#it makes me giggle every time i say he’s rotting my brain because
inkykeiji · 3 months
just barely resisting the urge to change my entire blog theme to VOX
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wonderlandwalker · 2 months
First Impressions | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox
Summary: Eddie learns that Dustin has a recently reunited sister, and from the moment he meets you he's a goner.
Content Warnings / Tags: Pure fluff, henderson!reader, tiny mention of a fight but nothing descriptive, not edited, no use of y/n
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Eddie brain rot cause I couldn't keep it in. Don't know if this is my best work but I'm planning to write more chapters on this so it's just a start, hope you like it
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“You need a ride home after this?” It was more of a formality than an actual question, he always drove Dustin home after a session.
“Oh that’s okay, my sister is picking me up.” Dustin didn’t even look up from packing his things away, but Eddie’s head shot up.
“Your- you have a sister, since when?” As far as he knew Dustin was an only child, but now he was wrecking his brain trying to think if he had ever mentioned you before.
“I know you’re bad at math Eddie, but I just told you she’s driving so try and put the pieces together.” Dustin was looking up at him now, challenging him.
“Alright smartass, it’s time for you to shut up.” He told him as he ruffled through his hair, leaving behind an agitated Dustin trying frantically to fix it. 
The others had already gone home, but Dustin stayed behind late to help Eddie finish up, a habit that became more and more common as the two grew closer. When they finished packing up Eddie locked the door behind them, and while walking to the parking lot decided he wasn’t quite done interrogating Dustin.
“If you have an older sister, how come I've never seen her around before?”
“I mean she’s been around during holidays before, she lived with dad though but they had a big fight so she’s moved here.” It seemed like a sore topic, so Eddie dropped it for now.
As they got to the entrance of the school and felt the cool air on their skin Eddie indeed noticed another car in the usually empty lot, and you were sitting on the hood of it, a book in your hands as you patiently waited. The last rays of sunshine graced your figure as if the heavens themselves were blessing you, and Eddie had never been so sure he’d seena goddess in his life. It was just like the tales he knew so well, the ones he still devoted his life to, it was as if they were becoming true. You looked up when you heard them approach, smiling at the sight of them and giving Dustin a quick side hug as they reached you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot of good things.” You held your hand out for Eddie to take, but all he could do was look at it, staring ahead as if hitting pause in a game, he stood still. He wanted to react, to not make the most horrible first impression possible, but the longer he looked at you the worse it got, getting lost in sight of your smile. “Alright, not a fan of handshakes, notes.” You chuckled as you withdrew your hand, and Eddie cursed himself for not having taken the opportunity to feel how soft your skin must’ve been. You looked at him again, your eyes piercing straight through his soul and he wondered if maybe he had found himself in one of his fantasy worlds, he must have. But the next second he shook himself out of it, because you were real, you were real and in front of him and expecting him to say something.
“I’m Eddie.” he said, nodding his head as if to confirm his own statement.
“So I’ve been told.” Another giggle slipped past your lips, and Eddie wasnt sure if it was from nerves or entertainment, but he was dying to hear more of it, even if he had to make a fool of himself to do so.
Dustins head kept going back and forth as if watching a tennis match of idiocracy. He had never seen Eddie so flustered, so used to the man flaunting with every opportunity that presented itself that this seemed quite out of character. In full disclosure, it was kind of freaking him out to see Eddie so beside himself, and it was freaking him out even further that he couldn’t figure out why. It was probably blatantly obvious to anyone else, but maybe it was for the best that Dustin couldn’t place where the tension originated from, either way, his patience had run out
“Can we go home now, I still have to call Mike to discuss our net strategies” You tore your eyes from Eddie, deciding that maybe it was for the best to head home.
“Yeah alright, maybe I’ll see you around Eddie.” You gave him one last smile as you got in the car with Dustin and drove off, but it took him another minute to pick his shambled ego up from the concrete ground as he berated himself for not being able to utter one coherent sentence. As he got in his van and drove home as well he decided he’d have to grill Dustin for more information on you the next time he’d see him. As he got to the trailer he grumbled a hello to Wayne before disappearing to his room, ignoring the backhanded comment he got about his grumpy disposition. 
He wondered if he’d ever be able to convince you he was cool, whether he’d be able to get you to agree to see him again, but after what just transpired he figured the odds were slim. Not that he’d give up so easily, he didn’t have much of a reputation to lose and if he’d be able to get you to laugh again that would be more than enough. But he didn’t get to wonder for long as Wayne knocked on his door, he was ready to tell the man to leave him alone, but the next sentence was one that confused him immensely
“Someone on the phone for you.” Wayne held the phone out to him, expecting him to get up from the bed and take it, but Eddie didn’t move an inch.
“For me, you sure?” He was still not quite sure what to do. “Unless another Eddie is living here I’m pretty sure.” He moved his hand again to accentuate the phone that was still on hold, but once again Eddie just sat there.
“If you want I can tell her to call back-” That’s when he sprung into action, snatching the phoen out of Wayne’s hand 
“No! No, I got it. Thank you.” The old man simply chuckled as he left again, closing the door behind him to give his nephew some privacy.
Eddie cleared his throat once before picking up the line put on hold. 
“Hello?” he asked, still not quite sure what to do.
“Hi, Eddie it’s me, just wanted to see if you were doing alright.” your sweet voice blessed his ears once more. He doesn’t know what he did to get the universe on his side like this, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
“Yeah I’m good, listen-” Eddie figured this time he shouldn’t waste his chance, and he probably had some making up to do. “- I’m sorry if I freaked you out earlier, just never seen anyone that pretty before.” You were giggling again, and it brought the biggest grin onto his face. “You didn’t weird me out at all, it was kinda cute. I had to bribe Dustin to let me use the phone so I don’t have much time but I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out this weekend?” Maybe he should’ve waited a beart before answering, but he was too eager to care.
“Go out, as in a date?” It got him blushing, the red creeping up on his cheeks as he wondered if that’s really what you were asking
“I mean, kinda, if you want to.” He could almost see you blushing on the other side of the line as well, and he decided it was now or never.
“I’d love to.” 
“That’s great, I’m still kind of new around here, do you know any good places?” Your smile was present as you spoke, and he was already looking forward to seeing it again, now knowing he wouldn’t have to wait long.
“How about I come and pick you up, we can go to the mall.” His confidence was growing with the minute now, absolutely elated by the turn of events.
“Im looking forward to it” He wondered what you’d wear, knowing whatever it was it would look beautiful on you, and he knew he’d spend the entire date amazed at your presence. 
“Me too” he said before the both of you hung up the phone, he had already started planning the most amazing evening out, and maybe, he thought, maybe this year really would take a turn for the better.
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midnightorchids · 23 days
Hey babe- I wanted to know how you felt about booknerd!reader x Jason. Because it's been rotting my brain forever now and I need to know what someone as genius as yourself thinks about it. So like- We know Jason is a book girl. He's got huge floor to ceiling shelves in his apartment filled with non-fiction, historical fiction, classics, and maybe a few Si-Fi titles. I feel like he would love Toni Morison, Maya Angelou, Henrik Isben, Margret Atwood, and maybe even Harukai Murakami. He has this beautiful collection of leather bond additions of the Iliad Bruce gave him when he was 16. And when he finally invites you over, he cannot contain his excited smile as you start gushing over his home library. He makes you guys coffee and you spend hours talking about your fav genres, authors, online author drama - and after he's walking back to his apartment after dropping you off, he's smiling down at his phone at the message you sent. 'I had so much fun today! Ur library is so so so cool, was wondering if you would be ok going with me to Chapters next week? Wanted to pick up the new Skyward book' He's kicking his feet and hiding his face in his pillow. So deeply overjoyed that his crush shares in his immense love of literature. After you guys officially get together, he buys you so many fucking books. He fallows your goodreads wishlist religiously and surprises you almost every month with a new addition to your growing collection. He usually collects used paper backs, but for you, he splurges on the hardcover special additions. Of course it's because he loves you but it's also so that, maybe, you'll be more incentivised to move into a different apartment. One with floor-to-ceiling book shelves and a shared bed... just saying.. He branches out into more genres and authors he wouldn't usually read from just so he could talk about your favourite books with you. You do the same - your book collections getting mixed together in the process. Library dates, bookstore dates, used-bookstore dates. Your first couple of dates and realisations of love happened in and around books. You would always leave little messages inside the first page of the books you give him. So that if your every away or he's on a mission and he takes a book with him, he'll have one of your small messages of love as a reminder of something to return home to.
Hi hon!! I’m so sorry for the late response, I’ve been dying with uni and just life in general recently, but I’m back and ready to write again!!
I fully agree with almost everything that you said, like you’ve written it out so well and it’s just so cute! I was literally giggling and kicking my feet at the last one omg.
I shall try to add more stuff!!
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Jason’s go to present for his loved ones is annotated copies of his favourite books. He only does this when he feels comfortable with a person because sharing his thoughts feels raw and vulnerable sometimes.
Having a significant other who loves to read and appreciates these types of gifts would make him feel happy and very emotional. It’s not often he gets to share this side of himself with people.
When he gifts his copies to his friends or his partner, he feels like he’s leaving a piece of him with the person, so he only does this when he trusts you.
He leaves detailed little messages on the margins of his books. He draws little smiley faces on the cute parts and angry faces on the parts that made him upset.
In the books for his significant other, Jason leaves little notes around the quotes that remind him of you. He highlights them in a different colour and makes sure his notes look extra tidy.
He sucks at wrapping things, so sometimes you’ll get a very poorly wrapped, tape covered novel. You’ll look at the wrapping and laugh, you’d pinch his cheeks teasingly and tell him he did a good job. He’d turn his face away in embarrassment, which leads to you placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Then, there would be times where he doesn’t have the energy to deal with the horrible wrapping paper. So, you’ll be gifted a plain paper back with a sticky note on the front cover that reads ‘for you,’ in squiggly lines.
It’s honestly sweet and he gets very shy about it.
Also, Jason’s taste in books is very diverse, he reads anything from the classics to romance to gothic horror. He reads anything and everything and because of that, I think that it would be very easy for you to share your thoughts and recommendations with him.
Even if Jason hasn’t read the book, he listens intently with a huge smile on his face. He loves listening to you talk. If he doesn’t know the author or the book, he will try to familiarize himself with what you’re reading and branch into different genres.
There would be lots of reading and bookstore dates. You’d browse through the different aisles with his hand in yours, only letting go when a particular book catches your attention. He watches you in awe as you gush about the different series.
(Side note, my friends and I always go to bookstores and just point out the worst books we’ve read and I think Jason would do that too.)
As you search through the shelves to find your next read, he’ll come to you all excited, rambling about the book in his hand. From the looks of it, it seems like he loves the book. His hands are moving around, he’s smiling and giggling, but if you pay attention, he’s actually just cussing out the author.
This becomes a tradition in your relationship. You both bring up books that you hate instead of the ones that you really enjoy. You’d spend the next hour of your bookstore visit just giggling at the random passages that the author thought were good enough to share with the world.
I think this would also lead to a book club of reading awful books sometimes just for shits and giggles. There would be weeks where you would read amazing, well written stories together, but then there would be times when you guys would pick up something bad just to make fun of it.
Overall, Jason would love having a book nerd significant other because he finally has someone who he can geek out with.
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rain-day-today · 22 days
One thing that really rots my brain is the idea of the guild during the og baby fairytail members time and the domesticity of it. Cause like no way was gramps letting a bunch of super powered ( and incredibly destructive) 7-14year olds out of his sight.
Just imagine:
Little Natsu and emo teen Laxus having breakfast while very quietly whispering about their respective hoards collections of cat theme things ( I KNOW LAXUS IS A SECRET CAT LOVER I JUST KNOW IT)
Tiny Gray having an emo phase. Mira (a punk 14 year old) helping him out (after teasing him of course). The two spending many hours and lots of jewel to find and look through dozens of fashion magazines. Eventually falling asleep sprawled on the floor in a nest of semi-laminated paper.
Tween Lissana and levy giggling over the kissy scenes in books and Erza overhearing them. Spitting out her cake into Laxus’s face which makes them burst out into full on cackling.
Little Cana teaching natsu to make card pyramids for 3 hours and when he finally gets it, Elfman knocks it over. Every one thinks Natsu is going to punch someone, but he doesn’t, instead he starts full on bawling. Nobody knows what to do. Little Natsu cannot be comforted. Levy shuts him up by shoving candy into his mouth while cana really quickly rebuilds the pyramid.
Erza and Mira having a dance off on some of the tables ( mira breaks 3 of them in half with her stomping, Erza somehow stabs one). This is how everyone finds out to never take either of them to parties cause they dance like the deaf baby of giraffes and a buffalo.
Gray and climbing a tree to the very top and forgetting that he doesn’t know how to get down? He stays there till the next morning and seethes for the next week cause LISSANA had to carry him down.
Natsu following Gray around like a lost puppy his first week cause “he’s friend sized” and what else was he supposed to do? He knows nothing! Dudes not even from this time period. At least if he follows loud stripper he knows he wont get run over by a car. Gray not noticing or caring that he is being followed cause little guy has his own problems to deal with and “as long as he doesn’t take my food or breath on me.”
Cana having a plague doctor mask that elfman bought for her 13th birthday. She wears it to scare the shit out of everyone at the sleepovers.
Weekly “sleepovers” in the guildhall because it’s easier to do gramps weekly count of them when they are all lined up in their my little pony sleeping bags (yes this includes laxus and mira)
When Romeo is born they have a guild wide contest on whose name he says first (the answer is his own cause the little dude is a true fairytail wizard)
Levy managing to give everyone a heart attack after casually admitting that she hasn’t slept or ate anything but crackers and coffee cause she was trying to teach herself the equivalent of ancient greek.
Laxus and gray not knowing how to hold a baby (romeo)
Natsu “teething” on Erza. Everyone stares in shock cause there’s just Erza sitting there stone faced in full armor while Natsu chops down on her arm like he has rabies. ( he still bites her even when they’re older if he’s really stressed)
Everyone having a default crush on laxus or Mira
The guild kids try to make homemade shaved ice with grays ice and end up covering the entire town with really weird ice sculptures
Mira scaring the shit out of kids with her demon souls during Halloween
Someone stealing Mira or Natsu’s food and ending up with a burn on their tounge followed by natsu trying to “kiss it better”
Levy dozing off on the rafters and falling down onto poor elfman
Spin the bottle but instead of kissing you fight (grays idea)
Laxus has a spray bottle filled with water mixed with really bad smelling cologne that he uses to spray people when they’re bad, like cats.
No one in the guild knew how to swim until they turned 16 Lissana still can’t swim.
Its really really common to see elfman or gray duck-taped to the wall (its levy who does it)
Dont fall asleep around teen Mira she will draw titties on your face. (Where do you think natsu got it from?)
They all took a living 101 class when lissana was 13. It failed miserably. Laxus ended up being the grandfather to 6 rats and 3 hamsters
Laxus takes Lissana and Elfman out for brunch once a month because it pisses mira off to no end.
Levy, Lissana, and Laxus accidentally forming an L name club and plan their “meetings” within earshot of Mira and Erza to make them jealous.
“We should get cookies!”-levy
“And ice cream!”- lissana
“(Super smug face) im craving strawberry cake.”-laxus
*sounds of Erza bursting into flames of jealousy*
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ironstrange1991 · 2 months
A Night Like No Other
+18 Smut
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange, Defender!Strange, Supreme!Strange x Female!Reader
Synopsis: It's Valentine's day night and you prepare a special night for your Stephens.
Word Count: 9,5k
Warnings: Polyamorous relationship dinamics, a little jealousy, mostly brain rot SMUT: oral sex with male and female receiving, vaginal and anal sex, double penetration, creampie, cum eating (There's probably more but I don't remember)
A/N: I'm so happy to finally be posting this fic. I know it's two months late, but I've put so much work into it that I really can't believe it's ready. I really hope you guys like it and have a great read ;)
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"Not this one." You murmured, looking at your endless collection of heels in your closet. "No, definitely not this one. Maybe… this one." You took a pair of red sandals in your hands, but then changed your mind when your eyes found the perfect pair you knew you were looking for. A pair of black Christian Louboutin pumps.
You stood on tiptoe to reach them and then you smiled mischievously to yourself heading to the bedroom bench and put them on. It had been a while since you wore those and you couldn't deny that you felt so powerful in them.
You folded your legs on the bench, positioning your feet so that your heels were clearly visible and took a photo, sending it directly to your three main contacts and giggling to yourself while writing the most cliché pick-up line you could think of at that moment.
You replicated the message to the other two Stephens, reading it out loud to make sure the message was clear enough: You were waiting for the three of them that night to celebrate Valentine's Day.
You remembered perfectly the fiasco that was the last one. Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but it definitely could have been a lot better. It had all happened because you weren't clear enough about what you wanted for the night, or at least you convinced yourself that it was your fault. You found you always put the blame on yourself so you didn't need to blame one Stephen or the other, but the truth was that navigating between the ego and jealousy of the three of them was the hardest thing you've ever had to do in your life.
It didn't take long for your cell phone to buzz with a response.
You didn't need to read the name at the top of the message to know it was Supreme, but even if it was hidden behind jealousy, you could capture the anxiety he felt about returning home and it made you smile from ear to ear. God, you had been with the three Stephens for a little over a year and a half, but you seriously doubted you would ever get used to the way they made you feel. Every time they came home you felt butterflies in your stomach, each loving message made your heart flutter in your chest. It was beautiful and scary at the same time.
You left your shoes on the floor next to the bench and went back to the closet, slipping into jeans and a jumper.
As you were grabbing your bag and keys and heading to the doors to leave you heard the familiar hiss of a portal opening and a smile played on your lips before you saw it was just Wong.
"You shouldn't look so disappointed every time I come in. It's offensive." He said. You never knew when Wong was being serious or not, so you rushed to defend yourself.
"Today is Valentine's Day. I have reasons to be anxious for my boyfriends to get home."
Wong nodded as he dragged some boxes and then closed the portal. "Good thing you reminded me. That's reason enough for me not to want to be less than half a planet away from this Sanctum tonight. As if three Stranges wasn't reason enough."
"You say that, but I know deep down you can't live without Stephen, Wong." You smirked, unable to hold your tongue.
He scoffed "Yeah, right. Defender isn't that bad. The other two are the problem."
"Do not tell me that." You agreed "I'm going to the grocery store to get some things to prepare dinner. Do you want me to bring you something? I'm going to go near the Sandwich bar that sells that tuna melt that you love so much..."
"It's very kind of you to offer, but unfortunately - or fortunately - I'm returning to Kamar Taj."
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye."
When you parked in parking lot you heard your cell phone ringing and ran to answer it when you saw Stephen's name on the display.
"Hello you"
"Sending indecent photos to distract me from work. You should be embarrassed, sweetheart."
"Really? And what's indecent about the photo of my feet wearing those shoes?"
You can almost see him smirking on the other end of the line before replying, "Other than the message you sent with it, you mean?"
You giggled to yourself "And how effective was my attempt to make you want to come home sooner?"
"Hm, very effective."
You were surprised by the sound of a horn and two drivers fighting each other.
"Where are you?" Stephen asked.
"Walmart’s parking lot. I came to get some things to prepare for our romantic Valentine's Day dinner that you guys have been owing me since last year."
"That's great. And how romantic will this dinner be?" He teased.
"Very romantic. The kind where you have to dress all nice for me and wear that cologne of yours that I love."
"Noted. It's a shame I'm going to have to share you tonight, I'd much rather have you all to myself."
You found yourself rolling your eyes and agreeing one hundred percent with Wong, Stephen and Supreme were indeed the problem.
"Behave yourself" You scolded him, taking your bag and walking towards the store entrance. "It's important for me to have you three tonight. I've wanted this for so long..."
"You just had us together last week" He groaned in frustration.
"I'm not talking about... sex, Stephen" You had to lower your voice to say the word as you picked up the cart and headed towards the produce section.
"Really? I must have been fooled by the photo and message you sent half an hour ago."
"Shut up. Of course sex is a big part of tonight, but it's not just about that. It's about being together, talking, listening to music and having good wine."
Stephen hummed "Romance."
"Exactly. Just because you've already won over the girl doesn't mean you don't need to be romantic anymore, Stephen."
He chuckled "I leave the romanticism to Defender, he's better than me at that... and pretty much everything else apparently."
You sighed, finishing picking up the vegetables and heading towards the refrigerators where you hoped to find a good piece of meat to roast with them.
"I love you, Stephen, but please, no display of jealousy tonight. Please?"
"Okay, I'll behave, I promise."
"Thank you."
"I need to go. See you tonight, love."
"See you, Steph."
You turned off your cell phone and put it in your pocket and dedicated yourself to getting the rest of the things that were missing and walked towards the cashier.
You weren't exactly a great cook like Defender, but you always had a willingness to learn and some skill so you could even say that you were good in the kitchen.
You chopped the vegetables that consisted of carrots, onions, green beans, broccoli and tomatoes and dedicated yourself to seasoning the meat and put everything together in a pan wrapped with aluminum foil and put it in the oven for what you knew would be at least 2 hours.
While you waited, you decided to take a shower and took the opportunity to shave every inch of your body to make it smooth to the touch. You blow-dried your hair and used a styling mousse and put it in curlers. You took the opportunity to do all the steps of your skin care and applied lotion all over your body, taking the opportunity to use some body oil to give your skin a little shine. You didn’t even notice time passing while you were distracted taking care of yourself and being surprised by the alarm you had set on your cell phone so as not to let you forget about the roast in the oven.
You put on a robe and went downstairs.
The roast was practically done, so you got rid of the aluminum foil, drizzled the meat with more olive oil and just a little fleur de sel and returned to the oven to brown.
When you heard your cell phone buzzing you wiped your hands and rushed to read the message and smile to yourself feeling your heart fluttering in your chest.
You dedicated yourself to preparing the sauce for your pasta and left the pan full of water and salt on the stove, but besides that, everything needed to be put on hold because it was already past 6pm and you knew they would arrive at any moment and although the dinner was an important part of your evening, you were determined that sex should come first.
You turned off the roast, but kept it in the oven and prepared the table with a beautiful red tablecloth, positioning the plates and cutlery, glasses, and, of course, the candlesticks. A romantic dinner needs candlelight.
Once everything was organized, you went upstairs to finish getting ready. You let down your hair that fell in perfect waves to the middle of your back and put just a little gloss on your lips deciding that there was no reason to wear makeup since soon you would be with your face being pushed into the mattress. You smiled mischievously to yourself feeling the desire built inside you. You put on your heels and kept your promise not to wear anything other than them, keeping only the robe on until at exactly 7pm you heard the familiar squeak of a portal.
You smiled, feeling your cheeks get slightly warm and, taking off your robe, you left the room towards the entrance hall.
Stephen smiled to himself as he read the text you sent him. He would have replied it instantly if he hadn't been stuck in a meeting with the Avengers. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were going over all the details about the next mission and although Stephen knew the importance of resolving the problem as soon as possible, he was not at all happy about having to participate.
Supreme was at the meeting too, and Stephen could see the smile on his lips as he read a message on his cell phone that Stephen was sure was exactly the same as the one he had read. You wouldn't make the mistake of not being democratic in your provocation, not after the events of last Valentine's Day. It was extremely important to you that the three of them knew that you loved them equally.
Supreme quickly typed a response without bothering to be discreet, but Stephen preferred something more intimate, so he just put his cell phone back in the pocket of his robes.
"We will be in unknown territory, dealing with forces of which we have no knowledge..." Steve Rogers was pointing out the importance of concentrating on every detail of the plan, but was then cut off by Stark.
"Yeah, yeah, supernatural stuff. That's why we'll be taking with us not one, but two wizards."
Stephen rolled his lips, uncomfortable with the use of the wrong term. He wasn't a wizard and Stark knew that because he had already explained the difference a hundred times, but now Stephen was almost certain that Stark was referring to him that way to provoke him. Supreme, on the other hand, interrupted him, deciding to explain to the small Avengers audience.
"The correct term is sorcerer. Wizards are born with magic, we learned it with a lot of study and effort, although for us it came almost naturally."
Stark rolled his eyes, but continued with the explanation.
When the meeting ended Stephen managed to sneak into an empty room and call you. He wanted much more than just calling, he wanted to leave immediately, but first he needed to get back to Kamar Taj.
Once he and Supreme managed to leave the Avengers Tower, they headed directly there where they met with Wong and Defender and discussed matters relating to the maintenance of the Kamar Taj itself, the teaching and training of students, and the protection of the three Sanctums of power of the Earth. When the small informal meeting ended, Stephen looked at the clock realizing that it must already be almost 7pm in NY and was quick to decline Wong's offer to stay for tea.
"We have an appointment at home." Stephen explained evasively, but Wong smirked as if he knew more than Stephen could imagine.
"Sure, sure. Valentine's day and all. Y/n is planning a special night, I imagine."
Stephen nodded. "We'll talk tomorrow."
"You can call us if anything happens, as always." Defender added to what Supreme contradicted.
"Definitely not tonight. There are dozens of other masters you can call, Wong. We're off for the night and probably a good part of tomorrow as well."
Wong didn't bother to respond. He just closed some books that were on the table and organized them into a pile, picking them up and heading out the door.
"What a fucking day! I thought it would never end." Supreme complained.
"Let's go home" Defender said with a tired sigh and Stephen opened a portal being welcomed by the delicious smell of food and the realization of finally being home.
Defender Strange was sure that nothing in the world could be better than coming home and being greeted by his wife, but when he saw you coming down the stairs completely naked wearing only the heels you showed him in the photograph you sent earlier, he didn't know what to think. That fulfills all his fantasies.
You were beautiful. You are beautiful. The curvaceous body, the full breasts, the long hair cascading down to the middle of your back, little or no makeup other than a pink gloss on your lips and the typical smile of someone who promises and wants to be extremely provocative, but in reality it’s a shy little thing.
He didn't know how he was looking at you, much less how the other Stephens were reacting to that vision of paradise in front of them, but you stopped at the bottom of the stairs and your cheeks turned red.
"So?" Your voice sounded low.
Supreme took the initiative and approached you and touched your face affectionately and kissed your lips. Defender felt a pang of jealousy when you and Supreme were close, but he was used to not showing it and on the other hand - however contradictory it was - he couldn't deny that he liked seeing you with the other Stephens, that always turned him on.
"You look beautiful, honey."
Your cheeks turned a darker shade of red that Defender found charming.
"I confess the idea seemed sexier when I sent the message. Now I'm too self-conscious."
"You look beautiful" Defender and Stephen responded together and then laughed softly at the situation.
"Come here, give me a kiss, sweetheart. I loved the reception you prepared for us. You know I always love everything you do for us."
You took the hand he offered you and walked closer. Stephen grabbed the back of your head and pulled you to his lips and Defender felt his cock throb inside his pants. He wanted you so much. Ever since he saw that message, all he could think about was the moment he would have you on his lap riding him.
"I made dinner. Well, it's almost ready. There are still a few things to finish."
"I guess we can think about food later, don't you think?" Supreme suggested. "You have other needs that I want you to satisfy first." He smirked "That text... did things to me, honey."
Defender smirked. Supreme was so cheesy sometimes.
He finally approached you and touched your face.
"So bold sending us that photo when I know at home you're super shy, baby."
You blushed even more.
"Did you like it?"
"I loved the surprise. I loved that you prepared something special for our Valentine's Day. I love you so much, Y/n. There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not grateful for having you in my life."
You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Defender Strange... how can I not love you when you say those things?"
He chuckled watching you hold his hand and take Stephen's hand and adjust it to hold them in one hand, while taking Supreme's hand with the other "Come on, let's go up stairs."
The master bedroom, Stephen's room, was the largest room in the Sanctum. Supreme had a hard time accepting Stephen staying with it, but he was aware that it made sense. For better or worse, Stephen was the Doctor Strange of that universe. That room was the setting for almost every night you had sex together for obvious reasons, it was the biggest room, it had the biggest bed and it felt the most right somehow and Supreme felt the familiar twist in his stomach caused by anxiety when you led the three of them directly to that room.
It was something difficult to explain and he never talked about it with the other Stephens - although he was sure the others felt the same way - but the reality was that he loved sharing you. He loved watching the other Stephens fuck you even though it also filled him with jealousy. Jealousy was hot.
Supreme still remembered the first time, it was your birthday and you had sex together for the first time. It was unforgettable, but everyone was so nervous and insecure that it was not possible to fully appreciate the moment. Now it was different. Foursomes became a common thing in your lives and every time it was incredible. Supreme always had the best orgasms when you let him cum in your mouth while he watched Defender and Stephen fucking you. It was so fucking hot. He was sure he could get stressed and jealous sometimes, but he could never be bored with the life you led. He often felt like he was living inside a porn movie. In the best way.
"Tell me, honey, what do you want to do with us tonight?" He teased when he realized how unsure you were about your next steps.
You bit your lip and then glanced to the two levitation cloaks still tied to his and Stephen's shoulders.
"Could you leave us alone for a moment?" You asked, gently stroking his blue cloak.
The two sentient relics flew out the door and slammed the door on the way out. His cloaky looking particularly offended at being left out.
"I'm pretty sure he wanted to stay and watch." Supreme joked, drawing a soft laugh from your lips.
"He's a brat. So different from Cloaky."
"The relic acquires the owner's behavior." Stephen teased.
"It's explained then" You said, approaching Supreme and kissing him with the passion he would never get used to. Sometimes it was impossible to understand how you could love him so much when he knew how complicated he was. But you loved him and that was always very clear in the way you touched him and especially kissed him.
You broke the kiss and smiled at him, "I love you. I know I say it every day, but today it's even more important to say it."
Supreme opened his mouth to respond, but you were ripped away from him by Stephen's arms, who pulled you to his chest in a clear display of jealousy. You giggled. You loved that. Supreme knew very well. You hated it when they fought - and they fought all the time - but you loved it all the same. You loved the triple attention you received, the kisses, the caresses and vows of love you received every day.
"Now you're going to have to say that to me too, sweetheart. You know I'm a jealous man." Stephen teased and you let out small giggles.
You held his face in your hands and spoke softly. "And I thought Supreme was the most jealous of the Stephens."
"Don't underestimate me, love."
You smiled openly, "I love you, Steph. You know how much."
He smiled proudly, "Then show me, kiss me and call me what you call me when we're alone."
Supreme felt the familiar tightening in his chest that jealousy caused in him and you gave Stephen a reprimanding glare.
"Come on, sweetheart. They know."
Supreme rolled his eyes when you smiled in surrender and kissed Stephen hard.
"I love you Steph. My Stephen."
He smiled smugly, but it was cut off by your direct order. "Now get in that shower, because I love you, but you're all sweaty."
He chuckled nodding in agreement "Yes ma'am."
Supreme even tried to stop himself from laughing, but he couldn't. However, you approached him right away.
"You too, Stephen. You three are sweaty."
He smirked "Want me to get in the shower with him?"
Defender chuckled, but said nothing.
"The idea is temptingly sexy, but I think you'd better use your shower."
He agreed, but couldn't help but point out "I thought we would get straight to the best part, that you were missing us so much and couldn't wait to have us in your arms."
"I am and that was the idea, but reality often prevails over fantasy and the three of you are smelling the heat of Kathmandu."
Ouch. "Okay, I'm coming." He said surrendering. Stephen was already in the shower, the sound of the water indicating that Supreme was behind in the race to get back into your arms first.
You were super self-conscious about being the only naked person there and wearing those heels on top of that. The sexy image of the situation that popped into your head when you sent the text to them was long gone, but all it took was a smile from Defender to make you feel better.
"I'm still surprised by how naturally you can deal with the three of us, you know? It's almost as if you were made for us." He said pulling you into his arms.
"Almost?" You asked with a raised eyebrow, to which he smiled in surrender.
"Definitely made for us." He corrected and kissed you tenderly.
"Practice makes perfect."
"In our case, I would say that time has helped a lot. Do you remember last year?" He teased to which you grimaced.
"Don't even remind me."
He laughed softly "I'm going to take a shower too. Wait for me. Promise?"
You smiled throwing yourself onto the bed "I'll be right here. Don't be long."
You lay down on the bed, pulling Stephen's pillow close to your nose so you could bask in his scent and a victorious smile played on your lips as you realized for the thousandth time that you were about to go to bed with three Stephens. Sex was important. God, the sex was incredible, but what really enchanted you about it was the realization of being loved by Stephen. Some people are never loved, you were loved and not just once but three times and by the same man. That meant something.
Defender always talked to you about how he believed that the love you felt for each other went beyond the barriers of universes and you couldn't say how, but you were sure he was right. You loved Stephen the moment you first saw him and it was like that with Defender and Supreme and god help you, you would never say that to them, but if ten more Stephens appeared in your universe, you would have no choice but to love them too.
You were so absorbed in your own thoughts that you even noticed that Stephen had gotten out of the shower, only realizing it when his baritone voice pulled you out of your reverie.
"A penny for your thoughts." He teased and you smiled, rolling over on the bed so you could see him. He was wet from the shower, the towel tied around his waist but hanging dangerously below his v line, his hair wet and carelessly pulled back.
"God, you're a beautiful bastard."
He raised his eyebrow and a cocky smile played on his lips.
"So that's what you were thinking about? How beautiful I am?"
You rolled your eyes dramatically. "Don't be cocky. Come on, put your tongue to do something more productive than bragging."
He threw himself on the bed, crawling over you and tickling the sides of your ribs, which made you giggle.
"No, please Steph, I can't..."
"Not so bossy now, are you?" " He teased "Then tell me how you want me to use my tongue then."
You held his face in your hands. “Like this.”
You kissed him hard and he hummed adorably on your lips, but soon after he took control of the kiss and started to grind an obvious erection on your thigh.
"Look what you do to me. You haven't even touched me yet and I'm already like this. To be honest, you've made me hard since you sent me that photo. You have no idea how much I wanted to abandon what I was doing and come home to fuck you."
You smiled smugly and kissed his lips again "It worked then."
"You have no idea" He said on your lips "But I would rather have this night just for the two of us."
You pouted "Behave. You know how important it is for me to have these moments for the four of us, especially on special dates like today."
He smirked "I know you're dirty and insatiable, that's why you need three of me to handle you."
You felt your face flush, but there was no reason to deny it. "It's true, but it's only because I love you so much. That's what I was thinking actually, how I love you so much to the point of loving three versions of you."
He kissed you and went back to grinding himself on your thigh. He was trying to hold back, but you knew he was dying to have you and knowing that made you feel so powerful.
"Sometimes I think I don't deserve so much love..."
"Shhh, of course you do. You deserve that and more. And you can accuse me as much as you want of being insatiable for wanting three of you, but we both know that you like sharing me in bed."
Now it was his turn to blush and that made a petulant smile appear on your lips.
"Do not tease me." He warned, but you weren't about to go back on your words.
"Why not? What are you going to do? Fuck me senseless? Hard and rough? Thank god, that’s what I want."
He held your chin tight. "That's what you're going to get if you don't behave."
"Then I won't behave." You threatened and Stephen pulled you into his lips, but the two of you were interrupted by the creak of the door opening and Supreme's voice.
"And why won't you behave, honey?" He asked and you just smiled watching him approach. He was only dressed in sweatpants and his face was slightly flushed showing that he had shaved before coming back to you. He threw himself on the bed and opened his arms waiting for you to throw yourself into them and Stephen rolled to the other side of the bed letting you have your moment together.
You hugged him and he wrapped you in his arms kissing you hard and then looked at Stephen waiting for an answer.
"She's being a brat and I warned her there will be consequences." Stephen informed Supreme and you laughed, turning to face him, but letting yourself be enveloped and pulled closer by Supreme's arms.
"Maybe I want to be punished." You confessed and Supreme groaned, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"What did we do to deserve a girl like you, honey?"
You let out a small laugh "I hope you mean that positively."
He giggled "Always."
Stephen laughed softly and Supreme pulled you into his lips again. You let yourself be guided, your hands touched his face and a satisfied hum escaped your lips.
"You shaved. I prefer it like this." You said with a smirk to which he chuckled.
"You live with a Stephen who has a goatee and another who has a full beard but can't handle a little stubble?
You shook your head, stroking his face. "It's not the same. I like having a clean shaved Stephen." You rum your index finger on his chin "It's smooth"
Stephen giggled and you rolled closer to him pulling him to your lips “I like the differences.”
"Yeah, we know" They both laughed softly and you took turns holding their lips and hands and that felt like heaven to you. There was no other word to explain it.
Defender arrived a minute later, his hair loose as it rarely was and wearing a pair of pajama pants that made his v line and a prominent erection very visible. You wondered if he had been hard the whole time or if seeing you in bed with Stephen and Supreme had immediately left him in that state. You knew well that Defender liked to observe. All three liked it.
"We've been waiting for you, baby. Come here." You reached out to him and sat on the bed between the Stephens to welcome him with a kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he let himself be pulled on top of you, your legs opening for him to settle between them to which he moaned softly.
"She's so greedy" Stephen told Supreme "...and so fucking perfect. Fuck, sweetheart. I need you."
You smiled smugly on Defender's lips and gently pushed him to let you stand up.
"So tell me what you guys want. I confess I spent the day thinking about sucking your cocks."
"So fucking dirty." Defend hissed.
"She was never a saint, but I admit she got a lot worse with your arrival." Stephen replied with that beautiful smile on his lips.
You loved that. You loved it when they talked about you like that between them, you loved seeing them understanding each other and talking to each other as if they were a single person - which in fact they were - it was a strong turn on for you.
Supreme smiled seeming to read your mind. "I think she might start with that, don't you? I can only speak for myself, but I've been dying for a blowjob ever since I saw that text."
Stephen nodded "Yeah, me too. But I'm going to want more than a simple blowjob and she knows that."
Defender chuckled and you pouted feigning innocence.
"Are you going to let these two mean Stephens abuse me, baby?"
He cupped your face in his hands and hummed condescendingly, "More than that, baby. I'll love watching."
You could have cum with just those words. You were so wet between your legs that your thighs were sticking together and you could smell your arousal. All that teasing, the game you played was exactly what worked for you, it was what made you love having the three of them at the same time and it worked perfectly when they behaved themselves and tonight they were more than determined to behave, apparently.
"I think I saw a blush on these cheeks." Stephen teased and you stuck your tongue out at him.
"Shut up and get comfortable you three."
They laughed and got comfortable on the bed, sitting next to each other and that sight never failed to impress you. It was so pornographically glorious. You smiled to yourself and tied your hair in a bun with the same determination as a warrior preparing for a fight. You were definitely a woman on a mission.
"Come here, sweetheart, I want to be first." Stephen asked, extending his hand to you. You crawled over to him and kissed him sweetly and your hands freed him from the towel. He raised his hips enough for you to pull and throw it on the floor. He was so hard already. The tip was red and slightly sticky with precum. You couldn't resist, so you held him tight and kissed his head feeling your eyes close and a moan of satisfaction escape your lips as the other Stephens giggled.
"Don't get cock drunk yet, honey, there are two more cocks to suck." Supreme teased.
Stephen held your face, taking his cock in his hand and impatiently directing it into your mouth. "Take it, sweetheart. Give me a hard suck."
You opened your mouth big for him and did as he asked, emptying your cheeks to suck hard, which made him moan outrageously loud. "Oh yeah, sweetheart. Show me what you can do."
But he didn't give up control, on the contrary, he held the back of your head and pushed you against his dick making you swallow it whole and gag in the process.
"Look at that!" Supreme exclaimed and you couldn't see him now with your eyes closed, but you'd bet all your chips that he had his cock in his hands, jacking off as he watched. He was dirty like that, and you loved that about him.
You could barely breathe with your mouth stuffed with Stephen's cock like that, tears welled up in your eyes and ran down your face.
"She takes it so perfectly." Defender pointed out. "She was made for us, wasn’t she?"
Stephen moaned in satisfaction, taking his cock out of your throat to let you breathe.
"I could cum in your throat right now. That's how good this mouth in my cock feels, sweet girl."
You coughed and ran your hands over your face to wipe away the tears and smiled. "I love when you call me like that."
Stephen smirked, "Yeah? You love everything I do to you, sweetheart. Now come here and give me a kiss before I let you go with them."
You let yourself be pulled to his lips and kissed him hard, your fingers tangling in his hair.
"I love you." You said between his lips.
"I love you too. Go now and make me proud."
"Always" You assured, letting yourself be enveloped by Defender's arms. He kissed you hard. Harder than usual and his fingers tangled in your hair and your knees went weak.
"Seeing you with them drives me crazy, baby. I can't deny that I like this more than I should." He confessed in your ear, but loud enough for the others to hear.
"They like it too" You teased throwing a mischievous glance at the other two. "Let's give them something to watch."
Defender smirked letting you free him from his pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear and you doubted there was anything sexier than a handsome man wearing pants without underwear. You threw his pants on the floor and planted a kiss on his lips before spitting into your hand and holding him, moving up and down slowly, keeping eye contact with him the entire time.
One of the things that became increasingly clear to you as time went by was that they were different in almost every way even though they were the same person. With Defender what worked was calmness, glances, affection. He might fuck you harder eventually, but almost every time you made love it was slow, calm and delicious. And that was how he liked to be touched.
He bit his lip to hold back a moan when you bent down and gave a long lick from the base to the tip, stopping to flick your tongue on the head.
You smiled proudly. "Don't hold back, baby. Let me hear you. I like hearing how happy I'm making you." You asked, taking him in your mouth and sucking slowly, using your tongue all the time the way he liked.
He moaned louder, but still restrained. One of his hands grabbed your hair, but he didn't push. Defender never pushed. "So, so happy, baby. Shit... this lips feels so good wrapped around my cock like that."
You felt his cock throbbing in your mouth and you took it out of your mouth smiling your best smile at him. "Yeah? Your cock feels amazing pulsing in my mouth too. But I don't want you to cum yet, baby."
He shook his head "It doesn't matter, you know I have as many rounds as you want to give you."
"Shit, that sounded presumptuous even to us, but coming from him it sounds even weirder." Supreme teased, but Defender completely ignored him pulling you into his lips.
"Tell me you love me." He asked softly on your lips and you buried your face in his neck, surrendering to his charm.
"More than anything, baby. Love you so much."
Defender held your chin and kissed you softly. "Better not let Supreme hear that." He said with a provocative smile on his lips that wasn't really like him, but that made him even more handsome.
Impatient, Supreme took your hand pulling you from Defender's lap gently but insistently. "Come here, honey. I've waited too long."
You couldn't help but giggle at the serious way he said it. As if you were somehow making him suffer by waiting his turn.
You let yourself be manhandled and he positioned you straddling his lap. "Always you, isn't it, Supreme Strange?"
He smirked positioning his shaking hands to the sides of your neck and pulling you into a hungry kiss.
"You complain, but you love the way I am, honey."
You could have rolled your eyes, but you didn't want to provoke him so you didn't. "If what you want is for me to suck your cock, you should try to be less cocky."
He gave you that beautiful sideways smile of his, "But I know you want to blow me as much as I want it."
"Seriously, just for tonight, can't you be less of yourself, Supreme?" Stephen complained and although you weren't looking at him, you could almost hear his eyes rolling.
"You better get to work, honey."
You let out a small giggle and dismounted his lap, helping him get rid of the pants he was wearing and immediately took him in your hands. He was so deliciously hard for you, the tip wet with precum from being stimulated by his own hands. You licked the tip to savor the salty taste and this time you couldn't stop your eyes from rolling back, but for an entirely different reason.
"Oh fuck, honey. Put it all in your mouth, please. Suck it hard, make me cum. I don't care. You know I'm going to stay hard for you anyway."
You did exactly what he asked, adding one hand to his balls, stimulating him as much as possible, rotating the other hand at the base while sucking and licking. Taking your time and enjoying it as much as him.
"So delicious... fuck, honey, keep going just like that. Gonna fill your mouth with milk. I spent all day thinking about doing that."
You hummed contentedly and went even deeper, taking him all the way to the back of your throat and hearing the sounds of approval from the other Stephens at the same time as you felt the mattress dipping and Stephen moving in your peripherals.
"Get your pretty ass up for me, sweetheart." Stephen asked, slapping your ass cheek and you obeyed, moaning loudly when you felt his tongue lapping your folds, the friction of his goatee making you see stars. You immediately started moving your hips against his mouth and he grabbed your thighs, correctly taking the action as encouragement.
Supreme grabbed your hair with one of his hands and pushed you against his cock making you swallow him completely.
"F-Fuck... take it, honey. Take all of it. Oh shit." He moaned loudly spilling down your throat and making your eyes water. He took his cock out of your mouth allowing you to vocalize the pleasure that Stephen's fierce tongue was providing you now that he was sucking your ass.
This was new for you and you didn't understand how it could be so pleasurable, but Stephen had the gift of addicting you to new and different things and you loved it. Sex with them could never get boring.
Supreme patted your cheek and ran his hand through the hair that insisted on falling across his forehead. "That mouth of yours is otherworldly, honey. I just put my dick inside it and I cum."
You smiled, but before you could respond a moan broke through your lips when Stephen added his fingers to the sum of the stimulation, penetrating you with them.
"That's it. Moan loudly for us. Let us hear how good it feels." Supreme teased, holding your chin with one hand and making you suck his index finger.
“Delicious,” Stephen rasped. "I could spend the whole night like this."
But contrary to what he said, he pulled away enough to direct his cock at your entrance and forced it slowly. "So fucking tight. No matter how many times I fuck this pussy, it's always so tight."
You moaned loudly feeling yourself being impaled by his cock and Supreme smirked at something Defender said and walked away letting him get closer to you.
"I want your mouth a little more, baby. Please." He asked, kneeling on the bed in front of you. You placed your hands on his thighs and took him in your mouth again, sucking voraciously. It was hard to be gentle when Stephen was fucking you so hard.
Defender took your hair in his hands and let himself be carried away by the moment. "Fuck baby, so good. You suck my cock so good."
You kept your eyes open to watch him, he had his eyes fixed on Stephen fucking you and you knew that was exactly what was making his dick throb so hard in your mouth. The obscenity of it all.
"Oh God, baby. I love watching you get fucked like this. So fucking hot."
Stephen slapped your ass in agreement. "Come on, sweetheart, suck his cock and make him cum in your mouth. I want to see it." He ordered, increasing the strength of his thrusts, which became increasingly irregular.
Defender moaned loudly and you felt his thighs shaking. "Oh baby... gonna cum... oh yeah baby, can I cum in your mouth?"
You hummed positively and a part of your brain thought it was cute that he had even bothered to ask.
"F-Fuck... oh come on baby... take it..." His voice sounded broken as hot cum filled your mouth. A lot of it.
"So fucking good..." He mumbled between moans, caressing your face and taking his cock out of your mouth. "Let me see it."
You obeyed, opening your mouth so he could see his cum inside and then swallowing and sticking your tongue out at him dramatically so he could see.
"Beautiful. So fucking beautiful." He murmured, bending down to kiss you and Stephen moaned loudly, giving two harder thrusts and then spilling himself inside you.
"Oh fuck, sweetheart... You're too good to be true." He confessed breathlessly and then pulled out. His cum dripping down your abused pussy.
Your legs shook and you fell face down on the mattress, but Supreme pulled you into his arms.
"Look what you do to us. It's impossible to last when you're so irresistible."
You smiled, pulling him to your lips. "Is this a complaint?"
You heard Defender and Stephen giggling and the sound filled your heart with such great love with the realization that you were having this moment together and they weren't fighting each other, on the contrary, you could swear that at that point they were practically united against you and you didn't know if you could take it.
"And what man would be crazy to complain about having a woman like you, honey?"
You pulled him back to your lips while squeezing your thighs together. They could have had theirs, but you needed to have yours and if possible, you wanted to have it more than once.
Supreme got the message quickly and got between your legs, spreading them with his arms and holding them open while he eat you. He didn't care that Stephen had cum in you seconds before and the notion of that only made the oral even more pleasurable. Your back arched and your eyes closed immediately and a pornographic moan escaped your lips. You could cum right then if he continued, but Supreme had other plans. He licked your ass, leaving enough saliva there and directed his dick at your entrance, penetrating it slowly.
You still remembered the first time you had anal, it was with Supreme and you were so uncertain about the whole thing, but now you loved it, you loved the strange sensation and the peculiar pleasure that took over once he was inside you. . You liked it so much that you wondered if there was something wrong with you since women aren't supposed to enjoy it that much.
Supreme moaned loudly, laying on top of you slowly and giving your body time to get used to the sensation, then he grabbed your thigh and pulled it so that you intertwined your legs around his waist, allowing him to go even deeper.
"Oh Stephen... feels so good." You confessed, wrapping your arms around him. "Move, please."
He did as you asked, moving slowly at first, but gradually increasing the intensity of his thrusts until he reached a frantic rate.
"Y-Yes, oh yes, Steph, just like that, fuck me just like that..."
He took your lips in a desperate kiss, fucking you at the same rhythm incessantly, the bed creaked, the headboard hit the wall and your moans were so loud. Next thing you know, you had one of your hands between you rubbing your clit to get as much stimulation as possible and your legs were shaking and you felt like you were about to cum. No one could be more sexually fulfilled than you at that moment, but that was exactly the problem, you didn't want to finish, not yet.
"Wait... Stephen... wait. Gonna cum... don't make me cum yet."
He stopped and pulled out with a cocky smile plastered on his lips. "That good, uh? Want me to stop for a bit and let the others have fun with you now?"
You nodded biting your bottom lip. Something about the way he said it sounded so dirty.
He rolled to the side running his hand through his hair "You can barely handle one, how can you handle the three of us?" He teased and you found the strength within you to tease back "I can take it. I always do."
He chuckled in satisfaction at your response and you opened your arms allowing Defender to snuggle into them.
"Baby, I need you. Tell me you're ready for me again."
He let himself be hugged and kissed you hard. His lips moved up to your ear and he confided. "I haven’t even softened, baby."
You pulled him to your lips again, but pushed him away so you could get on top of him. He hummed contently letting you take control and direct him inside you. It was to be imagined, given the rivalry that existed between them, that Defender would not like to be in a submissive position when the other Stephens were around. In fact, it was like that at first, but now he didn't care and you were sure the others loved watching. Before Defender you weren't used to being in that position, but with him you got a taste for it and there was nothing in the world that made you feel more powerful than riding him.
His shaking hands grabbed your waist and he moaned loudly feeling you sink down onto his dick. You grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him to your lips, kissing him desperately as you began to move up and down and gyrating your hips sensually as you did so. You lolled your head back, letting yourself be carried away by the pleasure you felt and Defender took the opportunity to bury his face between your breasts. The other Stephens watched attentively and Stephen, unable not to intervene, grabbed your chin and kissed you.
You kept your pace fast and steady, your body responding to the sensations in all the right ways.
"Oh god, baby, cock feels so good inside me, make me wanna cum so hard." You confessed between moans and Defender pulled you back to his lips.
"Cum for me then, baby. Don't hold back. We've all had one, it's your turn now. You can use me to have it. Fuck me any way you want."
How sweet. He was always so sweet and wonderful all the time that it didn't surprise you that the others were a little more jealous when compared to him and to be honest, you loved it.
"Oh shit, baby. Gonna cum." You moaned loudly, riding him faster and harder, feeling the familiar knot tighten in your stomach.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and your pussy contracted tightly around him.
"Fuck baby... squeezing me so hard... gonna make me cum too."
You were so lost in your pleasure that you could barely form a complete sentence "Please... with me."
Defender moaned loudly, wrapping his arm around your waist and helping you move on top of him and your hands got lost in his hair, pulling him to your lips in one last act of passion and ecstasy until you both came together amidst moans and loudly breathing.
You both came down from your high slowly and there was a proud smile on Defender's lips. He kissed you gently and helped you dismount him.
"Come here, sweetheart." Stephen asked, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap. "Let's play a little, what do you think? Me, you and Supreme. You always feel so tight with two dicks inside you."
You bit your bottom lip feeling your cheeks flush, but you let yourself be manhandled. He positioned you on top of his dick and entered you slowly. The squelching sound it made from you being filled with cum was so obscene and so good. You moaned loudly. It didn't matter that you had just cum, you wanted more.
Stephen kissed you and moaned into the kiss. Supreme came from behind, positioning himself in the best way to make the three of you comfortable. The tip of his cock poked your ass and you closed your eyes feeling him slowly penetrate you. It was always a strange sensation, you felt too full and uncomfortable before the pleasure appeared, but it appeared and was always very strong.
"Oh yeah, honey, such a tight ass... squeezing my dick so hard."
You moved slow. Stephen held your waist and helped you slowly move up and down and Supreme carefully moved back and forth. The thing with double penetration is that it's not like it is in the movies, for all parties involved to feel pleasure you need to do it slowly, but once you learn how to do it, it's addictive.
"Oh Stephen... feels so good."
You let yourself be pulled into Supreme's lips and then back into Stephen's as they both thrust into you at a lazy, infectious pace. You loved being fought over like that, there was something devilishly sexy about taking turns between two men's lips. "So fucking good... fucking me... good."
The two laughed softly, observing that you could barely formulate a sentence at that point.
Supreme placed one hand on the headboard and the other on your shoulder and increased the strength of his thrusts and you and Stephen moaned together with the increased stimulation.
"Shit, gonna cum in your ass, honey. Its too good... too tight... I can't..."
He moaned loudly and the grip of his hand on your shoulder also tightened and you felt him cuming inside you.
"F-fuck yes..." He gasped "Oh shit." He grabbed your chin and pulled you into a hard kiss and then pulled out and threw himself on the bed.
Stephen took the opportunity to hold you around your waist and place you underneath him with your face on the mattress and your ass in the air. He quickly penetrated you again and you moaned loudly feeling the delicious sensation of being fucked from behind. But he wasn't gentle, he was too far beyond that, too lost in his own pleasure.
Thrust after thrust he fucked you, pushing your face against the mattress and moaning loudly, completely surrendered, looking for his release.
"You love this, don't you?" He teased "Tell me how much you love taking it from behind."
You moaned loudly feeling like you were close to cumming again. That was something that before the Stephens you thought was impossible, but anal orgasms were possible and were usually the most intense ones you had.
"Steph... gonna make me cum... again." You confessed, completely surrendering to him.
"Yeah? Are you going to cum with my dick in your ass? So fucking dirty. You love being a dirty girl for us, don't you? That's why you sent that text to the three of us, because you wanted to be fucked like that... like a fucking whore."
“Y-yes” You stammered feeling his teasing push you over the edge.
"Then be a good girl and cum with daddy's cock in your ass. Show the other Stephens how much you enjoy it. Come on, sweetheart, I'm right behind you. I'm going to fill this sweet ass with cum."
You moaned loudly, letting yourself be pushed towards the oblivion of everything earthly and launching yourself into ecstasy. Your legs shook beneath him, your entire body shook with the force of your orgasm.
Stephen gave three more thrusts and stopped completely, moaning and letting himself spill inside you. When he was done he brushed your hair away from your face and kissed the top of your head gently and then pulled out and rolled it to the side.
It took you a few seconds to catch your breath and finally turn around and face the ceiling with a silly smile on your lips.
"This was amazing." You praised before giving in to the giggles. "I doubt there is a woman in this world who is more sexually fulfilled than I am tonight."
The three giggled and you felt yourself being pulled into Stephen's arms. He kissed the top of your head before pulling you to his lips. "I can say the same, sweetheart. No man could be happier than we are to have you."
You wrapped your arms around him and felt the tiredness domination you.
“Tired?” Stephen teased.
You smiled lazily  “ I think I need a shower, I'm dripping cum."
The three of them burst into laughter and Defender took the lead, extending his hand to you and helping you stand up.
"The pasta is ready, baby, we can add it to the sauce now." Defender reported being extremely helpful. He had offered to help you finish dinner while the other Stephens were in the shower and you couldn't refuse to have that sweet domestic moment with him.
"The sauce is already boiling. Can you add the pasta for me while I stir?"
He did as you asked and came back with the parmesan cheese he had magically grated for you to use.
Without holding back, he stole a strand of pasta to try. "It's divine, love. I love the food you make, the seasoning you add... divine." He praised searching for your lips. You kissed him softly and then pulled away, handing him the platter with the roast and vegetables. "Can you take this to the table for me, baby?"
He nodded, taking the dish and walking away and you couldn't help but laugh when you realized how you both were dressed. So different from what you had planned and yet so perfect. He was shirtless, barefoot, with his hair in a bun and was only wearing pajama pants.
"What is it?" He asked confused.
"Nothing" You said "I just realized that we're going to have our romantic dinner dressed like we're having a sleepover."
He smirked "I like seeing you in my old t-shirts."
You smiled hearing the familiar chatting of the other Stephens approaching. "And I love wearing them. Now take these and come back to get the pasta."
He smiled “Yes, love.”
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
sister-in-law | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x fem!reader one shot
pairing: boyfriend!carmy x fem!reader
word count: 5.2k
warnings: use of she/her pronouns, no use of y/n, second person pov, swearing, tooth rotting fluff, talks of marriage, marijuana usage, long term relationship
summary: set two years after the ending of ‘make my heart surrender.’ you and carmy have settled into a comfortable rhythm between creating something spectacular with the bear and exploring your relationship. now that you’ve been together for a while now, sugar asks you a very important question… while you’re both violently high.
a/n: this is a fun and silly little idea i had after discovering two year old videos of me and my best friend 60 minutes after taking an edible.
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It’s not often that you get dressed up, but you don’t want Natalie to think that you’re a total slob. You’re mostly in comfy clothes at home, then kitchen clothes here at the restaurant so it’s a welcomed change up from the status quo. Every now and then you get dressed up for a date night with Carmy, but most date nights you’re so tired that you prefer to stay in.
After slipping on the wrap dress you found at the back of your shared closet with Carmy, you run your fingers through your hair making sure that it isn’t too messy from a full morning and afternoon’s worth of work. You notice that your hair falls in soft waves from being twisted into a bun earlier that morning, so you smooth out a few stray hairs that look a little too messy. You slip on your leather jacket, as it’s getting chillier at night, and make your way out of the bathroom. 
If you didn’t know how hard Gary worked to keep everything clean, you’d have your hesitations about changing in the staff restroom. While most of the restaurant had gotten a face lift during the remodel, the staff restroom was one of the remaining parts of The Bear’s past. You pass through the kitchen one more time, your pristine white sneakers clean only because you never wear them here, heading right to Carmy’s office. 
He’s got his head buried in some paperwork, a pen in his mouth as his eyes scan over the legal jargon that runs all through the first page. A stray curl frames his face perfectly, earning a smile from you as his focus remains unbroken. 
“You still cool with me taking the car tonight?” you ask your boyfriend, causing Carmy to look up from the new lease agreement he has yet to sign. 
“Woah,” he sounds, raising his eyebrows as he checks you out. He’s not used to seeing you like this – let alone in a dress. 
He wonders for a moment if he forgot an anniversary of some sort, panic beginning to set in. 
“What’s uh-, what’s going on?” he stammers, caught completely off guard by how good you look. 
You chuckle, knowing he’s only a little tongue tied because he hasn’t seen you in a dress in a while, “I’m heading to your sister’s, remember? For dinner. We talked about this last night.”
“Shhhhhhit,” he swears, hanging on to the first syllable. He tosses the lease agreement down on his desk in defeat, turning in his chair towards you. “I-, I just talked to Sugar earlier today. She didn’t say anything about dinner plans.” He pauses, swearing under his breath again. “Will you tell her I’m sorry? It must’ve slipped my mind and I’ve got to stay a little longer till Syd gets in.”
“Oh don’t worry about it, babe. You weren’t invited anyways,” you reply casually, letting him off the hook. 
Or at least you think it’s going to let him off the hook. 
You watch as his facial expressions move from panic to pure confusion. Carmy’s racking his brain for any kind of recollection, searching for any recollection of the conversation you’re referencing. Between training new line cooks and working overtime so that Sydney could take a vacation, his brain is fried and he has no idea what you’re talking about. 
You giggle again, stepping into his office, “I take it you don’t remember the conversation we had before we went to bed last night?”
Truthfully, you suspected he might’ve been half asleep when you’d curled up to him and let him know that you and his sister had plans tonight. He’d been working so hard at the restaurant lately that you’re not surprised he’s reached this level of burnout. 
“Baby, Nat invited me over for dinner tonight. We’re gonna hang out… catch up a little,” you explain pivoting to the whole ‘you’re not invited part.’ “If it makes you feel any better, Pete’s not invited either.”
You search his facial expressions, looking for any kind of familiarity, but it seems your words have only caused him more confusion. 
“Wait, let me get this straight,” he says, trying to put all the pieces together. 
“You’re going over to my sister’s?” he repeats back to you.
“Uh huh.”
“Without me,” he emphasizes. 
“That is correct.”
He takes a beat, before finally coming to his conclusion. 
“You and my sister have plans together without me?”
You laugh at how surprised he sounds. 
“Jeez, Carm. You’d think after knowing her for two years we’d be able to have a conversation without you, babe,” you joke with him. 
But he still looks like he’s trying to solve a calculus equation. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll try my best to steer clear of any embarrassing stories,” you reassure him, hoping to put his mind at ease. “And let her know that calling you a ‘soft shitty bitch’ in front of me is not your favorite.”
He laughs dryly, still trying his best to wrap his head around the fact that you and his sister are hanging out. It’s not that it’s a wildly radical concept for him to stomach, but between your relationship and the restaurant, you and Natalie had only spent a handful of times solo over the last two years (which was precisely the point she’d made when she called you the other day). You’d told her that you had a night off and appreciated the invitation for some quality time. 
“We’re kicking out Pete too. Maybe… you could give him a call,” you suggest, cautiously. You’re not even sure why you suggest it, considering the look he sends you that says, ‘not likely but nice try.’
“Or not,” you conclude, taking the option off the table as soon as you see the look on Carmy’s face. “You stickin’ around here tonight?”
“Just till Syd gets in,” Carmy replies. And considering how fried his brain feels, he could really use the night off. 
“Okay, well I’m gonna head home and feed Aioli before I head over to Sugar’s,” you tell him, in reference to the cat you both rescued just shortly after you moved in together. “See ya at home?”
“Sure,” Carmy replies, pressing his lips against yours in a gentle, goodbye kiss. 
He’s not sure whether he feels relieved that he doesn’t have to go to dinner with you, or nervous about the fact that you and Sugar are hanging out without him. What did you have in common with his sister? What the hell were you going to talk about and why did he care?
Sydney comes in a little later and she and Carmy catch up about her time off, things at the restaurant, the progress of their recently hired new line cooks. Before he knows it, she’s practically kicking him out of their restaurant, insisting that he get a head start on his night off. 
Carmy’s not sure whether it's the progressively chillier air, or the fact that the days are getting shorter that’s got him in his head. While he entertains the thought of going home, opening a window before he lights a few up, and crashing on the couch early, he’s not sure he’s ready to go home yet. With his plaid coat to keep him warm, Carmy enjoys a leisurely walk to a meeting instead. 
He doesn’t feel he needs them as much as he used to, but Carmy still likes to go at least once a week. You’ve joined him a few times and while he appreciates the support, he likes that it feels like a place that’s just his. That’s just for him. It’s almost been three years since Mikey died and while the pain isn’t as sharp, it continues to shapeshift. He likes having the outlet – whether he wants to stand up and talk about it or not. It’s a place he doesn’t have to be anyone – not chef, not a business owner, not a partner – but just some fucked up kid with a dead brother and anxiety.
Across town, you sit at the Berzatto kitchen table, flipping through old photo albums as Natalie finishes assembling dinner. You’re not sure how you got on the topic, but she’s telling you about her soulcycle class and running a successful campaign of trying to get you to come with her. 
“There’s one near River North and everything,” she says, glowing with her own excitement. 
“No, yeah, we should definitely go sometime,” you reply, as she’s just taken out the casserole dish of eggplant parm out of the oven
“I know your work schedule is sporadic. Why don’t I send you the schedule and you can just let me know which one you’d like to go to?” Natalie suggests, hopefully.
You agree, half to placate her and half because you’re genuinely curious about this ‘spin class’ that she can’t stop raving about. 
“Oh my god. Look at you guys!” you guys, pausing the minute you see a photo of all the Berzatto children. 
Mikey must have been a teenager in this one. He’s got a young, and exceptionally blonde, Carmy hoisted up over his shoulders, while Natalie glaring into the camera lens, a popsicle in her hands. 
“Oh my god… I haven’t seen this one in forever,” she says, glancing over at the photo album page you’ve held up to show her. 
“There was a heatwave,” she begins to recall fondly. “And Uncle Jimmy had set up a sprinkler in the yard for us so that we could play in some water. Mom always hated community pools and refused to let us join one.”
“Carmy is so blonde. And the bowl cut?” you laugh, running your fingertips over the photo. 
Natalie nods in agreement, “Yeah not the best look for him when the curls came in. He and I were both very blonde when we were younger… but Mikey… he always had that tall dark and handsome look from the get go. 
You take a beat, listening to her talk about Mikey. You turn the page of the photo book, your eyes scanning over a few new photographs. There’s one of Mikey in a tux that’s so 90’s it’s painful. He stands with a stunning redhead, her corsage matching his tie. There’s a younger Carmy in the background of the photo as well and suddenly, there’s a bittersweet feeling in your belly. 
“I wish I could've met him,” you finally say out loud. “Mikey,”
“Yeah,” Sugar says sadly. She rests her back against the kitchen counter, her glass of wine still in her hands. 
“He would’ve really liked you,” she offers up, sympathetically. “Actually, he probably would’ve hit on you just to push Carmy’s buttons a little.”
“Oh really?” you ask, a light chuckle escaping your lips. 
“Carmy didn’t date a lot. I mean… he hasn’t dated a lot… really till you. And Mikey on the other hand never had any trouble in that department, which I think only made him more eager to be Carmy’s wingman. Even when his methods were… questionable,” she replies, remembering her complicated older brother. 
“Is this your mom?” you ask, pointing to the middle-aged woman in the photo. 
“Yeah,” Sugar nods. “I know. She looks so different.”
You’re quiet for a moment. You’d only met the Berzatto matriarch once in the last two years you’d been living in Chicago, and it had gone less than swimmingly. Natalie and Pete had invited everyone over for dinner, and it hadn’t taken long for Carmy and his mother to get into it, leading to an early exit for you and him. 
“Carmy never really talks about her…” you trail off, shooting Natalie a look. 
“He-,” she starts, not sure how she wants to explain it. On one hand, while she can understand why Carmy keeps his distance, she resents him for not trying. “He had the least time with Dad… and then Mom, in her right mind. I’ve been thinking a lot about that actually… now that Pete and I are trying to get pregnant.”
You understand. But it’s tough to hear the sadness in Natalie’s voice as well, especially since she’s worked so hard to accept the relationship she'll never have with her own mother.
“Anyways, uh… I think the eggplant parm is ready,” Natalie says, changing the subject. She nods you over to the kitchen counter, prompting you to close the photo book, and follow her into the kitchen. 
By the time his meeting ends, the sun has almost set. Carmy makes his way out of the church, pausing at the bottom of the steps to pull out his phone. He’s not sure why, but he’s still not ready to go home just yet. The restaurant’s really taken off, which means he and Syd have been able to hire more line cooks, and he’s not needed every single day, day in and day out. While it’s great that they’ve grown so much, Carmy finds it a harder adjustment than he expected. He’s always had a complicated relationship with rest – with sitting still. 
After furiously entering in his passcode, he types up a quick text to Richie. 
Carmy: Yo. I got the night off. Up for a drink?
He sees the three dots at the bottom of his message with Richie and anticipates his reply. In a matter of seconds, a reply pops up on his screen. 
Richie: No can do, cuz. I got Ava tonight. 
Carmy knows that Richie’s fought hard to get more time with Ava. He’s been spending more time with her during the weekdays too, now that the staff that made up The Bear wasn’t made up of five people anymore. Everyone seemed to be experiencing shifts these days. 
Carmy: Another time. 
Carmy moves his thumbs over a few different screens, opening up a previous message that Syd’s sent him. 
Carmy: How’s everything going?
Sydney: All good, chef. Enjoy your night off. 
It’s a strange feeling – not being needed every single shift at the restaurant. He knew it meant that they’d made huge progress – had come so far from where they started – but Carmy was still adjusting to this new rhythm of… not shitty and maybe sort of a legit spot. They had, after all, taken home the James Beard “Best New Restaurant” award last year.
Carmy thinks about it for a moment. He could go back in, see if they needed help around the kitchen, but he knows he’d just be in the fucking way. He huffs out a stubborn puff of air as your words echo in his head:
We’re kicking Pete out too. Maybe… you could give him a call.
He shakes in his head in disbelief, not sure what possesses him as he thinks to himself, what the hell?
His fingers hover over Pete’s name in his contact list, before he finally just bites the bullet and clicks on the contact. He’s really started to warm up to Pete over the years, but it’s not like they’re hanging out or grabbing drinks by themselves or anything. It’s mostly family gatherings, little text message exchanges here and there, hanging out at the restaurant. 
Carmy waits as the phone rings: once, twice, three times. It’s on the fourth ring that Pete finally picks up. 
“Hey, Carm. What’s going on?” Pete greets. It’s so chipper that Carmy has to fight his impulse to throw his phone in front of a moving car. 
“Yo! Uh… you want to grab a drink?” Carmy asks, cutting right to the chase. 
Pete, completely caught off guard by his brother-in-law’s ask, rushes to answer. 
“Oh yeah! Definitely. I’m just uh-, leaving the Y downtown. Shootin’ some hoops. With the boys,” he replies, trying a little too hard to sound cool. Carmy’s not sure if he’s oversharing out of surprise, or if Pete is really just this much of a nerd. 
“Where you at?”
“Uh… River North. All-Family meeting,” Carmy answers. 
“Cool cool cool,” Pete nods. “Why don’t uh-, why don’t I come meet you up there?”
“Sure, yeah. I’ll uh-, see you soon.”
They discuss details and Pete’s eager to throw out a place that Carmy will think is cool. Carmy’s not sure what he’s in for, or why he called in the first place, but he’s already set the ball in motion. 
Before taking off, he shoots you a quick text message:
Meeting up with Pete. How’s it going?
You’re mid-bite as you receive Carmy’s text message, almost spitting out your food as you read what he’s sent you. 
“Holy shit.”
“What?” Sugar asks, concerned. 
“Carmy called Pete,” you say, still in shock. The two of you exchanged glances. “They’re gonna grab a drink. I mean, I kind of suggested earlier thinking there was no way in hell but-.”
Sugar rolls her eyes, “Well great. Looks like Hell’s frozen over. I won’t be surprised if the two of them bring on the end of the world.”
You laugh in response because it’s funny, and because you know that she’s deflecting – trying not to get her hopes that this could be a good thing. 
It’s not till you finish eating dinner that it hits you that Carmy really took your advice and is probably with Pete right now. You send over a quick text, because you can’t help yourself from checking in. 
You: How’s it going? You haven’t punched Pete in the face yet, I hope. 
Carmy: All good. 
You roll your eyes at his short reply, before your phone powers off. 
“Shit, my phone’s dead. Mind if I charge it?” you ask. 
“Of course,” Natalie replies. “Here, I’ll go plug it in for you.” 
“Thanks,” you say back, handing her your phone. 
She gets up out of her seat, making her way back to the kitchen where there’s a charger. You hear her slide something over, and the sound of plates being put into the sink before she says, 
“Fucking-, Jesus Christ. What a fucking loser!”
“What?” you call to her, not sure what she’s talking about. 
Natalie returns to you, a small pack in her hands and a look on her face like she can’t wait to tell you a secret.
“Pete’s been really stressed out at work,” she begins, on the verge of laughter. “So I told him to pick up a thing of CBD gummies.”
“Only he’s a fucking idiot and…” she continues, before handing you the package that she’s had in her hands. “... clearly doesn’t understand the difference between CBD and THC.”
You examine the packaging and, in Pete’s defense, the letters that read THC are small. You laugh, turning the package over in your hands. 
Weed gummies. Pete accidentally bought weed gummies. 
“I gave him specific instructions on what to look for and where to-,” she says with an eye roll. As annoyed as she is with Pete, she also finds it endearing that he’s this much of a goody-two-shoes. 
“I’ll have him go back to the dispensary and exchange them tomorrow.”
You take a beat, not sure if you should say what’s in your head. Weed is legal in Illinois after all and he DID get them from a dispensary. You figure the worst thing she can do is say ‘no’ and think that you’re weird. 
“Okay but,” you begin deviously, pausing for dramatic effect. “What if you didn’t?”
“Didn’t…?” she pauses, eyeing you suspiciously. 
A smile creeps up on her face as the corners of her lips curl upwards. 
You shrug, “I think we deserve to let loose a little.”
Sugar waits, thinking it over. Really, she’s just looking for a reason to say no, and she can’t find one. 
“Okay, yeah. Why the fuck not?” 
“Do you feel like maybe it’s possible that we could… sink into the couch?” you ask, as the edible has officially hit. 
Natalie lets out a loud laugh, “YES! Yes, that’s exactly how I feel right now.”
“Like somehow our bodies will liquify and we’ll be a part of this couch for the rest of eternity.”
You sit side by side, feeling your bodies sink into the couch, relaxing into it. Damn, you haven’t felt this relaxed in a while and you can only imagine Sugar hasn’t either. Between carrying the weight of parenting everyone in the Berzatto family, you’re just glad that you two can blow off some steam together. 
“Okay, I want to ask you something,” Natalie says, turning her whole body to you. It feels like she’s turning towards you in slow motion and she definitely knows the edible has hit. 
“Hm?” you hum in response, turning just your head towards her. 
“It’s a very serious question.”
Only she can’t keep a straight face and the harder she works to be serious, the more the two of you laugh. 
“I’m not convinced this is serious,” you point out through a fit of giggles. 
“No, it is, I swear! Just-. Hold on.”
When Sugar finally collects herself, she has a very serious look on her face for a moment as she stares you down. Your eyes watch as she grabs your hands in hers, following with eight words you’re not expecting her to ask. 
“Are you and Carmen going to get married?”
“Wh-,” you start, unable to finish your sentence before bursting into another fit of laughter. It’s not that the concept is all that funny, but you are high after all. “Wh-, what-? Woah! Where did that come from?”
“No, I’m serious!” she demands, before lowering her voice to a whisper. 
“You said that.”
“Okay, well I mean it! Listen, listen, listen.”
You’re listening. 
“I mean, what’s the hold up? You moved your whole life here and it’s been two years! You’ve got to at least be talking about it right?”
You shrug casually, “Yeah, I know we’ve been dating for a while but-.”
Surprised by the hesitation she can hear in your voice, Sugar pauses. 
“Wait-, do you not think that Carmy’s-?” she begins to ask. 
“Oh my god, no!” you cut her off, eager to squash any notion that Carmy isn’t the one for you. “No, that's not it at all.” 
“Carmine…” you trail off, tickled by the nickname you’ve heard Richie use on more than one occasion. “... is the love of my life.”
“Yeah… I guess we just haven’t really talked about… marriage… all that much.”
“Well, why not?” Sugar practically exclaims, startling you with her overenthusiastic rally. “You guys are fucking perfect for each other! You’ve been dating for long enough!”
“We’re just not in a rush, I guess!” you reply, with a shrug. 
“That’s such bullshit,” she argues, wondering if she needs to have a few words with her little brother. 
“No! No, it’s not, I swear. Let me explain,” you justify, sending her a ‘just hear me out’ kind of look. 
You clear your throat, trying your best to be serious, even though you feel you may be melting into the couch at this point. Sugar waits for your explanation, unconvinced that this isn’t all Carmy’s fault. 
“Would you think I was cheesy… if I said we’re not-, well at least I’m not in a hurry…” you begin, letting the words fall out of your mouth as you finish your sentence with, “...because I know we have forever?”
“Aw, no it’s-,” Sugar starts, before breaking into another fit of giggles. “Well yeah it’s totally super cheesy but it’s also… really sweet.”
You share a genuine moment of love and appreciation – for each other, for Carmy, for the fact that someone loves her little brother this damn much – before bursting out into laughter again. 
“Oh shit,” Sugar hisses, feeling her phone go off. She sits up, reaching for her phone that’s somehow fallen on the floor. The caller ID reads ‘Carmy,’ and she swears again.
“Speak of the devil,” she mutters, answering the phone. You cover your mouth, trying your best to be quiet. 
You hear him ask if you’re still with her. 
“Uh, yeah, what’s up?” Sugar asks back, doing her best to sound sober. 
“Her phone’s off and I got-. Will you just put my girlfriend on, please?” Carmy asks. Sugar simultaneously finds it annoying and also sweet that he sounds worried about you. 
“It’s Carmy,” she whispers to you, handing you the phone. 
In a sing-song voice she teases you, “Someone is in trouble.”
You take the phone, mouthing back, ‘no i’m not.’ 
“Hello?” you answer, immediately hearing the worry in his voice. 
“Hey, I’ve been trying to call you but your phone’s off. Everything okay?” he asks, concerned. 
“Oh shit,” you swear. “Yeah, I’m sorry. My phone died right after you texted me about going to meet up with Pete. It’s been charging on the kitchen counter.”
“Okay,” Carmy sighs, relieved. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you, babe. But um yeah, no,” you reassure, your facade quickly slipping. You know you sound less sober by the minute. “Everything is… very cool. Very cool beansssss.” 
Natalie laughs at your explanation, slapping a hand over her mouth to stifle the laugh. 
Carmy pauses, noticing something different about the way your voice sounds.
No. It can’t be. 
This is the last possible thing that could happen this evening. Tonight was supposed to be about you and his sister bonding and probably talking shit about him. 
He can’t believe he’s going to ask you this. 
“Are you… are you high right now?” he asks, in pure disbelief as the words leave his mouth. 
You and Natalie shoot a ‘busted’ look to each other as you reply, “Um yeah. High on life. And also a gummy.”
Carmy chuckles at your juvenile response, “Okay, well, I’m glad you two are having fun. Promise me you won’t drive home?”
“Mhm,” you hum in response. “I’ll just uber home. To you, Carmy-Bear. The love of my life.”
“Wow, you really are high,” he comments, still trying to wrap his head around it. 
Carmy chuckles at his new title. It’s not the first time he’s heard you call him that, but it seems out of place considering. It makes him wonder what kind of trouble you and Sugar have gotten into this evening. 
“She’s fine, Carmen. She’s in good hands!” Sugar yells, loud enough so that he can hear it through the phone.
“Will you turn your phone back on though? I was a little worried there when I couldn't get a hold of you.”
“You were worried about me?” you ask, softly, his words affecting you even more now that you’re blasted.
“Awwww he loves you,” Sugar says softly.
“I know it’s pretty fuckin’ great,” you agree with a giggle. 
“You’re ready to go? Okay, yeah, we can-,” you can hear Carmy say. He pauses and you can hear him exchange a few words with someone else. “Don’t worry about getting a car back, sweetheart. Pete’s gonna drive me back and uh, I’ll take you home.”
“My hero,” you swoon playfully, eliciting another fit of giggles from Sugar. 
“Sweetheart, will you please tell Sugar that I’m coming to get you?” he asks, almost as if he’s talking to a child. 
“Right now?”
“Yes, right now!”
You pretend to cover up the speaker of the phone before saying, “Um, so, Buzz Killington on the line here wants me to tell you that I’m not allowed to drive home and he’s gonna come pick me up right now.”
“Oh, you’re no fun, Carmy!” she shouts back to him. 
“Babe, will you just put Sugar back on the phone?”
“Fine,” you scowl, handing the phone back to Natalie. “Sugar, my dad would like to talk to you.”
Carmy’s not sure how he has somehow found himself in a situation where he is the only adult in the metaphorical room as he hears your comment, dodging strange looks from Pete. 
“Fucking christ, Bear. Relax,” Sugar sighs out, annoyed with her little brother as she takes the phone back. “Sounds like he needs a gummy too.” 
“Sugar are you-, are you high too?” he asks, much more surprised to find out that she also seems to have had a gummy. 
“Yep. See ya soon, little brother. Byeeeee,” she says, before hanging up on him. 
Carmy’s surprised to discover that his sister has just hung up on him. He’s not sure whether he’s annoyed with the two of you, shocked that you’re both high, or humored by it all. At least he can stop worrying about you.
“What’s uh-, what’s goin’ on?” Pete asks, having witnessed that more-than-strange interaction with you, Sugar, and Carmy on the phone. 
Carmy lets out an amused chuckle before saying, “They’re high right now.”
It feels like a second and also three years later that Carmy and Pete come home, bursting through the front door. You and Sugar are still on the couch gossiping, barely paying attention to the Bravo TV show she’s put on in the background. 
Natalie offers to pack you guys up some leftovers, which Pete assists with, until you’re all standing in the doorway of Nat and Pete’s home. 
“So how exactly did this happen again?” Carmy questions, hesitantly. He’s almost too afraid to learn the answer. 
“Because my goody-two-shoes of a husband doesn’t know the fucking difference between THC and CBD,” she says, glaring at Pete. 
“Ohhhh no wonder they asked me for an ID,” Pete replies, his eyes widening. 
“You ready to go?” Carmy asks you, and you nod with a stupid lovesick smile on your face. 
You say your goodbyes and Natalie brings you in for one more hug. 
“And you’re still going to come with me to my soulcycle class right?” she asks with a very serious look on her face.
“Yes, yes. Absolutely. I will, I promise.”
“Awww okay. Thanks for coming over. I can’t wait for you to be my sister-in-law,” Natalie gushes, as she hugs you goodbye. 
“Woahhhh, okay. Uh, let’s get you home,” Carmy interjects, practically dragging you out of the door. 
Carmy ushers you to the car, and before you know it, you’re on the way home. 
“Do I even want to ask?” Carmy asks, sending an amused look your way. 
“No,” you giggle in response, resting your head on your shoulder. You’re sleepy as you cozy up to him. “What’d you and Pete talk about?”
He shrugs. They had kept the conversation pretty surface level. Pete had tried really hard to connect with Carmy over being a self-proclaimed foodie. 
“Best way to cook a steak.”
“Laaaaaame,” you reply. 
Carmy waits a beat, a soft smile on his face as he looks back over at you. 
“Sugar’s a bad influence on you,” he teases playfully, and you groan in response, shaking your head. 
“Mmmm did you ever think that I'm a bad influence on her?” you challenge, your tone light.
“Okay, bad influence,” he chuckles. Let’s get you home and into bed because we both have to be up in the morning.”
“Fffffffuck,” you shout, earning an amused laugh from Carmy. 
Halfway through the drive home, you fall asleep on his shoulder. Carmy looks over at you once more, a warmth filling his belly as he sees you passed out. He wonders what Sugar meant earlier, by calling you her sister-in-law. There’s no way she could know, right? He’d barely talked about it with you – let alone his sister. 
But Natalie’s always been ahead of him – always had the words for his feelings long before ever he had. And he’s been thinking about it: your relationship, marrying you, making it forever, legally. There’s no way she could know, right? That he’d taken a curious gander at engagement rings the other day. That he’d been cutting onions before dinner service and thinking about how he’d propose to you. That when you’d fall asleep before him, he’d lay there, wondering how the hell he got so lucky and how it’s humanly possible that you’re his.
Maybe, he’d just have to start thinking about keeping you, officially.
taglist: @allthefandomstogether @gaysludge @sobshoney @harrysmatcha @starbritestarlite
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topguncortez · 2 years
Monthly Visit- J. Seresin
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pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x shy!female word count: 1.4k warnings: periods, teenage boys, tooth rotting fluff main masterlist Opposites Attract masterlist
A/N: my monthly visitor is here and I want to die:) so here's some Opposites Attract Jake fluff because I need it. also…. SEND IN REQUESTS:)
Hangman grew up with sisters, so this was nothing new to him. He should’ve seen the signs but he completely missed them all. He knew there was something up with her when she was more sensitive to his touch, or how she seemed to get upset easier, or when she completely cut their date night short to go home cause she wasn’t feeling well. It had gone on for about a week, and Jake was starting to get suspicious of her behavior. Yes, she was still a shy person, but Jake thought that they had gotten past that barrier. He thought they had gotten to the place where they told each other everything. 
Jake was feeling a little off put as they sat on opposite ends of the couch like they were teenagers at his parents house watching a movie. Y/N’s eyes were trained on the movie, some romcom that she had picked, and Jake had a hard time paying attention to the movie, more worried about her. Every so often she would shift around, letting out a small whimper as she did. He also noticed that every so often she would fight back tears at a scene that wasn’t even really all that sad. 
“What’s going on with you?” Jake asked, turning his body to completely face her on the couch. 
“What do you mean? I’m fine,” Y/N said, quickly looking at him and then back to the movie. 
“You’ve been acting weird for the past week, and now. . . you’re crying at Heath Ledger singing some song to Julia Stiles,” Jake said, and reached forward grabbing the remote pausing the movie, “What’s wrong? Talk to me. I’m your boyfriend, and you’re completely cutting me out.” 
Y/N let out a shaky sigh as she pulled her knees into her chest. Jake immediately felt bad as he noticed the tears running down her face. 
“Oh no, baby,” Jake cooed, and moved towards her, pulling her into his strong arms, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”
She buried his face into his chest, as he rested his chin on top of her head, and rubbed her back soothingly. There was only one thing that was running through his head at what the cause of this could be. It had been rattling around in his brain since the moment she walked through his door, but he knew that it wasn’t just something you ask a someone. But he also knew that she was probably in pain by the way she was whimpering and moving around, so he decided to bite the bullet and take the consequences if this backfired. 
“Baby, are you on your period?” He asked softly. 
There was a beat of silence before she nodded and mumbled out a quiet, “yeah.” 
Jake sighed in relief, “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
She pulled back from him, and wiped the tears from her face, “It’s not your thing to deal with. My ex didn't like talking about it or really knowing about it. He said it made him feel uncomfortable. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.” 
“One, your ex sounds like a real ass,” Jake said, and Y/N chuckled in agreement, “And two, I want you to tell me if you’re in pain, sweetheart. I want to help you the best I can, make you feel comfortable. What can I do? What do you need?” 
“Well, I-I’m kind of cold-” 
Jake quickly grabbed the collar of the hooded sweatshirt he was wearing and took it off, handing it to her. She giggled, and slipped it on her body, being engulfed from the warmth of his body and the clothing, and the scent of his cologne. 
“Lookin like the cutest longhorn fan I’ve ever seen,” Jake smiled at her, his accent coming in thick. 
“Just cause I’m wearing it doesn’t mean I like them. Horns down forever,” She shot back quickly. 
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that. Anything else you need? I don’t have much here, but I can go make a CVS run,” Jake said, “Actually, I will.” He stood up and walked to the kitchen. Y/N watched from her spot as he dug around in one of the drawers, grabbing a notepad and a pencil, “Write down what you need, not just right now, but in the future for the next time your period comes and I can be more prepared. And don’t hold back.” 
“Jake, you really don’t-” 
“I’m doing it whether you tell me what you want or not.” 
It took about five minutes for Jake to get the list from Y/N, and head to CVS. Jake had managed to get everything off the list, even grabbing some stuff that wasn’t on the list that he could remember his sisters buying. The last thing was tampons, and Jake stood in the aisle, carefully reading the boxes trying to find the exact ones that Y/N had asked for. He knew that she would tell him exactly what to get, and for that he was grateful. He could remember shopping with his mom, his sisters, and past girlfriends, watching them grab a single box from the colorful display of different brands and styles of feminie products. Jake’s green eyes narrowed on a box which looked like the one that Y/N had told him to get. 
“Bro, imagine being that fucking whiped.” 
“He’s such an omega.” 
“It’s fucking weird.” 
Jake looked up from the box he was holding and looked over at a group of teenage boys, who were standing on the opposite end of the aisle, looking at condoms. Jake Seresin was a man of pride, and he was not embarrassed by standing in the femine hygiene aisle, looking at tampon and pad brands for his girlfriend. He rolled his shoulders back a bit, standing up straighter as he kept hearing their pubescent giggles and conversation. 
“There’s no way he’s actually getting any. No guy who buys pads actually gets some.” 
Tossing the box of tampons in his basket, Jake turned towards the teenagers and smirked, “And that’s where you’re wrong. It actually means I’m getting pussy from someone I know so intimately that I feel comfortable buying her period products, fuck off virgins,” Jake saw them look down at their shoes and he took a glance at the condom brand in one of their hands, “Also fire and ice. . .not the best.” 
“I fucking told you!” One of the boys said, and Jake walked past them towards the checkout counter. 
Jake wasn’t surprised when he came home and saw Y/N asleep on the couch. She looked exhausted when she first came over, and with the movie over and her being more comfortable, she drifted off to sleep while waiting for Jake. He put his keys in the bowl next to the door and walked into the kitchen, putting the various items he got away. He took the tampons and midol upstairs to his bathroom, putting them in his drawer for her to use. Jake also plugged in the heating pad on one side of the bed, and grabbed a blanket, throwing it in the dryer before he walked back downstairs to bring Y/N to bed. 
He smiled at her sleeping frame, pulling his phone out of his sweatpants pocket, and snapping a picture. Jake bent down, and brushed her hair from her face and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. 
“Come on, baby, let’s get you to bed,” Jake whispered to her, and she groaned in response, turning to face the back of the couch. Jake chuckled, she was never a morning person. Y/N loved her sleep and hated being woken up, “I know, grumpy, but I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” 
“Shush,” She mumbled and Jake shook his head with a smile. He easily slipped his arm underneath her knees and the other around her back, picking her up bridal style. Jake felt his heart ooze with even more love when she nuzzled her face into his neck. He softly placed her down on the bed, and she thanked him as her head hit the soft pillow. 
“Do you need anything?” Jake asked her. 
“Can you rub my back?” 
“Of course,” Jake answered. He slipped his shirt and sweatpants off, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. He crawled into bed next to her, pulling her into him. Her cheek rested on his bare chest as his hand went to her lower back and slowly started massaging the area. The feeling of Jake’s hand drawing linguided circles on her back, applying the right amount of pressure slowly helped lull her back into the best sleep she had in weeks.
--- --- ---
taglist: @alanadetigy @aerangi @smoothdogsgirl @n3ssm0nique @ellabellabus07 @persondoingstuff @blindedbyyourgrace17 @sugarmelonwater @chaoticassidy @spider-d00d @callmebymym @multifandom-fangirl4 @bellamy1998 @milesrooster @lunamoonbby @hrandomthoughts @thesithdiaries @shizzybarnaclee @malums-trash-can @dempy @teti-menchon0604 @bxwitched @lttlemer @sleep-whose-that @callalily2000 @blue-aconite @gspenc @wildxwidow @littlebadariell @sweetheartlizzie07 @xoxabs88xox @seventieswhore @localhockeygirl @hopefulinlove @uwiuwi @bittergomez @whotfatemywaffles @marvelandotherfandomimagines @milestomaverick @harper1666 @dracosluvbot @dannyramirezwife
taglist form:)
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aizawasnumberonefan · 11 months
here have this garbage brain rot i wrote because i’m lonely
not proofread, not really thought through, just bakugo cuddle hours
“What.” you reply, clearly annoyed. You sit up in bed and yawn, squinting at your phone to see who called you. “Denks, you know it’s like four in the morning and I have a midterm tomorrow right? What could possibly be so important that you’re risking my A in economics?”
Kaminari giggles over the line and you can practically see his flushed face, swaying and drunk at whatever party he’s at. “Well fuck you too.” He giggles and ends the call.
For a brief moment, you consider laying back down and going back to sleep before groaning and calling him back.
“Yeeeees?” Denki replies and you can hear the amused grin on his face as well as the booming music in the background.
“What, what do you need? A ride? Some food? Spit it out.” Normally you wouldn’t cop an attitude with him but considering the circumstances, you feel perfectly justified to as you slide out of bed to put on shoes.
“Kacchan got too drunk and Ei wanted me to call you cuz he said I’m a-“ you hear grappling before Kirishima’s voice speaks. “Sorry, he got away from me for a second. I was about to call you: Bakubro is drunk and needs a ride home. I would be able to give him one but I think Sparky is going to be a handful tonight.” He states, after which you hear an offended “heyyy!” from Denki in the back.
“Yeah of course, just send me the address and I’ll be there in five. But you owe me a coffee in the morning as a thank you before my midterm.”
You pull up in front of the house, hearing the music and the people from a block away. You spot Kirishima, Denki, and Bakugo standing on the lawn, the two latter using Kiri as support to stand. With Kirishima waving, Katsuki walks (stumbles) over to your car, leaning down to peer through the passenger side window.
“Hey princess.” He slurs with that signature smirk of his.
“Get in, dumbass.” You reach across the seat to push open the door and he stumbles before clumsily getting in.
The two of you had been in the same friend group for years, even before college, so you didn’t mind seeing him at his least inhibited and vice versa. The person you were a few years ago would be humiliated to be seen in pajamas with messy hair, literally fresh out of bed, but she had long since disappeared. The fact that you had a crush on Katsuki is old news. You’d told him your feelings and were rejected. It was rough for a while but you found your way back together as friends.
“Give me the aux.” Bakugo snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Absolutely not. Last time I let you pick music while you were drunk we listened to We Are The Champions by Queen on repeat for the rest of the night.”
“You suck.”
“You swallow.” You quip back with a smile.
Your friendship had become much closer than it had been before your confession, and part of you is grateful for that, but some deeply repressed part of your mind still dreams about life with him. All broad shoulders, tan skin, freckles along his pretty face and shoulders. If you didn’t know better, you’d say he was mistakenly sent to Earth instead of heaven. Fortunately, you know all the nuances that make him, him. How he gets smiley and cocky most while drunk, how he still gets the steps to the macarena mixed up, how he refuses to admit that he likes his hair messed with but gets goosebumps every time you play with it, and how he sprawls out while spending time with those he cares about so that he can be touching his friends as much as possible. His tall, muscular frame and semi-permanent scowl implies that he is a different person than who he is while with you and the group.
“Are we going home?” He asks, words slurring together.
“We aren’t going to the North Pole.”
“Can I stay at yours tonight? You always take good care of meee.” He says, playing with the air conditioning.
“You can if you don’t play with the AC.” You reply, smiling as you grab his hand to put it back in his lap.
After a battle to drag Katsuki up the stairs, he’s finally face down on your sofa. You grab your hangover kit for him for when he wakes up, but as you go to set it down on the coffee table, he grips your wrist.
“Wanna stay with you tonight. Pleeeeeeeease?” He asks, vermillion eyes peering up at you from under the mop of blond hair.
“With me?”
He rolls over onto his back, his cheeks still flushed and appearance still a little rumpled after the party. “Your bed is cozier.”
“Only if you promise not to puke.”
A drunken “mhm” is murmured as he gets up, swaying slightly as he makes his way to your bedroom.
You make sure he’s cleaned up and has taken the appropriate medicine to ease his pain in the morning before letting him climb into the other side of your bed.
“Comfy?” You ask from the bathroom, brushing your teeth in the mirror.
“Mmmmmm.” Katsuki utters, his face buried in your pillow. He moves his head to the side to see you as you make your way to the bed. “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” You reply, sliding into bed, instinctually scooting into his arms as you had during shared naps so many times before.
“You’re pretty.” He mumbles into your hair.
You let out an abrupt laugh, caught off guard. “You’re drunk.” You know that you weren’t dolled up, that you’d rolled out of bed, literally, before seeing him.
“Nuh uh,” Katsuki insists, leaning up over you on one arm. “You’re pretty.”
“Kats, you’re drunk. Lay back down and let’s sleep off that hangover of yours, okay?”
Pouting, he lets himself back down and pulls you tight to him. He gets a flush to his cheeks when drunk, but thankfully that means that you can’t tell when he’s blushing from being around you as well.
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batterygarden · 1 month
this heart is mine (ɔ˘ ³(ˆ◡ˆc)
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contents: shin x fem & afab! reader, violence and minor body horror (not on shin/reader), established relationship, explicit smut (hand job, facial, fingering, p in v, creampie), size kink + slight pain, public sex (abandoned shopping mall), dubcon because shin says he doesn't wanna do it out in the open but you still do, mild and v teasing degradation from shin, he calls you bug as a pet name haha, ab 2.3 k words
a/n: at last, my dorohedoro brain rot has come to fruition. noi is not mentioned here because I ship shinoi in such a monogamous soulmate way that this fic has to exist in a completely different timeline. please talk to me about dorohedoro, anybody!! i'm on my knees!
18+ please! mdni
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You try to focus on Shin’s shoes. The way his jordans echo on linoleum, squeaking with every dodge and jump. He’s surprisingly light on his feet for his build—his movements extra impressive since he’s also supporting you, trying and failing not to choke him while you cling to his back. Yes, the sound his shoes make is definitely preferable to the ugly cries and shouts of his victims—things you do not wish to commit to memory. 
You only peek open your eyes twice during his fight. Shin tells you to keep them shut and you have a feeling he’d somehow know if you disobeyed, so the two looks are somewhat accidental and fast. 
Once, it’s when Shin almost flings you off while he dodges a barrage of attacks, and you open your eyes just as he ducks the two of you beneath an opponent’s rusty chain whip. The next is when you hear the screams of his targets—for a moment you can’t help but watch how their limbs come apart through Shin’s thick smoke. 
How scary.
“Okay,” he sighs once it’s over, setting you carefully on a bench around the corner. “You can open your eyes now. But stay. right. there.”
He disappears from your sight then, back to the room of the carnage, leaving you to listen to the mysterious sound of rustling plastic for a couple of minutes. 
When he returns it’s with a knotted garbage bag in hand, tossing it a yard from the bench before collapsing in the space beside you. 
“Are you alright?” Shin asks then, leaning forward to rest elbows on knees, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. He’s removed his cute little heart mask you love so much, but at least now you get an eyeful of his handsome face. You don’t attempt to hide your ogling.
“Mhm, not a scratch!” 
“That's good.” 
There’s silence for a minute. Then: “any particular reason you decided to pay me a visit at work today?” Shin’s tone is patient, but he gives you this tired look, like he’s picking you up from the principal's office for the third time in a month. It only has you rubbing your thighs together if you’re honest. 
“Um yes,” you scoot closer, “I was missing you…”
“Missing me?”
You nod fast, eyes wide beneath your lashes while you gaze up at him. 
“Real bad, Shinnie”
You watch the understanding spread on his face in real time—biting your lip at his accompanying groan. There’s only ever been one scenario that earns that nickname. 
“You risked your life to get dogged?” He sounds exasperated. You giggle, hooking an ankle around one of his. 
“Someone ought to beat your ass one of these days.” 
“Whaaat?! It’s not a crime to be horny…” 
“For being slow,” Shin corrects, tapping your temple. You rub at the spot, seizing the time of his movement to weasel your way beneath his arm. It’s an art, your ability to weasel into this man’s personal space. 
He sighs, not attempting to move away from you, watching with raised brows as your hand inches up his thigh. You’re awfully forward today. 
“I knew it would work out okay. You’re the best at what you do, Shinnie…” 
His voice gets adorably pouty. “I thought I asked you to stop calling me that, by the way.”
There’s a sharp inhale through his teeth then as your fingers find his cock, hard under your touch. His hand covers yours. 
“Wait. Maybe not out here…”
You only look up at him with your annoyingly wide eyes, saying nothing but slowly moving your hand to his belt. Shin simply watches with a conflicted frown on his face, eyes occasionally flicking to see your mischievous expression. Not a lick of obedience as per fucking usual. 
He lets out a shaky breath when you free his cock a moment later, his legs spreading once you yank at his pants.
“If someone sees, I’m going to kill them. Just—“ his breath hitches when you spit on his tip, letting it drip down, “—just so you know. I don’t even wanna deal.“
You laugh as you begin pumping him in your hand. 
You always get a kick out of Shin’s cheeks when you touch him like this, blushing all deep and rosey. So you reach to plant a kiss on one, milking a bead of pre at the same time and wiping it up with your thumb. You suck it off your finger before resuming your motions.  
“Oh yeah? Even En?”
More spit. 
“Fuck. Probably—hah!—not, god. Let’s not talk about him.” 
You think that you could get Shin to answer any question you could come up with while you’re rubbing his cock, truthfully. If he ever wants to keep a secret he’ll be done for. But you decide to quit your teasing—he’s being sweet, letting you play with his cock at all in the middle of a public (albeit currently abandoned) shopping center. Better to be sweet back.
“”Course handsome,” you trap his nearest ankle completely in both of yours, planting a kiss to his shoulder, too, your gentle pumping motions unrelenting. Touching as much as possible. 
“Did I tell you I think you’re the prettiest man alive?” 
He whines when you squeeze at his tip, leaking more and more pre and gripping at the edge of the bench behind you with white knuckles.
“Ngh—fuck. Yeah, you actually have.” 
“Good. Well, I’m just reminding you then.” You kiss him again, closer to his mouth, steadily increasing the speed of your palm against his length, adding a bit more gentle pressure around his tip. 
Shin bites his lip, his brows all tense and furrowed while his hips twitch beneath you. 
“Is my baby getting close?” You ask, your voice a coo. Like he’s some lost kitten you found and not a 200-something pound muscled-up murder machine. 
“Yes—“ He nods fast, unable to hide the twitch of his hips.
Briefly, cruelly, you consider edging him. 
But then you remember how good he is to you, and decide against it, squeezing him and milking him just right till he’s whining and groaning and you know he’s about to make a mess. So you crouch in front of him, opening your mouth wide and giving him a place to do it. The second you do Shin is cumming in creamy white ropes all over, landing sticky cum on your cheeks and nose and mouth. His aim certainly could have been worse, at least he avoided your eyes. You lick up what you can and wipe the rest on Shin’s jacket when he hands it to you—thankful for the gesture. 
Shins still collecting himself, panting and leaning against the wall behind the bench when you stand in front of him then, hands gliding over his shoulders with this needy expression on your face. 
“You’re set on fucking right here, bug?” He reads your mind to ask, before looking pointedly towards his crime scene around the corner then at the garbage bag, his shaky breaths evening out. He slides farther back on the bench when he gets his answer, giving a lazy whistle when your panties are tugged down from under your dress. No need to question further than that. 
Then you’re climbing your knees on the bench to straddle him—leaning so you can rest your weight on his thighs. The position only works because of his size—you’re grateful you snagged yourself a goddamn bodybuilder for a boyfriend. 
“I need you right now, baby. Can’t wait.” You let him know, fingers trailing up his neck to cradle his face while your other hand plays with his tie—his own work their way up your thighs.
Your lips meet hungrily then, kissing deep and feral all at once like the two of you just now noticed you’re starving. Shin lets out a relieved sigh into your mouth when you do, and you moan into his, arching against him when his hand makes its way up your dress. 
His fingers feel rub into the sticky mess at your center, gathering the slick before pressing your clit.
You buck unintentionally. 
“You’re so—“ Shin’s interrupted when you plant another peck on his lips. “—Messy.”
He says it like a compliment, like it’s a pleasant surprise—though it probably isn’t surprising. 
“Needy.” He adds as he sinks fingers inside of you, stretching you out while you grind against him. His long fingers always drive you insane—they’re so big and different from your own when you touch yourself. It’s like he’s able to reach your soul.  
“‘M always needy for you ba—baby,” your voice has that whiny higher pitch it gets when he makes you feel good. If you’re not careful you’ll cum before Shin’s even inside of you. 
“Let me—let me ride you. I wanna feel your cock, please, baby…” 
“You can once you cum.”
Shin’s pace of his fingers pumping inside you gets more rhythmic, his palm pressing against your clit while it does. 
You can hardly string the words together to reply, burying your face in shin’s neck while you’re brought closer and closer to release. You can only groan at him. 
“You’ll take me better this way anyways,” he mumbles more to himself. Then his free hands running down the back of your skull, petting you while you rock against him.  “Let it go, bug. Cum for me.”
Now is an occasion you’ll oblige him, clamping around his digits right when he tells you to. The feeling’s such a relief—you truly have been horny all day—that you feel like crying, spasming around your boyfriend’s long, stitched fingers till your vision’s blurred. 
You’re sticky when you finally come down, leaving a mess all over Shin’s fingers and a bit on his pants, but he doesn’t seem to mind—little hearts in his eyes as he wipes your release all over his hard-again cock once you lean back. 
“Good girl,” he says, his clean hand rubbing your waist. “Looks like you can listen.” There‘s no bite to his words. Only teasing. 
You smile at him, docile in the way you can sometimes be once he’s made you cum. “Only to you.”
There’s another peck to Shin’s lips then before you’re lifting your hips, wasting no time to ease yourself onto his cock—finally the moment you’ve been fucking waiting for—nothing left to slow you down. The stretch of it leaves you panting. The drag of every ridge of him is so delicious—he’s so thick, it’s a feeling that’s irreplaceable. 
Shin seems borderline pussydrunk already by the time you bottom out, head thumped against the wall behind him, eyes squeezed shut and jaw slack. You take advantage of his vulnerable mouth to capture his lips in yours again, sharing a breathy, sloppy and drooly kiss while your hips start to rock. 
You’re being gentle. Trying to ease your way into movement when the stretch of shin’s massive cock id borderline painful, but soon strong hands are digging into your hips, holding you in place while shin bucks up into you himself. It’s not a surprise—shin’s never had the greatest self control, and your pussy often erases what semblance of it he does possess. You’re honestly pretty sure even if you had tried to edge him earlier he would have held your hand still and fucked up into it himself. 
Shin reaches deep into your guts when he fucks you like this, holding you and bouncing you like you’re a toy. He doesn’t talk to you like one though, shin worships with his words where he doesn’t with his actions—mumbling praise after praise while he controls a brutal pace, seemingly entirely by accident. 
You’re pussy’s so tight, bug. Y’re—hah—squeezing me so well.
It feels so good—it’s like you’re made for me. 
Wanna take you with me everywhere so we can do this all the time. 
You can only smile and mhm and try to kiss his pouty lips when you can—the breath keeps getting knocked from your lungs so it’s hard to respond. Shin feels so good—you fit together perfectly—it’s hard not to go stupid with the bliss of it. 
You’re cumming before you ever registered how close you were, no warning as you suddenly spasm around him, throwing your head back with a cry while shin sucks marks onto your neck. You see stars, creaming till the sound of shin’s cock slapping into you turns loud and wet. 
But you know you’re not done, Shin isn’t done—and you knew better than to start something you couldn’t finish. So you cry out and dig nails into his arms while he bounces you faster, pounding into your overstimulated cunt till you’re on the brink of cumming again, babbling broken words.
You end on a high cry of Shin's name when your pussy clamps down a third time, milking Shin for all that he’s worth till he’s filling you—pumping your insides with cum till you fear a tummy ache. 
You collapse into him once you’ve both fizzled down, laying yourself against his chest in a melted way while his skull falls against the wall behind you. You sit like that while breaths are caught—it takes a while to come down to earth. 
Only at that point does Shin finally ask how you found him on his work assignment—and you’re forced to admit how you tipped some carpet taxi extra to tail his broom. 
“You're a real piece of work, bug.” 
He hoists you on his back for the short walk to where he parked the broom—knowing your legs are still boneless without you having to tell him. You get to sit in front on the ride home, shin’s massive arms around you while he drives—making you promise never to visit him at work again. 
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thanks for reading!! feedback and rbs are soooo appreciated <3 i really want to Talk.
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my-soupy-brain · 7 months
I propose: y/n shaving Ted’s stubble
The thought of this goes through my head *thinks* at least three times a week. Because it's such a sexy, intimate thing to do. And I feel like it would be right up Ted's alley. Short n' sweet. Let's goooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warnings: Fluff + lust
Ted stood between your legs, as you faced him on the bathroom counter.
His v-neck white undershirt on, chest hair poking out of the top like you love. His navy blue boxer briefs on, hugging his hips.
You were in a night shirt and underwear. His hands were leaning on either side of you while you carefully dragged the razor down the rounded edge of his cheek and jaw.
He leaned in to steal a kiss on your cheek, getting shaving cream on you in the process, making him giggle at how cute you looked.
You tipped back a little to shake the razor in the water, and his eyes looked at every inch of you.
The hair he loved to touch. The ears he loved to nibble. Your soft eyelashes, your pink cheeks, your smile, your lips he can't wait to kiss over and over when he gets home later.
Your tongue poked out between your teeth as you concentrated on the next swipe of the razor, and he admired how damn cute you looked when you helped him do this.
So much concentration between your eyes, careful not to knick him.
"You're so damn cute, sugar," he says softly, his eyes watching yours, which are focused on his neck.
"Shh, no talking," you chided, and he closed his mouth and smirked.
You shook the razor again and he watched you again.
He could stay here all morning. He wishes he could grow his stubble back faster just so you'd have to do it again.
As you finished the last swipe of rough stubble, you took the towel and wiped his face and neck, his mustache, which you left intact as always.
Ted leaned down, holding your face in his big hands, kissing your lips softly. His lips taste like mouthwash and you can't help but smile and melt against him a little.
"Thank you for takin' such good care of me," he murmurs, picking you up off the counter as your legs wrap around him. He walks carefully to your shared bed and sets you down, crawling over you and kissing your neck.
"You've gotta get to work, buster," you giggle, your fingers dragging down his back, making him groan.
His hands run up your thighs, then your shoulder, and into your hair.
"I can be a little late," he jokes, peppering kisses down your chest all the while.
You giggle in return, his mustache tickling you. His aftershave filling the air.
"How late?" you ask, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
"With that tone? A lot late," he says, his lips with yours as you wrap him in your embrace and pull him closer.
That was too cute. Oy. The thoughts I have about this scenario. So sexy. TED IS SO SEXY. Brain rot. Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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tvgals · 11 months
playing just dance with the spider band !!
i’m having a total brain rot over them
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his favorite one is definitely timber
“baby lemme be the girl this time!” miles begs while you hand him the wii remote. “what you wanna be the girl for?” you giggle, inserting the just dance disk into the wii cartridge. you and miles were having a sleepover before you and him decided to go through the basement for something to do, sifting through boxes and finding the wii in all its glory.
“because that’s the easier part.” miles replies, groaning when he sees he’s player 2. “why am i always player 2?” miles complains, wrapping the strap around his wrist, holding the remote in his hand. “it’s literally the same.”
his favorite one is definitely micheal jackson experience
“smooth criminal or ghosts?” you ask hobie, bouncing your leg in anticipation. “ghosts for sure.” hobie says, already getting in position. “damn you thirsty!” you giggle, picking medium and lining up with the three dancers. “i’m finna whoop yo ass, baby.” hobie chuckles, watching you side eye him playfully.
“yeah yeah, i been playing wii since i been inna womb, lil nigga.” you tell hobie, snapping your head over when you heard the first best or music, a smirk appearing on your face.
safe to say, hobie sucks at just dance.
“this one is my favorite!” pavitr grins, watching you get in place for you twos unofficial dance battle. “i know, pavi’. you tell me that everytime we play.” you say, handing him a remote. “i just had to make sure you remembered, y/n.” pavitr told you, shooting a sly smile your way.
“here, you can be pink, i’ll be yellow.” you say, you and pavitr switching spots and giggling your asses off as soon as the music started.
unironically the macarena 😭
“why do we do this one every time?” you groan, watching gwen pick the macarena for the third time in one week. “because it’s the best one? obviously.” gwen rolls her eyes, picking the mode. “and it’s on medium? i’m finna be sweating like a sinner in church!” you tell her, already feeling the heat trapped between the braids sitting on your back and your neck.
“you’ll be fine.”
“says you.”
TAGLIST ; — @draculara-vonvamp @therealcees-blog @laylasbunbunny @kisminarii @d7n3 @deadgirlkisses @darkknightpeanutbagel @thecoloredpages @xricly
if you are on the taglist and don’t see your tag on here, it’s because it does not work!!
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callsignfangs · 4 months
141 + Fangs with the reader who has a paper star making addiction. (Platonic) /nf
You feed me so well pooks 😇
For context: Fangs is also a CoD oc sorta thingy of mine 😚 I’ll add theirs at the end for anyone who’s interested 💟💟
141 + Fangs & Paper star addicted reader <3
• Really doesn’t get it. He adores how often you gift them to him but has absolutely no clue what to do with them.
• Ended up repurposing one of his desk drawers to fill them with. Also generally always has some laying around.
• Is irrationally pissy whenever someone insults them. Think they’re weird? At least his partner loves him enough to spend their time making things for him instead of shitty storebought gifts every other month, Samantha.
• Is absolutely giddy about them.
• Learns to make them with you so you two can make a collection together 😇
• Came up with the idea of making them out of sugar paper and incorporating them into food as well, bc why not??
• Puts them literally everywhere. He has little tupperware boxes and mugs full of them placed all over his room.
• Secretly loves sitting and watching you make them. Seeing your fingers curl around the paper with each other fold, it’s just mesmerising to him.
• Can’t get the hang of it himself, though. Poor lad’s fumbling, catching his fingers on every other corner, his hands are just too big.
• Has at least one on him at all times. On a mission? Scattered across his vest pockets. Out running errands? One on the specially made keychain his house keys are on.
• Gets surprisingly upset if any of them get ripped/damaged. Still has a few on his floor because god knows this man has knocked over piles or containers of them, and/or used them as extra ammo during pillow fights.
• Similar to Gaz, also very happy about them 😇
• Incorporates them into random things in his life. Definitely shaved a few stars into his mohawk. Maybe even got a star-related tattoo.
• Has them literally everywhere. Whenever he cleans up or redecorates his room, he’ll find at least a dozen just strewn about.
• Can’t exactly get the hang of tiny paper stars either, so whenever he makes them with you he gets big strips of paper so he can actually fold them.
• Always complains about how disarming explosives/tinkering with the tiny, intricate little bits in his snipers is somehow easier than folding those stupid bloody bits of paper.
• Angst warning ahead - Have you lot seen that tiktok video of the person who’s father hid rubber ducks around their house, and after he passed they found one in the console of their car? Yeah. That’s what you’re met with after MW3. You’re welcome 😇 (edit: found it on reddit instead of tt 😚)
• A little confused at first, but eventually catches up with it.
• Will get deeply upset if they lose one you’ve gifted them. Yeah, they have at least three hundred others, but it was a gift from you!!
• Like Soap, starts bringing them into projects. Impulsively starts a full art project based completely around them, and has to shamefully slink over and ask you to make them more 😇
• Sorta gets the hang of them. To say they’re a bit wonky is an understatement, but they’re trying their best, and they don’t really mind as long as they’re having fun (silently raged for at least half an hour over them).
• Paints a star on their favourite rifle. Price wasn’t very happy when they went on a night mission and he spotted a little painted star glowing in the dark, and they very reluctantly peeled of the paint and replaced it with a less noticeable colour.
Giggle donee 😇 My brains been kinda rotting over this lately and I have a Farah ask that I’m going a liiil feral over so yippee 🎉 (if ur seeing this i love u farah anon(s?) /p 😋)
Okok yaya but thanks pooks this dragged me out of my like writing hole very happy 💪
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riceys · 10 months
Could you write for schlatt?
I'm thinking an English/German girl who is his graphic design (does like his thumbnails and like website) and after late night and long discord calls he slowly realises he doesn't just see her as an employee or friend but something more? I saw this sort of idea some where recently and it's giving me brain rot. Plus the banter between an English/german person would be unhinged.
YESSS OMG ACTUALLY LOVE THIS ive thought about this so much recently and i know german soo
gonna do hcs for this :)
also im very bad at formatting so sorry about that (ill probably rewrite stuff after i figure out how the fuck to do it)
Jschlatt x german/graphic designer!reader hcs
warnings-some nsfw at the veryyyy end
Wilbur introduced you two after schlatt said something about needing an artist for his channel
'find graphic designer !!!' schlatt mumbled while writing on the dull yellow paper. He was in a call with some friends, not really paying attention to what they were doing as he was busy making a sort of to-do list
"schlatt are you there?" the thick accented voice brought schlatt out of his daze
"hm yea sorry whatd you say willbur"
"i said my mate is a graphic designer, i can send you her info if you want." wilbur repeated with a laugh
"oh shit yeah thatd be great man thanks"
definitely left the call to go talk to you after that
very caught of gaurd by your accent, wilbur had failed to mention the slight language barrier as you were used to doing work in german
"so its a little ram with a sweater" his voice suprised you, wilbur didnt say anything about him being american.
"a what?" you laughed at the foreign word nervously. He sounded intimidating and it was kinda hot???
"a uhh," he laughed pulling out his phone, "einen bock? i think." Any sense of intimidation melted away as he stuttered out the poorly pronounced german.
absolutely melts when you giggle at this ^^
he LOVES your laugh!!! specifically that he can hear the accent come through in it
once you start working for him finds a way to sneak your art into everything he does and pays you way more than he should be
"Schlatt this is like triple my rates, you really dont need to pay me this much"
"consider it a tip, toots"
flies you out to every single event he goes to. merch photoshoots? you're in every photo. creator clash? he bought you the best seats in the house. says its a "business thing". (its not)
gets to the point where you're spending every other month in Austin with him before you move out there.
when chuckle sandwich starts he begs you to do all the art for it too (not that you would've said no)
Also begs ted to have you on as a guest
guest turns into member after the first chuckle week, where schlatt insisted that you be there cause you made the art
finally asks you out the week after the 1st chuckle week where they stay for the week to decompress
took you to boa then going stargazing
asks you out in german
"Sehr Schön" you breath out as you look up at the stars. Schlatt next you is freaking out trying to get the courage to ask you out.
"Du bist Sehr Schön" He misspronounces, still managing to make you blush. He only knew what that meant because he had been studying how to ask you out in german all week.
He puts a finger under your chin to shift your focus to him before speaking, "y/n, Ich mag dich wirklich, wirst du mit mir ausgehen?"
It was obvious he had used google translate and taught himself how to say it as he mispronounced many words and had a slight stutter, but it meant the world to you
Pulling him in for a kiss you paused to look at him, "Du bist dumm, Jschlatt"
asks you to speak to him in German
teases you so much (lovingly obviously)
also (nsfw time)
learns how to call you a slut in german
when he fucks you so good and you start babbling in german
sorry if this wasnt great i kinda got carried away and its my 1st writing thingy
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bloofairyfox · 9 months
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Flower Mugs
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Minghao x Reader
Genre: fluffy fluffy fluff~
CW/TW: PDA? They’re out in public and Reader kisses Minghao on the cheek once but none really :3
Note: this is really bad but I was in some bad Minghao brain rot so I had to write something please bear with me🙏🏾🛐
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“You’re walking too slow”
You look up from your phone as you feel a hand grab yours and slowly pull you closer, quickening your pace as you try to keep up with Minghao. Agreeing to hang out with Minghao in the city was probably a mistake. Not that hanging out with Minghao was the problem, but being in the city was. It was loud and crowded, which were things that you didn’t really like much. But you just had to hang with Minghao because this would have been the 3rd time you canceled on him when it came to making plans and you didn’t want to disappoint him again. So you finally got yourself together and found a day to spend time with each other.
“I am. you’re just walk to dang fast,” you reply putting your phone in your pocket. “It’s not my fault we’re late for the train…”
It super was your fault. You had seen these cute mugs in a little antique shop that really caught your eye.
“Oh my God minghao, we should get these!” You beam at him with a smile, holding up a coffee mug with a sweet flower design on it.
“Don’t you already have 15 other mugs that look exactly like that?” Minghao barely looks over at you, he already knows you had found something with flowers or something similar to it. instead he’s looking around the shop and messing with things that interest him. not wanting to entertain the thought of you buying something you didn’t need.
“No! Not every flower designed mug looks the same Minghao!” you huff as Minghao continues to ignore you. You turn to look at the shelf of mugs and admire every last one of them before signing and putting the one you had back. You walk to where Minghao was and look over his shoulder, almost resting your chin on him tickling his neck with your fluffy winter hat.
“What’re you lookin at?” Minghao slightly turns his head to look at you, a smile appearing on his lips “nothing,” he softly pets the top of your head. “You done shopping?” Minghao ask, but before you could even reply he cuts you off.
“You’re not getting that mug you found?”
“Hm? Oh that! Yeah I decided not too, didn’t want to spend too much money, you know?” You wore a sheepish look on your face. Minghao just laughs to himself at your expression and pulls out his wallet
“I can get it for you” he says without thinking twice and makes his way over to the shelf that houses the mugs. You follow him and try to stop him “Minghao you really don’t ha-“
“Which one did you like, love?” He cuts you off again as he waits for your response. You stand there for a little bit in surprise. Minghao really doesn’t need to do this but knowing how he is, once he sets his mind on something he’s gonna go through with it so you give up and just let out sigh with a slight smile as you point to the one you wanted. He hands the mug over to you and even picks up one for himself.
“We’re matching now” he smiles clinking the cups together as a few giggles leave both of your mouths. “Thanks Minghao I appreciate this a lot” you admire the cup and then look up at Minghao as you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Anything else you want?” You think for a moment as you look around.
You two finally make your way into the station and onto the train right before the doors close, the both of you out of breath. Luckily the train cart you’re in has very little people in it so you two could sit anywhere together, You put your bags on the floor and relax as the train starts moving. Minghao rest his head on yours as you put your head on his shoulder.
“Had fun today, honey” he kisses the top of your head and interlocks his hand with yours letting the heat from his warm your hands.
“Yeah definitely…” your words come out almost like a whisper but Minghao still picks up on them.
“Good, I’m glad” he rubs small circles on your hands hearing your breathing becoming more stable as you drift off to sleep.
Minghao looks over at the bags of trinkets you and him got smiling to himself when he sees the matching flower mugs. he closes his eyes and breathes in your scent, the rumble of the train lulling him to sleep.
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Pro-Hero Shoto goes to visit his family! (In a world where endeavor is somewhat forgiven and Rei is back home and safe). And because Fuyumi is the way she is, she asks Shoto to bring his girlfriend(reader) and Nastuo, Rei, and Enji second that because they all want to know the mystery girl who makes Shoto light up so much is. (and endeavor really wants to know how to make shoto like him).
So when Shoto and reader get there its a nice greeting with everyone and through out the dinner and rest of the time they are there Reader is constantly praising Shoto, Cupping his cheeks, tracing his scar in an affectionate way, ruffling his hair, So many words of affirmation, Just all in all praising him and making him feel special. And Every time Shoto just Lights UP.
And on top of that reader is so polite and gets along with absolutely everyone.
Lemon, my sweet honey pot is it too late to say I love you and that brain of yours 😩🫶🏻 this is such a good idea!
Summer lovin’
⭐️pairing: Shoto Todoroki x F!Reader
⭐️CW: pure tooth rotting fluff
⭐️Type and A/N: placed in the summertime, preexisting relationship, despite my hate for enji I made him tolerable if the dress isn't your style feel free to change it! had Summer Nights from Grease playing in my head while I wrote this, used a french nickname for sho because I live in a world where sho dates someone who knows another language, I've given the reader a quirk as well
Mon chéri- My darling
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As the car pulls to a stop outside of the Todoroki household, you feel your heartbeat quicken. Shoto steps out of the car and you watch as he walks around to open the door for you, offering his hand out you gratefully take it to exit the car. "Are you sure you're okay with this my love?" He asks while you smooth out your dress, "Mon chéri, I told you its okay, we've been together a while I should meet them" You look up at him with a soft smile. You two have been together for almost a year and have dodged meeting them for Shoto's anxiety and your own. His father, although forgiven was still tactical about Shoto as a hero, worried he wouldn't approve as the quirk you have isn't quite a match for his quirk. He had pestered Shoto about it a few times after finding out about the girlfriend Shoto had acquired.
After a few seconds, you and Shoto make your way to the door, his hand intertwined with yours, he knocks. Rei opens the door "Shoto!" she smiles, giving him a small hug "and you must be Miss. Y/n, I'm Shotos mother Rei. So nice to meet you" she beams giving you a small bow that you return. Shoto guides you into the house, both of you slipping off your shoes before making your way to the living room where Enji and Natsou sit on the couch, with backs toward you watching a sports event. Shoto clears his throat to get their attention, the loose grip you had on his hand tightens as Natsou leans his head back and Enji turns.
"Whoa, Shoto! you actually brought her! i was starting to think you'd, made her up" Natsou laughs standing up from the couch. "I'm Natsuo" Natsou ruffled Shoto's hair "This guy's big brother" you giggle and give a small bow "Y/N L/N, but please call me Y/N" Shoto grunts moving his head away from his older sibling, his eyes meet yours and fill with adoration as you reach up and fix his now erratic locks. With a small bow of the head while still fixing Shotos hair "Nice to meet you Endeavor."
"Enji, you may call me Enji while you are here" Enji Stands to bow Shotos eyes flick to him, the solemn expression returning to his face "If you'd like to sit we are watching the sports festival for this year, Rei and Fyumi are finishing up lunch." Enji sits back down "you can meet Fyumi later lets let them finish" Shoto softly says as he guides you to the couch with Natsou taking a seat in the chair next to Enji. Shoto takes your hand once again in his, rubbing soft circles into your knuckles to help ease your anxiety. the awkward silence making the air feel thick enough to cut through is present for about five minutes before Enji breaks it "So, Y/N," you turn your head in Enjis direction with a curious look, ready to answer any questions thrown at you "since Shoto refuses to tell me, I must ask what is your quirk?" heat rises to your cheeks turning them a Small shade of pink. "oh uhm-" is all you can get out before Shoto speaks up "father, didn't mom tell you to be nice?" the slightly annoyed tone in his voice tells you Shoto is on edge with his anxiety as well. "Sho, Mon chéri it's okay I can tell him" You softly smile at Enji "My quirk is called Green House, When I activate my quirk I can make plants grow, depending on how strong of emotion I put forth will affect the Plants strength and my ability to use them" you stick your hand out and sprout a lotus flower to fill your palm "I can grow them out of my skin or in a medium area of land around me, i just have to get plenty of sun and water to make them grow"
As you are explaining the extent of your quirk to Enji, Natsou's eyes flick from the TV to Shoto. Shoto's eyes have softened from his usual solemn expression, a smile tugging on his mouth as he looks at you with what can be described as pure love. "and what do you do with this quirk? If you're a hero I haven't heard about you." Enji gruffed out "oh well, I run a flower shop!" you return with the pink in your cheeks deepening Enji lets out a 'hm' before Rei enters the room snapping everyone's attention "Lunch is ready and on the table"
Shoto pulls out a chair for you to sit down before sitting himself down beside you, the table set with plates of Karaage. Fyumi sits across from you "Oh you must be Y/N, Shoto has told me all about you when we have our lunches!" Fyumi smiles, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose "Shoto talks about you a lot as well Fyumi, its nice to meet you" you bow your head slightly as everyone begins to eat their lunch, Rei and Fyumi asks you questions as to what you do for a living, what school you went to, how you and Shoto met. with each answer, your anxiety lessens. Looking over at Shoto beside you as you tell the story of how you met when Shoto used your flower shop as a hideout from crazed fans and paparazzi, Fyumi and Rei witness the same look Natsuo did when you had been talking about your quirk, and how Shoto seems to only fall deeper in love when you take your napkin to wipe the sauce from the corner of his mouth.
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Shoto's Tag list 🏷️: There's nothing here...
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 8 months
In Sickness And In Health
Luis comes down with the flu, and hasn’t eaten all day. Luckily, his boyfriend Leon is there to make him a warm meal and help him feel better :)
Basically just sweet tooth-rotting fluff from start to finish
Fic below cut!!
A/N: this one is dedicated to @mostlyghostly42 and @mooseonahunt !!!!!!!! You guys know exactly why. Thank you very much for making me laugh so hard my lungs collapse and thank you very much for putting me in your quote book I will forever treasure this inside joke <<<<333 What’s the inside joke you may ask? I fear I cannot tell you because I will be cancelled
Anyways!!!!! I made this fic because I had the flu. Fun!! And now it’s the 696’th fic in the Leon x Luis Tag on ao3. I Wonder if any of this has any deeper meaning or if I’m just tired
To say Luis was sick would be an understatement.
Sure, he was no stranger to pain; after all, getting a knife stabbed cleanly through your spine was bound to leave anyone with at least some chronic pain-
But this was just straight up dreadful.
Luis had no clue where he might’ve caught it from, let alone from who, because he’d rarely left the house all weekend- but like some kind of cruel twist of fate, he had come down with the worst flu of his entire life seemingly overnight.
Ok. Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. Luis had dealt with worse. Like, a lot worse. He’d fallen sick to his own creations and experienced pain no single human being should have ever had to go through more times than he could count on his own two hands-
But that didn’t mean the flu he currently had didn’t suck. And he sure as all hell made it known just how bad it was whenever he wasn’t in so much agony he could hardly talk.
‘Is this really all it takes to shut you up?’ Leon had joked one morning, earning him a weak but passionate slap across the shoulder. Luis had to bite his lip hard in order to not fall into a disarray of giggles at the mere sight of Leon smiling like a sheepish young boy.
‘ Maybe you should get sick more often”
“Maybe you should get off your ass and help me, Pendejo”
“Alright, alright!! Such a drama queen…”
That was, of course, all before Luis got really sick.
In just a matter of hours, Luis was left totally bedridden. He couldn’t stand (Actually, he couldn’t stand or walk, like, at all most of the time- having a hole on your spine does that to you) and his body just felt awful.
Luis’ head throbbed with what he thought was one of the worst headaches he’d ever experienced in his entire life- his brain thrashing around in his own skull like church bells on a Sunday morning- and his chest ached and rattled with every intake of breath he took. It sounded awful, and it felt even worse. At times he just felt like holding his breath for a few seconds just to alleviate some of the pain.
His entire body felt like lead and the ends of his limbs tingled with sharp, stabbing pins-and-needles; if he dared tried to move his head or god forbid stand up, his limbs and skull held him down like a fishing lure.
But the absolute worst part of it all were the cold chills.
Every few seconds, sharp, painful chills would Wrack Luis’ spine and leave him shivering cold- colder than he should have been inside of his and Leon’s warmed-up apartment. The chills felt like repetitive, stabbing, freezing knives crawling up his back every few seconds and goddamnit he just wished they would stop already. He’d had more than enough of knives in his back to last him a lifetime, after all.
They felt almost painful, and no matter how much he begged Leon for more blankets, he insisted on keeping just a single thin bed sheet over his back as Luis curled in on himself in an attempt to gather any semblance of heat.
“ You’ll overheat if I give you more blankets,” Leon had explained. The warm hand on Luis’ forehead checking his temperature feeling like a godsend.
“ And you’re already burning up. You’ll just make yourself more sick, dove”
“Mmmmcold…….” Was all he had the energy to reply with in the moment as he brought his wrists up to his chin and whined when another chill wracked his spine.
Leon gave an ever-familiar sympathetic sigh, “ I know, I know… it’ll pass, doll. I swear.”
And that’s more or less how Luis ended up in the position he was. Curled up with his knees at his chest and his wrists tucked under his chin, feeling simultaneously too tired to move yet too sore to fall asleep. If he dare try and move from the position he curled himself up into, his body would pull him back down into the bed again like a ball-and-chain. So all he could do was close his eyes, sigh, and wait for either sleep to come or for something to happen and grant him some relief.
Luis felt Leon slip into the bed beside him, his familiar weight sinking against the mattress and even though he could hardly open his eyes to see, Luis could just tell Leon had something in his hands.
“You feeling alright, dove?”
Leon asked, his voice soft and full of sympathy. Luis very rarely ever got to hear Leon be so quiet and gentle, so as awful as the situation was, he treasured it best he could.
Luis couldn’t say anything in response. He just gave a grunt-y noise from his throat to confirm he was still alive and went straight back to feeling like dead weight.
He physically cringed when another sharp, painful cold chill shot up his spine.
And Leon must’ve noticed, because in seconds, his hands were already carding through his long, fanned-out hair and scratching the temple of his head with repetitive and reassuring scritch-scratch-scritch-scratches. Luis’ hair has grown significantly longer since when they first met, and he was surprised Leon’s fingers didn’t get tangled in his curls.
The blonde's nails felt almost heavenly against the brunette's scalp and he wished he could fall asleep like that forever.
Luis didn’t even realize a moment had passed until Leon spoke up once more,
“I made you some dinner”
That got his attention. He peeled his heavy eyelids apart and blinked at the plate Leon held in his hands; too disoriented to make out what was on it.
“It’s just some cheese sandwiches,” Leon mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. If Luis were feeling even the slightest bit better, he probably would’ve made a jab at Leon’s American-style dish and lack of cooking skills- but honestly? His heart felt like it was melting at just the thought of his partner cooking him something while sick.
Mierda, está locamente enamorado de este hombre.
“I know it’s not a lot, but…”
Leon continued on, picking up a slice and holding it up to where Luis lay with his vision half-swallowed by the pillows. The smell of warm cheese was oddly welcome.
“But, y’know, you haven’t eaten all day, and you need something in your body,” Leon’s tone was far from upset, but he was definitely trying his best to get his point across to Luis- who, right now, felt like doing anything but eating.
“‘Sides, I made these specially for yooouuuu…”
Luis huffed as much of a laugh as he could manage at Leon’s tone, a smile barely evident on his face- but it was enough of a confirmation for Leon to take the bait.
“C’mon, you know you want iiiiiiittttt….”
“ M jus’ sssso tired….” Luis tried to defend himself, every word that came from his mouth rung in his skull and only added to the already painful headache.
He tried his best to not seem even the slightest amused by Leon, but goddamn, was it hard.
“I know you’re tired, hun,”
Leon kissed Luis’ (rather sweaty) forehead and began rubbing circles into his back when the brunette shivered yet again. And Luis practically melted at his touch; grateful for even just the smallest bit of warmth against his skin. Leon was like a walking furnace most of the time, which only made Luis want to instinctively curl up to him even further.
“But you’ve gotta eat something. You’re just gonna get more sick if you don’t”
Luis made a noise that vaguely sounded like ‘I don’t care’, but it was far too muffled to realistically be considered English at all. If even just moving his head and talking was enough to have Luis’ skull feel like it was collapsing in on him from the inside out, he shuddered to imagine what eating would feel like.
When he heard Leon sigh in defeat, Luis mentally rewarded himself for winning their make-believe war of attrition;
Only to be stopped in his tracks when he heard Leon making…. Fucking plane sounds???
“ Bbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrr…….”
“ Leeeoonn…-“ ‘ ¿Qué carajo estás haciendo?’ Is what Lui s wanted to say, but he was promptly cut off when Leon continued;
“Uh, here comes the aeroplane…. Nyoooom…..”
“ Jesús maldito cristo- Leon!!”
Finally, finally- of all the goddamn things- that finally got a reaction out of Luis. He threw his head back against the pillow and laughed harder than he had in days. Was it painful? Oh, absolutely- his head felt like it was being slammed against a wall and his chest rattled like crazy;
But Luis would be lying if he said he wouldn’t trade Leon’s laughter alongside his it for the world.
“ You- Santa mierda- you can’t make t-those jokes!! Joder, you are a secret agent!!”
“ Special agent, actually” the ‘special agent’ smiled, clearly biting back his own laughter as Luis’ only grew more and more.
“That has- got to be- the worst joke you have ever made-“ Luis tried to make out a sentence inbetween his rattly coughs and sharp chills, but much to his dismay, Leon only continued.
“Damn, I guess I better step up my game then huh-“
“ Por favor no-“
“Ok, ok, how about this,”
Leon sat up on his haunches, finally taking the accursed sandwich away from Luis’ mouth.
“If you take at least a couple bites, I promise I’ll never make a joke that bad ever again”
“ Ever?” Luis croaked from his pillow, an eyebrow raised and his smile crooked. He could hardly make out Leon’s expression, but if he had to guess, it was probably one of dishonesty.
“I swear on my mother’s life I won’t”
“You don’t have a mother”
Now it was Leon’s turn to burst out into laughter; loud, uninterrupted and honest. Even through the pain, it was music to Luis’ ears.
“Just eat your damn sandwich, doll”
“ Mmmmmmonly cuz I love you cariño….”
Leon scratched the top of his head one last time and gave him a kiss on the forehead, chuckling breathily;
“I love you too.”
Luis managed to eat… most of the sandwiches Leon had made him. He’d gotten through two of them- conveniently leaving out the crust- before finally succumbing to his own need for sleep.
He was right in his theories, though; every single chew he took make his brain feel like it was being slammed against a wall, but at least the cold chills stopped- and everytime he swallowed, Leon gave a quiet, almost unintentional little ‘ good job’, from the back of his throat. Which probably shouldn’t have made Luis feel as warm as it did- but he didn’t have the strength to care. Or even begin to try and dissect why.
Sure, it felt rather childish to be fed like some kind of dying Victorian child- but there was something undeniably intimate about letting Leon just… take care of him. Even if just for a moment. With no guilt to follow suit. Something Luis hadn’t experienced in a good long while.
Would it be strange to say it reminded him of when his Abuelo used to make him tomato soup when he was a little boy all the way back in Valdelobos whenever he was sick? Maybe that was a discussion for another evening.
The longer he chewed, the more tired Luis grew; to the point where he was literally falling asleep with food in his mouth half-chew. Head slacking and eyes dropping closed, Leon had to pull his hand away from his mouth and tap his chin or give his head a little scratch as a reminder to not fall asleep with food in his mouth.
“ C’mon, dove,” he’d whisper, his voice full of quiet sympathy and affection.
“ You’ve gotta finish it. For me?”
“You’re gonna choke if you don’t swallow..”
Eventually, though, Luis had to push Leon’s hand away and silently say ‘ no more’. Thankfully his partner could read him like an open book and was curled up by his side in a matter of seconds, continuing to rub his back in comforting, repetitive motions.
Their foreheads were inches away from touching, and it was very apparent just how rattly Luis’ breath was; but Leon didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
“ Yyyoour’re gnna catch mmy fluuu…”
“ I couldn’t care less,” Leon chuckled at Luis’ sleepy tone, closing the gap between them with a kiss to his flush forehead.
“ ‘Just means I get to spend more time with you”
Luis could hardly open his mouth to complain before Leon already had a hand through his hair, carding his fingers softly against his scalp.
“ Go to sleep, dove,”
He whispered,
“ You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Luis didn’t need to be told twice. And so he fell asleep in Leon’s arms faster than he ever had in his entire life.
And despite his body’s attempts, Luis had somehow gotten one of the best night's sleep he had ever had in his entire life.
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