#miles doesn’t have to lose his dad to be SpiderMan!!!!!
zukkacore · 1 month
Miguel O’Hara 🤝 Kipperlilly Copperkettle
(Wrongly) Thinking Canon Events are what makes a hero a hero
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Atsv characters realizing they’re in love with you
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Gwens on the verge of tears, it’s the first time you’ve ever seen her like this in all the time you’ve known her. You’ve known gwen for almost your entire life, and never once have you ever seen her in such a state of affairs.
You suppose it’s reasonable, she lost Peter and she thinks she lost her father forever, the only other people she ever had. And then there’s you. Somebody she felt such deep emotions for even if she was unaware how deep they ran.
There’s so many emotions and so many thoughts running through her head, when she sees you for the first time in what feels like years.
You don’t say anything.
You stare at her, the state she’s in.
Your movements are slow and meticulous, calculated. And she wonders if you’re doing that because you’re cautious, because you’re scared of her.
“I don’t know what dad told you.” fear drips from her vocal cords, “but I promise you,” she’s desperate, wanting your touch so badly but fearing you truly saw her as a monster too, “I would never, ever, kill Peter.”
the building you’re both on, feels so much darker than it really is. It feels like she’s revealing herself to her dad for the first time all over again. She wants to cave in on herself but she fights every need to push you away because she needs you in her life.
“And believe me, I wanted to tell you! I did! I really did!” she tries desperately to explain, finally letting a tear slip out.
As soon as she let one go, it became a waterfall of tears.
“I love you.” she says, voice barely above a whisper, taking you both by surprise.
She realizes what she said, but she doesn’t dwell on it for much longer. Because she realizes, finally, what she said was true.
And now that she finally knows what it is she’s truly been feeling for you all these years, it hurts even more to look at you and not know what you could possibly think about her. She wishes she knew what was going through your head, she wishes she could just tell what you were feeling by searching your face but she just can’t find anything. She doesn’t know what you make of this. She doesn’t know if she’s going to lose you today.
“Please.” she feels her lips wobble, she knows she’s going to completely break down if you don’t say something, anything, in the next minute.
All she’s met with is more silence.
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Miles knew he had a crush on you, sure. That simply made sense, it was common knowledge to anyone that wasn’t an idiot. Well, except you. But miles didn’t think you were an idiot, just maybe oblivious. It’s not like he minded, he was grateful that he liked the one, singular person in this very world that was oblivious enough to not catch onto Miles’s adoration for you.
Miles talked about you a lot, admittedly. His parents were naturally happy he had found an actual friend that wasn’t away, that wasn’t ganke, and that clearly made him so happy. In fact, Rio mentions how she’s never seen her son so happy to talk about somebody. She had teased him a few times, and although miles tried to deny it, both her and Jeff knew he liked you a little bit more than a friend should. Though, a little bit is a stretch. He liked you a LOT more than a friend should.
And man, when you finally met them. Ohhh boy.
Miles had tried to prevent it for so long, in fear his parents would embarrass him, even worse if they didn’t like you. But he had been delaying the inevitable long enough, and the time had finally came.
In the past, Rio had teased him about being in love. Of course, miles denied the fact. He had a crush sure, but love? That’s a lot, isn’t it?
But seeing you interact with his parents, getting along with them so well. Even with his dad?
He just can’t stop staring, and while normally Rio would be concerned, she simply walks over to her son with a knowing smile.
“I think Im in love.”
“I know, mijo”
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Hobie had a rough day, to say the least. Being spiderpunk, spiderman, was tough. And as much as he complained about it, he was perfectly content with the way he went on living. Especially since it had given him the power to protect you, and fight for his beliefs.
But regardless it was sometimes a painful experience, being spiderman. The gash on his side wasn’t too huge, but was deep enough to cause him pain anytime he walked. Swinging around wasn’t much better.
He decided to swing by your place, since it was closer to him and while he hated the idea of bothering you while he was in this state, hated the idea of worrying you, he knew it was the best option if he wanted to get back to fighting as quick and as painless as possible.
He lets himself in through the window, as always. He walks over to your hunched over form at your desk, peeking over. “Biochem?” he asked aloud, and you, unbothered, simply nod. “Yknow you should really start locking the window sweets.” he says with a grin, and while you’d normally be annoyed by his remarks, you notice a strain in his voice that makes you look up at him.
You’re quick to stand up, “hobie! Jesus what happened to you!?” you said, ushering him into your bathroom so that you can get your first aid kit.
He sits down on the toilet, before shrugging. “Stuff..”
you’ve fixed him up before, but this was a little different. There was a change in your demeanor. It wasn’t out of this world for you to worry for him, but this felt vastly different this time around.
You were so kind, so gentle with him.
In his mind, he’s undeserving.
The warmth of your hands on him, was the only thing he could think about. Not even the pain of literally being stabbed could compare to how electrifying your touch felt.
Perhaps it was the blue led lighting in your bathroom or the loss of blood but, you looked so beautiful right now.
“I think I love you.” he whispers quietly, staring into your eyes.
Staring back, you can’t help but think you love this idiot too.
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Pavitr is an idiot when it comes to romance, whether he likes to act like he’s good at it or not. He is not as smooth as he pretends to be. He realizes this anytime he tries to shoot his shot at you. He fumbles with his words and has to come up with some excuse as to why he needs to leave in that exact moment, immediately. Even pretending to flirt with his best friend, gayatri, doesn’t work. He does it so well with her, but when it comes to you he just cannot articulate his words. He finds himself totally lost.
It doesn’t take an idiot to figure out his feelings for you are strong, and that his feelings go deeper beyond friendship. You seem to be the only moron in all of mumbattan that hasn’t noticed, and he’s not sure if he’s grateful or in great agony.
One of the biggest reasons he was so obvious about how he liked you, was shown through how clingy he was. Physical affection is his love language, after all. But it goes beyond that, he always finds himself wanting to spend time with you. He even insists on walking you home even when his house is in the opposite direction, his excuse being that he wants you to get home safely despite being in broad daylight. It’s still a dangerous world out there, is his reasoning.
But it’s been so long since he last walked you home. When you were kids, he did it all the time. As you grew older, the tradition seemed to stick but as he became spiderman this occurrence became less frequent. It’s been months since he’s been able to do this.
The sun is bright, but it hits your face perfectly. And he can’t help but think you look like some ethereal god. Given his line of work, he doesn’t think it would be that weird if you were one.
He feels like he can’t breathe, and he doesn’t even realize its cause he’s way too focused on you, every little feature. Your hair, eyes, your nose, cheeks, mouth. Anything he could possibly look at on your face, he’s looking. He’s not listening to a word you’re saying, he watches your lips move but he cannot catch a damn thing. The grip he has on his bookbag becomes tighter, his face feels hot and he wants to say it’s because of the sun but he knows that’s not true. God, has your laugh always been so pleasant to the human ears? Or was that just him?
His lips move, before he even has a chance to stop the words from coming out, like word vomit.
“God I love you”
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mayearies · 10 months
sfw alphabet with miles. genre: floof
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—‘A’ IS FOR AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?) holy moly is he attached to you. he will literally take your attention away from whatever it is you’re doing and direct it towards him. 10 hugs, 20 kisses a day, sounds about right for him. he annoys you with it sometimes but he’s a cutie, so he gets a pass.
“mamiii, focus on meee”
—‘B’ IS FOR BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestie?) he’s a pretty energetic person so expect to do some dumb shit with him. a jokester but also will listen to you rant and vent about your life and will do all he can to distract you from it.
—‘C’ IS FOR CUDDLES (how do they like to cuddle?) hes big on cuddling. quality time in general is important to him. if you don’t like that he doesn’t fw you. in some situations he would be the big spoon, others he would be little. doesnt matter. in fact he doesn’t even really know what those terms mean. he’s also a fan of skin to skin contact to expect his hands to be somewhere on your upper body.
—‘D’ IS FOR DOMESTIC (settling down? how will they be helping out around?) would want to marry you as soon as his parents give him the okay. he’s down tremendous for you. he isnt the cleanest person (did you see his room 💀). he kinda just throws things wherever they are supposed to be. not the best at cooking, either. the only thing he can perfect are probably waffles or pop-tarts.
—‘E’ IS FOR ENDING (how would breakups work out?) lots and lots of tears. it doesn’t matter if you broke up with him or he broke up with you, he would be crying. he didn’t think he would be able to lose someone like you.
—‘F’ IS FOR FIANCÉE (how do they feel about commitment?) he wants to get married as soon as possible. he always rambled on about getting married and the places he would take you, the things you would see. you would have to tell him to slow down before thinking about all of that, but he wouldn’t listen (playfully).
—‘G’ IS FOR GENTLE (how gentle are they?) oh, he’s really gentle. he’s into the slow kind of love. he can be rough if you want him to, though. just not really how he likes things to go. he’s got a sweet tooth for you and you have one for him. only comes naturally. a few kisses traveling from your forehead, down to your cheek, stopping at your collarbone is all he needs.
—‘H’ IS FOR HUGS (do they like hugs?) he loves hugs. love love loves them. he can’t go an hour without some type of physical contact from you. he gives the best hugs too, he gets it from his dad. he likes it when you compliment the way he hugs you, you call him your little build-a-bear.
“aww mami, i love when you call me that. it makes me feel special!”
—‘I’ IS FOR I LOVE YOU (how long does it take them to say the ‘l word?’) pretty fast. unlike his other counterpart, he is pretty head over heels for you. he would probably say it on the second or third date you two had, of while in the talking stage. he probably doesnt even really know what a talking stage is because it’s his first relationship.
—‘J’ IS FOR JEALOUSY (how do they get jealous?) he’s not easily jealous. he would let you have guy friends but they can’t get too close. this man can get predatorial pretty fast. he would brush it off, dismissing it entirely.
—‘K’ IS FOR KISSES (whats their kissing schedule?) hes all for kissing. i mean all. everytime he sees you expect a kiss. the spot changes everytime so he’s unpredictable. but each spot has been kissed at least once. his favorite place is your lips because he likes how they feel. when you kiss him, he shuts down. but if he had to choose, he likes when you kiss him on his forehead or nose. makes him feel comforted.
—‘L’ IS FOR LITTLE ONES (how are they around kids?) kids like him, and he likes kids. more or less he tolerates kids. with him being spiderman, many see him as a rolemodel. i mesn, he does have his own cereal. and christmas song.
—‘M’ IS FOR MORNINGS (how will your mornings go?) scrap the morning routine, it does not exist anymore. he will tangle you in bed with his limbs and hold you there until he’s ready to wake up with you.
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—‘N’ IS FOR NIGHTS (how will your nights go?) they're pretty much the same as the mornings. he just wants to drag you to bed and cuddle all night until the sun rises. something he always looks forward to.
"please come back to bed, i can’t live off of me dreamin’ of you."
—‘O’ IS FOR OPEN (when will they tell you about themself?) he would want to get as comfortable with you as possible. if you ask him a personal question, he might be hesitant to answer it but will come around sooner or later. he would let certain details about himself slip by without knowing what he just said.
—‘P’ IS FOR PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?) he's pretty laid back with you. he isn't one to get upset easily. but if he does get upset it might be over little things.
—‘Q’ IS FOR QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?) he tries to remember everything about you. emphasis on try. sometimes he might forget and with acknowledging on how forgetful he is, he will write important details about you in his sketchbook.
—‘R’ IS FOR REMEMBER (what is his favorite moment in your relationship?) his favorite moment? everything he's done. but if he had to choose it would be showing you his sketchbook that had a section dedicated to drawings of you, or that time you complimented his nose.
—‘S’ IS FOR SECURITY (how protective are they of you?) he's really protective. but he can't always express it. when he has his spiderman suit on, and say he's saving you from being robbed or hit on by someone else, best believe he will step in with that deep voice to protect you.
"thanks, but do i know you from somewhere? your voice sounds familiar." "whattt nooo! i've never seen you before in my life!"
—‘T’ IS FOR TRY (how much effort do they put into dates? special occasions?) depends on the day. if it's pretty busy with crime, then he would take you bowling or something along those lines. if we're talking a normal date, a normal date for him is doing graffiti in the subway and running from the po po.
—‘U’ IS FOR UGLY (what's a bad habit of theirs?) he can be sassy, as sassy as you. he does this when he's irked or annoyed. he has the most eligant eye roll for some reason too?
—‘V’ IS FOR VANITY (how insecure are they?) can be pretty insecure sometimes, but you don't mind assuring him he looks good. sometimes, he thinks deeply about how he got with someone like you. if he could live up to your expectations. but him being himself is all you ask for.
—‘W’ IS FOR WHOLE (would they feel incomplete without you?) yes.
—‘X’ IS FOR XTRA (a random headcannon about them?) he probably has tagged you somewhere throughout brooklyn where only he would know. consider it his safe space.
—‘Y’ IS FOR YUCK (what are some things they dislike?) he wouldn't like someone who lies often (💀), makes the whole time he spent with you seem like a waste of time.
—‘Z’ IS FOR ZZZ (some of their sleeping habits?) he's a pretty messy sleeper, on top of that—he's a heavy sleeper. he can sleep through almost anything. so, here's what is expected. you fall asleep envoloped in his arms as he lays in your chest and falls asleep to your heartbeat, then you wake up to the feeling of sheets everywhere, pillows gone, and him spread out on your bed.
© mayeluvsu 42 version
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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GENERAL CW/TW: Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Typical Yandere themes of stalking, violence, and whatnot.
PART SPECIFIC CW/TW: Soft, awfully wholesome scene with your father. Like seriously it’s like the third time I watched the whole movie but this particular scene still breaks me
current status: unedited
summary: you get replaced by peter last minute as the one that plugs in the goober. but you won’t let that happen. not when he still has a whole life to get back to.
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“Aye, Getting old they doubted us, makes it that more marvelous. Sign ‘em up cause I’m on this vibes and I get synonymous.
What’s up, danger?
Aye, don’t be a stranger!”
Look, because of the Spiderman: Miles Morales game I’m a bit biased.
I don’t want uncle Aaron to die damn it. But yeah the Prowler does exist and you have been keeping contact with him.
But for the sake of keeping the dude alive though he’ll only physically come in act 2 of this series, we gucci?
Although this means you lose a lot of the development Miles gets from his death. I’ll try my best to make the events as natural as possible
Anyways, you come back to the spider gang hanging out at Jason and Roy’s apartment.
The gang essentially jumpscares you (thank god for spider sense) with a suit of your own.
Except it was one size too big.
And there were holes at the eye sockets for you to actually see through.
“Ehrm . . . Thanks ?”
“You don’t gotta pretend you like it, kid.”
“It’ll fit eventually.”
You begin sweating quite a bit. Something felt so off here.
You notice that Jason was looking straight at you.
Which I mean, anyone would be m e l t i n g if someone like Red Hood was staring right at them so it’s a miracle you aren’t a puddle at the moment.
Perhaps it’s cause you spent so much time with your crush, Gwen, that you’ve pretty much gotten used to hot people looking at you directly.
Still, you turn away and hide your face. Utterly clueless as to how react in this type of situation.
The relatively peaceful circumstance doesn’t last long as everyone’s spider sense is alerted and the door bell rings. A mechanical tentacle shoots through the lock, completely shattering it.
“Cute place. Real homey.”
Oh great, it’s Liv.
“Get out of here, kid.”
“For the last time I’m a legal adult—“
“Mira todas estas arañitas. (Well, look at these little spiders.)”
Two more of Kingpin’s men show up, Tombstone and Scorpion.
God, fucking damn it—
Olivia spots the new flashdrive Peni made around Peter’s neck and grins.
“Oh, I think I’ll be taking that.”
You hold in your attraction to the woman and duck as a fight ensues.
Scorpion takes notice of you.
“Niñito dale. (Go ahead, little one.)”
“Prepárate a morir (Prepare to die) — Ah, man stupid pillows!”
Before you could get your body bashed in by the cyborg, Red Hood takes a shot his tail just in time.
“You good?”
Your spider senses were all over the place just like with Damian. What is it with black haired hot guys and their danger levels-
You manage to slip away, flashdrive in hand, courtesy of invisibility finally working in your favor.
“All vehicles in the area we have a disturbance involving multiple spider . . . people ?”
“On my way.”
Dick wasn’t the type to spend Christmas in Gotham.
But the tone of his brother’s voice — how broken and desperate it was — alarmed him.
It seemed that his baby brother finally fell in love.
It was about time really.
Although he was terribly curious as to who the person the Damian Wayne had fallen for.
You couldn’t just be a normal student from school right?
He finds around the scene looking terrified and scared.
A perfect opportunity to get to know you a little better.
“You alright there citizen?”
“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.”
“You seem pretty calm despite being in a police car and all.”
“My dad’s a cop. He gives me rides in one plenty of times.”
“Jefferson Davis, right?”
“You know him?”
“Well, it’s hard not knowing the guy who’s been looking all over for you. He spread the news to several police departments.”
“That . . . sounds a lot like him . . . “
“You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell him where you are. You need some space, right?”
Nothing outstanding so far. You were cute albeit awkward. But he could see that you were going through things at the moment. Early adulthood is a bitch after all.
You kept quiet most of the ride.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even question how he knew what school you went to and the location of your dorms.
“Hey, I’m a little curious, why don’t you have his last name? Family problems?”
“No, it’s something with my grandfather. I don’t think it’s within my place to share.”
“Well alright.”
You two arrive at your dormitory and you make sure to give the place a good old scan just in case you were getting followed.
“I’ll see ya when I see ya, [Y/N]. Give me a call if you ever need help.”
“Got ya.”
You realize that you don’t even know the man’s name much less a way to contact him.
But as you look back, the car he was in had already driven away.
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Time wasn’t going to wait for you.
You knew that. You were trying your darn hardest to chase after it.
But you weren’t fast enough.
“[Y/N]. We came to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye? We can say goodbye at the collider.”
“You’re not getting it. You’re staying here.”
“I need to be there, so you can all go home.”
“They are going home [Y/N]. I’m the only one staying.”
“You’re taking my place.”
Your voice trembled as you say those words. And unbeknownst to you, Jason (and to be fair the rest of the spider-people are out there eavesdropping too) shivered as he heard your words.
“If you stay here you’ll die.”
“I’m doing what needs to be done. I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“What about MJ?”
“Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober.”
“That’s not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this.”
It took Jason all his might to not reach out and embrace you.
He knew how it felt to be replaced. Circumstances differ but still, a connection was made.
Although he couldn’t be there for you now as you had to grow into the Spiderman you had to be, he promised to himself that he will in the future.
After all, if you two were partners in another universe, what stops it from happening in this one as well?
“It wasn’t their decision.”
“I’m ready, I promise— ah—!”
Peter knocks you down, jumping to the ceiling and dangling you by a web.
Jason clenched his teeth. As much as this man knew so much about him and his vulnerabilities, and how he knew this was completely necessary it still ached to see his destined partner getting thrown around.
“Then venom strike me right now or turn invisible on command so you can get past me.”
Peter webs your entire body and sticks you to the chair your roommate always used.
“Look I know how much you want this kid. But you don’t have it yet. I’m sorry.”
“When will I know I’m ready?!”
He then webs your mouth and takes the goober from your hands.
“You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is [Y/N]. A leap of faith.”
And you’re left alone, stuck with webs all over your body. Unable to move or talk.
You hear a knock to your door.
“[Y/N]. . . ! Uh . . . [Y/N] it’s your dad. Please open the door.”
Unfortunately you couldn’t so you just use thrust your body closer to him.
“[Y/N] I can see your shadow moving around.”
“Yeah okay I get it. I get it yes… still ignoring me. Look can we talk for a minute?”
You nod. Internally facepalming after realizing he can’t see you doing so.
“Look sometimes people drift apart [Y/N] and I don’t want that to happen to us, okay? I know I don’t always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say but I’m…”
“But I see this - this — spark in you, it’s - it’s amazing. It’s why I push you but . . . it’s yours and whatever you choose to do with it you’d be great.”
You feel tears falling from your face as your father spoke.
All those days feeling the pressure of everyone’s expectations on you
As [Y/N], as the Spiderman of this universe.
You were an adult in age, yes. But in the face of all these events your youth and inexperience slapped you in your face.
You wanted to run away. You wanted everything to be over and done with.
But you realize, you were the only one who could do this. For the sake of the spider-gang. For Gotham.
You didn’t know if you were going to succeed but wasn’t that what life was?
A leap of faith.
“Look, call me when you can.”
“I love you. You don’t have to say it back though.”
And your father leaves.
You close your eyes. Thinking back to all the moments you’ve failed, all the times you’ve broken a bone or two trying to learn.
Time wasn’t going to wait for you. But why run after it when you can web-sling it up?
You use your venom powers to get rid of the webs and do you best to get to Jason’s place. He had to have an extra, better suit lying around right? Anything was better than what the gang gave you.
You ring the bell to his house completely expecting him to not be there and potentially having to break in.
But you stand corrected.
“Took you long enough.”
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taglist: @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl @zlatolait-writes @ice-cream-writes-stuff @hakudaru @violet2507 @sleepy-maenad @yell0wdreams @humanoid606 @holybatflapexpert
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sideeve · 1 year
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⭑ maybe love isn’t the only thing that can keep someone tied to you .
part 1 — part 2
⭑ miles morales x f!reader , cheating in part 2 , miles doing spider duty , love in the first chapter , i don’t know what to make of this
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after finally having the guts to confess his feeling to you, miles felt like he was on cloud 9. your smile sent him to heaven every time. his sketchbook was filled with you. and my parents caught on quickly.
mrs. morales shot a picture at every given moment, despite miles’ groaning and whining every time.
he didn’t want to be anywhere you weren’t.
“miles,” you whined “let go. my dad is gonna kill me if i’m not home soon.”
“he’ll have to kill me too then.” he mumbles in your neck, his hushed breath tickling you. you giggle, “he wouldn’t hesitate. “just ask him to stay over. it’s a weekend.”
“he doesn’t trust you enough.” you lose the motivation to escape his grip, making him smile. “jerkface.” you murmured.
soon, your heavy lids closed, lulling you to sleep.
during the night, your phone blew up. messages, missed calls and voicemails from your father. “shit!” you fall out of miles’ grip, face planting on the floor, making you groan.
before you could make it out of his room, his voice stops you.
“baby? ¿a dónde vas? son como las 2 de la mañana.”
“too late for me to be here.” he groans at the realization.
“just tell him it’s my fault.” “that won’t end well for both of us.” you softly laugh, making him smile. “i’ll see you at school, mijo.” you peck his lips, but he wanted more. he didn’t want you to leave, not yet. he stood up as you backed away, deepening the kiss.
your lips were still attached to his as your hand held the doorknob. “miles.” you giggle, pulling away. “come on. i thought it would work.” he pouts. “maybe another day. not just this one.” you peck his cheek this time, leaving his house.
you didn’t hear the last of it from your father. he scolded you as soon as you opened the front door.
finally making it to your room, you changed your clothes into your night ones. before you fell asleep again, you texted miles goodnight.
mrs. morales 💓 : gn miles😘
mr. morales : gn😢i wish u were here rn
mrs. morales : me too bubba
you clicked your phone, quickly falling asleep.
3 months later
miles came running through your house, frantically looking for you. once he hit your room, he shut the door and locked it before exhaling a deep breath. “miles? honey, what’s wrong?” you raise a brow at him. “my whole day has been weird. i’m able to walk on walls, ceilings. i’m extra strong. like spiderman.” you huff, “it’s a little to early to be making jokes about him.” you remind him about his death. “i was there when it happened.”
you press your lips into a thin line, forcing yourself to believe him. “okay, i believe you.” “then this…guy…that looked like peter but fatter walked up to me and i shocked him. we had to swing around new york to escape the cops.”
you laugh. “that’s one hell-of-va dream you had.” you twist your chair back to your desk. “you gotta believe me. no one else did.” “what are you talking about?” you thought he was going crazy because of his uncle’s recent death.
“the other spidermen or women webbed me to a chair to go fight king pin. all because i couldn’t disappear on command.” he huffs. “do it.” “huh?” “do it right now.” his face grows upset. “don’t do it too.” you walk to him, taking his hands into yours. “calm your body, think of something that calms you and center yourself.” he closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.
before you knew it, miles’ body was disappearing in front of you. but you could still feel him. “holy shit. you did it!” miles’ reappears in front of you. “i did?” “well now you didn’t.” you giggle.
1 year later
for a year now, your boyfriend has been the one and only spiderman. and you (and ganke) have been his wingman and the only person that knows his secret identity.
and today was his father’s promotion party, hosted on his rooftop.
but you haven’t seen him since he’s dropped off the cake for his dad.
“mrs. morales, have you seen miles?” “i grounded him for his attitude. he’s been so rude and clos-” in the middle of her rant, your eyes drifted over to miles…and another girl?!
why was he so close to her? why was he nervous? why haven’t you seen him before? and why…did he just kiss her?
a tear rolls down your cheek, which didn’t go unnoticed by rio. “¿bebé? ¿por qué lloras?” her eyes move to your line of sight, immediately gasping. “honey, i am so-” before she could finish her apology, you left the rooftop, heartbroken.
the urge to burn everything of his was eating you to death. the letters of lies he wrote you. the drawings he gave you. the hoodies. everything.
a knock disrupts your haze. it was miles. “hey, my mom told me to check on you. you left the party early.” your mouth opened to spew the hateful words accumulating your mind but nothing came out except, “we’re over.” “what…?” he leaned back, baffled. “i saw you. with that girl. you kissed her. you were obviously in love with her so be with her.” he blinks in realization. “i didn’t-” “go!” you slammed the door in his face, sliding down it.
hot tears streamed down your face as you hyperventilated.
how could be do this to you? after everything you’ve been through? the things you’ve done for him. you were there when his uncle died.
how could he?
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liyawritesss · 11 months
ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ [ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-ᴍᴀɴ] ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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Characters: Spider-Verse!Miles Morales [Spider-Man]
Type: headcanons
Synopsis: general thoughts and headcanons for everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman!
Warnings: some cursing but overall no warnings. KEEP IT CUTE AND PG-16 CUZ THIS IS STILL NEPHEW WE TALKIN BOUT HERE!!!
A/N: went to see atsv and i’m absolutely floored by that movie…it’s definitely giving me new material to write abt and a new hyperfixation so buckle up yall cuz the next few posts are gonna be all spiderman related!!
Tags: @6-noir @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @jacuzziwaters @venusdraco @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @niyahwrites @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
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First off I wanna say this is my SON, and on everything i love i will throw hands over him, if anybody wanna try it prepare to be demolished cuz I will NOT spare you. This is a lil boy ion wanna see none of yall sniffin around him period. I will gladly held you find your mind if you wanna lose it today!!!
Okay, no that that spiel is over, we’ve got some headcanons to address about everyone's favorite afro-latino spiderman
He’s so precious. Idc if you know already I’m telling you again, he is the most precious thing in the world. He has a heart of gold and wears it on his sleeve, he’s always looking out for people and wants to see the best in everything and everyone. Which, while it is a good characteristic to have, can sometimes put him in tough situations, and sometimes it doesn’t end well.
He’s such a momma’s boy, but like the good momma’s boy where he adapts the things Rio teaches him and repays her by being a good filial son, even though he’s growing up and wanting to branch out. If he’s having emotional trouble, he’ll come to her to try and figure out how to express himself and understand how he’s feeling. On special occasions, or just when he notices her mood is off, Miles will conspire with his dad to do something small but special for his mom, like make breakfast or drop off flowers at her work. She’s always super appreciative of it too
Waking up for him is hell in the morning, because he is not a morning person at all. It’s worse if he went on patrol the night before (which, 9/10, he has) and he almost always sleeps through his alarm. He’s the type to have to have several alarms set to get up up, because otherwise he will sleep through the day
Similarly, Miles also finds it hard for him to sleep most nights. In the beginning of his career being Spiderman he would almost never go to sleep really. Even the trick of using nyquil or melatonin gummies didn’t work because his mind was always on one hundred, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Though as he meets friends he can confide in and grows older he learns how to manage that kind of stress, which makes it easier to sleep. Though the insomnia never truly leaves him unfortunately, and its something he has to take with him for the rest of his life
Despite his introverted self, and the fact that he tends to want to keep to himself more often than not, Miles is actually very easy to talk to and if given the time and patience, great at making friends. He’s awkward at first because he wants to measure his interactions based on the vibe of the person he’s talking to, but you will find a hardcore loyal and caring friend in Miles.
So emotionally aware that it almost hurts. He’ll be upset and know why he’s upset, but sometimes wishes he didn’t know because in some situations he may not think his emotions are valid. And because he’s such an intentional person and a hyper empath, everything he feels is multiplied by ten. So if you fuck him over, he’s probably more upset about it than you’ll ever be if you were upset at fucking him over, if that makes sense?
He’s a cuddle-bug and nothing will change my mind about it! He had hella teddy bears as a little boy and would get upset if Rio took them to be washed because he was afraid he wouldn’t see them again. For no reason in particular he’s slowly dissipated his teddy bear collection and now uses a very fluffy body pillow to hold on to as he sleeps. Sometimes if he’s sick or just very down in the dumps and Rio notices, she’ll climb into bed with him for a while and comfort him
A decent cook actually as well! He was always in the kitchen when his mom and his tia’s came over to cook so he knows how to throw down in the kitchen a lil bit. His favorite thing to make is tamales because while the process may be tedious, it allows him to unwind and clear his mind while focusing on the preparation of them.
Miles’ is the type that when he goes into the store he will always, without fail, buy a new notebook/sketchpad. He may not even need it, he may already have like ten new ones he has yet to break in, but he always likes to stay prepared for when his current one runs out. He also likes to alternate between them or dedicate certain notebooks to certain muses or drawing preferences
Will squeak out of surprise and say something in spanish if he’s startled or scared. And I’m talking like a girlish squeak and it's so cute but he’d be so embarrassed, cuz why did you have to sneak up on him like that? He was doing perfectly fine til you wanted to give him a heart attack.
On the topic of spanish, he isn’t that confident in it so he doesn’t really like to speak it if its not with his family, because he just knows he’s gonna fuck it up. So if he feels like there's pressure in a conversation where he knows he’s going to have to speak it at some point, he’ll try to back out before that happens
Miles gets so fascinated with things all the time. It happens mostly when he’s either strolling through the neighborhood or he’s on patrol. Definitely checks himself out in the glass of skyscrapers…then promptly remembers that there are people behind said glass that can see him and hurriedly swings off. And if a new pair of Jordans have been teased? Best believe he’s doing all the chores and buttering up his parents so that he can get them as soon as they drop
Speaking of Jordans; this boy is such a sneakerhead it’s insane. His dorm room AND his room at home are full of shoe boxes he has yet to style with some clothes. Keeps telling his parents “I’ma wear ‘em, I’ma wear ‘em!” but he never has the time to cuz he’s too preoccupied with being a good student and Spiderman to prioritize style over comfort (even tho he do still be fresh n clean)
He’s also the best bestie to have. Texts you tiktoks, checks in on you at seemingly always the right time. If you go to school together then you know you’re hanging out after classes. And if you need help in the sciences, Miles is the best tutor ever. And his family loves you, so birthdays, christmas and other holidays, if you’re not already celebrating with your folks, if you don’t fuck with them like that, or if you don’t have a real family, he’s inviting you over his place all the time so that you never have to feel alone.
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neotrances · 10 months
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I did not care for miguel
did not care for miguel
“How can you even say that”
Didn't like him
“but miguel’s so good, he’s like the perfect villian and he’s hot?
couldn't get into him
“ok explain yourself. What dont you like about him?”
he insist upon himself
“What does that even mean??”
he’s hypocritical, barely counts as a spiderman, he spends most of the movie yelling at and trying to kill a kid because said kid is an “anomaly” but his backstory shows he’s perfectly ok with creating anomalies and messing with timelines when it benefits him, no one questions miguel’s rule breaking but miles has to die for not following the strict guidelines miguel set for all spiderpeople as if he’s their leader or even the original spiderman
“How can you say you don't like him if you aren’t giving him a chance to see his character fleshed out in the final movie?”
I have tried on multiple occasions to get his viewpoint and i always end up thinking he’s just an asshole for sending the entire spider society after a singular child bc said child doesn’t want his dad to die
“but spider woman does the same thing, she wants to kill miles too”
atleast she was under the impression her universes unborn child and husband would die if miles got away, miguel clearly has no issue going into new universes and stealing a spot in a different dead miguel’s family so he has basically nothing to lose bc his attachments are pretty thin if getting a copy of his dead family is enough to satisfy, as if that copy are the same people he lost
“but he’s a tragic villian! ofcourse he isn’t going to be rational, you clearly don’t understand the movie”
i like peter b parker, That is my answer to that statement.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
So I'll just tell myself all of the things I can't say to you yet (Fic)
Pairing: Ghostflower (Miles x Gwen.)
Chapter: 1/4.
Summary: On a scale from interested to desperate, where do you rank buying a plushie of your crush?
...Could she even still call this a crush?
As Gwen closed the portal behind her, she couldn't believe she has gotten away with it. When Miles invited her and the rest of their friends to Festival, she has been thinking about what type of music she would hear, what difference she could catch from her dimension- not this.
It has been kind of an impulse purchase, she has honestly been lucky that the money from her dimension seemed to be close enough to the bills in Miles’ universe; hopefully the seller wouldn’t have trouble depositing a glitching bill. It couldn't count as scamming someone, right?
“This was stupid,” She thought to herself, yet still hugging the brown bag against her chest, almost a bit too protective, not wanting anyone to see its contents.
She doesn’t know how she managed to hide it from Miles (or Pavitr, who was very curious about it- Gwen almost wonders if Hobie knew since he helped to move the conversation around,) or even get it without anyone else noticing. Gwen didn’t think she could come up with an excuse if any of them saw this.
But she was in her own dimension again, her dad wasn’t at home right now, which meant there was no one but her, and even in the safety of her own room, she didn’t want to look at it, as if getting it out of the bag would somehow be more incriminating than having it.
Still feeling a bit silly, she sits in her bed and finally, opens the bag and finally gets her precious cargo she has been so mindful of. On her left hand, there is a medium-sized, Miles' plushie.
It was spiderman themed, of course; she wasn’t sure how it worked, but multiple companies have started selling merchandise with his name and colours in it, even if he technically hasn’t signed anything. The quality wasn’t that good, a big head with a very fluffy body and limbs, it was kind of ridiculous.
Insanely cute though, almost as cute as him.
Groaning, she let herself fall in the bed “What’s wrong with me?” she whispered to herself as she put a hand on her forehead. Looking back, she glares at the plushie, almost as if it came home with her by itself rather than being her own idea. Sighing, she lies on her side and hugs the plushie.
She already bought the damn thing; she may as well embrace it.
Miles and she had been working on rebuilding their friendship. After months of silence, the secrets about canon and Miles’ Spiderman situation; they needed to take a step back and get a chance to breathe, especially for Gwen who was not just trying to rebuild her relationship with her dad, but catch on all the classes she missed on the meantime. Considering how things ended in HQ, she was honestly grateful Miles wanted to keep in contact after that fiasco.
There was just a small problem, her crush.
“Well, can I call it that anymore?” She thought bitterly to herself, as she looks back at the plushie that she was clutching against her chest. The little Spiderman just looked back at her; unlike the real one, there wasn’t a way to take that mask and look at his face. If she had more artistic abilities, she may have tried to find a way to give a face to the plushie.
God knows the only reason her notebook has half-made songs instead of drawings like Miles, is because she couldn’t draw like him.
Gwen wasn’t always upfront with what she was feeling, not even to herself. Part of her thought if she could pretend to be okay, those emotions would eventually leave her and she could continue her normal life. Except that it doesn’t; not with the guilt of losing Peter, not with the gaping hole that felt those months when she thought her dad hated her, and not with her feelings for Miles.
Everyone knows about his crush on her, or at least the feelings he used to harbour for her; ever since the whole situation with Miguel, Miles hasn’t been the same to her. He was still kind, and warm, but it didn’t feel like it used to be, even now.
What she has for him? It was still there, as strong as ever, and she was drowning in the feeling.
Part of Gwen wonders if the people around her had pretended not to know, or at least make it easier for her because she was in such denial she would try to shut down the topic otherwise. But Jess knew exactly what Gwen must have meant by "getting too close to someone," Miguel thinking Gwen was a liability thanks to her feelings for Miles (which was sorta right,) and Hobie- the guy probably figured out the tenth time she mentioned his name.
She has been insisting they were just friends, that it wasn’t that big of a deal; but she knows it wasn’t exactly Ham the one she has been missing all those months before finding the organization, and she wasn’t going to forget about monitoring a bad guy to spend an afternoon with Peter B.
It was kind of dumb, but she has been so glad that no one has pointed out that on a mission that would have been easy with the Spot literally out of ways to travel to other dimensions, she opened the portal right where Miles was as she ignored the bad guy until her watch screamed at her. While hugging the plushie even harder, she knows you don’t risk the multiverse just to catch on with someone, and you don’t sneak out to get a plushie of someone while obsessively making sure no one notices.
As she looked at the oversized head that mimicked Miles’s mask, she thought to herself when she was going to give up acting as if those feelings weren’t there, or it was as simple as a crush.
“I love you” She whispers for the first time, and somehow the phrase feels like it almost echoes in her mind. It feels right in her mouth, the truth she has been battling for so long.
Groaning, she looks to the roof “I’m so stupid.”
Because only someone like her would get into a mess like this. Loving someone from afar while not being sure if they could actually make it work, but wanting so badly to do it.
And yet still too scared to do anything that whispers the truth to a plushie.
Perhaps even after all this time, Gwen Stacy still only knew how to run.
Oh my g-d I am typing lines and dots as separation like this fanfiction net in 2011, jeez I am old.
So! I normally just upload my fics in ao3; however, as all we know (or so I assume because multiple communities are in shambles right now.) AO3 is down, and the best way to help is to not try to get in.
And it just so happens this fic that was supposed to be a one-shot became a short fic because the comments ended up inspiring me to do more.
The second chapter will be posted in a few moments, and the link to it will appear in this post and vice versa. The third chapter will be published on tumblr depending on how the ao3 situation goes and my mood.
Hope you like it! Leave a comment if you did, is the only reason this went past the first chapter.
Second Chapter here!
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
The drabble about little Spider meeting dad areSOOOO SWEET!! What would Miles’s reaction to Spider kissing him on the cheek? I feel like if he doesn’t breakdown and start crying right then and there, he’d definitely mentally go “beaudhdodjddj my bby 🥺 I’m never washing my face again 😭”
Okay, so I think Quaritch would absolutely lose his mind meeting Spider, let alone actually getting a kiss on the cheek or a hug or something. Like, I feel like he’d probably pick him up and then just not put him down for the rest of the visit. The last time he saw the kid, he was just a little baby. And now? He can talk! He like Spiderman and eating grass (what the hell are you feeding my kid, Lyle?) and once he overcomes his shyness, he can just talk forever. And his dad will act like he’s the most interesting thing in the world (because, he is, to Quaritch).
I think that the visits would become somewhat regular (like every Sunday/every other Sunday is Visit Dad Day). Spider also probably brings him drawings and Lyle prints out pictures. I’d imagine Quaritch also probably has Lyle keep everything from Spider’s childhood. Every photo, every sock and drawing and baby tooth.
He likely feels really bittersweet when Spider tells him about his week. Because, he loves talking to his son, but he hates that he can’t be there to witness the moments himself. They probably talk on the phone once a week or so, too. I’d imagine Quaritch has his son’s schedule memorized.
When Spider gets an official diagnoses of asthma, Quaritch loses his goddamned mind. He has to console a crying seven-year-old while trying not to panic. And Spider didn’t want to tell him, but he already knew by the time Spider went to visit, so he’s mad at Uncle Lyle on top of everything. Quaritch fakes an injury just to go to the prison doctor and find out everything he could about asthma. He finds out another prisoner has asthma and basically interrogates him on everything to do with the condition.
Spider probably goes through a rebellious phase around thirteen or fourteen where he’s ferociously independent and tells his dad absolutely nothing about his life. Like, he stills goes on visits and talks to him on the phone, because that’s still his dad, but he doesn’t give the man anything. This boy used to tell him the color of his pee, but now he won’t even tell him what he had for lunch that day. He’s at the age where he’s also embarrassed by everything and pretends that he doesn’t think anything’s cool.
By the time Quaritch gets out of prison, he’s probably chilled out on the teenage angst, but things also change a lot. He’s unused to having access to his dad practically 24/7. Quaritch probably tries to tuck him in and shit at first. Because, even if he’s fifteen, he’s still the curly-haired baby he was before Quaritch went to prison. There’s definetly an adjustment period, I think.
Also, also, also, I think that Quaritch is super overprotective of Spider. Especially when he’s out of prison, because he couldn’t do anything about the bullies before. But, now??? If Spider comes home with a papercut, he’s ready to throw hands. A teacher gave his son a bad grade, even though he’d done everything right? He’s at the school the next morning, intimidating as fuck and demanding to speak with someone.
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somereaderinblue · 11 months
MSM 2017 Roleswap AU
We’ve got no shortage of Spider Gwen content so Imma do my own thing & provide some Spider!Harry content. 
(Yes, this is set in MSM 2017 bcz I’m biased. Also, it has the best Parksborn.)
Mostly angst & hurt/comfort from Harry’s POV. Can also be read on AO3.
Harry is in his dad’s company building. He already knows the place but he’s mostly there to spend time with the person who knows him most. 
There’s a bite. He barely notices the inflamed skin before the nausea overtakes. He knocks a door off its hinges, his body burns, his hands stick to everything- his feet are stuck to the ceiling, he’s walking on the ceiling like it’s nothing.
He experiments. He’s stronger, faster, sharper, and he loves it.....but it’s lonely. Norman doesn’t notice the items he accidentally breaks, never even bothered to ask if he felt okay after the bout of sickness from the field trip. He doesn’t notice and doesn’t care. 
Harry tells himself it’s normal, he doesn’t need his attention, he’s a busy man....but god, he craves some validation. It didn’t matter who it came from, he just wanted a taste of it. 
He goes over to the Parkers but even Aunt May’s sandwiches & Uncle Ben’s warmth can’t erase the hollow pit in his stomach. Peter tries to cheer him up with TV cartoons they binged when they were kids. Instead, a wrestling channel comes on. 
Harry hears the crowd cheering and he sees the award money.
He sees an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.
And well, Osborns were nothing if opportunistic.
Peter & Ben notice his excitement. Harry vaguely says he has something big planned.
Peter wishes him luck, Ben reminds him with great power comes great responsibility.
All Harry could think about was how with great power comes great reward if properly used.
Harry is humiliated and so very angry. Sure, he won but only after getting his ass thrown around. Still, it’s not the bruises that ache, it’s his pride. At how callously the man cheated him out of the prize money, offering a measly $50 to rub salt into the wound. He’d wanted to give the money to Peter, maybe buy him something nice. There goes that plan.....
Yeah, he lets the thief go. Oh, he stole the prize money? Boo-hoo, that’s not Harry’s problem, is it? Serves the asshole right.
Then he sees Uncle Ben with a bullet in his chest. 
Harry washes his hands until his skin is raw but Ben’s blood perpetually stains his nails. He doesn’t go to the Parkers' house because the image of their heartbroken grief was still hauntingly vivid in his memory.
Instead, he puts his brains and money to use, tracking down the murderer to make him pay, make him hurt, make him bleed, it’s only right-
He sees the culprit’s face and Harry has to live with the fact that although he never pulled the trigger, he may as well have shoved Uncle Ben in front of a firing gun.
Peter loves Spiderman.
He gushes over his powers & gear; hell he tries to make his own goddamn webshooters. Peter supports Spiderman & sees him as a symbol of hope.
Harry doesn’t share the sentiment. Peter assumes he hates Spiderman and well...he’s not too far off, is he?
Harry does hate Spiderman. 
He hates himself. 
Hates how he did nothing that night; hates how it took losing Uncle Ben, the only positive father figure he had, to wake him up; hates how it took making all the Parkers suffer from his inaction to truly push him to be better not for his father’s approval but to atone.
But what he hates most isn’t even his inability to tell Peter his greatest secret; it’s his cowardice to confess his biggest sin.
That he’s the reason Uncle Ben was buried with a bullet in his chest.
Would Peter still admire Spiderman if he knew?
Would he still love Harry?
He doesn’t find out. He doesn’t want to and he hate hate hates himself for it.
Miles gains powers. He wants Spiderman to mentor him and fuck, Harry avoids that like the plague.
Miles is disappointed. 
Good, he should be (because that’s all Harry will ever be).
Eventually, he tells Peter. If he can’t tell the boy he loves him, he can at least tell him why he shouldn’t love Harry.
Peter is furious. Harry doesn’t blame him. 
Peter forgives him. Harry doesn’t believe him.
But this is Peter-can’t bullshit to save my life-Parker. No, it’s Peter-always sees the good in others-Parker. It’s Peter, the boy who’s always been there for Harry not because he’s an Osborn but in spite of it.
(Norman made him abandon fairy tale whimsies a long time ago but god, if soulmates were a thing, Harry dared believe that’s what he & Peter were.)
Peter doesn’t hold his hand, but he squeezes it before he faces Aunt May.
He confesses that he was there. That he let the culprit get away. That, at the time, he hadn’t cared until it was too late.
He had braced himself for a slap.
Instead, she hugs him and his ears ring not from screams but from thanks.
She thanked him for making sure Ben didn’t die alone. Thanked him because even in his last moments, at least one of his nephews could be by his side.
Aunt May: I think it’s time you took responsibility for your own guilt, sweetheart.
Harry: You forgive me?
Aunt May: There’s nothing to forgive.
Forgiveness doesn’t make the guilt go away. But for the first time, he managed to stay afloat without having to wear a mask or swinging on webs.
Harry still puts on the mask. After a while, he talks to Spy-D. Instead of mentorship, he offers something better: partnership.
Peter offers his help because of course he would. He’s their guy in the chair and wow, he does a spectacular job. 
(Peter offers him a kiss, hair wild from dangling on a fire escape in a humorous imitation of Harry's abilities, because of course he would.)
(He's Harry's boyfriend and wow, he does a spectacular job reminding Harry that despite all the fighting, there are things worth living for.)
At some point, Norman burns the bridge between them. Harry’s hurt in ways he’ll never fully heal from but he’s not broken.
He’s not alone.
He has Peter, Miles, Gwen, Anya, May and most importantly, he has Uncle Ben’s words.
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
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yourdorkiness · 11 months
I think there can be something to be said about villainizing characters the moment they make a mistake which causes them to oppose the protagonist, and how our reactions when defending these characters should instead be an acknowledgement circumstances along with their mistakes. 
Yes I’m talking about Gwen Stacy. Spoilers for atsv below!
Let’s take a look at how Gwen is during the beginning of the story, shall we?
Gwen starts off the movie in her watercolor mood ring world isolated and guilt ridden. In a world where emotions are so easily expressed by splashes of colour, her emotions are very rarely expressed. She isolates herself from others due to her identity as Spider-Woman, and the guilt she feels for being unable to save her best friend, Peter Parker.
Because Gwen can’t share this part of her identity with others, she is unable to confide in or be emotionally vulnerable towards her bandmates and father, isolating herself even further, and making her yearn for friends like Miles who she feels would able to understand all of her, spiderperson included. 
It doesn’t help that her relationship with her father is distant and strained because of her superhero identity is something Gwen knows her father disapproves of and the Peter guilt enforces her a bunch of her self loathing. Meanwhile her father believes that capturing Spider-Woman and avenging Peter will fix his relationship with his daughter and gives her the closure he believes she needs rather than just talking to her about what would give her closure.
Speed ahead to the confrontation with her father, and Gwen reveals herself to her father, hoping that him can accept her despite the things she’s kept from him. And her father can’t accept her at that moment, he shoots a gun at her, so she runs away. She is now even more isolated then ever, with no one to accept her for who she is, tell her that her superhero identity and the guilt that comes with that doesn’t have to something she has to carry alone, she doesn’t need to resign herself to a life of loss and never being acknowledged for who she truly is. But her dad isn’t there for her, until the Spider Society is.
This is where I think there’s a shift in her Gwen’s character. She embraces her spider-identity under the Spider Society who understand the trauma and difficult choices that comes with being a Spiderperson, and starts to buy into the pessimistic ideology of “canon”. 
The “canon” introduced by Miguel O’Hara suggests that the traumatic events that occur throughout a Spiderperson’s life is what is needed to ensure the multiverse’s stability. This can appeal to a lot of Spiderpeople, Gwen in this period of the story especially because if being unable to save your friend is crucial to the universe’s stability and to the spiderman narrative, then they can be assured they are heading in the right direction. People in the Spider Society like Miguel couldn’t save so many people despite being a superhero, they couldn’t “do both” as Pavitr and Miles expressed, so if they tell themselves they can only have one option, it erases the consequences of failing to do both.
And then because Gwen is so haunted by her father’s reaction, she chooses to once again withhold her actual feelings for Miles and not explain to him the difficult choice of choosing to lose people when it’s seemed like all Gwen’s done through the movie is lose. Their falling out is honestly a post in itself, so I’ll save that for some other time. 
Let me know what you guys think :))
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biioshocker · 11 months
Hey! Most people seem to have come to the conclusion that Miguel was either lying or totally wrong about canon events, I'm pretty glad to see a theory going off them being real.
We get a lot of proof that they happen almost exactly as he said they would, but its pretty hard to discuss anything to do with them when people constantly bring up spot causing the Mumbattan issue (missing the building glitching as it falls into the hole, only after the canon break) aha.
So something I was wondering that I havent seen brought up yet, do you reckon canon events are something that can actually be broken, but only causes a universe collapse if an anomaly is DIRECTLY involved in breaking an active one? Indirectly doesn't seem to matter, since Gwens dad's retirement is a result of Jess and Miguels interference
Not every canon event seems to happen to everyone (despite what miguel says, and he himself didnt seem to go through all) but we dont know if those are broken canons or if theyre just very flexible. Miles is also a very special case. Miguel's algorithms have labeled him as an anomaly in every universe, even his own. He might be assuming Miles is exactly the same as he was, in his adopted universe, and therefore if ANY canon event isn't carried out 100% then Miles universe is kaput?
I'm kinda thinking that is where Miguel is wrong, canon events are far more flexible than he thinks as long as anomalies arent disrupting them as they're active. And Miles definitely isnt an anomaly in his own universe.
i do think Canons are flexible! i also think Canons can be manipulated or “tricked” into believing their plot is moving forward as intended, which is what i think has happened to earth-1610 and why miles is stable there and i also think miguel is creating a similar blindspot with the spiderHQ bracelets.
i don’t think miguel is wrong on the tram when he calls miles an anomaly. while miles is originally from 1610, i don’t believe he is actually aligned with that dimension anymore. i mean, the go-home machine sends miles to earth-42 after reading his DNA, which is a pretty solid indicator that the spider-42 bite altered him down to his very molecules. for all intents and purposes, miles is actually a miles-42. in theory, there isn’t a miles-1610 anymore. there’s no DNA coded miles that belongs to that universe anymore.
and typically, from what we’ve seen with glitching, universes don’t take kindly to DNA that doesn’t belong in their dimension. it appears to try and eradicate it entirely, and if it can’t rid itself of the interloper, it seems like it instead opts to eradicate itself. but earth-1610 did neither of these things with miles. instead, unless deletion takes over a year and a half (doubtful), 1610 seems to have completely accepted miles as its own, despite the fact he’s “coded” as an earth-42 resident.
this would make miles a stable anomaly in his dimension. i think there may be a few different reasons for this:
the first theory is that 1610 is an incredibly resilient dimension. i actually think this is true to some extent, it’s the first dimension (that we know of) where universes were successfully able to interact, and not just once, but on multiple occasions. kingpin activated the collider there at least twice, and it was implied more times than that (given spider-42 had to come from somewhere and the Spot says he’s the one that brought it here). with all this exposure to the multiverse, perhaps 1610 has become something of a bastion of cross-dimensional interaction. maybe bc it’s had to withstand so many dimensional collisions that miles being there barely even registers on 1610’s radar as being an anomaly. this would lend to the idea that Canons are flexible.
the second theory is that it’s the combination of miles being an original 1610 resident and the fact his spiderman died “prematurely.” miguel more or less told miles on the tram his peter should still be alive, which means that 1610 likely wasn’t expecting to lose a spiderman. if that was the case, and with the turnaround between miles getting bit and peter parker dying (less than 24 hours) it’s possible 1610 got confused. you have to think that on a galactic scale, 24 hours separation is like. less than a blip on the timeline. 1610 might not have had enough time to notice that there was an extra spiderman bouncing around before one of the duplicates was killed off— especially if it was busy trying to glitch out the extra-extra spiderpeople that were launched into its dimension within that exact timeframe too. i think there’s a possibility that 1610 was tricked into believing that once the other anomalies were gone and the “right” amount of spidermen was restored (1), it’s plot was carrying on as normal.
the last theory is that miles isn’t an anomaly on 1610 and miguel was just being an asshole saying he didn’t belong anywhere. i think this one is kind of weak, but there is the possibility that miles DNA is still “coded” to 1610 and what the go-home machine picked up was the “spider-42” DNA and that’s why it sent him to 42. i don’t really like this theory bc i think the spider and miles’s DNA merged which means that what the go-home machine picked up IS just flat out miles’s DNA but i thought id add it just bc i thought it had some credibility. if we want to take the easy way out of explaining why 1610 doesn’t glitch miles.
honestly i like the answer being a combination of 1 and 2. i think 1610 as a dimension is probably ridiculously resilient to non-canon events since it’s been host to like a half dozen world-ending ones in the last year. but i also think it didn’t realize that its spiderman died. i think miles took peter’s spot and in the chaos of it all (collider, 5 additional spider people, etc.), 1610 just didn’t notice.
as a side note i also think that’s what miguel’s spiderHQ bracelets do. i can’t even begin to guess how they actually work, but if i had to bet i would put money on the idea that miguel managed to figure out what it was that made miles a stable anomaly in his universe and miguel condensed it down into a little contraption that either tricks or blinds or confuses universes so his spiderpeople can walk through them without glitching.
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
I watched Across the Spiderverse
And here are some random things my brain noticed while watching.
Spoilers ahead, you have been warned.
1: Miles’ suit is too small
In the first movie, Miles’ clothing is a BIG visual metaphor for his character arc. He has the store-bought costume for most of the movie, it doesn’t fit well, he looks like a kid in a halloween costume, just pretending to be Spiderman. When he gets a proper suit, it’s when he become more confident in not just his abilities as Spiderman but in his identity as Spiderman.
In Across the Spiderverse, serval people comment that Miles’ suit looks too tight, (Spot saying it’s bunching in the back, Spider-Punk saying it doesn’t look breathable, Peter B mentioning chafing) I think it’s meant to show that following along with the normal Spiderman script will only constrict Miles in the long run, that he has to write his own Spiderman story. Writing your own story is a heavy theme in both films and I’m betting it will carry over into the third.
2: No Mask = Abnormal
In the Spider Central chase scene, Miles isn’t wearing his mask the entire time. Normally, with characters wearing full masks, having it off is to help convey heavy emotions or valurability. But I think Miles not wearing the mask is to make him stand out as ‘other’. He is the most mold breaking Spiderman in the multiverse by the simple virtue that the spider that bit him wasn’t supposed to be there.
But you know who else doesn’t have their masks in that scene? Peter B, Gwen and O’Hara towards the end. All three of these guys have events that separate them from the normal Spiderverse ‘canon’. 
Gwen is the one bitten, when normally it’s a Peter that gets the powers, she loses her best friend instead of an uncle and it seems like the ‘police captain dies’ canon event isn’t going to happen in her world because her dad quit.
Peter B. is the closest to the traditional canon but where he diverts is the fact he managed to salvage his marriage and life. Most versions have Peter and MJ constantly just missing on working things out, because of tragedy or secrets or whatever else. Peter B not only got a happy ending but a kid as well.
O’Hara is unique in that he wasn’t bit by a spider but, if we go by the comic origin, genetically spiced spider DNA with his own in order to get unaddicted to drugs. He also relies more on tech then his powers, since the abilities he got varied a lot from the normal Spiderman powers. 
We can actually include Spider-Punk too, since he takes the mask off when they arrive and doesn’t put it back on, showing that he is ‘other’ in the sea of Spider People.
3: The Spot and O’Hara Have Construction Lines
This one I need to do a rewatch a few times to cement BUT after my first view, The Spot and O’Hara seem to be the only characters with visible construction lines in their design. The Spot’s are best scene in the first act (when he’s mostly white) and O’Hara’s are best visible during the exposition drop. 
If these two are the only characters with visible construction lines....why? Is it because both are dimension jumpers? Is it meant to tie these two somehow? Is it meant to show O’Hara is actually a bad guy?
I don’t know, I just thought it was neat.
4: O’Hara is Wrong About the Multiverse Rules
Yes, this is theory territory, bear with me for a tick.
O’Hara makes it sound like Pavitr’s dimension is going to collapse because Miles saved the police captain, because disrupting conon events will make the dimension unstable...
But Dimension 42 still exists.
42 Miles was meant to become Spiderman, but Olivia’s collider pulled the spider out of its reality and disrupted the canon. That spider is the catalyst for the canon event that kicks of the entire Spiderman story. If something like saving one guy is enough to endanger a dimension, surely disrupting the inciting incident will make the world shatter, right?
But dimension 42 is stable. Yeah, the sinister six are running rampant, probably along with a bunch of other villains, but the fabric of the reality seems to be fine.
I don’t think it was O’Hara messing with the canon that destroyed the world he was on, I think it was the fact he was there for a long time.
We know a person staying in the wrong dimension can kill them, this can be seen as reality trying to fix itself. But what if the reality can’t because the anomaly is protected? It collapses. Like a body trying to burn out parasites with a fever. But the parasites have a watch that makes them immune to heat so the body just kills itself trying to ‘fix’ things.
As long as everyone stays in the right reality, they can write where it goes. 
5: And While We’re Doing Theories!
I think Earth-42 Miles is still a good guy. Maybe he’s a little darker and probably has fewer moral qualms, but I think he and Uncle Aaron are like rebelion fighters against the sinister six and they only tied up 1610 Miles because they think he’s a part of a plot from them (evil clone, elaborate trap, ect)
Aaaand that’s all I got, everything else is things others have already pointed out.
Have a nice day!
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tarjapearce · 10 months
I have a lot of Spiderman OCs lying around (I should put labels so I don’t lose any of them lol) but one of them(there’s three of my OCs that stand out among the rest) is a young girl who’s name is Stacy Parker. She was found by a childless couple when she was just a baby. It all happened when she had a science fair, and when she was looking at other people’s projects, there was one kid who had an elaborate machine that would most likely get first place, but then a spider that lived in the rafters of the indoor gymnasium dropped onto it, got affected by the machine, and it ended up biting Stacy, which gave her spider powers. During the whole “finding Miles Morales” debacle, she ran into the Spider-Gang(y’know, the group Gwen put together at the end of ATSV to help find Miles) and she assumed the name “Jane”. It’s only when they end up back at HQ that she is actually an Ice Giant, revealed when she got scanned by LYLA.
She ends up getting sent back to her universe by force, and when she does, she ends up confronting her mother about it, since Stacy lost her dad to a thug stabbing him. Her mom then confirms that she was in fact adopted, but that she doesn’t know who the father is, other than the fact that he might look like her, except as a man.
Stacy felt alone without her new friends, but it gets better since they managed to find her universe via Spider-Byte. She ends up going back to HQ, and it looks like a fight is about to happen when a stranger approaches her. It’s revealed that it was a disguise made by Loki, because he was looking for her all over the place, and he ended doing some obscure spell to find her, because her crappy grandfather Odin used sorcery to make her more like a human, and placed her among humans on Midgard(Earth). Unlike his variants, he deeply cared for his daughter, and was devastated when she was taken away from him. When he hugged her, she changed shaped, reverting back to her Ice Giant form, and it’s just adorable.
From now on, pls message me if you’re interested in hearing more about my spiderman OCs.
Ok bye ✌️
You are very creative ❤️❤️. I likes
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panthershuri · 1 year
how is atsv!gwen a cop sympathizer or an awful friend? all spidermen have the same events. by your interpretation, miles can also be a cop sympathizer because he doesn’t want his own dad to die. gwen similarly just has a cop as a dad, how does that make her a cop sympathizer? she was also put at gunpoint by her own father and had to flee her home and she didn’t tell miles about what was going on because miguel and jess were very clear that she would be sent back to her home universe, an unsafe environment, if she did. she’s 15 years old and probably didn’t even take the SAT yet. she had to make decisions for her own safety because she was in no place to make any other decision, she wasn’t trying to hurt miles. similarly all the other spiders were only listening to miguel out of their own self-preservation. how does any of this make gwen a bad person? it’s as if we didn’t even see the same movie…
so u just ignored that scene where she compared wearing the spider mask to a cop badge? the whole movie is copaganda but miles doesnt have a scene comparing being spiderman to being a fucking cop.
shes a bad friend because she knew miles dad was going to die and didnt warn him even went to that mans party knowing that miles was gonna lose him. thats not a good friend!!!
why are u infantilizing her lmao both miles and gwen are kids making tough decisions but i cannot stress enough gwen compared being spiderman to being A COP. please leave my inbox just like ur white lgbt character and go
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Deku and Kaminari meeting their future kids
Request: i’m too shy to even mention my un, but I saw the requests open so can I request deku, kaminari and your choice ;)) meeting their future kids? I just I LOVE THE SERIES SO MUCH soo please? it’s not that i’m telling u to do it but i’m suggesting..- 🍯✨
Hi....It’s been a while huh. Haha yeah I don’t know when the next uplaod will be and I’m terribly sorry for that. I finally got some peace and quite so here we are. I hope you enjoy. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warnings: Izuku fainting......fluff and crack on Kamis’ part
Midoriya Izuku 
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-So this will be fun. 
-He was on his way to your dorm on a late Friday night. 
-His training session had been brutal and he was beyond exhausted, the only thing on his mind being your weekly sleepover. 
-So he was just semi crawling to your room when he felt a small tug on his sleeve. 
-And there in front of him was a little boy, green strands caging his h/c eyes. 
-The trembling was evident and the pure terror on the little boys’ eyes was enough for Izuku to know that teh child was lost. 
- “E-e-excuse m-me. C-c-could you t-t-take me t-to m-my parents a-agency?”
-The boy reminded him of himself in his age. 
-Okay apart from the green hair and freckles that had a weird resemblance to him, the boys’ behavior was similar to his around the time when Katsuki started bullying him. 
-Izuku crouched down and placed a reassuring hand on the boys’ head trying to comfort him. 
- “Sure thing kiddo, what’s their agencys’ name?”
-A look of mild recognision flashed through the boys’ features befor he shook his head and answered. 
- “It’s in downtown Tokyo, the ‘Deku, H/N’ agency.”
-At that he kinda um got nauseous because this right here would be like the third? fourth? instance of a child landing in their dorms AND turning out to be from the future. 
-Could this boy be form the future? And he did say that he wanted to go to his parents’ agency. Did his parents work for him or was this child his? And he did say H/N that was your name. Was he yalls son? He ended up marrying you and having a child with you?
-Everything was spinning in 100 miles per hour.
-He completely forgot about the terrified child in front of him which was watching him get all bleary eyed. 
-For some weird reason he let out that he’s Deku and the boy lit up. 
- “That’s why you look like daddy!”
-Thank god the boy was shy because he didn’t say that too loudly but it was enough for Izuku to lose his marbles and faint on the spot. 
-Last thing he rememebrs was you rounding the corner and running towards them. 
 -Next thing he sees is your dorms’ star filed cieling. 
-He propped himself up on his elbows and looked around finding you along with the little boy sleeping on his side. 
-The boy was clinging to your chest, nuzzling into your neck as you had a hand drapped over him protectively.
-You were gripping Izukus’ hand with your free one.
-This was a happy scene. 
-He liked it. 
-He decided that the three of you could sort this mess up in the morning. 
-For now he would curl up around the both of you and go to sleep. 
-He couldn’t wait to do that everyday. 
Kaminari Denki 
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-He’s dumb. 
-Like really really dumb. 
-When a child fell into his arms in the forest during a training session with Shinsou he acted like this was normal. 
- “I didn’t know this was part of your quirk Shinsou-kun.” 
-For a moment Shinsou was worried that he had ran into a villain and because he has the brain cells of a peanut he thought that they were part of his quirk, he went out of hiding and found him. 
-Now Shinsou has been in the situation before. 
-A child in his arms that looks like him? 
-Yeah he has been through it. 
-It happened a couple of months ago and he hasn’t spoken about it with anyone apart with his s/o. 
-Now he knows that Kaminari is an idiot he just hoped that he wouldn’t be that much of an idiot. 
-So when he saw the blonde girl in Kami’s arms he just did a 180 and straight up left. 
-Okay now they were both just staring at each other like that one spiderman meme because let me tell you that the resemblance between these two was uncanny. 
-Like where were you? 
-Where was your contribution in this child. 
-I think apart from carrying her for 9 months and giving birth, that’s the only credit you’ll get. 
-So after an awkward exchange of smiles, Kaminari introduced himself making the girl freeze look at him in pure horror and let out a high pitch scream, high enough to pierce his eardrums. 
- “WhAT wAs ThAt FoR?”
- “WhY Do yOU hAVe mY dAdS’ nAme?”
-That is one way to give Kaminari a heart attack. 
-I’ll give him credit where its due he did NOT faint like Izuku did but he did let out a very VERY confused ?Eh?.
-Now its a staring contest between the two confused Pikachus.
-How they got to AIzawas’ room is a big question mark. 
-If he’s being honest AIzawa is tired of little kids appearing in his class. 
-Like he has one to take care at home he doesn’t need more. 
-He sent Kaminari to Recovery girl and told him to describe to her what happened and hopefully she would know what to do. 
-The thing is that he ran into you on his way to recovery girl. 
-Like literally ran into you. 
-Now its the three of you having a staring contest. 
-Do yall know that one vine where the kid goes up to a lady and is liek ‘dAddY?’ *....Do I lOoK LiKe DaDDy?!?!?!*
-Yeah that’s what happened here but instead of daddy it was mommy because well at least she got your smarts. 
-You are the Izuku in this story lmao. 
-They had to take you to RG and revive you. 
-Shinsou and his S/O are in the corner crying of laughter. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​ @reinyrei​
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