You know those "Modern god pantheon" stories that like to revolve around the, "Our believers have waned and so has our power," thing?
Thinking about that today, and. Something like 7% of all humans who have ever lived are alive today. The world's population today absolutely absurdly higher than anything those ancient populations possibly could have conceived it being.
And thanks to technology and communication and the "shrinking" of the world, more people have probably heard the names of many of those gods then ever worshiped them before. And many of those gods actually do have followers and worshippers today. Yes, people do worship and believe in Norse gods and Greek gods and etc.
I can't fathom how many smaller gods must have been forgotten about entirely. But the fact is that we remember so many of them.
What I'm saying is, modern gods where they have more power than they could have ever fathomed because their believers are just statistically so much higher and so many more people know their name.
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shiftythrifting · 18 hours
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various intriguing items spotted at the northwest’s largest garage sale
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winnienora13 · 2 days
This is mostly concerning James but it applies to every character ever:
Ethnicities are not just aesthetics
There is a cultural significance to them
I’ve seen so so many people just make James desi by making him darker, making him eat desi food and making him call Regulus hindi pet names
there is so much more to desi culture than just that
Same with latino James
They just make him darker and speak Spanish
If we’re going to make people darker to be inclusive at least do it well
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Vincent Price and Gene Tierney -
Dragonwyck (1946) dir. Joseph L. Mankiewitcz
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illustratus · 24 hours
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The Formation of Eve by Gustave Doré
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heresylog · 2 days
I'm glad you brought up kirby, because as a fellow Catholic I have always wondered something. Kirby is an alien who has the ability to gain the "powers" of whatever he consumes. If the Pope is correct in his assertion that aliens could take Communion, my question is as follows: If Kirby was a baptized, believing Catholic who took communion, would the process of transubstantiation give Kirby the powers of Jesus Christ?
Hello Small Business Owner,
When we partake in the Eucharist, the priest says a silent prayer along the lines of “may the Body keep me safe and eternal.” And there is another point where everyone says, “I am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” The point of Mass is to literally give thanks have gratitude and receive spiritual healing. It’s not like a video game buff or recipe where if someone does x then y happens. But for you, I’ll humor the question.
In this situation Kirby’s birth would have been forordained and his powers are a gift from God. Kirby would also need to be fit to receive communion by being in a state of grace and fasting at least one hour before Mass.
We can conclude that Kirby would have the same gifts Jesus gave to his apostles (power to heal, power to forgive sins, power to walk on water with Him etc) but would exclude powers they were not given that Jesus has. In conclusion: Kirby would become a priest. But like, in a speed run.
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When you’re down to nothing, God is up to something.
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safije · 2 days
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A mosque in Honhot, Inner Mongolia, China.
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lloke · 3 days
There's something that kinda fascinates me about those elaborate gnostic divine hierarchies where the highest God -- who is unimaginably remote -- first emanates a bunch of lesser powers, who then emanate another level of powers and so on until you get down to the demiurgic creator of our own world who exists on a fairly low level of the divine ecosystem. I guess all these intermediate layers of divinity appeal to me because of the way they kind of create a sense of scale regarding the true vastness of the divine realm and the power and majesty attributed to the ultimate God. It's like those astronomical comparisons that try to help you visualize the immensity of space by explaining that so many thousand Earths could fit inside Jupiter, and so many Jupiters inside the sun and so on -- telling you to imagine something impossibly huge, and then to imagine something so huge it makes the first thing look miniscule in comparison, in order to give you that mindblowing feeling of "omg space is so big!!" Similarly these divine hierarchies are like: "Oh yeah, that god who created our whole universe and could crush us with a thought -- the one who maybe other sects say is Top God? He's actually the lowest man on the cosmic totem pole; there exist gods as high above him as he is above us puny mortals. And even they aren't the greatest gods out there..."
IDK even though I don't believe in any of it I guess aesthetically I just prefer a sense of the divine that's actually massive and awesome and incomprehensible over the aspects of religion that try really hard to make God Almighty #relatable to human beings.
(But maybe I also kind of think of this stuff as just a metaphor for the actual nature of Ultimate Reality, which is in fact huge and incomprehensible and non-anthropocentric when you're not viewing it from a religious angle.)
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liberatingreality · 12 hours
Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else's game.
Evita Ochel
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shiftythrifting · 2 days
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Some informative tees. It took me a while to figure out the first one. Value Village, Edmonton AB
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soup-mother · 2 days
you can't be goth AND christian, the rosaries and aesthetics HAVE to be completely surface level and taking the piss, it's just wrong otherwise.
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sillimoff · 1 day
Pagan Temples
yall pagan temples were SO cool, such a shame that Theodosius and his christian amigos decided to burn them all down.
like imagine going to a Hellenic temple weekly and in different areas there is a worship area for each Olympian god. Like a MASSIVE public altar in each corner and you are given a candle and lighter when you enter and you can choose the deity area of your choice, and weekly there will kinda like, be a public praying session, aloud guided by someone at each area. Like they will recruit someone who worships each of the Olympians and it will be their job everyday to go down and take care of the altar of their god and to pray alloud.
man that would be so cool :)
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illustratus · 21 hours
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The Last Chapter by James Doyle Penrose
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