#mha 62
bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 months
Omae Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of my post Omae: Complexity of Self-Expression and Intimacy in the Japanese “You.” In honor of it, I’m doing a follow-up post.
Why? Because I made two claims in that post:
“as far as I can tell, Izuku is the only person Katsuki has ever used the pronoun omae (おまえ) towards in-canon”
“Furthermore, he has only used omae towards Izuku on three occasions.”
I prefaced both with “as far as I can tell” because I had some doubts that Katsuki’s use of omae was exactly that exclusive, but I knew it was pretty damn exclusive, so I went ahead and wrote the meta anyway. And I still stand by my assessments of how he uses it and what those moments mean.
But I was wrong on both counts.
Katsuki has used omae towards people other than Izuku.
He has used omae towards Izuku on five occassions, as of chapter 409.
Of course, chapter 409 wasn’t released until months after I wrote my pronoun meta, but at the time of my post, I had in fact missed one pivotal omae directed at Izuku that occurs much earlier in the series.
I wanna talk about those two extra omae towards Izuku and who else he has used omae towards. Much like Katsuki, I am a perfectionist, so if I'm gonna revisit this topic, I'm gonna go all the way.
So, I went through 409 chapters and catalogued every single time Katsuki uses a second-person pronoun.
An Exhaustive Analysis of Bakugou Katsuki’s Second-Person Pronoun Usage
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These are all the “you” pronouns Katsuki has used in the manga. We’ll go over them one-by-one and talk about who he uses them for, when, and my thoughts on why.
First, a note about rudeness: In many languages, and certainly in Japanese, familiarity and rudeness go hand-in-hand. In dictionaries and on grammar websites, you’ll see advice about using a term only with “people above you” or “people equal to or below you.” In general, you are either talking up to someone (polite speech) or you are talking down to them (casual speech). Excluding outright derogatory language, talking down to someone is the same as treating them as your equal.
Talking up creates or maintains distance between parties. Casual speech, familiar terms, and directness are nuances that generally get introduced into relationships as they deepen. Basically, being close to someone gives you the “right to be rude” to them. To speak this way with a stranger or people who are your hierarchical “social superiors” is considered rude in part because you lack an established (or equal) relationship with them.
I mention this because I think some people are under the misapprehension that for Katsuki to show someone he cares, he would have to speak respectfully towards them—that is, talk up to them. That simply isn’t the case, and in fact such behavior might convey callous indifference instead, because switching from casual speech to formal speech with someone you have history with puts distance between you, pushing them away.
Instead, there are more nuanced ways to connect and affirm bonds. Katsuki using omae rather than temee, for example, is not him being more polite, he's just being less insulting. He is still talking down, and one could argue that by refusing to talk up to anyone, Katsuki treats everyone equally. I mean he is still a foul-mouthed little monster, but you know, at least he’s consistent about it.
Anyway, keep this “right to be rude” in mind.
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As mentioned in my first post, temee is basically Katsuki’s default second-person pronoun. If he’s addressing someone directly and he isn’t using one of his mean nicknames, it is almost guaranteed to be this word. This graphic is the only one that is not exhaustive, featuring just the top three.
Temee is derogatory; it is often translated as “you bastard,” and even when it’s not, its presence encourages translators to slather a veneer of rudeness across the sentence as a whole. Unlike the other pronouns we’re going to talk about, there is basically no scenario where you could use temee and not come across like an asshole. You could use it with friends or family to joke around, but you’re still being an asshole, just a funny one.
And... can we just acknowledge the vast gulf between Izuku’s 62 and runner-up Todoroki’s 14? Obviously Izuku is the protagonist, so it makes sense that much of the dialogue we are shown from any character is about him or directed at him. But it’s also just really funny.
No single use of temee is particularly notable since it's so common, but it is obvious why these two are at the top of the list: Katsuki has a lot of scenes with them, and he considers them his rivals. As a result, they tend to throw him into a tizzy often.
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Anta is a contraction of anata. If avoiding a “you” pronoun entirely is the most polite way to refer to someone, anata is arguably the next most polite way. It is considered polite towards someone of “equal or lower status,” but can seem distant—you hear it in commercials when the narrator has to address the audience, “you, the customer.”
Anta strips away that distance and expresses either familiarity or contempt, depending on how you want to read it, which makes it pretty fucking funny that Katsuki uses it for his mentor figures. It is worth noting that anta is significantly less offensive than his typical temee and arguably even omae. A normal person would never use anta towards their boss or teacher—or their lifelong idol, for that matter—because it is talking down, which puts them on your level. But Katsuki’s whole persona is built around rebellious superiority, so out of all the options, he affords All Might and Best Jeanist the least offensive pronoun he can stomach using. Essentially, “I’m not gonna be fuckin’ polite but god, fine, I’ll be LESS rude, I guess” while still maintaining plausible deniability.
I also wanna note that there are instances where Katsuki technically uses temee towards All Might and anta towards Izuku, because he uses them in the plural form to refer to both of them at once. It’s actually pretty interesting to see who is framed as the “primary subject” of his scolding based on which pronoun he uses.
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Chapter 257
All Might is the one droning on and on, so Katsuki’s response pluralizes his All Might pronoun anta into antara, lumping Izuku in with him. Basically: “stop wasting my time and get to the point (and that goes for you, too, Deku).”
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Here we’ve got him pluralizing temee and, between All Might and Izuku, it’s definitely more the Izuku pronoun. So this reads a little like “dammit Deku you kept this secret so badly I found out and then you swore me to secrecy but you’re STILL UTTER SHIT AT HIDING IT so you are MAKING MY LIFE EVEN HARDER (and you, All Might, don’t you fucking know better??)”
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Aaaand now we’re at the good shit. Okay, let’s break it down.
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Chapter 36
Katsuki addresses Ochako with omae at the very start of their Sports Festival battle, and this is in fact the first time he addresses her personally with a second-person pronoun. It’s a great writing choice: unlike every other fight we’ve seen Katsuki in so far, he isn’t busting out his typical boisterous insults. Rather, what he says reads as a measured assessment of her as a threat, and omae contributes to this. Had he used temee, he might still have come across this way on the whole, but the use of omae as the first word out of his mouth—when the audience knows he uses temee—sets this moment apart even more.
The text of Uraraka vs. Bakugou isn't ambiguous: Katsuki takes Ochako seriously, immediately, when no one else does. This is of course a rejection of sexist assumptions about girls, but it is also because Katsuki is smart. Kaminari’s battle is the foil to this fight. Where Bakugou succeeds, Kaminari failed, having been too sexist, cocky, and just plain dumb to properly assess his opponent and the danger they pose to him.
I said in my first post that Katsuki’s omae towards Izuku immediately after Deku vs. Kacchan 2 reads as him addressing Izuku as an equal, and I would say the same is true here.
After Ochako tries to execute her plan and Katsuki accuses her of colluding with Izuku, he uses temee towards her. It’s his standard choice, of course, but the change feels a little loaded in hindsight. She might have been afforded a different pronoun once, but she quickly gets lumped into the temee pile at least partly due to Proximity To Deku.
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Katsuki talks the most shit when he’s on the ropes—a strategic, cocky camouflage for his vulnerability. We know from his thoughts watching Todoroki vs. Midoriya that at this moment, he was pretty worried he was at his limit. But Katsuki also likes a good challenge, and he respects people who can give it to him, so in gearing up for the climax of this fight, he calls her by her surname.
The progression: omae + mean nickname → temee → surname.
In later scenes, he addresses her with his typical temee, which just goes to show you that Katsuki really picks and chooses his moments.
Or, as All Might put it:
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Speaking of picking and choosing his moments, this next one was a delight to discover.
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Chapter 182
As with Ochako, this is the first time Katsuki uses a "you" towards Jirou personally. To be precise, what he uses is a sound-shifted variant of omae pronounced omee (written variously as おめえ, おめー, and おめぇ). We’ll talk about whether that means anything later.
This occurs during the school festival when Jirou belts her heart out suddenly. Katsuki thinks back to how the band had criticized his improvisation and her specifically telling him not to do it during the show. So he says out loud, to himself, “omee ga surun kai,” for which I think the funniest translation would be, “OH BUT YOU CAN DO IT, HUH??”
The official English translation is “hypocrite!” which isn’t bad, but yeah, he is being such a grumpy little sarcastic baby about it, it’s very funny. Just muttering complaints under his breath, with no actual ill-will attached. The fact that he uses omee reinforces the sense that this is not a serious complaint; it’s good-natured ribbing and contributes to the reader’s awareness that Katsuki likes and respects Jirou.
While Kaminari and Sero mischievously try to trick him into participating in the festival, Jirou earnestly asks for his help while acknowledging his skill.
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Chapter 171
On top of outright asking "onegai" (please, but literally: "a request"), the verb construction she uses (やってくれたら, yatte kuretara) frames his participation as a favor; kureru is basically “to do for the benefit of someone else [often to your disadvantage or inconvenience].” And then she personally works her ass off to make their performance the very best it can be.
Later during the Joint Training Battle, Katsuki relies on her, uses a nickname for her (to her annoyance), and saves her. Kirishima and Kaminari both astutely comment that the festival band reinforced Katsuki’s trust in his classmates and his willingness to work with them towards success.
In this moment during the festival, Katsuki is letting Jirou shine, because each of them doing what they do best is what makes the performance a triumph in the first place.
But the boy’s still gonna be a bossy little tsundere about it.
4th Grade Bullies
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Chapter 62
In Izuku’s flashback, little Katsuki uses omaera (plural form) towards the 4th graders who pick a fight with him.
You might be thinking, “Hang on, haven’t all the omae uses so far been for people Katsuki likes or at least respects? So why is he using it for these two?” And you’d be right, at least when it comes to present-day, teenage Katsuki using omae, because it’s no longer his default.
Flashbacks to Katsuki and Izuku’s childhood tell us that Katsuki’s default peer address as a kid was most likely omae, and that he switched to temee as he got older and became more of an obnoxious little shit. I emphasized in my first post that omae seems softer coming from Katsuki because it’s a departure from his normal way of speaking. The flashbacks show us a time when he was... kinda just a regular kid using language common among boys his age.
Still, there is a “cool tough guy” air to this moment, because omae can also come across as contemptuous—which is how Izuku uses it towards villains in present-day. Izuku uses boku for himself and kimi for peers, the combination of which tend to be seen as kind of soft and boyish, rather than macho and cool. Little Katsuki uses the boastful pronoun ore for himself and omae towards the bullies, who are both older and therefore technically "above" him.
So Izuku marvels at Kacchan, who talks big and tough like a grownup. Kacchan who can do anything, who stands his ground, fights to win, and invokes the heroic ideals of All Might.
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Chapter 9
The first time we see Katsuki call Izuku by his name is when we learn the origins of the nickname Deku. It also happens to be the first time we see Katsuki address someone with something other than temee. This scene shows us a glimpse of what their relationship looked like before it totally fell apart: before Katsuki nicknamed him Deku, he called him Izuku. And before Katsuki started hurling insults and screaming “you bastard” (temee!) at Izuku all the time, he used a different “you” word for him, too. Little Katsuki addressed him as a little boy would address a peer or a friend.
It made me wonder… is the aftermath of Deku vs Kacchan 2 the first time Katsuki has addressed him as an equal since they were little kids?
And, furthermore, little Katsuki uses the sound shifted variant, omee.
You might be surprised to learn that temee itself is a sound shifted variant of temae (手前, てまえ). Temae literally means “before the hand” and historically, it was a humble first-person pronoun, meaning “me, who stands before you.” Omae (お前) literally means “the one before [me],” it was historically very polite and only used for extremely high-class people. Somewhere along the way, temae became a second-person pronoun like omae, and both started to be perceived as quite rude.
Tough guy Japanese speech patterns are epitomized by sound shifts and bitten off words. Supposedly, this dialect originates in Tokyo’s historic Shitamachi area, which is characterized as rough and working class in sharp contrast to the wealthy, high class Yamanote area.
So, does omee mean something different than omae? Maybe, but not always. Does it mean something different when someone says “Thank ya” rather than “Thank you”? Or when someone says “y’all” rather than “you all”? Not exactly, but… does it feel different? It can.
Little Katsuki’s sound shift links this moment to our last example:
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Chapter 409
As you acquire language, you develop a personal relationship with it informed by your experiences. More than just dictionary definitions, you gain cultural and emotional associations, and that impacts how you interpret media and other people. I don’t think anyone can say that omee definitively conveys something different than omae, but I do know that when I personally read Katsuki use it in 409, the shift feels like casual fondness. Like letting down your guard. A reassurance spoken softly. It somehow feels just a bit softer than if he had enunciated omae.
Years ago, Katsuki used it to tease Izuku about how he can’t do anything. And four hundred chapters later, he uses it to say “I won’t get in your way anymore.”
You should read pikahlua's really, really good meta about what this line means.
Whether it was intentional on Horikoshi’s part or not, I think it is a meaningful callback. These are the only two times Katsuki has ever used omee towards Izuku. It emphasizes how he has changed, yes, but it also ties in the context of his own past "uselessness" and how he has surpassed it, that he won't ever again be "a weakness others can exploit" to get to Izuku. But also, as pika says:
(And I read that he’s ready to let Izuku be the main character.)
The only other time Katsuki has used omee is towards Jirou, when he affectionately teased her for being a hypocrite while also making sure she got her time in the limelight.
And what does Katsuki think in the next chapter?
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“Izuku, do your best.”
Izuku gets his time in the limelight. They each brought their own strengths to this final battle, and Katsuki has held up his end. He wasn’t a burden, he didn’t hold Izuku back—he came back from the dead, saved their hero, and took out All For One. Now Izuku has to do what he does best.
A lot of the things I said in this post simply reiterate the meaning of the text itself, and that's because the nuances in Katsuki’s dialogue support the narrative. They reinforce what the story tells us about him and his relationships, and I think that's pretty amazing.
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batwedgies · 1 year
So vast and open….
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spicymeatball1992 · 2 months
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In MHA smash #62, these are the ONLY panels I found where Shigaraki reacts to anything sexual. I know this was a parody comic but how would you describe his attraction to women based on this strip alone? Not sure if he’s getting flustered like Kurogiri at the end or stressed because Toga continues not to listen lol
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daddecember · 6 months
DadDecember 2023 Event Announcement
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Welcome to DadDecember 2023!
While this is technically our second year running, we’ve changed purposes a little bit from last year. Last year we were very centric on MHA with DFODecember but this year we are instead multifandom to welcome in everyone!
So, with no further ado, everyone who participated last year, welcome back! To everyone joining this year, welcome in! We cannot wait to see what you create.
Please make sure to read this post carefully, as many questions have been answered here already. We have also answered all the questions that were submitted through our anon voting form already. If you don’t find what you are looking for there, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here. The mod team will get back to you as soon as possible.
This year’s AO3 Collection → HERE
Before we get more into the rules, I’d like to give a special thanks to everyone who submitted a prompt through our discord server back in September and all 85 of you who voted on the prompts these past few weeks. Event Info & Rules
DadDecember is an annual prompt month featuring platonic father and child relationships. We have a collection of prompts for each day meant to inspire works to be created.
*Due to the nature of this event being platonic, do not submit father/child incestual content. That is not the point of this event. This event is strictly platonic. Thank you for understanding.
There are 62 prompts this year with 10 alternative prompts. Each day has two prompts, one situational/trope prompt and one dialogue prompt. You do not need to use both. While we do encourage you to mix and match prompts with different days to fit your specific WIP, we do ask that you tag the prompt you used, not just the day.
This is a prompt month meant to inspire works, so please don’t take any of the prompts too seriously! If you want to get silly with it or really angsty, that’s up to you! How much of the prompt you use and how you use it is all up to you! If you think it fits the prompt, then it does. There is no gatekeeping in DadDecember.
It’s up to the creator how much they want to produce or what media form they want to create in! Anything and everything counts (and if you’re really unsure, you can always ask!). The idea of the event is to create, no matter in the manner you do so. 
As far as “how much do I need to do in order for it to count?” – Well, that’s up to you! All participants, regardless of how many works they put out, will be recognized for their efforts! A google form will be sent out after December ends in which you will be able to say how many works you completed. Works do not need to be published in any way shape or form to count. Participants will be ranked by completion in a tumblr post after the form closes and a custom role will be available for completionists in our discord server.
Should you wish to upload some of your DadDec content to Tumblr, use these tags:
Required tags:
#sfw or #nsfw
Optional Tags (but appreciated if used)
#DadDec No.1, #DadDec No.2, #DadDec No.3, ect.
#fandom or #OC, … (ironman, originalcontent, oc …)
#teeth, #gore tw, #etc …..(trigger warnings and content warnings. Add “tw” or “cw” AFTER the trigger/content warning )
For the sfw/nsfw tag, please use your best judgment. A Mature or Explicit rating (for anything except gore) should be marked as nsfw.
Reblogging Policies:
Due to the nature of the blog and for the safety of all fellow participants, nsfw posts will not be reblogged. - These works are still very much welcome in the AO3 collection.
You MUST tag @daddecember if you wish for your work to be reblogged
If you notice your work has not been reblogged (+ you tagged us) and it has been 2+ days, please send us an ask! It is likely that tumblr ate the notification.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I have to do all 31 days?
Participate as much as you would like! Whether you can get out one piece between now and the end of December or 45, we are here to encourage you all along the way!
Q. Can I post early/late?
Yes, you can post whenever you want. Due to time constraints, we may not reblog posts outside of December (pinging @Mod Addri via discord will always get you reblogged, though, so you can always try that ;) ).
Q. Can I combine DadDecember with other creation challenges?
Yes, as long as the other challenges allow it as well. Please reference their rules.
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes, but it only will count once for your total completion number (unless combined with a different unused prompt).
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s?
Yes, you can post WIPs. Snippets or other forms of WIPs are completely fine and will still count for completion! As long as you started it, feel free to count it!
Q. Is collaborating allowed?
Absolutely, we even encourage it! Collaborations can be an amazing way to get full completion status (especially if you’re competitive) without as much work! It would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you.
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before December?
Absolutely! That’s why we post the prompts a little over a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time” so feel free to start creating early!
Q. Do I have to use your required tags?
If you want your work reblogged, yes.
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
Best of luck,
Mod Addri
Also: A special thanks to @eliserael for creating the prompt images!
Written out Prompt List:
Day 1: Reverse Adoption | "I trusted you." Day 2: Snowed In | "I thought I would never see you again" Day 3: Snuggling | "Midnight fast food run?" Day 4: Forehead Kiss | "I'm going to kill you" Day 5: Little Things | "And what about rocks in snowballs?" Day 6: Prison Visit | "There's no gift better than revenge" Day 7: Blizzard | "I won--- WOAH!" Day 8: Holiday Reunion | "Is it supposed to tilt?" Day 9: Abandonment | "You've never wrapped a present before, have you?" Day 10: Emergency Room Trip | "Say goodbye now." Day 11: Patricide | "It's alright to be afraid" Day 12: Hero & Villain | "Oh, I thought presents weren't a thing." Day 13: Vault | "Close your eyes" Day 14: Tucking Into Bed | "Would you hold my hand?" Day 15: Late Nights | "Why didn't you tell me?" Day 16: Decorating Gone Wrong | "You remembered?" Day 17: Secret Santa | "I swear if you fail---" Day 18: Meet the Parents | "Don't do that again" Day 19: Parent-Teacher Conference | "Who are you?" Day 20: Warm Drink | "Is Santa actually real?" Day 21: Home Alone | "Breath in an--- breath out" Day 22: Overseas | "I don't think that's how snow angels work." Day 23: Adoption | "Did you put in sugar or salt?" Day 24: Glitter Overload | "You made bricks, not gingerbread" Day 25: Holidays | "My snow castle is bigger than yours!" Day 26: Disappearance | "Do you have any idea how much paper this thing took?" Day 27: Snow Angels | "Let me sing you a lullaby" Day 28: Burnout | "You hurt me, you know?" Day 29: Injury | "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this?" Day 30: Parentage Reveal | "I love you" Day 31: A New Year | "Would you rather…"
Alternative Prompts:
"I'm not a fan of pain"
Early Mornings
"It wasn't my fault"
In My Time of Need
"This is what I call a surprise!"
A Scooby-Doo Worthy Mystery
"Could I have some flowers?"
A League of Their Own
"Liar, liar, LIAR"
Family Murder
Discord Server + AO3 links for previewing:
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fling-graysons · 2 months
MHA Ch.1 "Izuku Midoriya: Origin": You can be a hero.
MHA Ch.39 "Shoto Todoroki: Origin": Your power is your own!!
MHA Ch.62 "Katsuki Bakugo: Origin": You'd rather lose...? That doesn't sound like you!
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 24 days
@mimbotomy tagged me in a fun tag game for fanfic writers, so here's my answers!!!!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 62 total works, and I am so disappointed in a lot of them 😅
What's your total AO3 word count? 339,839 words!
What fandoms do you write for? Lately I've been working a lot on fics with AC: Odyssey, Monsterverse, and VicTORIous. However, I did recently do a fic for Mean Girls (2024) and I used to write a lot for BNHA/MHA, when I was very big on that fandom, but all those fics are really bad and cringe so I try to pretend they don't exist. I also have some batfamily fics, and a few for Dynasty. A few oneshots here and there with that fic being my only work in the fandom. And how could I forget, Horizon!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Confidence - What a Hero Needs - this annoys me so much, it was my first fic, EVER. I wrote it 4 years ago, and it's still my most popular, I've written much better stuff. I've even REWRITTEN THIS ONE AND THE OG IS STILL MORE POPULARR GKHDGHJHWJHK Apects Unknown - or are they? - a fun batfamily and wonderbat based fic off of my own mini-universe. Very cute, and very proud of this fic Perseverance - What a Hero Needs - the immediate follow up to Confidence. Again, I've written a lot better stuff "What? I like hero merch!" - My favorite crack fic I've written. Also BNHA/MHA based, but this was just fun and cute Among (Us) the Villains - yet another BNHA/MHA fic, but this time it's based about Izuku being friends with the LoV. And gaming with them. Made around the time of Among Us, hence the title
Do you respond to comments? I try, especially once I post something new. But honestly, a lot of my responses end up being just hearts or "thank you's" and it personally makes me feel like I'm being disingenuine when i respond with them too much
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose Kumandra's Heart? But that was more sad than angst, I think?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty Girls, my Mean Girls (2024) fic!!!! I love this one so much, it's one of the few I go back and reread often! Basically a rewrite of the movie to be a lot gayer.
Do you get hate on fics? Oh yeah, there was this one marvel fic I did, and this one commenter was really mad that I wasn't going exactly as canon dictated. Because of course
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few fics with smut, and it's mainly kink-based. Definitely love involved too, but very kink-based.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes! I enjoy it a lot! My craziest one would probably have to be the one I'm currently writing, combining the Assassin's Creed universe and Legendary's Monsterverse. It's called Ancients Risen Anew, and based on Kassandra joining MONARCH after the G-Day event in 2014!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge! I made all my fics available only to registered users for the purpose of keeping them as safe as I can while still sharing them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope! Would love to see it happen though!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! It sounds interesting to do though!
What's your all time favorite ship? I would have to say Jade West/Tori Vega. The good old classic gay couple from Nickelodeon, as much as we hate how that era of TV was behind the scenes. A close second would probably be Aloy/Seyka, from Horizon. I just love them so much, they're my little blorbos (i think i used that term right :D)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a few, but I'll talk about Cascade for now. It's the marvel fic I mentioned earlier, and I kinda lost all interest in marvel recently. The last media I saw was The Marvels, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I kinda got oversaturated with too much Marvel stuff, and not enough of it was as amazing like Shang-Chi was to make me wanna stay interested. Will definitely watch the stuff I'm interested in though (anything with Kate Bishop and Yelena)
What are your writing strengths? Hmmmm, tough one. I would say lore. I love writing lore and explaining lore. I am also very good at writing outlines.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes. Especially fast paced ones. I love the choreography in movies, but how am I supposed to translate the fast-paced combat into writing in a way that feels natural????
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have done this for a short story! Please go check it out, its non-fandom related so it didn't get traction, but oh my god i did so much research for it and I love it. It's called Children of Níðhǫggr!
First fandom you wrote for? Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia. Please, end me
Favorite fic you've written? How the fuck am I supposed to choose just one?!??!?! I'll limit myself to five, to keep this short, lol Ink & Sparks - which is my favorite Jade West/Tori Vega fic. I rewrote it several times, and the version linked is the best one I've done. Please check it out, I love it so much! There's More To Life Than Surviving! - Honestly, this one is a contender for top fic. A crack fic, but for Ninjago! Loved it a lot The Titan of the Pearl - A very nice fic I wrote combining the Pirates of the Caribbean and Godzilla. Because I can Kumandra's Heart - A slight ending rewrite of Raya, the Last Dragon, which is my personal favorite Disney Princess movie Pretty Girls - the Mean Girls (2024) fic I mentioned earlier. I love this one so much, and like I said, I keep going back to reread it, that's how much I enjoy it Going to tag @aeide, @hartlesshart, @foibles-fables, and @spectres-n-knights for this! And if anyone else wants to, please go ahead!
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pillowspace · 1 year
On April 13th, I decided to dedicate 30 days to watching animation since I don't often watch things. And now it's up, so in those 30 days, I watched (in order of started least to most recently):
Made In Abyss Season 1 - 13/13 - rewatch
Yuri Is My Job! - 3/12 (still airing) - dropped 🚫
The Owl House Season 3 - 3/3
Oshi no Ko - 5/11 (still airing, 5/5)
Kyousougiga - 10/10
Chainsaw Man - 12/12
My Hero Academia Season 5 - 25/25
The Deer King: The Promised Journey With Yuna - 1/1
Vinland Saga Season 1 - 24/24
My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising - 1/1
My Hero Academia: Make It! Do-or-Die Survival Training - 2/2
Kase-san and Morning Glories - 1/1
My Hero Academia Season 6 - 25/25
Vinland Saga Season 2 - 18/24 (still airing, 18/18)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 45/64
Somali and the Forest Spirit - 12/12
Given Movie - 1/1
Grave of the Fireflies - 1/1
Mob Psycho 100 Season 1 - 12/12
Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 - 13/13
Mob Psycho 100 Season 3 - 12/12
BEASTARS Season 1 - 6/12 - dropped 🚫 due to personal reasons, not quality. Might pick back up
ERASED - 12/12
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission - 1/1
The Boy and the Beast - 1/1
Excluding MiA, TOH, and MHA due to prior attachment, my newly watched favourites from that were Vinland Saga, Chainsaw Man, and Mob Psycho 100!
Then also on a small comic side-note, which happened somehow:
No.6 - 35/35 (was already 25 in prior)
Chainsaw Man - 62/97
Vinland Saga - 16/201+
Omniscient Reader - 7/149+
My Hero Academia - 334/389+ (was already 325 in prior)
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anime-simp-0 · 1 year
writing prompts
these starters are not mine and i do not take credit for them! imaginary-legendary-hamilton is whose page i found these on and though they were perfect for me practicing my writing!
you are more than welcome to pick more than one prompt for whichever character you pick. my only request is that you use character from mha / bnha. otherwise, enjoy your combo's and i'll post what i come up with! <3
1. “Do you want me to leave?” 2. “I swear it won’t happen again.” 3. “I’m not jealous.” 4. “You can’t keep doing this.” 5. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” 6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 7. “You did what?!” 8. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 9. “Don’t ask me that.” 10. “I might have had a few shots.” 11. “What’s with the box?” 12. “Say it!” 13. “I could kiss you right now!” 14. “Are you done with that?” 15. “Are you still awake…?” 16. “Excuse you?” 17. “This is all your fault!” 18. “I shouldn’t be in love with you.” 19. “I could kill you right now!” 20. “Just admit I’m right.”
21. “That doesn’t even make sense.” 22. “That’s irrational.” 23. “Just pretend to be my date.” 24. “Are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?” 25. “When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 26. “I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again.” 27. “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.” 28. “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.” 29. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 30. “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” 31. “You weren’t supposed to laugh!” 32. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” 33. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 34. “These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” 35. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 36. “Did I say that out loud?” 37. “Do you think they could have loved me?” 38. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 39. “How long have you been standing there?” 40. “Have I ever lied to you?”
41. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” 42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” 43. “I am not losing you again!” 44. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 45. “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 46. “I just need to be alone right now.” 47. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” 48. “I made a mistake.” 49. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” 50. “I need you to forgive me.” 51. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 52. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” 53. “I’m flirting with you.” 54. “I’m not good enough for you.” 55. “I fell in love with my best friend.” 56. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 57. “I’m up to the challenge.” 58. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you.” 59. “I’m yours.” 60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
61. “If you go anywhere near them, you’ll have to deal with me!” 62. “It’s okay to cry…” 63. “What do you mean? It’s exciting!” 64. “Talk to me.” 65. “Look at me—just breathe, okay?” 66. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!” 68. “Well, this is where I live.” 69. “We finish it the same way we started—together.” 70. “What are you afraid of?” 71. “You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” 72. “You deserve so much better.” 73. “You don’t have to stay.” 74. “You don’t know you the way I do.” 75. “You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 76. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 77. “You shouldn’t have even been there!” 78. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 79. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 80. “Teach me?”
81. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?” 82. “Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” 83. “Just once.” 84. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 85. “It’s not what it looks like.” 86. “I got you a present.” 87. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 88. “See, now, what that so bad?”.” 89. “You’re the best part of me.” 90. “I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” 91. “Can I hold your hand?” 92. “Let’s move in together.” 93. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.” 94. “What time is it?” 95. “Just wait a second.” 96. “Here, let me.” 97. “You’re so cute when you pout like that.” 98. “Hold me back!’ 99. “I don’t care what they said, it doesn’t mean shit!” 100. “I adore you.”
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n-simp · 3 months
Who are these fictional men you simp for?
You want the entire list? because it's long, and there's probably more than 75.
1. Astarion - BG3
2. Halsin - BG3
3. Sonic - Sonic Prime
4. Shadow - Sonic Prime
5. Knuckles - Sonic Prime and Sonic Boom
6. Branch - Trolls
7. Daniel - Camp Camp
8. David - Camp Camp
9. Miguel O'Hara - Spiderman Across the spiderverse
10. Venti - Genshin
11. Xiao - Genshin
12. Kazuha - Genshin
13. Scaramouche - Genshin
14. Heizou - Genshin
15. Childe - Genshin
16. Diluc - Genshin
17. Kaveh - Genshin
18. Bakugo - MHA
19. Cross Sans - Undertale au multiverse
20. Nightmare Sans - Undertale au multiverse
21. Error Sans - Undertale au multiverse
22. Ink Sans - Undertale au multiverse
23. Zim - Invader zim
24. Dib - Invader Zim
25. The flea monster - Monster in Paris
26. N - Murder drones
27. Butler N - Murder drones
28. Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter (was a faze... I could fall back into)
29. Jack Frost - Rise of Guardians
30. Connor - DBH
31. Hiccup - HTTYD
32. Raphael - TMNT 2012 edition
33. Leonardo - TMNT 2012 edition
34. Donatello - TMNT 2012 edition
35. Mikey - TMNT 2012 edition
36. Zack - Angels of Death
37. Eddie - Angels of death
38. Teru - TBHK
39. Tsukasa - TBHK
40. Kou - TBHK
50. Mitsuba - TBHK
51. Troll Jim - Troll hunters
52. Inoske - Demon Slayer
53. The ugly upper moon with a sister - Demon Slayer
54. Lloyd Garmadon - Ninjago
55. Morro - Ninjago
56. Kai - Ninjago
57. Cole - Ninjago
58. Jay - Ninjago
59. Asmodeus Alice - Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun
60. Iruma - Welcome to demon school
61. Irumean - Welcome to demon school
62. Irumeanie - Welcome to demon school
63. Opera - Welcome to demon school
64. Kalego - Welcome to demon school
65. Iruma but specifically with his hair tied up - welcome to demon school
66. Kirio - Welcome to demon school
67. Katsuki - Buddy daddies
68. Rei - Buddy daddies
69. Dan heng - Honkai Star rail
70. Blade - Honkai star rail
71. Alastor - Hazbin hotel
72. Angel dust - Hazbin hotel
73. Stolas - Helluva Boss
74. Moxxie - Helluva boss
75. Caius - [redacted]
76. Mateva (prolly not spelled right) - [redacted]
77. Juan - RWBY
The list does go on but this is what I can remember off the top of my head.
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Oh, I pictured Bakugo being instead of Cinna (stylist) and either smaller form All Might or Aizawa like Haymitch (mentor) as while A.M is his mentor and predecessor in MHA, Eraser is closer in personality. (Plus he lost a friend as a teenager, like Katniss loses Rue so he'd be able to understand them more.)
Though Mic HAS to be Caesar or Effie! 😂
"I'm a what?"
I had been in the middle of answering this when my app glitched tf out u.u
My reasoning is that district 8 is for textiles. Bakugo, with his parents being designers, I felt fit this district really well. (I also associate rody with sewing a lot because of all the patches he and his siblings' clothes have. And when you have very little, you kinda learn to make stuff with what you have, so I imagine they'd be good there too. Izuku I have there because his mom made his suit, designed by him, and I feel it could be a hobby passed onto him in a quirkless world)
I imagined Bakugo would have won at age 15, so finnick is still the youngest, and the games would've been what help change his whole outlook, like... it's what puts his character arc into effect.
I think Eraser would be good in Plutarch Heavensbee's position, like aiding the rebels underhandedly, not really a face of the rebellion.
I had considered Uwabami as Effie, but honestly, I think Mic would fit that better? Sort of following that exuberant attitude before it mellows out because, you know, he's a decent person? Uwabami and Mt. Lady would probably be stylists. As well as Best Jeanist.....
As for All Might, he would've been a previous Victor, but I don't think for the same district.... I want him as part of the rebellion but I'm not sure where.
Then again, I'm thinking of this as if the Canon events still happen in the future, so these would be some random game, like 54 or 62 you know? Not a direct 74th/75th HG so they wouldn't even be part of the rebellion yet.
BUT if we do the Canon au rather than an in universe concept.... then that would also work, but I really don't want Lala or Roro to die lmfao
I'm sure if I really sit to map it out I could assign everyone to districts and such but Idk if everyone would be reaped in these particular games (I know I considered Kirishima for D11 or D12, and now that I think of it, Ashido would be D8 too! Ahhhh Imagine if she was the girl reaped in Bakugos games t.t)
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag @chameliyun!
How many works do you have on ao3?
Eight I think! Mostly longform which is why the number is so low lol
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently I'll write for Death Note, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Demon Slayer, One Piece, Soul Eater, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Doctor Who. I have VLD fic up on my ao3 but I don't write for that fandom anymore lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Starbound (VLD, 294), Ground Zero (MHA, 223), Far Longer Than Forever (VLD, 76), Tales From Wammy's House (DN, 62), and The Ghosts Within Us (HxH, 57)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I'm usually super late to respond lol but yeah I try to get to all of them! I love interacting with people and I treasure all the feedback I get!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
All my ao3 fics (excluding Tales From Wammy's House, which is a collection of short stories I wrote as part of a fandom event) are unfinished, but I know which one is gonna have the angstiest ending... no spoilers though!
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, they're all basically unfinished so no spoilers!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't so far so hopefully I never will lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I am physically incapable of writing smut. I know some ace people write it no problem, but... I am not one of those people lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I'm open to crossovers but I can't recall any that I've actually written. Usually I prefer to do them in the same sort of genre (for instance, a MHA/Marvel crossover or Pirates of the Caribbean/One Piece kind of thing where there's a sort of plausibility in setting)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it. Not sure why anyone would bother though lol
12. What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
Longest: I've been working on A Shot in the Dark since 2020 though I don't update it much anymore. But I don't want to abandon it at this time so I'll count it as ongoing.
Shortest: Tales From Wammy's House since it was for a week-long challenge lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Second Chances is co-written with the amazing @til-the-static-comes :)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm a big canon/OC shipper so I'm really attached to my canon/OC (and OC / OC) pairings moreso than most canon/canon, buuuut my favourite all-time canon/canon ship is still the Doctor/Rose Tyler; you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Killugon (Gon Freecss/Killua Zoldyck from HxH) is a close second.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A Shot in the Dark is already so bloody long and I'm still a ways away from finishing it, but I'm gonna try, I promise.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, I think. And I'm pretty good at character-centric stories.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not great at poetic, descriptive writing since I'm usually more interested in what characters are thinking/feeling rather than their external traits/environment. That might be more of a style thing though. I do have a bad habit of making characters monologue for a little too long sometimes, and relying too much on internal monologues too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oooh okay so I actually have so many thoughts about this!! I think it's a really effective tool if done properly-- I frequently use languages other than English in my writing since a lot of my characters tend to be bilingual. For me, it's really important to use it in the right moments that make sense within the narrative, and keep a logical kind of consistency to that rule. In my own writing -- I'll use my MHA fic Ground Zero as an example since I do it a lot there -- I like utilizing other languages in moments that reveal something about the character (Kova's foreignness/identity as a biracial/cultural Japanese-Ukrainian teenager is a major theme of her character and of the story) or when it creates moments in which a character's dialogue is supposed to be impenetrable to other characters in that scene AND THEREFORE to the reader as well-- but I DON'T use it (even though the character would technically be speaking another language in that scene) when I WANT the reader to understand what's being said. In Ground Zero, when Kova is having a phone conversation with her Ukrainian father, she's obviously speaking Ukrainian to him, but I don't write the conversation in Ukrainian because I want the audience to understand the dialogue-- and because that would be really, really annoying for a reader to have to wade their way through, assuming most of my readers are not fluent in Ukrainian (and neither am I, for the record-- I know a bit, but not enough that I don't have to check with external resources created by native speakers). But in contrast, when Kova is with her Japanese friends, if I drop a Ukrainian word/phrase into the conversation, the reader is getting the experience of the friends, and both the characters and the reader are meant to share in that confusion until Kova translates it. (Example: Bakugou is not meant to know that Kova has been calling him a dickhead (khuylo), but the WAY she says it is meant to convey that she's being derogatory so he's somewhat aware he's being insulted without me having to put a translator's note right after). I do translate and put the Latin lettering (as opposed to the Cyrillic) in the notes section at the bottom of each chapter, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ever? Pokemon. On ao3, VLD.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm so close to finishing Ground Zero and it has such a special place in my heart so I'll pick that one :)
no pressure tagging: @shrinkthisviolet, @deathbecomesnerds, @chickensarentcheap, @antivanruffles, @til-the-static-comes, and anyone else who sees this and wants to!
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katia-anyway · 9 months
Fic Stats Tag Game
Thanks @otpcutie for tagging me!
Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
(As one of my fics is the top in majority of these categories, I'll follow @otpcutie's lead and include the second ones as well.)
Most hits: Above and Beyond, my ZoSanUso (One Piece) fake dating long fic, with 5432 hits as I write this post. Second ones, very close to each other are The Wingman Competition (Dragon Quest XI long fic, 1782 hits) and My Paradise is You (Smutty follow up of Above and Beyond, 1641 hits).
Most kudos: Once again, Above and Beyond is first (342 kudos). The next ones are Mending Mistakes: Bakugou Style (MHA, KiriBaku, 172 kudos) and Discovering a new side of you (One Piece, SanUso, 163 kudos).
Most comment threads: Above and Beyond is very far ahead (62 comment threads). Next one is The Wingman Competition (11 comment threads).
Most bookmarks: First one: Above and Beyond, as usual (83 bookmarks), second one: Of idiots inside and outside of the courtroom (Ace Attorney, NaruMitsu, 37 bookmarks).
Most words: You guessed it, Above and Beyond is first (34368 words). Seconds are The Wingman Competition (16963 words) and I don't want you to be hurt (Bleach, Shinji/Hiyori, Momo/Rangiku, 14277 words). This last one is the first fic I ever posted on AO3, it still holds a very dear place in my heart.
Least words: Least number of words is Love Poems (Haikyuu!!, 755 words), it was just a little poems practice. I much prefer this second least: The Skeleton who terrorized an Island of Zombies with his Singing (One Piece, Brook character study, 834 words).
Hope you all who feel like clicking have a blast reading some of this!
Tagging @cosmicatta, @purplehairedwonder, @betsib, @goldenandhappy, @ensignsenna, @quackquackcey! (Hope I didn't forget anyone XD)
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dekusheroacademia · 2 years
Do people dislike Uraraka just because of ships? (Part 1/3)
TW DISCOURSE + manga spoilers
I often see people saying "you only hate Uraraka because of ships!", not to me as I generally enjoy her, but to shippers. The thing is... non-Izuocha and non-Kacchako fans, non-bkdk, non-shippers in general do not have a good or high opinion on Uraraka. If you want to know how and why I would say such a thing, well...
I decided to go and check, to the best of my abilities, if it was true or not. This was the impression I always had from interacting with casual fans on discord and reddit, but to make sure I had more informations I used I will support my point in four ways: comments from non shippers, merchandise, popularity polls votes, ao3.
Because tumblr only allows 10 pictures, I will divide this post in different parts:
Part 1 (this post: reddit comments and merchandise), Part 2 (popularity polls), Part 3 (AO3)
For my personal opinion on Uraraka and her arc you can read it here and here. For a quick summary of it: I usually enjoy Izuocha, I used to enjoy Uraraka more pre-crush, I think Horikoshi sidelined her after he decided she should put away her feelings, I also think Horikoshi is not good at female characters, I love her design, I do collect Uraraka figures myself, I generally enjoy her but find her frustrating quite often as well. I enjoy her much more in recent chapters and her fight with Toga is the thing I am most excited about.
Let's start
First, I will show you the most voted reddit posts and comments on Uraraka. Reddit is often male skewed and from previous polls done on the Bokunoheroacademia subreddit, the users are generally a bit male skewed or equally divided between female and male, with non binary people and other genders in the minority. You can check this previous two polls to see the general users' opinions in this subreddits.
So, here are some of the most voted comments from non shippers, you can look at the compilation of them here. I divided them in positive comments and negative comments. I decided to stop at the top 10 posts, and in each post at the top 10 comments (which are the most upvoted ones, if there were less than 10 comments in the post I saved however the maximum number was). I divided the posts and comments in positive, neutral and negative.
To actually read all the comments, you can click here and I divided them all in three different galleries.
This was the ending result:
62 Negative 25 Neutral 12 Positive
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As you can see, the general result was overall majority of negative comments.
The most frequent comments I found (and you can read them in the link above) were that her character is bland, boring, that Horikoshi cannot write female characters, that he sidelined her and never gave her enough scenes, and that her quirk has been nerfed, plus some frustrations at reducing her whole interesting character to a girl with a crush and then sidelining her.
To compare, I did the same for Bakugou (you can find his gallery at the bottom of the link I shared above):
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So you can see that this almost reflects the popularity we see in popularity polls.
Now let's talk merchandise. Anime figure collecting has been quite male-skewed for a long time, but more and more genders now partecipate in it. I know I do! Usually, female figures are the most popular purchases. If we look at just the top100 top figures we can see the percentage of female characters in them: 99%. Basically there is only one male figure among the top100: Levi from Attack on Titan. (All the data used here come from Myfigurecollection so it is heavily Western based/English based).
It would be unfair to compare MHA to different franchises that are more female characters centered, so let's look a bit deeper. I am choosing these franchise from the "current popular shounen anime" and I am literally writing this before even checking Myfigurecollection, to make sure that I am not biased by it.
Let's check: One Piece, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan.
These are all anime/manga that have a male protagonist, are shounen, are popular, have at least one "main" female characters (I use "" because some of these female characters are very prominent, some are not), are usually found on those "top 20 shounen of the moment" lists, are still ongoing.
For each of these franchises I will do my best to categorize the characters in a similar and comparable way. Please, if I did any mistakes, let me know and I will correct them.
I will compare mainly four characters: the protagonist, two main secondary male characters who are popular, the main female character. 
Here is my choices of characters, again, I am familiar with most of these manga but not as much as I am familiar with BNHA so let me know if I made any mistake
BNHA: Protagonist (Deku), Two main male secondary characters (Bakugou, Todoroki), main female character (Uraraka)
ONE PIECE: Protagonist (Luffy), Two main male secondary characters (Zoro, Sanji), main female character (Nami)
NARUTO: Protagonist (Naruto), Two main male secondary characters (Sasuke, Kakashi), main female character (Sakura)
DEMON SLAYER: Protagonist (Tanjirou), Two main male secondary characters (Zenitsu, Inosuke), main female character (Nezuko)
JUJUTSU KAISEN: Protagonist (Itadori + Sukuna), Two main male secondary characters (Megumi, Gojo), main female character (Nobara)
ATTACK ON TITAN: Protagonist (Eren), Two main male secondary characters (Levi, Armin), main female character (Mikasa)
Now, to be able to compare, I will check:
A- The top 80 figures for each franchise: how many time is the main female character there compared to the secondary male characters?
B- All the figures for each female characters: how many figures have been produced/announced since the start of the manga? And this is to be able to see if there is a high demand for this character
What I expect:
If the female character is very popular I would expect to have a comparable numbers of buyers to the male characters, to have a comparable number of figures too.
A- The top80 popular figures for each franchise
Let's look at BNHA and how the numbers are:
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Each percentage is the % of character presence in the top80 popular figures for the franchise.
When we compare all the female characters I considered:
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Compared with other's anime main female characters, Uraraka is close to last. Sakura is by far the very last one, with just 5%. Uraraka has 10%, while all other female characters have higher percentages, in particular Nezuko and Mikasa who almost have double. I think this can explain a little bit how much more popular other female characters are than Uraraka in their own franchises.
B- Total figures
If we look at number of figures for each of these female characters, we can look at the rate of release per year. This is a way to check how much in demand these characters are:
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Again, Sakura has the lowest rate. This time second to last we have Mikasa, but this is because of the general very low rate of figures for Attack on Titan. Then we have Nami and Nobara with almost doubt of three times more than Urarakam who is at 10.33%.
Comparing this rate of release within BNHA characters, we can see that Uraraka has the lowest number of releases:
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Deku figures release three times more each year, Bakugou a little more than twice than Uraraka, Todoroki almost twice than Uraraka, and even All Might has more yearly releases.
As each anime has different popularities and thus different total figures, I decided to check what is the percentage of each main character, secondary characters and female characters for the total amount of figures. A higher percentage means that the character is very popular and in demand.
As you can see, Uraraka is at the bottom of the list in percentage (in pink). In green I also colored the BNHA figures so you can compare her with Todoroki, Deku, Bakugou and All Might:
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While Uraraka is not much less popular than All Might, I think it is clear that compared with other female lead in modern anime the rate is quite low, in particular, look at Nezuko, Mikasa and Nobara. Uraraka only surpasses Nami and Sakura. Keep in mind that One Piece has generally a lower percentage per character because of the very high number of characters.
If we mix these A and B part, we can say that Uraraka is not unpopular, but she is not particularly popular either, at least not as much as Bakugou, for example, who has even a higher percentage than Luffy himself (against because of the high amount of characters in One Piece).
These data are just a way to check how much Uraraka is in demand. Keep in mind that from the previous percentage I shared, female characters are usually quite popular in collections as you could see from the top80 graph, where Uraraka was not as low as Sakura, but still second to last.
If you have any anime you would like me to add, as long as they are shounen ongoing and with a male protagonist, let me know and I will expand this analysis.
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mcfanely · 1 year
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I posted 464 times in 2022
That's 182 more posts than 2021!
175 posts created (38%)
289 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 464 of my posts in 2022
#my hero academia - 294 posts
#boku no hero academia - 287 posts
#bnha - 213 posts
#all for one - 169 posts
#mha - 168 posts
#midoriya izuku - 96 posts
#dad for one - 93 posts
#mcfanely rants - 70 posts
#yoichi shigaraki - 68 posts
#mha zine - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#fane is also realising that she'll need to overhaul her method of drawing afo now that there is actually a reference to work from
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Kamino's Ward by tunafishprincess
Izuku Midoriya worked hard to become a symbol of hope for the Quirk users of his time, fighting against a government that saw his family as little more than criminals.
Now, he awakens to a time not his own, a dazed and confused 15-year-old boy in a world that no longer needs him.
All Might knew he needed to find a successor. He just wasn’t expecting said successor to bang him in the head with a shield that belonged in their world’s history museum.
All for One just wants his son back.
I am so lucky to have been given the opportunity to produce art for one of my most favourite fics in the world, and @tunafishprincess, you are a beautiful gem with amazing art and writing skills and thank you so much for wanting a commission! Go and read her fics and love her art, or else💙 (literally thank you so much💙💙💙💙🐟👑)
Also support me mayhaps 👀
Commission sheet is pinned on my Twitter 👀👀
Socials Patreon Ko-Fi
443 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
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One for All October will be an event in October dedicated to producing Yoichi-centric fics and art, hosted by McFaneLy and Katydid. This event will run between October 1st all the way through till Halloween!
We will have an art and writing category. Anything focused on Yoichi qualifies. If an artwork, then he must be prominently featured. If a fic, then Yoichi must be one of the main characters.
You may submit as many entries as you’d like. However, you will only be eligible to win once in each category.
The minimum word count for a fic is 1,000 words. Drawings must be colored.
Fics should not have any explicit sexual content. For artwork, no extreme blood or gore and no nudity/pornography/NSFW. Mild gore is allowed.
To qualify, an entry must be posted by October 31, 2022, 11:59 AM EST.
First place in both art and writing will receive prizes from both of us: a half-body color artwork from McFaneLy and a fic of a minimum of 2,500 words from Katydid. We both will also be offering honorable mention prizes of sketches and snippets. One honorable mention will be given out randomly to ensure that everyone has a chance to win.
The number of prizes will depend on the number of entries we get. We will not do NSFW content and we reserve the right to ask for a different request.
Please use the hashtag #One for All October if you submit your entry on Tumblr or Archive of Our Own. Also, please @ both of us if you post on Tumblr or Discord. If you post elsewhere online, then you can message either of us with a link to your entry.
Optional Prompts:
These prompts are completely optional and only to help inspire you. You do not have to use a prompt, nor do they correspond with any day of posting. This is not a fic-a-day event, you can simply draw or write as much as you'd like between the event dates! Be that one fic, one art piece, or multiple! If you submitted a prompt that didn’t make the final cut then you can still do art/write a fic with it. Thank you to everyone who submitted prompt ideas to us!
Vault Time
Uncle Yoichi and his nephews (Izuku and/or Tomura)
One for All is a spooky haunted quirk, and people at U.A. notice
Fantasy or Sci-Fi AU
Evil or morally gray Yoichi
Duoholders or trioholders (Second/Yoichi or Second/Third/Yoichi)
All for One gets a taste of his own medicine (reverse vaulting)
Real World AU or Cat AU
Parallels between Yoichi and AFO and Izuku and Tomurai
"I have no mouth, but I must scream."
Interactions between Yoichi and the other vestiges
Role Reversal
First Day Free from the Vault
See the full post
501 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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In a Yoichi mood
574 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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The Prince's Throne, Born from Evil: A DfO Anthology Cover Pitch 01
602 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Jearts, am I right?
3,819 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Who Needs to Be Alone When You Can Have a Date with Your Partner That Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles
Who Needs to be Alone When You Can Have a Date With Your Partner that Consists of Cafes, Books, and Scented Candles by LokisArmy29
Hello everyone I did this because I found out MHA Fandom only has 62 Bookstore au works and I was disappointed so here you go. This is a one shot and you better be grateful because I did this all for u guys Basically the plot is this is a very long one shot that may no longer be a one shot later in the future. Basically it is from the pov of Izuku and he tells you about his life in my version of this AU.
Words: 1585, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, Gen, M/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko, Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Eri, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sero Hanta, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Everyone & Cats, Eri & Everyone, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta/Shinsou Hitoshi, Me & Giving You Guys Fanfics with Fluff for Once
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bookstore, Books, Bookstore Owner Izuku Midoriya, Books are good books are life, what can I say except ur welcome you little shits, Trans Male Todoroki Shouto, Trans Woman Magne, Bookstore/Cafe/Animal Adoption Center/Queer Person Safe Space/Apartment Building Combo, Bookstores, Small Towns, Alternate Universe - Small Town, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead is a Good Teacher, Teen Romance, Teenagers, Teen Pregnancy, Teen Parents Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Midoriya, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Soft Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Eri is Izuku and Shoto's biological daughter because why not, Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Family Dynamics, Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysphoria, Dysphoria, gender euphoria, Body Euphoria, Euphoria, Trans People Sticking Together, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Family Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Small buissness is Good, Slice of Life, other characters not mentioned in tags
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45478348
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eunchancorner · 1 year
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I posted 2,497 times in 2022
That's 2,413 more posts than 2021!
586 posts created (23%)
1,911 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,474 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#eun reblogs - 1,888 posts
#eun rants - 491 posts
#oc asks - 185 posts
#battle of the lees - 86 posts
#battle of the lees mini episode - 74 posts
#eun writes - 72 posts
#mha - 65 posts
#bnha - 64 posts
#battle of the lees episode - 62 posts
#mha tickles - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 85 characters
#me when someone reblogs one of my fics with an entire essay on why they likes my fic:
My Top Posts in 2022:
....when was that...again...? He'll save us...we need to..call him...maybe one of our phones...survived...
Yayy less laggy)
I don't think our phones survived... at least, I know mine didn't... iPhones don't survive falls.
122 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
Heya! I have a request for you, a kiribakudeku fic with like hide and seek/anticipation for a prompt (lee!deku or kiri if you can). Your fics are so cute!
Thanks for the request! I’m glad you like my fics! Also, lee!Deku or Kiri? Why not both! ALSO also, for a little context, Bakugou stole some beer from Aizawa one night, got drunk and bought a maid dress online, and since then it’s been sitting unused under his bed, even though he kinda wants to see how his boyfriends would look in a maid dress.
Ler Bakugou, Lee Kirishima and Izuku
Warning: this is bakugou. Take a guess.
Word count: 1316
Shit shit shit
Oh god oh god oh god
Kirishima and Izuku were hiding in the latter’s closet, both having their own silent panics. They had decided to pull a prank that they thought would be funny on their blonde boyfriend, Bakugou, swapping the salt with the sugar when Bakugou went to make breakfast, a classic.
And they had forgotten that Bakugou doesn’t like anyone messing with his food.
So they had to spend the better part of 20 minutes running and hiding from the angry blonde, which is how they found themselves in their position.
Truthfully, they knew Bakugou would never actually hurt them. Well, not severely. Anymore.
It was the fear of the unknown that had them so scared as they heard Bakugou stomping into the greenette’s room, the two in the closet now holding their breath.
“I know you idiots are in here…” he growled out. “Come out!”
Izuku had to bite back a gasp as Bakugou got dangerously close to the hiding spot, warranting a hand over his mouth from Kiri. The greenette pressed closer to the redhead as he heard a hand land on his closet door knob… and then he was gone. No noise, no shadow, not even the sound of his breathing.
Izuku looked up at Kiri with a questioning gaze, who stood and peeked out, turning back and nodding to the standing One-For-All user, before slowly exiting, followed by Deku.
Thinking Bakugou would have left the room after only a minute of searching was probably their second mistake.
The blonde (who had been hiding under Izuku’s bed) leapt out and pinned them both under his weight, moving to pin one of each of their legs beneath him. Both boys were still catching their breath from the initial mini heart attack their blonde boyfriend had given them, before looking up at him.
“Uh, g-good job, Kacchan..” Izuku praised shakily.
“Heh, y-yeah, y-you caught us… m-maybe let us go now…?” Kirishima tried.
Bakugou pretended to consider it for a moment, before smirking and leaning over his opposite-haired boyfriends.
“Better idea. How about I give you two a proper punishment for fucking with my food?” he growled, the smirk never leaving his face, even growing wider as Izuku stammered out, “P-p-punishment?!”
“You didn’t think I was just going to scare you and let you go, did you, Deku? Oh no, you two are going to fucking pay… but you’re lucky you’re my boyfriends, otherwise I would have already beat your asses into the ground. Instead…” he placed one hand on each tummy, “I have a much better way of punishing you two.”
Both Kirishima and Izuku felt small, wobbly smiles form on their faces, Izuku’s admittedly much more suppressed.
“W-wait, B-Bakubabe, w-we can talk about this, r-right?” Kiri pleaded, earning only a shake of the head from Bakugou.
“M-m-maybe I could c-clean your r-room for a week?” Izu tried. Another head shake. “I-in a m-maid dress…?” he tried, embarrassing himself at the thought.
That had Bakugou thinking for a moment, but he just smirked again at the pair, flexing his fingers slightly and earning a yelp from the two. “I might make you do that anyway, nerd~”
Oh god what did I get myself into?
He flexed his fingers again, twice, earning a barely kept back giggle from Izu and a “Nohoho-” from Kirishima.
“Look at you two. Can’t even stop smiling, and I haven’t even started yet. Hm… but where should I start? I could spider allll over your sides, maybe check to make sure you two didn’t lose a rib or two… Maybe, I could start at the hips, I know you’d just love that, Deku.. or maybe, these poor, bouncy bellies need some love?”
See the full post
124 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Heya twin! I have finally made it home and is ready for the next episode/but of BotL! (Well, it could be considered a new episode, since we sorta concluded the Saving TomLee Arc, but if Tumblr ate my post, let's just say that I left the episode on a cliffhanger hehehe)
Don't worry, Tumblr was nice enough not to eat your post. I'm ready whenever you and Tomlee are)
128 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
(Let's get this party started!)
I walk into the main area, looking visibly upset and not saying a word as I storm to my office and slam the door behind me
*I flinched hearing the door slam, glancing up from my video and looking towards the office door, silently debating whether or not I should help, or if she'd be annoyed*
128 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Octopus and The Monkey
Guess what, I’m bored! So let’s write a fic!! This one is based off of the Shoji x Ojiro rp me and my friend are doing on discord, and I think that this would be a cute scenario! (This is also maybe sorta slightly based off of this fanart by @ticklishfanart​)
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Ler Shoji, Lee Ojiro
Warning: Lol nuffin. Unless you hate this ship with a burning passion, if so, why are you still reading? Go do a star war.
Word count: 868
“Hey, Shoji?” Ojiro looked up at the many-armed student, his head laying in Shoji’s lap as they relaxed on the couch in the common room.
“Yeah, monkey?” he asked, smirking a little under the mask, knowing how well that nickname got to him.
“I- You lil- I- R-right… How are you so tall?” he finally stuttered out. Ojiro honestly found his boyfriend a little unsettling in the sense that he was taller than most of the teachers.
“I’m not sure. It’s as much of a mystery as how soft your tail is,” he remarked, looking over at a Denki happily playing with Ojiro’s tail fluff on the floor. Shoji loved how they felt like fathers to a sweet little kid when they were with him. 
Ojiro shrugged, gently pulling his tail away, laughing a little when Kaminari looked disappointed and muttering out a little “Aww, poor guy..” before giving him access to the fluff again, smiling at him when his expression quickly went to surprised and then to happy as he began to play with the fluff again.
“Dohon’t tease the poor guy,” Shoji chuckled quietly, looking back at his boyfriend, who was still watching the electric blonde.
“He’s fine. As long as he gets it back, I don’t think his boyfriends will come after me,” Ojiro noted, looking back up at his own boyfriend.
Shoji rolled his eyes and put a hand on Ojiro’s belly, gently tapping his fingers and accidentally making his boyfriend squirm under the touch.
“Sh-Shoji, quit that!” the tailed teen stuttered out, smiling at the ticklish touches.
“Quit what?” he asked, genuinely a little confused.
“The t-tapping, ihit tickles!”
“Wait, it does?” Shoji asked, his amusement plain in his voice. “So not just your tail is ticklish, then?” “Ohof course not!” he said, still squirming.
“Hmm, I wonder, where else are you ticklish?” he mused, grabbing Ojiro’s wrists in one hand and pulling him upright in his lap.
“Uh, Sh-Shoji, are you d-doing what I think you’re d-doing?” Ojiro asked, a nervous smile coming to his face.
“I don’t know, what do you think I’m doing?” he asked, pulling Oijrio’s shirt up just enough to expose his belly, another hand becoming a mouth with that grin that he knew Ojiro found hilarious for some reason.
Sure enough, said tail boi looked away from the hand with a giddy smile, suppressing bubbly laughter. Denki noticed their behavior from the floor and let Ojiro’s tail go, smiling when he saw him struggling to keep it from wagging.
Ojiro jolted as he felt Shoji pulling his tail up and holding it near the base, two more hands positioned near his armpits and the mouthed hand near his belly.
“Any last words?” Shoji asked playfully, and Ojiro knew he was doomed.
“Take care of Kaminari for me,” he answered, the anticipating smile on his face growing wider.
“You got it,” he said, before he started tickling him, digging his fingers into his armpits and tail, the mouthed hand blowing raspberries on his belly, pulling squeals and loud laughter from the tailed hero-in-training.
“SH-SHOJIHIHIHIHIHI! NAHAHAHA STAHAHAHA!” he protested, the part of his tail that wasn’t being held wagging violently. Denki silently thanked himself for letting go when he did, knowing that he would have probably gotten hit in the face if he didn’t.
“You’re so ticklish, look at you!” Shoji smiled behind the mask, relishing the adorable (and loud) sounds his boyfriend was making.
Ojiro kicked and squirmed, Kaminari having to dodge the flying legs as he watched a hysterical Ojiro losing his mind as his boyfriend dug into his two worst spots and raspberried the third, his nerves alight with the ticklish shocks, making his entire body feel ticklish.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAHA IHIHAHAHA! IHIT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!!” Ojiro nearly screeched, pulling at his trapped hands.
See the full post
244 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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