#mental crisis
schizopositivity · 3 months
Do you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused a mental health emergency? Are you currently stable? You should make a basic safety plan! [Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, this advice is taken from my own experiences and what I learned in inpatient psychiatric facilities. This post caters more to those who experience severe psychotic episodes as that is my experience.]
1. Find a safe person. Someone you often spend time with that you can trust with the details of your mental illness and feel safe around. Ask them if they are comfortable being the person to look out for you if you have a mental health emergency. Preferably someone you live with. If no one you live with fits this role, find someone you contact regularly.
2. Explain to the safe person what a mental health emergency looks like for you. Think of the way you presented in the past during mental health emergencies and try to describe it. You may have to describe it based on what others have told you if you had memory loss during episodes in the past.
3. Let them know how they can check with you to see if you are in a mental crisis. You might need them to ask you some questions to gage your mental state (examplse: Do you know where you are right now? Are you able to talk?). Tell them what questions to ask to find out if you are in a crisis.
4. Explain to them what you would want to happen in a mental health emergency. If they are able to see that you are indeed in a mental health emergency, what steps would you want them to take? If you will need to go to the hospital, but don't want to interact with police, let them know to tell that to emergency services. If there's a nearby inpatient facility you would want to go to, tell them which one and give them their contact info. If episodes typically pass on their own for you, let the safe person know how to keep you comfortable and safe until it passes.
5. Have an easily accessible contact paper or note on your phone with some basic info in case you can't speak to professional help while you are in a crisis. Add your name, birth date, your diagnoses, and exactly what medications you take and the dosages. You can add specific warnings or triggers about yourself (examples: Doesn't like being touched by medical professionals. Can react violently to loud noises). You can add contact info of people you'd want to let know about your situation. You can add your insurance information if you have it.
6. If you would have to go to a hospital/inpatient facility, let the safe person know if there's anything else you'd want them to handle once you get there. (Examples: Pack a bag of clothes for the inpatient stay. Feed my pets while I'm gone or ask someone else to. Contact my work place for me and let them know I won't be able to come in.)
Yes this is a long list, but I feel it's important to prepare and get your bases covered while you have the capacity to do so. Often when someone is in crisis they don't know how to ask for help, or what to do once they get help. Thinking of everything ahead of time saves you the extra worry later, or the extra worry of guessing by the people around you.
And if you are thinking "this is too much work to make someone else do!" Consider how much harder it would be if they found you in crisis and had no idea what to do and you wouldn't be able to tell them. If you have a severe mental illness that can/has caused you to be in a state of mental health emergency, you deserve to be cared for by others during the crisis.
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she-is-ovarit · 6 months
For those of you in America, please consider taking this.
This is such an important and - quite frankly - gem of a set of skills, knowledge, and abilities to have. You can take a class and become certified in adult, child, or teen (or all three!) mental health first aid. The classes may be hybrid, in person, or I believe also remote. It teaches you how to handle mental heath crises and can be helpful both for you and for others. And for those of you job searching the added benefit of having a certificate like this on your resume never hurts!
Edit: You do have to pay it looks like - not sure how much depending on where you are and who the instructor is. You may be able to actually look up "mental health first aid" + your county name and find free classes.
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addilynn-rogers · 25 days
is frequently doing the 16 Personalities MBTI Test online and getting different results almost every time because you are basically undefinable and have an unstable personality and inconsistent, ever-changing trajectory BPD culture?????
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yo-lkii · 9 months
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darkacademiclady · 11 months
I miss my childhood lately. Im in my twenties and i have to admit, that I'm going backwards, straight to my inner child i guess.
so I'm asking politely
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Sure I just spent an hour and a half hyperventilating in a corner wondering if Ian’s why anyone tolerates much less likes me. Also questioning my existence and wondering if I’m broken or seeking attention by being dramatic even tho no one realized I was breaking down. And I almost freaked out over something super small and went non-verbal for an hour. But I didn’t cry so it doesn’t count as a breakdown. I’m sure me not crying has nothing to do with having to be strong to try and protect my baby brother and depressed sister from my alcoholic mother as a kid. So really I don’t have to unpack any of my feeling or what brought this on because it was nothing because I didn’t cry. Thats how that works rightttttt????
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mariammanjgal · 5 months
Hi Hi Hiiii. I just randomly got the urge to start blogging on tumblr in 2023 lol. And the reason for that is that I've always wanted to have a diary but i'm too inconsistent for that plus it takes too much effort and time to write everything by hand. This blog has 0 followers so I'll have no shame about what I write here. Maybe I'll keep it a secret forever. Anyways, life lately has not been good at all. I think I'm really feeling the transition from teens to twenties (I'm 19) and I'm feeling it reeealll heeeavyyy. Daytimes are alr but whenever the night comes... oh boy. I sometimes want to rip my skin off (metaphorically(?)). Some aspects of my life have been really stagnant and they don't correlate with who I am anymore (maybe some people too). Don't think there are many feelings that feel worse than being stuck somewhere or with someone feeling like you don't belong. But at the same time I've changed so many times and so much during my long but short 19 years of life that I've kinda stumbled upon that situation many times. And I think what they say about your outer reality changing along with your inner self is true because I've shed so many versions of myself, I lost count and when I observe someone from a specific time in my life it feels like they're still there. Like they belonged there, so they internally stayed the same and they physically stayed there - idk how to explain it. I also feel like my appearance does not correspond with who I am. I've been feeling like that for a long time now actually. For example, I've been taught to always make safe choices with what i wear and how i match garments with each other, but that way of carrying pieces of clothing has nothing to do with me since I am everything but noncontroversial and safe. But maybe I'm going along with that style because like my clothes, I've been trying to fade out my opinions and the way that i behave and the way that i talk and the way that i voice my opinions, too. So that makes me think about - what if everything else I've been taught in my life is just like what I've been taught about what I should wear? safe and sound, when what i really am is bold and passionate. And if you're wondering why I'm so worried about clothes, well, it's not that I'm materialistic it's just that I never knew who I was, really - many people around me, many opinions, many friends groups but still for some reason no place where I belong - and that's where the shame with my self expression stemmed from (chiron in 1h in rx if u could not guess). I ALWAYS HAD ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA REGARDING WHO I WAS THEREFORE I DID NOT KNOW WHAT I LIKED THEREFORE I WAS ALWAYS STICKING TO SAFE CHOICES THAT WOULD FIT WITH ALL BUT EXPRESS NONE. AND IT MAY NOT BE LIKE THAT FOR EVERYONE, BUT FOR ME FASHION IS A STATEMENT AND ITS A TOOL FOR SELF EXPRESSION AND I USED TO SUPPRESS THE EXPRESSIVE PARTS OF ME FOR MANY MANY YEARS. And the weird thing is that now that I've been spending a loooot of time on my own, I think I'm finding the things that are me - not my family, not my friends, not my experiences, but just plainly me. I've been building my world in my head for the past year in solitude and in piece, so now I'm upholding a lot strongly an idea of who I (think I) am. Eh, anyways. As I said it's 2023 but this year's coming to an end in just 10 days. Here are my 2024 wishes (stole first three from we're not really strangers mail from today lol) - feel less awkward meeting people, have figured out what I'm doing with my life, be in a relationship that's actually going somewhere (but like defeating the need of sabotaging anything that might be good first pls), feeling secure in myself and catching the hollow voices in my head that really are just echoes of my past, and last but not least get few steps closer to self realization - a single thing that actually matters in this weird world.
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oopsiedoopse · 11 months
In between something is very wrong with my mind and fuck it we ball I’m dramatic
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morphine-enjoyer · 10 months
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they be fine
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apupthatdraws · 1 year
December 26 marks the one year anniversary since my life went to shit. I will not elaborate in this post but it involves therapy, shitty parents and gay dogs.
If you want an explanation, ask my one mutual. Otherwise, wish me a merry mental crisis and a happy anxiety-filled year!
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unimatrix-420 · 1 year
Will someone please send me cute pics of their pets? Or any animal, frankly!
I'm in a pit of despair and need something to refocus on, and what better thing to focus on than animals? 💚
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addilynn-rogers · 27 days
is BPD culture seeing some relatable post online and feeling like you relate to it but is also questioning if you do actually relate and you start to really question yourself???
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friot · 2 years
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Internet having a mental crises over a god damm bird.. DAMMIT
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aurora1040 · 2 years
I apologize about the recent ghost posts where i vented and freaked out in the tags. I had a pretty bad mental breakdown yesterday.
My therapist agrees that I probably am relapsing back into depression and he seems to understand how that is a scary thing to experience. Im going to start seeing him every week for the time being to keep an eye on it.
I also got the crisis helpline phone number for the next time i have a mental breakdown so that, hopefully, i wont worry anyone with vent tags again.
Those of you who reached out to me because of the ghost posts, thank you. It really meant a lot to me that you did.
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pushoverseven · 2 years
my life consists of small wins and big losses. it’s been too quiet and ok for once, i rather the downfall happen now before i get to comfortable in this ok state of existence. i’m good at picking myself up, i’ve never been able to sit here and life be content, it’s..idk. idk how to sit here and be perfectly ok. big losses small wins, i can’t get too comfortable or else the downfall will hit 10x more then it usually does. it’s become an unspoken routine. big losses, small wins.
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crowskyler · 2 years
I need a job good enough that will pay the rent somewhere and let me eat. Preferably that will also pay for my cats' food, because if I lost them I don't know if I would feel the need to live any longer. No such jobs exist around here, it's all roughly the same pay rate as my current job (which is .75 cents over the minimum wage, not good). Not being able to move out is concerning my dad so much that he gave me this "what do you want to do" (paraphrasing) book tonight. He doesn't know what the job market is like for someone who couldn't even graduate college because of her learning disorder.
I just. I'm really getting to the last bit of my rope. I don't know what the point of me is. I used to think I needed to move somewhere cheaper but it's all shit everywhere, right now, isn't it?
Should have just killed myself when I had the chance. Or my mom should have gotten that abortion she didn't believe in (but still took the time to tell me she would have done it). Then I wouldn't be a burden on anyone. Everyone would just know other people instead of me. It would be fine.
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