#sometimes they are graced with a rare selfie
innytoes · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to let you know I am entirely sold on your caleb/ray/reggie abo au and am thriving on these snippets in it, I absolutely adore them all! It’s a niche I didn’t know I needed, but omega reggie has my heart and he deserves all the love ❤️ If you’re still open to it, I would love this prompt for them? ❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜
(Aaah anon I am so happy. Omega Reggie deserves all the love, indeed, and Ray and Caleb are Very Determined to give it to him. So just for you more of the Caleb/Ray/Reggie ABO AU.)
It took Reggie a while to get used to his newfound freedom. After Caleb and Ray sat him down and told him the Rules, he‘d had to fight disbelief. Because stuff like ‘don’t believe the cat and feed her again, she gets fed by Ray at the same time every morning, she’s not starving’ and ‘please leave a note and bring your phone if you’re going out’ were... well, after years with Paul slowly chipping away at his freedom and pushing him in a smaller and smaller box, and the strict schedule and regulations of the Shelter, they were kind of a joke.
But Ray and Caleb had been adamant that the short list of five rules were the only things they cared about. It took him a while to figure out that Ray and Caleb probably only made them up in the first place because Reggie asked for them. Still, something about knowing there weren’t any secret expectations or obligations, no landmines for him to step on, it eased something in his chest.
The first time he realised they were out of milk and that he could just go to the store and get some felt like both the best thing in the world and the most terrifying thing ever. Caleb had giving him a wallet with his own card and some cash, saying he could buy anything he wanted with it and giving him an obscene budget (rule five) per month.
His first time at the store without express permission in over seven years, he bought a jug of milk and a roll of Oreo cookies and never felt more free. He’d held his breath when he swiped the card, waiting for the little beep, before walking out of there with the biggest smile on his face.
It got easier after that. He still liked to do household chores when both Ray and Caleb were working, just to feel like he was contributing. But if there wasn’t anything pressing, sometimes he just sat in the garden with a book, enjoying the fact that there was no hour time limit of Outside Time. He’d play his guitar, serenading Pockets with little songs about her. He even made friends with the old lady across the street, who liked to pinch his cheek and call him a Charming Lad when he helped her carry heavy stuff or clean her gutters.
It became even more natural to leave the house without feeling like he needed permission, or a solid reason when they got Bucket. Of course the dog needed to go walkies. And Bucket didn’t care if they went to the beach, or the dog park, or to get ice cream, as long as he got to sniff stuff and do his business and harass Reggie for scritches every time they had to stop to cross the street.
Except it looked like he finally went to far. Literally. It had seemed like a great idea to take the bus and go to a nice hiking spot. Caleb was working all day in preparation for tomorrow night’s show, and Ray had a long shoot day.
He felt less great about his idea by the second as he tumbled down the steep hill. Especially when he finally managed to stop and realised his phone broke on the way down. Thankfully Bucket seemed okay, and yeah, Reggie was never going to live down that his three-legged dog was more nimble at making his way down than Reggie was.
By the time he got back on the bus, he had twigs in his hair, he was exhausted, and sore, and everything ached. Bucket had had the time of his life, though, and Reggie spent the ride back home bent over, snuggling the pup and avoiding eye-contact.
The second he came through the door, he was pulled into a hug by Ray. “Oh thank god,” he said, pulling Reggie close. Reggie winced, the sudden move hurting like hell, but before Ray could let him go, he wrapped his arms around him. Ray smelled upset, his scent spiky and anxious, but he still smelled like home.
“Where the hell were you, Reginald?” Caleb asked. His scent was sharp, rolling off him in waves, and Reggie whimpered. “We tried calling you several times and you didn’t pick up.”
If Caleb was home, he was definitely late. Like, super late. Stupid LA summers and their stupid late sunsets that made it impossible to tell what time it was. “Phone broke, sorry,” he mumbled into Ray’s shoulder. Then he pulled back, horrified. “Oh god I broke my phone.”
The fancy phone Caleb had gotten him, because it was red and it had a great camera to take fun pictures and so he could call home and be called when he was out. That was definitely in the Rules. He broke the Rules. “I’m sorry...” They’d only given him five and he’d broken one of the most important ones, oh god. “Caleb, I’m so sorry.” His eyes welled up with tears, and immediately, Caleb seemed to calm down, stepping back, his entire posture softening.
“We don’t care about the broken phone, pet,” Caleb said, cupping his cheek. “We were just worried about you. What happened?”
He let Ray guide him to the couch, trying not to wince when he sat down. He knew he looked a mess, dirt on his face and a hole in one of the few pairs of jeans that had been hole-less before, scrapes on his palms and knees. “I um...” he wasn’t quite sure how to say this without making his alphas anxiety worse. Just be cool. Casual. “I kind of fell down a mountain?”
The sudden spike in their scents was very noticeable, and he really should have done a better job thinking about what he was going to say on the way home. Instead, his mind had been swirling with ‘ouch ouch ouch’ and ‘don’t look at me please’ and ‘Bucket is such a good soft boy’ and ‘gotta get home, gotta get home’ and not much else. “We went to a nice hiking trail and I wanted to get a pretty picture of the view to send you... and then Bucket saw a bunny, and he yanked the leash, and I kind of... fell.”
“Oh pobrecito,” Ray said. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” Reggie nodded, because now that he was home, all he wanted was his alphas to take care of him. And thankfully, even though he broke his phone and broke the Rules and made them worry, they seemed to want to do it.
He let Ray and Caleb peel off his clothes, Caleb wrinkling his nose a little and muttering something about maybe finally getting Reggie some Decent Clothes. Ray rolled his eyes, winking at Reggie as he eased his jeans down. Reggie tried to smile back, but it turned into a hiss of pain when the jeans caught over his scraped up knee.
“We need to clean out those wounds,” Ray said, inspecting his knees. “Hold still, this might sting a little.” He pouted but nodded, letting Ray dab at them with a wet cloth. It hurt, and he pressed his face against Caleb’s neck, whining softly. Caleb stroked his hair, muttering reassurances. His scent was slowly going back to normal, less blizzard and more first snow. When Ray moved away to get the first aid kit, he pulled Reggie in his lap.
“I’m sorry I made you worry,” Reggie said, curling into him. “I’m sorry I broke my phone, and I’m sorry I broke the Rules.”
“Oh kitten,” Caleb said. “It was an accident. We’re not going to be upset with you because of an accident. I’m sorry I snapped at you. It’s not an excuse, but I was scared something had happened to you.”
“It’s okay,” Reggie said, snuggling closer. Yeah, Mad Caleb had been kind of scary, but when he thought about it, Reggie realised that he hadn’t actually been that afraid. Not like with Paul. He’d mostly been upset that he broke his phone and made Ray and Caleb worry.
“We’re getting you a better, less breakable phone, though,” Caleb said, smirking and pulling Reggie into a kiss. He went eagerly, deepening the kiss, moaning happily when Caleb slipped his tongue into Reggie’s mouth...
Before gasping and jerking his knee back. “Hey, ow!” he told Ray, who pulled back with the antiseptic wipe looking kind of guilty. He glared back at Caleb. “You did that on purpose to distract me.”
“Perhaps,” Caleb said, looking way too smug about it. “Did it help?”
“Yes,” Reggie huffed. “Do it again.”
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bangtanhoneys · 9 months
BTS & Min-Ji (Grace's cat)
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Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of white and for a brief moment, he wondered if he had seen a ghost. But then the fluff and fur that came with it made him realise he wasn’t alone at 2am in the dim light of the kitchen. 
“You awake as well?” Seokjin asked, reaching down to stroke the long length of Min-Ji’s tail as the long white cat threaded through Seokjin’s bare legs. “Hungry too?” 
There was a deep but soft meow that seemed to echo around the kitchen and the cat jumped up onto one of the kitchen stools, sitting down on his back legs as if he was waiting for meal to be prepped. 
Hiding a grin behind his hand, Seokjin knew what the cat wanted and grabbed a tin of tuna from the cupboard. It didn’t take long to chop up the tuna and put it on a plate, placing it in front of the patiently waiting cat. 
With that done, Seokjin grabbed his own snack and a glass of water and made his way back to bed. Grace slept soundly with the duvet pulled up to her neck, completely unaware that her boyfriend and her cat were wide awake at stupid o’clock in the morning. 
There was a loud purring from the bedroom door and it didn’t stop as Min-Ji jumped onto the bed, making his way over to Seokjin’s lap. “Nice to know you’ve warmed up to me already,” he whispered as the cat made biscuits on the duvet before turning around three times and settling down. “You can keep her company when I’m gone and I know you’ll do a good job.”
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“It’s time I met my twin,” Yoongi commented as the cat stretched across the dance practice floor, completely unaware of the chaos that was happening as BTS practiced for their Busan concert and staff wandered around. 
“Your twin,” Grace scoffed with a laugh as she closed up the crate. It wasn’t often she brought Min-Ji out of her apartment or out of her parents sight but on a rare day that even the staff wanted to meet said animal, she couldn’t say no. 
Yoongi squatted down and clicked his fingers, full on gummy smile as the cat wandered over to nudge at the offered fingers. “I guess he can tell when there’s another cat in the room,” Grace commented as she left them to it, wandering over to where the staff where calling her to discuss her clothes for the performance. 
The other cat in question said nothing as he sat fully down on the floor and smoothed down the white fur, grinning like an idiot as the cat purred underneath his fingers. While Yoongi cared more for dogs, his own was testament to that, it didn’t stop him from gushing over the fur baby of Grace’s. 
Of course, the cat abandoned him for one of their managers who offered a couple of treats but throughout the day, Yoongi wandered around to pick up the completely unbothered feline so he could take a quick selfie to later upload on Instagram after Grace did. And from that day, Min-Ji became a favourite of Yoongi’s and vice versa as they were often seen chilling out together, sometimes fast asleep in Yoongi’s studio with the cat spread across the rapper’s lap as he tinkered with his music.
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He wasn’t a coward, he really wasn’t but he had to admit the cat had an intimidating stare. The yellowy-green eyes followed him as Hobi moved around Grace’s apartment, waiting for the woman in question to come out of the bedroom. 
They had plans to go for dinner, just the two of them, to catch up on everything even if they had only seen each other three days ago. It wasn’t often that Hobi could spend time with his other sister, on her own, without the interruption of Seokjin or Jungkook but now there was other competition for Grace’s attention. 
In the form of a large white cat with sticky up ears and large paws, looking like he was going to bite him any minute. 
“You can pet him you know, he’s very friendly,” Grace commented as she walked out of the bedroom with the bag she couldn’t find.
“He looks like he’s going to bite my nose off,” Hobi muttered as he stood well away from the cat who was spread across the back of the sofa, taking up most of the space. 
“He really isn’t, he’s just figuring you out,” Grace laughed while taking hold of the scaredy cat’s hand and bringing it over to Min-Ji, running it over the cat’s head and down. Of course, as expected, Min-Ji started purring and Hobi felt himself sag in relief. 
“Just wait till he spreads himself across your shoulders, that’s fun. He’s only done it with me and Jungkook once, but he likes to do it on Seokjin’s shoulders. It’s funny watching the two move around, especially in the kitchen. Looks like a scarf,” Grace’s voice came from the cupboard where she was grabbing her coat.
“I don’t think I’m ready for that.”
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He felt honoured, he really did. 
It wasn’t often his sister left him in charge of something but with meetings all day and the numbers of members slowly dwindling, Grace had left him in charge of her only pet (and it wasn’t Yoongi). Min-Ji had arrived in his crate with food, a collar and a leash which meant Namjoon could give him a walk around their apartment compound. 
His family always had dogs so looking after a cat was completely different, especially one so independent and indifferent but loveable with everyone. He had become a fan favourite, slowly taking over Bam’s spot as the second favourite pet of BTS with Yeontan still in first place. Holly never stood a chance. 
Namjoon let the cat wander where he wanted and tried not to have a heart attack when he jumped up onto a tall wall, pausing to be nosy then used Namjoon’s shoulders to get down. He was not going to let anything happen on his watch. 
When Min-Ji finally had enough, the two of them wandered back to Namjoon’s apartment where he unclipped the leash and let the cat have a wander around. It had been an hour when Namjoon went to look for him, finding the animal spread across the pillows on the bed, fast asleep.
“This was the easiest babysitting job ever,” Namjoon later grinned as Grace came to collect her pet.
“You won’t be saying that when he coughs up a fur ball.”
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In preparation for a visit to his favourite sister, Jimin had made sure he had taken his allergy tablets and slipped a mask over his face, knowing full well the hairy monster was probably going to give him an allergic reaction anyway. 
But he didn’t care, he wanted to meet the new addition to the family since he wasn’t going to get nieces or nephews anytime soon. Min-Ji would just be the replacement for a baby which would later be proven true by all Bangtan members. 
The cat was only a year old but wise and weary of everything as he watched from his bed, looking at the new person who had invaded his space. “He takes awhile to warm up to anyone,” Grace sighed as she made Jimin a drink. “Jin got a scratch across his knuckles for his trouble and my parents have replaced two pairs of shoes but Min-Ji is getting better.”
Jimin didn’t care, however, as he made his way over to the cat bed to hold out a couple of fingers. They were sniffed cautiously and nothing happened for a good minute but then Min-Ji sat up and stretched, nudging his body into Jimin’s hand.
Well that was it.
Grace came from the kitchen to find the two on the couch, Min-Ji in Jimin’s lap and Jimin looking utterly delighted. “Ah well okay, I guess he has favourites,” Grace grumbled as she handed the mochi the drink and sat down next to him.
“What can I say noona, everyone likes me.”
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No one could compare to Yeontan. 
No one.
Yet Min-Ji was becoming a contender and Taehyung had heart eyes the moment he noticed the cat in the BTS common area in HYBE. He watched as staff members, even Hitman Bang, fawn over the chilled cat who watched the world go by without a care. 
“He doesn’t give a shit,” Seokjin had commented in passing on his way to the studio, leaving some water behind. 
“He just lays there and watches everyone,” Namjoon then commented, pausing to give the cat a cuddle on the way to a meeting. All the while Taehyung sat there and watched. He made no move, knowing from experience that any animal could be unpredictable. 
After awhile, Taehyung noticed the cat move and made his way over to the silent boy. He didn’t dare breath or move a muscle, watching as the animal got closer and closer until it was curled up into a ball in Tae’s lap.
“Yessss,” he whispered quietly as he pumped his fists into the air. 
He didn’t care that he had to go and do his schedules in half an hour. For now, he was Min-Ji’s pillow and that’s all he cared about. 
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“ARMY, I’ve got babysitting duties,” Jungkook admitted to his camera. “No, it’s not a baby. Noona is away for a night with a schedule and I promised I would look after a certain someone as obviously Jin-hyung is in the military.”
He disappeared for a moment but came back with a grumpy-looking cat, who had clearly been woken up seeing as it was three in the morning. “Have you all met Min-Ji? No? Well, Min-Ji meet ARMY. ARMY meet Min-Ji. This is Grace Noona’s cat, who she posted about last year.”
Even though he had been clearly woken up, the bright light from the camera interested him and ARMY watched as the large cat leaned forward to sniff the camera then the light then the screen then Jungkook.
“He’s pretty chill, he only meows when he wants food or he needs to go out. I took him on a walk around the compound and he just walks where he wants to,” Jungkook grinned as the cat decided the best place was Jungkook’s shoulders. “I’m his favourite, after noona. He likes Jin-hyung but not too much. Everyone else has met him and he’s become a bit of a feature down at the studios.”
Jungkook paused to watch the comments, one hand coming up to scratch the sleeping cat’s chin. “I’m not sure why noona named him Min-Ji, I know it’s not after Jin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung, though everyone thought that. It’s because of his temperament or something but like I said, he’s pretty chill. Though at night, he sometimes stares from the door for no reason. So maybe there is a ghost. But for now, he’s my roommate and he’ll be going back home tomorrow so for now, say goodnight ARMY.”
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Get to Know Me
There are various things about me that I mention vaguely in ranting posts, that I know some of my followers don’t know. So I’m writing some stuff here, for people who want to know me better! 😉
I’m PiracyTheorist, for personal reasons I don’t share my real name or selfies publicly here. You can call me Nette.
Current fandoms circulating around here:
- Spy x Family (CURRENT OBSESSION) (I’m up to date with the anime but I don’t read the manga, so please no manga spoilers) (tags are "Spy x Family" and occasionally "sxf")
- Colin O’Donoghue (sporadic but massive posting whenever he graces us with new content)
- Resident Evil Village (there will be horror and graphic content, as well as spoilers for the game and its DLC Shadows of Rose) (tag will mostly be “Resident Evil” and/or “re talk”)
- Digimon Adventure (20 years after watching it as a kid I went back to it and what do you know I still love everything about my very first blorbo, Yamato Ishida, so I’m going off about it here as well) (tag is “Digimon”)
- Occasionally, other random stuff I'm into.
Personal stuff:
I’m in my late 20s, I was born in a small town in Greece. I lived on an island for six years, where I studied music teaching. I now work as a music educator in a public middle and high school.
I support all genders and sexualities and ways people choose to live their own lives.
I’m a white cis woman, an asexual, I’m probably also aromantic but I’m not sure. Due to not being interested in romantic/sexual relationships however, I don’t spend a lot of time wondering about that. I just go with the flow.
I am a certified cat person™. I have one of my own (though she lives in my parents’ house and I only see her when I visit):
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I was born with a cardiomyopathy. I’m on mild medication (by which I mean no side effects and no problems if I miss one dose) and I have some standard medical tests once or twice a year. I cannot do heavy exercise or push any limits (which, due to not being able to exercise my whole life, are low considering my young age). I am able to be independent though I'm eligible for some disability benefits. And yes, that means I’m in a high-risk group for any disease, not just covid or the flu.
I find dogs cute as well, but I prefer cats for myself.
I don’t want to have children. I like working with them as a music educator, but I don’t think I’d ever have the patience to actually be a good parent for life. Plus I have a ton of crappy genes, first and foremost of my own disease, so why spread them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I attend therapy sessions. Sometimes I talk here about my sessions, or about things I want to say in them. I tag those posts as “nette therapy” so you can filter that if you want.
I love travelling. Thanks to being a part of several choirs while studying, I’ve visited various places in Europe, and I hope to be able to visit more.
I try to tag everything, including triggers, so if there’s something you need me to tag (within reason, don’t bring fandom drama into my inbox please), don’t hesitate to ask me. I shitpost from time to time, so prepare for some silliness here and there.
I enjoy whump, that is, seeing fictional characters (mostly male - for me mostly ones played by the aforementioned Colin O’Donoghue) in pain or any kind of peril. I tag everything about that as “whump”. I understand triggers and squicks so tagged or not, if that makes you in any way uncomfortable, you can unfollow me. I appreciate people following my blog but I rarely if ever check my followers list.
Sometimes I write fanfics, though my main contributions to fandoms are gifsets and silly memes, occasionally. Killian Jones from the TV show Once Upon a Time is my biggest love, so content about him may appear here sometimes. My fanfics can be found on Tumblr [link] or on AO3 [link]. My gifsets can be found here [link].
I do not tolerate hate that’s aimed at innocent people - and that goes from hate for race, gender, sexuality etc. to hate for what fictional character each other likes. If what the other person is doing is in no negative way affecting someone else, I will not tolerate hate on my blog about them. I used be a person who judged others for what fictional characters/ships they liked, and I know now how miserable I was to act that way, and I’m trying to move on and become better.
That’s it for now :D Welcome to my blog!
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dinesendinesen9 · 2 years
hermes pochette kelly 15
Hermes Kelly Pochette For Sale Charitybuzz nor the Donor is answerable for any errors in bidding. A bidder should make sure to bid on the proper lot. The Bidder should make certain the bid price they enter is the price they are keen and able to pay. Once the hammer has fallen and Charitybuzz has introduced the winning Bidder, that Bidder is unconditionally certain to pay for that lot, even when the Bidder has made an error. This baggage include mud bag, felt protector, care card, ribbon, and field. Most just lately, the Lip Kit founder’s fans have been all over the star’s newest mirror selfie, shared via Instagram on Wednesday, March 10. In the photograph, the mother of one wears a magenta laminated trench from Canadian designer Sid Neigum over a cropped grey shirt and white flared denims. To accessorize the outfit, she went with embellished open-toed sandals and a rare mild pink Hermès Kelly mini bag that’s racking up consideration within the posts’ feedback section. #4 The interior of the Kellyis additionally fully lined in leather, with a zip pocket and pouch slots within for the modern versions. And whereas most designer luggage of at present sometimes include a canvas lining, Hermès has kept to the custom of getting its K baggage lined with leather. The colorways are designed to provide a colorblock look that mimics the arlequins of the Italian Commedia dell’arte, with splashes of bright colors that lend a stunningly unique look from every angle. Plissé is a way where a fabric, usually silk or satin, is folded and pressed into an accordion-like structure, giving additional textural elegance to an in any other case mundane look. This technique has been utilized in Hermès scarves for many years, however, this method was delivered to Hermès leather goods a number of instances, each an item meant for astute vintage fanatics. Signs of wear, mild soiling or discoloration of supplies could also be current. Charitybuzz reserves the proper to exclude any individual from the auction. A bid entered by mistake on the a half of a bidder is NOT grounds for cancellation of that bid. Each bidder is liable for his or her own account and bids. In addition, allowing access to a different who enters a bid with out your information is NOT grounds for cancellation of a bid. Crocodile and alligator skins are uncommon and costly, offering the unique patterns and polished texture. wikipedia handbags Kelly bags made of them are super luxurious and catching. The Hermès Kelly purse, inspired by icon Grace Kelly, is probably one of the most sought-after purses on the earth. Furthermore, we're typically capable of propose you exclusive and premium HorseShoe Stamp baggage. These customized made particular order bags feature distinctive mixtures of colors and leathers that can’t be present in retail. This bag, defined as “simple and perfectly made”, exists in plenty of mixtures of leathers and numerous colors. For the previous a few years, countless trend lovers who've unique taste have turn out to be the trustworthy fans of our exquisite Hermes Wallet at eye-catching kinds and exclusivity. The designer Hermes Wallet with attractive appearance and unparalleled performance will definitely allow to assist you enhance more appeal and elegance. Hermes collection is ideal reflection of glamour, elegant and trendy style, and you will be never dissatisfied once you make a purchasing from us. With so many alternative replica Hermes baggage to choose from you'll have a tough time making a choice about which replica purse or replica pockets is right for you. But at prices much decrease than the unique genuine bag you will make a selection. An Hermès Kelly’s sangles, the entrance straps, safe the bag closed and will include metallic plaques on both facet. On authentic Kelly baggage, “Hermès – Paris” should be engraved on the right-side plaque. Vintage kinds might have “Paris” beneath the brand name as a substitute of beside it. replica hermes kelly pochette The Kelly Pochette and the Mini Kelly 20 are the fashions to promote now. The demand for these have skyrocketed, particularly for the rationale that handbag market is all about mini kinds in the meanwhile. Exotics in these two fashions are very exhausting to get, which makes them even more coveted. Even when you can’t shell out hefty quantities of cash for the preferred Hermès bags, the brand provides different kinds of baggage at lower costs, with the identical level of expertise you possibly can anticipate from them. Just purchased from Hermes retailer; bag bears new 2021 interior Z Stamp. This is a completely origainal design of purse pattern. PDF doc you could download on your laptop. The wicker used for the basket is left to soak in water for a couple of days in order that it softens so that the fibers may be folded and twisted to offer the shape of the basket. The tax refund consists of the Hermes Birkin bag and other Hermes products! When you go to pay for your Hermes Birkin bag in Paris they'll ask you for your passport and then ask if you'd like the paperwork for the tax refund process. It might take you a while, but you can buy a Birkin straight from the boutique. You just can’t walk into an Hermès boutique and buy a Birkin immediately. It must be ordered, and there's a waiting listing. Each yr, Hermes changes the leather and exotic skins and you could select your favorite relying on availability. Veau means calf in French, the word after it usually means the finest way the calf skin being treated. For instance, veau swift is a gentle and sturdy calf pores and skin, veau box is coated a wonderful patina, veau epsom is a stiff calf skin having a smoother grain.
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4rainynite · 3 years
Infinity Train Headcanons
Just a bunch of Infinity Train headcanons I've come up with, I'm only doing five per character so it won't too long. I'm mainly gonna focus on the passenger characters and do the denizens later on. Majority of them have been posted on @infinity-train-headcanons already (awesome blog by the way), but whatever here we go:
The reason Tulip loves onions so much is because when her mother was pregnant she craved onions a lot. Mrs. Olsen thinks onions are okay at best, but Tulip loves them.
Tulip is fairly athletic (that explains why she could do all those stunts on the train), but prefers gaming and coding. Her classmates that are on sports teams are greatly annoyed that she won't join.
Despite Lake being gone she can still take pictures of herself on cameras or through a selfie (and sometimes see herself in water), because those are images not reflections.
Tulip would so adopt a corgi and name him “Atticus the 2nd” and put miniature crowns on him.
When Tulip goes to Oshkosh she'll based her game on her adventures on the train. Not only will it be super popular, but some of the other campers and counselors will suggest some cars because some of them were passengers as well.
After, Lake left she accidently started a revolution in the Chrome Car. In the end (in a future fanfic of mine) there will be peace and Lake and a certain group of passengers will help.
Lake won't be able to start school immediately (due to Tulip being in middle school and Jesse being in high school) , but she is able to do homeschooling. Come next school year she'll be at school with Jesse
Lake lives in the Cosay's attic. They've tried to convince her/him/them (other pronouns) to take the guest room, but Lake's cool with it. Mainly, because she/he/they gets a view of the lake she/he/ they named themselves after.
Lake is super into art! It's mainly abstract and black, but she loves it! The problem is Jesse's parents have to buy the spray paint for her.
Lake loves traveling to new places and Jesse brings her/him/them along when the swim team travels to different places.
After, the train Jesse decides to join theatre class/club. He mainly gets background or understudy parts, but he loves to sing.
Is a Chicken Choice Judy fan and gets Lake and Nate into them. Jesse and Lake theorize that Chicken Choice Judy were passengers at one point.
Jesse becomes closer with his swim team to be friends, he is currently co-captain.
Jesse really misses Alan Dracula, so, Lake got him one of those deer plushies as a gift. Jesse put glasses on it and named it Alan Dracula the Second and Cuddliest.
Jesse always picks vampire movies during movie night at the Cosay house. I believe he really likes vampires .
Grace's parents so would've sent her to boarding school after the shoplifting thing instead of just talking to her.
Grace will be the last former Apex member to leave the train due to her number still being high. In the meantime she still helps passengers lower their numbers.
There is no way Grace was the only person to form a cult on the Infinity Train. Grace's was just the longest surviving one of eight years, I won't explain why Grace's was the longest due to... cult stuff.
Grace rarely got to see her maternal grandparents, due to her mother wanting to reject her low-class upbringing. From what little memories she had, Grace misses them.
Grace regrets what she put Hazel through and wants her back, but she knows her leaving was for the best no matter how much it hurts.
I don't know why but I see Hazel as a vegetarian.
When Tuba found her she was a baby, not a baby turtle, a baby- baby.
She and Amelia will be close, but will never have a true mother - daughter relationship. I know Amelia is trying to get better, but she admitted she's not a caretaker.
She'll sing Tuba's Lullaby to comfort herself in stressful situations and whenever she feels she'll forget her.
Hazel will be adopted by Ryan and Min-Gi when she gets off the train and Tulip, Lake, Jesse, and Nate will be like siblings to her. Okay, okay, okay, I know that's a very long shot, but Hazel deserves happiness!
Was a boy scout or took a survival class, I mean how else would he know about frostbite in Le Chat Chalet Car.
Probably went to way too many funerals as a child. I'm going by what he said to Hazel about neighbors brining casseroles.
Simon would get into fights with his teachers and classmates about being right about every little thing, even as a he was a narcissist.
Simon so had a crush on Grace way before their 'awkward middle school kiss' . After, Grace's betrayal whatever feelings he had were gone.
Was a fantasy nerd and wanted to be a fantasy writer. His trilogy book would've had his character based off himself being made a king.
Ryan and his youngest brother are the only two in their family who wear glasses.
Is still on good terms with his ex-girlfriends (Disco Girl, Punk Girl, and Hippie Girl). Yeah, they broke up, but Ryan wasn't their worse ex and was nice to them. They love telling Min-Gi embarrassing dating stories.
He most likely had suicidal thoughts, once off the train he tells Min-Gi and gets help through therapy.
Despite not gaining attention during his solo gigs he did make a friend or two during his stops like the lesbian couple at the party in the Twin Tapes. Which helps spread Chicken Choice Judy's music.
Ryan is very strong despite his scrawny appearance, due to carrying equipment, changing tires, and other heavy lifting activities.
Was diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age. His parents worried this would hamper him so they would hire a tutor after school when he wasn't playing with Ryan.
Is a really good cook, but his main specialties are Korean dishes (his mother taught him) and breakfast food (working at Dumpty's Diner).
Has an artistic side, but rarely used it except for the Chicken Choice Judy t-shirt. Later on he designs the covers for CCJ's CDs.
He most likely has a bunch of older cousins. I think Mr. and Mrs. Parks had Min-Gi late, so he's the baby of the cousins.
To me Min-Gi never shown in interest in dating or romance. His parents tried to set him up a few of their co-workers' daughters, but nothing ever happened afterwards. He does love Ryan though.
I believe Amelia will get off the train, but when she does majority of her friends and family and friends will be gone and will return to the train.
Amelia will allow Hazel to play with the denizens while she works on the train. She may not be a caretaker, but she remembers being a child and children need to have fun.
I think Amelia was jealous of Min-Gi and Ryan, since the two remind her of Alrick and herself in their youth and what could've been if he lived. She dubs them 'Destiny Rubbish Duet'.
Amelia would monitor the Snow Car frequently to make sure One would never leave or any passengers interacted with him. But, the one time in thirty years she set her clock on the wrong time to wake up, allowing Tulip to find One-One.
The day Amelia picked out her wedding dress was the same day she got the news of Alrick's passing.
Well, that was a long post. I may do more in the future, so I'll just end it here.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
❌Wed 25 Nov ‘20🎫
Harry and Louis are having another competition, clearly! This time, they’re competing for which one keeps us updaters busier - Louis won today, by the way. The tickets for his livestream went up today as promised, and, like clockwork, the Veeps website went down. Sighhhh come on, guys! We WARNED you about this - PLEASE don’t have this happen on the day of! But fear not, Louis was around and tweeting the whole time, assuring fans that it would work, and everyone could get a ticket. (It took the Intern about six hours, but I finally got mine! Discourse got it in two hours, so that’s the time discrepancy on ticket purchase time). Louis expressed his surprise that site was having issues (literally howwww??? It’s been TEN YEARS!), and said, “you’re all legends! Here we goooooo” , and told fans that we “deserve it!” - it being a chance to watch him perform lmao I stan a confident king! He also promised “one or two” surprises during the concert, said of a piece of fan art “boom! That’s fucking amazing” (it really was, congrats to the artist for a phenomenal piece), confirmed that he loved all his fans, saying yes that one and also that one to various countries for a while before presumably realizing that could continue all day if he didn't draw a line, and promised a bucket hat in his next merch drop. AND! Speaking of merch! You can get a shirt with the cool backlit stage pic they used for his new socials and the veeps background that says CREW on the back and comes with a 'crew' lanyard, or a black mask (!!!) with xx smiley face! All proceeds go to his chosen charities, so go get the merch while it LASTS!
 And now for Harry’s valiant entry to today’s competition: He won best international artist at the ARIAS!!! It’s a fan voted award, and, in a rare move, he made a thank you video to the fans for voting: “...thank you to the fans who voted for me, and for the support that you’ve given me offset the last couple of years and also the years before that. So thank you so much. I hope you’re staying safe.” You too, man! Especially with how BUSY he is going to be in the next month! And now for the “people around Harry talk about him” portion of the update: Anne reminded us that Harry used to be a (Star) baker in her Grammy congrats tweet,  Molly Hawkins posted some pictures yesterday celebrating the Grammy nomination, including one behind the scenes picture in which she had fully blacked a person out. Fans were quick to wonder why she had done that and who it could have been (Louis. People were wondering if it was Louis. There were paps and fans with cameras all over that filming but I mean sure anything is possible!) And Stevie Nicks came back to, uh, suggest a Sunflower Vol 6 music video that depicts a love story between *double checks* a flower and a bee. I wish I was making that up, but there you go - hey, at least H already has the tattoos for both parts of that story! She also goes on to say that she’s happy he decided to become a rock star and eschew the pop roots that were forced upon him in One Direction (and that he's apparently being forced to continue to celebrate and honor and enjoy in his free time mhmm), and that she has the perfect role for him in a miniseries based on Rhiannon (“a magician who doesn’t want to be king”). And in that same vein,Greg Berlanti's hot footie player husband, has signed with CAA,who is producing the upcoming My Policeman. The article says that it is “starring Harry Styles and Lily James”. The last we had heard about this, they were in negotiations... is this an update or simply careless phrasing? Seems a done deal either way, so let's have that exciting announcement! Or not, we do have a lot of other excitement to keep us busy right now.
Niall is being funny on twitter again, making fun of Trump with an “I WON THE GRAMMYS” tweet which landed really well with me and so I'm excited to report it! He also says that he wasn’t snubbed by the Grammys, “I’ll make the music and it’s ok if they decide it’s not Grammy worthy this year, I’ll try my best and hopefully it happens next time or another year.” It was a show of grace, sense, and maturity, love to see it. Also, his merch is 25% off today, and it’s all super high quality, so now’s your chance to get some at, well, cheapER prices anyway. And Liam’s thirst traps are BACK: Liam posted a shirtless selfie with necklaces around his neck and a few tattoos on display, and uh, a really YOUNG looking Maya making a silly face in the background. I don’t say this a lot, but sometimes I am reminded of how she is not even twenty years old, and it is...disconcerting. The picture is captioned “Work starts in 8 hours” and I HOPE that means work on his Christmas concert, which will go really well, if Naughty List is any indication: the song has been number 1 on the Top Triller US Charts for two weeks!
(update from Discourse: there was an error in early versions of yesterday's post, apologies to anyone who saw that one-- Harry is not the first member of 1D to receive a Grammy nod, that was technically Zayn, who hit so many of those milestones first, but Harry got the first solo noms and is well positioned to become the first winner amongst them, get in Harry! )
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jaybirdsdarling · 4 years
Dick and Jason using snapchat
Possible trigger warning: mentions of firearms.
Loves the filters.
Has a stupid username similar to what middle schoolers pick, only to realize you can’t change it. (ex: graysonkid, bigdickie3, looongdick_)
You know those thirst trap pics guys take of their jawline and collarbone? Yeah he does those. Only for his s/o though.
100% does streaks. Usually early in the morning, sometimes when he’s fresh out the shower. Possible mirror selfies.
High snap score
Gym pics are a daily ritual, sometimes he’ll even grace his story with a videos of him working his legs on a machine. But that’s rare.
All of this results in people sliding up on his story constantly.
If he has an s/o, they will most definitely be featured on his story.
Cute pictures together, some with silly filters. Some are of dates, him taking a short, sweet snap of them from across the table. He loves to show off how happy their relationship is.
You’re lucky if you’ll ever see an actual selfie of his face on his story. 
He prefers to keep those to send to an s/o. (if he has one)
A somewhat generic username, it’ll play off his name. (ex: j_todd, peter04todd, toddster)
Most of his story includes the gym, mechanic work, or firearms.
Despite his attitude, he’s still insecure so he won’t post shirtless pictures like Dick will. He might take mirror selfies at the gym but his phone will block his face. If he has an s/o and they plead for it, he might even send short videos of him working out his arm muscles, but he doesn’t take selfies.
Lots of pictures of projects he’s currently working on or just finished. (Him doing mechanic work is the perfect time to sneak some pictures of him since he’s glistening in sweat and dirty)
Likes to show off any new guns or customizations. Unknowingly thirst traps when he takes a pic of him holding a handgun since you can see how big his hand is and his muscular arm.
No streaks, be grateful if he even responds to yours if you send them.
Low snap score, but he prefers the app over texting since it doesn’t save anything unless you choose to. (he’s paranoid like that)
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pnk-wasteland · 3 years
Screenshot: Adrienette that’s borderline crack in the best way (Teen&up)
It was a nightmare. He hadn’t meant to leave his phone unattended, Alya had asked him a question and when he put his phone down to give her his full attention, Nino had picked it up to check the time and instead was greeted with a private Instagram account Adrien had created with the specific purpose to lurk in peace.
“No way, dude. Do you just stalk a bunch of Ladybug look alikes in your spare time?”
Adrien gaped, too horrified to process his world falling apart around him.
“Wow, look at this one, she looks almost exactly like ladybug!”
“Let me see!” Alya sounded too eager.
He’d never admit it, but there were more than just a few girls on his private Instagram that looked “exactly like” ladybug. And no, it wasn’t just a uncanny accident.
But the account his friend happened to stumble on was his favorite, a well off Russian Instagram model who’s handle was Steelix.
She could pass for a perfect Ladybug, if not for her brown eyes. She was perfect in almost every way, and posted great *ahem* material. Ladybug was the fantasy girl of his dreams and anybody that looked liked her was at risk of being followed and stalked by his private finsta page.
His private page he was privately ashamed of.
That his best friend was now holding up to show his own girlfriend, and the girl Adrien quietly, sort-of had a crush on. This really was his worst nightmare. He tried to snatch the phone from Nino but to no avail. “It’s just some girl. I like her photography.”
“Yeah sure that’s why you liked all her recent pictures and wrote in the comments ‘omg’ with a heart face, a drooling face, and two fire emojis.”
Adrien was red in the face, his mouth gone completely dry not knowing what to say.
“Wow Adrien, these are the kind of girls you like?” Alya asked.
Adrien glanced toward Marinette, and the look on her face was perfectly surprised. Ironically, her face was one of the ones he lives to see grace the screen of his dirty private Insta. Marinette had great Ladybug features right down to the freckles on her nose. The only bad thing was Marinette rarely posted any selfies at all, and although her account was an interesting documentary of her handmade fashions, it did not serve the dirty purpose his fake account had followed her for.
“So what?” He finally grabbed the phone from Nino and was getting back some of his composure, although his face was still deeply flushed.
“Oh no reason.” Alya’s smile was wicked, and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
——__ __——__ __
Marinette ponders what she just witnessed while Alya blabs in her ear. She wasn’t holding the phone, but it sure looked like he was following a lot of slim girls with shoulder length black hair. If she didn’t know any better she would think he would have a type... And he certainly did nothing to dissuade that idea. He turned beet red and made some dumb excuse about photography. And that girl.. the one whose photo he had commented on, Marinette knew her. Well, she had previously followed her. Steelix has such a similar face structure to her own that she had been a phenomenal teacher of makeup to Marinette. She knew all the right things to use and what products would work on her just by watching what Steelix recommended. She had loved following her for her beauty content, but when her account started becoming more of a travel diary with pictures of her on island beaches in bikinis with inspirational quotes covering the captions, Marinette had to find other places to search for helpful information.
All of these thoughts were making her wonder about Adrien, and the things she had neglected to notice about him.
“If Adrien likes shorter, dark haired girls than why doesn’t he comment on my selfies like that?”
“Umm interrupt me, much?”
Oops, she didn’t mean to say that outloud.
“But maybe because you never post any, especially not to insta.”
Marinette thought about this. It was true she used her IG story to post updates on her Latest creations, and her grid was very much like a well thought out catalog. She was very proud of that page, but it was definitely not the place where she’d be posting cute sundress selfies.
“I use my Snapchat for personal stuff like that.”
“Exactly. And I bet you haven’t even given Adrian your snap.”
Marinette frowned, stealing a glance at the boys table. “No, I guess I haven’t.”
“Well what are you doing sitting here talking to me for? Go get his snap and start using it for evil!”
---_ _ _---_ _ _---
“Hey Adrian! Wait up!”
Adrian was more nervous than he should have been when his friend approached, but he kept the feeling off his face. “Hey Marinette! What’s up?”
She stopped right in front of him, “I was just thinking about earlier, how you have a private instagram account.”
Adrians stomach dropped. Had she figured him out? Did she know he was using her and girls that looked like her to quiet his drowning ache for Ladybug? He was so ashamed of himself. He was weak, so desperately weak.
“And it just got me thinking that I’ve known you so long and we don’t even have each others snaps.”
“I’m so- wait, what?”
“Snapchat. We don’t even have eachother added. So, want to be friends?” Marinette held out her phone, snap code ready for him to scan, her happy little pigtailed Bitmoji smiling up at him.
Something warm ticked his belly. “Yeah, definitely.” He pulled out his phone and added her to his seldom used snap account.
——__ __——__ __
He has to add her on his old account, the one with the list of contacts from kids that once gave him their number. There really isn’t that many.
Adrien finds out quickly that Marinette posts her selfies on snap, and keeps her instagram clean and more professional. Very smart for a girl who is looking to go to college next fall. He clicks on her daily story; a picture of her in her bedroom mirror, a picture of fresh croissants and danish, a picture of Alya, Rose and some other girls at her lunch table, and then finally a selfie. A picture taken from straight above, she was lying down in her bed, light pink and white pajamas that looked like they may have a ribbed texture to them. He could see the edge of the selfie stick she was using to get such a wide angle, the idea that she had planned this sleepy in bed photo turned him on more than he could have ever dreamed. He could see the tops of her exposed thighs where her matching pj shorts abruptly ended. Her lean, exposed belly led up to the cropped short sleeve tshirt, that was so on-trend and so Marinette that he had no doubt she’d made it for herself.
Best of all, her blue eyes stared right back at him through the camera and her lips were puckered just right.
It was as he was getting himself all worked up thinking about the blue of her gaze, easing his own back down her body when he realized something else; she wasn’t wearing a bra. And the way she had arched her back to show off the muscles of her stomach only made it more obvious; and Adrian couldn’t believe he didn’t notice them before. Tiny peaks hidden behind soft pink fabric. He was going to lose his mind.
His heart was beating faster and he swallowed back guilt as he unzipped his pants. Her body was amazing, and he was insanely greatful she left this on infinite. He worked himself till climax thinking about what her nipples must look like beneath that thin pajama top, and what it might feel like to taste them. He kept working himself, more gently, thinking about that face, those lips and those eyes and how bad he wanted her to swallow him. Who? Marinette or Ladybug? Honestly in that moment he didn’t feel like he was using her pictures as a ladybug substitute. He cleaned off his phone and thought seriously if he should use his tablet to take a picture of the screen just so Marinette wouldn’t know he screenshoted her. Another, dirtier part of him wants her to know. Wants to comment on her pictures like he’s some random thirsty nobody. Tell her how she makes him sweat, how he can’t get enough. He wants to use his private page to stalk her, too.
Damn sometimes the lines get too confusing.
He sits there, weighing his options. This picture was too good for him to let go. But he didn’t want to look like he was chasing after Marinette’s thirst traps when he knew he was still just a dirty pervert for Ladybug. Adrien felt like screen recording would be even more creepy than a screenshot, and almost made him feel like he was coping out, being a chump. But if he did screenshot her what would Marinette say? Would she ignore it? Would he be sad if she did?
Adrien shook off his intrusive thoughts and screenshotted his new favorite photo. And for good measure; and maybe so he could feel like he was making a move instead of just drooling over his classmate; he sent “wow” with an emoji it took him way too long to choose. Stuck between the drooling or hot emoji he finally got fed up with himself tapped his screen and sent it off without letting himself immediately get anxious. He made a decision, over analyzing himself won’t help anything. Now he just had to wait for Marinette to respond.
And then he could freak out again.
A/N: a work in progress, can someone help me come up with their snap handles? I don’t like the ones I have right now. Adriens is supposed to read as (BeAgreste= be•our•guest). I dunno! I’m not good with puns it’s the best I could do! Please help me!
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
Fever Dreams
Summary: Castiel caught a bad chest cold and Sam stayed behind to look after him.
Just some soft times with these two, because I don't give them enough time together.
The Flare 'Verse, if you're not familiar with it, started Here and continued Here. Basically, Cas is human because Naomi burned his grace out in a ritual to elevate herself to a higher level. It's left him with scars and chronic pain, and the Winchesters are doing their best to take care of him. I'm still working on the first chronological story, but this one grabbed me and wouldn't let go.
Sam looked up from his book as the blankets on the bed rustled. He waited for a few seconds until the figure in the bed shifted around again, then set his book aside and gently pulled the blankets down enough to reveal Cas's tousled hair and pinched face.
He rested the back of his hand on the ex-angel's forehead, frowning a little at the temperature, then carded his fingers through the dark hair until he reached Cas's neck. The muscles there were tight, and Sam gently rubbed his thumb back and forth while he half-sat on the bed to be closer.
“Just a dream, Cas,” he murmured. “You're home safe. Just a dream.” It was just the two of them in the bunker at the moment—Dean was on a case, Eileen was meeting up with some old friends, and Jack was still trying to find something to help Cas's condition.
A sympathetic smile crept across his face when Cas's eyes cracked open, only to turn to a grimace of concern when the dark-haired man started coughing.
“Up you get, come on.” He slid one arm behind Cas's shoulders and gently pulled the other man up, then fumbled for the box of tissues to pass a handful to Cas.
The ex-angel might have muttered his thanks, but the tissues were pressed against his mouth as he leaned against Sam and coughed. Sam winced in sympathy and gently rubbed his friend's back, careful to avoid the sensitive scars left by Naomi's ritual.
“Ready to eat something?”
Cas shook his head and just leaned his weight against Sam. They didn't know if it was because of the way his grace had been burned out of him or just a consequence of taking human form, but Cas had trouble maintaining his body temperature now. He usually ended up curled up against the closest warm thing, whether that be a heating pad or a Winchester.
“C'mon, Cas,” Sam pleaded. “If you don't eat something Dean will never leave us alone again. He texted a dozen times while you were asleep, I'm surprised he didn't ask for a picture so he could make sure I was tucking you in the right way.”
That earned him a snort of laughter, and Sam gently pushed himself off the bed and started to lay Cas back down. “I'll bring you something, okay?”
“Wait,” Cas, voice still crackling with congestion, caught Sam's sleeve in one hand. “Not here.”
Sam raised his eyebrows high enough that he felt his hairline shift. “You need to rest, Cas. This is the best place for that.”
Cas shifted uncomfortably and stared up at Sam, somehow managing to look far too pathetic, even for a chronically ill ex-angel with a chest cold. “I need to move. I feel...confined.”
He understood that, a little. Dean could be a mother hen sometimes, and a chest cold rarely needed strict bedrest. Besides, the TV room had a deep, comfortable couch now, and Cas could rest there.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Sam offered as he helped tug the blankets away from Cas's legs. “We've still got the rest of that documentary series on deep-sea plant and animal life.”
They'd been actually really fun to watch together. When he'd been an angel, Cas had liked to venture to the depths of the ocean to study the patterns of life there, and there had been a few times he'd actually recognized the filming locations from personal experience. Sam had also ordered another set of documentaries on the ancient world, but that was mostly so Cas could point out the errors and explain everything the archaeologists were getting wrong. It was one of the things Dean rolled his eyes about and called them nerds, but they were all secretly pleased to see Cas's enthusiasm after those first long months of pain.
Sam started to hook his arm under Cas's legs to carry him out of the room, but the ex-angel waved him off and scooted to the edge of the bed on his own. So Sam stood back and held his arm out, bent at the elbow, so Cas could use it to pull himself to his feet and steady himself to walk.
“How is Dean?” Cas asked as they shuffled down the hall.
“He's pretending to be mad it's the library that's haunted and not the gym,” Sam said with a shake of his head. Dean took it personally when kids were in danger, and word of a poltergeist at a middle school had him out the door in less than an hour. “I think he's more relieved it's a spirit and not a psychic phenomenon.”
“And no one's around for his Ghostbusters references,” Cas added blandly.
Sam had to laugh. “Those too. 'Imagine, Sammy, a ghost in a library and it's not even an old lady',” he said, pitching his voice a little lower to imitate his brother.
“'He slimed me',” Cas whined, though it dissolved into a cough and they had to pause while the ex-angel caught his breath. “'They're here' might be more appropriate.”
“He's got to stop making you watch those movies,” Sam shook his head as they squeezed through the door to the TV room (not Dean Cave. Never calling it that). “This whole 'Hunting 101', it's not how it works. Real hunting isn't anything like that.”
Cas didn't answer until he was settled on one side of the u-shaped couch, sitting up in one corner so he was facing the TV with his legs stretched out along one leg of the couch.
“Isn't that what makes it entertaining?” he finally asked, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders and leaning back into the cushions.
Sam bit back his first reaction. This was Cas. Cas had been an angel for millennia before his grace had been torn out of him and left him with this frail mortal body. As much as his friend might seem innocent or naive at times, he still knew how to separate fact from fiction. “Sorry.”
“Just don't let Jack see them,” Cas continued, and Sam had to laugh at that. God...or demi-god? Elevated nephilim? Something more? Anyway, powerful though Jack might be, Sam wasn't sure he could ever see him as more than that wide-eyed kid who just wanted his father.
“I'll be right back,” he promised, patting Cas on the shoulder. There would be cream of chicken soup and apple slices in the fridge, and that would be enough to satisfy Dean the next time his older brother checked in.
They were forty-five minutes into a documentary about the Great Barrier Reef when Sam noticed Cas was shifting uncomfortably in his place on the couch.
“Cas?” Sam paused the movie and half-turned on the couch to study his friend. “You okay? Need to go back to bed?” He was sitting beside him, close enough to touch if Cas needed help, but did his best to make sure his friend didn't feel too crowded.
Cas shook his head, but Sam could still tell something was wrong. He had drank the entire mug of soup and eaten almost all of the apple slices Sam had brought, so he probably wasn't hungry. He wasn't due for more cold medicine for over an hour. “Do you need to use the bathroom?”
There was a heavy sigh, then Cas slumped against the couch. “It's cold.”
Cold. They'd learned to hate that word. If Cas got too cold he could have one of those awful flares of pain, and end up curled up and miserable for hours. They tried to head it off by tucking him back in bed with hot water bottles and heating pads, but he'd actually been enjoying sitting on the couch to watch a movie so Sam was reluctant to pack him away in his isolated bedroom.
“Hang on, here.” Sam scooted closer and tugged Cas's blanket free. He slid one arm behind his friend's back and tucked Cas in close against him before spreading the blanket back over the two of them. “One Winchester heating pad, at your service.”
“Hey, I have body heat to spare,” Sam teased. “Come on.”
Cas was still reluctant. “You might get sick.”
“I might get it anyway,” he replied. “Colds get passed around, Cas, that's the truth of it.”
There were a few more seconds of hesitation, then Cas practically melted against him. They spent a few moments rearranging themselves on the couch, ending up with Sam propping one foot on the side of the couch next to Cas's legs with his arm around Cas's shoulders, and Cas leaning his head on Sam's shoulder until his hair almost brushed the tall hunter's neck.
“This isn't personal space?” Cas asked. He probably didn't mean to sound so pathetic, it was just the cold making his voice croak like that.
“I don't have personal space,” Sam joked. “You think I could live in the car with Dean for so long if I did?”
Cas seemed to consider that, then nodded and seemed to relax even further against Sam. “He's very sensitive about such things,” he murmured sleepily.
“What's that?”
In answer, Cas mumbled something into Sam's collarbone. Sam glanced down, grinning when he realized Cas had fallen asleep almost as soon as they'd gotten re-settled. He left the documentary paused and reached for his book, figuring it was time to get a few more chapters in.
His phone buzzed on the couch beside him and he picked it up, seeing yet another text from Dean.
“Hey, Dean wants to know how you're feeling,” he whispered to Cas.
Cas grunted, face still buried in Sam's shoulder. “Sie koennen hier nicht Baseball spielen.”
Sam bit back a snort of laughter. “No baseball,” he agreed. Cas talking in other languages in his sleep was nothing new, though at least it was German this time and Sam could almost understand him. He texted back that Cas had eaten and was sleeping, then after another moment's thought held the camera out and took a selfie.
He looked the picture over with a smile before sending it off to Dean. In it Sam was leaning back against the couch with a big grin on his face, and Cas had his face squashed into Sam's shoulder, already sleeping so hard he was practically drooling.
Setting the phone face-down on the couch, he picked his book back up and ignored the repeated vibrations of his brother's reply messages. Cas was all right, Dean needed to focus on his case, and he really wanted to get through another chapter or two before he had to wake Cas for his next dose of medicine.
“No baseball,” he repeated, squeezing Cas's shoulders in a sideways hug. “Just get some rest.”
End notes:
The first two quotations Sam and Cas say are from the first Ghostbusters movie, and the second one Cas says is from the Poltergeist movie.
“Sie koennen hier nicht Baseball spielen.” - rough German translation of "You can't play baseball here". I used an online translator, so I apologize if it's incorrect. It's not a line from anything, I just wanted some random dream-talk. (Now corrected thanks to the lovely @slipper007! I couldn't do accents in my word processor, so thanks for the alternate spelling! I'll remember that!)
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For birthday boy and because I love your answers for this ask meme! Can I request 💚💌💗💞🎉 for Kalim? Thank youuuu!!!
Kalim Al-Asim: 
💚 What’s their type?
Kalim doesn’t have a specific type as he has a way of weaseling himself into just about anyone's heart, and there’s rarely a person he can’t get along with, even if the other person might disagree on their friendship status. He can find himself falling for just about anybody as long as they’re not a totally evil person with zero redeeming qualities in them. He supposed he’d like someone who was a good balance to his own personality, able to tell him relax when he needed to and who could offer him good advice when faced with certain problems he has no clue how to handle. 
💞 How do you win their heart?
Spend time with him, get to know him, his country, the people he cares about on a deeper level. He likes to be appreciated and show off his culture to anyone who’s willing to listen so you could easily use that as an in, listening diligently as he explains everything he possibly can about his home country; showing an interest in him and actively showing you want to be close to him makes Kalim feel appreciated and wanted. 
💗 How do they show affection?
Kalim is both physically and verbally affectionate, gushing about you any time someone gives him the chance to; just mentioning you in conversation is enough to send him off on a tirade, hearts floating around his head as a smile so wide it must hurt his cheeks graces his features and he talks until Jamil slaps a hand over his mouth. Physically, Kalim likes resting his head on your shoulder while you’re standing near or simply leaning against you, often hooking his arm with yours when you’re given a task to handle and saying he’ll escort you to the destination. 
💌 Do they send loving/cutesy texts to their s/o?
‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you :(’ texts are almost all you get from Kalim as if he has any freetime, he’s most likely spending it with you anyway. You’ll sometimes scold him as he takes time during class to message you how bored he is and how he wished you had the class together, sending you cute pictures or bored selfies while giggling to himself; he’s gotten himself in trouble for it more than once but you always appreciate the fact he’s thinking about you. 
🎉 Are they a fan of nicknames? Do they prefer cutesy, traditional or silly ones?
Kalim likes calling you his desert rose or his sunflower, preferring cutesy and sweet ones though he’ll only use a choice few when you’re out in public together. He loves saying your name just as much as your nickname as he feels it’s a special thing and from time to time he prefers you call him ‘Kalim’ rather than any other nickname, just as an extra reminder that your words were meant for him and only him. 
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anarcho-smarmyism · 3 years
open letter to fenrir wolf: plague edition
Wolf, if you can hear this, it’s 2021, and it’s a plague this time around. my first letter was supposed to be an offering, not a goddamn invitation.
I remember the weekend before quarantine began, dancing (badly) with my Freyan friend at a pub last saint patrick’s day, the band joking about the elephant in the room, saying that everything was fine, they were all the way up on the stage, they wouldn’t get anyone sick. I had been thinking about the previous saint patrick’s day, but even then, even through my drunken haze and bitter memories, I thought I could hear a note of desperation in the singer’s voice; I remember the tremble of quiet dread. I told myself to stop being paranoid. everything’s always a false alarm, until one day it isn’t. this saint patrick’s day, against my better judgement, I went to a bar alone because I’d just bought a red dress, and honestly, because I needed to be away from my in-law’s house for a little while longer. I sat down and took off my mask once I’d entered one of the few places you’re allowed to irresponsibly have your mask off in, and it feels weirdly intimate to let people see my face in public by now; back when all I had was a black bandanna, I used to pretend I was an Old West outlaw, and wonder if I’ll ever grow out of pretending to be a cowboy from the movies…or if I I’d have the opportunity to. I had a couple beers, wondered for a few stupid moments why everyone was wearing green and shamrocks, and made idle small talk with the bartender while I stared blankly ahead and wondered how it could be a whole year, and also how it could be only one year, and how it is that all the world’s people let the rich and powerful shovel us by the millions into our graves.
when it started, they told us not to buy masks. everyone was panic buying everything else, and they wanted to make sure they didn’t run out for hospital workers and such. i was able to get some bandanas for me and Tyr’s kid before they ran out, while the TV was still discouraging us from buying them if they mentioned it at all, not to mention the current president’s rabid followers screaming at you in public for defying their leader’s lies that the virus is a hoax and the mass graves in italy and new york are fake news. he rolled his eyes at me at the time, but now the party line is that everyone ought to be wearing two masks if you can. no one seems to remember stuff like this; but then why should they, when the news is showing the last head of state’s supporters storming the capitol? panic buttons had been ripped out; someone refused to call the national guard over and over again, while the racist mob built a noose outside, breached the perimeter, and went looking for politicians to kill because they weren’t going to let their god-emperor stay in power. for aspiring revolutionaries, i must say they weren’t very ambitious; they killed a cop and got shot just to do nothing but take selfies once they got in and found no one inside to kill; they even walked obediently in line between the little velvet ropes on their way in. the only saving grace is that, since their god-emperor has spent 8 months telling them anyone who wears a mask is a pussy and a communist, they all left their hoods at home and many were identified. reports of off-duty cops being among the attackers trailed in. I worked customer service for 9 hours wondering if I was wasting precious time I’d need to look into getting a passport.
it almost worked, Wolf. Just like the nukes almost flew in the 80’s and the climate change is almost certainly going to reach the point of no return within a decade. how many almosts do we have left? Will we keep going from reckoning to reckoning of our own design, playing chicken with nature instead of trying to throw off these shackles and just live, until one day our luck runs out? I suppose that always was the plan on some scale, but I hoped we’d at least get to walk on another planet first. How can this be the end of history, with that great ineffable blanket of stars above us that we haven’t yet explored?
It was only a month or so ago that a blizzard hit Texas -not just where I used to live, where blizzards are rare but fierce and we build our houses to withstand them, but deeper south where a light dusting would make local news for weeks. the strain was too much for the grid; the politicians had made sure the state’s not connected to the rest of the nation’s infrastructure, so entire cities lost power…the poor parts of the cities, anyways. people were circulating infographics on how to resist hypothermia along with pictures of icicles forming on ceilings of their apartment buildings. then the stories started pouring in. children found huddled in their trailers around their younger siblings to try and keep them warm, dead of hypothermia. old ladies’ frozen bodies found by family who’d seen her alive and well mere days ago. families trapped in their houses, built to stay cool in the brutal desert heat, buried by the snow and unable to eat, stay warm, dig their way out, or call for help. some politician lost his job for telling people to stop asking for help because “the strong will survive”. the masters of our world, the ones that stand smugly guarding the gateways from this world to a better one and slaughtering all who approach, really think that surviving because you’re rich and powerful, because you struggle so little that life itself is something you take for granted, is the same thing as survival of the fittest. i saw my peers laughing and saying Texans deserved it for voting the wrong way, and I think something broke inside me, because when that rage erupted from that ugly hidden place that is always burning my hands shook and I wanted to howl until my throat started to bleed and I could’ve summoned you with all the hate that came over me, and who’s to say I didn’t, the way things are going? and this is the new normal, for the rest of my life if not for the rest of our species’. we are guaranteed so little time, and yet we throw it over our shoulders with both hands so we can make the numbers on our ATM screen go up. i feel like i would do anything to guarantee the survival of my species, but I can’t deny some part of me believes we deserve this.
because if this is really it, Wolf, people will blame you, but we are the ones who built this world. I wont bore you with more politics, but the scientists knew how to prevent the worst of it from day one. all we had to do was shut down industry for a few months -and oh, how I remember thinking I could almost hear you laughing as I watched them talk about it on TV as though they might actually try and save us, knowing deep in my bones that the movers and shakers of our species consider it no contest at all, between sacrificing billions in profits and millions of lives. they may be lying bastards, but their devotion to greed is as eternal and sincere as was your promise to make the ones who bound you pay -and they have no qualms about paying the same abominable price. My anger is making me reckless, and I know it, and I know that they always say you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you -and maybe it’s true, but it’s also true that they’re only feeding us at all because they know hungry people may swallow them whole. how can I blame the plague or the storms or the riots for our doom, when the extent of the death they’re causing are only the consequences of human actions? how can I hold my livid need to get back at the bastards with my duty to my own humanity in the same body, when they crash against each other like two asteroids headed in opposite directions?
we just heard that vaccines are available in our state, right when I was halfway through writing this. I’m sure it’ll be weeks until we can breathe without fear, Wolf, and even then, the storms and the riots, the coming famines and wars, means that reprieve will be small and bitter and filled with irony and dread. I’ll be sure to give you some raw meat and take a shot of that godawful whiskey so you can laugh at the face I make. sometimes I wonder if you’d be on my side, help me and my friends break their haughty power, reclaim the world, and start rebuilding the forests we squandered in our ignorance and greed, were you given the opportunity. I’d like to think so, and it seems like the kind of thing you’d be into -but then, we’ll never know, will we? Despite all I’ve said, I still hold out stubborn faith that one day humanity will learn that so long as one of us is imprisoned, none of us are truly free. We're not like you, so you'll have to take my word for it: humans need mercy like wolves need to hunt. Just because we can technically stay alive in these chains that force us to forget that the humans' only true strength was always only their cooperation with each other, doesn't mean it's good for us to live this way. If we can learn that we are strong enough if we stand together, we can take them down before they take us and countless other species down with them. People have been certain the world would end before; and they’ve all been wrong so far. perhaps it’ll take more than this to kill us.
-but that’s the thing, isn’t it? more is coming. it always has been.
But I really, really want to thank you for dancing 'til the end You found a way to break out You're not afraid to break out
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stardustintheabyss · 4 years
“I’ve seen you before”
Oikawa x fem!reader
Sum: Taking a deep breath, letting down your guard, getting out of your comfort zone. Opening the wall you built around your heart a long time ago.
You let Oikawa Tooru in.
But was it a mistake?
Warnings: swearing because I have no r e s t r a i n t. Insecurity, bullying. Oikawa being a dumbass. Angst and fluff. Small spoiler at the end.
Word count: A lot, it’s....it’s long. My stupid tablet doesn't have word count capabilities
A/n: this is based on a dream I had. How dare the dream gods give me oikawa and not my husbando(s) tendou(kirishima) 😩 and I write to get scenarios out of my head before they drive me insane
Well at least he's pretty
ok I 💫may💫 have fallen a little while writing this
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It had been a long weekend of practice and homework for Oikawa. So what better way to zoneout and relax before bed on Sunday night then scroll through his instagram feed.
He'd been scrolling through random sunset photos when he suddenly saw your face in the 'suggested for you' section. Your picture was of you with what he assumed was your cat perched on your shoulder. It was cute. You were cute.
And you did look familiar. Yes, he has seen you before. He's seen you at school. You're always by yourself, reading a book or on your phone sitting on a bench by the front gates.
He tapped on your photo. He started looking through your posts. Landscapes, food, your cute cat, flowers, sunsets, your family. Is what you mostly posted.
Then he came across the rare selfie.
He was wrong. You weren't just cute.
You were breathtakingly beautiful.
How had he not seen that at school?
You were looking off to the side, a small shy smile on your lips. Sunlight and cherry blossom petals in your wild wind blown hair.
He saw that you were online.
He wanted to talk to you and he didn't have the patience to wait until tomorrow at school.
Hey I've seen you before. You go to Aoba Johsai right?
A message popped up on your phone. One from Aoba Johsai's resident pretty boy and captain of the volleyball club. Oikawa Tooru. What the fuck? You weren't one of his pathetic fan girls that fawned all over him. You never cared for the drama that followed the popular crowd. And in all honestly he kind of repulsed you because of the way he let his ego be stroked. You saw him as a pompous ass. You've never shown any kind of interest in the setter. So why was he messaging you of all people? But curiosity got the better of you and you wrote back. Not like he's gonna talk to you at school anyway. He's popular and you're a loner. Two different worlds.
You know that sounds creepy right? But yes.
I'm just trying to be friendly 😔
I've seen that you sit mostly by yourself and thought you could use a friend 😁
You snorted. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought. Still, you didn't want to be too friendly towards him.
I don't care for hs drama but thanks for your chivalry ig 🙄
At this moment your college aged sister begged you to help with one of her cosmetology classes that's due tomorrow. Eyelash extensions. You don't wear makeup but she's your sister and she's giving you puppy dog eyes. You sighed, "Fine." Forgetting to exit out of your messages, you set your phone down, ready to be put through hell.
"Thanks sis! Okay I just need you to lay down and relax." While she got to work the messages on your phone went unnoticed by you.
I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, promise 😅
You there?
I'm REALLY sorry!
It's rude to leave people on read yk
Please ?
Oikawa was panicking. He didn't mean to piss you off...and now he might have lost his chance to be your friend...or more maybe?
Trying to face time couldn't hurt right?
It just rang. And rang. And rang.
You didn't pick up.
Please. Y/n I'm truly sorry. Sometimes my mouth gets the better of me and I don't think about what I say. I just meant I'd like to be your friend. If you'd let me?
"All finished, babe." Your sister said. "You're looking gorgeous! If I do say so myself." She took a quick after picture for her class.
You grimaced. You never thought of yourself as pretty let alone gorgeous. "Thanks, I guess. Not one to toot your own horn, huh?"
She just rolled her eyes. " Your phone has been pinging like crazy by the way." Wiggling her eyebrows, "Talking to a boy? My baby sis, all grown up."
"W-what?" You stuttered, picking up your phone. 8 messages and 1 face time call. All from the setter captain. It must be your imagination because in the last message he sounded...flustered? You didn't notice the soft smile that graced your lips. But your annoying sister did.
"Oikawa. Isn't he some volleyball big shot at your school? Y/n, is that a smile I see?" She grinned from over your shoulder, seeing the messages.
"I-. Yes. He is." Furrowing your brows. Denying the truth, "And no, I am not smiling."
"Mmhm. Sooo you going to have a new 'friend' or what."
Your self consciencesness got the better of you. "Why would he want to be my friend? He's him and I'm...me." You bit your lip.
"You idiot. You really don't give yourself enough credit. Your smart, have a kind heart and you are beautiful. You just don't let yourself see it. Let someone in." She whispered in your ear giving you a hug.
You sighed. You believed that your sister believed in what she was saying...but years of middle school bullying ingrained into your heart and mind don't disappear overnight. "I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. 'Night sis."
"Good night y/n."
Getting ready for bed you looked in the mirror. You had a tiny smile, your sister was right, the lashes did look great.
It was late but right before you drifted off to sleep you sent Oikawa a message.
Sorry. I'm not mad, I was helping my sister with something...
Taking a deep breath, letting down your guard, getting out of your comfort zone.
Opening the wall you built around your heart a long time ago.
You let Oikawa Tooru in.
...I wouldn't mind having a friend
The next day
He woke up to two new messages from you. He had tried staying up, waiting for a reply back but he must have fallen asleep. His phone still in his hand.
Sorry. I'm not mad, I was helping my sister with something...
...I wouldn't mind having a friend.
A wide sleepy smile came across his face. Just about the time he was going to dm you his phone died. Where's my damn charger? He started rifling through everything, turning his room upside down. The last place he had it was...the locker room.
"Dammit!" He would just have to see you at school. He quickly got ready to go meet Iwa-chan and walk to school.
You weren't necessarily disappointed that Oikawa hadn't replied yet. Even though you had lowered your walls, you set the bar pretty low on expectations. Especially on a friendship with him. But that didn't stop you from being a little excited to see him. You were sitting in your favorite spot at school, reading. Same thing you did every day. It was on a small stone bench in the shade of a cherry tree near the entrance. Abruptly you heard a chorus of squealing. You've learned throughout high school this meant Oikawa had stepped on campus, Iwaizumi reluctantly in tow.
You smiled and waved.
He didn't see. But you didn't know that. 
You thought he was ignoring you. Your smile faded. Last night must have been some prank. It wouldn't have been the first time someone decided it would be funny to play with you like a toy. You never should have listened to your sister and let your guard down.
Tears started to prick your eyes. You shut them tightly, willing them to not fall.
You were not going to cry over Oikawa fucking Tooru.
You grabbed you bag and headed to your classroom.
He had seen you get off the bench and walk towards the building. He tried making his way to you but there was just too many girls blocking him. Letting out a frustrated breath he waved his hand and yelled, "Y/l/n-chan!"
You didn't hear him.
Upset he couldn't get to you he said the only thing he could think of to get all these girls to back off for once. "I have a girlfriend, so could you please respect that." He didn't see the crazy girls make a connection between what he said about having a girlfriend and yelling your name.
He didn't realize he just put a target on your back.
At lunch
You were spinning the dial to your locker getting your lunch when you were shoved against it. You turned around and was met with several angry looking girls. Eyes darting between them. Your fight or flight instincts kicking in.
But nobody ever mentions the third option, which is what happened.
You froze.
"This is her?" Some girl sneered.
What were they talking about? You'd never done anything to these girls. You'd always kept to yourself, ensuring a situation like this wouldn't happen.
"She's not even pretty." Said another taking a sip from her juice carton.
"I bet it's just some joke. He wouldn't be with some fat worthless nobody." The girl who seemed to be the leader said as she pushed you to the ground.
Ignoring the tears starting to run down your cheeks and swallowing the lump forming in your throat, "What are you talking about?"
"Wow, Oikawa has himself a stupid girlfriend." said the leader.
"G-girlfriend?" Ok. Now you really had no clue what the fuck they were talking about.
"Stay the hell away from him. He's mine." With that she dumped the remains of the other girls juice carton on you and they walked away laughing.
Holditin.Holditin.Holditin. You chanted inside your head until you made it to the bathroom where you could cry without being bothered. You had stayed off the radar for years and now you were in the middle of it. You let out a sob, sliding to the floor. You felt like you were right back in middle school. Useless. Fat. Ugly. You brought your knees to your chest. Unloveable. Unwanted. Not worth anybody’s time. That’s why you shut everyone out when you became a first year at Seijoh. You didn’t want a repeat of middle school. 
But it ended up happening anyway. 
So you cried. You cried until you had no more tears. You let it all out until you didn’t care anymore. You had no problem in obeying the threat staying away from the bastard. She could have him. You stood and splashed water on your face trying to ease the puffiness around your eyes. Sighing you realized you'd probably have to stay after school until you looked like you hadn't spent your entire lunch break crying or your sister would ask questions. The now pink stained shirt you could explain away easily. The red and puffy eyes you could not. And you didn't want to deal with that on top of everything else. 
Oikawa had looked for you at lunch but he couldn't find you. He did however hear some girls laughing and chatting about messing with ‘Oikawa’s girlfriend’. How could they mess with someone he made up? He turned to his best friend to ask. “Iwa-chan do you know what those girls were talking about?” he whispered so no one would hear, “How could they have messed with my ‘girlfriend’ when I made her up?”
“Idiot. Remember this morning when you called Y/l/n’s name and then immediately after said you had a girlfriend? And don't call me Iwa-chan, Shittykawa.” He rolled his eyes.
He blanched. He hadn’t realized what he'd done. Or apparently how psycho those girls are. He was so focused on you he didn't even whine about Iwaizumi’s regular insults. He wanted to find you and see if you were okay. To apologize for putting you in that situation. Standing abruptly making his chair screech, “I got to go find her--” The bell signaled lunch was over. Fuck. Maybe she’ll be on that bench after school. I’ve seen her there after practice sometimes.
After school
And by some miracle you were there, reading your book. Oikawa took a minute to look at you before he approached. As in your picture your hair was wild but not unkept, it was hiding your eyes. Your lips were slightly pursed while you were reading and your leg was bouncing contentedly.  
You were beautiful.
You looked okay.
Until he got closer and finally saw your eyes. You had obviously been crying. By the looks of it a lot. He also saw you had a huge pink stain on your shirt. What had happened?
You had heard someone approach but decided it was best to ignore them.
“Are you okay Y/l/n-chan?” Oikawa spoke softly.
You were so not in the mood for this. For him. Your hands tightened around your book, flicking your eyes up at him and then back down, “Don’t.” 
It was only a second but he saw the hurt in your eyes and it was his fault it was there, “I wanted to-” He tried to say but you didn’t let him finish.
Your voice was raw with emotions you didn’t want to feel for him. “WHAT?! You what? Wanted to play with my feelings some more? I bet you had a good laugh last night saying all that shit. And then completely ignoring me this morning when I waved. Making me feel like I could actually have a friend for once?” Your voice got louder and he flinched at your next words. “That someone would even want to be my friend? I fucking knew I shouldn't have but I let you in anyway.” You let out a dark broken laugh and said much quieter, “Even after what happened last time.” Coldly, “Don’t you have a harem to get back to? Just...just leave me alone Oikawa.”
His mouth dropped in shock. He hadn’t seen you wave. What did you mean by last time? He was heartbroken that someone had made you feel this horrible about yourself and he had reminded you of it. He didn’t want to leave you alone, he had to make you understand you were special. He laid his hand on your book trying to make you pay attention. He said the only thing he thought would make you listen. “Tooru.”
You stiffened, nobody calls him by his first name. You've never even heard his best friend call him Tooru. Your voice barely above a whisper, heart stuttering, “What did you say?”
“Tooru. You can call me Tooru. I-I was happy this morning when I woke up when I saw your messages. But my phone died before I could say anything.” He cleared his throat, “ I fell asleep waiting. I was going to talk to you but then that stupid crowd of girls came. Y/l/n I swear I didn’t see you wave! I tried calling for you but you must not have heard me," he frowned, "and I was frustrated so to get them to back off I said I had a girlfriend. I tried looking for you during lunch period but I couldn't find you. Then I heard what those girls did. I’m sorry I put that target on you. I was going to try looking for you again but then the bell rang. This spot after school was my last hope. Well for now anyway, until I got my phone charged.” He rushed out, praying you would forgive him. 
“That’s what they were talking about...” 
“What were they saying? If you don’t mind talking about it.” Gingerly he laid his hand on yours, holding it.
During his speech you had unconsciously torn your walls down yet again. You heard the sincerity in his voice and saw the concern in his eyes. This was real. He did care. Fuck. Somewhere between last night and this morning you had developed feelings, you just hadn't wanted to believe you weren't immune to his charms. Why did it have to be him. You swallowed, “They basically said I was worthless and wasn’t pretty enough for you. They also shoved me against my locker and onto the floor.” Taking a deep breath you revealed the most humiliating part of the whole thing, “Their leader dumped juice on me.” You looked away not wanting him to see the tears starting to run down your cheeks and you didn't want to see the pity you were sure to receive in his eyes. 
“Hey.” He gently turned your face with a palm on each cheek. Wiping your tears away with his thumbs. “You are not worthless. And those girls are just jealous because your the most beautiful girl at Seijoh. I’m sorry they said and did those things to you. It was my fault and I want to make it up to you if you’ll let me.”
You searched his face, surely he was lying to make you feel better? But you only found the truth in his warm brown eyes. Oikawa may be an ass but he does not lie. “Okay...Tooru.” 
His heart fluttered when you spoke his name. Little did he know that yours did too when he asked you to call him that.
“Come on, lets go.” He smiled pulling you up. “I got something you can change into so you don’t have to wear that home.” He pointed to your ruined shirt.
You and him walked over to the gym. He had never let your hand go from pulling you up and you didn’t mind. You halted at the entry way dropping his hand. He was going to lead you in but, “Tooru, I can't. Only players and managers can go in the gym during practice time.”
He snorted, “Iwa-chan made that rule so the uh” he coughed, “students wouldn't bother us.” Taking your hand he pulled you in after him. 
Your face was blushing like mad from the looks you were getting from his teammates. Nobody questioned their captain though. 
“Please wait here while I change and grab you something.” He left you at the bleachers. 
Iwaizumi walked over to where you were sitting. Before he could say anything you spoke. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not allowed in here but he drug me in and said he was going to get me something to change into." You plucked at your still sticky shirt. "I-I'll leave when Tooru comes back.” You found it easy for Tooru's name to roll of your tongue. 
The usually intimidating looking ace smirked and raised an eyebrow, “Tooru, huh? We don't let students in during practice because they follow Oikawa in. He brought you in here. So you can stay if you want.”
You let out a surprised, “Oh.” 
“You know he couldn't stop talking about you on the way to school this morning? About how he saw this and I quote ‘breathtakingly beautiful’ photo of you on instagram. He kept talking about your hair with cherry blossom petals in it and your shy smile.” 
Your face was on fire. You knew the exact photo he was talking about. How far back did he scroll, it was buried under a ton of pictures.
“He was also worried about you the rest of the day after lunch. He was pretty upset, he even threatened to cancel practice if he didn’t find you on your bench.”
“Iwa-channnn!” Oikawa whined. “Friends keep secrets.” He didn’t look mad but his face was a light shade of pink. Was he...embarrassed?
“Ew. I’m not your friend Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi replied walking away. You laughed quietly, his tone said otherwise.
Except it wasn't just any shirt, it was his jersey. “I can’t wear this! Only couples do that!”
“You're right! You're my best friend!” Tooru called back.
He was met with a middle finger and a "Shut it, Tooru."
 “Anyways here. You can change in the girls locker room over there.” He handed you one of his shirts and pointed to the room.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Well I did inadvertently call you my girlfriend. You wouldn't want to make me a liar now would you Y/l/n-chan?” He pouted.
“N-no, but I'm not your girlfriend?” You remembered the things Iwaizumi told you, your face deepening to a scarlet shade.
He took a step closer. You could smell his scent. He smelled like oranges, cloves and...clean sweat? Of course he could make sweat smell intoxicating. It was making your brain hazy. You almost missed what he said. “Do you? Want to be I mean.” The look he was giving you was so genuine and...sweet.
This was too much too fast, but your mouth and heart didn't care apparently what you thought. “I-.” You breathed. “Yes.”
His face lit up, taking one of your hands into his. “We’ll talk more after practice, yeah?” 
All you could do is nod. Squeezing your hand as he left to go start practice you went to go change your shirt. It was long on you. Almost falling to the same spot your uniform skirt stopped. You rolled it up a little and tucked it in. That was better.
After changing you returned to your spot on the bleachers. You'd been to games before. It was practically an unsaid rule that all students were required to go. But you really never paid attention, usually doing anything but watching to kill time.
This time you paid attention. Tooru was remarkable. You could see why he was captain and how he got the nickname 'the great king'. You were so entrapped by the teams flow you didn't notice the hours fly by.
Tooru came back over to you, asking somewhat nervously, "So what did you think?" He didn't know why it felt so important to get praise from you. He just knew he wanted you to be proud of him.
Your smile was open and you had stars in your eyes, "You were amazing!" Dipping your toe at being flirty, you winked, "l'll have to pay better attention at the next game."
His heart leapt. You said he was amazing. "Thank you, that means so much coming from you." The second part finally clicked, "Hey wait! What do you mean you'll have to pay better attention at the next game?" He teased.
Sheepishly, "I never uh...actively watched a game before."
"That hurts Y/l/n-chan. Just you wait until the next game." He smiled, "So can I walk you home? It's late and you shouldn't walk by yourself."
"Sure. I don't live far though." You returned his smile.
After he went and changed out of his practice clothes he outstretched his hand for you to take, interlacing your fingers with his. When you got to the gates he asked which way. You pulled him to the left. You curious about earlier.
"So about what Iwaizumi said..." You left the question hanging in the air.
"He was telling the truth." He said it so simply, like he just didn't turn your world upside-down.
"Oh." Was all you could manage with all the butterflies in your stomach. Before you knew it you were in front of your house. "This is me." You turned to face him.
"Really? Iwa-chan and I live one street over."
"You're joking." He had to be. 
"Nope, cross my heart." More seriously "Do you want to walk to school with us maybe?"
"I'd like that, Tooru." Shyly you peeked up at him through your lashes.
"Hey, I noticed before." He traced a thumb over your cheekbone, brushing against your fluttering eyelashes. "Your eyes look different some how?"
You let out a small chuckle, "Eye lash extensions. That's what I was helping my sister with last night. She's in a cosmetology class."
He leaned down, getting very close. "They suit you Y/l/n-chan."
Clearing your throat. "Um, thanks." A beat later, "Call me Y/n."
His eyes softened. "Can I kiss you, Y/n?"
Your breath caught. "Y-yes."
He closed the distance between the two of you. Your eyes shutting and heart thumping wildly with anticipation.
You did not expect the feather light touch of his lips ghosting over yours. You did not expect such a tender kiss from the popular setter captain.
At first your lips only brushed against each others. Testing. Until you couldn't stand it any longer. He had lit a fire inside. You leaned in closer, needing more. Pressing your lips against his and moving one hand onto the back of his neck and the other onto his shoulder pulling him closer. He took this queue to hold your waist. As you kissed time stood still. You couldn't tell if the fire inside was tearing you apart or if he was holding you together. There was just you and him, the world had long ago faded away.
He was surprised you took control of the kiss but was glad you did. He didn't want to push you after everything you'd been through. And honestly he could barely think straight. Could barely breathe. Your lips were so soft and they tasted like honey. He didn't want it to end, he would have happily drowned surrounded by air if it meant he could kiss you.
But you pulled away breathless and eyes bright. You leaned into the comfort of his arms.
 That was your first kiss.
"I'll be waiting here tomorrow Y/n." He pressed his lips to the crown of your head.
"Alright." You looked up at him. "Message me when you get home 'kay?"
"Will do, my queen." The name sent tingles down your spine. Once again putting his lips to yours. "Good night."
"'Night Tooru." You slipped out of his embrace and before you made your way inside, you gave him one last wave goodbye. Dazed you shut the door behind you with your back and brought your fingers to your smiling lips.
"'Friends' huh? Lot different in my day." Your sister said from the couch, her eyes catching on his jersey.
Still grinning like a fool, "Shut up." You headed upstairs to start on your homework. About ten minutes later you received a text. Smiling you opened it.
Made it home safe and sound. And now I'm going to sleep so I can dream of you 😘
Who knew 'the great king' was such a goofball.
Sweet dreams then, goofball
They will be because you'll be in them ❤
Rude, my queen, rude
Good night Tooru ❤
But that’s why you like me 
Rolling your eyes, you grinned.
The next morning he was right where he said he would be. Waiting for you. Iwaizumi with him of course. “Morning Iwaizumi.”
“Good morning Y/l/n.” Iwaizumi greeted.
 You said taking your boyfriends hand. “Morning Tooru.” You were feeling confident this morning so you tugged him down a little so you could reach his face, pecking him on the lips.
His eyes widened. He definitely didn't expect that, not that he was complaining. “G-good morning Y/n.” A rosy hue dusting his cheeks.
You giggled at his reaction. 
“I guess the right girl turns you into a flustered mess.” Iwaizumi joked.
"I make you a flustered mess huh? I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of that.” You nudged him playfully as you all started to make your way to school.
“No fair. I won’t allow you and Iwa ganging up on me!” He tilted his head towards your ear, whispering for only you to hear. “Besides, my queen, I give as good as I get.”
You choked. And he didn't miss the red on your face. Oh boy. If he kept up with that name you were going to become a puddle. Clearing your throat awkwardly, “Ah look, we’re here!”
Unfortunately you were met with his swarm of ‘fans’. At the head of it all were the bitches that made you feel like shit. Tooru felt you hesitate and gave your hand a reassuring squeeze and looked at you with such adoration in his eyes. That was all you needed. You were going to show these girls you weren’t afraid of them. You hoped he wouldn't mind your sudden boldness.
Turning towards him and standing on your tippy toes you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. This kiss was much deeper than the one you shared last night. You'd even go so far to say passionate. Last night was tentative, figuring each other out. This kiss you poured in all your feelings, all of your heart and soul. Pulling away slightly, resting your forehead against his and playing with the hair near where your hand rested on his neck, “Um, sorry if that was too much.”
You turned to face the mostly shocked crowd. The only angry one was the leader girl. Remembering what she said yesterday, “I’m his.” He wasn’t some possession to own. But you were free to give your heart to him, if he wanted it. Really you didn’t expect him to say anything during this exchange but he did. 
God, you were perfect he thought. With a stupid smile on his face, “N-no don’t be sorry. Not at all.” 
It made your heart catch in your throat.
“And I’m hers.” The girls mouth dropped open. “Come on. Let’s go, my queen.” he said pressing his lips to your knuckles, sending a shiver up your back.
“Tooru!” You squeaked. That damn pet name. You knew no matter how many times he said it, it would still make you weak in the knees and make your heart leap. And he fucking knew it. You walked hand in hand to your spot under the cherry tree. “Don’t call me that when a bunch of people are around...”
“Why not? It’s true. And you like it.” He gave you a cheeky look. “Besides that passionate kiss you gave me was pretty public.”
A blush creeping up your neck, “I-shut up.”
Chuckling he brought you into a hug, “Whatever you wish, my queen.”
As the months passed you and Tooru grew closer together and his ‘fan club’ realized you weren't going anywhere. Sure some still tried to bring you down but over the months you had gained some confidence in yourself. You weren't as insecure but when you fell Tooru was there to help you pick yourself back up. You had also become good friends with the volleyball guys, especially Iwa. You had a special bond over teasing your boyfriend. Even though you both teased him relentlessly he was happy two of his favorite people got along so well. In fact he had asked if you had wanted to officially become a manager. You practically were now anyway he said so why not make it official. Of course you agreed. 
It was only your third game as a manager when they lost to Karasuno. You knew how bad he wanted to go to nationals. It was his dream and this was his last chance. He was sitting on the floor outside the gym, head hung low in devastation. You knew words were not what he wanted to hear right now. He just needed you to be there for him. You sat down next to him, waiting. He gently pulled you onto his lap, burying his head in the crook of your shoulder. Holding you closely. He was silent but you felt his warm tears fall on your skin. You held him and hummed a slow melody quietly in his ear. After awhile he kissed your temple.
“Thank you.” He whispered. He was ready talk.
“I’m here for you, always. You’re my king, win or lose. And I am so so proud of you.” A small smile lifted one side of his mouth.
 You were going to tell him something important today. No matter what happened. Maybe he needed to hear it especially because of what happened. You took a deep breath and kissed his forehead briefly. One hand on his cheek and looking into his still tear stained eyes. 
“I know the world has greater things than nationals waiting for you. You may not feel like it now but believe me when I say it. You are so much more than what you think you are and....and that’s why I love you, Tooru.”
He searched your face looking for pity or disappointment but all he found was love. For weeks those three words had been just under the surface, waiting to be spoken into existence, always on the tip of his tongue at the end of every conversation with you or even when he would see you do small simple things. Hearing the love in your voice and the feeling of you mend his shattered heart about nationals they finally broke free.
 “I love you too, Y/n.”
He might have been your first kiss but you were his first love and he wanted you to be his last.
He gently ran his thumb against your bottom lip.
And he kissed you with everything he had, like it would be his last.
There was many more to come...
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foreficfandom · 4 years
Mystic Messenger - Their Favorite Gift From MC
-- Zen: Customized Bracelet --
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Zen’s sort of an excessive person so he’s almost always the one giving you gifts. He doesn’t want for much and the stuff he does - like skincare products - you used to buy for him but he eventually convinced you to buy it also for yourself so you could do sheet masks together.
When you do buy gifts for him, it can be a bit difficult. His fans send him a bunch of stuff all the time, like baked goods, or fanart, or neckties. He, of course, is a lot happier when you decide to hand him something, but it’s almost never something he’s ever gotten before.
You have to outsource. So you order a custom-stamped leather bracelet from an indie crafter, something he can wear while rehearsing without worrying about it falling off. On the outside, you have ‘I love you’, and on the inside ‘Zen x MC’. 
You give it to him for Valentine’s, his favorite holiday. Zen dedicates the entire day to you and him, and pushes aside the many packages from his fans for later. 
You hand him a little box, and he opens it to gasp dramatically at the bracelet, immediately putting it on and exploring the texture of the leather. The lightly-colored tan matches his complexion perfectly.
First, a kiss for you, then its 904709 selfies with him proudly modeling his gift. It goes on his social media to a slight ruckus, because Zen’s never shown off any gifts he’s gotten before. 
“My love is so thoughtful!!! Such a beautiful bracelet <3333″
Your name isn’t on the outside to maintain privacy, which proves to be a good idea since that picture is circulated like crazy to mixed reactions.
Zen doesn’t care, this is by far the best gift he’s ever gotten. He hugs you tightly and promises to wear it always.
-- Yoosung: Vinyl Laptop Stickers --
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You like to buy knick-knacks for each other on occasion. Yoosung’s wallet isn’t packing so he can only get you stuff once and a while, and you return the favor with other little things.
And Yoosung is also kinda already surrounded by little trinkets and other stuff he’s collected on his own. Little figurines and toys from vending machines, plastic reward favors from convenience stores, character-themed pens and mugs and phone charms. 
It can get a little cluttered. His backpack alone is heavily decorated with pinback buttons and enamel pins, and you know he’s home just by the jingling of the many charms hanging off the zippers.
He’s also of a romantic and ‘cute’ mind, so when you give him practical gifts of a headset holder for his gaming desktop, he’s pleased but ... he prefers it when your gifts aren’t quite so banal.
You eventually do some deep surfing for his upcoming birthday, and find this adorable pack of laptop stickers based off of LOLOL characters. These wouldn’t take up anymore of his space, and he could still carry them with him. So during his birthday dinner, you give it to him over cake and he opens it with a gasp. 
“It’s ... oh, it’s so cute! It’s perfect, MC!” He hugs you tightly and immediately has you help him stick them on. 
He uses this laptop for school, bringing it with him on most days, so it was the perfect gift to remember you by. Whenever he opens his laptop in the student lounge, or in class, he sees all those bright colors reminding him of his favorite pastime, but also he thinks of you and how much you love each other.
-- Jaehee: Promise Ring --
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You’ve gotten her spice giftboxes for her cooking, a set of cozy loungewear for the both of you, and other cute things she absolutely adores.
But her true favorite? Her engagement ring. A dainty little band that matches yours perfectly. You had proposed to her during a beautiful evening in the park, making her tear up. 
“We’re partners, now,” you said. She gave a watery smile and put her ring on proudly.
South Korea wouldn’t allow marriage between you two, so these rings promised more than a union. It promised a brighter future in the face of adversity. It promised progress in the name of love and equality. 
Jaehee struggles with societal expectations for a woman like her. This ring was like a shield against the worse thoughts, or an anchor during the more tremulous times. She had chosen to pursue you against the world’s wishes, and it was the best decision she’s ever made.
You and her wear the rings 24/7. To an onlooker, it just seemed like the two of you were separately engaged people. But she knows differently. A proud little secret. 
Customers sometimes make comments about them. She’d be ringing them up, and they’ll notice the brilliant white sapphire. “When’s the date?” some have asked. She stammered,  “It’s in the making.” The customer nodded, and wished her a happy union. 
She twists the ring around her finger, looking at you wistfully. It will be a happy union. One day!
-- Jumin: Custom-Made Cologne --
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What the heck do you gift the man who could have anything he wanted? Material possessions are never a strain for him. He grew up knowing that any toy, any trinket, any new technology or experience he desired, he would get. He’d ask for ice cream and his father’d purchase an entire chain. 
His current self rarely buys indulgences. He’s had years of being fulfilled already. But he definitely buys gifts for you, almost to ridiculous levels. You can see from the diversity of gifts that he has a reach for any product or merchandise, anywhere at any time. 
When it came time to get him a gift, you had asked the RFA for advice. And everyone was as clueless as you were. Even Jihyun wasn’t sure; the two of them have almost never exchanged gifts throughout the long years of their friendship, since they knew the other was showered in generosity already. 
“You’re gonna have to go custom. Something that can’t be bought,” Zen suggested. So when Jumin announced that he had to go to Birmingham for a business meeting, you came along with him. Which you seldom do, since it’s two days of Jumin being stuck at meetings leaving you to your own devices. But you had a plan.
You looked up a luxury custom perfumery, and with the help of an expert nez you crafted a bottle that would complement him perfectly. On the bottle was a label that said “Love Forever by MC”. 
So for his birthday, he accepted his gift with grace and asked where you bought it. “This bottle doesn’t look like its from Clive Christian, is it? Maybe it’s Dior ...” 
You explained where you got it, and giggled when his mouth dropped open in surprise. He opened it, sniffed, and his smile grew bigger ‘cause it was so much more special now. It was made under your hand, something that will never be replicated. His and his only. 
He loves wearing it to work. It’s so wonderful to be surrounded by a smell that reminds him of you. 
-- Saeyoung: Fingerprint Charm --
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He’s a surprisingly complicated man to gift. Like Jumin, he neither lacks nor wants for material needs. Sometimes you’ve given him cute candies or hand-knitted mittens for winter, and meanwhile he’ll give you ridiculously advanced robot cats or he’ll bust out his packing wallet and boom, you’ve got a new Gucci clutch bag.
He kinda knows that he’s hard to gift. So whenever you shyly hand over a six-pack of gag-flavored soda for Christmas or something, he makes a big show of loving it and thanking you with kisses and nuzzles. And he does love it! He’s never had gifts before, not from V or Rika or his co-workers, and definitely not from his mother. Just the thought that someone cared enough to surprise him with trinkets is so heartwarming.
But your anniversary was coming up. It marked the day that Saeyoung’s life turned around a complete 180 for the better. A very important day, one that you couldn’t mark with an exotic beef jerky bouquet or whatever.
One day, while touring a small art fair, you found an indie jeweler who offered custom fingerprint charms. You set up a date to come in and make a mold by pressing your thumb into a block of sand, which was cast into a mold and into which steel was poured. 
You gave it to him over a late-night car ride date. He took the charm out of the little bag and stared at it, you explained what it was. “That’s my very own fingerprint right there. I hope it’s something you can carry with you, and remember me by.”
He was silent for a few long seconds. You saw that his hand was shaking. So you reached over and kissed him, he embraced you tightly and said with a wavering voice, “Thank you.” A sniffle, and he was back to his cheery self. You helped him put it on his keychain, next to his car keys. 
He loves it dearly. Especially when he fingers the print and feels the groves, imagining your hand.
-- Saeran: Sweater --
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For a long while, Saeran couldn’t live a proper civilian life and spent many days holed up at home, stuck in an anxious and depressive slump. Any venture outside was an ordeal for him. Bit by bit, through therapy and medication, he regained his confidence.
You found this sweater online, and you knew how much he liked wearing sweaters at home. It had this quote on it that the both of you were familiar with. It had been one of the repeated self-forgiving phrases his therapist suggested. Saeran took to that phrase particularly well. He repeats it in his mind when he feels himself on the verge of a breakdown, and it helps de-escalate. 
You knew you had to buy it. But keeping it secret from Saeran was kinda a challenge because he likes to tour around your internet history when he’s bored. Not for malicious reasons, he’s just curious and wants to know what kind of stuff you like to re-tweet, or what shops you frequent. 
So with Saeyoung’s help, you ordered the sweater under a guise Saeran wouldn’t be able to crack without some effort, and it ended up being a legit surprise when you handed Saeran his gift. 
You watched his eyes trace the quote carefully, and at his fingers tracing the screenprinted flowers. He was quiet for a long while, just exploring the sweater thoroughly.
He can’t remember the last time he’s gotten a gift. Maybe it had been never. His eyes teared up.
You hugged him close and stroked his hair like he said he enjoys. It was almost hard for him to accept this from you; he’d spent years trying to approve others under threat of violence, and he’s rarely gotten to experience true generosity. 
He wears it at least once a week. It’s his absolute favorite article of clothing forever and ever. 
-- Jihyun: Filled Scrapbook -- 
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For the holidays, Jihyun had given you a beautiful set of jewelry over dinner, along with a framed photo of yourself that he had taken some time before. He rarely decides to spoil you with his riches, but sometimes the occasion calls for it. 
How can you match up with his generosity? You knew Jihyun would be charmed with whatever you gave him, but you wanted your gift to mean something. 
Once your anniversary began to creep up, you had an idea and began working on your project two weeks in advance - it was going to be a beautiful scrapbook of not just Jihyun’s photos, but also little momentos and decorations on every page, detailing particular moments of your life together up to this point. 
You scoured his instagram, printing out copies onto photo paper and cutting and pasting. You folded within old plane, bus, and boat tickets. There were sightseeing brochures from trips abroad, old restaurant menus, stamps from envelopes he had sent you. You wrote messages and captions with multicolored ink. 
Extra special were the pages dedicated to when the two of you moved into the new apartment together, and when V was officially recovered from retina surgery, and also the first RFA party he co-hosted with you. Some pages touched on more sad subjects.
Finally, you finished the scrapbook just in time for the anniversary, and it was all worth it to see Jihyun completely blown away by the effort you put into it. He spent several minutes on every page, talking them over with you and reminiscing. 
He managed to hold in his tears until the last page, which you kept empty except for a calligraphy script that said, “... and into the beyond.”
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years
I have no requested from someone in such a long time, but id love to know your thoughts on yandere mirio, nsfw included if you so wish, thankyou for the good food ❤❤❤❤
omg it’s my pleasure dude let’s jump into it!!!! i’ve never written yandere before, so i hope i do it some justice.
warning: female reader, yandere stuff and all that entails. smut and dubcon.
- the epitome of a sweet gentleman (if you behave). mirio will spoil you rotten and firmly believes that you deserve the absolute best. he will get you anything your heart desires, he will take you on well-planned dates, he will take you shopping and fawn over how cute you look in the outfits he chooses for you, and he is over the moon if you reward him with kisses. you should do it - getting on his bad side is never a good idea. 
- he is just so proud and happy to have you, and he wants everyone to know it. whether it’s a necklace or a straight up collar, he’ll want you to wear it at all hours of the day. and don’t even try to hide the hickies. he’ll simply laugh off your concerns, bat away your hands, and expose the lovebites, trailing his fingers over the marks with a hint of lust in his eyes before pinching your cheek and reverting to his goofy self. 
- you might not expect it, but mirio truly can’t keep his hands off you. he is always in your personal space, coaxing you to sit in his lap as he wraps his strong arms around your waist, always holds your hand or has his arm around your shoulders, and his particular favorite move is to simply keep his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, rubbing his thumb along your skin and reminding you of your place. 
- social media? good luck. you guys share accounts, and mirio is the one who mostly obsesses over them. he loves taking photogenic selfies with you, or to straight up take candid pictures of you. he’ll keep a private collection of photos to himself - pictures of you when you look far too sexy and innocent for others to see, even if you are just showing a little bit of thigh or shoulder. 
- mirio loves to watch you. if you prove yourself worthy of limited freedom, he will allow you to take short walks outside (especially if you want to run errands to cook something for him, he is very weak for that housewife stuff). you used to think you had a chance to spend time by yourself, but you sometimes notice him lurking around with the help of his quirk. he does this intentionally to keep you in check, but sometimes he stays hidden for the remainder of the trip because he really enjoys observing how you go about your day, how you strut and possibly sing to yourself when the weather is lovely, how you smile politely to a kind old woman down the street, how you bite your lip in thought as you stare down at the shopping list to remind yourself if you forgot anything, how you sometimes nervously glance around in a vain attempt to find him, and he wants to see you slip up, he wants to have a reason to punish you 
- mirio is very patient. he understands your fear and uncertainty when he finally has you to himself. you’ll see, he’ll make you love him. he is absolutely sure of it. good behavior is promptly rewarded, and bad behavior is swiftly corrected. mirio ensures discipline, and he expects you to follow his rules. but if you keep resisting despite his best efforts, his resolve will sometimes crumble. he will turn anxious and overwhelmed, both by his consuming love for you and your unwillingness to accept his advances. 
- mirio is at his most dangerous and unpredictable at this point, and although he would never harm his darling needlessly, he will try to win their heart through the most effective way he knows - fucking you senseless and reducing you to a begging mess while he tells you how much he loves you. it will hurt him to see you resist at first, but he will fall into a headspace with thoughts circulating through his mind as he ties you down and works you up with kisses all over your breasts and thighs. is his best not good enough? or were you not good enough? but that couldn’t be true, because he chose you, and he wouldn’t have chosen you if you weren’t utterly perfect for him. and so he cycles back to his confident self once more. he might even flat out ask you how he can improve to make you see the light, and all of your teary-eyed callouts will fall on deaf ears. 
- speaking of sex, mirio is a generous lover. your pleasure is his pleasure. he will spend a long time buried between your legs, sucking and licking your sensitive cunt, because even though you have come several times by then and were utterly spent, he simply can’t help craving the sound of your moans. there is nothing about you that he isn’t obsessed with, and he will pay thorough attention to every inch of you, memorizing every spot that makes you fall apart. 
- goes absolutely nuts for lacy lingerie. when he’s in a particularly horny mood, he will make you wear lingerie around the house and nothing else, or he will ask you to wear it for when he comes home. pastel colors are typically his style, and he really likes babydoll lingerie because it still leaves a little to the imagination. 
- it’s no surprise that he will utilize his strength to his advantage, and that includes being a firm but gentle dom in every sense of the word. he will manhandle you in all sorts of positions, fucking you as he holds you up with his hands cupping your ass and forcing you to wrap your arms around his neck, keeping you pressed up against a wall, you name it. he doesn’t like to leave fingerprint marks on your skin, only lovebites. 
- if he’s had you tied up and it’s time to release you, he will ignore your attempts to shy away from him and he will take hold of your hands to press kisses to the marks around your wrists, or he will kiss your ankles. 
- he loves to cuddle, and you will never have a say in whether he gets cuddles or not. this is one thing he will not compromise on - mirio will nuzzle into your neck or your chest with a big smile on his face as he hugs you, and he will gladly be the big spoon. he will use these lazy moments to talk about anything, telling you about his day or how much he’s missed you, and he would love nothing more than to hear you talk about your day as well. 
- combine his strength and love of cuddles and you will end up in his lap with your back to his front, firmly held in place as he whispers words of adoration in your ear and plays with your pussy for as long as he wants to. you will be soaking wet and squirming in his lap, ready to just get it over with by that point, and even though you can feel his thick length pressing up against your ass, mirio will withhold his pleasure. 
- let’s explore his desire to punish you. he can’t help it, sometimes he wants to make you work to get back into his good graces again. because if you put effort into it, then it shows him you care, that you want him to treat you good and that you crave and miss it. he loves having the upper hand and reminding you that you belong to him. so if you screw up, he grows distant. still polite and amicable, but the light in his eyes is gone, and he smiles less. 
- luckily for you, it’s easy to please him, but even when you know he has forgiven you, he will still push you a little past the limit. expect to be thrown over his lap and spanked until tears are streaming down your face. then and only then will he pet your hair and wipe away your tears, and the pain will be replaced with pleasure as he dips his fingers into your tight hole and makes you forget all about the punishment. he expects you to angle your head in his lap and press kisses along his clothed erection, and he will slow down his fingering to encourage you to say out loud that you want to suck him off. sometimes he will postpone your orgasm - a rare instance - to have you on your knees and forcing you to focus all of your attention on his cock, and sometimes he will maneuver you into a 69 position. 
- there is nothing that makes him melt quite like your willful obedience. and if you want to pamper him with affection? he’s ready to marry you right then and there. greet him in nothing but his favorite pair of lingerie and a homecooked meal after he’s had a stressful day, and he’s trailing after you like a lovesick puppy. bathtime is a favorite bonding opportunity of his, so have a bath prepared. he will hum and smile as you take it upon yourself to wash him, and he will absolutely return the favor. this is his dream come true. worship his body and ride him - he will firmly hold your hips and buck up into you, staring up at you with a loving expression as you moan and gasp and whimper. 
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saikostories · 3 years
EXO - Dating be like...
Dating Byun Baekhyun would be like
• constant laughter, to the point of annoying the hell outta anyone around you two
• skinship would be a must and he’d honestly always want to be touching you
• like, even something as simple as his arm around your waist, or his hand resting on your thigh when you’re watching a movie would be enough to satisfy him
• phone calls that last for hours and before you both know it, it’s like 4am
• constant teasing about the stupidest of things
• and you’d probably get annoyed, telling him you hated him
• but then he’d pout, and you wouldn’t be able to help bursting into laughter at how cute he is
• neck kisses would be huuuuge with this kid
• playing hard to get whenever he’s in the mood
• you’d honestly just tease him so much when he tried to initiate sexy time with you
• but like, it wouldn’t take long for you to give into him
• so many selfies. Like, both your phone and his would be absolutely full of the dorkiest selfies imaginable
• having to deal with Chanyeol on a constant basis, since he’d probably rarely leave your place
• kissing him to shut him up when he starts babbling
• but like, he’s not gonna complain ‘cause that was his intention from the start
• being super blunt and honest with him, ‘cause sometimes Baek needs to hear things that he doesn’t necessarily want to hear
• competitions to see who can annoy Kyungsoo the most in the shortest amount of time
• pillow fights that start off innocently, but probably turn pretty serious very quickly
• but he’d always let you win, because he’d just love seeing that victorious smile grace your face
• honestly, this kid can be a bit of a handful at times. But be prepared to have a life full of smiles and constant laughter, pranks and competitions, and just honestly good times. He’d be the type of guy that you’d never be bored around, and he’d always put you first on his priority list.
Dating Park Chanyeol would be like
• him playing his guitar, strictly for your entertainment, and singing to you in that low, melodic voice that’s he’s got goin’
• being the best of friends with Baekhyun
• and being nearly inseparable from them both
• annoying Kyungsoo to the point where he snaps at you both, forcing you to sit on opposite sides of the room
• but still finding ways to exchange humorous looks and faces, resulting in even more annoying, and not-so-subdued, fits of giggles
• him always being the first to apologize if you two ever happened to get into a fight, ‘cause he wouldn’t be able to handle arguing with you
• constant laughs and smiles over the cheesiest of jokes
• you’d probably snort while laughing at a joke he told, which would just cause him to laugh even harder, which would cause you to laugh even harder, and so on
• plenty of teasing from him because you’d be so much shorter than him
• like, every time you had to go on your tippy-toes to kiss him, he’d give you the hardest time, not even bending down a little just to tease you
• and he’d probably make you tell him exactly how much you wanted his kisses before he’d crouch to your level and give you what you wanted
• or if he’s feeling lazy, he’d settle for gentle, ghost-like forehead kisses
• his long arms easily enveloped your entire body in his comfortable and warm embrace
• the cutest pet names, for the both of you
• playful tickle/pillow fights
• getting scolded in public places for being FAR too loud
• sleeping with his long limbs wrapped tightly around your body and your face nuzzled into his chest
Dating D.O (Do kyungsoo) would be like
• him cooking all of your meals for you. Occasionally allows you to assist him in the kitchen, but prefers to be the only one to cook for you so he can feel like he’s providing well for you
• skinship being a rarity and making him super flustered whenever it comes up, especially in the early stages of your relationship
• like, even grabbing his hand in public would turn him into a gooey mess
• him singing to you in that sweet, angelic voice of his when you’re feeling sick and/or sad
• him only ever looking at you
• like, you’d never have to worry about Kyungsoo checking out other women because you’d know that he only has eyes for you
• staying at home for date nights doing easy-going things like watching movies and just simply enjoying each other’s company
• you having to do literally ALL of the talking when you’re out in public together
• him stealing loving glances of you when he thinks you’re not looking
• but you likely catch him every time, turning his face a bright hue of pink as he blushes fiercely
• using your free time to catch up on and binge watch all sorts of missed anime seasons
• his own smile being impossible to suppress anytime he sees your beaming grin
• doing the dorkiest of things when you’re alone together
• and laughing so hard that your tummies start to hurt
• him doing literally anything and everything to ensure your beautiful smile stays planted on your face
Dating Chen (Kim Jongdae) would be like
teaming up to execute some of the best pranks the two of you could think of on the other unsuspecting members
• but always being forgiven by them because you’re both just too friggin’ cute
• high-note singing competitions, which are really just you two squealing random nonsense at each other
• honestly just so much teasing, both playfully and sexually
• so many hugs from behind, like it’s his favourite way to hold you because he feels it’s the best way to get your body as close as possible to his own
• him shooting super clever puns your way whenever you present him with the opportunity
• only to have you retort with the lamest puns ever created
• so much ass-grabbing, by both of you
• water gun fights in the summer that start off innocently, but quickly turn ridiculously serious, involving super-stealthy commando rolls and sneak-attacks
• creating the most kick-ass pillow forts when you’re home alone together
• and having some seriously heated make-out sessions in your little “castle of pillows”
• him always waiting until you’re least expecting it to give you kisses
• like, you’ll be totally spacing out when all of a sudden, he’ll quickly peck your cheek, but then pretend like he didn’t do a thing
• him being constantly prepped with his phone’s camera, ready to capture any embarrassing situation you may get yourself in
• you practically worshipping those God-given, sexy arms of his~♥
• him giving up his sweater when you’re cold, with absolutely no hesitation
• like, you wouldn’t even have to ask, he’d pick up on your shivers instantly and hand his hoodie over to you, even if it leaves him in nothing more than a thin t-shirt
• honestly, just him giving you all of the love his heart can possibly manage to give out. He’s the most sincere, caring guy in the world and he’d make you feel like you’re constantly on top of the world, showering you with all of his attention at any given time and always making sure you’ve got a smile on your face
Dating Kai (Kim Jongin) would be like
• super passionate kisses that leave you absolutely breathless
• taking his dogs for late-night strolls like, every night
• knowing that he fully trusts you when he’s willing to leave his dogs with you when he goes away
• so many late-afternoon naps with his arms wrapped loosely around your body and your head resting gently on his chest as it heaves up and down in perfect rhythm
• talking on the phone until 3am when he’s away, just because you both miss each other’s voices
• him always finding you in the crowd at concerts and locking eyes, looking only at you while he performs
• him getting super bashful whenever you ask him to dance especially for you
• heart-melting moments whenever you see how absolutely fantastic he is with children
• lazy days when you two just chill at home, playing video games or watching cute movies
• him trying to be sexy around you but, no matter how comfortable he feels with you, he always turns into a bashful mess under your stare
• him completely losing his mind whenever you tell him you love him
• like, he becomes so flustered he can’t even manage to form a reply for a good three minutes afterwards
• him gazing at you with an intense stare, chewing nervously on his bottom lip as he watches your every movement
• but then freaking out and getting super flustered when you catch him, pretending like he wasn’t looking at you at all
• being able to feel entirely comfortable with him, no matter what
• like, you could let out the most unladylike burp in the world and he’d just laugh his ass off and find it friggin’ adorable
• just Kai constantly making you feel like you’re on cloud nine and giving you this fantastic feeling of comfort. Like, he’d honestly be your best friend and your boyfriend, all rolled into one
Dating Lay (Zhang Yixing) would be like
• blowing on and/or kissing his neck just to see that ridiculously adorable reaction of his
• and he’d try to be mad and pout at you for it, but you both know he’d never really get angry with you over such a silly thing, so you just find his feigned anger adorable
• seriously just the best cuddles in the world. Like, Yixing would just want to give you his utmost love and attention constantly, and cuddles would be his time to shine, you’re just going to feel so loved when you’re wrapped up tight in his embrace
• so many phone calls and so much facetiming whenever you’re apart because he’d always want to hear your voice, or see your face
• because even just the thought of you puts this guy’s mind at ease
• impromptu dance battles at the most random of times
• you being his official agenda, keeping track of any kind of appointments or meetings he had
• and like, you’d start to feel like you’re nagging him about it all, but he’d honestly just be so grateful that he had you to help keep everything straight, since he’s got such a hectic schedule to try to keep up with
• having to remind him constantly that he doesn’t need to work so damn hard
• like, seriously, someone needs to force this kid to take some breaks for himself
• deep, completely serious daydreams about your future together
• him always buying you small gifts that may seem silly at first sight, but really hold some deep meaning or another
• him getting all flustered any time you compliment him, just because your opinion means everything to him
• him not being super touchy in public, but in private, he’s going to be one of the clingiest babies ever
• like, you’re not going to be able to do a single thing around the house without him being by your side
• him being absolutely flattered anytime you do something for him, even things as simple as cooking a meal for him, or doing his laundry, and he’s just going to be so friggin’ grateful
• him constantly reminding you how lucky he feels to have snagged a girl like you, even when you sincerely feel like you’re the lucky one to have him
Dating Oh Sehun would be like
him standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and resting his chin on the top of your head
• and then always complaining when your hair goes up and/or tickles his nostrils
• but that doesn’t stop him from doing the exact same thing an hour later
• sassy comments from him that’ll honestly make you want to smack the friggin’ bajeezus outta him
• but he’ll use his best aegyo against you and you’ll completely forget whatever he had said
• having to do literally everything for him when he’s sick, ‘cause he loves the feeling of you taking absolute care of him
• him occasionally picking out your outfits for the day
• face-timing or skyping at least once a day when he’s away from home ‘cause he can’t stand not seeing your face for so long
• sleeping with at least one of his long, lanky legs draped across your lower body
• him low-key saying “I love you, Y/N” every single day
• like, he’ll say it in a voice barely above a whisper, and you’d have to ask him to repeat it, but he’d deny it all
• “Did you need something, Sehun? I thought I heard my name.”
• “What? Nobody said your name, get over yourself.”
• PDA being a rarity
• but when you’re home alone, he wouldn’t keep his hands off you
• heated, passionate kisses at the end of long days because he’s always surprised at how much he missed you
• running your fingers through his hair, only to be scolded for messing up his style
• him laying with his head on your lap, staring up and admiring you
• so many ups and downs because he can occasionally be a handful, but he’d be absolutely sure to take the time to show you how much he appreciates you and, while he can seem a little cold to some people, he’d be sure to show you his softer, gentler side
Dating Suho (Kim Junmyeon) would be like
• so much intense eye contact, it’ll make you blush
• him giving you the most comforting advice whenever you’re feeling down
• shopping trips where he absolutely insists on buying you anything that you happen to even glance at for too long
• giving him massages whenever he has had a stressful day
• but once the stress melts away, your massages always lead to heated sex
• helping take care of the other members, in hopes of lightening his responsibilities
• secondhand embarrassment when he acts like a complete dork in public
• tons of impromptu dates
• like, you’ll randomly say something about being bored and he’ll just grab your hand, dragging you to one of your favourite date locations
• dramatic goodbyes whenever he has to leave you for an extended period of time
• long, comforting hugs
• like, you’re never sure if he actually intends to let you go or not
• him constantly being a worrywart when it comes to you
• like, you’d get a tear in your eye from a clump of dust and he’d immediately jump to the worst conclusion, thinking something terrible must have happened
• him nonchalantly complimenting you when you’re least expecting it
• him forcing you to reenact that scene that he describe in one of the interviews about his ideal type
• like, he’ll make you read while sitting by the windowsill and he’ll walk over to you and tuck the hair behind your ear, smiling at how dorky the whole setup is
• just him being the best thing that would ever happen to you, and you being the best thing that would ever happen to him, and he’d be sure to constantly remind you that he thought that way.
Dating Xiumin (Kim Miseok) would be like
• constant aegyo from him, which you’d likely always fall for
• him always bugging you to play sports together
• but he’d get way too competitive and serious about it and go all-out against you
• him absolutely adoring the way your eyes shine whenever he made you smile/laugh
• him always being around with a shoulder for you to cry on if you’re feeling down
• ‘cause he’s literally the best listener. Like, ever
• constant snuggles whenever the two of you are home alone together
• literally everything that the two of you do together would start out normal, then become an intense competition
• like, you’d be on a good, ol’ walk, enjoying the scenery and then it would suddenly turn into a race, to see who could make it to certain landmarks first
• or when it came to the more heated moments, it would always turn into a competition to see who could go the longest without touching the other (which you’d probably almost always lose)
• always having to ensure your house is spotless, ‘cause Xiumin’s a huge neat-freak
• him not talking a whole lot
• but when he does, he’d always have the perfect things to say
• watching cheesy movies that would always, ALWAYS end in you two making out, not giving a second thought to the movie playing until you noticed the credits rolling at the end
• just having the most comfortable, perfect relationship
• like, you’d never have to be anything but yourself around this boy, and he’d always accept you wholeheartedly
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|| Get to know TERPSICHORE “TERI” MUSE who’s TWENTY-THREE years old and works as a POPSTAR in town. She is from CORONA and is often times mistaken for NORMANI while others say she reminds them of TERPSICHORE THE MUSE from HERCULES. ||
her father started giving teri vocal lessons by the time she was four years old. she was too young, most would say, still figuring out how to form coherent sentences. but he insisted on starting her out young, creating his own little shining star. he taught her how to carry a broken melody, to smile so big that her cheeks hurt. it’s how she found herself in the living room in front of all her father’s friends, performing twinkle twinkle little star for the guests of his new year’s eve party. she cried before he pushed her in front of them, terrified to be in front of even a small crowd, hating all those eys on her. but as soon as she finished singing, it was the applause of the crowd, loud and encouraging, that told her she was good. it’s a sound teri hasn’t forgotten nearly twenty years later, forever her favourite melody.
it was in her first ballet class that teri fell in love with dance. while the moves she learned were simple at first — she was only a child, after all — the young girl knew she was good. or at the very least, both her father and her dance instructor told her she was good, and who was she to disagree? she begged her father for the best ballet shoes money could buy, refused to take off her tutu even when she went to bed, and walked around the house doing pliés even though no one was watching.
as she got older, teri found herself wanting to broaden her horizons past the ballet, jazz, and tap classes her father enrolled her in. she loved them all, but found herself more interested in the dancing she saw on tv, obsessed with learning the choreography to every beyoncé and janet jackson music video she saw. whenever she had down time, that’s where her father would find her, imitating the moves she saw on mtv. they were the perfect performers, and she wanted to be just like them.
being the baby of the family, teri got used to getting everything she wanted with a pout of her lips or the bat of her eyelashes. it was no question that she had her father wrapped tightly around her finger, and her older sisters always seemed to have a soft spot for her as well. so used to hearing the word “yes” as a child, she refused to hear the word “no”. the first time her father told her no, a four year old teri found her eyes welling with tears, her lower lip quivering in sadness, unable to wrap her head around the rejection. it was something so simple, being told she couldn’t add candy to the cart when they were at the grocery store because they had plenty at home, but she couldn’t quite wrap her head around it. noticing the way her father moved quickly to get her the candy she wanted, she quickly realized that tears were the way to get what she wanted.
over the years teri has taught herself to cry on cue, turning on the waterworks to get exactly what she wanted. while there are a few people that see right through the crocodile tears, it always worked on her father, and that’s what mattered the most. whenever he said no, teri would let her head fall back and start wailing, the waterworks flowing until he finally gave in. now that she’s growing up, she’s starting to realize it’s a tactic that few are falling for, especially with her father gone. she’s trying to grow, to be better at hearing the word no, but she still can’t keep her bottom lip from quivering when she’s faced with losing out on something she really wants.
when her father came up with the idea to form the muses, teri said yes with little to no hesitation. she loves her sisters and loves getting to spend as much time as possible. and of course she loves the spotlight. choreography has always been her strong suit, making sure they have the best moves when they’re on stage. she can be something of a nightmare sometimes, refusing to wrap rehearsals until they have their moves just right, all four of them perfectly in sync. she’s sure her sisters resent her for it sometimes, but she’s knows it’s worth it when the reviews of their shows come rolling in, all of them praising their choreography.
teri keeps a notebook that’s filled with every piece of criticism she’s every received. whenever she gets a note, whenever someone tells her she’s not good enough, she writes their words down carefully in the book so she never forgets them. she’ll sit in bed and read the notes late at night, beating herself up for all the ways she could be better. refusing to become complacent or lazy in her talent, it’s how she pushes herself to be better, motivated by all the times she was less than perfect and demanding more of herself.
her time at corona college has been filled with ups and downs; while she loves being surrounded by people that are nearly as passionate about dance as she is, teri never quite found a place she belonged in her program. she came to her first day fresh faced and excited, eager to expand her horizons and come back to the muses with countless new moves to take their choreography to the next level. instead she found herself in classes where she was met with mixed reactions. some students recognized her right off the bat, and teri found herself feeling awkward as she tried to make friends with girls that already had a clear idea of her in their minds. others felt she had an unfair advantage and were rooting to see her fail. while she’s moved through her time at school with as much poise and grace as she possibly could, sometimes she wonders if it would have been easier to simply put all her time and energy into the band. maybe she doesn’t need a backup plan.
there are few things teri loves more than her fans. while she doesn’t consider herself to be the fan favourite —  she happily lets clio claim that title — she’s filled with a rush of joy whenever someone recognizes her on the street. it doesn’t matter what she’s doing, teri is always thrilled to stop, say hi, and snap a quick picture.
from a young age, teri was taught discipline and it’s all she’s ever really known. in order to be at the top of her game, she eats healthy and works out religiously. she doesn’t smoke and rarely drinks. she abides by a curfew and rarely allows herself to let loose or party. she doesn’t leave much time for dating because she can’t be distracted from her dream. she rehearses every single day and consistently pushes herself to be better. her father always told her to keep her eye on the prize, and he set out a long list of rules for her to follow to ensure she was always the best. even after he’s gone she finds herself sticking to them, both because she’s determined to make him proud and because she doesn’t know anything else.
she’s absolutely terrified that her sisters will want to break up the band. her mother leaving when she was a child left a residual fear of abandonment that she refuses to address, but constantly whispers in her ear reminding her that she might not be good enough, might not be enough to make people stay. after her father’s death, teri found herself clinging to her sisters more than ever, needing regular validation and reminders of their love. she might have a backup plan, but that doesn’t mean teri wants to use it.
absolutely obsessed with instagram, teri can’t go a single day without posting on her story at the very least. whether it’s showing her followers her outfit of the day, giving fans a sneak peak of rehearsal footage, or just sharing a selfie with a cute filter, she likes to put her life online. she’s craved validation ever since she was a little girl, and this is her favourite way to get it.
she’s more intelligent than most people give her credit for. she’s particularly good at math, not that she thinks it’s a skill she’ll ever really need to use in her line of work. it surprises people considering she doesn’t even look like she knows how to count.
teri takes zodiac signs very seriously. she checks her horoscope every morning and always likes to find out someone’s zodiac sign when she gets to know them so she’ll know whether or not they’ll vibe. she, unsurprisingly, is a pisces.
she’s extremely non-confrontational and is afraid to get into arguments. the only people she can truly put her foot down around are her sisters because they’re the people she’s the most comfortable with in the world. if she has to confront anyone else, she’ll practice her argument ahead of time. in front of the mirror, in the shower, teri carefully chooses each word and gets extremely upset in the moment when the argument doesn’t go exactly the way she planned. it ends up derailing everything she practiced and she finds herself getting easily flustered.
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