#so I will refrain from adding anything further for now
daughterofyourdarklord · 11 months
What are some of your headcanons for the Delphi and the Trio universe? I’m into it!
There's no easy way to say this, anon, but... I overdid it.
Please enjoy a far too detailed accounting of just some of the HC I have for this "first war alternate-universe" below:
Delphini is born in October of ‘78 - because of when her birthday falls she’s only one year above Draco and Harry Potter in school despite being closer to two years older. 
Bellatrix is barred from direct combat the day they find out about her pregnancy. She resents this, but would never refuse a direct order. She diverts her focus and leans into the dark arts heavily as a means to extend protection to their unborn heir. Calling upon the constellations, chanting blood rites, the constant brewing of obscure potions - her magic resonates with Delphini’s own, the baby responding to it long before she has taken her first breath. 
Still, Bella is an asset in strategy. She’ll show up to meetings with ancient runes stitched up her neck and down her fingers, blood from a recent sacrifice trailing on her robes. One day, her curses run so dark her eyes shift completely black for an entire week. The death eaters are lost somewhere between horrified and awed.
Dark magic is a constant in Delphini’s life since infancy. Ancient runes scrawled across new skin in blood, cursed objects perfectly placed for her protection, bewitched portraits lining the walls of her nursery. She finds comfort in it since before she can remember. 
Her parents are horribly busy for most of her early life but they still manage time to see her. The Dark Lord had established what is closest to His permanent residency in LeStrange Estates, a whole wing of the castle dedicated just to Him. Delphi and her mother spend the most time there. 
Rather than leaving Delphini with her sister, Bellatrix whisks her away to the Blacks just before she is arrested. They take her to the Ministry to ensure there's record of her so she can enlist at Hogwarts. There’s not. “She belongs to all of you?” Walburga, Cygnus and Druella glare back at the Ministry worker imploringly. “Yes.” Her blood runs Black and one test is more than enough proof, it’s not protocol to question a magical child’s parentage. 
The loss of both of her parents so suddenly is devastating. At night Delphini dreams of them, both of them, alone - scared, searching for each other. Delphini hurts just the same, it’s a constant state of free fall. She can’t help but feel like it’s her job to save them both.  
Of course, she gravitates towards Walburga. Something about the matriarch feels the most familiar, like she can almost pretend. The little witch will never fill the hole permanently cut into her great aunt’s heart but it feels slightly less raw in her presence. 
Delphini’s first year at Hogwarts will be Nymphadora’s last. When the Black’s take her to Diagon Alley they run into Andromeda. They ignore her completely despite the other witches and wizards leaping out of their way in anticipation for rivers of cataclysmic magic. She looks like Bellatrix and for a moment Delphini aches. She doesn’t know it but Andromeda is thinking the same thing.
Ollivander looks at her curiously. Yew, Dragon-heartstring, eleven and a half inches, unyielding. Very interesting. 
Before the start of her first year her Uncle Lucius has a gift for her. “It was your father’s.” He explains as he hands her the diary, the binding of it is soft and worn, the magic radiating off of it feels oh so familiar. Delphini is thrilled, it is one of the first things she uses when she gets to the castle. The pages are blank, until they are not. 
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wandasaura · 3 months
summary — when you mention to your dominants that you want to further explore the dynamics of your relationship, they’re all for it
warning(s) — established relationship, married wandanat, dom/sub dynamics, exploration of non-sexual bdsm, purposefully triggered subspace, implied mommy kink (never said), implied daddy kink (also never said), brief mention of sensory overstimulation, literal fluff to the fullest extent possible, men/minors dni
authors note — i committed to the lyric titles too hard, but wonderland perfectly describes this fic! daddy nat lovers, i see you
you are in love universe
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♥️⊹ ˚ . 18+, men/minors dni ⁺ 𓈒 ꒰💌꒱ ♡ ・ mommy maximoff ✧
“Are you excited?” The soft vibrations have become a fond sensation as you peer out of the car window and admire all of the buildings that you pass. You’re not in the best area, one of the worst actually, but you find something so calming about the construction crowded roads and graffiti covered storefronts. You’ve been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for the last half hour, a plethora of detours and u-turns standing in your way of where you really wanted to be, but every time Natasha eases her foot back onto the gas and shoots between lines of cars that don’t have the balls to make the move themself, you hum in contentment. You’re okay with being stuck if you’re stuck with them. 
They’d been promising you this day for months, and although it had been canceled two weeks ago when you came down with an unexpected cold that left you miserable and bed-ridden for three days, it was finally here. There was no time left for another extenuating circumstance to push the date back farther. You hadn’t stopped bouncing in the backseat since Wanda had affectionately buckled your seatbelt, your fingerprints are smeared against the backseat window from how you point out the exit signs that mean your destination is growing closer. Natasha had long since stopped asking you to refrain from touching the glass she kept spotless, looking back at you through the rear-view mirror with fondness whenever a lull in speed occurred. Now was one of those moments. The line of cars all waiting to merge back onto the Garden State Parkway kept the car still, the break was applied heavily and wasn’t going to be let off soon. Unlike the other times she had looked back at you, she craned her entire body now, and you grinned at the easy way about her expression. 
Your fingers left behind the glass of the backseat driver side window to press firmly against the tip of her nose, wanting to see it scrunch up in annoyance like it always did when you poked it. Natasha was less compliant with your need for physical touch then Wanda was, but she allowed you small victories every once in a while. Today was one of those days where everything seemed to fly. You had eagerly pulled her around the house all morning, sat in her lap at breakfast, and all but forced her to help you dress when you decided picking the perfect outfit was too hard to do on your own. The women had immaculate taste in fashion, you supposed it was something that needed to come with their high-profile occupations, but you’d never complain about them making your old clothes look fresh and new without adding anything tasteless or unnecessary.  You hadn’t wanted to be apart from her since your eyes had peeled open at seven, the excitement in your belly too strong to ignore despite Wanda telling you that you wouldn’t be leaving the house until eleven. You were so beyond grateful that Natasha had been serious about taking you out when her and Wanda’s schedules allowed, that it didn’t matter to you if your earlier than usual wake up time meant having a full four hours to merely sit around and wait. 
You nodded your head at her simply asked question, bearing a smile that compiled a list of words you’d be happy enough to use in a sentence if she so desired. She didn’t though, you knew she was well aware of how excited you were and was merely pulling your leg because she herself was bored. There was no way she could be oblivious to your hyperactive movements when your feet kicked the back of her seat every handful of minutes, but she’d not asked you to stop only rolled her eyes in fond exasperation and murmured to Wanda about the copious amounts of fingerprints and scuff marks she’d have to tend to later. Natasha and traffic were not things that should exist in the same sentence. For as patient as the woman was, she quickly lost her composure when ‘assholes in black hondas don’t know what the fucking speed limit is’. The first time she’d bellowed in annoyance you’d shook your head and giggled into your hand, your eyes connecting with Wanda’s who had glanced back at you in a silent threat to not egg Natasha on further. You’d tried to keep your amused reactions to yourself after that, but it was hard not to laugh at Natasha’s annoyance for anyone going under eighty miles an hour; especially considering the speed limit was only sixty-five. 
The drive wasn’t meant to be any longer than an hour and a half, Wanda had meticulously gone over each and every available route before she’d loaded you and Natasha up in the car, but construction hadn’t been something to consider while she was planning your departure. It seemed every major highway and backroad was under construction lately, even the roads that led down to the shore in Westview. You didn’t mind it, occasionally pointing out the names of the yellow vehicles as you passed them, but you worried how little time you’d have to explore as the second hour of driving came and passed. When your legs grew restless, you settled for sitting cross-legged in the backseat, your elbows pressing firmly against your knees as you craned your neck to see between the head-rests on the couples seats. The sky was open and blue, no trace of clouds but apparent wind. The trees on either side of the road rustled with the flow of the breeze, and if you stayed just quiet enough, you could hear it howling outside of the windows. The sight of wind was a ploy to get unsuspecting people out of their houses. The weather was hot and humid, temperatures climbing into the low hundreds, but your destination was indoors, so thoughts about how you’d melt beneath the sun didn’t have valid reasons to come. 
Wanda’s eyes locked on yours when Natasha eased onto the gas again, pulling off the exit ramp like a bat out of hell and dodging oncoming traffic that honk and scolded her boldness. You giggled when a particular car just to your left raised their hand at her, a single finger pointed toward the sky. She was unaffected, returning the gesture with passion. Your smile fell off your lips when your gaze shuffled over to meet Wanda’s, and the Sokovian looked at you with displeasure. “Feet on the floor.” Wanda reprimanded when she knew she had your attention, and you sighed but complied with the request. “We'll be there soon. Why don’t you tell me about what you're most excited to see?” 
That had inspired a full tangent of thoughts that were only half complete to spill from your lips like rushing water off a cliff, but neither Wanda or Natasha had tried to interrupt you and get the full version of your story. They were happy enough to listen to you ramble nonsensically, your fingers twisting together in your lap out of pure elation that you had no other way to express. Wanda was simply content with knowing that should Natasha crash, you were sitting properly in the backseat. It wasn’t another half hour before Natasha was grabbing a ticket from the machine at the entryway of the parking garage and pulling into a reserved spot on the very first level by the exit. You’d known they would go all out for today, they always did, but it never failed to make you feel incredibly special to be getting such attentive treatment from two of the most willing and powerful women in the world. You flew out of the car before Natasha even had the engine off, feet not even hitting the pavement beneath you entirely before you raced around the back of the Stingray so you could pull Wanda’s door open for her. You bounced excitedly on your toes throughout the entire exchange, grinning up at her with an expression of complete innocence. The Sokovian smiled down at your adoringly, capturing your face in her gentle hands and pulling you just close enough for your forehead to fall against her lips. 
“Such an excited little duckling.” Wanda mused with gentle laughter, her breath warm and thin as it fanned across your temple and shot sparks of pleasurable admiration through your belly and across your spine. You would’ve stayed permanently fixed on her tender expression had you not heard Natasha’s door swing closed. Your eyes trailed over the top of the car until they met the sight of her, dressed casually in a white t-shirt and jean shorts, her red locks had been pulled up and away from her face in a fleetingly worn ponytail that swung behind her head with every subtle move her body made. You could drool over the sight of her, but there were other priorities at the forefront of your mind. 
“Can we go now? Please?” You bounced eagerly beneath their transfixed stare, your hands grabbing eagerly at Wanda’s who still had a soft grip on your cheeks. You knew the rules of walking in busy parking lots well, and although they’d made you feel like an incapable child at one point, you adored and craved them now. The lawyers reminded you so often that just because you are a capable adult, doesn’t mean you have to act like one when they’re there to take care of you. You let them take control easily now, no willingness to fight left to linger in your instincts, even in something as simple as finding your way through busy parking lots. 
A smirk splayed across Natasha’s lips as she approached you and Wanda, her hand shoving her phone and wallet into one of the back pockets of her denim shorts. You should be ashamed for finding the simple action so attractive, but you didn't. You'd stopped letting yourself feel embarrassment for merely noticing their beauty long ago, and greedily your eyes trailed over the muscles in her shoulder and bicep that flexed as she reached toward her back. Natasha chuckled knowingly, sending a wink in your direction before she purposefully flexed her biceps. You wanted to roll your eyes and tell her to knock it off, but Wanda had beaten you to the punch and sent her wife an exasperated hit to the gut. “I don’t know, malyshka. Can we?” Natasha answered your earlier question, letting her feet carry her impossibly close to Wanda’s side. You wanted to groan aloud when the Russian’s hand slid comfortably into the back pocket of the Sokovian’s denim shorts, but you were too excited to dwell on the fact that Wanda’s ass had definitely just been squeezed roughly and possessively. 
“Yes.” You made the executive decision with a curt nod of impatience, already setting your pace toward the exit, dragging Wanda behind you with rushed steps. It was the exact opposite of what she intended to happen when she’d first implemented the rule of wanting you to hold either her or Natasha’s hands in busy spaces. You were now the one leading her around by the hand, and quite blindly if she wanted to put it nicely. You’d hardly noticed when you led her body straight into a traffic cone, her feet just barely able to avoid tripping over the bright orange safety measure. Natasha had to stifle her laughter as she followed, her hand still in Wanda’s pocket and effectively pulling the Sokovian in two different directions as she remained a couple of steps behind. 
Wanda placed a firm hand overtop of your wrist, catching your attention as you looked back at her with a whine of impatience toward the back of your throat, ready to be unleashed if she didn’t make whatever she needed quick enough for your standards. You were almost there, almost to the long line of parents and children that wrapped themselves around the building in an unruly line. You could see the electric blue sign on the top of the structure perfectly, the artwork on the sides of the building visible but intercepted by bobbing heads and tall bodies. Her abrupt stopping when you were so close to where you desperately wanted to be was the cruelest thing that had ever happened to you. “Why don’t you leave the dragging around to me, lyubov’. Unless you want me to end up in the infirmary before you even get to see the sharks.” 
You groaned at her teasing, a fierce blush crawling up your neck that couldn’t be blamed by the unforgiving heat. You didn’t let her words sink beneath your skin however, deciding that pulling at her hand was effective enough. “Will you hurry up then?” You groaned, smirking victoriously when Natasha laughed at your antics and placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“Yes, milaya. We can go.” Wanda rolled her eyes but agreed with your demand, already beginning to set your pace at a significantly slower speed before the rest of her sentence even lingered in the air for your ears to pick up on. You practically skipped beside her, a broad smile on your face as you once again droned on and on about everything you couldn’t wait to see and have. Natasha had promised you a stuffed animal from the gift shop, knowing that you’d never had many in childhood. You’d decided that today would be one of the first times you explored your dynamic outside of the house, and the Slavic women were sparing no experience in giving you the purest taste at reclaiming your lost childhood. It felt too good to be true, to just surrender your conscious mind and let them take control, but you found yourself submitting to them easily. They wanted to do this for you, they enjoyed playing up their roles in this aspect. It was still hard to grasp that something that could be so kinky in bed could also be so pure outside of it, but they were allowing you to learn at your own speed, and selfishly they loved how inexperienced you were. There was no former training to unwind from your beliefs, there was no burned skin around your heart that had been failed by somebody else. You were fully theirs to shape, and they intended to show you the purest sides of this dynamic. 
You frowned when Wanda began to lead you toward the front of the building, getting farther and farther away from the long line of people waiting their turn to enter. Toddlers pointed at you and tugged on their parents arms, not so quietly wondering why they couldn’t follow you and go around the line. A blush settled onto your cheeks when a little girl, no older than six, tugged at who you assumed was her fathers hands and boldly declared that you were ‘cutting’. Natasha and Wanda were in their own little world it seemed, laughing and talking with one another in quick Russian that you couldn’t comprehend, not batting a blind eye to the whispered accusations that were being pointed at you. 
“The lines back there.” You whispered albeit a little self-consciously, not wanting to draw attention to yourselves anymore than the redheads adoring your waist already had. The sight of you together dripped with wealth. The diamond studded Chopard watch on Wanda’s wrist dazzled in the sunlight, the yellow gold Tiffany hoops in Natasha’s first piercing swayed when the breeze caught them. You looked properly out of place amongst the parents and young children all waiting in line. 
Wanda stopped walking at your timid statement, looking down at you with a look that could only be described as dominating. It wasn’t hard, wasn’t demanding, but rather apologetic and soft. You felt entirely small beneath her sage green stare. “What did you want to try today?” Wanda reminded you softly, her body language not portraying the suggestiveness behind her quiet words. To any of the parents standing feet away, it looked like she had simply paused to ask you a well-intended question, which you supposed was true, but it wasn’t as innocent as it appeared.  
You deflated slightly, leaning into the touch Natasha had placed on the small of your back minutes ago. You were becoming fuzzy, a feeling you’d associated with rough sex, but there hadn’t been any of that today. The closest thing to having their bodies had come when Natasha pulled you into a bruising kiss before you left the house. “Letting you have control.” 
Wanda hummed, content with your answer, knowing that once again she had full control. Her fingers that always seemed to be perfectly polished ghosted over your cheek, and you could assume she’d attempted to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear like she always did, but today your hair had been tied back into two french braids that Natasha had suggested. “So let Mommy worry about where the line is. That’s not something for little girls like you to be concerned about.” 
You nodded softly, unable to help the rush of something sweet that further propelled the dizziness in your mind forward at the Sokovian’s dismissal. Although you didn’t resume your skipping like you had been doing when Wanda guided you across the street, your footsteps came lightly and with a bounce as you became lost in the simple action of counting the many cracks that adorned the sidewalk as you stepped over them. At some point, your hand had grabbed Natasha’s, and you swung your arms back and forth absentmindedly. The day was hot, unforgivingly so, and the natural flush across your cheeks was becoming annoying. You were ready to start vocalizing your discomfort when Wanda guided you inside of the aquarium, saving her the headache of listening to you whine about something she couldn’t control. 
You gawked at the sight of light blue painted walls and elaborate glass tanks that held any color coral you could imagine. The front desk was a giant fish tank, and little orange and white clownfish swam around the enclosure blissfully. You were practically vibrating beside Natasha as you looked around at the little details that had been incorporated into the entrance of the building. The ceilings were high, and painted across them were sharks and whales and every kind of fish you could even imagine. There was no embarrassment when you pulled at Natasha’s hand and let your own little finger shoot up to the ceiling, excitedly pointing out a boesemani rainbow fish that swam beside a hammerhead. Wanda had gone to check you in for your reservation, or at least you assumed that was what she was doing as she stood closely to the front desk and nodded at the teenager behind the counter. His eyes briefly flashed over to you when he noticed your head craned toward the ceiling and overheard your loud exclamation, but Wanda must’ve said something that made his attention snap back to her just as quickly as it had left. 
“Inside voices, dorogaya.” Natasha smiled sweetly at your excitement, having no real issue with the volume that you had spoken at before, but she knew it would bother you if you caught onto the lingering stares of judgemental adults who couldn’t possibly understand that not everything was meant solely for children. You had just as much of a right to enjoy these little things as the toddlers who ran free, but she couldn’t change everyone's opinion even with her deadly glare. 
Your cheeks flushed pink, and not because of the blistering sun, but you nodded to her request and tried not to let it sting. You’d been told all your life that you were too loud, reprimanded by your mother until you’d just fallen silent. You knew she hadn’t meant it in any particular way, but some things still struck a chord in your heart. The crushing feeling hadn’t lasted long, too comfortable in Natasha’s presence to dwell in self-consciousness. Your eyes went back to trailing all of the open space that you could see, and when they landed on a particular tank beside the single hallway that led into the larger room that veered off in several separate directions, you attempted to jut off. A whine rippled through your chest when your hand was squeezed and Natasha didn’t follow you forward, cemented in the place where you’d been instructed to wait for Wanda. 
“Seahorses!” You tugged at her hand, earning you a disproving expression complete with a single raised eyebrow. You sulked back toward her, giving the tank one last sad glance before you focused down on your shoes, a frown on your lips.
“What are we meant to be doing, hm?” Natasha didn’t allow you to keep your gaze transfixed on your shoes, one of her slender and ring adorned fingers guiding your chin upward until your eyes flickered to hers. Her heart clenched at the sad frown that clung to your features that had been so happy not even seconds ago, but she didn’t let your pout sway her decision. After all, Wanda had given you a clear direction, and she expected that you follow it. “Can you tell me what we’re meant to be doing?” 
You sighed, glancing back over at Wanda who looked to be wrapping up whatever conversation she’d been having with the teenager behind the counter.  “Waiting for Wands.” The words slipped past your lips softly, your eyes trailing back over to Natasha’s. “But there’s seahorses.” 
“And the seahorses will still be there when Wands is done. We’re gonna have our listening ears on today, aren’t we?” Natasha was really laying it on thick, even she knew that, but it was hard to help herself when you looked so soft and pliant standing in front of her dressed in an outfit that she picked out. You nodded your head, shuffling into her embrace, sadness still tainting your features. 
Natasha kisses the top of your head, wrapping her arms around your torso as she lets you have your feelings against her chest. She knows they’ve been guiding you into a stage of subspace all day, it had been perfectly intentional, but how you handle it is still a wildcard. Much to your misconception, subspace wasn’t always brought on by getting railed, as you liked to refer to it as. Any form of submission could send you down that rabbit hole, including following instructions; which you’d been doing all day. Subspace wasn’t about the weight of the scene or how badly your body ached afterward, it was just about trust and the right amount of guidance. They’d been doing something right, and Natasha could recognize the glassy sheen over your eyes as you peaked up at her and then over toward Wanda who was finally, finally, walking back toward you. 
The Sokovian had three brightly colored bands in her hands, her lips curled into a bright grin that crinkled her eyes. She stopped just in front of Natasha, effectively blocking you from view as she felt the eyes of the teenager behind the counter try to burn into your form. “What’s with the frown?” 
“Seahorses.” You pouted up at her, much to Natasha’s amusement. The Russian’s hand ran over your back soothingly, though she couldn’t fight her bright smile when you again tried to wiggle out of her arms and rush over to the cylinder tank now that Wanda was back in sight. 
“She wasn’t very pleased that you asked us to wait for you.” Natasha filled in the gaps, your explanation rather vague and rushed; if you could even call the one word response you gave much of an explanation at all. “Why don’t you tell Wands what kind of fish you found on the ceiling?” Natasha nudged you, prompting your attention onto something other than seahorses. You beamed at the excuse to ramble again, your finger pointing up to the ceiling like it did the first time, and even if Wanda couldn’t follow your finger to the specific fish she was meant to be looking at, she smiled encouragingly. 
“It’s a boesemani rainbow fish! They get brighter when they get older!” You laughed, your pouty face no longer a visual that filled the entrance of the aquarium. Wanda had not the slightest care in the world for the fish you were pointing to, but she praised your knowledge either way. She’d pretend to care about anything if it meant seeing that bright smile linger on your lips even after the words stopped coming. “Can we see the seahorses now?” 
Already anticipating how the rest of the afternoon was going to play out, Wanda laughed at your eagerness but nodded her head. You were just out of Natasha’s grip when she captured you in hers. This time, you did whine, sad eyes stuck on the tank in the corner of the room. Neither redhead could blame you for your distress when you’d been intercepted on your way to the seahorses twice now, and so neither scolded you for the sharp sound that reached their ears. “What are the rules if you’re not holding mine or Natty’s hand?” Wanda quizzed softly, her voice taking on a tone that had made you weak in the knees too many times. It was a voice Natasha called her ‘Mommy Voice’, which usually led to the Russian getting slapped upside the head when Wanda overheard. 
“Stay where you can see me.” You bounced on your toes, still pulling at Wanda’s hand and glancing between her and the seahorses with a desperate plea in your wide and glassy eyes. “Please!” 
She nodded at you with encouragement, smiling fondly when you raced over to the tank, carefully not to place your hands on the glass though it was already smudged with little fingerprints and what could only be assumed to be saliva. You marveled at the seahorses that bobbed in the water, illuminated by an electric blue strip of lights that made the gradient of colors on their bodies pop. You would’ve stayed staring at the seahorses all afternoon had Natasha not been the one to softly guide you away after five minutes of soft oohing and awwing. There were so many more tanks and creatures to see, she didn’t want you wasting any more of your time on just one tiny tank. You’d been upset about her gentle hands guiding you away until you’d turned a corner and spotted a tank of hippos in the distance. Your eager hand had pulled her through the crowd with Wanda following hot on your heels. 
You showed the same level of excitement at every tank and exhibit, which neither lawyer thought was possible. There was no lull in your squeals and shrieks, and both of their wrists hurt by the time they sat you down for a late lunch. You’d abided by their every rule, including the ones that seemed stupid to you, what was so wrong about falling into the penguin exhibit, it was an easy enough climb back over the thin glass barrier? They’d expected lunch to go smoothly, you’d been so well behaved that they’d even considered buying you ice cream first, but unfortunately for them, the small cafe in the heart of the aquarium was directly beside the shark exhibit. 
“Milaya, we will see the sharks after we eat.” Wanda cooed sweetly for the umpteenth time, trying not to let her face crack as she contemplated just giving into your pleas. Their firm voices and whispered praise had guided you into what Natasha referred to as the ‘sweet spot’. You weren’t so blissfully fuzzy that you couldn’t comprehend their words, but you were beyond the point of making a rational decision, and listening seemed to fall into that category as you struggled against Wanda, eyes fixed on the large sign that comically had a massive bite mark in the side. It was the little things that lingered throughout the building that made it more immersive, like the stickers on the floor in the shape of penguin footprints that lead to their enclosure, and the bite mark in the sign that led to the sharks. Your eyes searched to find every little detail that anyone else would overlook. 
“I want to see them now.” Your crestfallen face was enough to weaken the reserve both redheads had been putting forth since your little meltdown had started. They hated to think that had you not been so high on endorphins and adrenaline, you never would’ve expressed how much you enjoyed all the little things that the aquarium had to offer, but they were still working to earn this level of trust from you when peptides weren’t at an all time high. With your head firmly planted in subspace, there wasn’t a single insecure feeling prickling beneath your skin. You were utterly free, control sitting in their hands and they had to force themselves to remember that. 
“Not now, detka.” Natasha stepped in, guiding you toward the only empty table in the cafe. Your lips were turned downward in a persistent frown, but by some miracle, you’d actually sat down on the chair and let Wanda name out the options on the menu. It was no surprise to either of them that you pointed toward the chicken tender basket, but it was good enough for them to fulfill your request immediately. 
Wanda left to order the food while Natasha kept you occupied at the table, ensuring that you didn’t start to fall out of the state they’d been working you into all day. She offered praise when you answered her little questions about the fun facts you’d been reading on all of the displays, and she tutted disapprovingly when your fingers ripped apart a napkin that some other family had left on the table. When Wanda came back with a tray of three chicken tender baskets because it felt wrong to eat any of the seafood that was offered, you were firmly engaged in a conversation about the stingrays that had been yet to be spotted. You’d explored more than half of the aquarium, finding out that the pink band around your wrist was a pass to all of the activities that lingered around. You’d fed the penguins, given the seals high-fives, and watched a 4D movie that made absolutely no sense, but had dispensed bubbles and sprays of water that were fun enough. All that was left to do was walk the roped path overtop of the shark exhibit, but that didn’t sound like something you wanted to put your faith in, even if hundreds of people did it every day. You, nor Wanda, would be walking across a shark infested tank, though Natasha had plans to do it herself. She’d always been the more daring of the couple. 
When your lunch was finished, or when your lunch was picked over enough for Wanda and Natasha to set you free again, you wasted no time in grabbing both of their hands and zipping through the families that stood in your way. You’d been too distracted with the bamboo sharks to hear Wanda mutter to Natasha about how your crowd direction was just as bad as her driving, but you’d turned around in time to watch Natasha roll her eyes and whack Wanda’s bicep. 
In your fuzzy headspace, their rules engraved in your mind, one of them being to show respect to others, you frowned and settled both hands onto your hips. “You broke rule number six!” You stated rather angrily, stalking up to Wanda with long strides that didn’t match the innocence in your eyes. You kissed her arm softly, the place where Natasha had hit her engraved in your mind. 
“Yeah Natty, you broke rule six.” Wanda’s amusement wasn’t so easily hidden in her tone as her lips curled into a smile and she pulled you into her chest, settling a kiss onto the top of your head as you both sent glares toward Natasha. Yours was littered with a protectiveness that almost outshone the glassy gleam that had settled, Wanda’s however, was riddled with enjoyment and humor. “What should she do, detka?” Wanda giggled, leaning down to whisper in your ear though it was loud enough for Natasha to hear, and the redhead was just barely keeping the smile off her face as she watched you and Wanda conspire against her. 
“She’s gotta say sorry!” They’d noticed that in your fuzzy state, you’d shied away from the bigger words that slipped into your vocabulary normally. You weren’t yet at a point where communicating your needs was impossible, but you weren’t actively fighting to clear your head and search for words like apologize and blasphemy either. Natasha would never forgive Yelena for throwing that word around so often you’d started to pick up on it.  
“Well?” Wanda jutted out her hip, placed a perfectly manicured hand just above where her bone rested. You mimicked her stance, though you were significantly less threatening than Wanda with your french braids messy from the humidity that drafted in from windows, and your baby blue colored corset shirt that was adorned with intricate lace patterns and ribbons that tied the back together. 
“Ona razob'yetsya v mashine.” Natasha hummed, and although you knew enough Russian to know that wasn’t an apology she had uttered to Wanda, no, it was a very true statement that you’d crash in the car on the way home, the Sokovian had accepted it and laughed. 
Despite your excitement to see the sharks, you didn’t hang around the exhibit for long. There were too many people and you seemed to become overstimulated more easily when you were flush full of endorphins, so Wanda had been the one to lead you away toward tanks of lobsters and jellyfish. She started walking down the hallway, leaving you with Natasha, wanting to find a sign that could lead the three of you toward the stingrays because she knew you wouldn’t enjoy the aquarium for much longer. It had been hours, and in your sensitive headspace, the bright lights and sounds were quickly becoming too much to handle. You’d been so brave, trying this out with them and trusting them fully, but Wanda wasn’t about to compromise your happiness for a few more hours of mindless walking from room to room when you’d already seen everything that interested you. All she cared about was making sure you had a good time, even if she thought aquariums were savagely overpriced now. 
Wanda frowned when Natasha found her way over to her without you. Her eyes flickered around the long hallway, searching for your blue top that stood out brightly against the sea of other colors that adults and children wore. It was such a specific shade that even if seventeen other people all crowded around to watch jellyfish bob had blue on, you stuck out like a sore thumb. “Where’s Y/N?” Wanda questioned and Natasha frowned. 
“I thought she was with you.” The Russian quickly realized that no matter how many times she spun around in circles, you weren’t anywhere in sight. She distinctly remembered you telling her that you wanted to go with Wanda, so she hadn’t questioned when you walked off and toward the direction that the Sokovian had gone in. Natasha was properly panicked when thirty seconds went by and she still couldn’t spot you, but Wanda at least had the thought to check the next hallway before she let herself spiral too. 
The stingray exhibit turned out to be in the next room over, crowded by kids and parents who talked about the sea creatures with excitement in their quiet tones. The occasional toddler bellowed in disgust when they realized how slick the back of a stingray was, but for the most part, the room only vibrated because of the sheer number of voices that occupied it, not because of volume. You were hunched over the edge, elbows deep into the shallow water when Wanda and Natasha spotted you. Each let out a sigh of relief, but nothing was going to stop them from marching over to you and pulling you away from the water. 
“What were the rules, milaya?” Wanda asked you, her voice not as soft as it had been all day, but not hard either. They’d never been out of the house while you were lingering in subspace, and though they never wanted to lose you, it hadn’t been something that never crossed their mind. You wandered away even when your head was clear, your lack of impulse control only heightened that need to trail off.  
“Stingrays!” You beamed at Wanda, not taking into account the thin line that settled over her eyebrows as she peered down at you. Your excitement was cute, a telling indication that you really hadn’t meant to wander away and give them the scare of their life, but it wouldn’t get you out of the scolding Wanda had ready on the tip of her tongue. 
“Not stingrays, utenok. What were the rules?” Natasha laid heavy emphasis on the last word of her question, and though your eyes were more glassy then she’d seen them all day, she could see the wheels turning as you tried to process her words. 
“Oh.” You mumbled when you finally came to the conclusion, your shoulders deflating as your head dipped down and set your gaze on your shoes. “Sorry.” 
Wanda, who had been prepared to dig into you, sighed softly and dropped the topic. She may be a stickler for the rules but she knew it would only cause further damage if she laid into you about listening. Your disappearing hadn’t been intentional, and even she could see the tears threatening to spill over as you brewed in your own feelings of disappointment. 
“I want you holding my hand, dorogaya.” She instructed firmly, “No more walking by yourself. We don’t wanna lose such a sweet little duckling, huh?” Wanda lifted your chin, smiling reassuringly down at you. Her rings caught the light, glimmering like a million little stars that cried to be released from the gold adorning her fingers. It was over after that, you’d fallen too deep into the sea of bliss to want anything other than her. You shuffled close, all thoughts of stingrays forgotten as you breathed in her scent. Sensing your loss of interest, Wanda shared a silent conversation with Natasha who nodded. 
“Why don’t we go check out the gift shop?” Natasha claimed one of your hands, engangling you from Wanda before you could sink any deeper. They needed you coherent enough to get back into the car, and then you were free to settle deeply beneath the blanket of comfort they’d slowly been laying over top of you all day. Natasha held back on delivering any further praise, knowing it wouldn’t help you coming closer to the light. 
She guided you through hallways and crowded rooms, occasionally squeezing your hand when you winced at crying babies and strong fishy odors. She herself was over the aquarium, but she’d been holding out for you. She was glad she didn’t have to fake her enthusiasm anymore, though Wanda was certainly getting a kick out of all the exasperated eyerolls the Russian hid from you. 
The gift shop was practically empty when you shuffled inside, clinging to Natasha who didn’t mind the contact. She led you through rows of toys and puzzles, some not having any connection to the aquarium while others quite boldly sported the name in a thick black font. You found interest in none of it, which she couldn’t blame you for. Everything looked tacky and far too cheap to be as expensive as the prices on the shelves said, but still she guided you around encouraging you to pick something out. She’d promised you a stuffed animal, but when you finally reached the back wall where all the cuddly toys were lined up in rows, neither of you liked any. They were all filled with stuffing that was too stiff to cuddle, and you retracted your hand quickly when you reached out to touch one. Whatever had been used as fuzz was scratchy and coarse, and you hated it with a passion. Eventually, when Wanda came up to you holding a soft gray crewneck with an embroidered whale shark and the name of the aquarium on the front, you agreed to let it be purchased for you, and although it was still in the highest temperatures that New Jersey had seen all summer, you wore it out of the aquarium with a smile. 
When you reached the car, there was no keeping you afloat any longer. Natasha had uttered the first bit of praise in minutes, and you surrendered fully to the warmth in your mind. Wanda smiled, usually the one who you attached to when you fell over the edge, but Natasha had been your chosen pick today. 
“Just get in the back with her, Talia.” Wanda rolled her eyes after three minutes of Natasha trying to detach you from her arm, each attempt ending with whines and stomped feet as you tightened your grip. 
Natasha sighed, able to count the number of times she’d let Wanda drive her car on one hand, but she wasn’t getting away from you right now, and she didn’t really want to anyway. “If you so much as leave one fingerprint on my radio you won’t be getting laid for a week, Maximoff.” 
Wanda rolled her eyes, snatching the keys from Natasha’s outstretched hand and opening the driver's side door more aggressively than needed. If anyone was going to be leaving fingerprints it was Natasha, who could never decide which type of music she wanted to listen to. Seeing that you had gotten your way, you smiled up at Natasha with a grin that was only right to describe as cheeky. The Russian rolled her eyes and settled you into the backseat, shushing your protests when she strapped the seatbelt over your chest and made sure your feet were planted firmly on the floor. 
She pulled you into her side when her own seatbelt was clicked into place, gently releasing your hair from the tight braids that had been twisted together all day. At the first pass of her fingers across your sensitive scalp, you all but melted into her chest and let your eyes flutter closed. It wouldn’t take six minutes before you were asleep against her chest, clutching desperately to the white t-shirt covering her torso. With the absence of your questions and excited statements, the car settled with silence, filled with only the sound of the engine revving when Wanda stepped on the gas. 
“Did you have a good day, moya lyubov’?” Natasha asked, extending an arm to run over fingers over Wanda’s shoulder. She couldn’t see the Sokovian’s face, but she knew there was a satisfied smile settling over her lips. 
“I did.” She breathed out softly, flicking the right blinker on when she merged onto the parkway, thankful that all the construction seemed to have been paused for the day and the road, though filled with typical traffic, was clear of any major dead stops. “Did you ever think we’d be here?” Although Wanda hadn’t been specific, Natasha knew she was referring to you. You were practically the sun in their own two planet universe, everything they did revolved around you now, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Things got boring when it was merely her and Wanda in a universe void of endless light and warmth. 
“I hoped.” Natasha kissed your temple softly, glad that she hadn’t stirred you awake. 
When Wanda pulled into the driveway, you were still sound asleep and the sky was dark with nightfall. It was early to call it a night, but the couple did so without complaint. You settled into Natasha’s chest with only the aquarium crewneck on your body, and Wanda had shuffled into the space in bed where your body typically rested, laying her head down on Natasha’s shoulder and placed a heavy hand on the small of your back. 
“Goodnight my little utenok.” She whispered into the thick stretch of silence before sleep overcame her too, and although the night carried on outside of your small bubble of peace, none of you had any idea.
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roseykat · 6 months
TITLE: Stray Kids and Kinks
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SUMMARY: Stray Kids members and each of their kinks (in my personal opinion). They’d most likely have more than one as well.
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSWF SKZ related content and I know I won’t be able to regulate/monitor every single potential interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work or page whatsoever.
TAGS: smut, discussions around sex, breath play, choking, public sex, slight voyeurism, begging, pictophilia, degradation, use of the names ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘fucktoy’, ‘cumslut’, collars, cuckolding, bondage/shibari.
A/N: to the people who were on my main taglist for my works, I’m so sorry because I’ve lost the list I had with everyone’s names on it. I’ll keep trying to search through my documents for them just in case. If I can’t, please message me if you still want to be added, no pressure!
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BANG CHAN - Breath play
He’s adopted breath play techniques to help intensify your orgasms. For example, he’ll have a hand around your throat, squeezing at the sides as you’re about to cum. Then, just as you do, he’ll take his hand away so that more oxygen rushes to your brain as you orgasm hard around his dick. Seeing you cum your brains out from it only made him want to do it more.
But it just so happens that Chan also likes to be choked. He folds whenever you’re on top riding him and you extend a hand down his throat to squeeze. As a result, he’s bound to cum inside you without question. Or maybe when you’re both making out, Chan likes to feel your hand apply that snug restriction around the sides of his neck.
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MINHO - Public Sex
Public sex is a staple aspect of bringing spontaneity into your relationship with Minho and it’s a major turn on for him. Whenever you’re both on the go, there’s always a time where he’s horny. Fucking in a club was the first time either of you had done anything in public - and you’re sure that someone was in one of the stalls watching through the gap in the door of Minho bending you over the sink.
Now, his horizons have expanded to fucking you in a tent when you both go camping, fucking in a room at some pension when you and the other guys go away for a holiday, giving him head underneath the table at a overly crowded restaurant, fucking you against a brick wall down some alleyway as you’re both walking back home because neither of you could wait. The possibilities are endless for him, and so far you haven’t been caught.
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CHANGBIN - Begging
Changbin’s ego inflates whenever you beg him to do something in the bedroom. It not only means that you need him to do whatever it is, but that there’s nobody else in the world who can satisfy you other than him. He just thrives off of it. Begging him to let you cum is his ultimate weak point, but not as much as when you beg him to eat you out.
You could both be fifteen minutes into making out, touching each other, and he would deliberately refrain from doing anything further until he hears you pleading for him to go down on you. Only when he says ‘yes’, he’ll eat you out slowly and delicately, right to the point where you get frustrated and have to beg him again. This time to make you cum.
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HYUNJIN - Pictophilia
Has countless polaroids, pictures, and videos of yours and his naked body. Will take photos of you from behind, you with his cum on your tits or face, videos of his dick visibly disappearing inside your pussy and sliding back out, videos of him making you orgasm that you can see your legs shake in the frame. He likes revisiting those memories and then creating more to see later on.
Sometimes you’ll watch them back together, that’s if Hyunjin doesn’t get all shy about it. He likes watching you, just not himself so much. In the moment, when he’s fucking your brains out, he can be an animal and say ‘how good your pussy feels’, tell you how much ‘you’re creaming around him’. But the minute you both watch it over together, he gets embarrassed hearing himself say those things to you on camera. 
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HAN - Degradation
At first you weren’t sure if you could bring yourself to call Jisung such degrading names when he asked you to. It wasn’t until you really tried and saw how much he enjoyed it. His eyes glass over like he’s suddenly under your control, which he is. Calling him names like ‘whore’, ‘slut’, or ‘fucktoy’ is guaranteed to make him cum even harder.
Pairing that with any type of overstimulation or orgasm control gives you a very needy Jisung who’s brain turns into mush just from hearing those sorts of names. He isn’t too sure why or how degradation works so well for him, how it makes his orgasms feel ten times more stronger than just normal verbal communication during sex. That being said, Jisung, like you’ve told him many times, is a ‘cumslut’ who enjoys just orgasming. So much that if degradation helps him get there, then he’s all for it.
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FELIX - Collar Kink
Each collar is carefully selected by him for you to wear. He cares and stores them the way that he does with his keyboards. His favourites are the ones with metal rings or heart shaped loops at the front so that he can hook his finger in it and bring you closer to whatever it is he’s doing. They’re very personal statements that he takes pride in not only collecting but also creating as well.
Felix customises and curates them especially for you. He selects the leathers from black to pale pinks to deep reds. Some will have studs or multiple metal loops, others will be classic and plain. The point of the matter is that Felix swells inside with excitement every time he gets to fasten or buckle the collar around your neck.
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SEUNGMIN - Cuckolding
This man has a kink for essentially watching you get railed by another man - maybe two sometimes. He doesn’t strike as the type of person to share you, but he compromises when his fantasies come into focus. When he presented you with this peculiar idea to see you have sex with someone other than himself, you were all in it. To test things out, he thought it would be best to invite someone you both know. Someone who would be into the same idea.
That person ended up being Jisung who was a perfect fit for the night and it’s never been awkward since. These types of experiences make having sex with Seungmin even more special and intimate when it’s just the two of you. There’s not another man who makes you cum the way he does - none of the men he’s watched you have sex with.
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Jeongin - Bondage
Jeongin enjoys tying you up, but especially in shibari. An intricate practice of bondage that passes off more as art than something sexual. He’s perfected the craft of skilfully binding your body to create beautiful ties and wraps. His slender and long fingers help with threading multiple lengths of ropes into different loops at the same time. In some cases, shibari is just for people to look at and doesn’t involve sex.
Almost similar to BDSM in some cases. But Jeongin will fuck you in it. There’s a side to him that can be very irrational and heated. The way the rope tightens around your body or the way the patterns contrast with your skin, makes him impulsive. He will involve other sexual practices like BDSM, maybe sensation play, edging, orgasm denying - anything to see you struggle against the rope.
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realisticjupiter · 3 months
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Summary: The people in the room beside you can't help but fuck like rabbits. Leaving you to relocate your room and end up in the one person's room you didn't expect.
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Chishiya x fem!reader
Warnings: Fingering (r! receiving), unprotected piv, creampie, making out, marking, multiple orgasms, dom!chishiya (If you squint..?), lmk if any others.
Word count: 2.4k
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Moan after moan came from the other wall of your hotel room. Your eye brows furrowed, attempting to push the pillow on your head further into your ear to block out the sounds.
For a second, it worked. But then your eyes shot open at the feeling of the wall behind you getting pounded into, causing the entire wall to shake.
You cursed under your breath as you threw the pillow across the room and angrily left the room.
You walked around the hotel, peaking into the rooms to see if you'd get lucky and one would be empty.
Usually there's yelling and partying every hour of the day, but tonight it was weirdly mute. Of course there was still people participating in whatever it was, but you knew most of the population on the Beach would be asleep. So--the statistics of a room being empty, and staying empty until you woke up, was extremely high.
So, when you finally found that room that appeared empty and silent from all four walls, you plopped onto the bed and got comfy. Smiling contently at the thought of finally getting the sleep you deserved.
Chishiya finally made his way back to his room after he went to get fresh air from the roof, and stopped in his tracks when he saw your body curled into a ball and your face subconsciously holding your smile.
He sighed, almost annoyed that out of all the rooms you chose his. But nonetheless, he too needed sleep.
And unlike you, he could probably sleep through anything; as long as it didn't involve him.
He removed his hoodie and almost took off his sweatpants before he remembered you were right behind him, on his bed. So, he refrained from doing so and just got under the covers, turning his back towards you.
You regained your consciousness, for what would've been only a second to turn over, but when you did and slighty saw the figure in front of you, you paused.
Your eyes wide as you stared in front of you, the back of a blonde man's head.
"I can feel you staring." Chishiya commented, furrowing his brows with his eyes still shut.
"'M sorry!" You whispered, "I didn't realize this was your room." You spoke softly, you never were one for conflict and hated confrontation, so this whole thing just felt very awkward to you.
"Then why did you come in here?" He asked, only turning his head to slightly see you from the corner of his eye, giving you a view of his side profile.
You groaned at the memory, "People fuck like rabbits here, I tried to sleep through it but they were shaking the entire wall." You mumbled, rolling your eyes a bit.
"Oh," He replied, "That makes sense." He added with a sigh, his body shifting to lie on his back.
"I can leave if you want, they might be down by now..." You suggested, beginning pull the covers down.
"Probably not, considering I've been in your situation before." He almost smirked as he the memory resurfaced.
"Which one were you?" You asked.
"Which one?" He raised a brow, his face turning towards you.
"Were the one fucking? Or the poor soul that had to listen to it." You said.
He laughed at the question, surprised you even thought he could be the one fucking someone that loudly. "I was the one that had to listen, but definitely not a poor soul." He grinned.
Your eye brows quickly furrowed, confused on his statement. But you quickly came to the realization, your mouth opening once, not being able to form the right words before you opened it again to finally speak.
"Are saying you enjoyed it?" You blurted.
He stayed quiet for a second, his eyes going back to the ceiling as he debated on how to answer. "Yes." He answered nonchalantly. "But I'm not a perv," He turned back, "I only listened, nothing else."
You took in his words as you moved your eyes away from him. You were a bit surprised he let out the information so easily, usually he would keep everything to himself, even the smallest things.
You slowly averted your eyes back up, but stopping on his body when you realized he took off his jacket. You scanned his figure through the shadows of the night sky, watching his chest go up and down with each breath and his arms that rested together on his stomach.
Your eyes slowly went up, meeting his as they watched you with that same grin on his face. "You're acting like you've never seen a man shirtless before." He teased.
Your entire face was red as you squeezed your thighs together, trying to contain yourself. But you didn't reply, you just stared at him.
"Mm.." He hummed, with a soft laugh.
He couldn't stop smirking, just the thought of you looking at him like he was your prey turned him on more than he'd like to admit. And as much as he wanted to smash your lips into his, he held back, but just to see if you'd give in and do something first.
He moved his eyes to yours to see if you were still staring. When he noticed you were he smiled. But not his typical smirk that makes your skin crawl, it seemed like a genuine soft smile, giving you goosebumps.
You were starving. Starving for touch, starving for a taste of him. You watched his face, your attention only on him. "Kiss me." You mumbled, unsure what came out of your mouth.
He opened his mouth to voice a snarky response, but stopped himself. He didn't want to ruin the opportunity, but it wasn't like him to just lunge forward when given it.
He was truly lost in thought about what you said, did you just want a kiss? Or was this some type of code for, 'have sex with me'. Not that he was complaining.
"It's not rocket science." You commented, rolling your eyes. Noticing how he really was lost in thought. You were afraid he didn't look at you that way, slightly uncomfortable at the thought of making this entire thing incredibly awkward. But it didn't feel awkward, you didn't feel that tight feeling in your stomach.
"Jesus Christ." You muttered, picking your head up and quickly shuffling closer to Chishiya. You grabbed his face and slammed your lips into his. It was messy at first, slightly hitting teeth.
Chishiya's eyes widened but he found himself melting into it. Finding each other's rhythm and moving together. You swiped your tongue on his bottom lip, but he denied your request as he kept the kiss.
You moaned in annoyance, and when he tried to make it up to you by swiping his tongue on your lower lip, you denied as well. He laughed into the kiss, his hand moving from your cheek to your waist, pressing his fingers into you.
At the pressure of his fingers you moved your body to straddle his lower abdomen. Chishiya's hands held onto your hips, slightly squeezing them the further the kiss went on.
You hummed into the kiss, bringing your hips down to grind against his growing erection. The sudden friction against him causing his mouth to fly open with a broken moan, your tongue taking its queue to slide inside of his mouth, exploring what he gave you.
You practically attacked each other's mouths, your saliva mixing and trailing down each other's chins.
His grip grew harsher on the fat of your hips, digging his dull nails into the skin, surely leaving crescent-shaped marks that would last a while.
He brought a hand up to your head, grabbing a handful of your hair to turn both of you over. His quick decision to take the lead and be on top made you smile, the kiss breaking with heavy breaths filling the room.
With your legs wrapped around his waist, he sat on his knees to sit up and grip onto your bikini bottoms.
He swiftly pulled them off your legs and threw them to the side, his eyes taking in the sight of your body.
A possessive glint in his eye as he stared down on you, his hands delicately trailing up and down your thighs.
You didn't bother snapping him out of whatever state he was in. It was kind of hot to see him look at you like that, as if you were his, and only his.
He finally took his time to trail his hands up your stomach, moving his body back down to face you.
"You're so pathetic." He whispered, his lips grazing down your jaw to your neck, sucking lazily on the flesh.
"Just for you." You moaned, your words hiding under your breath as you sighed at the feel of the small bruising forming on your neck.
He stopped his movements to process your words, a smirk forming on his face, the same smirk that always tells you he's up to no good.
He trailed a hand down your chest, grazing your stomach and to the place you needed him the most. His fingers found your clit, teasing it with soft circles that made your breath hitch, and soft moans to fall from your open mouth.
His fingers got more into their movements, going faster just to hear how your moans grow with each swipe of his finger.
Chishiya trailed his fingers down to your slick entrance, dipping the tips of his fingers inside and retracting them to look down at the wetness that stuck to his fingers.
With a soft, annoyed, sigh of his name, he pushed his fingers deep inside your velvet walls.
"Oh, yes.." You moaned, arching your back at the feel of your cunt being filled with just his fingers.
"Gonna make you scream louder than everyone else." He groaned in your ear, picking up the speed of his fingers.
"Make them know how a woman's supposed to scream." He hissed, feeling your velvet walls spasm around him, listening to the moans that filled his ears and the wetness from inside of you.
"Please!" You whined, your hand gripping onto his arm for stability, digging your nails into his skin.
Your pleas only made him go faster, vibrating your body from the speed of his digits. His eyes were locked on your face, watching as you couldn't even keep your mouth shut or your eyes open--burning the image mentally inside his mind.
"Oh, I'm gonna cum.." You cried, feeling the familiar knot in your stomach tighten and threaten to break.
At first, he wanted to stop; to hear you beg for release. But the sounds of the moans that filled the room, made his head dizzy; unable to stop himself even if he wanted to.
You finally released with a loud moan of his name. He continued to keep going, letting you ride out your orgasm on his fingers with every buck of your hips.
Chishiya retracted his hand, his breath escaping his mouth in an uneasy pattern. His forehead was pressed against your chest, placing light kisses on the raw skin.
You looked down at him, watching as he adjusted himself to grind his clothed cock once more against your cunt, leaving a trail of your slick on his sweatpants.
"Chishiya," You breathed heavily, your words hiding on the back of your throat as you held onto his shoulders.
He didn't bother to reply since he was already one step ahead of you. Chishiya was too lazy to fully take off his pants, only pushing them down far enough, as long as his boxers, to reveal his cock to the raw air.
Your eyes were stuck on the sight of him, biting your bottom lip as he teased his tip up and down your slit.
He gave himself a few tugs before finally pushing into you, bottoming out as quickly as he entered.
You couldn't help but scream at the way he stretched your pussy, the pain disguising itself as a euphoric pleasure that pushed through you.
He didn't give you much time to get used to his size before pushing in and out of you mercilessly.
"Fuck!" You cried out, arching your back off the bed, letting your moans grow louder with each thrust.
He stuffed his head in the crook of your neck, breathing heavily out of his open mouth. His mouth shut to take your skin between his teeth, biting at the flesh before moving to a new spot.
The entire room was filled with lewd noises, the smell of sex roaming through the air, invading your mind as a cloud of smoke.
His hips hit harder into your own, conditioning his cock to hit the perfect spot inside of you that had you screaming in pleasure.
"Please, Chishiya!" You whined, "Let me cum, please." You whimpered, your nails digging into any part of him you could get your hands on.
He wasn't going to deny you an orgasm (this time), he wouldn't care if you did it without warning. But when you asked, when you begged for it, who was he to say no.
"Go on," He whispered, his hot breath hitting your ear, "Don't hold back on me, y/n. Wanna feel you cum on this cock." He growled, his hips becoming more sporadic and uncoordinated.
You threw your head back, your mouth agape with broken moans and cries as you let yourself come undone on him.
His hips stuttered at the feel of your pussy tightening around him, whimpering escaping his vocal cords in a poor attempt at warning you.
Your legs tightened around his waist, letting him know you wanted him to cum inside of you, which he did.
He painted your insides in white, muffling his loud moans in the crook of your neck as he rode out his orgasm inside of you.
He finally pulled his softening dick out of you, looking down at your fucked out face with a proud smile of his.
"You're still breathing, right?" Chishiya asked, watching as your eyes fluttered back open.
He pulled back, sitting back onto his shins to put his dick back into his pants.
"I think so." You responded, letting out a weak laugh.
"Need help to the bathroom?" He offered.
"That'd be nice." You responded, picking your body up and shuffling to the edge of the bed.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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astermath · 1 year
she was a skater girl ♬☆
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pairing: ethan landry x skater!fem!reader
summary: ethan always watches you skate past him across campus. he finally asks you to try and teach him some tricks, and the two of you share a heartfelt moment together as you watch him struggle.
word count: 1.7K
warnings: mentions of scars and an injury
you can read my other ethan fic “close call” here!!
notes: call me a poser all u want but I’ve never been on a skateboard before. I have however, dated a skater, which I think makes me knowledgeable enough to write this. just some fluff-ish writing, I’m writing a bit of a smutty fic for ethan too so stay tuned for that ʕ •`ᴥ•´ʔ comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list for further ethan landry related content! 
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Ethan had his hands in his pockets as he made his way across campus, the sunlight making him squint a little to see properly. It was a beautiful day, the weather had been treating the residents of New York surprisingly well these past few days. He made use of that by taking the long way around to class.
Yeah, that was the reason.
Totally not because he was hoping to catch a glimpse of the cool girl he’d sometimes see skating across campus. Not at all.
He still remembers the first time he saw you. It was one of the first econ classes of the year, and his ears picked up the faint sound of wheels rolling over concrete behind him. He didn’t think much of it at first, but a voice calling out “watch your left!” properly caught his attention. He turned his head slightly, and was soon passed by you just nearly missing him as you zoomed by at a speed most would call dangerous. 
The scent of your perfume caught his nose, and it genuinely had not left his mind ever since. He’d stared at you as you rode up to the building’s entrance and hopped off the board, catching it with ease. He thought about it so often, the way you seemed to so effortlessly glide along the concrete, your stylish clothes, your voice. Love at first sight might have been pushing it, but a crush? Without a doubt.
He’d watch you during the boring parts of lectures, noticing you drumming your fingers against your desk. Upon further inspection, also noticing you always had at least one airpod in. It made him wonder what kind of music someone like you would be into, probably something cool and indie he’d never heard of.
In reality, the soundtrack of the Shrek movie game blasted through your left ear. Maybe a tad less sophisticated than he was expecting, but a banger nonetheless.
His heart nearly skipped a beat when his eyes caught the familiar sight of you skating past the fountain. Instead of going further, you circled around it once, before doing a trick off the side of it. Ethan’s eyes widened and he refrained from applauding to make himself known, but man did he think that was cool. In reality, it wasn’t that hard, at least not to you. You’d been doing this for years, and you had the scars to prove it. 
You both went to class like usual, him sneaking fleeting glances at you. You looked so pretty, lost in thought. Though he doubted those thoughts were about class, you tended to busy yourself with basically anything besides paying attention. He swore he’d seen you watch the Bee Movie during a lecture before...
You quickly rose to your legs after the lecture was announced to be over, grabbing your board by the edge and getting ready to head out, swinging your backpack over your shoulder. You went on your merry way to your favorite spot near the campus, a small abandoned skatepark, head nodding along with the beat of your music. You smoothly manoeuvred across campus and through a couple of streets, hopping off when you finally reached it. No one else was there, and honestly, you preferred it that way. There was no one in the way when you practiced, it was your secret little safe haven. 
“H-Hey!” A semi-familiar voice called out behind you, seemingly slightly out of breath.
Great, up until now, it was your secret little safe haven.
You turned around, a confused expression plastered across your face when you made eye contact with Ethan. You remembered him, the boy from econ class who would sometimes stare at you during lectures. You were certain he didn’t know you knew, but honestly, it’s not like you minded. 
“...Yeah?” You pulled off your headphones, letting them hang around your neck.
“I’m uh, I’m... I’m Ethan.” He struggled getting his words out, still catching his breath. Okay, so maybe he ran after you to see where you went, because he really wanted to ask you something. And maybe you didn’t hear him over your music before. So maybe...
“Did you follow me?” You questioned, stepping closer and taking your board under your arm.
Maybe he followed you. Ethan’s face grew flushed at the question, though in reality, that’s kind of exactly what he did. “N-No!” He put up his hands, trying really hard not to make himself sound like a creep. “Well... Yeah, but... I tried to ask you something, and you didn’t hear me, and I never get a chance to talk to you, so...”
“So you followed me.” You became slightly amused at him struggling to explain himself, suppressing a chuckle to spare him from further embarrassment.
“No I swear I--” He caught the slight smirk on your face, realizing you weren’t mad. “I’m sorry, I just...” He gestured to your skateboard. “I always see you skating by, and I think it’s so cool, and I would kill to know how to do that.” He gathered his thoughts and put his hands together. “Would you be so kind as to forgive me for following you, and please teach me some tricks?”
You looked him up and down, bringing up a hand to rest at the back of your neck, scratching slightly at the skin there. “Ah, fuck it.” You chuckled slightly, and his heart warmed at the sound. Your voice was so pretty, there was something so special about it. You held out a hand, and Ethan reached out to shake it as you introduced yourself. He already knew your name, but in fear of sounding like even more of a creep, he kept that to himself. 
“Come on,” You gestured for him to come closer, setting down the board and hopping on it. You showed him the basics of a good stance, and his eyes watched your beat up sneakers balance on the wood as you explained yourself. “Got it?”
His head snapped up and he looked into your eyes. “Y-Yeah! Totally!”
You laughed softly, getting off the board. “You didn’t hear shit of what I said, did you?” You took a step back. “Get on, show me how you think you should do it, and we’ll adjust from there.”
“Okay, yeah... I can do that.” He carefully put a single foot onto the deck, and it instantly moved to the side, almost making him fall to the ground.
You reached out and he grabbed onto your arms, yelping when he nearly lost his balance. He put a second foot on, and his hands slid down to meet yours, gripping tightly out of fear for nearly eating concrete again. 
“You got it, see? You’re standing!” You tried to be cool about holding his hands, but inside your mind, thoughts of all kinds were running rampant. Ethan was cute, really cute, and here he was, putting his faith in your hands. Literally.
“Yeah... Yeah! I am!” He got a bit too confident and shifted his weight, to which the board responded by moving again. You both got startled and you readjusted your grip on him, before you caught each other’s eyes again. Laughter broke from the both of you, unabashed giggles erupting as you both realized just how silly this was. This whole situation was pretty humorous, but watching him stand on the board like Bambi on ice was something else.
“Okay, okay...” You swallowed, catching your breath after your laughing fit. “I promise I’m not laughing at you, this is just... You’re kinda shit at this.” You giggled again.
He would have been offended if he didn’t know it was true. “I know, shit, I’m surprised I’m still standing.”
“You and me both. Alright, let’s move.” You gently started walking to the side, hands not letting go. The wheels rolled along the hard concrete as he followed along your side, eyes fixated more on you than the board. “There we go!”
He chuckled out of pure surprise that he was still on the deck, and partly to cover up the awkwardness he felt about you having to explain things so simply for him. He looked down at the board, imagining if he was doing it all on his own. 
He was so good at imagining it, that he hadn’t even noticed you’d already let go of his hands, and he was now balancing himself as the board moved. It was only when it halted a bit after that he realized he was doing it by himself. He giggled adorably, arms raising up in a victory pose. You gave him a thumbs up in response, standing a few meters away from him now.
His confidence got the best of him as he gently put his foot down to push himself to your direction, forgetting everything he’d just learned and losing his balance right in front of you. He took you down with him as you both tumbled to the ground, limbs entangling when he landed on top of you.
“S-Shit! Ah, I’m so sorry! Oh my god, are you okay--” He spoke in a panicked tone, before he looked up at your face. You were grinning, clearly suppressing laughter. He let out a nervous chuckle, and that resulted in you bursting out in giggles once more. The two of you shared a good minute of pure, wholesome laughter, not even realizing you were so close together. Nothing else really mattered in that moment, all you could do was laugh.
“Aw, man...” You wiped away a tear from laughing so hard. “Kinda glad you followed me now, Landry. Haven’t had this much fun in ages.” Your heart fluttered at your own words. You couldn’t believe you were being so sappy, but you were genuinely having a blast, even if it involved falling horribly.  You looked down at your knee and noticed a scrape, hissing slightly through your teeth when you reached your hand out to touch it. “Shit, uh... Do you have a band-aid?”
He looked at the wound and then back at your face. “I, uh... I have some back at my dorm.”
You smiled, a bit of a mischievous glint in your eyes. 
“Alright, lead the way.”
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 3 months
Surprise Guest Star
Summary: Actress Wanda has to record a short makeup tutorial/interview for Vogue, but while doing so a certain redhead makes an appearance
Authors note: I know absolutely nothing about make up or get ready with me type of things lol, so hopefully this all sounds right
Authors note 2.0: Hopefully I did your idea justice @aliearte (I'm sorry its so short 😭)
Word count: 622 Marvel Masterlist Works Without Reader Masterlist
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   Wanda situates a small camera on her vanity before making sure she has everything she needs. Satisfied she has everything she sits down and presses the record button.
   “Hi Vogue, Wanda Maximoff here to walk you through one of my favorite looks. But first it's important to do some skin prep”
   She starts to walk her fans through the proper steps, making sure to mention each product she uses by name along with how long she's used it and how it benefits her skin before she moves onto the next product and step.
   Honestly, she feels a little self conscious doing this for an audience to enjoy, as she knows she tends to make some odd faces while applying things. But she supposes that a little bit of light hearted teasing wouldn’t be a bad thing.  
   “Okay, now we’re ready for the actual makeup part” she chuckles, “And hopefully I’ll pull it off without embarrassing myself”
   She starts off with her foundation, again being sure to once again mention the product by name along with why she likes it as she applies it. Next she moves onto her concealer and repeats the process. This continues for several minutes as she goes through the various steps of her routine until she's ready to move on to her eye makeup.
   “I’m going for a bit of a smokey eye look today” she explains, refraining from adding that she's doing so because Natasha goes absolutely wild for it.
   She continues on, telling her fans what brands she uses as she starts appling and pretty soon she's so focused that she doesn’t even register the faint sound of keys jingling in the distance. Meaning she also doesn’t register Natashas footsteps as the redhead makes her way back towards the bedroom 
   “Hey detka(baby)” she greets as she enters, oblivious to what she had just interrupted. She doesn’t even register the camera as she wraps her arms around Wanda and places a kiss against her lips
   Wanda can’t help the large grin that takes over her features now that Nat is there, “Hi dorogoy(sweetheart), I missed you today”
   But before Nat can say anything in response she notices the small blinking red light, indicating that her girlfriend had been in the middle of filming something, “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” 
   Natasha takes a step back, intent on giving the brunette time and space to finish up whatever she had been doing, but Wanda had immediately missed the warmth of her presence and had quickly grabbed a hold of her hand to prevent her from retreating further
   “You aren’t interrupting, I can finish this up after I see you”
   Nat gives her a sheepish smile, “But I’m in your footage now, which means you’ll have to do some editing before sending it off to them”
   “Or, I could always just leave it in. Let all my fans see my beautiful girlfriend”
   “You don’t have to do that” she stresses, trying her best to ignore the way her cheeks were burning at just the mere thought of everyone finally knowing they were together
   “I know I don’t have to, but I want to” she reassures, “I’d love for everyone to know who has my heart”
   Natasha feels her heart swell as she sees the sincerity in her girlfriend's eyes, “You're sure? I mean, I doubt everyone will be happy with the news”
   “I’m happy with you. So I don’t care what anyone else thinks. Well, anyone other than you of course”
   “I’m happy with you too, and I don’t care what they might think either. I love you”
    Wanda smiles, “I love you too, and in a few days, everyone will know just how much.”
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TikTok Babe
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TW: Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: After spending the afternoon watching TikTok edits of yourself, as forced by your friends, Drew can’t keep his hands to himself . 
TikTok Babe
As one of the newest cast members on this season of Outer Banks, you had found a heart-touching appreciation for your character. This admiration came in the form of TikTok edits found throughout videos following the hashtag of the show that had quickly become a fan favorite. 
But much to your chagrin, Madelyn and Madison decided to torment you in the playful attempt to make you understand that you had limited-if any, reason to be insecure. This was because along with the fans also came those who showcased their own diffidence by hiding behind cruel comments that picked apart what you never believed to be flaws until seeing them in black and white. A specific comment in question that made you feel anything but confident in yourself, had you pouting until that first edit made its way on screen. Then this distance behind your eyes had now turned to flustered embarrassment. 
“Whoever wrote that is truly blind, look at you, babe!” Madison added, as you hid yourself beneath your fingers as Madelyn added, “Seriously! You’re so hot!” You blushed as they continued to pay compliments, all to give a specific affect to your quivering self-esteem. However…this venture would have an entirely different effect to the man at your side. 
Drew was always one to be the life of the party, the first to applaud or laugh at a joke that everyone couldn’t help but follow in suit as it was contagious. And yet, as your face, your body, your voice became broadcast before him, he was as still as stone and just as silent. Since he had been the prime source of validation since you couldn’t help but question this in the cruelty of that online comment, you couldn’t help but notice this new silence. Still, it wasn’t from being upset or even indifference, it was in focus as his eyes followed his girlfriend’s silhouette and acting ability exuberating through each edit made of you. 
It had been about two hours by the time you’d reached the end of the edits, excusing yourself as Drew seemed anxious to leave. Polite farewells exchanged, you were taken into the car as he fixated on the road ahead as you tried to understand the reason behind his shift. You wondered if he was mad at your own emotional alteration or in disdain from being unable to fix the damage it had done to your ego. But without a word spoken between either of you until you made it home, you learned of this reasoning promptly. 
Before the door could even close, you were pulled into him, enough to feel how hard he had been for you, his cock at a strain beneath his jeans before he would then pull your face away from him enough so he could speak, but remain close enough to reclaim you imminently. 
“You are so fucking beautiful…I…I need to touch you…”
“Drew…” You refrained from a chuckle due to his desperation as he only gripped you tighter. 
“Baby, I almost had to take you right then and there…I’ve been so hard for hours…So you’ll have to forgive me-”
“Forgive you?” Before you could question, you were lifted around him and taken onto the couch, directed into a straddle, the growth of his arousal even more prominent as he had you grind into him. 
“I’m desperate for you…” He breathed into your neck between kisses, hand climbing the curve of your spine until wrapping around the back of your neck. 
“So beautiful…and ALL mine to appreciate…” You nodded as you tugged lightly onto your hair. 
“Say it…please baby, say it for me.”
“I’m yours, Drew.” He demonstrated his favor by deepening his kiss while you were the one to initiate leading the moment further. Following a needy fisting of his shirt, you would quickly remove it as he would return the action to your skin. Once you were exposed to him, he kissed the revealed skin with admiration, leaving behind marks of his desire. 
“Shit, baby…” He groaned as you deepened your grinding motions, allowing yourself the satisfaction of friction that came from these movements as your head pulled back into a broadcast of this pleasure. With fingers in your hair, he offered one final thorough kiss in the twirl of his tongue along with your own, before taking you to the arm of the couch, disposing of your pants, and following in suit with his own. 
“EVERY part of you drives me crazy, but this ass…Goddamn…” He groaned before taking his cock between your folds, collecting your slick on his tip for only a moment, before finally allowing you both the sensation you were both in longing for. His fullness sent you forward into the arm of the chair as he would stabilize you with a firm grip to the bend of your neck to guide you in place. 
“So good, baby-” He groaned, the couch squealing beneath your motions as he pulled you cautiously yet still with a firm domination until he could speak into your ear. 
“How quickly can you come for me, baby? I need it…” You illuminated with his desperation, seldom for Drew as he was usually able to keep himself rather composed in most instances, as you revelled in this now. 
“Touch me-’ You groaned to find an interruption in his fingers making quick work over your clit. Your body bent in approval as he would pull you back into him, needy in the feeling of your skin hot against his own and the reverberation of your quickening pulse synchronizing with his own. 
“Drew!” You warned by the use of his name alone as he bit softly into your shoulder. 
“Come for me baby…I need to make you feel good-” He explained, taking a hold to your chin and turning you into a deep kiss that became struggled and strained as you climbed to this orgasm, the grip remaining as he wanted to feel your breath alter against him as he pulled you over that edge. 
You spoke his name in quick repetition in those final moments before feeling him tighten and buck into you with a release all his own-the one he had been refraining from in the last few hours that was finally quelled in your willing thighs. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, having usually been more of a tender lover who took his time with enough foreplay to leave you more than prepared for the hours that followed, now verifying that he wasn’t too rough. But you only smiled as even his most rough of motions were sweet and careful, just enough pressure to bring pleasure and the perfect amount of domination to your slight kink of such a thing. 
“I am now.” You confessed as he nodded, fixing you over him in a hold and pulling his phone to view. 
“What are you doing?”
“I wanna watch my girl again…” You blushed as he took you tighter against him, wearing the afterglow of his necessity, before finding that as long as you had him comments such as the ones before meant nothing when he proved the opposite with such passion. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @my-baexht-Is @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes
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ghostboneswrites2 · 26 days
Doe Eyes - CH9 - Lie
Chapter List
Warnings: Particularly gruesome scenery / aatempted SA. If you’ve seen S4 EP16: “A” then this is nothing you haven’t seen before!
Banners credited on the masterlist!
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Photo from Pinterest
        You and Daryl were far behind the rest of the group, as was Joe, who always seemed to linger around Daryl. You were walking through an open clearing with tall grass. It was just after daybreak. Joe held out a flask to Daryl.
        "White Lightning." He said as Daryl took the flask. "Easiest thing to make with the least amount of supplies. I'd start slow if I was you. Your stomach's probably emptier than you might think."
        Daryl took a long swig and you thought about the moonshine you still had in your bag. It was wrapped up in a shirt to keep the glass somewhat protected. You thought about having some, but the truth was you didn't just take it for recreational use. You also thought it'd be handy for wound cleanup. 
        "Mmm." Daryl handed the flask back to Joe. "Ain't been lit at dawn since.. before the world fell apart."
        "Fell apart? Never looked at it like that. Seems to me like things are finally starting to fall together. At least for guys like us." Joe commented.
        Joe was a straightforward guy, really. He had is code that he followed, and he believed men like him thrived in the chaos. The issue was that Joe seemed to think Daryl was like him, and you didn't think that was the case. Still, why did Joe care so much about Daryl's opinions and keeping him around? Was it because Daryl was a good fighter? Joe couldn't know that, he never saw Daryl fight. Maybe he was just bored with the bozos he traveled with.
    "Livin' like this, survivin', we've been doing this from the start, right?" Joe added. Daryl didn't say anything, and neither did you. You found it more logical to stay out of the way and refrain from drawing unnecessary attention to yourself from guys like them. The men ahead stopped and looked at some sign. When you got closer you saw that it said 'TERMINUS' in big letters. "We're gettin' closer." Joe said. There was a big map with all kinds of routes to get there, whatever that place was. 
        You read the sign above the map.
        "You seen this before?" Daryl asked.
        "Oh yeah." Joe droned. "I'll tell you what it is. It's a lie. Ain't no sanctuary for all. Ain't gonna welcome guys like you and me with open arms."
        "So is that where we're headed?" You asked.
        "So now you're askin'?" Joe responded to your question but he looked at Daryl.
        "That's right." Daryl nodded.
        "We were in a house, minding our own business and, uh, this walking piece of fecal matter was hiding in the home. Strangled our colleague Lou and left him to turn. Lou came at all of us, he lit out. We tracked him to these tracks, to one of those signs, and thus we've got a destination in mind."
        "You see his face?" Daryl asked.
        "Only Tony. That's enough for a reckoning."
        Once everyone had walked up further a ways, you got close to Daryl.
        "You think it was one of our people?" You asked him. 
        "Only one way to find out." He shrugged.
        After a long day of hiking the sun had finally gone down. By now, despite the blazing daytime heat, the nights were a little cooler. Cool enough for long sleeves or a jacket. Unfortunately all you had was a thin long sleeve top that hugged your figure. It didn't do much, but it was something until you found a real jacket. Hopefully that was soon, because it wouldn't be long before the leaves began to turn and it got colder at night.
        You were all walking through the woods before you made it to a road. Two figures sat right in the street. Joe and Tony -- or, better known by black-bandana-asshole -- approached them silently. Tony held his pistol to one of their heads.
        "Oh, me." Joe said. "You screwed up, asshole." Now, with his own pistol to the other's head, he leaned closer. "You hear me? You screwed up."
        Well, at least they found the 'walking piece of fecal matter' they were after.
        As you and Daryl closed in, you realized who it was immediately. It was Rick and Michonne. The silhouette of her locs and the way his chest heaved was unmistakable. They both had a certain aura about themselves, a certain stance when things were going bad. It was, again, unmistakable.
        "Today is the day of reckoning sir! Restitution. Balancing the whole damn universe." Joe said as he stood straight.
        Did this dude ever shut up with his universal law of being an asshole?
        "Shit, and I was thinkin' of turnin' in for the night on New Year's Eve." Joe chuckled, looking around at his gang of imbeciles. "Now, who's gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh?" He then, proceeded to count down. Ten, Mississippi. Nine, Mississippi. Eight, Mississippi.
        "Joe!" Daryl called out. He walked around the car that was sitting off to the right of Rick and Michonne, both of whom looked over at Daryl with surprise. "Hold up."
        You trailed close behind Daryl as he approached.
        "You're stoppin' me on eight, Daryl." Joe complained.
        "Just hold up." Daryl repeated.
        "This is the guy that killed Lou, so we got nothin' to talk about." One of the others chimed in.
        "The thing about nowadays is, we got nothing but time." Joe said. "Say your piece, Daryl."
        "These people, you're gonna let 'em go. These are good people." Daryl pleaded.
        "Now, uh, I think Lou would disagree with you on that." Joe retorted. "I'll, of course, have to speak for him and all 'cause your friend here strangled him in a bathroom."
        "You want blood, I get it." Daryl said, dropping his crossbow to the ground. You gave him a wide eyed look. "Take it from me, man. Come on."
        Joe looked hurt.
        "This man killed our friend. You say he's good people. See that right there, i -- i -- is a lie. It's a lie!" 
        With that, you were restrained from behind and the but of a rifle was rammed into Daryl's gut. Daryl grunted as them men proceeded to beat on him.
        "No!" You shouted. 
        "Teach him, fellas. Teach him all the way." Joe commanded. You thrashed against whoever had you restrained but it was to no avail, though, you did put up a good fight.
        The fat greasy creep pulled Carl out of the car. You didn't even see him in there.
        "You leave him be!" Rick demanded.
        Michonne looked up at Tony. 
        "You'll get yours." He told her. "You just wait your turn."
        "Listen. It was me. It was just me!" Rick begged.
        "See now that's right! That's not some damn lie. Look, we can settle this. We're reasonable men." Joe said.
        You'd begun to tire out from fighting back. It was hopeless. You turned you attention to Daryl who was being beaten, mercilessly. You teared up a little. "Just stop..." You cried out.
        "See, first we're gonna beat Daryl to death. Then, we'll have the girls. Then, the boy." Joe continued. "Then, I'm gonna shoot you, and then, we'll be square."
        Joe started laughing. The greasy pig threw Carl down on the ground and climbed on top of him. Carl struggled but he was nothing against the weight of the man.
        "Let him go." Rick said.
        "Stop your squirmin'." The man said as he restrained Carl's arms. The man began to laugh.
        "Let him go." Rick repeated, lower.
        Quickly, Rick thrusted his head back into joe. His gun went off, and he stood quickly and landed one good blow across Joe's face. Joe rebounded quickly and knocked Rick down with another blow.
        "I got him." He said. "Oh, it's gonna be so much worse now!" He shouted as he kicked Rick repeatedly. By this time, Daryl wasn't putting up much of a fight anymore, you couldn't struggle anymore, Carl was losing the battle, and Michonne's only attempt at snatching Tony's gun was fruitless. "Come on! Get up!" Joe demanded. "Come on, let's see what ya got."
        "Get away from him before I--"
        Joe cut Rick off and wrapped him in a tight embrace.
        "What the hell are you gonna do now, sport?" Joe teased. Rick looked him in they eye for a moment. Then, he plunged his head into Joe's neck and ripped a chunk of flesh out with his bare teeth. Joe screamed in agony before he gurgled, slowly dropping down to the ground, blood spurting out of his neck and spilling from his lips. Rick turned and spit Joe's neck meat out. You were frozen. That was some brutal shit.
        When everyone stopped and stared in horror, that was when you all fought back. Michonne was first. She grabbed Tony's gun and turned it on him, shooting him in the head while his own fingers were still around the trigger. You and Daryl were next, as Daryl began to fight the two men that were previously beating him, and you threw your head back into the one who held you. He fell back a little, and you took the moment of weakness to throw one punch, then two, then three. When he was on the ground you went on with the kicking.
        Before you could finish, Michonne used Tony's pistol to take them down one by one. She stopped when her aim fell on the pig-man. He had Carl as a human shield, with a knife to his neck.
        "I'll kill him. I -- I'll kill him!" He threatened.
        "Let the boy go." Michonne begged.
        Rick unsheathed the large hunting knife from Joe's side. "He's mine." He growled as he walked slowly toward the man and Carl. The man  looked terrified. He threw Carl down and held his hands up. "Stay back. Just stay back." He breathed fearfully. He begged and screamed until Rick plunged the knife deep into his gut and slowly dragged it upward, spilling guts and gore all over. Michonne held Carl close as they both watched in vengeful terror. Rick pulled the knife all the way up to the man's neck, and as the man dropped to his knees, Rick began to stab him repeatedly. Daryl leaned over the car, chest heaving as he recovered from the brutal beating. Your hands were on your knees. You caught your breath as you watched Rick execute the man.
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cock-holliday · 2 years
Bait & Switch
Chapter 9/10
(Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10)
Post-Dreamland AU
Fandom: TXF
Rating: T
WC: 1670
Scully and Mulder sat side by side, silently pleading with one another to speak. Kersh was growing impatient, and he rose from his chair.
“I asked you both a question, dammit,” Kersh snapped, “Explain yourselves.”
Scully clenched her fists, shooting Mulder a pleading look.
Please, Mulder, say something. Speak so I don’t have to.
They were trapped in an impossible riddle. If Mulder spoke, taking the blame, Scully would be taking the blame. If Scully spoke, Mulder would be taking the blame. Mulder was convinced Kersh would blame him regardless, so Scully trying to soften the blow as him might be useless, but could Mulder, as Scully, talk them out of this? When presented with a sword, both thought to fall on it for each other, but now they couldn’t, not without plunging the blade into the other.
“Sir,” Mulder began, the word cutting through the deafening silence, “We both…take responsibility for our actions…” Mulder swallowed, looking down at Kersh’s desk.
He looked like he was trying to make himself smaller, and Scully almost couldn’t bite back a snort at his performance.
“Agent Mulder…had suspicion about Judge Graham after what Pastor Graham said…” Mulder continued.
“About the honorable Judge Graham being the ‘real’ problem?” Kersh snapped.
“Yes, sir,” Mulder continued softly, keeping his eyes down, “We have reason to believe that Judge Graham had been covering up crimes of senators when he was a prosecutor, and he may be continuing to do so.”
“And you have evidence of this?”
“The beginnings of it, yes.”
“Certainly not enough to warrant an arrest,” Kersh barked.
Mulder licked his lips.
“No,” Scully cut in, deciding it was her turn, “But assaulting a federal agent is. As is trying to kill one.”
Kersh shot Scully a look.
In the corner of her eye, Scully could see Mulder trying not to smile.
“Agent Mulder saved my life,” Mulder continued demurely, “If he hadn’t been there…”
Scully bit her lip and refrained from rolling her eyes. Kersh’s gaze was on her, narrowing.
“Agent Scully is being modest,” Scully countered, “She handled herself admirably. We simply wanted to speak to the judge to obtain a better picture of the situation. And he fled. I pursued him, and he fought back. Agent Scully attempted to stay with the other man, whom we have identified now as an attorney with the DA’s office, Michael Roechamp.”
“ADA Roechamp was a protege of sorts for the judge during his time as a prosecutor,” Mulder explained, “We wonder now if a zest for law and order wasn’t their only shared extracurricular.”
“You think Roechamp is in on it too?” Kersh huffed.
“Possibly,” Scully added, “If not, you have to wonder what else was worth trying to kill a federal agent with a knife.”
“You know the only thing they’re being held on is assault and battery, right?” Kersh sighed, “Nothing you have told me is anything we can charge them with. Not with the pittance of evidence you have so far.”
Scully nodded, “We know, sir. We’d like to look into this matter further.”
Mulder’s lips curled into the start of a smile.
Scully kept her eyes on Kersh, trying not to give Mulder too much satisfaction.
Kersh heaved another sigh, sitting back down and lacing his fingers together on his desk, “Let me make something perfectly plain to the both of you…”
Scully adjusted in her seat.
“You don’t have a lot of allies here right now,” Kersh told them, “You really wanna keep making more enemies?”
Scully swallowed, feeling the heat of Kersh’s warning glare.
What did she want to say back? Scully had a million things she’d like to say to the man. What would Mulder say? Spooky Mulder, sitting in a hole of his own making, brandishing a shovel and threatening everyone with digging deeper. Should she try to help him climb back out?
“Sir,” Scully sighed, “With all due respect…”
Kersh cocked his head to the side.
“This isn’t a social club,” Scully continued, “Enemies made in the search for the truth are enemies at face value. The FBI motto is ‘fidelity, bravery, integrity.’ If we cave now, we are subscribing to none of those principles.”
Mulder ran a hand over his mouth, covering a toothy smile.
Scully’s heart fluttered, “I’m sorry, sir, but…”
She glanced at Mulder, but his eyes didn’t waver. He gave the subtlest of nods. Scully turned back to Kersh, “We can’t just roll over and kiss a judge’s ass when he’s insulting the very concept of justice and fairness. Whatever enemies we incur for this journey…including at the FBI…” Scully let the words hang there as she quirked her brow, “...So be it.”
Kersh snapped his head to Mulder, “Agent Scully, I’d advise you to talk some sense into your partner, before you start looking at suspensions.”
Scully wanted to reach across the chasm between their chairs and take Mulder’s hand.
I did what you wanted. Please. It’s okay. It’s your turn.
“I…” Mulder looked at Scully, and for a horrible moment, she thought he’d back down, but he received her message, “I agree with Agent Mulder.”
Kersh let out a huff.
“Despite his…colorful language,” Mulder continued, “His message rings loud and clear. Corruption should be weeded out. At any level of the government.”
Kersh shook his head, clearly disappointed, “You two are playing a very dangerous game.”
What else is new?
“We are done talking about this today,” Kersh began, “But we are not done talking about this indefinitely. Take the weekend to get your heads on straight.”
“And if our tune doesn’t change?” Scully challenged.
“We will talk Monday,” Kersh threatened.
In the hall, Scully and Mulder let out giddy exhales.
“God, Mulder,” Scully huffed, putting her face in her hands, “He’s gonna suspend us for sure.”
“You were great in there,” Mulder smiled, “It was like having an out-of-body experience.”
“It was like watching a car accident in slow motion,” Scully sighed, “And then crashing another car into that accident.”
Mulder laughed.
“I was worried you wouldn’t let me join you,” Scully continued, “I really thought you were going to let me hang you alone.”
“I wanted to,” Mulder nodded, “I didn’t want to see you tank your career.”
“But you didn’t wanna miss out on the fun?”
Mulder snorted, “Yeah, something like that.”
“Well, thank you,” Scully pressed.
“You’re thanking me for ruining your career?” Mulder asked, perplexed.
“Thank you for not shutting me out. Taking the fall alone. I am in this just as much as you. It wouldn’t be right.”
Mulder shrugged, “You’re welcome. I will try to be more selfish in the future.”
Scully rolled her eyes, “Please do.”
“Come on,” Mulder nudged her arm, “It’s our lucky long weekend. We’ve got a flight to catch.”
They each gathered their bags in their respective apartments. They spoke on the phone, making requests about what they’d like the other to pack.
Pick out something sexy for me to wear for my return, Mulder teased.
Pack something comfortable, I’m exhausted, Scully instructed back.
They decided to wear the outfits they wore when they switched--as if it would be any help in the process of their return, but it made it feel like it was going to happen. Scully slipped on Mulder’s grey shirt, touching the fabric gently with her fingers. What if it didn’t work? Scully’s stomach knotted.
What if it did?
The pair met at the airport, exchanging nervous glances and making forced small talk. They both were anxious. The flight was uneventful, and Scully almost wished something would happen so they had something to talk about. Something on their minds besides what awaited them.
Not long before they touched down, Mulder tipped his head up towards hers.
“Uh, your mom called,” Mulder informed her.
Scully turned her attention to Mulder, “Oh?”
“Yeah, last night–everything’s fine,” Mulder clarified, “She just wanted to talk.”
Scully had completely forgotten. In all the mess, she hadn’t called her mom. She couldn’t have, but the missed chance made her feel ill. What if they were stuck like this for longer? If they weren’t, the very first thing Scully was going to do was call her mother.
“How did that go?” Scully pressed.
“She’s good,” Mulder smiled, “I got all the hot gossip.”
Scully smiled back.
“You won’t believe what Janet did with her rose bushes,” Mulder deadpanned.
Scully snorted a laugh, quirking her brow, “Oh?”
“Well,” Mulder shrugged, “I don’t want to spoil it. You’ll have to call and find out.”
Scully chuckled, shaking her head and looking down at her lap.
It warmed her heart how much Mulder and her mom got along. She knew she liked Mulder a lot, and loved to tell Scully so. To see how Mulder was with her was another level of comfort. So, Mulder had entertained the call as if it was her, taking in all the details and humoring her mom. Scully blushed a little.
“Oh,” Mulder added, “Um…a Mrs. Franklin passed away?”
Scully’s face scrunched up.
“I’m sorry, Scully.”
Mulder sputtered a laugh, “Mrs. Franklin? She goes to your church. Went.”
Scully racked her brain for a face to go with the name but was drawing a blank, “I’ll…take your word for it, Mulder.”
“I take it you two were close?”
Scully rolled her eyes, nudging Mulder’s elbow with hers.
Mulder grew quiet and his face took on a hollow expression. Scully’s own smile slowly faded and she felt compelled to press, but she wasn’t sure he would share. It was nice to laugh and talk about normal life things. Mulder was probably thinking about their fate again. What was going to happen? What was going to happen to them?
Would they be stuck like this? Would they trade places and proceed as normal? Would they even have to worry about Monday–or would they go back to the start? Would they forget everything that had happened?
Scully felt the beginning of tears sting her eyes.
I don’t want to forget…
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elledelajoie · 1 year
Kurtbastian Week Prompts—November 2022. Now complete.
Day 1—Alternate meeting
Day 2—Seasonal
Day 3—Based on existing fan content
Day4—Free choice
Day 6—Family
Day 7—The first time (any firsts)
Kurt approached the desk in the waiting room and waited, but eventually gave up. “Could I interest you in taking out an ad in our playbill?”
The middle-aged woman at the desk finally looked up. “What?”
“McKinley high school is staging West Side Story, and I’m looking for sponsors to put ads in our playbill.”
She still looked like she had no idea what he was talking about, so he held up the mockup he had done for the front cover with the pricing on the back.
“Oh, you mean like in the handout?”
“Yes. At the back of the playbill, we’re offering ads to local businesses, starting at one-eighth of the page, the equivalent to a business card, up to a full-page ad.” He turned the page over to let her see the options.
“I’ve never done anything like this. How many people are likely to see this?”
“Well, the show runs for four days, and the auditorium holds about 300 people, so potentially about a thousand people.”
“Give me a few minutes. I’ll go see what my boss thinks.”
While she was gone, a guy about his age came in the front door. He gave Kurt a once-over. Noticing that the front desk was vacant, he said, “Is there something I can help you with?”
“Do you work here?”
“Then I don’t see how you could help me. The receptionist should be back soon.”
He tipped his head just slightly and raised an eyebrow. “Why are you here?”
“I’m looking for sponsors for our fall musical.”
“Which is?”
“West Side Story.”
“Nice. I once played Baby John.”
Kurt smiled politely but refrained from inquiring further.
“When is the show?”
Kurt gave him the dates.
“Maybe I’ll come watch.”
Before Kurt could say anything else, the receptionist returned. “We’ll take a business card-sized ad.” She picked up a card from the wood display on her desk. “Just use this.” She handed him cash. “I hope it goes well or whatever the right thing to say is.”
Just then, a tall, dark-haired man stepped out of the office that the receptionist had been in. “Oh, good. You’re here already.”
“Yes. I didn’t get in as much traffic as I did the other day. Mallory is in the car.”
“I’ll just grab my coat and be right out.” He turned and went back into the office.
“I’m Sebastian, by the way.” He reached out to shake Kurt’s hand but was interrupted by his father coming back out of the office.
“Kurt,” he said as he stepped back.
Sebastian crossed the room and opened the door, letting his father step out first. Before he left, he turned back and winked at Kurt. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Kurt.”
Read the next six chapters on AO3.
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lunarlegend · 10 months
so now i'm on my laptop looking at the version of the tropes i saved on... -checks- ...11/12/2021, and, a couple things:
1. the "Dub Personality Change" one is new! i wonder if whoever added it found my blog, lol.
2. someone removed "Yandere" from his list, which i am VERY grateful for. Ignis is not a yandere; he was robbed of his childhood and has never known anything besides protecting Noctis. also, none of his weird lines from the dub of Episode Ignis are in the original.
3. someone took out a line about Ignis potentially being asexual. well, i'm here to confirm that Ignis Scientia is, in fact, asexual, whether TV Tropes chooses to acknowledge it or not. 😌
4. someone also took out the line: "It's possible that Ignis' intense devotion is borne out of it being drilled into his head that he is duty-bound to serve Noctis however he can and his life is to be served for that purpose." Bingo! this one is actually fully supported by canon. shame it got taken out (and has apparently been replaced by hints at non-canon ship references which i will refrain from describing further lest i set the world on fire).
anyway, please let me edit TV Tropes, i promise i won't be weird about it (lying)
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raymondvelez · 1 year
Terms and Conditions
“But I ain’t gon be thinking bout it no more. I’ll tell you that much. I blocked it out so good because it hurt so bad. It’s true what they say. All of it. Everything they ever said about anything in terms of those cautionary tales be true.” I explained.
“Los, take your meds now.” Sandra said before barging right in like she owned the place. “Like right now, please.”
“How the hell you know I ain’t take em?” I asked while closing the door.
“Because you just had me in the damn hallway for like 10 minutes trying to sound all poetic. Plus, you don’t make eye contact when you’re off them. You look at the ground when you speak.” Sandra replied as she took a seat at the table.
“Babe, I forgot.” I insisted.
“Los, you always forget. Come eat. Cause I’m sure you forgot to do that too.”
“Stop calling me by my name. That’s weird.” I said.
“Come eat.”
Sometimes Sandra will show up unannounced with Panera or Chipotle. Today my baby had a huge brown paper bag with the Panera logo on it. I’m always down for at least a panini and some chips but today I just wasn’t hungry. I haven’t been many things lately. But now, hunger could be added to the very long list of feelings I no longer feel. At least not consistently.
“You’re not going to eat?” Sandra asked disappointed.
“I’m just not hungry.” I replied.
Sandra flashed this disappointed look as she chewed her last bite. I know it’s just food, but I can’t handle that look of disappointment Sandra makes. And lately it seems like she’s always showcasing that expression when I’m around exclusively.
“So you’re just going to stand by the door and watch me eat?” Sandra asked not even looking in my direction this time.
Once I finally took a seat next to Sandra, I was overwhelmed with sadness. Technically there was nothing wrong in my life. But that fact didn’t stop me from feeling like I was about to have a heart attack and die right there in front of Sandra. A lot of the times I refrain from telling Sandra exactly what’s going wrong with me because I’m afraid I’ll push her away even further. I don’t want to lose her because she thinks I’m unstable. Women aren’t attracted to broken men; so, I’ve been piecing myself back together behind her back.
I forced myself and finally took a bite of what was mostly mozzarella and tomato. To be honest, it was delicious. In fact, it was more than delicious. Isn’t it funny how they finally get it right when you’re the least hungry.
“Thank you.” Sandra replied.
Any little way I can possibly please Sandra I will. She more than deserves it. And you know what else? She’s not the first one in my life to deserve so much. Only difference is, Sandra sees me for who I currently am and not what I potentially can be.
“Babe, I feel like I’m going to die.” I said in between bites of my panini.
“Los, you’re not going to die.” Sandra said before leaning her shoulder closer to mine.
“Stop calling me that!”
“Baby, you’re not going to die.” Sandra said appeasing my request.
I tell myself the same thing every day. And most days I’m able to convince myself that I’m right. It just sounds more believable when Sandra says it.
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Savage Sunset chapter 12S
Story masterpost
Complementary chapter
Road trip with the besties?
Content/Content warnings for this chapter: Nonconsensual bondage/restraint/being trapped, gag/muzzle, aftermath of torture, starvation, heavy emotional distress
Lex was awarded yet more juice, for the incredible feat of being the most adorable little teddy bear who’d needed to get stitched shut to keep all her fluffing stuffing in, she’d claimed.  Ari had refrained from commenting, instead taking a pretzel rod from the secretary’s desk, munching on it as they walked outside.
Lex was particularly bouncy because the local anesthetic on her neck from getting the stitches hadn’t worn off yet.  “And we can–We can show him our VHS tapes, don’t you think he’d like them?  Do you think he’d like Star Wars?”
“You’re such a geek.  No one but you likes that shit.  It’s not gonna catch on.”
“Star Trek then?”
Ari rolled her eyes.  “Well, we can ask him.  I doubt he…Look, I don’t think vampires really do that stuff, yeah?  Like, they’re not…really people the same way as us, aren’t they?  Do they watch TV, even?”
“Maybe,” said Lex.  “...I don’t know.  They have to hurt people just to eat, so they have to think at least a little bit differently from us, right?  Most humans wouldn’t be able to handle that, I think.”
Ari held the pretzel rod between her fingers like a cigar.  “Hmmph.”  She strode across the parking lot.
“Ari, you should have seen how hard he tried,” said Lex, bouncing behind her.  “He tried everything before he finally fed from me.  He tried to drink the rotten sludge that was all over the kitchen floor before he finally bit me.”
Ari huffed.  “Well, I dunno, I still don’t really buy this idea you have that he was synthesizing blood.  But if…and that’s a big IF, but if it’s true, then we owe him a hell of an apology.  But you’re not doting on him like he’s your fucking hamster,” she added quickly, seeing the excitement on Lex’s face.  “He’s still an apex predator.  We need to think about things like how to feed him and make sure he doesn’t attack anyone before worrying about whether or not he’ll like your VHS collection.”
“I don’t think he’s done anything wrong, Ari.”
“Don’t get carried away,” warned Ari.  “Even if he wasn’t here to kidnap anyone, he’s still a vampire.  He had to be eating something up till this point, and I doubt it was 100% ethically sourced, vegan blood from perfectly willing volunteers every day for his whole life.”
“What do you want from him?  He was born that way, he can’t help that he has to drink blood.  He can only do the best with what he was given.”
“Hmph.  Well, I’m not gonna let him go free until I’m 100% sure he’s not gonna hurt anyone. It's our job to keep vampires under control, and regardless of what you saw, he still almost killed you.  Even if he’s not evil, he’s still dangerous...Like any animal that's wounded and starving."
“...Or at least he could be dangerous," said Lex quietly. "If he had the strength to stand on his own."
They’d reached the back of the van.  Ari rapped the window lightly with her knuckle.  “Hey, we’re back.  I’m opening the door.”
She unlocked the cargo doors and cracked them open.  The only sign anyone was in the back among the furniture and boxes was a single booted leg sticking out from under a quivering mound of black cloak, which withdrew further into the cargo area away from the intruding sunlight.
“There he is,” said Ari.  “Didn’t move an inch, just like we asked him to.  Thanks for sitting so pretty.”
“We’re about halfway there,” said Lex.  “Maybe it’ll be dark by the time we get home.  Wouldn’t that be nice?”
"Everything okay?" said Ari, giving a tentatively thumbs up. "At least, relatively speaking?"
Valen pulled the cloak off himself with shaking hands, eyeing her apprehensively.
"Anything you want us to do before we drive off again?"
He held his wrists up, twisting them to show that the chain had slipped a little off the cloth, so now a few links were grazing his skin, where there was now a considerable red mark.
"Oooh, poor little guy, let me fix that," said Lex, coming over and fiddling with the cloth to pull it up and block the contact between the bare silver and his skin.
Ari shot Lex death glares at the way she was talking to him, but made no move to stop her. When she finished, she stepped back and Ari repeated: "All right, all good? We're getting there but it's still a while to go. Thumbs up if it's all good."
He gave a shaky thumbs up.
“All right,” said Ari.  “See you in a bit.”
She shut the doors.
They went around front, getting in, buckling their seatbelts and starting the car.  Lex turned in her seat to look into the back, to catch a glimpse of him all the way at the rear of the vehicle, the piles of stuff between them.  He was sitting limply, leaning into his end table, vacant gaze downcast at the floor, tears pattering onto the bed of the van.  He didn’t seem to notice her looking at him.
They stopped for Burger King, which Ari ate as she drove.  Lex started to turn around and offer some of hers to their captive in the back, until remembering partway through why that wouldn’t work.
It felt like they were half dead by the time they dragged themselves up in front of their house.  Ari pulled the van up, killed the ignition, then they both just sat there for a few moments.
“I’m fucking exhausted,” said Ari.
“Me too,” whined Lex.
They’d had a full day of regular work, then stopped by the director’s office in the evening, followed by going straight back to the hunter’s compound to give Valen a pencil that night.  Then they’d spent the whole night into the morning getting kidnapped and drained of all their blood and throwing together a mad dash to give chase, respectively, and then they’d spent that whole day packing a moving van, and then doing another road trip.  It was starting to get on a full 36 hours since they’d slept, or even rested.
“We’ll unload all this junk in the morning,” said Ari.  “Christ.  That should be fine, right?”
“I think so.  I’m so tired I can barely think.”
They got out of the van and opened the back door.  It was, in fact, still light out, so the vampire scrambled backwards away from the sunlight.
“How about it?” said Ari.
He trembled.
“Lex, go make sure the neighbors aren’t watching, would ya?”
Their house did have a generous yard setting them apart from the neighbors, along with a tall hedge fence…  They would probably have enough privacy, but best to head off problems that could arise from someone seeing them carrying a bound and gagged person into their house.  Everyone around them did know that they were vampire hunters, so they could probably make up something to explain why he was here, and random humans nearby would definitely be too scared to argue with them, but still best to avoid having everyone see him unless absolutely necessary.
Ari sat down on the edge of the van while Lex scurried around.  She felt a small tug on her sleeve, and turned to see the vampire looking at her with a tearful expression.
“We’re at our house,” said Ari.  “Nick isn’t here, and he doesn’t know where we live.”
That seemed to relax him slightly.
“All right,” said Lex, returning.  “Ella isn’t home, Delores wasn’t answering the door so I assume she’s asleep, and I told Abraham we’re moving some stuff and it sounded like he was preoccupied with something, so I think we’ll be okay.”
“Great.”  She gently pulled at the fabric on Valen’s lap.  “Get your cloak.”
Valen pulled the cloak over his head with unsteady hands, crying softly.
“No need to get worked up,” said Ari softly.  “All right, come on buddy.”
She leaned him over her shoulder, carrying his limp form like a sack of potatoes.
“You’ll like it here,” said Lex, shutting the van.  “It’ll be nice.”
They went up the crumbling cement stairs up onto the porch, which had ancient white paint peeling from it.  Lex was suddenly embarrassed, as though maybe Valen would judge their abode for being messy and out of date.
Lex unlocked the front door, holding the screen door open while Ari took him inside.  She then shut and locked the door, then walked around and drew all the blinds.
Ari stood Valen up in the center of the room, then removed the cloak from over his head.  He was still crying, cheeks flushed dark red and snot dribbling down from his nose.
“Oh, sh, sh sh,” said Ari, taking a napkin and wiping his cheek.  “It’s all right.  No need for that.”
“We’re home now,” said Lex.
Ari sighed.  “Listen, Lex and I are tired as fuck, and we’re not in any state to be making decisions, especially not ones that affect your wellbeing.  So how does it sound that you just lie down on the couch for a bit while we get some sleep?”
He ground his jaw, not answering.
“Is that okay?” said Lex guilty.  “I know you’re, well…”  She looked him up and down.  He desperately needed a bath to wash all that blood and gunk off of him, but she currently couldn’t think of any way to give him a bath or shower that wouldn’t be basically waterboarding him.  Last time, the gag had been metal, but this time it was cloth.  And they’d need to come up with a plan for a way to take the gag out while minimizing the amount of harm he could do, if for no other reason than just to avoid a repeat of what’d just happened.
“I’ll go get the liner for the couch,” said Ari.
Lex assisted, getting a clean trash bag from the kitchen and wrapping a pillow in it.  Ari came over with a huge plastic sheet and tossed it over the couch.
“There,” said Lex.  “How does this sound for now?”  Her head was swimming with exhaustion.  This should be fine, right?  It would be comfortable enough, and relatively safe for all three of them.
He was still standing petrified in the middle of the room.  Ari gently guided him over to sit on the couch, which now crinkled under his weight.
“Is that comfortable?” said Lex.
He didn’t respond.
“Hello?” said Ari, waving a hand in front of his face.  His eyes bounced to track the movement.  “Yes, no?”
He nodded.
“Okay.  Listen, now, okay?  You don’t need to try and escape.  We’re not going to hurt you, and tomorrow we’re going to figure out a way to feed you.”
His eyes brimmed with hopeful tears at that.
“First thing in the morning,” said Lex.  “We’ll figure out some way to let you talk that’ll be safe for all of us.”
“It’d be a bad idea to try and get out anyway,” said Ari.  “You know you won’t make it on your own outside in this state.”
He slowly lowered his head.
“Here, lie down,” said Lex, patting the pillow.
Lex helped him swing his legs over, so he was lying down on the couch.  Ari took another cloth out, and started to loop it around his ankles.
He leaned into the pillow, hiding his face as Ari tied a knot, securing his ankles together.  “Just as a precaution,” she said.  “It’ll come off first thing in the morning.”
“Okay,” said Lex.  “Will you be okay if we leave to go to sleep?”
He peeked out from the pillow, tired, haunted eyes looking up at them.  He nodded weakly.
“Okay,” said Lex.  “Good night.”
She flipped the light switch on the way out, plunging the room into darkness, broken by the light reflecting off the two red eyes in the direction of the couch.
Lex and Ari collapsed nearly as soon as they got into the bedroom.  Lex had already changed out of her bloody clothes earlier, and knew she should probably get a shower, but the siren song of the bed was too much for her to resist.  She lay down immediately.  “Hell.”
Ari crawled into bed.  “I guess we need to think of some brilliant idea soon, then.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” said Lex, already half asleep.
Ari contemplatively looked out the window, at the clouds streaked pink by the sunset, and set her alarm an hour before sunrise.  
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sansxfuckyou · 1 year
Chapter 2
Summary: The dawn of the first day, sparks fly much faster than George expected and he isn't sure if he's ready too handle the attention just yet.
Authors Note: @sobredunia CHAPTER 2 BE UPON YEE! I was gonna post this later in the day but couldn't wait that long, so heres the second portion of this fic
George and Sapnap stood outside the castle walls, waiting patiently for Dream too arrive be it by steed or by carriage, maybe even on foot, George was a little bit anxious. Either he was going to blow this entire thing by acting too genuine or Sapnap was going to blow it by acting too much like he always does. They don't talk while they wait, instead Sapnap tosses the dagger in his hand up and down trying too get a spin with his throw and George sits on the ground, chin resting in his hands. To say George is a little bit bored would be a gross understatement, if anything he feels like he's dying and that time refuses move, the cool breeze doesn't do very much to alleviate the tension between them.
Sapnaps is usually out back training around now while George sits on the sidelines with gauze and disinfectant at the ready and cheers, with a side of exaggerated yearning just for shits and giggles, it gets a rise out of Sapnap. If not training they would be hanging out in Georges room, Sapnap watching in awe as George practices his own abilities, he got them mostly from his fathers side of the family; plant magic and a hint of animal as well. Where his father excelled at fruits and vegetables, George is much better at the dangerous plants alongside fungus, the prince doesn't speak to the animals as much as his mother insists he should, he doesn't care though- it's his little way of telling her too fuck off because his throat dries up whenever he tries to actually say it.
"George," Sapnap begins, George gives a nod of acknowledgement, "if he tries anything I'm doing it twice as effective."
"You'll get flustered way too fast Sap," George said standing up as he did so leaning into Sapnap who leaned away, hand pressed to his chest gently, "see?"
"Please, it's just that there's no need too put on a show yet," Sapnap said, leaning into George and wrapping a hand around the princes waist, that had George flustered, "but trust me, I won't let him take you away from me or the kingdom, I just hope you don't mind the taste of brimstone."
"Why would I have too worry about the taste of brimstone?" George asked, Sapnap smiled, his blunted claws threatened to tear the fabric of the princes shirt and it made George shudder ever so slightly.
"You'll figure it out," Sapnap said, releasing George on the sound of a horses click of hooves, he was quick too act a little bit stoic again, he can't go too far just yet, it would be a bit overkill to let the foreigners first sight of George be pressed against a drake hybrid.
As the steed came into view, pelt black as night, with a dragon kin riding it, or was it a harpy? It was hard too tell given feathered wings but scaled and clawed hands, splotches of scales were on his throat and chest and most likely his legs as well. George simply stared at him as he hopped off of his horse and walked over too the prince and his guard, Sapnaps gaze was deathly and the foreigner was affected by it in one way or another. Still he walked over too George, taller, only by an few inches, beastly blood adding too his stature no doubt; he grabbed Georges hands and placed a kiss to the back of it, George had to refrain from laughing at the formality, Sapnap stifled a snicker himself.
"Prince George I take it?" he asked, George nodded.
"That's me, and you must Dream, this is my personal guard Sapnap," George said, gesturing to Sapnap who gave a small a nod of acknowledgement.
"Before we get any further into this, do you have any scars?" Dream asked, the question came so far out of left field George had to pause before answering, gesturing to his shoulder.
"Karl," he pointed to one on his neck, "cooking," he pointed too a bite mark on his shoulder, "and my old pet."
"I'd love to hear the full story later," Dream said before George led him into the courtyard, sticking to the fungus and stone forged into winding pathways across the entire kingdom, Sapnap followed close behind.
Their walk through the castle was full of seemingly random questions and chatter, George answered them but his mind was in other places- the scent of food, the way Sapnap gripped him, whether or not this plan will work. To Sapnap it felt the questions were calculated, but he couldn't put his finger on how exactly they were all linked into the same thing, whatever that thing may be. Sapnap made sure to stand close to George, made sure to brisk hands, made sure to keep it naturally casual until he was bold enough to link their hands- Dream noticed, the slight glance and pause made Sapnap smirk. He didn't let go of Georges hand even as they came too the dining hall where not only did Georges parents wait, but a portion of the castles staff as well, which meant that Karl, Quackity, and Wilbur were there.
"You can sit wherever you like," George said as he sat down, Quackity to his left and Sapnap to his right even though Dream should be sitting one of those spots and Quackity opts to move because he recognizes Dream as a hybridized amphiptere, the harpy sits next to Karl instead.
"George, I trust you gave our guest a tour of the castle?" Georges father asked, George shook his head.
"I planned on doing so after we eat, it's not often that chefs and royalty eat in the same room," George said, reaching for a fork, waiting patiently for someone else too start eating.
"I see then, let the feast commence!" Georges mother stated, she sounded agitated that George didn't bother showing off the castle already.
The dining hall was louder than it has been in years, mostly conversation between the workers, but Dream and George did talk, if they didn't his parents would be beyond disappointed. Although the conversation was a little bit stressed on Dreams end because George refused to let go of Sapnaps hand, going so far as to rest their hands on the table so everyone could see. Sapnaps eyes were trained on his meal, but he could feel Dreams glare, in doing so he doubled down, releasing Georges hand and opting to rest it on his thigh instead; that caused a small stutter in Georges speech. Sapnap had to repress a smirk when Dream attempted to grasp Georges hand, the prince refusing to interlock fingers despite the foreigners trying, little details, George understood how to work someones psyche and was doing so perfectly.
Dream continued too prattle off questions as everyone ate, completely oblivious to Quackity jotting down details under the table on everything Dream was saying, clearly intent on trying to formulate what kind of guy he is. Sapnap could see Quackity writing with ease and shot a small glare, the harpy stopped right away, unsure of why Sapnap would want him to stop- all information is good information in this case even if it doesn't get used. Dream doesn't catch Sapnaps grip on Georges thigh tighten, only hears the faint catch in Georges breath and how his face heats up, he glances to Sapnap whose eating again, zero noticeable attention on George. And George, George is feeling a little bit conflicted being caught in this situation, he's trying too stay formal because his parents are right there six seats down and Sapnap could care less.
"Do you have any magic?" Dream asked, his claws were digging into his palm, other hand still attempting to grasp Georges.
"Plants from my father, animals from my mother," George explained, lifting Sapnaps hand from his thigh gently, Sapnap got the message and retracted his hand, "I, on occasion, make use of weaponry, short swords mostly."
"Interesting, I've never met a prince versed in swordsmanship," Dream said, resting his chin his hand, elbow propped on the table, he looked curious, invested even.
"I taught him myself," Sapnap butted in, George pressed on his foot begging him not to go on without saying anything, he went on, "He's amazing at pinning people down, even better at dominating on the field." Sapnaps smirk was undeniable, the smug look on his face enough too get him killed if he was part of a different court, it made Dreams blood boil a little bit- notions of being dominated by George be damned, this guy was going to be the death of him.
"Is that true George?" Dream asked, eyes locked with Sapnap.
"Oh trust me, I wouldn't lie about being pressed between a wall and the prince," Sapnap said before George could even open his mouth, he was taking this to far too fast and he didn't care despite his previous worries, he needed to see how far he could get under this guys skin before getting a physical reaction.
"I can't wait to test out your theory during our honeymoon," Dream retorted with, smiling a little bit as George groaned in embarrassment, shakily taking another bite of his serving, hoping neither of his parents heard, "how do you even get away with George?"
"I have benefits you couldn't begin imagine, being a personal guard has its perks," Sapnap said, his tail wrapping around Georges waist a little bit, he made a small, surprised noise akin to a squeak when Sapnap yanked him close.
"What kind of perks could being a lowly guard have?" Dream asked, invested in where this conversation despite the fact his future spouse was in some guard arms and not his own.
"Too put simply, George is very, very invested in my life, he never leaves my side," Sapnap said, the statement, although logical and true, shot a bullet of jealousy straight through Dreams heart and Sapnap could see it on he face, he released George who was swiftly grabbed by Dream, "of course, the prince is all yours legally, and there's not much I can do about that, he'll miss me when he's gone."
"I highly doubt that he'll miss some smug guard when he has a ruler like me," Dream said, confidence in his tone overbearing as he grips Georges waist with one hand, resting at the small of his back, using the other to draw a blunted claw along his neck and jaw, "trust me."
"Guys, can I eat now?" George asked, pointing too his plate of food, he was released, Dreams hand resting on his thigh, it didn't have the same effect as Sapnap did, or George was great at hiding it.
Most of their conversation was lost in the clamorous murmurs of the crowd and Georges parents didn't hear it, George was beyond grateful for that, he was currently trapped between a dumbass taking things way to far and one of the least fuckable guys at the table. He was staring at Wilbur who sat directly across, trying his hardest to not focus on the conflict between Dream and Sapnap even though one half of it was was fake and felt all too real. The hum of conversation around him was loud enough too distract him almost entirely from Dreams affections, but he still paid enough attention to give a reaction. It was clear to Karl and Quackity that George hated being trapped between two sources of affection, but he's powering through for the sake of the plan- if everything goes right Dream will leave within a week and George will never have to be smothered with so much attention again.
"To the kingdom!"
A cheers was set in place and almost everyone raised a glass to the notion, because even though they had conflicted feelings towards how royalty likes to treat them, they'll always cheer to the notion of a potentially better ruler. Glasses clink here and there before bottles of wine are passed around, made of the finest homegrown grapes and only made in small batch, the flavor was the only reason George even took a single sip. Normally he hated alcohol, it was all bitter too him (the taste of hops made his skin crawl), even the ones with a mixture of fruity flavors, this was the only exception to his hatred of alcohol, Karl was of similar tastes.
One glass later and George is excusing himself from the table where everyone else stays for seconds and thirds, Sapnap reluctantly follows him as its his duty to do so even though he would rather stay at the table for one more round. Dream stayed behind and started conversing with Quackity, the harpy extremely intimidated in the presence of Dream- harpys used to be finger food for large scaled beasts before elvin, fae, and human crossbreeding, and Dream was indeed part large, scaled, beast.
Sapnap follows George down the halls, all the bats are either in the dining hall or somewhere else which lets them speak freely, but neither of them do so. Sapnaps still holding a wine glass, the base is gold and encrusted with jewels, George knows that he can trust whatever he comes out of his mouth having watched Sapnap win multiple drinking contests and stay sober before he became a personal guard. Only after they make it to the floor Georges room sits on does George open his mouth, glancing up too check for mothers bats, none, then he speaks.
"Dude what in the fuck was that?" George questioned, his tone laced with agitation and confusion, Sapnap shrugged his shoulders, sipping on the wine.
"It was me or Dream, who would you rather pick?" Sapnap asked, raising a brow, George hated the fact he had a point.
"Good point, but don't you think that was too far, parents could've seen," George said, fear of either parent realizing their plan immense, if they did they would surely execute Sapnap on the spot- and George won't admit it, but he doesn't know what he'd do if Sapnap died.
"Wasn't that the entire point of this plan?" Sapnap asked, following George back to his room, still swirling the grape wine in his glass, the aroma absolutely superb.
"No, the point was to scare off Dream, I don't want anyone getting executed because of me, they'll off you if they think you're the problem, if they think Dream is the problem they'll send him off for sure," George said, explaining his train of thought in a way he hoped made sense, "but that's too hard to do, so we have to get rid of Dream privately."
"Right, so you want me to put on a show whenever your parents aren't in the same room as you and Dream, otherwise be a stone faced guard?" Sapnap asked, it sounded a lot less fun than just playing it up no matter the circumstance, but, a part of him didn't really want to fuck it up and disappoint George.
"Yes, is that too much to ask?" George asked, his tone was genuine in a way that Sapnap rarely heard, desperation clear, he just wanted his plan to work so his life can go back to normal as soon as possible.
"No, I can ease up, although I expect that you'll especially ham it up if Dream thinks we can't seem him, if he gets nosy you know? I want to spark some drama," Sapnap said, taking one last sip of his wine before placing it down on Georges bedside table, "a kiss or something, that really gets peoples blood boiling."
"Yeah but, to be honest I haven't had much practice kissing, parents are very, very picky and overprotective," George said, he sounded embarrassed even though everyone in the castle already knew his parents were just like that, not his fault that he doesn't get around all too often, nobody in the castle town is bold enough to try and kiss him anyways.
Sapnap took a deep breath before walking over and grabbing his hands, eye contact triggered reflexively. Sapnaps hands heated up nearly too much for it to be bearable for George, but he still waited for Sapnap to speak- he would deal with the heat of the sun to hear Sapnaps voice. He doesn't know where loyalty and devotion blur and switch places, he doesn't care too look into it either, afraid of the answer, he'll keep telling himself he's just loyal.
"We could try practicing if you think that'll help," Sapnap offered, hoping the nervousness didn't seep into his voice too much.
"We don't need too, winging it hasn't failed anyone yet," George said, glancing to the side a little bit, Sapnap brought a hand to his chin, redirecting Georges gaze back up too meet his own.
"Yeah but, practice makes perfect, right?" Sapnap asked, before he could back away and try to take it back because hats way too bold for some guard, George leaned in.
Sapnap tasted like grapes, the aftertaste of the wine, his lips were a little bit cracked and the scar going through them was a discernible texture. It was like a spark, it kind of fired, it kind of happened, but it was too slow to call an inferno of an experience, more like a warm blanket. It was just nice, even if fake and short lived, it was still something George wouldn't mind doing again, only for the plan to succeed of course. But even pulling away that sweetness of grapes lingered on Georges lips and the silence was overwhelming in a good way.
"For someone who claims to not have much practice kissing, you're certainly a lot better then you give yourself credit for," Sapnap said, stepping back, Quackity was walking in from the balcony his face was red and he had fang marks where neck and shoulder met- he couldn't have, could he?
"So you guys are never gonna guess who almost got laid, or cannibalized," Quackity said, his tone was a different pitch than usual, drunk.
"Quackity, did you seduce Dream?" George asked as he walked over to Quackity, helping the harpy keep his balance as he walked him over.
"Nope! Poor boy can't hold his wine for shit, he decided to try and take a bite, or maybe he was trying to fuck me, it was an entire thing though," Quackity explained, "he kind of, got his senses back, his stupid amphitere blood lets him power through it faster- he was offa me in a second once he realized what he was doing."
"How many drinks did he last?" Sapnap asked, sitting down next too Quackity who held up two fingers, "wow, a total loser, how many did you have?" Quackity shrugged his shoulders.
"Quackity, you need to stop doing that," George said, grabbing a quill and ink, jotting down 'tried to cannibalize Quackity' on a piece of paper, writing 'what we know' above it in reference to Dream.
"Twas fun, Karl was handing out piggy back rides," Quackity said, George mumbled a curse under his breath.
"Sour you wanted to leave so soon?" Sapnap asked smugly, George shot him a glare.
"No, where are the others?" George asked, sitting down on the other side of Quackity.
"They got put on dish duty," Quackity said, then there was a knock on the door, George stood up and made his way over, greeted with a face he was growing to hate.
"What brings you to my quarters Dream?" George asked, his tone was sharp as a sword.
"Your parents sent me up here, they said that we'll have to share a room," Dream said, keeping eye contact with George and trying too stay formal despite the urge to start throwing accusation as to why Sapnap was acting so brash.
"You're room is down the hall, first left, third door down," George said, vaguely gesturing with his hands as he did so, he needs to get Dream away before he realizes Quackity is around, sparks will surely fly.
"And you're sure we shouldn't share a room, we only have a month in your castle, shouldn't we use that time to get to know each other?" Dream asked, he clasped his hands together and George looked him up and down, trying to read him to tell if he was serious, he was.
"We can get to know each other sometime later," George said, waving off Dream as he went too close the door, Dream held it open and George turned back to meet Dreams gaze with one that could kill a man, "what?"
"I didn't have a chance too give this to you sooner," Dream said, handing a small bag to George, he snatched it and shut the door on him, sliding down it a little bit.
"Who was it?" Sapnap asked, George groaned and walked over as he spoke.
"Dream, gave me a gift," George said, dropping down beside Quackity who had wings spread awkwardly as he rubbed his bite wound, George gently nudged estranged wings back into a more comfortable position.
"Open it up," Sapnap said, curiosity intense as George pulled out a small crystal, he didn't recognize what exactly it was, but it glimmered a seemingly impossible amount.
"A crystal," George said blankly as he held it up and turned it around in his grip, the blue light reflecting off of it was mesmerizing, it was small enough too fit on a ring, "a really nice one at that."
"Yeah, looks like he really cares, his heart is going to be shattered when our plan succeeds," Sapnap said, Quackity nodded at the statement almost solemnly.
"Absolutely, I'll make sure to drop by the training grounds when I give him that tour tomorrow," George said placing the crystal back in its small bag, "I'll be yearning for you on the sidelines."
"You better be," Sapnap said, smirking a little bit as he did so, "I'll make sure to put on a show just for you."
"You should just put on a show for yourself," George countered with, Quackity still caught between them, he fell back onto the various cushions.
"It's not as much fun when no ones there to watch me strut my stuff George," Sapnap explained, shrugging his shoulders, he threw a couple colored sparks back and forth between his hands.
"You really like impressing the ladies don't you?" George asked, nodding to himself, the answer he got wasn't one he expected.
"Who said I was trying to only impress the ladies?" Sapnap asked, Georges face started too burn up at the implications, it had the fiery warrior smirking.
"Save quips like that for when Dreams around," George said, groaning into his hands as he did so, how could one guy leave him so ruined? Especially with a fake act, he didn't understand how an act could leave him so affected.
"I'll add to the book of smart remarks for later," Sapnap said, faking writing something down as though he was holding pen and paper, George smiled at that.
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carrion-carry-on · 2 years
Whumptober No. 28
It’s just the tip of the iceberg
This part of the fic mainly centers around getting the boys out of the situation they’ve found themselves in. Although everyone has their own forms of anger in this situation, Hunter and Wrecker are the ones focused on. Hunter is angry with Rexyl. Wrecker blames himself.
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Omega had shouted for her brothers. She’d seen the bolwog herd charging back towards them. Seen that Hunter was soo overwhelmed, his senses not used to having to keep track of so many lifeforms. Seen the way Echo and Tech fought... something. She wanted to shout again, try to draw those things away from her brothers, so they wouldn’t get hurt, so they could -
The order was loud, and it’d come from the droid, CZ. It’s the loudest Omega had heard her speak. Omega glanced over and found Zee’s single working optic staring right into her.
“Caution: recklessness will result in imperilment of squad members.”
Zee’s voice did not modulate or intonate in the way a human’s, or even a protocol droid’s did. It was rather flat, and thus impossible to tell emotion from. However, if Omega had to guess, the droid was probably...
“So, what should we do?” Omega asked.
“Get out there and do something, obviously,” Wrecker was saying. He’d already stood up from his place on the speeder. The machine is an older model, and not enough of it is original; it’s seen too many days out here in these wetlands.
“Negative. Proposed plan: 96.4% chance of failure resulting in further hindrance to objective and injury to allied individuals. Unacceptable.”
Wrecker growled under his breath. Likely, he’d not understood everything Zee was saying, but enough of it made sense. “Then what do you think we should do?”
Omega’s not sure she’s ever seen Wrecker like this. He’s bristling, a cornered loth cat.
“Utilize flood lights to stun animals. Rescue allied individuals. Administer first aid trauma treatment. Retreat to friendly territory.”
Omega found herself nodding. It makes sense. Even if she had gained the animals’ attention, she wouldn’t have known where to go from there.
The lights flashed; both Omega and Wrecker covered their eyes, to avoid the worst of the effects. The bolwogs stumbled, mud flew, and a few of the animals groaned in fright. Just like the first animal, the one they had taken and started this accidental mess, the herd was temporarily rendered blind.
Without waiting, Zee floored the thrusters and they were sent careening over the marshy land, weaving in between the bolwogs. They encountered Hunter and Shift first. Both looked worse for wear, Hunter being the better off of the pair. Zee didn’t say anything, nor could Omega catch any errant movement, but she knew Shift’s condition wouldn’t have gone without note. Omega decided Zee has definitely been affected by Shift’s injury - seeing her friend like that had to have done something. Sure enough, the speeder barely waited until the pair were aboard and resting in the back compartment before they were off again. The speeder’s engine’s were whirring faster than before.
By the time they reached Echo and Tech - one comm signal alive and active, talking to them - the bolwogs were beginning to come out of their haze. Thankfully, they didn’t seem keen on sticking around. It was likely the added shock of a loud, large vehicle moving near their herd territory quelled any lingering thoughts of hostile behavior.
Just like before, with Shift and Hunter, one of the pair was roughed up worse than the other. This time, it was Tech. Omega did not miss the way both Hunter and Wrecker seemed to grow unnaturally silent at the sight. They hoisted Tech, with Echo’s help, into the now overly crowded (and likely over-encumbered) back module of the speeder. Zee was there, instructing Omega to move aside so that she could begin administering first aid.
“I can help!” Omega tried not to shout. She was just as worried about her brothers as everyone else was.
“Assistance: unnecessary,” came Zee’s stark reply. Omega had no doubt she meant it. But Omega meant what she’d said, too. She decided, however, to acquiesce for the time being.
Hunter has taken up the steering yoke, face set in a determined grimace. This had been a mistake. He doesn’t believe in curses or anything of the superstitious variety, but Shift had been so sure something would happen. Did it have more to do with their creditor, Rexyl, or just a mission gone bad? The latter made more sense - there was no conceivable way for the Feeorin to cause something like this.
Regardless, Tech is hurt. Echo had told them about the other predator sneaking in and ambushing them. How the carnivore only managed to grab hold of Tech’s pauldron armor. Apparently not so much. Their brother has a few sizeable holes in his back, forming an arch where the creature’s teeth must have punched through plastoid. He’d take a moment, later on, to thank the Force it hadn’t bitten on flesh alone.
Shift is hurt, too. Hunter hadn’t been sure what to make of the deserter at first. The opinion that deserters are cowards doesn’t exactly seem to hold up as well as it used to. He has a number of scars, especially on the back of the head, testifying to recovery and a will to live. At the same time, Hunter finds himself staring into a haunted, saddened soul whenever their eyes meet. He doesn’t quite feel the same sort of protectiveness he has come to associate with his brothers, his family, and doesn’t expect that to change in only a short time they’ve known each other.
Regardless, when they get back, he’s going to have a few choice words with Rexyl.
Wrecker is sitting in the back, helping hold pressure to Tech and Shift’s wounds. He’s following directions from a droid, because he knows this droid is trying to help. It doesn’t remind him of the battle droids, or medical droids. He’s only recently figured out what is reminds him of. His brothers. It cares about them, sort of, especially about Shift, and he’s not sure he’s ever seen that in a droid before.
Thinking about this is easier. It keeps his mind off of what’s happened, away from his own failures. He’s the biggest, the strongest. He’s supposed to help. He’s supposed to keep things from hurting his brothers. It’s his job, but it’s also his own desire. He wants to be useful and he wants to protect them.
He recognizes this as anger. Towards himself, nothing else. Sure, his job for this mission placed him at the back of things, away from everyone else, but wasn’t that just the problem? He had his own job - protecting the people he cares about. And he’d failed in that.
Tech is conscious, if barely, he’s losing blood. His hand is small in Wrecker’s. That’s been the case for all of his brothers. He’s going to be alright. That’s what Wrecker has to tell himself, over and over. They’re all going to be alright.
Wrecker tries to smile at Tech. It’s not his usual smile, this one lacks teeth. But he tries anyway, because he knows his brothers need him. He wants to make up for not being there, for allowing this to happen. He can’t afford to break. Even if he’s angry, even if he wants to rage, he won’t. He’ll just have to settle for his thoughts.
It’s the thoughts given to him by everyone that thought he wouldn’t make it. He sometimes still wonders if they might have been right. He’s not good enough. Too big, too stupid, to be of any real help. He won’t be able to protect them. Even if he tries. He’s angry, and he has no one to blame but himself.
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buns-and-butter · 5 months
Hiya lovelies !
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So this is actually an alt account, a place where I can go completely feral.. My main is @toastyliltoasts41 and I mostly write for a fandom called Foolish Crew (Socksfor1, Fatmemegod, Blazaplays, Tbhonest, Joocie and etc)..
But on this account, I plan to be posting fanfictions about Wilbur Soot, Quackity and whatever really comes to my mind..
Maybe even BBC Merlin, Who knows ? (Mainly since these three fandoms, considering Wilbur and Quackity as one 'mcyt' fandom, are my absolute life)
So, without further ado, lets establish some boundaries.. (Pls dont come after me for this being cringe lmao since I dont have this sorta thing even for my main account lol)
• NSFW accounts, Please dni
As Im still a minor and Im still not comfortable with anything that's not SFW.. Its also kinda creepy to interact with one so, no..
• No racism, homophobia or hate to anyone at all..
It's strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated in any shape or form.. That also includes requests btw
• No creepy or personal questions please
Like the NSFW one but mostly about my personal life.. I write on here to not only express myself but to calm myself down in a way.. And receiving questions about myself, that are clearly not anyones business, is not the way anyone'll have a peaceful time on here, my friend.. Im talking about questions like "What's your IRL name" or "Where do you come from".. It just creeps me out a bit so please refrain from that.. You're always welcome to simply ask about where the boundary-line is, though, I'd be happy to talk about it and anything that doesnt cross it..
Maybe there's more to be added but lets skip to the okay/good parts now..
• Requests
Please I fucking love requests and even the smallest of interactions make me do the Tubbo 'Yipee'..
• Talk to me !
If anything is bothering you at all, you can always (if you're comfortable) talk to me about it.. Whether it was just a bad day or you're in a bad situation in life, you're absolutely welcome with open arms to have a chat..
Please, I BEG of you, never be ashamed to show anyone your art.. Im a pretty shit artist myself and I love drawing silly things but just straight out fanart hypes me up to write more about those characters.. It just shows me that these cool fanarts are literally the ones Im writing about so its basically like pride (?)
• Heavy topics ?
Im absolutely fine with violence, gore and dark topics sneaking its way into my fanfics.. Even alcohol is fine to a limit ! (As long as its nothing serious and these above topics are not inflicted gruesome-ly or a bit too much by characters in my story as it'll give the actual characters themselves a bad reputation)
• Pronouns
Im a female myself but I'll mostly use they/them in my stories to make in gender neutral.. Heads up if you wanted to make an amab request, Im genuinely sorry but I wont write in anything other than she/her or they/them pronouns.. Im concerned that I'll end up offending someone since I dont really know much about the community.. So, unless you hint at it or request me to use she/her pronouns, I will only be writing as they/them
Maybe I'll add a bit more when I remember lmao-
Anyway, Here's a bit about who I am and what I'll write about:
My online name is Sophie, although Im thinking about changing it, so you can just adress me as Soph.. I go by she/her and, as I already established before lmao, Im a minor.. My life's burning down to the ashes of hell (lol ik Im dramatic, bear with me) most of the time so I wrote stories, and read other's, as a coping mechanism.. I will most likely not see your dm's/requests for a few hours, or even days, or Ill do the complete opposite and reply to them within minutes lmao.. I still have my own studies to complete so I dont think I'll write requests the very same day, Im not sure myself..
I take almost all requests other than smut..
You name it man..
Aaaaaanyway, Here's who I'll write for:
~ C!Wilbur (Every bursona too, I am just infatuated with them)
~ C!Quackity (Yes, absolutely but as long as it doesnt cross any of his boundaries)
~ C!Karl Jacobs
~ C!Ranboo
~ C!Tubbo
[As mentioned above, as long as these are within their boundaries and consent]
and on a different fandom:
~ Arthur Pendragon
~ Lancelot cuz yes (But Im not very motivated to write for him)
~ Maybe some platonic with Morgana (BECAUSE SHE'S NOT EVIL, SCREW YOU DIRECTOR) and Gwen
So this is mostly it for now, Ill update this whenever I remember lol.. Bye bye for now !
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