#soil for citrus plant
philodendronforming · 11 months
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Lemon is a citrus fruit with a sour taste. India is the largest producer of lemons in the world. The scientific name of plant is citrus lemon. Citrus is native to Asia. A lemon tree is a small tree or dense shrubby plant. Citrus fruits are mostly found in tropical regions.
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There are different varieties of lemon grown worldwide. Popular varieties such as Meyer, primofori, Verna, bearss lemons and baboon lemons.
Meyer lemon
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Meyer citrus fruits is a hybrid variety crossed between lemon and mandarin orange. This lemon tree is dwarf species with a quick fruit-producing variety. It has smooth golden skin and grows at a height of 6-10 feet.
Primofiori lemon
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These citrus fruits have a soft peel with a good amount of juice. It bears a medium to small, yellow colour. Large and hardy lemon tree. Grows up to 19 feet. The plant gives citrus fruits for 20-30 years.
Verna lemon
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Verna citrus is almost related to the eureka variety. It contains fewer seeds and a high amount of juice. This lemon tree is a vigorous nature plant with good productivity. Verna is a self-compatible species.
Bearss lemon
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Bearss variety is one of the most popular varieties. Citrus plants have a thornless branch. It has a high quantity of juice content. Fruits are round to oval shape.
Baboon lemon
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Baboon citrus has bright yellow skin, a slow-growing compact plant and a thick rind. Citrus fruits are knobby and highly acidic.
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This plants prefers grow in all types of soil. A simple potting mix should include 40 per cent coco-peat moss with 20 per cent compost like decomposed cow dung or vermicompost.
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The watering frequency of course depends on the zone. Water it deeply and thoroughly so that the entire root system is drenched with water and water comes out of the drainage holes. Overwatering can result in root rot and death of the plant.
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Growing citrus plants on the balcony or on the terrace, location is very important because these trees need full direct sunlight of at least 6 hours for the best result.
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During the time of fruiting add one handful of steamed bone meal powder which is very inexpensive. Add banana peel fertilizer once in 15 days to supplement good potassium.
Pests and diseases
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Improper care can cause pests like aphids, mealy bugs and whiteflies. Citrus canker is a major disease.
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Best in prevention by spraying neem oil once in 15 days (5-10ml neem oil in one litre of water)
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To maintain a healthy plant, citrus trees can be repotted once a year. 
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To prune damaged and dried leaves to promote vegetative growth. Trees pruned prior to blooming. 
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This plant helps in weight loss, and reduce the risk of heart, kidney stones and digestive issue.
This fruits are used in foods and cleaning products.
Helps clear skin and boost immunity.
Beneficial for throat infection.
It has a good source of vitamin C.
"Love the planet green to spend a happy life"
Lemon eco-friendly plant
Blog compiled by Santhionlineplants
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balkanradfem · 4 months
Anti capitalistic methods of self reliance!
Everyday items:
Plastic bags can be replaced by cloth bags you can sew, without any prior knowledge of sewing, from any old shirt you were going to throw away
Toilet paper can partly or completely be replaced by 'Family cloth', which is a series of cloth napkins cut to the size you like, which are then washed after each use! There's no risk of disease if only used for number one, for number two they need to be submerged into peroxide liquid in order to be safely cleaned. Even if you only use them for number one to stay safe, being reusable and costing nothing they will save you a lot in not having to buy toilet paper
Paper towels can be replaced by little cut-out cloths you can easily wash after use, or a simple kitchen and bathroom cloth for cleaning
Paper tissues have originally been handkerchiefs, washable and reusable, zero waste option (and they can be very pretty too!)
Laundry detergent can be replaced by horse chestnuts, or conkers! If cut open and submerged in water, they will produce soapy water, which is equally good at cleaning as your laundry detergent, completely environmentally friendly and free if you foraged the chestnuts. They can be collected and dried to use for the entire year, and you can tie them up in a sock to put in your washing machine.
Cleaning products can be replaced by vinegar, and if you hate the smell you can change it by infusing citrus peels in it! It will smell like oranges and lemons after you leave them in there for a few weeks
Cleaning products can also be self-made, by fermenting food scraps, it's called 'enzyme cleaner' and it can clean most of things in a completely environmentally friendly way!
Shampoo can be self-made, or replaced with options like herbal teas, which will also ensure that your hair no longer gets greasy, as grease is the result of using shampoo
Menstrual pads can be sown from any discarded pieces of cloth, they only need to be submerged in cold water after use in order for blood to wash out. Additionally you can make washable menstrual panties, which make sure your pads don't move in there!
Simple medicine for aches like stomach cramps, headaches, anxiety, sore throat can be found in the basic knowledge of herbalism, and simply making teas from herbs that soothe these issues. They will not be able to cure a heavy disease, but are able to provide momentary relief from annoying aches!
Immunity booster syrup can be made out of elderberries, if you're careful about not getting any seeds or stems in!
if you're growing food, you can grow your own dish sponges, and washing sponges, the plant is called 'Loofah' and you can grow a whole lot in one season then use them for years
Reuse plastic items for as long as you can, to lessen the amount being thrown into landfills, and if you need new items, aim to get a not-plastic one
If you have lots of paper trash or newspapers, you can learn to make baskets from it.
Instead of throwing away food scraps, you can try setting up a simple composting bin and also get some valuable free soil, that is great for growing little plants and herbs in it
If you're composting on a big scale, the heat compost produces can be used to heat a room
getting into hobbies like soap making, pottery, woodcarving, sewing, knitting  or weaving can also save you a lot of purchasing because you realize you can simply make that thing yourself, and in better quality than it would be available at the store
Saving water and energy:
Accumulating water in a big pot while you're washing dishes, then using that water to water your houseplants is safe, especially if you're not using a lot of detergent, and it saves a lot of water
To save energy when cooking in a pot in the stove, wait until your pot starts boiling, then take it off the stove, and wrap it in a cloth, then a towel, then a blanket, and leave it wrapped up. The layers of cloth are making it difficult for the heat to escape the pot, ensuring it will keep very high temperature for half an hour, cooking as if it was on the stove. If it needs to cook longer, you can just put in on the stove for a minute to get it back to boil. You can cook pasta, rice, beans, potatoes, soups, stews, risotto, pretty much anything with long cooking time like this.
If your water boiler is big, you don't need to leave it on at all times, I've reduced my electricity bills by a lot by turning it on only when I intend to use the hot water. In the summer, if you have access to a natural body of water, use that for washing!
If you own a property, watch where the water is naturally going and accumulating; you can collec t this water and set up a system to use it for gardening/any outdoor use
if you're building a structure, making sure that the sun hits the windows in the winter, and that the place is protected from the wind by growing trees as a wind shield, will save loads of energy in heating and cooling it, as well as making sure the structure is well insulated
Heat/cool only the parts of the structure/house that you're using, making it both environmentally friendly and ensuring you don't have a too big temperature difference when you go outside, making you healthier
Try an experiment were you go a day without electricity and see what you can use as alternative in this situation; it's okay if you fail, it will provide you with knowledge of how dependant you are on the energy, and the ideas of what you can possibly do when without!
If sewing clothing from scratch is something that appeals to you, that is ideal for self-reliance! It is likely that after just a bit of practice, you'll be able to sew more quality items than are sold, because current fashion items are made to fall apart, and you can make your clothing strong and durable.
Sharing clothing you no longer want to wear, and letting others know they can offer their unwanted pieces to you can provide you not only with practical clothing, but you can use all fabric, buttons, zippers and other materials to sew! You can, again with minimal practice and even by hand-sewing, make your own bags, tablecloths, placemats, pillows, blankets, decorations, hats and scarfs
Visible mending, embroidering, adding details or creating your own little alterations on clothing will not only provide a sense of accomplishment, but enrich your life in the way of skill development and being able to make and mend things with little resources
Learning about history of textiles and what fast fashion is doing to the environment provides appreciation and love for sewing and creating textiles, and could inspire you to try and see how it feels to do!
Any piece of clothing that is no longer fit to be remade into something new, can still be cut into pieces and used for cleaning, as a paper towel replacement, for wiping the floor or wiping your shoes, and if it's soft, for pillow filling!
For extra clothing or furniture, you can join online groups named 'buy nothing' and 'sharing is caring', where people will often gift extra clothes and furniture for free, sometime appliances and electronics too
If any outside space is available, learning to garden is an excellent investment in food security
Seeds can be harvested from plants you already have, gifted from neighbour or friend gardeners, and some can even be taken out of store-bought produce
Soil can be taken from the forest ground which has composted leaves as topsoil, dig under a tree for best results
If no outside space is availabe, dwarf plants, herbs, and greens can be grown in containers, clean your air while they also provide food
Learning to forage for wild edible plants will provide both entertainment and free food! Any wild plant you find is likely to be more rich in nutrients than a cultivated plant, making your diet well rounded and healthy
Learning to grow trees and care for them will provide free food not only for you, but for generations to come, as well as offset the damage from the climate change. Knowing how trees work and how to prune and nourish them is powerful knowledge.
Preserving food:
Ways of preserving your food long-term are curing (for onions, potatoes, garlic, pumpkins), canning (tomatoes, peppers, fruit), fermenting (cabbage, hot peppers, turnips), dehydrating and sun-drying (tomatoes, fruit, herbs, hot peppers, mushrooms)
Growing and collecting food during warm months and then saving them for winter was done by people for centuries and it provides a safe and reliable access to food all year round
Buying cheap produce when it's in-season and preserving it can save you a lot of money and bring you far in self-reliance
Making your own recipes and then getting to eat them later in the season bring a sense of accomplishment and pride, as well as providing a zero waste food option
Cooking food from scratch is made easier by having some of your food preserved, because a lot of the time you've already prepaired most of your ingredients, and only have to place them in the pot
If you already know to make your own bread, you can also try making your own yeast, by mixing flour and water, and letting it ferment while adding more flour and water every day. It can last forever.
If you're interested in knowing more about gardening, herbalism, tree care, and foraging, check the 'Homesteading Survival Knowledge' masterlist, filled with links on these specific topics!
These are not ideas that anyone should quickly or immediately integrate in their life; instead, trying whatever seems interesting and appealing, slowly learning about it and trying one thing at the time is more encouraging and sustainable! I myself have spent years learning and integrating these, enabling me to feel happy and confident doing any and all of this. If this is overwhelming, pick whatever feels appealing and do only that! Forget the rest until it feels easy and fun thing to try out.
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anipgarden · 11 months
Adding To or Starting a Garden
AKA, the beginning of the Plants-Related section of this series.
This is my third post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
Got an area of lawn you’d like to convert to a wildlife haven? An area you can stick some hanging baskets in? Want to know how your garden of tomatoes and zucchinis is already putting in a lot of work? This is the section for you!
It would be dumb of me to not acknowledge that the act of gardening can come with a lot of costs. Buying seeds, buying plants, buying soil, raised bed materials, mulch, etc. … it can all get a bit daunting, let’s be honest! But there’s quite a few ways to get seeds and plants for free or extremely cheap, which I’ll be addressing in this section! The next section will be all about addressing the other Costs in gardening and how to mitigate or eliminate them entirely.
Also, do keep in mind; there’s no need to try and convert a whole area from lawn to garden or unused to garden at once. In fact, it could actually be extremely beneficial to do it a little at a time--maybe four or five square feet to start out.
Front Lawn (or Managing Principles)
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If you live in a place where you’re required to have a grass turf lawn (HOA’s come to mind…), try replacing it with native grasses instead! You could even possibly use a low-growing ground cover plant like clover to a similar effect! Reseeding/replacing an entire lawn can be a big upfront cost, but even just letting the lawn be a little messy and tall helps. If the lawn gets patchy, leave the bare spots for a little while and something different will likely pop up! Pioneer species will fill the gaps and provide benefits to other plants around them, support animals, and more! If you want to take the guesswork out of it, you could always research what the pioneer species are in your area and plant the ones you like most. 
Obtaining Seeds for Cheap or Free
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The cheapest way to start a garden is by far via seeds. However, seeds can be a bit complicated to grow, and some sources make them… way overpriced. Fortunately there are ways to get seeds for little to no cost! 
Some places sell seeds for as low as a dollar, 50 cents, or 25 cents! The packets may not have a lot of seeds, but it’s definitely a good start for a low budget! I’ve personally bought cheap seed packets at Walmart--the Ferry-Morse and Burpee brands are not what we’re looking for here. Typically the cheaper ones I’ve found are American Seed (which is owned by Green Garden Products, which also owns Ferry-Morse, Livingston Seed, McKenzie Seed, and Seeds of Change. Do with that information what you will), but they’re rarely stocked near the Ferry-Morse ones in the Formal Gardening Section. I’ve most often found them on end caps near the gardening section, so you may have to weave through a few aisles to find them, but once you do there’s an array of flower and vegetable seeds to select from! Alternatively, I’ve found seeds at Dollar Tree sold 2 or 4 for a dollar in Spring as part of their seasonal product; however, when they’re out of stock, they’re typically out of stock for the year. Try to check them out early in the year!
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Otherwise, other seed companies like Urban Farmer or Botanical Interests will often have semi-frequent sales in spring and fall, when people are stocking up on seeds--joining their email lists can help you be the first to know when a good sale is going on!
Some foods from grocery stores will provide seeds that you can use in the garden as well. I’ve had the most luck with store-bought bagged beans, peppers, and tomatoes. Some people have had luck with watermelons, apples, citrus, squash, and more. Do keep in mind that you likely won’t get the same variety of fruit/vegetable as the one you bought--the resulting plant may look different and taste different.
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Give it a shot! Pick some beans you like--if they don't grow well, at least you can eat the rest!
If you live in the US, food-producing live plants, bare roots, and seeds can often be purchased with SNAP benefits. But what does growing fruits, veggies, and herbs have to do with boosting biodiversity? While food crops aren’t typically native, they still provide valuable shelter for native insects. Some plants even have intricate relationships with native fauna--like the squash bee, a solitary bee which exclusively pollinates cucurbits like pumpkins, squash, and zucchini. And we get to benefit more directly as well! If you’re planting a diverse range of foods in your garden (as opposed to the swaths of single-plant farms that typically produce what’s sent to grocery stores), you’re supporting high levels of biodiversity by providing a variety of plants for creatures to live and hunt around.
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Most of the time, when we think of boosting biodiversity with a garden, we think of a colorful flower garden teeming with pollinator species. However, if we’re striving to use native species, it can be a bit difficult to find some species in stores. I can say from experience that trying to find any wildflower seeds other than butterfly weed, purple coneflowers, and black-eyed-susans is… challenging, if you limit yourself to stores like Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowe’s. You might occasionally get lucky with an ACE Hardware or a local nursery, but even then sometimes it can be hard to track down who in your area is selling what--let alone if you live in an area where no one really is selling native plants or their seeds. Not to mention, even once you find a local or online store selling the seeds you want, they can sometimes cost a pretty penny. So what do you do?
If you have the option to, consider gathering native seeds yourself! Get good at identifying the native flora and fauna--or at least, a few target plants and their lookalikes--and get ready to go! Learn where they tend to grow, when they’ll be seeding, etc. Try to identify the plant before it goes to seed (for most plants, it's easiest to identify when flowering), then check back regularly to gather seeds. Typically, if I want to learn how to collect seed from a specific plant, I just search it on Google or YouTube--oftentimes, I'm lead to the GrowItBuildIt Youtube page, so it may be a helpful resource for you as well! Of course, make sure to leave plenty of seed behind so the wild population can repopulate, and seed can feed other creatures in the area. A good rule of thumb is to take no more than 1/3rd of what's available.
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Buying seed in bulk is an option if you can afford the upfront cost. Try teaming up with a few friends to buy some bulk seeds and split them amongst yourselves--you’ll get tons of seed! Prairie Moon is a popular site that'll sell seeds by the pound if you can afford the price--though they're in the US, and I believe they focus on Midwest and East Coast natives.
If you want to cheat the system, don’t buy bulk sunflower seeds--buy bags of sunflower seeds being sold as birdseed. They’re typically all black oil sunflower seeds, but they’ll sprout, and they’re fairly cheap for the amount you get!
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However, beware generic wildflower seed mixes! Many brands like to sell wildflower seed mixes in big box stores like Home Depot, Target, or even Dollar Tree, but they’ll often include flowers that aren’t native or possibly even invasive in your region! Before you make any purchases, double check to make sure the contained seeds won’t do more harm than good! A quality source of native seeds will provide English and Latin names for all seeds included, and will be native to the region or at least non-invasive. 
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See this? I don't trust this.
There’s a good handful of programs online that’ll send you free seeds if you’re planning to start a native habitat project! Poke around online and see what you can find; you might get lucky! The best time to start looking for these is fall and winter, I find--by early spring, many of them are either done or beginning to wind down... though some also start up in spring. Ultimately--just check regularly! You never know what you can find!
Other Ways to Get Plants
Don’t want to start from seed? That’s fair! You can try cuttings! Just be sure not to take too much of the plant while you do so. Make sure you’ve gotten a few leaf nodes on your cutting, and cut any flowers you may have gotten. Make sure to leave some blooms and foliage on the original plant for the creatures in the current habitat--you don’t want to destroy one habitat to make another in your garden. There’s tons of methods of rooting cuttings, many of which have different efficacy rates for different plants, but that’s a topic for another post.
If you find seedlings growing in a place where they won’t be able to sustain themselves long-term, or are in danger of being destroyed, consider relocating them! You may be able to gently dig up and transplant the seedling to your garden. Don’t do this if they’re in a place where they can easily survive--ideally, you’ll be taking plants from sidewalk cracks, heavily maintained public gardens, roadsides, etc. Do be careful while doing this--ensure your safety first!  
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You’re totally allowed to join gardening communities like clubs, facebook groups, and more before you’ve even put a trowel to the dirt. These are great places to learn information and advice! Many gardeners are more than happy to help out a new gardener, and will eagerly provide seeds, cuttings, or even baby plants! Talk to some people about your gardening journey and what you’re hoping to do, and you just might find some kindred spirits--or at least get more people interested in the topic! 
Seed and plant giveaways and trades happen all the time in gardening clubs, as well as online! Just poke around and see what you can find! Some are explicitly trades, meaning you’re expected to send something in return, but once you get your feet on the ground with some plant knowledge you’ll be stellar! You may be able to explain you’re just starting out, and someone may send you seeds without expecting a trade, but I’d suggest trying giveaways first. 
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Poke around online and see if there’s a local chapter of your state’s native plant society. From there, you’ll likely be able to find a calendar of events--many of them will host plant sales in the spring, with a bunch of native plant seedlings ripe for the pickings if you can make it out and have some money to spare! Fair warning, though, you’ll want to get there early if you can. If they say they’re starting at 10, try to get there by 9:45. Year after year, there’s always record turnout, and they sell out of plants faster than ever. Just trust me on this. I’ve been let down; hopefully you won’t have to be.
Some libraries are beginning to host seed libraries! Check around and see if your library has one! Ideally, the system works best if you also have seeds to contribute in return, but if you’re just starting out I’m sure they won’t mind you taking some seeds! Just consider saving some seeds to contribute in the future and pay it forward. If your library doesn’t have a seed library? Consider asking if they’d be willing to start one! Community interest is a great way to get the ball rolling on projects like these, but they’ll only know the community is interested if the community tells them they’re interested!
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Volunteer to Garden for/with Someone Else
Maybe someone in your area wants to garden, but is struggling to find the time/energy. Many elderly people who used to garden simply can’t anymore but still would like a garden. Other people may love to have a helping hand in their garden. You might even find a few people in your area interested in renting and sharing a community garden plot with others, so they don't have to handle it all on their own! They may be interested in increasing biodiversity right now, or may be willing to if it’s brought up to them. You might be just the kind of person someone needs! Since it won't be your garden, you’ll likely need a bit of permission and collaboration to get anything in particular going, but it’s worth a shot and a way to maybe even make friends! 
Again, your mileage may vary with some of these. You may not know where there's a bunch of wildflowers growing in your area, or maybe your local library doesn't have a free seed library. That's okay! Do what you're able to, find what you can find, get what you can get! And there's never any shame with starting small--in fact, starting small can make the project easier to manage and expand when you're able!
That's the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about ways to start growing plants cheaply--low cost seed starting set ups, essentially. There's a lot of good options, many of which I've used myself even! Until then, I hope this advice is helpful! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
honey's guide to spring⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🪷
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i've been preparing this post for a while bcuz i LOVE spring and for this spring i just wanna embody feminine, fairy, dream-like beauty in my day-to-day this spring, and just enjoy it fully.
THE MOOD FOR SPRING : planting new seeds, fresh fruit, and bouquets of flowers. tea parties and floral prints and perfumes. green grapes, hibiscus tea and waking up early to see the sunrise.
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PREPARATION FOR SPRING : stock up on your favorite fruits and teas. if u want fruits that are in season, the fruits in season during spring include strawberries, cherries, blueberries, kiwis, bananas and nectarines. my favorite spring time tea is hibiscus and i love a good matcha during all seasons but especially spring, and lastly a good citrus tea is always something that i enjoy.
if ur someone who experiences rly bad allergies during the spring make sure that u go to ur doctors for a check up, and make sure that u have everything that you'll need to combat allergies.
THE PLAYLIST : a good playlist is always essential so my spring playlist consists of : eternal sunshine - jhene aiko. はるなつあきふゆ - ichiko aoba. afterglow - luna li. pisces - yerin baek. fairy of shampoo - TXT. scenery - red velvet. hydrangea love - TXT. cool with you - newjeans. salad days - iiso. pov - ariana grande. lyricist - heize.
REFRESH : time for spring cleaning both mentally and physically. analyze what habits are nourishing u and which habits are drying you out. analyze ur space and do a deep cleaning, that way u can feel lighter both mentally and physically.
wash ur sheets, maybe even buy fresh sheets (floral printed sheets for spring ofc)
go thru ur closet and put the winter and autumn clothes towards the back and bring the spring clothes where they're more accessible and visible
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deep clean ur room and clean ur house -> get onto clean-tok for some cleaning motivation cuz watching videos of people cleaning and organizing always motivates me to do so too
create new pinterest boards and delete ones that u dont use, or if u want to, create a completely new pinterest account. i've grown attached to my pinterest account so i won't delete it, but i've made lots of other accounts on separate devices
oftentimes we forget to clean what we use the most, and that buildup can cause our tools to be counterproductive, and just carry a lot of unnecessary germs so here are some things not to forget to clean and organize ;
behind ur ears
ur earbuds or headphones
ur skincare tools and devices (gua shas, face rollers)
ur phone screen
ur folders, binders, and folders
create something - do some painting, start a sketchbook, start dabbling in some poetry, maybe write a short story, cultivate an elite playlist etc etc
connecting with nature - go and get some fresh air, wake up earlier than usual to watch and enjoy the sunrise. drink different teas that you've never tried before, go to a local crystal shop if ur into that, make urself an elaborate platter of ur favorite fruits. go for a walk in the park, pick flowers and speaking of flowers, go and buy urself a pretty bouquet.
create a spring-time mood board
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ofc i MUST talk about the mind in any of my posts bcuz its just so incredible. but what you think matters!! what u think manifests! the thoughts that u continue to water and entertain are what you will experience. therefore when u change ur thoughts and water the seeds of the new thought, you'll get a new flower.
its like gardening. your thought is the seed, and ur mind is the soil. when u entertain ur thoughts ur watering the seed, and you'll get a new flower, the flower is the new experience. so this spring, plant new thoughts and entertain those thoughts ✨
picking flowers -> buying yourself a bouquet
have a tea party by yourself or with friends (reference my tea party post if u need some inspo)
make a bracelet or anklet out of flowers
take a bath and infuse the bath with things like rose petals, rose scented bath milks etc
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crystal shopping (last year i added amethyst to my crystal collection, this year i'd love to add selenite into my collection)
watch a 90's anime (i've watched sailor moon about a MILLION times and im gonna rewatch it again this year bcuz its just the girliest, best anime i've watched and is one of my favorites)
so i hope that this post sparked some ideas on ways that u can enjoy your spring girlies ✨
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outofangband · 3 months
I really loved @gwaedhannen ‘s post about wanting more strangeness in First Age Beleriand and I had a post awhile back about potential strange ecology for Middle Earth so I wanted to revisit it with some more thoughts!
Following up to my speculative biology ideas for elves,
Like the last list, these are more jotting down ideas, please please feel free to give me any to elaborate on!
Mammoths on the Helcaraxë and other cold reaches. Tolkien talks of all creatures that walk or have ever walked the earth existing in Valinor and throughout Arda hence prehistoric and extinct species can also exist here. I do also headcanon smaller herds of woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos in northern Hithlum and north of greater Beleriand. Stellar’s sea cows in the frozen waters:(
Early cenozoic aquatic birds such as Hesperornis off the coasts of Balar and Alqualondë.
 Enchanted orchards of Valinor; large, seemingly abandoned self containing gardens and orchards. There are fruit tree orchards hidden behind ivy covered walls; some always filled with Autumn breezes, citrus groves always kept warm and bright lined with lemon trees and deep green grass. Except for the Maia who tend them, the only beings who enter the orchards are elves who do so, usually by mistake.
There are places throughout Arda where the Music was not well, loud, enough. They can be the size of a footstep or a field and are not fully connected to the space time continuum. Those who tread on them will end up elsewhere in time or space and will never realize what had happened.
In the great expanses of unexplored Valinor, there are coves, glens, lagoons, and all sorts of other places that seem shift and change, being there one day and not the next. Even while walking through familiar, charted territory, there is always the possibility of ending up in a hidden clearing, covered in hanging mosses and with strange lights all around.
The forests of Beleriand are full of strange, sometimes dark creatures that have never been properly documented. They are the strange hybrids of Yavanna’s creations and Melkor’s corruption and a few have escaped the eyes of even the Ainur. 
The underground lakes of Middle Earth, especially around Angband contain blind, hungry beings, nourished by the volcanic soils. Strange fungi and lichen stick to the walls of the caverns and passageways beneath the fortress.
There are hot springs in several locations in Beleriand South of the Ered Wethrin (there are many in the Ered Wethrin of course but these are not exactly relaxation destinations). Namely in Himring, throughout Hithlum, north of Barad Eithel, parts of Dorthonion, in the caves of Androth, and parts of the Ered Luin. Not all of these are used by residents and not all maintain safe temperatures or conditions but some do! In many parts of Northern Beleriand, they're used for bathing and communal relaxation. There are other springs throughout the March of Maedhros and I like the idea of Himring being built around a hot spring. There are hot and warm springs in both Nargothrond and Menengroth. The definition of warm springs differs from hot springs only in average temperature
The caves of Menengroth and Nargothrond allow elves and others access to the strange wonders of the underground world of Middle Earth.  They are lit by lanterns and by certain bioluminescent plants. There are windows in key areas that allow sunlight to filter into some of the larger halls and though there are small gardens of species that do not require direct sunlight, some are stationed in the areas where sunlight filters in. A small tributary of the river Narog flows directly through one of the great halls of Nargothrond. Its flora and fauna remain untouched by the elves and algae and aquatic plants as well as small fish, salamanders in their early stages, and stranger creatures are visible to see for those who walk along it. 
In realms with Ainur or certain Eldar rule, natural life may not follow typical laws. Melian has great influence over the biodiversity and climate of Doriath for example even without meaning to.
The horror potential of the boundaries of the girdle or of Nan Elmoth. Time and space distorting, the forest becoming a maze, bird calls confusing and disorienting unwary or unlucky travelers
The Ered Gorgoroth, the eerie, mysterious mountain range, bordered to the north by Dorthonion and to the south by Nan Dungortheb. It was said the spawn of Ungolian haunted these mountains and the valley. I have some more posts on this but I've always imagined there being many pools and meres in Ered Gorgoroth, many harmless though frigid and some completely corrupted by the powers of Ungoliants spawn and other beings. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to know which was which until it was too late.
Chemical reactions causing glimmering or colorful water. Elves learn carefully when this has occurred due to natural phenomena and when it is the result of unnatural influence or Ainur presence.
Salt lakes and landlocked waters mimicking ocean conditions. I’ve always imagined there being a lake like lake Baikal in the March of Maedhros
More Bioluminescence
The realms draped in dragon reek especially around Nargothrond. The pools of Ivrin are ruined by Glaurung and they are the source of the river Narog, the largest tributary to Sirion. The entire land could be poisoned. I imagine that plants wither or lose color, birds and frogs stay silent, animals are thrown off of their natural cycles, The orchards in the hills barren or producing foul fruit, strange happenings resulting from drinking from the river Narog or even eating animals that drank from it…
Alternatively the effects of the water where the power of Ulmo is still strong such as in Nan Tathren or the Twilit Meres
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bun-lapin · 8 months
Summary: Trey confesses his love to you.
A/N: It took longer than I planned, but I finally finished the 8th one shot for this series! It's Trey Clover's turn this time! With this entry, I've finally written a one shot for every dorm~ <3
Confessions series: Rook, Kalim, Idia, Floyd, Vil, Silver, Leona, Trey / AO3
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As you leisurely step down the garden path, you let out a comfortable sigh and take in a deep breath. The air on your skin is warm and pleasantly humid, perfumed with the scent of countless flowers and fresh soil. The light of sunset tints the glass windows of the botanical garden in glittering hues of dark gold and, as far as your eyes can see, you are surrounded by countless of shades of green.
Rounding a corner, you spy a softly textured shade of dark green that seems to stand out among the lightly colored vegetation in the distance. A playful smile blooms over your face and you let out a soft whistle from your lips. The dark green head of hair turns at the sudden sound and you see two warm hazel eyes, initially wide with questioning, soften into recognized affection at the sight of you.
You call out to the distant figure, “Trey!” As your pace quickens, you raise a hand in greeting. Before too long, your steps lead you to stand directly in front of him. “What are you doing in here? I thought you wanted to meet up outside.”
Trey gives you a soft and slightly bashful smile as he explains, “I got here a little early and thought I should check on my strawberry plants while I was in the area. Sorry about that. I hope I didn’t make you wait too long before you came looking for me.”
You smile warmly at him and say, “You’re fine. I just got here and came straight in when I didn’t see you.”
Trey lets out a small laugh of relief and says, “Well, that’s good to hear.” Pinching the side of his glasses, he studies your face with mild concern and asks, “Hey, are you feeling alright? You look pretty tired.”
You raise a hand in reassurance and breezily reply, “I’m fine, I’m fine! Don’t worry about me.” Trey crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you, thoroughly unconvinced. You let out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion of the day finally catch up to you, and you reluctantly admit to him, “Yeah, you’re right. I really am tired. I was running around all day doing errands for the teachers.”
Looking slightly self-satisfied, Trey nods his head and says, “Yeah, I called it.” Then, with a secretive smile on his face, he reaches out towards you and takes your hand in his. Taking a few steps back, he gently pulls you towards him and says, “Follow me. There’s something I want to show you.”
With you trailing after Trey, the two of you quietly walk hand in hand, making your way deeper into the garden. The plants in this section of the botanical garden are mostly of the kind used in magical potions and you silently marvel at the diverse range of magical flora that surrounds you. Before too long, the two of you come to a stop in front of a tall, flowering vine. Trey lets go of your hand and reaches out to the vine, carefully grasping it and pulling it closer to you. Pointing to one of the large golden blossoms that decorate the vine, Trey simply instructs, “Here. Smell this.”
You hesitate for a brief second, but after seeing the gently encouraging smile on Trey’s face, you step towards the flowering vine and take in a deep breath. The scent of the large bloom is fresh and almost electric. It somehow reminds you of tart citrus candy and you instantly feel all of your fatigue lift from your body. You quickly look to Trey in surprise, “I don’t feel tired anymore! How did you know that would work?”
Trey lets out a quiet laugh and lets the vine drop from his hand. “It’s a magical plant called ‘Astral Lightning’ that’s usually used for energy drinks and potions. I just learned about it in science club, it’s no big deal.” He grins at you and raises one eyebrow in a playful way, “Can’t have you fainting from exhaustion on me. Then I’d be forced to carry you all the way back to your room.”
You laugh and jokingly retort, “Ah yes, can’t have that. I wouldn’t want to be a burden to you.”
Trey’s teasing expression drops from his face at your words and he looks at you with a gently worried sincerity. “Hey, don’t ever call yourself a burden. Not even as a joke. You could never be a burden to me. No matter what you need or what you ask for, I'll always be there for you when you call for me.”
Feeling slightly taken aback but also appreciating Trey’s sudden honesty, you quickly look down with a small, shy smile. Trying to hide how flustered you feel, you lightly say, “Thanks, Trey. You’re such a nice guy. I really appreciate how you take such good care of everyone.”
Trey drops his gaze from your face and looks off to the side, mirroring your bashful posture. With a small shake of his head, he shrugs his shoulders and mumbles, “I'm really not as caring as you think I am. Looking after the underclassmen and dealing with issues as a Vice Housewarden is honestly just crisis management.” Closing his eyes with a weary sigh, he softly admits, “Sometimes I wish I could just tell everyone to stop making my life more difficult than it already is and leave me alone.”
You study Trey’s face in worried silence as his voice trails off in thought. You realize you’ve never seen him look so tired, so honest. You try to move to touch his shoulder and ask him if he’s alright, if there’s anything you can do to help. Sensing your movement, Trey’s eyes snap open and when he looks up to face you again, you can’t help but freeze at the intensity of his gaze.
With his brows furrowed from the strength of his resolve, Trey reaches out and takes your hand in his, holding it firmly but also with great care. In a low voice, weighed down with longing, Trey continues, “But it's different with you. I never wish that you would leave me alone. I don't think I can even imagine a life without you in it anymore. Looking after you, just being near you, brings me a joy I never thought possible before. Your presence soothes my heart completely.”
Trey silently holds your gaze for a few moments, and you watch several conflicting emotions rise up in his eyes as he seems to carefully consider his next words. Lightly biting his bottom lip in concentration, he seems to reach an internal consensus and then takes in a deep, calming breath.
With hesitation in his voice, as if he’s revealing a secret, Trey states, “I want to be honest with you. Before we met, all I wanted was an easy life. I didn't want to make any waves or cast a big shadow. I was content with just being comfortable.” He looks down at your hand in his and you see a warm smile bloom over his face as he affectionately swipes his thumb across the back of your hand a few times. Looking up once more, his eyes are soft with adoration and his voice seems to glow with warm gratitude.
“But then I met you. I saw how hard you work, how much care you put into every action and task. And I felt myself actually caring and working with a purpose where before I was just drifting. When I realized what an exceptional person you are, I realized that I also would have to try and be as exceptional as you. And you have inspired and moved me every day since then.”
Releasing your hand from his, Trey slowly reaches up and places both of his hands on either side of your face. As he purposefully leans his face closer towards yours, you feel your eyes widen at the thought that Trey is planning to kiss you.
Noticing your wide-eyed expression, Trey halts for a second and then lets out a soft, playful laugh. In a quick and gentle motion, he leans forward and rubs his nose against yours. Taking a step back to view your surprised reaction, Trey smiles affectionately and whispers, “I want to be next to you, to have you in my life, more than I've ever wanted anything before. I love you and I'll always be here for you. Nothing will ever change that.”
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Blessed Be: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Detective!Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: You and Bob have the perfect day, but you have to walk away.
Warnings: Witchcraft, Magic, Sexual Themes, Slow Burn, Mentions of Death, Alcohol, Swearing, Smut, Fluff, Angst, I think that’s it?
- Chapter 1 Here -
As agreed, Bob pulled up to your house at 11am. He got out of his car and adjusted his shirt sleeves so they rested comfortably above his forearms. He smoothed back his long hair and took a deep breath, before walking up the porch to your front door. He knocked softly and waited.
“Hi Bob.”
Bob swung around to find you behind him, slightly startled. “Mornin’ Bree.” He chuckled. God his eyes looked even better when the sun was on his face. You took a moment to admire him.
“Were you outside already, or do you have a secret door I don’t know about?” He joked.
You smiled, “I was just checking on my lavender down the end of the garden, heard you pull up.” You confirmed.
“Can I see your plants before we go?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yeah, sure.” You beckoned for him to follow you around the back to where your greenhouse and outdoor plants sat growing marvellously in the partial sun and shade from the large tree that hung over the porch.
“Wow.” He breathed, “You sure do have a green thumb. I love gardening but I wouldn’t say I’m great at it.” He laughed, bending down to rub a piece of lavender gently between his thumb and index finger. The smell filled his nostrils and his shoulders visibly relaxed.
“I think it’s all down to the soil and sun. But it helps to talk to them.” You said as you bent down to inspect your hydrangea bush.
Bob nodded with a smile but said nothing as he admired you. You looked beautiful in your white linen sundress, your hair falling over your eyes as you stood back up.
“Shall we?” You asked with a grin.
“We shall.” Bob quipped back, biting his lip gently as he followed you to the car.
Bob couldn’t help but relish in the fact that when he was around you, that almost constant tugging and gnawing feeling inside him disappeared. It was replaced instead with a sense of serenity, excitement and something else he couldn’t quite place, and it was becoming addictive.
Bob opened the passenger door for you and you slid into the seat. The first thing you noticed was how neat his car was, and the smell of citrus flooded your senses. It was fresh and for some reason reminded you of days down on the beach with your parents as a child. You relaxed into the seat and took a deep breath in through your nose.
As Bob climbed into the driver seat, he looked over at you with a grin, “Where to, Madam Tour-guide?”
You laughed and rested your head against the seat. “Hmmm… ok drive down to the harbour, I have a secret little place in mind.”
Bob bit the inside of his cheek as he pulled away to suppress the smile he so badly wanted to let out, but was afraid he’d look like a lunatic if he kept grinning this way all day.
You made small talk on the drive, holding back on bigger in depth questions that you wanted to ask but knew this would only draw you closer to him. Your giddiness was suddenly overcome with sadness as you remembered you were going to say goodbye to Bob for good after today.
“You okay?” Bob asked, noticing how suddenly you’d gone quiet as you stared out the window.
“Mhmm.” You lied, forcing a smile. Bob didn’t buy it, but he didn’t feel it was his place to pry, so smiled right back encouragingly.
You pulled up to the harbour and Bob quickly rounded your end of the car to open your door.
“Ever the gentleman.” You chuckled.
“So where are we going?” He asked, curiously eyeing the harbour for any restaurants, cafes or food stalls.
“Follow me Mr Floyd.” You said as you turned towards the cliff side, and Bob suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine. Not a shiver of dread, or anticipation, no. A shiver of excitement at how you said his name. He wasn’t sure why but it made his heart race even more, perhaps it was the seductive way you said it, or the fact that you even remembered his last name to begin with.
“Yes ma’am.” He chuckled, and followed you onto small sand bank that made way to a narrow path along the cliffside.
You walked for about 10 minutes, and eventually the small path gave way to a ledge overhanging the sea. It was high up enough that the waves couldn’t reach you, but low enough that he hadn’t noticed the gradual incline of the pathway. There were a few trees cushioning the ledge from the intimidating cliff behind you, and it was completely secluded from everyone and everything, and breathtakingly beautiful.
Suddenly you placed a picnic basket on the ground, and Bob was sure he hadn’t seen you carrying it around, but chalked it up to him being completely distracted by how beautiful you looked.
You sprawled a blanket on the ground and sat down, unloading the baskets contents neatly in front of you. Bob watched in awe as finger sandwiches, pastries, fruits, chocolates and chips in neat little bowls were laid out in front of him.
“This is… so sweet.” Was all he could breath out as he came to sit next to you.
You grinned, “Well I wanted to make you feel welcome, and this is my favourite spot on the island, couldn’t think of a better place.”
“I do feel welcome. Thank you for going through the trouble.” He smiled at you earnestly, piling the finger foods on his plate.
“You thirsty?” You asked, pulling out a bottle of your home made iced tea. Bob nodded, mouth full of sandwich.
You handed him a glass of iced tea and sat back on your elbows as you watched the sea in front of you. This was your idea of a perfect date, but you knew you couldn’t get too comfortable.
Comfortable meant danger in your family, especially when it came to men.
“This is really good.” He said having taken a sip of the iced tea. He noticed the glass bottle had no label. “You made this?” He said in awe.
“Yeah, it’s just peaches and mint.” You chuckled.
Bobs eyebrows pulled together, “I love peaches, and mint. It’s like you knew.” He took another sip and let out an exaggerated moan.
Bob was getting comfortable around you, and as much as that made your insides flutter, you knew you couldn’t let him. Suddenly you stood up and walked to the edge, arms wrapped around yourself as you tried to push the fuzzy feelings away.
“Did I do something?” Bob worried out loud, standing and making his way over to where you stood.
“No, no it’s not you Bob.” You didn’t turn to face him, you couldn’t or you feared your desire would take over.
“What’s wrong?” He asked softly, his hand gently moved to touch your arm to get you to face him.
As soon as he touched you a spark of electricity ran from your skin through his fingers. Not painful, but hot and intense, like a flash fire.
Bob pulled away quickly and looked at his hand, this one was harder to ignore than the one you had felt yesterday in your store, and you spun round with wide eyes to look at Bob.
“Did you… did you feel that?” Bob stammered, flexing his fingers to make sure everything still worked. You nodded, rubbing the spot on your arm that he had touched.
“Are you okay?” You asked, still in shock at the sheer force of what you felt.
Bob nodded, and gulped audibly. “Are you?” He asked, eyebrows pinched together in confusion and concern.
You nodded. “Must be the humidity.” You mumbled.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Bree?” Bob pressed, moving back over to you, but remaining at a safe distance. If anything, he wanted to feel the electricity again, it was unlike any physical thing he’d felt before, and left him with a sense of adrenaline that had him practically panting.
You nodded again, but your eyes were sad. You knew in a matter of hours this would be over and you’d never see Bob again. For a stranger, you felt it painfully hard to let him go.
You faked a smile and suggested you finish your picnic, changing the subject quickly. You asked Bob about his childhood, what he was like in school, and if he enjoyed his job. Bob knew something was wrong but understood you didn’t want to discuss it, so bought into your distraction.
Bob told you that he was quite nerdy in school, but his job as a detective had hardened him slightly, and brought him out of his shell.
He asked you why everyone thought you were a witch, and you laughed and told him because you were. Bob thought you were joking and laughed back, the incident prior being quickly forgotten as you enjoyed your company in the baking early afternoon sun.
The hours quickly passed and the sun began to set over the ocean. You felt as though you had been there mere minutes, not wanting to admit the day was soon to be over.
You both packed up the picnic basket and dusted off the blanket, before making your way back down the path back to the harbour. It was a silent walk, and Bob could sense the shift. Something was still eating away at you.
Once you reached the car, he opened the passenger door for you, but you didn’t move to climb in. You stayed on your spot and bit the inside of your cheek, contemplating your next words.
You took a deep breath and sighed, “I really like you, Bob.”
His eyes lit up, and he smiled from ear to ear, smoothing his hair down as he walked towards you.
“I really like you too, Bree.” He breathed.
“But I can’t see you anymore.” You countered.
Bobs smile faltered. He laughed, “What do you mean?”
You sighed again, louder this time, covering your face with both hands as your frustration overtook you.
“Hey, hey! Bree, what’s going on?” Bob asked you, suddenly worried. He gently took your arms and pulled your hands away from your face, ignoring the force of the electric shock that shook through him.
You looked at him through watery eyes, “I wished for you, Bob.” You whimpered.
“Bree, that’s not a bad thing. I wished for you to.” He laughed gently, smiling down at you with so much affection it took your breath away.
You forced yourself out of his gentle grip and backed away from him slowly.
“You don’t understand.” You breathed.
“Then explain it to me, please.” He begged, walking towards you again.
“I can’t.” You shook your head, holding a hand out to stop him from coming any closer. “You need to go back home, Bob. I’m sorry.”
You turned and left Bob confused and dazed in the car park of the harbour, unable to comprehend what had just happened. His heart sank at the thought of never seeing you again, and the pulling feeling began to grow again, urging him in your direction as you walked away.
As you walked, you began to cry, and the further away from Bob you got, the darker the feeling inside you grew. Plants on either side of you began to wilt and die, as you climbed the steep winding road back to your house.
When you got home, you went straight to your bedroom. Your mom didn’t even need to ask what had happened, she knew, and she followed you to your bedroom to comfort you.
Bob climbed back in his car and just sat there for several minutes, he rubbed his jaw as he tried to make sense of everything. Bob had no idea what was happening, but he did know one thing.
He was not leaving.
It took you a long time to fall asleep that night, and when you did, your dreams were plagued by horrible nightmares of Bob falling. He was falling deeper and deeper into a dark abyss, clawing at the air and crying out to you. His cries grew more and more desperate, until eventually he disappeared into the abyss and you woke up sweating. This happened three times, but on the third you woke up and the goosebumps were back.
You rubbed your arms in an attempt to get rid of them, but they stubbornly returned no matter what you tried.
Frustrated, you got up and went downstairs to grab a glass of water from the kitchen.
About halfway down the stairs you heard the familiar clatter of the broom hitting the floor.
“What the?” You mumbled as you reached the bottom of the stairs. You walked into the dark kitchen and looked for any signs of life.
You snapped your fingers and the candles on the windowsill lit up, illuminating the kitchen in a soft glow. You filled up a glass of water and snapped your fingers again to put out the candles, before walking back up to bed.
You closed your bedroom door and walked over to your night stand, taking a sip of water and putting the glass down, before climbing back into bed in the hopes of getting a decent sleep until morning.
Laying back on your pillow, you closed your eyes and breathed. “Go to sleep. Go to sleep.” You begged yourself, focussing on the bursts of colour behind your eyelids.
Just as you felt yourself dozing off, you thought you heard a light tapping noise. Your eyes flew open as you strained your ears.
You couldn’t hear anything, so you closed your eyes again, but it wasn’t long before there was another slightly louder tap.
Sitting up in bed, you strained your eyes, trying to figure out what the source of the noise was.
The window.
You got out of bed quickly and crossed the room to the big window that overlooked the back garden and cliffside.
Tap. A stone.
You opened the window and leaned out to check who it was throwing stones at your window so late at night.
Your breath caught in your throat as your heart stuttered.
- Chapter 3 Here -
Notes: I just wanted to say a huge thank you to every like and reblog so far💛 it means so much that people are enjoying this story and thank you in advance to everyone who shows the love!
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theblasianwitch · 1 year
Easiest Plants to Grow
Based on my experience
TOMATOES: So long as it's not ones that have been introduced to the cold, you can literally take the seeds out (goop and all) and put it in soil, lightly cover with dirt, water and leave it. As it grows you will pretty much need to water it every other day but they're very good at letting you know. As soon as the leaves droop or curl a bit, water them and they'll be good again in an hour or so.
CATNIP: It just.... keeps... growing... and it multiplies.... easily. It should be the rabbits of the plant world. I find I prone the parent plant almost every other week because of how fast it grows. Some cuttings I place in water and they form roots in just a couple days. I still have the parent plant and now five babies from it. My plan is for a cat garden hopefully soon.
PEPPER: Similar to tomatoes, keep out of the cold, take the seeds inside and just plant it. Mine is 3 feet tall already after just a couple monthes.
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These next ones take some before prep but once you do it they pretty much got it handled.
LEMON: To plant a lemon you do have to peel the seeds (thus may apply to all citrus fruits but I haven't found a lot of seeds in oranges and grapefruits yet to try). Once again, keep from cold, take out the seeds, and... peel them. This takes time and a careful hand. I use a sharp knife and lightly slice a line in the the seed and lift the outer layer up to peel it completely. It will be slippery at first and then a smooth hard seed inside. Those are what you plant. Once planted they germinate and sprout using various germination methods and grow and a steady rate. I currently have three saplings and a container of pre peeled seeds
DRAGONFRUIT: I was quite surprised by this one. I have neglected these seeds quite often and yet they're still going. I got the seeds by slicing the dragonfruit and putting it between paper towels and gentle smushing and rubbing it between them. The seeds separate on the paper and from there you can honestly leave them in the paper towel with a little water to germinate before planting. They grow like little cacti at first which is probably why they survive so long despite my forgetfulness to water them
Will let yall know if I learn more. Everything was planted indoors in rooms with large windows for light, nothing is outdoors at the moment.
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calabria-mediterranea · 3 months
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Condofuri, Calabria, Italy
Condofuri is a tiny village on the southernmost tip of Calabria. It's a place for locals seeking refuge from Calabria's intense summer sun. Look west across the Messina Strait and you see Sicily, with the menacing Mount Etna standing tall, and out of sight to the east is Greece.
Condofuri is part of the community of villages that is Bovesia, where Calabrian Greek can still be heard. You can read it on the road signs too, sandwiched between Calabrian and Italian. Italian is at the bottom of the list.
This coastal strip of Calabria, on the Ionian Sea, facing south, offers the bergamot an ideal habitat, protected from the northern winds by the Aspromonte mountains (a geopark protected by UNESCO).
Bergamot is a famous Calabrian citrus fruit of very ancient origins, whose essence is the basis of many perfumes and cosmetics. It is also used in the agricultural and food industry, in the production of candies, in "Earl Grey" tea, and every day it finds a new field of application. As a citrus fruit, it's classified as Citrus bergamia. The fruit has a spherical shape similar to the orange but is yellow like the lemon and the plant, by non-expert eyes, can be easily confused with both of the above mentioned citrus fruits.
Bergamot fruits grow exclusively in this area of Calabria, along the 140 km of Ionian coast.
Fertile soils and mild climate, widespread sun exposure and an average temperature among the highest in Italy, with minimal fluctuations between day and night and absence of winter frosts.
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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Hi! I know you've survived medschool or nursing school (iirc). I'm currently during my first year at vetschool, and I won't lie, its really hard to find any spare time just to clean my room. Do you have any hacks/tricks about how to keep vegetable gardening even with no free time?
Hey! I did survive med school. Currently surviving my last year of residency.
Medical school is rough (be it human or veterinary) and the first year in particular is brutal. It's a big adjustment of both studying style and lifestyle, so give yourself time to get the hang of it (and you will!).
How I made it work was by gardening only on weekends and school breaks. Choosing mostly native or resilient plants (but make sure you sneak in some plants you're really excited about as well), that wouldn't mind being neglected for longer periods of time. And most plants aren't that delicate anyway. As long as the soil is good, they're fine with some weeds or a few diseased leaves or inconsistent watering. You might not get the best results, but your garden will be fine. It doesn't have to be perfect.
Companion planting can help as well. See what kind of watering system might work in your situation to make your life easier.
I also got some plants for my apartment, mostly citrus trees and a couple of berry plants, just to get me through the week and help me decompress by taking care of them for a few minutes now and then.
I don't now how helpful any of it is as I have no idea how/where you garden or what your plans are, but if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. And good luck with your work!
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tears-of-amber · 2 months
@cardicoven ‘s Plant Spirit Devotional 15 Day Challenge:
🍋Cultivation of Meyer lemon trees:
Best planted in early spring, Meyer lemon trees need special fertilizer/soil made for citrus trees. This is acidic soil, with ph from 5.5 to 6.5, and they need to be watered regularly with good drainage. Meyer lemon trees need eight hours of direct sunlight, and thrive in zones 9-11. They start bearing fruit at four years old.
🍋Foraging of Meyer Lemon Trees:
Don’t harvest Meyer lemons from their tree until they are DARK mustard yellow. They naturally turn darker yellow than other lemon varieties, and they are naturally sweeter while still maintaining a decent sour component. Harvest between December and April, depending on your zone, and depending on when the tree was planted.
🍋Preparation for Meyer lemons:
Preparing Meyer lemons for use is very easy and simple! Just rinse the lemon thoroughly, and slice! If you want to save the juice, juice it and freeze the juice so you can use for longer times! They make great additions to ice water to sip on, or jasmine green tea!
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balkanradfem · 6 months
Today I found out there's a way to propagate fruit trees that is superior both to grafting and cutting, and I am both mad that I didn't know this before, and crazy excited about trying it out, it's almost like plant magic!
The name of it is Marcotting. It's a great way to save old fruit varieties that are dying! Or if you just have a tree you want a clone of.
So this is what you do. You pick a fruit tree that you want to clone, and you pick a healthy branch, take a knife, and peel a bit of the bark off, only about 1-2cm. Then you take a plastic bag, tape it so it's fastened under the cut, fill it with wet soil, and then tape it again, above the cut. What you did was make sure that the part of the peeled bark is completely surrounded by soil.
You leave that soil bag on the tree for 2 months.
And it will grow roots in there.
Once it grows roots, you can cut that branch off, and plant it. It will grow like a new tree, 100% the same genes, same species, 100% giving you the same fruit.
I'm so insanely excited to try this, most cuttings just die for me, and all trees from seeds either need to be grafted, or will be giving some wild produce, but this is a simple way to gain any fruit tree that you can get away with putting a little bag of soil on for a few months. The varieties that are usually easily propagated this way are citrus, fig, mulberry, and lychee. It takes 6 months for an apple tree to get roots like this!
Here's a link where you can read more about it, and a video where you can see it being done! Go forth and plant those fruit trees. Future generations will prosper from your effort.
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dearmrsawyer · 6 months
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my GARDEN is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took 2 years but we made it 🎉🎉🎉 its life story under the cut
last year i dug up all the roses that the previous owners of this house had planted in this space. I HATE ROSE PLANTS. They're VERMIN. It took me a year (interrupted by la niña) to finally get them all out because i had to dig so far down to remove as much root system as i could. i learned that after the first attempt at removing them, where they all simply grew back because i left too many roots in tact 🙃 due to continued la niña last summer i wasn't able to get the space all the way ready so i spent autumn weeding everything that grew in the rain, digging about a foot into the ground to remove as much old dirt (and more roots) as i could, and tidying up everything we'd dumped there while the space was disused. I had pictures of that stage in the process but i can't find them, just know it looked like a garbage dump hahaha. i got all that done right as the temperature started to drop so i laid out a bunch of tarps to minimise the number of weeds that would grow back over winter and waited.
and then! SPRING. I ordered the soil back in September, 8 cubic metres of it which was definitely more than i needed sdkjlgfdkj but how am i supposed to know what a cubic metre is 😅 i was SO excited when it arrived (first photo), quickly followed by 'oh god i need to move all of this myself.' thankfully we had great weather in september so i could use every free moment i had for two weeks shoveling it into our wheelbarrow and then wheeling it down to tip into the garden area (the conclusion of my work in photo 2 lol). It was only at that point that i was like oh boy okay i REALLY have too much soil here. i filled up every single pot i could find and i added some more dirt to to our citrus tree garden in the courtyard since the existing soil had settled by that point and could use a top up. it still felt like way more than i had planned to buy BUT i thought you know what would be good, i could create tiers to organise the vegetables by how deep their roots grow! i laid down a couple of layers of newspaper to deter anything from the existing dirt growing up into my new soil and then started flattening it out. when we first moved in here there was a tonne of random building material around that the previous owners left behind, and we never got rid of it because we figured a purpose would eventually arise. and my garden was it. i collected all the cement blocks and bricks down the side/behind the house, plus the random lattices that had been piled up where our yard meets the neighbour's, and a scrap of fence leftover from the one we put alongside our driveway last year. There were also heaps of random planks of wood, and some logs from a tree that we trimmed earlier in the year. and i used ALL of it (picture three).
Then a couple of weeks ago i finally got to plant my seeds :D (final product, final photo) the tall section up the back is for the deep root veges, so i've planted pumpkin and cucumber there. in the middle i've planted zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, silverbeet, radish and green beans. and the shallowest area down the bottom has beetroot, celery, lettuce, broccoli and snow peas. also a passionfruit plant in the corner :) i've also scattered flower seeds all over as i've read that it helps to attract pollinators/insects that will eat other insects that want to eat my vegetables. i've put a couple of flowering herbs into pots down there too, and i marked where i planted everything with sticks so i can remember dskfdklj also i drew myself a map.
i'm so thrilled with it :') its such a good space and now it will be useful! there's a good chance some of my seeds won't sprout as they're a couple of years old, but some of them are new and anyway i don't care, whatever grows will grow and whatever doesn't i'll try again in autumn. its just so exciting to have a garden to tend again, i know that i need to be able to just put my hands in dirt sometimes, it is a very helpful outlet, and also will maybe save us grocery money \o/
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Magick ritual if you’re feeling ‘meh’
Anyone a little ‘meh’ right now? A ritual here that will shake things up with the power of the sun, music, and someone who doesn’t even know they’re involved in a spell....  
As always, take time to make sure that the items and spaces you use are safe and that you can carry out this ritual in a way that won’t endanger you or others. We’re witches, not stunt performers. :)
The below ritual allows for modifications so that you can tailor it to what you can easily obtain. These are labelled ‘good’, ‘better’ or ‘best’. It’s how you do it that counts the most. Happy Magick-making!
When To Carry Out
Good = Any day. Better = Sunday would be preferable. Best = A sunny Sunday. Check the forecast.
What You Need
1. Clothing Good = A piece of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time. Better = A whole outfit you haven’t worn in a long time. Best = A whole outfit plus fragrances/cosmetics you haven’t used in a long time.  2. Washed and dried coins Good = Whatever coins you have. Better = Really shiny coins. Best = Really shiny coins minted this year or last. 3. A gift tag Good = A plain tag of card and string/thread. Better = A decorative gift tag with ribbon. Best = A beautiful gift tag that you’ve made yourself. 4. Five Drops of Oil Good = Whatever carrier oil you have. Better = Canola oil. Best = Sunflower oil. 5. Green Plant Material Good = Whatever green plant material you can get your hands on even if that’s a few blades of grass from a lawn. Better = Fresh Bay leaves (rosemary and sage would be good too). Best = Living Houseplants 6. A clothes hanger(s) Good = Any clothes hanger. Better = A wooden clothes hanger. Best = A padded clothes hanger (ooh fancy!) 7. A window Good = Any window. Better = A south facing window. Best = A south-facing window with a beautiful view of nature. 8. A non-alcoholic, citrus drink Good = Orange juice. Better = Lemonade Best = Lemonade in a fancy glass.
9. Music to dance to Good = Any upbeat song. Better = An upbeat song that was playing the last time you went out and had fun. Best = The song from the happiest time in your life so far.
The Ritual
Step One - Connect Gather all your materials together and just sit and breathe with them. Touch them, greet them. Take some time to connect to their energy. Do any other cleansing, grounding rituals you would normally do before spellcasting. Step Two - Set up (During daylight hours) - Using your finger dipped in the oil, mindfully draw an arrow on the tag pointing towards the ribbon/string. Use as much of those 5 drops of oil as you can. - Tie the tag to the ‘neck’ of the coat hanger so that the arrow is pointing up. - Put your clothing on the hanger (if you have multiple items, you don’t need another tag) and hang it in the window. - On the window sill, or another surface near the window that receives sunlight, arrange the coins and plant material in any way that brings a smile to your heart. Do the same with the items that won’t go on a hanger. Step 3 - The words Speak these words while focusing on where the sunlight is illuminating the objects. You may even want to sing these words: Sun, shine bright! Cast out blight. Light the light inside me. Light the light around me. Sun, shine bright. Cast out blight. Take some time to feel the energy in the space. Notice if you can sense it in your body in some way. Step 4 - Charging Leave the clothes and other items in the window to charge in the daylight at least until nightfall.
Step 5 - The Dance! - Once the clothes have had a day of sunlight, put on the clothes and use the cosmetics and fragrance. You can wait until the next day if need be. - Put the coins in your pocket (if you have no pockets, you can use a bag.) - Return the plants to their home (ie. put houseplants back in their regular spots, or if you have leaves or grass from outside, find a patch of bare soil to offer them back to the earth. Say a quick thank you while you’re at it.) - Put on the song and dance! Imagine the music is not coming at you but actually coming from you; as if your own body is creating the music in the moment. - Notice if that changes the way you move, or if it creates new sensations in your body. - Refresh yourself by drinking the orange juice/lemonade. Feel how the citrus flavour stimulates your tongue. Step 6 - The Witness - Leave the house and let someone see you in that old outfit. This is the witness. The witnessing seals the spell. - If you live in a really quiet area, it may take some planning so that you will actually pass someone! Step 7 - Use it or Lose it - When you get back home, assess the outfit. Ask yourself, ‘Why don’t I wear this often? What’s the problem with it?’ - If you actually liked wearing it: great! Plan a time you can wear this magickally charged outfit again. - If you didn’t like wearing it, here’s your opportunity to move on stagnant energy. Donate or recycle it and free up the space and energy for fresh magic in your life.
Step 8 - Put your money where your values are (as and when there’s an opportunity) - This may happen way down the line so don’t rush to do this part of the ritual. If you’re not spending for a while, simply keep those coins somewhere safe. - When the time comes, spend those coins in places that are meaningful to you, in ways that speak to your values. - Eg. if you believe in community, and also economic justice, use the coins to buy a Fairtrade tea at an indie cafe. Or, if you can spare the money, donate it to charity. - Directing energy - and money is a very particular kind of energy - in positive outward directions is a powerful way to make space for fresh energy. - Each time you ‘put your money where your values are’ you make the world better. Do that with magick-charged coins, and you’ll make the world magickally better!
Final Thoughts
If you are stuck in a rut, feeling listless, bored or blank, please know that this is a completely normal feeling. I’m betting that everyone you know has felt ‘the blahs’ at some point. The first step is to know what it is that you’re feeling and to give yourself permission to feel it fully in a safe space. Then, when you’re ready, try this ritual and let the magick breathe new inspiration into your life.  Wishing you Blessings and Abundance.
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wuxiaphoenix · 18 days
Isekai Problems: Planting Roots
So what zones are your characters in?
Here I’m referring to the USDA plant hardiness zones for growing regions. There are similar maps for Europe; I saw one in a book on heritage roses once. So I’d guess other areas have made them as well. But the USDA’s the one I know best. It’s also the one I feel personally frustrated by, because I know it best.
Long story short. Hardiness zones are determined by the minimum temperatures the area reaches; you find Zone 1 and 2 up in inner Alaska, you find subtropical to tropical 9 and 10 in bits of Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Plants can also be sorted by how heat tolerant they are, but freezing to death is a pretty good measure of where a plant can’t make it. If you look at a package of seeds marketed in the U.S., you’ll find the Hardiness Zone map on the back, often with suggested planting times.
However. Local weather patterns can make zones tricky.
Remember how I pointed out zone 9 in Florida? In fact, the Hardiness Zone map shows near the entire Gulf Coast as zone 9. If you look on a larger-scale and more finely detailed map, most of the near-shore will show up as zone 9a - not as warm as, say, central Florida at 9b.
Except that every two to three years there tends to be at least one hard freeze (temps dropping overnight below about 15 F), making the area technically zone 8b. So unless you’re lucky and have cut back and wrapped tender plants, all your banana trees and citrus go bye-bye.
And yet, because it’s not that cold every year, tulips and apple trees - any plants that need some cold dormancy - are likely to keel over too.
All of which means introducing new plants is always a roll of the dice. Can they take the cold and the heat?
If you’re going to introduce new crops, as characters sometimes do in isekai, have some idea about what conditions they need, and whether or not your new locale has them. Cochineal is one of the most beautiful, vibrant, colorfast reds in nature. But if you try to introduce it as a crop in, say, Siberia, when the cochineal scale insect lives on the warmth-loving Opuntia cactus... biologists and ecologists will have a sad. Really.
Likewise if you tried to grow Korean stone pines (nutritious seeds! Medicinal compounds!) in the fantasy equivalent of South Florida’s heat and humidity, people will talk.
You may have better luck with more conventional food crops. Rice, corn, wheat, potatoes - all of these have hundreds if not thousands of varieties, adapted for different conditions. There are rice varieties that tolerate salt enough to grow near shorelines, and a slow-growing, slime-shedding variety of ancient corn that hosts its own nitrogen-fixing bacteria; an awesomely useful feature usually only found in legumes. Human ingenuity and diligent searching may turn up or create a variety of a crop that can survive in what would normally be extreme conditions for that plant. But your story will feel more realistic if you make it clear you’re using magic or bioengineering to get oranges to survive in arctic tundra, or lingonberries in the Sahara. People have an idea of where plants flourish; putting them out of place without a good explanation dents suspension of disbelief.
Of course, temperature’s not the only consideration. Rainfall, soil minerals; is the earth acid or basic, sandy or heavy clay? All of these and more play a part. You don’t have to be an agronomist. Just check out some real-life analogues to what you’re working with to get ideas of what your characters need to do, and what curveballs you can throw at them.
And for goodness’ sake, if the original tamers of a crop grow it in a specific way that doesn’t use the whole field, don’t automatically assume it’s inefficient and you can do it better. Of such decisions are potato famines made....
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quoththeowl31 · 3 months
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(I combined 5 and 6) Puff Clover: Anyone with a small fruit and veggie garden will have Puff Clover. It adds extra nutrients to the soil to help plant growth and helps retain water. Because my region of Black Spine has mild winters and dry summers, agriculture is mainly focused on citrus fruits, seeds and nuts and irrigation is a challenge. Puff Clover is one of many solutions to keep things healthy. Puff Clover is a hardy plant that can withstand a lot, such as yours truly laying in a big path of it and gazing at the clouds. It feels cool and it's soft with these adorable little puff flowers scattered about. Puff Blossoms are small and smell like fresh laundry. Puff Clover is also home to the Puff Beetle. These adorable little buggers are also a benefit to one's garden as they can eat other more harmful bugs like aphids. NOTE: Always practice plant rotation. The clover helps but you still need to rotate your plants to ensure healthy soil.
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