#natural fertilisers
mapleorgtechltd · 1 year
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ikemoths · 7 months
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The green silver lines moth, oh my god, they have SUCH a good colour palette! i encourange anyone to use these guys as an inspiration for art cause they're sooo unique and pretty!!
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these guys are tiiiiny at 3.5cm, so you gotta make sure to look out for them if you wanna spot them, especially if you're looking for them while out :P
They live in europe and northern asia, so you goddamn know next season when they fly (june-july) i'll be trying to spot them
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and to make it even better, they're not even a pest of anything! just an all around beautiful moth :3 i love them so much!!
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Gardening Tip: Nasturtium Water (Natural Fertiliser and Aphid Repellent)
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I always think one law of physics that works well in the kitchen is Lavoisier’s Law --“Nothing is lost, nothing is created; everything is transformed”-- which I mostly apply to leftovers! It works even better in the Kitchen Garden!
Think about it: Coffee Grounds repel slugs, and an Elder Leaf Decoction chases unwelcome rodents, whilst Nettle Soup and Onion Skin Decoction will help make your soil fertile; like Egg shells which can be used both outside or while caring for your house plants.
So can Nasturtium Water. It is the water you have blanched your Nasturtium leaves in, when making a delicious Nasturtium Pesto. Don’t throw it away (“Nothing is lost”!) Allow it to cool and then pour it in your watering can and water your plants with it. 
You can also pour Nasturtium Water in a spray bottle and spritz it onto ferns in the house or in the garden, and onto growing carrots and Parsnips in the Kitchen Garden! It acts both as a fertiliser, helping your plants grow lush and green, and an aphid and white flies repellent, keeping your growing vegetables healthy!
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graceatthemargins · 8 months
What price their future?
For My Great, great Grandchildren It catches the sun light as it trickles from the tap, runs down the drain washing grime through a trap, Flush a toilet, wash the car, such luxury in our lap. Will water freely flow in the future at all on the map? —- The bag of filmy plastic is bulging, clean not gritty. I recycle carefully: so my progeny, of any ethnicity, will be able to share food or…
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alyssamonah · 9 months
Greener Pastures Down Under Exploring Plant Fertilizers in Australia
Australia's diverse landscapes, ranging from arid deserts to lush rainforests, create a unique challenge for gardeners and farmers alike. Effective plant fertilizers are crucial to nurture and cultivate plant life in this dynamic environment. In this exploration, we delve into plant fertilizers Australia, discovering the innovative techniques and sustainable practices that contribute to creating greener pastures "down under."
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The Australian Fertilizer Landscape
Australia's agriculture sector is vital in feeding its population and global demand. With varying climatic conditions and soil types, Australian farmers have embraced various fertilization methods to optimize crop yield and quality. Traditional practices, such as animal manure and compost, have been augmented by modern scientific advancements in fertilizer technology.
The Role of Native Ingredients
 One unique aspect of plant fertilization in Australia is the integration of native ingredients. Indigenous plants have evolved to thrive in local conditions, making them excellent sources of natural fertilizers. Plants like Acacia, which host nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots, contribute to soil enrichment. Utilizing these native plants and traditional Indigenous knowledge, farmers and gardeners are paving the way for sustainable and region-specific fertilization methods.
Innovations in Sustainable Fertilizers
 Australia's commitment to environmental sustainability has driven the development of cutting-edge fertilization solutions. Researchers are exploring bio-based fertilizers derived from renewable resources, such as seaweed extracts and composted organic materials. These eco-friendly alternatives provide essential nutrients to plants, promote soil health, and minimize the environmental impact of agricultural practices.
Adapting to Climate Challenges
 Australia's unpredictable climate, characterized by droughts and water scarcity, necessitates adaptive approaches to fertilization. Drip irrigation systems combined with slow-release fertilizers are gaining popularity, optimizing water usage while ensuring plants receive a consistent nutrient supply. This strategic combination conserves water and minimizes nutrient runoff, a critical concern for protecting Australia's delicate ecosystems.
The Importance of Soil Health
 Beyond the choice of fertilizers, Australian farmers are increasingly focusing on soil health as a fundamental aspect of sustainable agriculture. Practices like crop rotation, cover cropping, and minimal tillage contribute to maintaining soil structure and fertility. Healthy soils, enriched by well-balanced fertilization, create a resilient foundation for plant growth, disease resistance, and carbon sequestration.
Community Initiatives and Education
 Community-driven initiatives are vital to spreading awareness about sustainable fertilization practices in Australia. Local gardening clubs, agricultural workshops, and online forums provide platforms for sharing experiences, tips, and success stories. These efforts empower individuals to make informed decisions about fertilization and contribute to a greener and healthier environment.
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Australia's unique environment and sustainability commitment have spurred innovative plant fertilizer online approaches. From harnessing the power of native ingredients to embracing eco-friendly technologies, Australians are shaping a future where greener pastures flourish "down under." By exploring and adopting these diverse fertilization methods, we can contribute to a more resilient and thriving agricultural landscape while preserving the natural beauty of this remarkable continent. 
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kisanofindia · 11 months
जानिए, क्यों अनुपम है बायोचार (Biochar) यानी मिट्टी को उपजाऊ बनाने की घरेलू और वैज्ञानिक विधि?
मिट्टी की सेहत सँवारने वाला, सबसे सस्ता और आसानी से बनने वाला टॉनिक है बायोचार
बायोचार के इस्तेमाल से मिट्टी के गुणों में सुधार का सीधा असर फसल और उपज में नज़र आता है। इससे किसानों की रासायनिक खाद पर निर्भरता और खेती की लागत घटती है। लिहाज़ा, बायोचार को किसानों की आमदनी बढ़ाने का आसान और अहम ज़रिया माना गया है।
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हरित क्रान्ति में भले ही रासायनिक खाद और कीटनाशकों की अहम भूमिका रही हो, लेकिन ये निर्विवाद है कि इससे भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति का पतन और पर्यावरण प्र��ूषित हुआ। इसीलिए विकसित देशों में रासायनिक उपायों को अपनाकर उपजायी गयी फसलों से सख़्त परहेज़ करना शुरू कर दिया। दरअसल, रासायनिक उपायों ने मिट्टी की उत्पादकता को टिकाऊ नहीं बनाया। तभी तो इसकी ज़रूरत हमेशा पड़ने लगी।
रसायनों के दुष्प्रभाव से बचने के लिए जहाँ एक ओर परम्परागत, प्राकृतिक या जैविक खेती की ओर लौटने पर ज़ोर दिया जाने लगा, वहीं ऐसे प्राकृतिक उपायों को पहचानने की ज़रूरत थी जो किसान और पर्यावरण, सभी के अनुकूल हो।
इन्हीं उद्देश्यों की तलाश में वैज्ञानिकों ने बीती सदी के सातवें दशक में ये साबित किया कि मिट्टी में कार्बनिक पदार्थों की प्रचुरता से ही उसकी उर्वरा शक्ति क़ायम रह सकती है, क्योंकि इन्हीं कार्बनिक पदार्थों से मिट्टी में उसे उपजाऊ बनाने वाले उन सूक्ष्म जीवों की मात्रा बढ़ती है जो अन्ततः फसल को पोषक तत्व मुहैया करवाते हैं। इन्हीं चुनौतियों से उबरने के लिए वैज्ञानिकों ने ‘बायोचार’ विकसित किया जो सही मायने में ‘हींग लगे न फिटकरी, रंग भी चोखा होय’ जैसा उपाय है।
बायोचार बनाने से धरती पर मौजूद अथाह बायोमास का भी बेहतरीन इस्तेमाल हो जाता है और पर्यावरण संरक्षण में मदद मिलती है। क्योंकि बायोमास के अपघटन या सड़ने से भारी मात्रा में जहरीली ग्रीनहाउस गैसें वायुमंडल में घुलती हैं और ‘ग्लोबल वार्मिंग’ का सबब बनती हैं।
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क्या है बायोचार?
बायोचार यानी ‘जैविक चारकोल’ का नाता ‘बायो फ़र्टिलाइज़र’ और ‘चारकोल’ से है। बायोचार, एक बेहद सस्ती, घरेलू और वैज्ञानिक तकनीक है जिससे किसी भी तरह की मिट्टी के उपजाऊपन को दशकों और यहाँ तक कि सदियों के लिए बढ़ाया जा सकता है। दरअसल, मिट्टी प्राकृतिक रूप से लगातार पोषक तत्व प्रदान करने वाले सूक्ष्म जीवों को ‘बायोफ़र्टिलाइज़र’ कहते हैं और कार्बन की अत्यधिक मात्रा वाले पदार्थ या लकड़ी के कोयले को ‘चारकोल’ कहते हैं। दोनों शब्दों के शुरुआती अक्षरों ‘बायो’ और ‘चार’ को जोड़ने से ‘बायोचार’ (बायो+चार) शब्द बना है।
और पढ़ें.......
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abtl-cropscience · 1 year
Fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viroids, phytoplasmas, and viruses cause plant diseases. These plant pathogens mainly live on foliage as well as soil. These pathogens have adapted well to the environment, some even have a protective covering that can last for over two years.
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divinemedias · 2 years
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fatehbaz · 8 months
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Despite its green image, Ireland has surprisingly little forest. [...] [M]ore than 80% of the island of Ireland was [once] covered in trees. [...] [O]f that 11% of the Republic of Ireland that is [now] forested, the vast majority (9% of the country) is planted with [non-native] spruces like the Sitka spruce [in commercial plantations], a fast growing conifer originally from Alaska which can be harvested after just 15 years. Just 2% of Ireland is covered with native broadleaf trees.
Text by: Martha O’Hagan Luff. “Ireland has lost almost all of its native forests - here’s how to bring them back.” The Conversation. 24 February 2023. [Emphasis added.]
[I]ndustrial [...] oil palm plantations [...] have proliferated in tropical regions in many parts of the world, often built at the expense of mangrove and humid forest lands, with the aim to transform them from 'worthless swamp' to agro-industrial complexes [...]. Another clear case [...] comes from the southernmost area in the Colombian Pacific [...]. Here, since the early 1980s, the forest has been destroyed and communities displaced to give way to oil palm plantations. Inexistent in the 1970s, by the mid-1990s they had expanded to over 30,000 hectares. The monotony of the plantation - row after row of palm as far as you can see, a green desert of sorts - replaced the diverse, heterogenous and entangled world of forest and communities.
Text by: Arturo Escobar. "Thinking-Feeling with the Earth: Territorial Struggles and the Ontological Dimension of the Epistemologies of the South." Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana Volume 11 Issue 1. 2016. [Emphasis added.]
But efforts to increase global tree cover to limit climate change have skewed towards erecting plantations of fast-growing trees [...] [because] planting trees can demonstrate results a lot quicker than natural forest restoration. [...] [But] ill-advised tree planting can unleash invasive species [...]. [In India] [t]o maximize how much timber these forests yielded, British foresters planted pines from Europe and North America in extensive plantations in the Himalayan region [...] and introduced acacia trees from Australia [...]. One of these species, wattle (Acacia mearnsii) [...] was planted in [...] the Western Ghats. This area is what scientists all a biodiversity hotspot – a globally rare ecosystem replete with species. Wattle has since become invasive and taken over much of the region’s mountainous grasslands. Similarly, pine has spread over much of the Himalayas and displaced native oak trees while teak has replaced sal, a native hardwood, in central India. Both oak and sal are valued for [...] fertiliser, medicine and oil. Their loss [...] impoverished many [local and Indigenous people]. [...]
India’s national forest policy [...] aims for trees on 33% of the country’s area. Schemes under this policy include plantations consisting of a single species such as eucalyptus or bamboo which grow fast and can increase tree cover quickly, demonstrating success according to this dubious measure. Sometimes these trees are planted in grasslands and other ecosystems where tree cover is naturally low. [...] The success of forest restoration efforts cannot be measured by tree cover alone. The Indian government’s definition of “forest” still encompasses plantations of a single tree species, orchards and even bamboo, which actually belongs to the grass family. This means that biennial forest surveys cannot quantify how much natural forest has been restored, or convey the consequences of displacing native trees with competitive plantation species or identify if these exotic trees have invaded natural grasslands which have then been falsely recorded as restored forests. [...] Planting trees does not necessarily mean a forest is being restored. And reviving ecosystems in which trees are scarce is important too.
Text by: Dhanapal Govindarajulu. "India was a tree planting laboratory for 200 years - here are the results." The Conversation. 10 August 2023. [Emphasis added.]
Nations and companies are competing to appropriate the last piece of available “untapped” forest that can provide the most amount of “environmental services.” [...] When British Empire forestry was first established as a disciplinary practice in India, [...] it proscribed private interests and initiated a new system of forest management based on a logic of utilitarian [extraction] [...]. Rather than the actual survival of plants or animals, the goal of this forestry was focused on preventing the exhaustion of resource extraction. [...]
Text by: Daniel Fernandez and Alon Schwabe. "The Offsetted." e-flux Architecture (Positions). November 2013. [Emphasis added.]
At first glance, the statistics tell a hopeful story: Chile’s forests are expanding. […] On the ground, however, a different scene plays out: monocultures have replaced diverse natural forests [...]. At the crux of these [...] narratives is the definition of a single word: “forest.” [...] Pinochet’s wave of [...] [laws] included Forest Ordinance 701, passed in 1974, which subsidized the expansion of tree plantations [...] and gave the National Forestry Corporation control of Mapuche lands. This law set in motion an enormous expansion in fiber-farms, which are vast expanses of monoculture plantations Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus species grown for paper manufacturing and timber. [T]hese new plantations replaced native forests […]. According to a recent study in Landscape and Urban Planning, timber plantations expanded by a factor of ten from 1975 to 2007, and now occupy 43 percent of the South-central Chilean landscape. [...] While the confusion surrounding the definition of “forest” may appear to be an issue of semantics, Dr. Francis Putz [...] warns otherwise in a recent review published in Biotropica. […] Monoculture plantations are optimized for a single product, whereas native forests offer [...] water regulation, hosting biodiversity, and building soil fertility. [...][A]ccording to Putz, the distinction between plantations and native forests needs to be made clear. “[...] [A]nd the point that plantations are NOT forests needs to be made repeatedly [...]."
Text by: Julian Moll-Rocek. “When forests aren’t really forests: the high cost of Chile’s tree plantations.” Mongabay. 18 August 2014. [Emphasis added.]
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circeyoru · 3 months
The Spirit’s Favourite Human
[Human!Alastor x Spirit of the Forest!Reader]
Part 1 (here)
Part 2
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It started with a one-sided meeting. Your home, which was an old willow tree, was threatened by a waste product of some hunters in your forest. It was going to burn your home! But then another man, a hunter since he was holding the same weapons the other hunters would, picked up the cigarette and extinguished it
That started your interest in him
As the trees and birds would tell you, he was a frequent visitor to the forest. With your tiny stature, you could watch him while staying out of sight. You never dared to follow him out of the forest, however, since it would put you in danger. Whenever he was in the forest, you’d shrink yourself and travel by bird to watch the man that you learned was Alastor
The trees and bird told you something bizarre, though. Alastor would bring other people into the forest and bury them. You confirmed it as you sensed the sorrowful souls’ bodies screaming in agony and pain before they were whisked away to Heaven or Hell. Your duty was only to watch over and protect the forest, so matters of life and death of the humans mattered not to you
You made a habit of pushing the bodies deeper into the Earth, they were good fertiliser for the trees and insects in the ground, so you weren’t going to say no to that. You thought of it as gifts from Alastor. You were a Spirit, so how could you understand that killing another human being was frowned upon? In nature, death was as normal as the cycle of night and day
Once, you were alerted by the trees that Alastor was visiting but in danger. The birds told you he was being chased by a pack of dogs with clothes. So they were special ones that were trained. Alastor was your saviour and had done good to the forest more times than you can keep track of, so you naturally went to help him
The wind was on your side as the birds quickly brought you to where Alastor was. Wound and tired, he tried to keep his distance from the dogs behind him. You intercepted, appearing in your normal size (still smaller than Alastor by a head and then some). You blew mist at the dogs, disrupting their sense of smell with heavy pollen, then you grabbed Alastor and went deeper into the forest, you knew this place like the back of your hand, so you got the perfect hiding spot
In the tree hole, the two of you stayed quiet while waiting for the coast to be cleared. After a few moments or so, the trees told you you were safe and the dogs had left. You got out and stretched a bit, not used to being cramped up. You watched curiously as Alastor fell out, holding his body with his hands. He’s hurt. You got close to him, ignoring his words and healed him with the forest’s help
When it was done, you nodded at your handy work. You froze when Alastor grabbed your hand and kissed it, he thanked you and introduced himself
But all your mind registered was human touch! Bad! A gush of wind blew at Alastor, making him shut his eyes and you were gone when he opened his eyes again. He looked at his hand, empty
Back with you, you tried your best to calm down. Human contract was something you never had, sure you acted as spirit guides to lead lost children out of the forest, but never had you had physical touch from one. Now that you think about it, you held Alastor first. Ohhh… This was your problem…
From that day onwards, you avoided Alastor like the plague, if you know what that was, and only received news from your bird friends and the trees. Like before, you’d still push those bodies down down down. The only difference was the following closely was gone
And Alastor felt that. He treasured this forest very much, because it was the perfect place for him to hide the bodies. He noticed that the previously buried bodies were buried deeper than humanly possible, and it was surely not his doing. What’s more was if he didn’t mark it down, he would have missed the burial spot, it was hidden perfectly
Now that he knew of your existence and powers over the forest, he knew it was you who watched him whenever he was in the forest and helped him with his body hiding from the dogs and police. You were his perfect accomplice and you didn’t even know
He wanted to get to know you, to meet you more formally and professionally. Maybe you could solve much more problems he has. Like the marriage proposal that fills his mailbox or creates an alibi in case people are suspicious of him. There was so much potential that could benefit him!
“Darling! Lady of the Forest!” Alastor shouted as he tried to get you to show yourself. He’d been trying to meet you since that day you rescued him, but you were nowhere to be found
He turned to more desperate and drastic measures, like putting himself in danger or appearing to be in a life or death situation to get you to act. You were saving him from dogs last time, so the same logic should do this time
It doesn’t 
So he tried something else
Mimzy became the perfect piece of the puzzle. Her being all over him, too much for his comfort. But his efforts are bearing fruit as he felt your familiar stare, though with envy and malice now
You were beyond confused at the feeling you had. It was fiery and twisted, also foreign to you and not something you’ll feel usually. Then again this Alastor had been making you feel a lot more than what you’re used to
You literally teleported to where Alastor and the other human was when your friends of the forest told you the news. Oh how livid you were when you saw the other human all over Alastor
Were they enjoying their time together? The first is a lovely place for intimate moments. You have seen pairs come into the forest to do some questionable actions, but you just stay clear of the place
For some reason, Alastor and that human do the same made you want to order the wolves to devour that stupid human
But then you were destroyed by Alastor’s actions. A human dressed like her would not just go to this forest, he was the one that brought her here. So you backed away from the pair. Perhaps it was because you avoided him that he lost interest in you and picked someone of his race 
No no no no no! Your stare was losing its intensity and ill will! Why? It was going so well too! He couldn’t help it and acted before anything, before your presence and stare were gone
Your eyes widened at the blood-curdling scream echoed. When you turned around, the human was lying down and crying, Alastor was stabbing a knife at her chest repeatedly while the blood pooled beneath them 
You didn’t even realize you stepped in his line of sight until his eyes met yours. This hunter didn’t just hunt the creatures of the forest, he hunted the other faces of his race
There you were. Finally, in front of him again. It took him a while, but the wait was worth it, given your divine beauty. He’d go as far as to say you’re a goddess! 
“My dearest, it has been a while.” He greeted with a smile as he ignored the body below him that was one of his closest friends
You opened your mouth, but then closed it. Though you understand human language, you couldn’t communicate in it
So you only nodded your head with a small smile. Telepathically, your honey-sweet voice echoed in his head, even with the distortion like an unresponsive radio, he understood, “Greetings to you as well, Alastor.”
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Note: Experimenting on posting writings. Format might change in the future. cause this is the first time I've done this (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Circe Y.
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saltydkdan · 4 months
Why...why do you care about the homeless? I don't understand...
The homeless problem could easily be solved by either A. sending them to animal killing plantations & using the corpses for fertiliser. Or B. Sending them to a prison adjacent system where they'll partake in mandatory labour. It's also important to discourage homelessness by converting homeless shelters into something more productive, like police stations. Not only are these options beneficial in every aspect but they'll help the economy one way or another.
Now, before you call me inhumane or unhinged, let me tell you this: At the end of the day, being homeless is a choice. These "people" were born into our society & we offered them a chance to live comfortably. But instead of working an extra job or spending less money on something else to pay a bill, they spat at society's kindness & decided to be a burden, tell me, why should these "people" have the right to freedom if they reject everything we offer? Hell being homeless is incredibly easy to get out of too, jobs that require no skills are free, sure its an upwards hill that takes a ridiculous amount of effort but they should've thought of that when they decided to throw their future away, you reap what you sow, its only natural that being homeless is a struggle for class traitors.
Besdies, do these "people" care that they're an eyesore? No, we shouldn't have sympathy for "people" who can't even help themselves. instead of working to redeem their privileges to live comfortably they'd rather beg to hard working civilians like leeches, use the money that children in their ignorance give them to buy drugs (while being a massive contributer to the black market) & just sit in alleyways doing nothing.
These are the true consequences of what happens when "people" decide to be lazy. They're a waste of the gift of life that had no right to be born. These "people" are a disease to our society & like any disease its only our natural response & duty to wipe it out.
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ikemoths · 5 months
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Brimstone Moths :3
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These cute pastel yellow moths are pretty unmistakeable, they're small but vibrant in colour :) there is one species of butterfly somewhat simmilar to them, but: - theyre butterflies - they fly during the day while brimestone moths fly at night
they pose no agricultural threat so they're just sweet lil guys for us to admire!
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Foraging, Growing and Gardening Tip: Elder Leaf Decoction
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One problem I did not realise I had in the Kitchen Garden, was rodents. It seems silly really, that it didn’t occur to me sooner, for that might have explained the utter disaster of last year’s garden pea crop and why every time I have been sowing in the Lasagna Garden and parsnips and turnips and salsify started sprouting, their tiny leaves (actually cotyledons) were eaten the next day, the soil showing visible signs of trampling. But it wasn’t until I actually saw a little vole (or was is a mouse?) dashing down the edge of the Veg Patch and into the neighbour’s gardnen that I understood the damage! 
What to do then? I would certainly not use traps or anything that would kill them. But I can’t let them spoil my efforts with their greed. Another time, I saw a couple of them perilously hang over the bucket of Nettle Soup, to drink from it! So, watering my growing seedlings with it, as I do, doesn’t seem to deter them.
Thus, I read, and found that they find the smell of boiled elder leaves particularly repulsive, and that a decoction made with those is also a great natural fertiliser! Two birds with one stone, then! I picked up my basket and went to the woods.
I found “my” elder trees, and cut a few --berry-free, I shall come back in the Summer when they are black and ripe, and forage a few to make jam!-- branches full of leaves (see there, how to identify black elders (sambucus nigra) and how to make Elderflower Cordial too!)
Back home, I removed the leaves from the branches and weighed them. 200 grams/7 ounces of elder leaves, which I put into a large pot and covered with 4 litres/4 quarts of water. I let them soak for twenty-four hours.
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After a day of saoking, I put the pot on the stove over a medium flame, and covered with a lid. After the first boil, I let the mixture simmer for half an hour. Then, removed the lid, increased the heat to medium-high, and let it boil for another fifteen minutes. It does have a rather unpleasant smell, so I hope it will be efficient. I removed from the heat and let the mixture cool completely, and soak a little longer overnight.
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The following day, I strained it thoroughly, keeping the boiled leaves. It makes about 2.25 litres/4.7 pints Elder Leaf Decoction.
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Then,  poured the Elder Leaf Decoction in a garden pump sprayer, and sprayed it all over the Kitchen Garden, over the growing garden pea and sugar snap pea seedlings, over the and the, over the beetroots, and the freshly planted kale seedlings, over the potatoes, over the Beans and the Squashes, and over the sprouting Parsnips, turnips and salsify and the Bell Peppers in the Lasagna Garden. I used the boiled leaf to make a border around the garden pea and sugar snap pea beds, in addition to my Slug-Repelling Coffee Ground borders!
I have some leftover, so I shall do it again, if necessary. When the peas and beans I’v just sown directly are sprouting, for instance. This Decocotion is as good for the vegetables as it is unpalatable to rodents apparently. Here’s hoping!
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cherrygenshin · 11 months
Obey Me! Rut HC's
Warnings: SMUT! 18+! MINORS DNI! Breeding, that's about it lol, it's pretty tame for smut.
GN reader
Smut under the cut!
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His rut lasts a bit longer than most demons, usually goes for one or two weeks.
Wouldn't really want you involved due to the fact his nature can be a tad uncontrollable during his rut, but will let you aid him if you insist.
His pride goes absolutely wild during his ruts. He doesn't normally mark you? Now he does. He doesn't normally like the idea of people watching? Now he'll take you anywhere, even if people are around.
Also becomes very possessive. Watch out if he smells one of his brothers on you, you WILL be punished.
Likes it when you're loud and will purposefully try to make you scream, he wants his brothers to hear who's pleasing you so well.
Actually uses LESS dirty talk while he's in his rut. His brain is filled with thoughts of breeding you and bringing himself pleasure, he doesn't really have the mental capacity to think of sexy things to say.
On that note, in place of where he'd usually talk, he grunts and groans.
Even though his brain is telling him to breed, he's not that keen on the idea of kids. He already has 6 brothers to look after, does he really need more responsibility?
In the short periods where his strong urges reside, he will make sure to be incredibly attentive to you, making sure you're staying hydrated, smothering you in kisses and praise of how well you're doing for him.
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His rut is normally pretty short, only lasting 4 or so days.
He's demenor doesn't really change too much, he's pretty horny in general so you're used to being pulled aside for a quickie when he needs one.
Actually makes a little nest in his room, piling his blankets, pillows, shirts, and anything of yours he can find all together.
Unlike Lucifer, he will purposefully seek you out and ask for your help during his ruts. You're his human, you're both in this together!
Like glue to your side, in the small moments you're not fucking like rabbits he will be at your side, touching you in some way. Makes him more domestic??
Becomes slightly more subby, will beg much faster than usual and will whine/cry when reaching his climax.
DIRTY TALK KING?? "Fuck yes, gonna fill you up" "Wanna take my cum baby? Yeah you do." "Gonna breed you, gonna make y' nice and full with my seed."
Can't keep his fucking mouth shut, not that you mind.
Like Lucifer, he is an aftercare king. He's canonically really caring in general, and thankfully his rut doesn't take away from that. You're his special human, he needs to make sure you're okay :)
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Poor baby gets hit HARD, his ruts last for two or more weeks.
He won't approach you for help, you'll have to seek him out and offer to help him. Maybe even have to beg him to let you help him. Poor boy is just so embarrassed!
When he eventually agrees to letting you help, be prepared to not leave his room for days on end.
Nest King 👑 Fills his little tub up with all of his body pillows (and maybe he's got one of your panties hidden in amongst the pillows) it gets so full you can't even tell there's a bathtub under all that mess.
His tail will be wrapped around you 24/7, even when you're not busy going at it.
Gets very possessive, but in a quiet way? He won't openly tell you he's unhappy that --- spoke to you, but there will be signs.
Has two dicks for a reason, one lays eggs and one fertilises them.
The idea of you carrying his eggs drives him absolutely insane, he will cum at just the thought of you with your belly swollen with his eggs.
Loud, like, ridiculously loud. You know the way pornstars moan like they're receiving the best pleasure they've ever received the moment they get touched?? That's Levi.
Even though he's the one breeding you, he still begs when he's close to climax. "Please lemme fill you up!" "Please, please take my cum!"
Unfortunately bb boy isn't big on aftercare, he barely takes care of himself so it may be up to you to make sure you're both hydrated and well fed. He appreciates you very much though and will be sure to tell you.
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thedansemacabres · 3 months
Introduction To Supporting Sustainable Agriculture For Witches and Pagans
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[ID: An image of yellow grain stocks, soon to be harvested. The several stocks reach towards a blurred open sky, focusing the camera on he grains themselves. The leaves of the grains are green and the cereals are exposed].
PAGANISM AND WITCHCRAFT ARE MOVEMENTS WITHIN A SELF-DESTRUCTIVE CAPITALIST SOCIETY. As the world becomes more aware of the importance of sustainability, so does the duty of humanity to uphold the idea of the steward, stemming from various indigenous worldviews, in the modern era. I make this small introduction as a viticulturist working towards organic and environmentally friendly grape production. I also do work on a food farm, as a second job—a regenerative farm, so I suppose that is my qualifications. Sustainable—or rather regenerative agriculture—grows in recognition. And as paganism and witchcraft continue to blossom, learning and supporting sustainability is naturally a path for us to take. I will say that this is influenced by I living in the USA, however, there are thousands of groups across the world for sustainable agriculture, of which tend to be easy to research.
So let us unite in caring for the world together, and here is an introduction to supporting sustainable/regenerative agriculture. 
Sustainable agriculture, in truth, is a movement to practise agriculture as it has been done for thousands of years—this time, with more innovation from science and microbiology especially. The legal definition in the USA of sustainable agriculture is: 
The term ”sustainable agriculture” (U.S. Code Title 7, Section 3103) means an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will over the long-term:
A more common man’s definition would be farming in a way that provides society’s food and textile needs without overuse of natural resources, artificial supplements and pest controls, without compromising the future generation’s needs and ability to produce resources. The agriculture industry has one of the largest and most detrimental impacts on the environment, and sustainable agriculture is the alternative movement to it. 
Sustainable agriculture also has the perk of being physically better for you—the nutrient quality of crops in the USA has dropped by 47%, and the majority of our food goes to waste. Imagine if it was composted and reused? Or even better—we buy only what we need. We as pagans and witches can help change this. 
The first step is buying organic. While cliche, it does work: organic operations have certain rules to abide by, which excludes environmentally dangerous chemicals—many of which, such as DDT, which causes ecological genocide and death to people. Organic operations have to use natural ways of fertilising, such as compost, which to many of us—such as myself—revere the cycle of life, rot, and death. Organic standards do vary depending on the country, but the key idea is farming without artificial fertilisers, using organic seeds, supplementing with animal manure, fertility managed through management practices, etc. 
However, organic does have its flaws. Certified organic costs many, of which many small farmers cannot afford. The nutrient quality of organic food, while tending to be better, is still poor compared to regeneratively grown crops. Furthermore, the process to become certified organic is often gruelling—you can practise completely organically, but if you are not certified, it is not organic. Which, while a quality control insurance, is both a bonus and a hurdle. 
Moving from organic is joining a CSA (“Community supported agriculture”). The USDA defines far better than I could: 
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), one type of direct marketing, consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community’s farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production.
By purchasing a farm share, you receive food from the farm for the agreed upon production year. I personally enjoy CSAs for the relational aspect—choosing a CSA is about having a relationship, not only with the farmer(s), but also the land you receive food from. I volunteer for my CSA and sometimes I get extra cash from it—partaking in the act of caring for the land. Joining a CSA also means taking your precious capital away from the larger food industry and directly supporting growers—and CSAs typically practise sustainable and/or regenerative agriculture. 
CSAs are also found all over the world and many can deliver their products to food deserts and other areas with limited agricultural access. I volunteer from time to time for a food bank that does exactly that with the produce I helped grow on the vegetable farm I work for. 
Another way of personally connecting to sustainable agriculture is entering the realm of the farm stall. The farmer’s market is one of my personal favourite experiences—people buzzing about searching for ingredients, smiles as farmers sell crops and products such as honey or baked goods, etc. The personal connection stretches into the earth, and into the past it buries—as I purchase my apples from the stall, I cannot help but see a thousand lives unfold. People have been doing this for thousands of years and here I stand, doing it all over again. 
Farmers’ markets are dependent on your local area, yet in most you can still develop personal community connections. Paganism often stresses community as an ideal and a state of life. And witchcraft often stresses a connection to the soil. What better place, then, is purchasing the products from the locals who commune with the land? 
If you are able to, I absolutely recommend volunteering. I have worked with aquaponic systems, food banks, farms, cider-making companies, soil conservation groups, etc. There is so much opportunity—and perhaps employment—in these fields. The knowledge I have gained has been wonderful. As one example, I learned that fertilisers reduce carbon sequestration as plants absorb carbon to help with nutrient intake. If they have all their nutrients ready, they do not need to work to obtain carbon to help absorb it. This does not even get into the symbiotic relationship fungi have with roots, or the world of hyphae. Volunteering provides community and connection. Actions and words change the world, and the world grows ever better with help—including how much or how little you may provide. It also makes a wonderful devotional activity. 
Buying from farmers is not always easy, however. Produce often has to be processed, requiring labour and work with some crops such as carrots. Other times, it is a hard effort to cook and many of us—such as myself—often have very limited energy. There are solutions to this, thankfully:
Many farmers can and will process foods. Some even do canning, which can be good to stock up on food and lessen the energy inputs. 
Value-added products: farms also try to avoid waste, and these products often become dried snacks if fruit, frozen, etc. 
Asking farmers if they would be open to accommodating this. Chances are, they would! The farmer I purchase my CSA share from certainly does. 
Going to farmers markets instead of buying a CSA, aligning with your energy levels. 
And if any of your purchased goods are going unused, you can always freeze them. 
Agricultural gods are often neglected. Even gods presiding over agriculture often do not have those aspects venerated—Dionysos is a god of viticulture and Apollon a god of cattle. While I myself love Dionysos as a party and wine god, the core of him remains firmly in the vineyards and fields, branching into the expanses of the wild. I find him far more in the curling vines as I prune them than in the simple delights of the wine I ferment. Even more obscure gods, such as Veia, the Etruscan goddess of agriculture, are seldom known.
Persephone receives the worst of this: I enjoy her too as a dread queen, and people do acknowledge her as Kore, but she is far more popular as the queen of the underworld instead of the dear daughter of Demeter. I do understand this, though—I did not feel the might of Demeter and Persephone until I began to move soil with my own hands. A complete difference to the ancient world, where the Eleusinian mysteries appealed to thousands. Times change, and while some things should be left to the past, our link to these gods have been severed. After all, how many of us reading know where our food comes from? I did not until I began to purchase from the land I grew to know personally. The grocery store has become a land of tearing us from the land, instead of the food hub it should be.
Yet, while paganism forgets agriculture gods, they have not forgotten us. The new world of farming is more conductive and welcoming than ever. I find that while older, bigoted people exist, the majority of new farmers tend to be LGBT+. My own boss is trans and aro, and I myself am transgender and gay. The other young farmers I know are some flavour of LGBT+, or mixed/poc. There’s a growing movement for Black farmers, elaborated in a lovely text called We Are Each Other’s Harvest. 
Indigenous farming is also growing and I absolutely recommend buying from indigenous farmers. At this point, I consider Demeter to be a patron of LGBT+ people in this regard—she gives an escape to farmers such as myself. Bigotry is far from my mind under her tender care, as divine Helios shines above and Okeanos’ daughters bring fresh water to the crops. Paganism is also more commonly accepted—I find that farmers find out that I am pagan and tell me to do rituals for their crops instead of reacting poorly. Or they’re pagan themselves; a farmer I know turned out to be Wiccan and uses the wheel of the year to keep track of production. 
Incorporating these divinities—or concepts surrounding them—into our crafts and altars is the spiritual step towards better agriculture. Holy Demeter continues to guide me, even before I knew it. 
If you want change in the world, you have to act. And if you wish for better agriculture, there is always the chance to do it yourself. Sustainable agriculture is often far more accessible than people think: like witchcraft and divination, it is a practice. Homesteading is often appealing to many of us, including myself, and there are plenty of resources to begin. There are even grants to help one improve their home to be more sustainable, i.e. solar panels. Gardening is another, smaller option. Many of us find that plants we grow and nourish are far more potentant in craft, and more receptive to magical workings. 
Caring for plants is fundamental to our natures and there are a thousand ways to delve into it. I personally have joined conservation groups, my local soil conservation group, work with the NRCs in the USA, and more. The path to fully reconnecting to nature and agriculture is personal—united in a common cause to fight for this beautiful world. To immerse yourself in sustainable agriculture, I honestly recommend researching and finding your own path. Mine lies in soil and rot, grapevines and fruit trees. Others do vegetables and cereal grains, or perhaps join unions and legislators. Everyone has a share in the beauty of life, our lives stemming from the land’s gentle sprouts. 
Questions and or help may be given through my ask box on tumblr—if there is a way I can help, let me know. My knowledge is invaluable I believe, as I continue to learn and grow in the grey-clothed arms of Demeter, Dionysos, and Kore. 
Baszile, N. (2021). We are each other’s harvest. HarperCollins.
Hatley, J. (2016). Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and the teachings of plants. Environmental Philosophy, 13(1), 143–145. https://doi.org/10.5840/envirophil201613137
Regenerative Agriculture 101. (2021, November 29). https://www.nrdc.org/stories/regenerative-agriculture-101#what-is
And in truth, far more than I could count. 
Community Supported Agriculture | National Agricultural Library. (n.d.). https://www.nal.usda.gov/farms-and-agricultural-production-systems/community-supported-agriculture
Navazio, J. (2012). The Organic seed Grower: A Farmer’s Guide to Vegetable Seed Production. Chelsea Green Publishing.
Plaster, E. (2008). Soil Science and Management. Cengage Learning.
Sheaffer, C. C., & Moncada, K. M. (2012). Introduction to agronomy: food, crops, and environment. Cengage Learning.
Sheldrake, M. (2020). Entangled life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures. Random House.
Sustainable Agriculture | National Agricultural Library. (n.d.). https://www.nal.usda.gov/farms-and-agricultural-production-systems/sustainable-agriculture
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Lately I've been reading "Drawdown", by Paul Hawken et al, a comprehensive set of strategies for tackling the climate crisis. Your Cambrian Wildwoods post reminded me of one of the solutions - Silvopasture, from the Latin for 'Forest Grazing'.
Essentially it means proposing to farmers that a portion of land be forested and that their animals freely graze there. It can be extremely flexible - planting trees in existing pasture, thinning down woodland to allow for forage growth, using trees as natural fencing, and more.
It's got good potential for carbon capture, and also for saving farmers money in feed and fertiliser, creating better conditions for livestock by keeping them in the shade, and potentially providing secondary income sources in fruit, nuts, etc.
What do you think of it as a potential avenue for Welsh farming? The focus in "Drawdown" is on cattle farming, but I don't see any reason not to trial it with sheep - especially since it could be spun as a hybrid of both aspects of traditional culture...
("Drawdown" also emphasises peer-to-peer uptake through word-of-mouth, rather than being pushed by outsiders.)
Oh, yes - it's basically what they did at Pontbren. That was a farmer-led initiative - one of the big expenses with sheep farming is having to bring them into barns over the winter and supply all feed, but traditionally they'd have stayed out all year. So these farmers got together and went, "How do we ethically and sustainably reduce this expense?"
What they realised is that they were paying for (a) the government-enforced decision post-WW2 to swap to high-yield breeds of sheep that weren't suited to the Welsh climate and topography (i.e. wet as fuck and mostly vertical), and (b) the decline of traditional hedgerow management and shelterbelts. And so the dream was born.
They contacted the Woodland Trust purely to act in an advisory capacity - they wanted to know which trees would be best, and where. They could take much land out of production, but the beauty of hedgerows and shelterbelts is that they're linear features that replace your fences. That was how environmentalists got on board - we were invited, and we remembered that. We were therefore allowed to do a couple of experiments as it progressed, such as testing the infiltration rates of rain into groundwater rather than run-off and comparing it between hedgerow fields and fence fields. Meanwhile, the farmers replaced their stock with native breeds - I believe mostly Welsh Mountain Sheep, which look amazing:
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Ain't no rain getting in THAT.
Anyway, a few strategically placed shelterbelts and hedgerows later and:
The sheep can now safely stay out all year round, excepting storms
The sheep are actually healthier and have higher welfare standards
Floods have reduced thanks to higher infiltration rates
Soil erosion is reduced so the fields and river are healthier
The farmers have saved money
The farmers are now making extra money, because they started a tree nursery and sell trees as a side project
You can read multiple publications on it here
So yes! Silvipasture is actually a huge tool for the future that we need to be embracing, as is agroforestry for arable farming, and the frustrating/hopeful part of it is, these are tools we used to use. This isn't new knowledge - it's forgotten knowledge that we need to reclaim. But even aside from the immediate benefits, it also has massive implications for resilience in a world with a warming climate, and we need to do it faster.
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