#ily all very much and i would send my good vibes right back at you!! you are all so cool give urself a pat on the back
200 259 followers DTIYS!!
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Finally after FAR too long debating, I finally drew up a DTIYS!! It was originally supposed to be for 200 followers, but uh... a little late!
Before I get into any rules or anything, I just- I gotta thank some people. People like my Twin, and platonic spouse aren't on Tumblr, BUT!
@tobi-draws a best friend and, honestly family to me. You might not have any idea how much your writing has helped me get through life, but it has. Any time you've updated is a good time for me! you're incredibly talented and I am honored to be your friend!! Ily!! /fam!
And of course Argos!! @childofthest4rzz my sib!! Sis? (I'll ask later??) My bestie in every RP and literally like the brightest person ever, ilysm to the sun and back!
And, my mum here @inka-boi congratulations on 269+ followers!!! I wish I had entered your DTIYS, but I'm so happy so many other people did, you deserve it!!
And @dtdrawz you are, very very cool. Very awesome, I like it, we vibing. Literally I look up to your art, it actually was the reason I drew this specifically! 😎
@absurdumsid AHGHGHGHH YOUR ART- I am super duper glad we got to work on UTMV agereverse farm sans together, and I am INCREDIBLY grateful I got to talk to you about my experiences as a system, thank you!
@pepsifvcker23 hey you! You're awesome! I'm literally so happy we're friends!! Your writing is NOM! /pos!
@pixieperson19 <- we love Angst. We thrive off it. We enjoy it together. 🥰 /p
@zombiestar1934 RAAAAHH!! >:3 /vvpos
THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE I DIDN'T MENTION I'M SORRY, THE LIST WOULD BE SO LONG- @jazzy-jazzz @screwnames-ihatenames @annabel184 @denieatsart @italic-doing-random-shit @largefound @ant1quarian @the-second-reason @n1ght-sh4d3 @fell-is-suffering @kiyo-void @iatetheglue @inkcat1987 @axinfinity @fruityfroggyfelon AND LITERALLY ALL MY MOOTS YOU ARE ALL SO SPECTACULAR!!!
*Deep breath*
With that put of the way! Rules!
Tag me!
You may change the pose, but he must be sleeping.
The crown has to stay the same.
You may add your own touches if you wish, as long as the vibe is the same. This includes adding accessories.
The lighting is not important and doesn't have to be included.
You may add other facądetale characters if you wish.
Have fun with it!
Prizes are uh, I am going to TRY and provide them! Keep in mind, as of right now I have no decided deadline! I'll make a post later on going into more depth about prizes, and the deadline! (It's gonna be atleast a few months)
Once again... thank you all. I've struggled a lot, I still do. But to all my followers, thank you. I never thought I get this far, it's Lunartastic! Everyone I'm sending good vibes your way!! Have a wonderful time, and thank you!
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my-own-walker · 1 year
dating frat! kyle headcanons please?? ily 💕💕
Dating Kyle Spencer - Campus Fratboy Headcanons
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note: i love this! it's a lil quickie i can put out before i post my next story!
He's really affectionate in public. Especially around his frat brothers. He treats you like his prized possession, but not in a toxic manipulative way. He's just really proud he bagged a babe like you.
And by showing you off, I definitely mean he tries to make his frat bros jealous of what he has with you. He talks you up to them and tells them how cool you are (your achievements, things he likes about you).
In private he's even sweeter. Very vulnerable with his emotions. He comes right out and says what he's feeling no matter what.
He will open up to you about anything. Fights/arguments are typically very productive. He's a good communicator and lays his thoughts out on the table for you.
Not afraid to cry in front of you either. He isn't afraid to curl up into a ball on your lap and sob into the crook of your neck. But he's also very supportive of your emotions too. Will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Total softie.
Frequently buys you flowers/food/trinkets he thinks you'd like whenever he gets the chance. Always thinking of you. He remembers the small things, too.
You said you were out of your moisturizer last night? He shows up with it the next day, correct brand and all, because he knew you had class and would be too busy to get to the store.
Definitely is already planning your wedding. Like who will be there, where it will be, the whole nine. He's a commitment king. He doesn't do flings. When he's dating you he's in it for the long haul.
100% has the worst sex playlist on Earth. Like he made one, which is cute, but it's all 80s yacht rock and classic rock he was raised on.
Fav songs include: Hold The Line by Toto, Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp, Do Ya by Electric Light Orchestra, and I'm Still Standing by Elton John.
Total uncle vibes. He's a 20-year-old uncle. Makes dad jokes and is super corny. If you're in a store together and a song he likes starts playing, he will full-on start singing and dancing to it in an attempt to make you laugh.
Like he will twirl you and everything.
A total people-pleaser. You have to have multiple stern talks with him about doing whatever his frat brothers ask him to do. He just wants to fit in, but you see their tendency to walk all over him and take advantage of his kindness.
That being said, he is totally cool with making a fool of himself in public. He laughs at himself a lot.
He's really book-smart, but not always street-smart. Common sense sometimes evades him. He'll tutor you in biology but then forget to use oven mitts when pulling something hot out of the oven.
Very intimate in more ways than sex. It isn't a top priority for him. He is very touch-oriented. Every part of him wants to be touching you at all times. He would live him your clothes if he could.
He's big on neck kisses. They're his weakness.
Whenever you hold hands he makes a point to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb. When you cuddle, he's playing with your hair. When you're studying together, his arm is around you, or his hand is on your forearm.
Big on eye contact. He likes to look into your eyes during intimate moments. It helps him feel grounded/stay connected to you. Gives him a sense of control.
He is super helpful. Will always carry heavy things for you. Built the Ikea bookshelf in your apartment for you all by himself. When he's around your family, he helps with cooking, cleaning, whatever.
Makes a point to sit next to your grandmother/grandfather. Really respects his elders. Has genuine conversations with them and is super patient. Truly listens to their life stories.
Has a folder in his phone of pictures of you. He's always taking candid shots of you. He likes the non-posed photos just as much as the posed ones.
Don't even get me started on the selfies. He will send you 5 million silly selfies when he's bored. Whenever you hang out he's taking dumb selfies with you. Basically, he figured out his phone had a front camera and has been entertained by it ever since.
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ghostiiess · 7 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - making your apartment spooky with justin
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: some swears here and there, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
member: justin phan
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so you guys just finished shopping
this year, with your boyfriend justin, you both decided that it would be a great thing to do a halloween party in your appartment
but of course, to make a good and unforgettable halloween party, you need to decorate the place!!
otherwise, it is not really a halloween party, it’s just….well, a party
(More under the cut!)
so jp offered his help to decorate your apartment with you!
« I’m telling you babe… in 2h, this apartment will looks spooky af! »
this man was ready.
you only asked him to bring his bluetooth speaker
this man brought your favorite fall drink, and A LOT of decorations
like this man bought stuff for like $100...
you will have enough decoration, i think.
you already had some decorations in your apartment, but this man bought even more (bc he said “what if we miss any?”)
you won’t have to go out for buying some more
at least, i hope not 😂
btw, he forgot the bluetooth speaker.
“Omg, I totally forgot!”
he would put the music on your tv or something like that
he would put a halloween music playlist
“this is the best halloween song, don’t you agree baby?”
and he would vibe so much, he would not be able to stop dancing or like sing the song
this man knows how to decorate a room!!
like idk how to explain it, but he knows where things goes
he knows how to make a great ambience with the decorations and what to buy…
i hope you understand what im trying to say 😅
“more to the left…. okay, now that’s too much.. just a little bit more to the right and you’re all set”
he would try to scare you with jumpscares
then fail.
“i bought this halloween mask just for you"
yes, you heard him.
he spent $15 for a halloween mask that didnt even scared you.
also, he would put fake spider and bats on your wall, i hope you are not scared of them…
“this is starting to look great!”
he also bought fake spider web
“spiderman will come to us!”
he would be so concentrated…
like, he would not stop until your apartment look spooky
“do you think we should add this banner on this wall?”
“you look so cute when you’re all focused like that..”
he would not be able to stop smiling
“my love, you are doing such a great job!”
“sweetie? could you help me for a sec?”
he would be the type to let you decorate for a while just bc he was busy making you something sweet to eat (or to drink)
“because you worked so well, you deserve this lil’ reward”
he’s a cutie :(
he would put LED light in your bathroom, in the living room, literally everywhere he can hahaha
also, he would tease you so much
you would put a fake monster mask and he would be like 😐😐
but then, when you would take it off, he would be like 🫨🫨
"damn, your face scared me! put that thing back on!"
he is only teasing, i promise you
but he's still a lil' bastard to say that 🤪😚😇
just kidding, ily jp
after a lot of preparation, decorations, making snacks, blablablaaaa..
it was the halloween party!!
let's say everyone LOVED how your apartment was decored
i would like to say that most of your decorations were still perfectly intact after the party, but it would be a lie…
the 4h of decoration n preparation was worth it 😌
you did a party with 7 boys (and their girls) full of energy (okay 6 if we don't count ryan bc watching animes > partying) + there was some alcohol…
phan bought soju !!
if you can't drink / not in the age to drink, he would make you juice or a special drink
drinks that taste like alcohol, but that don't have any alcohol in it?
anyways! hope your enjoyed your halloween party with jp
yes idk how to end this rip
taglist! (open! send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
bold can't be tagged.
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misc-obeyme · 13 days
Thinking about Lucifer knowing Spanish, and I love the idea that he picked it up on his own (HELP, IMAGINE HE LEARNED IT SUPER FAST BEFORE THE EXCHANGE STARTED ONCE HE SAW MY FILE, THAT'D ALSO BE FUNNY). But if Lucifer ever scolded me in Spanish, I'd fr burst into tears and turn into the biggest goody two shoes 💀 (for at least a few days). Like I already hate being lectured, but something about it being in Spanish just 😭 it feels sooo much worse (maybe because there's so much emotion in the language? Dialect? Very big disappointed mom vibes.)
also IT AIN'T GONNA BE ME CONFESSING, THAT'S FOR SURE. Or if I did, it'd be in the most round about way or by accident (catch me pulling a Mammon like in that car ride drabble.). I am saying it in EVERY WHICH WAY except saying 'ily' outright.
It wasn't my day for dinner but you came home sad, and suddenly I'm cooking and it's your favorite dish? Psh, don't mean nothing, I was craving it too. I found a super shiny coin and gifted it to you? I have plentyyy (don't think about the fact I keep shiny coins from the current year in my bag for good luck, and it's the first one I've found all year). I'm spending my last pieces of grimm to buy us a treat to share bc we passed our exam? Well, it'd be wrong if I only got myself one... (true story, spent my last $10 on chipotle kids meals for me and my friend/coworker so we could eat because we were both broke and had two days left to payday)
Mammon will need to grab me by the shoulders and shake me because I would not believe he's into me. I'd come up with an excuse for any evidence that he is into me 💀 He could be like "GET IT THROUGH THAT THICK SKULL OF YOURS THAT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU!" and I'd be like "you wot? you're joking right?"
like I said, I'm denying it to hell and back because it's scary af !! I've only been in love 2.5 times, and the first time I was brushing off my feelings and making excuses. And then one day I had the "Oh. Oh... Aw, fuck." moment and became a mess around them. I've always been wary of romance (my only relationship ended up toxic, and I became more wary lol)
But the same thing happened with Mammon becoming my fave 😭 I was thinking about other characters (along with Mammon) like Levi, Beel, and Dia. But then everything about Mammon made me fall a little more without realizing, even while I was trying to deny it. I'd get asked my fave character, and I couldn't choose, but Mammon was always an option. And one day I had the "Aw, shit" moment. He won me over with his dumbass ways, heart of gold, and terrible bandaging skills.
anyway I am excited for the new lessons !! my cards are powered UP ! also I got a sketch and lineart update on one of my comms and 😭🫶 literally wanted to jump around at work because it's so perfect and cute (it's me and Mammon cuddling in bed AND RHEY PUT HIM IN A TANK TOP SND YOU CSN SEE HIS MUSCLRS AKDKD)
- ✨ anon
Disappointed mom vibes lolol. I think that would suit Lucifer really well, actually. He has those vibes anyway, make him lecture in Spanish and it's just even better~
Er. Well. I like when strict characters start scolding people, so perhaps my opinion is invalid in this case. I just find it very funny and it makes me want to tease them so bad.
Anyway, here's my opinion on romance: yes, it's scary af. But it's worth the risk.
Any time you enter into a relationship with someone, especially if there are intense feelings involved, you're taking a risk. No matter what, even in friendship and other such types of relationships. The way to get close to someone is to be vulnerable with them. And there's always the chance that the person you're being vulnerable with will take that as an opportunity to hurt you. But not everybody will. And you'll miss out on the people who won't if you just... don't even try, you know what I mean?
Ehhhh sorry to get all deep on you like that, but I've seen this kinda thing plenty of times in my life. I'm that person everybody tells all their relationship woes to and then I give them advice that they never take. And then it always turns out that I was right all along lol.
I also kinda think it's okay to fall in love with someone but never act on it. Sometimes it feels like I fall in love with everyone I meet. But sometimes you legit fall in love with someone who just... isn't the right one for you. And you know it, so there's no point in trying to pursue anything. And the feelings fade as that person moves on with their life and it just becomes a fond memory.
For what it's worth, I don't think Mammon would ever give up on you. He's not as dumb as everyone makes him out to be. He's actually quite emotionally intelligent. As soon as he finally figured out his own feelings and was able to accept them, he would clock onto yours. And if someone straight up told him (such as one of his brothers), I think he'd keep reaching out to you, keep trying for you, keep doing his best to make it so you're comfortable enough with him to be honest about how you feel~
Anyway, this is just me being a hopeless romantic lol!
Welcome to the Writing Essays About Fictional Characters You Love Club! lol honestly I get so embarrassed about how much I have to say sometimes...
I'm also excited about new lessons! And your commission sounds amazing already!
Sending the good vibes right back to you! May we all find $10 on the ground!!
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Hello Sofi! The lovely anon
I’ve just read all your messages and seeing as you wanted to be anonymous, I’ll simply reply though here without directly replying to your ask and without disclosing your account.
 I feel like a 40 year old woman that has to sit down with her coffee and glasses to read the story her favorite writer just dropped.
Honestly, I feel very similar, in the sense that, whenever I’m writing, I’m in some alternate universe where I’m pursuing writing and am writing to publish some book of mine :] 
I’ve also read your comments beside writing and I hope you’re doing okay, it’s a tough year especially all the weird and sad situations going on that hit like a truck but remember that you followers and me are here to support you. You can talk to me about anything you need, I’ll always be here to help you, it’s the least I can do as a big fan of yours.
It has been a rough year for most if not all of us. On top of personal family issues, my writer's block and depression seem to be wombo comboing my ass for the past few months. Evident by the lack of new works on this blog as well as the second chapter of The Cage that I had promised. I really appreciate how understanding and thoughtful you are ^^ I should be back on my usual habit hopefully soon. 
And I am so thankful that you took the time to read my letter and you loved it and will save it, it meant not only the world but also the whole entire galaxy to me. I meant every word I said and will keep on sending lovely asks because you absolutely, with no shadow of a doubt, deserve them. ILY, stay safe my love and sending all good and calming vibes your way <333
Gosh, this is all so sweet I don’t know how to express how grateful I am. I truly am! Your kind and sweet messages haven’t failed to brighten my day whenever I’ve received them. THANK YOU <3
hihihii !! it’s me again, the lovely anon lol. You can call me sofi btw if you want to :D. So I’m coming with another message, sorry if they bother but I really like writing them and idk, it just feels right.
I’m very much fine with such kind messages so no need to shy away! In a way, it is nice to interact with my readers and know a bit about them and what they think about my writing. Lol, it feels less like I'm putting my writing out into the void and more like to people with similar interests and likings. 
Anywayssss, so yesterday I was listening to Conan Gray and I had this weird awakening, while listening to ‘Memories’ I remembered the dialogue you wrote, the one where the reader was left alone and GOD. I read it while listening and it fitted so well, I firmly believe you just have a way to convey so many emotions into one scene like a full on movie script and like I get this tight feeling on my chest, so sad and prominent that only REALLY GOOD STORIES make me have.
I like writing just dialogue because unlike the other proper stories, which have settings, dialogue, descriptions, etc, etc.- the reader gets to make and take away from the dialogue as much or as little as they want to. Like, sprinkle your brain glitter on it and make it as emotionally harrowing as you want ^^ 
I listened to Memories and oh my god, I did not know that there would be a song so fitting to this dialogue as this is! This song has like 90% of what my thought process consisted of when I was writing D4. This is just so wild and interesting I'm like all giddy and frazzled. And once again, thank you so much. My writing is almost always self-indulgent and with this, I’m very happy and satisfied that the emotions I was feeling were able to transfer into my writing. Please I hope you had some chocolate after the pain that my writing inflicted!!! I can’t lose my readers!!! 
If I could add and expand, the rest of the 10% that I wanted to convey into the writing of D4 was... anger accompanied by betrayal. In my mind, the ‘reader’ in D4 struggles with abandonment and attachment so being left all alone, a lot of hurt and confutation was laced into the last dialogue. 
That’s you power, absolutely incredible. I cannot stress enough about how amazing you are, seriously you’re super cool and I hope you know that whatever you come up with I just love it so much. Even the small and insignificant make such a difference for me, also you made want to pick up a story I left long forgotten before I started college. It’s just idk, you reminded me how sweet it is to step back and write something cute and warm (I’m a film student, most scripts I write are horror lmao) so thank you so much for that, hope you’re getting better everyday. Stay safe, ily and sending you all the good vibes <333
Hearing all of this motivates me so much to write and makes my brain brrr like there's no tomorrow. 
I’m glad that you’ve reconnected with your own writing <3 If you ever post your writing online, I would love to read them! I enjoy reading horror, mostly Stephen king for now (I hope to explore), so if your horror scripts are ever posted as well, link me! 
I apologise for such a late reply. I hope you are doing well! All the good vibes to you too and I hope you take care Sofi <3 !!!
I just realized I wasn’t hitting the anon button all this time 💀 now you know my secret identity
Hmm, it seems that I have spontaneously forgotten the name of your account and now your online identity will remain an absolute mystery ;] 
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
🍈 🍌🍍🥭 (love you🥰)
HI FRANCY!!!! thanks so much for stopping by ah!!! i saw these asks and they looked mega cool so i *had* to reblog :) thank you so much for sending these in and enjoy! (ILY!!)
🍈 which oc is most like you? Why?
I think the OC that is *most* like me and who I am in real life is Catherine McCown from The Soldier of Stars if I'm being honest. Each OC I create does have a small bit of who I am in real life there, but if it were to be any of the characters I've created, it would most definitely be Catherine. Catherine's entire personality is one I have always adored, and there are many similar qualities we share with one another that make us who we are! Her motherly-nature, her humor levels, a sort of tough, but can soften at times exterior and a strong-willed mind is something that comes to mind when I think of her and I feel I hold some of those qualities as well.
🍌if you could live in one of your stories, which would it be and why?
Oh man, I really don't know haha! If I'm being honest, I wrote a short one-shot back in February that centered around a new and fresh-faced young woman named Winnie Chapman who lives in Aldbourne and recently volunteered with the Land Girls. In this, she meets Pat Christenson and they entire vibe of sort of 'love-at-first-sight', or 'instant connection' with a whimsical youthfulness and utter joy about it, is something I really loved with that short fic (and it's also not sad either compared to my long fics lol!) and so if anything, definitely that. [It's called Apple Pies and Paratroopers I believe!] Plus, Winnie was a *joy* to write and an absolute angel!
🍍 do you enjoy writing villains?
I LOVE writing villains. Of course, the typical villain is beyond fun to write. But villains with a backstory and who appear morally-grey all at once and seem to dance that line of good and bad are some of my favorites too. By far, Bachrach from Landslide sort of plays the role of 'typical villain', but Agent Mortem from the same fic appears morally-grey and dances on that good/bad line far too often. There's just so much free space to write in both those directions and even more of those directions combined. Which makes Agent Mortem so much fun to write, because once his backstory is explained; you see where he's coming from, even if it gives him no right to let him get away with treating Natia as he did. So...YES, I enjoy writing villains very, very much!!! :) [I could go on, but I *shall* contain myself haha.]
🥭 what are your favorite tropes to write?
FAV TROPES!!! By far, friends-to-lovers. That's definitely my top with found family being a close second. I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers too and have yet to really test that in writing (though I hope in the future to tackle it). Platonic besties is another; besties who would die for each other and do anything for each other are just....that's the bread and butter truly. I also like enemies-to-besties hehe (even though I just made that up lol). Those are my goes to's and I don't think I'll ever get sick of them, there's just so much room to write with them and so many different ways and interpretations and AHHHH, they're just so fun! :)
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crescentfool · 3 years
idk if this might be an odd question but what songs would you put in a spotify ryomina-themed playlist? I like to see which songs people associate with them :)
hi there anon!! thank you so much for the ask! 💛💙
honestly, this isn't an odd question at all? i feel the same way when i have a ship that i really like, i love looking for people's song recs and spotify playlists whenever possible!
that said, i usually struggle with assembling song recommendations because i feel weirdly self-conscious about the fact that i don't listen to music? LIKE... i do listen to stuff but it's usually the same songs (usually some mix of game osts, vocaloid, and k-pop). so i end up being like, "OMG NOO WHAT IF THIS DOESNT FIT 10/10," haha.
but in any case, i really appreciate being asked this (it's a great thinking exercise!), so here's a few songs for you, anon!
magnet - hatsune miku and megurine luka | this is the first song that comes to mind! the visual aesthetics are GREAT, and the song is a vocaloid classic about forbidden love. plus, there's two ryomina mmds of this song already! [ 1 , 2 ]
vivi - kenshi yonezu | this song. oh. it gives me december 31st vibes. i feel like the song could be great from ryoji's pov, it captures his role of being the appriser (and his feelings toward minato) really well.. a bit too well, it's almost devastating.
lemon - kenshi yonezu | more ryoji POV songs... literally post december 2nd vibes, if you ask me. very heart-wrenching song; it's how i discovered yonezu's vocal works!
donut hole - gumi | i swear i'll stop with the kenshi yonezu recs BUT! more angsty ryoji vibes, specifically november? it reminds me a bit of his social link- as the song discusses memory loss (while only being able to remember one specific person).
ikanaide - kaai yuki | not sure if i feel 100% with my recommendation here, but some aspects of the song lowkey reminds me of december 31st (specifically, minato's point of view!). i've linked the official version of the song but, i also like the acoustic/english cover by lizz robinett.
seasonal feathers - kagamine rin and len | this song gives me ryomina vibes but in an AU sense, specifically because of these lyrics: "If someday, I were no longer human, would you still love me?” the song has a nice story that was heavily inspired by the japanese folktale the grateful crane.
only us from dear even hansen | this is the one song i'm suggesting that's in english. but. what if. ryomina ditched their december canonverse problems to just live in a world with just themselves. i think about this song a lot and it's Very Good.
and that's my seven songs that remind me of ryomina! thank you again anon for such a nice prompt- i had a lot of fun revisiting some of my fave songs to answer this! if anyone else has any song recs for ryomina specifically, please feel free to share them! whether if it's in my inbox or if you want to drop your spotify playlist in the ryomina tag; i'm sure others would like it too! have a fantastic day anon- thanks for listening to my ted talk! 💛💙
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elysianslove · 3 years
omg wait ok who in jjk do you think is an ass, thigh or tits person?? also congrats on 4k thats so sexc of u!!! you're so talented you deserve every one of them <33 MWAH
bb thank you so much ily so much <333 kiss kiss mwah <333 and! thank you for asking this i have been waiting for this ask to come into my inbox. warning; suggestive and mentions of nsfw
ITADORI YUUJI is an ass person. aside from the fact that it’s canon, i see him as someone that’s just mesmerized with ass. loves seeing it in jeans, or those patterned loose pants yk the one that make everyone’s ass jiggle, or in a tight dress, or in booty shorts. and not just that! he loves to be touching you too. as his s/o, you are never free from his groping hands. loves to lift you up and just place his hands on your ass, to ‘keep you steady’ or whatever, and also loves to lay on your ass if you’re on your stomach. makes you laugh so it jiggles against his head/cheek. he’s a bit too shy to smack your ass in public, but catch him doing it all the time at home. like as you’re passing by him or standing there minding your business. or just always having a handful of your ass when you two are sitting down/cuddling. definitely fake fucks you when you bend over too just saying. 
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI i see more as a tits kinda guy. he says doesn’t have a preference, but that all changes when he sees you in a low-cut revealing shirt. he’s a respectful guy so he will be trying not to look. it doesn’t really work though. it’s not that he doesn’t like ass or thighs, it’s more that whenever he sees your tits it goes to his dick a lot quicker lmao. he loves, loves, loves it when you don’t wear a bra, no matter the shirt you wear, no matter your breast size, and if it’s see through as well? consider him dead. oh and megumi’s hands are large. i’m not saying he has a size kink but, there’s just something about the way they look against your breasts. also! he really likes,,, just, kinda, fondling with them. holding them, groping them, as he’s sitting there. it’s fun. and warm. also adores stuffing his face against your chest, even if you have small tits, he just likes it. it’s all about the intimacy of laying on your lover’s naked chest for him <3 
KUGISAKI NOBARA is definitely a tits kinda girl. like no questions, no criticisms, nothing just vibes and titties. she loves the way they look, the way they feel, in her hands, in her mouth, literally anything and everything. considering she has breasts too, she knows just how comforting it is to hold onto them just randomly. if you have big breasts, she’s in heaven as she stuffs her face against them, nothing nsfw just cause. if you have small breasts, she’s still in heaven as she just sucks on them as a stress reliever. she’s like a toddler when she’s stressed like ‘lemme suck on your tiddies pls’ lmfao. also!! she is a fashion icon, an star, an idol, she knows the type of clothes that look flattering and which don’t. also she loves to go bra shopping with you just so she can get into the changing room and start groping and bouncing your breasts to test out the bra, as she claims. but yes, she’s a titties girl! 
RYOMEN SUKUNA is, if not an all kinda guy, a thighs man. wears them like ear muffs lmfao. his infatuation was first purely nsfw, and he would show it by constantly leaving bruises all over them, marking you, whether it was from his tight, vice like grip, or from his mouth. but then over time it became just genuine love and fascination, especially after that one time you had whined at him after sex to just massage your sore thighs for you. he’d begrudgingly agreed, but then he ended up loving the feel of kneading them in his strong hands. and after growing comfortable with cuddling, his favorite position is just where his head is in between your thighs and your ankles are crossed at his chest. he can stay like that for hours honestly. also he likes to have his hands resting there, squeezing every once in a while. but, like i said, sukuna just likes your body in general. 
INUMAKI TOGE was a little more difficult to decide, and i’m still not that sure of this, but i think he’d be an ass person, just because i think he’s lowkey very touchy with his s/o and he’d like to just— rest his hands there all the time. likes it when the two of you are cuddling and you leg is lifted up across him, allowing him to settle his hand on the curve of your ass. also he’s lowkey a very cheeky person when it comes to his s/o, so i can just imagine as you’re laying down on your tummy, he pats your ass and every time it jiggles he giggles to himself lightly. also the type to rest against his s/o’s ass just cause but he would actually fall asleep like that. also! whenever he’s resting like that, he likes to give your ass a little peck, just a small smooch, a token of appreciation if you will, before he pats where he kissed lightly, and in his own way he just says, “nice :D.” 
GOJŌ SATORU. ass. ass. ass. ass. ass. ass man! is absolutely in love with your ass. smacks it in public with zero shame, just sends a teasing grin your way, and like, finger guns at you with a wink or something. when you walk past him at home in shorts or like only your underwear, he likes to give it a nice little pat. every single time. and when you bend over while he’s sitting on the couch or laying on the bed or something, he calls out in the cheekiest, most teasing, most annoying voice, “nice.” i hate his sexy ass sm. does tiktoks with you that include you throwing it back on him because he wants to give you reason to. loves to watch you put on your clothes, especially jeans, when you like jump in them. he’s just a pervert with a license to constantly hit on you. 
NANAMI KENTŌ is also definitely an ass man. look at him. tell me he doesn’t love ass. loves to fondle and grope it all the time, no matter where you are, and he’s very good at making it look subtle too so he gets away with doing in public too. nanami strikes me as someone that’s slightly possessive, not unhealthily so, but he does always like to subtle hand on you whenever the two of you are out, and more often than not his hand’s resting right above your ass. also he’s a very giving partner, in all ways, so i see him offering to give you massages all the time. definitely lingers on your ass, kneading strongly yet softly, even if you don’t need it? he just likes to do it. is not as open about it as the others, but he’s very obvious about it hehe
ZENIN MAKI is a thighs girl. also is the type to love stuffing her face in between them, but it’s a fixation kinda thing where she cannot stop ogling at your legs, specifically your thighs. loves to grope and squeeze at them all the time, and her all time favorite thing is seeing you in thigh highs, where the stockings squeeze at your thighs just a little. it makes her mind cloud over. 
ZENIN MAI is a a tits girl. i was thinking maybe she’s an ass girl, but i’m so certain she wouldn’t be able to take her eyes off of you or your cleavage if you wore anything to show off your breasts. definitely likes to lay on your chest and kiss and suckle on them, just randomly. also kinda a possessive thing, cause she will absolutely leave marks. she just. loves your tits okay? 
GETŌ SUGURU is an ass man. loves seeing you all dressed up in outfits that show your ass off, and almost always he won’t really touch, not unless the two of you were really intimate, but he looks. he looks so much, and he makes it so obvious that he’s checking you out. in public, at home, doesn’t matter. he’ll be eyeing you up and down and will have this sultry smirk as he glances at your ass. kinda hot ngl.
MAHITO is also a little bit tricky because i want to say ass, but i also want to say tits. somewhere in between ass and tits then. he has like,,, moods for them you know. sometimes he won’t stop ogling at your breasts, and other times he can’t keep his hands off your ass. either way, he’s very teasing about it, and he will buy you really provocative clothes to show both off. so kind <3
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
(Yes I know this is my second ask but shhh I had several ideas)
So you know how everyone goes on about Dream having both his human form and his blob form? Or some of the side aus where Quackity has his tiny fuck form when he’s on low health?
I’d humbly like to present to you, Pig Techno.
He gets on low health or maybe he’s just forced to transform every once in a while and you’ve got this teacup pig in your arms with the tiniest tusks. He just sits in your lap and “guards” you. Requests you take him everywhere with you so he can keep an eye on people by headbutting your ankle incessantly until you pick him up. Will get onto people later about things they did while he was pig. He makes tiny little snuffles and oinks and wiggles his little hooves around but he’s just so tiny and cute and you gotta love him.
Just Hold. Hold the pig. hold the tiny scarred baby. Acknowledge it’s your boyfriend but then ignore that fact as you kiss his little snoot and give him the best headpats.
(Alternatively Dadza turning into a crow from time to time and you walk around with this ominous sign of death on your shoulder but it’s just Philza tired as fuck and needing a place to rest.)
Again thank you for your wonderful writing! Ever love-🌻
(Please always feel free to send in asks. Ily very much 🌻 and I love interacting with you and reading your asks so please always feel free to send stuff in!!!!) (P.S. This is the last one for tonight! Hope you all have enjoyed!! Maybe more tomorrow, again idk because school is heckin stressful. We’ll see)
This is so so so so so so so so cute!!! Thank you so so so so much for this idea. 
So I imagine you’re like at home, sitting on the couch reading a book in front of the fireplace when you feel something smack against your ankle. It startles you a little bit and before you can look to see what it was, you get another smack on the leg and a small oink fills the air. You instantly know what has happened and you set down your book, reach down, and pick up the small pig and set him on your lap. “Are you okay?” You’d ask, your hand coming down and resting on tiny Techno’s back. He lets out a small snort and closes his eyes, as tries to bury his face against your thigh for comfort and warmth. You let out a small laugh, “Okay then. I’ll just cuddle and take care care in this form then” You get another snort in response. “Fair enough then”. You pick up your book once more and go back to reading, the hand that is resting on Techno subconsciously begins stroking up and down. At one point, he lets out an oink and you tear your gaze away from your book to look at him, “What?” you ask. He looks from you to the book and then back to you, “You want me to read to you?” another oink. “Alright then” and so then you begin reading out loud. Soon enough the small snores and squeals that you get when Techno is this tiny fill the air as he sleeps. 
If you are out in public and he’s a tiny pig, you have to be holding him. It’s the law… Okay it’s a Techno law. There was only one time that you didn’t follow this law and the bruising that appeared on your ankles after Techno smashed his face into them several times trying to get you to pick him up made sure that you never broke this law again. Also if you’re out in public, people have a tendency to coo over the small pig that you call your boyfriend. They never get to see Techno like this, so small and so unintimidating. So they coo over him and try to pet him, but Techno usually doesn’t let them, snapping at their fingers when they get too close to him. But once you scold him, Techno begrudgingly let’s them pet him. And he will never ever admit it but it actually feels kind of nice to be adored like this. Sometimes when you’re out in public and you’re seated somewhere, he will sit in your lap and cuddle you. These are the times where he doesn’t care the kind of scolding he gets, he will not let anyone near the two of you when he’s snuggled into you. Quackity once almost lost a finger because of how hard Techno had bit him with his tusks. Everyone tends to stay clear after that. And even if they don’t, Techno does have a stern talk with them when he’s back to normal.
I have an obsession with putting things on my shoulders okay? So like imagine you’re out walking with Techno in your hands and your arms get tired or maybe you have to carry something else and can’t juggle your boyfriend and the stuff so you just reach up and put him on your shoulder. Luckily he has enough balance and grace to sit himself down on your shoulder and remain there until you take him off. It would be so cute to see okay? Like you walking around with a tiny pig on your shoulder. You could ask questions out loud and Techno would give you small snorts, oinks, and squeals in response and although you may not understand entirely but you always get the gist. Techno always really appreciates how you act like everything is normal when he’s in his tiniest form. You don’t find it weird or off putting, you just accept it 100% and keep going. 
Something that you and him both love is snoot kisses. At random times you’ll pick him up and bring him close to your face and press multiple kisses to his snout. Sometimes Techno expects them and gives you little snorts and grumbles of appreciation but sometimes he doesn’t. The more surprised he is, the louder and higher pitched squeal you get. When he squeals it always makes you giggle and it makes him grumble in distaste afterwards, but he secretly loves it. You just give him lots of snout kisses because you both love it and it’s one of the easiest ways to show affection when he’s like this. It’s just very very cute. 
Bonus: Philza sees how much you take care of Techno when he’s like this and asks if he can come to you when he reverts to his tiny form and of course you say yes! So every once in a while, you’ll be walking around the SMP and suddenly a bird lands on your shoulder. It startled you the first few times, but now you’re used to it. People will look out their windows and see your cheerful self strolling around but there would be this big looming bird on your shoulder staring out around the world. Something really funny that I think happens is that sometimes Tommy will run up to you and be like “Y/N! Have you seen Phil? I can’t find him! Also, nice bird when did you get that” and you can’t help but chuckle, “No, no I haven’t seen Phil. Maybe he’s hiding so he can take a break… I’m sure he’ll be back soon and when he does come back he’ll find you… And my bird? Oh thanks! He’s not really my bird, he just comes and visits me sometimes” Tommy approaches you and tries to pet the bird but Philza snaps his beak and him and Tommy jumps back “I’m afraid he’s not feeling very friendly right now maybe next time… Now run along Tommy, go play with Tubbo okay?” Tommy glares at the bird but gives you a nod and runs away. Once he’s out of ear shot you begin laughing and Phil who is sitting on your shoulder begins cawing, which is the way he laughs in this form. “We got him good huh Phil?” You ask once you calm down and begin moving down the path more. He lets out a single caw and you know he’s agreeing with you. 
(Small note, I almost feel you get the nickname of Y/N small animal tamer and just anyone that turns into an animal or another form after taking a bunch of damage comes to you and just vibes with you until they heal and can turn back into their full form.
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floofs-headcanons · 3 years
Happy Birthday; Scenario
Character; Law
Word Count; 1,248
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEARLY BELOVED !! Modern AU because there are ONLY good vibes here !! i’m writing this without hamfie’s permission pls don’t kill me ty ily
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There was something incredibly lonely about waking up in the mornings alone.
When the rays from the sun peeks through the curtains, and the chirping of birds sound more like nails scraping against chalkboard than a daylight tune, Law finds it hard to get out of bed. It wasn’t the first time, and it surely wouldn’t be the last. Still, he manages.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of Bepo’s pattering is enough to wake him up in the mornings, most days. He’s thankful that today is one of those days.
It’s 8:42 in the morning when he receives a text.
It’s from the group chat he has with Shachi and Penguin- it’s unusual for them to be up this early. They’re wishing him a ‘Happy Birthday,’ and it’s only then does he remember what day today is. Scrolling up, it seems this was the second birthday text. The first was sent exactly at midnight.
Why did you send it twice, he wonders sipping on his coffee and sending back a ‘Thank you,’ message. They respond moments later, saying how he’s too formal, and that they’ll be telling him happy birthday for the rest of the day- something he very quickly shoots down. Unfortunately for him, he knows his friends don’t take 'No,’ for an answer.
He doesn’t tell them how he’s secretly grateful that they were so hard-headed.
The weather is good today.
There’s a slight breeze, only strong enough to sway a few hairs, and the sun is playing hide-and-seek, popping out every couple minutes to greet passerby's before going back behind the clouds.
This is the time he takes the harness off of Bepo and allows him to run and play with the other dogs. Despite being so big, Law would argue that he’s never met a bigger baby.
“Don’t run too far,��� he ruffles his fur, earning a happy bark in return before the white mass scampers off.
He could still remember the first time Bepo had ran off and gotten lost. It wasn’t too far away from home, not even a ten minute walk, but the poor thing was frightened, shaking near some bushes. Thankfully, every since then, he’s always stuck within view.
There goes my morning, is the only thought that passes as he’s tackles to the ground.
“Shishishi!” Law would swear up and down that Luffy needed a leash way more than an actual dog. “Happy Birthday!”
“Thanks,” he groans, trying, and failing, to push the younger male off of him. Where does he get all this strength from? Eventually, he gives, and falls back on the ground. There was no use in trying to get him to let go, and he surely wasn’t going to do it voluntarily any time soon, so what was the point?
“Need help there, Traffy?” The snickers of Luffy’s two brothers ring prominently in his ears. Of course they were enjoying this- if you hadn’t told him that the three of them were actually adopted brothers Law would accept that they were all blood related.
“Get him off,” he seethes, watching as Sabo casually lifts his younger brother up by the collar like a cat. He only barely manages to regain his balance when Ace comes next to him and roughly slaps his back, grin wider than ever, as if he didn’t just give someone a seven-inch bruise.
“Happy birthday, dude!” Thankfully, Sabo’s a little nicer.
“Any special plans today?” The blonde asks, still holding onto his brother who’s desperately trying to flee from his vice grip to no avail.
“None,” he answers. His friends have enough energy for today that he feels like there wasn’t a need to expend his own. “I’ll take Bepo on a walk, visit family, then go back home.”
Despite his rough tone, they don’t seem to mind. “Well then,” Ace makes his way to join Sabo. “I hope you have a good day then, we should get going. It’s was nice seeing you.”
He rubs his back, half-heartedly agreeing with that statement before walking back to the bench. For some reason he felt like today was going to be a long one.
The door opens with so much force Law swears that the hinges would need to be replaced later.
“Big brother!”
He smiles, as he always does around her. “Morning, Lami.”
“Don’t ‘Morning, Lami,’ me! You didn’t respond to my text message this morning!” She huffs, puffing out her cheeks and settling both hands on her lips. “But who cares about that,” her frown is replaced as quickly as it came with her signature smile. Her hands reach out to grab his and drag him inside the house, Bepo and all. “Mom and Dad have been waiting for you! Cora-san is here, too!”
“Cora-san?” He repeats. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy to see him, quite the opposite, but given the clumsy nature of the man Law had to wonder how, and if, did he get here unscathed.
“Yeah! Uncle Doffy drove him over.” Ah, he cringes, that explains it.
Stepping into the room felt stifling. Not in a bad way, of course, but the amount of love that fluttered through the air and glided right towards him felt surreal. This happens every year, but he could never get used to it.
“Law!” His mother and Rosinante both stand up from their seats at the same time. Lami dodges out of the way, moving to sit next to Doflamingo- how she could stand that man was beyond him. “You’ve grown so much since I last saw you!” The older male ruffles his hair.
“You saw me last month, Cora-san.” He moves out of the way from his uncle only to get trapped in the arms of his mother.
Her words are as gentle as her touch, and he doesn’t mind admitting that he likes being held by her. “Happy birthday, Law.” He gives her a gentle squeeze back.
Their hug doesn’t last long, only a couple seconds, but there were other people in the room, restless to congratulate the celebrity of the day. “Why don’t you come sit down?”
He would like that.
It’s late night when he finally arrives home again.
It’s been a long day, just as he had thought it would be. From visiting family to friends tackling him on the street, to getting dragged out to celebrate at the Baratie for lunch- there was no denying that he was grateful to have such supportive people in his life, but perhaps they were just a bit too supportive.
He barely manages to fish the keys out of his pocket when the door opens.
“Law!” A flood of calm washes over him. “Welcome home!”
He doesn’t say anything as he steps inside and takes off his shoes, finally releasing Bepo from his harness. You don’t say anything either, content with simply standing to the side and waiting for him to finish his tasks.
There was something so fulfilling about coming home to someone waiting for you. How they’ll greet you back every time with a big smile and open arms, urging you to come closer.
“I’m home.” He mutters, burying his face in your neck.
“Tiring day?”
“Yeah,” he appreciates the strokes to his hair.
“I’ve made dinner.”
“Do you mind if we take a bath first?”
“The food will get cold.”
“That’s fine.”
You chuckle, “alright.”
He hums, but doesn’t let go. Just a bit longer.
“And, Law?”
“Happy Birthday.”
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huntingingoodwill · 2 years
i loved reading your response so much, that was a lot of fun indeed! and don't worry, rpat anon works fine for me! (i went through a horrible rpat phase 2 years ago so he is like an ex lover to me) i love it, it's so silly, so thank you! i also love the idea that we're gossiping on those telephones with the loopy cords, it makes it feel like a sleepover. now that we got primadonna #1 out of the way...lets talk robert fischer!
i totally agree with you that he smells like clean linen. i just feel like he smells so expensive. like a nice cologne, but very lightly. like you'd have to be very close to him to detect that smell. i also imagine him with like a very happy and cheerful s.o. just because he needs that sprinkle of joy in his life. like being with him would include a lot of teasing, messing up his hair, giving him kisses with red lipstick so he has a hard time scrubbing it off (he does this with a small fond smile while rolling his eyes), but most importantly, i like the idea that his wife is his secretary so when she hands him paperwork she'll put a sticky note on top of the stack with a little note like "smile, robbie! day's almost over, ily <3" and he when he looks up at her from the note, he blows her a small kiss to show that he's grateful for having her in his life. he's a bit of a sad boy yes, but she always makes him feel better. maybe on bad days he rests his head on her lap and naps the day away, but she lets him all because she gets to play with his hair, and him being affectionate is something wifey eats up. pls indulge and literally just gush about robert fischer with me because he is just so adorable to me, like i want to care for this man for the rest of my life, and if you don't feel that way about him....good luck, charlie.
🧸 send me hcs for 300. cmon lads. 🧸
anon thank you so much for the hcs. and your ideas!! dreadfully perfect every time- you're gonna put me out of a job soon
i get the rpat hype. those photos of him dancing with that cow?? obsessed. and he's such a strange little liar i adore it.
okay now back to the only robert that matters: robert fischer
okay hear me out: rob fischer x his personal shopper?? is it a vibe?? food for thought.
rob always smells fresh, and it's a light, expensive cologne. don't think he'd be into the heavier musky stuff and he wouldn't lay it on. just nice and clean. i think he puts some sort of effort/pride into his appearance, definitely. he doesn't have a lot of spare time to go shopping (hence... him x personal shopper??) but i feel like he'd definitely enjoy picking out clothes in the morning, putting together a sharp outfit. vibes. would definitely choose the ties/cufflinks that darling buys for him/says he looks good in more often than not. looking at them makes him smile :,))
yes a lot of purposely bumping into him in the office, ruffling his hair and then smoothing it back down for him before his meetings, lip tint on his cheeks and collar that he complains about but totally loves. yoinking his tie/snapping his suspenders to make fun of him is a definite occurrence. you're right about him having a cheery s.o., other cmcu characters would like that quality but in a more withdrawn way, but i think rob especially would love the sunshine
that post it-note thing is so so cute. think of the office interactions: helping s.o. carry files, making each other coffee, walking out with each other at the end of the day holding hands!! stealing a moment to lean over his chair to put their arms around him and their chin on his head as he works, a kiss on the cheek to boost morale. cheesy.
he's a vulnerable dude. i think out of the characters we discuss he's the one who shows it the most, not big on pda but he loves a good bit of affection, it's just comforting. on tough days he just comes home, takes off his jacket and collapses on the couch, head in darling's lap. he might even do it on the couch in his office, just curl up and relax during lunchtime. he loves a good catnap, and s.o. loves to run their hands through his hair, along his cheek, look at how peaceful he is. s.o. hates to wake him and he alw looks up at them kind of shyly when he wakes up but he can't help but smile
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junghelioseok · 4 years
◇ jungkook x reader ◇ smut | bodyguard!au ◇ 1.6k [1/1]
notes: this is actually a repost of an old drabble from my two year anniversary, which was inadvertently deleted. so if it looks familiar, that’s why! i figured i’d give it a (super unoriginal) title and a quick reread before i reposted it, and this is the end result. to the anon who originally requested it, if you’re reading this, thank you and ily! 💕
the prompts i worked off of are below:
❛❛ good girl. ❜❜
❛❛ don’t get shy on me now. ❜❜
the vibe is this jk right here.
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“If that will be all, Miss, I’ll leave you to get settled in.”
You remain silent. Reaching down, you unzip your suitcase before glancing over your shoulder at your loyal bodyguard, hovering near the door of your hotel room like an overgrown bat in his long black jacket and heavy black boots. Innocently, you smile at him as you begin to pull out your belongings, laying a few items onto the perfectly made bed.
“Can you help me unpack?”
His expression doesn’t change. But you’ve always prided yourself on your astuteness, and you certainly don’t miss the way his throat bobs as he swallows. Wordlessly, he steps across the room until he’s standing at your side, accepting the stack of folded skirts and pantsuits you hand over.
“Hang these up, will you, Jungkook?” you ask, keeping your voice syrupy sweet and as innocent as can be. “I don’t want them to wrinkle.”
Jungkook nods curtly and sweeps off. You watch as he slides open the closet door and lays the pile of clothes on the nearest chair, carefully hanging up each garment one by one. There’s the blue pantsuit for tomorrow’s meeting with the board of directors, there’s the champagne-colored gown for the investor’s gala afterward, and—
You can see the way Jungkook stiffens even from across the room, his broad shoulders tensing. You’re pretty sure he’s not even breathing anymore, his tall frame frozen in place as he stares at the item in his hand.
And the item in question? A very tiny, very skimpy, black lace negligee.
Checkmate, you think to yourself when he finally turns around. It feels as though you’ve been playing this game for ages—though in reality, Jungkook was only assigned as your personal bodyguard a few short months ago. Ever since your father decided that you would inherit his company and take over as chief executive officer, your safety had become paramount. You needed the best protection that money could buy, and that meant Jeon Jungkook.
You’d expected someone older, to be honest. Someone grizzled, with gray hair and hardened eyes the color of flint, maybe. Never in a million years did you expect to get a bodyguard like Jungkook.
Jungkook, with his parted black hair and strong eyebrows that made you weak in the knees. Jungkook, with his oversized dark clothes and combat boots. Jungkook, with his muscular frame that’s so at odds with his boyish face.
Jungkook, whom you’ve been teasing for the last three months—with tight clothes and revealing hemlines, and stepping out of the shower clad in only a towel whenever he’s in the vicinity. Ever since you caught him staring at your cleavage—showcased very nicely by the dress you’d been wearing, you might add—it’s become a game for the two of you. Flirtatious glances and the occasional brush of his hand against your back became commonplace. Once, you’d spotted him doing laps in the pool and nearly drooled at the revelation of his fully tattooed arms, the ink swirling across his honeyed skin. When he’d caught you staring, he’d winked.
But nothing has ever happened beyond that—nothing has ever crossed a line. Jungkook is nothing but professional when on the job, and you do feel safer when he’s around. He’s been a silent shadow at all of the events you’ve accompanied your father to, and now that you are on the verge of taking over the company completely, he’s at your side almost every hour of every day. He’s brought you coffee when you’re working late in your office, and made sure you’ve eaten at least one meal when the stress becomes too much. He’s become a constant, reassuring presence in your hectic life.
And now he’s striding toward you, brown eyes alight with a fire you’ve never seen before.
“You did this on purpose,” he accuses, holding up the negligee.
You tilt your head innocently. “Did I?”
Jungkook growls—a low, dangerous rumble in his throat that has you gushing. “You sure you want to test me like this, princess?”
The pet name sends an electric tingle up your spine. Boldly, you step forward until you’re standing toe-to-toe, the pointed tips of your heels brushing his boots. “Have you ever known me to be uncertain about anything in my life, Jungkook?”
He hasn’t. You know he hasn’t, because in the next instant, he’s kissing you—hands curling around your hips to pull you flush against his firm chest. Your arms wind around his neck, fingers tangling into the silky hair at his nape, and when you sigh, he eagerly swallows the sound. Wandering fingers hike up your dress and delve beneath to trace your bare skin, the touch gentle enough to make you shiver in his embrace.
Jungkook pulls back, and you pout at the sudden loss of contact. “Jungk—” you begin, but he cuts you off with a kiss, lips curled up into a smirk.
“You want me to be able to take my shirt off, don’t you?”
Stunned into silence, you can only nod. Jungkook sheds his black overcoat and flings it off to the side, leaving him in a charcoal gray turtleneck that’s tucked into black slacks and a silver-buckled belt. Deft, ring-clad fingers find the hem, and you swallow when you imagine what those fingers could be doing to you in just a few moments.
That train of thought is completely derailed, however, when Jungkook pulls off his shirt entirely, baring honeyed skin and swirling black ink to your ravenous gaze. Your fingers graze along one of the tattoos around his left wrist—a trailing vine decorated with thorny roses—and you shiver again when he chuckles and twines your wandering fingers with his.
“I’ll tell you the story behind it later,” he promises. “I’ll tell you all the stories, if you want. But right now, I want to do this.”
And before you can get another word in edgewise—before you can even breathe—he’s pressing you down onto the bed, the mattress dipping underneath your combined weight. His mouth finds yours again, hot and insistent, before trailing down to the junction where your neck meets your shoulder and latching on there. His teeth sink into the delicate skin, blossoming pain and purple bruises along your flesh, but it’s the delicious sort that leaves you gasping and desperate for more. You’re clutching at his shoulders by this point, nails digging harsh crescents into his skin, but he doesn’t seem to mind one bit as he kisses his way down to the collar of your dress and tears it off with a growl.
Cool air washes across your skin, and you belatedly remember that you’d decided to forego a bra this morning. Jungkook is staring down at your exposed body, transfixed, and you flush under the sudden scrutiny.
“Don’t get shy on me now,” he murmurs when you move to cross your arms over your chest. “You’re perfect. Pretty, perfect, and all fucking mine.”
Then he’s tugging your arms aside and leaning down to envelop a nipple in his mouth, teasing the hardening peak with his tongue. The sensation has you moaning, and you feel him smile against your skin before he switches his attention to its neglected twin. “So pretty,” he murmurs, pulling back so he can blow a cool puff of air against your dampened skin and chuckling when you shudder. “I bet you’ll look even prettier without this on.”
He snaps the band of your panties against your skin, and you whine out his name. “Hurry up and take them off, then.”
Jungkook grins. “So impatient,” he murmurs, but the growing tent in his pants betrays his own eagerness. In one motion, he’s peeling your panties down your legs, tossing them aside. Reaching down, he unbuckles his belt and frees his cock, gaze never leaving yours as he nudges your thighs apart and settles between them.
“Jungkook,” you murmur, breathy and soft. “Fuck me, please.”
He doesn’t need any more convincing. Jungkook leans forward, his lithe body poised over yours as he slowly guides his cock inside you. His tongue darts out to moisten his lips as he slides home, and you groan at the feeling of him fully seated inside your body, hot and slick and so, so full.
“Look at you,” he rasps, drawing back so he can thrust forward once more. “Such a good girl, taking my cock like this.”
You whimper at the surge of fullness, wrapping your legs around his waist to draw him closer. Jungkook’s fingers curl around your hips, and you keen out his name when he starts up a rough pace that nearly rips the air from your lungs. A stream of praise falls from his lips—how good you feel wrapped around him, how long he’s been dreaming of this moment—and you return his hushed sentiments with airy whispers and pleas for more, more, more.
When you come, it’s with his name on your lips. Jungkook reaches his high just moments later, and you wind your arms around his neck lazily as he catches his breath again, brushing a few strands of black hair off his forehead.
“Fuck,” he sighs, letting his head fall onto your bare shoulder. “I shouldn’t have done this.”
You run your fingers through his hair, letting your nails scrape gently against his scalp. “Done what? Given me the best fuck of my life?”
He snorts out a disbelieving laugh. “I don’t think that’s part of my job description.”
“Fuck the job description,” you reply, poking his cheek until he looks up, and kissing him once he does. “You’re my bodyguard, right? So come over here, and guard me.”
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Moots first impression vs. how u feel about them now?
sure, i can do that!! i only did the ones that had a significant impression on me.
then: would use chifuyu’s—nvm i forgot this is a sfw blog now. sexy brain. big sexy brain. the way she wrote??? idk??? made me a bit intimidated to talk to her but i did it anyway and i’m glad i did <3
now: would use dazai’s *redacted* as ice cream syrup. we’re on the same wavelength when it comes to dilfs oda and we both have a thing for stupid redhead men. 100% would kiss. light of my life and who i now feel comfortable terrorizing. def feel comfortable with. aunt who brings wine to thanksgiving and doesn’t have any kids. would let her hold my drink at a party.
then: sweetheart. absolute baby. a fetus. pretty chill. could potentially vibe with.
now: still a sweetheart. a fetus but old lady at heart ASKCMDKA. admire how emotionally strong she is. we both have cold hands and i just wanna smooch her forehead and take her with me when i run errands she’s so cute adlckdlsla. your writing never fails to impress me.
then: saw her blog before she messaged me about bsd, and her theme and overall vibe made her seem a little intimidating😭 but then she hit me up and i was like “oh she’s nice :)”
now: my darling. my sweet girl. so pretty it makes me sweat. down astronomical for her rn honestly. extremely comfortable with her. can talk about virtually anything with her. i think the only person that understands how deep in the bsd fandom i am😭my very first bsd mutual and if i ever lose hee i WILL cry. certified suna simp but i REFUSE to let it bleed over into me. i just—i love her, your honor
then: very cheerful and sincere, kind to everyone on her blog and honestly had the kind of energy i aspire to have
now: cute as a button and one of my biggest supporters <33 she’s still super kind to people and deserves everything good. would throw hands for. checks up on me and make sure i’m okay and i just DMFMDKAKA
then: saw her frequently on my posts and noticed her absence from my notifs bc they just felt strangely empty😭 reached out to her and the energy i received back was immaculate
now: never fails to match my energy. super sweet. someone i can freely bounce ideas off whenever i need to. idk how i know this but i just KNOW she’s sexy. i think it’s the brain. the brain and the energy. ain’t no way in HELL she’s on this app with THESE IDEAS and ISNT pretty asf
then: her theme scratched my brain in the best possible way. had the kind of energy that made me feel comfortable hopping into her inbox.
now: WE DONT TALK AS MUCH ANYMORE AND I MISS YOU SONA :(( screaming back and forth in inbox. excited to send tiktoks to her and receive some in return. appreciates my tiddies. body positivity skcdkskska i miss you.
then: vv sweet. very comforting. her whole vibe and even her blog just made me feel safe. felt comfortable with her quickly.
now: i was right. an absolute angel. holds a special place in my heart. one of my very first mutuals and supported me from the very beginning. feel comfortable complaining to her and telling her everything that’s bothering me. one of the first people to stick up for me when i’m dealing with rude anons.
then: chill. idk what it was about her but i dove HEADFIRST into her dms. her theme made me go “ooh👀”
now: she’s MEAN SDKFKDAK (i mean not to me but still😭). i’m her biggest genshin gameplay fan and it’s gonna stay that way. listens to me scream about the missions when i’m sure it gets old after a while skdkfmska. would wrap her up in the biggest, tightest hug and smooch anytime. started me on genshin to begin with. moves blogs every other week stg. cami ily.
then: die-hard sanzu simp. that’s it. that’s all😭
now: where i dispose all of my sanzu hcs and edits i find. can count on her for any sanzu hcs and honestly it feels weird whenever i don’t see her on my dash. makes me smile whenever i see her in my inbox. part of the reason i dump all my chuuya thoughts on my blog.
then: very warm and welcoming. supportive big sister energy. very easy to talk to <3
now: 100% would call her to pick me up from a guy’s house when i don’t feel comfortable. very soothing presence. she’s always in the comments on my posts and her feedback makes me 🥰🥰 pretty girl. would sketch her if i knew how to draw.
then: like ivy, her writing style lowkey intimidated me😭 it was just so??? good??? hovered around her blog for a while before i reached out to her.
now: we MUST talk more baby i MISS YOU!! scream over angst together in the dms. our minds together are immaculate. share ideas. miss seeing you on my dash :( you’re so so cute i just—all my mutuals are attractive what the fuck. your kokonoi fic made me want to write for him.
then: too cool for me. when i found you, your theme was so fucking COOL. scared to talk to you at first sdkckdskak. then i found out you wrote for ateez and i spazzed
now: never miss with your themes *chef’s kiss*. super nice, would smooch on the forehead with no hesitation. your wheeze SENDS ME. both equally tired. we’re on the same wavelength abt most topics and i love that for us. same with roo, i know you’re mad attractive. i can FEEL IT.
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hihi !!!!! its anon sofi :D. My sweetie pie, I’m here just to say that YES YOU SHOULD MAKE THAT GIF YOUR NEW HEADERS (i hope thats how you write it lmao) and I’m SO EXCITED FOR YOUR NEW FICS, I’m absolutely obsessed wanting to know what aces you have up your sleeve bc I just KNOW they’re gonna be perfectly amazing just like everything you do!!!! Also I wanted to request something but I don’t know if I should cause I’m shy and I overthink, and also I don’t want to overwhelm you. I feel like I’ll wait a bit and request something. NEVERTHELESS IM SO HAPPY AND I REALLY PROUD OF YOU TO KEEP ON WRITING. Don’t ever doubt your abilities as a writer since every fic you bring to us is incredible. Anywayssss, I was just listening to “would you be so kind” by doodie and remembered the gorgeous atmosphere of your fics. GOD YOURE WRITING IS PERFECTION. Okay that’s all lol. ILY, stay safe and sending all the goodie vibes and inspiration your way <333333333
Anon sofiii helloo ^^
I’m scared of the change but I’m very much considering the new header [yes right that is how to write it:] 
For requesting, don’t try to worry too much about it ~~ if you like one of the prompts you can send it in through the ask box and if you have any specifics that you’d like with the prompt [be it fluff, angst, birthday/date specific, college/university!au, etcetc]  feel free to add those as well. You can even dm them if you want to talk about how you want the story to go! All that I’ve done with some prior requests. And don’t feel like you might be burdening me or anything like that bc if I, as the writer, feel uncomfortable or unconfident with writing something, I’ll be very transparent and work on a solution! So if you’d like for me to write something for you, go ahead and ask!
Doodie is so *cue the cuteness aggression*. And thank you once again :] for being so sweet and nice, having a nice setting to the stories, I feel, really binds the whole thing together. 
You stay safe and hydrated and all the good vibes back at ya!<3<3
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twinferns · 3 years
ep 4 of tfatws was a rollercoaster
i am experiencing so many emotions and i bet that you are too so let's talk about it
consider this your spoiler warning
- jesus christ marvel really wasn't pulling any punches with the opening scene with ayo and bucky god damn
- the emotional damage those flashbacks gave me is ridiculous. and bucky's face when ayo send he was free? his crying? i am unwell. i am so unwell. sebastian stan is really acting his ass off
- "there's nothing to litigate you straight shot the man" i love sam and his straightforwardness
- "the avengers not the nazis" thanks for the clarification buck!! - all im saying is zemo is walking on thin thin ice with that his "super soldiers are crazy" talk
- during the whole scene with zemo giving the kids turkish delights, i could only think about edmund pevensie and how he would eat that up
- "that stupid head tilt thing" i love sam so much
- oh you know sharon just casually has access to a couple of satellites she's so powerful
- grandfather lukasz has some questionable advice?? no you should not always do something if youre scared?? that doesnt mean it's a good thing??
- get john walker's ugly ass face off my screen
- can walker stfu and listen to sam who literally works with traumatized soldiers
- this whole scene just cements the fact that sam is the rightful captain america. the way he's talking to karli is so respectful and understanding while also trying to talk sense into her i love him so much
- can bucky please knock walker out with his arm, just a quick bap bap and problem solved
- zemo you headass stop shooting karli so help me but i do agree with the smashing of the serum
- john walker is literally unraveling in front of our eyes he looks rabid also wyatt russel is really do a phenomenal job
- the way sam said no to the serum so quickly really just makes me adore him more and want him to be the new cap more
- sam real hit zemo with a vibe check with the "isnt that how gods talk" line
- bucky in short sleeves is something very personal to me
- the look of absolute betrayal and hurt on bucky's face when ayo detached his arm
- i love bucky and sam just watching like "looking strong john!!" i love him
- karli youre cool but dont you dare threaten sarah ever again
- ofc bucky insists on coming with sam this bitch has attachement issues
- "stay there" lmao ily bucky
- they did a shoddy job of kidnapping lamar bc he clearly has a knife on him like shouldnt they have searched him for that??
- sam using his wings in fights is so incredibly cool
- watching bucky fight is the most satisfying thing ever
- "your welcome" HLUGKYJFT
- rip lamar the shit's ab to hit the fan
- oh so john walker is insane? he just fucking murdered the guy with the shield im fuming but at the same time the scene gave me chills in the worst possible way
- im thinking ab how the guy who died said he looked up to captain america as a kid then the final shot was from his perspective looking up at captain america
- im also thinking ab how steve used that same shield slamming move on tony during civil war but just destroyed the suit and didnt kill tony whereas walker's using it to kill
- steve's "i dont like bullies, i dont care where theyre from" line is just repeating in my head and making me sad
- the final shot was so chilling and iconic in a horrifying way
- everyone filming better post those videos
im extremely sad that we only have two episodes left, but im excited to see the downfall of john walker bc that's inevitable. anyways ill be back next week, im proud of posting this on time.
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dex-xe · 3 years
BBC Ghosts x Eurovision
No one asked for this (and I’ve already seen a few people discussing this but haven’t seen anyone go into much detail) but here are some headcanons about the ghosts watching Eurovision 2021!! Eurovision has been one of my special interests since I was a little kid so combining it with my current special interest just seems right!!
(Also pls comment your own headcanons or even better send them to my inbox AND also send new headcanon topics for us to chat about cause I’ve missed doing that!!)
- Firstly it’s definitely Mike’s doing,, Alison jokes it’s a bit tacky and kinda cringe and Mike is *deeply* offended insisting the tack is what makes it fun.
- Alison also really enjoys it but also enjoys teasing Mike about his affinity
- Alison shows the ghosts a few YouTube clips of old years
- Kitty, Mary, and Humphrey are all well up for watching straight away,, also Pat but we’ll talk about him in a minute.
- Robin doesn’t really get the point (countries are a stupid idea according to him so having a country based competition where people actually get serious about it is just daft).
- Thomas and Fanny both hate the clips they’re shown and call it the “lowest form of entertainment” they’ve ever seen.
- The Captain is also above it... or so he says but he finds his foot tapping along to Emmilie De Forest and is *horrified* at himself
- Julian is straight away racist,, a comment here about EU bureaucracy, another snipe there about Russia. Alison shuts his complaining down very quickly and tells him he can’t say anything he wouldn’t be happy someone saying about the UK or else his phone privileges will be taken away.
- Pat is the only ghost who has seen Eurovision before (Julian has always refused on principle).
- He used to watch it with his family and put on a proper spread for everyone (cause we all know Pat was the family cook). I’m talking mini sausage rolls, tiny sandwiches, a cheese and pineapple hedgehog (totally not what my family does for Eurovision every year... hmmm) and then also a trifle cause it’s the most English pudding ever and you gotta support the home side.
- (I’m hungry,, can you tell??)
- Once Alison has explained to them how the show works, most of them agree to watch - Thomas once he learns of the beautiful women competing and Fanny the same with the men.
- The Captain however begins taking it very seriously once he starts to realise the tactical elements of it,, while he likes the performances, he spends the entire afternoon rewatching previous years scoring segments making mental notes of what gets support and who votes for who.
- The evening comes round and everyone gathers to watch in the TV room.
- The second the flag parade starts everyone is engrossed - even Fanny can marvel at the spectacle of it.
- (I’m not gonna talk about every performance cause Jeez that’s long but here are what I think everyone’s favourites would be.
- Robin really loves Finland and Italy,, anything loud and rocky he’s straight up off the floor and jumping along (same Robin, same) but he falls completely silent and watches in awe at the Spanish entry because of the giant moon (he then also asks Alison to buy a huge moon for the living room - she’s says she’ll think about it).
- Kitty is fully rooting for Malta - Lizzo girlboss vibes is what Kitty lives for. It’s also helped that Alison expressed quite an interest for that one as well.
- Thomas is expecting to like the pretty girls but absolutely falls for Switzerland straight away. Curly haired, blouse-wearing emotional guy with incredibly dramatic dancing is just 😍😍 for him (same Thomas,, can’t decide if he’s very attractive or if it’s gender envy or what??).
- Julian supports the UK... he thinks the song is shit but cannot bring himself to compliment anyone else.
- Pat is an Iceland kind of guy (ily dadi,, you were robbed #eurovision2020winners) and he fully finds himself trying to dance along, smiling all the way through their performance. He likes the weirder ones,, the ones were everyone is clearly just having a blast.
- Humphrey likes the emotional ones,, Bulgaria is a favourite. Righttttt up until France - he picked up a little French from his wife, enough to figure out what Barbara’s talking about and is just in tears by the end.
- Mary actually finds herself enjoying the more folky, traditionally European ones. This comes back to my Morris/folk dancing Mary so I feel like she’d appreciate like Ukraine and Russia - also for the like strong woman aesthetic.
- Fanny is abhorred by the outfits and music but does join Julian in his reluctant support of the UK, she instead prefers to mutter her abuses of the skimpy outfits to the Captain.
- The Captain is also drawn in by the emotional ones like Humphrey, specifically France again. However, a shaggy and shirtless Damiano David jumping about the place in eyeliner and tight trousers awakens something in him he didn’t know was there. He’s horrified by the group and the loudness and the outfits and everything but is also very much intrigued in a way that disturbs him.
- Mike also likes Italy quite a bit cause he’s an Arctic Monkeys/Killers kinda guy (he is,, don’t @ me cause me tooooo Mike) and Alison tends to agree with him but also, like I said, agrees with Kitty on the girl power ones.
- Once the scoring starts, the ghosts start getting noisier and talking amongst themselves about the acts and who they would vote for (they’re not allowed to vote cause Alison refuses to pay for her dead housemates to get a vote each).
- The Captain edges closer to the TV as the others talk over his beloved scoring system, completed overshadowing the research the Captain has done.
- It ends with the Captain sat cross legged in front of the TV with Humphrey in his lap explaining precisely what was happening to Humphrey.
- When it gets towards the end everyone hushes up and they all watch as Italy win. Most of them celebrate.
- Fanny is greatly disturbed by the winners and laments the state of music these days. The Captain vocally agrees but also can’t draw his eyes from the screen.
- Julian has some very choice words for the public for giving the UK a big fat 0.
- Kitty says she’s just glad that everyone had a good time and enjoyed their performances. She also wishes that she could go to the show (don’t we all).
But yeah that’s my collection of headcanons for Eurovision,, once again proving I am a massive nerd who spends too much time putting together little stories.
Anyway,, if you have any more Eurovision headcanons feel free to comment them or send them to my inbox so I can reply and add to them. Similarly, if you have any other shows/music/events/literally anything that you think I should make ghosts headcanons for or that you have hcs for then send them over to my inbox as well!! Love yall stay safe, drink some water if you’ve managed to read this far :)
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