#that's a collectively accepted hc right
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
modern au where virgil is janus's roommate and co-parent a cat that was abandoned and randomly showed up on their doorstep, they take care of it because the cat just likes them the most 
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ukigun · 2 months
੭୧ more ellie ; before patrol.
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⋆𖦹. : waking ellie up before her patrol. ( from my hcs list )
this is my first time attempting this, so smile n nod pls..
cw: sfw. no usage of y/n. joel is still alive (slight mention). pet names like “baby.” a little scattered..
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“baby?” you whisper so faintly amidst the stillness of the room, you aren’t even sure you really spoke. your eyes caress the silhouette of her messy hair before enveloping her with gentle care.
pressing one kiss to her temple, you try again. “els?”
she stirs, her own soft murmur escaping her lips, her words utterly lost in a haze of sleep before she nuzzles closer to you. as much as it swarms you with warmth, as much as you want to cuddle her up and sleep for eternity, you have to get her up.
if she wakes from anything other than you, her mood is pissy all day, so you do this out of courtesy to her patrol partner.
“c’mon els, you have patrol.” you speak in a whisper, lacing your tone with sweetness, a tender plea. “wake up, baby.” you pepper gentle, scattered kisses along her freckled skin. each kiss a testament to the quiet intimacy of your morning ritual.
the smallest hint of a sleepy smirk begins tugging at the corners of her lips, “really, kisses as bribery?” her voice still heavy with the remnants of sleep.
“well it got you up, right?” you retort with a playful, snarky tone before you seal the moment with a tender kiss to her lips now that she’s awake to reciprocate.
you watch as she gets up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before fixing and smoothing down her hair.
“you’re.. gonna go like that?” you ask, only half teasing.
ellie turns around, a playful scoff released from her lips. “excuse you, it’s just patrol.”
you snicker before getting out of bed too. “yeah, but presentability still matters, els.” you retaliate while fishing out her green jacket from the closet.
handing her the jacket, she accepts with a soft smile lingering on her lips. without a word, she embraces you with a series of tender kisses to your lips. “you know i could stay, skip out on patrol.” she teases, her words whispered between kisses.
letting her very tempting suggestion linger in the air for just a moment, you’re ‘ready’ to pull back from her embrace. “we’ll have plenty of kisses later, els,” you playfully push on her shoulder. “get your shoes on and go.”
she groans and moves towards the collection of shoes, her fingers deftly snatching her boots as she slips them on her feet. “no fun at all.” she teases, her tone laced with mock disappointment.
you roll your eyes with a small smile, “you know joel will never let you live it down if you’re late again.” you remind her.
with a resigned sigh, she stands and adjusts her jacket. “yeah yeah, i’m going” she relents, her voice carrying a hint of reluctancy as she prepares to leave the comfort of your cozy haven.
you follow closely behind as she heads for the door. your hand falls over hers when she reaches for the handle.
with a tender smile, you lean in for one last kiss which you intended to be brief, but of course she elongates it. breaking off with a soft laugh, you gently tease her. “okay, okay. time to go.”
she smiles and leaves, closing the door gently behind her, leaving you alone in the now quiet shared space. you sigh and return to the bed, the absence of her presence palpable.
now, you have to wait forever for her return so you can be filled in on the patrol details.
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ohnococo · 6 months
Pining Hiromi Higuruma HCs
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(Hiromi Higuruma, pining away for you, his coworker. Except he's kind of a pervert about it.)
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Hiromi Higuruma who always listens to your professional opinion, and makes sure to credit you to coworkers and higher ups.
Hiromi Higuruma who becomes your lunchtime venting buddy early on. Sometimes you’ll catch each other's eyes and he’ll give you that look that lets you know he has some shit he needs to say RIGHT now so it’s time to take a break.
Hiromi Higuruma who is happy to help you out off the clock because at least you give him something to look forward to during his stressful days. He really does want to support you in your career growth (among other things).
Hiromi Higuruma who takes turns with you buying each other lunch, then dinner when you have to order takeout for overtime. He knows your go-to order from every place that delivers to your office.
Hiromi Higuruma who looks ten times more stressed when you get back from any time off. His jokes get increasingly more serious about how you “can’t just leave me on my own like that” even when you aren’t working on the same things so your presence makes no difference. Except it does. To him. He feels like his head is going to explode from dealing with work all day without those little moments of relief from being around you.
Hiromi Higuruma who glares at anyone making jokes about him being your “work husband” because it’s unprofessional and “two people can just get along without there being something to it.”
Hiromi Higuruma who knows there absolutely is something to it because he’s so, so bad at not thinking indecent things about you all day long. He doesn’t even know if you’re flirting with him or if it's all in his head. What he does know is he can't bring himself to show restraint over how much time he spends with you in the office.
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Hiromi Higuruma who, when you eventually bring up adding him on social media, takes weeks to add you back because he knows he can’t be trusted with access to a collection of pictures of you. He was already battling guilt over jerking off to the picture of you on your LinkedIn. It was so posed and styled that it barely looked like your day to day self but it was all he had outside of his imagination for months.
Hiromi Higuruma who feels like a disgusting fucking pervert when he makes a whole folder of saved pics that make his dick twitch after clicking through every single picture. Innocuous things like a photo of you sitting down, looking up at whoever was taking it with a twinkle in your eye - ammo enough for him to picture you looking like that on your knees in front of him. God help him if he finds a picture of you in a swimsuit, or anything more revealing than your work attire. He knows it's scumbag behaviour, and he knows it's risky having them on his phone because he'd look like a crazy person if someone ever saw him with a hidden collection of seemingly innocent pictures of you, but after months and months of pining he sometimes finds he has to lock himself in the bathrooms at work to stroke his cock looking at them. Especially if you've shown up wearing those heels.
Hiromi Higuruma who so helpfully accepts your request to house sit for you when you’re going to be gone for a week. All he needs to do is pop in to water some plants, maybe feed a cat or some fish, just generally check everything was in order. He knows from the second you leave your key with him that he will be an absolute freak about it too. The first time he goes over he finds himself looking in your dirty clothes hamper, heartbroken to find it empty. He doesn’t even finish the actual job he’d come there to do because he feels that fucking guilty for being a creep.
Hiromi Higuruma who, a day later, comes back, waters your plants, and settles for stealing a pair of clean panties to spend the rest of the week jerking off into. He’ll return them washed, right back where he’d found them, the day before you come home. And he'll miss them just as much as he hates himself for doing any of it in the first place.
Hiromi Higuruma who makes you second guess if he really liked you as much as you thought when he starts asking when you’re going on vacation next. It’s not that he doesn’t miss you while you’re gone… it’s that he can’t stop kicking himself for not rifling through your drawers to see what sex toys you use on yourself. 
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Dating Co-Worker Hiromi Higuruma HCs
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sanjisboyfie · 6 months
toji fluff hcs.
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requested, and i had sm fun writing this bc I DO AGREE ANON the toji x male reader tag is just full of smut atp there is never any fluff T.T i hope u enjoy lovely
toji x male reader <3 takes place before canon (mamaguro kinda dont exist sawry)
— the thing is, toji has a very, very thick wall around his heart and he rarely lets anyone in, ever. that's why! in this hc im gonna say that you two met via his job and just worked really well as partners. and then overtime, the two of you just got closer until finally toji makes a move on you.
the two of you were sitting at a restaurant, going over the recent job that you just finished. toji hummed at what you were saying, taking a swig of his beer as he remained eye contact with you.
recently, he's been seeing you in a different light. recently as in the past couple of months. he's just been taking note of everything you've done and how attractive you are when doing them. after he noticed he was thinking these things, he just accepted the fact he had a major crush on you and shrugged it off.
a part of him expected it to happen - how could he not have some sort of romantic feelings for you when you were so witty, strong, and intelligent. he was bound to catch some feelings for you, whether he wanted to or not.
he accepted it really quickly and decided he wanted to make it obvious sooner or later. the fact was he wouldn't know how you felt unless he initiated something.
so as he sat across from you, elbows resting on the table, until he got an idea.
"got somethin'," he said, motioning to his cheek. before you could wipe it off though, he dragged his thumb over your skin and collected the sauce of the food that you were eating onto his digit. he sucked it clean off, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time. "wait, missed a spot, c'mere,"
he leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours in a quick, chaste kiss before smirking at your stunned expression, "got it,"
after that, you obviously questioned him because what the fuck. toji just shrugs, explains how he's liked you for some time and decided to make it known now. he goes on to explain that since you're both adults, you could compromise a mature way of going about your relationship on the off-chance you didn't like him back (he's shitting bricks when he talks about that part though, you just can't tell-)
you return his feelings after getting over the initial shock.
and that was toji's unromantic way of confessing to you, but still, it got the job done and ever since that day the two of you couldn't be happier.
— contrary to popular belief, i think that toji is a big romantic. when he finds the right person, he wants it to be known that he's interested in them, loyal, and a devoted lover. in his own ways, he gives a lot of romantic attention to you and the time you spend together. even if he's dead broke, he'll find a way to make ends meet in making your relationship feel as special as it is to him.
"c'mon, baby," he goads you into grabbing his hand, rolling his eyes when you shoot him a look. "let's go, the reservation isn't gonna be waiting for anyone else but us,"
"yeah, how did you do this though? toji, this place is so expensive, are you sur-"
he kisses you to shut you up, hand caressing your cheek as he speaks to you in a low voice, "i got it all handled, don't worry about it," that translates to you = i pulled a couple of strings by threatening the boss of this place to let us eat here for free. but you couldn't will yourself to care because it was the thought that counts! plus, he went through all that effort just to secure you two a romantic evening together.
so you ruffled his messy dark locks and allowed him to guide you inside the lavish restaurant. he smirked in content, kissing the top of your head before securing you two your promised table.
on your anniversary, he showers you in so much love and affection it's insane. he doesn't have the money to bring about the most lavish celebration, unfortunately, but he does make up for it by being extra doting.
"love you so much," is the first thing he mumbles into your skin. it takes you a second to register why he was being so lovey-dovey, but when you remember it was because the calendar marks two years of officially being together, your heart warms.
toji has a good memory, remembers all the important dates and what you like and don't like. he's got it all stores in his memory under the "everything about [name]" folder there, that has other information such as your food preferences, what you like to wear, what you enjoy watching on TV, etc.
his hands run up and down your sides, pinching your nipple to get you awake and laughing when you smack him with the pillow. "sorry, just wanted to get you up so we don't waste our entire day in bed!"
"what if i wanted to just be in bed with you?" you asked, rubbing your chest with an annoyed look on your face.
"sorry, baby boy, but no can do," toji says, peppering kisses on your face, "got the whole day planned out in my head," you ignore his loving kisses that start trailing to you neck.
"mhm and what's that?"
"it's a surprise, don't ruin it," he warns you in an oddly serious tone, "want to make today special, let me make it special, boy,"
you laugh at his seemingly annoyed tone, but let him have his moment - not pressing for anymore answers.
— not the biggest on public affection, but doesn't hide the fact that he's yours and you're his. always has his arms around your shoulders or waist, sometimes pecks your cheek. but that's as far as it goes with pda. verbally, on the other hand, he's always mentioning you. even in brief interactions with other people, he's slipping mentions of you into conversation with such ease and smoothness.
"will that be all today?" the barista asks, eyeing toji up and down. and he's not a stupid guy, he notices it easily.
so to assert himself, he clears his throat and looks over the menu, "nah, actually, let me get a cinnamon bun for my boyfriend," he says, pulling out his wallet and taking out some cash, "he's been wanting somethin' sweet for a while, so i guess i can treat him to this," he comments, looking back at you with a smile. you were already seated at the table as he ordered, offering him a wave before looking back out the window.
the barista is obviously dejected when he mentions you, but he's nothing but prideful and satisfied. serves her right.
"didn't [name] already tell you we won't be taking the job? we got our entire week already planned out, we can't fit in another mission," toji said over the phone. it was one of the rare instances he was turning down the opportunity to make money, but he didn't feel bad or guilty about it.
you and him had a whole week planned together, it's been in the calendar for months now and he wasn't going to ruin the rare one-on-one time he could have with you by being greedy with some extra cash.
in the past, he might've. but you changed him, in a good way. and he wasn't going to make it seem like he valued cash over you because he definitely didn't.
"i wasn't aware that [name] spoke for the both of you? y'know, if you take him out of the equation, toji, you actually make more money-"
toji almost growled, "he fucking said no, that means i said no, too. don't be an asshole right now or i might really get pissed. from now on, whatever my man says think about it as if he's speaking on behalf of both of us. same goes for me. so listen closely when i say this, cause i'm sure he'd say the same thing to you right now: fuck off!"
he hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the table, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
"everything alright, babe? you were yelling?" you shout from your shared bedroom and toji visibly relaxes after hearing your voice.
"nah, everythin's alright, doll, don't worry about it," he calls back, kicking his feet up onto the table and spreading his arms against the couch cushions, "hurry your ass down here, though, or else i'm starting without you!"
— huge believer in cuddling, loves, loves just holding you in his arms. it's the one time he really feels as if his stress just washes away. he's a big guy, so he usually just ends up completely blanketing over your own body. but usually, he settles for just being the big spoon and staying satisfied like that. sometimes, though, he will want to just have you completely laid out on top of him as you act as some sort of weighted blanket. that's if he's really, really stressed and just needs to be reminded that you're there for him.
his hands rest on your hips as he's laid flat on his back, holding you in place on top of him. you have been struggling to get comfortable for the past five minutes and he had to bite his tongue from saying a snarky comment to you.
"fuck, toji, it's like i'm sleeping on a rock," you complain, pushing yourself up from his torso and glaring at him, "can't i just sleep next to you like a normal person,"
he keeps his eyes shut, not bothering to wake himself from his semi-sleepy state, "[name], just stay still for a second and you'll eventually get sleepy,"
"easy for you to say when you're on the comfort of the mattress,"
"don't you say my boobs make for good pillows or something," he groans, finally cracking one eye open to weakly glare at you, "just use them as your pillows and count fucking sheep,"
"but your-"
"shh, you big baby, i just need this for tonight," he promptly shuts you up but pushing his finger on your lips. in any other instance, that would've just pissed you off even more, but seeing how genuinely tired and needy he was, you let it slide. just this once.
you settled back on his chest, running your fingers up and down his sides to give some sort of comfort.
"love you, toji," you breathe out, barely loud enough for him to hear.
but he does, and he squeezes your sides to show that he did, kissing the top of your head and whispering it back before he's lulled to his own slumber.
— always thinking about you. he's only concerned with you. every single other person in the world can fuck themselves, he just cares about you and wants to make sure you're safe.
"where's [name]?" were the first words he asked their employer, looking around the office space in search of your h/c hair.
"he just went to get himself some water-" as toji is informed of that, he's standing up out of the seat he was in and is going to leave in search of you. "he should be back in a couple short moments,"
"hm, don't care, i'm going to look for him and then we can start this meeting," toji said, not giving another glance to the guy that was going to give the both of you a job to finish.
oddly enough, the meeting was held in a corporate looking building and toji was concerned on your whereabouts. what if these assholes had some fucked up trick up their sleeve and were going to use you as leverage to get to him? toji wouldn't put it past them, he's messed with more than a couple powerful folks back in his day.
it could bite him in the ass someday and he really didn't want to risk that chance affecting you.
"toji? what are you doing here?" you ask, coming towards him with two paper cups of water in your hands.
"looking for you, babe," he easily responds, looking at the water in interest, "where'd that come from?"
"they had pitchers in their breakroom and i decided-"
"could have poision in them," toji said off handedly, looking at the contents and his face screwing up in distaste, "hold off on drinking it for now, these guys can be unpredictable sometimes,"
taking his warnings seriously, you don't sip from the cup at all and walk back with him to the meeting room. his hand rests on your waist protectively as the two of you walk through the halls, glaring at anyone who stares for a bit too long.
like a personal guard dog, toji is always standing at attention and assuming the worst of people. but don't worry, he doesn't mind. if it means it keeps you safe and in his arms, he'll be as paranoid as one can get and not have an issue with that at all.
— at the end of the day, toji doesn't listen to anyone, but you. it's funny how obediant you can get this absolute unit of man to act. he tries not to make it so obvious, but when he's hanging off of every word you say and acting at your beck and call, it's already obvious to everyone around you where his priorities are at.
"toji, don't touch that - the sign says not to touch,"
"if i wanna touch it, i will," toji says with a shrug and smirk. but then he notices the warning look you give him as his fingers inch closer to the display. he clicks his tongue in annoyance, dropping his hand to his side as he muttering under his breath, "didn't wanna even touch it, anyway, tch,"
or another time when he's giving the waiter an earful for not remembering something in your order. he thinks he's doing you a favor by speaking up for you, but in reality, you just didn't want to make the waiter's life harder than it already is.
"he asked specifically for you guys to put it on the side since he doesn't lik-"
"baby, it's fine, just drop it," you sigh, rubbing your forehead with a tired look in your eyes. he's about to protest, a scowl on his face as he thinks about the waiter incompentence. but with one look from you and a calm, "toji, enough," reaching his ears, he's standing down and shutting up.
the waiter shoots you a thankful look before running off to the kitchen with your plate of food, going off to correct his mistakes.
"couldn't hurt you to speak more nicely to people," you say, grabbing his hand across the table and shooting him a look. he scoffs, taking your hand in his and calming himself down using your touch.
toji only ever listens to one person in his life and it's you. you're just really lucky he loves you so much because if it was any other person, he'd be doing their head in. he sighs, thinking of the affects you've had on him and his own steel, hard heart.
he can't help but be thankful. he kisses the back of your hand silently, squeezing it in his hold once more before shooting you a small, barely noticeable smile.
"if that fuck ass even thinks about looking at you with those puppy dog eyes of his one more time, though, i can't promise i won't nail him right in the face," and there's your familiar, stubborn toji back again, easily threatening a poor guy that's just doing his job.
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coff33notforme · 1 year
Fluff headcannons for Wally
A/n: I didn't know what to title this but I wanted to write more for the muppet man and I haven't gotten anymore requests for him so I just made some silly hc's let me know if you guys want more, because I'm kinda obsessed this series right now
Pairing: Wally Darling and Gn Reader (Romantic, fluff)
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First things first, Wally is absolutely obsessed with you, in every possible way 
Even before you had become apart of their happy little community, Wally had his sights set on you, you were just a bright warm person, you’d be a wonderful addition to their colorful neighborhood
But when do you actually become a part of the town? Oh boy, Wally is ecstatic though he doesn’t show it, he still shows his bright friendly demeanor he keeps his unhinged excitement on the inside for the most part
When you arrive don’t expect to get to talk anyone else as much as you talk to Wally he’s pretty much your own personal tour guide 
Which you are grateful for, but you couldn't help but feel a little bit isolated with only Wally to talk to, of course if you express this concern Wally would apologize for overstepping any boundaries he might have crossed with you, which made you feel a tad bit guilty, but Wally seemed fine enough so you supposed it was okay
Even with Wally letting you interact with others in the town and explore on your own you still felt yourself talking with Wally the most out of everyone, you felt he also had a soft spot for you, or least that's what it seemed like, but you could just be overthinking
However over time you felt like you and Wally had grown awfully close, even closer than he and Barnabey were and that was saying something
Wally would never be the one to confess to you, I don't know I just see him being too incredibly smug for that, he’d act like he had no idea you felt this way and that he adores you a totally normal amount as well!
Though he’s definitely been hooked on you from day one
No matter how you confess he’ll accept your feelings, I mean obviously
When you're with Wally it seems like he's even more clingy than before, anywhere you want to go? Wally's right there with you!
Loves to show you affection through gifts and touch, especially touch, he’s practically attached at your hip at all times
Loves to kiss you on the nose, but if you do it back? He’s over the moon!
Smothers you in affection, won't stop cooing about how cute you are
When your out on the town Wally will cling to your arm like a scared little kid, he’s perfectly fine he just likes being close to you and was probably like that even when you first got here
Wally loves to bake you things, pastries and sweets are his speciality, he loves to make pies especially 
Whenever its cold Wally will snuggle closer to you and hold onto you like a koala
He’ll make you little things like friendship bracelets for you to wear, so now you have a surplus collection of them 
Though Wally seems to be his charming, nonchalant, friendly self when he's around you and the others, he’ll never show you the dark thoughts that swarm his mind
He just needs you to see him as the sweet, charismatic puppet everyone does
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This ones for the boys with the boomin' systems
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Clarisse La Rue with a girlfriend who's similar to her hc's! 💋
So Clarisse would totally be into someone with an even worse temper than hers,like they'd have epic shouting matches that end in intense make-out sessions most of the time.
I feel like she would constantly challenge you to sparring matches, pushing each other to the limits just to prove who's the ultimate warrior. Like, "Come on,pretty thing, let's see what you've got!"
But picture this: she LOVES it when you share battle strategies with her, even if you disagree. It's like, "Yeah, yeah, your plan's trash,but I like the fire in your eyes."
I feel like she would steal your fries at the campfire and then pretend like nothing happened. And if you confront her, she'd just smirk and say, "Survival of the fittest,babe."
Clarisse is totally the type to challenge you to a duel over the smallest things, like who gets the last chocolate chip cookie. It's all in good fun, though – a way to keep the relationship spicy.
She deff has a secret stash of soft, romantic poetry hidden somewhere, and she'll deny it vehemently if you ever find out. But deep down, she loves that you appreciate her softer side.
Imagine her dragging you into impromptu late-night training sessions, demanding you prove your strength at the most inconvenient times. "A true warrior never rests,mamas."
She LOVES it when you compliment her battle scars, seeing them as badges of honor. It's like her version of sweet talk, and she'll proudly recount the stories behind each scar.
I feel like she would secretly enjoy cuddling after a tough day, pretending she's just doing it to help you relax. But truthfully, she craves those quiet moments of intimacy.
HEAR ME OUT,so she would totally write you cheesy love letters but hide them under the guise of strategic notes. It's like, "This battle plan is foolproof, just like my love for you."
Imagine her getting jealous when other demigods stare at you, but she'd never admit it. Instead, she'd just wrap her arm around you possessively and shoot them a death glare.
She deff has a soft spot for your cooking, even if she insists on calling it "acceptable" or "not terrible." But deep down, she appreciates the effort you put into making meals for her.
I feel like she would have a secret collection of cute, heartwarming animal videos that she watches when no one's around. It's her guilty pleasure, and she'd deny it vehemently if caught.
Imagine her surprising you with impromptu adventures outside of camp, like a spontaneous road trip or a daring quest. She'd act all tough, but it's her way of showing she values shared experiences.
So she would absolutely love it when you challenge her authority, whether it's in battle or decision-making. It's like a constant power struggle that keeps things exciting.
I also feel like she would lowkey enjoy participating in camp pranks with you, reveling in the chaos and mischief. It's her way of letting loose and embracing the lighter side of life.
She LOVES it when you challenge her to a friendly competition, whether it's archery or a climbing race. It's like, "Winner gets bragging rights for a week!"
She deff calls you out on your anger issues, but in that tough-love way that only Clarisse can pull off. It's like, "Princess,chill before you burn the whole camp down!"
Honestly,she would low-key love the fact that you can match her in the anger department.Like, "Finally, someone who gets it!" They're like the most chaotic duo of Camp Half-Blood.
A/N:Another quick drabble for this morning before I mentally kms from doing hw (p.s:I won't even open the book.)
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qiupachups · 8 months
miles.g / wiles
.。.+*☆ headcannons 👾💭
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contents: general hcs, mention of his father’s death, i call 42-miles ‘wiles’, me sorta bullying him
a/n: after a lot of procrastination and harassment gentle encouragement from @vhstown i’m finally posting my hcs. :3c (they’ve been sitting here since july)
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Despite his tough guy exterior and criminal career, he's actually a massive nerd geek. Like: gundham, comics, posters all over his room.
Until you bring up those interests, he won't mention them. But once you start a conversation about them, he can tell you all the lore front to back or tell you where and when each collectible is from. Just listening to Wiles and nodding along will make his day.
Accepting help from others is not an option. Ever. He's an overly D.I.Y guy since his father's death and it's staying that way.
... unless you're very close to him. Wiles will begrudgingly accept your help and then be adamant on repaying you. No matter how trivial it was, he'll show his gratitude through service.
Wiles has great memory and knows all the lyrics to his favourite songs. Go through his playlist and pick something at random- he'll recite them flawlessly!
A good memory also helps with remembering those flashes of songs playing on your lock screen. Just a split second glance? He's adding it to his playlist, maybe listening to it as he works on his latest gear.
Would be a straight A student if he were there half the time. The only thing keeping his total grades down is attendance, where he’s often absent.
However, if he’s in a group project with you, Wiles will put more effort into it. Getting a ‘C’ or GPA point lower is fine if it means keeping Brooklyn safer. What’s not fine is him being the reason for your lower marks.
Unlike his counterpart from 1610, Wiles’ art is more realistic. He tries to capture the subjects’ essence quickly and minimally, so colours are an afterthought.
Accuracy was his pride in art until it came to you. He’d be so nervous in getting your smile right, scribbling failed attempts over and over again. Wiles even resorted to a pencil sketch.
Following the passing of Jefferson, Wiles has gotten much closer to Rio. That’s a no brainer; he was fourteen— a kid. And Jefferson never got to see his son in that overpriced Visions uniform.
Wiles makes an effort to speak more Spanish. He lets his mamí braid his hair even if it hurts like hell. Those stupid telenovelas aren’t that bad on the second watch.
Once upon a time, Wiles used to be a choir boy (keyword: used). He’d love singing hymns and doing nativities before he could read; all for his mamí and dad to see.
However, the christmas after Jefferson’s passing felt… empty. Wiles quickly lost his passion for choir and now just attends mass with Rio at most.
After years of experience being a choir boy, Wiles has the voice of an angel. Not that you’d know, of course— he intends to take that to the grave. But there’s also a deeper, darker secret… he can’t rap to save his life.
An extremely personal and harrowing Musically comment told him so. Following that attack, twelve year old Wiles abandoned his account with only a black profile picture left behind.
Like any other middle schooler, Wiles had a hype beast phase (he denies it). When Aaron got a Hype shirt for Wiles’ 12th birthday, words couldn’t describe how he almost knocked Aaron down with a hug.
The shirt’s first stain had Wiles distraught and furiously searching ‘remove paint on shirt hacks’ on Youtube. His heart would probably stop if he misplaced a gift from you.
Wiles isn’t the best cook, but he can definitely make himself a good meal. With Rio working night shifts and Uncle Aaron doing… jobs, he has to be self-sufficient.
A secret lil’ side project: he’s trying and failing to replicate Jefferson’s mac ‘n cheese. It wasn’t the best, but it was his. Something’s always off when Wiles makes it and he’s not quite sure what.
Sure, cooking isn’t that hard, but baking is like wizardry to Wiles. AP Chemistry and it’s endless calculations felt way easier than making pan de agua with his mamí.
But, mamí didn’t raise no quitter! On a particularly busy birthday, Wiles pulled together a modest little cake for Rio. She burst into tears seeing the shaky ‘!Feliz Cumple!’ written in too-sweet icing.
Calling Earth-42 a wreck is a massive understatement. Shit’s like Gotham, only very real and very deadly. Just breathing in that damn city air makes Wiles’ skin crawl.
Luckily, he’s got an outlet: boxing. A fun hobby he picked up from Uncle Aaron became his release. Wiles might never be in the ring, but Brooklyn’s more than enough.
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a/n #2: what the fuck. this was supposed to be short and silly and fun. exsqueeze me how did this… erm. disjointed mess.
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dee-morris · 3 months
Gabriel vs Aziraphale
Crowley said, "If Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, we can too."
And it's funny that he should say that, when he's the one who brings up the earth being destroyed by heaven or hell first. I feel like that point in his argument shot him in the foot just a little.
Aziraphale is Earth's guardian, and he collects knowledge, specifically knowledge of the future. Gabriel and Beelzebub could run off together bc they didn't care about anything but themselves and each other. Aziraphale never had that luxury. He knows too much, and he cares too much.
This hit home especially hard when I watched Gabriel's trial last night. "You're sending me down to hell? All right. If I must. I'm ready to accept my fate. An eternity alongside my beloved partner, never to deal with you douchebags ever again. Whoops, I almost said that last part out loud."
Aziraphale had considerably less chill about it when he thought he would Fall for lying to Gabriel in A Companion to Owls. And I HC that the reason for this distinction isn't bc Aziraphale was scared of becoming a demon, but he was scared of losing his position as a guardian of humanity. Their magic act to save Job's children only succeeded bc the two of them were on opposite sides working together. If they were both demons it wouldn't have worked.
The ineffables are chronically incompetent, but when they do pull off a success it's bc they're working together from opposite sides, perfectly balanced. When Aziraphale is upset and scared of Falling, I don't think it's his identity as an angel, so much, that he doesn't want to lose. I think it's his identity as a guardian.
We don't know yet if Gabriel and Beelzebub will get their happily ever after, but if they do it will because Aziraphale gave up his.
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lexosaurus · 11 months
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By popular demand, the Danny Phantom event Angstfest (formerly Going Angst Week) has made its triumphant return!
That's right party people and dissecc lovers alike! Angstfest is a 10 day event celebrating all the types of angst that we know and love!
The overarching theme this year is No One Knows AU vs Everyone Knows AU
Each side of the theme provides 3 days where you can work on one piece under that theme, or if you want to push yourself, you can try to complete the daily prompts (one for each day)! Between each of the two main themes is a break day to rest up and recover, or get ahead on your piece(s) if you wish. The final two "bonus" days are themed Ghosts of the Past and features two prompts that you can choose between, or you can do both!
All manner of creativity is accepted: art, fics, music, AMVs, memes, OCs, crossovers, etc, so long as it features DP. Just make sure to tag for gore if you're going down that route, and also tag #angstfest2023 so everyone can see your creation!
We also have a collection on AO3 this year under "Danny Phantom Angsfest." It's open, all fic writers are free to add their fics to it!
All themes/prompts and their descriptions are listed below the cut. Have fun!
August 1–3: No One Knows AU
What if Sam and Tucker weren't there for the accident? What if Vlad never revealed himself? What if your favorite character had to deal with their trials alone? These three days are all about loneliness and isolation! While traditionally the AU has been about Danny, any character of your choosing along with any HCs you may have surrounding them are acceptable here so long as they fit the vibe of "no one knows."
Optional Day Prompts: 👻 Aug 1: Demon 👻 Aug 2: Control 👻 Aug 3: Mask 👻 Aug 4: Break day! Have fun and relax!
August 5–7: Everyone Knows AU
What if Danny's reveal didn't go so well? What if everyone knew from the start? What if Vlad's ectoacne turned him into a social outcast? What if Dan's story went a little differently? These three days are all about social reaction and community reaction! While traditionally this AU has been about Amity Park knowing that Danny is Phantom, like with the previous prompt, you are allowed to use any character and HCs you have about them so long as they fit the vibe of "everyone knows."
Optional Day Prompts: 👻 Aug 5: Shame 👻 Aug 6: Scepter 👻 Aug 7: Future
👻 Aug 8: Break day! Have fun and relax!
August 8–9: Ghosts of the Past
The final two days are about looking at the past—at what you made and/or other people have made—and celebration our angsty creations! Whether you want to take another crack at an old WIP, maybe you have an art piece you think you can outdo now, or if you really really loved this old angst fic from 2013 and you think it's a real shame no one remembers it, this is the time to share all of these creations!
Choose one or both: 👻 Aug 9: Revamp one of your old works (WIPs count!) 👻 Aug 10: Share/reblog an old, angsty piece of yours or someone else's that you love!
And that's all! Huge thanks to @q-gorgeous for the STUNNING gif, and to @wastefulreverie for assisting with throwing this fun event! We can't wait to see what everyone makes!
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genshinwomenontop · 5 months
☆Prompt: How the genshin girls react to you spoiling them. (Hcs. This is how I think they would react)
☆Characters include: Lisa, Eula, Ningguang, Shenhe, Miko, Ei
Spoiling Lisa with gifts is a hard thing to do. She's such an elegant woman, it'll be hard to buy things she'll like and wouldn't like but only because it's you (her cutie) she'll accept whatever you give to her.
"Oh my, is this the newest perfume collection that I've been hearing so much about? Oh cutie, you didn't have to do that, still, thank you." She'll reward you with kisses and cuddles ;)
The best thing to buy for Lisa is ancient antiques or scrolls. Since she's a librarian and have so much knowledge, she wouldn't mind adding a few more, plus, she's absolutely in love with the ancient history.
"Oh my! This scroll is over 500 years old! Thank you so much darling~" for special gifts like these, she'll reward you with something much more better than kisses and cuddles ;)
Eula came from a wealthy background so she has everything that she needs, except for love. So the best thing to spoil her with is affection and words of affirmation.
Every night when she comes home, you already have a hot plate of delicious food for her and a nice warm bath ready.
She'll try her hardest to deny that she's not hungry or doesn't need a bath, she'll end up accepting them anyways because it's your time and effort spent.
After she's done, open your arms for cuddles and she'll come crawling right into it, saying how she'll have vengeance for you treating her like a little kid, but before she could finish out her sentence,she's fast asleep on your chest.
Oh boy, you seriously cannot buy anything for Ningguang because she already has everything, but just like Eula, spoil and pamper her with affection and words of affirmation.
Bring her lunch and dinner, since she has you living in the Jade Chamber with her. Massage her shoulders while she does her paperwork, give her kisses from time to time and tell her what a good job she's doing.
You'll have this woman putty in your hands in no time.
Since Shenhe was raised in the mountains, she's not accustomed to having human things, like clothes or jewellery.
Give Shenhe medical herbs, cook food that she likes and give her cuddles and kisses. That is the best gift she could ever ask for.
Once in a while, she'll go around to her friends and ask for advice on what to buy since she wanted to do something nice for you after all you've done for her.
Expect to have loads of expensive things at your doorstep and if you ask her how she got the money, "I have my ways."
This sly, cunning woman could literally tease you for "being so in love with her" when you buy her nice things. She'll obviously love them but if she doesn't tease you, she's not Yae Miko.
Fried Tofu is the best thing to give to her and have her all lovey dovey towards you.
Perfumes are another thing. Since she's only accustomed to wearing her shrine clothing, she takes absolute care in how she smells, especially for you.
Although she knows alot about perfumes, she loves having you pick out her perfume because she loves she way you light up whenever she asks you to do so.
Miko has a "special" perfume she wears at night time, especially on "certain" nights ;)
Poor baby has been locked away for 500 years. Of course clothes and jewellery won't do good for her. Buy her sweets. Lots of sweets. Give her cuddles. Tell her sweet things.
She'll absolutely melt in your arms. Have her lay her head on your lap while she eats Dango.
Ei has a sweet tooth, much like to a child and you find it absolutely adorable.
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underdark-dreams · 6 months
Hello my dear! Prompt for you, what Rolan and Dammon are like drunk, what kind of night they had at the tiefling party on their own, how they are with an interested Tav that night (Rolan x Tav, Dammon x Tav, how they are with an interested each other (dammon x rolan), and how they are with a poly for the celebration (dammon x Tav x rolan) long one I know but damn you feed us well
[bangs metal pots together] Rolan x Dammon polycule lovers, come collect your horny boys!
Please be aware this turned to shameless filth at the end. I cannot be trusted with either of them, and especially not both. 👀 Credits to @turquoiseoverthesea for the lap sitting mischief!
Rolan & Dammon drunk at the Tiefling party: solo + poly HCs with Tav
(Tav is gender-neutral) - (NSFW under the cut)
Rolan solo:
Rolan wasn’t even sure he wanted to come tonight…but he found himself in a generous mood and decided to bestow his company on these rubes
Plus he doesn’t trust Cal to moderate himself or Lia to keep Cal reined in (oldest siblings have to do everything around here)
Ends up tipsier than either of them, though he’s decent at hiding it
You can tell by the way his hand gestures get more and more animated throughout the night
When he’s drunk: actually loosens up a lot in general, smiles and laughs more freely
Drunk Rolan is somehow even more self-assured and cocky than usual, yet simultaneously much more charming about it
Doesn’t realize how handsome he looks when he’s genuinely enjoying himself
Also gets more free with his spellwork once you get a few glasses of wine in him
Fends off Cal and Lia’s requests for him to conjure a whole menagerie of animal illusions, but if Tav asks, he won’t be able to say no
Conjures an owlbear and a tiger and maybe even a dragon if he feels like really showing off to impress Tav, much to the delight of any Tiefling kids who might be sneaking around the party
Even if he spends the night on his own, Rolan ends up having a much nicer time than he wants to admit. He’s a pessimistic worrywort at heart—taking an evening to unwind is honestly good for this poor guy’s stress levels
Cal and Lia are having a great time, too, and that makes Rolan truly happy. Just to see them both enjoying themselves for a change
If Rolan can work up the courage to approach Gale, he’d talk to him for hours about the Weave and spellcasting over a bottle of wine
Takes delight in finding such a highly educated magical mind here in the middle of this godforsaken nowhere (tries to play it cool for the sake of his ego though)
Dammon solo:
Dammon didn’t plan to go but changed his mind at the last minute when it sank in that Tav would be there
Before the party, he definitely sneaks off to wash up in the nearby river. The smell of smoke and iron dust in his clothes is pretty permanent at this point, but he’d rather make a tidy impression tonight if possible
Arrives with his hair still damp but pulled back into its neat topknot
A bit like Zevlor, Dammon tends to hover around the edges holding his drink at first, just taking in everyone else’s good mood tonight
His drinks of choice are at the opposite ends of the spectrum: prefers a very fine brandy or a common ale, nothing in between
Would politely accept a glass of wine if it’s offered but only sips it
When he’s drunk: gets very sincere and kind of intense
He’s the type to sit down to share a bottle and have a long, intimate conversation with someone for several hours, preferably Tav or Rolan. Both is ideal
You can tell Dammon has had a few when he makes really sustained eye contact while you’re talking. Sits a bit closer than usual to show you’re his sole focus right now. Combined with his striking eyes, it’s kinda hot
Also when he’s drunk the tips of Dammon’s ears flush a bright, ruddy pink
Dammon spending the night on his own—I can imagine it going a few ways, depending on his mood
If he’s feeling more cheery and sociable, Dammon might sit near the campfire to hear Alfira’s music and listen to his fellow Tieflings talk about their plans when they reach the city, adding encouraging comments here and there
I could also see him taking his drink and heading out for a quieter spot near the water
Dammon’s a bit of a loner with this group, always seems to keep himself apart from the rest of his fellow travelers. Maybe he enjoys working with infernal iron a little too much to mention in mixed company
Rolan x Tav:
Maybe if Rolan was sober he’d pick up on Tav’s flirting faster
Then again, maybe he’s so wrapped up in trying to impress them with his accomplishments that he doesn’t realize how well it’s actually working
Rolan’s probably out of practice with romance, or pretty inexperienced, or some combination of the two
Dropping hints is just not enough for this guy. He enjoys the banter with Tav a lot more than he wants to admit, but he’s got a mental block against taking it further
It will definitely take something physical from Tav
Making an excuse to touch his hands, or “accidentally” bumping hips or shoulders several times
Then there’s the direct route of “is this seat taken?” 
Rolan will look up in surprise but gesture to the bench next to him. Then Tav plops down directly on his lap, and Rolan’s surprise turns into actual panic
Kind of holds his hands hovering frozen out to either side for a second, not sure where to put them even though Tav’s hips are currently snuggled up on his thighs
Torn between everyone here including his siblings seeing this blatant display of public flirtation, and the feeling of how nice Tav’s weight in on top of his legs
When Tav leans in to curl an arm around his shoulders, Rolan’s done for. Any thoughts of shifting them off his lap go out the window and he clasps his hands politely around the side of their leg
Rolan will try to maintain the conversation, but his responses get short and distracted. All he can concentrate on is Tav’s scent and voice and their face so close to his
He’ll accept a few kisses while Tav’s on his lap, but only the shortest, softest lip touches
If they introduce the slightest hint of tongue, Rolan will pull them away and clear his throat maroon-faced and ask which tent is Tav’s, and demand that they both please go there right now
Rolan follows them while studiously avoiding eye contact with anyone he knows
If he realizes Tav is instead leading him farther away from camp, the implication makes his tail flick with excitement
He’d love nothing more than to find a nice soft patch of grass and make out with Tav for an hour
Rolan’s kisses are eager and a bit sloppy at first. But he’s very teachable, both a devoted student and a quick learner
With a little guidance, before long Rolan’s got Tav making some soft and breathless sounds of their own
Tav sitting with their legs straddling Rolan’s thighs would really test his patience—if Rolan wasn’t hard from them on his lap before, he’s definitely hard now
Might get so excited he doesn’t ask before sliding his tail up their hips or wrapping it around their waist
Once he realizes Tav’s equally worked up, Rolan would encourage them to grind down on his thigh however makes them feel good
Adores getting to see the hero of the night pleasuring themself on his leg while his tail squeezes and caresses around their middle
Dammon x Tav:
Dammon is difficult to pin down for a conversation at first, let alone anything more
He keeps circling along the perimeter of the party, chatting politely here and there but never settling for long
He catches Tav’s eye several times but needs some time to work up the courage to approach them—the last thing he wants to do is monopolize someone so popular (even though that’s exactly what he wants to do)
But after Tav returns his looks enough times across the campfire, Dammon has no problem making the first move
He’ll probably lead with a question (enjoying the evening, need another drink, etc)
It’s a polite move but also to gauge Tav’s interest. Dammon knows he’s into them at this point, but he’s still trying to suss out their exact feelings
Once Tav starts dropping a flirtatious remark here or there in conversation, sparks are flying
Dammon can be so smooth when he puts his mind to it, and it’s not long before he and Tav are touching in some way
When he rests a hand on the small of Tav’s back and asks if they’d like to get some air, it’s fucking on
Dammon knows the area pretty well by this point—leads them to a nice secluded clearing that he stumbled on last week and mentally filed away for this exact purpose
Once they’re alone, calloused hands on Tav’s hips are guiding them gently back against the nearest tree trunk and Dammon’s lips are on theirs
He’s a very deliberate kisser, slow and tender but hot at the same time
If it seems like Dammon’s lips are following a predetermined roadmap down Tav’s jaw and neck, that’s because they are
Man has a notoriously healthy imagination and has been thinking about where he’d like to kiss them for a while
He waits for Tav to do anything below the belt first, but once Dammon feels their hands graze there he’s pinning Tav into the tree behind them with his hips
Grinds into them while he sucks on Tav’s neck, drawing as many delicious sounds from their lips as he can
All the kissing and heavy petting is perfectly delightful on its own, but if Tav asked him to take them up against that tree, Dammon would in a heartbeat
Dammon x Rolan
It’s no coincidence that Rolan and his siblings end up lingering near Dammon’s tent back at the Grove
Dammon comes across as the strong silent type, and as the loud not-so-strong type, Rolan finds that very attractive
But Rolan’s also trying hard to keep to himself and not stare. He only stares maybe once every few minutes, and only because Dammon’s toned forearms flexing and the way he grunts with each hammer blow are very difficult to ignore
For Dammon’s part, he’s fascinated and a little impressed by Rolan. Sure he’s got a lot of bluster, but Dammon’s seen what he can do with the Weave, and it’s definitely made an impression
At the party—Dammon will 100% be the one who approaches first
Not afraid of making his intentions known, Dammon gets Lia’s advice on what wine to bring and takes a bottle with him to break the ice
If there’s one thing Rolan’s good at, it’s conversation
But he keeps talking around things—though Dammon appreciates the clever whirrings of Rolan’s mind, right now he’s more interested in his mouth for other reasons
Dammon shoots his shot by brushing a “hair” from Rolan’s cheekbone with his thumb
There’s nothing there, but Rolan is too dumbstruck at the contact to realize. It actually shuts him up for a moment as they both stare at each other
To Dammon’s surprise, maybe spurred on by the liquid courage, Rolan is the one who suggests they take a walk along the river
They’re both buzzing with too much anticipation to say more than a few short words to each other as they walk. When they settle near the river bank, they’re stretched out side by side with hands braced on the ground just inches from each other
Unable to bear the awkward silence, Rolan opens lips to say something just as Dammon tilts his head over to kiss him
The result is that they’re tongue kissing almost immediately
Rolan groans and shivers so hard Dammon has to gently grip his jaw with a hand, keeping Rolan’s mouth where he can explore it
Before long their tails are tangled up behind them, twining and tugging back and forth in a way that has them both panting into the kiss
Dammon x Rolan x Tav
At some point in the night, Rolan and Tav got into a debate about one of those little things that seems so goddamn important when you’re tipsy. Dammon walked past and was immediately dragged in as a neutral party
But Dammon had a separate third opinion, which only made Rolan turn his arguments on the other man with much wild gesticulating of his free hand
Tav burst into laughter between them, and Rolan and Dammon both found themselves too charmed by the sight to care about anything else
From there the wine and conversation both flowed freely
Little, casual touches followed: fingers brushing together over a passed bottle, Dammon clapping Rolan’s back with a friendly comment—a move that turned more than friendly as Dammon’s hand trailed down slightly, causing Rolan to glance his direction with a flush in his cheeks
Eventually Rolan got bold and tried his own luck, sliding an arm around Tav’s waist while they were grinning at something he said. Dammon’s eyes flicked to the gesture immediately
After a trio of shared glances, Dammon broke the rather excited silence by announcing that he knows a place where they could find a little privacy
As the three of them enter the forest clearing, any remaining hesitance melts when Dammon grabs the collar of Rolan’s robes to pull him into a kiss that traps Tav firmly in the middle
Being abruptly sandwiched between their chests pushes a gasp from Tav’s throat, which turns to an approving hum at the sight and sounds of Rolan and Dammon devouring each others’ mouths over their shoulder
Tav’s arms snake around the wizard in front, while behind they feel Dammon’s palms smoothing over the curves of their waist and hips
Dammon breaks the kiss before guiding Rolan’s chin gently toward Tav, and Rolan needs no more encouragement to capture their lips eagerly
Meanwhile, Dammon bends to place soft kisses at the juncture where Tav’s neck meets their shoulder. Dextrous fingers pull their shirt laces looser to expose more kissable skin
Periodically he’ll surface behind their ear to praise how lovely Tav looks between him and Rolan like this, and how good they’re going to make Tav feel. It sets off a chorus of moans passing from Tav to Rolan and back again as their lips slide together 
Once Tav decides the wizard’s had more than his share, they break the wet kiss and tilt their head back to meet Dammon’s mouth. Rolan is panting and wiping saliva from his chin, instantly greedy for more
Dammon chuckles against Tav’s lips and suggests there are other ways Rolan can put his mouth to use—and doesn’t Tav deserve some gratitude after everything they’ve done for the two of them?
It wouldn’t work coming from anyone else, but at Dammon’s sultry baritone, Rolan doesn’t hesitate as he slips to place a trail of kisses down Tav’s belly to their waist and lands on his knees in front of them
He impatiently works off Tav’s shoes and pants, tugging with such enthusiasm that only Dammon’s firm grip over their torso keeps Tav balanced. Then Rolan’s mouth abruptly closes between Tav’s legs, licking and sucking as if he intends to make up for every thank you left unspoken
Thankfully Dammon’s mouth stops up their moans, or Tav might worry about the sounds carrying back to camp. Instead only the filthy, wet sounds of Rolan’s mouth against their sex fills the clearing 
Dammon’s hands guide Tav’s to each of Rolan’s curving horns, encouraging Tav to ride his face. Rolan moans between their legs at the new sensation of Tav’s grip tugging him, the vibration sending a shudder up their spine
At that Dammon pulls out of the kiss with a groan. One of his hands leaves their hip to tug the linen shirt up and over Tav’s head, leaving them standing completely bare in the dark woods between the two Tieflings. There’s another rustling movement before Dammon’s hard length unfurls against the small of Tav’s back 
He’s hot and ridged, and before Tav can release one of Rolan’s horns to reach back for him, Dammon is grinding with a low grunt into the bare skin of their back
Each rhythmic roll of his hips pushes Tav harder against Rolan’s mouth. As if the increased pressure wasn't enough, a tail Tav suspects belongs to Dammon coils firmly up their leg to force their stance plenty open for Rolan’s mouth
As pleasure rapidly coils in their belly, Tav manages to glance down to see Rolan frantically palming himself through his trousers, his other hand joining his lips at working Tav’s orgasm from between their legs
The sight pushes Tav over the edge—just in time, a calloused hand closes over their mouth to catch the loud, keening sounds of their climax
Tav grinds out the waves against Rolan’s mouth, gripping his horns desperately, feeling him whimper and shake between their legs as he himself releases against his own hand
Just a few seconds later, Dammon’s teeth close bluntly over Tav’s shoulder—and in the next moment, hot liquid spurts in trailing paths over the skin of their back
Dammon goes down first on wobbling legs; the tail still wrapped around Tav’s own leg drags them down after him
The three of them lie in a panting pile on the mossy forest floor. Tav’s clothes are somewhere around here, but in the meantime two sets of limbs lay sprawled from either side across Tav’s body, with two ridged tails caressing over Tav’s bare skin as if in loving praise
And that’s just the beginning of the night
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akutasoda · 8 months
FLUFF HCS FOR BSD CHARACTERS BUT READER IS RESCUED FROM AN ABUSIVE ORGANIZATION? Reader used to be in abusive organization that mostly used their (and other members) abilities and now is working in the ADA for a short time (idk mbh a 2/3 weeks or a month its up to u actually)🔥⁉️ not very talktive and sometimes acts weird because of how they used to be treated in the abusive organization but seems to actually get along with someone🔥🔥⁉️
would like to request Ranpo, Yosano, Dazai and Atsushi / Kenji (platonic ofc) + characters u want to add⁉️🔥⁉️
new beginnings
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synopsis - after moving away from a dark past, you quite quickly became connected with a new coworker
includes - atsushi, dazai, yosano, ranpo, kenji
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, comfort, implied past unhealthy relations, wc- 1.3k
a/n: hellooo! thank you so much!
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you had been found by fukuzawa. found and swiftly taken in, the fate of your previous coworkers was unknown but you had made it out. fukuzawa had held your entrance exam himself, he understood your circumstances and therefore made the exception.
he had also made the decision to hide the reason for your sudden appearance in the agency and you always were very happy that people didn't ask you where you had come from. you tried to act like nothing had ever happened, but that was truly impossible. but, much to fukuzawa's happiness, you had started to bond with a particular new coworker...
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
your relationship with the weretiger had manly stemmed from having temporarily sharing a desk during his first days at the agency. and in someway he had learned that you too had not been here long. and so he kind of started looking to you for help naturally, apart from when dazai was around.
he didn't think much of your strange nature, instead he just saw it as you. he even suggested early on that you both stick together - you both were rather new and could do with helping the other out! and to your own surprise you had accepted his simple offer, when fukuzawa heard of this he was simply estatic. and even when atsushi finally gained his own desk you still spoke to him the most.
it eventually got to the point where you two were practically joined at the hip, helping each other navigate through working at the agency. he never minded how little you talked he did admit that around you he seemed to talk a bit more - as if he had some new confidence. but you two had grown very close, his overly kind nature made you feel at ease in a way, and eventually you felt he could be trusted.
you never imagined telling anyone about your past, but here you were. a moment of weakness that wasn't exploited by atsushi and instead offered nothing but comfort. he could in a small way relate, after all his orphanage wasn't the best. but that meant you two could only support each other more, help each other even more.
osamu dazai ★↷
he was always eccentric, wether it was genuine or not you found it intriguing. you had felt naturally drawn to him but never imagined him holding the same interest to you ever. but in your first few days of working at the agency he had found intrest in you. firstly from your sudden appearance and weird lack of a collective entrance exam but then mainly from your personality and overall demeanour.
and thus started your relation with the man. it was quite unlikely, he was outgoing while you rather stayed to yourself but they do say opposites attract. and in that sense it worked. he never mided how you acted nor your weird personality, if anything it added to your charm. he always held the intrigue of why you were so suddenly part of the agency but was very glad he had met you.
he had felt that maybe this could be a genuine relationship with someone. he felt he could connect in a way that baffled him and the whole thing just felt right. and so your relation with dazai never wavered, it stayed very strong all the time and naturally you two just became closer and closer. admittedly he did bring out some more confidence in you.
and hence whatever way, it accidentally slipping out in conversation or you deciding he could be trusted, he found out about your past, why you so suddenly came to be at the agency. and in a way he sympathised with you, he too had come from a not so nice previous workplace - maybe he could tell you later. but that seemed to only strengthen your relationship, and now he wanted to help you.
akiko yosano ★↷
you had fist met the doctor through her striking up conversation with you. on your first day she had noticed how shy you had been but she kind of thought it was just initial nerves so wanted to make it less nerve wracking for you. and she reconned she may be one the best for a first impression, and thus striked up conversation. and in your opinion she did work in calming some nerves.
and overtime you would naturally seek out her company as currently the only person you didn't mind talking to, fukuzawa was very happy you both got along. she never minded how you acted. she had met her fair share of different people under different circumstances and thus she never minded she only saw it as you.
naturally after spending most your time with the doctor, you became very close. she was genuine and very kind towards you and that made you feel like she was trustworthy of the truth. and thus you had told her. and she was probably the best person you could've told. she had a similar experience with after the great war and maybe she would tell you about that and that meant she understood it on a more personal level. and therefore she would offer nothing but support.
ranpo edogawa ★↷
ranpo had interested you from day one. he was very confident and self-assured, something you no longer were. but no matter what you found him interesting but never imagined him actually taking an interest in you thus keeping to yourself. but in honesty, ranpo probably helped save you in the first place or atleast contributed in some way. so maybe he did already know.
and therefore, if he did, it would only be natural for you two to naturally gravitate towards the other. and therefore you felt as if ranpo was a somewhat safety net when first navigating the agency. and he was more than happy to do so. but it became more than that and therefore you two would be genuine friends.
and as mentioned before, he either helped and therefore knew or he did deduct why you acted the way he did - not that he minded. and thus it kind of spared you from telling him, and he had always helped you from day one of the agency and he would continue to do so forever.
kenji miyazawa ★↷
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kenji had approached you on your first day at the agency. he was one of if not the first to actually talk to you and it was because he wanted to greet you and he found you interesting in your own right. you had felt compelled to indulge the boy and talk to him, but the more you did so the more it became genuine to talk with him. he provided a happiness that was very rare to you.
therefore you two had grown quite close, not that he'd admit but he did start seeing you as a older sibling or if not his best friend. he enjoyed spending time with you and didn't see a difference with your weird habits and behaviour, to him that was just who you were and he admired it. he saw you as a sort of role model to him and would always try and make time to hang around you.
you never wanted to burden the light hearted boy with your spotty past. instead whenever he asked you about the topic you would simply put it as a 'not so great time', to which he would offer you support and remind you taht it was all better now. but if you did tell him the truth for whatever reason, his support would only double tenfold, he can't stand seeing you upset.
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inezdeortiz · 4 months
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"No matter what, we'll always be together"
AU: Real World!
Pair: Rimuru Tempest x F![Name]
OS/IMG/HCS: Oneshot
Summary:Uh oh! Rimuru suddenly comes into your world in which you thought it was a very good cosplay until he started convincing you! What should you do? Should you believe him?
Note:Since Rimuru won the poll and I already had a new idea that was on my mind for a few days, so I thought why not make it already? So here it is!
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Let's start with a flashback first...
You were just chilling in your bed watching a new anime that your best friend recommended, you thought it was gonna be very cheesy because of its name 'That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime' but as soon you watched it by the first few episodes, well you immediately became intrigued. As soon you finished the anime, you immediately started reading the manga/Light Novel since you wanted to know more but you well somehow ended up falling in love with a certain slime boy in the anime and his name was Rimuru Tempest you couldn't help it, he caught your attention during watching the anime and reading the manga.
Now let us move to the present...
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An alarm suddenly rings disturbing the peaceful silence and slumber of a girl with the name of [Name] [L/N], she reached out and tried to turn off the alarm that was ringing rather very loudly. The alarm became silent of it's loud ringings, [Name] sat up and began stretching her arms with a yawn.
You looked at your alarm it was already 7:01, you then remembered the convention you were supposed to go and so you stood up rubbing your eyes gently while walking down the hallway then to the bathroom.
A shout bursts out from the bathroom and you panicked as soon you saw your reflection in the bathroom mirror.
"WHAT THE?! My hair is messier than ever!"
The shower curtains were immediately opened by you rather aggressively. . .
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[Name] soon finished her bath, and changed into some adorable dress. You know those coquette outfits that you see on the internet? Yes you were wearing those because you got invited in a tea party by your dear best friend, you accepted since you have been attending plenty of tea parties but the party doesn't start until 9:30a.m so you still had time to visit the convention and maybe buy some merch too.
"Alright! Let's just cover the outfit with a cape to avoid those creepy guys."
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At the Convention Event Center...
You reached the event center which was obviously crowded since it was Saturday, you looked on your phone to see the time and it was 7:30.
"Already?! Time sure flies fast.."
You then entered tha Artist Alley, you saw a lot of nrw artists in that place and also the old ones who are currently selling their arts. You passed the Alley then moved to the merch section, there were a tons and tons of merch ranging from Demon Slayer, MHA, and many more but one stall cuaght your eye—it was a TENSURA merch stall, it was rare but you found one on this convention so you took the opportunity to buy some and maybe start a collection.
You finished buyibg the merchandise you didn't have on your collection, you chuckled as you held two bags of merch.
"Well! And soon my collection is complete!—Wait...is that a Rimuru cosplay?"
A really familiar blue hair caught your eyes and a outfit really similar to his Demon Lord clothing—You approached the 'cosplayer' and started complimenting them.
"Hey! You know that's a really good cosplay! It's almost like the real deal!"
"Huh? But I am the real Rimuru Tempest—"
"Haha! You're hilarious but fictional characters aren't real, after all they are just from an anime that is just fictional."
You laughed as he said that he was the real Rimuru Tempest, He looked at you like you were crazy until he started speaking again.
"I'm telling you! I am Rimuru Tempest! Look, I'll even transform into my slime form to prove it!"
Your laughter died down as soon he said that he will transform into his slime form.
'That can't be right? All characters are just fictional. He's just crazy...calm down [Name]...'
"I am indeed real, in fact I came here to look for you."
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Note: Don't worry this isn't the end! I'll make part 2 as promised! Do be patient and wait for it!
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fengqingtrashgolbin · 3 months
alright go on then. fengqing for the ask game
Yay ok <3
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
FX gives MQ nose kisses AND rubs his nose against MQ's own because he's cute and sappy like that.
MQ kisses FX between on the forehead when he frowns to get him to relax his brows. He says he only does it because "You're going to get wrinkles and people will think I'm dating some old fuck."
- Gets jealous the most
Hands down MQ.
FX cannot for the life of him get a hint when someone hits on him and he thinks people are simply friendly. MQ won't say something but anytime some poor person tries to talk FX up, MQ is right there behind him staring daggers in their soul. FX still wanders why the nice lady at the gym stopped talking to him after that one time MQ went to practice with him.
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Cannon MQ can't drink. SO modern au MQ is a fucking lightweight. SOOOO when MQ goes out for drinks with HC and HX (they're goth besties) and they drink like they both have bionic livers, he tries to keep up. He fails miserably and he ends up practically hugging the counter mumbling about how hot his boyfriend is and how he should tell him he loves him more often. FX picks him up after HC calls him. The drive to their house from the bar is 15 minutes but they make it 25 minutes cause MQ keeps trying to climb on FX's lap while he drives. "NOOOOOO. YOU DONT GET IT. I LOVE YOU LET ME HUG YOU."
- Takes care of on sick days
FX is whiny when he's sick and he needs CONSTANT attention. MQ is with him 24/7 checking up on him, making sure he eats, drinks fluids and gets his meds (and forehead kisses).
MQ won't ever admit being sick. But knowing him as long as he does, FX can see the signs. Runny nose, red eyes, zoning out. But FX also knows that MQ won't accept help so he's learned to be stealthy with it. If he succeeds in getting MQ to sleep on their bed, he knows that when morning comes he'll stay there, huddled under the covers and accept his boyfriend's care.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
MQ goes to the beach exclusively because that's one of the only places where he can show of his swimsuit collection (he designs and makes them by himself). He won't even go out under the sun because he'll be damned if he let's himself get sunburns, or even worse, tan lines. FX does not give a flying fuck about all that and literally drags MQ by the foot in the water, because "He's being stupid as fuck."
- Gives unprompted massages
FX when MQ has spend 9+ hours on his desk, working non stop on some project. Talking to him won't make him leave his work unfinished, but these massages make him melt under FX hands.
- Drives/rides shotgun
They both do both. But MQ prefers being the one driving in the city especially when there's traffic, because FX is very vocal in his complaints about other people's driving (rage road galore).
- Brings the other lunch at work
In my mind MQ works from home as a fashion designer and FX works as a personal trainer in a gym. So I don't know about lunch BUT when MQ passes by the gym FX works at he brings him smoothies .
- Has the better parental relationship
Both. But MQ is a huge mama's boy so this is his prompt <3. MQ's mom loves FX's as her own son at this point and the both join her for dinner every week.
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
FX has to get A LOT of alcohol in his system in order to get drunk. But when he manages to get there. He's unstoppable. It doesn't matter whether they're in a pub or a club he WILL get on the bar and dance. A couple of years ago, they celebrated PM's birthday in a newly opened club. PM made him drink 7 shots in a row and he ended up on the bar almost stripping to "It's raining men". MQ has the whole thing on video and says it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life (he won't show the video to anyone though because FX saw him, winked at him, and the sound he made in response to that is the actual thing he's embarrassed about).
- Still cries watching Titanic
FX. And MQ makes fun of him for it.
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
MQ makes costumes for the both of them every Halloween. Last year they went as Morticia and Gomez Adams. FX was sure that they would win the costume contest but XL and HC won instead. They were dressed as salt and pepper shakers and MQ is convinced HC threatened the judges somehow.
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
FX because MQ still won't buy expensive stuff for himself, even though he can easily afford to now. They will go shopping, MQ will see a bunch of clothes he wants to buy but won't buy them because "That's too expensive I don't need it." FX keeps a mental list of all those things and when Christmas comes around he buys what he thinks MQ will like best and spends an embarrassing long time wrapping it it in ugly wrapping paper.
- Makes the other eat breakfast.
FX has a very strict diet routine because of his job. So he gets up, washes up, and makes breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, omelets, oat bowls, avocado toast, you name it. MQ on the other hand gets up from bed, does his 12 step morning skin care routine, practically inhales a cup of americano and gets straight to work. FX gas been trying to get MQ to eat breakfast with him ever since they started living together. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he fails, sometimes he ends up with egg in his hair.
- Remembers anniversaries
MQ keeps track of all their anniversaries. ALL of them. First date. First kiss. First introduction to Ju Yang. First day in their joint apartment. He insists they celebrate all of them. The only date he can't remember is when they first met and it drives him insane.
- Brings up having kids
FX gets to have Cuo Cuo two weekends per month. The first times were chaos. He was not equipped to handle a baby. He doesn't have the patience or the mental strength. But then MQ started helping out. And he magically made everything better. He could make Cuo cuo stop crying with a hug. He could get him to stop biting with a firm "Sweetheart, stop that."
So one day, when they were hanging out in their living room, MQ on the carpet playing with the kid FX starts thinking. Of how MQ wasn't there for CC's first year but he still acts and feels like a parent. And how that's unfair because at this point MQ IS CC's parent and he should have gotten the chance to be there. FX thinks if they had a kid, he could give that to him and it warms his heart. He waits until they put CC to bed and cuddles MQ on the couch.
FX "You know, seeing you with CC, I keep thinking about how sweet you would be with an even younger baby."
MQ "How and why would I have a younger baby?
FX "Well, I could give you one"
FX winks and MQ gets up, kicks him on the shin and heads to the bathroom to "prepare for bed" pretending he's not thinking about whether their baby would have FX's golden eyes or his own silver hair.
I know I went a bit overboard. I can't write actual fics because my attention span is close to zero. So when I see mini HC prompt I go all out. Also I love them way too much.
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hwangyeddeongie · 3 months
bratty yuna hcs pls 🫣
CW: smut. Men and minors DNI
brat!yuna x reader hcs
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-okay I think we all know yuna is like
-the brattiest, whiniest bottom EVER
-like she does NOT CARE
-if you’ve ever watched Jennifer’s body, there’s a scene where she’s calling her best friend Needy on the phone and telling her how hot she feels while strutting around in her room in mini shorts and a tight shirt and checking herself out in the mirror
-like. that’s SO yuna
-she loves getting dolled up, even for the most mundane events
-she could be going to the convenience store at the corner and she’ll choose a whole outfit and do her hair up
-she takes advantage of this fact to tease you
-she’ll wear ridiculously revealing clothes that leaves just enough to the imagination
-I’m talking mini skirts, tops (with no bra on), or JUST a bra with a thin jacket on top
-it’s so obvious she’s trying to rile you up, but if you ever bring it up she’ll just be like
-“what do mean? this is how I always dress…”
-sits on your lap A LOT
-even though there’s like 6 perfectly acceptable seats (in your humble opinion) around you
-likes it when you grab her waist/hips to move her around
-will purposefully drop things and bend over right in front of you, giving you a perfect view up her skirt
-really embodies the “look, don’t touch” motto, especially when she’s trying to tease you
-if you try to grab her ass/touch her inappropriately, she’ll slap your hands away with a tsk
-she never holds up for long, though, since you know all she wants is for you to fuck her silly
-SO into mirror sex
-she loves the way she looks (queen), and seeing herself get railed is kind of a confidence boost for her
-she’ll put up a fight in bed, won’t let you have it too easily
-but secretly loves being put in her place
-she mentioned one time after you guys went at it that she likes being talked down to
-she was half asleep by then so she doesn’t remember saying that, but you never forgot
-goes crazy when you mix praise and degradation
-“my pretty little slut.” “such a good whore for me.” “what’s the matter? isn’t this what you wanted?”
-you guys go on for hours because she’s such a brat
-you just want her to give in and beg, meanwhile she REFUSES to give you what you want
-ends up with you either edging her until she snaps, all sweaty and voice hoarse from hours of screaming your name
-or overstimulating her until she’s too weak to stand on her own and she physically CANT come anymore
-has a vast collection of toys
-most of them pink (are we surprised)
-owns a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs that you use a little too often
-mostly because she will just resort to touching herself if you don’t or are trying to edge her
-so you tie her up and hold her legs open so she has nothing to get herself off with
-has a filthy mouth and uses it to her advantage because she knows it flusters you
-loves to sext you and sends you nudes at the most random times
-“I’m so wet just thinking about you, baby…you should come over ;)” text paired with a video of her gathering her slick on her fingers and spreading it all over her pussy, or her pumping a toy into herself
-responds to EVERYTHING with “make me.”, and she sometimes underestimates how seriously you take that
-loves it when you use a strap on her and boss her around
-“get on your hands and knees.” “Such a whore for my cock.” “you’re so desperate, aren’t you?”
-takes it like a champ, and responds beautifully to degradation
-SO loud
-like, you feel bad for your neighbours, especially since you guys go on for so long
-loves to take you from behind, probably likes being spanked too
-she will completely crumble if you call her princess
-she will never admit it out loud though, you’re just going off of the way she gets wetter every time you call her a slut or pinch/slap her for misbehaving
-occasionally does like a break from the rougher stuff though, especially when she’s had a bad day
-on days like those, she prefers to go slow as you whisper praise into her ear and tell her how beautiful she is
-same goes for aftercare, if you’ve just been rough with her, she needs a lot of reassurance and cuddles afterwards, so you always make sure to shower her with love
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Nadia with an MC who’s really close to her sisters and parents due to not having a family of their own (for reasons which I’ll leave vauge so your creativity can fill them in) perhaps ?
The Arcana HCs: MC with M6's family
~ oh, we love some good found family! thanks for the request, @dameschnee123! I had fun work shopping this request with you ^.^ - brainrot ~
Let's be clear: Mazelinka's first feeling upon meeting you was relief. And she experiences it again every single time she can sense that Ilya (the rascal!) is getting into trouble again because she knows that he listens to you at least (and you seem to be sensible)
She doesn't expect you to fix him, but she's been watching him wander around with too many empty spots in his heart for way too long and she's glad you've found a home with him there
She is going to pass on all the advice, all the embarrassing childhood stories, and regularly threaten to replace him with you
Portia's a little jealous at first, not gonna lie
She's been looking up to and trying to keep up with her older brother for years, and now you've popped up out of nowhere and you have all of his love and attention! (she's more annoyed than she is upset, though)
If anything, you make it easier for her to reconnect with him. They last knew each other as kids, and having you around helps them become friends again as adults
Dinners with the four of you often devolve into Julian and Portia telling you "how it actually happened" while Mazelinka threatens them with her spoon to keep the noise down
Both Asra and their parents are so glad you're around, and while none of them would pressure you, they're all very eager to treat you like part of the family
On Asra's part it's obvious. He wants to make you a constant in his life, and having you around makes it easier for him to face emotionally difficult situations (like reconnecting with his parents)
Aisha and Salim feel that keenly. They love you right away for what you mean to their precious child, and they'll quickly come to love you for who you are as well
Aisha's mama-bear instincts are going to flare up just as quickly for you as they do for Asra. Arcana help the poor fool that causes you any form of pain
Salim, on the other hand, bonds with you over your magic and your shop. An ability as versatile as yours captured his interest as soon as he saw it, and he could spend hours browsing your collection
Aisha loves having you over for tea - regardless of whether or not Asra or Salim can make it. It becomes a weekly thing
Salim will stop by for a five minute purchase and then spend hours telling you about his latest ideas (much to Asra's embarrassment)
You're about to be spoiled rotten
And dragged into lots and lots and lots of "spirited debates"
Nasrin is the slowest to warm up to you, only because it takes a while before she has the chance to be in the same space as you without also needing to be the Queen of Prakra
Namar has no such qualms and adopts you immediately, as do Navra and Natiqa. You are about to get dragged into so many shenanigans with them (Nadia thinks they're terrible influences)
Thankfully, Nasmira and Nafizah are quick to notice when the madness becomes a little more intense than you want it to be and will either give you an out (Nasmira) or stop the whole thing (Nafizah)
Nahara never indicates when she decides that you're part of the family, but you notice when she starts shifting her stance to keep an eye on you as well as her sisters
Nazali, being the sister most removed from royal life, will often seek you out for the sole purpose of talking to someone "normal"
There's an ongoing battle over who will be your shop's benefactor. Nadia's waiting to tell them that she owns half your stocks
He didn't think that he had family
Or if he did, he always assumed that they hadn't wanted him
Having you by his side as he learned the truth gave him the courage to accept it, grieve over it, and grow from it
It means so much to him that there's someone he can talk to who also met Khamgalai and who is able and willing to visit the Steppe and decipher the tapestries with him
Speaking of Khamgalai, she still talks to you both all the time. It's not uncommon for her to ask you to interfere when Muriel chickens out halfway through an embarrassing baby story
She has so many baby stories - about him, about his parents, about his cousins ...
And, oh dear. She's very eager for the two of you to have babies of your own. It doesn't have to be by biological means, just adopt a kid or two or five or ten already!
She knows for a fact that Muriel has a deeply nurturing nature and would be a wonderful mentor and she's convinced that if she points out to you what perfect husband and father material he is you'll help her persuade him. (which makes him flush every time)
Ilya tried to give you the shovel talk, okay?
The only problem was that his heart wasn't in it because he had just watched you and Pasha empower each other so much that you two took down the world together and he's just a little intimidated
To his relief, Mazelinka was quick to hijack it and serve you a proper threat ("Exactly! What she said!" etc)
He doesn't want to admit it, but it was really because he's learned how ticked Pasha gets if he acts too protective and he doesn't want her to get angry at him again
Mazelinka, Portia, and you have regular get-togethers to sort out exactly what's going on with that delicious soup. Portia wants to learn how to make it, and you want to decipher its magical properties. Mazelinka is amused by your observations
Julian will often mysteriously appear and claim that he's not interested, magic's not for him, he's just here to read his book, but he's peeking over the edge and adding his two cents the whole time
Portia loves inviting them up to the cottage for family dinners and it's always a fun time. You didn't know it was possible to bruise a rib from laughing too hard, but you quickly discover that it is
Family is a touchy matter for him
The biggest reason being that he tried to kill his own (and succeeded, in his father's case) and then ran away from them
Which is why, when it comes to the possibility of starting a family with you, he is absolutely convinced that it will end with one of his kids attempting the same thing
It doesn't help that Morga points this out every time you make contact with her, only to finish with something vaguely threatening along the lines of "children are the blessing we deserve"
If you have hair that can be braided, she will braid it every time she sees you and scold Montag for not taking better care of you
Never calls you her child out loud, treats you like the family favorite
Which Lucio notices, and whines about, but is secretly pleased by because you are one of the few decisions he's made that his mother approves of
Lucio will often ask you to tell her things on his behalf because he's convinced she'll respond better if it's coming from you
This does not work, because after giving you a curt nod she will promptly hunt him down with exactly the reaction he was avoiding
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