#the boss martians
possible-streetwear · 2 years
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ardustein · 1 year
Flash, laughing at a joke Captain Marvel made: Y'know Cap, sometimes you really act like a child haha
CM, smiling strangely: haha oh for sure
Solomon: You have to kill him.
CM, in his mind: No!
Hercules: If you break a hole through the glass of the Watchtower he'll be sucked out and suffocate.
Solomon, projecting the image of nodding inside CM's mind: No witnesses.
J'onn, sitting next to them, no longer feeling very safe in his workplace: Pardon me as I go have an unimportant conversation with Batman.
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runningforgoodreasons · 7 months
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Just reminding you, that he is coming for our planet
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ryanmoody · 6 months
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Waifu Goddesses By Scottytheman Commissioned piece from @scottyartz This was a commission made for my 40th B-Day. I wanted to do a harem featuring my favorite females characters (past & present). I got inspired by a theme Roman/Greek Goddess motif by one of the MST3K Hercules movies and this was the result. There were many ladies cut from the queue but I designed this to be expanded on if I decide to take it further. 🙂 This isn't a top 10 but I wanted to put a good mix from various points in my life.I want to again thank again to Scottytheman for his time and patience! Characters featured: Misato (Evangelion) Callie Briggs (Swat Kats) Loona (Helluva Boss) Saeko Nogami (City Hunter) Baroness (G.I. Joe) Yurika Misumaru (Martian Successor Nadesico) Shigure (Hataage! Kemono Michi) Puma Sisters (Dominion Tank Police) Kiyone Masaki (Tenchi series) scottyartz other socials: https://twitter.com/scottyartz
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pepperm1nt-f1zz · 7 months
Is it just me or is most of the parents of my pookies are a bunch of douchebags?
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I love seeing the internet's takes on M'gann from Young Justice Animated, because people either hate her or love her, there is no in-between.
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lovegiroke · 4 months
I am a theorist and artist who likes stuff, but please, call me LoveGir (pronounced love-gr-oak or love-gr)
I also the lead of The elven uprising
My fandoms
Clover or3o( and her work
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Your favorite Martian and/or Ray William Johnson’s work in general
The amazing Digital circus
other stuff
stuff to point out
There may contain swearing
no nsfw
characters take place IN THEIR OWN UNIVERSE any similarity’s with your ocs or real people are entirely coincidental
You may draw my ocs as long as you PROPERLY credit me I I could draw your if I can( that is if you have the consent of course )
ask me question about what I should discuss next
DONT ASK ME ANYTHING that has to do with
Real name
Irl relationships
Anything that has to do with my IRL life
you are allowed to ask about my interests though
Finally and probably the most important : DO NOT DRAW ME SHIPPED WITH OTHERS (Whether they’re real people or fictional characters), I am a real person and I haven’t revealed my age (I not 8 but I’m not 40 either). You are allowed to draw my persona with others in a platonic way, but not in a romantic and ESPECIALLY not a sexual way. I have to put the boundaries somewhere.
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oc policy
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my other blogs
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cryptivegutz · 1 year
I guess you heard about YFMTS?
Dude, I love Your Favorite Martian! Their songs are SO good. I also love YFMTS as well. I've always had a great admiration for Puff Puff Humbert, Benatar, DeeJay and Axel Chains.
I'll be honest, I did watch YFMTS as much as I did with Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, but YFM was practically popular in the 2020s decade.
It's 2023, and, in my opinion, I've realized we have great cartoons. And we have GOD-AWFUL ones. This is what inspired those good cartoons today. And then there are those bad cartoons…
Dead End: Yes. Bee and Puppycat: Yes. The Midnight Gospel: Yes. Super Fuckers: Yes. Bravest Warriors: Hell yes. Adventure Time: OH, HELL YES!
Pickle and Peanut: No. Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket: No. Future Worm: No. Penn Zero: No. The Amazing World of Gumball: Hell no. Teen Titans Go: FUCKING HELL NO!
God, I wish that a whole lot of other cartoonists could make better cartoons than that!
And the Peanuts series was one of those cartoons I watched when I was very, very little. I'm talking about the Peanuts animated specials, not The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show. That was a money-waster. I'm sorry.
Anyway, let’s all just hope that we’ll get another YFMTS show, this time with Gen 2 YFM characters, such as Puff Puff, Benatar, DeeJay, Axel, Wax, Stevi, and many more. I just really hope that this show will definitely happen in the not-too-distant future, of course!
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I have this chart, so send me random ships ig?
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As far as I'm aware, my asks are open
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jackie0lantern · 2 years
Give me requestsss
I write for
—metal family
—hazbin hotel
What I will write
what I will not write
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startagainaprologue · 2 years
*punching the walls of my room* I NEED . SHIZUE AND HAYATO FRIEND SHIP .. i miss them .....
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slovenlyrecordings · 2 years
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Th' Losin Streaks are ON at The Bigfoot Stomp! TIX AN' JUNK HERE!
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Heir of a Tyrant
Upon discovering that Danny was the rightful inheritor of both the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage, Vlad executed a de-aging scheme by instructing Skulker to poison and attack Danny. The poison transformed Danny into a child, rendering him too young to claim the throne. As an older Halfa, Vlad intended to seize the position of Proxy and rule the zone with Danny as his ward. Jazz, however, could not allow this to happen and fled Amity Park with her newly-turned toddler brother. As Jazz attempted to flee, she landed in various cities, yet Vlad's followers persisted in their pursuit. Fortunately, even though the heroes typically disregarded Amity Park, they were now determined to safeguard them. From Wonder Woman and Superman to the Flash and even the Green Arrow and Black Canary, along with Martian Manhunter, they all came to their aid. It was heartwarming to see how ecstatic little Baby Danny was whenever an alien or space hero appeared, while he was utterly uninterested when a mundane hero was around. Green Lantern won him over by mentioning that he was a Space Police officer and part of the Airforce. Danny found nothing wrong with this Space is Space! Jazz believed that Wonder Woman was somewhere in the middle since Danny liked her but not as much as the Alien Heroes. Nonetheless, he did not detest her or find her dull. Jazz believes it might have something to do with Pandora. In a meeting of the Justice League, the heroes gathered to discuss recent events they had encountered. To their surprise, each of them had encountered a green monster that they had to fight. The alien heroes in attendance spoke about how cute the toddler was that they had seen, as well as his red-haired caretaker. This caught the attention of Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, and Martian Manhunter, who were surprised to hear about the others' encounters. Batman spoke up and asked why the monster was hunting the toddler and the babysitter. Shazam explained that they were beings from the Infinity Realm, and that he had heard about this place from the Gods. However, he suggested that John Constantine might know more. When John Constantine confirmed what Shazam had said, the group turned their attention to the captured Vulture, hoping to get some answers. They learned that the toddler was actually the heir of Pariah Dark Throne, and that the Ghost had been sent to capture him and bring him to their boss. Their boss wanted to take the toddler's crown and control the Realm for himself, by making himself Danny's guardian.
As they learned by Shazam, Zatanna and John's shocked faces, Pariah was a Evil Dark Tyrant that was sealed by Ancient for a good Reason too. And someone who wants to take his place would be the same, the most important thing at the moment would be to find the duo and protect them, and make sure that the Boy will not grow up to be a Tyrant or be used to take control of armies and realms.
All the Planning the Justice League and Justice League Dark did for the weeks, was to be kicked out as Bruce saw the tiny toddler Black Haired blue eyed toddler and just changed the whole plan to just adopt the Duo.
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"We did it, but others told us to."
We thought it would be fun. Wars were always a civilized business after all. It was supposed to be grand, sweeping, and romantic. Two armies would clash, there would be lots of daring do, and once this grand conflict was over that was that. You didn't hold a grudge. It was a relief from the boredom of jobs at home. You got done, shook hands, picked up the dead, and that was that. We didn't have a quarrel with the other male, this was between our bosses, see? It's the way of things. We challenge a dominant power to see who is better.
We were just following orders.
We took their Jupiter bases and wondered what all the hubbub was about further inward. Something about the targets we hit. I didn't understand. Sure the bases didn't have any weapons, but this was war. We were doing our jobs.
They opened up on us at the asteroid belt, with hundred megawatt transportation lasers and mass drivers. We didn't expect that. This was supposed to be civilized! They made us fight our way through the belt, forcing us to lose ten fighters for every kilometer of space. They were using civilian equipment against us! Those lasers were for high speed transportation, those mass drivers for cargo delivery! Why did they not use proper warships? We were just doing our jobs.
The Martian colony, here we thought would be the great decisive battle. They threw dozens of ships against us. They used their megawatt lasers and mass drivers. Their reaction drives burned out anything that got close. They screamed their hate at us and we didn't understand. We were just doing our jobs.
We dropped bombs on their colonies, we seized their stations. We took them fair and square. But they were savage. Our troops landed and they were gunned down by heavy machine guns. Machine guns designed hundreds of years ago! And their designs had stayed the same. Their rifles and tanks were certainly different, but that machine gun, that Browning, had stayed the same. And they screamed at us. They called in close air support, they planted mines, they did everything they could to bleed us dry. We destroyed what the officers said to. We blew up domes. We destroyed train lines. Even those that had nothing to do with the war effort. So what? What's that got to do with us? We did it, but others ordered us to. And isn't it our right as conquerers? We were just doing our jobs.
Their anger only grew worse. As we moved, they continued to throw everything they had at us. Soldiers sacrificed themselves so their fellows could retreat in good order. They did those kamikaze runs they are so proud of. And the prisoners were angry. We gave them supplies, and still they cursed us. We tried to be nice, to compliment them on their skills, and they were silent. They called it "interrogation". We called it friendly chats.
"Why do you force us to destroy so much expensive material? Damage to private property is very uncouth, you know! It's very expensive!"
"You bombed civilian targets!" The fighter pilot snapped at us, "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Your people use private machinery rather than weapons to fight us! Well you do both, but that's beside the point!"
"We didn't hide troops in civilian domes!" The pilot shouted.
"That was what we were ordered to do. It was not my doing. The commanders simply felt a show of force was necessary."
"Necessary?! You son of a--!" We had to restrain her then.
"What inspires this loyalty?" I demanded, "You fight as though more depends on you than your life! What demands such high sacrifices?"
"If it means beating baby killers!" She snarled, her head pinned by one of my soldiers. She managed to move it, "We'll throw everything we've got at you! Someday we'll defeat you! And then you'll see who's laughing!"
I was flummoxed. "Why do you do this? Why do you fight so hard? You're only doing your job!"
She seemed confused by that. "Of course I am!"
I knelt down to where three of my soldiers held her, "Yes! So why fight so hard? Why do you defy us like this? Why do you make us kill and destroy private property?"
She seemed baffled. "What do you mean? I fight because I'm part of the UN Defense Force! Why else?"
"But you don't need to fight this hard. We fight, one of us loses, we shake hands! That's war!"
She looked befuddled, "The fuck is wrong with you, *bug*? What kinda war is that? Sounds like a slapfight!"
I tried to dumb it down for her. "You plant mines. You set traps. You crash your ships into ours. What kind of war is that? What inspires this loyalty, this desire to sacrifice so much? You are but an employee of your masters. They demand no less than you doing your job, and no more. You do not need to go beyond!"
She confusedly said, "Because that's war, idiot."
By the time we reached the lunar perimeter, our force was battered beyond belief. Forces were still fighting over Mars, and the Mercury and Venus attacks had been blunted. We finally encountered their war fleet. Many of the ships were barely finished. They had been pulled out of the dock yards still with workers aboard. Why was that? Our leader hailed their fleet admiral. He congratulated them for their clever tactics and admonished them for their unsavory techniques. He gave them a list of booty to recover, requested a refuel, and gave them a time frame for when we would be on our way. The war was over, we'd made it to their homeworld. This is how the great competitive wars are always done. Something about this confused the Admiral. "This isn't a game!" They spat. "War isn't defending dots on a map! It's death! Vast organized death! Are you telling me you came all this way for FUN?!"
"No, we came here to see who is better."
"That's the same thing."
"No it isn't." Our leader said dismissively. He paused, "Tell me, what inspires this loyalty in you? Aren't you just doing your jobs?"
"You're just following orders. So are we. What inspires this unthinking, undying loyalty? You're just following orders, as all civilized beings should. We are just following orders." The comm line went dead. The humans unleashed a terrible display of firepower. They learned a long time ago that loyalty is not simple deference. And that war is more than just orders, it is not romantic.
War is not a game to them.
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dpxdc-events · 6 months
DPxDC Artist Event: New Dimension, New Me
New Dimension, New Me is a DPxDC Artist Event running from December 31 to January 7 that focuses on “But what if x character(s) as [insert setting/au here]?! Sounds neat!”
Each day of the event gives you two themed challenges to choose from, as well as the optional bonus challenges, for you to redesign your beloved DC and Danny Phantom characters. Submissions for this event should be tagged “#new dimension new me2023” so we can reblog all those who wish to participate.
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Text descriptions below along with Hex codes for the color palette
December 31st: Headcanons/Character Profile  Bonus Challenge: Character Color Palette Inversion or Stealth/undercover Mission
January 1st: Hazmat or/and Astronaut Bonus Challenge: Include Martian Manhunter or Valerie
January 2nd: Medieval or/and Futuristic  Bonus Challenge: Pixel Art or Shipping Art
January 3rd: Fantasy or/and Steampunk Bonus Challenge: Include Wonder Woman or Skulker
January 4th: Royalty or/and Peasantry Bonus Challenge: Lineless art or Rivalry/ Enemy art 
January 5th: Alternate Dimension or Bad Timeline Bonus Challenge: Include Tim Drake or Young Blood
January 6th: Occult or/and Academia Bonus Challenge: Include any Robin or Any Everlasting Trio Member
January 7th: Boss Battle -  Mix and Match, Try to draw as much as you can or want to
Hex codes:
Palette #1: b8336a, c490d1, acacde, abdafc, e5fcff
Palette #2: ad343e, 474747, f2af29, 000000, e0e0ce
Palette #3: 1e3231, f6c0d0, 6fd08c, 7b9ea8, 78586f
Palette #4: ffe74c, ff5964, ffffff, 6bf178, 35a7ff
Palette #5: fe5f55, f0b67f, 43aa8b, 725d68, 4b4a67
Palette #6 : f7f9f9, bed8d4, 78d5d7, 63d2ff, 2081c3
Palette #7: 052f5f, 005377, 06a77d, d5c67a, f1a208
Palette #8: 04e762, f5b700, dc0073, 008bf8, 89fc00
Palette #9: ab96d9, 0a122a, 764131, ad8350, fde74c
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