slowandsteddie · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Send me an ask of a file name and I’ll write three paragraphs.
I keep doing paragraphs instead of sentences because I’m trying to get these finished but I lack motivation when doing so “on my own” so to speak.
1. Claudia Henderson POV
2. Oral Fixation
3. you mean it isn’t normal to cuddle your drug dealer?
4. Lazy Petals
5. Vampires and Shapeshifters and…Dragons? Oh My! (this one is very new!)
Snippet from Vampire and Shapeshifters and…Dragons? Oh My! below the cut (there be swears)
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Steve knew that this was an incredibly stupid decision going into it. That didn’t make facing the stupid thing any easier. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, shaking his hands out. It was the only sign of nerves that he allowed himself. He was the hero. The goddamn babysitter. He was meant to be cool, calm, and collected. Because that was what those stupid fucking twerps needed.
Them being okay was probably the most important thing to him. Which meant that he had to come out of this okay as well to make sure that happened. The shift was fluid, feeling almost like he was floating under water. And, what was left had to be a comical sight.
A house cat facing a dragon.
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anarmel · 1 year
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Steddie in my d&d au
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celebtf · 2 months
Mysterio's new Trip
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As Mysterio tumbled through the air, his mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, anger, and frustration mixed together as he fell towards the unforgiving ground below. His grand plans had crumbled beneath him, shattered by the relentless determination of Spider-Man.
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As Mysterio fell down in to the water, everything went black and the cold water hit him from the back, he let out a big grunt. It was so cold, it was really freezing. Mysterio thought to himself that if he survived this he would seek his revange on The Avengers. Mostly Spiderman, it was Spiderman that had ruined everything for him. Mysterio had the money, the fame, everything, even the girls and boys after him and that stupid kid had to ruin everything.
Mysterio could feel himself lifting up from the water and over the city, he could feel the coldness from the wind brushing against his wet cold skin.
" Hey, wake up, hello " Mysterio felt a kick, he was alive. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a man standing over him. The man was tall and not the most muscular man but probably could hit hard, the man was dressed in green, alot of green and had long black hair, in his and he was holding something that probably could be used as a weapon.
" So you're finally awake, thank god, I didn't know what I would do otherwise, throw you out in space " Mysterio didn't notice that he weren't on earth.
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" Loki " Mysterio rolled his eyes when he saw that Loki was the one that had saved him. " Happy to see you too" Loki just laughed and started to walk around in the room.
" I saw you crash into the water, I did you a favour, atleast give me a thank you " Mysterio countined to roll his eyes. " So I heard you wanted to take down The Avengers, I can help you with that, but I need a favour back Ofcourse "
Mysterio was sceptical and started to think to himself, how could Loki help him?
" Ah, Mysterio, my dear friend. I require your unique talents for a little scheme of mine." Old friend? Mysterio looked at Loki with a stare.
Loki took his staff and started to swing it in the room the same time as he startes to chant something. A green haze started to full up the room, and Mysterio started to lose sign of Loki.
Mysterio felt a crack in his back and fell down on the ground. His legs started to grow muscles and and his boots started to torn up and his feets bust out. Mysterio's thighs started to grow to, a lot and his stomach formed a new set of abs, a hard and better sixpack, Mysterio was in shock and fasinated over this change, his ass got fuller too, it became big and bubbly. Mysterio's new arms started go get muscular and big and he started to feel his jaw get sharpened, his cheekbones got rounder and his eyes started to sting, his Hair came undone and started to bleach.
" Loki.. what are you doing to me "
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" Let's get your new uniform.. Captain "
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Loki showed me my new reflection, and I have to admit.. I looked good. I was so strong and handsome and tall, I was till before but now I'm even taller.
" So I can see that you like it, Captian " Loki looked at me and I smiled and told him him how much I liked it and that I was very greatful.
So what's the plan Loki, how am I going to take down The Avengers? I was walking around Loki's places to test the limits in Captains body.
" Leave that up to me, just follow and we will get what we want"
Suddenly I was the Green smoke again and Loki was gone.
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" Thor and Captian.. I mean you and me are going to be good partners "
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italiansteebie · 11 months
secret shape shifter Steve who everyone thinks dies in the upside down, only he doesn't but he's having a fantastically peaceful time shifting into a small brown cat and bugging each of them at their houses.
he keeps it his own little secret until robin and eddie come close to a fist fight over who he belongs to, and the peace he felt once is gone. "he's my cat. buck! his name is oz, and I found him first." Eddie sneers, waving his hands theatrically. "uh, no. he crawled out from under the rubble at my house, his name is rubble, obviously, and he is mine."
their heads turn to the cat that had been resting lazily on the worn couch, as he screamed at them, seeming to want them to stop arguing. "shush, cat. we're trying to argue," Eddie says, swiping a hand over his face, to which he hisses at, rolling his eyes before stalking back to eddies room. he can still hear them arguing, he shakes his head, "dummies," he thinks as he flicks his tail. he flops down, rolling on his back and stretching until his bones pop and snap back into his human form. (he shifted every night after he went home, he had some practice by now). Steve groaned as he stood, ruffling his hair, picking up some clean-ish clothes off of eddies floor, before slipping them on.
"can you guys shut up?" he said, walking into the living room where his two friends were still arguing. "no- steve? are you real?" Eddie whispered, poking his face, "hey!"
"what the fuck Steve, we thought you were dead!" robin cried, tears streaming down her face as she launched herself into his arms. "I've been around, robs."
"what are you talking about?" Eddie whispered, still staring at him as though he's an apparition, and well, he kind of is... "im the cat," Steve said simply, tacking on a 'meow,' for emphasis.
"what cat? my cat? rubble?" robin asked, jaw dropping when Steve nodding. "I changed in front of you! oh my god, Steve."
"prove it," Eddie said, eyeing him carefully.
Steve rolled his eyes, rolling his shoulders before beginning the shift once more. he stared up at his friends for a moment before shifting back into his human form carefully, as to not flash either of them.
"Oh my god. I told you about my crush on- that was private" Eddie cried, scrubbing a hand over his face.
and Steve remembers that night, how he softly curled around Eddie after uttering those words. "and I hate him," he'd sobbed, "because I never- never got to tell him how I felt," and Steve had never wanted to shift more in a moment, than right then and there.
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katethewriter · 2 years
Kinda Like You
from the New Kid series
Summary: Natasha and New Kid find they have much more in common than they originally believed.
Words: 3.5k~
Pairing: Natasha x little!Reader - Wanda x little!Reader - Wandanat x little!Reader(platonic) - Steve Rogers x Reader(platonic) - WandaNat - Wanda x Natasha
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, tough love from Steve, misguided frustrations
A/N: Who wants to learn more about New Kid's past? Well, that's what we're doing today! This chapter is very dialogue heavy, but they are information sharing so enjoy!
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“Pick your battles New Kid,” Steve calls from the side of the mat.
Y/n and Peter have been sparring for the past twenty minutes under the watchful eyes of Captain America while a few others filtered in and out. Currently, Natasha and Tony stand nearby, observing quietly as the 12 and 15 year old fight.
Y/n struggles to break out of the hold that Peter has caught her in.
“Tap out, Y/n. If you had followed through with your swing, he wouldn’t have caught you in the first place,” Steve chastises, “yield and reset.”
 With a huff, Y/n taps Peter’s arm, and he releases her. The pair turn to face each other and go again.
The girl lunges for Peter. He is able to quickly dodge the attack and circle her. Before she can react, he has her in another hold. She does her best, but knows she is unable to break free. With a glance to the side, she spots Natasha and Tony whispering to each other. Skepticism clear in their faces.  
Y/n sighs and taps out again.
“You always have to be thinking about the next move,” Steve walks onto the mat, “expect he will dodge, be prepared and plan for it.” He looks at Peter and nods his head to the side of the mat. The teen walks off, leaving the super soldier and New Kid in the center of the mat. “Reset.”
The girl prepares to fight her instructor, taking a deep breath to focus before the fight.
Steve attacks first, swinging for Y/n’s shoulder. The girl ducks below his arm. As he steps through the swing, she circles him and lands a kick to his back. She reaches for his arm to twist it behind his back, but he turns. With a swipe of his leg, New Kid’s back hits the mat roughly. She grimaces at the pain coursing through her.
“Always watch your feet.”
Suddenly, a scoff can be heard from the other side of the room.
Y/n turns to see Natasha’s stern look and pursed lips. They lock eyes for only a moment before the red head shakes her head and turns to the door. Steve helps the girl to her feet, and she continues to watch the widow leave the gym.
Natasha hates her. She has to. Y/n’s sure of it. Every time the widow watches her train ends this way, with a look of disapproval and a fast exit.
 Actually, that is how many of their interactions end.
Natasha walks in while 12-year-old Y/n is learning mission tactics, she exits quickly.
The widow is dismantling a sniper when New Kid is given a tour of the weaponry. She can’t be more than 10. Natasha doesn’t even spare her a glance as she finishes her task.
She passes her in the gun range, she clenches her jaw and leaves silently with a full magazine.
It seems the only time Natasha can stand to be in the same room as New Kid is at mealtimes.
Y/n watches as the gym doors slide closed behind the retreating red head. She wonders what she did to make the woman hate her so and if there was anything she could do to fix it.
Suddenly an arm is entering her vision rapidly. She ducks just in time to miss Steve’s swing.
“Never take your eyes off your opponent.”
Wanda trails kisses from Natasha’s shoulder to her neck.
“Hey,” the widow chuckles and pulls away slightly, “I am trying to watch the movie.”
The two have been curled up in Wanda’s bed watching movies all day. They’ve been together for over a year, and they’ve learned to savor the little moments they are able to hide from the rest of the world.
Wanda pauses her kisses briefly, “oh come on, you’ve seen this movie a hundred times.”
“Then why did you pick it?” she asks incredulously.
“Because you’ve seen it a hundred times,” the cheeky Sokovian responds leaning up to press her lips to the Russian’s. This time, Natasha doesn’t pull away. She deepens the kiss as the movie goes forgotten.
They lay there, kissing gently, just happy to be in each other’s arms.
…..then there’s a knock on the door.
“Ignore it,” Natasha says quickly before continuing the kiss.
Wanda shakes her head and pulls away, “I can’t. It’s Y/n; she needs something.”
The widow furrows her brows, “how do you know?”
“Her little thoughts are very loud,” the witch smiles, “I can hear them whether I’m trying to or not.”
Wanda rolls out of the bed, and Natasha groans. She pauses the movie, while the younger woman opens the door to greet little Y/n.
From the hallway, Y/n looks up to Wanda with a small smile.
The witch crinkles her nose with a grin and lowers herself to be closer to eyelevel with the girl. “Why hello, sweet girl! To what do I owe this pleasure?” She ends the question with a gentle boop on the girl’s nose.
“Can you help me put this on?” Y/n asks quietly, holding a dress out to display, “I can’t reach the buttons.” She looks down sadly, trying to hide her gaze from the witch.
Wanda quickly lifts the girl’s chin, so she is looking at her again, “hey, it’s always ok to ask for help, mala(little one). I’d love to help you.”
She stands and opens the door further for Y/n to enter. They only make it three steps into the room before the girl spots Natasha sitting on the bed.
Y/n stands still under Natasha’s gaze. Obviously, she has interrupted something. She shouldn’t be here. She can’t ask for help in front of Natasha. Not when it is very clear that the assassin already doesn’t like her. She is overcome with a large wave of nervousness.
From the bed, Natasha watches Wanda welcome New Kid into the room. The sight of her hits the widow like a truck. It’s the youngest Natasha has ever seen Y/n drop.
Natasha smiles to the girl, “Hey New Kid.”
“Hi,” Y/n shifts on her feet uncomfortably, then looks up to Wanda.
The Sokovian smiles and ushers her to her connected bathroom. “Here,” she takes the child’s hand, “lets go in here to get you changed.”
The two of them slip into the bathroom leaving Natasha alone in the bedroom while Wanda helps Y/n change out of her current clothes and into the dress.
All alone, Natasha tries to think of why seeing Y/n had such an impact on her.
The girl looked to be about 6, definitely the youngest Natasha has ever seen her drop. After a minute of thinking it suddenly makes sense.
She reminds her of Yelena.
The bathroom door opens. The pair reenter the room and sure enough, Y/n looks about (if not exactly) the same age as her sister was right before they left Ohio.
The nostalgia brings a lump to Natasha’s throat. She’s able to fight it back, but that proved difficult. When she looks at the girl in front of her, all she can see is her sister. The sister she never saw again.
“Wow! I love your dress!” the redhead beams, “where’d you get a dress that pretty?”
Y/n stands shyly with her folded clothes in her arms, “Clint gave it to me.” Quickly, the little girl thanks Wanda and makes an escape from the room and the gaze of Natasha.
She’s gone before either of them can say anything.
“What happened?” Natasha asks.
Wanda can only shrug.
“You should go ask Y/n if she wants to watch with us,” Wanda says from her spot on the couch.
Team movie night would be starting in about 30 minutes. Wanda always liked to be the first one there, so she could claim the “cuddliest couch” before anyone else. It also heightens her chances of being first to pick the movie.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Natasha looks at her girlfriend skeptically, “the movies we typically watch aren’t exactly age appropriate. We don’t want to give the kid nightmares.”
Wanda swipes the remote off the coffee table and smirks, “that’s why I will be picking the first movie. Besides, she’s not that little right now. Her thoughts aren’t loud enough.”
The widow sighs, “Why don’t you go get her? I’ll save your seat. She’ll most likely say yes to you. She’s scared of me.”
“She’s not scared of you-“
“We both saw how she was yesterday,” Natasha states, “she froze when I said hello. She’s terrified of me.”
Wanda reaches for her girlfriend’s hand, “she’s just timid and unsure. Once she warms up to you, you’ll see. She’s the sweetest kid. You just got to coax her out of her shell.” She kisses Natasha’s hand before pointing to the door.
“Go, it’ll be good for both of you.”
Natasha makes her way down the hallway until she reaches Y/n’s door. She knocks, but never gets a reply. After a minute, she knocks again, but still hears nothing.
She presses her ear to the door. A sniffle and a whimper float through the air. The widow pushes open the door and taps lightly, “Y/n?” She calls softly not to scare the girl. “You alright?” She pauses to wait for a response. “I’m coming in, ok?”
Natasha takes a cautious step into the room, and she has to pause for a second.
 Aside from the array of clothing Clint had given the girl, there is no sign that a child lives in this room. Maybe Y/n prefers it, but it just reminds Natasha of how she grew up in a place where she was punished for being a kid. Every child should have at least some toys, even one who turns back into an adult.
Natasha follows the sniffles that lead her to the bathroom door. “I can hear you crying. Is there something wrong?”
“Something I could help you with?” Natasha taps on the closed door, and it gives under the pressure.
The door slowly swings open and reveals Y/n standing in front of the mirror with red eyes and a brush in her hand. Her hair is tangled into a large mat near the back of her head. The look on Y/n’s face is all Natasha needs to know the poor thing has been trying to brush it out for who knows how long.
The girl sniffles, “I took a nap, and it was like this when I woke up.” Her lip quivers, “it won’t come out.”
The older woman smiles lightly, “may I?” She holds out her hand for the brush. The girl sighs defeatedly and relinquishes the brush. Natasha places her hands on the girl’s shoulders and squeezes comfortingly. She smiles to Y/n through the mirror and begins to silently brush her hair.
Its quiet again. The only sound passing between them is the brush gently dragging through Y/n’s hair.
Y/n looks into the mirror, watching the older woman intently. She feels small, smaller than she is now. Maybe it’s the widow’s intent focus on her hair or her gentle touch or the complete contrast to the woman’s previous demeanor around her, but whatever it is makes Y/n have to fight the urge to drop younger.
She was 7 when she took her nap, and 13 when she woke up in this dilemma. With how she’s feeling right now, there is no way she would be able to pick how small she dropped. So she just fights it until it fades.
Natasha’s soft touch is comforting her more and more with every pass of the brush. It soothes Y/n enough that she can break the silence.
“Why are you helping me?”
The older woman briefly connects eyes with Y/n through the mirror. She smiles and looks back to her work, “because we’re teammates. Teammates help each other.”
The girl chews on her lip, “but you don’t like me.”
Natasha comes to a complete halt, and she looks to Y/n again. Her face is mixed with confusion and concern, “that’s not true, myshka(little mouse). Why do you think that?” She places her hands on the girl’s shoulders in a way she hopes in comforting.
It does comfort Y/n some, but she still feels nervous to answer her. She knows she will have to eventually, so she might as well get it over with. “You don’t want me to be here. You’re always mad to see me.”
Natasha’s face floods with more confusion.
“You always leave whenever I’m around, like when I’m training, and I lose or when you see me in my lessons, especially weapons you get mad….” Y/n pauses looking up to Natasha with big doe eyes, “did I do something wrong?”
“No,” the widow quickly answers, “no myshka(little mouse), you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Then why do you hate being around me?”
Natasha sighs and continues brushing out the tangles in Y/n’s hair. She understands why the little girl thinks what she thinks, and she knows why she is wrong. The misunderstanding is entirely her fault. She’s just not sure how to explain it to the girl.
She takes a deep breath to center her thoughts, “I don’t hate being around you. Sometimes I just get upset because you just remind me of my past.” She smiles sadly to the girl through the mirror. “I don’t know how much they’ve told you about me, but I grew up in a place that was not very good.”
“The Red Room,” Y/n states.
Natasha nods, “yes, that’s right. The Red Room was a very bad place. They took little girls from their families and trained them to be killers. They made us learn how to fight, how to follow someone, how to shoot, how to do all of it without being seen…. They even… they made us…they made us fight and kill each other.”
Once the widow is sure there are no more tangles in the girl’s hair, she parts it down the middle and begins braiding to keep her hands busy as she continues.
“I left that place because it turned little girls into weapons. I wanted to join a team that was actually trying to do good. Then I see cute little you training just like we did in the Red Room. The reason I get upset is because it makes me think that we’re no better than them.”
Natasha smiles into the mirror catching little eyes with her own, “that’s why I acted that way. It’s not your fault, myshka(little mouse). I’m so sorry I made you feel like it was or that I didn’t want you here.” She continues her braiding, “I think you’re gonna be good member of this team, once we get you ready.”
Y/n watches Natasha intently while she thinks of what to say, “you and me are kinda the same.”
Though she doesn’t look up from her braiding, the older woman is intrigued by the girl’s comment, “what do you mean?”
“I came from a bad place too,” Y/n explains, “now I’m here, so I can help people.”
“Where are you from?”
“Upstate,” the girl answers matter of factly. She’s not sure how much of her story she should tell. She trusts Natasha, especially after she just spoke of her own childhood. On the other hand, no one knows about how the girl grew up, not even Fury.
 Natasha hums, asking Y/n to continue.
“I was engineered,” the girl says as if she is saying ‘the sky is blue’.
The widow freezes, looking up to the girl in shock, “what?”
Y/n suddenly feels small again, but still she continues, “I was engineered in a test tube. Then I was transferred to an artificial womb until I was developed enough to live on my own.”
She twiddles her thumbs, unable to look up at the widow, “They were trying to make a shape shifter like you all thought I was. They tried to alter my DNA, but whatever they did, I think they did it too late. I already had too many cells with my normal DNA. I think that’s why I can only go back. All of me can shift except the cells that came from the ones from my conception.”
Hearing Y/n speak so maturely when she appears barely 13 throws Natasha for a bit. She has to remind herself that Y/n still has an adult brain in there.
“They kept me in their lab,” Y/n continues, “they would do these experiments on me. They would hurt sometimes, a lot of times. They kept trying to figure out where they went wrong. They were trying to fix me.”
Natasha clenches her jaw. She feels a rage she hasn’t felt in a very long time, and she makes a promise to herself that she will never let anyone harm this girl again.
The girl can sense the anger in the older woman, and it has her shrinking in on herself. “Are you mad?”
A breath catches in Y/n’s throat, and Natasha’s thoughts are pulled out of her anger to take in the girl in front of her. The fearful look has returned to Y/n’s face again. The widow kicks herself mentally.
“but not at you,” she reaches a hand out to pick up the girl’s chin, “myshka(little mouse), look at me please. I’m not mad at you. I promise.” She waits quietly until Y/n nods. Natasha smiles warmly, “Good girl. Now, I need you to tell me who had you? What agency?”
Y/n shakes her head, “there wasn’t an agency. It was just my parents… well, the scientists that called themselves my parents.”
“They lived somewhere else, away from the lab. They would go home at night and leave me in the lab.” The girl sighs heavily, “I never left the lab, until I escaped when I was 14. One night after they went home, I broke out of my room. I grabbed as many files about me I could find, and then I left.”
“…and you’ve been on your own since then?”
Y/n nods, “but now I’m here, and you’re gonna teach me how to help people right?” This time Natasha is the one to nod. The girl smiles, “then this much better than the Red Room, and you all are much better than my parents.”
Her words bloom a sense of calmness in Natasha’s chest. She’s just about done with the second braid.
“You know you’re lucky,” the older woman plays with the baby hairs at the base of the girl’s head. She tickles her there until she gets a giggle, “we may not have had good childhoods, but you get a second chance to be a kid.”
Y/n looks up, entirely enraptured by Natasha’s words.
“Not many of us have that chance.” In this moment, the widow can feel a soft spot in her heart that wasn’t there before. A spot that now belongs to Y/n, “its ok to be little around us. I know you’re an adult, but its ok to be a kid. We want you here either way. Definitely me, Wanda and Clint, the rest of them team hasn’t quite caught up yet, but they’re on their way, trust me. You don’t have to hide in your room anymore. Ok?”
Y/n nods with a large grin. She has a new understanding of Natasha. She especially can feel the start of a new friendship. Its hard to believe that just a month or so ago she had no one, no friends. Now, she has three and hopefully more to come.
Being caught stealing by the Avengers might just be the best thing that has ever happened before.
“All done,” Natasha says while she wraps a hair tie to the end of the second braid. She lays the braid down the girl’s shoulder, “what do you think?”
Y/n takes in the sight of her two French braid pigtails and smiles widely. She looks up to the widow who sports her signature one French braid, and she smiles even wider. “Hey, I look kinda like you!”
Natasha chuckles, “yeah, you do New Kid.” She rests her hands on the girl’s shoulders, “there’s about to be a movie night in about 5 minutes, would you like to join us?” She steps into the doorway, outstretching a hand for Y/n to take.
The girl happily takes her hand and follows her lead. As they walk through the halls, their hands swing lightly in between them.
"If you'd like," Natasha proposes, "I could train with you sometime. I'm a much better fighter than Steve anyway." She playfully nudges the girl's side. "I could teach you how to kick his butt."
Y/n smirks, "I think I'd like that."
"Me too."
When the two of them enter the common area hand in hand, they receive more than a few confused glances from the team, except for Wanda who just looks ecstatic. They take their seats. Natasha sits on the couch with Wanda, and New Kid claims the chair nearby.
As the widow settles into her girlfriend’s side, she whispers in Wanda’s ear, “you were right.”
The witch gives her a quizzical look.
“She really is the sweetest kid.”
A few days later, and New Kid is already doing better. She’s coming out of her room more. She almost always gravitates towards Wanda or Natasha, which is fine by them. Each little interaction with a team member outside of training is making her feel a tiny bit more comfortable around the compound.
It’s not all that much, but a little progress is still progress.
One morning, Y/n opens her door to go to breakfast and nearly steps on a teddy bear sitting in the hallway. The sight of the toy has her itching to drop, but she’s dropped enough recently to control it. She remains her true age as she picks up the bear. Attached to the toy is a note with her name on it.
She fondly holds the bear tight to her chest as she reads the message.
Y/n, Just a reminder that its ok to be a kid. Its ok to want to do kid things. When I was in the Red Room, I wished I had a teddy bear even though toys were strictly forbidden. I thought you might like one too. Since, I’m kinda like you. -Natasha
I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think down in the comments below. Also, if you have any ideas for what you would want to read, let me know!
As always, thank you so much for reading and for all your support. Much love!
Taglist: @battleg03 @thelittlewolfofaretuza @emiivey @dylanobriens-love @madelineleong @sluttyforfemaleavengers @santana1437 @thatonementallyillsimp @oliveoilpenguiny @you-are-beautifully-gorgeous @charcharslide-3 @anon1412 @universallypoetrycheesecake @mary-jinx @princess-kennys-rats @marvel-fan-2021 @ameeelia07 @kneelforloki @ornorr @prettysbliss @nattyolw @yukonasf @thursdayygrrrl @rach2602@ace-of-gay @casualbisexualfroggo @nyctophiliacatcher @ripofflizzie @chrisevansangel @randomnessbecausewhynot @lizlil @uselessastheginlasagnaa @m-h-r-h
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steddilly · 1 month
I saw a tweet a few weeks ago talking about Steve who shapeshifts into Bigfoot so Eddie can pretend to hunt Steve through the forest, but what about Steve who shapeshifts into other cryptids for Eddie to ‘hunt’ and turns into a sexy little monster game for them.
Sasquatch Steve. Mothman Steve. Chupacabra Steve. Ahool Steve. Werewolf Steve. The possibilities of what this man can shift into are endless.
Is this something? I think this could be something.
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thegoblinboy · 11 months
Pirate Steddie | Interactive Reading |
And I’m just going to announce it now, the pirate au won the poll! I have had a few ideas for where to start but first I’m going to give you a summary of the few plot ideas I’ve had that you guys get to chose. Whatever one has the most votes after a couple of days will be what I write. (Side not if you can please reblog and interact so that this does float around, this won’t work to well if I don’t have people interacting lmao)
Vampire Pirate Au - Eddie has been running the ship for years, accidentally steering himself and his Uncles crew in the Bermuda Triangle tragedy hits as most of their crew is taken out (whether Wayne lives or dies is up to readers) Mysteriously Eddie finds himself locked away in a small area of the ship, where no one is allowed. He’s still captain, but none of the crew has seen him in years. Due to feeding habits he likes not having more then a few crew members on ship, most quitting within days or mysteriously disappearing with the acceptation of a few who were there the fateful day they lost most of their family. What they don’t expect, is to receive two dorks, dingus and butthead who are on the run from the law.
Undercover Prince au: trying to find his best friend Robin, Steve finds himself running away from all of his responsibilities. Not a fuck given about what the king, his father; thinks. Dropping the princely act, he finds himself meeting another prince who has decided to be done with all royalty. Eddie Munson was nothing like Steve had expected, but they do find themselves tagging along and connecting with each other in search for something. Landing on a ship, sailing across the see being lead by a constantly drunk/ high captain Argyle. Steve is quick to discover that he’s not the only one keeping secrets. Hiding the fact he’s a prince from Eddie was one thing, but discovering that the man you’ve been with wasn’t really a man but in fact a fae… yeah that’ll do wonders.
Polly want a cracker au; when Eddie, captain of the sabbath receives a parrot as a gift he doesn’t realize that said parrot was in fact a man cursed to be a bird forever. He goes numerous years in bliss, until they pass through the Bermuda Triangle and said parrot shifts into a man. A pretty man, with many moles. But it doesn’t last long as he shifts back when they were out of the triangle, and now Eddie has a mission. Find whoever cursed this Steve Harrington and force them to shift him back. (There’s probably more but I’m falling asleep typing lol)
Betrayal; (inspired by nimona) When the Queen is brutally slain, a rift Is created. Between one Eddie Munson and one Steve Harrington. Childhood best friends who were on the peak of more up until Steve was accused of treason. As Eddie chases who was once was his first love; he finds that he can’t go through. Allowing years to go by instead of searching. As a lead is found, Eddie is forced to go investigate. Only to find a hollow out shell of a thief that he once knew. Steve has decided to fully commit to the whole villain arc while dragging along one Max Mayfield. A girl who can shift into whatever thing she wants, older then Steve and Eddie combined. Leaving a trail of flames behind them, they lead the most legendary pirate ship out there. While Eddie learns that the forced conformity he’s been bitching about? He’s been apart of it his entire life.
Let me know if you want to be added to a tag list! I may or may not also create a tag for this as well.
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Hi✨. How are you?. Hope You re feeling great today, love u so much 🙂💐. It's me again jeje. Just LOVE your writing SO MUCH.
Am thinking of a one shot, male reader x Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers, R is a shape shifter, but something happends fighting with Hydra, they experiment on him a few days and when the Avengers rescue him, change of shape because of a strong sound because he is scare.
He ends up changing to a puppy, being scare of everything and everyone talking to him and trying to touch him.
So Bucky or Steve take care of him for a few days until he changes again to a human.
Love u 💞
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Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Shapeshifter male reader
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What about both? ;)
Im doing great, thanks for asking. Hope you’re doing well too.
I tried to shake the shapeshifting abilities origin up a little, hope that’s alright ^^
Sorry for the super long intro, I just got way too carried away with this haha
-          You were one of the last members to join the avengers, it was first after the attack on New York by the chitauri that you responded to the request SHIELD had sent you.
-          You weren’t fully human, the child of a Skrull and a human. Normally Skrull could only shapeshift into other humanoid like creatures, but because of your mixed blood you could transform into animals and alike. Your normal form also looked mostly human, except for slightly sharper ears, slimmer pupils, and sharper canines along with the teeth around them being sharper. You hid these features using your powers.
  -          You were raised on earth by your parents, your Skrull parent taking the form of a human. You had known Nick Fury your entire life because of his connection to the Skrull, and him wanting to keep in contact incase you or your family ever were put in danger.
-          As time passed you mastered your abilities, you realized that a normal life just wasn’t for you. So, you started to do missions for Nick and taking a vigilante like position before that was a common thing to do. You worked in the shadows most of the time, and after getting hurt a few too many times Nick demanded you be trained, which is how you met Natasha and Clint.
-          The three of you would fight together at times, and they were both shocked when you used your abilities around them for the first time as they assumed you were a normal human like them. You didn’t tell them you were part alien, so they just assumed you were a meta.
  -          You ended up joining the avengers, and in the beginning the others were cautious about you, all except for Natasha, Clint and interestingly enough, Thor. You had an inkling that he somehow knew of you being part Skrull, as he referred to you as his fellow brother from space.
-          But as time passed and you all went on missions together and lived together you became closer. Through this you got to know Steve more, and as time went on the feelings of friendship became something more.
-          You didn’t confess to him because you couldn’t imagine him wanting to be with someone like you, and you didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
-          Though you would turn into a large dog at times so Steve would cuddle you. Natasha and Clint could see right through you and the archer would tease you about it. This resulted in you transforming into a tiger and chasing him around the tower.
  -          When Bucky came along, he came to the tower instead of hiding away, which made it, so the civil war didn’t happen at all.
-          Bucky was very uncomfortable around people and twitchy as he still had the trigger words inside his head. He was only comfortable with Steve.
-          After a mission, Bucky was extremely tense and looked like he was gonna have a panic attack, so you transformed into a cat and curled up beside him. He ended up petting you with his nonmetal hand and it helped him calm down.
-          This became a ritual that after missions and alike, you would go to Steve and Bucky’s shared floor and cuddle with Bucky and sometimes Steve in the form of an animal.
-          When the trigger words were removed, the three of you kept this up even though you didn’t need too.
-          Before you knew it you fell in love with Bucky as well, which made you turn into a snake and curl up in the bottom of your closet. You wouldn’t confess because Bucky was way out of your league you told yourself.
-          Little did you know the two super soldiers felt the same way about you, and when they realized they both liked you they decided to confess to you together, and you could decide if you only liked one of them, both, or neither of the and they would respect that.
  -          The day they were planning on confessing you were kidnapped by Hydra. They too thought you were a meta and wanted to harvest your DNA or turn you into a weapon they could use.
-          This resulted in you being tortured and experimented on for days or weeks as the avengers and SHIELD try to find you with everything they can.
-          When they finally find you, its Steve and Bucky that find you first. You’re strapped to a table in nothing but pants with all kinds of new scars and cuts and bruises.
-          When they come close you whimper like a scared animal but don’t transform as you can’t when your strapped down. They move slowly and quietly reassure you that your safe.
-          When you’re free they sit you up and are about you patch up your worst cuts and bruises when gunshots are heard. You yelp and transform, not even focusing on what form your taking.
-          You end up transforming into a puppy and curl up in a ball with your face under your paws, shaking all over.
  -          The super soldiers bring you back to the helicarrier and you are treated to the best of their ability, as you make loud painful and scared noises when anyone but them try touching you.
-          They try to ask you to transform back, but you just whimper and cover your face with your paws, hiding away into Steve’s chest whose holding you.
-          When they get back to the tower the avengers try and figure out what to do. That’s when Fury arrives and tells them to give you time because its normal for your species to take the form, they’re most comfortable with.
-          That’s when it comes out you’re part alien, but at this point all the avengers don’t care much and don’t see you any differently. It’s agreed that Bucky and Steve will take care of you as you’re only calm with them
  -          And so, the two super soldiers take care of you. It results in a lot of cuddling and kisses on your furry forehead.
-          You take a lot of naps on their chests or laps, just sleeping off the pain medication and stress. They made sure to take care of your cuts and bruises and change the bandages.
-          They also get you your favorite snacks as you can still eat human food in other forms.
-          At some point they have to wash you, so they do it by putting warm water in the sink and carefully cleaning your fur and paws, making sure to not get soap or water in your face or ears.
-          You end up spending nights in bed with them, and if it was any other time you’d be blushing and freaking out by seeing them both shirtless and being in bed with them, but you’re still exhausted and sleep on the pillows between them.
  -          One morning you wake up feeling way too hot and like your being squished between something. That’s when you wake up more and see Bucky’s face Infront of you and feel an arm around waist from behind.
-          That’s when you realize you have transformed back into a human. You try to wiggle out of Steve’s hold, feeling very embarrassed and like you have ruined your relationship.
-          Steve and Bucky wake up, and Steve pulls you in close again, until your snug in his hold and he kisses the neck of your neck softly. You blush and swear you’re dreaming, especially when Bucky leans in to kiss you on the nose.
-          You start stuttering, the control you had to make yourself appear human all the time slipping away, revealing your ears, pupils, and teeth. Bucky just chuckles softly and kisses you on the lips carefully before telling you to go back to sleep and when your all fully rested, you’ll talk.
-          You’re still blushing when Bucky scoots in closer to you and wraps his arm around you as well, but as both soldiers fall asleep, even if you don’t mean too, you fall asleep too, still half convinced it’s a dream.
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myt0urniquet · 27 days
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hello butch yuri nation
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hazardworld · 1 year
A response to @feministfandomgeek ‘s comment; the response was too long to be a reply :)
This is a part of my Monster Town series. Part one can be found here
Most monsters can be categorized in one of these three categories:
Humanoids look identical or nearly identical to humans. Any powers they have maintain their form.
Robin- Ghost; when she “goes ghost” her general shapes stay the same, even though she’s invisible and can go through surfaces
Will/Johnathan- Banshees; when they scream, their scleras turn black and their irises turn yellow. Otherwise, they look the same
Glamorists have a generally humanoid shape, but with noticeably inhuman features. Because of this, they have to wear glamours (think TOH galderstones) to cover up. Glamour charms usually last up to 1-2 years, which means they must find a local witch to renew it (The more specialized to them though, the better) before it fizzles out.
Eddie- Witch; pointed ears, fangs (top and bottom), purple slightly-glowing eyes (color varies per witch, and is the color of their magic)
Max- Dryad; moth wing-like ears, blunt fangs, clear “blood” (sap), (if one looks close) bark-textured skin
Lucas/Erica- Vampires; pointed ears, dark claw-like nails, double sets of fangs (top only) crimson glowing eyes (color varies vamp to vamp)
El- Angel; large white feathered wings, halo light she can summon at will
Shifters usually have two forms (but can have more) and can generally shift at will anywhere between any of those (depending on species-specific restrictions). Their monster form is considered their “natural form,” as if their human form is like a physical glamour.
If shifters spend too long completely in human form, they’ll spontaneously shift back to natural form, as well as other species-specific side effects. In order to stop this, many shifters will “half shift” to a humanoid form with monstrous features.
Steve; Siren- his parents coaxed him into a masochistic habit of “binding” his form to the point where he’s used to and doesn’t realize he’s unhealthy
Dustin; Werewolf- his mom formally taught him how to form shift, but Steve got him more comfortable with it and taught him half-shifting
Argyle; Shapeshifter- his human form is his natural form, with his second form being “the unknown”
Nancy and Mike are humans descended from Valkyries. Because of this, they have extra insight and can physically comprehend magic like monsters. Nancy is also really good at persuading people to tell the truth.
Because Hawkins is a monster town, Glamorists don’t need to wear glamours, and depending on their natural forms, Shifters can half shift or go fully natural without weird looks or persecution.
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slowandsteddie · 5 months
Vampires and shapeshifters and dragons for WIP Wednesday please!
“You don’t seem to wish me harm.”
“I don’t. I just want my family to be safe. And I will do whatever it takes for that to happen.”
The dragon spread her wings wide, standing up on all four legs. Steve got up quickly as well. He was prepared to jump in, go for the obvious weak spots, when he heard what sounded like laughter.
“Calm, Kitten. I am leaving. Just be aware that there are many more like me. Ones who come from darker spaces, and they do mean harm. They will not hesitate. And their dragons are more fierce than I. Might I recommend a stronger form the next time you feel the wind of wings?”
Steve sat back down and tilted his head. He watched the shifter leave and waited until he could no longer hear her wings before flowing back into the form that his little hellions were more accustomed too.
“What the fuck just happened?” Dustin asked so eloquently.
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shadow-genesis-yay · 7 months
Gimme them Memory headcanons! Please!
Say less! o7
>headcanons under the more/reading<
(Sorry it's long & for late response, was shopping for birthday stuff)
First 1: Memory in my design has white streaks they got from Void's side! Void just dyes his hair black to hide em for unknown reasons (probably ego or smth I dunno. Voids out of my control /j)
2: They're 6'4, uses mostly It/They but also uses he. They prefer mostly the other two tho but won't get mad if he is also used. (This one's mostly based off how in canon, Memory was referred to as a thing by Sabre, and he would use It/They until switching to He. Mem was still called a thing but used he ig). Oh and ig they also used nicknamed but only like it when Void calls em them. Like Memmy/Mem/Memoy/Fancy Steve lol
3: He has light sensitivity and uses their mask to help it when outside of the void/memory dimension
4: It has heterochromia, but in a different way! His left eye doesn't have a iris/pupil, and the area that's supposed to be white is pure red like Voids. (I think it's called the sclera) and also on said left side, they have a scar on its cheek that it got during some event they doesn't like talking about
5: Memmy likes cats and owns two! One tuxedo cat named Voodoo, and the other, a black cat (Bombay I think) called Morticia! Memmys had them since they was a smol lil swirly peppermint boi, and treats them like royalty as deserved 😤
6: (this one's kinda from a quote my friend made but it's too funny to not make a Memory headcanon) If Memory got called a specific slur I'm not gonna say, he'd just be like "Yeah no duh, it's obvious. Now please tell me something I already don't know about myself, or leave please and thanks."
7: Memory is highly skilled in swordsman ship, archery, and fighting. It's won awards in competitions they entered secretly (not because Void would be mad, but because they're Void's son. Void's like a king/God in the eyes of the other steves [of course except Nightmare LMAO] and terrifies em.) They's only lost once and that was more on its end since he didn't want to do competitions anymore, so they purposely disqualified itself by starting a fight.
8: while this one may be more of a ship that was started for funnies, it took my brain over so uh yeah. Memory is married to Faceless. The reason for why (to me) is because since Faceless doesn't have a face (no duh), he's immune to Memory's powers, even when mimicking others. And Faceless just couldn't resist a fancy boi in a suit. (I love this ship but at the same time I'm like "I want it gone from my mind its been 3 months help") ik they never met canonically but I speculate they met a tiny bit when Elemental worked for Void and El had to capture Faceless. It's a long shot but yolo I was bored
9: Memmy boi like flowers. Mostly roses or any black flower, but they'll be content with any other color if red & black are unavailable :)
10: While Memory may seem stern and cold, when you get to know them, he's really nice! Though it's usually always on guard and will unintentionally break your arm if you happen to spook them (somehow).
11: Memmys very sneaky and will smile a cheeky smile when it scares someone from behind.
12: Memory really hates cameras. Like, REALLY REALLY hates em. Whether it's off or not, they don't care and WILL throw a dagger at it. This one's more from a funny thing Sabre himself replied with in his discord when I said "I wish Memory had more screen time. He would of bee such a cool villain" with Sabre replying "maybe he did but we forgot".....I walked basically right into that joke but I love it so I'm considering it canon /hj
Uhhhh yeah anyways I think that's it other than more funny meme ones me and a friend made when I was bored and thought 'what if after the camera was off, Sabre and the steves would have a smp world together' and Memory would be the sometimes chaotic one of the server.
Ye uh I rambled alot lmao idk if this will even post but thank you so much for the ask and willingness to hear the headcanons about our silly little peppermint boi! Memory deserves so much more love that what's seen, I love him so much
Memory Steve, our beloved 'forgotten' king <3 👑
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eepylesbean · 4 months
Calling all Stucky-fic accounts!!!
please please help me find this damn fic i'm literally going crazy and insane.
General plot i remember:
Small Steve (i think) bucky and the rest of the howlies are like wolves or smth kept in a hydra base or fake wild life reserve thing, there is a couple like hunting(?) scenes i think. anyways!! their chilling and grilling until the avengers come and help 'em out and take them in, they can turn human also but Steve doesn't do it until after bucky the howlies don't go with I think(!!!)
I know its a lot of "i thinks" but that's literally all i got and I've been searching for so long its crazy, this fic got me the depths of Ao3 tryna find the damn thing.
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artaxlivs · 1 year
Glancing over toward the RV, Eddie watches Robin and Steve talking quietly and making Molotov cocktails together. They’ve got a special bond that Eddie doesn’t really understand. He’s admittedly a little jealous even if it isn’t romantic. 
While Eddie’s watching them, Steve looks up from the bottle in his hand, catching Eddie’s eye and smiles softly. Eddie feels his cheeks redden and he looks back at where Henderson is brandishing his trash can lid. Hefting his own, he declares, “Hear me now, there will be no more retreating for Eddie the Banished!”
Dustin giggles, lifting his own trash lid to make one of his terrible puns, “Hey you’re really ready for battle.” He forces a dorky giggle when Eddie stares at him without blinking, “You get it?”
Eddie keeps staring.
“Battle. B-A-T.” Sighing Dustin puts down his trash can shield, “No? I thought that was a good one–”
It’s so bad. Eddie tackles him for it. 
“What are you doing?” Dustin grunts, wrestling against Eddie until Eddie pushes him away, grinning wildly.
Rushing forward, Dustin crashes against Eddie’s midsection, playfully shouting, “You son of a bitch.” They tussle back and forth and Dustin shrieks, “No wedgies, no wedgies!”
God, he loves this kid. He pulls him up, grabs him around the back of his goofy cap, and grins in his face, “Never change, Dustin Henderson. Promise me?”
The nervousness on Dustin’s face as he insists, “wasn’t planning on it,” is a nervousness that Eddie recognizes. Someone Dustin loved left him once and he’s a little afraid this is a goodbye.
Eddie understands that fear. Both his parents left him on the same day after all. He squeezes Dustin’s head, gives him a gentle shake and a hopefully reassuring smile, “Good. Good.”
Dustin smiles back, looks like he’s breathing easier when he repeats, “Good.”
As Eddie disentangles himself from Dustin, he’s tackled to the ground by a sleek brown wolf and a small red one. Both wolves yipping in excitement as Eddie tries to defend his face from cold noses and drool. 
He’s just sitting up, hair a mess with pieces of grass and twigs, when Dustin’s light brown wolf joins the pile, knocking Eddie flat again. All three wolves are wrestling each other and Eddie is just caught in the crossfire, laughing and covering his face from flying paws and tails.
Suddenly there’s a loud bark and all three still, ears and tails up, muscles tensed. All looking toward the RV. There’s a thunder of paws and a larger gray wolf barrels toward them. All three of the smaller ones race away, yipping and pushing into each other as Strider chases them across the meadow. Eddie sits up to watch them play. Robin, Nancy and Erica all wander over to sit with him in the grass.
“It’s weird right?” Nancy says, eyes tracking the pack as they wrestle in the long grass.
Robin leans into Eddie. He likes her. He thinks she might be like him. Maybe Steve too if those little looks he keeps giving Eddie mean what he hopes they mean. “It is, but, like, good weird?” Robin replies. “I mean, everything with us is weird but this has been a good weird.”
Erica snarks, “Lucas has always been weird. The only difference now is that when it rains, he smells like a wet dog.”
Read Chapters 1-6/8 on Ao3
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katethewriter · 2 years
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Summary: Y/n has a very specific power. She is a shapeshifter. However, she can only shift into younger versions of herself. Her abilities catch the Avengers’ attention. Though their first introduction is lackluster at best, it's not long before she has them all wrapped around her little finger.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader(platonic) - WandaNat x Reader(platonic) - mother-figure!Wanda x Reader - cg!Wanda x little!Reader - cg!WandaNat x little!Reader - cg!Avengers x little!Reader - fem!reader
A/N: This is pretty much just straight up fluff. It's my own spin on shapeshifter!Reader and little!Reader. This is just a happy little brainchild that I decided to run with
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Welcome to the Team: After a chance encounter, the Avengers recruit a new kid to join the team.
Wanda Cookie Monster: It's not that Y/n is hiding from the rest of the team, except that's exactly what she is doing. Wanda is determined to break through to her.
Clint Hand-Me-Downs: As Y/n starts showing herself more and more around the compound, Clint can't help to notice she tends to wear the same thing everyday.
Natasha Kinda Like You: Y/n is convinced Natasha doesn't like her. If she could just brush away that tough exterior, maybe they have more in common than she thought. Perhaps she can gain a new ally in the process.
Steve New Kid's First Mission: Steve is wary to allow a kid on a mission, but just maybe Y/n can prove him wrong.
Peter Crayola: Peter wonders why the New Kid's pictures on the fridge are only ever done in black and blue ink or pencil.
Bruce Just a Twist: A training mishap sends New Kid to the medbay.
Sam Let's Go Fly a Kite: Sam is on duty when he spots New Kid all by herself. He offers her an opportunity most kids could only dream of.
Bucky A Mission Gone Sideways: Bucky is paired with New Kid for a mission that doesn't end as well as they would like.
Tony A Little Pinch: A flaw in Y/n's suit might be just the thing to finally pull Tony to her side.
Thor Someone Worthy: Thor returns from a long stay and doesn't recognize the young team member running around the compound.
Kate Nerf War: When someone new joins the team, Y/n takes a sudden interest in archery.
Taglist: @battleg03 @thelittlewolfofaretuza @emiivey @dylanobriens-love @madelineleong @sluttyforfemaleavengers @santana1437 @thatonementallyillsimp @oliveoilpenguiny @you-are-beautifully-gorgeous @charcharslide-3 @anon1412 @universallypoetrycheesecake @mary-jinx @princess-kennys-rats @marvel-fan-2021 @ameeelia07 @kneelforloki @ornorr @prettysbliss @nattyolw @yukonasf @thursdayygrrrl @rach2602 @ace-of-gay @casualbisexualfroggo @nyctophiliacatcher @ripofflizzie @chrisevansangel @randomnessbecausewhynot @lizlil @uselessastheginlasagnaa @m-h-r-h
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livingfast04 · 1 year
Monster Au? - Part 7
one two three four five six II eight
TW: Body Horror, Disordered Eating, anxiety, dehumanization, refences to past child abuse, refences to emotional abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, biting (not the fun kind),vomiting.
Hi? That’s it Munson? Fucking Hi? Gods above, are you fucking stupid. Steve stares at him, and Eddie stupidly lifts his hand up to wave awkwardly. This was a terrible idea, Steve just kept staring at him, wide eyed- as if. Eddie shifted from foot to foot, this was terrible, this was so fucking stupid. 
“I-” “Ed-” Eddie snapped his jaw shut, his gums aching from the sharp clamp. Steve’s mouth was slightly parted, Eddie could see the points of sharp teeth. They stand there for a little while longer, taking each other in? At least that’s what Eddie’s doing, Steve’s heart beat is much easier to hear from the close proximity, despite Steve’s outward appearance of skin and bone. Eddie- Eddie can’t take his eyes off him- 
He’s almost skeletal, his clothes are too big, and it’s like the other lost over a hundred pounds of weight. Steve’s thin, his eyes are shrunken against his skin, they are mostly hidden behind almost stringy like hair that flops down past Steve’s chin. Like he desperately needs to wash it, but hasn’t- 
Eddie traced over the pale skin he could see, there was a stark almost lack of pigment, as if Steve had never been outside a day in his life- blue veins- and far more freckles than Eddie remembers trace over the younger boy's skin. As if the color had concentrated to tiny little dots-
Steve doesn’t look remotely human, not with his lamp like eyes, Eddie stares at the youngers bones, at the knobbiness of his elbows-
Steve- Steve’s just as supernatural as Eddie is- 
Steve doesn’t smell like he’s dying- Well, Eddie parts his lips, tries not to be obvious about the way he sucks in a mouthful of the air. He still smelled sick, but not, not as bad as before- it was laid over with a hefty amount of sadness, anxiety and a rising amount of stress. Eddie stepped just slightly back, ducking his head slightly, dropping his arm down by his side. Giving Steve space, the stress didn’t ease up- but Steve’s heart rate slowed a little. 
Letting out a soft breath, Eddie swallows, “Shit, okay. I-” He pauses, shaking out his limbs and giving his head a little jerk, hair flying in his face. “Steve, I’m, so sorry.” Steve blinks at him, eyes a little lamp-like, big confused and wide. “I’m so sorry, I hurt you, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I got too angry at you to listen to my nose. I got upset and should have realized something deeper was so incredibly wrong-” Eddie takes a huge deep breath, “I was stupid, I was stupid and dumb, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.” Steve opens his mouth slightly, showing off those sharp teeth- Eddie gives a tiny shake of his head. “And I’m not apologizing because you are supernatural, or because I want back in the house. I could give less of a shit about the house. I’m,” Eddie pauses for a moment, catching his breath, vampire or not he does need to do that- “I’m apologizing because we treated- I treated you like shit and you didn’t deserve that.”
Steve stared at him, looking just as confused and lost as he had before Eddie started. Eddie shifted, rocking back on his heels, he worked his jaw, “I- I’m not asking you to forgive me. Ever, not now and not in the future. I just, you deserve an apology, and I’ve already taken too much time to even get here to do that.” 
The silence that followed wasn’t tense, it was just heavy. Eddie shuffled, he didn’t really know what he was waiting for. Maybe for Steve to slam the door in his face, or scream at him. There was movement in the house, and Eddie gave a half step back, pointing back over his shoulder with his thumb. “I’m going to-” “Stephan? Baby? Who's at the door?” Steve’s head twisted around at the voice, Eddie frozen on the steps. Staring at the other. The younger boy glanced at him, back in the house- and then back at Eddie. The confusion was almost gone, and Eddie could smell some of that sad, eased off- loneliness, it flooded his nose.
Steve snapped his jaw a little, Eddie could hear his teeth click twice. “My friend Eddie” His voice was rough, Steve’s light colored eyes met his. Brown- thick, the color there was- The woman, probably Steve’s Mom actually, peaked over Steve’s shoulder. She had the same freckles as Steve did- the same almost lamp like look. She was just as unnerving to witness. 
She looks him over, almost hooking her chin over Steve’s shoulder- “Eddie?” Eddie could almost feel like she already knew who he was. “Eddie Munson.” Steve’s voice was clipped, not detached or that bitchy tone that Eddie remembers from High School. It was tired, stressed, and incredibly rough as if Steve hasn’t been talking almost at all. They really hadn’t spoken to Steve, so it probably wasn’t that far from the truth. The woman blinked at him, tapping her forehead against Steve’s- and then she stood up. She was taller than Steve, at least like this, Steve was shorter this way too now that Eddie was realizing. “Munson? As in Wayne Munson’s boy?” “I- uh, Yes Ma’am?” Eddie chokes out the response. And then she nods, it almost looks disjointed as if she’s not used to nodding. “The Vampire boy.” Steve made a small noise in the back of his throat, Eddie wrinkled his nose at being addressed as such. The Vampire Boy. “The one who was here, with that group.” Her disdain is loud, and Eddie doesn’t even have to fight a bristle, he was mad at them too, her anger was understandable. Steve shrugs, and Eddie- Eddie nods, strong and sharp. He’ll reap the consequences of his actions, and he’ll take those from whoever thinks he deserves the shit beaten out of him. Because honestly he does. 
She glances over Eddie for a minute, “I made hamburgers for Dinner.” She turns around and walks back in the house. Leaving Eddie alone with Steve, her words hanging over them. Eddie looks at Steve for a long moment, and Steve looks at him- his eyes are soft, nervous, it’s all there- A thin scar covered face, scared lips turn up just slightly. It’s wobbly and anxious, it’s an invitation. Eddie gives a wobbly smile in return. Steve steps out of the doorway, shuffling back a little bit leaving the entryway wide open. It’s- it’s an invitation, and Eddie doesn’t want it. He really doesn’t want it- He shifts side to side a little bit, “I- I don’t,” Steve’s smile gets a little bigger, “Come on, she-” Steve’s voice crackles, “She won’t take no for an answer.” Okay, fuck, alright. Eddie shuffles up and into the house.
Steve isn’t sure what the hell he’s doing. His skin crawls, but- but Eddie apologized. And that has to mean something, right? The monster in his bones takes it at face value, having more of Pack back. It’s nauseating, it's disgusting, that he and the thing that lives in his brain agree, but Steve hates it, he hates it all. Eddie waits for him to shut and lock the door, doesn’t move from the entry way other than to take off his shoes. Steve doesn’t know what to do with that entirely. Mama has turned down the radio in the kitchen some, at least Steve thinks so. 
He’s not even sure what her reasoning is for letting Eddie in the house. If Dad was home, he’d have probably slammed the door in Eddie’s face with little care for why he was there, or if what the older boy had to say was important or not. With little care for Steve’s feelings on the matter. Mama has a little more tact, but she’s still His mother, she’s just the same as she’s ever been. And Josefina Harrington is still a mega bitch, it’s almost just her general state of being, Steve had to learn it from somewhere. And it certainly wasn’t going to be from Dad. 
Steve is hesitant to pass Eddie, but he almost stumbles past, off balance more today. Eddie’s hands lift up as if to steady him- they never touch him, something cries out in his chest, claws at his skin. Always at arm's length, never touched, he didn’t want him either- Mama is swaying gently to whatever is playing on the little radio in the kitchen, it’s too low for Steve’s fucked ears to pick up on. But she looks calm, happy- not like she’s plotting to murder Eddie. “Have you eaten yet?” Her eyes are on Eddie, she knows that Steve had a bowl of fruit and a yogurt for lunch.
Eddie waves his band in the air, “I had a bloodpop and meat cubs like 25 minutes ago, but I’ll eat again if you have enough for me. Ma’am.” Steve shuffles around the counter towards his Mama, and she hums at him, knocking her head against his when he gets close enough.
She let out a little soft coo at him. Steve didn’t respond verbally to the soothing noise, instead he knocked their heads together again, pressing his nose to her cheek before moving away. Still within arms reach, but not touching. He doesn’t want to corrupt her with his wrongness any more than he already has. 
He could almost feel Eddie’s eyes following him, burning into his skin; Steve wasn’t brave enough to try and turn around to figure out what exactly was hiding in the vampire’s gaze. Mama does it for him, well not really- Steve curls his fingers, leaning against the island counter. “Josefina, or Josie, None of this Ma’am stuff. At least not while Richard isn’t home,” Mama doesn’t even call Dad Richard when she’s at home, at least when they don’t have Guests. He’s normally Richy, or sometimes James. “And of course we have enough, I invited you in, didn't I?” Steve wrinkles his nose, blinking a little sluggish at her. Avoiding Eddie’s imploring gaze, eyes fixated on the patties she was warming slightly on the stove. They were probably the weird frozen kind that Mama buys when she doesn’t want to put them together from scratch. His stomach cramps at the smell and at the idea of eating.
They sit in silence for a minute before Mama turns on Steve with a soft but sharp edged look, “You will sit down, or I will make you get back in bed.” He glanced at the chairs, at where Eddie was standing between the stools there. Steve breathes heavily, his sides ache, and his bones hurt from standing for so long.
He scratches at his wrist. Eddie pulls the stool out next to him, and Steve guesses the choice is made for him. Shuffling across the floor, he tucks up into the chair drawing his knees to his chest. Eddie isn’t warm, not entirely. But he’s solid.
Resisting the urge to lean off the back of the chair and against Eddie’s side draws most of his attention. Mama and Eddie talk about what Steve would never know- it’s, it’s movie nights all over again. Alone, Alone-Letting Eddie in the house was a mistake, this was all a mistake- Steve draws his arms over the top of his knees, biting sharp teeth down into his arm. Locks his jaw, digging into the little meat on his forearm as he can, mouth filling with blood. Copper coating his tongue, laving his tongue against his skin, pressing it there.
It was warm, and with the way he had his jaw clamped around his wrist- swallowing a mouthful of his own blood didn’t sound all that appealing. It dripped down his chin. Steve jerked back at a sharp hiss, tearing at the skin on his arms, effectively dragging deeper lines, blood welling up. Eddie hissed again, twisting Steve’s chair around with a startling amount of strength- fingers pressed against his jaw, as if trying to pry his mouth open. Steve’s mind sparked at the contact, whatever was left of their frayed pack bond bloomed on the edges of his mind. It buzzed in his ears and Steve clicked- 
Mouth full of blood, pressing copper against all his senses, it was spilling down the back of his throat. “Steve let go.” Eddie’s voice was rough, harsh- Steve’s head spins, his heart pounding in his ears. Sucking in a deep breath through his nose, the blood in his throat thick, slimy- too warm- his stomach cramps. “Stevie you have to let go- you’re hurting yourself-'' Steve knows that, he can tell- he digs his teeth in a little deeper, clamps his eyes shut, tears squeeze through he can feel them, the top half of his face getting wet. His teeth scrape bone. A new freshway of blood pools heavily on his tongue, spills down his throat, thick and heavy- 
Steve’s ribs squeezed his lungs, he gagged, what was stuck in his throat filling his mouth. His stomach heaves. Eddie curses, grabbing his jaw and prying it open. Steve gags again, shoving at Eddie, snarling and snapping as he bends at the waist, vomiting all over the floor. The whole room smells like blood. Steve spit a glob on the floor before gagging again. Tears curl down his face, he hates this, he hates all of this. 
Eddie lets out a cooing noise, soft and somewhat like Mama’s sounds- but it’s different, Mama’s not- Mama’s not here. Logically Steve knows she is, but his brain’s all screwy. It's all wrong. 
Steve lets out a loud distressed whine, blood coating his lips as his stomach cramps. All of this is terrible- it hurts, hurts- his arm throbs. “You’re okay Stevie, your mom went to get something to clean up. She’ll be right back.” Eddie’s voice was high, probably panicked, but the older was clearly trying his damn best to make sure Steve wasn’t freaking out. 
His chest heaved, gagging around, his chest hurt, his stomach hurt- and it was- Steve whined again, “I know sweetheart, I know. I’m sorry honey.” the animalistic urge to bare his teeth at Eddie gnawed on his skin, crawled through his bones. Steve felt untethered. Mama comes back, he can smell her more than he can hear her. Lets her and Eddie sit him up, lets her inspect his teeth marks, stares numbly forwards and says nothing as she stiches them up because his arm is basically torn open.  Steve just lets it all happen around him, doesn’t respond to her vocal calls, or Eddie’s soothing tones. His mind buzzes. Steve feels empty.
--- I know I said Untuned Piano first, but this one demanded attention. Probably due to me actually looking at my Asks and having a spark of fleeting motivation. So I scrambled to get it done and then spent the past like 2 days working on this instead of my school work. If it shit I apologize. I've rewritten this portion like four times. Was never really happy with it, but I'm chill with this. Though when this goes up on Ao3 (If I ever get my dumbass around to doing it), I'll probably rewrite a bunch of it, and add some stuff in. So it'll be worth it to read it over there too! :D
Thank you for your comments!! I crave validation and you are all incredibly nice and very motivating :)) <3 Fingers cross Depression doesn't knock me on my ass before I can get anything done.
Tags: @theghostinmymachine @sadcanadianwinter @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @a-huge-nerdy-nerd @bisexualdisastersworld @intergalactic-president-awesome @vampireinthesun @estrellami-1 @raysreads @knightofthieves @sassysleeplord @gezell-igg @ledleaf @haluton @h0n3y-dw @thegingerrapunzel @finalmoondragon @warrior-616 @lexyvey @thesuninyaface @whalesharksart @two-faced-biatch @plasticcrotches @xtkxkrzrizir @minjintea @potatofist18 @just-a-tiny-void @selune2 @hellomynameismoo @princessstevemunson @plantzzsandpencilzzs @wearelosersyoudumbfuck @dbquills @pheonixashtree @sharingisntkaren @gregre369 @chaoticlovingdreamer @obliosworld
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