill music. We got to the party after thirty minutes of driving, I called Nick letting him know we were there and all I could hear was a bunch of shouting and Nick screaming Chris was in a fight. Me and Matt looked at each other before getting out of the car super fast, When we walked in there was a bunch of people circled around and me and Matt pushed through them all.
Chris and this kid from our school Kaleb were just swinging haymakers at each other, I looked at Matt and he looked at me before jumping in and shoving Chris back into me. I grabbed his arm and once he saw it was me his face softened “Dude what the-” before I could finish my sentence Matt was turned around swinging on Kaleb and at the point he was sitting on Kaleb just pinching him in the face. “Matt! Baby! Stop!” I heard from next to me, I looked to the side seeing Maddy “Oh bitch shut the fuck up” I yelled and half the group turned looking at me. I realized in this moment as she walked towards me now was my time to shine and make Matt stop fighting. “What did you say you cun-” before she could finish I swung directly at her nose.
Maddy surprisingly hit me back right in my cheek. I pretend to not feel it and continued to just swing into her face, after about four hits to her Matt was pulling me back and I had blood flowing down my nose “WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOU BITCH” I yelled as Matt dragged me out and Nick dragged Chris out.
they threw us into the backseat together. I looked over at Chris’s bloody face as he looked at mine and we started laughing hysterically and took a picture of each others faces to show each other, Matt turned around and started laughing with us seeing as he also had a bloody nose. “Nick you HAVE to take our picture” Chris said I scooted closer to Chris as Matt leaned towards the back and we all smiled with a thumbs up “Im glad you idiots had fun.” Nick said shaking his head at us.
I grabbed my phone back and studied all of our faces. Chris had a cut right below his eye and one on his lip, Matt has a bloody nose and a cut on his lip, and me I had a bloody nose and a nice cut across my cheek from Maddy’s ring. “Lets get McDonalds” I said “Lets get home and get you three cleaned up” said nick, I slumped back into my seat “no fun” Nick rolled his eyes at us as we drove home singing lil skies.
“Dad! Are you awake!” I yelled as we walked into the house “Hey honey where did- What the fuck happened” He said stopping right in the door way “Sit, well give you the run down” We all sat on the couch and started telling my dad everything that happened.
Chris explained how the Kaleb kid had started saying I was a slut swapping between Chris and Matt so Chris ended up just hitting him, which in retrospect is really sweet and worth all the troubles of tonight.
I got up stairs as Chris and Matt cleaned their faces in the downstairs bathroom and I showered again, I quickly cleaned the cut and cleaned the dried blood off my face. I got out of the shower and posted the picture of us three on my instagram story, I decided to tease Matt sending him picture of my body in the mirror and got dressed before walking back into my bedroom.
I walked in to see Chris and Matt with their jaws wide open looking at me, I realized Chris had been watching Matt's phone “Great so now you've both seen me naked.” Chris had a huge grin on his face and started nodding and Matt hit his shoulder “Get the fuck in bed” he said and I giggled jumping in next to Matt and closing my eyes. Matt wrapped his arms around. my waist pulling me closer to him as we all drifted off to sleep.
@maryx2xx @larnieboox88 @worldlxvlys @luvangelbreak
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munsonshire · 8 months
Robin Buckley as your girlfriend
Pairing: Robin x f!reader (she's a lesbian you guys) Disclaimer: These were originally a headcanon, well, a series of them but now its kind of like a fic or similar Masterlist
When you guys are at your house, she won't stop looking at everything, especially in your bedroom, she'll go through your drawers and check every little thing that you have, both, because she loves you and wants to get to know you better and also because she's poor and as a kid/young teenager she didn't have many belongings
Passionate kisses 24/7
She doesn't know what personal space is so expect hugs and nudges and gentle bites every now and then (She's in the spectrum so she'll only do that if she really does trust you, which she does
- She looks like a lost puppy when she's out alone
- She's not jealous, she's insecure asf
- Likes to have soft music as a background
- kisses on the forehead
- kisses on the side of your lips
- She usually has issues at home, so she goes to your house to sleep over lots of times
- Loves it when you visit her at scoops/family video
- She's the kind of person that collects little rocks that she finds in random places, sometimes some kind of mineral like quartz
- She'll also gift you rocks that she finds beautiful, she says they remind her of you
- You were the one to ask her out
- She has her hand around your waist most of the time
- If any guy tries to flirt with you she'll glare at him, and will start some sort of PDA
- Will let you use some of her clothes to sleep during sleepovers at her home (they don't happen often because of her family issues)
- she doesn't really care about your physical appearance, she cares more about you being able to love her as she is
- She sometimes forgets about privacy so she'll just walk in on you changing, and stares at you till you notice, and either you tell her to get out or stay, depends on you, she'll accept your decision
- She gets super nervous and starts rambling whenever you're about to kiss
- There was this one time when you were wearing a low-cut shirt and she decided that it was a really great idea to leave money between your breasts with a wink (as a joke obv)
- Will tease Steve, talking about you all the time and teasing him about not deciding what he wants
- Likes to read while lying in between your thighs, according to her its 10 times better if you play with her head too
- kisses your neck while cuddling
- Play fights that end up in cuddling
- She loves it when you wear her clothes
- Dancing in the living room at 2 am
- Getting drunk asf and getting matching stick and poke tattoos, courtesy of Mr.Munson
- Her asking you to defend her when Steve teases her
- "Y/n come here and tell Steve to leave me alone!!!!"
- She has a lot of nicknames for you
- random making-out sessions because you can
- trying to teach her how to drive, but her almost crashing the car so you agree that Steve has become your personal driver
- She admires you while you're not looking
- You both were each others first everything
- Hugs from the back
- Making fun of Steve with each other
- Would leave you little notes when she leaves for work
- Will take some movies from Family video home so that you two can watch them together
- She's a bit insecure sometimes, she wonders how is it that you can love her, but you always reassure her that you love her for who she is
- You both can't really be seen as a couple in public, bc its the 80s, and well, same-sex relationships weren't seen the same as they are today, so you both have to act as best friends when you're in public
- Robin likes to sleep with her head on your chest and you wrapping your arms around her (ill make a more extended headcanon for this) She says that your boobs are like pillos for her
- You two are Steves's best friends, apart from Dustin obviously
- Asks you to do her hair daily
- When she gets bored she likes to make little braids on your hair
- As she said, she had a hard time learning how to walk as a child, well, she also had trouble learning how to swim
- She puppy swims, and Steve likes to make fun of her bc of it (not in a mean way obv)
- She gets kinda embarrassed and goes to you for comfort
- On Fridays, she always brings a movie so that you can watch it together
- Will talk for you for hours
- Will also listen to you for hours
- When she's drunk she's the kind of person to tell you how much she loves you
- Rubs your hand with her thumb when she holds your hand
- She asked you once to pierce her ears but she got way too scared when the needle gets close to her
- Tells you she loves you a lot all the time
You guys are always at your or Steve's house (yeah, he lets you to go have dates to his house because he cares about Robin and wants her to be happy, plus he knows that her fam dont accept her for who she is) for dates or just to be together
She gets extremely nervous around her friends if she doesn't know them from earlier
Tickle fights, though she might get a little overstimulated and end up kicking you so that you stop tickling her
Watching cheesy romance movies together
Trusts you with her life
Will never let go of you, once she gets confic¡dence she's clingy, very clingy
She stares at you all the time and if you catch her she'll panic and turn away
Says "I love you" all the time, kinda like a reflex
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jackmanbj · 8 months
Gender Reveals
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it was 5:30am thursday, october 5th. the day or your gender reveal .
“y/n..baby turn off the alarm..” jack groaned “no j wake up, we need to get ready. my cousin should start setting up for the reveal around 6am-7am” “ugh fine, come on lets go shower”
you and jack took a hour long shower so by the time you got out it was already 6:34am
“jack hurry and get ready, we need to go meet my parents and yours today remember?” “nope i forgot all about that, what time do we need to meet your parents?” “8:30” “what about mine?” “10:30” “ok start getting dressed”
by the time you and jack were done getting dressed it was 7:45 “jack come on so were not late, i couldn’t get even do my make up..” “its fine baby you look gorgeous promise, now lets go”
you and jack were in the car listening to music and your favorite song happiness over everything came on and you sung it the whole way there
you let yourself in with the extra key you had to see your mom and dad sitting on the couch “hi mommy and dad!” “aww hi my baby” you mom hugged you and got up to hug jack “hello sweetheart” “hello mrs. Y/L/N” “jack i told you call me mom!” “sorry mom!” “dad say hello or something!” “no” “did i do som-?” “no jack you didn’t do anything he’s just mad you got me pregnant” “oh..sorry..?” “jack don’t apologize, he’ll get over it”
you and jack ended up leaving early because of the way your dad was acting
“what did i even do, he told me i had his trust right? why is he acting like that..?” “jack hunny im sorry about him.. lets just forget it and go to mama maggies place?” “uhm..yea of course..” “jack im serious let it go” “baby i need your dad approval to marry you.. i cant let anything go..” “well let it go. hes going to come around promise..” “ok, lets go to my mom house
once you pulled up to maggies home she was waiting outside with muffins jack had asked het to have ready for you
“hi y/n!” “hi mom!!” “here these are for you” maggie handed you some strawberry muffins “aw thank you!”
jack was standing by the car, just watching how good you and his mom got along and he loved it.
after a while of you and maggie talking you and jack had to leave to get ready for a photoshoot urban wanted to do for you.
once you and jack got into the car you couldn’t help but notice how jack was still feeling uneasy “jack..baby promise me you’ll not let my dad ruin your day.. ill even tell him not to come to the general reveal if it will make things better” “what? no! baby im fine i just need a minute to relax about the whole thing but don’t tell him not to come, that will make things worse. how ‘bout this, if he makes me uncomfortable then well see about him leaving, but for now he’s definitely coming” “ok baby boy”
once you and jack arrived at urban’s studio you changed your outfit into what urban suggested and you started with some family pictures “jack! hold her stomach not her tits!” “urban shut the fuck up and take the pictures” “jack get your hand off my tits so the pictures come out right, and your paying urban for this right?” “nope” “jack! urban ill cashapp you!” “its fine y/n, i wanted to do it!” “ill cashapp you urban” “okk”
once you were done taking all you pictures you started to get hungry so you asked jack to go get some food with you “j can we go get some food?” “yea wait a second” jack ended up staying 30 minutes longer then a second and you were growing annoyed so you left by yourself, without telling anyone, in jacks car.
jack was blowing up your phone he had called you probably 30 times but you were picking up your food and didnt want to be rude to the lady so you just waited to call him back.
as soon as you called jack back and were on your way back jack was very pissed at you, and you could hear it through the tone of his voice “where are you? are you crazy! why didnt you tell me you were trying to go somewhere? y/n come back now!” “jack chill, im on my way back, i was hungry and you ignored me so i went to get some canes” “y/n baby were going home as soon as you get here” “fine”
once you got there jack was outside waiting looking like an angry mother.
you hopped out the drivers side making your way to the passenger side while jack started walking to the car.
“y/n, dont ever, ever! pull that shit again” “whatever” you continued eating your food tuning our whatever jack was saying “y/n i’m serious you could have got hurt” “im sorry j, can i just eat without being yelled at now??” “fine”
once you and jack got home you were about dont with your food so you went to you and jacks shared bedroom and put on a movie for you guys to watch until 3:00, the time on the baby shower, it was only 12:30 so you and jack decided on avatar.
you of course fell asleep so jack put the blanket up to your chest and hugged you closer on him while he finished the movie.
once the movie was over he work you up and it was around 2:30.
“baby wake up its 2:30” “2:30?! why didnt you wake me up earlier!” you hurried and got out of bed and started to get ready, touching up the makeup from your photoshoot and putting on a pink and white dress while jack decided he was going to wear whatever color you wore. so he put on a pink and white suit.
by the time you were dressed people had already started making their way to the gender reveal so you hurried up and got in the car as quickly as possible.
“jack come on!” “im coming
once you and jack finally made it to the reveal you started talking to some of your younger cousins while jack was playing with your nephew, he looked so good with kids.
once you were done talking to family you went over a found your way to jack.
“hi baby” “hi j, what time are we doing thr reveal again?” “around 5:30, its starting soon its about 5 right now” “ok baby boy”
people started gathering around you and jack by the ‘oh baby’ sign and handing you both poppers that had the babies gender in them
“3! 2! 1!” you and jack twisted the poppers and pink came out.
“OH MY GOD JACK!” jack came hug you from behind kissing all over you “baby, we have to start getting baby names ready” “ok but thats not important right now!”
everyone had left to go the the common area and started celebrating while you and jack stated out side for a minute looking at the pink confetti on the ground.
“im going to be a girk dad..” “ ‘n in going to be a girl mom.” you and jack both started laughing and thinking about shopping for babies until maggie brought you in for cake.
everyone around you started hugging bring in to you and jack “were so proud of you y/n!” “thank you guys so much for coming!”
after eating everyone started leaving so you and jack went home when everybody was gone
“come on jack lets go shower then we can watch movies” “ok, but your just gunna fall asleep during the movie” “i wont!” “whatever baby, come on”
after the shower you and jack picked out scream 1 to watch, you stayed up for the whole movie because you loved scream and jack was surprised, but after the second movie you fell asleep in jacks arms so he moved everything off you and onto the floor and cuddled into you.
“goodnight sweet girls, i love yall.”
(a/n sorry if the ending feels rushed, it kinda was because i didnt know what to write..)
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glitch-karma · 9 months
HEY POOKIE 😘 How would you feel writing some Akito hc's? It can be general relationship, jealously(plz.), etc etc LOVE YOUUU
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Akito is definitely protective of you
Even with his nice guy persona, he would constantly be letting anyone and everyone know you are taken
It's not that he doesn't trust you
It's that he doesn't trust people around you
Because of this, he enjoys PDA
He doesn't like doing corny or annoying things like kissing in the hallways or hugging before class
All he needs is your hand in his and a lil kiss on the cheek
He's also super protective of what people say about you
Any comment that applies even the slightest hint of an insult gets shut down
And then they'll get chastised for daring to say anything about you
He would definitely invite you to VBS events so you can watch the group
He's also super open about his love of street music and what got him into it
He can ramble to you all about it
He would do his best to avoid having you over at his house
He didn't want you to meet his family tbh
But, you two accidentally ran into Ena during a date
She kinda flipped out a bit, but was just surprised Akito would date anyone tbh
He takes so many photos of you???
Like it's crazy how many he has
He also gets Ena to edit them so he can post them on his socials
He's also very big on anniversary's
He won't exactly go all out,
But he does plan surprise hang outs or hides little gifts all over your house
Now this man
Gets jealous like a mother fucker
If anyone looks at you with even a hint of ill intent he gets a million percent more touchy
Leans into you, hugs you, kisses you, every form of pda
And if any soul dares to flirt with you in his presence
Oh holy shit
He insults them so hard
He also has had to be held back once or twice from fighting people for you
One think about Akito though,
He does not like admitting he's wrong
Which has caused a few little fights here and there, but nothing serious though
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the-great-knight-gay · 4 months
My PJO episode ratings
Before I wanted to start I just wanted to say that I reserved all judgement about the show until it was over because I decided to trust the writers and let me tell you i LOVED pretty much every change because thats what adaptations are about
changing whats not good anymore or improving where it can be
Now on to the rankings
EP1: 7/10
This was a solid start to the series which pretty much perfected most of the characterizations. I had a few issues originally but these were pretty quicky turned around.
Mrs Dodds fight at the MET was too short but was made up for by her increased appearances across the season which was really nice imo
random cuts to black to avoid showing the car crash - (i had this problem two other times in the show which was during ep2 and ep5 but i dont mind it anymore but ill discuss that later)
grover felt kinda sleazy for me at the start but i did make my peace with this change overall because of something later on.
EP2: 8/10
Ep2 had the same feel as Ep1 being so very Percy Jackson esque with the humour and the characterizations
The fight choreography was also just top notch and Dior's scream was just amazing and i cannot believe that it was unscripted
just goes to show how the casting is so perfect - does not matter at all that they don't look book accurate
again the cut to black was kinda annoying for me as we just skipped the council of cloven elders scene which had SUCH A GOOD SET and i was so dissapointed when we didn't see it but otherwise i had a really good time
I don't mind that they cut the bowing for the claiming but they could have done it so only the big three kids are bowed to which shows how revered they are
percy not wanting to go on the quest and only going when grover says his mom is in the underworld just exemplifies percy's momma boi tendencies and fixed grovers character for me which made it all the worthwhile
This is one of the most accurate mixed of greek and roman mythology for medusa i have ever seen.
in the original greek medusa was more of a monstrous figure while the romans started to paint her as a victim of the gods spats and this i feel captures both parts to that really well and JPK just kills it.
Grover is really good in this episode just trying to hold it together and then giving percabeth a reality check at the end is so good.
EP4: 8/10
Step down from ep3 for me mainly because i wanted to see more of the chimera fight and because it was a little too expositiony at the beginning but overall really solid episode and the change in the fall from the arch is really well done
not much to say really
the kids are getting better and better throughout the show
'its like you want me to make fun of you'
this is percabeth just how i imagined them
walker and leah killed it and aryan is just amazing as well.
EP5: 10/10
EP6: 7/10
lets be honest the only reason people wanted to see the lotus scenes was because the movie popularized it and retrospectively because of nico and bianca
if was a tiny (but significant) part of the book and didn't really need to be the whole episode pretty much but I did like how they handled it as compared to the movie version which, while fun, did not really fit a percy jackson kind of vibe to me personally.
Lin Manuel Miranda was really good at playing Hermes and grovers scenes were some of my favourite (especially because thats where we get the di angelos easter egg but whatever)
overall a bit of a dip but still really fun for me to watch
plus i love dua lipa so the music change was a big win for me
EP7 9/10:
Procrustes could have been done a little better because it really feels like the suspense was taken away during that scene but the flashbacks were so good
EP8: 8471782487261078480/10:
'do you ever dream about mom?'
'i heard everything'
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