#stupid fandom with stupid people
katy-89 · 3 months
there are many avatar posts in my tl and i just want to say that whoever hate aang should never be allowed to have another opinion or talk about atla ever again
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I think people have truly lost any ability to be patient with storytelling.
‘I don’t understand this’ They’ll explain it if you wait.
‘I don’t like how this episode left things hanging’ There’s a continuation next week.
‘This character is flat’ Wait for them to be fleshed out.
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locusfandomtime · 9 months
The maths fandom is wild. “Real” and “imaginary” numbers? I think you mean canon and non-canon. You guys seriously go “this is my number oc his name is i and he is the square root of -1” when in numbers canon lore it’s actually impossible to square root a negative but sure whatever. “Complex numbers”? I think you mean a character x oc ship. “f(x) = 3x - 5”? That is self-insert fanfiction.
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tategaminu · 3 months
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sandyemmar · 7 months
“How do you know they’re gay?” Have you even SEEN their outfits?!?-&:$2828833
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lancabbage · 6 months
Some idiots on Reddit...
"MXTX isn't very good at writing sex scenes"
"Why did WXs first time have to be in the dirt, in a bush"
"why couldn't they have found a nice inn instead"
Seriously? Are they stupid?
Firstly, I commend MXTX for writing more realistic (bar WWXs self-lubricating asshole) sex scenes. Especially first times, which can be messy and a fumble! Personally, I enjoyed the sex scenes in MDZS, they were important to the plot and even had bits of information and revelations peppered in them!
Secondly, it wasn't "in the dirt" you illiterate moron. MXTX actually set the scene beautifully with the morning dew perfusing in the air around them, the soft grass underneath them and everything. It was actually rather romantic in my opinion. MXTX had them do it there for two very important reasons, that should be obvious to anyone with half a brain cell.
They were so fucking turned on by each other, they simply couldn't wait. That's hot, that's sexy, that's romantic. They've had feelings for each other for years, both wanting the other's attention and affection. Finally, finally everything is cleared up and they know how in love they truly are. They can't wait a second longer. And why the fuck should they? Just because some idiot wanted cliché candles and a bed in an inn.
It wasn't feasible to have them do it in an inn either way. The amount of noise and egging on WWX spouted as they discovered their shared kinks! It had to be somewhere far away from people, otherwise it wouldn't have happened because WWX would have held himself back and so would have LWJ. MXTX set the scene for this perfectly.
And finally, the other reason MXTX has them get busy in the bushes... To clear up the final misunderstanding, the blindfolded kiss. The fact they were in the woods, with the scent of dewy grass was all part of her setting the scene to jog WWX memory and remind him of that time. Of that non-con kiss that contributed in giving him a bit of a sexual awakening (alongside seeing a hot and bothered LWJ) and a nod towards the CNC kink he had and obviously enjoyed!
We get to see just how turned on WWX is by LWJ being so forceful. How delighted he is that his first kiss was taken by the only person he ever had feelings for. He loves how crazy he drives LWJ, how unrestrained he can make him, and how much LWJ wants him. That's the whole god damn point of this scene! To show their kinks and have them explore them freely.
So, sorry it wasn't in some shitty inn... But MXTX wanted to actually further the plot and give WX so much more than just sex. Why don't you go read some fluffy, cliché porn without plot stories on AO3 instead of shitting on a masterpiece that clearly went above your head.
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eromrevencrow · 11 days
Okay okay. Some are saying that iwtv is not about being in love with the monster, but the horror of the monster being in love with you, which I think it's too simple since it's more about 'the monster loves me, but what if I am a monster too? What if the monster is actually a mirror of everything I don't love about myself and the beauty of learning to love all this monstrous things about me, in you?'
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 7 months
You know the funny thing about the Batfamily fandom is that we love every Robin. No think about it every Robin has its own little like group of supporters.
Yah sometimes we all hate on certain ones or we have a favorite but every single one has a fanclub.
Which isn't what was supposed to happen Robin was supposed to draw in younger readers yes but he was never meant to become this big thing.
Batman was supposed to be the main guy yet for many of us we picture Nightwing or even Red Robin before we think of Bruce.
I was wearing a shirt the other day with Jason's Red Bat and someone walked up and said how much they loved him and Red Hood has always been there favorite. I had a ten minute discussion about how they shouldn't have killed him.
This stupid character that was never meant to be more than an add on, is so important.
We took that and ran with it and I know everyone is always arguing and hating on each other.
But isn't that kinda beautiful DC sucks but we added, built on to the point where people don't even have to read the comics to understand the characters or how we added so much that people assume things happen that didn't.
Dick calls everyone a nickname or he hugs all of them. Which might annoy some people but we made that yah not everyone agrees but those characters are ours.
DC wrote them but we made them into people so the next time everyone hating on others for who they like or oh that didn't happen.
Just remember all of us made that, wrote stories, drew fanart poured blood sweat and tears into what we love.
Fandom might be annoying or bullshit but it matters don't be an asshole.
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wikitpowers · 1 month
i see so much clary hate in the tsc fandom like calling her stupid and people saying she acts like a baby and whines too much like do some people not realize that this girl just turned 16 in cob???? like she is a baby, give her a fucking break this girl went through so much and yet still remained the biggest badass
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quaranmine · 1 year
the mcyt hate on this website is unreal. i mean, i knew that, but somehow it's so much more striking when it's directed at...jimmy solidarity of all people in that poll. like??? hello? yall are talking about jimmy solidarity?
i assume most of these people hate mcyt because of dream and dream smp. and jimmy is just...not associated with that at all. he's interacted with dream, what, maybe once? they were on a mcc team together three years ago in 2020. i literally don't think they've spoken before or since, not that i can think of. he's never been involved in dream smp either. honestly, in terms of degrees of separation, jimmy's just as close to stampycat (via martyn + netty) as he is to dream smp people. to my knowledge jimmy has never been in any controversy. not that i want to speak to soon or have anybody go digging up stuff, but like??? it's jimmy solidarity?? wet paper bag of a silly man who gives his two kitties little kisses on the head? AND PEOPLE ARE HATING ON HIM THAT HARD JUST BECAUSE HE MAKES MINECRAFT VIDEOS?
the entire term "mcyt" is just trashed because nobody knows how to separate the actions of a few people from an entire genre of content. which i already knew. but it just keeps getting continually proved to me
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nerdymariamania · 28 days
As someone who's been a Team Starkid fan since the beginning, since 2009... do the young fans who only know hatchetfield know the old lore?? Do you know about crying in the choir room?? Do you know the door gag? Do you know Liam's got a phone call? Do you know about the iconic accidental sing along SanFran Con appearance? This isn't me being elitist or anything, I genuinely want to know! I just feel so very much older than all of you, all the time. Does anyone remember Tanya and her gay little blonde bob???
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bearsandbeansart · 1 year
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So I just got this comment. A couple other people I know got very similar ones.
Now, I say this as someone who absolutely detests the use of AI for creative fields, but leaving comments like this, whether on art or on writing, is a bad idea.
I wrote the fic in question, by the best I can determine, a good six months before the AI program was created or made available to the public. It isn't possible for me to have used the program, even if I were okay with its use.
This screams of someone going on a witch hunt, just scanning fics to try and find those sneaky evil fandom creators and brand them as Bad. And they're getting it blatantly, laughably wrong. They're making people who are against the use of AI look stupid, which isn't helpful.
But maybe this comment was poorly worded. Maybe they'll were trying to say that they found proof that my fic was one the AI learned from and steals from to use when writing for others. Great. Congratulations. You've triggered my anxiety by showing me that something much greater than I had stolen my work and used it to help another profit. Stolen my fan content, which I can't defend against. Not everyone is able or willing to jump into a legal battle against AI companies; I certainly am not.
This is not helpful. This is a good way to to either start making people point fingers and blame the innocent, of making people feel small and helpless. If you want to do something about this extremely big problem, do actual work. Sign petitions. Spread information of how AI use is harmful. Don't start singling out individual people who may or may not be using AI programs to create with, because that's focusing on the wrong thing.
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milo-igidk · 2 months
can you guys do me a favor and like go back and reread the books cause some of you ppls takes are getting out of hand
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480pfootage · 10 months
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clearpilled and mentally sane
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hey there ;)
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transmechanicus · 6 days
Everyone scandalized about Chilchuck being thirsted over, a character who is objectively 29, which is 40+ in human years, who has 3 grown daughters and a divorce, just because of how he's drawn, you have my biggest congratulations. I truly did not think the complex physiological system of a human body could be managed by a creature with not one singular brain cell. How you managed to stagger over to the computer and bash your skull against the keyboard with enough accuracy to post remains a further mystery. I am going to put you in a maze filled with buzzsaw goblins and will use the results to write a second PhD thesis.
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nekropsii · 4 days
RUFIOH PROPAGANDA: Literally everything he has ever done to and about Damara - cheating on her and lying to her for years, seemingly never standing up for her when Meenah was terrorizing her, still chasing her image as a sex object to this day (particularly Aradiabot, who he says acts “just like the real thing”), and calling her his “psycho ex” behind her back constantly while acting nice to her face.
KANKRI PROPAGANDA: Straight up doesn’t think Misogyny is real and denies its existence outright, calling it a meaningless pseudoscience not worth any concern, discussion, or consideration. Slutshames Porrim directly to her face.
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