#pregnant mummy baby alive
rudrjobdesk · 2 years
दुनिया की पहली गर्भवती ममी की मौत के राज से उठ गया पर्दा, वैज्ञानिक भी जानकर हो गए हैरान
दुनिया की पहली गर्भवती ममी की मौत के राज से उठ गया पर्दा, वैज्ञानिक भी जानकर हो गए हैरान
पुराने वक्त में मिस्र (Egypt mummy research) के लोग किसी के मर जाने पर उनके शरीर को केमिकल और कपड़ों की मदद से बांधकर तब दफनाते थे. इस तरह वो लाश को ममी बना देते थे. हजारों सालों बाद आज का मानव उन्हीं ममीज को खोजकर उनके ऊपर रिसर्च कर रहा है जिससे जुड़ी कई चौंकाने वाली बातें सामने आती रहती हैं मगर अब जिस राज ने वैज्ञानिकों को चौंका दिया है वो एक प्रेग्नेंट ममी (World first pregnant mummy) से जुड़ा…
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rose-of-the-grave · 3 days
First Day of School
Pairing: Lily x James
This was requested by @jake26786, hope you enjoy! As always I'm the author (please don't repost).
Masterlist. Read on Ao3
Warnings: fluff, nerves, Lily and James live, idk
Word Count: 583
Description: It's Harry's first day of kindergarten and he's nervous. Luckily he has an amazing mom.
Taglist: @sylveryfire, @jake26786
Lily stood in the kitchen, eating breakfast while she watched James play with Harry. He was zooming around on the small broom that Sirius had sent, making James try to catch him. It was his first day of kindergarten today which was hard to believe. Her baby boy was growing up so fast.
It felt like only yesterday she had found out she was pregnant and now here they were, a happy little family. She smiled softly, watching the two people that she loved most in the world goof around. It was at times like these that she thanked Merlin that they were all alive to see this, Lily couldn’t imagine Harry growing up without his parents. She couldn’t fathom it.
James looked over at her from where he was currently holding their cat who was wriggling around, not wanting to be held. He smiled at her and she remembered. After they were both sorted into Gryffindor she had watched how closely he had bonded with his friends, their matching grins of mischief. The same grin of his that she had started to fall for once they became friends. And now he’s her husband and they have a kid. The girl she used to be would never have believed it. But they had both grown up and changed.
Harry came flying back into the living room, distracting James long enough for their new cat to jump out of his arms. She watched fondly as James gave chase again.
Her heart felt like it was about to burst with happiness watching them all together. She wished that they could just stay here in this moment forever. Harry zooming around on his broom away from James while giggling with glee.
Looking over at the clock she realized that they were running late.
“Harry, we need to go!”
Ten minutes later Harry was in the backseat and Lily was kissing James goodbye.
“Love you, Lils.” He said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.
“Love you too!” Walking over to the car, she got in. As she backed out of the driveway she yelled, “See you later!”
He waved until they were out of eyesight.
Harry’s excitement and upbeat attitude slowly disappeared the closer they got to the school and Lily got worried. It was just nerves she told herself. He was going to be fine.
She got out of the car and walked around to open Harry’s door for him. He jumped out but immediately wrapped his arm around her legs.
“Mummy… I don't want to go.” Harry said, hugging her tightly.
She brushed his hair out of his face, attempting to reassure him, “Harry my sweetheart. I know it's scary, starting kindergarten. I was scared too, but I soon got used to it.”
“Y-You’ll be here to pick me up?” Harry asked timidly. His green eyes looked up into hers.
“Of course.” Lily promised. “I’ll be here waiting right when school ends and we’ll go for ice cream or something.”
That pulled a smile out of him, showing off his newly lost tooth. He had been so proud. Lily was glad that it had been painless, she remembered when she lost her first tooth. It had hurt so bad and she had been crying so much. Her older sister had comforted her like she was doing now for Harry. She walked with him to the door and watched as he found another kid to sit next to. He was going to be just fine.
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celestialseawitch-ff · 2 months
May stepped through the door and almost cried out at the sight of Peter alive and well in a hospital bed with Tony at his side. They were cuddled together on the hospital bed, Peter tucked into Tony’s side. His torso was wrapped in bandages. Tony had a few cuts on his face. His arm was in a sling.
They both looked up and two matching sets of big brown eyes immediately met her own.
“Oh my god,” May gasped. She raced to the bed as Benji squealed for his daddy. May all but tossed Benji into Tony’s lap as she pulled Peter into her arms.
“Is that a baby-? Oh! Hi, May. I’m okay. I swear, I’m okay.”
“You look like a mummy.” She pressed a kiss to his head and then another and another. “Oh my god, sweetie. I love you. I love you so much.”
Peter clung to her a bit. “It’s really- five years?”
May pulled back fractionally. She smoothed his curls down. “Hi, honey.”
“Hi.” He glanced at Benji and back. “Did you have a baby?”
Tony turned Benji on his lap to face Peter. “This is your brother, Benji. Benji, this is Peter. Can you say Peter?”
Tony turned to Peter. “Tough luck, kid. You’re Pee now.”
Peter tilted his head as he studied the baby. He turned to Tony and then to May. “Oh my god,” he breathed. “Oh my god.”
“He conned me into marrying him,” May said.
“Because I’m a genius,” Tony scoffed.
“And he got me pregnant so I couldn’t run away.”
“Oh my god,” Peter said again. He stared at the baby with wide eyes. “Uh, hi? Benji?”
“Short for Benjamin.”
Peter’s face softened. “That’s nice.”
“We thought so,” Tony agreed.
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americas1suiteheart · 10 months
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Here's that Dad! Lemon x Reader, I hope you don't mind it being put into the form of headcannons and it being a Fem reader, but its all my brain can really do, aka; I've been getting a little lazy and headcannons and a fem reader are easiest and quicker.
Lemon As A Dad
[Dad! Lemon x Fem! Reader]
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[Tumblr ruined the quality of my gif again🙄]
[Notes; This is the only Fem reader i'll probably make only because it was easier to do so.. For the sake of all of my bullet train fics of the twins, let's pretend that Tan is still alive because I don’t need reminders that he died🤭]
[Warnings; None, just more fluff. •❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅•
When you both find out you're pregnant, he's a whole mess of emotions. He's happy and ecstatic, he's scared, he's freaking out but totally calm all at the same time.
He immediately calls Tangerine to tell him and I can imagine he's just fumbling over his words and such due to the excitement. Tan is trying to calm him over the phone so he can form coherent words and its just not working so you take the phone and talk to him about it so that way Tan doesn't start to yell at him due to his short fuse.
Tan is extremely happy for you two, he probably would take you guys a basket of sorts. Just things to get everything started off.
I think Tan and maybe your parents and siblings if you have them would be the only ones to know. You two being assassins and all doesn't really mean you get to have friends outside of your job. Maybe if you're cool with ladybug, he might know, but apart from that it just stays inside of family.
He's already thinking of names and such, making an entire list of them in fact. You find it so cute how excited he is.
You have no choice or say so when it comes to the nursery, because you just know its gonna be Thomas and Friends decorated no matter what you say.
I think he'd be very protective. Making sure no one in public is overwhelming you when your bump is visible.
He will punch someone if he has to, no joke.
He is such a boy dad. Say you see what gender the baby is and it turns out to be a boy hes just beaming with joy. I'm not saying he wouldn't like having a girl, but he seems like such a boy dad, y'know what I mean?
He would 100% constantly be talking to your belly. Making you watch Thomas and friends with him too as if the kid could see it with you two.
"How are you doing in there little man," "Not much longer until your out of mummy's belly, kiddo. I'm so excited to meet you."
He's freaking out the entire time you're going through labor.
You're like, screaming absolute pain, then he's screaming too.
You truly love Lemon but he's not much help for you as he's loud and probably more scared than you. He'd have a panic attack.💀
After the kiddo's out and he holds him in his arms, he's full on crying tears of joy it's incredible. He loves him so much.
When it comes to naming the kid though💀
"You two have a name in mind for him?" The nurse asks, smiling.
Lemon looks at you with a pleading look as you're holding your newborn in your arms.
"We're not naming him after a fuckin' Thomas and Friends character." You say sternly.
"We need some time to think about it," Lemon says looking back at the Nurse.
Eventually you give in and decide on Edward. I feel it would either have been between Edward or Percy.
Oh man just wait until Tangerine finds out about the kid being named after a Thomas and Friends character.
He's not upset about it because its not his kid or something he can control, but he's just a little bit disappointed you gave in to Lemon.
"Alright love, you can go on in, I'll get Edward alright," Lemon says, opening the car door for you and helping you out.
You had just been allowed to be discharged from the hospital, and you and Lemon planned to immediately head home and have Tangerine over to meet Edward.
You smile at him in response and head on inside of your shared home.
You go inside of your bedroom and change out of your current clothes into some comfier ones.
Once you finish, you walk into the nursery where Lemon was putting Edward into a Thomas and Friends onsie, grinning widely.
"Lookin' dashing kiddo! Let's go and show mummy now," Lemon says, picking him up carefully, making sure to hold is little head up.
He turns around with Edward in his arms and smiles even wider when he sees you standing at the doorway.
"Look at him, love. Doesn't he just look adorable in this," Lemon says excitingly.
"You can relax on the couch with Edward while I clean up darling, don't worry," He says, carefully handing you Edward and guiding you to sit on the couch.
"He looks great, Lem. Let's get the living area situated though, Tan should be coming over soon." You say, laughing warmly at the sight of the two boys.
You tear up a little looking at them, Lemon's already such a great dad.
You would protest but it would be no use, as it would only lead to Lemon forcing you to relax no matter what.
You we're grateful for that. You knew that some dad's would have their wives do all the work whilst taking care of the child sometimes, just sitting on their arse and being a useless piece of shit. You were glad that Lemon was the complete opposite. Stubborn, even.
Lemon cleans the living area as you sit down on the couch with Edward, admiring how much he looks like Lemon.
*Knock, knock, knock*
"That must be Tangerine," You say, looking up at the door as Lemon looks through the peephole, confirming.
"Hey Y/n, how are you doing?" Tangerine asks, sitting next to you on the side where you were holding Edward.
He opens the door to let Tangerine in, greeting him.
Tangerine thanks Lemon and immediately walks towards you and Edward, a large grin on his face.
"I'm doing better now, just a little tired but Lemon has been a great help," You reply.
"Thats great, how's the little one been doing so far?"
"He's been doing good. He's 7 pounds and healthy, there were no complications other than Lemon freaking out at the hospital while I was in labor." You and Tangerine snicker.
Lemon glares at you from the kitchen as he stocked the cupboards with baby bottles.
"Whats his name,"
You give a look towards Lemon and look down at Edward who was currently sleeping.
"I swear to fuckin' god if you two named him after a Thomas and Friends character," He says as he looks at Lemon.
"Its Edward," Lemon says, clearing his throat afterwards.
"Fucks sake you two are unbelievable, this poor kid," Tangerine scoffs jokingly.
Honestly though, Tangerine is such a good uncle. When I tell you its almost like he's there constantly.
When Tangerine isn't busy and you and Lemon just want a day to yourselves as a break, he's more than happy to take care of him.
Tangerine would 100% buy him a matching West Ham Football Jersey.
During football season, Tangerine is holding Edward and when the team makes a goal he's just running around with Edward in his arms in the living area as it fills with the sounds of Edward's giggling and Tangerine's cheering.
Tangerine genuinely loves him so much and would probably do anything for him.
When you go back to work and Lemon or Tangerine aren't available to babysit then Ladybug would definitely be down to do so.
Lemon is very obviously against the idea at first but seeing as you have no one else to do so that you trust, he finally gives in to the idea.
I feel Ladybug would just be great with kids too man, know what I'm saying?
Lemon would probably cry when the kid starts going to school and you know it.
Like, he's tearing up trying not to let any tears fall as Edward is hugging him, and he finally breaks when he hears the little "Bye, daddy!"
You have to calm him down the whole ride back.
He immediately wants another kid because the thought of his kid growing up scares him so much.
Lemon is just such a genuinely good dad though. Growing up without parents in the orphanage he wants to give his kid a better childhood than he had.
He would totally kill anyone if the kid ended up getting hurt or is in danger no hesitation at all.
This was a little shorter than I would've liked but I think it was still decent. I just really needed to put some writing content out and get my drafts cleaned up. Hope you enjoyed reading it though!
Send in your requests for stories! Look at my introduction to see if anything you like is something I'll write, and DM me for further questions!
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harrysballerinahouse · 10 months
Dadarry, LOT Harryxfem reader
Fluff, little stressy bits
Love on tour is in the last four months of shows.
You had been by Harry’s side every step of the way. Through cancelling shows due to the pandemic to seeing him come alive at Coachella to seeing him cry tears of joy at Maddison Square. You’d been there for all of it highs and lows, ups and downs.
You’d been there for each other marrying in a tiny ceremony in 2020 with only the nearest and dearest present, to carrying your first pregnancy whilst on the road with Harry, to giving birth in a foreign country just to be whisked off to the next stop mere days later separated from your husband due to your inability to fly with a newborn. The final straw was being halfway through your second pregnancy and still being on the road with Harry.
Everything had piled up over the last couple of years. You were ready for a break. Despite your undying love for your husband you needed a break. Deep down you knew Harry did too and you knew he knew this.
Being on the road 24/7 was not the life you wanted for your babies nor was it the life that Harry had envisioned for them but your first positive pregnancy test had appeared a little sooner than expected after stopping your birth control. But both you and Harry were firm believers in taking what ever the world was to throw at your in your stride, which is what you did. A short nine months later your little boy was brought into the world with his Daddy at your side each step of the way.
You could never argue that Harry was an absent father and partner because in truth, he wasn’t. He was just busy providing for his family in a non conventional way and you couldn’t have been prouder of him. So when you told him you were pregnant again you couldn’t help but feel guilty, like you were taking a part of his career from him because you would need him more.
Harry had always reassured you ‘we’ll have a nice long break as a family after the tour’ then he would add more shows or book events or award shows or even acting gigs. You were getting frustrated and your growing belly was not helping the situation.
So when you had gotten your son settled for the night after one of Harry’s shows you couldn’t help but curl up into a ball in the hotel room bed fighting off your own tears and sleep as your husband was showering the night off.
You felt the edge of the bed dip as Harry snuggled up to your wrapping an arm around you running his hand over your belly before placing a chaste kiss to your shoulder “y’wake pet?” He whispers softly to which you nod the tiniest bit “y’ok?” He asks placing another kiss to your shoulder. You simply nod closing your eyes not wanting to have this conversation with Harry now.
You sigh rolling over snuggling closer to Harry his hand moving to rub circles into your lower back. You hum softly not realising how tense your back was. Harry places some soft kisses to your forehead and nose “I love you sweetheart, Y’know if you need to talk I’m here” he whispers causing you to smile a little “I love you too H, thank you” you look up at him before leaning across placing your lips onto his. For a long time even before you knew Harry, you’d struggled with opening up about your emotions in fear that it would mean you’d lose everything but Harry had always been incredibly patient with you, never pushed and was always supportive if you needed time.
Harry tries to pull you closer but your belly bumps his own causing him to chuckle lightly. You smile hearing the chuckle leave his lips. You hadn’t heard it much lately but it was still music to your ears. You eventually drift off in Harry’s arms him doing the same. You only stirred at around 6am the next morning when your son Greyson was babbling for his mummy.
You shuffle out of Harry’s arms and waddle to the cot lifting Greyson from it kissing his cheek “good morning sweet boy” you smile. You quickly change his nappy before placing him into bed next to his father while you went to the bathroom.
On your return you find Harry laying on his back, Greyson laying on his chest, covers up over them to keep the pair warm. "Morning" you whisper shuffling back to bed "M'sorry we woke you" you say softly crawling back in next to Harry. He glances up at you with a tired smile before shaking his head a little "No need to apologise pet, he's almost gone back to sleep".
You rest your head on your pillow just admiring the pair. You couldn't help bit sigh a little knowing in a mere 4 months time you and Harry would likely be overwhelmed with your second baby.
“C’mere” Harry whisper softly pulling you to his chest you ended up falling back to sleep on Harry for a couple of hours before being woken by your crying baby. You groan a little rolling onto your back sitting up picking Greyson up as you do so.
Pulling yourself from the bed to get Greyson something for breakfast must have woken Harry, because a mere two minutes later you were met with a husky voice moving it’s way toward you “why don’ y’ let me do breakfast and y’can shower?” Harry asks in his groggy state. You smirk a little “I stink now do I?” You ask he smirks wrapping his arms around you “not at all, but you deserve a nice long shower without being disturbed” Harry kisses down your neck and across your shoulder causing you to hum.
“Ok, thank you H” you turn in his hold kissing him softly he places his hands on your cheeks drawing you back in for another kiss “not long t’go m’love” Harry says hands moving to rub your belly you smile “still can’t believe we accidentally lined it up with the end of tour” you add wrapping your arms around Harry shoulders “umm about that, Jeff wants to add some more shows around Italy it’ll only add another month or two to tour”
You sigh softly dropping your hands to his chest “H we agreed it was time for a break, that’ll take us past my due date” he nods “I know, I know but I figured it wouldn’t hurt, we could spend the summer in Italy, I’m sure mum could stay longer to help out while I’m working…or we can get a nanny? I haven’t said yes or no yet I want us to talk about it”
You raise your brows at Harry, you had always agreed you’d be present enough to look after your children and not rely on someone else “we’re not getting a nanny Harry. I’ll think about it all?” You ask softly, Harry nods moving to kiss your forehead softly “go on jump in the shower babe, I’ll sort breakfast”.
You nod and head off to the bathroom. You were having the longest uninterrupted shower you'd had since your son had been born, which was soon interupted not by the litle boy but by his father sneaking into the shower behind you. "Breakfast was quick" you comment slowly turning to Harry "He went back to sleep before I could even finish cutting up his fruit".
You giggle smiling to yourself "Just like his Dad with his magic ability to fall asleep anywhere, must be tired, second time he’s gone back to sleep this morning" You say softly as Harry's hands come to rest on your hips, his fingers sporting chipped polish rubbing at your sides. "A'ya really mad about the shows?" he asks in a little voice that you very rarely heard out of your overly confident husband. You shake your head, brows creasing your hands moving to his cheeks.
"Never mad H..." you pause chewing at your bottom lip a little "I just wanted to spend the last few weeks of this pregnancy in our own home, with you and with Greyson before life gets even busier" Harry nods a little not knowing what to say "Don't get me wrong Harry I love being on the road with you and I couldn't be prouder of you if I tried, but I'm exhausted, you can try and hide it but I know you are too"
He sighs looking up at the ceiling before looking back at you with tears in his eyes. "I just don't want to dissapoint anyone" he says with a tremble in his voice. You shake your head "baby your not, you've given everything to this tour, all of the band and crew have, but it's time to go home, not just for us, for Mitch and Sarah, Pauli, Jeff, all of us. You’re allowed to take a break hunny" You reason now trying to hold your own tears back.
Harry looks at you tears brimming his waterline before letting out a chuckle "Ok" he starts "It's time to go home" he whispers smiling a little before pulling you into his chest. You hold each other as close as possible for as long as possible before Harry speaks again. "I don't know how you do it" he adds.
"Do what?" you ask running your hands through his now wet curls. "Know exactly what I'm feeling, M'so fuckin' tired" he mumbles. You couldn't help but giggle a little "I dunno, guess I can just see it sometimes, it's in your eyes" Harry doesn't say a word, just attaches his lips to your own silently telling you he loves you.
You stay snuggled in the shower a little while longer before you could hear Greysons cries coming from the bedroom. "I'll get him" you smile a little pecking Harry's lips and his cheek.
Harry had made it to his last ever LOT goodnight speech. You weren’t sure if you were nervous for your husband, or if your constant need to wee was due to your baby using your bladder as a football.
The show was everything Harry could have hoped for, his family and friends were all here and Greyson had been an absolute dream the entire night going between you, his Grandma Anne and Aunty Gem all night. He even got down and had a little boogie during TPWK trying to copy his Daddy as he did the now world famous ‘boot scoot’.
The crowd had gone quiet as Harry began his speech. you soon found yourself chewing your bottom lip quite early on trying to contain your tears. Anne had wrapped an arm around you and her other around Gemma holding you both as close as possible. It wasn’t until Harry’s own voice broke when he looked towards where you were all standing and simple said “Thank you” that you just let the tears flow.
The crowd erupted in awes and in typical Harry style he made a joke about his emotional state causing it to then be filled with giggles, including one from yourself. You sniffle a little and wipe your eyes with your spare hand as Greyson snuggled his little head of dark hair into your neck. “Y’know sometimes I think if we were any prouder of him we would explode” you say glancing up at Anne who lets out a chuckle. “He was always meant to do amazing things, both my babies were. I often wonder what amazing things my grand babies will do if Harry’s done something as amazing as all this” she says moving her arm to wipe her own eyes.
You waited up with Harry after the show the entire band and crew winding down before bump out had to begin, congratulating each other hugs and hand shakes were flowing and a few drinks here and there, you stood back waiting for your husband wanting to give him the space he needed to say thank you to those who made the tour possible.
He soon made his way to his wife and now sleeping son. He smiles at you as he makes his way toward you the metallic fringe of his vest and trousers still attached to his frame. He leans down placing a soft kiss to Greysons hair doing his best not to wake him before his left hand comes to rest on your belly leaning down to peck it lightly, then coming up to your lip.
Harry kisses you with a similar amount of passion and love as he did on your wedding day when he eventually pulls away you sigh softly before opening your eyes “I’m so incredibly proud of you Harry, we all are” he simply smiles resting his forehead to yours “Thank you baby” he whispers holding you close to his chest.
Harry went back to mingling a little, Greyson now in his arms, he went around chatting to some of the crew and thanking then. You wait patiently with Harry’s family watching him make his rounds with your son in his arms, you couldn’t help but smile at how lucky you were to have such an amazing husband and son. Eventually Harry makes his way back to you planting a kiss to your temple.
Greyson had woken up and was playing with the fringe of his Daddy’s vest. “Y’up for a walk pet?” He asks softly. You look up at him and nod “of course H” he takes your hand with his spare one heading towards his dressing room getting himself changed before taking you both in the direction of the stage.
You smile listening and watching them interact, it was something you were really looking forward to more of. Once you make it out onto the stage with Harry he puts Greyson on his feet and holds his hand instead. You catch up with the pair sneaking your hand into Harry’s free one giving it a squeeze.
After a few minutes you glance up at Harry smiling a little. “Y’know, I’ve always admired you for doing this Harry, Greysons so lucky to have such an amazing Daddy” you say wrapping your arms around him.
He sniffles lightly placing a kiss to your hair “couldn’t do it without my wife” he smiles before letting go of Greysons hand the little boy crawling around playing with the pieces of feather boa that had blown up onto the stage. Harry pulls away from you a little and cups your cheeks in his hand “really m’love, mean it, there’s no way I could do any of this without you….thank you so so much” he whimpers tears streaming down his face again.
Harry’s emotions had caught up with him not just from this show but from the last two years. It wasn’t long before Greyson was fussing at your feet causing Harry to chuckle a little sniffling again. He leans down picking Greyson up resting him on his hip. “I’m sorry baby it’s well past your bedtime” Harry apologises to his son kissing his nose causing Greyson to squeal excitedly hiding his face in Harry’s neck, Harry breaks into that grin of overwhelming pride rubbing Greysons back, “I love you little man” he whispers kissing his forehead before turning his attention back to you.
“And I love you” he smiles kissing you softly. You giggle a little in his hold “I love you Harry, more and more everyday” you say softly causing Harry to smile. He rests his forehead to yours “let’s go home” he whispers, you smile and hum against “this is home H, you, Greyson and baby, that’s home” you say softly before leaning up to kiss Harry again.
Harry kisses back pulling you closer to his chest he eventually slowly pulls away when your little boy starts poking at his cheek causing Harry to chuckle “ok maybe we should get home and put this cheeky monkey to bed” you giggle leaning up to kiss Greysons cheek. Harry chuckles “good idea love”. He turns a little holding his hand out for you to take.
You intertwine your fingers with Harry and begin walking back inside towards the waiting cars, towards your future as a family, towards your home.
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ramayantika · 1 year
Usha Lakshmi Gargi Ratri Saraswati Rati
It's 9am. I am at my father's place for my Godh bharai ceremony, now widely referred to as baby shower parties. I still prefer to use Godh bharai instead of baby shower. Godh bharai means to fill the lap of the mother-to-be with abundance. She is gifted with sarees, jewellery fruits, baby toys, baby clothes and lots of blessings for the upcoming newborn.
I am standing in front of the mirror. This is the same mirror where my mother used to get ready for school. She was a teacher. This is the same mirror where she used to tie my plaits for school, and this was the same mirror where I pretended to be a 90s bollywood heroine in my teens. This is the same mirror where I got ready for one last time before leaving my parents house as a bride. Now, I am back here as an expectant mother.
Maa passed away two years ago. After I got married, she would constantly pester me with questions about her future grandchildren though in a teasing and light hearted way. She was the first one who advised me to have kids when my husband and I felt ready for it instead of giving in to pressure and conceiving right away.
But look how fate played its move. My mother passed away and I couldn't even give her the happy news. Sometimes I wish I had conceived early so my mother could have seen her grandchildren. She could be with me and witness the journey of my motherhood. But she isn't alive. Maybe she is around me, and her energy still exists around my house, around this mirror, but she isn't standing here in flesh and blood. She will never touch my pregnant stomach and feel this little one's kicks. She can't compliment my pregnancy glow on my face.
I have a lovely mother-in-law. She has treated me like the daughter she never had. She has taken care of me all this while. I remember her excited little jump in the living room when I broke the news that I am pregnant. She hugged me tight and touched my flat stomach and clearly instructed, "No more moving around much. Whatever you need, whatever weirdest strangest craving you get, you will call my son, and if that idiot makes a face, immediately call for me!"
Baba was ecstatic on getting to know that he was going to be a grandfather. He wished me well, but just before ending the call, he said, "I wish your mother was here too. She would have been so happy to see her little girl be a mother." That day, I had shed a few tears while looking at my mother's photograph.
"Beta, are you ready? Pandit ji has arrived," Baba says, standing at the doorway. His eyes for a brief moment drift down at my heavy seven month stomach. I smile and say, "Baba, chill. I am carrying your grandson. You don't have to be this awkward."
He laughs and scratches his head. "Yes, I get it. Now, come down." He lends his arm and looks at me. I hear him slowly mutter under his breath. "Kash Anju hoti..." Anjana, my mother.
Everybody stop their chitter chatter and fix their gaze on me. My friends and cousin sisters, clear up the sofa and make space for me to sit. My eyes move to my husband who is staring at me just the way he saw me during our first date. Damn, am I looking this beautiful even now? He quickly comes near me and kisses my cheek, whispering, "You look lovely, meri jaan. I hope this little munchkin did not trouble you inside."
Giggling quietly, I reply, "Not at all. No morning sickness today and no Ronaldo kicks to trouble this beautiful mummy."
I hear my father clear his throat which makes my husband jerk away from me causing me to breakdown into laughter again.
An hour has passed. Pandit ji got over with the puja. Everyone has started gifting me things the baby and me. My father-in-law gifted me a beautiful pink saree which I am hundred percent sure that this was mummy ji's choice. He also places a baby shirt on my lap. He wants a grandson, I have always known this.
Next, I see mummy ji come and place a fruit basket and a cute baby frock on my lap. Now, she never had her own daughter, so she wants a granddaughter. Baba joins next and gifts me a salwar suit and books for alphabets and numbers. He wants the child to be a genius. He then opens a bag, and looks at the package. It looks old -- maybe a year or two. His eyes fill with emotion, as he places them on my lap. "Your mother had bought it much before and had even gift-wrapped it. Maybe she knew..... Open it afterwards." He lovingly pats my head.
My friends and other older women whisper blessings and fun teasing rhymes for the baby. Some of my friends dance on bollywood songs for a while. The environment feels blissful. Absolutely perfect.
"Am I late to bless the new mother-to-be?" I hear a voice from behind. Turning back, I see a beautiful lady in a green kanjeevaram saree. Her hair was elegantly donned in a bun adorned with a gajra. She looked old like around mummy ji's age, but her face, her aura felt different. Something godly.
I look at everyone. Nobody looks at this new lady. They wave at me, but don't even bat an eyelid at the woman behind me as if she is invisible to them. Confused, I ask, "Auntie, I am very sorry. I can't recognize you. Mummy ji hasn't told me anything about you."
"Would you want a poetic introduction or a straightforward one?"
Mentally I responded to her question with huh???? I answered with a sheepish smile, "A straightforward one would be good for now."
The woman laughs and answers, "Straight to the point then. Devamata Aditi."
I was almost about to drop the saree I was holding in my hand. Stuttering, I ask, "Dev- devamata. The mother of the Gods. A-aditi. A goddess."
Devamata sits beside me, and holds my hands. Maternal warmth fuses in her touch. "Well, I also have to bless new mothers now. You all are bringing new souls to this mortal realm. It's a big job!"
I can feel my cranial nerves shortcircuit. I am dreaming right? Right? This can't be true! The hormones have messed up my head. I am seeing things which also explains why none of my family members nor the guests are seeing Aditi.
"Relax, my child. I am really Aditi, and you are perfectly same. Devamata can always cast her illusion around. Come on, my son Vishnu, your favourite God does it half of the time." She hugs me gently. I feel warm loving maternal energy surround me and around my unborn baby. It feels as if maa is here.
Devamata touches my chin and says, "I know you miss your mother. Her soul is eternal, and souls always come back. Stories go on."
She places a lovely green saree on my lap. The borders are embroidered with golden threads. The glitter on the saree looks like twinkling stars. A fabric stitched from the Universe itself!
"Blessings from a mother to another one. May your child be born with good health and be surrounded with infinite love and happiness, dear one." She pats my back just like my mother used to do whenever I had any important event. My eyes moisten at the corners in happiness.
"Thank you, Maa." I hug her tighter.
****** ******* ***** ********* ******** ****** ****
2 months later
"Ma'am please, one last push. You can do it. The baby needs just one last push." I hear the doctor's instructions, but I am too tired. The room feels dazed. My eyes are heavy. I just want to sleep.
A soft warm hand on my forehead draws me away from going into tired slumber. I blink and look at the person, thinking it to be one of the doctors on the team.
Only, it is not a doctor. It's the universal mother. My Devamata, Aditi.
Like a tired child, I mutter to her, "Maa, I can't do this anymore. I want to sleep on your lap. It's been hours, since I am here in labour. This is tiring."
Mata caresses my forehead which is probably drenched in sweat. I hear her speak, her voice soft, like a melodious lullaby.
"It's only a little effort, now, sweetheart. You are minutes away from bringing this little one to this world. The little one has to see you, its beautiful caring mother and a loving father. The child has to run around the house like little Krishna and dance like little Radha. Just one push, my love."
I shake my head. Gasping, I ask, "Can't you take care of it Mata? You are a goddess. Let me sleep, please. Get my baby out."
The goddess breathes and kisses the top of my head. "I can take care that the baby is born alive and healthy. The action has to be done solely by you. I am a goddess, but foremost a woman and we have been given enough strength to endure this pain of bringing another life into this world. You have nurtured this child in your womb for a while now. Don't you want to hold your baby? I promise, I will show you a cute little Vishnu as a toddler."
That brings some energy back to my body. "Do you promise me that?"
She nods and smiles. Maybe I am hallucinating, but I see a lone tear drip down her smile. I breathe deeply and gather all the remaining strength and push.
Darkness greets my vision, and I hear a faint murmur. "You did so well, dear one. I am so proud of you. Now, take some rest and see your darling god as a baby."
A large gate opens up leading me to a room. I am not travelling in my bodily form. Probably some astral projection or god knows what form I am in. I can't see my own body, but the sights around.
A sweet baby voice rings in my ears. I turn around and see a cradle kept in the corner of the room. Small dark hands with rosy palms hold the edges of the cradle. I walk near it, my heart pacing with excitement. As soon as I reach the cradle, my eyes land on a most beautiful baby, I have ever seen in my life.
Large doe eyes stare at me brimming with happiness and mischief. His eyes spark with recognition, and he giggles. Baby Vishnu stretches his little fingers, and holds my index finger.
I want to melt into a puddle. This is so cute. This means I will get to hold my baby and feel it touch my fingers too.
"Yes, darling." Devamata enters the room with a toddler running around her legs. "Now, are you happy to see your baby Vishnu?"
I jump around and touch Vishnu's cheeks. He laughs again, and I smile. I hear his baby voice say the word. "Sakhi......"
Devamata peers over the cradle, and gently rocks it. In a minute, Vishnu goes to sleep looking as adorable as ever.
"Mata, can I go back to my baby now?"
"Of course, putri."
I wake up energised. The first thing I see is my husband holding a small white bundle in his arms. His eyes are red with happy tears, and he whispers, "We have a daughter, and believe me or not, her eyes look just like maa." He hands over my daughter to me.
I look at the small baby girl. Her eyes meet mine, and I see a beautiful smile. I bring her close to my chest and kiss her tiny forehead.
She has my mother's eyes!
✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・* ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
I have no idea how this is. I don't even know how Devamata came inside my head forget writing about preganancy and motherhood.
I am literally on my period today and here I am writing on giving birth to a baby.
Also I might have tweaked around the actual stories to make you all see and read about baby Vishnu. Besides Devamata would fulfill our desires too so yeah baby vishnu!!!
I am getting cramps or my stomach feels funny now so I will go sleep byeeee. 🌸💖
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 7 months
Yo ladies! My name's Ashley Nicole (She/Her)! But you can call me Ashley or Nicole (however you want to)!
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Welcome to the Toppat Clan... With Chaos!
The Show :3
Welcome to this comedy Toppat Clan Au, where you can find:
-Chaos Everyday (well almost)
-Drama Queen (Carol Cross)
-4th Wall Breaks
-I like trains man (Mr.Macbeth)
-Baby shark lover boy (Sven)
-Multiverse Madness (I accept collaborations with your thsc Aus as long as It doesn't meant to murder, evilness and most importantly.... BRAINWASHING/HYPNOTIZING/MIND-CONTROLLING)
-Food War
-Emotionless (kinda?) Burt
-Among Us matches
-Logic Shenanigans
-Meme References
-Things with no sense
-Weird humor
And more :)
Info: This Au takes place after Triple Threat where everyone in the Toppat Clan manage to escape the Wall (don't ask me how) and started to rebuild the rocket for the orbital station, but not without having crazy shenanigans.
Toppat OC's voices (Headcanon)
My (Main) Ocs:
Nicole Leclerc (Her clothing design)
Mercudi Panza
Kiomi Griever and Tomio Tamadachi
Binta Spencer
Bonnie Spencer
Milfra Hope
Irma Hendrix and DJ Via
Princess Takeshi Ishikawa
Ronaldo Copperbottom
The Outlaws (Puss and Fluff)
Dita Petrov and Trixie Sparkwoof
My Ocs in Gacha Life 2 Style
Art Request CURRENTLY CLOSED TILL JUNE (Blame school for it)
Your oc react to _____ scene quiz (only available for mutuals) CURRENTLY CLOSED
This is something random of me asking my mutuals about what would their oc react to an scene I send to your inbox (this is ONLY for mutuals) every Sunday!
1. Doodling is acceptable.
2. Fanarts are acceptable.
3. Mini stories are also acceptable.
4. The previous rules are optional.
5. I may not ask ALL my mutuals due to laziness.
My other accounts
Magician Heroes Au (currently having some issues with my pal Rafa but everything's fine)
Toppat Civil Warface Au (Kinda dead in this one but I'm trying to be alive).
Tags (Official)
#ToppatClanWithChaosTheShow, #Ash Nic Answering, #Ash Nic art/fanart, #Ash Nic approve, #Ash Nic reject, #Talk with Ash Nic, #Ash Nic rp, #Ash Nic Writing, #Ash Nic chilling, #Ash Nic Emotional damage, #Ash Nic grands permission, #Aah Nic Wips, #Ash Nic Worries, #Ash Nic reblog, #Ash Nic inform, #Ash Nic relates
Ask Nicole and Friends
Disclaimer (IMPORTANT)
Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au Story:
1. The HUGE lie
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
2. Who is Pregnant?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
3. Jewel Down
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
4. The Princess and The Beast
(coming soon)
5. Mummy Among Us
(coming soon)
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silverhallow · 9 months
I can't, Breathe, Without you
pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
summary: A couple of hours with Uncle Phillip and Aunt Eloise in the park go drastically wrong and little Charlie ends up in the hospital
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warnings: Whump. mentions of poison and allergic reactions in a child, very poorly child, links to the book. angst.
word count: 735 words
author's note: part of the Bridgerton Enterprise au. this has a sort of happy ending. part of Ash's Drabbles, prompt 17 "let us not go there"
There was nothing more heartbreaking than watching your child struggling to breathe. A breathing tube had been fitted and it was helping but there was not much else that the doctors could do.
Sophie had come running through the doors of the hospital, frantic at having gotten the call from a frantic Phillip.
He and Eloise had taken the three boys to the park for the afternoon whilst Sophie went to a meeting and Benedict was in his studio. Since finding out Sophie was pregnant with their fourth child, she’d been sicker than she had been with Charlie, Alex and William but with their baby girl…
She’d been weak, sick and struggling but she had found some strength, this was a big meeting and she knew she had to go. This was getting the Bridgerton x Penwood brand into America, onto more than just the fashion week, this was a chance to dress the stars at the Met Gala and she wasn’t going to miss that for the world.
So Eloise and Phillip had agreed to take the kids, with the twins, for a few hours whilst Sophie went to her meeting. 
Neither Sophie nor Benedict had expected the call.
Phillip was beating himself up, he’d taken his eyes off them for 5 seconds whilst Amanda was crying having fallen and grazed her knee only for Alex to scream as Charlie touched a plant that had an almost instant reaction.
Foxglove. Phillip went pale the instant he saw it, demanding from a terrified and crying Alex to know if Charlie had eaten it.
But he hadn’t put the plant near his lips, but he had inhaled the pollen as he’d leaned in to sniff it, wanting to pick the pretty flowers to give to their mummy and the moment he’d sniffed it, he gasped and wasn’t able to breathe.
The pollen had gotten into his lungs and filled with them liquid, an allergic reaction combined with the poison was what had caused Charlie to collapse.
The ambulance had managed to get him to the hospital and got him stable, draining the fluid from his lungs by the time Sophie and Benedict had come rushing in to the hospital frantic and worried.
And it was where they had remained for the last three days, Charlie was on a breathing machine, supporting his weak lungs, keeping him alive, keeping him breathing.
Sophie had refused to leave the hospital, Violet had taken Alex and William to allow her son and daughter in law to remain at the hospital. Though Benedict was worried about his wife, Sophie had hardly slept or ate since they’d arrived at the hospital.
“Soph you need to sleep, just an hour, something. You need to look after yourself and our little girl…” he said
“I can’t… I can’t Ben. whenever i close my eyes i wake up thinking… thinking Charlie… what if he… i can’t… I can’t do it”
“Sophie. Let’s not go there” Benedict said “Charlie is going to be fine, he’s been through worse before, when he was born and he’s made it to this point, he’s strong. He’s going to be okay, he’s going to pull through soon enough. It’s just taking time, lungs don’t just heal in a matter of hours, they’re going to take time but he is going to be okay”
“You can’t know that… you can’t promise that” Sophie said helplessly.
“I can, because you’re his mummy, you came through hell, you’ve recovered from a trauma, with your genes, there is no way he can’t…” Benedict said
“But you…”
“Do not go there Sophie, Charlie is going to be fine, but please… I need you to look after yourself, please babe, just have an hour, if anything happens i’ll wake you up i promise…” Benedict said to her, pleading with her.
Sophie looked up at him, saw the pain in his eyes and felt the exhaustion in her body, she knew she was struggling and Benedict was right, she needed to sleep “okay but i’m sleeping here, just… don’t leave me and wake me if anything happens” Sophie begged “and only an hour”
Sophie climbed into the camp bed that the hospital had put down for them, Benedict settled in the chair and before long he felt himself drifting off, unaware that little Charlie was stirring in the bed next to him, starting to eventually wake up.
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mybookplacenet · 6 months
Featured Post: Babies in Twinkle Falls by Freda Ann
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About Babies in Twinkle Falls: When Kylee Croft rushed out of Angelcakes Cafe without paying her bill, little did she know the woman who chased, and hired, her could be the key to her past…a past her mum took to the grave. 
Raised as an only child in Chantilly, France, by a single mum, Kylee was told that her father had died soon after she was born. While going through her mum’s belongings months after her unexpected passing, Kylee uncovered the biggest secret of her mummy’s life. Traveling to Twinkle Falls, Vermont, in hopes of shedding light on the mysterious photos her mum hid from her, Kylee arrives in the quaint little town broke, pregnant and alone. After being hired at Angelcakes, she hit it off with a slightly older co-worker, Trace Holberg, a single dad raising twin boys by himself. Discovering they have a lot in common, the two become confidants. While working at the cafe, Kylee forges a friendship with Bridgette Dupont, a successful baker who gave her a job when she desperately needed one. She's the same woman Kylee believes to be the sister she never knew about, and also the daughter of a father who could be her own…a father who is very much alive. Once Bridgette discovers the real reason Kylee came to Twinkle Falls, an argument ensues and emotions boil over. When Kylee doubles over in pain, Trace rushes her to the hospital where she undergoes emergency surgery. With Kylee’s and her baby’s life in limbo, can they survive the unimaginable? If so, will the truth be everything Kylee hoped for, or will it be yet another defeat for the woman who’s lost everyone she’s ever loved? Targeted Age Group: 25+ Written by: Freda Ann Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Link to Series Author Bio: I write clean romance with witty banter, a touch of suspense, and happily ever afters. Readers and reviewers have compared several of my books to Hallmark style movies. My stories will take you on an emotional journey with likable characters, and dreamy settings you'll wish you could visit. After retiring from a career in law enforcement, I was blessed to have my dream of being a published author become a reality. I love visiting the beach, taking long walks with my hubby and dogs, and traveling whenever possible. I’m also a very proud mom of 5 children and nana to 9 amazing grandchildren. I’m a big music lover…it makes me happy and fuels my soul. I start dancing whenever a good song comes on, especially while cooking and cleaning (my hubby just shakes his head, LOL). I’m addicted to Hallmark shows, and my best days include dark chocolate, coffee, and dairy-free hot cocoa…any time of the year! Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Twitter Instagram Pinterest Read the full article
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riverstardis · 2 years
the long haul:
lmaoo lily’s testing them on stuff for the fcem cal going “don’t worry no one passes their fcem on the first time anyway” and dylan walks past and goes “i did”
oh. it’s brian🙄
hazel put your seatbelt back on ffs!!
louis in the staffroom when ethan and lily go in and lily’s like “what’s he doing here?” and ethan’s like “he’s charlie’s son. why are we whispering?” “because he’s a drug addict!” “addiction is an illness, lily, it’s not a moral defect” and then ethan goes over and introduces himself
ohh is this the ep with ethan’s little hiv scare
my favourite type of casualty patient: old lesbians!
lofty doing an impression of dylan as he’s stood right behind him sjskdkfk
hazel bestie when someone asks if there’s a chance you might be pregnant while they’re looking at an ultrasound of your abdomen you should probably take that as a hint
aww they’ve been together 50 years🥺🥺 me and who
this just makes me think even more about how i want ethan’s dad to show up
these lesbians had better both leave the hospital alive!
aww lofty saying to dylan how in another life they might’ve been mates
charlie always looking very out of place in these drug dens
louis saying he’s scared of needles and they all look at him like …odd fear for a heroin addict? i suppose the two could be related?
he stays still until the needle’s actually in his arm but then freaks out and it pulls out and sticks into ethan’s hand😬
lmaoo connie takes over and cal sees ethan walking out of resus and sees the look on his face and is like “uh oh, dead man walking. looks like the fcem nerves are finally kicking in. has the rash started yet?”💀
then when ethan doesn’t respond and just goes straight to a sink to wash his hand ig cal realises that there’s something actually wrong
cal immediately going into protective big brother mode and going barging into resus🥺 connie yells at him to get out
i’ve thought about this before how it’s interesting how on ER they got needlesticks quite often but on casualty this is the only time i can remember it ever happening (in what i’ve seen obviously). i don’t know if it’s just to do with the time period, like i’ve only watched cas from 2014 but ER was the 90s and 00s, could be to do with with the fact that post exposure hiv drugs are now a thing whereas i believe they were only just being introduced then?
connie asking louis for consent to test him for hiv for ethan’s sake but he refuses because he doesn’t want to know so connie charlie and tess all band together to convince him and charlie’s like “whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together”
tess calling her son after everything going on with louis
hazel being put in bay 4 :(
connie looking incredibly unimpressed at louis as she tells him “you’ve been a very lucky boy”
cal asks “how are you holding up?” and ethan sarcastically says “never better” cal being a caring brother for once🥺🥺🥺
connie tells ethan that he’s fine but still needs to take the necessary precautions and he’s very relieved and cal tries to hug him but he pushes him off like “let’s not be ott” NOOO LET HIM GIVE YOU A HUG WTF MAN so cal just pats him on the back instead😭😭
iirc we only ever saw cal and ethan hug once but here we were robbed of another one😭😭😭
cal still wants some kind of revenge on louis though so he goes over like “quick question, have you told your dad yet where you got the money for your drugs” while charlie’s right there. because he knows he stole tess’ necklace
“maybe if you’d been half normal i might’ve stayed. but you weren’t, you aren’t. you’re a freak. little mummy’s boy. this baby isn’t gonna be anything like you” :((((((((((
ethan and honey talking and she goes “i knew you didn’t have it you know, the aids” and picks up his hand and traces a finger across his palm “long life line, see?” NOOOOO SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP YOURE JINXING IT
lmaoo lofty clearing his throat behind them
lily’s planning to cook a fancy meal for ethan before they revise and he says he’s been thinking and she’s cleverer than him and cal put together so she should take the registrars exam
she asks him if he wants to stay over😬
he tries to let her down gently and he says about how he has the utmost respect for her and how he values their friendship and she just looks back at honey like “you’ve got to be kidding me?” and then “it’s your loss. you’re right, i am ready for the registrars exam. and if i need any help with revision, i’ll let you know” sjskfkjff honestly don’t think she really even fancied him in the first place i mean she did just pick him off a list and then immediately started behaving in the most exaggerated this-is-how-people-act-when-they’ve-got-a-crush way possible
ethan finally going to ask honey out but cal interrupts him without realising😭😭
this may be a weird thing to say but chelsee healey looks like how blackfishers wished they looked, no fake tan required!
ahh the old lesbians why did they just disappear for most of the episode???
charlie dropping louis off at a rehab type place
does dylan keep that same flip phone until the ambulance crash in s35 lmao
awww dervla’s eating his food and he shouts at her to get out😢
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Just Another Conquest - Epilogue
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Warnings: You were sweet, innocent and completely infatuated with Javier Peña. After an incident at the Christmas party, you become the talk of the secretaries at the embassy and everything starts falling around you.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader
Warnings: Pure Fluff.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Note: I WAS NEVER GONNA DO IT!! Thanks for reading folks! Love y'all ❤️
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You woke up screaming, Ana’s cries reaching you from her room as you sobbed into your pillow, jumping when a gentle hand touched your arm.
“Hermosa it's okay.” Came a familiar voice “Was just a nightmare. You’re okay.”
No, it can’t be.
You turned your head to see Javi smiling down at you. Dressed in a button-up and his leather jacket, his hair askew from running his hands through it one too many times.
“Javi?” You squeaked, shaking your head as a smile spread across his face “No you can’t be here.”
“Why can’t I be?” He chuckled, a little confused by your reaction.
“You’re dead.”
“Not last time I checked.” He joked “Why would you think that?”
“Steve came here and told us you were dead.” You sobbed “Said you were shot.”
“Baby I am right here.” He assured you “I am right here and I’m okay.” He pulled you into his arms and you sighed as you breathed in his scent “You remember what the doctor said about nightmares and pregnancy?”
“I had the twins Javier.” You said, pulling away again “You missed it.”
“You are still very much pregnant Hermosa.” He snickered as he laid his hand on your swollen belly, drawing your attention to it “Seems like you had a pretty vivid dream baby.”
“It was so real.” You stated, brow knitting together as you pushed yourself up “I need to go sort Ana.” You announced, raising your finger when he went to protest.
You needed a moment to take this all in.
Pushing yourself to your feet you waddled to her room, stroking away her tears as you tried to console her.
“I’m sorry baby,” You said softly, smiling as she laid herself down again “Mummy had a nightmare but it's all okay now.” You finished, kissing the tips of your fingers before laying them on her nose “Go to sleep, my angel.”
Walking back into your room you found it empty.
You’d imagined it. Of course, you had but how did you explain still being pregnant? Had you really dreamed that part? You let out a sob as you stared at your empty bed, silent tears carving paths as they made their way down your flushed cheeks.
“Hermosa what’s wrong?”
You jumped, turning on your heels to see Javier in the doorway behind you, now in a pair of sweats and his face glittering from where he’d washed it in the bathroom.
“Javi.” You sobbed, pulling him into a kiss that left both of you breathless “I thought I’d imagined you. I thought…”
“Hey I’m here and I’m alive.” He interrupted, grabbing your hand and placing it over his heart “Feel that. That’s your proof I am still with you.” He finished as you pulled your hand away to trace the dips and valleys of his face with your fingertips, smiling as he beamed back at you.
“Why didn't you call?” You sobbed, taking a step closer.
“I wanted to surprise you.” He replied with a shrug “As soon as we took down Escobar, I was cleared to go. Took a while to sort a flight, Steve also didn’t appreciate me leaving him with all the paperwork but I couldn’t risk being there a moment longer.” He paused, bringing one hand up to cup your cheek as the other rested on your bump “Couldn’t risk missing them making their entrance.”
“Fuck Javier I… God, I missed you so much.” You choked, pulling him to you as you kissed him softly “Javier I need you to know that I love you… So goddamn much and-.”
“I love you too.” He chortled, shutting you up with his lips “Now can we go to bed? I am knackered and my back aches.”
“Yes.” You breathed, kissing him a few more times before finally releasing your hold on him “Let's go to bed.”
Javier couldn’t take his hands off of you. He’d been back two days and he had spent that either with Ana or with you, despite you telling him that he should help his pops around the ranch. He also couldn't get enough of feeling the twins moving, something he’d not experienced with Ana.
‘Baby, have you peed on me?” He questioned, looking down to see the slight wet patch on his jeans.
“No.” You replied, stopping what you were doing as you placed your hands over his “I think my waters just broke.” You gasped as you turned your head and grinned at him.
“Shit… right… okay… bags by the door.” Javier started as he jumped into action, scanning the room for his keys “We need to get you to the hospital... Where are my keys-“
“Javier calm down.” You said as you raised your hands out in front of you “I’ve not had any contractions yet. They’ll send me straight home.”
“But they’re going to start soon…”
“Contractions can take up to 24 hours to start.” You announced and he looked at you in disbelief “Just sit down, take a breather. It could be a while.”
“Right… Yeah, okay.” He replied, nodding as he dropped into one of the kitchen chairs “No need to panic.”
“No… there isn’t.” You giggled, planting a kiss on his hairline.
4 hours later…
They came on hard and fast. So much so that you lost your cool as you screamed for Javi, tears welling in your eyes as you tried to remember your breathing exercises.
“What’s wrong?” He panted, sprinting into the room with eyes as wild as a rabid dog “Is it time?”
“Yeah, it's time.”
“How close together are the contractions?” He asked and you glared at him.
“Oh jeez, Javi I forgot to time them whilst feeling like I’m being sawn in half.” You growled, squeezing your eyes shut as another tore through you.
“Okay… sorry.” He mumbled as he pulled you to your feet “Pops grab the keys.” He yelled over his shoulder as he helped you walk to the door, his father hot on his heels.
“Good luck Mija.” He said sweetly as he pecked you on the cheek “Ana and me will be waiting for the four of you right here.”
“Thank you, Chucho.” You smiled, as Javier helped you into the back seat, blankets laid down to make it more comfortable “Good luck son.” He said finally to Javier as he gave the agent a pat on the shoulder “Prepare for a broken hand.” He joked before watching his son jump into the driver's seat.
“Right let's go have our babies.” Said Javier as he glanced back at you, smiling sweetly.
“Just fucking drive Javier.” You bellowed, in no mood for his soppy antics.
Birthing twins was shit.
You had barely had a moment to catch your breath before the second one decided to burst her way out.
Javier had held you as you pushed out the first, muttering sweet nothings to you as you delivered your child into the world and when he saw her head breach, he cried.
“She’s here.” He choked before returning his attention to you “She’s perfect.”
“You haven’t got long.” Asserted the doctor as you panted against the mountain of pillows behind you “Baby number 2 is on her way.”
“I can’t push anymore.” You sobbed, shaking your head as Javier attempted to wipe your brow “I can’t do it again.”
“Yes, you can Mi Amor.” He assured, placing a soft kiss on your lips “You’re the strongest woman I know. Put up with me.”
You laughed at that before you were forced to push again. You were exhausted. The painkillers helped with the pain to a degree but it still hurt. You ached and your head pounded but when you heard the cries of your third child it all became worth it.
Fat tears rolled down Javier’s face as he cut the second cord, then watched as she was carried over to her sister. His heart had never felt so full. The joy at being there to witness the birth of his twin daughters was like nothing he’d ever felt before and he sobbed even harder when they were carried over to you and laid on your bare chest.
Two perfect little babies. A mirror image of each other with a thick head of dark hair and tiny little fingers and toes. He ripped off his shirt the moment you asked if he wanted to hold one and you laughed and cried as he scooped the closest one to him into his arm, cradling her against his chest.
“Fuck they’re so tiny.” He gasped as his eyes flitted between the infant in his arms and the one in yours “And so fucking cute.”
“Yeah, we make cute babies.” You agreed, grinning at him before gazing back down at the tiny creature in your arms.
“Can we make one more?” He asked and you rolled your eyes at him “Please?”
Was he serious?
Chucho helped you into the house as Javier carried the two babies inside. You hurt, you were tired but you were happy. Seeing Javier with the twins had only made you fall even harder for him and as you sat down in your favourite armchair, you grinned as he placed them down side by side on the deep couch so he could coo over his two sleeping angels.
“They’re perfect Mija.” Said Chucho as he kissed the crown of your head “Well done. You must be tired.”
Screaming erupted from upstairs and your chuckled as Javier’s head glanced up, eyes darting to the staircase.
“I’ll fetch her.” Spoke Chucho softly, arm on your shoulder stilling you when you attempted to stand “She’s been fussy ever since you left. Wants to meet her sisters.”
The older man was back quicker than you could blink, a fussy toddler in his arms. Hands outstretched, she grabbed at the air in the direction of her siblings and the man carried her over before delivering her over to her dad.
“Ana, these are your sisters.” Said Javier softly as he kissed her curly head of hair “This is Emma.” He said as he pointed to the baby on the left “And this is Julia.” He finished and his father gasped “After your Abuela.”
Ana soon settled into her father's arms, one little hand holding onto Emma’s foot as she slept. You had been worried that she’d get jealous when the twins arrived but instead, she’d wiggled out of her fathers lap so she could place a wet kiss on both of their heads before she’d then slumped back onto her papa, out within moments of closing her eyes.
You watched the scene with fondness, how Javier held onto his eldest whilst he gazed at his two youngest. He was a natural. A man who was born to be a father and so after watching in blessed silence for some time you pipped up, drawing his attention to you.
“Yes.” You said plainly and he gave you a confused expression.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, we can have one more.” You elaborated and he grinned like a child at Christmas.
You’d give that man anything.
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Tags: @hayley-the-comet, @mishasminion360, @ajeff855, @pedritomando, @supernaturalgirl20
158 notes · View notes
an-ambivalent · 4 years
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WARNING:  This post contains yandere themes (unhealthy relationships and mentions of dubcon) and mentions of other toxic behaviours and sensitive issues (such as abortion) that can be triggering and uncomfortable to read. So, read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not condone this toxic behaviour irl. 
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Sasuke x Reader | Itachi x Reader   
Status: Headcanons, requested. 
Ask:  Can I request hc for Yan Naruto, Sasuke and Itachi having their first son with their darling? Would it change the way you treat your darling at all? What would your relationship with your son be like? 
Thoughts, head not empty: Weirdly, I don’t see Yandere Sasuke wanting any kids to be frank. He’s more on the selfish and possessive side and would want to keep you to himself. But at the same time, Sasuke is a versatile yandere. He has the potential to be a manipulative asshole,  clingy and possessive, or all of these. Assumingly, from the different fanfictions I’ve read, people do / did have this notion that Sasuke would have many children to “restore” his clan and etc. But I just think that given his background and personality (such a lone wolf), he would probably just keep his s/o around and not care about anyone else. 
This is just a bit irrelevant to this ask, but for my own want to do a bit comparison. For the Uchiha clan, characters I believe would have kids with their s/o would be: Madara (this bloke has a huge breeding kink and you can’t convince me otherwise), Shisui, Obito, Izuna, and maybe Itachi. I think with Itachi and Shisui they would probably just one or two child/ren and no more. Madara and Izuna, given the era they grow in and the family they, themselves are from, might want a big family. Obito is a huge simp so I can see him wanting a big family too. 
Anyway, on to the ask: 
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~He is more of the type to use his son as leverage over you in order to keep you in check. If you come to care about your child and have a rebellious streak with him, then he finally has something he can use to make you more obedient to him.
~It would not be evident because other than what he wants with you, Sasuke is a subtle person. He is not outright affectionate or susceptible to being too emotionally attached. Therefore, it would take a long time but eventually, he would come to care for his child in his own way. Especially considering that your son is proof of your love and the living evidence that you belong to him. Additionally, having your son did make you more submissive so he is appreciative of that.
~He won’t be too involved in his son’s life. Given that’s how Fugaku was like that with him (and more focused on Itachi) that would be mirrored in Sasuke’s parenting, particularly when he didn’t care about the child being born that much anyway. As long as his son doesn’t do anything to tarnish your relationship and his image, he can do whatever.
~In the instance your son, when older, tries to protect you from him and etc, there will be two things: he will either kill him or take him away from you and under his wing. Train him to be a shinobi like himself, and actually brainwash them into becoming his tool to watch over you in his place when he’s not there.
Would it change the way he treat his darling?
Yes. Like I said, his son will be become a leverage against his you so in the way he has something he can manipulate you with. Also, Sasuke is possessive. So to keep your son alive, you better not prioritize him over Sasuke. Sasuke should still be your priority, and all the duties you have to fulfill for him cannot be excused. He doesn’t care about the child. You choose to keep it so while he will help you, you can’t that as a reason to spend less time with him. And once the baby is born, its like you’re dealing with two kids because you need to give Sasuke the time he requires from you and anything with the baby comes second.  
What would the darling’s relationship with their son be like?
Sasuke’s son, again, in my opinion be a mirror of his childhood self prior to the annihilation of the Uchiha clan. Happy go lucky, and a cute little mama’s boy. Your son will love you because if you choose to have him, it evidently means you love him a lot. He’ll probably be one of the only things in your life left that you have because you choose to and not because Sasuke forced you to. So, for the reason to love him and have him give that back to you. Of course when he is old enough, he will question you, his sweet mummy about the dark bruising on your skin and why papa doesn’t love him like you do, and why papa glares at you if you end up spending too much time with him. And the only thing you can do is hold your sweet innocent little boy tightly.  
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~Similar to Sasuke, a child with Itachi is not planned. It’s something that just ended up happening because he’s more than happy to just have you by his side. But unlike Sasuke, you conceiving his child is not something he is against. If you are more on the rebellious side and he sees that you come to care for his child, then the more manipulative and sadistic part of him is not against threatening to hurt your son to make you more obedient. However, if that was the case, Itachi wouldn’t actually hurt or kill his child. He will use genjutsu, showing you vivid imagery of violence of what he could do, to make you submit. And we all know what a great illusionist he is so there is no way that would not work. Additionally, the chances of this scenario are almost non-existent though because he would be too good in mind-breaking you and getting you to return his love at an early stage.
~Itachi would know you’re pregnant with his child before you’d know. And in case you don’t want his child and try to get rid off it, he won’t let you.
~Itachi would be a loving father. He will fall in love with his child, no matter the gender, the moment you know you’re pregnant because that’s a life; that’s a life him and you have created together and nothing else would declare your shared love for each other to the world than your child.
~Itachi will be involved with his son’s childhood. He will train him in the ninja arts asap and make him an exceptional prodigy like he was so other than him, your son is also there to protect you.
Would it change the way he treat his darling?
Not really. If you’re a good girl then he’s good to you before your son, and he will be good to you after. He loves deeply so may be after you have his son, he might come to love you more. After your son that’s like him, he might be tempted to want another kid, but this time, a daughter who’s like you.
What would the darling’s relationship with their son be like?
Your son is influenced by his papa a lot so he will love you a lot. In the situation when you didn’t want Itachi’s child, Itachi would make sure to communicate his expectations of you clearly: you need to be a loving and nurturing to his son or else he will kill your loved ones. So whether it be by choice, or against your will, your son will see you as the best mother because you will be required to be nurturing towards him and raise him with lots of love.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Biggest Wetlen Post List
Here will be every post I made about the Wetlens from asks, art, random and info, it’s underneath simply due to how long it is. Since I know some of you are very new to the Wetlens I made sure to grab every post that is related to them so you are able to learn more about them 😘
Btw this thing is long enjoy going through it lol
The first post of Slough
Second post of Slough and first post of the twins
Sad Slough
Old post of Slough and Trevor (rip Trevor for being benched) 
First show of Cherri
First sneak peak of the family, my gosh we have go a long way
Slough WIP featuring Creeps
Three brothers WIP
Hog and Slough getting love
First HCs of Cherri
First WIP of the Twins
CherriXReader Lemon
First Slough HCs
Art of Wetlens meeting The Hilliker Brothers 
Anon asking Slough to be their wingman for Cherri art
First sketch of Uncle Edward (Haggon) with Jade and info
The first art of Velvet and Mourge, with Haggon (the parents hadn’t gotten names at this point)
First mention of a Wetlen’s cousin
The start of the Wetlen tree with names!
Anon being a big ass drooling SIMP for Cherri
First upgrade sketch of the Twins
Twin update art post
Simpin’ over Sloughs hairy tum and boobs
Finally the Wetlen Character info sheet ft. Cassy (sadly has spelling errors)
Cherri with his prosthetic on
Hog HCs info
Anon asking Cherri to eat them (poor Cherri looks strangely drawn here haha)
How the Wetlen’s would react to their s/o in Cowboy hat and lingerie 
Anon asking how deformed Lurfi’s kid would be
Anon asking where the Wetlen’s live
Anon imagining Lurfi with a daughter and Slough being a great uncle 
Anon ask where Mourge abd Velvet capable of talking
The reason behind the Wetlen siblings names
Who was smartest between Velvet and Mourge
Anon asking recovery of Velvet and Bonnies births
Anon about Hog and Lurfi being big babies
Pronouncing the Wetlen’s names
Slough is best boi
First vs. Last Wetlen siblings drawn together
Anon asking if the Wetlens only eat people
Anon feeling bad for Velvet (when they shouldn’t lol)
Why the Wetlens came out the way they are anon ask
Anon ask whose best at sex, Saw-Tooth or Mourge
How sadistic were Velvet and Mourge
Anon ask about which Wetlens are Mummy or Daddy parents as well as Cherri being a dad
Wetlen’s and their bad teeth
Anon ask if Siblings would keep the traditions
Can Edward/Haggon talk
What happened to Griff
Are Melma and Paupii alive (but we accidently called her Melmi)
Anon asking about the Twins and Mibbi not having kids
How the family reacted to Haggon/Edward going missing
Anon asking about how Griff became infertile
Anon asking how Velvet and Mourge became their parents faves
Where did Cherri get his prosthetic 
How the Wetlen’s eat their victims
Anon talking about Lurfi being a giant baby and having her own giant babies
Anon needs to remember Velvet deserves everything that happens to her UwU
Anon asking about how Wetlen’s would be with their kids around the victim cages
How long has Cherri been a camp groundskeeper
The Wetlens and sweets
Anon asking about Wetlen’s childrens first words and how the siblings would react
Cherri’s ideal spouse
Can the Wetlen’s read or write
The difficulty of the boys kissing with their teeth ask
Why Hog wont learn to read
The Wetlen’s and boardgames
Anon asking is Wetlens know where babies come from (they mean their Uncle Griff not Gill xD)
 Anon asking where Hog got his cute fancy vest
Hogs ideal spouse
The Wetlen’s do know their birthdays
Melma and Paupii did celebrate Christmas as well UwU
Anon asks if Melma and Paupi would protect their grandkids if they knew what Velvet and Mourge did to them 
Lurfi giving Mum vibes UwU
Anon saying Melma and Paupii sound like cat names
About Melma and Paupii’s marriage 
Anon asking about Griff and Ogie
Anon asking about if Mourge/Velvet and Bonnie/Griff had a wedding
Anon asking  about Melma and Paupii’s family
Cherri with his braids out
Anon saying Cherri’s hair looks like a mullet
First sketch of Adeline (Cherri’s kid)
Meme post of Cherri and Addie
Explaining Addie has Strawberry Nevus on her face
Anon asking what type of deformity the Wetlens have
Anon asking about how they get generators
Anon asking how Cherri mocks victims
Cherri is a thot destroyer 
How much of a whore is Cherri
Cherri getting dunked on by anon for not wearing condoms
Cherri still getting blasted for not wearing a rubber
Cherri’s first sexual encounter ever
Jokes about Cherri being shocked at being a dad
Continues to joke on Cherri, the first sign of Elizabeth’s name
Anon asking who chose Addie’s name
More jokes on Cherri
Anon asking bout Adeline’s height as she gets older
Will Liz live in the swamp or town?
Anon asking bout how Liz must be happy to have a small baby
Anon asking if Addie has a nose
What type of babies were the Wetlens
Anon asks if Mibbi is bitter at being small
Anon asks why Velvet and Mourge didn’t name their kids
Anon ask about the Wetlens choosing names for their kids
What Addie was like as a baby
Anon making cute scene of Slough
Lurfi HCs!
The Twins HCs
What the siblings do on their spare time
Sloughs ideal spouse
Jokes on Cherri and Addie 
Hog and Slough S/O being happy they’re pregnant ask
Ask about Cherri killing a creep camp counselor 
How Cherri is with a smol    and a petite S/O
Cherri having a stripper name lol
About Lurfi being a midwife
Joking of Cherri some more lol  more joking and more jokes yeh we clowning on him lol also the twins ain’t safe
How large is their swamp  yeh their swamp is big
Why Cherri’s hair like that?
Liz and Cherri’s ‘fun’ nights
First design hint of Liz
What if Cherri did have a bunch of kids running around somewhere?
How do shoes fit big bois Hog and Slough
Cherri adores Addie yes UwU
Why Melma and Paupii came out with extreme deformities 
No, Cherri did not learn his lesson about wearing condoms lol
Anon wondering if Melma and Paupii called their first children ‘baby girl/boy’
Melma and Paupii do have good tastes in names 
Addie and Cherri’s relationship
Do they have clean water?
First WIP of Elizabeth
Cherri is a dumbass yes UwU  and so is Liz, a bit
Would Cherri tell Addie about their family history?
Do the Wetlens stink?
Dunking on Cherri and Liz   Lurfi being brutal to Mibbi and the Twins     Lurfi just chucking Mibbi like a basketball
When Liz came to Cherri about her pregnancy (this info may change later tho)
How Cherri is with Addie
How I plan to tell their story, but again this may change in future UwU
Cherri and Velvet having stripper names   but don’t compare Cherri to his mummy
Jokes on you Cherri cant pay child support
They did burn money
Cherri’s hobby is sleeping
Jokes on Cherri’s parents   also no spoilers on what Cassy did to Cherry yet   also more about Cherri’s parents  poor Addie getting too much info now about her family   she will know no peace   Poor Liz dealing with this as well
Anon asking if Lurfi is a bookworm
Teasing Cherri and Addie   Liz picking on Cherri  just bullying Cherri now  Cherri just being clingy   
Paupii teasing the grandkiddies
Final art piece of Elizabeth
Do Cherri and Liz still hook up
Melma and Paupii thinking noseless Cherri is cute
Cherri is a concerning parent really   Cherri the sore loser   Cherri doesn’t know the word consequences   The twins getting told off  Cherri swore around Addie once lol   these siblings can fit a lot of trauma
How old is Liz
Were Melma and Paupii parents good grandparents
Who else has Mourge been with
What happens when Addie is used as a shield by a victim
Reaction of the Wetlen’s kids giving them flower crowns
Sneak peak of Melma and Paupii’s parents as well as names
Velvet does deserve what she gets UwU  though her poor kids being terrorized by her and mourge getting it on  Mourge and Velvet were vile
Where does Bonnie and her boys live?
What’s Ogie like   Is Ogie like his whore Cousin UwU
When Bonnie and Griff learn that the Wetlen’s killed their parents  Bonnie and Griff still about the Wetlen’s killing their parents
The Phillips meeting the Wetlens
Ideas about Mourge and Velvet’s final people/victims
Why does Mourge have the head scar
Info about Ogie
The Philips and the Wetlens  More about the Philips and the Wetlens  another joke on Phillips and Wetlens
More asks about Ogie
Where did Bonnie travel   Bonnie and Griff joke  How Liz and Cherri met joke
Do Ogie and his parents stink
Do Bonnie and Griff move around in their swamp
Ogies sexuality
Mourge’s Eyebrows
Did Velvet and Mourge love each other
Cherri as a baby
Velvet with her kids   Some more jokes about Velvet and the kids  also jokes on Mourge
Given the chance Velvet and Mourge would’ve killed Cherri
About Haggon returning home
If Melma and Paupii found out about Velvet and Mourge
Melma was the big one
Melma, Mourge, Hog and Slough sizes
Paupii was tiny
Cherri and Mibbi like Paupii
Melma and Paupii babysitting
Addie with her  first cousins, once removed, joke   Bonnie caring for all the kids joke 
What would happen is Melma and Paupii were still alive
How old is Ogie  Ogie wishing he was Cherri joke  
Anon simping over Hog   continuation of joke post 
Cherri really being the only one who gets it in the swamp
Jokes on Hog’s ‘sex life’  The twins being nutheads  Jokes on Liz and Cherri’s parenting
Is cousin Mitch big boi?
The dangers of either Bonnie’s family or The Wetlen Siblings
Are the twins equally dumb
How did Mourge and Velvet eat their victims
How the Wetlens are in bed
Why did Bonnie not leave for good   Griff and Bonnie joke
About Odin and Bonnie
Does Jade have nicknames for Haggon/Edward
Chad Cherri vs. Virgin Ogie
If Edward remembered his past years
Jade having great taste
Did Melma and Paupii talk
Certain victims they avoid
Anon being thirsty bitches
Griff as a dad
Did Bonnie sleep around
Why Haggon is called Edward
About Hogs  eye  and another post about his eye
Lol teasing Liz  picking on the twins   Hog and Slough being loud fuckers
Have Wetlens been drunk
Addie a healthy baby
The Siblings living far from Bonnie and the fam
Did the Wetlens ever get high
Do the Wetlens own guns
Jokes on Hog being quiet, but loud man in bed
Is Ogie loud in bed   Jokes on Cherri and Liz again   more jokes on Liz  Dilf Cherri
Wetlens sleeping habits 
Was Cherri loud for his first time
Could the Siblings tell their twin kids apart
Anon simping over Slough and Hog again
Info on what Mourge did to Hog
Cherri telling Liz about his scars  More Cherri and Liz joke posts   Jokes about Hog and Slough again
Velvet and a victim of hers
Do the victims go to the cops   jokes on those survivors
About Cherri and Ogies Voices
WIP art of Cherri art
Do they make teeth necklaces
Lurfi gives spanks   How Lurfi is with her kids vs. her siblings  Cherri and consequences    Melma and Velvet about Velvets pregnancies   Cherri and Liz jokes ....again 
Did Malachi or Othelia regret getting together
What if there was a true crime youtbers
Addie seeing the comments on the videos both roasting and simping after her dad
About the people who killed Othelia and Malachi
Velvet and Cherri have Karren hair
Melma, Velvet and Bonnie’s height
Velvet and Mourge joke post    Malachi and Othelia joke post   Liz and Cherri joke post   jokes on Velvet and Cherri
The birth order of Melma and Paupii’s kids
How did Melma and Paupii eat their victims
Does Velvets eye work    Velvets eye joke post
Melma did love her girls UwU   Cherri and Addie joke post
How old were Melma and Paupii with their first kids
Big cannibal ladies good   Baby Velvet joke post
Where Malachi and Othelia good grandparents
Did Malachi and Othelia meet their grandkids
How I came up with Malachi’s name
Who was bigger Malachi or Othelia
Were Malachi and Othelia good parents
Othelia could pick up Bonnie
Anon saying to imagine Cherri having many children and them meeting Cherri
Wetlen’s interact with Alexa
Was Cherri the only one who gave his siblings names
Mitch and Ally (the siblings cousins) joke post  Slough joke post
Nick names with Hog and Slough
Are the siblings afraid of bugs
The siblings fave food
Which siblings have a high libido
More about the Wetlens as parents
Who would be a helicopter parent
Their fave colours
About Melma’s eye
Again Melma, Bonnie and Velvets heights (But Bonnie got taller) 
Lurfi having a bunch of kids idea anon
How old were Velvet and Mourge when Hog was born
Are Aly and Mitch twins
Did Mourge hurt Smock
The Hillikers/Wetlens with family joke post
Teen Addie joke post   Teen Addie more joke post   Addie joins Cherri in dumbass corner    Clown shoes for Addie
Does Addie have Cherri’s mean streak
Info on how cruel Lurfi can be
Cherri, Liz, Addie joke post   Anon wishes Cherri was comfortable going into town    Cherri is 100% bad influence lol
Does Cherri torture his victims away from camp
Cherri has terrible pull out game
First drawing of Cherri vs. Recent
First sketch and view of Cherri new kids (ft. Addie)
Was Delilah planned
Yes the big three are getting kids
Liz and Cherri joke post again   Joke post on Cherri  another joke post
What did Cassy do to Cherri
Another pregnancy!
Will Morgan cause issues
Will the big three have a Morgan-like kid
Lurfi’s kid joke post   more joke post   some more joke posts  
Cherri getting a bunch of Nephews/Nieces  Even more Cherri joke post    Just clowning on Cherri some more
Do they get sick
How would the big three react to their kids getting sick
Anon says cute thing for Lurfi UwU  The big threes kids still being cute
Mibbi and The Twins are not best baby sitters   Lurfi getting some love    Mibbi and Twin are the bad influences    Lurfi joke post
The Wetlen Spouses joke post    more Spouse jokes
Will Addie have same-age cousins   Addie could be baby sitter 
Will Del have same-age cousins
What is Addie and Del like
Cherri and Addie are very alike
Addie saying Hog looks like Peppa Pig
Thinking about the big three sibling spouses
Did Melma and Paupii have a concept of protection
If Velvet lived, would she be nervous of her tall kids
Questions for the Wetlens
More Questions for the Wetlens
Even more Questions for them
Much more Questions
Yep there is still more Questions!
Would Slough share his toys
Do they know about Mother/Fathers day
Would Slough give his baby a gift   joke post after this post
Which siblings are good with naps
Joke post    More joke posts    Hog and Slough joke post   Even more joke posts   Joke post on Cherri again
Mourge and Velvet being terrible parents
How often do the Wetlens get sick
Is Mibbi snarky
Slough the pushover parent
Would the Wetlens try new food
Cherri thinks very highly of himself
Cherri would bully bullies at the camp
Can Griff talk
Hog getting some love
Twins: Are we adopted? (joke post)
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
A kid p2
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I stood looking around the place keeping an eye on the little board in the center sipping my terrible airport coffee, it was awful but I needed coffee. I heard the little intercom the flight I was waiting for came in, I sighed and threw the gross coffee into the trash can, and headed to the gate it was meant to be arriving at seeing people slowly trickling out looking tired and angry most going to the arms of people waiting around for them, and as I stood there I saw the little fixed mop of blonde hair, and the moment he came out he saw me and he ran over into my arms 
"Whoa! hey kiddo" I laughed petting his hair 
"Hi Mr Watts" He smiled moving back and fixing his backpack a little 
"Hey, How was the flight?" I asked him
"There was a baby. it wouldn't stop screaming" He sighed 
"It's okay, how about we go get ice cream?"
"Yeah!" He smiled
"Where's your mother?"
"She's coming." He says 
"Okay, you need anything?"
"The toilet"
"Alright run along then I'll wait for your mum," I told him so he left his backpack with me and he ran off elsewhere just as he did I saw y/n coming out with their bags and holding a little bottle of water to her head "Headache?"
"There was-"
"A screaming baby, Arthur told me" I laughed 
"Ummm" she nods dropping her stuff and hugging me tightly I smiled and hugged her tightly too "I missed you benny"
"I missed you too, My sweet little flower" I smiled giving her a little kiss "Ohh... I may have promised ice cream"
"Might you have?" she glared "You got a lot to learn about kids benny" she laughs gathering their stuff
"What, you water them, give them... sunlight-"
"That's plants" she laughs
"Well I can't keep those alive either" I shrug 
"You're fine Arthur's old enough and smart enough he pretty much takes care of himself" she laughs as Arthur came back and took his backpack "Come on kiddo, Benny's buying you ice cream"
"Yay!" He smirked running off towards the exit 
"Who said I was buying it?"
"I did" she smirked linking her arm with mine and tugging me along after Arthur "And you can deal with him when he has the sugar crash from the ice cream in an hour" 
"Fine" I sighed "So long as I get some kisses"
"when he's asleep" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss so I took them both to my car and got loaded up Arthur in the back and y/n in the front with me s we drove through new york to get to my apartment 
"Mr watts?" Arthur asked sitting up leaning on the seat
"Yeah, kiddo?" I laughed
"sit back Arthur it's dangerous," Y/n told him 
"Where are we going to all sleep?" he asked
"Well, I have a very lovely airbed. That sound good kiddo? you'll have the whole flat as your room"
"All of it!"
"All of it" 
"Yeah if you're happy with the air bed"
"But.. if the whole flat is mine on the air bed? where will you and mummy sleep?"
"Ohh... I'm sure me and your mummy can, rough it in my bed together" I smirked winking at y/n 
"Or maybe I should have the little airbed and let you boys share, have a boys-only sleepover in the bedroom" y/n smirked back 
"Maybe, we'll see" I said slightly glaring at her, as soon as we got to the apartment we all headed inside me and arthur sat at the table playing a little freindly game if chess while y/n unpacked and hung things up in the closet "you can relax a minute y/n" I laughed at her scurrying around
"I can but I have things to do" she smiled messing with my hair as she walked past petting arthur's and doing his move for him
"Mum!" He whines as she went off doing something else
"You should take your mother's advice arthur, she's the second best chess player I've ever met" I smiled winking at her
"However arthur bare in mind Mr Watts does think the best chess player he's ever met is himself" she laughed
"Your good Mr Watts. But your cocky. And it leads you open" he says "checkmate"
"Hu. Well done kiddo, I think that's deserves some ice cream" I told him as he had actually beaten me then again I was being nice to him and I was distracted by y/n wandering around my apartment, I went and did him some ice cream as he packed the board away and I couldn't help looking at y/n, remembering the last time I saw her rushing around my apartment, however back then she was only in her little sheer nightie and I was often bending her over things or pulling her on my lap for a while. I forced it out my mind and gave arthur his ice cream, as soon as he was finished I got the airbed up and arthur decided he wanted it which was fine by me as it meant y/n was bunking with me. I leaned on the door frame watching y/n read him a chess book as a bedtime story as she tucked him into bed, I couldn't help imagining... What it would be like, for us to be a family.
"Sleep tight arthur, I'm just in the next room if you need me"
"Okay, goodnight mummy" he smiled
"Goodnight" she smiled getting up
"Goodnight Mr Watts"
"Goodnight arthur," I smiled back she turned the light off and came inside the bedroom so I left the door open a crack and got ready for bed too climbing in and smirking at her "so?"
"So?' she asks quietly
"We're finally... All alone"
"You seriously expect me to have sex with you with my son on the other side of the wall?"
".... We've had sex in worse places" I shrug as she climbed into bed "don't you remember... The beach?"
"I do, or the elevator"
"Umm that was fun. Come on... For old time sake my little flower?"
"No Benny," she giggled getting her book
"You really wanna read a book rather then snuggling with me?"
"My son is-"
"Our son. He is mine remember"
"What's the Humm for?"
"No, tell me"
"Nothing, just..."
"I am trying y/n. I've never been around kids before I'm doing my best. I wanna be a part of his life, of you'll let me"
"Of course I'll let you benny,"
"I don't know how to go about it. That's all"
"Umm, he talks about you"
"Does he?"
"He does, mummy's new boyfriend Mr Watts"
"Mummy's boyfriend? Didn't know I was your boyfriend?" I smirked
"He thinks you are"
"Am I?"
"I suppose so"
"Wait... New boyfriend? Have you had boyfriends he knew about before?"
"No Benny, but he's a smart kid he knows he came from somewhere"
"I have a theory"
"Do you now?"
"I think it was that bathtub. Due to the timing, then again I don't know the exact timing due to me... Not knowing had knocked you up in the first place"
"I think it was that chair"
"Do you? It might have been the chair, I don't know it was somewhere in here I must have got you pregnant"
"Or the car"
"... Or the car. Did we-"
"On the way home a week before you left, from the grocery store"
"Ohh yeah... I remember that."
"Not a bad time for in the back of a beetle" she giggled
".... Maybe we should tell him"
"Tell him what?"
"What do you think. Tell him in his dad"
"I don't know Benny..."
"Why not, I wanna be a part of his life and a part of yours if you'll have me. It's not fair on him to grow up without a dad, not when I'm around"
"Benny, it's not like I wouldn't want a life with you, it's just it's been just me and arthur for so long now, and I don't know how people would react and who knows how it would go I mean you have no experience with children Benny, and I mean how long would it last? A quick roll in the hay again would be fine if I was still young dumb and twenty one but... Not when your thirty" she says
"Y/n. My sweet little flower." I smiled giving her a cuddle "you always were an overthinking pessimist"
"It's my way"
"I know, y/n I know we're not as young as we were back then, but I'm just happy to see you again to hold you again, and... Honestly it can last as long as you want, a week, a month, a year, or the rest of our lives and I'll still be happy, I know I'm shit with kids but I can learn, and who gives a shit what people think of us I'll marry you to shut them up if you really want" I told her
"You mean it Benny?'
"Of course I mean it. I wouldn't say it if I didn't. Y/n it broke my heart when you left i- I never thought I'd see you again. And when I did I... I didn't know what to do or say or think, I never knew about arthur and I wish I could have, I would have wanted to cuddle you and watch your stomach grow and hold your hand when you have birth I would have wanted to be there for all of it and... I wasn't. I've missed so much of his life and I want to be there, for him and for you so you don't have to be on your own anymore, so I can take care of you. Both of you"
"I'd like that Benny" she smiled giving me a kiss "still he's old enough we can't mess him up to much"
"Hes my son how much more messed up can he get" I laughed
"Still we can figure it out, I'm sorry I never told you and that you missed so much. It's okay next time you'll be here, won't you?"
"If there's a next time, I'll be there every second"
"I'd like a next time. I wanna give him a sister"
"A sister?" I smirked pulling her close to me "I think I can arrange that my little flower" I smirked pulling her to kiss me she happily kissed back running our hands all over each other umm it took me back all those nights in here lost in each other for hours on end.
"Mummy?" Arthur spoke up at the door that had been creaked open we quickly seperated sitting up
"What's the matter darling?" She asked trying to not to expose just how hot and heavy we where getting as we where both gasping a little
"Is it true?" He asked and we froze "what I heard? Is... Is Mr Watts my daddy?"
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fellulahh · 4 years
I love your writings about the whole pregnant family thing but for... angst.. how about MC died from giving birth ? 👉👈
Okay so this suggestion actually broke my heart! I cried so much writing this, especially with Satan’s - once I started crying at his there was no going back😫
MC dies from childbirth (possible trigger warning)
- he refuses to believe it’s true, he immediately turns into his demon form and demands to speak to the doctor
- Has horrific flashbacks to when he held Lilith’s dead body, he’ll just stare down at MC’s lifeless form and feel his heart begin to shut off again
- Lucifer never recovers from MC’s death, the only thing stopping him from losing himself is their baby that he protects with his life
- he’ll cry so much, he won’t believe it’s happening, he’ll keep holding MC’s hand begging her to wake up and ‘stop sleeping now you’re scaring me’
- The nurses have to drag him out of the room because he’s in absolute hysterics
- When he gets passed the baby, his crying will stop momentarily as he’s reminded of MC but then he’ll hold the bub close and would start crying even more
- his whole body starts to shake after it’s revealed that MC has passed away
- He wouldn’t be ready to meet their bub because he’s terrified of being a parent alone so he’ll run and lock himself away somewhere
- Struggles to stop himself from hyperventilating, he blames himself for her death because he’s a ‘stupid otaku demon who should have thought before impregnating a human!’
- his heart shatters right there and then, he doesn’t shed a tear but his sad eyes will just gawp at MC’s lifeless body as his chest rises up and down
- He is completely emotionally distraught, he’ll hold MC’s hand and won’t leave her side until he’s made to by the nurse
- In his last moments gazing at her face, he’ll study every single feature so that he’ll always have a clear memory of her in his mind
- Can only see MC in their baby
- he’s in complete denial that MC has died, he keeps saying to himself “no, she wouldn’t ever leave me”
- Asmo cries like he’s never cried before, he doesn’t care about who’s watching or his appearance, he just throws himself over her hospital bed, clutching onto her hand
- Spends the night holding their baby in his arms, his eyes still glued to MC as he coos to their bub “that’s your mother, isn’t she beautiful? She’s the most beautiful soul I ever laid eyes on.”
- everything stands still when he gets told, he can physically feel the pain of his heart being ripped out from his chest
- After he’s finished crying and mourning, he’ll step up to MC’s bed and plant one last kiss on her forehead before taking their baby in his arms
- “Look, that’s your Mummy right there. Unfortunately she can’t stay with us - she had to go but she will always be looking over us.” He says as he tries to stay strong for their baby, tears threatening to spill
- after learning of her death, Belphie spirals back into that state of insanity, he immediately wants to lock himself away in the attic and never be seen again
- He’s completely shattered because he’s seen MC die before but he knows she’s not coming back this time
- He stares at her lifeless body from the end of her bed, his chest heaving before the nurse hands him their baby
- Looks down at the bub with a really sunken expression before pulling it in close
- I don’t think it’d be an issue for Diavolo, he’d probably just pick the baby up in his arms, do some bippity boppity boo razzle dazzle and *poof* MC is alive again
- Tells her off for dying, “don’t you dare scare me like that again!”
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Way Down We Go - J.S
John Shelby x Reader
Warnings - Miscarriage
In which Y/N loses her baby, only a few months after John gets back from the war.
Can’t tell if I hate this or not, but I’m posting it anyway ✨
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Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve?
Every man was different after the war, but ,at least to you, none so much as John. War had taken his spirit, Polly had told you over a cup of tea a few months ago, and you couldn't disagree. Sometimes, you saw the same, comedic, lighthearted eighteen year old that had left you, when he played with your two young children, or when you were together in bed, but now, it felt forced. The glimmer in his eyes was dull, and you could do nothing, except be there and hold him tightly when the night terrors made him come alive with yells and screams in the night. It had put a strain between you - between every relationship in Britain, really - but the love you had for him hadn't faded, not over those four years apart with only letters every few weeks, nor when he would lose his temper like he never had before, or when he would stay out all night, high or drunk, desperately searching for some relief from his now miserable life. You didn't think he loved you any less either. When he held you at night, when you kissed, or had sex, it felt the same as it always had, at least for a little while, like you had your old John back. It just grew harder for him to show his love, sometimes.
You would never complain , of course - what did you have to complain about? You got your husband back, when so many women didn't. You did the same as you always did - adapt to this new lifestyle that you faced - the you both faced together , you reminded him frequently.
Whoa, we get what we deserve
However, your already muddled life became even more daunting, the day you found out you were pregnant with your third child, at only 22, only months after he had come back. Katie and George were still practically toddlers - only five and three, and when you had found out, you had fled to Polly's in a state, sobbing and stating that there was no way you could do this, not right now, not so soon. It already half felt like you had a new born child again, you had guiltily wept to Polly - you were up all night most days with John, after his nightmares when he refused to go back to sleep, making cups of tea, curling up together with the curtains wide open, to let him remember he was no longer in the dark trenches, but in your tiny town house in the centre of Birmingham, hands gripping the others tiredly, repeating varying mantras of you're okay, you're home, you're here, I'm here for you, I'll never leave.
The fear of telling John about the pregnancy was worse than when you had sobbed to him on the sofa about Katie, when you were both only sixteen. He could barely keep up the pretence of the dad he had once been to his two children now, though he tried to so desperately. But, surprisingly to you, and everyone else around you, he was overjoyed. Every night, before the bump even began to form, he would kiss your stomach, murmuring sweet words to the baby inside. You both felt like this baby would perhaps be the new start that John so desperately needed.
And way down we go
And all of that hope, that love, that excitement, had been dashed on one single morning, four months to the day since John had got back.
He had left early, that morning, to go to work, to the betting shop only several homes down the street on Watery Lane. He had, for the first time in months, done what he always used to - run his fingers through your tangled bed hair, placed a kiss on your lips, with a whisper of “I love you.” That had left you with a wide smile, and for a few minutes, perhaps an hour, that warmth from that kiss filled you with a new hope.
It had only been when Katie and George had woke up, and began jumping up and down on your bed, when you had gotten up, going to grab them with a laugh, that you started to feel the back pain you had been feeling for hours worsen. You had just assumed you’d pulled your back chasing the children around the house, yesterday. It was only when you went to make the bed - when you saw the blood, only a small patch of it, that everything really clicked together in your mind.
It felt like everything slowed down for a moment - Katie and George were still rolling around giggling, the birds were still crowing outside, and the sheets were still clutched in your hands. You knew then, of course, that it was gone - that everything was gone. John’s happiness, that new, beautiful chance that you felt like you had earned, that all of the hardship would finally been worth it.
“Katie, darling?” Your voice was croaking, and you coughed, to clear it, to not alarm the little girl in front of you, who was so goddamn excited for her new sibling. “Run and go get your Aunt Polly for me, won’t you? Just down the street?”
Way down we go
She nodded, a beam on her little cheeks at this new sudden trust and independence, dashing out of the room, George rushing after her quickly, on his chubby little toddler legs. Katie waited for a second, grabbing his hand, half dragging him along behind her.
Your hands still clutched the sheets, as you sunk back onto the bed, a half scream building up in your throat. Not this, not this, not this. God, please, not this.
Say way down we go
It was hours later, night time just beginning to fall, and Polly was bustling around the kitchen, after murmuring something about making a cup of tea. You’d only just both got back from the doctors, and you’d barely spoken a word on the journey back on the tram, Polly’s hand clutched in yours - the only semblance of comfort you would allow her to give. She didn’t even try to put into words what she wanted to say, and for that you were grateful, because if she even said it, the word that the doctor had spoken with a pat on the shoulder, you would surely cry how you had in the doctors office, and on the tram, and on the walk home. You hadn’t stopped crying, all day, though your sobs were now occasional sniffles, as you lay buried under a pile of blankets, curled up, in both physical and emotional pain that was almost worse than anything you had ever experienced.
The front door opened, the distinct creak rippling through the silent house, almost like a warning. You froze, squeezing your eyes shut, for the first time wishing that this would be the night that John stayed out at the Garrison.
It wasn’t. You heard his voice bounce off the walls, higher pitched, afraid in a tone you’d only heard him speak whilst encapsulated in dreams.
You thanked god the kitchen was before the sitting room you lay in, that Polly could intercept him before he had to see you, and you him, because how could you face him? This baby was your fresh chance. And you had fucking lost it.
You let your feet run wild
“John.” Her voice was so gentle, as if she was afraid he would break with a single wrong word. Perhaps he would. Perhaps you would too, now.
“Pol? I’ve just - I’ve just fuckin’ got back, and Katie and George are at yours talking about how their ‘mummy is bleeding’? What the fuck does that mean? Where the hell-“
You squeezed your eyes tightly closed, hands tightly gripping onto the cushion you had wrapped yourself around. Perhaps if you thought hard enough, you could imagine yourself away, anywhere away from here.
“John. Come and sit down.” Polly’s voice was calm but firm, and though you heard several more questions from John, the kitchen door shut, and you were left with the silence, that was almost worse than the words.
The only words you had spoke to Polly when you left that doctors office was that you couldn’t possibly tell John. It was selfish, you knew, but the thought of his face crumpling, the thought of him no longer kissing your forehead in the morning, or sleeping with one hand on your stomach, was enough to make you want to hide away for ever.
Their conversation felt like it took a long time, though really, it could have only been an hour or so. You couldn’t hear much, but the sound of a crashing chair, of the shattering of some porcelain, the one singular almost roar of pain, was enough for you to cover your ears with your palms, squeezing close your teary eyes. After that, everything became quiet again, and you stayed as you were, staring up at the ceiling, eyes following the pattern of the plaster.
Time has come as we all, oh, go down
Polly left the kitchen before John, with her eyes suspiciously red, for such an astute woman. She wrapped her arms around you, supporting you, helping you get to bed, insisting on that, before she left. You didn’t really need the physical support, of course, but the feeling of the mother-like figure holding you close was comforting.
Polly left you soon after, tucked into bed, with a stroke of your hair, and a promise of visiting tomorrow, and of looking after Katie and George for as long as you needed, until you were ready.
Yeah but for the fall, ooh, my
You didn’t know how long you lay there, waiting for the door to slam shut again, waiting for him to leave, to never come back, but it never came. Instead, you heard the creaking of the stairs that so desperately needed fixing, if you ever got round to doing so.
John stood in the doorway for a while, a long look exchanged between you. His eyes were bloodshot, with alcohol and tears, and he only wore his white vest and his suit trousers, his hair messy.
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes?
“I’m sorry.” You spoke first, the meaning in your words thick.
He didn’t speak, just kicking off his shoes, laying down in the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, so your head rested upon his chest, as your legs went to wrap around his in the way they always did. You cried in his arms for a time, and you knew he was crying too, felt the damp spot in your hair where he had buried his head.
“Don’t ever fucking say sorry for this, okay?” His voice was a mixture of anger and grief and love and it made you cry even more. “This isn’t your fault.”
“This was supposed to be our fresh start.” You pulled back a little, looked into his eyes. “Our blessing, after everything...”
He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing, trying to hold in his emotions, to be strong for you, like he had always vowed to do.
“I know, love. I know.”
“You were so happy.” You said quietly. “And now...”
He was quiet for a few minutes.
Oh, 'cause they will run you down, down 'til the dark
“Of course I was happy to have a ... have a baby with you. But that wasn’t the only reason I was happy. It was because for the first time since I got back, you seemed genuinely excited, and.. god, I don’t know - full of life. I took that from you by coming back.”
“How can you say that?” Your eyes were full of tears again as you looked up at him. “You didn’t take anything from me by coming back. You fucking gave me back the love of my life by coming back. Polly won’t have ever told you what I was like when you were gone, but I was a mess, John. I’d be a mess every day without you. Don’t you ever say that again.” Your voice rose to almost anger.
“Do you not think I see how tired you always are? How you don’t have energy anymore because I keep you awake all fucking night? How you smile less than you ever have before.”
“I don’t care about being tired John. I got you back. I got you back, and I won’t care about being tired ever again if I can hear your heartbeat every night like I can. Because I spent four years wondering if that heart was even still beating.”
His lip wobbled.
“I don’t want you to have to sacrifice for the rest of your life-“
“This is not sacrifice. This is love, okay?”
“I’m going to be like this for the rest of my life. I know it.”
“And I will be there for every night. I will hold your hand and help you through it all, okay?” Your voice quietened, hand cradling his cheek.
“Whether you like it or not.” You continued firmly.
“I love you.” He spoke, holding you tighter. “We’ll... we’ll get through this together won’t we?”
“We’ll get through it all together.” Your voice was still croaky, still in pain, but those blue eyes of his filled you with some form of strength, as always.
One of his hands pressed onto your stomach.
“I love you.” He murmured quietly, and you knew it was to your unborn baby, the one that you would never get to name, or know the gender of, or watch grow up.
“I love you.” You repeated, one of your hands going over his, fingers interlocking.
Yes and they will run you down, down 'til you fall
And they will run you down, down 'til you go
Yeah, so you can't crawl no more
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